Hong Kong: Life planning website enhanced The Education Bureau has enriched the contents of the Life Planning Information Website by setting up the My Life Planning Portfolio thematic corner. It is an online learning system that provides handy tools for students to conduct career aptitude assessments and create learning portfolios as well as information on life planning. Resources are also made available for teachers to assist with students' life planning. There are seven sections under the new online learning system: Career Assessment (with various tools for career aptitude assessments), My E-lesson, Student Portfolio, Career Information & Video Clips, My Work Values game, Career Adventure Report and Professional Development Programme specifically designed for teachers. The system originated from the 10-year CLAP for [email protected] project implemented by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust since 2015, under which an online platform was developed to support young people's life planning and development. In response to the widespread use of the online platform by teachers and students, the bureau has migrated some of its functions to the My Life Planning Portfolio. Schools are encouraged to make optimum use of the system to help students acquire a better understanding of their interests and strengths, and learn more about different articulation pathways for further studies and careers as well as positive work values, so that they could be well prepared for further studies or career pursuits. The bureau has also been collaborating with different business entities and community organisations under the Business-School Partnership Programme to provide students with diversified career exploration activities, with a view to equipping them with information about different industries and developing an appropriate attitude towards work. For details of life planning education, please visit the bureaus Life Planning Information Website. This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Electoral Commission lodges deferral application Electoral Commission chairperson Glen Mashinini says the Commission has lodged an application at the Constitutional Court for a deferral of the scheduled Local Government Elections. This court application is an extraordinary one and presumably unprecedented, Mashinini said at a media briefing on Wednesday. Addressing media in Tshwane, Mashinini said the issues at the core of the application have a bearing on the political rights of citizens, as well as the right to life, bodily and psychological integrity, and access to health. The application will undoubtedly offer the Constitutional Court another opportunity to contribute to the evolving jurisprudence of our constitutional order. The application is also launched on an urgent basis because there is need for certainty on the preparations for the municipal elections, Mashinini said. Mashinini said the Commission and electoral stakeholders are currently in an untenable position, where preparations are proceeding for 27 October 2021 -- the scheduled Local Government Elections date -- whilst at the same time, they are anticipating the outcome of the Constitutional Court application for a possible deferral of elections to February 2022. Background Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Minister, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, has gazetted the date of 27 October 2021 for the scheduled fifth edition of the Local Government Elections. Making the announcement on Tuesday, Dlamini-Zuma said this was to comply with Constitutional requirements. Section 159 of the Constitution, read with the Municipal Structures Act, prescribes that the end of a five-year term of local government elections be held within a period of 90 days. President Cyril Ramaphosa in April announced that the Local Government Elections will take place on 27 October this year. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission appointed retired Deputy Chief Justice Moseneke to consider whether the country could undertake free and fair elections in October. The inquiry received over 4 000 submissions from political parties, health experts and the general public, concluding its work and handing the report to the Commission in July. The report concluded that it was not reasonably possible to or likely that the October local government elections would be held in a free and fair manner. In balancing the need to secure livelihoods and democratic obligations, the Commission agreed with the Moseneke Inquiry, which also recommended that the Commission approach a court of competent jurisdiction to seek a just and equitable order to defer elections to not later than February 2022. The nature of the relief sought by the Commission is largely predicated on the impossibility to perform a constitutional obligation, which is the conduct of constitutionally compliant elections of municipal councils by 1 November 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures that government has instituted to curb the spread of the virus, Mashinini said. Nature of legal relief sought Mashinini said in order to avoid uncertainty about the legal status of current municipal councils, the Commission seeks an order that the municipal councils remain competent until newly elected councils are declared elected. This court application affects the rights of all citizens of the country and thus everybody, has an interest in the proceedings that will evolve in the Constitutional Court, Mashinini said. In order to facilitate access to the court process, the Commission will immediately place the founding papers on its website as it transmits by electronic means the application to all registered parties, Mashinini said. He assured South Africans that the Commission is committed to conducting an election in terms of the constitutional standards and it wishes to do so in the shortest reasonably possible period, whilst preserving the rights to life, bodily and psychological integrity and access to health of citizens of the country. Mashinini said the election timetable will be published today. He said the Commission will undertake the activities that must be performed in terms of the timetable until a competent court orders differently. The election timetable spans 85 days and lays down key dates and deadlines for various electoral milestones until voting day on 27 October 2021. According to Mashinini, the current voters roll stands at 25.7 million registered voters. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Help for Emadlangeni Municipality to get its house in order KwaZulu-Natal Treasury and Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) have committed to step up efforts to assist Emadlangeni Local Municipality with its financial and governance challenges. This comes after last weeks Provincial Executive Council special meeting, where the Council took a decision that the departments continue to reinforce support to the municipality by increasing their efforts to resolve municipal challenges. Finance MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube and COGTA MEC Sipho Hlomuka held a meeting with the council of Utrecht-based Emadlangeni Local Municipality in Pietermaritzburg on Tuesday to communicate last weeks Council meeting decisions. The municipality has been confronted with serious governance, financial and service delivery challenges, including its failure to convene successfully and legally to pass and approve its annual budgets. This is despite protracted efforts by both COGTA and Treasury to assist the municipality to resolve its financial and administrative challenges, in line with the prescripts of the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the Municipal Structures Act. Dube-Ncube said the provincial government has a constitutional obligation and duty to assist Emadlangeni, one of three municipalities under AmaJuba District Municipality. The municipality is already under administration but we now have to strengthen that intervention. We will also be appointing financial experts so that we can help them to at least pass an interim budget to allow the municipality to operate. We are prepared to support them and ensure they succeed in closing this chapter, said Dube-Ncube. Both Dube-Ncube and Hlomuka expressed regret at the decision of the municipality to pay salaries without the approval and authorisation of KZN Treasury. Dube-Ncube warned that such an illegal decision is viewed as a serious breach, and corrective measures will have to be implemented urgently. The municipality used funds to pay salaries of the staff and councillors, thus violating sections of the MFMA. The municipality spent money it didnt have, instead of seeking guidance, approval and authorisation from KZN Treasury. This has left us with no choice but to institute an investigation, open a case and devise measures to recoup this money, Dube-Ncube said. Hlomuka appealed to councillors to adhere to the rule of law. There are always consequences and serious implications when the law is broken. Having said that, I must reiterate that we shall continue to support the municipality with everything we have without prejudice and regardless of political allegiance, but we will deal with the issue on a governance basis, Hlomuka said. Emadlangeni councillors committed to working with the provincial government for a lasting solution to the challenges in the municipality. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Re-positive COVID-19 case reported (To watch the full press briefing with sign language interpretation, click here.) The Centre for Health Protection today said it is investigating two additional imported COVID-19 cases and a preliminary positive local case which is likely to be a re-positive one. The centre's Communicable Disease Branch Head Dr Chuang Shuk-kwan told a press briefing this afternoon that the preliminary positive local case involves a 43-year-old man who has not been vaccinated against the virus yet. He worked at construction sites at 248 Queen's Road East and Shiu Kin Lane in Wan Chai, and last worked on August 3. The patient has tested negative under the regular testing requirement since May. His deep throat saliva sample submitted via regular testing on August 2 preliminarily tested positive with a Ct value of 36 to 38, which indicates a low viral load. After admission to hospital on August 3, the patient tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies. Dr Chuang said: There may be hidden transmission in the community that still had not (been) picked up during the past few weeks, (even) though we had a very high testing rate. This is one possibility that we do not wish to have. And the other possibility is that he had the infection quite a few months ago while there was an outbreak in Hong Kong and there were many cases during that period and his infection went undiagnosed. The Government will arrange for Block A, Tung Lo Court in Sham Shui Po where the patient lives, his workplaces and the places he had visited during the incubation period to be included in a compulsory testing notice. Upon assessment and as a precautionary measure, the Government decided to make a restriction-testing declaration for Block A, Tung Lo Court where he lives to ensure the residents there have not been infected. The declaration took effect from 8pm and people in the area subject to compulsory testing will need to be tested by 1am. Meanwhile, the centre has received notification from the Macau Health Bureau that a close contact of a COVID-19 confirmed case in Macau - a 13-year-old girl - is currently in Hong Kong. The girl arrived in Hong Kong with two family members on August 2 under the Return2hk Scheme and they stayed in The Luxe Manor in Tsim Sha Tsui. Their test results in Macau on August 1 before arriving in Hong Kong were negative. Given that the confirmed case in Macau carries the Delta mutant strain, as a prudent measure, the premises where the girl and her family members had stayed or visited in Hong Kong will be put under a compulsory testing notice. The Government also decided to make a restriction-testing declaration for The Luxe Manor to ensure the hotel guests there have not been infected. The declaration took effect from 8pm and people in the hotel subject to compulsory testing will need to be tested by midnight. The girl and her two family members have been quarantined immediately. For information and health advice on COVID-19, visit the Governments dedicated webpage. This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: UK to offer Covid vaccines to those aged 16 and 17 Britain will offer all 16 and 17 year olds their first Covid-19 vaccine shots, Britain's vaccine advisers said on Wednesday, extending eligibility of the shots beyond the clinically vulnerable. Britain's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said it was updating initial advice given last month in light of the latest evidence on the benefits and risks of vaccination. "After carefully considering the latest data, we advise that healthy 16 to 17-year-olds are offered a first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Advice on when to offer the second vaccine dose will come later" said Wei Shen Lim, the JCVI's Covid-19 Chair. "While Covid-19 is typically mild or asymptomatic in most young people, it can be very unpleasant for some and for this particular age group, we expect one dose of the vaccine to provide good protection against severe illness and hospitalisation." JCVI said that the benefits to children of keeping them healthy and in school were paramount, though there would also be positive impacts on society more broadly. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said he accepted the advice. Britain has taken a much more cautious approach to vaccinating children than in the United States and Israel, which have pushed on with a broad roll-out for under 18s. England's Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has stressed the need for a full picture on safety data of the shots, given extremely low rates of severe outcomes for the disease in that age group. The JCVI said it was taking a precautionary approach on July 19 when it initially decided not to offer vaccines to children more broadly. It maintained previous advice that children aged 12 to 15 with specific underlying health conditions should also get vaccines. (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Quarantine exemption revised In the light of the latest COVID-19 epidemic development on the Mainland, only Hong Kong residents returning to Hong Kong from Guangdong will be exempted from quarantine under the Return2hk Scheme from August 5. The Government announced today people who have stayed in Mainland areas other than Guangdong on the day of arrival in Hong Kong or during the 14 days before that day will not be exempted from quarantine. They will be subject to a 14-day compulsory home quarantine and must undergo compulsory testing on the third, seventh, 12th, 16th and 19th days of arrival in Hong Kong. The shortened quarantine period to seven days will also not apply to fully vaccinated people. This anti-pandemic measure follows on from the inclusion of Macau on the List of At-risk Places Temporarily Inapplicable under the Return2hk Scheme, which took effect today. This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: CE boosts HK-Singapore ties Chief Executive Carrie Lam today updated the business community in Singapore on Hong Kongs latest developments during a webinar attended by more than 500 participants. She highlighted Hong Kong's unparalleled strengths under one country, two systems making the city an ideal gateway for Singaporean businesses to tap into the opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Mainland China as a whole. Mrs Lam said the Free Trade Agreement and the Investment Agreement between Hong Kong and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which came into full effect earlier this year, will further enhance the relationship between Hong Kong and Singapore. She added that Hong Kong is keen to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership with a view to strengthening regional economic integration and promoting free trade. With the clear support from some of the partnerships member states, Mrs Lam said she looks forward to beginning discussions on Hong Kongs accession to the partnership at the earliest opportunity. The Chief Executive pointed out that with the implementation of the National Security Law and improvements to the electoral system, stability has been restored in Hong Kong society and the legitimate rights and freedoms of the people and businesses are safeguarded. She called on Singaporean businesses to explore the new opportunities in Hong Kong brought about by the National 14th Five-Year Plan which reaffirms the nation's unwavering support for Hong Kong's development in a number of key areas as well as the citys active participation in the bay area development and the Belt & Road Initiative. Addressing questions from the attendants, Mrs Lam stressed that during the social unrest and the pandemic, Hong Kongs financial system has proven its resilience. She noted that Hong Kong has unrivalled connectivity with the Mainlands financial markets and offers direct two-way access and encouraged enterprises in Singapore to consider listing in Hong Kong and to set up a presence in the city to tap the opportunities in the financial sector including those in green finance. Mrs Lam also said Singapore remains Hong Kongs priority candidate among overseas places for the setting up of an air travel corridor, and that the two governments will review the way forward in late August, taking into account the latest epidemic situation. The Hong Kong - an Ideal Gateway webinar was co-organised by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Singapore and InvestHK. This story has been published on: 2021-08-04. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Walkout Wednesday to Protest Mandatory Shots NEWS PROVIDED BY Liberty Counsel Aug. 4, 2021 ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 4, 2021 /Christian Newswire/ -- Join the movement to walk out and protest your place of employment and your school at noon in your time zone on Wednesday, August 11. No one should be forced, coerced, or pressured to receive the COVID shots. The federal Emergency Use Authorization law and the FDA, including the FDA Fact Sheets, state unequivocally that each person has the "option to accept or refuse" the shots. These shots are experimental and investigational and have not been licensed by the FDA. The Nuremberg Code also states that voluntary consent "is absolutely essential." Healthcare workers and first responders have run to the frontlines. They are heroes, and they should not be terminated for making a personal decision to refuse the shots. Even if you are not being forced to get the COVID shots, stand in solidarity with others who are being mandated. Stand with your friends, healthcare workers, veterans, or those who serve our veterans, students, and millions of others who are being forced to take the COVID shots or be terminated or removed from school. Spread the word. Organize WalkOutWednesday in your area on August 11 at noon in your time zone. Employers, businesses, schools, medical facilities, or public places trying to force COVID shots on employees, students, or patrons must hear from you. Walk out at noon on August 11 and gather outside to peacefully protest these mandates. For more information, visit WalkOutWednesday.net. Liberty Counsel provides broadcast quality TV interviews via Hi-Def Skype and LTN at no cost. SOURCE Liberty Counsel CONTACT: Mat Staver, 407-875-1776, Liberty@LC.org Related Links lc.org/ News Seven-month exports to EU market hit US$22.5 billion ASEAN, US agree to continue prioritising COVID-19 response, support for sustainable recovery Foreign ministers of ASEAN member countries and the US agreed to continue prioritising the COVID-19 response and support for sustainable recovery during a meeting held via videoconference on August 4. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (centre) addresses the virtual ASEAN - US Ministerial Meeting on August 4 (Photo: VNA) US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the administration of President Joe Biden attaches importance to the strategic partnership with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and supports the blocs solidarity, unanimity and centrality, along with the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. It wants to promote the dynamic and effective strategic partnership with ASEAN on the basis of mutual respect and jointly building an open and inclusive regional architecture of prosperous development, he said. Blinken affirmed that the US will keep taking the lead in promoting multilateral cooperation in COVID-19 response and increase the production capacity to ensure sufficient supply of safe and effective vaccines. The US has provided funding of 160 million USD and will continue assisting countries in the region to cope with the pandemic, he said, adding that it will donate 500,000 USD to the ASEAN COVID-19 Response Fund. As the coordinator of ASEAN - US relations, Lao Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith applauded the USs commitment to bolstering its cooperation with ASEAN and the region, advocating multilateral cooperation, helping to improve the healthcare capacity of, and providing vaccines for ASEAN countries. He also spoke highly the USs temporary waiver on vaccine patents within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) framework. Participating countries welcomed the recent cooperation progress despite adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bilateral trade reached 308.3 billion USD in 2020, turning the US into the second largest trade partner of ASEAN. Besides, the US remains the biggest foreign direct investor in the region with 34.7 billion USD. ASEAN and the US agreed to continue giving priority to the pandemic response and supporting sustainable recovery, focusing on stronger cooperation in trade, investment, digital transformation, and energy and via the US-funded development cooperation programmes for the region. ASEAN countries hope that the US will continue assisting them in COVID-19 vaccine research, development, production, and distribution. The US also proposed enhancing cooperative ties in such fields as energy, transport, women empowerment, and environment - climate change so as to contribute to even and sustainable recovery efforts. Pointing out that the international and regional situation remains complex with new challenges arising, the two sides affirmed close coordination to help maintain regional peace, security, and stability, including security and safety of navigation in the East Sea The US emphasised its support for ASEANs principled stance on the East Sea issue, welcoming the bloc bringing into play its role in promoting cooperation, dialogue, and trust building in the region, ensuring the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and building an efficient and effective Code of Conduct (COC) in the East Sea in line with international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) with the rights and legitimate interests of relevant parties respected and properly mentioned. The US Secretary of State lauded ASEANs role and efforts to step up dialogue and reconciliation in Myanmar and help the country seek solutions to stabilise its situation. He also underlined support for the bloc to successfully carry out the Five-Point Consensus reached at the ASEAN Leaders Meeting on April 24, 2021. Addressing the meeting, Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son welcomed the USs extensive and intensive cooperation with ASEAN, stressing the countrys important role in global efforts against COVID-19 and climate change. He highly valued the USs provision of vaccines for ASEAN nations, including Vietnam, asking it to keep assisting the bloc to gain timely and sufficient access to vaccines and soon transfer vaccine production technology to the blocs members. Vietnam expects the US to help the regional countries improve their preventive medicine capacity via its regional representative office based in Vietnam, he said. The ASEAN countries are ready to create optimal conditions for US enterprises to expand investment and business in the region, Son noted, asking the US to continue helping the bloc narrow the development gap and ensure sustainable growth in ASEAN sub-regions, including the Mekong sub-region, and via the Mekong - US Partnership. The Vietnamese minister affirmed that countries, including ASEAN and the US, share interests and responsibilities in maintaining peace, stability, security, safety, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea. He underlined that all parties need to show their goodwill of cooperation, act responsibly, and jointly work towards the East Sea of peace, stability, security, safety, and protected environment. Son also highlighted ASEANs consistent stance on the East Sea, stressing the importance of building trust, exercising self-restraint, not militarising, peacefully resolving disputes on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS, promoting the full and effective implementation of the DOC, and soon finalising an effective and practical COC in line with international law and the 1982 UNCLOS. He expects that the US will continue playing a constructive role, supporting ASEANs efforts to sustain peace, stability, and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, and backing the blocs efforts to seek solutions to the Myanmar situation. At the end of the event, part of the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting and related meetings, Indonesia officially assumed the role as coordinator of ASEAN - US relations for the 2021 - 2024 period./. CPC founding spirit a source of strength as China strives for national rejuvenation Xinhua) 07:50, August 04, 2021 Aerial photo taken on May 26, 2021 shows a view of Yan'an City, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. (Photo by Qi Xiaojun/Xinhua) BEIJING, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Eighty-five years ago, American journalist Edgar Snow traveled to northwest China to find out what Chinese Communists were like. Interviewing people holding up in the revolutionary cradle of Yan'an, Snow was moved by their unconquerable spirit, strength and passion. He wrote the book "Red Star Over China" to record what he considered the rich and splendid essence of human history. The areas Snow set foot in, just like other areas across China, have undergone dramatic changes in the past decades, yet the spirit of Chinese Communists that he witnessed has been passed down from generation to generation. A century on, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has grown from just over 50 members at the time of its founding to the world's largest governing party with more than 95 million members. Having started from nothing, the CPC has led the Chinese people in transforming a poor and lagging country into the second-largest economy in the world. Xi Jinping delivers an important speech at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC in Beijing, capital of China, July 1, 2021. (Xinhua/Ju Peng) President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, summed up the great founding spirit of the CPC in his speech at a ceremony marking the Party's centenary on July 1. Calling it the Party's source of strength, Xi said this founding spirit consists of the following principles: upholding truth and ideals, staying true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission, fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the Party and faithful to the people. The spirit has demonstrated its strength in various endeavors, be it scientific and technological research, rural vitalization, space programs, social governance, or business operation. At a national key laboratory of hybrid rice in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Wu Jun and his team were doing research on the breeding of rice varieties that are resistant to major diseases, insect pests, high and low temperatures and drought. "Developing super-high-yielding rice varieties is important to ensuring grain security. We will make down-to-earth efforts in pushing forward with the research and live up to the original aspiration of our predecessors," said Wu, deputy director of the laboratory. China in February declared a "complete victory" in eradicating absolute poverty. Over the last few years, more than 1,800 CPC members and officials had sacrificed their lives for the cause. Customers purchase decorations for Chinese Lunar New Year in Langzhong city, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Feb. 10, 2021. (Photo by Wang Yugui/Xinhua) During times of crisis, whether triggered by earthquakes, floods or epidemics, great numbers of Party members have rushed to the forefront without the slightest hesitation. In July, Party members in all lines of work, ranging from rescue workers and medics to engineers and train crew members, have built up a strong force of rescue and recovery after record rainfall triggered severe floods in central China. As the country strives for the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, the Party's founding spirit will continue to inspire the nation to overcome various tests and trials on the way forward, observers said. The Party's founding spirit has a far-reaching influence on the country's younger generation, who will carry the baton for national rejuvenation. "The Age of Awakening," a TV series revolving around the CPC founders, has become a sensation, with a high rating of 9.3 out of 10 based on more than 330,000 reviews on networking platform Douban. Through the series, many young Chinese got to admire revolutionary forefathers who sacrificed their lives for the Party in its early years. Most of the revolutionary martyrs were in their youth when they died. In Shanghai, throngs of young people paid visits to CPC forefathers at Longhua Martyr Cemetery. Flowers and written messages were seen laid at the tombs of the fallen heroes depicted in the series. A generation-Z Party member from Tongji University lamented, "I stare at the starry sky that you once watched, but the land under my feet is in a different time and space." "We are now enjoying a better life, just as you had hoped for," read another message. Also in Shanghai, the memorial of the first National Congress of the CPC has opened an exhibition on the theme of the CPC's founding spirit. "We must do our best to preserve the Party's birthplace to let the great founding spirit of the Party maintain its splendor," said Xue Feng, Party committee secretary of the memorial. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Iran's supreme leader endorses Raisi as new president Xinhua) 07:57, August 04, 2021 Iran's President-elect Ebrahim Raisi attends his first press conference after winning the election in Tehran June 21, 2021. (Photo by Ahmad Halabisaz/Xinhua) TEHRAN, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Tuesday endorsed Ebrahim Raisi as the new president of the Islamic republic. Khamenei gave his official approval to Raisi at a ceremony broadcast live on state television. He described Raisi as "a popular, pious person with a brilliant record of management," saying that the people's vote to Raisi is a sign of nation's determination to follow the path of justice, progress and freedom. "Today, our dear homeland is in need of service and is ready to make a leap in all fields," Khamenei said in his endorsement decree, adding that the country needs a competent, wise and brave management that can mobilize capabilities of the nation, particularly the youth, to the field of work and construction and remove barriers to production. He urged Raisi to "pursue the policy of strengthening the national currency, and improve living condition of the middle and lower classes of society who bear the burden of economic problems." A woman holds a poster as supporters celebrate after Ebrahim Raisi won the presidential election in Tehran, Iran, on June 19, 2021. (Photo by Ahmad Halabisaz/Xinhua) In June, Raisi was elected by the Iranians as their eighth president since the Islamic Revolution of 1979 by promising to improve the economic conditions which have been seriously affected by U.S. sanctions and the COVID-19 pandemic. On Tuesday, the new Iranian president said that the presidential election of Iran was "a message of change and justice, as well as fighting against corruption, poverty and discrimination." The economic and cultural problems, the issue of unemployment and housing as well as other issues that people are complaining about would be the concerns of his government, Raisi said. He blamed the current economic situation both on "the enmity of the enemies and because of the shortcomings and problems we had inside." He also called on all the intellectuals and sympathizers to play a role in helping the country thrive. Raisi vowed to pursue the implementation of the policies of the Islamic republic. As for foreign policy, Raisi has announced his priority is to boost cooperation and interaction with the world. Meanwhile, there is "a lot of potential" for further enhancement of Iran-China ties, and the incoming administration will "definitely" work to develop that potential, the new Iranian president said in June after his victory. Facing major domestic and international challenges, Raisi will assume his presidency after taking the oath of office in the parliament on Thursday. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Pentagon lifts lockdown after gunshots fired near Metro bus station Xinhua) 07:58, August 04, 2021 Photo taken on Aug. 3, 2021 shows the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, the United States. The Pentagon lifted the lockdown roughly an hour and a half after multiple gunshots were fired near the Metro bus platform outside the building on Tuesday morning. The Pentagon Force Protection Agency, which sent out a lockdown alert following the "shooting event," said at the noon time that the facility reopened and the "scene of the incident is secure" though remains an active crime scene. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Pentagon lifted the lockdown roughly an hour and a half after multiple gunshots were fired near the Metro bus platform outside the building on Tuesday morning. The Pentagon Force Protection Agency, which sent out a lockdown alert following the "shooting event," said at the noon time that the facility reopened and the "scene of the incident is secure" though remains an active crime scene. The gunman was shot by a Pentagon police officer and did not get inside the Pentagon building, the agency's official told POLITICO. One other officer was injured and sent to hospital. "The Pentagon has lifted the lock down and has reopened," the agency said on Twitter. "We request that everyone stay away from the Metro rail entrance and bus platform area." The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said trains and busses were bypassing their stops at the transit center due to the investigation. The Metro bus platform, a major entrance to the Pentagon, is used by multiple bus lines in the area every day. It was closed in March 2020 after a man was fatally stabbed on the platform and reopened hours afterwards. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Wildfires in SW Turkey hit new residential areas, forcing evacuations Xinhua) 08:03, August 04, 2021 A firefighter battles against a wildfire in Manavgat, Antalya province, Turkey, on Aug. 3, 2021. For the last week, Turkey has been battling massive wildfires that erupted in the southern and southwestern coastal resort towns. The blazes have claimed eight lives so far. (Xinhua) ISTANBUL, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Wildfires in Turkey's southwestern province of Mugla reached several new residential areas on Tuesday, prompting new evacuations. Footage aired by local media showed the flames engulfed homes in several neighborhoods of the Milas district. "In Milas, the wind is so strong that it took only 15 minutes for the fire to burn a small settlement of 30 houses," said a resident of the Turkevleri neighborhood, named Firat, on his social media account. Firat added that he and other residents were evacuated by Coast Guard boats. Milas Mayor Muhammet Tokat announced that the blaze is now threatening a thermal power plant that provides electricity to the region. "I didn't want to say this, but the thermal power plant and the fire came face to face for the first time," Tokat said on Twitter. In some parts of Bodrum, one of the main tourist attractions of Mugla, the situation is still worrying. The flames have reached an important highway, disrupting local traffic. Meanwhile, Fahrettin Altun, communication director of the Turkish presidency, said Turkey has controlled 147 of 156 fires in the last seven days, and nine of the blazes continue. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in the southern Antalya province that the wind is very strong in the region, and the situation will be critical on Wednesday as well. For the last week, Turkey has been battling massive wildfires that erupted in the southern and southwestern coastal resort towns. The blazes have claimed eight lives so far. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China strengthens efforts to curb Delta outbreak Xinhua) 08:07, August 04, 2021 China has stepped up efforts to contain a new cluster of COVID-19 infections, with 328 new locally transmitted confirmed cases registered in July. The outbreak stems mainly from a flight that departed from Russia and landed in Nanjing, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province. Viral genome sequencing has found that all strains in the recent resurgence were the highly infectious Delta variant, which can contribute to a faster and wider transmission among a large population, according to He Qinghua, an official with China's National Health Commission. Currently, the variant has spread to more than 10 provinces, including central China's Henan and Hunan. Nanjing has manifested a downward trend in its newly confirmed cases with tightened prevention and control measures in place. The city has launched three rounds of all-inclusive nucleic acid testing and kick-started its fourth mass testing campaign on Monday, covering nine districts, said Yang Dasuo, deputy director of the municipal health commission. Jiangsu has canceled all flights at Lukou International Airport since July 30. Anyone leaving Nanjing must present a negative nucleic acid test certificate issued within 48 hours before their departure. The province has also provided relevant information of travelers who had visited Nanjing since July 6 to their destination provinces and cities. In the Tangshan branch of the Second Hospital of Nanjing, the city's designated hospital for COVID-19 treatment, over 1,000 beds are ready. Meanwhile, Nanjing has launched closed-off management in all its nursing institutions for the elderly, beginning July 20. The city of Zhangjiajie, a renowned tourist destination in Hunan, closed all its tourist sites starting Friday. All visitors are asked to take three nucleic acid tests and receive negative results for COVID-19 before they leave the city. China's top epidemiologist Zhong Nanshan said recently that preliminary studies on Guangzhou's latest COVID-19 outbreak show that China's domestic vaccines are proving effective in protecting its people against the Delta variant. The protective effect of China's domestic vaccines is 100 percent effective against severe cases, 76.9 percent against moderate cases, 67.2 percent against mild ones, and 63.2 percent against asymptomatic carriers. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) 300 representatives from 100 countries and regions sign joint statement opposing the WHO politicizing virus origin-tracing work Global Times) 08:16, August 04, 2021 (Photo/Xinhua) Over 300 political parties, social societies and think tanks in over 100 countries and districts opposed politicizing virus origins-tracing in a joint statement sent to the World Health Organization (WHO) Secretariate on Monday. The statement came as Chinese experts have been constantly call for thorough and sincere international cooperation over the origin-tracing issue in which China has set an example, and others keep refusing to make a move. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the WHO, recently outlined a plan for a second phase of investigation in the origins of coronavirus targeting China, including a proposal for "audits of relevant laboratories and research institutions operating in the area of the initial human cases identified in December 2019." China has taken the lead and done a great job in cooperating with the WHO in tracing the origins of the SARS-CoV-2, and it is unfair and unjust if the international community continues to only focus on China over the issue while hyping the "lab leak" conspiracy without evidence, according to Lei Ruipeng, an expert at the School of Philosophy and Center for Bioethics at the Wuhan-based Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and member of the WHO Ethics and COVID-19 Working Group, in an exclusive interview with the Global Times. In the face of the grave threat COVID-19 poses to life, safety and the health of all mankind. The statement stressed that the international community needs to strength anti-epidemic cooperation, called for the WHO to carry out global virus origin-tracing research in a an objective and fair manner, and stands resolutely against politicizing virus origin-tracing issue. As of Tuesday nearly 25 million people have signed an online petition for a probe into Fort Detrick lab and its links to the origins of COVID-19 . A group of Chinese netizens drafted the open letter urging the WHO to investigate Fort Detrick lab, and entrusted the Global Times to post the petition on WeChat and Weibo on July 17 to solicit a public response. However, the server that hosts the petition has been under continued cyberattacks launched from US IP addresses, including high intensity DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks, the Global Times learned. "The US must be afraid of exposing Fort Detrick to scrutiny, like what the WHO did in the Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV]," Zeng Guang, a former chief epidemiologist of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told Global Times. He noted that the US opposes the Biological Weapons Convention because it is terrified about investigations into its biolabs. The more they want to hide it, the deeper we should dig," said Zeng. "We as humans live in a community in which we rise and fall together with a shared future. In the face of major crises, no single country can remain insulated and intact. Viruses know no border or races. The only way to defeat them is for the international community to work together," the abovementioned joint statement read. "(The coronavirus') origin-tracing is a serious scientific issue that must be studied by scientists and medical experts around the world through cooperation before any scientific conclusion is drawn on the basis of facts and evidences," the paper stressed. "We are of the view that origin-tracing is the shared obligation of all countries. The outline of the next step work plan proposed unilaterally by the WHO Secretariate has neither complied with what is stipulated in the relevant Resolution of the World Health Assembly, nor been consulted adequately with Member States, still less fully reflected the latest research achievements of the global origin-tracing. Hence it is not conducive to offering due guidance for future cooperation thereof," the statement said. It calls on the Secretariate of the World Health Organization to "act on relevant resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly to advance global origin-tracing study in cooperation with all Member States while giving full consideration to the emerging new scientific evidences and faithfully following the recommendations of the Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019." "We support medical experts and scientific researchers in carrying out thorough origin-tracing in a professional spirit covering multiple countries and multiple locations, so as to provide necessary reference experience for the prevention of the next possible pandemic," it noted. "We resolutely oppose any attempt of politicization, geographical labeling and stigmatisation as well as the obstruction by any political factor and political manipulation to the research process and the international anti-epidemic cooperation," the statement said. The head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Gao Fu previously voiced opposition to politicizing the coronavirus origins probe, saying it is a scientific issue and must not degrade into a witch-hunt. "We appreciate the fact that China and other countries have taken positive moves in providing vaccines to the rest of the world, in particular to developing countries, making important contribution to the global anti-epidemic cooperation. We call on vaccine-capable countries to refrain from imposing export restrictions or resorting to excessive hoarding and to resolutely oppose vaccine nationalism so that the global immunisation gap can be narrowed, and a stronger international fence against the virus can take shape," it added. "We are of the view that political parties and organizations of all countries must shoulder their responsibility to enhance cooperation, work hard to facilitate global anti-epidemic cooperation, policy coordination and complementary actions, so as to inject inexhaustible driving force for the global fight against COVID-19 and the building of a global community of health for all," the statement underlined. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun) Shifting blame reflects selfishness of US 08:27, August 04, 2021 By Yi Li, Su Jingjing ( People's Daily Online Tourists are seen near the White House in Washington, D.C., the United States, July 26, 2021. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) Recently, the US has led several countries and media outlets in hyping up the claim that the novel coronavirus was the result of a "lab leak". While the world is fighting a tough battle against the highly contagious Delta variant of the novel coronavirus, the US, which turned to its intelligence services rather than science in its approach to virus origin-tracing, has exposed its selfishness and played the old trick of passing the buck to others. No matter how hard it attempts to politicize the virus, the US can't ignore the fact that it has failed to contain the spread of COVID-19. According to a tally by Johns Hopkins University, total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the US have exceeded 35 million, and more than 610,000 people have died from the disease. The US faces uneven vaccination rates. Although the overall vaccination rate in the US is about 50 percent, there is a large gap in rates among states. According to data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average 7-day daily increase of confirmed cases as of July 30 has been on the rise since mid-June. According to data released by the CDC on July 31, 101,171 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported across the US on July 30, the highest single-day increase since February 7 this year. The failure of the US in the fight against the pandemic has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, and made relations between different ethnic groups even worse. By politicizing virus origin-tracing, the US has exposed its selfishness. The US has tarnished its own image as a major country in the world by hoarding vaccines, restricting exports of materials for producing vaccines, being indifferent to the anti-pandemic situations in developing countries and putting its own interests above other countries' and promoting vaccine nationalism. In fact, politicizing virus origin-tracing is a continuation of the US' habit of blaming other countries in their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, a tactic the US had adopted since the onset of the crisis. Incapable of coping with various problems, the US shifted the blame to China to try to hide the truth that it has failed to control COVID-19 and is responsible for the global spread of the virus. In the early days after the pandemic broke out, the Lancet published a joint statement from 27 leading medical experts, who overwhelmingly concluded that the coronavirus originated in wildlife. The statement dismissed the US' conspiracy theory on coronavirus origins. According to a report released by the World Health Organization on March 30 this year, the introduction of COVID-19 through a laboratory incident is "extremely unlikely". On July 7, 21 scientists from around the world published an article titled "On the origin of SARS-CoV-2 -- The blind watchmaker argument", which said that SARS-CoV-2 is unlikely to have evolved in a market in a big city and even less likely to have been created in a laboratory. On July 17, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the United States, said in an interview that the most likely explanation is a natural evolution from an animal reservoir to a human. By spreading rumors and hyping up the "ab leak" theory, the US has hindered global anti-pandemic efforts. Nature magazine said in a recently published article that the "lab leak" theory is likely to block the process of tracing the origins of the virus, and has made scientists who uphold the truth the target of cyber violence. According to the Washington Post, Anthony Fauci and Stanley Perlman, a professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of Iowa, have both been attacked by right-wing extremists in the US. Virus origin-tracing is a matter of science, and political manipulation can only block the truth-seeking process, hinder science-based efforts, sabotage international anti-pandemic cooperation, and exacerbate the pandemic. (Web editor: Xian Jiangnan, Liang Jun) Paratroopers descend to landing zone China Military Online) 09:15, August 04, 2021 Paratroopers assigned to a brigade under the PLA Air Forces airborne troops board a transport aircraft in order during a parachute training exercise in mid-July, 2021. (eng.chinamil.com.cn/Photo by Liu Huan) (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun) China keeps its promise of making COVID-19 vaccines global public good 09:28, August 04, 2021 By Qu Song ( People's Daily Illustration/ People's Daily China had offered over 700 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and concentrates for the world as of July 29, according to the latest data released by China's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. The figure is more than that of all other nations combined. China has always called for closer international cooperation on vaccines to ensure their accessibility and affordability in developing countries and to make them a global public good. Despite its own huge population and tight vaccine supply, China has actively responded to other countries' requests for vaccine cooperation, which has injected confidence and strength into the global fight against the pandemic. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization recently announced that it has signed advance purchase agreements with Chinese vaccine manufacturers Sinopharm and Sinovac, whose COVID-19 vaccine products have been included in the WHO's Emergency Use Listing after strict reviews by WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization. It means that the doses produced by the two companies will join the COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX) program to make greater contribution to pandemic control in developing countries. As Chinese vaccines are being administered to a growing number of people around the world, their safety and efficacy are backed by more and more data. Many developing countries obtained their first batches of vaccines from China, and that's why Chinese vaccines are hailed as a "timely rain." A foreigner is vaccinated in Jinhua, east China's Zhejiang province, June 6, 2021. (Photo by Li Jianlin/People's Daily Online) Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea, said the Chinese vaccines have brought hope for the country's fight against the epidemic. President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe compared the vaccines donated by China to a light at the end of a dark tunnel. The nearly 2 million Cambodians probably couldn't have been vaccinated were it not for China's assistance and the doses purchases from China, said Prime Minister of Cambodia Hun Sen when addressing the opening ceremony of the 26th International Conference on the Future of Asia. Gaston Browne, Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, said China has always been leading the world when it comes to helping and supporting developing countries. China's generous aid has become even more precious as certain countries are hoarding vaccines, he added. The COVID-19 vaccine donation from China arrives in Colombo, Sri Lanka, July 27, 2021. So far, around 80 percent of the vaccines administered in Sri Lanka came from China. (Photo courtesy of the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka) Apart from vaccine donation and export, China is also cooperating with developing countries, including the UAE, Egypt, Indonesia, Turkey, and Brazil, for joint research and production of COVID-19 vaccines. It supports relevant enterprises to conduct phase III clinical trials with partners from the above countries, so as to contribute to global anti-pandemic efforts by expanding local vaccine production capacity. So far, production capacity in these nations has expanded to 200 million doses. This February, Brazilian biologic research center Butantan Institute carried out a mass vaccination trial in Serrana, Sao Paulo. After most residents received two shots of Sinovac vaccines, the number of symptomatic cases in local community dropped 80 percent, and hospitalizations by 86 percent. More importantly, deaths plunged by 95 percent. Besides, infections among the residents under 18 and other groups ineligible for the vaccine also declined. To build the strongest immunity barrier, protect the health of foreigners in China, and ensure their work, life and studies in the country, China has included the eligible age group among foreigners in the country into the scope of inoculation with domestic vaccines. So far, more than 600,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to over 350,000 foreigners in the country. The efforts of the Chinese government and medical staff to advance the vaccination drive are melting the hearts of many foreigners. Recently, a courier in Shanghai shared on a short video platform a special order he received. According to him, a German guy surnamed Frank living in Shanghai bought drinks for health workers at a community health center in Shanghai, just to express his gratitude for their vaccination efforts. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Gross turnover of Chinas national carbon market close to 300 mln yuan in first half month 09:33, August 04, 2021 By Zhao Zhanhui ( People's Daily Photo taken on June 25, 2021 shows an employee of a biomass power generation company based in Zhangye, northwest Chinas Gansu province, operating grab bucket crane to move waste into receiving hopper. This year, Gansu province has kicked off the construction of 15 clean energy and production projects, including a clean energy industrial park in Zhangye. A total of 400 million yuan has been invested in these projects, which are expected to help realize Chinas goal of peaking carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. (Photo by Wang Jiang/Peoples Daily Online) Chinas national carbon emission trading market, which commenced trading on July 16, saw its total trading volume reach nearly six million tons and total turnover approach 300 million yuan ($46.44 million) as of July 30. The national carbon market officially started trading at 9:30 a.m. on July 16. After 10 minutes, the cumulative volume of transactions exceeded 20 million yuan. During the four-hour carbon emission trading on that day, a total of 4.1 million tons of transactions were completed, with the carbon price closing at 51.23 yuan per ton on the very first day, up 6.73 percent from the opening price of 48 yuan. Since carbon emission trading was kicked off, the national market has witnessed active transactions, steadily rising transaction price, and stable operation. In the first industrial cycle of the national carbon market, more than 2,000 key carbon dioxide emitters in the power generation industry are included in the first batch of trading, covering approximately 4.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. Before the national carbon market was launched, relevant pilot projects had been carried out in a number of provinces around the country for 10 years, promoting green transformation of many enterprises. Back then, our company bought about 250,000 tons of carbon dioxide emission quotas at around 60 yuan a ton, said Zhou Shuiliang, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holdings Ltd., a key emitter of greenhouse gases based in Guangzhou, capital of south Chinas Guangdong province, referring to the first time when his company tried carbon emission trading in 2014. Photo taken on June 24, 2021 shows staff members of China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited checking photovoltaic power generating facilities at an industrial park in Ganzhou district, Zhangye, northwest Chinas Gansu province. (Photo by Wang Jiang/Peoples Daily Online) Guangdong was one of the first batch of provinces in China that piloted carbon emission trading. As a major power generation enterprise in Guangdong, Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holdings Ltd. was included in the provinces carbon emission management system in 2014, and bought carbon emissions quotas worth about 15 million yuan that year as its actual amount of carbon emissions surpassed its quota. With the in-depth implementation of the pilot project, Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holdings Ltd. has realized that reducing carbon emissions does not just bring pressure, but also economic benefits as a result of carbon asset management and the application of technologies related to carbon emission reduction. The company therefore established a work group for energy conservation and carbon reduction, upgraded and retrofitted generator sets, and vigorously carried out low-carbon and clean energy projects including natural gas power generation projects. A sequence of transformations and upgrades have enabled the company to realize the change from buying carbon emission quotas to profiting from selling carbon assets. Last year, the company gained more than 30 million yuan from selling its carbon assets. Like Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holdings Ltd., many other enterprises that have made efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions have benefited from carbon market. More and more companies have realized that only by taking the initiative to reduce carbon emissions can they get a leg up in the wave of green and low-carbon transformation, said Meng Meng, general manager of China Emissions Exchange (Guangzhou), the largest local carbon market in China. Photo taken on June 24, 2021 shows a wind farm of China Longyuan Power Group Corporation Limited in Ganzhou district, Zhangye, northwest Chinas Gansu province. (Photo by Wang Jiang/Peoples Daily Online) Carbon market piloted in Guangdong has seen active transactions, and ranked first in the country in terms of the cumulative volume of carbon emission quota transactions, which had exceeded four billion yuan by June this year, according to Meng. More importantly, carbon markets have practically promoted and yielded good results in reducing carbon emissions. By implementing mechanisms for controlling the total amount of carbon emissions, assigning quotas for carbon emissions, and honoring agreements, Guangdongs carbon markets have realized an overall reduction in carbon emissions in absolute terms, Meng said. In 2019, Guangdong reduced 11.4 percent of carbon emissions, or 43.74 million tons from a year ago, according to Meng, who pointed out that practice in both foreign countries and domestic pilot areas has proven that carbon market is a policy instrument that can realize the reduction of carbon emissions with the lowest cost and highest efficiency. The product in carbon markets is the trading of GHG emission permits. Companies that have been included in carbon emissions cap and trade systems like Guangzhou Hengyun Enterprises Holdings Ltd. are assigned quotas for carbon emissions. They need to buy carbon emission quotas from carbon market when they emit more greenhouse gases than they are allowed to, and can sell surplus emission allowances on the market when they successfully bring their actual amount of carbon emissions below their quotas. The weighted average price for carbon quotas over the past few years stood at about 40 yuan a ton, according to the pilot carbon trading programs in seven cities. Although pilot areas have carried out helpful exploration, due to limited market sizes, transaction prices of carbon quotas that can truly reflect the social cost of carbon emissions have not been formed, said Mei Dewen, general manager of China Beijing Environment Exchange. Finding reasonable and effective prices for carbon quotas is an important goal and task in the construction of the national carbon market, according to Mei. The carbon market can be more dynamic and carbon quotas more efficiently priced only when diversified financial institutions and products are introduced into the market, noted Mei, who explained that diversified market players have different risk preferences, forecasts, and sources of information, which helps form a relatively fair price and an effective market-based pricing mechanism. To facilitate the development of spot carbon market, China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has actively provided guidance for Guangzhou Futures Exchange on speeding up the construction of carbon futures market, said Gao Li, spokesperson with the CSRC. The permits to emit carbon emissions already have some basic properties of futures, such as a high degree of standardization, and long-term demand caused by the time difference between the issuance and performance of carbon emission quotas, said an executive from Guangzhou Futures Exchange. Spot market is the foundation of the development of the futures market, the executive said, adding that when the futures market related to carbon trading takes shape and grows to a certain size, it will promote the development of the carbon market in various aspects. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) U.S. destined to fail no matter what card it plays to suppress China 09:35, August 04, 2021 By Zhong Sheng ( People's Daily Photo taken on April 20, 2021 shows the White House in Washington, D.C., the United States. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) Although the U.S. government has always hyped up the lab leak theory, it has failed to find any evidence to support this allegation--not even when it has involved its intelligence agencies in the country. Still, the U.S. government refuses to accept the fact. According to U.S. media, some American politicians asked the Biden administration to direct the intelligence community to continue thoroughly investigating the origins of COVID-19 until there is a conclusion in which the United States has a high degree of confidence, and some even suggested the government puts up a reward of 10 to 15 million USD for the evidence it wants. It is clear that the U.S. determines to politicize virus origin tracing and will exhaust all the possibilities, including fabricating stories, so that the intelligence community can cook up a report to frame China. To achieve such a political purpose, American politicians have completely disregarded the spirit of science. Involving intelligence agencies into virus origin tracing is in fact an old trick played by the last U.S. administration led by Donald Trump. To alleviate the disadvantages caused by its poor response to the COVID-19 outbreak during the presidential election, the Trump administration engaged itself in scapegoating and slandering China for the pandemic last year. It called COVID-19 a China virus and claimed groundlessly that the virus escaped from a lab in Chinese city Wuhan. Meanwhile, it pressured intelligence agencies into supporting its ridiculous theory, but later shelved the plan due to lack of evidence. During the presidential election, the Biden administration showed contempt for Trumps buck-passing acts and called on listening to science. How come it has harped on the same old lab leak theory after taking office? Analysts attributed it to the domestic pressure faced by the current U.S. administration. At the beginning of its tenure, the current U.S. administration could still hold its predecessor responsible for racial division, partisan conflict, gap between the rich and poor, out-of-control pandemic, and other social issues in the U.S. Now that over half a year has passed since the Biden administration took office, it has no one else to blame but its inefficient governance for these social issues. Concerned that it might not guarantee that Democrats clinch a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives during the midterm election in 2022, the Biden government hopes to blame China for domestic epidemic tragedies and shift the dissatisfaction of American people. The drawback of American electoral system is certainly one of the reasons. However, fundamentally, it is the wrong U.S. perception of China behind the White Houses attempt to make China responsible for the outbreak. Faced with the reality that Americas soft and hard power is declining, both the previous and current U.S. administrations have considered China a strategic competitor and major threat. They have tried to take every possible opportunity to politicize issues related to COVID-19, trade, education, science and technology, as well as network security and continuously spread the China threat theory, aiming to isolate China and contain its development. However, the U.S. government needs to realize that Chinas development and revival are driven by strong endogenous power and represent an inevitable historical trend. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become an irreversible course of history that no country or force is able to stop. The U.S. is destined to fail no matter what card it plays to suppress China, which has been proven so far and will continuously be proven in the future. Virus tracing is a scientific problem that needs to be solved through standardized research, and can only be advanced by science. The so-called lab leak theory is dismissed as unfounded illusions of nonprofessionals by scientists. While stubbornly resorting to political manipulation in virus origin tracing, the U.S. has only hurt its own image. Its practices of seeking origin-tracing terrorism, including undermining the scientific conclusion of the WHOs report of a joint study with China on the tracing of COVID-19 origins and suppressing scientific workers who take an objective stand, run counter to the principles of science and justice, and have totally reversed peoples impression of the U.S., a country with strong scientific and technological strength and self-proclaimed city upon a hill. The anti-science deeds of the U.S. have actually limited the ability of its government to control the epidemic at home. COVID illustrates the chokehold that partisanship, conspiratorialism, and suspicion have on our short-term ability to respond to a public emergency, said an article entitled The U.S. has lost the ability to think or plan ahead published on the website of the Boston Globe. It is a general consensus in the international community that COVID-19 origin tracing should be based on science, not on presumption of guilt out of political motives. The scientific community expects the U.S. return to the WHO would bolster efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and save more lives. Unfortunately, Washingtons re-entry has brought geopolitical competition to the science-spearheaded world body, said Swiss biologist Wilson Edwards on a social media platform, who expressed the disappointment of the international scientific community toward the U.S. It is time that the U.S. government responded to the expectations of the international community, abandoned irresponsible assumptions and confrontations, and stopped playing the role of virologist. (Zhong Sheng is a pen name often used by Peoples Daily to express its views on Chinas foreign policy and international affairs.) (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) So-called report by U.S. congressmen on COVID-19 origins not credible: FM spokesperson Xinhua) 09:57, August 04, 2021 BEIJING, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- The so-called report on COVID-19 origin tracing by U.S. congressmen is totally based on the concocted lies and distorted facts without providing any evidence, which is not credible or scientific, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday. On Aug. 2, Representative Michael McCaul, Lead Republican of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, released a report claiming that there is a preponderance of evidence that the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) sometime before September 2019. It also alleged that the WIV, aided by U.S. experts and Chinese and U.S. government funds, were conducting gain-of-function research. In response, the spokesperson said the relevant report, totally based on the concocted lies and distorted facts without providing any evidence, is not credible or scientific. What the relevant U.S. congressmen have done smears and slanders China in pursuit of political gains. "We express categorical opposition to and strong condemnation of such despicable acts that have no moral bottom line," the spokesperson said. This February, a China-WHO joint expert team visited the WIV and had in-depth and candid exchanges with experts there. Members of the joint expert team spoke highly of the institute's openness and transparency, and reached a major conclusion in the joint study report that the allegation of lab leaking is extremely unlikely, the spokesperson said. The spokesperson added that in 2003, the U.S. side used a test tube of laundry powder as evidence for Iraq's possession of weapons of mass destruction. One needs not look far for a lesson, and the international community should not let such a thing happen again. "It must be pointed out that, the U.S. side's political manipulation of origins tracing has drawn overwhelming rejection from the international community. As of now, 70 countries have voiced opposition to politicizing origins tracing and emphasized the importance of upholding the joint China-WHO study report via sending letters to the WHO Director-General and issuing statements. It shows that clear-eyed people over the world can tell right and wrong. The United States should listen to these objective and impartial voices." If these U.S. congressmen do have a sense of responsibility, even a tinge of it, for their own people, they should urge the U.S. government to release at the earliest the medical records of those infected in the unexplained outbreaks of respiratory disease in Virginia and the large-scale EVALI in Wisconsin and Maryland in 2019, and of U.S. military personnel who fell ill during the Military World Games in Wuhan, and to allow a thorough international probe into Fort Detrick lab and the 200-plus U.S. biological labs overseas, the spokesperson said. "As to gain of function research on coronaviruses, the United States has provided more funding and conducted more experiments in this area than anyone else. Why don't the congressmen find out if there is such research at home and whether or not it may create the novel coronavirus?" The spokesperson urged the United States to respect facts and science and focus on fighting COVID-19 and saving lives, instead of engaging in political manipulation under the pretext of the epidemic and shifting the blame to others. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China's global market share surges despite "decoupling" concerns: UK think tank Xinhua) 09:59, August 04, 2021 LONDON, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- China's global market share has risen substantially in the past two years, defying calls for a "decoupling from China" mainly by the United States, British think tank Oxford Economics said in a report released Tuesday. "A broader analysis of China's global market share trends suggests that its recent rise is driven by gains in developed countries, due in part to the specific nature of the recent expansion of global trade," said the report, generated by Louis Kuijs, head of Asia Economics at the think tank. The report said while this implies that some of the recent jump in China's share of the global trade pie will revert, the strong showing of China's exports to developed countries "confirms that there has been little decoupling thus far." The analysis showed the gains in developed nations partly came from the recent increase in demand for imports, fuelled by a temporary shift from services consumption to goods consumption and a surge in work-from-home demand. "In any case, China's strong export performance since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic underscores that the global supply chains developed in recent decades -- and in which China plays a key role -- are much 'stickier' than many suspected," said Kuijs. China's official data in July showed that the world's second largest economy's foreign trade surged by 27.1 percent year on year to 18.07 trillion yuan (about 2.79 trillion U.S. dollars) in the first half of the year 2021, the best performance in history. In June alone, the country's imports and exports mounted by 22 percent year on year to 3.29 trillion yuan (about 0.5 trillion U.S. dollars), marking an increase for the 13th month in a row, according to the General Administration of Customs of China. The report said the export strength reflected less transitory factors, stressing that "a supportive government has also helped." "In its efforts to 'defend (the country's) role in global supply chains', China's government took measures ranging from cutting fees to helping logistically to get goods to the ports, thus ensuring the availability of products at a time when global supply chains have been under strain," said Kuijs. Responding to these developments, the think tank again adjusted its long-term outlook in early 2021, becoming less bearish on economic decoupling, said the report. "Our global colleagues recently also concluded that, while the U.S. tariffs have depressed U.S. imports from China, there is no evidence so far of a broader decoupling process among developed countries," added Kuijs. According to China's official data, the trade with its top three trading partners -- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union, and the United States -- maintained sound growth in the first half of year 2021, with the growth rates of trade value with the three standing at 27.8 percent, 26.7 percent and 34.6 percent, respectively. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Chinese, Turkish presidents exchange congratulations on 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties Xinhua) 10:11, August 04, 2021 A shipment containing boxes of China's Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine arrives at Esenboga Airport in Ankara, Turkey, Dec. 30, 2020. (Photo by Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua) BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Wednesday exchanged messages of congratulations on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between their countries. Over the past 50 years, bilateral relations have been developing steadily, Xi said in his message, adding that since the establishment of the China-Turkey strategic cooperative relationship in 2010, exchanges and cooperation in various fields have been moving forward in an orderly manner. Since last year, Xi said, the two sides have been supporting each other in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, and carried out fruitful cooperation on vaccines, which has deepened the friendship between the people of the two countries. He said he attaches great importance to the development of China-Turkey relations, and stands ready to work with Erdogan to take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity to further advance bilateral ties. The two countries, Xi suggested, should understand and support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns, accelerate the aligning of development strategies, and push for steady and long-term development of their strategic cooperative relationship, so as to bring benefits to both countries and their people. For his part, Erdogan said Turkey-China relations have a sound foundation for mutually beneficial development. Over the past half century, bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, transportation, tourism and other fields has achieved tremendous development, he said. The two countries, he added, have also promoted strategic cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and exerted a positive influence on the region and the world. In the face of COVID-19, the two countries have been working together and helping each other to ensure the health of their people, he noted. Turkey, he said, attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations, and will continue to push forward strategic cooperation between the two countries. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Colored relief paintings inside high official tomb in Cairo, Egypt Xinhua) 10:38, August 04, 2021 Photo taken on Aug. 3, 2021 shows a colored relief painting inside a high official tomb in Saqqara district, south of Cairo, Egypt. The Saqqara area about 30 kilometers south of Cairo is home to numerous pyramids and a number of beautifully decorated mastaba tombs, in which many colored relief paintings depicting ancient Egyptian daily life are preserved. (Xinhua/Sui Xiankai) (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Politicizing pandemic harmful to global fight against COVID-19, says Brazilian neuroscientist Xinhua) 13:15, August 04, 2021 A medical worker prepares a dose of COVID-19 vaccine at the Universal Studios Hollywood in Los Angeles, California, the United States, June 18, 2021. (Photo by Zeng Hui/Xinhua) "There is no scientific evidence" to validate Washington's assumption that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory, said Miguel Nicolelis, a tenured professor at Duke University in the U.S. state of North Carolina. SAO PAULO, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. government's attempts to politicize the pandemic by claiming China as the source of COVID-19 are not only groundless, but "harmful" to the global fight against the disease, a Brazilian neuroscientist has said. "There is no scientific evidence" to validate Washington's assumption that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory, said Miguel Nicolelis in a recent interview with Xinhua. The scientific community is very skeptical, and it simply does not accept "this type of political manipulation without evidence," said Nicolelis, who was a tenured professor at Duke University in the U.S. state of North Carolina. "The politicization of science never brings benefits, on the contrary, it is extremely harmful," he said. The neuroscientist supports the findings of a joint origin-tracing study earlier this year by over 30 experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) and China, which ended with a report concluding that the laboratory leak scenario was extremely unlikely. "A detailed genetic scan of the virus was carried out and there is no evidence of tampering or evidence of laboratory accidents," he added. Unscientific attitudes towards the virus have had disastrous results on healthcare in the United States and Britain, with high rates of infection and mortality, said the neuroscientist. He noted that there are other instances of Washington misleading the public to further its own interests. "We need to remember the invasion of Iraq in 2001 ... after the world was led to believe in false evidence about weapons of mass destruction. There was nothing. Iraq was destroyed," he said. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China spurs digital economy as new driver of growth Xinhua) 17:27, August 04, 2021 BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Putting on a helmet and sitting in front of several big screens, you are able to experience the exciting moment of a spacecraft launch. This is one of the highlights of the 2021 Global Digital Economy Conference that concluded in Beijing Tuesday. During the two-day event that opened on Monday, cutting-edge technologies featuring data-driven innovation were displayed while participants focused on discussions concerning the digital economy as a new driver of China's economic growth despite the COVID-19 pandemic. China's digital economy kept a high growth rate of 9.7 percent in 2020 amid the pandemic and global economic downturn, according to a white paper released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). The country's digital economy scale hit 39.2 trillion yuan (about 6.1 trillion U.S. dollars) last year, accounting for 38.6 percent of the GDP. "As people are more connected than ever due to the increasingly diversified communication means, we have all benefited from the progress of digitalization, especially during the hardest time of the pandemic," said Guido Giacconi, vice-president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. The digital economy has become a key to achieving economic recovery and promoting sustainable development with the global economy, which is still in a fragile state of recovery, said Zhuang Rongwen, director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, at the opening. The digital economy has displayed strong resilience in the face of the pandemic, as it gives a strong boost to a number of new business models such as online shopping and education, telemedicine and artificial intelligence, said Cai Fang, an expert with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. China has built the world's largest optical fiber and 4G and 5G mobile broadband networks, with the number of 5G terminal connections exceeding 365 million and 5G application scenarios becoming increasingly rich, said Xiao Yaqing, minister of industry and information technology. With its digital economy ranking second in the world, China has highlighted the digital economy development in its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) to build a digital China. Chinese companies will also be encouraged to tap opportunities in the overseas digital market in the following decade, said Lei Jun, chairman of Xiaomi Corporation, a Chinese smartphone manufacturer. According to a guideline jointly released by Chinese government departments on July 23, more efforts will be made to enable domestic digital economy enterprises to accelerate their deployment of overseas research and development centers and product design centers and strengthen cooperation with overseas technology companies in fields such as big data, 5G and artificial intelligence. The capital city Beijing has also introduced an action plan Monday on accelerating the process of building itself into a worldwide pioneer in digital economic development. As noted in the plan, the added value of Beijing's digital economy is expected to account for about 50 percent of its GDP by 2025. Last year, the added value of the city's digital economy has exceeded 1.44 trillion yuan, accounting for about 40 percent of its total economic volume. The World Trade Organization predicts that digital technologies will promote an annual growth of the global trade volume by around 2 percentage points by 2030, and the proportion of global service trade will be increased from 21 percent in 2016 to 25 percent by then. "In face of the challenges such as sluggish economic growth and aging society, the digital economy will enable an inclusive high-quality development that enables more elderly people to overcome the digital divide," said Cai. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Anti-science drive in U.S. seriously undermines recovery efforts Xinhua) 17:40, August 04, 2021 People walk in Times Square, New York, the United States, on July 20, 2021. (Xinhua/Wang Ying) With such anti-science sentiments, bigoted Washington elites are fueling an ideology-motivated disinformation campaign, through which they deliberately ignore facts and seek to mislead the public. BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Amid new spikes in COVID-19 deaths and infections in the United States, anti-science rhetoric and conspiracy theories are also gaining steam in the country, triggering concerns that the global anti-pandemic course could worsen further. The latest episodes of such absurdity include Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson's assertion that it was Anthony Fauci, a top U.S. infectious disease expert, who had "helped to create COVID in the first place," and Congressman Clay Higgins's wild claim that the virus had been weaponized for biological attacks. These ridiculous statements can not withstand any rational analysis and are nothing but a new epitome of the rising anti-science sentiments in the United States. With such sentiments, bigoted Washington elites are fueling an ideology-motivated disinformation campaign, through which they deliberately ignore facts and seek to mislead the public. Healthcare workers operate in an ICU in the "COVID Area" of the Beverly Hospital in Montebello City, California, the United States, Jan. 22, 2021. (Xinhua) What is more worrying is that these delusional minds are bringing about real consequences: In the United States, scientists and health officials, while working overtime to study the novel coronavirus and address the pandemic, have to spare a massive amount of time and resources to bust rumors and refute opinions spread by conspiracy theorists. Due in part to the anti-science push, the United States overall has responded poorly to the pandemic and remains among the worst-hit countries in the world. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, the U.S. government, instead of acknowledging the threat it posed and informing the public in a timely manner, repeatedly downplayed the severity and exaggerated the country's capabilities to handle the disease. After the situation got worse, some U.S. officials quickly turned to conspiracy theories and anti-science positions in order to deflect attention and blame. The political tricks have gone as far as going after some of the country's leading scientists, including Fauci, who had received death threats for siding with science and evidence. A man receives COVID-19 test at a mobile testing site in Times Square, New York, the United States, on July 20, 2021. (Xinhua/Wang Ying) Since the current U.S. leadership took office early this year, the U.S. government has been accelerating vaccinations for its residents. Over the past few months, states and cities have moved to lift COVID-19 preventive measures. The White House announced last month that the country is "closer than ever" to declaring "independence" from the deadly virus. However, the pandemic is rapidly rebounding in the United States, with new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations all on the rise. "We're going in the wrong direction," Fauci told CNN during an interview late last month. The giant gap between the cruel reality and the narrative pushed by the U.S. government and media is eroding people's trust in their government and confidence that a recovery is on the horizon. In addition, the current White House's political maneuver, including asking intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of COVID-19 with a presumption of guilt targeting China, is further fanning anti-science remarks and activities. Journalists wearing face masks enter the White House in Washington D.C., the United States, July 28, 2021. (Photo by Ting Shen/Xinhua) Matthew Kavanagh, director of the Global Health Policy &Politics Initiative at Georgetown University, pointed out that if the aim of the U.S. government was finding a scientific explanation of the COVID-19 origin, it would have tasked health institutes instead of intelligence agencies with the research. "This tells us that this is a political and an intelligence story: not a story mostly about science," Kavanagh recently told U.S. magazine Rolling Stone. "We're in a place where politics is driving people's scientific understanding in a dangerous way." As Kavanagh said, anti-science sentiments and rhetoric would be unhelpful in suppressing the still raging COVID-19 pandemic and tracing the origin of the disease, and could further impede global efforts to defeat the pathogen. As a result, the international community should stay alert to the anti-science drive in the United States. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Racist incidents targeting Asian Americans worry students, parents: U.S. media Xinhua) 17:42, August 04, 2021 People holding signs take part in a Stop Asian Hate rally in San Jose, California, the United States, April 25, 2021. (Photo by Dong Xudong/Xinhua) With the rise in hate incidents nationwide and the new school year less than a month away, many Asian American students in central Ohio are bracing for the potential of new or continued verbal assaults by fellow students when they return to school in the fall, said an article published by The Columbus Dispatch. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Racist incidents targeting Asian Americans occurred before COVID-19, but the pandemic has increased the frequency and level of bullying, worrying Asian American students and their parents, said an article published by The Columbus Dispatch, a daily newspaper based in Ohio, on Monday. One in eight Asian Americans reported hate incidents in 2020, according to AAPI Data, a national coalition battling the problem, and one in 10 reported anti-Asian hate incidents in the first quarter of 2021, including physical assaults, verbal harassment, civil rights violations and online harassment, the article said. Hate crimes against Asian-Americans overall have reached an "alarming level" in the United States, the article said, noting that more than 1,800 racist incidents against Asian Americans were reported from March to May. With the rise in hate incidents nationwide and the new school year less than a month away, many Asian American students in central Ohio are bracing for the potential of new or continued verbal assaults by fellow students when they return to school in the fall, the article added. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China calls on ASEAN Plus Three countries to maintain stability, prosperity in East Asia Xinhua) 17:45, August 04, 2021 BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China has called on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN Plus Three or 10+3) to make concerted efforts and carry out vigorous cooperation to promote overall economic recovery and improve East Asian countries' crisis response capabilities. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks when attending an ASEAN-China, Japan, ROK (10+3) foreign ministers' meeting on Tuesday. Wang also said that joint efforts should be made, from a long-term perspective, to improve the mechanism, resilience and vitality of the 10+3 cooperation to maintain the hard-won stability and prosperity that has lasted for many years in East Asia. Noting that the 10+3 countries are the backbone of East Asian cooperation, Wang said that all parties should consider the 25th anniversary of the launch of 10+3 cooperation next year as an opportunity to plan a roadmap for future cooperation. Wang put forward a four-point-proposal: Firstly, all sides should jointly build a barrier against the pandemic in East Asia. Wang said that China has provided countries across the world with over 750 million vaccine doses, will provide 110 million doses to COVAX over the next four months, and will provide an additional 3 billion U.S. dollars of international aid in the next three years. China will further increase its supply of vaccines to assist other countries' vaccination drive. Virus origin tracing is a serious scientific issue which concerns the common interests of the international community, Wang said. China hopes that all parties will uphold a scientific, fair and objective position, oppose the attempts to politicize the virus origin tracing, resist the "political virus" infringing on virus origin tracing, and work together to prevent future risks as well as maintain global public health security, said Wang. Secondly, all sides should jointly promote East Asia economic integration. Wang noted that efforts should be made for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at an early date and accelerate the process of regional economic integration. Thirdly, all sides should jointly seek the transformation and development of East Asia. Wang said that it is imperative to accelerate regional digital transformation, make good use of the scale advantages of the markets in East Asian countries, and carry out practical cooperation on artificial intelligence and the digital economy. Fourthly, all sides should jointly build a foundation of common values in East Asia, and jointly pursue humanity's common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, said Wang. Foreign ministers of Japan, the ROK and ASEAN member states spoke highly of the remarkable results of 10+3 cooperation. All agreed to strengthen vaccine research and development cooperation, uphold multilateralism and free trade, and expand cooperation in emerging areas such as the digital economy and climate change to promote the green and sustainable development in the region. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) When the Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two tourbillon was introduced last year, it was hailed as an incredible expression of artisanal watchmaking, decorative arts, mechanical ingenuity, and innovation. This year, the House of BOVET is excited to introduce a new aesthetic that brings this traditional expression of high watchmaking squarely into the 21st century, with titanium cases in brilliant black Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) and Super-LumiNova dials. Placed side-by-side with the original, the newest Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two is a completely new timepiece, modern and sporty, while still maintaining its high watchmaking excellence. This is a theme moving forward for the House of BOVET using interesting materials, colors, treatments, and displays that modernize these intricate timepieces, while still emphasizing the artisanal nature of the Maisons in house production. Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two Reimagined Bovet 1822 Speaking of in-house production, BOVET 1822s processes greatly benefited from the incredible three-year collaboration with Rolls-Royce that resulted in the stunning pair of bespoke timepieces and the mounting system in the dashboard of the Boat Tail. Like participation in Formula 1 provides a trickle-down of technology into an automakers passenger cars, the intense research, development, and testing (including crash testing) of the Boat Tail timepieces resulted in engineering and production gains that have impacted every aspect of BOVETs manufacture. Every single collection has benefitted from this exchange of engineering and technology, including the brand Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two. The Super-LumiNova coated dials, not just indices or markings but the entire dial surface, are available in Yellow, Blue, Salmon, Turquoise, Green, and Violet. Each color is limited to eight (8) timepieces. Once charged, these dials really pop, showcasing the luminosity in a unique way. You will be surprised and delighted the first time you see these timepieces when they transition from the light into the dark. Now you can see BOVET in a completely different light the glow of Super-LumiNova. Super-LumiNova Coated Dials Bovet 1822 Over the past few years, the House of BOVET has been integrating Super-LumiNova into its timepieces in unique ways in the lunar surface of the moon phase, on the sunshine dials of various collections but this is the first time that Super-LumiNova has been applied so strongly onto the dials, a true statement of modernity. The Grade 5 titanium cases of these new Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two timepieces have been treated with brilliant black DLC, creating a dark side that contrasts beautifully with the bright and vibrant dial colors. The Details The new Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two includes everything else that made this introduction special the patented flying tourbillon with ten days of power reserve, the patented accelerated rewinding system, the writing slope case and sapphire crystal aperture, the fine movement decoration, the big date display, and the two dials forming a horizontal number eight, which in numerology and in multiple cultures symbolizes luck, perfection, and infinity. Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two Reimagined Bovet 1822 For exceptional legibility, the seconds display is carefully designed to be displayed by a Super-LumiNova-coated sub-dial. The arrow of the index hangs over the surface of the delicate circular dial showing the 60 seconds. The easy, precise readability offered by this display, even in the dark, is remarkable. To achieve this, the seconds' dial must be affixed to the plate during the initial assembly phases, which makes the watchmakers work even more delicate when working with the Super-LumiNova coating, as one scratch will necessitate starting over. It is hard to imagine that a Super-LumiNova dial with such a diameter, hanging over the date disks, could allow for such a large date display. The space between the units' disk and the hours' disk is reduced to optimize readability, making it as large as possible for enhanced legibility. The watchmakers also did not forget the date correction, which does not even require removing the timepiece from ones wrist, and is performed simply by pressing down on the real sapphire cabochon crown. The rapid date corrector and iconic 12-oclock positioning of the crown effectively avoid any accidental date correction. Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two Reimagined Bovet 1822 The movement that drives this exceptional timepiece meets BOVETs demanding criteria of chronometry, reliability, and expression. It draws its energy from a single barrel that ensures more than ten days of power reserve, all while maintaining the balance wheel's oscillations at 18,000 vph. Finally, the power reserve of over ten days, provided by a single barrel, would require meticulous winding if not for the spherical differential winding system. The application of this ingenious mechanism and the multi-gear three-dimensional teeth of one of its pinions, have received two patents. Because of this differential winding system, the number of crown turns needed for full winding of the spring is halved without increasing friction and forces exerted on the gears. Now You See Them The Virtuoso VIII Chapter Two limited edition (8 of each color) is a modern interpretation of BOVETs proprietary and patented flying tourbillon with a big date and lengthy power reserve. The Super-LumiNova-coated dials and black DLC titanium cases are a true 21st-century departure for BOVET, and a definite harbinger of things to come. This year marks the 230th anniversary of Girard-Perregaux. As part of its celebrations, the Manufacture is revisiting its iconic models and releasing a number of new creations. The story of the Maison began in 1791 when Jean-Francois Bautte, aged just 19, produced his first pocket watch. However, the most romantic chapter in the brands history is when Constant Girard married Marie Perregaux in 1854, culminating in the birth of one of the greatest names in watchmaking. In 1791, clearly a remarkable year, an English clergyman, William Gregor, discovered a black sand called menachanite in Cornwall. He analysed it and concluded that it contained oxides of iron and an unknown metal. This metal was subsequently identified as titanium, an element named after the Titans, the children of Uranus and Gaea in Greek mythology. Today, titanium is widely used, not only in watchmaking but also in the fields of aerospace, medicine and motorsport, selected for its array of benefits. The Laureato Absolute Ti 230 unites the two stories of Girard-Perregaux and William Gregor, drawing on know-how amassed over 230 years. Titanium comes in many forms, sometimes alloyed with other elements. Girard-Perregaux prefers to use Grade 5 titanium as it is particularly strong, corrosion resistant, lightweight and hypoallergenic; attributes that enrich the wearers experience. Laureato Absolute Ti 230 Girard-Perregaux Another reason for using Grade 5 titanium is that the metal can be polished. Girard-Perregaux presents the Laureato Absolute Ti 230 in a 44mm lightly sandblasted case that encompasses polished facets, providing a beautiful gleam and subtle contrast. Successfully combining both types of finish proves more demanding, however, as Girard-Perregaux has repeatedly shown, it never shies from a challenge. With the release of the Laureato Absolute Ti 230 we wanted to create a new version of our iconic watch from 1975, remarks Patrick Pruniaux, CEO of Girard-Perregaux. This model is modern but encompasses traditional craftsmanship. The sandwich dial construction and GPs world-premiere Rubber Alloy strap, this time incorporating titanium, are further sumptuous details that also feature on this watch. Finally, while the price may be more inclusive, the quality remains typically Girard-Perregaux and the watch feels just as exclusive as our other models. Rubber Alloy Know-How Girard-Perregaux Once again, Girard-Perregaux kindly approached us and offered exclusivity for this new model prior to its worldwide launch, comments Kim-Eva Wempe, managing owner of Gerhard D. Wempe KG of Wempe. We are delighted to have this opportunity and we appreciate the close working relationship we enjoy with Girard-Perregaux, forged over several years but solidified last year when we were fortunate to become their exclusive retailer across Germany. The combination of curves and lines are juxtaposed with the octagonal bezel and crown, beautifully playing with contrasts. The Laureato Absolute Ti 230 is available with a choice of a blue or grey dial, augmenting eye-appeal. For the first time, the Maison offers a Laureato Absolute where the crown is encircled with a rubber ring, matching the hue of the rubber strap. This detail may not be obvious at first glance, but it will be familiar to those in the know. Laureato Absolute Ti 230 Girard-Perregaux The dial is of a sandwich-type construction, comprised of an upper layer, perforated with numerous openings, sat upon a lower layer. The apertures in the upper layer afford partial sight of the lower layer, presented in grey. By adopting this design approach, the apertures form recessed luminescent baton-type indexes, wonderfully playing with depths, thereby heightening the overall appearance of the dial. Beating at the heart of the Laureato Absolute Ti 230 is a self-winding Manufacture movement, the Calibre GP03300-1060. It contains 218 components, all produced to Girard-Perregauxs exacting standards. Upholding Laureato tradition, the strap is integrated, a characteristic found on the original model released in 1975. The strap, made of GP Rubber Alloy, this time containing titanium, perfectly matches the colour of the dial, and features a fabric effect texture, tastefully enlivened with grey stitching. Girard-Perregaux, consistent with its no-compromise attitude, has selected FKM rubber, a specification that provides greater suppleness and resistance than conventional rubber. The Manufacture has chosen to pair the strap with a titanium folding clasp with a micro-adjustment system, allowing the wearer to fine tune the size to deliver the optimal wrist fit. Laureato Absolute Ti 230 Girard-Perregaux The Laureato Absolute Ti 230, as previously stated, is offered in two variants, blue and grey. Each option is limited to 230 pieces. The blue dial version of the Laureato Absolute Ti 230 will be sold exclusively by Wempe for one month in its ten boutiques across Germany as well as its flagship stores in New York and London. Thereafter, the model will be available in all authorised Girard-Perregaux retailers and on the brands e-commerce site. With immediate effect, the grey dial version is available in all authorised Girard-Perregaux retailers as well as the brands e-commerce site. Eighty-five years ago, American journalist Edgar Snow traveled to northwest China to find out what Chinese Communists were like. Interviewing people holding up in the revolutionary cradle of Yan'an, Snow was moved by their unconquerable spirit, strength and passion. He wrote the book "Red Star Over China" to record what he considered the rich and splendid essence of human history. The areas Snow set foot in, just like other areas across China, have undergone dramatic changes in the past decades, yet the spirit of Chinese Communists that he witnessed has been passed down from generation to generation. A century on, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has grown from just over 50 members at the time of its founding to the world's largest governing party with more than 95 million members. Having started from nothing, the CPC has led the Chinese people in transforming a poor and lagging country into the second-largest economy in the world. President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, summed up the great founding spirit of the CPC in his speech at a ceremony marking the Party's centenary on July 1. Calling it the Party's source of strength, Xi said this founding spirit consists of the following principles: upholding truth and ideals, staying true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission, fighting bravely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the Party and faithful to the people. The spirit has demonstrated its strength in various endeavors, be it scientific and technological research, rural vitalization, space programs, social governance, or business operation. At a national key laboratory of hybrid rice in Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, Wu Jun and his team were doing research on the breeding of rice varieties that are resistant to major diseases, insect pests, high and low temperatures and drought. "Developing super-high-yielding rice varieties is important to ensuring grain security. We will make down-to-earth efforts in pushing forward with the research and live up to the original aspiration of our predecessors," said Wu, deputy director of the laboratory. China in February declared a "complete victory" in eradicating absolute poverty. Over the last few years, more than 1,800 CPC members and officials had sacrificed their lives for the cause. During times of crisis, whether triggered by earthquakes, floods or epidemics, great numbers of Party members have rushed to the forefront without the slightest hesitation. In July, Party members in all lines of work, ranging from rescue workers and medics to engineers and train crew members, have built up a strong force of rescue and recovery after record rainfall triggered severe floods in central China. As the country strives for the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, the Party's founding spirit will continue to inspire the nation to overcome various tests and trials on the way forward, observers said. The Party's founding spirit has a far-reaching influence on the country's younger generation, who will carry the baton for national rejuvenation. "The Age of Awakening," a TV series revolving around the CPC founders, has become a sensation, with a high rating of 9.3 out of 10 based on more than 330,000 reviews on networking platform Douban. Through the series, many young Chinese got to admire revolutionary forefathers who sacrificed their lives for the Party in its early years. Most of the revolutionary martyrs were in their youth when they died. In Shanghai, throngs of young people paid visits to CPC forefathers at Longhua Martyr Cemetery. Flowers and written messages were seen laid at the tombs of the fallen heroes depicted in the series. A generation-Z Party member from Tongji University lamented, "I stare at the starry sky that you once watched, but the land under my feet is in a different time and space." "We are now enjoying a better life, just as you had hoped for," read another message. Also in Shanghai, the memorial of the first National Congress of the CPC has opened an exhibition on the theme of the CPC's founding spirit. "We must do our best to preserve the Party's birthplace to let the great founding spirit of the Party maintain its splendor," said Xue Feng, Party committee secretary of the memorial. Enditem Temperatures as high as 40 C are forecast to continue in Southwest China until Friday, while severe weather including hail and rainstorms is expected to batter northern parts of the country for the next few days, the National Meteorological Center said. On Monday, temperatures in Chongqing and the provinces of Sichuan, Guizhou and Hunan reached 40 C to 42 C, shattering records kept by local weather stations, the center said. The center issued alerts for high temperatures over the past five days. Sichuan's provincial government gave 10 to 18 yuan ($1.55 to $2.80) in daily high temperature subsidies to each outdoor worker, Sichuan Daily reported on Tuesday. Media outlets in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, said a local government notice asked construction companies to allow employees to avoid working in the heat or suspend work outdoors. The high temperatures have scorched the city's kiwi fruit farms, and the notice called for measures to be taken. It added that after the heat wave, severe convective weatherwhich involves the vertical movement of heat and moisturemay cause landslides and floods, and the authorities need to be prepared. Under the influence of Typhoon In-Fa, northern provinces including Liaoning and Shandong, and the central provinces of Henan and Hubei were hit by severe convective weather recently. The typhoon, which formed on July 18, affected East China, including the provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui, for about 10 days. It dwindled and moved northward to form a tropical low by Friday, the center said. Over the weekend, Shangqiu and Hebi in Henan province experienced hail and thunderstorms, local media reported. Fang Chong, chief forecaster from the center, said such weather will occur frequently in central and northern provinces due to atmospheric conditions. "Affected by the typhoon, most areas accumulated water vapor near the ground. A cold mass came southward and met the vapor. The combination of coldness and heat created favorable conditions for the severe convective weather," he said. "In August, such weather is still highly likely to occur." A tropical low above the northern part of the South China Sea was approaching quickly and was likely develop into a typhoon and make landfall in southern China on Thursday, the center said. After that, the region south of the Yangtze River was forecast to see heavy rain and strong winds this week. Starting Friday, Sichuan and Guizhou will see relief from the heat thanks to rain brought by the typhoon. BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- When extremely heavy rainstorms devastated central China in July, it was hard not to notice the troops of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) on dams, reservoirs and riverbanks -- the most dangerous areas in the battle against floods. They rushed to the forefront answering the Party's call, fixed dam breaches, evacuated residents in danger, and blasted barriers to release floodwater. The Party's flag flew over the field, and banners on their trucks read "People First, Life First." This provides a glimpse of how the PLA is fulfilling duties in the new era. A strong country must have a strong military, as only then can it guarantee the security of the nation, said Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. Over the past few years, the PLA is redoubling the efforts to build a peace-loving world-class military that obeys the Party's command, can fight and win, and maintains excellent conduct. In his latest speech, Xi reiterated that the Party must command the gun. Firmly following the Party's leadership is the fundamental reason why the PLA triumphed over all kinds of trials and tribulations, and advanced from victory to victory, according to Xi. MODERNIZATION FOR PROTECTING PEACE China aims to basically complete the modernization of its national defense and the people's armed forces by 2035, and fully transform its armed forces into world-class forces by the mid-21st century. Major structural changes took place in the armed forces after late November 2015, when Xi unleashed a sweeping military reform. He attaches great importance to military training. Combat capability was established as the "sole and fundamental" benchmark of the military. Only those capable of fighting can stop battles, and only those prepared for war don't have to fall into war, said Xi. "We must put all of our mind and energy in honing the combat capability, and ensure that we are fully prepared, able to fight and capable of winning any time the Party or the people are in need," said Xu Dawei, a military officer, whose brigade works on drone technology. As China keeps building up its national defense and armed forces, the defensive nature of the country's national defense policy remains unchanged. "This is written into the National Defense Law, becoming a basic, abiding and long-term policy we uphold," said He Lei, a national lawmaker and former deputy head of the Academy of Military Sciences. International public security goods were also provided during the PLA's recent exchanges and cooperation with its counterparts around the world. Over the past 30 years, China has sent over 40,000 peacekeepers to 25 UN peacekeeping missions, according to a white paper on China's United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Operations released last September. China is the second-largest contributor to both peacekeeping assessment and UN membership fees, and the largest troop contributor among the permanent members of the UN Security Council, said the white paper. China never seeks hegemony or expansion and firmly opposes hegemonism and power politics, Xi said. Instead, the Chinese military has tasked itself with the mission of building a community with a shared future for humanity, taking an active part in international disaster relief and humanitarian assistance in the wake of COVID-19. Since February this year, China's armed forces have provided 25 batches of COVID-19 vaccine assistance to armed forces of over 20 countries including Pakistan, Cambodia, Mongolia, and Sudan. The Chinese military will always be a staunch defender of world peace, said Xi. BEIJING, Aug. 4 -- Jean-Pierre Lacroix, under-secretary-general for the Department of Peace Operations, expressed his wishes via video link for the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and the 31st anniversary of Chinese participation in UN peacekeeping operations, and highly acknowledged the contributions made by China and Chinese military in peacekeeping operations. The following is the full text. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to express my best wishes on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and the 31st anniversary of Chinese participation in UN peacekeeping operations. We are very grateful for Chinas support to the work of the United Nations in the field of peace and security, and in particular, its contribution to UN peacekeeping. With close to 2,500 women and men deployed in 8 peace operations, Chinese military and police personnel provided an outstanding contribution to peace efforts in important and complex situations such as Mali, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lebanon and South Sudan. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council and the second financial contributor to the budget of peace operations, Chinas support is essential and multifaceted. We are particularly grateful for Chinas engagement to support peacekeepers in the field and to advance the Action for Peacekeeping initiative. Safety and security of peacekeepers is a priority for us as these women and men implement their complex mandate in challenging environments. We are grateful for Chinas championing of the safety and security of the peacekeepers. And we are, of course, grateful for Chinas support in the efforts to provide vaccination to peacekeepers. We also appreciate Chinas commitment to the protection of civilians and to community outreachas well as to key areas such as medicine and engineering. The performance of Chinese peacekeepers is highly commendable and it has contributed to high operational efficiency of our operations. On this important occasion, I would also like to pay tribute to the 20 personnel from China who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag, including two who died last year. We are deeply grateful for the sacrifice and for the dedication to the cause of peace. Once again, I would like to address to you my best wishes for these important anniversaries, and I look forward to continuing the strong partnership between China and UN peacekeeping in the service of peace. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attending the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting held via video link, in Beijing, China, August 3, 2021. /China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called for more cooperation among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan, the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China to face new challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He made the remarks via video link on Tuesday at the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Foreign Ministers' Meeting. Wang hailed the APT mechanism, saying the 10 member states of the ASEAN and the three countries, or 10+3, are the backbone of East Asian cooperation. With the resurgence of COVID-19 infections globally, the 10+3 countries should work together to carry out pragmatic cooperation, promote the overall economic recovery and continuously improve the crisis response capacities of the East Asian countries, said the Chinese diplomat. He urged the countries to take the 25th anniversary of the launch of 10+3 cooperation mechanism next year as an opportunity to formulate a 2023-2027 work plan to better serve the shared goals of the East Asian Community. Building a shield from pandemic in East Asia Noting that China has so far provided over 750 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to other countries and regions, Wang said China will provide additional 110 million doses for COVAX in the next four months and offer another $3 billion as international aid over the next three years. He also vowed that the country will continue to increase the vaccines supply. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is speaking at the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' Meeting held via video link, in Beijing, China, August 3, 2021. /China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs He said China supports using the 10+3 Cooperation Fund and the ASEAN Anti-Epidemic Fund to procure vaccines and other urgently needed materials to fight the pandemic. It will help speed up the construction of a 10+3 emergency medical supplies reserve center and an ASEAN reserve warehouse, he added. Wang also called on all parties to oppose attempts to politicize the work of tracing the origins of the novel coronavirus, and resist the "political virus" in order to safeguard the global public health. Promoting economic integration in East Asia The Chinese foreign minister said the countries should strive to speed up regional economic integration and ensure that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's biggest trade pact, takes effect at an early date. He also urged the countries to improve the risk resistance capacity of industrial and supply chains, and implement the Connecting the Connectivities Initiative among the 10+3 countries. Seeking transformation of East Asia Efforts should also be made to accelerate the digital transformation of the region, make good use of the advantages of the East Asian markets, and vigorously carry out practical cooperation in artificial intelligence and digital economy, said Wang. China is willing to actively carry out cooperation on energy security and promote green growth, he added, vowing the country will also continue to share its experience in poverty reduction with all parties in an effort to help the regional countries ensure better development. Building foundation for East Asian values Wang said the countries should jointly pursue the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom for all mankind, and actively cooperate in education, culture and media sectors. He urged the East Asia to contribute to global stability, economic recovery and orderly global governance. The foreign ministers of Japan, the ROK and the ASEAN member states shared Wang's view on the importance of the 10+3 mechanism and the remarkable results it has achieved. The countries should adhere to solidarity, openness and inclusion, improve partnership, deepen connectivity, ensure a smooth flow of supply and industrial chains, enhance their resilience to tackle various types of challenges, and work together for regional development and prosperity, they said. The APT foreign ministers also wished the ongoing Tokyo Olympics success, and expressed their expectations for the Beijing Winter Olympics next year. Afghan security forces start operations against Taliban fighters around Torkham border point between Afghanistan and Pakistan in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, July 23, 2021. /Getty The Taliban and the Afghan government are far apart in U.S.-backed talks on bringing peace to the country, with the insurgents demanding "the lion's share of power" in a new government and Kabul wanting to bring them into the current government, the special U.S. envoy on Afghanistan said on Tuesday. Afghan-born veteran U.S. diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad's comment coincides with Taliban advances on provincial capitals as the U.S. troop pullout nears completion after 20 years of war. "At this point, they (the Taliban) are demanding that they take the lion's share of power in the next government given the military situation as they see it," Khalilzad told the Aspen Security Forum in an online conference. The deadlocked negotiations in the Qatari capital of Doha were the subject of a telephone call on Tuesday between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, the U.S. State Department said, adding that the two agreed on the need to accelerate the talks. Blinken and Ghani also "condemned the ongoing Taliban attacks and displacement of the civilian population," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement. Price told reporters that the insurgents would become "international pariahs" if they renege on their commitment to the negotiations "and the concern on the part of all of us, one of the many concerns, is that the result will be civil war." U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad (C) sits in a coffee shop ahead of a session of the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban in the Qatari capital Doha, July 17, 2021. /CFP Khalilzad was the architect of the U.S.-Taliban deal for a U.S. troop pullout reached in February 2020. In his rare public assessment of the Doha talks started under that deal, Khalilzad said peace can only be reached through a ceasefire and negotiations that would establish a transitional government. Ghani's administration says the talks should focus on "bringing the Taliban into the current government," he said. The Taliban contend that Ghani's government "is the result of military occupation" and they want an agreement on a transitional government and constitution, Khalilzad continued. "They are far apart," he said. "They are trying to affect each other's calculus and the terms by what they are doing on the battlefield," he said. Peace talks between the Afghan government and Taliban negotiators started last year in Doha, without making any substantive progress despite a few rounds. However, the two sides committed to speeding up the talks at a recent meeting. During a visit to China last week, the Taliban's political chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar said the group is sincere about seeking peace and is willing to work with other parties to create an extensive and inclusive political arrangement that is acceptable to all Afghan people. Nevertheless, the security situation continues to worsen in Afghanistan. A massive blast rocked Kabul on Tuesday evening, sending a thick plume of smoke into the sky. A security official said the explosion happened near Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi's residence in central Kabul. Meanwhile, fighting is raging for Lashkar Gah, the capital of southern Helmand Province, with the United Nations saying at least 40 civilians were killed in the last 24 hours. (With input from Reuters, AFP) By Liu Yujing and Yan Liang LHASA, Aug. 4 -- The PLA Tibet Military Command hosted a setting-out ceremony in Lhasa on the morning of August 3 for two teams respectively participating in the "Elbrus Ring" and "Army of Culture" of the International Army Games (IAG) 2021 to be held in Russia. This is the fourth time for the Tibet Military Command to dispatch troops to compete in the "Elbrus Ring" event on behalf of China, and the first time to participate in the "Army of Culture" event. The participants for "Elbrus Ring" are selected through multiple rounds of selection and 20 elites are shortlisted finally, while the 12 participants for the Army of Culture are selected from the art troupe under the Political Work Department of Tibet Military Command. The "Elbrus Ring" event is held in Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe. It is a comprehensive competition of field skills for teams in high mountains with a total distance of about 116 kilometers from the elevation of 2,356 meters to 5,642 meters, making it feature the longest time span, the most subjects, the highest requirements on physical capability and the worst competition environment among all the events in IAG. The competition will kick off on August 22, local time in Russia, and last for 13 days. Participants from various countries have to complete 15 tasks including cliff climbing, mountain orienteering, and group shooting. Nine countries including China and Russia will participate this year. It is learned that the troops of the Tibet Military Command has carried out preparations for five months, during which extreme training of physical functions and professional skills are conducted successively in different areas with dense forests, snow mountains and glaciers. Such training enabled the participating players to be more adaptable to the rules of the competition and has effectively tempered the participants' willpower, physical fitness, endurance and military skills. The "Army of Culture" is a competition involving professional performers, creative groups and representatives of military museums and cultural centers from participating countries of the IAG 2021. The competition aims to deepen the friendship and understanding among the people and the armed forces of the participating countries, popularize military songs, and provide participants with the opportunity to display their creative potential and become familiar with the cultural essence of other countries. A total of 16 countries including China, Russia and Kazakhstan will participate in the competition. The two participating teams will arrive in Urumqi on August 6, and then take a military plane to Moscow, Russia on August 8. BEIJING, Aug. 4 -- Recently, a naval rescue detachment under the PLA Northern Theater Command has once again set a deep diving record for a type of deep-sea submersible lifeboat in the South China Sea, further enhancing the extreme rescue capabilities of China's active-service submarines under conditions of great depths and mid-to-far seas. Photo taken on July 14, 2020 shows the Golden Bauhinia Square in south China's Hong Kong. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) - The human rights situation in China is at its best in history. Since the national security law in Hong Kong came into effect more than a year ago, human rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens have suffered "zero damage." - If the United States really wants to "stand with" the Chinese people who "pursue" human rights, it should side with the overwhelming majority, not the other way around. BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Since the new U.S. administration took office, it has not changed the hegemonic behavior of its predecessor on issues related to Hong Kong, having launched at least 13 smear attacks against China on those issues and raved about "standing with Hong Kong people" many times. The U.S. side has also churned out fallacies about the proper measures taken to boost the long-term stability of Hong Kong, including China's implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong and measures to improve Hong Kong's electoral system. Washington has also ganged up with some Western forces to launch a propaganda campaign against China, and even imposed so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials. The unprovoked attacks on China by the new U.S. administration on issues related to Hong Kong are listed below in a bid to restore truths through an account of facts. PART 1 After China's National People's Congress (NPC) adopted a decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on March 11, the U.S. State Department issued a statement to attack and discredit China's decision. The U.S. side also issued a statement with other Group of Seven members to defame China. On March 17, the U.S. State Department announced so-called "sanctions" against 24 Chinese officials, including 14 vice chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee, on the eve of a high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in the U.S. state of Alaska. Aerial photo taken on March 6, 2021 shows citizens displaying China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in support of implementing the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" at Tamar Park in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Li Gang) After the NPC adopted the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department claimed that the decision attacked Hong Kong's democratic process. However, it is purely China's internal affair to design and improve Hong Kong's electoral system, and no foreign force is entitled to interfere. In fact, the United States has its own strict laws against foreign interference in elections, and the U.S. House of Representatives had passed a bill to improve the U.S. electoral system. Why can the United States itself amend its own electoral laws any time it deems necessary but go all out to denigrate China's improvement of such laws for one of its special administrative regions? While the U.S. side alleged that the targets of its so-called "sanctions" have "undermined the high degree of autonomy promised to the people in Hong Kong," the U.S. accusation was not consistent with the facts. The NPC has made decisions on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong and improving the electoral system of Hong Kong respectively. The improved electoral system has ensured the implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," which excludes anti-China, destabilizing forces from the governance structure and better guarantees the national security and the safety of the HKSAR's body of power. It has also better reflected the extensive and balanced political participation by Hong Kong residents, which in no way weakens Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, but is more conducive to the healthy and orderly development of Hong Kong's democratic system. China's measures to maintain the long-term stability of Hong Kong have also won broad international support. During the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), 70 countries issued a joint statement urging relevant parties to stop interfering in issues related to Hong Kong and in China's internal affairs. In addition, another 20-plus countries also voiced support for China's position and measures on issues related to Hong Kong in their respective remarks at the HRC. The U.S. side, by choosing to announce the so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials on the eve of the high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in Alaska, sought to use extreme pressure to gain bargaining chips. However, such unilateral "sanctions" were only a bluff. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) said previously that the U.S. unilateral sanctions are not adopted by the United Nations, thus having no legal effect in Hong Kong. The HKMA's position on unilateral U.S. "sanctions" is clear: Hong Kong banks have no legal responsibility to act in concert with those "sanctions." After the announcement of the so-called "sanctions" by the United States in 2020, anti-China and destabilizing forces rejoiced, claiming that those sanctions were "significant indicators" and "champagne corks will be opened tonight for celebration." They also predicted with confidence that "more sanctions will be imposed in the future, not only on senior officials and middle-level officials, but also those who directly endanger the rule of law in Hong Kong." The truth of the claim that "the United States stands with Hong Kong people" is that the U.S. side will always stand with those who create disturbances and undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. PART 2 On March 30, the amended Annex I and Annex II to the HKSAR Basic Law were passed at the 27th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th NPC, with a unanimous vote from all committee members in attendance. On March 31, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken certified to U.S. Congress that Hong Kong remains undeserving of "special treatment" by the United States under U.S. law. On April 1, U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong Hanscom Smith raved that Hong Kong elections would not produce "meaningful democratic results." The designing and improvement of the electoral system of the HKSAR is China's internal affair. The amendments enjoy sufficient legal basis and fully embody the spirit of the rule of law in governing the country and Hong Kong by law. The newly amended Annexes I and II of the HKSAR Basic Law are systematic amendments to the method for selecting the HKSAR chief executive and the method for forming the HKSAR Legislative Council, respectively. By focusing on reconstituting the Election Committee and increasing empowerment, the amendments represent an overall planning and design for Hong Kong's electoral system, which have not only fixed the loopholes and defects of the original system in a timely manner, but also effectively enhanced the broad representation and balanced participation of the electoral system. They have optimized and developed Hong Kong's democratic system, and have by no means "weakened democracy." Citizens sign their names during a campaign in support of the decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the National People's Congress (NPC) in Hong Kong, south China, March 11, 2021. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai) It is of great significance to improve the electoral system of the HKSAR. By making institutional arrangement at the constitutional level, it combines adherence to the principle of "one country" with respect for the differences between "two systems," and also combines the upholding of the central government's overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong with a guarantee of a high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong. It has fully implemented the fundamental principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," thus ensuring Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity, safeguarding the steady and sustained implementation of the principle of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and giving Hong Kong people a promising future. In any country in the world, loyalty to one's homeland is a basic political ethic that must be observed by civil servants and those who run for public office. In Britain, the electoral system of each region is decided by the central government of Britain. For example, with the highest degree of autonomy, Scotland's electoral system was set by the Scotland Act passed by the British Parliament in 1998 and amended in 2012. Xulio Rios, director of the Observatory of Chinese Politics in Spain, said that the electoral reform shows the firm will of the Chinese government to preserve the stability of Hong Kong and not to sacrifice sovereignty under any circumstances. In an interview with Chinese media, George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, used a vivid expression to illustrate the need to improve Hong Kong's electoral system: to remove hidden enemies in the "Trojan horse." Hong Kong's special economic status is protected by the Basic Law and is generally recognized and respected by the international community. After Hong Kong's return to its motherland, its fiscal and taxation independence, free trade, issuance of its own currency, free flow of capital, and its status as a free port and a separate customs territory have been maintained and consolidated, which fully demonstrates that Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy is working well. While claiming to support Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, the U.S. side has cancelled the so-called "special treatment" for Hong Kong. Facts have proved that it is the U.S. side that has undermined Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong's development achievements stem from the continuous hard work of generations of Hong Kong people and its great advantage of relying on the motherland. They have never been gifts or charity from any foreign country. The cancellation of the so-called "special treatment" by the U.S. side will stop neither Hong Kong's development and prosperity, nor the general trend of Hong Kong's continued integration with the motherland to gain more space for development. Smith denied the significance of improving Hong Kong's electoral system, because under the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," U.S. agents in Hong Kong, namely anti-China and destabilizing forces, will be completely excluded from the governance structure of the HKSAR. This is a huge defeat for those anti-China forces in the United States and the West who stand with such agents. PART 3 On April 16, anti-China Hong Kong disruptors, including Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and Martin Lee Chu-ming, were sentenced by a Hong Kong court according to law. Later, Blinken tweeted that the sentences "are unacceptable," and called for the release of those disruptors. He also added the hashtag #StandWithHongKong at the end of his tweet. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also tweeted that she was "saddened and disturbed" by the sentences, and smeared the sentences as "another sign of Beijing's assault on the rule of law." U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., the United States, Feb. 25, 2021. The U.S. House on Thursday voted to pass an act that will prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. (Photo by Ting Shen/Xinhua) Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law. The evidence for the illegal activities of those anti-China Hong Kong disruptors is rock solid, and no external force has the right to butt in. The West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts announced on April 16 to sentence Jimmy Lai to 14 months in prison for organizing and participating in illegal assemblies on Aug. 18, 2019 in Hong Kong Island, and for participating in an unauthorized assembly on Aug. 31, 2019. The court also heard two other cases that Lai was involved in, including suspected of violating the national security law in Hong Kong and fraud, which were adjourned to June 15 and May 6 respectively. The prosecutor also filed charges against Lai over collusion with external forces to endanger national security and conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. Facts showed that such perpetrators as Lai and Lee have colluded with Western anti-China forces for a long time and raised the devil. It was also made public that Lai has built shady connections with the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government-sponsored entity. During the illegal "Occupy Central" movement in 2014 and the chaos over the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance in 2019, the local Apple Daily newspaper, controlled by Lai, served as a propaganda tool for the anti-China and destabilizing forces. Even after the implementation of the national security law, the perpetrators still kept "fighting for the United States" under the disguise of media workers. Their repeated breaking of the bottom line has made them a common enemy of the Hong Kong society. The sentences of those who organized and took part in unauthorized and illegal assemblies are based on sufficient factual evidence, with the procedure totally legal and the verdict made public according to law. Some U.S. politicians, despite chanting the slogan of upholding international rules, have repeatedly trampled on international law and basic norms governing international relations, and wantonly interfered in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs. That fully exposes their entrenched double standards on international rules, the use of which depends on whether they conform to U.S. interests. When illegal demonstrations broke out in Hong Kong, Pelosi called them "a beautiful sight to behold." In sharp contrast, she unscrupulously slandered the normal law-enforcement measures by the Hong Kong police, who had shown maximum restraint. When large-scale riots erupted in Los Angeles in 1992, the same California politician did not meet and incite the organizers of the riots. In 2021, when the U.S. Capitol Hill was under attack, Pelosi, as a congresswoman, did not view the riot as "a beautiful sight to behold," but instead condemned the attackers hard. The ironic contrast laid bare the true color of U.S. politicians' "promise" to firmly stand with the anti-China and destabilizing forces in Hong Kong. PART 4 On May 7, Blinken wrote on Twitter that the country "stands with the people of Hong Kong," while asking the Hong Kong government to immediately release multiple instigators of riots in the city, including Joshua Wong. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before U.S. House Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on March 10, 2021. (Ken Cedeno/Pool via Xinhua) On May 6, four instigators of the Hong Kong riots, including Wong, were sentenced to four to 10 months in prison respectively by the District Court of the HKSAR, for knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly. The facts of the cases are well-founded, and Wong and the others are guilty as charged. The ridiculous demand for the immediate release of the defendants does not respect the rule of law, revealing Washington's attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs. While Hong Kong's laws always respect and protect rights and freedoms under the Basic Law, these rights and freedoms are not absolute, and shall be built upon the maintenance of public order and the protection of rights and freedoms of others. Wong and the others knew the assembly was unauthorized but still took part in it. David Gosset, a French expert on international issues and founder of the Europe-China Forum, described certain Western politicians as hypocrites who turned a blind eye to the violence in Hong Kong. He stressed that the violent and extremist acts in the city, which damaged its people's rights, should be condemned. John Ross, former director of Economic and Business Policy of London, said that he thinks it is a typical example of hypocrisy that certain U.S. politicians play the human rights card only when it comes to Hong Kong affairs. British barrister Grenville Cross, who started working in Hong Kong in 1978 and served as Hong Kong's first director of public prosecutions after the city's return to China, pointed out that international anti-China forces are trying to undermine the practice of "one country, two systems" by destroying the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in order to contain China's development. In 2019, when the Hong Kong government sought to introduce amendments to its extradition laws, anti-China forces in the United States and some other Western countries incited crimes of violence in the city from behind the scenes, insanely challenged the bottom line of "one country, two systems," gravely undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and put its people under extreme anxiety. In 2021, the U.S. side is still sparing no effort to speak for the criminals, including Wong. This demonstrates again that by claiming it "stands with the people of Hong Kong," Washington is actually siding with criminals and treating the Hong Kong people as enemies. PART 5 On May 27, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR voted overwhelmingly to pass the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021. On May 28, Blinken made rash criticism of the bill, calling for the release of all those charged under the national security law in Hong Kong, and dismissal of charges against them. Under the improved electoral system in Hong Kong, the composition of the Election Committee and the Legislative Council is more broadly representative, which reflects the interests of all sectors of the Hong Kong society in a comprehensive and balanced manner, safeguards the executive-led political system, ensures that the Legislative Council performs its duties in accordance with the law, and enhances the effectiveness of the HKSAR's governance. It is also conducive to pushing forward joint social efforts to solve deep-seated problems and promoting people's livelihood and economic development. Before and after the adoption of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, the central government collected opinions from people from all walks of life in Hong Kong in various ways. On March 15-17, the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee, together with the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, held more than 60 symposiums for three consecutive days on the implementation of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR. Together with additional visits and interviews, the relevant views of over 1,000 representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong were extensively and carefully listened to. More than 2.38 million signatures were collected in Hong Kong in support of improving the electoral system of the HKSAR during an 11-day campaign starting from March 11. According to a survey by Hong Kong's think-tank Bauhinia Institute, more than 70 percent of Hong Kong residents believe that the improvement of Hong Kong's electoral system has enhanced their confidence in Hong Kong's future. After the passage of the bill, various sectors of the Hong Kong society, including the Hong Kong Civil Servants General Union, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations, expressed support for the bill. The United States has many electoral laws. In the past two years alone, members of the U.S. Congress have introduced more than 40 bills to improve the U.S. electoral system. On the same day when China's top legislature announced its agenda for improving Hong Kong's electoral system, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a "For the People Act" to improve the electoral system and ensure election security. Photo taken on Feb. 22, 2021 in Brussels, Belgium shows a screen displaying the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) held in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng) On March 5, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of over 70 countries at the 46th session of the UNHRC, emphasizing that Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and should not be interfered by external forces. Ambassador Yury Ambrazevich, head of the Belarus mission to the UN in Geneva, said in an interview after the meeting that "we emphasized that Hong Kong is an integral part of China and Hong Kong affairs are China's internals affairs," stressing that China has the sole authority and responsibility to make any decisions, including on improving Hong Kong's electoral system, to promote Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. Judging from its call for releasing all those charged and dropping charges against them under the national security law in Hong Kong, the U.S. position is very clear: the United States stands "firmly" in opposition to the national security law in Hong Kong, which has guaranteed the transition from chaos to order in Hong Kong and effectively restored the sense of security of Hong Kong citizens. PART 6 On June 3, Blinken issued a statement on the website of U.S. Department of State, claiming that the United States will "stand with the people of China as they demand that their government respect universal human rights." On the following day, he tweeted a call for "the immediate release" of some people in Hong Kong that were arrested. During the disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendments in 2019, anti-China extremist and secessionist groups supported by the United States did not pursue human rights, but trampled on human rights in an attempt to seize the jurisdiction in Hong Kong and subvert the state power. From June 2019 to mid-March 2020, there were more than 1,400 demonstrations and public gatherings in Hong Kong, many of which eventually turned into serious violent incidents, such as throwing petrol bombs, vandalism, and burning shops. Rioters attacked police stations and officers, besieged innocent citizens, doxed people who expressed opinions different from theirs, destroyed subways and public facilities, paralyzed airports, blocked traffic and "occupied" university campuses, posing a long-term grave threat to public safety and order in Hong Kong. Violent protesters throw petrol bombs at police officers in south China's Hong Kong, Aug. 31, 2019. (Xinhua) Data showed that the number of crime cases in Hong Kong had been on a downward trend in the past years before the "Black Terror" in 2019, but the social unrest reversed the trend, as the number rose by 9 percent and 7 percent respectively in 2019 and 2020. Luo Changqing, a 70-year-old cleaner in Hong Kong, was hit by rioters and died of serious wounds. A Hong Kong resident surnamed Lee was poured with flammable liquid and set ablaze, following an argument with rioters who were thrashing public facilities. He suffered from burns on almost half of his body, and was once in a critical condition. Chan Tze-chin, a Hong Kong lawyer, was surrounded and viciously beaten up by rioters after he berated them for thrashing shops in a busy shopping area in Causeway Bay, and suffered multiple physical injuries. More than half of the stores of Best Mart 360, the Hong Kong-based snack chain, were vandalized in the social unrest. Yonden Lhatoo, chief news editor at the South China Morning Post, wrote in an article in 2020: "So when Americans take to the streets in an eruption of rage against systemic racism that has afflicted their country since its founding, they are 'rioters' who deserve to be shot dead? But when radicals in Hong Kong go on the rampage, hurling petrol bombs, destroying public property ... they are mighty champions of freedom?" The United States itself has terrible human rights records. The Russian Foreign Ministry on July 9 released country reports on human rights situation, which point out that the United States continues to grossly violate human rights both inside the country and beyond its shores. The freedom of the press in the United States, to which Washington declares adherence, is sliding into complete degradation, and the level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of discrimination and xenophobia continue to rise. The human rights situation in China is at its best in history. Since the national security law in Hong Kong came into effect more than a year ago, human rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens have suffered "zero damage." If the United States really wants to "stand with" the Chinese people who "pursue" human rights, it should side with the overwhelming majority, not the other way around. (more) NEW DELHI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- India's first indigenously designed and built aircraft carrier Vikrant Wednesday began its sea trials off the coast of Kochi in the southern state of Kerala, officials said. "Proud and historic day for India as the reincarnated Vikrant sails for her maiden sea trials today, in the 50th year of her illustrious predecessor's key role in victory in the 1971 war," reads a brief statement issued by the Indian navy. The navy also described the carrier as the "largest and most complex warship ever to be designed and built in India." An official statement said Vikrant's propulsion plants will be put to rigorous testing at the sea in addition to the trials of various navigation, communication and hull equipment. "The commencement of sea trials of the indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC) after trials of various equipment at the harbor, especially during these difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic is a landmark achievement for the country," the official statement said. The IAC is the largest warship built in the country having a displacement of about 40,000 tonnes. The IAC is 262 meters long, 62 meters at the widest part and a height of 59 meters including the superstructure. India's Defense Minister Rajnath Singh took to social media and described it as a "realization of historic milestone." Guests pose for a group photo during a ceremony themed on National Security Education Day in south China's Hong Kong, April 15, 2021. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) PART 7 In June, Smith said in an interview that the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong had created an "atmosphere of coercion" that threatens both the city's freedoms and its standing as an international business hub. The disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendments in June 2019 dealt a heavy blow to Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood. In 2019, Hong Kong's economy posted the first negative growth in 10 years. Official data showed that around half of service industries recorded year-on-year decreases in business revenues, as accommodation services and retail industries dropped 14.3 percent and 11.1 percent respectively, with tourist visits to Hong Kong slumping, and unemployment in retails, hospitality and catering sectors staying high. Since the national security law in Hong Kong took effect by the end of June 2020, the society has returned to the right track and residents have lived in peace, opening up a new situation in Hong Kong where order replaces chaos. In the first quarter of 2021, the city's number of crimes dropped about 10 percent year-on-year, while gross domestic product (GDP) saw a 7.9 percent year-on-year increase. In June, the International Monetary Fund released a report that reaffirmed Hong Kong's position as an international financial center. According to the World Investment Report 2021 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Hong Kong remained the world's third largest destination for foreign direct investment in 2020. The national security law in Hong Kong only targets four types of offences, namely, secession, subversion, terrorist activities and collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security. It is designed to deter and punish a handful of criminals seriously jeopardizing national security, and to protect the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Hong Kong people. All efforts and law enforcement relating to safeguarding national security will be conducted in strict accordance with legal provisions, mandates and procedures. The legislation will not affect the rights and freedoms, including those of speech, of the press, of publication and of assembly that Hong Kong residents enjoy under the law. It will enable them to better exercise their lawful rights and freedoms in a secure environment. The legislation, since taking effect, has better ensured the city's high degree of autonomy in accordance with law, and created conditions for resolving deep-rooted problems concerning Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood. It also contributes to Hong Kong's rule-of-law and business environment, addresses the concerns in the business communities on social turbulences, and creates better conditions for people around the world who are willing to work, invest and live in Hong Kong. Washington, while chanting the slogan of "stand with Hong Kong people," has in fact engaged in actions against the national security law in Hong Kong and imposing the so-called "sanctions." Such self-contradictory behaviour exposed its hypocrisy and despicableness. Photo taken on May 28, 2021 shows the U.S. Capitol building behind a traffic sign in Washington, D.C., the United States. U.S. Senate Republicans on Friday blocked legislation to establish an independent commission to investigate the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol riot. (Xinhua/Liu Jie) PART 8 On June 25, the White House put out on its website a statement regarding the closing down of Hong Kong's Apple Daily, in which it falsely accused China of suppressing press freedom. The Apple Daily, under the cloak of a media outlet, had long engaged in illegal acts of harming the country and destabilizing Hong Kong, seriously violating the journalistic ethics and jeopardizing the media environment of Hong Kong. The newspaper had long been engaged in concocting fake news to mislead the public. During the turbulence over proposed ordinance amendments in Hong Kong in 2019, the newspaper produced a flurry of fake news and peddled wrong values to perplex the public, disseminate "anti-police" and "anti-China" remarks, and instigate "Black Violence." Hong Kong is a society governed by rule of law and everyone is equal before the law. No one has extra-legal privileges, and no institution is an extra-legal entity. Hong Kong police act against individuals and companies suspected of endangering national security in strict accordance with the law, and their actions are a just move to crack down on crimes and maintain the rule of law and social order. Those who describe moves on an individual news organization and on those in charge of an individual news organization as acts to crack down on press freedom have ulterior motives and are seeking to talk black into white. It is the United States which has brutally suppressed the media and restricted press freedom. Analyses by The Guardian and Netherlands-based investigative journalism website Bellingcat showed from May 26, 2020 to June 2, 2020 alone, there were 148 arrests or attacks on journalists covering protests ignited by the killing of George Floyd, among which 34 instances involved officers physically assaulting journalists, and 33 instances involved journalists being arrested or detained. A female photojournalist was left blinded in the left eye by a police projectile during one of the protests. In 2021, the U.S. government forcibly shut down more than 30 foreign news media websites. German writer Michael Lueders has revealed in his new book "The Hypocritical Superpower" that the U.S. government and its interest groups are apt at influencing and shaping public opinion by selecting information and polarizing public views, so that people are brainwashed without any realization. Washington's repeated provocations in this respect reveal that it is in fact a mastermind of troubles and a public opinion manipulator. In fact, the press freedom in Hong Kong has not been damaged, but has been consolidated. At present, there are 93 local, 69 overseas and 39 online media organizations registered with the government, respectively, showing increases from a year ago. The press and the general public exercise the right of supervision every day and enjoy the freedom to criticize the administration of the HKSAR government. There is no obstruction for overseas media to interview people with different positions. PART 9 On July 7, the White House announced the extension of the so-called "national emergency with respect to Hong Kong" and of relevant Hong Kong-related sanctions for one year, and continued with the cancellation of preferential treatment for Hong Kong. The so-called "national emergency with respect to Hong Kong," a measure announced by former U.S. President Donald Trump's administration on July 14, 2020, is a gross interference in China's internal affairs. The extension of the so-called "national emergency" also marked the first time that Joe Biden, since taking office as U.S. president, continued with Trump's thinking on Hong Kong from the perspective of policy implementation, and once again publicly intervened in Hong Kong affairs, which are China's internal affairs. Such an act seriously undermined China's sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong residents celebrate the passage of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in Causeway Bay of south China's Hong Kong, June 30, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Shen) Hong Kong had always been an excuse for Washington to put pressure on Beijing during the Trump administration. At the end of June 2020, the Law on Safeguarding National Security in HKSAR was promulgated and implemented. Trump then signed an executive order, declaring that the United States immediately entered a "national emergency" on the grounds that the situation in Hong Kong would pose a "threat" to the national security, economy and foreign policy of the United States. At the same time, the country also ended its special treatment for Hong Kong. Previously, Hong Kong enjoyed treatment that many cities in the Chinese mainland did not have, mainly in immigration, import and export control, tourism and economy. The Biden administration followed the Trump administration's wrong acts on Hong Kong, extending the so-called "national emergency," and continued with its outrageous sanctions against China. Sanctions on Hong Kong, however, will surely backfire and bite the United States. Official data released by China last year showed that there were around 85,000 U.S. citizens and more than 1,300 U.S. enterprises in Hong Kong, including almost all of America's major financial firms. Over the years, the United States has gained a huge trade surplus from its trade with Hong Kong, and its interests in Hong Kong have been deep and direct. Sanctions will bring "complexities" to U.S. enterprises in Hong Kong, subjecting their normal operations to political risks. In as early as 2020, there was wide condemnation around the world against the so-called "sanctions" imposed on Hong Kong by countries such as the United States. Chester Humphrey, president of the Senate of Grenada, pointed out that the United States just wanted to divert the attention of the American people from domestic problems, and that its "sanctions" against other countries were illegal. Patricio Giusto, director of the Sino-Argentine Observatory, said that the so-called "sanctions" will not pose a substantial threat and have no legal basis, which once again exposed the "double standards" of U.S. politicians. "Standing with Hong Kong" on one hand and relentlessly sticking to sanctioning it on the other is the absurd logic of U.S. politicians and a logic that no one, including Hong Kong people, can understand. PART 10 On July 10, the U.S. Department of State posted a statement issued by 21 members of the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" on its website, expressing "strong concerns" about the judicial organs of the HKSAR handling the case of Apple Daily according to law, and falsely claiming that "the use of the National Security Law to suppress journalism is a serious and negative step." Freedom is not laissez-faire. Scientific rationality, legal order and international rules are the foundation of freedom. As Montesquieu said in The Spirit of Law, "liberty is the right to do what the law permits." Any freedom has boundaries. Even the so-called "free countries" have also defined clear forbidden zones and restrictions for freedom, and it is never allowed to break through the bottom line of the legal system. "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic," said U.S. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in a judgement in 1919. Constitutions of over 100 countries in the world stipulate that the exercise of basic rights and freedoms must not endanger national security. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights clarifies that the rights to freedom of belief, expression, peaceful assembly and public trial must be subject to necessary restrictions on grounds of national security, public order, public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others. The European Convention on Human Rights has similar provisions. The United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and other countries have also established strict legal systems to safeguard national security, and have no mercy in cracking down on criminal acts endangering national security. In the United States, although the First Amendment to the Constitution stipulates that freedom of speech and press should be ensured, the country still set up state agencies that conduct oversight over on the media. The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for issuing licenses to radio and television stations in the United States and imposes basic restrictions on program content. The U.S. Supreme Court has also said that speech that "directed to inciting imminent lawless action and is likely to produce such action" is not protected. In Germany, denial of the Holocaust and other forms of incitement to hatred against certain ethnic groups are punishable by up to five years in prison. In August 2018, the German Federal Constitutional Court said in a ruling that punishing the denial of Nazi genocide is fundamentally in line with the constitutional provisions on freedom of speech. In France, the current Law on the Freedom of the Press clearly stipulates that damaging the basic interests of the country, abetting crimes, slandering and insulting, and spreading false news through the media are all illegal and criminal acts, and must be punished. Penalties include fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of publications. Jimmy Lai Chee-ying is taken by the police to the headquarters of Apple Daily for investigation in Hong Kong, south China, Aug. 10, 2020. (Xinhua/Lui Siu Wai) Hong Kong police arrested and prosecuted Apple Daily and its personnel and froze related properties for colluding with external forces and jeopardizing national security. These actions are a necessary and legitimate move to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong, and has nothing to do with protecting freedom of speech and the press. The United States gathered some members of the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" to beautify and excuse the anti-China and destabilizing Hong Kong media outlets and their employees in an attempt to put pressure on China. Its actions seriously desecrated the spirit of law and seriously violated the conscience of the media. Apple Daily is also a mirror, which not only reflects the ending of the anti-China and destabilizing Hong Kong forces, but also clearly reflects the "double standards" of the U.S. side in dealing with the Hong Kong issue. We would like to ask, are Hong Kong people willing to stand with such politicians and governments? PART 11 On July 16, as a bid to smear Hong Kong's business environment, the U.S. government issued a so-called "business advisory" to caution U.S. businesses about "emerging risks" to their operations and activities in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Washington imposed sanctions on seven officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. The U.S. advisory, which attempts to discredit the national security law in Hong Kong while stating that Hong Kong is still a popular investment and trade location for the United States and that it provides competitive financial, trade and professional services, is self-contradictory and illogical. Investors' moves are an important indicator of Hong Kong's business environment. More than a year after the implementation of the national security law, the initial public offering funds raised in Hong Kong exceeded 500 billion Hong Kong dollars (64.35 billion U.S. dollars), representing an increase of more than 50 percent year-on-year. Total deposits in Hong Kong banks rose by over 5 percent from a year ago. The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong said that the city has a crucial role to play as an international business hub, and that it "remains a critical and vibrant facilitator of trade and financial flow between the East and West." Jim Thompson, chairman and founder of logistics company Crown Worldwide Group, said the U.S. administration is making it "harder for American investors to do business in the city, which is like putting handcuffs on them ... This is so sad." Experts and scholars believe that the so-called "business advisory" from the U.S. government will not affect corporate decisions -- while the United States regularly issues similar warnings, businesses make their own judgements. The enterprises did not withdraw from Hong Kong even when black-clad rioters were running wild in the city, and they are less likely to do so now as Hong Kong's social order has been restored and the city's development has been back on track under the protection of the national security law. The stepped-up sanctions by the United States have already backfired and bitten the country itself. U.S. trade surplus with Hong Kong totaled 297 billion dollars from 2009 to 2018. When the sanctions were imposed, U.S. trade and finance were the first to take a hit. In a Foreign Affairs article published mid-July, former U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong Kurt W. Tong wrote that the U.S. Treasury Department knows "sanctions on major Chinese banks could trigger significant instability in the international payment system, by interrupting the huge volume of financial transactions between the world's two largest economies," which would "in turn harm U.S. financial markets and the perceived reliability of the U.S.-centric global payments system." When even the American people are unwilling to stand with their own government, the lie of U.S. politicians that they "stand with the people of Hong Kong" naturally falls apart. CONCLUSION U.S. politicians have been constantly claiming to defend Hong Kong's human rights and freedom and "stand with the people of Hong Kong." But actions speak louder than words. All their slogans have proved to be nothing but lies. All Chinese people including people in Hong Kong have already clearly seen what these politicians are defending is not the Hong Kong people's human rights and freedom, but the "freedom" of a handful of rioters to disrupt Hong Kong's stability and endanger China's national security, and the "freedom" of these politicians to continue interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and containing China. Radical protesters attack police officers in Tsuen Wan in the western New Territories of south China's Hong Kong, Aug. 25, 2019. (Xinhua) Under the pretext of democracy and human rights, these politicians have been offering real endorsements for the rioters, which fully exposes the double standards of these U.S. politicians. They condemned the Capital riot with utmost rage, but nevertheless called similar acts in Hong Kong "a beautiful sight to behold." They have enacted the world's most thorough national security law at home, but nevertheless tried to smear China's parallel efforts to plug the security hole in Hong Kong. In the name of "press freedom," they are interfering with and undermining the rule of law in Hong Kong. Amid the closure of Apple Daily, those U.S. politicians fully exposed their tricks to smear others. They tried to turn some media organizations into extra-legal entities for anti-China forces to disrupt Hong Kong and contain China. By making waves on Hong Kong issues, the U.S. side has revealed itself as the "black hand" in stirring up opposition and controlling public opinion. The so-called "press freedom" is nothing but a fig leaf for their self interests. They twisted facts, deliberately smeared the rule of law in Hong Kong and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs. "Patriots administering Hong Kong" is the trend of the times and the aspiration of the Hong Kong people. Improving Hong Kong's electoral system is necessary for the sustained and healthy development of Hong Kong's democratic system. When peace and stability were finally restored in Hong Kong, and the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens were better protected in a secure environment, the United States leveled accusations and attacked Hong Kong's efforts to improve its electoral system, and continued to demonize the national security law in Hong Kong, which fully exposes Washington's hegemonic nature. While habitually bullying others and wielding the big stick of sanctions, those U.S. politicians have in fact exhausted their tactics. For them, only a chaotic Hong Kong serves their interests. The more stable Hong Kong is, the more anxious they will be. And now, their "agents" were arrested. Their plans for disturbing the city have failed. No matter how much pressure or how many rounds of sanctions the United States can impose, they will be nothing but waste paper. All in all, some U.S. politicians' concern about Hong Kong's democracy is a sham. Their true intention is to meddle in Hong Kong's politics and China's internal affairs. Their real purpose is to use Hong Kong as a tool to realize their political interests and contain China's development. The so-called "standing with the Hong Kong people" is nothing but a cover to deceive the world and reflects the hypocrisy of the U.S. politicians. What they are doing is to make enemies with the Hong Kong people. Those politicians are advised to stop repeating these cliches. In 1840, Britain opened the door of China with ships and guns, and Hong Kong was gradually occupied by Britain. For more than 100 years since then, the Chinese people have waged indomitable struggles for national liberation, national independence and social progress. Today, the Chinese nation has made a great leap from standing up, getting prosperous to becoming strong, and their effort to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. China has become an important force in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and its relations with the rest of the world have undergone tremendous changes. With the implementation of a series of effective measures, including the national security law, Hong Kong's social order has been restored, its development has returned to the right track, and the city has opened a new chapter with good governance. Hong Kong is getting more stable and prosperous with a better implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle. This is the strongest response to those U.S. politicians who slander Beijing's Hong Kong policy. No one can stop Hong Kong from reclaiming its glorious past. The Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress or enslave them, and the cause of "one country, two systems" will never be obstructed or undermined by any external force. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. History has proved countless times that the final victory will always belong to the indomitable Chinese people. With worries of a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections overwhelming the country's hospitals, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced Tuesday that only seriously ill coronavirus patients or those at risk of becoming so will be admitted for treatment. Others infected with COVID-19 will have to isolate at home in order to try to make sure there are enough beds available. Japan is adding about 10,000 new cases per day, prompting the head of the Japan Medical Association to call Tuesday for a nationwide state of emergency. In China, authorities said Tuesday all residents of Wuhan will be tested after the city recorded its first domestic infections in more than a year. The virus was first detected in Wuhan in late 2019, and the city of 11 million people was put under a strict lockdown in January 2020 that lasted 76 days. As many countries worry about the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus, Korean health officials on Tuesday reported the country's first two cases of a sublineage known as delta plus. Britain, Portugal and India are among countries that previously reported a few cases of delta plus infections. U.S. President Joe Biden said New York state Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign after a report released Tuesday by the state's attorney general found that Cuomo had sexually harassed numerous women in violation of federal and state laws, allegations that he vehemently denied. "I think he should resign," Biden told reporters Tuesday afternoon at a press conference in Washington. Letitia James, New York's attorney general, said Cuomo allegedly targeted 11 current and former employees of the state government. The probe uncovered a "climate of fear" created by Cuomo's behavior, which included unwanted kisses, groping, hugging and making unacceptable remarks, James said. She said the investigation also found that the Democratic governor had retaliated against at least one former employee for complaining about his actions. At a news conference in Albany, Cuomo denied any wrongdoing, declaring, "I never touched anyone inappropriately." "That is just not who I am, and that's not who I have ever been," he added. In March, Biden said Cuomo, a fellow Democrat, should resign if the investigation confirmed allegations of harassment. "I don't know that anyone could've watched this morning and not found the allegations to be abhorrent. I know I did," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday. South Korea's spymaster on Tuesday claimed North Korea is "willing" to improve cross-border relations if joint South Korea-U.S. military drills are suspended. "It was North Korean leader Kim Jong-un who requested the reconnection of inter-Korean communication lines, which shows his intention to improve inter-Korean relations," National Intelligence Service chief Park Jie-won told the National Assembly's Intelligence Committee. Park said South Korea should "consider taking a flexible approach toward the joint drills to maintain momentum of dialogue and draw a big picture of North Korea's denuclearization." That is more or less the official government line but unlikely to win any sympathy from the U.S., which insists the drills must go ahead to provide vital training. Service improvement is new direction for insurance sector From:ChinaDaily | 2021-08-04 15:39 Service improvement will be a focus for the development of the country's insurance sector in upcoming years, industry experts said at a recent forum. "Chinese insurance companies don't suffer from a lack of quality products but are short of quality services," said Jiang Ming, president of Datong Insurance Sales & Services Company Ltd. "Therefore, the industry should make more efforts in improving relevant services." Datong, for instance, just upgraded its products by expanding its service scope and quality by including health care and medical evacuation. Relying on Kray Beijing, an emergency rescue platform under Datong operating 24 hours a day, Datong established a network system around the world to provide services in various fields for customers, such as global travel assistance and medical assessment. The newly added service "Tong Yicha" covers nearly 300 items of information from different insurance companies. Based on Datong's insurance service, it helps customers quickly inquire about possible rights and interests according to their insurance policy information. As an important part of China's insurance industry, the market share of insurance intermediaries has been increasing under the environment of separation between production and marketing. Because of fierce price competition, the development of service becomes a new direction. As far as consumers are concerned, an insurance product should not only be a sales process, but truly cover the whole extent of customers' demand with quality services. Insurance intermediaries need to break down the barriers between different companies and demand in services, which serves as the main focus of intermediaries' efforts. Xu Xian, head of the Department of Insurance and Risk Management at Fudan University, said service is very important to both insurance customers and companies. The basis of insurance companies is to keep customers. Only by ensuring customers' rights and interests and maintaining the relationship can companies achieve sustainable development. The key to all this lies in providing quality service to customers. Wang Hao contributed to this story Shanghai's new local coronavirus case is the Delta variant strain By:Zhao Chunyuan, Fu Yifei | From:english.eastday.com | 2021-08-04 17:26 On August 2, Shanghai reported a newly confirmed local case. The Information Office of Shanghai Municipality held a municipal government press conference on August 4, introducing that the strain of this case is the Delta variant strain. It has no association with the recent domestic cases in China, but has a high homology with the Delta strain. According to the comprehensive research from the experts, the source of infection in this case can be traced to exposure to imported viruses. Zhang Wenhong, head of the Center for Infectious Disease at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, said at the press conference that the Delta Virus spreads faster than previous viruses. It also has a longer incubation period and a higher viral load, leading to the increasing imported coronavirus cases in China and further spread and infections. However, there is no doubt that the vaccine still has a strong protective effect against the Delta variant and, therefore, the solution is to further expand vaccination coverage. Up to August 3, 2021, a total of 38.21 million doses of vaccines have been administered in Shanghai, covering about 20.57 million people, among which 18.8 million people have completed the whole process of vaccination. So far, the vaccine reserve in Shanghai is sufficient. Vaccination can effectively reduce the risk of infection, severe symptoms and even death. It is recommended that unvaccinated citizens make an appointment for vaccination as soon as possible. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. New Braunfels, TX (78130) Today Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds SSE at 10 to 15 mph. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Woburn, MA (01801) Today A few passing clouds. Low 66F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight A few passing clouds. Low 66F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Workers across the country are using Trade Hounds to showcase their work and find jobs You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close Woodville, AL (35768) Today Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Cloudy this evening with showers after midnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 40%. Woodville, AL (35768) Today Partly cloudy this evening followed by mostly cloudy skies and a few showers after midnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%.. Tonight Partly cloudy this evening followed by mostly cloudy skies and a few showers after midnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 30%. Started in 1932, Indiana Heartland Federal Credit Unions history is rooted in service to members of Kokomos agricultural and healthcare communities, beginning with Indiana Farm Bureau and expanding to include St. Joseph Hospital. In Ivy Techs Kokomo Campus Transformation, they found an opportunity to honor both lines of their heritage. When our leadership team toured the new Kokomo Campus, we were so impressed and knew we wanted to be a part of this transformative project in our community, said Buffey Hedrick, the credit unions chief executive officer. Being in the business of finance, we have noticed many members with massive debts they are unable to pay off in a timely manner, she continued. Any time members can save money by going to Ivy Tech, then we know their future will be brighter and financially more healthy. We are proud to support areas that will serve both agriculture and healthcare and nursing students for years to come without the stress of how to pay it back. Thanks to a generous donation approved by the credit unions board of directors, Ivy Techs new campus now includes Indiana Heartland FCU Faculty and Staff Reception Area in the Health Professions Center and the Indiana Heartland FCU Student Commons in the new Agriculture and Automotive Technology Building. Hedrick was joined by three of the FCUs board members Steve Carter, Nicholas Smith-McCombs, and David Trine and two members of her staff Amber White, vice president of operations, and Mary James, marketing and compliance specialist to visit the new Indiana Heartland FCU-sponsored facilities. For Amber White, who graduated from Ivy Tech Kokomo in 2004 with an associate degree in office administration, the new campus is a true revelation. When I was here, Ivy Tech was just in the one building, she remembered. Interestingly, she also worked in what is now the Agriculture and Automotive Center when it was home to a help desk call center operated by EDS, then the leader in the development of computerized offices at Delphi Electronics. It was her work as an Ivy Tech student intern in the engineering offices of Delphis Plant 10 that had caught their eye and kicked off her career in office administration. Nicholas Smith-McCombs praised the College for the hands-on instruction it offers in every program. Often, college grads are blocked from getting a job because they dont have experience to go along with their degree, he said. Its great that Ivy Tech offers that. David Trine agreed. We have a great history in Kokomo in the automotive industry and the medical field and both have urgent needs for skilled employees, he said. Investing in Ivy Tech is investing in our future, in our kids, in our families. The path forward is through education and technology. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute For Mary James, the technology and hands-on experience offered at Ivy Tech Kokomo will make a huge impact on the community. Students can receive the real-world experience needed for their job field, she said. I am absolutely amazed by the technology you have here. I feel this transformation is putting Ivy Tech on the map, not only for Howard County but by also bringing in people from the surrounding counties, she continued. Its going to become a staple in our community. Trine said Ivy Tech fills an important niche. There are a lot of people who wont succeed on a big campus, people just out of high school or those mid-career who are looking to change careers, he said. Ivy Tech offers a high-quality education at a inexpensive rate, with no room and board charges. Our students can get what they need locally to have successful careers. Kelly Karickhoff, executive director of resource development for Ivy Techs Kokomo Service Area, thanked the Indiana Heartland team members for their support of the campaign. Im just thrilled you wanted to support two spaces that are connected to your heritage, she said. Students and faculty alike in a number of our programs will benefit from both areas. Indiana Heartlands donation is part of a capital campaign that is nearing its goal of raising $3 million in community support to complete the $43 million transformation of the Ivy Tech Kokomo Campus. An open house, to officially unveil the new campus at 1815 E. Morgan St., is set for Saturday, Sept. 18, from 1 to 4 p.m. The entire community is invited to come for tour of the new facilities along with demonstrations, games, and refreshments. For more information on the campus transformation, go to swww.ivytech.edu/kokomotransformation or contact Karickhoff at kkarickhoff@ivytech.edu or 765-252-5501. A series of meetings across the state will allow Hoosiers to have a voice in Indianas redistricting process. On Aug. 6-7 and Aug. 11, each of Indianas nine congressional districts will host a meeting focused on redrawing district lines. The state is required to redraw districts for the U.S. House of Representatives, the Indiana House of Representatives and the Indiana Senate based on the results of the recently completed census. While no meetings will be held in Kokomo, Howard County residents have the option of traveling to Lafayette or Anderson on Aug. 6 (10 a.m. at each citys local Ivy Tech campus) or to Indianapolis on Aug. 11 (1-3 p.m. in the House Chamber at the Indiana Statehouse). Other meetings will occur in Ft. Wayne, Valparaiso, Elkhart, Columbus, Evansville, and Sellersberg. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute State Rep. Tim Wesco (R-Osceola), chair of the House Committee on Elections and Apportionment, will chair the redistricting meetings in the north, and State Sen. Jon Ford (R-Terre Haute), chair of the Senate Committee on Elections, will chair the meetings in the south. Wesco and Ford are expected to co-chair the central Indiana meeting. "Public input on redistricting is extremely important to the map-drawing process," Ford said. "We look forward to hearing from Hoosiers from all over Indiana during these meetings." "I believe it is always important for the public to be involved in the governmental process, said Jennifer Jack, chairwoman of the Howard County Republican Party. The redistricting meetings are no different. Legislators look forward to hearing input directly from their constituents. And I am confident that with that input and the statistics provided by the latest census, both will contribute to a map that will continue to meet all statutory and constitutional requirements. The Howard County Democratic Party could not be reached for comment. Ivy Tech campus meeting room information will be updated as it's available on the Indiana General Assembly's website at iga.in.gov. Meetings will be livestreamed and archived at iga.in.gov. Indiana residents will also have the option to draw their own district maps online and submit them for consideration when census data is released on Aug. 16. Jason Momoa wouldn't play his 'Game of Thrones' character again. The 42-year-old star portrayed Kahl Drogo in the fantasy drama series and he admitted it was "really, really, really hard" to shoot some of his scenes, including the Dothraki leader's wedding night rape of his young new wife Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) but he accepted it was his job at the time, though it's not an experience he's keen to repeat. Asked by the New York Times newspaper if he thought differently about the scenes or had any regrets, he said: "Well, it was important to depict Drogo and his style. You're playing someone that's like Genghis Khan. It was a really, really, really hard thing to do. But my job was to play something like that, and it's not a nice thing, and it's what that character was. "It's not my job to go, 'Would I not do it?' I've never really been questioned about 'Do you regret playing a role?' "We'll put it this way: I already did it. Not doing it again." Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Later in the interview, Jason admitted he felt the question was "icky" and he was "bummed" by the suggestion he should have intervened to have the scene changed. He said: "I wanted to bring something up that left a bad feeling in my stomach. When you brought up Game of Thrones, you brought up stuff about what's happening with my character and would I do it again. " I was bummed when you asked me that. It just feels icky putting it upon me to remove something. As if an actor even had the choice to do that. "We're not really allowed to do anything. "There are producers, there are writers, there are directors, and you don't get to come in and be like, 'I'm not going do that because this isn't kosher right now and not right in the political climate.' That never happens. So it's a question that feels icky. I just wanted you to know that." (The Center Square) After the federal government made the controversial decision to require that its employees receive the COVID-19 vaccine, multiple private companies are now following suit. Multiple major U.S. companies announced Tuesday they would require vaccinations for their employees, a decision that has sparked controversy and likely legal challenges. Tyson Chicken and Microsoft are two of the largest and most recent companies to make the announcement, saying their U.S. employees must be vaccinated. As people have heard, new variants of COVID-19 are more contagious, more deadly and responsible for most cases in America today, Tyson said in its announcement. In some communities, doctors and hospitals are once again overwhelmed, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reporting nearly all hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. are among those who are unvaccinated. It is abundantly clear that getting vaccinated is the single most effective thing we can do to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. Tyson said all employees must be vaccinated by Nov. 1 and will receive a $200 bonus for doing so but did note that team members that are members of a union will be subject to the results of union bargaining on this issue. The decision has already drawn backlash from critics who point out the vaccine has not yet received full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA granted emergency use authorization for the vaccines last year. UFCW is proud to say that we have high vaccination rates among our unionized food workers across the country, and as a result, we have helped reduce COVID-19 infection rates in many of our industries, including meatpacking, Marc Perronne, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, said in response to the Tyson announcement. While we support and encourage workers getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, and have actively encouraged our members to do so, it is concerning that Tyson is implementing this mandate before the FDA has fully approved the vaccine. So far, federal court rulings have backed institutions that mandated the vaccine, but legal challenges could still arise. Perronne said workers should get paid time off to recover from the side effects of the vaccine. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute We believe the FDA must provide full approval of the vaccines and help address some of the questions and concerns that workers have, Perronne said. Additionally, employers should provide paid time off so that their essential workers can receive the vaccine without having to sacrifice their pay, and can rest as needed while their body adjusts to the vaccine and strengthens their immune system to fight off the virus. The crackdown comes after the CDC announced even vaccinated Americans should wear masks indoors if they reside in an area of the country experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases. This CDC reversal from its guidelines in May was followed by a wave of new mandates in the public and private sector. Other companies, like Google and Walmart, have already made similar requirements. As we all know, the pandemic is not over, and the delta variant has led to an increase in infection rates across much of the U.S., Walmart said in its announcement last week. Given this, we have made the decision to require all market, regional and divisional associates who work in multiple facilities and all campus office associates to be vaccinated by Oct. 4, unless they have an approved exception. This includes all new hires. Protests against the vaccine mandates have taken place around the country. Some Republicans have taken up the issue, pointing to personal freedoms and warning of government overreach, especially when questions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine remain. An outbreak among fully vaccinated residents of Massachusetts has raised more concerns about the vaccines effectiveness. Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, a Republican, has doubled down on an executive order that bans mask or vaccine mandates in the Lone Star State. Texans have mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19, Abbott said. They have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities. Vaccines, which remain in abundant supply, are the most effective defense against the virus, and they will always remain voluntary never forced in the State of Texas. (The Center Square) Monroe County, home to Indiana University-Bloomington, is re-imposing a countywide mask mandate, requiring everyone vaccinated and unvaccinated wear a mask indoors starting Thursday at 8 a.m. The mandate applies to everyone over the age of 2. Masks will be required in all indoor spaces in Monroe County that are open to the public, including businesses, churches and other organizations. Those who are working alone in offices or who can maintain a 6-feet distance from others may remove masks, as can presenters. County commissioners voted 3-0 on Wednesday morning to approve the local health order, making Monroe County the first county in the state to re-impose a local mask mandate amid news of the new delta strain of COVID-19. The order was passed unanimously on Tuesday by the countys board of health. Three members of the public spoke during that meeting. All were opposed to the mandate. Graham Loughead questioned why Monroe County would want to re-impose a mask mandate when it is doing much better than many other counties in the state in terms of the number of cases. The virus, the masks, the vaccines have become political even though they were not intended to be so, he said. I ask you to please not cause more division among fellow Hoosiers and to not re-implement this mask mandate and let businesses and the like decide whether or not to require masks. Scott Reynolds, a local attorney and business owner, said the order fails to provide any evidence or data and appears to be more of an emotional response or desire to appear to be doing something. A third speaker, Jeff Hauser, said businesses and other organizations should be able to choose whether to require masks. There has been tremendous confusion, he said. We as the vaccinated people do what you guys say. We get vaccinated. Now, the vaccine doesnt work. Its been said the masks dont work. But now, theyre saying, Well, the masks do work. It just seems to me like the mayor is asking for an overreachhes trying to cause panic in a place where theres not a need for panic. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute County Health Administrator Penny Caudill said the county based its decision on Indiana State Department of Health data, which showed Monroe County going from blue (good) to yellow (caution) this week, with 58 cases per 100,000 people, compared to 51 last week. The positivity rate also went from 4.56% last week to 6.91% this week. She also referred to CDC guidance that says even those who are vaccinated can contract and spread the delta variant. All of the samples recently rested in the area, she said, were the delta strain. But hospitalizations in the area are still low. A spokesperson for IU Health, Samantha Kirby, told The Center Square on Wednesday there are only 27 COVID patients at its three hospitals in south-central Indiana combined. Those hospitals include Bloomington Hospital, the largest hospital in Monroe County, and hospitals in Bedford, in Lawrence County, and in Paoli in Orange County. The Indiana State Department of Health dashboard shows 0-3 people with COVID being admitted to one of two hospitals in Monroe County on a daily basis over the last few months. Not since March have more than three COVID patients been admitted per day to either IU Health Bloomington Hospital or Monroe Hospital. Monroe County was one of the last to lift its local mask mandate in the spring, only scrapping it May 17, several weeks after Gov. Eric Holcomb rescinded the statewide mask mandate. Only Marion County kept its local mask mandate longer, lifting it in June. Monroe County will also be one of the few counties in the state where children in K-12 schools will be required to wear masks. The first day of school was Wednesday and all students, vaccinated and unvaccinated, were required to wear masks on school buses and inside school buildings. In addition to putting the mask mandate back in place, members of the county board of health appeared this week to agree on the need for compliance officers to enforce mask wearing in the county. I thought the compliance officers were great, said board member Carol Litten Touloukian, a local physician. I hope we could have them again, because we got really good feedback from businesses about taking the pressure off of them. The mask mandate will expire automatically Sept. 30, or when the number of people who test positive for COVID in Monroe County drops below 50 per 100,000 people. Press Release August 4, 2021 SENATOR RONALD "BATO" DELA ROSA Bicameral Conference Committee Report BFP Modernization Act August 4, 2021 Good afternoon, Mr. President and colleagues. I have the honor of submitting for ratification the Bicameral Conference Committee Report on the Disagreeing Provisions of Senate Bill No. 1832 and House Bill No. 7406 also known as the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) Modernization Act. I am happy to report to this august body that in today's Bicameral Conference Committee Meeting, all the Senate conferees were present and actively participated in our pursuit of the best reconciled version of the BFP Modernization Bill. At the outset, the body adopted the provisions and title of the bill which were approved during the first Bicameral Conference Committee meeting last May 24, 2021 except for Section 4(d) of the conference committee report which includes the establishment of the Security and Protection Unit or SPU. As the Chairman of the Senate panel, I manifested during the bicam meeting the sentiment and concerns raised by the members of the Senate during the first attempt to ratify the reconciled bill on the establishment of BFP Security and Protection Unit. However, the House conferees still insisted with their proposal to establish the BFP Security and Protection Unit or SPU. The Bicameral Conference Committee had a lengthy and extensive discussion regarding the creation and the composition of the Security and Protection Unit. Armed with the guidance from our Senate Majority Floor Leader, Senator Miguel Zubiri, the Senate panel thru Senator Tolentino proposed an amendment to the proposal of the House conferees. We included in the bill the specific number of BFP personnel for SPU in order to limit the authority of the BFP on the issuance of firearms. With this amendment, the Senate panel thru Senator Hontiveros further amended the provision to ensure that those who will be appointed in the SPU will be well trained to handle firearms. As such, all SPU members shall be required to undergo neuropsychological examination before their appointment to the unit as well as periodic trainings. After the comprehensive deliberation, the bicameral committee approved the final reconciled bill that will guarantee not only the modernization of our country's firefighting authority but also the welfare of every Filipino. Mr. President, I would like to thank Senators Tolentino and Gatchalian for sharing their learnings as former local chief executives, and for Senator Go for his experience in his involvement in extending assistance to fire-hit communities. Also, for the invaluable intervention of Senator Hontiveros in ensuring that members of the SPU will be subject to strict qualifications and in highlighting the importance of neuropsychological examination as a requirement. Mr. President, allow me also to thank the co-authors and co-sponsors of this bill: Senate President Vicente C. Sotto III; Senate Pro Tempore Ralph Recto, Minority Leader Franklin Drilon, Majority Leader Miguel Zubiri, Senator Christopher Lawrence Go, Senator Bong Revilla, Senator Pia Cayetano, Senator Francis Tolentino, Senator Sonny Angara, Senator Richard Gordon, Senator Grace Poe, Senator Manny Pacquiao, Senator Joel Villanueva, Senator Imee Marcos, Senator Cynthia Villan and Senator Win Gatchalian; and to all my colleagues who have helped us to further improve this landmark measure. Mr. President, this proposed measure has nothing but good intentions, for our firefigthers and for the Filipino people. With the permission of the Body, I move that the Joint Explanatory Statement on the Disagreeing Provisions of Senate Bill No. 1832 and House Bill No. 7406 be read in toto into the Record and that the Bicameral Conference Committee report be ratified. Maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat. Press Release August 4, 2021 De Lima to Duterte: No one benefited from drug war but you and your family Opposition Senator Leila M. de Lima has chided Mr. Duterte for falsely claiming that the Filipino people benefited from the killings in his bloody war on drugs. De Lima said that what she finds absurd is the fact that Duterte thinks that his drug war is beneficial to the people "when it is the very reason for their pain, suffering and trauma." "Pinatayan ka na, gusto pa magpasalamat ka. What a twisted mind!" said De Lima, a staunch social justice and human rights champion. "Duterte and his family benefited from all these senseless killings in the country, not the Filipinos, and definitely not those innocent victims whose lives were lost, as well as the thousands of poor widows and orphans whose dreams were shattered, in this bloody and murderous war on drugs," she added. During his talk to the nation last Aug. 2, Duterte slammed human rights advocates and their criticisms against his administration's drug war, saying that it was Filipinos, and not him or his family, who "benefited" from all these deaths. "Palagay na natin na totoo 'yan sinabi ng human rights, p-- ina sinong nakinabang diyan? Ako? Ako ang nakinabang? Pamilya ko? Nakinabang sila diyan sa p-- inang diyan sa mga patay na 'yan?" Duterte said. "Sino nakinabang? Kayo! Ang anak ninyo! Ang bayan natin ang nakinabang!". Duterte's war on drugs has been receiving worldwide condemnation for killing suspected drug offenders and for largely targeting small-time drug peddlers, but allowing big-time drug lords to run scot-free. The lady Senator from Bicol said that most of the victims of EJKs are from the poor families who do not have the capability to ask for legal assistance, or defend themselves before a proper court. "This reality should be more than enough to remind us to not allow Duterte to brainwash anyone into believing that his drug war is good for us and that we should tolerate all these violence, because we should not, and we should never," she said. "Kahit ano pang sabihin ni Duterte, hindi na kailanman maibabalik ang libo-libong buhay na pinaslang ng drug war--mga inosente, walang kamuwang-muwang na mga bata at walang kalaban-labang maralita," she added. The Senator concluded that, "When you have but one house to live in, what you need is a competent caretaker who would clean up and fix the house and secure the safety of the inhabitants; not someone who burns it all down while cursing at the people burning to death inside. It seems Mr. Duterte cares very little about the devastation he leaves Filipino families in because he counts another nation as his sovereign and brethren. To him, we, Filipinos, aren't human, but pests to get rid of the only way he knows how: through violence." Last June 14, then outgoing ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced that she has sought permission for a full-blown investigation to follow her office's preliminary examination into the allegations against Duterte and others involved in the current administration's drug war, committed from July 1, 2016 to March 16, 2019, or prior to Duterte's withdrawal of the country from the Rome Statute. On the PNP's Restrictions on Fetching APORs During ECQ More at: https://pinglacson.net/2021/08/04/on-the-pnps-restrictions-on-fetching-apors-during-ecq/ The Philippine National Police should at least take a second look at some restrictions during the two-week Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila - such as not allowing the fetching of Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APORs). Huwag naman sanang pabigla-bigla ang restrictions, to a point of being impractical if not illogical. Instead, they may want to exert a little extra effort to find a possible win-win solution. Baka may paraan to satisfy both health concerns and a little convenience for our APORs who need to work to feed their families, or render indispensable service to others, like health workers and other frontliners. Press Release August 4, 2021 Govt must ensure food ayuda during lockdown: Pangilinan THE government must ensure that Filipinos will have food on the table during the lockdown period to keep them at home and out of risk of contracting Covid-19, Senator Francis Pangilinan said Wednesday. "Nakikipagsapalaran ang mga tao at lumalabas ng bahay para magtrabaho o maghanap ng makakain dahil may mga pamilya silang umaasa sa kanila (People risk going out of their homes to work or find food because they have families to feed)," he said. "Madalas, dahil walang kita pag lockdown wala ring pagkain para sa mga pamilya. Dito pinaka-kailangan ang gobyerno. (Often, food security evades many families following income loss due to the lockdown. This is where government intervention is needed most)," he stressed. From August 6 to 20, Metro Manila will be placed under the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ), the strictest quarantine classification, amid the spike in Covid-19 cases due to the more transmissible Delta variant. Pangilinan said the promised cash aid and other assistance must reach the needy families on time to allow them to prepare and stock up on their requirements for two weeks. "Maagap at sapat na tulong ang susi para matulungang makaraos ang mga tao habang nasa loob sila ng kanilang mga tahanan. Para sa maraming pamilya, mas malaki ang takot nila sa gutom kaysa sa takot sa coronavirus (Timely and adequate assistance are essential to help the people get by as they remain in their homes. For many of the families, the fear of coronavirus will never compare to the more acute daily threat of hunger,)" he said. Filipinos are not only enduring a pandemic, but the country's worst economic slowdown since 1947. The economy shrank 9.5% in 2020, and contracted 4.2% in the first quarter this year. Food has become unaffordable, especially to those who lost their jobs or livelihood. A recent Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey revealed that 16.8 percent of Filipino families nationwide, or 4.8 million Filipino families, experienced hunger due to lack of food at least once in the previous three months. Pangilinan said the government should be aiming for food security not just during the pandemic but for the long haul. He said policies and laws should be directed toward ensuring that food is available, accessible, and affordable to all segments of the population with or without a crisis. Since becoming a senator, Pangilinan has pushed for legislation that would strengthen the agriculture sector to enable farmers and fisherfolk to produce food and products that would sustain the population and make their industry competitive. Pangilinan is the principal author of Republic Act 11321 or Sagip Saka Act, which institutionalizes support for the country's agricultural workers to help them make a decent living out of farming or fishing. The law also allows all government entities to directly purchase agricultural and fisheries products from local farmer and fisherfolk enterprises, which Pangilinan said helped ensure the availability of food supply amid the pandemic. Pangilinan also authored Republic Act 11524 or the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act that paved the way for the return of the billions collected from coconut farmers during the Marcos regime. He also helped steer the passage of Republic Act 11511 which amended the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 to make it more beneficial to organic farmers and consumers. In the Senate, Pangilinan led in calling for an investigation on the African swine fever that nearly wiped out the local hog industry in some areas. He also took an active role in public hearings that discussed rising food prices. He has also filed bills and resolutions for the preservation of the environment such as the Single-Use Plastics bill; National Land Use bill; Solid Waste Importation Ban bill; National Mangrove Forest Protection and Preservation bill; and inquiry into the flooding in Cagayan Valley and Isabela. "Tollways should be owned by Filipinos" - Tolentino MANILA - Senator Francis 'Tol' N. Tolentino has expressed doubts over a proposal which would allow foreign fully-owned companies to control and operate the country's toll expressways. Tolentino said tollways are the blood veins of the Philippine economy, encompassing our way of life and facilitating the mobility of people, goods, and services. The senator underscored the importance of tollways, especially during natural disasters and public emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Any major blockage or shutting down of tollways would effectively derail the economy and paralyze the government's disaster and emergency response. During his interpellation on a Bill proposing amendments to Commonwealth Act No. 146, or the Public Service Act, Tolentino warned that allowing foreign companies to take control of the country's expressways have wide-ranging national security implications. "We are tiptoeing into some national security land mines, so to speak," Tolentino said. One dangerous scenario the senator cited is that of foreign state-owned companies constructing and operating toll expressways traversing military facilities and installations or passing near vital infrastructure such as dams and powerplants. Senate Minority Floor Leader Franklin Drilon, co-sponsor of the Bill, admitted during Tolentino's interpellation that the policy issue on whether or not to allow foreign-owned corporations to operate the country's highways is within the prerogative of the legislature. According to Tolentino, the construction and operation of expressways under the government's Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program should remain in the hands of corporations which are majority owned by Filipinos. American Fireworks CEO Dale Wilson and attorney Paul Scott discuss changes to the fireworks ordinance at the Horn Lake Board of Aldermen meeting on Tuesday. Is Wise Really The King of Online Money Transfer Services? Wise, formerly known as Transferwise, has generated tremendous success and hype over the past 10 years in the online foreign exchange transfer industry. Granted, the company is one of many that offer consumers a nearly identical service of transferring funds from one currency to another. But what separates Wise from so many UK currency brokers is the fact that its two co-founders scaled a solution to a personal problem to become an industry titan. Wise Co-Founders Shared An Identical Money Transfer Services Problem Kristo Kaarmann, a native of Estonia, was working in London for the multinational firm Deloitte and was paid in pounds. But each month he had to transfer money to an account in Estonia to pay for a mortgage in his home country. Kristo was using his high street bank account to transfer pounds to euros and had no option but to accept the banks 5% makeup on the foreign exchange transfer. He said in a 2019 BBC interview he was incredibly stupid for assuming his bank would provide the same exchange rate listed on Reuters or Bloomberg. But at the time there was no option to accept the fees as it was the cost of doing business. That is until he met Taavet Hinrikus, a fellow Estonian ex-pat living in London. Taavet, Skypes first-ever employee, was paid in euros as Skype is domiciled in the European Union. This means he needed British pounds to pay for his day-to-day life. As it turns out the two shared the exact same problem from the opposite side of the transaction. What Kristo had Taavet needed and what Taavet had Kristo needed. If only there was a way for the two to work together and avoid the middleman. Indeed there was. And it was actually quite simple. Each month, the two would look up the British pound and euro exchange rate for their own private foreign exchange transfer. Taavet deposited euros into Kristos Estonian bank account while Kristo put pounds into Taavets bank account using the actual exchange rate. Since no banks were involved, the two were able to transact with each other at the real foreign exchange rate. And this is how the concept of Wise was born: what if millions of people can transact with each other in a similar way. The Wise Business Model: How Wise Works Wise has stayed true to its original purpose of helping two people transact more efficiently with each other. The way it works is quite simple: Wise has company bank accounts located all across the world and each is funded in the local currency. The technology behind the scenes will complete a transaction in the same way Taavet and Kristo did the very first time. Suppose you live in the UK and have a friend who is studying a semester abroad in France. If you wanted to transfer them money you would essentially make a deposit into Wises UK-based bank account and at the same time, Wises France-based account will withdraw euros to the recipients account. Unlike pretty much every other foreign exchange transfer service, Wise money doesnt technically move money across borders. By no means was Wise the first to create a system of exchanging one currency for another, that has existed for centuries. But what it did do is challenge the status quo and give consumers a new option where banks can no longer operate under the assumption it can get away with charging consumers whatever they want. Taking Over The Money Transfer Service Sector By Storm The vast majority of start-ups can trace their roots to someones basement or kitchen. Kristos kitchen played double-duty as office space until January 2012, nearly a full year after its first employee was hired. Within two years Wise was handling more than 1m a day in transactions and the company caught the attention of Sir Richard Branson and Peter Thiel who both became shareholders. By 2017 Wise was able to accomplish a rare feat for startups: turning and sustaining a profit. By 2020 Wise was valued at 3.58 billion in the private market. Within one year the company doubled in valuation to 7 billion when it became a public company on the London Stock Exchange. Is this a fair valuation for a company that is still relatively young? By comparison, Paypal Holdings is worth $333.74 billion (238.5billion) so it is technically a drop in the bucket compared to one of the most recognized leaders in the global money transfer and exchange services business. As part of the IPO process, Wise said it grew revenue at a 54% compounded annual growth rate from fiscal 2019 to fiscal 2021 while profit before tax more than doubled to 41 million from 2020 to 2021. Looking forward the company expects revenue growth to moderate to a 20% compounded annual growth rate over the medium-term. These are impressive numbers for a still-young company so a 7 billion company just getting started on its journey to challenge the status quo seems reasonable. It is unlikely that Wise will command a similar valuation compared to PayPal but even if it achieves 25% over the long-term it will imply a valuation of nearly 60 billion which would imply investors will see a fantastic rate of return. Bottom Line: Wise Continues To Gain Attention Wise still competes against big banks in the global money transfer services industry but it is showing no signs of slowing down. The company continues to innovate in the space and is investing heavily in technology, including artificial intelligence and to provide consumers with an even better experience banks cant match. By Boris Dzhingarov 2021 Copyright Boris Dzhingarov - All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors. 2005-2019 http://www.MarketOracle.co.uk - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. Your browser does not support the video tag. C.T. Vivian views Emorys Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) exhibition in 2013 with co-curators Sarah Quigley, the Rose Library project archivist for the SCLC collection (left), and Carol Anderson, Emory professor of African American Studies (right). Credit: Emory Photo/Video. A collection of Rev. C.T. Vivians papers in the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Books Library has seen a recent jump in activity, with new material added from the family, research conducted for an upcoming documentary and instructional use by Emory classes. The materials have been in particularly high demand since the civil rights activist passed away on July 17, 2020, at age 95. The C.T. and Octavia Vivian papers were originally placed with the Rose Library in 2014, containing notes and articles pertaining to civil rights activities and issues; Octavias work on Coretta, a biography she wrote about Coretta Scott King; congressional materials related to the creation of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday; as well as periodicals, C.T.s outlines for speeches and notes he jotted on napkins and event programs, and other ephemera. Much of the material was collected by Octavia Vivian, who passed away in 2011. Additions to the collection The additions, which arrived earlier this year and more than doubled the size of the collection, include audiovisual and printed material, calendars, correspondence, photographs, notes and speeches. C.T. Vivian created most of this material. There are also many handwritten notes by Vivian as he composed his sermons. The Rose Library also houses several books from Vivians personal collection. (The C.T. and Octavia Vivian Museum and Archives has a large collection of his books as well and plans to open a library to make them available to the public.) The Rose Library is honored to be entrusted by the Vivian family with this major addition to the Vivian papers, which are central to our African American and civil rights collections, says Rose Library director Jennifer Gunter King. The papers, preserved by the Rose team, observes King, will be made available to generations of students, scholars and artists who seek to understand the Vivians story. In addition, the papers give us a sense of how essential history is to our lives, to our efforts to bring insights from the Vivian papers into our present and future. Vivian also worked with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), whose papers are housed at the Rose Library, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which was instrumental in the Freedom Rides busing protests and lunch counter sit-ins in the early 1960s. Clinton Fluker, Rose Library curator of African American collections, says the additions include many items that pertain to Vivians life as an activist. He is excited to see the tie-ins researchers will make with current-day struggles against voting restrictions, excessive policing and other forms of racism. Im looking forward to seeing the connections that can be made through teaching, instruction and research, Fluker says. Vivian was a strategist in the civil rights movement and somebody who really had a deep sense of history, industry and politics. He helped us grow as a nation through his activism, his teachings, his sermons and through the organizations that he ran. Much of the work he focused on is still relevant today and these papers will help people draw those connections. Upcoming documentary Vivian is one of the subjects of a documentary film created by filmmaker Eddy Von Mueller, a former Emory film and media studies senior lecturer, and the late Pellom McDaniels III, former Rose Library curator of African American collections. Into the Archives: Small Steps C.T. Vivian, Upward Bound and the Fight for Educational Opportunity will debut at the online BronzeLens Film Festival Aug. 17-22. The film, which includes interviews with Vivian, weaves together his involvement with the civil rights movement in the 1960s; his founding of Project Vision (now Upward Bound), which focused on keeping Black high school students in school and interested in college; and a terrifying confrontation with the KKK during a trip to St. Augustine by a group of young people participating in the program at Emory in 1969. It will also be shown during In the Wake of Slavery and Dispossession, a symposium slated this fall on the Emory and Oxford campuses, which Dean and University Librarian Yolanda Cooper calls an ideal context for audiences to view this meaningful work. Mueller recalls poring over the Vivian collection in the Rose Library with McDaniels as they conducted research for the film. McDaniels, who co-wrote and narrated the film and conducted on-camera interviews, passed away in February 2020, before the project could be completed. The depth and variety of materials in the collection is incredible, and it offers so many opportunities to approach our shared past from new angles, to find the kind of unexpected connections that make this work so rewarding, says Mueller. Sometimes, sitting right next to the document or poster you thought was that mornings Holy Grail, there would be this other item a photo, a clipping, a statement in the minutes of some meeting and the next thing you knew, you were galloping down a whole new trail. That kind of serendipity is irreplaceable, especially for a documentary filmmaker, and the Rose Library is a great place to find it, Mueller notes. Musical play The Vivian collection previously played a role in For Peace I Rise, a musical play about the love story of C.T. and Octavia Vivian, two young civil rights activists who shared a commitment to the principles of nonviolent protest and their Christian faith. It was written by Thomas W. Jones II, with music composed by William Knowles and S. Renee Clarke. Theater Emory performed a reading of the musical on Jan. 25, 2020, with Vivian and his family in the audience. Jones said in a follow-up panel that he based the play on his interviews with Vivian, then visited the Rose Library to gather details about marches, speeches and other parts of the activists life. [The Vivian collection] was enormously helpful in filling out all of the details, Jones says. There was so much information about how they prepared to march, what the components were, whose job it was, how organized the workshops were for nonviolent direct confrontation. You began to realize that this was not haphazard, but it was clearly defined. Class and curriculum use Several classes at Emory, such as the creative writing course Writing about Race and the English class Lines and Design: The Poetry of Digital Culture, already have drawn on the Vivian collection. Fluker looks forward to more students and faculty spending time with the materials and imagines theology and business students finding value in the archive. It opens up an incredible capacity for learning about his life but also demonstrates how ahead of the curve he was on certain issues like race and social justice in the workplace, and how to deal with diversity and inclusion, how to think about equal access to education in this country, says Fluker. In addition, a college-level curriculum about C.T. Vivian based on two of his books has been developed and will be used this year by Emory and other universities in the Atlanta area. The curriculum was developed by the C.T. and Octavia Vivian Museum and Archives and Adar Cohen, who has developed other curricula and lectured on civil rights history, conflict resolution and strategic nonviolence at DePaul University, University of Chicago and Harvard University. Robert M. Franklin Jr., the Laney Chair in Moral Leadership at Candler School of Theology, plans to use a portion of the curriculum for a unit on Vivian in the graduate seminar Religion, Ethics, and Public Intellectuals. The Rose Library is in talks to include class access to the collection as part of that curriculum, Fluker says. Going forward, Fluker hopes the Rose Library can develop a way to share the C.T. Vivian materials with K-12 schools, similar to its traveling exhibit program in public schools. The Vivian collection is so significant because it documents the story of one of our countrys most lauded families in the civil rights movement the work they did, the sacrifices they made and the vision of equality they struggled so tirelessly to make a reality, Fluker says. Emory faculty authors Carol Anderson (left) and Tiphanie Yanique will be showcased in this years Decatur Book Festival, set for Oct. 2. Decatur Book Festival Saturday, Oct. 2 Learn more about the festival The AJC Decatur Book Festival Presented by Emory University is permanently moving from its traditional Labor Day slot to the first weekend in October, and this years literary events will feature two Emory faculty authors. This years festival will be a one-day program taking place on Saturday, Oct. 2, at the First Baptist Church of Decatur, as part of a larger Festival Weekend lineup that also includes the Amplify Decatur Music Festival (Oct. 1-2), the Decatur Craft Beer Festival (Oct. 2) and the Decatur Arts Festival (Oct. 2-3). The book festival will take place on the church grounds, and booksellers and food vendors will have pop-up shops at the church. Author panel events will also be streamed online. I am delighted that we are able to present a book festival this year that is scaled back due to COVID-19 restrictions, yet so rich in content, says Leslie Wingate, Emory Libraries campus and community relations director, who also serves on the AJC Decatur Book Festival board. Our festival theme Diverse Voices Building Community really speaks to the times we are in, and Im proud to have the voices of Emory professors Carol Anderson and Tiphanie Yanique in our author lineup, along with those of many other diverse, talented authors. Here are the author events featuring Emory faculty: 10:15-11 a.m.: Carol Anderson, Charles Howard Candler professor of African American Studies, will discuss her latest non-fiction book, The Second: Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America. Andersons book takes a critical new look at the Second Amendment and how it has been engineered to deny the rights of African Americans. Moderated by WABEs Rose Scott. 12:45-1:30 p.m.: Literary Fiction panel, featuring Tiphanie Yanique, associate professor of English and creative writing. She will discuss her new novel Monster in the Middle (release date Oct. 19), which maps the emotional inheritance of one couple newly in love. She will be joined by Anjali Enjeti, author of the recently released novel The Parted Earth, a heartfelt portrait of the long shadow of the Partition of India on the lives of three generations of women. Moderated by Nicole Stamant, associate professor and chair of English at Agnes Scott College. Click here for more information about the 2021 AJC Decatur Book Festival Presented by Emory University. For the complete author events schedule, click here. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Home Regional News East Russias Federal Chamber of Lawyers urges investigators to address attacks on lawyers RAPSI,Vladimir Burnov 12:21 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Federal Chamber of Lawyers has turned to Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin in connection with the attacks on lawyers in Khakassia and the Khabarovsk Krai, the press service of the body informs RAPSI. The letters sent to the head of the Investigative Committee contain a request to check and take the measures provided for by law on the facts of attacks on lawyer of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Republic of Khakassia Oleg Lytkin and lawyer of the Chamber of Lawyers the Jewish Autonomous Region Alexander Pecheritsa. The regional lawyers' chambers came out in defense of the lawyers and applied for support to the federal Chamber, according to the RAPSI's interlocutor. The first incident, referred to in the letter to Bastrykin, took place on July 30 in Abakan: three unknown persons beat the lawyer of the local chamber Oleg Lytkin and punctured two wheels of his car. The appeal also mentions the second incident - the use of physical force against lawyer of the Chamber of the Jewish Autonomous Region Alexander Pecheritsa. The federal Chamber notes that the attacker, an inspector of the regional traffic police, used physical force against the lawyer at the moment when he was trying to provide legal assistance to his client. The attacked lawyers allege the attacks were related to their professional activities. The regional chambers appealed to the investigating authorities, however, it has not yet been possible to ensure that the rights of the lawyers were protected, the federal Chamber notes. After receiving the aforesaid reports from the regional chambers, the federal Chamber has been monitoring both situations and started to provide methodological support on issues related to the protection of the rights of the attacked lawyers to the regional chambers. Also, the Federal Chamber of Lawyers appealed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee separately as to each incident requesting him to launch probes into the matter and take appropriate measures provided for by law, the body said. The uncrewed Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM), named Nauka, the Russian word for "science," arrived at the International Space Station's Poisk module on the space-facing side of the Russian segment at 9:29 a.m. EDT, eight days after lifting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Nauka will serve as a new science facility, docking port, and spacewalk airlock for future operations. Following the docking of the Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM), named Nauka, to the International Space Station at 9:29 am EDT, Russian cosmonauts aboard the space station conducted leak checks between Nauka and the service module. At 12:45 pm, the flight control team noticed the unplanned firing of MLM thrusters that caused the station to move out of orientation. Ground teams have regained attitude control and the motion of the space station is stable. The crew was never and is not in any danger, and flight controllers in Mission Control Houston are monitoring the status of the space station. Teams are also monitoring the impact to tomorrow's launch of the Boeing Starliner spacecraft. Updates on the space station will be provided on NASA.gov and the agency's social media pages. On-Orbit Status Report Significant Events: Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) Docking: Today at 8:29 AM CT, the MLM docked to the Service Module (SM) Nadir port completing its 9-day rendezvous to the ISS. The MLM, named - the Russian word for Science, is a pressurized module designed to support crew life, science, interior and exterior cargo stowage, and provide additional docking and airlock capabilities to the Russian On-orbit Segment (ROS). The MLM is now the largest module flown to the ISS to-date measuring approximately 43 feet (13 meters) in length and weighing more than 44,000 pounds (20 metric tons). Included on the MLM is the European Robotic Arm (ERA), a mobile robotic arm that will be used to install large-scale payloads, perform transport operations, replace and maintain service and science equipment on the exterior of ISS, support Extravehicular Activities (EVAs), and perform monitoring of the ISS exterior. On-Orbit Anomaly: At 11:45 a.m. CT today, following the docking of Roscosmos' "Nauka" Multipurpose Laboratory Module (MLM) to the International Space Station, flight control teams noticed the unplanned firing of MLM thrusters, causing the station to move out of orientation. Flight controllers in Mission Control Houston continue to monitor the status of the ISS, but as of this afternoon, ISS has returned to its nominal orientation. Payloads InSPACE-4: The crew performed the steps necessary to initiate experiment runs, with a goal of working through runs 54-57. Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Ellipsoids (InSPACE-4) studies the assembly of tiny structures from colloids using magnetic fields. These structures change the properties of the assembled material, such as its mechanical response to or interaction with light and heat. Microgravity allows observation of these assembly processes free of confining sample walls and sedimentation and during timescales not possible using simulated microgravity. Results could provide insight into how to harness nanoparticles to fabricate and manufacture new materials. Manufacturing Device (ManD): The crew removed the printed objects, cleaned the extruder print nozzle, photographed, and stow the pair of printed objects. The Manufacturing Device enables the production of components on the ISS for both NASA and commercial objectives. Parts, entire experiments, and tools can be created on demand utilizing the ManD printer that is installed into an Express Rack locker location. ManD is capable of producing parts out of a wide variety of thermopolymers including engineered plastics. Pilote: Using a virtual reality headset, a space-mouse and a haptic device, the crew performed several test protocols related to the Pilote investigation. In some of the test protocols, the haptic device produced unexpected jitter, but the ground team reported good data and feedback was obtained during the testing today. In order to test the ergonomics of a multisensory interface for controlling robotic arms and spacecraft, it is necessary to perform the trials in microgravity. Performing the test on Earth would lead to a design of a workstation using terrestrial ergonomic principles that do not correspond to conditions experienced on a spacecraft in orbit. The Pilote investigation tests the effectiveness of novel control schemes for the remote operation of robotic arms and space vehicles, using virtual reality and a new class of user-machine interfaces based on haptics. Systems Starliner On-Board Training (OBT): The crew completed several OBTs in preparation for the upcoming Boeing Starliner Orbital Flight Test 2 (OFT-2) mission. The OBTs provided the crew with an overview of the OFT-2 mission profile, crew procedures for rendezvous, interfaces for monitoring/commanding OFT-2, and ISS attitude control expectations. CASA Airflow and Carbon-Dioxide (CO2) Measurements: The crew stood down from taking airflow and CO2 measurements in CASA due to communication issues with the ground support team. CASA is a crew accommodation located in the Columbus module that can host a 5th United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) crewmember when needed during periods of increased crew capacity. When not used as a crew accommodation, CASA is used for storage. Completed Task List Activities: None Today's Ground Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. Structural Dynamics Measurement System (SDMS) Timeliner Bundle activation Electrical Power System (EPS) Power Management Controller Unit (PMCU) Diagnostic Buffer Collection List (DBCL) Dump Video Distribution Subsystem (VDS) Configuration Look Ahead Plan Friday, July 30 (GMT 211) Payloads: SAMS CU activation, TReK laptop power-on Systems: Crew off duty day Saturday, July 31 (GMT 212) Payloads: No utilization activities Systems: No systems ops planned Sunday, August 1 (GMT 213) Payloads: HRF urine setup, InSPACE-4, MELFI icebrick inserts Systems: No system ops planned Today's Planned Activities: All activities are complete unless otherwise noted. DOCKING PREP INSPACE-4 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions 4) Experiment Run JAXA HRDL to Ethernet Conv Relocation Solid Combustion (SCEM) Troubleshoot Closeout PILOTE Science Photo Survey of T2 Thumbwheels and Jam Nut Witness Markings Activation of MPEG2 multicast TV coder Comm Checks from Endeavor. Crew Dragon PCS Checkout Monitoring MLM docking to SM NORS Shuffle On-Board Training (OBT) CST-100 OFT Rendezvous Monitoring CBT 2 On-Board Training (OBT) CST-100 OFT-2 OBT Conference CASA Air Flow Monitoring Open -(MLM) hatch CASA CO2 Monitor Reading (Deferred) On MCC Go Opening MLM- (SM) hatch and preliminary MLM ingress Countermeasures System (CMS) Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED) 6-Month Maintenance Manufacturing Device Print Environmental Health System (EHS) Grab Sample Container (GSC) Sampling Operations Columbus Hardware Consolidate PMM Hardware Consolidate Adlink Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter Reset and Power on Thermal Amine AC Power Switch CASA Stowage Crew Tagup for MLM Docking Power off A-2 atmosphere filter Please follow SpaceRef on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. When Mysweetboymax races in Saturdays (July 31) $375,000 final of the Delvin Miller Adios Pace for the Orchids at The Meadows, Alison and Scott Liroff and their family will be watching from their Basking Ridge, N.J., home with more than the usual interest. Thats because the horse was named for their late son Max, who succumbed to cancer in 2018 at the age of 25. Mysweetboymax leaves from post six with David Miller aboard in the Adios, which goes as race 15. The Adios anchors a blockbuster program that includes five other stakes: the $106,745 Quinton Patterson Adioo Volo for three-year-old pacing fillies; a pair of Arden Downs Grand Circuit events for freshman pacers, and a $143,132 Pennsylvania Sire Stakes and a $40,000 Pennsylvania Stallion Series event, both for three-year-old trotting fillies. In addition, the Adios Day program features five pool guarantees totalling $90,000, including a $40,000 Super Hi-5 guarantee with a mandatory payout on the Adios. A livestream of the Adios Day card, produced by the Meadows Standardbred Owners Association (MSOA), will be available on the MSOAs Facebook and YouTube channels as well as Meadows Live! First post is noon. Max Liroff was a good friend of Casey Horowitz, whose brother Brandon and father Bob bred and own Mysweetboymax and honored their late family friend by naming their horse for him. At two, though, it wasnt clear the son of Sweet Lou and Faster Faster would live up to expectations. He earned nearly $62,000 and took a mark of 1:52.1, but wasnt facing or beating top competition. He was a little immature, says his trainer, Sam DePinto. I knew he would be a late bloomer. The more he does it, the more he gets the idea what hes supposed to do. He has no physical issues, so I think hell be a very nice horse. He showed how racy hes become in his Adios elimination when, dismissed at 42-1, he rallied inside to finish second to Hellabalou, beaten two lengths and individually timed in 1:49.3. DePinto is no stranger to this territory. In 2010, his horse We Will See, finished fourth in the Adios final by challenging for the lead down the backside but tiring in the lane, beaten only a half length by winner Delmarvalous. Thats not the kind of trip DePinto wants Saturday. I would have to believe he needs to be up close and get good fractions and a covered-up trip. If he can get that, he has a heckuva shot, considering the way he raced last Saturday. Mysweetboymax is eligible for most major late-season stakes; DePinto and the Horowitz and Liroff families have several reasons for expecting big things. Hes maturing, and hes maturing at the right time, DePinto says. He might turn around and start winning some of the big ones. Bob Horowitz wants everyone to know that Max Liroff fought like hell to beat that cancer. This horse races with Maxs heart. (Meadows Standardbred Owners Association) RAK Ceramics, a leading ceramic products manufacturer based in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, has registered a net profit of AED94.9 million ($25.84 million) for Q2, compared to a loss of AED19.8 million last year, after considering a one-time net gain from the sale of assets in China and after writing-off excess rent from a leased hotel. Announcing the results, RAK Ceramics said its total gross profit margin reached an all-time high in Q2 increasing by 9.6% year on year to 38.1%. Operations across all of RAK Ceramics core markets continued to improve, leading to a revenue increase of 70.4% in Q2 2021 to AED700.8 million when compared to Q2 2020. Total revenue for Q2 2021 surpassed pre-pandemic levels, increasing by 5% when compared to Q2 2019 driven by growth in all core markets. Q2 2021 net profit is 29.3% higher than pre-pandemic levels of profit in Q2 2019, indicating steady growth of the business. Operational efficiencies and increased revenue led to higher cash profits, enabling RAK Ceramics to make a significant reduction in net debt during the period. In addition, the board of RAK Ceramics have proposed a dividend of 10 fils per share for H1 2021. The dividend will be paid subject to regulatory and statutory approvals. In Q2 2021 total gross profit margin reached an all-time high, increasing by +960bps year on year to 38.1% and by +310bps quarter on quarter due to improved efficiencies and reduction in costs across all of RAK Ceramics production plants. In 2020, gross profit margin was impacted due to Covid-19 lockdowns. Q2 2021 revenue grew by 114.2% in Saudi Arabia, 142.6% in India, 214% in Bangladesh, 75.5% in Europe and 3.9% in the UAE, when compared to the same period in 2020, when lockdowns impacted operations. In Saudi Arabia, RAK Ceramics has established itself as a premium provider of ceramic products. The kingdom is now a key market for RAK Ceramics and will continue to play a role in the companys long-term growth strategy. In India and Bangladesh, the second wave of Covid-19 induced lockdowns restricted the movement of goods and subsequently impacted revenue growth. In Europe, the business continued to grow driven by revenue from the UK and Central Europe, supported by ongoing cost control measures. In the UAE, production reached its highest level in 5 years due to increased demand from Saudi Arabia and other countries. The company continued to implement operational efficiencies in its UAE production plants, which led to all-time high gross profit margin. Revenue from the tableware business increased by 160.2% year on year, indicating early signs of recovery. In 2020, the tableware business was impacted due to decreased demand from the airline and hospitality sector, which have now begun to recover. RAK Ceramics shut down their production facility in China in 2015. In Q2 2021, the Company sold their remaining assets in China, generating a gain of AED50.1 million. Abdallah Massaad, Group CEO, RAK Ceramics commented: I am pleased to report strong financial results for the quarter, reflecting continued growth of the business surpassing pre-pandemic levels of revenue and profitability. We have worked to implement measures across our core markets to improve brand visibility, customer service and production efficiency, which have increased revenue and profit, setting the stage for long-term growth. While our post-pandemic recovery in India and Bangladesh continues, we are closely watching the situation and monitoring the health and safety of our employees. Looking ahead for the remainder of 2021, our priority will be to protect our market share, continue to improve overall productivity and efficiency and turnaround the performance of our tableware business.-TradeArabia News Service Nasma Luxury Stays, a division of Al Tamimi Investments, is gearing up to host Expo 2020 Dubai visitors at their private luxury holiday homes. The short-term rental specialist has recently added four new sophisticated apartments at The Address Residence, to its portfolio, with several more units in the pipeline. We are anticipating a positive demand for holiday homes in the coming months. Based on official statistics, Dubai welcomed 3.7 million overnight visitors between July 2020 and May 2021. As travel restrictions ease across the world, these numbers will continue to rise. Organisers are expecting close to 25 million visitors during the course of the six-month exhibition, said Dani Tabbara, COO, Al Tamimi Investments. Dubai is also leading the safe return of in-person exhibitions and events. Over the past few months, the emirate has successfully hosted Gulfood, Gitex and the Arabian Travel Market, bringing participants from over 100 countries. Alongside, the UAE is leading globally with its vaccination drive. This will further boost traveller confidence and encourage tourists to visit Dubai not only for the Expo 2020 but also to enjoy a holiday in the winter season, added Tabbara. In addition to this, it has also been recently reported that Dubai is one of the safest cities in the world, being monitored by more than 300,000 cameras round-the-clock, further reinforcing its appeal as a must-visit destination. Nasma Luxury Stays property portfolio features homes in Dubais premier locations including Downtown Dubai, City Walk, Dubai Marina, Jumeirah Beach Residence, Bluewaters Island, Palm Jumeirah, Dubai International Financial Centre and Business Bay. Guests can choose from chic studio apartments, one to four-bedroom residences or four and five-bedroom villas for long or short-term stays. The holiday homes are a short drive away from the Expo 2020 site (Dubai Exhibition Centre), and close to the citys attractions such as malls, beaches and theme parks. Some residences are located close to business districts making it convenient to attend meetings and other events. For those that will be travelling with their families, the residences can be equipped with requirements for children such as baby cots, a Nasma statement said. The firm has also collaborated with Emirates Home Nursing to provide guests with premium in-home services including pre-natal care, childcare, baby-sitting, clinical care and senior care, to ensure guests have a hassle-free and comfortable stay. The villas are complete with private pools, offering the ultimate indulgent getaway with picturesque views. A four-bedroom villa on Palm Jumeirah typically features a fully functional kitchen, dining and living area for eight people, majlis for eight people and a maids room. The upscale homes are equipped with wi-fi, Smart TV and covered parking spaces, along with access to gyms, swimming pools and Jacuzzi. Every booking includes access to a round-the-clock concierge service that manages all requests including dining, gifts, excursions and cleaning; a 24/7 Nasma Guest helpline, high quality linen, The White Company amenities and welcome snacks, the statement said. TradeArabia News Service The Department of Health (DOH) has accredited the Emergency Department at Burjeel Medical City, one of the biggest quaternary care hospitals in the private sector. The certification will empower the Emergency Department at Burjeel Medical City to provide critical care to patients affected by acute, life-threatening conditions. The DOH certification for the Emergency Department is another jewel in the crown for Burjeel Medical City, which aspires to revolutionise the UAE's healthcare landscape by redefining the concept of care and wellness. The certification will aid the hospital in fulfilling its mission of addressing the emergency healthcare requirements of individuals in Abu Dhabi and beyond. The Emergency Department at Burjeel Medical City is led by a team of doctors trained and certified by the medical board in North America. Committed to providing 24-hour emergency care, the department is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, resuscitation beds for life-threatening cases, and telemetry monitoring beds for those requiring comprehensive medical management. Additionally, it provides expedited care for minor emergencies via the fast-track zone, designed to ensure priority treatment for all patients. The Emergency Department at the hospital has a designated area for pediatric and critical care. Patients with minor injuries will be taken care of at the fast-track zone, while the needs of the children will be met exclusively at the pediatric emergency care area. The specialised centre offers round-the-clock comprehensive pediatric emergency care delivered by extensively experienced specialists. Furthermore, the Emergency Department provides sub-specialty services including quaternary medical care outside of the emergency department throughout the day. It has a satellite blood bank, 24-hour imaging services, and ambulance services and is also equipped with a helipad for critical care transport. Dr Zuhair Alsharafi, Director & Head of Emergency Department at Burjeel Medical City: At Burjeel Medical City, we are capable and equipped with all the resources to take care of the healthcare needs of any emergency case adult or paediatric coming to us. Our doctors and nurses are extensively trained and experienced. We are committed and dedicated to ensuring efficient, and safe emergency care round-the-clock. A notable feature is the fast-track facility. It ensures minimal waiting time for patients coming to the Emergency Department with minor injuries. We have developed a great system at the department so that no patient coming to us shall wait for unnecessary hours. This happens normally with patients coming with minor injuries. So, at Burjeel Medical City, the fast-track system will ensure that they are attended to at the earliest, added Dr Alsharafi. Burjeel Medical City CEO, John Sunil, thanked the Department of Health for granting the Emergency Department status to the hospital. We have a highly qualified team of doctors and professionals on board with us. Our responsibility is to provide the community with exceptional service and medical care. Our longstanding experience in healthcare has taught us valuable lessons. We understand the needs and requirements of the people here. At Burjeel Medical City, we continuously strive to meet the expectations of everybody coming to us. The Emergency Department status accorded by DOH will contribute significantly towards our purpose of serving the community better. Burjeel Medical City, located in Abu Dhabi's Mohammed bin Zayed City, is VPS Healthcare's flagship project. The 1.2 million-square-foot multispecialty hospital provides care in all specialities and subspecialties, with a major focus on adult and paediatric oncology. The hospital is equipped with the most advanced radiology department and has state-of-the-art cancer-treating machinery. -- TradeArabia News Service More than 1,200 international delegates will gather in Dubai from November 23 to 25, 2021 for the 12th World Chambers Congress (#12WCC). A flagship event of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million companies, and its World Chambers Federation (WCF), the 2021 edition of the World Chambers Congress is co-organised with Dubai Chamber. The three-day event takes place under the theme, Generation Next: Chambers 4.0, and will examine the role of chambers in reviving global trade and provide a deeper understanding of how technology is empowering todays leaders to pioneer beyond traditional boundaries. Hamad Buamim President & CEO of Dubai Chamber and ICC WCF Chair said: This World Chambers Congress comes at a time when the world is emerging from an unprecedented global situation one that is presenting new and significant opportunities for business in what is anticipated to be a new paradigm of commerce and trade. I am confident that the 12th World Chambers Congress will be an eye-opening and enriching experience for everyone involved. It is crucial that chambers look to the future to not only add value to their members and business communities but help them achieve sustainable growth and enhance their competitiveness. The high-level event will convene chamber leaders, their member companies and business representatives from around the world to connect, collaborate and discuss new challenges and opportunities emerging in the Covid-19 era. The #12WCCC also aims to enable the transformation of chambers of commerce, industry and their services to meet the changing needs of their respective members. John W H Denton AO, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce said: Our World Chambers Congress is unrivalled in its capacity to develop connections, showcase innovate solutions, and inspire action that impact local communities in every region. As we navigate our way out of the global health crisis, this edition will be more relevant than ever. It is incumbent on us to activate the collective voice of the global chamber network and undertake ambitious projects that drive a more sustainable future for all. Placing a key focus on innovation, the Congress will examine how chambers are rethinking their priorities, creating new solutions to address existing challenges, removing trade barriers and driving global prosperity. Other topics slated for discussion include digital disruption and re-imagining the future of chambers. The Congress will also feature a variety of business-related activities, including business matching meetings, investment and trade opportunities in Dubai, site visits to free trade zones in the United Arab Emirates, Expo 2020 Dubai tours and its showcasing area. Expo 2020 Dubai is set to be a key feature of the #12WCC experience as chamber representatives will gain access to the much-anticipated mega event, allowing them to leverage the Expo platform, expand their reach and explore cross-border collaboration opportunities. Another main attraction of the Congress is the World Chambers Competition - the only award programme of its kind to recognise innovative projects undertaken by chambers. The Competition serves to showcase chamber innovation and inspire pioneering chamber solutions that positively impact business communities worldwide. This years Competition categories are Best Resilience Project, Best Digital Project, Best Climate Action Project and Best Unconventional Project. -- TradeArabia News Service Remarkable Group International, a fast-growing global digital transformation agency group, has announced the acquisition of Tanasuk Technologies, Middle Easts foremost Sitecore partner with a long-standing US office and client base. The ambitious new group kicked off its growth journey earlier in the year when it acquired Sagittarius, a top 50 UK digital agency, leading Sitecore partner and specialist in digital customer experience. Remarkable Groups eye on the MENA region and the GCC specifically meant that Tanasuk was a natural next step, and the acquisition will represent the cornerstone of best-in-class engineering capabilities that will sit at the heart of Remarkable Group. Both agencies will work collaboratively on client projects across the Middle East, the US and Europe. Each business will continue to serve its respective markets as a separate entity, with its own specific offerings, able to complement and flex services with group support. Tanasuk is renowned for being the centre of engineering excellence for Microsoft and Sitecore in the region and was awarded the prestigious Platinum Partner status by Sitecore in July. While being driven by a majority-female leadership team, joining Remarkable Group will be a commercial and operational game changer as Tanasuk will benefit from the diversity of senior architects, expertise, and resources from across the Remarkable Group enabling them to deliver entire projects that goes beyond pure engineering with a more multi-disciplined digital team. Shahla Matar, CEO of Tanasuk, and one of the only 300 individuals worldwide recently awarded Sitecore MVP (Most Valuable Professional) status, among only three women across the entire Mena region, said: Joining a group like Remarkable has been a long time coming for Tanasuk. The groups strategic interest in EMEA and the recent rise of various regional economies in MENA and GCC specifically has only made this move even more timely. We look forward to expanding beyond the US & Middle East markets by tapping into the groups wealth of global resources. Tanasuk has already established itself as the technology powerhouse behind some of the regions biggest brands but being part of the Remarkable Group will allow us to provide a much broader holistic offering. Tanasuk in Arabic means synergy and harmony, which is probably the best way to describe this union with a team which shares the exact same vision and values, she added. Nick Towers, CEO of Remarkable Group, said: Tanasuk is the number one Sitecore specialist in the region and that brings an enormous amount of credibility, experience and knowledge to the group. Its growth and success to date has been driven by an incredible powerhouse of female leaders who are exceptional operators, impressing us with their business acumen at every step of our negotiation. Sitecore has ambitious expansion plans for the Middle East and GCC markets and that drives the need for world-class implementation, which we can now combine with the broader digital transformation solutions that Sagittarius and Tanasuk can offer together. It is no question that Tanasuk is the ideal partner. The acquisition of Tanasuk brings Remarkable Group headcount to 85 based across 6 locations covering Amman, UK (London, Leeds, Ashford), Ukraine and the US (Chicago). The Group is planning to announce further acquisitions in 2021 in the technology and data sectors, it said in a statement. TradeArabia News Service The next generation of automobiles will be the safest ever, thanks to cutting-edge software and hardware levels, coupled with improvements to safety features with the help of real-time data, according to Al Futtaims Trading Enterprises, the distributor of Volvo Cars in the UAE. Volvo Cars has always used traffic data from real-life situations to develop safety technologies and make its cars even safer. For its next generation of vehicles, the company is looking to process data from customer cars in real time, if customers choose to do so and help make its cars safer. "By allowing customers to choose and be a part of improving safety levels and traffic safety in this way, we can make continuous and much faster improvements to the cars, constantly improving safety levels," Volvo Cars said in a statement. This data would include continuous inputs on the cars environment from sensors like the high-resolution LiDAR delivered by technology company Luminar. Engineers would be able to validate and verify autonomous drive (AD) features quicker, to promote a safe roll-out of AD technology. Zenseact (Volvo Cars autonomous driving software arm) CEO Odgard Andersson said: With help from real-life data we can speed up our development processes and go from years to days. As real-time collection generates a lot more data, we can create better and higher-quality data sets that allow us to make better and quicker decisions on the next advancements in safety. To process the real-time traffic data they will collect, Volvo Cars and Zenseact are investing in a data factory that will contain over 200 PebiBytes (225 million gigabytes) of data within the next few years. By using artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, data can be crunched at record times. Customers will be able to choose whether this data is collected about them, and all collected data will be aggregated with adequate safeguards for customer privacy. Head of R&D Mats Moberg said: Safety is part of our heritage and the backbone of our company, but software is a crucial part of our modern-day DNA. So while we continue to build on the 50-year expertise of the Volvo Cars Accident Research Team, we can now also leverage AI as a new, virtual accident research team. The use of real-time data is part of Volvo Cars long term vision for a future where collisions simply no longer happen, by equipping its cars with some of the best sensors available and advanced, continuously improving safety and autonomous drive systems.-TradeArabia News Service Seven new locations in Germany have been awarded World Heritage Site status by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) during the recently held 44th Unesco meeting in China. With the updated official Unesco list counting more than 1,000 sites in 167 countries around the world, Germany now boasts 51 recognised World Heritage Sites, the third highest of any nation globally after Italy (58) and China (56). Germanys World Heritage Sites comprise three natural locations and 48 cultural locations. As a key destination to experience natural and cultural treasures, GCC visitors can discover a plethora of diverse World Heritage Sites along eight routes in Germany, which begin and end near international airports, making them easily accessible from regional gateways. Due to their uniqueness and authenticity, all Unesco World Heritage Sites in Germany are considered significant for humanity therefore under special protection. New Unesco World Heritage Sites now recognised in Germany include the Mathildenhohe artists colony in Darmstadt, the Lower Germanic Limes, The Danube Limes as well as historic spa resorts in Baden-Baden, Bad Ems and Bad Kissingen, which secured the title of World Heritages Great European Baths. With this year's new additions, 51 natural and cultural heritage sites in Germany now hold the Unesco World Heritage seal of quality. The international attention granted to the countrys human and natural history continue to elevate Germanys appeal as a globally-recognised travel destination. We now sit at the top of the list of countries travellers are willing to visit in the Europe, averaging 22 percent, or five percent higher than last year," said Petra Hedorfer, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of GNTB. Mathildenhohe artists' colony in Darmstadt Founded in 1899 by the Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig, Mathildenhohe artists' colony has been noted as a historic centre of modern-day architecture and art in Europe. Prior to the turn of the century, aspiring architects and artists had the opportunity to turn their ideas into experimentation, inspiring what is now known as the Bauhaus art movement. The infamous location includes a wedding tower designed by the architect Joseph-Maria Olbrich, seen as a landmark of the city and an excellent vantage point over the Rhine-Main plain. The Lower Germanic Limes The 400-kilometer section of the ancient Roman border fortifications runs along the North Rhine-Westphalia to Katwijk Rhineland-Palatinate through the Dutch North Sea coast. The Lower Germanic Limes is now noted as a World Heritage Site as part of the 'Borders of the Roman Empire' series. The river formed a natural border between the Roman province, where life across 44 towns, forts, legionary camps and temples formed the roots of today's large cities, including Bonn and Cologne. The Danube Limes The Danube Limes follow the course of the Danube River from what is known today as Bad Gogging in Bavaria, through Austria and Slovakia. As the second-longest river in Europe, the Roman military frontiers stretch approximately 600-kilometerand has contributed to the development of the cultural landscape. Parts of the earlier facilities are still visible today and are carefully developed for tourists to visit, the archaeological sites 'document niedermunster' and the 'Porta Praetoria' in Regensburg are key examples of popular destinations. Significant spa towns in Europe With European spa culture peaking between the 1700 and the 1930s, Germanys abundant spa towns around mineral springs have far more than historic and medical significance; these major urban developments created architectural framework for recreation, cultural and social life. Not only have the German spa towns of Baden-Baden, Bad Ems and Bad Kissingen been recognised by the Unesco, eight additional European spa towns have been awarded listings. The ongoing German.Spa.Tradition campaign cements Germanys cultural traditions through a series of high-quality medical-therapeutic applications and wellness offers. In 2019, Germany recorded 7.2 million international overnight stays in spa towns. As a result of the pandemic, interest in wellness and health vacations has increased significantly and continues to steadily increase. Germany began welcoming European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved, fully vaccinated travellers on June 25. All travellers are advised to check individual German states entry requirements before travel. - TradeArabia News Service Help India! Several independent journalists were denied access to cover the recent farmers protest at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi and the Khori Gaon demolition in Haryana. The aggrieved journalists said they are being denied access as independent journalists and freelancers have played a key role in covering the farmers protests while mainstream media has only played into the propaganda. Support TwoCircles Samriddhi Sakunia | TwoCircles.net NEW DELHI In recent times, journalists in India especially those who work with independent media outlets or freelancers, have been prevented from covering protests such as at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi by farmers or by villagers of Khori Gaon whose houses were demolished in a Supreme Court ordered drive. After the Supreme Court ordered the demolition of Khori Gaon in the Faridabad district of Haryana, several journalists were prevented from covering the demolition. As per reports, the police apart from threatening journalists and obstructing them arrested several villagers who were protesting against the demolition. In a similar incident, several journalists were denied entry inside Jantar Mantar where the farmers were protesting against the three farm laws. As per the aggrieved freelance and independent journalists, they were made to sit near the barricade which was quite far from the protest site. I was asked to stop filming testimonies of Khori Gaon villagers Sumedha Pal, a reporter at the Newsclick shared her experience on covering the Khori Gaon demolition. On July 30, when Pal visited the site to record the testimonies of the villagers gathered there, several officers repeatedly asked Pal to stop filming. As per Pal, she filmed the scene which showed the aggression of the police against the villagers. A senior police officer ordered another officer to confiscate my phone while I was filming the police action against the demonstrators, Pal told TwoCircles.net, adding, As soon as the officer approached towards me and tried to grab my phone, I stopped filming and fled the scene. Pal said she was threatened and obstructed by the Police when she tried to film the demolition. A police officer even tried to block my camera as I filmed the visuals at the site, she said. According to Pal, she was carrying her press card every time she visited Khori Gaon to cover the demolition, but I still had to face such behaviour. Female officers were ordered to beat me if I resisted On July 16, when Nikita Jain, an independent journalist was at the Khori Gaon demolition site taking pictures and videos, an unknown person in civvies approached her and asked her to stop filming. He threatened to inform the police if I didnt stop recording, Jain told TwoCircles.net. Nikita said that when she was leaving the village, a group of 10 police officers surrounded me and told me that media coverage was prohibited in the area. Nikita asked the officer to show an official order stating that media coverage wasnt allowed. He refused and asked me to show them my phone and delete all my footage, she said. Nikita said that when she refused to hand over her phone, the officer ordered female cops to take me away and ordered them to beat me if I resisted. As per Nikata, the officers threatened to break her phone. I was adamant and left the village, she said. In a similar incident on July 22, journalists were denied access to cover farmers protests at Jantar Mantar. Several journalists took to Twitter about the resistance they had to face from the police. They complained of the treatment meted out to them just because they dont have a PIB (Press Information Bureau) issued press card. They didnt let journalists stand close to barricades without a press card On June 22, many policemen at the Jantar Mantar protest site stopped several journalists who visited the site to cover the farmers protest. Sandeep Singh, an independent journalist who has been covering the farmers protest from the beginning, was one of the several journalists who were denied entry. Sandeep took to Twitter and posted a picture with a caption saying that like him several other journalists were denied entry. The independent journalists were asked to show PIB issued press cards which according to Prabhat Singh, another independent journalist, isnt available with more than 90% of the journalists. The journalists sat on a protest and demanded to be allowed to cover the protest like other media outlets. The journalists were later allowed to cover the protests but were only allowed to stand near the barricades. On July 23, Sandeep Singh visited the protest site again and found out that the police werent allowing journalists who didnt possess a press card to cover the protest. Most of the independent journalists here dont have press cards and they work without the card, Sandeep said. As per Sandeep, he was not allowed to even stand near the barricades because he didnt have a press card. Journalists working with mainstream media outlets were allowed entry. Independent journalists and other YouTubers have played a huge role in covering the farmers protest from the beginning. Do you think they hold a press card to enter the protest site? asked Sandeep. The mainstream media which just tries to spread propaganda is being permitted while independent journalists like me who play a key role in pushing forward the truth of the protests in terms of media coverage are denied access, Sandeep added. In a follow-up to our first article from F-14 Tomcat RIO and TOPGUN instructor Dave Bio Baranek this past May, we thought our readers might enjoy this story about his experiences on a TOPGUN training detachment to NAS Key West in Florida, where he came across a stray SR-71 Blackbird in one of the hangars. As you will know from our first article, Bio Baranek also worked as an adviser on the 1986 film, Top Gun, and that film makes an appearance in this article too Naval Air Station (NAS) Key West, Florida April 1986. Topgun was making another trip from our home base of NAS Miramar in San Diego to Key West, where we had fewer distractions, access to extensive overwater training ranges, great weather, and could work with the local adversary squadron, Attack Squadron 45 (VA-45). Most of us would be on this detachment, or det for one to two weeks. We would concentrate on two primary tasks: training the group of new Topgun instructors who had recently arrived and practicing air-to-air gunnery by shooting at a large banner towed by another aircraft. We would also fly with VA-45, and just maybe get out for some of the great food and drink to be found in Key West. Okay, there was no maybe about that last part, we always had a great time on these trips! Flying with Topgun commanding officer Dirty Dan Shewell, I arrived in a two-seat F-5F on a Saturday afternoon. The advance party was set up and ready. They had told everyone flying over when to arrive, so several other instructors arrived in A-4s and F-5s about the same time we did. Advance party members drove rental cars out to the flight line to meet us. That would never happen at Miramar, but seemed like a nice touch on a detachment. Something even further removed from normal Miramar operations was their offer of cold beer, just pulled from a cooler in the trunk of one of their cars. Abnormal? Yes. But it was late afternoon, it was warm and breezy, we were done flying for the day, and we were on det to Key West. It was easy to rationalize Our amiable Maintenance Control Officer, Derf, walked up to a group of us and said with a grin, Wait until you see whats in the hangar. His excitement was obvious, but he wouldnt tell us any more than that. So we finished our beers and walked over to the hangar he indicated. NAS Key West was no longer home to any Fleet squadrons, and its hangars were older than those I was used to at Miramar and Oceana. With peeling paint, flocks of birds in the rafters, and old fittings on their walls, they seemed to be relics from World War II. So when I walked into the hangar I was stunned to see the sleekest, blackest flying machine ever, the SR-71 Blackbird. An Air Force reconnaissance aircraft, at 107 feet long it was huge, even compared to the F-14 that I was familiar with. The smooth underside was roughly six feet above the ground, so I could look under its belly, or look up at its cockpit, engines, and tails. The machine seemed even more fantastic in the ancient dusty hangar, illuminated by the afternoon light that penetrated the yellow windows and gaps in the huge hangar doors. Six Air Force security policemen in camouflaged uniforms guarded the jet, with M16 assault rifles held across their chests. I dont know how long this shift had been on duty, but they looked alert and intent. I walked into the hangar with four or five other instructors. We started at the Blackbirds nose, walked about three-quarters along the length of the jet, and stopped near the left engine. We were all thrilled to get such a close-up look. Of course, I had my camera in hand and ready. Sir, no photography is allowed, sir! Sir, I need to see your Armed Forces Identification card, sir. He spoke clearly and authoritatively, using the sir sandwich form of sentence construction. I outranked him, thus his frequent use of the word sir. But he had an M16 and was doing his job. As I reached for my wallet I looked him straight in the eye and calmly said, Okay, got it. I havent taken any pictures. Heres my ID. He shifted to a more normal voice but retained the bearing of a sentry. Thank you, sir. We havent seen anyone else in here with a camera. If we see any photos of this jet in this hangar, were going to talk to you first. He wrote down my name, ID number, and other information. We learned that the jet was on a mission near Key West when it had trouble with its left engine. Indeed, we could see holes where pieces of the disintegrating engine had pierced the skin of the nacelle. The crew made an emergency landing at NAS Key West and taxied into this hangar. Navy security police stood guard until Air Force personnel arrived from the Miami area to take over. It had been in the hangar just a few hours at this point. Repair crews were on the way. The SR-71 is a beautiful and fascinating aircraft, and we Topgun instructors soaked it in for a few more minutes. But then we returned to the business of the det. Off to change and hit the town, for dinner and a few beers. It was a different Bio on the Key West det in 1986, compared to the new instructor who made the 1984 Key West det. Now I had been at Topgun a year and a half and was, therefore, one of the old guys. As a RIO, I was definitely a minority on the staff around this time we had four or five RIOs out of 18 or 20 total instructors but I had established and proven myself. I gave a tactics lecture and a FAST* lecture I had become head of the FAST team. I was briefing, leading, and debriefing class flights as well as other training flights. I had learned much and taught much. I had lost arguments and won arguments. I had made mistakes and corrected mistakes. I knew my facts and mission, I knew the aircraft and weapons, I knew the material and the students. For me, it was a great Key West det. In five days I flew six 1v1s training new instructors, plus a 4vUNK against some Fleet Tomcats in town to take advantage of the consistent great weather and operating areas near the field. I also flew one air-to-air gunnery flight. During the det shooting the banner was almost equal in priority to training new instructors, as a way of maintaining instructor skill and credibility. We were busy and enjoying our normal instructor lives, but the movie again became an issue during the det. First, Paramount invited all instructors to a preview at their theater in Hollywood and they needed to know who would attend. This would be the week after we got back from Key West. Second, they were having a West Coast Benefit Premiere in San Diego in mid-May and advised us that tickets would be $50 per seat. The Hollywood preview was easy, Rat collected names and sent them to Paramount. As for arranging tickets for the premiere, you might say we were taken aback. It wasnt even going to be the world premiere. And werent we Topgun instructors special? Most of us would be taking wives or dates, and $100 was a lot to see a movie, even if it was about us. Sort of. The resolution to this micro-quandary happened quickly, when Hughes Aircraft Company, manufacturers of the radars in the F-14 and F/A-18, offered to cover the cost of two tickets for each Topgun instructor. So Rat once again sent in a list of names. The rest of the SR-71 story is a mix of goods and others. Neither the Air Force nor the Navy initially publicized the fact that it was at the base, but its presence wasnt really classified, either. After just a few days it seemed like everyone in Key West knew about the black jet. I guess thats the coconut telegraph that Jimmy Buffett sings about. The public affairs people arranged for the jet to be rolled out of the hangar for viewing on a Wednesday afternoon, four days after its arrival. We were allowed to take photographs, which I did. I heard that a school bus full of children came by for a close-up look. The public showing was a nice move by the Air Force. The jet took off Thursday morning. I was in a flight briefing that started at 10:00, but when the SR-71 taxied out to the runway we adjourned the brief and went outside. It was an airshow atmosphere as many people walked across the ramp to stand in the grass near the runway. Looking as cool as any man-made object ever looked, the jet sat at the end of the runway while the pilot and back-seater performed takeoff checks. When those were complete the pilot advanced the throttles and lit the burners. The sound was deafening; the sight was exciting. The jet was large but sleek, and its acceleration was brisk. Halfway down the runway the pilot pulled the nose up, but only climbed a thousand feet or so. He made a sharp left turn and flew toward downtown Key West a few miles away, disappearing behind the tree line. A moment later we could hear their approach. They flew over the field at low altitude, lighting the burners as they passed. The jet was a triple-sonic manta ray of flowing curved surfaces and elegant proportions, painted flat black. The crew made another circuit, and then over the base, they lit the burners and pulled the nose up to climb out of sight. I walked back inside with the rest of my flight to finish the brief, preoccupied by the great display, but aware of the complex 4vUNK mission I would soon be flying. As the flight lead was finishing the brief and asking for spin procedures, we were distracted again, this time by the wailing sirens of the NAS Key West crash crew. Fire engines raced toward the main runway. Moments later the same SR-71 eased in for a smooth landing, turned at the end of the runway, and taxied into the same hangar. The SDO came into our brief to announce the runway was closed. Shortly after takeoff, the Blackbird crew determined they had damage to their other engine. Their home base was in California, but since they had a repair crew at Key West, they returned to the island. Trucks combed the runway for engine debris and after 30 minutes it was open, so our 4vUNK mission went with just a brief delay. I left Key West after a week of the det, flying back to Miramar on a Saturday so I could give a FAST course to two air wings the following week. Most of the other instructors also came home that weekend, but a few stayed through the following week. Meanwhile back in Key West, several Topgun instructors talked to the SR-71 pilots about their departure that Thursday morning. Nice fly-by, but that climb-out. Is that as good as it gets? We had commented to each other how we thought it was kind of weak, and a few of our guys mentioned it to the Blackbirds crew. I was gone when the repaired Blackbird took off the second time. It didnt do any fly-bys around the island this time, but the instructors who were there said the climb-out was impressive. Impressive thats a real compliment not often heard from a bunch of Topgun instructors! * FAST: Fleet Air Superiority Training, a one-week program run by Topgun to give fighter and E-2 Hawkeye aircrews specialized training in defending an aircraft carrier from a raid by bombers, cruise missiles, and jammers. The concept was to apply Topgun-level training to this challenging problem. FAST included lectures and complex scenarios in simulators. Dave Bio Baranek is also the author of Topgun Days and Before Topgun Days. He enjoyed a successful and satisfying 20-year career in the United States Navy, starting with assignments to F-14 Tomcat squadrons and the elite Topgun training program as an instructor, and on to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the US 7th Fleet. Baranek retired from the Navy in 1999 and is now a defense contractor. He is married and lives in Satellite Beach, Florida. For more information, visit www.topgunbio.com, or connect with the author on Facebook (search for Topgun Days Tomcat RIO) or Instagram (he is Topgun Bio). Once again, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2021 proved to be the worlds greatest aviation event. Better known simply as Oshkosh to those who love aviation, the event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin showcases many incredible aircraft for one week each summer to the several hundred thousand enthusiasts who fly in from across the globe to witness or participate in the spectacle. And Oshkosh is now in the books for 2021. As ever, it proved highly successful, with another record attendance. The Experimental Aircraft Associations CEO and Chairman, Jack Pelton, had the following to say in a formal press release celebrating this years accomplishments. This was perhaps the most challenging set of circumstances weve ever faced as an organization to make the event happen. I could not be more proud of our volunteers, staff, and participants for the way they came together to exceed our expectations and make AirVenture 2021 a truly memorable experience. We went into this year not knowing what AirVenture would look like and how big of an event was possible. The aviation community spoke loudly, though it was ready to come to Oshkosh and we were happy that we could welcome them. Our theme was The Wait is Over, and indeed it was. And the wait was worth it. There was joy and excitement throughout the grounds and it set the stage for the return of AirVenture, making us very excited for the future. Attendance: Approximately 608,000 Only the third time attendance has surpassed 600,000 and within 5 percent of 2019s record total. Total aircraft: More than 10,000 aircraft arrived at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh and other airports in east-central Wisconsin. At Wittman alone, 16,378 aircraft operations took place in the 10-day period from July 22-31, which is an average of approximately 116 takeoffs/landings per hour when the airport is open. Total showplanes: 3,176, which included: A record 1,420 vintage aircraft registered, plus 1,089 homebuilt aircraft, 354 warbirds, 148 aerobatic aircraft, 112 seaplanes, 33 ultralights, and 27 rotorcraft. Camping: More than 12,000 sites in aircraft and drive-in camping accounted for an estimated 40,000 visitors. Volunteers: More than 5,000, who contributed in excess of 250,000 hours. Commercial exhibitors: 747. Forums, Workshops, and Presentations: A total of 1,055 sessions took place throughout the week. Social Media, Internet, and Mobile: The EAAs social media channels reached more than 18.95 million people during AirVenture, with an engagement of 1.08 million; EAA video clips during the event were viewed 3.48 million times. International guests: Despite travel restrictions that greatly limited the number of attendees from other nations, the EAA still welcomed visitors from 66 countries during the week. The Gathering shines The EAA Aviation Foundations annual event to support its aviation education programs attracted more than 500 people and raised more than $1.7 million dollars which will be focused on EAAs mission of growing participation in aviation. Media: 567 media representatives on-site, from four continents. Economic impact*: $170 million for the five counties in the Oshkosh region (Winnebago, Outagamie, Fond du Lac, Calumet, and Brown). * based on a 2017 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh economic impact study From a warbird perspective, EAA AirVenture 2021 saw the first Oshkosh appearance of the magnificent Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat belonging to Fagen Fighters WWII Museum. This WWII naval fighter made its first post-restoration flight on January 3, 2021, following a two and a half year restoration with Steve Hinton, Jr. at Fighter Rebuilders in Chino, California. The aircraft won the Grand Champion Warbird Award this year, which was not a surprise to anyone whod followed the Hellcats journey back to flight. Another first appearance on the big stage was the Warbird Heritage Foundations Goodyear FG-1D Corsair (BuNo. 92050, N194G). Following an eight-year restoration, Mike Schiffer flew the Corsair for the first time on March 9, 2021. The airplane has been finished in an authentic Naval Reserve paint scheme for the former NAS Glenview. Bernie Vasquez brought the Dakota Territory Air Museums recently restored Hawker Hurricane Mk.XII (RCAF 5708). Another first appearance was the OV-10 Squadrons North American-Rockwell OV-10 Bronco, which they flew all the way from Chino, California. This aircraft, OV-10A BuNo 155474, was the 164th example off the production line and a veteran of three different wars. In February 1969, it deployed to Vietnam with the Black Ponies of Light Attack Squadron Four (VAL-4), serving there until April 1972 (look for a full feature on 474 in a future issue of Warbird Digest Magazine). As many will know, hundreds of gorgeous, strikingly presented airplanes arrive at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each and every year hoping to win a Lindy Award. Of course, only a handful can come away with any kind of award, but fewer still earn a Lindy. These awards range across six categories: Homebuilt, Warbird, Vintage, Ultralight, Seaplane, and Rotorcraft. Entrants can only receive consideration for one category in any given year, and are not eligible for the same or any lower-tier awards if they have won previously. While the award judges consider an aircrafts looks in their deliberations, the quality of craftsmanship on display is a crucial factor as well. Careful construction and/or restoration, as well as tireless maintenance, are essential to winning a Lindy. Here is the list of the winners in the Warbird category. Preservation Awards John Schaefer Waterloo, Illinois Cessna O-1A Bird Dog, N413PG Pete Bales Janesville, Wisconsin Hughes OH-6A Cayuse, N67PB Lou Feldvary Hardy, Virginia North American T-6D Texan, N757LF Blake Bosley Richmond, Texas Cessna L-19 Bird Dog, N60591 Judges Choice: Military Transport United States Air Force Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Boeing C-17A Globemaster III, 02-1099 Judges Choice: Light Attack Aircraft Douglas F. Kulick Reno, Nevada Piper PA-22-160 Tri-Pacer, N2650A Judges Choice: Brody Equipped Grasshopper Ric Woldow Morton, Illinois Piper L-4, N50364 Judges Choice: Primary Trainer Richard Smith Austin, Texas Fairchild PT-19A, N48671 Judges Choice: T-34 Gary Otto/CAF Wisconsin Wing Pewaukee, Wisconsin Beechcraft T-34A Mentor, N5347W Judges Choice: Fighter Warbird Heritage Foundation Waukegan, Illinois Goodyear FG-1D Corsair, N194G Dirty Bird Hunter Hamilton Colorado Springs, Colorado Beechcraft C-45/SNB-5, N97001 Best Military Transport Joseph Anderson Phoenix, Arizona Douglas DC-3A, N8336C Silver Wrench Aerometal International Inc. Aurora, Oregon Best L-Bird Phil Hein Burlington, Wisconsin Stinson L-5G Sentinel, N2584B Silver Wrench Fred Wright Phoenix, Arizona Best B-25 Bettys Dream LLC Minot, North Dakota North American B-25 Mitchell, N5672V Silver Wrench Aero Trader Chino, California Best Navy Fighter American Honor Foundation Ocala, Florida Chance Vought F4U-4 Corsair, N240CF Silver Wrench American Honor Foundation Ocala, Florida Best T-34 Mike Reirdon El Cajon, California Beechcraft A-45 Mentor, N4982N Silver Wrench Blackwell Aviation Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Best T-6/SNJ Daniel Van Buskirk Bismark, North Dakota North American T-6 Texan, N72176 Silver Wrench Springer Aeronautics Toronto, Ontario, Canada Best Fighter Hannu Halminen Orono, Ontario, Canada North American P-51 Mustang, N951HB Silver Wrench Glenn Wegman Fighter Enterprises Indiantown, Florida Returning Best of Class Large Plaque Robert Stoney Mercer Island, Washington Cessna O-1E Bird Dog, N4848M Returning Grand Champion Large Plaque Keith Brunquist Wasilla, Alaska Boeing YL-15 Scout, N477OC Keep em Flying Award Large Plaque Dan Blackwell Irwin, Pennsylvania Beechcraft T-34A Mentor, N557DB Silver Wrench Dan Blackwell Irwin, Pennsylvania Keep em Flying Award Large Plaque Jimmy Hayes Sarasota, Florida Aero Vodochody L-39X Albatros, N395MK Silver Wrench Code One Aviation Rockford, Illinois Keep em Flying Award Large Plaque Joe Roetering Naples, Florida Beechcraft T-34B Mentor, N434JR Silver Wrench Blackwell Aviation Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania Phoenix Award Steve Miller Naperville, Illinois Lockheed Airtrooper N100GR Gold Wrench George Robertson Jim Fernandez Sorrell Brothers Reserve Grand Champion: Post-World War II American Honor Foundation Ocala, Florida North American F-86 Sabre, N386BB Gold Wrench American Honor Foundation Ocala, Florida Reserve Grand Champion: World War II Jordan Deters/CAF Minnesota Wing Hermantown, Minnesota Vultee BT-13A Valiant, N52411 Gold Wrench CAF Minnesota Wing Grand Champion: Post-World War II James and Pat Harker Forest Lake, Minnesota Convair L-13A, N6615C Gold Wrench James and Pat Harker Forest Lake, Minnesota Grand Champion: World War II Fagen Fighters WWII Museum Granite Falls, Minnesota Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat, N9265A Gold Wrench Fighter Rebuilders Chino, California So now we turn to next years EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. Jack Pelton noted that: Planning is well underway for next years event, including discussions during AirVenture 2021 about possible features and attractions for 2022. We also look forward to welcoming more international visitors next year to return AirVenture to a truly global reunion. In the next few months, we will be finalizing highlights in all areas to make the 69th EAA fly-in convention the Worlds Greatest Aviation Celebration. Some of the many wonderful people who attended this years event! As some may have inferred from the advertisements in late May, 2021 that a number of the late Paul G. Allens aircraft restoration projects were being put up for sale, it only seemed a matter of time before more gems from his remarkable estate would find their way to the marketplace. And such is the case now for Allens Focke-Wulf Fw 189A-2 (WkNr 2100), believed to be a unique survivor from 846 examples built. The project, in an advanced state of completion, is now available for sale via the workshop tasked with its rebuild, the Aircraft Restoration Company (ARCo). As the (edited) sales description continues The twin-boom, twin-engine, heavily glazed aircraft was the main reconnaissance type used by the German Forces on the Eastern Front during WWII and was known as The Flying Eye. The Fw 189 usually carried a crew of three, with a maximum speed of 217mph and an operating range of just over 400 miles. During our research into the type, we came across stories of an Fw 189 once returning from a sortie with a boom missing, either from flak or ramming, which is a testament to the sturdiness of Kurt Tanks design. For ease of replacement in the field, both booms were interchangeable in order to minimize the number of spare parts required. The Fw 189 could capture reconnaissance photographs from the camera built into the fuselage; indeed the type performed superbly in this role. The Fw 189 combined all of the attributes required on the Eastern Front strength, maneuverability, toughness, and reliability, combined with the ability to operate from short and unpaved airstrips. Wr Nr 2100, originally built as an Fw 189-A1, is thought to be the fourth of ten Fw 189s produced at the Aero factory in Prague. The aircraft made its first two test flights on July 23rd, 1941, and another the following day. Receiving its airworthiness certificate soon after, the Fw 189 moved on to the short-range army cooperation unit which would take it into action. It served in the army cooperation role for roughly two years, during which time it likely received an upgrade to A2 specification. Her wartime flying career came to an end on May 4th, 1943. Just after 3 am that morning, the crew pilot Lothar Mothes; navigator/bombardier/gunner Kurt Lebrecht; and rear gunner Gunther Albrecht took off on what would be their last mission. The aircraft was to photograph Loukhi III Airbase from an altitude of 20,000ft and then continue north up the Murmansk-Leningrad Railway. Half an hour into the sortie, the crew sent a radio message warning that they were under heavy attack by Soviet Hurricanes, but that was the last communication they were able to make before the aircraft went down. The pilot managed to belly in with the aircraft remaining substantially intact, but Lebrecht and Albrecht died as a result of their wounds. Remarkably, however, Mothes survived the ordeal and the war. He made his way behind Russian lines, feeding off tree bark and grubs to survive, and finally reunited with German soldiers having evaded Soviet forces for two weeks. He spent nine months in hospital and convalescing as a result of the crash, but returned to his duties as a pilot, flying a further 100 missions in Fw 189s. Soviet wartime reports state that their forces located Fw 189 wreck site within hours of the crash, the aircraft having come down in a forest near Loukhi, south of Murmansk in far northwestern Russia. It was there, in Arctic conditions, that the aircraft remained for 52 years, surviving relatively undisturbed to become worthy of salvage instead of scrapping, like most of the other examples lost on the battlefield. Indeed, such was the inaccessibility of the crash site that the recovery team had to use a helicopter to hoist her remains from the forest in 1992. Noted British warbird salvager, Jim Pearce, was responsible for saving this remarkable aircraft and transporting her safely back to the UK by air, road, and sea. She went into storage initially, but made a public outing at the Biggin Hill air show in 1996 where her wartime pilot, Lothar Mothes, had the opportunity to revisit his old mount. one can only imagine the emotional experience this must have been. While Jim Pearce did initiate the aircrafts restoration, with some work taking place, it was clearly a project which required deeper pockets to complete. Pearce sold the aircraft to the late Paul G. Allens Flying Heritage Collection in 2007, and as with most of the other restoration efforts conducted at that organization, they rarely released any details publicly until a project was nearing completion. This was true for the 189 However, despite being a well-kept secret for many years, work on the Fw 189 is well advanced. In the aircrafts fuselage area, the forward frame is 40% complete, the central fuselage 65%, and the aft section 75%, with the rear turret (cupola) also being approximately 75% complete. The structure/skins for the center-wing and the engine nacelles are 80% complete and the fuel tank panels are 60%. The wingtips are at 40% and the starboard outer wing is 65%. Both port and starboard tail booms are 80% and the fin units are 60% complete on the port side and 80% on the starboard. Of the control surfaces, the ailerons are at 50%, the flaps at 40%, and the rudders at 20%. Fw189 A1/2, Werke Nr 2100, is presented for sale as a unique and ongoing project to be seen through to completion to airworthy or static condition. For more information (and photographs), please visit www.aircraftrestorationcompany.com Groundbreaking Ceremony Held for New Cancer Center By West Kentucky Star Staff MURRAY - Murray-Calloway County Hospital recently held a groundbreaking ceremony and ribbon cutting for its new Regional Cancer Center.The project will take around 18 months to complete, and construction is expected to begin in September. The center represents a significant investment in technology, offering the very latest in cancer treatments.The cancer program at the hospital was recently granted a three-year accreditation by the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons."We certainly can't say enough about this building project and want to thank our donors for their continued support. Cancer impacts most everyone in some way, and building a new center will be beneficial for our community and those we serve for years to come," said Lisa Shoemaker, Senior Philanthropy Officer.The Enduring Hope campaign continues to raise money for the $12 million project, which will bring oncologists, social workers, pharmacy, and infusion under one roof. The centerpiece of the new center's equipment will be a state-of-the-art linear accelerator that can deliver stereotactic radiation therapy.You can donate to the project by clicking the links below. For more information on how you can support the project or for naming opportunities, contact Lisa Shoemaker at 270-762-1291.On the Net: Images Sorry, there are no recent results for popular images. by Fady Noun A year ago, entire neighbourhoods in the Lebanese capital were destroyed. It is still unclear why ammonium nitrate was stored in a port warehouse. The investigation into the role played by politicians is proceeding slowly. The Maronite patriarch is set to celebrate Mass without politicians present. Beirut (AsiaNews) Today Lebanon held a day of national mourning to mark the first anniversary of the explosion, on 4 August 2020, of more than 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate poorly stored in a warehouse alongside flammable material. The blast killed more than 200 people, injuring thousands, some of whom will be scarred for life, devastating entire neighbourhoods in Beirut, in particular, some of the oldest near the port. The blast was so powerful that it blew tiles off the roofs of traditional homes, caused sandstone walls to collapse, turned doors and window frames into sledgehammers, and propelled countless shards of broken windows in every direction. Thousands of families lost their homes and had to move elsewhere. Hospitals, schools and churches were also damaged by the blast, which was felt for miles around. The families of the victims organised large rallies on this day of mourning. The days activities include an interfaith ceremony to be followed by a Mass celebrated by the Maronite Patriarch at the very site of the explosion. Muslim and Druze dignitaries will attend the ceremony, but no political or diplomatic representatives will be present. The interfaith celebration is set for 5:50 pm (2:50 pm GMT). A moment of silence will be held at 6.07 pm, the exact time of the tragedy, followed by bell ringing and a Muslim call to prayer. The names of the victims will be read aloud. Mass will begin after a moment of reflection. Led by the Maronite Patriarch, the liturgy will be celebrated in the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to Lebanon, Archbishop Joseph Spiteri, 25 bishops, 150 priests and 1,200 other participants, including the families of the victims, those who were injured or disabled, and those who lost their property. The representatives of a few NGOs involved in the reconstruction will be present, as will some journalists. The ceremony was organised by a group of priests called Eglise pour le Liban (Church for Lebanon) who have been helping the families of the victims and martyrs for the past year. The event will be broadcast by Lebanese television. Political negligence The explosion of 4 August 2020 showed to the Lebanese and the world the negligence of the countrys political leaders. The investigation launched after the tragedy revealed that the ammonium nitrate had arrived at the port of Beirut in late 2013 on a cargo ship, the Rhosus, chartered by the Savaro company. The vessel had left Georgia on its way to an explosives manufacturing factory in Mozambique. The stopover in Beirut was supposed to be purely technical, but it proved to be ominous for the future. The nitrate, which can also be used to make fertiliser, was placed in a port warehouse where it lay between 2013 and 2020. The investigation has not yet fully determined why it was kept for so long, by whom, and what triggered the explosion. No definitive answer has been found yet, but local and foreign interference have hampered the enquiry. Those responsible could be charged with criminal and/or administrative offences. The magistrate currently investigation the case, Judge Tarek Bitar, is a man known for his probity and seriousness. He recently decided to question some former ministers and senior officials who stand among the accused, but has been thwarted by the legal immunity which protects them. Criminal negligence: politicians charged The ministers involved are Transport (port supervisory authority) and Finance (customs supervisory authority) who have held those positions since 2014. In addition, the judge summoned Brigadier General Jean Kahwagi, the former Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces; Major General Abbas Ibrahim, head of the General Security Directorate; Major General Antoine Saliba, director general of State Security, and a former head of the army's intelligence services. Current caretaker Prime Minister Hassane Diab has also been summoned. Although he acknowledged that he was informed of the presence of the ammonium nitrate a few weeks before the tragedy, he availed himself of his right to legal immunity. By contrast, Lebanese President Michel Aoun, who is in the same situation as Prime Minister Diab, set an example, and accepted to appear before Judge Tarek Bitar. After the explosion, some 30 people were indicted and 25 arrested, including the Director General of Customs Badri Daher, who is under the Ministry of Finance, and Beirut port director Hassan Koraytem Port, whose supervisory authority is the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Eight of those arrested have been released. But it is apparent that Mr Daher and Mr Koraytem were well aware of the presence of ammonium nitrate and of its explosive potential. Writing for the LOrient-Le Jour newspaper, Marie-Jo Sader notes that despite the significant exchange of letters over the seven-year period (2013-2020), no order was ever given to remove the ammonium nitrate from the port of Beirut. The investigation should find out why. by Card. Charles Maung Bo The Archbishop of Yangon launches a national prayer campaign against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Delta strain is highly contagious, writes the prelate. This means More infections, more deaths, more need for oxygen. For the cardinal, all health workers must be enabled to reach out to the suffering people. Yangon (AsiaNews) Card Charles Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon and president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Myanmar, released a statement on Monday calling for a national prayer campaign against the COVID-19 pandemic. Myanmar is one of the countries most affected by the contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. The daily count has reached almost 5,000 for a total of 311,000 cases with more than 10,300 dead. According to most experts, however, the actual number is much higher. Six months after the military coup that overthrew the civilian government of democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the generals' crackdown against the civil disobedience movement has undermined the countrys health system. The coup plotters are accused of using the health emergency for political purposes, going so far as stealing medical oxygen cylinders and tanks for their own interests. Threatened by the regime, doctors, nurses and other medical staff have gone into hiding. Local and foreign media have reported that military authorities have arrested and evem killed some of them. Cardinal Bos appeal follows: People of Myanmar: Let us raise our hands and pray Call for National Prayer Campaign as COVID threatens the world and our country (2nd August, 2021) My dear brothers and sisters of Myanmar. As we sail through many challenges in our lives, experts have warned that the world, including Myanmar, need to get ready to face extraordinary challenges from the spiralling virus in the new wave. The Delta strain is highly contagious. More infections, more deaths, more need for oxygen. These are very threatening times for the dignity and survival of our people. Once again, we plead, unity is needed. No conflict, no displacement. The only war we need to wage is against the virus. Facing this emergency let us arm ourselves only with medical kits, oxygen and other support to our dear people. Because of the shortage of human resources, all health workers must be enabled to reach out to the suffering people. We are not politicians. We always seek the good of our people. Through this appeal, I call upon all people to enter into a campaign of prayer, raising our hands and hearts to the Almighty, for healing. Let us come together as one community, let compassion become the common religion in these dark days. Transcending our various religious and faith identities, let us come together for inter religious prayer meetings on line. Let us support one another through continuous prayer. I urge the Catholic Church to have continuous prayers, adorations, Rosary chains in the families and communities. Let us knock at the divine doors, to melt the hearts of all people, to bring healing, peace and reconciliation. We offer all our people to the protection of God. Our peoples destiny is more and more in the hands of God as we sail through these stormy seas of fear, despair, anxiety and pandemic. Let the divine hand reach out and bless our country and protect our people from the pandemic and all other calamities. Jesus says: Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (Mt 17:20). Yes. Our problems press us like mountains. But let us use faith. Let us become prayer warriors; heal ourselves. Let Gods healing hand touch every one and bring health to all our people. Let us that campaign of prayer starts now and go on at least for two weeks. Let every heart raise its voice to God to save us all. + Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, SDB President, Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar by Nirmala Carvalho The priest had gathered in prayer with three other Christians when the attackers broke in. Accused of converting tribals by deception. Global Council of Indian Christians: 'After the approval of the anti-conversion law Christians have been targeted'. New Delhi (AsiaNews) - A Christian priest has been beaten by a group of Hindu extremists in Tichkiya, in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. AsiaNews learned from the Global Council of Indian Christians (Gcic), that the Pentacostal pastor, named Bharat, and belonging to the Bhilala tribe, had gathered in prayer with three other believers in a house when Hindu radicals broke in. They accused the pastor of "enticing" the tribal population with the Christian faith. After a heated argument, the extremists beat Rev. Bharat and vandalized the prayer center. Sajan K. George, president of Gcic, said that Pastor Bharat lives in poverty and would have no means to convert tribals by force or deception: "The only thing he has is the good news, which he freely gives to anyone who is ready to listen to him, and for this reason he has been targeted. In rural areas there has been an increase in attacks against Christians, after Madhya Pradesh also passed an anti-conversion law. According to local residents, the measure is being used for political purposes by movements and parties that draw on Hindutva, an ideology that exaggerates Hindu nationalism. In January, a leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad organized a march in the city of Jhabua, claiming that "gullible natives have converted to Christianity and built churches on protected tribal land." The Hindutva leader had then demanded that the government record all conversion activities and suspend government subsidies for tribal converts. "Unfortunately, Pentacostal Christians have become the target of a violent campaign in many Indian states," George commented.onavirus, elections, duma The Royal Navys new flagship aircraft carrier kept away from Chinese-occupied militarised island outposts. For China, coming within 12 nautical miles is a violation of its sovereignty. The UK, Germany and France are trying to back the US without provoking China. India is also sending warships to the area. Beijing (AsiaNews) HMS Queen Elizabeth, the United Kingdoms newest aircraft carrier, and its strike group have avoided sailing into the waters around Chinese-occupied islands and atolls in the South China Sea, this according to the Chinas Foreign Ministry. For China, sailing within its 12-nautical-mile territorial claims would have been a violation of its sovereignty. British ships left the South China Sea on Monday and entered the Philippine Sea. They are set to remain in East Asia until the end of the year for exercises with allies and partners. So far, only the United States has directly challenged China's territorial claims in the South China Sea. According to the South China Morning Post, US warships have come withing 12 nautical miles of the islands and coral reefs more than 40 times since 2015. China has turned the latter into military outposts. China claims nearly 90 per cent of the South China Sea, a position disputed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei and, to some extend, Indonesia, with US support. In 2016, the International Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled that China's claims had no legal basis. France also regularly sends warships to assert freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Like the British, the French kept at a distance from the Chinese-controlled islands. A German frigate is also set to sail near the disputed waters in December. According to several observers, the three European countries are trying to strike a difficult balance between the US request for cooperation against China and their desire not to rock trade relations with that country. Meanwhile, the Indian government announced today that it is deploying a naval task force to the South China Sea and the Western Pacific over the next two months. The goal is to expand security ties with "friendly" countries, sending a signal of its willingness to play a greater role in the US plan to contain China. This announcement comes as India and China agreed to pull back their troops from the Galwan Valley. Located on the border between Indias Ladakh territory and Chinese Aksai Chin, the area was the scene of brutal fighting last summer between the two neighbouring powers. Recent polls by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which has been tracking public attitudes during the pandemic, have found that 3 of every 10 unvaccinated people said that they would be more likely to get a shot with a fully approved vaccine. But the pollsters warned that many respondents did not understand the regulatory process and might have been looking for a proxy justification not to get a shot. The men were not wearing life jackets, according to the Natural Resources Police. When Buelvas began to struggle in the water, the two men threw him a lifejacket and attempted to rescue him from the water by climbing into the kayak, causing it to capsize. Buelvas went under the water and never resurfaced. Gaelle Rached, a researcher on the study who was in Beirut at the time of the blast, said she realized that the event broadcast to the world via news and social media had left an invisible mark on Lebanese friends overseas who viewed the horror through news reports and social media. In conversations with others, she said, I could tell that they were also impacted by the explosion as much as I was. In Maryland, children ages 14 and older are to be charged as adults if they are alleged to have committed a crime that, if done by an adult, is punishable by life in prison. With an eye both toward the welfare of the child and public safety, which, in our view are inter-related, the court needs to make an assessment of whether it is likely that the child would benefit from an available DJS program better than he or she would from anything likely to be available in the adult system and whether that would reduce the likelihood of recidivism and make the child a more productive law-abiding person, Wilner wrote. Assembly Democrats, who lead the chamber, debated virtually for hours Tuesday about whether to impeach the governor now, wait to see whether he resigns, or give the Judiciary Committee time to wrap up its wide-ranging investigation into topics from sexual misconduct to the Cuomo administrations months-long obfuscation of the total number of nursing home residents who died from COVID-19. We the community, the zoning board, politicians and businesses have a chance to stop practices that serve the values of commerce but that do not serve and, in fact, inflict pain on, on our communities of color primarily. I and my concerned neighbors on both the east and west sides of York Road envision a healthy, vibrant community and not one that continues to be sacrificed to the forces of economic growth with little regard for the health of its residents. Additional sources of air pollution will degrade the overall livability of this struggling, beautiful, challenged and vibrant place we call home. Ms. Mosbys lawyer blames everybody for his clients dilemma. According to him, she is being targeted because she is a black, female and a progressive states attorney. The cabal against her includes the Baltimore City inspector general, the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission, two highly-respected prosecutors in the United States Attorneys Office as well as representatives in the U.S. Department of Justice. Would they further allow their children to play alone in the park after dark considering the price of human trafficking? Do they want police officers assigned to schools removed? Parents who object to their children wearing masks must now decide if their preference is for all school systems to revise their mission statements to change their blueprints for progress from safe to unsafe environments. remaining of Thank you for supporting local, independent journalism! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Campus News Freedom Walk kicks off Igniting Hope conference The conference kickoff event on Aug. 13 will be a two-mile Freedom Walk from the Michigan Street African American Heritage Archway along Michigan Avenue to the Freedom Wall at the corner of East Ferry Street. Photo: Andre Carrotflower Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 By ELLEN GOLDBAUM Its an ongoing battle for our own liberation. As long as we in the African American community still have these very real health disparities, theres a level of bondage were still in. An ongoing battle. Thats how Pastor George F. Nicholas describes the health disparities that African Americans are still trying to overcome. Its an ongoing battle for our own liberation, says Nicholas, pastor of Lincoln Memorial United Methodist Church and convener of the African American Health Equity Task Force. As long as we in the African American community still have these very real health disparities, theres a level of bondage were still in. Thats why Nicholas and his colleagues on the African American Health Equity Task Force and the Buffalo Center for Health Equity are joining with UB and its Community Health Equity Research Institute for Igniting Hope: Healing Historical Trauma from Racist Research, Policies and Practices. The two-day conference is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health and by several community sponsors. The conference kickoff event on Aug. 13 will be a two-mile Freedom Walk from the Michigan Street African American Heritage Archway along Michigan Avenue to the Freedom Wall at the corner of East Ferry Street. The walk is open to the community. Alternative transportation will be provided for those who are unable to do the walk. Conference sessions on Aug. 14 will take place virtually from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Registration and additional conference information is available online. A tentative agenda has also been posted. The purpose of the walk is really to symbolize that people are gathering in the community again, says Nicholas, a member of the board of directors of the UB Community Health Equity Research Institute. Theres a level of celebration in terms of the good work weve been doing. He notes that if it had not been for the collaborations between the task force, the center and UB and all of their partners, he believes the COVID-19 outcomes in the African American community would have been significantly worse. But much more needs to be done, and this is the point of the conference, which, the organizers point out, is focused less on health care issues themselves and more on the systems and the infrastructure that create disparities in the first place. They note that collaborations between UB and the community partners have been solidly based on the idea that it is the root causes of health disparities that exist outside the health care system that so desperately need to be addressed. This is the fourth year of the Igniting Hope conference series. Each of the first three years attracted approximately 300 attendees. This conference series is becoming an annual summit that brings together community and university stakeholders to understand health disparities and discuss viable solutions to this systemic problem in our community, says Timothy Murphy, director of the UB Community Health Equity Research Institute. Weve said we will identify clearly whats driving these disparities, and then we will start to chip away at them, says Nicholas. It takes time. Its not sexy, but its the work that needs to be done, to do the research and get the data on whats really driving these things. Its the work that needs to be done so that our children and grandchildren dont have to be dealing with this stuff. Keynote speakers are: Thomas LaViest, Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Health Equity and dean, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Health, who will discuss My Journey to Discover Why Disparities Exist and What to Do about It. Heidi L. Gartland, chief government and community relations officer, University Hospitals, Cleveland, who will discuss The Anchor Mission: Tackling Economic & Racial Disparities to Create Equitable Health Outcomes. D onald E. Grant, executive director, Mindful Training Solutions, who will discuss Historical Trauma: A Contemporary Conundrum. Breakout discussions will focus on topics raised by the keynote speeches, as well as the environment, fines and fees, historical trauma and healing, and nutrition. In addition to Nicholas, other speakers addressing the conference are: UB President Satish K. Tripathi, who will deliver opening remarks Timothy F. Murphy, SUNY Distinguished Professor; director, UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute; director, UB Community Health Equity Research Institute. Rita Hubbard Robinson, Neuwater & Associates; associate director, UB Community Health Equity Research Institute. Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. Homan said in an interview that when he was county budget director, the county turned down other employees who made requests similar to Tirabassis because they had missed the deadline to transfer service credits. He said he came across the case when he was looking for information about a local development on the countys Board of Appeals website. Desper said Prophet is deeply embarrassed and remorseful for what he did and understands that everyone has a First Amendment right. He invited Anthony Swetz, who provides mental health services, to give a statement about Prophets PTSD. Swetz said based on Prophets past experiences, he sees the world in a negative light. He called Prophet an advocate Trumper with entrenched beliefs that align with the former President Donald Trump, like that the election was stolen. I just think that this exemplifies us coming together, us making sure that not just throughout Howard County, the state of Maryland, but the nation, the world sees that even though weve come through a time where weve felt physically distant [due to the coronavirus pandemic], sometimes socially isolated, were always still together, Ball said. Were together to make sure that not only everyone in our community is safe, but everyone should be able to feel safe and that only happens when we come together and work together. Evacuations were taking place in Greeces southern Peloponnese region due to a major fire near ancient Olympia where the Olympics were held every four years from 776 B.C. for more than a millennium. The adjacent town of Ancient Olympia was evacuated, with another seven nearby villages. The area was ravaged by wildfires in 2007 that cost dozens of lives but spared Olympias ruined sports venues and temples. If you are old enough to remember the hit comedy movie of 1980, Caddy Shack, then you will recall that a gopher infestation was threatening a golf course in Nebraska. The somewhat deranged groundskeeper was tasked with getting rid of the pest. His efforts at eradication include shooting, f Retailers scrambled to get face masks on shelves when they became a must-have item overnight during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, then saw sales slump dramatically earlier this year as people got vaccinated and mask mandates lifted. Now some are seeing sales pick back up amid concerns about rising case numbers and new guidance from health officials that has led to mask mandates at some schools and workplaces. The $127.8 million in recreational marijuana sales statewide is up more than $12 million from June, according to a monthly report by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Through July, the state has generated $753 million in recreational cannabis sales more than all of last year. In May, Related set a June 1 deadline for corporate staff nationwide to comply with the policy, and according to the memo, more than 1,000 were vaccinated. Remaining site and building staff are now required to receive at least one dose of the vaccine by Aug. 31. The country of 1.4 billion people had eradicated the virus so quickly that it was one of the first in the world to open up in spring last year. People removed their masks and gathered for pool parties. In recent months, the government has contended with sporadic outbreaks in various provinces, but stamped them out swiftly by mobilizing thousands of people to test and trace infections, as well as locking down communities. Pritzkers announcement of new steps to slow the spread of COVID-19, delivered alongside Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike from the Thompson Center in the Loop, brought on a sense of deja vu from earlier days of the pandemic. So did the response from Republicans, who once again criticized the Democratic governor for issuing orders without consulting lawmakers and for taking decisions out of the hands of local officials. Ethically, it also depends on how things like lotteries are set up, said Jeffrey Kahn, director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. If everybody whos been vaccinated gets put into the lottery, that seems to be a better approach than if starting today, those who sign up to get vaccinated get entered into a lottery. Because then you effectively punish the people who were responsible earlier in the pandemic. We announced just yesterday that we hit an important milestone of over 110 million vaccines donated to the world. That is more than any other country has shared combined, she said. We also, in this country, have enough supply, to ensure that every American has access to a vaccine. We will have enough supply to ensure, if the FDA decides that boosters are recommended for a portion of the population, to provide those as well. Our ultimate duty is to protect the health and safety of our team members, patients and communities, President and CEO Jim Skogsbergh told employees in a video Wednesday. The data is overwhelming. This vaccine is safe, and its highly effective in preventing infection and even more so, serious illness and death. There are few surprises worth waiting for, but Chop Shops oyster special is sure to be one of them. Their oyster day deals will be announced in the days leading up to Thursday, and if theyre anything like years past, itll be worth the wait. 2033 W. North Ave., 773-537-4440, chopshopchi.com Caraxs vision of Los Angeles, and of America, will strike some as hypnotic and others as snide, fame-mongering, celebrity-driven and drawn to the lonely spaces outside LA proper (Henrys only release, for a while, is to escape on his motorcycle, alone). Both responses are possible, too, of course. As for baby Annette? Its no secret by now that the frankly theatrical realization of the golden child, who turns into a global superstar, takes Annette into full-on Bertolt Brecht alienation-effect territory. (Some of the songs carry an echo or two of Brecht and Kurt Weill.) We watch Henry circle the drain of his misdeeds, and we fall in with him, pushed by the soundtrack. Id do it again, he said from the courthouse steps in downtown St. Louis. Any time the mob approaches me, Ill do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because thats what kept them from destroying my house and my family. He echoed those comments in a statement issued Tuesday by his campaign and added: Today we are incredibly thankful that Governor Mike Parson righted this wrong and granted us pardons. Bruce McCormack, 63, whose family was one of the first to settle in the area, told the story of how his grandfather, a good friend of one of the slain men, went down to the valley to investigate not long after the murders. He stayed there for three months, McCormack said, and his message when he returned was, Justice was done, and leave it alone. Winters got up and went to the door, saying, Wait, wait, and Whats going on? as the officers kicked open the door and pointed guns at him, ordering him to get down, the lawsuit stated. An officer got on top of Winters and touched his gun to the back of Winters head. The officer then checked his pulse to determine if Winters was the fleeing suspect. Another officer entered the grandfathers room and pointed a gun at him while he was lying in bed, and a third officer pointed his gun at 5-year-old Reshyla and 9-year-old Savayla, who were lying in their beds even after the other officer yelled, children on the right. Pantoja knows how hard it can be for families to get the equipment they need, and she wanted to help give back. Some items that families know are necessities for their childrens quality of life are deemed luxuries and not covered by insurance. And even if a piece of equipment ends up being covered, parents have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get what they need. Thank you for supporting our journalism. This article is available exclusively for our subscribers, who help fund our work at the Chicago Tribune. Prehistoric painted pottery has recently gained much traction from archaeological experts home and abroad as the ongoing fifth Majiayao Cultural Festival boosts international research engagement and cooperation. The one-month event kicked off on July 20 in Dingxi City, northwest China's Gansu Province, featuring symposiums, exhibitions, and field trips to local archaeological sites. The festival was named after one of the renowned discoveries in the province -- the Majiayao culture -- which mainly developed in the upper reaches of the Yellow River and its tributaries. With more than 5,000 years of history, the Majiayao also witnessed the glories of ancient China's painted pottery. "Scholars have found close similarities in prehistoric painted pottery between the Black Sea area and the upper reaches of the Yellow River," said Li Xinwei, a researcher with the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. "Our joint research will focus on their potential relation and the reason why the two differed in their later development," added Li. Li's institute has teamed up with the Romanian Academy of Science to excavate a painted pottery site in Gansu in search of new discoveries. Due to the high similarity in the style and decoration of painted pottery in China and Romania previously, some archaeologists put forward the concept of "the painted pottery road." It refers to a possible corridor of early cultural communication between China and the West, which centered on painted pottery long before the Silk Road. "Countries along the Silk Road have a lot in common in their painted pottery culture. The commonalities have laid a cultural foundation for the Silk Road formation," said Li. China also plans to cooperate with Turkmenistan on relevant research. The joint research project will focus on the relations between the common patterns like sawtooth in the Namazga-Tepe culture and decorative designs, including cattle, sheep, and wheat in ancient China's Yangshao Culture. International archaeological cooperation on prehistoric painted pottery enjoys a long history. In 1924, Swedish archaeologist Johan Gunnar Andersson first uncovered sophisticated painted pottery in various shapes in the Majiayao Village, Gansu. Over the years, scholars and experts from institutes and universities worldwide, such as Harvard University and the University of Oxford, have conducted archaeological studies and exchanges with their Chinese counterparts in Majiayao. "The Loess Plateau was like a crossroad where multiple civilizations converged in ancient times, bringing surprise gifts to the archaeology world," Li added. An art exhibition was held yesterday in Beijing at the Russian Cultural Center. Over 30 paintings, sculptures and calligraphy works were on display, covering the latest creations of artists from the National Art Museum of China and some pieces by Russian artists, which are now housed at the National Art Museum of China. Wu Weishan, curator of the National Art Museum of China, expressed at the opening ceremony that the museum aims to provide a platform for cultural exchanges and the display of artworks from both Chinese and Russian artists is a gesture reflecting a cross-cultural conversation. The exhibition will run till Aug 14.[Photo/Xinhua] "Faith Makes Great," an anthology TV series, recounts 40 stories of outstanding people from over the past 100 years, who advocated noble ideals and made important contributions to China's development. Across 40 episodes, the TV series features the stories of those who have embodied the spirit of the Communist Party of China (CPC) over the past century. Famous actors Wang Kai, Jing Boran and Deng Lun, pop idols Wang Yibo and Wang Junkai, and actress Zhao Liying participated in the project, effectively bridging the gap between the older stories being told on screen and younger viewers. Gao Changli, director general of the TV series department with the National Radio and Television Administration, called the creation of the series a "big adventure" during a panel discussion held in Beijing on July 29, noting that "Faith Makes Great" is a groundbreaking TV drama. "First, no matter whether it is about the themes, contents, or forms, there should be bold innovations; second, it is necessary to explore the most touching stories in history and in life," he said, suggesting that "Faith Makes Great" works best when it threads these two philosophies. "Faith Makes Great" covers a diverse range of stories, from a young translator who first translated the Communist Manifesto into Chinese to steel workers shifting operations towards ice-surfacing for the Winter Olympics, as well as a cultural relic restoration team at the Forbidden City, protectors of the Yunnan Golden Monkey, and railway engineers. Fu Dongyu, general director of "Faith Makes Great," explained that the criteria for selecting stories were meant to reflect outstanding individuals whose actions strike the heart of the era in which they lived. Famous literary and cultural critic Zhong Chengxiang noted, "The TV series adopts a typical anthology TV drama format and so has a special aesthetic advantage. It is in small perspective while exquisite and magnificent, which achieved a novel literary expression." On July 28, a new military themed subway train, featuring the development of China's military, made its debut in Chengdu, capital of southwest China's Sichuan province. The train embarked on its maiden trip along Chengdu's Subway Line 6, the longest stretch of subway opened at one time in China. The launch was timed to coincide with the 94th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China. The eight carriages of the new train are decorated with posters showing the history of the PLA, images depicting brave acts by the army, and scenes of mutual support between the Chinese military and civilians in multiple dimensions. A passenger commented that the posters of the military in the carriages increased people's sense of security. A veteran believed that the themed train will be very encouraging for both current and former members of the armed services. Since June 30, Chengdu has provided free train and bus service to members of the military. The launch of the themed train is another move to protect the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel and make military service an occupation that enjoys respect among the public. Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Wednesday exchanged messages of congratulations on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between their countries. Over the past 50 years, bilateral relations have been developing steadily, Xi said in his message, adding that since the establishment of the China-Turkey strategic cooperative relationship in 2010, exchanges and cooperation in various fields have been moving forward in an orderly manner. Since last year, Xi said, the two sides have been supporting each other in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, and carried out fruitful cooperation on vaccines, which has deepened the friendship between the people of the two countries. He said he attaches great importance to the development of China-Turkey relations, and stands ready to work with Erdogan to take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity to further advance bilateral ties. The two countries, Xi suggested, should understand and support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns, accelerate the aligning of development strategies, and push for steady and long-term development of their strategic cooperative relationship, so as to bring benefits to both countries and their people. For his part, Erdogan said Turkey-China relations have a sound foundation for mutually beneficial development. Over the past half century, bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, transportation, tourism and other fields has achieved tremendous development, he said. The two countries, he added, have also promoted strategic cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and exerted a positive influence on the region and the world. In the face of COVID-19, the two countries have been working together and helping each other to ensure the health of their people, he noted. Turkey, he said, attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations, and will continue to push forward strategic cooperation between the two countries. You are here: World Flash A police officer was killed following a shooting at the Metro bus station outside the Pentagon on Tuesday morning, authorities said. The officer was stabbed and later died. The suspect was shot and killed by law enforcement at the scene, the AP reported, citing Pentagon sources. Pentagon Force Protection Agency chief Woodrow Kusse said the officer "was attacked on the Metro bus platform" and "gunfire was exchanged." The Arlington County Fire Department reported "multiple patients," but it wasn't immediately clear if they were related to the shooting. The Pentagon went into lockdown after the shooting and reopened one hour and a half later. "The Pentagon has lifted the lock down and has reopened," the Pentagon Force Protection Agency said on Twitter on Tuesday afternoon. "We request that everyone stay away from the Metro rail entrance and bus platform area." The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said trains and buses were bypassing their stops at the transit center due to the investigation. The Metro bus platform, a major entrance to the Pentagon, is used by multiple bus lines in the area every day. Flash The U.S. government's attempts to politicize the pandemic by claiming China as the source of COVID-19 are not only groundless, but "harmful" to the global fight against the disease, a Brazilian neuroscientist has said. "There is no scientific evidence" to validate Washington's assumption that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory, said Miguel Nicolelis in a recent interview with Xinhua. The scientific community is very skeptical, and it simply does not accept "this type of political manipulation without evidence," said Nicolelis, who was a tenured professor at Duke University in the U.S. state of North Carolina. "The politicization of science never brings benefits, on the contrary, it is extremely harmful," he said. The neuroscientist supports the findings of a joint origin-tracing study earlier this year by over 30 experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) and China, which ended with a report concluding that the laboratory leak scenario was extremely unlikely. "A detailed genetic scan of the virus was carried out and there is no evidence of tampering or evidence of laboratory accidents," he added. Unscientific attitudes towards the virus have had disastrous results on healthcare in the United States and Britain, with high rates of infection and mortality, said the neuroscientist. He noted that there are other instances of Washington misleading the public to further its own interests. "We need to remember the invasion of Iraq in 2001 ... after the world was led to believe in false evidence about weapons of mass destruction. There was nothing. Iraq was destroyed," he said. Flash Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn has reiterated the country's support for the elevation of ASEAN-China relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, according to a foreign ministry's statement on Wednesday. Sokhonn made the remarks during the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting via video link on Tuesday. "In acknowledging the most substantive partnership that ASEAN and China have achieved since the establishment of dialogue relations, he reiterated Cambodia's support for the elevation of ASEAN-China ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership," the statement said. During the meeting, Sokhonn also underlined the need to ensure that cross-border trade and supply chains remains unimpeded to take full advantage from the upgrading of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). He also emphasised the importance of enhancing the implementation of the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Synergizing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). According to the statement, the meeting noted with satisfaction the achievements of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations and applauded the fruitful outcomes of the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting held on June 7-8, 2021 in China's Chongqing as part of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China relations. It added that the meeting looked forward to the 24th ASEAN-China Summit to commemorate the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. "On the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, while ASEAN expressed appreciation to China for the extensive regional support, China further reiterated the commitment to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN, including through the support of regional capacity in the production and distribution of vaccines and medical supplies as well as recovery efforts," the statement said. "Both sides reaffirmed the commitment to maintain peace, security and stability in the region," it added. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. You are here: World Flash Chinese President Xi Jinping has appointed four new ambassadors in accordance with a decision by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, according to a statement from the national legislature Wednesday. Qin Gang was appointed ambassador to the United States of America, replacing Cui Tiankai. Hu Bin was appointed ambassador to Djibouti, replacing Zhuo Ruisheng. Zhu Liying was appointed ambassador to Mauritius, replacing Sun Gongyi. Ma Hui was appointed ambassador to Cuba, replacing Chen Xi. Flash China urges the U.S. side to heed the universal appeal of the international community, immediately and completely lift the sanctions and embargo against Cuba, and immediately stop making excuses to engage in gross interference and destabilization, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here Wednesday. It is reported that on July 30, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions against Cuba's National Revolutionary Police and its top two officials, citing repression of anti-government protests. During a meeting with Cuban-American figures at the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden said that there would be more sanctions, "unless there's some drastic change in Cuba". In response, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on July 30 that "these arbitrary measures, coupled with disinformation and aggression, are used to justify the inhumane blockade of Cuba." Separately, 30 ventilators provided by the Chinese government to the Cuban government arrived in Havana on July 31. In response, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that China firmly opposes any move to arbitrarily impose unilateral sanctions and interfere in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of so-called "freedom", "human rights" and "democracy". "The recent U.S. sanctions against Cuban institution and officials severely violate the basic norms governing international relations and once again demonstrate to the world the typical U.S.-style double standards and bullyism," the spokesperson said. As is known to all, it is the economic, commercial and financial embargo from the U.S. that gravely impedes Cuba's efforts to improve its economy and people's livelihood, and tramples on the Cuban people's right to subsistence and development, the spokesperson added. "Enough with sanctions! The right way is to support," the spokesperson said. Recently, China and many other friendly countries and international organizations have extended a helping hand to Cuba, aiding the Cuban government and people to fight the epidemic and improve people's livelihood, illustrating that true friendship stands the test of adversity, the spokesperson said. China will continue to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, deepen China-Cuba friendly relations and firmly support Cuba's efforts to overcome the impact of the epidemic, promote economic development and maintain social stability, the spokesperson added. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-283-2144 or email circ@oelweindailyregister.com. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 319-352-3334 or email legals@waverlynewspapers.com. The staff of the Litchfield Jazz Festival is presenting the fourth installment of their free virtual concert series for April. Litchfield (06759) Today Partly to mostly cloudy. Low 63F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy. Low 63F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Ultimately the market ... is determining the pressure on wages, said David Lehman, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. Connecticut benefits from very high per-capita incomes, pre-pandemic ... as a result of manufacturing and finance and a lot of industries we have here. Its difficult to draw any conclusions [based on] the past 12 months, in terms of wage pressures, but youre really starting to see more and more of them come across. While being processed at the county jail, Lanz, who was listed as 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 meters) tall and roughly 190 pounds (86 kilograms), is alleged to have attacked two sheriffs deputies in the intake area without provocation, including one who sustained a chipped bone and torn ligament in her knee. After he was restrained, Lanz reportedly accused the officers of being gay for teaming up on him and asked to be uncuffed so he could fight them one-on-one. The proposed development, she added, is just the beginning. Eventually our goal is to use all three floors in the building. We would like to curate a banquet facility and have weddings. Thats ultimately. First we need to get our foot in the door. Once we get that squared away, that is the plan, she said. From the very beginning, state Attorneys General have adhered to an overarching principle that the money we recover from wrongdoers must be directed to abatement, i.e., strategies, initiatives and programs that help our states, victims and their families confront and overcome the crisis in opioid abuse and addiction, Tong wrote in the letter, responding to concerns from Republican state senate leaders about how the funds would be protected and allocated. To me, this means that we should direct money to treatment, prevention and addiction science. COVID-19 vaccination is the most effective method for preventing infection and serious illness from the virus, and staff at long-term care facilities and other health care providers serving vulnerable populations are critical in efforts to protect older residents,' he said, in a statement. Todays actions reinforce the states commitment to ensuring the safety and care for these residents, some of our most vulnerable residents. Theres a famous saying by Tip ONeill that all politics is local, said Sean Scanlon, a Democrat who grew up in Guilford and now represents the town in the legislature. The reality we live in now is that all politics is national. There are people on Fox News and other right-leaning outlets that talk about this every single day, all day, and people who get their news from those places are constantly getting information on this from national groups that are really bent on making this an issue all across America. Cut Bank, MT (59427) Today Partly cloudy skies. Gusty winds during the evening. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low around 60F. W winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. Gusty winds during the evening. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low around 60F. W winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 10 to 15 mph. Cut Bank, MT (59427) Today Partly cloudy. Windy. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low near 60F. W winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy. Windy. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low near 60F. W winds at 20 to 30 mph, decreasing to 10 to 15 mph. Having recently turned 65, it is now time for me to embrace change personally as well, Homan said in an email to students Wednesday. The success we have achieved together at EVMS demonstrates this is an appropriate time for me to retire and provide the opportunity for new leadership to shape a future vision for our institution. Hyderabad: Dalits in Vasalamarri village, adopted by Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao, were in for a pleasant surprise on Wednesday as he suddenly launched the much-awaited Dalita Bandhu scheme on the spot without any prior intimation to extend Rs 10 lakh benefit to each of the 76 Dalit families in the village. Moved by the pathetic living conditions of Dalits in poorly-maintained Dalitwadas during a three-hour padayatra, the Chief Minister advanced the launch of Dalit Bandhu and made it on the spot, much to the disbelief of the locals. He sanctioned Rs 7.6 crore on the spot to cover all 76 Dalit families in the village at one go. With this, Dalit Bandhu has become operational with Vasalamarri village the first beneficiary. As per the original plan, the Chief Minister was supposed to launch the Dalit Bandhu on August 16 in Huzurabad Assembly constituency as a pilot programme and all arrangements are being made for this event. This event will only be a formal launch now. Addressing the beneficiaries on the occasion, the Chief Minister stated that Rs 7.6 crore would be at the disposal of the Bhongir collector by Thursday morning and asked Dalits to claim the benefit on Thursday itself. He asked the collector to disburse the amount to Dalits immediately after enquiring what they intended to do with that amount. The CM asked Dalits to discuss within their families what self-employment they wanted to pursue by utilising Rs 10 lakh, inform the collector the same and claim the benefit. He made it clear that the entire choice of selecting any self-employment would be left to Dalits and the government would not force them to pursue any particular activity. He cautioned them not to take decisions in haste in their eagerness to claim Rs 10 lakh benefit at the earliest but take their own time before taking a final decision on their choice of utilising money. "It doesn't matter if you take 15 days or one month to make a decision on how to utilise the money. The money will not go anywhere. The amount will be with the collector. Don't take decisions in haste. The entire family should sit together, discuss all the options and make a wise decision which should click and you should prosper. This amount should not go to waste," the Chief Minister advised. He urged the Dalits at Vasalamarri to achieve desired results of Dalit Bandhu and save him from the criticism of all those opposing the programme. "Some people called me mad when I announced the Rs 10 lakh benefit to each Dalit family in the state. If you succeed and prosper with this scheme in Vasalamarri, everyone will praise me for my decision. If not, they will criticise me for introducing a failed scheme. Now it's in your hands whether you want me to be victorious in implementation of Dalit Bandhu or leave me to face criticism of all," the Chief Minister said. In this Sept. 14, 2017, file photo, a banner erected by the Indian army stands near Pangong Tso lake near the India-China border in Ladakh area. The focus now is on disengaging troops from Hot Springs, Gogra and Depsang areas. (AP/Manish Swarup, File) New Delhi: India and China could soon reach a final agreement on disengagement from another friction point -- Gogra Post in Ladakh. At the 12th round of the corps commanders talks on Saturday, at Moldo on the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control, there was a detailed discussion on the disengagement of troops from Gogra Post. The Chinese commanders will speak to their leadership on the troops disengagement from Gogra Post and then respond to us. We are awaiting a final response from the Chinese which can come in a day or two, said one source. If Chinese leadership agrees, the disengagement from Gogra Post will be announced, he said, adding that there is even a possibility that the announcement might be made in Parliament. Gogra Post will be the third friction point after the Galwan Valley and Pangong Tso in eastern Ladakh, where disengagement between the two armies will be reached. There will be a buffer zone in Gogra where the troops from both sides will not be allowed to patrol for some time. After Gogra Post, both sides will discuss the disengagement from Hot Springs. India is hopeful of disengagement from Gogra Post and Hot Springs as both sides had undertaken a partial disengagement in these areas last year. However, the Chinese have hardened their position on the Depsang Plains and Demchok friction points. In February, India and China had reached an agreement to disengage from the north and south banks of Pangong Tso to pre-standoff status. Meanwhile, a new video of the deadly June 2020 Galwan clash between the Indian and PLA troops has emerged in the Chinese media. The highly doctored propaganda video is part of the interview of the families of the Chinese soldiers killed during the clash. The Chinese troops can be seen in the video throwing stones from a mountain on the Indian soldiers. The soldiers of both sides are also seen pushing each other on the rocky banks of the Galwan River. There is also footage of Chinese soldiers nearly drowning in the icy and fast-flowing Galwan river during the night and struggling to save each other from being swept away by its flow. Arguing for the petitioner, senior counsel L. Ravichander said the GO allowed in an unprecedented manner to earmark a huge sum of money for handling contempt of court cases. (PTI Photo) Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court on Wednesday directed the state government not to release funds under the controversial government order (GO) Rt 208 issued by chief secretary Somesh Kumar, until further orders. A division bench comprising Chief Justice Hima Kohli and Justice B. Vijaysen Reddy issued notices to various officials including Somesh Kumar asking them to file counters by October 27 this year. The bench wondered how the signatory to the order himself would be the beneficiary and made it clear that there should be some logic behind spending public money. The issue pertains to G O Rt 208 issued by the Chief Secretary on June 7 sanctioning about Rs 60 crore towards pending contempt cases pending in the High Court. Somesh issued the GO in his capacity as the chief secretary under the revenue department which is handled by him, directing the release of funds to the chief commissioner of land administration who again is none other than Somesh himself. A lecturer based in Mahbubnagar, Prabhakar Chouti, approached the High Court seeking scrapping of the order. Arguing for the petitioner, senior counsel L. Ravichander said the GO allowed in an unprecedented manner to earmark a huge sum of money for handling contempt of court cases. The person who signed and the beneficiary were the same, he argued. The division bench issued notices to the principal secretary, revenue, principal secretary, finance department, director of treasuries, chief commissioner of land administration and chief secretary, Somesh Kumar, directing them to respond to the notices. The court wanted to know under which head of account such an amount was sanctioned and what were the norms to be followed by the director of treasuries in releasing such an amount. This is public money. The state has to explain the reason for spending such an amount. There shall be some basic logic in spending the public money, observed Justice Kohli. Meanwhile, in a late evening development, the chief secretary filed a counter affidavit stating that the amount as mentioned in the GO pertains to revalidation of the amount sanctioned for satisfaction (sic) of the execution petitions in land acquisition cases as directed by the High Court. Further, the chief secretary admitted that though the government accorded administrative sanction for Rs 457.79 crore for disposal of pending execution petitions, some district collectors brought to his notice that the treasury department returned bills due to freezing of budget. As a result, the amount was not drawn and lapsed during the 2019-2020 necessitating issue of the GO in question to revalidate the amounts to 2020-2021. The CS clarified that the amount was not meant to defend contempt cases filed against him. Allegations of manipulation of the actual Covid infection and death figures have been repeatedly denied by the state health authorities. (Representational image: PTI) Hyderabad: More evidence came up and added grist to allegations that the actual number of deaths among Covid19 patients in Telangana was played down at the official levels. Information obtained from sources at Gandhi Hospital showed that on a day when the state health department listed only two deaths from Covid19 last week, the Gandhi Hospital alone had registered deaths of seven Covid19 patients. On Saturday, July 31, the health department said in its daily Covid19 bulletin that two persons died from Covid19 in the state that day. However, there were seven deaths due to Covid19 at Gandhi Hospital alone, the sources said. Allegations of manipulation of the actual Covid infection and death figures have been repeatedly denied by the state health authorities and the Telangana government. During the peak of the first and second Covid waves, the hospital authorities, when asked about reports of more deaths than what were being reported, had said they were not authorised to reveal the actual numbers. The source said they have strict instructions to remain mum on Covid figures and that no information should ever be leaked to the media or to other outsiders. Another source said no outsider is being allowed into the hospital premises other than confirmed patient attendants. A strict watch is being maintained against entry of media personnel in the hospital premises. Krishna river waterAndhra Pradesh said the non-declaration of the jurisdiction of KRMB was 'resulting in illegal acts on part of Telangana and its authorities, giving rise to serious constitutional issues. (PTI Photo) New Delhi: The Andhra Pradesh government on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that the Krishna river water sharing dispute with Telangana state required adjudication, flagging legal issues that needed to be settled, while being lukewarm to the suggestion by Chief Justice N.V. Ramana to resolve the issue through mediation. As the Andhra Pradesh government lawyer G. Umapathy said, The state doesnt agree to mediation as suggested by the Supreme Court, Justice Ramana, heading a bench also comprising Justice Surya Kant, said, We will list the case before another bench. We cannot force you (the Andhra Pradesh government) if you don't want mediation. Let the matter be listed before another bench, Justice Ramana said, recusing from hearing the matter. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said the states had no objection to Justice Ramana hearing the matter. In the last hearing of the matter on Monday (August 2), Justice Ramana said, I am from both the states. I am not interested in hearing legal issues but can help if parties agree to mediation. The Andhra Pradesh government approached the top court for notification of the Krishna River Management Board (KRMB) as stipulated in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act of 2014. The bifurcation of the state as Andhra Pradesh and Telangana took place more than seven years ago, but the jurisdiction of the board has not been notified as yet. Under the Act, the Union ministry of Jal Shakti was supposed to take over the administrative control to regulate the water supply in the Krishna basin in the two states. Andhra Pradesh, in its plea, said despite the bifurcation of the state having taken place in 2014, and the apex council being formed, the jurisdiction of the KRMB which was to be declared under Section 87 thereof 2014 Act, had not been notified as yet. Andhra Pradesh said the non-declaration of the jurisdiction of KRMB was resulting in illegal acts on part of Telangana and its authorities, giving rise to serious constitutional issues. The petition by Andhra Pradesh said that it was forced to move the top court invoking Article 32 of the Constitution in order to protect the fundamental right of its people, including right to life of its citizens involving water for drinking and irrigation. It said that the rights of its people were seriously impaired and infringed due to unconstitutional, illegal and unjust acts on part of Telangana and its authorities. NGTs southern bench had directed Krishna river management board (KRMB) to carry out inspections at the contentious Rayalaseema lift scheme (RLS) to assess the progress. Representational Image. (PTI) Kurnool: The Andhra Pradesh government has welcomed the Krishna River Management Board (KRMB) move to inspect the ongoing works on the contentious Rayalaseema Lift Irrigation Scheme (RLIS) being carried out at Pothireddypadu in Kurnool district with a rider. The team comprising inspectors should not have anyone deputed by the Telangana state government, said Muralinath Reddy, chief engineer of Srisailam project. The change in the stand of the AP government was in marked contrast to its resistance to the inspection, which it made known before the National Green Tribunal (NGT) via a sworn affidavit. NGTs southern bench had directed Krishna river management board (KRMB) to carry out inspections at the contentious Rayalaseema lift scheme (RLS) to assess the progress. On a plea from TS that AP was not cooperating with the inspection, the NGT directed KRMB to carry out the inspection of its own volition and submit a report. The AP government vehemently opposed the inspections before the NGT bench. The case was posted for the next hearing on August 9 in a petition filed by Gavinolla Srinivas of Nagarkurnool district. The tribunal said contempt proceedings would be initiated if the inspection report revealed any action there that was contrary to its orders. Expressing reservations on the teams proposed to visit RLIS on August 5, Reddy said the question as to who should be visiting the project must be decided at a board meeting of KRMB and it should be agreeable to all parties involved in the dispute. The current team consisting of Roy Khaire, Devender Rao, Meena (who retired two days back) and a member from Power department were drafted for the visit to the RLIS. This team is not acceptable to us, Murlinath Reddy said. Andhra Pradesh state engineer-in-chief (ENC) Narayana Reddy said, "We have asked them to revise the programme. But they are coming on August 5 to inspect RLIS. We don't know what is going to happen." Narayana Reddy along with managing directors of Transco and Genco attended the KRMB coordination meeting while its counterpart, the TS team, abstained from it. Tummalas men are alleging that the MLA is protecting the Congress and not the TRS. DC Image Khammam: The rift between the groups belonging to former minister Tummala Nageswara Rao and TRS MLA Kandala Upender Reddy in Palair assembly segment is causing a headache to the ruling party while the leaders lodged complaints in the police station against each other. Differences surfaced between the two groups in Kusumanchi mandal in the run-up to the birthday events for minister K.T. Rama Rao on July 24 in relation to the setting up of flex boards. The leaders lodged complaints against each other at Kusumanchi police station after a flex board was found torn. Konda Mahipal, TRS leader and follower of Tummala, alleged that the police filed a case against him based on a complaint from the MLAs supporters while cops ignored his complaint. He said that he had torn away a part of the flex board carrying the picture of his relative Upender, as it was printed without Upender's permission. Further, he said, KTR is against erecting any flex board and I tore it away as part of my concern over protecting the environment. With this, the followers of Tummala went to his home at Gandugulapalli and complained to him against the Kusumanchi polices attitude in favour of the MLAs men. The former minister telephoned Khammam police commissioner Vishnu Warior and urged him to investigate the case in a proper manner. The commissioner has started an investigation. Members of the two groups are forwarding messages against each other on WhatsApp gropus. Tummalas men are alleging that the MLA is protecting the Congress and not the TRS. The MLAs followers alleged that Tummala is not a mass leader and he lost the Palair poll due to his indifferent attitude. TRS men say there is nobody in the district who can solve the problem and the TRS high command must intervene. Anantapur: In what brings cheers to the people of the district, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella responded positively to a representation by academic experts and intellectuals to establish Microsoft Innovation Centre in his native district Anantapur to improve skills of engineering graduates from backward areas in the district. In the representation, they proposed to set up an innovation centre in memory of Satya Nadellas father B.N. Yugandhar, who passed away last year. Satya Nadella is a naive of Bukkapuram village in Yellanur mandal in the district. Nadellas father Bukkapuram Nadella Yugandhar, a 1962 batch IAS officer was a mentor for generations of civil servants through his innovative schemes across the country. Yugandhar frequently visited his native village and initiated developmental activities till his last breath. Nadella often visited Bukkapuram along with his father as his family owned lands in the village. The Nadella family contributed Rs 2 crore towards women empowerment through SHG groups in the district a few months ago. In the view of the fact that more than 90 percent of engineering and professional graduates are jobless, their skills should be relevant for a variety of sections and proper training should be given to make them employable, Dr Suresh Babu, an academician said. Microsoft can organise work-integrated learning programmes both for individuals and organisations. Initially, we should start with individuals and have MoUs with the organisations in the next phase. Students who didnt get placements after completing their graduation can opt for any training course here at the Microsoft Innovation Centre, he briefed in the representation. Courses offered here should be industry and job oriented. For instance, in the B. Tech course, programming language C is common for all branches and taught for one whole semester. But still thousands of students land up at various private institutes in Hyderabad for a month-long course in C. The trainers are driven by the need to offer training that gives job-oriented skills unlike in a university. Students who do not get placements after completing their degree course can opt for an IT training course at the proposed Microsoft Innovation Centre. The institute can also offer industry-specific training and also these courses due to huge demand across the country. The courses can be taught in small classrooms equipped with bare essentials. Sri Krishnadevaraya University and JNTU Anantapur are ready to provide land and infrastructure for the innovation centre. Satya Nadellas father-in-law K.R. Venugopal, who is also a former IAS officer, informed the team of experts of Anantapur that the representation was sent to Nadella for consideration. Click on Deccan Chronicle Technology and Science for the latest news and reviews. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Get 25% off of the regular $65 annual All Access rate. With this subscription you will get: Digital access to ElPasoInc.com and archives (value $45) Print subscription home or business delivered (value $65) Book of Lists (annual rate only, value $50) El Paso Inc. Magazine (value $20) El Paso Kids Inc. Special sections - OR - Get 15% off of the regular $45 annual Digital-only rate. With this subscription you will get: Complete digital access to ElPasoInc.com. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 574-583-5121 or email cgrace@thehj.com. The Ford Class aircraft carrier is the successor to the Nimitz that served since 1975 and throughout the Cold War. But times have changed, and carriers don't enjoy the domination they had, and whether it can weather a difficult time for such powerful ships. A single carrier is worth billions. The CVN-78 Ford is equipped with tech and weaponry like the Nimitz. It is made to see service till the next century. Hopefully, like its forebear, it will spawn just as many. Now, many experts think there are too many ways they can deny it. A carrier's success depends on getting its airwing to deal damage, but adversaries have become creative. Smaller Ones to Replace Obsolete Supercarriers The use of lethal anti-access/area-denial systems or A2/AD-like China's is daunting, but other adversaries are just as problematic. The rise of A2/AD has affected this weapon system's cost-effectiveness. The 90 years of sailing threatened left and right is not worth the cost. It cannot be denied the Ford-class is still an effective system once the threat of missiles is gone! Many say that they are obsolete, but there is more to it. It means that the Ford is already useless even before entering service ironically, the most advanced ship built by any nation, reported the National Interest. Although some have been deemed obsolete, the USS New Jersey, A-10 warthog, has soldiered on despite being old. They fought against modern weapons and survived. These proved effective in a new theatre of combat. Similarly, the Ford Class aircraft carrier has a lot to offer and is less likely to be useless as a battlewagon. In addition to Full Ship Shock Trials, Sailors of #Warship78 "make noise" in several other ways. Check out this video to see some of the things we #Wolverines were up to during our last underway!#NavyReadiness @COMNAVAIRLANT11 pic.twitter.com/B4idNmLXwt USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) (@Warship_78) July 26, 2021 Read Also: Hypersonic Weapons Will be Armed On U.S. Navy Ohio Class Submarine Getting close enough for a knockout punch for CVN-78 to enter the A2/AD system is unnecessary, according to War on the Rocks, it can be used differently. US carriers have been used in many missions. And just because they cannot do one kind of mission, that is not the end because they are versatile. Since the days of the Cold War, Russia has designed ways to combat a carrier airwing, using submarines, sensors, and planes to attack a Nimitz directly. But, the F-14 Tomcat was made for that. Each new weapon system had a counter, but we never had a chance for an exact demo. The next-generation A2/AD is very fluid. Like Chinese hypersonic missiles are a danger to the CVN-78, using pinpoint defenses, electronic spoofing, or misleading sensors can, in theory, stop an attack. It has some tricks to use for underwater threats as well, and the US Navy is prepared. Carrier Equipped with Versatile Weapon System Even older carriers are obsolete, and there is an upgrade to resolve it and keep them helpful even not in fighting. The problem is not the carrier and its tech. It has the capacity of over 50-planes on the flight deck, which can be modified for whatever missions. So, they cannot deal with A2/AD very well, but there are other tools for the job. Military planners know what an airwing can do, even far away from the enemy. Undermining the value of what planes or even missiles might be launched is a mistake; they are still lethal. For now, the Ford-class aircraft carrier can't strike close to the heart of the enemy, but the development of standoff weapons for carriers might fix that. Even if anti-access weaponry will keep a deadly carrier away, sending missiles from a long distance is from a carrier is not so farfetched. Related Article: US Navy Submarines to Be Equipped with Anti-Ship Missiles to Take on More Surface Threat @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Israel and Iran have been at each other's throats before, but now with Washington sidelining the Jewish state, it is getting worse. For the most part, the Israeli have been active against Tehran because of its activities that have been terroristic in the past. Hostilities have existed between the two states as activities engaged in by Iran have been considered unlawful. But, a new tanker attack in the gulf has raised the actions of the rogue Iranians to more significant concern. Tehran has been bolder since the end of the Trump administration as the current president has ignored warnings not to deal with Iran. Recently, a spate of violence caused by the terror group that acts as proxies of Tehran is suspected. Drone Attack in Oman Last July 29, a civilian tanker owned by an Israeli company was attacked by a drone on the coast of Oman. This heinous attack was brutal and killed two people in its wake; one was from Britain and Romania, reported the Express UK. USS Ronald Reagan was escorting the commercial tanker when it was attacked. Navy officials suspect drones as the culprit in the deaths of the two nationals. The ship was the MV Mercer Street, a Liberian-flagged, owned by Japanese and Zodiac Maritime, an Israeli firm that operates it, cited Reuters. Israeli officials said that that Tehran is the one who sanctioned the attack on its tanker, but the Iranians deny it. Israel and Iran have added another reason resulting in more tension. Read Also: Israeli Air Force F-15I Ra'am: High-Performance Version, Optimized and Homegrown for Air-to-Air Combat Even if the Islamic state denies having a hand at attacking a non-combatant, the military official of Britain and the US are not fooled so easily. Official statements from the US government say the attack was heinous, a state targeting a civilian. Officially, the statement mentioned the evidence was definite, and Iran sponsored another terroristic act, using a drone laden with explosives. Dominic Raab, Foreign Secretary, remarked that the attack was intentional by Tehran, and was a violation of international law, noted Gov UK. He added that the UK and other nations would not ignore the heinous assault, and a unified response will be given to teaching Iran a lesson. Innate Cause of Tension Between the Two Countries The conflict has existed between the two, and periodic conflict does happen and is short of total war that fuels the hostility between them. Israel knows that Tehran is developing a nuclear capability that will threaten its existence, and the Iranian military holds a grudge against the Israeli Defense Force. Over the year, many clandestine attacks have been made to stop Iran's nuclear ambitions by the IDF. Like many in the Middle East, they don't think Tehran is forthright about not developing nukes. Jerusalem fears that it will be the first target if the Ayatollah sanctions use it. Iran is working fast and hiding its development of a warhead armed on an ICBM, making it a dangerous state. Former Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu once said that Tehran is a dangerous nation with a radical and militant regime intent on ill ends. Israel is the only nation trying to stop the Iranian fanatics from owning dangerous nuclear arms. As long as nuclear weapons are a threat, Israel and Iran will be at odds, and the Middle East will never be at peace. Related Article: Iranian Navy Sails to Support US-Foe Nicolas Maduro, Fears of a US Blockade of the Panama Canal @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. A couple from St. Louis who previously brandished their firearms at protesters who were marching outside of their property peacefully last year were pardoned by Missouri Governor Mike Parson, a decision announced on Tuesday by the official's office. The suspects, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, are two attorneys in their 60s and were photographed showing off their guns to protesters. The couple was given their pardons on July 30. Parson granted the two individuals with 12 pardons and two commutations. Couple Brandished Weapons The McCloskeys pleaded guilty to misdemeanors in relation to the incident in June 2020, which caused them to pay fines. Mark pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault for threatening the passersby with an AR-15 rifle and paid a $750 fine. His wife, Patricia, on the other hand, pleaded guilty to harassment and was fined $2,000. Despite the pleas, neither of the attorneys lose their law licenses of their firearms during or after the case. During an interview, Mark said that the pardons were only a correction of something that should not have even happened in the first place, Fox News reported. Special prosecutor Richard Callahan conducted an investigation into the 2020 protest that the McCloskeys were threatened by. He said that there was no evidence to support the couple fearing the crowd of protesters marching along the street. None of the demonstrators had weapons and no one he talked with knew that the street was privately owned. Read Also: Biden Administration Digs on Heels of ICE Operations, Releases 50,000 Immigrants Without Court Dates at Southern Border The McCloskeys were defended by many Republican leaders, most notably by then-President Donald Trump. During the Republican National Convention last year, the couple was also invited to speak on video. After the plea hearing, Mark was unapologetic about his alleged crime, saying he would do the same thing again if he was faced with the same scenario. The attorney said brandishing his firearm was the only thing that kept the protesters from destroying his home and attacking his family, the Associated Press reported. Mark also expressed his gratitude towards Parson for righting a wrong against the couple. Unfair Treatment For months, Parson's legal team has been working on a backlog of clemency requests, which has not yet taken action regarding Kevin Strickland, a longtime inmate. Several prosecutors said that the man was wrongfully convicted and is innocent of a 1978 triple homicide in Kansas City. While Parson has the authority to pardon Strickland, he does not believe the suspect is innocent of the crime. Missouri House Democratic Minority Leader Crystal Quade criticized Parson's treatment of Strickland compared to the McCloskeys. The official called the incident "disgusting" where Parson allowed Mark and Patricia a pardon despite pleading and breaking the law. Unlike Strickland, who has spent 40 years in prison for crimes that are now being contested as fraudulent, remains without clemency, the Washington Post reported. In a statement, Democratic state Rep. LaKeySha Bosley said that the governor's decision to pardon the McCloskey's severely underscored that under his rule, the privileged control the law and the justice system across the state. Related Article: Cuomo Allegedly Sexually Harasses 11 Women, Faces Widespread Criticism From Democrats @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. On Tuesday, China slammed the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, calling the lawmaker's recently disclosed report claiming COVID-19 originated in a Chinese lab "despicable" and politically motivated. The report by Texas Rep. Michael T. McCaul is "entirely based on fabricated lies and distorted facts without giving any proof, and is neither credible nor scientific," according to a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry. In a report released Monday, McCaul claimed that the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 spilled from China's Wuhan Institute of Virology in August or early September 2019. Chinese officials were complicit in the world's largest coverup. China claims COVID-19 originated in the US According to the publication's authors, data presented in an update of McCaul's research on the COVID-19 origins in September shows that SARS-CoV-2, which had been genetically altered, was unintentionally discharged from the laboratory. In response, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the PRC's earlier allegations that the virus originated in the United States, The Washington Times reported. McCaul also asked for senior researchers associated with the Wuhan lab to be sanctioned, singling out Peter Daszak, whose New York-based company EcoHealth Alliance provided $3.4 million in National Institutes of Health funding to the Wuhan lab between 2014 and 2019. Per Fox News, this comes only weeks before President Joe Biden's deadline for the intelligence community to complete its investigation into the pandemic's origins. Prior to that, Republicans will lay out their most detailed case to date, claiming that Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers may have genetically manipulated the virus. The preponderance of evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a Wuhan lab. Read Also: Russia Claims US Urges 24 Diplomats to Leave by September, Accuses Threat to Shoot Down Putin's Jet As Tensions Heighten US military conspiracy theory Meanwhile, the Chinese statement tried to delegitimize the US intelligence establishment by referencing events leading to the 2003 Iraq War. Republicans claimed the Communist Party's finger-pointing at the US military made sense if it was seeking to hide the outbreak's source. The House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans concluded that the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019 were one of the pandemic's earliest super spreader events, with COVID-19 emerging from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in late August or early September 2019; and China is covering it up for months, according to the report. The report focused on the event, which drew over 9,000 military personnel from over 100 nations to Wuhan, where Republicans said the Chinese government was aware of the virus' spread. On Tuesday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement titled Remarks on COVID-19 Origins Tracing Disseminated by US Congressmen. The report allegedly distorts and slanders China for political advantage, and the Chinese government "expresses absolute opposition to and strong condemnation of such vile conduct." The statement was also issued by China's embassy in the United States. The Chinese Foreign Ministry cited US military troops who reportedly became ill at the Wuhan Military World Games and demanded an international investigation of the US Army's Fort Detrick in Maryland, something China has done dozens of times previously. Since at least March 2020, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian and other Chinese officials and publications have promoted false accusations against the US military. Zhao and others have been pushing the US Army accusations for months, and they were resurrected earlier this year when the WHO-China COVID-19 report was made public. The US has previously denied the Chinese allegations as erroneous, baseless, unscientific, and a myth. The GOP report believes the infection spread across Wuhan, "possibly via the Wuhan Metro," The Washington Examiner reported. Related Article: Anthony Fauci Warns of Worsening COVID-19 Situation, Claiming US Trajectory Looks Similar to UK @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Indiana authorities arrested a 34-year-old LaPorte woman who is now charged with shooting and killing her husband, mutilating his dead body, hiding it in her daughter's closet, and asking her children to help dispose of the evidence. A newly filed charging document noted that the 34-year-old mother involved her two teenage kids in her failed attempt to dispose of her dead husband's body to South Bend, where she planned to burn his body. Authorities charged Thessalonica Allen with the July 27 murder of her husband, Randy Allen. Brutal Murder The suspect is also facing two counts of contributing the delinquency of a minor, abuse of a corpse, alteration of a death scene, and two counts of neglect of a dependent, court documents wrote. Officials also charged Allen with misdemeanor interference with the reporting of a crime. Police said that they received a tip on Thursday about a murder that occurred inside an apartment in the 1400 block of West 18th Street in LaPorte. The man who reported the crime was previously in a relationship with Allen and has one child with her. He told police that his ex called him, claiming that the victim was beating their child, Pantagraph reported. The man said that when he arrived at Allen's apartment, she immediately showed him Randy's lifeless body stored inside a closet in her daughter's bedroom. The suspect reportedly asked her ex to help her dispose of her husband's dead body. He refused and demanded it to be taken back to his home Read Also: Biden Administration Digs on Heels of ICE Operations, Releases 50,000 Immigrants Without Court Dates at Southern Border As the two were driving back, the suspect allegedly told her ex that she shot her husband because he was beating her and her children. Thessalonica later threw away a gun out the window of the vehicle, the informant said, who then kept the firearm. Authorities were able to locate the suspect in the parking lot of a LaPorte Ace Hardware store where she began to cry after realizing she was being arrested. She said that the officers didn't understand her husband was beating her. When questioned, Thessalonica confessed to shooting and killing her husband after they got into an argument and later on a physical altercation. The suspect said she came home to her kids telling her their father was beating them. When she confronted him, however, he quickly grabbed her by the neck. Asking Children's Help When Randy let go, Thessalonica thought it was over; but when she saw him coming back, she immediately grabbed her gun and shot her husband. She also told police that she hid her husband's body inside her daughter's closet, ABC57 reported. Thessalonica said in a second interview that she cut off her husband's legs so his body would fit inside the closet. When investigators asked the children, they said they first heard a loud bang and went to check on their parents. The kids found Randy on the floor, bleeding and asking them to call 911. However, Thessanica reportedly told them not to and told them to go back to their rooms. They said that their mother later woke them up in the middle of the night and asked them to help her dispose of Randy's body, which they failed to do. Related Article: Tennessee Paramedic Charged After Shooting Woman Dead, Injuring Another During Drunken Brawl @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Following the release of an explosive new report by the New York state attorney general's office on claims of sexual harassment against the governor, President Joe Biden called on Andrew Cuomo to resign. He didn't say whether Cuomo should be impeached and removed from office by the New York State Assembly or if he should be prosecuted. Many claims of sexual harassment were documented in the report, which also stated that the Cuomo administration had a "hostile work environment" and that Cuomo broke multiple federal and state laws - though the office is not pursuing a criminal probe. Biden said he did not talk with Cuomo on Tuesday and did not review the report in detail. He only knows the outcome, he said. Joe Biden, senators urge Andrew Cuomo to resign When asked if he stands by comments made earlier this year in which he suggested Cuomo, a close ally, should resign once the attorney general is convicted of sexual harassment charges, Biden responded, "Yes." Per NPR, Cuomo and Biden had had a lengthy friendship extending back to when his father, Mario Cuomo, was governor of New York. The elder Cuomo is adored in New York and has gained national acclaim, particularly for his 1984 Democratic National Convention address, which laid out the party's course during the Reagan years when it was in the electoral wilderness. Cuomo maintains that he did nothing wrong, and he defended himself in a recorded video released Tuesday, appealing directly to New York voters. Biden asked Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign after New York Attorney General Letitia James revealed that Cuomo sexually assaulted women in his state job. Many of these ladies were young, and the governor harassed them by participating in unwanted and non-consensual touching and making provocative and sexual comments, creating a hostile work environment. Cuomo, who climbed through the ranks of the Democratic Party, is now facing possible legal action and punishment. Several women, including former and present staffers, have accused the governor of making improper statements and behavior, including unwanted touching and unwanted sexual attempts. Following the revelation of several sexual harassment claims against Governor Andrew Cuomo, members of the New York State Senate are pushing for his impeachment. Many members of the Senate have publicly called for his resignation, and Democratic members of the Assembly attended a meeting Tuesday afternoon to discuss the possibility of impeachment. "It is abundantly clear to me that the Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office." Speaker Carl Heastie said in a statement following their meeting. Today, researchers claim 83 percent of New York State Senate members and 56 percent of State Assembly members have called for NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign or be impeached, Newsweek reported. Read Also: Anthony Fauci Warns of Worsening COVID-19 Situation, Claiming US Trajectory Looks Similar to UK Will Cuomo resign or be impeached? Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose meticulously planned public appearances during the pandemic elevated him to one of his party's most well-known national figures, is facing an existential threat to his political career in the wake of a troubling report released Tuesday alleging that he sexually harassed 11 women and broke federal and state law. For a few hours, an already weakened governor lost the backing of a slew of allies and state and national party officials who had been deferring judgment, casting doubt on his ability to stay in office, let alone win a fourth term. The public's reaction to the inquiry revealed by the New York State attorney general's office is yet unknown, as per The NY Times. Unless Cuomo resigns, the State Assembly, which has opened an impeachment investigation, will determine the most immediate consequences of the report. According to a source familiar with the process, the investigation and compilation of impeachment articles may be completed in less than a month. A State Senate trial may start as early as late September or early October. Meanwhile, Cuomo has reached the most vulnerable moment of his decades in public life - a moment that has the potential to reshape the political landscape in New York. Lawmakers who were previously hesitant to criticize Cuomo because of his threat of retaliation publicly are now demanding his resignation. Elected politicians representing Cuomo's key constituencies, including Black voters and white suburban voters, have urged him to resign. Cuomo's Democratic mayoral nominee, Eric Adams, pushed the Assembly to go through impeachment procedures if the governor would not resign earlier this summer. Top labor leaders are gradually splitting with the governor. Related Article: Cuomo Allegedly Sexually Harasses 11 Women, Faces Widespread Criticism From Democrats @YouTube @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Princess Diana and Prince Charles's lavish wedding 40 years ago seemed like the ultimate fairytale. The late Princess looked magnificent in her extravagant gown, and the spectators burst into applause as the newlyweds exchanged a kiss on Buckingham Palace's balcony. However, it appears that both had reservations about the marriage in the months leading up to their wedding although they had only met a handful of times prior to their engagement. Nearly 40 years after the wedding, it was found out that Princess Diana's bridal shoes had a special message inscribed on them for Prince Charles. Princess Diana's shoe on her wedding day According to "Town And Country" magazine, Princess Diana's shoes featured a "C heart D" painted on the bottom, indicating the initial etters of their names "Charles" and "Diana." Because it was hidden behind the gown's 25-foot train, it went unnoticed at the time. A heart-shaped applique was added to the toes of the heels, and the shoe was created with 542 sequins and 132 pearls. While Princess Diana and Prince Charles' married life may not have been perfect, their wedding day was. The spectacular celebration drew attention worldwide, and everything about this momentous day in British Royal Family history was covered in the media. Princess Diana's wedding gown made her appear like a real-life fairy, and it quickly drew everyone's attention. Her ivory taffeta gown, created by David and Elizabeth Emanuel, was much discussed in the press, with several editorial pieces devoted to it. Diana's shoe designer, Clive Shelton, told the Daily Mail that the Princess was quite specific about her shoe, requesting a low heel and unique message at the bottom. Princess Diana was afraid that wearing the high heels would make her appear taller than Prince Charles, who was already 5'10". As a result, she requested that her shoe designers create it without a high heel. Read Also: Queen Elizabeth Decides to Hand Prince Harry's Royal Responsibility to Kate Middleton; Here Are 2 Major Roles She Will Get Princess of Wales felt uneasy with Camilla's presence on her wedding day On this day, July 29, 40 years ago, all eyes were on Lady Diana Spencer as she went down the aisle towards Prince Charles, but the Princess and Prince of Wales' wedding have left an indelible mark. It marked the start of a new era for the British royal family, and it was often characterized as a fairy tale wedding come to reality. More people watched Diana and Charles' wedding than the moon landing because it was the biggest the royal family has seen since Her Majesty and the late Duke of Edinburgh's wedding in 1947. However, Princess Diana was believed to be growing concerned about her future husband's connection with Camilla Parker Bowles, his then ex-girlfriend. Per MIRROR, Princess Diana discovered a bracelet in Prince Charles' private secretary Michael Colborne's office only days before her wedding, inscribed with G and F's initials, which stood for Gladys and Fred, the nicknames Charles and Camilla used for each other. So it's understandable that she felt uneasy when she spotted Camilla, who was on the guestlist, seated in one of the pews at St. Paul's Cathedral on the big day. "Diana told me much later in one of our private conversations that she had felt like a lamb to the slaughter as she walked up the aisle, which was very sad," royal expert Jenny Bond said on the Channel 5 documentary "Charles and Camilla: King and Queen in Waiting." Meanwhile, Andrew Morton's book Diana: Her True Story included Diana spotting Camilla on the wedding day. Princess Diana remembers a "vivid memory" of seeing Camilla wearing a grey pillbox hat and her son Tom, Prince Charles' godchild, standing next to her on a chair. Prince Charles had an affair with Camilla in the years after the wedding. In her bombshell Panorama interview with Martin Bashir, Diana alleged, "There were three of us in this marriage." Diana's marriage to Charles broke down by that time, and the two split. Camilla divorced Andrew Parker Bowles, her then-husband, in 1995. Related Article: Australian Man Who Claims to Be Prince Charles, Camilla's Secret Child Uses Son as New Shocking Proof @YouTube @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. As the HMS Queen Elizabeth entered Asian waters, Kim Jong-un is not happy about this development. The UK is getting more active in sending its most powerful warship, which has even infuriated Beijing. Both North Korea and China have a relationship since they share a common border. In July, the UK said that two patrol class ships would be operating in the Indo-Pacific, while the British supercarrier will head to Japan in August. It will pass the contested South China Sea as an exercise of Freedom of Navigation Operation or FONOPs. However, the British Consul in Tokyo assured that the Royal Navy ships would have no permanent dock to stay. NoKor weighs in on UK's presence Recently the North Korean Foreign Ministry criticized London and said that Brexit should be its concern, reported Express UK. An official statement said that for the UK to be sending their carrier in contested waters is pushing everything to be a problem in the region. The presence of the carrier battle group is using the threat as an excuse to project provocation. Like Beijing, Kim Jong-un called the actions unsafe and forcing an unsavory situation. According to the announcement, Britain responds on a "ridiculous wager" that Pyongyang and Beijing are conspiring to isolate South Korea and Japan. North Korea asserted that Britain is doing these actions at the expense of North Korea and China, but it will backfire. It should be considered that a powder keg exists in the Indo-Pacific, ready to be diffused. So, Kim Jong-un is not happy with some developments. Read Also: Britain Deploys Two Patrol Ships to Indo-Pacific After China's Nuke Threat to Japan UK's involvement spoils NoKor's power projection When the UK told of its plan to be actively involved in Asian affairs by sending ships as stationed permanently, is not agreeable to Kim Jong-un. The decision was first announced when Britain's defense minister, Ben Wallace, had a joint presser with Nobuo Kishi, noted Reuters. He added that the first deployment of the HMS Queen Elizabeth would follow with the two ships stationed later in the year. Kishi said that they affirmed their common stance that attempts to disrupt the status quo by intimidation are unacceptably hazardous or that a free and open Indo-Pacific following the rule of law is fundamental. HMS Queen Elizabeth and its escort ships will split up for separate port calls to the US and Japanese naval bases, Mr. Kishi said, cited Business World. The composition of the battle group is the HMS Queen Elizabeth are two destroyers, two frigates, and two support ships from the Dutch and US Navy. Wallace said the UK is obliged to insist on traveling on a FONOPs to Japan because it is legal. China's dominance in the South China Sea disputes has traditionally concerned the United Kingdom. Several nation's claims have been displaced due to China's belligerence, like Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan, and the Philippines. Chinese have a foothold in the region by building military installations on several reefs with a 12-mile limit from the land. Wallace remarked that the People's Liberation Army would shadow and challenge ships passing through international waters and official routes. He added it's about mutual respect, international law should be followed, but Kim Jong-un is not happy about it. Related Article: Beijing Says the UK Seems to Be Asking for a "Beating" After Carrier Queen Elizabeth Entered South China Sea @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. A ransomware attack has been reported in Italy's region of Lazio, which made the region's IT systems inoperable, including the COVID-19 vaccination registration portal. The Lazio area was hit by a ransomware cyberattack early Sunday morning, encrypting all files in its data center and disrupting its IT network. The COVID-19 vaccination scheduling website for the Italian region of Lazio was taken down by a cyberattack, highlighting the fragility of healthcare data and vaccine technology during the pandemic. According to Italian officials, hackers targeted the government of Lazio, the region that includes Rome, on Sunday. Italy's COVID-19 vaccination schedules delayed Scheduled vaccination appointments will take place, but the mechanism for booking appointments will be unavailable for a few days, according to Lazio Regional President Nicola Zingaretti. Stefano Fratepietro, CEO of Tesla Consulting S.r.l., said a cybersecurity firm located in Bologna, Italy, the assault appeared to be part of a supply-chain hacking effort targeting Italian firms. Fratepietro said he is working with another victim of the assault who appears to have used the same source as the Lazio government. He refused to offer any further information. Per Wall Street Journal, requests for more information regarding the attack were not responded to by representatives of the Lazio regional administration. Since early last year, hacker interest in healthcare institutions and COVID-19 vaccine-related infrastructure has increased significantly. In blog postings published in December and April, security experts at International Business Machines Corp. stated that attackers attempted to hack dozens of firms engaged in the transportation, warehousing, and storage of vaccinations. Last year, the US and other governments warned that Russian, Chinese, and Iranian hackers targeted vaccine development businesses. Read Also: Russia Claims US Urges 24 Diplomats to Leave by September, Accuses Threat to Shoot Down Putin's Jet As Tensions Heighten Officials consider terrorism behind Italy cyberattack Two investigation sources told Reuters on Tuesday that terrorism is among the reasons for a cyberattack that shut down all services supplied by the Lazio region through its website. Hackers targeted and shut down the IT systems of the business that administers COVID-19 vaccination appointments on Sunday, which manages services for 5.9 million people living in a broad area surrounding Rome. It claimed that all systems, including the region's health site, were disabled and warned that the vaccination inoculation program might be delayed. On Tuesday, two sources told Reuters that Rome's prosecutors had started a probe into the breach, citing terrorism as a possible aggravating element for those responsible. The hackers have not yet requested for money or other payments, but they started a conversation with the region that may soon lead to a ransom demand. In a Facebook post on Tuesday, the Lazio region announced that services for ordering vaccinations and accessing the immunization register would be restored within 72 hours. According to the authorities, there is still no proof about where the attack originated. Investigators said critical health data, including President Sergio Mattarella and Prime Minister Mario Draghi, was not compromised by the hackers, who have yet to be identified. The Rome prosecutor's office described the offenses as unauthorized entry and aggravated harm to an IT system, as per CNN. During a press conference, President of Lazio Nicola Zingaretti claimed that while the attackers have not been recognized, they were from a foreign nation. Emergency services continued to operate normally, and Zingaretti apologized to people for delays in other services while IT professionals worked to prevent the spread of new assaults. Related Article: China Lashes Out at GOP Report on Wuhan Lab Theory, Accuses US of Lying, Distorting Facts on COVID-19 Origins @YouTube @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The Toyota Land Cruiser is celebrating its platinum 70th Anniversary! To commemorate this event, the Japanese automaker announced a sale on limited-edition versions of their 70-Series model, complete with visual tweaks and added techs. Toyota Land Cruiser 70th Anniversary Truck Autoblog reported that interested buyers for the special edition Land Cruiser could choose pickup variants with a single or double cab. They could also choose it as a wagon version. There are three colors available: French Vanilla, Merlot Red, and Sandy Taupe. All 70th Anniversary Toyota Land Cruisers get a specific grille with "TOYOTA" letterings instead of the usual oval company emblem. The car would also feature tinted headlights, black paint highlights, 16-inch wheels, and a dark grey finish. Front fog lights and daytime running lights have been upgraded to LED bulbs. Inside the car, is the combined elements between its old-school design to more advanced tech. The Toyota Land Cruiser has a list of standard equipment which is black leather upholstery, (imitation) wood trim dashboard, and silver accents. Some new equipment added is the center console (with USB ports) and center cupholders. An edition-specific logo is engraved in a metal plate, bottom to the gear shifter. The anniversary edition Toyota Land Cruiser has no mechanical modifications on its engine. It would be powered by a 4.5-liter turbodiesel V8 engine with 202 horsepower and 317 pound-feet torque. The car uses five-speed manual transmission and has no Automatic variant. This vehicle would also feature a snorkel, low-range gearing, locking front and rear differentials, and a 7,700-pound towing capacity. Read Also: Tesla Level 5 Autonomy Happening Soon? Expert Warns Elon Musk of Potential Major Problem Only 600 Units Available for the Toyota Land Cruiser Toyota emphasized that it would only offer 600 units for the 70th Anniversary Toyota Land Cruiser. Specifically, Toyota would sell 320 double-cabs, 200 single-cabs, and 80 wagons. Note that 70th Anniversary Toyota Land Cruiser is only available in Australia. Deliveries will begin this September. Pricing is: AU $ 82,600 - Double Cab AU $ 80,050 - Single Cab AU $ 78,500 - Wagon Toyota Land Cruiser and 70-Series Toyota Land Cruiser used its 70th anniversary to advertise its dominance, reliability and outdoor performance. Surviving this long in the market, Toyota Land Cruiser continuous to be a popular choice for drivers living in rugged terrain. Note that the 70th Anniversary Toyota Land Cruiser is different from the 2022 Toyota Land Cruiser J300 that got teased last April. Instead, this Toyota Land Cruiser took heavy inspiration from the 70-series back in 1984. According to MotorTrend, these limited-edition Toyota Land Cruiser are notably designed to be for classical and collector's purchase. As previously mentioned, no mechanical improvements have been added to its engine. The 70th Anniversary Toyota Land Cruiser would be a lot boxier and old-fashioned compared to the generic curves found in most modern vehicles. Its interior is also designed to resemble a rustic appearance despite its premium equipment. It is important to consider these details before deciding to purchase the car. Related Article: 2022 Toyota Tundra Interior Leak Reveals Awesome Terrain Settings; Teases Wireless Charging! From left, actors Lee Kwang-Soo and Kim Hye-jun, director Kim Ji-hoon, actors Kwon So-hyun, Nam Da-reum, Cha Seung-won and Kim Sung-kyun, pose for pictures during a media conference held in Yongsan-gu, central Seoul, Monday. Courtesy of Showbox By Lee Gyu-lee The upcoming tentpole, "Sinkhole," about a group of people who fall 500 meters underground, is seeking to set a new paradigm of disaster movies by adding comedy to the genre. "Combining two different genres didn't come easy. It was a great challenge (for me and the production team) to put light-hearted humor into a disastrous situation," the film's director Kim Ji-hoon said during a media conference held in Yongsan-gu, central Seoul, Monday. A poster for the film / Courtesy of Showbox Dong-won (Kim Sung-kyun) is an ordinary father figure, who is the patriarch and breadwinner of his family. He has been working hard towards his goal of owning a house, and his dream finally comes true when he buys his own apartment in a small building after 11 years. He is having the time of his life, except for his cat-and-mouse relationship with a nosy, irritating neighbor called Man-soo (Cha Seung-won) after an unpleasant encounter on the day he moved in. Meanwhile, Dong-won invites his coworkers Seung-hyun (Lee Kwang-Soo) and intern Eun-joo (Kim Hye-jun) for a housewarming party. But the party soon becomes a catastrophe when the entire building falls down into a massive sinkhole, leaving Dong-won and Man-soo, each with their sons, to come together to survive, along with the coworkers. Kim Ji-hoon, who directed the 2012 disaster film, "Tower," which takes place in a 108-story building on fire, said he tried to focus on sharing an optimistic message with his latest film. "'Tower' was all about showing a disastrous situation, whereas with 'Sinkhole,' I tried to deliver a hopeful message with a touch of humanity and good humor," he said. "I thought that a sinkhole would be an interesting setting for the film. Because we've never been there, it gave me the creative freedom to add from my imagination." The film lacks edge-of-the-seat, high-flying action from the survivors compared to previous disaster films. But it fills in this void with comic moments and witty characters, like Seung-hyun and Man-soo. The director noted that he wanted the characters to portray normal people who resonate with viewers. "The cast members and I discussed a lot about how we, as ordinary people, would try to survive in a disaster if we went through that situation in real life. And I tried to show how they would react and come together as a team to survive without turning against each other," he said. "The cast also helped me a lot by giving me ideas about the comedic scenes." A scene from the film / Courtesy of Showbox Man-soo, who is a single father juggling three jobs to raise his son, comes off as a strange character, showing unconvincing hostility towards Dong-won when they first meet. His exaggerated gestures and expressions almost seem obnoxious and trying too hard to force humor onto the audience. But as the story goes on, the character settles in and blends with the other co-survivors, after the building sinks into the hole, eventually playing the key figure among the survivors. Actor Cha expressed that the fellow cast members helped him to easily get into his role. "The script was very well-written and pretty self-explanatory. I didn't really have to spend too much to study my role, but it was the co-stars that helped me build my character as we created the scenes together," he said. Actor Kim Sung-kyun added that the film set, which created a realistic environment down in a sinkhole, helped him play his role. "The actor who played my son in the film is actually about the same age as my real sons. As we were thrown into the water and had to go through all those tough scenes together on the set, these scenes made him feel like my real son and helped me to get into the role better," he said. The actors said that they hope this movie will offer a good laugh to audiences especially during the tough times of the ongoing pandemic. "When we shot the film, we didn't expect it to come out during such a difficult time," Lee said. "If the audience can have a good time with a laugh and a touching moment through our film, I won't hope for anything more." Cha added, "I hope this film can take your mind off of your burdens during this harsh, stagnant time a lot of money has been put into this film and you'll be able to see that." "Sinkhole" will have its premiere at the Locarno Film Festival, which kicks off Wednesday in Switzerland, and is set to hit local theaters on Aug. 11. The flag of the People's Republic of China is seen among representations of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in this photograph. Reuters-Yonhap By Kim Yoo-chul Samsung Electronics has decided to participate in a project being pursued by the Bank of Korea (BOK) to build a pilot platform for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The BOK began the CBDC pilot program July 28, co-managed by Ground X, a blockchain affiliate of messengerplatform giant, Kakao. "Samsung Electronics has recently decided to participate in the BOK-led CBDC pilot project, under which interested parties will research the practicalities of the CBDC in a test environment," an executive familiar with the issue said Wednesday. BOK and Samsung officials said the project was based on the benefits of a CBDC that include more efficient and advanced payments systems and financial inclusion. Samsung is hoping to test the possible usability of blockchain-based systems on its Galaxy mobile lineup. "Specifically, the Kakao consortium and Samsung Group's two tech affiliates will launch a pilot program aimed at checking on money transfers and remittances between countries, issuing and distributing the CBDC and monitoring how that eventually works in virtual environments," the executive said. Because the BOK's efforts are aimed at preparing for adjustments in the payment settlement system, Samsung Electronics plans to test the functionality of the digital currency with its Galaxy smartphone. "Will it be possible to conduct payments via mobile phones using the digital currency with no internet availability, or to send CBDC remittances to other mobile phones or to other connected bank accounts, are the two core points that Samsung is looking at," said an official. Samsung SDS, the group's IT unit, will play some role for the program. Its affiliate, Escor, will handle the procedures for the experiments with the CBDC. Central banks in developed countries have been showing keen interest in the development of a CBDC, with China's digital yuan (E-CNY) being the closest to showing visible results. BOK Governor Lee Ju-yeol downplayed the significance of crypto-assets, as all types of cryptocurrencies aren't positioned to be valued properly, due to their essential, volatile nature. But despite his negative stance toward them, he has opened up to the possibility of studying a CBDC and to contemplating why it matters in terms of modernizing financial systems. Because "stablecoins" have become more popular, some observers believe that central banks need to provide alternatives. The BOK will operate its simulation programs regarding the efficacy of the CBDC in two stages. The BOK plans to use Klaytn, Ground X's blockchain platform, as the main platform for its CBDC structure. By Jun Ji-hye Fairmont Ambassador Seoul has won five-star certification, the highest possible rating awarded by the Korea Tourism Association. The hotel conducted a plaque unveiling ceremony, Monday, to mark its five-star certification, during which time Carl Gagnon, the hotel's general manager, and Kim Gi-seop, CEO of Parc.1 Hotel Management, as well as other hotel executives, were in attendance. The five-star rating is only awarded to hotels that score at least 900 points out of a total of 1,000 based on all facilities and services offered, with 700 points based on scheduled inspections and 300 based on undercover visits by unidentified inspectors. Fairmont Ambassador Seoul, the first South Korean property of Accor Group's luxury Fairmont brand, opened on Feb. 24 this year in the Parc.1 complex in Yeouido. The hotel offers 326 guest rooms and suites on 31 floors, four dining venues, including a rooftop terrace and bar on the 29th floor in addition to Fairmont Gold Lounge, a fitness center, a swimming pool and a spa. A portfolio of event venues, including the Grand Ballroom, Gallery 7 and meeting rooms, offers options for every occasion. "It is especially moving to receive five stars, the highest available rating, at a time when COVID-19 is causing such hardship," General Manager Gagnon said. "I believe the efforts of our associates and the strong interest on the part of our guests since our grand opening in February have helped us gain recognition and achieve this positive outcome. As always, we will continue to strive to deliver unforgettable moments for all of our guests." New York-based literary agent Barbara Zitwer / Courtesy of Barbara Zitwer New York-based literary agent recently inked a flurry of deals with big Western publishers to release Korean novels globally By Kang Hyun-kyung Exporting Korean novels is a delicate and time-consuming job that requires network with big Western publishers as well as a significant level of knowhow in pitching translated books to them. Adding to the complexity, several different groups of people become heavily involved in the pre-publication process before the translated books eventually go on sale in local bookstores. Literary translators are the first batch of specialists taking part in the pre-publication process. Unlike other translators who convert Korean into foreign languages verbatim, literary translators are given some room to modify original texts to help readers of target languages easily understand the context of the novel. Once their partial or entire translation of the book is completed, the ball is in the literary agents' court. The role of literary agents is pivotal, partly because they are responsible for finding local publishers who can publish the Korean novels. Finding publishing houses is a waiting game, according to New York-based literary agent Barbara Zitwer. "The advances are not high and it takes a long time, sometimes years to get an author published and noticed," she said during a recent Korea Times interview. "I worked on Han Kang's 'The Vegetarian' for more than 10 years before I sold it to Granta and also Ashes and Red In many ways, I am supporting the advancement of my Korean author's literature myself and it is not easy." Over the past decade, Zitwer has discovered "diamonds in the rough" and helped them expand their readership globally. She said searching for publishers for Korean novels has become tougher than before as more people are participating in the decision-making process inside publishing companies. "Today, everything is very corporate and there are boards and marketing and sales people involved with every acquisition decision," she said. "Now, big boards have to approve an acquisition, so it is incredibly difficult to market and promote and sell a Korean book that was partially translated into 20 or 30 pages of English. I think that is the biggest stumbling block right now." In Korean literature's global presence, there is such a thing as the "Zitwer factor." Before her, few foreign readers were aware of the existence of Korean literature. After she worked with a number of Korean authors and helped them make their successful international debuts, the star writers were able to expand their readership base globally. So for those Korean authors, Zitwer is a critical middle person who served as a bridge between the writers and influential Western publishers. Kim Young-ha's "I Have the Right to Destroy Myself," Pyun Ae-young's "Ashes and Red" and Han Kang's "The Vegetarian," Hwang Sun-mi's "Leafie" and Shin Kyung-sook's "Please Look After Mom" were able to reach out to Western readers, thanks to Zitwer. Zitwer herself is not shy about her role behind the meteoric rise of Korean literature on the global stage. "Korean authors are successful because they incorporate classic thriller elements, but they have made the genre their own," she said. "It is common knowledge in the West that these authors would not be published outside of Korea if it wasn't for my work. I discovered them and worked very hard to sell them to excellent publishers who understood them and would publish them well. I didn't sell them to the tiny, literary non-profit publishers which are great but if you want to become a mega global bestseller it is essential to have big distribution and the support of a major commercial publisher." This combined image shows, from left, book covers of Han Kang's The Vegetarian, Yun Ko-eun's "The Disaster Tourist," Shin Kyung-sook's "Please Look After Mom," and Jeong You-jeong's "The Good Son." These works were published in the United States and Europe, thanks to Barbara Zitwer. A screenshot of the website for the "me.Duck" project / Courtesy of Art Center Nabi By Park Han-sol Just two weeks ago, the Kansong Art Museum shook the art world through its unprecedented decision to put up the "Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon" the priceless 15th-century manuscript for the Korean writing system, "Hangeul" for sale as limited-edition NFTs (non-fungible tokens). The move has stirred up controversy over the commercialization of the country's national treasure. On Tuesday, the museum in Seongbuk District, northern Seoul, announced its collaboration with the digital art museum, Art Center Nabi, to launch a project called, "me.Duck," where the two will release a series of NFT artworks that creatively utilize and reinterpret the cultural artifacts owned by the museum. NFTs are one-of-a-kind tokens that can represent any unique digital asset, and which can then be bought and sold virtually. The NFT proves that only the buyer possesses the original image, with the information about each transaction tracked and maintained in its blockchain. "It's an art project that aims to preserve the spirit of the times, reflected within the items of our cultural heritage in a virtual form," Art Center Nabi stated on its website regarding the "me.Duck" project, expressing its aim to target digital-savvy Millennials and Generation Z, who are becoming more visible as a new group of art collectors. The first "me.Duck" project, scheduled to be launched online Aug. 15, will revolve around the "House of Fortune: me.Duck Card," a set of 38 collectible cards with designs inspired by the visual symbols within the Kansong Art Museum's collection of cultural artifacts. The virtual card set divided into "general," "rare" and "super rare" categories will add a creative touch to the traditional auspicious symbols of fame, prestige, peace in the home, a long life and wealth, featured in antique Korean paintings and porcelains. Upon purchase, each card will be distributed at random. They money raised from the sale will be, according to the two organizations, used to preserve the physical artifacts at the art museum and retrieve cultural assets that have been stolen or removed from the country. "While introducing pieces of cultural heritage to the global audience, we also hope that these NFT purchases will lead to further donations that make the preservation, operation and display of the physical, surviving artifacts possible," Art Center Nabi director Roh Soh-Yeong explained. A medical worker works at a government-designated COVID-19 treatment hospital in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province, Wednesday. Yonhap Authorities to decide on whether to extend strictest social distancing Friday By Lee Hyo-jin Medical experts here are calling on the government to take preemptive measures against the possible spread of the COVID-19 Delta plus variant, as they view that downplaying its threat may pose a serious risk to the country's efforts to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) reported Tuesday that it had identified the first two cases here of the Delta plus variant, a sub-lineage of the Delta strain first detected in India. One of the patients was a man in his 40s with no recent overseas travel history, while the other was a man in his 50s who returned recently from the United States, according to the KDCA. Both had been fully vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, raising concerns that the new strain may be resistant. "Though we should be vigilant about the Delta plus variant, we don't need to be overly concerned about it," Lee Sang-won, a senior official at the KDCA, said in a press briefing, Tuesday. Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum also said people don't need to be excessively worried about the emerging strain. "The Delta variant has become, so to speak, the dominant strain in the country. But there's no need for excessive fear over it," he said during an interview with local radio, Wednesday. Regarding the Delta plus variant, Kim said there was "no need for excessive anxiety," adding that an epidemiological investigation was underway to discover the source of transmission. A driver receives a coronavirus test at a drive-thru testing center in Jungnang District, Seoul, Wednesday. Yonhap All 272 sailors and soldiers serving in the Cheonghae anti-piracy unit who contracted COVID-19 are presumed to have come down with the highly transmissible Delta variant, as they were conducting missions in waters off Africa, the health authorities said Wednesday. The members of the 301-strong unit were airlifted home last month, cutting short their mission in Africa after 247 of them tested positive for the coronavirus. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said 64 of them have been confirmed to be infected with the variant that was first reported in India, with the others being highly likely to be infected with the same strain. The KDCA said there have been no infections that developed into serious ones. Of the confirmed cases, 268 service members have been released from medical facilities, while four sailors are currently under a two-week quarantine. South Korea has reported a rising number of infections by the Delta variant, with the total caseload tallied at 4,912, the KDCA said. (Yonhap) Students hold a protest in Seoul, in this April 3 photo, calling for a refund from universities, as they have had to pay full tuition for "low-quality" online classes, and have been unable to use school facilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yonhap By Bahk Eun-ji Nearly 90 percent of college students want their tuition refunded, even if only partially, as their second-semester courses are likely to be provided mostly online again, similar to the past three semesters since early 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They claim it is unreasonable for schools to charge the full amount of tuition, because students are not using on-campus facilities, and the quality of online classes is inferior to regular, in-person ones. After consultations with universities, the Ministry of Education announced on June 24 that schools would expand in-person lectures gradually during the fall semester, starting with classes requiring experiments or practicums, and those with few students. The ministry had originally said that offline lectures would be expanded starting from the end of September, by which time 70 percent of the population is expected to have received at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the government's estimates. However, as the virus situation has become more serious during this fourth wave of infections, some universities have announced their plans to delay the return to in-person classes. Seoul National University said last week that it will keep lectures online for one more month until the end of September, while many other schools in Seoul have announced that they will maintain online classes as long as the Level 4 social distancing measures are still in place. These plans are angering students who have been dissatisfied with the quality of online classes and being cut off from school facilities, prompting them to demand tuition refunds. College students hold a press conference in front of Seoul Central District Court before filing a lawsuit demanding a refund of their spring semester tuition fees from their schools, on July 1, 2020. Yonhap A photo of Yoo Ah-jin, 11, right, a student of Waegwan Elementary School in Chilgok, North Gyeongsang Province, and the letter she wrote to Chilgok County Governor Baek Sun-ki in the hope of finding the remains of James Elliott, an American soldier who went missing in the region during the Korean War. Yonhap By Bahk Eun-ji An elementary school student wrote a letter asking local authorities to search for the remains of an American soldier who went missing while on a mission during the 1950-53 Korean War. Yoo Ah-jin, 11, of Waegwan Elementary School in Chilgok County, North Gyeongsang Province, sent a letter to Baek Sun-ki, the head of the county, after she learned about the story of James Elliott, a U.S. Army lieutenant who went missing during a night operation around a bridge in the region in August 1950. After reading the story from a memorial tablet set up near the bridge, she wrote the letter, saying, "I am writing this letter because I am feeling so sorry for the son and daughter who are still waiting for their father. "I heard that excavation work for Korean War veterans is ongoing in my region, and I hope you will find the remains of Lieutenant Elliott. I express my gratitude and respect to him for protecting my country." Elliott's wife died of cancer in 2014, and his children brought some of their mother's ashes in a glass bottle to Korea and scattered them along the Nakdong River under the bridge, hoping for their parents' reunion. After this, County Governor Baek invited Lieutenant Elliott's son and daughter to the Nakdong River World Peace Culture Festival in October 2018 and awarded them the status of honorary residents of the county. Lieutenant Elliott's daughter, Jorja Elliott Reyburn, still hangs a black flag in front of her house, wishing for the return of her missing father, according to the county office. Baek delivered Yoo's letter to the commanders who are in charge of the excavation work in Chilgok. "It's been 70 years since the Korean War broke out, but there are still bereaved family members living in a faraway country waiting for us to find the remains of their family members," Baek said. Rayburn, the daughter of Lieutenant Elliott, learned about Yoo's letter through social media and recently sent a thank you letter to the girl. She said that she was grateful to Yoo for writing the letter and that she wants to meet and hug her when she visits Korea in future, according to the county office. Choe Jae-hyeong, the former chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection, announces his bid to run in the presidential election at a studio in Paju City, Gyeonggi Province, Aug. 4 Yonhap Choe Jae-hyeong, former chief of the national audit agency, formally declared his presidential bid Wednesday, vowing to restore the principles of a free market economy and ensure fair job opportunities for young people. "As one of South Korea's citizens, I decided I can't just sit and watch the country crumble," Choe, the former chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI), said, announcing his bid to run in the March 9 presidential election. The official presidential bid was announced via an online event only about one month following his resignation as the head of the national audit agency amid a feud with the Moon Jae-in administration. The BAI, under the leadership of Choe, had been at odds with Cheong Wa Dae since its controversial audit last year of the Moon administration's decision to close the Wolsong-1 reactor at an early date as part of the government's broader campaign to phase out the country's use of nuclear energy. "Some ruling party lawmakers told me, while I was inspecting the validity of the early closure of the Wolsong-1 reactor, that I should resign and join politics if I do not agree with the president's philosophy, but I did not step back," Choe said of the background of his resignation. "I thought doing my job in keeping with the law should be the way to show my love for the country." Accusing the Moon administration of populist policies and wasting taxpayers' money, Choe vowed to steer the country closer to the principles of a free market economy if he is elected president. "Based on the spirit of freedom and autonomy, as well as renovation and creativity, I will make a country where the principles of a free market economy run properly," he said. He also pledged to "level the playing field" for young people to give them fair job opportunities. "This nagging political civil war should be ended for a better future for next generations. I will make a nation where people enjoy freedom and prosperity under (the protection of) justice," he noted. Choe also vowed to reform the country's public education and pension systems, improve the human rights of North Korean people and revisit the country's policy to phase out the use of nuclear power. Choe, a member of the main opposition People Power Party, is currently the runner-up presidential hopeful on the opposition bloc, with support ratings of less than 10 percent in opinion polls. (Yonhap) By Jon Jiang The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) celebration of its centenary has drawn global attention. In the West, the spreading lament is that nationalism, or patriotism, from the Western and Chinese perspectives, respectively, is becoming the de facto official ideology of Beijing and that it is intertwined with the cliched past century of humiliation. Despite decades of economic integration with the rest of the world, China remains China, and that has always been the case. This humiliation discourse can be traced to Liang Qichao, a writer and activist of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. The discourse was also exploited by the Chinese Nationalist Party, the adversary of the CCP during the Civil War, at the end of the 1920s after the death of Sun Yatsen, who had proposed nationalism as an indispensable component of his "Three Principles of the People" political philosophy. Drawing on, but not limited to the importance of nationalism for Sun, it's no wonder that he is one of the rare historical figures that is well acknowledged by both the mainland and by Taiwan. As for the Mao era, while it seemed like a period when communism simply took control, this situation was also not totally true. Despite the lip service Mao and the CCP paid to the Soviet Union, their national revolution had little to do with Moscow's brand of communism. "Using the countryside to circulate around cities" shied away from the Marxist orthodox belief that the urban working class should be the key force of socialist revolution. Wang Fanxi, one of the early CCP leaders, argued that, "Mao built his ideological foundation on the Chinese classics with the acquired knowledge of Marxism-Leninism a rough superstructure of foreign style on a solid Chinese foundation." That said, there were still some Beijing-initiated ideological exports during the Mao era. However, when Deng came to power, these exports stopped, and the ideology evolved into much more of a Chinese product: "socialism with Chinese characteristics." Currently, Xi's "Chinese dream" refers directly to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As Andrew Mertha, George and Sadie Hyman Professor of China Studies at Johns Hopkins University, argues, "The genuine narrative that has emerged under the Xi's era is also not an ideology but a blunt, albeit historically grounded, nationalist imperative." Kishore Mahbubani, a renowned Singaporean scholar, went even further to contend that the CCP functionally does not represent the Chinese Communist Party, but rather, the Chinese Civilization Party. Nevertheless, the West is justified to worry about the overheating nationalism in China, because it may bring danger and chaos to the world. Yes, the Taiwan conundrum concerning the party's legitimacy being based on the whole narrative that there is only one legitimate China is a potential flashpoint. However, except for the question of Taiwan, I doubt that the Chinese version of nationalism may be based purely in ideology, because all of the logic Beijing has mostly sprung from is not simply communism, but its history and culture that Chinese people have glorified and enshrined for thousands of years, and of course, its desire to remain in power. Historically, China was not a militarily expansionist country, although in the past, the Chinese had many opportunities to do so. In fact, before the twentieth century, China's historical expansion of influence was often full of indifference, self-centeredness and sometimes ignorance toward other "barbarian" nations, primarily aiming at superiority showcased in a peaceful fashion. More concretely, Martin Jacques, a British journalist, argued that, unlike the U.S., which advocates democracy while enabling and supporting hierarchical relations internationally, China largely remains aloof to the domestic policies of other countries, unless those policies can be construed as being insulting or demeaning to China. More crucially, China has few formal allies, which is stunningly different compared to the U.S. and Soviet Union. China's Belt and Road Initiative, widely misunderstood in the West, has been executed in a way that is determined by the recipient governments and their related political and economic interests, offering and providing genuine benefits. Unquestionably though, China is not altruistic and wants to ameliorate its influence abroad to gain status and respect, as it has done for millennia, and this is nothing different from other growing powers. Nationalism is indeed a useful tool for politics, on both sides. For the U.S., since the Obama administration, it might have understood without public admission that its inherently liberal foreign policy, starting from the aftermath of the Cold War, has failed, and that "the end of history" was just a delusion. That situation may be because, at least for now, no specific set of universal values can define what constitutes a good life, and this fact can be particularly highlighted in the Muslin world, where nationalism and realism are almost always more compelling than liberalism. Otherwise, Obama would not have pivoted to Asia, Trump might not have initiated a trade war against other nations, including some liberal democracies, as well as proposing his "America First" policy, and Biden would not be allying with other Western powers against China, while renegotiating conversations with Russia. Currently, despite the accusation that China is a "liberal order challenger" or "human rights abuser" of ethnic and political minorities, the concealing rationale may be no more about liberalism and universal values, but about the competition for power in other words, a realistic and nationalistic struggle. To this extent, the U.S. is not all that different from China. So, as the U.S. will not easily let China restore its historical position as a great civilizational leader, China is unwilling to let Taiwan go. When the American and Chinese leaders face irreconcilable conflicts of interest, I only hope they will look into the dark and bottomless chasm and realize, "That it is indeed a very deep hole which we should not fall into." Jon Jiang is an Australia-based China and Russia analyst, and advisor on business and international affairs. He has published extensively in The South China Morning Post, The Diplomat and The Jamestown Foundation, etc. Tighten quarantine and speed up vaccination The highly contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 has already become the dominant strain of the coronavirus. Worse still, two people were found to be infected with the new Delta plus variant even after they were fully vaccinated. Little is known about Delta plus, yet it is feared to be more infectious than the Delta variant and far more difficult to bring under control. Against this backdrop, the fourth wave of infections here is showing no signs of abating at all. The number of new daily infections surged to 1,725 Wednesday, up from the previous day's 1,202, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). The figure surpassed 1,700 for the first time in five days. Since the Delta variant has emerged as the common strain, new infections have increased rapidly in countries with higher rates of inoculation. Given this, the United States and others have begun to impose stricter quarantine measures including mandating wearing masks in public places. President Moon Jae-in also expressed concerns about the variant, saying, "We thought vaccines would be the solution. But the situation has unexpected complications." Though such variants may reduce the efficacy of vaccines, inoculation is, undoubtedly, the most effective way to cope with the pandemic. In fact, 96 percent of new infections in May and June occurred among unvaccinated people. The government should speed up the vaccination program along with tougher quarantine measures including extending the current Level 4 social distancing in Seoul and its metropolitan area. Major Western countries such as the European Union and the U.S. plan to administer booster shots to tackle the variants, prompting concerns about an acuter shortage of vaccines. Further, global pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer and Moderna have decided to raise the prices of their vaccines, putting an additional burden on the Korean government. The KDCA said the administration is engaged in last-ditch negotiations with vaccine makers to secure sufficient coronavirus vaccines for next year. It added that negotiations are underway to purchase about 50 million doses of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The authorities should redouble their efforts to ensure the procurement of vaccines without any delay. What's imperative is to speed up the vaccination process. Any delay in inoculations will cause more infections and extend economically damaging social distancing measures. The Moon administration should do all it can to abide by its pledge to give the first of the two required shots to 70 percent of the country's population by Chuseok, the full-moon harvest festival holiday, which falls Sept. 20 to 22. The EU has already secured 4.4 billion doses, equivalent to 10 times its total population, while the U.S. and Canada have also stockpiled 10 times and seven times their populations, respectively. As experts put it, COVID-19 can possibly become an annually recurring contagious disease like influenza. Given this, the government should provide all possible assistance to domestic pharmaceutical companies so they can develop their own vaccines as soon as possible. McDonald's hamburger menu set / Korea Times file Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission begins investigation of McDonalds By Kim Jae-heun McDonald's Korea has admitted that one of its restaurants in Seoul had been using expired hamburger buns and tortillas starting last year. The fast food restaurant chain apologized for the incident, but it said the headquarters had not been aware of the case and attributed it to a part-time worker. "Our employee confessed that she made the decision to use the expired food materials. We have taken disciplinary action against the part-timer as well as her restaurant manager, who left in July," an official said. Local reports said Tuesday that a whistleblower reported to the Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission that her colleagues had been using expired hamburger buns and tortillas in food served to customers. In a video submitted for evidence, McDonald's staffers put new expiration date stickers on top of the old ones. A whistleblower turned in several videos and she claimed that this practice had been taking place for almost a year since 2020. The former worker said her store manager ordered her and her colleagues to add the new stickers and they had no other choice but to follow orders. They were forced to change the expiration dates every morning and night before the opening and closing of the restaurant. "We are not the only restaurant doing this as far as I am concerned. Every restaurant is taking care of their own losses coming from the food ingredient waste, and managers are responsible for this. I guess they made the decision to relabel them because they felt like they had to reduce the losses," a whistleblower was quoted as saying in reports. McDonald's Korea said it will take more thorough steps to protect the quality of food materials served. "We conducted an internal investigation and there was relabeling of food materials at one restaurant. We took strict measures over the matter in accordance with internal regulations," McDonald's Korea said in a statement released on Wednesday. This is not the first time McDonald's Korea has been reported for a food safety issue. In 2019, nine civic groups here filed a complaint through the prosecution that McDonald's Korea served improperly cooked patties that could possibly cause health problems to customers. Prosecutors rejected the claim citing lack of evidence. To relieve public anxiety though, the fast food restaurant chain held an open kitchen event at one of its restaurants to show customers its food preparation processes. At that time, McDonald's Korea promoted its new food safety system that included putting expiration date stickers on the ingredient packaging to ensure the staff don't use outdated buns, vegetables or meat. It is unknown how many customers ate expired foods over the last year, and the fast food franchise has not come up with any measures to determine this. the company said it will come up with new measures to enable customers to check the expiration dates for their buns or tortillas. In the meantime, the government agency has begun its investigation. By Kim Jae-heun Maeil Dairies, the country's largest dairy producer by revenue, is offering activities for visitors, including tours, demonstrations of agricultural and food production techniques and tastings. Since April 2016, it has been running Sangha Farm, an organic farm in Gochang, North Jeolla Province, which welcomes visitors. The farm was founded to foster mutual growth with local governments and farmers. It was invested in by the dairy firm along with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and Gochang County. Sangha Farm shows a new business model of combining a high value-added service together with primary, secondary and tertiary industries. It adopts a new concept of "make-play-eat" at its rural facility, where visitors learn from experts how to make agricultural products through hands-on experiences, and then try the foods for themselves. Children can make cookies, sausages and bread at the farm, and see how cheeses are made via a fermentation process. Local farmers also provide supplementary food ingredients for people to use in one-day cooking classes. They can choose to make sausages, glutinous rice cakes or organic ice cream. The farmers there also raise livestock, including pigs, sheep, goats and cattle including dairy cows which people can see up close and handfeed. There is also a ham workshop. Sangha Farm only uses clean pork produced in Gochang and certified by the Korea Agency of HACCP Accreditation and Service to make its high-quality ham and sausages, without added sodium nitrite or pigmentation agents. Afghan security personnel arrive at the site a powerful explosion in Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug. 3. The powerful explosion rocked a posh neighborhood of the Afghan capital where several senior government officials live including Afghanistan's Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi. AP-Yonhap Four people were killed and 20 wounded in a coordinated bomb and gun attack targeting the Afghan defense minister and several lawmakers in the country's capital Tuesday, not far from the heavily fortified Green Zone. The wave of blasts, which Washington said bore the "hallmarks" of the Taliban, came as the Afghan army urged residents to evacuate a besieged southern city ahead of a planned offensive against the insurgents after three days of heavy fighting. Violence has surged across the country since early May when the Taliban launched a nationwide offensive soon after the U.S.-led foreign forces began their final withdrawal. Security officials told AFP four people were killed and 20 others wounded in Tuesday's attack, with medical charity Emergency saying four bodies of people killed in the assault had been brought to its facility in Kabul. The interior ministry said the attack had been successfully repelled and all the attackers had been killed by security forces. "A big number of people were rescued and the area is secured now," spokesman Mirwais Stanikzai told reporters. The first bomb blew up in central Kabul late on Tuesday, sending a thick plume of smoke into the sky, AFP correspondents reported. Defense Minister Bismillah Mohammadi said it was a suicide car bomb attack targeting his house. "Unfortunately some of my guards are wounded," he added in a video message. Less than two hours after the car bomb detonated, another loud blast followed by smaller explosions and rapid gunfire again shook Kabul, also near the high-security Green Zone that houses several embassies, including the U.S. mission. A security source said several attackers had stormed a lawmaker's house after setting off the car bomb and were also shooting at the residence of the defense minister from there. "Several lawmakers were meeting at the house of this MP to make a plan to counter the Taliban offensive in the north," the source told AFP. Smoke rises from a powerful explosion in Kabul, Aug. 3. The explosion rocked a posh neighborhood of the Afghan capital where several senior government officials live. AP-Yonhap Hallmarks of Taliban attacks No group has yet claimed the attack, but Washington pointed the finger at the Taliban. "We're not in a position to attribute it officially just yet but of course it does bear all the hallmarks of the spate of Taliban attacks that we have seen in recent weeks," State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. "We unequivocally condemn the bombing, and we continue to stand by our (Afghan) partners." Even as the blasts and gunfire rocked the city, crowds of people marched down Kabul's streets and took to rooftops chanting "Allahu Akbar" and "Death to the Taliban" in support of Afghan forces battling the insurgents in three regional capitals. "We are in support of Afghan forces and all those who are against the Taliban and fighting on the frontlines," said Karim, a resident of Kabul who gave only one name. The insurgents' assaults on the cities of Lashkar Gah, Kandahar and Herat since last week came after they seized control of much of rural Afghanistan, as foreign forces began the last stage of their withdrawal from the country in May. Fighting is raging for control of Lashkar Gah, the capital of southern Helmand province, with the United Nations saying at least 40 civilians were killed in the last 24 hours. General Sami Sadat, commander of the 215 Maiwand Afghan Army Corps, urged residents to evacuate. "Please leave as soon as possible so that we can start our operation," he said in a message to the city of 200,000 people. "I know it is very difficult for you to leave your houses it is hard for us too but if you are displaced for a few days, please forgive us. "We are fighting the Taliban wherever they are," he said. Officials said earlier that insurgents had seized more than a dozen local radio and TV stations in Lashkar Gah, leaving only one pro-Taliban channel broadcasting Islamic programming. The UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA) tweeted its "deepening concern for Afghan civilians... as fighting worsens" and called for an "immediate end to fighting in urban areas". Afghan security personnel arrive at the site of a powerful explosion in Kabul, Aug. 3. AP-Yonhap New York Governor Andrew Cuomo gives a press conference in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York, June 2. Cuomo faced mounting pressure to resign after an investigation found he sexually harassed nearly a dozen women and worked to retaliate against one of his accusers. Reuters-Yonhap New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced mounting pressure Tuesday to resign, including from President Joe Biden and other onetime Democratic allies, after an investigation found he sexually harassed nearly a dozen women and worked to retaliate against one of his accusers. ''I think he should resign,'' Biden told reporters Tuesday, echoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York's U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, all Democrats. The leader of the state Assembly, which has the power to bring impeachment charges, said it was clear Cuomo could no longer remain in office. Speaker Carl Heastie, a Democrat, said he would move to complete an impeachment inquiry ''as quickly as possible.'' Cuomo remained defiant, saying in a taped response to the findings that ''the facts are much different than what has been portrayed'' and that he ''never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances.'' In a telephone conversation with Heastie, Cuomo insisted he wouldn't leave office and told the speaker he needed to work fellow Democrats and garner enough votes to stop an impeachment, according to a person familiar with the conversation. But Heastie said he couldn't do that, said the person, who could not publicly discuss details of the private conversation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. The nearly five-month, non-criminal investigation, overseen by New York's attorney general and led by two outside lawyers, concluded that 11 women from within and outside state government were telling the truth when they said Cuomo had touched them inappropriately, commented on their appearance or made suggestive comments about their sex lives. Those accusers included an aide who said Cuomo groped her breast at the governor's mansion, and a state trooper on his security detail who said he ran his hand or fingers across her stomach and her back. Anne Clark, who led the probe with former U.S. Attorney Joon Kim, said the allegations had varying degrees of corroboration, including other witnesses and contemporaneous text messages. Investigators interviewed 179 people, including the governor himself. ''These interviews and pieces of evidence revealed a deeply disturbing yet clear picture: Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed current and former state employees in violation of federal and state laws,'' New York Attorney General Letitia James said at a press conference on Tuesday. Many of the women said they feared retaliation if they reported Cuomo's behavior, investigators said, describing his administration as a hostile workplace ''rife with fear and intimidation.'' On one occasion, the probe found, Cuomo's staff took action ''intended to discredit and disparage'' an accuser Lindsey Boylan, the first former employee to publicly accuse him of wrongdoing including leaking confidential personnel files and drafting a letter attacking her credibility. The investigation's findings, detailed in a 165-page public report, turn up the pressure on the 63-year-old governor, who just a year ago was widely hailed for his steady leadership during the darkest days of the COVID-19 crisis, even writing a book about it. Since then, he's seen his standing crumble with a drumbeat of harassment allegations, questions in a separate, ongoing inquiry into whether state resources went into writing the book, and the discovery that his administration concealed the true number of nursing home deaths during the pandemic. U.S. Senate Majority Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks to reporters after reading a statement calling for the resignation of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, August 3. Reuters-Yonhap Schumer and Gillibrand said Tuesday's report only reinforces the calls they and other New York Democrats made for Cuomo to resign after the bulk of the allegations were made public last winter. ''No elected official is above the law. The people of New York deserve better leadership in the governor's office. We continue to believe that the Governor should resign,'' they said in a joint statement. While James concluded the investigation without referring the case to prosecutors for possible criminal charges, local authorities could use its evidence and findings to mount cases. Albany District Attorney David Soares said he would request materials from James' office and welcomed victims to contact him. Heastie said the investigation's findings are crucial to expediting the ongoing state Assembly inquiry into whether there are grounds to impeach Cuomo, who's been raising money for a potential fourth term. The Assembly hired its own legal team to investigate myriad allegations regarding harassment, his book, nursing homes and special access to COVID-19 testing. In this image taken video provided by Office of the NY Governor, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo makes a statement in a pre-recorded video released, Aug. 3, in New York. AP-Yonhap In his taped response, Cuomo apologized to two accusers: Charlotte Bennett, who said the governor asked if she was open to sex with an older man after she confided she had been a sexual assault victim, and a woman he kissed at a wedding. Cuomo said he was hiring an expert to reform sexual harassment training for state employees, including the governor. But he denied other allegations as fabricated and lashed out at the investigative process, saying it was fueled by ''politics and bias.'' He explained that he's physically embraced people his whole life, that his mother and father former Gov. Mario Cuomo had done the same and that the gesture was meant to ''convey warmth.'' Cuomo's lawyer issued a written rebuttal to the investigation's findings, arguing in most cases that serious allegations, like the alleged groping, didn't happen, or that his actions were misconstrued. ''For those who are using this moment to score political points or seek publicity or personal gain. I say they actually discredit the legitimate sexual harassment victims that the law was designed to protect,'' Cuomo said. Bennett called the governor's apology ''meaningless.'' ''If he were sorry, he would step down. That's how accountability works,'' she told the AP. ''I don't believe he will resign. I think it's the speaker's job now to begin impeachment proceedings.'' The report detailed, for the first time, the allegations involving the state trooper. It said that in addition to touching her, Cuomo kissed her on the cheek, asked for her help in finding a girlfriend and asked why she didn't wear a dress. The report also included an allegation from a woman working for an energy company who said Cuomo touched her chest at an event, running his fingers across the lettering on her shirt and reading the name of her company aloud. According to the report, he then leaned in and told her, ''I'm going to say I see a spider on your shoulder'' before brushing his hand between her shoulder and breasts. ''These brave women stepped forward to speak truth to power and, in doing so, they expressed faith in the belief that although the governor may be powerful, the truth is even more so,'' Kim told reporters. The New York State Executive Mansion, the state governor's residence, is seen after an independent inquiry showed that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and violated federal and state laws, New York, August 3. Reuters-Yonhap 1. Comedian Amanda Seales (of HBOs Insecure) is about to take you to school. Sick of the stereotypes about African Americans in media and the overall lack of knowledge of black history, Seales mixes humor and her doctorate in African American studies with her love of games and music to cr Videos Duties Summary This position is at the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) in the Southern Region. This position serves as a Credit Union Examiner. Learn more about this agency Responsibilities As a Credit Union Examiner, you will: -Serve as a Principal Examiner, under the supervision of a Supervisory Examiner who is available to provide advice and consultation, you will be responsible for: -Manage, supervise and conduct examinations which are difficult, complex, or sensitive for an assigned district of federal and federally-insured state credit unions; -Frequently act as examiner in charge of a team of examiners for large credit unions and/or credit unions requiring special attention; -Obtain and protect confidential credit union data; -Analyze credit union data prior to examination to identify areas of examination concentration and the persistency of previous problems; and, -Prepare reports and give oral presentations of examination findings, conclusions and recommendations to credit union leadership. Travel Required Occasional travel - Travel is required to visit assigned credit unions in the geographic area. In addition, travel is required to participate in regional team examinations, training events, and conferences. Supervisory status No Promotion Potential 12 Job family (Series) 0580 Credit Union Examiner Requirements Conditions of Employment You must be a U.S. Citizen. Suitable adjudication of background/security investigation is required. A financial disclosure is required. A probationary/trial period may be required. Qualifications MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS To qualify for the grade 12, an applicant must have one year of specialized experience equivalent to CU/GS-11 level which including responsibility for managing, supervising and conducting examinations for a financial institution; and serving as examiner in charge of a team of examiners. You must meet the qualifications for this position by the closing date of this announcement. Please note, all experience statements (i.e., duties, specialized experience, or occupational assessment questionnaire) copied from this announcement and pasted into your resume will not be considered as a demonstration of your qualifications for this position. YOUR RESUME MUST provide specific details as to how your experience meets the specialized experience and support your responses to the online questionnaire as described in the vacancy announcement. When describing your experience in your resume, please be specific. We will not make assumptions regarding your experience. Please ensure that your resume includes the grade (if you are a current or previous federal employee), month, and year that you began and ended for each position held or that position may not be credited toward meeting the specialized experience requirement. Full-time employment will be assumed unless otherwise stated on your resume. Part-time employment will be prorated in crediting experience. Failure to provide details will result in an ineligible rating. Your resume must also support your responses to the online questionnaire. Failure to provide support may result in a lower rating and/or you may be excluded from consideration. Your latest resume submitted for this vacancy announcement will be used to determine qualifications and supersedes previous submissions. Education There are no education provisions in which an applicant can qualify at this grade level. The applicant must meet the specialized experience described in this vacancy announcement in order to qualify. Additional information SALARY: Pay will be set within the advertised pay range to align with the selectee's skills and experience and the requirements of the position. Pay will be set using NCUA's compensation policy. The salary range shown is NCUA's Local Pay Rate (LPR) which includes the locality rate for the Knoxville, Tennessee geographical area. Please click here to review all salary ranges based on locality. SELECTIVE SERVICE: If you are a male applicant born after December 31, 1959, you must certify that you have registered with the Selective Service System or are exempt from having to do so under the Selective Service Law. You may register or check the status of your registration by visiting the Selective Service website at: (see application details) . This position is in the bargaining unit. NOTE: Effective January 1, 2010, OPM must authorize any employment offers we make to current or former (within the last 5 years) political Schedule A, Schedule C, or Non-career SES (political) employees in the executive branch. If you are currently, or have been within the last 5 years, a political Schedule A, Schedule C, or Non-career SES employee in the executive branch, you must disclose that to the point of contact listed on this vacancy announcement. Illegal drug use by individuals working for or on behalf of the federal government, whether on duty or off duty, is contrary to the efficiency of the service and in direct violation of the Controlled Substance Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NCUA's current posture will not require employees to perform official travel or work onsite at NCUA offices or in credit unions any earlier than August 30, 2021. This date may be extended. If it becomes necessary for NCUA to request on-site work, NCUA may solicit volunteers for the assignment. Management reserves the right to request employees to perform on-site work in exigent circumstances. NCUA IS A COMPETITIVE SERVICE FEDERAL AGENCY. NCUA uses E-Verify, a web-based system, to confirm the eligibility of all newly hired employees to work in the United States. Learn more about E-Verify , including your rights and responsibilities. More than the number of positions listed may be filled through this vacancy announcement Read more How You Will Be Evaluated You will be evaluated for this job based on how well you meet the qualifications above. First, your application package will be reviewed for completeness (resume, completed assessment questionnaire, and supporting documentation). You will not be considered if you fail to submit all the required documents as outlined in this vacancy announcement. Second, if you have a complete application package, your resume will be reviewed to determine if you meet the basic qualifications and specialized experience requirements (see "Qualification" section). You must provide specific details in your resume as to how your experience meets the specialized experience. Third, your resume and supporting documentation may be compared to your responses to the assessment questions. The numerical rating you receive is based on your responses to the questions. If upon review it is determined that your resume and supporting documentation do not support your responses to the questions, your numerical rating may be adjusted and you may be excluded from consideration for this position. The self-assessment questions have been developed to evaluate your competency in the following areas: Accounting Operations Compliance Leadership Oral Communication Problem Solving Risk Management Self-Management Reference Checks: Reference checks will need to be conducted prior to an offer of employment for the top candidate(s) for this position. The reference checks will need to be conducted with current and former supervisors, if applicable, as a part of NCUA's selection assessment process. If you are found to be among the top qualified candidates, your application will be referred to the selecting official for employment consideration. To preview the application questionnaire, please click here: (see application details) Overstating your qualifications and/or experience in your application materials or application questionnaire may result in your removal from consideration. Cheating on the online assessment may also result in your removal from consideration. Read more Background checks and security clearance Security clearance Not Required Drug test required No Position sensitivity and risk Moderate Risk (MR) Trust determination process Suitability/Fitness Required Documents VETERANS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ACT (VEOA) Applicants: If you wish to be considered under the VEOA, you must submit a copy of the following: -DD-214 -Member 4 Copy preferred, however documentation provided must contain dates and character of service); and -VA letter & SF-15 (if preference eligibility is based off of disability) CTAP/ICTAP: Federal employees seeking CTAP/ICTAP eligibility must submit proof of their eligibility: -Copy of agency notice; -Most recent performance rating; and -SF-50 noting current position, grade level and duty location. To be well-qualified and exercise selection priority for this vacancy, displaced federal employees must receive an 85 or above on the rating criteria for this position. For additional information, click CTAP . Benefits A career with the U.S. Government provides employees with a comprehensive benefits package. As a federal employee, you and your family will have access to a range of benefits that are designed to make your federal career very rewarding. Opens in a new window Learn more about federal benefits . Review our benefits Eligibility for benefits depends on the type of position you hold and whether your position is full-time, part-time, or intermittent. Contact the hiring agency for more information on the specific benefits offered. Fair & Transparent The Federal hiring process is setup to be fair and transparent. Please read the following guidance. Equal Employment Opportunity Policy The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for federal employees & job applicants Read more Reasonable Accommodation Policy Federal agencies must provide reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities where appropriate. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation for any part of the application process should follow the instructions in the job opportunity announcement. For any part of the remaining hiring process, applicants should contact the hiring agency directly. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. A reasonable accommodation is any change to a job, the work environment, or the way things are usually done that enables an individual with a disability to apply for a job, perform job duties or receive equal access to job benefits. Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, federal agencies must provide reasonable accommodations when: An applicant with a disability needs an accommodation to have an equal opportunity to apply for a job. An employee with a disability needs an accommodation to perform the essential job duties or to gain access to the workplace. An employee with a disability needs an accommodation to receive equal access to benefits, such as details, training, and office-sponsored events. You can request a reasonable accommodation at any time during the application or hiring process or while on the job. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Learn more about disability employment and reasonable accommodations or how to contact an agency. Read more Legal and regulatory guidance Financial suitability Social security number request Privacy Act Signature and false statements Selective Service New employee probationary period Location: Milwaukee - Wisconsin Job Description Rockwell Automation is doing things never before possible. We connect the imaginations of people with the potential of technology to make the world more intelligent, more connected and more productive. We help the world work better and people work smarter and are looking for bright minds to make that happen. The makers, the forward thinkers, the problem solvers. That's where you come in. Rockwell Automation is looking for an innovative engineer to join our global Software and Control organization in Milwaukee, WI. You will be part of a new product development team, with a focus on design, development, and test of embedded software and features for programmable logic controllers (PLCs). You will also contribute to the overall product requirements, process, and tools. An ideal candidate will exhibit the ability to flex between product software design, development, and test activities. Given tightly coupled hardware and software in our products, previous embedded software experience is a plus. Essential Functions Design, and develop embedded software for Programmable Logic Controllers Build and maintain automated tests in support of new and existing product features Work in a variety of hardware and software environments, ranging from commercial off-the-shelf to custom System on Chip architectures, and from general purpose to embedded real-time operating systems Use modern continuous integration and development tools, and promote continuous improvement of tools and practices across the global development organization Demonstrate a strong understanding of object-oriented programming concepts, C++ and Python are preferred Operate across the entire software development life cycle: requirements management, design, implementation, test, release, and maintenance Work on an Agile development team within a larger Scaled Agile Framework organization, participating in short term (sprint), medium term (program increment) and long term (product roadmap) planning Mentor less experienced personnel, and encourage knowledge sharing and learning among the development community Basic Qualifications Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or similar discipline Preferred Qualifications Experience developing software and automated tests and tools in object-oriented languages such as C++ or Python Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering Typically requires a minimum of 5 years of software engineering experience with demonstrated professional development in software design and implementation Ability to understand and apply knowledge of object-oriented analysis, design, and programming techniques Experience with automation frameworks and tools development Experience in requirements decomposition and test traceability Experience in using open source tools like Git and Jenkins Knowledge of unit testing using tools like CppUnit, unittest, etc. Experience with continuous integration environments, automated test, and acceptance testing Experience working in an Agile development setting and Agile project tools Experience working with industrial protocols, especially Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) Experience developing software and test to safety and security standards such as IEC 61508 or IEC 62443 Advanced courses or degree in engineering, computer science, or controls *This position is part of a job family. Experience will be the determining factor #LI-MB1 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer including disability and veterans. If you are an individual with a disability and you need assistance or a reasonable accommodation during the application process, please contact our services team at +1 (see application details). Description System ID 719620 Category General Management Relocation Type No Employment Status Full-Time Unit Description Sodexo is seeking a Manager 3, Regional Operations Support for the Atlanta, Georgia region. The Manager 3, Regional Operations Support (ROSI) has overall responsibility, or a portion of an on-sight operations area (ie Food, ES, Clinical, Culinary, Facilities, CTM) as assigned by the Client executive. In this role, the manager has direct accountability for executing Sodexo systems, programs, resources, tools, and talent management that drives operational excellence and our service commitments that are: Predictable, Reliable, and Repeatable. We are looking for candidates who will: have oversight of day-to-day operations; deliver high quality food service and ES; achieve company and client financial targets and goals; develop and maintain client and customer relationships; develop strategic plans; create a positive environment; and ensure Sodexo Standards are met. The ideal candidate: has a work history demonstrating strong leadership skills, as well as previous supervisory experience and the ability to work collaboratively; has culinary production experience and a strong background in safety and sanitation compliance; has the ability to manage multiple priorities, demonstrate professional communication skills, and a passion for a high level of customer service; can demonstrate the ability to prioritize tasks and exhibit flexibility to take on additional responsibilities as needed; and can demonstrate working knowledge of Sodexo Food Management Systems (FMS) and The Market Connection (TMC), and is proficient in computer skills and report management experience. Not the job for you? At Sodexo, we offer Food Service Management positions in a variety of business segments, including Corporate, Schools, Universities, Government and Agencies, Healthcare, Senior Living and Sports and Leisure locations across the United States. Continue your search for Food Service Management jobs. Position Summary The Manager 3, Regional Operations Support (ROSI) has overall responsibility, or a portion of an on-sight operations area (ie Food, ES, Clinical, Culinary, Facilities, CTM) as assigned by the Client executive. In this role, the ROSI has direct accountability for executing Sodexo systems, programs, resources, tools, and talent management that drives operational excellence and our service commitments that are: Predictable, Reliable, and Repeatable. Primary Responsibilities: Client / Customer Service - 20% Navigates the client organization through effective communication while influencing and persuading at multiple levels. Seeks to collaborate for win-win outcomes. Effectively partners with client and Sodexo stakeholders to drive successful outcomes. Complies with all client policies and procedures. Operational Excellence - 20% Owns, drives, and measures operational excellence outcomes of Sodexo and client. Effectively deploys, embeds and ensures Sodexo standardized processes are in place. Creates a continuous quality improvement culture that drives operational efficiencies. Drives change and creates a culture where change is embraced and operationalized. Brings innovation to client organization through deployment of Sodexo programs and brand. Utilizes data driven decision making processes around operational expenses and performance outcomes to drive continuous improvement and celebrate successes. Analysis & Decision Making - 20% Utilizes tools within Sodexo Healthcare to drive and manage middle of the page (Labor Expense, Raw Materials) to deliver positive outcomes. Accountable for effective utilization of labor resources. Analyses data such as labor and turnover reports, etc. to engage in data driven decision making around talent. Brings insightful analysis to issues using data, logic, benchmarking, and leading practices in decision making to determine best solutions for the business. Effective risk management by ensuring consistent regulatory and legal compliance. Compliance with supply chain management requirements. Knows, understands and effectively manages comprehensive unit finances including both Sodexo and Client budgets. Set operational goals with key metrics and ensures quick analysis of variances to ensure a prompt resolution and mitigate adverse impact on our clients or our performance. Delivers predictable top and bottom-line results at the site, relentless focus on driving efficiency, and makes difficult decisions. Effectively delegates operational responsibilities to appropriate individuals / positions. Safety - 20% Ensures that individuals performing service-related tasks have the competence to do so without putting the health and safety of themselves or others at risk. Behaviors include: Working as a team for safety Communicating Effectively for Safety Managing Safety Risks Optimizing Human and Environmental Factors Recognizing, respond and reporting incidents Adherence to all operational safety practices and protocols Drives a safety culture throughout the team. Talent - 20% Ability to effectively manage critical aspects of Human Resources (ie. Leadership, People Management, Employee Relations, etc) to support individual and team development and drive operational outcomes. Creates a culture of continuous learning and development for self and those within the unit assigned. Develops rigorous plans to continually enhance employee engagement and recognition Qualifications & Requirements Basic Education Requirement - Bachelor's degree in a relevant field or equivalent work experience Basic Management Experience - 3 years Basic Functional Experience - 5 years work experience in facilities (e.g., maintenance, plant operations, engineering services, grounds, custodial/environmental, or transportation) or food (e.g., food services or operations, concessions, retail sales, store operations, or vending) services, CTM, or Clinical Nutrition; Sodexo is an EEO/AA/Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran employer. Requirements See Job Description 72052221R10008 - Human Resources Assistant The incumbent serves as the Human Resources Assistant by providing assistance to the Human Resources Office in the administration of personnel functions, such as file management, recruitment and selection processes, distribution of Personal Services Contracts, elaboration of Personnel Actions and individual or mission-wide notifications, and administration of personnel data applications and systems. The incumbent will also be required to provide support and guidance to the Administrative Assistant (Rover), to handle special projects, and to provide support during increased workloads. In the performance of these duties, the Human Resources Assistant must be able to acquire a good knowledge and understanding of USAID/Honduras' programs/projects/activities, office operations, policies, regulations, and procedures associated with the specific tasks assigned. Good interpersonal and communication skills, both orally and in writing, are also needed. This position is located in the Executive Office and directly reports to the Human Resources Specialist. Job Attachment 1 Avenida La Paz Frente a La Embajada Americana P.O. Box 3453 Tegucigalpa, Honduras SOLICITATION NUMBER: 72052221R10008 ISSUANCE DATE: August 02, 2021 CLOSING DATE/TIME: August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local Time - Tegucigalpa, Honduras) SUBJECT: Solicitation for a Human Resources Assistant under a Cooperating Country National (CCN) Personal Service Contractor (PSC) - Local Compensation Plan Dear Prospective Offerors: The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide services under a Cooperating Country National (CCN) Personal Services Contract (PSC) as described in this solicitation. Offers must be submitted in accordance with Section IV - Submitting and Offer of this solicitation. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records. Please refer to the Suggested Checklist shown on the last page of this solicitation to make sure all the required documentation and information for a proper submission of your application is included. Incomplete applications or submissions received after the closing date and time specified will not be considered. This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers. Any questions must be directed in writing to (see application details). Sincerely, Brian Chang Contracting Officer SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 2 of 9 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. SOLICITATION NO.: 72052221R10008 2. ISSUANCE DATE: August 02, 2021 3. CLOSING DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local time, Tegucigalpa, Honduras) 4. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID/Honduras - Human Resources Office: E-mail: (see application details) 5. POSITION TITLE: Human Resources Assistant 6. MARKET VALUE: In addition to a generous benefits package, compensation will be negotiated in accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan (LCP) within the listed salary range for the FSN-07 grade, which is equivalent to L. 273,107.00 - L. 464,279.00. 7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Employment under this contract is of a continuing nature, estimated start date will be contingent upon the successful outcome of a security and medical clearance of the selected candidate. 8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: USAID/Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Executive Office (EXO), with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties. 9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: All interested candidates. All applicants must be a citizen of the country, or a non- country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country and must have the required work permit or documentation that allows the applicant to work legally in the country in order to be eligible for consideration. 10. SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: CCN/FSN standard clearance. 11. STATEMENT OF DUTIES: 1. General Statement of Purpose of Contract: The incumbent serves as the Human Resources Assistant by providing assistance to the Human Resources Office in the administration of personnel functions, such as file management, recruitment and selection processes, distribution of Personal Services Contracts, elaboration of Personnel Actions and individual or mission-wide notifications, and administration of personnel data applications and systems. The incumbent will also be required to provide support and guidance to the Administrative Assistant (Rover), to handle special projects, and to provide support during increased workloads. In the performance of these duties, the Human Resources Assistant must be able to acquire a good knowledge and understanding of USAID/Honduras' programs/projects/activities, office operations, policies, regulations, and procedures associated with the specific tasks assigned. Good interpersonal and communication skills, both orally and in writing, are also needed. This position is located in the Executive Office and directly reports to the Human Resources Specialist. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 3 of 9 2. Statement of Duties to be Performed: 1. Human Resources administrative support: 85% - Obtains all the necessary clearances and signatures of new contracts and contract modifications for proper distribution. - Opens and maintains physical and/or electronic files for new hire Personal Services Contractors (PSC) and US Direct Hire (USDH) employees and updates HR-related working and selection files. Retrieves these files in accordance with Records Management Disposition regulations. Also, assists the HR File Management custodian by administering the Agency Secure Image and Storage Tracking (ASIST) for HR-related files, assuring that all documents are handled appropriately and in a timely manner, in accordance with the Records Management policies and regulations. - Prepares vouchers, exonerations, and requisitions through the Global Acquisition and Assistance System (GLAAS) for all HR related procurement actions and when submitting requests to maintain the inventory of supplies for use in HR activities. - Prepares earning statements, memorandums or notifications of mission-wide dissemination for all Mission employees, orientation, and responds to inquiries from outside customers through the e-mail address assigned to the HR Division. - Provides logistical and administrative support services when needed to conduct in-house training or mission- wide events. - Assists with recruitment and selection processes as per EXO/HR's service standards. This includes but is not limited preparing schedules for interviews; preparing interview packets and delivering these to the selection panel members; escorting applicants when requested; sending regret letters; and requesting references for the selected applicant. - Assists with the elaboration of Personnel Actions through the Overseas Personnel System (OPS) in the role of HR Initiator, which includes creating personnel or position actions for all staff. - When required, assists by performing responsibilities related to the Health and Life Insurance, Retirement Plan, Awards, and Seasonal Hires programs and any other HR related project as assigned. - Prepares welcome packets for new arrivals and newly hired personnel as well as affidavits and departure material for departing personnel. This includes preparation and transmission of cables through SMART, scheduling of security and medical briefings, updates on forms and documentation contained in such packets, preparation of badge and computer access requests, requests for plaques or certificates delivered to departing staff, and maintains direct communication with all parties involved in the incoming and exit check lists for updates and/or changes in the process. - Assist all HR staff with responding to telephone calls; submitting service requests; scheduling meetings and appointments; reserving meeting rooms; receiving/escorting visitors; arranging travel and vehicle requests or other transportation when the HR staff is assigned to TDYs, training abroad, or other official travel; prepares country clearance requests and travel vouchers. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 4 of 9 2. Administrative support to other offices when required: 15% - With the appropriate guidance and supervision, assists with the assigned office's filing system as per established Agency Records Management Regulations; prepares correspondence, reports and other related program/project/activities documentation ensuring that items prepared are accurate, complete, and that correct formatting, grammar and punctuation are being followed; prepares various correspondence addressed to high- level contacts in accordance with protocol procedures prescribed by Embassy and USAID; serves as an interpreter and translates various technical documents from Spanish to English and vice-versa. - Handles telephone calls; schedules internal and external meetings and appointments, reserves meeting rooms, and receives/escorts visitors for the assigned office; arranges travel, including flight and hotel reservations, vehicle requests and other transportation for the assigned office staff, TDYs, and visitors to post; prepares country clearance requests and travel vouchers. When requested assists with field trips, VIP visits, and CODELs for the assigned office. - Submits requests for maintenance and supplies for the assigned office; receives and controls in-coming and out- going correspondence forwarding it to the appropriate person or employee, on his/her own initiative, ensuring that timely responses are obtained and keeping the assigned supervisor fully informed of any difficulties; prepares vouchers, cash and procurement requests. - Maintains Time and Attendance (T&A) for the assigned office's staff and submits the time and attendance reports including individual time sheets, overtime and compensatory time requests, and any other related documentation required for the timely submission of the final report. - The incumbent coordinates with the Administrative Assistant (Rover) other office's requests for roving services to properly set up a calendar to schedule coverage. Also, maintains close communication with the Mission Director (MD) Office's Secretary to properly plan ahead coverage for the entire year during the MD's lunch hour, annual leave, temporary absences during the work day, or any other absence. The contractor is eligible for temporary duty (TDY) travel to the U.S., or to other Missions abroad, to participate in the "Foreign Service National" Fellowship Program, in accordance with USAID policy. 3. Supervisory Relationship: Direct supervision will be provided by the Human Resources Specialist or his/her designee. When providing roving services, additional work guidance from the assigned office's supervisor will be provided as well. 4. Supervisory Controls: Supervision of other USAID Staff is not contemplated. 12. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 5 of 9 II. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THIS POSITION EDUCATION: Two (2) years of college or university studies in the areas of human resources, business administration or other related field is required. Applicants possessing higher level degrees are also strongly encouraged to apply. PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE: At least three (3) years of responsible experience in the human resources or administrative field is required. Those candidates with additional professional experience relevant to the position are strongly encouraged to apply. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: Level IV (Fluent) in English and Spanish. This will be tested. JOB KNOWLEDGE: Must have, or show the potential to develop, a thorough knowledge of personnel operations and administrative office procedures, including operating procedures, correspondence formats, protocol, filing requirements, and other administrative actions. Must have a good knowledge of PC software applications such as Windows and MS applications. SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills to be able to work with others as part of a team and to assist with outside inquiries. The ability to work calmly and effectively under pressure is essential as well as to maintain strict confidentiality, tact, diplomacy, and high ethical standards in order to manage sensitive information of the programs/projects/activities from the assigned office and also when dealing with outside customers, very high level Government of Honduras (GoH) officials, implementing partners, and other donor country representatives. Ability to obtain, organize, and present data in a logical manner is required. Must be able to effectively use Windows-based computer applications in the preparation of documents/reports that are required. Ability for doing and understanding basic arithmetic in order to prepare routine vouchers, procurement and cash requests is required. Must demonstrate the ability to be a self-starter, with excellent organizational skills to prioritize and follow through on work assignments with minimal supervision and to manage administrative and logistical requirements within the office. Strong proofreading skills and attention to detail to track and report status of assigned actions and tasks is also required. III. EVALUATION AND SELECTION FACTORS The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The Contracting Officer (CO) reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far. Candidates that meet the minimum requirements, as outlined in this solicitation, will be evaluated and ranked based on the following adjectival evaluation criteria and characteristics: SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 6 of 9 EVALUATION CRITERIA / ADJECTIVE DEFINITION Exceptional A comprehensive and thorough application of exceptional merit. Candidate meets and fully exceeds the Government expectations and presents very low risk or no overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths significantly outweigh any weaknesses that may exist. Very Good A candidate demonstrating a strong grasp of the requirements of the position. Candidate meets position requirements and presents a low overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths significantly outweigh any weaknesses that exist. Satisfactory A candidate demonstrating a reasonably sound application and a good grasp of the position requirements. Candidate meets position requirements and presents a moderate overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths outweigh weaknesses. Marginal The candidate shows a limited understanding of the requirements. Candidate meets some or most of the position requirements but presents a significant overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Weaknesses equal or outweigh any strengths that exist. Unsatisfactory The candidate does not meet the position requirements. Presents an unacceptable degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Deficiencies and significant weaknesses demonstrate a lack of understanding of the Government's needs. Weaknesses and or deficiencies significantly outweigh any strengths that exist. Neutral Not applicable. Applicants meeting the above required qualifications for the position will be evaluated based on information presented in the application and obtained through reference checks. The hiring panel may check references that have not been specifically identified by applicants and may check references before or after a candidate is interviewed. USAID/Honduras reserves the right to conduct interviews with the most highly ranked applicants and make the interview a deciding factor in selection. IV. SUBMITTING AN OFFER Applicants must follow these instructions when applying to USAID/Honduras' vacant positions. 1. Eligible Offerors are required to complete and submit the following, all included in one single PDF file: a) Cover Letter; b) A current resume or curriculum vitae in English; c) Any other documentation such as diplomas or proof of the education requirement listed on Section II of this solicitation. 2. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, Item 3, and submitted to: (see application details) 3. Offeror submissions must clearly reference in the e-mail Subject Line the following: "Human Resources Assistant - SOL No. 72052221R10008" SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 7 of 9 The US Mission in Tegucigalpa, Honduras provides Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) and fair and equitable treatment to all people without regard to race, color religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs. The EEO complaint procedure is not available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon marital status or political affiliation. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief. See https://www.usaid.gov/honduras for additional information on USAID's work and programs. V. LIST OF REQUIRED FORMS PRIOR TO AWARD Once the CO, or his/her/their designee, informs the successful Offeror about being selected for a contract award, instructions will be provided about how to complete and submit the following forms after an offeror is selected for the contract award: 1. Completed DS-174 - Employment Application for LE Staff or Family Member form; 2. Copy of the Honduran ID card; 3. Copy of the Driver's License if available; 4. Croquis of the current home address; 5. An original and current "Constancia de Antecedentes Policiales" from the Division Policial de Investigaciones (DPI); 6. An original and current "Constancia de Antecedentes Penales" from the Honduran Court System; 7. Copy of Passport if available; 8. Copy of latest Education Degree (as applicable); 9. Two residential bills to verify current home address; 10. Credit Report from EQUIFAX; 11. Security Questionnaire for Locally Engaged Staff (English or Spanish); 12. Passport size photo; and 13. FSN Medical History and Examination form All candidates for employment with the US Mission must pass a background/security investigation and a medical certification. Any employment offer with the US Mission is contingent upon a candidate's ability to secure the necessary certifications. VI. BENEFITS AND ALLOWANCES As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a PSC is normally authorized the following benefits and allowances: Bonuses: Christmas Bonus, Vacation Bonus, and 14th Month Bonus. Medical, Optical, Dental, and Life Insurance. The Mission pays the full premiums for employee's life and medical insurance and pays 80% of the premiums of the medical insurance for dependents. Local Retirement Plan. The Mission contributes 10% from the employee's Basic Annual Salary and the employee a minimum of 5% of the Basic Annual Salary. Age eligibility requirement to be enrolled in the plan: Minimum entry age: 18; Maximum entry age: 55. Annual Leave according to the following: Completion of 1 year 112 Hours (14 working days) Completion of 2 years 120 Hours (15 working days) Completion of 3 years 136 Hours (17 working days) Completion of 4 years or more 184 Hours (23 working days) SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 8 of 9 1040 hours of Sick Leave per calendar year. Entitlement of American and Local Holidays. VII. TAXES Employees are expected to pay each just financial obligation in a proper and timely manner, especially one imposed by law, such as local taxes. In this context, "in a proper and timely manner" means in a manner which does not, under the circumstances, reflect adversely on the U.S. Government as the employer. If an employee refuses or fails to pay his/her/their financial obligations, this will constitute valid grounds for separation, without liability for severance or notice on behalf of the U.S. Government. U.S. Citizens/U.S. Residents under Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contracts (CCN PSC) are subject to U.S. tax withholding (federal income taxes, OASDI, and Medicare). U.S. taxes are deducted in lempira equivalent. VIII. USAID REGULATIONS, POLICIES AND CONTRACT CLAUSES PERTAINING TO PSCs USAID regulations and policies governing CCN PSC awards are available at these sources: 1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, "Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad," including contract clause "General Provisions" 2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1. Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award as described below: LINE ITEMS ITEM NO (A) SUPPLIES/SERVICES (DESCRIPTION) (B) QUANTITY (C) UNIT (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Award Type: Cost - Product Service Code: R497 - Accounting Info: Funding Type: OE Appropriation: 72211000 Template: Mission OE Funds Resource Category: 1130007, 1210601, 1150957 1 LOT $ TBD $TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor 3. All applicable Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for PSCs with Individuals. 4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch" available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. 5. PSC Ombudsman. The PSC Ombudsman serves as a resource for any Personal Services Contractor who has entered into a contract with the United States Agency for International Development and is available to provide clarity on their specific contract with the agency. Please visit the Personal Services Contracts Ombudsman webpage for additional information. The PSC Ombudsman may also be contacted via email at: (see application details). SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10008 Page 9 of 9 Suggested checklist for proper submission of information and application requirements 1. Complete Solicitation has been read. 2. Cover Letter prepared. 3. Curriculum Vitae in English. Curriculum Vitae in Spanish is not required but suggested. 4. Proof of diplomas to support the Education Requirement are included. Only include diplomas of Master's and University degree or any other diploma that is relevant to the position. 5. Application Package converted in one single PDF. format. 6. Naming convention for Application Package in one single PDF. file is: "First Name, Middle Name, Last Name", i.e. "John Allan Doe". 7. The Subject Line on the email reads as follows: "Human Resources Assistant - SOL No. 72052221R10008" 8. The application package is sent to the email addresses: (see application details) 9. The full application package must be submitted by August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local Time - Tegucigalpa, Honduras). Application packages submitted after this Closing Date/Time will not be accepted. 72052221R10007 - USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) The USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) position is located within the USAID/Honduras Economic Growth Office (EG). The incumbent, in collaboration with the Food Security & Energy Specialist, provides specialized technical leadership, strategic programming advice, and direct management of USAID private sector engagement and alliance building, access to finance across technical sectors, and energy sector reform, all of which are of high diplomatic importance to the Governments of the United States and Honduras. Responsibilities include regular on-going engagement with high-ranking Government of Honduras (GOH) and international donor community officials. The incumbent supports the development, management and evaluation of complex programs, including overall design, management and monitoring of the technical aspects of the activity. The incumbent is responsible for the achievement of the results established for catalyzing private sector investment, facilitating greater inclusive access to finance, and the provision of technical assistance to key actors in the energy sector, as presented in relevant USAID approved strategic and procurement documents. The USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) will directly report to one of the USAID Project Management Specialist (Food Security & Energy) position or his/her/their designee. Job Attachment 1 Avenida La Paz Frente a La Embajada Americana P.O. Box 3453 Tegucigalpa, Honduras SOLICITATION NUMBER: 72052221R10007 ISSUANCE DATE: August 02, 2021 CLOSING DATE/TIME: August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local Time - Tegucigalpa, Honduras) SUBJECT: Solicitation for a USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) under a Cooperating Country National (CCN) Personal Service Contractor (PSC) - Local Compensation Plan Dear Prospective Offerors: The United States Government, represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide services under a Cooperating Country National (CCN) Personal Services Contract (PSC) as described in this solicitation. Offers must be submitted in accordance with Section IV - Submitting and Offer of this solicitation. Offerors should retain copies of all offer materials for their records. Please refer to the Suggested Checklist shown on the last page of this solicitation to make sure all the required documentation and information for a proper submission of your application is included. Incomplete applications or submissions received after the closing date and time specified will not be considered. This solicitation in no way obligates USAID to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offers. Any questions must be directed in writing to (see application details). Sincerely, Natalya Komarova Contracting Officer SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 2 of 9 I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. SOLICITATION NO.: 72052221R10007 2. ISSUANCE DATE: August 02, 2021 3. CLOSING DATE AND TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local time, Tegucigalpa, Honduras) 4. POINT OF CONTACT: USAID/Honduras - Human Resources Office: E-mail: (see application details) 5. POSITION TITLE: USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) 6. MARKET VALUE: In addition to a generous benefits package, compensation will be negotiated in accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan (LCP) within the listed salary range for the FSN-11 grade, which is equivalent to L. 826,630.00 - L. 1,405,258.00. 7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Employment under this contract is of a continuing nature, estimated start date will be contingent upon the successful outcome of a security and medical clearance of the selected candidate. 8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: USAID/Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Economic Growth Office (EG), with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties. 9. ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: All interested candidates. All applicants must be a citizen of the country, or a non- country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the cooperating country and must have the required work permit or documentation that allows the applicant to work legally in the country in order to be eligible for consideration. 10. SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: CCN/FSN standard clearance. 11. STATEMENT OF DUTIES: 1. General Statement of Purpose of Contract: The USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) position is located within the USAID/Honduras Economic Growth Office (EG). The incumbent, in collaboration with the Food Security & Energy Specialist, provides specialized technical leadership, strategic programming advice, and direct management of USAID private sector engagement and alliance building, access to finance across technical sectors, and energy sector reform, all of which are of high diplomatic importance to the Governments of the United States and Honduras. Responsibilities include regular on-going engagement with high-ranking Government of Honduras (GOH) and international donor community officials. The incumbent supports the development, management and evaluation of complex programs, including overall design, management and monitoring of the technical aspects of the activity. The incumbent is responsible for the achievement of the results established for catalyzing private sector investment, facilitating greater inclusive access to finance, and the provision of technical assistance to key actors in the energy sector, as presented in relevant USAID approved strategic and procurement documents. The USAID Project Management Specialist (Private Sector/Energy) will directly report to one of the USAID Project Management Specialist (Food Security & Energy) position or his/her/their designee. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 3 of 9 2. Statement of Duties to be Performed: 1) Private Sector, Trade and Energy Program Management: 40% -The incumbent supports the design and management of private sector, trade, energy, and access to finance implementing mechanisms (grants/contracts/Implementation Letters (ILs), etc.). -Provides independent technical expertise and leadership on program design, review and approval, and project implementation including all associated processes and procedures to assure compliance with contracts or cooperative agreements, compliance with regulations and established procedures and program evaluations, communications to Washington, etc. and participates in making substantive decisions involving implementation matters (e.g., revising results and indicator targets, selecting technical assistance contractors; terminating/canceling activities). -Develops and/or provides guidance on complex procurement documents such as scopes of work, program descriptions, independent government cost estimates, also drafts scopes of work, evaluations, assessments and short- term technical assistance for design, implementation, and evaluation of relevant programs and activities. -Oversees and evaluates technical aspects of private sector, trade, and energy program implementation and assures that program results are being achieved in a manner consistent with implementation mechanism agreements/contracts. The incumbent manages for results using annual work plans, quarterly program and financial reports and site visits. -Maintains oversight of implementer counterparts and makes recommendations for modifications and improvements as necessary to facilitate achievement of program objectives. As COR/AOR, the incumbent will manage all administrative, technical, and financial aspects of the assigned programs/projects. -Provides strategic programming advice, develops and/or reviews Private Sector/Energy components of major USAID strategic planning documents (e.g. Country Strategies, Results Frameworks, Performance Monitoring Plans, etc.), Annual Planning and Reporting submissions (Annual Performance Report, Operational Plan, Congressional Budget Requests/Notifications, etc.) and other ad-hoc requests for program information. 2) Private Sector, Trade and Energy Technical Expertise: 30% -The incumbent is responsible for providing expert technical guidance to the USAID Mission on all aspects of private sector engagement, trade, access to finance, and energy. -Serves as a Contracting Officer's Representative /Agreement Officer's Representative (COR/AOR), for activities dealing with the aforementioned and other areas as identified by management. Expertise will be applied in the design and management of programs and in creating monitoring and evaluation systems. -Serves as an expert advisor within the Economic Growth Office to Mission Management. The incumbent is responsible for tracking USAID and international development community best practices to assure that they are reflected in the design and implementation of USAID programs. He or she will have the expert technical capacity to guide the GOH and Mission teams in the implementation of private sector competitiveness, finance, trade, and energy projects to achieve intended results. He or she will also have a deep understanding of the GOH development strategies to complement the USAID activities, as well as relationships with all relevant international development banks. -Ensures that USAID/Honduras' programs comply with U.S. Government (USG) and USAID Policies and are consistent with the USG or donor initiatives. The incumbent co-leads on private sector, trade, energy, and access to finance strategic and technical documents and prepares concept papers, technical recommendations, and complex analytical reports, and other analytical inputs for new project designs and contributes to the development of scopes of work for new project procurements. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 4 of 9 3) Program Representation, Coordination and Communication: 30% The incumbent works with USAID/Honduras and USAID/Washington colleagues at all levels including the Mission Director, Deputy Mission Director, other USAID Office Chiefs, the supervising Food Security & Energy Project Management Specialist, implementing partners, and other USG Agencies to promote coordination of relevant programs ensuring that desired results are obtained. The incumbent works with USAID, U.S. Embassy and Implementing Partner communications teams to develop strategies to effectively communicate USAID program results and success stories. -Represents the Mission to USAID Washington and the Government of Honduras to ensure programs are effectively coordinated with policy makers. This includes supporting dialogue at various levels on policy issues pertaining to private sector engagement, energy sector reform, trade, tourism, agriculture, and other sectors. -Serves as the Mission representative, as delegated, to any donor and or GOH coordination mechanisms which focus on private sector, energy sector reform or trade. Collaborates in specific activities as required in cooperation with the GOH, other donor institutions and implementing partners to advance program objectives and advises U.S. and Honduran NGOs, civil society and private sector on USAID environment programs and opportunities. -Represents USAID at events, giving public remarks on behalf of the USAID mission, as delegated. The incumbent performs other responsibilities as directed by the Economic Growth Office Chief or senior management. -Identifies potential alliances and takes the lead drafting Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) for direct partnerships between USAID/Honduras and other donors or stakeholders in coordination with the office chief, Resident Legal Officer, and other appropriate staff. -Ensures coordination among different USAID/USG programs and among Development Objective (DO) teams, and coordination of activities and policy dialogue among GOH host country counterparts and the donor community ensure effective implementation of USAID programs. The contractor is eligible for temporary duty (TDY) travel to the U.S., or to other Missions abroad, to participate in the "Foreign Service National" Fellowship Program, in accordance with USAID policy. 3. Supervisory Relationship: This incumbent will work under the direct supervision of USAID Project Management Specialist (Food Security & Energy Specialist) position or his/her/their designee. 4. Supervisory Controls: Supervision of other USAID staff is not contemplated. 12. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands. SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 5 of 9 II. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THIS POSITION EDUCATION: A Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Economics, Business Administration, International Development or other related field is required. Applicants possessing higher level degrees are also strongly encouraged to apply. PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE: At least five (5) years of prior work experience with a proven capacity to work independently in a program management capacity is required. This experience must be related to the design, management, administration, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of development programs or related development assistance work with other donors, host government entities or civil society organizations. Those candidates with additional professional experience relevant to the position are strongly encouraged to apply. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: Level IV (fluent) in English and Spanish is required. At this level, the incumbent must have a high degree of proficiency in both the written and spoken language, including the ability to translate. On occasion, the job holder may need to act as an interpreter. Written English skills are particularly important. Must be able to clearly express ideas and concepts accurately both verbally and in writing. This will be tested. JOB KNOWLEDGE: The contractor must have detailed expert knowledge in principles of private sector engagement, finance, energy, trade, and other related fields. The incumbent must also have expert knowledge of or demonstrated ability to learn about Honduras's particular energy reform challenges, regional trade issues, the local banking sector, and other areas. SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Must have a high degree of managerial, analytical and leadership skills in program management and the ability to negotiate with high level Government of Honduras (GOH) Officials and executive directors of major private sector partners. Must have the ability to plan, design, organize, manage, monitor and evaluate complex multi sectoral programs. Must have the ability to obtain, analyze, and evaluate a variety of data to data to make meaningful recommendations. Must have the ability to identify host-country economic, social, environmental, and political trends and its impact on relevant USAID programming. Must be able to develop and maintain a wide range of senior-level contacts in the public and private sectors. Ability to write clearly and concisely, in English and Spanish, including correspondence to high-level officials in the public and private sectors, and legal documents such as Memorandums of Understanding, and draft/review/comment on complex program design and highly technical reports and assessments. Outstanding computer knowledge in Microsoft Office is required. Above all, a clear ability to learn on the job and respond to changing office and Mission priorities is a priority. III. EVALUATION AND SELECTION FACTORS The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. The Contracting Officer (CO) reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR 15.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.215-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. The FAR provisions referenced above are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/far. Candidates that meet the minimum requirements, as outlined in this solicitation, will be evaluated and ranked based on the following adjectival evaluation criteria and characteristics: SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 6 of 9 EVALUATION CRITERIA / ADJECTIVE DEFINITION Exceptional A comprehensive and thorough application of exceptional merit. Candidate meets and fully exceeds the Government expectations and presents very low risk or no overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths significantly outweigh any weaknesses that may exist. Very Good A candidate demonstrating a strong grasp of the requirements of the position. Candidate meets position requirements and presents a low overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths significantly outweigh any weaknesses that exist. Satisfactory A candidate demonstrating a reasonably sound application and a good grasp of the position requirements. Candidate meets position requirements and presents a moderate overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Strengths outweigh weaknesses. Marginal The candidate shows a limited understanding of the requirements. Candidate meets some or most of the position requirements but presents a significant overall degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Weaknesses equal or outweigh any strengths that exist. Unsatisfactory The candidate does not meet the position requirements. Presents an unacceptable degree of risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Deficiencies and significant weaknesses demonstrate a lack of understanding of the Government's needs. Weaknesses and or deficiencies significantly outweigh any strengths that exist. Neutral Not applicable. Applicants meeting the above required qualifications for the position will be evaluated based on information presented in the application and obtained through reference checks. The hiring panel may check references that have not been specifically identified by applicants and may check references before or after a candidate is interviewed. USAID/Honduras reserves the right to conduct interviews with the most highly ranked applicants and make the interview a deciding factor in selection. IV. SUBMITTING AN OFFER Applicants must follow these instructions when applying to USAID/Honduras' vacant positions. 1. Eligible Offerors are required to complete and submit the following, all included in one single PDF file: a) Cover Letter; b) A current resume or curriculum vitae in English; c) Any other documentation such as diplomas or proof of the education requirement listed on Section II of this solicitation. 2. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, Item 3, and submitted to: (see application details) 3. Offeror submissions must clearly reference in the e-mail Subject Line the following: "Private Sector/Energy Specialist - SOL No. 72052221R10007" SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 7 of 9 The US Mission in Tegucigalpa, Honduras provides Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO) and fair and equitable treatment to all people without regard to race, color religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs. The EEO complaint procedure is not available to individuals who believe they have been denied equal opportunity based upon marital status or political affiliation. Individuals with such complaints should avail themselves of the appropriate grievance procedures, remedies for prohibited personnel practices, and/or courts for relief. See https://www.usaid.gov/honduras for additional information on USAID's work and programs. V. LIST OF REQUIRED FORMS PRIOR TO AWARD Once the CO, or his/her/their designee, informs the successful Offeror about being selected for a contract award, instructions will be provided about how to complete and submit the following forms after an offeror is selected for the contract award: 1. Completed DS-174 - Employment Application for LE Staff or Family Member form; 2. Copy of the Honduran ID card; 3. Copy of the Driver's License if available; 4. Croquis of the current home address; 5. An original and current "Constancia de Antecedentes Policiales" from the Division Policial de Investigaciones (DPI); 6. An original and current "Constancia de Antecedentes Penales" from the Honduran Court System; 7. Copy of Passport if available; 8. Copy of latest Education Degree (as applicable); 9. Two residential bills to verify current home address; 10. Credit Report from EQUIFAX; 11. Security Questionnaire for Locally Engaged Staff (English or Spanish); 12. Passport size photo; and 13. FSN Medical History and Examination form All candidates for employment with the US Mission must pass a background/security investigation and a medical certification. Any employment offer with the US Mission is contingent upon a candidate's ability to secure the necessary certifications. VI. BENEFITS AND ALLOWANCES As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a PSC is normally authorized the following benefits and allowances: Bonuses: Christmas Bonus, Vacation Bonus, and 14th Month Bonus. Medical, Optical, Dental, and Life Insurance. The Mission pays the full premiums for employee's life and medical insurance and pays 80% of the premiums of the medical insurance for dependents. Local Retirement Plan. The Mission contributes 10% from the employee's Basic Annual Salary and the employee a minimum of 5% of the Basic Annual Salary. Age eligibility requirement to be enrolled in the plan: Minimum entry age: 18; Maximum entry age: 55. Annual Leave according to the following: Completion of 1 year 112 Hours (14 working days) Completion of 2 years 120 Hours (15 working days) Completion of 3 years 136 Hours (17 working days) Completion of 4 years or more 184 Hours (23 working days) SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 8 of 9 1040 hours of Sick Leave per calendar year. Entitlement of American and Local Holidays. VII. TAXES Employees are expected to pay each just financial obligation in a proper and timely manner, especially one imposed by law, such as local taxes. In this context, "in a proper and timely manner" means in a manner which does not, under the circumstances, reflect adversely on the U.S. Government as the employer. If an employee refuses or fails to pay his/her/their financial obligations, this will constitute valid grounds for separation, without liability for severance or notice on behalf of the U.S. Government. U.S. Citizens/U.S. Residents under Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contracts (CCN PSC) are subject to U.S. tax withholding (federal income taxes, OASDI, and Medicare). U.S. taxes are deducted in lempira equivalent. VIII. USAID REGULATIONS, POLICIES AND CONTRACT CLAUSES PERTAINING TO PSCs USAID regulations and policies governing CCN PSC awards are available at these sources: 1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix J, "Direct USAID Contracts With a Cooperating Country National and with a Third Country National for Personal Services Abroad," including contract clause "General Provisions" 2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1. Pricing by line item is to be determined upon contract award as described below: LINE ITEMS ITEM NO (A) SUPPLIES/SERVICES (DESCRIPTION) (B) QUANTITY (C) UNIT (D) UNIT PRICE (E) AMOUNT (F) 0001 Compensation, Fringe Benefits and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Award Type: Cost - Product Service Code: R497 - Accounting Info: Funding Type: Bilateral (DV-CENGFSI) Appropriation: 7220/211021;7220/211021;7220/211021 Template: Mission Program Funds - BGA Resource Category: 1130007, 1210601, 1150957 1 LOT $ TBD $TBD at Award after negotiations with Contractor 3. All applicable Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for PSCs with Individuals. 4. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch" available from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. 5. PSC Ombudsman. The PSC Ombudsman serves as a resource for any Personal Services Contractor who has entered into a contract with the United States Agency for International Development and is available to provide clarity on their specific contract with the agency. Please visit the Personal Services Contracts Ombudsman webpage for additional information. The PSC Ombudsman may also be contacted via email at: (see application details). SOLICITATION No.: 72052221R10007 Page 9 of 9 Suggested checklist for proper submission of information and application requirements 1. Complete Solicitation has been read. 2. Cover Letter prepared. 3. Curriculum Vitae in English. Curriculum Vitae in Spanish is not required but suggested. 4. Proof of diplomas to support the Education Requirement are included. Only include diplomas of Master's and University degree or above or any other diploma that is relevant to the position. 5. Application Package converted in one single PDF. format. 6. Naming convention for Application Package in one single PDF. file is: "First Name, Middle Name, Last Name", i.e. "John Allan Doe". 7. The Subject Line on the email reads as follows: "Private Sector/Energy - SOL No. 72052221R10007" 8. The application package is sent to the email addresses: (see application details) 9. The full application package must be submitted by August 20, 2021 (Midnight Local Time - Tegucigalpa, Honduras). Application packages submitted after this Closing Date/Time will not be accepted. Pitt Community College invites applications for the position of: Registrar Under general direction, the purpose of the position is to provide supervision of clerical support and to all activities related to the registration process. Employees in this classification perform supervisory and managerial work. Position is responsible for organizing and supervising all activities related to day, evening, and special registrations; curriculum student admissions; access and distribution of student data; and distribution and verification of applicant data, class rolls, advisor lists, advisee lists, grade sheets, and advisor grades to faculty. Performs related work as directed. Reports to the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Services. SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The list of essential functions, as outlined herein, is intended to be representative of the tasks performed within this classification. It is not necessarily descriptive of any one position in the class. The omission of an essential function does not preclude management from assigning duties not listed herein if such functions are a logical assignment to the position. Supervises the Office of the Registrars staff. Directs, coordinates and monitors all curriculum and continuing education registration activities at the college. Sets up the registration files and screens in Colleague and WebAdvisor before each registration period. Interprets registration procedures for faculty and students. Directs preparation and issuance of credentials for all completers to facilitate the graduation/completion process. Directs the preparation and issuance of official student transcripts in compliance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Directs compiling and maintenance of centralized academic records for all current and former students and their usage. Directs certification of student enrollment to various federal, state, and local government agencies; employers; and financial assistance agencies. Directs and supervises entry of grades, official withdrawals, removal of incomplete classes, credit by examination, and graduate data into student database. Directs and supervises the evaluation of high school transcripts. Confers with counselors, parents, prospective students and others concerning admissions requirements and student transfer credit policies; directs evaluations of student academic records for transfer credit. Develops and directs the implementation of clerical procedures used in the admissions process including the Office of Placement Testing. Ensures campus-wide compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Conducts needs assessments and evaluates enrollment activities in order to recommend immediate and future technology and operational enhancements to support the enrollment management goals. Using Informer and other data extraction tools, structures, maintains, retrieves, and assesses data to inform tactical and strategic decision-making in response to requests from faculty, staff and administrators. Produces routine Informer reports required by SDS staff, faculty and others. Expands and maintains Communications Management tracks to enhance communication with students by producing more Communication Management emails as reminders, notifications of upcoming events, etc. Trains other areas of the college to use this functionality. Assists the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Services with the set-up, testing, design, and implementation of current and future technologies, including the CFNC online application, RECRUIT, Ellucian s self-service portal, Web Attendance Tracking, etc. Acts as a liaison with IT to troubleshoot software systems outside of Colleague used by Enrollment Services (Advisor Track, Placement Testing, etc.) Maintains the SoftDocs document imaging software for the Student Services division. Conducts training sessions for faculty & staff in using various functions of the Colleague student system. Attends meetings, workshops, and conferences as necessary. Provides assistance to auditors such as the FTE, Fiscal, and Veterans Administration. Sets goals and objectives in support of all job requirements. Serves on committees and improvement teams as requested. Receives and/or reviews various records and reports including inquiries, issues, records, reports, correspondence, memos, etc. Prepares and/or processes various records and reports including reports, records correspondence, etc. Refers to policy and procedure manuals, computer manuals, codes / laws / regulations, publications and reference texts, etc. Operates a variety of office equipment such as computer, printer, telephone, calculator, etc. Uses general office supplies. Interacts and communicates with various groups and individuals including immediate supervisor, coworkers, staff, and the general public. ADDITIONAL JOB FUNCTIONS: While the following tasks are necessary for the work of the unit, they are not an essential part of the purpose of this position and may be performed by other unit members. Performs related duties as directed. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree in Business, Accounting, or Computer Science, or closely related field; supplemented by minimum three (3) to five (5) years previous work experience in a Registrars office at a North Carolina Community College; or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience. Anticipated Mid-Hiring Range ~ $52,000 Preference Given to Applications Received by August 15th, 2021 recblid thqtv3n6x4yo3883hjpeq16l762c5o BBL Construction Services is seeking a full-time Administrative / Accounting Associate. This individual would be assisting a project team with administrative and accounting needs at our Corporate Headquarters. The qualified individual must be computer savvy (Microsoft Office Suite required; Timberline / Procore experience preferred but not required), possess excellent math, verbal and written communication skills, be dependable and a team player. We offer a competitive salary and an excellent benefit package including paid time off, medical, 401k and other supplemental benefits. Please submit resume to: BBL Construction Services, LLC, Attn: Human Resources Manager, PO Box 12789, Albany, NY 12212 or email to resume@bblinc.com E.O.E. Ranked among the top contractors in the U.S., BBL is an industry leading construction firm, offering a complete scope of services both locally and nationally, for clients across a wide variety of markets. With over 47 years of experience in the industry, we have grown to be subject matter experts in every aspect of construction. From our integrated full-service design-build process to our general contracting and construction management services, BBL offers versatility, expertise and commitment to quality that ensures successful results on all projects regardless of size, type, or complexity. recblid 31zdzp3fyxhsfgpd93i7wlb3h4vzxm Tetra Technologies concludes there's plenty of bromine and lithium in its Columbia-Lafayette mineral leases Magnolia, AR (71754) Today Mainly clear. Low near 70F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Mainly clear. Low near 70F. Winds light and variable. Tony Earl Taylor, 61, has pleaded no contest to a murder charge in the March 2017 stabbing death of Crystal Reed, 35. Gold Jumps for Joy Only to Hit the Ceiling Hard Powells recent dovish remarks started a sugar high among investors. However, it seems like the hangover has already begun. The Gold Miners While gold, silver and mining stocks jumped for joy following Fed Chairman Jerome Powells dovish remarks on Jul. 28, their sugar high ended on Jul. 30. And while I warned that FOMC press conferences often elicit short-term bursts of optimism, it was likely another case of been there, done that. I wrote prior to the announcement: While the PMs may record a short-term bounce which often occurs following Powells pressers lower lows are still likely to materialize in the coming months. If things develop as they did in 2000 and 2012-2013, gold stocks are likely to bottom close to their early-2020 low. If things develop like in 2008 (which might be the case, given the extremely high participation of the investment public in the stock market and other markets), gold stocks could re-test (or break slightly below) their 2016 low. In the meantime, though, did you notice the tiny buy signal from the HUI Indexs stochastic indicator? And taking that into consideration, is it time to shift to the long side of the trade? Well, for one, it seems very likely that gold miners are declining similarly to how they declined in 2008 and 2012-2013. In both cases, there were local corrections within the decline. As a result, the recent strength does not justify adjusting our short positions in the junior mining stocks, and I continue to view them as prudent from the risk to reward point of view.Second, after the HUI Index recorded an identical short-term buy signal in late 2012 when the indexs stochastic indicator was already below the 20 level (around 10) and the index was in the process of forming the right shoulder of a huge, medium-term head-and-shoulders pattern the HUI Index movedhigher, consolidated, and then fell off a cliff.Please see below:Can you see the HUIs rally at the end of 2012 that followed a small buy signal from the stochastic indicator? I marked it with a purple, dashed line.No? Thats because its been practically nonexistent. The HUI Index moved higher by so little that its impossible to see it from the long-term point of view.With the shape of golds recent price action, its RSI, and its MACD indicators all mirroring the bearish signals that we witnessed back in December 2012, the current setup signals that were likely headed for a similar swoon. Thus, with both gold and the HUI Index sounding the alarm, if the bullish momentum continues, its likely to be very limited in terms of size and duration. Conversely, the following slide is likely to be truly profound.For context, I warned previously that the miners drastic underperformance of gold was an extremely bearish sign. I wrote the following about the week beginning on May 24 ()That shows exceptional weakness on the weekly basis and is a very bearish sign for the following weeks.Precisely, something similar happened during the week beginning on July 6. The gold price rallied by $27.40, and the HUI Index declined by 1.39.Likewise, with the HUI Indexs ominous signals still present, if history rhymes (as it tends to), medium-term support will likely materialize in the 100-to-150 range. For context, high-end 2020 support implies a move back to 150, while low-end 2015 support implies a move back to 100. And yes, it could really happen, even though such predictions seem unthinkable.In addition, the drastic underperformance of the HUI Index also preceded the bloodbath in 2008. To explain, right before the huge slide in late September and early October, gold was still moving to new intraday highs; the HUI Index was ignoring that, and then it declined despite golds rally. However, it was also the case that the general stock market suffered materially. If stocks didnt decline back then so profoundly, gold stocks underperformance relative to gold would have likely been present but more moderate.Nonetheless, bearish head & shoulders patterns have often been precursors to monumental collapses. For example, when the HUI Index retraced a bit more than 61.8% of its downswing in 2008 and in between 50% and 61.8% of its downswing in 2012 before eventually rolling over, in both (2008 and 2012) cases, theThus, three of the biggest declines in the gold mining stocks (Im using the HUI Index as a proxy here) all started with broad, multi-month head-and-shoulders patterns. And in all three cases, the size of the declines exceeded the size of the head of the pattern.Furthermore, when the HUI Index peaked on Sep. 21, 2012, that was just the initial high in gold. At that time, the S&P 500 was moving back and forth with lower highs. And what was the eventual climax? Well, gold made a new high before peaking on Oct. 5. In conjunction, the S&P 500 almost (!) moved to new highs, and despite bullish tailwinds from both parties, the HUI Index didnt reach new heights. The bottom line? The similarity to how the final counter-trend rally ended in 2012 (and to a smaller extent in 2008) remains uncanny.As a result, were confronted with two bearish scenarios: In both cases, the forecast for silver, gold, and mining stocks is extremely bearish for the next several months. As further evidence, lets compare the behavior of the GDX ETF and the GDXJ ETF. Regarding the former, the senior miners (GDX) RSI rose above 50 last week. However, the milestone preceded several corrective tops in 2020 and 2021. Thus, last weeks Fed-induced strength has only broadened the right shoulder of its bearish H&S pattern, and if completed, the size of the head implies a drawdown to roughly $28. Please see below: Meanwhile, the GDXJ ETF invalidated the breakdown below the neckline of its bearish H&S pattern last week. However, with the milestone likely a speed bump along the junior miners bearish journey, a mosaic of indications signal that their medium-term outlook remains quite somber. For context, with the junior miners RSI at 48.35, several flirtations with 50 coincided with the short-term peaks in 2021 and were followed by material declines. I marked these cases with red ellipses. And yes, it was also the case during the final corrective pre-slide upswing in March 2020. The bottom line? If gold repeats its June slide, it will decline by about $150. Taking the entire decline into account (since August 2020), for every $1 that gold fell, on average, the GDX was down by about 4 cents (3.945 cents) and GDXJ was down by about 6.5 cents (6.504 cents). This means that if gold was to fall by about $150 and miners declined just as they did in the past year (no special out- or underperformance), they would be likely to fall by $5.92 (GDX) and $9.76 (GDXJ). This would imply price moves to $27.76 (GDX) and $35.78 (GDXJ). In conclusion, gold, silver, and mining stocks received a helping hand from the Fed last week, as the charitable contribution uplifted the precious metals. However, while the central bank achieved its objective and talked down the U.S. dollar, prior bouts of short-term optimism faded once reality reemerged. As a result, with the USD Index now in season and the 2012 analogue looking more prescient by the day, gold, silver, and mining stocks will likely suffer profound declines in the coming months. However, with their long-term fundamentals still extremely bullish, new highs will likely dominate the headlines in the coming years. Thank you for reading our free analysis today. Please note that the above is just a small fraction of todays all-encompassing Gold & Silver Trading Alert. The latter includes multiple premium details such as the targets for gold and mining stocks that could be reached in the next few weeks. If youd like to read those premium details, we have good news for you. As soon as you sign up for our free gold newsletter, youll get a free 7-day no-obligation trial access to our premium Gold & Silver Trading Alerts. Its really free sign up today. Thank you. Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA Founder, Editor-in-chief Tools for Effective Gold & Silver Investments - SunshineProfits.com Tools fur Effektives Gold- und Silber-Investment - SunshineProfits.DE * * * * * About Sunshine Profits Sunshine Profits enables anyone to forecast market changes with a level of accuracy that was once only available to closed-door institutions. It provides free trial access to its best investment tools (including lists of best gold stocks and best silver stocks), proprietary gold & silver indicators, buy & sell signals, weekly newsletter, and more. Seeing is believing. Disclaimer All essays, research and information found above represent analyses and opinions of Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA and Sunshine Profits' associates only. As such, it may prove wrong and be a subject to change without notice. Opinions and analyses were based on data available to authors of respective essays at the time of writing. Although the information provided above is based on careful research and sources that are believed to be accurate, Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA and his associates do not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the data or information reported. The opinions published above are neither an offer nor a recommendation to purchase or sell any securities. Mr. Radomski is not a Registered Securities Advisor. By reading Przemyslaw Radomski's, CFA reports you fully agree that he will not be held responsible or liable for any decisions you make regarding any information provided in these reports. Investing, trading and speculation in any financial markets may involve high risk of loss. Przemyslaw Radomski, CFA, Sunshine Profits' employees and affiliates as well as members of their families may have a short or long position in any securities, including those mentioned in any of the reports or essays, and may make additional purchases and/or sales of those securities without notice. Przemyslaw Radomski Archive 2005-2019 http://www.MarketOracle.co.uk - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication. Malaysias intensifying social and political crisis has reached a new height. Weeks of chaotic infighting within the ruling coalition, which have involved the monarch, led to the de facto collapse of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassins majority in parliament. While the ruling class is splitting at the top, the youth are protesting on the streets, doctors are striking, and across the board, the masses are expressing discontent against the regime. Knives out in the palace The current governing coalition of Malaysia, with Muhyiddins right-wing coalition Perikatan Nasional (PN, National Alliance) at its head, came to power through a parliamentary coup known as the Sheraton Move in 2020. Now, its 17 months of undemocratic rule appear to be coming to an end. On Tuesday 3 August, PNs erstwhile coalition partner, UMNO (United Malays National Organisation), announced they would withdraw parliamentary support for Muhyiddins government. One UMNO member of Muhyiddins cabinet, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, also resigned as a part of the manoeuvre. With this withdrawal of support, Muhyiddins PN has lost its majority in Malaysias Parliament. UMNO now joins a chorus of opposition politicians calling for Muhyiddins resignation, which they are currently unable to legally force, given that Muhyiddin indefinitely shuttered parliament on 1 August, citing COVID-19 cases during the sessions. Conveniently, this postponement came as opposition parties filed motions of no-confidence against the government, and as hundreds of protesters gathered in Kuala Lumpur calling for the resignation of Muhyiddin, a full parliamentary session, and an automatic loan moratorium for all. Aduh haritu bangsat lepastu gagal after that cirit now this?! gotta give it to you @MuhyiddinYassin #KerajaanDerhaka pic.twitter.com/FWYS9HkiCU ipin makhachev (@Ipinthefaiter) July 29, 2021 Why has UMNO, a right-wing Malay party with deep roots in the establishment, decided to abandon Muhyiddin now? Ostensibly, it has claimed that it has done so in defence of the King and the constitution. Muhyiddins cabinet unilaterally revoked emergency lockdown measures on 26 July when such a move was supposed to be reviewed by the legislature on 1 August. The hasty measures provoked a rare rebuke from the King, with all the opposition politicians gasping in horror at the Prime Ministers insolence. But the real calculations behind these parliamentary manoeuvres express baser motivations. In Malaysias political landscape, the working class is completely unrepresented. Instead, all the major parties are divided along ever-shifting ethnic, regional, factional, or other lines of patronage, each competing for a greater share of the profits looted from the exploited masses. In UMNOs case, Muhyiddins split from their own ranks in 2018, contributing to the end of their decades-long rule over Malaysia. Additionally, Muhyiddins reluctance to cover for former UMNO Prime Minister Najib Razak in the latters corruption trial, added to a list of many grievances. Thus, they saw an opportunity to pay back Muhyiddins betrayal in kind, and raise themselves once more into government. From bad to worse However, the enormous instability in Malaysia did not begin in the past few days or weeks. As mentioned, the current unelected Muhyiddin government was the product of a parliamentary coup in February 2020. At that time, Muhyiddins BERSATU party torpedoed its own coalition government (known as the Pakatan Harapan, PH, or the Alliance of Hope). This was an alliance with bourgeois liberal parties that was voted into office in 2018. BERSATU left that coalition so that it could form a new coalition, the PN, with parties from the conservative right wing (including UMNO). This produced an outcry, especially among Malaysian youth, who had looked to PH to end the decades-long era of corruption and ethnically divisive policies under UMNO. As elsewhere, with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the existing contradictions of capitalist society burst to the surface in Malaysia. After some successes in maintaining low infection rates in the initial stages of the diseases spread, Malaysias pandemic is by now decidedly out of control. According to Al Jazeera, which likened Malaysia to a mini-India, the countrys daily infections and death count per capita have surpassed Indias peak. At the end of July, Malaysias daily cases per million people officially stood at 515.9, and its daily deaths per million stood at 4.95. By contrast, at its peak, India officially reached 283.50 cases and 3.04 deaths. The economy, in turn, was devastated by the pandemic and the ensuing lockdown measures. It is estimated that up to 2 million jobs could be lost in 2021. The mean monthly salaries and wages of Malaysians in 2020 were 9 percent lower than in 2019. The rate of poverty rose by 8.4 percent in the same year, meaning that around 2.4 million people have now been plunged below the poverty line. The harsh lockdown measures hit the poor especially hard. The bottom 40 percent of income earners, most of whom are wage labourers, have seen their jobs put at risk in the course of lockdown measures. The hunger that resulted from not being able to afford food has forced the poor to appeal to their neighbours for help by hanging up white cloths or flags at their doors, signaling that their household is in distress. A hashtag #benderaputih (white flag) sprung up on social media to organise food drives and mutual aid networks to cope with this wave of poverty and hunger. The #benderaputih (white flag) campaign has gained momentum on social media in a bid to encourage people to help others in distress during a prolonged lockdown in Malaysia https://t.co/BOLNuDfFQJ pic.twitter.com/SvFKx649As Reuters (@Reuters) July 7, 2021 The misery under these conditions also led to a mental health crisis. Almost four suicides per day were reported to the police in the first quarter of 2021. The disastrous policies of the unelected PN government in handling the pandemic are almost identical to the policies that allowed the pandemic to reach a crescendo in India this year. After some initial successes in 2020, the overconfident government began to allow election campaign rallies in Sabah, the poorest state in Malaysia. This political opportunism then led to the first genuine outbreak in Malaysia, as Al Jazeera explained: In total, 257 rallies were approved and many were held with little social distancing, mask-wearing or adherence to health guidelines. On election day, 1.1 million voters turned up at polling stations. Researchers from the National University of Singapore found that the Sabah election contributed 70 percent of cases in the state itself and at least 64 percent in the rest of the country. Essentially, these rallies opened the floodgates for the virus to reach the least-prepared areas in Malaysia with the worst healthcare infrastructure. The virus thrived in these conditions, in the same way that it thrived in the slums of India and Brazil. The lacklustre containment effort was exacerbated by the deep divisions that rendered the government from top to bottom with political parties, factions, and regional interest groups far more concerned about blaming and undermining their adversaries than in coming together to build a united effort to control the outbreak. None of the above calamities are caused by the virus. The disease merely exposed the rotten reality of Malaysian capitalism, which is currently governed by an unelected coalition. This fact is now being recognised by the masses. Anger in the streets The disastrous situation and the endless political manoeuvres waged by the politicians are now unleashing anger in the streets. In the past few days, hundreds of young people have defied the harsh ban on public gatherings and have come out onto the streets of Kuala Lumpur demanding the resignation of the Muhyiddin regime. The Diplomat reports that: Nationwide protests led by young people have been gathering momentum over the past week, with thousands of youth protestors staging sporadic rallies throughout the year on issues like voting rights, job security, and democracy. Prior to the street protests, people all over the country began to hang up black flags in their homes in addition to white flags. Black flags signify a call for the downfall of the current government. The hashtag #BenderaHitam (black flag) has been spreading on social media. Another keyword, #Lawan (struggle), has also been gaining traction. In the recent street protests, many protesters have been seen holding both the white and black flags, signalling that they are linking their economic woes with the need to topple the Muhyiddin regime. Towards these outcries, the state has responded with repression. The police launched an investigation into the Black Flag movement, accusing it of sedition. On 25 July, the police summoned Black Flag participants, who were organising a national car convoy of Black Flag protesters. Ada yang kata geng yang pakai gelang pink pun ikut serta. La awat tak pakai gelang hitam. Salah tema lah. Terbaca tadi kat mana ya.. pic.twitter.com/khgZVcYQKc Saudagar barang jantan (@Aaron_Amirul_) July 31, 2021 The arrogant bourgeois politicians, the culprits of the present situation, have dismissed both the White and the Black Flag movements as political propaganda. At the same time, junior doctors and medical staff around the country have been going on strike. Over 20,000 doctors, many of whom are frontline medical workers, are striking against the Muhyiddin governments insane policy of only offering them two further years of fixed contracts, with dismal terms and conditions, rather than permanent posts during the pandemic. Workers and youth can only trust in themselves Dramatic events are being prepared in Malaysia. The impending fall of this unelected coalition is only the beginning. Right now, it is very possible that Muhyiddin and his clique will not survive the current parliamentary intrigue against them. On 4 August, Muhyiddin announced that there will be a motion of confidence in his government in September for which he is now desperately building up support. The opposition parties have begun a festival of horse-trading, with many different coalitions being proposed to replace the PN. The Kings attitude and role will be decisive in determining the outcome, and Muhyiddin is likely to remain in disfavour of the monarch after the recent public clash between the two. But no matter who replaces the PN as the new ruler of the country, it will become painfully obvious to the masses that nothing will change. The various bourgeois parties are seeking to take advantage of the instability for their own narrow interests, but they have no solutions to the misery affecting the masses. Therefore, whatever happens in the coming weeks, it is inevitable that the movement will return. What a day. It's been long since we see Anwar, Mahathir, Shafie, Mat Sabu, Lim Guan Eng, all standing together beside each other. Oppositions unite! pic.twitter.com/yAK2m3oL1A andrewc_95 (@andrewcyj_95) August 2, 2021 The workers and youth should be particularly mindful of the deplorable role that bourgeois liberals in Malaysia will try to play in the coming days. As evident from the tweet below, they are posing as an alternative to the present conservative political bloc in order to divert it into safe channels. The workers and youths of Malaysia should carefully study the lessons from the recent Thai and Burmese struggles to avoid the same mistakes that these movements fell into. The bourgeois liberals did nothing but hold back the workers and youth, helping to drive these class eruptions into a bloody impasse. The conclusion is clear: Malaysian workers and youth must trust themselves and no one else. The neighbourhood networks that sprung up from the White Flag and Black Flag movements should set about linking up with the workers and trade unions. All attempts to divide workers along ethnic and regional lines must be rejected. The present situation in Malaysia runs in direct parallel with the same crises that have been developing all over Southeast Asia. The mass struggles in Thailand and Myanmar, and the renewed crisis in Indonesia all point to the same conclusion: the capitalist system needs to be toppled in order for the masses to win a better existence. The movement in Malaysia should also actively connect with mass struggles throughout Asia, in which workers and youth are all fighting for the very same class interests. Only a socialist programme of workers' democracy, and a rationally planned economy, can end the endless social turmoil arising from the senile decay of the capitalist system, and the callous incompetence of its bourgeois representatives. For years, a toxic culture of rampant sexism has permeated Activision Blizzard, the video game development company behind titles including World of Warcraft and Call of Duty. This was blown open publicly on 20 July when Californias Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging widespread sexism in the workplace, and calling the company a breeding ground for harassment and discrimination. The suit also alleges that women were paid less than men for the same roles, often forced into lower-rank positions, and were promoted less frequently than their male peers. The DFEH states that Activision Blizzard managers promoted a sexist work culture and enabled their male employees to engage in banter about their sexual encounters, talk openly about female bodies, and make numerous jokes about rape. Women were openly harassed at work and subjected to groping, sexist comments, and unwelcome advances. Furthermore, Black women and other women of color were disproportionately discriminated against, being subjugated to intense scrutinization and micromanagement. Both HR and executives at the company knew about ongoing harassment reported by female employees. The company, in turn, actively ignored or punished women who spoke out. The frat boy environment was so rampant that in 2013, a top executives BlizzCon hotel room was dubbed the Cosby Suite. The company responded to the lawsuit with a public statement claiming to value diversity and inclusivity in the workplace. The statement dismissed everything alleged in the DFEH lawsuit as old or inaccurate. Frances Townsend, the Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs at Activision Blizzard and former Homeland Security Advisor in the Bush administration, circulated an angry memo to employees calling the suit meritless. Frances Townsend, the Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs at Activision Blizzard and former Homeland Security Advisor under Bush, circulated an angry memo to employees calling the suit meritless / Image: CSIS, Flickr The COO, Joshua Taub, called a meeting of 500 staff urging the workers to keep quiet about the investigation. When one staff member asked whether unionizing could help address the issue of sexual harassment, the executive responded, The best way for protection is reaching out to your supervisors, hotline, and avenues. Within days, the workers anger reached a boiling point, and they began to collectively take matters into their own hands. More than 3,100 employees signed an open letter rejecting the abhorrent and insulting statement by the company executives, stating: To put it clearly and unequivocally, our values as employees are not accurately reflected in the words and actions of our leadership Our company executives have claimed that actions will be taken to protect us, but in the face of legal actionand the troubling official responses that followedwe no longer trust that our leaders will place employee safety above their own interests. The letter called for the resignation of Frances Townsend, and concluded: We will not be silenced, we will not stand aside, and we will not give up until the company we love is a workplace we can all feel proud to be a part of again. We will be the change. On 28 July, the workers at Activision Blizzard passed from words to actions by staging a walkouta significant step considering that the workers are not unionized. Even more telling was the class nature of the demands they put forward, including worker participation and oversight of hiring and promotion policiesan advanced demand that puts the workers at the center of the fight against inequality. The workers also demanded an end to mandatory arbitration clauses in all employee contracts, which organizers say protect abusers and limit the ability of victims to seek restitution. They also called on the company to open the books about compensation data, promotion rates, and salary ranges, as a step toward greater transparency and a way to fight for equality for employees of all genders and ethnicities. The workers also demanded the right to select a third party to audit the companys structures, human resources, and executive departments. Workers at Ubisoft penned their own open letter in solidarity with Activision Blizzard workers and demanding similar accountability at Ubisoft / Image: Sergey Galyonkin, Wikimedia Commons Following the leadership of the Activision Blizzard employees, workers at Ubisoft, another game development company, penned their own open letter standing in solidarity with Activision Blizzard workers and demanding similar accountability at Ubisoft. In response to the walkout and the workers militant demands, Activision Blizzard hired the notorious anti-union law firm WilmerHalethe same union awareness and avoidance law firm hired by Amazon in their effort to sow doubts and misinformation about the organizing drive at their Bessemer Alabama plant. According to coverage by Promethean News, WilmerHales army of lawyers are the Pinkertons of our time. They swapped out their rifles and shotguns for court affidavits to threaten workers into silence. WilmerHale is contracted to do a policy review for the company. The DFEH lawsuit opened the floodgates at Activision Blizzard, by exposing the disgusting state of the companys culture. However, as weve explained before, the environment of abuse and exploitation is rampant in Silicon Valley and related companies. While the focus is currently on Activision Blizzard, the rest of the tech industry remains unchanged. Furthermore, Californias DFEH is only requesting as-yet undefined monetary damages and back wages. This amounts to a slap on the wrist for a company with revenues of over $8 billion in 2020. With no fundamental changes in the structure and management of the company, the core internal culture of abuse will almost certainly remain the same. Tech workers cannot rely on the state to protect them from the bosses. Only by getting organized and mobilizing behind their collective class demands can real change come about. The worker-organized walkout was an important first step and the workers are starting to understand the power in their hands! The walkouts and open letters have already scared the capitalists into hiring an anti-union law firm. United class struggle and organization are the fundamental keys to combating sexist oppression and inequality in the workplace! Earlier this year, workers at Google began a unionization campaign backed by the Communication Workers of America. But the Google union is a minority union meaning that they have not been officially recognized and have no bargaining power. Organized labor needs to take a much more aggressive approach. They have the opportunity to unionize employees at some of the most profitable companies in the world and which control huge swaths of the media and internet. Organized labor should be aggressively unionizing employees not only at Activision Blizzard, but the tech industry as a whole. The action taken by Activision Blizzards workers has now forced the companys president, J. Allen Brack, to step down. This is an important victory, but for now it is merely a cosmetic change at the top. In the final analysis, the toxic culture in Activision Blizzard and the tech industry cannot be fully resolved within the limits of capitalism. As long as tech companies remain in private hands, the sexism that permeates all of capitalism will permeate these companies as well. In order to really root out this culture, we must uproot capitalism itself. In practice, this means nationalizing the major tech companies, to be run as public utilities in the interests of the majority, under the collective control of the workers. Only through the democratic administration of this and every other major industry, including control over hiring and firing and the election and right of recall of management, can workers effectively advance the fight to eliminate sexism. Needless to say, only a workers government could make this a reality across the economyand this is ultimately what we must fight for. Often perceived as too privileged to attain working-class consciousness due to their relatively high wages and working conditions, tech workers must nonetheless sell their labor power for a wage if they are to survive. It is the exploitation and oppression of capitalism that will eventually compel all workers in all industries to take their collective destinies into their hands. Tech workers hold an enormous amount of power in their hands and they are quickly leap-frogging to the front ranks of the class struggle. Watch this space! Originally published 3 August at socialistrevolution.org | Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Kuwaits Al-Sumait Prize for African Development today announced that Dr Ismahane Elouafi, the first Chief Scientist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has joined the Al Sumait Prize Board of Trustees. Dr Khaled Al-Fadhel, Director General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) (www.KFAS.org), member and rapporteur of Al Sumait Board of Trustees, said: we are privileged to welcome Dr. Elouafi, a distinguished scientist and a leader who has espoused passionately the improvement of the quality of life for African societies. Dr Elouafi has been a board member of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the USA; the Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International (CABI), the UK; and the Professional Development Institute, Canada. She is also a member of the Scientific Group for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit and of the CGIAR System Management Board. Im honored to join the Board of Trustees of the Al-Sumait Prize. It will be my pleasure to contribute in honoring and recognizing our heroes (both individuals or institutions) and their contributions to African development. We need to celebrate their achievements as generating HOPE can have a tremendous impact on peoples wellbeing. Dr Elouafi said on accepting the invitation. Her contributions to science and policy have been recognized with a number of prestigious awards and accolades, including the National Reward Medal by His Majesty Mohamed VI, the King of Morocco, and the Excellence in Science Award from the Global Thinkers Forum. The Call for the 2021 Al-Sumait Prize in Health will close on 15th August 2021. The Health category includes but is not limited to initiatives, program, and research projects in the following areas: Combating the prevalence of diseases in Africa, with a special focus on the utilization of effective frameworks and programs, to address and manage health crises such as SARS, COVID-19, and infectious zoonotic diseases; National capacity building in medical research and medical education; Upgrading and maintenance of national medical facilities; Developing national health policies and successful implementation of the outcomes. Eligible candidates include organizations and research institutions whose initiatives and programs contributed significantly to solving health challenges in Africa, as well as outstanding researchers who are nominated by their institutions and peers. The African Energy Chamber is proud to announce that Ryan Zinke, former U.S. Secretary of Interior under former-President Donald Trump, has confirmed his attendance and participation at African Energy Week (AEW) 2021, taking place in Cape Town on the 9th-12th of November 2021. Zinke will lead a delegation of American businesses, independent producers, and financiers to Cape Town, capitalizing on the expanding prospects present in emerging African markets, and introducing a wide network of stakeholders to African natural resource opportunities. In his previous position, Zinke was responsible for all oil and gas licenses in the U.S., and was committed to natural resource expansion through the opening up of federal lands for oil, natural gas and mineral exploration and extraction. Zinke has maintained a strong position for the increased exploitation of fossil fuels. As he announced in the Interior Departments 2018-2022 strategic plan, our mandate is multiple-use of public lands, and multiple-use also includes the development of natural resources as we seek to leverage American energy for American strength. A strong advocate for using oil and gas development as a catalyst for wider economic growth, Zinke will drive a discussion on how Africa can fully utilize its significant resource base driven by productive U.S.-Africa partnerships to initiate long-term socio-economic growth. Meanwhile, Zinke continues to drive a discussion on the role of natural gas as a cleaner-burning fossil fuel. Unopposed to fossil fuel extraction, and yet acknowledging the carbon consequences, Zinke is advocating for the increased development of natural gas, explicating the value of the resource in addressing rising energy demand worldwide. In line with AEW 2021s agenda regarding the role of natural gas in the energy transition, Zinke is expected to initiate a constructive dialogue on natural gas management, monetization and development, whilst introducing American financiers to African projects. Secretary Ryan Zinke coming to Cape Town is HUGE. He played an important role alongside President Donald J. Trump, in ensuring that the US becomes the worlds largest producer of Oil and natural gas. He cut a lot of red tape and reduce bureaucracy, created an enabling environment for American businesses to thrive in the energy sector. African leaders, businesses and our energy industry will have a good opportunity in Cape Town to interact firsthand with Secretary Zinke and benefit from his network that could help us in our goal to Make Energy Poverty History. stated NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman, the AEC. Under the Trump administration, Zinke was a strong advocate for the American first energy plan an economic, strategic, and foreign policy goal that aimed to exploit the American landscape and establish American energy dominance. In addition to developing U.S. domestic resources, Zinke is committed to promoting energy sector collaboration and continues to be focused on establishing long-term partnerships with various oil and gas stakeholders. Notably, while in office, Zinke emphasized the value of forming partnerships between the Interior department and Oil Corporations, promoting growth through integration. Accordingly, Zinke has also recognized the value of international partnerships, and leading a delegation of stakeholders from the U.S. to Cape Town, is eager to establish investment deals and sustainable partnership agreements between U.S. companies and African markets. American businesses, independent producers, and financiers are coming to African Energy Week in Cape Town, and we thank Secretary Zinke for his resolve in supporting Africa fight energy poverty and for being a voice for why energy matters to Africa. Africa stands to significantly benefit from U.S. partnerships, investment and Secretary Zinkes delegation will drive deal-making, investment, and collaboration across Africa. By promoting the role of oil and gas in not only Africas energy future, but the entire globes, Zinke recognizes these resources value in fast tracking economic growth and driving industrialization worldwide, Concluded Ayuk. The need for cheap energy is a significant reason why most power-thirsty Bitcoin mining had been concentrated in China, though that is starting to change. Even before China announced a crackdown on Bitcoin mining this year, its share of global hashrate, the total combined computational power that is being used to mine and process transactions, dropped from 75% in September 2019 to 46% in April. During that period, the share in the United States grew from 4% to nearly 17%, according to the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index. Before the states mandate was lifted, The Morning Call hosted an informal poll on Twitter on the topic. It showed the majority of people who responded would not continue to wear a mask after the mandate was lifted, or about 48% of the almost 400 people who responded. About 29% said they would, while 23% were unsure. There are places where the Susquehanna River should be a hard stop. It is wide and has few bridges for miles and the communities on either side have nothing to do with each other, Kuniholm said. And then there are places where the Susquehanna River Valley towns are pretty much the same town. Think of Williamsport. Half of it is on one side of the river, half of it is on the other. That system became more complicated in late 2019. Under former President Donald Trump, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration said its grant money may not be used, directly or indirectly, to purchase, prescribe, or provide marijuana or treatment using marijuana. The agency also warned that the money could not be provided to any person or organization that permits marijuana use for the purposes of treating substance use or mental disorders. As a current print subscriber, you receive 24/7 access to our website and online e-edition at no additional charge. All you have to do is activate your access. To activate digital access, you will need your account number. You can find your account number on any recent subscription notice or bill. Keokuk, IA (52632) Today Mainly clear. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 70F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Mainly clear. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 70F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Sayre, PA (18840) Today A shower is possible early. Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight A shower is possible early. Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. International Afghan Defence Minister targeted in car bomb attack An Afghan security personnel walks around debris following an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. New Delhi/Kabul, Aug 4 (IANS) | Publish Date: 8/4/2021 11:10:04 AM IST An explosives-laden car detonated close to the residence of Afghanistan Acting Defence Minister Bismillah Muhammadi in Kabul city Tuesday night. Local media reports said since Muhammadi was not at the residence at the time of the explosion, neither he nor his family members were harmed. The Afghan Acting Defence Minister in a video clip confirmed that he and his family members were safe but added that several of his bodyguards were injured. Attacks of this sort by vampires will not weaken my morale in defending the Afghan people and my country, said Muhammadi in his video clip. The attack left five dead and 20 more wounded. The report said the explosion which was heard in kilometers was followed by a gunfight between the guards at the residence and gunmen who entered the home. Spokesperson of the Ministry of Interior Affairs Mirwais Stanikzai said the gunfight came to an end nearly four hours after the gunmen entered the home and started fighting the police Special Forces deployed at the place. Stanikzai though did not disclose the number of assailants killed, police had said they had gunned down three gunmen. The assailants had taken 80 people hostage who were later saved by the police special forces. No one has taken responsibility for the attack. Meanwhile, Afghanistan Foreign Minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar, during a telephone conversation with the External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, talked about the escalation of violence, widespread human rights violations by the Taliban, and the foreign terrorist groups operating in Afghanistan. Atmar emphasised the need to hold a special session of the UN Security Council on Afghanistan. India currently holds the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council, a statement by Afghan Foreign Office said. Atmar discussed the unprecedented increase in the Talibans brutal attacks on the Afghan people, which have resulted in the killing of scores of civilians and displacement of many thousands of others. Atmar highlighted the war crimes committed by the Taliban in their recent attacks carried out in collusion with foreign fighters and terrorist groups in Afghanistan, calling them flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and warned of catastrophic ramifications. Given the catastrophic consequences of the Afghan war on stability, security, and prosperity in the region, the Foreign Minister raised with his Indian counterpart the proposition of Kabul regarding convening an emergency UN Security Council meeting on issues related to Afghanistan, particularly an immediate cessation of violence and the success of peace talks. The Indian Minister of External Affairs expressed his countrys deep concern over the escalation of violence, insecurity, and explicit human rights violations by the Taliban and terrorists in Afghanistan. Jaishankar called the holding of the UN Security Council meeting important for the immediate cessation of human rights abuses and the establishment of lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region. He reassured Minister Atmar of his countrys commitment to reviewing Afghanistans proposal and conducting the necessary consultations. The two sides also discussed the agenda and the level of participation in the upcoming meetings on the Afghan peace process in Doha. State State exports 600 kg of pineapples to Kolkata Molsang Organic Pineapples Producer Company Ltd in partnership with Agri & Horti departments dispatch pineapples to Kolkata. (DIPR) DIMAPUR, AUG 4 (NPN) | Publish Date: 8/4/2021 1:17:43 PM IST Nagaland exported at least 600kg of pineapples through air cargo to Kolkata on Wednesday. In a press release, deputy director department of horticulture and in-charge marketing, Meya Sashi, said that Nagaland pineapples were considered as one of the sweetest and juiciest pineapples in the world and certified as 100% organic by OneCert International. Sashi informed that at present, the area under organic certified pineapple cultivation in the state was 850 hectares under Mission Organic Value Chain Development, sponsored by Government of India. The project is being implemented in three villages-- Molvom, Bungsang and Mhainamtsiconsisting of 500 farmers. He also informed that the production of certified organic pineapple in Nagaland was 10,000 to 12,000 metric ton with turnover of Rs.15 crores per year. Sashi said that the state horticulture department under MOVCD NER vision 2030 was contemplating creating an organic pineapple corridor along the foothill road covering an area of 10,000 hectares. Nagaland on July 28 exported 250 kg of king chilli (raja mircha) to the United Kingdom. This is the first export consignment of the chilli that has Geographical Indication (GI) tagging. UAE Lifts Ban On Flights From Nigeria The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has lifted the flight ban on Nigeria, Uganda, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The National Emergency and Crisis Management Authority (NCEMA) in a post through its official Twitter handle noted that the ban lift, will take effect from Thursday, 5th August. NCEMA said passengers would be able to transit through its airports from Thursday as long as they present negative PCR tests taken 72 hours before departure. Recall that UAE, had banned passengers from many South Asian and African countries from travelling through its airports following risen cases of the Covid-19. Leave a Comment Baysider ABA Monthly Member Highlight: Dockside Restaurant ALTON Every month, the Alton Business Association sits down with one of our amazing ABA members to get to know them a little better! For July, we spoke with Rick Almeida, owner of Dockside. We ask each member the same questions, providing an opportunity for our members to highlight the important work that they do in our communities. If you're an ABA Member and would like to be considered for future Monthly Member Highlights, please reach out to us via email at info@altonbusinessassociation.com. Visit our website to read more business highlights & news, Q: Tell us about your business? A: Dockside is a year-round steak and seafood restaurant. We are passionate about food and friendships. Our goal is to be upscale but not uppity. We created an eating establishment that is elegant, yet casual and comfortable where you can come after work for a burger and beer, or get dressed up a bit and have your next date night with us. Dockside is a place where you're likely to run into old friends and make new ones at the same time. Q: Tell us about yourself: A: I'm originally from Rhode Island, and have lived in New Hampshire now for over 30 years. Dockside is my first foray into the restaurant business. I'm a 30-year marketing executive by background and I am founder and owner of a software company based out of Massachusetts. The company makes software for printed circuit board manufacturing. So naturally opening a restaurant was the next logical step. Q: How did your business get started? A: I love cooking and I wanted to bring some of those local Rhode Island dishes that I was making at home to the Lakes Region. The concept of Dockside was to create a casual fun atmosphere that also offered fare you typically couldn't find in the area. Q: What has your relationship with the Alton Business Association done for you or your business? A: The ABA has been very supportive of us getting the restaurant open as well as promoting us to the community. They are constantly coming up with ways to not just promote a business but Alton in general as a destination spot in the Lakes Region. Q: What do you value most about this community? A: We had the misfortune to launch Dockside just a couple of months before the Covid-19 lockdown. One of the things that struck me most was how the community rallied around local Alton businesses and made it a point to support us as well as the other establishments in the area during that very difficult time. Q: Why did you want to open your business in this community? A: Alton has a great summer tourism business. I felt we could add to that and give Lake tourists another reason to come to Alton from the surrounding regions. Q: What business accomplishment are you most proud of? A: Having a strong team that has worked hard to manage Dockside throughout the pandemic and contributed, along with the other Alton eateries, to making Alton a destination spot in the Lakes region. Q: What does the future hold for you and your business? A: Hopefully a return to normalcy (laughs). Q: What is one piece of advice you wish you had as a new business owner? A: While every business owner has their vision for what they want their business to be, it's important to also temper that with your market audience and be willing to change and adapt to their needs. Q: How can people who want to learn more about you or your business get in touch with you? A: You can reach us via email at info@docksidenh.com or visit our Web site, ALTON Every month, the Alton Business Association sits down with one of our amazing ABA members to get to know them a little better! For July, we spoke with Rick Almeida, owner of Dockside. We ask each member the same questions, providing an opportunity for our members to highlight the important work that they do in our communities. If you're an ABA Member and would like to be considered for future Monthly Member Highlights, please reach out to us via email at info@altonbusinessassociation.com. Visit our website to read more business highlights & news, www.altonbusinessassociation.com Q: Tell us about your business?A: Dockside is a year-round steak and seafood restaurant. We are passionate about food and friendships. Our goal is to be upscale but not uppity. We created an eating establishment that is elegant, yet casual and comfortable where you can come after work for a burger and beer, or get dressed up a bit and have your next date night with us. Dockside is a place where you're likely to run into old friends and make new ones at the same time.Q: Tell us about yourself:A: I'm originally from Rhode Island, and have lived in New Hampshire now for over 30 years. Dockside is my first foray into the restaurant business. I'm a 30-year marketing executive by background and I am founder and owner of a software company based out of Massachusetts. The company makes software for printed circuit board manufacturing. So naturally opening a restaurant was the next logical step.Q: How did your business get started?A: I love cooking and I wanted to bring some of those local Rhode Island dishes that I was making at home to the Lakes Region. The concept of Dockside was to create a casual fun atmosphere that also offered fare you typically couldn't find in the area.Q: What has your relationship with the Alton Business Association done for you oryour business?A: The ABA has been very supportive of us getting the restaurant open as well as promoting us to the community. They are constantly coming up with ways to not just promote a business but Alton in general as a destination spot in the Lakes Region.Q: What do you value most about this community?A: We had the misfortune to launch Dockside just a couple of months before the Covid-19 lockdown. One of the things that struck me most was how the community rallied around local Alton businesses and made it a point to support us as well as the other establishments in the area during that very difficult time.Q: Why did you want to open your business in this community?A: Alton has a great summer tourism business. I felt we could add to that and give Lake tourists another reason to come to Alton from the surrounding regions.Q: What business accomplishment are you most proud of?A: Having a strong team that has worked hard to manage Dockside throughout the pandemic and contributed, along with the other Alton eateries, to making Alton a destination spot in the Lakes region.Q: What does the future hold for you and your business?A: Hopefully a return to normalcy (laughs).Q: What is one piece of advice you wish you had as a new business owner?A: While every business owner has their vision for what they want their business to be, it's important to also temper that with your market audience and be willing to change and adapt to their needs.Q: How can people who want to learn more about you or your business get intouch with you?A: You can reach us via email at info@docksidenh.com or visit our Web site, www.docksidenh.com Baysider Woods, Water, and Wildlife festival returns Aug. 14 Thanks for visiting SalmonPress.com Berlin Reporter WMCC Culinary Arts Program fueled by passionate leader by Tara Giles Sports reporter - Coos County Democrat and Berlin Reporter Sports reporter - Coos County Democrat and Berlin Reporter write the author REGION The Culinary Arts and Hospitality Program at White Mountains Community College has seen an uptick in interest in recent years. Leading the charge is Associate Professor of Culinary Arts/Department Chair of Hospitality and Culinary/Program Coordinator of Culinary Arts, Travis Giles, who graduated from the same program in 1995. With over 35 years in the industry, Giles brings a passion and talent for the art and intense work ethic to his students. Like most of us growing up in the 1980's, Giles, the eldest of his siblings was often the one at home to prepare meals for his two younger brothers while his mother was at work. His knack for cooking was clear at a young age, as his brothers began to request he cook all the meals. "I really learned how to cook from my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother," explained Giles. Inspired by the old New England cuisine the young cook learned classic French techniques which shaped the chef he is today. "My great grandmother lived to be 102. She lived during the Great Depression where they would utilize everything they had just to get by, this really drew out her creativity," explained Giles. "She had to think outside the box, and she showed me how to do the same," he added. At the age of 14, Giles went from his grandmother's kitchen to his first cooking job at the Tugboat Inn, located in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. At the age of 17, he filled an emergency vacancy at the Lobster Dock close by and ended up running the show. Those early years spent in a fast pace environment, allowed Giles to master the art of creating quality dishes, under pressure and remaining calm and efficient while doing so. He has incorporated buffets and large dinners to serve more than 100 people, to give his students an opportunity to produce large quantities of food, yet focus on maintaining quality in every dish. "There's a science to culinary arts, where ingredients react to one another, and my job as a chef is to manipulate those ingredients to make it taste good. A good chef will know what's going on with their ingredients. That's what good food is all about, a sensory overload and balancing what hits your taste buds," explained Giles. Any successful individual has someone who inspired them in some way. For Giles, it was Chef Matt Houghton who was the Executive Chef at the Mt. Washington Hotel for several years. "He made me work 80 hours before he even hired me," Giles joked. "He just never gave me an ounce of wiggle room, so I felt like he made me earn my place. He knew I could handle tough situations, and the confidence he had in me, changed everything," said Giles. Houghton had so much faith, that Giles was one of the few chosen to accompany the Executive Chef to London for a fundraiser to raise money for world hunger. Culinary students at WMCC receive over 1,200 hours of hands on experience, which also requires a 400 hour internship. The Omni Mt. Washington Resort has recently partnered with WMCC as part of an apprenticeship program. In 2007, a baking and pastry arts program was integrated. "There was a need for a baking program so we created one and built a brand new kitchen designed just for baking and pastry arts," said Giles. The niche program was developed by Giles, his colleagues and other industry partners and was voted Best Baking and Pastry Arts program in New Hampshire. Students this fall, will also participate in creating meals for the Bistro, the on site cafeteria at WMCC as well as assist with the Meals IncludED initiative, which will help enrolled students combat food insecurity. Looking ahead to the upcoming semester, the professor said, "There will be some new learning elements this fall to refresh course material, bringing in trendy food items and keeping relevant to industry demands. Students will work with a new ice cream machine to create sweet and savory recipes, and will utilize a drying cabinet for dry cured meats and a smoker for preparing meats." The Culinary Arts program at WMCC began in 1966 and is the longest running program in New England. The college offers two associate degree and certificate programs. Careers in Culinary Arts are expected to grow by 6 percent by the year 2029. For more information on WMCC's culinary arts programs, contact Travis Giles at tgiles@ccsnh.edu. REGION The Culinary Arts and Hospitality Program at White Mountains Community College has seen an uptick in interest in recent years. Leading the charge is Associate Professor of Culinary Arts/Department Chair of Hospitality and Culinary/Program Coordinator of Culinary Arts, Travis Giles, who graduated from the same program in 1995. With over 35 years in the industry, Giles brings a passion and talent for the art and intense work ethic to his students.Like most of us growing up in the 1980's, Giles, the eldest of his siblings was often the one at home to prepare meals for his two younger brothers while his mother was at work. His knack for cooking was clear at a young age, as his brothers began to request he cook all the meals."I really learned how to cook from my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother," explained Giles.Inspired by the old New England cuisine the young cook learned classic French techniques which shaped the chef he is today."My great grandmother lived to be 102. She lived during the Great Depression where they would utilize everything they had just to get by, this really drew out her creativity," explained Giles."She had to think outside the box, and she showed me how to do the same," he added.At the age of 14, Giles went from his grandmother's kitchen to his first cooking job at the Tugboat Inn, located in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. At the age of 17, he filled an emergency vacancy at the Lobster Dock close by and ended up running the show. Those early years spent in a fast pace environment, allowed Giles to master the art of creating quality dishes, under pressure and remaining calm and efficient while doing so. He has incorporated buffets and large dinners to serve more than 100 people, to give his students an opportunity to produce large quantities of food, yet focus on maintaining quality in every dish."There's a science to culinary arts, where ingredients react to one another, and my job as a chef is to manipulate those ingredients to make it taste good. A good chef will know what's going on with their ingredients. That's what good food is all about, a sensory overload and balancing what hits your taste buds," explained Giles.Any successful individual has someone who inspired them in some way. For Giles, it was Chef Matt Houghton who was the Executive Chef at the Mt. Washington Hotel for several years."He made me work 80 hours before he even hired me," Giles joked."He just never gave me an ounce of wiggle room, so I felt like he made me earn my place. He knew I could handle tough situations, and the confidence he had in me, changed everything," said Giles.Houghton had so much faith, that Giles was one of the few chosen to accompany the Executive Chef to London for a fundraiser to raise money for world hunger.Culinary students at WMCC receive over 1,200 hours of hands on experience, which also requires a 400 hour internship. The Omni Mt. Washington Resort has recently partnered with WMCC as part of an apprenticeship program.In 2007, a baking and pastry arts program was integrated."There was a need for a baking program so we created one and built a brand new kitchen designed just for baking and pastry arts," said Giles.The niche program was developed by Giles, his colleagues and other industry partners and was voted Best Baking and Pastry Arts program in New Hampshire.Students this fall, will also participate in creating meals for the Bistro, the on site cafeteria at WMCC as well as assist with the Meals IncludED initiative, which will help enrolled students combat food insecurity.Looking ahead to the upcoming semester, the professor said, "There will be some new learning elements this fall to refresh course material, bringing in trendy food items and keeping relevant to industry demands. Students will work with a new ice cream machine to create sweet and savory recipes, and will utilize a drying cabinet for dry cured meats and a smoker for preparing meats."The Culinary Arts program at WMCC began in 1966 and is the longest running program in New England. The college offers two associate degree and certificate programs. Careers in Culinary Arts are expected to grow by 6 percent by the year 2029.For more information on WMCC's culinary arts programs, contact Travis Giles at tgiles@ccsnh.edu. Berlin Reporter Grenier, Wheeler to represent Berlin at County Delegation meeting Recent Tara Giles Grenier, Wheeler to represent Berlin at County Delegation meeting 2021-Aug-04 WMCC Culinary Arts Program fueled by passionate leader 2021-Aug-04 Local towns discuss where COVID relief funds will land 2021-Aug-04 Grafton County Dispatch takes over for some Coos County towns 2021-Aug-04 City Council discusses EMS, Fire Department 2021-Jul-29 More... Thanks for visiting SalmonPress.com Carroll County Independent CLC to host Chocorua Lake Paddle & Aquatic Invasives Patrol CHOCORUAVariegated milfoil? Water naiads? Chinese mystery snail, Asian clam, zebra mussels and spiny water fleas? What do these all have in common? We don't want them in our lakes and rivers! These aquatic invasive species can tangle our feet when we swim, hamper passage for our boats, destroy habitat for native species, and worse. On Saturday, Aug. 21 from 7:30-10 a.m., join Chocorua Lake Conservancy Stewardship Director Lynne Flaccus for a leisurely guided paddle on Chocorua Lake. We'll leave from the Island public access area on Route 16, and explore the vegetated buffer along the water's edge with its many nooks and crannies. We'll see what insects, reptiles and amphibians we can find and learn what plants grow with their "feet" in wet soils at the lake's edge or on the bottom. While exploring the native flora and fauna, we'll be on the lookout for signs of exotic aquatic species that could create problems in the lake if they become established. We'll have with us some Weed Watcher Kits from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) to help with our searches and identification. Chocorua Lake is home to many native aquatic plants, and looking for clues to identification can help us all be more aware of what is around us. Want to learn more in advance about what we can be looking for, both the species that belong here and the ones that cause trouble? Amy Smagula, Exotic Species Program Coordinator at DES, joined us last year for a webinar on "Protecting Our Lakes from Aquatic Invasive Species." You can watch the webinar at chocorualake.org/gallery to learn how to identify the native plants in Chocorua Lake and on the shore, and what the ones we're hoping never to find look like! If you have not yet been vaccinated, or are less than two weeks from your last shot, please bring a mask for moments when social distancing is not possible. Participants must bring their own canoe or kayak, and paddles, and life jackets are required. Be sure to bring sun and bug protection, a water bottle, and snacks. Please email lflaccus@chocorualake.org with your phone number to let us know you will be coming so that we can let you know of any changes in the schedule. Presenter: Naturalist Lynne Flaccus has 30+ years of experience in land conservation and stewardship, managing protected properties, studying wildlife, and educating adults and children. More chances to explore the Chocorua Lake Basin coming up This event is one in a series of Chocorua Lake Conservancy programs held throughout the year to encourage people of all ages to enjoy Chocorua Lake and the trails and woods that surround it, and to learn more about the natural world we inhabit. Visit About the Chocorua Lake Conservancy The CLC is a volunteer-led, nonprofit land trust founded in 1968 to protect the scenic and natural resources of the Chocorua Lake Basin and surrounding area. The CLC is committed to providing convenient and attractive public access to Chocorua Lake and trails on nearby conservation lands for visitors and local residents. For more information, including ways you can get involved, please visit CHOCORUAVariegated milfoil? Water naiads? Chinese mystery snail, Asian clam, zebra mussels and spiny water fleas? What do these all have in common? We don't want them in our lakes and rivers! These aquatic invasive species can tangle our feet when we swim, hamper passage for our boats, destroy habitat for native species, and worse.On Saturday, Aug. 21 from 7:30-10 a.m., join Chocorua Lake Conservancy Stewardship Director Lynne Flaccus for a leisurely guided paddle on Chocorua Lake. We'll leave from the Island public access area on Route 16, and explore the vegetated buffer along the water's edge with its many nooks and crannies. We'll see what insects, reptiles and amphibians we can find and learn what plants grow with their "feet" in wet soils at the lake's edge or on the bottom.While exploring the native flora and fauna, we'll be on the lookout for signs of exotic aquatic species that could create problems in the lake if they become established. We'll have with us some Weed Watcher Kits from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) to help with our searches and identification. Chocorua Lake is home to many native aquatic plants, and looking for clues to identification can help us all be more aware of what is around us.Want to learn more in advance about what we can be looking for, both the species that belong here and the ones that cause trouble? Amy Smagula, Exotic Species Program Coordinator at DES, joined us last year for a webinar on "Protecting Our Lakes from Aquatic Invasive Species." You can watch the webinar at chocorualake.org/gallery to learn how to identify the native plants in Chocorua Lake and on the shore, and what the ones we're hoping never to find look like!If you have not yet been vaccinated, or are less than two weeks from your last shot, please bring a mask for moments when social distancing is not possible. Participants must bring their own canoe or kayak, and paddles, and life jackets are required. Be sure to bring sun and bug protection, a water bottle, and snacks. Please email lflaccus@chocorualake.org with your phone number to let us know you will be coming so that we can let you know of any changes in the schedule.Presenter: Naturalist Lynne Flaccus has 30+ years of experience in land conservation and stewardship, managing protected properties, studying wildlife, and educating adults and children.More chances to explore the Chocorua Lake Basin coming upThis event is one in a series of Chocorua Lake Conservancy programs held throughout the year to encourage people of all ages to enjoy Chocorua Lake and the trails and woods that surround it, and to learn more about the natural world we inhabit. Visit www.chocorualake.org for information, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.About the Chocorua Lake ConservancyThe CLC is a volunteer-led, nonprofit land trust founded in 1968 to protect the scenic and natural resources of the Chocorua Lake Basin and surrounding area. The CLC is committed to providing convenient and attractive public access to Chocorua Lake and trails on nearby conservation lands for visitors and local residents. For more information, including ways you can get involved, please visit www.chocorualake.org Carroll County Independent A new kind of Olympic experience Thanks for visiting SalmonPress.com Coos County Democrat Grafton County Dispatch takes over for some Coos County towns by Tara Giles Sports reporter - Coos County Democrat and Berlin Reporter Sports reporter - Coos County Democrat and Berlin Reporter write the author LANCASTER As of Monday, Aug. 2, Grafton County Dispatch has officially taken over the call center for fire and police in several towns in Coos County and some in Vermont to include Whitefield, Lancaster, Jefferson, Dalton, Lunenburg, Guild Hall, Granby, Groveton, Stark, Stratford, Bloomfield and Brunswick. In September, EMS in Lancaster will transition from the Weeks Dispatch system, over to Grafton as well. This change comes after the Department of Transportation's desire to transition away from 24/7 dispatching which it had provided at no cost for decades. Lancaster's Assistant Fire Chief, Ted Joubert, said, "This move isn't the perfect scenario, but it is a solution. Right now Grafton County is far cheaper than creating our own dispatch for such a small area. DOT asked us to find an alternative, or take this on ourselves, which right now would have been rather expensive." As for taxpayers noticing a difference, Joubert explained, "To be fair, the only towns that are really paying substantial amounts are Groveton, Whitefield and Lancaster." Joubert relayed that in his opinion, the best solution for Coos County is that the County take on dispatch which would help the residents of the entire region, just like Grafton County has done for its residents. "Essentially, we just need the County Commissioners to agree that we at least need a feasibility study into creating our own dispatch. The county is already paying through tax dollars to have dispatching done through respective dispatches. I believe there is a huge misuse of public money. If the county took a real serious look at it and made a comprehensive plan, and rolled it out over a number of years, we could have the entire County covered, like other Counties in the state with a professional service that's unified in one location," said Joubert. Joubert added, "Right now, we're not doing what's in the best interest for the county. We need to evaluate a fair and efficient professionally run dispatch that covers everybody. The residents and tourists would be safer, as would every firefighter and law enforcement officer with a unified singular unit covering the County, period, the end." Lastly, Joubert shared his appreciation for the Grafton County Dispatch for stepping in to help. "I really appreciate what they're doing for us," said Joubert. LANCASTER As of Monday, Aug. 2, Grafton County Dispatch has officially taken over the call center for fire and police in several towns in Coos County and some in Vermont to include Whitefield, Lancaster, Jefferson, Dalton, Lunenburg, Guild Hall, Granby, Groveton, Stark, Stratford, Bloomfield and Brunswick. In September, EMS in Lancaster will transition from the Weeks Dispatch system, over to Grafton as well.This change comes after the Department of Transportation's desire to transition away from 24/7 dispatching which it had provided at no cost for decades.Lancaster's Assistant Fire Chief, Ted Joubert, said, "This move isn't the perfect scenario, but it is a solution. Right now Grafton County is far cheaper than creating our own dispatch for such a small area. DOT asked us to find an alternative, or take this on ourselves, which right now would have been rather expensive."As for taxpayers noticing a difference, Joubert explained, "To be fair, the only towns that are really paying substantial amounts are Groveton, Whitefield and Lancaster."Joubert relayed that in his opinion, the best solution for Coos County is that the County take on dispatch which would help the residents of the entire region, just like Grafton County has done for its residents."Essentially, we just need the County Commissioners to agree that we at least need a feasibility study into creating our own dispatch. The county is already paying through tax dollars to have dispatching done through respective dispatches. I believe there is a huge misuse of public money. If the county took a real serious look at it and made a comprehensive plan, and rolled it out over a number of years, we could have the entire County covered, like other Counties in the state with a professional service that's unified in one location," said Joubert.Joubert added, "Right now, we're not doing what's in the best interest for the county. We need to evaluate a fair and efficient professionally run dispatch that covers everybody. The residents and tourists would be safer, as would every firefighter and law enforcement officer with a unified singular unit covering the County, period, the end."Lastly, Joubert shared his appreciation for the Grafton County Dispatch for stepping in to help."I really appreciate what they're doing for us," said Joubert. Gilford Steamer Heavy rains, flooding leads to local culvert collapse by Erin Plummer Heavy rains, flooding, and high water levels have resulted in a culvert collapse along Lakeshore Rad and additional warnings from state safety officials about risks on the lake. Heavy rains and flooding resulted in a collapsed culvert along Lakeshore Road/Route 11 around Walmart Plaza that also collapsed a portion of Country Cook'n at the Lakeside's entrance. The Gilford Police Department posted an alert on its Facebook Page on Friday that Lakeshore Road was closed to all traffic from the entrance of the Routes 3 and 11 bypass to the area of CVS and McIntyre Circle. The road opened up later on Saturday. Country Cook'n At the Lakeside posted photos on its Facebook page of the collapse of a section of its entrance. The restaurant was closed Saturday morning but reopened that afternoon, advising patrons to enter on the left side by the old gas station. On Saturday the restaurant posted a message thanking its staff for their work through the recent trying times including the pandemic, staff shortages, supply shortages, and other challenges. "You all are so professional and flexible. We can't say thank you enough. You know who you are!" read the post. They also thanked their patrons for all their support. "You are polite and *KIND* to our staff, and continue to support us regardless of all the little hiccups that many restaurant are facing right now," read the post. The recent heavy rains and flooding have also resulted in high water levels on the lake that led to a rescue and a wake advisories in neighboring communities. New Hampshire Marine Patrol along with State Police and the Laconia Fire and Rescue Department were some of the agencies that responded to a call of a sunken boat that had been moored on the Laconia side of Lake Winnipesaukee on Saturday. Rescue crews received additional assistance from the Department of Environmental Services and Sea Tow. "In light of the recent heavy rainfall, Marine Patrol reminds boat owners to check docked and moored vessels, including bilge pumps, to prevent damage to personal property and avoid water pollution," read a statement form the New Hampshire State Police. "Additionally, it is recommended to check mooring chains to ensure they are still in serviceable condition." Also on Saturday Marine Patrol issued a No Wake order on Silver Lake in Belmont, which will remain in effect until the level of the lake drops below 467 feet above sea level. Heavy rains, flooding, and high water levels have resulted in a culvert collapse along Lakeshore Rad and additional warnings from state safety officials about risks on the lake.Heavy rains and flooding resulted in a collapsed culvert along Lakeshore Road/Route 11 around Walmart Plaza that also collapsed a portion of Country Cook'n at the Lakeside's entrance.The Gilford Police Department posted an alert on its Facebook Page on Friday that Lakeshore Road was closed to all traffic from the entrance of the Routes 3 and 11 bypass to the area of CVS and McIntyre Circle. The road opened up later on Saturday.Country Cook'n At the Lakeside posted photos on its Facebook page of the collapse of a section of its entrance. The restaurant was closed Saturday morning but reopened that afternoon, advising patrons to enter on the left side by the old gas station.On Saturday the restaurant posted a message thanking its staff for their work through the recent trying times including the pandemic, staff shortages, supply shortages, and other challenges."You all are so professional and flexible. We can't say thank you enough. You know who you are!" read the post.They also thanked their patrons for all their support."You are polite and *KIND* to our staff, and continue to support us regardless of all the little hiccups that many restaurant are facing right now," read the post.The recent heavy rains and flooding have also resulted in high water levels on the lake that led to a rescue and a wake advisories in neighboring communities.New Hampshire Marine Patrol along with State Police and the Laconia Fire and Rescue Department were some of the agencies that responded to a call of a sunken boat that had been moored on the Laconia side of Lake Winnipesaukee on Saturday. Rescue crews received additional assistance from the Department of Environmental Services and Sea Tow."In light of the recent heavy rainfall, Marine Patrol reminds boat owners to check docked and moored vessels, including bilge pumps, to prevent damage to personal property and avoid water pollution," read a statement form the New Hampshire State Police. "Additionally, it is recommended to check mooring chains to ensure they are still in serviceable condition."Also on Saturday Marine Patrol issued a No Wake order on Silver Lake in Belmont, which will remain in effect until the level of the lake drops below 467 feet above sea level. Gilford Steamer Gilford expecting more than $378,000 in latest round of rescue funds Thanks for visiting SalmonPress.com Littleton Courier Franconia selectmen present welcome center plans at public hearing by Angel Larcom FRANCONIA Last week, Franconia Selectmen hosted a public meeting to apprise taxpayers of the town's plans for a new welcome center. Town Administrator Kim Cowles said the Select Board aimed to complete the project as quickly as possible. Although the construction of a new welcome center met voter approval at the 2019 ballot box, a warrant article seeking $250,000 to fund the project failed earlier this year. However, an anonymous donor stepped forward with a $250,000 contribution towards the project in May. "Most of the concerns raised by taxpayers at the public hearing had to do with clerical housekeeping issues. They wanted to ensure that we were progressing with the project legally and securing quality bids from potential contractors," stated Cowles. Because the town adopted the correct RSA in 1997, the Select Board could accept the anonymous donation without first seeking voter approval, she added. "The purpose of the public hearing was to inform Franconia residents that the Select Board intended to accept the donation and would move forward with the building. We're still working on the plans and working out the details for the Request for Proposal (RFP), and I've reached out to several residents with a vested interest in the project," said the administrator. The gifted funds will be distributed through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Cowles said it was a cleaner way to make the donation and allowed the source to remain truly anonymous. The selectmen hope to complete the construction of the new welcome center before winter arrives. However, Cowles said they recognized the timeline was aggressive and the project may not be completed until next year. "We have to put the same amount of work into the project, whether it's going to happen now or next year. We're not spinning our tires; we're getting the stuff completed that needs to be done. We have a four-month window to complete construction if we do it in the fall. Then, the public can use the new facility come Christmas," noted Cowles. If the town waits until next spring to begin the work, it faces an even narrower window of two months. Construction would likely not start until May, and the town's annual Old Home Days event and summer recreation programs would impact the project's feasibility, explained Cowles. "It would be nice to be able to do it in the fall. Of course, we could wait a year from now and do it next fall, but that would defeat the point of the donation, which was to develop a new welcome center sooner rather than later," she noted. The current facility is in dire shape and more than fifty years old. It houses a warming hut for ice rink visitors, public restrooms and the Franconia Notch Chamber of Commerce. At 1,600 square feet, the new facility plans boast a significant footprint increase of nearly double the size of the existing structure. Several Franconia residents that attended the public hearing believed tax rates would increase to offset the increased maintenance costs for a larger facility. Cowles said the new facility would deliver no tax increases because a structure already existed, and the associated maintenance costs were already calculated in the annual town budget. Franconia officials expect to open the RFP soon, she added. FRANCONIA Last week, Franconia Selectmen hosted a public meeting to apprise taxpayers of the town's plans for a new welcome center. Town Administrator Kim Cowles said the Select Board aimed to complete the project as quickly as possible.Although the construction of a new welcome center met voter approval at the 2019 ballot box, a warrant article seeking $250,000 to fund the project failed earlier this year. However, an anonymous donor stepped forward with a $250,000 contribution towards the project in May."Most of the concerns raised by taxpayers at the public hearing had to do with clerical housekeeping issues. They wanted to ensure that we were progressing with the project legally and securing quality bids from potential contractors," stated Cowles.Because the town adopted the correct RSA in 1997, the Select Board could accept the anonymous donation without first seeking voter approval, she added."The purpose of the public hearing was to inform Franconia residents that the Select Board intended to accept the donation and would move forward with the building. We're still working on the plans and working out the details for the Request for Proposal (RFP), and I've reached out to several residents with a vested interest in the project," said the administrator.The gifted funds will be distributed through the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. Cowles said it was a cleaner way to make the donation and allowed the source to remain truly anonymous.The selectmen hope to complete the construction of the new welcome center before winter arrives. However, Cowles said they recognized the timeline was aggressive and the project may not be completed until next year."We have to put the same amount of work into the project, whether it's going to happen now or next year. We're not spinning our tires; we're getting the stuff completed that needs to be done. We have a four-month window to complete construction if we do it in the fall. Then, the public can use the new facility come Christmas," noted Cowles.If the town waits until next spring to begin the work, it faces an even narrower window of two months. Construction would likely not start until May, and the town's annual Old Home Days event and summer recreation programs would impact the project's feasibility, explained Cowles."It would be nice to be able to do it in the fall. Of course, we could wait a year from now and do it next fall, but that would defeat the point of the donation, which was to develop a new welcome center sooner rather than later," she noted.The current facility is in dire shape and more than fifty years old. It houses a warming hut for ice rink visitors, public restrooms and the Franconia Notch Chamber of Commerce.At 1,600 square feet, the new facility plans boast a significant footprint increase of nearly double the size of the existing structure. Several Franconia residents that attended the public hearing believed tax rates would increase to offset the increased maintenance costs for a larger facility.Cowles said the new facility would deliver no tax increases because a structure already existed, and the associated maintenance costs were already calculated in the annual town budget. Franconia officials expect to open the RFP soon, she added. Littleton Courier Conservation agencies restore Ammonoosuc Riverbank in Lisbon Parking fees may be required in Franconia Notch Thanks for visiting SalmonPress.com POLICE in Bulawayo over the weekend arrested nearly 300 people during raids at shebeens and other nightspots. Zimbabwe is under level 4 lockdown and there is a 6.30PM to 6AM curfew, while bars and nightclubs remain closed. Police say in the near future, there could be a custodial sentence for repeat offenders. Suburbs like Nkulumane, according to police, are among the trouble spots as shebeens have been operating. In the city centre, last Saturday, scores of people were arrested at a local drinking spot and they were taken to the Bulawayo Central Police Station. Bulawayo Police spokesperson Inspector Abedinico Ncube said: During the weekend, a total of 274 people were arrested in connection with alcohol related cases. That is operating shebeens, bottle stores and public drinking, contravening Covid-19 regulations. Quite a number of people were arrested for improper use of facemasks, but of note was the raids of shebeens in Nkulumane and other suburbs, said Inspector Ncube. He said some of those arrested were repeat offenders, who in the near future might be jailed. What we do is confiscate the beer and the equipment that is used. Repeat offenders are taken to court. We are foreseeing in the near future that there will be custodial sentences for those who are continuously breaking the law, said Inspector Ncube. He urged members of the public to report to the police, shebeens and nightspots that are operating against lockdown regulations. We still urge people to comply with the law and desist from operating shebeens. Apart from contravening of Covid-19 regulations, the operation of shebeens is illegal in terms of the law. They are also seen as a hive of activity where criminals thrive, where they waylay their victims. We also ask the members of the public to continue to report these people who operate illegally, said Inspector Ncube. Chronicle PRINCIPALS, who form the MDC Alliance, yesterday said they would demand the reinstatement of recalled MPs, senators and councillors as part of conditions for comprehensive dialogue with the Douglas Mwonzora-led MDC-T, it has emerged. Last month, one of the MDC Alliance principals, Mathias Guchutu fired the MDC-T from the alliance, saying the party had violated the terms of the electoral pact entered into by late opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai and six other opposition parties in December 2017. Guchutu, however, later withdrew the suspension, citing the need to pursue dialogue with Mwonzora. He claimed that senior MDC-T party members called him for engagement following the suspension. Alliance principals said they would set tough conditions for Mwonzora, which include withdrawing his request to President Emmerson Mnangagwa to suspend by-elections. We also want him to reinstate those he fired under our name MDC Alliance, the principals said. What is clear is we went into the 2018 elections as the MDC Alliance and where we lost, we lost together while where we won, we won together as an alliance so that is a condition we are keen on. Mwonzora fired over 40 MPs and more than 80 councillors countrywide arguing that they had ceased to be members of the MDC Alliance because of their continued association with the Nelson Chamisa-led party. They (MDC-T) should know and Zimbabwe must know that as principals, we are in charge, Guchutu said yesterday. We are not going to be distracted in any way by sideshows. Lloyd Damba (Mwonzoras spokesperson) shot his boss in the foot by trying to defend his turf. Damba last week dismissed Guchutus letter, claiming that Mwonzora was the head of the alliance. The statement was miscalculated, uncalled for and mischievous. As principals, we are not going to tolerate any such statements even if they are from Mwonzoras office, Guchutu said. Other parties that formed the MDC Alliance are the Peoples Democratic Party, the MDC led by Welshman Ncube and the MDC-T. The MDC Alliance refused to join Mnangagwas Political Actors Dialogue, but Mwonzora is convening a national council meeting today to endorse membership of the group, days after other principals were pampered with cars. Newsday FILE - Douglas Hester, who teaches at Metro Tech High School, filed the suit on Monday in Maricopa County against the Phoenix Union High School District as well as its governing board and superintendent. He accused to group of defendants of lacking the authority required to enforce a mask mandate and has requested a temporary restraining order against the rule. (Shutterstock) To date, there is no clear evidence that it conveys enough of a benefit to the virus to allow it to dominate the original delta variant, Colin Angus, a public health policy analyst and modeler in England, told the Post. So although it is clearly here, there is no obvious sign that it has gained a foothold over existing variants of the virus. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic in America last year, New York was under attack, with Harlem and other neighborhoods battling disproportionately high numbers of infections and deaths due partly to the underlying health conditions of their residents. A July 2 fire on the No. 3 line near 125th St. in Harlem gummed up service for more than two hours, delaying 31 trains and canceling 47 others. Another blaze April 13 near the 191st St. station on the No. 1 line in Washington Heights caused problems for nearly four hours, delaying 25 trains and canceling 73 others. According to neighbors, Garmie is survived by a 4-year-old daughter, and had started a job at a moving company about eight months ago. He lived on E. 184th St. around the corner from where he was gunned down and where his mother and other family members gathered Wednesday to mourn his death. Zorrillas also been sued six times, costing the city $282,750 in settlement payouts, according to 50-a.org. To date, 21 allegations of abuse and misconduct have been filed against him with the Civilian Complaint Review Board. Only three have been substantiated, two involving allegations of abuse of authority and one for use of pepper spray without cause.. The outcomes of those allegations were not immediately disclosed. That jurist, Brooklyn Federal Judge William Kuntz, said he might seek a first-hand look after a prisoner complained the toilet in his cell was broken and hadnt been fixed for days and that jail staff wouldnt let him use another toilet because of a lockdown. Sally Spinosa, 56, submitted paperwork with the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund claiming she worked at the Fresh Kills landfill in Staten Island for 62 days straight from Sept. 20, 2001, to Nov. 20, 2001. She was actually out on parental leave while pregnant or doing very limited work, Manhattan federal prosecutors said. The mayor predicted a whole lot of cooperation even as some locals attacked the effort in a city where about 40% of the population has yet to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Health Department. The new requirements, the first of their kind in the U.S., will begin with the start of the school year on Sept. 13. Cops were called to the Bowne St. apartment near 38th Ave. in Flushing about 1:50 a.m. after the 40-year-old victim was found unconscious in an apartment bedroom, bleeding heavily from a deep gash to the neck. May first enlisted in the Navy in 2019 with the hopes of completing the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDS) training program. But just five days in, he opted to quit the grueling course and was ultimately assigned to USS Bonhomme Richard as an undesignated seaman. According to the arrest warrant, its not uncommon for sailors who drop out of the BUDS program to have behavioral issues afterward. The Pittsburgh-Tribune Review reports Rami Jasim, 33, has been charged with three counts of attempted homicide and aggravated assault. Police responded to a call around 2 a.m. from a man who said someone had tried to kill him in the citys Carrick neighborhood. Officers arrived at the scene to find two men and a woman suffering from stab wounds. He was the consummate journalist, a man who demanded rigorous analysis of himself and others, and he lived by the dictum of afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted, Kimberley wrote on Truthout. Ford co-founded a publication in line with his core values: He did not suffer fools gladly, succumb to corporate media and government narratives, or feel obligated to change his politics in order to elevate the Black face in a high place. Fifty years ago (yes 50!), a little girl checked me out of this library in 1971, read an unsigned letter from the perspective of the book it was returned with. At this time, she didnt know they were going to move from Plymouth. Back then, kids werent told things like that. Once we found out there was an issue, we dealt with it, Sorrell said. If hes a dirty cop, hes going down. Its all about the public trust. I did the best for my agency and recommended to the Select Board that he be terminatedand he was terminated. To be handling this firearm and then it goes off, Im sure that was terrifying in and of itself, Major Bradley Rule told KFOR. But then to go around the corner and see the result of it, shooting your own mother, I cant imagine what he felt. The first job of any elected official is keeping safe the people they serve; it is clear from the appalling findings of the attorney generals report, Gov. Cuomo failed to do that, said NYS AFL-CIO President Mario Cilento. We fought for and won the very worker protections that were violated; there must be accountability without exception. Gov. Cuomo can no longer lead the state. After meeting with his members on Tuesday, Heastie said that it is abundantly clear to me that the Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office. Clearly, theres grounds for prosecution, de Blasio said at City Hall. But the most important thing right now is for the governor to resign and end the agony hes putting the state of New York through and end the pain these 11 women are going through, who were wronged in every sense in an unacceptable manner. I would really like to see ... articles [of] impeachment in front of us that we can read, that we are then given a time and date to come back as a Legislature, she said. Every single day that we are not impeaching, thats another day that his staff the people who are working around him, the women who have been harmed already are going to continue to be harmed. The groom was among the injured, but the bride, who was not with them, was not, officials said. Tuesdays incident occurred off the shores of the United Arab Emirates. It comes as Tehran denies involvement in a deadly drone strike Thursday in the Arabian Sea. The U.S., the U.K. and Israel believe Iran was responsible for that attack, which left two seamen dead. He previously greeted the public from a balcony at the Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic hospital in Rome a week after the surgery. The pope had not held his mid-week greetings with people at the Vatican since the operation, however, until Wednesday. Deserving special mention here, partially because Cuomos rebuttal doesnt mention her at all, is the terrible account by a state trooper. Cuomo briefly met her at an event in November 2017. Afterward, he asked for her to be moved to his Protective Services Unit. Despite a requirement that troopers have three years of service prior to joining the PSU she had two thats what happened. Once on his detail, the governor then is said to have engaged in behavior she called flirtatious and creepy. He rubbed his hand across her stomach while she held a door open for him at an even; ran his finger down her back while saying hey, you; and made sexually suggestive comments, including asking her why she wanted to get married when marriage means your sex drive goes down. Lindenhurst, L.I.: Millions of people were declared nonessential last year and told to stay home by our Washington representatives. Many were not eligible for unemployment. Now, these same leaders decided those nonessential people no longer need a home to live in. They are on a six-week vacation while these people are evicted and foreclosed on. Food prices have doubled. Gas is a luxury. Now it is starting again. Over 65? Youre at risk. Youll need a booster vaccine. Doesnt matter that youre hungry or homeless. Thats what charities and family are for. Cant tell you where the charities are. Thats only released by the news after the event. Doesnt matter that if you have family, they are in the same situation. I sincerely hope our leaders in Washington remember the faces of the people they solicited votes from. Maybe theyll see them while theyre enjoying their vacations. Maybe they have an extra room. Hope they have extra food. Jane Carter The contrast between some of Cuomos new positions and the outcome of cases involving New York college students charged under his policies is striking. For instance, Cuomo now demands an intent-based carve-out to the affirmative consent standard he formerly championed. Some of the actions detailed in the attorney generals report, he claimed, were innocent gestures, because he intended to put people at ease. I try to make them smile. Contrast that to a case at SUNY-Purchase, where the university not only ignored the accused students intent, but also multiple actions by the complainant indicating consent. It took a state appellate court to set aside the universitys finding. One judge wondered if SUNY believed that the accused student could only satisfy Cuomos affirmative consent standard by at every step along the way, [getting] her to sign a little waiver, or say something. It will be the fifth season that Perry, Richie and Bryan have worked together. They joined American Idol for Season 16 after the series was acquired by ABC following 15 seasons on Fox. My kids have been able to heal together and support each other through this, we have a doctor we trust, and hospitals close by, she wrote, adding that her heart breaks for the lives that have been lost, as well as those who do not have the same things that we have or the chance to be with their loved ones throughout this. I was just trying to say actors are more effective when theyre a mystery. Right? the actor said in defending his remarks to Ellen DeGeneres on her daytime talk show. Somebody picked it up and said I said gay actors should get back in the closet, he said with a laugh. Which is like, I mean its stupid, but it is painful when things get said that you dont believe, and then it gets represented that thats what you believe. Since I am unable to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate it has recently been determined that I am unsafe to be around, in the studio, and on tour, he wrote. I mention this because you wont be seeing me at these upcoming shows. Jon Bon Jovi also said he got a kick out of Bennett, whom he called the greatest of the greats. Bon Jovi said every day when he vocalizes, he thinks of Bennett, his continuing inspiration. We are thrilled to recognize these deserving individuals and organizations with Tony Honors this year, American Theatre Wing president Heather Hitchens and Broadway League chief Charlotte St. Martin said with Wednesdays announcement. New Federal Theatre, Fred Gallo, Irene Gandy, and Beverly Jenkins have made immeasurable contributions to the theatre community, and their impact will be felt for years to come. We could not think of a more deserving group of honorees, and we are proud to recognize their many achievements! Oregon State University fourth-year fine arts student Chloe Zinda, left, and Oregon Governor Kate Brown hold an oversize check for $1 million, the grand prize for the "Take Your Shot, Oregon" campaign. Zinda plans to pay off school loans and invest the money into buying a house or art studio of her own. Disney and Universal can raise ticket prices without too much of a loss of customers, he said. Its the small businesses that dont have the ability to pass on higher costs to the customers that are going to be in a bind here. Our ability to protect Florida isnt working right now because we have too many restrictions put in place for local officials to help do their jobs in areas that may be harder hit. We call on Gov. DeSantis to give locals back their control, said Soto. Perhaps Smith was moved to write his travelogue because the trip, in the spring of 1921, marked his first visit to the country. It also was his first visit to Europe after documenting World War I as a military artist. And, sadly, it was one of his last big trips before the artists health severely declined. New Smyrna Beach artist Harold Garde, known for creating the Strappo technique of painting, is still working at age 98 and has new works shown at the Mills Gallery Aug. 7-28. This was a remarkable joint effort between our Major Case Unit Detectives and DBPD to get this guy off the street, said Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly. I want to thank the detectives for their tireless efforts to bring justice to this victim and her family. We are committed to ensuring that we maintain and restore the publics trust where it has been impacted by ensuring that those who wear the badge do so honorably, Worrell said. ... We believe that the public has a right to know if there is someone who has credibility issues that we would not want testifying. The Broward County School Board adopted a face mask mandate for students, and everyone else on its campuses, last week but then said it would comply with the governors order and drop that requirement. Now, the school district says the mask mandate remains in effect and will be discussed by the board next week, with the boards chair saying soaring cases and hospitalizations have her ready to keep the rule in place for everyone, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Wednesday. Unfortunately, when someone leaves food out for the cats, there is no sign that says Cats Only, Donzelli said. The food attracts other animals from squirrels to opossums to raccoons many of which do not interact well with humans. When someone consistently leaves food in an area, animals become accustomed to it being there and it becomes a gathering point for many different animals. Actors, of course, are not their characters, and Strong has tried to explain that, as much as she is awe-struck by self-confident, can-I-speak-to-the-manager types in real life, she isnt one of them. As she said a few weeks ago, Whenever theres someone making a spectacle in public, its the best thing Ive ever seen. But when I say Im shy or introverted, people are like, I dont think so. Im like, OK but I am, you know. Scorching heat, low humidity and strong winds have fed the fires, which so far have killed eight people and countless animals and destroyed forests in the past eight days. Villagers have had to evacuate their homes and livestock, while tourists have fled in boats and cars. In the seaside province of Mugla, where tourist hot spot Bodrum is located, seven fires continued Wednesday. In Antalya, at least two fires raged on and two neighborhoods had to be evacuated. There are a number of ways that we can work to dilute the number of students who come into a room at a single time, said Joshua Weil, an Osceola County high school math teacher and a Democratic U.S. Senate candidate. ... There are a number of things we can do above and beyond doing nothing. Thats heartening to hear. Paying ransom to cyber-thieves is tantamount to throwing chum in the water. As more hacked entities capitulate, a growing number of hackers and criminal outfits will be dazzled by the ease of the crime and will want in on the action. As its own enterprise, ransomware has evolved to the point that cybercriminals who developed the ransomware are now renting or selling it to less tech-savvy bad guys who unleash the attacks and collect the money. According to the White House, the American Rescue Plan increased the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 per child to $3,000 per child for children over the age of six and from $2,000 to $3,600 for children under the age of six, and raised the age limit from 16 to 17. All working families [emphasis added] will get the full credit if they make up to $150,000 for a couple or $112,500 for a family with a single parent. I feel indignant that all but one of my vaccinated network will be barred from the hospital. At the same time, I am overwhelmingly likely to survive and benefit from my stay. My partner will weather the extra responsibility. We walk this privileged path together. Now, the mainstream media may have only recently picked up on this problem. But the guys over at Air-Conditioning Heating & Refrigeration News have been all over this for months. (Of course Im a loyal reader. Thats how I know the winter meeting of the Ground Source Heat Pump Association got moved to Nashville. Yay!) If parents are going to be allowed to send their kids to school without a mask they should not be in the same school as students whose parents choose to comply, Deerfield Beach parent Diana Morillo wrote to School Board members. I will gladly drive my kids to a different school to ensure everyone there is following the same mask-wearing protocol. This is beyond ridiculous that POLITICS are more important than the safety of our students. DeSantis also described Bidens support of local school boards being able to make their own mask policies as having the government force kindergarteners to wear masks in school. He doesnt believe the parents should have a say in that, he thinks that should be a decision for the government. Well, I can tell you in Florida, the parents are going to be the ones in charge of that decision. Floridas election totals were tallied rapidly compared to other states in 2020, and there has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud. The results were also good for Republicans. Former GOP President Donald Trump won the state, and Republicans gained seats in the both chambers of the Legislature and flipped two Congressional seats. Fort Ontario hosts Civil War historian Tom Ebert for a talk at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 11 in the Enlisted mens Barracks inside the old stone fort. The program, which covers Abrahams changing views on emancipation, is free and open to the public. Port Louis, Mauritius (PANA) - A total of 96 new positive cases COVID-19 cases were detected in Mauritius on Tuesday, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, on Wednesday Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (PANA) - The Ethiopian government on Wednesday announced the suspension for three months of three humanitarian NGOs for "for breaching rules of the nation and operating outside of their mandate" New York, US (PANA) - As the COVID-19 crisis continues to exacerbate restrictions on government spending throughout the world, the UN chief on Tuesday welcomed the decision by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to approve a $650 billion allocation of Special Drawing Rights to boost liquidity Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) PLC (AIM: EOG) has launched a formal process for the farm-out of a stake in the Inezgane Offshore Permit, an 11,228 square kilometre area offshore Morocco. The company describes it as a high-impact exploration opportunity in a highly underexplored area whilst highlighting that the acreage is on the same geological trend with major oil and gas discoveries along the west coast of Africa. Europa has to date identified more than 2bn barrels of exploration potential across its top 5 ranked prospects. "We are delighted to announce the launch of the Farmout initiative of the Inezgane Licence which represents not only a high-impact exploration opportunity for Europa but also sits comfortably within the company's strategy of creating a balanced portfolio of complementary assets, said chief executive Simon Oddie. TomCo (LON:TOM) is an oil & gas exploration and production company that operates in the Uinta Basin in Utah. The Uinta Basin and adjacent formations hold some of North Americas largest deposits of oil sands with the potential to yield some 10 billion barrels of oil. In June 2020 the company announced the formation of a joint venture (JV) called Greenfield Energy LLC to unlock the potential for oil sands development within the area using an innovative new production technology. The Greenfield JV has been operating a test facility producing up to 180 barrels per day (bpd) of output, which has provided the necessary data to evaluate a full-scale production plant capable of producing 5000 bpd. TomCo has reached an agreement to acquire a site for the full-scale plant, including the oil sands excavation. The company has recently released two reports providing more details: A front-end engineering design (FEED) study produced by Valkor LLC A third-party technical verification report produced by Kahuna Ventures LLC The reports provide: Confirmation of US$110mln capital expenditure (capex) cost estimate for a 5000 bpd plant New estimates for the ongoing operating expenditure (opex) cost, pointing to a cost per barrel (excluding capital cost) of US$22 per barrel. This compares with our previous estimate of US$30 per barrel that formed the basis for our valuation work in our report dated June 28 th More details provided on the process for cleaning tailings sand Although the economic analysis in these reports does not factor in the saleable value of the sand, we believe we now have enough information to factor sand sales into our model. We assume that each barrel of oil generates 1.6 tons of sand, of which 70% will be suitable for sale as "frac" sand for the oil & gas industry, at a price of US$15 per ton. In addition to including sand in our model, we have updated our discounted cash flow (DCF) to apply the reduced estimate of US$22 per barrel opex. Our new DCF is outlined on p2. Proactive analyst Ed Stacey talks to Katie Pilbeam about TomCo ( ) an oil & gas exploration and production company which operates in the Uinta Basin in Utah. The Uinta Basin and adjacent formations hold some of North Americas largest deposits of oil sands with the potential to yield some 10 billion barrels of oil. In June 2020 the company announced the formation of a joint venture (JV) called Greenfield Energy LLC to unlock the potential for oil sands development within the area using an innovative new production technology. Click here to read Proactive analyst Ed Stacey's latest research report on 'TomCo Energy - raising our DCF valuation' Smarttech247 is an established company in automated managed detection and response cybersecurity Cash shell Conduity Capital PLC has found a company it wants to take over: Smarttech247, an artificial intelligence (AI) specialist working in the cybersecurity field. Conduity has conditionally agreed to acquire Smarttech247 for 33.5mln, to be satisfied through the issue of Conduity shares. With a market capitalisation of just 1.6mln, this would count as a reverse takeover (RTO) under AIMs rules. Trading in the shares of Conduity is currently suspended. As a cash shell, Conduity has until 6 October to complete an acquisition, otherwise its AIM-listing will be suspended. The company still has to do its due diligence on the proposed acquisition and indicated it may not be able to meet this deadline, which would probably result in the company seeking to reapply for a listing on AIM should an acquisition be completed after the deadline. For the period ended 31 July 2020, Smarttech247 reported audited profits before taxation of 829,000, revenue of 4.8 million and had net assets of 712,084. These figures represent a significant increase compared to the previous year and the management of Smarttech247 believe that the current year to 31 July 2021 will demonstrate further substantial progress as they build on the stable of internally developed automated security products currently consisting of the successful ThreatTub (threat and vulnerability modelling and management) and NoPhish (an AI driven phishing response solution to threat emails). Check out our video to hear about how @smarttech247 implemented a 24/7 MDR capability within ASL Aviation Holdings to help them reduce their cybersecurity risk, enhance visibility and protect against imminent threats. Hear what the customer has to say: https://t.co/c0ARbXguMu Smarttech247 (@smarttech247) August 3, 2021 "Cybersecurity is a fast-growing market, with threats to organisations increasing on a daily basis. We are therefore very excited to be working with Smarttech247 towards a RTO which we believe would be transformational for Conduity, said Greg Collier, the chairman of Conduity. Smarttech247 is already an established company in the sector with a successful track record of growing revenue and profitability. Going forward, we firmly believe that both the company and the sector are poised for further significant growth, he added. Ronan Murphy, the chief executive of Smarttech247, said the company was very pleased to have been introduced to Conduity by its advisors. We believe that the Smarttech247 business is well placed to become a global leader in the automated managed detection and response space. We have a proven track record, strong revenues and growth plans and a fantastic book of clients and we believe that working now with Conduity will help us to achieve our business goals," he said. The recently rumoured suitor for Channel 4 has European broadcast rights sewn-up for Tokyo 2020, which has boosted direct-to-consumer streaming numbers Image credit: A.RICARDO / Shutterstock Discovery Inc said it set a new company record for subscriber sign-ups thanks to its bumper European rights deal for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The US network, which earlier this week was rumoured as a possible acquirer of the UKs Channel 4 if it is privatised, has the broadcast rights sewn-up with the Olympics and has resold some coverage to the BBC. Whilst the deal has proved controversial due to less live Olympic coverage for the British public broadcaster, it has evidently been a roaring commercial success for Discovery. Discovery, which released quarterly results in America on Tuesday, said its coverage has so far seen more than 275mln viewers in Europe including 175mln via its sub-licences to free-to-air broadcasters like the BBC. Around 10% more people have watched the Olympics compared to the 2018 winter games, it added. Like its broadcast rivals Disney and Warner, the group is pushing a direct-to-consumer streaming service and according to its second- quarter results, subscribers totalled 17mln at the end of June and rose to 18mln presently as the Olympics continue. Our first Summer Olympic Games have thus far been a success, supporting healthy viewing and subscriptions across both our linear and streaming platforms, and underscores the importance of our commitment and investment in marquee IP, Discovery chief executive David Zaslav said in a statement. The rise in D2C subscriptions was among the drivers in a 130% increase in what Discovery calls next generation revenues which totalled US$400mln for the three months. Group revenue, meanwhile, was up 21% to US$3.06bn for the quarter, whilst net income came in at US$672mln versus US$271mln in the same period a year ago. Discovery also highlighted strong advertising performances in each of its regions, with Zaslav telling investors that ad revenues accelerated through the second quarter, which he said marked a resurgence in key markets back above pre-pandemic levels. Liberum initiated coverage with a buy recommendation and price target of 305p ( ) Ltd, the spin-off created by ( )s South African thermal coal assets, is likely to benefit from buoyant coal prices as funding for thermal coal projects dries up, said Liberum Capital. Liberum initiated its coverage with a buy recommendation and price target of 305p and said the company offers pure, undervalued coal exposure. The most unpopular commodity under our coverage, for our investor group, is thermal coal," said Liberum analysts. "Evolving investor mandates increasingly reject this source of carbon emissions. On-going decarbonisation of the global economy has prompted a collapse in the funding of coal supply growth. While we embrace the principle that has delivered this outcome, the fact remains that coal will be a critical input for global power. The problem here is that a third of the worlds power-generating capacity is coal-fired. It will take decades to switch power sources for these economies. Until the Age of Coal passes, expect product prices to remain buoyant, given how total supply is already shrinking on a lack of funding. In late morning trading, shares in Thungela were up 2.3% at 220.8p. A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors newswire ( ) said it has disposed of its entire investment in Italian firm Finance Partners Group (FPG) for 2.15mln. ( ) has revealed that it is in discussions to potentially acquire Drum Income Plus REIT PLC through a share exchange. ( , , ) saw organic revenue growth of 23% in the first half of 2021, driven by robust demand for the groups services. ( ), a North America-focused lithium development group, said it received permission to drill on part of its Wikieup project in Arizona. ( ) ( ) said its inaugural drilling programme on the Elizabeth Hill silver project, situated in the resource-rich Pilbara region of Australia, is due to start in coming days. ( , , , ) boosted production from its gold mines in West Africa in the second quarter of by 18% to 409,000 ounces of gold, while all-in sustaining costs decreased by US$15 per ounce to US$853 per ounce. ( ) will ask sharholder to approve a proposed 40mln capital reduction of the company's share premium account at its annual general meeting on 6 September. By reducing the share premium account, the company said it will increase its flexibility to pay dividends, to facilitate any prospective buyback of shares or to provide flexibility for any other general corporate purposes. ( , ) said it has completed the Phase I work programme on its two gold-nickel licences in the Tati Greenstone Belt near Francistown, Botswana. ( ) said the mining licence application for its flagship Bougouni lithium project in southern Mali is in the final stages of approval and that everything is progressing as expected. Inspired is pleased to announce the appointment of Dianne Walker to the Board as an independent Non-Executive Director with immediate effect. ( ) has received a conversion notice from Atlas Capital Markets for 100,000 of convertible bonds, the second tranche of the second 0.5mln tranche drawn from the 4m facility. Some 150,000 of Atlas convertible bBonds remain outstanding. ( ) (ECP) Chairman Dominic White joins Proactive London's Katie Pilbeam to discuss their disposing of its entire investment in Italian firm Finance Partners Group (FPG) for 2.15mln. As White explains there is now a better strategic alignment between its wholly-owned investments, Epsion Capital and InnFin, and its other activities. White also discusses their latest acquisition of Innovative Finance and how it fits with the rest of Eight Capitals businesses. All of the car dealers have outperformed the FTSE 100 this year, some spectacularly so. On the stock market, and on the High Street for that matter, it has been a mixed year so far for retailers but one sub-sector that is really motoring is car dealerships. Todays upbeat trading update from ( ) sent the share price sharply higher, extending the share price gain this year to 64%. Small wonder as the company has now raised full-year guidance three times in 2021. And yet it is not even the best performing stock in the sub-sector; that accolade goes to ( ), which is up 230% year-to-date. Some of that is down to the company being let off with a slapped wrist by the Financial Conduct Authority in March over its sales processes in the first half of 2019 but something else is clearly going on in the sector. Lookers said in its first-half trading update last week that it had delivered an excellent trading performance despite continued disruption and uncertainty caused by COVID-19. Stop me if you have heard this before but it raised full-year expectations for profit before tax. This positive momentum has been driven by continued outperformance of the UK new retail car market combined with strong used volumes and margins, underpinned by Lookers' improved hybrid, omni-channel customer experience, Lookers said. Ah yes, the omni-channel, otherwise known as online sales supplementing good old car showrooms. Talking of online sales, even ( ), the UKs largest digital automotive marketplace, has had a decent year with its share price up 10%. Thats despite profit before tax in the year to the end of March slumping 37% to 157.4mln on revenue that was down 38% to 262.8mln from the year before, after the company waived advertising fees to its retailer customers in April, May and December of 2020 and February of this year. Contrast that solid performance with Cazoo, the online car dealer set to list in New York through a SPAC takeover, which made a small profit in the second quarter of calendar 2021. Cazoo is valued at US$7bn and Auto Trader at 6.3bn, so there is not much difference in valuations but a huge difference in how the companies are perceived by the market. A common theme among the car dealers trading updates recently has been what Auto Trader described as unusually strong demand and tight supply. Its an indication of how dependent cars are now on technology that a shortage of semiconductors has affected new car production. ( , , ) (up 24% this year) said the shortage of new cars is expected to benefit sales of nearly new cars in the short term and could result in a future headwind. For now, however, things are looking a lot brighter for car dealers than they were a year ago. Even todays news that petrol prices are at their highest level for eight years suggests that, with travellers spurning public transport, Britains love affair with the car is still going strong. The company has been operating in Greenland, with a focus on the Kvanefjeld Rare Earth Project, since 2007. The Kvanefjeld Project has an initial mine life of 37 years, based on a 108 million tonnes ore reserve. ( , ) is continuing the permitting process for its flagship Kvanefjeld Project in Greenland and is now awaiting the second consultation phase, which has been extended to September 13. Public meetings have been earmarked for late August and will be attended by Ministers in Igaliku, Nanortalik, Narsaq, Narsarsuaq, Qaqortoq and Qassiarsuk in southern Greenland, followed by subsequent casework. This comes after a new Coalition Government formed in Greenland with the Inuit Ataqatigiit (IA) and Naleraq parties in February 2021. Although the new Governments leadership has stated an intention to oppose the development of Kvanefjeld, the government has agreed to a second round of public meetings during August. Public consultation status On December 17, 2020, the Greenland Government approved the commencement of the statutory public consultation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for the Kvanefjeld Project, and immediately initiated the consultation period. This kicked off on December 18, 2020, for initially 12 weeks with Greenlandic, Danish and English versions of the EIA and the SIA made available on the Greenland Governments public hearing portal. It was then extended to June 1, following the election, and then further extended to September 13 to accommodate another round of public meetings. Public consultation White Paper After the consultation period has been completed, the next step is to respond to issues raised during the process. These responses are then collated in a document referred to as the White Paper. So far, issues raised in the public meetings during February 2021 have been lodged via the Governments online portal, however, additional questions are expected during the next round of meetings in August. To ensure that the process proceeds as efficiently as possible, Greenland Minerals has started preparing detailed responses to each of these issues for the White Paper with support from key consultants. Responses are being prepared by reference to material already contained in the impact assessments themselves or in the consultants reports prepared to support the assessments. Environmental baseline studies Through the Greenland summer, GGG has completed additional environmental baseline studies in the broader project area to further increase its understanding of chemical dispersion by natural processes. The company had intended to conduct an extensive field program this year, which was carefully planned with input from Greenlands independent scientific advisors with approvals in place for the planned drilling and engineering studies from Greenlands Mining Licence and Safety Authority. Drilling was also planned to generate data for the next steps in permitting beyond an exploitation licence (operations and closure approvals), as well as geotechnical data for engineering studies. With the change in political sentiment and resulting uncertainty, GGG has postponed the drilling program. Draft legislation concerning uranium The Greenland Government has put forward draft legislation for consultation to ban the exploration and exploitation of uranium, which would reverse some of the steps implemented by previous governments that aimed to establish a critical minerals industry in Greenland. Critical minerals are those classed as being important to future technologies and in particular green industries (renewable energy, electric vehicles) with projected future supply shortfalls. As the proposed Act is in draft form and in consultation, Greenland Minerals is not able to advise how such legislation could potentially affect the Kvanefjeld development proposal, nor how it would impact other mining projects in Greenland as well as the exploration for a variety of mineral deposit types. Both parties have agreed to extend the current exclusive agreement to conclude a definitive agreement. With due diligence completed, substantial progress has been made with negotiations ( ) has made substantial progress with ( ) of Australia Ltd regarding a possible joint venture on the High Purity Alumina Project in Western Australia, with both parties agreeing to extend the exclusive agreement for an extra month. With due diligence completed, both parties are assessing as part of the content and scope of the project: The broader development and future growth options for the project; and Various de-risking options for the project in line with Alcoas operating experience. An exclusive agreement period was set up with Alcoa to negotiate a binding terms sheet as the basis for a full form joint venture agreement. Both FYI and Alcoa believe the short extension is essential to complete the work required, facilitate the completion of negotiations and draft a binding term sheet. Both parties aim to accelerate the projects development as outlined in the original MOU remains unchanged notwithstanding this extension. "Significant opportunity for a unique joint venture" FYI managing director Roland Hill said: "Alcoa and FYI are negotiating a significant opportunity for a unique joint venture to leverage our combined strengths to capture opportunities in the high-growth HPA market. While the requirement for the extension is not ideal, our commitment to successfully negotiating a binding agreement is unwavering and we will continue to work constructively towards its completion. Alcoa president Michael Gollschewski said: While not yet conclusive, Alcoa is encouraged by the progress made towards the establishment of a possible joint venture with FYI Resources for the production of HPA. Background FYI's Cadoux Kaolin Project has a 3.2 million tonne reserve and a more than 25-year mine life of aluminous kaolin clay, grading 24.8% aluminium oxide and around 10,000 tonnes per annum of feedstock would be produced via the companys proposed HPA production facility in Kwinana. The longer-term driver for HPA, with a forecast compound annual growth rate of more than 17%, is the outlook for the burgeoning electric vehicle and static energy storage markets, where the primary function is in the use as a separator material between the anode and cathode in batteries to increase power, functionality and safety of the battery cells and FYI is positioning itself to be a significant producer of 4N and 5N HPA in this rapidly developing high-tech product market. HPA is increasingly becoming the primary sought-after input material for certain high-tech products, principally for its unique properties, characteristics and chemical properties that address those applications high specification requirements such as LEDs and other sapphire glass products. The collaboration aims to build on a Proteomics study that identified protein fingerprints in the blood - known as biomarkers - that could be used to test for endometriosis. The collaboration consists of two phases: validation of existing biomarkers and subsequent discovery of new biomarkers. ( ) has signed a research agreement with the University of Melbourne and the Royal Womens Hospital to collaborate to develop a non-invasive simple blood test for endometriosis. The partnership aims to develop the worlds first blood test for the painful condition, which affects one in nine women and costs Australia $9.7 billion each year. The collaboration aims to build on a Proteomics study that identified protein fingerprints in the blood - known as biomarkers - that could be used to test for endometriosis. An area of great unmet medical need The key to the research is a world-leading endometriosis database of more than 900 women with endometriosis managed by the hospital, which will be used to validate the panel of biomarkers discovered by Proteomics. Proteomics managing director Dr Richard Lipscombe said it was fantastic to be working with Australias leading endometriosis research team. He added: Endometriosis is an area of great unmet medical need. Were excited to pair our PromarkerTM technology platform - which has already been used to develop the worlds first predictive diagnostic test for diabetic kidney disease - with the University of Melbourne and Royal Womens Hospitals exceptional clinical database and expertise in this field. It is exciting to think we could develop a worlds first blood test for diagnosing endometriosis. Agreement terms Under the terms of the agreement, University of Melbourne and Royal Womens Hospital will provide blood samples and the company will perform the sample analysis. The collaboration consists of two phases: validation of existing biomarkers and subsequent discovery of new biomarkers. The agreement is nonexclusive and parties will bear their own costs, with Proteomics further contributing a nominal fee to assist sample retrieval. Proteomics will retain ownership of its background intellectual property (IP) and grants each other party a non-exclusive licence to use its background IP to carry out the research collaboration. Newly created IP will be owned jointly by each party that contributes to its creation. A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors newswire ( , , ) has reported a sharp jump in the number of Bitcoin acquired in July amid a decline in the mining difficulty on the digital currencys blockchain network. Seeing Machines Limited said it expects its automotive royalty revenues to increase sharply over the next two to three years as production of vehicles containing its driver monitoring system (DMS) technology ramps up. ( ) said it is confident of achieving a strong trading performance for the full financial year after a very strong first half. ( ) PLC has appointed a new team to market services to businesses located in Asia, with a primary focus on firms supporting high net worth individuals acquiring real estate in the UK. ( , ) has released second-quarter operating results in which it noted significant asset level progress at a number of projects over which it holds royalties. Quarterly royalty payments amounted to US$381,808 from royalties over producing assets, namely Mimbula and Koolyanobbing. ( , , , ) said its chief financial officer and executive director, Lisa Mitchell, has resigned to take up a new role and that it has started the search for a replacement. ( ) announced that it has been featured in an article in Digital Health. ( ), an investor within the medical cannabis, health and wellness space, said it participated in the latest US$9.7mln financing round by its portfolio company, ( , ). VietNam Holding Limited announced that it is proposing to conduct a tender for up to 30% of the company's issued share capital. A circular setting out the terms of the tender and convening the necessary Extraordinary General Meeting ('EGM') has today been posted to shareholders. The offer opens today and the EGM will be held on 31 August. ( ) said its annual general meeting will be held on 23 September. As some form of pandemic-related restrictions on indoor gatherings may be in place, the company recommended that shareholders do not attend the AGM in person and instead vote by proxy. ( ) said work continued to complete the workstreams and investigations required to enable the publication and filing of its 2020 annual report and accounts. Half year results to 31 March 2021 will be completed after the filing of the 2020 annual report and accounts for the financial year ended 30 September 2020, it added. Plant Health Care announced that its shares will be traded on the US OTCQB Venture Market under the ticker "PLHCF", from today, making it easier for US investors to transact in the stock. The company plans to increase its investor relations effort in North America, with a view to increasing visibility to investors, further broadening the shareholder base and improving liquidity, with no impact on existing ordinary shares trading on AIM. A CMA report highlighted worrying implications for national security, according to Bloomberg Nvidia Incs US$40bn takeover of UK microchip designer Arm may be blocked by the government for national security reasons, according to reports. The US tech group has agreed to buy the business from Japans Softbank, but since it was announced in September, the deal has attracted a storm of criticism, initially on competition grounds but now apparently for national security issues as well. According to Bloomberg, the government received a report from the Competition and Markets Authority on 20 July that as well as looking into the competition issues highlighted worrying implications for national security and that the UK was currently inclined to reject the takeover. Sources at the office of Oliver Dowden, UK digital secretary, said a decision would be made on the next phase of the investigation in due course. The news comes as two other UK defence companies are set to change hands, with US private equity-controlled Cobham accruing ( ) and a bid this week for military vehicles group ( ) ( ) from US rival Parker-Hannifin Corp ( ) sparking calls for all such military deals at least to be subject to much more scrutiny and potentially be blocked. Nvidia boss Jensen Huang has said he wants to retain Arms name and expand its base in Cambridge. Arms low energy chips are used on hundreds of devices globally and some competitors are worried about the implications if a leading chipmaker such as Nvidia takes it over. Companies using the firms chips include Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm and MediaTek, with the group happy to license its chips to anyone willing to pay. Nvidia said: We continue to work through the regulatory process with the UK government. We look forward to their questions and expect to resolve any issues they may have. During the first month of operations the company's new Orange County store generated around $800,000 in sales, while gross margin for the company during the month was in excess of 50% Planet 13 is a vertically integrated cannabis company, with award-winning cultivation, production and dispensary operations in Las Vegas and dispensary operations in Orange County ( , ). has reported $11.9 million in sales during July. During the first month of operations the company's new Orange County store generated around $800,000 in sales, while gross margin for the company during the month was in excess of 50%. "Based on the early results we've seen from the Orange County store we are confident in the trajectory of sales and the quality of service and product we are providing. Sales have grown week over week as we start to gain traction as one of the top dispensaries in Orange County," said Bob Groesbeck, co-CEO of Planet 13 in a statement. "Looking back at the early days of Planet 13 Las Vegas is a good reminder that it takes time to build customer trust and awareness. We took that dispensary from generating around $3 million a month to now north of $9 million with gross margins above 50%, all by focusing on the customer and continuing to refine and improve the experience and product selection. We look forward to continuing to update our shareholders and fans as our Orange County location grows to its full potential," Groesbeck added. On July 7, Planet 13 announced that it had added Moxie as the third store-in-store in its new Orange County SuperStore. The Orange County SuperStore in California opened on July 1. The other two store-in-store operations are Select and STIIIZY. Planet 13 is a vertically integrated cannabis company, with award-winning cultivation, production and dispensary operations in Las Vegas and dispensary operations in Orange County. The company's mission is to build a recognizable global brand known for world-class dispensary operations and a creator of innovative cannabis products. Contact the author at jon.hopkins@proactiveinvestors.com One of the intervals reported included 11.75m assaying 3.3 g/t gold, which also included 1.75m at 15.53 g/t gold The company still has numerous Parbec assays from its 2020/21, 15,569m drill program to report ( , ) said it has successfully completed the final twin hole, with multiple mineralized intervals at its Parbec project in Quebec. The company said in a statement that one of the intervals included 11.75 metres (m) assaying 3.3 grams per ton (g/t) gold, which also included 1.75m at 15.53 g/t gold. Renforths drill program was planned to twin, infill and undercut historic drill holes at Parbec, to support a rebuild of the geological model and a resource estimate restatement. PAR-21-132 was the final planned twin hole to report on, Renforth told investors, but the company still has numerous Parbec assays from its 2020/21, 15,569m drill program to report. According to Renforth, the current program successfully twinned 10% on the holes drilled on the property between 1986 and 1993. Each twin hole delivered assay results either comparable to, or greater than, the historic ones, the company added. Renforth said it believes that the historic holes can be relied upon for lithological information as well as assay values. Surimeau update Separately, the company told shareholders that it is receiving assay data from a 3,456m drill program at the Victoria West target on its Surimeau project, also in Quebec. With the assay data received to date, our technical team can see that the nickel versus the zinc (and copper) systems are remarkably separate structures juxtaposed upon each other, the company said in a statement. This observation supports the choice of our technical working model, the Outokumpu deposit model. Renforth said that the property could host a Outokumpu-type deposit, which would be very unique outside of Finland. Contact Angela at angela@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @AHarmantas It will produce fuel-grade, renewable isobutanol to be used as feedstock by Gevo to make sustainable aviation fuel and renewable premium gasoline to fulfill existing sales contracts The Luverne facility will allow Gevo to test certain potential unit operations that may be incorporated into its advanced Net-Zero 1 production facility ( ) announced that production operations at its advanced, renewable fuels production facility located in Luverne, Minnesota have restarted, and it is expected to produce fuel-grade, renewable isobutanol (IBA). The Englewood, Colorado-based company said the IBA produced will be used as a feedstock for Gevo to produce sustainable aviation fuel and renewable premium gasoline to fulfill existing sales contracts. These renewable hydrocarbons will be produced in Silsbee, Texas at the South Hampton Resources Inc hydrocarbon production facility. Gevo also expects to utilize some of the IBA produced to develop certain IBA specialty markets. Significantly, the production operations at the Luverne Facility will allow Gevo to test and evaluate certain potential unit operations that may be incorporated into Gevos advanced Net-Zero 1 production facility that is expected to begin production in 2024 in Lake Preston, South Dakota. Agri-Energy LLC, Gevos wholly-owned subsidiary that owns the Luverne facility, has re-hired multiple former employees and is in the process of hiring an additional 11 employees to produce the IBA with the goal to have 30 full-time employees. The team in Luverne has done an exceptional job restarting isobutanol operations safely and with a focus on continuous improvement for future growth, Agri-Energy President Dr Paul Bloom said in a statement. We appreciate the continued support weve received from the State of Minnesota and City of Luverne and are happy to be increasing the number of high-quality jobs at the site. We see that Luverne has potential to serve specialty markets other than jet and gasoline. We expect to announce more in the coming months as the rest of the plans come together. Meanwhile, Gevo CEO Patrick R Gruber noted that the company is getting geared up for what will be the next stage of Gevos growth, which is coming at us at an accelerated rate. We are leveraging our existing Luverne location to optimize conversion of our isobutanol production to develop the standard in operating discipline for efficient and safe IBA production facilities, said Gruber. I like the option of being able to test unit operations that could help optimize and train people for Net-Zero 1. It will be critical for Net-Zero 1 to start-up smoothly and the best way to do that is to do a good job training our people. I expect Luverne to provide some of that experience. Contact the author Uttara Choudhury at uttara@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter: @UttaraProactive A glance at some of the day's highlights from the Proactive Investors US and Canada newswires Your daily round-up from the world of Proactive ( , ) has applied to the TSX Venture Exchange for the approval of a warrant exercise incentive program. The proposed program would work in conjunction with a private placement completed in July that offered 5,750,000 units priced at $0.08 each. In addition to one common share, each unit contained one share purchase warrant valid for three years and priced at $0.12. As such, Falcon Gold has 5,750,000 placement warrants priced at $0.12 each and expiring July 13, 2023. has published a business update on Ideal Power Inc. which is focused on the development and commercialization of its B-TRAN-based solid-state circuit breakers (SSCBs). The technology acts orders of magnitude faster than incumbent electromechanical devices. Water Tower said Ideal Power is well-placed to capture a slice of the large and growing $6 billion IGBT (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) power switches market. Owing to their superior performance and efficiency, bi-directionality, and fewer thermal management requirements, B-TRAN power switches may be able to replace IGBTs in many applications, Water Tower said. Read more insights from the report here. African Gold Group Inc has announced the appointment of Douglas Jendry to the board of directors. Jendry is an accomplished executive with over 30 years of international experience in mining and capital markets. He has been involved as an executive and non-executive director for several mining companies with particular focus on companies listed in Australia and London. He has served as chairman of Capricorn Metals and Talon Energy and CEO of Impress Energy. On behalf of the Board and the Company, we are pleased to welcome Douglas Jendry to African Gold Group, said CEO Danny Callow in a statement. Mr. Jendry brings a diverse set of expertise as an accomplished executive which will help us with our continued focus on diversifying our shareholder base and expanding into Australian market. ( ) Inc. said it has completed the acquisition of all the issued and outstanding shares of Earth Circle Organics Chain Inc. Headquartered in Las Vegas, Earth Circle Organics is a direct-to-consumer (DTC) and wholesaler of supplements and superfood products. It operates primarily in the US, but it also has a presence in Canada. For the acquisition, Levitee said it issued 488,702 shares at C$0.51 each and paid US$1,675,000 in cash on closing, with an additional US$125,000 having been previously paid as a deposit. ( ). announced that production operations at its advanced, renewable fuels production facility located in Luverne, Minnesota have restarted, and it is expected to produce fuel-grade, renewable isobutanol (IBA). The Englewood, Colorado-based company said the IBA produced will be used as a feedstock for Gevo to produce sustainable aviation fuel and renewable premium gasoline to fulfill existing sales contracts. These renewable hydrocarbons will be produced in Silsbee, Texas at the South Hampton Resources Inc hydrocarbon production facility. Gevo also expects to utilize some of the IBA produced to develop certain IBA specialty markets. Significantly, the production operations at the Luverne Facility will allow Gevo to test and evaluate certain potential unit operations that may be incorporated into Gevos advanced Net-Zero 1 production facility that is expected to begin production in 2024 in Lake Preston, South Dakota. ( ) Inc. said it has strategically chosen market segments on which it will focus initially, including the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare sector. The company also said it is now exploring opportunities in agriculture supply chains, which have faced significant challenges such as labour concerns and higher oil prices in recent years. Spotlite360 said its blockchain and internet of things (IoT) technologies can easily be integrated into systems, equipment, and supplies that are common for agriculture industry players that include farmers, ground transporters, distribution centres, and retail grocers. ( ) Corp said that the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has accepted 51 new prospecting rights applications covering around 145 square kilometers (km) around its Barrick alliance Togi project, on the Noto Peninsula of Honshu. The Vancouver-headquartered group said that in November 2020, the Barrick alliance collected 412 rock samples and 88 bulk leach extractable gold (BLEG) samples across the Togi project. Systematic stream sediment sampling defined a continuous, 8 km long corridor of gold anomalous drainages within the Togi project, said the company. ( ) has announced the appointment of professional digital motorsports driver, Kuba Brzezinski as a digital motorsports advisor to the company. The company noted that Brzezinski is a driver with Williams Esports, one of the worlds leading sim racing organizations that competes in Formula 1 Esports Series, Formula E Accelerate, ESL MAPFRE, eWTCR, Le Mans Esports, GT Pro and FIA Gran Turismo Championships. Brzezinski joined Williams in early 2019.Brzezinski began sim racing in 2010 and is now considered one of the top esports drivers in the world, mainly competing in rFactor 2 and RaceRoom. He also brings digital motorsports to the masses via his YouTube channel - Formula 7, where he regularly streams with his Williams Esports teammate Nikodem Wisniewski. PlantX Life Inc said Lorne Rapkin has been appointed to the role of chief executive officer of the company, effective immediately. Previously, Rapkin held the position of chief financial officer at PlantX Life dubbed the; one-stop-shop for everything plant-based. Julia Frank, who formerly served as CEO will continue as the company's chief operating officer, while Shariq Khan, the company's director of finance, has been appointed the new chief financial officer. Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp is getting a new CEO in cannabis veteran David Schwede. The Toronto-based vertically integrated cannabis company is reshuffling its boardroom with outgoing CEO Clint Sharples taking on the role of chairman, following the resignation of Donald Ziraldo for personal reasons. I am very pleased to hand the CEO role to David at a pivotal and exciting time for Heritage, Sharples said in a statement. ( ) has said it will co-produce and participate in the 24th Annual East Coast Gaming Congress and NexGen Gaming Forum in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on October 25-26, 2021. The company is expected to be the only esports operator participating in the conference. "This is a great opportunity to showcase our evolving brand and comprehensive B2B esports solution set with leaders from across the casino industry," said Grant Johnson, CEO of Esports Entertainment in a statement. ( ), Inc. has said it will release its second-quarter 2021 results on Thursday, August 12, 2021, after the market close. The company will also host a conference call and webcast on the same day at 4.30pm EDT to discuss its financial results with analysts and institutional investors. Management on the call will include CEO Dwight Egan and CFO Brian Brown. The call and webcast will be available via: Webcast: ir.codiagnostics.com on the Events & Webcasts page; Conference Call: 877-317-6789 (domestic) or 412-317-6789 (international). For investors unable to participate during the live webcast, the call will be recorded and later made available on the companys website. ( ) ( , ) has signed an exclusive agreement for the use of virtual reality (VR) technology in psychedelic treatments. The company is partnering with OVR Tech LLC to provide its INHALE Wellness Platform during an initial two-year term in ( )s clinics. The technology is an olfactory-enabled VR platform designed to deepen immersion, promote relaxation, and help manage stress. ( , ). has reported $11.9 million in sales during July. During the first month of operations the company's new Orange County store generated around $800,000 in sales, while gross margin for the company during the month was in excess of 50%. "Based on the early results we've seen from the Orange County store we are confident in the trajectory of sales and the quality of service and product we are providing. Sales have grown week over week as we start to gain traction as one of the top dispensaries in Orange County," said Bob Groesbeck, co-CEO of Planet 13 in a statement. ( , ). has announced that after months of R&D and trials, it has successfully completed a full-scale commercial trial manufacturing run of ready-to-drink (RTD) liquid version of its Plant-Based Complete Nutrition for Toddlers and Kids products. This key milestone sets the Company on a path to penetrate the lucrative liquid format in both the Toddler and Kids Nutrition space, said Hamutal Yitzhak, CEO and co-founder of Else Nutrition in a statement. With thousands of families nationwide already using Else products in powder format, being able to offer Clean Label, whole-food-based Else products in convenient RTD form, opens up a further 92% of the Kids nutritional drinks market, a $1 billion category in the US alone," Yitzhak added. ( , , , ) boosted production from its gold mines in West Africa in the second quarter of by 18% to 409,000 ounces of gold, while all-in sustaining costs decreased by US$15 per ounce to US$853 per ounce. Total production for the first half of 2021 amounted to 756,000 ounces of gold and an all-in sustaining cost of US$860 per ounce. PsyBio Therapeutics Corp. has initiated a new program to study N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists and associated analogs for potential activity against a variety of human health conditions. The company said it has filed a new provisional patent application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office entitled NMDA Receptor Antagonist-Containing Compositions and Methods of Treatment. The addition of NMDA receptor antagonists with pending patent protection is highly focused on the potential improvement of neurological conditions including traumatic brain injury, other neurological deficits, addiction as well as other psychological conditions. ( ) has released a detailed overview of its 2H 2021 exploration plans for both the King Tut and Dunlop Bay properties located in Quebec. Covering the next six months, BMEX has scheduled several drills and reconnaissance surveys for the projects that lie within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The gold explorer has also appointed Robert Pryde as president and director of the company. Empower Clinics Inc announced that it has achieved a major milestone in completing the expansion of its recently acquired Dallas, Texas-based Kai Medical Laboratory, which operates accredited labs that provide reliable and accurate testing solutions for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and employer groups. Empower, which is one of the largest operators of medical health and wellness centers in the US, acquired Kai with its 8,000-square-foot medical lab and covered drive-up testing center on October 6, 2020. Empower has been able to expand the impact of its integrated health model via a successful pivot towards the coronavirus (COVID-19) testing space through Kai Medical Laboratory. ( , ). has said it is expanding its lithium exploration project at the Salar de Antofalla in Argentina via an option agreement. The company said it has entered into an option agreement with a group of three local vendors to earn a 100% interest in three granted mine concession properties totaling 5,380.5 hectares situated adjacent to the company's 9,000 hectares of 100% held claims. "This acquisition further bolsters our presence in this highly prospective salar. Albemarle Corporation, a major lithium producer, stated that its lithium resource in the southern portion of Salar de Antofalla is expected to be certified as the largest in Argentina," said Nikolaos Cacos, president and CEO of Argentina Lithium & Energy in a statement. ( ) said it has integrated the UserTesting platform into the marketing strategy for its flagship Kash Karnival hyper-casual gaming app. Companies such as Microsoft, ( ) and Canva employ UserTesting - https://www.usertesting.com/ - to gain product feedback and improve the experiences of their customers. Royal Wins will employ UserTesting to rapidly increase the rate at which the company is able to test new games and user interface developments, and to help perfect marketing materials and strategies at scale and in real-time. This integration into the Kash Karnival marketing strategy will assist the company in targeting its marketing efforts more accurately, and therefore more efficiently, it said. ( , ) said it has successfully completed the final twin hole, with multiple mineralized intervals at its Parbec project in Quebec. The company said in a statement that one of the intervals included 11.75 metres (m) assaying 3.3 grams per ton (g/t) gold, which also included 1.75m at 15.53 g/t gold. Renforths drill program was planned to twin, infill and undercut historic drill holes at Parbec, to support a rebuild of the geological model and a resource estimate restatement. ( , ) has announced new drilling and channel sampling results for the ongoing exploration program at the Estrella-Diamantina mineralized trend within its Zara property in Colombia. Soma said it has now completed 2,450m of the 3,500m planned for 2021 on the Estrella-Diamantina trend, noting that drilling and channel sample results have successfully identified a hydrothermal system, including well-developed quartz-carbonate veins. "These results verify the continuity of the mineralization associated with the Otu Fault trend on the company's property, and additional drilling might outline economic mineralization," said Soma CEO Javier Cordova. Golden Arrow Resources Corporation has identified new anomalies on its Rosales copper property in Chile. The junior resource company said that geophysical surveying had revealed a more conductive and larger feature below the near-surface conductivity anomalies reported in June 2021. According to Golden Arrow, the earlier reported G1 and G2 conductivity anomaly targets cover 800 metres (m) by 500m and 600m by 400m at surface, respectively. ( ) Corp, a junior gold producer with operations in the goldfields of Nevada, posted second-quarter results that saw record production, net income of $8.3 million and a strong cash position of $41.5 million. For the period ended June 30, 2021, Fortitude reported 14,579 ounces of gold produced at $628 per ounce all-in sustaining cost. The company reported 6.75 grams per tonne average gold grade mined. Realized metal prices during the quarter averaged $1,794 per ounce gold, with the company clocking up $25.9 million in net sales. The Nevada-focused mining company posted $8.3 million in net earnings or $0.35 per share in the second quarter. Fortitudes treasury increased to $41.5 million on June 30, 2021, up $13.8 million or 50%, from December 31, 2020. ( , , ) said a summer exploration program is ongoing at its Nelligan property in northern Quebec. Currently, the company is focused on an infill drilling program that has collected data from five holes (1,600 meters) to date. An additional five to 10 holes are anticipated for this zone. Once infill drilling in the target area is completed, Vanstar will shift its attention to the western extension, with the intention of expanding the resource. ( ), Inc. has announced that company management will participate in a fireside chat during the ( , ) 41st Annual Growth Conference being held virtually on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, at 1.30pm ET. Investors interested in arranging a virtual meeting with the companys management during the conference should contact the ( , ) conference coordinator. A webcast of the fireside chat will be available under the Events & Webcasts tab of the Investors section of the Zynerba website at www.zynerba.com. An archived replay will be available on the companys website following the event for 60 days. CleanSpark, Inc. has announced that it will hold the company's third-quarter 2021 live virtual earnings presentation and business update for investors and analysts on August 16, 2021, at 1.00pm PST/ 4.00pm. EST. To participate in the virtual meeting, investors can use the following link: https://globalmeet.webcasts.com/starthere.jsp?ei=1486534&tp_key=e7f1f1fab1. This URL can be used for the live event or to watch the recorded version. A transcription will be available on our investor website after the event. ( , ) Inc, has said it will publish its operating results for the second quarter of 2021 on Monday, August 16, 2021. The company will host a live webcast with Robert Kaul, ( , ) CEO to review its progress to date and its fiscal second-quarter results beginning at 1.30pm Eastern time on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Investors wishing to participate in the webcast can register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_aoM3X1mORRmEUTNpQ32RHQ. ( , ) also said that, subject to regulatory approval, it has retained Generation IACP INC. (GIACP) to initiate its market-making services to the Company and Mercova Capital (Evan Eadie) to perform Investor Relations services. ( , ) Inc. said it will release its second-quarter 2021 financial results prior to the opening of the financial markets on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. The release will be followed by a conference call at 8.30am Eastern Time, hosted by Bragg chief executive officer, Richard Carter, chief financial officer, Ronen Kannor, and chief strategy officer, Yaniv Spielberg, to discuss the results and provide a business update. Dial-in information: US/Canada: (844) 965-3274; International: (639) 491-238; Passcode: 7796169. A replay of the call will be available for seven days following the conclusion of the live call. In order to access the replay, dial (416) 621-4642 or (800) 585-8367 (toll-free) and use the passcode 7796169. During the call, management will review a presentation that can be accessed via the following link: http://www.bragg.games/investors ( ), Inc. has announced that Saiid Zarrabian, its chief executive officer, will participate at the BTIG Virtual Biotechnology Conference on August 9, 2021. The company said Zarrabian will deliver his corporate presentation on Monday, August 9, 2021 at 2.00pm ET / 11.00am PT. The live webcast will be available on the BTIG conference website at the time of the event, after which it will be available through BTIG research access. Investors can also request a one-on-one meeting with Zarrabian to be arranged following the conclusion of the conference by contacting a BTIG conference representative. ( ) Limited has said it will host a conference call on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at 8.00am Eastern time to discuss its financial and operating results for the second quarter of 2021, in addition to providing a business update. ( ) Reynolds, ( ) president and chief executive officer will host the call along with Terig Hughes, chief financial officer, Dr Tom Butera, chief executive officer of Volition Veterinary, and Scott Powell, executive vice president, Investor Relations. The call will provide an update on recent developments and Volition's activities, including details of new and ongoing clinical trials, important events which have taken place in the second quarter of 2021, and milestones for 2021 and beyond. Dial-in details: US & Canada 1-877-407-9716 (toll free) UK 0 800 756 3429 (toll free); Toll/International: 1-201-493-6779; Conference ID 13722250 A live audio webcast of the conference call will also be available on the investor relations page of Volition's corporate website at http://ir.volition.com. In addition, a telephone replay of the call will be available until August 26, 2021. The replay dial-in numbers are 1-844-512-2921 (toll-free) in the US and Canada and 1-412-317-6671 (toll) internationally; replay pin number 13722250. ( ) Ltd said the TSX Venture Exchange has consented to an extension in the expiry date of the following warrants all issued under private placements: 385,000 warrants with an exercise price of 50 cents from an original expiry date of July 31, 2021, to a new expiry of January 31, 2022; 790,000 warrants with an exercise price of 50 cents from an original expiry date of July 31, 2021, to a new expiry date of January 31, 2022; 2 million warrants with an exercise price of 50 cents from an original expiry date of July 31, 2021, to a new expiry date of January, 2022. Previously, Rapkin held the position of chief financial officer at the company dubbed the; one-stop-shop for everything plant-based PlantX Life also announced that its San Diego-based brick-and-mortar store will open in September 2021 PlantX Life Inc said Lorne Rapkin has been appointed to the role of chief executive officer of the company, effective immediately. Previously, Rapkin held the position of chief financial officer at PlantX Life dubbed the; one-stop-shop for everything plant-based. Julia Frank, who formerly served as CEO will continue as the company's chief operating officer, while Shariq Khan, the company's director of finance, has been appointed the new chief financial officer. In the new role, the company said, Rapkin will use his financial background to propel PlantX's strategic growth in an evolving industry, while also ensuring the execution of the company's future development plans. "I feel very privileged to continue to serve PlantX as its CEO," Rapkin said in a statement. "Having started with the company when it was just a vision on paper, I have been involved in both the financial aspects of PlantX and its day-to-day operations. Working under Julia's leadership has been an honour and I am determined to build on her legacy and prioritize PlantX's critical mission, while striving to achieve our shareholders' and customers' expectations." PlantX offers customers across North America access to more than 10,000 plant-based products. In addition to currently offering meal and indoor plant deliveries, the companys expansion plans include cosmetics, clothing, as well as a water brand. "As PlantX transitions into a new chapter, we have seen a rising interest and demand among our shareholders to strengthen the company," said PlantX founder, Sean Dollinger. "Lorne's appointment as CEO aims to integrate our shareholders' views within the overall direction of the Company. As Chief Financial Officer, he has had an integral role in the founding of PlantX, and he has been adding exceptional value ever since. Lorne is a natural-born leader whose strategic vision and strong work ethic will strengthen PlantX to ensure its long-term success." Moving ahead, PlantX announced that its San Diego-based brick-and-mortar store will open in September 2021. Also in the US market, the company recently launched a meal-delivery program and expanded its Canadian meal delivery service. Additionally, the "New Deli" PlantX brick-and-mortar store in Squamish, British Columbia will be rebranded as the "PlantX Market". Lastly, PlantX reported that it has completed its integration as a seller on Walmart Canada Marketplace and Hudson's Bay Marketplace. Contact the writer at georgia@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @MissInformd New CEO Schwede originally joined Heritage as its president of recreational following the firms acquisition of concentrate brand Premium 5, which Schwede led as CEO Schwede is also a former senior member of cannabis powerhouse Aurora Cannabis Heritage Cannabis Holdings Corp is getting a new CEO in cannabis veteran David Schwede. The Toronto-based vertically integrated cannabis company is reshuffling its boardroom with outgoing CEO Clint Sharples taking on the role of chairman, following the resignation of Donald Ziraldo for personal reasons. I am very pleased to hand the CEO role to David at a pivotal and exciting time for Heritage, Sharples said in a statement. David has a long track record of success in the cannabis space, innovating unique products and applying his entrepreneurial spirit to execute on growth strategies. Over the past six months, David has demonstrated that he is capable of leading this company and I have full confidence that he will successfully take Heritage to the next level. New CEO Schwede originally joined Heritage as its president of recreational following the firms acquisition of concentrate brand Premium 5, which Schwede led as CEO. He is also a former senior member of cannabis powerhouse Aurora Cannabis. Prior to his cannabis career, Schwede worked with technology startups and helped to scale early-stage, award-winning companies. Since day one, Heritage has proven to be the platform on which to build a successful house of brands. I am very excited and honored to be given the opportunity to continue to build on the success of the new Heritage, Schwede told shareholders. As we move into the next phase of our exciting journey, I am confident we will continue to see sequential revenue growth, further distribution nationally, and a presence in the US with products on shelves by the end of the year, all while keeping the path to profitability as our core focus. Schwede will also take a seat at the boardroom table as director of the company following the resignation of Max Gerard, partner at Merida Capital Holdings, pending security clearance by Health Canada. Gerard will stay on in an advisory role to Heritage. Merida, one of Heritages key shareholders, will appoint a new board member once it is awarded clearance. Contact Angela at angela@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @AHarmantas The proposed program would work in conjunction with a private placement completed in July that offered 5,750,000 units priced at $0.08 each Falcon gold is currently advancing its flagship project the Central Canada Gold mine in Ontario ( , ) has applied to the TSX Venture Exchange for the approval of a warrant exercise incentive program. The proposed program would work in conjunction with a private placement completed in July that offered 5,750,000 units priced at $0.08 each. In addition to one common share, each unit contained one share purchase warrant valid for three years and priced at $0.12. As such, Falcon Gold has 5,750,000 placement warrants priced at $0.12 each and expiring July 13, 2023. Under the proposed incentive program, if the placement warrants are exercised prior to 4 pm PST on the 30th day after TSX Venture Exchange approval, the holder will receive one additional warrant (an Incentive Warrant) in consideration of the early exercise of each Placement Warrant. According to the statement: Each Incentive Warrant will be exercisable to acquire one common share of the company at a price of $0.18 per share for a period of one year from the date of issuance. The Company believes this will give existing Placement Warrant holders the right incentive to exercise their Placement Warrants. If a warrant holder decides to not participate in the incentive program, the holder may exercise the Placement Warrants on their original terms or allow them to expire unexercised after the incentive period. Falcon gold is currently advancing its flagship project the Central Canada Gold mine in Ontario. Contact the writer at georgia@proactiveinvestors.com Follow her on Twitter @MissInformd Vanstar Mining Resources CEO JC St Amour joined Stephen Gunnion from Proactive with an update on the summer exploration program at its Nelligan property in northern Quebec. At the Felix property, also in Quebec, an analysis of a recent Induced Polarisation (IP) survey has been concluded. St Amour also telling Proactive that Vanstar is also moving ahead with exploration work at both the Frida and Eva projects, with a ground grew mobilizing to conduct a prospecting and sampling program at both projects. There were a lot of people there that had regrets that they wish that they had known more before they votedThere's three of them that voted [for Biden] that feel terrible about it. I said you know what? I said you didn't know about this but you thought you were voting for something. I said you didn't get to vote. I said China did our voteWhen we get through this and the Supreme Court pulls down this election -- like I've been telling everybody -- when they do this, it's going to be a great uniting and that gives me hope[B]y the night of the 12th or the morning of the 13th, if everyone has seen it, including the administration that's in there now that didn't win, maybe, you know, Biden and Harris would say, hey, we're here to protect the country and resign!" My Pillow guy and former crack addict Mike Lindell on what will happen after he broadcasts his cyber-symposium on the 2020 election the return of Trump on August 13. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Actor Efremovs appeal against sentence in fatal car crash case set for mid-September RAPSI, Eugeny Varlamov 10:53 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Second Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction will consider an appeal filed by actor Mikhail Efremov against his sentence in the case over fatal traffic road traffic accident on September 15, the courts press service told RAPSI. Efremov seeks to mitigate his sentence to reasonable limits as he is sure not to outlive these 7.5 years in custody. The convict also insists that driver Sergey Zakharov, who had died in the crash involving the actor, was not buckled up. In October 2020, the Moscow City Court reduced jail sentence of Efremov by 6 months, from 8 to 7.5 years. The actor was found guilty of driving under influence (DUI) resulting in vehicular homicide. As established by the court, on the evening of June 8, Efremov driving his car crossed into the oncoming lane in central Moscow and collided with a delivery service vehicle. He was arrested on the scene. Alcohol and drugs were reportedly found in his blood. Victim Sergey Zakharov was taken to hospital where he died early in the morning of June 9. Efremov admitted his guilt. Deripaskas defamation claim against Navalny may be resumed RAPSI 13:05 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Moscow Commercial Court will hear a bid to resume defamation lawsuit filed by businessman Oleg Deripaska against Alexey Navalny on September 16, according to court records. In September, the Moscow Commercial Court suspended consideration of the tycoons claim. The applicant seeks to oblige the defendant to refute information distributed in several videos on the Youtube-channel of Navalny. Moreover, the tycoon demands a 1-ruble moral compensation from the blogger. Earlier, Navalny filed a petition with Russias Supreme Court challenging an order to remove and refute information on the Crimean meat processing plant Druzhba Narodov he had distributed. The Moscow District Commercial Court has dismissed Navalnys cassation appeal in this defamation dispute. Navalny challenged the Moscow Commercial Courts ruling of February 2019, and the July 2019, ruling of the Ninth Commercial Court of Appeals. The Moscow Commercial Court ruled in favor of Druzhba Narodov on February 12, 2019. The court declared information distributed by Navalny in one of his videos untrue and discrediting the plants business standing. The statements read that the meat processing plant inflated prices for food products purveyed for the National Guard, delivered bad quality goods and accused the plant employees of embezzlement during supplies. According to the court ruling, the defendant did not furnish evidence of credibility of the disseminated information. On July 26, 2019, the Ninth Commercial Court of Appeals upheld the ruling. Penitentiary officials seek to detain medical workers union's head in sanitary breach case RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 14:18 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) has filed a motion seeking to place the head of the medical workers' union Alyans Vrachei (Doctors' Alliance) Anastasia Vasilyeva in detention as part of a sanitary violations case, her attorney Dmitry Dzhulai has told RAPSI. The petition will be heard by Moscows Preobrazhensky District Court on August 11. Currently, the woman is under restraining order. She is banned from leaving her place of residence from 8 pm to 8 am, her lawyer said. She stands charged with breaching sanitary and epidemiological rules during the illegal rally held in Moscow on January 23. According to the Interior Ministry, coronavirus-positive persons ordered to isolation were identified among the rally participants. A criminal case over violation of sanitary and epidemiological rules was opened over this fact. Russian prosecutors seek to collect $126 mln from ex-Minister, Alfa-Bank Moskva city news agency, Alexander Avilov 16:04 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Russian Prosecutor General's Office is asking the Moscow Gagarinsky District court to collect in favor of the state more than $126 million from ex-Minister of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov and Alfa-Bank, the press service of the court informs RAPSI. The court registered a lawsuit initiated by prosecutors against Abyzov and Alfa-Bank seeking to recover from the defendants more than $126 million in favor of the state. A preliminary meeting on this claim is scheduled for August 12 this year, the court noted. Prosecutors demand the recovery of $22 million from Abyzov, as well as about $31 million and about 5,6 billion rubles (circa $5.6 million at the current exchange rate) from the bank, according to the statement. This May, the Moscow City Court ruled in favor of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office, which sought that over 32.5 billion rubles ($435 million at the current exchange rate) worth of funds owned by Mikhail Abyzov were forfeited to the State. In October 2020, the Moscow Gagarinsky District Court ruled to forfeit to the State 32.5 billion rubles jointly and severally from Abyzov and a number of companies. In mid-August last year, the Russian Investigative Committee of Russia completed its investigation of the ex-minister and other defendants. According to investigators, Abyzov, being the beneficial owner of a number of offshore commercial organizations, created and headed a criminal community: acting in complicity with other persons, he fraudulently stole funds in the amount of 4 billion rubles ($54 million) from Sibirskaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya and Regionalnye Elektricheskiye Seti. Later, the embezzled funds were moved overseas. The fact of the legalization of funds by Abyzov and other defendants was established thanks to effective interaction with Russian finance watchdog Rosfinmonitoring and with the assistance of the competent authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, as the Investigative Committee had informed earlier. Two Russian security officers charged with fraud go on trial RIA Novosti, Yevgeny Biyatov 15:27 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) - Two former officers of the Federal Security Service (FSB) indicted in fraud face trial in the Moscow Garrison Military Court, according to the courts press service. Earlier, reserve lieutenant colonel of the Federal Security Service Kirill Cherkalin, who had been convicted of fraud and bribe, testified against Dmitry Frolov and Andrey Vasilyev. One more defendant is a shareholder of the bank Creditimpex Georgy Shkurko. A hearing on the merits begins on August 4. A prosecutor is to read indictment against the persons accused. The defendants are expected to enter the plea of guilty or not guilty. In April, the Moscow Garrison Military Court sentenced reserve FSB lieutenant colonel Cherkalin to 7 years in high-security prison. The court found him guilty of receiving bribes on a large scale and large-scale fraud. In addition to the prison term he was also banned from holding law enforcement posts for 3 years, deprived of his colonel rank and second-class medal of the Order of Merit for the Motherland. The case was heard under a special procedure, without examination of evidence and interrogation of witnesses, as the defendant had signed a plea deal with investigators. He has got 4 years less in prison than the prosecutor had asked for. Civil claims of Sergey Glyadelkin and his cousin Igor Tkach who had been considered victims by the court in the fraud episode were granted partially and collected 318 million rubles ($4.4 million) in favor of each victim, that was in 60 times less than they had initially requested. Meanwhile, Yury Spesivtsev, the defense lawyer for Frolov, draws attention to an unreliable forensic examination carried out on a fraud count due to what applications were filed with Russias Investigative Committee and Prosecutor General's Office seeking to verify the actions of experts and investigators, who had failed to submit corporate financial reports and bank loan documents on the Yurpromconsultings (YPC) outstanding loan in the amount of 1.9 billion rubles ($26 million) for a forensic study to assess the market value of 49 % of the share of the company YPC. The attorney also states that the victims have no lawful legal connections on Yurpromconsulting. Tkach, who was recognized as victim in the case a year after the start of the probe along with his cousin Sergey Glyadelkin, can hardly be a victim due to his then official position. At the time of the alleged crime, he acted as the head of Mosnadzor, overseeing on behalf of the Moscow government an investment contract with Yurpromconsulting, the beneficiary of which he calls himself now, Spesivtsev noted. The lawyer also points that Moscows government waived implementation of a project involving YPC in 2009-2010 after the liquidation of the citys Department for Construction Investment Programs and task budget investment fund of Moscow and changes in land legislation. In late 2011, the law 427-FZ was adopted discharging Moscows authorities from liability for the annulment of all investment contracts envisaging construction in the city that resulted in the YPC bank loan default, Spesivtsev reminds. Moreover, the defense lawyers have documents reading that the assets (units of the closed-end mutual Investment Property Fund named Fund of Investment properties ), that had been wrongly identified as belonging to Yurpromconsulting LLC as of December 2011, by the experts appointed by investigators and valued them at more than 2.5 billion rubles ($34 million) in fact was actually sold by the company in 2008, and all these circumstances completely exclude the presence of any criminal corpus delicti, Spesivtsev stresses. According to the defense attorney, Glyadelkin being a repeated victim was directly related to a case against a former vice-mayor of Moscow Alexander Ryabinin convicted in 2012. His judgement contains the confirmation that the municipal project involving Yurpromconsulting was terminated in 2009, Spesivtsev says. However, for some reason it is now said that someone allegedly threatened Glyadelkin with opening a case against him by Ryabinin. This is one more myth, Spesivtsev emphasises. Glyadelkin was an applicant in the case of Ryabinin, knew his rights very well, had state witness protection by the FSB and understood that he could bear no responsibility for participating in the case in this status. Moreover, a ruling on the refusal to initiate criminal proceedings against Glyadelkin upon an application filed by Ryabinin was issued in the summer of 2011. The version about possible termination of the investment contract by Moscow in case of refusal to sell 49% share in the YPC in 2011 also looks ridiculous, because as result of the non-fulfillment of this contract by the City of Moscow, Yurpromconsulting itself applied to the Moscow Commercial Court with a claim for such termination at the end of 2010, the lawyer adds. Supreme Court upholds 13-year sentence of Russian for links with U.S. Intelligence Agency RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 16:38 04/08/2021 MOSCOW, August 4 (RAPSI) The Supreme Court of Russia on Wednesday upheld the 13-year prison sentence given to ex-employee of an operator of the Northern Fleets ships Yury Yeshchenko for cooperating with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the courts press service told RAPSI. In November 2020, the Bryansk Regional Court found the defendant guilty of treason. During the trial Yeshchenko pled guilty. According to case papers, Yeshchenko working in the organization engaged in the maintainance of the Northern Fleet vessels radioelectronic systems in the town of Severomorsk decided to transfer information on the advanced developments of Russias defense industry to the U.S. intelligence bodies. Between 2015 and 2017, he intentionally copied secret documents concerning weapon systems used by the North Fleet. In early 2019, he contacted with the CIA. In July 2019, he was arrested by the FSB in the Bryansk Region while attempting to transfer the classified data, the statement reads. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. Significant curbs on time spent outdoors and sharp rise in screen time during the coronavirus pandemic have led to the rise in childhood short-sightedness, also known as myopia, suggests a study. The condition changes the shape of the eye, causing light rays to bend (refract) incorrectly, focusing images in front of, instead of on the surface of, the retina. Short-sightedness in children matters because it puts them at risk of developing complications that increase the risk of irreversible impaired eyesight/blindness later in life, said researchers from the The Chinese University of Hong Kong. To find out if enforced behavioural and lifestyle changes during the pandemic might have affected children's vision, the team studied the eyes of 1,793 children. Around 1 in 5 (19.5 per cent) of the children in the Covid-19 group developed short-sightedness between January and August 2020, compared with around 1 in 3 (37 per cent) of those in the pre-Covid-19 group over a period of three years. The numbers of new cases of short-sightedness were higher among children in the Covid-19 group. The estimated 1-year incidence of short-sightedness was 28 per cent, 27 per cent, and 26 per cent, respectively, for 6, 7 and 8 year olds in the Covid-19 group, compared with 17 per cent, 16 per cent, and 15 per cent, respectively, for 6, 7, and 8 year olds in the pre-Covid-19 group. These changes coincided with a reduction in the time the children spent outdoors, from around an hour and 15 minutes to around 24 minutes/day and an increase in screen time from around 2.5 hours/day to around 7 hours/day. This is an observational study, and as such, can't establish cause, added to which the research included questionnaire data, which rely on recall. And the findings might not reflect the impact of Covid-19 in other parts of the world, where social distancing, quarantine, and school closure policies may be different, cautioned the researchers. Nevertheless, "despite all these insurmountable study limitations, our initial results still show an alarming myopia progression that warrants appropriate remedial action," said Dr Jason C.S. Yam, from the varsity's Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. "(They) serve to warn eye care professionals, and also policy makers, educators and parents, that collective efforts are needed to prevent childhood myopia, a potential public health crisis as a result of Covid-19," he added. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will virtually chair an open debate on maritime security at the United Nations Security Council on August 9, the Ministry of External Affairs said on Tuesday. It will be the first time that an Indian Prime Minister will preside over an open debate at the world body. Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in a tweet, "PM @narendramodi will Chair Open Debate on 'Maintenance of international peace and security: Maritime security' in virtual mode @UN #SecurityCouncil on 9th August. This will be the 1st time an Indian Prime Minister will preside over Open Debate." On August 1, India took over the rotating presidency for the month at the 15-nation UN Security Council, and on January 1, India began its two-year tenure as a non-permanent member of the UNSC. It is India's seventh term. India has planned high-level engagements with the world community on key focus issues like maritime security, peacekeeping and counter-terrorism during the month of August. India has been in the forefront in helping friendly countries in pursuit of the country's 'Act East' policy and to enhance military cooperation with the friendly countries. The Indian Navy undertakes regular deployments to friendly foreign countries and in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions in furtherance of the Prime Minister's initiative of 'Security and Growth for All in the Region' (SAGAR). Such engagements build 'Bridges of Friendship' and strengthen international cooperation. These maritime initiatives enhance synergy and coordination between the Indian Navy and friendly countries, based on common maritime interests and commitment towards 'Freedom of Navigation' at sea. A 71-Year-old man was arrested by the Police at Thirukoilur in Kallikuruchi district under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Pocso Act, on charges of impregnating his 15-year-old grand daughter. Two women who assisted him in aborting the foetus were also arrested. The three were produced before the court which promptly remanded them to judicial custody. The 15-year-old grand daughter and her younger brother were staying with the grand father who, according to Thirukoilur all-women police was sexually abusing the girl for the past three years. The local people coming to know of the issue alerted the village officer of Thirukoilur who informed the all-women police that took him into custody along with his two women accomplices - a retired woman nurse and another woman. Hitting out at former Congress President Rahul Gandhi, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday asked him whether the "Dalit daughters of Rajasthan, Punjab and Chhattisgarh are not the daughters of India"? Addressing a press conference here, BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra said, "Yesterday, Rahul Gandhi tweeted that the daughter of Dalit is daughter of the country. There are no two opinions on this, she must get justice. But are the daughter of Dalits in Rajasthan, Punjab and Chhattisgarh, who were subjected to heinous crimes, not daughters of this country." Patra condemned the recent incident in which a nine-year-old Dalit girl was allegedly gang-raped, murdered and then cremated by her attackers in South West Delhi on Sunday evening. "We all strongly condemn the way a small girl was raped in Nangal in Delhi. Law enforcement agency is working on it with full sincerity and more than four people have been arrested. SC Commission and Joint Commissioner of Police also visited the victim's family," Patra said. Referring to the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB), Patra said, "According to NCRB, Rajasthan tops the list of rape cases. Rape cases in Rajasthan have increased by 30 per cent in the last six months. In 2020, there were 13,750 rape cases in Rajasthan. "During a discussion in the Assembly, the Ashok Gehlot government had replied that Dalit women file false cases of rape. Fingers were pointed at all those NGOs on the floor of the Assembly, which fight for the rights of Dalits," the BJP leader said. Patra further asked if Rahul Gandhi did not know or is he deliberately trying to be ignorant about the POCSO ACT in order to take political advantage of the unfortunate incident? "The second provision of section 23 of the POCSO Act makes it clear that you are not to disclose any fact about the victim, which would reveal the child's identity," he said. Patra demanded that the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) should take cognizance and issue a notice to Congress leaders for violating the provisions of POCSO Act. Rahul Gandhi met the family of the victim on Wednesday and shared a picture of him with the parents of the victim. Afghanistan as the "heart of Asia" that connects the South and Central Asian regions is undergoing a humanitarian crisis that can have severe ramifications in international politics. US President Joe Biden's declaration to pull out all US troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, has led to the difficult search for viable solutions which can possibly be achieved only through compromise evolving around common security challenges and an effective resolution of the ongoing Afghan war. While there is a political peace process in motion, there seems to be regional tug-of-war between various nations in the neighbourhood. Different countries in the region have their personal interests that impact their engagement in Afghanistan and their roles in the past, present and possibly in the imminent future are likely to determine the realpolitik at play between these regional powers. Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran and India are among the stakeholders that aim to gain and protect their interests in Afghanistan's peace process. These states have been directly and indirectly involved in Afghan politics through diplomatic relationships and with the backing of several political groups. While Russia, Iran and Pakistan are aggressively courting the imminent authority of the Taliban in this renewed peace process since 2018, China's relations with these countries are believed to be further defining the new geopolitical and geostrategic game of Afghanistan after the US military withdrawal. In Afghanistan, the Taliban have been swiftly advancing across the nation, while the US troops have already begun the withdrawal process after being stuck in this quagmire for almost two decades. The Taliban leadership claims of military control over Afghan territory has been increasingly growing and so has the anxiety of the regional powers that now have the responsibility of overseeing the vacuum generated by the departure of US and its NATO allies' troops. No doubt, the concept of a regional resolution to Afghanistan has continuously generated considerable political charm. However contradictory regional planned standpoints curb the possibilities for a balanced compromise on the current crisis in Afghanistan. After the Soviet invasion from 1979 to 1989, the Najibullah Communist regime lasted for about three years, but it failed in 1992 when the Mujahideen captured Kabul. The Mujahideen subsequently created the Islamic State of Afghanistan, but disagreements surfaced between several factions. Each faction was founded around warlords that dominated and inhabited specific areas of the country. The warlords reigned without giving due regard to the law and discriminatory and dictatorial politics were the standard in every province. In this framework, the Taliban was established among the Pashtuns, who had taken shelter in Pakistan, and by 1996 had dominated about 90 per cent of the nation, including major towns. The Taliban's rule was founded on a firm interpretation of Islamic law and while it re-established order in a turbulent society, it also ran a base for the global terrorist organisation, Al- Qaeda and overruled international standards on rights for women, children and basic human rights resulting in worldwide condemnation and UN sanctions. As such, the Pashtuns are the nation's largest ethnic community but other groups, like the Hazaras, who are Shia, and the Tajiks and Uzbeks, who are Sunni also comprise a significant portion of Afghanistan's population. Afghanistan's people demand political stability and economic vivacity, but the Islamism of the Taliban, which imposes the norms of the Pashtuns, denies others the right to practice and endorse their respective cultures & traditions leading to constant chaos. The September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States by the Al Qaeda that was flourishing in the sanctuary given by Taliban-ruled Afghanistan led to the launch of the Great War on Terror in Afghanistan, currently at the churn of international politics. Though Russia and China did not resist the 2001 US intrusion in Afghanistan, they were profoundly apprehensive about the implications of a protracted American military existence in the country. Today both Moscow and Beijing can be seen smirking at the American situation in Afghanistan. Russia has not forgotten that the US had backed a jihadi insurrection against the Soviet regime of Afghanistan in the 1980s, which concluded in erstwhile USSR's embarrassing military departure. It is also an instance of geopolitical vindication for Iran that has been in contestation with the US, and for Pakistan, as stated by its Prime Minister Imran Khan, who has persistently been a vocal critic of US policies and more so for the Pakistani deep state within its military that has harboured and nurtured the Taliban & continues to do so till date. In the background of this great-power politics, exercising its influence in Central Asia has been a priority for Russia and it has been engaging stakeholders through the Troika-plus grouping of the United States, Russia, China, and Pakistan. Undoubtedly, Russia faces serious threats from religious extremism, drug production, and trafficking originating from an unstable Afghanistan in the neighbourhood of Central Asia along with concern regarding its security along sovereign borders. Russia is desperately finding ways to engage with the Taliban, to assert its geopolitical significance as the regional hegemon, and thus, cooperating with China. Even with the resurgence of the Taliban, neither of them wants to perceive the Taliban as an entity that would flatter and support international terror again. While, China worries about probable Taliban backing to the Xinjiang secessionist groups, Iran cannot overlook the Sunni radicalism of the Taliban and its tyrannical record with the Shi'a community and Persian-speaking minorities. Pakistan too has qualms about the fallout of possible skirmishes with the Afghans within its own boundaries, particularly with antagonistic clusters like the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Pashtun nationalists gaining increasing support in Afghanistan.4 For long, Beijing has had the aspiration of extending the Belt and Road Initiative and its showcase project, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan with an eye on extracting Afghanistan's enormous precious mineral resources such Cobalt, Copper, Gold, Iron, and Lithium. The fractured political landscape in Afghanistan has also been an arena of tussle, earlier for the US and Russia and now growingly amongst a regional combination of forces that are attempting to gain a geopolitical foothold much to the chagrin of the Afghan people themselves. China and Pakistan are also aligned to expand their political outreach romancing the idea of unchallenged authority post-US exit. In fact, China has recently signed a deal with Iran, offering $400 billion in Chinese investment.7 It is already in collaboration with Russia as part of a Comprehensive and Strategic Partnership. In the long term, these equations can impact Afghan power dynamics, especially considering the fact that the Iran-China agreement comprises expanding military cooperation through intelligence-sharing. The US withdrawal thus underpins the strongly held assumption that China could be acting as the possible substitute. With the US is packing its bags in Afghanistan, the Financial Times reported that China now is proposing a promise to invest in Afghanistan & to develop infrastructure in exchange for peace.9 The report also disclosed that China has 'proposed to construct a road network for the Taliban' if they can guarantee peace. Earlier, China had commenced a trilateral foreign ministerial association with Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2017, to promote negotiations with the two countries and expand the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to integrate Afghanistan. Islamabad and Kabul have had an edgy rapport, tainted in recent years by Afghan indictments that Pakistan is reinforcing Taliban insurgents. Pakistan always tries to refute it and claims that it aspires to see a nonviolent, peaceful and secure Afghanistan but fails to hide the reality of its covert actions and alliances with terror outfits, every now and then. On the other hand, China has acknowledged retaining connections with the Taliban and even welcomed their delegation to Beijing recently for negotiations. Beijing is safeguarding its security concerns by acting to ensure stability in Afghanistan, given the country's geographical proximity to its autonomous region in the northwest inhabited by Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang province. China perceives the province as a breeding ground for extremism, separatism, and religious radicalism. In recent times, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has indiscriminately imprisoned between one and three million Uighurs alleged of such accusations in so-called "re-education centres" triggering international criticism over the horrific violations of human rights and proliferation of inhuman cruelties. China has through mass surveillance, effectively turned Xinjiang into a high-technocratic police state. Meanwhile, the association between Pakistan and China does have some weightage with Pakistan's profound influences on the Taliban merging with China's enormous economic resources that the reconstruction of Afghanistan requires. The picture however is not so simple, with many paradoxes complicating the situation. It is quite possible that Taliban 2.0, if at all that happens, plays spoilsport as the most unpredictable variable along the looming crisis of civil war in Afghanistan. Undoubtedly, given the fact that the families of most Taliban leaders live in Pakistan, the latter does exercise considerable influence on the outfit and has the competence to destabilize Afghanistan. Moreover, Pakistan does not have the intent to construct a steady and genuine inclusive order in Afghanistan. True, that the extension of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor into Afghanistan can be very instrumental in fulfilling Pakistan's authority shortfall. However, there is an inherent enduring contradiction between the interests of Afghanistan and Pakistan, where Afghans despise becoming Pakistan's protectorate as they value freedom and take pride in being masters of their own fate. For its part, China has been equally involved in Afghanistan, like Pakistan, Russia, and Iran, in ensuring that the Taliban strengthens its resolve against the Government of the Afghan Republic that has been established by the western powers in the country. Beijing will tread cautiously and not immediately enter the crossfire in the absence of a stable political structure as this will needlessly draw the ire of the fighting sections in Afghanistan. Rather it is expected to prepare well and be ready to swoop in on an opportune moment with aid and investment on favourable political conditions. Signs of this have already emerged as the Taliban has welcomed Chinese investments and promised not to host any inimical actors in Afghanistan against China. Thus, China continues to function and enhance its reach within Afghanistan, largely through Pakistan, which has been the major investor in the Taliban's journey. The Afghan militants remain Rawalpindi's principal asset notwithstanding their drama of nervous anxiety with violence and a call for an "Afghan- Led, Afghan-Owned" inclusive peace process. The main significant concern post-US withdrawal for China is a Taliban-led Afghanistan hosting a safe haven for Uyghur secessionists and the separatists of the East Turkestan Movement (ETIM). These organizations pose a serious challenge for China's territorial sovereign integrity in Xinjiang. Taliban earlier is known to have been a "spiritual agitator and material supplier" to the ETIM, trained their fighters, supplied military material, gear in addition to providing sanctuary and fundraising. For the most influential regional actors, on the one hand, Afghanistan is an opportunity to expand one's economic influence, trade, connectivity, accessibility in Gulf and Central Asian markets. On the other hand, there is the looming fear of resurgence of an Islamic State Khorasan Province kind of scenario and transnational threats like radicalism, extremism, militancy, drug trafficking, refugee crisis, and insurgency gaining ground. Despite their common views about the US withdrawal, it is obvious that no regional actor wants the other to have a superior hegemonic influence over Afghanistan. Sadly, the Afghans are now on their own and will have to settle issues either between themselves or with the assistance of regional actors. The regional powers may not want to be in a hurry to take the responsibility of the Afghanistan political puddle but would prefer taking a long-term approach that would facilitate their outreach within the war ridden country. But there are moments in history when one has to act and act fast with presence of mind. Due to the geographical imperatives of being in the vicinity, most regional states in comparison to the US have more to gain or miss from the situation. The Central Asian security conundrum and the Middle Eastern woes all seem to be intertwined with the Afghan Crisis at this juncture. While the world powers compete with each other to generate hegemonic influence in the region, it would be fruitful to remind themselves that the intention of intervention matters in Afghanistan. After all, there is a reason why this country is often referred to as the graveyard of empires. Rolling Meadows, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/04/2021 -- BEST Inc. is a Chicago-based electronics company that stands out for many reasons. The company doesn't just offer patented electronic products. It also offers extensive training for electricians who wish to sharpen their IPC and PCB skills. The company has so far trained hundreds of technicians within Chicago. It continues to train even beyond Chicago as it now offers online courses. The company's Mobile Training Centre also makes it very easy for anyone who wishes to enroll in any of their courses. MTC as the center is aptly referred to, goes straight to a trainee's location as opposed to the traditional approach where trainees have to go to a service provider. Speaking about the courses offered at BEST Inc., the company's spokesperson said, "Our main aim isn't making it easy for one to get j-std training kit. We're more than that. We've been in the market long enough to understand its dynamics and what it demands. That explains why the courses we offer are tailored to meet market demands. We know for a fact that for any technician to survive in the job market, IPC-J-STD-001H is a must-have standard especially for technicians who work with printed circuit assemblies. This is yet another gap we bridge, and we do it so effortlessly because we're in touch with market demands." BEST Inc. also offers extensive courses in different PCB and IPC fields. This means trainees can ace their soldering and PCB or ICP rework and repair skills. Notably, these courses are offered via Mobile Training Center which as already mentioned, is a training center on wheels. Trainees get to benefit from hands-on experience as well first-hand instructions from skilled and experienced technicians. The company's spokesperson went on to state, "Our Ipc 620 Training is widely respected in the job market. But then again, there's much more to the training than just giving trainees leverage in the job market. We ensure that the training program is extensive. That's because we know our trainees will be dealing with complex Ipc and PCB issues which can easily put people's lives at risk. We can say the same thing about our IPC-A-260 certification program. We can in fact, safely state that the program offers those interested in it wire harness assembly and wire terminal quality assurance that's industry traceable." So far, BEST Inc. has trained hundreds of technicians within Chicago. It gets better with the fact that BEST isn't just a training institute. BEST Inc. is an electronic products outlet. The company sells patented electronic products countrywide. Much of its success has to do with the special attention it gives to trainees and its customers. The company's patented products and soldering equipment have also proven to be of great value as they last. About BEST Inc. Best Inc. is incorporated in Chicago, Illinois as an electronics service provider and training center. The company offers patented electronic products as well as extensive electrical courses and Ipc Certifications Training. Notably, classes offered at BEST Inc. are both online and physical. Contact Details BEST Inc. 3603 Edison Place Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Phone: 847.797.9250 Fax: 847.797.9255 Email: info@solder.net Northbrook, IL -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/04/2021 -- The rising incidence of breast cancer and the availability of reimbursement for breast reconstruction are major driving factors for the market. Moreover, the development of 3D-printed breast implants is expected to offer significant growth opportunities to market players in the coming years. According to the new market research report "Breast Reconstruction Market by Product (Breast implant (Silicone, Saline), Tissue Expander, Acellular Dermal Matrix), Procedure (Immediate, Delayed, Revision), Type (Unilateral, Bilateral), End User (Hospital, Cosmetology Clinics) Global Forecast to 2025? published by MarketsandMarkets, is expected to grow from USD 603 million by 2025 from USD 430 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 7.0%. Recent Developments; In 2019, Polytech Health & Aesthetics received US FDA approval for its textured breast implants (macrotextured and polyurethane-coated implants) In 2018, J&J launched CPX4 breast tissue expander In 2018, Polytech Health & Aesthetics merged with G&G Biotechnology Request Research Sample Pages: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=186501593 Geographically; The breast reconstruction market is segmented into North America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World. In 2019, North America held the largest share of the market, followed by Europe. The rising incidences of breast cancer, increasing awareness of breast reconstruction, and FDA approvals for breast reconstruction products in this region are the major factors driving the growth of the breast reconstruction in North America. Key Market Players; The prominent players operating in this market include Johnson & Johnson (US), Allergan (Ireland), Ideal Implant Incorporated (US), Sebbin (France), GC Aesthetics (Ireland), Polytech Health & Aesthetics (Germany), Sientra (US), Integra Lifesciences (US), RTI Surgical Holdings (US), Establishment Labs S.A. (Costa Rica), Silimed (Brazil), Laboratories Arion (France), Guangzhou Wanhe Plastic Materials Co. Ltd.(China), CEREPLAS (France), HansBiomed (South Korea), PMT Corporation (US), and Shanghai Kangning Medical Device (China) Johnson & Johnson is one of the leading players in the breast reconstruction market. The company offers a broad product portfolio across the globe. Over the years, the company has maintained its leading position in the market. Download PDF Brochure: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=186501593 Market Segmentation in Detailed: The breast implants segment is expected to dominate the breast reconstruction market; Based on the product, segmented into breast implants, tissue expanders, and acellular dermal matrix. The breast implants segment accounted for the largest market share in 2019. This is primarily attributed to the increasing incidences of breast cancer and the rising number of breast reconstruction procedures. Silicone implants hold the largest share of the market for breast implants; The breast implants market is segmented into silicone and saline implants. Silicone implants accounted for the largest market share in 2019 due to the large number of silicone breast implantation procedures performed across the globe. Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/04/2021 -- A new intelligence report released by HTF MI with title "Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Survey & Outlook" is designed covering micro level of analysis by Insurers and key business segments, offerings and sales channels. The Global Life and Non-Life Insurance offers energetic visions to conclude market size, opportunities, growth pattern, and competitive surroundings. The research is derived through primary and secondary sourced data and includes both qualitative and quantitative detailing. Some of the key players profiled in the study are China Life Insurance Group, Ping An Insurance Group, People's Insurance Co. of China, National Mutual Insurance federation of Agricultural Cooperatives, Nippon Life Insurance Co., Japan Post Insurance Co., Life Insurance corporation of India, MS&AD Insurance Group Holding Inc., Tokia marine holdings Inc., Dai-ichi Life holdings Co., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Cigna Corporation, Metlife Inc., Prudential Financial Inc., Aetna Inc., Centene Corporation, American International Group Inc., State Farm, CHINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, Anthem Inc., The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited & NIPPON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. What's keeping China Life Insurance Group, Ping An Insurance Group, People's Insurance Co. of China, National Mutual Insurance federation of Agricultural Cooperatives, Nippon Life Insurance Co., Japan Post Insurance Co., Life Insurance corporation of India, MS&AD Insurance Group Holding Inc., Tokia marine holdings Inc., Dai-ichi Life holdings Co., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Cigna Corporation, Metlife Inc., Prudential Financial Inc., Aetna Inc., Centene Corporation, American International Group Inc., State Farm, CHINA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, Anthem Inc., The People's Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited & NIPPON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Ahead in the Market? Benchmark yourself with the strategic moves and findings recently released by HTF MI Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/3392975-global-life-and-non-life-insurance-market-growth Market Overview of Life and Non-Life Insurance If you are involved in the Life and Non-Life Insurance industry or aim to be, then this study is vital to keep your market knowledge up-to-date. The Market is segmented by Applications [Direct, Agency, Banks & Other], Types / Coverage [, Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2016 to 2021 in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2026 in section 10.7., Individual & Group] and major players. To get deep dive in market, geographically 22+ jurisdictions or countries were summarized in the study from Asia Pacific, MEA, South America, Europe and North America. Geographically, the global version of report has following country inclusion: - North America [United States, Canada and Mexico] - Europe [Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, and Rest of Europe] - Asia-Pacific [China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia and Others] - South America [Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Rest of South America] - Middle East and Africa (South Africa, Turkey, Israel, GCC Countries and Rest of Africa) Have Any Query? Ask Our Expert @: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/3392975-global-life-and-non-life-insurance-market-growth This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Country; Insurance carriers, Aggregators should focus in years to come to channelize their efforts and investments in Life and Non-Life Insurance to maximize growth and profitability. The growth in 2020 is noticeably slower and mature markets in North America and Western Europe requires "heavy lifting" to address such trends due to the dynamic macroeconomic and regulatory environment. The distribution channels in the insurance industry, is always of great importance, reflecting the "push" nature of Life and Non-Life Insurance offering in the industry. The distribution model has continued to evolve as insurers try to better connect with their customers. Over the years, the Life and Non-Life Insurance industry has seen a clear dominance of face-to face selling (agents and brokers). However, with the increasing penetration of the Internet and customers preferring convenience, the digital mode of sales is becoming increasingly popular in Life and Non-Life Insurance. Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year 2016-2020 Base year 2020 Forecast period 2021 to 2026 Access Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Report Now; Buy Latest Edition@: https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=3392975 Major Highlights of TOC: Chapter One: Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Industry Overview 1.1 Life and Non-Life Insurance Industry 1.1.1 Overview 1.1.2 Products of Major Companies 1.2 Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Segment 1.2.1 Industry Chain 1.2.2 Consumer Behaviour & Distribution Channels Chapter Two: Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Demand 2.1 Segment Overview Direct, Agency, Banks & Other 2.2 Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Size by Application/End USers (2016-2020) 2.3 Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Forecast by Application/End USers (2021-2026) Chapter Three: Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Market by Type 3.1 By Type , Segmentation by type: breakdown data from 2016 to 2021 in Section 2.3; and forecast to 2026 in section 10.7., Individual & Group 3.2 Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Size by Type (2016-2020) 3.3 Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Forecast by Type (2021-2026) Chapter Four: Life and Non-Life Insurance Market: by Region/Country 4.1 Life and Non-Life Insurance Market by Regions 4.2 Life and Non-Life Insurance Market Revenue & share by Region 4.3 North America 4.4 Europe 4.5 Asia Pacific 4.6 South America 4.7 Middle East & Africa Chapter Five: Player Analysis 5.1 Market Share Analysis by Players (2019-2021E) 5.2 Market Concentration Rate by Regions 5.3 Company Profiles ..........continued Browse Executive Summary and Complete Table of Content @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/3392975-global-life-and-non-life-insurance-market-growth Thanks for reading Life and Non-Life Insurance Industry research publication; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like USA, China, Southeast Asia, LATAM, APAC etc. About Author: HTF Market Intelligence consulting is uniquely positioned empower and inspire with research and consulting services to empower businesses with growth strategies, by offering services with extraordinary depth and breadth of thought leadership, research, tools, events and experience that assist in decision making. Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/04/2021 -- Latest released the research study on Global Protein snack Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Protein snack Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Protein snack. The study covers emerging player's data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Chavanaphat Company Limited. (Thailand),PhuKha Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. (Thailand),Rifold (Australia),Jack Link's Beef Jerky (United States),Country Archer Jerky Co. (United States),H.J. Heinz Company Brands LLC (United States),Dollar General (United States),Old Trapper (United States),JerkyXP (United States),Tillamook Country Smoker (United States). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/65196-global-protein-snack-market-1 Definition: Protein snacks are the highly value-added snack and filled with protein that is either plant-based protein or animal-based protein. Increasing the working population across the globe demands protein snacks as they are so busy to take enough protein intake thereby need of protein. Thus, increasing the working population and disposal income can be considered the major driver for the market. Additionally, increasing urbanization, change living style and rising demand for organic ingredients protein snack have been supplementing the overall growth of the market. However, the high cost associated with protein snack products and pricing wars between the key players further reduces the overall net profit of the company. These are the limiting factors in the operating market. Moreover, increasing consumption of packet food and easy to eat food in Asian countries can create new opportunities for the market in the forecasted period. Market Trend: Continuously Rising Trend for Organic Ingredients Protein Snack in North American and Asian Countries Increasing Cases for Chronic Prevalence of Malnutrition Problem Market Drivers: Increasing Demand from Working Population as they donat have time to take Enough Nutritional Intake due to Busy Life Style Increasing Demand from Urban Population due to Growing Disposal Income & Changing Life Style of People and Continuously Increasing Urbanization across the Globe Challenges: Intense Competition among Established Players Opportunities: Rising Number of Health Conscious People across the Globe Rising Consumption of Packet Food such as Snack from Highly Populated Countries such as India and China Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/65196-global-protein-snack-market-1 The Global Protein snack Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Jerky, Trail Mix, Greek Yogurt Parfait, Roasted Chickpeas, Protein bars, Beancurd Product, Milk Product, Others), Product Nature Type (Organic, Conventional), Distribution Channel (Offline (Supermarkets, Restaurants and Hotels, Malls), Online Channel), Source Type (Animal Source (Meat, Fish, Poultry), Plant Source) Analyst at AMA have conducted special survey and have connected with opinion leaders and Industry experts from various region to minutely understand impact on growth as well as local reforms to fight the situation. A special chapter in the study presents Impact Analysis of COVID-19 on Global Protein snack Market along with tables and graphs related to various country and segments showcasing impact on growth trends. Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. What benefits does AMA research study is going to provide? - Latest industry influencing trends and development scenario - Open up New Markets - To Seize powerful market opportunities - Key decision in planning and to further expand market share - Identify Key Business Segments, Market proposition & Gap Analysis - Assisting in allocating marketing investments Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Protein snack Market: Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Protein snack market Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary the basic information of the Protein snack Market. Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges of the Protein snack Chapter 4: Presenting the Protein snack Market Factor Analysis Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis. Chapter 5: Displaying market size by Type, End User and Region 2015-2020 Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Protein snack market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by manufacturers with revenue share and sales by key countries (2021-2026). Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Finally, Protein snack Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in decision framework. Get More Information: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/65196-global-protein-snack-market-1 Key questions answered - Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global Protein snack market? - What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global Protein snack market? - What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global Protein snack market? - What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors? Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia. Edison, NJ -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/04/2021 -- Latest Study on Industrial Growth of Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market 2021-2027. A detailed study accumulated to offer Latest insights about acute features of the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market. The report contains different market predictions related to revenue size, production, CAGR, Consumption, gross margin, price, and other substantial factors. While emphasizing the key driving and restraining forces for this market, the report also offers a complete study of the future trends and developments of the market. It also examines the role of the leading market players involved in the industry including their corporate overview, financial summary and SWOT analysis. The Major Players Covered in this Report: PivotLink, Jaspersoft Corp., Actuate Corp., SAS Institute Inc., Host Analytics Inc., GoodData Corp., Bime, Birst Inc., SAP AG, Indicee Inc., Cloud9 Analytics, Microstrategy Inc., Oracle Corp., Kognitio, IBM Corp., QlikTech International AB & TIBCO Software Inc. SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market Study guarantees you to remain / stay advised higher than your competition. With Structured tables and figures examining the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence, the research document provides you a leading product, submarkets, revenue size and forecast to 2027. Comparatively is also classifies emerging as well as leaders in the industry. Click To get SAMPLE PDF of SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market (Including Full TOC, Table & Figures) @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/sample-report/3398667-2020-2025-global-saas-based-business-intelligence-market-report-production-and-consumption-professional-analysis This study also covers company profiling, specifications and product picture, sales, market share and contact information of various regional, international and local vendors of Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market. The market proposition is frequently developing ahead with the rise in scientific innovation and M&A activities in the industry. Additionally, many local and regional vendors are offering specific application products for varied end-users. The new merchant applicants in the market are finding it hard to compete with the international vendors based on reliability, quality and modernism in technology. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/reports/3398667-2020-2025-global-saas-based-business-intelligence-market-report-production-and-consumption-professional-analysis The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: In-depth analysis of Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market segments by Types: , Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Community Cloud & Hybrid Cloud Detailed analysis of Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market segments by Applications: Query Reporting, Analysis Tools, Data Mining Tools & Data Warehousing Tools Major Key Players of the Market: PivotLink, Jaspersoft Corp., Actuate Corp., SAS Institute Inc., Host Analytics Inc., GoodData Corp., Bime, Birst Inc., SAP AG, Indicee Inc., Cloud9 Analytics, Microstrategy Inc., Oracle Corp., Kognitio, IBM Corp., QlikTech International AB & TIBCO Software Inc. Regional Analysis for Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market: - APAC (Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, India, and Rest of APAC; Rest of APAC is further segmented into Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka) - Europe (Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe; Rest of Europe is further segmented into Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Sweden, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania) - North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico) - South America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Rest of South America) - MEA (Saudi Arabia, UAE, South Africa) Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year 2015-2020 Base year 2020 Forecast period** 2021 to 2027 [** unless otherwise stated] **Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players. Buy Latest Edition of Market Study Now @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/buy-now?format=1&report=3398667 Key takeaways from the Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market report: Detailed considerate of SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market-particular drivers, Trends, constraints, Restraints, Opportunities and major micro markets. Comprehensive valuation of all prospects and threat in the In depth study of industry strategies for growth of the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market-leading players. SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market latest innovations and major procedures. Favorable dip inside Vigorous high-tech and market latest trends remarkable the Market. Conclusive study about the growth conspiracy of SaaS-Based Business Intelligence market for forthcoming years. What to Expect from this Report On SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market: 1. A comprehensive summary of several area distributions and the summary types of popular products in the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market. 2. You can fix up the growing databases for your industry when you have info on the cost of the production, cost of the products, and cost of the production for the next future years. 3. Thorough Evaluation the break-in for new companies who want to enter the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market. 4. Exactly how do the most important companies and mid-level companies make income within the Market? 5. Complete research on the overall development within the SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market that helps you elect the product launch and overhaul growths. Enquire for customization in Report @ https://www.htfmarketreport.com/enquiry-before-buy/3398667-2020-2025-global-saas-based-business-intelligence-market-report-production-and-consumption-professional-analysis Detailed TOC of SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market Research Report- SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Introduction and Market Overview SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market, by Application [Query Reporting, Analysis Tools, Data Mining Tools & Data Warehousing Tools] SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Industry Chain Analysis SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market, by Type [, Private Cloud, Public Cloud, Community Cloud & Hybrid Cloud] Industry Manufacture, Consumption, Export, Import by Regions (2015-2020) Industry Value ($) by Region (2015-2020) SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market Status and SWOT Analysis by Regions Major Region of SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Market i) Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Sales ii) Global SaaS-Based Business Intelligence Revenue & market share Major Companies List Conclusion Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, MINT, BRICS, G7, Western / Eastern Europe or Southeast Asia. Also, we can serve you with customize research services as HTF MI holds a database repository that includes public organizations and Millions of Privately held companies with expertise across various Industry domains. Paleontologists have identified a new genus and species of small-sized mesoeucrocodylian from the fossilized remains found in the Patagonian mountains of southern Chile. The newly-discovered crocodile species roamed Earth during the Late Jurassic epoch, some 148 million years ago. The ancient creature lived alongside giant titanosaurs and other sauropod dinosaurs as well as smaller herbivorous species such as Chilesaurus diegosuarezi. Named Burkesuchus mallingrandensis, it was a relatively small animal roughly 70 cm (27.5 inches) long. It belongs to Mesoeucrocodylia, a group that includes all living crocodiles and their fossil relatives. The discovery of Burkesuchus mallingrandensis expands the meagre record of non-pelagic representatives of this clade for the Jurassic period, said Dr. Fernando Novas, a researcher in the Laboratorio de Anatomia Comparada y Evolucion de los Vertebrados (LACEV) at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia and CONICET, and his colleagues. Previously recorded members of non-pelagic Jurassic Mesoeucrocodylia are the presumably fresh-water Atoposauridae, Goniopholididae and Paralligatoridae. Burkesuchus mallingrandensis expands the taxonomic diversity of Jurassic crocodylomorphs, they added. Nevertheless, its body size falls within the size range (i.e., less than 1 m or 3.3 feet in whole length) that was usual for most Triassic and Jurassic terrestrial crocodyliforms. The fossilized remains of Burkesuchus mallingrandensis were collected from beds of the Toqui Formation, cropping out in the mountains flanked by the Maitenes and Horquetas rivers in southern Chile. We found part of the skull, the vertebral column and the lower extremities of the animal, Dr. Novas said. This was a small crocodile no more than 70 cm long, in clear contrast to the 6-m- (20-foot) long marine crocodiles that were thriving back then in what is now the Chilean province of Neuquen, which was previously covered by the sea. Although we didnt find the snout of this species, its small size as well as its small and sharp teeth make us think that Burkesuchus mallingrandensis was a small carnivore that possibly fed on invertebrates such as insects or crustaceans, or small vertebrates such as fish, said Dr. Federico Agnolin, a paleontologist in the LACEV laboratory at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, CONICET and the Universidad Maimonides. What we know about Burkesuchus mallingrandensis that it didnt have the ability to capture large prey, or tear large chunks of meat as living crocodiles do. Burkesuchus mallingrandensis shows how the radiation of terrestrial crocodiles occured, Dr. Novas said. The shape of its body, its skull and its hind legs also shows us that it was on its way to modern crocodiles that inhabit lagoons and rivers. A paper on the findings was published in the journal Scientific Reports. _____ F.E. Novas et al. 2021. New transitional fossil from late Jurassic of Chile sheds light on the origin of modern crocodiles. Sci Rep 11, 14960; doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-93994-z It was not just fewer babies being born, perhaps, a population slump was seen with more people dying of the pandemic and other causes, making for more uncertainty. by Victor Cherubim With the pandemic, more rather than less people around the world, seem more likely to be living with their heads than their hearts, through fear and anxiety. It is also a fine time to generate new ideas on family life rather than work life and discover ways to boost affairs of the heart. Who said motherhood does not come during Coronavirus pandemic? Making the decision to have a baby is a monumental moment. If however, you are among my readers out there, let me be the first to say, Yay! as I am so excited for you and everything that you can realise, as you are the future. Some 730,000 babies are born each year, only in France. But when France went into lockdown in March 2020, the Baby Boom that was expected never happened. Although manycouples not only in France were restricted to their homes due to the pandemic, but life went on. Instead, the first nationwide results of births revealed particularly in France, a declinein the birth rate, or 53,000 births drop in the month of January 2020 as compared to a year earlier. Understandably some of it could be attributed to a natural decline in part, as women have in recent times waited longer in their work cycle to have babies. The pandemic, we note, resulted in some big changes in terms of work and unemployment. At the same time it postponed Baby Making because of the uncertainty and the fear of what may cause the new born. We also know it affected both fertility cycles and libido. What could happen when life gets back to normal? When life gets back to normal, if it ever gets back, we were told people may have a job again. In fact, when lockdown measures were eased on 11 May 2021, the question on people minds was,Will Baby Making catch up again, or perhaps, will we see a Boom? Sharp declines in babies being born 9 months or more after lockdowns in France and elsewhere, in Italy and Spain were alsorecorded. It was not just fewer babies being born, perhaps, a population slump was seen with more people dying of the pandemic and other causes, making for more uncertainty. A collapse in the number of new births in the industrialised economics as well as in the underdeveloped nations following the pandemic was expected. It was for all intents and purposes an economic crisis of massive proportions, only seen during war time. Why was there the fall in birth rates? Potential parents during the pandemic were typically anxious about their job security and their ability to support their new born. But this time, the added climate of fear of passing on any virus infection to their babies as well as to nurse their new born falling sick from the virus, was paramount. Italy was the first to feel the full force of COVID-19, recording a 21.6% decline in births in December 2020, compared to a year earlier. China too saw a 15% decline in registered new born. We could not have the statistical data for India, but it is likely that it would have been over than normal? However, COVID-19 did not hit the Northern Nordic nations as hard as some of the southern European states. But luckily, this trend was not necessarily a worldwide phenomenon. In the Philippines, the pandemic did trigger a Baby Boom, which we are not sure resulted in unwanted pregnancies and deaths in childbirth. Fewer marriages Besides, new births, there have also been fewer marriages, as wedding celebrations were first forbidden and then subject to restrictions on guest numbers. If this trend not only in baby births but also marriages were to persist, it would have profound implications for economies and for societies, affecting everything from immigration to education, as well as pensions. We know uncertainties are one of the lead reasons for trends why people dont have children, particularly in the western world. But fear of children born with COVID-19 infection may also be a reason for decline in birth rate in the East. Future workforce From new technologies to new career trajectories, new skill sets and new mind sets, changing workforce attitudes and new cyber security challenges added to birth rate decline, is putting an inordinate burden not only on parents but more so on governments around the world. Not only have Governments racked up enormous borrowing to service the debt that Coronavirus has lashed on the public purse, but the fall in birth rate could become a more permanent feature of life in years to come. HSBC Economist, James Pomeroy states that the worlds population may start to shrink in 2060. We have heard of Thomas Malthus, the 18th century British Philosopher and Economist used his theory to project population growth that food production was unable to keep up with population growth resulting in disease, famine and war. Falling population will no doubt hurt potential for growth, but especially tax revenues immediately. There is the argument for governments around the world to seriously having to boost cash payments to induce citizens to have children. 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29: ... code stack: /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html:25 /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm:951 /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj:17 /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html:149 Can't call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25. Trace begun at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Exceptions.pm line 129 HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25.^J') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 160 HTML::Mason::Component::run_dynamic_sub('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc00b62b778)', 'main') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 951 HTML::Mason::Request::call_dynamic('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00b5fd680)', 'main') called at /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj line 17 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc00b62b778)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1305 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 958 HTML::Mason::Request::call_next('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00b5fd680)') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html line 149 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7fc00b649ba0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1303 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 436 HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00b5fd680)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 165 HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00b5fd680)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 831 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7fc00acf8af0)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc00b4c3f88)') called at (eval 487) line 8 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7fc00b4c3f88)') called at -e line 0 eval {...} at -e line 0 Revised prediction for solarcycle 25 A revised prediction from the NASA High Altitude Observatory based at the University Of Colorado. NASA Heliophysicists have released a revised prediction for Solar Cycle 25. The report generated by Ricky Egeland a Solar Physicist working in the NASA Space Radiation Analysis Group now calls for the peak of Solar Cycle 25 to top out at a value of 195 17 based upon the new scale for calculating Smoothed Sun Spot Number. For reference Solar Cycle 21 peaked at an SSN 233 (new scale) while Solarcycle 23 peaked at an SSN of 180 (new scale). If this predictions holds up Ham Radio will see Excellent Worldwide F Layer Conditions on 10 Meters for several years around Solar Max. 6 Meters conditions should be good in the Equinox Periods before and after Solar Max with consistent openings on Medium Haul Polar Routes. 6 Meter routes traversing the equator should experience consistent openings 9 months from Solar Max. Ricky Egeland is a particpating member in the group headed up by Scott McIntosh and Bob Leamon that published a paper 9 months ago outlining the existance magnetic bands within the Sun that govern the Sunspot and Hale Cycles. At the time of its publishing the paper went on to predict the peak of Solar Cycle 25 could be as high Solarcycle 21. Today's released is a revised prediction based upon data observed since the original paper was published. To be sure we are still in early days. The Solar Rotation Cycle as marked by Sunspot Activity was established on April 19, 2021 so we are only 90 Days into actually observing Cycle 25 Activity. It is now agreed the dramactic run-up in Sunspot Activity we experienced late Last Fall while tied to Cycle 25 was an outlier. When asked directly about whether they can declare if the Terminator Event they wrote about in the Fall 2020 Paper has occurred Scott McIntosh stated "We can't be sure just yet but we are very very close". It also should be noted that while it has been over a year since the sun produced a Cycle 24 Region with a Sunspot worthy of a NASA Classification the Sun has been steadily producing Spotless SC 24 Active Regions the last of which formed right on the Solar Equator at N00-W54 on July 24,2021 as recorded by Jan Alvestad's Solar Terrestial Activity Report Website. These Active Regions being part of a Solarcycle in its final stages of existence produce no spots and only last for a few hours before they dissipate away. The previous SC24 Active Region formed on June 28, 2021. Once the SC24 active regions cease forming Solar Cycle 25 will take off in earnest. Bob Marston AA6XE Bob Marston AA6XE email - aa6xe@arrl.net Ricky Egeland email - egeland@ucar.edu Scott McIntosh email - mscott@ucar.edu Bob Leamon via Twitter - https://twitter.com/leamonrj All our debtors would want us to settle our full liabilities immediately. Our cost of borrowing would increase beyond measure. We simply would not be able to borrow any more. Unless we become a vassal State to a country such as China we simply will not be able to exist. We are bringing out gold coins to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. Already many institutions have only Chinese name boards no Sinhala, no Tamil and not even English. The following essay is based on the speech by the author as a legislator in the House by Justice C.V.Wigneswaran, M.P. It is with a heavy heart that I rise to speak on the Central Bank Report 2020. We are at the threshold of erasing our unblemished record with regard to Debt Repayment. If we Default on any loan it is likely to trigger cross-default acrossall our loans. That as you can imagine, Sir, would be an unmitigated disaster. All our debtors would want us to settle our full liabilities immediately. Our cost of borrowing would increase beyond measure. We simply would not be able to borrow any more. Unless we become a vassal State to a country such as China we simply will not be able to exist. We are bringing out gold coins to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. Already many institutions have only Chinese name boards no Sinhala, no Tamil and not even English. So perhaps preparation is already afoot to make us a distant province of China in anticipation of where we are heading! Have we forgotten what this means in terms of geo politics? Do we want to cut our nose to spite the face? One particularly troubling matter is our inability to meet our recurring expenditure through government revenues. The taxation policy that was introduced in 2020 significantly reduced Government revenue in terms of taxation. While this was no doubt beneficial to the ordinary citizen the cost of living that has burst through the roof has more than off-set any benefit from the changed policy in taxation. The result is that the Government coffers remain constantly under pressure with no economic growth. So the problem is we cannot even generate enough revenue to meet our loan obligations and effect the payment of Salaries. This means that the Government cannot even maintain the status quo without resorting to further borrowing. Not only have we been caught in the debt trap, but it looks like we dont even want to get out of it talking only politics to get one over each other. Recently HonourableKeheliaRambukwela told the Press that the Sri Lankan Government has paid one billion dollars as loan repayment. He was proud of it. But he has forgotten to tell us as to when the balance 34 billion would be paid! Be that as it may, I am told Letters of Credit have been refused to certain institutions due to paucity of dollars. Our Reserves have gone down to perilous levels? We may not be able to import petrol or diesel. I think it was Dr.W.Dahanayake who came to Parliament by Bullock Cart long ago when Petrol prices went up. That was due to a price hike. But the present situation is much worse. There will be no petrolnor diesel even if you could afford to buy. We have been printing paper money recently at levels previously unheard of setting daily, weekly and monthly records. Our currency is being propped up by artificial and extra legal means. The writing is on the wall and we are blissfully engaged in petty politics even in respect of the most vulnerable groups. Where have we brought our citizens to? We are prepared to play the fiddle like Nero while the flames of hunger, debt and despair ravage our fellow citizens. The fertilizer imports were stopped saying we must go for organic fertilizers locally. Noble idea no doubt. But such stoppage was not to save the people from chemical fertilizers. It was to save our dollars that the decision was taken, but like everything else packaged in nationalist terms. Where is the scientific basis for such a decision? Which institution recommended such decision in such drastic terms to the Government? Which is the Government organization that recommended such a dramatic shift overnight without any transitional period? Were studies conducted? Were projections made on the yields that will be expected with the introduction of the decision not to import chemical fertilizers? I am given to understand that the Government is considering importing rice from countries which use the same chemical fertilizers. That means the Government stopped the import of chemical fertilizers not due to their concern towards its citizens but due to paucity of dollars. In any event what steps have the Government taken to ensure a free flow of organic fertilizers? Would it not take at least three to four years for the earth to get used to organic fertilizers after using inorganic fertilizers for so long? Meanwhile will not production come down drastically? At the very least, is it not possible for this Government to tell its citizens the truth? Must everything be viewed through the lens of politics even at this perilous juncture in history? If I have to refer to the situation in the Northern Province the stoppage of fertilizer imports is going to have a long term negative effect on our economy. Already our Provincial GDP contribution in 2019 was 4.7% only. So many years of war has had a deleterious effect on our economy. Added to that the continuation of the occupation by the Military of the Northern Province has had a negative effect on our performance. Adding to the farmers woes is the Military doing agriculture in the North and East. This affects the locals since the Military is able to produce agricultural products cheaply with the several benefits they enjoy while the farmer finds it difficult to produce and market their goods. In any event no proper planning has been done to find markets for our local produce. I hope the new Minister of Agriculture would take effective steps for the farmers in the North to market their goods. The Northern economy is almost in a stagnant state. Honourable Minister Aluthgamage, who speaks our language too, will no doubt help to alleviate the precarious state into which our farmers have fallen. I have time and again advised my Sinhala friends on both sides of the Parliament that they should take us, the Tamils, into confidence, solve our problems and invite investments from our diaspora. Our brethren abroad including our Sinhalese brethren would gladly bring in enough foreign currency to tide over the calamitous situation we are in. But our Sinhala politicians are like the moths wanting to run into the burning light and burn themselves out. They are prepared to trust the Chinese but not the Tamils! Let me again appeal to the saner sections of our Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhist intelligentsia to consider closing ranks with the Tamils and Muslims and allow copious flow of capital into the Country to tide over the serious foreign exchange problem we are facing today. This is the time to come together to save this Country. I thank you. In June 2020 at Lively Stone Church of God, the Rev. Darryl Gray, left, Myron Gray, middle, and Bishop Lee Scott distributed masks to representatives of any St. Louis and St. Louis County church that planned to reopen. A recent study concluded that more than 40 percent of Black churchgoers polled favor a hybrid model of in-person and online services. Missouris public colleges and universities including Harris-Stowe State University are unable to mandate vaccinations as the Delta variant of COVID-19 is causing a surge in cases. Students will be asked to wear masks indoors and practice social distancing. Research in Singapore, which is to be published in The Lancet, concluded that patients with the delta variant faced higher odds of requiring oxygen, needing intensive care, or dying. And a study in India, which was also posted online and not yet peer-reviewed, found that in the second wave of infection, when the delta variant was dominant, patients faced a greater risk of dying, especially those under the age of 45. About 1,100 people have been admitted to hospitals Miami Dade and also in Broward counties with COVID in the last seven days, the most of any counties in the U.S. The county with the next highest number of COVID admissions is Los Angeles County which has 8 million more residents. Migoya said at the peak last summer, Jackson Healths COVID patients made up 49% of the health systems overall patient count. Now, they make up 21%. We are all very busy in our [Emergency Departments], he said. Jackson has 280 COVID patients; at its peak last summer the health system had 500 COVID patients. The spike is strong, the last few days it moved up. We are four weeks in. Last summers surge lasted six weeks to the peak. We are saying one to three weeks more but who knows? We are preparing for the worst. Jackson CEO Carlos Migoya said South Florida hospitals continue to see patients stream into their emergency departments. The spike is strong, the last few days it moved up. We are four weeks in, he said. Last summers surge lasted six weeks to the peak. We are saying one to three weeks more, but who knows? We are preparing for the worst. His employer policy prohibits him from naming specific airlines, but he was able to speak in general term. Bigger airlines that serve the whole country or multiple countries are typically able to handle cancellations and delays more easily than smaller or more regional airlines, he said. They have more flexibility in scheduling and diverting planes if weather or other issues arise. Weve implemented a more thorough reboot of the network, allowing us to reassign our crews more efficiently and restore the network faster. As a result, cancellation numbers will progressively drop in the days to come, the airline said in an emailed statement. This booking image provided by the Miami-Dade Police Department shows Maxwell Berry, 22, of Norwalk, Ohio, who was arrested Saturday, July 21, 2021, at Miami International Airport and charged with three counts of misdemeanor battery, according to a Miami-Dade police report. Berry is accused of groping two female flight attendants and punching a male flight attendant during a flight from Philadelphia to Miami, officials said. (Miami-Dade Police Department via AP) (AP) If masking is optional, teachers have zero role in regulating mask wearing, and the union position is they should not get involved, even if a parent has notified them they want their child wearing a mask, Katz said. It is not our job. We have zero authority by way of district policy or state statute to enforce mask wearing by parent preference. It will only cause disruption and drama to try to enforce an unenforceable parent preference to mask their child. That is between the child and their parent. Period. Max Schachter, father of victim Alex Schachter, said no video could capture the gravity of the crime. The jury should have complete and unfettered access to the crime scene, he said. Looking at pictures and or video is not the same thing as walking the actual hallways and into the classrooms where the victims were murdered. The question is we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state, DeSantis asserted. And I can tell you, Florida, were a free state. People are going to be free to choose to make their own decisions about themselves, about their families, about their kids education and about putting food on the table. Let me tell you this: If youre coming after the rights of parents in Florida, Im standing in your way. Im not going to let you get away with it. The forecast from NOAAs Climate Prediction Center predicts 7 to 10 hurricanes, up from the pre-season forecast of six to 10. The agency predicts a total of 15 to 21 named storms, which means those with winds speeds of at least 39 mph, up from its earlier prediction of 13 to 20. The number of expected major hurricanes, which means those with winds of at least 111 mph, held steady at three to five. Spain's National Police force has arrested a man, who is a local police officer in Benalmadena, for the alleged sexual abuse of two minors. Inquiries began after the pair made the accusation and National Police investigators arrested the Local Police officer last Saturday. On Monday the courts issued a restraining order preventing him from contacting or approaching the minors. National Police officers are working to determine if there could be more victims, and town hall sources have said the council is waiting to receive the crime file for their employee, who is currently on leave. Spain's state Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has activated a yellow alert this Wednesday, 4 August, for high temperatures that could approach 40 degrees in the Andalusian provinces of Cordoba, Jaen, Malaga and Seville. After a few days break, the terral wind will return and blow hot air onto the Costa del Sol again with forecasts of the mercury hitting 38 degrees. Aemet said similar temperatures can be expected in the provinces of Cordoba, Jaen and Seville. All alerts are activated 1pm to 8pm, except in Malaga province, where the temperature is expected to peak between 3pm and 9pm. As Jose Luis Escudero explains in his SUR blog, Storms and Lightning, some areas of the Guadalhorce Valley, including Pizarra and Alora, could see the mercury hit 37 or 38 degrees. The Guardia Civil have staged a reconstruction of events after a 36-year-old Russian woman was allegedly killed by her partner in Rincon de la Victoria, before he drove the body some 40 kilometres and tried to burn it on a bonfire in Maro, on Monday evening. Police officers took the accused, a 53-year-old Spanish man, who was being held in custody, back to the property for a three-hour investigation of the house and garage. Officers believe there was a fight between the couple at the apartment they had rented for three months in the Nuevo Rincon area, and the Russian woman died at the hands of her partner. It is understood he used a trolley to take the body, covered in cardboard so no-one would see it, to the basement garage where his car was parked. Nerja bonfire A neighbour helped the suspect lift the body into the car after being told the girl had hit her head and that he was taking her to hospital. However, the witness was not satisfied with the answer and he saw that there were traces of blood in the parking area, so he called the emergency services on 112 at around 6pm. Police quickly arrived on the scene, but the man had already left, and a description of the vehicle was circulated to other officers. Shortly after 7pm the emergency services received another call when a Nerja resident found a body burning on a bonfire in a ravine in the Maro area, between the Aguila Aqueduct and the A-7 Mediterranean motorway bridge. The suspect was arrested just ten minutes later, when he returned to the garage of the Rincon apartment block where he lived. SUR sources have said that he acknowledged that he had killed his partner and that he had tried to dispose of the body on a bonfire in Maro. Although there is no record of previous violence between the couple, it has transpired that they were recently questioned by Local Police in Rincon de la Victoria, after they spotted them at a municipal park at 2am in the morning. Officers said they found it suspicious that the couple was in the park at that time, but the pair said everything was fine. When the police saw the two again, later, they noticed that the woman slapped the mans hand away when he was going to grab her by the waist. Police questioned the pair separately and even asked the woman if she had any injuries, but she brushed it off as part of a couples normal heated discussion. The fifth wave of the coronavirus pandemic continues to advance strongly in Andalucia and, for this reason, the territorial committees of High Impact Public Health in the region's eight provinces have proposed curfews in more large towns. Last week there were three (Marbella, Estepona and Montoro) and this week the list has gone goes up to eight. According to the specific evaluation reports the Junta de Andalucia is calling for the restriction of movement at night, from 2am to 7am, for having exceeded the cumulative incidence rate of 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the following municipalities: Cadiz: Conil de la Frontera and Paterna de Rivera Huelva: Punta Umbria Jaen: Mengibar Malaga: Campillos Seville: Marchena, Tocina and El Cuervo de Sevilla The restrictions will not come into force until they have been ratified by the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia, the TJSA. SUBSCRIBER E-EDITION AND ONLINE LOGIN DIRECTIONS Current print subscribers: click "Get Started" below and use your subscription account number (Found on the top left of your newspaper mailing label) to activate your FREE access to the e-Edition and online stories. Log in with the username and password you registered on this website. Unlimited website access 24/7 Unlimited e-Edition access 24/7 The best local, regional and national news in sports, politics, business and more! With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading The Henderson News. Note: Special one-year subscription at a reduced price for first-time subscribers or for subscriptions that have been expired for at least one year those living in Jackson County and the Cherokee Indian Reservation (28719) addresses qualify. Offer good through Friday, Aug. 2, 2019. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover; we do not accept AMEX. MBABANE Twenty Nkosinathi Dlamini claims that he was on duty when he accidentally shot two people during a funeral at Lomahasha last month. Dlamini is the police officer who allegedly killed two people using a service rifle at Lomahasha in the Lubombo Region. It is alleged that on July 17, 2021, near KaTolo, Dlamini (allegedly) unlawfully killed Mcolisi Sigubhu Nyoni and Sifiso Mpostoli Masilela. In his application for bail, Dlamini told the court that he was being attacked by a group of 40 people who wanted to kill him. He narrated that on July 17, having knocked off from work on the very same morning; he went to sleep since he was meant to report for duty in the evening of the same day at 10pm. He said having taken a nap in the late afternoon, together with one Mdletshe, they went to braai some meat at Take a Chance Restaurant and after that he went back to his house. The accused claimed that since there was nothing he was doing he decided to report early for work. According to Dlamini, when he arrived at his workstation he did the usual routine, which is or was inclusive of the recording of his report in the occurrence book (OB). He told the court that he was recorded on the OB by Constable Detective Mamba and further deployed to guard at the Vat Camp, where they had been instructed by their superiors that due to the unrest that was prevailing in the kingdom, it should be guarded 24 hours. Dlamini said he then proceeded to Vat Camp to resume duty and as usual, he was carrying a service rifle. According to the accused, while at his dutystation, about three people informed him that there were individuals who were fighting at Take it Easy Restaurant, where the fight was caused by imbibers. He recounted that, after receiving such information and being acquainted with most members of the community whom he had always assisted whenever there were squabbles, he then proceeded to the scene. Noise Dlamini informed the court that as he was approaching, he could tell that there was a lot of noise at a certain KaPeter homestead and he concluded that the people he had referred to above, probably meant that the squabble was at that homestead. Upon arrival at the said homestead, which I was acquainted with and knew that there were preparations for a funeral thereat and even before I could investigate the report, a group of 40 people identified me as a member of the Royal Eswatini Police Service and started hurling insults at me, submitted the accused. He further claimed that they attacked him carrying an assortment of weapons including bush knives, handmade knives, knobkerries and all sort of weapons. I tried to escape from the group which was attacking me for unknown reasons and my escape efforts were becoming more and more in vain and it was then that I used the service rifle to pave an escape route, he argued. Dlamini said the assault continued, with the group of people even having stripped him the top of his police uniform and trying to dispose him of the service rifle which he had cocked at the time. He claimed that the group was also trying to take the gun from him. As I had reasonable belief that once the gun was taken from me, I was going to get shot, the service rifle fired two shots and the group of people dispersed with about two of them remaining behind. I then realised that the two shots from the service rifle had hit two people and they were already lying on the ground. The bail application is still pending at the High Court and the Crown is yet to indicate whether it is opposing same or not. The accused is represented by Linda Dlamini of Linda Dlamini & Associates in Mbabane. MBABANE Some supporters of MP Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and MP Mthandeni Dube have been asking themselves what kind of judgment Judge Mumcy Dlamini is likely to issue on the pairs bail application. Judge Dlamini reserved judgment in the application for bail filed by the two MPs last Monday which was argued last Thursday. The judge said she would consider the submissions made by the accused persons and the Crown and issue a judgment on a date to be determined by the registrar of the High Court. Some of the MPs supporters fear that Judge Dlamini might not grant the two bail, while others think she will. Last Thursday, before the bail application was argued, others were already asking questions regarding whether Judge Dlamini would release the two MPs. Companion Nawucabanga batawphuma? asked a supporter of the MPs, wanting to know if his companion thought the judge would grant the bail application. This was because some of the people who were in court and others who did not attend the proceedings, were of the view that the judge would issue a ruling soon after the submissions. However, the judge reserved judgment. Some even asked reporters if they thought the two would be released. They were informed that judges consider issues of law before issuing judgments. Judge Dlamini has been described by many as one not to be intimidated in that in 2014, she granted bail to seven Peoples United Democratic Movement (PUDEMO) members, who were also charged for allegedly contravening the Suppression of Terrorism Act 2008. Charged Mabuza and Dube have been charged with same, however, Mabuza alone faces an extra charge of breaching COVID-19 regulations. The seven PUDEMO members were arrested for being found in possession of the banned organisations T-shirts. The arrested members were current PUDEMO President Mlungisi Makhanya, who was the secretary general at the time, Bongani Gama, Brian Ntshangase, Mangaliso Khumalo, Bafana Magongo, Ntobeko Maseko and Siza Tsabedze. Judge Dlamini fixed their bail amount at E15 000 each. The judge ordered each of the accused to pay E5 000 cash and provide surety for the balance. The septet was arrested on April 24, 2014 near the High Court, where the trial of The Nation Magazine Editor Bheki Makhubu and Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko was ongoing. They were charged with four counts which included contravening the Suppression of Terrorism Act No.3 of 2008 and Sedition and Subversive Activities Act No.3 of 2008. There was complete silence in court when Judge Dlamini read the last part of the 16-page judgment. In her judgment, the judge stated that the Crown strenuously argued that the charges faced by the accused were of a serious nature and she agreed with it in that regard. Generally speaking, all criminal charges are serious in their nature although one must add that it is not from mere reading of a charge that one may infer its seriousness. One has to go further and read the act, commission or omission said to have been committed, she stated. Judge Dlamini stated that the respondent (Crown) also alluded to other grounds such as that the applicants (seven accused) might commit the same offence if released and that they might interfere with Crown witnesses. She said it was not an issue that all the applicants had families in the country. This included Makhanya, who, although was said to have both his businesses in South Africa and came to the country to be with his wife and children almost every weekend. The factor that all the applicants have their families or emotional ties, as we often say, on its own fortifies the ground that the applicants are rooted in the country and this mitigates the likelihood of evading trial, Judge Dlamini stated. Penalty She further said another factor that required attention was the ability of the applicants to flee. She said against this ground was the Crowns case, the stringent penalty or seriousness of the charge. A perusal of the four counts reflects that mischief alleged against the applicants is that they unlawfully solicited or gave support to a terrorist entity (PUDEMO) by wearing T- shirts with inscription PUDEMO. Nothing turns on enchanting of terrorist slogans because there are no specific words mentioned in the indictment indicating same, she said. The judge said although the applicants faced four counts, two under the Suppression of Terrorism Act and two under the Subversive Activities Act, only one act was reflected on all the counts and that was of wearing T- shirts and berets belonging to the proscribed entity. Judge Dlamini further stated that the Crown counsel, during the hearing, submitted that the applicants were charged with the offence of violence. She said when Crown counsel was pressed by the court to demonstrate same from the charges; he informed the court that he was withdrawing such a submission. The judge said on this, nothing much was left to be said on the seriousness of the charge or penalty. Judge Dlamini granted them bail and ordered all the accused to submit all their travelling documents or passports to the head of investigation team and not apply for any. Challenged The accused challenged the constitutionality of certain sections of the Suppression of Terrorism Act and the High Court ruled in their favour. Government filed an appeal which is still pending in the Supreme Court due to the fact that most of the judges dealt with the matter one way or the other, and they are conflicted to deal with the appeal. In another matter, in April 2014, Judge Dlamini ordered the release of The Nation Editor Bheki Makhubu and Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko from custody after they were arrested for contempt of court following articles in the magazine in March 2014. The two, who were first jailed in March 18, had written articles that criticised the countrys Judiciary, which was headed by the now deceased Michael Ramodibedi. Judge Mumcy Dlamini nullified their arrest warrants and ordered that Maseko and Makhubu be released. Former High Court Judge Mpendulo Simelane issued new arrest warrants in that Makhubu and Maseko had supposedly failed to appear before him on April 1, 2014 and they were re-arrested. They were eventually released by the Supreme Court after spending 15 months behind bars. In November last year, Judge Dlamini said she would not be releasing accused persons who had been arrested for robbery during the festive period. Robbery As a result, four men, who had been accused of robbery, had to spend Christmas behind bars after the judge granted them bail but ordered that they should be released the following year. Judge Dlamini said they would be released on January 31, 2021. She said she had forgotten that it was the festive season - season for robberies. Asenihlale bantfu batokhona kudla Khisimusi kahle (you should stay in custody while people celebrate Christmas in peace). Kute umuntfu lengitamkhipha nyalo (I wont release anyone), she told the accused persons. The accused persons were Saga Hayden Rosa, Ntokozo Matsenjwa, Nathi Dlamini and Mpendulo Dlamini. They had been charged with robbery. Forgotten After the matter had been called, Judge Dlamini said: This group is for robberies. Besengikhohliwe kutsi ngu December, meaning that she had forgotten that it was the festive season during that period. It is time for robberies now that its almost December. All along I have been dealing with rape and SODV cases, but now it is robberies. People want to go on holiday and celebrate Christmas in peace. Your bail is granted but it will be effected on January 31, 2021, the judge said. One of the accused tried to explain that he would behave himself once released but the judge heard none of it. Judge Dlamini told him that a lot of people had lost their property due to robbery and some of the stolen items were being taken out of the country. MANZINI The much anticipated civil servants salary review talks between government and PSAs have been grounded. This is because one of the members of the public sector associations (PSAs), the National Public Service and Allied Workers Union (NAPSAWU), has taken a stand not to partake in meetings with government. This follows the fact that in one of the cases between government and the trade union, the administration questioned its locus standi. A source close to the matter said following governments decision to question the NAPSAWUs locus standi, the union informed the administration in writing that it would not partake in any meeting with it until the matter at hand was resolved. The source said the employer, through the government negotiation team (GNT), was supposed to invite PSAs to the roundtable, where one of the issues to be discussed was the 2021/22 salary review. He said this follow the fact that government asked the PSAs to withdraw the issue of the salary review from court so that it could be discussed at the roundtable. This publication gathered that on July 27, 2021 government, through the Principal Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Public Service, Sipho Tsabedze, sent a correspondence to the four unions under the PSAs banner and invited them to a virtual Joint Negotiation Forum (JNF) today at 10am. However, on Monday, government sent another letter to the PSAs, postponing the proposed JNF. In the letter, the PS said the Ministry of Public Service was advising them that the meeting which was scheduled for August 4, 2021 (today) had been postponed to Wednesday August 11, 2021 at 10am. The PS confirmed the postponement of the JNF and said the reason was that NAPSAWU had pulled out of any meetings with the employer pending the finalisation of the issue of the unions locus standi. He added that until the issue was sorted, it would be impossible to have the JNF because they would not form a quorum. The JNF guidelines say it cannot be held if one of the members of PSAs was not available. NAPSAWU President Oscar Nkambule also confirmed the developments. It is worth noting that civil servants last had a salary review during the 2016/17 financial year, wherein the public sector workers were awarded between 14 and 32 per cent increments. It was agreed that another one would be held this financial year. On another note, there were appeals regarding the 2016/17 salary review and recently, government told the PSAs that it had reserved about E85 million for the implementation of the said appeals. However, it said the money was used on COVID-19 related needs and as such government did not have money for the exercise. After that, government submitted that the 2021/22 salary review exercise would not be held until the economic situation of the country had improved. Thereafter, since the unions were armed with a court order that it obtained using a the 2016/17 collective agreement between the two parties, which was to the effect that in 2021/22, there should be a salary review and government was supposed to implement its recommendations as it is, took the employer to court. It was then that government asked the PSAs to withdraw the matter from court so that they could discuss if at the roundtable. MANZINI Government should do away with external examinations this year, says the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT). President of SNAT Mbongwa Dlamini said his organisation had submitted to government that external examinations should be suspended this year as pupils had not been afforded an opportunity to learn much. He said they had suggested that all examinations be deferred to next year such that those writing a syllabus under the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) would sit for them in June next year. He said during this period, the Cambridge University offered supplementary examinations for pupils which the local pupils could take as their final examinations. Challenges The SNAT president suggested that this was because the examinations under the IGCSE were set at an earlier period and did not accommodate the challenges the country faced. European countries vaccinated their citizens long ago and they do not have the same challenges as ours; so insisting that learners write the exams could be to their detriment, Dlamini said. Furthermore, Dlamini said the examinations set by the Eswatini Examinations Council (ECESWA) could also be written next year to accommodate lessons that would empower pupils to qualify for tertiary and not struggle with grasping certain concepts once they were enrolled there. The unionist said it was high time that government considered altering the school calendar in order to address the challenges the country faced. He further said an advantage was that academic years in tertiary institutions began in August or early September annually. Targets Worth noting is that last year, SNAT had said in order for teachers to meet their desired targets, government needed to engage head teachers to permit them to teach only examinable topics. We usually teach everything and given the delay, government needs to permit schools to trim the syllabus so that learners cover essential topics that they will be examined on. The organisation said there were topics that were covered in two or more subjects that would need to be trimmed in order for pupils and teachers to maximise the minimal time they had. For example, it was said: There are topics like cattle farming in agriculture which are also catered for in geography. It was also suggested that alternatively, government must engage with his association to have teachers work overtime. It was said the overtime would be in that the teachers were to use their personal time to cover all that needed to be taught. To this, the Ministry of Education and Training said there was an examination syllabus that was used in schools to prepare pupils. It was said teachers were aware of that and in most instances they usually started with it when preparing pupils. MANZINI As schools reopen on Monday, there is a dilemma on the academic fate of pupils as head teachers believe they are not ready for examinations. External classes are expected to first have oral examination assessments and under normal circumstances, these are undertaken in the last week of August or beginning of September. The concerns of the head teachers are that learners only had about 60 days of face-to-face learning this year as schools reopened on March 29, 2021, after an impromptu closure on March 17, 2020. The schools had been closed since June 29, 2021, after the then Acting Prime Minister (PM), Themba Masuku, announced that the third wave of COVID-19 had hit the country. Rotational They are expected to reopen next Monday (August 9, 2021). During this closure, pupils are said to have lost about 40 days of learning, amid on rotational basis as means to avoid large groups which could propel the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Secretary General of the Swaziland Association of Schools Administrators (SASA) Siphasha Dlamini said if it were her choice, the Ministry of Education and Training would consider the reopening of schools next Monday as the first term. She said this would then mean pupils would be assessed through final examinations next August. This, she said, was because pupils sitting for their Form III external examinations only had classes for the whole duration of an academic year when they were in Form I. Classes Last year, pupils who were not sitting for their external exams didnt attend classes, but were tutored through media platforms such that they were not assessed, Dlamini said. This year, she said, they had only had about 60 days of face-to-face learning despite that they were expected to sit for their external examinations soon. Dlamini said it was the same case with pupils who were to sit for their external examinations in Form V. This, she said, was because the learners last had time to engage and learn fully in class when they were in Form III. The examinations that they are meant to sit for are for lessons that are taught in three and two years, respectively. So, what have they learnt for them to be assessed? she asked rhetorically. Dlamini said if it were her choice, all the external examinations would be suspended; more so, because there had been no communication on whether examinations would be shifted. On the other hand, Eswatini Principals Association (EPA) President Welcome Mhlanga said they were anticipating engaging on the issue of external examinations with the ministry before the end of the week. Mhlanga expressed uncertainty on whether the meeting would result in the scrapping of external examinations for this year; mostly the curriculum that is set locally. He acknowledged that COVID-19 had altered the education system schedule in the country. Mhlanga said they had raised the issues and they were hoping that in the meeting of stakeholders in the education sector, the challenges would be discussed. Results Weve raised concerns and we hope that the meeting will yield results which may include cancelling of external examinations, especially the local ones or the extension of timelines. This will need to follow the relevant steps for implementation, Mhlanga said. He said the biggest challenge was that there was minimal time for lessons and a way forward needed to be forged. Mhlanga said there would be a challenge with practical examinations as pupils had not learned much and the impromptu closure of schools had exacerbated the situation. Mhlanga said the Examinations Council of Eswatini (ECESWA) would have to manage the issue of practical examinations and then communicate with schools. Meanwhile, the country has started a rollout programme to vaccinate teachers for COVID-19 as a means to bring normality in the education sector. Prime Minister (PM) Sipho Dlamini, on Monday, reported that government had moved the country to an adjusted Level 3 of the COVID-19 regulations. The PM said during the school days wherein learners attended classes, they were unable to attend on all days of the week due to the rotational and blended schedules designed to ensure they (pupils) adhered to COVID-19 regulations such as social distancing. The PM said government fully recognised the importance of prioritising education even during emergencies as educational institutions remained a critical sector towards socio-economic development. Spanish infrastructure major Acciona has announced that it has secured the main contract worth 337 million ($398 million) for the Jubail 3B Independent Water Plant (IWP) in Saudi Arabia. Located 65 km north of Dammam airport in Saudi Arabia, the Jubail 3B IWP plant will produce 570,000 cu m/day of potable water through reverse osmosis technology to supply the cities of Jubail and Dammam. The plant will include storage facilities for one operational day in addition to in-house renewable energy capacity to reduce grid electricity consumption throughout the desalination process. The plant, being set up on a build, own, operate (BOO) model, will begin operations in 2024. During the first half, Acciona clinched new contracts worth 4.65 billion, of which 2.36 billion corresponded to construction and water projects, said the Spanish company in its H1 results statement issued recently. Besides the Jubail 3B desalination plant contract,. its other big wins include the Playa Carmen-Tulum stretch of the Mayan Railway in Mexico (315 million), the upgrade of the Frankston railway line in Melbourne, Australia (213 million) and various projects in Poland (249 million). In June, TradeArabia had reported that Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC) has signed a deal with a consortium led by French energy giant Engie for the commercial close of Jubail 3B Independent Water Project. The consortium, which included Saudi-based Nesma Company and Abdulaziz Al Ajlan Sons for Commercial and Real Estate Investment Company (each with a 30% stake in the project), was named the preferred bidder by SWPC in April for its SR1.591 halalas per cu m of potable water tariff. SWPC also signed a 25-year Water Purchase Agreement with the consortium in the presence of Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Engineer Abdulrahman Al Fadli.-TradeArabia News Service Menap-SMI (Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan Self Medication Industry) has reiterated its commitment to ensure responsible self-care by carrying on the momentum set by International Self-Care Day 2021 (ISD). Moving forward from International Self-Care Day, it is important to maintain its values throughout the year, as it signifies the advantages and positive effects self-care can bring to people in their daily lives. Introduced through the ISD Foundation, all stakeholders in the health industry uses this day to focus and publicise the importance of the many alternative self-medicinal practices that can be made available to all. Monitoring and improving the well-being of oneself and others is a non-stop, lifelong effort, placing health as a top priority. The current status of self-care has made fantastic strides in the industry over the years; however, there is still the capacity to strive for a higher standard of healthcare. This is why Menap-SMI remains committed to the regions healthcare systems and its vision to reshape the future of self-care. And to do its best in communicating, providing strategic support, and cooperate with local decision makers linked to self-care. Post-pandemic, Menap-SMI builds on the improvements of the industrys successful transition for individuals taking control of their physical and mental health, seeking an open-minded approach to better self-care. According to WHO, 130 million people around the world are currently in need of assistance from disease outbreaks, and 400 million lack the access to essential health services. Investments, innovations, and a collaborative movement allows more self-reliance on ones health and relieves pressure off of medical professionals in the most efficient manner. Self-care interventions can significantly lessen the numbers that have been recorded. Taking care of ones health, and those who care for others, is a 24-7, 365-day obligation, emphasising how integral the recent innovations and initiatives in self-care have been. Digital health solutions, local community programmes, and the consistent efforts to collaborate with policy makers all have its pivotal roles to play for better care in the region. Staying informed, and nurturing mental and physical health practices, improves the overall infrastructure of healthcare systems.-- TradeArabia News Service Oman Investment & Finance Co (Khedmah), one of the leading investments and services company in Oman, has unveiled its new mascot, named Wafi. Representing the companys ethos of digital transformation as well as its simple and swift services, Wafi will cater to Khedmahs clients needs and answer their daily queries. The new mascot reflects Khedmahs long-standing commitment of providing high-end, anytime, anywhere services to its clients and meeting their day to day requirements. In the past, the demand on the companys services, growing customer base and offered solutions witnessed an increase. This is attributed to the high quality of the services and the variety of products that Khedmah seeks to deliver to its clients. Such factors prompt the company to further innovate on ways to meet customers aspirations and keep up with the competition in the market. Aspiring to serve and connect with the community, the company launched Wafi which denotes in its design, OIFCs technological prowess as well as futuristic vision, and in its identity, fulfilling clients requirements with perfection. Commenting on the launch, Said Ahmed Safrar, Chef Executive Officer of OIFC said: We are delighted to reveal Wafi to be Khedmahs ambassador and a representative for our brand for all segments of community. We strongly believe that the mascot can contribute to the delivery of the company's messages on services and communicate with beneficiaries in a friendly and unique manner that suits the target people. The name Wafi is an Arabic name which is deeply-rooted in Arab culture and being used since ancient times. It demonstrates loyalty, honesty, and wide knowledge, additionally fulfilling the needs of people with perfection. Hence, we decided to give this name to the mascot, as the characteristics are in line with what the mascot represents to the community. Khedmahs platforms witnessed a great expansion and renovation focusing on highest standards. The company also saw a strategic development that is aligned with latest technologies used in the market. As such, it was able to provide many electronic payment channels such as Khedmah app and the company website. Via these channels, customers can utilise all services without visiting the branches Established in 1979, OIFC is one of the leading Investment and Services Company and specialises in billing, collection & debt factoring for electricity, water and telecom services in the Sultanate of Oman. These services can be availed through the company 65 branches across the sultanate, kiosks and its digital platforms. The companys various payment channels allow corporates, citizens and residents to easily pay and check electricity, water and telecommunications bills as well as making payment to the Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI). Additionally, top-up phone, pre-paid electricity, and other services.-- TradeArabia News Service New Delhi, Aug 4 (UNI) The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved continuation of Samagra Shiksha Scheme for School Education for a period of five years from 2021-22 to 2025-26. Briefing mediapersons about the Cabinet's decision, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said, 'The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has given its approval for continuation of the revised Samagra Shiksha Scheme for a period of five years, from 2021-22 to 2025-26 with a total financial outlay of Rs 2,94,283.04 crore which includes Central share of Rs.1,85,398.32 crore.' The scheme covers 1.16 million schools, over 156 million students and 5.7 million teachers of government and aided schools (from pre-primary to senior secondary levels). Dasu blast effect: Pakistan replaces Asim Bajwa as head of CPEC Islamabad, Aug 3 (UNI) A fortnight after nine Chinese workers were killed in a blast at Dasu prompting China to suspend work on a key hydropower plant linked to the ambitious China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, the Pakistan government on Tuesday replaced retired Lt Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa as the authority to lead the affairs of the corridor project. A notification issued by the Prime Minister's Office said that Khalid Mansoor had been appointed as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on CPEC Affairs with immediate effect. The appointment will be in an honorary capacity, Dawn reported. Bajwa announced his departure in a tweet, saying Mansoor was "fully equipped" to lead the authority in the future. Annual family income limit of OBC increased to Rs 2 5 lakh for benefits of scholarship scheme 06 Aug 2021 | 11:41 PM Patna, Aug 6 (UNI) Bihar government on Friday increased the annual family income limit to Rs 2.5 lakhs from Rs 1.5 lakh for post matriculation scholarships to OBC students for the financial year 2021-22. see more.. Mid term assembly poll inevitable in Bihar: Chirag 06 Aug 2021 | 10:54 PM Patna, Aug 6 (UNI) Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) National President (Chirag faction) Chirag Paswan on Friday claimed that midterm Assembly Poll was inevitable in Bihar and his party would play a decisive role in government formation. see more.. Bihar: Dignity of party workers would be protected 06 Aug 2021 | 10:44 PM Patna, Aug 06 (UNI) The newly elected national president of the ruling Janata Dal (U) in Bihar Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh, MP on Friday assured party cadres that the dignity of each and every worker of the party would be protected and they would also get due share. see more.. CIPET training centre in Bhagalpur Bonanza for youth Shahnawaz 06 Aug 2021 | 10:43 PM Patna, Aug 6 (UNI) Bihar Industry minister Shahnawaz Hussain today said that cabinet's approval for establishing Central Institute of petrochemicals Engineering and Technology (CIPET) is Bonanza for youth. see more.. In this Sept. 2, 2003, file photo, from left, Jack and Jo Ann Hinckley, parents of John Hinckley, leave the U.S. Courthouse in Washington after a hearing regarding John Hinckleys visitation privileges. Photo by ASSOCIATED PRESS remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, are reportedly being lined up for the Emmy Awards. Bosses for the glitzy event are said to be keen on getting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on board to present an award at the ceremony in Los Angeles next month. A source told The Sun newspaper: "Oprah is planning to attend the night, which could help get them there. "Certainly, there would be a VIP invite for them from Netflix at its evening celebration event. Netflix knows that shots of them with big Hollywood names would be huge PR. Oprah is in the running for the Outstanding Hosted Nonfiction Series or Special Emmy for her tell-all interview with the couple. Meanwhile, the pair signed a multi-year deal with Netflix last year to produce documentaries, docuseries, feature films, scripted shows and children's programming exclusively for the streaming giant. At the time, they said in a statement: "Our lives, both independent of each other, and as a couple have allowed us to understand the power of the human spirit: of courage, resilience, and the need for connection. Through our work with diverse communities and their environments, to shining a light on people and causes around the world, our focus will be on creating content that informs but also gives hope." And earlier this month, it was revealed Meghan is working on an animated series through her and Harry's Archewell Productions banner about a 12-year-old girl on a journey of self-discovery. The duchess will serve as an executive producer on the series alongside Sir Elton Johns husband David Furnish, as well as Carolyn Soper, Liz Garbus, Dan Cogan and Amanda Rynda. In a statement, she said: Like many girls her age, our heroine Pearl is on a journey of self-discovery as she tries to overcome life's daily challenges. I'm thrilled that Archewell Productions, partnered with the powerhouse platform of Netflix, and these incredible producers, will together bring you this new animated series, which celebrates extraordinary women throughout history. David Furnish and I have been eager to bring this special series to light, and I am delighted we are able to announce it today." Details Released on 6-Vehicle I-24 Crash By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - The Paducah Police Department released more details about Tuesday's six-vehicle crash on I-24, including the name of the the driver who died.Police said Olimpo J. Gonzalez of California was killed while driving a tractor-trailer that rear-ended another semi backed up from construction on the Illinois side of the I-24 Ohio River Bridge.The resulting chain-reaction crash involved a third semi and three other vehicles. Others injured included Joseph Montgomery and Derrington Jones of Florida; William Niepoetter of Mt. Vernon, Illinois; and Dan Dawson and Claudio Gonzalez of Texas.Bobby Wilbanks of Alabama and Carl H. Scott of Paducah were also drivers in the crash, but they and their passengers were unhurt.I-24 was closed for almost 11 hours while the vehicles were removed and an environmental clean-up company cleared the road of a large amount of oil, diesel fuel and debris. Masks Required When McCracken Schools Start By West Kentucky Star Staff PADUCAH - As classes start today, McCracken County Schools will now require masks for everyone in their buildings.Superintendent Steve Carter announced the new policy Wednesday afternoon in a Facebook video, saying this will hopefully allow five days of in-person instruction each week with limited quarantines.Carter said, "In the past eight days alone, there have been over 63 school-age children who have been tested positive for COVID. This is definitely a change we did not want to make, however, we feel it is one that is critical in limiting the number of quarantines and isolations of students and staff."Carter said he hopes this is a temporary adjustment, and he's certain the community will face this challenge and have an outstanding school year.The Facebook post says the decision was made after consulting with local health departments, and the district will review local data weekly.The post also cites state guidelines, which require a person to quarantine for 10 days if theyve had close contact (within three feet in a classroom) with someone whos tested positive for COVID-19. The exposed student does NOT need to quarantine if they are fully vaccinate or both people were properly wearing masks.Since vaccines are not required for students or staff, the district say mask-wearing is their primary tool for preventing quarantines.Information available to West Kentucky Star indicates these mask policies and first day of classes:Masks required- Graves County (Aug. 4), Massac County (Aug. 16), Mayfield (Aug. 11), McCracken (Aug. 5), Murray (Aug. 12).Masks not required- Ballard County (Aug. 10), Carlisle County (Aug. 4), Paducah Public Schools (Aug. 18), Marshall County (Aug. 4).Here is the video from Facebook:On the Net: Benton Police Still Searching for Missing Teen By West Kentucky Star Staff BENTON - The Benton Police are still seeking the public's help in locating a missing 17-year-old.The Police Department said Jeffrey Stokes was last seen Sunday June 13 4:30 pm at the entrance to Eastside Village on Benton Birmingham Road.Stokes is 5'7", approximately 150 pounds, and is currently bald. He was last seen wearing jeans, a white T shirt, and white shoes.Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Benton Police Department at 270-527-3126 or any other local law enforcement agency. Graves County Sheriff Looking For Wanted Men By West Kentucky Star Staff GRAVES COUNTY - The Graves County Sheriffs Office is searching for two wanted men on unrelated outstanding arrest warrants and they are asking for the public's help in finding them.The Sheriff's Office said 45-year-old Stanley Franklin is wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant for theft by deception including cold checks under $10,000. They say he has connections to the Water Valley community.Twenty-one-year-old Tyson Chambers is wanted on multiple outstanding arrest warrants for charges that include fleeing and evading police 1st degree, driving on a DUI suspended operators license 2nd degree, reckless driving and numerous other traffic violations.Anyone with information about Franklin or Chambers is asked to call the Graves County Sheriffs Office at 270-247-4501. Lyon County Deputies Searching for Fugitive By West Kentucky Star Staff LYON COUNTY - The Lyon County Sheriff's Office is requesting the public's help with locating a fugitive.Deputies say 42-year-old Rickey E. Baird failed to appear in Lyon Circuit Court for meth-related charges on Monday. Baird also has a parole violation warrant from the Kentucky Parole Board for multiple offenses, including absconding from parole supervision.Additionally, deputies continue to investigate a July 16 incident at Baird's Lyon County property when deputies and Lyon County EMS were dispatched to a home on KY 1943 for an assault victim. The victim was taken to Caldwell County Medical Center for treatment after wandering to a home from a wooded area and requesting help. Deputies say it was later determined the victim was assaulted on Baird's property.Baird is believed to be staying in the McCracken County area. Anyone with information on his whereabouts is asked to contact the Lyon County Sheriff's Office at 270-388-2311 or your local law enforcement agency. Murray Woman Arrested on Assault Charges By West Kentucky Star Staff MURRAY - A report of a fight Tuesday afternoon led to the arrest of a Murray woman on assault charges.Calloway County deputies responded to the fight at a home on Navigator Drive.Upon arrival, deputies say they saw 24-year-old Jamie C. McKinney fighting with two family members. She then reportedly resisted arrest and assaulted a deputy.McKinney was arrested and charged with third-degree assault of a peace officer, two counts of fourth-degree domestic assault, and resisting arrest.She was taken to the Calloway County Jail. Flags Half-Staff Today For Pearl Harbor Vet By West Kentucky Star Staff FRANKFORT - Governor Beshear has ordered flags at all state buildings to be lowered to half-staff from sunrise to sunset today in honor of a Kentucky sailor who was killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor.Navy Electrician's Mate 3rd Class 23-year-old Alphard S. Owsley of Paris, Kentucky, died on December 7, 1941. His remains were only identified last year. Owsley will be interred in his hometown today.You can read more about Owsley by clicking here. I didnt really want to be at the gym, but I was because I think I convinced myself years ago that the best time to work out is when you feel like doing it the least. I know it doesnt make much sense, but, then again, I never pick up pennies off the ground unless theyre heads up, I wont p Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-03 01:43:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Rwandan President Paul Kagame (R) greets his Tanzanian counterpart Samia Suluhu Hassan in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, Aug. 2, 2021. Paul Kagame said on Monday that cooperation agreements signed between his country and Tanzania earlier in the day will give new impetus to the implementation of joint projects like standard gauge railway. (Xinhua/Cyril Ndegeya) KIGALI, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Monday said cooperation agreements signed between his country and Tanzania earlier in the day will give new impetus to the implementation of joint projects like standard gauge railway. "Rwanda and Tanzania share more than just a border. Our strong historical ties and common aspiration to deliver prosperity to our people have always been central to our cooperation," Kagame told a joint press briefing with his visiting Tanzanian counterpart Samia Suluhu Hassan in the capital city Kigali, shortly after they witnessed the signing of four cooperation agreements in the areas of information and communication technology, immigration, education and regulation of medical products. The signing of the agreements gives new impetus to key infrastructure and investment projects of mutual benefit, particularly the standard gauge railway line, milk production and improved port logistics, said Kagame. There is a lot more the two countries can learn from each other in the spirit of strengthening trade ties, ensuring prosperity and development of the economies and peoples, said Hassan, adding that the signing of the agreements would pave the way for this. She also highlighted the need for cooperation in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and in full operation of the one-stop border post at Rusumo, a town on Rwanda-Tanzania border. Rwanda and Tanzania in 2018 agreed on joint construction of a standard gauge railway from Isaka in northwestern Tanzania to Kigali to facilitate logistics movement between the two countries. Rwandan Minister of Infrastructure Claver Gatete in July presented a bill to the parliament that provides a framework for the country's implementation, management and maintenance of the standard gauge railway project, saying the country plans to commence the construction as soon as the railway line reaches Isaka. The government has resumed discussions with partners on the funding of the projected railway, which is expected to cost the central African nation about 1.3 billion U.S. dollars. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-03 15:34:06|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A staff member transports a batch of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines purchased from China at the Mitiga International Airport in Tripoli, Libya, Aug. 2, 2021. Libya received a batch of China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines on Monday amid the country's stepped-up effort to vaccinate as many people as possible. (Photo by Hamza Turkia/Xinhua) TRIPOLI, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Libya received a batch of China's Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines on Monday amid the country's stepped-up effort to vaccinate as many people as possible. Speaking at a joint press conference on Monday along with Health Minister Ali Zanati at the Mitiga International Airport of the capital Tripoli upon the arrival of the vaccines, Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah said another shipment of the vaccine is expected to arrive on Tuesday. Dbeibah called on people to get vaccinated as soon as possible "as this is the only way to stop the virus." Zanati said that the infection rate in his country has dropped from 68 percent to 24 percent thanks to the recently imposed protective measures against the virus, which include banning public gatherings and public transportation, and imposing a curfew. The government has recently launched an "exceptional" vaccination campaign against COVID-19, under which people above the age of 18, whether Libyans or foreigners, can simply go to temporary vaccination centers to get vaccinated. The country has registered a total of 256,328 COVID-19 cases so far, including 193,144 recoveries and 3,579 deaths, according to the National Center for Disease Control. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-03 23:00:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Students attend a class in Changshan School, Huining County, northwest China's Gansu Province, Oct. 22, 2020. (Xinhua/Du Zheyu) BEIJING, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- About 10,000 normal college students will receive targeted training annually from 2021 in a bid to improve the performance of primary and middle school teachers in underdeveloped areas in China's central and western regions, according to a recent plan. Normal colleges and universities in China mainly train faculty for educational institutions. The special training will be conducted by normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education (MOE) and local-level normal colleges for schools in counties that emerged from poverty and along the land borders, says the plan released by nine departments including the MOE and the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee. Six normal universities directly under the MOE will enroll students from China's central and western regions for the national-level training program. The students should make a pledge to return to serve in primary and middle schools in designated counties for at least six years, the plan says. Local normal colleges and universities appointed by provincial-level administrative departments for education in the central and western regions are responsible for local-level special training. Students enrolled in the plan will be exempt from tuition and accommodation fees and will receive living subsidies. Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-03 23:24:29|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Tourists enjoy fresh air at a tourist attraction in Wulingyuan District of Zhangjiajie, central China's Hunan Province, May 1, 2021. (Photo by Wu Yongbing/Xinhua) CHANGSHA, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- All the people in the central Chinese city of Zhangjiajie, including residents and tourists, are not allowed to leave the city from Tuesday as part of efforts to curb the latest resurgence of COVID-19, said the municipal headquarters on COVID-19 prevention and control. Zhangjiajie, a well-known tourist destination in Hunan Province, has provided free hotels and epidemic prevention supplies to the tourists stranded by the epidemic, and arranged medical staff to conduct nucleic acid tests for tourists at their hotels. Meanwhile, Hunan Province sent a psychological medical team to Zhangjiajie to provide mental health counseling to residents, tourists and medical staff. Zhangjiajie closed all tourist sites and upgraded 11 neighborhoods to medium-risk for COVID-19 on July 30. The city has reported 13 locally transmitted confirmed cases and three asymptomatic cases since July 29. In recent days, several Chinese cities have reported spikes in COVID-19 infections. A number of the cases had recently visited Zhangjiajie. Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 00:07:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close LONDON, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Britain recorded another 138 coronavirus-related deaths, the highest daily total since March 17, according to official figures released Tuesday. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 129,881. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. The country also reported another 21,691 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 5,923,820. Earlier Tuesday, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that most of the remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the region will be lifted on Aug. 9. Most COVID-19 restrictions in England have already been lifted last month as part of the final step of the British government's roadmap out of the lockdown. But unlike England, face coverings in shops and on public transport in Scotland will continue to be mandatory for some time to come. "While this move will restore a substantial degree of normality, it is important to be clear that it does not signal the end of the pandemic or a return to life exactly as we knew it before COVID struck," Sky News quoted Sturgeon as saying. "Declaring freedom from, or victory over, this virus is premature. The harm the virus can do, including through the impact of long COVID, should not be underestimated. And its ability to mutate may yet pose us real challenges," She added. More than 88 percent of adults in Britain have received the first jab of COVID-19 vaccine and more than 73 percent have received two doses, according to the latest figures. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Russia, the United States as well as the European Union have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 00:40:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MACAO, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- The Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) on Tuesday reported four new COVID-19 cases, according to the Novel Coronavirus Response and Coordination Center of Macao. Two of the cases, both Macao residents, tested positive on Monday in Zhuhai of neighboring Guangdong Province. The health authority in Macao later tested them and their two children, which all came out positive, according to the center. They were confirmed to have infected the Delta variant of COVID-19, the center said. One of the four confirmed cases, the daughter in the family, left Zhuhai for Xi'an in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on July 19, boarding a plane which was related to two previously confirmed cases reported in Zhuhai and Zhongshan of Guangdong Province respectively, which could be the source of the infections within the family, the center said. Starting 9:00 a.m. local time Wednesday, all Macao residents will be required to take nucleic acid tests. The mass testing is expected to be completed within three days, the center said. Starting 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, all those who need to leave Macao are required to present negative nucleic acid test reports effective within 24 hours, the Macao SAR government announced. Prior to Tuesday's new cases, Macao had reported a total of 59 confirmed cases, with 57 being imported and two being related to imported cases. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 02:21:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A firefighter battles against a wildfire in Manavgat, Antalya province, Turkey, on Aug. 3, 2021. For the last week, Turkey has been battling massive wildfires that erupted in the southern and southwestern coastal resort towns. The blazes have claimed eight lives so far. (Xinhua) ISTANBUL, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Wildfires in Turkey's southwestern province of Mugla reached several new residential areas on Tuesday, prompting new evacuations. Footage aired by local media showed the flames engulfed homes in several neighborhoods of the Milas district. "In Milas, the wind is so strong that it took only 15 minutes for the fire to burn a small settlement of 30 houses," said a resident of the Turkevleri neighborhood, named Firat, on his social media account. Firat added that he and other residents were evacuated by Coast Guard boats. Milas Mayor Muhammet Tokat announced that the blaze is now threatening a thermal power plant that provides electricity to the region. "I didn't want to say this, but the thermal power plant and the fire came face to face for the first time," Tokat said on Twitter. In some parts of Bodrum, one of the main tourist attractions of Mugla, the situation is still worrying. The flames have reached an important highway, disrupting local traffic. Meanwhile, Fahrettin Altun, communication director of the Turkish presidency, said Turkey has controlled 147 of 156 fires in the last seven days, and nine of the blazes continue. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told reporters in the southern Antalya province that the wind is very strong in the region, and the situation will be critical on Wednesday as well. For the last week, Turkey has been battling massive wildfires that erupted in the southern and southwestern coastal resort towns. The blazes have claimed eight lives so far. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 02:59:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Customers wearing face masks visit a shopping mall in San Francisco, the United States, Aug. 3, 2021. Starting from Tuesday, San Francisco Bay Area residents were once again required to wear masks for all in public indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status, to help stem transmission of the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. (Photo by Li Jianguo/Xinhua) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Starting from Tuesday, U.S. San Francisco Bay Area residents are once again required to wear masks for all in public indoor settings, regardless of vaccination status, to help stem transmission of the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. Health officers for seven of the nine counties in the region -- Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and the city of Berkeley announced the restriction on Monday. The order affects more than 7 million residents in the region. Solano and Napa counties did not join in the new mask mandate. "Indoor masking is a temporary measure that will help us deal with the Delta variant, which is causing a sharp increase in cases and we know increases in hospitalizations and deaths will follow," said Naveena Bobba, San Francisco's acting health officer. The Bay Area has been averaging more than 1,400 cases a day over the past several days, surpassing the peak of last year's summer surge in mid-August, according to a report by the San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday. Regional hospitalizations have not yet reached last summer's peak but are not far off -- 815 people were in the hospital with COVID-19 on July 28 last year, compared with 713 on Sunday, the report said. COVID-19 deaths in the Bay Area at about five a day, are well below last summer's peak of 20 a day. Health officials emphasized that vaccination remains the best measure against the spread of COVID-19, but that masks are a strong tool while many people are unvaccinated. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 07:29:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Facing mounting pressure from progressive Democratic lawmakers and the spike of the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. President Joe Biden's administration on Tuesday issued a new 60-day eviction moratorium to prevent millions of American renters from being forced to leave their homes. The "temporary" moratorium, issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will expire on Oct. 3. Targeting areas with high or substantial COVID-19 transmission, it covers 80 percent of U.S. counties and 90 percent of the U.S. population. "The emergence of the delta variant has led to a rapid acceleration of community transmission in the United States, putting more Americans at increased risk, especially if they are unvaccinated," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said on Tuesday. "This moratorium is the right thing to do to keep people in their homes and out of congregate settings where COVID-19 spreads," he said. The new order is limited and targeted, separate from the agency's prior eviction moratorium that expired on July 31, the CDC said. However, the new eviction moratorium could face legal challenges since the Supreme Court ruled in June that the CDC overstepped its authority when it created such policies and any further extension would require congressional authorization. The White House said on Monday that the CDC has been "unable to find legal authority for a new, targeted eviction moratorium," urging the Congress to act "without delay." However, House Democratic leaders repeatedly said that "it is clear" the evenly split Senate won't extend the eviction moratorium, urging the White House to take unilateral action. Earlier on Tuesday, Democratic lawmakers protested outside the U.S. Capitol, urging the Biden administration to act on the issue. Biden told reporters on Tuesday afternoon that he isn't sure whether the new order will pass constitutional muster, but any litigation would "probably give some additional time" for rental assistance funds to flow. "Any call for a moratorium based on the Supreme Court's recent decision is likely to face obstacles. I've indicated to the CDC I'd like to look at other alternatives," said the president. The prior eviction moratorium was credited with keeping more than 2 million renters in their homes during the rampant pandemic across the country, according to local media reports. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 09:56:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Wednesday exchanged messages of congratulations on the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between their countries. Over the past 50 years, bilateral relations have been developing steadily, Xi said in his message, adding that since the establishment of the China-Turkey strategic cooperative relationship in 2010, exchanges and cooperation in various fields have been moving forward in an orderly manner. Since last year, Xi said, the two sides have been supporting each other in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, and carried out fruitful cooperation on vaccines, which has deepened the friendship between the people of the two countries. He said he attaches great importance to the development of China-Turkey relations, and stands ready to work with Erdogan to take the 50th anniversary as an opportunity to further advance bilateral ties. The two countries, Xi suggested, should understand and support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns, accelerate the aligning of development strategies, and push for steady and long-term development of their strategic cooperative relationship, so as to bring benefits to both countries and their people. For his part, Erdogan said Turkey-China relations have a sound foundation for mutually beneficial development. Over the past half century, bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, transportation, tourism and other fields has achieved tremendous development, he said. The two countries, he added, have also promoted strategic cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and exerted a positive influence on the region and the world. In the face of COVID-19, the two countries have been working together and helping each other to ensure the health of their people, he noted. Turkey, he said, attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations, and will continue to push forward strategic cooperation between the two countries. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 10:28:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese mainland on Tuesday reported 71 new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, the National Health Commission said in its daily report on Wednesday. Of the locally transmitted cases, 35 were reported in Jiangsu, 15 in Hunan, nine in Hubei, six in Shandong, three in Yunnan, two in Henan, and one in Fujian, according to the commission. Also reported were 25 new imported cases, of which seven were reported in Yunnan, four in Fujian, three in Jiangsu, two each in Shanghai, Zhejiang and Guangdong, and one each in Tianjin, Shanxi, Liaoning, Henan and Sichuan. Two new suspected cases arriving from outside the mainland were reported in Shanghai on Tuesday. No deaths related to COVID-19 were reported, the commission added. By the end of Tuesday, a total of 7,529 imported cases had been reported on the mainland. Among them, 6,816 had been discharged from hospitals following recovery, and 713 remained hospitalized. No deaths had been reported among the imported cases. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases on the mainland reached 93,289 by Tuesday, including 1,240 patients still receiving treatment, 21 of whom were in severe condition. A total of 87,413 patients had been discharged from hospitals following recovery on the mainland, and 4,636 had died as a result of the virus. There were two suspected COVID-19 cases on the mainland on Tuesday. A total of 27 asymptomatic cases were newly reported. There were a total of 485 asymptomatic cases, of which 367 were imported, under medical observation on Tuesday. By the end of Tuesday, 11,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases, including 212 deaths, had been reported in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), while 63 cases had been reported in the Macao SAR, and 15,721 cases, including 791 deaths, had been reported in Taiwan. A total of 11,719 COVID-19 patients in the Hong Kong SAR had been discharged from hospitals following recovery, while 54 had been discharged in the Macao SAR, and 12,929 had been discharged in Taiwan. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 10:45:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WUHAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Central China's Hubei Province reported nine locally transmitted confirmed COVID-19 cases and four asymptomatic cases on Tuesday, said the provincial health commission on Wednesday. All the locally transmitted confirmed cases were registered in the provincial capital Wuhan, once hard-hit by COVID-19 in 2020. Among the asymptomatic cases, three were locally transmitted, while the other one arrived at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport from Jakarta, Indonesia, on Monday. As of Tuesday, there were 33 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Hubei, including 15 locally transmitted ones. There were also 35 asymptomatic cases under medical observation, among whom 11 were locally transmitted. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:16:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China has called on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN Plus Three or 10+3) to make concerted efforts and carry out vigorous cooperation to promote overall economic recovery and improve East Asian countries' crisis response capabilities. Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks when attending an ASEAN-China, Japan, ROK (10+3) foreign ministers' meeting on Tuesday. Wang also said that joint efforts should be made, from a long-term perspective, to improve the mechanism, resilience and vitality of the 10+3 cooperation to maintain the hard-won stability and prosperity that has lasted for many years in East Asia. Noting that the 10+3 countries are the backbone of East Asian cooperation, Wang said that all parties should consider the 25th anniversary of the launch of 10+3 cooperation next year as an opportunity to plan a roadmap for future cooperation. Wang put forward a four-point-proposal: Firstly, all sides should jointly build a barrier against the pandemic in East Asia. Wang said that China has provided countries across the world with over 750 million vaccine doses, will provide 110 million doses to COVAX over the next four months, and will provide an additional 3 billion U.S. dollars of international aid in the next three years. China will further increase its supply of vaccines to assist other countries' vaccination drive. Virus origin tracing is a serious scientific issue which concerns the common interests of the international community, Wang said. China hopes that all parties will uphold a scientific, fair and objective position, oppose the attempts to politicize the virus origin tracing, resist the "political virus" infringing on virus origin tracing, and work together to prevent future risks as well as maintain global public health security, said Wang. Secondly, all sides should jointly promote East Asia economic integration. Wang noted that efforts should be made for the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at an early date and accelerate the process of regional economic integration. Thirdly, all sides should jointly seek the transformation and development of East Asia. Wang said that it is imperative to accelerate regional digital transformation, make good use of the scale advantages of the markets in East Asian countries, and carry out practical cooperation on artificial intelligence and the digital economy. Fourthly, all sides should jointly build a foundation of common values in East Asia, and jointly pursue humanity's common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, said Wang. Foreign ministers of Japan, the ROK and ASEAN member states spoke highly of the remarkable results of 10+3 cooperation. All agreed to strengthen vaccine research and development cooperation, uphold multilateralism and free trade, and expand cooperation in emerging areas such as the digital economy and climate change to promote the green and sustainable development in the region. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:33:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DAMASCUS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- A military bus exploded in Syria's capital here on Wednesday morning, killing the driver and wounding three others, state news agency SANA reported. The explosion took place following an electrical short that caused the gas tank to blow up inside the bus when it stopped at the Masaken al-Haras area, a neighborhood housing military personnel in northwestern Damascus. The SANA report dismissed preliminary speculations that the explosion was an act of terror or caused by an explosive device. People in the area heard the explosion and saw thick columns of smoke rising. Online photos posted by passers-by showed a badly burnt bus and heavy smoke in the area. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:49:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MALE, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Maldivian Prosecutor General's Office has raised 13 charges against the four suspects involved in a terror attack targeting former president and Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed on May 6, local media reported here Wednesday. Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem told the media on Tuesday that his office has submitted charges against the four suspects to the Criminal Court of the Maldives. The four suspects face a maximum prison sentence of 37 years, 49 years, 46 years, and 30 years respectively if found guilty on all charges. The charges leveled against the four suspects include attempting a terrorist act, planning a terrorist act, participating in a terrorist act, supporting a terrorist group, attempted murder with the use of a weapon, aiding in transporting explosives, and aiding a fleeing criminal. Shameem said he hopes the trial will be broadcast on public television. The Maldivian Police Service has said that the suspects are inspired by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) but not directly connected to the group. Nasheed was critically injured by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted on a motorbike near his vehicle in Male on May 6. He was admitted to the ADK Hospital where he received multiple life saving surgeries before being transferred to Germany for further treatment and recovery. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:57:29|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Amid new spikes in COVID-19 deaths and infections in the United States, anti-science rhetoric and conspiracy theories are also gaining steam in the country, triggering concerns that the global anti-pandemic course could worsen further. The latest episodes of such absurdity include Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson's assertion that it was Anthony Fauci, a top U.S. infectious disease expert, who had "helped to create COVID in the first place," and Congressman Clay Higgins's wild claim that the virus had been weaponized for biological attacks. These ridiculous statements can not withstand any rational analysis and are nothing but a new epitome of the rising anti-science sentiments in the United States. With such sentiments, bigoted Washington elites are fueling an ideology-motivated disinformation campaign, through which they deliberately ignore facts and seek to mislead the public. What is more worrying is that these delusional minds are bringing about real consequences: In the United States, scientists and health officials, while working overtime to study the novel coronavirus and address the pandemic, have to spare a massive amount of time and resources to bust rumors and refute opinions spread by conspiracy theorists. Due in part to the anti-science push, the United States in overall has responded poorly to the pandemic and remains among the worst-hit countries in the world. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, the U.S. government, instead of acknowledging the threat it posed and informing the public in a timely manner, repeatedly downplayed the severity and exaggerated the country's capabilities to handle the disease. After the situation got worse, some U.S. officials quickly turned to conspiracy theories and anti-science positions in order to deflect attention and blame. The political tricks have gone as far as going after some of the country's leading scientists, including Fauci, who had received death threats for siding with science and evidence. Since the current U.S. leadership took office early this year, the U.S. government has been accelerating vaccinations for its residents. Over the past few months, states and cities have moved to lift COVID-19 preventive measures. The White House announced last month that the country is "closer than ever" to declaring "independence" from the deadly virus. However, the pandemic is rapidly rebounding in the United States, with new cases, deaths, and hospitalizations all on the rise. "We're going in the wrong direction," Fauci told CNN during an interview late last month. The giant gap between the cruel reality and the narrative pushed by the U.S. government and media is eroding people's trust in their government and confidence that a recovery is on the horizon. In addition, the current White House's political maneuver, including asking intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of COVID-19 with a presumption of guilt targeting China, is further fanning anti-science remarks and activities. Matthew Kavanagh, director of the Global Health Policy & Politics Initiative at Georgetown University, pointed out that if the aim of the U.S. government was finding a scientific explanation of the COVID-19 origin, it would have tasked health institutes instead of intelligence agencies with the research. "This tells us that this is a political and an intelligence story: not a story mostly about science," Kavanagh recently told U.S. magazine Rolling Stone. "We're in a place where politics is driving people's scientific understanding in a dangerous way." As Kavanagh said, anti-science sentiments and rhetoric would be unhelpful in suppressing the still raging COVID-19 pandemic and tracing the origin of the disease, and could further impede global efforts to defeat the pathogen. As a result, the international community should stay alert to the anti-science drive in the United States. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 16:44:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- Aware of the challenges at home and abroad, China has been seeking a policy mix featuring diversified monetary tools, fiscal support and a firm commitment to opening-up to keep the economy running within an appropriate range. -- Since the beginning of 2021, the country has expanded its opening-up with concrete measures. -- Foreign investors have continued to cast a vote of confidence in the country's opening-up. BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Aware of the challenges at home and abroad, China has been seeking a policy mix featuring diversified monetary tools, fiscal support and a firm commitment to opening-up to keep the economy running within an appropriate range. Owing to a low comparison base and consolidating recovery, China's economy expanded 12.7 percent year on year in the first half of 2021, but the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and unbalanced domestic rebound still call for more attention on downward pressures. Noting the headwinds in a key meeting last week, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee stressed the need to maintain consistent, stable and sustainable macro policies, and sound coordination to mesh this year's policies with those for 2022. Photo taken on May 8, 2021 shows different kinds of alcoholic drinks on display during the first China International Consumer Products Expo in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province. (Xinhua/Yang Guanyu) CROSS-CYCLICAL ADJUSTMENT The meeting emphasized "cross-cyclical adjustment" in macro-economic policies, a term analysts interpreted as a focus on boosting economic resilience in the short term while allowing policy leeway for future uncertainties. The proactive fiscal policy should generate a greater effect, while the prudent monetary policy should maintain reasonably ample liquidity and support the continued recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as industries under stress. "We believe that policies will become more discretionary, and we should not expect rapid policy relaxation in the near term," said a research note by China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC). China's central bank in July cut the reserve requirement ratio (RRR) by 50 basis points for eligible financial institutions to drive down financing costs and boost the real economy. Nomura Securities believes that the probability of another universal RRR cut is limited, and the central bank may prefer the use of low-profile tools to inject long-term liquidity. On the fiscal front, the issuance of government bonds has been relatively slow this year as the relatively strong economic momentum has reduced the need for fiscal support. "We think the issuance quota of local government bonds may remain underused in 2021, and the issuance may continue towards early 2022 to support economic growth in early next year," said the CICC report. China-Europe freight train carrying anti-epidemic supplies leaves for Belgrade, Serbia from Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province, May 9, 2020. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu) HIGH-LEVEL OPENING-UP The CPC leadership meeting reiterated China's commitment to high-level opening-up and the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. "China is well equipped with the conditions for promoting high-level opening-up," said Zhou Maohua, an analyst with the China Everbright Bank, citing the country's deepening supply-side structural reform and more mature supervision laws and regulations. Since the beginning of 2021, the country has expanded its opening-up with concrete measures. In July alone, China pledged proactive efforts toward a higher level of financial openness based on a negative list approach, issued a guideline to support high-level reform and opening-up of the Pudong New Area in Shanghai, and released a negative list for cross-border trade in services in its southern island province of Hainan, the first negative list for services trade in the country. Despite a complex and severe external environment, China's economic and trade cooperation with other countries and regions is thriving. Analysts believe the momentum will continue as the economy generates more opportunities with its doors opening wider. The country's foreign trade navigated epidemic-induced challenges to become a major support to the international logistics supply chain in the first half of this year. The China-Europe freight train service, a window to the transcontinental trade, handled 7,377 trips, up 43 percent from the same period last year. Around 94,000 tonnes of anti-pandemic supplies were shipped through the route as of late June, reinforcing the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. During the period, the growth rate of China's trade value with its top three trading partners -- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union, and the United States -- stood at 27.8 percent, 26.7 percent and 34.6 percent, respectively, official data showed. China's trade with countries along the Belt and Road rose 27.5 percent year on year to stand at 5.35 trillion yuan (827.5 billion U.S. dollars), while trade with countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership grew 22.7 percent year on year. Foreign investors have continued to cast a vote of confidence in the country's opening-up. In the first half of this year, foreign direct investment into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, jumped 33.9 percent year on year to 91 billion dollars, the highest growth pace in almost 10 years, according to the commerce ministry. (Video reporters: Sun Qing, You Zhixin, Pang Yuanyuan; Video editor: Luo Hui) Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 17:02:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Capitalizing on its victory in eradicating absolute poverty, China is ramping up efforts to propel rural vitalization, which is "a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," as President Xi Jinping put it. "Promoting rural vitalization on all fronts will be no easier than the anti-poverty battle," said Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. The rural vitalization strategy was proposed as a key move for the development of a modernized economy at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017. After the country successfully eradicated absolute poverty, the focus of work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers has shifted to promoting rural vitalization. To realize this goal, the country has been working to foster rural industries, promote the application of agricultural technologies and build beautiful countryside. ENRICHING FARMERS: NO ONE LEFT BEHIND When visiting a company producing Tibetan carpets during an inspection tour of northwest China's Qinghai Province in June, Xi stressed efforts to better integrate industrial cultivation and enterprise growth with employment, rural vitalization and ethnic unity. The carpet factory is a typical case demonstrating that the local specialty industries have been crucial to underpin rural vitalization. China's rural areas saw steady growth of industries in the first half of this year. A total of 50 modern agricultural industrial zones, 50 industrial clusters with distinctive strengths and 298 towns with strong agricultural industries were established across the country, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. AGRICULTURE: TECHNOLOGY-LED China's "No. 1 central document" for 2021, the first policy statement released by the central authorities each year, highlighted the role of science and technology in rural vitalization. When visiting a tea farm at the foot of Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province in March, Xi stressed more efforts in implementing the arrangements to dispatch technical professionals to rural areas and help with local development. The farm is run by a team led by Liao Hong, a professor at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. By interplanting tea with soy bean and oilseed rape, the team has not only increased yields, but also improved the soil and tea quality. Tea produced by the farm could fetch a price 30 percent higher than average products. Hundreds of thousands of agricultural professionals are working at the grassroots across the country, injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of the agricultural industry. China's summer grain output hit a record high this year. The acreage, yield per unit area and total yield all registered year-on-year growth. Special high-quality wheat plantation accounted for 37.3 percent of the acreage, 1.5 percentage points higher than last year, data from the ministry showed. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRYSIDE: BETTER LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Apart from boosting local industries in rural areas, Xi also attaches great importance to improving rural living environments to ensure rural residents have better access to high-quality services and facilities. "Toilet revolution" has been put high on agenda to make the countryside more livable. By the end of 2020, more than 40 million rural household toilets had been renovated since China launched a three-year rural living environment upgrade campaign in 2018, with the penetration rate of clean toilets achieving 68 percent in China's rural areas, statistics showed. Rural "toilet revolution" will continue to be an important task of rural vitalization in the next five years, Xi said last month in an instruction on the work to advance the campaign. He called for solid progress in light of local conditions and in a scientific manner while avoiding formalism and waste of resources. Besides this, rural household waste treatment and sewage treatment are also deemed important works in rural vitalization. Li Haimei, a villager in the mountainous area of the southwestern province of Guizhou, saw the dry toilet at her home, which used to be next to the pigsty, rebuilt into a bathroom with a flush toilet and shower fittings in 2020. Li and her husband, who had been working in cities away from home, have decided to stay in the village and start a homestay and restaurant this year. "We will turn to tourism for a living at our doorstep as the improving village conditions are attracting more visitors." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 17:13:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL -- At least two people were wounded in an explosion near defense facilities in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan on Wednesday, the capital police confirmed. "An improvised explosive device was detonated roughly at 8:15 a.m. (local time) in Police District 10, injuring two people," Kabul police spokesman Ferdaus Faramarz told reporters via a text message. (Afghanistan-Kabul-Explosion) - - - - DAMASCUS -- A military bus exploded in Syria's capital here on Wednesday morning, killing the driver and wounding three others, state news agency SANA reported. The explosion took place following an electrical short that caused the gas tank to blow up inside the bus when it stopped at the Masaken al-Haras area, a neighborhood housing military personnel in northwestern Damascus. (Syria-Military Bus-Explosion) - - - - ULAN BATOR -- Smoke from massive wildfires raging in Russia's Siberia has reached some parts of Mongolia, including the capital Ulan Bator, the country's National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring said Wednesday. "In recent days, the capital city and some northern and central provinces of our country have been covered with white smoke, which is from Russia's Siberian wildfires," the agency said in a statement. (Mongolia-Siberia-Wildfires) - - - - HONG KONG -- An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.5 jolted Vanuatu region at 05:55:12 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 22.59 km, was initially determined to be at 20.486 degrees south latitude and 172.6099 degrees east longitude. (Vanuatu-Earthquake) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 18:00:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Aerial photo taken on Sept. 17, 2020 shows a view of the paddy fields at Qintang Township in Jiande, east China's Zhejiang Province. (Xinhua/Xu Yu) BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Capitalizing on its victory in eradicating absolute poverty, China is ramping up efforts to propel rural vitalization, which is "a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation," as President Xi Jinping put it. "Promoting rural vitalization on all fronts will be no easier than the anti-poverty battle," said Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission. The rural vitalization strategy was proposed as a key move for the development of a modernized economy at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017. After the country successfully eradicated absolute poverty, the focus of work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers has shifted to promoting rural vitalization. To realize this goal, the country has been working to foster rural industries, promote the application of agricultural technologies and build beautiful countryside. Farmers show newly-harvested peppers in Guncun Village in Nyingchi, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, July 27, 2020. (Xinhua/Zhang Rufeng) ENRICHING FARMERS: NO ONE LEFT BEHIND When visiting a company producing Tibetan carpets during an inspection tour of northwest China's Qinghai Province in June, Xi stressed efforts to better integrate industrial cultivation and enterprise growth with employment, rural vitalization and ethnic unity. The carpet factory is a typical case demonstrating that the local specialty industries have been crucial to underpin rural vitalization. China's rural areas saw steady growth of industries in the first half of this year. A total of 50 modern agricultural industrial zones, 50 industrial clusters with distinctive strengths and 298 towns with strong agricultural industries were established across the country, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Photo taken on Dec. 31, 2020 shows cameras monitoring the plant diseases and pests at a 5G-assisted smart tea farm in Fu'an City, southeast China's Fujian Province. (Xinhua/Lin Chao) AGRICULTURE: TECHNOLOGY-LED China's "No. 1 central document" for 2021, the first policy statement released by the central authorities each year, highlighted the role of science and technology in rural vitalization. When visiting a tea farm at the foot of Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province in March, Xi stressed more efforts in implementing the arrangements to dispatch technical professionals to rural areas and help with local development. The farm is run by a team led by Liao Hong, a professor at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. By interplanting tea with soy bean and oilseed rape, the team has not only increased yields, but also improved the soil and tea quality. Tea produced by the farm could fetch a price 30 percent higher than average products. Hundreds of thousands of agricultural professionals are working at the grassroots across the country, injecting strong impetus into the high-quality development of the agricultural industry. China's summer grain output hit a record high this year. The acreage, yield per unit area and total yield all registered year-on-year growth. Special high-quality wheat plantation accounted for 37.3 percent of the acreage, 1.5 percentage points higher than last year, data from the ministry showed. Villagers enjoy flowers in front of their house in Xiaodi Village, Hesha Town in Handan, north China's Hebei Province, May 29, 2020. (Xinhua/Wang Xiao) BEAUTIFUL COUNTRYSIDE: BETTER LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Apart from boosting local industries in rural areas, Xi also attaches great importance to improving rural living environments to ensure rural residents have better access to high-quality services and facilities. "Toilet revolution" has been put high on agenda to make the countryside more livable. By the end of 2020, more than 40 million rural household toilets had been renovated since China launched a three-year rural living environment upgrade campaign in 2018, with the penetration rate of clean toilets achieving 68 percent in China's rural areas, statistics showed. Rural "toilet revolution" will continue to be an important task of rural vitalization in the next five years, Xi said last month in an instruction on the work to advance the campaign. He called for solid progress in light of local conditions and in a scientific manner while avoiding formalism and waste of resources. Besides this, rural household waste treatment and sewage treatment are also deemed important works in rural vitalization. Li Haimei, a villager in the mountainous area of the southwestern province of Guizhou, saw the dry toilet at her home, which used to be next to the pigsty, rebuilt into a bathroom with a flush toilet and shower fittings in 2020. Li and her husband, who had been working in cities away from home, have decided to stay in the village and start a homestay and restaurant this year. "We will turn to tourism for a living at our doorstep as the improving village conditions are attracting more visitors." Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 18:20:40|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- "The theory that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab is not credible," a French biosecurity expert who had monitored the construction of the Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology has said recently in reference to COVID-19. The lab "was built under the close cooperation between China and France," and "there is no doubt about its compliance with the highest international biosafety standards," Gabriel Gras said. "I am not speculating, I prefer to rely on facts," said Gras in an interview with Xinhua on Sunday amid growing speculation about a possible laboratory accident that could have triggered the COVID-19 pandemic. During his stay in China, Gras participated in implementing the 2004 Sino-French Cooperation Agreement in Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases, and supervised the construction and accreditation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology's BSL-4 laboratory in 2017. The construction and operation of the Wuhan lab conform to very strict standards, he said. "It was my job to check all of this, and there was no doubt about the level of safety of the facility." Gras also noted that coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus, "doesn't need to be dealt with in a BSL-4 lab" considering the high cost of operating a BSL-4 lab. Biosafety levels, which are a set of biocontainment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological agents in an enclosed laboratory facility, range from the lowest BSL-1 to the highest BSL-4. A BSL-4 laboratory works with the most dangerous agents that can generate fatal diseases in humans such as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. "It is very expensive to operate a BSL-4 lab, in money but also in time, since the experiments take longer to set up due to safety constraints such as wearing a high-pressure diving suit," Gras explained, saying that it's "just common sense" that they don't work in BSL-4 labs with BSL-3 pathogens any more than they do in BSL-3 labs with BSL-2 pathogens. Coronaviruses are mostly classed at BSL-2, sometimes at BSL-3, such as SARS-CoV of 2002, MERS-CoV of 2012, and finally SARS-CoV-2 of 2019, but never at 4, Gras said. The classifications of pathogens and guidelines on the conditions of their culture are public and available online, and have been established by the World Health Organization and relevant national authorities. "Using a BSL-4 to work with a coronavirus is like using a 20-ton crane to move a 30-kg refrigerator. It would be completely illogical," said the French expert, adding that "the theory of leak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from the Wuhan BSL-4 lab is against common sense." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 18:35:44|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TEHRAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Iran is considering imposing a strict two-week nationwide lockdown to deal with the resurgence of COVID-19, as the country's daily caseload continues to hit new records and authorities struggle to speed up vaccination. In his very last days in office, Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki on Sunday advised the country's top leader to order a two-week lockdown. On Tuesday, Iran's daily infections hit a new high of 39,019 cases across the country, and the deputy head of the health commission at Iran's parliament warned that the capacity of Iranian medical centers to hospitalize new patients is saturated. The reasons for the sheer increase in infection rates since the end of June are the higher contagiousness of the Delta variant of the coronavirus currently spreading in Iran, and a decline in people's awareness of observing health recommendations. Last week, Alireza Raisi, spokesman for Iran's national headquarters fighting the coronavirus, noted that the level of people's compliance with health protocols had fallen under 40 percent. Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said on Tuesday at a press briefing that the Iranian people are "under pressure" as a result of U.S. sanctions, which has led to a decrease in awareness to take epidemic prevention measures such as wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing. Rahmani Fazli also warned vaccinated people against assuming they are invulnerable, adding that individuals who suffer from other health conditions and become infected may develop severe COVID-19 symptoms and die. The minister was briefing the press about the conclusions reached at a meeting of the anti-COVID-19 headquarters requested by Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to decide on the possible two-week lockdown. The measure, Rahmani Fazli said, would require a precise analysis before it can be implemented. Given the "extremely high" economic and social cost of such a lockdown, "every action must be smart, precise and purposeful," he added. A persuasion campaign should be launched before enforcing the lockdown to guarantee cooperation from officials and the general public, the Iranian minister said. He also requested collaboration from all governmental organizations to speed up vaccinations, which on Tuesday reached for the first time a rate of 500,000 doses administered in 24 hours. So far, more than 2.8 million people have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccines in Iran, with a population of nearly 84 million, among whom 6.56 percent are aged 65 or older. Currently, Iran's development and mass production of domestic vaccines still lag behind official promises. Rahmani Fazli said at the briefing that domestic production of vaccines "may reach an acceptable level" from next week onwards, attaining 1 to 1.2 million doses a week. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:03:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China urges the U.S. side to heed the universal appeal of the international community, immediately and completely lift the sanctions and embargo against Cuba, and immediately stop making excuses to engage in gross interference and destabilization, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said here Wednesday. It is reported that on July 30, the U.S. Treasury Department announced sanctions against Cuba's National Revolutionary Police and its top two officials, citing repression of anti-government protests. During a meeting with Cuban-American figures at the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden said that there would be more sanctions, "unless there's some drastic change in Cuba". In response, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said on July 30 that "these arbitrary measures, coupled with disinformation and aggression, are used to justify the inhumane blockade of Cuba." Separately, 30 ventilators provided by the Chinese government to the Cuban government arrived in Havana on July 31. In response, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that China firmly opposes any move to arbitrarily impose unilateral sanctions and interfere in other countries' internal affairs under the pretext of so-called "freedom", "human rights" and "democracy". "The recent U.S. sanctions against Cuban institution and officials severely violate the basic norms governing international relations and once again demonstrate to the world the typical U.S.-style double standards and bullyism," the spokesperson said. As is known to all, it is the economic, commercial and financial embargo from the U.S. that gravely impedes Cuba's efforts to improve its economy and people's livelihood, and tramples on the Cuban people's right to subsistence and development, the spokesperson added. "Enough with sanctions! The right way is to support," the spokesperson said. Recently, China and many other friendly countries and international organizations have extended a helping hand to Cuba, aiding the Cuban government and people to fight the epidemic and improve people's livelihood, illustrating that true friendship stands the test of adversity, the spokesperson said. China will continue to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, deepen China-Cuba friendly relations and firmly support Cuba's efforts to overcome the impact of the epidemic, promote economic development and maintain social stability, the spokesperson added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:04:51|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China's top market watchdog has launched an investigation against chemical fertilizer producers and distributors over suspicions of price gouging to address issues including price hyping in the market. China's State Administration for Market Regulation said it will continue to monitor market price order of chemical fertilizers, further strengthen supervision and law enforcement, and punish illegal acts such as hoarding, price hyping and price collusion. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:09:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MALE, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Maldivian President Ibrahim Solih has told his cabinet ministers to accelerate mass vaccinations in order to control the spread of COVID-19 and revive the economy, state-owned PSM News reported here Wednesday. Speaking to the cabinet ministers on Tuesday, Solih called for support from all government institutions to fully vaccinate the entire eligible population of the country as soon as possible. The President's Office issued a directive on Monday requesting all government employees to get fully vaccinated. Government employees must get at least the first dose of the vaccine by Aug. 15. Director-General of Public Health Maimoona Abubakur was also quoted by PSM News as requesting support from institutions, agencies, and companies to support the national vaccination program which began in February. The Maldives aims to fully vaccinate 90 percent of the eligible population by the end of August. More than 70 percent of the country's eligible population has been fully vaccinated so far. The Maldives has inoculated 325,060 people with the first dose and 274,949 people with the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. The Maldives re-opened government offices and eased several anti-epidemic restrictions in July amid lower detected cases in order to kickstart the economy. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:24:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BAGHDAD, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Iraqi security forces on Wednesday launched an operation to hunt down militants of the extremist Islamic State (IS) group in the northern province of Nineveh, the Iraqi military said. The Iraqi army and paramilitary Hashd Shaabi forces pushed in five routes in the morning toward several villages south of the provincial capital Mosul, some 400 km north of Baghdad, the media office of the Hashd Shaabi forces said in a statement. The operation, designed to clear the villages scattered in the area of IS remnants, also aimed to secure the lines of the power transmission towers in the southern part of the province from possible sabotage by the militants, the statement said. Earlier, Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi held meetings to discuss the attacks of IS militants to sabotage power stations and transmission towers in several provinces of the country and directed the security forces to strengthen the protection of power transmission lines. The security situation in Iraq has been improving since Iraqi security forces fully defeated the IS militants across the country late in 2017. However, IS remnants have since melted in urban areas or deserts and rugged areas, carrying out frequent guerilla attacks against security forces and civilians. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:28:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SANAA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- At least 18 Houthi rebels were killed in overnight airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's central province of Marib, a government military source said Wednesday. "The militiamen were targeted when travelling on three pick-up vehicles in a road linking the western districts of Sirwah, Jabal Murad and Rahabah," the source in Marib told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. Meanwhile, the Houthi-run al-Masirah TV reported four coalition airstrikes on Sirwah and Jabal Murad. The Yemeni army on Tuesday recaptured the strategic mountain of Al-Bayadh in Rahabah district, days after pushing back the Houthi rebels from several other areas in the district. The Houthis began in February a major offensive on Marib in an attempt to seize control of the oil-rich province. The United Nations has warned that the offensive on Marib, which hosts nearly 1 million internally displaced people, could lead to a major humanitarian catastrophe. Yemen's civil war flared up in late 2014 when the Houthi group seized control of much of the country's north and forced the internationally recognized government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi out of the capital Sanaa. The Saudi-led Arab coalition intervened in the Yemeni conflict in March 2015 to support Hadi's government. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 20:05:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Since the new U.S. administration took office, it has not changed the hegemonic behavior of its predecessor on issues related to Hong Kong, having launched at least 13 smear attacks against China on those issues and raved about "standing with Hong Kong people" many times. The U.S. side has also churned out fallacies about the proper measures taken to boost the long-term stability of Hong Kong, including China's implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong and measures to improve Hong Kong's electoral system. Washington has also ganged up with some Western forces to launch a propaganda campaign against China, and even imposed so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials. The unprovoked attacks on China by the new U.S. administration on issues related to Hong Kong are listed below in a bid to restore truths through an account of facts. PART 1 After China's National People's Congress (NPC) adopted a decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on March 11, the U.S. State Department issued a statement to attack and discredit China's decision. The U.S. side also issued a statement with other Group of Seven members to defame China. On March 17, the U.S. State Department announced so-called "sanctions" against 24 Chinese officials, including 14 vice chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee, on the eve of a high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in the U.S. state of Alaska. After the NPC adopted the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department claimed that the decision attacked Hong Kong's democratic process. However, it is purely China's internal affair to design and improve Hong Kong's electoral system, and no foreign force is entitled to interfere. In fact, the United States has its own strict laws against foreign interference in elections, and the U.S. House of Representatives had passed a bill to improve the U.S. electoral system. Why can the United States itself amend its own electoral laws any time it deems necessary but go all out to denigrate China's improvement of such laws for one of its special administrative regions? While the U.S. side alleged that the targets of its so-called "sanctions" have "undermined the high degree of autonomy promised to the people in Hong Kong," the U.S. accusation was not consistent with the facts. The NPC has made decisions on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong and improving the electoral system of Hong Kong respectively. The improved electoral system has ensured the implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," which excludes anti-China, destabilizing forces from the governance structure and better guarantees the national security and the safety of the HKSAR's body of power. It has also better reflected the extensive and balanced political participation by Hong Kong residents, which in no way weakens Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, but is more conducive to the healthy and orderly development of Hong Kong's democratic system. China's measures to maintain the long-term stability of Hong Kong have also won broad international support. During the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), 70 countries issued a joint statement urging relevant parties to stop interfering in issues related to Hong Kong and in China's internal affairs. In addition, another 20-plus countries also voiced support for China's position and measures on issues related to Hong Kong in their respective remarks at the HRC. The U.S. side, by choosing to announce the so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials on the eve of the high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in Alaska, sought to use extreme pressure to gain bargaining chips. However, such unilateral "sanctions" were only a bluff. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) said previously that the U.S. unilateral sanctions are not adopted by the United Nations, thus having no legal effect in Hong Kong. The HKMA's position on unilateral U.S. "sanctions" is clear: Hong Kong banks have no legal responsibility to act in concert with those "sanctions." After the announcement of the so-called "sanctions" by the United States in 2020, anti-China and destabilizing forces rejoiced, claiming that those sanctions were "significant indicators" and "champagne corks will be opened tonight for celebration." They also predicted with confidence that "more sanctions will be imposed in the future, not only on senior officials and middle-level officials, but also those who directly endanger the rule of law in Hong Kong." The truth of the claim that "the United States stands with Hong Kong people" is that the U.S. side will always stand with those who create disturbances and undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. PART 2 On March 30, the amended Annex I and Annex II to the HKSAR Basic Law were passed at the 27th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th NPC, with a unanimous vote from all committee members in attendance. On March 31, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken certified to U.S. Congress that Hong Kong remains undeserving of "special treatment" by the United States under U.S. law. On April 1, U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong Hanscom Smith raved that Hong Kong elections would not produce "meaningful democratic results." The designing and improvement of the electoral system of the HKSAR is China's internal affair. The amendments enjoy sufficient legal basis and fully embody the spirit of the rule of law in governing the country and Hong Kong by law. The newly amended Annexes I and II of the HKSAR Basic Law are systematic amendments to the method for selecting the HKSAR chief executive and the method for forming the HKSAR Legislative Council, respectively. By focusing on reconstituting the Election Committee and increasing empowerment, the amendments represent an overall planning and design for Hong Kong's electoral system, which have not only fixed the loopholes and defects of the original system in a timely manner, but also effectively enhanced the broad representation and balanced participation of the electoral system. They have optimized and developed Hong Kong's democratic system, and have by no means "weakened democracy." It is of great significance to improve the electoral system of the HKSAR. By making institutional arrangement at the constitutional level, it combines adherence to the principle of "one country" with respect for the differences between "two systems," and also combines the upholding of the central government's overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong with a guarantee of a high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong. It has fully implemented the fundamental principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," thus ensuring Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity, safeguarding the steady and sustained implementation of the principle of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and giving Hong Kong people a promising future. In any country in the world, loyalty to one's homeland is a basic political ethic that must be observed by civil servants and those who run for public office. In Britain, the electoral system of each region is decided by the central government of Britain. For example, with the highest degree of autonomy, Scotland's electoral system was set by the Scotland Act passed by the British Parliament in 1998 and amended in 2012. Xulio Rios, director of the Observatory of Chinese Politics in Spain, said that the electoral reform shows the firm will of the Chinese government to preserve the stability of Hong Kong and not to sacrifice sovereignty under any circumstances. In an interview with Chinese media, George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, used a vivid expression to illustrate the need to improve Hong Kong's electoral system: to remove hidden enemies in the "Trojan horse." Hong Kong's special economic status is protected by the Basic Law and is generally recognized and respected by the international community. After Hong Kong's return to its motherland, its fiscal and taxation independence, free trade, issuance of its own currency, free flow of capital, and its status as a free port and a separate customs territory have been maintained and consolidated, which fully demonstrates that Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy is working well. While claiming to support Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, the U.S. side has cancelled the so-called "special treatment" for Hong Kong. Facts have proved that it is the U.S. side that has undermined Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong's development achievements stem from the continuous hard work of generations of Hong Kong people and its great advantage of relying on the motherland. They have never been gifts or charity from any foreign country. The cancellation of the so-called "special treatment" by the U.S. side will stop neither Hong Kong's development and prosperity, nor the general trend of Hong Kong's continued integration with the motherland to gain more space for development. Smith denied the significance of improving Hong Kong's electoral system, because under the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," U.S. agents in Hong Kong, namely anti-China and destabilizing forces, will be completely excluded from the governance structure of the HKSAR. This is a huge defeat for those anti-China forces in the United States and the West who stand with such agents. PART 3 On April 16, anti-China Hong Kong disruptors, including Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and Martin Lee Chu-ming, were sentenced by a Hong Kong court according to law. Later, Blinken tweeted that the sentences "are unacceptable," and called for the release of those disruptors. He also added the hashtag #StandWithHongKong at the end of his tweet. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also tweeted that she was "saddened and disturbed" by the sentences, and smeared the sentences as "another sign of Beijing's assault on the rule of law." Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law. The evidence for the illegal activities of those anti-China Hong Kong disruptors is rock solid, and no external force has the right to butt in. The West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts announced on April 16 to sentence Jimmy Lai to 14 months in prison for organizing and participating in illegal assemblies on Aug. 18, 2019 in Hong Kong Island, and for participating in an unauthorized assembly on Aug. 31, 2019. The court also heard two other cases that Lai was involved in, including suspected of violating the national security law in Hong Kong and fraud, which were adjourned to June 15 and May 6 respectively. The prosecutor also filed charges against Lai over collusion with external forces to endanger national security and conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. Facts showed that such perpetrators as Lai and Lee have colluded with Western anti-China forces for a long time and raised the devil. It was also made public that Lai has built shady connections with the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government-sponsored entity. During the illegal "Occupy Central" movement in 2014 and the chaos over the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance in 2019, the local Apple Daily newspaper, controlled by Lai, served as a propaganda tool for the anti-China and destabilizing forces. Even after the implementation of the national security law, the perpetrators still kept "fighting for the United States" under the disguise of media workers. Their repeated breaking of the bottom line has made them a common enemy of the Hong Kong society. The sentences of those who organized and took part in unauthorized and illegal assemblies are based on sufficient factual evidence, with the procedure totally legal and the verdict made public according to law. Some U.S. politicians, despite chanting the slogan of upholding international rules, have repeatedly trampled on international law and basic norms governing international relations, and wantonly interfered in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs. That fully exposes their entrenched double standards on international rules, the use of which depends on whether they conform to U.S. interests. When illegal demonstrations broke out in Hong Kong, Pelosi called them "a beautiful sight to behold." In sharp contrast, she unscrupulously slandered the normal law-enforcement measures by the Hong Kong police, who had shown maximum restraint. When large-scale riots erupted in Los Angeles in 1992, the same California politician did not meet and incite the organizers of the riots. In 2021, when the U.S. Capitol Hill was under attack, Pelosi, as a congresswoman, did not view the riot as "a beautiful sight to behold," but instead condemned the attackers hard. The ironic contrast laid bare the true color of U.S. politicians' "promise" to firmly stand with the anti-China and destabilizing forces in Hong Kong. PART 4 On May 7, Blinken wrote on Twitter that the country "stands with the people of Hong Kong," while asking the Hong Kong government to immediately release multiple instigators of riots in the city, including Joshua Wong. On May 6, four instigators of the Hong Kong riots, including Wong, were sentenced to four to 10 months in prison respectively by the District Court of the HKSAR, for knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly. The facts of the cases are well-founded, and Wong and the others are guilty as charged. The ridiculous demand for the immediate release of the defendants does not respect the rule of law, revealing Washington's attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs. While Hong Kong's laws always respect and protect rights and freedoms under the Basic Law, these rights and freedoms are not absolute, and shall be built upon the maintenance of public order and the protection of rights and freedoms of others. Wong and the others knew the assembly was unauthorized but still took part in it. David Gosset, a French expert on international issues and founder of the Europe-China Forum, described certain Western politicians as hypocrites who turned a blind eye to the violence in Hong Kong. He stressed that the violent and extremist acts in the city, which damaged its people's rights, should be condemned. John Ross, former director of Economic and Business Policy of London, said that he thinks it is a typical example of hypocrisy that certain U.S. politicians play the human rights card only when it comes to Hong Kong affairs. British barrister Grenville Cross, who started working in Hong Kong in 1978 and served as Hong Kong's first director of public prosecutions after the city's return to China, pointed out that international anti-China forces are trying to undermine the practice of "one country, two systems" by destroying the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in order to contain China's development. In 2019, when the Hong Kong government sought to introduce amendments to its extradition laws, anti-China forces in the United States and some other Western countries incited crimes of violence in the city from behind the scenes, insanely challenged the bottom line of "one country, two systems," gravely undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and put its people under extreme anxiety. In 2021, the U.S. side is still sparing no effort to speak for the criminals, including Wong. This demonstrates again that by claiming it "stands with the people of Hong Kong," Washington is actually siding with criminals and treating the Hong Kong people as enemies. PART 5 On May 27, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR voted overwhelmingly to pass the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021. On May 28, Blinken made rash criticism of the bill, calling for the release of all those charged under the national security law in Hong Kong, and dismissal of charges against them. Under the improved electoral system in Hong Kong, the composition of the Election Committee and the Legislative Council is more broadly representative, which reflects the interests of all sectors of the Hong Kong society in a comprehensive and balanced manner, safeguards the executive-led political system, ensures that the Legislative Council performs its duties in accordance with the law, and enhances the effectiveness of the HKSAR's governance. It is also conducive to pushing forward joint social efforts to solve deep-seated problems and promoting people's livelihood and economic development. Before and after the adoption of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, the central government collected opinions from people from all walks of life in Hong Kong in various ways. On March 15-17, the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee, together with the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, held more than 60 symposiums for three consecutive days on the implementation of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR. Together with additional visits and interviews, the relevant views of over 1,000 representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong were extensively and carefully listened to. More than 2.38 million signatures were collected in Hong Kong in support of improving the electoral system of the HKSAR during an 11-day campaign starting from March 11. According to a survey by Hong Kong's think-tank Bauhinia Institute, more than 70 percent of Hong Kong residents believe that the improvement of Hong Kong's electoral system has enhanced their confidence in Hong Kong's future. After the passage of the bill, various sectors of the Hong Kong society, including the Hong Kong Civil Servants General Union, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations, expressed support for the bill. The United States has many electoral laws. In the past two years alone, members of the U.S. Congress have introduced more than 40 bills to improve the U.S. electoral system. On the same day when China's top legislature announced its agenda for improving Hong Kong's electoral system, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a "For the People Act" to improve the electoral system and ensure election security. On March 5, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of over 70 countries at the 46th session of the UNHRC, emphasizing that Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and should not be interfered by external forces. Ambassador Yury Ambrazevich, head of the Belarus mission to the UN in Geneva, said in an interview after the meeting that "we emphasized that Hong Kong is an integral part of China and Hong Kong affairs are China's internals affairs," stressing that China has the sole authority and responsibility to make any decisions, including on improving Hong Kong's electoral system, to promote Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. Judging from its call for releasing all those charged and dropping charges against them under the national security law in Hong Kong, the U.S. position is very clear: the United States stands "firmly" in opposition to the national security law in Hong Kong, which has guaranteed the transition from chaos to order in Hong Kong and effectively restored the sense of security of Hong Kong citizens. PART 6 On June 3, Blinken issued a statement on the website of U.S. Department of State, claiming that the United States will "stand with the people of China as they demand that their government respect universal human rights." On the following day, he tweeted a call for "the immediate release" of some people in Hong Kong that were arrested. During the disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendments in 2019, anti-China extremist and secessionist groups supported by the United States did not pursue human rights, but trampled on human rights in an attempt to seize the jurisdiction in Hong Kong and subvert the state power. From June 2019 to mid-March 2020, there were more than 1,400 demonstrations and public gatherings in Hong Kong, many of which eventually turned into serious violent incidents, such as throwing petrol bombs, vandalism, and burning shops. Rioters attacked police stations and officers, besieged innocent citizens, doxed people who expressed opinions different from theirs, destroyed subways and public facilities, paralyzed airports, blocked traffic and "occupied" university campuses, posing a long-term grave threat to public safety and order in Hong Kong. Data showed that the number of crime cases in Hong Kong had been on a downward trend in the past years before the "Black Terror" in 2019, but the social unrest reversed the trend, as the number rose by 9 percent and 7 percent respectively in 2019 and 2020. Luo Changqing, a 70-year-old cleaner in Hong Kong, was hit by rioters and died of serious wounds. A Hong Kong resident surnamed Lee was poured with flammable liquid and set ablaze, following an argument with rioters who were thrashing public facilities. He suffered from burns on almost half of his body, and was once in a critical condition. Chan Tze-chin, a Hong Kong lawyer, was surrounded and viciously beaten up by rioters after he berated them for thrashing shops in a busy shopping area in Causeway Bay, and suffered multiple physical injuries. More than half of the stores of Best Mart 360, the Hong Kong-based snack chain, were vandalized in the social unrest. Yonden Lhatoo, chief news editor at the South China Morning Post, wrote in an article in 2020: "So when Americans take to the streets in an eruption of rage against systemic racism that has afflicted their country since its founding, they are 'rioters' who deserve to be shot dead? But when radicals in Hong Kong go on the rampage, hurling petrol bombs, destroying public property ... they are mighty champions of freedom?" The United States itself has terrible human rights records. The Russian Foreign Ministry on July 9 released country reports on human rights situation, which point out that the United States continues to grossly violate human rights both inside the country and beyond its shores. The freedom of the press in the United States, to which Washington declares adherence, is sliding into complete degradation, and the level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of discrimination and xenophobia continue to rise. The human rights situation in China is at its best in history. Since the national security law in Hong Kong came into effect more than a year ago, human rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens have suffered "zero damage." If the United States really wants to "stand with" the Chinese people who "pursue" human rights, it should side with the overwhelming majority, not the other way around. (more) Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 20:20:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HONG KONG, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Japan will provide AstraZeneca vaccine for areas under state of emergency amid the surging number of infections. Thailand's daily COVID-19 cases surpass 20,000 on Wednesday for the first time. The Japanese government will give priority to providing British drugmaker AstraZeneca PLC's COVID-19 vaccine to six areas under the latest COVID-19 state of emergency, Japan's minister in charge of the country's vaccine rollout has said, according to local media. The Japanese capital reported a single-day record of 4,166 new COVID-19 cases amid the continuous surge of infection cases in the country, with an all-time high of 14,207 cases nationwide until 6:25 p.m. local time, local media reported. South Korea reported 1,725 more cases of COVID-19 as of midnight Tuesday compared to 24 hours ago, raising the total number of infections to 203,926. The daily caseload was sharply up from 1,200 in the prior day, hovering above 1,000 for 29 straight days. The daily average tally for the past week was 1,501. The Philippines' Department of Health (DOH) reported 7,342 new COVID-19 infections, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the Southeast Asian country to 1,619,824. The death toll climbed to 28,231 after 90 more patients died from the viral disease, the DOH added. Thailand reported 20,220 new COVID-19 cases, the first time the figure has surpassed 20,000 since the start of the pandemic. The new infections brought the country's caseload to 672,385, official data from the Ministry of Public Health showed. The new fatalities also rose by a record high of 188, taking the death toll to 5,503. Cambodia has one of the highest percentages of COVID-19 vaccination among its adult population in the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Region, the United Nations in Cambodia said in a statement released late on Tuesday. As Australia's state of New South Wales (NSW) saw another peak in daily increase of local COVID-19 cases, local transmission again gripped some other states. NSW Health recorded 233 new locally acquired cases in the 24 hours to 8:00 p.m. local time Tuesday, a slight drop from the 241 cases on Aug. 1, when the highest daily increase in the latest outbreak was recorded. Australians could get coronavirus vaccines at drive-through clinics within months under a government plan to make inoculation more convenient. New Zealand saw another milestone in administering COVID-19 vaccines, with two million COVID-19 vaccines being given to Kiwis. The pandemic is not coming to an end and it is important to keep the virus, particularly the Delta variant, out of the country, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins told a press conference. The country reported two new cases of COVID-19 in recent returnees in managed isolation facilities, and no cases in the community. Pakistan on Tuesday reported 4,722 new COVID-19 cases, the National Command and Operation Center (NCOC) said, and the country's overall confirmed cases reached 1,047,999, including 945,829 recoveries. India's COVID-19 tally rose to 31,769,132 as 42,625 new cases were registered during the past 24 hours across the country, showed the federal health ministry's latest data. Besides, as many as 562 deaths due to the pandemic since Tuesday morning took the total death toll to 425,757. The authorities in Nepal's Kathmandu Valley on Tuesday decided to extend the ongoing lockdown by seven more days as the South Asian country is facing rising COVID-19 cases in recent days. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 20:28:55|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIRUT, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Lebanese President Michel Aoun said on Wednesday that Lebanon is going through its "most difficult time," calling for urgent help and support from the international community, according to a statement by Lebanon's Presidency. Aoun's remarks came during the donors' conference held virtually to mark the first anniversary of the Beirut port explosion. Lebanon is suffering from an unprecedented poverty rate, the COVID-19 pandemic, severe shortage of medicines, the heavy burden of the Syrians' displacement, and the economic plight depriving the country of necessary resources, Aoun said. Lebanon needs support for the maintenance of infrastructure including water and electricity as well as the Lebanese army, he added. The president called for restoring full operations at the Beirut port, a vital facility for a prosperous national economy. Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron pledged 100 million euros' (118.66 million U.S. dollars) worth of emergency aid and 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to Lebanon. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 20:54:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close by Keren Setton JERUSALEM, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- An alleged attack by Iran on an Israeli oil tanker off the coast of Oman last weekend has brought hostility between the two countries to an all-time high, analysts said. While Iran has denied responsibility for the attack that killed two crew members, the United States and Britain still joined Israel in assigning the blame on it. For years, Israel has engaged in a covert war against Iran. Targeting not only its nuclear program, Israel is also believed to be behind hundreds of airstrikes against the Iranian targets across the Middle East. Meanwhile, Iran has launched attacks against Israel through its proxies in Lebanon, Syria and the Gaza Strip. With the recent maritime attacks, what has been a shadow war for years could now escalate into a full-blown confrontation. "Iran already knows the price that we exact when someone threatens our security. The Iranians need to understand that it is impossible to sit peacefully in Tehran and from there to ignite the entire Middle East," said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday when visiting a military base on Israel's northern border. Bennett noted that Israel has provided the United States and Britain with the evidence that Iran was behind the attack last weekend killing a British and Romanian national. "We are working on enlisting the world, but at the same time, we also know how to act alone," he said. In addition to attacks on scores of Iranian weapon convoys, Israel has been blamed for numerous cyber-attacks against Iranian nuclear and infrastructure sites. In June, Iran's largest warship caught on fire and sank off the coast of Oman. Despite speculation that Israel was behind the fire, Iran provided no explanation and the Israeli offices refused to comment on the matter. Former U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the Iranian nuclear deal in 2018. With a new administration in Washington, the United States has declared its wish to re-enter the 2015 deal with the world powers. New Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who will be sworn in at the end of this week, is considered a hard-liner. This might be manifested not only in the nuclear negotiations but also in Iran's belligerence toward Israel. Seeing Iran as its arch-enemy, Israel could retaliate differently this time. Bennett, a newly sworn-in prime minister, has vowed a tough approach against Iran. "Israel needs to take advantage of the incident in order to change the equation," said Soli Shahvar, a professor of Iranian studies at the University of Haifa. "It should equate every attack by an Iranian proxy with an attack by Iran so as to pave the way for attacking targets in Iran publicly." "Israel should not act unilaterally and needs to act within a larger international context led by other countries," said Nimrod Goren, head of the Mitvim Institute for Regional Foreign Policies. The recent tensions with Iran, getting both the United States and Britain involved, could play a role in the negotiations on the nuclear deal. "This could promote the Israeli argument that the international community needs to look not only at Iran's nuclear aspirations, but also its aims for regional influence," Goren told Xinhua. However, "Israel is not looking for a confrontation with Iran at the moment but is looking to guarantee that its interests are taken into consideration by the international community," he said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 21:20:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PART 7 In June, Smith said in an interview that the imposition of the national security law in Hong Kong had created an "atmosphere of coercion" that threatens both the city's freedoms and its standing as an international business hub. The disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendments in June 2019 dealt a heavy blow to Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood. In 2019, Hong Kong's economy posted the first negative growth in 10 years. Official data showed that around half of service industries recorded year-on-year decreases in business revenues, as accommodation services and retail industries dropped 14.3 percent and 11.1 percent respectively, with tourist visits to Hong Kong slumping, and unemployment in retails, hospitality and catering sectors staying high. Since the national security law in Hong Kong took effect by the end of June 2020, the society has returned to the right track and residents have lived in peace, opening up a new situation in Hong Kong where order replaces chaos. In the first quarter of 2021, the city's number of crimes dropped about 10 percent year-on-year, while gross domestic product (GDP) saw a 7.9 percent year-on-year increase. In June, the International Monetary Fund released a report that reaffirmed Hong Kong's position as an international financial center. According to the World Investment Report 2021 released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Hong Kong remained the world's third largest destination for foreign direct investment in 2020. The national security law in Hong Kong only targets four types of offences, namely, secession, subversion, terrorist activities and collusion with a foreign country or with external elements to endanger national security. It is designed to deter and punish a handful of criminals seriously jeopardizing national security, and to protect the overwhelming majority of law-abiding Hong Kong people. All efforts and law enforcement relating to safeguarding national security will be conducted in strict accordance with legal provisions, mandates and procedures. The legislation will not affect the rights and freedoms, including those of speech, of the press, of publication and of assembly that Hong Kong residents enjoy under the law. It will enable them to better exercise their lawful rights and freedoms in a secure environment. The legislation, since taking effect, has better ensured the city's high degree of autonomy in accordance with law, and created conditions for resolving deep-rooted problems concerning Hong Kong's economy and people's livelihood. It also contributes to Hong Kong's rule-of-law and business environment, addresses the concerns in the business communities on social turbulences, and creates better conditions for people around the world who are willing to work, invest and live in Hong Kong. Washington, while chanting the slogan of "stand with Hong Kong people," has in fact engaged in actions against the national security law in Hong Kong and imposing the so-called "sanctions." Such self-contradictory behaviour exposed its hypocrisy and despicableness. PART 8 On June 25, the White House put out on its website a statement regarding the closing down of Hong Kong's Apple Daily, in which it falsely accused China of suppressing press freedom. The Apple Daily, under the cloak of a media outlet, had long engaged in illegal acts of harming the country and destabilizing Hong Kong, seriously violating the journalistic ethics and jeopardizing the media environment of Hong Kong. The newspaper had long been engaged in concocting fake news to mislead the public. During the turbulence over proposed ordinance amendments in Hong Kong in 2019, the newspaper produced a flurry of fake news and peddled wrong values to perplex the public, disseminate "anti-police" and "anti-China" remarks, and instigate "Black Violence." Hong Kong is a society governed by rule of law and everyone is equal before the law. No one has extra-legal privileges, and no institution is an extra-legal entity. Hong Kong police act against individuals and companies suspected of endangering national security in strict accordance with the law, and their actions are a just move to crack down on crimes and maintain the rule of law and social order. Those who describe moves on an individual news organization and on those in charge of an individual news organization as acts to crack down on press freedom have ulterior motives and are seeking to talk black into white. It is the United States which has brutally suppressed the media and restricted press freedom. Analyses by The Guardian and Netherlands-based investigative journalism website Bellingcat showed from May 26, 2020 to June 2, 2020 alone, there were 148 arrests or attacks on journalists covering protests ignited by the killing of George Floyd, among which 34 instances involved officers physically assaulting journalists, and 33 instances involved journalists being arrested or detained. A female photojournalist was left blinded in the left eye by a police projectile during one of the protests. In 2021, the U.S. government forcibly shut down more than 30 foreign news media websites. German writer Michael Lueders has revealed in his new book "The Hypocritical Superpower" that the U.S. government and its interest groups are apt at influencing and shaping public opinion by selecting information and polarizing public views, so that people are brainwashed without any realization. Washington's repeated provocations in this respect reveal that it is in fact a mastermind of troubles and a public opinion manipulator. In fact, the press freedom in Hong Kong has not been damaged, but has been consolidated. At present, there are 93 local, 69 overseas and 39 online media organizations registered with the government, respectively, showing increases from a year ago. The press and the general public exercise the right of supervision every day and enjoy the freedom to criticize the administration of the HKSAR government. There is no obstruction for overseas media to interview people with different positions. PART 9 On July 7, the White House announced the extension of the so-called "national emergency with respect to Hong Kong" and of relevant Hong Kong-related sanctions for one year, and continued with the cancellation of preferential treatment for Hong Kong. The so-called "national emergency with respect to Hong Kong," a measure announced by former U.S. President Donald Trump's administration on July 14, 2020, is a gross interference in China's internal affairs. The extension of the so-called "national emergency" also marked the first time that Joe Biden, since taking office as U.S. president, continued with Trump's thinking on Hong Kong from the perspective of policy implementation, and once again publicly intervened in Hong Kong affairs, which are China's internal affairs. Such an act seriously undermined China's sovereignty, security and development interests. Hong Kong had always been an excuse for Washington to put pressure on Beijing during the Trump administration. At the end of June 2020, the Law on Safeguarding National Security in HKSAR was promulgated and implemented. Trump then signed an executive order, declaring that the United States immediately entered a "national emergency" on the grounds that the situation in Hong Kong would pose a "threat" to the national security, economy and foreign policy of the United States. At the same time, the country also ended its special treatment for Hong Kong. Previously, Hong Kong enjoyed treatment that many cities in the Chinese mainland did not have, mainly in immigration, import and export control, tourism and economy. The Biden administration followed the Trump administration's wrong acts on Hong Kong, extending the so-called "national emergency," and continued with its outrageous sanctions against China. Sanctions on Hong Kong, however, will surely backfire and bite the United States. Official data released by China last year showed that there were around 85,000 U.S. citizens and more than 1,300 U.S. enterprises in Hong Kong, including almost all of America's major financial firms. Over the years, the United States has gained a huge trade surplus from its trade with Hong Kong, and its interests in Hong Kong have been deep and direct. Sanctions will bring "complexities" to U.S. enterprises in Hong Kong, subjecting their normal operations to political risks. In as early as 2020, there was wide condemnation around the world against the so-called "sanctions" imposed on Hong Kong by countries such as the United States. Chester Humphrey, president of the Senate of Grenada, pointed out that the United States just wanted to divert the attention of the American people from domestic problems, and that its "sanctions" against other countries were illegal. Patricio Giusto, director of the Sino-Argentine Observatory, said that the so-called "sanctions" will not pose a substantial threat and have no legal basis, which once again exposed the "double standards" of U.S. politicians. "Standing with Hong Kong" on one hand and relentlessly sticking to sanctioning it on the other is the absurd logic of U.S. politicians and a logic that no one, including Hong Kong people, can understand. PART 10 On July 10, the U.S. Department of State posted a statement issued by 21 members of the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" on its website, expressing "strong concerns" about the judicial organs of the HKSAR handling the case of Apple Daily according to law, and falsely claiming that "the use of the National Security Law to suppress journalism is a serious and negative step." Freedom is not laissez-faire. Scientific rationality, legal order and international rules are the foundation of freedom. As Montesquieu said in The Spirit of Law, "liberty is the right to do what the law permits." Any freedom has boundaries. Even the so-called "free countries" have also defined clear forbidden zones and restrictions for freedom, and it is never allowed to break through the bottom line of the legal system. "The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic," said U.S. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in a judgement in 1919. Constitutions of over 100 countries in the world stipulate that the exercise of basic rights and freedoms must not endanger national security. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights clarifies that the rights to freedom of belief, expression, peaceful assembly and public trial must be subject to necessary restrictions on grounds of national security, public order, public health or morals or the rights and freedoms of others. The European Convention on Human Rights has similar provisions. The United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and other countries have also established strict legal systems to safeguard national security, and have no mercy in cracking down on criminal acts endangering national security. In the United States, although the First Amendment to the Constitution stipulates that freedom of speech and press should be ensured, the country still set up state agencies that conduct oversight over on the media. The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for issuing licenses to radio and television stations in the United States and imposes basic restrictions on program content. The U.S. Supreme Court has also said that speech that "directed to inciting imminent lawless action and is likely to produce such action" is not protected. In Germany, denial of the Holocaust and other forms of incitement to hatred against certain ethnic groups are punishable by up to five years in prison. In August 2018, the German Federal Constitutional Court said in a ruling that punishing the denial of Nazi genocide is fundamentally in line with the constitutional provisions on freedom of speech. In France, the current Law on the Freedom of the Press clearly stipulates that damaging the basic interests of the country, abetting crimes, slandering and insulting, and spreading false news through the media are all illegal and criminal acts, and must be punished. Penalties include fines, imprisonment, and confiscation of publications. Hong Kong police arrested and prosecuted Apple Daily and its personnel and froze related properties for colluding with external forces and jeopardizing national security. These actions are a necessary and legitimate move to safeguard the rule of law in Hong Kong, and has nothing to do with protecting freedom of speech and the press. The United States gathered some members of the so-called "Media Freedom Coalition" to beautify and excuse the anti-China and destabilizing Hong Kong media outlets and their employees in an attempt to put pressure on China. Its actions seriously desecrated the spirit of law and seriously violated the conscience of the media. Apple Daily is also a mirror, which not only reflects the ending of the anti-China and destabilizing Hong Kong forces, but also clearly reflects the "double standards" of the U.S. side in dealing with the Hong Kong issue. We would like to ask, are Hong Kong people willing to stand with such politicians and governments? PART 11 On July 16, as a bid to smear Hong Kong's business environment, the U.S. government issued a so-called "business advisory" to caution U.S. businesses about "emerging risks" to their operations and activities in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Washington imposed sanctions on seven officials of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR. The U.S. advisory, which attempts to discredit the national security law in Hong Kong while stating that Hong Kong is still a popular investment and trade location for the United States and that it provides competitive financial, trade and professional services, is self-contradictory and illogical. Investors' moves are an important indicator of Hong Kong's business environment. More than a year after the implementation of the national security law, the initial public offering funds raised in Hong Kong exceeded 500 billion Hong Kong dollars (64.35 billion U.S. dollars), representing an increase of more than 50 percent year-on-year. Total deposits in Hong Kong banks rose by over 5 percent from a year ago. The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong said that the city has a crucial role to play as an international business hub, and that it "remains a critical and vibrant facilitator of trade and financial flow between the East and West." Jim Thompson, chairman and founder of logistics company Crown Worldwide Group, said the U.S. administration is making it "harder for American investors to do business in the city, which is like putting handcuffs on them ... This is so sad." Experts and scholars believe that the so-called "business advisory" from the U.S. government will not affect corporate decisions -- while the United States regularly issues similar warnings, businesses make their own judgements. The enterprises did not withdraw from Hong Kong even when black-clad rioters were running wild in the city, and they are less likely to do so now as Hong Kong's social order has been restored and the city's development has been back on track under the protection of the national security law. The stepped-up sanctions by the United States have already backfired and bitten the country itself. U.S. trade surplus with Hong Kong totaled 297 billion dollars from 2009 to 2018. When the sanctions were imposed, U.S. trade and finance were the first to take a hit. In a Foreign Affairs article published mid-July, former U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong Kurt W. Tong wrote that the U.S. Treasury Department knows "sanctions on major Chinese banks could trigger significant instability in the international payment system, by interrupting the huge volume of financial transactions between the world's two largest economies," which would "in turn harm U.S. financial markets and the perceived reliability of the U.S.-centric global payments system." When even the American people are unwilling to stand with their own government, the lie of U.S. politicians that they "stand with the people of Hong Kong" naturally falls apart. CONCLUSION U.S. politicians have been constantly claiming to defend Hong Kong's human rights and freedom and "stand with the people of Hong Kong." But actions speak louder than words. All their slogans have proved to be nothing but lies. All Chinese people including people in Hong Kong have already clearly seen what these politicians are defending is not the Hong Kong people's human rights and freedom, but the "freedom" of a handful of rioters to disrupt Hong Kong's stability and endanger China's national security, and the "freedom" of these politicians to continue interfering in Hong Kong's affairs and containing China. Under the pretext of democracy and human rights, these politicians have been offering real endorsements for the rioters, which fully exposes the double standards of these U.S. politicians. They condemned the Capitol riot with utmost rage, but nevertheless called similar acts in Hong Kong "a beautiful sight to behold." They have enacted the world's most thorough national security law at home, but nevertheless tried to smear China's parallel efforts to plug the security hole in Hong Kong. In the name of "press freedom," they are interfering with and undermining the rule of law in Hong Kong. Amid the closure of Apple Daily, those U.S. politicians fully exposed their tricks to smear others. They tried to turn some media organizations into extra-legal entities for anti-China forces to disrupt Hong Kong and contain China. By making waves on Hong Kong issues, the U.S. side has revealed itself as the "black hand" in stirring up opposition and controlling public opinion. The so-called "press freedom" is nothing but a fig leaf for their self interests. They twisted facts, deliberately smeared the rule of law in Hong Kong and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs. "Patriots administering Hong Kong" is the trend of the times and the aspiration of the Hong Kong people. Improving Hong Kong's electoral system is necessary for the sustained and healthy development of Hong Kong's democratic system. When peace and stability were finally restored in Hong Kong, and the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong citizens were better protected in a secure environment, the United States leveled accusations and attacked Hong Kong's efforts to improve its electoral system, and continued to demonize the national security law in Hong Kong, which fully exposes Washington's hegemonic nature. While habitually bullying others and wielding the big stick of sanctions, those U.S. politicians have in fact exhausted their tactics. For them, only a chaotic Hong Kong serves their interests. The more stable Hong Kong is, the more anxious they will be. And now, their "agents" were arrested. Their plans for disturbing the city have failed. No matter how much pressure or how many rounds of sanctions the United States can impose, they will be nothing but waste paper. All in all, some U.S. politicians' concern about Hong Kong's democracy is a sham. Their true intention is to meddle in Hong Kong's politics and China's internal affairs. Their real purpose is to use Hong Kong as a tool to realize their political interests and contain China's development. The so-called "standing with the Hong Kong people" is nothing but a cover to deceive the world and reflects the hypocrisy of the U.S. politicians. What they are doing is to make enemies with the Hong Kong people. Those politicians are advised to stop repeating these cliches. In 1840, Britain opened the door of China with ships and guns, and Hong Kong was gradually occupied by Britain. For more than 100 years since then, the Chinese people have waged indomitable struggles for national liberation, national independence and social progress. Today, the Chinese nation has made a great leap from standing up, getting prosperous to becoming strong, and their effort to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. China has become an important force in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and its relations with the rest of the world have undergone tremendous changes. With the implementation of a series of effective measures, including the national security law, Hong Kong's social order has been restored, its development has returned to the right track, and the city has opened a new chapter with good governance. Hong Kong is getting more stable and prosperous with a better implementation of the "one country, two systems" principle. This is the strongest response to those U.S. politicians who slander Beijing's Hong Kong policy. No one can stop Hong Kong from reclaiming its glorious past. The Chinese people will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress or enslave them, and the cause of "one country, two systems" will never be obstructed or undermined by any external force. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. History has proved countless times that the final victory will always belong to the indomitable Chinese people. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 21:24:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NEW DELHI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The 20th "Chinese Bridge" Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign University Students (India) has been held online. Chinese Ambassador to India Sun Weidong said at the award ceremony of the competition that the "Chinese Bridge" series of competitions is an important platform for young students from the world to learn Chinese and understand China, and it has become an important brand event for international cultural exchanges. He said that the "Chinese Bridge" has built a bridge of culture, friendship and soul that connects China and the world. The theme "One Family in the World" deeply embodies the concept of "a community with a shared future for mankind" and carries forward the cultural tradition of harmony and peace of the Chinese nation, he said. Sun said China and India are both ancient civilizations, and cultural and educational exchanges between the two countries have a long history. The "Chinese Bridge" connects the youth of China and India, Sun said, encouraging the students to continue working hard in learning Chinese and calling on more Indian young people to learn Chinese and become cultural envoys promoting China-India friendship. A total of 23 Indian college contestants participated in the finals of the competition. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 21:31:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China's first robot for assembling building components rolled off the production line in east China's Jiangsu Province, Science and Technology Daily reported Wednesday. Developed by China Railway Science & Industry Group Co., Ltd and China Railway Construction Engineering Group, the robot is planned to be used for the construction of a metro line in Guangzhou. Equipped with 72 sensors and 50 cameras, the robot is 80 meters long, with a weight of 460 tonnes and an effective span of 69 meters. It can install beams weighing up to 120 tonnes. A total of eight independently movable legs consisting of 32 tires allow the robot to walk more flexibly and cross obstacles. Adopting Beidou positioning technology, the robot has a measurement accuracy of 10 millimeters, and has applied for two national invention patents, said one of the researchers. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:00:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on July 14, 2020 shows the Golden Bauhinia Square in south China's Hong Kong. (Xinhua/Wu Xiaochu) - The human rights situation in China is at its best in history. Since the national security law in Hong Kong came into effect more than a year ago, human rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens have suffered "zero damage." - If the United States really wants to "stand with" the Chinese people who "pursue" human rights, it should side with the overwhelming majority, not the other way around. BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Since the new U.S. administration took office, it has not changed the hegemonic behavior of its predecessor on issues related to Hong Kong, having launched at least 13 smear attacks against China on those issues and raved about "standing with Hong Kong people" many times. The U.S. side has also churned out fallacies about the proper measures taken to boost the long-term stability of Hong Kong, including China's implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong and measures to improve Hong Kong's electoral system. Washington has also ganged up with some Western forces to launch a propaganda campaign against China, and even imposed so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials. The unprovoked attacks on China by the new U.S. administration on issues related to Hong Kong are listed below in a bid to restore truths through an account of facts. PART 1 After China's National People's Congress (NPC) adopted a decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) on March 11, the U.S. State Department issued a statement to attack and discredit China's decision. The U.S. side also issued a statement with other Group of Seven members to defame China. On March 17, the U.S. State Department announced so-called "sanctions" against 24 Chinese officials, including 14 vice chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee, on the eve of a high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in the U.S. state of Alaska. Aerial photo taken on March 6, 2021 shows citizens displaying China's national flag and the flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in support of implementing the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" at Tamar Park in Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Li Gang) After the NPC adopted the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department claimed that the decision attacked Hong Kong's democratic process. However, it is purely China's internal affair to design and improve Hong Kong's electoral system, and no foreign force is entitled to interfere. In fact, the United States has its own strict laws against foreign interference in elections, and the U.S. House of Representatives had passed a bill to improve the U.S. electoral system. Why can the United States itself amend its own electoral laws any time it deems necessary but go all out to denigrate China's improvement of such laws for one of its special administrative regions? While the U.S. side alleged that the targets of its so-called "sanctions" have "undermined the high degree of autonomy promised to the people in Hong Kong," the U.S. accusation was not consistent with the facts. The NPC has made decisions on safeguarding national security in Hong Kong and improving the electoral system of Hong Kong respectively. The improved electoral system has ensured the implementation of the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," which excludes anti-China, destabilizing forces from the governance structure and better guarantees the national security and the safety of the HKSAR's body of power. It has also better reflected the extensive and balanced political participation by Hong Kong residents, which in no way weakens Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, but is more conducive to the healthy and orderly development of Hong Kong's democratic system. China's measures to maintain the long-term stability of Hong Kong have also won broad international support. During the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), 70 countries issued a joint statement urging relevant parties to stop interfering in issues related to Hong Kong and in China's internal affairs. In addition, another 20-plus countries also voiced support for China's position and measures on issues related to Hong Kong in their respective remarks at the HRC. The U.S. side, by choosing to announce the so-called "sanctions" against Chinese officials on the eve of the high-level strategic dialogue between China and the United States in Alaska, sought to use extreme pressure to gain bargaining chips. However, such unilateral "sanctions" were only a bluff. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) said previously that the U.S. unilateral sanctions are not adopted by the United Nations, thus having no legal effect in Hong Kong. The HKMA's position on unilateral U.S. "sanctions" is clear: Hong Kong banks have no legal responsibility to act in concert with those "sanctions." After the announcement of the so-called "sanctions" by the United States in 2020, anti-China and destabilizing forces rejoiced, claiming that those sanctions were "significant indicators" and "champagne corks will be opened tonight for celebration." They also predicted with confidence that "more sanctions will be imposed in the future, not only on senior officials and middle-level officials, but also those who directly endanger the rule of law in Hong Kong." The truth of the claim that "the United States stands with Hong Kong people" is that the U.S. side will always stand with those who create disturbances and undermine Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. PART 2 On March 30, the amended Annex I and Annex II to the HKSAR Basic Law were passed at the 27th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th NPC, with a unanimous vote from all committee members in attendance. On March 31, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken certified to U.S. Congress that Hong Kong remains undeserving of "special treatment" by the United States under U.S. law. On April 1, U.S. Consul General in Hong Kong Hanscom Smith raved that Hong Kong elections would not produce "meaningful democratic results." The designing and improvement of the electoral system of the HKSAR is China's internal affair. The amendments enjoy sufficient legal basis and fully embody the spirit of the rule of law in governing the country and Hong Kong by law. The newly amended Annexes I and II of the HKSAR Basic Law are systematic amendments to the method for selecting the HKSAR chief executive and the method for forming the HKSAR Legislative Council, respectively. By focusing on reconstituting the Election Committee and increasing empowerment, the amendments represent an overall planning and design for Hong Kong's electoral system, which have not only fixed the loopholes and defects of the original system in a timely manner, but also effectively enhanced the broad representation and balanced participation of the electoral system. They have optimized and developed Hong Kong's democratic system, and have by no means "weakened democracy." Citizens sign their names during a campaign in support of the decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by the National People's Congress (NPC) in Hong Kong, south China, March 11, 2021. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai) It is of great significance to improve the electoral system of the HKSAR. By making institutional arrangement at the constitutional level, it combines adherence to the principle of "one country" with respect for the differences between "two systems," and also combines the upholding of the central government's overall jurisdiction over Hong Kong with a guarantee of a high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong. It has fully implemented the fundamental principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," thus ensuring Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity, safeguarding the steady and sustained implementation of the principle of "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong, and giving Hong Kong people a promising future. In any country in the world, loyalty to one's homeland is a basic political ethic that must be observed by civil servants and those who run for public office. In Britain, the electoral system of each region is decided by the central government of Britain. For example, with the highest degree of autonomy, Scotland's electoral system was set by the Scotland Act passed by the British Parliament in 1998 and amended in 2012. Xulio Rios, director of the Observatory of Chinese Politics in Spain, said that the electoral reform shows the firm will of the Chinese government to preserve the stability of Hong Kong and not to sacrifice sovereignty under any circumstances. In an interview with Chinese media, George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, used a vivid expression to illustrate the need to improve Hong Kong's electoral system: to remove hidden enemies in the "Trojan horse." Hong Kong's special economic status is protected by the Basic Law and is generally recognized and respected by the international community. After Hong Kong's return to its motherland, its fiscal and taxation independence, free trade, issuance of its own currency, free flow of capital, and its status as a free port and a separate customs territory have been maintained and consolidated, which fully demonstrates that Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy is working well. While claiming to support Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, the U.S. side has cancelled the so-called "special treatment" for Hong Kong. Facts have proved that it is the U.S. side that has undermined Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy. Hong Kong's development achievements stem from the continuous hard work of generations of Hong Kong people and its great advantage of relying on the motherland. They have never been gifts or charity from any foreign country. The cancellation of the so-called "special treatment" by the U.S. side will stop neither Hong Kong's development and prosperity, nor the general trend of Hong Kong's continued integration with the motherland to gain more space for development. Smith denied the significance of improving Hong Kong's electoral system, because under the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," U.S. agents in Hong Kong, namely anti-China and destabilizing forces, will be completely excluded from the governance structure of the HKSAR. This is a huge defeat for those anti-China forces in the United States and the West who stand with such agents. PART 3 On April 16, anti-China Hong Kong disruptors, including Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and Martin Lee Chu-ming, were sentenced by a Hong Kong court according to law. Later, Blinken tweeted that the sentences "are unacceptable," and called for the release of those disruptors. He also added the hashtag #StandWithHongKong at the end of his tweet. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also tweeted that she was "saddened and disturbed" by the sentences, and smeared the sentences as "another sign of Beijing's assault on the rule of law." U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks during a press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., the United States, Feb. 25, 2021. The U.S. House on Thursday voted to pass an act that will prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. (Photo by Ting Shen/Xinhua) Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law. The evidence for the illegal activities of those anti-China Hong Kong disruptors is rock solid, and no external force has the right to butt in. The West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts announced on April 16 to sentence Jimmy Lai to 14 months in prison for organizing and participating in illegal assemblies on Aug. 18, 2019 in Hong Kong Island, and for participating in an unauthorized assembly on Aug. 31, 2019. The court also heard two other cases that Lai was involved in, including suspected of violating the national security law in Hong Kong and fraud, which were adjourned to June 15 and May 6 respectively. The prosecutor also filed charges against Lai over collusion with external forces to endanger national security and conspiracy to pervert the course of public justice. Facts showed that such perpetrators as Lai and Lee have colluded with Western anti-China forces for a long time and raised the devil. It was also made public that Lai has built shady connections with the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy, a U.S. government-sponsored entity. During the illegal "Occupy Central" movement in 2014 and the chaos over the amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Ordinance in 2019, the local Apple Daily newspaper, controlled by Lai, served as a propaganda tool for the anti-China and destabilizing forces. Even after the implementation of the national security law, the perpetrators still kept "fighting for the United States" under the disguise of media workers. Their repeated breaking of the bottom line has made them a common enemy of the Hong Kong society. The sentences of those who organized and took part in unauthorized and illegal assemblies are based on sufficient factual evidence, with the procedure totally legal and the verdict made public according to law. Some U.S. politicians, despite chanting the slogan of upholding international rules, have repeatedly trampled on international law and basic norms governing international relations, and wantonly interfered in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs. That fully exposes their entrenched double standards on international rules, the use of which depends on whether they conform to U.S. interests. When illegal demonstrations broke out in Hong Kong, Pelosi called them "a beautiful sight to behold." In sharp contrast, she unscrupulously slandered the normal law-enforcement measures by the Hong Kong police, who had shown maximum restraint. When large-scale riots erupted in Los Angeles in 1992, the same California politician did not meet and incite the organizers of the riots. In 2021, when the U.S. Capitol Hill was under attack, Pelosi, as a congresswoman, did not view the riot as "a beautiful sight to behold," but instead condemned the attackers hard. The ironic contrast laid bare the true color of U.S. politicians' "promise" to firmly stand with the anti-China and destabilizing forces in Hong Kong. PART 4 On May 7, Blinken wrote on Twitter that the country "stands with the people of Hong Kong," while asking the Hong Kong government to immediately release multiple instigators of riots in the city, including Joshua Wong. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before U.S. House Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on March 10, 2021. (Ken Cedeno/Pool via Xinhua) On May 6, four instigators of the Hong Kong riots, including Wong, were sentenced to four to 10 months in prison respectively by the District Court of the HKSAR, for knowingly participating in an unauthorized assembly. The facts of the cases are well-founded, and Wong and the others are guilty as charged. The ridiculous demand for the immediate release of the defendants does not respect the rule of law, revealing Washington's attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs. While Hong Kong's laws always respect and protect rights and freedoms under the Basic Law, these rights and freedoms are not absolute, and shall be built upon the maintenance of public order and the protection of rights and freedoms of others. Wong and the others knew the assembly was unauthorized but still took part in it. David Gosset, a French expert on international issues and founder of the Europe-China Forum, described certain Western politicians as hypocrites who turned a blind eye to the violence in Hong Kong. He stressed that the violent and extremist acts in the city, which damaged its people's rights, should be condemned. John Ross, former director of Economic and Business Policy of London, said that he thinks it is a typical example of hypocrisy that certain U.S. politicians play the human rights card only when it comes to Hong Kong affairs. British barrister Grenville Cross, who started working in Hong Kong in 1978 and served as Hong Kong's first director of public prosecutions after the city's return to China, pointed out that international anti-China forces are trying to undermine the practice of "one country, two systems" by destroying the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in order to contain China's development. In 2019, when the Hong Kong government sought to introduce amendments to its extradition laws, anti-China forces in the United States and some other Western countries incited crimes of violence in the city from behind the scenes, insanely challenged the bottom line of "one country, two systems," gravely undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and put its people under extreme anxiety. In 2021, the U.S. side is still sparing no effort to speak for the criminals, including Wong. This demonstrates again that by claiming it "stands with the people of Hong Kong," Washington is actually siding with criminals and treating the Hong Kong people as enemies. PART 5 On May 27, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR voted overwhelmingly to pass the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Bill 2021. On May 28, Blinken made rash criticism of the bill, calling for the release of all those charged under the national security law in Hong Kong, and dismissal of charges against them. Under the improved electoral system in Hong Kong, the composition of the Election Committee and the Legislative Council is more broadly representative, which reflects the interests of all sectors of the Hong Kong society in a comprehensive and balanced manner, safeguards the executive-led political system, ensures that the Legislative Council performs its duties in accordance with the law, and enhances the effectiveness of the HKSAR's governance. It is also conducive to pushing forward joint social efforts to solve deep-seated problems and promoting people's livelihood and economic development. Before and after the adoption of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR, the central government collected opinions from people from all walks of life in Hong Kong in various ways. On March 15-17, the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee, together with the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, held more than 60 symposiums for three consecutive days on the implementation of the NPC's decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR. Together with additional visits and interviews, the relevant views of over 1,000 representatives from all walks of life in Hong Kong were extensively and carefully listened to. More than 2.38 million signatures were collected in Hong Kong in support of improving the electoral system of the HKSAR during an 11-day campaign starting from March 11. According to a survey by Hong Kong's think-tank Bauhinia Institute, more than 70 percent of Hong Kong residents believe that the improvement of Hong Kong's electoral system has enhanced their confidence in Hong Kong's future. After the passage of the bill, various sectors of the Hong Kong society, including the Hong Kong Civil Servants General Union, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations, expressed support for the bill. The United States has many electoral laws. In the past two years alone, members of the U.S. Congress have introduced more than 40 bills to improve the U.S. electoral system. On the same day when China's top legislature announced its agenda for improving Hong Kong's electoral system, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a "For the People Act" to improve the electoral system and ensure election security. Photo taken on Feb. 22, 2021 in Brussels, Belgium shows a screen displaying the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) held in Geneva, Switzerland. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng) On March 5, Belarus delivered a joint speech on behalf of over 70 countries at the 46th session of the UNHRC, emphasizing that Hong Kong affairs are China's internal affairs and should not be interfered by external forces. Ambassador Yury Ambrazevich, head of the Belarus mission to the UN in Geneva, said in an interview after the meeting that "we emphasized that Hong Kong is an integral part of China and Hong Kong affairs are China's internals affairs," stressing that China has the sole authority and responsibility to make any decisions, including on improving Hong Kong's electoral system, to promote Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability. Judging from its call for releasing all those charged and dropping charges against them under the national security law in Hong Kong, the U.S. position is very clear: the United States stands "firmly" in opposition to the national security law in Hong Kong, which has guaranteed the transition from chaos to order in Hong Kong and effectively restored the sense of security of Hong Kong citizens. PART 6 On June 3, Blinken issued a statement on the website of U.S. Department of State, claiming that the United States will "stand with the people of China as they demand that their government respect universal human rights." On the following day, he tweeted a call for "the immediate release" of some people in Hong Kong that were arrested. During the disturbance in Hong Kong following the proposed ordinance amendments in 2019, anti-China extremist and secessionist groups supported by the United States did not pursue human rights, but trampled on human rights in an attempt to seize the jurisdiction in Hong Kong and subvert the state power. From June 2019 to mid-March 2020, there were more than 1,400 demonstrations and public gatherings in Hong Kong, many of which eventually turned into serious violent incidents, such as throwing petrol bombs, vandalism, and burning shops. Rioters attacked police stations and officers, besieged innocent citizens, doxed people who expressed opinions different from theirs, destroyed subways and public facilities, paralyzed airports, blocked traffic and "occupied" university campuses, posing a long-term grave threat to public safety and order in Hong Kong. Violent protesters throw petrol bombs at police officers in south China's Hong Kong, Aug. 31, 2019. (Xinhua) Data showed that the number of crime cases in Hong Kong had been on a downward trend in the past years before the "Black Terror" in 2019, but the social unrest reversed the trend, as the number rose by 9 percent and 7 percent respectively in 2019 and 2020. Luo Changqing, a 70-year-old cleaner in Hong Kong, was hit by rioters and died of serious wounds. A Hong Kong resident surnamed Lee was poured with flammable liquid and set ablaze, following an argument with rioters who were thrashing public facilities. He suffered from burns on almost half of his body, and was once in a critical condition. Chan Tze-chin, a Hong Kong lawyer, was surrounded and viciously beaten up by rioters after he berated them for thrashing shops in a busy shopping area in Causeway Bay, and suffered multiple physical injuries. More than half of the stores of Best Mart 360, the Hong Kong-based snack chain, were vandalized in the social unrest. Yonden Lhatoo, chief news editor at the South China Morning Post, wrote in an article in 2020: "So when Americans take to the streets in an eruption of rage against systemic racism that has afflicted their country since its founding, they are 'rioters' who deserve to be shot dead? But when radicals in Hong Kong go on the rampage, hurling petrol bombs, destroying public property ... they are mighty champions of freedom?" The United States itself has terrible human rights records. The Russian Foreign Ministry on July 9 released country reports on human rights situation, which point out that the United States continues to grossly violate human rights both inside the country and beyond its shores. The freedom of the press in the United States, to which Washington declares adherence, is sliding into complete degradation, and the level of racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and other manifestations of discrimination and xenophobia continue to rise. The human rights situation in China is at its best in history. Since the national security law in Hong Kong came into effect more than a year ago, human rights and freedoms of the overwhelming majority of Hong Kong citizens have suffered "zero damage." If the United States really wants to "stand with" the Chinese people who "pursue" human rights, it should side with the overwhelming majority, not the other way around. (more) Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:26:28|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close CAIRO, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit on Wednesday urged the unity of different political factions in Lebanon to save the country from its ongoing crisis. "Ending the ongoing crisis is still possible," he said in a statement, as Lebanon marked the first anniversary of the catastrophic Beirut port explosion on Wednesday. Highlighting the urgent need for Lebanon to restore its economy through forming a technocrat government, Aboul-Gheit said the real reason for the huge explosion of the Beirut port is still dormant because of the deep political differences in Lebanon. The blast of the Beirut port on Aug. 4 last year, caused by the explosion of a huge quantity of ammonium nitrate that had been stored in one of the port's warehouses since 2013, killed more than 200 and wounded about 6,500 others. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:41:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close YANGON, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The number of COVID-19 cases in Myanmar has increased to 315,118 on Wednesday after 4,051 new cases were reported in the past 24 hours, according to a release from the Ministry of Health. A total of 322 new deaths were reported, bringing the death toll to 10,695 in the country as of Wednesday, the release said. According to the ministry's release, a total of 225,849 patients have been discharged from the hospitals and over 3.20 million samples have been tested for COVID-19 so far. The Chinese Embassy to Myanmar recently donated a total of 25,000 masks, 500 face shields, a batch of disinfectants and hand sanitizers to the University of Foreign Languages and 35,000 masks, 1,000 face shields, a batch of disinfectants and hand sanitizers to the Higher Education Department in Yangon, according to the embassy's release on Wednesday. The embassy also donated medical supplies including ventilators, oxygen concentrators, oximeters, test kits, medicines, masks, and oxygen cylinders to the departmental organizations from business sector, the release said. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has donated medicines and medical equipment and sent medical experts to assist Myanmar's fight against the pandemic. Myanmar detected its first two COVID-19 cases on March 23 last year. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:56:52|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- ASEAN foreign ministers on Wednesday called for making COVID-19 vaccines available and affordable to all as global public goods. According to a joint communique released by the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, ASEAN foreign ministers noted the need to enhance vaccine production and distribution in the region. "We called for enhanced collaboration and sharing of experience with ASEAN's partners in research, development, production, and distribution of vaccines, providing equitable access to medicines for COVID-19, making COVID-19 vaccines available and affordable to all as global public goods, as well as preparing for other future public health emergencies." ASEAN foreign ministers said that they remained deeply concerned with the continued human cost and suffering as well as profound socio-economic impacts of COVID-19. "We welcomed the progress made in implementing the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework and its Implementation Plan, which serves as a consolidated strategy for ASEAN to emerge more resilient and stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic," the joint communique said. "We welcomed the continued contributions from ASEAN Member States and external partners to the COVID-19 ASEAN Response Fund which now has pledged contributions amounting to 20.8 million U.S. dollars," ASEAN foreign ministers added. To realize vaccine security and self-reliance in ASEAN, the foreign ministers said that they looked forward to the implementation of the Regional Strategic and Action Plan on ASEAN Vaccine Security and Self-Reliance 2021-2025. The 54th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting was held here in Brunei via videoconference on Monday. According to the ASEAN schedule, the 29th ASEAN Coordinating Council Meeting, 22nd ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, 11th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting, and 28th ASEAN Regional Forum will also be held here in Brunei via videoconference from Monday to Saturday. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:58:56|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MOSCOW, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The sudden shutdown of the Fort Detrick lab in the United States and the pneumonia outbreak that followed are far from coincidental and should be studied in the scope of the ongoing investigation into the pandemic's origins, a Russian political observer has said. In his article published in the Free Media online newspaper on Saturday, Sergei Plotnikov outlined some striking events that followed after the closure of the prominent military biological lab in Maryland. Alongside a lack of transparency from the U.S. government in relation to the closure, there was little coverage of the unknown pneumonia outbreak that happened in two nursing homes in July 2019, which were "coincidentally" located close to the military base, Plotnikov wrote. While the disease continued to spread throughout the United States with its cause and origins remaining unknown, the U.S. lab remained closed and was not involved in any research, he added. Local authority quickly linked the unprecedented outbreak to e-cigarette use as victims in Wisconsin, northern Virginia and later other parts of the country continued to suffer from the lung disease. Specialists from the U.S. National Institutes of Health believe that the coronavirus, which was unknown at that time, started spreading in the United States in the fall of 2019, according to Plotnikov. "Some of the 24,000 blood samples collected in early 2020 from different places in the United States already had antibodies against COVID-19," he wrote. Other evidence presented in USA Today and The Palm Beach Post shows there were 171 cases linked to the new coronavirus in Florida in December 2019, where 107 of the patients had not traveled outside of the United States. Taking into account the shutdown of the lab, the sudden outbreak and the U.S. government's refusal to openly investigate the nature of the primary infections in Maryland, it becomes difficult to call these developments a coincidence, Plotnikov concluded. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 22:59:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), attends a webinar attended by more than 500 participants from the Singaporean business community, in south China's Hong Kong, Aug. 4, 2021. (Xinhua) HONG KONG, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Hong Kong's financial system has proven its resilience during the social unrest and the pandemic, Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), said Wednesday at an online forum. Hong Kong has unrivaled connectivity with the mainland's financial markets and offers direct two-way access through stock and bond connect programs, as well as the future wealth management connect program, Lam said when speaking at a webinar attended by more than 500 participants from the Singaporean business community. Lam encouraged Singaporean enterprises to consider listing in Hong Kong and to set up a presence here to tap the opportunities in the financial sector including those in green finance. With the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong and improvements to the electoral system, stability has been restored in Hong Kong society and the legitimate rights and freedoms of the people and businesses are safeguarded, she said. The unparalleled strengths of Hong Kong under "one country, two systems" make it an ideal gateway for Singaporean businesses to tap into the opportunities in the mainland markets, Lam said. The webinar is part of the efforts of the HKSAR government in reaching out directly to overseas business communities and the chief executive has attended such events with the European Union, Japanese and New Zealand communities in recent months. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 23:21:04|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JERUSALEM -- Israel said on Wednesday that it has fired three rounds of artillery into Lebanon after three rockets were fired earlier from there. "For the third time within two hours, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) struck along the Lebanese border," an Israeli military spokesperson said in a statement. (Israel-Lebanon-Artillery Fire) - - - - ISLAMABAD -- At least four people were killed and three others injured when the wall of a house collapsed in the capital city Peshawar of Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, police sources said on Wednesday. Members of a family were sitting inside the house when the wall collapsed on them, killing two women and two kids while a man and two kids got injured in the incident, the sources told Xinhua. (Pakistan-Wall Collapse) - - - - SANAA -- At least 18 Houthi rebels were killed in overnight airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen's central province of Marib, a government military source said Wednesday. "The militiamen were targeted when travelling on three pick-up vehicles in a road linking the western districts of Sirwah, Jabal Murad and Rahabah," the source in Marib told Xinhua on condition of anonymity. (Yemen-Saudi Airstrikes-Houthis) - - - - DHAKA -- At least 17 wedding party members were killed on Wednesday by a massive lightning strike in Bangladesh's Chapainawabganj district, some 302 km northwest of capital Dhaka, a senior official said. Sakib Al Rabbi, head of Chapainawabganj's Shibganj sub-district administration, told Xinhua over mobile phone that "17 people were killed on the spot after lightning struck a wedding party boat." (Bangladesh-Lightning Strike-Toll). Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 23:40:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close CHANGSHA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- China has imported its first dried chili peppers from Africa, with 200 kg of these products shipped from Rwanda to the central Chinese city of Changsha, local customs said Wednesday. On Wednesday, customs authorities in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, issued an inspection and quarantine certificate for the batch of imports. "The imported 200 kg of dried chilies will be sold to dealers and then given to customers and food processing plants as samples," said Yu Jian, chairman of GK International in Hunan, the importer. According to the contract, the supplier in Rwanda will export 50,000 tonnes of dried chili peppers to Hunan Province within five years, and the trade can be settled in the Chinese currency, renminbi, Yu said. China has the world's largest number of dried chili pepper consumers, exporting 119,900 tonnes of dried chili peppers in the first half of 2021. It is up by 45.55 percent year on year, official data showed. Hunan is a big consumer and processor of chili peppers across the country. The pepper plantation in Hunan cannot meet the local demand from the dried chili pepper processing industry, said Li Wenxiang, an official with the Hunan provincial department of agriculture and rural affairs. Before imports from Rwanda, only seven countries were allowed to export dried chili peppers to China. Last month, the General Administration of Customs gave the green light to dried chili pepper imports from Rwanda. It became the first African country to gain access to the Chinese market for dried chili peppers. It will give Rwanda opportunities to get a foothold in a lucrative market, and give farmers a sustainable and reliable market for their chili, said Dieudonne Twahirwa with the Rwanda supplier via video link Wednesday. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 23:59:10|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JUBA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The UN mission in South Sudan on Wednesday welcomed the swearing in of 504 members of the Revitalized Transitional National Legislative Assembly and 84 members of the Council of States, terming it a positive step forward in the peace process. Special Representative of the Secretary-General Nicholas Haysom expressed hope that the new lawmakers will tackle their busy legislative agenda effectively. "We have every confidence that the members will tackle their busy legislative agenda with energy and enthusiasm given that there is still much work to meet the benchmarks set by the peace agreement," Haysom said in a statement issued in Juba, capital of South Sudan. He said the appointment of the country's first woman Speaker, Jemma Nunu Kumba, is also a notable achievement given the target set in the peace agreement for 35 percent representation for women in governance structures. "It is very pleasing to see the new members sworn in and we look forward to the legislature becoming fully operational in the coming days," said Haysom. The legislature is responsible for passing new laws and reforms that will help advance the full implementation of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, including the permanent constitution-making process and preparations for elections at the end of the transitional period. South Sudan's transitional unity government which was formed in February 2020 was a key condition for the 2018 peace deal that ended five years of fighting between the government and rebel forces. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:06:06|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL -- Kabul residents in a move to support the security forces in the war against Taliban militants came to streets and climbed to the roofs of their houses on Tuesday night, announcing to stand alongside government forces. People in the peaceful procession denounced the ongoing war as illegitimate and claimed to support the country's National Defense and Security Forces against the Taliban militants in the ongoing war.(Afghanistan-Support-Security forces) - - - - BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN -- ASEAN foreign ministers on Wednesday called for making COVID-19 vaccines available and affordable to all as global public goods. According to a joint communique released by the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, ASEAN foreign ministers noted the need to enhance vaccine production and distribution in the region.(Brunei-ASEAN-Vaccines) - - - - YANGON -- Myanmar approved an appointment of Brunei's Second Minister of Foreign Affairs Haji Erywan as a special envoy of ASEAN to Myanmar on Wednesday, according to a release of the State Administration Council. The appointment was contained in a joint communique of the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting which was released on Wednesday.(Myanmar-ASEAN envoy) - - - - PHNOM PENH -- Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn has reiterated the country's support for the elevation of ASEAN-China relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, according to a foreign ministry's statement on Wednesday. Sokhonn made the remarks during the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting via video link on Tuesday.(Cambodia-ASEAN-China relations) - - - - HONG KONG -- Hong Kong's financial system has proven its resilience during the social unrest and the pandemic, Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), said Wednesday at an online forum. Hong Kong has unrivaled connectivity with the mainland's financial markets and offers direct two-way access through stock and bond connect programs, as well as the future wealth management connect program, Lam said when speaking at a webinar attended by more than 500 participants from the Singaporean business community.(Hong Kong-Financial system) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:08:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NAIROBI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The chaff-cutter on the farm in Kajiado County, south of Kenya's capital Nairobi, rotates at greater speed as it chops dry grass into tiny pieces. Standing on the side feeding the machine the grass is a lanky man, who does the job faster to ensure he keeps up with the speed of the machine. Another worker collects the chopped grass and takes it to a cowshed hosting some 15 dairy cows where it is mixed with molasses and fed to the animals. "We grow the Rhodes grass during the rainy season, harvest, dry and store it for the rainy day. This is what we use during the dry season and it saves us a lot since the rains have become too erratic," farm manager Paul Sosoika told Xinhua in an interview. The growing and storage of the improved grass breed is one of the climate-smart measures east African nation farmers have adopted. The other one is making silage and storing it in a bunker for use in times of scarcity. The two are some of the climate mitigation measures that have spread at the grassroots in Kenya as the effects of climate change unfold in the country. With many citizens witnessing the weather becoming erratic, changing farming seasons and an increase in pests and diseases, spreading the knowledge about climate change has become an easy task for campaigners. "It is no longer harder to convince farmers, for instance, to grow trees around their farms as a climate mitigation measure because people are seeing the challenges arising from the weather," said Beatrice Macharia, an agronomist with Growth Point, an agro-consultancy in Kajiado. The grassroots climate measures are, however, not only being done by individuals but also county governments, which are turning them into policy. Makueni County is one of the devolved units in the east African nation with the most progressive grassroots climate mitigation measures. The county government has allocated 1 percent of its total development budget to climate change mitigation. This is being done by mainstreaming its climate change regulations into a development plan. Lydia Muithya, a climate grassroots leader in Makueni County, said recently that with climate change, top-down solutions cannot work. "Various communities and individuals have their own needs depending on how climate change is affecting them. Thus, communities are in place to know what to do at the grassroots," she said, adding climate-smart mitigation measures have caught on. She noted that many communities in Kenya are coming up with intervention measures and are owning them. "The place of the communities at the grassroots is to prioritize which interventions to implement. They thus own the initiatives and make them sustainable," she said. Some of the interventions most communities in Kenya have adopted include growing climate-smart crops like sorghum, short-season plants like traditional vegetables and the introduction of community radios to disseminate climate information. "We get all the information about the weather, what to plant and when to harvest our crops from our community radio station," said Juma Wandera, a resident of Budalangi, a flood-prone area in Busia County, western Kenya. According to Michael Okumu, deputy director of climate change negotiations and finance, in Kenya's Ministry of Environment, Kenya has a progressive legislative framework that encourages grassroots climate action. Okumu noted that Kenya in 2010 created its national climate response strategy, which over the years has been trickled down to the grassroots. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:56:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ABUJA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Nigerian police on Wednesday said 25 people were killed following attacks in four communities in the northwestern state of Kaduna. The attacks by unknown gunmen occurred on Monday in four communities of the Kauru district of Kaduna which shares a border with the central state of Plateau, Mohammed Jalige, a spokesman for the police in Kaduna, told Xinhua by telephone. "The death toll might increase, as we are still expecting an update from our personnel who are trying to restore orderliness in the area," Jalige said. Samuel Aruwan, the state's commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, said in a statement on Wednesday that three residents were injured by the attackers. According to Aruwan, 68 farms were destroyed and 63 huts were burned following the attack. The official said an investigation is underway in the general area, as the military and other security agencies have been deployed to contain the renewed cycle of violence in the neighboring districts of Kauru and Bassa in Kaduna and Plateau states respectively. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:57:20|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NAIROBI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The East African Business Council (EABC), a regional trade lobby, on Wednesday urged the East African Community (EAC) partner states to liberalize the air transport services to spur intra-regional trade. The EABC is the regional apex body of the private sector in the EAC member states of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan. John Bosco Kalisa, CEO of EABC said that the domestic air transport sector remains protected, reducing accessibility and increasing air transport cost at the expense of potential users. "Liberalization of air services in the region is set to increase traffic volumes, improve connectivity and lower air transport fares. This will in turn increase trade and tourism, inward investment and productivity growth," Kalisa said in a statement. According to findings from the latest policy paper by EABC, Costs and Benefits of 'Open Skies' in the EAC region, air-transport liberalization is set to lower flight costs by nine percent and result in a 41 percent increase in flight frequencies. The policy paper recommends for the EAC partner states to provide subsidies for the aviation industry in the form of direct financial support, loan guarantees, corporate bonds and tax reliefs. "By removing foreign restrictions, EAC partner states will be able to attract private sector investment. This will open up access to capital and avail investment in infrastructure upgrades and capacity expansion for regional airports," Kalisa added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 01:36:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Wednesday expressed concern about the worsening humanitarian situation in Yemen as a result of flooding and rise in COVID-19 cases. Heavy rains and flooding in Yemen have affected at least 28,000 people, according to initial estimates. Humanitarian partners on the ground are conducting assessments and providing assistance, including shelter, food and health care, said OCHA. Meanwhile, COVID-19 cases have increased over recent days, triggering fears that the country is entering a third wave, it said. So far, just over 310,000 vaccine doses have been administered, meaning that only 1 percent of the population has got their first dose. This takes place against a backdrop of dire humanitarian needs, conflict and the threat of famine, said OCHA. More than half of Yemenis are facing crisis levels of food insecurity, and 5 million people are one step away from famine. As the value of the Yemeni rial continues to plummet, more and more Yemenis are being pushed to the brink, it said. The 3.85-billion-U.S.-dollar humanitarian response plan for Yemen is currently only 47 percent funded. And most of the money available will run out in September, said OCHA. "Additional and predictable funding is urgently needed so that people can continue receiving the lifesaving assistance they need." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 01:54:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ADEN, Yemen, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Five Sudanese soldiers of the Saudi-led coalition were killed Wednesday when a blast struck their military vehicle in Yemen's northwestern province of Hajjah, a government official told Xinhua. The explosion killed at least five Sudanese soldiers at the scene and seriously wounded three others, the official said on condition of anonymity. Sudanese military units have been participating in the Saudi-led coalition forces fighting against the Houthi militia in Yemen since March 2015. Large areas of the war-torn country witness almost daily mine explosions, resulting in human and material losses. Previous reports by humanitarian organizations said Yemen has become one of the largest landmine fields in the world since World War II. The Houthis seized the northern Yemeni provinces including the capital Sanaa in late 2014, forcing President Abdu-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his government into exile. A coalition formed by Saudi Arabia and several other Arab countries intervened militarily in the conflict to fight against the Houthis in March 2015, in response to an official request from Hadi to protect Yemen. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 02:05:58|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday sternly refuted remarks made by the United States and Japan on issues related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong and their attacks on China on grounds of human rights. That came as Wang asked for the floor for the second time in response to the above-mentioned accusations, after he had delivered a speech concerning East Asia cooperation via video link at the 11th East Asia Summit (EAS) Foreign Ministers' Meeting. Noting such smearing remarks are cliche that is not worthy of refuting at all and the ASEAN countries have not echoed, Wang said China nevertheless has the right for sure to make refutation based on the reciprocity principle. As affairs related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong are all China's internal affairs, Wang said making irresponsible remarks over China's internal affairs has seriously breached the basic norms governing international relations, and undermined the principle of sovereign equality. "For such abominable behavior, we will resolutely make refutation each and every time it comes up," added Wang. In recent years, the people of Uygur ethnic group in Xinjiang have experienced a doubling of their population, the constant increase of income year by year and elevation of education level, Wang said. "How come there is the so-called 'genocide'?" He said the previous massive killing exercised by the United States on American Indians is the real genocide, and the massive casualties suffered by innocent civilians as a result of warfare waged by the United States worldwide are crimes against humanity in name and in fact. Wang said that the Xinjiang government has repeatedly refuted all kinds of lies using facts and data. Ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, including the Uygur ethnic group, have stood up and used their own experiences to fight back against all kinds of misinformation. "However, the United States has turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to this. Where is your conscience? Where is your credibility?" Wang asked, adding that the paranoia the U.S. had shown is typical Western-style arrogance and impertinence. He said the enactment of the national security law in Hong Kong and the reform of the electoral system have restored stability and improved the rule of law in Hong Kong, and ensured the legitimate rights and interests of Hong Kong residents and all people living in Hong Kong, making "one country, two systems" go steadily and far. He added that 70 percent of Hong Kong people are satisfied with the current situation. "Now you are expressing your so-called concerns, then what are you concerned about? You want Hong Kong to return to chaos and turmoil, and 'Hong Kong independence' forces to take to the streets again? Is that what you want?" Wang asked. "I want to make this clear: drop illusion about the idea. It is impossible for you to see that day!" Wang said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 02:50:25|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations is deeply concerned about the safety of civilians in Lashkar Gah, the capital city of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, fearing tens of thousands were trapped by fighting, UN humanitarians said on Wednesday. Conflict in the southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar displaced civilians to adjacent, calmer areas within the provincial capital cities (Lashkar Gah and Kandahar) and neighboring districts, said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). "There are reports of increased civilian casualties, destruction or damage to civilian houses and to critical infrastructure, including hospitals," the office said. "Hospitals and health workers are becoming overwhelmed by the number of wounded people." The United Nations and its humanitarian partners are assessing needs and responding as access allows. They said they reached over 2,000 people on Sunday with food, water, sanitation and cash assistance in Kandahar. Since the start of the year, nearly 360,000 people have been forcibly displaced by conflict. About 5 million people have been displaced since 2012. In the first half of the year, attacks on health facilities deprived 200,000 people in Afghanistan of access to primary care, OCHA said. The humanitarian office urged parties to the conflict to protect civilians, aid workers and civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, in compliance with international humanitarian law. It also called on parties to grant aid workers access to assistance without interference, honoring humanitarian principles. Humanitarians are committed to stay and deliver in Afghanistan and expect to have reached almost half of the nearly 16 million people targeted for assistance, so far in 2021, despite worsening conditions, said OCHA. The United Nations seeks urgent funding for Afghanistan's humanitarian response plan, which requires 1.3 billion U.S. dollars but has received only 485 million dollars, or 38 percent of the request. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 03:19:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TRIPOLI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Libyan Prime Minister Abdul-Hamed Dbeibah on Wednesday met with Italian Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese in Libya's capital Tripoli and discussed illegal migration issue, the Libyan Government's information office said in a statement. "Lamorgese stressed the need for continuous communication with the Libyan Ministry of Interior to coordinate on a number of important common issues, the most important of which is the illegal migration," the statement said. Dbeibah stressed the need to activate the Italian role in the illegal migration issue, and the need for serious cooperation between the two ministries of the two countries. "The meeting also discussed the current events in Tunisia and their impact on illegal migration in particular," the statement added. Libya has been suffering insecurity and chaos since the fall of the late leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, making the North African country a preferred point of departure for illegal migrants who want to cross the Mediterranean Sea to European shores. So far in 2021, more than 19,000 illegal migrants, including women and children, have been rescued at sea and returned to Libya, while 360 died and 570 went missing off the Libyan coast on the Central Mediterranean route, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 03:29:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close CAIRO, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- An Egyptian-South Sudanese joint ministerial committee discussed in Cairo on Wednesday cooperation between the two countries in several sectors, said Egypt's international cooperation minister who chaired the meeting. The Egyptian-South Sudanese Joint Higher Committee meetings addressed prospect cooperation between Cairo and Juba in the fields of agriculture, water, irrigation, trade and education, Egyptian International Cooperation Minister Rania al-Mashat said in a statement posted on her Twitter page. "As chair of the committee meetings, I shared that deepening economic relations between Egypt and South Sudan will generate investment and private sector engagement," she added. The two delegations included the Egyptian minsters of irrigation, education, higher education and agriculture and the South Sudanese ministers of industry, trade, water resources, animal resources and fisheries, higher education and science and technology. In late July, Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly and South Sudanese Vice President James Wani Igga witnessed in Cairo the signing of several agreements to boost cooperation between the two countries. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 03:38:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close AMMAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Jordan said Wednesday the Jaber Border crossing with Syria was reopened for cargo movement following a 3-day closure over security concerns, the state-run Petra news agency reported. Association of Owners of Clearance and Transport Companies' President DaifAllah Abu Aqouleh said that back-to-back shipment rule is being employed for imports from Syria and Lebanon, as well as Jordanian exports, until further notice, the agency reported. Last Saturday, an official source at Jordan's Ministry of Interior said the Jaber Border crossing with Syria would be temporarily closed due to security reasons. In late July, Jordan and Syria agreed to reopen the border crossing at full capacity as of Aug. 1, according to a statement by the Prime Ministry. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 04:33:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ISTANBUL, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Wildfire has reached a thermal power plant in the southwestern Turkish province of Mugla and forced the evacuations of people in nearby towns on Wednesday. Gendarmerie forces ordered the residents of several neighborhoods in the Milas district to leave the area immediately, local officials said. Media footage showed people trying to leave Oren, a small town, by their vehicles or other means they found through the highway. The National Defense Ministry announced that citizens who gathered at the pier were evacuated and transported to safe areas with the landing ship of the Naval Forces Command. The power plant area was completely cordoned off, according to press reports. Mugla Mayor Osman Gurun confirmed that the fire has spread to the Kemerkoy Thermal Power Plant buildings, and all the explosive chemicals in the facility have been emptied. "However, there is a risk of the fire spreading to thousands of tons of coal inside," Gurun noted. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 04:54:04|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ATHENS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- A total of 114 fires broke out in the last 24 hours in Greece, as local authorities declared the fire-stricken area of Varybobi and the wider municipality of Acharnes in the north of Athens in a state of emergency. "We give a titanic battle in multiple fire fronts," Greek Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Crisis Management Nikos Hardalias told a press briefing Wednesday evening, as wildfires raged across the country. The biggest of these blazes were on the island of Evia, in ancient Olympia, though wildfires have also ripped through Messinia in the Peloponnese, and in Chalkidiki on the northern side of Greece. Hundreds of people were evacuated from more than 10 villages on the island of Evia, as wildfire was spreading on four major fronts in the north part of the island, burning houses and forest land since Tuesday evening. Coast guard vessels along with private boats assisted to transfer 90 residents and tourists of the coastal town of Rovies, in Evia, who were sent to the beach for safety in the port of Edipsos, Greek national news agency AMNA reported. Similar scenes were unfolding at the same time in the municipality of ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the ancient Olympics in northwestern Peloponnese. "Seven fires broke out in Ilia prefecture on Wednesday, four of which (are) in the broader area of the town and ancient site of Ancient Olympia," Hardalias said. Firefighters backed by aircraft dropped water to stop wildfire from burning the 2,800-year-old ruins, one of the most revered sites of antiquity, as alert 112 messages were issued to residents to evacuate eight villages. Forest fires are common during Greece's hot, dry summers, but nothing has approached the scale of the last four days. According to the National Observatory of Athens, fires that broke out since the beginning of August have burned more than 50 percent of the land surface usually destroyed in an entire fire season in Greece. In particular, fires in Attica, on the island of Rhodes and Evia, and in Eastern Mani in August destroyed nearly 6,000 hectares. In the entire fire season of 2020, fires burnt 10,376 hectares of land, and that number was 9,405 hectares in 2019. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 04:55:07|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TEHRAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Iran's newly-elected President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday said establishing extensive interaction with neighboring countries constitutes one of his government's main foreign policy principles. He made the remarks in a meeting with Nurdinjon Ismailov, speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan. "There are countless potentials for the development of relations between the two countries in different fields, especially economy," Raisi was quoted as saying by the Iranian Presidency's official website. For his part, Ismailov said that Uzbekistan seeks to develop and strengthen comprehensive relations with Iran, especially in the trade and economic sectors. In the same day, Raisi also held meetings with envoys from other countries dispatched to Iran's capital Tehran to attend Raisi's inauguration ceremony on Thursday. During his meeting with Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid Badr Hamad al-Busaidi, Raisi said that Iran aims to develop relations with Oman "in all political, economic, social and cultural fields." For his part, al-Busaidi greeted Raisi's election, saying the "historical and deep-rooted relationship" between Oman and Iran has become "a model between countries in the region." The Omani envoy also expressed hope to have Raisi as a guest in Muscat "as soon as possible." During another meeting with Mahmadtoir Zokirzoda, chairman of the Assembly of Representatives of Tajikistan, Raisi called for the development of ties between Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan as three Persian-speaking countries. "The insecurity in Afghanistan today, which is rooted in foreign interference in the country, is not in anyone's interest. Iran and Tajikistan should have closer bilateral and international cooperation with each other to eliminate this common concern," Raisi noted. For his part, Zokirzoda greeted Raisi on his election, and praised the potential for the development of Iran-Tajikistan ties, which he described as based on "common language, culture, history and civilisation." The Iranian newly-elected president has set the enhancement of ties with neighboring, Asian, Latin American, and non-Western countries as a priority of his foreign policy agenda. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 05:18:34|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIRUT -- The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) urged on Wednesday Lebanon and Israel to cease fire and exercise maximum restraint to avoid further escalation after the firing of rockets from southern Lebanon into northern Israel earlier in the day. "UNIFIL remains fully engaged with the parties through our liaison and coordination channels and we are working with the Lebanese Armed Forces to ensure immediate follow-up on the ground and to reinforce security along the Blue Line," Kandice Ardiel, UNIFIL's deputy chief of strategic communications and public information, said in a statement released by the UN mission. (Lebanon-Israel-UNIFIL) ---- TEHRAN -- Iran's total COVID-19 infections have exceeded 4 million after a new record of nearly 40,000 daily cases on Wednesday. The Iranian Health Ministry reported 39,357 new cases, raising the country's total tally to 4,019,084. (Iran-COVID19) ---- RABAT -- Morocco on Wednesday reported 10,603 new COVID-19 cases, the highest daily record so far, taking its total tally of infections to 653,286. The total number of recoveries from COVID-19 in Morocco increased to 582,692 after 7,774 new ones were added, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. (Morocco-COVID19) ---- ANKARA -- Turkey on Wednesday registered 26,822 new COVID-19 cases, raising its tally of infections to 5,822,487, according to its Health Ministry. The death toll from the virus in Turkey rose by 122 to 51,767, while 6,096 more people recovered in the last 24 hours. (Turkey-COVID19) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 09:27:48|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GABORONE, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Botswanan President Mokgweetsi Masisi on Tuesday appealed to his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden to assist the southern African country with COVID-19 vaccines. Masisi made the appeal during a closed-door meeting with visiting U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland here in Botswana's capital city, press secretary of the presidency Batlhalefi Leagajang told reporters. The president "expressed frustration at the slow pace of vaccine distribution which he said has resulted in the loss of many lives," said Leagajang, adding that the assistance can go by sales or donations. Botswana has put many of her development projects on hold and channeled money towards the fight against COVID-19, including vaccine payments, Leagajang said. Nuland, the first senior U.S. official to visit Botswana after Biden took office, conveyed the administration's admiration for Masisi's governance both at home and in the region. Botswana currently chairs the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation, an informal SADC mechanism launched in 1996 to promote security and stability in the region. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 09:32:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close GABORONE, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Southern African Development Community (SADC) will have a virtual deployment of an Electoral Observation Mission for Zambia's upcoming general election, the community said in a statement on Tuesday. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and protocols in place in Zambia, the SADC electoral observation "will engage stakeholders virtually during the pre-election, election and immediate post-election phases," said the statement. Lemogang Kwape, Botswanan minister of international affairs and cooperation, was appointed as the head of this virtual electoral mission, according to the statement. The mission will comprise representatives from the SADC Organ Troika member states, namely Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe, as well as members of the SADC Electoral Advisory Council and will be supported by the SADC Secretariat, it said. Virtual stakeholder consultations are expected to take place on Aug. 3-14, according to the statement. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:26:19|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JUBA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- South Sudan's health officials on Wednesday warned of surging COVID-19 infections at the community level and urged people to comply with containment measures like wearing of masks and social distancing. Angelo Goup Thon, manager for the Emergency Operation Center, said the bulk of new cases have been in the capital, Juba. Mary Denis, director of health education at the Health Ministry, said deaths related to COVID-19 have been recorded outside health centers in significant numbers. "Many people have been infected, and so many people have died in the communities," she said. "There is still a lot that needs to be done in terms of awareness to the communities on the dangers of the disease." John Rumunu, director-general for Preventive Health Services, said COVID-19 cases are increasing, noting that the recent deaths from the community were identified through mortality surveillance. "The deaths recorded by the mortality surveillance team indicate that there is ongoing transmission in the community," he said. "The moving case count is increasing and the positivity rate stands at 2.3 percent," As of Tuesday, South Sudan's total COVID-19 cases stood at 11,081, with 10,857 recoveries and 120 deaths. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:34:38|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Students wearing masks stand in a queue to comply with social distancing at a school in the Namibian coastal town of Walvis Bay on Aug. 4, 2021. Namibian schools re-opened on Wednesday following a one-month COVID-19 lockdown. (Photo by Ndalimpinga Iita/Xinhua) By Ndalimpinga Iita WINDHOEK, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Schools in Namibia resumed face-to-face teaching and learning on Wednesday following a reduction in COVID-19 cases in the southern African nation. Schools reopened for pre-primary to secondary phases on Aug. 4, instead of the initial date of July 26 on account of increasing COVID-19 cases during the third wave. Returning to school has been a bittersweet reunion for most learners and teachers. Milka Davids, a learner from capital Windhoek, said that she is pleased to see her friends after a long time. "Although I am happy to see my mates, I have mixed emotions regarding safety and interactions as it is not the same as in the past years. I could not even hug my classmates," said the grade seven learner on Wednesday. Erons Louw, a grade nine learner in coastal town Walvis Bay, said he was overjoyed to return to school. "Although teachers tried their best to keep us busy, learning from home is not the same. I look forward to gaining more knowledge and catching up on my school work," he said. Louw added that he has newly found respect for his teachers and their hard work. "My goal is also to support my schoolmates who lost their parents while schools were closed due to the pandemic," he added. Teachers are also devising new ways of teaching. Frieda Ndapewa, a teacher at Tulihongeni Combined School in the Ohangwena region, said teachers remain committed to educating. "We have many gaps to fill in terms of curriculum and support for learners and colleagues to readjust and catch up on their learning," she said, adding that the teachers try to innovate new methods while ensuring safety and maintaining hygiene at school. Meanwhile, Ayesha Wentworth, Director of Programmes and Quality Assurance in the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, said the COVID-19 pandemic had impacted the school environment. According to Wentworth, the normal functioning usually observed in school settings is different now. "Learners are missing out a lot on personal development such as peer-to-peer interaction, support from friends, team building, and they are not able to engage on that daily due to the pandemic," she said. Teachers are also likely to play a dual role in both teaching and counselling learners. "And with COVID-19, we are not able to process grief like we normally would, hence the need to give mental health priority as well," Wentworth said. The government official said that schools have since implemented mechanisms to promote mental wellness on school grounds. The ministry collaborated with other institutions that have availed social workers to provide psychosocial support to learners and teachers. "The ministry is also busy strengthening the capacity of teachers to provide counselling to teachers at school level in all 14 regions," Wentworth added. The ministry has since instructed school principals to consistently enforce safety measures such as social distancing, sanitization, and masks. "We have re-doubled efforts to ensure safety of learners through measures and other innovative ways such as rotation and reduced number learners in classes to minimize contact," said Augusta De Celestino, school principal of Mupini Combined School in the Kavango West region. In the interim, learners are looking to the future with a positive mindset. "We are motivated to work hard despite all," said Louw. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 04:56:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2021 shows the interior of a cutter suction dredger in Ismailia Province, Egypt. Egypt's Suez Canal Authority (SCA) held a ceremony on Wednesday to celebrate the recent arrival of a cutter suction dredger (CSD) named Hussein Tantawy. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) ISMAILIA, Egypt, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's Suez Canal Authority (SCA) held a ceremony on Wednesday to celebrate the recent arrival of a cutter suction dredger (CSD) named Hussein Tantawy. The ceremony was attended by SCA Chairman Osama Rabie and Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly, who hoisted the national flag of Egypt on the new dredger. "The dredger is the largest and most advanced in the Middle East and Africa," said Rabie during the ceremony, describing the new dredger as "an unprecedented addition to the SCA fleet." The inclusion of the dredger to the SCA fleet comes as one of the important steps made as part of an integrated development strategy to develop the canal's waterway and maintain its leading position despite various global challenges, the SCA chief added. Rabie noted that CSD Hussein Tantawy is characterized by advanced technical specifications and equipped with the latest systems of 3D bottom imaging and scanning as well as control, safety and security systems. With a long slender shape and high spud towers, the dredger is 147.4 meters long and 23 meters wide and can provide a maximum dredging depth of 35 meters. The SCA similarly celebrated in April the arrival of another giant dredger, CSD Mohab Mameesh. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-03 15:44:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SEOUL, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- South Korea reported 2,109 more cases of COVID-19 variants for the past week, bringing the total number of such cases to 8,125, the health authorities said Tuesday. Among the new cases found since July 25, 240 were imported from overseas while the remaining 1,869 were locally transmitted, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). The far higher number of local transmissions indicated the domestic spread of the variants. Of the new cases, 1,929 came from the Delta variant, 176 from Alpha, two from Beta, and two from Gamma. Among the combined cases involving the variants, 4,912 came from the Delta variant, 3,045 from Alpha, 148 from Beta and 20 from Gamma. The four variants are believed to be more transmissible than the original one. Meanwhile, the country confirmed the first two cases of the Delta plus variant, a subvariant of the Delta variant. The two cases were people infected with the Delta plus variant even after a full vaccination, according to the health authorities In the latest tally, South Korea reported 1,202 more cases of COVID-19 for the past 24 hours, lifting the total number of infections to 202,203. The daily caseload hovered above 1,000 for 28 straight days. Among the new cases, 50 were imported from overseas, raising the combined figure to 12,069. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 13:38:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia has one of the highest percentages of COVID-19 vaccination among its adult population in the World Health Organization (WHO) Western Pacific Region, the United Nations in Cambodia said in a statement released late on Tuesday. "Despite the constrained global supply of COVID-19 vaccines, the Royal Government has been able to secure, through bilateral procurement, COVAX and donations, a pipeline of COVID-19 vaccines to meet its target," the statement said. The Southeast Asian nation launched a COVID-19 vaccination drive for adults on Feb. 10 and for adolescents aged 12 to 17 on Aug. 1, targeting to inoculate 12 million people, including 10 million adults and 2 million adolescents, or 75 percent of its 16 million population by November. As of Aug. 3, about 7.48 million adults have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine, among which 5 million were vaccinated with the second dose, the health ministry said, adding that some 124,157 adolescents, or 6.3 percent of the targeted adolescent group, had also been inoculated. To date, more than 20 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been received in Cambodia and more are expected in the near future, according to the health ministry. Currently, Cambodia uses China's Sinovac and Sinopharm, and Britain's AstraZeneca vaccines, which have obtained WHO approvals, the statement said. "Recommended doses of vaccine granted WHO Emergency Use Listing have been shown to provide excellent protection from severe disease and hospitalization against the Delta variant as well as against other variants of concern," it said. Vaccination is one of the key response strategies in the fight against COVID-19. However, vaccination alone is not enough, WHO representative to Cambodia Li Ailan said, adding that people must continue to strictly follow other effective public health and social measures. "Feeling a bit released that 93 percent of health care workers had been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine before the Delta variant circulated," she wrote on Twitter. "Very happy that vaccinations for the elderly continue to be prioritized & accelerated. Remarkable progress!" Cambodia confirmed 583 new COVID-19 infections including 157 imported cases on Wednesday, pushing the national total caseload to 79,634, the health ministry said, adding that 17 more fatalities had been reported, bringing the death toll to 1,488. The kingdom also saw another 658 patients recovered, raising the total number of recoveries to 72,803, it added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:08:57|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ULAN BATOR, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia reported 1,444 new COVID-19 cases over the past 24 hours, bringing the national caseload to 168,673, the country's health ministry said Wednesday. Meanwhile, six more COVID-19 related deaths were reported in the past day, raising the overall death toll to 833, said the ministry. The latest confirmed cases were all local infections, among which 467 were detected in the capital Ulan Bator, according to the ministry. Mongolia launched a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign in late February, aiming to cover at least 60 percent of its population of 3.3 million. So far, more than 61 percent of the country's total population have been fully vaccinated, according to the ministry. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:39:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ULAN BATOR, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Mongolia will impose a three-year ban on hunting marmots, the country's Ministry of Environment and Tourism said on Wednesday. The reason behind the decision is preventing the bubonic plague from spreading to people, and determining the current range and population size of marmots in the country, the ministry added in the statement. The bubonic plague is a bacterial disease that is spread by fleas living on wild rodents such as marmots. The disease can kill an adult in less than 24 hours if it isn't treated in time, according to the World Health Organization. Currently, 17 out of all 21 Mongolian provinces are at risk for the bubonic plague, the country's National Center for Zoonotic Diseases said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:42:05|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2021 shows damaged vehicles at the site of a car bomb in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. Militants' attack on the residence of Afghan Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi in Kabul left all the four attackers and eight civilians dead, Interior Ministry spokesman Mir Wais Stanikzai said Wednesday. (Photo by Sayed Mominzadah/Xinhua) KABUL, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Militants' attack on the residence of Afghan Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi in Kabul left all the four attackers and eight civilians dead, Interior Ministry spokesman Mir Wais Stanikzai said Wednesday. "A group of terrorists detonated a car bomb targetting the house of Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi on Tuesday evening but all the four attackers were killed after five hours of gun battles," Stanikzai told Xinhua. The official also confirmed that "eight civilians including a woman were martyred" and more than 20 others sustained injuries. In the meantime, spokesman for the Public Health Ministry Dastgir Nazari has confirmed to reporters that eight dead bodies and the 22 injured persons have been taken to hospitals. A group of unknown militants stormed the residence of Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi in the fortified Shirpor area in Police Department 10 at 07:45 p.m. local time Tuesday when the minister was reportedly in a meeting with some political and influential figures. Defense Minister Mohammadi in his short message denounced the attack as a "coward terrorist act," saying such terrorist attacks "will not undermine the morale of the national defense and security forces" in the war against terrorists to defend the country. According to the latest media reports, Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 18:54:34|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DHAKA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- At least 17 wedding party members were killed on Wednesday by a massive lightning strike in Bangladesh's Chapainawabganj district, some 302 km northwest of capital Dhaka, a senior official said. Sakib Al Rabbi, head of Chapainawabganj's Shibganj sub-district administration, told Xinhua over mobile phone that "17 people were killed on the spot after lightning struck a wedding party boat." He said the tragic incident took place at a boat terminal on the bank of the Padma River at noon on Wednesday. According to the official, the boat carrying dozens of people of a wedding party was crossing the Padma River amid the heavy downpour. After the boat anchored at a terminal on the riverbank, it was struck by a massive lightning, killing 17 people and injuring 6 others. Lightning strikes in the past couple of months reportedly killed scores of people in parts of the country. Deaths due to lightning strikes is common in Bangladesh during this time of the year, as the weather changes from the dry season to the rainy summer season. But the country is experiencing a surge of lightning strike deaths in recent years. Experts here blame the rise in lightning strike deaths directly on climate change that made Bangladesh more vulnerable to the impacts. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:18:45|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- ASEAN foreign ministers reaffirmed the bloc's commitment to upholding and promoting regionalism and multilateralism on Wednesday. According to a joint communique released by the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting, ASEAN foreign ministers believe that regionalism and multilateralism are important principles and frameworks of cooperation, and that their strength and value lie in their inclusivity, rules-based nature and emphasis on mutual benefit and respect. "We agreed on the need to strengthen multilateral cooperation to effectively address current as well as emerging global and regional challenges of common concern and areas of mutual interest," the joint communique said. "We therefore welcomed the ASEAN Chair's proposal to prepare an ASEAN Leaders' Declaration on Upholding Multilateralism in 2021 for the 38th ASEAN Summit to reaffirm ASEAN's commitment to upholding and promoting multilateral cooperation, anchored in international law, towards achieving peace, security, stability, and prosperity in the region and beyond," the joint communique added. The ASEAN foreign ministers also said that they are looking forward to the convening of the 24th ASEAN-China Summit to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. The 54th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting was held here in Brunei via videoconference on Monday. According to the ASEAN schedule, the 29th ASEAN Coordinating Council Meeting, 22nd ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan and South Korea) Foreign Ministers' Meeting, 11th East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers' Meeting, and 28th ASEAN Regional Forum will also be held here in Brunei via videoconference from Monday to Saturday. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 19:45:31|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn has reiterated the country's support for the elevation of ASEAN-China relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership, according to a foreign ministry's statement on Wednesday. Sokhonn made the remarks during the ASEAN-China Ministerial Meeting via video link on Tuesday. "In acknowledging the most substantive partnership that ASEAN and China have achieved since the establishment of dialogue relations, he reiterated Cambodia's support for the elevation of ASEAN-China ties to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership," the statement said. During the meeting, Sokhonn also underlined the need to ensure that cross-border trade and supply chains remains unimpeded to take full advantage from the upgrading of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). He also emphasised the importance of enhancing the implementation of the ASEAN-China Joint Statement on Synergizing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) 2025 and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). According to the statement, the meeting noted with satisfaction the achievements of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations and applauded the fruitful outcomes of the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting held on June 7-8, 2021 in China's Chongqing as part of the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN-China relations. It added that the meeting looked forward to the 24th ASEAN-China Summit to commemorate the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations. "On the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, while ASEAN expressed appreciation to China for the extensive regional support, China further reiterated the commitment to strengthen cooperation with ASEAN, including through the support of regional capacity in the production and distribution of vaccines and medical supplies as well as recovery efforts," the statement said. "Both sides reaffirmed the commitment to maintain peace, security and stability in the region," it added. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 21:25:37|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BISHKEK, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Kyrgyzstan added 696 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, raising the total tally to 166,236. The Republican Headquarters for Combating COVID-19 said that 7,005 coronavirus tests had been carried out over the past day. The headquarters also reported the recovery of 1,681 more patients and nine new deaths, raising the total recoveries in the country to 150,852 and bringing the nationwide death toll to 2,363. As of Wednesday, 3,393 patients with coronavirus are receiving treatment in hospitals throughout the country and 8,270 patients are being treated at home. Kyrgyzstan started COVID-19 vaccinations on March 29 after receiving vaccines donated by China. In addition, the Central Asian country has received Sputnik V vaccines from Russia in April and AstraZeneca in July. A total of 489,810 people have been vaccinated in Kyrgyzstan so far. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 00:56:59|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo taken on Aug. 4, 2021 shows a building in floodwaters in Hoogly district of India's West Bengal State. (Str/Xinhua) NEW DELHI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The floods in India's eastern state of West Bengal have killed 23 lives, local media reports said Wednesday. The floods were triggered after heavy rains hit several parts of the state, pushing water levels up in the rivers and dams. Nearly 250,000 people were displaced from their homes following the discharge of water from dams that inundated six districts. "The flood situation in West Bengal worsened on Wednesday claiming eight more lives taking the toll to 23 as fresh areas went under water," a local media report said. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced an ex-gratia relief of 2,695 U.S. dollars to the next of kin of those who lost their lives due to flooding in West Bengal and 673 U.S. dollars to each injured in floods. Meanwhile, officials said relief and rescue operations were going on in the affected areas. At present India is in the grip of southwest monsoon and most parts are experiencing heavy to very heavy rainfall, besides extremely heavy spells at isolated spots. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 21:51:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Burned trees are seen after a forest fire raged in Varybobi, a northern suburb of Athens, Greece, Aug. 4, 2021. The fire in Varybobi in the north of Athens has burnt approximately 1,250 hectares of forest and other land, while almost 100 houses, dozens of cars and 27 businesses have been damaged so far, Greek Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Crisis Management Nikos Hardalias told a press briefing here on Wednesday. (Photo by Lefteris Partsalis/Xinhua) ATHENS, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The fire in Varybobi in the north of Athens has burnt approximately 1,250 hectares of forest and other land, while almost 100 houses, dozens of cars and 27 businesses have been damaged so far, Greek Deputy Minister for Civil Protection and Crisis Management Nikos Hardalias told a press briefing here on Wednesday. He also said that the major fire fronts seemed to be in recession. The Fire Service managed to contain the four major fire fronts to one, but there are still many scattered outbreaks. The fire, which broke out on Tuesday in a dense pine forest area in the northern suburbs of Athens, continued to rage on Wednesday, as thousands of people were evacuated from residential zones. A total of 442 people were taken to safety by firefighters or police during the evacuation after running into difficulties, Hardalias added. A large part of the Attica region, including the Athens center, was covered by clouds of thick black smoke, as blazes had swept through the settlements of Adames, Varybobi, Thrakomakedones and were reaching Kryoneri and Tatoi on Wednesday morning. "We were up against an extremely difficult fire in conditions of extreme hot weather. I hold on to the fact that we have not until now any losses of human life as positive and that the evacuation system operated in an exemplary way," Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said as he joined a meeting in the mobile coordination center near the site of the fire earlier Wednesday. "There are still difficult times ahead. We have some days yet of the heatwave and then the winds will begin, in which case I ask everyone to remain on absolute alert," he added. Seventy-seven people were hospitalized with breathing problems due to the heavy smoke in the burning area, Health Minister Vassilis Kikilias said while visiting one of the hospitals treating people who suffered from the fire. Public Power Corporation units were working to restore power supply in the region after power lines were damaged. Faced with the biggest challenge among hundreds of wildfires this summer, Greece has requested assistance from European partners. The European Union has activated its emergency mechanism for disasters. Cyprus and Sweden are sending groups of firefighters and firefighting planes which are expected to start operating on Wednesday, Hardalias noted. Euthymios Lekkas, professor of environmental disaster management at the University of Athens, told the Greek national broadcaster ERT that the morphology of the area itself, the combination of the high temperatures, and the low humidity levels along with the mix of residential and forest zones, led in a condition of self-ignition and spread the fire so quickly. "In the near future, phenomena like extreme heat waves, wildfires, floods, will be a normality. Climate crisis is here. We must start planning under new procedures. We have to change our way of thinking", he said. Greece is experiencing its worst heatwave in decades, with temperatures in some places reaching up to 45 degrees Celsiu. The heatwave is expected to continue until the end of the week. Greek authorities have warned that emergency measures remain in place throughout the week, while alert messages are sent to residents in areas where there is a high risk of fire, including the islands of Rhodes and Crete. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 23:47:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PRAGUE, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Two trains collided in the southwestern Czech Republic on Wednesday, killing at least three people and injuring dozens of passengers, including several in critical condition, local media reported. Two of the dead are train drivers. Among the injured, five people are in very serious condition and four in serious condition, the Czech News Agency (CTK) quoted a regional emergency service spokeswoman as saying. The accident occurred on the track near the village of Milavce shortly after 8 a.m. (0600 GMT) when a Western Express train from Munich, Germany, collided with a regional passenger train. For unknown reasons, the express train passed the signal at the "Stop" position at the turnout and drove onto a single-track line, colliding with the passenger train. The railway inspection is investigating the exact causes, according to Czech TV (CT) reports. It is not yet clear whether it was a driver's or dispatcher's mistake, or a technical failure. The German express belongs to a private carrier Die Landerbahn. In a press release, the carrier said that it is responsible for the operation of trains only on German territory and the journey where the accident occured is in Czech Railways' charge. The traffic on the line where the trains collided is remotely controlled by a dispatcher. The track is equipped with signals and a relay safety device, reported the CT. The ETCS system, the highest signaling device on domestic lines in Czech Republic that could automatically stop the train at a distance, was not installed on that line. Securing domestic lines has been a long-discussed topic in the Czech Republic. According to the Ministry of Transport, the state wants to invest over 100 billion crowns (4.6 billion U.S. dollars) in the next 20 years to further secure the lines, and most of the money should go to the installation of the system. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-05 02:41:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SOFIA, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Two foresters were killed and one of their colleagues was injured in a forest fire in southwestern Bulgaria on Wednesday, the Interior Ministry said in a press release. Firefighting operations were underway but the fire was contained, according to the ministry. Firefighters battled at least two more wildfires in the southern part of the country, said the ministry. One of the fires started on Wednesday noon near the village of Starosel, 180 km southeast of Sofia and the other one was in the area of the village of Svirachi near Haskovo, 340 km southeast of Sofia. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 14:58:01|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close HARBIN, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- The United States pardoned members of a notorious Japanese germ warfare unit after World War II in exchange for their data on biological weapons, research by a Chinese historian has revealed. In a secret deal struck between September 1945 and November 1948, Fort Detrick of the U.S. Army spent 250,000 yen, about several thousand U.S. dollars at that time, obtaining data and medical papers on human experiments, bacterial tests, germ warfare, and toxic gas experiments conducted by Unit 731, according to Jin Chengmin, curator of the Museum of Evidence of War Crimes by the Japanese Army Unit 731. The United States subsequently used these data and medical papers to conduct research involving biological weapons, noted Jin. His findings are based on reports and accounts of investigators sent by Fort Detrick to negotiate the deal with the Japanese and archives in U.S. research institutions. The core evidence of the secret deal is three medical reports on human experiments -- with a total of 1,500 pages -- that Fort Detrick obtained from Unit 731, said Jin, adding that the original copies of these reports are now archived in the U.S. Library of Congress. "Shady deals and secrecy have long been a trademark of Fort Detrick, as evidenced in its dirty deal with Unit 731," said Jin. "Fort Detrick has long been researching on the virus and still stores a large amount of virus that threatens the safety of humans." The fact that the United States pardoned members of Unit 731 in total disregard of their criminal activities has jeopardized the justice of WWII trials and shows its longstanding practice of double standards, said Jin. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-04 15:41:04|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Racist incidents targeting Asian Americans occurred before COVID-19, but the pandemic has increased the frequency and level of bullying, worrying Asian American students and their parents, said an article published by The Columbus Dispatch, a daily newspaper based in Ohio, on Monday. One in eight Asian Americans reported hate incidents in 2020, according to AAPI Data, a national coalition battling the problem, and one in 10 reported anti-Asian hate incidents in the first quarter of 2021, including physical assaults, verbal harassment, civil rights violations and online harassment, the article said. Hate crimes against Asian-Americans overall have reached an "alarming level" in the United States, the article said, noting that more than 1,800 racist incidents against Asian Americans were reported from March to May. With the rise in hate incidents nationwide and the new school year less than a month away, many Asian American students in central Ohio are bracing for the potential of new or continued verbal assaults by fellow students when they return to school in the fall, the article added. Enditem With a tendency for the dictatorial, Mr Wase has been able to deliver passage of bills that the Executive or the House leadership has an interest in. The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Idris Wase, who represents Wase Federal Constituency of Plateau State, is often in the spotlight for the roles that he plays in the passage of bills. The House Committee of the Whole, which Mr Wase statutorily chairs as the deputy speaker, is very important because every legislation - bill, motion and petition - has to pass through it. Order 7 Rule 2(2) of the House states that "the Deputy Speaker shall be the chairman of the whole House ... " With a tendency to be dictatorial, Mr Wase has been able to deliver passage of bills that the Executive or the House leadership has interest in, often denying the minority their say before the majority have their way. For journalists and observers of the green chamber, Mr Wase's controversial action in the process of the passage of the Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill and Petroleum Industry Bill is nothing new as he had routinely shown a low tolerance for dissenting voices. Under the guise of guiding the House, Mr Wase is notorious for involving himself in debates which he should not do as a presiding officer, and swaying debates or foisting a position on the House. Although he only became the deputy speaker in the current House of Representatives, Mr Wase's rise to fame precedes the current legislature. Femi Gbajabiamila, Speaker house of Reps. [PHOTO CREDIT: Official Twitter handle of the House of Reps] The rise of Wase In the 8th Assembly, the death of Umar Jibrin, who was the Deputy Leader of the House, created a vacuum. The House leadership and the caucus of the APC decided to appoint Mr Wase to fill the vacuum as the position was zoned to the North-central. Prior to that appointment in October 2018, Mr Wase chaired the committee on Federal Character. Mr Wase, who was first elected in 2007, served as Chairman House Committee on Federal Character from 2011 until his appointment as Deputy Leader. In 2019, he joined the speakership race as part of the North-central agenda, but later opted to be running mate to the eventual winner, Femi Gbajabiamila. Some actions Mr Wase has taken, while presiding over the Committee of the Whole, or presiding over the House in the absence of Mr Gbajabiamila, highlight his controversial personality. Clash with Shina Peller On October 20 last year, Shina Peller, the lawmaker from Oyo State representing Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Iwajowa/Kajola Federal Constituency, attempted to raise a point of order to discuss the EndSARS protest that was raging across the country. Mr Wase, who was presiding over the plenary session after Mr Gbajabiamila left the floor, blatantly refused to recognise Mr Peller. "As a member of the House voted for by the people of Iseyin/Itesiwaju/Iwajowa/Kajola Federal Constituency, I deserve to be listened to by the House and I have a right to speak here. I have been raising my hand from the beginning of this session to this time, so you need to allow me speak here," Mr Peller said. But the deputy speaker responded: "I will not allow you to speak." The response angered Mr Peller who said: "I will speak with the media, I will speak with the press" and also charged towards the Speaker's box but was held back by some lawmakers. Following that event, Mr Peller tweeted: "As a HOR member, I represent the people of my federal constituency. Any time I stand up to speak, I do not speak for myself but those that I represent. I am their messenger, and nobody, not even the Speaker Femi Gbajabiamila and Deputy Speaker, has the right to suppress their voices." In an interview with Punch Newspaper, Mr Peller said he wanted to raise a point of order on privilege over the protest, but the deputy speaker asked him: "what privilege?" This is contrary to the provision of the standing rules of the House. Order 6, Rule 1, Subsection 2 provides that, "Whenever a matter of privilege arises, it shall be taken into consideration immediately." Rule 2 further reads that "Any member may rise at any time to speak upon a matter of privilege suddenly arising, and he shall be prepared to move without notice, a motion declaring that a contempt or breach of privilege has been committed... ." It appears that Mr Wase anticipated that Mr Peller wanted to raise a point of order on the brutality against protesters by the security forces; something that would have embarrassed the executive arm of government. Preventing presentation of petition by MUTA Mr Wase, also early this year, refused to allow a petition by the Mutual Union of Tivs in America (MUTA) over the killings by suspected Fulani herders in Benue State. A member of the House, Mark Gbillah (PDP, Benue), had attempted to submit the petition as is always done. However, Mr Wase, a Fulani, ruled that an association in America cannot present a petition in Nigeria. "If they are in America, could they be an interested party here? Do they really know what is really going on? "I don't want to make a blanket statement regarding those who are in the Diaspora. If this petition is coming from those within the country, I believe it has a block standard. But those living in America, then coming to lodge complaint?" He further argued that those presenting the petition probably have dual citizenships, hence, he was not convinced "about the petition." Mr Wase ignored all arguments, including the fact that such petitions from Nigerians in the diaspora had been heard by the House in the past. The Deputy Speaker was not ready to entertain any debate on the matter. Following protests by Nigerians in the Diaspora, the petition was later laid by Mr Gbillah when Mr Gbajabiamila was presiding. Deep Offshore and Inland Basin production sharing contract bill Back in 2019, when the Executive needed the Inland Basin Production Sharing Contract bill passed, Mr Wase was on ground to lend a hand. During consideration by the Committee of the Whole, several lawmakers like the Deputy Minority Leader, Toby Okechukwu (PDP, Enugu), Sergius Ogun (PDP, Edo) and others raised concerns on the legislation. However, Mr Wase was able to navigate the bill through. The bill was so important to the government that the Senior Special Assistant to the President, Umar El-Yakub, was at the gallery to monitor its progress. Also, the bill was taken through the second reading, the committee of the whole, and third reading on the same day. Twitter ban report Last month, the report of the joint committees that investigated the federal government's suspension of operations of Twitter in Nigeria was considered by the House. Mr Wase, who presided over the House Committee of the Whole, vehemently opposed the report, but not on the grounds that many Nigerians were apparently hoping for. He opposed the report because the chairman of the Committee on National Security and Intelligence, Sha'aban Sharada (APC, Kano), was not involved in the investigation. After a first glance at the report, Mr Wase asked that the report be stepped down because members of the committee did not sign. Segun Odebunmi (APC, Oyo), the lead chairman of the joint committees, explained that all the committees signed the original copy. The back and forth that ensued showed clearly the deputy speaker was out to protect the interest of Mr Sharada, who is a former aide to President Buhari. In a loud grumbling voice, Mr Odebunmi could be heard saying "the man you are talking about, where is he... does he come around at all?" It took the intervention of Speaker Gbajabiamila, who was still on the floor as a member, for the report to be considered. Mr Wase only moved on after a parting shot, "We don't want a situation where you (Gbajabiamila) will give him cover today so that tomorrow he will not do the same thing. The decision was made based on security. It has affected the work." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Electronic transmission of results PREMIUM TIMES reported the process of the passage of the Electoral Act amendment bill and how Mr Wase prevented minority members from having their say, including ignoring calls for the division of the House over the controversial clause 52(3). Mr Wase played the role of an undertaker during the consideration of the report on electoral bill. His disregard for dissenting voices and ruling against the majority led to about four rowdy sessions, fists fight and a walkout by some members of the opposition. When the deputy minority leader, Toby Okechukwu (PDP, Enugu) moved the amendment for mandatory use of electronic transmission of results, Mr Wase openly debated against it and did everything possible to have his way. "I want to believe that... . I don't know the coverage of the broadband. Have we covered the entire country so that we can have electronic transmission? "I make bold to say it, you can go and verify it. We have not more than 20 per cent coverage in my constituency, except you want to disenfranchise some people," he said. In the course of the bizarre process, even a member of his party, Nkirukah Onyejeocha (APC, Abia) could be heard in the background saying, "this man (Mr Wase) has done it twice, this is not acceptable." Through the fiasco, Mr Wase maintained a grin on his face and refused to yield even when members of his party tried to appeal to him. The inability of Mr Gbajabiamila to ensure the full use of e-voting during lawmaking means that Mr Wase could continue to impose his will during consideration of reports. What to expect on the constitution review exercise Mr Wase is the Chairman of the Special Committee on Review of the 1999 Constitution. The committee has conducted hearings across the six geopolitical zones, gathering recommendations from Nigerians on the constitution alteration bills. Here is a poser: Will Mr Wase allow the process to run smoothly without imposing his will on it? The tribulations bedeviling Deputy President William Ruto deepened Monday when he was dramatically denied from boarding a flight to Uganda for not seeking clearance as all civil servants should. The DP was scheduled to fly for an unknown mission to Entebbe, accompanied by a seven-man entourage comprising of his close political allies and businessmen. According to a flight manifest from Phoenix Aviation, he was to use a private jet on flight number Jadestar 12. The plane he was to use; a Cessna 560XL registered using tail number 5Y WHB, had already been prepared for flight but its crew was told at the last minute that their VVIP guest would not be flying after all. The DP's office protested what it termed a change of rules on his foreign travels without notice. "We are surprised the Deputy President was denied clearance to go on a planned private visit to Uganda. It is our officers who always handle his travel and this time, they were told, that he must get clearance from Immigration to fly out. In all his travels, all these years, this has not happened," the DP's office said through his communication secretary David Mugonyi. Also set to travel with the DP were Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi, businessmen David Lagat, Harun Ayoin, David Muge, Simon Mogun and Nelson Kisalit. Most of the hospitals visited by our reporters only operated at half capacities and the situation could begin to degenerate further, from Tuesday. By Monday afternoon, Azeez Olaoluwa, whose unnamed sister was scheduled for skin grafting surgery at the National Orthopedic Hospital, Igbobi, Lagos, was unsure of the fate that could befall his family. Mr Olaoluwa, who is in his 30s, was, on Monday morning, disappointed that the planned nationwide strike by the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) had commenced. He said his family had struggled to get a date for her sister's planned surgery after a series of medical tests and failed appointments with medical officials. Mr Olaoluwa added that his sister had since been placed on admission at the facility for 'pre-surgery' observation by the medical team. "So we were glad when she was finally given a date this week. But this morning we suddenly realised that many patients in the various wards were unusually being discharged by a few medical officials that came on ward rounds," Mr Olaoluwa said. He said the doctors told them that should the strike linger for more than 48 hours, his sister would be discharged and would be rescheduled for the surgery after the industrial action. "So we can only pray that the strike does not linger," he added. The situation is similar to what Eric Inanaco experienced at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Ebute-Metta, Lagos, where he had taken his wife for medical attention. He said there was only one doctor attending to more than 300 patients that had visited the hospital's general out-patients' clinic on Monday. "My wife is among those currently being attended to. We were more than 300 this morning, my wife was number 45 on the list and this is 3 p.m. already. Many have left because the service has been too slow," Mr Inanaco said. He said the only female doctor on duty had addressed the crowd in the morning, seeking patience and cooperation. "The doctor said out of four doctors that were meant to be on duty, she was the only one because the three others were members of the NARD and that they were on strike," he said, adding that; "She said those who could wait should." He said his wife had been coughing for about three weeks and that further tests revealed she was suffering from high blood pressure. Mr Inanaco, however, said he was unsure if his wife would require admission, saying he learnt the hospital was not taking new patients for admission. At the National Hospital in Abuja, Lucky Oche, whose father was receiving treatment at the hospital, said patients were apprehensive that they could be asked to vacate the hospital any moment soon if the strike was not called off on time. The situation was the same at both the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, and the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), where many patients and their relatives wore apprehensive looks over fear of possible ejection from the facilities. Kemi Unamma, a pregnant woman, told this newspaper that she was at LASUTH to keep her antenatal appointment but that she was asked to come back next week because of the industrial action. "I could only do a scan, and I am not sure if the strike would have been called off by next week," she said. The experiences narrated above represent what played out across major tertiary hospitals in Nigeria on Monday when the indefinite industrial action declared by NARD officially kicked off. Most of the hospitals visited by our reporters only operated at half capacities and the situation could begin to degenerate further as from Tuesday when the sensitisation embarked upon by the striking doctors could have increased the awareness among more members. But this is happening at a time the government officially declared the presence of the third wave of coronavirus in the country. Nigeria's health minister and the Lagos State Governor, Osagie Ehanire and Babajide Sanwo-Olu respectively, confirmed the ugly news at different events yesterday, saying "All data indicate that we are now no doubt in the third wave of resurgence of the SARS-COV-2 infection." Mr Sanwo-Olu confirmed that daily, Lagos now records an average of six deaths from the disease, adding that in July alone, a total of 4,300 cases were recorded in the densely populated Nigeria's commercial centre. Why strike? The doctors' grievances are contained in a Memorandum of Action (MOA) endorsed in April by both the striking doctors and the government representatives including the labour and employment minister, Chris Ngige. But the doctors' association expressed regret that the agreement, which had led to the suspension of a week-long strike earlier in April, has been ignored by the government. They accused Mr Ngige, a former governor and also a medical doctor by profession, of poor attention to the doctors' welfare. The doctors had demanded amongst other things, the immediate payment of COVID-19 inducement allowance to some of its members in federal and state tertiary institutions. They also demanded the review of hazard allowance for health workers due to the risk associated with their profession. The association also decried the undue hardship its members on GIFMIS platform are facing due to the delays in payment of their salaries ranging from three to seven months. A communique issued at the end of its national executive council meeting which held in Abia State, South-East Nigeria, reads in parts; "The NEC noted that despite Government promise to migrate her members from the GIFMIS to the IPPIS platform, they are still stuck on the GIFMIS platform which is laced with payment irregularities. "The NEC noted with grievous concerns the circular from the Head of Service of the Federation removing House Officers from the scheme of service and the consequent implementation by the Lagos State Government." The body also claims that some house officers, who are fresh graduates from medical schools, are still owed between one to two months salaries, and that "the NEC noted that 'bench fee' for outside postings by resident doctors has been abolished, however some Chief Medical Directors have renamed the bench fee as training fee causing hardship for our members." NARD branch leaders speak Speaking with our reporters on Monday, the president of NARD at the orthopedic hospital in Igbobi, Egbekun Ethel, said the chapter had fully joined the nationwide strike and that both the patients and the hospital management were duly notified. "We have to discharge all patients that we cannot manage," she said. Also, Hassan Jimoh, president of LASUTH chapter of NARD, listed what he described as gross manpower shortage as a major challenge facing the hospitals in Lagos. He said his association's members are undergoing stress "and this is beginning to have serious effects on us." He said relatives of dead members have been denied their death in service insurance, adding that those alive also do not have access to their medical training funds and are owed many months' salaries. "As I speak to you, most places in the hospital are deserted. Any resident doctor found working will be sanctioned," he said. Ugochukwu Okeke, the president of the resident doctors at the Federal Medical Centre, Jabi, Abuja, however, said certain services were still ongoing because members of the Medical and Dental Council Association of Nigeria were still working. "So you are not expected to see an empty hospital," he said. Mr Buhari's medical trip With his house literally burning, President Muhammadu Buhari has been away from the country for more than one week to keep his medical check-up appointment in the United Kingdom. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Governance Health By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. A statement issued on July 26 and signed by the special adviser to the President on media and publicity, Femi Adesina, noted that Mr Buhari would be in the UK for two weeks to attend a global education summit and also "spend time in London for a medical check-up." Mr Buhari's critics have described the education summit as a smokescreen, insisting that his primary responsibility in the UK was to attend to his health. This development they condemned, saying his frequent junkets, especially for medical care, is an indictment of his administration's alleged failure to halt medical tourism abroad by the Nigerian elites. Speaking with our reporter, a senior resident doctor at the Osun State University Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Bello Olalekan, said though his hospital did join the strike, it is clear that there is no end in sight to the crisis rocking Nigeria's health sector "until foreign medical trips by government officials are abolished." Similarly, Mr Lekan Oladapo of Lygel Youths and Leadership Initiatives (LYLI), a non-governmental organisation, described the President's trip abroad as insensitive to the plight of many Nigerians, who he noted "are even struggling to afford high cost of healthcare in Nigeria." Minister's promise The Minister of Health, Osagie Ehanire, however, pledged the administration's commitment to resolving the lingering conflicts between the government and the healthcare workers, and particularly the striking doctors. He said he was optimistic that an ongoing talk with the doctors would yield positive results. "The federal ministry of health is engaging resident doctors who have embarked on industrial action with a view to quickly resolving the issues. While this is ongoing, medical directors at federal and state hospitals are directed to ensure that service delivery is not disrupted in their centres," Mr Ehanire said. Tanzania and Rwanda Monday signed several bilateral agreements during President Samia Suluhu Hassan's two-day visit to Kigali. In a press briefing after a 5-hour long meeting between Presidents Samia and Paul Kagame, Ministers of ICT and Communication from both countries, Faustin Ndungulile and Paula Ingabire, signed agreements on cooperation in the field of communication and ICT. Liberata Mulamula, Tanzania's Minister of Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation, and Vincent Biruta, Rwanda's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, also signed a memorandum of understanding on immigration, education and regulation of medical products. President Kagame said the agreements will ensure that President Samia's visit leads to tangible results and gives renewed momentum to their bilateral relationship. The agreements are key to new infrastructure and investment projects, he said. "This gives new impetus to key infrastructure and investment projects of mutual benefits, particularly the Standard Gauge Railway line, milk production and improved port logistics," President Kagame added. President Samia reiterated the need to strengthen bilateral ties in trade and economy. "In today's world relations, nations are more focused on economic issues, just as we have to focus on that and other political issues in our East African region and beyond," she said. "Tanzania and Rwanda are in business and investment and have good relationships. But there are still many opportunities we can use to promote trade and investment for the benefit of both countries." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Rwanda Health ICT By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. President Samia arrived on Monday morning and was welcomed by Dr Biruta at Kigali International Airport before heading to the meeting with President Kagame. Following the signing of agreements and press briefing, President Samia is expected to pay a visit to Kigali Genocide Memorial site. Thereafter, President Kagame will hold a State Banquet at the Kigali Convention Center for President Samia and her delegation. This is Samia's first visit to Rwanda as President and her fourth to an East African country since she became head of state in March. She first visited Uganda in April, followed by Kenya in May and Burundi in July. Her predecessor John Pombe Magufuli last visited Rwanda in 2016. On Tuesday, Presidents Samia and Kagame are expected to visit several companies in various sectors, including the Special Economic Zone which is home to 120 companies with activities ranging from manufacturing, agro-processing and education. As we mark the 2021 World Breastfeeding Week, lactating business mothers in Chuka town continue to enjoy the convenience of breastfeeding their babies at a creche at Chuka open-air market. Breastfeeding business women in the town handover their babies to caregivers at the facility every morning and proceed to their work places, then regularly come back to breastfeed them. The creche has provided a friendly breastfeeding environment where the mothers can also monitor the babies' safety and comfort. Caroline Muthoni, a small-scale cereals trader told nation.africa on Monday that before construction of the creche, most women had to stay at home after giving birth, while others had to frequently rush to the house to breastfeed their babies. Ms Muthoni said others and especially the shy young mothers could breastfeed their babies inside the toilet for fear of exposing their breasts to customers and passers-by. "With the creche, we are now able to exclusively breastfeed our babies for six months as recommended by the Ministry of Health," said Ms Muthoni. Lucy Makena, another beneficiary who sells clothes in the town, said apart from providing a friendly environment for feeding their children, they are also not exposed to the risk of contracting Covid-19. Never settled The mother of four said she used to take her children to a private day-care or employ a babysitter before the creche was constructed and was never settled at work fearing for their safety. "I am now settled at work because, from my shop, I am also able to hear my baby crying at the creche," said Ms Makena. Early Children Development Education (ECDE) caregivers Emma John and Betty Makena told nation.africa that apart from taking care of the children, they also sensitise mothers on the benefits of exclusively breastfeeding their babies for six months and the importance of immunisations. Ms Makena said the mothers had noted that unlike before when they stayed with their children at their open workplaces, they nowadays rarely fall sick because the creche is warm, clean not exposed to dust. Last week, Governor Muthomi Njuki announced plans to construct more creches in the other main markets in the county. He also appealed to government and private institutions to consider constructing such facilities for lactating mothers. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Children Nutrition By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Breastfeeding-friendly environments According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), this year's World Breastfeeding Week, under the theme Protect Breastfeeding: A Shared Responsibility is a time to revisit the commitments made at the start of this year by prioritising breastfeeding-friendly environments for mothers and babies. Denis Mbae, Tharaka Nithi County Nutrition Coordinator, said breastfeeding within the first hour of birth followed by exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond, offer a strong line of defence against child malnutrition. He said breastfeeding also acts as babies' first vaccine, protecting them against many common childhood illnesses. "Mothers with Covid-19 disease should continue breastfeeding their babies because the virus cannot be transmitted through breast milk," said Mr Mbae. Deputy President William Ruto was on Monday blocked from flying to Uganda in what his office protested as a sudden change of rules that have governed his trips since he became the second-in-command in 2013. According to his office, the DP, who was making "a private visit" to Entebbe, arrived at Wilson Airport at noon and spent more than five hours trying to secure clearance from State officials, in vain. Disappointed, he drove back to his Karen home to end his public humiliation before immigration and airport officials. However, senior security officials told the Nation that Dr Ruto did not seek the President's clearance to travel as required by protocol. According to the officials, neither the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nor the High Commission of Kenya in Uganda was aware of the visit. While Dr Ruto's office insisted that the visit was private, the security officials said the Deputy President was not a private citizen. Protocol According to officials, the DP's office is supposed to get clearance from the Office of the President in case he wants to travel abroad. This is because the DP, courtesy of his office, requires a lot of protocol, aides and State security wherever he goes. These requirements are not only supposed to keep President Kenyatta's assistant safe but also ensure that the DP's movements and whatever he requires are catered for. On Monday, the DP's office said the trip had been organised long in advance, and followed all the channels that governed his previous foreign travel, including to Kampala in July. "We're surprised the Deputy President was denied clearance to go on a planned private visit to Uganda. It's our officers who always handle his travel and this time, they were told, that he must get clearance from Immigration to fly out. In all his travels, all these years, this has not happened," the DP's office said through his communication secretary David Mugonyi. A flight manifest belonging to Phoenix Aviation, and seen by the Nation, showed the DP was supposed to use a private jet on flight number Jadestar 12. The plane he was to use, a Cessna 560XL registered using tail number 5Y WHB, had even been prepared for boarding until its management were told at the last minute that their VIP guest was not going to fly. When the denial to travel came through, Mr Mugonyi said, the DP was already at the airport. "He spoke to the Head of Public Service to enquire about the change of rules and the new requirements, who said he was not aware. The immigration officials at the airport told us that they were under instructions from the Ministry of Interior," Mr Mugonyi told the Nation. His office refused to confirm whether or not the DP, who met President Yoweri Museveni in July, was to meet the Ugandan strongman in the botched trip. "This was a private visit. That is all I can say," Mr Mugonyi insisted. Also scheduled to travel with the DP were MPs Oscar Sudi (Kapsaret), Benjamin Tayari (Kinango) and Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu). The flight manifest included businessmen David Langat, a Mr Harun Aydin, Dr Eric Ruto and Mr Elija Ronoh. "It's alright... tumwachie Mungu," (we leave it to God)" said the DP on his Twitter handle, presumably about his trip woes. Isorait....tumwachie MUNGU - William Samoei Ruto, PhD (@WilliamsRuto) August 2, 2021 But while much attention was focused on the DP and his rude shock, sources told the Nation that it was the presence of Mr Aydin, a Turkish national, that might have caught the attention of the State. Mr Aydin, 54, who first arrived in the country on May 30, 2018, has been making frequent visits to Kenya, with his passport being stamped at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport more than five times this year alone. Sources say in his maiden year, 2018, he made six return journeys from Istanbul to Nairobi. "In 2019, Aydin made four trips to Kenya from Istanbul and London between January and August. In 2020, he made two trips to Kenya from Istanbul in February and August," the sources said. "Worth noting is that he left Kenya for Istanbul in December having previously departed on August 20, 2020." This year, the Turk, whose mission to Kenya was not immediately clear, has so far made six trips to Kenya originating from Istanbul, Cairo and Addis. "On July 5, he departed with DP and returned from Sudan on July 7 through Eldoret. On July 23, he departed with DP for Zanzibar and returned on July 24 through Wilson Airport," the sources said. "Today, August 2, he's intending to travel to Entebbe with DP through Wilson Airport. The trips with DP have been chartered flights from Phoenix Aviation based at Wilson Airport." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Governance Uganda By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The DP's visit to Uganda last month caught the government by surprise, according to sources familiar with the developments. The last-minute blocking of the DP from visiting Uganda also annoyed his allies, some of whom appear to have continued with the trip without their boss. "I've never seen the kind of embarrassment we were subjected to yesterday. The immigration officials told us we had needed clearance before we could leave the country. The Speaker [JB Muturi] intervened for us, the MPs, but DP couldn't get the clearance," Mr Nyoro said. He insisted that the trip was a private affair and the State needed not interfere. "We're in Kampala with part of the delegation, Mr Sudi is here and others. The DP had to drive back to Karen after five hours of being taken in circles," he said. While the Kiharu legislator blamed their trouble on the Interior ministry, Mr Sudi dragged President Kenyatta into the matter. "We were told President Kenyatta himself declined to clear his Deputy. I've always been telling you that we're officially back to the dark days," the Kapseret MP added. For the past eight months, the government has been unable to monitor and intercept foreign vessels fishing in its territorial waters in the Indian Ocean, after failing to pay Sh16 million in subscription fees for surveillance. The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) programme was operated by Collecte Localisation Satellites, a French company that has been providing satellite data to Kenya for years. Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS) says it is a pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions. It says on its website that it is an exclusive provider of Argos environmental data. CLS works in sustainable fisheries management, environmental monitoring, maritime surveillance, fleet management and energy and mining. It processes environmental data and positions from 80,000 beacons per month, and ocean and inland waters observations. It also monitors land and sea activities by satellite. But because of a financial crunch at the Fisheries, Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre at the Kenya Coast Guard Service (KCGS) in Mombasa, Kenya cannot monitor its waters in the exclusive economic zone, leaving its resources to exploitation by foreigners. "The VMS is not operational because of (an unpaid) Sh16 million subscription fee for maintenance," revealed the National Assembly's Committee on Agriculture. But committee chairperson Silas Tiren said it will ensure money is provided to the centre for the crucial monitoring. Lack of funds Kenya has only one vessel, the MV Doria, used by KCGS for monitoring the country's territory along the Indian Ocean. It was commissioned by President Uhuru Kenyatta in Mombasa in 2018. Kenya has been monitoring its waters using VMS and the Doria, as well as with assistance from other countries. But with the system failing and a lack of funds to operate the Doria, the country relies on other countries for the monitoring. Kenya needs Sh1 million a day to operate the Doria. Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir said lawmakers were informed by fisheries officials at the centre that the system had not been operational since November last year. "Kenya is now relying on neighbouring countries like Seychelles to relay data on the surveillance and monitoring. They said they were not allocated any funds. The MV Doria is expensive. It costs Sh1 million a day to move the ship. So we only rely on foreign countries," said Mr Nassir, who raised concerns about the matter because his sub-county has many fishermen. He advised the agencies to collaborate with the Kenya Ports Authority, Kenya Maritime Authority and other government institutions to monitor Kenyan waters. Protect farmers Mr Tiren said MPs visited the facility to ascertain whether the system was monitoring all vessels in Kenyan territorial waters. "That is why we are raising concerns (that) they are facing financial challenges yet we have been allocating funds. We want all vessels to be monitored whether licensed or unlicensed," insisted Mr Tiren, who met officials at the Fisheries, Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre. The committee and officials from the State department for fisheries is on a five-day fact-finding mission in the Coast region. The lawmakers said they will protect farmers and fisherfolk. "We are here on oversight, to look into the loopholes and improve on the challenges. We have very good laws managing the fisheries industry, we will enforce the regulations," Mr Tiren said. "We want to know our capacity to survey within our territory. But our monitoring is challenged. This is very bad. Treasury must provide funds to ensure we monitor our waters." A member of the committee, John Mutunga (Tigani West), said the committee learned that the monitoring equipment is out of service due to a lack of regular payments. The committee promised to ensure funds are allocated for the monitoring of Kenya's territorial waters. Surveillance mechanism "The laboratory also requires a lot of reagents which need to be bought. This is a serious facility yet it is not giving the country the service that it was intended," Dr Mutunga said. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Debt Kenya Oceans By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. But though the system was down, he said, there is some surveillance mechanism. "This is through collaborative efforts between different institutions like the Kenya Maritime Authority which relay information of any strange vessel within our territory," he said. Once KMA officials notice a strange vessel in Kenya's territory, they alert different agencies charged with protecting Kenya's waters. "The vessels must declare their intentions. If it's a fishing vessel they are required to pay a licensing fee and surrender a third of their catch to Kenya," he said. Without surveillance, the committee warned, Kenya might be losing its fish to foreign trawlers. "But different countries are collaborating on international monitoring and when the vessels cross the borders they alert Kenya. This assists the country in knowing when there is an invasion of such vessels," he said. The lawmakers said they did not know the number of vessels licensed to fish in Kenya's waters. Kenya is among 17 African countries that will receive 6.4 million doses of Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines this month. This follows the World Bank's approval of $2 billion in financing to the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team (Avatt) initiative that has secured up to 400 million doses of the vaccine. There is a commitment for another 220 million doses with the option of an additional 180 million. The latest consignment is expected in the coming two to three weeks. Kenya's vaccine task force chairperson, Dr Willis Akhwale, said the actual number of doses the country will receive will be known later. But a few months ago he indicated the team had ordered for two million doses. "I am scheduled for a meeting on this tomorrow [today] and I know they will communicate the final decision they have made on the number of doses allocated to Kenya," the chair said. The other beneficiaries are Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea, Lesotho, Mauritania, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Togo, Tunisia and Zambia. On Sunday at the virtual finance and health ministers' meeting with the World Bank and Avatt, Strive Masiyiwa, African Union special envoy for Covid-19, said the financing allows countries to purchase vaccines through Gavi-Covax. The organisation was appointed by the World Health Organization to oversee procurement, allotment and distribution of vaccines to 92 countries that have signed up for the Covax facility. "Shipment of the vaccines will be on a monthly basis. Once a country meets its order obligations, it will receive a schedule on monthly deliveries through Unicef," Mr Masiyiwa said. With the financing, African countries should now move faster and apply for funds to ensure their populations are vaccinated, said Dr Vera Songwe, UN under-secretary-general and executive secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), The partnership will expedite access and deployment of vaccines in Africa, said Axel Van Trotsenburg, managing director of operations at the World Bank. The World Bank money will help countries effectively deploy vaccines, including expanding storage and building a cold chain. Only 17 African countries have ordered and fulfilled all delivery requirements, said Prof Benedict Oramah, president of the African Export-Import Bank. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Coronavirus By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Some 13 countries have ordered but not fulfilled all the delivery requirements, 12 countries have indicated interest and not yet committed while 13 countries have not expressed any interest. At the ministers' meeting, more countries came on board to commit to deliveries while others showed interest and pledged to order. The African Union aims to vaccinate 60 percent of the continent's population by 2022. Of the Covid-19 deaths that occurred in June, 99.2 percent were not vaccinated, said Dr John Nkengasong, director of the Africa Centres for Disease Control. He said 38 countries are experiencing a third wave of the pandemic that is more severe while two, Algeria and Tunisia, are in a fourth wave. Without vaccination, the fourth wave is projected to be worse across the continent If people in other continents are vaccinated and Africa is left behind, said Botswana finance minister Peggy Serame, the intention of the vaccination drive for the whole world will not be achieved. Vaccination certificates, she said, should not be a mandatory requirement for travelling or for accessing other services as this will discriminate against Africans. As of yesterday, Kenya had surpassed 200,000 confirmed cases, registering 203,680 infections, 3,946 deaths and 189,131 recoveries after 2,137,572 tests. The country has also fully vaccinated 662,089 people while 1,064,104 are partially vaccinated, data from the Health ministry shows. Somalia's South West state on Monday elected five senators, becoming only the second federal region in the country to vote in new representatives to the Upper House. But the vote held in Baidoa, the interim capital of the State, came amid complaints of favourtism from some of the contenders thrown out of the nomination list. South West, like Jubbaland which elected five new senators last week, is allocated eight seats in the Upper House. And the local legislative assembly is supposed to endorse or reject nominees provided by the local state president. And like Jubbaland, local state President Abdiaziz Laftagareen, chose to nominate candidates for the five seats, instead of eight. It saw Ms Zamzam Ibrahim Ali becoming the first senator elected in Baidoa, and successfully retaining her seat in the Upper House. Ms Ali beat Ms Sharifo Osman Ibrahim, garnering 81 votes against 4 votes obtained by the latter while 7 votes were spoiled. According to the list of the candidates who were selected "on the basis of the serious intentions to contest" for the five seats, four women and six men were sent to the local parliament for a vote. "Three seats are going to be contested by six male candidates, [and]four women are going to contest for the remaining two seats," said Yusuf Abdulkadir, the chairman of the State Electoral Implementation Team (SEIT) for South West, ahead of the polls on Monday morning. The election of the five senators in Baidoa was preceded by the election of 4 senators in Kismayu town, the interim capital of Jubbaland of Somalia, on 29th of July. In South West, however, two outgoing senators Ilyas Ali Hassan and Hussein Mohamud complained of foul play after their names were removed from the list and the seats allocated to other clans. Under Somalia's electoral law, Federal State Presidents wield lots of power when it comes to senators' elections. They choose names of candidates based on a specified criteria including clan membership, ability to pay requisite fees and other conditions. However, they could as well settle scores with it given there is little challenge one can make if they feel unfairly left out. Under this elections, Somalis are also struggling to achieve the proposed 30 percent quota for women in parliament. Mr Abdiaziz allocated some of the seats to women, but losing contenders argued it had been based on favouritism, rather than need for gender parity. The much-delayed indirect elections are being held in spite of various challenges such as security and a looming famine that has seen officials admit some 6 million people are in danger of starvation. Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble who is the top most official in-charge of the elections in Somalia, nonetheless commended the progress and urged all the remaining states and all those involved in the electoral processes to accelerate the implementation of the elections. On Sunday, PM Roble met with Abdi Hashi Abdullahi, the speaker of the outgoing Upper House of the parliament and Mahdi Mohamed Guled, the deputy prime minister of Somalia. Abdullahi and Guled are leading two opposing factions of the politicians from the northwestern region also known as Somaliland. The two sides are at loggerheads over the leadership of the electoral processes that are supposed to elect senators and MPs for the Lower House of the parliament. After the meeting, the Spokesman of the Government Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimu, stated, "The meeting was one intended by PM Roble to get debriefing from both sides that were requested to clear differences a week ago." Moalimu added, "Speaker Abdullahi requested for one more day before passing on his conclusion." The Somaliland election process is expected to generate over 61 MPs to the Lower House and 11 senators through a special arrangement to be held in Mogadishu. Somaliland, an authority in Hargeisa city, which unilaterally declared to be independent from the rest of Somalia, does not consider itself be part of the Federal Government of Somalia. On Sunday, 25th of July, PM Roble took a giant step by appointed 13 activists led by Ms Batulo Ahmed Gabale, the Chairperson of the Somali National Women's Association, to advocate and ensure that 30 percent quota for female seats are attained in the bicameral Somalia parliament. The move to fight for seats allocated for women is lauded by both Somali and foreign supporters. Ms Zahra Haji Khalif, a women affairs activist in Mogadishu, acknowledges that the associated with election of women to political, decision making positions is hampered by Somalia being a patriarchal clan-based society. "Our lineage is traced paternally, rendering for women participation in clan-based, power sharing politics," said Ms Khalif. In a joint statement last Thursday, Somalia's international partners, a group of multilateral organizations and countries, partly stated, "Among recent examples of progress is the PM (Roble) appointing Goodwill Ambassadors to promote the women's 30 percent quota." Both the Federal Electoral Implementation Team and the Federal Electoral Dispute Resolution Team have sent representatives to Baidoa town to ensure the smooth running of the election and that all procedures were observed. This is technically a repetition of what was done in Kismayu town last whereby the Jubbaland President Ahmed Mohamed Madobe submitted the list of the contestants for each seat and the local legislators voted for the contestants for each seat. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Somalia Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. In Baidoa, the President of South West State of Somalia Abdiaziz Hassan Laftagareen submitted the names of the 10 contestants, leaving the legislators to vote for the candidates and the SEIT to manage the process while representatives of both the federal implementation and dispute resolution teams closely observing the process. Yet to start elections are the federal member states of Puntland, Galmudug and Hirshabelle and the special delegates to be assembled to vote for the senate and lower House members for Somaliland. Somalia's parliamentary elections were supposed to take place in 2020, but squabbles between the Federal Govrnment and some of the leaders of the federal member states delayed the process until an accord reached on 27th of May by PM Roble and the leader of the five FMS presidents of Puntland, Galmudug, Hirshabelle, South West and Jubbaland plus the Mayor of Mogadishu paved the way for the election to take place between July and October 2021. The end of Somalia's election season is marked by the presidential election, scheduled to take place in a joint session of the Upper and Lower Houses of the Parliament on 10 October. It is expected to attract divese candidates including the incumbent Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajaajo and a galaxy of challengers including Former Somali Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire. Artisanal fishermen in Lamu are a worried lot as foreign trawlers continue to fish in deep and shallow fishing areas in the region. Local fishermen, especially on the northern shores of the Indian Ocean, from Kiwayu to Kipungani and Mpeketoni on the Tana River County boundary, complain that trawlers believed to be from China, Spain and South Korea have been spotted operating illegally in shallow waters at night. The ships, they say, destroy the fishing gear of locals and damage the sea floor and coral reefs. Lamu Beach Management Units (BMU) network chairman Mohamed Somo said local fishermen had seen declining catches in recent years. Trawlers, they said, do not stick to designated areas, adding that areas such as Pezali, Pate, Mwamba wa Hasssan, Mwamba wa Yeye, Ziwayu, Zinyika, Kizingitini, Tenewi and Kipungani were the most affected by destructive trawler activities. Kenyan law permits trawler fishing starting at five nautical miles but local fishermen lamented that many vessels were fishing as close to the shore as two nautical miles. In previous years before illegal trawler fishing peaked in Lamu, Mr Somo said, most local fishermen would return home with a bounty of at least 90kg of fish, all caught within five nautical miles into the Indian Ocean. Now they catch less than 40kg. "During the day, trawlers are in the deep seas but at night, they invade the shallow fishing space which we depend on for our artisanal fishing business," he said. "The trawler fishing technique is destroying fish breeding grounds and corals used by fish as breeding sites." He urged the fisheries officials to end trawler fishing in Lamu. "The trawlers mostly target prized populations of prawns, lobster, crabs and yellowfin tuna but, unfortunately, they end up scooping out everything from the ocean, including young immature fish, and hence destroying their population in the process," he said. "This has seen a general reduction in catch among local fishermen in recent days." Twawy Sharif, a BMU member in Kizingitini, blamed the national government for subjecting local fishermen to too many restrictions as foreign fishing vessels operate freely on the Kenyan coast. Trawlers, he said, are responsible for over-fishing in most areas in Lamu, a situation that has led many fishermen to quit the business. "Many families depending on fishing will suffer if trawler fishing activities continue in our ocean. We have already witnessed a fall in catches. These trawlers also take all the best fish and leave us with poor quality ones," he said. Fisherman Abdallah Mahadhi questioned why the government continues to license foreign vessels when it lacks the capacity to monitor their activities. Foreign trawlers, he said, had also taken advantage of poor surveillance to continue fishing illegally. Hashim Lali, the chairman of the Kiwayu Beach Management Unit in Lamu East, explained that the trawlers had pushed most of his colleagues out of business. "Apart from depleting the fish stock, these foreign ships destroy the nesting areas. Every time they move secretly from the deep seas to fish illegally in the shallow waters, they end up destroying our nets," he said. "This has discouraged many of us here, and they have left the trade to seek other means of earning an income. As you can see, many fishing boats belonging to local fishermen are parked in the yards." Speaking in his office, Lamu Deputy Governor Abdulhakim Aboud, who is also the county executive for Fisheries, acknowledged that Lamu illegal trawler fishing was a big problem. Kenyan waters, he noted, are virtually unpoliced, with fisheries personnel in places like Lamu lacking patrol boats to monitor activities at sea. He said Kenya is still losing millions of shillings annually to foreigners who fish in its waters illegally. He urged the national government to work closely with county governments to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in Kenyan territorial waters. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Kenya Oceans Food and Agriculture By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Commercial bottom trawling, he said, had undermined biodiversity and local fishermen's productivity. "Trawler fishing is a challenge in Lamu and all this is because we lack proper vessel monitoring systems at sea. As a result, trawler owners, mostly international, have taken advantage of the situation to encroach on our territorial waters," he said. "There's a need for the county governments to be empowered to enable them to directly monitor these huge fishing vessels. Once we create a formidable surveillance system, illegal fishing will be a thing of the past." He said it is not easy to identify which trawlers are licensed because that is the national government's responsibility. Records from the county fisheries department show that Lamu produces at least 3,500 metric tonnes of fish annually. But fisheries officials warn that the yield is likely to decline if illegal trawler fishing is not stopped. This story is part of a Nation.Africa reporting series on the state of the fishing sector at the Coast region. 15:08 | Lima, Aug. 4. "The Ministry of Economy is the key piece in the execution of public policies and must lead this process, which involves reaching consensus and agreements with the rest of ministries. So, it is ideal to have a coordination team," Escudero told Andina news agency. It should be noted that public investment execution reached S/2.840 billion (US$710 million) in July 2021, experiencing a nominal growth of 103.07% over the same month last year, according to MEF figures. Likewise, the businessman considered that the transfer of government should be prevented from translating into a drop in public execution, which usually happens. "That depends on a team of the Ministry of Economy and other ministries that are in charge of infrastructure execution, such as Transport-Communications, Education, Housing-Sanitation, and Health," he indicated. "Those ministries should rely on a kind of ad-hoc mechanism that prevents these replacement circumstances from damaging the normal process of works execution. I understand that it is something which is being carried out at the Council of Ministers because the country cannot stop, given that we are emerging from a very tough crisis," he added. The economist also commented that local and regional governments are executing their investment levels satisfactorily so far this year, although they can still improve. "In fact, it is still not the ideal (result) you would expect. However, there was certainly a significant recovery in public investment by local and regional governments," he concluded. In this sense, the Cabinet member lamented the stance of certain parliamentarians, who refuse to participate in the round of dialogue initiated by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. "They intend to give the Government a hard time and delegitimize the decisions of the President, who insists that the Government will aim to dialogue in search of consensus," he expressed. The high-ranking official considered that citizens' concern for the consolidation of consensus is legitimate. However, it cannot be used by some sectors to harm President Castillo's administration. "We are not at the time to get on the street corners to throw stones against one another," Castillo said in remarks to IDL Radio. "They want to permanently obstruct (the Government), beat teacher Pedro Castillo, and not let him rule," he added. Cevallos indicated that these stances "not only harm the President, but also the country." "They prevent us from standing united and looking for levels of dialogue to find solutions to the crisis in the country," he remarked. In his opinion, when speaking of presidential impeachment or removal from office, these sectors "are throwing up smoke and building a situation that does not exist." "Teacher Pedro Castillo no longer knows in what language to say that he is the one who governs," he pointed out. In this sense, Cevallos recalled that it was the President who had summoned him to be Health minister, adding that he is not part of Peru Libre party. "I don't know why they want to create the idea that Vladimir Cerron is the one who decides," he said. (END) FGM/CVC/MVB Loading... Peruvian Health Minister Hernando Cevallos on Tuesday emphasized that the Government supports dialogue and seeks consensus.Publicado: 3/8/2021 Hoy, hace 200 anos, el General Jose de San Martin emitio el Decreto de 3 de agosto de 1821, que crea el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Conoce mas sobre @CancilleriaPeru, institucion bicentenaria donde se defienden los altos intereses del Peru.https://t.co/eXIIGkKNgg A bus carrying Syrian soldiers was blown up on Wednesday in Damascus outside an army hostel in the Masakin al-Haras area, news.am informs, citing SANA. August 4, 2021, 13:12 Bus with soldiers blows up in Damascus STEPANAKERT, AUGUST 4, ARTSAKHPRESS: As a result of the terrorist attack, there are dead and wounded, their number is not given. A photo posted on the agency's website shows a thick column of black smoke rising from the scene of the explosion into the sky. The last such incident took place in the Syrian capital on June 27, 2019, on the Mezza highway in the west of the city. According to the police department, a woman and a girl were injured and were taken to the hospital. An explosive device was planted in a parked car. The hijackers who seized a vessel off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman left the targeted ship on Wednesday, the Royal Navy reported. The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations twitter account reported that the "incident," which it had described as a potential hijacking on Tuesday night, was now "complete." It did not provide further details. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the attempted ship hijack. Shipping authority Lloyd's List and maritime intelligence firm Dryad Global had both identified the hijacked vessel as Panama-flagged asphalt tanker Asphalt Princess. Lloyds said it had been directed towards Iran. The vessel's owner, listed as Emirati free zone-based Glory International, could not immediately be reached for comment. The event unfolded amid heightened tensions between Iran and the West over Tehran's tattered nuclear deal with world powers and as commercial shipping in the region has found itself caught in the crosshairs. Most recently, the US, the UK and Israel have blamed Iran for a drone attack on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman that killed two people. Iran has denied involvement. The Gulf of Oman is near the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all oil passes. Fujairah, on the UAE's eastern coast, is a main port in the region for ships to take on new oil cargo, pick up supplies or trade out crew. For the past two years, the waters off Fujairah have seen a series of explosions and hijackings. The US Navy blamed Iran for a series of limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers. Apparently responding to the incident, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh described the recent maritime attacks in the Persian Gulf as "completely suspicious." He denied that Iran was involved. Read More Tory PCC tells Home Secretary police pay freeze is a huge blow Royal Yacht successor could cost 250m, says Defence Secretary Still a mans world: Armed forces failing to help women reach potential "Depending on the location and market, we will need to hire between 60 and 90 people for each restaurant, and well need to hire another 10 people for the hotel which will get us up to about 35 team members," Patel said. "My other challenge is evaluating each labor market so that we can understand what it will take to become the employer of choice for prospective job seekers. We are using a quality-of-life strategy that we hope will separate us from other service industry competitors. In addition to understanding the wages and benefits that are currently being offered, we need to understand the needs of our potential employees and meet those needs to the best of our ability; for example, it may mean providing increased schedule flexibility and job certainty among other things." Adirondack in its legal action cited an affidavit by Patel in which he said the buffet format was irreparably damaged in the public eye due to concerns of hygiene amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Patel's then-lawyer, in a statement to the Gazette, said in October 2020 that the family was looking to convert their restaurants to another format. But on Friday, Patel suggested he'd be bringing back the buffet format: The recent uptick in cases led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday to designate Cayuga County as a county with "substantial" community transmission of COVID-19 because it had more than 50 cases per 100,000 people. The CDC now lists the county's transmission level as "moderate." Neighboring counties Onondaga and Tompkins remained in the "substantial" category, in which the federal agency recommends mask wearing for all people in public settings regardless of vaccination status. As local cases and hospitalizations spike, Cayuga County's vaccination rate still lags behind the statewide average. According to the CDC, 75.7% of New York adults age 18 and older and 63.4% of the total population have received at least one vaccine dose. More than half of the state's population (57.3%) and two-thirds of adults are fully vaccinated. But in Cayuga County, 51.8% of residents and 60.8% of adults have received at least one dose. Less than half 48.4% of the county's population is fully vaccinated. The state Assembly, which was already conducting an impeachment investigation, could expedite that process based on the attorney general's report. "No one is above the law," Hochul said. "Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps." Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie has signaled that his chamber will move forward with the impeachment inquiry. Assembly Democrats met Tuesday after James released the report. Based on that conference, Heastie said it's clear that Cuomo "has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office." A simple majority of the 150-member Assembly is required to impeach the governor. If Cuomo is impeached, there will be a trial. The court will consist of every state senator except Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and the seven state Court of Appeals judges. A two-thirds vote of the court is required to convict the governor and remove him from office. If it reaches that point, Hochul would become governor. It's one reason why she declined to comment on the process in her statement Tuesday. Politics reporter Robert Harding can be reached at (315) 282-2220 or robert.harding@lee.net. Follow him on Twitter @robertharding. Love 4 Funny 1 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Former President Barack Obama has dramatically scaled back his planned 60th birthday party on Martha's Vineyard this weekend due to concerns about the highly transmissible Delta variant of Covid-19, according to a spokeswoman. The birthday bash for the former President was previously planned to be held outside and follow all US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention public health protocols, with testing for guests and a Covid safety coordinator on site, a source had told CNN earlier this week. Keep scrolling to see 60 pics of the former president through the years More than 400 guests, including celebrities and former Obama administration officials, were reportedly expected to attend the affair, along with nearly 200 hired staff working the party. But now, the celebration for Obama, who turns 60 on Wednesday, will be only be for family and close friends. NEW YORK (AP) CNN anchor Chris Cuomo appeared to offer advice on a statement by his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, addressing allegations of sexual harassment, according to a report issued on Tuesday. The CNN prime-time personality testified to investigators looking into his older brothers behavior. His name appears four times in the 165-page report issued by New York Attorney General Letitia James as one of several outside advisers who were regularly provided with confidential and often privileged information that impacted the government despite having no formal role, duty, or obligation to the State. The report's appendix included a copy of an email sent Feb. 27, 2021 by Chris Cuomo to his brother's advisers on a suggested public statement that the governor never intended to offend anyone or cause harm with his behavior. It was not clear whether Chris Cuomo had composed the statement himself or was reacting to suggestions by others. In the email, it was suggested that Andrew Cuomo say that sometimes I am playful and make jokes ... My only desire is to add some levity and banter to what is a very serious business. CNN directed reporters to past statements it had made about Cuomo, and had no other immediate comment on Tuesday. No one was ever quite sure what motivated Smiths apostasy, whether personal resentment of his former ally FDR or the financial blandishments of his new friends. FDR had a withering opinion of the Liberty League, describing it as an organization that only advocates two or three out of the Ten Commandments. ... [They] say you shall love God and then forget your neighbor. At the league gala, Smith told his audience: Make a test for yourself. Just get the platform of the Democratic Party and get the platform of the Socialist Party and lay them down on your dining-room table, side by side. ... After you have done that, make your mind up to pick up the platform that more nearly squares with the record, and you will have your hand on the Socialist platform. A thunderstruck FDR remarked to his Labor secretary, Frances Perkins: Practically all the things weve done in the federal government are like things Al Smith did as governor of New York. Theyre things he would have done if he had been president of the United States. What in the world is the matter? But he also had an ace up his sleeve a speech Smith had delivered during the 1928 campaign in which he ridiculed the same charge of socialism from Republicans that he now leveled against Roosevelt. Tata Tiago NRG was officially launched in the Indian car market on Wednesday at an introductory price of 6.57 lakh for the MT and 7.09 lakh for the AMT versions (ex showroom, Delhi). Tiago NRG from Tata Motors is essentially a crossover based on the Tiago hatchback but is strikingly sporty to look at thanks to the numerous visual additions on the outside and updates in the cabin. Tata Motors is hoping that while the exterior and cabin highlights attract buyers, it is also the better drive capability that will pull enthusiasts. "It is not only strong on the exterior but is feature-loaded & stylish in the interior, and is an absolute pleasure to drive with enhanced abilities to take over rough terrains," said Rajan Amba, Vice President for Sales, Marketing and Customer Care at Tata Motors. Tata Tiago NRG exterior highlights: Tata Tiago NRG will come in green exterior hue with a blackened roof. It gets body cladding all along the side while there are roof rails (for aestethics only) and faux silver skid plates as well. The ORVMs are in black. The car has a ground clearance of 181 mm and stands on 15-inch alloy wheels. It also gets re-tuned Dual Path suspension to tackle broken roads better. There are four exterior colour options available - Foresta Green, Snow White, Fire Red and Cloudy Grey. Tata Tiago NRG cabin highlights: A look at the cabin of Tata Tiago NRG. The updates on the inside of the Tata Tiago NRG include a rear-view camera, engine start-stop button and a seven-inch infotainment screen which supports Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. Charcoal black colour theme dominates the cabin, a bid to further its aggressive appeal. Tata TIago NRG cabin is done in all black hues. Additionally, there is a seven-speaker Harman Kardon sound system and the driver display is all digital. Tata Tiago NRG engine and transmission details: Tata Tiago NRG is powered by the 1.2-litre Revotron petrol engine which produces 85 bhp and is brought out with both manual as well as AMT transmission options. Tata Tiago NRG safety highlights: The Tiago NRG safety features are primarily highlighted by Dual-front airbags, reverse parking sensor and camera, Follow-me lamps, among others. Tiago already has had a four-star safety rating in Global NCAP tests. Tiago was first launched in India back in April of 2016 and has since found over three lakh customers. Tata Motors now feels that this will be further bolstered by the launch of Tiago NRG. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- In July 2021, Honda Motor Co., (Honda) saw its China deliveries tumble 20.9% year on year to 108,139 units due to the chip supply constraint, the Japanese automaker said on Wednesday. Civic; photo credit: Dongfeng Honda Among the new vehicles delivered last month, 18,866 units were armed with the hybrid powertrain system Sport Hybrid, rising 5.9% compared to the same period of 2020. Both GAC Honda and Dongfeng Honda posted two-digit decrease in July deliveries. The joint venture with GAC Group delivered 62,030 new vehicles, representing a 10.3% decline from a year earlier. Meanwhile, 46,109 consumers took delivery of the vehicles from Dongfeng Honda, a 31.6% drop year-over-year. In spite of the decrease in July deliveries, Honda's China business still recorded a 19.5% jump for the Jan.-Jul. period with 894,672 vehicles delivered. The year-to-date deliveries of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) surged 50.3% to 135,670 units. For the first seven months, GAC Honda's deliveries grew 11% to 426,654 units, while Dongfeng Honda also boasted a 28.4% year-on-year rise with 468,018 vehicles handed over to consumers. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) advises Chinese automakers to expand their shares in Russian new energy vehicle (NEV) market by lifting NEV exports to the country and stepping up marketing deployment and sales promotion, according to a research report the MOFCOM issued on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the ministry also suggests that Chinese carmakers should explore the cooperation on new energy vehicle (NEV)-related infrastructures with Russia, encompassing such projects as the construction of EV charging facilities, the improvement of pipe network and facility distribution, the energy supply to remote regions, and smart services. Those efforts should be made on a basis of a sufficient argumentation, said the MOFCOM. Haval F7, Haval H9 sold in Russia; photo credit: Great Wall Motor By the end of 2020, the electric vehicle (EV) parc in Russia only reached around 6,300 units, representing a penetration rate of 0.01%, according to the report. Besides, the construction of EV-related infrastructures is still at the initial stage. As the pioneer city of EVs, Moscow plans to make the number of charging piles increased to only 600 by 2023, while mapping out the parking spots for EVs. Despite the limited EV market size and immature infrastructure network, initial success was achieved in Russia's independent R&D of EVs. For instance, the Russian car manufacturer LADA launched an indigenous EV brand Ellada; Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University developed the Kama-1 compact urban smart crossover of economy class and the Zetta compact EV platform. With Gasgoo Daily, we will offer at least 10 pieces of daily news about China's automotive industry. For those we have reported, the title of the piece will include a hyperlink, which will provide detailed information. Chinas automobile sales in July likely to drop 13.8% YoY Chinas automobile sales in July are expected to reach 1.82 million vehicles, down 13.8% year on year and 9.7% month on month, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM). Monthly passenger vehicle sales may decline 11.2% from a year ago while commercial vehicle sales may drop 27.1% year on year. Nissan China July sales drop 20.8% YoY Nissan China, including passenger vehicle segment and light commercial vehicle segment, sold 95,783 vehicles in China in July, representing a year-on-year decrease of 20.8%. For the first seven months of this year, the Japanese automaker sold a total of 802,133 vehicles in China, up 11.8% from a year ago. Xiaomis vehicle business at a very early stage Yesterday, Lei Jun, Xiaomis founder, revealed that the companys automobile business is at a very early stage and will let the public know if they have any important progress. Teslas Northwest Supercharging Route have 8 charging stations Teslas Northwest Supercharging Route, which covers 2,229 kilometers, starts to operate. There are 8 supercharging stations and 3 destination charging stations along the route. Photo credit: Tesla Jidu executives visit CATL Executives from Jidu, EV joint venture between Baidu and Geely, paid a visit to CATL, a local media outlet reported. Discussion between the two parties were not limited to power battery business. Arcfox delivers 525 vehicles in July Arcfox, BAIC Groups EV brand, delivered 525 vehicles in July, representing an increase of 90% versus the previous month, according to the brand. The brand also said that its monthly deliveries have realized month-on-month growth for four consecutive months. Photo credit: Arcfox Chery Holdings July sales shoot up 49.6% YoY Chery Holding announced on Wednesday its new vehicle sales amounted to 83,678 units in July 2021, soaring 49.6% from a year ago. For the first seven months, the group sold 508,415 vehicles, a 74.6% hike year-on-year. Honda Motor sees China deliveries dip 20.9% in July In July 2021, Honda Motor Co., (Honda) saw its China deliveries tumble 20.9% year on year to 108,139 units due to the chip supply constraint, the Japanese automaker said on Wednesday. Hefei BYD finishes registration for NEV component project Hefei BYD Automobile Co.,Ltd. (Hefei BYD) completed earlier this month the registration for the project of new energy vehicle (NEV)-related core components, according to the information posted on the website of Changfeng County government. Chinas Ministry of Commerce suggests larger NEV exports to Russia China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) advises Chinese automakers to expand their shares in Russian new energy vehicle (NEV) market by lifting NEV exports to the country and stepping up marketing deployment and sales promotion, according to a research report the MOFCOM issued on Tuesday. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- Inceptio Technology, a Chinese autonomous trucking startup focusing on line-haul freight shipping, announced on Tuesday it has raised $270 million in a Series B equity financing, which was jointly led by JD Logistics, Meituan, and PAG. Photo credit: Inceptio Technology The newly-closed funding round also attracted such companies as Deppon Express, IDG Capital, CMB International, SDIC, Mirae Asset, Eight Roads, and Broad Vision Funds. The existing shareholders like GLP Hidden Hill Capital, CATL, NIO Capital and Eastern Bell Capital still participated in the investment. Through the completion of the Series B, Inceptio Technology will strengthen the investment in the development of its in-house developed full-stack autonomous driving system Xuanyuan, and expedite its deployment in electrification. Since 2019, the startup and many Chinese OEMs have co-developed a line of mass-produced self-driving heavy-duty trucks, said the company. The autonomous driving freight network built by Inceptio Technology has been embraced by a slew of leading shippers and fleets in China. Launched on March 10, 2021, the Xuanyuan system will be deployed on two Level 3 autonomous heavy-duty trucks the startup jointly developed with Dongfeng Trucks and Sinotruck, and is expected for mass production and delivery at the end of 2021. Through OTA (over-the-air) upgrade, the system will help the trucks advance into Level 4 in the future. Shanghai (Gasgoo)- Chinese automaker Geely Auto Group (Geely) and Japanese electronics parts manufacturer ROHM Semiconductor (ROHM) recently entered into a strategic partnership to ally on the development of advanced auto-related technologies, according to a press release from Geely. Photo credit: ROHM Semiconductor The two parties started technology communication in 2018 and have carried out cooperation on the development of many in-car applications. The newly-formed collaboration will contribute to the innovation of technologies for automotive industry. Under the agreement, Geely will make use of ROHM's SiC (silicon carbide)-based power solutions to develop highly efficient electric control system and in-car charging system, aiming to extend the driving range of electric vehicles, lower the cost of battery development, and shorten EV charging time. Moreover, the automaker attempts to develop high-performance ADAS (advanced driver assistance system) and intelligent cockpit system by leveraging ROHM's communications integrated circuits, discrete components, and other products and solutions. According to the press release, ROHM's SiC-enabled electric drive system has been applied in the all-electric vehicle platform Geely is developing. Through the fresh partnership, Geely and ROHM will make joint efforts to promote the development of the low-carbon technologies for automotive industry and the technologies for a safe mobility society. Beijing (Gasgoo)- Arcfox, BAIC Groups EV brand, delivered 525 vehicles in July, representing an increase of 90% versus the previous month, according to the brand. The brand also said that its monthly deliveries have realized month-on-month growth for four consecutive months. Photo credit: Arcfox Currently, the brand has two models for sales, the Arcfox T and the Arcfox S. The former, a battery electric SUV, came into the market in October, 2020, with a price range between RMB241,900 ($37,398) and RMB 319,900 ($49,457). The other model, a battery electric sedan, started sales on April 18, 2021, with a price range between RMB251,900 ($38,944) and RMB344,900 ($53,322). Besides, deliveries of the Arcfox S HI (Huawei Inside) model, jointly developed with Huawei, will start during the 2021 Auto Guangzhou, to be held in November. The presale prices of its two versions were RMB388,900 ($60,124) and RMB429,900 ($66,463) respectively. In June, an executive from the brand revealed that the Arcfox S had received more than 1,000 orders, nearly half of which were for the HI. Arcfox is also accelerating the building of its sales network to increase its sales. At the end of June, it set up a total of 10 stores in such cities as Hangzhou and Shenzhen. By the end of July, the brand has built 60 stores covering 24 main cities, which will be expanded to 100 stores and 40 cities by the end of this year. Currently, the brands vehicles are made in its Zhenjiang production base, which has an annual capacity of 150,000 vehicles. Beijing (Gasgoo)- NIO delivered fewer new vehicles in one month than its two new energy vehicle (NEV) startup rivals, Li Auto and XPeng Motors, for the first time since they started deliveries. But in terms of the year-to-date deliveries, NIO had a clear lead over other rivals. In July, NIOs deliveries amounted to 7,931 vehicles, jumping 124.5% year on year and falling 1.88% month on month. Even though that is the second highest volume in the first seven months, it was at least one hundred less than that of Li Auto or XPeng, whose July deliveries were both over 8,000 vehicles. As to the month-on-month decrease of deliveries, it was said that for the moment, NIOs full production capacity was about 7,500 to 8,000 vehicles, thus its monthly deliveries were around 8,000 vehicles in the past two months. For the seven months of this year, NIO delivered a total of 49,887 vehicles, over 10,000 vehicles more than the deliveries of XPeng and Li Auto, which ranked second and third by year-to-date deliveries. Monthly delivery volume of both Li Auto and XPeng surpassed 8,000 vehicles for the first time. Li Autos deliveries soared 251.3% year on year to 8,589 vehicles, with only one model while those of XPeng surged 228% to 8,040 vehicles. The other two brands, namely Nezha and Leapmotor, also achieved best-ever monthly deliveries last month. Nezhas deliveries surged 392% year on year to 6,011 vehicles, a new monthly record while monthly deliveries of Leapmotor exceeded 4,000 units, the highest volume in its history, with a year-on-year increase of 666%. Two of NIOs three models saw a month-on-month decrease in monthly deliveries. Specifically, deliveries of the ES6 and the EC6 dropped to 3,669 and 2,560 from 3,755 and 2,830 of the previous month while monthly deliveries of the ES8 increased from 1,498 to 1,702, the best result of the past seven months. Although Li Auto only has one model in the market, namely the Li ONE, its 2021 version, unveiled in May, attracted many new customers. According to the automakers Hong Kong listing document, it aims to launch a full-size premium range-extended electric SUV in 2022, followed by two range-extended SUVs built on the X platform in 2023. Besides, from 2023 on, the company plans to launch at least two high voltage battery electric vehicle models per year based on its Whale and Shark platforms. XPeng G3i; photo credit: XPeng As to XPeng, the P7 remained its main sales driver. Deliveries of the smart sedan had set new records for three consecutive months with 6,054 delivered in July. The P7s cumulative deliveries had surpassed 40,000 units since deliveries began last year. The G3s deliveries were up 8.2% versus the previous month to 1,986. The G3i, its all-new version, was unveiled in July with deliveries to start from September. And the companys third model, the P5, is expected to be launched in the third quarter of this year and its deliveries will commence in the last quarter of this year. A Kentucky woman was found dead at Lake Powell this weekend after authorities say she was caught in a flash flood. Heather Rutledge, 43, was hiking with her husband and three sons in the Labyrinth Canyon area in Page when they encountered the flooding that caused Rutledge to drown. The family was able to locate Rutledge and attempted to perform CPR, but were unsuccessful, according to the Coconino County Sheriff's Office. Unable to move Rutledges body, the family made their way back to a boat they had rented in order to find help, according to sheriffs officials. They discovered that the boat had been damaged and was immobile. The victims family eventually made contact with a local boater in the area who was able to tow the family and the rental boat out of the canyon. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The group then encountered a National Park Service boat that transported the family to Antelope Point Marina, where rescuers were preparing to locate Rutledge, according to sheriffs officials. The district has a plan to move to temporary remote instruction for all grade levels when deemed necessary by the district due to COVID-19, weather or [other] conditions, Walton said. Penca said the Arizona Legislature had added some new flexibility in their instructional hour requirements that would allow FUSD to rely on surplus time built up throughout the year when deciding whether to have make-up days. Penca said, in response to a question, it would take a very high bar for FUSD to move to district-wide remote instruction for a prolonged period of time. He was confident the district would be able to clear that bar, since community transmission hadnt been impacted during their return to in-person learning in the spring. Its more likely that we will continue to experience transmission of COVID-19 in our community and in our school communities this year, he said, but I would expect that we will continue to deal with those on a case-by-case basis. He said FUSD would still monitor cases and resume last years health updates to families and staff. It plans to release the first of these updates on Friday, Aug. 13. Penca added that the transmission benchmarks would be used as a tool to inform decisions rather than the gatekeeper it was last year. PHOENIX A second Arizona school district, Phoenix Elementary, has approved a mandatory mask rule for students, staff and visitors to help curb the spread of COVID-19 despite a recently enacted state law barring school districts from requiring mask-wearing. Phoenix Elementary's governing board Monday night approved the requirement that included limited opt-out for medical reasons. We know that our children learn best in person and we will implement mitigation strategies that help to minimize the spread of illnesses, reduce the need for quarantining, and avoid classroom and school closures," a district statement said. Phoenix Elementary has 14 schools, primarily located in central Phoenix. The districts more than 5,000 students start classes on Thursday. Phoenix Union High School District approved a mask requirement last week and that district began its 2021-22 school year on Monday. It's not clear whether the state's prohibition is now in force. The prohibition against masking mandates by school districts was included in budget legislation enacted in late June. The legislation doesn't take effect until Sept. 29, though it included a provision saying the prohibition is retroactive. Birthday wishes Call 281-422-8302 or email david.bloom@baytownsun.com to wish someone a happy birthday. We will print your birthday wish on Page 2 of The Sun. Happy Birthday Wishes The sites also closely resembled 16 additional silos Kristensen and Korda found in February at a known missile test site called Jilantai. The analysts conclusions received a validation of sorts from StratCom last week, when the military command tweeted out a link to a New York Times story on Kordas discovery, along with the comment: This is the second time in two months the public has discovered what we have been saying all along about the growing threat the world faces and the veil of secrecy that surrounds it. I view that tweet as a confirmation of our story, Korda said. Although alarm is widespread, U.S. analysts arent quite sure what China plans to do with the silos. Lewis believes that the Chinese are playing a shell game, building a large number of silos while planning to put only a few missiles in them. Thats similar to a plan the Carter and Reagan administrations devised for the proposed MX missile, though the plan was abandoned after objections from rural residents of Utah and Arizona, where the MX missiles were set to be deployed. "You're doing your own thing in the 'Live Free or Die' state, so there's a lot of sympathy to you for that," he said. "But there's a lot of weight on the other side of the balance sheet, and not just about what the (landowner) wants to do with the land, but the weight I feel to uphold the judgment of the court and the rule of law." Gedeon and other supporters came out to a town selectboard meeting on Monday. Board members said the town currently has no standing in the property dispute. But even if there were a way to allow Lidstone to stay, it would be an uphill battle. His home is in violation of local and state zoning and environmental regulations, and there is no access to a road. "You guys are in a quandary. So are we," selectman Robert Steenson said. The woodlot Lidstone calls home is just a few miles away from Interstate 93. But it's hidden by the trees; it's on 73 acres that's been used for timber harvests. The property has been owned by the same family since 1963. There are no plans at this time to develop it. Lidstone has claimed that years ago, the owner gave his word but nothing in writing allowing him to live there. But in the eyes of the current owner, he's a squatter and needs to go. What caused the failure was not immediately determined, according to government officials and Petro-Hunt. Crews have taken steps to shield off the fourth well on the pad from the other three so that it does not catch fire, Graf said. The risk that flames could spread to grass outside the well pad still exists, but rain in the area last week eased the dry conditions and the line connected to the lake ensures a significant water supply to fight a wildfire if one were to break out, he said. Petro-Hunt has hired specialists from Texas-based Wild Well Control to help put out the fire. Wild Well declined to comment on the process. The timeline for putting out the fire depends on well and weather conditions but the company hopes to have the fire at the remaining two wells out soon, Babb said. Graf was in Washington state Tuesday responding to a fire there, but he said his understanding before he left was that crews were using heavy equipment to clear the well pad and would need to take steps such as cutting off a melted and mangled well head. They would then use a crane to put a new blowout preventer in place, he said. The Montana Department of Revenue has offered its proposed rule changes to the state's medical and incoming recreational marijuana industries. The department will hold a public hearing in the auditorium of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services on the rule changes at 9 a.m. on Aug. 13. House Bill 249, sponsored by Republican Rep. Matt Regier of Kalispell, set new rules for the industry's ability to advertise through electronic means, but gave the Department of Revenue authority to adopt and implement electronic advertising rules. The proposed changes would allow the industry some new advertising leeway as businesses ramp up for the recreational market, which is set to begin in January, although those rules would remain restrictive. The proposed changes, available at the Department of Revenue's Cannabis Control Division website, would include requiring businesses to list on their advertisements warnings about cannabis' "intoxicating effects" and potential to be "habit forming," among other concerns. The size of these disclaimers would have to be at least 10% of the largest type used in the advertisement. When someone asks, Whats special about Montana? the answer is usually something about mountains or rivers or quality of life. Heres the answer we prefer: Montana is special because people help each other. Its as much in the DNA of the state as self-sufficiency. Its not hard to understand that in the early days, from tribal life to homesteads, ranches and mining camps, both virtues were necessary to cope with Montanas challenging physical environment. And across rural Montana (and much of urban Montana too!), that has not changed. Blizzards, drought, fire, personal issues like disease or injury: Whatever the circumstance, when help is needed, help is given. Without hesitation or reservation even if the act of helping imposes its own hardship on the helper. All across Montana in this fire season, examples abound. Ranchers have sent crews including themselves to fight fire on neighboring ranches. When stackyards full of hay burned as well as grazing lands themselves neighbors did all they could in recent weeks to see that afflicted ranchers livestock had enough hay and water to see them through. Isaak, dressed in khakis, a white shirt and a tie, took notes during the process, spoke at times with one of the three defense attorneys with him in the courtroom and waved at jurors upon being introduced by his attorneys. He has not been handcuffed or shackled during the proceedings at the Morton County Courthouse in Mandan. No motive in the slayings has been offered by police or anyone at RJR, and the trial that is expected to play out over the next three weeks is likely to largely focus on the evidence that investigators say points to Isaak, a chiropractor whose mobile home is managed by RJR. Evidence that is expected to be shown includes clothing, handgun parts, a knife and used shell casings, surveillance footage, bank records, and Facebook and phone data. Some of the evidence could be gruesome. Authorities say the four people were slain in a matter of minutes, with three of them shot and stabbed. One person's throat was cut. South Central District Judge David Reich has set a limit of 60 spectators in the courtroom. Outside of media, there were fewer than half a dozen observers on Monday and only a couple on Tuesday. Media cameras were not allowed in the courtroom during jury selection but will be allowed during the rest of the trial. The slayings drew national attention, and Isaak's trial will be broadcast live by Court TV. Local listings can be found at https://buff.ly/3fuMVNo. The trial also will be livestreamed on Court TV's website, https://buff.ly/2Jmizev. Reach Travis Svihovec at 701-250-8260 or Travis.Svihovec@bismarcktribune.com Love 0 Funny 1 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Sign up for our Crime & Courts newsletter Get the latest in local public safety news with this weekly email. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. North Dakota's prison system has begun a technology training program to improve inmates' job opportunities after release. The Last Mile provides the training to 12 prisoners at the State Penitentiary in Bismarck, through a $250,000 contract funded by a federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grant administered by Job Service North Dakota. The state's Commerce Department and its Corrections and Rehabilitation Department also are grant partners. The daily, six-hour classes began July 12. Eligible prisoners must meet several requirements, including the time commitment, and be within a certain window of their release. The program begun in San Quentin State Prison in California teaches self-paced web design applications. It came to the attention of members of the North Dakota Workforce Development Council, including Penny Hetletved, director of education for Corrections, who serves on a subcommittee. A lot of employers won't hire felons, she said. "Within cybersecurity and cyber design and web design, that is a market that they can employ across the nation," she said. The slain workers had more than 100 stab wounds, and though clothing was found that matched the description of what the suspect was wearing, no blood evidence was found at Isaaks residence. Owning an orange sweatshirt or mask does not make someone a murderer, Quick said. RJR is a successful business but sometimes not popular, he said. Employees soon after the killings provided police with lists of disgruntled employees and unhappy tenants, who the attorney said were never investigated. He also alluded to an affair Robert Fakler allegedly had with a woman whose ex-husband had a violent past. The man was never interviewed. Quick said the state is giving considerable weight to a faint shoe print that frankly wont impress you, despite all the high-tech efforts to do so." All but one emergency responder who testified in the afternoon said their shoes were photographed by investigators. Quick suggested authorities fell victim to confirmation bias -- focusing on evidence they believed supported their theory and ignoring anything that didnt. This case is a rush to judgment based on erroneous information that led to erroneous conclusions, Quick said. WASHINGTON (AP) The State Department said Wednesday it's looking into the apparent disappearance of a nearly $6,000 bottle of whisky given more than two years ago to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by the government of Japan. Pompeo knows nothing about the gift or an inquiry, a representative said. In a notice filed in the Federal Register, the department said that it could find no trace of the bottle's whereabouts and that there is an "ongoing inquiry" into what happened to the booze. The department reported the investigation in its annual accounting of gifts given to senior U.S. officials by foreign governments and leaders. The department's Office of Protocol is required to record gifts given to U.S. officials and keep track of their disposition. Recipients have the option of turning gifts of a certain value over to the National Archives or another government entity or purchasing them for personal use by reimbursing the Treasury Department for their value. The Japanese whisky was valued at $5,800 and was presented to Pompeo in June 2019, presumably when he visited the country that month for a Group of 20 summit that was also attended by President Donald Trump. But unlike other gifts, the department said there was no record of what had become of the bottle. "We certainly know the structure of the bank, the ownership of the bank, and we've accounted for all of that as we set these salary ranges," said Eric Hardmeyer, who retired last month after 21 years leading the bank. "But even with that discount, the salary that I had and the salary that Todd Steinwand now has I think would still be considered low." Hardmeyer's salary was $356,526. The salary has been set in the past using industry data, consultants and what Hardmeyer called "a very fair way of looking at it," given the bank's nature. "I understand that it is high in terms of other state employees, but you have to remember what the Bank of North Dakota's delivering: record profits, a good return on investments, return on assets that is beyond even what the industry is doing, so it's vital that you attract talent from that industry," Hardmeyer said. "It's today a $9 billion bank, and if you don't have the right talent in there, things could go south." The bank reported a $141.2 million profit last year. The Legislature uses bank profits to help balance the state budget, including $140 million for the 2021-23 general fund. The profits also fund the bank, which uses no general fund money. The bank has a $67.8 million two-year budget. State regulators have ordered the operator of a wind farm to move one of its turbines following a dispute over the proximity of the tower to a house on a landowner's property in Oliver County. The North Dakota Public Service Commission voted 3-0 Wednesday to require that Minnesota Power remove the turbine within six months. The company can either leave it down or move it farther away from the home. Such an order is rare, though disputes have arisen in the past over the proximity of turbines to structures. The Kessler family raised a complaint with the PSC last year over the placement of the turbine, which is 1,125 feet away from the house. The turbine falls within the 1,400-foot buffer the company indicated it would maintain between turbines and occupied residences at its Bison wind farm that straddles Morton and Oliver counties. At issue is whether the house is considered an occupied residence, as the Kesslers do not live in it full time but use it from time to time. The PSC determined it is occupied. President Ronald Reagan was clever in gaming the system. He used recess appointments for the purpose of undermining the Legal Services Corporation, a governmental agency created to provide legal assistance to the poor in civil cases. In his first year in office, President Reagan made no appointments to the board of directors of the corporation. In his second year, for the purpose of ensuring that holdovers from Jimmy Carters term did not dominate the board, Reagan made seven recess appointments at the end of 1981. Over the next couple of years, Reagan nominated people to the board, but then withdrew their names before the Senate could act on the nominations. With the vacancies intact, Reagan proceeded to fill the openings with recess appointments, a strategy that enabled him to control the agency from 1981 through 1984, even though none of his appointees was ever confirmed by the Senate. No financial support was requested during the meeting. While the Tribune editorial board likes the idea of renewed rail service, we have to remember why it was dropped in the late 1970s. The interest in rail travel had waned and the cost-effectiveness of maintaining service nosedived. Amtrak struggles to make a go of it with its remaining routes. Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority needs to come up with a financial plan that doesnt rely on a government subsidy. It needs to be self-sufficient. Whether it can make arrangements to use other railways tracks remains to be seen. County commissions in Burleigh and Morton along with the cities of Bismarck, Mandan and Lincoln need to be clear where they stand if they offer support. They can support the idea with the understanding that no financial backing is forthcoming. Rail travel isnt for everyone. Theres an investment in time that you dont have with air travel. Traveling by car allows you to stop whenever you want; not true of trains. Trains have their own attractions. Depending on the length of the journey, the passenger can use a sleeping car and dine aboard the train. In Canada, Via Rail tours take passengers through the Rockies and other scenic areas of the country. Its a leisurely way to travel. Finish this article for as low as $1 when you purchase a day pass. Just click the sign up button to purchase. If you are already a subscriber, just click log in to continue reading. The 12-ounce bowl is hefty the leftovers could resemble those from the holiday dinner but an easier-to-eat alternative than a Pilgrim sandwich, which Gonzales considered before landing on the bowl. "I'm going to tell people to just mix it up that's what's going to make it taste the best," Gonzales said of his concoction. "It will just bring all the elements together." Chicken-and-waffles skewers from Dirty Bird Chicken n' Waffles One common assumption about anything served on a skewer is it's a skimpy portion compared to any alternative. Raul Parker, owner of Dirty Bird Chicken n' Waffles, assures eaters that's not the case with his chicken and waffle on a stick, which come two to an order, with each holding three pieces of fried chicken and four pieces of waffle. The maple bourbon butter glaze, drizzled over the skewers, might even overshadow the other two elements made fresh on the trailer. The sweet-and-salty condiment has been served on Dirty Bird's original chicken and waffle sandwich since the food truck opened in 2015 and will be bottled for retail sales soon, said Parker, who's bringing his Niagara Falls-based business to the fair for the first time. County officials and health experts have been spending more time focusing on the realistic protections of the vaccine in light of the uptick in cases due to the highly contagious Delta variant and increased talk about "breakthrough" Covid-19 cases among those who have been fully vaccinated. "What we have to do is take a step back and look at it in perspective," Sellick said. While some vaccinated county residents are contracting Covid-19, he said, they represent a tiny fraction of the hundreds of thousands of local residents who have been vaccinated. Vaccine mandates for health care workers draw praise, criticism With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases across the country, more government agencies and private institutions are requiring that workers get vaccinated. More than 165 million Americans have been fully vaccinated, and 72% of Erie County adults have received at least one dose of the vaccine. As late as May, the number of county residents hospitalized with Covid-19 measured in the hundreds. That's compared to the latest uptick in cases from 10 on July 15 to 40 as of Monday. "That is miniscule compared to where we were," Sellick said. "These vaccines are working exactly the way we want these vaccines to work." The Erie County Health Department noted areas of concern Tuesday: The three adjoining landfills on the Lockport Bypass belong to the county Refuse Disposal District. Two are within the City of Lockport's borders. The third, the construction and demolition landfill, lies within the Town of Lockport. Thus, both municipalities will need to approve the installation of solar panels on the sites, Timm said. The landfills cover about 42 acres. The deal allows BQ Energy to lease up to 38 acres for 25 years, but Timm said she expects about 36 acres will be used. The company will begin by paying the county $1,375 per year for each acre, a price that will rise 2% a year. Town of Lockport is latest focus of solar opposition as farmer plans small project Several towns in Niagara County have seen loud opposition to solar energy projects, and the Town of Lockport is the latest site of such controversy. The deal also gives the county an option to buy 20% of the electricity generated at the landfills, or about 2.5 million kilowatt-hours, Timm said. That would be enough to power about 2,800 homes for a month, but the county would use it in government buildings. That would save the county about $15,000 a year on the fees it pays to New York Electric & Gas Corp. to transmit the power the county receives from the Niagara Power Project. Timm said with less Niagara Project power being used in county facilities, more would be available for the county's Empower Niagara program, which allots it to local businesses as a development incentive. WASHINGTON Americans will finally be able to once again drive over to that Buffalo suburb known as Southern Ontario starting Aug. 9. But it won't be easy so it's best that you prepare early. With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing and in fact flaring in many spots, Canada won't exactly throw open its border on Monday. Instead, Canadian officials have set forth a complicated set of requirements that visitors must comply with, lest they want to have to make a U-turn on the Peace Bridge. "Communities throughout Western New York need answers, guidance and clarity on how they can travel to and from Canada," said Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat who, along with Rep. Brian Higgins, a Buffalo Democrat, is pressing the U.S. government to open its border to visiting Canadians, too. Local congressional offices, other authorities and, yes, newspaper reporters have been deluged with questions from Americans who want to travel to Canada, but who wonder how, exactly, to do that. So here are some of the most common questions we are hearing, along with their answers. I know I have to prove that I am vaccinated to go to Canada but what exactly does that mean? Andrew M. Cuomos once invincible world began collapsing around him Tuesday as a damning report of sexual harassment comes close to overwhelming his increasingly desperate attempt to hang on as governor of New York. Official after official flooded the internet with demands he resign after Attorney General Letitia James issued a 165-page compendium of complaints from women in and out of state government alleging incidents of unwanted sexual attention. Though Cuomo took to the airwaves shortly after the attorney generals late morning news conference to deny the claims and offer no hint of resignation, the possibility still looms as his own Democrats without equivocation joined the chorus that could end one of the most powerful gubernatorial reigns in state history. The calls stemmed from the highest echelons of the New York State Democratic Party as Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer and Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand reiterated their demand that Cuomo leave office. In a joint statement, they called the actions profoundly disturbing, inappropriate, and completely unacceptable. No elected official is above the law, the senators said. The people of New York deserve better leadership in the governors office. We continue to believe that the Governor should resign. And Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul, who would become governor should Cuomo eventually heed the chorus of resignation demands, seemed to reject the governors denial of James finding. Hochul said the report documented repulsive and unlawful behavior by the Governor towards multiple women. Significantly, the lieutenant governors reaction for the first time recognized the possibility that her longtime boss may not survive what lies ahead. No one is above the law. Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps, she said, referring to expected impeachment proceedings. Because Lieutenant Governors stand next in the line of succession, it would not be appropriate to comment further on the process at this moment. Tuesdays events conjured still vivid memories around Albanys stately old Capitol of Gov. Eliot L. Spitzers sudden fall following a 2008 prostitution scandal. But Cuomo stubbornly resisted Spitzers route of a quick and decisive resignation, exacerbating the maelstrom surrounding him at least into an expected impeachment by the Assembly. He promised to fight the charges and avoid trial by newspaper or biased review. This just did not happen, he said of the accusations. Still, it appeared difficult for anyone to predict a successful outcome for Cuomo as many of those who may sit in judgement made clear their feelings. The Governor is unfit for office, said Assemblyman Bill Conrad, D-Tonawanda. If he wont immediately resign, the Assembly must take the next logical steps toward his impeachment. Even former Cuomo stalwarts like Erie County Democratic Chairman Jeremy J. Zellner signaled that if Cuomo somehow survives the immediate storm, he will have trouble weathering the long-range forecast. He called Cuomos behavior unlawful, inexcusable, adding the accusations transcend all political considerations. He should resign and allow the work of state government to move forward unburdened by the controversies that would inevitably follow him for the remainder of his term, the chairman said. Around New York State, talk of gubernatorial succession took on a serious tone for the first time since Cuomos first victory in 2010. State Republican Chairman Nicholas A. Langworthy, whose party appears to be coalescing behind Long Island Representative Lee Zeldin as its candidate next year, renewed his resignation call first issued on Feb. 11. If he does not immediately resign, Speaker Carl Heastie must call for a special session to bring articles of impeachment to the floor for an up or down vote, Langworthy said. Democrats in Albany have been protecting him for too long time is up. One of Cuomo's top political allies, state Democratic Chairman Jay S. Jacobs, did not return a call seeking comment. Though Republicans face daunting odds statewide as Democrats dominate them 3 to 1, veteran New York City political consultant Hank Sheinkopf sees several scenarios. He envisions left-wing Democrats like New York City Public Advocate Jumaane Williams contemplating a primary challenge or running on his own, energizing upstate conservatives fearful of the partys steady leftward march (as evidenced by democratic socialist India B. Waltons primary win for Buffalo mayor in June). The guy who benefits most is Lee Zeldin, Sheinkopf said. If Cuomo doesnt leave or gets a primary from someone downstate like Jumaane Williams, and if he loses or its close," Sheinkopf said, it could all spark chaos and profound statewide change. That same chaos, he added, could prove an advantage for the embattled governor. Andrew Cuomo gets through this alive if everyone around him cant figure out how to kill him, he said figuratively. Can he survive the daggers? In addition, Democrat Kevin R. Hardwick offered the dual perspective of a candidate for county comptroller as well as a Canisius College political scientist. On Tuesday, Hardwick called for Cuomo to resign and also introduced a resolution to that effect in his capacity as an Erie County legislator. He said the governors denial and apology fell far short, and that his continued presence in office could present a host of troubling problems as the state tries to deal with a Covid-19 resurgence. What if the governor must order new emergency measures to fight the Delta variant, he asked, or seeks another lockdown that proved controversial to begin with. This makes it that much more difficult for such a call to be viewed as legitimate, he said, while his exit will kick off a succession scramble in which our own Kathy Hochul will be right in the middle of it. Especially after the details in that report, Hardwick said, its not going to get easier or go away. Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul handled the attorney general's report on sexual harassment in the governor's office just the same way she's handled such allegations against Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo from the start: with caution. Defiant Cuomo denies sexual harassment allegations as calls for resignation intensify An explosive report accusing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of repeatedly sexually harassing female government employees has left the three-term governor seemingly facing a choice between resignation or impeachment. But that's not how the Buffalo-based lieutenant governor is handling her own future, which she's preparing for boldly. Those parallel storylines come clear through the juxtaposition of two documents: Hochul's statement berating Cuomo's "repulsive and unlawful behavior" while stopping short of calling for his resignation, and her July campaign finance filing, which showed her with more campaign cash than any potential 2022 Democratic gubernatorial candidate not named Cuomo. None of this came as a surprise to New York Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf. "It's based on her political acumen," Sheinkopf said. "She's always been a good fundraiser," and Sheinkopf said that if Hochul runs for governor, her fundraising prowess could help her overcome the disadvantage a candidate from upstate always has in a statewide race. "It would be a mistake to count her out," Sheinkopf added. While Hochul refused to comment beyond her statement, those close to her expect that if Cuomo were to resign making Hochul governor she would almost certainly run for reelection next year. For now, though, Hochul continues to do the delicate dance she's been doing since the Cuomo scandal exploded in March. She's traveling the state to push the Democratic agenda while treading lightly around the issue of Cuomo's future. "Sexual harassment is unacceptable in any workplace, and certainly not in public service," Hochul said in a statement released several hours after Attorney General Letitia James issued a scathing report documenting charges by 11 women that Cuomo had sexually harassed them. "The Attorney Generals investigation has documented repulsive and unlawful behavior by the governor towards multiple women. I believe these brave women and admire their courage coming forward." Hochul's statement, which was released about two hours after Cuomo denied James' allegations, also alluded to his possible impeachment by the New York State Assembly. "No one is above the law," Hochul said. "Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps." Hochul has maintained her usual schedule of public appearances across the state in recent months as the accusations against Cuomo lingered and as James worked on her report. She made an appearance in Buffalo Monday for a ceremonial ribbon-cutting on a new apartment complex on Jefferson Avenue and was in Albany for an event Tuesday before moving on to a series of appearances in New York City. All through that time, she has been reluctant to comment on the governor's future and she remained reluctant to do so on Tuesday. "Because lieutenant governors stand next in the line of succession, it would not be appropriate to comment further on the process at this moment," she said. At the same time, though, Hochul has been busy working to secure her place in the line of succession, or to actually succeed Cuomo. Hochul raised $525,267 in the first half of the year, according to her July report to the state Board of Elections. That left her with a campaign war chest of $1.7 million. That's nearly $100,000 more than James, who is widely viewed as the most formidable Democratic candidate for governor in the absence of Cuomo. State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, another potential candidate for governor, had about $1.2 million on hand as of June 30. James had to go on a fundraising spree just to come close to Hochul. James whose campaign fund was more than a half a million dollars smaller than Hochul's at the start of the year raised more than $1 million during the first half of 2021. "Letitia will be able to increase that exponentially, I would think, if she wants to run," said former Rep. John J. LaFalce, a Town of Tonawanda Democrat and a longtime mentor to Hochul. "But Kathy will not be a slouch, either. A lot depends on whether Kathy will be governor from this time forward to the election, and that depends on whether Andrew will resign." Cuomo vowed on Tuesday to remain in office, but he faced pressure to quit from every level of Democratic politics, from county party chairs in New York to the state's House members and U.S. senators all the way up to President Joe Biden. Rep. Brian Higgins, a Buffalo Democrat and close Hochul ally, said he thinks Hochul has been raising money in anticipation of Cuomo's eventual resignation. And once she becomes governor, "Kathy, with a much higher profile, would greatly, greatly enhance her viability as a candidate next year," Higgins said. "She's very professional. She's very smart. She's very telegenic. You know, it could really be an opportunity for her." And while Hochul isn't talking about it, it's clear she's planning on some sort of political opportunity. Political players across the state said she continues to fundraise aggressively and one of them proved it by forwarding an invitation to a "private cocktail hour" at Hochul's Buffalo home in honor of her birthday in August. The cost for those cocktails? It's $5,000 for "host" couples and $2,500 for "supporters." Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. BUT WILL CUOMO BE CHARGED? State Attorney General Letitia James, who oversaw the probe, said there would be no criminal referral but local police and prosecutors can use the evidence and findings to build their own cases. The district attorney in New York's capital, Albany, said Tuesday he was requesting James' investigative materials and encouraged victims to come forward. *** CUOMO TOLD THE PUBLIC TO WAIT TO JUDGE HIM UNTIL THE INVESTIGATION WAS COMPLETE. WHAT DOES HE SAY NOW? Cuomo is more defiant than ever, disputing allegations in a taped response and saying "the facts are much different than what has been portrayed" and that he "never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances." He also alleged that the investigation itself was fueled by "politics and bias." *** HOW IS CUOMO EXPLAINING HIS BEHAVIOR? "At one point during this conversation, Ms. Bennett tried to change the topic by discussing a tattoo that she wanted to get for her birthday. The Governor insisted that she get the tattoo on her butt rather than her shoulder, so that people would not see it if she were wearing a dress. The Governor also asked Ms. Bennett about her piercings, and asked if she had piercings anywhere other than her ears. Ms. Bennett described this conversation as 'painfully awkward.' Cuomo's response: The governor "denied saying that he would date anyone over 22, saying, '[m]y daughters are over 22 years old. It just doesnt make any sense.' ... [t]he Governor admitted that he asked Ms. Bennett whether she did or does 'have relationships with older men,' and said that Ms. Bennett did not respond to the question. He said that he did so because he had heard rumors about Ms. Bennetts purported involvement with older individuals and wanted to 'give her the opportunity to talk about' that without stating it directly. ... Regarding Ms. Bennetts allegation that the Governor told her to get a tattoo on her butt, the Governor stated that he did not use the word 'butt,' but that he did tell her to get the tattoo somewhere that people could not see it." Alleged sexual harassment of Lindsey Boylan, chief of staff at Empire State Development: While many lawmakers are urging a rush back to Albany to impeach Cuomo, the Assembly which has to act first to move against Cuomo was seeking to wrap up its investigation of the governor that could result in an impeachment vote, if Cuomo doesnt first resign, sometime in early September. If a simple majority of the 150-member Assembly vote to impeach, which would easily happen if the voting were held today, Cuomo would then be immediately removed from office pending a trial in the Senate. Howard Zemsky told aide Cuomo had 'a crush on her' and offered to help her The attorney generals report indicates Zemsky gave a lengthy deposition to investigators that largely backed up aide Lindsay Boylans description of the governors treatment of her. Since the state constitution first created the office of governor in 1777, only one governor, William Sulzer in 1913, has been impeached. A poll conducted Tuesday by Marist College found that 59% of New Yorkers believe Cuomo should resign. The governors legal troubles mounted Wednesday as three more district attorneys from Westchester, Manhattan and Nassau said they had opened criminal probes because of the locations where the alleged incidents occurred. On Tuesday, the Albany County district attorney became the first to say he would use the report by James that Cuomo broke federal and civil laws to determine if criminal statutes were also violated. Over the past two years, I have found myself saying more often than any other time in my life, This is a historic moment. From George Floyds murder to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol to the persistent disparate impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on front-line workers and communities. And I find myself saying it in this moment, as the City of Buffalo is poised to receive more than $330 million from the federal government through the American Rescue Plan. This once-in-a-generation investment is to be spent to address lost state and local government revenue, support for essential workers, aid to impacted industries, infrastructure investments (e.g., water, sewer and broadband), and financial assistance to households, nonprofits and small businesses. The federal government has encouraged local governments and elected officials to engage communities in an authentic way around how this money can and should be spent, and not just to create the plans in a vacuum. Despite these directives, neither Mayor Byron W. Brown nor the Common Council has carved out the time to draw ideas, dreams, visions or concepts from community members. To date, there has been only one virtual public meeting on this funding and a community survey offered online via the citys website. The State Legislature passed a bill in May that dictates minimum staffing levels at nursing homes. The law, which will take effect in January, is well intentioned, aiming at bad actors who loot the facilities they own. But it will run into a stark reality: You cant legislate away the industrys staffing problems. With nursing homes already under stress, the new law invites a crisis. The measure requires nursing homes to provide residents with an average of 3.5 hours of care a day, divided between registered or licensed practical nurses and certified nursing assistants. At the same time, a directive in the state budget requires that nursing homes spend 70% of revenue on direct patient care. Nursing homes need government oversight, but they are in an impossible situation. Medicaid pays for the majority of nursing home stays in New York and its rates dont cover costs. To balance the books and maybe turn a profit nursing homes need to attract higher-paying residents who pay their own way or are covered by Medicare, whose rates are higher. Together, those factors mean nursing homes simply dont have the revenue to pay their employees well. That creates staff shortages and now, with the new law, nursing homes are being required to hire even more people. They are racing straight for a brick wall. So Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez express outrage that billionaires Richard Branson (British) and Jeff Bezos travel into space. As usual those three appeal to the most naive, uninformed undergraduate mentalities. They should be giving money to fix problems on Earth. They are angry that these very accomplished wealthy men pay little personal income tax. But five minutes of homework reveals that Bezos, Bill and Melinda Gates, Mark Cuban, Mike Bloomberg etc., give billions of dollars to various worthwhile causes including to fight climate change and bring basic medical care to Africa and to the French Doctors Without Borders. My disgust with Democrats like Warren and Sanders is they try to demonize the amazing achievements of these public minded men who see no limits to what man can accomplish. Further, the malcontented Democrats are the ones who should be ashamed for basing their careers on a premise of social policies that were ineffective 50 years ago and remain so today. They want every dime they can take from successful folks and pour it all into more social services under government control. And by the way, there have been plenty of ultra-wealthy Democrats and Republicans like JFK, Nelson Rockefeller (Rockefeller Foundation) and FDR who stood up for the working man but helped bring our country together around greatness. TORONTO, August 04, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Bragg Gaming Group (TSX:BRAG, OTC:BRGGF) ("Bragg" or the "Company"), a global B2B gaming technology and content provider, announced today that it will release its second quarter 2021 financial results prior to the opening of the financial markets on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. The release will be followed by a conference call at 8:30 a.m., Eastern Time, hosted by Bragg Chief Executive Officer, Richard Carter, Chief Financial Officer, Ronen Kannor, and Chief Strategy Officer, Yaniv Spielberg, to discuss the companys second quarter 2021 results and provide a business update. During the call, management will review a presentation that can be accessed here. To join the call, please use the below dial-in information: US/Canada: (844) 965-3274 International: (639) 491-2382 Passcode: 7796169 A replay of the call will be available for seven days following the conclusion of the live call. In order to access the replay, dial (416) 621-4642 or (800) 585-8367 (toll-free) and use the passcode 7796169. About Bragg Gaming Group Bragg Gaming Group (TSX:BRAG, OTC:BRGGF) ("Bragg") is a growing global gaming technology and content group and owner of leading B2B companies in the iGaming industry. Since its inception in 2018, Bragg has grown to include operations across Europe, North America and Latin America and is expanding into an international force within the global online gaming market. Through its wholly owned subsidiary ORYX Gaming, Bragg delivers proprietary, exclusive and aggregated casino content via its in-house remote games server (RGS) and ORYX Hub distribution platform. ORYX offers a full turnkey iGaming solution, including its Player Account Management (PAM) platform, as well as managed operational and marketing services. Nevada-based Wild Streak Gaming is Bragg's wholly owned premium U.S. gaming content studio. Wild Streak has a popular portfolio of casino games that are offered across land-based, online and social casino operators in global markets including the U.S. and U.K. Story continues In May 2021, Bragg announced its planned acquisition of Nevada-based Spin Games, B2B gaming technology and content provider currently servicing the U.S. market. Spin holds licenses in key iGaming-regulated U.S. states and supplies Tier 1 operators in the region. Find out more. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005265/en/ Contacts Yaniv Spielberg Chief Strategy Officer Bragg Gaming Group info@bragg.games Joseph Jaffoni, Richard Land, James Leahy JCIR 212-835-8500 or bragg@jcir.com Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Canuc Resources Corporation (TSXV: CDA) (OTCQB: CNUCF) ("Canuc" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the exploration program currently in progress at the Company's San Javier Ag-Au Project in Sonora State, Mexico. Massive Magnetite Encountered at 343 Metres Drill Hole number SJ-21-03 is currently in progress. It was designed to intersect a strong magnetic feature interpreted to begin at a depth of 300 m. The hole intersected massive magnetite at 343 m and is still in this zone at a depth of 480 m. Preliminary logging has identified zinc and copper minerals (sphalerite, marmatite and chalcopyrite) in stringers. The entire section will be sampled and analysed, and the results released as soon as verified. Detailed ground-proofing and re-interpretation of earlier drone based magnetic surveys has also been completed. Several magnetic-high features detected across the property have been selected for drill testing. Further magnetic-high targets scheduled for drill testing include the: Chiripas, Wild Hog and Restauradora Zones where magnetite veining, which is manifest on surface, and in old mine workings near to surface, assayed high to bonanza grades of silver in magnetite and where magnetic anomalies have been confirmed at depths ranging from 100 to 250 m. Diamond drilling on the first magnetic high at San Javier has resumed following a break designed to resolve mechanical issues encountered in the first two holes of the planned 6,000 m, Phase 1 drill program. During the break, the field crews carried out surface stripping, rock chip sampling and geological mapping as well as road and drill pad construction. Seven drill pads and adjoining roads have now been completed and drilling is in progress on the magnetic-high features detected earlier this year by drone and ground based magnetic surveys. New Gold Zone While building a road towards a magnetic-high target scheduled for drill testing in the southern portion of the Company's property, a new gold-bearing zone has been discovered. This zone is coincident with the magnetic-high confirmed for drill testing in this area. The mineralization is associated with a previously unrecognized, northwest-southeast trending, fault related magnetite breccia zone. This structure may be similar to fault structures that are reported to control Cu-Au mineralization on the adjacent property of Barksdale Resources Corp. as described in a recent news release and as proposed in earlier studies of IOCG style mineralization in this area (by Dr. Murray W. Hitzman and associates). Story continues The gold-bearing breccia zone is at least 50 m wide and has been traced for 100 m. It is open in both directions and appears to be along strike with other exposures on the Company's claims for at least 1 km. Eighty samples have been collected and submitted for analysis from the trace of this zone. Silver Mineralogy Study To enhance understanding of the mineralogy for the silver found in massive magnetite veining at San Javier, six high grade silver samples were submitted to ALS Global Laboratories in Kamloops, British Colombia for Quemscan analysis. This study determined that most of the silver minerals found at San Javier (~73%) are silver halides (such as AgCl, AgBr, AgI and AgFl) while a smaller relative percentage (~27%) were found to be Acanthite (Ag 2 S). This relative weighting in silver mineralogy is not common for silver deposits in the Western USA and Mexico but is consistent with silver mineralization that can be associated with IOCG deposit types. To confirm silver assay accuracy, rejects and pulps from 28 previously assayed samples (surface samples and drill core) were re-submitted to the primary laboratory (ALS) and to a second laboratory (Bureau Veritas). The results generally showed a very good reproducibility. "Encountering massive magnetite early in our drill program is the strongest evidence yet supporting the IOCG thesis for San Javier. This outcome, in combination with silver mineralogical analysis and previous work on IUGS chemical classification for regional igneous rocks made by Dr. Michael Tedeschi in 2010, greatly increases our confidence in the IOCG model for San Javier. Our exploration objectives are to confirm that San Javier has the potential to host a significant silver and gold metal endowment and to be classified in a similar way to currently acknowledged magnetite-group IOCG deposits such as Ernest Henry (Australia), Candelaria (Chile), Sossego (Brazil), Guelb (Mauritania) and Boss (USA)," stated Christopher Berlet, President and CEO of Canuc. Seymour M. Sears, B.A., B.Sc., P.Geo. is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. About Canuc Canuc is a junior company focusing on the San Javier Silver-Gold Project in Sonora State, Mexico. The Company generates cash flow from natural gas production at its MidTex Energy Project in Central West Texas, USA where Canuc has an interest in eight producing natural gas wells and has rights for further in field developments. Canuc also has exclusive rights, through a Partnership Agreement with Ioticiti Networks Inc., to sell Industrial IoT applications and infrastructure in the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada and in the State of Texas, USA. For further information please contact: Canuc Resources Corporation. (416) 525 - 6869 cberlet@canucresources.ca Forward-Looking Information This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance. When used in this news release, the words "estimate", "project", "anticipate", "expect", "intend", "believe", "hope", "may" and similar expressions, as well as "will", "shall" and other indications of future tense, are intended to identify forward-looking information. The forward-looking information is based on current expectations and applies only as of the date on which they were made. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, the ability of the Corporation to fund the exploration expenditures required under the Agreement. Other factors such as uncertainties regarding government regulations could also affect the results. Other risks may be set out in the Corporation's annual financial statements, MD&A and other publicly filed documents. The Corporation cautions that there can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as required by law, the Corporation does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to forward-looking information contained in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/91990 He was recorded on video by the security system roaming the house for 13 minutes and turned on all the lights, which police said indicated that he'd been searching through the residence for something or someone. He left without taking anything, according to arrest reports and court filings. Lanz was arrested and booked on charges of burglary and trespassing charges. When informed he was being charged, Lanz objected, saying, but I didnt take anything, the arrest report said. He then made statements to a police officer about how planes had been flying over the neighborhood and tracking his cellphone. While being processed at the county jail, Lanz, who was listed as 6 feet, 3 inches (1.9 meters) tall and roughly 190 pounds (86 kilograms), is alleged to have attacked two sheriffs deputies in the intake area without provocation, including one who sustained a chipped bone and torn ligament in her knee. After he was restrained, Lanz reportedly accused the officers of being gay for teaming up on him and asked to be uncuffed so he could fight them one-on-one. A judge reduced his bond in May to $30,000 and released him, imposing some conditions, including that he not take illegal drugs, that he undergo a mental health evaluation and that he not possess a firearm. The charges against him are still listed as pending. SALEM, Ore. (AP) The future ownership of an Israeli spyware company whose product has been used to hack into the cellphones of journalists, human rights workers and possibly even heads of state is up in the air. Major investors in a private equity firm that has majority ownership of NSO Group, the maker of the Pegasus spyware, are in discussions about what action to take. The Oregon state employee pension fund is one of the largest investors, if not the largest, having sunk $233 million into Novalpina Capital, the private equity firm, in 2017. Novalpina Capital has been saddled with both an internal dispute among its founding partners and an explosive report showing NSO Group's spyware has been widely misused around the globe. Oregon State Treasury spokeswoman Rachel Wray told The Associated Press in an email Wednesday the department is getting involved. State officials previously said investors have limited say in private equity investments once they are completed. I can confirm that, consistent with our fiduciary duties to Oregon beneficiaries, and along with other limited partners, (Oregon State) Treasury is involved in discussions related to our investment in Novalpina, Wray said Wednesday. The suspect cuts triangle holes into the safe and removes the money. Burlington officers added that in the videos the suspect then pours a liquid over the safe, possibly to remove DNA evidence. The complaint continues, Burlington identified Bileck as a suspect, he is 69 and approximately 275 lbs, drives a mini-van similar to those used in the Burlington burglaries. Bileck has a history of small burglaries, he was caught in the act in Nebraska and Colorado in 2008. Burlington Police had been tracking Bilecks vehicle in real time and would notify Portage when it was mobile. Around 1 a.m. on July 28 Burlington Police advised Portage Police that Bilecks vehicle was leaving the Portage area. Portage Sgt. Brian Fehd checked the scene where the vehicle had been. The complaint states Fehd went to La Tolteca on New Pinery Road to check on the building. Fehd saw what appeared to be fresh pry marks on a door around the dead bolt. Fehd contacted the owner of La Tolteca, who said the door was not as secure as it usually is and that the pry marks were new. They went inside and saw the safe on the floor with a triangle hole cut out of it and a camera was laying on the ground. Arguments contained within the letter are two-pronged, focusing first on efforts by then-President Donald Trump to call the results of the 2020 election that he lost into question in order to retain his seat in the White House, secondly on laws Republicans are pushing for that conservatives say will make it tougher for illegal votes to slip through the cracks (even though instances of such are few) but Democrats say are geared to make it tougher for certain groups (primarily minorities and those of little means) to vote. How can we ease tensions between Democrats and Republicans? Some clues might be found thousands of miles and several time zones away in Tokyo, where the Olympics are being held. A wealth of academic research displays the growth and intensity of affective polarization in America today. By affective polarization, I mean the increasing dislike, distrust, hostility, and even hatred between Democrats and Republicans in the general public. As a memorable example, the political scientists Shanto Iyengar, Gaurav Sood, and Yphtach Lelkes found in their 2012 article, Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity Perspective on Polarization, that roughly one-third of Democrats and one-half of Republicans said they would be upset if their child married someone from the other political party. In 1960, just 4% to 5% of Americans said they would be upset about their child marrying someone from the other political party. To political scientists, statistics like these demonstrate that much of the partisan divide today is not driven by Americans taking a more positive view of their own party. Instead, the growing partisan divide is mainly fueled by people taking a more negative view of the opposing party. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) Opposition group 1Sambayan on Wednesday said it supports Vice President Leni Robredos move to meet with potential 2022 presidential candidates Senators Panfilo Lacson and Richard Gordon. Lacson, the first to confirm a presidential bid next year, leads political party Partido Reporma. In a online forum, 1Sambayan convenor Conchita Caprio-Morales described Robredos move as very good because she believes Robredo is trying to unite the opposition. It would synchronize with the plan of the Sambayan to have just one set of candidates to go against the candidates of the president and his allies, Morales explained. Morales added the meetings dont necessarily mean the vice president is already aligning with them. 1Sambayan also defended Robredo following criticism from her opposition ally former senator Sonny Trillanes IV about her talk with Lacson and Gordon. The group is hoping to meet with Robredo soon to discuss the matter. Para marinig din natin yung kanyang interpretasyon sa mga ginagawa niya, ano ba 'yung ginagawa niya. Siguro within this week or early next week, 1Sambayan convenor Fr. Albert Alejo said. [Translation: So that we can also hear her interpretation, what she's doing. Maybe within this week or early next week.] Robredo said she is holding out on making a decision about her plans for the 2022 polls as she remains focused on her offices COVID-19 response. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 3) One of the best ways to boost the COVID-19 vaccination rates among senior citizens is by vaccinating them at home, a Department of Health official said Wednesday. As of August 2, only 32% of the country's senior citizens are fully vaccinated, according to DOH Director Beverly Ho. "One of the really best practices is iyong pagpunta sa mga seniors sa kanilang mga bahay para hindi na po sila mahirapan," Ho said during the Laging Handa briefing. [Translation: One of the really best practices is going to the homes of seniors so they will no longer have a hard time getting their shots.] Another good strategy is to set up an area in barangay halls where elderly people - who are unfamiliar with technology - could secure a vaccination slot, she added. Filipinos usually have to register online to access free COVID-19 vaccines. Ho said there is a need to immunize more senior citizens as fast as possible, arguing those above 60 years old account for "more than 60%" of the coronavirus-related deaths in the country. (CNN) PepsiCo is selling a controlling stake of its juice brands, which includes Tropicana and Naked, to a private equity firm in a multibillion dollar deal. The sale is part of the company's broader efforts to focus on faster-growing beverages as customers increasingly ditch sugary drinks. In the deal announced Tuesday, PepsiCo's juice businesses in North America will be sold for roughly $3.3 billion to PAI Partners, with PepsiCo retaining a 39% stake in the newly formed business. The deal also includes the option for PepsiCo to eventually sell its European juice businesses at a later date. PepsiCo CEO Ramon Laguarta said in the press release that the sale will "free us to concentrate on our current portfolio of diverse offerings, including growing our portfolio of healthier snacks, zero-calorie beverages, and products like SodaStream which are focused on being better for people and the planet." Funds from the sale will be used to its strengthen the company's balance sheet and is expected to close later this year or early 2022 depending on regulatory approvals. PepsiCo's juice business has been a drag on its bottom line. Sales of orange juice have been been declining steadily over the past decade, despite a slight increase in sales last year because of the pandemic. Some consumers have turned against regular fruit juices. Traditional fruit juice, once thought of as healthy, has been recast as a source of empty calories and sugar. Today, fresh-pressed green juices, water and other low-calorie beverages have inherited that health halo. Plus, regular juice was long marketed as a breakfast drink. When more people started eating breakfast on the go, juice got left behind. Guggenheim analyst Laurent Grandet wrote in a note on Tuesday that the move is "smart and bold" because Tropicana and Naked are "dilutive to both the top and bottom lines" of Pepsi. The firm praised Laguarta's "willingness and ability to aggressively reshape the PepsiCo portfolio to drive incremental growth and profit." Shifts in consumer habits have also affected Coca-Cola. Last year, PepsiCo's main rival announced it was shutting down dozens of underperforming brands, including the juice and smoothie label Odwalla. CNN Business' Danielle Wiener-Bronner contributed to this report. This story was first published on CNN.com, "PepsiCo is selling Tropicana as customers continue to ditch juice." (CNN) Are we turning on our webcams today? Is it unprofessional to send an emoji to your boss? May I wear yoga pants to work? As video conferences replaced conference rooms and direct messages replaced water cooler talk, workers in a wide array of industries started asking questions they have never asked before and changed how they view their job. For some, working from home means more productivity. Others are craving the socialization that comes with running into a coworker in the hallway. Many companies are bringing workers back into the office. However, barring a Delta variant surge, many employers are maintaining at least a partially remote element to the job. The struggles of communicating with coworkers at a distance aren't going anywhere, but there are ways to combat them. Turning on the video Lori Smith worked as a regional office manager at Truist Bank in Atlanta during the peak of the pandemic. She told CNN that people at her company were originally encouraged by the break that came with working from home at the start of the pandemic. But that turned to drudgery, and she had to think about how to motivate people again. She said making the switch to virtual meetings was a big help, for those brave enough to turn their video on. "You have to be highly flexible and adapt," she said. "If something doesn't work you've got to switch techniques, switch strategies, try something new. If that doesn't work go to the next thing." Sarah Chapman, who over the past year worked as a social media manager in Dayton, Ohio, said turning on video was a big part of staying engaged and how her company was, in part, able to maintain a strong culture. "When you turn on your video, other people will," she said. "You've got to get really good with the tools." These meetings allow an opportunity for conversation about topics not related to work, too, which can help satisfy the need for socialization in extroverts who miss the small talk of the office, said Tatiana Matthews, a licensed professional counselor and certified rehabilitation counselor at Atlanta Specialized Care, who does workplace consultations. This kind of interaction requires more planning in a remote setting, John Daly, a professor of communication and management at the University of Texas at Austin, told CNN. Daly recommends setting extra time before or after meetings to have that casual conversation. "You've got to be more intentional with your communication when you're at a distance," Daly said. "You've got to plan things that typically would have been spontaneous otherwise." Video calls also help prevent miscommunication, as you're able to hear the inflection of someone's voice and see their facial expressions and body language. Intentional messaging Matthews said she has seen less workplace conflict in the era of remote work. Smith agreed, suggesting there was less opportunity for deescalation with remote work at her company with those who had conflicts face-to-face. But the ambiguity of text messages, emails and direct messages can lead to miscommunication. That means it's not only important to be intentional with the method of communication, but also be intentional with the content of the message. To avoid miscommunication, Matthews suggested sticking to the facts with words that are objective and nonjudgmental. That means avoiding terms like good, bad, right and wrong, she said, and opting for effective, ineffective, helpful or "harmful"-- which are less judgmental. Also be conscientious about how you use punctuation or emojis. "When we're having verbal dialogue we don't have to think about the fact that maybe an exclamation point could come across as judgmental. Or if we're texting, that an emoji is maybe meant to say one thing and it comes across as another." And it's not just about avoiding certain words, punctuation or emojis. You need to be extra clear about what you are trying to communicate when in a virtual setting, Daly said. "What you want to do is be more redundant, because we think we're communicating something clear at a distance but we don't get the same kind of feedback," he said. One way to do this is by giving people a couple of different examples when trying to explain something. On the other end of the conversation, ask for clarification if you're unsure about the intent of someone's message. "We're less likely to see folks struggle with communication when they are reminding themselves that there's a possibility that they may not fully be understanding what is being communicated," Matthews said. You can take out some of these factors of uncertainty by picking up the phone, or even better, getting on a video call. One team While there is less connection for those who are used to working in an office, employees who were working remotely before the pandemic are noticing a welcomed level of increased inclusion. Elizabeth Mockley worked from home as a senior business systems analyst at Central New Mexico Community College for years. She told CNN it was difficult to get included in meetings when she was off campus, but that was no longer an issue once technological challenges were addressed as more employees were sent to work from home. Before the pandemic, "I'd be scheduled in a room that didn't have the equipment or I'd have to rely on someone like a project manager to be there to actually start the equipment up," she said. Chapman said she feels her company is also offering a more equitable experience for virtual workers now that remote work is more common, noting that a recent quarterly all-staff meeting that would normally welcome around 3,000 employees in person was held online. "It's still a strong company culture, but now instead of thinking in-person first, we might think digital first," she said. "But it's still about how do we build relationships, how do we build engagement, how do we take care of people." This story was first published on CNN.com Returning to the office? Here's how to avoid miscommunication in the new normal (CNN) Earth hasn't always experienced the 24-hour day we're so familiar with now. In fact, the way the world turns not only determines the length of our day, but it could have contributed to an influx of oxygen on early Earth that helped life to flourish, according to new research. Researchers studying a unique environment in Michigan's Lake Huron used it to effectively look back at ancient Earth and how changing day length could have impacted the earliest forms of life that existed: tiny organisms called cyanobacteria. Also called blue-green algae, cyanobacteria evolved more than 2.4 billion years ago, and they were churning out oxygen when Earth was still pretty inhospitable. Scientists have struggled to explain why it took so long for Earth's oxygen levels to rise so gradually over almost 2 billion years -- until now. Cyanobacteria doesn't have a great reputation these days because it's associated with toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie and other bodies of water. But this bacteria has been around longer than any other life form on Earth, and it was the first to convert light into energy through photosynthesis -- and release oxygen as a byproduct. Researchers began to wonder how an increasing day length on early Earth might have allowed cyanobacteria to create more oxygen and lead to a diversity in animal life. "When the Earth-Moon system formed, days were much shorter, possibly even as short as six hours," said study coauthor Brian Arbic, a physical oceanographer at the University of Michigan, in a statement. "Could this mean that changing daylength would have impacted photosynthesis over Earth's history?" When the moon became the Earth's satellite, the tug of the moon's gravity slowed down the rotation rate of our planet, leading to longer days. More sunlit hours would then have a positive effect on photosynthetic activity of cyanobacteria. Answers in a sinkhole Beneath Lake Huron is a bedrock formed from ancient seas that once covered the North American continent. This bedrock includes limestone, dolomite and gypsum, and over time, groundwater has dissolved some of it. This has formed cracks and caves, both of which have created submerged sinkholes. The submerged Middle Island Sinkhole in Lake Huron is where cold groundwater rich in sulfur and poor in oxygen seeps out of the lake bottom. While most plant and animal life avoid this area, microbes have found a home in this extreme environment 80 feet (24.4 meters) below the water's surface. The brightly colored bacteria form colonies called microbial mats, and they are the perfect analog for researchers wanting to study similar colonies that once existed on land and the seafloor billions of years ago. Today, two types of cyanobacteria form competing colonies here. One is a purple cyanobacteria that produces oxygen, while the other is a white bacteria that generates energy with the help of sulfur. The sulfur-fueled bacteria lie on top of the cyanobacteria from dusk until dawn, which blocks their access to sunlight. But once the sun emerges, the top bacteria colony moves down and allows the purple cyanobacteria to start the photosynthetic process to produce oxygen. "However, it takes a few hours before they really get going, there is a long lag in the morning. The cyanobacteria are rather late risers than morning persons, it seems," said study author Judith Klatt, a geomicrobiologist at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Germany, in a statement. "I realized that daylength and oxygen release from microbial mats are related by a very basic and fundamental concept: During short days, there is less time for gradients to develop and thus less oxygen can escape the mats," Klatt said. By modeling the link between sunlight and oxygen production, Klatt and her colleagues discovered that the release of oxygen during two 12-hour days on early Earth would not match that of a 24-hour day. The study team's findings showed a direct link between day length and how much oxygen can be released by microbes. "Simply speaking, there is just less time for the oxygen to leave the mat in shorter days," Klatt said. This suggests that two great jumps in oxygen on Earth, including the Great Oxidation Event more than 2 billion years ago and the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event between 800 and 540 million years ago, could both be connected to longer days on Earth. The study published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience. This story was first published on CNN.com Michigan's Lake Huron sinkhole is a window into how Earth's earliest forms of life diversified Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} "They (ADM) will continue to have professional people on site to monitor the situation as they move forward," Bulkley said. "ADM will use up the coal thats been in their coal tent, or their coal dome, to get rid of this product because they believe it was this shipment that caused this issue. They have been keeping me posted daily since this situation came to light and will keep me abreast of any changes." The East-Central District Health Department issued a press release regarding the smoldering coal fire and asking residents around ADM to take precautions against possible carbon monoxide exposure; however, health officials told the Telegram on July 30 that after speaking with CTEH, they no longer have concerns about the air quality surrounding the ADM incident. "After discussion with their toxicologist, the data are not showing any indication of elevated levels of carbon monoxide outside of the incident site, including in the neighborhoods within the plant's immediate vicinity. Immediate vicinity in this case defined as those neighborhoods that border the Loup Canal. Further, according to CTEH, there are no detectable levels of carbon monoxide within their testing radius, which extends up to 4.5 miles," East-Central Chief Public Health Officer Chuck Sepers said in a July 30 email. He also said since both the Platte County Sheriffs Office and the detention center operate "24 hours a day, 365 days a year," that means the IT department is always on call for tech support. As of right now, Braun and Hofbauer answer those calls, but the latter said he isnt as familiar with some of the newer issues that could arise. This added position will help lighten those late-night calls for everyone, Hofbauer said. Platte County Board Supervisor District 3 Jim Scow said it does seem like most of ITs time is spent on handling projects for the sheriffs office and road and bridge department. He asked Hofbauer if the staff track the time it takes to complete such tasks. Hofbauer said IT has used a ticketing system. This allows County staff to send a ticket to IT and then the workers create a list of these problems based on the level of severity, before fixing whatever tech issue, he added. We will then have a history of what happened, Hofbauer said. He said he hopes to have this new role filled soon. He also said before the Board OK'd the new position he has started taking applications. Andrew Kiser is a reporter for The Columbus Telegram. Reach him via email at andrew.kiser@lee.net. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get local news delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. GRAND ISLAND -- Danny Anson of Grand Island allegedly used racial slurs against a Hispanic man and threatened him with a crowbar Friday night. Anson, 64, was charged Monday in Hall County Court with making enhanced terroristic threats, or committing a hate crime. That offense is a Class III felony. At about 8:40 p.m. Friday, Grand Island Police responded to a disturbance call in the 500 block of East 18th Street. Officers were told that Anson had made racial slurs while threatening the man with a crowbar, and had raised the crowbar at another person. A witness identified the suspect as Anson. Police reported that Anson had a large metal crowbar on his motorized bicycle. Judge Arthur Wetzel scheduled Ansons preliminary hearing for Sept. 23. He was released on a personal recognizance bond. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 " " Because of Section 230, social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google aren't liable for any content their users post on their platforms. Ty Lim/Shutterstock Almost any article you read about Section 230 reminds you that it contains the most important 26 words in tech and that it is the law that made the modern internet. This is all true, but Section 230 is also the most significant obstacle to stopping misinformation online. Section 230 is part of the Communications Decency Act, a 1996 law passed while the internet was still embryonic and downright terrifying to some lawmakers for what it could unleash, particularly with regard to pornography. Section 230 states that internet platforms dubbed "interactive computer services" in the statute cannot be treated as publishers or speakers of content provided by their users. This means that just about anything a user posts on a platform's website will not create legal liability for the platform, even if the post is defamatory, dangerous, abhorrent or otherwise unlawful. This includes encouraging terrorism, promoting dangerous medical misinformation and engaging in revenge porn. Platforms, including today's social media giants Facebook, Twitter and Google, therefore have complete control over what information Americans see. Advertisement How Section 230 Came to Be The Communications Decency Act (CDA) was the brainchild of former Sen. James Exon, Democrat of Nebraska, who wanted to remove and prevent "filth" on the internet. Because of its overreaching nature, much of the law was struck down on First Amendment grounds shortly after the act's passage. Ironically, what remains is the provision that allowed filth and other truly damaging content to metastasize on the internet. Section 230's inclusion in the CDA was a last-ditch effort by then Rep. Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, and Rep. Chris Cox, Republican of California, to save the nascent internet and its economic potential. They were deeply concerned by a 1995 case that found Prodigy, an online bulletin board operator, liable for a defamatory post by one of its users because Prodigy lightly moderated user content. Wyden and Cox wanted to preempt the court's decision with Section 230. Without it, platforms would face a Hobson's choice: If they did anything to moderate user content, they would be held liable for that content, and if they did nothing, who knew what unchecked horrors would be released. " " Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is seen here at Facebook Communities Summit in 2019. Facebook has suggested its own ideas on how to reform Section 230 in the future. Facebook Advertisement What Lies Ahead for Social Media Reform When Section 230 was enacted, less than 8 percent of Americans had access to the internet, and those who did went online for an average of just 30 minutes a month. The law's anachronistic nature and brevity left it wide-open for interpretation. Case by case, courts have used its words to give platforms broad rather than narrow immunity. As a result, Section 230 is disliked on both sides of the aisle. Democrats argue that Section 230 allows platforms to get away with too much, particularly with regard to misinformation that threatens public health and democracy. Republicans, by contrast, argue that platforms censor user content to Republicans' political disadvantage. Former President Trump even attempted to pressure Congress into repealing Section 230 completely by threatening to veto the unrelated annual defense spending bill. As criticisms of Section 230 and technology platforms mount, it is possible Congress could reform Section 230 in the near future. Already, Democrats and Republicans have proposed more than 20 reforms from piecemeal changes to complete repeal. However, free speech and innovation advocates are worried that any of the proposed changes could be harmful. Facebook has suggested changes, and Google similarly advocates for some Section 230 reform. It remains to be seen how much influence the tech giants will be able to exert on the reform process. It also remains to be seen what if any reform can emerge from a sharply divided Congress. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. You can find the original article here. Abbey Stemler is an associate professor of business law and ethics at Indiana University and a faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. On July 29, Christopher issued a related update to district families that said the drafted health and safety plan is based on information we have available to us related to COVID-19 spread and mitigation efforts in mid- to late July, as well as information we gathered from the community as of (our) ThoughtExchange. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} We know from the more than 2,000 comments submitted to the ThoughtExchange that there are areas of significant divide within our community related to expected mitigation efforts, Christophers message said. Opinions appeared to remain split between the 20 or so locals who spoke out about the districts updated masking regulations during public comment periods at Mondays school board meeting. A Hampden Township man who implored the district to follow CDC guidelines was soon followed by a district mother pleading for district officials to keep masks optional After hearing your plan, I dont like its wishy-washy language, Matthew Barrick of Middlesex Township said. What I want is that the district will continue to review CDC recommendations, but I also want to see it include a clause for parental, ethical and medical exemptions. A person familiar with the situation said Spirit experienced an outage Tuesday morning affecting crew scheduling, preventing airline officials from rescheduling crews to cover gaps. The person, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said crews were stranded in many places around the country and unable to get to assigned flights. On Monday, Florida-based Spirit scrapped more than 330 flights, or 42% of its schedule, more than double the rate of American Airlines, the next poorest performer among major U.S. carriers. Spirit canceled about 20% of its flights on Sunday. American's difficulties Tuesday came after the airline canceled about 560 flights, or 18% of its schedule, on Monday and nearly 300 on Sunday, according to FlightAware. Most were at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, where thunderstorms disrupted flights for several hours Sunday. The union representing American's pilots accused the airline's management of poor planning and not having enough employees. "It's pretty simple. They don't have enough pilots, and they don't have modern scheduling practices to do more with what they have," said union spokesman Dennis Tajer. He said that bad weather "hits every airline, but American is the last to recover. This has to change." Leo said the puppets were so large nobody wanted to buy them so she and her friend decided to put on some puppet shows. "We thought it was just going to be a fun interlude, and it sort of exploded into a career," Leo said. "I've been doing that ever since. My mom was a freelance metal sculptor, and when she saw I was interested in art, she said 'if you want to make a living as an artist you need to find something that you enjoy doing and other people enjoy paying money for.' That was good advice." Leo said she learned quickly that a lot of time goes into running the business and she is not spending all her time on puppetry. She said, as she grew and later registered as a non-profit she was able to do even more for to the community. Eulenspiegel now does more community outreach and has a young puppeteers children's festival in Iowa. "For anyone wanting to become a puppeteer, I'd say that it is a really wonderful way to make a living and you can approach it one of two ways," Leo said. "You can do what I did, which is try to make your living doing it and that has upsides and downsides, or you can do what some of my friends have done and get a straight job and do puppetry as a hobby." Gov. Mike Parson has pardoned a couple who pointed guns at protesters passing their Central West End home last summer, the governor's office announced Tuesday afternoon. Mark McCloskey and Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor charges, and each were to pay fines without facing jail time. The governor has made repeated statements saying he would pardon the couple. The pair emerged from their home on a private street on June 28, 2020, and held guns as a crowd of protesters passed on their way to then-Mayor Lyda Krewson's house. The couple said the protesters were trespassing on their private street. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner initially charged the couple with felony gun crimes, but she was disqualified from prosecuting the couple after the McCloskeys were mentioned in her campaign material. Former U.S. attorney Richard Callahan was appointed special prosecutor in the case. Mark McCloskey announced in May that hes running for U.S. Senate. James Freas will be Charlottesvilles new director of Neighborhood Development Services, City Manager Chip Boyles announced Wednesday. Freas, 43, most recently served as director of the Department of Community & Economic Development in the town of Natick, Massachusetts. Before that, he served as chief planner for long-range planning and acting director and later deputy director of the Department of Planning and Development for the city of Newton, Massachusetts. [Freas] has over 15 years of experience in city planning in Massachusetts and Virginia, where he has built teams to lead collaborative planning and implementation work, Boyles said in a press release. I am particularly pleased that [Freas] has worked directly with municipal leadership and community members in Massachusetts to advance issues of racial equity in zoning and planning. That experience will be very important in Charlottesville. Freas holds a bachelors in psychology from the University of Virginia, a masters of community planning from the University of Rhode Island and a masters of studies in environmental law from the Vermont Law School. Right now, the way we do virtual meetings [on Zoom], it works really well because everyone has a camera and a microphone. Once you put all of you into a room, then the microphones and cameras become more labor intensive for us to make work really well for a broadcast, Wheeler said. So the reason were limiting the number of boards that we would recommend get this hybrid treatment is because of staffing issues, and also the number of rooms we have that can work really well. According to a proposal in Mondays council agenda packet, the communications department would prioritize the four boards and commissions that have traditionally been televised for a hybrid model: the City Council, Planning Commission, Board of Architectural Review and Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority. The department could support two additional boards and commissions for the hybrid model. By targeting a subset of more prominent boards and commissions, we will set clear expectations about which meetings have Zoom availability for the public while the others return to an in-person-only format, the proposal says. Special events like town halls, public hearings and workshops could also include virtual participation options. Continued availability of Zoom would also support city employees who wish to participate in these meetings virtually. Carl Tobias, professor of law at the University of Richmond, said lawmakers should have held their discussions in public unless there was a compelling reason not to, like an ethical question or something that would embarrass an applicant. The issue really is, can you get the best people by using this kind of process, Tobias said. I think thats the question and I dont know the answer to that. Sometimes you can and sometimes you cant. But its usually better if you have those interviews in public with questions from the senators and delegates. It just seems to be like more sunshine is probably better. Surovell noted that lawmakers received input and screening by various legal associations, and a list of some applicants recommended by the Virginia State Bar was made public. He said by text Wednesday from an undisclosed location that the current process is more transparent than past processes and our certification process will have a public hearing just like has been done for decades and is also done in the federal system. The markers were submitted by students through the AAPI Heritage Month Historical Marker Contest. The contest was launched in May to celebrate the history and achievement of Asian American and Pacific Islander Virginians. Arthur Matsu and W.W. Yen and so many changemakers like them are integral to the Virginia story and yet their stories have often gone untold, Northam said during a virtual celebration of the markers Tuesday. The historical marker contest provided the opportunity for students to tell a fuller and more complete version of our shared history, state Secretary of Education Atif Qarni said during the celebration. Yan still has a presence at UVa. In 2017, the former Lewis House was renamed in his honor, and in 2016, an endowed fund was established in his honor to support Chinese students, faculty and visiting scholars or those researching, teaching or learning Chinese history, society and culture. Yan came to the United States in 1895 and spent two years in a college preparatory school in Alexandria before enrolling in UVa in 1897. He graduated in 1900 with a major in moral philosophy. He returned to China, where he taught English for a few years and then studied for his imperial exams during the last few years of the Qing Dynasty. Bob Pianta will step down as dean of the University of Virginias School of Education and Human Development at the end of the 2021-22 academic year. Pianta, a professor of early childhood education, was appointed dean of the school in 2007. When he assumed the role, the education schools academic offerings were focused on graduate education, particularly doctoral programs. During his time in the deans office, he worked to add six undergraduate majors and two minors to the schools doctoral programs. The teacher education programs three majors now lead directly to licensing in Virginia, a move made to help ease teaching shortages in the state by licensing teachers with bachelors degrees. The education school also expanded degree partnerships with five other UVa schools, including a masters in business and education program with the Darden School of Business. The school also offers eight online degrees, as well as certificate programs and professional development opportunities. During Piantas time as dean, the school rose from 35th to 15th in U.S. News & World Report rankings and its slate of online courses ranked 10th. Yes. I will do my part to conserve household energy usage, even if I'm uncomfortable in my home. No. It is too hot to conserve household energy usage. I already conserve, even before ERCOT requested it. Maybe, depending on the reason ERCOT provides and whether or not I am home during that time. Vote View Results "By creating the corps and encouraging young people to participate in those activities, we will help create that next generation of firefighters and folks willing to work for the state and federal governments in forest management," Vilsack said. "Not only do we want these forests to be healthy, we want them to be great places to recreate." Vilsack and Brown agreed on a need for more federal-state projects such as the Good Neighbor Authority to reduce wildfire threats. "We leverage federal resources and federal partnerships, and put Oregonians to work doing the thinning and prescriptive burning that needs to happen to ensure that our landscapes are more resilient," Brown said. "I think it is incredibly important that both state and federal governments step up because we are seeing a new era of wildfire. Both in terms of resources, people power and equipment, we both need to step up further." Both were briefed by state and federal officials in a closed-door meeting on the status of wildfires. According to the state's dashboard, 98 active wildfires involved 463,432 acres in Oregon although the largest wildfire by far is the Bootleg fire, the nation's largest and the second largest in Oregon history, at 413,462 acres. The fire, first reported on July 6, is 84% contained. Farm visit Country United States of America US Virgin Islands United States Minor Outlying Islands Canada Mexico, United Mexican States Bahamas, Commonwealth of the Cuba, Republic of Dominican Republic Haiti, Republic of Jamaica Afghanistan Albania, People's Socialist Republic of Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of American Samoa Andorra, Principality of Angola, Republic of Anguilla Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) Antigua and Barbuda Argentina, Argentine Republic Armenia Aruba Australia, Commonwealth of Austria, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bangladesh, People's Republic of Barbados Belarus Belgium, Kingdom of Belize Benin, People's Republic of Bermuda Bhutan, Kingdom of Bolivia, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana, Republic of Bouvet Island (Bouvetoya) Brazil, Federative Republic of British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) British Virgin Islands Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria, People's Republic of Burkina Faso Burundi, Republic of Cambodia, Kingdom of Cameroon, United Republic of Cape Verde, Republic of Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad, Republic of Chile, Republic of China, People's Republic of Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia, Republic of Comoros, Union of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, People's Republic of Cook Islands Costa Rica, Republic of Cote D'Ivoire, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Cyprus, Republic of Czech Republic Denmark, Kingdom of Djibouti, Republic of Dominica, Commonwealth of Ecuador, Republic of Egypt, Arab Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Fiji, Republic of the Fiji Islands Finland, Republic of France, French Republic French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon, Gabonese Republic Gambia, Republic of the Georgia Germany Ghana, Republic of Gibraltar Greece, Hellenic Republic Greenland Grenada Guadaloupe Guam Guatemala, Republic of Guinea, Revolutionary People's Rep'c of Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guyana, Republic of Heard and McDonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras, Republic of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China Hrvatska (Croatia) Hungary, Hungarian People's Republic Iceland, Republic of India, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Iraq, Republic of Ireland Israel, State of Italy, Italian Republic Japan Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Kuwait, State of Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon, Lebanese Republic Lesotho, Kingdom of Liberia, Republic of Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Liechtenstein, Principality of Lithuania Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Macao, Special Administrative Region of China Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar, Republic of Malawi, Republic of Malaysia Maldives, Republic of Mali, Republic of Malta, Republic of Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania, Islamic Republic of Mauritius Mayotte Micronesia, Federated States of Moldova, Republic of Monaco, Principality of Mongolia, Mongolian People's Republic Montserrat Morocco, Kingdom of Mozambique, People's Republic of Myanmar Namibia Nauru, Republic of Nepal, Kingdom of Netherlands Antilles Netherlands, Kingdom of the New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua, Republic of Niger, Republic of the Nigeria, Federal Republic of Niue, Republic of Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway, Kingdom of Oman, Sultanate of Pakistan, Islamic Republic of Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama, Republic of Papua New Guinea Paraguay, Republic of Peru, Republic of Philippines, Republic of the Pitcairn Island Poland, Polish People's Republic Portugal, Portuguese Republic Puerto Rico Qatar, State of Reunion Romania, Socialist Republic of Russian Federation Rwanda, Rwandese Republic Samoa, Independent State of San Marino, Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Senegal, Republic of Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles, Republic of Sierra Leone, Republic of Singapore, Republic of Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia, Somali Republic South Africa, Republic of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Spain, Spanish State Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of St. Helena St. Kitts and Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Suriname, Republic of Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Switzerland, Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand, Kingdom of Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Togo, Togolese Republic Tokelau (Tokelau Islands) Tonga, Kingdom of Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda, Republic of Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain & N. Ireland Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of Wallis and Futuna Islands Western Sahara Yemen Zambia, Republic of Zimbabwe Infuriated Republican says Texas should close all roads into Mexico to deal with border crisis Telecom Armenia, an IPTV operator working under the Beeline Armenia brand, has deployed Ateme's OTT video-delivery solution. The platform will enable the operator to re-launch its TV offering to the Armenian market, said a joint press release. Ateme provides service providers with a single platform for IPTV and OTT streaming, enabling them to streamline processes and increase productivity. According to Ateme, with a legacy system in place, Telecom Armenia identified a need for a new video-delivery solution as part of a planned service refresh that included a new front and back office. The operator selected Ateme as a single-source supplier, providing a range of OTT technologies, from reception to content delivery networks (CDN). Atemes end-to-end offering gives service providers a single platform to leverage transport streams over both IPTV and OTT networks, leading to optimised processes and better performance. Because of its shared workflow approach, it also enables organisations to centralise all media processing workflows and ensure high-quality delivery of any content to any screen. The system includes Atemes Titan platform for compression, channel origination and reception, and NEA for packaging, VOD, catch-up, and CDN delivery. Gevorg Gevorgyan, CTO, Telecom Armenia, said: "Our partnership with Ateme also enables optimum video quality, agility and bandwidth savings while ensuring low latency, allowing us to deliver high-quality HD and UHD (4K) TV content to the end customer with minimal delays." Boris Yurin, Sales Director, CIS, Ateme, added: "As the TV industry evolves and the line between paid-for TV and OTT becomes increasingly blurred, creating a high-quality user experience is a key driver behind business decisions. Telecom Armenia is developing a winning strategy to attract and retain the most valuable viewers, and we are delighted to accompany them on this journey." The telecommunications company that operates in Albania, One Telecommunications (Telekom Albania), has completed the second and final phase of network modernisation, relying entirely on Ericsson technology. According to the Albanian mobile operator, the EUR 92 million (USD109.2 million) network modernisation programme was initiated last year, transforming its technology entirely into Ericsson. "The technical team of One and Ericsson has worked intensively to bring the best network in Albania to the subscribers. Despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic, it was achieved that the network optimization was completed within all set deadlines," said the company. One now offers its users 4G+ technology with downloads speeds of up to 1.2 Gbps, coverage of 98.5 percent of the population, seven times better indoor coverage, VoLTE sound quality and speed, as well as improved security. "Ericsson has increased the potential of the One Telecommunications network to the Gigabit LTE level by paving the way for the 5G network, through the latest Radio Systems and central network systems," it said. The cellco, which previously was known as Albanian Mobile Communications, said that the upgrade was part of the US governments Clean Networks Initiative, a drive to exclude China and Chinese companies from participation in digital spaces, which ONE describes as a commitment to using control and computer equipment or data storage only from technologically secure companies. Statement by Ambassador Flynn at Arria Meeting on Preventing Terrorism and Violent Extremism Statement Thank you Chair, and I thank Mexico for their initiative in bringing this important topic to the Councils attention. We also thank the briefers for their informative presentations. Chair, A nuanced and comprehensive gender perspective of counter-terrorism considers the multiple roles of women, men and people of diverse gender identities, as well as the impact of structural gender inequality. Too often within the counter-terrorism context, gender remains a short-form for women. For counter-terrorism responses to be effective, we should avoid a one-dimensional conception of gender and advance a more holistic understanding, including through the consideration of hegemonic masculinities. Terrorist groups of different ideological backgrounds use misogynistic rhetoric and notions of hegemonic masculinity to appeal to potential recruits, often with a focus on the subjugation of women and girls, and primacy of the patriarchal family structure. In particular, the Secretary General has reported that many terrorist groups, including ISIL and Boko Haram, use the promise of marriage and access to sex to recruit men and boys, whilst also engaging in trafficking and other practices that promote and reinforce violent masculinities. We have seen such groups undermine gains made in achieving gender equality, including through the abduction of girls in school and targeting maternity hospitals and sexual health clinics. Additionally, terrorist and extremist propaganda elevates physical strength and aggressiveness, portraying terrorists as warriors and defenders - often of women - from the ideological other. These narratives are designed to appeal to young men experiencing disenfranchisement and emasculation. Education to counteract this recruitment propaganda is central to a gender-sensitive counter-terrorism response. Chair, We must move beyond binary gender stereotypes, which view men as perpetrators of terrorism and women as victims. Failure to recognise that women can also support, facilitate, and perpetrate terrorism undermines any gender-responsive approach to prevention. Likewise, as we have already heard today, biased presumptions of men and boys in conflict zones as combatants or otherwise "dangerous, undermines their human rights and disregards the many roles men play in effective prevention efforts. It can also lead to a lack of understanding about men, including gay, bisexual and transgender men, as victims of terrorism. This Council recognises that acts of sexual and gender-based violence are part of the strategic objectives and ideology of certain terrorist groups. Though such violence disproportionately affects women and girls, we must also consider the gender-specific experiences and needs of male victims of sexual violence in this context. For example, security actors have used gender-specific forms of violence in the name of counter-terrorism, including sexual violence designed to emasculate and humiliate male detainees. Finally Chair, male perspectives shape counter-terrorism responses, with men often dominating decision-making on counter-terrorism policies. The negative impacts of existing counter-terrorism policies on women and girls underline the need for the full, equal and meaningful participation of women in counter-terrorism processes. Allow me to conclude Chair by reiterating Irelands willingness to work with you and other Council members in furthering and promoting understanding of this important topic. Thank you. Previous Item | Next Item Moscow, ID (83843) Today Mostly sunny. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. High 81F. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 57F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Moscow, ID (83843) Today Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 57F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 57F. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph. We learned that companies really are resilient, Barker said. They can respond to changing times. When the pandemic started, you worried, Oh, man, are there going to be any jobs created? Is there going to be any new capital investment? Especially when you saw unemployment rates going back to double digits. It was really concerning. The answer is, companies are resilient enough to respond to challenging times and adjust. Corporations shifted to remote workspaces. Distilleries produced hand sanitizer. Restaurants expanded takeout operations. Small businesses established online presences. Jim Searcy, executive director of the Economic Development Association of Alabama, said though things slowed down, economic development in Alabama never stopped. Alabama responded well. We saw a reduction in activity, we saw less project activity, but there was at least a constant flow of activity, Searcy said. A lot of the projects that were close to making the announcement or moving forward went on hold, but conversations stayed in place. Barker said as companies assessed the impact of the pandemic and looked to the future, they found Alabama was where they wanted to be. BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) The U.S. Justice Department has dismissed a lawsuit against the University of Vermont Medical Center alleging it forced a nurse to participate in an abortion procedure she objected to on religious grounds. The one-page notice filed by the Justice Department in U.S. District Court in Burlington on Friday gave no reason for its decision. The action was first reported by the online news site VTDigger.org. The lawsuit, filed last December in the waning days of former President Donald Trumps administration, alleged the Burlington hospital violated the Church Amendments, which prevent hospitals from discriminating against health care workers who refuse to perform or assist with abortions. In a Monday statement, UVM Medical Center CEO Dr. Steve Leffler said officials were pleased by the Justice Departments decision. We are committed to meeting the medical needs of our patients, while respecting the religious and moral beliefs of our employees, Leffler said in a statement. Our opt-out policies and practices for employees who object to participating in certain medical procedures, including abortion, are strong and in full compliance with federal law, and we have only strengthened them over the past two years. At this rate, well soon be facing capacity challenges, not only for patient beds, but also for nursing teams who care for our patients," Brown said, calling the stress on employees disheartening. Dr. Stephen Thacker, associate chief medical officer at Memorial Health in Savannah, told WTOC-TV the hospital is relying on contract nurses to fill staff. He said the hospital is not yet at a tipping point but warns that there could be weeks more of increasing cases. Were definitely bumping up to the constraints of just the number of patients that need care in the region with the number of beds that we have, you know balancing that with the amount of staffing that we have, Thacker said. Georgia has recorded nearly 1.2 million positive COVID-19 tests and nearly 22,000 deaths from the respiratory illness. Douglas County became the latest public school district to announce it would require masks in all its schools. At least 25 of Georgia's 180-plus school districts have announced they will require masks for all students and employees regardless of whether they have been vaccinated. That group covers more than a third of Georgia's 1.7 million public school students. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that governors who are against mask mandates should get out of the way. DeSantis sharply criticized Biden on Wednesday, repeating his stance that the decision on masks in schools should be left to parents. If youre coming after parents rights in Florida, Im standing in your way. You wont get away with it, he said. Instead, DeSantis said, the president should do more to secure the border: Until you do that, I dont want to hear a blip about COVID from you. In Florida's capital, the superintendent of the Leon County school district sent a heartfelt letter to DeSantis asking him to allow a temporary mask requirement. I have stood firm in my belief that a mask mandate was the wrong course of action. With that said, I believe that new data and information as well as student instructional models compels us to rethink mask protocols," said Superintendent Rocky Hanna, who, like DeSantis, said he was concerned about how mask-wearing was impacting children emotionally. A batch of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine gifted by the U.S. via the Covax mechanism arrives in Vietnam July 25, 2021. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. The United States has distributed more than 100 million Covid-19 vaccine doses overseas, more than all other countries combined, with Vietnam among major recipients, President Joe Biden said Tuesday. The announcement, which follows the administration belatedly achieving its July 4 target for getting 70 percent of American adults at least one shot, marked "just the beginning" of U.S. efforts to help the world battle the pandemic, the White House said. "As of today, we have shipped over 110 million doses to 65 nations," Biden said in a national address. "These vaccine donations from America are free. We're not selling," he added. "There's no favoritism and no strings attached. We're doing this to save lives. That's it." Since it began in late 2019 the coronavirus outbreak has killed at least 4.2 million people globally, including 613,679 people in the United States, which is the worst-affected nation. The availability of vaccines saw the daily toll of new cases drop dramatically in many countries earlier this year, but the highly contagious Delta variant has since been driving surging infections. The United States has shipped 111.7 million doses mostly through the international vaccine distribution system known as Covax, but also in conjunction with organizations such as the African Union and the Caribbean Community, or CARICOM. "According to the United Nations, this is more than the donations" of all other countries combined, Biden added. Major recipients of donated vaccine shots include Indonesia, the Philippines, Colombia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Pakistan and South Africa. Vietnam has received 5 million doses while the Philippines was give 6,239,000 doses, followed by Colombia with 6 million, South Africa 5,660,000, and Bangladesh and Pakistan 5.5 million each. Starting late this month, the United States will begin sending 500 million Pfizer doses that it has pledged to buy and donate to 100 low-income countries. Even as the United States stepped up its bid to send shots overseas Biden again appealed to Americans to get vaccinated, warning that the virus is "moving like wildfire through the unvaccinated community." "It's heartbreaking, particularly because it's preventable," he said. As cases rise the inoculation drive is slowly picking up steam again after slumping for several months, especially in traditionally conservative areas such as the South and Midwest and among young people, poor people and ethnic minorities. But in a country where both masks and vaccines have become politicized, Biden also called on local authorities such as Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida -- which is once again a virus hotspot -- to stop blocking businesses and schools from implementing mask mandates. "If you aren't going to help at least get out of the way of the people that are trying to do the right thing," he said. Disney, Google, Facebook Biden highlighted recent vaccination mandates imposed by corporate America on employees, and an upward trend in inoculation rates, particularly in areas with high transmission of the coronavirus. Disney, Google, Walmart and Facebook have said they will obligate employees to get vaccinated -- as has Tyson Foods, which was forced to close many of its meatpacking plants early in the pandemic after its frontline workers were exposed. Meanwhile New York City announced Tuesday it would require proof of vaccination for people attending indoor venues such as restaurants, gyms and shows. Biden has seen his approval rating drop recently, although it remains above 50 percent. He is looking to seize back the initiative after a difficult week in which the nation's top health authority changed course to recommend that vaccinated people mask up again indoors in areas of high Covid transmission. The White House has also been criticized for inaction as a moratorium on evictions expired, leaving millions of American facing the possibility of homelessness as the pandemic rages. The nationwide ban was intended to extend until September, but a recent Supreme Court ruling meant it had to end early unless renewed by Congress, which failed to do so. Biden said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was expected to have an announcement on a possible extension on the moratorium shortly, suggesting that even if it is struck down by the Supreme Court it will still "give some additional time" to distribute billions in aid which has already been sent to states. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) greets with Russian ambassador in Vietnam Gennady Bezdetko (C) and Leonid Mikhelson, chairman of the Russian gas company Novatek, August 3, 2021. Photo by VnExpress/Nhat Bac. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Tuesday requested Russia to speed up procedures for signed Covid-19 vaccine contracts so Vietnam could receive the vaccines as early as possible this year. In a meeting with Gennady Bezdetko, Russian ambassador in Vietnam, Chinh thanked Russia for having provided its Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V for Vietnams coronavirus fight. Chinh has asked Russia to continue to support Vietnam regarding vaccines, including speeding up procedures of signed Covid-19 vaccine contracts so it could receive them as early as possible within this year, and cooperating in tech transfer for Covid-19 vaccine and drug production. Last month, the government has agreed to a proposal by the health ministry and let the T&T Group negotiate with Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) the purchase of 40 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine. The group purchased the vaccine with its own fund, not the national budget nor the Covid-19 vaccine fund. The RDIF has also cooperated with Vabiotech to trial packaging one batch of the Sputnik V vaccine, containing 30,000 doses. The batch has been sent to Russia for evaluation. The Sputnik V vaccine, manufactured by Russian company Generium, utilizes the vector technology to stimulate immune responses. Bezdetko affirmed Vietnam has always been Russia's prioritized partner in the Asia-Pacific, and he would strive to strengthen the two countries' relations. Vietnam has vaccinated more than 7.29 million people against Covid-19, including 744,331 who have been fully vaccinated. It aims to achieve herd immunity by next year through vaccinating 70 percent of its 96 million population. I In mid-July, at a global emerging technologies summit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken stressed that the community of nations must work together to reduce the national security risks posed by malicious cyber activities and emerging technologies. Weve brought countries together around an approach that recognizes international law to make it clear that countries are governed in cyberspace just like they are offline and that defines norms that apply not only in wartime but in peacetime too, because were now dealing with significant cyber incidents outside the context of war. Less than a week later, the United States issued a statement condemning the Peoples Republic of China, or PRCs, pattern of irresponsible behavior in cyberspace, alongside statements issued by NATO, the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. The PRCs Ministry of State Security, or MSS, has fostered an ecosystem of criminal contract hackers who carry out both state-sponsored activities and cybercrime for their own financial gain, said Secretary Blinken in a written statement. Responsible states do not indiscriminately compromise global network security nor knowingly harbor cyber criminals let alone sponsor or collaborate with them. These contract hackers cost governments and businesses billions of dollars in stolen intellectual property, ransom payments, and cybersecurity mitigation efforts, all while the MSS had them on its payroll, said Secretary Blinken. Secretary Blinken further highlighted that the United States government, alongside our allies and partners, formally confirmed that cyber actors affiliated with the MSS exploited vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server in a massive cyber espionage operation that indiscriminately compromised thousands of computers and networks, mostly belonging to private sector victims. Apart from the PRCs direct commitments not to engage in cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property for commercial gain, the international community has laid out clear expectations and guidelines for what constitutes responsible behavior in cyberspace, he said. The United States and countries around the world are holding the PRC accountable for its pattern of irresponsible, disruptive, and destabilizing behavior in cyberspace, which poses a major threat to our economic and national security, said Secretary Blinken. The United States will impose consequences on PRC malicious cyber actors. The United States is committed to promoting and expanding respect for religious freedom and tolerance across the globe. Its not just a reflection of who we are as Americans, but of strategic national interest to the United States and a key foreign policy objective, said U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Samantha Power. We know that when countries promote religious freedom and protect religious minorities, democracy is more stable, communities are more likely to develop equitably and prosper, the rights of women and girls are more likely to be protected, and overall quality of life improves. Administrator Power said, Research indicates that GDP growth rates in countries where religious restrictions and hostilities decreased, grew at double the rate of countries where restrictions substantially increased. Additionally, Countries which stigmatize or oppress religious minorities or restrict the opportunity to worship freely, are more prone to instability and conflict. Denying religious freedoms is associated with higher levels of social conflict and violence. In fact, countries with high government restrictions on religion are more than twice as likely to witness social conflict as those with low or no restrictions. Indeed, it has become clear that unless people are free to worship according to their conscience, and until people of all faiths have access to holy sites and places of worship, there will be no lasting peace, said Administrator Power. It is no wonder then that President Joe Biden has made it clear that as far as U.S. Foreign Policy is concerned, development is just as important as defense and diplomacy. That is why, said Administrator Power, in coordination with USAIDs Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, dedicated development professionals at USAID respond to human rights violations, work to prevent atrocities and preserve culture, and protect religious freedom for all people. "There have long been divergent approaches to advancing international religious freedom, but there is common ground in recognizing that it is a clear, distinct human right and central to the stability and peace of this world that we all share. The United States, said Administrator Power, Will keep standing for religious freedom around the world. We will remain humble and grateful for the freedoms we cherish here at home, and pray that through Gods grace and wisdom, we have the capacity to affirm dignity and to secure freedom for more people around the world. ELKO Nevada Gold Mines has partnered with the Boys & Girls Club to address childcare shortages in its local communities. Through the partnership, NGM committed $3 million to develop early learning centers in both Spring Creek and Elko, as well as to assist building a new Boys & Girls Club facility in Spring Creek. The learning centers will be named after the company as Nevada Gold Mines Early Learning Center of Elko and of Spring Creek. The Boys & Girls Club Spring Creek facility was the first project presented to NGM through the Elko/Spring Creek/Carlin/Eureka Community Development Committee (CDC), one of five set up in Nevada. The CDCs aim to ensure NGM is supporting its local communities in meaningful ways that bring long-term sustainable benefits. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The new Spring Creek learning center will care for infants to 5-year-olds and will serve 110 children daily. The current Elko facility will be renovated to include a learning center, also for infants to 5-year-olds, and will serve 51 children daily. The hours of care at both facilities will be expanded to 4 a.m. to 8 p.m. to accommodate mine employees schedules. District attorneys in Manhattan, suburban Westchester and Nassau counties and the state capital of Albany said they asked for investigative materials from the inquiry, overseen by Democratic state Attorney General Letitia James. The inquiry found that Cuomo a former state AG himself violated civil laws against sexual harassment, and it left the door open for local prosecutors to bring cases. Joyce A. Smith, Nassau County's acting district attorney, called the findings deeply disturbing and pledged her office would thoroughly and expeditiously investigate. After James released her report Tuesday, Democrats from the statehouse to the White House called for Cuomo to go. President Joe Biden said the governor should resign, though press secretary Jen Psaki wouldnt say Wednesday whether Biden wanted to see Cuomo removed from office. "The president believes Governor Cuomo should do the right thing, resign, and leave space for future leadership in New York, Psaki said. One of the governor's closest allies, New York Democratic Party chairperson Jay Jacobs, declared that Cuomo has lost his ability to govern, both practically and morally. Jacobs told Spectrum News he had tried privately to persuade Cuomo to resign but "wasnt making headway. The final drawing had been set for Wednesday, but is now scheduled for Aug. 10. The governor's office said Tuesday that the registration deadline also has been extended from Monday night to Sunday. Due to a system glitch, registration for a college scholarship prize available to younger residents closed early. The problem was fixed, but rather than simply reopening registration for one prize, the registration was pushed back for all prizes. Six other weekly drawings have been held. Among the prizes being offered in the finale are a grand prize of $1.588 million, a second-place prize of $588,000, two custom pickup trucks, lifetime hunting and fishing licenses, hunting rifles and shotguns, and state park weekend lodging trips. In addition, two people ages 12 to 25 will receive a full, four-year college scholarship. WASHINGTON White House press secretary Jen Psaki criticized policies in states such as Texas and Florida that have moved to block employers and proprietors from implementing mask or vaccine requirements to curb the coronavirus. Those two states are among several facing surging cases from the delta variant. I think the fundamental question we have is, what are we doing here? Psaki asked. Records show about $40 million in tuna and other fish from the Hangton No. 112 have been imported into the U.S. market in recent years despite industry efforts to address the issue, said Ana Hinojosa, executive director of the CBP directorate that investigates allegations of forced labor. The agency does not publicly identify the importers who received the shipments. CBP said its investigation found evidence that the crew of the Hangton 112 had wages improperly withheld from them, their identity documents were taken and they were kept in debt bondage, which typically involves charging workers an excessive amount in advance for travel and other expenses and holding them until they worked to pay if off. The agency found additional conditions that were difficult to read, Hinojosa said, even considering that fishing is a notoriously difficult and dangerous industry. I wouldnt call it a fun job, but there are certain protections of human rights that are expected in any kind of working environment." In May, the U.S. blocked imports of seafood from the entire fleet of a Chinese company with more than 30 ships that authorities say forced crew members to work in slave-like conditions that led to the deaths of several Indonesian fishermen last year. CBP has also issued orders against individual vessels from Taiwan and elsewhere. On Thursday President Biden made his toughest appeal yet to encourage non-vaccinated American to get the life-saving shot while giving remarks at the White House. With growing concern about the Delta variant of covid-19 he announced the introduction of new rules that will require all federal employees to get vaccinated or face strict testing procedures. The White House has confirmed that all non-vaccinated federal employees "will be required to wear a mask on the job no matter their geographic location, physically distance from all other employees and visitors, comply with a weekly or twice weekly screening testing requirement, and be subject to restrictions on official travel. Biden said that those refusing to get vaccinated present a problem to yourself, to your family and to those with whom you work, offering the starkest condemnation yet of the unvaccinated. The new rules only apply to employees of the federal government and states can decide whether to introduce something similar. Nevada and Louisiana introduce their own mask mandates With the decision completely in their own hands, two states have already decided to impose some masking rules for residents to curb the re-emergence of covid-19. Nevada imposed a mask mandate for certain counties across the state with high transmission rates. From 30 July the Nevada Health Response team will update the list on a weekly basis with counties having to remain out of the high or substantial transmission category for a full two weeks before the mandate is removed. In Louisiana the new rules are more universal with all residents required to wear masks in public indoor settings regardless of their vaccination status. This includes K-12 schoolchildren and college students. Dr Joseph Kanter, the states health officer, released a statement saying: The data in Louisiana clearly point to the severity of our situation, and the urgency to act now. Some states have opted to go the other way with mask mandates and have passed legislation specifically banning private businesses and schools from imposing their own restrictions. A number of Republican-led state have banned mask mandates, leading to criticism from Biden who said the directives forbid people from doing the right thing. In his comments on Tuesday Biden was particularly scathing on the decisions of Florida and Texas to prevent mask mandates, due to the fact that the two states currently account for a third of all new cases of covid-19 in the United States. Biden said of their decisions: I say to these governors, please help. If you arent going to help, at least get out of the way of people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives. Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) have detained former judge of Dniprovsky District Court of Kyiv Mykola Chaus in the Feofania hospital on Tuesday evening, he was handed a motion on applying a preventive measure, the NABU press service reports on Facebook. "Just in the Feofania hospital, NABU detectives have detained the former judge of Dniprovsky District Court of Kyiv, suspected of receiving an unlawful benefit. He was handed a motion on applying a preventive measure," the report says. Reportedly, the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC), at a session on Wednesday, August 4, is to decide on the motion. "By that time, the suspect will be in a temporary detention facility," the NABU said. The press service said that at present "this is all the information that we can report, given the secrecy of the investigation." It was reported that Chaus's attorneys will be present at the HACC session on Wednesday, August 4, but it is not yet known whether the accused himself will be able to attend it. The electronic health care system provides digital medical services to more than 31 million Ukrainians, Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko said during a meeting with representatives of medical information systems (MIS). "Today, the electronic health care system provides digital medical services to more than 31 million Ukrainians," Liashko said on his official Facebook page. In particular, it is the conclusion of electronic declarations with family doctors, extraction of electronic prescriptions under the "Affordable Medicines" program, electronic directions, maintenance of the electronic medical card. According to the Minister, more than 4,500 health care facilities are currently connected to the system. Liashko also reminded that from September 1 there will be a full-fledged transition to electronic sick leaves. "We are already working to resolve the issue of rapid data synchronization so that healthcare professionals and patients do not experience any inconvenience in obtaining a medical certificate of temporary incapacity for work. The whole process should take a few minutes," he said. The head of the Ministry of Health said that the implemented system should be primarily user-friendly, and not create an additional burden and the Ministry of Health will consider the application of sanctions for non-compliance with legal aspects or systemic failures. In addition, priority projects and their implementation in the near future were discussed, in particular, the introduction of COVID-19 certificates, Central 103 system, electronic prescription for insulin, electronic prescription for all prescription drugs, patient cabinet with integration in action, medical reports for drivers, medical reports on death, compliance with the law on rehabilitation, safety and quality of donated blood, consent to posthumous donation. An unidentified man has entered the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and threatens to detonate a grenade. The corresponding video appeared on social networks. Kyiv Police confirmed information to Interfax-Ukraine. "Yes, there was such a call, law enforcement officers are working on the spot," the Kyiv Police Department said. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine does not comment on what is happening. The issue is being dealt with by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the police. They also said that preparations for a government session are taking place as usual. The press service of Kyiv Police said that a special police operation had been launched in the Ukrainian capital. "Currently, negotiations are underway with the man. In case of refusal to voluntarily stop the offense, the man will be subject to police measures provided for by law," the report says. A source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Strana.ua that the occupant of the building is a sapper and veteran of the Aidar volunteer battalion, who had previously suffered a shell shock. "The man was shell-shocked. He was a sapper in Aidar. We have no reason to think that the grenade is not real," the source said. Member of Irpin City Council Anton Holovenko confirmed this information. "This is our veteran [...] But I do not know what kind of situation there is. Maybe a nervous breakdown. He is a normal, reasonable guy [...] He is a war invalid," he wrote in the comments to the report about what is happening in the Cabinet of Ministers. A man who entered the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and threatened to detonate a grenade was detained after negotiations led by his acquaintance, volunteer and member of Bucha City Council Vasyl Oleksiuk. "Seeing the news, I immediately realized that it was necessary to take some action and find an opportunity so that nothing happened, I mean, so that people do not die, God forbid," Oleksiuk said at a briefing near the government building on Wednesday following the intruder arrest. He confirmed that the detainee took part in the hostilities and, speaking about the motives of the act, said: "This is a person who has a very strong spirit and a heightened sense of justice. Perhaps somewhere, and given his injuries, his current everyday standard of living, perhaps something happened that made him break the law." At the same time, Oleksiuk stressed that the detainee was employed, but made it clear that he remains financially disadvantaged. Speaking about the possible motives of the detainee's act, he said: "Well, if a person has no good behind his back, I mean housing or something else." "He works, he does not walk and ask for money, he works hard labor, he works at a service station [...] He finished his service several years ago," the volunteer said. According to Oleksiuk, the detainee periodically turned to volunteers for psychological, moral and occasionally material assistance, and received it. At the same time, Head of the National Police Ihor Klymenko noted: "The situation is non-standard, because it was an ATO participant who went through the millstones of hostilities, who was wounded twice, including a head injury, and committed this crime because of his life events." Ukraine expects to boost cooperation with U.S. in defense, military-technical, economic and political spheres Yermak One of the main priorities of Ukraine in the world arena is to strengthen cooperation with the United States in the defense, military-technical, economic and political spheres, Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak has said. "One of the main priorities of Ukraine in the world arena is to strengthen cooperation with the United States in all sectors defense, military-technical, economic and, of course, political," Yermak said on Facebook. During their visit to the United States, Yermak and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba are scheduled to meet with U.S. National Security Advisor Jacob Sullivan, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, senators and leading think tanks. "We are preparing the visit of the President of Ukraine to the United States. This visit will be of great importance for the further development of Ukrainian-U.S. relations," he said. As reported, on August 4, Head of the President's Office Andriy Yermak and Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba arrived in the United States to prepare for the upcoming visit of the President of Ukraine, which is scheduled for August 30. An Austrian Foreign Ministry spokesperson told Interfax that Belarusian athlete Kristina Timanovskaya, who participated in the Tokyo Olympics and refused to return to Belarus, is currently on a flight to Vienna. "The Austrian Foreign Ministry can confirm that this Belarusian athlete is on her way to Vienna," the ministry spokesperson said. According to earlier media reports, Timanovskaya was due to fly out to Poland, which earlier granted her a humanitarian visa. Timanovskaya said in an interview with the BBC that her refusal to return to Belarus is not politically motivated. As reported, Timanovskaya arrived at the airport from the Polish embassy in Tokyo in a police car and entered the airport's VIP area in the company of several officials, refusing to speak to scores of journalists tracking her movements. Sources' information indicates that she was due to leave for Warsaw at 10:20 a.m. local time on a LOT Polish Airlines flight. According to media reports, Timanovskaya sought police protection at the Tokyo airport after she was brought there by representatives of the Belarusian delegation planning to send her back home. International Olympic Committee (IOC) spokesperson Mark Adams told journalists later that the Belarusian athlete had spent the night at a Tokyo airport hotel "in a safe and secure environment." Timanovskaya was then transported to the Polish embassy in Japan, where she requested political asylum. Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przydacz said on Twitter on Monday that Poland's authorities had issued a humanitarian visa to Timanovskaya. The possibility of granting political asylum to Timanovskaya will be reviewed as soon as an official application to this effect arrives, he said. The IOC will investigate the Belarusian delegation's actions related to the scandal around Timanovskaya and has already formed a special commission, Adams said. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in turn, has described the Belarusian authorities' actions in relation to Timanovskaya as an unacceptable violation of her rights and the Olympic spirit. German Foreign Office spokesperson Maria Adebahr, for her part, has called on Minsk to respect citizens' rights. The High Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine (HACC) has started a hearing to apply a measure of restraint for former judge Mykola Chaus, the State Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) is asking the court for a closed hearing, HACC told Interfax-Ukraine. "The hearing has started. At present, the SBU is requesting a closed hearing," the court said. The HACC said the hearing was somewhat delayed, since Chaus communicated with his attorneys. Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) informed the head of Kharkiv Regional Council of suspicion of receiving UAH 1 million of improper advantage. "On August 4, 2021, the SAPO Prosecutor, on behalf of the acting Prosecutor General, together with NABU detectives, informed the head of Kharkiv Regional Council about the suspicion of receiving an improper advantage of UAH 1.05 million," the NABU press service said. According to the investigation, at the beginning of 2021, the head of Kharkiv Regional Council, in collusion with his deputy, demanded and received the improper advantage of UAH 1.05 million for keeping the position of the head of the regional utility company, the founder of which is Kharkiv Regional Council. During the first half of 2021, officials received the indicated amount of funds in four tranches, including through the mediation of a lawyer's accomplice. The official is charged with Part 4 of Article 368 (receipt of an unlawful benefit on an especially large scale by an official in a particularly responsible position, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, associated with extortion of unlawful benefit) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of 8 to 12 years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years and with seizure of property. In turn, the deputy head of Kharkiv Regional State Administration and deputy of the regional council from Servant of the People Roman Semenukha said on his Facebook page that an extraordinary meeting of the faction should take place on Wednesday evening, which will consider the issue of expelling head of the regional council Artur Tovmasyan. "Head of the Servant of the People faction in Kharkiv Regional Council Ihor Zakharchenko, initiated an extraordinary meeting of the faction today at 16:00. The issue of excluding Tovmasyan from the Servant of the People faction, as well as the initiation of an extraordinary session of Kharkiv Regional Council, is under consideration." Semenukha said. Ukraine has officially applied to join the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE), which is based in Tallinn. "On behalf of Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council [NSDC] of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov, the Ukrainian side made an official request to join the CCDCOE," a statement published on the NSDC website on Tuesday said. On August 3, a delegation of the NSDC's National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity visited Estonia, where it held a series of bilateral meetings aimed at further promoting the two countries' cooperation in cybersecurity, the statement said. Head of the Information Security and Cybersecurity Service of the NSDC Staff Natalia Tkachuk, who visited Estonia as a member of the Ukrainian delegation, said that such a step is relevant in the context of Ukraine's aspirations to join NATO. "Ukraine's involvement in the CCDCOE can be an important step toward full NATO membership," the NSDC press service quoted Tkachuk as saying. The participation of Ukrainian specialists in the CCDCOE will positively impact the effectiveness of its work and will help bolster the capabilities of Ukraine's national cybersecurity system, she said. "The parties stressed that an effective step toward Ukraine's accession to the CCDCOE can be the involvement of Ukrainian experts in the work of CCDCOE thematic branches," the NSDC said. Permanent Secretary at the Estonian Defense Ministry Kusti Salm, for his part, reiterated his country's readiness to facilitate Ukraine's accession to the CCDCOE. Undersecretary at Estonia's Defense Ministry Margus Matt, in turn, noted that Ukraine's experience in countering Russian cyberattacks is of significant interest to NATO. Estonia will continue supporting Ukraine in its Euro-Atlantic aspirations, Matt said. The seal of the United States Department of Justice is seen on the building exterior of the United States Attorney's Office of the Southern District of New York in Manhattan (Photo : REUTERS/Andrew Kelly) The U.S. Justice Department's internal watchdog has launched an audit into its $115 million contract with General Dynamics to build its new grant management software, which since its launch has been plagued by technological glitches and caused delays in funding criminal justice programs. The audit by Inspector General Michael Horowitz was announced just a few weeks after Reuters first reported about the system's technology woes and Senator Charles Grassley, the Senate Judiciary Committee's ranking Republican, called on Horowitz to launch an investigation. Advertisement The software program, known as "JustGrants," manages the Justice Department's $4.7 billion portfolio of grants that fund everything from body-worn cameras for police to transitional housing for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking victims. Built by General Dynamics Corp under a contract with a $115 million ceiling price, JustGrants was intended to consolidate the grants in one place and be compatible with a new government-wide payment system. To date, the Justice Department has spent about $70 million on it. Reuters interviewed more than a dozen Justice Department employees and grant award winners who said the system has been plagued with severe technological problems which have made it hard to apply for grants or upload documents required in order to be permitted to draw down funds. In some cases, award winners reported facing months of delays getting their funding. In announcing the audit, Horowitz's office said it will review the department's transition to the JustGrants system, how it has administered its contract with General Dynamics and whether the company has complied with the contract terms and with federal rules. Spokespeople for the Justice Department and for General Dynamics had no immediate comment. The Justice Department has previously acknowledged the system has problems, but said it was unaware of cases in which grantees had not received their funding. Egypts Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely following up on the situation of 16 fishermen detained in Tunisia for trespassing in Tunisian territorial waters, state news agency MENA quoted the ministrys spokesman as saying Saturday. Once the [Egyptian] embassy knew about the detention of the fishermen, an envoy was sent to make sure they were alright, ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid stated. The crew of the ship Seas Angel surrendered to Tunisian authorities without resistance, Abu Zeid added. The foreign ministry is working on deporting back to Egypt as many detained fishermen as possible, according to the spokesman. Meanwhile, Abu Zeid said the ministry is currently following up on three crew members of another Egyptian ship held by Tunisian authorities for trespassing in October, and that are being prosecuted in front of a Tunisian court. This is the latest incident involving Egyptian fishermen arrested in the territorial waters of neighbouring countries like Sudan, Libya and Tunisia. Egypts foreign ministry has repeatedly intervened in these cases to ensure the release of the fishermen and has warned Egyptians against trespassing in foreign waters. Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has asserted Cairo's support for what he described as the historic measures recently taken by Tunisian President Kais Saied, a statement by the Tunisian presidency said on Tuesday following a meeting between Shoukry and Saied at Carthage Palace. The Tunisian president announced a number of drastic decisions in late July, suspending the parliament, dominated by the Islamist party Ennahdha, and relieving his prime minister in a step that sparked demonstrations for and against the decision. The Egyptian top diplomat, who arrived in the Tunisian capital earlier in the day, said Saied's measures "aim to fulfil the will of his people and guarantee the stability of his country and its best interests," according to the statement. "Egypt is confident in the wisdom of president of the [Tunisian] state and his ability to lead this constitutional path steadfastly," the statement quoted Shoukry as saying. The Tunisian president underscored his country's keenness on "permanently" boosting its ties and coordination with Egypt. "Egypt's stability and security are closely tied to those of Tunisia," president Saied emphasised. He also renewed his thanks to Egypt for its solidarity with Tunisia in countering the spread of the coronavirus, referring to the medical equipment and drugs Egypt sent recently. Short link: Egypts Ministry of Health has recently launched 126 centres nationwide for issuing QR-coded certificates for those who wish to travel and need to document their coronavirus inoculation. Below is a guide for anyone looking to travel abroad from Egypt. If you have been vaccinated but have not received the new QR-coded certificates, which cost EGP 100 for Egyptians and $10 for foreigners, head towards any of the newly-launched 126 centres nationwide with a valid passport and your vaccination certificate. If you have already received the new certificate, check whether your QR code is working by scanning it. If you have not been vaccinated, check your destination countrys travel restrictions in addition to its approved vaccine list before registering for a vaccine. You can inquire about the nearest documentation or vaccination centre or about any related procedure by calling the ministrys hotline (105 or 15335), or send your inquiry to the WhatsApp number 01553105105. What you need to know Some countries allow entry with negative PCR tests or any type of vaccination, while others are less flexible and require travellers to be fully vaccinated using certain vaccines. Some countries even require travellers to be fully vaccinated two weeks before arrival. Not abiding by the destination countrys restrictions can result in denied entry or a days-long stay in quarantine. Egypt is currently using the WHO-approved British AstraZeneca vaccine, which is scarce at the moment due to increased demand from travellers. Egypt is also using the WHO-approved Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac vaccines, as well as the Russian Sputnik V, which has not yet been approved. Meanwhile, those who wish to travel have priority for inoculation by the limited-but-available AstraZeneca shots at certain vaccination centres out of the 400 set up by the health ministry. Egypt is set to receive successive shipments comprising 20 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, 35.6 million AstraZeneca doses and 2.4 million Pfizer doses before the end of 2021; part of which will be received within days. Short link: President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said on Wednesday that Egypt calls upon the international community to exert all possible efforts to assist and support the Lebanese people in overcoming the devastating effects of the August 2020 Beirut explosion and rebuilding the city. In his virtual speech during the Lebanon Donor Conference, which was held at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron, El-Sisi reaffirmed Egypts full support and solidarity with the Lebanese people and stressed that it stands ready to assist Lebanon by dispatching more emergency aid. Along with El-Sisi, US President Joe Biden, and Lebanon's own President Michel Aoun were among the participants of the virtual conference from around 40 countries and multilateral organisations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the International Monetary Fund. Egypt will harness its potentials to help the Lebanese people reconstruct affected areas. Thus, engineers and technicians in the fields of infrastructure rehabilitation and power station repair should be sent to Lebanon, El-Sisi said. Since Beiruts devastating blast last August, Egypt has taken several steps to meet the needs of the Lebanese people and alleviate the burden on the Lebanese government by launching a sealift and tens of airlifts loaded with medical and humanitarian aid, food, and construction materials. Additionally, an Egyptian field hospital has been constructed in Beirut to provide aid to victims of the blast. Last week, Egypts Arab Contractors Company won a bid to develop Tripoli port and its facilities in a step reflecting the countrys keenness on supporting Lebanon on all levels, especially developing its ports. The development of the port will be followed by a number of projects to enhance Egypts economic presence in Lebanon, especially in the fields of technology and expertise exchange, specifically in Tripoli city, according to Egypts Ambassador to Lebanon Yasser Elwi. President El-Sisi mentioned how the exceptional and difficult circumstances facing the world as a result of the coronavirus pandemic have placed heavy burdens on many countries, particularly those that were encountering major economic challenges in the first place, including brotherly Lebanon. He added that the provision of international support to the Lebanese people is inevitable and urgent. It is also important for the international community to put aside political differences, avoid the use of the Lebanese arena to settle regional disputes, and safeguard Lebanons sovereignty, the Egyptian president said in the conference. By holding this conference, Macron seeks to raise more than $350 million in aid for Lebanon, marking the anniversary of the Beirut port blast. Lebanon is currently facing huge shortages of electricity, medicine, and basic supplies. This comes in parallel to its teetering economy, with one US dollar equating to 1,514 Lebanese pounds, leading fuel prices to increase by more than a third. Lebanon, which has always been a beacon of culture, art, and thought, and an important tributary of Arab creativity, is still able, with the determination of its sons, to become as thriving and unique as we have always known it to be, El-Sisi said, addressing the Lebanese people. El-Sisi called on loyal Lebanese patriots, regardless of their positions, to join hands and to distance their country from regional tensions and conflicts. I call on them to focus on strengthening Lebanese national institutions and to meet the aspirations of the Lebanese people by implementing inevitable economic reforms that cannot be postponed. Thereby, Lebanon would gain the trust of international financial institutions and international support, as per the resolutions of the 2018 CEDRE Conference, which will positively affect Lebanon's efforts towards achieving stability, development, and prosperity, he concluded. This is the third conference organised by former colonial power France in as many years in aid of Lebanon. The economic crisis in Lebanon is firmly connected to the political crisis extending since 2019, presidential spokesperson Bassam Rady quoted El-Sisi as saying. President El-Sisi said that this crisis is getting more complicated by the day given the ongoing political vacuum caused by the governments absence, which is preventing efforts to achieve the aspirations of the brotherly people of Lebanon. El-Sisi stressed the urgent need to end the political vacuum to prevent Lebanon from slipping into a dark tunnel. This requires all parties to prioritise the higher interest of the country through the quick formation of an independent national government that includes experienced and competent figures, the president said. The formation of such a government will enable the country to face its current challenges and protect Lebanons sovereignty and unity, El-Sisi said. The president called on all parties in Lebanon to focus on strengthening state institutions. El-Sisi also said the conference sends a message to all Lebanese politicians that the international community is willing to support Lebanon once the governmental vacuum is over and once the country restores the trust of the Arab and international communities. This progress will enable Lebanons transition from the stage of receiving humanitarian aid to receiving economic support and building a better future for its people, El-Sisi said. The president mentioned Egypts continuous support to Lebanon to resolve the countrys political crisis through communication with the Lebanese political leadership, Rady said. El-Sisi also mentioned the Egyptian efforts to provide strategic goods and infrastructure support to the Lebanese state to reconstruct and rehabilitate the buildings damaged by the Beirut blast. The latest of this assistance was the arrival of an Egyptian warship to Beirut loaded with more than 300 tons of aid, El-Sisi said. This is aside from the efforts of the Egyptian field hospital in Beirut that provides medical services to the Lebanese people on a daily basis. Egypt has also provided coronavirus treatment drugs. Short link: The White House announced on Tuesday that the US has now donated and shipped more than 110 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccines to more than 60 countries a major milestone that cements the United States as the global leader in COVID-19 vaccine donations. Egypt was not on the list of countries that received the jabs that was released today, though a statment from the US embassy in Cairo said in June that Egypt was on the short list of partner countries to receive US vaccines against the coronavirus. In a statement, the White House said that President Joe Biden committed in June to donating at least 80 million vaccines from the US supply to countries throughout the world, promising to continue to distribute the vaccines based on the countrys ability to do so. Todays announcement is a fulfilment of his promise, the statement said. Of the first 25 million, 19 million will go to COVAX, and 6 million will be targeted to a short list of regional priorities and partner recipients including Egypt, said the embassy in a short statement at the time. According to Tuesdays fact sheet, the US has delivered 111,701,000 doses of coronavirus vaccines to 65 countries worldwide, including Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, Canada, and Brazil. The US administration looks at a variety of factors to prioritise which countries receive the shots first, including COVID-19 case rates, death rates, hospitalisations, current vaccination rates, responses to surges, and a countrys ability to receive vaccines and put shots into arms, the White House statement noted. Our goals are to increase global COVID-19 vaccination coverage, prepare for surges, and prioritise healthcare workers and other vulnerable populations based on public health data and acknowledged best practice, and help our neighbours and other countries in need. Importantly, the United States has not and will not use its vaccines to secure favours from other countries. Our aim is to save lives, the White House said. The statement insisted that the more than 110 million doses are just the beginning of the administrations efforts to provide vaccines to the world. Starting late August, the US administration will begin shipping half a billion Pfizer doses that the United States has pledged to purchase and donate to 100 low-income countries in need, the White House noted without mentioning who is next in line to receive the shots. Egypt started its vaccination campaign in January; and as of 1 August according to the World Health Organisation a total of 5,570,554 vaccine doses have been administered among the 102-million-strong population. The country has so far registered 284,415 cases since the outbreak began in February 2020, including 16,540 deaths and 232,060 recoveries. Short link: The Egyptian finance ministry has announced that it is issuing a commemorative coin to mark the Pharaohs Golden Parade that was held last April, which involved the transferring of 22 royal mummies from one museum to another in Cairo. The parade, which gained international media attention, was accompanied by festivities and artistic shows. The new 100 Egyptian pound coin has the name and logo of the parade on it in Arabic and English to mark the event, the finance ministry said in a statement. The ministry said it will also issue EGP 1 and 0.50 coins in circulation with the same design of the EGP 100 coins. The parade traversed the streets of Cairo from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC) in Fustat. The motorcade led 22 ancient Egyptian chariots drawn by 44 horses, and upon their arrival at the NMEC, the mummies were welcomed with full military honours. One-hundred-and-fifty horses and their riders said goodbye to the royal mummies upon their departure from Tahrir Square and stood ready to welcome them upon their arrival at the NMEC. The first mummy to lead the parade was that of King Seqnenre, the warrior who led the liberation war against the Hyksos invaders of Egypt. The other kings then followed in chronological order. The 22 mummies comprised 18 kings and four queens. The logo of the event is inspired by the ancient Egyptian belief in eternity and resurrection. It consists of a scarab flanked by sun rays and falcon feathers, making this the symbol of this historic event. Short link: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has affirmed to his Italian counterpart the importance of supporting stability in Tunisia, a statement by the Egyptian foreign ministry read. In a phone call with his Italian counterpart, Luigi Di Maio, Shoukry expressed Egypts support for Tunisian President Kais Saieds measures to protect the states institutions and overcome the current critical situation, the statement added. The phone call comes one day after Shoukry paid an official visit to Tunisia, during which he met with Saied. The Tunisian president announced in late July a number of drastic decisions, including suspending the parliament, which was dominated by the Islamist party Ennahdha, and relieving his prime minister in a step that sparked demonstrations for and against the decision. "Egypt is confident in the wisdom of president of the [Tunisian] state and his ability to lead this constitutional path steadfastly," the statement quoted Shoukry as saying. During the Wednesday phone call, Di Maio briefed Shoukry on the outcome of his latest visit to Libya and the meetings he held with the different parties in the Arab country. Shoukry affirmed the need to stick to the roadmap set by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum and the United Nations Security Resolution no. 2570 on holding presidential and parliamentary elections, as scheduled, on 24 December. The top Egyptian diplomat also affirmed the need for the exit of all foreign troops and mercenaries from Libya without any delay. He also affirmed that Egypt welcomes the Libyan step to open the coastal road connecting Misrata with Sirte. The UN-backed 5+5 committee said in a statement last week that the agreement between warring sides to open the road stretching along the length of Libya's coastline, the most populated part of the country, also includes the withdrawal of foreign fighters. Short link: Roberto Calasso, a towering figure in European publishing as the driving force behind an esteemed Milan-based publisher, as well as an inquisitive and prolific author himself, has died at 80, his company said. Italian news media, quoting his publishing house Adelphi, said Calasso died Thursday in Milan following a long illness and a wake was held Friday in the publishing house's Milan headquarters. Directing Adelphi since 1971 and being its chairman since 1999, Calasso adhered to the philosophy choosing books to publish not on how they might sell but on whether they had something important to say. A native of Florence, who grew up with parents steeped in the classics, Calasso also wrote his own books, using a fountain pen for all but the final draft. His 1988 'Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony,'' a readable, imaginative exploration of Greek mythology, was his best-known work. Calasso's tastes in determining what titles Adelphi would publish were eclectic. Among his literary finds was an Italian physicist, Carlo Rovelli. Calasso started a new imprint to offer readers Rovelli's 2016 'Seven Brief Lessons on Physics.'' In an article Friday in the Corriere della Sera newspaper, Rovelli recalled their first meeting as emblematic of Calasso's attitude toward publishing. ''Carlo, I read what you wrote. I like it. Whatever you write that you think important, send it to me. Don't think about writing books that sell, think only if you have true things to say. I'll publish them,'' Rovelli wrote. 'What more can you hope to have from your own publisher?' Rovelli wrote, adding that the 'extraordinary care with which he published books is mythical.' His U.S. editor, Jonathan Galassi of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, called Calasso 'one of the great literary publishers of postwar Europe.'' 'He was also a prolific writer of wide and deep imagination and insight,'' Galassi said in a statement. 'Basically, his life's work was all one project: to plumb the inter-connectedness of human culture across time and across civilizations. There was no one like him.'' Starting with Adelphi when he was 21, Calasso developed the publishing house. Among those he published were Sicilian writer Leonardo Sciascia and the Czech-born Milan Kundera. Adelphi was essentially the invention, in 1962, of a Trieste intellectual, Roberto Bazlen, who quickly enlisted the efforts of Luciano Foa' and the young Calasso, then living in Rome. Italian industrialist Roberto Olivetti helped finance the venture. Corriere della Sera recalled that Bazlen used to say of Adelphi's mission: 'We'll only publish the books we really like.'' Calasso became editorial director, and later administrator and owner of Adelphi, a kind of 'father-master,'' the newspaper wrote. The Paris Review in an 2012 interview with Calasso called him a 'literary institution of one'' and lauded Adelphi as 'Italy's most prestigious publishing house.'' In that interview, Calasso reminisced about his father, Francesco Calasso, a staunch anti-fascist and a history of law professor at the University of Florence who, in 1944, was almost executed by the then German occupying forces. Calasso reminisced growing up in a 'house lined with books.'' His mother, Melisenda Codignola, who earned a doctorate with a thesis on one of Plutarch's works, translated the classics. In a poignant turn of events, the publisher died just as two of his works, described as his most auto-biographical, went on sale in Italy's bookshops: 'Meme' Scianca,'' which draws on his Florentine childhood in a household of intellectuals, and ''Bobi,' about the life of Bazlen. The subjects of Calasso's writing were wide-ranging, reflecting his curiosity, and included artist Giambattista Tiepolo and author Franz Kafka. Of Calasso's own books, 'it's difficult to say in particular what they spoke about, not because they wander but because they follow an internal logical that knows no borders,'' the Italian news agency ANSA wrote. Calasso also wrote about what he called the fascination with technology, bemoaning how the digital age was 'the gravest assault that the inclination to expose oneself to the shock of the unknown has shown.' Wrote Corriere della Sera in its tribute, 'for Calasso, the unknown is the essence of literature.'' Short link: Related South Sudan swears in new parliament vowed under peace deal 'Just a dream': hope for South Sudan dashed after horror decade South Sudan's vice president Riek Machar has been ousted as head of his party and its armed forces, say rival leaders who accuse the rebel-turned-politician of no longer representing their interests. Machar, a pivotal figure in South Sudan's bloody road to independence and subsequent civil war, was deposed following a three-day gathering of senior SPLM/A-IO leaders in the country's far north, the party's military wing said. Its chief of staff, First Lieutenant General Simon Gatwech Dual, was declared interim leader of the opposition movement that governs the troubled country in a shaky alliance with former enemies. It is unclear what the putsch means for Machar, currently South Sudan's first vice president, or his fragile 2018 power-sharing agreement with his old rival President Salva Kiir. The military wing said Machar had "completely failed" to show leadership and greatly weakened the party's position in the post-war coalition government formed between the warring sides in early 2020. Machar had engaged in a years-long "policy of divide and rule" and favoured nepotism over unity or advancing their cause, according to a statement signed by the SPLM/A-IO military leadership and dated August 3. "As a result, the meeting saw there was no option rather than to come up with the decision and finally prompted to declare the denouncement of Dr Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon from the chairmanship of the SPLM/A-IO," the statement said. Political Disunity Machar's spokesman in Juba told AFP only that the rival political wing of the party was meeting to discuss the matter and would issue an update on the outcome. Machar, a wily leader who survived years of bush warfare, close attempts on his life and stretches in exile, served as vice president in the first post-independence government alongside Kiir. But the pair fell out and Machar was sacked two years later. Troops loyal to each man turned their guns on each other, and South Sudan descended into five years of horrific bloodshed. In 2018 -- after a string of failed peace accords and violated ceasefires -- a fresh truce paused the fighting that left nearly 400,000 South Sudanese dead. Under that arrangement, Machar entered another unity government as deputy to Kiir in February 2020. But distrust lingered and cracks soon appeared, as key provisions of the peace accords went unfulfilled. As the process drifted, Machar faced growing opposition within his own ranks, with top cadres complaining they had lost out under the power-sharing arrangement struck with the ruling party. The political disunity comes as South Sudan faces economic disaster and its worst hunger crisis since independence, with tens of thousands of people enduring famine-like conditions in the world's youngest nation. Already, there are calls for a peaceful public uprising to topple the current regime and end the chronic political and economic crisis. At least two prominent activists were arrested Monday after they signed a declaration by a coalition of civil society groups saying they have "had enough" after a decade of troubled independence and called for the resignation of Kiir and Machar. The arrests came the same day that hundreds of lawmakers were sworn in to a newly created parliament, a key part of the 2018 peace deal that had been delayed for almost a year. Short link: French President Emmanuel Macron aims to raise at least $350 million in emergency aid for Lebanon on Wednesday at a donor conference held on the first anniversary of a massive blast that gutted part of Beirut. The August 4, 2020 explosion in Beirut port killed at least 214 people, traumatising the nation and bringing an already stuttering Lebanese economy closer to the brink of collapse. Fuel, medicine and food have all grown scarce, but bickering between Lebanon's political parties has held up the formation of a new government, delaying a much-needed international bailout. France says Wednesday's video conference, which is being co-hosted by Macron and United Nations chief Antonio Guterres, needs to raise $357 million to meet the most urgent needs of the Lebanese people in terms of food, health, clean water and education. "One year after the tragedy, Lebanon can continue to count on France's solidarity," Macron tweeted ahead of the virtual meeting. US President Joe Biden, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi and Lebanon's own President Michel Aoun will be among the participants from around 40 countries and multilateral organisations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the International Monetary Fund. The conference is the third in aid of Lebanon to be organised by former colonial power France in as many years. Each time, donors have pledged millions in emergency relief but conditioned a broader rescue plan on Lebanese politicians forming a government that commits to tackling rampant corruption, among reforms. Lebanon has been without a government for all of the past year. Najib Mikati, the billionaire businessman recently appointed prime minister, had hoped to form a cabinet by the anniversary of the blast but squabbling over cabinet posts continues. "There is no still no progress on the formation of a government or the implementation of urgent reforms. Given the dramatic deterioriation of the economic, this is irresponsible," German foreign minister Heiko Maas, who is taking part in the donor conference, said on Wednesday. The EU said last week it was ready to impose sanctions on members of the ruling elite who obstruct attempts to improve governance and public sector accountability. France has already barred several Lebanese officials from its territory, without naming them. "It's a first step, those who are targeted know it. The pressure will continue to grow," one of Macron's aides told reporters, speaking on condition of anonymity. One of the chief demands of the Lebanese population and the international community is that top officials be investigated over the warehouse fire that triggered the port blast. The depot contained hundreds of tonnes of poorly stored ammonium nitrate. Short link: Related Israeli army says it fires back after 3 rockets from Lebanon The UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) urged maximum restraint" along the Lebanese-Israeli border on Wednesday after Israel had announced that missile attacks were launched from Lebanon into its territory. A missile exploded in an open site, while Israels defence system, the Iron Dome, intercepted another missile. The Israeli army responded with an artillery attack. UNIFIL called for a ceasefire to avoid further escalation, adding that Major General Stefano Del Col, its head of mission and force commander, has immediately contacted both parties. UNIFIL remains fully engaged with the parties through our liaison and coordination channels and we are working with the (Lebanese army forces) to ensure immediate follow up on the ground and to reinforce security along the Blue Line, read a UNIFIL statement. Short link: Shelling by Turkish forces and their rebel proxies killed three children and a male relative in northern Syria Wednesday, a war monitor said, in an attack condemned by Kurdish authorities. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that rockets were fired on a village controlled by Kurdish forces on the outskirts of the volatile Ain Issa district, near the border with Turkey. "Four members of the same family were killed, including a man and three children," said the war monitor, which relies on sources inside Syria. Others members of the family were wounded and are in critical condition, it added. Pro-Ankara fighters have been stationed to the north of Ain Issa since Turkish soldiers and their Syrian proxies seized a 120-kilometre (70-mile) stretch of territory along the border from Kurdish fighters in 2019. Since then, pro-Turkish forces have engaged in sporadic skirmishes with Kurdish forces branded as "terrorists" by Ankara. The autonomous Kurdish administration condemned Wednesday's attack in a statement, saying it was intended "to shake stability in our region and terrorise residents." Turkey and its Syrian proxies control several pockets of territory in northern Syria as a result of successive operations against Kurdish fighters or the Islamic State group since 2016. Short link: Related US extends Iraq sanctions waiver until before Biden inauguration The US has granted Iraq a four-month extension to a sanctions waiver allowing it to import Iranian gas, an Iraqi official told AFP on Wednesday. Iraq buys gas and electricity from neighbouring Iran to supply about a third of its power sector, which has been worn down by years of conflict and poor maintenance, and is unable to meet the needs of the country's 40 million population. The US blacklisted Iran's energy industry in late 2018 as it ramped up sanctions, but granted Baghdad a series of temporary waivers, hoping that Iraq would wean itself off Iranian energy. The last exemption period ended last month, and the new waiver took effect last week, the official told AFP on condition of anonymity. It runs until the start of December. The extensions follow a visit to Washington by Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhemi to meet US President Joe Biden. Iraq, where legislative elections are scheduled for October 10, must balance its relations with both Washington and Tehran, the arch-rival of the US. Iraq produces 16,000 megawatts of power, far below the 24,000 megawatts needed, and even further from the expected future needs of a country whose population is set to double by 2050, according to the UN. The failure of Iraq's energy system is particularly acute in the baking hot summer months, often a time of social protest exacerbated by electricity shortages, when temperatures shoot past 45 degrees Centigrade (113 Fahrenheit). In early July, several provinces suffered blackouts due to attacks on power lines. At the same time, Iran suspended its gas and electricity exports for a few days because of Iraq's failure to pay a six-billion-dollar debt for energy received. While the US sanction waiver allows Baghdad to purchase energy from Iran, it still blocks it from paying its bills in US dollars -- a currency which Tehran, suffocated by sanctions, badly needs. Short link: Related Hundreds flee homes as heatwave fuels Greek wildfire At least 150 houses were destroyed by a violent blaze that had surrounded a monastery and a dozen villages on the Greek island of Evia on Wednesday, firefighters and a local official said. The wildfire is just one of some 40 blazes tearing through parts of Greece as a heatwave hits the country. Three monks from Saint David Monastery on Evia had refused to leave, firefighters on the island said, adding that everyone else had been evacuated from the villages nearby. "The flames are 30 to 40 metres high and surrounding the monastery. We're suffocating due to the smoke," one of the monks told the ANA Greek news agency by phone. Argyris Liaskos, the deputy mayor of a nearby village, told Skai television that no aircraft "were deployed to extinguish the fire." "At least 150 houses burnt," he said. Evia island is off the Attica peninsula which also encompasses the Greek capital Athens. A blaze also started near Olympia, the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games, but the ancient site is not under threat, firefighters said. Around 100 firefighters are battling the flames there, aided by three helicopters and two water-dropping planes. Short link: Thousands of grief-stricken Lebanese on Wednesday marked a year since a cataclysmic explosion ravaged Beirut, protesting impunity over the country's worst peacetime disaster at a time when its economy was already in tatters. Not far from a sombre remembrance service being held at the "ground zero" site of the blast, a group of protesters scuffled with riot police near the entrance to parliament, whose members have been accused of stalling a probe into the disaster. Police fired tear gas at stone-lobbing demonstrators and beat them with batons, in clashes which the Red Cross said left dozens of people injured. Mournful tunes rang out above central Beirut, as crowds walked towards the dockside, many brandishing posters demanding accountability over the disaster. On August 4, 2020, a stock of ammonium nitrate fertiliser haphazardly stored at the city's port exploded and left swathes of the Lebanese capital looking like a war zone. What went down as one of the largest non-nuclear blasts in history killed at least 214 people, levelled entire neighbourhoods, irreparably scarred the nation's psyche and deepened the country's economic abyss. At the clock struck 6:07 pm, the exact time of the blast, thousands stood silently on the empty highway running past the obliterated port, the ruins of its grain silos basking in the evening sunshine. Sandra Abras, 43, said she had come to pay respect to the victims after she was lucky to survive the explosion, but her home was ravaged in the blast. "We weren't able to return home for a month and a half... We fixed it with our own money," she said, adding she suffered terrible headaches for months after the event. Lawyers, doctors and engineers also joined in to pay tribute to those who perished in the blast, whose shockwave was felt as far away as Cyprus. Port workers were buried under gutted grain silos in the explosion, commuters crushed to death and residents lacerated by supersonic shards of glass bled out in their homes. 'My Government Killed My People' At the march a year later, protesters clad in dark hooded robes paraded a mock guillotine. "My 'government' killed my people, took our homes and turned our city to dust," one woman's sign read. Wafaa Karam, 37, mourned her brother, a nephew and a cousin, all firefighters killed last summer after they rushed to extinguish the fire that sparked the blast. "We want the truth," she said. The country's already reviled political class has hidden behind its proclaimed immunity to avoid prosecution, stalling the lead investigating judge's work at every turn. Jeffry Chartouni, a worker at the port's grain silos, said he wanted justice for his seven colleagues killed. "The security officials, the government, the customs, of course they all knew," the 32-year-old said. Since the blast, the country has sunk deeper into economic crisis. With more than half the population now living under the poverty line, former colonial power France Wednesday pledged $118 million and the United States promised $100 million, at the latest conference to drum up humanitarian aid. 'Nitrate Deputies' Amnesty International has accused the Lebanese authorities of "shamelessly obstructing" justice, while Human Rights Watch accused them of "criminal negligence". On Monday, relatives of blast victims called on authorities to lift immunity within three days, warning they were willing to "break bones" in upcoming protests. According to foreign and Lebanese intelligence reports seen by AFP, hundreds of tonnes of fertiliser were carelessly stored in the same warehouse as tonnes of fireworks and rolls of detonating cord, among other dangerous materials. The reports last year suggested welding work caused the original fire. But more thorough investigations have yet to ascertain that fact and answer how the shipment got there in the first place, or why the hazardous materials were left to fester for years. Lebanon's parliamentarians -- some of whom have been nicknamed the "nitrate deputies" on social media -- are ignoring intense international pressure and threats of sanctions. The political class has also yet to agree on a new cabinet to replace the one that resigned after the explosion, a key condition to unlock any financial assistance to the cash-strapped state. Lebanon's descent into chaos had already started before the port blast, with a bankrupt state trapping people's savings in banks and the national currency nosediving on the black market. The country is now facing medicine, fuel and clean water shortages that are crippling a health sector facing a new wave of Covid infections and leading all of those who can to emigrate. Short link: Israel summoned Wednesday ambassadors of U.N. Security Council member states and urged for action against Iran following last week's drone strike off the coast of Oman on a merchant vessel linked to an Israeli billionaire. A joint statement by the defense and foreign affairs ministry said that Israel called on the diplomats to have their governments ``set clear boundaries for Iran ... to cease its aggressive conduct.'' At the same time, it restated that ``Israel will maintain the right to act independently in the face of any attack or threat to its citizens and sovereignty.'' The United States, Britain and Israel have all blamed Iran for the drone strike on the Mercer Street last week that killed two, a British national and a Romanian. Iran has denied involvement in the incident. While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack, Iran and its militia allies have used similar so-called ``suicide'' drones in attacks around the region. The Persian Gulf has seen a rise in attacks on commercial vessels in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Iran nuclear deal in 2018. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz told diplomats that Iran ``violated all of the guidelines'' set in the now defunct nuclear deal, saying it was ``time for diplomatic, economic and even military deeds _ otherwise the attacks will continue.'' Israel has called for international pressure to halt what it has described as growing regional aggression by Iran, while also threatening to act alone to prevent its arch-enemy from obtaining nuclear weapons. ``This is an attack on the world's trade routes, this is an attack on freedom of movement. This is an international crime,'' said Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. Short link: Ankara has criticised a US plan to use third countries such as Turkey to resettle thousands of Afghans who risk being targeted by Taliban insurgents over their US links. Less than a month before the United States is set to end its longest-ever war, the State Department on Monday announced a new refugee admissions programme for Afghan nationals. The programme covers interpreters and translators who worked with US forces, Afghans involved with US-funded projects and those employed by US-based NGOs or media organisations. It involves resettling the Afghans in third countries in the region for around a year while their paperwork is processed. But Turkey, which is already home to more than four million migrants ,most from war-torn Syria said it was never consulted. "It's unacceptable to seek a solution to the problem in our country without our country's consent," the foreign ministry said in a statement issued late Tuesday. The State Department referred to Turkey as one possible relocation point, also mentioning Pakistan. But the Turkish ministry said the US plan would lead to a "big migration crisis in our region", adding it lacked the capacity to deal with "a new migration crisis on behalf of a third country". With the ongoing withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan, Turkey fears a new influx of refugees. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Turkish officials were holding high-level talks over the issue with Afghan counterparts. The issue is also likely to feature in talks between Ankara and Brussels about updating a 2016 deal under which Turkey received aid for hosting migrants seeking refuge in the Europe Union. Asked about the number of Afghan arrivals in Turkey, a senior State Department official said on Monday: "I don't have numbers on Turkey. "I would say we haven't seen major large outflows of people yet, but we have seen some numbers of people crossing, but not large numbers yet." The Turkish foreign ministry said if the US wanted to take in the Afghans, it could do so through "direct flights". Short link: Cuba's hot spot for COVID-19 infections has shifted to the central province of Ciego de Avila, where officials are converting hotels into hospitals. Instead of tourists, the Hotel Ciego de Avila will hold up to 240 low-risk pediatric patients, officials say, while the Las Canas Motel will have 53 beds for pregnant women with the coronavirus. They are also ordering isolation of whole households when a virus is detected. 'The people are very frightened. Every day, more sick, more deaths _ a relative, a neighbor, a friend,' said Mayi Del Valle, a 49-year-old library worker from the town of Ceballos in the province, speaking by phone Wednesday. 'There are people treating COVID in their houses based on herbs.'' Cuba's national director of epidemiology, Francisco Duran, said Wednesday that the province accounted for 23 of the 98 new deaths from COVID-19 recorded the previous day in the country of 11 million people _ the nation's highest death toll yet in the pandemic. The province of some 430,000 people had about twice as many deaths as in the capital of Havana, a city of 2 million. The west-central province of Matanzas, famed for the beach resort Varadero, was the center of infection last month, but the wave there seems to have receded. Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia and Health Minister Jose Angel Portales were sent to Ciego de Avila, about 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of Havana, and government news media said official were sending more ambulances and 100 bicitaxis, which can be used for logistical support. Since the start of the pandemic, Cuba has recorded 3,091 deaths and 422,614 confirmed infections, a huge share of them just in recent weeks. The country had been highly successful in keeping the virus at bay last year, but cases began shooting up after a brief period of relaxed controls at the start of 2021. The Pan American Health Organization also expressed concern Wednesday about rising infections in Cuba. 'This is due to the delta variant, which has been reported by authorities in various places in the country,' said Ciro Ugarte, director of health emergencies for the organization, during a news conference in Washington. Short link: Egypt disbursed EGP 37.3 million as green incentives for citizens who wanted to replace their old cars with new vehicles that run on natural gas, Minister of Finance Mohamed Maait announced on Wednesday. Maait clarified that the sums were disbursed from April, when new car deliveries were begun, through July, adding that 3,000 cars were handed in this period. Some 1,700 natural gas-run cars are expected to be delivered to their new owners in August as part of the government efforts to accelerate green transformation and consume clean energy resources, according to Maait. Egypt launched in March the presidential initiative to replace old cars with new vehicles that run on natural gas. CEO of of the initiative Amgad Mounir stated that 3,472 old cars were scrapped, adding that the initiative received 217 requests from old minibus owners to obtain new cars that run on natural gas in the governorates where the first phase of the initiative was implemented. Under the initiative, the natural gas-run cars are required to be assembled in Egypt with at least 45 percent of their components manufactured locally. The Ministry of Finance, through its Fund to Finance the Purchase of Certain Express Transportation Vehicles, manages the mechanism of the presidential initiative and its electronic platform. Short link: Under the slogan Truth, Harmony and Hope comes the latest edition of the Thoth festival, which will be held at the premises of New-Hermopolis in Malawi, Minya (24-30 October 2021). Yesterday, at the premises of the House of Egyptian Architecture, the press conference for the seventh Thoth festival was announced. Thoth, or Tehuti, was the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, divine words and the inventor of the hieroglyphs, symbolised by baboons and the ibis. With the aim of reviving such concepts and having Egyptians reconnect with their ancient origins, Mervat Abdel-Nasser, a consultant psychiatrist, researcher in Egyptology and writer, founded the Thoth festival seven years ago. "The ancient annual festival of Thoth was usually held on the 19th of Tut (the ancient Egyptian/Coptic month), but I pushed it to 28 October because it is the death anniversary of Taha Hussein," Abdel-Nasser explained. Hussein was a renowned Egyptian thinker and writer, dubbed the dean of Arabic literature. Born in Minya, he always believed that the only way for a new Egypt to manifest is to reconnect with ancient Egypt, she added, explaining that it was Hussein who singlehandedly managed to save the papyrus of Naga Hamadi, Qena. This year, the festival will take place in New Hermopolis, which is a village of creativity, as Abdel-Nasser describes it. New Hermopolis aims to be the revival of the concept of the ancient City of Hermopolis, known as the city of creativity, philosophy and enlightenment, where the Hermetic philosophical writing Hermetica was created in the first century BC. "The festival's activities shall include Gathering Hope activities, where the participants will follow in the footsteps of their ancient ancestors and scribble their wishes on pieces of pottery, or Ostraca, as it is known in Egyptology," explained Abdel-Nasser. The festival will also see a documentation of Bygone architecture of the area, she noted. as well as an interactive theatre activity shall take place. Short link: Egypts Culture Minister Ines Abdel-Dayem on Tuesday led an honouring ceremony for the makers of 'Reesh' (Feathers), the debut feature film of director Omar El-Zohairy, celebrating its triumph in Cannes. Feathers premiered in Paris in mid-July, winning the Critics' Week Grand Prize (Semaine de la Critique) as well as the International Federation of Film Critics Award for best first feature in parallel sections at the 74th Cannes Film Festival. This is a historic achievement as it is also the first Egyptian participation in the competition, stated Abdel-Dayem during the ceremony attended by tens of filmmakers, critics and cinema personas at the Tharwat Okasha Hall of the National Cinema Centre. The director and most of the crew were honored, including producers Mohamed Hefzy and Shahinaz El-Akkad, as well as DOP Kamal Samy and editor Hisham Saqr, in addition to the casts rising talents; Demyana Nassar, Samy Bassouny, Fady Mina Fawzy, Abu Sefen Nabil Wesa, Mohamed Abdel-Hady and others. Feathers is a 112-minute Arabic-language film that explores the adventures of a mother who is stuck in a repetitive daily routine when a magician mistakenly turns her strict husband into a chicken, forcing her to adapt while going through a rough and absurd transformation. Feathers will be premiering in Egypt in October as part of its participation in the Gouna Film Festival's fifth edition, which is scheduled for 14 to 22 October. For more arts and culture news and updates, follow Ahram Online Arts and Culture on Twitter at @AhramOnlineArts and on Facebook at Ahram Online: Arts & Culture Short link: Throughout the past year anyone wishing to travel was at a loss, especially those travelling to destinations requiring full coronavirus vaccinations, or wishing to avoid days of unnecessary quarantine.Sherine Khaled, who will soon be travelling for the first time to study in France, must get the vaccine before she leaves at the end of the month, otherwise she will be stuck in quarantine for days, unable to open a bank account or check in with her university.Khaled was excited to hear that specialised centres dedicated for travel had opened to vaccinate and issue vaccination certificates. She is hoping to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because it is a single dose so she would not have to wait for a second shot or to quarantine when she travels.Likewise, Noha Yehia, who is scheduled to travel to the Netherlands, cannot wait for these centre to fully operate. She already took her first dose of AstraZeneca in June and hopes to get her second jab before she leaves.Both Khaled and Yehia have been repeatedly trying to call the hotline 15335 dedicated by the Health Ministry for questions related to the Covid-19 vaccination to ask how they need to proceed, but never succeeded in getting through.Though the new centres have not yet started giving jabs to travellers, they are giving the QR coded vaccination certificates to those already vaccinated. QR coded certificates have become a requirement for travellers.We were relieved to hear that specialised centres dedicated for travel purposes have been set up, said one of three women in their 30s who were drinking soft drinks outside Nasr City health centre, one of the specialised centres. However, they said, almost in unison, that happiness vanished once we arrived.We are now [3pm] drinking soft drinks to celebrate the achievement of obtaining the QR coded certificates, a process that started five hours earlier, one of them said preferring to remain anonymous. Though they appeared exhausted, they were rejoicing the moment of accomplishing their mission.Monday was the second operating day for the Nasr City health centre, one of six centres in Cairo and 126 nationwide, that started issuing certificates for those who wish to travel by documenting that they were vaccinated against the coronavirus.The three, who work as medical staff members in Saudi Arabia, told Al-Ahram Weekly that their complaint is that what should have been a less than five-minute process, in which the QR coded certificate is printed, took five hours to be received. Long queues, no order, no precautions, the three girls said, adding that at 10am their number at the waiting list was 150.The recently-issued certificates are secured by Egypts recently-inaugurated Secured and Smart Documents Complex and have QR codes, which can easily be verified at airports worldwide, according to Health Ministry Spokesperson Khaled Megahed.By scanning the QR code of the new certificate, which costs LE100 for Egyptians and $10 for non-Egyptians, via a mobile phone, the certificate holders information will appear, Megahed said.The specialised centres aim at cutting short multiple procedures for travellers who earlier had to obtain a vaccination certificate from the Ministry of Health before certifying it at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Hassan Abdel-Gawwad, a 41-year-old accountant who works in Saudi Arabia, was among those waiting outside. He told the Weekly the process to obtain the new QR coded certificates is cumbersome and wastes a lot of time and energy.As long as the QR coded certificate here in Egypt is intended to be used digitally why dont they ask us to pay the due fees online, and then receive the digital certificate online, or at least give us an appointment to receive it in person instead of waiting hours under the sun to only enter the centre and wait again and waste more time in a new queue, Abdel-Gawwad asked.The Nasr City health centre, which only has one computer and a printer, issued about 250 certificates during the first day of operation, and 350 on the second.The Health Ministry is currently finalising an application, Egypt Health Passport, in two versions for Android and iPhone to serve as an electronic health passport that can be used at international airports by showing the vaccination status, the Health Ministry spokesperson said.Given that a majority of countries have not approved Chinas two vaccines yet Sinopharm and Sinovac even though they have been approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO) the majority of those who wish to travel are choosing to be inoculated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, leading to its shortage.Many citizens, whose second doses were recently due, according to a previous text message received, have complained about the postponement of their second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine until 11 August, as new messages they recently received say.Egypt, which started its vaccination campaign in January, has imported millions of doses of the WHO-approved British AstraZeneca vaccine, in addition to the Chinese Sinopharm, and the Russian Sputnik V, which hasnt been approved by the WHO.The still unrecognised vaccines, especially the Chinese shots, will soon be within the loop. It is all about politics, Islam Anan, an epidemics specialist and a pharmaeconomics lecturer at Misr International University, told the Weekly.The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has yet to approve the Chinese vaccine, which means that countries that have traditionally depended on the FDAs lead are also delaying approval, Anan explains. But the delays, he argues, have nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine. What they do mean, however, is that Egypt needs to continue importing vaccines for those who wish to travel.According to Health Ministry officials, Egypt will receive in the coming days shipments of millions of doses of the AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer vaccines, which are required for travelling to the European Union, the United States, and some Gulf countries.Egypt will receive 148 million coronavirus vaccine doses between August and the end of the year, which are enough to vaccinate 83.7 million people, Health Minister Hala Zayed said on 29 July.From August until the end of the year, the country will receive 20 million Sputnik vaccine doses, 20 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, 35.6 million AstraZeneca doses and 2.4 million Pfizer doses, Zayed noted.In a meeting with Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli, Zayed stated that Egypt is cooperating with UNICEF to provide the country with 63 vaccine storage refrigerators free of charge.The refrigerators, with a total storage capacity of around 619,000 doses, will be used to store the Pfizer vaccine doses scheduled to arrive in Egypt within days, the minister said.According to Pfizer, there are three ways to store its vaccine: one by ultra-low-temperature freezers, which are commercially available and can extend shelf life for up to six months. The second is through the Pfizer thermal shippers, in which doses will arrive that can be used as temporary storage units by refilling with dry ice every five days for up to 30 days of storage, or in refrigeration units that are commonly available in hospitals in which the vaccine can be stored for five days at refrigerated 2-8C conditions.Though Egypt has announced plans to vaccinate 40 million citizens against the coronavirus by the end of the year, only 5.3 million doses were administered by 26 July, according to the WHO, reportedly due to a delay in vaccine delivery.Egypt has been witnessing a slight increase in daily detected cases which are still below the 100 infections, has so far reported 284,362 cases, including 16,535 deaths and 231,259 recoveries.Egypt will also receive during this period raw materials required to locally produce 70.2 million doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine, according to the minister. *A version of this article appears in print in the 5 August, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Lebanon sometimes looks for leaders who are not affiliated to any of its powerful forces or families as a way of easing tensions. In the case of new Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, this may at least partially explain how he managed to earn the votes of 72 out of 118 MPs with a mandate to form a new government. However, according to experts, there are no guarantees that Mikati, a successful businessman and ex-prime minister, will be able to form a new coalition government, at least not without regional and international support. Two of the countrys Sunni politicians have failed to do so since last Augusts devastating explosions in the Port of Beirut, the first being former diplomat Mustafa Adib who lost hopes of doing so after a month. The second was Saad Al-Hariri, another former prime minister and the son of former prime minister Rafik Al-Hariri. Saad Al-Hariri fought a nine-month battle with Lebanese President Michel Aoun, backed by the Shia group Hizbullah, over the new government line-up. After meeting with Aoun for less than half an hour on 15 July, he told reporters that it is clear that we will not be able to agree with the president on a new government. Al-Hariri had reportedly refused to give Aoun and Gebran Bassil, the presidents son-in-law and leader of the Christian Free Patriotic Movement, a third of the seats in the new cabinet including the interior and justice ministries. This is widely known as the blocking third in Lebanon, as the resignation of a third of the ministers inevitably leads to the collapse of the government. The context of Al-Hariris efforts counted for a lot, as the clashes took place against the background of French and EU sanctions against various Lebanese politicians for creating deadlock in the countrys politics and the halt of Arab financial support for Lebanon amid fears of total Hizbullah control and a heartbreaking set of socio-economic challenges. One US dollar is now worth 1,514 Lebanese pounds, and fuel prices have increased by more than a third after the caretaker government of Hassan Diab reduced subsidies. Lebanon is facing huge shortages of electricity, medicines, and basic supplies. How the country is able to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic at the same time is almost unimaginable. These are the conditions that Mikati has inherited, a man described by the international media as Harvard-educated who was the public works and transport minister in three cabinets from 1998 to 2004. He led the government for three years from June 2011 until February 2014, and he was prime minister for three months after Rafik Al-Hariris assassination and Syrias withdrawal from Lebanon in 2005. Those were tough times, but today things are if anything even harder, especially as Mikati cannot guarantee the extent of any European and US support he will receive. When French President Emmanuel Macron came to Lebanon in August last year, he met with Hizbullah MPs, and, as reported in the French newspaper Le Figaro at the time, told them he wanted to work with them. Similarly, the Biden administration is set to lift sanctions on Hizbullahs patron in Tehran, which will trickle down eventually to Hizbullah and through it also to Lebanon. In other words, the US posture towards Iran, and Frances towards Hizbullah, makes the proposition of EU sanctions even more moot, Tony Badran, a Lebanon expert at the Washington-based Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, told Al-Ahram Weekly two days before Al-Hariri stepped down. Meanwhile, Mikati does not seem to be optimistic about his prospects either, saying on Monday that frankly, with regard to the government, I was hoping the pace would be faster after a meeting with Aoun. This is one reason why Lebanon will need the support of regional actors, including Egypt, to finalise the formation of a new government. Egypts President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi met Al-Hariri in Cairo in July and reaffirmed Egypts full support for Al-Hariris political path, which aims at restoring stability to Lebanon. On 31 July, Egypts Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri noted that Egypt wants to help Lebanon end its current crisis, stressing that there are strong relations between Egypt and the Lebanese people. His comments came during a meeting with Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra, a sign that settling the Lebanese crisis is a regional priority for Egypt. Egypt has been providing financial and technical assistance to the Lebanese port sector since last years blasts, Egyptian Ambassador to Lebanon Yasser Elwi said on 29 July. The announcement followed the Egyptian Arab Contractors Company being awarded a project to develop the northern port of Tripoli and its facilities. Further economic and technological projects by Egypt in Lebanon will follow, Elwi said. Rabha Seif Allam, a Lebanon expert at the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo, said that several political forces in Lebanon have said they will not join Mikatis government, especially since a new one will be negotiated after next years parliamentary elections. She said that Egypt has always represented the voice of wisdom in Lebanon, especially when the parties in Lebanese politics have been backed by regional forces such as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Its willingness to deal with all the parties in Lebanese politics sets Egypt apart from other states in the region. Egypt has very good relations with Shia Parliamentary Speaker Nabih Berri, Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, and leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea, Allam said. The reason is that Egypt does not back one Lebanese side against the other. It backs all the state institutions in Lebanon, including the army, and it has played an important role in the selection of the Lebanese mufti, who is independent, she said. Egyptian companies, especially those working in the fields of electricity and energy, have always been present in Lebanon. After the 2006 war, Egypt contributed to the reconstruction of many electricity facilities in the country, she added. She said that Turkey had sought to win the Tripoli port project in order to replace the port destroyed in Beirut and that Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups in the northern city had welcomed the Turkish step. It was highly competent on Egypts part to earn what the Turks were looking forward to getting, Allam concluded. *A version of this article appears in print in the 5 August, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Beirut blast anniversary A general view shows the damaged grain silos at the port on August 4, 2021, as Lebanon marks a year since a cataclysmic explosion ravaged the capital Beirut. AFP Beirut blast anniversary A man, right, hangs a giant Lebanese flag on a building that was damaged during last year's seaport blast during a commemoration in Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. AFP Beirut blast anniversary Banners hang on buildings that were damaged during the last year seaport explosion during a commemoration of the first year blast anniversary in Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. AFP Beirut blast anniversary Citizens stands on their apartment balcony under a giant banner that hangs on a building damaged during last year's seaport explosion during a one year commemoration in Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. AFP Beirut blast anniversary A truck blocks a road leading to the highway facing Beirut's harbour with banners hanging on a building damaged during last year's port blast across the street, as Lebanon marks on August 4, 2021. AFP Beirut blast anniversary Police hold flowers to mark the first anniversary of Beirut's massive 2020 seaport blast in Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. AP Beirut blast anniversary Brazilian former soccer star Ronaldinho, lays a wreath at Martyrs' statue at the firefighter headquarters in solidarity with the firefighters who died in last year's massive blast at Beirut's seaport, in Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday, July 29, 2021 The United Nations says about 20 peacekeepers in the force charged with monitoring the cease-fire between Israel and Syrian troops on the Golan Heights have been detained by approximately 30 armed fighters. UN deputy spokesman Eduardo del Buey says the UN observers were on a regular supply mission Wednesday when they were stopped near an observation post which sustained damage and was evacuated last weekend following heavy combat. He said the UN peacekeeping mission has dispatched a team to assess the situation and attempt a resolution. Short link: In an article of mine that appeared in Al-Masry Al-Youm on 5 May 2013, The four faces of the revolution, I attempted to depict the general course of events in Egypt for two and a half years since January 2011, and to forecast what lay ahead. At the time, the drums heralding the 30 June Revolution had begun to thunder, and there was as much hope in the air as anxiety. The first element was the enthusiasm of young people whose romanticism, idealism and chants for bread, freedom, social justice and human dignity infected many who had not taken part in the revolution and may initially have been alarmed by it. It led them to embrace the hope for a new beginning in which these ideals would be translated into practical agendas. The second element were the Islamists in their various stripes, from the Muslim Brotherhood to the Salafis and jihadists, with their bouquet of ultra-conservative outlooks. As of 28 January 2011, they represented the physical bulk of the revolution. They are the ones who spearheaded the drive to paralyse the police, after which they steered the transition from the old regime to their vision of a new system inspired by the doctrinal foundations of the Iranian regime. Thirdly, there were opponents to the former Mubarak regime. Their demands were more modest: the old system but with the addition of a fair and just democratic mechanism, or so they said. The fourth element took the form of a curious mixture of revolution and anarchy. It expressed itself in various forms of violence, the only apparent political end of which was to make the perpetrators presence felt. Sometimes one sensed a desire to exact revenge on the state or undermine its prestige. Reports abounded of sexual harassment against women, and sometimes even men, and there were occasions when television viewers watched aghast while outright acts of carnage were carried out, as was the case at the Port Said Stadium. The perpetrators appeared to have no purpose other than spreading anarchy. They blocked roads, opposed law enforcement, insulted the police and judiciary and threatened anyone in an official capacity, from opposition figures to the president. Wherever the Arab spring inflicted its wounds, it produced iterations of the same elements, which never offered answers to that most crucial question: what about the future? The result was versions of the same never-ending story, since independence, of failure, inability to catch up with the developed world, and frequent inability to agree on the very idea of progress. There was much vacillating between arming ourselves for the competitive global market and recoiling into self-sufficiency, and much wavering over whether or not to engage in the Islamist race. In all cases, conspiracy theories were ready to hand to explain positions, justify behaviour and pave the way to evading constructive action. But despite all these problems, the effect of events was to make the major questions concerning progress more pressing than ever and to generate a surging social movement that gave rise to a fifth element of the revolution: a drive to rebuild the modern nation state. This trend emerged in many Arab countries, each according to its particular pace, as we saw in the second wave of the Arab Spring from Sudan, Iraq and Lebanon to Algeria and most recently Tunisia. What they all had in common was the newfound conviction that the key to saving ourselves resided in the nation state, and freedom from sectarian divisions, religious pretence and foreign interventions that tear societies apart. In fact, the ideas borne by the second wave of the Arab Spring were deeply rooted in the Arab reformist movement that gained momentum in the first decade of this century. The primary tenets of this movement were that the state and society required radical change, that this change should be pursued in the framework of a national development project, and it would organise and systemise a process of modernisation grounded in national identity and carried out by institutions rooted in an ancient legacy and armed with the power to penetrate the barriers of the modern era, mobilise national resources and tap the great potentials sometimes latent in the very geography in which the process was designed to unfold. Nothing embodies that spirit more than events in Egypt since the June 2013 Revolution and in Saudi Arabia since 2015. Naturally, there were signs and indicators that foreshadowed these events, but it was the actual programmes and their implementation that turned history and geography into the propellants for building national identity, construction and progress, and the great foray into heretofore unfamiliar territory. As an Egyptian, I was surprised and overawed by the fantastic archaeological discoveries recently made in Saudi Arabia, proving that the beginning of that countrys history was much older than scientists both there and abroad had thought. Not only did these discoveries became part of the process of building Saudi national identity, they also added an important dimension to that countrys economic development programme, which is based on diversification. According to a recently released official statement, Saudi Arabia intends to attract 100 million tourists a year by 2030, and not just for the Hajj. The vision includes plans for a large diversity of tourist packages that includes tours to various historical and cultural heritage sites and centres, or leisure activities ranging from lolling on Red Sea beaches to safari excursions deep into the desert. Egypt has long had and benefited from such attractions. However, investment in them had always oscillated between ambition and the exigencies of war or political fluctuations in the region. Now, Egypt is undergoing another boom in historical discoveries, both on land and at sea, stimulating a new burst of interest in our countrys historical epochs, from the pharaonic, through the Hellenic and Roman eras, to the succession of Tulunid, Fatamid, Ayyubid and modern Islamic eras. All this history enriches the Egyptian identity, pushing it not to return to the past but to look forward to the future. Here, precisely, is where the modernising and reform drives on both sides of the Red Sea converge, even physically, in the African-Asian land bridge from the Nile Valley through Sinai to the Hijazi wadis, all brimming with histories of the holy treks of prophets and companions to the Prophet. Such geographic and historical realities have injected fresh blood into the Egyptian and Saudi national reconstruction drives. These drives are not about some mega projects here or others there. They are about the development of vast markets for the sciences, tourism, mining, manufacturing, export trade and other activities in a region protected not by the blessings of prophets but by the energy of young men and women who not only possess the virtue of the desire for change but also the potential to take their countries long strides forward into the future. History, in this context, is not just evolution over time. It is a geographical thrust, born of the womb of time, towards the development of a modern nation state equipped to hold its own in a competitive global environment without fear, hesitancy or false pride, and with the humility of nations confident in their abilities. *The writer is chairman of the board, CEO and director of the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies. *A version of this article appears in print in the 5 August, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Cairo welcomed Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra this week, a visit that demonstrated the strong, decades-old ties between the two countries. The late leader president Gamal Abdel-Nasser supported Algerias long, just war for independence from the French in the 1950s and early 1960s. Cairos Sawt Al-Arab (the Voice of Arabs) radio station was practically a mouthpiece for the Algerian resistance movement in its heroic struggle, and Nasser vehemently rejected French threats and pressure to end his support for the nationalist movement in Algeria. When Nasser visited the country of the one million martyrs after independence in 1962, he was welcomed as a hero, and spared no effort to help Algeria regain its Arab and African identities. Meanwhile, shortly after Algeria became indepent, its leaders earned worldwide respect for their wise foreign policy and diplomatic mediation to solve Arab and African conflicts, whether in Lebanon, during the war between Iraq and Iran or in African countries seeking independence from either French or British occupation. In the ongoing dispute over the disastrous effects of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on Egypt and Sudans legitimate share in Nile water, Algerian mediation can definitely benefit all three countries. Although Egypt and Sudan both strongly condemned Ethiopias second, unilateral filling of the GERD in early July, they continued to stress that the door remained open for reaching an agreement. Receiving the Algerian minister confirms Egypt and Sudans openness to any positive effort, particularly by African and Arab countries, to convince Addis Ababa to stop its procrastination policy and reach a fair, binding agreement with both Egypt and Sudan on the conditions for filling the GERD without causing drought and other, severe damage in both countries. Lamamra, who also visited Ethiopia and Sudan before his final stop in Cairo, has a tough mission ahead of him. The skillful diplomat is seeking not just to fix Ethiopias relations with Egypt, but also with the majority of Arab countries who expressed understanding for Egypts stand, and issued a statement by the Arab League in late June calling upon Ethiopia to act in good faith and stop wasting time in endless negotiations before reaching agreement with Egypt and Sudan. Lamamra rightly stated in his joint news conference with his Egyptian counterpart, Sameh Shoukri that the dispute between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt over the Nile dam was going through a critical stage. He also noted Egypts success in presenting the GERD on the world stage after failing to reach an agreement with Ethiopia for more than ten years, stating that the GERD dispute is a global issue for which the UN Security Council convened and is seen as one of the important world issues. Despite the sincere efforts by several friendly parties to mediate an agreement South Africa, the United States, the European Union and the current African Union president, the Democratic Republic of Congo Ethiopia has always rejected the outcome at the last moment, wrongly turning the GERD into a national issue in an attempt to unite the Ethiopian people behind an illusionary conspiracy they claimed Egypt was orchestrating to prevent the key African country from making the best use of its water resources. Lamamra also expressed his belief that it was very important for the three countries of the GERD to reach satisfactory solutions that fulfill each partys rights and ensure transparency in their relationship. Transparency, respect for binding agreements among the three countries on the distribution of Nile water dating back to 1902, and honouring the international laws organising cross-border rivers are exactly the key points that Ethiopia has disregarded over the past 10 years in its negotiations with Egypt and Sudan. A decade of negotiations over the hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile have failed to ensure that water will continue to flow downstream to Sudan and to Egypt in sufficient amounts, where 100 million people are dependent on the river as their sole source of water. Perhaps Algerias Foreign Minister Lamamra, might have a better chance, considering that the veteran diplomat has a long experience in Africa. His country also maintains close relations with both Egypt and Ethiopia, which might help ease Ethiopian intransigence and convince its leadership that friendly nations are also seeing the dangers of its unilateral behaviour while dealing with the GERDs serious harmful effects on both Egypt and Sudan. Besides the GERD, maintaining close coordination between Egypt and Algeria is also vital to restoring stability and ending the civil war in Libya, considering that both countries share borders with the war-torn nation. Egypt and Algeria also vowed to provide support for Tunisia after the latest developments there, and the decisions by the Tunisian president to suspend parliament and appoint a new prime minister in an attempt to put an end to the chaos caused by Ennahda Party, the Muslim Brotherhoods Tunisian branch. *A version of this article appears in print in the 5 August, 2021 edition of Al-Ahram Weekly Short link: Since the overthrow of Zine Al-Abidine bin Alis rule, Tunisia has experimented with two forms of government. The first is the parliamentary system, which was implemented from October 2011 until December 2013. In this system, parliament was the political centre of gravity with symbolic powers given to the president. Parliament was elected in a free and direct election by the people and it named the president. The second is the semi-parliamentary system. Despite the fact that the presidents terms of reference in the 2011 constitution were expanded, the assembly of the People's Representatives remained the political centre of gravity. During the implementation of the two systems, the battle on the terms of reference between the president on one hand and the head of government and parliamentary speaker on the other didnt stop. For instance, a conflict broke out in 2012 between President Moncef Marzouki and Hamadi Jebali from Ennahda Movement after the role of the Libyan prime minister, during Muammar Gaddafis rule, was handed over to the Libyan authorities without consulting with Marzouki. The Tunisian president regarded the move as a marginalisation of his role, branding it as a stab in the back. There was also a conflict between president Beji Caid Essebsi and Youssef Chahed, the head of the government who had the support of Ennahda Movement. The movement stood in the way of Essebsis attempts to dismiss Chahed. The battle for power paramounted during the presidency of Kais Saied. Rached Al-Ghannouchi, the parliament speaker and Ennahda Movement president, embarked on a series of moves abroad in violation of his constitutional terms of reference in an attempt to drag Tunisia into an ideological regional line-up. In response, Saied announced that there is only one president for Tunisia who represents it at home and abroad. As it did with Chahed, Ennahda manipulated Hichem Mechichi to exert pressure on the president and tried to impose ministers suspected of corruption. All this was taking place while there were other battles raging under the roof of the Assembly of the People's Representatives with the severe fragmentation in its constituents and without a clear political majority. Thus, sit-ins recurred in the assembly and its sessions were delayed. Heated arguments took place and verbal and physical assaults from Ennahdas representatives were launched against Abir Moussi, president of the Free Destourian Party. The message received by the public amid the Covid-19 pandemic and the deterioration of the economic situation is the political class total disconnection from everyday problems. With the 65th anniversary of Tunisian Independence approaching, angry crowds in several Tunisian cities went out on the streets demanding the parliament be dissolved and the government dismissed. Ennahda Movement headquarters was attacked since it bears a considerable part of the responsibility for the extended political crisis. The crowds, who are angry at the political class, had chosen Saied as president -- from outside the political arena two years ago -- and took him to the Carthage Palace. The aforementioned incidents provide the general context in which Saied took his decisions on 25 July, which included freezing parliament for 30 days and dismissing Mechichis government. Practically, the parliament was frozen and Mechichis government had been acting like a lame duck with nine vacant ministries run by acting ministers. Saied relied in those fateful decisions on Article 80 of the constitution which entitles him in a state of imminent danger threatening the integrity of the country and its security and independence to take the measures necessitated by this exceptional situation. These decisions have triggered widespread debate abound the extent of Parliament's commitment to literal constitutional texts. However, political crises require political flexibility within the frame of being committed to the spirit of the text. The Tunisian president made this crystal clear when he asserted the temporary nature of the decisions he took. The important question is: What's next? The Tunisian General Labour Union has moved in coordination with some civil society organisations to draft a roadmap and present it to the president on the day this article was to be published. It is known that the president himself has consulted with the Tunisian General Labour Union and leading civil society organisations to inform them of his viewpoint on the crisis; that there is a movement in the political arena but there is a need for speed in the light of the constitutional time frame. Perhaps one of the points that needs wide consensus is amending the constitution in a way that allows renewing the Tunisian political system; a renewal that consolidates the presidencys role without reproducing a regime like that of Habib Bourguiba or Zine Al-Abidine bin Ali. It is known that Article 143 of the Tunisian Constitution allows the president to present an initiative to amend the constitution and it grants priority for such a presidential initiative. Thus, the president can present his initiative to the Assembly of the People's Representatives when it resumes its sessions. It is expected that Ennahda Movement and Al-Karama Coalition, its Salafist ally, wont support this initiative because they benefit from the semi-parliamentary system by virtue of their organisational and mobilisation capabilities. However, together, they dont constitute parliamentary majority. We shouldnt forget that the Heart of Tunisia Party, which supported Ennahda for years and used to strengthen its stand against the president on the back of Ennahda, has moved after criticising the 25 July decisions for one day only to welcome them. This clarifies the state of political parties in Tunisia. To complete the picture, two observations ought to be noted. The first is that the judiciary has opened an investigation about whether Ennahda and the Heart of Tunisia Party received funds from abroad for their election campaigns in 2019. Yet, it is not known to what extent the investigation results will impact the balance of power in parliament. The second is that the experience of 2013 has made us accustomed to the fact that when Ennahda Movement is cornered, it retreats. Now it is cornered. Who could have imagined that demonstrators would have attacked Ennahda headquarters, even Al-Ghannouchis car? Some signs of Ennahdas retreat began to emerge already, whether when its supporters left the parliament area or through its call for national dialogue. When the constitutional amendment initiative is passed in parliament, early presidential and parliamentary elections can be held. Tunisia can turn the page on political instability under two main titles: just development and combating corruption. Short link: KYODO NEWS - Jul 29, 2021 - 13:40 | World, All China's new ambassador to Washington, Qin Gang, arrived in the United States on Wednesday, the Foreign Ministry said, with tensions between the two major powers showing few signs of easing soon. Qin, who served as deputy foreign minister prior to his new appointment, took a tough stance against the United States during his time as director general of the ministry's Information Department until 2011. China-U.S. relations have "once again come to a new critical juncture, facing not only many difficulties and challenges but also great opportunities and potentials," Qin told reporters upon arrival in the United States, according to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Washington. "As two big countries different in history, culture, social system and development stage, China and the United States are entering a new round of mutual exploration, understanding and adaptation, trying to find a way to get along with each other in the new era," he added. Qin's predecessor, Cui Tiankai, had been ambassador to the United States since 2013. The United States is also expected to replace its ambassador to China in the not-so-distant future with the administration of President Joe Biden in place since January. Beijing has been at loggerheads with Washington over a wide range of issues such as trade, state-of-the-art technology, Taiwan, Hong Kong and its alleged human rights abuses against the Muslim Uyghur minority in the far western Xinjiang region. Qin's arrival in the United States came just days after China lambasted the Biden administration for treating it as an "imagined enemy," calling on it to change what the Asian nation claims is its highly misguided mindset. During talks between Chinese officials and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman in Tianjin on Monday, China also urged the United States to rectify its "wrong" policies against the country, including revoking the visa restrictions on members of the ruling Communist Party. ASEAN foreign ministers agreed Wednesday to appoint Brunei diplomat Erywan Yusof as the group's special envoy to member country Myanmar, where the military seized power six months ago. Myanmar's junta's approved Erywan's appointment during a 40-minute special online meeting, which came two days after the ministers held talks without reaching a formal conclusion. Leaders of the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations agreed in April to send a special envoy to Myanmar in the wake of the Feb. 1 coup that ousted Aung San Suu Kyi's democratically elected government, but months passed without one chosen. The selection of Erywan, who is Brunei's second foreign minister, as the ASEAN special envoy is in fulfillment of a "five-point consensus" agreed upon at an extraordinary ASEAN summit held in Indonesia in April. A joint communique released Wednesday said the special envoy is tasked with "building trust and confidence with full access to all parties concerned and providing a clear timeline on the implementation of the five-point consensus." The Indonesian Foreign Ministry's Director General for ASEAN Cooperation Sidharto Suryodipuro told a press conference that the special envoy must report the results of his Myanmar visit at the next ASEAN foreign ministerial meeting in September. The diplomat stressed that the joint communique "cannot be seen as a (ASEAN) recognition of the military junta." He pointed out that, unlike previous years' communiques, the latest one does not start with the words "We, the Foreign Ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations..." The wording avoidance reflects the controversial participation in this week's series of ASEAN ministerial meetings of Myanmar's junta-appointed foreign minister Wunna Maung Lwin. ASEAN sources earlier said Indonesia opposed the candidacy of former Thai Deputy Foreign Minister Virasakdi Futrakul, who was apparently favored by Myanmar's junta. Other nominees put forward included Hassan Wirajuda, a former Indonesian foreign minister, and Razali Ismail, a Malaysian who was a U.N. special envoy for Myanmar in the 2000s. At Monday's meeting, Indonesia and Singapore had pushed for the selection of Erywan, whose country currently holds the rotating ASEAN chair. Bilahari Kausikan, former permanent secretary of Singapore's Foreign Ministry, described Erywan as "an excellent choice" and a "very experienced ASEAN hand." "But I hope ASEAN's friends and partners will not burden him with unrealistic expectations and by second-guessing his every move," he said. ASEAN groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. KYODO NEWS - Aug 4, 2021 - 08:59 | All, World, Coronavirus The administration of President Joe Biden said Tuesday that it has now donated and shipped more than 110 million doses of coronavirus vaccine to more than 60 countries, claiming it a "major milestone" that cements the United States as the global leader in COVID-19 vaccine donations. "According to the United Nations, this is more than the donations of all 24 countries that have donated any vaccine to other countries, including China and Russia -- all those nations combined," Biden said, naming the two countries that are engaging in their own vaccine diplomacy to exert influence on developing countries. Reiterating his view that the world is now in a race between democracies and autocracies like China and Russia, Biden said democracies of the world are looking to America to lead in two ways -- by controlling the virus at home and helping address the pandemic around the world. The Biden administration has committed to donate at least 80 million vaccine doses from the U.S. supply to countries throughout the world, with a majority of the vaccines shipped through the U.N.-backed COVAX global vaccine sharing program. Countries and regions that have benefited so far include Indonesia, which received 8 million doses, as well as Colombia and the Philippines, which each received around 6 million doses, according to the White House. Vietnam received 5 million shots and Taiwan 2.5 million shots. Starting at the end of this month, the administration said it will begin shipping half a billion Pfizer Inc. vaccine doses that the United States has pledged to purchase and donate to 100 low-income countries in need. At home, the Biden administration on Monday achieved its goal of inoculating 70 percent of adults in the United States with at least one shot, about a month later than it initially aimed to. But it has recently ramped up its vaccination campaign as the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus is pushing up the number of new daily cases to more than 75,000. KYODO NEWS - Aug 4, 2021 - 20:41 | Sports, News, All, Coronavirus The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee said Wednesday several confirmed COVID-19 cases among the Greek artistic swimming team are the first cluster of infections in the athletes' village, amid surging infections in Japan. "I have to say it is a cluster," a spokesman for the organizing committee, Masanori Takaya, said after it reported 29 more COVID-19 cases associated with the Olympics, the highest daily count, bringing the cumulative total to over 300. It said the 29 cases include three Greek artistic swimmers who were staying in the village for the Olympics, which began July 23 amid a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases propelled by the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus. Among the 12-member Greek artistic swimming team, four athletes and one official have tested positive for COVID-19. All the members, including seven who had tested negative for the virus, have already left the village and relocated to isolation facilities, according to the organizing committee. Greece said Tuesday it will withdraw from artistic swimming competitions. Despite the number of Olympic-related infections remaining relatively low, the Tokyo metropolitan government on Wednesday reported another daily record of 4,166 COVID-19 cases. "The Olympics have had an impact on people's consciousness," the government's top COVID-19 adviser Shigeru Omi told a parliamentary committee. As of early August, the Delta variant is believed to be responsible for roughly 90 percent of new infections in the Kanto region including Tokyo and its surrounding prefectures, according to Japan's National Institute of Infectious Diseases. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and senior government officials have stated there is no link between the ongoing games and the COVID-19 spike, stressing strict and adequate measures have been put in place to prevent the participants from coming into contact with the Japanese public. Among Olympic athletes and stakeholders, the virus positivity rate stood at 0.02 percent with over 500,000 tests conducted so far, Takaya said at a press briefing on Wednesday. The daily figure includes another athlete from overseas, the organizing committee said, without identifying from which country. Besides the athletes, they are 19 contractors and four volunteers and two games-linked officials. Of the total, 24 were residents of Japan. One case reported by the committee on Sunday proved to be negative later and was eliminated from the cumulative total, now standing at 322. The numbers do not include those announced by Japanese central and local governments. The Tokyo metropolitan police separately said it has confirmed a total of 23 COVID-19 cases among officers dispatched from across the country for Olympic security assistance. KYODO NEWS - Aug 5, 2021 - 05:35 | All, World, Coronavirus U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed to his counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations his strong concerns about the military coup in Myanmar and called on ASEAN to urge the junta toward restoring democracy, the government said Wednesday. After the virtual foreign ministerial meeting arranged on the same day by Brunei, the chair of ASEAN, Blinken tweeted that the 10-member group is "key to the future of the Indo-Pacific," apparently in mind of China's growing clout in the region. The top U.S. diplomat's attendance at the meeting came as the administration of President Joe Biden is stepping up engagement with Southeast Asian nations amid its ongoing efforts to shore up international support to counter China's assertiveness. Blinken and the ASEAN foreign ministers discussed regional and international challenges, including combating the coronavirus pandemic, acting boldly against the climate crisis, strengthening human capital development and the "urgency" of action on Myanmar, the State Department said in a press release. He stressed the U.S. contribution to the response to the pandemic, including donating more than 23 million vaccine doses to ASEAN member states, and announced that the United States plans to provide $500,000 to their COVID-19 response fund to support the purchase of vaccines, the department said. On Myanmar, the secretary of state "expressed grave concerns about the military coup" in the country and called on ASEAN to "take joint action to urge the military to end the violence, release all those unjustly detained, and restore Burma's path to democracy," it said. The situation in Myanmar, an ASEAN member, has sparked international condemnation as violence has been seen against anti-coup protesters by the country's security forces since the military ousted the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi in the Feb. 1 coup. The coup has reversed the Southeast Asian country's democratization less than a decade after its transition to civilian rule. Blinken said in a separate statement that he welcomed ASEAN's move to appoint Bruneian diplomat Erywan Yusof as special envoy to Myanmar, tasked with facilitating dialogue between the military rulers and their opponents. The envoy's appointment was endorsed during a meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers also held on Wednesday. ASEAN groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. In a related move, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman had a phone call with a representative of Myanmar's government in exile the same day, according to the State Department, the first such announced contact between a senior U.S. official and the National Unity Government for Myanmar. Sherman and Zin Mar Aung, who serves in the role of foreign minister of the NUG, discussed ongoing efforts to return Myanmar to a path to democracy, including continued U.S. support for the pro-democracy movement, the department said. They also held talks on efforts to combat rising coronavirus infections in Myanmar and to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of the country, it added. The NUG was established in April by members of the National League for Democracy party led by Suu Kyi. Shillong/Aizawl/Agartala/Kohima/Itanagar/Imphal: While Assams neighbours were on their toes on Monday to thwart possible infiltration of people who were left out of the NRC final draft, a prominent students body of the region called for extending the citizens register to the other Northeastern states. The final draft of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) was released in Assam on Monday. Lauding the Assam government for its achievement in preparing the draft NRC, the Northeast Students Organisation (NESO), an umbrella body of students of all the Northeastern states, demanded that the exercise be extended to the other states in the region as well as they too faced the illegal immigration problem. NESO chairman Samuel Jyrwa said, The NRC was one of the demands after the Assam Accord. Now, we desire that it should be extended to all the Northeastern states. Also Read | Assam NRC: Government did tardy job, must move swiftly to resolve crisis: Rahul Gandhi He added that the other Northeastern states also suffered due to illegal immigration. We have seen the quantum of rejections (people left out of the NRC final draft) in Assam and the states in the Northeast are extremely cautious lest these people run for refuge from Assam, Jyrwa said. The Meghalaya government held a high-level meeting to take stock of the situation along its border with Assam, officials said. The deputy commissioners and superintendents of police were asked to keep a close watch on the development in close coordination with their counterparts in Assam, state Additional Chief Secretary (home) Peter Ingty told PTI. The meeting was chaired by Chief Secretary Y Tsering and attended by Ingty, Home Commissioner S Kharlyngdoh and Director General of Police (DGP) Swaraj Bir Singh, the officials said. Also Read | Monsoon Session Highlights | What is the Centre's role in Assam NRC: Rajnath Singh to Opposition Ingty said there was no untoward incident reported so far and the state government had taken precautionary measures to prevent any breakdown of law and order, especially in the districts bordering Assam. We are undertaking a tight vigil and action will be taken against any trouble-monger or alleged infiltrators, the DGP said. Garo Hills has been kept on high alert as there are apprehensions that many of those, whose names do not figure in the final draft NRC, may use the plains areas there to enter Mizoram, a senior official from the Garo Hills division said. Meghalayas influential Khasi Students Union (KSU) called upon the traditional bodies and village elders to detect and report any spill-over incidents. KSU president L Marngar said, Those rejected from Assam will certainly now use Meghalaya as a refuge. Unlike Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, who have the Inner Line Permit (ILP) provisions, Meghalaya does not have such facilities to detect influx. The Arunachal Pradesh government has issued advisories to the police department to maintain a strict vigil on all the check-gates of the state and carry out frisking of dubious people. As Arunachal shares an about 804-km boundary with Assam, the state government is apprehensive that many people from that state may try to sneak in, fearing deportation. Also Read | Manipur encounters: Expedite probe, issue involves life, death, says All the check-gates have been put on a high alert and the security personnel have been asked to go for rigorous checking of all those entering the state, senior Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police Tusar Taba said. He said the SPs) of all the districts bordering Assam were instructed to keep a close watch on the situation. The Mizoram government did not sound any security alerts in view of the publication of the final draft of the NRC in Assam, a senior state police official said. Nagaland, which shares one of the longest borders with Assam, has also been kept on high alert. The Nagaland police has deployed additional forces in the border areas, including Indian Reserve Battalion (IRB) units, Chief Secretary Temjen Toy said. Six districts of the stateKohima, Dimapur, Mokokchung, Wokha, Mon and Longlengshared the border with Assam, he said, adding, We are keeping a close watch on any possibilities of influx. The state government had also written to the village councils, asking them to remain vigilant and not to allow illegal immigrants to enter their areas or employ them in any manner, he said. Meanwhile, security was beefed up in Tripura, along its 100-km border with Assams Karimganj district. Also Read | Highlights | Assam's final NRC draft released; 2.89 crore people included in the list We have beefed up security along the Assam-Tripura border, apprehending infiltration of people from the neighbouring state. We are keeping a close vigil on the border, Sub-Divisional Police Officer of Dharmanagar in North Tripura district Dhiman Das Chowdhury told PTI. The Opposition CPI-M said it was against the revision of the NRC in Tripura, while the ruling BJP said it did not see any possibility of Assams NRC revision affecting Tripuras demographic balance. State CPM secretary Bijan Dhar said his party opposed the NRC revision in Tripura, adding that they had earlier clarified their stand on the issue. Also Read | Manipur: 10 injured as mob attacks police We have not discussed the matter in a party forum yet. I do not see any possibility of Assams NRC revision impacting Tripuras demographic balance, state BJP spokesperson Mrinal Kanti Deb said. In Manipur, police are on the lookout for bamboo structures over the Barak river, which could be used by the immigrants to cross over to the state. Chief Minister N Biren Singh told reporters, Vigilance along the Barak river, which flows in Jiribam district, has been enhanced and the police have been directed to cross-check suspicious individuals. Washington: President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he has spoken with the National Rifle Association about downloadable directions others want to provide for people to make 3D-printed guns, adding that the idea doesnt seem to make much sense! Trump tweeted he is looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public and already spoke to NRA. He did not offer further details, and the White House did not immediately provide additional clarity. The National Rifle Association did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Eight have filed suit against the Trump administration over its decision to allow a Texas company to publish downloadable blueprints for a 3D-printed gun, contending that such hard-to-trace plastic weapons are a boon to terrorists and criminals and threaten public safety. The suit, filed on Monday in Seattle, asks a judge to block the federal governments late-June settlement with Defense Distributed, which allowed the company to make the plans available online. Trump softens tone over Iran, says he is ready to meet President Rouhani Democrats held a news conference today, calling on the administration to reverse the decision. Senators said Trump has the power to stop the company from making downloadable plans available online. Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal said if Trump fails to act, blood is going to be on his hands. People can use the blueprints to manufacture plastic guns using a 3D printer. But gun industry experts have expressed doubt that criminals would go to the trouble, since the printers needed to make the guns are very expensive, the guns themselves tend to disintegrate quickly and traditional firearms are easy to come by. Unlike traditional firearms that can fire thousands of rounds in their lifetimes, the 3D-printed guns normally last only a few rounds before they fall apart, experts say. They dont have magazines that allow the usual nine or 15 rounds to be carried; instead, they usually hold a bullet or two and then must be manually loaded afterward. And theyre not usually very accurate. Cody Wilson, the founder of Defense Distributed, first published downloadable designs for a 3D-printed firearm in 2013. The plans were downloaded about 100,000 times until the State Department ordered him to cease, contending the effort violated federal export laws since some of the blueprints were downloaded by people outside the United States. Trump willing to shut down government over border security The State Department reversed course in late June, agreeing to allow Wilson to resume posting the blueprints. The company filed its own suit in Texas on Sunday, asserting that its the victim of an ideologically fueled program of intimidation and harassment that violates the companys First Amendment rights. Meanwhile, Defence Distributed agreed to block temporarily Pennsylvania residents from downloading the plans after state officials went to federal court in Philadelphia on Sunday seeking an emergency order. The company said it has also blocked access to users in New Jersey and Los Angeles. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Kolkata: West Bengal Assembly passes motion against NRC final draft Kolkata, Jul 31 (PTI) The West Bengal Assembly passed on Tuesday a motion against the final draft of the National Register of Citizens in Assam and adopted an unanimous proposal condemning it. The motion was moved under the Rule 185 by state Parliamentary Affairs Minister Partha Chatterjee. We have to stage a protest together irrespective of our political colour. The NRC is nothing but a game plan for vote bank politics, Chatterjee said. He claimed several well-known people have expressed their wish to visit Assam in this connection. Leader of Opposition Abdul Mannan (Congress) questioned the silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue and said that if needed political parties might visit the national capital to stage protest against the NRC in Assam. NRC draft to cause 'civil war', 'bloodbath' in India, warns Mamata Banerjee Senior CPI(M) leader and Left Front legislature party leader Sujan Chakraborty expressed his concern and described the entire exercise as anti-human. The BJPs three MLAs were not present in the House during the discussion on the motion. Mannan and Chakraborty had yesterday demanded that a motion be brought in the Assembly to discuss the issue. Registrar General of India Sailesh had announced in Guwahati on Monday that 2,89,83,677 people were found to be eligible for inclusion in the final draft of the NRC out of a total 3,29,91,384 applicants and around 40.07 lakh of them did not find a place in the document. The fate of these about 40 lakh people remains in limbo with the Centre declining to comment on their citizenship status. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday warned that exclusion of 4 million people from National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam could lead to bloodbath and a civil war in the country. No coercive action will be taken over Assam's NRC list: Supreme Court She also asked Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh to clarify whether the Centre intends to carry out an exercise similar to NRC-Assam in her state. Banerjee had hit out at the Centre yesterday accusing it of resorting to vote bank politics. This divide and rule policy will finish the country, she told a press conference in Kolkata and alleged it was a gameplan to isolate and throw out of the state Bengali speaking people and Biharis. Banerjee also claimed that names of people who have passports, Aadhaar and voter cards have also been excluded from the final draft. Assam, which has witnessed an influx of people from neighbouring Bangladesh since the early 20th century, is the only state to have the NRC, which was first prepared in 1951. Assam NRC Draft: Who are more important - Indians or Bangladeshis, Amit Shah asks Opposition The current NRC is being updated with March 24, 1971 as the cut-off date to include names of genuine Indian citizens. For all the Latest India News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. Putrajaya : A long-awaited official report into the disappearance of Flight MH370 gave no new clues today about why the Malaysian plane vanished, sparking anger and disappointment among relatives of those on board. The report from the official investigation team pointed to failings by air traffic controllers and suggested the Malaysia Airlines plane was likely diverted from its flight path manually, rather than due to a mechanical fault. But it said the Boeing 777 jet, which vanished over four years ago as it flew from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board, was airworthy and the pilots were in a fit state to fly. After years of fruitless searching in the worlds most enduring aviation mystery, the report offered nothing concrete to grieving relatives of passengersmost of whom were Chineseand crew hoping for some sort of closure. The team is unable to determine the real cause for the disappearance of MH370, concluded the largely technical 400-page report. Relatives who were briefed at the transport ministry before the reports public release expressed anger that there was nothing new in the document, with some storming out of the briefing as frustration boiled over. ALSO READ : Maharashtra bus accident: NDRF rescues 30 bodies from the spot; search operation ends It is so disappointing, said Intan Maizura Othman, whose husband was a steward on MH370. I am frustrated. There is nothing new in the report. Those who gave the briefing from the ministry of transport were not able to give answers as they were not (the ones) who wrote the report. She said the meeting between relatives and officials descended into a shouting match as family members frustration boiled over. Many asked questions, said G. Subramaniam, who lost a son on the flight, but added that unsatisfactory responses left many angry. The disappearance of MH370 triggered the largest hunt in aviation history. But no sign of the jet was found in a 120,000-square kilometre Indian Ocean search zone and the Australian-led hunt was suspended in January last year. US exploration firm Ocean Infinity resumed the search in a different location at the start of this year on a no find, no fee basis, using high-tech drones to scour the seabed. But that search was also called off after failing to find anything. Only three confirmed fragments of MH370 have been found, all of them on western Indian Ocean shores, including a two-metre wing part known as a flaperon. Malaysias new government, which took power in May, has said the hunt could be resumed but only if new evidence comes to light and officials have seemed keen to draw under a line the tragedy. One area that came in for criticism in the report by the 19-member investigation team, which included foreign investigators, was air traffic control. It said both Malaysian air traffic control and their Vietnamese counterparts failed to act properly when the Boeing jet passed from Malaysian to Vietnamese airspace and disappeared from radars. Air traffic controllers did not initiate emergency procedures in a timely fashion, delaying the start of the search and rescue operation, it said. However, it played down concerns about the pilot and first officer, saying neither appeared to have suffered difficulties in their personal lives that could have affected their ability to fly. It also said the plane was airworthy and did not have major technical issues. This, however, meant that the planes change of course was likely made while the aircraft was under manual control and not the autopilot, the report said. For all the Latest World News, Download News Nation Android and iOS Mobile Apps. New Delhi: India has become the President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on August 1. India will chair the Security Council for the entire month of August. India has made it clear that it will give priority to maritime security, peace process, and fight against terrorism in the role of president of UNSC. The timing of India's chairmanship of the UNSC is considered crucial. In fact, American troops are returning again from Afghanistan. The Taliban, the terror group, is increasing its strength there. The 2 years of removal of Section 370 in Kashmir are coming to an end on 5th August. India will also celebrate its 75th Independence Day this month. The entire world is watching India's chairmanship in the Security Council. What is the history of the UNSC? After the Second World War, the United Nations (UN) was established with the objective of promoting peace, security, and friendly relations between the countries. The United Nations has 6 major organs, of which UNSC is also a part. Its main function is to ensure peace and security all over the world. The first meeting of the UNSC was held on 17th January 1946. There were 11 members in the Security Council at the time of formation. In 1965, the number was increased to 15. Out of the total 15 Member States of the Security Council, 5 are permanent and 10 are temporary. The permanent members include the US, UK, France, Russia, and China. If any of the permanent members disagree with a decision, it can use veto power to prevent that decision from being passed. In addition to these 5 permanent countries, 10 temporary countries are also included in the UNSC for 2 years. These are selected on a regional basis. Five of these 10 temporary seats are provided for Africa and Asian countries, one to Eastern European countries, two Latin American and Caribbean countries, and two to Western European and other countries. A country is made a member-only when two-thirds of the countries vote in favour of that country. India has become a temporary member of the UNSC for the 8th time in January. India got 184 out of 192 votes in the voting held in June last year. India will remain a member of the Security Council till 31st December 2022. Tell you that the chairmanship of the UNSC varies every month. In the chronological order of English words, the Member State gets the chairmanship per month. It was headed by France in July before India. Ireland will be given the responsibility in September. India will be the President of the UNSC 2 times in its 2-year tenure. What is the problem before India? In fact, India has been trying to be a permanent member of the UNSC for a long time, but China is the biggest hurdle in India's path. Apart from China, France, the USA, Russia, and the UK have agreed to make India a permanent member of the UNSC, but China has been opposing India's permanent membership on different pretexts. At the same time, there have been several demands for changes in the structure of the UNSC. It is argued that developing countries are underrepresented in UNSC, but permanent members do not want any change and another country gets veto power. Apart from India, Japan, Germany, and Brazil are also trying to become permanent members of the Security Council. Will India get permanent membership after becoming UNSC President? According to Dr. Sudhir Suthar, professor at the Centre for Political Studies, JNU, India's leadership of the Security Council is an administrative matter. There is no diplomatic strategy. At the same time, the agenda of each meeting is already decided. So you are unlikely to do too much new. The demand for expansion of the Security Council in UN member states has been rising for decades, but no change is likely unless the five permanent members agree. Bengaluru: Number of micro containment zones rose to 141 due to Covid spread Nancy Bhabhi reveals big about Raj Kundra, tells story of dirty films IND vs ENG Test Match Predicted XIs: Know More Ind vs Eng 2021 Tokyo Olympics: India freestyle wrestler Ravi Kumar Dahiya stormed into the finals of the men's freestyle 57kg category at the Tokyo Olympics after beating Kazakhstan's Nurislam Sanayev in the semi-finals on Wednesday. The Indian wrestler won by fall. Dahiya will now fight at the finals on Thursday and he is the first to enter the final since Sushil in 2012. In the first period, Ravi Dahiya managed to take a 2-1 lead and in the second period, the pressure was entirely on Sanayev. Sanayev bounced back strongly in the second period and he quickly eradicated the lead of Dahiya. Early on, in the second period, the entire pressure was put on the Indian wrestler. In the end, Dahiya staged a revival and as a result, India has been assured of a silver medal. Earlier, Ravi Kumar Dahiya had stormed into the semi-finals of the men's freestyle 57kg category. Fourth-seeded Ravi defeated Bulgaria's Georgi Valentinov Vangelov by pure brute strength and agility at Mat A by 14-4. Gujarat govt to provide Rs.149-Cr interest-free loans to women Formidable form of flood in MP, a bridge built 10 years ago flushed with flood Amit Shah Evaluates Flood Situation in MP, Pledges Help From Centre Kabul: The Afghan Ministry of Information and Culture has reported that 51 media outlets in the country have been shut down due to violence in the past three months. The ministry said 16 media outlets, including four TV networks, are in Helmand, which has stopped functioning in recent times. Acting Minister for Information and Culture Qasim Wafizada said that 35 media outlets have stopped their work so far. More than six media outlets, terror outfits have gone into the hands of the Taliban, and their activities are being used by the Taliban as their voice. Data from Nai, an organization that supports open media in Afghanistan, shows that 51 media outlets across the country have been shut down since April. According to the data, these outlets were operating in Helmand, Kandahar, Badakhshan, Takhar, Baghlan, Samangan, Balkh, Sar-e-Pul, Jawzjan, Faryab, Nuristan, and Badghis. Five TV networks and 44 radio stations, one media center, and a news agency are among the outlets that halted their operations. In this period, over 1,000 reporters and media workers, including 150 women, lost their jobs. Meanwhile, two journalists, including Indian journalist Danish Siddiqui, have been killed in the Taliban attack so far. Also Read: Social media user asks Shamita Shetty, actress replies by saying this Kerala Lockdown: Weekend Curbs Eased, Shops Can Now Open Till 9 PM Hina Khan and Gauahar Khan collide at airport, video goes viral New Delhi: Losing one's life while fighting for the country is a big deal, recently a similar case has come to the fore where two BSF jawans have been killed in an attack by militants near the Indo-Bangladesh international border in Tripura. He gave his life fighting for it. Among the soldiers who were martyred is 56-year-old Jawan Bhuru Singh of village Ahar of Israna block of Panipat. Martyr Bhuru Singh had gone on patrol at 6:30 am on Tuesday. The militants of the militant organization National NLFT started ambushing the BSF jawans. In which Bhuru Singh Khenchi martyred. According to media reports, Bhuru Singh was working as a sub-inspector (SI) in BSF. Martyr Bhuru Singh's elder son Ravindra said that he had a conversation with his father on the phone 5 days ago. In a phone conversation, Martyr Bhuru Singh said that he was about to go on training for promotion. Before that, he was talking about coming to the village. Tomorrow the body will come to the village: Let us tell that Sumit, the younger son of martyr Bhuru, is also working in BSF as a sub-inspector in Kashmir. Sumit's wife Priyankal Khenchi is also a sub-inspector in BSF Punjab. Elder son Ravindra works in a private company. Martyr Bhuru Singh's wife has passed away. The body of the martyr is going to be brought to the native village on Thursday. Where he will be cremated with state honors. Uttarakhand launches India's first earthquake warning mobile app developed by IIT-Roorkee Bad news for Bihar suffering from floods, heavy rain alerts in these districts Floodwater in Sagar Reservior recedes Samsung is a global leader in the smartphone market. It is also the company to spend the most on research and development (R&D). The recent development in technologies in Samsung is evident that it plans to stay on the top for a long time. Samsung is also one of the most loved smartphone companies in Nepal as it brings its products to the Nepali market as soon as they launch internationally. It also has a smartphone in every possible segment, from ultra-low-budget to the expensive flagship ones. Since it is one of the most trusted brands in Nepal, people usually do not have second thoughts while purchasing a Samsung smartphone. There are even some hardcore followers that only want Samsung phones. Here, we will be providing you with an updated price list of Samsung phone models that are available in the Nepali market at the moment. Plus, we will explain in detail the five best Samsung phones of our choice. Price list Models Price Galaxy Z Fold 2 Rs 2,09,999 (256GB) Galaxy S21 Ultra Rs 1,54,999 (12+256GB) Galaxy S21+ Rs 1,29,999 (256GB) Galaxy S21 Rs 1,09,999 (256GB) Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Rs 1,39,999 (256GB) Galaxy Note 20 Rs 1,09,999 (256GB) Galaxy S20+ Rs 94,999 (128GB) Galaxy S20 Fan Edition (FE) Rs 69,999 (8+128GB) Rs 74,999 (8+256GB) Galaxy Note 10 Lite Rs 58,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy A72 Rs 51,999 (8/128GB) Rs 56,999 (8/256GB) Galaxy A71 Rs 49,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy A52 Rs 41,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy A51 Rs 39,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy M62 Rs 39,999 (6+128GB) Rs 42,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy M51 Rs 39,999 (6+128GB) Rs 43,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy A32 Rs 31,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy M32 Rs 24,999 (4+64GB) Rs 27,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy M31 Rs 28,999 (6+128GB) Rs 34,999 (8+128GB) Galaxy A22 Rs 27,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy F22 Rs 20,499 (4+64GB) Rs 23,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy M21 Rs 21,999 (4+64GB) Rs 25,999 (6+128GB) Galaxy A21s Rs 22,499 (4+64GB) Rs 25,499 (6+128GB) Galaxy A12 Rs 18,999 (4+64GB) Rs 19,999 (4+128GB) Galaxy M12 Rs 18,499 (4+64GB) Rs 22,499 (6+128GB) Galaxy M11 Rs 17,899 (3+32GB) Galaxy M02s Rs 15,999 (4+64GB) Rs 14,499 (3+32GB) Galaxy M02 Rs 12,999 (3+32GB) Rs 11,999 (2+32GB) Galaxy M01s Rs 14,999 (3+32GB) Galaxy M01 Rs 13,599 (3+32GB) Galaxy M01 Core Rs 8,399 (1+16GB) Rs 9,999 (1+16GB) Best Samsung phones to buy in August 2021 1. Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra Photo: CNN This is a flagship smartphone of Samsung. The S21 Ultra is also one of the best smartphones in the market right now. This is a feature-packed smartphone and also one of the best camera phones in the market. The phone has a 6.8-inch 2X dynamic AMOLED infinity-o display with a resolution of 14403200 pixels. The phone now supports an adaptive 120Hz refresh rate in full QHD+ resolution. With an 89.8% screen-to-body ratio, it has a peak brightness of up to 1,500 nits. There is a 108-megapixel quad-camera setup in its back that can record videos in 8K. The remaining three cameras can record videos in 4K. The phone runs on Android 11 with One UI 3.1 on top. It has the most powerful chipset of Samsung, the Exynos 2100, at its disposal. The phone is powered by a massive 5000 mAh battery which can be charged by a 25W fast charger. 2. Galaxy Z Fold 2 Photo: Samsung Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 is the first-ever foldable smartphone to be available in Nepal. With a price of over Rs 200,000, this is also the most expensive Samsung smartphone in Nepal. The device has an outer screen of 6.2 inches with HD+ resolution and a 60Hz refresh rate. The inner display is 7.2 inches and it is a Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with HDR10+ support and a 120Hz refresh rate. Similarly, Samsung has added an ultra-thin glass (UTG) and added the under-glass cushion on this phone. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ chipset and comes with 12GB of RAM. It runs Android 10 with One UI 2.5 and is powered by a 4500mAh battery that supports wireless charging, as well as proprietary fast charging. The Android and UI can be upgraded. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 on the rear packs a 12-megapixel primary camera, a 12-megapixel telephoto camera with an f/2.2 aperture, and a 12-megapixel ultrawide camera with an f/2.4 aperture. The rear camera setup has autofocus. On the front, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 packs a 10-megapixel primary camera with an f/2.2 aperture and a second 10-megapixel camera with an f/2.2 aperture. Only the limited stock is available in the market right now. 3. Galaxy M62 Photo: Samsung Samsung Galaxy M62 is the ultimate mid-range smartphone. In a similar price range, it can compete and outperform almost every smartphone available in the market. It has massiveness in its feature. With a massive 6.7-inch Super AMOLED plus display, one can easily enjoy the movies or attend online classes. There is a quad-camera setup on its back. The 64Mp primary camera is accompanied by a 12MP ultrawide, a 5MP macro, and a 5MP depth sensor while the front-facing is a 32MP selfie camera. The phone runs on Android 11 with One UI 3.1 on top. The phone is powered by Octa-core Exynos 9825 chipset and has a battery backup of 7000mAh which supports 25W fast charging. This feature is very handy for gamers as they can enjoy decent gaming for a long period of time. You can also check Galaxy A52 and Galaxy A72 on the mid-range category that has a similar feature to M62. 4. Galaxy F22 Photo: Samsung Samsung Galaxy F22 is the latest release of the Samsung smartphone in the Nepali market. The phone provides adequate features, given the price range. The phone has a massive 6.4-inch super AMOLED display that has a refresh rate of 90Hz. It is built with glass in front, a plastic back, and a plastic frame. Similarly, it runs on the latest Android 11 with One UI Core 3.1 on top while it is powered by an Octa-core Mediatek Helio G80 chipset. The phone has a quad-camera setup. The primary is a 48MP accompanied by an 8MP ultrawide, 2MP macro, and 2MP depth sensor. On the front, it has a 13MP selfie camera. The phone gets its power from a 6000mAh non-removable battery that supports 15W fast charging. But, if you want something more and do not want to spend more, you can go for Galaxy M32 and A22. 5. Galaxy M01 Core Photo: Samsung Samsung Galaxy M01 Core is one of the most budget-friendly smartphones of Samsung, starting at only Rs. 8,399. There is a 5.3-inch PLS IPS display that has a resolution of 720*1480 pixels. The phone runs on Android 10 and is powered by a Mediatek MT6139 chipset. Since it is the most budget-friendly phone, the slash in the features is inevitable. This phone only has a single 8MP main camera on its back and a single 5MP selfie camera. The battery backup of this phone is 3,000mAh. Working as a remote caregiver gave me a sense of practical and intellectual thrill. A member of the Covid-19 Special Nurse Group It was at around 4 pm on May 9, 2021. A handful of the nurses specialising in women health and development and child health nursing at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital came together to discuss the possibilities of their contribution during the Covid-19. But, they were least aware that they had initiated a conversation that would later be a pioneering work on remote nursing care in Nepal. The Covid-19 Special Nurse Group members hail from every province of Nepal and are providing nursing services remotely, using telecommunications guided by the principle of telenursing. This article will walk you through the group members personal accounts of working as a remote caregiver, the benefits to nurses at the personal and professional levels and in doing so, we will attempt to draw lessons from the developed world where remote care is flourishing. Personal benefits to members While asked about the benefits of telenursing practice at the personal level, these nurses became animated. One shared that such engagement gave her a sense of practical and intellectual thrill. For instance, she said, When I received a call, I do assessment using the guideline of telenursing and my clinical judgements. After this, I prepare a few nursing diagnoses and continuously advise patients, follow them up and monitor if their symptoms are improving or need a hospital referral. Thus, I achieve the implementation and evaluation steps of the nursing process. On this very note, another nurse opened up the profound satisfaction in being available to attend to the patients needs without expecting anything in return. Both agreed on one point that such voluntary work gave them a sense of pride and identity in their entire community, something which was not quite possible through a confined role in a clinical setting and with a paid job. To the question of how they see telenursing contributing at the professional level, I received diverse answers ranging from being able to provide holistic care autonomously, ensuring patient-centred care to a vivid description of the scope of remote healthcare in Nepal. Concerning the feeling of autonomy, this group shared an example of how they formulated a protocol for their remote functioning based on current research and scientific knowledge on telehealth, and most importantly guided by their pilot study. The guideline that they prepared has since then directed them to function autonomously and ethically. While drawing an intersection between holistic care and functioning autonomously, one respondent compares telenursing to that of her role as a clinical nurse and elaborates that when she is available remotely, she can zoom-out unlike her clinical roles that just makes her attentive to the physical need of the patients. Through this zooming out aspect, she continuously follows up and monitors her patients by asking open-ended questions. She was full of stories of how she listened to not just physical ails, but also other contributory familial and community factors that bar a patient from recovering, mentally and emotionally. She finished by saying, A phone call with me was also a means of catharsis for my patients. Learning for Nepal The prospect of remote care as a holistic approach and patient-centred care in medical and nursing care has been emphasised by the western community who have practised it for decades. Dr Karen Rheuban, a medical director of the University of Virginia Office of Telemedicine, in one of her videos describes their cancer centre being without walls where they not only provide patient evaluation and follow up but help the communities get together and have the patient education programme broadcast by the health providers to their patients in their respective settings. She adds that the provision of care away from a hospital or clinic at the comfort of the patients house or community makes them engaged and accountable for their own care. A nurse from New Zealand Nurses organisation working as a telenurse adds to this narrative. She opines that providing care to patients in their comfort zones ensure even distribution of the balance in power between the nurse and patient, thus empowering them during their healing process. The concept of patient participation in care is hailed by the WHO as an important aspect of patient-centred care to improve patient safety. The nurses of the Special Nurse Group confirmed this with their personal experiences of patients (and their families) feeling more engaged and empowered when they involved them in their care. In an article, the author from the Kathmandu Medical College outlines the scope of telenursing that runs up and beyond the usual telephonic conversation between nurses and patients. This includes interactive videoconferencing with patients and experts, assessing patients remotely using self-measurement devices or taking care of their personal alarm to ensure immediate care when in distress or receiving experts instructions through manipulative sensors and real-time chat. The writer also succinctly sheds light on telenursing as an evolving opportunity to increase the availability, accessibility and affordability of healthcare, including the skill development of all the human resources involved in the process. The Covid-19 Special Nurse Group, having deployed the local nurses at the provincial level, shares telenursing is truly a medium to provide culturally and linguistically congruent health services. For instance, the nurses in its team were well-versed with the major linguistic and cultural values and local inclinations of the community that they were in charge of. When patients from such locality hear a voice that is relatable to them, they open up about their medical needs easily. With this level of comfort, these nurses note that they had more people asking for frequent medical advice and also questioning about the discharge instructions. Meanwhile, the nurses also recall patients expressing the benefits of knowing about the preventive measures instead of paying for the expensive hospital beds (which usually is the case). Thus, with these personal observations, the nurses were certain that such remote nursing service could make their patients in charge of their own health behaviours. Lastly, the concept of remote care in Nepal is at its nascent stage with just a few initiatives such as 30 rural telemedicine services launched by the government, a few community telehealth services or similar ad-hoc projects initiated by hospitals or INGOs and telecounselling services during Covid-19. However, the personal experiences of these nurses and the mammoth of knowledge and application already with the global community, our health system perhaps should encourage research and conversation around telehealth in Nepal. Because, in the end, the faster we acknowledge the unprecedented turn of millennials into digital platforms for services, the better will we be in a position to serve these evolving health needs and demands. Pun is a registered nurse in Nepal and a freelance writer and health researcher. Sapkota is a youth health advocate and recently honoured by Women on Global Health in collaboration with the WHO, UNFPA, ICM, ICN and Nursing Now. At present, she is working as the national coordinator of Special Force Nurses for Covid-19. Workforce White House says agencies will pay for COVID tests as needed for feds During a press briefing on Friday, White House Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre gave more details about how the administration's new vaccination and testing requirements for federal employees and onsite contractors will work. Agencies will foot the bill for feds who are unvaccinated or don't attest to their vaccination status, she said. The new system, announced Thursday, gives federal employees a choice to either attest to their vaccination status or follow protocols including regular testing. Agencies have been instructed to establish programs to test feds and onsite contractors who either are not vaccinated or don't provide vaccination information to the agency. They'll have to be tested either weekly or twice-weekly. Agencies will cover the cost of regular testing for feds in that category, Jean-Pierre said. They'll also be in charge of implementing these new changes. "Agencies are going to be implementing this program themselves," she said. "So they'll be in charge of how that moves forward, and so that's kind of how that's going to be dispersed." It is still unclear what timeline agencies, feds and onsite contractors will be under to comply with the new requirements. Guidance implementing the order also doesn't give specifics on what consequences anyone who doesn't comply might face. Legal experts have also raised questions about complications the new requirements might raise in labor-management relations by violating collective bargaining agreements with federal employee unions, in addition to raising questions about privacy and accommodations for employees who are unvaccinated. The announcement has sparked mixed responses. Bob Corsi, the president of the Senior Executives Association, a nonprofit professional association for career federal executives, released a statement prior to the announcement saying that SES "supports the Administration in considering vaccine requirements for federal employees." Others have concerns on the impact of the new policy on existing union contracts and workplace arrangements. "We have a lot of questions about how this policy will be implemented and how employee rights and privacy will be protected," said the national president of the National Treasury Employees Union, Tony Reardon, in a statement. "We will work to ensure employees are treated fairly and this protocol does not create an undue burden on them." The American Federation of Government Employees also released a statement from national president Everett Kelley saying "we expect that the particulars of any changes to working conditions, including those related to COVID-19 vaccines and associated protocols, be properly negotiated with our bargaining units prior to implementation." Guidance implementing these changes instructs agencies to satisfy their collective bargaining obligations for their workplace safety plans. House Committee on Oversight and Reform ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) released a statement calling the move a "pandemic power grab" that "runs contrary to our nation's cherished value of individual liberty." About the Author Natalie Alms is a staff writer at FCW covering the federal workforce. She is a recent graduate of Wake Forest University and has written for the Salisbury (N.C.) Post. Connect with Natalie on Twitter at @AlmsNatalie. The Justice Department and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission have both released information stating that employers can require COVID-19 vaccinations, with some equal employment opportunity and other restrictions. Workforce Kiran Ahuja's to-do list at OPM The federal government's top human resources official told reporters on an Aug. 4 press call that there isn't a timeline in place for the implementation of the Biden administration's new vaccination policy for federal employees. Last week, the administration set down a policy that requires federal employees to attest to having been vaccinated against COVID-19 or else be subject to frequent tests in order to check the spread of the coronavirus as it enters a new phase with the emergence of the Delta variant. "There's been a lot of work in the midst of issuing these model safety principles," Kiran Ahuja, director of the Office of Personnel Management, told reporters. "Agencies were already underway in figuring out what their timeline was going to be for reentry and post-reentry. It's going to be really hard to say what the specific timeline is." More information from the Safer Federal Workforce Taskforce for agencies about Biden's new requirements is forthcoming, Ahuja said, and officials are trying to give agencies flexibility to meet their specific needs in carrying out the guidelines. "We want agencies to be very purposeful, to really tie themselves to the principles around how they think through what this will look like for not only their agency, but for individual components -- that is going to vary," Ahuja told reporters. She acknowledged that there are "more questions than answers at this point," adding that "folks are hard at work trying to give as much information but also give agencies the flexibility because the workforce differs from agency to agency, even within agencies." Additionally, federal employee unions are pressing to be included in workplace reentry plans and have expressed strong reservations about a possible vaccine mandate for employees they represent being laid down without bargaining. "I'll say that what is also emphasized is the union partnership at the agency level and to engage the local unions, to ensure that you are bargaining on those pieces of your reentry that require that type of engagement," Ahuja said. Longstanding challenges Ahuja, who was confirmed by the Senate in June arrived at OPM facing challenges not just from the pandemic, but from morale problems stemming from plans made under the Trump administration to merge the agency into the General Services Administration. More generally, the agency has experienced a lack of Senate-confirmed leadership, with just three permanent directors since 2013. The lack of confirmed leadership has "had a huge impact on the agency," she said. "If you don't have that continuity of leadership, you really can't deal with those larger challenges. I think it definitely affects morale. It affects OPM's positions vis-a-vis other agencies, with [the Office of Management and Budget], to really position the agency." A March report by the National Academy of Public Administration found that OPM's role in human capital management has diminished over the years as OMB's role has grown, and as acting officials have taken on both positions at once in recent years. Ahuja, who served as OPM's chief of staff in the wake of the massive personnel records hack in 2015, said that coming back to existing relationships with OPM officials has been helpful. "I am very well aware that the lack of capacity and people having to work much more to cover two, three jobs is also affecting morale," she said. "And so the ways that we can support our employees through spot awards, through time off as awards, you know, for the work that they're doing. We're trying to think of every possible avenue that we have." Ahuja said she wants to make a difference on agency morale and deal with long-standing challenges such as the modernization of the paper-based retirement processing system and an exodus of employees in senior positions. Short term, Ahuja said that the agency is going to deal with current retirement backlogs using tech "sprints." OPM is also going to be piloting an online app for retirement processing and moving into a new contact center, she said. Long term, OPM will have to create a strategic plan and dedicate "dogged leadership attention" over multiple years, something Ahuja said she's committed to seeing through. "My plan is to be here as long as people will have me," she said. The future of government work Ahuja also has her eye on governmentwide priorities to rebuild the workforce, plan for the future workforce and diversify the workforce. The Biden-Harris administration has proposed hiring surges across several agencies in its fiscal year 2022 budget. Ahuja said that she's interested in ensuring the government has the critical skills it needs and wants to focus on attracting early-career officials to the government. Ahuja noted that the rapid adoption of telework during the pandemic provides an opportunity to change how federal government work is done. She said that OPM is hearing from agencies that they need guidance on how to support leaders in managing and engaging a remote workforce. "This pandemic has upended the norms of work and how we think about what work looks like -- and certainly that is having an impact among the federal workforce," she said. There is an "opportunity to really define the future of work." 39% of Singaporeans are worried about retirement inadequacy, with women being at higher risk of retirement inadequacy than men 72% of Singaporeans desire higher returns for their investments, but despite that, only 25% are currently investing their CPF 31% of Singaporeans have indicated that they would like assistance in the form of tools to help them understand the impact of financial decisions around CPF SINGAPORE, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Endowus Singapore Retirement Report reveals that retirement inadequacy remains a concern for over a third of all Singaporeans, with a significant number having yet to start financial planning aimed at retirement. The Endowus Singapore Retirement Report aims to understand Singaporean attitudes towards retirement. According to the survey, while 1 in 2 Singaporeans are planning to utilise their Central Provident Fund (CPF) monies to fund their retirement, even fewer (25%) have considered supplementing their retirement funds through investing, consistent with CPF Board's statistics on CPF investment take up rate1. In that, a majority of respondents have indicated the need for additional tools to help them start planning to chart their path to retirement adequacy. The Endowus Singapore Retirement Report was commissioned by Endowus -- one of Singapore's leading MAS-licensed investment platforms and the first and only digital advisor for CPF investing -- with the objective of better understanding Singaporean attitudes towards the generational challenge of retirement and the role that CPF monies play in building a retirement lifestyle that is closer to individual goals. The Report was commissioned in partnership with YouGov Singapore, with fieldwork for the online survey taking place in May 2021, involving a total sample size of 1099 adults, weighted to be nationally representative of Singapore's adult population. The study comes at a time when the financial situations of individuals could be changing due to the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and is the first comprehensive study on CPF usage and sentiments since the CPF Advisory Panel's own study in 2016. The study examined knowledge, intent, behaviours, and motivations around retirement and the role of CPF and CPF investments. Story continues To date, CPF members' total balance has grown steadily across the years, from $125.8 billion in 2006 to $474.0 billion in March 2021. While it may seem that Singaporeans are planning and saving well for their retirement based on these numbers, only 63.6% of active CPF members who turned 55 were able to set aside their Full Retirement Sum (FRS) or Basic Retirement Sum if they own at least one property in 2020, based on CPF Annual Report 2020. Singaporeans are worried about retirement adequacy, but only 1 in 4 have taken action 1 in 3 Singaporeans (39%) are worried about retirement inadequacy, with women being at higher risk of retirement inadequacy than men. The study shows that women are half as likely as men to "strongly agree" that they are confident in having sufficient money for retirement. This is especially concerning considering that women live longer with a life expectancy of more than 86 at birth and beyond 88 if they live to 65. Results from the survey also indicate that 1 in 2 Singaporeans (53%) are planning to use or are currently using CPF to fund their retirement. However, almost half (45%) have not started planning for their retirement, and this is even more apparent in the younger demographic (aged below 35). Furthermore, lower-income Singaporeans (below $3,000 monthly income) are less likely than higher-income Singaporeans (above $6,000 monthly income) to fund their retirement with CPF, which may drive them to de-prioritise growing and making better use of CPF, lowering their chances of achieving the Full Retirement Sum (FRS) for financial stability at retirement. Amidst the uncertainty of having adequate CPF savings for retirement, there is also increasing awareness of CPF being used as a retirement safety net. More CPF members are channelling cash to their CPF through the Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme (RSTU), where $3 billion was topped up in 2020, up by 39% from 2019, and through the CPF Voluntary Housing Refund Scheme as well, where $1.48 billion was refunded in 2020, up by 189% from 2019. This shows that a growing group of Singaporeans understand that they might be compromising their retirement plans when they use CPF for housing. Singaporeans lack confidence in CPF investing A significant majority or 72% of Singaporeans seek higher returns, but despite that, only 25% are currently investing their CPF, even though it is the only way to achieve higher returns on their CPF. This is largely represented in the Gen X (born 1965 to 1980) segment and employed persons with more than $8,000 in household income. Singaporeans are unsure of whether they should invest their CPF, as shown by the fact that a majority of them (68%) are not confident in investing their own CPF monies well by themselves. These figures are consistent with the recommendations from CPF Advisory Panel's findings in 2016. The CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) was intended as an option for members to invest and was designed to have a wide menu of investment products that cater to a broad range of investor expertise and experience. The panel concluded that it was not specifically designed to meet the needs of CPF members who wished to invest but feel they lack the financial expertise and/or time and resources to actively manage their investments. "Endowus was set up to help meet the growing needs of CPF members in receiving better advice in investing and lowering the high costs associated with investing CPF monies that eat away at returns," says Gregory Van, CEO of Endowus. "We provide investment advice that help CPF members gain exposure to globally diversified portfolios, at the lowest cost possible. We are always working with fund managers to bring in better fund products for our clients, so that they are in a position to achieve higher returns and retirement adequacy." The Endowus Singapore Retirement Report also found that Singaporeans ranked higher returns than the CPF interest rates (72%), guaranteed returns (70%), and low costs (45%) as the most important criteria for CPF investing. Inadequate tools and resources to close the gap on CPF investing knowledge Due to the complexities and the uncertainties of using CPF around financial decisions, nearly a third of Singaporeans (31%) indicated that they prefer a tool that can help them understand the impact of their financial decisions around their CPF, with a similar number of Singaporeans (28%) indicating that they are keen on a tool that can help estimate retirement income from their CPF. "With average life expectancy in Singapore now reaching 83.9 years old, CPF will increasingly need to be augmented to provide sufficient income in retirement," says Samuel Rhee, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer of Endowus. "Considering these shifting time horizons and other uncertainties, more education may be needed to help Singaporeans make better use of their CPF, especially earlier in life, when savers have more time to take advantage of asset growth." While it has been reported that 1 in 2 CPF members did not do better than the CPF-OA interest rate of 2.5% for the period of Oct'19 to Sept'20, the Endowus balanced portfolio of global stocks and bonds outperformed the CPF OA interest rate with a return 6.4% during this same period. Our CPF equities portfolios also generated +6.7% returns for Q2'2021, with YTD and 12 month performance at +13.2% and +34.3% respectively. "As a leading digital wealth management platform, we need to help Singaporeans understand and make smarter financial planning decisions regarding CPF," added Van. "Our goal is to meet the needs of Singaporeans and continue to provide clients with an evidence-based approach to their wealth so they can invest better to live easier today and be prepared for the future." For more information about the Endowus Singapore Retirement Report 2021, please visit https://endowus.com/insights/singapore-retirement-report-2021/. About Endowus Endowus is Asia's leading fee-only wealth platform. Headquartered and MAS-licensed in Singapore, Endowus is the first digital advisor to span both private wealth and public pension savings (CPF & SRS), helping investors grow all their money with expert advice, institutional access to financial solutions, low & fair fees, and a delightful personalised digital wealth experience. Endowus is backed by UBS, Samsung Ventures, Singtel Innov8, and global leading venture capital firms Lightspeed Venture Partners and SoftBank Ventures Asia. Endowus has been recognised by the industry with the following awards: Singapore's Rising Star and Fintech Innovation (Asia Asset Management's Best of the Best Awards 2021), and WealthTech of the Year (Asia FinTech Awards 2021). SOURCE Endowus Brazil retailers hunt for M&A deals to compete for e-commerce dominance Brazil retailers hunt for deals to fuel their unique brand of e-commerce By Tatiana Bautzer August 4 (Reuters) - In March last year, Oziel da Silva Santos needed a new TV but with stores closed due to COVID-19 restrictions in Brazil's northern city of Belem, the 50-year old was clueless about how to get one. He followed a link on the website of furniture retailer Via Varejo and called a store manager. On the other end of the line was Railton Sampaio, a manager at the city's largest Via Varejo. Sampaio helped him buy the TV online, sending the link for payment through the commonly used messaging app WhatsApp. Santos is one of the millions of Brazilians making a first-time purchase online as a result of the pandemic, a vital new market for the country's biggest retailers. Stores are adapting their strategies - and pursuing merger and acquisition (M&A) to help smooth the transition to internet shopping for inexperienced customers. In four months, Santos made five more online purchases with Via Varejo salesmen's help, generating commissions for the store's agents. Sampaio's sales team is an example of a growing digital strategy among Brazil's largest retailers to increase revenue and attract new online customers after lockdowns shuttered most brick and mortar stores early in the pandemic. When Brazil's largest cities mandated closure of all stores in March of 2020, Via Varejo's sales dropped 70%. Almost immediately, the retailer mobilized its 20,000 sales people to start selling through social platforms Facebook and WhatsApp. "The pandemic accelerated our digital transformation and we did in a few months what was expected for a year," Via Varejo CEO Roberto Fulcherberguer said. Each store opened a Facebook account, and salespeople first marketed offers to friends and family. The campaign "Call me on Zap," the Brazilian nickname for the popular WhatsApp messaging app, provided online chatrooms with store managers. 'WINNERS AND LOSERS' Even as physical store locations reopened in recent months due to the national vaccine rollout, Via Varejo and rivals such as Magazine Luiza SA and Lojas Americanas SA continue to push for online sales. At Via Varejo, 56% of revenue comes from online sales, compared to 30% pre-pandemic. Story continues "Salespeople are now eager to sell online. I get a good part of my commissions online," said Karina Ferreira Dias, saleswoman at a large Via Varejo store in Sao Paulo metropolitan area. Unlike other companies, Via Varejo has not reduced staff even when most of its stores were closed. Magazine Luiza has a similar strategy. "During the pandemic, salespeople were able to sell through an app. They get commissions on everything they sell, be it online, third party products in the marketplace or in person," said Eduardo Galanternick, its vice president. The largest companies, Magazine Luiza, Via Varejo and apparel retailer Lojas Renner raised more than $3 billion in combined share offerings and invested proceeds mainly in M&A. Magazine Luiza and Via Varejo's M&A strategy was to bulk up their digital presence to face increasing competition from panregional rivals such as Mercadolibre Inc, one of Latin America's most valuable companies, Amazon.com Inc and even AliExpress. They have built large marketplaces with tens of thousands of third party sellers each. Last month, Via Varejo acquired fintech Celer, aiming to increase financial products it offers through its digital banking and credit app BanQi. It has acquired six companies since last year and created a venture capital fund that will invest 200 million reais over the next five years in tech startups. Magazine Luiza bought 12 companies last year, of which nine were tech startups. So far this year, the company has bought 10 companies, including delivery firms, fintechs and e-commerce firms specialized in beauty products, food and videogames. Most of the deals bolstered the "omnichannel" service to consumers, enabling mixes of online and offline services that Brazilian retailers hope will help them compete with big internet companies. Magazine Luiza, for example, has opened 23 news physical stores in Rio de Janeiro last month and plans to reach 50 by the end of the year. Some retailers, lacking both liquidity during the pandemic and a digital strategy, went into bankruptcy protection, such as bookstore chains Saraiva Livreiros and appliance retailer Maquina de Vendas. They now have a meager chance of emerging from it, financial analysts say. "The pandemic sharply separated winners and losers in Brazilian retail and what they did during this period will define their future," said Ricardo Lacerda, CEO of investment bank BR Partners, who advised some of Brazil's largest retail deals. ($1 = 5.2128 reais) (Reporting by Tatiana Bautzer, additional reporting by Jimin Kang; Editing by Aurora Ellis) China protested against the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over its reporting on the recent flooding in Henan province and its statement on how foreign journalists were treated, the foreign ministry said on Tuesday. The Chinese ministry in a statement accused the BBC's reports on the deadly flooding of "distorting the real situation of the Chinese government's efforts to organise rescues and local people's courage to save themselves, and insinuating attacks on the Chinese government, full of ideological prejudice and double standards". The BBC's flooding reports were strongly criticised on Chinese social media, and its crew allegedly received death threats. Do you have questions about the biggest topics and trends from around the world? Get the answers with SCMP Knowledge, our new platform of curated content with explainers, FAQs, analyses and infographics brought to you by our award-winning team. Last Wednesday, the BBC stated: "There must be immediate action by the Chinese government to stop these attacks which continue to endanger foreign journalists." The foreign ministry said the BBC statement was "inverting black and white", and foreign journalists in China have "the right to freely report in China, as long as they comply with Chinese laws and report objectively, balancedly and accurately". The centre of the controversy was a video of BBC China correspondent Robin Brant describing the flood in the provincial capital Zhengzhou's subway system as "passengers [were] left to die on the platform". Passengers were trapped in train carriages in an overwhelming flood on July 20 after a sudden historically heavy torrential rain. Twelve people died. The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China (FCCC) tweeted that Henan's Communist Youth League, a subsidiary of the Chinese Communist Party, had published a call-to-action post asking its followers on Weibo to report the whereabouts of Brant. Story continues BBC in its statement said "the public comments below the post included death threats against our team". Aerial photo taken on July 22 shows rescuers using rafts to evacuate people from a hospital in Zhongmu county of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province. Photo: Xinhua alt=Aerial photo taken on July 22 shows rescuers using rafts to evacuate people from a hospital in Zhongmu county of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province. Photo: Xinhua "Journalists from other media organisations reporting in Henan were subsequently confronted by an angry crowd looking for the BBC team," the BBC said. The FCCC listed the reporters from other media outlets who claimed to be erroneously harassed by residents from Zhengzhou on their hunt for Brant. The Chinese foreign ministry said they lodged the "solemn representation", or discontent, with the British broadcaster last Thursday. This article originally appeared in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the most authoritative voice reporting on China and Asia for more than a century. For more SCMP stories, please explore the SCMP app or visit the SCMP's Facebook and Twitter pages. Copyright 2021 South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2021. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved. TORONTO, Aug. 3, 2021 /CNW/ - First Nations leader and constitutional expert Del Riley today called on the Ontario government to launch an inquiry into the Ontario Securities Commission's handling of its investigation into Bridging Finance Inc. and its former CEO, David Sharpe. "The manner in which the OSC and receiver PricewaterhouseCoopers have conducted themselves throughout this case suggests that fairness, due process and Sharpe's constitutional rights have taken a back seat to the OSC's wish for publicity around this case and PwC's wish to collect fees for as long as possible," said Riley, who served as President of the National Indian Brotherhood (today known as the Assembly of First Nations) and entrenched sections 25 and 35 of Canada's Constitution Act, which address how rights protected under the Charter will intersect with existing rights held by Canada's Indigenous peoples. "It's a simple fact that institutional bias and systemic racism persist in Canada. Ontario's government should investigate to ensure that these toxic forces are not interfering in this case, especially given David Sharpe's status as an Indigenous person and his and Bridging Finance's numerous contributions to Indigenous economic sovereignty in Canada," Riley said. "From the secretive, Friday night hearing in which the OSC obtained the initial court order to put Bridging in receivership, to the fear and uncertainty the receiver has spread among Bridging's unitholders, Indigenous people across the country are watching the case with great interest and anxiety. Many agree that more needs to be done to ensure that this case is treated with full fairness as it winds through the process." For more information see Real People's Media Op Ed, "Economic Reconciliation or Economic Retaliation? at https://realpeoples.media/economic-reconciliation-or-economic-retaliation/ or send queries to ajijukpublications@gmail.com Story continues SOURCE Chief Del Riley Cision View original content: http://www.newswire.ca/en/releases/archive/August2021/03/c4484.html NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Bernstein Liebhard, a nationally acclaimed investor rights law firm, reminds investors of the deadline to file a Lead Plaintiff motion in a securities class action lawsuit that has been filed on behalf of investors who purchased or acquired the securities of Concho Resources Inc. ("Concho" or the "Company") (NYSE:CXO) from February 21, 2018 through July 31, 2019 (the "Class Period"). The lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas alleges violations of the Exchange Act of 1934. If you purchased Concho securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options please visit Concho Shareholder Class Action Lawsuit or contact Noah Wiesner toll free at (877) 779-1414 or nwiesner@bernlieb.com The complaint alleges that, throughout the Class Period, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (i) the well spacing at the Company's Dominator Project was aggressive and highly risky, and premised on no reasonable basis to believe it would work as intended; (ii) Concho's practice of implementing tighter well spacing was not relegated to a handful of "tests" and therefore more widespread than the market was led to believe; (iii) it was known or recklessly disregarded that any measures to mitigate well spacing risks were non-existent and/or impossible; (iv) these risks had manifested during the Class Period, causing underground well interference and permanently decreasing production, forcing the Company to scale back production targets and adopt more conservative spacing measures in its other projects; (v) it would take multiple quarters to unwind the impacts of the widespread well spacing failure; and (vi) as a result of the foregoing, the Company's public statements were materially false and misleading at all relevant times. On July 31, 2019, after the close of trading, Concho released its financial results for the second quarter 2019. On this date, the Company revealed that the Dominator Project's 23 wells were spaced "too tight," and that Concho had already "incorporated learnings from [the Dominator Project] into its second half of 2019 program and future Delaware Basin projects." Concho also revealed that it would be forced to scale back production targets for the rest of this year, including by reducing its active rig count to 18, down from 33 in the first quarter 2019. Story continues On this news, Concho sank 22% to close at $75.97 per share on August 1, 2019, down from the closing price of $97.68 per share on July 31, 2019. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than September 28, 2021. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. Your ability to share in any recovery doesn't require that you serve as lead plaintiff. If you choose to take no action, you may remain an absent class member. If you purchased Concho securities, and/or would like to discuss your legal rights and options please visit https://www.bernlieb.com/cases/conchoresourcesinc-cxo-shareholder-class-action-lawsuit-fraud-stock-422/apply/ or contact Noah Wiesner toll free at (877) 779-1414 or nwiesner@bernlieb.com Since 1993, Bernstein Liebhard LLP has recovered over $3.5 billion for its clients. In addition to representing individual investors, the Firm has been retained by some of the largest public and private pension funds in the country to monitor their assets and pursue litigation on their behalf. As a result of its success litigating hundreds of lawsuits and class actions, the Firm has been named to The National Law Journal's "Plaintiffs' Hot List" thirteen times and listed in The Legal 500 for ten consecutive years. ATTORNEY ADVERTISING. 2021 Bernstein Liebhard LLP. The law firm responsible for this advertisement is Bernstein Liebhard LLP, 10 East 40th Street, New York, New York 10016, (212) 779-1414. The lawyer responsible for this advertisement in the State of Connecticut is Michael S. Bigin. Prior results do not guarantee or predict a similar outcome with respect to any future matter. Contact Information Noah Wiesner Bernstein Liebhard LLP https://www.bernlieb.com (877) 779-1414 Nwiesner@bernlieb.com SOURCE: Bernstein Liebhard LLP View source version on accesswire.com: https://www.accesswire.com/658001/DEADLINE-FOR-CXO-INVESTORS-Bernstein-Liebhard-Reminds-Investors-of-the-Deadline-to-File-a-Lead-Plaintiff-Motion-in-a-Securities-Class-Action-Lawsuit-Against-Concho-Resources-Inc Some of the major Europe building materials market players are BASF SE, Bituline Industries S.A., James Burrel, PCI Augsburg GmbH, Murdock Builders Merchant, Saint Gobain, JSC SKY, Fassa Bortolo, UPM Plywood, Danzer Group, Klausner Group among others. Selbyville, Delaware, Aug. 04, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Market Insights Inc. has recently added a new report on the Europe building materials market which estimates the regional valuation will cross US$ 145 billion by 2027. The rising residential and commercial construction activities across the region are expected to be the chief growth driver. Europe building materials market will witness moderate growth from 2021 to 2027. Building materials are essential commodities for the construction sector. Strong growth in the sales volumes of building materials such as gypsum, hardboard (also called High-Density Fiberboard (HDF)) plywood, and Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) for infrastructure upgrades will drive the Europe building materials market size. Shifting consumer preferences toward a strong building structure for withstanding extreme weather conditions will foster the industry growth. However, sluggish growth of the construction sector in the past few years is a deterrent to market expansion. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampered the product demand across the region. Request for a sample of this research report @ https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/3026 Gypsum offers several applications in the construction of buildings, specifically for walls and ceilings. It can be used for production of Plaster of Paris (PoP), wallboard, and retarder in Portland cement. Several building structures have been widely utilizing gypsum, mainly at commercial spaces for noise disturbances. Significant benefits including a smooth surface, balancing the indoor atmosphere, eco-friendly, fire resistant, high acoustic & thermal insulation, functional & aesthetic features, and convenient installation will drive demand at a CAGR of around 6.5% from 2021 to 2027. Story continues The wooden furniture market is anticipated to expand owing to the changing consumer preferences for modern and architectural designs. The outdoor furniture market registers strong potential in hotels, resorts, and tourist locations. The furniture segment will register around USD 60 billion revenue by 2027. Additionally, roof-top farming and balcony gardening are gaining popularity at a fast pace, which will drive the demand for timber, logs, boards, and different types of materials that provide excellent mechanical strength. Materials such as plywood, particle board, and oriented strand board are used to support the roofing structure, which further boost the industry share. European Building Materials Market is a developed market with strong presence of global and local market players. The UK, Germany, France, etc. are greatly involved in developing and repairing existing buildings due to rapid population growth. France accounted for around 8.5% revenue share in 2020 and is expected to register considerable growth owing to the shortage of housing in developed areas and rising demand for prefabricated structures include partition panels, frames, metallic roof systems, doors and windows. The French government also introduced plans such as Le Grand plan divertissement to boost their residential construction projects. Some of the major findings in the Europe building materials market report include: Recovery of construction sector will propel product demand. Need for eco-friendly, durable, and sustainable products will create new market opportunities. Rising demand for modern and aesthetically appealing kitchens, baths, & vanity systems will fuel the market growth. Wood-based panels are witnessing strong growth across the developing regions owing to rising demand for cost-effective, soundproof, and weather resistance products. Emerging European countries are continuously enhancing their lumber production through technological advancements of sawmilling and machining via automation and computer supported manufacturing processes. Request for customization of this research report at https://www.gminsights.com/roc/3026 Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC): Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Europe building materials industry 3600 synopsis, 2017 - 2027 2.2 Business trends 2.3 Material trends 2.4 Application trends 2.5 Country trends Chapter 3 Europe Building Materials Industry Insights 3.1 Industry segmentation 3.2 COVID-19 impact calculations on industry forecast 3.3 Industry ecosystem analysis 3.3.1 Supply chain SCM practices by the Building Material Industry Participants 3.3.2 Raw material suppliers Lumber Panel Products Gypsum Value chain disruption analysis (COVID-19 impact) 3.3.3 Building material manufacturers or processors Lumber Panel Products Gypsum 3.3.4 Wholesalers 3.3.5 Distributors 3.3.6 Distribution channel analysis Direct distribution Online sales channel Resellers Wholesale Retail DIY Retailers 3.3.7 Distributor Overview Lumber Distributors Panel Products Distributors Key Gypsum Manufacturers & Suppliers in Europe List of key industry players in European market 3.3.8 Profit margin trends 3.3.9 Vendor matrix 3.4 Technology landscape 3.4.1 Lumber manufacturing process Felling Debarking and bucking Headrig sawing of large logs Bandsawing of small logs Resawing Drying or seasoning Planing Grade stamping and banding 3.4.2 Plywood process Log making Veneer Assembly 3.4.3 COVID-19 impact on raw material supply 3.5 Regulatory landscape 3.5.1 Construction Products Regulation (CPR) Timber/Lumber Panel Products Gypsum 3.6 Industry best practices & key buying criteria 3.7 Pricing analysis 3.7.1 COVID-19 impact on pricing Europe 3.8 Innovation & sustainability 3.8.1 Innovation in lumber and wood-based panel materials 3.8.2 Innovations in gypsum building materials 3.8.3 Sustainability 3.9 Industry impact forces 3.9.1 Growth drivers, by country UK: Growth of the construction sector and expansion of infrastructural renovation projects Germany: Rising demand for green building material France: Rising demand for prefabricated residential buildings Benelux Belgium: Rising demand for R&M activities The Netherlands: Favorable incentive schemes supporting the construction industry Luxemburg: Increasing urbanization Italy: Progression in wood industry Russia: Growing awareness towards green building practices Rest of Europe: Preference for wood-based building products 3.9.2 Industry pitfalls & challenges Skilled labor shortage in the European construction industry 3.10 Growth potential analysis, 2020 3.11 Global construction industry overview 3.11.1 Rise in construction spending 3.12 Competitive landscape, 2020 3.12.1 Market share analysis Top player overview (building material) Lumber Panel Products Gypsum 3.12.2 Key identified players from applications perspective Flooring manufacturers (MDF, HDF, plywood, other engineered based and solid) Wooden door manufacturers Wooden interior joinery Kitchen cabinets manufacturer Accessories 3.12.3 Key stakeholders 3.12.4 Strategy dashboard 3.13 Porters analysis 3.14 PESTLE analysis 3.15 COVID-19 impact on building material demand by application About Global Market Insights Global Market Insights Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology. CONTACT: Contact Us: Arun Hegde Corporate Sales, USA Global Market Insights Inc. Phone: 1-302-846-7766 Toll Free: 1-888-689-0688 Email: sales@gminsights.com FILE PHOTO: FILE PHOTO: The logo of Lockheed Martin is seen at Euronaval, the world naval defence exhibition in Le Bourget near Paris (Reuters) - Security and aerospace company Lockheed Martin Corp said on Tuesday it is searching for a new chief financial officer after Kenneth Possenriede resigned from the post due to personal reasons. The company said it has appointed Vice President And Treasurer John Mollard as the acting CFO, effective immediately. Mollard has held several positions within the finance and business operations during his almost four-decade stint at Lockheed Martin, the company said in its statement. The surprise departure of Possenriede, who joined the company in February 2019, comes ahead of Lockheed Martin's virtual investor event scheduled on Aug. 5. (Reporting by Anirudh Saligrama in Bengaluru; editing by Uttaresh.V) NEW YORK, Aug. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 28, 2021, U.S. District Judge Andrew P. Gordon of the District of Nevada denied, in part, Wynn Resorts Limited's ("Wynn Resorts" or the "Company") motions to dismiss the Second Amended Complaint in a securities fraud class action suit arising from the Company's concealment of a long-running pattern of alleged sexual misconduct by CEO and founder Stephen ("Steve") Wynn against female employees of the company. Fighting for victims of securities fraud for more than 85 years (PRNewsfoto/Pomerantz LLP) The misconduct was first revealed in January 2018 with the publication of a Wall Street Journal article detailing numerous Wynn employees' complaints of abuse at the hands of Wynn. Gaming regulators later confirmed that the Company had repeatedly turned a blind eye to allegations regarding Wynn's conduct and failed to investigate reports of sexual assault. Wynn resigned soon after, and the Company was forced to clean house and replace the management that had covered up Wynn's misdeeds. The district court granted defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint in May 2020, while granting plaintiffs leave to amend. The plaintiffs filed a Second Amended Complaint that challenged four sets of misstatements made by the defendants. The court denied the defendants' motions to dismiss, in part, upholding the plaintiffs' claims based upon a 2016 press release issued by the Company denying allegations by Steve Wynn's ex-wife that Wynn had engaged in misconduct and that the Company was withholding information from gaming regulators, and statements issued by the Company and Steve Wynn denying the Wall Street Journal's allegations and claiming that the Company had a hotline in place for reporting harassment and similar misconduct (and that no reports had been filed, thereby implying that no sexual misconduct had occurred). "At this stage, the plaintiffs have sufficiently alleged that Wynn, Maddox, Sinatra and Cootey were aware of information contradicting their statements that denied misconduct allegations," according to Judge Gordon. "The inference that these defendants were aware of Wynn's alleged misconduct at the time of their statements is cogent and compelling." Story continues Pomerantz Partner Murielle Steven Walsh, who leads the litigation, stated, "We are pleased that the court upheld claims that arose from statements made by the company and Steve Wynn that effectively denied any wrongdoing by Wynn. The court's decision underscores the fact that alleged sexual misconduct and harassment by corporate executives are material issues for investors, especially when management turns a blind eye to reports of wrongdoing. This type of misconduct poses a threat to a company's financial success." "The decision sends a stark message to corporations and their boards," according to Managing Partner Jeremy A. Lieberman, "that in the twenty-first century, the securities laws will be applied to all matters of import to investors, particularly relating to sexual harassment and ensuring a safe work environment for employees." The case is Ferris, et al. v. Wynn Resorts Ltd., et al., No. 2:18-cv-00479-APG-DJA (D. Nev.). Pomerantz LLP, with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Paris, and Tel Aviv, is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, Pomerantz pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 85 years later, Pomerantz continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members. See www.pomlaw.com. CONTACT: Murielle Steven Walsh Pomerantz LLP mjsteven@pomlaw.com 646-581-9977 CONTACT: Robert S. Willoughby Pomerantz LLP rswilloughby@pomlaw.com 888-476-6529 ext. 7980 Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pomerantz-defeats-motion-to-dismiss-in-wynn-resorts-sexual-misconduct-securities-litigation-301347812.html SOURCE Pomerantz LLP If youre a big Samsung fan, youve probably already marked your calendar for August 11th, when the company is holding its next Galaxy Unpacked event. Though it has held many events already in 2021, at least this time around its one that weve been anticipating. In recent years, Samsung has unveiled new Note phones every August. But at this coming Unpacked, the company will not be showing off a new Note. Thanks to the enterprising rumor mill and, well, Samsung itself, we have a good idea of what to expect next Wednesday. Foldables: The third generation The company published a blog post last month in which its president TM Roh teased whats to come. First up: foldables. Yes, thats plural. Well be seeing the third-generation of the Galaxy Z series, including the next Z Flip and Z Fold. If youll recall, the Z Flip is the smaller, Moto Razr-style phone that looks like a regular phone that you can close in half. Meanwhile, the Z Fold is more of a tablet-phone hybrid, where a 6.2-inch device opens up to reveal a 7.6-inch screen. What might Samsung bring in new versions of these devices? Based on the leaks floating around the internet, the Z Flip 3 will possibly have a 1.9-inch outer screen with a 6.7-inch internal flexible display. That external panel is significantly bigger than the 1.1-inch sliver on the older Z Flip, which could make it more useful when the device is shut. Weve also seen reports that the inside screen will run at 120Hz and sport dual 12-megapixel rear cameras and a 10-megapixel selfie shooter. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 standing in portrait orientation on a wooden table with its screen partly folded and facing the camera. It shows a YouTube video playing. Meanwhile, the Z Fold 3 is rumored to have a similar setup to the existing model, with a 6.2-inch exterior panel and a 7.6-inch version inside. Itll probably have triple 12-megapixel cameras and two selfie cameras on either side. Both models are reported to be rated IPX8 for water resistance, though dust resistance clearly still remains a challenge. These are all educated guesses based on whats been leaked, so Id take the details with a grain of salt. Story continues What has been confirmed is that the foldables will support Samsungs S Pen. The stylus has been a hallmark of the Note series and the company enabled support for it on its flagship S series earlier this year. In his blog post, Roh said the S Pen was specifically designed for its foldables. A stylus made for the pliable screens on foldables has been a widely requested feature, and would make the larger, opened up displays more useful. Of course, Samsung shared little else about this S Pen besides the fact that it's coming, so there are plenty of unknowns at the moment. How will it avoid damaging the softer, flexible screen? What size is its nib, what is its pressure sensitivity and will the foldables have onboard slots to house it? Will it have Bluetooth support for remote control actions? Clearly, these are things we'll have to wait till Unpacked on August 11th to learn about. Wearables: New headphones and Wear OS watches Samsung also already spilled the beans on its upcoming Galaxy Watch running the new Wear OS that it co-engineered with Google. Weve also seen plenty of leaked renders of the purported Galaxy Watch 4, which is likely to come in an Active and a Classic edition. The latter might be available in three sizes instead of just two, and appears to feature the popular rotating bezel Samsungs watches are known for. Expect to see more details about the hardware and the UI at Unpacked, in addition to pricing and availability. Samsung Galaxy Watch 3 review Thats not the only wearable that will make an appearance. Weve also seen leaks indicating new Galaxy Buds 2 might show up at Unpacked. The companys next wireless earbuds appear to have a more refined design and more color options. One report based on a beta version of an upcoming plugin on Samsungs update server also indicated the possibility of active noise cancellation, touch controls and a simplified battery interface. Thats pretty much all we know so far, though I wouldnt put it past Samsung to have something else hidden up its sleeve for the event. Will Blackpink show up? I wish. But as for actual hardware, this is already a pretty long list of things to expect come August 11th. Samsungs launch kicks off at 10am Eastern that day, and you should come watch it with us on Engadgets YouTube channel. Well be starting at 9:40AM Eastern with a pre-show and hanging around after Samsung wraps to answer your burning questions. I hope to see you then! NEW YORK, Aug. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Cassava Sciences, Inc. ("Cassava" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: SAVA). Such investors are advised to contact Robert S. Willoughby at newaction@pomlaw.com or 888-476-6529, ext. 7980. Fighting for victims of securities fraud for more than 85 years (PRNewsfoto/Pomerantz LLP) The investigation concerns whether Cassava and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices. [Click here for information about joining the class action] On July 29, 2021, Cassava issued a press release entitled "Cassava Sciences Announces Positive Cognition Data With Simufilam in Alzheimer's Disease." Although the press release touted supposedly positive cognition data, analysts and industry observers noted that the data had not demonstrated that Simufilam was more effective at improving cognition than Biogen Inc.'s drug Aduhelm. On this news, Cassava's stock price fell $33.82 per share, or 33.82%, to close at $69.53 per share on July 30, 2021. The Pomerantz Firm, with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Paris is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, the Pomerantz Firm pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 80 years later, the Pomerantz Firm continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members. See www.pomerantzlaw.com. CONTACT: Robert S. Willoughby Pomerantz LLP rswilloughby@pomlaw.com 888-476-6529 ext. 7980 Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shareholder-alert-pomerantz-law-firm-investigates-claims-on-behalf-of-investors-of-cassava-sciences-inc---sava-301347716.html SOURCE Pomerantz LLP NEW YORK, Aug. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of DiDi Global Inc. f/k/a Xiaoju Kuaizhi Inc. ("DiDi" or the "Company") (NYSE: DIDI). Such investors are advised to contact Robert S. Willoughby at newaction@pomlaw.com or 888-476-6529, ext. 7980. Fighting for victims of securities fraud for more than 85 years (PRNewsfoto/Pomerantz LLP) The investigation concerns whether DiDi and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices. [Click here for information about joining the class action] On or around June 30, 2021, Didi conducted its initial public offering ("IPO"), selling approximately 316.8 million American Depositary Shares ("ADSs"), priced at $14.00 per ADS. Then, on July 2, 2021, the Cyberspace Administration of China ("CAC") stated that it had launched an investigation into DiDi to protect national security and the public interest. The CAC also reported that it had asked DiDi to stop new user registrations during the course of the investigation. On this news, DiDi's ADS price fell $0.87 per ADS, or approximately 5.3%, to close at $15.33 per ADS on July 2, 2021. Then, on July 4, 2021, DiDi reported that the CAC ordered smartphone app stores to stop offering the "DiDi Chuxing" app because it "collect[ed] personal information in violation of relevant PRC laws and regulations." Though users who previously downloaded the app could continue to use it, DiDi stated that "the app takedown may have an adverse impact on its revenue in China." Then, on July 5, 2021, The Wall Street Journal reported that the CAC had asked the Company as early as three months prior to the IPO to postpone the offering because of national security concerns and to "conduct a thorough self-examination of its network security." On this news, DiDi's ADS price fell another $3.04 per share, or 19.6%, to close at $12.49 per share on July 6, 2021. Story continues The Pomerantz Firm, with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Paris is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, the Pomerantz Firm pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 80 years later, the Pomerantz Firm continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered numerous multimillion-dollar damages awards on behalf of class members. See www.pomerantzlaw.com. CONTACT: Robert S. Willoughby Pomerantz LLP rswilloughby@pomlaw.com 888-476-6529 ext. 7980 Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shareholder-alert-pomerantz-law-firm-investigates-claims-on-behalf-of-investors-of-didi-global-inc-fka-xiaoju-kuaizhi-inc---didi-301347500.html SOURCE Pomerantz LLP BOSTON, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Trade Hounds, a professional community and hiring platform built for the construction industry, today announced it has entered into a partnership with Deltek, a leading provider of software and solutions for project-based business, including construction firms. Trade Hounds has joined Deltek's Marketplace to provide Deltek + ComputerEase customers direct access to the Trade Hounds hiring platform. Workers across the country are using Trade Hounds to showcase their work and find jobs Nearly 250,000 tradespeople have joined Trade Hounds to showcase their work, build professional profiles and find jobs. In the fall of 2020, Trade Hounds launched functionality to enable contractors to hire directly from the platform. Today, more than 500 contractors are using Trade Hounds to source skilled labor, which remains the biggest challenge facing the construction industry today. Peter Maglathlin, co-founder of Trade Hounds, said: "The construction industry deserves a dedicated hiring platform that meets its unique needs. Skilled tradespeople are hard to find, which is why we built a home for these workers online. Contractors across the country are having success hiring from our deep community of skilled tradespeople." Trade Hounds and Deltek + ComputerEase are a complementary fit as both are laser-focused on serving America's trade contractors. Trade Hounds is the largest and most active professional community dedicated to the trades. Deltek + ComputerEase powers several thousand contractors through their proactive job costing and construction-focused flexibility. While many Deltek + ComputerEase customers have grown their business over the past year, they have also experienced the pain of the current labor shortage. Deltek + ComputerEase serves as a trusted partner to thousands of trade contractors across the country, and they are focused on helping their customers navigate the complexities of the industry. John Meibers, General Manager and Vice President of Deltek + ComputerEase said, "We're always looking for partners that bring a unique and valuable product or service to the Deltek + ComputerEase customer. Trade Hounds has built a unique community for the skilled trades. In today's tight construction labor market, getting access to qualified and skilled tradespeople can be a competitive advantage, not to mention a better way to find and hire those people that you need to grow your specialty contracting business." Story continues To learn more about what Trade Hounds offers contractors, visit their page on the Deltek Marketplace. You can access the Trade Hounds jobs platform at tradehounds.com About Trade Hounds: Trade Hounds has built the world's largest professional community for the skilled trades nearly 250,000 skilled tradespeople have joined Trade Hounds to showcase their work, build professional profiles and find jobs. Today hundreds of contractors across the country are using Trade Hounds to source the skilled workers they need to deliver on projects and grow their business. About Deltek: Better software means better projects. Deltek is the leading global provider of enterprise software and information solutions for project-based businesses. More than 30,000 organizations and millions of users in over 80 countries around the world rely on Deltek for superior levels of project intelligence, management and collaboration. Our industry-focused expertise powers project success by helping firms achieve performance that maximizes productivity and revenue. deltek.com CONTACT: Peter Maglathlin, peter@tradehounds.com Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/trade-hounds-announces-partnership-with-deltek-301348063.html SOURCE Trade Hounds, Inc. 10-state campaign will help provide at least 2.5 million meals SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Whataburger calls its annual tradition of honoring its legacy while giving back to the communities it serves Orange Spirit Week. This year, in honor of its 71st anniversary, Whataburger is partnering with Feeding America to help provide at least 2.5 million meals* through local food banks across Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Whataburger Logo (PRNewsfoto/Whataburger) From Sunday, Aug. 8, through Sunday, Aug. 15, customers who donate a minimum of $1 at any of the more than 850 Whataburger restaurants across these 10 states will receive a thank-you coupon for a free Whataburger with the purchase of a medium fry and 32-ounce drink. Every dollar donated during the week-long fundraiser will go to Feeding America and its member food banks in the local communities where the money is given. It's all in support of Whataburger Feeding Student Success, the company's signature community program operating at the intersection of food insecurity and education and focusing on helping students at all levels of education achieve their goals and dreams. "Feeding America is doing such amazing work through their network of food banks. All of us at Whataburger are looking forward to joining our customers in showing support for them during Orange Spirit Week," said Ed Nelson, Whataburger CEO. "We invite our friends and neighbors to visit their local Whataburger throughout the week and donate to help keep our children nourished and on the path to bright futures." The magic of Whataburger started on Aug. 8, 1950, in a tiny burger stand in Corpus Christi, Texas. An entrepreneur named Harmon Dobson set out to build a burger so delicious that customers would take that first bite and say, "What a burger!" Today, Whataburger is known for awesome burgers, big flavor and the brand's pride in taking care of its guests, communities and employees, known as Family Members. Orange Spirit Week celebrates its founding and the foundation for success that Dobson created. Story continues The 2021 celebration will kick off in San Antonio on Sunday, Aug. 8, with a drive-through teacher appreciation event. During the week, Whataburger employees, known as Family Members, will assemble and deliver 10,000 school supply bags to local organizations across 10 states. *$1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding America on behalf of local member food banks. Whataburger guarantees a minimum donation of $250,000 as a result of the Promotion, with no maximum set. About Whataburger Whataburger has focused on its fresh, made-to-order burgers and friendly customer service since 1950 when Harmon Dobson opened the first Whataburger as a small roadside burger stand in Corpus Christi, Texas. Today, the company is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with more than 850 locations across its 14-state footprint, and sales of more than $2.8 billion annually. Whataburger has 50,000 Family Members (employees) and more than 60 million customers who like to customize their Whataburgers just the way they like it. Visit whataburger.com or pivot-you.com for more information. To apply for Whataburger jobs now, visit whataburger.com/careers. Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/whataburger-celebrates-orange-spirit-week-2021-its-71st-anniversary-celebration-with-its-first-ever-systemwide-fundraiser-to-benefit-feeding-america-301347306.html SOURCE Whataburger TULSA, Okla., August 04, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Williams (NYSE: WMB) announced today that it has reached an agreement with Shell Offshore Inc. and Chevron U.S.A. Inc. to provide offshore natural gas gathering and crude oil transportation services as well as onshore natural gas processing services for the Whale development located approximately 10 miles from the Shell-operated Perdido host facility. Williams plans to expand its existing Gulf of Mexico offshore infrastructure via a 25-mile gas lateral pipeline build from the Whale platform to the existing Perdido gas pipeline and a new 125-mile oil pipeline to the existing Williams-owned GA-A244 junction platform. The natural gas will be transported to Williams Markham gas processing plant located in Matagorda, TX. First production is expected to come online in 2024. "Our asset synergies in the Gulf of Mexico are second to none, and we are pleased to strengthen our existing onshore and offshore infrastructure to further serve the growing needs of deepwater producers," said Micheal Dunn, chief operating officer at Williams. "The development of Whale expands Williams footprint in the Gulf by contracting one of the largest discoveries in the past decade and creating future connection opportunities for producers that will capture the full value of these important deepwater resources." Williams assets in the Gulf of Mexico offer producers the full value chain of capabilities including gathering, transmission, processing, and fractionation. Williams owns and operates 3,500 miles of natural gas and oil gathering and transmission pipeline, along with 1.8 billion cubic feet per day of cryogenic processing capacity and 60,000 barrels per day of fractionation capacity that span the Gulf of Mexico. The company has ownership in two floating production platforms, multiple fixed leg utility platforms and numerous other related facilities. About Williams Williams (NYSE: WMB) is committed to being the leader in providing infrastructure that safely delivers natural gas products to reliably fuel the clean energy economy. Headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Williams is an industry-leading, investment grade C-Corp with operations across the natural gas value chain including gathering, processing, interstate transportation and storage of natural gas and natural gas liquids. With major positions in top U.S. supply basins, Williams connects the best supplies with the growing demand for clean energy. Williams owns and operates more than 30,000 miles of pipelines system wide including Transco, the nations largest volume and fastest growing pipeline and handles approximately 30 percent of the natural gas in the United States that is used every day for clean-power generation, heating, and industrial use. Story continues View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005083/en/ Contacts MEDIA: media@williams.com (800) 945-8723 INVESTOR CONTACT: Danilo Juvane (918) 573-5075 Grace Scott (918) 573-1092 PHILADELPHIA, PA / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. is investigating whether Zymergen Inc. ('Zymergen' or the 'Company') (NASDAQ:ZY) violated federal securities laws. Zymergen investors who have suffered financial losses greater than $50,000 are encouraged to contact Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. to learn more about the securities investigation or potential securities claims. On August 3, 2021, CNBC.com reported that Zymergen '. . . has yet to start generating product sales and said it now expects revenue from its products to be immaterial' through 2022.' Stock of the Company, which went public in April 2021, dropped almost 70% on Tuesday, thereby injuring investors. ZYMERGEN SHAREHOLDERS WITH FINANCIAL LOSSES GREATER THAN $50,000 WHO WISH TO DISCUSS KEHOE LAW FIRM'S CLASS ACTION INVESTIGATION OR HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THEIR POTENTIAL LEGAL RIGHTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO COMPLETE KEHOE LAW FIRM'S SECURITIES CLASS ACTION QUESTIONNAIRE OR CONTACT MICHAEL YARNOFF, ESQ., (215) 792-6676, EXT. 804, MYARNOFF@KEHOELAWFIRM.COM, INFO@KEHOELAWFIRM.COM. Kehoe Law Firm, P.C., with offices in New York and Philadelphia, is a multidisciplinary, plaintiff-side law firm dedicated to protecting investors from securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duties, and corporate misconduct. Combined, the partners at Kehoe Law Firm have served as Lead Counsel or Co-Lead Counsel in cases that have recovered more than $10 billion on behalf of institutional and individual investors. This notice may constitute attorney advertising. SOURCE: Kehoe Law Firm, P.C. View source version on accesswire.com: https://www.accesswire.com/658444/Zymergen-Inc--ZY-Investors-With-Losses-Greater-Than-50000-Encouraged-To-Contact-Kehoe-Law-Firm-PC Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Greenes deadly arrest on May 10, 2019, came after he eluded a stop for a traffic violation and led troopers on a chase near Monroe at speeds topping 115 mph. Troopers initially told Greenes relatives the 49-year-old died from a crash at the end of the chase, despite his car showing little damage, and only later did state police acknowledge a struggle. It took 474 days for state police to launch an internal inquiry and officials from Gov. John Bel Edwards on down refused to release body camera video for more than two years. That was until the AP obtained and published it in May, showing white troopers beating Greene and dragging him by his ankle shackles, even as he pleaded for mercy and wailed, Im your brother! Im scared! Im scared! A key point under scrutiny in the federal investigation came just a day after the AP published the video, when the head of the state police, Col. Lamar Davis, and his chief of staff, Lt. Col. Doug Cain, made a hastily arranged attempt to dissuade state prosecutors from charging troopers in the Greene case, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity because they werent authorized to discuss it. While the average for daily new cases in Virginia fell below 200 in June, Avula said the state is averaging around four to five times as many cases now. He said hospitalizations and deaths from the virus in Virginia have also increased at rate similar to that at the national level, which has increased 25% in the past seven days. Avula said nearly all deaths and hospitalizations are happening to people who were unvaccinated. "Because of that, we are more and more convinced that the only path out of this is vaccination," he said. "We will get to high rates of immunity ... by the time this is all said and done. But we want as much of that immunity to come through vaccination and not through infection because there's clearly a significant toll that takes place when it happens through infection." Richmond's employee mandate comes a week after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its guidance on mask wearing, strongly urging those who have been vaccinated to wear masks indoors in areas with high levels of virus transmission. For centuries, people have used art to reflect the times in which they lived. Now, local and area residents have created works of art that provide their insights of the COVID-19 pandemic. The public is invited to see an exhibit of these works during a reception from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6, in the Fremont Area Art Association building, 92 W. Sixth St. A Pandemic-Themed Exhibit is on display this month in the Hinds and Dugan galleries of Gallery 92 West in downtown Fremont. This is only the second reception open to the public since the gallery closed due to the pandemic. The first reception took place during the John C. Fremont Days festival. Before that, the gallerys last reception was in February 2020. FAAA Executive Director Angie Olson has seen the enthusiasm of artists and gallery guests. People are excited to come in and see the exhibits and shop in the art emporium and come for open studio, she said. With the variant, there are some people who are being cautious and staying away, but for the most part were seeing decent-sized crowds and everyone is very respectful of giving people distance and space. MILWAUKEE (AP) Wisconsin state Sen. Chris Larson is withdrawing from the Democratic primary race for U.S. Senate and throwing his support behind Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. The two-term Republican incumbent, Ron Johnson, has not yet indicated whether he's going to run again. Mandela is the candidate who is best positioned to defeat Ron Johnson and who Wisconsinites can most trust to fight hard in the Senate for bold progressive policies that benefit working families, Larson said in a statement. Larson, from Milwaukee, is up for re-election next year in the state Senate, but did not indicate what path he will take politically. Because Barnes is running for U.S. Senate, there's an opening for lieutenant governor on the ticket with Democratic Gov. Tony Evers. Larson hasn't been able to raise the amount of funds he was likely hoping for with $20,000 cash on hand at the end of June. He reported raising $51,000 during the second quarter. There is no lack of interest by Democrats willing to take on Johnson if he decides to run. Pakistan's opposition has decried the nomination of a candidate with links to a militant Pakistani Islamist group to the legislative assembly in Pakistan-administered Kashmir with the support of the ruling Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) party. The chairman of the opposition Pakistan People's Party, Bilwal Bhutto Zadari, recently accused Prime Minister Imran Khan of issuing a party nomination to Muhammad Mazhar Saeed, a.k.a. Abdullah Shah Mazhar and with links to the militant Jaish-e Mohammed (JeM). Neither Khan nor his government has officially responded to the reports of Mazhar's allged ties to banned groups, and Mazhar himself has insisted he never held any "official" position for the Taliban. The JeM is blacklisted by the United States and its allies and was banned in Pakistan in 2002. Mazhar was elected to the Pakistan-administered Kashmiri legislature in a seat reserved for religious scholars after the PTI secured a majority in elections there on July 25. Zardari complained at a press conference in Karachi on July 31 that Mazhar's position "will give an opportunity to India to criticize" Pakistan. A Pakistani online newspaper reported last week that Mazhar had worked on a key position in a province of Afghanistan after the collapse of the government of President [Mohammad] Najibullah, a reference to the period from 1992 when the mujahedin and Taliban gained fragile control of Kabul. The reports led to government criticism on social media, including by members of the PTI. Lawmaker Aamir Liaquat Hussain demanded that Khan avoid nominating Mazhar. Mazhar, 48, is from Pakistan-administered Kashmir. He has acknowledged being in Afghanistan "under the rule of the Islamic Emirate" run by the Taliban but rejected as "baseless allegations" the suggestion that he held an "official post" for the Taliban. "I am a representative of Kashmiri nation," he told Radio Mashaal in a telephone interview this week. "I seek the freedom of my nation and Islam, international law, and the United Nations charter have given me the right to demand freedom." Media reports dating back to 2002 identify Mazhar as a key leader of the JeM. Syed Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistani journalist who was kidnapped and killed in 2011, wrote in his book Inside Al-Qaeda And The Taliban that Mazhal had worked as the "supreme commander" of the JeM, an anti-India militant group active in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir and blamed for a deadly attack in 2019 in the region against Indian paramilitary police A leader of the ruling PTI in Kashmir told Radio Mashaal that the central leadership had issued Mazhal a nomination ticket. The central leadership of the religious parties decided to nominate [Mazhar] -- because we have a political alliance with them, therefore we agreed," the PTI's secretary-general in Pakistani-administered Kashmir told Radio Mashaal. "But I want to emphasize that he will not attempt to present a bill to the legislature which is in clash with our [party] manifesto." The election commission of Pakistan-administered Kashmir says it has received no complaints over the nomination of Mazhar. If anyone has a proof of his disqualification, they can challenge it anytime, Farhat Ali Mir, an official of the election commission in Kashmir, said on August 2. Colorado Springs, CO (80903) Today A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low around 60F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low around 60F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Colorado Springs, CO (80903) Today Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 61F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 61F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. INDUSTRY INSIGHT A need for speed: Why data at the edge is the ultimate modernizer Volumes of data, speed of access to information and global enterprise IT describe todays environment thats constantly evolving, from the foundational infrastructure to the end-user experience. Millions of transactions per second unfold between the two, but is that fast enough? The answer is no, and machine-speed processing is a challenge compounded by the magnitudes of data growing every day. While theres no shortage of technologies promising to accelerate government agencies ability to ingest and analyze mass quantities of data, the reality is there are limits -- even to the advanced solutions already working to improve government services. What if there were a way to breathe new life into governments legacy, ineffective architectures and siloed IT operations? What if solutions could streamline functionality and meet todays data-driven demands emerging needs for data at the edge? Regardless of physical location, the edge is where milliseconds matter. Speed and the accompanying protection of data and services are no longer just nice to have for agencies. As expectations grow for public-sector experiences that are accessible, data-driven and mirror those in the commercial world, agencies must provide smart, secure, reliable citizen services wherever and whenever needed. As the network edge becomes more substantial, speed and flexibility are differentiators for data delivery. These two factors enable lightweight, small-footprint solutions deployable to Department of Agriculture soil sensors or Federal Highway Administration inspection vehicles, U.S. Postal Service mail trucks or ad hoc tactical operations centers; theyre what support continuity amid the noise and bottlenecks of field communications, and theyre key to scalable, low-latency processing of petabytes of data in microseconds. The mission-critical, latency-intolerant applications that operate at the edge ultimately hinge on three capabilities. The ability to ingest and compute data anywhere, the mobility of that data to the centralized core and the integration of legacy data stores are all fundamental to delivering decision-speed functionality. This is the new frontier for the public sector: real-time data at the edge and in the cloud are the ingredients that matter. Real time reimagined As government leaders continue to grapple with COVID-19s impact on everything from the workforce to investments -- including in IT -- the realities of todays limits and the growing demand to deliver at the edge are becoming clearer. Data at the edge is quickly becoming a benchmark for future-focused modernization goals. But with an edge thats constantly evolving and a seemingly endless array of solutions claiming to deliver to it, how do agencies and program managers determine whats right for their specific mission? A real-time data platform that securely links across the enterprise -- and delivers resulting performance and reliability -- is almost universally useful. At a passport agency or social services office, it could enable on-the-spot fraud detection. For the military and national security teams, it may provide razor-sharp decision-making thats informed by the most up-to-date intelligence. For search-and-rescue and disaster response teams, it can deliver situational awareness and visibility where every second counts. These are constituent-facing edges, but the edge can also support telematics, or computer-to-computer, transactions. And thats accelerating whats possible at the edge: By using automation and augmentation for front-end workloads, edge computing brings fresh utility to legacy systems while integrating new capabilities. The edge is aspirational, but its also a strategic way to inject agility into systems written off as obsolete. Central to making edge computing a reality, though, is the right partnership with the right solutions. With a highly secure, real-time, edge-to-core data platform, agencies can meet their modernization and performance goals while simultaneously building for the future. By tackling whats needed today and anticipating whats expected for tomorrow, agencies can future-proof their data operations and scale, modernize and integrate according to emerging demands. Water infrastructure rife with cyber vulnerabilities, report says When hackers exploited an outdated version of Windows in an apparent attempt to poison the water supply in Oldsmar, Fla., ThreatLocker co-founder and CEO Danny Jenkins said he wasn't just alarmed that the attackers had gained remote access to the plant's TeamViewer software to jack up levels of sodium hydroxide to a lethal dosage. It more concerning to the cybersecurity executive that a single operator could tamper with the chemical levels -- regardless of whether that person was a hacker or utility employee. The legacy infrastructure common in local water treatment plants lacks even the most basic cybersecurity controls. "Why was an operator, a single person, able to turn a dial that could poison the water?" Jenkins said in a recent interview. "Water companies tend to live in the past because their technologies live in the past Regardless of the IT parts of this and the controls we put in place, the limitations need to be put in place as well." On Tuesday, ThreatLocker published a report titled Protecting water infrastructure against cyberattacks, which explores issues water utilities have faced when looking to improve their cybersecurity posture and detailed the severely limited IT and operational technology financial resources for water utilities across the country. For example, at least 38% of systems nationwide have allocated less than 1% of their overall budgets to IT cybersecurity, according to Information Systems Audit and Control Association's (ISACA) "Cybersecurity 2021 State of the Industry." Another 22.1% of systems were allocating just 1% to 5% of their budgets towards addressing IT cybersecurity issues. State and local infrastructure advocates have testified on Capitol Hill in recent weeks about the need for increased federal investments in cybersecurity resources around water infrastructure for rural and small communities. The $1 trillion infrastructure bill currently being considered in the Senate also includes a section on cybersecurity support for public water systems as part of a planned $48.4 billion investment in water infrastructure. The bill tasks the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to prioritize risks to public water systems and the sources of drinking water. Under the bill, federal officials will provide site vulnerability and risk assessments, along with additional support and consultation, for public water systems which CISA determines should be prioritized for cybersecurity support. A federal auditing process for water utilities similar to the one detailed in the legislation may also help provide clearer, standardized regulations for any public water system hoping to improve its cyber posture, Jenkins said. Experts at a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing in July pointed to federal initiatives they said were currently underutilized, like the Rural Water Circuit Rider Program, which can provide technical assistance like cybersecurity training and other resources to water utilities and their employees. The water industry has largely failed to establish clear, universal guidelines around cybersecurity on its own, the report noted, with water infrastructure management typically left up to local municipalities or private firms. A recent Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Water-ISAC) survey showed a majority of water utilities have yet to fully assess risks to their own IT assets. Though added financial resources can go a long way in improving cyber posture, Jenkins noted water utilities were in need of clear guidance on how to spend funds in order to adequately protect their infrastructure. "I hope the government is putting together tangible guidance, which people can actually follow as opposed to vagueness," he said. "Everyone wants a list of ways to move forward. Nobody knows what to do right now." This article was first posted to FCW, a sibling site to GCN. Crowdsourced sensor data powers smoke map The Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) have released updates to the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map to help protect communities from the effects of wildfire smoke. Started as a pilot project last year, the map pulls data from three sources: temporary monitors such as those the Forest Service and other agencies have deployed near fires; crowdsourced data from nearly 10,000 low-cost sensors nationwide that measure fine particle pollution, the major harmful pollutant in smoke; and monitors that regularly report to AirNow, EPAs one-stop source for air quality data. On July 19, the agencies announced improvements to the map, including a dashboard that gives users quick access to information that can help them plan their outdoor activities, the current Air Quality Index category at the monitor or sensor location, data showing whether air quality is improving or worsening, and information about actions to consider taking based on the AQI. EPA and USFS developed the map pilot to provide information on fire locations, smoke plumes and air quality in one place. It had more than 7.4 million views in its first three months. The map imports data from almost 10,000 sensors from PurpleAir, an air quality sensor network that crowdsources data on particle pollution, providing real-time measurement of air quality on a public map. This was a logical addition to two other projects already under way, Tim Carroll, EPAs deputy press secretary, wrote in an email to GCN: the Forest Services Interagency Wildland Fire Air Quality Response Program and EPAs AirNow Program. The extra data points the sensors provided proved useful in characterizing air quality during the 2020 fire season, and we had positive reception from state, local and tribal air agency partners, and from the public, Carroll said. The map is intended for individuals to use in making decisions about outdoor activities based on air quality, he added, but the unique fire, smoke and concentration data can help increase awareness of the significant impacts wildfires across all levels of government -- federal, state, local and tribal -- and provide a valuable tool to assist agencies as they work to protect public health from wildfire smoke during these emergencies. Officials can use the map to compare current air quality from the three main data sources and to view fire locations, basic fire information (if available) and smoke plume information. Most sensors are operated by private citizens monitoring air quality where it is important to them, Carroll said. PurpleAir sensor users can choose to contribute their data to a public crowdsourced database. Sensor data is transmitted by Wi-Fi back to PurpleAirs database. PurpleAir has partnered with EPA and USFS to provide real-time data to the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map. To make PurpleAir data more comparable to smoke monitor data on the AirNow Fire and Smoke Map, EPAs Office of Research and Development built a correction equation. When data is imported, the map displays only sensors labeled as outdoor, removes questionable data when internal sensors disagree, applies the correction equation, and then harnesses NowCast, EPAs method for relating hourly data to the AQI, to show data in the context of the index. In 2020, if you clicked on a monitor or sensor icon on the map, you would get a popup box showing the recent air quality history at that location -- both in terms of the NowCast AQI and in terms for fine particle concentrations, Carroll said. The changes EPA and USFS released [July 22] put a lot more information at the users fingertips. Now when you click on a monitor or sensor, you get the dashboard that shows you the current NowCast AQI, gives you quick information on how you may need to take precautions, and shows you whether recent air quality (usually the past 30 minutes) at the location has improved, worsened, or stayed the same. The sensor data is not used on other maps on the AirNow website, to calculate the NowCast AQI or to forecast AQI on the AirNow homepage or app, EPA says. Were exploring other ways to make air quality information more broadly available to the public, Carroll said. The next step in that work is getting the Fire and Smoke Map included in the AirNow app. Look for that in the coming weeks. Elwood later displayed his gratitude for his fair experiences by serving on the Mitchell County Fair Board, for 20 years. The fairgrounds look a lot different today, because we have built new buildings since then," he said. "The budget for the fair was minimal back in those days, but now the County Supervisors have been gracious in supporting the county fair. Shirley has a few memories of her own. I recall how 4-H girls had a specific project each year like food, clothing, or home furnishing, but now they have many projects to choose from," Shirley said. "I know my 4-H projects have helped me with my homemaking skills, and I know the demonstrations that I did at the fair help me today when I speak in front of people. Shirley had served as entry secretary for 10 years and worked with the Mitchell County Queen contest for 20 years. Today, the Rakes walk a short distance from their home on Liberty Drive to attend the fair each year. Clarence Kruse also continues to support the fair he attended as a youth by supporting 4-H auctions for over 25 years. He was once a member of the Osage Jaycees that actively supported county fair events, and he sponsored a Moormans Feed booth for many years. Still, the process is one that has been ripe for conspiracy theorists in America since the 1940s, when Grand Rapids, Michigan, became the first U.S. city to add fluoride to its drinking water. One such notion from the 1960s was that adding fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral, to water was a way for communists to rot people's brains and stymie their reasoning. Reporting from the Washington Post in the 1980s contradicted that notion by finding that samples from the Soviet Union actually had fluoride levels below 0.8. So if the communists were fluoridating water to control hearts and minds, they weren't doing a great job of it in their own stronghold. In the absence of a physical border barrier with Belarus, the question arises as to how to ensure that there is no disproportionate use of force against asylum seekers, which by any means could not be justified, she said, adding that the Red Cross understands the states challenges in protecting its border. Lithuania, a nation of less than 3 million people, has no physical barriers for its 679-kilometer (420-mile) long border with Belarus. Some 4,090 migrants, most of them from Iraq, have crossed this year from Belarus into Lithuania. Another 35 people crossed into Lithuania illegally on Wednesday, according to the State Border Guard Service, but this was significantly lower than the triple-digit numbers of previous days. Belarus claimed Wednesday that a non-Slavic person died from injuries at a border town but Lithuania dismissed the report as propaganda from a hostile regime. This is nonsense, a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, Lithuania Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite told reporters. Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas called the report an obvious provocation. Lithuania is under hybrid attack and spreading such information is a classic example of this process. A new survey is biting into the impact COVID-19 has had on restaurants across Southside Virginia. Eateries are encouraged to answer online questions posed by the SoVa Task Force, an organization formed last year to help share resources and information in an effort to benefit businesses across Southside. We recognize the restaurant industry has faced and continues to face tremendous challenges because of the pandemic, Corrie Bobe, director of economic development for the city of Danville, said in a news release. Restaurant owners and operators were forced to close their dining rooms, reduce their hours, or close entirely. Today, they continue to face a number of challenges. The 18-question survey asks basic questions about how restaurants coped with closures and fallout from the pandemic. It also asks businesses to detail challenges currently faced. The responses will remain anonymous, the news release said. We need to know what the restaurants are doing differently and how we can best assist with the resources we have available, Bobe said. Restaurants in Danville can expect to get a postcard from the Danville Office of Economic Development with information about the survey. Danville and Pittsylvania County on Wednesday recorded the most daily COVID-19 cases since March 11, and another death from the illness caused by the novel coronavirus brought the toll to 230. Between both localities, 35 new infections were added in Wednesday mornings update from the Virginia Department of Health, the most since the trend shifted to more vaccines and fewer cases. The latter trend is now reversed. Now, the Pittsylvania-Danville Health District is averaging about 17 new cases per day, a dramatic rise from only two new infections in July. Across Virginia, 1,717 new cases were added Wednesday based on data received by 5 p.m. Tuesday, also marking the highest number since mid-March. The increase mirrors the direction the nation is heading as the powerful delta variant an altered version of the coronavirus first discovered in India sweeps across the still mostly unvaccinated landscape. Fewer than half the adults in Danville and Pittsylvania County are considered fully vaccinated, meaning they have received two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna shots or just one of the Johnson & Johnson version. When factoring in children, less than 40% of the population in the Pittsylvania-Danville Health District is vaccinated. GREENSBORO Beginning Saturday, the Guilford County health department is offering $100 gift cards to people who receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to a news release from the county. The cards will be offered through August 31 or while supplies last. And those who transport someone to a first dose appointment can get a $25 cash card (one card per visit). The offers are limited to people 18 and older. Cash cards will be available at all of the Guilford County health department's first-dose community and mobile clinics. For a list of of these vaccine clinics, visit www.GuilfordVaccination.com. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Cash cards will also be available at both Guilford County Public Health clinics at: 1100 E. Wendover Ave., Greensboro. 501 E. Green Drive, High Point. All clinics accept walk-in appointments and pre-registration is not required. As a result, Barbara Peck, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee state court system, said Wednesday that lawyers for courts in her state had advised that it is not applicable in Tennessee. Some housing advocates said the new system would be complicated but would prevent some evictions. Their clients were grateful for the reprieve. Antoinette Eleby, 42, of Miami, said she had been worried as she expected an eviction order within two to three weeks after she said her landlord twice refused to take federal rental assistance. She had sent five of nine children to live with her mother in another county. But after hearing about the new CDC order, Eleby said she was hopeful the additional time would persuade her landlord to take the federal funds and she could remain her home. She has been told by her lawyer that the order means she cannot be evicted by sheriffs officers. Now that this happened, Im kind of at ease. I am just seeing what are the next steps. I just have to continue hoping for the best, said Eleby, who couldnt work for part of the pandemic after her family contracted COVID-19. Associated Press writers Lisa Mascaro, Darlene Superville in Washington and Michael Casey in Boston contributed to this report. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. The suspect of a homicide in the Tulare County community of Woodville has died following an officer-involved shooting in a cemetery, the Coroners Office confirmed on Tuesday. On Saturday, deputies with the Tulare County Sheriffs Office responded to a call at a home in the area of Avenue 168 and Road 166 for a woman whod been shot. Inside, they found that the victim, 30-year-old Rachel Martinez, had, dead at the scene. during their investigation, Detectives found that 31-year-old Ruben Isaac Sanchez shot Martinez after a verbal argument, according to reports. Sanchez left the area when Deputies were called. The gun was not found at the scene of the crime, leading investigators to believe he was still armed. Deputies initially had concerns that Sanchez would head towards Oregon or Washington where he lived previously. However, at 4:30 p.m. Monday, detectives received a tip that Sanchez was hiding in the Woodville Cemetery. When detectives arrived, a shooting ensued, resulting in Sanchez being shot. Sanchez was airlifted to a hospital, where he later died. Woodville is a small, census-designated place in the lower, western part of Tulare County, with a population of less than 2,000 people. " " Surgeons work on a gunshot wound victim at the Ben Taub General Hospital emergency room in Houston, Texas. Wound ballistics is the study of the effects of projectiles on bones, tissue and organs. The study begins if medical staff can't save its patient. Gregory Smith/Getty Images There is no existing body of work regarding the best place of the anatomy to be shot, but there are a few contenders. To understand where the best place to be shot is, you must first understand a little bit about bullets and the effects they have on the human body. The study of what bullets do to tissue, bone and organs is called wound ballistics, and this field has come up with some definite conclusions about the destructiveness of projectiles on humans. A bullet is a carrier of force, and its purpose is to transfer that energy within the body. This energy causes all of the injuries sustained, whether directly or in a secondary manner. Advertisement The injury inflicted by a bullet is directly related to the bullet's kinetic energy. This is a measure of the bullet's weight, velocity and gravitational trajectory. The combination of the three describe how much damage a bullet will cause. As a bullet enters the body, it causes laceration and crushing wounds. The bullet punctures tissue and bone, crushing or pushing aside anything in its path. When a bullet passes through tissue, it creates a cavity that can be 30 times wider than its track (the path it takes). This cavity closes behind the bullet less than a second after the bullet passes, but the cavitation it causes can damage nearby tissue, organs and bones via shock waves. The type and amount of injury sustained from a bullet also depends on what a bullet encounters. Soft tissue can carry shock waves more easily than bone, but since bone is dense, it absorbs more force (and damage). Bones also splinter, causing further damage as the fragments travel through the body as projectiles themselves. A bullet that passes through the body (creating an exit wound) generally will cause less damage than one which stays in the body, because a bullet that stays in the body transfers all of its kinetic energy (and ensures maximum damage to tissue). This is the aim of most modern ballistic design. Jacketed bullets are designed to fragment after impact, dividing their destructive power. Hollow-point and soft bullets are designed to flatten and spread, creating a wider area for their tracks and increasing the damage caused by shock waves and cavitation. Based on this information, we can make some conclusions about the areas you might least like to take a bullet and deduce the best place from there. A bullet can shatter bone, and bone can also ensure a bullet won't leave the body. So you'd want to stay away from areas with a lot of bone mass, such as the ribs. You would also want to stay away from nerve bundles, as Ed Sizemore mentioned. And, most importantly, you'd want to keep your vital organs away from a bullet. This definitely counts your torso out and your head, too. So it looks like your arms and legs are the best place to take a bullet. But wait: Your thighs and upper arms both feature important arteries your femoral and brachial arteries. If a bullet severs either one of these, the loss of blood can cause death in just a few minutes. So the legs and arms are out. Based on their location and relative distance from vital organs, your hands or feet appear to be the best place to take a bullet. Getting shot in a foot or hand would certainly shatter most of the many bones there, and it would be an extremely painful experience, but it would pose little deadly threat. What's more, although you have plenty of bones there to shatter, the fragments are less likely to travel easily to your vital organs, like your heart. Plus, with your hands and feet as relatively thin as they are, a bullet also has a better chance of passing through your body before it transfers the full extent of its power. You might suffer a disability, but you'd be more likely to live through the experience. Editor's Note: Ed Sizemore was interviewed in 2007. How a gunshot wound helped us learn about digestion In 1822, Canadian Alexis St. Martin was accidentally shot beneath his left breast at close range. The musket ball tore away parts of his left side, exposing bone, tissue and organs. His stomach was exposed and punctured, and a physician who attended him, Dr. William Beaumont, concluded St. Martin would soon die. He survived an additional 66 years, though his wound never healed. Dr. Beaumont used St. Martin's exposed stomach and hole to extract digested food to determine the functions of the stomach, which had been only theorized until St. Martin's (educationally) fortunate accident [source: University of Houston]. Read More Advertisement Originally Published: Dec 7, 2007 For All U of U Health Patients & Visitors The two men applied for over $1,043,000 in PPP loans last year between April and December. In the applications, the men allegedly made numerous false statements about having paid payroll taxes and having employees. Two Montana men have pleaded not guilty to federal bank fraud charges after the U.S. Attorney for Montana accused them of defrauding a bank of approximately $1 million in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans and using the money to buy things like property and vehicles. Trevor Gene Lanius-McLeod, also known as Trevor Gene McLeod, 48, of Laurel, and Kasey Jones Wilson, 29, of Helena, each pleaded not guilty to bank fraud and with engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The two men applied for over $1,043,000 in PPP loans last year between April and December with Valley Bank of Helena, alleged the government. The loans were supposed to be used to pay salaries at four different businesses. McLeod applied for funds as the authorized representative of T. McLeod Holdings LLC, Hilltop Estates LLC, and Renovated Montana Properties LLP. McLeod and Wilson applied for funds as the authorized representatives of Step Above Management LLC. In the applications, the men allegedly made numerous false statements about having paid payroll taxes and having employees, and they agreed to use the loan funds for payroll costs, costs related to group health care benefits and insurance premiums, rent, utilities, interest on payments on debt and refinancing a Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan. Fleming was too scared at first to check her live stream from her security cameras positioned around her property, fearing the worst, she said. Fortunately, shes been able to see trucks and firefighters check on her home. Smoke blew through but none of her buildings were lost in the blaze. Around the same time that Fleming was evacuating, Mary McKain and her guest, Alberta Bratland, first became aware that something was awry when their power went out unexpectedly. Bratland struggled in the dark to find the fuse box. McKain tried to help restore the power. So I go up onto the deck and I look out and theres a fire down there, McKain said. No one had warned McKain to evacuate. She immediately called the sheriffs office and told them her address. And he went, get out now! McKain said. In the rush to pack, McKain grabbed some musical instruments on her way out the door, but forgot her medication. Bratland lost her home to a fire in North Dakota nearly 18 months ago. Red Cross providing shelter I just feel like if they know who I am, I would feel like I wouldnt be able to go home from that (council) meeting they would pursue me or something if they got wind of the whole discussion, Helvey said Monday. But Helvey says many share her concerns and she shared emails from supporters. She wants commissioners to form a committee to explore changes to an ordinance allowing fireworks to be sold and set off in Butte from June 24 to July 5 and from Dec. 29 to Dec. 31. The Standard has received other letters on the issue recently, including one from a longtime resident who also supports limits and one who said Butte was a patriotic place that loves a parade and fireworks that come with the nations birthday. Immediately attempting to lodge complaints and make changes to local traditions is not the best way to make friends and influence people, Natalie Munden wrote in the latter letter, which was endorsed by six others. This type of behavior is a key reason new residents are often suspect and subject to mistrust while neighbors look for evidence of new property owners attempting to make Butte and Montana just like the place they left, the letter said. HELENA Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte said Tuesday that he would increase the number of National Guard troops helping respond to wildfires. There are 84 soldiers deployed to help firefighting efforts as the state faces record drought and heat that have made it easier for fires to start and tougher to put them out. Gianforte ordered six additional crews to help as fire activity increased, bringing the total number of soldiers to 200 by this weekend. Montana had 24 large fires as of Tuesday. Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,800 fires have ignited in the state, burning 750 square miles (1,940 square kilometers) 400 square miles (1,000 square kilometers) of which have burned since July 26. A historic drought and recent heat waves tied to climate change have made wildfires harder to fight in the American West. Scientists say climate change has made the region much warmer and drier in the past 30 years and will continue to make wildfires more frequent and destructive. Officials estimate that about 38 homes have been destroyed this year. Around 600 people have been ordered to evacuate their homes as of Tuesday because of nine fires. Not that the majority party was interested in public comment. GOP legislators voted for some terrible bills (House Bill 505, Rep. Wylie Galt, R-Martinsdale; House Bill 697, Rep. Josh Kassmeir, R-Fort Benton) despite thousands of emails, letters and testimony from hunters. Montana hunters were frequently denigrated by GOP members on the House floor and in committee, along with our existing successful partnership programs like Block Management and game damage hunts. Fortunately, HB 505 and 697 died in process, but not for lack of support by Republicans, and they will probably be introduced again next session. Some large landowners clearly want to save the regular hunting season for selling bull hunts, and then use arbitrary and ineffective shoulder seasons to kill cows. If these terms are unfamiliar to you, here is the straight talk: more options for the wealthy and fewer for working class Montanans. Block Management and game damage hunts are existing, successful programs that rely on partnerships. We need the current administration to demonstrate support for those collaborative programs instead of undermining them. Conversations over the past few months reflect a lot of concern about Montanas children returning to school, and the curriculum being provided there. One things for certain -- families are becoming increasingly vocal about the public school environment. This is underscored by the parents who have necessarily become much more engaged with their childrens school work since the 2020 onset of the pandemic. Parents have been more involved in their childrens online and day-to-day academic programs, and are concerned about the current curriculums time and emphasis on trends in social mores time and effort that could be devoted to reading, writing and math. Now, with a heightened awareness of what public schools are emphasizing, parents are evaluating options in selecting what and how their children should be learning. During the 2021 Legislative Session, over $1.8 billion was appropriated from the General Fund your tax dollars -- for the 2022-2023 biennium. At the same time, the Legislature provided the option to maximize eligible tax credits for educational programs for students transitioning from public to private schools. This, along with home schooling and home-school co-ops, allows more educational oversight and preferences for parents. On Jan. 6, violent rioters attacked the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., under the guise that voter fraud was the reason the former president lost the 2020 election. Although numerous government agencies and courts investigated the rumors of fraud and found no evidence of any improprieties, the rioters stormed the Capitol with the intention of doing harm to lawmakers and Vice President Mike Pence. While trying to achieve their goal, the rioters were filmed attacking security personnel with numerous types of weapons including guns, clubs, pepper spray and large rocks. During the confrontation the rioters were recorded yelling their intent to kill the police, the lawmakers and to hang the vice president. Unfortunately, even with all the evidence showing this was an out-of-control violent mob, our Congressman Matt Rosendale and a few other politicians put the blame for the violence on the brave personnel assigned to protect the Capitol and the people inside. Rosendales statement that it was a breach of security, not an armed mob that caused the violence, clearly shows that hes delusional and should be voted out of office. If you want to save Montana from politicians like Rosendale, please vote in 2022. Keith Blount Butte Love 3 Funny 13 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 DECATUR Shane McDermith, of Shaners Towing, learned about the various options available to his business during the Decatur Regional Chamber of Commerce breakfast on Wednesday at the Decatur Club. Like many businesses throughout the country, McDermith said he has been in need of employees since before the pandemic. Im just looking forward to having a life again, he said. Were the night shift and the day shift. The breakfast was an opportunity for businesses to learn more about Workforce Investment Solutions and other agencies able to connect employers with future employees. Annamarie Dorr, Central Illinois Regional Workforce Development manager, explained the resources available to businesses during one of their more challenging times. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act is a public workforce program that is federally funded to help employees prepare for high quality jobs and employers find skilled workers. The purpose is to support local and regional economies, Dorr said. Working with various governmental departments, Workforce Investments provides skilled and upgrade training, apprenticeships, supportive services such as childcare and transportation costs, and equipment or tools needed for training. Once someone gets enrolled in the WIOA program we see them through, all the way til they are in the job, Dorr said. Throughout the training, Workforce Investments also works toward job-readiness skills including interview preparation and communication skills in the workplace. Our goal is to help people become self-sufficient and help them set out a career pathway, Dorr said. Rocki Wilkerson, Workforce Investment Solutions executive director, works with the local businesses and employees. She has assisted with training in manufacturing, healthcare and logistics as well as many other careers. We have tried to continue serving this community regardless of the pandemic, Wilkerson said. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Changes and challenges are expected in the near future. Its hard to come back in and say How can I be retrained?, Where do I go?, What are the resources?, Wilkerson said. Were there to help those people. State Rep. Sue Scherer sat among the business owners and representatives during Wednesdays breakfast, but was well aware of the advantages Workforce Investments was able to provide to the communities. Somebodys always out of work, she said. The first thing I say is Did you go to them? A lot of times they didnt know what it is. Workforce Investments connects the employer and the employee, as well as providing services for a successful transition. According to Scherer, Workforce Investments has resources available through the use of the American Rescue Plan Act. Theyve got the money to really give a lot of help right now, she said. You dont have to go through it alone. For his towing company, McDermith needs about 10 drivers and a second-shift receptionist. Ive had the phones every night, he said. It's a whole different life in Decatur after midnight. Rick Price, Fuyao Glass Illinois human resources vice president, has a goal of hiring some 10 employees a week. He often partners with Workforce Investments to hire skilled workers. Its hard, Price said. People sign up, but they dont show up. Fuyao used online interviews during the pandemic, with little success. He hopes once the government ends the stimulus offer which extended unemployment benefits, he will meet serious applicants. In-person interviews and application opportunities, similar to a Fuyao event in January 2020 hosted by Workforce Investments, has proven to be beneficial for companies. Its the in-person, getting to talk to someone, to show them what you do at the plant, Price said. Price credits Workforce Investments for helping him find qualified employees. Its an untapped source that some businesses dont know about, he said. All you have to do is make the phone call, Workforce takes it from there. Contact Donnette Beckett at (217) 421-6983. Follow her on Twitter: @donnettebHR Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 The business news you need Get the latest local business news delivered FREE to your inbox weekly. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. There's two new family-friendly adventures coming to Springfield next month for you to escape from. Family-trio Rick Briggs, Brett Moore and Nathan Millspaugh are in the process of building the first two sets for Amazing Xscapes, a new escape room opening in Springfield by September. "This was a chance for me to bring an attraction to Springfield that we could all be proud of and enjoy," said Briggs, who has spent decades engineering theme park attractions. "We're calling it a kind of Orlando-level-themed attraction for Springfield." At launch, Amazing Xscapes will boast two escape rooms featuring themed-videos and special effects: one centered around a spy-themed diamond heist with the other room featuring an Egyptian sarcophagus. (Spoiler alert: there's a mummy in that room). "(The first) room is like a heist super spy room," said Millspaugh, who worked in special effects for movie and TV productions for 18 years. "So you have to get in and take back what the evil villain took from you and save the world." Amazing Xscapes partnered with Springfield-based The Storyteller Studios to produce original short-film productions that will air alongside the escape room to give it a more movie-like feel, Millspaugh said. The spy room instantly evokes similarities to various scenes in a James Bond with ice-foam lining the walls. The main villain also bears an obvious resemblance to Dr. Evil in from Austin Powers series. "It's really an adventure is what you're doing," Briggs said. "You're not really trying to escape the rooms anymore, but that's just kind of the nomenclature of what this is called." The Egyptian room, meanwhile, features plenty of weight-based keys and traps alongside plenty of tropes typically found in video games and cinema. Millspaugh joked there won't be any Indiana Jones-sized boulders rolling at escapees, however. "Basically, it's the curse of the mummy type of room, so you have to go in there, you're kind of an explorer and you have to basically best the mummy to escape," Millspaugh said. The last room under construction is akin to the hit show "Stranger Things," though it won't be open until at least the winter. Millspaugh said they'll likely rotate rooms in future years. "It's a 1980s theme," Briggs said about the room. "This family disappeared in 1985 and the house is exactly the way it was when they disappeared. So you get to step in and find out what happened to them." Amazing Xscapes will also have a mobile-tent that doubles as an escape room that'll be available to rent for outings. The business, located in the strip mall at 1650 Wabash Ave., will also have a party room to rent. Millspaugh will be Amazing Xscapes' game master after spending several years running Escape Springfield, an escape room that closed during the COVID-19 pandemic that used to be located along Chatham Road. Briggs said he's getting into the escape room business with Millspaugh and Moore, his sons-in-law, to bring an attraction to his hometown of Springfield. "I've worked all over the world," Briggs said, "but I don't ever do work in Springfield. ... So that's one reason that I was really excited about building this room with the guys, so that we could build something new in Springfield." Amazing Xscapes will be open Wednesday through Sunday beginning Sept. 1, Millspaugh said. Times will be available to book online at amazingxscapes.com Briggs said rooms are family-friendly and are suited for those who are at least 8 years old. Groups range from two to 10 but there won't be any random pairings, Millspaugh said, meaning a room is reserved for whoever booked it during that timeframe. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 ST. LOUIS Area hospital leaders are raising the alarm about an increase in the number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 and asking adults to protect children by getting vaccinated and wearing a mask. In just one week, the major hospital systems across the St. Louis area have gone from having 13 children hospitalized with COVID to 20, Dr. Clay Dunagan said Tuesday, speaking on behalf of the St. Louis Metropolitan Pandemic Task Force. Ten were under the age of 12 and too young to get vaccinated, while the rest were ages 12 to 18. Three in youngest age group and four in the oldest were in intensive care fighting for their lives, said Dunagan, chief clinical officer for BJC HealthCare. The more infectious delta variant began spreading across Missouri in late May and has quickly become the culprit behind most cases, leading to a sharp increases in cases and hospitalizations among the unvaccinated. Dunagan pointed to data from other countries showing that compared to earlier strains of the coronavirus, the delta variant is two to three times more likely to put an unvaccinated person in the hospital and twice as likely to result in death. St. Louis task force hospitals have seen a daily average of 420 patients hospitalized with COVID over the past week four times the average number recorded six weeks ago, Dunagan said. The latest snapshot shows 84% of those patients were unvaccinated, he said. Fully vaccinated patients tended to have compromised immune systems or other illnesses. Kids are also getting caught up in the dangerous trends. Its true that children typically dont have a very rough time with COVID. Many weather it with minor symptoms, not that much worse than a cold, but not all of them do, Dunagan said. Cardinal Glennon Childrens Hospital in St. Louis started the summer with less than eight children testing positive for COVID-19 in the emergency department and one or two children hospitalized with COVID-19 at any given time. Since the delta variant has been rearing itself, we are seeing double digits in the emergency department, and we have typically between eight and 12 kids in the hospital with COVID, said the hospitals chief medical officer, Dr. Marya Strand. Among CoxHealth hospitals serving southwest Missouri, where the delta variant hit first, doctors cared for two children hospitalized with COVID in May, 10 in June and 18 in July, officials said. The children seen at Cardinal Glennon are either unvaccinated or too young for the vaccine, Strand said. So, these children rely on their families and their community to be vaccinated to protect them, which we havent done. Statewide, 48% of residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine and 42% have been fully vaccinated, according the Department of Health and Senior Services. Dunagan said in order to halt spread, vaccination levels now need to reach 80% to 90% because of how contagious the delta variant is. St. Louis and St. Louis County reinstated mask requirements indoors on July 26, but the move prompted a large protest by an unmasked crowd at last weeks county council meeting. State Attorney General Eric Schmitt also filed suit against the local mandate. A temporary halt to enforcement of the order was granted Tuesday. The mask mandate was prompted by evidence showing that while vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe illness and death, the fully vaccinated are sometimes still able to spread the virus. Masking is an easy way to protect kids and for kids to protect themselves and for adults to protect the children around them, Strand said. Young kids wear a mask when they see their parents do so, she added. Parents have to be thoughtful and set a good example. Hospitals to the south see surge Doctors with childrens hospitals in surrounding states such as Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas have also reported caring for more severely ill pediatric patients with COVID-19. Arkansas Childrens Hospital in Little Rock issued a news release last week saying it was caring for a record number of 24 children hospitalized with COVID-19 a 50% increase over its winter peak. Of the 24, seven were in intensive care and four were on ventilators, according to the release. After many months of zero or few pediatric COVID cases, we are seeing infants, children and teens with COVID pouring back into the hospital, more and more each day, she wrote. Haq is also concerned the delta variant is not only highly contagious but could cause more severe disease. This time around Im seeing more COVID pneumonia in younger children (previously was seeing COVID pneumonia mainly in tweens and up), now seeing in neonates to preschoolers, Haq wrote. Strand said she is seeing kids admitted with COVID who are otherwise healthy. We are not seeing that they have other comorbidities that make them more at risk, these are kids who just happen to have COVID, and it happens to be of a degree that they need hospital-level support, she said. Theres no predictive model for who is going to be hospitalized and who is going to be able to go home. She said its too early to tell for certain if the delta variant is making kids more sick. While she is seeing more children being admitted, that may because more kids are getting infected, she said. Most children coming to the emergency department end up having mild enough to symptoms to recover at home. But she expects that could likely change based on what other regional hospitals are experiencing. We are seeing a lot more volume of kids testing positive for COVID, but we are not yet seeing the high acuity, which is great, she said. I think its coming, but we havent seen it yet. Unexpected surge in RSV Making the situation more dire, Strand said, is that the increase in COVID patients is happening at the same time childrens hospitals are seeing an increase in respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a highly contagious flu-like virus which typically peaks in the winter months. RSV was nearly non-existent last winter as people were more strict about wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing; but cases began to increase in southern states in June. Cases have also increased in Missouri, prompting DHSS to issue an advisory on July 6 warning providers of the unexpected off-season surge. Each year in the U.S., RSV leads to about 58,000 hospitalizations and 100 to 500 deaths among children younger than 5 years old. Im extremely concerned because not only do we see that increased acuity (in pediatric COVID patients) south of us and moving into Arkansas, but when you add that on top of all of our winter viruses peaking right now, our hospitals across the region are already full, Strand said. So, if we have increased admissions and increased acuity, we are going to really be strapped for resources and space for pediatric patients. Michele Munz 314-340-8263 @michelemunz on Twitter mmunz@post-dispatch.com Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 A couple of months ago, I wrote an op-ed for The Progressive magazine about why President Joe Biden needs to build a bridge with young Americans. The nationally syndicated piece drew hundreds of responses from strangers agreeing with my sentiments. But I heard nothing from the one place that mattered most: the White House. So I wrote a Playbook on Youth Engagement in the White House and sent it to Bidens staff. They encouraged me to stay in touch; there was no substantive conversation. Young Americans like me shouldnt feel like kids in the grocery store putting candy in the cart and having our elected officials tell us, Put that back. Our bold policy proposals are not overly idealistic, shortsighted or naive. Theyre necessary. Were fighting for a sustainable future on an emissions-filled planet, for economic equity and a departure from systemic racism. We are demanding fundamental human rights. President Joe Biden promised us that he would be a president for all. Am I and the rest of the nations 42 million young people included? The Democratic National Commissions website states, Democrats will promote the rights of young people and nurture young leaders. Where are these young leaders exactly? In April 2020, the Democratic Party had two primary candidates for President: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 79, and former Vice President Joe Biden, 78. Four years earlier, Sanders, then 75, was squared off against an establishment Democrat, Hillary Clinton, then 69. For two presidential elections in a row, millennials and Gen Zers had to choose contenders who were old enough to be their grandparents. Young people were looking for ... whats the term? Oh yes, new blood. Sanders, its true, is beloved by many young progressives. They felt like a leading Democratic candidate was finally speaking about the issues that matter to them, including student debt, the Green New Deal and higher education. But in 2020 the nod went to Biden, and young people were told, Hey, at least hes not Trump. The DNC Convention didnt help. Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich might have swayed moderate Republicans to come to the Democratic side, but he didnt excite young people. Why not invite Rep. Sharice Davids, the first Democrat elected to represent a Kansas congressional district in a decade? She was then a mere 40 years old. Dont tell me that my president and his staff cant respond to everyone and that my want is just one thing on a billion list of things to do. Asking to implement and lead an Office of Young Americans is not asking too much. Young people are willing to do the work. And how about creating positions that enhance youth voice and youth power? There are no youth engagement staff housed in Bidens Office of Public Engagement that are under 25, as many groups have urged. Hiring a director of youth engagement and youth liaisons within each department could help build relationships between young people and their government. The key to connecting with young people is creating safe spaces for conversations about the issues that impact them most. The House and the Senate can create youth councils within their prospective offices to establish stronger bonds between young constituents and staffers. Real youth engagement. That is what young people want. Im not saying that I expect the age to run for office to be lowered. Im not saying that we cannot have older politicians. I am saying that we need to do a better job at inclusivity, because democracy is for everyone. Ashley Lynn Priore of Pittsburgh, Pa., is the founder of Youth Political Strategies. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 1 Facing a surging COVID-19 variant, some Richmond-area restaurants are asking patrons for proof of vaccinations or negative COVID-19 test results or requiring people who dont have either to wear masks when not seated at the table. With COVID-19 cases rising again around Virginia and nationally, beleaguered restaurants everywhere are bracing for another round of fallout. Last week, Gov. Ralph Northam urged Virginians to get vaccinated and encouraged them to wear masks inside indoor public spaces, but stopped short of making that a requirement. The requirement would need to come from the governors office, said Cat Long, spokesperson for Richmond and Henrico Countys health districts. Local health districts cant make a requirement or a mandate; the strongest response we can offer is a recommendation. A mask requirement or mandate would require some version of the law changing. In the past, weve seen this done through the Governors executive orders, Long said. Although not a universal mandate, another pathway is for individual businesses, workplaces, schools, etc. to require masks indoors. On Tuesday, Virginia had 1,403 new cases and a positivity rate of 6.1% a stark contrast to just over a month ago, when there were 165 new cases and positivity rates were less than 2%. Ferguson said the agency, which works to help families avoid homelessness, has already seen increased calls for assistance. Were now averaging 25 to 30 calls a week. Its been going up on a regular basis, and we expect that to continue. Its still a few more days before it really blows up, but I expect us to be overrun by the time everything goes through, he said. Ferguson expects large numbers of people may be at risk for eviction in the weeks and months ahead. If somebody has a 14-day eviction notice from their landlord and they live in Sullivan County, my organization can help them get their back rent caught up and help them going forward until they can return to work or get their finances built back up, Ferguson said. Were able to help with all of Sullivan County for people who meet a certain average monthly income standard, set by HUD. Anyone who meets that monthly income and has a 14-day eviction notice, we are able to help them get caught back up. He urged anyone needing the assistance to apply as soon as possible. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) A judge indicated Wednesday she is likely to allow California Gov. Gavin Newsom to refer to the recall against him as a Republican effort in the states official voter guide. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Laurie M. Earl said she will issue a final ruling in the lawsuit brought by recall supporters by Thursday. It seeks to block Newsom, a Democrat, from calling the effort a Republican recall" a Republican power grab" or an abuse of the state's recall laws in the voter guide, which all registered voters will receive this month. Earl sided with Newsom in her tentative ruling but heard from both sides Wednesday afternoon. If her tentative ruling stands, it will mark a win for Newsom, who has sought to brand the recall as a power grab driven by Republican extremists in an effort to motivate Democrats to vote. In television ads, he has linked the recall to the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 and efforts in Republican-led states to overturn results from the 2020 presidential election. The recall was placed on the ballot through a legal process. Newsom and Orrin Heatlie, one of the activists who filed the suit, were each allowed to write 500- word arguments in support of and against the recall for the guide. Voters will start receiving ballots in the mail in mid-August; the last day to vote is Sept. 14. The statewide GOP ticket mates are listed as featured guests Saturday at an election integrity rally at Liberty University, but two of the candidates say they arent attending. Del. Jason Miyares, R-Virginia Beach, the GOP nominee for attorney general, and former Del. Winsome Sears of Winchester, the nominee for lieutenant governor, wont be attending, their campaigns confirmed Tuesday. Miyares posted on Twitter on Monday that he and Sears will be doing an event Saturday evening in Fairfax County for Harold Pyon, the Republican candidate challenging Del. Dan Helmer, D-Fairfax, in the fall election. GOP gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkins campaign would not say whether he still plans to attend the event at Liberty University in Lynchburg, which is coordinated by the 5th congressional district Republican committee and includes a banquet on Friday and forums on Saturday. Asked if he was still scheduled to speak, campaign spokeswoman Macaulay Porter declined to answer on Tuesday and sent the Richmond Times-Dispatch a statement attacking Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe. Since he moved in with his mother, Hinckley was grateful to have been able to reciprocate in some measure by providing full-time care for her, said Levine, his attorney. John Hinckleys brother Scott had moved to the Williamsburg area in 2017 and expressed interest in living with John after their mothers death, according to a risk assessment of Hinckley that was filed in court last year. Scott and Johns relationship has grown much closer over time, and they routinely spend time together both running errands and attending community events, the assessment said. Levine said Tuesday that Hinckley had already moved out of his mothers home before her death. Hinckley is in the process of asking a federal judge in Washington to grant him release from various conditions that he has been living under. His next court hearing is scheduled for Sept. 27. His life is probably one of the most scrutinized lives of anyone on the planet, Levine said. He has adhered to every requirement of law, every requirement of the release. And based on the views of a variety of mental health professionals ... he no longer suffers from a mental disease, and he hasnt suffered from a mental disease for decades. But fears of mass evictions after the moratorium's lapse have gone unrealized thus far in some North Carolina communities. Sgt. David Ruppe hardly noticed the end of the federal eviction moratorium as he knocked on a weathered mobile home door in Cleveland County, a rural community an hour west of Charlotte. We havent seen much of a difference at all, Ruppe said. We would still have evictions issued from the court and we would still serve them as if it happened pre-COVID. He said the sheriff's office previously served two to three evictions a day, but that number has dropped to two to three a week. He attributes the decline to landlords reluctance to file eviction paperwork amid the pandemic, though he expects it will eventually pick up. On Monday morning, he explained to one woman three months behind on rent that her landlord had started the eviction process. When the woman told Ruppe that she had paid the back rent, he responded that she would need to bring proof of payment to her upcoming Aug. 9 court date. Since January, he had been ruling by ordinance without legislative approval because of the suspension of Parliament in a state of emergency declared because of the coronavirus pandemic. Critics say he used the emergency, which expired Aug. 1, to avoid a vote in Parliament that would show he had lost a majority of support. At the same time, public anger with his government has mounted after a lockdown in June failed to contain the spread of the virus, with daily cases soaring above 10,000 since mid-July. Because of persistent questions over his legitimacy, Muhyiddin said Wednesday that a motion of confidence in his leadership will be presented for a vote when Parliament resumes next month. In this way, my position as prime minister and the Alliance National as the ruling government can be determined in accordance with the law and the constitution, he said. UMNO President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi disputed Muhyiddin's claim of majority support because the governing alliance previously only had a three-seat majority in Parliament. He said more party lawmakers in addition to the first eight have now signed declarations withdrawing their support for Muhyiddin, and that those documents were presented to the king on Wednesday. Poster of 'Bridgerton' (Image source: Instagram) Washington [US], August 4 (ANI): Shooting for the second season of the hit Netflix series 'Bridgerton' has resumed after two abrupt halts due to COVID-19 cases on the sets of the show. Showrunner Chris Van Dusen confirmed the news to Variety. "We are back underway. We had to delay because of COVID, but we're back in it," said the showrunner, who is currently shuttling back and forth between Los Angeles and the London-based set. "Right now I'm in post, editing our first couple episodes, which are looking great," the showrunner added. The romantic period drama was shut down indefinitely in mid-July following a second confirmed case. At the time, Netflix declined to comment on whether the two cases were among members of the cast or crew but confirmed that both persons went into isolation. 'Bridgerton' was one of the several high-profile projects shooting in the UK to be struck by the virus in the last few weeks. 'Game of Thrones' prequel series 'House of the Dragon' being another notable victim. News of the resumption will come as a sigh of relief to the 'Bridgerton' fans who were beginning to wonder whether they might have to wait a little longer than expected for the return of the 'Bridgerton' clan's marital antics. The upcoming season of the show, based on the second novel in Julia Quinn's series, is set to focus on the family's eldest son Anthony Bridgerton (Jonathan Bailey) and his quest to find a suitable partner. "We pick up Anthony after we've seen what he's been through with his mistress. He's thinking, 'Was that love?' Some would call it that, others would not. We're exploring those concepts of duty and honour once again," teased Van Dusen. After breaking Netflix viewership records, the pressure on Van Dusen, who is passing the showrunner baton on to Jess Brownell for seasons three and four, and the folks behind the Shondaland show to deliver another stellar season is mounting. However, Van Dusen welcomed the extra scrutiny. Story continues "There's always been a pressure with this show from the beginning, being inspired by these beloved novels with fans who are so passionate and feel so strongly about these characters and these stories," he said. He added, "There's always been a healthy pressure there, I welcome it and I say keep the pressure on. It worked for the first season, and I hope people love this season and beyond as much as they did the first." The first season was a breakout hit, becoming Netflix's most-viewed series ever, and also scored 12 Emmy nominations last month, including Outstanding Drama Series and Best Actor in a Drama Series for Rege-Jean Page. Based on Julia Quinn's best-selling series of novels, 'Bridgerton' is set in the lavish and competitive world of London high society during the Regency period of the early 1800s. The Netflix series has already been renewed through season four, so there's plenty of your period soapy obsession to come. But because each season will be inspired by a different book in the series, that means the focus on each Bridgerton child will change. The first season of the romantic period drama focused on the steamy courtship between Daphne Bridgerton (Phoebe Dynevor) and Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings (Rege-Jean Page). The first season of 'Bridgerton' is available to watch on Netflix. (ANI) Afghan Foreign Minister Haneef Atmar met with ambassadors and representatives of neighboring countries Kabul [Afghanistan], August 4 (ANI): At a meeting with ambassadors and representatives of neighbouring countries, Afghanistan Foreign Minister Mohammad Haneef Atmar on Tuesday named Pakistan-based terror groups and other terror organisations supporting the Taliban amid the ongoing escalation of violence in the country, said the Afghan Foreign Ministry. On Tuesday, Afghan foreign minister Haneef Atmar met with ambassadors and representatives of neighbouring countries to discuss the situation in the country. This came amid heavy clashes between Afghanistan forces and the Taliban in several Afghan cities. "Minister Atmar noted that the Taliban attacks were carried out in direct collusion with more than 10,000 regional terrorists from Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Ansarullah, Jundallah, al-Qaeda, East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)," Afghan Foreign Ministry said in a statement. "The rise of the Taliban's bloody attacks in recent months had killed more than 3,000 people, displaced more than 300,000, and disrupted order and provision of services in half of the country's districts. Currently, 18 million people face dire humanitarian situations," Atmar said. He said the Taliban's war crimes were indescribable, referring to the massacre of more than 100 people in Spin Boldak, forced marriages, destruction of more than 300 public infrastructures, and suspension of services in Taliban-controlled areas. During the meeting, the representatives of regional countries and the United Nations expressed their support for an immediate cessation of violence and strengthening the peace process. The UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Afghanistan Deborah Lyons said the attack on Herat and the UNAMA office showed that actions do not reflect commitments. She added that this was not just Afghan's struggle, but a struggle that we should all pay serious attention to, read the statement. "Atmar discussed and provided the necessary information on six main areas, including: (1) the security situation, (2) the presence of foreign fighters alongside the Taliban, (3) the dire humanitarian condition, and (4) the Taliban's widespread crimes and human rights violations, (5) the government's new security plan, and (6) main areas of cooperation with the international community," it added. In the past few weeks, Afghanistan is witnessing a surge in violence as the Taliban has intensified its offensive against Afghan forces and civilians with the complete pullback of foreign forces just a few weeks away. (ANI) New Delhi, Aug 01 (ANI): Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India, Dilshod Akhatov on August 01 stated that India is one of the biggest members of the United Nations (UN) and plays an important role. He extended support to Indian candidature to obtain the status of a permanent member of UNSC. India is one of the biggest members of the UN and plays an important role. Its permanent membership for the next two years is an important event. Uzbekistan supports Indian candidacy to obtain a permanent membership in the council, Akhatov told ANI. Akhatovs statement comes after India today assumed the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and will be hosting signature events related to maritime security, peacekeeping, and counterterrorism during the month. Saturday, Aug. 14 The Piedmont Farmers Market is open from 8 a.m. to noon at 518 Winecoff School Road. It features lots of local produce, meat, flowers and other products. Annual Kayla Berquist Memorial Blood Drive, Hot Dog and Bake Sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at St. Enoch Lutheran Church, 701 Campbell Ave. in Kannapolis. Monday, Aug. 16 The Harrisburg Farmers Market is open from 3-6 p.m. at 6960 Harrisburg Depot Road. The Salvation Army Womens Auxiliary invites you to participate in a Christmas Stocking Workshop for the Angel Tree program, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The Angel Tree program helps to ensure that children in the community are not forgotten at Christmas due to circumstances beyond their control. Tuesday, Aug. 17 The Rotary Square Farmers Market is open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in downtown Concord at the intersection of Union Street South at Corban Avenue. CONCORD - Cabarrus County School Board Vice Chair Tim Furr has come under fire after a statement made during Monday's meeting. He said COVID-19 would not be controlled unless the government stops illegal immigrants from entering the United States and spreading the virus. In response El Puente Hispano Board of Directors issued this statement: Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} "It is unfortunate that the blame for the spread of COVID falls on one group based solely on assumptions. The ignorance of this statement is clearly shown through the data and the facts that this global pandemic has affected people of all nationalities, all socioeconomic levels, political positions, and ages. Our organization remains committed to stopping the spread of COVID-19 through our regular vaccination clinics and mask distribution and supports all public health measures recommended by the organizations in charge of the care and protection of our population. The parental consent language in the latest version of the bill requires written consent from a parent or legal guardian for a minor to receive any vaccine that is approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration, but not yet fully authorized. Public health experts point out that all vaccines are required to undergo the same rigorous testing, whether they are approved for emergency use or through a typical license. Sen. Joyce Krawiec, R-Forsyth, made the addition to HB96 on July 21, fulfilling a pledge she made in June. Krawiec is a primary sponsor of Republican health care legislation. "Parents know their children the best," Krawiec said in a statement following Tuesday's vote. "They, not the government, should have the ultimate say when it comes to their child's health. "Just like other health care decisions, parents and their children should talk with their doctor before getting any vaccine." The language added to HB96 says "... a health care provider shall obtain written consent from a parent or legal guardian prior to administering any vaccine that has been granted emergency use authorization and is not yet fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration to an individual under 18 years of age. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Set to launch in the Australian spring, Google's Pixel 6 and 6 Pro will feature a chip custom-designed by Google with AI and ML smarts called "Tensor", but whether it will make Apple, Qualcomm, Intel or anyone else tense is yet to be seen. Although Google officially announced its Pixel 5a would launch in the US and Japan only, the world has heard from Google about its upcoming Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones. The announcement comes from Google's Senior VP of Devices and Services, Rick Osterloh, at the official Google blog. Osterloh started by noting the first Pixel phone, which was far from Google's first own-branded Android, launched in 2016, and that the company had used the Pixel line to introduce features like HDR+ and Night Sight, as well as AI smarts, Google Assistant and more. However, Osterloh also says that "computing limitations" have been run into, which forced Google to create "a technology platform built for mobile that enabled us to bring our most innovative AI and machine learning (ML) to our Pixel users,", which has meant Google's own SoC or System on a Chip, and that it is finally "almost here." Dubbed Tensor, it is Google's "first custom-built SoC specifically for Pixel phones, and it will power the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro later this fall." We'll have to wait until the launch for all of the full details, features, specs, pricing and availability, but the blog post gives a sneak peek. We're told "these new phones redefine what it means to be a Pixel," from new design and finishes to the upgraded Android 12 operating system, with a new rear camera system that appears to show at least two traditional lenses, and what might be a squarish periscope lens per Huawei's phones, although that squarish blur might be something else, like a ToF sensor or LIDAR, but we don't yet know. Osterloh said: "Tensor was built for how people use their phones today and how people will use them in the future. As more and more features are powered by AI and ML its not simply about adding more computing resources, its about using that ML to unlock specific experiences for our Pixel users. "The team that designed our silicon wanted to make Pixel even more capable. For example, with Tensor we thought about every piece of the chip and customized it to run Google's computational photography models. For users, this means entirely new features, plus improvements to existing ones. "Tensor enables us to make the Google phones weve always envisioned phones that keep getting better, while tapping the most powerful parts of Google, all in a highly personalized experience. And with Tensors new security core and Titan M2, Pixel 6 will have the most layers of hardware security in any phone**. "Youll see this in everything from the completely revamped camera system to speech recognition and much more. So whether you're trying to capture that family photo when your kids wont stand still, or communicate with a relative in another language, Pixel will be there and it will be more helpful than ever. We look forward to sharing more about Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro later this year." Gizmodo's Sam Rutherford interviewed Rick Osterloh, who provided more detail, which you can read here. My take? Well, Apple has succeeded incredibly well with its own A-series and now M-series processors, so it only makes sense for Google to want to take better control over its own destiny with its own custom processors, too. We don't yet know whether TSMC or someone else will be making the Tensor processor, but they are the most likely candidate. Pixel phones are usually soundly outsold by Android competitors and iPhones, but clearly Google hopes the new Pixel 6 range will really resonate with consumers, so we'll just have to wait and see how well they do. If the chip truly is as powerful as Google suggests, who knows where else the Tensor chip will emerge? Might Google make a tablet again? Could the tensor chip power a smartwatch? A future ChromeCast with Google TV? Google-branded Chromebooks? All will be revealed in a couple of months, most likely, and the world - and Google's competitors - will be watching. Google's Tensor and Pixel 6/6 Pro blog post is here. The 2020 election and subsequent insurrection were new additions to the long trend of political polarization in the United States. Many Americans do not relate to one another and vote to spite the other rather than advance one's self-interest. This trend in society has led to political movements built solely on memes and archetypes of an enemy/other. These movements are not new, but have gained a new prominence in the social media age. One of the biggest casualties of this breaking of society is critical thinking and variable information. One example of polarization based on a misconception is the difference between socialism and a strong safety net. The difference between these two concepts has been lost in mainstream politics and caused unnecessary divisiveness and a lack of progress. Webster defines socialism as any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. A social safety net is defined as something that provides security against misfortune or difficulty, which usually translates to government programs and services like Social Security, Medicare and unemployment subsidies. We are now seeing a lot of discussion around socialism when it comes to raising the minimum wage and the expansion of unemployment benefits. These issues have come up as a cause of the current labor shortage in the United States. Due to the expanded unemployment benefits many Americans are making more money staying at home than they were working full-time for minimum wage. The debate between our political parties and the media is whether the minimum wage should be raised and when extra unemployment benefits should be phased out. Many politicians on the right are calling these two policies socialist even though they are just aspects of a safety net in a capitalist system. These two ideologies have often been twisted and confused on both sides of the political spectrum. They both aim to promote general welfare but through different means. Oftentimes, people requesting social safety policies are called "socialist" as a means to discredit the idea and sidetrack the true conversation on the merits of the policy itself. The 2021 stimulus does not mandate stock democratization or worker unionization but rather provides support to workers, businesses and municipalities to maintain their current (capitalist) economic systems in a time of global economic fallout. The problem with this mischaracterization is that it increases polarization among Americans causing the deep divides we see today. It is OK to argue the merits of socialism and capitalism, but this is something different. This is demonizing capitalist policies using the negative feelings associated with socialism and countries that have attempted it. The ideas of "unity" and "coming together" are amazing goals that every American should strive for. These ideals of unity are in line with the words of the preamble to the Constitution, which states "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." A more perfect union requires many things but at its core it requires good faith and adequate information. In order to take the ideas of bipartisanship, unity and coming together out of the category of empty political platitudes and into action we must put down petty political weapons. Debating the merits and externalities of social safety net programs is necessary and valuable in a free and just society, but framing these policies through the lens of socialism as a means to turn the public against a policy only hurts American citizens. Issues like poverty and public health are experiences that millions of Americans on both sides can identify with and can come together on. They just need to be given the correct information to make a critical choice. Evan Malbrough is the founder of the Georgia Youth Poll Worker Project. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Cooper said he is not prepared currently to replicate the decision by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio to require individuals show proof of COVID-19 vaccination at indoor restaurants, shows and gyms. The requirement will be phased in during August and September. Businesses have made the decision that we just want vaccinated people here so all of our customers and our employees can be much safer. They want to make sure people can stay healthy, Cooper said. We cant rest until this pandemic is behind us, and the only way that happens is when we get enough people vaccinated. As of July 31, about 54% of COVID-19 cases involve North Carolinians ages 18 to 49, said Kody Kinsley, chief deputy health secretary for N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. Kinsley emphasized that the surge in key COVID-19 metrics is completely preventable by unvaccinated individuals choosing to get the vaccine. Its hard to know exactly what combination of factors draws people in to get vaccinated, Cooper said. One things tends to build upon the other. As much information as we can get out there, as much incentive we can get out there, the better off that we are. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} If it was $7 million out of $20 million, thats a huge portion of funds, Joines said. The plan is to develop 15,000 to 16,000 units of affordable housing, and $20 million alone wont accomplish the goal, Joines said. That money, however, can be used to leverage private dollars and create more affordable housing, he said. Council Member Jeff McIntosh also attended the meeting with the residents. I hope the takeaway from the group is understanding that the city isnt going to sign off on any development package that doesnt satisfy the needs of the folks who live at Crystal Towers, he said. We have some say in whether the deal goes forward. Joines said he still has concerns about the proposed sale of the downtown high-rise. He has to sign a letter of support in order for HUD to approve the sale. Joines said he wants to be clear that HAWS has a plan to relocate residents. Holland and other residents said they have received no information about the proposed sale or vouchers they could use to move elsewhere. "Studies have shown that teenage Americans do have enough information to be able to make an informed decision about whether to get vaccinated or not," said Dr. Charles Bregier, medical director for Novant Health Inc.'s corporate and employee occupational health division. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} "I would not be supportive of legislation that took away the ability of teenagers who are well informed and have consented and have talked with it through with their trusted healthcare professional." Bregier expressed concerns that a parent or guardian who is an anti-vaxxer "whose mindset is not well grounded in science" could harm a child by withholding the vaccine. Health care analysts say the FDA could provide full authorization for the Pfizer vaccine as early as October and likely before January. Infectious diseases experts say some unvaccinated adults also have been waiting for the full FDA authorization before getting the vaccine. Its interesting that the parental consent component raised no objections, said Mitch Kokai, senior policy analyst with Libertarian think tank John Locke Foundation. Perhaps, thats because it deals with the very limited circumstance of a vaccine that has secured only emergency-use authorization from the federal government. Two people were arrested Friday for violating the city's noise ordinance during a protest in downtown Lexington, the Lexington Police Department said Monday. Police identified the individuals as Cedarian Markell Lee, 24, of Lexington, and Michael Liquentin Harris, 36, of Reidsville. They were each released on a $1,000 bond and are scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 24. The demonstration took place in front of the Davidson County Historical Museum. Police did not say what the protesters were demonstrating against. Police said a supervisor and two officers warned the two individuals that using a megaphone was a violation of a city ordinance. An hour later, the individuals began using their megaphones again, police said. Police said when officers began issuing citations, the two individuals refused to cooperate and were arrested and charged with violation of the noise ordinance and resist, delay and obstruct. Police said that in the process of making the arrests, others at the demonstration "became aggressive toward officers, many of them trying to stop officers from arresting one individual." It is, actually, her choice. And its Wake Forest Baptists choice whether to permit unvaccinated people to attend to the health of their patients. Unvaccinated workers not only place patients and co-workers at risk; they also jeopardize their own health and safety and the well-being of their own families. The vaccine is not FDA approved, another protester said. Its experimental. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration did approve the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccination in December. Vaccine skeptics are right about one point: We dont know everything about either COVID or the vaccines at this point. But we know that the vaccines are working. There are mitigating factors and exceptions to the rule, but those are minuscule. Fewer than .001% of Americans who are fully vaccinated have subsequently died of COVID. And fewer than .004% of Americans who are fully vaccinated have had to check into a hospital. Ultimately, its a matter of consistency. Medical and health practitioners are doing their best to defeat this scourge so that we can, once and for all, get back to free living. Allowing unvaccinated employees to roam their halls just undermines the effort. Two men were arrested after a 5-year-old child ran into a west Lincoln roadway, prompting an argument between a motorist and the child's father that devolved into a fight and slashing, according to police. Officer Erin Spilker said Joshua M. Ratkovec, 42, was driving near Walker Avenue and Aurora Street when the child entered the roadway, inciting the argument between Ratkovec and 30-year-old Amilo J. Boone, the child's father. Witnesses told police the two men argued before Ratkovec threatened Boone and left the scene, later returning with a knife in a sheath attached to his hip, Spilker said. Upon returning, Boone told police that Ratkovec lunged at him, punched him and reached for the knife. In a struggle that ensued over the blade, Boone emerged with the knife and Ratkovec had a slash wound on his back, according to police. Boone told police that Ratkovec then retreated, this time threatening to return with a gun, Spilker said. Before the 42-year-old got the chance to return, Spilker said he was arrested at his residence near 55th Street and Partridge Lane on suspicion of terroristic threats and use of a weapon to commit a felony. Witnesses reported that people in two vehicles were shooting at each other, and Spilker on Tuesday said investigators still are working to determine what exactly led to the shooting. The other vehicle thought to be involved in the shooting was gone before police arrived to find Prentice in the front passenger seat of the Mercedes and Duncan lying nearby in the parking lot at Edgewood Shopping Center, Spilker said. Police rendered aid to them until Lincoln Fire & Rescue workers got there. Two hours after the shooting, the Mercedes was parked, its lights still on, in an otherwise empty lot next to the movie theater and not far from the Target at the shopping mall near 56th Street and Nebraska 2. A 50-year-old Lincoln woman appeared in court from jail Tuesday on a child abuse charge for allegedly encouraging a teenage girl to have sex for money and profiting from it. The Lancaster County Attorney's Office charged Sonja Douglas with the felony in connection to an investigation that started in December 2019, when a witness reported that a 15-year-old girl was engaging in commercial sex acts out of a home near 56th and Holdrege streets with Douglas' encouragement. Deputy County Attorney Amy Goodro asked the judge to set a $150,000 bond saying Douglas knew the teen was selling sexual acts, photos and videos and had benefited from the money being paid to the girl. She said the girl reported being directed by Douglas to perform sexual acts to earn money for specific items. Douglas said she couldn't pay the bond. But Lancaster County Court Judge Joseph Dalton said, given the seriousness of the offense, the amount was reasonable. She would need $15,000 to bond out of jail. In the affidavit for Douglas' arrest, Officer Kyle Meyerson said the witness told police Douglas told the girl to "go work your little magic trick," encouraging her to find someone on Snapchat. Mueller said the city later scrapped a proposal to build a Shopko in the area because of that agreement. In 2006, developers approached the neighborhood association with plans to build a Lowes near 61st and Nebraska 2, near the west end of Country Meadows. Mueller said residents negotiated with the developer and came up with a satisfactory plan: the commercial development where Lowe's now sits and another residential development called Artisan Meadows between Country Meadows and the commercial center. Then, in 2014, Mike Wachel came to the neighborhood association with a proposal: He was going to buy land owned by a church along the west side of 70th Street -- just east of Country Meadows -- and build a self-storage business. The neighborhood association agreed not to fight the owners proposal. After years of fighting commercialization of the corner, and after having lengthy discussion amongst the neighbors, we felt this might be the better of several evils, Mueller wrote in a letter to the Planning Commission. They liked the limited scope of the project, the green space between the business and their neighborhood, Mueller wrote. For most Americans, Aug. 3 was a normal Tuesday, but for Yazidi-American Wisam Saado, it's a reminder of how precious life is. It was seven years ago to the day he left behind his homeland, job and family to come to America just to survive. Lincoln now hosts a large Yazidi community, many of whom gathered to walk at Holmes Lake on Tuesday night to spend time together in solidarity and remember those they have lost. Persecuted by different groups for centuries, the Yazidis have their own distinct religion and cultural customs. But when Kurdish and Iraqi forces pulled out of the region, the Yazidis were forced to flee to the mountains and surrounding countries. A newlywed teacher in the Sinjar region of northern Iraq the Yazidis' ancestral home Saado and his wife found themselves and much of their community on the run when IS forces invaded the area in August 2014. They eventually made it to America an opportunity afforded Saado because he served as an interpreter for U.S. forces during the Iraq War. The suspect said he ignited an artillery shell and held it outside the vehicle until he heard a noise that he believed was the firework discharging. He then brought the firework inside the car, where it fired through the bottom of the tube. A 7-year-old boy was missing and presumed to have fallen into the Missouri River at N.P. Dodge Park on Tuesday evening, emergency officials said. Rescue teams searched for about three hours before stopping due to nightfall. The search will resume Wednesday morning. At 5:54 p.m. Tuesday, Omaha police were called to the park with the report of the missing child, Lt. Shane Myers said. Police said the boy was at the park for a family outing and was last seen playing in the river. Family members told police that they lost track of him and were unsure whether he had run off or was in the water. Three boats belonging to the Douglas County Sheriffs Office, Eppley Fire and Rescue and the Pottawattamie County Sheriffs Office were searching for the boy in the water. ABLE-1, the police helicopter, searched by air, while officers on foot searched the dense woods around the park but found no sign of the boy. For that reason, Myers said, the search will continue to focus on the water. Were pretty confident that he didnt run off into the trees, and that hes in the water somewhere, he said. A dive team was also called in to search the river. The park is on the northern edge of Omaha. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 OMAHA -- Officers from multiple area law enforcement agencies and family members were searching N.P. Dodge Park and the Missouri River Wednesday for a 7-year-old boy. Abi Gurung last was seen on a sandbar about 5 p.m. Tuesday. Family members took their eyes off him briefly to assist another child, and when they turned back to Abi, he was gone, said Omaha Police Lt. Neal Bonacci. Because he wasn't seen entering the water, officials continued to search the 44-acre North Omaha park as well as the river. Omaha police ask that anyone who was at the park or on the river at the time of Abi's disappearance contact the Omaha Police Department. There's no reason to believe Abi was abducted, Bonacci said. Abi last was seen wearing a yellow shirt, blue jacket and red shorts. He is about 3 feet tall and weighs 48 pounds. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 According to a release, Advocate Auroras systemwide test positivity rate is at its highest point since January. The health system also reported Wednesday that COVID-19 inpatient hospitalizations have increased five-fold over the past three weeks. Advocate Aurora said that the vaccine requirement applies to all of its 75,000 team members across Wisconsin and Illinois, including remote workers and those who dont directly interact with patients and volunteers. Limited exceptions are to be made for specific religious or medical reasons. While breakthrough infections are still possible for those who have been vaccinated, COVID-19 cases are believed to be less severe and less deadly for those who have been vaccinated compared to those who arent vaccinated. We are first and foremost a safe, clinical enterprise. Our ultimate duty is to protect the health and safety of our team members, patients and communities, Advocate Aurora President and CEO Jim Skogsbergh told team members Wednesday in a video. The data is overwhelming. This vaccine is safe, and its highly effective in preventing infection and even more so, serious illness and death. According to the criminal complaint: A Kenosha Police Officer was dispatched to the Kenosha Gas Stop, 2207 60th St., at 3:08 p.m. on July 31 for a report of a stolen vehicle. The victim told police he saw Johnson walk out of the gas station and then drive away southbound through the parking lot in his yellow Nissan Xterra. The victim stated he left his vehicle parked next to a gas pump with the keys inside. At about 4:30 p.m., another officer on patrol near Washington Road and 22nd Avenue heard a loud bang and tires squealing. Police were flagged down by witnesses in the 2100 block of 41st Street, where they observed three vehicles that had been struck, including two that appeared to have been pushed up and over the curb. A witness told police he was next to his sisters vehicle when he observed a yellow car occupied by two males driving recklessly toward him. The yellow vehicle struck his sisters car, and the witness stated he could hear the passenger, later identified as the defendants 13-year-old son, crying. After impact, the witness stated the defendant put the car in reverse, drove directly into another parked vehicle, then reversed again and left the scene eastbound at a high rate of speed. Even during the summer months, John XXIII Educational Center, a ministry of St. Patrick Parish, continues to serve the community through outreach efforts. Geraldine Bodi and Johnathon Emanuelson coordinated outreach groups during the extended learning programs at Julian Thomas and Knapp elementary schools. Games, stories, exercise, and small-group sharing are all part of this experience. Students benefit from the mindfulness techniques which encourage them to pause and take a break from lifes constant bustle and activity. The center plans to offer outreach sessions during the academic year as well, with heartfulness sessions planned to take place at Jerstad-Agerholm Elementary School. After school program After a busy and memorable year filled with fun and learning, John XXIII Educational Centers after school program concluded the 2020-2021 academic year on June 3. Where can I get vaccinated? Regency Mall: Tuesdays (11 a.m.-7 p.m.) and Thursdays (11 a.m.-5 p.m.), walk-ins welcome, ages 12-17 must be accompanied by parent/guardian Schedule appointment at City Hall: Visit racinepublichealth.as.me/schedule.php, email publichealth@cityofracine.org or call 262-636-9201. Get vaccinated at home: Available for homebound individuals living in Racine County through a partnership with the Aging and Disability Resource Center, Ascension, and Hometown Pharmacy. Call 262-636-3200 for an appointment or visit bit.ly/37hjJo2 for more information in English and en Espanol. Find a provider through the CDC Vaccine Finder: vaccines.gov Find a provider through the Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccine Registry: Visit vaccinate.wi.gov or call 844-684-1064. ZION, Ill. Traditional Native American crafts, a period village scene and Native American music are only some of the festivities at this years Potawatomi Trails Pow-wow Committees annual gathering. Gifts are given. Honor songs are sung, said Chairman Bill Brown in a press release. The 28th annual powwow for Native American and non-native peoples in southeastern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois will be held on Aug. 28 and 29 in Zion, Illinois. It will take place at the oak grove area of Shiloh Park, 1619 27th St., rain or shine. A powwow is a planned social event and gathering of Native American people, with trading booths and dancing. Its a time and place to meet old friends and make new ones, Brown said. Anyone may attend the powwow. On Saturday, the powwow will take place from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The grand entry of dancers event will be at 1 p.m. and at 7 p.m. A dinner break will be held from 5-7 p.m. On Sunday, the powwows hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a grand entry of dancers at 1 p.m. A giveaway will be held at 12 p.m. Today, while a committee investigates what happened, Republicans hope we will forget. Easier said than done for the 550 charged so far and facing prosecution, fines and prison time. Or for 150 law enforcement officers viciously attacked; many still recovering. But perhaps most of all, for the families of the five who died as a result of the mayhem. Republicans including our own Sen. Ron Johnson have described what we all watched on television as a normal tourist visit. The lone rioter shot by Capitol police in self-defense is being painted as a martyr. Republicans rejected investigation by an independent 9/11 style commission. Now they paint the House committee as partisan because Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected Trump allies Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, who no one pretends would have looked for truth. The Best Little Floorhouse in Texas Your choice for flooring in Central Texas! Your flooring is more than just the surface you walk on it's an integral part of your home. With over 35 years of flooring experience, The Best Little Floorhouse in Texas has the resources and knowled 1. Yes. A sudden surge could be devastating. A mask mandate may be required. 2. Yes. Each county faces different COVID challenges. Let local officials act accordingly. 3. No. Nobody should be forced to wear a mask. It should always be optional. 4. No. A mask mandate isnt any more effective than a strong recoommendation. 5. Unsure. Its hard to say whether a change is in policy is necessary at this point. Vote View Results Killeen, TX (76540) Today A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A few clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 74F. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. Fegler Daiss said she was surprised by the suddenness of the decision. This sort of came out of the blue. We didnt even know they wanted to have a conversation about it, she said. They just started contacting people. Pam Lancaster, chair of the Hall County Board, voiced concerns about the short time frame for discussing and implementing the transfer. I think that 60 days is very short, Lancaster said. Because probation has to weigh in on this, because probation would take over a portion. It is quite complicated. Their board hasnt even met yet. From a fiscal standpoint, it would be more beneficial for the state to take over the drug court from the county, Daiss said. We have a lot of close supervision because of the way its structured as to how the court actually runs and once it goes to the state, then the state takes over all of that and we have very little to say about how it will run, she said. But fiscally, certainly, the counties would no longer have that fiscal responsibility. Central Nebraska Drug Court submitted a total budget of $476,468.93 for the upcoming year, though it is unknown what will become of the allocation if the change is approved. More than 400 guests, including celebrities and former Obama administration officials, were reportedly expected to attend the affair, along with nearly 200 hired staff working the party. PHOENIX A judge has ordered the Senate to immediately produce the records it has related to the audit of the 2020 election including those in the hands of Cyber Ninjas Inc., the private firm hired to conduct the review. Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Michael Kemp on Tuesday rejected last-ditch arguments by the Senate and Karen Fann, its president, that he should hold off on making a final order. The judge said there is no need for further litigation, saying the question involves undisputed issue of fact. And the fact is the records are public, he said. More significant, Kemp rejected arguments by the Senate that it is immune to being sued over the records. Despite the order, however, it could be some time before American Oversight, the self-described nonpartisan watchdog group that is seeking the records, actually gets them. An attorney representing the Senate, Kory Langhofer, said he will seek an immediate stay of Kemps order from the state Court of Appeals. Even if that fails, some of the documents that Kemp ordered the Senate to produce are in the hands of Cyber Ninjas. I cant produce something I dont have, Fann told Capitol Media Services. Kemp was not impressed. A La Crosse organization is among 14 entities statewide to receive a grant to address the physical or mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Wisconsin Partnership Program at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health is awarding a total of $2.7 million to community organizations and researchers throughout the state, including $1.6 million to eight entities focusing on emotional health among youth and $1.1 million to six researchers looking at the health challenges of the pandemic. The grants expand upon the WPPs COVID-19 Response Grant Program, which in total has given over $6 million through 44 grants to strengthen the resilience of Wisconsin families and communities, deepen understanding about COVID-19 and inform approaches to prevention and treatments. Among the organizations to receive $200,000 towards adolescent social and emotional health efforts is the La Crosse County System of Care. The funds will go towards expanding and enhancing support for young persons most impacted by the pandemic, in particular Black youth. WASHINGTON (AP) Several House Democrats have called on House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy to apologize to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or resign after audio surfaced of him saying at a weekend fundraiser that it would be "hard not to hit her" with a gavel if he's sworn in as speaker after the 2022 midterm elections. The comment is emblematic of the rising tension between the two leaders since the Jan. 6 insurrection, in which a violent mob of former President Donald Trump's supporters broke into the Capitol and some hunted for Pelosi by name. After initially condemning the rioters and blaming Trump for inciting them, McCarthy and his leadership team have recently tried to lay blame on Pelosi, falsely claiming that she was responsible for a delay in military assistance. And McCarthy has remained close to Trump, who often insulted his political rivals in personal terms. Democrats responded quickly, noting the threats on Pelosi's life on Jan. 6, when the insurrectionists broke into her office, stole some of her belongings and called out for her. "Threatening violence against the Speaker of the House is no joke," tweeted New York Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. "This is the kind of reckless language that led to a violent insurrection." Like many hospital systems, UW Health requires annual flu shots for employees. As part of UW Healths new policy, providers and staff must start their COVID-19 vaccination no later than Oct. 1 and receive a second dose or final dose for single-dose vaccines by Nov. 1. Staff who have a documented medical condition that prevents them from being vaccinated or a religious conviction as defined in state law can file for an exemption to the vaccine requirement. At Meriter, We are actively reviewing our policy around vaccine mandates and expect to have an update to share yet this week, spokesperson Leah Huibregtse said. St. Louis-based SSM Health became the first hospital group with a presence in Wisconsin to announce a mandate. It owns St. Marys hospitals in Madison and Janesville, St. Clare Hospital in Baraboo, Dean Medical Group and other entities in the state. SSM Health is requiring COVID-19 vaccination by the end of September for its nearly 40,000 employees, providers and volunteers. Canadians have argued over how quickly to lift limits on public gatherings, restaurants and retail stores, but their debates have been muted by U.S. standards. The countrys toughest lockdown was imposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford, a populist conservative who has been compared to former President Donald Trump. I cant stand lockdowns, Ford complained, but he stuck by his health experts recommendation to keep the restrictions until almost 80% of Ontarians had received their first doses of vaccine. Like the United States, Canada has anti-vaxxers just fewer of them. An Angus Reid Institute poll last month found that only 8% of Canadians said they definitely do not intend to get a COVID vaccination, including 15% of Conservative Party voters. Polls in the United States have found refusal rates at least twice as high. And there lies a clue toward a deeper, more complex explanation for Canadas vaccination success over that of the U.S.: the underlying differences between the countries political cultures and, especially, their conservative parties. BEIJING (AP) China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Since that initial outbreak was tamed last year, China's people had lived virtually free of the virus, with extremely strict border controls and local distancing and quarantine measures stamping out scattered, small flareups when they occurred. Now, the country is on high alert as an outbreak of cases connected to the international airport in the eastern city of Nanjing touched at least 17 provinces. China reported 71 new cases of COVID-19 from local transmission Wednesday, more than half of them in coastal Jiangsu province, of which Nanjing is the capital. In Wuhan, the central city where the first cases of COVID-19 were identified in late 2019, mass testing has shown some of its newly reported cases have a high degree of similarity to cases discovered in Jiangsu province. Those cases have been identified as being caused by the highly transmissible delta variant that first was identified in India. Meanwhile, another COVID-19 hotspot was emerging in the city of Zhangjiajie, near a scenic area in Hunan province famous for sandstone cliffs, caves, forests and waterfalls that inspired the on-screen landscape in the Avatar films. The city, with a population of about 1.5 million, ordered residential communities sealed Sunday, preventing people from leaving their homes. In a subsequent order on Tuesday, officials said no one, whether tourist or resident, could leave the city. The city government's Communist Party disciplinary committee on Wednesday issued a list of local officials who had a negative impact on pandemic prevention and control work who would be punished. The city itself has only recorded 19 cases since last week, three of which were people with no symptoms, which are counted separately. However, individual cases linked to Zhangjiajie's outbreak have spread to at least five provinces, according to the Shanghai government-owned newspaper the Paper. Far higher numbers were reported in Yangzhou, a city next to Nanjing, which has recorded 126 cases as of Tuesday. After announcing last week that they were suspending issuance of passports for travelers except for those with an urgent need, officials at the National Immigration Administration reiterated the message again on Wednesday at a press briefing. As of Tuesday, China has given more than 1.71 billion vaccine doses to its population of 1.4 billion. It's not clear how many of those are first or both doses, but at least 40% of the population is fully protected, according to earlier announcements. Chinese companies have not publicly shared real-world data on how effective their vaccines are against the delta variant, though officials have said the vaccines prevent severe disease and hospitalization. In addition to the 71 cases of local transmission, 25 travelers from overseas have COVID-19 and have entered quarantine, making the total for Wednesday 96 new cases. The National Health Commission also said 15 people tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms. China has reported 4,636 deaths and 93,289 cases of COVID-19 overall, most of them from the original outbreak in Wuhan that peaked early last year. SALEM, Ore. (AP) The future ownership of an Israeli spyware company whose product has been used to hack into the cellphones of journalists, human rights workers and possibly even heads of state is up in the air. Major investors in a private equity firm that has majority ownership of NSO Group, the maker of the Pegasus spyware, are in discussions about what action to take. The Oregon state employee pension fund is one of the largest investors, if not the largest, having committed $233 million to Novalpina Capital, the private equity firm, in 2017. Novalpina Capital has been saddled with both an internal dispute among its founding partners and an explosive report showing NSO Group's spyware has been widely misused around the globe. Oregon State Treasury spokeswoman Rachel Wray told The Associated Press in an email Wednesday the department is getting involved. State officials previously said investors have limited say in private equity investments once they are completed. I can confirm that, consistent with our fiduciary duties to Oregon beneficiaries, and along with other limited partners, (Oregon State) Treasury is involved in discussions related to our investment in Novalpina, Wray said Wednesday. The development comes amid a serious disagreement among the three co-founders of London-based Novalpina Capital that, according to press reports from Britain, resulted in investors moving to strip control of the fund after concluding that relations between the three had deteriorated so much that they could no longer work together. Sky News reported the dispute was about future deployment of Novalpina's 1 billion euro ($1.18 million) fund. On top of that internal strife, an investigation published in July by the global media consortium Forbidden Stories showed that at least 180 journalists around the world have been selected as targets by clients of NSO Group. In one case highlighted by the Guardian, Mexican reporter Cecilio Pineda Birto was assassinated in 2017 a few weeks after his cellphone number appeared on a leaked list of more than 50,000 cellphone numbers. French President Emmanuel Macron is one of several world leaders who may have been targeted using the spyware that is capable of checking a cellphone's emails and other data and turning on its microphone and cameras. NSO Group denied that it has ever maintained a list of potential, past or existing targets. In a separate statement, it called the Forbidden Stories report full of wrong assumptions and uncorroborated theories. The company insists it only sells to vetted government agencies for use against terrorists and major criminals and that it has no visibility into its customers data. Critics have provided evidence that NSO directly manages the high-tech spying. Oregon State Treasurer Tobias Read, who serves as the states chief investment officer, is following and (is) concerned about the reporting surrounding Novalpina and the NSO Group, Wray said. Wray said she cannot get into specifics about the discussions among Novalpina's investors because of confidentiality restrictions and Oregon's obligations as a limited partner. Read declined an interview request. Oregon was Novalpina's first major investor. Stephen Peel and Stefan Kowski, two founding Novalpina Capital partners, showed up at Oregon treasury offices in the Portland suburb of Tigard in November 2017 to make a pitch to the Oregon Investment Council, which oversees the states $90 billion pension fund. As investors, we assume we have to be contrarian, Peel told the council. We have to find deals that other people dont see or dont want to do for various reasons. The Oregon Investment Council unanimously approved a $233 million commitment. It has so far provided to the fund $65.7 million, according to the most recent statistics. The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation and Englands South Yorkshire Pensions Authority invested $59 million and $33 million respectively. In 2019, Novalpina Capital and the founders of NSO Group acquired a majority stake in NSO Group from another private equity firm, Francisco Partners, that the Oregon pension fund had previously invested in. Novalpinas largest investors are now considering picking Berkeley Research Group to replace Novalpina, the Financial Times reported. If appointed, the California-based global consulting firm would be given a mandate to return investors money by selling the three companies Novalpina owns, including NSO, for the highest possible price, the London newspaper said. Berkeley Research Group did not respond to a request for comment. The groups website says it helps leading organizations advance in three key areas: disputes and investigations, corporate finance, and performance improvement. MUGLA, Turkey (AP) A coal-fueled power plant in southwest Turkey and nearby residential areas were being evacuated Wednesday evening as flames from a wildfire reached the plant, a mayor and local reporters said as sirens from the plant could be heard blaring. Milas Mayor Muhammet Tokat, from Turkeys main opposition party, has been warning of the fire risks for the past two days for the Kemerkoy power plant in Mugla province. He said late Wednesday that the plant was being evacuated. Local reporters said the wildfires had also prompted the evacuation of the nearby seaside area of Oren. Turkeys defense ministry said it was evacuating people by sea as the fires neared the plant. The state broadcaster TRT said the flames had jumped to the plant. Strong winds were making the fires unpredictable. Authorities have said safety precautions had been taken at the Kemerkoy power plant and its hydrogen tanks were emptied. TRT said flammable and explosive substances had been removed. The privately run plant uses lignite to generate electricity, according to its website. Videos from the area showed bright orange, burning hills with power towers and lines crisscrossing the foreground. Pro-government news channel A Hbr broadcasting live from near the evacuated power plant late Wednesday said firefighters were working inside the compound cooling equipment and dousing sparks in an effort to keep the fire away. The channel's crew showed an incinerated police water cannon. As the mayor announced the evacuation on Twitter, Turkeys President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was speaking live on A Hbr and said the power plant was at risk of burning. Three ministers were there to oversee developments, he said, and added planes and helicopters had been there all day to fight the fires. But the mayor said air support came infrequently and only focused on the closer flames around the plant rather than addressing the wider fires in the area that were being fanned by shifting winds. At night, air support was not possible at all and videos showed flames in the plants vicinity. The wildfires have turned into yet another partisan issue in Turkey. Erdogan accused opposition party members of a terror of lies for criticizing Turkeys lack of adequate aerial firefighting capabilities and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. The president said the municipalities were also responsible for protecting towns from fires and that responsibility did not fall on the central government alone but the mayors say they weren't even invited to crisis coordination. Firefighters have been trying to protect the power plant for the past two days. Along with police water cannons, they fought back the flames Tuesday night while other rescuers dug ditches around the Kemerkoy plant. Videos from an adjacent neighborhood in Milas showed charred, decimated trees. Scorching heat, low humidity and strong winds have fed the fires, which so far have killed eight people and countless animals and destroyed forests in the past eight days. Villagers have had to evacuate their homes and livestock, while tourists have fled in boats and cars. In the seaside province of Mugla, where tourist hot spot Bodrum is located, seven fires continued Wednesday. In Antalya, at least two fires raged on and two neighborhoods had to be evacuated. Officials say 167 fires had been brought under control and 16 continued in five provinces. Thousands of firefighters and civilians were working to douse the flames. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said another firefighting plane and its staff would come from Azerbaijan on Thursday morning and 40 firetrucks would drive to Turkey to help with the fires. He announced four rented firefighting planes had landed and two from Israel would come Thursday. Environmental groups and opposition lawmakers in Turkey have also been voicing fears that fire-damaged forests could lose their protected status. Turkey's parliament passed a law in July that gives the tourism ministry power to manage all aspects of new tourism centers, approved by the president, including in forests and on treasury lands for public good, taking away responsibilities from the ministries of environment and forestry. The law says these locations would be identified according to their tourism potential, considering the countrys natural, historic and cultural values. Turkish officials, including Erdogan, have firmly rejected the speculation that the forests were in danger of construction and said the burned forests were protected by the constitution and would be reforested. While the exact acreage burned in the past week remains unclear, officials have promised the affected areas would not be transformed for other purposes. Environmentalists were already protesting mining licenses issued for parts of some forests and trying to stop companies from cutting down trees. They have staged sit-ins across Turkey. A 2020 report by the Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion showed that 58% of Turkeys forests have been licensed to mines. About 59% of Mugla, where the fires have been raging, has been designated for mines, it said. I wont be able to see the forests that will be replanted. Maybe my kids wont even see them, said Resit Yavuz, a resident in Marmaris, in Mugla province. There are no trees left. Theres nowhere left for fires to erupt. A heat wave across southern Europe, fed by hot air from North Africa, has led to wildfires across the Mediterranean, including in Italy and Greece. Temperatures in Marmaris reached an all-time high of 45.5 C (114 F) on Tuesday. The heatwave is forecast to continue in Turkey and Greece until the end of the week. Bilginsoy reported from Istanbul. The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, 866-366-3723, uses a risk-based inspection reporting process for restaurants and other food handlers. As Lancaster County experiences substantial viral spread and heads into another wave of COVID-19 infections, local infectious disease experts LNP | LancasterOnline spoke to said this upsurge was avoidable. This fifth wave is indeed a pandemic of the unvaccinated, said Dr. Joseph Kontra, chief of infectious diseases at Penn Medicine Lancaster General Hospital. Kontra added, Theres not a reason to panic, but I think people should be smart. With the delta variant accounting for the majority of new infections, heres what you need to know to protect yourself, your family and your community: Im unvaccinated, what does the substantial spread designation mean for me? In short, youre at a greater risk of contracting a COVID-19 infection. The delta variant is twice as contagious as the original virus that emerged last year. I strongly believe if we were getting more people vaccinated this wouldnt be happening, said Dr. John Goldman, an infectious disease specialist at UPMC in Central Pennsylvania. You are less likely to be infected if youre vaccinated. In Lancaster County, roughly 54% of the population 12 and older are vaccinated. Goldman added, The people who are getting sick are the unvaccinated. How contagious is the Delta variant? Infection control experts compare the transmissibility of COVID-19 to chickenpox, an extremely infectious disease. According to the CDC, the varicella zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, can infect up to 90% of the people close to one contagious person. Anyone waiting for one final reason to get vaccinated now have it with the delta variant, Kontra said. Im vaccinated, should I be masking indoors? Yes, now that Lancaster County has a substantial level of community transmission, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends masking indoors. We need to get COVID under control, said Dr. Mark Goedecker, vice president and regional medical director for WellSpan Healths central region. How concerned should I be about children under 12, who cannot be vaccinated, transmitting the virus to older relatives or those with a weakened immune system? And what steps should I take to keep everyone safe? Short of a statewide or national mandate, it all comes down to risk tolerance. Its complicated, Goedecker said. Breakthrough cases are rare. A recent breakout in a Massachusetts beach community, though, appears to show vaccinated individuals can acquire and transmit the virus. If concerned about transmitting the virus, individuals should mask, practice social distancing and follow good hand hygiene. There are still a lot of people out there that are at risk, Goedecker said. Pennsylvania has not mandated masking or other mitigation measures. So, why are some businesses requiring masks? Masks are back on regardless of vaccination status for employees in a string of businesses including Kohls, McDonalds, Target and Home Depot. Home Depot and McDonalds also want customers to don a mask, although only in high transmission areas if at the Golden Arches. The reason? The delta surge. Businesses and workplaces have always had the option of requiring masks and other COVID mitigation strategies of customers and employees. Now many are returning to what theyve seen work. We know that masking is very effective, Goedecker said. Were also seeing breakthrough cases with the delta variant. Goedecker added, Vaccination is still the number one way we have of preventing severe disease. Noting that the CDC recommendation regarding indoor masking is not a mandate, Goedecker said local and county officials could also require masks and other mitigation efforts, in the interest of the public health. Is it too late to get a COVID-19 vaccine? No. If you have a COVID-19 infection, you cannot get the vaccine until after the virus has run its course. Otherwise, if you have not been vaccinated, health experts urge you to do so as soon as possible. With a recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania and the increased presence of the Delta variant across the U.S., we are urging all unvaccinated Pennsylvanians who are eligible to receive the vaccine to get one as soon as possible, Mark ONeill, a state health department spokesman, said in an email to LNP. How do I make an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine? Patients can call their physicians office or use these resources: Lancaster General Hospital 717-588-1165 or https://www.lancastergeneralhealth.org/covid-19-information/covid-19-vaccines UPMC 844-UPMCVAC (844-876-2822) or UPMC.com WellSpan 855-851-3641 Dark black plumes of smoke could be seen for miles away as a massive fire burned Wednesday evening at a commercial building in Clay Township. There, bright orange flames could be seen reaching skyward from the roof of the Weaver Nut Co. at 1925 W. Main St., where more than 70 fire units were dispatched along with police and emergency medical responders. The first of those responders arrived on scene shortly before 6:30 p.m., according to David Steffen, Northern Lancaster County Regional Police Departments chief. As of 8:30 p.m., Steffen said he did not believe anyone was injured as a result of the blaze. According to Steffen, Weaver Nut Co. was closed for the day at the time the fire ignited, and its likely that only few if any people were inside. Firefighters remained too busy to talk about two hours after they were initially dispatched to the business, which is described on its website as a family-owned distributor of candy, chocolate, nuts, and bulk foods. The fire suppression effort still isnt done, Steffen said, adding that he was unable to say what caused the fire or where in the building it started. Its way too early for that. Steffen was able to confirm that the buildings roof collapsed. He guessed that happened about 7:15 p.m. The roof imploded, he said. Steffen said his officers were on scene to control traffic, as well as the hundreds of spectators who gathered in the grassy areas and parking lots surrounding the blaze. Standing at his side, department Officer Brandon Legerlotz described how just a small amount of dark smoke was visible near the buildings rear when he arrived. However, it quickly grew to engulf what appeared to be the whole business all the time, it spewed black smoke. That smoke, Steffen said, was of particular concern as spectators closed in. He feared the plumes may contain substances that would be harmful to breathe. They were also worried about rumors about propane gas inside the building, the chief said, though he could not confirm if they were true. The chief explained that his officers did their best to control the crowds, blocking roads and taping off the surrounding area in an attempt to keep them away from the smoke. But they were powerless to control people who chose to fly above the blaze sometimes through the smoke with small aircraft, Steffen said. The response to the fire included a 3-mile flight exclusion zone from Lancaster Airport's control tower, according to police. Shortly before 8:30 p.m., Steffen watched as what appeared to be a paraglider passed overhead. Look at the guy. Hes going through the smoke. Unbelievable, the chief said, adding that he has hopes to track the flyers down and to levy prospective penalties. Those aircraft operators could have gotten in the way of law enforcement and other responders operating drones at the scene, Steffen said. Thats not to mention their potential to interfere with firefighters who sent water cascading down onto the flames from multiple ladder trucks, as well as from the rooftops of nearby buildings. Firefighters also worked to protect surrounding buildings. Dozens of firefighters, including from neighboring Lebanon County, were on scene. Still, at times, intense heat from the blaze could be felt from as far as half a football field away. By about 8 p.m., firefighters were able to drastically decrease the height of flames and the smoke plume rising from the building. Responders still remained on scene as of 9:30 p.m. Vincent Weaver, chief financial officer and commodities buyer with the business, told LNP | LancasterOnline in 2017, "My parents, E. Paul Weaver III and Miriam Weaver, started the company in 1975 and they actually started it in their home basement in Myerstown. Theyre retired from the business now. They started in bulk foods flours and sugars then later got into dried fruits and nuts and chocolate chips. We started candy products in the 80s." Vincent Weaver had just arrived home when he heard that there was a fire at Weaver Nut, he said. He was hoping it was a "mini-fire." He said he could see smoke from Schaefferstown in Lebanon County, about 8 miles away from Clay Township. Once he arrived in Clay, he saw "billowing black clouds, and I knew it was bad at that point," Vincent Weaver said. There were employees in the retail side of the building, but Vincent Weaver said he believes the fire started in the warehouse side. No one was injured in the fire. "We're thankful that everyone's safe," Vincent Weaver said. "We're looking forward to rebuilding and getting things back to normal as soon as we can." "We're looking to get the store back open as soon as possible," said Edward Weaver during a Facebook Live with LNP | LancasterOnline. Edward and Vincent are brothers and owners of the business. This is a breaking a news story and will be updated with more information as it becomes available A week after the Hollister family flew to Orlando for a theme park-filled vacation, they were driving the 18 hours straight home to Lancaster in a rental car thanks to a break-through case of COVID-19. After feeling lousy, Bob Hollister, superintendent of Eastern Lancaster County School District, got a positive test from an urgent care facility in Florida. He could no longer fly home. His wife and two daughters joined him on the drive back north. Its frustrating for the family, but I think really the biggest takeaway we all have is thank god for the vaccine, Hollister said. I got really sick with the vaccine, but I cant imagine what it wouldve been like without it. Hollisters bout with COVID-19 comes as Lancaster Countys community transmission rates officially hit substantial levels, according to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Per the latest CDC guidance, people in areas reporting substantial or high transmission rates are urged to again wear mask indoors regardless of their vaccination status. The CDC determines transmission rate by studying new cases per 100,000 residents and the rate of new positive tests in the last seven days. The CDC reports 274,221 residents or 50.2% of the county's total population are fully vaccinated. Hollister, who plans to step down as superintendent by March, said his district is still working toward a normal start to the school year. We havent changed any of our plans yet, but I think if this continues, it doesnt bode well for school operations deep into winter I would think, Hollister said. If this continues. Substantial transmission rate is defined as counties having between 50 and 99 new cases per week, and high transmission is more than 100 cases per week. Hollister said he didn't know whether hed caught the Delta variant. Farther south, hospitals affiliated with the University of Miami Health System reported on Monday 90% of its COVID patients were infected by the Delta variant, according to NBC Miami. According to the CDCs data, Lancaster County has seen an 86.5% increase in cases in the last seven days, and a 1.84% increase in positivity rates. New hospital admissions related to COVID-19 have seen a 100% increase in the last 7 days. Jenn Hollister took turns with her husband driving up the eastern seaboard back to Lancaster last weekend. She said in hindsight, she's surprised the theme parks were still open with people so close together and unmasked. I dont see how life can return to normal in the fall, she said. The Lancaster County community will get an opportunity to welcome back a homegrown Olympian on this evening. Casey Kaufhold, the 17-year-old archery wunderkind who recently placed 17th in individual archery competition at the Tokyo games, will be honored with a ceremony featuring speakers from Conestoga Valley School District, an onstage interview, and a short ride on a fire engine from Lafayette Fire Company. The event will take place at 6:30 p.m. at Conestoga Valley High School outside of Rill Auditorium. Admission to the ceremony is free and Kaufhold will be on hand until 7:30 p.m. for photos. "I think I'll be on a fire engine...I'm really excited," Kaufhold says over the phone. "I've seen fire engines up close, but I've never been on one, so it should be interesting. First time for everything!" Kaufhold beat Spain's Ines de Velasco in the round of 64 before falling in her next match and being eliminated by Japan's Ren Hawakaya. Previously, the Conestoga Valley High School student was part of the U.S. women's team that reached the quarterfinals before losing to Russia. The Spanish American Civic Associations development arm has won another state grant, this one for $250,000, to help finance the second phase of Conestoga North, an owner-occupied affordable housing development. The grant, announced this week in a press release from the governors office, comes from the Keystone Communities Program at the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. The program awards state dollars to local community revitalization projects. Conestoga North, located on Chesapeake Street near South Duke Street in Southeast Lancaster, is the only project in Lancaster County that won Keystone Communities funding this year. Statewide, $5 million in grants went to 41 revitalization projects, according to the governors office. The roughly $3.3 million second phase of SACA Developments townhome project would make another nine units available for purchase by families with no more than 80% of the area median income. Area median income, or AMI, is a metric calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development each year. In Lancaster County, this year a family of four with an income of more no more than $66,400 qualifies at 80% AMI. To buy one of the townhomes, SACA and SACA Development Corporation President Jose Lopez said, families agree to purchase the homes with a 15-year deed restriction. That restricts them to selling to other families with income limits. But after 15 years, that restriction expires, allowing longtime owners to sell at market value and realize more equity. We view homeownership as a way to help families grow, prosper and earn equity, so they can at some point claim wealth, Lopez said. The first phase also included nine townhomes. Of those, seven are pending sale, Lopez said, and one buyer has closed on an eighth unit. One remains unclaimed after a buyer recently backed out of the sale, Lopez said. The first-phase homes were priced at either $165,000 or $170,000 for the corner units, Lopez said. The second phases financing scheme mostly mirrors the first phase, Lopez said. That includes grants from DCED, the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, federal Department of Housing and Urban Development block-grant funding through Lancaster city and conventional financing. With assistance from Community First Fund, SACA acquired the site on Chesapeake Street in 2017 for $320,000. Unlike the first phase, SACA Development received half of its requested $500,000 grant from DCED. Lopez said he was grateful for the award, and that SACA will be look looking at what may be needed to close on the second phases financing and begin construction in January. One hope is that the high prices of construction materials during the COVID-19 pandemic may dip by then, Lopez said. The second-phase homes would be priced at $175,000, and $180,000 for end units, Lopez said. The organization already has five interested buyers on a waiting list, he said. LOS ANGELES (AP) Four Republicans hoping to claim Gov. Gavin Newsom's job in a September recall election skirmished in their first debate Wednesday, labeling the incumbent Democrat a failure whose pandemic policies sent the state into a tailspin while hewing closely to familiar conservative themes. There were a few sharp exchanges as candidates sought to distinguish themselves from their rivals, but much of the evening event amounted to a litany of complaints about Newsom and the Democratic-controlled Legislature and the progressive drift of the nation's most populous state. This used to be the state where anyone could get ahead. Now its the state that many cant wait to leave behind, and our soaring housing costs are central to that, said Kevin Kiley, a state assemblyman who at 36 years old could become the state's first millennial governor. The stakes were elevated with mail-in ballots for the Sept. 14 contest going to voters in about two weeks. Polls suggest the race is growing tight, with Newsoms once-comfortable edge slipping as coronavirus cases climb and mask restrictions return across much of the state. The election is being watched nationally as a barometer of the public mood heading toward the 2022 elections, when a closely divided Congress again will be in play. A Republican upset in the heavily Democratic state would be a stunning rebuke, and Newsom has warned that his ouster would have national implications in politics and policy-making. Many of the exchanges during the 90-minute debate centered on signature conservative issues in the state that appeared aimed at energizing Republican and right-leaning voters, rather than winning over converts from the political center. They included building more water storage, restraining government growth and cutting taxes. Former congressman Doug Ose promised to swiftly weed out Newsom appointees across state government. Former San Diego mayor Kevin Faulconer was critical of state efforts to expand health care for people who entered the country illegally. Businessman John Cox, who lost to Newsom in the 2018 governor's race, appeared to endorse eliminating the state's minimum wage law. The real, true minimum wage ... should be zero. It should be set between the employer and the employee, Cox said at one point. But the debate also offered little drama or memorable lines that might resonate beyond a single night. A notable point about the debate at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Orange County was who didnt show up: the two best-known candidates. Caitlyn Jenner has been in Australia filming a reality TV program, while conservative talk radio host Larry Elder, who has been the leading replacement candidate in polls, attended a Bakersfield fundraiser. Library officials said Newsom did not respond to an invitation. Polls have shown many voters aren't paying attention or remain indecisive about the unusual late-summer election, which could remove the governor with about 15 months left in his first term. One of the tautest exchanges took place when Ose challenged Faulconer's record on dealing with homelessness, a cornerstone of the former mayor's campaign. Ose, a former congressman, said falling numbers of homeless residents cited by Faulconer were the result of rejiggered calculations, labeling Faulconer a plastic man. Faulconer disputed that and defended his record. Faulconer also stood out by emphatically encouraging everyone watching to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, something none of the other contenders on stage repeated. Cox, for his part, said people who have already had coronavirus should not be vaccinated, which goes against what the CDC recommends. Faulconer, who made his plea when asked about masks in school, said vaccinations are the best way to end the pandemic. He said he opposes mask mandates in schools, but wouldnt give a clear answer on whether hed prohibit schools from requiring masks. Kiley said he believes in personal choice on vaccinations. Democrats have sought to link the recall effort to far-right extremists and supporters of former President Donald Trump. Earlier Wednesday, a judge tentatively ruled in Newsoms favor in a lawsuit that sought to block him from labeling the recall a Republican effort in the states official voter guide. Faulconer backed Trump in 2020 after spurning him four years earlier. When asked if he would welcome Trump's endorsement, the former mayor called the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol in Washington abhorrent, but said he was eager to win support from Republicans, Democrats and independents, without directly mentioning Trump or ruling out accepting his endorsement. Newsom's campaign manager, Juan Rodriguez, said in a tweet that California needs to move forward, not back toward Donald Trump." The debate comes at a time when Republicans already have witnessed signs of infighting that could drive down turnout and distract from the goal of toppling Newsom. Cox has accused GOP insiders of trying to steer an endorsement to Faulconer. The recall grew out of widespread frustration during the pandemic over whipsaw stay-at-home orders, crushing job losses from business closures and long-running school closures that together disrupted life for millions. In the election, voters will be asked two questions: First, should Newsom be removed, yes or no? The second question will be a list of replacement candidates from which to choose. If a majority votes for Newsoms removal, the candidate who gets the most votes on the second question becomes governor. With 46 replacement candidates on the ballot, its possible a winner could emerge with as little as 20% of the vote should Newsom be recalled a fraction of what a candidate would need in a typical statewide election. That unusual election math also has allowed Republicans to largely target their campaigns at Republicans and right-leaning independents, which could provide a sufficient coalition to win. The debate closed with light-hearted questions intended to prompt candidates to reveal something personal about their lives. Faulconer said he cycles for charity, Kiley plugged a restaurant in his district and Ose said his hidden talent was getting things done. Cox, who branded himself as an outsider throughout the night, took an unconventional approach. Asked what embarrassing information his kids would share about him, he said: My wife doesnt like my nose hair. WASHINGTON (AP) The senators who spent months stitching together a nearly $1 trillion infrastructure package are now trying to sell it to the American people before a key vote expected this week that would push a long recognized national priority much closer to the finish line, after years of talk. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said Tuesday that the $65 billion for broadband means that some people in her state would get access to the internet for the first time. The pandemic that we have endured for more than a year laid bare the disparities in access to high-speed internet, Collins said. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, spoke of how the bill would lead to more rural and Native Alaskans having access to a sink to wash their hands in. The bill dedicates about $55 billion in new funding for water and wastewater systems. "We have to do right by our Native people," she said. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., noted there is about $16 billion for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that would help fund projects designed to curb coastal erosion. My state has lost as much land as is in the entire state of Delaware. But other states are losing land, too," he said. And Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., talked about how $110 billion in new funding for roads and bridges would mean access to markets for farms in Montana such as his own. It is critically important we keep our aging bridges and roads and airports up to snuff," Tester said. The lawmakers, part of a group that they like to call the G-10, for gang of 10 five Republican, five Democratic senators are appealing to the wishes of many voters for not only better airports, roads and internet service, but also for some bipartisanship in Washington, without being directly asked to pay for those improvements through higher income taxes or user fees. While it's looking like the Senate will approve the bill during the coming week, supporters of the legislation will face an array of obstacles advancing the package, a major priority in President Joe Biden's agenda. Interest groups on both sides of the political spectrum are taking aim at provisions they don't like, potentially unraveling the agreement. Some conservatives don't like that the agreement moves the country further away from relying on user fees, such as the federal gas tax, to pay for highway and transit improvements. Others are wary that the bill sets a course for much more federal spending after the government already provided for nearly $5 trillion dedicated to COVID relief. This week, the Treasury Department warned Congress it was hitting the nation's debt limit. Every single time we add an enormous sum to our national debt, there is bipartisanship behind it," Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said. Environmental groups worry that the bill doesn't do enough to address climate change. It is clear that the deal does not meet the moment on climate or justice, said Tiernan Sittenfeld, a senior vice president of the League of Conservation Voters. The pressure from the left underpins House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's statement that there won't be a House vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan until the Senate also passes the $3.5 trillion Democratic bill that boosts spending on health, environment and social programs. The Senate is plowing through efforts to amend the narrower infrastructure bill, which will require 60 votes to advance for passage. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is intent on passing the legislation as soon as possible so that the Senate can turn its attention to a budget blueprint that will set the stage for crafting and passing the larger $3.5 trillion package in the fall. Formally called the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the proposal has clocked in at some 2,700 pages. The Senate's Republican leader, Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, has sided with those voting to allow debate to proceed, but he has not said how he will ultimately vote. He said Tuesday the bill has a chance to be a bipartisan success story for the country," but he is warning Democrats against trying to speed up the amendment process. Like a lot of us, I'm interested in what it looks like in the end," McConnell said. He noted that "the past two administrations tried to do it, were unable to. The American people need it. I think it's one of those areas where there seems to be broad, bipartisan agreement." By evening, the Senate had overwhelmingly approved three noncontroversial amendments, while rejecting three others. As the amendment process continued, senators were weighing how much to try to change the package and how hard to try, knowing it would be difficult to reach the 60-vote threshold to approve any substantial changes. In addition to the $110 billion in new spending for roads and bridges and $55 billion for water and wastewater infrastructure, the bipartisan package is expected to provide, $39 billion for public transit and $66 billion for rail. Theres also to be billions for airports, ports, broadband internet and electric vehicle charging stations. Paying for the package has been a challenge after senators rejected ideas to raise revenue from a new gas tax or other streams. Instead, it is being financed from funding sources that might not pass muster with deficit hawks, including repurposing some $205 billion in untapped COVID-19 relief aid, as well as unemployment assistance that was turned back by some states, and relying on projected future economic growth. The bipartisan bill still faces a rough road in the House, where progressive lawmakers want a more robust package but may have to settle for this one to keep Bidens infrastructure plans on track. The outcome with the bipartisan effort will set the stage for the next debate over Bidens much more ambitious $3.5 trillion package, a strictly partisan pursuit of far-reaching programs and services including child care and health care that touch almost every corner of American life. Republicans strongly oppose that bill, which would require a simple majority for passage. Final votes on that measure are not expected until fall. Associated Press writer Matthew Daly contributed to this report. Success! An email has been sent with a link to confirm list signup. Thank you to the young student for his beautiful letter last year. I reread Focusing on the good things, which appeared in the Nov. 21, 2020, edition of LNP | LancasterOnline. The writers letter should speak to a lot of adults who are feeling stressed and/or down during these trying times. I will treasure the writers words, believe that even when a fire burns things down, good things can rise from the embers. Theres much wisdom there! God bless you; he sure has blessed us through the letter writers words. Esther Lentz Lancaster Antonov Describes Ongoing Contentious Diplomatic Conditions Since Returning to U.S. Aug. 3, 2021 (EIRNS)The continuing U.S. imposition of restrictions on Russian diplomats in the U.S., and the Russian countermeasures, are fueling a diplomatic crisis. On Aug. 2 the United States handed Russia a list of 24 diplomats who are to leave the country by Sept. 3, in accordance with the U.S. imposition in December 2020 of a unilateral three-year limit on the assignment of Russian personnel in the U.S. In an interview published Aug. 1 with The National Interest, We Have To Counter Lies and Fake News Virtually on a Daily Basis, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov strongly countered Washingtons latest move. Antonov had only returned to Washington on June 20, prompting editor Jacob Heilbrunn to ask, Do you have anything positive to report, particularly on the contentious issue of the work of the embassies in the two capitals? Are there any new developments on the status of the U.S. and Russian consulates which were closed in recent years? The diplomat replied: Unfortunately, the situation does not change for the better. Russian diplomatic missions in the United States are still forced to work under unprecedented restrictions that not only remain in effect, but are stepped up. Regardless of the Biden administrations declarations concerning the important role of diplomacy and willingness to develop stable and predictable relations with our country, the Russian diplomatic presence experiences continuous strikes. U.S. colleagues are persistent and creative in this business. The expulsions of diplomats are implemented under far-fetched pretexts now and then. Last December the State Department unilaterally established a three-year limit on the assignment period for Russian personnel in the United States that, as far as we know, is not applied to any other country. We received a list of 24 diplomats who are expected to leave the country before Sept. 3, 2021. Almost all of them will leave without replacements, because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures. Heilbrunn asked about the status of new U.S.-Russian dialogue on cybersecurity: Antonov replied that Russia has invited the U.S. administration to discuss cyber threats to arms control systems and hopes for a comprehensive cybersecurity dialogue in the future. However, when it comes to cybersecurity, Antonov said the U.S. side continues to want to limit discussion to ransomware activities and not extend it to the broader aspects of cybersecurity. Despite Moscows 35 requests to Washington concerning cyberattacks from its territory in the first six months of 2021, as well as 45 for last year, the U.S. has responded to none of them. We have consistently sought to establish professional cooperation on cybersecurity issues in Washington. In particular, since 2015, we have taken six attempts to launch such interaction. Moreover, on Sept. 25, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin proposed a comprehensive program of measures to restore Russia-U.S. cooperation in the field of International Information Security (IIS). Unfortunately, there has been no official reaction from the United States so far, Antonov said. EIR LEAD EDITORIAL FOR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2021 The Shadow of LaRouches Forecasts in Our Future Aug. 3, 2021 (EIRNS)The increasingly complex web of processes into which the LaRouche faction has now poised itself to intervene, are the new terrain of a reality that will never again look like that of the pre-2020 world. A unique, though not new, compositional approach must be taken, to change the minds of the people of the trans-Atlantic sector. As the Austrian chancellor said of the Greens, It would be totally wrong to believe that we could save the climate in the future by asceticism ... the only right approach is to rely on innovation and technology.... I do not share at all the view that our direction should be going back to the Stone Age. The LaRouche forecasts, like the compositions of Beethoven, are the shadow of an unseen power, a principle of nonviolent power, a power of change which floats, though unseen, among us; otherwise we were doomed by what lies immediately aheadnot by our prospects, but by our axioms. Remember that the city-state of Florence was not, as the credulous believed, depopulated by the Black Death, but by the Black Guelph, as well as other factions of the oligarchy. In fact, the city had begun to lose population from the time of Dantes exile, and consequent triumph of the murderous financial policies of the Italian banking houses. From a height of 105-125,000 in 1300-25, it had declined to 80,000 before the 1347-49 Bubonic Plague, in which about half that number died. Even by 1425, when Cusa was 24, Toscanelli 25 and Brunelleschi 48 years old, the population was only 60,000. Monetarism demanded, and secured, the self-cannibalization of Europe. The disease was the means, not the cause. From this standpoint, look then, as Dante did, at the ostensible prospects before uswhat we see in the emergence of new strains of disease, including the treatment-resistant Candida auris super-bug, identified as present in New York City hospitals since at least 2019, itself the consequence of failing to care for the General Welfare through public health and sanitation measures, including drug eradication and mental health, which were insisted upon by LaRouche in 1974, 1985, and 2001. While the Biden Administration drunkenly asserts that it leads the world in vaccine mobilization, China has in fact created vaccine production and research centers in many nations, distributed some 350 million doses of vaccine worldwide, and organized 28 nations to join in launching the China Initiative for Belt and Road Partnership on COVID-19 Vaccine Cooperation. The pathetic EU, which promised 200 million vaccines to help the developing sector, has delivered on 8 million4% of what it promised. The difference is measured in lives, not numbers. Indias present decision to walk away from the Glasgow COP26 trap, and its crazy kill coal project, has particularly upset Sir Mike Mouseolini Bloomberg, as just expressed in his news service: When India failed to show up at climate talks in London last week, the meetings British hosts took it as a snub. It was also a stark reminder of how hard its going to be for diplomats to pull the global climate back from the brink of disaster, with less than three months to go before the next round of high-stakes negotiations. SciTechDaily reported on Aug. 3: Solar Orbiter and BepiColombo are set to make space history with two Venus flybys just 33 hours apart on August 9 and 10, 2021. The Solar Orbiter is a joint NASA/ESA project, which will investigate the poles of the Sun for the first time. BepiColombo is a Japanese Space Agency JAXA/ESA project investigating Mercury. Why are they rendezvousing at Venus? No, its not an extraterrestrial hookup; they will be, in fact, the proverbial two spaceships passing. They wont even be able to take pictures of each other. The two spacecraft need the gravitational swingby to help them lose a little orbital energy in order to reach their destinations towards the center of the Solar System. Its more like a two-part invention, a contrapuntal intersection of the gravitational field of Venus intended to deploy that gravitational field as a brake, allowing both spacecraft to access and ride that orbital pathway to significantly different ends. And BepiColombo will be able to take some pictures from Venus as it moves away from the planet, and maybe a couple of partial selfies as well. Solar Orbiters first visit to the poles of the Sun will be March of 2025, with later visits scheduled for 2027, 2028, and 2029. This represents the minimal vantage point, the minimal level of physical economy, and is the minimal level of civilization for the human race. Seen from the vantage point of Dantes Paradiso, human navigation of the Solar System is Stage One of culture; human navigation of the Milky Way galaxy is Stage Two; human navigation among galaxies is Stage Three. Anything less than that represents the infancy, childhood and adolescence of humanity. And thus, the science behind the engineering and navigation of these and other missions being carried out by more and more nations, is the minimal conceptual standpoint for a true science of physical economy, a standpoint clearly stated in the LaRouche works There Are No Limits To Growth and Earths Next Fifty Years. The method of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, as applied by the Schiller Institute in the past 12 days, is a reflection of that method of composition that Dante, Beethoven and LaRouche had mastered. It is politics as art. It is what can give us the power, not through influential people, but through the influence of ideas, to even at this last moment, provide a pathway from Hell to Purgatory, when looked at from the standpoint of the Paradiso, the Promethean mountaintop of forecasting. It is that which underlies the urgent strategic importance of the August 14 symposium reflecting on LaRouches forecast of the end of the Bretton Woods system. Crews will then move back up Airway Road and complete the section of sewer between Oak Streets and Airport Road. This work will take place this winter and will definitely be an inconvenience for drivers and for the businesses which line Airport Road. Traffic will be a nightmare, Whitlatch acknowledged. He said the city will work with business owners to provide advance notice of when their driveways will be impacted. The road will be closed to through traffic by necessity: the equipment involved will be nearly as wide as the road surface itself. The project will result in the complete destruction of the current road surface between Oak Street and Airport Road and that road will have to be rebuilt, Whitlatch said. The good news is that homes and businesses will not have to wait for the project to be completed before they can connect to the new sewer. New sections can come online in phases as the work proceeds. Whitlatch said that the sewer line will be tested as they go. These tests are conducted from one manhole cover to the next, with the distance ranging from 450 to 600 feet. On the community side, Downey offered a unique perspective when he said the Lexington Veterans Pavilion will, help to complete the whole campus, of Kirkpatrick Memorial Park, the renovated lake, the Dawson County Historical Museum and the Lexington Family Aquatic Center. Downey also said the pavilion will tie in with the Heartland Military Museum, located along the Lexington I-80 exit. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} As a young person, Downey said he was impacted by the World War II veterans in their Veterans Day program at his school. He said while the veterans did not tell many stories of their service, it was known from the veterans family members who big of a deal their service during the war truly was. He said those programs helped to instill a strong sense of patriotism in them at a young age, even though they never served in the military. Downey said with the changing technology and how wars will be fought in the future, it is important to remember the experience of veterans of past wars. We as a society and country, have to remember how we got here today, we need to remember what the veterans did for everybody. Keysers iPhone was collected as evidence, according to court documents. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Officers found several bullet holes at the residence Keyser was found in front of, as well as the neighbors home. Two more bullet holes were found in a vehicle parked along West Ninth, according to court records. No brass ammunition casings were located at the scene. Police say security camera footage from Caseys showed Saenz-Gonzalez and Hernandez-Corona entering the North Adams Caseys General Store at 1:31 a.m. Keyser entered the store at 1:33 a.m. After an encounter with Hernandez-Corona, Keyser began to walk back to West Ninth Street. Lexington officers gave the mens iPhones to Investigator Dan Warrington with the Kearney Police Department, who has technology to perform forensic downloads of cellphone data. Keysers cellphone had a health application that recorded his steps and distance traveled, as well as a time and date stamp associated with the information. According to that data, after leaving Caseys, Keyser walked 300 meters to West Ninth Street, arriving at 1:44 a.m. After this, there was no health or phone activity. Based on this information and the report of the gunshot at 1:47 a.m., it is believed Keyser was killed around this time. Lewiston, ID (83501) Today Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 66F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 66F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph. Lewiston, ID (83501) Today Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 66F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 66F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Local featured LISD welcomes new teachers with luncheon Contributed New middle school teachers pose at Lufkin ISDs luncheon with the board of trustees. Hall Henderson, board president, said the district takes a lot of pride in being a welcoming, family oriented and friendly district. Lufkin ISD welcomed its new teachers with a luncheon with the school board Tuesday morning at the Pitser Garrison Convention Center. Were pleased to honor you here, superintendent Lynn Torres said. You have joined the Lufkin Panther family as a new teacher, and our pledge to you is that we are here to support you and mentor you as a new staff member in Lufkin. The luncheon is a favorite of board president Hall Henderson as trustees are able to see new faces and welcome them to the district, and theres no better way to do that than with a good meal, he said. Its always been a tradition for us to get together with our teachers, and obviously, last year we werent able to do that, he said. We take a lot of pride in being welcoming and being a very family oriented, friendly district, so its good to get together and meet people, see new faces and let them know that as a board, were here for them and we want to support them in any way we can. Henderson said its important to the district to make its teachers feel welcome so the teachers can, in turn, make their students feel welcome. If you start with that as a district, if you do it from an administrative and board level, we want that to trickle down into the classroom and into the campuses so that our students feel the same way, he said. The more comfortable they feel, the better time theyre going to have at school, the better opportunity theyre gonna have to get an education. We want them to know that they have teachers and principals that love them, and we want our teachers and principals to know they have a board that loves them. Freshmen English teacher Aaliyah Overshown said she started teaching for Lufkin ISD last semester and is excited to have her first full school year. Im excited to start off fresh, she said. Its nice to get to know the admin more and actually get to shake hands with people now that things are different. I feel like Im getting to be introduced officially, so thats fun. Everyone has always been welcoming, even last semester when I came in mid-year. All the teachers want me to succeed, so I feel like I have a lot to learn here. Fifth-grade science teacher Hanna Van Horn is excited for the upcoming school year and said she thinks it is awesome that the district hosts a welcome luncheon. Ive been with two other districts, and this is the first welcome party that Ive been a part of, she said. I just think its so neat to have, especially if youre a first-year teacher, getting acclimated and seeing new faces. Im very impressed. If you go What: Public hearing on PFAS remediation process at the airport When: Wednesday, Aug. 3 Time: 5:30 p.m. How to participate: To join the meeting in Zoom, use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7pluRAHcRVqIPDuTkV0Fjw To join the meeting by phone, dial in using one of the following three phone numbers: 1-833-548-0276; 1-833-548-0282; 1-888-788-0099. When prompted, enter the following Webinar ID: 857 3567 9516 The University of Wisconsin-Madison has announced that it will require all students and staff to wear masks when inside campus buildings this fall. The decision, which will take effect Aug. 5, will not affect plans for in-person classes, returning to work on campus, events or the universitys policy on physical spacing. UW-Madison cited growing concerns around the Delta variant as a motivator for the change to its masking policy. "Going back to masking is not a step that many of us wanted to take, but it is important to protect the health of those on our campus and in our community," a university news release stated. UW-Madison had previously communicated to students in June that face masks would no longer be required, but would still be recommended for unvaccinated individuals. Now, officials are also weighing whether or not to establish testing requirements for unvaccinated students and staff. Madison, in particular, finds itself in a perilous position. Restaurants and stores are open, and students are supposed to begin returning to public schools and the University of Wisconsin campus in the next several weeks. In fact, the moving vans have already begun blocking traffic in the downtown neighborhoods surrounding the campus. If the infection rates continue to rise, necessary steps will have to be taken in order to assure that the campus and the surrounding community are protected. How far officials will need to go to prevent the spread of the deadly virus, and to keep schools and businesses open if that is possible remains to be seen. But new mask mandates and social-distancing orders are likely to be on the table. So, too, could vaccination requirements. Whats going to be required is a willingness to take the science seriously, a recognition that there may be a need to move quickly, and the flexibility thats required to try approaches that are most likely to save lives. Unfortunately, the same politicians who dragged their feet last year, making a bad situation dramatically worse, are now talking about erecting roadblocks to administrators on the UW-Madison campus and on other UW campuses statewide. WASHINGTON (AP) The State Department said Wednesday its looking into the apparent disappearance of a nearly $6,000 bottle of whisky given more than two years ago to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by the government of Japan. Pompeo knows nothing about the gift or an inquiry, a representative said. In a notice filed in the Federal Register, the department said it could find no trace of the bottles whereabouts and that there is an ongoing inquiry into what happened to the booze. The department reported the investigation in its annual accounting of gifts given to senior U.S. officials by foreign governments and leaders. The department's Office of Protocol is required to record gifts given to U.S. officials and keep track of their disposition. Recipients have the option of turning gifts of a certain value over to the National Archives or another government entity or purchasing them for personal use by reimbursing the Treasury Department for their value. Businesses and nonprofits that move into an empty store front may be eligible for a $10,000 grant, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. announced Wednesday. These grants are designed to give entrepreneurs a helping hand in establishing their physical storefronts and reward small business owners for investing in empty commercial properties across the state, WEDC CEO Missy Hughes said. The businesses that move into these spaces become integral parts of our communities, offering not only goods and services but spaces to gather and celebrate. Grant funds can be used for rent or mortgage payments, operating expenses, building repairs and improvements, and additional expenses. Small businesses or nonprofits seeking grant approval are not allowed to close another location in order to open in an empty store front. National or regional chains, unless franchised, are ineligible, as are businesses or nonprofits that plan to use the new location for storage, to hold for investment purposes or to rent out as residential housing. Applications for the grants open on Aug. 9 and close on June 30, 2022. Two men were shot and injured in the shooting, but were not on scene when officers arrived. The next day, about 24 hours after the shooting, one of the victims walked into St. Marys Hospital with a wound that a nurse told police looked like someone took a melon scoop to the victims skin. He also appeared to have glass in his eye. That man said he was at the BP gas station on Verona Road when a stranger agreed to give him a ride back to the East Side. Within a couple of minutes, he said, he heard several gunshots and saw the front passenger window break. The vehicle that was shot at and damaged, a Nissan Murano, was later found in a parking lot on High Ridge Trail in Fitchburg. According to a search warrant filed in September, the vehicles owner did not want to talk to police about the bullet-damaged vehicle that police said contained blood stains and bullet fragments. The man who was driving the Murano at the time of the shooting was contacted on Nov. 19 at the Dane County Jail. He said after the shooting he didnt go to the hospital because he was on the run. He showed a detective a healing wound and said he had used a tweezer to pull a bullet out of his shoulder. All state of Wisconsin employees will be required to wear face masks in state buildings starting Thursday, regardless of vaccination status. The new mandate was issued by Gov. Tony Evers Department of Administration to reflect Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Department of Health Services guidance. It applies to state employees and contractors when inside state facilities or performing duties indoors, regardless of whether they are vaccinated against COVID-19. The new DOA guidance also recommends, but does not mandate, that members of the public wear face masks when inside state facilities. Members of the public who are not vaccinated will continue to be required to wear face masks, though there isnt a mechanism for verifying vaccination status among the public. Mask requirements for the vaccinated were lifted for only a short time. Vaccinated people on June 1 were no longer required to wear masks in the state Capitol and most other state facilities. As with other DOA mandates, the reinstated mask mandate does not apply to the state Legislature, Supreme Court or local school districts. A nonprofit started by the head of Promega Corp. to study psychedelic drugs for depression and other mental health conditions is getting its own headquarters in Fitchburg amid an expanding national profile for psychoactive medicine. The Usona Institute, formed by Promega CEO Bill Linton in 2014, is expected to move into a 93,000-square-foot facility on 17 acres adjacent to Promegas Fitchburg campus in 2024. The practices and the therapy that were embodying here have really gone back for thousands of years, Linton said Tuesday at a groundbreaking ceremony for the $60 million project. Linton said even single doses of psychedelic drugs such as psilocybin, the hallucinogenic ingredient in magic mushrooms, have been shown to provide long-term benefits for some mental health patients. Through this experience, theres a connection or reconnection with ourselves that may last for weeks and months, sometimes a lifetime, he said. Usona, now housed in other Promega buildings, has more than 25 employees and satellite offices in California and Germany. Madison Firefighters rescued a small dog from a house fire on the North Side that caused $165,000 in damage Wednesday morning. Just after 7:30 a.m. the Madison Fire Department began to receive multiple calls from concerned neighbors about a house on fire on the 1700 block of Sachtjen Street. One neighbor began pounding on the doors and windows of the home in an effort to alert the owners of the fire but no one appeared to be home, Madison Fire Department spokesperson Bernadette Galvez said in a statement. Fire crews were able to see smoke coming from the fire from several blocks away. Upon arrival, they searched the home to ensure everyone was out and found a small dog in one of the bedrooms. The dog was brought outside to a neighbor who held it until the homeowners arrived, Galvez said. Fire crews were able to put out the fire quickly. The homeowners have insurance to help with the cost of repairs and will be staying with friends until they're able to reenter their home, Galvez said. Be the first to know Get local news delivered to your inbox! Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. I agree with the Wisconsin State Journal's editorial last Sunday, Madison needs to get a homeless shelter done." We are long past the time when church basements and city parks would substitute for a humane and sufficient means of meeting the needs of homeless residents. But the editorial overlooked a solution that already is at hand and, thus, can meet the needs of homeless people next winter. Lets use the current shelter on First Street. Last year the city invested over $1 million to turn the city garage into the shelter for 250 men. (The average occupancy last winter was 113.) This site is on 10 bus lines and a mile from The Beacon for services to homeless individuals. Whats holding up this solution? It's the mayors insistence that the city's Public Market must be on First Street. This site has little parking and no other shopping options. Compare this to the East Towne Mall site, with shopping at multiple venues, parking and possibly an adjacent "bus rapid transit" hub. Without being sentimental about pigs, there are some facts relevant to them to consider. Pigs have big litters and making sure that a sow can safely feed them is an issue. The law intended to provide more space for the sow to move while feeding her offspring. Also, anyone who has raised one or more pigs will tell you that they are as personable as dogs. The fact that they exhibit emotions probably means that they have hormones that respond negatively to stress. Over time, those hormones will impact the quality of the meat they eventually produce for our consumption. Some will remember the advertising meme, Milk from contented cows. Another issue around Confined Animal production is air and water pollution. Hog pens do not smell good. Too many hogs in an area make life unpleasant until a person stops noticing the odor. Support for fewer hogs probably came from that issue. Another thing to wonder about. How is California going to enforce this legislation? Are they hiring more inspectors? Are they working with other states? How will compliant meat be identified? Will there be a black market in out-of-state pork? Of course, this could be a regulation with no teeth. It was passed to satisfy a special interest, but a lack of funding will render it meaningless. There also were 21 new deaths reported Wednesday, a number North Carolina hasnt reported since June 4. So far, 13,700 people have died from COVID-19 in the state. The seven-day average number of deaths is now 13, the highest since June 24. The state went over 13,000 deaths in late May. The most recent positivity rate data available is from Monday, when it was 12.2%, up from 10.6% on Sunday. Mondays positivity rate is the highest since Feb. 1, when 13.6% of tests were positive. Health officials have said that the target rate is less than 5% below that suggests that the spread of the virus is slowing. The last time North Carolina was under 5% was July 15. The recent surge is due to the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, health officials say. This variant is more transmissible and possibly more deadly. Most of the new cases and virtually all of the hospitalizations are people who have not been vaccinated. NCDHHS recently told The News & Observer that more than 94% of cases and deaths reported since May 6 were in people who were not fully vaccinated. People who are vaccinated and contract COVID-19 typically avoid serious illness or hospitalization, the spokesperson said. The city, with a population of about 1.5 million, ordered residential communities sealed Sunday, preventing people from leaving their homes. In a subsequent order on Tuesday, officials said no one, whether tourist or resident, could leave the city. The city government's Communist Party disciplinary committee on Wednesday issued a list of local officials who had a negative impact on pandemic prevention and control work who would be punished. The city itself has only recorded 19 cases since last week, three of which were people with no symptoms, which are counted separately. However, individual cases linked to Zhangjiajie's outbreak have spread to at least five provinces, according to the Shanghai government-owned newspaper the Paper. Far higher numbers were reported in Yangzhou, a city next to Nanjing, which has recorded 126 cases as of Tuesday. After announcing last week that they were suspending issuance of passports for travelers except for those with an urgent need, officials at the National Immigration Administration reiterated the message again on Wednesday at a press briefing. Scorching heat, low humidity and strong winds have fed the fires, which so far have killed eight people and countless animals and destroyed forests in the past eight days. Villagers have had to evacuate their homes and livestock, while tourists have fled in boats and cars. In the seaside province of Mugla, where tourist hot spot Bodrum is located, seven fires continued Wednesday. In Antalya, at least two fires raged on and two neighborhoods had to be evacuated. Officials say 167 fires had been brought under control and 16 continued in five provinces. Thousands of firefighters and civilians were working to douse the flames. Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said another firefighting plane and its staff would come from Azerbaijan on Thursday morning and 40 firetrucks would drive to Turkey to help with the fires. He announced four rented firefighting planes had landed and two from Israel would come Thursday. Environmental groups and opposition lawmakers in Turkey have also been voicing fears that fire-damaged forests could lose their protected status. Credit: CC0 Public Domain An artificial pancreas could soon help people living with type 2 diabetes and who also require kidney dialysis. Tests led by the University of Cambridge and Inselspital, University Hospital of Bern, Switzerland, show that the device can help patients safely and effectively manage their blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of low blood sugar levels. Diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure, accounting for just under a third (30%) of cases. As the number of people living with type 2 diabetes increases, so too does the number of people requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant. Kidney failure increases the risk of hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemiaabnormally low or high levels of blood sugar respectivelywhich in turn can cause complications from dizziness to falls and even to coma. Managing diabetes in patients with kidney failure is challenging for both patients and healthcare professionals. Many aspects of their care are poorly understood, including targets for blood sugar levels and treatments. Most oral diabetes medications are not recommended for these patients, so insulin injections are the most commonly used diabetes therapythough optimal insulin dosing regimens are difficult to establish. A team at the University of Cambridge and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has previously developed an artificial pancreas with the aim of replacing insulin injections for patients living with type 1 diabetes. In research published today in Nature Medicine, the teamworking with researchers at Bern University Hospital and University of Bern, Switzerlandhas shown that the device can be used to support patients living with both type 2 diabetes and kidney failure. The artificial pancreas is powered by software in the user's smartphone that sends a signal to an insulin pump to adjust the level of insulin the patient receives. A glucose monitor measures the patient's blood sugar levels and sends these back to the smartphone to enable it to make further adjustments. Unlike the artificial pancreas being used for type 1 diabetes, this version is a fully closed loop systemwhereas patients with type 1 diabetes need to tell their artificial pancreas that they are about to eat to allow adjustment of insulin, for example, with this new version they can leave the device to function entirely automatically. Dr. Charlotte Boughton from the Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge, who led the study, said that "patients living with type 2 diabetes and kidney failure are a particularly vulnerable group and managing their conditiontrying to prevent potentially dangerous highs or lows of blood sugar levelscan be a challenge. There's a real unmet need for new approaches to help them manage their condition safely and effectively." The artificial pancreas is a small, portable medical device designed to carry out the function of a healthy pancreas in controlling blood glucose levels, using digital technology to automate insulin delivery. The system is worn externally on the body, and is made up of three functional components: a glucose sensor, a computer algorithm to calculate the insulin dose, and an insulin pump. The team recruited 26 patients requiring dialysis between October 2019 and November 2020. Thirteen participants were randomized to receive the artificial pancreas first and 13 to receive standard insulin therapy first. The researchers compared how long patients spent in the target blood sugar range (5.6 to 10.0mmol/L) over a 20 day period as outpatients. Patients using the artificial pancreas spent on average 53% of their time in the target range, compared to 38% when they used the control treatment. This equated to around 3.5 additional hours every day spent in the target range compared with the control therapy. Mean blood sugar levels were lower with the artificial pancreas (10.1 vs. 11.6 mmol/L). The artificial pancreas reduced the amount of time patients spent with potentially dangerously low blood sugar levels, or 'hypos'. The efficacy of the artificial pancreas improved considerably over the study period as the algorithm adapted, and the time spent in the target blood sugar range increased from 36% on day one to over 60% by the twentieth day. This finding highlights the importance of using an adaptive algorithm, which can adjust in response to an individual's changing insulin requirements over time. When asked about their experiences of using the artificial pancreas, everyone who responded said they would recommend it to others. Nine out of ten (92%) reported that they spent less time managing their diabetes with the artificial pancreas than during the control period, and similar numbers (87%) were less worried about their blood sugar levels when using it. Other benefits of the artificial pancreas reported by study participants included less need for finger-prick blood sugar checks, less time required to manage their diabetes resulting in more personal time and freedom, and improved peace of mind and reassurance. Downsides included discomfort wearing the insulin pump and carrying the smartphone. Senior author Professor Roman Hovorka, also from the Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science, said that "not only did the artificial pancreas increase the amount of time patients spent within the target range for the blood sugar levels, but it also gave the users peace of mind. They were able to spend less time having to focus on managing their condition and worrying about the blood sugar levels, and more time getting on with their lives." Dr. Boughton added that "now that we've shown the artificial pancreas works in one of the more difficult-to-treat groups of patients, we believe it could prove useful in the wider population of people living with type 2 diabetes." The team is currently trialing the artificial pancreas for outpatient use in people living with type 2 diabetes who do not need dialysis and exploring the system in complex medical situations such as perioperative care. Dr. Lia Bally, who co-led the study in Bern, said that "the artificial pancreas has the potential to become a key feature of integrated personalized care for people with complex medical needs." Explore further Artificial pancreas can prevent dangerously low blood sugar in people with T1D More information: Boughton, CK et al, Fully automated closed-loop glucose control compared with standard insulin therapy in adults with type 2 diabetes requiring dialysis: an open-label, randomised crossover trial, Nat Med (2021). Journal information: Nature Medicine Boughton, CK et al, Fully automated closed-loop glucose control compared with standard insulin therapy in adults with type 2 diabetes requiring dialysis: an open-label, randomised crossover trial,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41591-021-01453-z Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The race to vaccinate Australians is heating up as the supply of vaccines starts to increase and lockdowns continue. Labor this week suggested a A$300 cash payment for people fully vaccinated by December. Meanwhile, "Operation COVID Shield", the newly published national COVID vaccine campaign plan, includes support for "freedom incentives" put forward by the Coalition. Scott Morrison will pursue "freedom incentives" ahead of cash payments under the national cabinet's four-phase reopening plan. #auspol https://t.co/FRXqtYFG3O Greg Brown (@gregbrown_TheOz) August 2, 2021 Let's take a look at how effective the evidence suggests these measures might be in getting more Australians vaccinated. Vaccine hesitancy Vaccination is a key weapon in our armoury as we navigate the pandemic. We know it's very effective in protecting people from illness and death, and also reduces transmission of COVID-19. At this stage, only 19.8% of Australians over 16 have been fully vaccinated. Although insufficient supply has been the main reason for the slow rollout to date, vaccine hesitancy is an increasingly important issue as we strive for herd immunity. The latest data from our Taking the Pulse of the Nation Survey shows vaccine hesitancy in Australia has fallen to 21.5% since the recent outbreaks, from a high of 33% in late May. Among that 21.5%, 11.8% of Australians remain unwilling to be vaccinated, while 9.7% are unsure. So can financial or non-financial incentives bring these figures down and in turn speed up Australia's vaccination rollout? Splashing the cash The government has proclaimed cash incentives will have minimal impact on vaccination ratesalthough the review of the evidence they conducted hasn't been published. There is in fact evidence from a range of settings showing cash payments do have one-off effects in terms of persuading people to visit a health professional. Our survey research has shown 54% of those willing to be vaccinated, but waiting, said they would get vaccinated as soon as possible if offered cash. Further analysis shows those willing and eligible to be vaccinated (people over 50 at the time these data were collected) were more likely to respond to cash payments if they were male, and if the amount was at least A$100. Overall, half said they would get vaccinated sooner if offered A$100 or more. So Labor's plan of A$300 would be effective for this group. However, for people who are unwilling or unsure about vaccination, cash payments may make only a small difference. Just 10% of this group said they would respond to cash. This is because there are many reasons people may be unsure or don't want to get vaccinated. These include a lack of access to unbiased advice and information, strong beliefs about vaccination including around vaccine safety, and medical conditions. To increase vaccination in this group, we need to consider different approaches. Vaccination as a ticket to freedom We're likely to see non-financial incentives offered to fully vaccinated Australians as time goes on. These might be in the form of exemptions from health restrictions, or more lenient rules, around, for example, travel and social activities. We know holding our vaccination records in our smartphones might provide us with more freedom, earlier. The United Kingdom now allows fully vaccinated travellers from the United States and the European Union to enter without quarantine, accepting the risk that even people who are vaccinated can still carry and spread the virus. Our survey found roughly 70% of Australians think fully vaccinated people should be allowed to participate, without restriction, in sporting events, concerts, interstate travel, religious events, going to restaurants and movies, and the like. Around half believe those who remain unvaccinated once vaccination is available to everyone should be banned from these activities. Slightly fewer think international travel should be unrestricted even when fully vaccinated. Of people unwilling or unsure about vaccination, 18-28% stated they would get vaccinated if they were banned from these activities. This suggests that, compared to cash payments, non-financial incentives might be more likely to work for those who are unwilling or unsure about vaccination. Where to next? Both Labor's and the Coalition's incentive policies would have some impact on vaccination rates, but the devil is in the detail. Cash payments are likely to be effective for those who are already willing to be vaccinated, but have not yet done so. This would speed up the rate of vaccination. Cash is less likely to influence those who are unwilling or are unsure, though it could still work for some of these people. Allowing fully vaccinated people more freedoms will likely increase the vaccination rates among those yet to get the jab, including those who are unsure or unwilling. Reaching this group is the holy grail, giving us a better shot of attaining the elusive, but crucial, herd immunity. Incentives matter. Explore further Paying Australians $300 to get fully vaccinated would be value for money This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. A nurse takes swab samples in the new rounds of Covid-19 testing in Nanjing in eastern China's Jiangsu province Monday, Aug. 2, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021 with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: Chinatopix Via AP China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Since that initial outbreak was tamed last year, China's people had lived virtually free of the virus, with extremely strict border controls and local distancing and quarantine measures stamping out scattered, small flareups when they occurred. Now, the country is on high alert as an outbreak of cases connected to the international airport in the eastern city of Nanjing touched at least 17 provinces. China reported 71 new cases of COVID-19 from local transmission Wednesday, more than half of them in coastal Jiangsu province, of which Nanjing is the capital. In Wuhan, the central city where the first cases of COVID-19 were identified in late 2019, mass testing has shown some of its newly reported cases have a high degree of similarity to cases discovered in Jiangsu province. Those cases have been identified as being caused by the highly transmissible delta variant that first was identified in India. Meanwhile, another COVID-19 hotspot was emerging in the city of Zhangjiajie, near a scenic area in Hunan province famous for sandstone cliffs, caves, forests and waterfalls that inspired the on-screen landscape in the "Avatar" films. A worker disinfects the flooring outside the inflated cabins at the pop-up Huo-Yan Laboratory set up in an expo center to test samples for covid-19 virus in Nanjing in east China's Jiangsu province Wednesday, July 28, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021, with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: Chinatopix Via AP The city, with a population of about 1.5 million, ordered residential communities sealed Sunday, preventing people from leaving their homes. In a subsequent order on Tuesday, officials said no one, whether tourist or resident, could leave the city. The city government's Communist Party disciplinary committee on Wednesday issued a list of local officials who "had a negative impact" on pandemic prevention and control work who would be punished. The city itself has only recorded 19 cases since last week, three of which were people with no symptoms, which are counted separately. However, individual cases linked to Zhangjiajie's outbreak have spread to at least five provinces, according to the Shanghai government-owned newspaper the Paper. Far higher numbers were reported in Yangzhou, a city next to Nanjing, which has recorded 126 cases as of Tuesday. Residents line up for Covid-19 tests near a banner with the words "Epidemic is the Order" in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: Chinatopix Via AP A woman wearing a face mask to protect against COVID-19 walk across a pedestrian bridge during the morning rush hour in Beijing, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein Residents line up for Covid-19 tests in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: Chinatopix Via AP People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk past an advertising billboard at a subway station during the morning rush hour in Beijing, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein Residents line up for Covid-19 tests in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: Chinatopix Via AP People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk through a subway station during the morning rush hour in Beijing, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein People wearing face masks to help protect against COVID-19 walk through a subway station during the morning rush hour in Beijing, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein People wearing face masks to protect against COVID-19 walk across a pedestrian bridge during the morning rush hour in Beijing, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. China's worst coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic a year and a half ago escalated Wednesday with dozens more cases around the country, the sealing-off of one city and the punishment of its local leaders. Credit: AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein After announcing last week that they were suspending issuance of passports for travelers except for those with an urgent need, officials at the National Immigration Administration reiterated the message again on Wednesday at a press briefing. As of Tuesday, China has given more than 1.71 billion vaccine doses to its population of 1.4 billion. It's not clear how many of those are first or both doses, but at least 40% of the population is fully protected, according to earlier announcements. Chinese companies have not publicly shared real-world data on how effective their vaccines are against the delta variant, though officials have said the vaccines prevent severe disease and hospitalization. In addition to the 71 cases of local transmission, 25 travelers from overseas have COVID-19 and have entered quarantine, making the total for Wednesday 96 new cases. The National Health Commission also said 15 people tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms. China has reported 4,636 deaths and 93,289 cases of COVID-19 overall, most of them from the original outbreak in Wuhan that peaked early last year. Explore further China orders mass testing in Wuhan as COVID outbreak spreads 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Credit: CC0 Public Domain China on Wednesday reported its highest daily number of local coronavirus cases in months as mass testing campaigns uncovered a trail of Delta variant infections, prompting authorities to heavily restrict travel to major cities. Local governments have tested entire cities and locked down millions, with the official figures on Wednesday revealing 71 new infectionsthe most since January, but a low caseload despite the outbreak spreading to dozens of cities. China had previously boasted of its success in crushing COVID-19, allowing the economy to rebound and normal life to return while swathes of the globe struggled to douse a pandemic that has killed more than four million people worldwide. But the latest outbreak is threatening that record with nearly 500 domestic cases reported since mid-July. The outbreak, which began when an infection among passengers on a flight from Moscow spread to airport cleaners in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, has exposed weaknesses in the country's already strict border containment measures. China's immigration authority on Wednesday announced it would stop issuing passports and other documents needed for exiting the country in "non-essential and non-emergency" cases. That does not yet mean an overseas travel ban for the Chinese public. Foreign crew on hundreds of ships have been stopped from disembarking and changing shifts at Chinese ports. The central government has also ordered localities to cut off public transport and taxis in and out of areas hit by the outbreak, the transport ministry said at the same press conference. Mass testing Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in 2019, reported its first local infections in over a year this week and said Tuesday it was "swiftly launching" testing of all 11 million residents. Long lines of residents waited at outdoor testing stations in the summer heat Tuesday, fanning themselves with paper forms while workers in hazmat suits took throat samples. In Beijing, where the city government reported three new virus cases on Wednesday, authorities blocked entrances to a compound where one of the patients lived, while residents reached over fences to receive parcels from delivery drivers. Nanjing has tested its 9.2 million residents three times after shutting down gyms and cinemas and closing off residential compounds. And the tourist destination of Zhangjiajie in central Hunan province, where infected travellers who had been in Nanjing attended a theatre performance, abruptly announced Tuesday that no one would be allowed to exit the city after it emerged as an infection hotspot. Meanwhile, Shanghai is investigating a Delta case detected in an airport worker this week. Authorities said on Wednesday the infection was not linked to other domestic cases and that they suspected the worker had been exposed after removing protective equipment while in a "contaminated area". Explore further Millions under virus lockdown as China battles Delta outbreak 2021 AFP Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fewer than one in 20 children with symptomatic COVID-19 experienced symptoms lasting longer than 4 weeks, and almost all children have fully recovered by 8 weeks, a new study has found. In a study published today in Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, researchers at King's College London looked at daily health reports logged in the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app between March 2020 and February 2021 by parents or carers on behalf of more than 250,000 children aged 5-17, with nearly 7,000 having symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and a positive test. The team previously analysed data from adults using the ZOE COVID Symptom Study, and showed that around one in 7 adults experienced COVID-19 symptoms lasting 4 weeks, while one in 20 were ill for 8 weeks or longer. For this analysis, the team focused on the period from September 2020 through to February 2021. This coincided with the reopening of schools in the autumn and the peak of the winter wave when there was widespread availability of COVID testing. During this time, 1,734 children were reported who had a clear start and end point to their symptoms and a positive COVID PCR test, enabling the researchers to determine their duration of illness with some allowance for symptoms reoccurring. On average, the illness lasted for 5 days in younger children (5 to 11 years old) and 7 days in older children aged 12 to 17. Fewer than one in 20 (4.4%) experienced symptoms for 4 weeks or more, while only one in fifty (1.8%) had symptoms lasting more than 8 weeks. The most common symptoms reported in children were headaches, tiredness (fatigue), a sore throat, and loss of smell (anosmia). Typically, these children had six different COVID symptoms in the first week, and around eight different symptoms in total over the duration of their illness. Reassuringly, there were no reports of serious neurological symptoms such as fits or seizures, impaired concentration or attention, or anxiety. The researchers then compared outcomes for the children testing positive for COVID-19 with the same number of age and sex-matched children who were reported as having symptoms in the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app but then tested negative for coronavirus. On average, these children were ill for only three days, most commonly reporting sore throat, headaches, fever and fatigue. While only a handful of this control cohort had symptoms lasting 4 weeks or more, these children had more symptoms than the children with long illness after COVID-19. Although the levels of common infectious diseases such as 'flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other, coughs and colds have been unusually low during the 2020-2021 winter due to school closures and social distancing, there is a risk that they will bounce back hard over the coming years. As well as shedding light on the risk of long illness in children with COVID-19, this study also highlights that other childhood infections can cause long-term illness, with implications for the planning and delivery of child health services after the pandemic. Health Minister, Lord Bethell said: "Studies like this will help us build our understanding of long COVID and its impact on different groups as we learn to live with the virus. As the Health and Social Care Secretary has said, we want the UK to be a world leader in researching long COVID. "It's encouraging to see the condition is uncommon among children and we will continue to provide support to those suffering the long term effects of the virus. Already we have opened over 80 long COVID assessment services across England, including specialist services for children and young people backed by 100 million. "We are also supporting our exceptional scientists with over 50 million for research to better understand the long term effects to ensure the right help and treatments are available." Senior author Emma Duncan, Professor of Clinical Endocrinology at King's College London, said: "We know from other studies that many children who catch coronavirus don't show any symptoms at all; and it will be reassuring for families to know that those children who do fall ill with COVID-19 are unlikely to suffer prolonged effects. However, our research confirms that a small number do have a long illness duration with COVID-19, though these children too usually recover with time. We hope our results will be useful for doctors, parents, and schools caring for these childrenand of course affected children themselves. It's also important that we remember that there are other infectious diseases that can leave children unwell for many weeks, and these children shouldn't be overlooked." Professor Tim Spector, ZOE COVID Symptom Study lead, said: "This research highlights the importance of the data that thousands of parents and carers have contributed on behalf of their children. These insights are only possible through large-scale community data science, and we're grateful to everyone who has taken a minute or two out of their busy days to log the health of themselves and their family during the pandemic." Explore further Troubling rise seen in both COVID, RSV cases among children More information: Illness duration and symptom profile in symptomatic UK school-aged children tested for SARS-CoV-2, Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 2021. Lawmaker Cori Bush, seen on August 3, 2021, had been camping out on the steps of the US Capitol to protest the end of an eviction moratorium. Under pressure from progressive Democrats, US health authorities on Tuesday declared a new moratorium on tenant evictions until October in much of the country, citing public health risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. "The emergence of the Delta variant has led to a rapid acceleration of community transmission in the United States, putting more Americans at increased risk, especially if they are unvaccinated," Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a statement. The moratorium applies to "counties experiencing substantial and high levels of community transmission" of COVID-19, according to a CDC statement, and is set to expire on October 3. "This moratorium is the right thing to do to keep people in their homes and out of... settings where COVID-19 spreads," Walensky said. Although likely to be challenged in court, the measure will allow tenants extra time to access funds previously issued by Congress to help people pay rent, President Joe Biden said from the White House. For bureaucratic reasons, these payments were incredibly slow in reaching the US populationonly $3 billion has thus far been distributed to households out of $25 billion allotted to states and localities in early February. Another $21.5 billion is available in a second round of funding, but it will not go out until the first tranche is spent. "This brand new moratorium will provide time for the money allocated by Congress to flow, as it helps stop the spread of the virus which is worsening due to the Delta variant and protects families and landlords," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement. A previous moratorium put in place in September 2020 by the CDC expired after a Supreme Court ruling in June stipulated that it could not continue beyond July 31 without authorization from Congress. The Democratic Party's left wing had been raging for days against Biden, whom it held accountable for not having found a solution in time. House lawmaker Cori Bush, who has herself experienced homelessness, had been camping in front of the Capitol since Friday, calling on Congress and the White House to act without further delay on behalf of the 11 million people threatened with eviction. "Today, our movement moved mountains," Bush wrote on Twitter, welcoming news of the new moratorium on the steps of the Capitol, accompanied by progressive lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others. Explore further Research suggests ending eviction moratoriums led to spikes in COVID cases and deaths 2021 AFP Credit: CC0 Public Domain In a newly published study, physician-scientists at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have shown that the flu vaccine may provide vital protection against COVID-19. The study, titled "Examining the potential benefits of the influenza vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective cohort analysis of 74,754 patients," was published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLoS One on August 3. This was the largest study of its kind and analyzed deidentified patient records from around the world, which strongly suggested that the annual flu shot reduces the risks of stroke, sepsis, and DVT in patients with COVID-19. Patients with COVID-19 who had been vaccinated against the flu were also significantly less likely to visit the emergency department and be admitted to the intensive care unit. "Only a small fraction of the world has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to date, and with all the devastation that has occurred due to the pandemic, the global community still needs to find solutions to reduce morbidity and mortality," said senior study author Devinder Singh, M.D., chief of plastic surgery, and professor of clinical surgery at the Miller School. "Having access to the real-time data of millions of patients is an incredibly powerful research tool," added Dr. Singh, who conducted the study with medical student Susan Taghioff and plastic surgery resident Benjamin Slavin, M.D., both of whom were lead authors. "Together with asking important questions, my team has been able to observe an association between the flu vaccine and reduced morbidity in COVID-19 patients." Sharing Findings with Scientists and General Public The researchers previously presented their preliminary data findings at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), receiving international attention. Now that the full study has been published, the authors are extremely excited to share their detailed findings for the first time with both the general public and scientific community. The study was conducted using patient records from a number of countries, including the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Italy, Israel and Singapore. The team screened de-identified electronic health records on the TriNetX research database for more than 70 million patients to identify two groups of 37,377 patients. The two patient groups were then matched for factors that could influence their risk of susceptibility to severe COVID-19, including but not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, smoking, and health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Members of the first study group had received the flu vaccine two weeks and six months prior to being diagnosed with COVID-19. Those in the second group also had a positive COVID-19 diagnosis but were not vaccinated against the flu. The incidence of 15 adverse outcomes (sepsis; strokes; deep vein thrombosis or DVT; pulmonary embolism; acute respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome; arthralgia or joint pain; renal failure; anorexia; heart attack; pneumonia; emergency department visits; hospital admission; ICU admission; and death) within 30, 60, 90 and 120 days of testing positive for COVID-19 were then compared between the two groups. The analysis revealed that those who had not had the flu shot were significantly more likely (up to 20% more likely) to have been admitted to the ICU. They were also significantly more likely to visit the emergency department (up to 58% more likely), to develop sepsis (up to 45% more likely), to have a stroke (up to 58% more likely) and a DVT (up to 40% more likely). The risk of death was not reduced. Avoiding Adverse Outcomes The investigators were also able to calculate how many COVID-19-positive patients would need to receive an influenza vaccine to avoid one adverse outcome. Notably, they found that only 176 patients needed to have received a flu vaccine to prevent one ED visit within 120 days of testing positive for COVID-19. Additionally, only 286 patients needed to have received their flu vaccine to prevent one case of sepsis, which is known to be the most expensive condition to treat in the U.S. health care system. Last, for every 440 patients who were up to date on their flu shot, one ICU admission was prevented. Although it isn't exactly known yet how the flu vaccine provides protection against COVID-19, most theories speculate that the flu shot may boost the innate immune systemgeneral defenses we are born with that do not protect against any one specific illness. The results, said study authors, strongly suggest that the flu vaccine may protect against several severe effects of COVID-19. However, they strongly recommend that people receive COVID-19 vaccines as well their annual influenza vaccine. They add that more research, in the form of prospective randomized control trials, is needed to prove and better understand the possible link but, in the future, the flu shot could be used to help provide increased protection in countries where the COVID-19 vaccine is in short supply or even aid in the ongoing struggle against breakthrough cases in those individuals already vaccinated against COVID-19. "Continued promotion of the influenza vaccine also has the potential help the global population avoid a possible 'twindemic'a simultaneous outbreak of both influenza and coronavirus," Taghioff said. "Regardless of the degree of protection afforded by the influenza vaccine against adverse outcomes associated with COVID-19, simply being able to conserve global health care resources by keeping the number of influenza cases under control is reason enough to champion continued efforts to promote influenza vaccination worldwide." More information: Susan M. Taghioff et al, Examining the potential benefits of the influenza vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective cohort analysis of 74,754 patients, PLOS ONE (2021). Journal information: PLoS ONE Susan M. Taghioff et al, Examining the potential benefits of the influenza vaccine against SARS-CoV-2: A retrospective cohort analysis of 74,754 patients,(2021). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255541 Credit: CC0 Public Domain The age at which women go through menopause is critical for fertility and impacts healthy aging in women, but reproductive aging has been difficult for scientists to study and insights into the underlying biology are limited. Now, scientists have identified nearly 300 gene variations that influence reproductive lifespan in women. Additionally, in mice, they have successfully manipulated several key genes associated with these variants to extend their reproductive lifespan. Their findings, published today in Nature, substantially increase our knowledge of the reproductive aging process, as well as providing ways to improve the prediction of which women might reach menopause earlier than others. While life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past 150 years, the age at which most women go through natural menopause has remained relatively constant at about 50 years old. Women are born with all the eggs they will ever carry, and these are gradually lost with age. Menopause occurs once most of the eggs have gone, however natural fertility declines substantially earlier. Co-author Professor Eva Hoffmann, of the University of Copenhagen, said: "It is clear that repairing damaged DNA in eggs is very important for establishing the pool of eggs women are born with and also for how quickly they are lost throughout life. Improved understanding of the biological processes involved in reproductive aging could lead to improvements in fertility treatment options." This research has been achieved by a global collaboration involving academics from more than 180 institutions, and jointly led by the University of Exeter, the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge, the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and the DNRF Center for Chromosome Stability at the University of Copenhagen. Their findings identify new genetic variations linked to reproductive lifespan, increasing the number known from 56 to 290. The new discoveries were made possible through analyses of datasets from hundreds of thousands of women from many studies including UK Biobank and 23andMe. Data from 23andMe was provided by customers who have opted-in to participate in research. While the large majority are from women of European ancestry, they also examined data on nearly 80,000 women of East Asian ancestry, and found broadly similar results. The team discovered that many of the genes involved are linked to processes of DNA repair. They also found that many of these genes are active from before birth, when human egg stores are created, but also throughout life as well. Notable examples are genes from two cell cycle checkpoint pathwaysCHEK1 and CHEK2which regulate a broad variety of DNA repair processes. Knocking out a specific gene (CHEK2) so that it no longer functions, and over-expressing another (CHEK1) to enhance its activity each led to an approximately 25 percent longer reproductive lifespan in mice. Mouse reproductive physiology differs from humans in key ways, including that mice do not have menopause. However, the study also looked at women who naturally lack an active CHEK2 gene, and found they reach menopause on average 3.5 years later than women with a normally active gene. Co-author Professor Ignasi Roig, from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, said: "We saw that two of the genes which produce proteins involved in repairing damaged DNA work in opposite ways with respect to reproduction in mice. Female mice with more of the CHEK1 protein are born with more eggs and they take longer to deplete naturally, so reproductive lifespan is extended. However, while the second gene, CHEK2, has a similar effect, allowing eggs to survive longer, but in this case the gene has been knocked out so that no protein is produced suggesting that CHEK2 activation may cause egg death in adult mice". The genes identified by this work influence the age at natural menopause and can also be used to help predict which women are at highest risk of having menopause at a young age. Co-author Dr. Katherine Ruth, of the University of Exeter, said: "We hope our work will help provide new possibilities to help women plan for the future. By finding many more of the genetic causes of variability in the timing of menopause, we have shown that we can start to predict which women might have earlier menopause and therefore struggle to get pregnant naturally. And because we are born with our genetic variations, we could offer this advice to young women." The team also examined the health impacts of having an earlier or later menopause by using an approach that tests the effect of naturally-occurring genetic differences. They found that a genetically earlier menopause increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and is linked to poorer bone health and increased risk of fractures. However, it decreases the risk of some types of cancer, such as ovarian and breast cancer, that are known to be sensitive to sex hormones which are at higher levels while a woman is still menstruating. Co-author Dr. John Perry, of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge, a senior author on the paper, said: "This research is incredibly exciting. Although there's still a long way to go, by combining genetic analysis in humans with studies in mice, plus examining when these genes are switched on in human eggs, we now know a lot more about human reproductive aging. It also gives us insights into how to help avoid some health problems that are linked to the timing of menopause." Explore further Women with type 1 diabetes experience a shorter reproductive period More information: Genetic insights into biological mechanisms governing human ovarian ageing, Nature (2021). www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03779-7 Journal information: Nature Genetic insights into biological mechanisms governing human ovarian ageing,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03779-7 Credit: CC0 Public Domain Purchase a pack of cigarettes in Australia and be prepared to be accosted with graphic warning labels depicting the dangers of tobacco useincluding images of gangrene of the foot, a newborn with a breathing tube and throat cancer. "Graphic warning labels are used in more than 120 countries to counter marketing that promotes cigarette smoking. We wanted to know what effect such cigarette packaging would have on United States smokers," said David Strong, professor at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California San Diego. Graphic warning labels were mandated by the United States Congress in 2009 but implementation has been stopped pending the outcome of legal challenges to the law by the tobacco industry. In a paper published online in JAMA Network Open on Aug. 4, 2021, Strong and colleagues at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, California State University San Marcos, San Diego County Public Health Services, and San Diego State University, demonstrated that graphic warning labels are effective reminders of the negative health consequences of smoking. "Graphic warning labels caused daily smokers in the United States to perceive cigarettes to be less positive and it increased their concerns about the health effects of smoking on both themselves and their loved ones," said corresponding-author John P. Pierce, Distinguished Professor at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health. Participants were randomized to receive their cigarettes in one of three pack designs: a blank pack, a standard commercially available U.S. pack, or a package with a graphic warning label used on cigarette packs in Australia (under license from the Australian government). Credit: Commonwealth of Australia The study manufactured special cigarette packs that incorporated the graphic warning labels used on cigarette packs in Australia (under license from the Australian government). Study participants were 357 smokers living in San Diego who agreed to purchase their preferred brand of cigarettes from a study website. Participants were randomized to receive their cigarettes in one of three pack designs: in package with a graphic warning label, with a blank pack, or in a standard commercially available U.S. pack. During the study, participants were queried by interactive text messaging about concerns over health risks and about their perceptions of the most recent cigarettes that they smoked. Changes in consumption and smoking status were assessed at the end of the three-month intervention. Participants who received cigarettes in the standard pack or a blank pack had no change in their positive perceptions of their cigarettes, while smokers randomized to the graphic warning label arm perceived their cigarettes less favorably. Health concerns increased in all three groups, likely due to the intervention that made them think about health consequences more often, said the study authors. "While these labels make smokers more likely to think about quitting, it did not make them more likely to make a serious quit attempt, nor was it sufficient to help them quit their nicotine addiction. Thus, graphic warning labels are an integral component of tobacco control strategies but they are only one tool for governments to reduce the societal costs from the death and disease caused by tobacco smoking," said senior-author Karen Messer, professor of biostatistics at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health. Explore further Graphic cigarette warning labels can deter some sales More information: David R. Strong et al, Effect of Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarette Packs on US Smokers' Cognitions and Smoking Behavior After 3 Months: A Randomized Clinical Trial, JAMA Netw Open (2021). Journal information: JAMA Network Open David R. Strong et al, Effect of Graphic Warning Labels on Cigarette Packs on US Smokers' Cognitions and Smoking Behavior After 3 Months: A Randomized Clinical Trial,(2021). DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.21387 People wearing masks as a precaution amid the new coronavirus pandemic speak on the street as they wait to enter a COVID-19 vaccination center set up inside a cultural center in Havana, Cuba, Monday, Aug. 2, 2021. Credit: AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa Cuba's hot spot for COVID-19 infections has shifted to the central province of Ciego de Avila, where officials are converting hotels into hospitals. Instead of tourists, the Hotel Ciego de Avila will hold up to 240 low-risk pediatric patients, officials say, while the Las Canas Motel will have 53 beds for pregnant women with the coronavirus. They are also ordering isolation of whole households when a virus is detected. "The people are very frightened. Every day, more sick, more deathsa relative, a neighbor, a friend," said Mayi Del Valle, a 49-year-old library worker from the town of Ceballos in the province, speaking by phone Wednesday. "There are people treating COVID in their houses based on herbs." Cuba's national director of epidemiology, Francisco Duran, said Wednesday that the province accounted for 23 of the 98 new deaths from COVID-19 recorded the previous day in the country of 11 million peoplethe nation's highest death toll yet in the pandemic. The province of some 430,000 people had about twice as many deaths as in the capital of Havana, a city of 2 million. The west-central province of Matanzas, famed for the beach resort Varadero, was the center of infection last month, but the wave there seems to have receded. Nurses attend people who will be given a shot of the Cuban Abdala vaccine for COVID-19 at a cultural center being used as a vaccination center during the new coronavirus pandemic in Havana, Cuba, Monday, Aug. 2, 2021. Credit: AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia and Health Minister Jose Angel Portales were sent to Ciego de Avila, about 400 kilometers (240 miles) east of Havana, and government news media said official were sending more ambulances and 100 bicitaxis, which can be used for logistical support. Since the start of the pandemic, Cuba has recorded 3,091 deaths and 422,614 confirmed infections, a huge share of them just in recent weeks. The country had been highly successful in keeping the virus at bay last year, but cases began shooting up after a brief period of relaxed controls at the start of 2021. The Pan American Health Organization also expressed concern Wednesday about rising infections in Cuba. "This is due to the delta variant, which has been reported by authorities in various places in the country," said Ciro Ugarte, director of health emergencies for the organization, during a news conference in Washington. Explore further Iran's daily new coronavirus infections hit another high 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Epileptic seizures trigger the rapid synthesis and release of a substance mimicked by marijuana's most psychoactive component, Stanford University School of Medicine investigators have learned. This substance is called 2-arachidonoylglycerol, or 2-AG, and has the beneficial effect of damping down seizure intensity. But there's a dark side. The similarly rapid breakdown of 2-AG after its release, the researchers found, trips off a cascade of biochemical reactions culminating in blood-vessel constriction in the brain and, in turn, the disorientation and amnesia that typically follow an epileptic seizure. The Stanford scientists' findings, reached in collaboration with colleagues at other institutions in the United States, Canada and China, are described in a study to be published Aug. 4 in Neuron. Ivan Soltesz, Ph.D., professor of neurosurgery, shares senior authorship with G. Campbell Teskey, Ph.D., professor of cell biology and anatomy at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. The study's lead author is Jordan Farrell, Ph.D., a postdoctoral scholar in Soltesz's group. The researchers' discoveries could guide the development of drugs that both curb seizures' strength and reduce their aftereffects. Electrical storm in the brain About one in every hundred people has epilepsy. Epileptic seizures can be described as an electrical storm in the brain. These storms typically begin at a single spot where nerve cells begin repeatedly firing together in synchrony. The hyperactivity often spreads from that one spot to other areas throughout the brain, causing symptoms such as loss of consciousness and convulsions. It's typical for the person experiencing a seizure to need tens of minutes before becoming clearheaded again. The majority of epileptic seizures originate in the hippocampus, a brain structure buried in the temporal lobe, said Soltesz, the James R. Doty Professor of Neurosurgery and Neurosciences. The hippocampus plays an outsized role in short-term memory, learning and spatial orientation. Its ability to quickly adopt new neuronal firing patterns renders it especially vulnerable to glitches that initiate seizures. (Most epileptic seizures in adults begin in or near the hippocampus, Soltesz noted.) In the study, Soltesz and his associates monitored split-second changes in levels of 2-AG in the hippocampus of mice during periods of normal activity, like walking or running, and in experiments in which brief seizures were induced in the hippocampus. 2-AG is an endocannabinoid, a member of a family of short-lived signaling substances that are the brain's internal versions of the psychoactive chemicals in marijuana. 2-AG and these plant-derived psychoactive chemicals share an affinity for a receptor, known as CB1, that's extremely abundant on the surface of neurons throughout the brain. "There have been lots of studies providing evidence for a connection between seizures and endocannabinoids," Soltesz said. "What sets our study apart is that we could watch endocannabinoid production and action unfold in, basically, real time." A brake on excitement Endocannabinoids are understood to play a role in inhibiting excessive excitement in the brain. When excitatory neurons, secreting chemical "go" signals, exceed a threshold, they induce the production and release of endocannabinoids, whose binding to CB1 on an excitatory neuron acts as a brake, ordering that neuron to chill out a little. While smoking marijuana floods the entire brain with relatively long-lasting THC, endocannabinoids are released in precise spots in the brain under precise circumstances, and their rapid breakdown leaves them in place and active for extremely short periods of time, said Soltesz, who has been studying the connection between endocannabinoids and epilepsy for decades. But because endocannabinoids are so fragile and break down so quickly, until recently there was no way to measure their fast-changing levels in animals' brains. "Existing biochemical methods were far too slow," he said. The most recent study had its start when Soltesz learned of a new endocannabinoid-visualization method invented by study co-author Yulong Li, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience at Peking University in Beijing. The method involves the bioengineering of select neurons in mice so that these neurons express a modified version of CB1 that emits a fluorescent glow whenever a cannabinoid binds to the modified endocannabinoid receptor. The fluorescence can be detected by photosensitive instruments. Using this new tool, the scientists could monitor and localize sub-second changes in fluorescence that correlate with endocannabinoid levels where that binding was occurring. Zeroing in on 2-AG By blocking enzymes critical to the production and breakdown of different endocannabinoids, the researchers proved that 2-AG alone is the endocannabinoid substance whose surges and rapid disappearance track neuronal activity in the mice. Several hundred times as much 2-AG was released when a mouse was having a seizure compared with when it was merely running in place. The researchers were able to rule out the involvement of an alternative endocannabinoid, anandamide, that many neuroscientists and pharmacologists had assumed was the active substance. Anandamide's name is derived from the Sanskrit word for "bliss." "This previously undetected activity-dependent surge in levels of 2-AG downregulates excitatory neurons' excessive rhythmic firing during a seizure," Soltesz said. But 2-AG is almost immediately converted to arachidonic acid, a building block for inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins. The researchers showed that the ensuing increase in arachidonic acid levels resulted in the buildup of a particular variety of prostaglandin that causes constriction of tiny blood vessels in the brain where the seizure has induced that prostaglandin's production, cutting off oxygen supply to those brain areas. Oxygen deprivation is known to produce the cognitive deficitsdisorientation, memory lossthat occur after a seizure, Soltesz said. "A drug that blocks 2-AG's conversion to arachidonic acid would kill two birds with one stone," Soltesz said. "It would increase 2-AG's concentration, diminishing seizure severity, and decrease arachidonic acid levels, cutting off the production of blood-vessel-constricting prostaglandins." Soltesz is a member of Stanford Bio-X, the Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute at Stanford, and the Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute. Another Stanford co-author of the study is postdoctoral scholar Barna Dudok, Ph.D. Other researchers at the University of Calgary, as well as researchers at Vanderbilt University, contributed to the work. Pixel by pixel analysis of bone marrow DCE-MRI parameters in an example mouse, showing leukemia induced changes to the bone marrow tissue. White rectangles represent the same area in the bone marrow. Credit: The Francis Crick Institute Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have identified visual changes in the bone marrow caused by acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The imaging technique used is now being tested in hospital to see if it could help predict whether different treatments will be effective in individual patients. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of blood cancer that starts from young white blood cells called granulocytes or monocytes in the bone marrow. It is the most common acute leukemia in adults, with around 3,100 people diagnosed each year in the UK. In their study, published in Haematologica, the scientists used an imaging technique, Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI, in mice to see how this cancer affects the bone marrow blood vessels. The technique is particularly useful for measuring blood flow and permeability of different tissues but is not currently routinely used in hospitals to monitor leukemia. They found that there was decreased blood flow in the bone marrow of mice with AML in comparison to healthy mice. The team are now working with Barts Health Trust to test whether this imaging method could be a useful tool for doctors. By imaging patients before and after treatment, they hope to identify patterns in the images which could be used to predict if a patient will respond to a particular treatment. For example, those with severely reduced blood flow in the bone marrow, might not respond as well to chemotherapy, as the drugs are less likely to reach their cancer cell targets. It could also help doctors identify patients at high risk of relapse. This is because reduced blood flow is a sign that the cancer cells have surrounded themselves with a protective microenvironment which helps the cancer cells evade or 'hide' from the treatment. Dominique Bonnet, author and group leader of the Haematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory at the Crick, says: "The DCE-MRI imaging technique has existed for over 20 years but is not often used in the clinic due to a lack of image standardization and analysis tools. By developing these tools for AML, we hope to have opened the door for this non-invasive imaging to be used by doctors treating patients with this type of cancer and maybe other conditions too." The team also used the imaging technique to monitor whether chemotherapy was able to improve blood flow in the bone marrow. They saw that the treatment had different effects in mice which were infected with AML cells from different patients, reflecting the diverse nature of the disease. In some cases, the treatment partially improved blood flow, while in others it made it worse. Ana Gomes, lead author and senior scientist in the Haematopoietic Stem Cell Laboratory at the Crick, says: "A difficulty in treating AML is that it does not behave the same in everyone. It might affect different parts of the tissue and while some patients may respond well to a given treatment, others do not. Helping doctors to better match patients with the treatment most likely to work for them would be a real benefit for patients and their families." The work also identified how the bone marrow is affected by aging, with older mice showing a deterioration in vascular permeability. This is the capacity of a blood vessel to allow for molecules to flow in and out of it. Ana adds: "We think this might be the first time that this aging effect has been captured through non-invasive imaging. This is exciting, as further studies using this method could help us better understand how aging affects the bone marrow and the wider consequences for the way our bodies produce blood cells." Explore further Chemo-boosting drug discovered for leukemia More information: Ana L. Gomes et al, DCE-MRI quantification of leukemia-induced changes in bone marrow vascular function, Haematologica (2021). Ana L. Gomes et al, DCE-MRI quantification of leukemia-induced changes in bone marrow vascular function,(2021). DOI: 10.3324/haematol.2020.277269 Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has found that more than 40 per cent of older Australians living with chronic disease would be unlikely to seek help for mental health conditions even if they needed it. Ph.D. candidate Claire Adams investigated help-seeking intentions for mental health services by older Western Australians' living with chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease including asthma, and type 2 diabetes. The study involved 108 people aged 65 years and older living with chronic disease. Participants were asked about their attitudes and beliefs towards seeking help for mental health concerns, and information on their past engagement with mental health services, quality of life, physical and mental health. Ms Adams found that 41 per cent of older adults with chronic disease did not intend to seek help for their mental health, even if they needed to. "One in seven Australians is aged over 65. But while we're living longer, we're not necessarily living better or happier," Ms Adams said. "While it's encouraging that most participants (59 per cent) did say they would seek help if they needed it, a high proportion did not, which is concerning given our aging population." Internal beliefs are key Ms Adams said the strongest predictor of whether people would access mental health support was their own beliefs about whether speaking with their doctor was likely to be personally beneficial. "If people believed that speaking to their doctor would be useful, they were more likely to be willing to seek help, whereas people who were sceptical about the benefits were less likely to seek help," Ms Adams said. Society's influence and physical capability also factors Participants were also asked about how they thought society would view them seeking help for mental health, and whether that would influence their decision. "If they believed that family and friends would not support them it was likely to prevent them from wanting to speak out about their mental health," Ms Adams said. "Another barrier was whether they believed they were physically incapable of accessing services." Ms Adams said mental health challenges were becoming increasingly prevalent in Australia, and around the world. "We know that older people with chronic disease are at risk of mental health decline, so it's important that they engage with support services early to reduce severe mental health problems and improve their quality of life," she said. "This study demonstrates that attitudinal change is required to increase help-seeking in older people with chronic disease." To address this issue Ms Adams has developed an intervention to promote help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic disease. It is currently being tested across Australia. The paper 'Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic disease: an application of theory of planned behaviour' is published in the Australian Journal of Psychology. Explore further Older people reluctant to ask for mental health support More information: Claire Adams et al, Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic disease: an application of the theory of planned behaviour, Australian Journal of Psychology (2021). Claire Adams et al, Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic disease: an application of the theory of planned behaviour,(2021). DOI: 10.1080/00049530.2021.1952850 Credit: Zivica Kerkez/Shutterstock The coronavirus pandemic changed the way people all over the world accessed abortions. As lockdowns and other restrictions made it difficult to seek in-person terminations of unwanted pregnancies, some countries made at-home abortions more accessible. In France, the government temporarily changed the law in April 2020 to allow at-home abortion until seven weeks of pregnancy (or nine weeks since the last period). Teleconsultation abortionswhere abortion medication is taken at home in consultation with a medical professional by phone or video callare currently allowed until September 2021. Similar policies were adopted in England, Scotland Wales and Ireland, as well as some US states. In a recent study, my colleagues and I investigated the increased demand for telemedicine abortion in France during lockdowns. Our findings show that people sought out this form of abortion for reasons that go beyond the conditions created by the pandemic. Secrecy, privacy and comfort Within the scope of our study, we examined online consultations received from France by Women on Web, a Canadian telemedicine abortion NGO that operates worldwide. The online consultation is a survey of 25 questions on individual's demographic and medical background, and also includes research questions on perceived barriers of access to local safe abortion care and motivations for choosing telemedicine for abortion. At-home abortion was also made available in France via the health system, but national cohort data was not available for our study. Within the framework of this research, we worked on deidentified data obtained from Women on Webin 2020. Analyzing a total number of 809 Women on Web consultations, we found that the most common reasons people in France sought abortions via telemedecine were secrecy (46%), privacy (38%) and comfort (35%), followed by the coronavirus pandemic (31%). Individuals reported not being able to access local abortion services during the pandemic, because of travel restrictions and lockdowns, lack of availability and delays at health care institutions, and fear of virus contamination. Only 31% of survey respondents indicated that their motivations for seeking telemedicine abortion were related to the pandemic. When we compared these consultations to those not related to coronavirus, we found similar motivations: privacy, secrecy and comfort were the key drivers of telemedicine abortion both for those who mentioned coronavirus among their reasons for seeking telemedicine for abortion, and who did not. We also found that, compared to women over 36, women aged 1825 years are twice as likely to find at-home abortion via telemedicine empowering and three times more likely to prefer having someone with them during the procedure. This age groups was also twice as likely to feel stigma about getting an abortion and encounter financial difficulties while accessing abortion care in France. We found that women continue to encounter macro-level, individual-level and provider-level constraints while trying to access abortion in France. Macro-level constraints include sociopolitical conditions, legal restrictions and term limits, individual-level constraints are personal circumstances and preferences and, provider-level constraints are issues raised around service provision and access to available care. In this context, women reported financial struggles, an abusive or controlling partner or family, past traumatic experiences, scheduling delays, judgemental service providers, and lack of available medical care as reasons for seeking out abortion online. The need for self-managed abortions While telemedicine abortion has been discussed most frequently in the context of the pandemic, it is not a new phenomenon. And there is a large amount of available evidence attesting to its safety, effectiveness and acceptability. The World Health Organization suggests that individuals can self-manage their abortions, without the direct supervision of a medical practitioner, up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. The organization also states that self-managed abortions can be appealing for several practical reasons, including comfort of home, ease of scheduling, reduced transport needs, and providing people ability to manage stigma. In the UK, it has been argued that telemedicine can help extend abortion access in rural areas and is likely to benefit those who are most vulnerable, living in poverty and dealing with higher rates of stigma and judgment. Despite the recommendations of the WHO and an increasing scientific evidence base, countries have been reluctant to allow at-home use of abortion pills until the pandemic. In fact, prior to the coronavirus outbreak, abortion pills were highly regulated, or as some would claim overregulated. In France, for example, before the pandemic, abortion pills were not available in pharmacies and women were required to go a health facility to take abortion medication in the presence of a medical doctor or a midwife. Medical abortions were only allowed until five weeks of pregnancy and telemedicine was not authorized. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration long required that the abortion medication Mifepristone be dispensed in persona requirement which was only lifted temporarily during the pandemic. A recent study from the UK has shown that telemedicine abortions during the pandemic led to reduced waiting times and allowed terminations at an earlier gestational age. Another study examining at-home abortion in Scotland has concluded that telemedicine has high efficacy and high acceptability among women. Building on this literature within the French context, our study suggests there is a case for extending telemedicine abortion care beyond the pandemic. Embracing a hybrid model that offers both in-clinic and remote abortion methods can help meet women's needs, expand access and improve the quality of care. Explore further COVID-19 impacted access to abortion care all over Europe This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Fiji now heads the grim list of Pacific nations counting their dead from coronavirus, having just passed Papua New Guinea's toll. So far, 254 Fijians have died from the disease, and the nation is recording 1,000 new cases every day. But numbers are an inadequate and inaccurate way to calculate the cost of the pandemic in the Pacific. Even in the Pacific's COVID-free countries, the pandemic casts an ominous shadow. The Delta variant has drastically altered the situation for the Pacific. It was first detected in Fiji in April and spread quickly. This is despite Fiji being the first Pacific nation to receive AstraZeneca vaccines through the COVAX program in March. The Bainimarama government is being blamed for not executing a rapid mass vaccination campaign and not sufficiently locking down the nation. The other contagion accompanying coronavirus around the globemisinformationhas also been blamed for widespread Fijian vaccine reluctance. Now Fiji's government is desperately fighting to contain the outbreak. Fears are circulating that it is facing a repeat of the 1875 measles epidemic that killed about 40,000 people. A mandatory vaccination order was issued on July 8 to all government workers. Non-compliance will be punished by job loss. Currently, 25% of Fijians are fully vaccinated. The government has also expanded curfews for the main island and the outbreak epicenter, Viti Levu. Beyond the urgency of saving lives and halting the disease's spread, Fiji is also economically devastated by the pandemic. Most Pacific borders were closed by March 2020, instantly cutting the economic lifeblood of tourism. Being a Pacific hub, Fiji is a dangerous launching point for the Delta strain to other nations. In early July, for example, nine travelers from Fiji arrived in New Zealand infected with COVID-19. The Solomons and Vanuatu Repatriating students and their families from Fiji remains a serious concern for both the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. The Solomons has decided to repatriate some, but most will remain in Fiji until more vaccines have been administered at home (currently under 3% are fully vaccinated). Vanuatu's low vaccination rate of under 8% also makes the return of students a perilous decision for lawmakers. Like Fiji, it is now considering a "no jab, no job" policy. In addition to the risks posed by Fiji, both nations have had numerous scares from infected shipping crews. All Pacific nations must contend with this border vulnerability. Papua New Guinea The havoc unfolding in Fiji is bad news for Papua New Guinea. Though PNG recorded its first COVID-19 case in March 2020, it was not until one year later that a health crisis erupted. PNG's official toll is almost certainly the tip of the iceberg, as COVID testing was scaled back once vaccinations became the main focus for health authorities. And this was before PNG's first confirmed case of the Delta variant was announced on July 16. Again, mass vaccinations are PNG's only defense. Vaccine donations have arrived from various sources, but only about 1% of the population is fully vaccinated according to available government reporting. Australia has already donated thousands of doses to PNG and other Pacific nations, but with a reported stockpile of 3 million unused doses of AstraZeneca, the Pacific nations would be obvious places to send these. Papua and West Papua Over PNG's border with Indonesia, COVID-19's spread is clashing with another surge in political unrest. Tensions had been building again following the rebel killing of an Indonesian general in April. Then Indonesian legislators voted on July 17 to again controversially reshape Papua. Protests occurred at the same time the Delta variant entered the community. Police controls limiting movements into rebel areas, ostensibly to curb COVID, have increased. Papuan activists are concerned vaccine distribution will be withheld from rebel populations as an Indonesian tactic to further weaken them. West Papua leader Benny Wenda has called on the West to vaccinate Indigenous Papuans because COVID is an additional existential threat to his people. Wenda's fears may have foundation. The Papua province has the lowest vaccination rates in Indonesia, at about 6%. Elsewhere in the Pacific The news is better in other parts of the Pacific. Numerous Pacific nations, including Tonga, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia and American Samoa, have not recorded any confirmed COVID cases. Kiribati recently reported its first case, matching Samoa's record to date. The natural isolation of many Pacific populations will protect them for only so long. Analysis of the 1918 influenza epidemic shows outbreaks persisted in the Pacific through to 1921. When it reached the phosphate-mining island of Nauru in 1920, it killed 18% of the local populace. A century later, Nauru has vaccinated all its adults against COVID and claims this as a "world record". Niue has also achieved herd immunity thanks to New Zealand's swift donation of Pfizer vaccines, a process now being repeated in Tokelau. The Cook Islands, with its more complex geography, nonetheless has a high vaccination rate (55%) sustaining the travel bubble with New Zealand that opened in May 2021. In the US territory of Guam, where the first COVID death in the Pacific was recorded in March 2020, tourism and vaccinations have merged in a different way. Travelers from Taiwan began taking "vacation and vaccination" trips from early July. While Guam recently reached 80% vaccinated, it also recorded its 142nd death attributed to the pandemic. Like Guam, Palau got fast and adequate supplies of vaccines because of its freely associated relationship with the US. This has shielded them from the pandemic with near herd immunity. Yet Hawaii is seeing the same recent surge as is afflicting mainland US. The Delta variant and July 4 parties have combined to unleash what President Joe Biden called a "pandemic of the unvaccinated". This latest surge, like earlier ones, disproportionately impacts Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islander communities living in the US by a substantial degree. COVID has devastated the US-based Marshall Islands community, especially in Arkansas, so alarming health officials they investigated it in 2020. French Polynesia has grappled with the costs of an operating tourist industry since early 2020. Twice, borders have been closed when cases numbers and deaths rose, and then reopened. Now President Edouard Fritch is calling for compulsory vaccinations. In New Caledonia, COVID has complicated a fractious political situation as it heads towards its final referendum on independence from France in December. In February 2021, a budget crisis exacerbated by COVID's economic impact led to the collapse of the government. In July, the territory elected its first Kanak pro-independence leader in 40 years, increasing the likelihood of a vote to break with France. COVID has also added complications to the protracted political crisis in Samoa that ended on July 26. Closed borders prevented non-resident voters returning to cast ballots in the April 9 election that saw Fiame Naomi Mata'afa become prime minister. Samoa has seen the same economic and social stresses due to COVID as elsewhere in the region. Many saw the introduction and extension of emergency powers by the now-defeated government (despite having only one case and no deaths) as another move towards autocracy. The political crisis has been a drag on all Samoan government functions, not least a sluggish vaccine rollout. In another disaster, COVID pushes climate change to the backburner Every Pacific nation faces its own challenges due to COVID. The region also has shared ones. The Pacific Islands Forum lost one-third of its members in February 2021 in part because meetings were held virtually. The fracturing of this regional body comes at a bad moment, not least in the fight against climate change. Until COVID, this was the immediate existential crisis facing the region. Now activist worry climate change initiatives have stalled at the long-term peril of the region. As the Federated States of Micronesia president has argued, "economies can die and be revived but human beings cannot". Whether this also applies to the planet remains to be seen. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. Credit: CC0 Public Domain The opioid epidemic remains a U.S. public health crisis and has only worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, with opioid deaths accounting for 69,000 of 93,000 overdose-related deaths in 2020, according to provisional drug overdose data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July 2021. Opioid use disorder (OUD) contributes to an overall decrease in mean life expectancy in the U.S. and has an economic cost of more than $786 billion annually. A systematic review and meta-analysis found that using contingency management (CM) at end-of-treatment improved outcomes on six common clinical problems during medication for OUD (MOUD): psychomotor stimulant use, polysubstance use, illicit-opioid use, cigarette smoking, therapy attendance, and medication adherence. The study and an accompanying podcast appear today in JAMA Psychiatry. OUD is often accompanied by other substance use and barriers to treatment adherence. Medication for OUD (MOUD) has been transformative in mitigating many of the terrible impacts of the U.S. opioid crisis. However, MOUD is ineffective at reducing the growing epidemic of psychomotor stimulant use (cocaine, methamphetamine). Use of psychomotor stimulants is a major driver behind the dramatically increasing U.S. overdose rates, often related to the drugs being cut with black market synthetic opioids (fentanyl). Importantly, psychostimulant use destabilizes the therapeutic gains from MOUD by promoting a return to illicit-opioid use and disrupting clinic attendance and adherence with prescribed medication regimens. Led by the Vermont Center on Behavior and Health (VCBH) at the University of Vermont's Larner College of Medicine, the JAMA Psychiatry podcast features senior author and VCBH Director Stephen Higgins, Ph.D., who discusses the findings and the utility of behavioral intervention CM for addressing key clinical problems common among patients enrolled in MOUD. The study's first author is Hypatia Bolivar, Ph.D., additional VCBH collaborators include Elias Klemperer, Ph.D., Sulamunn Coleman, Ph.D., Michael DeSarno, M.S., and Joan Skelly, M.S. These investigators searched the scientific literature for prospective experimental studies of monetary-based CM among participants enrolled in MOUD. The search identified 1,443 studies, of which 74 studies involving 10,444 adult participants met inclusion criteria. The primary outcome in this review was the effect of CM at end-of-treatment on six common clinical problems during MOUD: psychomotor stimulant use, polysubstance use, illicit-opioid use, cigarette smoking, therapy attendance, and medication adherence. Statical models were used to compute average treatment effect sizes of CM for each clinical problem and collapsing across problem categories to assess efficacy for increasing abstinence from illicit drug use and improving treatment adherence. CM was efficacious across all six problems examined separately, with mean effect sizes for four of six in the medium-large range (stimulant use, d = 0.70 [95% CI: 0.49-0.92]; cigarette use, d = 0.78 [95% CI: 0.43-1.14]; illicit-opioid use, d = 0.58 [95% CI: 0.30-0.86]; medication adherence, d = 0.75 [95% CI: 0.30-1.21]), and two in the small-medium range (polysubstance use, d = 0.46 [95% CI: 0.30-0.62]; therapy attendance, d = 0.43 [95% CI: 0.22-0.65]). Collapsing across abstinence and adherence categories, CM produced medium effect sizes for abstinence (Cohen's d = 0.58; 95% CI: 0.47-0.69) and treatment adherence (Cohen's d = 0.62; 95% CI: 0.400.84) relative to controls. "It is Important to underscore that CM is the only intervention shown in randomized clinical trials to be efficacious for treatment of psychomotor stimulant use disorder in more than 30 years of research," said Higgins. These results provide compelling evidence supporting the efficacy of CM in addressing key clinical problems among patients receiving MOUD, including the ongoing epidemic of psychomotor stimulant use and addiction. Policies facilitating a prompt integration of CM into community MOUD services are sorely needed. Indeed, doing so is a one of seven priorities underscored in the Biden-Harris Administration's Statement of Drug Policy Priorities For Year One released by the Office of National Drug Control Policy earlier this year. Explore further Pilot program increases access to Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Colorado More information: Hypatia A. Bolivar et al, Contingency Management for Patients Receiving Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, JAMA Psychiatry (2021). Journal information: JAMA Psychiatry Hypatia A. Bolivar et al, Contingency Management for Patients Receiving Medication for Opioid Use Disorder,(2021). DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.1969 The makers of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V on Wednesday promised to resolve delivery delays this month after several South American countries complained to Moscow. The delays occurred due to a "production scale up" and will be "fully resolved" in August, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) that financially backs Sputnik V said in a statement. Sputnik V will "double" its capacity in September thanks to a partnership with the world's largest vaccine producer, the Serum Institute of India, the statement said. It added that Sputnik V has "built production partnerships with producers in 14 countries." Several Latin American countries that have relied on the Russian vaccine to protect their populations have in recent weeks complained to Moscow about delivery delays. Inoculation with Sputnik V requires two doses that differ from one another and cannot be swapped or mixed with other vaccines. Guatemala last week said it cancelled its order of a second batch of eight million Sputnik vaccines due to a delivery delay of a previous order. But in a statement to AFP, the RDIF said its contract with Guatemala has been "simply adjusted to a new delivery schedule". "Deliveries of the vaccines to Guatemala are continuing," it said, adding that half of the vaccines will be the one-dose Sputnik Light jabs. According to the RDIF, the overall number of doses to the Latin American country will be "less than originally" planned but "the number of people in Guatemala who will be vaccinated with Russian vaccines will stay the same." Argentinathe first Latin American country to approve the Sputnik vaccinealso complained to Moscow about the delivery delays. Russia registered Sputnik V last August ahead of large-scale clinical trials, prompting concern among experts over the fast-tracked process. It has since been declared safe and over 90 percent effective in a report published by leading medical journal The Lancet, restoring confidence in Russia's jab. The RDIF says its two-dose vaccine has been approved in 68 countries and that it has applied for registration in the European Union. Explore further Argentina complains to Russia over vaccine delivery 2021 AFP South African President Cyril Ramaphosa greets patients as he visits a COVID-19 vaccination centre in Tembisa, Thursday, July 29, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo The cars lined up by the strikingly modern mosque and were guided to parking bays where the drivers soon got jabs. The brisk pace at the Houghton mosque COVID-19 vaccination center is seeing 700 people per day getting shots and is expected to soon reach 1,000 a day. "This is exciting! We're vaccinating more people than we expected," said Yaseen Theba, chairman of the Muslim Association of South Africa a day after the vaccination center opened last week. "We created this drive-thru site to accommodate as many people as possible, in a situation where they are comfortable. And it's working! We'll keep it going as long a people need to get vaccinated." Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination drive gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year and 40 million by February. More than 7.7 million South Africans have received at least one dose, with more than 100,000 fully vaccinated, representing 1.6% of the population, according to official figures. Across Africa, less than 1.5% of the continent's 1.3 billion people have been fully vaccinated, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A minibus vehicle arrives at the Houghton Mosque, which is being used as a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination centre in Johannesburg, Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo/Denis Farrell After starting with just a dozen vaccination sites, South Africa now has more than 3,000 including government and private hospitals, pharmacies, mines, factories, churches and mosques. South Africa now appears to have an adequate supply of doses. More than 5.7 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine have arrived this week from the U.S., part of President Joe Biden's distribution of more than 110 million surplus doses to more than 60 countries. South Africa has also purchased more than 40 million Pfizer/BioNTech doses, which are being delivered in regular shipments, and 30 million Johnson & Johnson doses. Another encouraging factor is the enthusiasm for the vaccines. More than 70% of South Africans say they are eager to get vaccines while just 10% say they are opposed, according to surveys. People outside the Vaccination Centre of Hope at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa, Tuesday July 27, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht South Africa has shouldered by far the largest burden of COVID-19 in Africa, with more than 35% of the cases reported by all of the continent's 54 countries, although its population is just 4.6% of the continent's total. More than 72,000 South Africans have died of COVID-19 according to official records, but statistics indicate it's likely that nearly three times that number have actually died. South Africa is currently the only country in Africa to be able to manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. Its dependence on imported vaccines is set to decline. A local firm, Aspen Pharmacare, is assembling the J&J vaccines from large batches of the ingredients and putting them into vials, a process called fill and finish. The factory in Gqeberha can produce more than 200 million J&J doses which will be distributed across the continent. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa wears a face mask on a visit to a COVID-19 vaccination centre in Tembisa, South Africa, Thursday, July 29, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo Pfizer has announced that the Biovac Institute in Cape Town will assemble its COVID-19 vaccines in the same fill and finish procedure. Both Pfizer and J&J have agreed that eventually the South African production facilities will be able to manufacture the vaccines from scratch. The most recent surge of infections, driven by the delta variant, brought President Cyril Ramaphosa to tighten restrictions, including limiting the sales of liquor to Monday through Thursday, to reduce the number of people going to hospital emergency rooms after alcohol-related incidents. Ramaphosa recently visited vaccination sites in the capital, Pretoria, to encourage people to get jabbed. "South Africa is slowly but steadily coming out of the third wave with a curve that is on a downward trajectory. The peak of the third wave was higher than the previous two peaks and a slightly more severe situation in terms of caseload," said Mosa Moshabela, professor of public health at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. People sit in a minibus vehicle prior to be vaccinated, at the Houghton Mosque, which is being used as a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination centre in Johannesburg Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo/Denis Farrell A man receives a COVID-19 vaccination at the Houghton Mosque which is being used as a drive-thru vaccination centre in Johannesburg, Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Hitting its stride after a faltering start, South Africa's mass vaccination campaign gave jabs to 220,000 people a day last week and is accelerating toward the goal of 300,000 per day. With large deliveries of doses arriving and some vaccines being assembled here, South Africa appears on track to inoculate about 35 million of its 60 million people by the end of the year. Credit: AP Photo/Denis Farrell "Our vaccination drive is a source of pride in the current climate. It is building momentum," said Moshabela. "We are beginning to see a lot of creative approaches to reach more people using workplace approaches, trying to get people in hard-to-reach areas." At the Johannesburg mosque's drive-thru vaccine center, Tumi Sedumedi pulled into the waiting area after getting her J&J jab and bowed her head for a quiet moment of prayer. "I wanted to give thanks that I received the vaccination," said Sedumedi. "I'm so relieved that I got it, so I wanted to pray about it and just be grateful. To pray for these people that are offering the service. And to hope that all can get vaccinated and we can bring this pandemic under control." Explore further South African firm to make Pfizer vaccine, first in Africa 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Credit: Source: The COVID States Project. Visualization: Eunice Esomonu/Northeastern University Public enthusiasm for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations has steadily grown since the spring, with more people supporting mandatory shots to get on a plane or go back to school. Yet deep pockets of vaccine resistance held firm across the country, even as the highly contagious Delta variant has some areas reinstituting mask mandates, according to a new U.S. survey. Overall approval for government-ordered vaccinations ticked up two percentage points to 64 percent in the early summer, according to the study by researchers from Northeastern, Harvard, Northwestern, and Rutgers. For activities such as air travel, support was even higher (70 percent in favor) compared to the last survey taken between April and May (67 percent). While there was broad-based support across the United States for requiring vaccinations, a core group of nearly 15 percent of respondents remained either firmly opposed or highly circumspect about getting vaccinated themselves. The stiffest opposition to mandatory inoculations came from rural residents, individuals earning less than $25,000 a year, and white people. Those most in favor lived near cities, made at least $100,000 a year, and were Asian American, according to the study. An increase in calls for requiring vaccinations suggests that there is mounting public frustration with the unvaccinated population. "They're certainly connected," says David Lazer, university distinguished professor of political science and computer sciences at Northeastern, and one of the researchers who conducted the study. "Mandates don't directly affect the vaccinated because they're vaccinated, but what they are doing is putting an imposition on the unvaccinated, many of whom are choosing not to be vaccinated at this point." Survey results could also be tied to the belief that public health campaigns have run their course, Lazer adds. After a late April surge in vaccinations by those most enthusiastic about them, "it was inevitable that the curve was going to start leveling off," he says. The latest poll of more than 20,000 U.S. residents was conducted nationally from early June to early July, weeks before the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended on July 27 that vaccinated people resume wearing masks indoors in certain parts of the country, a reversal from earlier guidance. The change came after new data showed that vaccinated people infected with the Delta variant could spread the virus. The CDC findings likely would not have impacted the Northeastern survey, Lazer says. "Public opinion generally doesn't move dramatically," he says. Lazer predicts a wave of Delta variant cases in early September is going to "stress a lot of people out" and likely result in moving some people to get vaccinated and others to be more supportive of vaccine mandates. President Biden has been leading federal efforts to coax the unwilling to get vaccinated, but the federal government will not mandate them, according to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. "There will be no nationwide mandate," she tweeted on July 30. The nation's nearly 2 million federal employees, however, will be asked to attest to their vaccination status. Those who do not attest or are not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask at work and get tested for SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Some states and cities have taken similar steps. California will require state employees and some health care workers to show proof of vaccination or else face mandatory weekly testing. Other political leaders have balked at vaccine requirements. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has banned vaccine and mask mandates, according to an executive order. It blocks state government agencies from requiring masks or vaccine documentation for employees and also prevents private businesses from requiring masks or vaccine passports for customers. The Northeastern survey found the highest support for vaccine mandates among residents of Massachusetts and the District of Columbia, at 81 percent each. At least 70 percent of the public in another ten statesall Democratic-leaningapprove of a universal government vaccine mandate. Support was lowest in three Republican-leaning statesNorth Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. The overall gap between Democrats and Republicans was the widest of any group in the survey. The chasm between the two parties did not budge between spring and summer, remaining firmly locked at a 39-percentage-point difference. Democrats overwhelmingly backed requiring vaccines while Republicans were narrowly opposed. "It won't surprise me if, come September, we see majorities of Republicans supporting mandates depending on how the Delta variant goes," says Lazer. Democrats and Republicans also differ on mandating vaccines for a return to the classroom in the fall. Majorities in 45 states and D.C. support making vaccines mandatory for children to be allowed in school. In five Republican-leaning statesArkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakotafewer than 50 percent of respondents were in favor, the study found. But in Democratic-leaning areas such as Massachusetts and D.C.,over three out of four respondents supported the mandate, while two out of three respondents in mostly Northeastern states such as New York, Connecticut, and Maryland, were supportive. The Northeastern study found high support (66 percent) among respondents for colleges and universities to require vaccinations, unchanged since April. Majorities of every demographic group surveyed except Republicans support vaccines for students as a condition of attending university in the fall. More than 600 campuses nationally require students and employees to get vaccinated, according to a list compiled by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Northeastern was among the first to require inoculations for students, and recently announced that it would be required for faculty and staff. Explore further What do vaccine passports mean to you? Credit: CC0 Public Domain A new report released by the International Longevity Centre UK (ILC) argues that anti-smoking measures could save billions across the UK economy. Released following World Lung Cancer Day, ILC's report "Up in smoke" highlights the costs of smoking not just to individuals' health, but to the sustainability of the broader healthcare system and to the public purse as the Government aims to "build back better" from the pandemic. Smoking is responsible for 77,600 deaths a year in England alone. While tobacco use has been declining in the UK for decades, 14.1 percent of UK adults still smoke and many former smokers are living with the long-term effects of smoking, such as cardiovascular conditions and cancer. "Up in smoke" by ILC, the UK's specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, finds that: A typical life-long smoker aged 30 can expect to lose about 10 years of life expectancy compared to someone who has never smoked. Men who have never smoked enjoy five extra years of life free from disability than current or ex-smokers, and this rises to 5.8 years for women. The health impacts of smoking limit many people's ability to workif current or ex-smokers had never smoked, overall earnings could be 1.9 percent higher, boosting the UK economy by 19.1 billion every year. In July 2019, the Government stated its ambition of going "smoke-free" in England by 2030. However, at the same time, funding for national behavior change communications campaigns and smoking cessation services has dropped significantly since austerity measures were put in place in 2009. ILC argue that to follow through with its pledge to go "smoke-free," the Government needs to: Raise the legal age for purchasing tobacco to 21 (and gradually introduce further raises in the future). Reduce tobacco affordability by increasing UK tobacco tax each year in stages from the current level of RPI +2 percent to RPI +5 percent. Reduce the size of the illicit market by introducing a tobacco licensing system for retailers and wholesalers. Support smoking cessation programs and behavior change campaigns at the local level. Professor Les Mayhew, Head of Global Research at ILC and Professor of Statistics at The Business School (formerly Cass), argued: "It's no secret that smoking is bad for our health, but what is lesser known is that it's also bad for our economy. We need people to stay healthy for longer and despite a decline in smoking we are not out of the woods yet." "The pandemic has shown that smokers and ex-smokers are more likely to end up in hospital if they have COVID. Over the life course they work fewer years, are less productive and quit work sooner. Their later years are more likely to be marred by ill health which means less time for consumption, volunteering and community work." Explore further Government has failed to deliver on smoke free pledge for England Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The World Health Organization on Wednesday urged COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to keep their prices low and affordable, after reports that two producers will raise the cost they are charging the EU. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna are upping the prices for their messenger RNA vaccines because they have adapted them to the new virus variants, according to reports. The Pfizer vaccine will jump from 15.5 euros to 19.5 euros ($18.35 to $23) and Moderna from 19 euros to 21.5 euros ($22.5 to $25.45), British newspaper the Financial Times revealed Sunday, citing the contract concluded with the European Union. Mariangela Simao, the WHO assistant director general for access to medicines, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, told a press conference on Wednesday: "It's very important that we have companies state policies of affordable prices." She said both Pfizer and Moderna had increased their manufacturing capacities, diversified their plants and increased production line efficiency. "In a normal market situation, this would lead to a decreased price, not an increasing price. "We have a market where the demand is very high in comparison with production. "WHO urges companies to keep prices down and affordable prices." Half of the EU population has now been fully vaccinated, according to an AFP tally from official sources. Explore further Pfizer defends high cost of COVID vaccine 2021 AFP Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed what Harvard-affiliated physicians had reported from anecdotal and laboratory evidence: the Delta variant of COVID-19 not only spreads more rapidly than other versions of the virus, it can sicken vaccinated individuals who can then spread the virus to others. In its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the CDC on Friday revealed that 75 percent of patients in a cluster of 469 cases in Provincetown, Massachusetts, were vaccinated, a sobering statistic for Americans who only weeks ago were optimistic that the pandemic's end was in sight. "New scientific data shows that Delta behaves differently than other variants," CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said in a briefing last Wednesday. "On rare occasions, some vaccinated people may be contagious and spread the virus to others." Mark Poznansky, director of Massachusetts General Hospital's Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center and an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, has seen up-close the situation Walensky discussed, including "breakthrough" cases of COVID-19 in vaccinated individuals. Many of these patients shrug off initial symptoms, Poznansky said, attributing them to a cold or some other mild ailment. When the condition worsens, they get tested and ask for treatment advice, but the delay means that they might have been spreading the virus as they went about their lives. Poznansky, whose clinical practice at MGH is focused on immune-compromised patients who are potentially vulnerable even when vaccinated, said it's important that vaccinated individuals get tested right away if they feel sick with COVID symptoms. For vaccinated people who develop symptoms, "The stress should be on testing along with mask-wearing in public spaces and self-isolating where possible," he said. The Delta variant has spread rapidly across the country, with the CDC reporting last week that it has been detected in eight in 10 samples nationally. In Massachusetts, the recent increase in casesstill at a far lower level than in U.S. hotspotshas been virtually all Delta, according to Jacob Lemieux, an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School and an infectious disease expert at Mass General. "We are sequencing all the cases from MGH and from the Brigham and they're all Delta," said Lemieux, whose lab is conducting genetic testing on samples from COVID-19 cases. "It's been present in the region for a couple of months, but really just over the last few weeks, just taken over." Paul Sax, an infectious disease expert at Brigham and Women's Hospital, said evidence of Delta's surge is apparent not just in lab data. The number of calls from primary care doctors seeking infectious-disease guidance has also signaled a rise in cases. "I'd say the last three weeks or so it's been quite noticeable, after not really seeing many cases at all," said Sax, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. "As far as hospitalizations go, our numbers are still relatively low and we're hoping it stays that way." The current level of U.S. infection has already outstripped the pandemic's initial April 2020 surge. By late last week, the seven-day average of new U.S. cases had increased nearly sevenfold from June, reaching 66,000 on July 28. Evidence from earlier in the pandemic indicates that cases are followed within a few weeks by an increase in deaths, which have risen in the seven-day average from 100 to 200 in early July to nearly 400 late in the month. Delta exploded in India over the winter, infecting millions. In a matter of weeks, cases and deaths soared, followed by a rise in cases around the world as the new variant, believed to be roughly twice as infectious as the original, spread. Delta's rise reinforced warnings by global experts that, in a connected world, leaving millions unvaccinated raises the likelihood that more transmissibleand even more lethalvariants will spread even to vaccinated nations. In fact, variants have continued to develop and spread since the emergence of Delta. The World Health Organization has designated variants Eta, Iota, Kappa, and Lamba "variants of interest" and is tracking 13 additional variants that originated in the U.S., Brazil, the Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, and other nations. Worries about Delta's ability to infect the vaccinated prompted the CDC last week to recommend that schoolchildren wear masks. (Only 30 percent of U.S. youth 12 to 17 are vaccinated.) The agency also recommended masks for vaccinated individuals living in areas of high transmission. The guidelines came after new data demonstrated that levels of virus in breakthrough infections are similar to levels in the unvaccinated. Levels of virus present in the nose and throat are important factors in COVID transmission. Despite the threat posed by breakthrough infections, Walensky and Harvard infectious disease experts were unanimous that transmission still primarily occurs among the unvaccinated and that vaccination is the No. 1 way to fight the pandemic. In addition, though the Delta variant has darkened the pandemic landscape, a bright spot is that the vaccines appear to retain their ability to protect against serious illness and death. That protection, physicians said, appears to be true even for the elderly. What that means, physicians said, is that many of the patients who come to the hospital are younger and healthier, though unvaccinated. Patients with breakthrough infections tend to experience less severe symptoms. "We're seeing mostly younger people who tend to not be as ill, though we're seeing some cases where people are quite sick," said Robert Colgrove, interim chief of infectious diseases at Mount Auburn Hospital and an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. "A welcome development is that totally vaccinated, frail older people with medical conditionseven among them we're seeing very few hospitalizations, unlike in the first couple of pre-vaccine waves of the epidemic when there were just enormous amounts of very, very sick [elderly] people." Another potential bright spot, Sax said, is the abrupt decline in cases in the U.K., where Delta cases have fallen to half of a mid-July peak of more than 60,000 daily new cases. Though the collapse in cases is poorly understoodsome have speculated that the latest surge caused the nation to reach herd immunitySax said it is possible that Americans will see something similar. At the end of Wednesday's briefing, Walensky added a personal note that, after 18 months of dealing with the pandemic, the retrenchment on the agency's masking advice was done because of its commitment to science, but was not easy. "This new guidance weighs heavily on me. It's not a decision taken lightly." Explore further New data shows the power of COVID vaccines This story is published courtesy of the Harvard Gazette, Harvard University's official newspaper. For additional university news, visit Harvard.edu. Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain New York on Tuesday announced the introduction of a de facto vaccine pass for some public spaces, as China's Wuhan said it would test all 11 million residents after the coronavirus returned to the place where it first emerged. Meanwhile, half of the European Union's population has now been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, an AFP tally showed on Tuesday, putting the bloc just ahead of the United States. The highly contagious Delta variant has driven a surge in infections across the world, including places that had touted their success in overcoming the worst of the pandemic. New York City will require proof of vaccination for people attending indoor venues such as restaurants, gyms and shows, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday, making it the first major US city to introduce a vaccine pass. "If you're vaccinated... you have the key, you can open the door. But if you're unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things," de Blasio told a press conference. With coronavirus cases again surging in the United States, de Blasio said that a health pass called the "Key to NYC" would be launched on August 16, followed by a transition period before enforcement a month later. "It's time for people to see vaccination as literally necessary to living a good, and full and healthy life," de Blasio said. Biggest jab donor The US on Monday hit President Joe Biden's goal of administering at least one jab to 70 percent of adults a month late. Officials blamed falling vaccine rates for the missed deadline as well as the soaring caseload. "These cases are concentrated in communities with lower vaccination rates," Jeff Zients, White House COVID task force coordinator, told reporters. In a silver lining, US states that previously lagged behind are belatedly catching up according to the latest vaccination data. And the US also said it has distributed more than 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses overseasmore than all other countries combined. The White House said the announcement marked "just the beginning" of US efforts to help the world battle the pandemic which has claimed more than 4.2 million lives worldwide. China, which had brought domestic cases down to virtually zero after the coronavirus first emerged in Wuhan in December 2019, has seen that record thrown into jeopardy by Delta. The fast-spreading variant has reached dozens of cities after infections among airport cleaners in Nanjing sparked a chain of cases that have been reported across the country. Testing times After Wuhan reported its first local infections in more than a year, authorities said they were launching a mass-testing program for all 11 million residents. Mao, a 27-year-old Wuhan resident, told AFP he was "not worried" about the new outbreak because "Wuhan has accumulated rich experience" after a gruelling lockdown early on in the pandemic. Across China, authorities have confined millions of residents of entire cities to their homes, cut domestic transport links and rolled out mass testing in recent days. And elsewhere, Morocco and France were among countries that announced tighter restrictions in the face of the COVID resurgence. Morocco increased its curfew hours and stepped up travel restrictions to Agadir, Casablanca and Marrakesh in a bid to slow surging coronavirus cases. In France, Brittany's Finistere area on Monday ordered people to cover their mouths and noses outdoors after authorities said cases had risen over fourfold between June 30 and July 30. EU passes US Hit hard by earlier waves of the pandemic and struggling initially to mount inoculation drives, the European Union has now fully vaccinated more than 50 percent of its population. Spain leads the pack of larger EU countries with 58.3 percent of its population fully vaccinated, followed by Italy with 54.4 percent, France with 52.9 and Germany with 52.2 percent, according to an AFP tally. The EU has now passed the vaccination rate of the United Stateswhich remains on 49.7 percent. In Australia, where only 15 percent of the 25-million population are fully vaccinated, authorities are relying on lockdowns to stop a Delta outbreak that has seen 3,600 cases recorded since mid-June. Millions are still under movement restrictions in the country, and troops on Monday hit the streets of Sydney and surrounding areas, which are entering the sixth week of a lockdown set to run until the end of August. Australian airline Qantas said it would send home 2,500 workers without pay from mid-August for two months, as the lockdowns kill demand for flights. Explore further Half of EU vaccinated as COVID returns to China's Wuhan 2021 AFP Shannon-Foynes Port Company has been awarded over 2.3 million in co-funding under the European Unions Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). CEF funding supports projects on the EUs Trans-European Networks in the fields of transport, energy and telecoms. The funding awarded will support a feasibility study to prepare for future development of a new deep-water berth and associated infrastructure at Foynes Port, Limerick. The required infrastructure includes the construction of a bridge to link the new deep-water berth to the existing port area on the mainland. It will also consider internal rail infrastructure. The Shannon Estuary counts among the largest gateway areas in Europe and is one of Irelands deep water ports, regularly facilitating large vessels. This development at the Port of Shannon-Foynes will generate a considerably higher level of freight traffic and enhance connectivity along the North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor. Reacting to the funding announcement, Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan T.D. said: This is really positive news for Shannon-Foynes Port Company and for Ireland. International connectivity is critical for our economic development. This feasibility study by Shannon-Foynes Port Company will provide the basis for a new deep water berth which can accommodate larger vessels and meet projected demand in the coming years. The project has also been designed to facilitate the potential role the port can play in the expansion of offshore wind energy in the future. Minister of State Hildegarde Naughton T.D. also welcomed the news: At EU level, the port is part of both the Atlantic and North Sea Mediterranean TEN-T Core Network Corridors. Irish ports continue to benefit from financial backing by the European Union through the Connecting Europe Facility programme. This award of over 2.3 million to Shannon-Foynes Port Company represents another strong signal of the important role the port and its hinterland areas play in the EUs TEN-T network. The European Commission announced the selection decision of the call on 15 July and the full list of projects proposed to be funded is available here. ENDS Note for Editors: The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a key EU funding instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted infrastructure investment at European level. It supports the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport, energy and digital services. CEF investments fill the missing links in Europe's energy, transport and digital backbone. Funding under CEF is delivered in the form of grants allocated following competitive calls for proposals. Funding rates vary depending on the call for proposals and the type of project, generally ranging from 20% to 50% of eligible costs. In addition to grants, the CEF offers financial support to projects through innovative financial instruments such as guarantees and project bonds. These instruments create significant leverage in their use of EU budget and act as a catalyst to attract further funding from the private sector and other public sector actors. A new CEF programme will be implemented for the period 2021 2027. It will support the goals of the Commissions Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (December 2020) laying the foundation for how the EU transport system can achieve its green and digital transformation and become more resilient to future crises. As outlined in the European Green Deal, the result will be a 90% cut in emissions by 2050, delivered by a smart, competitive, safe, accessible and affordable transport system. It will also prioritise environmentally friendly modes such as rail and the development of charging points for vehicles using alternative fuels. It is expected that the first call for proposals under the new CEF Programme will be launched in September 2021. ENDS Click here to unsubscribe Deja vu again. No matter which way the wind blows, you can expect to see smoke, said Ben Schmidt, Missoula air quality specialist, in his Wednesday update. Air quality continued to be Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups in Missoula on Wednesday, with worse conditions in areas near active fires, including Arlee, Evaro and the Swan Valley. We do not have monitors in those valleys, so folks should use visibility as a guideline to determine smoke levels, Schmidt said. If you cannot see for five miles, the air quality is Unhealthy. If you cannot see for two miles, it is Very Unhealthy, and if you cannot see for one mile, it is Hazardous. Because there are fires still burning throughout the Pacific Northwest and into Canada in addition to local blazes, the Missoula area can expect to see smoky conditions for the foreseeable future, Schmidt said. More than 20,000 firefighters and support personnel were battling 97 large, active wildfires covering 2,919 square miles in 13 U.S. states, the National Interagency Fire Center said Wednesday. Montana on Tuesday had 25 active large blazes, followed by Idaho with 21 and Oregon with 13. California had 11. Boulder 2700 With fewer than four weeks until the start of the school year, Missoula County Public Schools administrators are still wrestling with the districts reopening plan and the crux of the discussion has centered on mask use. The districts COVID-19 task force met over the course of three meetings that ended Tuesday evening to provide superintendent Rob Watson with input as he crafts a recommendation, including a policy on masks, for the next board meeting on Aug. 10. Theres people on both sides of this issue and its important for me, and I know its important to our school board members, to hear everyones comments that would like to provide them, Watson said at Tuesdays meeting. The Montana Office of Public Instruction last recommended in May that districts rescind mask mandates and develop policies that make the wearing of face masks and other coverings optional, voluntary and a matter of family choice. Missoula County fits the criteria of the latest recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that recommends the use of masks in areas of significant spread of COVID-19. A city plan to buy an irrigation ditch that starts by the old Bitterroot Spur railroad bridge could solve development headaches all the way west to Missoula International Airport. The Hellgate Valley Irrigation Co. has agreed to sell the Flynn-Lowney Ditch and water rights to the city for $990,000. If bought, the city would close the ditch and provide wells for an estimated seven farmers in the Hellgate Elementary School vicinity who draw about 4 cubic feet of water per second during their growing season. The ditch has rights to 40 cfs, the balance of which would return to the Clark Fork River. That extra instream flow would save thousands of fish from getting trapped in the ditch every fall when the headgates close. And it would simplify a major Mullan Road upgrade by eliminating dozens of underground culverts, ditch crossings and safety hazards. There are a lot of moving parts and it's moving really fast, said city utility engineer Andy Schultz. Although the ditch currently looks barely able to float a leaf, the deal has some financing challenges that need to be met by mid-September. CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) James Jim French, the founder of a weekly paper that has served as a mainstay for Black communities in Charleston, South Carolina, for nearly half a century, has died. He was 94. French, who founded The Charleston Chronicle in 1971, died July 31, The Post and Courier reported. The Kansas native established the esteemed community paper after retiring from the Navy, crafting the publication into a go-to news source for African Americans in South Carolina's Lowcountry. The Chronicle soon became a respected institution among Charleston's Black leaders, shaping discourse on how to best address problems of economic distress and racial inequity as it advocated for the Black community. His greatest contribution was providing the vehicle that a lot of people used to wage (their) battles, said Barney Blakeney, a longtime Chronicle contributor. State Rep. Wendell Gilliard, a Charleston Democrat, told The Post and Courier that French used to spend hours discussing the problems facing Charleston's communities. HOUSTON (AP) Houston city workers are being told they must resume wearing masks while on the job, a requirement that could go against Gov. Greg Abbotts most recent executive order banning such mandates. Mayor Sylvester Turner issued the mask mandate on Monday due to a recent uptick in positive COVID-19 cases in our community and in our workplace linked to the new delta variant. It is so very important that we remain vigilant in doing our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Turner wrote in memo to all city employees. The new order was first reported on by the Houston Chronicle. The new order requires all employees to wear a mask while on city premises and when they cant be socially distant from others. Officials in Dallas and Williamson counties this week put in place new orders requiring people to wear masks inside county courthouses. They cited a Texas Supreme Court order they say lets the judiciary take reasonable actions to protect people from COVID-19. State Rep. Andrea Olsen and former state Rep. Tom Steenberg have announced intentions to fill the remainder of state Sen. Bryce Bennett's term. Olsen posted on Facebook that she was applying, while Steenberg sent out a news release Wednesday. Bennett, who resigned to take a job with a national group that works to get people to vote, represented Senate District 50. The resignation was effective Aug. 2. Olsen represents House District 100. "Dear Friends, Family, Neighbors, Constituents, and all of our dear Missoula County, I am writing to let you know I am running to represent Montana SD50 in 2022, and I am applying to fulfill the rest of the term of our dear Senator Bryce Bennett, who has resigned his seat," Olsen posted. "I am a constituent of SD50, and have represented HD100, which is part of SD50 for the last 7 years. I know there will be many great people who want to represent SD 50, and I thank them all for their interest and commitment to public service." Olsen said she has 40 years of active public service and asked for support for her "transfer to the Senate." Steenberg served two terms representing House District 99. He was Missoula's fire chief prior to his political career. Dear U.S. Sen. Jon Tester: At the forefront of our recovery from the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is the Biden administrations $2 trillion-plus American Jobs Plan. Its an ambitious proposal meant to create jobs, strengthen infrastructure and position the U.S. to compete globally ultimately, putting Americans and our communities back on strong financial footing. However, there are pieces of the presidents plan that, while well-intentioned, will ultimately prove detrimental to the financial well-being of small businesses and local communities across Montana and the rest of the nation. Specifically, increasing the corporate tax and the Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) rates. Under the tax plan, the Biden administration has proposed increasing the corporate tax rate from 21% to a staggering 28% and the GILTI rate from 10.5% to an untenable 21%. Of course, increasing taxes on Americas largest multi-national companies is a tried-and-true talking point, but as organizations representing Montanas bankers, businesses and contractors, we know that in reality, corporations wouldnt be the only ones paying for these taxes. A local community college will host an orientation event for high school students participating in the dual-enrollment college program. Western Piedmont Community College will host the career and college promise drop-in orientation event on Aug. 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Carr Hall Lobby at WPCC. The Career and College Promise program gives high school students the opportunity to earn college credits while working toward their high school diplomas. Students are able to take the college credits they earn throughout the program and put them toward their education after they graduate high school. They can also earn dual credit and earn high school graduation credits by taking college courses, according dpi.nc.gov. Students that enroll in this program must be rising ninth to 12th graders and must attend a high school in Burke County. Students who already have graduated high school are not eligible for this program, the website said. The orientation is a mandatory session for any student newly enrolled in the CCP program. The event is designed to help students prepare to start their college journey. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Students will be taught the following during the orientation, according to a post on the Burke County Public Schools Facebook page: They should believe that their family members are still being protected because the majority of our people are vaccinated and were still practicing proper PPE to protect those residents even from our germs that we bring from the outside, Carlin said. She said if she had a family member at the facility, her concern wouldnt be the vaccination status of staff members. My biggest concern would be, right now, the staff that are going to walk out, the staff that have known their families for years, that have taken care of their family members and they have personal relationships with them, Carlin said. The residents will end up seeing a lot of new faces and I dont think the states prepared to equip us with the staff that were going to need. Linda Goins, also an employee at the center, suggested that staff and residents be moved around so that residents whose families want them to be cared for only by fully vaccinated staff can all be in one area with staff who fit that criteria. During a press conference Wednesday, Gov. Roy Cooper was asked what his thoughts were on health care workers at hospitals and other care providers across the state who have protested getting the vaccine. Cooper said he was disappointed. With cases of COVID-19 rising across the state, including in Burke County, getting more people to become vaccinated is the predominate way to get the virus behind us, say state officials. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper said during a briefing Wednesday that the health and safety of the state residents is the primary objective so every option remains on the table to combat COVID-19, but vaccinations will be the primary focus to push the virus off the cliff. We want to concentrate our efforts on vaccinations, and thats what were doing, Cooper said. Cooper said the sharp rise in COVID cases is being driven by the unvaccinated. He recently announced that state employees will be required to get vaccinated or be tested regularly. He said the verification of vaccination for employees starts Sept. 1. Cooper said hes encouraging private businesses to do the same. This week, Walmart and Disney announced they will require employees to be vaccinated. Government censors arent known for nuance. If Canadian crooner Bryan Adams moved stateside, a vehicular homage to his memorable hit Summer of 69 probably wouldnt pass muster. Joyless paper-pushers might even rebuff Buzz Aldrin if he wanted a license plate commemorating the year he walked on the moon. Facing free speech lawsuits over rejected vanity plates, Maine rescinded its nebulous ban on offensive character combinations in 2015. Drivers proceeded to register hundreds of personalized tags with four-letter words. The sky didnt fall when every heavy-handed regulators nightmare came true, but turnpike puritans werent content to live and let live. Gov. Janet Mills signed a bill June 16 allowing Maines secretary of state to nix vanity plates for profanity, obscenity, violence, discrimination and sexual content. News coverage ties the legislation to Brittney Gliddens minivan, which is festooned with suggestive stickers and the license plate TITSOUT. Glidden told The Intercept that the dual-purpose message is a reference to breastfeeding that also notes her habit of driving topless, which is legal in the Pine Tree State. That vanity plate wouldnt make it past the application stage today not even for a birder trying to raise awareness of the tufted titmouse, a native species. That witness said the victim was stabbed several times and kept fighting, according to a charging document. The fight took a pause for some unknown reason when Shaw turned his attention and went after another individual who was standing near the fight scene, the document says, citing that witness account. The fight continued, that person said, until the victim was stabbed in the stomach. He went down, caught himself with his hands in a hunched position, and headed toward a friends pickup truck. Another witness said the victim started walking toward the pickup holding his side, climbed into the truck bed and friends drove him to the hospital. Police went to Shaws house and were met by his father, who yelled for his son. Shaw came down, was cuffed and put into a patrol car and immediately asserted his right to an attorney, so he was not interviewed. He was then taken to the Great Falls facility. Officers soon learned that someone had taken video of the fight and posted it on Snapchat, a social media platform, though it wasnt clear who took it. The Butte-Silver Bow Health Department on Tuesday reported the death of a county resident, due to complications related to COVID-19. The fatality is the countys 87 th related to the virus. The announcement comes in the midst of a spike of COVID-19 cases in Butte-Silver Bow, in Montana and in portions of the United States. Butte-Silver Bow Health Officer Karen Sullivan said 41 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the county since July 27, and 34 of those cases remain active. On Tuesday, officials from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services announced 402 newly confirmed cases statewide. Sullivan said DPHHS releases every Wednesday county-by-county data related to COVID-19 variants. The health officer said one case of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant has been confirmed in Butte-Silver Bow, and she anticipates that number to grow. The Delta variant, which is up to 222% more contagious than the original Alpha of COVID-19, is now a reality, Sullivan said. We have been working to get people vaccinated to get ahead of the Delta and other variants, but it appears Delta is getting ahead of our vaccination efforts. Sullivan said only 58% of Butte-Silver Bows eligible population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Begging for help Montanas mental health agencies, including our only free-standing child psychiatric hospital, Shodair Childrens Hospital, are begging the Department of Public Health and Human Services to help them shore up unprecedented losses and staffing shortages. I have worked as a psychiatrist in Montana for over 16 years and have never witnessed such a strain on our mental health system. Montana historically has underfunded community mental health, which in turn leads to higher intensity treatments such as residential facility placements, group home placements and acute psychiatric hospitalizations. Now, these very providers who are serving our most vulnerable citizens our children and individuals with developmental disabilities who have the highest needs are at the breaking point. Montanas mental health fail-safes are failing. Montana has had one of the highest suicide rates in the nation for decades. We need Montana state leaders to lead. Montana has more than enough American Rescue Plan Act federal funding to remedy this crisis. Will Montanas governor and DPHHS director take action or let our struggling mental health system completely collapse? Leonard Lantz, MD, Helena Love 5 Funny 1 Wow 0 Sad 2 Angry 2 Carbon fee benefits When the City of Whitefish passed a municipal resolution endorsing the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act, what exactly were they supporting? Whitefish supports putting a price on carbon, which is akin to other national laws created to make our lives better, such as seatbelt legislation. Heres what actually happens when American lawmakers pass a carbon fee and dividend. Carbon pricing saves lives. Turns out more Americans die from air pollution than from car accidents and murders combined. Just like seatbelts back in 1968, this new law will save millions of lives and improve the health of millions more. Carbon pricing protects American business. Several developed countries already tax high carbon goods entering their border unless the exporting country already has a carbon tax. Without this legislation, when the US exports goods, we pay tax to them and money that should stay in our country goes to foreign nations. Carbon pricing combined with a dividend puts cash money in your pocket. This specific policy returns the collected fees to every American household, and most importantly protects the bottom 40% of households from rising costs. Youll be able to spend the money on anything, and the government doesnt grow. With this house, the connection with the prison build and the ability to improve recidivism rates for the prisoners is an exciting opportunity, Schafer said. Its a really great project, and it really is like a win-win for our community. The home the Community Foundation has ordered is a 1,200-square-foot ranch style, with three bedrooms and two baths. After being built and shipped to Muscatine, the home will be placed at 704 Spring St. sometime in September. Before the move, however, the severely dilapidated house currently at that location will be demolished. The Community Foundation is working with Hackett Construction to prepare and clear the lot for the new house. Hackett Construction will also be handling the homes electrical and plumbing connections, as well as other things that are needed for its completion. The home will then be sold to a family, with the Community Foundation targeting those of low to middle income the demographic that is currently struggling the most with finding affordable housing within Muscatine. Surveys will continue to be taken until Aug. 6 and are available at www.surveymonkey.com/r/LouisaCo2040. One-on-one interviews are now being conducted by four Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission staffers, with each member interviewing 10 to 15 people, she said. The final effort to gather public input may come from one or two online public meetings, possibly involving students. Tiwari said it has incorporated results from a concurrent survey the Louisa County Conservation Board conducted. Following Tiwaris presentation, Lassiter presented a packet of current and future land use township and county maps and explained how that information could be used to promote planning and development. Supervisor Brad Quigley, who is not a member of the zoning commission but has attended previous meetings, proposed the maps be broken down further, especially conservation/outdoor recreation parcels. He suggested those areas could be further identified as hunting, camping or other outdoor activity. I think it could be used as a sales tool for the county after the (comprehensive plan update) is done, he said. MUSCATINE Despite a pandemic, Muscatine Sister Cities held a bell-ringing in 2020 to celebrate 75 years of peace with Japan. The group will hold another bell-ringing this year in the hopes of making it an annual local tradition. The bell-ringing will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday in front of Susan Clark Junior High. Those who wish to participate are asked to bring bells of any size and style to ring. During World War II, on Aug. 6 and Aug. 9, 1945, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To remember that moment in history and celebrate the peace that followed, the Japan Community from Sister Cities International came up with the idea to mark the milestone anniversary last year, Muscatine Sister Cities president John Dabeet said. For Muscatine, the event is not only done in solidarity with the two Japanese cities that were hit with atomic bombs, but also Ichikawamisato, one of Muscatine's several sister cities. Dabeet said that was a main reasons why Muscatine Sister Cities would try to hold the event each year. We felt that such an event is very important in promoting peace, harmony and understanding between our two communities Muscatine and Ichikawamisato, Dabeet said. DETROIT (AP) Voters in Detroit on Tuesday rejected a ballot proposal that called for the creation of some new city departments, restructuring the police and fire departments, and linking water rates and public transportation fares to income. CHICAGO (AP) A judge on Monday granted lawyers for Jussie Smollett more time to prepare arguments on several issues, including whether they can introduce a key witnesss previous conviction for battery. Cook County Judge James Linn scheduled the next hearing in the case for Aug. 26. But Linn also urged lawyers for Smollett and the special prosecutors office to get prepared for a trial or other resolution to the charges that the actor staged a racist and homophobic attack in January 2019. One of Smollett's attorneys said after the hearing that the legal team has evidence to prove Smollett is innocent of the charges that he lied to police about an attack prosecutors allege he staged himself. Like many people in Chicago, when I first heard of the Smollett case I was absolutely certain that he was guilty based on the media coverage, attorney Nenye Uche told reporters. But I can say now categorically, looking at the evidence, hundreds of pages so far, and there are many, many more to look at, so far its obvious to us hes absolutely innocent. Pacific Rim wants to invest in the CNMIs first international airline. Rep. Ivan Blanco's daughter, Lily Ann, center, holds the picture of her father, as she, her aunt Grace, third left, and Blanco's secretary, Mercy, second left, pose for a photo with members of the 22nd Legislature after a joint session in honor of the late Precinct 3 representative on Wednesday in the House chamber. Cases of fruits and vegetables along with other nonperishable goods were given out by staffers from the Barrigada Mayor's Office to island residents during a food commodities distribution in Tiyan on Friday morning. Comic Con Cape Town is scheduled to happen on 2 October 2021 as a series of pop-up events, organiser Reed Exhibitions Africa announced. Fans can look forward to exploring exciting pop-up activities, the company announced on Twitter. There will be a strong focus on connecting the geek & pop culture communities of Cape Town, with these pop-up activations at various locations with Covid19 regulated capacities. Events will include: Cosplay competitions for professionals, casuals and kids, Comic Art Drink & Draw, and sketch-off competitions Pop culture quiz sessions Fandom meetups across the city Gaming and tabletop competitions Film watch parties Comic Con Cape Town 2021 will run alongside the Cape Town International Animation Festival and the FAME Africa Week. The inaugural Comic Con Cape Town was scheduled to be held on 13 May 2020, but was postponed when South Africa declared a national state of disaster due to the Covid19 pandemic. Mass gatherings were banned, and conference venues prohibited from operating. Reed Exhibitions Africa optimistically said that it would instead hold the event on 2427 April 2021. Those who bought tickets had a choice of getting a refund or rolling over their ticket to the new dates. The announcement that Comic Con Cape Town would be happening in 2021 comes after Reed postponed the next in-person Comic Con Africa to September 2022. It said it decided to hold out until next year after extensive engagement with fans, exhibitors, and sponsors. The Covid19 pandemic forced Comic Con Africa into an online format last year, which Reed hosted from 24 to 27 September. Comic Con Africa 2020 featured live chats, Q&As, panel discussions, fan meetups, talks, gaming tournaments and streams, and artist panels. However, Comic Con Africa show director Carla Massmann acknowledged the event would never be able to offer quite the same experience as connecting and engaging at the actual show. Reed will hold next years Comic Con Africa at the Johannesburg Expo Centre, situated at the Nasrec facility next to FNB Stadium in Soweto. The organisers said the venues size allowed for more than the anticipated 80,000 visitors to attend. Now read: 2021 Cloud Conference registrations open Cryptocurrency investment scheme Africrypt allegedly claimed that it had taken on 15% of economist Dawie Roodts portfolio, court documents show. Adrian Pilling, one of Africrypts former clients participating in the liquidation application of the failed scheme, provided detailed meeting notes that he kept from 10 September 2020 to 2 March 2021. According to Pillings notes, during a meeting held at the Houghton Hotel on 6 October 2020, Africrypt claimed to have taken on 15% of Dawie Roodts portfolio. Africrypt co-founder Ameer Cajee reportedly attended the meeting, together with two men identified only as Brad and Warren. The notes also state that Africrypt claimed it was invited by Zimbabwe to open an exchange in the country. Africrypt Cryptocurrency Investments was founded in 2019 by Raees and Ameer Cajee, winning new clients thanks to its astounding returns. An investment presentation from around September 2020 showed that Africrypt achieved returns as high as 13% per month for clients on its Aggressive plan. Two years after its founding, the brothers informed investors that the company had been hacked and all its cryptocurrency holdings stolen. They also discouraged investors from instituting legal proceedings, saying it would delay getting the money back. A group of clients instituted liquidation proceedings against Africrypt on 19 April 2021. The brothers vanished soon thereafter. Initial media reports about the missing brothers suggested that they had absconded with R51 billion in crypto-assets. However, several investigations have rubbished these claims with the true amount pegged at R200 million to R1 billion. Raees Cajee has himself stated that less than R72 million was lost when their platform was hacked. He also claimed that even at the height of the market, Africrypt was managing just over $200 million (R3 billion). Cajees claims are at odds with Pillings notes, which suggest that the Cajee brothers informed investors on 20 January 2021 that it had $500 million (R7.4 billion) under management. While these contradicting claims are interesting, what is ultimately important are the actual claims being lodged against Africrypts estate for the liquidation. Gerhard Botha, the attorney representing a group of disgruntled investors, previously told MyBroadband that there were claims totalling R115 million against Africrypt. If the promised returns on the investments are factored in, the claims come to R140 million. MyBroadband contacted Dawie Roodt about Africrypts alleged claim that they managed part of his portfolio. Roodt said he never put any money in Africrypt. Im an asset manager. I dont need anyone else to look after my affairs, Roodt told MyBroadband. Roodt said it is well-known that he is interested in cryptocurrencies which he prefers to call private money. He said one of his financial advisors, knowing his passion for blockchain-related technology, arranged a meeting with the younger of the two Cajee brothers, Ameer. He truly impressed me, Roodt said. I was immeasurably impressed. Despite being impressed with Cajee, Roodt said he elected not to do business with Africrypt as he already has partners working with him on cryptocurrency-related ventures. In addition to the bold claim about managing 15% of Dawid Roodts portfolio, Pillings notes also show that Africrypt claimed to use a Canary system for cybersecurity. The claim appears on two separate occasions with the following wording: They use a Canary system for security. 18 January 2021, Houghton Hotel Africrypt uses CANARY Cyber Security 21 January 2021, Houghton Hotel Canary is a brand name used by internationally renowned South African information security firm Thinkst. Thinkst Canaries are an early warning system for intrusions into computer networks the proverbial canary in the IT coal mine which is widely used by companies around the world. MyBroadband contacted Thinkst founder Haroon Meer for comment, who said that Africrypt has never been a client. Meer said that he isnt sure if they are using the term generically, which in itself would be pretty unusual. [I] dont know them, and they definitely arent using our stuff, said Meer. It is worth noting that the replying affidavit is not focused on the minutiae highlighted above. The bulk of the affidavit is devoted to rubbishing Raees Cajees claims that Africrypts former clients are trying to liquidate the wrong company. In his responding affidavit filed in July, Cajee contended that the client who brought the liquidation application, Juan Meyer, actually has a contract with Rae Create Wealth in Hong Kong and not with Africrypt. Meyers application argues that this is a disingenuous claim as the Cajee brothers repeatedly informed clients that they were dealing with Africrypt. Cajee argued that the bank account clients deposited funds in was not in the name of Africrypt, but Rae Create Wealth. However, Meyer pointed out that in all communications, the Cajees told clients to use Africrypt (Pty) Ltd as the beneficiary reference for the bank account. MyBroadband tried to contact the Cajee brothers via their attorney in South Africa, but they did not respond by the time of publication. Now read: FBI joins Mirror Trading International investigation Telkom announced that Serame Taukobong is the Group CEO Designate with effect from 1 October 2021. Taukobong will assume the role of Group CEO of Telkom after Sipho Masekos official exit on 30 June 2022. Serame is a seasoned executive, with deep experience in the ITC sector in South Africa and the continent, said Telkom chairperson Sello Moloko. Moloko said that Telkom was pleased that its extensive search confirmed the calibre of Telkoms people. Taukobong said that after working under Sipho Masekos leadership for 3 years, he knows he will be taking over a solid business with a capable and committed team. The team and I are conscious of the challenges that lie ahead and are committed to attracting and retaining the best people, winning in the marketplace, and delivering value for shareholders, said Taukobong. Taukobong previously served as an executive in the MTN group: October 2003 to December 2005 Chief operations officer of MTN Uganda January 2006 to February 2007 Sales and distribution executive of MTN Iran May 2009 to August 2013 Chief marketing officer of MTN South Africa August 2013 to May 2015 CEO of MTN Ghana He joined Telkom as chief executive for its consumer business group in June 2018. It feels like only a few weeks ago I was rejoicing at seeing your lovely faces. Now Im thanking you for covering those same lovely faces, at least indoors. If you havent been vaccinated yet, please do so as soon as possible so we can be rid of this scourge. *** My tummy is grumbling at the mere thought of the Federated Womens ready-to-bake Gravenstein apple pies ($30), which will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5, at the Presbyterian church, 1428 Spring St. You can bake them now or freeze them and bake them later. Pick one up, and alert your friends. (Yes, tummy, I heard you the first time.) *** Its been a delight to see the St. Helena Street Piano in front of Lyman Park lately. The beautiful thing about the Street Piano is that its available to all ages and skill levels. I was strolling past last week when I saw a young man run up to the piano, bang out a few discordant chords, and scurry away with a grin. Tireless Street Piano supporter Bill Ryan sends along a photo of Tyson Lundin and his daughter, Audrey, playing a duet. And if youre lucky, you might spot Mike Greensill plinking out a jazzy solo. If the Street Piano could talk *** Hopefully this is the only time I ever do this, said one woman as she turned onto the levee road. By 7:22, all participants had reached the rally point in front of Vintage Hall. Vineyard Valley is home to 350 seniors, although some of them live there part-time, so there arent that many people in the park at any given time. Still, along with Silverado Orchards, the park represents one of St. Helena's densest concentrations of elderly and in some cases physically vulnerable residents. We want (park residents) to feel comfortable, that this is something they can do, said Greg Reynolds, managing partner for Vineyard Valleys ownership group, shortly before the drill got underway. It was also a learning experience for first responders, said Lieutenant Justin Tharp of the St. Helena Police Department, who organized the drill. Were learning what its going to take to do this in real life, Tharp said. These are inherently chaotic situations, but we want to try to keep it as orderly as possible, both in a live event and this event. The show has traditionally been held in the museum's History Gallery in the spring, although last years show 'Not From Around Here,' was moved online due to COVID. "'Remotely Creative' gave the students a chance to express the frustration of trying to create as an artist during a pandemic," Rafaty said. "This was the second year we did a Peoples Choice vote, and once again this year 300-400 people sent in their votes. The virtual gallery free to view has had strong engagement. But we really wanted to try to give the students the opportunity to show their works in the Museum gallery itself." Kurtz worked with Jacobson and with Michael Mingoia, the museum's new director of exhibitions, to pull together an exhibit in the History Gallery. "Because this is happening during the summer, only a limited number of the works were available to show," Rafaty said. "So Joel created a video version of the exhibition while Michael created a visual display of the artist statements, allowing visitors to see the full scope of the show. We really hope people will visit the exhibit online or in person. Last years student show is still online for viewing as well." The winners include: Best of Show: Fading Away by Arden Lloyd, Justin-Siena High The rectangles are a key part of the building process. It turns out that the entire school is made of 12x40 foot modules, which were shipped to Napa. Using premade modular buildings helped control costs and speed up the building process, said Schultz. This is the first time Ive done a project like this, and I think it makes a ton of sense. I am so thrilled to see this happening because we serve the most at risk, needy population in the county, said Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools. These are all students who have come to us because the traditional high school (or middle school) was not working for them. They have been in old portable buildings which were not terribly safe and didnt have all of the modern things we need to run program that will prepare them for their future, said Nemko. In our new facility, we will have all of that. They will get the kind of pre-work experience they need to go out and get jobs to help to support them, after graduation or college. To think about them coming back and seeing this beautiful facility which really shows them the respect they didnt feel in an old classroom, it just makes my heart swell, said Nemko. The Napa Valley Vintners, a nonprofit trade organization, also has some wildfire insurance goals of their own. Michelle Novi, NVV's industry relations and regulatory affairs director, is the group's insurance authority and has been leading their continued efforts with the state legislature. "We are thrilled that the governor has signed SB11 and that it has an urgency clause," she said. "But at the same time, it's not enough. It's coming pretty late in the year, we don't expect the California FAIR Plan to have all of the documents in place to be able to start writing these policies for at least three more months, which will be very much into the fire season." Since the bill only ensures up to $3 million in policy coverage which is not very much for a large-scale operation Novi and the NVV sent Commissioner Lara a follow-up letter with additional requests and priorities. The list includes increasing the coverage cap, simplifying the application process, and supporting the expansion of statutory authority to pause commercial coverage non-renewals in the wake of a disaster. "The #CCPVirus has killed more Americans than died in combat in WW I, WW II, Korean War and the War in Vietnamcombined. Yet because Trump suggested it came from a Wuhan lab, the media failed to investigate one of the greatest mass murders in world history," he tweeted in June. Elder has frequently tweeted at and about Trump and the impact that he has had as president. ".@realDonaldTrump's greatest contribution? HE GAVE THE REPUBLICANS BALLS!!! #WeveGotACountryToSave," he tweeted in 2020. He is an opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement Elder, who is Black, denies the existence of systemic racism, and has criticized Black activist leaders including Al Sharpton and members of the Black Lives Matter movement. "Dear @jack, There's no evidence, let alone 'widespread' evidence, of police 'systemic racism.' Decades of research find cops MORE HESITANT to use deadly force against blacks than whites. Yet @Blklivesmatter routinely posts the 'systemic racism' lie. When will you ban BLM?" Elder tweeted in January to Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter. Elder also opposes the concept of reparations to Black people for the harms inflicted by centuries of slavery and institutional racism. Indiana University says nearly 85% of its students have reported receiving at least one dose. Purdue University, Indianas other Big Ten school, isnt requiring vaccinations but is telling students who dont submit documentation that they could face weekly COVID-19 tests. Purdue, which says at least 60% of students are vaccinated, tried to entice students to get the shots with 10 prize drawings for a full years tuition. Many other schools are offering similar incentives, such as the University of Wisconsins regional campuses giving away 70 $7,000 scholarships to vaccinated students at sites with at least 70% vaccination rates. Missouri State has a $150,000 program with prizes that include free tuition, meal plans and computers. Face masks won't fade away as much as hoped on campuses this fall, either. Purdue and the University of South Carolina were among those in the past week to announce a return to required masks following the new CDC guidance that fully vaccinated people wear them indoors if they live in areas with high virus transmission rates. The West has blamed Iran for launching the drone strike last week on the oil tanker off the coast of Oman, which marked the first known attack to have killed civilians in the yearslong shadow war targeting commercial vessels in the region. Iran denied playing any role, though Tehran and its allied militias have used similar suicide drones in past attacks. Israel, the United States and United Kingdom have vowed an unspecified collective response to the attack. The Gulf of Oman is near the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all oil passes. Fujairah, on the UAEs eastern coast, is a main port in the region for ships to take on new oil cargo, pick up supplies or trade out crew. For the past two years, the waters off Fujairah have seen a series of explosions and hijackings. The U.S. Navy blamed Iran for a series of limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers. In July 2019, Iran seized the British-flagged Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz as it was headed from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas to Dubai. The raid came after authorities in Gibraltar, a British overseas territory, seized an Iranian supertanker carrying $130 million in crude oil on suspicion it was breaking European Union sanctions by taking the oil to Syria. Both vessels were later released. As the industry organization representing all of agriculture in Napa County, the Napa County Farm Bureau is excited to celebrate National Farmers Market Week, Aug. 1-7, with our community. Over the past year, our farmers market community in Napa County has showcased resilience in our rapidly changing world. Farmers markets have always been a hub for innovation, and our farmers markets have been at the forefront of adapting rapid solutions to protect staff, customers, and our community in this time of crisis. More than ever before, National Farmers Market Week is an opportunity to showcase the value of farmers markets in Napa County. We know that farmers markets are essential the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that local food systems with short supply chains are resilient and farmers markets play a vital role in keeping our community connected. Farmers market operators have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to redesign operations and create robust safety plans to continue to serve their communities. Farmers markets serve as community hubs fostering direct relationships between community members and farmers which work to create a more sustainable food system. Together, there are farmers market operators and community leaders paving the way to improve the effectiveness of farmers markets throughout our community. Azerbaijan announces construction of second road of "Zangezur corridor" in occupied Shushi Armenia PM and Karabakh President meet Armenia ruling majority MP: Russian border guards might be deployed in other parts of Tavush Province as well Armenia man arrested for transferring young Ukrainian women to Athens Eurowings flies to Armenia for the first time UN calls on Azerbaijan and Armenia to show restraint again Old man falls from roof during construction works in Yerevan CNN fires 3 employees who weren't vaccinated against COVID-19 Banner for Armenian singer Andre's concert torn in Stepanakert Opposition MP: Armenia was interesting for the world with Artsakh issue, Syunik Province and nuclear power plant Armenia Ombudsman: Azerbaijani military servicemen are deliberately setting fires to lands near Yeraskh (VIDEO) Armenia to also participate in CSTO's "Unbreakable Brotherhood 2021" military exercises Armenia premier introduces newly appointed high-tech industry minister Large fire breaks out at logistics center in Istanbul Erdogan says Turkey will plant 250,000,000 trees in areas affected by forest fires Opposition "Armenia" faction MP: Person holding highest position in country hasn't visited Artsakh since October 2020 China premier congratulates Armenia's Pashinyan Armenia ruling party MP Lena Nazaryan states numbers of Armenian soldiers killed Armenia MOD receives Human Rights Defender Opposition 'Armenia' faction leader on deployment of Russian troops in Voskepar village and defense minister's order Armenia ruling faction rejects opposition's proposal to set up parliamentary committee on Karabakh issue Person who burnt statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Yerevan identified Digest: Azerbaijan shelling Armenian positions, COVID-19 situation in Armenia is tense Karabakh State Minister meets with civil society representatives, agreement reached Armenia MOD: Situation in direction of Yeraskh stable as of 6 p.m. First deputy head of Operative Department of Armenia Armed Forces' General Staff dismissed Greek authorities postpone performances in ancient theaters amid forest fires Armenia MOD: Armenian peacekeeping contingent in Lebanon awarded Man found dead after being stabbed in his house in Armenia's Dzoraghbyur village Earthquake recorded in Armenia-Georgia border zone Karabakh emergency situations service: Searches for remains of Armenian servicemen were fruitless today Azerbaijani soldiers deliberately set fires near Armenian border Opposition 'Armenia' bloc MP: I'm not ready to trust current authorities with solution to Karabakh issue Armenia's new justice minister on restrictions on reporters in parliament, says freedom of speech is not absolute value Armenia deputy emergency situations minister meets with ICRC Delegation Dollar and euro down again in Armenia Armenia opposition faction leader: Setting up standing parliamentary committee on Karabakh is a clear political message Armenia economy minister is sure there will be sharp deflation soon Armenia court rejects attorney's appeal, opposition MP Artur Sargsyan to remain under arrest Armenia MOD: Azerbaijani army opens fire at military positions in Yeraskh area Azerbaijan shelling Armenian positions since Friday noon UN Secretary General: The only guarantee against use of nuclear weapons is their complete destruction Turkish companies build new road to bypass Lachin Insanity grows stronger: Turkey calls on Armenia to abandon aggressive rhetoric and actions US ambassador is in Armenia's Syunik province Phone talks take place between FM of Artsakh and Transnistria Tajikistan President congratulates Nikol Pashinyan on being appointed Armenia premier Pashinyan proposes taxing ads on Facebook and other platforms Changes in Armenian Tax Code: E-service providers will pay VAT Eurasian Development Bank to allocate $ 3 million grant to Armenia to fight COVID-19 Over 70 Democratic congressmen urge Biden to once and for all close Guantanamo Bay Greece is on fire: Thousands of residents flee from wildfire Russian peacekeepers clear 2 hectares of farmland in Nagorno-Karabakh from explosives in day Armenian and Artsakh defense minister's meeting takes place Virgin Galactic plans to start commercial space flights: Ticket price $ 450,000 Beijing accuses Washington of interfering in its internal affairs over decision on Hong Kong 303 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Armenia per day Secret ballot is held to elect Armenian parliament's opposition vice speaker Armenia MOD, Rustam Muradov discuss situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border China seeks to provide 2,000,000,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine to the world Suspect in murder of Kurdish family in Turkey arrested US urges Iran's Raisi to return to talks on nuclear deal Armenia opposition's candidate for deputy parliamentary speaker promises to present talk with PM in detail Russian peacekeepers clear 2 hectares of area of unexploded ordnance in Karabakh's Martuni Military expert on deployment of Russian border guards in Armenia's Voskepar and possible developments Armenia Constitutional Court declares Law on Higher Education and Science and several other laws unconstitutional Armenian Turkologist: Fires in Turkey don't pose a danger to Armenia Republican Party of Armenia vice-president on Pashinyan's behavior at Iranian President-elect's inauguration Armenia MOD orders to destroy Azerbaijani soldiers who attempt to trespass border Turkey's Baykar is leading negotiations with 10 countries to sell combat drones Armenia Armed Forces' General Staff chief awards former head of army department Valery Kocharyan Armenia 1st President hosts Karabakh President Arayik Harutyunyan at his mansion Armenia MOD: Russian border guards are deployed in Voskepar village within scope of cooperation with Russia Armenia PM attends Iranian President-elect's inauguration Armenia MOD: Advisory Board adjunct to defense minister holds session, discusses situation on border with Azerbaijan Yerevan court adjourns hearing over case of Armenia 3rd President and other persons Digest: Pashinyan visits Iran, Mary Hakobyan appointed Ukraines Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Russian MFA: Russia has always paid special attention to cultural-historical heritage issues in Karabakh Situation is tense in Armenia's Zolakar, police continue to apprehend village council's employees Russia MFA on possibility of deployment of Russian border guards on Armenian-Azerbaijani border Second secret ballot for election of last vice-speaker of Armenia parliament to be held tomorrow Karabakh emergency situations service: Remains of another Armenian serviceman removed from Jrakan region Macron, Aliyev discuss regional security issues Azerbaijani and Turkish special detachments conduct joint military exercises in Nakhchivan Russian MFA on possibility of Azerbaijan obtaining status of observer in CSTO Armenia President appoints new commander of Armed Forces' 3rd army corps Armenian NGO president: Ban on entry of journalist in parliament will make Armenia regress in World Press Freedom Index Opposition 'Armenia' faction MP: We discuss our activities with Robert Kocharyan Dollar continues to go up, euro is stable in Armenia Opposition 'Armenia' faction's candidate for deputy parliamentary speaker: I'm not going to ask anyone for anything Ruling party MP: Opposition 'Armenia' faction member Davit Sedrakyan led the vote to failure with his absence Armenia President receives Japan's Ambassador Fukushima Masanori Opposition 'Armenia' faction nominates Ishkhan Saghatelyan for deputy parliamentary speaker for the third time Consul General of Armenia in LA holds remote meeting with Congressman Michael Steele Opposition 'Armenia' bloc's candidate for deputy parliamentary speaker not elected twice Armenian MFA expresses solidarity to Greece in connection with wildfires that engulfed country 2nd secret ballot is held in Armenian parliament on vice-speaker election Mayor of Armenia's Goris to remain in custody 11 people killed in traffic accident with migrants in Texas 329 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Armenia per day Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan today visited the Ministry of Justice and introduced the staff to newly appointed Minister of Justice Karen Andreasyan. Pashinyan thanked ex-minister Rustam Badasyan for his work and congratulated Andreasyan on being appointed minister. He also attached importance to the reforms underway in the justice sector and stated that, at the end of the day, having a sense of the presence of justice is one of the major objectives that the people set forth for the authorities during the revolution that took place in 2018. In the context of the activities of the Ministry of Justice, the head of government attached importance to the introduction of the Patrol Service, in which the Ministry of Justice actively participated and developed the policy for this. Badasyan expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for the support provided to the ministry, congratulated Andreasyan on being appointed minister and wished him success in implementing the reforms that have already been launched. Newly appointed Minister of Justice Karen Andreasyan also expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for the trust and pledged to work with the team of young professionals to make sure justice is served for everyone in Armenia. Summing up, Prime Minister Pashinyan attached importance to the reforms in the justice sector and the judiciary. Our notions and perceptions must also comply with the vision that citizens of Armenia have. What is necessary is consistency. However, we must not forget that the judiciary is large and includes penitentiary procedure, the Compulsory Enforcement Service, etc. The new model of penitentiary service proposed by the ex-minister is very interesting, and we must talk about this in more detail soon, he said. The Civil Contract Partys detachment didnt take part in the military operations during the war that took place in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) in April 2016, but whats important is the message that the political party conveyed. This is what deputy of the Civil Contract faction of the National Assembly of Armenia Hovik Aghazaryan said during todays session of the National Assembly. We immediately sent a signal to the authorities, stating that we, as an opposition force, are ready to make our contribution wherever the military commanders find necessary. We conducted exercises at a military unit for three days, and our detachment headed to the place where it was necessary. We didnt know which specific sector we were going to be in, but the important thing is that we conveyed the message that the radical opposition force is willing to support the government at a crucial moment for our homeland, he stated. Aghazaryan also addressed leader of the opposition Armenia faction Seyran Ohanyan, telling him that Ohanyan had personally granted a medal to him and that the detachment had gone wherever Ohanyan had told it to go. In Aghazaryans opinion, the newly elected parliament will show that it is the best and most effective parliament in the modern history of Armenia since there are many experienced politicians and economists among the members of the opposition. Mayor of Yerevan Hayk Marutyan today hosted representatives of several companies and non-governmental organizations and individuals carrying out activities in various sectors who supported the community during the war in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). The mayor also expressed gratitude for supporting the community during the difficult days of the war, Yerevan Municipality reports. In 2020, while the whole world was combating the pandemic, we Armenians also faced a war. People cant even picture the large amount of work that was done in the rear during those days, and it was made possible through the efforts of several dedicated people who supported the community, citizens of Yerevan and the Armenians of Artsakh who had moved to Yerevan during those days. I am certain that, if necessary, you will support the community again. We need to become strong, get back on our feet and empower the state again, and this can only be done through joint efforts, he said. The mayor granted certificates and letters of appreciation to the organizations and individuals for the support that they showed to Yerevan during the war. Several media representatives today met with Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan to discuss the new decision that the parliament has adopted to set restrictions on the movement of media representatives in the parliament building. According to Armenpress news agency, the journalists, who will be deprived of the opportunity to go up to the lodge of the sessions hall of the National Assembly or move around in the hallways, presented their demands, expressed their views and listened to the parliamentary speaker to understand the reason for the restrictions. The journalists informed that the meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere and that the parliamentary speaker said the need for restrictions is due to security and the organizing of activities. In response, the journalists stated that security needs to be organized properly, but not by obstructing the work of journalists. The mass media representatives who presented the results of the meeting, also stated that Simonyan had asked them for three to four days to explore their observations and promised to hold a broader discussion. President of the USA Joe Biden congratulated Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on the occasion of the victory in the parliamentary elections and formation of the new Cabinet. Armenpress reports that in the congratulatory message addressed to Pashinyan Joe Biden emphasized that the just an transparent elections shows the desire of the Armenian people to have a more democratic, fair and prosperous society, free from corruption. ''During the last 3 years Armenia recorded progress in those spheres. The USA is happy to assist in those efforts, among which are the assistance to the launching of the new patrol service and the formation of independent institutions for the fight against corruption networks. We will continue to be a reliable partner in your efforts to achieve these goals'', Biden said. He stated that he understands the difficult security challenges that emerged in 2020 as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. ''The United States is committed to assisting the parties in negotiating a comprehensive, peaceful settlement under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group. We urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to get involved in substantive talks as soon as possible. The United States was pleased to assist in the efforts to release the Armenian prisoners of war from Azerbaijan, and we will continue to call for the safe return of all prisoners of war. We hope that our progress in this direction with the support of Georgia will be an important basis for further regional cooperation, in supplement to the discussions initiated by the Minsk Group Co-Chairs, Biden said in his congratulatory message. He added that the United States is ready to strengthen cooperation with Armenia based on common democratic values and institutions. "I look forward to working with you and your new Cabinet, to deepen and expand our bilateral relations, the U.S. President said. Appointing Makunts to the position of Ambassador to the United States of America is a bad decision of the Prime Minister, just like his other appointments. This is what publisher and editor of California Courier Harut Sassounian said during a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am. They [the Armenian authorities] recalled an experienced ambassador, Varuzhan Nersisyan from the United States and replaced him with an incompetent and inexperienced person who is one of the close ones of Pashinyan and a member of his political party. This will have very bad consequences for Armenias and the Armenians advocacy. It will also mix up the US-Armenia relations and have a negative impact on the Armenian American community, which is against this appointment, Sassounian stated. Sassounian also informed that the Armenian American community had warned Pashinyan to not take that step months ago. However, as always, Pashinyan doesnt listen to anyones advice and does whatever he wants. We, as patriotic Armenians, are ready to support our ambassador and our government, regardless of who they are. If we want to help Makunts, she also has to have the desire to help us help her. If she has the desire, were ready to support her with our advice and contacts. However, if she doesnt want to hear our advice, we wont give her advice. This reminds me of my 50 years of experience during the past and current administrations of Armenia, Sassounian stated. For Sophia Nealon, saving her sisters life was by far the easiest decision she has ever made. It took a simple swab from me and our entire family to see who had the highest DNA match percentage, said the Osprey, Florida, resident who studies chemistry at the University of Miami. l was a 100 percent match to be my sisters bone marrow transplant donor. When the family traveled to New York City for a younger sisters birthday, it became obvious to them that something was wrong because Kassandra Nealon got sick again. Once back home in Florida, she went to see a doctor and the family got the devastating news. Kassandra Nealon, Sophias older sister and recipient of the life-saving stem cell transplant, was diagnosed with Acute T-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia at 23 years old, after becoming repeatedly ill with flu-type symptoms in late 2019. They told her that she had two liters of fluid on her lungs, which was making regular tasks exhausting, said Nealon. Her doctors originally thought it was lymphoma but after testing her blood count, they shared with us that it was actually a type of leukemia. It was a big shock to everyone. Following the diagnosis, the day-to-day routine of the Nealon family underwent a drastic change, as Kassandra Nealons appointments were located miles away in Tampa. Then the world entered a global pandemic. During this time, Nealon enrolled in her first semester as a University of Miami student, opting to complete the semester remotely. My mom was the only one allowed at my sisters appointments, so it took a lot of coordination, but we figured out a system that worked for uslike staying in Airbnbs for some weekends and utilizing FaceTime to be with her during her chemo and radiation appointments, she said. The type of cancer Nealons sister had is commonly diagnosed in young children and is rare in adults. After so many visits to various doctors offices, Kassandra Nealon noticed that there werent many books explaining the specific cancer that is faced mostly by adolescents. Motivated by her friends and family, Kassandra Nealon felt compelled to create Bye, Bye, Bad Blood, a childrens book that lightheartedly explains the cancer to children and their families. Kassandra Nealon looked to none other than her sister, who draws as a hobby, to illustrate the book. We decided to sell and market the book through Amazon because it would allow us to make the most profit, said Nealon, who had no prior knowledge about self-publishing a book. That profit margin was important to Nealon and her sister because 100 percent of it goes directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to fighting blood cancer in the world. You dont know who youre helping out and how much you can change someones life with your donation, said Nealon, who also encourages the campus community to sign up with BeTheMatch.com to become a stem cell transplant donor. Becoming a donor is super easy and takes seconds of your time. Nealons sister is now in remission. While promoting her book, she is determined to finish her medical school applicationsa process that was abruptly stopped as she battled cancer. Those interested in donating a book to a childrens cancer treatment center or purchasing the book can visit byebyebadblood.com. To learn more about stem cell transplants at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, visit https://umiamihealth.org/en/sylvester-comprehensive-cancer-center/treatments-and-services/hematologic-(blood)-cancers-/bone-marrow-and-stem-cell-transplant. Two women were found dead Monday inside a Las Vegas hotel room near the Strip in what investigators believe was a murder-suicide. The women were discovered by employees at the Palms Casino Resort around 3 p.m., Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Homicide Lt. Ray Spencer told reporters across the street from the hotel. The guests had not checked out Monday, prompting security personnel to visit the room. When they couldn't get in because of the security latch on the door, hotel maintenance employees forced open the door and found the bodies lying on the hotel bed. CALIFORNIA WOMAN INDICTED ON MURDER CHARGE IN DEATH OF SON, 7, FOUND DEAD NEAR LAS VEGAS HIKING TRAIL They are believed to be in their mid-to-late 30s and possibly romantically involved, police said. They were pronounced dead at the scene. Spencer said investigators believe both died from gunshot wounds. Investigators believe the women are residents of the Las Vegas area and died within the past 12 hours of being discovered. "We know that at least one of them was alive as early as 5 a.m.," Spencer said. "From a note that was left in the room, we believe that they are going to be, at least, somewhat romantically involved." Investigators were not sure if both women died at the same time. They are working with hotel security to go through video surveillance footage. Fox News has reached out to the Palms. Arkansas Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said on Tuesday that he wished he hadn't signed a ban on mask mandates into law earlier in the year as the country grapples with a surge of coronavirus cases. In late April, the governor approved a ban on both state and local face covering requirements, which took effect toward the end of July. The law does not forbid businesses from mandating masks and doesn't apply to state-controlled healthcare facilities, prisons, or any entity operated by Arkansas's Division of Youth Services. When asked by a reporter this week whether or not he regretted his decision to sign the legislation, Hutchinson conceded that he thought it wasn't a good idea. JUDGE BLOCKS ARKANSAS LAW BANNING MOST ABORTIONS I signed it for those reasons that our cases were at a low point," he said. "Everything has changed now, and yes, in hindsight, I wish that had not become law, but it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Last Thursday, Hutchinson reimposed a state public health emergency and convened a special session to amend the mask mandate prohibition in a bid to allow more flexibility in public schools. The governor cited a lack of Food and Drug Administration approval for vaccine use on children under the age of 12. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Over the last 14 days, Arkansas has seen a 69% rise in cases, a 52% jump in hospitalizations, and a 246% uptick in deaths. The state has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, as 39% of residents are fully vaccinated, while 47% have received at least one dose. Local governments, businesses, and other entities have rushed to reimpose mask mandates and vaccine retirements in response to a surge in the delta variant. In one of the most drastic moves, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Tuesday that restaurants and gyms will require inoculation documentation in the boroughs as part of the "Key to NYC Pass," which will launch on Aug. 16. Story continues Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, Coronavirus, Face masks, Vaccination Original Author: Jake Dima Original Location: Arkansas GOP governor wishes he didn't OK ban on mask mandates By Tom Allard JAKARTA (Reuters) -Foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have appointed Brunei's second minister for foreign affairs, Erywan Yusof, as special envoy to Myanmar,the group said on Wednesday. Erywan has been tasked with ending violence in Myanmar and opening dialogue between the military rulers and their opponents in the crisis-torn country, according to a communique released after meetings on Monday and Wednesday by the bloc's foreign ministers. Yusof will also oversee a humanitarian aid package, although no details were announced. Instead, the communique called for the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance to start work on "policy guidance". Myanmar's military toppled a democratically elected government six months ago, plunging the country into turmoil as security forces suppressed protests, killing hundreds. The economy has collapsed and a humanitarian crisis worsened in the past month as coronavirus infections surged, overwhelming the health system. The United Nations and many countries, including the United States and China, have urged ASEAN, whose 10 members include Myanmar, to spearhead diplomatic efforts to restore stability. The appointment of an envoy was central to those efforts but was delayed for months amid deep divisions within ASEAN. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met virtually with ASEAN counterparts as part of a series of regional meetings he is taking part in this week, and called on the bloc to take joint action to urge the military to end the violence. He also urged the ministers to push for Myanmar to release all those unjustly detained and restore the countrys path to democracy, a State Department statement said. During a sometimes fractious ASEAN foreign ministers meeting on Monday, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi - who discussed Myanmar while launching a strategic dialogue with the United States in a meeting with Blinken on Tuesday - questioned the Myanmar military government's status in ASEAN as it baulked at Erywan's nomination, diplomats said. Story continues Following further negotiations and Wednesdays unscheduled meeting, the special envoy was confirmed. Indonesia's foreign ministry said the special envoy would start working soon and have "full access to all parties" in Myanmar. Many Myanmar opposition figures, including ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, are detained at home or in prison. The military government's representative also resisted requests from ASEAN members to grant humanitarian workers freedom to deliver aid to areas they believed needed it most, said two sources familiar with the talks. Critics have accused ASEAN of conferring legitimacy on Myanmar's military government by accepting its representatives at meetings. But the Indonesian statement highlighted subtle changes made to the wording in the joint communique so that it "cannot be seen as an acknowledgment of the military junta". The Myanmar government could not be immediately reached for comment. On Sunday, its leader, Min Aung Hlaing, announced he had been appointed prime minister and repeated a pledge to hold elections by 2023. (Reporting by Tom Allard; additional reporting by David Brunnstrom in Washington; Editing by Ed Davies, Simon Cameron-Moore and Steve Orlofsky) Residents of Buckhead, Ga., who are concerned about a spike in crime are working to separate from Atlanta and form a new city with its own police force. Bill White, the Buckhead City Committee CEO, told Fox News he expects 80 percent of his community will vote in favor of the split. We have two bills in the Georgia legislature dropping in January to decide this referendum ballot, White said. We filed our divorce papers at the city of Atlanta, and our divorce is final, he added. While Buckhead was one of Atlantas safest communities, it has not been spared from the citys skyrocketing crime. In May, the Washington Post reported that so far this year the police zone that includes much of Buckhead had experienced a 40 percent increase in homicides, a 39 percent hike in robberies and a 64 percent spike in car thefts. White criticized the policies of Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, saying they have emboldened criminals and left police feeling demoralized, underpaid, [and] under-recognized. They are being told basically not to fight crime in the way they would like to, he said. Morale among officers has suffered and the department has seen a rise in retirements. As of May, the city had 400 fewer officers than the departments authorized force of 2,046. Meanwhile, murders in Atlanta are up 63 percent year-to-date compared to 2020 as of May 29, according to police statistics. In 2020, the city saw a two-decade high of 157 killings. Were going to get a hold of it here in Buckhead, White said. The residents are hoping to form an incorporated municipality called Buckhead City, which would have its own law-enforcement system dedicated to lowering crime rates. Well have our own court. Well have our own judge. Well have our own jail, White said. And we are going to put the smackdown on this crime once and for all here, because the people of Buckhead have had enough. He said the separation would be mutually beneficial for both Atlanta and Buckhead, which is home to roughly 86,000 residents. Story continues A new Buckhead city will do a much better job and will work very well with Atlanta, he added. Were going to help Atlanta. Were going to be two strong cities, prosperous and safe, we pray. More from National Review By Colin Packham and Renju Jose CANBERRA (Reuters) -Australia said on Thursday it will offer redress payments of A$75,000 ($55,000) to some members of its Indigenous population who were forcibly removed from their families as children. More than 100,000 Indigenous children were taken from their families and communities between the early 1900s and about 1970, described by former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as a "great stain on our nation's soul" during a formal apology to the so-called 'Stolen Generation' in 2008. Amid mounting criticism and moves to seek compensation through the courts, Australia said eligible survivors would be entitled to a one-off A$75,000 payment for the harm caused by their forced removal, and a further A$7,000 to support their healing. "This is a long called-for step, recognising the bond between healing, dignity and the health and well-being of members of the Stolen Generations, their families and their communities," said Prime Minister Scott Morrison in parliament on Thursday. "To say formally, not just that we're deeply sorry for what happened, but that we will take responsibility for it." The reparations will cover people who are still alive and were under 18 and removed from their families while living in the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. Most Australian states have their own compensation schemes. Indigenous groups welcomed the payments, but cautioned more work needs to be done. "It's something, but it's not everything. It won't provide that end state of a healed nation, but there is hope," said Fiona Cornfort, CEO of the Healing Foundation, a representative group for some members of the Stolen Generation. The redress payments came as part of Australia's pledge to spend an additional A$1 billion to improve the lives of its Indigenous population. Australia last year said it would reset its policies towards Indigenous Australians after acknowledging a decade of efforts to improve metrics such as life expectancy and education had failed. Story continues Australia's 700,000 Indigenous people track near the bottom of its near 26 million citizens in almost every economic and social indicator. The life expectancy of Indigenous Australians is eight years shorter than for non-Indigenous people and they are over-represented in prison, government statistics show. ($1 = 1.3554 Australian dollars) (Reporting by Renju Jose and Colin Packham; Editing by Karishma Singh) Photograph: Canadian Press/Rex/Shutterstock Lawyers for Meng Wanzhou say American prosecutors acted in bad faith and abused the Canadian justice system when they pursued the Huawei chief financial officer, in final arguments of the telecoms executives closely watched extradition proceedings. In a Vancouver courtroom on Wednesday, Mengs legal team argued that American prosecutors misled the Canadian justice system in their legal summary of the allegations against Meng. Her team says this abuse of process obliges the judge overseeing the case to toss out the extradition request against Meng and set her free. Related: Canada risks being outplayed in feud over citizens jailed in China The long-shot argument is part of a strategy to free the telecoms executive, whose detention has been at the centre of an ongoing feud between the United States and China with Canada caught in the middle. American prosecutors allege that Meng misled bankers at HSBC about Huaweis relationship with SkyCom, putting HSBC at risk of violating American sanctions against Iran. Both she and Huawei have denied the charges. She was detained by Canadian officials at Vancouvers main airport December 2018. Mengs lawyers have previously claimed her rights were breached by comments made by then president Donald Trump, collusion between the two countries to share protected information, and a lack of international jurisdiction. To be successful in their latest strategy, Mengs lawyers must convince a British Columbia judge that American prosecutors misled the Canadian justice system to the extent that it shocks the conscience of the country a legal test stemming from a famous 1987 extradition case. But her team does not have history on its side. According to data from the Canadian government, of the 798 requests made since 2008, only eight have been granted. This is not a trial. This is an extradition procedure under a treaty that is very much geared towards transferring the accused, said Michael Byers, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia. The presumption is that the extradition will move forward and questions over evidence and law will be left to the trial in the United States. Story continues Wednesdays legal salvo marks the second recent attempt by the defence to unspool the case against their client. Last month, associate chief justice Heather Holmes ruled against allowing new evidence in the case, saying the email chains and spreadsheets unearthed by the defence did not expressly support Mengs claim that the US summary of allegations against her were manifestly unreliable. The decision was a major disappointment to Mengs team, which had hoped the the inclusion of new evidence would prove to be a fatal blow against the US claims and would secure her release. Byers likened Mengs legal gambit to throwing a whole lot of spaghetti at the fridge in the form of arguments designed to delay the process for as long as possible. I dont see most of these arguments being taken seriously by the lawyers making them, he said. They seem like a strategy of burning the judge in a whole lot of paper and procedure. The abuse-of-process arguments are expected to last nearly a month, with a decision likely rendered by Holmes in the fall. Even if Meng is unsuccessful in convincing the judge that the Americans acted improperly, it could still be years before the appeals process is fully exhausted. Meanwhile, there have been whispers of a potential deal between the United States and China that could secure Mengs release. While the Americans might opt to fully withdraw the extradition request, Byers suggested the White House might also propose a deferred prosecution agreement, thus allowing the United States to save face while getting Huawei to admit culpability. Once there is a decision from the judge, there may be an opportunity for a political move by the United States, said Byers. Obviously, everyone is interested to see how [Holmes] rules on this. The highly political nature of her case has chilled relations between Canada and China. The detention of two Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, both charged with espionage, is widely seen as retribution for Canadas role in the extradition of Meng. It is obvious that the two Michaels were arrested on trumped-up national security charges days after we fulfilled our extradition treaty responsibilities toward our ally, the United States, prime minister Justin Trudeau told reporters in March. The two have been held in jail in China for nearly 970 days. Meng, however, was granted bail early on in the process and lives in a multi-million dollar mansion in Vancouver. But remarks from the Canadian government could make securing the release of the two men difficult. The biggest mistake the Canadian government made was to explicitly link the detention of the two Michaels to the extradition process involving Meng. They created a situation where the Chinese cannot release the two Michaels now without losing face, said Byers. The fate of the two Michaels is now tied inextricably to that of Meng Wanzhou. (Bloomberg) -- Growing geopolitical tensions and pulled initial public offerings have done little to damp the appetite of Western banks for Hong Kong and China. Standard Chartered Plc Chief Executive Officer Bill Winters was the latest executive in recent weeks to signal a sweeping Chinese government crackdown and rising geopolitical tensions between China and the U.S. wont derail his lenders focus and investment in the region. We dont see a structural or fundamental change in terms of the business opportunities for Standard Chartered, Winters said on a call with reporters Tuesday. Hong Kongs continuing role as a conduit into the Greater Bay Area mean the opportunities for us in corporate banking and wealth management will be very, very substantial. His comments echo that of other firms such as Citigroup Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc and Credit Suisse Group AG, who all used earnings to underline its business as usual in Greater China. That comes despite a wide-ranging crackdown by Beijing on industries from its booming education industry to the technology sector last month as Xi Jinpings Communist Party tightens its grip on the worlds second-largest economy. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has halted initial public offerings of Chinese companies in response. The regulatory push is taking its toll on markets, with Hong Kongs benchmark stock index sliding 15% from a high in February. Chinese technology giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. missed sales estimates for the first time in more than two years in the three months ended in June. International banks have long been bullish on Greater China. Hong Kong has provided growth to international banks as some revenue from their home countries were shaken by the pandemic, while China is viewed by firms as a lucrative area for growth in wealth management. Strongest Region Its easy to see why. At Standard Chartered, Asia was the banks strongest region in the second quarter, with profit up 75% to $1.01 billion, countering declines in Europe and the Americas. HSBC, which is moving several of its most senior executives to Asia, said Monday that risk-weighted assets in the region increased by 6% from the start of the year Story continues Were investing heavily in the market and investing heavily in China and the rest of the region, said HSBC Chief Financial Officer Ewen Stevenson in a Bloomberg Television interview. Were very confident about the long-term macro trends in Hong Kong and the rest of Asia. Citigroups chief financial officer, Mark Mason, said last week that Chinas recent moves to crack down on companies isnt likely to harm the banks business across the Asia-Pacific region. Credit Suisse CEO Thomas Gottstein said that while recent events contribute to a less predictable short-term situation, the firm sees very strong and robust economic development not only in China, but in Asia, that we consider to be very attractive for our business models. Chinas clampdown has even boosted business in the region. HSBC said Monday that the local capital markets had been given a boost by a shift in business from the U.S. The bank said about a quarter of a $35 billion year-on-year increase in customer lending at its wealth and personal banking unit related to short-term loans in Hong Kong was linked to initial public offerings, where clients borrow money to fund their purchase of shares in the latest listings. Hong Kong is the place to be if you want to participate in the Chinese capital markets, Winters said in a Bloomberg Television interview Tuesday. This is the hub of the Chinese capital markets and I dont think theres going to be any change anytime soon. (Adds market details in sixth paragraph.) More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. WARSAW, Poland (AP) Belarusian Olympic sprinter Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who feared for her safety at home after criticizing her coaches on social media, flew into Warsaw on Wednesday night on a humanitarian visa after leaving the Tokyo Olympics, a Polish diplomat confirmed. Deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przydacz said the 24-year-old athlete had arrived in the Polish capital after flying in from Tokyo via Vienna, a route apparently chosen to confuse those who would endanger her safety. In a statement, the diplomat said he wanted to thank all the Polish consular & diplomatic staff involved, who flawlessly planned and secured her safe journey. The plane that she was traveling on from Vienna was directed to a separate airport building in Warsaw used by government officials. Police vans were seen all over the airport. Passengers from the flight told reporters that one young woman was left on board as they exited the plane and were put on buses to the main terminal. Tsimanouskaya later was seen with a top Belarusian dissident in Poland, Pavel Latushko, in a photo taken just after her arrival inside the airport building. We are glad that Kristina Timanovskaya managed to get to Warsaw safely! Latushko said on Twitter, adding he hopes she will be able to return to a New Belarus and continue her career there. In a dramatic weekend standoff at the Tokyo Games, Tsimanouskaya said Belarus team officials tried to force her to fly home early after she criticized them. She urged the International Olympic Committee to look into the dispute and some European countries stepped in to offer assistance. It's not clear what's next for the runner either in her sporting life or her personal one. Before she left Japan, she said she hoped to continue her running career but that safety was her immediate priority. Her husband fled Belarus this week shortly after his wife said she would not be returning, and Poland has also offered him a visa. Story continues We are very happy that she is here safe, said Magnus Brunner, a top Austrian government official, after Tsimanouskaya's plane arrived in Vienna on Wednesday afternoon. But she is scared about her future and about her family. At the Vienna airport, the runner was protected by Austrian police officers, public broadcaster ORF reported, and stayed in the transit area. Tsimanouskaya flew first to Austria instead of directly to Poland on the advice of Polish authorities for security reasons, said Vadim Krivosheyev of the Belarusian Sport Solidarity Foundation. The drama began after Tsimanouskayas criticism of how officials were managing her team set off a massive backlash in state-run media in Belarus, where the government has relentlessly stifled any criticism. The runner said on Instagram that she was put in the 4x400 relay even though she has never raced in the event. She was then barred from competing in the 200 meters. She accused team officials of hustling her to the Tokyo airport but she refused to board a plane home and was protected by Japanese security. The officials made it clear that, upon return home, I would definitely face some form of punishment, Tsimanouskaya told the AP in a videocall from Tokyo on Tuesday. There were also thinly disguised hints that more would await me. The sprinter called on international sports authorities to investigate the situation, who gave the order, who actually took the decision that I cant compete anymore. She suggested possible sanctions against the head coach. Reached by phone, Dzmitry Dauhalionak, the head of Belarus delegation at the Tokyo Olympics, declined to comment. The standoff has drawn more attention to Belarus' uncompromising authoritarian government. When the country was rocked by months of protests following a presidential election that the opposition and the West saw as rigged, authorities responded by arresting some 35,000 people and beating thousands of demonstrators. In recent months the government has orchestrated a strong crackdown on independent media and opposition figures. President Alexander Lukashenko, who led the Belarus National Olympic Committee for almost a quarter century before handing over the job to his son in February, has a keen interest in sports, seeing it as a key element of national prestige. And his government has shown it is willing to go to extreme lengths to target its critics. In May, Belarus authorities diverted a European passenger jet to the capital of Minsk, where they arrested an opposition journalist on board. In the AP interview, Tsimanouskaya expressed concern for her parents, who remain in Belarus. Her husband, Arseni Zdanevich, left for Ukraine shortly after the drama began. Poland has since issued him a humanitarian visa. Amid Tsimanouskaya's rift with team officials, two other Belarusian athletes announced their intention to stay abroad. Heptathlete Yana Maksimava said she and her husband, Andrei Krauchanka, who won silver in the decathlon at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, would remain in Germany. I'm not planning to return home after all the events that happened in Belarus, Maksimava said on Instagram, adding that you can lose not just your freedom but also your life in her homeland. Western leaders have condemned Tsimanouskayas treatment by Belarusian authorities. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken denounced Belarusian officials attempt to force Tsimanouskaya to return to Belarus for exercising free speech as another act of transnational repression. Such actions violate the Olympic spirit, are an affront to basic rights, and cannot be tolerated, Blinken said on Twitter. While Tsimanouskaya said she hoped to continue her sporting career, she could face lengthy procedures if she wants to compete under a different flag. Tomasz Majewski, vice president of the Polish Athletics Association and twice an Olympic gold medalist in the shot put, voiced fears that Tsimanouskaya will lose the best period of her career" if she changes citizenship. These are complicated matters. We know that there will be clear objections from the home team, which will probably make it difficult or even seek the disqualification of the athlete, he said. ___ Follow APs coverage of Belarus at https://apnews.com/hub/belarus ___ Isachenkov reported from Moscow. Associated Press writers Yuras Karmanau in Kyiv, Ukraine; Frank Jordans in Berlin; Alex Schuller in Vienna, and Monika Scislowska and Rafal Niedzielski in Warsaw, Poland, contributed to this report. Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., addresses a sit-in on Capitol Hill on Aug. 3, 2021, after it was announced that the Biden administration will enact a targeted nationwide eviction moratorium. From COVID-19 to the collapse of the economy that followed, the nation has had plenty of disasters for which it was caught unprepared. But the brewing eviction crisis is not one of them. Even as President Joe Biden took the legally questionable step Tuesday of partially reinstating a federal moratorium on evictions that had expired last weekend, the money for months has been there to pay the rent. Congress allocated $25 billion in rental assistance in December and an additional $21.55 billion in March. The problem quite simply has been getting the cash from A to B. Only $3 billion has gone out to renters since states received the first tranche of funds Feb. 10, and there's more than enough blame to go around. That leaves $43.55 billion unspent. Lack of awareness, confusion about aid, how program works The Biden administration and state governments could have done a better and more creative job of making Americans aware of the relief. Even as late as May, more than half of renters and 40% of landlords didn't even know the program existed. And among those aware of the program, there was confusion about how it worked. USA TODAY's opinion newsletter: Get the best insights and analysis delivered to your inbox The federal government took weeks to notify states they could ease back on some of the onerous paperwork the previous administration required to apply for relief. And while it certainly isn't easy for any state to quickly implement a new federal benefit, some seemed to have moved at a glacial pace. Dozens of state and local governments didn't begin disseminating funds until May. Rhode Island, to name one, started issuing relief payments in May, but only to six households. By contrast, Virginia and Texas moved more rapidly, and had doled out tens of millions of dollars by early July. In recent weeks, as a new variant of the coronavirus has caused the pandemic to come roaring back, liberal Democrats have angrily demanded that Biden issue an executive order extending the moratorium on evictions. It was originally issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last year, at a time when the viral outbreak was decimating the economy and nearly 30 million risked losing their homes for lack of rent money. The moratorium was extended several times since. Story continues Biden initially complained that his hands were tied after a majority of the Supreme Court, in responding to a lawsuit by landlords in June, indicated the CDC exceeded its authority and the moratorium must end July 31. But under intense pressure from his party's liberal wing and a plea from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Biden acquiesced Tuesday and the CDC issued a new moratorium through Oct. 3 targeting counties experiencing substantial or high rates of transmission of COVID-19. If that holds up in court, which is open to question, the new eviction ban will allow additional time for rental relief payment to reach tenants. But through all this, the rights of landlords should not be dismissed. They have lost money for nearly a year under the previous moratorium. Forty-one percent of individual rental units are mom-and-pop operations, and many rely on that income to pay their own bills. In Arizona, 11% of landlords have been forced to sell property and 12% have gone out of business, according to an advocacy group. Stakes are high, solution is waiting The bottom line is that this is a crisis with a solution waiting in the wings. Federal and state governments could do a better job of raising awareness of the rental relief program. Biden could talk about it. Alerts could be issued at vaccination sites, or people could be informed about it when they visit food pantries and shelters, or through programs administering Medicaid or food stamps. In communities where the new moratorium doesn't apply, or should it expire or be struck down by the courts, judges handling eviction cases could divert them until landlords and tenants cooperate to seek federal rental assistance certainly the most effective way for property owners to recoup missed payments. The stakes are high. More than a million people fear eviction without a moratorium. Biden stood before a joint session of Congress in April to make the case that government can still get things done for the American public. "We have to prove democracy still works," he said, "that our government still works and we can deliver for our people." This eviction crisis could very well be a crucial test of whether the president's right. USA TODAY's editorial opinions are decided by its Editorial Board, separate from the news staff and the USA TODAY Network. Most editorials are coupled with an Opposing View, a unique USA TODAY feature. To read more editorials, go to the Opinion front page or sign up for the daily Opinion email newsletter. To respond to this editorial, submit a comment to letters@usatoday.com. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: COVID eviction moratorium: Biden and states wasting rental assistance President Joe Biden nominated Wednesday the son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the most prominent figures in Cold War politics, as US ambassador to his ancestral Poland despite reported hesitation by Warsaw's right-wing government. Mark Brzezinski, who will need Senate confirmation, is an investor who served in foreign policy roles in previous Democratic administrations including as ambassador to Sweden under Barack Obama. The nomination had been rumored for weeks and a Polish news site, Onet.pl, reported that the government in Warsaw raised objections by arguing that Brzezinski holds Polish citizenship through his father, making him ineligible to be ambassador. The Polish government denied the account which came as the Biden administration takes a firmer line on democratic values with nations including Poland, whose populist government was closely allied with former president Donald Trump. The State Department has voiced alarm over attempts in Poland to amend a law that would force a US company to sell a stake in a television network, which would allow greater state control over the media. A group of US senators, mostly Democrats but also including the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, in a joint statement Wednesday voiced concern over the "troubling trajectory for Poland's democracy" and warned it would scare off US investment. Mark Brzezinski speaks Polish and studied as a Fulbright Scholar in Poland after the fall of the Iron Curtain, researching the country's constitutional transition. Zbigniew Brzezinski, who died in 2017, was the son of a Polish diplomat who became a naturalized American citizen and one of the leading tacticians during the Cold War. As national security advisor to Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981, the elder Brzezinski pressed for a firm line against the Soviet Union, notably by backing Islamic guerrillas who fought back Moscow's invasion of Afghanistan. Mark is the sister of prominent television journalist Mika Brzezinski, co-host of the MSNBC show "Morning Joe." sct/caw A group of three lawmakers is trying to change a provision in the bipartisan infrastructure package that industry advocates say could create problems for blockchain software developers, cryptocurrency miners, and other parties. Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon and Republican Sens. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming introduced an amendment to the spending package on Wednesday that seeks to alleviate some anxieties in the cryptocurrency industry. The revenue-raising provision would apply new IRS reporting requirements to cryptocurrency brokers, which lawmakers predict would bring about $28 billion in revenue. Crypto proponents feared the original proposal was overly broad and could be interpreted to include not only centralized exchanges but also node operators, developers, and miners. SEC CHIEF ASKS CONGRESS TO HELP REIN IN WILD WEST OF CRYPTOCURRENCIES The new amendment clarifies the definition of brokers does not include any person engaged in the business of validating distributed ledger transactions, those who sell hardware or software that allows a person to control private keys used for accessing cryptocurrencies on a distributed ledger, or those who develop digital assets or their corresponding protocols for use by other persons if the other people are not customers. By clarifying the definition of broker, our amendment will ensure nonfinancial intermediaries like miners, network validators, and other service providers many of whom dont even have the personal-identifying information needed to file a 1099 with the IRS are not subject to the reporting requirements specified in the bipartisan infrastructure package, Toomey said on Wednesday. Wyden said in a statement that investors failing to pay taxes on cryptocurrencies is a real problem and said he strongly supports third-party reporting from exchanges. Still, his amendment clarifies reporting doesnt apply to those developing blockchain technology and wallets. Story continues The cryptocurrency industry will likely react favorably, as it had been lobbying for the bill's language to be honed to avoid the government interpreting the provision too broadly. Greg Zerzan, a shareholder at Jordan Ramis and former acting assistant secretary of the Treasury, told the Washington Examiner the amendment narrows the original language so that the provision isnt used to justify a new, wholesale regulatory regime for the crypto industry. The Toomey/Wyden amendment should limit the danger that the IRS will attempt to subject miners, service providers, and others critical to maintaining the integrity of crypto networks to new reporting requirements, he said. Eloisa Marchesoni, an angel investor and cryptocurrency consultant, told the Washington Examiner that the original version of the provision was tantamount to government surveillance of the cryptocurrency industry and hailed the amendment. This amendment will ensure that the provision does not dramatically expand financial surveillance, harm innovation, or undermine human rights. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills, she said in a statement. The news comes as lawmakers and the Biden administration weigh how best to regulate the burgeoning cryptocurrency industry. This week, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler asserted Congress should give his agency more regulatory power over digital assets. We need additional congressional authorities to prevent transactions, products, and platforms from falling between regulatory cracks, he said. We also need more resources to protect investors in this growing and volatile sector. We stand ready to work closely with Congress, the administration, our fellow regulators, and our partners around the world to close some of these gaps. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Cryptocurrencies are highly reactive to any whiff of new regulation. After Genslers comments, many of the digital assets with the highest market caps were in the red, although they pared some of those losses on Wednesday as Bitcoin rose about 3.5% to $39,500, Ethereum leaped 8.2%, and Ripple climbed 3.4%. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Cryptocurrency, Pat Toomey, Ron Wyden, Congress, Regulation, Taxes, Infrastructure Original Author: Zachary Halaschak Original Location: Bipartisan group of lawmakers offers amendment to fix threat to cryptocurrencies in infrastructure bill BRASILIA (Reuters) -Brazil's incoming presidential chief of staff Ciro Nogueira said on Wednesday the government will relaunch an ambitious social program to fight hunger and poverty ahead of next year's elections. Far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, who swore in Nogueira as his closest aide on Wednesday, said he plans to increase the benefits of the popular Bolsa Familia by at least 50% and rename it Auxilio Brasil. The long-standing cash handout program, first introduced by leftist former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, benefits millions of poor Brazilians, who have faced increased hardship during the coronavirus pandemic. Bolsonaro brought Nogueira, a leader of the center-right Progressive Party, into his cabinet to shore up support in Congress as he prepares for the 2022 presidential election. "His appointment shows that the government wants a better relationship with Congress," the president said. Bolsonaro had kept some distance from Brazil's traditional center parties, that he accused of being corrupt when campaigning for office in 2018. But his popularity has dropped during the world's second-deadliest COVID-19 outbreak that has killed more than 550,000 Brazilians, and he has had to secure the support of those parties to shield himself against impeachment petitions in Congress. A Senate investigation has uncovered potential irregularities in the government's purchase of COVID-19 vaccines. The appointment of Nogueira is expected to make his PP party the main component of any coalition that Bolsonaro will try to build to seek re-election next year. Recent opinion polls show Bolsonaro's popularity plummeting and say he would be defeated handily by left-wing leader Lula if the election were held now. Neither Bolsonaro nor Lula have officially announced they will be candidates. (Reporting by Anthony Boadle; editing by Stephen Eisenhammer and Aurora Ellis) BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazil has had 40,716 new cases of the novel coronavirus reported in the past 24 hours, and 1,175 deaths from COVID-19, the Health Ministry said on Wednesday. The South American country has now registered 20,026,533 cases since the pandemic began, while the official death toll has risen to 559,607, according to ministry data, in the world's third worst outbreak outside the United States and India and its second-deadliest. (Reporting by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Leslie Adler) British Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has been blocked from joining employment networking site LinkedIn, the latest decision among major social media platforms to ban him. A LinkedIn spokesperson said the account belonging to Choudary, who was convicted on terrorism charges in 2016 and once praised the Sept. 11 hijackers as Muslims "carrying out their Islamic responsibility and duty" with the attack, was taken down because the platform doesn't "allow any terrorist organizations or violent extremist groups on our platform." "And we dont allow any individuals who affiliate with such organizations or groups to promote their activities," the company said in a statement. "We enforce those rules to help keep LinkedIn safe, trusted and professional. These rules apply to everyone on LinkedIn and if they are violated, we take action." BIDEN ADMINISTRATION TRANSFERS FIRST DETAINEE OUT OF GUANTANAMO BAY Choudary had already been blocked from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, with a spokesperson for the latter two saying his accounts violated its Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policies. "Under these rules, we ban organizations or individuals that proclaim a violent mission or engage in organized hate or violence," the spokesperson said in a statement. "That was quick, a record, just five days after I set up my account," Choudary told Sky News on July 29 of his ban from Twitter. Choudary asserted he was "quite moderate" in his Twitter posts and that the company did not provide a reason for blocking him. The companies did not immediately disclose whether a particular post led to their actions. He had been posting about his interpretation of the Quran and Sharia before his accounts were deactivated. The Washington Examiner contacted Twitter for comment but did not immediately receive a response. CLICK HERE TOR READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER In July 2016, Choudary was found guilty of providing support to ISIS and was sentenced to five and a half years in prison. He was released in October 2018 and served the rest of his sentence under supervision. Story continues Choudary had been subject to public speaking restrictions as part of his sentence, most of which expired in the last two weeks. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Islamism, sharia, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Social Media Original Author: Jeremy Beaman Original Location: British Islamist preacher banned from multiple social media platforms With the Chinese government accelerating moves against its own tech industry, China is for now prioritizing Communist Party control of the domestic economy over aggressive international competition. Why it matters: China and the U.S. are both playing a long game, with tech as the playing field, companies as the pieces and domination of the global economy as the stakes. Stay on top of the latest market trends and economic insights with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free Driving the news: A state-owned newspaper in China denounced online gaming as "opium for the mind" Tuesday, driving down shares of Tencent and other Chinese firms, the Wall Street Journal reports. "Within hours the article was no longer accessible on the papers website, before later reappearing with some of its harsher language removed," including the "opium" line. But the move is in line with a range of other steps China has taken over the last eight months to rein in its tech sector, from new restrictions on online tutoring firms to limits on firms' overseas investment deals. Catch up quick: China's own "techlash" kicked off in November, when the Chinese government blocked the IPO for Ant Financial, founded by Alibaba billionaire Jack Ma. The move was followed in April by a wave of antitrust actions, including a $2.8 billion fine for Alibaba. Soon after the $73 billion IPO by China's ride-hailing giant, DiDi, government regulators barred its app from app stores. The big picture: Some of these moves were justified on data security grounds, others on behalf of increasing competition. But China experts say the thread that ties them all together is the party's determination to show tech-sector giants and wealthy moguls who's boss. Between the lines: "Disruption" is a byword for U.S. tech entrepreneurs determined to challenge incumbents, but for many in China and certainly for the government it's a dirty word. Story continues Chinese leaders fear instability and see online platforms promoting it in two different ways: Allowing social media platforms to grow independently powerful threatens the ruling party's tight hold on information in any future crisis. Some experts believe the Chinese government worries about U.S.-scale inequality driven by tech entrepreneurs amassing Jeff Bezos-scale private wealth. Yes, but: Other observers suggest that Chinese business and culture has a bias towards manufacturing, hardware and physical goods, and against the kind of immaterial goods created by the software and financial industries. China's role as foundry of the world's tech products gives it a strategic advantage. Its online platforms and software face an uphill challenge with users and partners in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere, who see Chinese companies as untrustworthy, given laws requiring them to share data with the government. TikTok remains China's most successful software export, but its survival in the U.S. during the Trump era hung by a thread. Meanwhile, Chinese companies have come to question the reliability of U.S. partners and suppliers following the Trump administration's broad bans on many of China's leading tech firms. For China today, self-sufficiency looks like a necessity. The bottom line: China seeks continued economic growth and global power. But if that quest ever threatens to spark opposition to the party or enable dissent, the government will always choose stability. Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, right, made no mention of the sexual harassment allegations against his brother, New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, on his top-rated program. (Associated Press) The show went on for CNN host Chris Cuomo on Tuesday, but he did not cover the biggest news story of the day an investigation that found his brother, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, had sexually harassed multiple women while in office. Cuomo made no mention of his brother's escalating scandal on CNN's top-rated program "Cuomo Prime Time" just hours after New York State Atty. Gen. Letitia James issued her devastating report on the governor's behavior. James' report found that Cuomo harassed women inside and outside state government and retaliated against one of his accusers. The nearly five-month investigation, conducted by two outside lawyers who spoke to 179 people, found that the Cuomo administration was a hostile work environment and that it was rife with fear and intimidation." Cuomo denied the findings, saying he never inappropriately touched anyone. He now faces calls from Democratic leaders, including President Biden, to resign. The scandal once again put a spotlight on an ongoing conflict that CNN has navigated since the governor once considered a hero for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic ran into serious trouble. James' investigation confirmed a May 20 Washington Post report that said Chris Cuomo participated in a series of conference calls earlier this year that included the Democratic governors top aide, his communications team, lawyers and outside advisors as Andrew Cuomo faced claims that he made inappropriate comments or touched women without their permission. When the report first broke, CNN acknowledged in a statement that Chris Cuomo participated in the discussions and called it a mistake, as a journalist taking an active role in politics or government is a fundamental breach of ethics. Cuomo apologized to viewers on his program but was never suspended or disciplined. The decision by CNN management to allow Cuomo to appear on "Cuomo Prime Time" on Tuesday surprised and upset some CNN employees, according to one company insider who was not authorized to discuss the matter. Story continues The network covered the scandal extensively on the two programs preceding Cuomo. "Erin Burnett Outfront" spent 22 minutes on the story. "Anderson Cooper 360" devoted 26 minutes to it. Don Lemon went back to the story immediately after Cuomo finished his affectionate handoff to the host. But Cuomo led with COVID-19 vaccine coverage and made no mention of his brother's troubles or the need to recuse himself from the story for the rest of the hour. CNN came under criticism in 2020 for allowing Cuomo to appear on his brother's program during the early months of the pandemic. Since joining CNN in 2013, Chris Cuomo has been banned from covering the governor. But the networks executives made an exception last year as Andrew Cuomo was hailed by the public and press for his daily take-charge press conferences on the states handling of the pandemic. The Cuomo brothers appeared at least a dozen times on Chris Cuomo Tonight last year, mixing discussion of the coronavirus with fraternal banter. Executives believed that the nature of the crisis at the time gave them the latitude to have the two appear together. As a stunt, the brother-to-brother conversations worked as the ratings for Cuomo Prime Time climbed during those appearances. Their last joint appearance in May 2020 had Chris Cuomo wielding a giant cotton test swab while poking fun at the governor. But public opinion on Cuomo began to turn after it was revealed that his office undercounted the number of COVID-19 deaths that occurred in the states nursing homes. CNN again prohibited the Cuomo brothers from appearing together as criticism mounted. Chris Cuomo also came under fire when multiple news outlets reported Wednesday that he was among the people close to the governor who received priority access to testing last March as the pandemic escalated and available testing was scarce. This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. Photograph: Luisa Gonzalez/Reuters Gen Mario Montoya was the star soldier who oversaw the defeat of Latin Americas most powerful insurgency, a US-trained professional hailed for turning around a demoralized army and masterminding a string of brutal strikes against Colombias leftist guerrillas. After taking command of the South American countrys army in 2006, he regularly appeared on television news, the face of a modern military who even spoke the language of human rights. Gen Montoya commanded the army at the height of the conflict, when the military was taking the fight to the guerrillas with unprecedented intensity, said Adam Isacson, director for defence oversight at the Washington Office on Latin America. He seemed like an emblem of a new, more professional, more effective army that worked closely with the United States. Now, however, Montoya is facing murder charges, alleged to have overseen the abduction and execution of up to 104 civilians including five children who were falsely described as rebels to boost statistics, in a scandal known in Colombia as the false positives. Montoyas legacy is very different from what he, and Colombians, had expected it to be in mid-2008, Isacson said. He has since come to be seen as a general who measured success through body counts, and who created an internal climate that tolerated human rights abuses. The office of Colombias attorney general announced on Sunday that charges would be forthcoming, puncturing the now-retired generals aura of invincibility and giving victims hope that light will finally be shed on one of the darkest chapters of the countrys internal conflict. Related: The false positives scandal that felled Colombias military hero The vast majority of the false positive killings took place between 2002 and 2008, when the government of then-president Alvaro Uribe was waging war against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (or Farc), a leftist rebel group which ultimately made peace with the government in 2016. Story continues A special peace tribunal, known as the JEP, found in February that at least 6,402 people were killed as the false positives. Soldiers who carried out the executions were rewarded with perks including time off and promotions, while their superiors used the figures to justify substantial military aid from the United States. Montoya, who Uribe once described as a hero of the homeland, commanded the army during the abuses and was in close contact with his commander in chief. He resigned in 2008, when news of the false positives scandal first broke. One of the victims was Julian Oviedo Monroy, who disappeared in 2008, after being recruited near his home near Bogota with bogus promises of work. His body was eventually found in a mass grave near Colombias eastern border with Venezuela. As one of his victims, I say to Mario Montoya that I want you to face justice, to face the truth, said Blanca Monroy, Julians mother. Im happy that Colombian justice is finally bringing some results, and I hope that he gets charged and pays many years in jail for what hes done. While more than a thousand low and mid-ranking soldiers have been convicted and jailed for their roles in the executions, no general has yet faced serious legal jeopardy. Montoya who is one of the most decorated Colombian military officials alive would be the highest profile official by far. Few prominent figures rushed to Montoyas defence after the attorney generals announcement, though a desultory hashtag on Twitter, #ISupportGeneralMontoya gained some traction. Neither Montoya nor Uribe has made any public comment on the looming charges. But analysts say the charges are more symbolic than practical, given that in 2018 Montoya who has previously denied wrongdoing began cooperating with the JEPs investigation of the extrajudicial killings, precluding him from facing justice in regular courts, at least for now. If Montoya is sentenced by the JEP, he would serve between five and eight years outside a prison and community service, though could face the rest of his life behind bars if his case winds up in regular court. Related: Colombian court accuses soldiers of murdering at least 120 civilians The announcement is important, but its mostly symbolic while Montoya and other generals are before the JEP, said Jose Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. But he will have to fully confess to his crimes to the JEP or he could be expelled from that process and he would have to face the ordinary courts. Whatever happens with Montoya, the looming charges have again cast a spotlight on former president Uribes role in the conflict. Activists led by mothers of victims such as Monroy have used the catchphrase Who gave the order? on murals in cities across Colombia. Montoya drew his power from having a direct line with Uribe, Vivanco said. He was so powerful that Montoya understood he could keep everyone in line that way. California state Sen. John V. Briggs speaks about the defeat of Proposition 6 on Nov. 7, 1978, at a Costa Mesa hotel. (Doug Pizac / Associated Press) Sally Miller Gearharts death is a reminder of an era that seems both terribly remote and shockingly recent. Gearhart was a radical feminist separatist, a communications professor, a Bay Area force of nature, a writer and outspoken gay rights activist. In the 1970s, she published a science-fiction novel about women living apart from men in a rural feminist utopia. In the 1980s, she championed real-life technologies that might allow women to have babies girl babies without the meddling of men. Crackpottery, this newspaper called it. Her death last month at age 90 was also a reminder of the states epic battle over Proposition 6 the so-called Briggs Initiative, which I had mostly forgotten about but in which Gearhart played an outsize role. In 1978, Proposition 6 roiled California, pitting the gay rights movement against the states moralists and fearmongers. The brainchild, if you can call it that, of State Sen. John V. Briggs, an Orange County Republican, the initiative would have made it illegal for gays and lesbians to teach in Californias public schools. Gearhart and Harvey Milk, the San Francisco supervisor assassinated just weeks after the Proposition 6 election, were the co-chairs of the campaign to defeat it. It was a deranged, fear-fueled crusade on the part of the measures proponents. Though it took place only four blink-of-an-eye decades ago, the swirl of hysteria and misinformation suggested something from a previous century. Briggs was inspired to launch the initiative by singer Anita Bryants homophobic Save Our Children campaign a year earlier in Florida's Dade County. Why did California need to ban homosexuals from teaching in its schools? Briggs claimed that 20% to 30% of L.A. teachers were gay and more in San Francisco and that they were all incipient child molesters. He said homosexuality was worse than communism, because it spread like a cancer through society and led to the destruction of civilizations. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times Robert Scheer, he claimed that San Franciscos welfare rolls were growing because homosexuals tend to have more interest in their sexual activities than in working. Story continues Like most people dont? Believe it or not, said Briggs, right now in California, a teacher can stand up in the classroom and say he is homosexual and introduce his wife, Harry, and not a single thing can be done about it. You can write Briggs off as a nut or a Neanderthal, but in fact he represented millions of people in California. In a televised debate, Gearhart asked Briggs why he wanted to remove homosexuals from schools when it is more than overwhelmingly true that it is the heterosexual men that are the child molesters? Briggs tried to brush that off as a myth. But Gearhart cited the FBI, the National Council on Family Relations, the Santa Clara County Child Abuse and Sexual Treatment Center, among others. (Interestingly, Gearhart was cut out of the 2008 film starring Sean Penn as Harvey Milk, and some of her debate lines were apparently rewritten and given to Milk in a case of what some have described as lesbian erasure.) Briggs died recently too, in April 2020, also at age 90. Theres much heated discussion these days on whether people from earlier eras can be forgiven their backward political views because they were just reflecting what everyone believed in their day. But before cutting Briggs too much slack, remember that he wasnt just spouting conventional wisdom; he was leading the pack. In the end, the people of California voted down Proposition 6 by a large majority. Hooray for us. It was probably not the work of Gearhart and Milk that won the day so much as a late-in-the-game statement opposing the ballot measure by a former governor and future president, Ronald Reagan, according to Dudley Clendinen and Adam Nagourney in Out for Good, their history of the gay rights movement in America. Whatever else it is, homosexuality is not a contagious disease like the measles, Reagan wrote in a column in the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner just before the election. Prevailing scientific opinion is that an individuals sexuality is determined at a very early age and that a childs teachers do not really influence this. To me, it remains shocking that 2.8 million Californians voted for Proposition 6 41% of the total votes. Just as 30 years later, millions of Californians a 52% majority, that time voted yes on Proposition 8 to ban same-sex marriage. (A federal judge later threw out that reprehensible law.) It would be nice to think these examples of prejudice and intolerance are now so far behind us that they can be written off as remnants of a bygone unenlightened era. But thats not so clear. These days, California performs better on such tests of acceptance and inclusion. A poll conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California in June, for instance, found that 71% of Californians supported the federal Equality Act, which would provide long overdue civil rights protections to LBGTQ Americans and their families. Yet it was depressing that nearly one in four respondents did not support the bill. Meanwhile, the early battles waged by the likes of John Briggs, Sally Gearhart and others are fading into history. I did stumble across one recent suggestion of, at the very least, karmic justice. In July, Anita Bryants granddaughter said she was planning to wed another woman. She hadnt yet decided whether to invite her grandmother, who is now 81 years old. @Nick_Goldberg This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times. U.S. intelligence officials face bipartisan congressional pressure to explain their use of surveillance powers, following a rebuke from a federal judge and Fox News host Tucker Carlsons high-profile dispute with the National Security Agency. Our institutions are only as good as the American publics confidence in them, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio wrote a top intelligence official, requesting an investigation of Carlsons allegation the NSA violated his privacy. The NSA publicly responded to Mr. Carlsons allegations with a statement on Twitter that frankly only created more questions. Rubio, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, did not dispute the NSAs denial of wrongdoing in Carlsons case. Yet, Rubios request for a formal inquiry into Carlsons complaint coincided with a sharper rebuke of the FBI, which has drawn bipartisan ire due to a federal judges revelation of pervasive misuse of data collected by the NSA. We each share an obligation to protect Americans civil liberties, Indiana Republican Rep. Victoria Spartz and California Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren wrote in a Tuesday letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray. However, the FBI has repeatedly violated the civil liberties of Americans through widespread misuse of Section 702 data. TUCKER CARLSON'S NAME IN NSA INTERCEPTS REVEALED THROUGH 'UNMASKING': REPORT Section 702 is a provision of federal law that allows the NSA to collect the communications of foreign targets overseas without a warrant. That surveillance authority looms over both controversies, as a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge revealed FBI officials have failed to follow the rules designed to prevent the Section 702 program from being used in violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans. The FBIs failure to properly apply its querying standard when searching Section 702-acquired information was more pervasive than was previously believed, the judge wrote in a November 18, 2020, opinion that the Office of the Director of Intelligence published in April. Story continues Carlson, for his part, has accused President Joe Bidens administration of spying on him and planning to leak his plans to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. I wasn't embarrassed about trying to interview Putin. He's obviously newsworthy, Carlson said last month. But still, in this case, I decided to keep it quiet. I figured that any kind of publicity would rattle the Russians and make the interview less likely to happen. But the Biden administration found out anyway, by reading my emails. NSA officials denied that Carlson was a target of surveillance, while his account spurred outside analysts to surmise the U.S. spy agencies tasked with monitoring the communications of Putins associates detected Carlsons interview request a phenomenon known as incidental collection. By law, I should have been identified internally merely as a U.S. journalist or American journalist, Carlson said. But that's not how I was identified. It was identified by name. I was unmasked. Rubio, following Carlsons demand for an explanation from National Intelligence director Avril Haines and NSA Director Paul Nakasone, urged Haines to coordinate with the NSA to launch a formal inquiry into both aspects of the controversy: the initial information gathering and the alleged unmasking. However, the senator did not dispute the NSAs denial and suggested a transparent investigation might clear the air. Our institutions are only as good as the American publics confidence in them, Rubio wrote to Haines. As such, it is essential that the IC under your leadership hold itself to account if misconduct has occurred, and convincingly reassure an American public increasingly attuned to the perception of widespread misconduct where it has not occurred. Spartz, Lofgren, and 15 other House lawmakers took up the FISA court judge's findings rather than Carlson's complaint. They signaled to Wray they are confident the FBI is guilty of misuse of raw Section 702 data, although they did not refer to Carlson. They set a deadline for the FBI chief to schedule a classified briefing on the controversy. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER The FBI has systematically failed to comply with Section 702 restrictions and its own regulations to protect Americans civil liberties, Spartz, the Indiana Republican, said Tuesday in a statement accompanying the release of the Aug. 2 letter. The core function of the government is to protect our constitutional rights, and members of Congress should be briefed by FBI officials regarding the bureaus efforts to remediate this issue. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Foreign Policy, National Security, Tucker Carlson, Russia, Marco Rubio, NSA, Avril Haines Original Author: Joel Gehrke Original Location: Congress pressures US spy agencies as Tucker Carlson feuds with NSA Lauded nationwide last year for his no-nonsense coronavirus briefings, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was clinging to his political life Wednesday as prosecutors opened criminal inquiries into sexual harassment allegations against the powerful Democrat. As Donald Trump sowed chaos last spring, Cuomo's televised pandemic press conferences comforted Americans and even led to clamor for a presidential run, but the 63-year-old now finds himself a political pariah. New York state assembly Democrats are poised to complete an impeachment inquiry soon while four district attorneys are pursuing criminal investigations after Tuesday's bombshell report found Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women. "If you assault a woman, you do something against her will sexually, that's criminal. I think he should be charged," New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, told CBS on Wednesday. The investigation concluded that Cuomo engaged in "unwelcome and non-consensual touching and making numerous comments of a suggestive sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women." It detailed allegations by 11 women that painted "a picture of a pattern of abusive behavior by Cuomo and his senior staff," said state Attorney General Letitia James said, announcing the findings. The three-term governor came out fighting. He said he'd never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances and suggested he would not step down in a pre-recorded statement. But pressure continued to build on Cuomo Wednesday as prosecutors in Manhattan, Westchester, and Long Island joined those in Albany in opening a criminal inquiry and requesting documents from James's investigation, which was only civil in nature. The Westchester case relates to an allegation that Cuomo inappropriately touched a state trooper assigned to his protective detail on her stomach and hip. "I can see a several counts of forcible touching and possibly sexual abuse -- all misdemeanors," Julie Rendelman, a former Brooklyn prosecutor, told AFP. Story continues Cuomo has politics in his blood -- his father Mario Cuomo served three terms as the Democratic governor of New York state between 1983 and 1994 -- and is unlikely to go quietly. He has long been part of the Democratic Party's moderate establishment: in 1990, Cuomo married Kerry Kennedy -- daughter of the late US Attorney General Robert Kennedy. They divorced 15 years later. Cuomo received praise for pushing through the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York in 2011 and for raising the state's minimum wage to $15 in December 2019. But he has increasingly clashed with left-wing progressives in the party in recent years who have long accused him of governing with hectoring, bulldog-like tactics. - Impeachment - Allies, including President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York City's likely next mayor, Eric Adams, quickly deserted him following the explosive report. And on Wednesday The New York Times editorial board called on him to quit. "He wants to survive because the only thing that matters to Andrew Cuomo is being governor of New York," Lincoln Mitchell, a politics expert at Columbia University, told AFP. "But he's going to have a tough time when the President of the United States, who is the leader of your party, says that he should no longer be in office." After Cuomo made it clear he had no plans to step down voluntarily, the Democratic speaker of New York's state assembly, Carl Heastie, said an impeachment investigation would be concluded "as quickly as possible." "He can no longer remain in office," Heastie said. If the lower house assembly approves impeachment articles, which now seems all but certain, Cuomo would become the first New York governor to be impeached in more than a century. Cuomo would likely have to temporarily step down as members of the senate and several judges preside over the trial. At least two thirds of jurors must vote to convict to permanently remove him from office. Although he has not officially announced a run, Cuomo is believed to covet a fourth term as governor, to surpass his father. pdh/ft Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch is seen being escorted from a commissioners court meeting for not wearing a face mask. Twitter/@KenKalthoffNBC5 Dallas County Commissioner JJ Koch refused to wear a face mask during a meeting Tuesday. County Judge Clay Jenkins, a Democrat, subsequently had Koch, a Republican, escorted out of the meeting. Koch said Jenkins was in defiance of the governor's executive order against mask mandates. See more stories on Insider's business page. Dallas County Commissioner JJ Koch was kicked out of a meeting on Tuesday for refusing to wear a face mask, The Dallas Morning News reported. County Judge Clay Jenkins, a Democrat, led the commissioner's court meeting and asked the five commissioners attending to wear face masks due to a local spike in cases, driven by the Delta variant. Koch, the sole Republican at the meeting, was the only commissioner to refuse Jenkins' order, according to KDFW. Jenkins told Koch to put on a face mask or leave the room and attend the meeting virtually, said the Dallas Morning News. When he continued to refuse to mask up, Jenkins ordered a bailiff to remove Koch from the room. The meeting was then delayed by nearly an hour while Koch figured out a way to attend the meeting virtually from his office, reported the Dallas Morning News. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. When he finally rejoined the meeting, Koch complained that Jenkins had violated Gov. Greg Abbott's executive order, which bans mask mandates. But Jenkins argued that he has the power to enforce mask-wearing in his court due to a Texas Supreme Court decision that gives judges the power to protect people in their court rooms. "My enemy is the virus, not each other," Jenkins said in a statement after the meeting, according to the Dallas Morning News. "My actions requiring masks in the courtroom are authorized by the Texas Supreme Court and are intended by me to keep people safe in accordance with the CDC guidelines." Whether Jenkins has that power is a legal gray zone as he is not a judge in the traditional sense. According to NBC Dallas-Fort Worth, in Texas, county government meetings are called commissioners court, but the members of the court are members of the executive and legislative branches, not the judicial branch. Story continues Koch said he's hired a law firm to file a temporary restraining order to stop the court from continuing proceedings without him being there in person, the Dallas Morning News said. He moved to suspend the meeting until a court could rule on that request, but the meeting continued as usual on Tuesday. Insider reached out to Koch and Jenkins for comment on Wednesday but did not immediately receive a response from either. Read the original article on Business Insider (L-R) James Gunn and Martin Scorsese. Getty James Gunn weighed in on Martin Scorsese's 2019 comments that Marvel movies are "not cinema." "That is the only thing that would get him press for his movie," Gunn said. Gunn, who directed DC's "The Suicide Squad," also directs Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" movies. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. James Gunn, who is behind Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy" films as well as DC's upcoming "The Suicide Squad" movie, is never shy about offering his opinion. And that includes giving his take on Martin Scorsese's past comments about the MCU. In a recent interview with the "Happy. Sad. Confused." podcast, Gunn commented on the polarizing quote Scorsese gave while promoting "The Irishman," where he said that Marvel movies are "not cinema." Video: Where Hollywood shoots all its plane scenes "I just think it seems awful cynical that he would keep coming out against Marvel and then that is the only thing that would get him press for his movie," Gunn said to host Josh Horowitz. "He's creating his movie in the shadow of the Marvel films, and so he uses that to get attention for something he wasn't getting as much attention as he wanted for it." However, Gunn added that Scorsese is "one of the greatest filmmakers who's ever existed" and that he agreed with some of what the legendary Oscar winner was pointing out. "There are a lot of heartless, soulless, spectacle films out there that don't reflect what should be happening," Gunn said. "I can't tell you the amount of times I've talked to film directors before they went and made a big movie, and said, 'Hey, we're in this together, let's do something different with these big movies. Let's make them something different than everything that has come before them.' And then see them cater to every single studio whim and be grossed out, frankly." Story continues "Guardians of the Galaxy." Marvel Studios Gunn has been praised for making his "Guardians" movies with a little more edge than the rest of the movies released by Marvel Studios. In 2019, Scorsese told Empire Magazine that though he's tried to watch Marvel movies, they aren't for him. "I tried, you know? But that's not cinema," he said. "Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn't the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being." Scorsese's comments have since led to lots of debate online between cinephiles and comic-book superfans over whether Marvel movies are cinematic. Gunn's comments will certainly reignite that debate. In fact, following the reaction to Gunn's Scorsese comments he tweeted this on Wednesday: Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy 3," which Gunn directed, will be out in May 2023. Read the original article on Insider WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden may have averted a flood of evictions and solved a growing political problem when his administration reinstated a temporary ban on evictions because of the COVID-19 crisis. B ut he left his lawyers with legal arguments that even he acknowledges might not stand up in court. The new eviction moratorium announced Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could run into opposition at the Supreme Court, where one justice in late June warned the administration not to act further without explicit congressional approval. Landlords from Alabama whose bid to lift the earlier pause on evictions failed returned to federal court in Washington late Wednesday, asking for an order that would allow evictions to resume. The administration is counting on differences between the new order, scheduled to last until Oct. 3, and the eviction pause that lapsed over the weekend to bolster its legal case. At the very least, as Biden himself said, the new moratorium will buy some time to protect the estimated 3.6 million Americans who could face eviction from their homes. Some legal scholars who doubt the new eviction ban will stand up say its legal underpinnings are strikingly similar to the old one. Meet the new moratorium, same as the old moratorium! Ilya Somin, a George Mason University law professor who backed Biden over former President Donald Trump last year, wrote on Reason.com. Nicholas Bagley, a University of Michigan law professor, said he expects landlords "all over the country to turn immediately to the courts in an effort to secure a preliminary injunction, an order that would effectively allow evictions to resume. The basic legal issue is whether the CDC has the authority in the midst of a public health crises to impose a pause on evictions, under existing federal law that dates to 1944. U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled in May the CDC exceeded its power under that law, a decision Bagley called measured and sensible. But Friedrich kept her ruling in favor of the Alabama landlords on hold pending appeal. Story continues In June, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to allow the moratorium to remain in place through the end of July, even though one justice in the majority, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote that he believed CDC lacked authority to order it. Extending the moratorium any further, Kavanaugh wrote, would be possible only with clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation). Congress has not acted. Neither the House nor Senate had the votes for a temporary extension, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not so much as hint Tuesday that she would try to move legislation through the House. Today is a day of extraordinary relief. Thanks to the leadership of President Biden, the imminent fear of eviction and being put out on the street has been lifted for countless families across America. Help is Here! Pelosi said in a statement. Biden was told a new nationwide moratorium, like the one that just expired, would likely be blocked by courts, according to a senior White House official who spoke on condition of anonymity. But the administration went ahead without Congress weighing in, after officials devised a plan with enough changes to, they hope, make it less vulnerable to court challenges. White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted Wednesday that Biden, who has a law degree, would not have supported it if he was uncomfortable with the legal standing or approach, despite the doubts he aired publicly a day earlier. This is a narrow, targeted moratorium that is different from the national moratorium. Its not an extension of that, Psaki said. Pelosi helped recruit Harvard University Professor Emeritus Laurence Tribe to work on a solution and persuade the White House that a narrower moratorium could stand up in court, according to a person who was granted anonymity to discuss private conversations. The new order protects renters only in parts of the country where there is significant COVID-19 transmission, though in practice it initially covers areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives. Evictions can resume once there is a lasting reduction in new infections. The differences are significant, some legal scholars said. What this does is very directly link the moratorium to the control of COVID-19, said Emily Benfer, a Wake Forest law professor who studies health and housing. With all the information that is now known about the new delta variant, the war on COVID has changed since last time the question of the moratorium was before the Supreme Court, she said. Brianne Gorod, of the liberal Constitutional Accountability Center, also cautioned against reading too much into Kavanaughs one-paragraph comment on the moratorium from late June. Courts will consider how the spread of the delta variant and its significant transmissibility make clear the need for this more targeted moratorium, Gorod said. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which encompasses Tennessee, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio, ruled in late July in a separate lawsuit that CDC lacks the authority to issue pauses on eviction. And the CDC order itself says it does not apply to the extent its application is prohibited by federal court order. As a result, Barbara Peck, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee state court system, said Wednesday that lawyers for courts in her state had advised that it is not applicable in Tennessee. Some housing advocates said the new system would be complicated but would prevent some evictions. Their clients were grateful for the reprieve. Antoinette Eleby, 42, of Miami, said she had been worried as she expected an eviction order within two to three weeks after she said her landlord twice refused to take federal rental assistance. She had sent five of nine children to live with her mother in another county. But after hearing about the new CDC order, Eleby said she was hopeful the additional time would persuade her landlord to take the federal funds and she could remain her home. She has been told by her lawyer that the order means she cannot be evicted by sheriffs officers. Now that this happened, Im kind of at ease. I am just seeing what are the next steps. I just have to continue hoping for the best, said Eleby, who couldnt work for part of the pandemic after her family contracted COVID-19. ___ Associated Press writers Lisa Mascaro, Darlene Superville in Washington and Michael Casey in Boston contributed to this report. The downfall of Carlos Ghosn made headlines around the world It was a web of intrigue which led to the arrest and subsequent dramatic escape of one of the world's best-known company bosses. The spectacular downfall of the former Nissan chairman Carlos Ghosn in late 2018 made headlines on front pages around the world, as did his audacious escape from Japan more than a year later. Throughout the affair, Ravinder Passi had a grandstand seat. As Nissan's top global lawyer he was a witness to a corporate meltdown that he describes as "the lunatics taking over the asylum". At the time of Carlos Ghosn's arrest, Mr Passi, a 45-year-old British lawyer, was working as Nissan's global general counsel, leading a team of 250 people. He was asked to take part in the investigation into Mr Ghosn's affairs. He says now he has no idea whether or not the former chairman was guilty of the charges he faced in Japan. But he does paint a vivid picture of disharmony and dysfunction within Nissan itself. Nissan's headquarters: Ravinder Passi says his whistleblowing came at considerable personal cost He claims his own efforts to blow the whistle on what he saw as wider wrongdoing within the company had serious personal consequences, leading to his demotion and eventual dismissal from Nissan, as well as a raid on his house by Japanese prosecutors and the end of an eight-year stay in the country. In November 2018, senior executives at Nissan sprung a trap. They lured their jet-setting chairman and his closest associate Greg Kelly to Tokyo for an urgent, high level meeting. When Mr Ghosn arrived at Tokyo's Haneda airport, however, he soon found himself under arrest. He was charged with financial crimes, including failing to report his true earnings. Prosecutors were acting on information provided by Nissan itself, much of it collated by Mr Ghosn's own chief of staff Hari Nada. Mr Ghosn subsequently claimed he was the victim of a plot orchestrated by Mr Nada and the chief executive Hiroto Saikawa, alongside high-ranking government officials. Story continues Mr Ghosn claimed his arrest was to derail a merger between Nissan and partner Renault It was carried out, he said, to derail a planned merger between Nissan and its French partner company Renault, which they feared would give French shareholders too much influence over the Japanese carmaker. That is a charge which Nissan and Mr Saikawa, who has since left the company, have repeatedly denied. Ravinder Passi was one of a handful of people within Nissan who knew about the planned arrests beforehand. But even at this early stage, he says, he had deep misgivings about the process. "I was called into Hari Nada's officeand told there was going to be a dramatic arrest. Arranged for maximum publicity," he explains. "When you lie to someone, to get them back into a particular jurisdiction, so that you can have them arrested in a very public manner, that says a lot about what's going on." Carlos Ghosn was awaiting trial in Japan when he fled house arrest in Tokyo Chief of staff Hari Nada, he says, had already reached a plea deal with prosecutors, providing them with information to use against Mr Ghosn, in return for immunity over his own involvement. The deal was necessary because Mr Nada had himself been involved in drawing up the very financial arrangements which prosecutors claimed were illegal, and which had provided grounds for Mr Ghosn's arrest. For Mr Passi this was a serious problem: "The alarm bells were going off straight away. Anyone who is involved in the underlying activity is supposed to be excluded from the investigation - not put in charge of it." As the story unfolded, more unusual things began to happen. There were extensive leaks to the media which he says "cast Ghosn in a particular light and was in favour of Nissan". This information, he claims, was coming directly from the CEO's office, which Mr Nada was in charge of - and some of it was "highly classified". Other concerns emerged from the investigation itself - which implicated not only Mr Nada, but the CEO himself in serious conflicts of interest. These included the fact that Mr Saikawa had himself had signed documents relating to the very pay arrangements later said to be illegal, something which Mr Saikawa later admitted in court. Ravinder Passi, his wife Sonia, and their four children were ordered to leave Japan within a matter of days Uncovering these issues made Ravinder Passi worried for his own safety. Having witnessed the way in which - in his view - two foreign executives had been lured to Japan, arrested in a public manner and incarcerated, he was concerned about the treatment he himself would receive if he spoke out. Nevertheless, unable by now to "defend the indefensible", Mr Passi says he first wrote to the head of Nissan's audit committee, then contacted the company's independent directors. No action was taken and instead there followed a period of what Mr Passi describes as "gaslighting" by the company. He was removed from the Ghosn investigation and relieved of most of his duties. Feuding and bloodletting in the Nissan boardroom did not end with the arrest of Carlos Ghosn. Several foreign executives departed abruptly, including chief performance officer Jose Munoz, a key Ghosn ally. Then in September 2019, CEO Hiroto Saikawa himself was ousted - after admitting that he had been improperly overpaid. But the changes at the top didn't reduce the pressure on the would-be whistleblower. In May 2020 Ravinder Passi was ordered by Nissan to leave Japan in a matter of days. And as he prepared to leave, there was a raid on his house, carried out by Nissan staff and court officials, with police standing by. The raid, carried out in front of his wife Sonia and their four young girls, was to retrieve a laptop computer and phone belonging to the company. The computer, he says, contained evidence of "inappropriate and egregious" behaviour by Nissan executives. Ravinder Passi is no longer employed by Nissan. He was removed from his high-ranking post in Japan last year, and sent to work in the UK. Having previously led a team of 250 people, he found himself working alongside just two others. He was fired not long afterwards - and has since taken Nissan to an employment tribunal, claiming unfair dismissal. Nissan, which still employs Hari Nada, declined to answer a list of questions from the BBC regarding Mr Passi's allegations, on the grounds that it does not comment on ongoing litigation. The company has, however, stressed that its internal investigation into Carlos Ghosn was "robust and thorough". It says "substantial and convincing" evidence was found which established that Mr Ghosn "intentionally committed serious misconduct and significant violations of corporate ethics". Nissan CEO Hiroto Saikawa was ousted in 2019 - after admitting he had been improperly overpaid The carmaker has also pointed out that it has "strengthened its governance structure by making it more independent and transparent", and has also strengthened its internal audit procedures. Looking back, Ravinder Passi describes his experiences at Nissan as "kind of surreal". And he says he still finds the whole affair puzzling. After all, he points out, companies do dispose of senior executives on a regular basis. But rarely does that happen in the "contrived, theatrical" way that the company got rid of its one-time boardroom superstar, Carlos Ghosn. The claim: A serial killer is targeting women in Atlanta Misinformation is spreading online about a purported serial killer targeting women in Atlanta, where police are investigating two separate slayings of parkgoers. A July 31 Facebook post with more than 600 shares urges women to be cautious of their surroundings, claiming there is a "leak" from the Norcross Police Department in Georgia about an active serial killer. "You've all heard about the Piedmont park murder surely, but now FBI is stepping in on this case pointing to the possibility of a serial being on the loose in ATL and surrounding areas," reads the text inside of a screenshot included in the post. "Crime in Atl is not uncommon, but these are." The post continues on to claim that a Norcross police officer said a female body was found dismembered in the Atlanta suburb, citing an unnamed source. Over the past few days, other users across Facebook have shared similar versions of the claim, prompting local authorities to dispute the inaccurate information. Fact check: Image falsely claims to show world's first ambulance USA TODAY reached out to Facebook users who shared the claim for comment. Police refute the rumors The Atlanta Police Department issued a statement on July 30 saying there have been "many rumors and much speculation" surrounding a recent slaying. Katherine Janness, 40, was found stabbed to death July 28 at about 1 a.m. in Piedmont Park in Atlanta, where she had been walking her dog. On the same day, police found 18-year-old Tori Lang shot to death in Yellow River Park in Gwinnett County, about 20 miles from Piedmont Park. Authorities say there is no evidence the two killings are related. "Detectives have found no connection between the Piedmont Park case and the Yellow River Park case," Cpl. Ryan Winderweedle of the Gwinnett Police Department told USA TODAY via email. At an Aug. 3 news conference, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said there is no evidence the death of Janness was committed by a serial killer or that it was a hate crime. Story continues Meanwhile, Norcross Police Chief Bill Grogan told USA TODAY claims that a female body was found dismembered in the city "are only rumors, and there is no validity to them." The FBI isn't providing details about its involvement in the Piedmont Park case, but Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution the department asked the agency to get involved to add resources. Fact check: Viral photo of beachgoer wearing face mask is altered This is not the first time an isolated incident or the FBI's participation in a murder case has sparked false claims on social media of an active serial killer. USA TODAY has debunked claims about serial killers in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Our rating: False The claim that a serial killer in the Atlanta area is targeting women is FALSE, based on our research. Atlanta police said there is no evidence that two recent deaths are connected. Norcross police said they are not investigating a killing in that city. Our fact-check sources: Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app, or electronic newspaper replica here. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Fact check: Posts make false claims of active serial killer in Atlanta WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is aiming to give full approval for the Pfizer COVID vaccine by early September, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing people involved in the effort. The FDA gave emergency use authorization to the Pfizer vaccine late last year. Full approval by the FDA could push more Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine as it might reduce their fears about the safety of the shot. The agency's unofficial deadline for the approval is the Sept. 6 Labor Day holiday, the Times said. President Joe Biden said last week he expected the FDA to make the decision by early fall. The FDA said in a statement on Friday that the agency is moving as rapidly as possible on the Pfizer application. The spread of the highly contagious coronavirus Delta variant has fueled a new surge in infections, with the CDC reporting rising numbers of cases in nearly 90% of U.S. jurisdictions. (Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Sandra Maler and Stephen Coates) A fish with human-looking teeth is startling some people after it was caught off the Outer Banks. Jennettes Pier in North Carolina said Nathan Martin reeled in a 9-pound fish that looks like its wearing dentures. A photo shows the aquatic animal, called a sheepshead, had teeth on the bottom and top of its mouth. #bigteethbigtimes, Jennettes Pier, a landmark that juts 1,000 feet into the Atlantic Ocean, wrote Tuesday on Facebook. The post from the fishing destination in Nags Head surprised many social media users and left others creeped out. Omg thats crazy I would drop and run, one person commented on the photo. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Nah, another Facebook user wrote. Im not that hungry, thanks. Other social media users found some humor in the catch, even going as far as recommending a dentist. I know a good Dentist on the Island, one person wrote. Another commented: Whos missing their dentures? It turns out, the sheepsheads teeth allow them to be omnivores, just like humans, according to a Scientific American blog post from 2013. The fish can be eaten and weigh between 5 and 15 pounds. They are generally found year-round in North Carolinas coastal waters ranging from inshore brackish waters to offshore rocky bottom, the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality said on its website. Martin didnt immediately respond to McClatchy News requests for comment on Wednesday. FORT LAUDEREDALE, Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis, facing the Florida surge in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, delivered extraordinary and impassioned remarks on the issue Wednesday attacking President Joe Biden. This is a guy who ran for president saying he was going to quote shut down the virus. And what has he done? Hes imported more virus from around the world, by having a wide open southern border, he said. DeSantis offered no evidence to support the claim. The governor concluded his 4 1/2-minute broadside with this message to the president: So why dont you do your job? Why dont you get this border secure, and until you do that, I dont want to hear a blip about COVID from you. Thank you. Responding on Twitter, White House press secretary Jen Psaki wrote that 23% of new COVID hospitalizations in the U.S are in Florida, and their hospitals are being overwhelmed again. We are doing everything we can to help the people of FL, and theyre stepping up by getting vaccinated we hope @GovRonDeSantis joins us in this fight. DeSantis portrayed himself as the leader who is standing up for individual freedom against what he depicted as a malevolent, big-government Biden. He made a litany of accusations against the president, many of them amped-up versions of what Biden or his administration has said and done that have an element of truth but DeSantis depicted as ineptitude, incompetence or malice. The question is we can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state, DeSantis asserted. And I can tell you, Florida, were a free state. People are going to be free to choose to make their own decisions about themselves, about their families, about their kids education and about putting food on the table. ... Let me tell you this: If youre coming after the rights of parents in Florida, Im standing in your way. Im not going to let you get away with it. DeSantis made multiple assertions in Panama City after he announced awarding of government money aimed at continuing recovery efforts from Hurricane Michael, then departed without answering questions. The audience cheered. Earlier Wednesday, DeSantis held a virtual roundtable with hospital executives from across the state, several of whom praised his leadership. Story continues In Panama City, DeSantis claimed that the Biden administration is helping to facilitate (the spread of COVID-19) in our country, by doing nothing to stop the flow of people from around the world and who knows what new variants at the southern border and sending them throughout the U.S. Republican politicians often talk about a threat from immigrants at the border to energize their political base. Most people trying to cross at the Mexican border are being turned away, according to PolitiFact. And what is his big solution? What is he so upset about Florida? His solution is he wants to have the government to force kindergartners to wear masks in school. He doesnt believe the parents should have a say in that. He thinks that should be a decision for the government. Well, I can tell you, in Florida the parents are going to be the ones in charge of that decision, DeSantis said. DeSantis portrayed the idea of requiring masks for schoolchildren those under age 12 cant be vaccinated as some sort of Biden-big government effort to interfere with the rights of parents. Though DeSantis opposes, and has vowed to block, schools from requiring masks, there is broad public support for mandating masks for children when classes start later this month. Several Florida school boards want to require masks. A St. Pete Polls survey, conducted for the Florida Politics website and released Tuesday, said 62% of likely voters believe schools should require students to wear masks. DeSantis is going around saying he wants to protect Florida parents freedom to not require masks in schools as Covid cases are spiking in FL risking our economy and our health. The truth is if the DeSantis had done his job right from Day 1, we wouldnt be in this situation, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist wrote on Twitter. Earlier Wednesday, Crist held his own virtual roundtable, addressing a safe return to school during the pandemic. DeSantis also claimed Biden rejects science because he denies the fact that people that recover from COVID have long-lasting immunity. Recent studies, however, have shown that post-infection immunity is not as long-lasting and strong as vaccinations. DeSantis comments were a response to what Biden said Tuesday. The president criticized DeSantis and Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, both of whom have blocked mask mandates even as coronavirus is surging in their states. If youre not going to help, at least get out of the way of people trying to do the right thing, Biden said. Also on Tuesday, a reporter asked Biden why he doesnt call DeSantis. To say happy birthday? What? the president said. Biden said Tuesday he supported New York Citys move to require proof of vaccination for activities including eating indoors at restaurants, going to gyms and attending Broadway shows. DeSantis take: So his vision is, just like in New York City, restaurants should ban young kids from being able to go in because theyre not eligible for vaccination, and law-abiding citizens have to produce proof of their medical records just to go to the gym or attend an event or just to participate in everyday society, he wants that. Thats not accurate; New York Citys program wouldnt apply to children who are ineligible for vaccination. DeSantis continued, arguing that it is hypocritical to support such a vaccine passport during the pandemic while not supporting some state requirements that people show picture identification to vote. So no voter ID, but have to show your medical papers just to able to live an everyday life. Give me a break. Just five weeks ago, Biden and DeSantis were publicly cooperating in the aftermath of the Surfside condominium collapse, with the president providing federal assistance and the governor welcoming it. The two appeared side by side on July 1. But the comity hasnt continued. With Florida emerging as the nations coronavirus leader, Democrats have re-intensified their criticism of the Republican governor who has staked the physical and economic health of Florida on a platform of minimizing government mandates during the pandemic. DeSantis is facing reelection in 2022, a prelude to a widely anticipated candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. Tuesdays St. Pete Polls survey found DeSantis was effectively tied with Crist and faring only slightly better than the other leading Democratic candidate, Nikki Fried. In a Twitter post after DeSantis spoke in Panama City, Fried pointed to one positive development amid the surge: More Floridians are getting vaccinated. Let DeSantis keep whining, because we are winning. More and more Floridians are getting vaccinated. (Orlando Sentinel staff writer Steven Lemongello contributed to this report.) Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks during a news conference at West Miami Middle School in Miami (AP) Floridas governor is sounding off about President Joe Bidens criticism of his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, even as his state is shattering hospitalisation records. Ron DeSantis responded to several comments from both Mr Biden and members of the White House press team, who have aimed criticism at his state and others where rates of Covid-19 are surging and vaccination rates are low. "Joe Biden has taken to himself to single out Florida over Covid-19, Mr DeSantis claimed at a news conference, according to local media. Joining a chorus of Republicans who have sought to link higher migration levels at the US-Mexico border to a surge of new infections, despite being nowhere near it, Mr DeSantis declared: "I don't want to hear a blip about Covid" from the president until he "gets the border secure. His comments come as Florida on Wednesday broke its record for hospitalisations related to Covid-19 for the fourth day in a row. The number of new Covid-19 cases slightly dropped, but single-day totals remain far higher than previous waves endured by the state. More than 12,000 people were hospitalised in Florida with Covid-19 as of Wednesday, threatening the states hospital systems with an overwhelming number of patients. In some states, hospitals are once again beginning to cancel elective procedures in efforts to divert resources to Covid-19 care. President Joe Biden addressed Floridas situation directly during a national address detailing the nations fight against Covid-19 on Tuesday, while he and other administration officials have urges state leaders who they say are not helping end the pandemic to get out of the way. "Florida and Texas account for one-third of all new Covid-19 cases in the entire country. Just two states. Look, we need leadership from everyone. If some governors aren't willing to do the right thing to beat this pandemic, they should allow businesses and universities who want to do the right thing to be able to do it, said Mr Biden during his address, before adding to Mr DeSantis and Texas Gov Gregg Abbott without naming them: "I say to these governors: please help. If you aren't going to help, please get out of the way of the people who are trying to do the right thing. Mr DeSantis responded on Wednesday by doubling down on his support for stopping school districts from implementing mask mandates for students. "If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. If you're trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I'm gonna stand in your way and stand up for the kids in Florida. If you're trying to restrict people and impose mandates and ruin their jobs and livelihood, if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way. I am standing for the people of Florida, said the governor. A passenger on a Frontier Airlines flight to Miami as he punches a male flight attendant. Sam Sweeney/Twitter A Frontier Airlines passenger was taped to hit seat after he was accused of abusing the flight crew. The airline said the crew members would be suspended as an investigation took place. It later clarified that it supports the crew and they would be on paid leave. See more stories on Insider's business page. Frontier Airlines says it supports the members of a flight crew that duct-taped who was accused of being abusive to a seat. It is an apparent change of stance after the airline earlier said the crewmembers had been suspended. A passenger on a flight from Philadelphia to Miami on Saturday punched a male flight attendant, touched female crewmembers, shouted obscenities, and took his shirt off mid-flight, police said, as Insider's Avery Hartmans previously reported. The airline told CNN after the flight that the crew would be suspended. It said they "will be, as required in such circumstances, relieved of flying pending completion of an investigation." But spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz then said in a statement to CNN that it supports the crew and they will be on paid leave. "Frontier Airlines maintains the utmost value, respect, concern and support for all of our flight attendants, including those who were assaulted on this flight," she said. "We are supporting the needs of these team members and are working with law enforcement to fully support the prosecution of the passenger involved. Philadelphia's ABC affiliate reported that 22-year-old Maxwell Berry was arrested after the flight. Read the original article on Business Insider A Frontier Airlines passenger was arrested for allegedly groping the breasts of two attendants and punching a third before being taped to his seat for the remainder of his flight from Philadelphia to Miami, per multiple reports. The big picture: It's been an unprecedented year for reports of unruly and violent airline passengers, with the Federal Aviation Administration dealing with hundreds of cases despite announcing in January a new "zero tolerance" policy. Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free. Many involve passengers who refuse to comply with pandemic face mask guidelines, but many others concern incidents of violence. The Association of Flight Attendants said in a statement that this latest incident involving a "drunk and irate passenger" who "verbally, physically, and sexually assaulted multiple members of the crew" was "one of the worst examples" of what flight attendants have faced in the past year. Details: Miami-Dade County Police Department charged Maxwell Berry, 22, with three counts of battery following the incident on Saturday night. Frontier Airlines initially released a statement on Tuesday saying the flight attendants would be "relieved of flying" while the incident was investigated, per the New York Times. But the Association of Flight Attendants accused the airline of suspending the crew as "a knee-jerk reaction to a short video clip." What they're saying: Frontier said in an emailed statement Tuesday night that it "maintains the utmost value, respect, concern and support for all of our flight attendants, including those who were assaulted on this flight." "We are supporting the needs of these team members and are working with law enforcement to fully support the prosecution of the passenger involved," the statement added. "The inflight crew members current paid leave status is in line with an event of this nature pending an investigation." Go deeper: In-flight tensions at historic high More from Axios: Sign up to get the latest market trends with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free Startups are getting close to being able to sell cultivated seafood products that have been grown from fish cells in a lab-like facility, rather than caught in the wild or farmed. Why it matters: Developing cultivated animal protein that could compete with conventional products is a promising way for people to eat what they want without killing animals or damaging the planet. Get market news worthy of your time with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free. But cultivated seafood could also help alleviate the conservation pressure on wild fish caused by overfishing. What's happening: Last week I had the chance to try a few pieces of cultivated salmon sashimi and sushi from the startup Wild Type, which says it is close to being able to commercially produce salmon grown from fish cells in its San Francisco facility. The verdict: I give it a solid B+ not at the level of the best sushi I've ever had (that would be Sushi no Midori in Tokyo; high recommend, especially if you have a corporate expense account) but much better than your average weekday takeout restaurant. In appearance, taste and mouthfeel, the cultivated salmon served to me was indistinguishable from fish that had been caught in the ocean or raised on a farm. What they're saying: "This is sustainable seafood that is within reach," says Justin Kolbeck, Wildtype's co-founder and CEO. "And the long-term goal is to make it even cheaper than conventional salmon." How it works: Like other cultivated animal protein which you may also know as "lab-grown," though the industry is trying to discourage the term Wildtype's salmon started as a ball of cells harmlessly taken from a live fish egg. And that's it for live fish in the process. "After we developed these cell lines, we haven't looked at a fish," says Wildtype co-founder Arye Elfenbein. That was followed by years of scientific work to determine what mix of nutrients and environmental cues were needed to coax the base cells into the mix of muscle, fat and connective tissue a finished product needs. "The second part is creating a plant-based scaffold, essentially a mesh for the cells to grow within," says Elfenbein. The end result isn't a live fish but what looks like a block of edible salmon fillet. The catch: Cultivated seafood and cultivated animal protein more generally hasn't yet been approved for commercial consumption, though Kolbeck says Wildtype is in "productive discussions" with the FDA. Story continues Another barrier is price. Kolbeck estimates that it costs Wildtype about $25 to produce the eight pieces of sushi I ate. That's more than you'd pay for conventional fish, but Kolbeck expects the price to drop "significantly" as the company scales up. Yes, but: Unlike cultivated beef or chicken which have to compete with ultra-cheap conventional options cultivated seafood faces a future where, thanks to overfishing and climate change, the price of much conventional seafood is likely "only going to increase," says Kolbeck. That gives a conservation spin to cultivated seafood. While we're in no danger of running out of chickens or cattle there are currently about 23 billion and 1.4 billion, respectively global wild fish stocks are under severe pressure. "We're just at the very beginning of a story that will be the next gigantic level of the climate crisis," says Kolbeck. "It's just a downward slope for wild fish." By the numbers: Cultivated protein companies raised $366 million in funding in 2020, and other startups like BlueNalu in San Diego, which makes cultivated fish, and Shiok Meats, which makes cultivated shrimp are competing in the seafood space. A recent study found that 80% of consumers in the U.S. and U.K. were at least somewhat willing to try cultivated animal protein, with younger generations markedly more open. What to watch: Wildtype will be opening up a sushi bar at its San Francisco pilot plant in the fall, where visitors will be able to try the product and tour the facility. The bottom line: If there is going to be fish on our plates in the future, much of it will likely need to be cultivated. More from Axios: Sign up to get the latest market trends with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgian police said on Wednesday they were searching for the killer of an Australian woman whose body was found in the woods outside Tbilisi late last week. The woman, who went missing on Friday, had been walking in the hills outside Tbilisi when she made a phone call in distress to a friend, who notified the police. On Saturday police said they had found the body of a foreign citizen after several hours of intensive searches and that a criminal investigation had been launched. Police told Reuters that the woman, who worked as an English teacher, had been attacked. They have not publicly named her. As part of the investigation, police have searched the woman's house and spoken to her neighbours and friends. Georgia's Mtavari TV showed footage of police carrying a body out of the woods at night, sealing off the scene and searching for evidence among trees and bushes. (Reporting by David Chkhikvishvili; Writing by Alexander Marrow, Editing by William Maclean) BERLIN (Reuters) - German police have detained a Syrian man in Berlin suspected of firing a grenade into a crowd of civilians at a refugee camp near Damascus in 2014, prosecutors said on Wednesday. The man, identified as Mouafak Al D., according to German reporting custom, is accused of war crimes in Syria, fighting for a militia on behalf of President Bashar al-Assads forces, the prosecutors said. The civilians at the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, south of Damascus, were part of a crowd waiting for food aid when a man fired at them from an anti-tank weapon, killing seven and severely wounding three, including a six-year-old child, the authorities said. Mouafak Al D. is suspected of being a member of the Free Palestine Movement, an armed militia fighting on behalf of the Syrian government, the prosecutors said. The camp, once the largest in Syria for Palestinian refugees, was under siege by the government army and its allied militias from 2013 until 2018 when the army recaptured it from Islamist militants. Mouafak Al D. will appear on Wednesday before the investigating judge of the Federal Court of Justice which will decide on his pre-trial detention, the prosecutor added. Germany has "universal jurisdiction" laws that allow it to prosecute people for crimes against humanity committed anywhere in the world. A German court in February convicted and sentenced a former member of al-Assads security services to 4-1/2 years in prison for abetting the torture of civilians, the first such verdict for crimes against humanity in the 11-year-old Syrian civil war. (Reporting by Riham Alkousaa; Editing by Nick Macfie) A Kentucky man reportedly told investigators that God instructed him to burn down his house and flee Kentucky. Charles E. Mullins now faces arson charges for turning on the oven burners in his kitchen, pouring gas around his Hebron home, then setting it afire with a burning piece of paper, the Boone County Sheriffs office said. When he met first responders at the end of his driveway, the 65-year-old alleged fire-starter is said to have told them what happened shortly before 3:30 a.m. Tuesday. Mullins home sits in a wooded area near businesses and another home. No one was hurt, but Mullins bond was set at $25,000. Police say one else was in the home when the fire started. Two North Carolina men already jailed for the rape of a South Beach tourist who died of an overdose during spring break now also face first-degree murder charges. A Miami-Dade grand jury indicted the men on Wednesday and added a separate first-degree murder charge against one of the defendants for the death of another man three days later, also on South Beach and over the same spring break holiday. Both tourists were killed state prosecutors argued and the grand jury concluded from overdosing on the powerful and too-often-fatal opioid, fentanyl. The grand jury found Evoire Collier and Dorian Taylor responsible for the fentanyl-induced death of Christine Englehardt, 24, of Pennsylvania. They already were accused of raping her and stealing credit cards. Grand jurors also found that Taylor sold the same deadly opioid ingested by Englehardt to Walter Riley, 21, from Chicago. He died two days after Englehardt. Law enforcement sources said Riley believed he was buying Percocet, a common pain pill often used after dental surgery, from Taylor, but it instead turned out to be fentanyl. Riley was found unconscious on Washington Avenue and was taken to Mt. Sinai Medical Center, where he later died. A three-page grand jury report found that Collier and Taylor killed Englehardt while committing sexual battery and burglary that resulted from the unlawful distribution of fentanyl. It found Riley died the same way, on drugs supplied by Taylor. It also said they unlawfully entered Englehardts hotel room and sexually assaulted her without consent. After stealing her credit cards, the grand jury found both men used them illegally to make purchases at SOBE Liquors and the Sugar Factory. Colliers attorney Phil Reizenstein said he was stunned by the grand jurys indictment. He said the medical examiner found Englehardt had ingested so many different drugs that it was near impossible to pin down the one that caused her death. I think theyre going to regret doing this, said Reizenstein. I think by the time Im finished with them, theyre never going to be able to say she died of this. Story continues Taylors attorney Liesbeth Boot couldnt be reached. First-degree murder charges in Miami-Dade County can only be passed down by a grand jury. Both Collier and Taylor remained at Metro West correctional center on Tuesday. Defendants facing a murder charge are automatically denied bond. Both men were arrested March 23, five days after Englehardt was found unresponsive inside her room at the Albion Hotel. Surveillance video caught the men entering the hotel, then leaving. They were initially charged with sexual battery, burglary with battery, credit card fraud and petty theft. Riley died on March 20. Collier and Taylor pleaded not guilty to the initial charges. Englehardts death and the ensuing arrests shone yet another blistering and unwanted spotlight on South Beach, which had been dealing with unruly crowds and a heavy-handed response from police. Colliers arrest report said he confessed to giving Englehardt a green pill and claimed they sexually assaulted her in the hotel room even as she lay unconscious, before stealing her cellphone and credit cards. Almost a month ago, the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner determined the pills ingested by Englehardt were fentanyl that was ingested and rapidly fatal. Her alcohol level at the time of her death hovered near 2.0, almost three times the legal limit. The medical examiner also said asphyxia may have played a role in her death. Little was known about Riley before Tuesdays indictment. His Facebook page shows pictures of him and friends partying on South Beach. One caption reads: Anywhere I go imma live it up. The last post was on March 16, four days before his death. A police officer stands guard as President Donald Trump speaks to supporters at an evening rally on August 15, 2019 in Manchester, New Hampshire. Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images Qualified immunity was established as doctrine by the Supreme Court in 1967. Critics like US Rep. Cori Bush say that qualified immunity shields police officers from accountability. Manchester, New Hampshire, police unions have previously based a federal endorsement on whether a candidate supports qualified immunity. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. A recruitment post from the Manchester Police Department in New Hampshire listed qualified immunity as a "unique benefit" in a call for entry-level and certified applicants. "Located less than an hour from Boston, Manchester enjoys proximity to great schools and attractions, the beach, and the White Mountains. The department offers many opportunities to advance and additional unique benefits including qualified immunity. Click the link and apply now!" the post read. Hours later, the department took down the post. "Earlier today Manchester Police published a recruitment post that referenced qualified immunity. This post was not the place for the mention of qualified immunity and was not appropriate. The post was removed and archived appropriately. As Chief of Police I take full responsibility for this post and the inappropriate mention of qualified immunity," Chief Allen Aldenberg said in a department Facebook post. Qualified immunity protects public officials from lawsuits related to the actions they take while acting in their official capacity-even if they violate someone's constitutional rights. Critics like US Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Pramila Jayapal, and Mondaire Jones say that the doctrine gives officers free rein to use excessive force and escape accountability by requiring the victim to present a previous case with nearly identical circumstances that a court ruled as unconstitutional, CNN reported. For example, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in a February 2020 case that a prison guard who pepper-sprayed a prisoner "for no reason" was entitled to qualified immunity, Prison Legal News reported. Story continues In April, the New Hampshire House was six votes short of passing legislation that would have eliminated qualified immunity as a defense in lawsuits against public officials that allege violations of constitutional rights, WMUR News 9 reported. Police unions in New Hampshire like the Manchester Association of Police Supervisors and the Manchester Police Patrolman's Association typically extend endorsements to candidates who support qualified immunity. Democratic incumbent Chris Pappas, the representative for New Hampshire's 1st Congressional District, lost police union endorsements after publicizing his support for ending qualified immunity. Manchester's police unions instead backed his Republican opponent in 2020, WMUR News 9 reported. Both the Manchester Police Department and Manchester Police Patrolman's Association were contacted for statements about their support of qualified immunity. The Manchester Association of Police Supervisors could not be reached for a statement. Read the original article on Insider Aug. 3With no statewide mask mandate in place, Gov. Tate Reeves has left it up to individual school districts to determine whether they will require face masks be worn by students in Mississippi's K-12 schools. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Mississippi State Department of Health have recommended that all students, staff and visitors in indoor K-12 settings wear a mask. Most districts will require students to wear face masks while riding school buses, but inside school buildings and in the classroom, each district decides. Here's a list of schools in our area, organized alphabetically, that are currently requiring masks for all students, requiring masks for some students/at some times or making masks optional. MASKS REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS Aberdeen School District Calhoun County School District Marshall County School District Okolona School District Oxford School District Tupelo Public School District Starkville Oktibbeha School District MASKS REQUIRED FOR SOME STUDENTS/AT SOME TIMES Amory School District Unvaccinated students are required to mask. Vaccinated individuals are not. Holly Springs School District Face coverings will be required upon entering and during the time spent on the bus, when entering the buildings and in any area where social distancing is difficult. Students will be able to pull the mask down below the chin when not in use. MASKS OPTIONAL FOR STUDENTS Alcorn School District Baldwyn Public School District Benton County School District Booneville School District Chickasaw County School District Corinth School District Itawamba County School District Lafayette County School District Lee County School District Monroe County School District Nettleton School District New Albany School District North Tippah School District Pontotoc City School District Pontotoc County School District South Tippah School District Tishomingo County School District Union County School District This list will be updated to reflect any changes to face mask protocol made by school districts. blake.alsup@djournal.com BGR Every once in a while, Netflix lets us know which of its original movies have garnered the most views. At last count, Extraction was the most-watched Netflix movie ever, with 99 million views in its first four weeks. In fact, several 2020 movies climbed into the top ten last year, including Spenser Confidential, The Old The post Red Notice is set to be the biggest movie Netflix has ever made appeared first on BGR. DUBAI (Reuters) -An Iranian Revolutionary Court has sentenced two dual nationals, German-Iranian Nahid Taghavi and British-Iranian Mehran Raouf, to more than 10 years in prison, each on national security charges, their lawyer said on Wednesday. Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards have arrested dozens of dual nationals and foreigners in recent years, mostly on espionage and security-related charges. They have accused the Islamic Republic of trying to win concessions from other countries through arrests on security charges that may have been trumped up. Tehran, which does not recognise dual nationality, say such arrests are based on its criminal code and denies holding people for political reasons. In a Twitter post, the two defendants' lawyer Mostafa Nili said: "Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court sentenced Ms. #Nahid_Taghavi and Mr. #Mehran_Raouf to 10 years in prison for participating in the management of an illegal group and to eight months in prison for propaganda activities against the regime." The Islamic Republic's judiciary has yet to report the sentences. But Taghavi's daughter Mariam Claren tweeted a confirmation of her sentence. Nili did not say whether Taghavi and Raouf had entered pleas in response to the charges. Taghavi, 66, a human rights activist who lives in Germany but retained an apartment in Tehran, was arrested there in October 2020 while on a visit. Her trial began on April 28, according to Claren and human rights groups. "My mother was allowed to see her brothers. They hugged her. Her first hug after almost 7 months," Claren tweeted on April 28. A German Foreign Ministry spokesman said during a regular news conference in Berlin on Wednesday that Germany could not extend consular assistance to Taghavi as she was on trial in her home country. Raouf, a 64-year-old labour rights activist who lived between Iran and Britain, was arrested at his residence in Tehran on Oct. 16 last year by the Revolutionary Guards, according to Amnesty International. Amnesty said in February that Raouf was being held in "prolonged solitary confinement, in violation of the absolute prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment". (Writing by Parisa Hafezi in Dubai with additional reporting by Alexander Ratz in BerlinEditing by Mark Heinrich) MIAMI (AP) Newly acquired Alex Jackson hit his first career home run, Nick Neidert earned his first big league win and the Miami Marlins beat the NL East-leading New York Mets 5-4 Tuesday night. Isan Diaz also homered, Bryan De La Cruz had three hits and Lewis Brinson had two hits and scored twice for the last-place Marlins, who have won the first two of the four-game series. We had dicey moments at times but they worked through those dicey moments, Miami acting manager James Rowson said. Our guys did a nice job and once again did it as a team effort. Home plate umpire Stu Scheurwater ejected New York manager Luis Rojas before the bottom of the seventh after Brandon Nimmo was called out on strikes to end the inning. The Mets have lost five of six and are 8-11 since the All-Star break. Their lead dropped to 1 games ahead of second-place Philadelphia. This is a time as a team where as a team you come together as brothers and as guys that understand that were going to fight for each other day in and day out, Mets catcher James McCann said. For New York, frustrations boiled over when shortstop Javier Baez exchanged words with Marlins reliever Richard Bleier after Bleier retired Baez on a fly to right that ended the eighth. Javi is a guy that wears his emotions, Rojas said. I think he heard something that was said to him and he reacted to that. Theres no frustration to that. These guys fought until the last out of the game. The Mets were limited to five hits by Neidert (1-1) and four relievers. We have to put in the work with our hitters and make sure that they are going into the game ready and more aggressive in the zone, rather than expanding, Rojas said. Neidert allowed three runs and three hits, struck out five, walked four and hit a batter in 5 2/3 innings. The 24-year-old righty was in his 11th game in the majors. He did a great job giving that lineup fits," Rowson said. "Thats a tough lineup that can do some damage when they connect. Story continues Jacksons homer put Miami ahead 1-0 in the second. Acquired from the Atlanta Braves on Friday at the trade deadline, Jackson drove a pitch from Taijuan Walker (7-6) over the center field wall. You get so caught up in the game that its not really surreal until after the game and things start settling in, Jackson said. I was trying to look for a pitch that I could do something on. I was able to get something over the plate and put a good swing. When you put a good swing, good things happen. The Marlins increased their lead in the third on Diazs solo homer and De La Cruzs two-run single. The Mets got to within 4-3 in the sixth on Dominic Smiths second sacrifice fly and J.D. Davis run-scoring double that chased Neidert. The Marlins padded their lead on Jorge Alfaros RBI double in the eighth. Anthony Bender relieved Neidert and got the last out in the sixth while David Hess and Bleier combined to retire six straight. Dylan Floro allowed McCanns RBI double with two outs in the ninth before retiring pinch-hitter Brandon Dury on a grounder for his fourth save. Walker (7-6) lasted 5 2/3 innings. The right-hander allowed four runs, eight hits, struck out four and walked two. DE LA CRUZ ALSO EXCELS WITH THE GLOVE In addition to his multi-hit performance, De La Cruz tracked down and caught McCanns drive to deep right that could have scored Michael Conforto from first. De La Cruz also showed off his arm in the sixth, when he caught Baezs shot in medium right and made a perfect throw home that kept Jeff McNeil at third. McNeil eventually scored on Smiths deep fly to center. I go out there to give the best effort I can, De La Cruz said. NEW POSITION FOR ALFARO Alfaro, the Marlins regular catcher, made his first career start as an outfielder Tuesday, when he played left-field and hit fifth. Alfaro had two putouts, including his catch of Pete Alonsos drive to the warning track in the seventh. Jackson could get the bulk of playing time the remainder of the season. Alfaro s previous experience in the outfield consists of a nine-inning stint in leftfield against Philadelphia May 27 and three innings in right-field against Atlanta last season. With veteran Sandy Leon still on the roster, the Marlins are trying to avoid the three catcher situation, prompting Alfaros move to the new position. ROSTER MOVE Mets RHP Miguel Castro was reinstated from the injured list after testing negative for COVID-19. RHP Geoff Hartlieb was optioned to Triple-A Syracuse. ... The Marlins placed LHP Trevor Rogers on the bereavement list. TRAINERS ROOM Mets: RHP Robert Gsellman (torn right lat) underwent a recent MRI that disclosed he has progressed sufficiently to begin a throwing program soon, Rojas said. Marlins: IF Jazz Chisholm Jr. (unspecified) was placed on the injured list. ... RHP Pablo Lopez (right rotator cuff strain) extended his throwing program to 90 feet. UP NEXT RHP Carlos Carrasco (0-0, 2.25) will start the third game of the series for the Mets on Wednesday while the Marlins will go with RHP Zach Thompson (2-4, 2.33). ___ More AP MLB: https://apnews.com/hub/MLB and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports By Leika Kihara TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan warned on Wednesday that coronavirus infections were surging at an unprecedented pace as new cases hit a record high in Tokyo, overshadowing the Olympics and adding to doubts over the government's handling of the pandemic. The Delta variant was leading to a spread of infections "unseen in the past", Health Minister Norihisa Tamura said as he defended a new policy of asking patients with milder symptoms to isolate at home rather than going to hospital. "The pandemic has entered a new phase ... Unless we have enough beds, we can't bring people to hospital. We're acting pre-emptively on this front," Tamura told parliament. But he signalled the chance of rolling back the policy, as the decision to ask some sick people to stay at home has drawn criticism from medical experts as putting lives at risk. "If things don't turn out as we expect, we can roll back the policy," Tamura said, adding the policy shift was a move to deal with the unexpectedly fast spread of the new variant. Japan has seen a sharp increase in coronavirus cases. Tokyo reported a record 4,166 new cases on Wednesday. Nationwide, newly reported cases totalled a new record of over 14,200, according to public broadcaster NHK. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said on Monday only COVID-19 patients who were seriously ill and those at risk of becoming so would be hospitalised, while others should isolate at home, a shift in policy some fear may lead to an increase in deaths. Officials in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party have agreed to seek to withdraw of the policy, the Jiji news agency reported on Wednesday, joining similar calls made by opposition lawmakers. In response to criticism, Suga told reporters on Wednesday that the new hospitalisation policy was aimed at regions with a surge in COVID-19 cases, such as Tokyo, and not uniform throughout the country. Story continues "We'll thoroughly explain our policy and seek public understanding," he said. The outcry is another setback for Suga, who has seen support plunge over his handling of the pandemic ahead of general elections to be held this year. Polls have shown many Japanese people opposed to holding the Olympics while the country lagged in efforts to contain the pandemic and vaccinate the population. Suga and Olympics organisers have said there is no link between the July 23-Aug. 8 Games and the spike in cases. But senior medical adviser Shigeru Omi told parliament that hosting the Games may have affected public sentiment and eroded the impact of government requests for people to stay home. Imposing a nationwide state of emergency could be an option to deal with the pandemic, he said. States of emergency are already in place in several prefectures, as well as in Tokyo. NHK reported that the government would expand quasi emergency steps to cover more regions of the country. "Political leaders are sending out messages to the public in earnest but probably not as strongly and consistently as hoped," Omi said. "We're seeing COVID-19 clusters emerge more broadly including at schools and offices." (Reporting by Leika Kihara; Additional reporting by Makiko Yamazaki; Editing by Robert Birsel and Mike Harrison) Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast Another top editorial figure at G/O Media is leaving the company, joining a string of high-profile departures from the well-known digital-media company over the past year. Multiple G/O Media sources told The Daily Beast that Julianne Escobedo Shepherd, the editor in chief of Jezebel, the popular website focused on politics, culture, and womens lifestyle, told staff on Tuesday she will leave later this month to write a book published by Penguin Books. Shepherd has served as the sites top editor for the past three years and was one of the publications longest-tenured staffers, writing and editing for Jezebel since 2014. Her announcement comes just weeks after the departure of G/O editorial director Jim Rich, who exited following internal clashes with other higher-ups, including G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller. G/O Media Tells Deadspin Staff in Leaked Memo: Stick to Sports While Richs exit made headlines, in recent months a number of other top staff have also quietly left G/O Media, a digital-media company owned by Boston private equity firm Great Hill Partnerswhich houses other well-known brands like Gizmodo, The Onion, The Root, and Kotaku, among other sites. Over the past several months, the heads of audience development, marketing, commerce, as well as the chief revenue, financial, and technology officers have all departed G/O. Jezebel hasnt settled on a new editor, but a person familiar with the matter told The Daily Beast the candidate pool is extremely strong. Read more at The Daily Beast. Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast here Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now! Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more. Kendall Jenner began working with Italian fashion brand Liu Jo in 2019. Matt Winkelmeyer/MG18/Getty Images Kendall Jenner is being sued by Italian fashion brand Liu Jo for $1.8 million. The company says Jenner breached their contract, attending only one photo shoot instead of two. Jenner has not yet publicly spoken out about the lawsuit. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Supermodel Kendall Jenner has been sued by Italian fashion company Liu Jo for breach of contract. The complaint, filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York on Tuesday, says the 25-year-old "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" star had a contract to provide modeling services for two photo shoots for Liu Jo, but that Jenner only showed up for one of them. Liu Jo, based in Capri, is seeking damages of at least $1.8 million, according to the complaint, which states that the company "has suffered considerable financial harm and damages as a result of Ms. Jenner's breach." A spokesperson for The Society Management, the talent agency representing Jenner, told Insider in an emailed statement that the lawsuit "is without merit." "The Society Management, on behalf of Ms. Kendall Jenner, has continually offered Liu Jo alternative dates and locations to fulfill an agreement that was forced to be delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic," the statement said. "Jenner has willingly offered to complete services honoring her commitments." Liu Jo did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Liu Jo and Jenner began working together in 2019. The brand's first photo shoot with the model was intended to be used for Liu Jo's spring and summer 2020 campaign, while the second photo shoot was originally slated to be used for the brand's 2020 fall and winter campaign, according to the complaint. The latter shoot was halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Jenner failed to reschedule on multiple occasions, according to the complaint. Jenner said at the time that she couldn't travel to Italy "due to her health concerns relating to the Coronavirus pandemic," according to the complaint. However, the complaint also states that she was "repeatedly reported to be violating CDC guidelines by engaging in multiple international non-essential trips and hosting large parties with her friends." Story continues The complaint also says that "Ms. Jenner had no such health concerns when traveling to Italy in September 2020 to perform a photoshoot" for a different brand. According to the complaint, Liu Jo gave Jenner notice that she breached her contract in October 2020. The Italian fashion brand says in the complaint that it has paid Jenner $1.35 million to date for her services. According to the complaint, the company originally intended to pay Jenner $1.5 million and a 20% service fee if she completed the job, which included both photo shoots, "certain social media activities," and media interviews. "Ms. Jenner has breached the Agreement by failing to meet her obligations under the Agreement and no payments have, as yet, been refunded to Liu Jo by Ms. Jenner," the complaint states. Read the original article on Insider (Reuters) - Lithuania's interior ministry on Wednesday dismissed Belarusian reports that an Iraqi migrant had been found beaten to death after being turned away at the Lithuanian border, describing it as part of a "hybrid war" being waged by Minsk. Lithuania has accused Belarus of manufacturing a refugee problem on its border in retaliation for European Union sanctions on President Alexander Lukashenko's government. Belarus denies doing so. Lithuania has reported a surge in illegal border crossings from Belarus and accused Minsk of flying in migrants from abroad and sending them across the border. Belarus announced an investigation into what it said was the death of an unnamed Iraqi migrant. The head of the Belarusian security council, Alexander Volfovich, said the man was beaten so badly that Belarusian border guards were unable to help him. "This is a method of hybrid war, disinformation. There was no incident on the border this night, no use of power," said a spokeswoman for the Lithuanian Interior ministry. Lithuania has authorised its border guards to use force if necessary to turn migrants away. "I would like to mention in the course of those two days, fortunately there were no situations where our border guard officers used any kind of force," Commander of the Lithuanian State Border Guard Service, Rustamas Liubajevas, told Reuters. Liubajevas said reports of migrants being injured were "fake news" and said he knew about the allegation of the Iraqi migrant's death only from Belarusian media. The European Union said last week it would consider sanctions against migrant smugglers and those involved in human trafficking to address a surge in "irregular" border crossings from Belarus. (Reporting by Lewis Macdonald in Gdansk and Tarmo Virki in Tallinn; writing by Matthias Williams,editing by Timothy Heritage) The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more aware of many inequities, including how spoiled the restaurant/retail industry has made us customers despite the short shrift its workers have been given in pay, benefits and, too often, gratitude. As service sector businesses, especially restaurants, struggle to re-staff, we formerly coddled customers rush back to be waited on exactly as before only to find frequently long waits due to a lack of help. Those employees who have gamely returned, as well as those who bravely never left, are each doing the work of several people, and shouldnt be met with pre-pandemic expectations. Even Bill Teel, executive director of the Greater Kansas City Restaurant Association, has caught himself feeling a consumers frustration at times. And he certainly hears all about the slow service his friends are getting in restaurants. I have to remind them to be patient, that its difficult getting enough employees. Theyre struggling to keep up. He hears about the eating-out tension from his fast-food employee daughter, too. They dont have enough people, Teel says. She tells me stories of how they just struggle every night to keep up with the drive-thru and get the orders filled fast enough. I think its just kind of like that everywhere. They just cant quite deliver the level of service theyre used to delivering. Restaurant and retail workers whove returned have done so in the teeth of a resurgent COVID-19 delta variant, as well as a scarcity of colleagues by their sides not to mention stir-crazy kids at home and low pay at work. They deserve bigger paychecks, improved benefits and livable shifts from their employers. In some cases, they are indeed getting higher pay and a few more benefits, Teel says: The pendulums kind of swung over in favor of the workers, and restaurants are just going to have to pay more. Teel said the June 12 end to federally enhanced unemployment payments in Missouri has helped, but its still difficult to find enough employees. In Kansas, the $300 weekly federal unemployment boost ends with the programs scheduled cessation Sept. 6. Story continues Along with higher pay, workers need more appreciation. Wait staff need and warrant unprecedented respect, grace, kindness, patience and, yes, generosity from their customers. Nor is it just about the servers and staff, though our gratitude for them should be made abundantly obvious. Its also about your favorite restaurants actual ability to survive. If they cant attract and retain happy, motivated workers, they cant stay open. Period. Smokin Joes Bar-B-Q in Olathe announced its closing last month due to continuous price increases on everything, a shortage of employees and repairs. And Overland Parks Smokeys on the Blvd BBQ has closed due to pandemic losses. Employees there were repeatedly challenged over mask requirements, often hatefully, by people who simply refuse, owner Winston Riley said last summer. The heavy lifting thats needed now must be done by the restaurant industry itself. Its a new world, the COVID-19 pandemic having changed the landscape as surely as an F1 tornado. New calculations and expectations are required to attract and keep the best restaurant workers. Perhaps owners and shareholders can step up to help. Outgoing Kansas City health director Dr. Rex Archer argues that paid sick leave is a must. Hes right. Then its up to the rest of us. For now, we have to readjust our thinking about how quickly we can get a table, how doted-on we can expect to be, and how thoughtful we should be in return. This past Sunday at a Kansas City metro chain sit-down restaurant, one had to wait at times to even encounter an employee, as the hostess was helping out in the back and the entire bar area was shut down due to a workers absence. Management was in the kitchen as well. Yet, as few as the place could seat, the more patient customers left happy. This pandemic has changed nearly everything, and that should include our dispositions. We clearly need to reset our assumptions when shopping and dining out as well as the working conditions for those who cater to us. Julia Letlow. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Rep. Julia Letlow of Louisiana is urging people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Her husband, Luke Letlow, died of COVID-19 last year. She says she "would have given everything" to have had a vaccine available before her husband died. See more stories on Insider's business page. A Republican US congresswoman from Louisiana whose husband died of COVID-19 last year is urging people to get vaccinated against the virus. Rep. Julia Letlow's husband, Luke Letlow, had just been elected to congress when he died of COVID-19 in December, before he could get a vaccine. Following his death, Julia Letlow took his seat after winning a special election in March. "He had no preexisting conditions, so there was no reason it had to go down that path," she told "CBS This Morning" on Wednesday. She said she opted to speak out about her husband's death in hopes of encouraging others to get vaccinated and prevent more deaths. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. "People don't want to feel forced into anything, they don't want to be lectured too," she said of Louisiana residents being hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine. "I would have given anything - I would have given everything - for that shot to be available to us." She said it's "heartbreaking" to see people turn down COVID-19 vaccines. "My prayer is that not one more person has to lose their life to this virus," she said. "It is a horrific way to leave this world. I don't wish it on anyone else. We have the answer; let's use it." Read the original article on Business Insider Aug. 4The Maine Senior American Legion championship largely has been the domain of the state's larger cities over the years. Since the turn of the century, teams featuring players from the Portland, Bangor and Lewiston areas have captured 17 of the 19 state titles. But as this year's Northeast Regional begins Wednesday at Fitton Field in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, the Maine representative may have played home games in Bangor but has a smaller-town culture around it. Quirk Motor City has no players from Class A high school programs. While it features six players from reigning Class B state champion Old Town High School including Tanner Evans, the state Legion tournament's most valuable player, the roster also has seven Class D products. That latter group includes two starters in outfielder Alex Tash of Penobscot Valley High School in Howland and pitcher-infielder Silas Graham, a student at Greater Houlton Christian Academy who played baseball this spring at Hodgdon High School. Tash is batting .476 with 22 stolen bases this summer, while Graham is 6-0 on the mound with a 1.89 earned run average. The other players with Class D pedigrees, Kaiden Crowley of Jonesport-Beals High School and the University of Maine at Presque Isle, Josh Thomas of Central Aroostook of Mars Hill, Jason Libby and Kaeden Robert of Bangor Christian and Jack Morris of Stearns of Millinocket, also have seen considerable duty throughout the Legion season. Both head coaches also come from Class D programs, with John Frye leading Searsport to its fifth state championship in the last six seasons this spring and Ryan Lincoln guiding Penobscot Valley to its fourth postseason berth in as many years on the job with the Howlers . "Not a lot of people expected us to be here, but at the end of the day, it's the family culture that does it for us," Lincoln said. "We might not be the most talented team, but I'm going to tell you right now, we're the team that's going to go out there and grit it out." Story continues It's a collective biography that has allowed Quirk Motor City to thrive in the role of underdog this summer against foes from larger high school programs even though it takes an 18-3 record into Wednesday's 4:30 p.m. regional tourney opener against Beverly, Massachusetts, a first-time state Senior Legion champion. The success should not be a surprise. Quirk Motor City captured the Junior Legion state championship in 2019 and last summer won the championship of the Maine Independent League, established after the American Legion season was canceled due to COVID-19. That chemistry is reflected in a deep, versatile roster led by the Husson University-bound Evans, who is batting .578, including .750 (9 of 12) with five doubles as Quirk Motor City went 4-0 during the state tournament and now has won 18 of its last 19 games after an 0-2 start. After rarely pitching during the regular season, the right-hander held the top-ranked Bangor Comrades a team featuring players from the Bangor High School team that advanced to this year's Class A state final to one run on five hits with six strikeouts during a complete-game 2-1 victory on Day 2 at states. Later in the tournament, he moved behind the plate from his usual shortstop slot to shut down Central Maine of Fairfield's running game. The Riverkings were 8-for-8 on stolen-base tries against Quirk Motor City through three innings of their first winners'-bracket clash before Evans moved behind the plate. He threw out both runners who attempted to steal during the rest of his team's 8-6 victory. Central Maine never attempted a steal on him during Quirk Motor City's 10-0 championship win the next day. Quirk Motor City also got strong pitching performances from Matt Seymour (3-0), Michael Brown (3-1) and Crowley (4-2, 2.69 ERA) during the tournament, and the team still had Graham rested if it needed him for an if-necessary game. "This core of guys from Motor City has pretty much stuck together for the last couple of years," Evans said. "Whether it's been Senior Legion or Junior Legion, we're just a tight-knit group of guys. We've got good chemistry." A Texas police officer was severely injured in a shooting and a manhunt was underway for the suspect, police said. Corpus Christi Police Chief Mike Markle said officers responded to a disturbance at an apartment Wednesday afternoon, and man inside opened fire. One of the officers was shot multiple times, he said. The police officer was severely injured and taken to a local hospital. Police were searching for 20-year-old Joshua Powell. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Markle asked residents to call police if they notice any suspicious activity. We have all hands on deck looking for the suspect, Markle said at a news conference. Thats going to go on until we find him. Corpus Christi is city 327,000 on the Gulf of Mexico coast in South Texas. Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted about the trash left outside the US Capitol after a protest led by communists Democratic Reps Cori Bush Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. (EPA / Reuters) Georgia Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has been ridiculed on Twitter for ranting about capitalist trash left outside the US Capitol after a protest led by communists Democratic Reps Cori Bush of Missouri and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Ms Greene claimed that the Democrats had turned the East Capitol into a homeless camp by leaving Dominos pizza boxes, Cheez-Its, and Oreos strewn on the ground and added: EVICT THEM! Republicans have been trying to connect Democrats and their policies to communism and socialism since the days of FDR in the 1930s, when former President Herbert Hoover claimed that President Franklin D Roosevelts New Deal would lead to socialism. Since then, so-called red-baiting has been a common tactic for Republicans. Ms Bush and Ms Ocasio-Cortez were protesting the end of the eviction moratorium a pandemic policy helping people stay in their homes even if they were unable to pay rent. The pressure campaign led to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging White House officials to renew the moratorium after they had initially argued that they didnt have the authority to do so. After a blame game between the Biden White House and congressional Democrats, with each calling upon the other to take action, the White House finally gave the green light to renew the eviction ban. Days after the moratorium expired on Saturday night, the CDC issued a new, more limited eviction freeze on Tuesday thats set to expire on 3 October. This new eviction ban is valid in states with substantial and high rates of transmission. As of Tuesday, that includes most of the US. The CDC order mentions the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant in its reasoning: Without this order, evictions in these [higher transmission] areas would likely exacerbate the increase in cases. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Where we are right now with such high disease rates, we felt a new, tailored order [was needed] to make sure that ... working Americans who were at risk of eviction could be stably housed during this really tenuous, challenging period of time, CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky told NPR. Story continues Many Twitter users were quick to note that Ms Greene didnt appear to be as devastated by the damage done to the Capitol on 6 January when a MAGA-mob laid siege to the historic building to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Bidens election victory. Prosecutors have said that at least $1.5m worth of damage was done to the Capitol on 6 January. Close to 600 people have been charged for their actions surrounding the insurrection so far. Ms Greene has argued that Capitol rioters are being mistreated by the Department of Justice. We suspect there is a two-tier justice system in the United States, for Trump supporters that are charged for January 6, and catch-and-release for Antifa and BLM rioters that have rioted and destroyed cities, Ms Greene said last week. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Read More CDC issues new eviction ban for most of US through Oct. 3 For Missouri congresswoman, eviction fight is personal AOC hits out at Biden over eviction moratorium as police ban her from lying down in overnight Capitol protest Associated Press From Democratic socialist Bernie Sanders on the left to moderate Joe Manchin on the right, numerous Democratic senators have said they'll support a budget resolution outlining the ambitious domestic goals they share with President Joe Biden. None have said they'll oppose the budget measure, which the Senate seems likely to approve after its expected passage of a smaller, bipartisan infrastructure package as soon as Saturday. The backing of every Democrat in the 50-50 Senate, plus the tie-breaking vote of Vice President Kamala Harris, will be needed to approve the budget over likely solid Republican opposition. MEXICO CITY (AP) Supporters of an independent union in northern Mexico said Tuesday they have been harassed while trying to hand out leaflets by beefy representatives of an old-guard union. The mainly women handing out the leaflets said that state police stood by and may have helped prevent them distributing literature outside the Tridonex auto parts assembly plant starting in late July. The export facility in the border city of Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas, was the subject of a complaint filed by labor unions in May under the U.S.-Mexico Canada free trade agreement. The complaint argues that new unions have been harassed while fighting corrupt old unions that have kept wages low in Mexico for decades. Video showed the independent union supporters handing literature to workers leaving the plant in their cars, when several stocky men in white shirts came out of the plant and tried to move them away. The outside organizer of that union, lawyer Susana Prieto, said that for four days now there have been state police patrols stationed outside to prevent the union from handing out literature. For decades, corrupt Mexican unions signed low-wage protection contracts behind workers backs, often before plants were even opened. Union votes were held by show of hands, or not at all. Workers at many factories in Mexico were unaware they even had a union until they saw dues deducted from their paychecks. Mexican workers make about 15% of wages for similar jobs in the United States. As part of efforts to get the USMCA, which replaced the old North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico passed labor law reforms stating all union votes would be by secret ballot, and workers at all factories in Mexico could vote on whether to keep their current union. But implementing those reforms has met resistance from old-guard unions affiliated with the Confederation of Mexican Workers, or CTM, which once effectively served as an arm of the government to keep labor peace and wage rates low. Story continues Jesus Mendoza, the leader of the CTM-affiliated union that currently controls the plant, depicted the independent union supporters as troublemakers. Let people work in peace, we want labor stability and recovery in Matamoros, they just cause trouble and scare off investment, Mendoza told local media. Prieto has been jailed, harassed and prohibited from traveling to Tamaulipas, the state where Matamoros is located. She says about 600 workers at the Tridonex plant have been laid off in retaliation for supporting the new union. Cardone, the U.S. company that operate the Tridonex plant, said in a statement earlier this year that we do not believe that the allegations in the complaint are accurate and welcome a full inquiry so that the facts can be disclosed. The U.S. government filed its first labor complaint with Mexico under the USMCA in May after another old-guard union was caught allegedly destroying ballots at a General Motors plant in northern Mexico. The USMCA allows a panel to determine whether Mexico is enforcing labor laws that allow workers to choose their union and vote on contracts and union leadership. If Mexico is found not to be enforcing its laws, sanctions could be invoked, including prohibiting some products from entering the United States. The vote at the GM plant has been scheduled to be held again, with observers, around Aug. 17-18. Mexico said it filed a lawsuit against major US gunmakers in a Boston court on Wednesday over illegal cross-border arms flows that it blamed for fueling rampant drug-related violence. The Latin American nation, which has long faced pressure from the United States to curb narcotics smuggling, wants its neighbor to crack down on firearms trafficking in the other direction. This kind of legal action is unprecedented for the Mexican government and has the backing of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard told a news conference. "We are going to win the trial and we are going to drastically reduce illicit arms trafficking to Mexico," he said. The companies named in the suit include Smith & Wesson, Beretta, Colt, Glock, Century Arms, Ruger and Barrett. Together they manufacture more than two-thirds of the over half a million weapons that are illegally brought into Mexico each year, according to the Mexican authorities. Between 70 and 90 percent of all weapons recovered from crime scenes in Mexico were smuggled in from the United States, Mexico's foreign ministry said late Wednesday. The flow of arms generates millions of dollars in profits each year for the US gun industry. The lawsuit seeks compensation -- of an amount to be determined during the trial -- for the damage caused by the firms' "negligent practices," Ebrard said. But the main aim is to make the companies change their behavior, he added. "If we don't file a lawsuit like this and we don't win it, they won't understand. They will continue to do the same and we will continue to have deaths every day in our country," Ebrard said. The government wants the implementation of adequate standards to "monitor and discipline" arms dealers. - 'Army of lawyers' - Mexico has seen more than 300,000 murders since 2006 when it deployed the military in the fight on drugs trafficking, most of them blamed on criminal gangs. Story continues More than 17,000 killings in 2019 involved weapons illegally trafficked from the United States, according to the Mexican government. Ebrard even accused US manufacturers of developing different firearm models especially for Mexican drug traffickers -- an argument that is included in the lawsuit. "They are made for that, so that they buy them," he said. Mexico was confident that the lawsuit would not spark a diplomatic spat with Washington because it does not target the US government and the complaint has a "legal and moral" basis, he added. Experts said that Mexico faces a mammoth task taking on the deep-pocketed gunmakers. The move is "almost an obligation" but likely to be largely symbolic, said Lorenzo Meyer, emeritus professor at the College of Mexico. "The lawsuit is going to receive a response from an army of lawyers," he said, adding that US law "makes it almost impossible for gun manufacturers to be held responsible" for the illegal trade. "It's a piece in a chess game that Mexico is forced to play with the United States in disadvantageous conditions," Meyer added. "We are in a situation in which if the United States does not really intend to end arms flows, it is impossible for Mexico to stop them," he said. jla-sem-dr/ch/jh The state police officers association and the leader of a Bloomington political committee are criticizing a city human rights commissioner for describing a recent pro-police rally as fascist. Commissioner Anita Smithson tweeted that she drove by Bloomington Civic Plaza on July 25 during the second annual Back the Blue rally, which she called a "fascist organized rally." Smithson, who was appointed to the commission in March, said last year's rally was organized with ACT for America, classified as an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. In 2017, the Dar Al-Farooq mosque in Bloomington was bombed by an Illinois man who was convicted in federal court last year. She said in a series of other tweets that while the rally was raising money for a good cause, it amounted to "fascist radicalization" and was tied to ACT for America. Becky Strohmeier, chairwoman of the Bloomington Patriots group that organized the 2020 and 2021 Back the Blue rallies, denied in an e-mail that ACT was associated with the events. "I had one conference call with [ACT] about how to plan an event weeks prior to our Back the Blue in 2020. That hardly constitutes as any sort of association," she wrote. Strohmeier read a letter at the Bloomington City Council meeting Monday from the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association that called out Smithson's tweets. The letter from Brian Peters, executive director of the police association, read in part: "At best, the comments are grossly inappropriate for a city leader charged with defending rights of Bloomington residents. At worst, the comments are appalling, divisive, and bring suspicion to the Human Rights department among residents who deserve qualified staff. We believe Ms. Smithson's comments require a response and potentially further action from the city and its elected leaders to repair the damage caused by her comments." Peters said in the letter that the rally raised $1,380 for officer Matt Ryan, who is undergoing chemotherapy to treat leukemia, and that such rallies are commonplace across the country to show support for law enforcement. He signed off by saying the "demonization by some community leaders has severe and negative public safety consequences." Story continues In a statement, Bloomington Mayor Tim Busse said that Peters' letter gives "outsized credence to the comments of a volunteer commission member on her personal social media." He said the human right commission is a volunteer group and that Smithson does not act in an official capacity, and added that the Bloomington City Council strongly supports the police. "I've spoken with Ms. Smithson to let her know my expectations, and my disappointment that her comments caused collateral damage among our police officers and their family members," Busse said. In a statement Tuesday, Smithson apologized for any pain caused to Ryan and his family or Bloomington police officers by her Twitter comments. "My tweets about an individual involved in the event, and that person's association with a known hate group, do not reflect my broader thoughts about how residents, city leadership, and the [Bloomington Police Department] can work to strengthen our collaboration efforts to ensure a safe and secure community for all," Smithson said. Kim Hyatt 612-673-4751 Missouri Gov. Mike Parson pardoned Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the governor's office announced Tuesday. The husband and wife, who gained national attention in the summer of 2020 after brandishing firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their St. Louis home, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in June over the incident. Video of the encounter showed Mark manning an AR-15 and Patricia holding a handgun to confront the protesters whom they said threatened their lives. MCCLOSKEYS PLEAD GUILTY TO CHARGES AFTER GUN-TOTING DISPLAY [They said] that they were going to kill us, Patricia McCloskey said in July 2020. They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house." Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to fourth-degree misdemeanor assault and was ordered to pay a $750 fine, while Patricia pleaded guilty to second-degree misdemeanor harassment. She was ordered to pay $2,000. The legal process was not without controversy, as Democratic Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who charged the couple, was removed from her prosecutorial role after a judge ruled she would initiate the prosecution "for political purposes. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER The two St. Louis-area attorneys quickly became icons on the Right after the initial viral encounter, appearing at the 2020 Republican National Convention to warn viewers, "What you saw happened to us could just as easily happen to any of you." The McCloskeys have frequented headlines ever since. Mark McCloskey announced a campaign for the Senate to fill retiring Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt's seat. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Missouri, St. Louis, Firearms Original Author: Jeremy Beaman Original Location: Missouri governor pardons Mark and Patricia McCloskey Rep. Billy Long raised eyebrows when an invitation to an event launching his Missouri Senate campaign listed his states two Republican senators, Roy Blunt and Josh Hawley, as honorary co-chairmen of his bid for higher office. Except neither Blunt, who is retiring next year, nor Hawley have endorsed Long, who jumped into the Senate race late Tuesday. Spokesmen for Blunt and Hawley confirmed in statements to the Washington Examiner Wednesday morning that they remain neutral in the Republican Senate primary, which includes former Gov. Eric Greitens, Rep. Vicky Hartzler, and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt. ANN WAGNER OPTING AGAINST MISSOURI SENATE BID LEAVES VICKY HARTZLER AS SOLE FEMALE GOP CONTENDER Sen. Blunt is not endorsing anyone at this time, said Katie Boyd, a spokeswoman for the outgoing senator. Congressman Long asked Josh to be a host of this event, but as a congressional candidate and before he was a Senate candidate, Hawley chief of staff Kyle Plotkin added. Josh is no longer a host, and he hasnt endorsed anyone. The most coveted endorsement in this race belongs to former President Donald Trump, who thus far is keeping his powder dry even as he backs candidates in other key GOP primaries. Long is considered a long shot for Trumps endorsement and to win the primary. However, he does enjoy the backing of Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager of the former presidents 2016 campaign and a top adviser to him in the White House. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER According to a copy of the invitation to Longs Senate campaign launch event, the congressman was scheduled to unveil his bid on Aug. 11 in Springfield, Missouri. Its unclear if the several other supporters listed on the invitation have agreed to support Longs Senate bid, as opposed to his reelection to the House in 2022, should he end up running. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Campaigns, 2022 Elections, Missouri Senate, Josh Hawley, Roy Blunt Original Author: David M. Drucker Original Location: Missouri senators say Billy Long invite suggesting Senate endorsement is inaccurate The mummified body of a missing Arkansas woman was discovered recently inside her daughters home, officials said. The brother of 72-year-old Gloria Pike reported his sister missing last month after he had not heard from her since August 2020, even though they lived next door to each other, according to the Washington County Sheriffs Office. He told investigators that Pike had breast cancer and lived with her daughter, Geanee Pike, but attempts to find his sister had failed. When an investigator visited the daughters home, she said her mom wasnt missing but rather with an unknown friend at an unknown location, according to officials. Pike refused to let authorities enter her home. A subpoena of bank records and surveillance video revealed Pike used her mothers debit card at a Dollar General six days after the investigator visited. The sheriffs office obtained a search warrant for the home and found the mummified body of a woman wrapped in bedding and newspaper from 2020 in the living room and kitchen area, officials said. The home had no running water, and investigators found buckets of feces and urine throughout. Pike told investigators her mom died last year from natural causes but she kept collecting Social Security money, officials said. Geanee told me her mom owed her money, then told me she would pay it back when she got her own disability money back pay from the government, a sheriffs sergeant wrote in a report. Pike was arrested Monday on charges of abuse of a corpse and financial identity fraud. Lincoln is a small town in northwest Arkansas. Harrowing. Aunt hid bodies of 2 young relatives in car for months, Maryland cops say Tornado may have revealed location of missing Pennsylvania woman, police say Son who killed mom with baseball bat thinking she was intruder avoids prison in Illinois Fox Business Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared to fully subscribe to the racist Great Replacement Theory in an interview with Fox Business Maria Bartiromo Wednesday. In a conversation about Mexican immigrants traveling to the country amid rising COVID-19 cases and low job numbers, Gingrich claimed the immigrants did nothing to represent traditional, classic Americans. The anti-American left would love to drown traditional, classic Americans with as many people as they can who know nothing of American history, nothing of American tradition, nothing of the rule of law, he said. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. When you go and look at the radical left, this is their ideal model. Its to get rid of the rest of us because we believe in George Washington or we believe in the Constitution, he continued. You see this behavior over and over again. Bartiromo said the notion was unbelievable before attacking New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for his COVID-19 measures. Gingrichs elevation of the racist theory that immigrants were filtering out white Americans reflects a rising discourse in conservative media and politics. But the phrase, which has antisemitic connotations, has been shown to have violent consequences. The same theory inspired a deadly attack in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019, with the shooter identifying fears of white genocide in his Great Replacement manifesto. It was also ingrained in the deadly 2017 attack in Charlottesville, with the nighttime rally preceding the incident featuring anti-Semites proclaiming, Jews will not replace us! That hasnt stopped some Fox anchors, like Tucker Carlson, from promoting it on the network. Another Terrible Week for Terrible Human Being Tucker Carlson I know that the left and all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term replacement, he said in April, describing new immigrants as obedient new voters from the Third World. But they become hysterical because thats what is happening, actually. Lets just say it. Thats true. Story continues Carlson continued his promotion on his show Monday, saying the Biden administration wanted to open the southern border to change who lives in this country to garner more Democratic votes and retain control of the government. Theyre doing that to undermine democracy itself, he said. When you change who votes, you change the outcomes of elections. Carlson made his comments from Hungary, where Mondays episode was filmed, because irony is dead. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now! Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more. Aug. 4Multiple Oregon District businesses will be closed Wednesday for the second anniversary of a mass shooting that killed nine people on Aug. 4, 2019. Luna Gifts & Botanicals, Omega Music, Beck + Call, Heart Mercantile, Toxic Brewery, Ned Peppers and Hole in the Wall announced they will be closed to allow staff to grieve and honor those impacted by the shooting. "It's been 2 years since our city was met with utter hatred and violence," Luna Gifts & Botanicals shared on Facebook. "We are closed today in remembrance of the lives that were forever changed because of that day. If you are grieving today, we grieve with you. Take care of each other today. We love you, Dayton." Omega Music shared that employees will still be working today and can help with special orders and curbside pick up, but the store will be closed to in-person shopping. "August 4th will forever be a tough day for anyone who loves this neighborhood and this city," the store posted on Facebook. "Today there is a memorial planned on 5th Street, which will be closed to vehicles from 2-9pm. In light of this, we have decided it is in the best interest of our mental health to have the store closed for in-person shopping today." Omega Music can be reached by calling 937-275-9949. Beck + Call and Heart Mercantile shared a statement encouraging people to organizations working to end gun violence. "August 4th, 2019 started off as any busy, summer night here in the Oregon District. It did not end that way. It ended in hatred, violence, and loss," the statement read. "That day and the following days, weeks, months, and now years have been hard for us as we overcome the darkness that has tainted our neighborhood. How do you take such a tragic event and create something positive out of it? Change." Ned Peppers and Hole in the Wall also shared a joint statement on their Instagram pages. "In lieu of all the current events we will be closing our doors August 4th in remembrance of those who lost their lives two years ago," the statement read. "I challenge everyone to take the day and spend it doing something you enjoy. Spend time with family and friends, call someone you haven't talked to in a while. Stay strong Dayton." Story continues Toxic Brew Company announced it will be closed Wednesday to allow staff to be with family and friends. "To any one and every one affected by that awful day, know we're thinking about you and we hope you're doing ok," the bar shared on Facebook. "Take care of yourselves and each other." A memorial held by the FUDGE Foundation is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday outside Blind Bob's Bar. It will include a candle lighting service, music, prayer and a nine-minute moment of silence in honor of those who lost their lives in the shooting. There will also be mental health and support group information, as well as resources to help those struggling with trauma. Aug. 4Victims of the Oregon District mass shooting will be honored during an outdoor ceremony today, the two-year anniversary of the Dayton tragedy. The FUDGE Foundation will commemorate the lives of the nine people killed on Aug. 4, 2019, as well as honor those in the community forever changed by the shooting. The event is planned for 6 p.m. outside of Blind Bob's and will include a candle lighting service, music and prayer. Community leaders will speak about gun violence and there will be a moment of silence for nine minutes to remember those killed. A raffle contest with prizes from Mad River Adventures, Winans and more will also be held. There will also be resources available to support victims of trauma, including mental health and support group information. The FUDGE Foundation is a non-profit started to help people impacted by mass shootings, violence, human trafficking and other trauma. It was founded by Dion Green, whose father Derrick Fudge was killed during the Oregon District mass shooting. For the first time since 2018, the Orioles will open the Major League Baseball season at home. MLB announced its 2022 schedule Wednesday, and all 30 clubs will begin the regular season Thursday, March 31. The Orioles will host the Toronto Blue Jays for a three-game series to open the season before hitting the road to play the Boston Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays. Its the first traditional Opening Day at Camden Yards since 2018, when the Orioles opened the season with a 3-2 win over the Minnesota Twins in 11 innings on Adam Jones walk-off home run. The Orioles begin 2022 with 18 games against American League East opponents and a 10-game road trip through Oakland, Los Angeles and New York. For the interleague schedule, the Orioles host the Milwaukee Brewers on April 11-13 for the first time since 2003, and theyll also play a pair of two-game series against the Cubs in Baltimore from June 7-8 and in Chicago from July 12-13. In addition to the traditional Beltway Series against the Washington Nationals at Camden Yards from June 21-22 and at Nationals Park from Sept. 13-14 the Orioles also play a three-game series against the Reds in Cincinnati from July 29-31, a three-game series against the Cardinals in St. Louis from May 10-12 and host the Pittsburgh Pirates from Aug. 5-7. Cleveland which announced last month that it will change its team name from the Indians to the Guardians starting in 2022 visit Camden Yards from June 3-5 and host the Orioles from Aug. 30-Sept. 1. The Orioles home schedule concludes with a four-game series against the Houston Astros from Sept. 22-25, and they finish the season on a six-game road trip through Boston and New York. The 92nd All-Star Game will take place Tuesday, July 19 at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, its first Midsummer Classic since 1980. The game marks the latest on the calendar for an All-Star Game since 1981 (Aug. 9), and the latest during the month of July since 1977 (also July 19). Opening Day of the 2022 campaign could become the first season since 1968 in which every team across the majors plays their first game of the season on the same day. Opening Day will feature 11 divisional matchups among the 15 games in addition to one interleague matchup between the Philadelphia Phillies and Astros at Minute Maid Park in Houston. The full Orioles schedule can be viewed at mlb.com/orioles/schedule/2022-03. By Ernest Scheyder (Reuters) - Piedmont Lithium Inc expects to receive state regulatory approval for its proposed North Carolina lithium project and have it fully funded by mid-2022, its chief executive said on Tuesday. Piedmont's project would be among the largest U.S. lithium mines and a key domestic source of the white metal for electric vehicle batteries. But some local North Carolina officials have voiced concerns about its environmental impact and said they may block or delay it. The company will apply for a state mining permit by mid-August and expects the review process to last six to nine months, CEO Keith Phillips told the Jefferies Virtual Industrials Conference. "We're very optimistic of receiving that permit," Phillips said, adding he also expects the company to receive a necessary zoning variance from Gaston County, west of Charlotte. Phillips did not forecast a timeline for county approval. State and county officials could not immediately be reached for comment after regular business hours. State officials told Reuters last month they expected an application "in the near future." County officials have said they would not consider a zoning change until a state permit is issued. During his presentation, Phillips did not discuss an announcement earlier this week that Piedmont has pushed back its timeline to begin shipments of lithium chemicals to Tesla Inc . To fund the $840 million project, Phillips said Piedmont expects to rely on a U.S. Department of Energy loan and an outside investor who could take a stake in up to half of the project "and hopefully pay a big price for that. If they don't, we won't bring in a partner." Phillips said he hoped to have funding secured by the middle of next year. The company, which recently took stakes in lithium projects in Quebec and Ghana, likely won't make other acquisitions in the near future, Phillips added. (Reporting by Ernest Scheyder; Editing by David Gregorio) UPDATE: A body matching the description of missing runner Philip Kreycik has been recovered in Pleasanton, California, Pleasanton Police announced at a press conference held just before 5 p.m. local time on Tuesday evening. Lieutenant Erik Silacci said a citizen found the body in a remote area about 250 feet off of a trail on the northern part of the ridge. The body has not yet been positively identified and the cause of death is unknown. Pleasanton Police and the East Bay Regional Park District Police Department are at the scene investigating and recovering any pertinent evidence. The location where the body was found is part of the East Bay Regional Park District jurisdiction and is approximately a quarter mile outside of Philips intended route. Our thoughts are with the Kreycik family and we are focused on supporting them during this difficult time, Pleasanton Police said in a statement. This is an ongoing investigation and anyone who may have seen Philip Kreycik on the day of his disappearance is asked to contact the Pleasanton Police Department at (925) 931-5107. Original report: After nearly a month of searching for avid runner Philip Kreycik, police say they have pretty much 100 percent covered every single area in and around Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park where the Berkeley, California father could be. The news came over the weekend when the Pleasanton Police Department resumed its official search for the 37-year-old PG&E analyst, who has been missing since he went for a run on July 10, 2021. We pretty much 100% covered where he could've been, should've been or would likely show up, Pleasanton Police Lieutenant Chris Niederhaus told the press Saturday, at a local high school where volunteer search teams had gathered. On Saturday, police crews from 17 Bay Area agencies scoured the many trails and canyons throughout the park. They pulled GPS data from various search teams to make sure every location had been searched - including an area around Tejan Creek, which the lieutenant said came about from a new theory. Story continues Local runners told police that its not uncommon for runners or hikers to leave the trail, many times due to the heat, and take a shortcut through the heavy brush to return to their cars. The day Philip went missing, temperatures reached 106 degrees. Earlier that morning, the devoted husband to Jen Yao and father of two young children, a 3-year-old boy and an 11-month-old girl, left their home in Berkeley, telling his wife he was going to run some errands and then squeeze in an hour-long run at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park before meeting his family in Stockton at Jens parents house later in the day. But he never made it. Jen told Dateline it was 10:45 a.m. when she received a text from her husband. He had parked his car in the Moller Trail staging area at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park in the East Bay Area. Philip told her that he was going for a quick 8-mile run and that his ETA to Stockton would be 12:35 p.m. When that time came and went, Jen began to worry. She checked his GPS location through his phone and was confused to discover that he was still in Pleasanton. I thought, OK, maybe he got a little delayed, but he shouldve been in Stockton by now, Jen said. So I checked his status. Every 10 minutes. And called him. Texted. And nothing. Its not like him at all. At 2 p.m., Jen called the Pleasanton Police Department and reported her husband missing. Officers responded to the trailhead at the Moller Trail staging area at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park that afternoon and found Philips vehicle undisturbed in a parking spot. His cell phone and wallet were under the drivers seat. Jen told Dateline it was normal for her husband to leave his things in the car while going for a run, especially such a short one. She added that he had been wearing a watch, but it didnt have GPS capability. Extensive searches by police crews and volunteer groups went on for days and weeks. About two weeks in, the search was called off by police. Volunteers and fellow hikers and runners continued their efforts, contributing to ground searches, as well as creating the Facebook group Find Philip Kreycik that quickly reached 12K members. Last week, Philips friend and fellow runner Chris Thoburn shared new details on the Facebook page. He said that security cameras at a UPS store where Philip was dropping off a package showed him entering and leaving the lot, and traffic cameras and the car's FastTrak also trace him to the staging area at the park. In the post, Thoburn speculated that heat exhaustion took its toll on his friend. Jen told Dateline she remembers telling her husband to take water and sunscreen that day, but its unclear if he had either with him. Philip was NOT heat adapted, Thoburn wrote. He lived on the Oakland/Berkeley border and most of his training was on the Bay side of the ridge. This means he rarely ran in temps above 80, and morning and evening runs (where he typically had time) would have been in the 50s or 60s. Hundreds of posters now line the trails of the park, which spans a large area of rugged and steep terrain, and the streets surrounding it, along with the neighboring cities of Dublin, Fremont and Castro Valley. Last week, Sgt. Marty Billdt said an official search resumed after a review by Pleasanton Police of GPS coordinates of places already searched determined new areas to examine. Search teams were again deployed along with members of the Alameda County Sheriff's Department. Search dogs, drones, helicopters and an airplane with advanced thermal imagery have all been deployed as part of the searches. The teams focused on remote areas of Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park over the weekend, but failed to find any new leads or any sign of Philip. Today, the search for Philip Kreycik continued as a number of teams were deployed at Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, police posted to Twitter on Saturday. Unfortunately, no significant evidence was recovered from the area. Philips family says they are baffled that they havent found anything yet. Its strange we havent found anything, Jen said. Not even a trace, like a piece of clothing or a shoelace or anything. Jen and Philip have been married for four years and have two children together. He graduated from Harvard and MIT and is an energy efficiency analyst for Pacific Gas and Electric. He has a lot of joy in his life, Jen told Dateline. Hes a good man who lives by his values. He challenges everyone he knows to be the best. He just brings people together - even now, even when hes missing. Jen describes her husband as someone who is not just an avid runner and physically strong, but is mentally strong as well. He doesnt make rash decisions - hes a very level-headed person and thinks everything through, she said, adding that he runs ultramarathons and has extensive wilderness experience so he might have ventured further than where crews are searching. In a post on the Alameda County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, Sgt. Ray Kelly described Philip as an endurance athlete who is in top physical condition and "thrives in extreme environments. He has no known health conditions. The family continues to ask the public to be on the lookout for Philip, noting that he could be disoriented. They ask people to check their outbuildings and Ring cameras in case he stumbled through looking for food or a way to make contact. Jen told Dateline she remains in awe of the hundreds of volunteers who have dedicated their time and resources to searching for her husband. Im beyond grateful for the love and support these people have shown to us, Jen said. I feel like just saying that is not enough - I wouldnt know how to even start with showing them how much I appreciate every tiny thing they do. If possible, I would -- I really would like to meet every single person who has helped and thank them. The search is nearing the 4-week mark, but Philips family remains hopeful that things will turn around for the better. Were still hopeful, Jen told Dateline. Hes my better half - our childrens more patient parent. They need him. We all need him. Hes out there somewhere and were doing everything we can to find him. We wont give up. Philip is described as being 511 tall, weighing about 165 lbs. He has a thin build, brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing running shorts and a Suunto Ambit3 watch. Anyone with information on Philips whereabouts is asked to call the Pleasanton Police Department at (925) 931-5107. Aug. 4MOUNT VERNON, Mo. A Virginia man was sentenced to five years in prison Tuesday for kidnapping an elderly Lawrence County woman with dementia in an attempt to defraud her in a driveway repair scam. Perrin Cooper, 36, pleaded guilty in Lawrence County Circuit Court to a count of first-degree kidnapping in a plea deal dismissing a related count of attempted theft. The plea agreement called for the defendant, who was facing the possibility of up to 30 years in prison on the kidnapping charge alone, to receive a term of five years on the conviction. Judge David Cole accepted the plea bargain and imposed the agreed-upon length of sentence. Cooper, of Williamsburg, Virginia, went to the victim's rural residence on July 20, 2020, with two other men in a pickup truck with Illinois license plates and equipment in the back associated with pavement sealing businesses. Photos taken by a trail camera the woman's family had installed on her property purportedly showed the men spreading sealant over a small portion of her driveway before leaving with her seated in their truck. A Monett bank teller informed law enforcement that the woman came to the bank in the company of two unknown men who were attempting to withdraw $4,200 from her account. Cooper, who was wanted at the time in Virginia in a grand larceny case, was identified by Lawrence County sheriff's investigators as one of the men with the assistance of Illinois state troopers and Department of Revenue photos. The affidavit filed with the court states that the defendant has a criminal history in six states, including arrests for fraud, drug possession and robbery as well as for murder, a charge that was subsequently lowered to robbery. After the federal government made the controversial decision to require that its employees receive the COVID-19 vaccine, multiple private companies are now following suit. Multiple major U.S. companies announced Tuesday they would require vaccinations for their employees, a decision that has sparked controversy and likely legal challenges. Tyson Chicken and Microsoft are two of the largest and most recent companies to make the announcement, saying their U.S. employees must be vaccinated. As people have heard, new variants of COVID-19 are more contagious, more deadly and responsible for most cases in America today, Tyson said in its announcement. In some communities, doctors and hospitals are once again overwhelmed, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reporting nearly all hospitalizations and deaths in the U.S. are among those who are unvaccinated. It is abundantly clear that getting vaccinated is the single most effective thing we can do to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. Tyson said all employees must be vaccinated by Nov. 1 and will receive a $200 bonus for doing so but did note that team members that are members of a union will be subject to the results of union bargaining on this issue. The decision has already drawn backlash from critics who point out the vaccine has not yet received full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA granted emergency use authorization for the vaccines last year. UFCW is proud to say that we have high vaccination rates among our unionized food workers across the country, and as a result, we have helped reduce COVID-19 infection rates in many of our industries, including meatpacking, Marc Perronne, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, said in response to the Tyson announcement. While we support and encourage workers getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, and have actively encouraged our members to do so, it is concerning that Tyson is implementing this mandate before the FDA has fully approved the vaccine. Story continues So far, federal court rulings have backed institutions that mandated the vaccine, but legal challenges could still arise. Perronne said workers should get paid time off to recover from the side effects of the vaccine. We believe the FDA must provide full approval of the vaccines and help address some of the questions and concerns that workers have, Perronne said. Additionally, employers should provide paid time off so that their essential workers can receive the vaccine without having to sacrifice their pay, and can rest as needed while their body adjusts to the vaccine and strengthens their immune system to fight off the virus. The crackdown comes after the CDC announced even vaccinated Americans should wear masks indoors if they reside in an area of the country experiencing a spike in COVID-19 cases. This CDC reversal from its guidelines in May was followed by a wave of new mandates in the public and private sector. Other companies, like Google and Walmart, have already made similar requirements. As we all know, the pandemic is not over, and the delta variant has led to an increase in infection rates across much of the U.S., Walmart said in its announcement last week. Given this, we have made the decision to require all market, regional and divisional associates who work in multiple facilities and all campus office associates to be vaccinated by Oct. 4, unless they have an approved exception. This includes all new hires. Protests against the vaccine mandates have taken place around the country. Some Republicans have taken up the issue, pointing to personal freedoms and warning of government overreach, especially when questions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine remain. An outbreak among fully vaccinated residents of Massachusetts has raised more concerns about the vaccines effectiveness. Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, a Republican, has doubled down on an executive order that bans mask or vaccine mandates in the Lone Star State. Texans have mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19, Abbott said. They have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities. Vaccines, which remain in abundant supply, are the most effective defense against the virus, and they will always remain voluntary never forced in the State of Texas. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Vaccination, Coronavirus Original Author: Casey Harper, The Center Square Original Location: Private sector begins vaccine mandates amid pushback VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) The Red Cross warned Wednesday that Lithuania's decision to turn away immigrants attempting to cross in from neighboring Belarus does not comply with international law. Lithuania, a member of the European Union, has faced a surge of mostly Asian migrants in the past few months. It says that's due to retaliation by Belarus authoritarian President Alexander Lukashenko after the EU put sanctions on his country over an air piracy incident. The Lithuanian Interior Ministry this week distributed a video shot from a helicopter showing large groups of immigrants being escorted to Lithuanias border by Belarus border guard vehicles. On Tuesday, Lithuania said it reserved the right to use force to stop such illegal immigration and turned away 180 people attempting to enter the country. But rights groups noted that all nations have an obligation to protect vulnerable people. Push backs of people seeking asylum are not compatible with the Geneva Convention on Refugee Status, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and other human rights instruments Egle Samuchovaite, program director for Lithuania's Red Cross, told The Associated Press. Samuchovaite also pointed out that rejecting the admission of vulnerable people into the country would put them into an unsafe environment, trapped between two countries. In the absence of a physical border barrier with Belarus, the question arises as to how to ensure that there is no disproportionate use of force against asylum seekers, which by any means could not be justified, she said, adding that the Red Cross understands the states challenges in protecting its border. Lithuania has no physical barriers for its almost 679-kilometer (420-mile) long border with Belarus. Another 35 people crossed into Lithuania illegally on Wednesday, according to the State Border Guard Service, but this was significantly lower than the triple-digit numbers of previous days. Belarus claimed Wednesday that a non-Slavic person died from injuries at a border town but Lithuania dismissed the report as propaganda from a hostile regime. Story continues This is nonsense, a brother Grimm fairy tale, Lithuania Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite told reporters. Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said called the report an obvious provocation. Lithuania is under hybrid attack and spreading such information is a classic example of this process. Some 4,090 migrants, most of them from Iraq, have crossed this year from Belarus into Lithuania, a nation of less than 3 million. ___ Follow all AP stories on developments in Belarus at https;//apnews.com/hub/Belarus. ___ Follow all AP stories on global migration at https://apnews.com/hub/migration. BERLIN (AP) A German-Swiss group that campaigns for human rights in Belarus called Wednesday for Western companies to stop buying airtime for advertising on the authoritarian countrys state broadcasters. Libereco said major consumer goods companies such as Procter & Gamble, Nestle and Mars were among the top advertisers on Belarusian state TV, according to a week-long analysis of primetime ads last month. Western companies must immediately end their financial support for dictator Alexander Lukashenkos propaganda TV, the group said. Contacted for comment by The Associated Press, Swiss food and drinks giant Nestle said that as a matter of principle, we do not position ourselves along political lines in the countries where we operate, and we comply with all applicable laws and sanctions. In a statement, the company said advertising was an important way to reach consumers but that after a regular review we have already significantly reduced our advertising budget for Belarus. Sandoz, a subsidiary of Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, said it complies with all relevant national and international regulations and requirements. We continue to carefully monitor developments in the country and to evaluate the situation accordingly, the company said in a statement. Dr. Rebecca Martin talks with Barbara Billigmeier, a patient hospitalized with COVID-19, at Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Ark., on July 8, 2021. Despite her ordeal, Billigmeier said, she hasn't changed her mind about getting vaccinated: "It's just too new." Dr. Rebecca Martin talks with Barbara Billigmeier, a patient hospitalized with COVID-19, at Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Ark., on July 8, 2021. Credit - Erin SchaffThe New York Times/Redux Sixteen months ago, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, Dr. Rebecca Martin was one of thousands of out-of-state doctors and nurses who came to help the city battle what was then a new disease. That spring, the pulmonologist from Arkansas spoke to TIME about her 96-hour stint at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center in Brooklyn. Martin, 45, wondered at the time how her own hospital, Baxter Regional Medical Center in northern Arkansas, would handle COVID-19 if it arrived. She got her answer this July, when rising infections turned the state into one of the worst virus hotspots in the nation. *** When I flew to New York City at the height of the pandemic in April 2020, it was my first time practicing medicine outside of my home state of Arkansas. Before I left to battle a strange disease in the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, I said goodbye to my husband and four young children, making sure to leave them the passwords to our familys financial accounts in case I didnt come back. As a pulmonologist, I suddenly had one of the nations most important occupations. And I couldnt sit around, watching COVID-19 kill more and more people, while my fellow medical workers begged for help. During the 10 days I spent volunteering at Wyckoff, patients were packed so tightly in the emergency room that it was hard to pass between gurneys. There werent enough sedatives to go around, so patients would sometimes wake up prematurely and pull the breathing tubes out of their throats. The scene was beyond my worst expectation. I never thought that nightmare would follow me home. But today, our intensive care unit in northern Arkansas is flooded with mostly unvaccinated and young patients on ventilators. Several nurses have quit or retired early, leaving an overwhelmed staff to deal with the constant barrage of patients. Stretchers line the hallways. We had to create a mini ICU in another wing of the hospital to deal with the influx. In the chaos, sometimes we dont know which patient is in which room. Sometimes we send patients home and they come back sicker the next day. More than a year later, people dying of COVID-19 are back to saying goodbye to their loved ones through iPads, while isolated in dark rooms. Story continues This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Its hard to be back here. For months, as COVID-19 cases dwindled and vaccinations ramped up nationwide, there was hope that the pandemic could end. We thought we made it through the hard part. We began to get comfortable. We started patting ourselves on the back, thinking, Yeah, we did it! It was a false sense of security. I remember the day. It was a Tuesday in June, and I had nine new COVID-19 consults in one day. I thought, My gosh. I havent seen this in months. Whats going on? I thought it might have been a fluke. It wasnt. By mid-July, the hospital re-opened its COVID-19 ward. There are ten times more cases than there were a month ago, largely due to the Delta variant and low vaccination rates in the state. "Today, our intensive care unit in northern Arkansas is flooded with mostly unvaccinated and young patients on ventilators." Its frustrating and exhausting, because this time, its preventable. Its free and quick to get vaccinated. Id like to say that I dont harbor resentment toward those still unwilling to get the shots, but I do. I really wish they would reconsider. I wish they would think about all of the people around them and not just themselves. Now were back to asking, how long is this going to last? Is there just going to be another one with a different strain? Is this the new normal? It feels like it should be over. But here it is in Arkansas, worse than it ever was to start with and were doing less to combat its spread than we did before. As told to Melissa Chan Valentina Urrejola packed her passport, her Social Security card and her laptop then left her mother a note saying shed be OK, wiped her cell phone clean, and placed her keys underneath the front door. That was Monday. The 16-year-old Miami girl has not been seen or heard from since, said her mother, Constanza Urrejola Arcos. I know this was not her idea, she told the Miami Herald on Tuesday. Theres an adult person who is behind this. On Tuesday, Miami police shared a picture of the teen and asked the community for help in finding her. She was last seen around 11 a.m. in the area of Northeast Miami Place and 14th Street. Urrejola Arcos said her daughters sudden disappearance is disturbing and unusual. Valentina left a note written in English in which she said shed be OK and would act responsibly. It also asked her mother not to involve authorities, Urrejola Arcos said. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. According to phone records from T-Mobile, the last people Valentina contacted were two close friends of hers. But when authorities approached them about Valentinas disappearance, neither of them wanted to cooperate, Urrejola Arcos said. They were very rude with the police and with me, Urrejola Arcos said. I imagine they know where she is because they would go to the same places... Now Im coming to the realization that I dont know any of her friends. Valentina has disappeared only once before, her mother said for two hours; she was found at her grandmothers house. The last time Urrejola Arcos saw the eldest of her two daughters was on Monday between 11 a.m. and noon. Valentina also hasnt shown up to her job as a hostess at a restaurant in Ocean Drive since Friday. Valentina is described as being 5 feet tall, 104 pounds, with brown hair and eyes. She was last seen wearing a black shirt and jeans. Anyone with information is asked to call the City of Miami Police Department Special Victims Unit at 305-603-6300 or 305-579-6111. CLEVELAND Shontel Brown, whose campaign highlighted her loyalty to President Joe Biden, won a special election primary Tuesday in Ohios 11th Congressional District, a race that commanded national attention while dividing national Democrats along ideological lines. Brown, whose victory was projected by The Associated Press, defeated Nina Turner, a former state senator known nationally for her work on Sen. Bernie Sanders presidential campaigns. "Dont leave this place sad, Turner, who conceded shortly after 10 p.m. ET, told supporters gathered at a bowling alley in Maple Heights. Dont leave this place depressed. I want you to leave this celebration more resolute, because we still have more work to do. For months, the race had been Turners to lose, given her broader fundraising base and early lead in polling. Brown, a Cuyahoga County Council member who also chairs the countys Democratic Party, caught up in the final weeks as outside groups helped her close the money gap and both candidates invited national surrogates to campaign in the district. Given the heavy Democratic makeup of the Ohio 11th, Brown is the overwhelming favorite to win the November general election against Laverne Gore, who won Tuesdays Republican primary, the AP projected. Brown, 46, would succeed former Rep. Marcia Fudge, her political mentor, who serves in the Biden administration as secretary of Housing and Urban Development. As essentially the next member of the 11th Congressional District, the next member of Congress, I can walk in the door with good relationships, Brown, standing alongside Fudges mother, said at her campaign's watch party in Bedford Heights. I get the recognition, Brown said, but this was a collaborative partnership of the community. Eleven other Democrats sought the seat, but none had the resources that Brown, Turner and their allies did. Turner, 53, spent the primarys closing days campaigning across the district's Northeast Ohio footprint with Sanders, I-Vt., and other liberal firebrands, including Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison and political activist Cornel West. Brown, meanwhile, held events with top members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. Story continues The involvement of Sanders and Clyburn created the aura of a national proxy war and revived the tensions of Democratic battles in 2016 and 2020: the establishment vs. the progressive left. Biden allies are counting on a Brown victory to bolster their case for pragmatism, especially after wins by more moderate or centrist Democrats this year in a special congressional election in Louisiana and in the Virginia gubernatorial and New York City mayoral primaries. It was Clyburn whose endorsement of Biden last year helped him win the pivotal South Carolina primary and outlast Sanders in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. He and others cast Brown as a loyal ally of the Biden administration, the suggestion being that Turner would look out more for herself or the squad the group of progressive House members led by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who backed Turner. Outside groups backing Brown were even more explicit about the contrast. The Democratic Majority for Israel PAC spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on local TV, including an ad that emphasized the time Turner equated voting for Biden to eating fecal matter. State Rep. Kent Smith, a Brown supporter and Democratic leader in the Cleveland suburb of Euclid, said last week: Democrats control the House, Senate and presidency. Shontel Brown is going to come in there as one of 220 Democratic voices in the House, but because of the bridges that she's built already with Clyburn and with Kamala Harris and other significant Democrats, theyve already got her phone number. Im not sure Nina's calls are going to get returned. Fudge, whose Cabinet post makes endorsements tricky, did not endorse in the race, but her mother starred in a TV ad for Brown a message that carried little subtlety. Brown also scored an endorsement from Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016, whom Sanders and Turner worked against. Turner, at the time a top Democrat in Ohio, had been among those initially encouraging Clinton to run, but she abruptly defected to Sanders. After the party nominated Clinton, Turner briefly entertained an invitation to join Jill Stein on the Green Partys national ticket as a candidate for vice president. Turner and her allies tried to turn Browns loyalty against her, framing her as a go-along-to-get-along politician. A particularly nasty Turner campaign ad in the final days attacked Browns ethics as a County Council member and asserted, without evidence, that she was under investigation. Turners supporters also argued that the district needed someone who would be more comfortable pushing Biden and the Democratic leadership in Congress to move more aggressively to address poverty, health care, gun violence and other issues. It is a very bad idea to say we just want somebody who's going to do whatever the president says, even if you love the president, Ellison said Saturday at a get-out-the-vote event headlined by Sanders that drew 900 people to a concert hall in Cleveland. The 11th District race was one of two special House primaries in Ohio on Tuesday. In the 15th Congressional District, which stretches from suburban Columbus into the rural southeastern part of the state, Mike Carey, a coal industry lobbyist who had former President Donald Trumps endorsement, prevailed in an 11-candidate Republican field. He will face Democratic nominee Allison Russo, a state legislator, in November. A Forest Hill officer who shot and killed a murder suspect over the summer was arrested last week, making him at least the eighth Dallas-Fort Worth police officer to face criminal charges after fatally shooting someone since 2017. Logan Barr, 23, faces a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in the case, according to a Texas Rangers warrant. Barr fired his shotgun twice at 32-year-old Michael Lee Ross Jr. on the morning of June 9. Ross held a knife, but Texas Ranger Eisenhower Upshaw determined that he posed no threat to Barr because he was as far as 20 feet away from Forest Hill officers when Barr shot him, according to the warrant obtained by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Wednesday. Ross was facing Barr and a Forest Hill sergeant with his hands down by his side, holding the knife in his right hand, according to the warrant. The sergeant had told Barr to get his less lethal shotgun, which fires beanbag rounds, but Barr retrieved and fired a regular shotgun, according to the warrant. There is no governmental agency that publicly tracks or disseminates data about police violence or officers who are charged with crimes. The public relies on other resources for data, such as the the Washington Posts police shooting database and a Police Integrity research group at Bowling Green State University. Convictions are rare for officers who fatally shoot someone, according to data. Between 2015 and mid-2017, about 35 percent of officers arrested in fatal on-duty shootings were convicted of manslaughter or murder charges, according to a 2017 research paper from Philip Stinson of Bowling Green State University. Police shot and killed 394 people in the line of duty in Texas since 2017, according to the Washington Posts database. Seven officers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have been indicted since 2017 in connection with killing someone. Three of those officers have been convicted. In September 2020, jurors indicted ex-Arlington officer Ravinder Singh on a charge of criminally negligent homicide. Singh shot and killed Margarita Brooks as she lay on the grass behind a shopping center in August 2019. He had fired his gun toward Brooks dog, but one of his shots killed the 30-year-old woman, authorities have said. Singh was responding to a call to check on Brooks welfare. Story continues Aaron Dean, a former Fort Worth police officer, was indicted on a murder charge in December 2019 for fatally shooting Atatiana Jefferson, 28, in her home in October 2019. His trial date has not yet been set. In October 2019, Amber Guyger was sentenced to 10 years in prison after she shot and killed 26-year-old Botham Jean in his apartment on Sept. 6, 2018. She said she thought she had walked into her own apartment and that Jean was an intruder, causing her to fear for her life. In June 2019, a Farmers Branch officer was indicted on a murder charge. Michael Dunn fatally shot Juan Johnny Moreno, 35, in Dallas while firing into a moving truck. A court date was set for July 12, but was postponed. In May 2019, a Tarrant County grand jury handed up an indictment for Arlington Officer Bau Tran, who shot and killed OShae Terry, 24, on Sept. 1, 2018, after another officer stopped Terry. His case is still active. In August 2018, ex-Balch Springs police officer Roy Oliver was found guilty of murder in the April 2017 death of 15-year-old Jordan Edwards, after Oliver fatally shot him while firing into the back of a 2004 black Impala. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. In December 2017, former Farmers Branch officer Ken Johnson was convicted of murder and felony aggravated assault in connection with a March 2016 incident in which he while off-duty chased down two teens in Addison who had stolen seats from his SUV, fatally shooting one of them and seriously injuring another. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Black and Hispanic people are shot and killed by police at a higher rate than white people, according to data from the Washington Post. Black people, for example, account for less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, but are killed by police at more than twice the rate of white people. The State Department is missing a $5,800 bottle of Japanese whiskey that was gifted to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to a document made public Wednesday. The agency revealed an ongoing inquiry into what happened to the bottle of liquor in a notice, which is set to be published in the Federal Register on Thursday. Pompeo received the bottle of whiskey on June 24, 2019, according to the document. The former top diplomat, along with former President Donald Trump, was in Japan around that time for a Group of 20 summit. William Burck, Pompeo's lawyer, said the former Trump administration official has no memory of receiving the bottle of whiskey or any idea what happened to it. MIKE POMPEO LAUNCHES PAC TO BOOST 2022 REPUBLICANS IN PRELUDE TO PRESIDENTIAL RUN He has no idea what the dispensation was of this bottle of whiskey, Burck said, according to the New York Times, which reported that officials asked the State Department's inspector general to look into the matter. The federal government has strict rules regulating elected officials' acceptance of gifts from foreign governments, which are predicated on the Constitution's emoluments clause. Officials are permitted to accept only on certain conditions. For example, an official may take a gift if refusing to do so would cause embarrassment to the donor or the United States. The document outlined numerous gifts that were accounted for, including two other bottles of whiskey, offered to former Trump administration officials. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER For example, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi gave Trump a "large double frame carved from black stone with the image of President Donald J. Trump in precious metal on one side and the coat of arms of Egypt on the reverse." The item is now in the custody of the National Archives. Lisa Curtis, who was deputy assistant to the president and senior director for South and Central Asian Affairs under Trump, was given a handwoven silk carpet from Uzbekistan's defense minister that is valued at $9,600. The item's transfer to the General Services Administration is pending, the notice said. Story continues An inspector general investigation into the missing bottle's whereabouts would not be the first to take up a matter associated with Pompeo's tenure. The watchdog's office investigated the former secretary of state and his wife and said in April that the two used public funds to request employees to carry out personal tasks in violation of ethics rules. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Whiskey, Japan, Mike Pompeo, Trump administration Original Author: Jeremy Beaman Original Location: State Department looking for missing $5,800 bottle of whiskey gifted to Pompeo The Taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack at the home of a top Afghan military official. Acting Defense Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi wasnt home when the Taliban supposedly conducted their planned assassination attempt on Tuesday, which killed eight people and wounded 20, according to multiple outlets. BIDEN TRIES TO STEM THE ALARMING FLOW OF MINORITY VOTERS AWAY FROM DEMOCRATS AHEAD OF MIDTERM ELECTIONS The attack, which began when a suicide bomber detonated a vehicle packed with explosives, was the beginning of retaliatory operations against the core officials of the Kabul administration, the Taliban said in a statement. After the blast, four gunmen wearing suicide vests rushed through the hole in the wall outside Mohammadis house and then entered an adjacent home of a member of Parliament. The gunmen shot four people who tried to hide while another group of people took shelter behind a bulletproof door. Two of the perpetrators detonated their vests, while two others were killed by guards in a gun battle that lasted several hours. With the mercy of God, neither me nor my family members were hurt in this attack, Mohammadi said in a video message. I assure you all, my countrymen, that such incidents will not disrupt my will and morale in defending you and my country. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER The Taliban are continuing their aggressive push as the U.S. withdrawal continues. The Taliban captured much of the Helmand provincial capital in Afghanistan days ago. Over the weekend, the Taliban used rocket fire to attack the Kandahar airport in the southern part of Afghanistan, and a Taliban spokesman said the target was strategically chosen because the enemy were using it as a center to conduct airstrikes against us. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Taliban, War in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Defense Original Author: Mike Brest Original Location: Taliban claim responsibility for attack targeting Afghan defense minister Target announced Wednesday plans to offer debt-free education assistance to more than 340,000 of its front-line workers. Why it matters: Americans owe $1.6 trillion in student loans. Stay on top of the latest market trends and economic insights with Axios Markets. Subscribe for free Details: The aid will cover select undergraduate degrees and certificates, tuition assistance supplies and other out-of-pocket expenses at no cost to workers. The policy, which applies to all U.S. part-time and full-time team members, will include 250 business-aligned programs from over 40 schools, colleges and universities. Target will also pay up to $10,000 per year for masters degrees. The company plans to invest $200 million in the program, which will take effect this fall, over the next four years. The move aims to "eliminate student debt and promote equitable access to education for its team as part of Target Forward sustainability strategy." What they're saying: "Target employs team members at every life stage and helps our team learn, develop and build their skills, whether theyre with us for a year or a career," Melissa Kremer, Target's chief human resources officer, said in a statement. Yes, but: The company faced protests from workers over COVID-related safety concerns and low wages. "Were trying to lead the way in showing that theres an alternative here where we dont have to choose between sacrificing our lives for a paycheck that isnt going to cover our medical expenses or our funeral expenses if we catch this virus or die from it," Adam Ryan, a Target employee who participated in a nationwide strike last year, told CNBC. Like this article? Get more from Axios and subscribe to Axios Markets for free. Texas state Rep. Jessica Gonzalez is refusing to say whether she is in Europe on a vacation with fellow state Rep. Julie Johnson and their partners. Gonzalez and Johnson were two of the Texas Democrats who fled their state in mid-July and planned to stay until Aug. 7, intending to disrupt quorum and block the passage of Gov. Greg Abbott's election reform bill. TEXAS GOP HOUSE SPEAKER ISSUES ARREST WARRANT FOR DEMOCRAT WHO FLED STATE AFTER RETURN I dont respond to rumors, Gonzalez told the San Antonio Express-News when questioned whether she was on a vacation abroad. No one has shown proof. These are rumors, period. End of story. The alleged international trip was first reported by Texas Monthly writer John Tilove, who said Gonzalez and Johnson hopped aboard a flight for a Portuguese vacation they had been planning with their romantic partners that was nonrefundable. The women were allegedly participating in the caucus meetings through Zoom calls. Neither Gonzalez nor Johnson has conclusively denied claims that they are on vacation abroad, and neither has appeared in public since the allegations. Texas Democrats fled the state on July 12 and began campaign for voting rights in Washington, D.C. While in Washington, D.C., the group has met with Vice President Kamala Harris and other major figures in the Democratic Party, seeking federal election reform laws. These efforts have been overshadowed by an unexpected outbreak of COVID-19 among the Texas politicians, many of whom were photographed maskless in transit to the nation's capitol. Texas Republican Rep. Jared Patterson slammed the pair Wednesday in a series of tweets, writing, "Texas Democrats shut down a special session devoted to helping foster kids, retired teachers and property taxpayers and to secure our border and elections. Now, theyve charged taxpayers about $1M while on vacation in DC and Europe." The Democrats have maintained that their travel and living costs are not being paid with taxpayer money. A transfer from the House Democratic Caucus paid for the flights to Washington, D.C. One House member charged a group of hotel rooms to a personal American Express card. The Dallas County Democratic Party issued appeals for donations to support the renegade politicians, asking for toiletries, snacks, and other items. Story continues CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Abbott has repeatedly claimed that the politicians will be arrested and forced to vote upon reentry into the state. So far, one person, Rep. Philip Cortez, has had a warrant issued for his arrest after attempting to return to the state. Cortez swiftly returned to Washington, D.C., with his colleagues. Neither Gonzalez nor Johnson's offices responded immediately to the Washington Examiner's requests for comment. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Democratic Party, Portugal, Texas Original Author: Timothy Nerozzi Original Location: Texas lawmaker who fled to DC won't reveal if she's on vacation Valerie Junius was planning to leave Lawrence Reed, who has since been charged with her July 29 murder in Katy. A Katy, Texas mother was killed last week allegedly at the hands of her husband, who authorities say fatally shot her and opened fire on two of her children. Valerie Junius was planning to leave Lawrence Reed, who has been charged with her murder, according to Harris County Sheriffs. The mother of six was slain on July 29 and found inside her home. Texas mother of six Valerie Junius (above) was shot dead last month in Katy, reportedly by the abusive husband she was planning to leave, authorities say. (ABC 13) Deputies responding to the shooting found Reed barricaded inside, and he later surrendered to SWAT. According to a report from People magazine, the couple had been engaged in an ongoing domestic disturbance, and she had been in Chicago for a month with relatives. My Auntie, Gloria, was on the phone with her daughter, Valerie, while she could overhear her husband, Lawrence Reed, telling Valerie that he was going to kill her and her kids, the organizer of a GoFundMe fundraiser writes. Gloria then had the horrific experience of having to hear Lawrence shoot her daughter Valerie a total of 7 times, ultimately taking her life. The page was set up to raise $50,000 for homegoing services and support for Junius mother, who is left to raise her six grandchildren. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Please pray for Valerie in heaven, her children left here on Earth, along with her mother, Gloria, the GoFundMe page concludes. According to reports, Reed shot at Junius 16-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter as they tried to flee and run out of the house. They were both wounded with non-life-threatening injuries. Local reporting notes that Junius was planning to leave her husband. She had only returned home to Texas to retrieve personal belongings. She didnt know she was walking into this, said her cousin, Treshawnda Junius. He knew it was over when she stayed in Chicago for as long as she stayed, she said. He knew it was over. He killed her. He didnt give her a chance. Harris County Sheriffs have reported an uptick in domestic violence and fatal domestic shootings in 2021. Story continues Its alarming. Its disturbing, said Barbie Brashear, executive director of the Harris County Domestic Violence Coordinating Council. It matches what we are hearing nationally, that domestic violence is on the rise. Treshawnda Junius can only offer advice in the wake of her cousins tragedy, saying, If you have family that are unhappy in relationships, I urge you to stand by them. I wish I called my cousin. I wish I called her. Have you subscribed to theGrios Dear Culture podcast? Download our newest episodes now! TheGrio is now on Apple TV, Amazon Fire and Roku. Download theGrio.com today! The post Texas man accused of killing wife, firing at children after she made plans to leave appeared first on TheGrio. The Fox News host Tucker Carlson at a summit in 2019. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Fox News' Tucker Carlson is broadcasting from Hungary this week. Carlson is promoting the worldview of Hungary's authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban. America's far right sees Orban as a more successful, effective version of Trump. See more stories on Insider's business page. Fox News' Tucker Carlson is broadcasting from Budapest, Hungary, this week. For a lot of people, this might be perplexing. But for those who've closely followed the far right in recent years, it makes perfect sense. Many American conservatives admire Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a xenophobic, anti-LGBTQ authoritarian who's been in power for 11 years and who endorsed President Donald Trump's reelection campaign last year. They see Orban as a more effective version of Trump - and a model for the future of right-wing politics in the US. Carlson is effectively in Hungary to promote Orban's nationalism and antidemocratic approach to governance, and authoritarianism experts are concerned - particularly over what this says about the direction of American conservatism. The Fox host's Hungarian excursion comes as Republicans continue to whitewash the pro-Trump Capitol insurrection and vie to restrict voting in several states, and as recent Morning Consult polling suggested that more than a quarter of Americans qualified as having right-wing authoritarian political beliefs. Read more: The definitive oral history of how Trump took over the GOP, as told to us by Cruz, Rubio, and 20 more insiders "There's nothing funny about this encounter," Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a New York University historian and expert on strongman leaders, wrote of Carlson's visit with Orban. "Carlson's world aligns to an alarming degree with that of Orban ... The goal of these alliances has always been to mainstream far-right values." "Orban has arguably been among the most successful sitting leaders at creating an electoral autocracy - the 21st century way of being a strongman that entails keeping a veneer of democracy going while turning elections into sham events, taking judicial and press freedoms away, and suffocating society slowly," Ben-Ghiat said, adding, "This is where the GOP is heading, accelerating the agenda of the Trump presidency to undo our democratic freedoms and institutions." Story continues Carlson is boosting Orban's profile while ignoring his autocratic leadership Carlson, perhaps the most prominent right-wing voice in the US, shared a tweet showing him meeting with Orban on Monday. The Fox host is also set to speak on Saturday at a far-right conference called MCC Feszt that's tied to Orban. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. "If you care about Western civilization and democracy and families, and the ferocious assault on all three of those things by the leaders of our global institutions, you should know what is happening here right now," Carlson said during his show on Monday night, making no mention of Orban's antidemocratic tendencies. Carlson decried the mainstream media in the US, saying its true purpose was to defend the ruling class. He did not, however, discuss the extreme degree to which Orban had shored up control of the news media in Hungary. In July, Reporters Without Borders pointed to Orban as one of the world's 37 "press freedom predators." The Fox host on Wednesday gave a talk at a dinner with Orban's office, praising Hungary as a great place that the West could learn from and telling the audience, "You're truly hated by all the right people," according to tweets from Rod Dreher, a senior editor at The American Conservative. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Dreher has also expressed admiration for Orban and championed the Hungarian leader's politics in his writing. "What I see in Orban is one of the few major politicians in the West who seems to understand the importance of Christianity, and the importance of culture, and who is willing to defend these things against a very rich and powerful international establishment," Dreher told Vox last year. "I find myself saying of Orban what I hear conservatives say when they explain why they instinctively love Trump: because he fights," Dreher added. "The thing about Orban is that unlike Trump, he fights, and he wins, and his victories are substantive." Carlson and Orban have promoted a white-nationalist worldview Carlson and Orban, who faces elections in 2022, have been looking to each other as allies for some time. Anna Massoglia, an investigative researcher at OpenSecrets, reported that Hungary in 2019 paid $265,000 to a lobbying firm in Washington, DC, and that the payment was partially designed to help coordinate an interview on Carlson's show. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. Around that time, Carlson on his show praised Orban's ethnonationalist, anti-immigration policies while decrying the "neoliberals who run" the European Union. "Instead of helping the native population to have more children, the Hungarian government, they say, should import a replacement population from the Third World," Carlson said in July 2019. "But Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orban, has a different idea," Carlson added. "Instead of abandoning Hungary's young people ... Orban has decided to affirmatively help Hungarian families grow." Carlson has espoused a white-supremacist "replacement" conspiracy theory on his show, accusing Democrats of "importing" immigrants to "dilute" US voters. Orban, who has presented himself as a defender of Christianity and built a wall to keep out refugees, has made nearly identical talking points. "We do not want to be diverse," Orban said in a 2018 speech, adding, "We do not want our own color, traditions, and national culture to be mixed with those of others." Following in Orban's footsteps would spell trouble for American democracy Viktor Orban and Donald Trump. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images Orban, who was once described by Steve Bannon, Trump's former campaign CEO and chief strategist, as "Trump before Trump," has eroded democratic institutions and tightened his grip over the central European country's political system over the past decade or so. The Hungarian leader, a champion of what he calls "illiberal democracy," has packed the nation's courts and media with allies. Orban has also gamed the electoral system - via gerrymandering and other dubious tactics - to favor his Fidesz party. "At this point, Hungary is a full-on dictatorship. No if, ands, or buts," Sheri Berman, a professor of political science at Barnard College and author of "Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe," told Insider last year as Hungary's Parliament granted Orban broad emergency powers to combat the coronavirus, giving him the ability to rule by decree. Last year, the watchdog Freedom House said in its annual "Nations in Transit" report that Hungary no longer qualified as a democracy, citing "a stunning democratic breakdown" in the country. In its 2021 report, it continued to criticize Hungary's "unparalleled democratic deterioration over the past decade." Similarly, the Economist Intelligence Unit classified the US as a "flawed democracy" in its latest "Democracy Index" report, falling from its status as a "full democracy" in 2016. If the far right gains more control over the levers of power in the US, pushing the political system closer to Orban's Hungary, it could have irrevocable consequences for American democracy. Read the original article on Business Insider Tucker Carlson onstage during Politicon 2018 at the Los Angeles Convention Center on October 21, 2018. Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Politicon The New York attorney general released a report concluding Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed women. Carlson on Tuesday night said the inquiry looked into what he called Cuomo's "serial creepiness." Cuomo has largely denied acting inappropriately. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. On Tuesday's episode of his Fox News show, Tucker Carlson joked about the new report detailing numerous sexual-harassment claims against Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The report relayed the findings of an investigation ordered by the New York attorney general's office. After its release Tueday, the lead investigator Joon Kim said during a press conference that the investigators uncovered sexual-harassment claims not just from members of Cuomo's staff but also from other state employees, including a state trooper who served on his protective detail. Cuomo first met the trooper, identified as "Trooper #1" in the report, in 2017 and requested that she be added to his protection service unit, the report said. Trooper #1 described the governor's behavior toward her after she joined the unit as generally "flirtatious" and "creepy," according to the report. "One thing we learned: Andrew Cuomo is not against defunding the police - he wants to have sex with them, or at least one of them," Carlson quipped. At the same press conference, another lead investigator, Anne Clark, said the governor had hugged one of his executive assistants and reached under her blouse to grab her breast. In response to the report's release, Cuomo continued to largely deny acting inappropriately and showed a slideshow of himself hugging and kissing both strangers and other public officials, including former Vice President Al Gore. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. "Now, we didn't show the tape, but we just want to be totally clear that the video of the slideshow that Andrew Cuomo put on the screen showed him hugging Al Gore but not reaching up under Gore's shirt to grab his man boobs," Carlson said. Story continues Carlson then had the former federal prosecutor Francey Hakes on as a guest to provide her analysis of the situation, asking her, "How would you assess what we've just learned about Governer Creep-o?" Hakes said Cuomo could face criminal charges of sexual battery. "Isn't it convenient that he has built for himself a touchy reputation?" Hakes said. "My question is, did he build that touchy reputation for himself so that he could claim later that these were all misinterpreted touchings and that he's just a very affectionate man?" Carlson predominantly focused his segment on Cuomo, barely mentioning any of the 11 women who came forward with the sexual-harassment accusations against him. Read the original article on Insider By Sarah N. Lynch WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A coalition of U.S. criminal justice reform advocates on Wednesday sent the Justice Department a proposal to help prevent the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) from sending thousands of federal inmates released during the pandemic back to prison. In a letter to department officials, the groups offered the Justice Department an analysis, which concludes that the BOP has legal authority to keep people out on home confinement after the emergency is lifted. A Justice Department spokeswoman did not have any immediate comment. In March 2020, Congress authorized the department to declare an emergency so it could expand the pool of low-level, non-violent federal inmates who could qualify for home confinement, to contain COVID-19's spread throughout the federal prison system. But in January, the department's Office of Legal Counsel issued a memo which found that once the emergency is lifted, the BOP will have no choice but to "recall prisoners in home confinement to correctional facilities" because the authority to send more people home was temporary. To date the emergency has not been lifted, and with the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant, it is not immediately clear when it will be. Still, criminal justice advocates have urged the Biden administration to take action to make sure vulnerable inmates are not forced back into prison. BOP Director Michael Carvajal told lawmakers in April that only a legislative fix from Congress will be able to prevent them from recalling inmates back home. In their letter, the groups said the Justice Department had misinterpreted the law, and that it has the power to act now. "The authority of the Bureau of Prisons to grant and revoke home confinement is the same as it always was under the pre-existing statutory scheme," they wrote. "We encourage you to reassess the memo because it is incorrect." The letter was signed by Families Against Mandatory Minimums, Democracy Forward Foundation, Justice Action Network, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the Tzedek Association and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which was recently led by now-Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. (Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Editing by Aurora Ellis) (Bloomberg) -- The U.K. is considering blocking a takeover of Arm Ltd. by Nvidia Corp. due to potential risks to national security, according to people familiar with the discussions. Nvidia, the biggest U.S. chip company by market capitalization, announced in September a $40 billion deal to acquire Arm from Japans SoftBank Group Corp., as part of a push to spread its reach in the surging market for semiconductors. SoftBank has been selling assets to raise cash for buybacks and fresh investments in startups. In April, U.K. Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden asked the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to prepare a report on whether the deal could be deemed anti-competitive, along with a summary of any national security concerns raised by third parties. The assessment, delivered in late July, contains worrying implications for national security and the U.K. is currently inclined to reject the takeover, a person familiar with government discussions said. The U.K. is likely to conduct a deeper review into the merger due to national security issues, a separate person said. No final decision has been taken, and the U.K. could still approve the deal alongside certain conditions, the people added. Dowden is set to decide on whether the merger needs further examination by the U.K.s competition authorities. We continue to work through the regulatory process with the U.K. government, said an Nvidia spokesperson in a statement. We look forward to their questions and expect to resolve any issues they may have. Shares in Nvidia were little changed on Tuesday, while SoftBank fell 1.5% in Tokyo on Wednesday. If regulators do block the deal, it will impede Nvidias ability to dominate the computing-chip market, but we believe investors already had low expectations that the deal would be completed. Anand Srinivasan, BI senior semiconductors industry analyst Chip Technology A spokesperson for the CMA declined to comment. A U.K. official declined to comment. Story continues Arm owns the most widely-used set of standards and designs in the $400-billion chip industry. Its technology is at the heart of most of the worlds smartphones and is finding an increasing role in computing, including in server machinery that runs corporate and government systems. The Cambridge-based company has acted as a neutral party which sells chip blueprints and licenses its standards to a wide range of major technology companies, many of whom are fierce competitors. Ownership by Japans SoftBank, which acquired it in 2016 and which doesnt overlap with Arms customers, has preserved that neutrality. It is unclear how ARMs change from Japanese to American ownership will affect U.K. national security. However, since SoftBanks acquisition, the semiconductor technology has become a new focus for politicians. The chip industry became a central part of former President Donald Trumps trade war with China and the U.S. has taken action to restrict that countrys access to know-how thats primarily owned by the U.S. companies that dominate the industry. U.S. government restrictions on the sale of chip technology to China already govern some of Arms inventions, as the company has operations there. Newport Wafer Fab Ltd., based in Wales, is currently under review from the U.K. government after it agreed to be sold to a Chinese manufacturer for around 63 million pounds ($87 million). Critical Assets U.K. to Move Ahead on Nuclear Project Without China Support Prime Minister Boris Johnson has moved to protect critical national infrastructure including barring Chinese-owned Huawei Technologies Co. and he is also planning to press ahead with a flagship nuclear project without Chinese funding, according to a person familiar with the matter. Arms position at the heart of the chipmaking industry means the deal has already raised concerns, because Nvidia directly competes with Arms customers like Qualcomm Inc., Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Others have publicly endorsed the change of ownership. Some of Nvidias rivals have said they would be ready to invest in Arm to help it continue independently, if Nvidia isnt allowed to buy it. The deal is also subject to regulatory approvals in China, the European Union and the U.S. Nvidia has pledged to maintain Arms independence if the takeover is completed and invest heavily to increase its reach. But any takeover deal is likely to attach conditions such as maintaining the about 3,000 U.K. staff, and keeping the companys headquarters in Cambridge. Nvidia Chief Executive Officer Jensen Huang has said he remains confident that regulators will approve the companys acquisition of Arm. Ever since SoftBank acquired Arm for $32 billion in 2016, its founder Masayoshi Son has positioned the chip designer as the cornerstone for his strategy of investing in AI-driven startups. Arm accounted for about 10% of SoftBanks net asset value as of the end of March, its third-largest shareholding after Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and the Vision Fund investment unit. Son has been stepping up startup investments through his Vision Fund 2 and the money from an Arm sale could help finance that effort. Nvidia has committed to paying SoftBank $2 billion whether the acquisition goes through or not. If the deal is blocked by regulators, SoftBank is likely to pursue an IPO of ARM, according to two people familiar with the matter. In a blog post in July, ARM CEO Simon Segars said, The combination of Arm and NVIDIA is a better outcome than an IPO. (Updates with SoftBanks exposure to Arm in penultimate paragraph) More stories like this are available on bloomberg.com Subscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source. 2021 Bloomberg L.P. Yahoo Entertainment On Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday, Cooper aired an interview between CNN investigative reporter Drew Griffin and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Lindell has made numerous claims of voter fraud, even claiming to have indisputable evidence that former President Donald Trump won the election, but he has yet to actually provide that evidence. Lindell has claimed to have spent millions in his futile quest to prove the election was fraudulent, leading Griffin to wonder if Lindell is just being scammed. You could possibly be the victim of a scam here, Griffin said. Well then why dont you come to the symposium and make $5 million, Lindell replied. Are you worried about me? We should give a hug. Youre worried about old Mike? Oh, God bless you. But Lindells jovial mood was brief. Were worried that what you are doing is mistakenly or deliberately destroying the confidence in the legitimate, elected President of the United States, and fostering real damage to this country, Griffin said. Lindell furiously denied ever saying anything bad about Democrats or President Biden, and accused Griffin of lying. Violence by rebel and government forces and their allies in Central African Republic has claimed more than 1,200 lives in the past year, the UN said Wednesday, describing the scale of bloodshed and abuse as "alarming." Although the conflict that erupted in 2013 has widely fallen back since 2018, at least 1,221 people died from July 2020 to July 2021, including 144 civilians, it said in a statement. Many more victims could not be identified. The rights section of the UN mission in the country, MINUSCA, "recorded 526 incidents of abuses and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law across the country," it said in a statement. By comparison, from July 2019 to July 2020, 880 incidents of abuse and right violations were recorded, involving 1,522 victims including 240 women and 184 children. Documented abuses over the past year included "extrajudicial and summary killings, torture and ill-treatment, arbitrary arrests and detentions... conflict-related sexual violence and serious violations against children," it said. A coalition of armed groups, the Coalition of Patriots for Change (CPC), was responsible for over half of the documented incidents, the report said. The CPC, created in late 2020, brings together several armed groups controlling large parts of the country and determined to topple the government in Bangui. "The CPC killed and abducted civilians, attacked UN peacekeepers (and) looted the premises of humanitarian organisations," the UN said. But it also lambasted regular army forces and their Russian allies -- nominally "military instructors" -- saying they were responsible for 46 percent of the incidents detailed. The report called on all parties in the conflict to cease attacks on civilians and demanded full and impartial investigation into crimes. The CAR government did not immediately reply to an AFP request for a response. Since December last year, government forces have managed to wrest some of the vast swathes of territory from rebel control, with the help of hundreds of Rwandan soldiers and the support of Russian paramilitaries. Story continues The CAR is the second poorest country in the world, according to UN figures, and since 2013 has been ravaged by a civil war, even if the intensity of the fighting has fallen off since 2018. An uptick in rebel attcks has been seen in recent weeks. On Saturday, at least six civilians were killed in the northwest of the country near the border with Cameroon. Another 13 civilians were killed in the north in July. bdl-dyg/amt/gd/ri Aug. 3The following students have been named to the honor roll for the fourth marking period of the 2020-2021 school year at Urbana High School: Grade nine, first honors: Sanya Ailawadi, Janine Amefia, Declan Anderson, Nikita Arya, Prince Aryeh, David Avit, Zahra Aziz, Charles Bai, Fatima Baldwin, Emily Barnhurst, Jake Beach, Madelyn Behling, Maia Bell, Parker Bell, Abigail Bennett, Mahad Bhinder, Shayon Biswas, Brandon Bosaz, Nicolas Brown, Nathaniel Browning-Elam, Uyen Bui, Karla Burbano, Kaden Caretti, Elisabeth Castor, Cameron Chang, Shawn Chen, Matthew Chung, Jonathan Clark, Hannah Coffey, Audrey Cowles, Max Dabruzzo, John Damoulakis, Tuan Dang, Sameer Dash, Alyssa Davies, Sunayana Desai, Ava Duerr, Gabrielle Dwoskin, Caleb Edgell, Lillian Eichelberger, Talia Elgin, Zackary Epley, Kaylan Ewing, Icie Favata, David Feliciano Maldonado, Justin Ficklin, Connor Fisher, Natalina Fisher, Meredith Flynn, Julia Fondersmith, Clayton Forsythe and Katherine Fu. Sidhant Gandhi, Dinesh Ganesan, Alexis Georgilas, Dhruv Girish, Liam Grapes, Sophia Grech, Nathan Gu, Jocelyn Haenftling, Nicole Hani, Miranda Harvey, Thomas Hauerstein, Brianna Henderson, Rhyleigh Heusser, Mia Hibbeler, Kelsey Hipp, Marcus Hirsch, Landon Huffman, Katelynn Inkman, Cassandra Jafari, Nathan Jang, Hannah Jeffries, Mason Jenkins, Carson Jernejcic, Nyasha Jigsa, Cameron Johnson, Andrew Jons, John Jutila, Ethan Kannaian, Aarushi Kariveda, Jacob Kaufman, Cody Keegan, Rahma Khan, Reja Khan, Mackenzie Kilgore, Claire Kim, Chase King, Pranav Konaraddi, Allison Krape, Caius Kubah Taylor, Jackson Laflotte, Minh Le, Stratton Liapis, Camryn Lowery, Jackson Lowery, James Lu and Zachary Luersen. Carmella Magnanelli, Arya Mahajan, Andrea Marin, Ciara McGarrity, Reagan McKenney, Griffin McKimmie, Joseph Medwid, Gabriel Mejia Sosa, Starlyn Mercado, Joshua Midla, Joshua Min, Daniel Miner, Logan Mitchell, Kaitlyn Mogar, Grace Monyak, Austin Mowdy, Monica Nader, Ananya Nair, Arvind Nalluru, Sruti Nandanavanam, Sharada Narayanan, Sanaa Nayeem, Grace Nelson, Angela Ngo, John Nguyen, Kenny Nguyen, Madison Nguyen, Emily Noel, Ishola Odegbile, Sangita Ohlke, Hadley Parker, William Parson, Suttida Patamawenu, Thierry Patchou, Suchi Patel, Collin Patterson, Matthew Pearson, Erik Pedersen, Austin Pelicano, Aarohi Phadke, Addison Planz, Jackson Planz, Christian Plesh, Lily Poska, Saaket Potluri, Lea Jean Prelewicz and Emily Price. Story continues Anya Qin, Delainey Quartucci, Marwa Qureshi, Brayden Rahmati, Keira Reinsfelder, Brady Roberton, Kevin Roberts, Skylar Robisch, Isabella Rogers, Connor Roussel, Zackary Russin, Mia Saavedra, Sadie Saba, Amal Sabra, Derrick Sackey, Alan Safadi, Amine Saidi, Christian Sakadales Downey, Shahyan Sanei, Ashley Scott, Anna Serrano, Zayan Shahab, Anushka Sharma, Parinita Sharma, Owen Sheffield, Alexis Siaobungco, Molly Silver, Nicole Simmons, Sibi Sivakumaran, Haley Smith, Jordan Sofon, Aleena Sohail, Yuvorith Sokhon, Dianna Solis, Levi Sontz, Ishaan Srivastava, Priyanka Subramanian, Marjorie Suthard, Dillon Swank, Rayan Syed, Amanda Talbott, Abigail Talmage, Kean Tanyi-Tang, Rayn Taskeen, Samuel Teague, Giovanna Testen, Leah Theus, Seth Thomas, Rachael Thyparambil, Madison Tieu, Liam Timpane, Yeideliz Torres Serrano, Karan Trasi, Kaya Trasi, Preeya Trivedi, Justin Truffer, Yehonatan Vaisband, Julia Valdivia, Brayden Van Ginkel, Lindsay Van Housen, Anthony Verdi, Isabelle Vicari, Roshna Vijayan, Lillianna Violette, Kaylee Vongnaraj, Nicholas Wabik, Jack Walker, Lukas Walker, Daniel Wang, Henry Wang, Benjamin Warner, Duncan Ways, Natalie Westerman, Colin Willens, Ryan Williams, Emily Wlodarczyk, Lily Woodham, Alexander Woolpert, Yidi Zhao and Rachel Zoretich. Grade nine, second honors: Naa Dede Adoko, Diego Aizvera, Connor Allen, Alexia Arias Mercado, Gustave Arndt, Kayden Ayers, Mauricio Azoulay, Mariana Berrios, Calie Bloomfield, Rylan Bravin, William Brookes, Cedric Brooks, Carson Buist, Kayla Burgess, Jack Byrne, Anqi Cai, Aidan Casey, Ana Castro Orozco, Lucien Chaka, Juan Chiquillo, Gabriela Christian Torres, Jonathan Coa, Molly Cook, Daniel Coronado, Adam Cowles, Ayanna Curtis, Easton Curtis, Logan Curtis, Jonathan Davis, Sophia Davis, Chelsea Defang, Daniela Delgado, Nathaniel Diggs, Gavin Drescher, Madison Ehrhardt, Janna Elzaiat and Samuel Eskay. Luke Fair, Kate Fanning, Olivia Fanning, Kayla Fuentes, Natalia Galliani, Evelyn Gauthier, Tristan Godard, Madison Gombos, Wyatt Greaves, Sydney Grimes, Mia Guillen Swenson, Lukas Gutierrez, Erin Hackney, Celetra Hartford, Jessica Hawk, Ryan Heflin, Julia Hogan, Max Hornby, Aaron Humes, Jared Huseby, Aditi Immidi, Adam Jacobs, Janvi Jasani, Elijah Jean Jacques, Joshua Jeong, Natalia Johnson, Jason Jutila, Rod Kakhi, Hailey Karira, Ansh Kasana, Gabriel Kaufman, Caroline Kearns, Zoe Keith, Laila Kenney, Emma Kilcoyne, Andrew Knepper, James Knowlton, Evan Koser, Deven Kulkarni, Landon Lacey, Patrick Lakie, William Landon, Jacob Levow, Ryder Levy, Taylor Liang and Kaylan Libert. Colin Mahaney, Chase Malasheskie, Kaitlyn Mannebach, Emma Martin, Hanna Matheus, Rafael Mayercak, Sebastien Mayercak, Christian Mayers, Matthew McCrimmon, Seamus McGee, Abigael McGough, Alice Mendes, Isaac Mikulas, Samantha Miles, Adrian Navarro Vargas, Hannah Newton, Ella O'Connor, Ivana Ochoa-Martinez, John Park, Ashley Payne, Carson Rao, Lucio Reyna, Nathaniel Rivera, Charles Rizak, Riley Robinson, Nicole Robles, Ethan Schecter, Sedat Sefik, Jaden Serkedakis, Alexander Shaver, Morgan Sherrill, Jack Slyman, Gary Smith, Sophia Smith, Natalya Solano, Annika Solfronk, Leonardo Sotomayor, Zoie Sullivan and Justin Szuchman. Asel Tabaldieva, Shloka Tambat, Anjali Thomas, Marisa Tomainom, Brandon Tran, Ryan Tran, Marcela Valencia, Leandro Valenzuela-Ruz, Isabella Vallone, Antonio Virata, Nathaniel Walker, William Walker, Taylor Weaver, Trevor Wendorf, Eli Wenk, Adam Wetherby, Paige White, Carter Wilhelm, Katrin Williams, Mathilda Williams, Thomas Wilson, Ryan Wolz and Kendall Wood. Grade 10, first honors: Pengyu Zhou, Audrey Addis, Javin Ahuja, Gavin Allanach, Rebecca Allen, Angeline Amefia, Jessica An, Horacio Andrade Rodriguez, Isabella Baker, Ammar Baqai, Faith Barford, Dylan Barnes, Jacob Barnhurst, David Barreno, Mara Bell, Logan Betten, Daniella Bowie, Megan Braun, Lauren Broder, Christopher Brunal, Aiden Buckland, Kimberly Bucknor, Siddharth Buddha, Cianna Bullock, Cameryn Burley, Bang Cao, Gabrielle Cappella, Keira Caretti, Jonah Casson, Hope Chandler, Isabel Chen, Jerry Chen, Winnie Chen, Seyeon Cheong, Alicia Clerch, Hailey Cline, Matthew Cobb, Ivy Coldren, Caylee Collins, Mairin Colo, Margaret Cowan, Caroline Croft, Lindsey Croghan, Grant Croman, Jack Crosby, Matthew Crotty, Tag Crown and Elijah Cupeta. Nathaniel El Taher, Elizabeth Elliott, Amruta Epari, Rebecca Fan, Jadyn Fleming, Stella French, Tyler Gallamoza, Stephanie Gartz, Natalie Garvey, Jahan Gasemy, Emilia Grant, Tatiana Grant, Julia Gustafson, Christopher Guyette, Rahul Harish, Tahir Haroon, Carley Hearne, Cianna Heckler, Samantha Heyison, Annika Hibbeler, Kylie Houston, Sarina Huang, Margaret Hummer, Kim Anh Huyen Ton, Abhinav Inavolu, Alana Jenifer, Jacob Jeong, Keegan Johnson, Noah Jones, Muskaan Kalyar, Michael Kankanian, Elif Karakus, Amogh Kashyap, Divija Katakam, Iman Kazmi, Brett Kekeris, Sophie Kenney, Gabriel Khawaja, Geethika Kondabathini, Nanda Kota, Mayad Koujah, Seraphim Kozlov and Luke Kramer. Ethan Laflotte, Colin Lansaw, Annaelle Le Guellec, Chaeyeon Lee, Ayva Levow, Anna Liu, Chayan Loun, Paige Magill, Sarah Mansoor, Tana McCoy, Ryan McNerney, Aiden Meadows, Sarah Mendes, Gabriela Mercado Santos, Hannah Miles, Cameron Millar, Agnny Morant, Madison Muragaki, Omar Nasir, Sofia Navarro, Kobe Neal, Akhil Neelagiri, Colby Nguyen, Jaehyun Oh, Vivian Oh, Julianna Ohler, Helena Ortiz, Henry Ortiz, Daniel Parsons, Yasmine Peralta, Olivia Perera, Katherine Peterson, Alexander Phang, Andrew Phillips, Aaliyah Pinto, Stephanie Price, Ta 'Mya Pryor, Ta 'Nya Pryor, Andrew Purcell, Janeth Quinteros, Zachary Reed, Taylor Reel, Holden Reinsfelder, Mike Rexxavier, Isaac Reyes, Bryan Rios Ramirez, Isabella Robey, Myris Rochez, Alana Rodriguez, Riley Rodriguez, Elva Romero Abarca, Rebecca Rooney, Xavier Rosales, Georgia Roy and Tanner Rupinta. Nusrah Samad, Vidhu Santhosh, Henry Schaefer, Jaiden Schecter, Hannah Scheirey, Manas Sharma, Kaylie Shelton, Zachary Sherwood, Emma Shoemaker, Caitlin Sigler, Bhargav Sristy, Michael Strawbridge, Maria Sulmonte, Colin Sweeney, Calista Sybrant, James Tandy, Manasi Tanikella, Mihir Tanikella, Dabria Taylor, Mudra Thakkar, Claire Thompson, Karley Thompson, Terrance Tomblin, Amaar Trisal, Cecily Tucker, Lillian Van, Amari Varfley, Alejandra Vasquez, Carmen Vega, Jena Vernon, Jenna Vesper, John Vicari, Sanjanaa Viswanathan, Andrew Vollmer, Kellie Voorhees, Cameron Vu, Rhea Vyragaram, Curtis Wang, Emily Wang, Oliver Williams, Charlotte Wilson, Mary Winram, Katie Xiao, Kaitlyn Yagesh, Jinan Yousuf, Alex Zheng and Joshua Zhu. Grade 10, second honors: Joy Abijah, Joanna Addis, Ralphael Akuta, Michael Albertson, Ashmita Babu, Audrey Bastian, Joshua Betteker, Sumedha Bhat, Manen Bishop, Sean Bishop, Alex Blacklock, Jack Blacklock, Emma Blessing, Alexander Bokelman, Caroline Borleis, Evan Branch, Noah Bravo, Orion Carrera, Philip Castro, Mikayla Chahine, Jessica Chilnick, Audrey Coffey, Meghan Compton, Avery Copeland, Anthony Corso, Angela Cosentino, Isabella Costanzo, Gabriela Crespo, Owen Cucuel, Audrey Dean, Hunter DeGioia, Richard Earl Delasan, James Derr, Scarlett Derr, Ian Devine, Colin Edwards, Martina Elizondo, Alejandro Espinosa, Leyla Falcon, Nadia Faruqui Gauto, Ethan Fauntleroy, Andrew Freund and Alexander Fuentes. Ayush Gawane, Gavin Gilbert, Jack Gill, Julian Gonzalez, Summer Hacker, Villea Hardesty, Arden Hendrickson, Markcus Hobson Garcia, Lucas Hoffman, Jayden Joseph, Paul Wesley Joseph, Rachel Kennedy, Caris Konath, Cole Kuhar, Dylan Lange, Nicholas LaScola, Sarah Lawrence, Jack Leonard, Arvid Lindquist, Andrew Liu, Marisa Llines, Abigail Logan, Hannah Longo, Natalie Lopez-Cruz, Rachel Lunny, Maxwell MacKenzie, Brendan Manetz, Sydney Marquardt, Sidney Marshall, Cindy Max-Grant, Gabriella Mbaoua, Gavin McKay, Alejandro Melendez Jourdan, Myra Mensah, Gabriel Mercado Santos, Alishba Mubariz, Edwije Mukadi, Aislinn Mulligan, Anton Murray, Lalitha Narayanan, Christian Neill, Kyran Nickens, Jalynn Offord, Mobolaji Ogunbiyi, Jaeyoung Oh, Nicholas Oravsky and Paul Orejimi. Faith Parks, Benjamin Pendleton, Jason Perdomo, Mayo Perez, Tyler Pilat, Briana Portillo, Emma Pritchard, Rebecca Radonovich, Ariana Rahimi, Anna Ransohoff, Zainab Raza, Luke Read, Zachary Reck, Luke Rivera, Myrriah Roussakos, Kelly Ann Sakyi Danso, Alexa Schmidt, Dorian Sellers, Kris Senapathy, Sarah Seo, Namya Shah, Kyle Sheahin, Marie Sheets, Alysa Shoemaker, Shane Shoemaker, Brianna Shuttlewood, Yannick Siewe, Maclaine Sipes, Riley Smith, Alexander Solow, Brady St. Louis, Julianne Stauffer, Mackenzie Steinheimer, Minerva Stephensbailey, Elijah Strom, Zian Thervil, Justin Tundo, Maira Vasquez Barrera, Joseph Virnelson, August Wageman, Cooper Walder, Ashlynn Waring-Reyes, Layton Wenk, Molly Wilson, Payton Winpigler, Jack Witte, Adrian Yang and Michael Zyrianov. Grade 11, first honors: Abigail Aboah, Fiona Agyekum, Jeanelle Agyem, Ian Akula, Ella Allen, Santiago Andrade Rodriguez, Alejandro Arias, Michael Armillotti, Alexandria Armstrong, Edith Arunkumar, Maheder Assefa, Britney Ayala, Hamza Azad, John Baik, Eugene Bang, Elaine Barber, Nickolas Barry, Julie Barton, Gurshant Bassan, Ginny Bastian, Kasey Beach, Patrick Becker, Samantha Benedetto, Ryan Bennett, Sarah Benson, Lyna Beraich, Tanvi Bolarum, Jordan Boron, Rachel Boucher, Nicholas Bray, Michael Britton, Chase Bryan, Dalena Bryant, Jamour Bwalu, John Calabrese, Emily Canaday, Isabella Carrero Baptista, Grace Carrico, James Cederdahl, Sofia Cedrone, Anubhav Chanda, Alexander Chang, Mariella Chmaj, Graciela Chrispim, Olivia Chu and Riley Curran. Aaron Davis, Chloe de la Vega, Ava Deak, Sebastian Decady, Taylor DeGirolamo, Tyler Dickens, Sean DiGiorgio, Charlotte Dohne, Kacey Draves, Brady Duckhorn, Tatiana Edwards, Cooper Estok, Amanda Fairbanks, Rebecca Franco, Shubhi Gandhi, James Garvey, Meray Ghobrial, Alisa Gorham, Kaitlyn Grover, Christopher Harkawik, Jedidiah Hart, Joseph Hauerstein, Ashkon Hazrati, Diego Henriquez, Laurel Hersey, Penelope Hiepler, Mason Hill, Macy Hines, Joseph Hobbs, Grace Hostler, Mitchell Hough, Minsi Hu, Paige Humbert, Humza Husain, Christina Hviid, Galila Ibrahim, Cassidy Irish, Amanee Jamil, Ethan Johnson, Elizabeth Kellogg, Colin Kinnelly, Ryan Klinger, Nia Kombe-Jarvis and Nikhil Kurian. Addison Lauer, Vinh-Khang Ryan Le, Jolie Li, Grant Lieberman, Michael Light, Rowan Lippy, Michael LoProto, Wojciech Lubkowski, HenriMichael Ly, Abtin Mahdavi, Jesse Martin, Soumya Maturi, Emily McDonnell, Karly McDonnell, Giulianna McKinney, Reagan McMahon, Kaitlyn McNerney, Ethan Mercier, Viren Mistry, Colin Mulcahy, Vrinda Mullapudi, Megan Mulligan, Jordan Murphy, Vincent Natale, Emily Neill, Connor Nelson, Kendall Newton, Bach Ngo, Michelle Nguyen, Thuy Trang Nguyen, Avery Osbon, Grace Pagendarm, Katerina Panichas, Gabriella Papillo, Brice Patchou, Priya Patel, Alexander Pellet, Claudia Perez, Daniel Peterman, Meghna Potluri, Malia Puerto and Maarij Qureshi. Reshma Ramesh, Diya Rawal, Eesha Reddy, Michael Reilly, Tyson Remsburg, Genevieve Resnik, Andrew Rigg, Sean Rivard, Megan Roberts, Henry Rodrigues, Braeden Romer, Marling Romero Abarca, Ezekiel Roussakos, Tafrid Sadat, Hritaal Saha, Isha Sahai, Adrienne Salcedo, Lucas Sanchez, Christopher Sappe, Dominic Savoy, Samantha Scates, Abhiraman Senthilkumar, Paige Shaver, Alexandra Shishov, Barathi Sivakumaran, Justin Smallwood, Naomi Smariga, Michael Snyder, Voleak Sokhon, William Souder, Quinlan Spotts, Andrew Stedman, Andy Sun, Shuaib Syed,Abby Tang, Anthony Terselic, Marisa Thaden, Justin Theis, Colin Thompson, Vipula Thoppae, Matteo Torres, Vivi Tran, Ashley Truffer, Sujal Umrikar, Wanda Valencia, Celeste Valerio, Jackson Varley, Chaeli Vega, Trevor Walasik, Andrew Wang, Jiayi Wang, Trevor Weakly, Tobias Weichbrod, Conner White, Kyle Yi, Azhan Zafar, Rimsha Zaman, Kevin Zhang and Aleksandra Zvaners. Grade 11, second honors: Sofia Aizvera, Nathan Akula, Paige Alexander, Vasean Annin, Matthew Appiah, Thomas Arellano, Meklit Assefa, Dante Baldeh, Abigail Bandeira, River Belt, Andrew Bennett, Kristina Bennett, Addison Benton, Emily Blake, Zachary Bokelman, Sarah Brandt, Keira Brown, Micayla Brown, Alixzander Bryan, Kennedy Buist, Peter Bundy, Jacob Casey, Ava Collins, Madison Cooper, Matthew Crawmer, Rebecca Cuebas, William Cullum, Nathan Dacey, Brooke Dalgarn, Wade Day, Ruby Densock, Olivia DiMarzio, Madeline Dowell, Isabella Dressler, Mia Duprey, Andrea Eberhart, Emma Eill, Rylee Ellis, Cameron Esteve, Logan Eversull, Emma Fair, Christopher Farias, Ryan Ficklin, Roselia Flores, Eric Flores Suazo, Mikaella Issay Foley and Evan Foster. Elena Gajo, Shayan Ganguly, Anson Gentry, Nolan Giegel, Ethan Gitzen, Cassidy Godfroy, Kaitlin Gould, Spencer Grant, Colin Gregowich, Nathan Gunning, Jonnelle Gyamfi, Caitlyn Hardy, Kailee Herald, Tyler Herman, Christopher Herrera, Sydney Hofstetter, Kevin Holley, Austin Holloway, Tiffany Huber, Kennedi Hunter, Autumn Hurst, Aidan Ingram, Madeline Ireland, Keshav Jaitly, Tatiana Johnson, Ayush Joshi, Luis Jovel Lainez, Pola Kasprzak, Pranav Katakam, Colin Kelly, Shane Kendall, Aiden Kile, Jacob Klein, Karthik Kola, Carmen Kweti, Kendall Larade, AnPhi Le, Starr Leaks, Madisyn Lewis, Mason Lim, Alessandro Llines and Charles Lowery. William Magers, Valentina Mahadevan, Alexis Main, Carleigh Mankowich, Daniel Martin, Carter Mason, Amar Matharu, Victoria Mathis, Hannah McCabe, Bryan McDonald, Thomas McGinley, Bailey McKenzie, Camille Mencarini, Sarah Metz, Nathaniel Miller, Maelyss Milongo, Christopher Mixon, Lorenzo Moreschi, Jolie Mosack, Sebastien Mouton, Samantha Myers, Thomas Nguyen, Pascaline Opoku, Neesha Patel, Charlene Payne, Nicholas Pensiero, Elaina Pharaoh, Yash Phogat, Adam Radford, Emily Radune, Emily Ratti, Ronald Rattie, Lucas Reck, Nathan Ridgway, Matthew Riley, Maxwell Riley, Esteban Rincan, Martha Rodriguez Centeno, Jason Rosado, Annika Rosencrantz and Lauren Rosmarin. Giancarlo Sanchez-Sosa, Tyler Schmidt, Tyler Schulte, Grant Schumacher, Abigail Shankman, Wesley Sharper, Quinn Sheppard, Emmanuelle Shipley, Nicole Shupe, Kira Sigler, Dustin Silver, Mariana Sotomayor, Timothy Spelman, Tessa Stanley, Christian Staten, Warren Swank, Alexandra Thayer, Atul Thomas, Taylor Thomas, Chase Thompson, Nathan Tieu, Alexandra Tonti, Dieu-Huyen Kelly Tran, Lydia Trumbull, Sebastian Vagner, Rafael Vazquez, Grace Waffo, Vivian Warwick, Luke Wattay, Kyle Wilder, Thomas Wiles, Kate Wills, Arianna Yi, Shane Zaw-Win, Christine Ziadeh and Joseph Zibragos. Grade 12, first honors: Atyub Ahmad, Javeria Akhtar, Brianna Alba, Brooke Alban, Ralph Aloi, Brooke Amberger-Voyles, Ernst Anderson, Hafsa Anwar, Emily Arnold, Ella Auderset, Zachary Baker, Ryan Banashak, Rio Baran, Patrick Barry, Charles Beadle, Rafe Beckert, Christian Bishop, Maegan Blake, Morgan Blood, Gabriel Bonny, Sascha Bravin, Kiera Breisch, Alexandra Broadhurst, Amanda Brunken, Summer Campbell, Abriella Carioti, Helen Chen, Esha Chopra, Francesca Cinquepalmi, Caitlyn Clark, Sydney Clark, Morgan Cleary, William Coffey, Coltyon Cofone, Jadelyn Coleman, Emma Conover, Christina Cosentino, Cristina Costanzo, Baylor Courchaine, Lillian Croghan, Cameron Crook-Rosales, Collin Crown, Talon Cruz, Sophia Csulak, Kylie Davis, Sandra DeBoy, Lindsey Decady, Estevan Depintor, Matthew Dhima, Cathryn Diaz, Patrick DiMisa, Olivia Dinkel, Debbrielle Driggers, Shannon Duncan and Donovan Duong. Annette Eldo, Bennett Elgin, Faith Elliott, Audrey Espinosa, Ibukun Fagbohun, Anya Fernandez Foss, Alyssa Ferrante, Alexis Fleming, Karl Fredrikson, Vincent Galliani, Madeline Gardiner, Ava Gayowski, Calla Gentilucci, Miguel Gonzalez, Magdalen Goodwin, Allison Granger, Matthew Grant, Ashley Green, Levi Guerengomba, Liza Guerengomba, Amanda Guettler, Olivia Gustafson, Devin Hackett, Zharia Hall, Olivia Hallowitz, Margaret Hanson, Yusra Haroon, Heidi Hartje, Avery Himes, Madeline Hishmeh, Lucy Horn, Sydney Hsu, Maggie Hu, Jordan Hyde, Daniel Jeong, Christian Johnson, Cassandra Jones, Dylan Jones, Samantha Jones, Tristan Joo, Jack Jozwiak, Jason Jozwiak, Joshua Kaufman, Mahack Kazmi, Lauren Keegan, Sean Kelty, Aahana Kidambi, Ashley Kight, Jessica Kilgore, David Kneebone, Jason Kolar, Sandhya Krishnaswamy, Arush Kumar and Cullen Kweti. McKenna Ladson, George Lare, Grace LaScola, Kristen Lawrence, Rachael Lee, Madison Lehmann, Paige Leishman, Kevin Li, Gabriela Linares, Selma Lindquist, Emma Liu, Isabella Liu, Brianna Lombardo, Valerie Lopez Cruz, Hasita Madduri, Nicholas Mallory, Emily Marlatt, Victoria Matlock, Georgiana Matthews, Jacob Matthews, Shea McCarron, Daniel McDonald, Austin McMahon, Danielle McNerney, Cassie McQuay, Sebastian Mejia Sosa, Julia Meredith, Duncan Millar, Abigail Min, Alyssa Monsale, Valeria Morant, Christine Moreno, David Moreno, Olivia Moxley, Abigail Mukete, Alejandro Munoz, Srichandra Nalluru, Zoe Nelson, Don Ngo and Evan Osborne. Camilo Pardo, Allison Peterson, John Phillips, Lon Pierson, Chelsea Pitcher, Sophia Plaschke, Drew Plesh, Shishir Poreddy, Avyay Potarlanka, Stephanie Potisk, Reese Prahl, Rylan Puderbaugh, Emma Purcell, Jared Radwinsky, Andrew Radzikevich, Peter Radzikevich, Millie Ransohoff, Brina Ratangee, Kiersten Read, John Rempe, Jessica Ristau, Courtney Robinson, Olivia Rogers, Omar Sabra, Sarah Sackey, Nuhad Samad, Michael Schifano, Thomas Schupp, Nathan Seidenberg, Bogdan Senic, Danika Senzer, Veronika Senzer, Kendal Seymour, Zara Shamsuddin, Hailey Shannon, Kyle Sheives, Amelia Simpson, Audrey Simpson, Isabella Slyman, Emily Smith, Rachel Smolin, Briana Sofon, Lucas Sotomayor and Evelyn Sun. Daniyah Taimur, Chase Taras, Makala Thompson, Kailee Trang, Naaman Trumbull, Lauren Tulis, Austin Turley, Shivani Viswanathan, Natalie Voorhees, Zaria Walker, Hannah Wallace, Ashlyn White, Amelia Wiley, Ryan Wilhelm, Dalton Willis, Ruby Wilson Olivo, Taylor Wong, Lukas Wright, Alexis Yim, Eileen Zheng and Owen Zink. Grade 12, second honors: Colin Acton, Manasi Agisgekar, Nadia Agyekum, Trinity Allen, Kristyn Allgaier, Isaac Andujar Torres, Diego Ayala, Kateryn Ayala, Kenyon Baldwin, Matthew Ball, Emma Banashak, Uriah Banawoye, Brett Bauer, Burke Beasley, Gavin Beck, Hannah Bernard, Jordan Best, Sudharma Bhat, Ella Biggart, Rayah Burge, Jade Candaffio, Alexandra Cappella, Kylie Caretti, Ethan Carlisle, Anthony Carreira, Ember Carrera, Bryn Castor, Blake Compton, Alexander Corea, Colbi Crane, Catharine Croman, Caroline Cummings, Aliyah Cupeta, Lauren Custer, Ashley Day, Alexis Delgado, Jennifer Diallo, Chelsea Dingee, Caroline Dinkel, Madelyne Dukes, Ethan Edwards, Alexandre El Taher, Scott Escalante, Shannon Flynn, Joseph Galloway, Audrey Gammons, Jason Garcia, Joshua German, Izabella Giacalone, Kyle Gibson and Alondra Guevara Muniz. Luke Hajdaj, Clifford Hedin, Serene Henry, Avery Hines, Patrick Hipkins, Charlotte Hively, Griffin Holder, Anna Holmquist, Kyle Howes, Ryan Hunter, Iyfer Hussain, Benjamin Jernejcic, Julian Kanaskie King, Jordyn Keller, Olivia Keller, Areej Khan, Alexander Kim, Declan Kirk, Hillary Konadu, Olivia Koogle, Katherine Kozimor, Victoria Kremenets, Ella Landon, Ceyda Lane, Kirk Laryea, Edison Lee, Sean Leonard, Candy Lin, Isabelle Linares, Clark Little, Alexander Liu, Dorian Loretto, Culler Loun, Isabella Lowery, Yasmina Lowther, Hannah Luersen, Benjamin Malley, Nicholas Maniyar, Julia Marquardt, Emily Marshall, Madeline McGee, Cullen McKay, Olivia Menusan, Quinn Mitchell, Natalie Mixon, Koby Morales, Madison Moran, Anastasia Morris and Presley Musser. Imaad Nasir, Sophie Nielsen, Kira O'Connor, Anjuna Ohlke, Garrett Osborne, Devarajan Palaniappan, Bryce Patterson, Taylor Pelicano, Vinh Phan, Ashley Pharaoh, Ashlynne Pillai, Bailey Planz, Kaylee Read, Kailee Reel, Emma Regan, Alexander Rengen, Nicholas Renteria, Rebecca Reyes, Emma Ridgley, Arianna Robinson, Antoine Roseman, Spencer Rupinta, Ariana Sacco, Julian Samonte, Maria Saponara, Markus Senzer, John Shapiro, Gabrielle Shaw, Madison Sheffield, Dominick Shifaraw, Victoria Shovlin, Aakrit Shrestha, Nicholas Smale, Hailey Smith, Jaden Song, Zoerin Stephensbailey, Kathryn Strawbridge, Timothy Sullivan, Emma Sweeney, Nicolas Tadic, Charles Talbott, Kayla Tarigo, Patrick Taylor, Arvin Torabazari, Aizah Usmani, Hudson Van Amburg, Gabrielle Weedon, Jackson Weston, Thomas Wilhelm, Morgan Williams, Andrew Wlodarczyk and Teagan Wootton. WASHINGTON (AP) A tuna fishing boat based in the Pacific island nation of Fiji that has been accused of essentially enslaving its crew was blocked Wednesday from importing seafood into the United States, part of an increasing effort to keep goods produced with forced labor from entering the country. U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued an order to stop any shipments in American ports from the Hangton No. 112, a longliner operated by a Chinese national, after the agency determined there was credible evidence that the crew was subjected to conditions defined as forced labor under international standards. It's the latest in a series of such orders targeting Asian fishing vessels amid reports that crews made up largely of vulnerable migrant workers from poorer countries are subjected to horrific conditions by operators traveling farther at sea and for longer periods as fish populations decline worldwide. Foreign fishing vessels like the Hangton No. 112 continue to lure vulnerable migrant workers into forced labor situations so that they can sell seafood below market value, which threatens the livelihoods of American fishermen, CBP Acting Commissioner Troy Miller said in a statement released ahead of the announcement of the order. CBP will continue to stand up against these vessels abusive labor practices by preventing the introduction of their unethically harvested seafood into the U.S. market. Records show about $40 million in tuna and other fish from the Hangton No. 112 have been imported into the U.S. market in recent years despite industry efforts to address the issue, said Ana Hinojosa, executive director of the CBP directorate that investigates allegations of forced labor. The agency does not publicly identify the importers who received the shipments. CBP said its investigation found evidence that the crew of the Hangton 112 had wages improperly withheld from them, their identity documents were taken and they were kept in debt bondage, which typically involves charging workers an excessive amount in advance for travel and other expenses and holding them until they worked to pay if off. Story continues The agency found additional conditions that were difficult to read, Hinojosa said, even considering that fishing is a notoriously difficult and dangerous industry. I wouldnt call it a fun job, but there are certain protections of human rights that are expected in any kind of working environment." In May, the U.S. blocked imports of seafood from the entire fleet of a Chinese company with more than 30 ships that authorities say forced crew members to work in slave-like conditions that led to the deaths of several Indonesian fishermen last year. CBP has also issued orders against individual vessels from Taiwan and elsewhere. The 102-foot (34-meter) Hangton No. 112 operates with a crew of about a dozen, according to online records. The boat was cited in a December 2019 investigative report by Greenpeace Southeast Asia and the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union that documented abusive conditions in the Pacific fishing fleet. The operator denied the allegations at the time. Advocates such as Greenpeace say migrant workers, often from the Philippines and Indonesia, are particularly vulnerable to abusive labor conditions, with brokers often taking a cut of their wages and ship operators and companies forcing them to work extreme hours and endure brutal treatment, in one of the most dangerous occupations, with no recourse and no way to escape while at sea. In recent years, the issue of unregulated fishing has gained increased attention not just for the abusive treatment of workers but also the damage it does to the environment, economies around the world and food supply. An investigation of the fishing industry by The Associated Press, which received the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service, resulted in the freeing of more than 2,000 slaves and traced seafood they caught to supermarkets and pet food providers around the U.S. US aid chief Samantha Power has called on rebel forces to "immediately" withdraw from two regions bordering Ethiopia's war-hit Tigray, as the conflict threatens to envelop the rest of the country. Tigray has been in the throes of a humanitarian crisis for months, with hundreds of thousands of people suffering from famine, according to the UN, while aid workers' access to the northern region remains hobbled by delays and bureaucratic hurdles. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sent troops into the northern region last November to topple the ruling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize winner said the move came in response to TPLF attacks on federal army camps. Abiy declared victory within weeks after government forces took the Tigray capital Mekele, but TPLF leaders remained on the run and fighting continued. The war took a stunning turn in late June when pro-TPLF forces re-entered Mekele, Abiy declared a unilateral ceasefire and the army mostly pulled out of Tigray. Since then the rebels have launched new offensives into the Amhara and Afar regions which border Tigray, displacing tens of thousands of people. Power, who is visiting Ethiopia, said on Twitter late Tuesday that the TPLF must "withdraw its forces immediately" from Amhara and Afar. "If aid is to reach people in need in #Tigray, then ALL parties must end hostilities. There is no military solution to this conflict," she wrote on Twitter. "All parties should accelerate unhindered delivery of humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict, and the commercial blockade of Tigray must end." Power also reiterated Washington's demand that Amhara forces withdraw from western Tigray and that Eritrean troops backing up the Ethiopian military also leave the region. The US has traditionally seen Ethiopia as a crucial partner in the volatile Horn of Africa region, but the Biden administration has been openly critical of the Tigray war. Story continues In March US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said acts of ethnic cleansing were unfolding in western Tigray. And in May he announced visa restrictions on Ethiopian and Eritrean officials accused of fuelling the conflict, saying those involved had "taken no meaningful steps to end hostilities." - More aid arrives - Abiy has said the ceasefire announced in June was intended to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance, but aid workers say access is as bad as ever. Ethiopia said Wednesday that 157 trucks of humanitarian assistance had reached Mekele, including food and non-food items from the UN and international non-governmental organisations. It was not immediately clear whether all those trucks were new arrivals or if the tally included a previous 50-truck convoy that arrived in July. UNICEF estimated last week that more than 100,000 children there could suffer from life-threatening acute malnutrition in the next 12 months -- 10 times the annual average. At a press conference Tuesday in Addis Ababa, UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths stressed that 100 trucks need to reach Tigray each day to meet needs on the ground. Griffiths also condemned "dangerous" accusations by Ethiopian government officials that aid workers were biased in favour of -- and even arming -- TPLF forces. bur-amu/rcb/txw/bp A couple from Virginia was sentenced to home detention on Wednesday for charges stemming from the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot. Jessica and Joshua Bustle were charged with illegally entering the U.S. Capitol building and remaining inside for approximately 20 minutes before leaving. Both pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charges. "I seriously considered putting you in jail," U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan told the wife and husband from Bristow. Hogan also noted that the couple came to Washington, D.C., to participate in an anti-vaccine protest, not to engage in efforts to block Congress from certifying the election. The couple was sentenced to two years of probation and 40 hours of community service. Joshua Bustle was also sentenced to home confinement for 30 days, and Jessica Bustle was ordered to serve 60 days, partially based on comments she made supporting rioters following the incident. SUSAN COLLINS CRITICIZES 'PARTISAN' JAN. 6 COMMISSION "A riot cannot occur without rioters, and each rioter's actions from the most mundane to the most violent contributed, directly and indirectly, to the violence and destruction that day," prosecutors said. The prosecutors added that the couple already suffered "personal and reputational consequences" following entry into the Capitol, including the husband, who said he was no longer able to sell real estate due to his involvement. Following the riot, Jessica posted on social media that the 2020 election was stolen and that she was proud of the people who entered the Capitol for "standing up." She told Hogan that she no longer stood by those claims, adding, "The violence and stuff like that I wasn't aware of, because I didn't see any of those things going on." CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER The Washington Examiner contacted the U.S. District Court of Washington, D.C., but did not immediately receive a response. Story continues Roughly 550 people have been charged in connection to the swarm of rioters who stormed the Capitol as Congress was certifying President Joe Bidens electoral victory, and a couple dozen have pleaded guilty. Washington Examiner Videos Tags: News, Virginia, January 6, U.S. Capitol Building, Washington D.C., Law, Crime Original Author: Kaelan Deese Original Location: Virginia couple sentenced to home detention in Capitol riot case Indonesia's coronavirus death toll topped 100,000 on Wednesday as the country struggles to control the spread of the Delta variant. Southeast Asia's biggest economy has now detected Delta in dozens of regions since it was first found in the archipelago in June. Scores of Indonesians are dying at home, unable to access hospital care or medical oxygen supplies as health care facilities are stretched to the limit. More than 3.5 million infections have been recorded to date though official figures are widely believed to be an underestimate. "The deaths happened... mainly because of lateness to recognise the severity of the symptoms and to refer patients," said Covid-19 taskforce spokeswoman Siti Nadia Tarmizi. Indonesia reported 1,747 new deaths on Wednesday, bringing its total to 100,636. LaporCovid, an NGO that has developed a citizen reporting platform for Covid-19 data, said more than 2,600 patients died at home between the beginning of June and July 24. Indonesia announced stricter restrictions on July 3 and has extended the policy twice in areas where infection numbers and hospital bed occupancy rates are high. Offices, shopping malls and schools are closed while dining in at restaurants is limited to 20 minutes. The curbs have started to take a toll on the country's economy which entered a recession at the end of last year for the first time since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. "Financially, it really affects me. I have very few customers because people don't go to the office," Dicky, a ride-hailing driver who like many Indonesians goes by just one name, told AFP. The country aims to vaccinate 208 million of its 270 million citizens but the vaccination rate remains far below the government's one-million-a-day target. Only about eight percent of the population have been fully inoculated. dsa/axn Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Photo by Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty At the end of July, the front page of Ukraines English-language newspaper The Kyiv Post read: Betrayal. Global powers U.S. and Germany turn their backs on Ukraine and undermine European security as they strike a deal allowing the completion of Nord Stream 2, Russias controversial gas pipeline project. The publication declared Angela Merkel Ukraines foe of the week and Joe Biden a close second. The shift was abrupt. Biden has long been considered Ukraines big friend, with Brian Bonner, the editor of The Kyiv Post, saying that prior to the 2020 U.S. elections, Ukrainians were holding their breath and hoping that Biden wins after the trauma of Trumps inexplicable affinity for Russia. But now, Bidens soft approach to Nord Stream 2 is delighting the Kremlin, and catching Ukrainians off-guard. Putin Reignites Ukraine Conflict as Rift With Biden Blows Up The bitter betrayal headline came after the United States and Germany reached an agreement on July 21 that allows for the completion of the pipeline, which will deliver gas from Russia to Germany. The deal will hike up Germanys dependence on Russia for its energy needs, while circumventing Ukraine and depriving it of billions of dollars in lost gas transit fees per year. Russias current transit agreement with Ukraine expires at the end of 2024. Germany promised to send an envoy to facilitate an extension of up to 10 years on Ukraines gas transit agreement with Russia, but Putins commentary about the prospect of an extension was utterly cynical. The Russian president declared that the decision would hinge on Ukraine demonstrating good will. Meanwhile, Moscow continues to fund and support violent anti-government forces in Eastern Ukraine. The Kremlin handed out hundreds of thousands of Russian passports to Ukrainians, in order to cement Russias claim of protecting their citizens in the neighboring country. Russia used the same pretext to justify its annexation of Crimea. In July, the host of the Russian state TV program 60 Minutes Olga Skabeeva claimed that the number of Russian passports handed out to Ukrainians recently exceeded one million. Story continues Cutting off Russias reliance on Ukraine for its gas transit eliminates an element of deterrence against Russias ongoing efforts to violently subvert its neighbor. Russian state television described the ongoing conflict with Ukraine as part of the Kremlins war against the United States. The U.S. attempted to negotiate a kill-switch clause into its deal with Germany. It would have created a mechanism to cut the flow of gas via the Nord Stream 2 if Russia were to escalate its aggression against Ukrainebut that provision never made it into the final agreement. The Nord Stream 2 deal was condemned by Robert Menendez, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and by the chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees in Estonia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and Lithuania. Kyiv Post columnist Sergii Leshchenko wrote: When Biden took office, he talked a big game about supporting Ukraine. Many pinned their hopes on him as the president who would stand up to Putin. But in spite of bipartisan pressure from Congress, in spite of a law specifically calling for sanctions against the project, he decided to waive sanctions to avoid a quarrel with Germany and other NATO allies. Writing for the Kyiv Post, Max Hunder noted: For U.S. President Joe Biden, the agreement was a way to repair relations with Germany after they soured during the Trump years, seeing Germany as a key ally in combating Chinas influence around the world. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Ukraines bitter disappointment is rivaled only by Russias gloating. Ukraine lost the battle, Olga Skabeeva of 60 Minutes exclaimed this Monday, while discussing Americas failure to stop the completion of Nord Stream 2. During the same program, Igor Korotchenko, member of the Defense Ministry's public advisory council, portrayed the matter as a major defeat for the United States. He claimed: Today, the United States is totally unsuccessful. The escape from Afghanistan, the crash of the U.S. efforts to stop Nord Stream 2, failures in Libya and Iraq. Everywhere, Americans are getting their asses kicked. In July, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told state TV propagandist Vladimir Soloviev that the U.S. attempts to stop Nord Stream 2 are finally over. She added, I understand that perhaps they feel like losers, but even if this is so, then they lost to themselves. Citing a poem by Fyodor Tyutchev, Zakharova compared America to winter, a miserable season that is angry because its coming to an end. Appearing on 60 Minutes in July, popular state TV pundit Karen Shakhnazarov said: Im remembering recent times when all of Russias political elite was overwhelmingly supporting Trump But now, Biden is causing us a lot less damage and his politics are a lot more refined Biden understands that Americas leadership has come to an end. After loudly arguing with a lone panelist who dared to disagree with his conclusion, Shakhnazarov insisted: America is no longer a leader and [Biden] is starting to compromise. Bidens First International Test: Can He Save Ukraine From Putin? The pundit then compared former U.S. President Donald Trumps failure to contain Russia to the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte. While Shakhnazarov concluded that Trump was successfully trounced by the Kremlin, he claimed: Biden is not doing anything. Trump tried and failed. Biden is not even attempting to do anything against Russia. The Wests complacency isnt being seen as a friendly attempt at de-escalation, but instead as proof that Moscows tactics are working and should be taken even further. On Mondays episode of 60 Minutes, Skabeeva asserted: The American empire is falling apart before our very eyes. Military expert Korotchenko immediately cautioned: A wounded animal is twice as dangerous They are a threat to our national security. He baselessly bragged that Russian spies are intercepting a number of secret directives right after they land on Bidens desk, and claimed that America is planning to interfere in Russias upcoming elections. Addressing Bidens warning as to the Kremlins ongoing interference in next years midterm U.S. elections, Skabeeva scoffed: We interfere only at the presidential level. Echoing accusations from members of the Republican party claiming that Biden was in bed with Putin, Skabeeva resorted to trolling: Its curious how we first elected Trump and Biden came to avenge that. Instead, he also turned out to be our agent. Read more at The Daily Beast. Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now! Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more. Los Angeles Angels manager Dave Roberts relieves pitcher Trevor Bauer during the seventh inning of a game against the San Diego Padres at PETCO Park on June 23, 2021 in San Diego, California. Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images New documents were filed by Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer's defense team. A woman filed a temporary restraining order against Bauer in late June alleging physical and sexual assault. The documents include texts from Bauer's accuser to her cousin, saying that Bauer gave her "two black eyes." Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. The woman accusing Los Angeles Dodgers player Trevor Bauer of sexual assault and domestic violence texted her cousin, saying that Bauer gave her "two black eyes," according to new court documents. The new documents, which contain text message conversations, were filed by Bauer's defense team as he attempts to counter a temporary restraining order filed against him. Bauer denies all of the allegations. According to the Los Angeles Times, after the incident, the woman sent her cousin a photo of her injured face. The cousin reportedly wrote back, "As long as it is consensual, I don't have to kill him." The woman then replied, "It was consensual, but I didn't like the two black eyes ?? Look, he (definitely) took it too far. don't you think lol," the LA Times reported. Related video: The legal loophole that silences workplace sexual harassment An attorney for the woman, Bryan Freedman, reacted to the new filing, telling the LA Times that, "Mr. Bauer's defense team is deliberately twisting the tone of text messages exchanged with an assault victim within hours of her being attacked to try to minimize the long-lasting impact on her physical and mental well-being to this day." Freedman and Bauer's attorney Shawn Holley didn't immediately return Insider's requests for comment. "In case after case, the law is extraordinarily clear: supposed 'consent' of the victim is not a defense to assault and battery, especially when it results in bodily harm, but, to be clear, this victim did not consent to be punched in her face, punched in her head, punched in her buttocks or repeatedly punched in her vagina," Freedman added. Story continues In a temporary restraining order application filed June 29, a 27-year-old woman, who Insider has chosen not to name, accused Bauer of getting violent with her during two consensual sexual encounters over a two-month period this spring. The woman alleged in the request that Bauer performed multiple instances of nonconsensual physical abuse, including strangling her to the point of unconsciousness, hitting her in the face, and anally penetrating her without consent. In a statement provided to Insider earlier this month, Bauer's agent Jon Fetterolf denied the allegations of abuse and said the encounters between Bauer and the woman were consensual. Bauer is currently on leave from the Dodgers until August 6. Bauer is expected to appear in court for an evidentiary hearing on August 16. Read the original article on Insider A festivalgoer receives a COVID jab at Latitude festival. There is growing discussion about incentives to boost uptake among young people. (PA) A Labour shadow minister has said paying young people to get coronavirus vaccines is a great idea. Shadow environment secretary Luke Pollard also said it should be young people, rather than politicians, who design any incentive system for encouraging vaccinations. The UK has overseen one of the most successful vaccine rollouts in Europe. However, as this chart demonstrates, uptake has gradually slowed down as it has been offered to younger age groups. Daily first and second doses issued in the UK. (gov.uk) In England, meanwhile, government data suggests a significant proportion about 39% of 18 to 29-year-olds had not received a jab as of Monday. Vaccines have been available to all over-18s since 18 June. The disparity between older and younger age groups is demonstrated by this heat map. Vaccine uptake by age groups in England. (gov.uk) On Sunday, the government announced a partnership with businesses such as taxi app firm Uber and food delivery company Deliveroo to offer discounted rides and meals for young adults who receive a jab. Pollard, appearing on Sky News on Wednesday, was also asked about young people getting money for receiving a jab. He said: Well, if it helps with the increase of rollout of the vaccine for young people, thats a great idea. Watch: Creator of Oxford vaccine made into Barbie doll Pollard said it is young people who should be the communicators in encouraging others to take the vaccine. He added: Lets get them to design that incentive system, because then itll be more effective. Universities minister Michelle Donelan, appearing on the same programme earlier on Wednesday, tried to play down the prospect of cash for jabs. She said. I think the biggest incentive is to protect their own health and protect the health of their friends and their loved ones. However, she added the government will keep everything on the table in terms of incentives. Last week, US president Joe Biden called for states and local authorities to offer $100 (71) for people to receive a vaccine. Read more: COVID-19: Double-jabbed are half as likely to be infected with coronavirus, study finds Story continues COVID vaccine rollout to be extended to 16-year-olds It comes as the government is set to extend the vaccine programme to 16- and 17-year-olds. It would mean more than a million more teenagers will be eligible for a jab, with experts saying it could reduce transmission of the virus and limit disruption to their education. Watch: Wednesday's politics briefing As someone who lives nearby ... I think it would behoove the consideration of the turn lanes. You still need to look out for the safety of the individuals coming in there, board chair Jon Hardie said. The development group sought guidance from VDOT on whether turn lanes were needed, but they did not meet the minimum warrants to require a turn lane on English Tavern Road. Deanna Jefferson, who lives just off English Tavern Road and travels it daily, came to speak in opposition of the project with a petition that was signed by 73 people, citing the additional traffic that will come with another set of townhomes and apartments. I am a supporter of development; I am a supporter of revenue for our county, Jefferson said. But I am not a supporter of the safety of the county residents being placed in jeopardy with an excessive volume of traffic in a small radius. Spring Hill district Supervisor Kenny Brown, who represents the district where the property stands, explained why he voted to approve in his comments at the meeting. We want to keep our county growing, Brown said. As this growth continues, its going to give me more power to go back to the state of Virginia and VDOT, to get them to change the road. Sundays homicide on Park Avenue marked the eighth in Lynchburg so far this year, a figure police say is edging close to making 2021 one of the deadliest years in recent memory. Alfonzo Lynn Spinner, 36, of Lynchburg, was arrested Sunday afternoon and charged with second-degree murder and using a firearm in a felony from the early morning shooting. Officers arrested him after finding 65-year-old Gary Douglas Braxton, also of Lynchburg, suffering from a gunshot wound near the 1800 block of Park Avenue, according to the Lynchburg Police Department. Braxton died shortly afterward at the hospital. Lynchburg Police Lt. Adam Sexton said Monday the two men knew each other, but he wouldnt release any further details. While Sundays shooting marks the citys eighth homicide in 2021 so far, its the fourth one where someones been charged. Sexton said investigators are aware of leads and persons of interest they want to speak to more in regard to the unsolved homicides, but didnt provide any further details. LPD recorded eight homicides in the entirety of 2018, which was the highest number the department had seen since at least 2000, the earliest year for which LPD has provided homicide numbers and a year when the city saw three homicides. Tuesday's vote is significant because it applies to the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems, which together drain 40% of California's land and account for at least a portion of the water supply for two-thirds of the state's nearly 40 million residents. Known as the California Delta, the river systems get their water mostly from snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada mountains. The past two years have been the second driest on record. The soil was so dry that it absorbed much of the snowmelt that was supposed to flow into the state's rivers. This year, California lost so much water this way that it would be enough to fill nearly all of Folsom Lake. Extreme conditions like these are often from a combination of unusual random, short-term and natural weather patterns heightened by long-term, human-caused climate change. Climate change has made the West much warmer and drier in the past 30 years, increasing risks for drought and wildfires. The board's action is possible because Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an emergency declaration earlier this year giving them permission. Newsom, who is facing a recall election next month, has asked residents and businesses to voluntarily cut their water use by 15%. Every time Trump holds another rally, though, Taylors store gets more business, he said. Even people who despise Trump stop in, as Utah resident Williams proved. I think I had the only Biden sign in front of my house in my entire city, he said. As a political science major, hes fascinated by the entire Trump phenomenon. Indicating the row of Trump flags alongside the former church building, Williams said, You dont see stuff like this for Bush, or anybody. Taylor has had personal interactions with Trump, though they dont rise to anything like a formal meeting or conversation theyre more the sort of accidental contacts a fan might have with a rock musician whose concerts he regularly attends. The red ballcap Taylor wore during a Roanoke Times interview read All aboard the Trump Train. More than an expression of loyalty, he wears the caps because it helps to sell them, he said. While at the front of a rally in Wisconsin, Taylor said, Donald Trump reached over three people to sign the hat Taylor was wearing. People had seen it, and so as I was going out the door, this old farmer says, Hey, whatcha want for that hat? And I said, Give me $200. After Id seen his wallet, I shouldve got $600. He would have paid it, you know. LINCOLN, Nebraska Convicted murderer Bailey Boswell will find out Nov. 8 if she will become the first woman sentenced to death in Nebraska. Saline County District Judge Vicky Johnson, the presiding judge in Boswells case, announced the sentencing date on Friday. Johnson and two other judges, Darla Ideus of Lincoln and Peter Bataillon of Omaha, heard three days of testimony a month ago on whether Boswell deserved the death penalty or life in prison without parole for her role in the slaying of Sydney Loofe. Loofe, a 24-year-old clerk at a Menards in Lincoln, disappeared in November 2017 after arranging a date with a woman identified as Audrey via the dating app Tinder. Loofes body was found three weeks later, with her remains in a dozen plastic bags scattered alongside gravel roads in rural Clay County. Boswell, a 27-year-old former star athlete from Leon, Iowa, was convicted last year of first-degree murder, conspiracy to commit murder and improper disposal of human remains. Her 54-year-old boyfriend and self-described sugar daddy, Aubrey Trail, was sentenced to die earlier this year after being convicted of identical charges. Its as if there are three parallel tracks appropriations, an infrastructure package and, third, a reconciliation bill coming through a budget resolution, explained Brittany Madni, legislative director for Republican 1st District U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson. The House has done its work on the appropriations bills. Its waiting for the Senate to finish its work on infrastructure package. The budget resolution with reconciliation instructions remains outstanding. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The analogy works only to the point where the parallel tracks have to intersect when House and Senate leaders try to round up votes to pass those measures, she added. Theres widespread support in Congress and among the public for infrastructure spending. Much of the concern is the $1 trillion price tag. While roughly half is new spending, the House earmarks do not call for new spending. The House bill authorizes spending money that has already been appropriated. Hinson, who sits on the House Appropriations and Budget committees, explained the House is directing that money already being designated to certain federal programs be allocated to these projects within those programs. If the money already is approved to be spent, she said, she would prefer it go to projects in Iowa rather than somewhere else. *** BUT WILL CUOMO BE CHARGED? State Attorney General Letitia James, who oversaw the probe, said there would be no criminal referral but local police and prosecutors can use the evidence and findings to build their own cases. The district attorney in New York's capital, Albany, said Tuesday he was requesting James' investigative materials and encouraged victims to come forward. *** CUOMO TOLD THE PUBLIC TO WAIT TO JUDGE HIM UNTIL THE INVESTIGATION WAS COMPLETE. WHAT DOES HE SAY NOW? Cuomo is more defiant than ever, disputing allegations in a taped response and saying "the facts are much different than what has been portrayed" and that he "never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances." He also alleged that the investigation itself was fueled by "politics and bias." *** HOW IS CUOMO EXPLAINING HIS BEHAVIOR? We have used your information to see if you have a subscription with us, but did not find one. Please use the button below to verify an existing account or to purchase a new subscription. Big Boy No. 4014, the famed Union Pacific steam locomotive built in the 1940s to conquer mountains while carrying equipment in support of World War II, is embarking on a 10-state tour that will include a two-day stop in North Platte. On Thursday, Big Boy will leave its home base at the Union Pacific Steam Shop in Cheyenne at 8 a.m. MDT. On Friday, about 2:30 p.m. CDT, Big Boy will arrive in North Platte, where it can be viewed near East Front Street, between Chestnut and Poplar streets. In addition to North Platte, Big Boy will make two whistle stops Friday in Nebraska and Colorado: 9:30 a.m. MDT Julesburg, Colorado, 201 W. First St. 11:15 a.m. MDT Ogallala, South Spruce Street. Big Boy will leave North Platte about 8 a.m. CDT Sunday. This is the first time Big Boy has gone on tour since its post-restoration debut in 2019 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroads completion. It is returning in 2021 with brief whistle-stops in more than 90 communities and one-day public display events in five major cities: Fort Worth and Houston, Texas; New Orleans, Louisiana; St. Louis, Missouri; and Denver, Colorado. GRAND ISLAND -- Danny Anson of Grand Island allegedly used racial slurs against a Hispanic man and threatened him with a crowbar Friday night. Anson, 64, was charged Monday in Hall County Court with making enhanced terroristic threats, or committing a hate crime. That offense is a Class III felony. At about 8:40 p.m. Friday, Grand Island Police responded to a disturbance call in the 500 block of East 18th Street. Officers were told that Anson had made racial slurs while threatening the man with a crowbar, and had raised the crowbar at another person. A witness identified the suspect as Anson. Police reported that Anson had a large metal crowbar on his motorized bicycle. Judge Arthur Wetzel scheduled Ansons preliminary hearing for Sept. 23. He was released on a personal recognizance bond. Photo: Matt Baron/Shutterstock The newly released report from Attorney General Letitia Jamess office on sexual-harassment allegations against Governor Andrew Cuomo also shed some light on the involvement of the governors younger brother, Chris Cuomo. The Washington Post had previously reported that Chris, a CNN anchor, had advised the governor as he attempted to navigate the numerous allegations against him. Tuesdays report stated that as more allegations against Cuomo emerged in the spring, the Governors team of advisors from within and outside the Chamber had ongoing and regular discussions about how to respond to the allegations publicly. This team included Chris as well as top staffers like Melissa DeRosa and Rich Azzopardi. The report said these advisers suggested that the governor express contrition in the wake of accusations from Charlotte Bennett, a former aide. The attorney generals office attached three appendixes to the report, which included various documents, text messages, and other exhibits crucial to the investigation. One of these was an email from Chris that appears to be the draft of a statement intended to be read by the governor. The draft greatly resembles Governor Cuomos press release from February 28, including references to alleged inappropriate comments. Sometimes I am playful and make jokes. You have seen me do it at briefings hundreds of times. My only desire is to add some levity and banter to what is a very serious business, the draft reads. The report also revealed that Chris had given testimony to the attorney generals investigators, saying there was talk about the executive chamber implementing new measures in response to the allegations but that some believed they should just wait. Azzopardi, the governors communications director, testified to investigators that the outside advisers were people who have been with us for a long time who we could trust. The actions of the younger Cuomo bring up plenty of ethical questions considering his role as a journalist. The pair had already raised eyebrows when the governor began making appearances on his brothers prime-time CNN show in 2020. The network previously said there was a rule in place since 2013 that barred the governor from being covered by his brother but that an exception was made due to the pandemic. So many shoes have dropped in the Andrew Cuomo sexual-harassment saga that the governor could open up a Florsheim outlet out on I-90. And each time, as each allegation piled up and each Democratic official called on him to resign dozens of members of the State Legislature, State Senate majority leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, most of the states congressional delegation, U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Mayor Bill de Blasio it surely seemed like the end of Cuomos long reign. And yet it wasnt. He pushed back and punted, asking Attorney General Letitia James to look into the allegations, standing with whatever remaining elected officials would stand next to him and trying to turn the publics attention to the states recovery from the pandemic and how New York City had turned into a swamp of crime and despair under de Blasio. On Tuesday, James issued the findings that Cuomo had asked her to look into at last. It wasnt a bombshell; it was a nuclear blast, wiping out any doubt for miles around. The investigation found credible allegations by 11 separate accusers. The most damning perhaps came from a state trooper assigned at his request to Cuomos protective detail and who, she alleges, was touched and kissed without her consent by the governor, who also asked about her clothes and her sex life. Other allegations included in the 168-page report had been aired before in the press but were contextualized by James, who said that the findings by independent investigators hired by her office reveal a deeply disturbing, yet clear picture of a governor who sexually harassed a number of current and former New York State employees. They took on the cumulative weight of a coroners report, as James found that the governor was guilty of engaging in unwelcome and non-consensual touching, as well as making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women. And yet. Not an hour and a half after Jamess press conference ended with her repeating her admiration for the bravery of the women who came forward, Cuomo was out with his own video, in which, in soothing tones and with soft lighting, he told his haters that they could go to Hell. We are living in a superheated, if not toxic political environment that shouldnt be lost on anyone. Politics and bias are interwoven throughout every aspect of this situation, he said. We get good things done for people. And that is what really matters. And for those who are using this moment to score political points or seek publicity or personal gain, I say they actually discredit the legitimate sexual-harassment victims that the law was designed to protect. A former employee, Charlotte Bennett, who accused the governor of making sexually inappropriate comments and who said he made her retell the story of her sexual assault in college, was, in the governors telling, just someone he was trying to help work through her trauma. Cuomo all but dared a current employee, who accused him of groping her in his office, to take him to court so that the allegations could be fully vetted. If he was a little too touchy with people, no harm was meant by it, and as proof the video included a photo montage of the governor touching and kissing people of all ages and genders, from powerful men like Al Gore to old women on the street. Andrew Cuomo really thought this montage was a good idea pic.twitter.com/yTzzP9mdaD philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) August 3, 2021 And still, even as the governor spoke, more shoes (it is hard to believe there are any left at this point) fell. Representatives Hakeem Jeffries, Gregory Meeks, and Tom Suozzi, powerful lawmakers from the moderate Cuomo wing of the party and three of the remaining holdouts in the congressional delegation, called on Cuomo to quit. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul called Cuomos behavior repulsive and unlawful before noting it would be inappropriate to comment further because she would be governor if Cuomo resigned or was removed from office. Before the day was out, even Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden had joined in the chorus, with the president of the United States answering a simple yes to a reporters question if Cuomos time was up. And yet. Cuomos fate ultimately will be decided by the State Legislature. In the Assembly, which is mounting its own investigation into the governors conduct, Speaker Carl Heastie has been one of the few Democrats standing between Cuomo and the unemployment line, refusing to go as far as his counterpart in the State Senate in calling on Cuomo to resign. On Tuesday, Heastie released his sharpest statement yet, calling the allegations gut-wrenching and saying that the attorney generals report would indicate someone who is not fit for office. After Biden spoke, he tightened the screws further, saying in a new statement that the Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office. People close to Heastie say that he is feeling pressure from his members to act at last, while people close to the governor believe that he can fight it out in the Assembly chamber, convince enough Democrats and maybe even a few Republicans that he is better than whatever option could come behind him. The longer the Assembly waits its own investigation is now entering its fifth month the longer Cuomo can argue that his fate is something that the voters of New York should decide next June in the Democratic primary and then in a November general election. Cuomo thinks that if he can make it that far, that if he can get out of another tough spot, he can prevail before the voters next year. His staff have monitored poll numbers closely, and until this latest round of news, they showed that he remained popular, especially among older voters. It would be hard for James, after commissioning a report that the governors team has derided as political, to use that report as the basis to run against him. The remaining options, de Blasio and possibly State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, dont have either his name recognition or his fundraising prowess. The governor is unlikely to resign unless he absolutely has to, people close to him say, in part because as a government employee, he could be entitled to have his legal fees covered by the state. And so once again, we remain in the place we ever have been, a chorus of voices calling on the governor to resign, a set of facts that it looks impossible for him to get out of, a legislature sounding more and more like it is ready to move. And yet. Photo: Nathan Howard/Getty Images As America contends with a surge in COVID cases thanks to the Delta variant, businesses are suddenly getting tougher with their vaccination policies. On the latest Pivot podcast, Kara Swisher and guest co-host Stephanie Ruhle discuss the evolving corporate response to the virus. Kara Swisher: Hi everyone. This is Pivot from New York Magazine and the Vox Media Podcast Network. Im Kara Swisher. Scott Galloway is out the entire month of August. Today Im joined by our very good friend, NBC News senior business correspondent and MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle. Welcome, Stephanie. Stephanie Ruhle: Thank you so much. Good to be here. And Scott a month off? Are you kidding me? Swisher: He thinks hes European or something like that. Im not sure whats going on. Ruhle: Hes Floridian. Thats far from Europe. Swisher: You were my first choice, obviously, because were such a hit together and Im trying to find new partners in case something happens with Scott, which, as you know, could at any moment. So I like to be prepared and see who I get along with and who I spark with, and obviously Ruhle: Wait, do you think we get along? Swisher: Yeah, I do. I do. I think we get along really well. Ruhle: Its because I just agree with you. Swisher: No you dont, no you dont. All right. Time for the big story. The newest trend in corporate America is vaccine mandates. Walmart, Disney, Facebook, Google are requiring some or all of their employees to be vaccinated to come to work. Walmart and Disney are two of the countrys largest private employers. Heres a list of companies that are requiring vaccines: Netflix, Saks Fifth Avenue, BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Delta, and United Airlines for new employees only Morgan Stanley, the Washington Post, which was a surprise to me. Lyft, Uber, Twitter. What do you think? Its not just employees restaurants and Broadway shows are starting to require ticket holders to show proof of vaccination. Will this work or produce a backlash, Stephanie? Ruhle: Who cares if it produces a backlash? They damn well should. Right? In France, every day we could turn on the TV and say, look at the protesters. What are there, a thousand protesters, 10,000 protestors? The first week Emmanuel Macron put the requirement in place, almost 4 million people in France got vaccinated. It works. And I guess Im angry because for all the noise corporate America gives us about wanting to do the right thing and being leaders for social justice and writing letters for voting rights, heres something they absolutely can do to protect our country, to protect their employees, to also pay back the government who just bailed out businesses big and small to the tune of trillions of dollars. And now do your part. Businesses have that giant carrot. Youre always going to have anti-vaxxers, right? But in the middle are all of these people, and especially youngish people who are like, Im healthy. I dont really need it. But if you say to that person Great, well you cant go to work, cant go to a bar, cant go to the gym, and cant go to your favorite sporting event, theyre going to run out and get vaccinated. And I think its super-selfish and shortsighted that businesses Remember when we first got the vaccines, we kept hearing that people who are fully vaccinated will be able to go to this store without a mask on. When was the last time anyone asked you your vaccination status when you walked in a store? When Im in a store and I see people with masks on, they dont seem to be people who arent vaccinated. More likely, theyre people who are being extra cautious. This will be the next big wave of people getting vaccinated. And I think when the vaccines go from emergency approval to full approval, youll see a lot more businesses do it. Swisher: Incentives have been tried. Monetary rewards, event tickets, time off. I just talked to the head of American they were doing things like that, an extra vacation day for current employees. So what would be your argument that you should make them? I was like, I dont think Ill fly American Airlines if I dont know if all your people are vaccinated. Ill be honest with you, I dont think I will. Ruhle: I just think this argument that you cant make people I dont know. I dont like shots either, but when I walked my 5-year-old to show up for kindergarten on the first day, if he wasnt vaccinated, my other choice was to homeschool. So we, of course, yes, boom, Im going to get my kids vaccinated. So all of this is just crazy. Businesses are being shortsighted. Theyre saying, I dont want to make this hard decision. I dont want to face the backlash. I dont want to lose customers. Well, guess what? If we dont do something significant, were never getting rid of COVID. If you want to actually have your business flourish, long term, require it. Pivot is produced by Camila Salazar. This transcript has been edited for length and clarity. Nina Turner speaks at a campaign stop in Cleveland, Ohio. Photo: Getty Images Nina Turner compared voting for Joe Biden last year to eating a bowl of shit, so it shouldnt exactly be a surprise that she lost her bid for Congress after the race became about her disdain for the Democratic Establishment. Turner lost a special primary election for Congress in Cleveland on Tuesday to rival Shontel Brown, a county councilwoman, by a margin of 50-45 percent. The seat was vacated when Marcia Fudge resigned from Congress to become Bidens secretary of Housing and Urban Development. It seemed like a lock for Turner, a former state senator who raised the most money and went on TV the earliest. But then the campaign turned into an intra-Democratic proxy fight between the partys left wing and normie Democrats. Although Turner was originally a vocal leader in the Ready for Hillary Clinton presidential effort in 2014, she became one of Bernie Sanderss most prominent surrogates in the actual 2016 presidential campaign. Afterward, Turner flirted with an offer to be Jill Steins running mate and declined to back Clinton against Donald Trump in the general election. Although Turner eventually backed Biden in 2020, she did so only after comparing a vote for the Democratic nominee to eating excrement: Its like saying to somebody, You have a bowl of shit in front of you, and all youve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing. Its still shit. This was an opportunity for Brown, her top opponent in a splintered field, to turn the race into a referendum on Biden and loyalty to the Democratic Party in a district heavily populated by Black and Jewish members of the partys base. Although Turner initially ran to the center, she eventually embraced the partys left after she plummeted in the polls. The former Sanders surrogate brought him to Ohio along with a variety of other high-profile backers of his campaign in the closing days of the race, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In contrast, James Clyburn, the number-three Democrat in the House, came to stump on Browns behalf. Clyburn was lured into the race after rapper Killer Mike at a Turner campaign event described the South Carolina Democrat as incredibly stupid to endorse Biden during the 2020 presidential primary, which saved Bidens campaign in the state. Turner, who was sitting alongside Killer Mike, seemed to agree. In another Ohio special election, the leader of the Republican Party had a good night as well. Trumps candidate in an otherwise low-stakes primary for a congressional seat outside of Columbus won, only one week after a Trump-endorsed candidate lost a Republican runoff in a special election in Texas. In Ohio, he backed Mike Carey, a coal lobbyist and longtime friend of Trumps first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, in a crowded Republican primary to replace outgoing representative Steve Stivers. Carey won by an overwhelming margin, getting 37 percent of the vote, nearly three times as much as his closest competitor. But Trumps endorsement didnt keep other Republicans from backing other candidates, such as Kentucky senator Rand Paul backing former state representative Ron Hood while Stivers supported state representative Jeff LaRe. The two were tightly bunched for second behind Carey. Trump stepped up his efforts on behalf of Carey in the final days of the campaign in order to avoid another blemish on his endorsement record and a pro-Trump super PAC spent over $300,000 on television ads on behalf of the former presidents favored candidate. The results Tuesday showed that the most popular figures in their respective parties still have coattails. Both districts are safe in general elections but, for now, the most popular figure in each political party can still swing primary elections. In an interview with the Opelika-Auburn News, Albrecht said the creation of a data center in the middle of Auburn would create better and faster wireless connectivity for businesses and individuals by providing a local spot for all of the service providers to have their information run through. "A minimum of seven fiber optic networks run through Auburn, and none of them have a place to stop and meet, like a railroad station," Albrecht said. "A data center, or internet exchange, is where networks come out of the ground and literally sit in parity next to each other, connect their fiber optics and exchange traffic. ... We're like a railroad, but we're digital. We're digital infrastructure." Albrecht, an Auburn University alumnus, said he decided to start AUBix with the help of friends and business partners in March 2020 after he moved back to the city in the summer of 2018. Auburn Mayor Ron Anders praised the company and the benefits and economic impacts the new facility will bring to the areal. "And you wonder about these children growing up, wondering why they don't have any value. Look at where theyre living! Theyre paying rent, and look at where theyre living and where they have to come home to. Newkirk said she knew those who rented property from landlords who were able to make their living by mowing the lawns of the nice houses belonging to those they paid rent to, only to come back to homes in disrepair. You all need to go out, look over this city, go to these areas you dont know anything about and look at the living conditions! You do that and tell me if you are proud to be a citizen of Opelika, Newkirk said. You pledged to take care of the citizens of Opelika, not just the few, so you go back and get those ones. There is a Jewish carpenter that said, 'What you have done to the least of them, you have done it unto Me!' Near the end of the meeting, the Opelika City Council ultimately voted to table the ordinance until it is picked back up by the council again. The only vote not in favor of tabling the ordinance came from Ward 1 Councilmember George Allen. HTMLCountry1 Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences Ms. Reem Alsalem was appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences in July 2021 by the UN Human Rights Council for a three-year tenure. She started her tenure on 1 August 2021. Reem Alsalem is an independent consultant on gender issues, the rights of refugees and migrants, transitional justice and humanitarian response. She has consulted extensively for United Nations departments, agencies and programmes such as UN-Women, OHCHR, UNICEF and IOM, as well as for non-governmental organizations, think tanks and academia. Previously, she worked as an international civil servant, serving with the UNHCR in thirteen countries. During her service, she has planned, implemented, and monitored programs that served to protect persons that were survivors of gender-based violence, particularly women and girls. She has also been a visiting professional with the Prosecutors Office of the ICC from January to March 2009 and a visiting researcher with the Feinstein International Center of Tufts University in December 2008. Visiting Professional, Investigation Unit of the Prosecutor Office, International Criminal Court, the Hague, the Netherlands, January 2009-March 2009. Reem has a Masters in International Relations from the American University in Cairo, Egypt (2001) and a Masters in Human Rights Law from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (2003). Cheatsuhisa LOL Urgh I feel so bad for her ): I was gonna say I feel bad for Yorke too but he prob knew and didnt care _ Edited at 2021-08-04 12:31 pm (UTC) Reply Thread Link I wish LiSA all the best!! <333 Reply Thread Link She is a queen and this is how you disrespect her you stupid fuck!! Bounce back Queen you will get through this! #menaintshit you have to be an absolute dumb cunt to cheat on LiSA.She is a queen and this is how you disrespect her you stupid fuck!!Bounce back Queen you will get through this! Reply Thread Link Okay, but he's still gonna be doing the voice acting for Draken... right? You messed up your marriage don't mess up Tokyo Revengers too! Reply Thread Link If it is still airing, he probably will. Namidai and Okamoto continued voicing their characters in later seasons of HQ, even after getting exposed as cheaters. (I actually remember reading something many many years ago about how seiyuu will sign a contract to voice a character in a certain media, they are like "bound" to keep voicing them or sth like this. I think it was a column on ANN with someone asking how come established seiyuu will still continue voicing the same characters in BL audio drama that they did at the beginning of their careers). Although I remember when Yuuichirou Umehara went on hiatus, his character in Tada-kun never falls in love got voiced by someone else, but in his case he actually had to undergo treatment for an acute autoimmune disease, he was not caught cheating on his wife. Reply Parent Thread Link If I recall correctly the same happened with KENN who took over for Kamakari Kenta in role when he went on hiatus for some (medical?) reason. Reply Parent Thread Link yeah, i think it all falls down to 1) how far the production of the anime is (the voice recording is actually done pretty early from what i can tell) 2) the gravity of the illness itself. I remember when Hosoya Yoshimasa went on medical hiatus twice and i think he got switched only when it came to brand new series, i don't remember him being temporary substituted in any of his ongoing works. Reply Parent Thread Link Also maybe if the voice actors sounds similar enough. Like Nobutoshi Canna who voices Kabuto did Shikamaru when Morikubo Showtaro was sick. Reply Parent Thread Link What a douchebag, hope Lisa gets better soon. Obligatory: my baby Makoto would never! Reply Thread Link lol thats my reaction to this news too, cant believe such trash has played an angel like makoto!! Reply Parent Thread Link Makoto is a darling of course he'd never! Just goes to show that we probably should stick with fictional men because reality isn't any better lmfao. Reply Parent Thread Link people have been putting pieces together and there are now rumours that the mistress is allegedly a vtuber and made a twt alt pretending to be a passerby to defend herself LOL (including choice phrasing such as 'LiSA is also at fault for leaving the house empty' AND APPARENTLY CHEATSUHISA leaked the demo of the Free! movie OP to her hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wishing LiSA a quick recovery and leave this trash Reply Thread Link that said the nerds are too good at puns...i haven't stopped laughing at Reply Parent Thread Link for leaving the house empty aka having a thriving career? lmao boy bye Reply Parent Thread Link Again, really, really thankful my #1 movie of the year was just released, and I don't have to go back except for Candyman...provided it's not pushed back again. No surprise young men don't care about public health and safety, so Venom might still have a chance. I only hope this means Disney blinks and puts Encanto on Premium Access as well as theatrically, bc it ain't getting any better. Reply Thread Link we saw A Quiet Place II in theaters, and that was the first movie we saw in over a year. but yeah, i'd be hesitant to go back right now. Reply Thread Link I wanted to see Dune in theatres but I am definitely having doubts :/ Reply Thread Link I think the only thing i'd go back for is Shang-Chi. And i'd probably use a hazmat suit. Reply Thread Link If theaters go back to mask mandates with limited seating Id feel more comfortable with going to the theater. Reply Thread Link Here's the article Edited at 2021-08-04 04:28 pm (UTC) I was just reading about the Delta+ variant and I'm shitting bricks tbh. It looks like it's gonna be bad. Reply Thread Link Delta plus?! Jesus, we're so fucked. Reply Parent Thread Link Its still too early to tell if this is the one that borks us but I'm only going to small outdoor events with other vaxxed people. Reply Parent Thread Link I think that just means it's very similar to delta with another additional component in it. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link Angus also noted that delta-plus cases have primarily been in younger people holy shit, i work with kids. i really hope they can get vaccinated soon it seems like if adults are vaccinated, it should be okay, but they let this go so far out of hand. Reply Parent Thread Link I was curious about the name and why it wasn't called Epsilon but turns out Epsilon is already out there and is resistant to vaccines? I'm freaked out now this is why I stopped reading covid news no more Google for me. Reply Parent Thread Expand Link I saw this yesterday and thought it was interesting. A site that tracks variants: https://nextstrain.org/ncov/gisaid/global Reply Parent Thread Link I wanted to take my dad to the theatre to Shang-Chi when it comes out. I planned to take time off on like a tuesday to see it in the morning. But we'll see how I feel then Reply Thread Link yeah between delta and the two kids who were shot to death in a movie theater one county away from me, my ass won't be back in those seats til 2022 probably Reply Thread Link I haven't been to the movies on a long time. On other COVID news, I'm glad that the eviction moratorium got extended all thanks to Cori Bush. It's only until October so Congress needs to get their shit together and make it longer. Reply Thread Link I was going to see Suicide Squad in theaters this week, going to stick to watching it on HBO Max instead. If Candyman ends up actually getting released instead of pulled/pushed back, I will mask up (no snacks...) and see it. Reply Thread Link I really wanted to support Mortal Combat and F9 in theaters but alas... sigh. Gonna pass on Suicide Squad and Venom too. I miss seeing action movies on the big screen. :( Reply Thread Link If candyman the only movie I've wanted to see in over a year gets pushed back for the like 4th time I'm going to be sad. Reply Thread Link I went yesterday to see Old (very weird movie with some underwhelming acting) And everyone was wearing a mask. Thankfully cause the last time I went before that there were A LOT of people maskless Reply Thread Link Yep thats pretty much it Reply Thread Link the last movie i saw in theatres remains Cats back in 2019 Reply Thread Link I still hate the fact that the last movie I ever saw in theaters was Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, I would've rather it been Cats. Reply Parent Thread Link Me too. Lets start a support/shame group tbh Reply Parent Thread Link The last movies I saw in 2020 were Parasite and Sonic back to back Reply Parent Thread Link last one i saw was parasite. Reply Parent Thread Link Last Friday, a Megapack at the worlds biggest energy storage construction site caught fire. It took firefighters three days to put the fire out. In a way, however, the incident, which took place in Australia, ignited another fire: a debate about the safety of lithium-ion batteries. Media coverage of energy storage rarely mentions any risks. The focus is invariably on bigger and better storage in anticipation of the future low-carbon energy systems that we are now trying to build. New technologiesincluding alternatives to lithium-ion batteriesare a frequent topic, and stats and forecasts about storage capacity are also a favorite. Combustion risks, not so much. Yet, like EV batteries, energy storage batteries like the Tesla Megapacks at the Victoria, Australia, site are prone to combustion under the right circumstancesbecause of the things they are made of. An article in the Australian website EcoGeneration lists some of the flammable elements of a lithium-ion battery: the liquid electrolyte through which those famed lithium ions travel is flammable, for example. So is the graphite in the anode and the plastic in the insulation of the battery. But how do fires start in batteries? In short, they start when optimum operating conditions are compromised, according to an associate professor from the Australian National University and Research Lead in Battery Materials in ANUs Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program, who spoke to EcoGeneration. Related: Shell Reports $5.5 Billion Net Profit And Hikes Dividends Batteries are sensitive to overheating and overcharging, Alexey Glushenkov explained to EcoGeneration. Overheating initially happens in a single battery cell but can quickly spread to all the other cells in a battery pack. Battery manufacturers seek to minimize the chance of that happening. Unfortunately, recent battery incidents have proven that it is not always possible to completely eliminate the danger. When a battery cell overheats, gases begin to build up inside it, swelling it and eventually opening it, allowing oxygen to come in and spark a fire. But how does overheating happen? By overcharging, which can also cause unwanted chemical reactions in the battery cellsagain threatening fire. The most common cause for all of this is a short circuit. According to Glushenkov, it could be the result of a bad battery design or a manufacturing defect. Short circuits can also start at a molecular level when overcharging the battery cell results in the buildup of metallic lithium in the anode. These buildups grow into what are commonly known as dendrites. As the process happens again and again those structures, called dendrites, can penetrate the separator [between the two electrodes], he says. A short circuit will result and the battery discharges instantaneously, causing a lot of heat to be generated. The risk of a fire is certainly a problem, but perhaps a bigger one is that extinguishing that fire is not as easy as putting out a normal fire. This is because of all the chemicals that go into making a battery cell. Those chemicals create the gases that build up in batteries right before they explode. We dont have a definitive answer of what is the best way to deal with an EV [electric vehicle] fire or energy storage fire, Newcastle University professor Paul Christensen told the Financial Times, commenting on the Victorian Big Battery incident. They [lithium-ion batteries] are essential to the decarbonisation of this planet but their penetration into society has far outstripped our actual knowledge of the risks and hazards associated with them, he added. One might suggest that the risk is minimal; otherwise, we would be hearing about battery storage fires every day. But, in fact, there have been quite a few battery storage fires recently, according to Christensen: a total of 38, in fact, since 2018, including one at an Orsted battery storage site in the UK, and one in Arizona, at a battery storage facility operated by Arizona Public Services. There are many similar battery enclosures operating today that could experience the exact same kind of failure, warned Matthew Paiss, a technical advisor on battery materials and systems at the pacific Northwestern National Laboratory, at the Energy Storage Summit USA earlier this year. The way to reduce the risk is to ensure the rapid release of gasses built up in a battery cell, according to experts. Yet achieving this rapid release may be easier said than done. In the meantime, the risk will only grow, as the FT notes, because of the wider adoption of lithium-ion batteries, including in households. 2020 was a record year for global energy storage, said Wood Mackenzies head of energy storage, Dan Finn-Foley, earlier this year. The market exceeded 15 GW/27 GWh in 2020, increasing 51% in GWh terms, and is expected to grow 27 times by 2030 by adding 70 GWh of storage capacity a year to surpass 729 GWh in 2030. This rate of growth will likely make the need to reduce the risk of fires more urgent. Whether it will be addressed with an appropriate urgency remains to be seen. By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: After a few uncertain months, as OPEC oil cuts continued and Covid restrictions came back into place, oil demand for 2021 finally seems stable, with price and demand increases set to continue. As the Delta variant became more prominent in July, initially in India and the U.K. and then gradually across the rest of the globe, many countries were forced back into lockdown or experienced other restrictions to work and movement. This led several experts to speculate that oil and gas demand would inevitably be driven down once again in the face of global restrictions limiting travel and industry. However, as the U.K. reduced all restrictions in mid-July, and several other countries continue to ease lockdowns, this anticipated dip in demand did not hit the industry as hard as expected. Brent crude posted a fourth monthly gain in July, as oil demand grew faster than supply thanks to a successful vaccine rollout and the increase in work and travel activities worldwide. As vaccine efforts in North America and Europe continue, international air and local road travel trends are finally picking up, sending demand for petroleum products soaring. While American oil firms have kept production in check through the course of the pandemic, this trend is likely to change as demand continues to rise. Rob Haworth, senior investment strategist at U.S. Bank Wealth Management stated, Its a matter of when, not if, before we see more of a supply response in the U.S. In addition, after months of steep output cuts, OPEC+ production reached a 15-month high in July, pumping an average of 26.72 million bpd as Saudi Arabia agreed to ease cuts in line with global demand. Related: Top U.S. Negotiator: Iran Nuclear Deal May Be Impossible Carsten Fritsch of Commerzbank explained an important shift in the demand trend in relation to the coronavirus, which could mean the two are no longer inextricably linked. "Most forecasts are still predicting robust growth in demand in the second half of the year," as "It is easy to believe that the oil market has learnt to live with the virus, in other words.", he stated. Even though some dips are likely to continue around the world, as restrictions come in and out of place, the pandemic no longer seems to be the universal demand killer. For example, demand went down for the first time in a year in China this July, causing oil prices to dip as factory activity fell in the country in response to high product prices. In addition, an increase in Covid-19 cases has led China to introduce new pandemic restrictions further adding to the decrease in demand. While in India, despite the ongoing challenges of continued Covid-19 cases, oil demand is rising. In fact, at the end of last week, Indias fuel demand peaked as petrol consumption reached pre-pandemic levels in response to easing pandemic restrictions across the country. State-owned fuel companies sold 2.37 million tonnes of petroleum in July, a 3.56 percent increase on pre-pandemic sales in July 2019. Diesel sales also increased, by 12.36 percent to 5.45 million tonnes, on 2020. With Asia driving global oil demand and expected to be the main market over the next decade, China and India have a significant impact on global demand levels. However, with Europe and the U.S. making the statement that they are learning to live with the coronavirus, changes in Asian oil needs are countered with greater stability in long-established markets meaning the increasing oil demand is set to continue through 2021. By Felicity Bradstock for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Japan has been making headlines with its plans to significantly increase its reliance on hydrogen to satisfy its energy needs. Right now, it is demonstrating its transformation into a hydrogen economy by showcasing hydrogen buses and cars used in the Olympics. But there is a problem with that for those nit-picky enough to notice. This hydrogen is not green. In a recent article for Forbes, tech journalist James Morris noted that the hydrogen used in Japan right now is made from natural gas rather than through the electrolysis of water. Green hydrogenthe one produced through hydrolysis using electricity from renewable sourcesis an ideal case scenario, he said, but its still far in the future. So Big Oil is pushing the other kind of hydrogen. The argument Morris puts forward is that Big Oil is feeling threatened by electric cars, so it is doing whatever it can to keep the world running on its hydrocarbons even if they are used to produce a fuel that could be an alternative to gasoline and diesel. In fact, according to the tech journalist, who is also the editor of a website dedicated to electric cars, hydrogen as a fuel is no viable alternative to either combustion engine cars or EVs. They are still a lot more expensive than either, and fueling stations are few and far between. That Big Oil is pushing grey hydrogen to keep itself alive is a refreshing argument in a discourse dominated by oppositions like EVs vs Gas Guzzlers and Hydrogen vs Gasoline. Yet this argument misses the point of the bigger hydrogen argument, and that point is that the only hydrogen that will have a place in the net-zero world would be green hydrogen. Related: Libya: Shell Considers Resuming Activities In Country That kind of hydrogen is currently a lot more expensive than grey hydrogen, and some argue that it will never become as cheap as the gas-derived version of the gas. Yet dozens of companies are putting together mega-plans for green hydrogen production, confident it will be economically viable within years. The list of these plans, recently compiled by Recharge News, makes for interesting reading for sure. Take the HyDeal Ambition project, for example. The project envisages building 95 GW of solar power capacity to provide electricity for 67 GW worth of electrolyzers located in Spain, France, and Germany. Plans are to have the green hydrogen produced for 1.50 euro per kg, or about $1.19 before 2030. To compare, a kilo of green hydrogen currently costs about $5 to produce. Interestingly, the companies involved in the project do not give a cost estimate for it, but those behind another green hydrogen project do: the Australian Western Green Energy Hub that will use 50 GW of wind and solar capacity to power 28 GW of electrolyzers will cost $70 billion to build. Thats about the same as the costincluding delays and overrunsof a large-scale LNG project. Yet the goal is noble: reduce the use of hydrocarbons and switch to clean hydrogen. Related: Santos, Oil Search Merger Creates $16 Billion Giant When it comes to cars, EVs are certainly further along in their evolution than fuel-cell cars. And yet, even EVs still need heavy government subsidies to compete on cost with ICE cars. This will need to change if EVs are to become the dominant mode of transportation for humans because heavy subsidies are not a practical long-term strategy. Competition from fuel-cell cars, however, minuscule though their number may be, could be good for the EV industry, where internal competition is heating up too. Outside EVs, the argument of Big Oil sponsoring hydrogen as a way to stay in the energy game might make sense for those who cheered President Biden killing the Keystone XL pipeline, forgetting that this would have no effect whatsoever on the amount of Canadian oil the U.S. consumes. In fact, exports of Canadian oil to the U.S. rose. The oil was simply transported by train rather than a pipeline. Those who look beyond the ideology would see that Big Oil might indeed be in favor of hydrogen as long as its grey hydrogen since that involves the use of natural gas, but they would also see that it is just one of many uses for natural gasand crude oil, for that matter. And these uses would be a lot harder to eliminate than by promoting affordable EVs for everyone. By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Russias gas giant Gazprom boosted its natural gas exports to Europe by 23 percent annually in January to July 2021, Gazprom Export said this week. In the first seven months of this year, Gazproms gas sales to Turkey and Europe reached 115.3 billion cubic meters, up by 23.2 percent annually, but lower than the record high from 2018, according to Gazprom Exports data. Demand for natural gas in Europe has rebounded strongly this year, following the slump in the spring and summer last year when demand fell with the pandemic-induced lockdowns across Europe. This year, Gazprom boosted significantly its gas supply between January and July to Turkey (by 203.9 percent), Germany (by 42.2 percent), Italy (by 16.2 percent), Romania (by 318.3 percent), Poland (by 14.6 percent), Serbia (by 118.1 percent), Bulgaria (by 47%), France (by 6 percent), and Greece (by 18.8 percent). The Russian giant also continues to increase pipeline gas exports to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline, the companys export arm said. Gazproms natural gas production rose by 18.4 percent in January-July 2021 compared with the same period of 2020, Gazprom Export said. Despite the rising output and pipeline shipments of more gas this year compared to the pandemic-hit 2020, Gazprom continues to withhold gas supply to Europe. Even with the strong rebound in European natural gas demand and surging prices, Gazprom has not booked additional entry capacity to Europe via Ukraine. Despite maintenance on the northern pipeline routes to Europe in July, Gazprom hasnt taken extra capacity offered in Ukraine. Analysts say that this could be an opportunistic move from the Russian giant to drive up Europes gas prices further and take advantage of what are now the highest prices in 13 years. Other analysts think that Gazproms effective reduction in supplies would be to force Europe to recognize that gas customers on the continent need the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany bypassing Ukraine. By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: The American Bakers Association (ABA) is lobbying with the Biden Administration to lower or at least halt the rising mandates for biofuel blending in gasoline and diesel, fearing that rising agricultural commodity prices could raise the costs for bread and donut makers. Representatives of ABA have told Reuters that they had met with officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week to call for reduced volumes of blending of biofuels. The EPA is the agency responsible for supervising and mandating the so-called Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), under which oil refiners are required to blend growing amounts of renewable fuels into gasoline and diesel. The baking industry, however, is concerned that the rising mandates for biofuel blending, and the Biden Administrations ambitions to continue raising those mandates, will weigh on the agricultural commodities at a time when those commodities have seen prices soar in recent months. We are trying to ring the alarm without being alarmists, ABAs President and CEO Robb MacKie told Reuters. Amid soaring agricultural commodity prices and a tight global market, the associations members are hearing that soy oil and canola oil suppliers could run out of stock by the end of this year, also because of rising demand from the biofuel industry, MacKie told Reuters. ABA focuses on government policy and is communicating the industrys needs to federal agencies, such as by providing input to USDA as it explores supply chain security issues, senior ABA officials said in a podcast in June. ABA and the baking community also have an opportunity to provide comments to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is responsible for the Renewable Fuel Program that focuses on annual quotas of biodiesel and other renewable fuels. EPAs decisions need to take into account factors such as price and supply of agricultural commodities and food prices, said Rasma Zvaners, ABAs Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Services. By Charles Kennedy for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: A tanker carrying bitumen has been hijacked in the Gulf of Oman and has been ordered to sail to Iran, the BBC reported, citing information from Lloyds List Maritime Intelligence. An earlier report by The Independent said that the Royal Navy's UK Maritime Trade Operations had reported that a tanker had been hijacked off the coast of Fujairah in the UAE, saying that soldiers stormed the Panama-flagged Asphalt Princess. The BBC notes in its report that, according to analysts, Iran's military will be the primary suspect. Iran, for its part, has dismissed the hijacking reports as a pretext for "hostile action." An earlier report by the AP said that four tankers in the Gulf of Oman had reported they were "not under command," which means a vessel has lost power. Later, according to the report, one of these tankers began moving again. TankerTrackers.com co-founder Samir Madani tweeted that the headlines were getting out of hand. "There are actually 15 vessels right now in the Gulf of Oman that have changed their AIS status to 'Not Under Command' because that's normal there," he wrote, adding, "[This] Doesn't mean they suddenly updated it to that. There are those that did it days and weeks ago." A CNBC report, on the other hand, said that the status of four tankers remained unclear. Iran called these reports suspicious, according to the BBC, and warned against attempts to "create a false atmosphere." The reports of a hijacking come just days after another tanker, the Mercer Street, was attacked with drones off the Omani coast. Israel, the UK, and the United States were quick to blame Iran for the attack. The UK and U.S. also said they were preparing a concerted response to the attack. Iran has responded to the accusations by saying it would deliver a "strong and crushing" military response to any hostile move against it. These latest geopolitical developments put an even bigger question mark over the Iran nuclear deal and the consequent lifting of sanctions that are preventing Iran from selling as much oil internationally as it could. "It is alarming given the fact we had two fatalities on Friday," CNBC quoted RBC commodity head Helima Croft as saying. "You have to put it in the context of Iran continuing to make progress on the nuclear restart against the backdrop of a new hard-line government coming to power in Tehran. It raises the risk of unintended escalation, or one side not appreciating the other's red lines." By Irina Slav for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Spains Repsol is willing to resume oil exploration activities in Libya in light of the improved security situation in the African OPEC member, Libyas National Oil Corporation (NOC) said on Wednesday after a meeting between Repsol representatives and NOC chairman Mustafa Sanalla in Tripoli. Repsol is a joint venture partner in the company Akakus Oilalong with NOC, Frances TotalEnergies, Norways Equinor, and Austrias OMVwhich operates the largest oilfield in Libya, Sharara, with a capacity to pump more than 300,000 barrels per day (bpd). Repsol, which started oil exploration activities in Libya in the 1970s, suspended exploration of oil blocks in 2011 during the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi. Repsol and NOC discussed at the meeting this week the need to carry out regular maintenance work on the surface equipment at the Sharara oilfield, which has stopped operations too many times in recent years because of port or oilfield blockades. The possible return of Repsol to Libyas upstream could be another oil major resuming operations in the country. Earlier this week, Libya Herald reported, citing NOC, that Shell is considering resuming operations in Libya by contributing to oilfield developments and increasing marketing and refining activities. Shell had suspended its upstream operations in Libya in 2012, abandoning exploration activities in two blocks in the country because of disappointing results. At the time, NOC said that Shells negative assessment of the blocks prospects did not reflect reality. Now Shell, whose representatives visited Libya, discussed the possibility to help oilfield development in the African OPEC member, NOC said, as quoted by Libya Herald. At the end of last year, NOC said that another European major, Frances TotalEnergies, planned to increase its investments in Libyas oil industry. NOC added it had discussed with the company raising Libyas production to the highest levels. TotalEnergies, the new name of Total, has stakes in several Libyan oil fields, including Sharara. By Charles Kennedy for Oilprice.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: A shortage of tanker truck drivers has caused fuel delivery disruptions at airports from Nantucket to California. The Federal Aviation Administration issued a "Notice to Airmen" warning that some airports would not have enough jet fuel through Monday. Flights were delayed at California's Santa Barbara airport, and some departing planes were forced to add stops for refueling last weekend. Meanwhile, the airport in Nantucket, Massachusetts, ran out of jet-A-grade fuel over the weekend. Those problems followed a similar situation last week at the airport serving Reno, Nevada, and Lake Tahoe. - Bloomberg These problems are strictly labor challenges and not supply issues with jet fuel in U.S. inventory. As early as May, we noted semi-truck driver shortages may spark fuel shortages by summer. "We've seen unprecedented demand for Jet-A on the island, both in our corporate general aviation and our commercial air carrier traffic," Nantucket's assistant airport manager Noah Karberg told Bloomberg. "I expect we're going to have ongoing issues for Sundays throughout the rest of the summer," he said. The hiccups with deliveries are supply-chain oriented and come as travel demand is surging again. TSLA checkpoint travel numbers show air travel over the weekend is nearing full recovery from pandemic lows. Delivery delays are having a meaningful impact on prices. Los Angeles jet fuel prices spiked last week. Some domestic flights have had to make additional stops to refuel due to a lack of jet fuel at certain airports. "We continue to closely monitor the situation and make arrangements to minimize any disruptions for our customers," United Airlines Holdings Inc. said in a statement. At the tiny airport in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, fuel deliveries were delayed. There were also reports of delays at the Santa Barbara airport. Americans are increasingly getting out of the house and traveling after a year of being cooped up inside. They're traveling on planes to resort destinations, and this has severely caught the travel industry off guard and unprepared to handle the surge in traffic. By Zerohedge.com More Top Reads From Oilprice.com: Whats more, the highest proportion within the pediatric cases is among children ages 5 to 9. According to the Douglas County COVID dashboard, 77 cases of COVID were reported among 5- to 9-year-olds in the week ending July 31, up from 16 the week before. The number of reported cases among all youths up to 18 years old rose from 69 to 157 over those same two weeks. As you can imagine, that creates some concern when we are about to put kids back into a congregate setting, Huse said. Something that I just want to make sure that everyone is fully aware of, especially in light of recommendations that came out last week from various organizations. ... Our elementary kids are the ones who are being impacted most frequently and are of course the ones who havent had the chance to be vaccinated because theyre not eligible yet. County Board Member Jim Cavanaugh asked Huse if she had recommended to Omaha Public Schools officials that they not require children to wear masks. She replied: The recommendation to all school districts was to follow CDC, AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommendations and they were all given the exact same recommendations, which are that everyone right now should be in masks. A Douglas County judge on Wednesday ordered a 22-year-old man to be held without bail after the man was charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of an Omaha woman. SirTommy Sutton of Omaha also has been charged with two counts of use of a firearm to commit a felony and unlawful discharge of a firearm. He is accused of fatally shooting Jennifer J. Hickman, 45, and wounding Jermaine Watkins, 41, early Sunday near 43rd and Ohio Streets. Hickman was taken to the Nebraska Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead. Watkins was treated for his injuries at Creighton University Medical Center-Bergan Mercy. According to an affidavit filed by an Omaha police detective, officers were called to 43rd and Ohio about 1:15 a.m. Sunday to investigate a notice from ShotSpotter, a gunshot detection system. They found Hickman in a vehicle, suffering from a gunshot wound. Detectives determined that Sutton had fired at a passing vehicle that Hickman and Watkins were in. Sutton was taken to Omaha Police Department headquarters for an interview and later was booked into the Douglas County Jail. With the start of the school year just around the corner, one school district in the Omaha metro area has announced that masks will be required for its youngest students who are not yet eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine. Westside Community Schools Superintendent Mike Lucas said Monday that his district will require masks for all elementary students, along with staff and anyone visiting elementary buildings. He announced the changes at the district's school board meeting. In a letter to families on Monday night, Lucas said families of students younger than 12 do not yet have the choice whether to get their kids the COVID-19 vaccine. Children under 12 are not eligible for vaccines, but medical initiatives are underway nationally to provide the vaccine to younger children. Westside secondary students and staff will have the choice whether to wear masks because they are eligible to receive the vaccine. Lucas said that the plan is a starting point and that the district will reevaluate it by Sept. 17, and possibly sooner if conditions warrant it. The Westside school year starts Aug. 17. Gov. Pete Ricketts has said schools should convene in person without mask or vaccine requirements. A skin graft to help an injured bald eagle heal went well four years ago today. The bird was found with a scab-like mark on his head in May 2017 near Syracuse, Nebraska, and was taken to Fontenelle's Forest's rehabilitation center near Elmwood. The skin graft was done at the Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium, and Dr. Coleen Stice and zoo veterinarian Dr. Trenton Shrader spoke at a press conference afterward. "Everything went very smoothly," said Stice, an Omaha plastic surgeon and a member of the team that performed the surgery. In July, Stice had determined that the bird had suffered an electrical burn, possibly caused by a power line, that destroyed the tissue and feathers on the top of his head, leaving only one thin layer of bone covering the eagle's brain. During the procedure, feathered skin was removed from the eagle's inner leg and attached to his head. The skin graft was an essential step for the bird to be released into the wild. Without feathers, the bird would suffer dangerous sunburn. The zoo continued to care for the eagle after the surgery. The feathers on the top of the birds head, which were both brown and white, continued to grow. We thought that kids could benefit from a boost like this at the start of the school year, he said. There isnt a universal kit sent to each child. Each kit is reflective of the age, gender and ethnic makeup of the recipient, so we can be as cultural culturally sensitive as possible, Wallen said. Funding for the kit supplies have come from all across the community who have an interest in supporting our kids and who want to see the success of kids in school, Wallen said. This includes presenting sponsor United Way of the Midlands-Women United, and community sponsors Bakers, Veridian Credit Union, Mid-America Center, Medica, Heritage Health, Nebraska Total Care, Bridges Trust and Werner Enterprises. With about 250 volunteers, kit assembly began Wednesday and will continue Thursday at the Mid-American Center in Council Bluffs. Omahan Alexandra Stewart, 27, was at the Mid-America Center Wednesday helping set up hygiene products for the kits. When I was a kid, we went to the food pantry and we used public programming all the time. Im not ashamed of that, she said. Thats why I think its so important that stuff like this is happening. After a record-breaking storm rolled through eastern Nebraska last month, Susan Ochoa of Bellevue was among the many who lost power for nearly a week, she said. Without power, she also lost the food in her refrigerator and freezer. An extended outage that spoils food is inconvenient in any circumstance. But it presents a particularly dire situation for Ochoa and others like her who rely on monthly nutrition assistance benefits. Ochoa told The World-Herald she had used last months Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, formerly known as food stamps, before the storm hit. She submitted paperwork within days, requesting replacement benefits via the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, she said, but still hadnt received them as of Wednesday. Regular SNAP benefits are issued at the beginning of each calendar month on the first through the fifth, according to a DHHS spokesperson, based on the last digit of the head of households Social Security number. Ochoa has received dry goods through the local food pantry, she said, but her diabetes makes the need for replacement benefits all the more urgent. For Catholics, love entails protecting rights by fulfilling responsibilities. Rooted in Matthew 25, Catholicism recognizes a special duty to those whose rights are most vulnerable to violations. Since persons are sacred and social, the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church describes rights and duties as indissolubly linked and denounces the contradiction inherent in affirming rights without acknowledging corresponding responsibilities. As Saint John XXIII asserted, To claim ones rights and ignore ones duties, or only half fulfill them, is like building a house with one hand and tearing it down with the other. Catholicism does not declare, Dont Tread on Me but calls for solidarity which Saint John Paul II defined as a firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all. Catholicism does not support mask opposition that absolutizes ones nonessential right to freedom of expression and rejects duties to protect others essential rights to life and health. We dont need speed bumps, narrower lanes and wider sidewalks. We need people who use common sense and what they were taught in kindergarten to look both ways before crossing the street, cross at the corner/light or crosswalk. Pedestrians may have the right-of-way but that does not mean they can just dart out into the street wherever they want. This is getting ridiculous. Susan Peters, Omaha Gray is worthy I am very disappointed that the Omaha City Council failed to put former city councilman Ben Gray on the board of the Omaha Municipal Land Bank. The appointment to the land bank was not to lord over Councilwoman Juanita Johnson, who defeated Gray in May as he sought reelection. Mayor Stothert certainly wanted Gray on the board due to his expertise. We do not live in the black district; we live in District 2, which is much more racially diverse than some other districts. We live 89 feet away from Mr. Gray. From casual observation, our neighborhood is about 50/50, black and white. Mr Alan Kyerematen, the Minister of Trade and Industry, has reiterated that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), will provide a unique platform to guide Africas post-COVID-19 economic recovery effort. Mr Kyerematen said this in his address at the maiden AfCFTA - Angola Business Investment Forum in Accra. The event forms part of activities marking the three-day official visit of President Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco of Angola to Ghana. The aim of the forum was to further expand bilateral business relations through the promotion of two-way investment and mutually complementary partnerships in the relations between the two countries. The forum was expected to drive networking for investment opportunities to boost trade and to discuss concrete solutions to attract investment, improve value addition and increase exports between Angola and Ghana. The Minister said under the framework of AfCFTA, Ghana and Angola had a lot to gain from working together in fields such as agriculture, fisheries, livestock, industry, oil and gas, the petrochemical industry, value addition to their mineral resources, development of energy resources particularly renewable energy and the FinTech industry. "In this regard, it is worth noting that the AfCFTA Protocol on services covering five priority sectors namely; transport, communication, financial services, tourism, and business services, which have been negotiated as part of the Phase One the AfCFTA Negotiations, had the potential of creating a robust ecosystem for supporting the productive sectors of African countries." Mr Kyerematen noted that Ghana and Angola were the second and third largest producers of cassava in the world, with Nigeria being the first. He said Ghana and Angola had enjoyed deep fraternal relations for many decades based on shared values, mutual respect, and a common heritage as Africans. He noted that these fraternal relations had been strengthened even further with high level official visits between the two countries; saying, "exactly two years ago, the President of Ghana paid an official visit to Angola and this week, we have the privilege of hosting the President of Angola". He acknowledged the support received from the Government of Angola for Ghanas bid to host the AfCFTA Secretariat. "It is no longer a matter of international public debate that Africa is rising. Yes, Africa is indeed rising because of the commitment and dedication of a new generation of African leaders who are leading the Africa Renaissance, and this includes President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo and President Goncalves Lourenco," Mr Kyerematen said. "It is the zeal and determination of our leaders, which has led to the historic decision to establish the AfCFTA, the largest trading bloc outside the World Trade Organization." Source: GNA Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The University of Ghana has been slapped by United States Federal Court with $165 million judgement debt for wrongly terminating the Africa Integras Contract in 2018. This was after Global insurer Chubb Ltd. asked a New York federal judge to confirm a $165 million arbitration award against the University after it defaulted on a flagship development partnership backed by the U.S. government. According to the petition filed in the Southern District of New York, W.P Carey investment trust won the award in 2018 after the University of Ghana terminated an agreement to construct and maintain four new facilities and a dormitory on its campus. The award reflects the value of rent income that the new campus facilities would have generated, Chubb told the court. SEC reports show that the $64 million partnership was signed in 2016, with a mortgage financing agreement from the U.S. State Departments Overseas Private Investment Corp. (now Development Finance Corp.) of up to $41 million. The project was insured with a Chubb corporate country risk policy. According to a public information summary filed with OPIC, the project would help meet a demand for higher education in Africa. University press releases said the expansion would help attract and accommodate Ph.D. students, transforming the school into a first-class research institution. But UG was unable to procure a contractually required letter of credit, according to the Chubb petition, and moved to terminate the contract, triggering arbitration in 2018. The W.P. Carey trust settled with Chubb for $45.6 million later the same year $10 million more than what it spent on the project transferring its right to collect tenant default damages, according to company financial records. While Chubbs petition stated that the agreement was terminated because of the universitys failure to procure a letter of credit, the deal appeared to go sour earlier, when a new vice chancellor took office and openly voiced his opposition to the contract in a series of inflammatory letters and statements to the press. According to W.P Careys partner Africa Integras, the companies had already poured tens of millions of dollars into the expansion, and the project was only a year away from construction completion. Andrea Pizziconi, founder and managing principal, told Law360 that new chancellor Ebenezer Owusu was actually offered several options to obtain the letter of credit. However, against the strong advice of his own advisers, Owusu refused to proceed with any of the options presented to him. Pizziconi noted that his actions seemed personally motivated as even the Ghanaian government, at times, attempted to intervene to avoid the disastrous termination of the project that ensued. In a 2019 press release, the university denied being subject to any arbitration award. Meanwhile, Owusu personally attacked his predecessor and Pizziconi in the press. The project would have expanded the university facilities by 60%, Pizziconi said. As it stands today, I estimate that at least 20,000 additional Ghanaian students were prevented from enrolling at UG because those facilities were not finished, she said. The financial default also cast a chill over development projects across the region, since UG was a flagship project for education public-private-partnerships in Africa generally, Pizziconi added. This impact exacerbated the losses felt across the continent with so many universities keen to access private finance to address their own infrastructure constraints. Now, to make matters worse, if this claim is not paid, the entire insurance industry will become more reticent to insure key infrastructure projects in Ghana, which will impact the countrys entire development agenda, she continued. Also, with an unpaid insurance claim, the U.S. governments Development Finance Corp. will struggle to proceed in financing other projects in Ghana that require government commitments, which could cost Ghana billions in development financing. The University of Ghana did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Counsel for Chubb declined to comment. According to Chubbs petition Thursday, the court has no basis to refuse confirmation of the award, which falls under the New York Convention. Chubb is represented by Kurt W. Hansson, Joshua M. Bennett and Jonathon C. Drimmer of Paul Hastings LLC. Counsel information for the University of Ghana was not immediately available. The case is Ace American Insurance Company v. University of Ghana, case number 1:21-cv-06472, in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Source: 3news.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video The one-time national chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and campaign manager for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addos successful bids for the presidency in the 2016 and 2020 elections, Peter Mac Manu, has been appointed the board chairman of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD). Mac Manu is expected to take over the role from Hackman Owusu-Agyemang, who served as the COCOBOD chairman during President Akufo-Addos first term in office. The Minister of Food and Agriculture, Owusu Afriyie Akoto, is expected to swear in the new COCOBOD board of directors by Friday 6 August 2021. Ghana Cocoa Board The Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) was established by ordinance in 1947 with the sum of 27 million (being Ghanas share of the net profit from the West African Produce Control Board) as its initial working capital. The organisation traces its beginnings further back to the cocoa hold-up of 1937, sparked by a farmer-organised boycott. The boards mission is to encourage and facilitate the production, processing and marketing of good-quality cocoa, coffee and shea nut in all forms, in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. Drive and functions COCOBOD has many objectives and functions. Among them are to initiate programmes aimed at controlling pests and diseases of cocoa, coffee and shea nut; to undertake and encourage the processing of cocoa, coffee, shea nut and cocoa waste with the aim of adding value for export and local consumption; and to undertake, promote and encourage scientific research aimed at improving the quality of cocoa, coffee, shea nut and other tropical crops. The organisation also regulates the internal marketing of cocoa, coffee and shea nut. COCOBOD further seeks to secure the most favourable arrangements for the purchase, grading, sealing, certification, sale and export of cocoa, coffee and shea nut, as well as the purchase, market and export cocoa and cocoa products produced in Ghana. Such produce is graded for export under the Cocoa Industry (Regulations) (Consolidation) Decree 1968 (NLCD 278), or any other enactment as suitable. Chairmans role As the newly appointed board chairman, Peter Mac Manu will be expected to work closely with the COCOBOD management, led by its chief executive officer, Joseph Boahen Aidoo. His primary task will be to assist in the development of the cocoa, coffee and shea nut industries in Ghana. Profile Peter Mac Manu served as the national chairman of the New Patriotic Party from December 2005 to February 2010. He was made manager for the successful campaigns by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party towards the presidential and parliamentary elections of 2016 and 2020. Mac Manu has a Bachelors degree in business administration from the School of Administration of the University of Ghana. He later worked as a businessman and entrepreneur, founding and managing many companies. Before being elected national chairman of the party, Mac Manu served as the chairman of the NPP in the Western Region. Source: asaaseradio.com Disclaimer : Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and do not reflect those of Peacefmonline.com. Peacefmonline.com accepts no responsibility legal or otherwise for their accuracy of content. Please report any inappropriate content to us, and we will evaluate it as a matter of priority. Featured Video WASHINGTON Case counts are mounting in Texas and Florida, the two states where one-third of all infections nationwide were recorded last week. But the Republican leaders there have strenuously resisted public health advice, pushing back against mask mandates and vaccination requirements. That has led to mounting frustration within the White House with Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor, and Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the White House had offered help to both governors. She described the talks with Austin and Tallahassee as ongoing, suggesting that the offer from Washington had not yet been accepted. The standstill has plainly exasperated the White House, which wants to see the spike in the Delta variant subside. That will be impossible without curbing its spread across the Southeast. If you aren't going to help, if you aren't going to abide by public health guidance, then get out of the way and let people do the right thing, Psaki said on Tuesday in response to a question from Yahoo News about DeSantis and Abbott in particular. Asked to clarify what she meant by having the two governors get out of the way, Psaki elaborated, That means don't ban, don't make it harder for people to put requirements on masks or asking for vaccination status into law. White House press secretary Jen Psaki at a press briefing on Tuesday. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images) Psaki had also addressed the worsening situation in Florida and Texas on Monday, alluding to the political ambitions of both governors, who are widely believed to harbor presidential aspirations. Leaders are going to have to choose whether theyre going to follow public health guidelines or theyre going to follow politics, she said. The DeSantis administration quickly punched back. By dismissively ignoring Gov. DeSantis efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic, his communications director, Christina Pushaw, told Fox News on Monday. Story continues Abbott has denounced what he described as draconian controls related to the pandemic, arguing that undocumented migrants at the border with Mexico presented a greater problem than the spread of the Delta variant. The friction between the White House and the two governors is not unlike what took place during the Trump administration, when President Donald Trump frequently fought with Democratic governors like Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Andrew Cuomo of New York. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences. Update your settings here to see it. The difference today is that the end of the pandemic appeared to be at hand only weeks ago: President Biden went so far as to declare independence from the coronavirus during the Fourth of July holiday. No independence, however, can be possible without widespread vaccination, which the United States has not yet achieved. Last week, the European Union overtook the U.S. in vaccinations after lagging behind for the first half of 2021. Since the arrival of Delta in the United States late in the spring, some Republican governors, such as Alabamas Kay Ivey, Jim Justice of West Virginia and Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas, have forcefully spoken about the need for people to get vaccinated. DeSantis and Abbott appear to be following a more ideological approach, one that dismisses new restrictions as unnecessary and oppressive. On Tuesday, DeSantis said it was wrong to blame the unvaccinated, as Ivey has done. Closely echoing one of Trumps favorite complaints, he chided the media for being judgmental. To be sure, the Delta spike will not be nearly as severe as previous surges of the coronavirus, most experts agree. On Monday the White House announced that 70 percent of American adults are now vaccinated. Biden had hoped to reach that goal by Independence Day. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. (Michael Reaves/Getty Images) The White House has shown frustration with some reporting about the Delta variant, with one of Psakis deputies taking to Twitter to lambaste the Washington Post and the New York Times for their allegedly hyperbolic reporting on a recent Delta cluster in Provincetown, Mass. Although an epidemiological investigation of that cluster made clear that Delta is more transmissible than previous strains of the coronavirus, the vaccines are highly effective in preventing infection in the first place. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended renewed masking, including for vaccinated people, after studying the Provincetown outbreak. After the small vacation town which swells with revelers in the summer months reimposed a mask mandate of its own, infection rates there plummeted. Masks compensate for the vaccines lower efficacy in keeping down Deltas transmission rate. Parts of the Northeast and Pacific West rushed to reimpose mask mandates of their own, even though populations there as in Provincetown are highly vaccinated and therefore protected to begin with. The situation is reversed in Florida, Texas and their neighbors, where vaccination rates are low and resistance to masking is high. There, and in other Republican enclaves, the notion of masking up again was met with strong resistance and vows of defiance. Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a centrist Democrat, announced Monday that his state would be reimposing a mask mandate, providing a potential test case for stricter measures in the region. A pop-up COVID-19 testing location in Miami on July 26. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) DeSantis, in particular, has willingly assumed the role of White House foe, a role he appears to believe could help him politically, should he seek the presidency in 2024. He spent much of the spring and early summer celebrating his record in handling the pandemic. Critics say that record is exaggerated and inaccurate. In recent days, DeSantis has fought the imposition of new mask mandates, including in schools. Before that, he fought the cruise industry in court for trying to impose vaccine mandates in Florida ports. The frustration with Abbott and DeSantis is surely informed by the fact that both men appear as if they would like the office currently occupied by Biden. They have little political incentive to follow his administrations guidelines, as the Republican base would almost certainly penalize them for doing so. A reporter asked Psaki on Tuesday if the president had spoken to DeSantis about Floridas spike. "If we thought it would make a difference, she answered, I'm sure he would. ____ Read more from Yahoo News: Close up of a tropical house gecko in Florida. Credit: Matt edmonds / CC BY-SA 3.0 A team of researchers from Villanova University, the Thackeray Wildlife Foundation and Museu de Historia Natural e da Ciencia da Universidade do Porto has found evidence that the African house gecko made its way to the New World by riding aboard slave trading ships hundreds of years ago. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group describes their DNA analysis of gecko specimens from around the world. In the 1960s, two research teams published papers suggesting that the African house gecko, now considered to be an invasive species, made its way to the Americas hundreds of years ago by riding ships involved in the slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean. As its name suggests, the African house gecko is native to Africa, having originated in Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Today, the gecko is found all around the globe. In this new effort, the researchers wondered how the African house gecko managed to spread so far and wide. To find out, they studied both its DNA and its ability to survive in different environments. To learn more about its DNA, the team tested samples from museums around the world. In all, 186 of the geckos underwent genetic analysis and the researchers discovered approximately 20 interrelated species. But only one of those lineages managed to make its way to the Americas and to flourishHemidactylus mabouia. The researchers also found that the species in the Americas had undergone few genetic changes, suggesting it had not lived there for very long, perhaps just a few centuries. The researchers also noted that H. mabouia has a characteristic that makes it better able to adjust to living in varied conditions. It inhabits wide open spaces, including human-populated areas, rather than forest or bush. It has also been found to hunt in artificial lighting conditions, which tend to attract the kinds of bugs the geckos eat. Given the confluence of the data, the researchers suggest it that H. mabouia likely made its way to the Americas via the slave tradea time when there were significant numbers of boats traveling between Africa and North and South America. Explore further How does gecko tape work? More information: Ishan Agarwal et al, How the African house gecko ( Hemidactylus mabouia ) conquered the world, Royal Society Open Science (2021). Journal information: Royal Society Open Science Ishan Agarwal et al, How the African house gecko ( Hemidactylus mabouia ) conquered the world,(2021). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.210749 2021 Science X Network Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Democracy in ancient Athens looked quite different from democracies today. Instead of elections, most officesincluding those in the legislature, governing councils, and magistrateswere filled by citizen volunteers, selected by random lottery. These citizens' assemblies drafted, debated, and passed laws; made major foreign policy decisions; and controlled military budgets. Today, citizens' assemblies are making a comeback. In 2019 and 2020, citizens' assemblies in France and the UK convened to draft measures to address climate change. Citizens' assemblies in Ireland have led to changes to the Irish constitution which legalized abortion and same-sex marriage. One of the biggest challenges in organizing these assembliesboth in ancient times and todayis deciding who should serve. The assembly needs to be representative of the population as a whole. But selection should be randomideally, with all volunteers having an equal chance of being chosen. To balance those two goals, the ancient Athenians used a rudimentary machine called a kleroterion, which randomly selected panels of volunteers from different tribes. Now, a team of computer scientists has devised a 21st century solution. Now, a team of computer scientists from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and Carnegie Mellon University, in collaboration with a practitioner from and the Sortition Foundation, have designed an assembly selection process that satisfies representation and fairness simultaneously. This paper was published in Nature. "Ideally, a citizens' assembly acts as a microcosm of society," said Ariel Procaccia, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at SEAS and co-author of the study. "Whether this goal is realized in practice, however, depends on exactly how assembly members are chosen." "First, we need to ask how do we even think about fairness in the context of panel selection, and then how do we formalize it in a way that means that everyone gets a fair chance," said Bailey Flanigan, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University and co-author of the study." The research team examined a typical two-stage assembly selection process. In the first stage, thousands of randomly selected people are invited to participate. The final assembly is chosen from the pool of volunteers using a selection algorithm. However, the pool of volunteers tends to be unrepresentative of the population as a whole because certain groups, such as those with more education, are more likely to volunteer. "Giving all volunteers exactly equal probabilities is generally impossible to do while also satisfying demographic quotas," said Paul Golz, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon and co-author of the paper. "Our selection algorithm finds a panel that satisfies quotas while giving potential participants as equal a chance as possible of being selected." It does this by computing a distribution over many panels, all of which satisfy the quota requirements, and then randomly drawing a panel from this distribution. A distribution of panels is then chosen in a way that the minimum probability of any volunteer appearing on the panel is as high as mathematically possible. This open-source algorithm has already been used to select more than 40 citizens' assemblies around the world, by organizations in countries including Denmark, Germany, the U.S., Belgium, and the UK. Procaccia, along with his co-authors and Gili Rusak of Stanford University, developed a website called Panelot.org, which makes their selection algorithm available free of charge. Going forward, the researchers will continue working with practitioners to learn from their experience about how these new selection algorithms can be made even more useful. "We are excited to explore new ways in which math and computer science can contribute to the practice of democracy," said Procaccia. Explore further Why we need a global citizens' assembly on gene editing More information: Flanigan, B. et al, Fair algorithms for selecting citizens' assemblies, Nature (2021). Journal information: Nature Flanigan, B. et al, Fair algorithms for selecting citizens' assemblies,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03788-6 Signs of concrete damage are evident under this bridge, and thousands of other bridges in the United States are in need of significant maintenance, rehabilitation or replacement, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Credit: University of Delaware It's a most unlikely habitat and really has no creature comforts to recommend it. But University of Delaware researcher Julie Maresca and students in her lab are studying concrete and the life that stubbornly persists within. Yes, life happens in concrete, despite its hard, dry, salty environment and despite the typical pH of about 12.5, which makes it about as inviting as moving into a bottle of bleach or oven cleaner. Some hard-core bacteriafor example, Psychrobacter, which are found in Antarctic ice, among other challenging placesjust won't take "no" for an answer. And because concrete is ubiquitousthe most common building material in the worldanyone concerned with the health of buildings, roads, bridges and other concrete structures should take note of these microbial masses. In a new study published by the American Society for Microbiology, Maresca, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, and her students demonstrate that even in a harsh concrete habitat, bacterial communities can survive, thrive and do what all living things dochange. Such change can have important implications for the degradation and potential repair of concrete structures. Researchers have long known that microbes and concrete have a love-hate relationship. But their study has been mostly of surface bacteria, the sort that is introduced to concrete after it has been poured. Maresca's studies have gone beyond the surface to study the bacteria within, the microbes that either hitched a ride on the gravel and sand included in the concrete mix or seeped in through cracks. Her lab's previous research had shown that small numbers of bacteria were there and their DNA could be extracted. Credit: University of Delaware Now she and her students have shown how time and weather affect bacterial communities living in concrete. Among the team's findings: The diversity of bacteria declined over time, but some had seasonal bounces. Bacterial communities within concrete could provide early warning of alkali-silica reactions that degrade concrete but are difficult to detect. Typically, these reactions are only recognized when cracks are forming in the concrete. Bacteria have the potential to provide "biorepair" of concrete, but which kinds are up to the task? Some produce calcium carbonate, a substance that can fill in cracks and pores in concrete. Previous research on this process shows that many bacteria capable of biorepair can only survive in concrete for a month or two. "There is not a lot of life in concrete," Maresca said. "It has a very low biomass." But what if we knew which kind of bacteria survive and thrive there and which could be recruited in the effort to improve the world's infrastructure? The need for new approaches to concrete maintenance and repair is clear. In a 2020 report, the Federal Highway Administration listed the condition of more than 45,000 of the nation's 618,456 bridges as "poor." These bridges are considered structurally deficient, which is defined as "needing significant maintenance attention, rehabilitation or replacement." University of Delaware microbiologist Julie Maresca holds one of the concrete cylinders she and her students have used to study bacterial communities that live in concrete. Credit: University of Delaware The condition of other concrete structures also has been of great concern, especially since the devastating partial collapse of a beachfront condominium near Miami, Florida, on June 24, a disaster that claimed 98 lives. Though the cause has not yet been determined, inspectors three years earlier had identified damaged concrete as a significant structural problem that needed attention. No one is saying (yet) that bacteria will help to address such problems. They mightsomedaybut much more research is needed. To study these concrete-based bacterial communities, Maresca's students poured concrete samples into 40 cylinders, each about the size of a one-liter bottle. Two kinds of mixes were used. Some cylinders included only standard concrete mixes, prone to degradation from alkali-silica reactions. Some used mixes with fly ash to reduce such reactions. Control samples were made with sterilized glass beads, allowing researchers to see how much contaminating DNA was introduced in the lab. The cylinders were placed on the roof of UD's Spencer Lab. DNA samples were collected about every six weeks over a two-year period. Then the DNA was sequenced and analyzed. Maresca, a microbiologist who studies bacteria in natural and engineered environments, did not have concrete on her list of potential natural environments to study when she joined the UD faculty in 2011. But almost as soon as she arrived, another new faculty memberThomas Schumacher, a civil engineer now at Portland Stateshowed up in her office. He studied bridges and was aware of biorepair experiments with bacteria. They should collaborate, he told her. He sent some papers and she got to wondering, which is how so much research begins. Forty concrete cylinders were placed on the roof of the University of Delawares Spencer Lab to see how time and temperature changes would affect the bacterial communities within them. DNA samples were taken periodically and those samples were then sequenced and analyzed. Credit: University of Delaware "There was really nothing at all known about microbes in concrete," she said. "It's the most commonly used building material in the world, but we just don't know anything about what lives in there. It's in wet environments, sewer systems, bridge pilings and we know that microbes on surfaces can degrade it. But what's in there and does it do anything? Can it tell us anything?" Why, yes. It can. To get useful information, though, researchers must screen out extraneous data from contaminants and be sure the bacteria analyzed were those associated with the concrete. That included detecting and excluding contaminants. "DNA can come from a lot of different places," said Anders Kiledal, a doctoral student in Maresca's lab and the first author on the paper. "Animals, people and the environment can introduce certain types of contaminants, but there is also contamination from the actual reagents you are using. We're trying to get samples as pure as possible." No one sterilizes the raw materials of concrete, of coursenot the sand, gravel or creek water they may have passed through. "Each has its own microbiome," Maresca said. "Most bacteria in concrete are coming in with the large aggregates and the cement powder." How bacteria survive in such inhospitable areas is a question of keen interest. Students took DNA samples from concrete cylinders that had been exposed to the elements over a two-year period. Credit: University of Delaware "What are they eating?" Maresca said. "It's possible they're eating the dead bodies of other microbes. If there's nothing to eat, some of them can form spores or form a dormant cell type and do nothing until it rains, then eat as much as they can and go dormant again." Studying these bacterial communities and their survival methods could give civil engineers and others critical information about the condition of many structures. Maresca said the goal is to identify which bacteria indicate a normal concrete environment and which show that the concrete is damaged in some way. With that kind of early-warning system, transportation officials can prioritize repairs and replacements and shape their budgets accordingly. "The earlier you can detect a problem, the more time you have to solve a problem before it becomes a real problem," she said. "And since we have all these roads and bridges at risk, we need a way to prioritize them. Which are in dire need and which aren't?" Before diagnoses can be made, more work is needed to identify the correlation of specific kinds of bacteria and concrete damage, not because the bacteria are causing the damage, but because their presence indicates damage is happening. "As far as we know, the microbes are not damaging the concrete," Maresca said. "Microbes are not eating the foundations. We're hoping to use them for information and potentially to help with repair." Kiledal has worked with the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) and the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to collect field samples. In the next phase of the study, Kiledal and Maresca are analyzing DNA extracted from bridges, roads and foundations in Delaware and New Jersey. Chunks broken off of the concrete cylinders allowed for more analysis of internal conditions. Credit: University of Delaware "Now our information is more complete," Maresca said. "We have field samples from roads and bridges and we have sequenced all of the DNA. Do these microbes survive in salty environments? Dry environments? What kind of carbon do they use?" The work was supported with funding from the Delaware Department of Transportation and by the Delaware Environmental Institute. There are many other potential frontiers for similar studiesstone monuments, desert soils, even the red rocks on Mars. Explore further Tough microbe settlers in the concrete jungle More information: E. Anders Kiledal et al, Bacterial Communities in Concrete Reflect Its Composite Nature and Change with Weathering, mSystems (2021). E. Anders Kiledal et al, Bacterial Communities in Concrete Reflect Its Composite Nature and Change with Weathering,(2021). DOI: 10.1128/mSystems.01153-20 Credit: Illus Man/Shutterstock The world has become interconnected at a level we never before imagined possible. States, banking, communications, transport, tech and international development organizations have all embraced digital identification. The current conversation hinges on the need to speed up registrations to ensure that every person on this planet has their own digital ID. We have not stumbled into this new age of digital data management unwittingly. International organizations such as the World Bank and the UN have actively encouraged states to provide citizens with proof of their legal existence in an effort to combat structural poverty, statelessness and social exclusion. To achieve this, social policy has deliberately targeted poor and vulnerable populationsincluding indigenous and Afro-descended people and womento ensure they get an ID card to receive welfare payments. By aiming to include marginalized populations, they are targeting groups that historically have faced systematic exclusion and have been barred from formal recognition as citizens. My research has revealed how states can weaponise internationally sponsored ID systems. The book that has come out of this workLegal Identity, Race and Belonging in the Dominican Republic: From Citizen to Foreignerhighlights how, in parallel with World Bank programs providing citizens with proof of their legal existence, the government introduced exclusionary mechanisms that systematically blocked black Haitian-descended populations from accessing and renewing their Dominican ID. For years, people of Haitian ancestry born in the Dominican Republic have found themselves in a fierce battle to (re)obtain their ID. Officials claimed that for over 80 years they had erroneously provided people born to Haitian migrants with Dominican paperwork and now needed to rectify this mistake. These people say they are Dominican. They even have the paperwork to prove it. But the state doesn't agree. These practices culminated in a landmark ruling in 2013 that stripped Haitian-descended people born in the country of their Dominican nationality, rendering them stateless. In response, a fight-back campaign called for the civil registry to provide all people of Haitian descent with their state-issued ID documents as Dominicans. In a damning critique of global identification practices, my research has revealed how international organizations at the time "looked the other way" as the state began weeding out and then deliberately blocking Haitian-descended people from accessing their documentation. Who was deemed eligible for inclusion in the civil registry (meaning Dominican citizens) and who was excluded as foreigners (the Haitian-descended) was considered a sovereign issue for the state to address. As a result, tens of thousands of people found themselves without documentation and subsequently excluded from essential healthcare services, welfare and education. Closing the global identity gap We are seeing similar cases of this kind of exclusion erupting around world. In June 2021, I organized a conference at the University of London called (Re)Imagining Belonging in Latin America and Beyond: Access to Citizenship, Digital Identity and Rights. In collaboration with the Netherlands-based Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, the event explored the connections between identity and belonging, digital ID and citizenship rights. It included a paper on the French citzens caught up in BUMIDOMknown as France's Windrush. We also heard about legal challenges brought by non-binary people in Peru, the experiences of non-domiciled Cubans rendered stateless, and the "anchor babies" debate over whether children born to undocumented migrants should be granted automatic access to US citizenship. The event ended with an international roundtable that examined the use of digital ID registrations for discriminatory purposes in other parts of the world. This included discussions about vulnerable populations such as the people of Assam in India, the Rohingya in Myanmar and Somalis in Kenya. Debates like these are only going to become more prevalent over the next 10 years: a homeless man who can no longer travel on public transport because the bus company only takes card, not cash payments; an elderly African American woman blocked from voting because she cannot provide a federal-issued ID; or a woman told she has to stop working because the system has flagged her up as an "illegal" immigrant. For people who find themselves excluded from this new digital age, daily life isn't just difficult, it is almost impossible. And while the need to speed up digital ID registrations is pressing, in this post-pandemic world we need to take a step back and reflect. Calls for digital COVID passports, biometric ID cards and data-sharing track-and-trace systems are facilitating the policing not only of people crossing borders but also, increasingly, of the populations living within them. It is high time we had a serious discussion about the potential pitfalls of digital ID systems and their far-reaching, life-altering impact. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. The mayor of Milas said the staff had been evacuated from the power plant. A thermal power plant on the Aegean Sea was evacuated on Wednesday as a deadly wildfire that has ravaged Turkey for the past week reached its outer edge. An AFP team saw firefighters and police fleeing the plant near the hillside town of Milas, while orange flames lapped at the station's gate as night fell. "The plant is now being completely emptied," the mayor of Milas, Muhammet Tokat tweeted. Earlier, local officials said hydrogen tanks used to cool the station had been emptied and filled with water as a precaution. Officials told AFP that the plant operates using coal and fuel oil. It was still believed to be hooked up to Turkey's energy grid when the fire reached its gates. More than 180 wildfires have scorched huge swathes of forest and killed eight people since breaking out east of the Mediterranean vacation hotspot Antalya last Wednesday, then spreading west. The European Union's satellite monitoring service said their "radiative power"a measure of the fires' intensity"has reached unprecedented values in the entire dataset, which goes back to 2003". 'No room for politics' The fires' strength and scale have exposed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to days of criticism for what some observers say has been his sluggish response to the crisis. Officials say the plant operates using coal and fuel oil. Erdogan had just begun a live television interview about the fires as news broke about the evacuation of the plant. He acknowledged that the efforts of firefighters to save the station were failing in the face of "tremendous wind" fanning the flames. An AFP team confirmed that strong gusts of wind were spreading the flames, meaning flashpoints were reappearing in places where the fires had been put out only hours earlier. Erdogan lashed out at Turkey's opposition leaders for trying to score political points by questioning his governments' readiness and response. Other countries besides Turkey were having similar forest fire problems as a record heatwave grips Europe's southeast, he argued. Turkey's neighbour Greece is also being ravaged by flames, which officials blame on a heatwave caused by climate change. Residents are helping fire crews fight the wildfires. "Forest fires are an international threat just like the Covid-19 pandemic," Erdogan said. "Like elsewhere in the world, there has been a big increase in the forest fires in our country. There should be no room for politics here." Rattled The Turkish government appears to have been rattled by the scale and ferocity of the flames. Its media watchdog on Tuesday warned broadcasters that they might be fined if they continue showing live footage of the blazes or air images of screaming people running for their lives. Most rolling news channels were only showing sporadic reports about the unfolding disaster on Wednesday afternoon. Erdogan himself has been subjected to days of ridicule on social media after he tossed bags of tea to crowds of people while touring one of the affected regions under heavy police escort. The opposition has also accused the powerful Turkish leader of being too slow to accept offers of foreign assistanceincluding from regional rival Greeceand for having failed to properly maintain firefighting planes. Strong winds had hampered efforts to bring the fire under control. Flames soar close to a power Plant near Oren, in Turkey's Mugla holiday region. 'Be patient' Erdogan's office blamed the very first blazes near Antalya on arsonists, which pro-government media linked to banned Kurdish militants waging a decades-long insurgency against the state. But more and more public officials now link them to an extreme heatwave that has dried up reservoirs and created tinderbox conditions across much of Turkey's south. Experts have warned that climate change in countries such as Turkey increases both the frequency and intensity of wildfires. Turkey's Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli said temperatures in the Aegean city of Marmaris reached an all-time record of 45.5 degrees Celsius (114 degrees Farenheit) this week. "We are fighting a very serious war," the minister told reporters. "I urge everyone to be patient." Explore further Deadly wildfire encircles Turkish power plant 2021 AFP Fig. 1. Examples of bird- and bat-mediated ecosystem services linked to human well-being. All services present opportunities for the development of more sustainable agricultural management. Credit: DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.06.010 Innovation arises through the transfer of research results into practice. Valuable research results threaten to gather dust in university libraries if they are not put into practice. While transdisciplinary research seems to become increasingly important in sciences, funding programs and media, there are still many misunderstandings to be clarified. In their recently published article, ecologist Bea Maas from the University of Vienna and her international co-authors discuss the opportunities and challenges of this disciplinary integration. With numerous examples from bird and bat research, they show how different disciplines such as biology, psychology and technology can jointly contribute to and improve the sustainable development of agricultural landscapes. The United Nations Global Goals set specific requirements for sustainable development, often at the crossroads of society, economy and the environment. Strong partnerships are highlighted as key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. "From research to practice is no different," explains Bea Maas, lead author of the recent perspectives article in Basic and Applied Ecology. She and her colleagues argue for more cross-disciplinary collaboration between different disciplines and stakeholders. Whether and how this collaboration can contribute to achieving sustainability goals depends, the authors say, on whether findings from other disciplines are merely taken into account or actually integrated. "What seems obvious is often not easy to implement due to widespread misunderstandings and structural hurdles," Maas emphasizes. According to the authors, multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches are often confused or used as synonymseven though they are distinguished by the increasing degree of integration of different disciplines. In addition, they say, there is a lack of support for mediation between expert groups and respective decision-makers. "Increased funding and particularly expert guidance of more integrative, trans-disciplinary research has enormous potential to foster research and innovation in ecology and beyond," says co-author Carolina Campo-Ariza of the University of Gottingen. Using the example of bird- and bat-mediated ecosystem services, the three authors illustrate the close links between society, the economy and the environment in sustainability development. "We know a lot more about how to use these opportunities than we actually implement," explains co-author Christopher Whelan of Chicago University. The authors discuss benefits of transdisciplinary work, such as increased data quality, innovation and productivity, as well as potential pitfalls of these approaches. "A stepwise approach is critical to the success of integrative collaboration," Maas explains. She and her colleagues use international examples from bird and bat research to describe how this can save costs and promote the implementation of research results. Maas concludes, "Many bird and bat species, as well as their economically valuable ecosystem services, could not have been protected in the first place without integrative approaches! This win-win way of thinking can take us a decisive step forward in sustainable development." Explore further International survey shows different perceptions in science and practice More information: Bea Maas et al, Cross-disciplinary approaches for better research: The case of birds and bats, Basic and Applied Ecology (2021). Bea Maas et al, Cross-disciplinary approaches for better research: The case of birds and bats,(2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.baae.2021.06.010 The projected status of emperor penguin colonies by 2100 and annual mean change of sea ice concentrations between the 20th and 21st centuries. Credit: Natalie Renier/WHOI, Jenouvrier et al. 2021 Emperor penguins thrive on Antarctica's coastlines in icy conditions any human would find extreme. Yet, like Goldilocks, they have a narrow comfort zone: If there's too much sea ice, trips to bring food from the ocean become long and arduous, and their chicks may starve. With too little sea ice, the chicks are at risk of drowning. Climate change is now putting that delicate balance and potentially the entire species at risk. In a new study, my colleagues and I show that if current global warming trends and government policies continue, Antarctica's sea ice will decline at a rate that would dramatically reduce emperor penguin numbers to the point that almost all colonies would become quasi-extinct by 2100, with little chance of recovering. That's why the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing to list the emperor penguin as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. The proposal will be published in the Federal Register on Aug. 4, 2021, starting a 60-day public comment period. The greatest threat emperor penguins face is climate change. It will disrupt the sea ice cover they rely on unless governments adopt policies that reduce the greenhouse gases driving global warming. The U.S. Endangered Species Act has been used before to protect other species that are primarily at risk from climate change, including the polar bear, ringed seal and several species of coral, which are all listed as threatened. Emperor penguins don't live on U.S. territory, so some of the Endangered Species Act's measures meant to protect species' habitats and prevent hunting them don't directly apply. Being listed under the Endangered Species Act could still bring benefits, though. It could provide a way to reduce harm from U.S. fishing fleets that might operate in the region. And, with expected actions from the Biden administration, the listing could eventually pressure U.S. agencies to take actions to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Marching toward extinction I first saw an emperor penguin when I visited Pointe Geologie, Antarctica, during my Ph.D. studies. As soon as I set foot on the island, before our team unpacked our gear, my colleagues and I went to visit the emperor penguin colony located only a couple of hundred meters from the French research stationthe same colony featured in the movie "March of the Penguins." Penguin curiosity meets a GoPro camera. Credit: C. Marciau/IPEV/CNRS We sat far away to observe them through binoculars, but after 15 minutes, a few penguins approached us. People think that they are awkward, almost comical, with their hobbling gait, but emperors walk with a peaceful and serene grace across the sea ice. I can still feel them tugging on my shoelaces, their eyes flickering with curiosity. I hope my children and future generations have a chance to meet these masters of the frozen world. Researchers have studied the emperor penguins around Pointe Geologie, in Terre Adelie, since the 1960s. Those decades of data are now helping scientists gauge the effects of anthropogenic climate change on the penguins, their sea ice habitat and their food sources. The penguins breed on fast ice, which is sea ice attached to land. But they hunt for food within the pack icesea ice floes that move with the wind or ocean currents and may merge. Sea ice is also important for resting, during their annual molt and to escape from predators. The penguin population at Pointe Geologie declined by half in the late 1970s when sea ice declined and more male emperor penguins died, and the population never fully recovered from massive breeding failuressomething that has been occurring more frequently. To assess whether the emperor penguin could qualify for protection under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service encouraged an international team of scientists, policy experts, climate scientists and ecologists to provide research and projections of the threats posed by climate change to emperor penguins and their future survival. Every colony will be in decline by 2100 Emperor penguins are adapted to their current environment, but the species has not evolved to survive the rapid effects of climate change that threaten to reshape its world. Decades of studies by an international team of researchers have been instrumental in establishing the need for protection. The number of breeding pairs of emperor penguins at Pointe Geologie is projected to decline significantly in a world with high greenhouse gas emissions. The chart uses the RCP 8.5 climate scenario of high-emissions future. Credit: Jenouvrier et al., 2020, CC BY-ND Seminal research I was involved in in 2009 warned that the colony of Pointe Geologie will be marching toward extinction by the end of the century. And it won't just be that colony. My colleagues and I in 2012 looked at all known emperor penguin colonies identified in images from space and determined that every colony will be declining by the end of the century if greenhouse gases continue their current course. We found that penguin behaviors that might help them adapt to changing environmental conditions couldn't reverse the anticipated global decline. Major environmental shifts, such as the late formation and early loss of the sea ice on which colonies are located, are already raising the risk. A dramatic example is the recent collapse of Halley Bay, the second-largest emperor penguin colony in Antarctica. More than 10,000 chicks died in 2016 when sea ice broke up early. The colony has not yet recovered. By including those extreme events, we projected that 98% of colonies will be extinct by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continue their present course, and the global population will decline by 99% compared with its historical size. Meeting the Paris goal could save the penguins The results of the new study showed that if the world meets the Paris climate agreement targets, keeping warming to under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 F) compared to pre-industrial temperatures, that could protect sufficient habitat to halt the emperor penguins' decline. But the world isn't on track to meet the Paris Agreement. According to one estimate, by Climate Action Tracker, countries' current policy pathways have a greater than 97% probability of exceeding 2 C (3.6 F). With recent government announcements factored in, the increase is estimated to be around 2.4 C (4.3 F). So it appears that the emperor penguin is the proverbial "canary in the coal mine." The future of emperor penguins, and much of life on Earth, including humanity, ultimately depends upon the decisions made today. Explore further New study finds emperor penguins increasingly threatened by climate change This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. Credit: Shutterstock/Rudmer Zwerver New Zealand's endemic tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) are the sole survivors of an ancient reptile order called Rhynchocephalia. Once widespread across New Zealand, tuatara survive in only a fraction of their historic range, on small offshore islands and in fenced eco-sanctuaries. Despite massive conservation efforts to restore populations, our lack of knowledge about tuatara reproduction means some conservation techniques remain currently off the table. Tuatara are unique among reptiles in that males don't have a penis or hemipenes, making sperm collection difficult. But in our latest research, we describe how we managed to collect and characterize live sperm from tuatara for the first time. Perhaps surprisingly, we found that tuatara sperm are the fastest swimmers of any reptile studied to date. This could help us boost the conservation of this unique and treasured species. The global decline of wildlife has necessitated creative and far-reaching conservation efforts, including the freezing of eggs and sperm (known as gametes). Gamete banking is a proactive conservation approach where researchers preserve genetically important sperm and egg cells before this genetic diversity is lost. While this is never preferable to natural reproduction, assisted reproduction has already been used with success on critically endangered species like the New Zealand flightless parrot kakapo (Strigops habroptilus). However, developing the methods for gamete cryopreservation for any species, especially one that represents a unique evolutionary branch, takes time. "Cloacal kisses' and speedy sperm Our first challenge was to figure out a way to sample live sperm. The male reproductive anatomy sets tuatara apart from other reptileswithout a penis, their reproduction is more bird-like. Tuatara transfer sperm when the male aligns his cloaca (which serves as the opening for digestive, reproductive and urinary tracts) with the female's. We found the best approach to collect a viable, sufficient sperm sample was just after this "cloacal kiss," when the sperm was still visible on the edge of the female's cloaca. For the very first time, we were able to collect, image and measure the speed of swimming tuatara sperm. Even though tuatara generally live a long, slow life, it turns out their sperm are surprisingly fast. Having fast swimmers may be an adaptation to aid male tuatara in their reproductive efforts. Other reptiles have an intromittent organ (either a penis or a pair of hemipenes) to aid in sperm delivery, but tuatara rely solely on the ability of their sperm to swim inside the female's cloaca after mating. While having sperm with distinct characteristics may be what helps tuatara reproduce, it also means the techniques required for cryobanking this sperm must be equally unique. Climate change and tuatara conservation Once widespread across New Zealand, tuatara now persist in 45 distinct populations across a fraction of their historic range. The sex of tuatara hatchlings is determined by the temperature the eggs are exposed to during incubation, with more males hatching at warmer temperatures. As climate change continues to raise temperatures in New Zealand, we expect this will skew tuatara sex ratios, with the potential to drive some populations to be male-dominated and therefore functionally extinct. Such local extinctions will lead to a loss of valuable genetic diversity. Cryopreservation of tuatara eggs and sperm, to be used for assisted reproduction, could provide the insurance required to preserve genetic diversity and aid conservation of this vulnerable iconic species. Formulating the best cryoprotectant to preserve sperm from the sole surviving species in a lineage as old as the dinosaurs with a unique reproductive anatomy amongst reptiles, would be challenge enough. When you add in the fact that tuatara mate like birds, are slow to reproduce, but paradoxically have extremely fast swimming sperm, it makes cryopreserving tuatara sperm a thorny problem. Our efforts to help ensure the future of the last of the Rhynchocephalians also taught us a great deal about these unique animals, viewed by Maori as guardians of knowledge. Earlier this year, at the end of the Austral summer, we undertook another research season, collecting sperm and characterizing the males it was collected from. Going forward, we will undertake more trials, test new cryopreserving agents and progress toward long-term gamete banking of this important reptile. Doing so will provide a pathway toward new conservation strategies for this taonga (treasured) species. Explore further Bigger is better for Zealandia's tuatara This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. Credit: Shutterstock No link currently exists proving climate change is driving migration out of East Africa, despite a widespread acceptance that human mobility is a key impact of climate change, according to research today from a multi-disciplinary Oxford University team, which maintains the factors driving migration are complex. The study, published in Frontiers in Climate, argues future research, using evidence of extreme event attribution and changing weather and human mobility could provide better understanding. Lisa Thalheimer, the lead author, says, "We were very interested in finding if there is a link between mobility and climate change...especially after international organizations started coming up with projections. "We wanted to see what the evidence tells us and we very soon saw that climate change is often referred to in existing literature...but climate data is not really used. The evidence is a bit scant." Both weather and climate impacts and movements of people were studied by the team, as well as earlier research, and it maintains there is no direct causal link between a changing climate and human mobility. According to the paper, "We find that, although climate change is referred to...as a tipping point for human mobility, studies imply a causal link between human mobility and climate change. "Our findings show that climatic influences on human mobility are not independent. Rather, climate factors influencing human mobility are closely connected with contextual factors such as social norms, economic opportunities, and conflict." The lead author continues, "East Africa is a well-known climate change hotspot...but the picture is much more complex than is often represented." The Oxford team, which includes a migration expert and climate scientists, maintains, "The links between weather and climate-related events, contextual factors and human mobility are complex, defying simplistic reasoning according to which climate change would "lead" to human mobility." The situation in the region is highly complex, according to the study, and reasons for migration show an interwoven picturesometimes involving pastoralism, social norms, traditions and economic opportunities. Blaming climate change is 'simplistic," say the researchers, especially if migration has traditionally been used to sustain livelihoods, and often does not take account of climate data. Today's study says, "Crucially, we find that the use of climate data in all studies is inconsistent if data is used at all." The paper maintains, "There is not yet a basis to causally link anthropogenic climate change to human mobility in this region." Co-author Dr. Friederike Otto, Associate Director of the Environmental Change Institute, says, "This research shows that, despite the overwhelming evidence of human-influence on weather and climate in many parts of the world, crucial gaps remain in particular in lower income countries. I hope we can inspire more rigorous research on this crucially important topic." The team argues inter-disciplinary studies, such as this one, using climate and mobility data, could provide future understanding and insights. At Oxford, Lisa Thalheimer says, because many disciplines are involved, there is research into weather attribution, and the potential to use data for studies on the impact on human migration and displacement. The study says, "A new framework of interdisciplinary research is needed, which integrates diverse data into models that simulate how human mobility is impacted by contextual and climate change-related factors." Such research is already underway involving the Oxford-based research group Climate Econometrics. Professor Sir David Hendry, co-director, Climate Econometrics, maintains, "The powerful tools developed at Climate Econometrics for modeling complex data and evolving relationships can help clarify key issues such as the impact of climate change on (forced) migration in environments where it is a serious problem." Explore further Poor use of science jeopardizes climate lawsuits: research More information: Lisa Thalheimer et al, Deciphering Impacts and Human Responses to a Changing Climate in East Africa, Frontiers in Climate (2021). Lisa Thalheimer et al, Deciphering Impacts and Human Responses to a Changing Climate in East Africa,(2021). DOI: 10.3389/fclim.2021.692114 This 3D view of geologic feature the Mars Perseverance rover team calls Raised Ridges was generated from data collected by Ingenuity during its 10th flight at Mars, on July 24, 2021. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Ask any space explorer, and they'll have a favorite photo or two from their mission. For Kevin Hand, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and co-lead of the Perseverance rover's first science campaign, his latest favorite is a 3D image of low-lying wrinkles in the surface of Jezero Crater. The science team calls this area "Raised Ridges." NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter captured the two shots for this stereo image on July 24 during its 10th flight. "Ingenuity is allowing the Perseverance science team to be in two places at once," said Hand. "Right now, we are at the 'Crater Floor Fractured Rough,' where the rover is preparing for the mission's first sample acquisition on Mars. Yet at the same time, Ingenuity is providing a detailed preview of a potentially intriguing geologic features hundreds of meters away from us." The Raised Ridges intrigue Hand and his colleagues because they consist of three distinct surface fractures that converge at a central point. On Earth, similar fractures in desert environments might be a clue to past liquid water activity and thus past habitability. The Perseverance science team wants to know if what is good for the third rock from the Sun is good for Marsand if so, whether the Raised Ridges tell them something significant about Mars' watery past. The Return to Earth camera on NASAs Ingenuity Mars Helicopter snaped this picture of geologic feature the Mars Perseverance rover team calls Raised Ridges during its 10th flight at Mars, on July 24, 2021. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Ingenuity captured the images during its most complex flight yet. After taking off from its seventh airfield, it climbed to a new record altitude of 40 feet (12 meters). The helicopter then made four heading changes and took 10 images with the rotorcraft's color camera before landing at a new airfield. The 3D image was created by combining two of those images, offering the rover team a richer perspective as they plan the next steps in their science campaign. "In 3D it almost feels like you can reach out and touch the Raised Ridges," said Hand. "But along with its immersive beauty, the image provides great detail. If you look closely, you can see some curious lines across the surfaces of several rocks. Are these just made by eons of wind and dust blowing over the rocks, or might those features tell the story of water? We just don't know yet." Those details are important. In their search for signs of ancient life on Mars, the team is considering drilling a rock or sediment sample in the Raised Ridges, which would take several Martian days, or sols, of driving to reach. With Ingenuity's images, the rover team now has a much better idea of what to expect if they were to go there, and the science value of doing so. In the weeks to come, the science team will pour over this and other 3D images from Ingenuity and debate the merits of such a visit. "Since landing at Jezero Crater, it's clear to all of us that there is an abundance of geologic riches for us to explore. It's a good problem to have," said Ken Williford, deputy project scientist for Perseverance at JPL. "These aerial previews from Ingenuity provide the kind of actionable data that allow us to whittle down our options and get on with the business of exploring our corner of Mars." Explore further NASA's Mars helicopter reveals intriguing terrain for rover team Deadly flood events, such as recently in India, China, Germany and Belgium, inflict billions worth of damage. The number of people exposed to floods worldwide has surged almost a quarter over the last two decades, according to satellite-based data that shows an additional 86 million now live within flood-prone regions. Flooding is by far the most common of extreme weather events made more frequent and potent by rainfall patterns supercharged by climate change. Deadly inundations, such as recently in India, China, Germany and Belgium, inflict billions worth of damage, often disproportionally affecting poorer sectors of society. Most flood maps rely on modelling based on ground-level observations such as rainfall and elevation, but they can often entirely miss regions that are historically not flood-prone. To fill in those gaps, a team of US-based researchers examined satellite data from twice-daily imaging of more than 900 individual flood events in 169 countries since 2000. They used the data to create the Global Flood Database, which provides open source information on the death toll, displacement and rainfall levels linked to each of the 913 floods. Writing in the journal Nature, the researchers found that up to 86 million people, driven by economic necessity, moved into known flood regions between 2000-2015a 24-percent increase. A total of 2.23 million square kilometres (860,000 square miles)more than the entire area of Greenlandwere flooded between 2000 and 2018, affecting up to 290 million people. And it's only going to get worse. Computer modelling produced estimates that climate change and shifting demographics would mean an additional 25 countries facing a high risk of flooding by 2030. Lead study author Beth Tellman, a researcher at Columbia University's Earth Institute and co-founder of the flood analytics firm Cloud to Street, told AFP the number of additional people now at risk of flooding was 10 times higher than previous estimates. "We are able to map floods that are often unmapped or not typically represented in flood models, such as ice melt floods or dam breaks," said Tellman. "Dam breaks are especially impactful. In these dam overflow or dam break events, up to 13 million people were impacted, across just these 13 events." The majority of flood-prone countries were in South and Southeast Asia, but the satellite data showed previously unidentified increases in exposure across Latin America and the Middle East. 'Retreat only option' A leaked UN climate science report, seen exclusively by AFP, predicts flooding will in future displace 2.7 million people in Africa annually and could contribute to 85 million forced from their homes by 2050. Just 1.5 degrees Centigrade of warmingthe most ambitious Paris Agreement temperature goalwould see two or three times more people affected by floods in Colombia, Brazil and Argentina, four times more in Ecuador and Uruguay, and a five-fold jump in Peru, the IPCC report said. Most flood events in the database unveiled on Wednesday were caused by excess rainfall, followed by storm surges, snow or ice melt, and dam breaks. Tellman said the research showed the benefit of building in flood prevention measures to rural and urban planning. "It is well known that spending $1 on disaster management and prevention can save up to $6 on relief and recovery efforts," she said. In a linked comment, Brenden Jongman, an expert at the World Bank, said the flood database was a "crucial step" in understanding the link between climate change and socio-economic development. "Satellite technology can track changes in protective ecosystems, similarly to its use in monitoring flooding and population changes," he said. "However, even the best combination of infrastructure and nature-based approaches might be insufficient to deal with rising sea levelsthe only option for some communities will be to manage their retreat out of flood-prone areas," added Jongman. More information: B. Tellman et al, Satellite imaging reveals increased proportion of population exposed to floods, Nature (2021). Journal information: Nature B. Tellman et al, Satellite imaging reveals increased proportion of population exposed to floods,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03695-w 2021 AFP Credit: CC0 Public Domain An international team of researchers has found evidence of multiple waves of ancient brown bears migrating to the Japanese island of Honshu over vast periods of time. In their paper published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the group describes their genetic analysis of tissue recovered from a brown bear skull found near Tokyo, and what they learned from it. The only brown bears living in modern Japan reside on the northern island of Hokkaidobut thousands of years ago, some of them lived on Japan's main island, Honshu. Researchers have found approximately 10 incomplete brown bear remains on Honshu, all believed to have been from the Pleistocene. In this new effort, the researchers analyzed a newly found skull. More specifically, they studied material from its petrosalsthe thick bony material that surrounds a bear's inner ear. Prior research has shown these bones retain more DNA than other bones. The researchers found that the bear lived approximately 32,000 years ago, putting it at the end of the Pleistocenea time when it is believed there was a land bridge between parts of the Japanese islands. The team then compared the DNA of the bear with that of other ancient samples and also with modern brown bears on Hokkaido. They found that the new skull was from a bear belonging to a previously unknown lineageone that had split off from the bear lineage on Hokkaido approximately 160,000 years ago. Prior research had found evidence that a bear occupied Honshu approximately 340,000 years ago, suggesting that different lineages of bears made their way across the Tsugaru strait to get to Honshu during a time when the waters were shallow. They also note that all of the bears living on Honshu appear to have died out at the end of the Pleistocene, along with a giant deer species, Naumann's elephants and other large mammals. Notably, humans arrived on Honshu approximately 30,000 years ago, though it is not known if they were responsible for the disappearance of the other creatures on the island. Explore further Ancient extinct cave bear DNA found in modern bears More information: Takahiro Segawa et al, Ancient DNA reveals multiple origins and migration waves of extinct Japanese brown bear lineages, Royal Society Open Science (2021). Journal information: Royal Society Open Science Takahiro Segawa et al, Ancient DNA reveals multiple origins and migration waves of extinct Japanese brown bear lineages,(2021). DOI: 10.1098/rsos.210518 2021 Science X Network Examples of grapples used for gear retrieval during retrieval efforts for recovering lost or abandoned fishing gear. Credit: Coastal Action photos Southwest Nova Scotia is one of Canada's most productive lobster fishing region, spanning more than 21,000 square kilometers and contributing a significant portion of the country's lobster supply. With a busy fishery, though, has come the growing challenge of abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear (ALDFG)a collection of traps, ropes, hooks, cables and other fishing-related equipment that drift through the water column or litter the ocean floor. It is a global problem, but one that hasn't been widely quantified. Researchers at Dalhousie University wanted to find out how much gear might be in the Southwest Nova Scotia (SWNS) fishing zone and how it might be affecting the existing fishery. Their recently published baseline study provides the first preliminary assessment of environmental and economic impacts of ALDFG on the commercial lobster industry in the area. Significant impact Tony Walker, an associate professor in Dal's School for Resource and Environmental Studies, co-authored the paper, which suggests the commercial losses from ALDFG could be in excess of $175,000 (Cdn) annually. "This study is important because although we have known about the problem of ALDFG or ghost gear and were aware of where the hot spots are in the region, this is the first time that a systematic project has focused and targeted on retrieving the gear, while simultaneously quantifying the environmental and economic impacts," says Dr. Walker. "This tells us that there are not only obvious environmental impacts of leaving this gear in place, but it also highlights the potential economic losses that can be incurred without mitigative or policy action." Fishers did 60 retrieval trips in the summer and fall of 2020, searched roughly 1,523 square kilometers of the seafloor and removed 7,064 kilograms of ALDFG. Captains towed grapples behind their commercial fishing vessels from either a hydraulic hauler and winch or a steel cable dragger and A-frame winch, at a speed of 0.5 to 3 knots. Lobster traps made up the majority of retrieved gear, while 1,500 kilograms of dragger cable comprised 22 percent of the recovered gear. Lost traps continued to capture 15 target and non-target species, including 239 lobsters and seven groundfish. Five of those were species-at-risk and included Atlantic wolfish, sculpin, Atlantic cod and cusk. Tires, party balloons, a fan belt and buoys with U.S. markings were also recovered. Hazards and concerns About 35 percent of the recovered traps were less than three years old and based on the quantity of cable recovered, the authors suggest that cable is discarded by commercial trawl vessels or draggers when it is no longer of use. In Atlantic Canadian trap fisheries, it's estimated that up to two percent of total allowable traps are lost annually. "This may create operational hazards for other commercial vessels (lobster or groundfish) as it may compromise active gear, create marine debris and disturb sensitive benthic habitats," states the study, which was also authored by Alexa Goodman, Ariel Smith and Jessie McIntyre of Coastal Action, and Craig Brown and Leah Fulton of Dal's Department of Oceanography. It also sets off an endlessly destructive cycle as cod, cusk, wolffish and sculpin are known lobster predators and are frequently caught as by-catch in active lobster fishing gear. Traps retrieved with these by-catch fish also contained lobster, indicating the self-baiting cycle of ghost gear. Self-baiting occurs when animals become trapped in ALDFG and die, attracting new scavengers that also become trapped, says the report. The oldest trap found was from 1987, while most retrieved gear was not highly degraded, losing less than 25 percent of its original integrity. A global problem It's estimated that abandoned, lost, and discarded fishing gear makes up a significant majority of the 20 percent of the world's marine debris. For example, discarded fishing nets account for over 46 percent of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. "ALDFG is unfortunately a pervasive global problem. Many people may be unaware that much of the global plastic pollution found in our oceans is comprised of ALDFG," says Dr. Walker. "While this study focused on SWNS, results are comparable to similar fisheries in the US, Europe and South America." Other jurisdictions are also grappling with the problem. In the U.S. Chesapeake Bay blue crab fishery, an estimated 18 crabs were killed per derelict pot annually. The Florida Keys' spiny lobster fishery has recorded smaller losses to derelict traps, but studies suggest that estimates of lobster by-catch rates could potentially be two to four times lower than true levels of ghost fishing. More than 500 firefighters, dozens of water-bombing planes and five helicopters have been battling forest fires near Athens since Tuesday afternoon. Greek firefighters said Wednesday that they hope to bring a forest fire blazing near Athens under control "in the coming hours". "The situation has improved and we hope to bring the fire under control in the coming hours," the fire service said in a statement. More than 500 firefighters, a dozen water-bombing planes and five helicopters have been battling the blazes outside the capital since Tuesday afternoon. Around a dozen houses have been destroyed in the flames, and dozens of businesses, bars and holiday accommodation have been severely damaged in Varympompi, 30 kilometres (20 miles) northwest of Athens, officials said. Villages have been evacuated and part of a major motorway linking the capital with the north and south of the country was cut for safety reasons. With the country reeling under a severe heatwave, the blaze spread at the foot of Mount Parnith, sending thick smoke over the capital. Local media reported dozens of children had been rescued from a holiday camp near the Athens suburb of Varympompi. "We are facing a difficult fire in extreme heatwave conditions," said Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis who went to Varympompi during the morning. With the country reeling under a severe heatwave, the blaze spread at the foot of Mount Parnith, sending thick smoke over the capital. Deputy minister for civil protection Nikos Hardalias told reporters that after "an exceptionally difficult night", with four fire fronts, "there is only one left now". Experts have warned climate change is increasing both the frequency and intensity of the wildfires. Several other blazes were still raging Wednesday in Greece, notably in the southern Peloponnese region, 300 kilometres from the capital, three villages were evacuated after a fire started Tuesday afternoon. Another was blazing on the island of Euboea, some 200 kilometres east of the capital where eight villages were evacuated. More than 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) of pine and olive were burned out by a fire that erupted Saturday near the city of Patras, 200 kilometres (125 miles) west of Athens. It was brought under control on Monday. Turkey is suffering its worst fires in at least a decade, claiming the lives of eight people and forcing hundreds to evacuate in southern areas popular with tourists. Explore further Thick smoke over Athens as suburbs battle wildfires 2021 AFP This Thursday, July 29, 2021 image provided by NASA shows the 20-metric-ton (22-ton) Nauka module, also called the Multipurpose Laboratory Module as it approaches the International Space Station space station. Russia's long-delayed lab module successfully docked with the International Space Station on Thursday, eight days after it was launched from the Russian space launch facility in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Credit: NASA via AP Space engineers will analyze whether a glitch that caused the International Space Station to spin out of its normal orientation could have impacted any of its systems, a Russian space official said Wednesday. Sergei Krikalev, the director of crewed space programs at the Russian space corporation Roscosmos, emphasized that last week's incident did not inflict any observable damage to the space station but he said that experts would need to study its potential implications. "It appears there is no damage," Krikalev said in an interview broadcast by Russian state television. "But it's up to specialists to assess how we have stressed the station and what the consequences are." NASA emphasized Wednesday that the station was operating normally and noted that the spin was within safety limits for its systems. Thrusters on Russia's Nauka laboratory module fired shortly after the module arrived at the International Space Station on Thursday, making the orbiting outpost slowly spin about one-and-a-half revolutions. Russia's mission controllers fired thrusters on another Russian module and a Russian cargo ship attached to the space station to stop rotation and then push the station back to its normal position. Both U.S. and Russian space officials said the station's seven-person crew wasn't in danger during the incident. In this photo taken by Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and provided by Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service, the Nauka module is seen prior to docking with the International Space Station on Thursday, July 29, 2021. The newly arrived Russian science lab briefly knocked the International Space Station out of position Thursday when it accidentally fired its thrusters. For 47 minutes, the space station lost control of its orientation when the firing occurred a few hours after docking, pushing the orbiting complex from its normal configuration. The station's position is key for getting power from solar panels and or communications. Communications with ground controllers also blipped out twice for a few minutes. Credit: Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service photo via AP The station needs to be properly aligned to get the maximum power from solar panels and to maintain communications with space support teams back on Earth. The space station's communications with ground controllers blipped out twice for a few minutes on Thursday. NASA said in a tweet Tuesday that the station was 45 degrees out of alignment when Nauka's thrusters were still firing and the loss of control was discussed with the crew. "Further analysis showed total attitude change before regaining normal attitude control was (tilde)540 degrees," NASA said. On Wednesday, NASA noted that "continued analysis following last week's event with unplanned thruster firings on Nauka has shown the space station remains in good shape with systems performing normally." "Most importantly, the maximum rate and acceleration of the attitude change did not approach safety limits for station systems and normal operations resumed once attitude control was regained," it said. Roscosmos' Krikalev, a veteran of six space missions who spent a total of 803 days in orbit, noted Wednesday that firing orientation engines created a dynamic load on the station's components, making a thorough analysis of whether some of them could be overstressed necessary. "The station is a rather delicate structure, and both the Russian and the U.S. segments are built as light as possible," he said. "An additional load stresses the drivers of solar batteries and the frames they are mounted on. Specialists will analyze the consequences. It is too early to talk about how serious it was, but it was an unforeseen situation that requires a detailed study." In this photo taken by Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and provided by Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service, the Nauka module is seen prior to docking with the International Space Station on Thursday, July 29, 2021. The newly arrived Russian science lab briefly knocked the International Space Station out of position Thursday when it accidentally fired its thrusters. For 47 minutes, the space station lost control of its orientation when the firing occurred a few hours after docking, pushing the orbiting complex from its normal configuration. The station's position is key for getting power from solar panels and or communications. Communications with ground controllers also blipped out twice for a few minutes. Credit: Roscosmos Space Agency Press Service photo via AP Krikalev said Nauka's engines fired because a glitch in the control system mistakenly assumed that the lab module hadn't yet docked at the station and activated the thrusters to pull it away. The launch of the 22-ton (20-metric-ton) module has been repeatedly delayed by technical problems. It was initially scheduled to go up in 2007, but funding problems pushed the launch back, and in 2013 experts found contamination in its fuel system, resulting in a long and costly replacement. Other Nauka systems also underwent modernization or repairs. Nauka is the first new compartment for the Russian segment of the International Space Station since 2010, offering more space for scientific experiments and room for the crew. Russian crew members will have to conduct up to 11 spacewalks beginning in early September to prepare it for operation. The space station is currently operated by NASA astronauts Mark Vande Hei, Shane Kimbrough and Megan McArthur; Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov of Roscosmos; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Akihiko Hoshide and European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Pesquet. In 1998, Russia launched the station's first compartment, Zarya, which was followed in 2000 by another big piece, Zvezda, and three smaller modules in the following years. The last of them, Rassvet, arrived at the station in 2010. Explore further Russia launches lab module to International Space Station 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Numerical modeling of sediment subducted beneath North American crust suggests that the sediment may buoyantly rise up through the mantle, like a lava lamp blob, and become attached to the base of the crust. Credit: Jay Chapman A University of Wyoming professor has used computer modeling to propose that sand and mud subducted off the coast of California around 75 million years ago returned to the Earth's crust by rising up through the mantle as enormous diapirs, like blobs in a lava lamp. These blobs are now found at the surface of the Earth, far inland from the coast, in places including the Mojave Desert and western Arizona. "These rocks aren't the prettiest to look at, but they went on an extraordinary journey and have an incredible story to tell," says Jay Chapman, an assistant professor in UW's Department of Geology and Geophysics who focuses on tectonics. Chapman is the author of a new paper, titled "Diapiric relamination of the Orocopia Schist (southwestern U.S.) during low-angle subduction," which was published in the August issue of the journal Geology. "The rocks started their lives as sediment eroded from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and carried by rivers and streams down to the ocean, where they ended up deposited in a subduction trench, similar to the modern-day Marianas trench," Chapman says. "Then, they were carried about 20 miles deep into the Earth by a subducting oceanic plate, where the sediments were metamorphosed into a rock called schist. That in and of itself is pretty amazing, but the truly special thing about these rocks is that they didn't stay subducted, but somehow made their way back up to the surface, where you can go stand on them today." How the subducted sediments returned to the surface of the Earth and the distribution of the sediments in the subsurface are some of the questions Chapman is trying to answer with his research. "The prevailing theory is that the sediments were smeared against and plastered to the base of the North American tectonic plate, forming a sheet-like layer," Chapman says. "However, the density of these sediments is much lower than rocks in the mantle or lower crust and, over millions of years, computer modeling predicts that the sediments will flow and buoyantly ascend, like hot wax in a lava lamp." The research has implications for understanding subduction zone processes and the distribution of natural resources. "Geoscientists around the world are working to understand what gives continental crust its unique composition, and subduction and reincorporation of sediment are a popular hypothesis," Chapman says. "In addition, many researchers are now wondering whether fluids and elements released from the subducted sediments may have contributed to the concentration of economically important minerals and metals." Explore further Scientists probe mysterious melting of Earth's crust in western North America More information: James B. Chapman, Diapiric relamination of the Orocopia Schist (southwestern U.S.) during low-angle subduction, Geology (2021). Journal information: Geology James B. Chapman, Diapiric relamination of the Orocopia Schist (southwestern U.S.) during low-angle subduction,(2021). DOI: 10.1130/G48647.1 Map of study sites in NW Sweden. Red number indicates areas where the eelgrass meadows have been lost. Credit: DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3658 Losses of important eelgrass meadows in western Sweden since the 1980s have led to considerable bottom erosion and the release of carbon and nitrogen; substances that contribute to increasing climate change and eutrophication. This is shown in a new study by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University, Abo Akademi University and the University of Southern Denmark, published in the journal Ecosphere. Eelgrass beds play an important role for coastal ecosystems and provide humans with several valuable ecosystem services. They constitute important habitats for cod and other commercial dish species, they increase biodiversity and provide clearer water by stabilizing the bottom. They also capture and store organic material rich in carbon and nutrients for a long time in the sediment, which reduces climate effects and eutrophication. The ongoing loss of eelgrass meadows along e.g. the Swedish West Coast worries researchers that carbon and nutrients can be released from sediment when the protective meadow disappears. However, studies on this have been lacking. An international research group, led by researchers at the University of Gothenburg, is now publishing a study in the journal Ecosphere, which for the first time can show that losses of eelgrass give rise to significant emissions of both carbon and nutrients to the environment. The researchers compared sediments in eelgrass meadows with areas where the meadows have been lost in southern Bohuslan on the Swedish west coast, where large losses of eelgrass have occurred since the 1980s. The results show that Bohuslan's eelgrass beds are unusually efficient at storing both carbon and nutrients in the sediment, especially meadows in wave-protected areas that have unusually high levels. "These meadows can have several meter-thick layers of organically rich sediment, which makes them global "hot-spots" for carbon and nitrogen storage," says Per Moksnes who is the main author of the study. The study also shows that the levels of carbon and nitrogen are several times lower in the sediment where eelgrass beds have disappeared, and indicates that at least 35 cm of the organically rich sediment has eroded away and released carbon and nitrogen to the environment. The results also show that meadows in protected areas, with the largest layers of carbon and nitrogen, are the ones that have the most sensitive sediment, and are most easily eroded after a loss of eelgrass. Conservative calculations estimate that for every hectare of eelgrass that disappears, an average of over 60 tons of carbon and 6.6 tons of nitrogen are released into the environment. "The emissions of nitrogen from one hectare of lost eelgrass are in the same order of magnitude as the average annual emissions from a fish farm in Sweden. It is therefore important that these emissions are taken into account in permit trials concerning activities that damage eelgrass," says Per Moksnes. "Eelgrass meadows are disappearing in many other countries than Sweden. All over the world, sea grasses are declining; especially in areas with a high level of tourism and construction activities. It is important to conserve existing meadows and to re-establish lost meadows," says co-author Marianne Holmer, who is an expert in coastal ecology and a professor at University of Southern Denmark. Restoration of eelgrass meadows is presently carried out both in Denmark and Sweden, where new eelgrass shoots are planted in fjords and other protected coastal areas, where eelgrass meadows once were common. Such an approach is a so called nature based solution: By planting new meadows, you use nature's own solutions to capture and store carbon and nutrients instead of applying, say, technological solutions. Denmark, Finland and Sweden are members of International Union for Conservation of Nature; an organization focused on addressing societal challenges like climate change, loss of biodiversity and food security with nature based solutions. The study also shows that the cost to society to compensate for these emissions is significantly higher for nitrogen (SEK 1.3 million per hectare of lost eelgrass) than for carbon (SEK 71,000 per hectare) and that Bohuslan's eelgrass is therefore extra important to counteract eutrophication. In the fjord areas within Marstrand in southern Bohuslan, almost 10 km2 of eelgrass has disappeared since the 1980s, which has resulted in an estimated emission of over 60,000 tons of carbon and 6,600 tons of nitrogen over a 20-year period. "The estimated emission of nitrogen from this loss is three times greater than the annual load of nitrogen to the Skagerrak from all Swedish watercourses, and would cost society about SEK 1.3 billion to compensate," says Per Moksnes. The results strengthen the view that eelgrass meadows are very important for both the environment and humans, where old meadows in protected areas are extra important as they protect their large sediment stocks of carbon and nutrients from leakage. Eelgrass beds in wave-protected areas are today particularly vulnerable as humans like to build docks and marinas in these areas, and as the loose sediments are extra sensitive from waves from boats. "We hope that the study can shed light on the importance of identifying and increasing the protection of these valuable and sensitive eelgrass meadows," concludes Per Moksnes. Explore further Are we losing one of our biggest carbon dioxide sinks? More information: PerOlav Moksnes et al, Major impacts and societal costs of seagrass loss on sediment carbon and nitrogen stocks, Ecosphere (2021). Journal information: Ecosphere PerOlav Moksnes et al, Major impacts and societal costs of seagrass loss on sediment carbon and nitrogen stocks,(2021). DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3658 Illustration of what the Sun may have been like 4 billion years ago, around the time life developed on Earth. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Conceptual Image Lab New research led by NASA provides a closer look at a nearby star thought to resemble our young sun. The work allows scientists to better understand what our sun may have been like when it was young, and how it may have shaped the atmosphere of our planet and the development of life on Earth. Many people dream of meeting with a younger version of themselves to exchange advice, identify the origins of their defining traits, and share hopes for the future. At 4.65 billion years old, our sun is a middle-aged star. Scientists are often curious to learn exactly what properties enabled our sun, in its younger years, to support life on nearby Earth. Without a time machine to transport scientists back billions of years, retracing our star's early activity may seem an impossible feat. Luckily, in the Milky Way galaxythe glimmering, spiraling segment of the universe where our solar system is locatedthere are more than 100 billion stars. One in ten share characteristics with our sun, and many are in the early stages of development. "Imagine I want to reproduce a baby picture of an adult when they were one or two years old, and all of their pictures were erased or lost. I would look at a photo of them now, and their close relatives' photos from around that age, and from there, reconstruct their baby photos," said Vladimir Airapetian, senior astrophysicist in the Heliophysics Division at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and first author on the new study. "That's the sort of process we are following herelooking at characteristics of a young star similar to ours, to better understand what our own star was like in its youth, and what allowed it to foster life on one of its nearby planets." Kappa 1 Ceti is one such solar analog. The star is located about 30 light-years away (in space terms, that's like a neighbor who lives on the next street over) and is estimated to be between 600 to 750 million years old, around the same age our sun was when life developed on Earth. It also has a similar mass and surface temperature to our sun, said the study's second author, Meng Jin, a heliophysicist with the SETI Institute and the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory in California. All of those factors make Kappa 1 Ceti a "twin" of our young sun at the time when life arose on Earth, and an important target for study. Airapetian, Jin, and several colleagues have adapted an existing solar model to predict some of Kappa 1 Ceti's most important, yet difficult to measure, characteristics. The model relies on data input from a variety of space missions including the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and NICER missions, and ESA's XMM-Newton. The team published their study today in the Astrophysical Journal. Star power Like human toddlers, toddler stars are known for their high bursts of energy and activity. For stars, one way this pent-up energy is released is in the form of a stellar wind. Stellar winds, like stars themselves, are mostly made up of a superhot gas known as plasma, created when particles in a gas have split into positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. The most energetic plasma, with the help of a star's magnetic field, can shoot off away from the outermost and hottest part of a star's atmosphere, the corona, in an eruption, or stream more steadily toward nearby planets as stellar wind. "Stellar wind is continuously flowing out from a star toward its nearby planets, influencing those planets' environments," Jin said. Younger stars tend to generate hotter, more vigorous stellar winds and more powerful plasma eruptions than older stars do. Such outbursts can affect the atmosphere and chemistry of planets nearby, and possibly even catalyze the development of organic materialthe building blocks for lifeon those planets. An artist concept of a coronal mass ejection hitting young Earth's weak magnetosphere. Credit: NASA/GSFC/CIL Stellar wind can have a significant impact on planets at any stage of life. But the strong, highly dense stellar winds of young stars can compress the protective magnetic shields of surrounding planets, making them even more susceptible to the effects of the charged particles. Our sun is a perfect example. Compared to now, in its toddlerhood, our sun likely rotated three times faster, had a stronger magnetic field, and shot out more intense high-energy radiation and particles. These days, for lucky spectators, the impact of these particles is sometimes visible near the planet's poles as aurora, or the Northern and Southern Lights. Airapetian says 4 billion years ago, considering the impact of our suns wind at that time, these tremendous lights were likely often visible from many more places around the globe. That high level of activity in our suns nascence may have pushed back Earth's protective magnetosphere, and provided the planetnot close enough to be torched like Venus, nor distant enough to be neglected like Marswith the right atmospheric chemistry for the formation of biological molecules. Similar processes could be unfolding in stellar systems across our galaxy and universe. "It's my dream to find a rocky exoplanet in the stage that our planet was in more than 4 billion years ago, being shaped by its young, active star and nearly ready to host life," Airapetian said. "Understanding what our sun was like just as life was beginning to develop on Earth will help us to refine our search for stars with exoplanets that may eventually host life." A solar twin Though solar analogues can help solve one of the challenges of peeking into the suns past, time isn't the only complicating factor in studying our young sun. There's also distance. We have instruments capable of accurately measuring the stellar wind from our own sun, called the solar wind. However, it's not yet possible to directly observe the stellar wind of other stars in our galaxy, like Kappa 1 Ceti, because they are too far away. When scientists wish to study an event or phenomenon that they cannot directly observe, scientific modeling can help fill in the gaps. Models are representations or predictions of an object of study, built on existing scientific data. While scientists have previously modeled the stellar wind from this star, Airapetian said, they used more simplified assumptions. The basis for the new model of Kappa 1 Ceti by Airapetian, Jin, and colleagues is the Alfven Wave Solar Model, which is within the Space Weather Modeling Framework developed by the University of Michigan. The model works by inputting known information about a star, including its magnetic field and ultraviolet emission line data, to predict stellar wind activity. When the model has been tested on our sun, it has been validated and checked against observed data to verify that its predictions are accurate. The hot stellar corona, the outermost layer in a star's atmosphere, expands into the stellar wind, driven by heating from the stars magnetic field and magnetic waves. The researchers modeled the stellar magnetic corona of Kappa 1 Ceti in 3D, based on data from 2012 and 2013. Credit: NASA "It's capable of modeling our star's winds and corona with high fidelity," Jin said. "And it's a model we can use on other stars, too, to predict their stellar wind and thereby investigate habitability. That's what we did here." Previous studies have drawn on data gathered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to identify Kappa 1 Ceti as a young solar proxy, and to gather the necessary inputs for the model, such as magnetic field and ultraviolet emission line data. "Every model needs input to get output," Airapetian said. "To get useful, accurate output, the input needs to be solid data, ideally from multiple sources across time. We have all that data from Kappa 1 Ceti, but we really synthesized it in this predictive model to move past previous purely observational studies of the star." Airapetian likens his team's model to a doctor's report. To get a full picture of how a patient is doing, a doctor is likely to talk to the patient, gather markers like heart rate and temperature, and if needed, conduct several more specialized tests, like a blood test or ultrasound. They are likely to formulate an accurate assessment of patient well-being with a combination of these metrics, not just one. Similarly, by using many pieces of information about Kappa 1 Ceti gathered from different space missions, scientists are better able to predict its corona and the stellar wind. Because stellar wind can affect a nearby planet's magnetic shield, it plays an important role in habitability. The team is also working on another project, looking more closely at the particles that may have emerged from early solar flares, as well as prebiotic chemistry on Earth. Our sun's past, written in the stars The researchers hope to use their model to map the environments of other sun-like stars at various life stages. Specifically, they have eyes on the infant star EK Dra111 light-years away and only 100 million years oldwhich is likely rotating three times faster and shooting off more flares and plasma than Kappa 1 Ceti. Documenting how these similar stars of various ages differ from one another will help characterize the typical trajectory of a star's life. Their work, Airapetian said, is all about "looking at our own sun, its past and its possible future, through the lens of other stars." To learn more about our sun's stormy youth, watch this video and see how energy from our young sun4 billion years agoaided in creating molecules in Earth's atmosphere, allowing it to warm up enough to incubate life. Explore further Planetary shields will buckle under stellar winds from their dying stars More information: Vladimir S. Airapetian et al, One Year in the Life of Young Suns: Data-constrained Corona-wind Model of 1 Ceti, The Astrophysical Journal (2021). Journal information: Astrophysical Journal Vladimir S. Airapetian et al, One Year in the Life of Young Suns: Data-constrained Corona-wind Model of 1 Ceti,(2021). DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac081e A Greenland glacier meets the ocean. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech This week, NASA's airborne Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) mission begins its final survey of glaciers that flow from Greenland into the ocean. OMG is completing a six-year mission that is helping to answer how fast sea level is going to rise in the next five, 10, or 50 years. Greenland's melting glaciers currently contribute more freshwater to sea level rise than any other source does. The glaciers are melting six or seven times faster today than they were only 25 years ago, and OMG is the first NASA mission to focus solely on what the ocean contributes to this ice loss. That's a critical part of helping improve calculations of future melt rates so that coastal communities worldwide can take timely precautions to limit the damage from higher seas. Ice melts faster in warmer water than it does in colder water, but before the OMG mission, the temperature of the ocean water touching Greenland's more than 200 coastal glaciers was largely unknown. Simply measuring the temperature at the ocean surface isn't enough. The upper layer of the ocean around Greenland consists largely of Arctic meltwater, and it's very coldsometimes even below freezing temperature. About 600 or 700 feet (200 meters) down is a layer of warmer, saltier water carried northward from less-frigid latitudes. Many glacier fronts extend down into the warmer-water zone, where they melt more rapidly. This visualization explains how a glacier melts from below. Credit: NASAs Scientific Visualization Studio No satellite instrument can peer deep into the ocean to measure temperature. The only way scientists have found to do that is to drop a probe into the water and let it sink. That's what the OMG team has been doing every summer since 2016. This year, Principal Investigator Josh Willis of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California and OMG Project Manager Ian McCubbin, also of JPL, will fly around the entire coast of Greenland with a crew of pilot and engineers in a specially modified DC-3 aircraft. From early August through early or mid-September, they'll drop probes out of the belly of the plane into the ocean at about 300 target locations in front of glaciers. As the probes sink, they transmit temperature and salinity readings by radio waves to the plane overhead until they reach the ocean floor. More ocean changes off Greenland's west coast? OMG's five years of dataincluding other measurements, such as a survey of the topography of Greenland's continental shelfhave already greatly improved researchers' understanding of what the ocean is doing to Greenland's ice sheet. To date, almost 60 research papers in multiple fields have used the data. But Willis is hoping to achieve at least one more objective with this year's fieldwork, following up on a surprising observation last year. Back in 2017, the team had documented a drop of more than 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 degrees Celsius) in water temperature off Greenland's west coast, which was most likely the result of natural ocean and atmospheric patterns that effectively "flip a switch" between warmer and cooler currents flowing along the coast. Since the switch may stay in the same position for decades, the OMG scientists felt lucky to observe the dramatic changeespecially when they saw how it affected Greenland's largest glacier, Jakobshavn (also called Sermeq Kujalleq). The glacier had been shrinking rapidly and retreating almost 2 miles (3 kilometers) inland annually. But the colder water revived Jakobshavn; it began to grow and advance toward the ocean. In 2020, the OMG team found that warm water was beginning to return to Greenland's west coast, and Jakobshavn appeared to be returning to its previous pattern of loss and retreat. The team knew there was more to discover. "With one more year of observations, we may have the opportunity to see the ocean change in a dramatic way and see how the ice is reacting to it," said Willis. "It was a fortunate opportunity for NASA to observe a rare phenomenon around Greenland as the North Atlantic Ocean was undergoing a shift towards colder waters after being in a warm phase for nearly 20 years," said Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer, OMG program scientist at NASA, who is planning to join the team during its final campaign in Greenland this year. "Capturing this reversal in real time is giving us new insights into the complex physics of ocean-ice coupling, which is crucial to improve NASA's projections of future sea level rise." If the OMG team does find a warming event under way that's comparable in scope to the 2017 cooling event, Willis says it would provide a good handle on how the oceans are driving the ice changes in West Greenland, which is what OMG is about. "One thing about airborne science in a place like Greenland is that we really don't know until we get there what we're going to find," Willis said. Explore further Heatwave causes massive melt of Greenland ice sheet Credit: CC0 Public Domain Twenty natural strongholds would protect red squirrels in Scotland even if grey squirrels were to run rampant across the country, a new study shows. The UK's red squirrels are under threat from their invasive, north American grey counterparts. Scotland is now home to around 75% of all the UK's red squirrels. A variety of conservation measures have been implemented or proposed, from grey squirrel culls to creating managed strongholds. A new study from Heriot-Watt University and Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) shows that over 20 forests in Scotland could act as natural strongholds for red squirrels. Professor Andy White, a mathematical biologist at Heriot-Watt University, developed a computational model to determine whether the current composition of Scotland's forests could protect red squirrels. Professor White said that their "model shows that, even in a worst case scenario, if greys are allowed to run rampant around Scotland, red squirrels will find haven in these natural strongholds." "This is great news for red squirrels. About 10 years ago, it was a real worry that grey squirrels would spread north through Scotland and wipe out the reds. Red squirrels dominate in coniferous forests, whereas grey squirrels do better in broadleaf and mixed forests. The current policy is to create 19 managed strongholds for the reds, where broadleaf trees are removed and replanted with conifers that would protect their red populations. However, this would reduce tree species diversity for other species. Our model shows that over 20 existing forests in Scotland would act as natural strongholds for the reds. This means we don't have to remove broadleaf species like oak. Natural strongholds could conserve red squirrel populations while simultaneously maintaining forest diversity." White and his team combined satellite data with tree species' locations and field data that linked red and grey squirrel populations to different tree types. They then built a model that represented how red and grey squirrels compete for resources in different forests. They found natural strongholds from Eskdalemuir forest in Dumfries and Galloway in the south to Newtyle forest in Moray in the north of Scotland. Kenny Kortland, FLS wildlife ecologist said that "this modeling work confirms that forest landscapes managed for timber production create safe havens for viable populations of red squirrels, even if grey squirrel populations were to expand." "This is great news, as we can all continue to use timber products from Scotland safe in the knowledge that the sector supports one of Scotland's most popular species." The research was published in Nature Conservation. Explore further Research predicts how the squirrelpox virus could spread in grey squirrel populations More information: Andrew Slade et al, Natural strongholds for red squirrel conservation in Scotland, Nature Conservation (2021). Journal information: Nature Conservation Andrew Slade et al, Natural strongholds for red squirrel conservation in Scotland,(2021). DOI: 10.3897/natureconservation.43.62864 Vivien von Konigslow catches the bees and hoverflies with a landing net to better identify them during pollination. Credit: Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg/Photo: Vivien von Konigslow Freiburg ecologists observe the diversity of insects on the edge of apple orchards on Lake Constance. At the moment, many flower strips are buzzing and humming: cornflowers, poppies, wild carrots and many other flowers attract numerous insects. The field edges covered by these flowers typically bloom between mid-May and mid-August. Complementary habitats are needed to support pollinator insects in agricultural landscapes throughout the year. Semi-natural small structures, such as ditches, banks, hedgerows, or overgrown fences, could provide such a complement. "Researchers have already shown many times how important natural habitats are for pollinators. Almost always, however, only large-scale structures have been researched for this purpose, for example, wide meadows or pastures. Studies on what small structures mean for pollinators and which species particularly benefit from them are rare," says Vivien von Konigslow from the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Freiburg. As a result, together with Dr. Anne-Christine Mupepele and Prof. Dr. Alexandra-Maria Klein, she studied flower strips as well as semi-natural habitat patches in the Lake Constance area over a period of two years, a place in which there is a particular interest in pollinating insects due to large-scale fruit cultivation. The researchers published their results in the journal Biological Conservation. Semi-natural habitats attract more bees "Our goal was to find out how the diversity of wild bees and hoverflies can be promoted in the vicinity of large-scale orchards," says von Konigslow. To do this, their study compared the occurrence of bees and hoverflies in flower strips and in existing flower-rich habitats, each located on the edge of conventional apple orchards in southern Germany. Their analysis showed that the different flowering times and plant species in the semi-natural habitats, such as hedgerows and small groves, mainly benefit solitary and oligolectic bees, i.e. those that collect only one pollen species. The existing biotope areas attracted bee species with a different pollen specialization than the sown flower strips. At the same time, the researchers found a greater number of pollinators in the flower strips and counted more species than in the small structures. "Thus, semi-natural habitats complement existing flower strips," von Konigslow concludes. For their research, the ecologists established flower strips at the edge of private orchards in 2018. Semi-natural small structures, including drainage ditches, embankments and overgrown fences, were already in place. The researchers monitored the bees and hoverflies at least once a month from spring to late summer. Effective and cost-efficient "Semi-natural habitat patches can play an important role in protecting pollinators because they help ensure that flowers are available all year round," says Klein, head of the Chair of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology at the University of Freiburg. They also provide potential retreats and nesting sites, which are important for overwintering bumblebees, for example. "For effective and cost-efficient protection of pollinating insects, the focus should not only be on flower strips," Klein concludes. "Existing small structures of spontaneous vegetation, plant species that grow on their own from existing seeds in the soil, are also attractive to insects and should be preserved." The Freiburg scientist explains that at present, however, there are hardly any incentives for farmers to develop and preserve small semi-natural habitat patches. Explore further Wild bees need diverse agricultural landscapes More information: Vivien von Konigslow et al, Overlooked jewels: Existing habitat patches complement sown flower strips to conserve pollinators, Biological Conservation (2021). Journal information: Biological Conservation Vivien von Konigslow et al, Overlooked jewels: Existing habitat patches complement sown flower strips to conserve pollinators,(2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109263 The image shows galaxy Arp 148, captured by NASA's Spitzer and Hubble telescopes. Specially processed Spitzer data is shown inside the white circle, revealing infrared light from a supernova hidden by dust. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Exploding stars generate dramatic light shows. Infrared telescopes like Spitzer can see through the haze and to give a better idea of how often these explosions occur. You'd think that supernovaethe death throes of massive stars and among the brightest, most powerful explosions in the universewould be hard to miss. Yet the number of these blasts observed in the distant parts of the universe falls way short of astrophysicists' predictions. A new study using data from NASA's recently retired Spitzer Space Telescope reports the detection of five supernovae, that going undetected in optical light, had never been seen before. Spitzer saw the universe in infrared light, which pierces through dust clouds that block optical lightthe kind of light our eyes see and that unobscured supernovae radiate most brightly. To search for hidden supernovae, the researchers looked at Spitzer observations of 40 dusty galaxies. (In space, dust refers to grain-like particles with a consistency similar to smoke.) Based on the number they found in these galaxies, the study confirms that supernovae do indeed occur as frequently as scientists expect them to. This expectation is based on scientists' current understanding of how stars evolve. Studies like this are necessary to improve that understanding, by either reinforcing or challenging certain aspects of it. "These results with Spitzer show that the optical surveys we've long relied on for detecting supernovae miss up to half of the stellar explosions happening out there in the universe," said Ori Fox, a scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, and lead author of the new study, published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. "It's very good news that the number of supernovae we're seeing with Spitzer is statistically consistent with theoretical predictions." The "supernova discrepancy"that is, the inconsistency between the number of predicted supernovae and the number observed by optical telescopesis not an issue in the nearby universe. There, galaxies have slowed their pace of star formation and are generally less dusty. In the more distant reaches of the universe, though, galaxies appear younger, produce stars at higher rates, and tend to have higher amounts of dust. This dust absorbs and scatters optical and ultraviolet light, preventing it from reaching telescopes. So researchers have long reasoned that the missing supernovae must exist and are just unseen. "Because the local universe has calmed down a bit since its early years of star-making, we see the expected numbers of supernovae with typical optical searches," said Fox. "The observed supernova-detection percentage goes down, however, as you get farther away and back to cosmic epochs where dustier galaxies dominated." Detecting supernovae at these far distances can be challenging. To perform a search for supernovae shrouded within murkier galactic realms but at less extreme distances, Fox's team selected a local set of 40 dust-choked galaxies, known as luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs, respectively). The dust in LIRGs and ULIRGs absorbs optical light from objects like supernovae but allows infrared light from these same objects to pass through unobstructed for telescopes like Spitzer to detect. The researchers' hunch proved correct when the five never-before-seen supernovae came to (infrared) light. "It's a testament to Spitzer's discovery potential that the telescope was able to pick up the signal of hidden supernovae from these dusty galaxies," said Fox. "It was especially fun for several of our undergraduate students to meaningfully contribute to this exciting research," added study co-author Alex Filippenko, a professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley. "They helped answer the question, 'Where have all the supernovae gone?'" The types of supernovae detected by Spitzer are known as "core-collapse supernovae," involving giant stars with at least eight times the mass of the Sun. As they grow old and their cores fill with iron, the big stars can no longer produce enough energy to withstand their own gravity, and their cores collapse, suddenly and catastrophically. The intense pressures and temperatures produced during the rapid cave-in forms new chemical elements via nuclear fusion. The collapsing stars ultimately rebound off their ultra-dense cores, blowing themselves to smithereens and scattering those elements throughout space. Supernovae produce "heavy" elements, such as most metals. Those elements are necessary for building up rocky planets, like Earth, as well as biological beings. Overall, supernova rates serve as an important check on models of star formation and the creation of heavy elements in the universe. "If you have a handle on how many stars are forming, then you can predict how many stars will explode," said Fox. "Or, vice versa, if you have a handle on how many stars are exploding, you can predict how many stars are forming. Understanding that relationship is critical for many areas of study in astrophysics." Next-generation telescopes, including NASA's Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope, will detect infrared light, like Spitzer. "Our study has shown that star formation models are more consistent with supernova rates than previously thought," said Fox. "And by revealing these hidden supernovae, Spitzer has set the stage for new kinds of discoveries with the Webb and Roman space telescopes." Explore further A massive protocluster of merging galaxies in the early universe A model of eight reconstructed brains of the C. elegans, including all cells contained in the neuropil, colored by cell types. Credit: Dr. Mei Zhen, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute Researchers at Sinai Health have used a tiny worm to track how an animal's brain changes throughout its lifetime, shedding new light on how human brains develop. In new research out today in Nature, scientists from the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute (LTRI) at Sinai Health describe four basic patterns of how new connections are made in the brain of the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans, or C. elegans. "This is the first time that an entire brain's structure is deduced and compared across developmental stages, from birth to adulthood," said Dr. Mei Zhen, a senior investigator at the LTRI. "These new findings have powerful implications for the fundamental rules that allow the brain's developmental maturation to take place." Zhen and her colleagues used state-of-art electron microscopes to reconstruct the full brain of eight C. elegans individuals to learn how it changes with age. Although C. elegans is a relatively simple organism, many of the molecular signals controlling its development are also found in more complex organisms, like humans. They also have a short life cycle of only two weeks, making it useful for studying their development. "We examined every connection for every neuron and found many new connections are added as animals grow older," said Dr. Zhen. "When we analyzed these connections like wires in a computational network, we discovered the new additions follow patterns and their collective changes serve one purposeeffective information processing." The first wiring map of C. elegans was generated by John White and his colleagues at MRC Cambridge more than 30 years ago, and it was a composite of partial maps from several different worms, including some at different developmental ages. Dr. Daniel Witvliet, a former Ph.D. student in the Zhen lab at the LTRI, led the current study, alongside scientists from Harvard's Brain Institute, including Drs. Aravi Samuel and Jeff Lichtman. The researchers looked at how the worm's brain structure changed both at single synapse resolution and at the geometry level as a whole, discovering that a few structural properties in the newborn's brain allow them to correctly predict the wiring patterns of the mature brain. "Our research shows that different parts of the brain have different degrees of flexibility," Dr. Zhen said. "Knowing which part of the brain has more plasticity can help scientists come up with strategies to overcome genetic vulnerabilities to diseases during the brain's development. We are humbled by and proud to continue the legacy from our scientific pioneers." While identifying some key patterns of the brain's development, researchers also discovered substantial connectivity differences that make each brain unique. Dr. Zhen said they noticed consistent wiring changes between different neurons, where each change altered the strength of existing connections and in turn created new connections, ultimately altering how information was being processed. Over the course of development, researchers found their central decision-making circuitry was maintained, where its sensory and motor pathways were substantially remodeled. Explore further First-ever gene expression map of an entire nervous system completed More information: Daniel Witvliet et al, Connectomes across development reveal principles of brain maturation, Nature (2020). Journal information: Nature Daniel Witvliet et al, Connectomes across development reveal principles of brain maturation,(2020). DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.30.066209 A long-tailed weasel captured on camera by the NC Weasel Survey in 2019. The photo was cropped. Credit: NC Weasel Survey, published on eMammal https://emammal.si.edu/content/southmountains2, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Researchers, including a North Carolina State University zoologist, found in a new study that three species of weasels once common in North America are likely in decline, including a species that's considered the world's smallest carnivore. The findings show there's a need to better track weasels, researchers say. With better data, they could understand the weasels' disappearancewhether it's due to climate change, pesticides and rodenticides, diseases, or predation from raptors or owls. "We're trying to put weasels on the radar," said study co-author Roland Kays, research professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State and head of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences' Biodiversity Lab. The Abstract spoke with Kays about what the study, published in PLOS ONE, shows for weasels in North Carolina: TA: Why weasels? Kays: They're an important part of our ecosystem. They're also the smallest carnivore. While the polar bear is the largest carnivore in the world, a type of weasel known as the least weasel is the smallest. They're important predators of mice and rodents. But now it seems like no one is seeing weasels anymore. We see them very rarely on our camera traps in North Carolina. We were concerned they were declining. TA: Are weasels still trapped for their fur? Kays: There used to be a lot more fur trapping of weasels in the United States than there is now, although there still is a market for them. Trappers were getting a lot of weaselswhether by accident or on purpose. Historically, they've been trapped more frequently in northern areas. In North Carolina, we've seen less trapping than we have in the past. There are very few weasels caught. TA: How did you study weasel populations? Kays: We analyzed four different data sets. One of them was trapping data. The trapping data goes back a long time, and it's recorded every year by every state. We used data gathered by museums. We also used a citizen science data set from a resource called iNaturalist. Lastly, we have data from the National Trail Camera Survey. None of the southern cameras picked up any weasels; only cameras located north of 40 degrees latitude detected weasels. The trapping data shows a dramatic, many-orders-of-magnitude decline. TA: What did you notice about weasel populations in North Carolina? Kays: What we found in North Carolina is representative of the region in the South, which is that weasels have declined in lowlands, but they're still in the mountains. There were lots of records in the past of weasels in the Piedmont, for example, and in the mountains. We still found recent records of them in the mountains. For one species, the long-tailed weasel, or M. frenata, there were big areas where there were lots of old records in certain areas, but almost no recent records. That was particularly concerning, and that includes the Piedmont and coastal areas of North Carolina. The other species were more or less consistent across their historical ranges. TA: What is your major finding from this analysis? What could be the cause of their decline? Kays: It's hard to say anything conclusive other than these data sets are all are painting the same picture. In terms of the cause, I thought it was striking that the long-tailed weasels declined in the South. A study in New Mexico found climate warming was a problem for weasels. Just the fact that they're disappearing from the Piedmont, and not the mountains, suggests it might be a climate issue. In terms of rodenticides, those poisons bio-accumulate in predators. If the mice and rats are getting it, they will accumulate that toxin. Obviously, that's not going to be happening out in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There could be a combination of different factors. TA: Are there other small carnivores that are of concern? Kays: There is another species in particular that we're already concerned with, and that's the eastern spotted skunk, which is a small predator. It survives in the North Carolina mountains. State wildlife experts are studying that skunk. We don't track these small predators very well. We need to start keeping track, and we need to start doing better surveys of weasels. Explore further Less snow leaves weasels exposed to predators: scientists More information: David Jachowski et al, Tracking the decline of weasels in North America, PLOS ONE (2021). Journal information: PLoS ONE David Jachowski et al, Tracking the decline of weasels in North America,(2021). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0254387 Photograph of a Japanese Quail. Credit: Ingrid Taylar, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons When animals become parents, they often need to change their behaviors in ways that allow them to protect and ensure the survival of their offspring. What happens in the brain when an animal becomes a new parent? In humans, even people who have not experienced pregnancy, such as fathers and adoptive parents, are able to experience behavioral changes. A new study by researchers from Chapman University demonstrates how the brain changes as birds, which do not undergo changes in physiology associated with pregnancy, experience the transition to becoming parental. The results show that as non-reproductive birds become parental, their brains mimic changes observed in female mice post-partum. The results reveal molecules that were not known to have a role in parental care in non-placental species and open new avenues for the understanding of the regulation of parental care across vertebrates. The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports on July 29. The research makes use of an unusual characteristic of a domesticated bird, the Japanese quail. Over the course of being bred for more egg production, Japanese quail lost their parental behavior. Very few birds are spontaneously parental towards chicks. Interestingly, there is a simple procedure than can help these birds become parental. Dr. Patricia C. Lopes, an assistant professor of biological sciences in the Schmid College of Science and Technology, induces the birds to become parental towards chicks so that she can study how their physiology, brain, and behavior change. "If you place these birds in a nest box with small chicks overnight, most of them will show parental behaviors towards chicks the next morning! It was really striking to observe how birds that had no reproductive experience could transition to being parental so quickly," Lopes said. Using this setup, Lopes and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Robert de Bruijn studied the molecular differences in the brain of non-breeding birds that spent the night with chicks relative to those that did not. They were surprised to find that very few differences could be detected, but the major molecules that were different also appear to be important in regulating parental behavior and parental aggression in mice. "It is exciting to observe these similarities between animals that have placentas and those that do not because it might indicate that these mechanisms are evolutionarily conserved. However, we do not yet know the full story. We will continue studying these molecules to understand more precisely how they might support parental behaviors," Lopes concluded. Explore further Female snowy plovers are no bad mothers More information: Patricia C. Lopes et al, Neurotranscriptomic changes associated with chick-directed parental care in adult non-reproductive Japanese quail, Scientific Reports (2021). Journal information: Scientific Reports Patricia C. Lopes et al, Neurotranscriptomic changes associated with chick-directed parental care in adult non-reproductive Japanese quail,(2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-94927-6 Credit: Shutterstock In a non-COVID year, Australia's vineyards host more than eight million wine tourists. While these visitors benefit wine producers and regional communities, they also generate a substantial amount of greenhouse gases. If fact, our recent research showed tourist visits to vineyards comprise more than one-third of the industry's total carbon footprint. Wine tourismalso called "cellar door" visitsinvolves visiting vineyards, wineries, wine festivals and events to taste, drink and buy wine. The Australian wine industry has already been forced to adapt to the effects of climate change. If it fails to curb emissions associated with wine tourism, the industry is contributing to its own demise. Temperature change and 'terroir' In 2019, wine tourism contributed A$9.3 billion to the Australian economycreating more jobs and economic output than any other part of the industry. It promotes exports and provides vital financial support for small winemakers and family farms that rely on cellar door sales to visitors. When wine tourists aren't in vineyards and tasting rooms, they often visit local restaurants, as well as cultural attractions such as museums, concerts and festivals. Wine tourism gives travelers the chance to experience a region's "terroir"the particular geology, landscape, soil and climate that come together to make a region's wine special. Wine grapes however are particularly susceptible to temperature changes. In fact, the wine industry has been described as "the canary in the coal mine" for the way climate change will affect agriculture. In Australia, winemakers have already been forced to adapt to heatwaves, drought, increased fire risk and salinity. Previous research commissioned by Wine Australia has found global warming will bring many changes to the industry. For example, Australian winemakers may struggle to grow cool-climate varieties such as chardonnay and pinot noir. Despite the industry's vulnerability, the environmental sustainability of wine tourism is rarely addressed by either the industry or the academic literature. Our recent research sought to close this knowledge gap. Wine tourism accounts for one-third the industrys carbon footprint. Credit: Shutterstock Our findings Past research into the wine industry's carbon footprint has examined factors such as the emissions created by shipping the wine in heavy glass bottles. Our research examined wine tourism activities that create carbon emissions, such as those associated with transport, accommodation, food and shopping. We traced how much wine tourists spend on the journey and the energy required to produce those services. We then allocated a share of total emissions to cellar door visits. We found Australian wine tourism generates 790,000 tons of greenhouse gas emisisons each yearone-third of the industry's total carbon footprint. This translates to an average 101 kilograms of carbon emissions per winery trip, per person. Domestic overnight wine tourists contributed the majority of environmental impacts (82%). However, due to their higher spending at wineries, their carbon emissions were lower than that of travelers from overseas when measured per dollar of spending. We estimate one-quarter of wine tourists in Australia come from overseas, and long-haul flights form around 75% of international wine tourism's carbon footprint. Because of factors such as shorter flights, visitors from countries nearer to Australiasuch as New Zealand, Hong Kong, China and Singaporeproduce 20-40% fewer emissions per dollar spent than visitors from the United States and the United Kingdom. Stock up at the cellar door Given the emisisons associated with international wine tourism, Australian wineries should target visits by domestic tourists. This would benefit both the environment and regional economies starved of international visitors during the pandemic. In terms of overseas travelers, the Australian wine industry should target short-haul markets such as China, Japan and Singapore. This would reduce the industry's reliance on tourists traveling to Australia on emissions-intensive long-haul flights. Many of us will be wine tourists at some pointperhaps for an afternoon, overnight or even on an overseas trip to a famous wine region. So what can you do about your carbon footprint? Visit accredited wineries that commit to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. And while you're there, buy more bottles than you might have otherwise. The typical Australian wine tourist buys three or four bottles at the cellar door. Why not make it a half dozen or more? A trip in which you buy ten bottles is more environmentally friendly than ten trips where you buy one bottle each time. And join the wine club for direct shipping. Our cellar door purchases can also boost the bottom lines of wineries and enable them to invest in environmental sustainability. Few virtuous acts taste as good. Explore further New model gives wineries better data from existing tests This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article. In this Wednesday, June 30, 2021 file photo, a man stands under a water feature trying to beat the heat at a splash park in Calgary, Alberta. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: Jeff McIntosh/The Canadian Press via AP, FIle As the world staggers through another summer of extreme weather, experts are noticing something different: 2021s onslaught is hitting harder and in places that have been spared global warming's wrath in the past. Wealthy countries such as the United States, Canada, Germany and Belgium are joining poorer and more vulnerable nations on a growing list of extreme weather events that scientists say have some connection to human-caused climate change. "It is not only a poor country problem, it's now very obviously a rich country problem," said Debby Guha-Sapir, founder of the international disaster database at the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters at Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. "They (the rich) are getting whacked." Killer floods hit China, but hundreds of people also drowned in parts of Germany and Belgium not used to being inundated. Canada and the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. had what climate scientist Zeke Hausfather called "scary" heat that soared well past triple digits in Fahrenheit and into the high 40s in Celsius, shattering records and accompanied by unusual wildfires. Now southern Europe is seeing unprecedented heat and fire. And peak Atlantic hurricane and U.S. wildfire seasons are only just starting. In this Thursday, July 15, 2021, 2021 file photo, a regional train in the flood waters at the local station in Kordel, Germany, after it was flooded by the high waters of the Kyll river. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: Sebastian Schmitt/dpa via AP, File When what would become Hurricane Elsa formed on July 1, it broke last year's record for the earliest fifth named Atlantic storm. Colorado State University has already increased its forecast for the number of named Atlantic stormsand the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Wednesday said it was expecting one or two named storms more than it predicted in May. For fire season, the U.S. West is the driest it has been since 1580, based on soil moisture readings and tree ring records, setting the stage for worsening fires if something ignites them, said UCLA climate and fire scientist Park Williams. What happens with U.S. hurricane and fire seasons drives the end-of-year statistics for total damage costs of weather disasters, said Ernst Rauch, chief climate and geo scientist for insurance giant Munich Re. But so far this year, he said, wealthier regions have seen the biggest economic losses. In this Friday, July 16, 2021 file photo, awoman stands outside while cleaning mud and water out of her house after flooding in Ensival, Verviers, Belgium, Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Francisco Seco, File But when poorer countries are hit, they are less prepared and their people can't use air conditioning or leave so there's more harm, said Hausfather, climate director of the Breakthrough Institute. While hundreds of people died in the Pacific Northwest heat wave, he said the number would have been much higher in poor areas. Madagascar, an island nation off East Africa, is in the middle of back-to-back droughts that the United Nations warns are pushing 400,000 people toward starvation. Though it is too early to say the summer of 2021 will again break records for climate disasters, "We're certainly starting to see climate change push extreme events into new territories where they haven't been seen before," Hausfather said. The number of weather, water and climate disasters so far this year is only slightly higher than the average of recent years, said disaster researcher Guha-Sapir. Her group's database, which she said still is missing quite a few events, shows 208 such disasters worldwide through Julyabout 11% more than the last decade's average, but a bit less than last year. In this Saturday, July 17, 2021 file photo, a man stands on a bridge and surveys the damage after flooding in Pepinster, Belgium. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Virginia Mayo, File Last year, the record-shattering heat that came out of nowhere was in Siberia, where few people live, but this year it struck Portland, Oregon, and British Columbia, which gets more Western media attention, Hausfather said. What's happening is "partly an increase in the statistics of these extreme events, but also just that the steady drumbeat, the pile on year-on-year ... takes its cumulative toll on all of us who are reading these headlines," said Georgia Tech climate scientist Kim Cobb. "This pattern of recent Northern Hemisphere summers has been really quite stark," said University of Exeter climate scientist Peter Stott. While the overall temperature rise is "playing out exactly as we said 20 years ago, ... what we are seeing in terms of the heat waves and the floods is more extreme than we predicted back then," Stott said. FILE - In this Sunday, Aug. 1, 2021 file photo, people run away from the fire-devastated Sirtkoy village, near Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo, File Climate scientists say there is little doubt climate change from the burning of coal, oil and natural gas is driving extreme events. A new study using satellite images of global flooding since 2000, shows that flooding worldwide hits 10 times as many people as previously thought. Wednesday's study in the journal Nature finds that from 2000 to 2018 between 255 and 290 million people were directly affected by floodswhich lead author Beth Tellman of the University of Arizona says is based on 913 floods with thousands more not counted because of satellite image problems. Previous estimates showed far fewer people hit by flooding because they were based on computer simulations, rather than observations. The new study finds that population within flooded areas grew 34% since 2000, nearly twice as fast as those outside flooded areas. In this Friday, July 16, 2021 file photo, a car sits submerged in the water after flooding in Chenee, Province of Liege, Belgium. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Valentin Bianchi, File In this Monday, July 26, 2021 file photo, a man carries goods on his bicycle as he walks out of the the Yubei Agricultural and Aquatic Products World in Xinxiang in central China's Henan Province. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Dake Kang, File In this Saturday, June 26, 2021 file photo, Salem Fire Department Capt. Matt Brozovich, left, and Falck Northwest ambulance personnel help treat a man experiencing heat exposure at a cooling center during a heat wave, in Salem, Ore. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Nathan Howard, File In this Monday, July 19, 2021 file photo, a woman tries to clean the mud in front of her house in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Bram Janssen, File In this Monday, July 26, 2021 file photo, a man carries bags of onions out of the flooded Yubei Agricultural and Aquatic Products World in Xinxiang in central China's Henan Province. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Dake Kang, File In this Saturday, July 17, 2021 file photo, Wiel de Bie, 75, stands outside his flooded home in the town of Brommelen, Netherlands. Scientists say there's something different this year from the recent drumbeat of climate weirdness. This summer a lot of the places hit by weather disasters are not used to getting extremes and many of them are wealthier, which is different from the normal climate change victims. That includes unprecedented deadly flooding in Germany and Belgium, 116-degree heat records in Portland, Oregon and similar blistering temperatures in Canada, along with wildfires. Now Southern Europe is seeing scorching temperatures and out-of-control blazes too. And the summer of extremes is only getting started. Peak Atlantic hurricane and wildfire seasons in the United States are knocking at the door. Credit: AP Photo/Bram Janssen, File Tellman identified 25 nations that are "climate surprise" countries that will have to cope far more with the flooding problems than they do now. Those countries include the U.S, as well as Germany, Belgium and China, which were hit by flooding this summer. Aside from dramatic floods and fires, heat waves are a major risk to prepare for in the future, Guha-Sapir said. "It's going to be a very big deal in the Western countries because the most susceptible to sudden peaks of heat are older people. And the demographic profile of the people in Europe is very old," she said. "Heat waves are going to be a real issue in the next few years." Explore further Deadly summer of extreme weather as climate change bites 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. GLENS FALLS Monument Square, the citys tallest and most prominent downtown office building, is for sale. The 10-story building at 333 Glen St. is currently on the market for $15 million. The building is home to 37 suites and is 95% occupied, according to a real estate listing. Levack Real Estate Inc., a Glens Falls-based commercial real estate firm, is handling the listing. The Albany Business Review first reported the property is for sale. Mark Levack, the listed real estate agent for the property, did not return a phone call for comment. The 190,000-square-foot building was constructed in 1973 by the Firemens Insurance Co. of Newark, New Jersey, according to Warren County property records. The building has 163,373 square feet of office space as well as a surface lot, parking garage and three satellite parking lots along Bay and Washington streets. In 2006, the building was sold to 333 Glen Street Associates for $4.7 million, according to property records. That company is the real estate holding firm for a number of investors, including Bruce Boswell, vice president of Boswell Engineering in Albany. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) A major Pennsylvania heavy equipment contractor entered no contest pleas to four theft counts on Tuesday and agreed to pay restitution of more than $20 million over allegations it illegally diverted pension money and other benefits from its workers. Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc. has agreed to have a court-appointed corporate monitor perform oversight, including of the process of returning the money to 1,267 victims. When we talk about big fights, this is what we mean, Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a Harrisburg news conference, a few hours after the plea hearing in Centre County. Helping everyday Pennsylvanians take on the powerful and the well connected when theyve been screwed. The company released a statement saying it was pleased to bring this process to a conclusion and avoid costly court proceedings, but it maintains it followed all fringe benefits rules. In pleading no contest, the company accepts the convictions but does not expressly admit it committed the crimes. The fringe benefit practices challenged by the Office of the Attorney General were based upon advice provided by the companys former attorneys, the statement read. Hawbaker has always intended to properly pay all of its employees. Could invoking the Golden Rule be enough to induce vaccine-skeptical people of faith to finally get their COVID-19 jab? According to some new polling data, that may well be the case. A recent poll of 5,123 adults by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Interfaith Youth Core found that nearly four in 10 vaccine-hesitant Americans (38 percent) who attend religious services at least a few times a year said that one or more faith-based approaches would make them more likely to get vaccinated. And, as it turns out, when you tell people that getting vaccinated allows them to live out one of the core tenets of Christianity loving their neighbor as themselves the message tends to resonate. And it resonates across all faith and demographic groups. For instance, four in 10 vaccinated Hispanic protestants and three in 10 vaccinated Black protestants were more likely to say that one or more faith-based approaches convinced them to get their jab, the poll found. And more than three in 10 (31 percent) of vaccine-hesitant white Catholics told pollsters that a faith-based approach could encourage them to get vaccinated, up from 15 percent earlier in the year, the poll found. To the inevitable disappointment of some and the relief of others, this is a book about Tesla, not about its founder. Elon Musk already does a fine job aiming the spotlight on himself. As Higgins details, it took a village to build Tesla. "Power Play" at its core is about the many employees not named Elon Musk who made essential contributions to whatever success the carmaker enjoys today. Don't fret: Musk is always part of the story, contributing his own brand of drama to keep things moving along. But in this book, the self-anointed "TechnoKing" (his actual job title at Tesla) serves not as main character but dramatic foil to those doing their best under chaotic, dysfunctional conditions. One is J.B. Straubel, the Stanford engineer who teamed with Musk to take over the original Tesla, founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Musk was the money man, Straubel the brains behind the battery technology. Straubel departed Tesla in 2019 after the board of directors agreed to a pay plan that has made Musk one of the richest people on the planet. NONFICTION: Anna Qu tells the harrowing tale of working in her parents' sweatshop. "Made in China" by Anna Qu; Catapult (224 pages, $26) To write about trauma, memoirist Debra Gwartney advises, "when the action is hot, write cool." Anna Qu's debut memoir "Made in China: A Memoir of Love and Labor" embodies this guidance. Qu writes with clarity and restraint about her Cinderella-terrible childhood spent working in her parents' sweatshop and eating alone after her stepsiblings finished. Facts like these don't need embellishing to cut deep. However, as stark as these details seem, when adult Qu pores through social service records and reflects on her mother's life, she learns her childhood is part of a larger story with myriad complexities. Qu's story begins in Wenzhou, China, where she was born when her mother was 18. Her father died when she was a toddler, and her widowed mother left Qu with her grandparents and headed to New York. In 1991, when Qu is 7, her mother brings her to the U.S., not because she misses her but rather to display her financial status: "To have your children with you was a talked-about privilege." PLEASANTVILLE City Council on Monday night paid tribute to a member of the community who died recently, acknowledging Tereasa Callaways actions on July 14 showed courage, compassion and love for her fellow human. Callaway, 57, of Pleasantville, was assisting a woman who had been involved in a motor vehicle crash on Route 30 in Atlantic City when she was struck and killed by another vehicle. Council and the Police Department on Monday presented a civilian citation to Callaways husband, David Callaway, and her eldest son, Tiriq Callaway, recognizing the familys personal tragedy. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Tereasa stopped to assist when many others would have simply glanced at the crash and continued on their way. It is a rare and admirable trait to have the mental and intestinal fortitude to put oneself in danger with the goal of protecting another, the citation read. Atlantic City woman struck, killed while assisting in motor vehicle crash ATLANTIC CITY A woman who stopped to assist in a motor vehicle crash was struck and killed Callaways actions and that fortitude are worthy of emulation by all, the citation read. Tereasa made the ultimate sacrifice while selflessly attempting to safeguard the life of another. For this, she and the Callaway family are forever owed a debt of honor and gratitude for her sacrifice, the citation read. The special election for the 3rd District commissioners race between Democrat Thelma Witherspoon, of Hamilton Township, and Republican Andrew Parker, of Egg Harbor Township, will happen with the general election this year. Atlantic County elections board splits over early voting site The Atlantic County Board of Elections agreed at a meeting Tuesday night on four of the five The elections board first rented the space last September in preparation for the states first mostly vote-by-mail general election in November, which was ordered by Gov. Phil Murphy to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Previously, the board operated out of the renovated historic county jail in Mays Landing, a small stone structure where many offices were in former inmate cells. There was one meeting room, but it was nowhere near large enough for the extra staff needed in November 2020 let alone the additional space for proper social distancing. Republican Commissioner Frank Balles asked whether the county should consider buying or building space for the elections board. It appears that this is going to go on a long, long time, having to rent this space, said Balles. I think there will be special elections and recounts in our future. We have to be able to plan for it. Over time, Balles said, rent could easily cost more than building or buying. In the end, only 10 of 180 workers quit, and McNeil said Canterburys nursing home, independent living and assisted living facilities have reported no new COVID-19 cases since February. It was a gamble that paid off for us, McNeil said. I thought more people would have mandated it by now. At Jewish Home Family in Rockleigh, New Jersey, only five of 527 workers at its nursing home and assisted-living facilities quit. Westminster Village in Bloomington, Illinois, lost only two out of 250. +5 Cape takes COVID-19 vaccines to the people WOODBINE On Tuesday morning, as temperatures inched closer to 90 degrees, the crew of Cape Its important to educate, but at some point we have to end this pandemic, said Scott Crabtree, CEO of Lambeth House in New Orleans, which lost only 10 of 200 workers after it started requiring shots when they became available last year. When do we say, Enough is enough? More than 130,000 nursing home residents in the U.S. have died from COVID-19, making such institutions by far the deadliest place to be during the pandemic. About 80% of residents have been vaccinated, double the rate for staff, according to the government. Some workers have rejected the vaccine because they think it was rushed into development and is unsafe, or they feel protected because they already got COVID-19. BLOOMINGTON A Virginia man is in McLean County jail custody after police arrested him Tuesday on a warrant for his connection to a June shooting in Norfolk, Virginia. Bloomington police responded at 3:55 p.m. Tuesday to the 800 block of West Washington Street for a fireworks complaint, where officers found a suspect who had given them a false name. Travarish D. Carpenter, 29, of Portsmouth, Virginia, was eventually identified and arrested after Bloomington police learned of a warrant for his arrest in Virginia. Carpenter is charged in Virginia with aggravated malicious wounding, attempted malicious wounding, reckless handling of a firearm, discharge of a firearm in a public place and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. He is accused of being connected to a June 12 shooting in Norfolk that hospitalized one man with non-life-threatening injuries. Police said Carpenter was with a relative, Catherine D. Lewis, 64, of Bloomington, who helped Carpenter hide his identity. Local COVID-19 facts and figures According the CDC, Scott County has registered 104 new cases in the last seven days and has an 11.29% positivity rate from 1,611 tests performed. The CDC considers Scott County to have a high rate of COVID-19 transmission. In terms of vaccinations, the CDC reported 83,166 Scott County residents are fully vaccinated. That's 48.1% of the county's population of just under 173,000. The CDC reported 108 new COVID-19 cases in Rock Island County over the last seven days. The county has a positivity rate of 7.94% from the 1574 tests performed in the last seven days. Rock Island County's vaccination efforts have resulted in 60,499 fully vaccinated residents 42.6% of the roughly 143,000 people who live in the county. Both Rock Island and Scott County Health Departments have issued recommendations aligned with CDC guidance that people in areas with substantial or high transmission all of the Q-C area should mask when in indoor public spaces whether vaccinated or not. Vaccinations do not provide full and immediate immunity which is all the more reason for everyone to mask up when indoors. Phillips-Harris and her family became homeless around 2015 and spent about 2 1/2 years living in a hotel and with family members. The time aligned with the beginning of James' leadership at the church. He recognized her calling. Her family now resides in their own home in Collinsville. "It was literally in months of Pastor James being here," Phillips-Harris said. "I went into his office to talk to him and he said 'What is your purpose?' I'm saying all of this other stuff because I did work with the youth, and I was doing other things, and he kept looking at me like 'Alright, when are you going to tell me the real (thing)?'" She went through a year of minister-in-training in 2016 and started the ordination process in April of this year. She hopes her role can inspire other women to pursue their dreams. "I hope it helps some other women to say 'Hey, I can reach out and do some things or accept my calling,'" Phillips-Harris said. "Maybe it's not even related to ministry. Maybe it's something else that they've been fighting as a woman to do." Elder Trena McGuire discovered her passion for ministry at a young age. She was raised at the Orr-Weathers Apartments in East St Louis during the 1970s when she became intrigued by her friend's mom. Illinois Adjutant General Richard Neely, commander of the Illinois Army and Air National Guard, said in July that the funding situation was "very upsetting." He said canceling Guard training sessions at more than 50 Illinois armories and Air Guard sites at the 183rd Wing in Springfield, the 182nd Airlift Wing in Peoria and at Scott Air Force Base in August and September would leave Guard troops less prepared for future missions and create financial hardships for part-time soldiers who depend on their pay for household bills. The unprecedented shortfall amounted to about 15% of the Illinois Guard's budget for pay and operational support. About 98% of the Guard's funding comes from the federal government. "We don't get a lot of very wealthy folks who join the Guard," Leighton said. "Particularly in the lower ranks, these are people who are just getting started in life and careers. A lot of them depend on that monthly check for their Guard service." The reimbursement from Congress had been delayed by debate in Washington over how to pay for additional security at the U.S. Capitol in the future after the Jan. 6 riot by supporters of former President Donald Trump, a Republican. Gov. JB Pritzker, a Democrat, had called on Congress to repay the debt to the Guard. We are endangered from several sources: (1) North Korea, a small, well-armed country with a suppressed but united population developing nuclear weapons and bolstered by China. (2) Iran, larger, more populated and also developing nuclear weapons; supports wars against our allies. (3) Russia, with half our population, who, like us, include different races and ethnicities that have problems uniting. (But not dozens of hate groups.) They also have as many nuclear weapons as we have. (4) The Chinese, who have come up suddenly to challenge our primacy with a well-educated and ambitious population more than three times ours, and much more united. The 90% who are Chinese have minimal freedom. The 10% not Chinese are badly treated and smothered by an oppressive government. They have nuclear weapons, but less than the U.S. and the Russians. (5) The planet we live on; now falling apart at the seams. Every effort must be made to preserve it, which means more scientific research and sacrifices and support from the rest of us. It also means we must unite behind the Democrats, the only large party that is living in the real world. Those Republicans who live in the real world must join the Democrats or form a party of their own, calling it, perhaps, the Grand New Party, or bring back the Whigs. Existing employees will be asked to work more hours, and store hours may not be as long as they usually are around the holiday season, Rowley said. Im encouraging everyone I know to shop earlier. A big reason holiday hiring will be a challenge this year is that people dont need the money, Rowley said. Putting a pencil to a 10- to 15-hour-a-week job for six weeks comes to about $1,000. Families with two or three children will see that kind of extra money from the child tax credits that started in July, he said. Many front-line workers are experiencing psychological burnout, Stevenson said, and theyre worried about their own safety, higher costs for child care and lingering concerns for at-risk family members. Some experts see the end of federal supplement unemployment benefits in September as a turning point, but Stevenson said the payments have stopped in several states, including Texas, and there have been no big changes in the labor supply. He believes traditional white-collar job benefits, such as tuition and bonuses, will continue to be offered to hourly workers. Store operations need workers who can advance, and hourly workers need to see a clear career path, he said. "For many of these people, it's now simply a matter of taking the things most important to them and leaving the rest behind," he said. The eviction help desk set up by Iowa Legal Aid and Community Action of Eastern Iowa stayed busy Tuesday afternoon, the only day during the week evictions are heard in Scott County. Inside the court was just as busy. Two magistrates heard a rapid succession of landlords and tenants, many who didn't show to the hearing, and several who appeared with help from Iowa Legal Aid. Judicial Specialist Holly Crabb, who directed traffic inside magistrate court, said 60 evictions cases were originally scheduled for Tuesday. In some, tenants failed to appear. In other cases the landlord did not show up. As in Gallagher's case, three Iowa Legal Aid attorneys were in and out of the courtroom, huddling with landlords set on eviction to let them know local Scott County housing advocates had a pool of money to give stop-gap payments to landlords to allow tenants time to apply for state rental assistance that could clear a backlog of rent. Some landlords agreed, others didn't. Attorneys couldn't present the eviction moratorium documentation, which could be sent to landlords if the renter met certain conditions to prevent being removed from their home. H.W. Lochner is the Chicago-based firm that supplies planning, environmental, design, construction engineering and inspection services for all means of transportation across the U.S. The company has assigned a former chief engineer and director of highway project implementation for the Illinois DOT to work with the Bison Bridge Foundation. Our firm brings decades of inspection experience that will help ensure a safe and structurally sound design for the new Bison Bridge," said Lochner's Paul Loete. He inspected the I-80 bridge in March and December of 2010, so he has knowledge of the bridges history and its current structural conditions, Pregracke said. Lochner also has experience designing long-span river crossings, as well as ground/landscape covered bridges. Thank you to Lochner Engineering for believing in this project and bringing their expertise to what I hope will become a national treasure for our community and people from all over the world to enjoy, Pregracke said this week. We are proud of the worldwide support that this unique way of repurposing the I-80 bridge has gained and look forward to sharing more about the many benefits this project will bring to the region." The Moline-Coal Valley School District will hold a special meeting Thursday to decide on the district's mask policy for the upcoming school year. An agenda for a special meeting lists a recommended motion that the Board of Education approve a strong recommendation for mask use for all staff and secondary students and a mask requirement for all elementary students. The agenda states there would be the possibility of adjusting the rules if positive cases in the district and/or Rock Island County shift significantly, or if the age range for the vaccination changes. The meeting comes as Rock Island County is considered by the CDC to have a substantial level of community transmission and has seen 77 new positive cases in a seven-day span, and the positivity rate rise to 8.48%. Moline schools are set to begin opening on Aug. 13 with sixth-grade and freshmen orientation days. There will be an opportunity for public comments. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. at the Coolidge Professional Development Room, 3430 Avenue of the Cities, for the public with the meeting set to start at 6 p.m. Per the CDC and Illinois Department of Public Health, individuals who are not fully vaccinated should wear a face covering and practice social distancing if they choose to attend. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 Armstrong considered COVID-19 and its effect on his life. "I got out the joint this last time and I got a job at XPac, you know, packing," he said. "Then the bug hits and I've got a problem because they don't need workers every day because all the shipping is falling off. "That's one problem. The other problem is I have no car. So I was paying for a ride to work. The way it's set up is you show up at work to find out if you got work. Well, I'm paying for my ride every day and getting, maybe, one or two days of work." Armstrong shrugged his shoulders, shuffled his Pumas on the courthouse's black-and-white tiled floor and announced his decision. "I'm going down to the clerk to see if I have to see the magistrate first, then I'll come back here and see about this," Armstrong announced. He returned 20 minutes later with a nine-day extension on his eviction. "I don't know about this," he said, squinting as he watched Iowa Legal Aid's attorneys interview people. "Those are lawyers? I don't know about lawyers." Armstrong shook his head. In all, six Crestwood tenants were evicted in violation of the state and federal eviction bans, according to court records, due to a lack of enforcement that has led landlords to ignore the law, according to legal observers. In all but one of the six cases, tenants failed to appear for trial or court hearings and were evicted by default, according to court records. In two of the cases, evictions were ordered and granted after a federal eviction moratorium for federally connected properties ended on July 25, 2020, but before the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention halted residential evictions to help slow the spread of COVID-19. That moratorium, which sought to protect millions of Americans behind on their rent from being tossed out of houses and apartments, expired July 31. Crestwood Townhome, LLC, which lists the same address as one of the rental properties owned by Crestwood Apartments Cooperative of Forest Lake, Minn., moved to evict Anna Vela in June 2020. Vela, who lived with her three children in a two-bedroom townhome, was paying $650 in rent for a unit at 3811 Bridge Ave., but had her weekly hours working at a Davenport supermarket cut during the pandemic to 11 hours from 35 hours. Like President Joe Biden, Sen. Chuck Grassley has doubts that a new federal eviction moratorium could withstand a legal challenge, but Im not going to fuss as long theres an end date. Grassley was kind of surprised by the Biden administration issuing a new eviction moratorium after the previous one expired July 31. In a 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allowed the moratorium to stand, the justices indicated it would take congressional action to extend it. I've also heard (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi say that it can't be done except by Congress passing laws, and Congress hasn't passed laws, the Iowa Republican said Wednesday. I read yesterday that CDC itself said that they didn't have the legal authority to do it. However, if the moratorium is going to end Oct. 3, I'm not going to squabble about it, Grassley told reporters. The eviction moratorium, like the add-on federal unemployment benefits and other measures, were written to help Americans through the pandemic and were meant to last only as long as there is a national emergency. Its got to end, Grassley said, but now wouldn't be the time for me to expect this to happen. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday ordered face coverings for all school children from preschool through 12th grade to thwart the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus and the Democrat will require all state employees who work in highly populated facilities such as prisons to be vaccinated. With the potentially deadly virus continuing to spread, worsened by the more virulent delta variant, Pritzker urged residents who have not been vaccinated to get the shots necessary to prevent the illness. "Every time we think we know where this virus is headed, it changes, and it shifts...," Pritzker said in Chicago. "I want to say this, specifically to young adults: Please do not think that the worst-case scenario cannot happen. It can. Get vaccinated." The required vaccination for state employees applies to those who work in prisons and juvenile detention facilities, veterans' homes and state facilities for the mentally and developmentally disabled. Each must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 4. Employers both private and public have begun requiring shots against the deadly virus President Joe Biden is considering such a requirement for all federal employees and the law appears to be on the side of the boss. Employers can make vaccination a condition of employment, experts say. Three cataclysmic events during the last 12 months have forever changed our lives. In all three cases, there were preceding events that led up to these cataclysmic events. In all three cases, the repercussions of these events will be with us for years to come. One of these cataclysmic events has been something that has been on our minds every day for the last 12 months the Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 600,000 Americans and an even greater number of lives worldwide. In the United States, the death toll peaked in January and February, when more than 3,000 people a day died from this deadly disease. The good news is that vaccines have significantly reduced the death toll from the deadly virus that causes Covid-19. The bad news is that the rapid spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant of this deadly virus, particularly among those who have chosen not to be vaccinated, has resulted in the number of cases of Covid-19 spiking up again in many parts of the country, including here in the Quad Cities. We had allowed ourselves to assume that once we got vaccinated for Covid-19, we could go back to doing all of the things that we enjoyed doing before the pandemic so drastically changed our lives. The reluctance of a substantial portion of the population to be vaccinated, however, has punctured that myth. Theres a strong case that Congress should give legal status to millions of immigrants who are here illegally, at least under certain conditions. Theres a case, reasonable though not as strong, that we ought to have legislative rules that allow a bare majority of Congress to make that change in our laws. There is, by contrast, no real case that the rules in place today allow it. If Democrats try to enact an amnesty that way, they will probably, and rightly, get shot down but not before doing a bit more damage to public confidence in our political system. The gambit some Democrats are considering would put a broad amnesty in a budget reconciliation bill that cannot be filibustered. If all the Democrats voted for the bill and all the Republicans against it, it would pass the Senate on a 51-50 vote with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie. The argument for trying this maneuver has three parts: It would meet the technical requirements to qualify for inclusion in a reconciliation bill, there is precedent for it, and it would be popular. None is persuasive. Gov. Kim Reynolds has confused me once again. The CDC comes out with new mask guidance, and Reynolds blasts it saying it is counterproductive to our vaccination efforts and is not grounded in reality or common sense. Previously, she and the Republican-led Legislature prohibited vaccine passports, meaning any unvaccinated person can still go to any public place and schools cannot require masks. This seems counterproductive to me. Meanwhile the average daily rate of new Covid cases in Iowa are the highest since May. As of this writing, only 49.4% of Iowans have been vaccinated. That is the reality. And for common sense, apparently half of Iowans dont have it. So much for Reynolds trust that Iowans will do the right thing. Now she complains that unvaccinated immigrants are the cause of the rise in Covid cases. Seriously? Gee, maybe she should have sent our unused doses down to Texas with our state troopers and have them give shots to immigrants. A win-win! John R. Martin Davenport Love 2 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) The queen's representative in New Zealand said Prince Harry and Meghan discussed moving to the South Pacific country during their 2018 visit, more than a year before the couple stepped back from royal duties and moved to the United States. Governor-General Patsy Reddy also told The Associated Press in an interview she believes the British monarch should remain New Zealand's head of state and described the hand-typed letters she sends to Queen Elizabeth II. Reddy, 67, will leave her largely ceremonial role representing the queen in New Zealand in October after a 5-year term. A lawyer who was given the honorific Dame for her services to arts and business, Reddy officially signs bills into law, presides over many public ceremonies and tours the country, meeting with various groups including Indigenous Maori. Harry and Meghan visited New Zealand at the end of a hectic 16-day royal tour of the South Pacific, and Reddy recalled the couple as being tired. "I remember theyd just been down to the Abel Tasman National Park when we sat down and had a drink, and they said that they could imagine living in a place like this and wondered whether we thought it would be theoretically possible. Even possible for them to have a place in New Zealand. Published in 2017, Nomadland is a portrait of retirement-age Americans forced out of their homes and into RVs, vans and cars. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} When Bruder decided to immerse herself in the lives of Linda May and Charlene Swankie, she never dreamed readers and moviegoers would watch Frances McDormand bring Nomadland to life. When Bruder initially decided to camp for a few weeks with a group of modern nomads, she was planning a magazine profile, not a book. However, the story soon took on a life of its own, and Bruder ultimately traveled in an RV for 15,000 miles for more than three years to gather material for the book. "They felt incredibly validated by the experience," Bruder said in an interview at the Columbia Journalism School, after watching this years Academy Awards ceremony on television and seeing May and Swankie mingle with movie stars. "I was delighted to see them up there. ... I followed these women for three years, and none of us expected this would be part of their journey." Active COVID-19 cases in South Dakota climbed this week to the highest levels since May 19 as 429 new infections were reported by the Department of Health. The number of active cases rose to 657 an increase of 223 since last week's report. The Delta variant of the virus is making up about 90% of new cases across the country. In South Dakota, the Department of Health is only performing sentinel monitoring instead of testing each positive sample. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Even with highly limited testing, the number of cases of the Delta variant increased from 13 to 54 in one week. The number of hospitalizations increased to 39 with 12 in intensive care units and five using ventilators across the state. In the Black Hills region, there are 12 patients being treated for COVID-19 illnesses with three in ICU and three on ventilators. Seven deaths were reported this week after only eight were reported in July. There have been 2,050 deaths in South Dakota during the pandemic. Pennington, Butte and Lawrence counties each reported a death as did Beadle, Charles Mix, Faulk and Hughes counties. There were four women and three men who died. Three were over 70, two were in their 60s, one in their 50s and one in their 30s. Penny Ceasar, who handles admissions at a hospital near Fort Lauderdale, wants the governor to require vaccines for health care workers and masks for everyone. Ceasar said while Westside Regional Medical Center has been getting temporary staff from other states, the alarming number of new patients is taking a toll. Youre on an emotional rollercoaster because we care for our patients like we care for our families, said Ceasar, a 30-year veteran. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 50,000 new COVID-19 cases in the state over the last three days, raising the seven-day average to one of the highest counts since the pandemic began. In total, the state has seen more than 2.6 million cases and 39,179 deaths. DeSantis is running for reelection next year while eyeing a 2024 presidential bid. A central tenet of his national image among conservatives is his refusal to impose mask mandates or business restrictions. We are not shutting down, DeSantis reiterated Tuesday. We are going to have schools open. We are protecting every Floridians job in this state. We are protecting peoples small businesses. These interventions have failed time and time again throughout this pandemic, not just in the United States but abroad. Tuesday's attack on a busy stretch of the Washington areas transportation system jangled the nerves of a region already primed to be on high alert for violence and potential intruders outside federal government buildings, particularly following the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. At a Pentagon news conference, Kusse declined to confirm that the officer had been killed or provide even basic information about how the violence had unfolded or how many might be dead. He would only say that an officer had been attacked and that gunfire was exchanged. Kusse and other officials declined to rule out terrorism or provide any other potential motive. But Kusse said the Pentagon complex was secure and "we are not actively looking for another suspect at this time. He said the FBI was leading the investigation. I cant compromise the ongoing investigation, Kusse said. The FBI confirmed only that it was investigating and there was no ongoing threat to the public but declined to offer details or a possible motive. Later Tuesday, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency issued a statement confirming the loss of the officer, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed his condolences and said flags at the Pentagon will be flown at half-staff. The concept of the government funding a program that would improve communications and connect America, is not a new concept. Historically, our government has worked hard to connect our nation, funding projects in order to move us forward. The railroads of the 19th century, the 41,000 miles of interstate and highways in the 20th century and now broadband in the 21st century. The implementation of the Broadband Initiative will provide a strong digital highway system that will give South Dakotans the opportunity to work locally and reach out and connect with the world, all the while enjoying the benefits of living in the Black Hills and South Dakota. This is not a new concept. It is simply a different vehicle that delivers information and online commerce. There are always many facets to implementing a new endeavor especially one of this magnitude. As the guidelines and guardrails are put into place, we as legislators need to ensure that the funds are not only used properly, but we dont overbuild. We have boots on the ground with legislators involvement and oversight. Oversight is key! Issues need to be cleared up I love my country even if I see issues that need to be addressed, and most Americans would likely agree with me. However, some of these issues need to be seen clearly. First, the January 6 attack on the Capital building in D.C. was an attempted coup and those who directed and participated in this violence are not patriots but terrorists. This was an attack against our country, elections, and democracy. Second, Biden won the 2020 presidential election in a fair and almost entirely fraud-free election. Trump speaks the Big Lie. Third, many states have passed new legislation about their elections; this is fine but if these new laws actually reduce voter access or restrict voting rights unfairly then these laws, these actions, work against our democracy. Fourth, Covid is not a hoax. And while people have the right to refuse the vaccine, they do not have the right to then get sick and pass the Covid virus to other people or to give the virus time to mutate. Would we feel the same about sharing the plague, smallpox, or polio? If we want to get past the virus and live normal lives again, most Americans should take the vaccine. The Nest Predator Bounty Program is inhumane, wasteful and not based on science. When South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks accepted public input on this program last spring, less than 7% of the 400 + written submissions were in favor of the program. Some reasons many South Dakotans are opposed to this bounty program: 1. The Nest Predator Bounty Program could unbalance our state's ecosystem. There was no scientific study done on the number of these nest predator species that currently inhabit South Dakota and no cap on each species to be killed. According to the GFP Operational Dashboard, the following tails have been submitted since this bounty program began in April 2019: 106,000 Raccoon, 15,700 Striped Skunk, 10,600 Opossum, 1,121 Red Fox and 1,093 Badger. Since the program began each spring, the kill totals dont include the many young that starved to death when their mothers were trapped. 2. Trapping is inhumane. In South Dakota, trappers are only required to check traps and snares every 3 days west of the Missouri River and every 2 days east of the Missouri River (with exemptions for illness and bad weather). Animals caught in traps for several days can be attacked by other animals, starve, dehydrate, or mangle their mouths and limbs trying to free themselves. But Brown, a centrist backed by Hillary Clinton, influential House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, the Congressional Black Caucus, leading unions and many local leaders, prevailed after a surge in national attention to her campaign in the weeks leading up to the election. In the heavily Democratic 11th Congressional District, she is strongly favored in the Nov. 2 general election over Laverne Gore, a business owner, consultant, trainer and community activist who won the Republican nomination. In her victory speech, Brown said she has not sought headlines or attention" in her nine years as a local legislator, but effectiveness and making headway. Things Ive done havent gotten a lot of attention. Theyre not sexy," she said. "But I dont need the credit. I just need to make sure the people I have been called to serve are getting the resources they need. Im not about lip service. Im about public service. Turner said she knew the campaign would be an uphill battle. While we didnt cross the river, we inspired thousands to dream bigger and expect more," she said in a Twitter statement. "We couldnt overcome the influence of dark money, but we left our mark on OH11 and this nation. Blaskovich also hears from parents concerned that things have been rushed with the vaccine roll out, and some of that is associated with the messenger RNA that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines utilize. She notes that mRNA research and use goes back decades. When COVID hit the reason they were able to start everything and do it so quickly is because there was a lot of money that was able to be pooled in order to get through all of the clinical trials quickly, Blaskovich said. There were a lot of participants because a lot of people wanted the vaccine and it was very easy to get to the number needed to treat because there was so much COVID around. In some instances parents are concerned about things they've heard, like the vaccines can change a childs DNA. Blaskovich explained that an mRNA vaccine doesnt alter DNA because it can't enter the nucleus of cells and that the mRNA degrades after less than 72 hours in the body. There are also some parents who posit that maybe getting infected with the virus is better than getting protected, but Blaskovich points out that a COVID-19 infection does not offer the same degree of protection the vaccines do, and that infection might not protect someone from a variant like the Delta variant. There are also the risks that come with infection both to the individual and people they are in contact with. SEATTLE When the pandemic hit, Pearl Jam was ahead of the curve. On the cusp of releasing its electrifying new album "Gigaton," the Seattle juggernaut became one of the first major acts to halt tour plans as the coronavirus rippled through its own community. Bassist Jeff Ament, who splits his time between Seattle and Montana, retreated to his less populous home state as lockdowns took effect. What was supposed to be a celebratory period, playing an exciting batch of new songs Pearl Jam's first studio album in seven years before tens of thousand of fans each night was instead a reclusive one. Passing isolated time, Ament unknowingly began work on what would eventually become his fourth solo album under his last name only, the appropriately titled "I Should Be Outside" and an accompanying visual art project. "When I started looking over the lyrics again [recently], I started thinking back to the beginning of the pandemic," Ament says of the album arriving Tuesday. "I think everybody was like, 'What the hell's going on?!' The scientists and the CDC and the president, everybody was saying different things. And a week later, there would be a completely different thing they were saying." Richmond-based WayForth is working on a policy that would require its employees to be vaccinated. The company, which provides moving services in nine markets from Massachusetts to Florida, has its largest business in providing home decluttering and moving services for older people who are relocating to smaller homes or living facilities. The proposed policy would require employees to be vaccinated unless they have a health or religious reason not to get the vaccine, said Craig Shealy, WayForths co-founder and CEO. The company has been careful not to impose draconian measures regarding vaccinations. We have been giving people time, because depending on where you are, the availability of vaccines was an issue, Shealy said. The company is working on setting a deadline for when employees must get vaccinated, but has not yet selected the date. All new employees will be required to be vaccinated. Businesses across the Richmond region are facing a decision on whether to require all employees to be vaccinated. About a dozen or so area businesses from Fortune 500 firms to small companies say they have not made a decision on vaccination requirements but are monitoring the surge of infections blamed on the delta variant of the coronavirus. The shifting nature of the federal order will likely make it difficult for families in crisis to keep track. Given that, Horrock said it is crucial for the Virginia General Assembly to reinstate certain state protections during its special session. Those include a requirement that landlords apply for rental assistance on behalf of their tenants before pursuing an eviction and also notify them of assistance programs that are available. Gov. Ralph Northam proposed re-enacting the protections in his budget proposal, a month after they lapsed at the end of Virginias state of emergency order in June. Any mechanism that helps speed the process of settling back rent balances will help avert a worst case scenario, said Ralph Hodge, a pastor at 2nd Baptist Church on Broad Rock Boulevard in South Richmond and a past co-president of Richmonders Involved to Strengthen our Communities. The faith-based advocacy coalition has lobbied for anti-eviction measures and affordable housing in the region. Its not an issue of resources, its really an issue of access and ease of access, Hodge said. Thats whats been frustrating to me, Ill tell people to call the [rent relief] number and theyll wait for months even after theyve submitted all their paperwork. Last month, Virginia awarded a $3.5 million contract to Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia and legal aid organizations across the state to lead outreach and provide application assistance for the program. The initiative is meant to reduce barriers, specifically for economically disadvantaged tenants, to navigate the program and secure the help they need. Thanks, but no thanks. Thats what the Richmond School Board told Mayor Levar Stoney again this week after the citys deadline passed for bids to design a new George Wythe High School. Administration officials will not say how many proposals the city received, citing provisions in the citys code. But that matters little to the School Board after a razor-thin majority on Monday reaffirmed that the school system should manage school construction projects. The latest rebuke of a compromise the mayor proposed three months ago comes as the Richmond NAACP and other civic leaders are now publicly discussing suing the School Board and petitioning for the removal of its members before the next election cycle in 2024. The discourse centers around how soon it would take the school division to rebuild the high school in the citys South Side, which is more than 60 years old and in poor condition. The mayors administration had set a 2024 opening date earlier this year, but Superintendent Jason Kamras says it may now take until 2027 to complete. We dont care who builds schools are long as they are built, said Richmond NAACP President James J.J. Minor. The school isnt safe. ... What we want is for them to listen to the community. While the average for daily new cases in Virginia fell below 200 in June, Avula said the state is averaging around four to five times as many cases now. He said hospitalizations and deaths from the virus in Virginia have also increased at a rate similar to that at the national level, which has increased 25% in the past seven days. Avula said nearly all deaths and hospitalizations are happening to people who were unvaccinated. Because of that, we are more and more convinced that the only path out of this is vaccination, he said. We will get to high rates of immunity ... by the time this is all said and done. But we want as much of that immunity to come through vaccination and not through infection because theres clearly a significant toll that takes place when it happens through infection. Richmonds employee mandate comes a week after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its guidance on mask wearing, strongly urging those who have been vaccinated to wear masks indoors in areas with high levels of virus transmission. The rupture in the sewer line occurred the night of July 27, a few hundred feet from River Road and Tuckahoe Creek, which serves as the boundary between Goochland and Henrico Counties. The flow was immediately siphoned, but it took three or four hours for the leak to subside, said Matt Longshore, head of public utilities in Goochland County. Workers finished cleaning the pooled sewage Saturday, and they restored service to the pipe Tuesday. When officials first tested the creek, they found levels of bacteria 800 times greater than the level considered safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, Smigo said. When they tested again Monday, those levels had decreased to three times the safe level. The creek should return to a normal level on its own. Officials tested five sites along the James last week, and four of them passed the safety standard. At Belle Isle, the site farthest away from the spill, bacteria levels slightly exceeded the standard. The sewage was likely not the cause, Smigo said. Some localized, unknown factor caused a higher level of bacteria. By Monday, all tests produced safe water quality. SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Wednesday ordered face coverings for all school children from preschool through 12th grade to thwart the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Democratic governor also said he will require all state employees who work in highly populated facilities such as prisons to be vaccinated. With the potentially deadly virus continuing to spread, worsened by the more virulent delta variant, Pritzker urged residents who have not been vaccinated to get the shots necessary to prevent the illness and its spread. Every time we think we know where this virus is headed, it changes, and it shifts...," Pritzker said in Chicago. I want to say this, specifically to young adults: Please do not think that the worst-case scenario can't happen to you. It can happen. It is happening. Get vaccinated." The required vaccination for state employees applies to those who work in prisons and juvenile detention facilities, veterans' homes and state facilities for the mentally and developmentally disabled. Each must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 4. The Virginia State Corporation Commission on Wednesday approved a request by Dominion Energy to recover costs of a new program designed to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. Dominion made the request in November 2020, after Democrats in control of the Virginia General Assembly approved the states participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program, which Republicans previously had blocked. Energy producers in states that participate in the program can trade emission reductions for credits, or buy credits to emit carbon dioxide past their cap. According to Dominions filings at the SCC, the impact on a typical residential customer bill effective Sept. 1 will be an additional $2.39 a month. But other unrelated adjustments have taken place this year and will continue ; the SCC projects the cumulative effect will result in an increase of $4.84 in a typical monthly residential Dominion customer bill starting Dec. 1. Its said that Youngkin and Wilder, who is largely estranged from the extant Democratic establishment, have conferred. And it did not go unnoticed that Youngkin announced his budget plan outside a library named for Wilder at Virginia Union University, Wilders undergraduate alma mater. Perhaps the biggest reason Republicans are enthusiastic about Youngkin is that, because they have not won a statewide election since 2009, he represents their best chance to restore their relevance. He writes his campaign big checks $12 million, so far and, having no record other than his disputed performance at the Carlyle Group, is difficult to attack. Thats where Trump comes in. Both candidates need Trump McAuliffe, so he can demonize Youngkin; Youngkin, so he can energize the GOP base. He must do so carefully. Should Youngkin seem less than loyal to Trump, the Former Guy could publicly attack him, likely causing more trouble for Youngkin than three Trump endorsements already have. Democrats, in contrast, are not as much passionate about McAuliffe as they are practical. Hes well known and viewed favorably. Hes a potent fundraiser and tireless campaigner. Having lost and won, hes become deeply familiar with the state and its government. Having been out of office only four years, he is, in effect, the incumbent. House Minority Leader Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah, said Democrats gave Republicans no choice by shutting them out of the budget process and giving them just two minutes to explain their amendments before killing them. At the end of the day, we had some different ideas we thought had merit, Gilbert said in an interview after the votes. Just different priorities. The differences between the parties are much the same in the Senate, where members are not facing re-election this year, but the tone and process were friendlier. Democrats agreed to wait a day before acting on proposed amendments and Republicans promised not to hold up final action on the budget on Wednesday. Not all of the amendments proposed in the Senate came from Republicans. Sen. Chap Petersen of Fairfax City, a business-minded Democrat, called for state workers to return to their offices. He also wants the Department of Motor Vehicles to open its doors to walk-in traffic after responding only to appointments since the COVID-19 pandemic began 17 months ago. Petersen wants the state human resources department to report on how many state employees are back in the office or still working remotely, although he said he plans to withdraw an amendment that would require them to return to work in person within 30 days. This is the best, most practical idea Ive seen since Ive been in Richmond this week, declared Sen. Richard Stuart, R-King George. But Democratic leaders warned that requiring DMV offices to reopen for walk-in service before the COVID-19 pandemic is fully under control could endanger the health of state employees and the customers they serve. Weve got an unknown situation thats heading our way, and the numbers dont look good, said Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, D-Fairfax, who noted that COVID-19 cases had jumped above 1,700 a day with the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus. Petersen withdrew an amendment he had proposed to require all state employees to return to work in their offices within 30 days of the budgets passage, but he succeeded in requiring the Department of Human Resource Management to submit a detailed report on how many employees are working remotely or in their offices. We have over 100,000 state employees and we need to know where they are, he said. Virginias senators are asking the U.S. Senate to send more relief to restaurants still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, both Democrats, asked Senate leadership on Wednesday to take action to replenish the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, an emergency aid program that fell more than $40 billion short of fulfilling requests for help. The American Rescue Plan Act created the fund with $28.6 billion, far less than the $120 billion that Warner and Kaine proposed last year in a relief bill that ultimately became part of the package that President Joe Biden signed in March. Restaurants across the country responded with 278,000 applications seeking $72 billion in aid. In light of the extraordinary demand for the program, we urge you to replenish the Fund to meet the current need among eligible applicants, they wrote Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Wednesday. The senators did not specify a dollar amount for additional relief, but they support legislation introduced by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., that seeks an additional $60 billion for the industry. The effort is not limited to health care providers. Google, Facebook, Walmart and Disney are among the corporations that will require employees to be vaccinated. Across Virginia, a number of higher education institutions are requiring vaccinations for students. Required vaccinations for faculty and staff likely are not far behind. Some might argue that the danger is that we end up with a patchwork of vaccination requirements that vary from employer to employer and city to city. Absent an overarching state or federal mandate, this likely will occur. But a decentralized approach that allows consensus to grow about vaccine requirements might be preferred in this case. Why? As more employers require vaccinations, the incentive to get vaccinated increases. An employer-based mandate also provides reputational relief for the resistant who now can say, I didnt want to, but I also wanted to keep my job. If insurers decide to treat vaccination like smoking, the incentives become even stronger. Those who choose not to get vaccinated can seek employment elsewhere and internalize the cost of contracting COVID-19 in the future. Allowing restaurants, bars, hotels and other establishments to decide whether they want to cater to vaccinated or unvaccinated customers is more in line with Virginias business-friendly climate. Last year marked the centennial of women getting the right to vote, but this year marks another centennial the first year in which women could run for office in Virginia. And some did. They all lost, but that does not diminish the historic nature of what they did and it shines some light not always a favorable light on our politics today. By the time the 19th Amendment was ratified in August 1920, the party slates for president, U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives already were set. But 1921 was a different matter. That year, like this year, Virginia elected statewide officers and members of the House of Delegates. One woman dared to run for governor. Lillie Davis Custis of Accomack County got into the race late she didnt declare until October and polled either 227 or 251 votes, 0.11% of the total (accounts vary). Still, she goes down into Virginia history as the first woman to run for governor. She also was a Socialist. Vaccination is our way back to get back to normal, she said, referring to the crucial role of vaccines in the control of polio and eradication of smallpox. Some school board members asked Bissell about masks after hearing from several speakers who questioned their effectiveness. Comments from those against masking requirements ranged from health and functional challenges sometimes posed by the coverings to outright denial of their effectiveness. Several speakers claimed masks do not work and implored others to do their own research on the issue. Theres plenty of studies that say they do not work. All you have to do is your own research, speaker Amy Love told the board. Molly Surface, whose children attend the Auburn strand of schools, echoed some of Loves comments. Surface said her daughter had developed asthma as a result of double masking during school and further masking while playing volleyball. She said her childs respiratory issues disappeared during track when she wasnt required to wear a mask. This is child abuse, Surface said in opposition to masking requirements. What you are doing is criminal. Further north, DWR is still recommending people discontinue bird feeding in affected areas. When we use bird feeders it can actually have a negative impact by not allowing certain birds to learn to forage for food naturally, Leonard said. That being said, the best way to care for and feed our local birds is to plant native perennials. Now is an opportunity for transitioning to native plants as bird food sources, Leonard said. Native plants provide more habitat and nutrition for birds, especially babies, and are not as likely to transfer disease from bird to bird, better supporting bird populations for the long-term. If you do elect to keep them up, please clean them frequently at least once a week to ensure bird health, Leonard said. Hopefully cases will continue to decline, we will get definitive answers, and by autumn we can use feeders without worry. Its uncertain how long it might take for scientists to definitively determine what illness caused the bird deaths. There are countless tests to conduct, as researchers seek causes that could be pesticide-inflicted, herbicidal, viral, bacterial, parasitic, or perhaps something else entirely. That is the premise behind a new initiative called G3. Signed into law earlier this spring by Gov. Northam, the Get a Skill, Get a Job, Get Ahead program helps low- to middle-income students pursue work in high-demand fields, from welding to cybersecurity to nursing. Educational programming like that offered at Virginia Westerns School of Career and Corporate Training, is the kind of needed curriculum to connect students to real jobs in their communities. G3 is making those programs and others in fast-growing fields possible for more people by removing costs as a barrier. Qualified students (i.e. annual incomes under $100,000) receive free tuition (as well as other support) toward degree and certification programs within the states community college system, opening wide the door to opportunity for thousands of Virginia students. Whether a student just graduated high school, is an adult learner, returning to school or is starting college for the first time, community colleges were designed to serve as an educational safety net for our community. And so weve designed G3 to support students who dont have the luxury of focusing solely on education. Its meant to support students with financial hardship, those with jobs and childcare and other real-life obligations. Rural Virginians have no particular reason to be excited about the prospect of another four years of McAuliffe and Youngkin now seems to be saying we have no reason to be excited about four years of him, either. Oh, people who care about culture war issues might occasionally get to feel good about something, but none of those change the daily economic realities. Maybe Youngkin is right that tax cuts will lead to more economic growth well let others marshal their competing statistics on that but we all know where that "rip-roaring" economic growth will be and it wont be here. We have only a lifetime of experience to tell us that underscored by the great divergence that has opened up between metro areas and rural areas in the information age. Tax cuts wont change the fundamentals economic growth is accelerating in talent-rich metro areas, and leaving rural communities behind. Youngkin seems uninterested in addressing that. Youngkin must be a serious man. He wouldnt have risen to his CEO position otherwise. Youd think he might have at least one creative thought. But when it comes to the economic challenges facing rural Virginia, he seems incapable of anything except cliches. Thats not being a different kind of leader. Thats being exactly the kind were used to. Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and purchase a subscription to continue reading. CALmatters is a public interest journalism venture committed to explaining how California's state Capitol works and why it matters. Dan Walters has been a journalist for nearly 60 years, spending all but a few of those years working for California newspapers. The British navy says hijackers who boarded a vessel off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman have left the ship, without elaborating Program Description:This program will explore Lima and the Andes while students participate in one of three courses. Students will also visit the iconic Macchu Picchu site. Courses: Students may enroll in one of the following courses: HRTM 280: Fulfills Carolina Core GSS requirement. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the discipline of travel and tourism with emphasis on human dimension of global tourism, and with a special emphasis in the Peru and its multiple ecosystems. It introduces the social science of tourism through the lens of historical, cultural and environmental tourism and the global implications of the travel and tourism history, present characteristics, motivations for travel, factors influencing demand-side and supply-side growth, the tourism product, the experience of travel and impacts on host communities, segmentation and marketing, socioeconomic and ecological impacts, and destination life cycle dynamics. Fulfills Carolina Core GSS requirement. This course is designed to provide an introduction to the discipline of travel and tourism with emphasis on human dimension of global tourism, and with a special emphasis in the Peru and its multiple ecosystems. It introduces the social science of tourism through the lens of historical, cultural and environmental tourism and the global implications of the travel and tourism history, present characteristics, motivations for travel, factors influencing demand-side and supply-side growth, the tourism product, the experience of travel and impacts on host communities, segmentation and marketing, socioeconomic and ecological impacts, and destination life cycle dynamics. HIST 110: Fulfills Carolina Core GHA and VSR requirements. As this course will be taught on location at various sites in Peru, we will balance covering the broad history of Latin America with specific readings, materials, and locations dealing with Peruvian history from the indigenous Inca civilization, conquest by the Spanish, and the ongoing legacy of colonial rule for contemporary society. Fulfills Carolina Core GHA and VSR requirements. As this course will be taught on location at various sites in Peru, we will balance covering the broad history of Latin America with specific readings, materials, and locations dealing with Peruvian history from the indigenous Inca civilization, conquest by the Spanish, and the ongoing legacy of colonial rule for contemporary society. SPAN 350: This course is an introduction to the socio-historic Peru context. Students will explore pre-Hispanic culture, Hispanic influence, political development, architecture, music, crafts, textiles, food and customs and traditions of the Peruvian people. This course fosters an understanding of the Latin American culture, the ability to communicate in Spanish, the establishment of elements of comparison with the culture of the United States, and a critical understanding of the Latin America reality, with a focus on Peruvian culture. The course is for intermediate students. Students must have completed SPAN 122 before the program or receive special permission from the instructor. Dates: 12/27/2021-01/08/2022 Program Contacts: Matt Childs - childsmd@mailbox.sc.edu Application Deadline: September 15 Course: UNIV 290 (1 Credit) Dates: 03/05/2022-03/13/2022 Program Contact: jmcnevin@mailbox.sc.edu Program Description: Costa Rica is a leader in conservation efforts with 98% of its electricity generated from green sources, and is actively working to become carbon-neutral by 2021. In addition, it tops the Happy Planet Index rankings, a rating system that measures sustainable wellbeing, considering factors such as life expectancy, wellbeing, ecological footprint, and inequality. Pura Vida is a common phrase used in Costa Rica. Simply translated, it means simple life, but in Costa Rica, it is more than just a sayingit is a way of life. Well be visiting a country that prides itself on their sustainability efforts as well as their demeanor regarding stressful situationspura vida to them means being thankful for what they have and not dwelling on the negative. Throughout this course, we will explore the three components of sustainability: environmental, societal, economic. Well learn how the Costa Rican culture informs sustainable living and the role of the collective versus the individual in carrying out the pura vida lifestyle. Application Deadline: December 1 Course: IBUS 490 Dates: 05/09/2022-05/21/2022 Program Contact: studyabroad@moore.sc.edu Program Description: This course will explore the dynamic relation of business in culture in Thailand with special focus on how culture, religion, history, government and international relations have impacted the economic development of Thailand over the past several decades and explore the impact of its future development. Students will gain insights into the current Thai economy by visiting and interacting with Thai business leaders, local universities, and cultural representatives. Students will be required to prepare and interact during these meetings. This class will primarily explore two key urban environments of Thailand--Bangkok and Chiang Mai--in order to gain insight into the diversity that exists within Thailand and specifically to experience the cultural identities of these two regions. In Bangkok, students will experience the fluid business environment where Eastern and Western cultures merge into a setting that is uniquely Thai. In Chiang Mai, students will examine the role of tourism on the modern Thai economy and explore rural Thailand to gain first-hand knowledge of current Thai issues such as wealth disparity and ethnic minorities. Application Deadline: March 1 South Carolina Maritime Heritage Resources A collection of maritime heritage, underwater archaeological, relevant sites, and references in, around, and beyond the waters and borders of the state: Historic Port Settlements: Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site encompasses the site where British settlers arrived from Barbados and established the first permanent European colony in the Carolinas in 1670. The Park also includes a replica of the ship that brought the colonists to the new colony. Colonial Dorchester State Historic Site preserves the site of the town of Dorchester, which flourished from 1697 through the Revolutionary War, located on the banks of the Ashley River just above Charleston. Park archaeologists conduct ongoing research of the town through excavation and interpretation. Fortifications: Fort Sumter National Monument and Fort Moultrie commemorates the first American victory over the British Navy in 1776 at Fort Moultrie and the first shots of the Civil War at Fort Sumter. The two forts also contain remnants of late 19th century coastal fortifications associated with the Spanish-American War. Fort Fremont Historical Preserve situated at the mouth of the Beaufort River was built in 1899 to protect the Naval Station on Parris Island and now used to promote the educational, historical, natural, and cultural resources of the preserve. Canals: Old Santee Canal Park commemorates South Carolina's natural resources and emphasizes the historical significance of the Santee Canal built in the early 1800s. Landsford Canal State Park centers on the best preserved of numerous 19th-century South Carolina river canals, and retains remnants of all its major structural features. Lighthouses: The Morris Island Lighthouse, now surrounded by water due to erosion, stands just west of Charleston Harbor. The lighthouse is owned by Save The Light, Inc. for 99 years to coordinate the stabilization, erosion control and restoration of the lighthouse and to raise the necessary funds for that work. Hunting Island State Park is an historic 19th-century lighthouse is Hunting Islands most popular landmark, and where visitors can climb to the top for a spectacular view of the coastline. The lighthouse and its complex are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Lighthousefriends.com site contains photographs, descriptions, travel directions, and GPS coordinates for lighthouses in the United States. Choose South Carolina to learn more about the history of several lighthouses in South Carolina. Museums: The South Carolina State Museum is the Palmetto State's flagship museum, and features a rotating exhibit of artifacts and fossils collected in waterways throughout the state by MRD hobby licensed divers. The Berkeley Museum traces the countys history back 12,000 years, and exhibits a replica of the semi-submersible CSS David, built at nearby Stoney Landing, that attacked the USS New Ironsides off Charleston Harbor, and an exhibit on the Lewisfield Shipwreck, a Revolutionary warship sunk in the Cooper River. The Charleston Museum founded in 1773 is commonly regarded as Americas First Museum, The museum's collections now represent the most comprehensive assemblage of South Carolina materials in the nation. Focusing on the South Carolina Lowcountry, modern collecting emphases include historical material culture and both documentary and photographic resources. The Georgetown County Museum operated by the Georgetown County Historical Society seeks to preserve and promote the history of Georgetown County from its origins to the present, providing perspective on the past and a legacy for the future. Programs The South Carolina Assitive Technology Program Resource Center provides many technological devices to assist those who are hard of hearing. In addition, the South Carolina Equipment Distribution Program helps residents with a speech or hearing challenge by providing enhanced phones and alerting devices. SCEDP products are free of charge for those who qualify, including people who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind, vision with hearing loss, and speech impaired. There are no income requirements to qualify, and the equipment is yours to use as long as you reside in the state of South Carolina. Beginnings is a nonprofit organization that helps parents and family members of children who are deaf or hard of hearing understand hearing loss and the diverse needs of their children. Its impartial support helps families make informed decisions and empowers them to advocate for their childs needs. Staff members also support deaf parents who have children with hearing loss as well as all the professionals who serve hearing impaired children. Definitions Use these definitions to better understand your assistive technology options. Sampdoria president Massimo Ferrero has asked Roma to come and get Denmark's Euro 2020 sensation Mikkel Damsgaard this summer as Jose Mourinho's new side look to strengthen ahead of the new Serie A season. Damsgaard stepped in to replace Christian Eriksen after he suffered a heart attack in Denmark's opening match at the Euro, and the 21-year-old helped drive an impressive Danish team all the way to the semi-finals after a traumatic start to the tournament. "Damsgaard is the midfielder that Mourinho needs," Roma fan Ferrero told Wednesday's edition of Corriere dello Sport. Roma's bid to prise Granit Xhaka from Arsenal failed and Ferrero is reportedly willing to sell Damsgaard for 25 million euros ($29.6 million). "If they call me we can find a way to make it happen. Xhaka isn't going to Roma so they need a midfielder. I want him to go to Roma, I'm a Romanista and Damsgaard would be a great signing." Damsgaard arrived in Italy from Danish club Nordsjaelland last summer for just under seven million euros and impressed in his debut season in Serie A for a Samp team that finished ninth. He then excelled for his country at the Euro after seeing Eriksen nearly die on the pitch during Denmark's 1-0 loss to Finland at the Parken Stadium in Copenhagen. He scored the opening goal in the 4-1 win over Russia which put the Danes into the knockout stage and also opened the scoring with a superb free-kick in the semi-final against England at Wembley which they eventually lost 2-1. td/iwd The Centre told states on Wednesday they should consider restrictions in view of the coming festive season, amid rising Covid-19 cases in many regions of the country. The Union Health Ministry said the states should actively consider local restrictions, pointing to the festivities starting with Muharram on August 19 to Durga Puja on October 15, NDTV reported. Indian Council of Medical Research and National Centre for Disease control have expressed concern regarding the mass gathering events during festivals turning into super spreader events, said a letter from the Union Health Ministry to Chief Ministers and administrators of all states. With 42,625 people testing positive for the coronavirus infection in a day, Indias total tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 3,17,69,132 and the active caseload increased to 4,10,353, according to data updated by the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday. The death toll climbed to 4,25,757 with 562 fatalities. The number of active cases increased to 4,10,353 and accounted for 1.29 per cent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate rose to 97.37 per cent, the data updated at 8 am showed. An increase of 5,395 cases has been recorded in the active caseload in a span of 24 hours. India recently witnessed a devastating second wave of the disease in April and May this year, following which most states implemented Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns, which have now begun opening up in a phased manner. However, with festivals approaching and people becoming lax on following Covid-19 appropriate behavior, the Health Ministrys suggestion may be an attempt to avoid high cases, amid warnings of an impending third in tow. Read all the Latest News, Breaking News and Coronavirus News here Emergency personnel responded at 11:26 a.m. to a report of a male who had gone underwater near the west shore of the lake in the 16000 block of 255th Avenue in the Francis Sites area. According to the Dickinson County Sheriff's Office, Brandon Urban, 41, had swam to rescue his son, who had fallen off a paddleboard and become entangled in weeds. After Urban freed the boy, he became entangled in the weeds himself and was unable to stay above water. Friends of Urban were able to find him and bring him to shore, where lifesaving measures were administered. Urban was transported by ambulance to Lakes Regional Healthcare, where lifesaving measures continued until he was pronounced dead. The $50,000 winners all were vaccinated after the MI Shot to Win Sweepstakes was launched. They include three women and three men a hospital cook from Port Huron, a West Bloomfield realtor, the manager of a welding and fabrication company in Kincheloe, a Grand Rapids resident who works in the construction and supply industry, a Ford Motor Co. machinist from South Lyon and a respiratory therapist from Grand Rapids. The latter, Brianna Hrejsa, said she was hesitant because the vaccines have emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration but not full approval. Pfizer and Moderna have applied for full approval, and a Pfizer decision is expected soon. She said she did more research because she has contact with patients and her partner is immunocompromised. I want to do my part in ... helping keep myself but my partner, my patients and my community safe, said Hrejsa, who plans to save most of the money, potentially for a down payment on a house, and to use some to pursue another degree. I'm tired about being anxious about getting sick. Registration for the monthlong vaccine lottery ended Tuesday. Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael E. Vigil acknowledged that an increase is expected in foreclosure and consumer debt cases as pandemic protections begin to expire but he noted that the situation is unlikely to be overwhelming. We have reached a point in the COVID-19 pandemic where courts can normally process consumer debt cases and foreclosures in a fair and orderly manner, Vigil said in a statement. A statewide moratorium remains in effect on evictions indefinitely for people unable to pay their rent and a new nationwide moratorium on most evictions was issued on Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is scheduled to last until Oct. 3. Over the weekend, the U.S. government lifted an order that prevented banks across the country from foreclosing on homes, potentially putting thousands of families at risk. An estimated 1.75 million homeowners about 3.5% of all homes have some sort of forbearance plan with their banks, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. It is unclear how many New Mexico homeowners are in forbearance. The scale of the potential problem is much less than it was during the Great Recession, when about 10 million homeowners lost their homes to foreclosure after the housing bubble burst in 2008. BOSTON (AP) Some gig workers and a coalition of app-based businesses including Uber, Lyft, DoorDash and Instacart are pushing a proposed ballot question in Massachusetts they say would grant new benefits for workers while stopping short of declaring them employees. Supporters said Tuesday that the ballot question would set a minimum earnings guarantee for workers, extend new benefits including health care stipends, paid sick time and paid family and medical leave and occupational accident insurance, and protect drivers from discrimination. At the same time, the question would maintain the status of the workers as independent contractors instead of employee. Backers of the question say that will continue to give the workers the freedom to work when, where, how often and how long they want. Supporters say the question would establish an earnings floor equal to 120% of the Massachusetts minimum wage for app-based ride-hailing and delivery drivers. Drivers would continue to keep 100% of their tips. They would also be guaranteed at least $0.26 per mile to cover vehicle upkeep and gas. In its filing with the NLRB in April, the Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union, which spearheaded the unionization campaign in Bessemer, said that Amazon threatened workers with layoffs and even closing the warehouse if they unionized. It also said Amazon fired a pro-union employee, but declined to name the person. Many of the other allegations by the union revolve around a mailbox that Amazon installed in the parking lot of the Bessemer warehouse. It said the mailbox created the false appearance that Amazon was conducting the election, intimidating workers into voting against the union. Security cameras in the parking lot could have recorded workers going to the mailbox, giving the impression that workers were being watched by the company and that their votes werent private, according to the retail union. In making her recommendation, Meyers wrote that the NLRB must consider several factors, including the number of incidents; the severity of the incidents and whether they were likely to cause fear among employees in the voting unit. The evidence demonstrates that the employers conduct interfered with the laboratory conditions necessary to conduct a fair election," Meyers wrote. SEATTLE (AP) Voters in Seattles mayoral primary on Tuesday set up a choice between candidates representing the political divide between activist-left residents and more moderate progressives in one of the nations most liberal cities. Bruce Harrell, a former City Council member who has called for hiring more police officers to stem a rise in shootings and who is endorsed by the business community, was leading all candidates in early returns. The top two finishers in the nonpartisan race advance to the November election. He will likely face City Council President M. Lorena Gonzalez in the general election. Gonzalez, who was finishing in second place, has been critical of Seattles police and has called for reform of a department that is under federal supervision after the Justice Department found a pattern of excessive force and evidence of biased policing. She embraced calls to defund the police following the murder of George Floyd last year. Votes will be counted for several days in the city's all-mail election, but Harrell and Gonzalez were easily outpacing the other candidates. Spirit Airlines canceled more than half its schedule on Tuesday, and American Airlines struggled to recover from weekend storms at its Texas home, stranding thousands of passengers at the height of the summer travel season. By early evening, Spirit had canceled more than 400 flights, or nearly 60% of its schedule, according to the FlightAware tracking service. Nearly 100 other flights were late. The blame appeared to lie at least partly with a technology outage affecting crew scheduling. American Airlines had already canceled nearly 350 flights. It is much larger than Spirit, so those flights amounted to 11% of its schedule still an unusually high rate. About three-fourths of the American cancellations appeared to be due at least partly to a lack of pilots, according to a company log. The disruptions at Spirit and American are just the latest examples of airlines scrambling to deal with an increase in travel this summer. Airlines have thousands fewer employees than they did before the pandemic, but U.S. air travel has recovered to about 80% of 2019 levels. A Spirit spokesman said the low-cost carrier was proactively canceling some flights dropping them before most passengers drive to the airport to reset the operation. MEXICO CITY (AP) Crews that distribute LP gas in Mexicos capital went on strike Tuesday, just two days after the government imposed price controls on the fuel that most Mexicans use to cook and heat water. Independent distribution trucks and their crews blocked the entrances to gas tank farms on the outskirts of Mexico City to protest maximum prices that they say will hurt their earnings. Experts had warned that price controls announced Sunday would probably lead to shortages, because the largely private gas distributors may refuse to operate under government-imposed profit margins. Photos posted by local media showed masked men smashing the windows of some small gas tank trucks to enforce the strike. Such tankers are used to refill large rooftop gas tanks in homes. The Mexican Association of Gas Distributors said it distances itself from the actions by groups of independents who work on commission, who do not hold distribution permits and who are blocking plants, preventing us from going out and working to supply homes and businesses that need gas. Approval of the resolution would break with the regents tradition of leaving curricular matters to administration and faculty a separation of powers that the Higher Learning Commission, the organization through which NU is accredited, describes as fundamental to sound university governance. Management of a university system is the responsibility of administration, and faculty are to oversee academic matters. Pillen is running for governor, and his focus on critical race theory spurred by his rivalry with candidate Charles Herbster risks warping the role of the regents in the way it has already warped the 2022 Nebraska governors race. The contest for the Republican nomination so far is focusing on hot-button issues pegged to inflammatory claims on social media and cable TV. Thats woefully shortsighted. The election needs to be about the future about how Nebraska can best position itself to maximize economic opportunity, keep communities strong and send the message that the state is a welcoming place for all. Brigid Bergin is a senior reporter at WNYC in New York who attended a press conference held Tuesday about the states governor, Andrew Cuomo. He has been under investigation for sexual harassment for monthsand yesterday, state Attorney General Letitia James laid out the findings of her 168-page report that resulted: The independent investigation has concluded that Gov. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women, and in doing so, violated federal and state law. Another prosecuted stated that our investigation revealed that these were not isolated incidentsthey were part of a pattern. (Full disclosure: My husband works for the attorney general, but he was not involved in the investigation.) One investigator after another laid out the specific stories of nearly a dozen women, from where they were touched to what nicknames Cuomo gave them. Most of these women were state employees who had uncomfortable experiences with the governor. Some of them had come forward months agolike Charlotte Bennett, an aide who said Cuomo asked her how she felt about monogamy and nicknamed her Daisy Duke. All of their stories are backed up with an appendix full of text messages and email exchanges. On Wednesdays episode of What Next, I spoke with Bergin about what happens now that the investigation into Andrew Cuomo has come to an endand why his political fight may be just getting started. Our conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Brigid Bergin: I think what was so surprising was the level of detail that they revealed even in the press conference. I spoke with an employment attorney who investigates and prosecutes cases of sexual harassment, and she told me she was stunned about how specific the details are in this report. It describes each of these interactions from members of his office, executive assistants who worked with him, all to way to a state trooper who was assigned to his detail! Mary Harris: Something else was clear in this press conference, which is that the attorney generals investigation is limited in some ways. Reporters kept asking her, Whats your next move right now? James wont be able to prosecute anything here, even though she found real harm was done and concludes that firmly. Advertisement I think that while this may be the end of James investigation of this, we are very far from the end of this story. The effort to make clear to the public everything that the investigators have found is something that I think from the beginning they had committed to doing. I think its not something we always see. Certainly, this report is beyond thorough. Advertisement What was also interesting ws to hear how the governor responded to it, which is to say, his lawyers issued their own report where they tried to respond to some of the complaints that had been made public and that they anticipated. That was also that was a strange strategy. One of the things that was clear even back in March, when some of these allegations were coming out, the pushback you would hear was related to due process. That was the talking point that a lot of lawmakers who were supporting the governor were using Advertisement Let the investigation play out. Exactly. That he was entitled to hear what the charges were against him and to be able to respond. But Tuesday, some of the individuals who were more generous or supportive earlier this year started to take a much more aggressive stance. One reason some politicians may be reconsidering having Cuomos back is because this new report lays out so much. Some allegations are corroborated. Many stories seem to show an abuse of power. The case of the state trooper is a good example. The attorney generals report documents how this young woman was hired for her job after being spotted at an event by the governor. The qualifications for her position were even altered so she could transfer to the state Capitol, despite the fact that she hadnt served the standard number of years for a gubernatorial detail. And once she was in her job, the harassment began. Advertisement Advertisement Even staffers who werent being harassed thought their workplace was toxic, and they shared notes and texts revealing that they believed the governors accusers. Part of Cuomos defense is, I didnt intend to treat people in a certain way. Theyre seeing it in a way that I didnt intend. But when you have all this documentation from other people in the workplace saying that they see these dynamics too, it kind of means that that defense isnt valid anymore. It doesnt matter how you intended it if actually your entire office perceives it in a different way. Exactly. Its the pattern, and thats what makes it makes it so significant. It is not a one-off incident or a single individual that were talking about. Its multiple individuals over overlapping periods of time. It suggests a culture. It suggests a way of being and a way of governing, frankly. Advertisement Its interesting to look at what Cuomo released and what the attorney general released side by side, because I think that reveals how much the governor was caught by surprise by the depth of the investigationand theres such a mismatch in the intent of each of these. If you look at James report, there are a ton of details: conversations where the governor is talking to employees about his hand size in ways that make people uncomfortable, asking his employees to memorize song lyrics and sing them back to him. All of these details are there but are not addressed in Cuomos response, which is much more general and has a lot of different excuses in there. One of them is, Im just kind of a handsy guy in comparison with other politicians, who also give hugs. Advertisement Advertisement Are you saying that because of the seven pages of photographs of him embracing other lawmakers, Mary? Yes. I mean, just picture after picture of him embracing his mother, President Barack Obama embracing a hurricane victimall with the implication that this is what politicians do. Theres even a paragraph in there where he brings in Sen. Chuck Schumer and says, He runs his office like a family, and thats what Im trying to do with my employees. I dont know how Schumer feels about that. Hes already called on Cuomo to resign. And Schumer reiterated that call. To think about Cuomos comments in response, I think its worth reflecting on his initial comments about some of the earlier allegations this spring. There was one press conference where he apologized and said he never meant to hurt anyone, but also that hed never touched anyone inappropriately. That moment is described in this report as triggering for some women who had experienced inappropriate contact with him. The response he gave, which was announced shortly after the press conference with James wrapped up, was a taped message. It was played through the governors website. He said the investigation was biased. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Some of the previous reporting that has been done on Cuomo discusses the experience of Charlotte Bennettwhod stated that she was formerly a sexual assault survivorwith the creepy conversations that ensued between the governor and her, related to her relationships and her sex life and things that you would not imagine your supervisorlet alone the governor of New York statetalking to you about. In his response video, Cuomo made an explicit apology to her, but he also characterized her interpretation and her lawyers interpretation of things that he said as inaccurate. He also revealed that part of the reason he had engaged with her the way he had was because he had a family member who also experienced a sexual assault while in high school, and the family had gone through counseling. He said he was bringing that experience to the workplace, which, in retrospect, he said was wrong. But again, hes framing it as being well intentioned, not necessarily understanding how some of his comments and behaviors could have rightfully been interpreted. And then he also went on to deny some of the allegations of inappropriate touching and went so far as to suggest that he looked forward to having his day in court so he could deny it. Advertisement Advertisement So what happens now? It seems pretty clear from watching the governors response that he doesnt plan to resign. Hes been embattled politically for months, and it hasnt seemed to have made a difference. Are there any signs his fortunes could be changing? Well, I think when the president of the United States, who is seen as an ally, says that you should resign, that is a sign of changing fortunes for sure. He is losing a lot of support among his most high-profile allies. And now were shifting into what could be a drawn-out or very swift impeachment trial by the New York State Assembly. If Cuomo ends up leaving office in some way, what happens then? Advertisement So, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would become the acting governor, should Andrew Cuomo resign or be forced out of office. If that is the case, we move obviously very quickly into an election cycle. Should she run for election to the to the post, she would very likely face a challenger. There would be a real domino effect, should Cuomo leave office or be removed, that would create a lot of openings and a lot of very ambitious and potentially patient people whove been waiting a long time for that moment. Advertisement If you had to guess, do you think were going to see Andrew Cuomo this week have any kind of appearance that isnt recorded, that is with reporters where we understand what happens next? I dont think we are going to see him comment on the findings of this report in a way that is not controlled until he has figured out a strategy for dealing with it. Thats different from the strategy that hes been pursuing for the past few months. Well, or it could be the same strategybecause that had worked up to this pointwhich is to see if he can let some time pass and let the news cycle change and then go back to doing the work he does and hope this doesnt go any further than it has. I find it hard to believe that the state and state lawmakers will do nothing, and that that there wont be additional lawsuits Cuomo could face, whether they are criminal or civil in nature. I should note that the Assembly speaker recently issued some comments, and I think they suggest there will be action: It is abundantly clear to me that the Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office. Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible. Subscribe to What Next on Apple Podcasts Get more news from Mary Harris every weekday. The fight over Arizonas Trump-inspired audit of the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County escalated again this week, with the Republican-led County Board of Supervisors calling it an adventure in never-never land and rejecting the Arizona Senates demands that more materials be handed over to Cyber Ninjas, the conspiracy-theory promoting audit firm leading the effort. With ongoing legal challenges, the internal state battle will continue over whether the audit will go on indefinitely for months after it was supposed to end. There was, however, the first glimmer of possibility that the auditorswho have already spread easily debunked lies claiming the existence of tens of thousands of potentially fraudulent voteswill face serious public scrutiny. Advertisement First, on Tuesday an Arizona judge ruled that Cyber Ninjas needed to turn over audit-related materials to a watchdog group that had filed a public records request. The audit firm has promised to appeal that ruling, but on Wednesday I learned that the Cyber Ninjas are now facing even greater scrutiny from a body that has the power to move faster than the courts: the House Oversight Committee. Advertisement Advertisement Cyber Ninjas, Ive been told, missed last weeks deadline to produce all materials surrounding the audit, as requested by the committee in a letter last month. The Cyber Ninjas have, according to an Oversight Committee staff member involved in the inquiry, requested through counsel more time to meet the letters demands. But the Oversight Committee is already preparing for what happens if the firm doesnt cooperate. Our expectation is that the company will comply in full with our requests in short order, according to the staff member. If they do not, then the Chairwoman will take steps to ensure we get the answers from them that we need. Advertisement Indeed, Oversight Committee chairwoman Carolyn Maloney confirmed that the committee would escalate the matter if Cyber Ninjas does not comply with its records request, which would likely mean congressional subpoenas into every aspect of the Arizona audit. Partisan audits funded by dark money groups undermine Americans confidence in elections, Maloney said in a statement sent to me on Wednesday, referring to the handful of Trump-linked 501(c)(3) entities that have poured more than $5.7 million into the audit effort. Cyber Ninjas must provide complete transparency over its questionable activities and sources of funding, and answer Congresss questions without further delay. If it does not, we will use all tools available to ensure we get the answers we need to protect the integrity of federal elections. Advertisement Advertisement The Oversight Committee has requested any and all documentation about every minute detail of the Maricopa County audit, including information on its bizarre vote-counting procedures, complete data about its funders, training materials, any documented complaints about the audit, details around the audits hunt for bamboo-laced paper, and any communications auditors had with former President Donald Trump or anyone in his orbit, including Rudy Giuliani, Michael Flynn, or former Trump administration officials. On Tuesday, I spoke with Rep. Jamie Raskin, the chairman of the Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties that is spearheading the audit inquiry and a member of the House Select Committee that is investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection. Raskin explained why Congress is investigating the audit and described how he views the efforts to cast doubt on the election in Arizona as the natural progression of the mob assault on the Capitol of Jan. 6 and as an attempt to set the stage for Trumps comeback as a political candidate. The following conversation has been condensed for length and clarity. Advertisement Jeremy Stahl: When I read the letter that your committee and sub-committee sent to Cyber Ninjas, I thought it was the first thing that Ive seen that could work to create some transparency around this very, very secretive process. Advertisement Jamie Raskin: It appears to be an utterly fraudulent outsourcing of whats a public function. If we need election audits, they should be conducted by public actors, but theres no grounds to think that any further election auditing was needed because these results have already been confirmed in Arizona. As the Committee on Oversight and Reform, we have the authority to investigate anything that would implicate the integrity of government and the rights of the people. This kind outsourced corporate ambush of a public election is a very dangerous trend that Donald Trump wants to take us down and everybody can see how this development is a logical implication of the big lie. This is just the big lie filtering down to the state and county level and corrupting and undermining genuine public process. Advertisement There has been this sort of attitude, particularly it seems to me on the Republican side, around these challenges to democracy that goes if you just let these sorts of efforts play themselves out itll just burn itself out without actually having to confront anything. Does that resonate with you at all? The Republican establishment keeps appeasing Trumps insatiable appetite for lies, corruption, and violence. They keep hoping that someone else will put an end to it. It doesnt work like that. Theyve helped to create a monster and thats why we owe it to Liz Cheney, the Lincoln Project, and the Republicans who are willing to stand up to say that the destruction of the rule of law in this way is the road to fascism. Advertisement Advertisement How was this specific audit and the issues around it brought to the oversight committees attention? I chair the oversight subcommittee on civil rights and civil liberties. Obviously, Im passionate about the right of the people to vote. Maricopa County has been much on my mind because Donald Trump keeps talking about and seems to believe that somehow the fix is in such that he will be able to stage his political comeback based on whatever conclusions they concoct in this private corporate so-called investigation. He continually invokes Arizona and Maricopa County as the beginning of his political resurrection. So, whatever they have planned in Maricopa County is obviously going to be an important part of Trumps argument to his movement about why he needs to be restored to office. Thats extremely dangerous rhetoric. As somebody who lived through Jan. 6 with my staff and my family, I take all of Donald Trumps extremist rhetoric seriously. Some more people could be killed if he decides to whip up his violent mass movement. Advertisement What can a congressional inquiry reasonably be expected to learn about the funders of this audit, many of whom are 501(c)(3) organizations whose donors are secret? Advertisement Advertisement They owe us answers to everything, to all of the questions weve posed. Everybody owes Congress honest and truthful answers. The committees letter said: The Committee is particularly concerned that your companys actions could undermine the integrity of federal elections and interfere with Americans constitutional right to cast their ballot freely and to have their votes counted without partisan interference. What does that specific danger look like to you? Its hard to think of a more quintessentially public function than the counting of ballots, the reporting of election results, and the auditing of elections, but what weve seen from Donald Trump is an effort to undermine and second-guess election authorities. The country saw dramatically in Georgia where he called up Brad Raffensperger, the secretary of state, and demanded that he find him 11,779 votes [Bidens margin of victory in the state]. This was an audio record of an attempt to commit election fraud. Advertisement Similarly, he tried to get state legislatures to overthrow popular election results in the presidential contest and just replace them with slates of Trump electors. We have a definitive record by more than 60 federal and state courts that there was no fraud and there was no corruption. So having failed at every turn, including in Congress, to overthrow the election through public process, he turned to violence. And now hes turning to private corporate outsourcing of the public function of conducting an election audit. And the point there obviously is to obtain the result he is seeking by shielding this private corporate election Ninja process from real public transparency and scrutiny. So thats the role of the oversight committee and my sub-committee. We have at least the opportunity to try to bring some public sunlight back to a process that Donald Trump is determined to corrupt. Advertisement Advertisement This audit is halfway across the country from D.C. and your district in Maryland. How focused can you be on the specifics and intricacies of this? Were very focused on following it however we can. Ive been fascinated by the coverage and its obviously unsettling already to find out how much motivated right-wing political money has gone into this outfit. I dont know why the public should be asked to have any confidence at all in what these people are doing. Essentially, theyre asking the people of Arizona to distrust and abandon the public election authorities who are Republican, Democrats, Independentsbut professionals committed to electoral integrityand place their faith into a pro-Trump ideological outfit created for this purpose. Advertisement Even the Arizona Senates liaison to this audit who was nominally in charge of the thing, former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, has raised serious doubts about the audit, saying he was intentionally denied access to vote tabulation procedures and that he was concerned that the auditors might try to force balance its results after-the-fact to appear to meet a more accurate count. Is there a potential for more compulsory action to try to get either documents or witnesses like Ken Bennett to actually reveal whats been going on there? Advertisement Its alarming but highly unsurprising that Ken Bennett would be raising so many skeptical concerns about what has been taking place. Its clear that the whole deployment of the Cyber Ninjas has been meant to vindicate Trumps most outlandish claims. We regard whats happening in Arizona with a lot of seriousness and we will get to the bottom of it. We are not going to allow federal election processes to be corrupted and drained of all their integrity by these indefensible ambushes after the fact. Advertisement It is parallel in some sense to what was attempted on Jan. 6. It was clear that Joe Biden had beaten Donald Trump by more than seven million votes. It was clear that he had beaten him in the Electoral College by 306 to 232 and then the Trump forces, combining both violent and non-violent means, attempted to coerce Vice President Pence and Congress to reject the Electoral College votes of Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania in order to deny Biden a majority in the Electoral College. In the big picture, what they did was try to transform a completely ministerial and pro forma function by the vice president into a moment for political decision-making and this is essentially what theyre doing in Arizona. The election is over, its settled, the results were certified, and validated and confirmed, and with this rearguard ambush Trumps forces are trying to nullify a bona fide and certified public election. Theyre using their control over one legislative body to manipulate and overthrow the electoral process. When I spoke with people who had some knowledge of how both activists and the Department of Justice might push back against this in terms of legal action, what I was struck by was the explanation that there was limited to no legal tools to combat this. Which again is why I was struck by you all doing this work. We have a constitutional responsibility under the Republican guarantee clause and under the 14th Amendment, equal protection, to guarantee to the people of the states a representative and democratic form of government and the right to vote. So we cannot allow state legislatures to pull a fast one against legitimate political electoral processes in order to gerrymander particular results in an election. Congress has a critical role to play in guaranteeing that public elections are transparent and fair and public election results have integrity and are protected. Facing lots of friendly fire from angry progressives, the White House decided to change course. After days of the Biden administration saying it couldnt do anything to save the eviction moratorium that lapsed over the weekend, it changed its mind Tuesday as activists and Democratic lawmakers increased pressure on the White House to act. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unveiled a new two-month, more limited moratorium on Tuesday at a time when the Delta variant is quickly spreading across much of the country. The ban would temporarily stop evictions in counties with substantial and high levels of virus transmissions, meaning it would cover around 90 percent of Americans who are renters, according to the White House. In justifying the measure the CDC said the new moratorium was needed because the evictions of tenants for failure to make rent or housing payments could be detrimental to public health control measures. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The new moratorium came after days of Biden saying he didnt have the legal authority to extend the measure. Even as he unveiled the measure, the president said he was unsure if it would survive legal challenges, noting experts arent very optimistic. The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that its not likely to pass constitutional muster, Biden said. But there are several key scholars who think that it may and its worth the effort. The president said that regardless of what happens in the courts, the new moratorium would at least provide some temporary relief. And by the time it gets litigated, it will probably give some additional time so local governments can release billions of federal dollars in relief aid to renters. Congress has allocated $46.5 billion in rental assistance as part of two COVID-19 relief packages but only around $3 billion had been disbursed through June. Advertisement The change in tactics for the White House came amid a furious backlash from many Democratic allies on Capitol Hill, not to mention progressive activists. The pressure mounted after several Democrats joined Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri who had set up camp outside the Capitol for several days to demand action. Bush shed what she described as joyful tears after news of the temporary fix. My God, I dont believe we did this, Bush said. We just did the work, just by loving folks to keep millions in their homes. Many Democratic leaders praised Bush, a freshman congresswoman, for helping spark the pressure that led the White House to take action. I particularly applaud Rep. Cori Bush, who understands what its like to be evicted and who took her passion and turned it into amazingly effective action, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer said. Bush has talked about how she was forced to live in her car as a young mother. Housing advocates praised the move while landlord groups blasted the administration. This is a tremendous relief for millions of people who were on the cusp of losing their homes and, with them, their ability to stay safe during the pandemic, said Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the National Low Income Housing Coalition. David Howard, executive director of the National Rental Home Council, in contrast, criticized the White House for creating more uncertainty for renters and owners. On Tuesday, ABC News reported that Jeffrey Bossert Clarkthe Justice Department official who spearheaded an effort to overturn the 2020 electionsought to convince the Georgia General Assembly to throw out the actual results of the race and award its electoral votes to Donald Trump instead. In a draft letter, sent last December, Clark alleged that mass voter fraud had compromised the legitimacy of Georgias election, in which Joe Biden narrowly prevailed. As a remedy, Clark, speaking on behalf of the Justice Department, advised the state legislature to call itself into a special session, investigate the alleged fraud, and appoint a separate slate of electors who would cast their votes for Trump. Clarks superiors ultimately quashed this attempt to nullify millions of valid votes. Advertisement This scheme marked just one of Clarks several desperate, last-minute maneuvers to overturn the election. But none of these well-documented, corrupt, anti-democratic plots seems to have hurt his career prospects. To the contrary, after leaving the Justice Department, Clark landed a position as Chief of Litigation and Director of Strategy at the New Civil Liberties Alliance, a conservative-libertarian law firm that battles the administrative state. (Its latest actions: supporting a law professor who refuses to get the COVID vaccine and opposing the federal eviction moratorium.) Clarks transition back into the conservative legal movement illustrates once again that there have been virtually no professional consequences for the many Republican attorneys who tried to steal the election for Trump. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Until he launched a direct assault on American democracy, Clarks resume looked much like that of countless conservative lawyers. He clerked for Judge Danny Boggs, a hard-right Ronald Reagan nominee, and worked at the big law firm Kirkland & Ellis. Naturally, he joined the Federalist Society, frequently participating in the organizations events and serving as chair of its environmental law and property rights practice group for seven years. Clark also taught at George Mason University School of Law (now Antonin Scalia Law School), a hub of conservative-libertarian legal studies lavishly funded by the Koch brothers. When he entered Trumps Justice Department in 2018, he served as assistant Attorney General of the Environment and Natural Resources Division; in that position, he sought to weaken federal environmental protections, freeing polluters to disregard long-standing regulations. Advertisement So far, par for the course. But Clark took a turn in the final months of the Trump administration, when he ascended to acting Assistant Attorney General of DOJs Civil Division. In the wake of the 2020 election, Clark latched onto the lie that mass voter fraud had tainted the results, and that Trump was the true victor. He scrambled to throw the Justice Department behind Trumps machinations to toss out millions of votes and seize an unearned second term. Documents obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform show Clark urging the Justice Department to investigate conspiracy theories about voter fraud in Georgia. (In one email, Clark noted that he was on the phone with a pro-Trump activist who claimed to have filmed proof of voter fraud in Atlanta. The alleged video evidence never materialized.) He also pressured U.S. Attorney BJay Pak to probe these nonsensical allegations, leading Pak to resign abruptly. Advertisement Moreover, Clark appears to have been involved in the campaign for the Justice Department to sue Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Wisconsin. The lawsuit wouldve asked the Supreme Court to nullify the election results in each state and award their electors to Trump rather than Biden. It included claimsmade infamous by Sidney Powells Kraken litigationthat Dominion Voting Systems somehow facilitated voter fraud. Until he launched a direct assault on American democracy, Clarks resume looked much like that of countless conservative lawyers. When these efforts failed, Clark launched a conspiracy to oust acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who declined to facilitate his various plots. Trump and Clark devised a plan: The president would fire Rosen and elevate Clark as acting attorney general; Clark would then inject the Justice Department into Trumps mad dash to overturn the election. (Recently released contemporaneous notes confirm that the president considered putting Clark in charge of the entire agency.) This coup only failed when DOJ officials threatened to resign en masse upon Rosens termination. Advertisement Despite the extreme and dangerous nature of these antics, Clark has not been exiled from the conservative legal movement. Clarks new employer, the NCLA, was founded in 2017 by Philip Hamburger, a legal scholar who believes that much of the administrative statethe hundreds of agencies that enforce federal regulationsis unlawful. It is largely funded by the Charles G. Koch Foundation. routinely sues the government. In recent months, the NCLA has fought to overturn the federal ban on bump stocks, shield the Federalist from an unfair labor practice after its publisher threatened any employee who tried to unionize, and topple the federal governments COVID eviction moratorium. On Tuesday, the organization filed suit on behalf an Antonin Scalia Law School professor who refuses to get vaccinated against COVID, arguing that the schools vaccine mandate is illegal. Advertisement Advertisement The NCLA is not a fringe firm. Its Board of Advisors includes retired conservative judge Janice Rogers Brown, prominent libertarian law professors Randy Barnett and Eugene Volokh, Supreme Court litigators Mike Carvin and Chuck Cooper, former Trump lawyer William Consovoy, and Clarks former DOJ colleague Jennifer Mascott, who served as Associate Deputy Attorney General under Trump. The NCLA did not return my repeated requests for comment for this article. Like other right-wing legal groupsincluding Clarks own Federalist Societythe NLCA appears to have decided that abetting a failed coup does not render an attorney unfit for employment. The conservative legal movement has welcomed Trumps schemers back into the fold with open arms. They will, it seems, experience no ramifications for their plots to steal the race. Exploiting the legal system to nullify millions of legal votes is not a deal-breaker for these attorneys; it might even be a job qualification. After all, the many Republican attorneys general who tried to overturn the 2020 electionmost of them affiliated with the Federalist Societyfaced no consequences for their actions; most of them are already back at the Supreme Court asking the justices to overturn Roe v. Wade. The insurrectionists, the coup abettors, the lawless partisans demanding mass disenfranchisement: With very few exceptions, they have returned to their plum pre-election posts, or secured even more influential or lucrative new sinecures. Trump is gone, but his most corrupt allies are only amassing more power in his absence. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson made good on his promise and pardoned the couple who gained national attention after waving their guns at social justice demonstrators who marched past their home in St. Louis last year. Mark McCloskey had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750, while Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. Neither one was facing jail time, and because the convictions were misdemeanors, they didnt face the prospect of losing their law licenses or their rights to own guns. Advertisement The McCloskeys celebrated the pardon. Theyre thrilled, the couples attorney Joel Schwartz said. As Mark McCloskey has stated, if he faced the same situation again, he would conduct himself in the same manner, and he feels hes been vindicated by the governors pardon. Parson, a Republican who has made gun rights advocacy into one of his signature issues, had already said he would pardon the couple. Advertisement Advertisement Subscribe to the Slatest Newsletter A daily email update of the stories you need to read right now. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again. Please enable javascript to use form. Email address: Send me updates about Slate special offers. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms Sign Up Thanks for signing up! You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at any time. The couple, who are both lawyers, have said they felt threatened by the protesters who marched on a private street on June 28, 2020. They waved their guns around as the protesters, many of whom were Black, passed by, accusing them of trespassing on their property. Mark McCloskey carried an AR-15-style rifle, and Patricia McCloskey had a semi-automatic pistol. The images of the gun-toting couple quickly went viral, and the McCloskeys gained national notoriety. Even then-President Donald Trump retweeted a video of the couple that quickly came to symbolize the countrys divisions as hundreds of protests took place across the country following the death of George Floyd. Advertisement Special prosecutor Richard Callahan, who took over investigation of the case after a previous prosecutor was kicked off after she mentioned the couple in campaign material, said the demonstrators were peaceful. There was no evidence that any of them had a weapon and no one I interviewed realized they had ventured onto a private enclave, Callahan said in a statement. Advertisement All the national attention helped the McCloskeys gain national prominence as Republican leaders and conservative activists rallied to their defense. The couple even spoke at last years Republican National Convention, and Mark McCloskey is now running for a U.S. Senate seat from Missouri. He has never expressed any regret for his actions even as he agreed that he had put protesters in danger. Id do it again, he said earlier this year. Any time the mob approaches me, Ill do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because thats what kept them from destroying my house and my family. Democrats criticized the governor for the pardon, particularly considering there is a large backlog of clemency requests in the state. Parson still hasnt taken action on inmate Kevin Strickland who has been behind bars for decades even though several prosecutors have said he is innocent of a 1978 triple homicide. Parson says he isnt convinced of Stricklands innocence. It is beyond disgusting that Mark and Patricia McCloskey admitted they broke the law and within weeks are rewarded with pardons, yet men like Kevin Strickland, who has spent more than 40 years in prison for crimes even prosecutors now say he didnt commit, remain behind bars with no hope of clemency, Missouri House Democratic Minority Leader Crystal Quade said in a statement. Advertisement Advertisement Former President Barack Obama was planning a huge bash this weekend to celebrate his 60th birthday. But now hes slashed the guest list amid concerns about the COVID-19 Delta variant. Some of the hundreds of guests had already arrived, or were on their way, to Marthas Vineyard for the Saturday party when Obama canceled the big bash and transformed it into a gathering for family and close friends, according to a spokeswoman. More than 400 people, including former administration officials, celebrities, and Democratic Party donors, were planning to attend the party that included a medical coronavirus coordinator charged with collecting proof of vaccination and negative COVID-19 tests. Among the celebrities expected to attend were several big names, including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg. The party, which would have also included some 200 staff, was planned as an outdoor gathering that followed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention protocols. Theyve been concerned about the virus from the beginning, asking invited guests if they had been vaccinated, requesting that they get a test proximate to the event, said David Axelrod, a former top Obama adviser. But when this was planned, the situation was quite different. So they responded to the changing circumstances. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement The change in plans came after Obama seemed willing to move forward with the event despite controversy. Some of Obamas supporters were quick to point out that Marthas Vineyard is in an area that has been designated of moderate COVID-19 community spread and Massachusetts has a high vaccination rate. Even Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary who worked in Obamas administration, came to the former presidents defense. Despite the preparations and protocols, the event raised criticism as some feared it would send the wrong message at a time when the White House is calling on Americans to take the virus more seriously. Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, a Republican, said he wasnt invited but wouldnt have gone regardless. I can tell you If I were invited I would have declined. Because I think 700 people at an event like that is not a good idea, Baker said. Its a judgement call all the way around, but thats the beauty of judgement calls. We can all make our own decision about what we think is most appropriate to us. This article is part of the Free Speech Project, a collaboration between Future Tense and the Tech, Law, & Security Program at American University Washington College of Law that examines the ways technology is influencing how we think about speech. On Tuesday, the House held its first hearing for the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol Buildingan attack that was livestreamed. As the country scrambled to understand what was unfolding at the Capitol, those storming the building uploaded selfies, live video, and status updates in real time to a handful of popular social media platformsincluding the relatively new, but rapidly growing, platform called Parler. The rally and march that led to crowds fighting Capitol police, scaling the Capitol walls, and ultimately breaking into the halls of Congress were the culmination of a months-long #StopTheSteal movement that unfolded across the internetfrom social media platforms to event planning and ticketing websites, crowdfunding campaigns, and independent online message boards. And though it was clear to many journalists, researchers, and community organizers that major platforms like Facebook and Twitter were early social media hubs for #StopTheSteal content and organizing, the sheer volume of evidence uploaded to Parler on Jan. 6 turned a spotlight on the lesser-known platform in the hours and days immediately following the attack. Within 48 hours, the Parler app had been suspended by both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. It wasnt long before Amazon Web Services, Parlers web host, followed suit, forcing the platforms operational back-end offline and rendering it inaccessible to users. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Large social media platforms have faced mounting pressure regarding their content moderation policies and practices from users, activists, and, increasingly, members of Congress. In 2020, an onslaught of election- and pandemic-related disinformation supercharged calls for more transparency and greater accountability from popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. But in debates on internet content moderation, policymakers continue to exclude, or at least relegate to the margins, the rest of the online ecosystemfrom payment processors to website hosts to mobile app storesinvolved in content creation, storage, and dissemination. Parlers brief exile brings into sharp focus how companies throughout the internet ecosystem not only can, but frequently do, make critical content moderation decisionsoften risking collateral and disproportionate impacts while simultaneously failing to meaningfully address the spread of harmful content online. Advertisement Under the hood of every website, every online article, every viral video is an entire ecosystem of companies and organizations that make it possible for us to access that piece of content through an Internet-connected device. As we detail in a new report, authored for the Tech, Law, & Security Program at the Washington College of Law, these actors all play necessary functional roles in the distribution of content online. Their functions can overlap, with some companies falling into multiple functional categories, and certain functions are frequently bundled together and sold as a single service. Some of these actors are household names, like Amazon and Google. Many others are not. Yet without them, the Internet as we know it would not function. Advertisement Advertisement There are companies that provide accessincluding internet service providers like AT&T and Comcast and virtual private networkslinking devices to the online world. Other actors route internet traffic from users to sought-after content once those connections are made; this includes registries and registrars that operate the internets Domain Name System (something akin to a phone book), as well as content delivery networks like Cloudflare and Akamai that allow websites and platforms to operate at scale as their user bases grow. Web hosts and content delivery networks provide a place for content to securely sit. Meanwhile, many other companies provide or enable such functions as browsing, financial facilitation (think PayPal or Alipay), and search (like Google or DuckDuckGo). Advertisement These categories matter because many of these actors are already involved in online content moderation, even if their histories of doing so are only sporadically publicized. On Aug. 3, 2019, a gunman stepped into a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and opened fire, killing 22 people and injuring two dozen more. The suspect was soon linked to a lengthy and hateful diatribe posted on the notorious message board 8chan, prompting one of 8chans key service providers, Cloudflare, to essentially boot it from the internet. Just months earlier, in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack in New Zealand, internet service providers in Australia and New Zealand had temporarily blocked access to 8chan countrywide to prevent viewing of the shooters live-streamed attack video (though larger platforms like Facebook were allowed to remain online despite hosting the initial livestreamand hundreds of thousands of copies). Advertisement Advertisement Paypal froze Wikileaks-affiliated accounts in 2010; self-styled mens rights activists have leaned on Paypal to freeze the accounts of sex workers and other adult content creators, who also face persistent censorship on social platforms. These are hardly the only money-related content moderation incidents: In April 2020, registries and registrars worked with the U.S. Department of Justice to disrupt hundreds of COVID-19 scam websites, which tried to steal visitors money with false information; U.K. domain registry Nominet did the same of its own volition, screening COVID-19-related websites by default when registered with the company and refusing to service those it deemed illegitimate. In December, Mastercard and Visa cut payment services to Pornhub after a New York Times article alleged the website was hosting volumes of child sexual abuse material. Advertisement Internet service providers can block or throttle (slow down) access to particular websites; browsers can filter out certain kinds of content. Domain registrars can stop servicing particular domains, app stores can boot applications off their marketplaces, and hosting services can refuse to support particular websites or content or actors. All of these actors canand doexert a range of controls over online content creation, storage, and dissemination. But rarely do they have clear policies and frameworks in place for making these decisions, in large part because their ability to exert this influence is often left out of online content moderation discussions. All told, Facebook, Twitter, and the large social media platforms have an outsized influence on the distribution and amplification of harmful content onlinebut they are not the whole internet. Shaping the content moderation conversation around the largest players in the ecosystem ignores the range of othersometimes smaller, sometimes dominantactors who also exercise levers of control over content availability online, whether they make the headlines or not. The continued failure to include these actors in conversations about when and how content can and should be regulated online leaves private companies that control large portions of the Internet in a position to continue making opaque, ad hoc decisions regarding what content should, or shouldnt, remain onlinedecisions that typically leave users with limited recourse while also rendering efforts to effectively combat harmful content online incomplete by default. Parler, meanwhile, has already found a new web host. You can also find it in the Apple App Store. Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society. Parental bonus amendment proposed as first change to pension system, coalition partners at odds Labour Ministry has unveiled the first part of its proposed pension scheme reform. Long-awaited tax system reform still out of sight. Font size: A - | A + The Eduard Heger government is set to make fundamental changes to Slovakia's pension scheme, after the previous Smer-led governments made the system unsustainable in the long run, so much so that observers have dubbed it a time bomb for public finances. But Labour Minister Milan Krajniak of Sme Rodina cannot be sure to gain the necessary support of the ruling coalition for the major pension reform he has drafted. Krajniak expects objections not only from coalition partners, but also from the central bank, the fiscal council and other relevant players. We have decided to propose a compromise that will help people receive decent pensions, all the while ensuring that [pensions remain decent] 50 years later, Krajniak stated. Some changes have already been made via an amendment appended to the judiciary reform by Justice Minister Maria Kolikova (Za Ludi), which the MPs passed in December 2020. The amendment creates the constitutional framework for the parental bonus, a planned new feature of the pension system, while further legislation is needed to put the bonus into practice. Related article Old-age pension scheme gains three new features Read more Two of the four coalition parties have voiced disagreement with the new legislation. Several employers organisations have opposed the proposed hike in the levies of the biggest earners, deeming it a punishment of those who work hard on their expertise. Three laws instead of one constitutional law change Shortly before the 2020 parliamentary election, the Smer-led government changed Slovakia's three-pillar old-age pension scheme. In one main change, it replaced the pinning of the retirement age to the average life expectancy with no fixed upper limit to the 64-year pension cap. Analysts have warned that the pension system has become unsustainable in the long run. 4. Aug 2021 at 17:01 | Jana Liptakova Oligarch believed to be close to former PM Fico charged in major corruption case Miroslav Vyboh was detained along with several former Smer-nominated high state officials. Font size: A - | A + Entrepreneur Miroslav Vyboh, who has been described as a close friend of former prime minister, now Smer MP, Robert Fico, has been charged in the Mytnik (Toll Collector) case. The National Criminal Agency (NAKA) detained the former head of the Financial Administration Lenka Wittenbergerova and ex-deputy minister of the Finance Ministry from the era of Smer-led governments, Radko Kuruc, on August 4. The Dennik N daily was the first to report the news. The police failed to arrest Vyboh, who is reportedly abroad. The Special Prosecutors Office can confirm the operation called Mytnik 3 was carried out today, said its spokesperson Jana Tokolyova, as quoted by Dennik N, without revealing more details. The charges are linked to other Mytnik cases that involve corruption in IT orders of the Financial Administration, according to the daily. Who is Miroslav Vyboh? 4. Aug 2021 at 16:44 | Compiled by Spectator staff At that time, a spokesman for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said it was important to empower school divisions to make their own decisions on masks. The states school divisions have seen varied responses to mask policies, from protests at school board meetings to residents pleas that people remain masked up. This fall, all school systems in Virginia are required to offer five days of in-person instruction due to Senate Bill 1303, which the General Assembly passed in February. Culpeper board acts In Culpeper, a School Board majority voted in late June to make masks optional if Northam did not extend or issue his executive order requiring masks in Virginia public schools. The governor has not done so, Houck noted. On Tuesday, July 27, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged everyone over age 2not just the unvaccinatedto wear masks inside school buildings. That shift from guidance issued just three weeks prior, when the agency said only unvaccinated people in school buildings needed masks, came in response to rising concerns about the much-more transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus, the CDC said. That approach is better for patients and it costs less than hospitalization, said Kobuchi with the RACSB. The timing couldnt be better, she said. Weve definitely seen an increase in individuals seeking services, especially on the mental-health side, and a decrease in the availability of private providers, she said. Thats led more people to our doors to seek services. Its just the stress of the pandemic and financial issues and health issues and schedules being disrupted. Increased funding has allowed the RASCB to provide more services for veterans because of the high numbers of service members in the region, Kobuchi said. Additional services include more resources, therapists and peer specialists, trained people who have been through the same experiences as the veterans, who also are screened for suicide risk. As a result of this climate, theres a shortage of beds in state hospitals because there arent enough staff members to take care of them, Kobuchi said. Its part of the same workforce shortage that everyone is dealing with, and it started well before the pandemic, she said. The important part is that actually a system of structured standards will not solve all of those issues. What we need is a structure within our education system that supports students where theyre at academically, whether socially or emotionally or wherever they may be. The important work that were going to have to do is to continue to work with adults to understand those students who might be left out. Following the release of the second draft, Abbi Swatsworth, executive director of OutNebraska, an advocacy organization for Nebraskas LGBTQ+ community, said, We are deeply disappointed to learn that the second draft of the proposed health standards have largely omitted the reality of LGBTQ+ youth and families. A recent study by the Trevor Project suggests that as many as 1 in 4 young people identify as non-binary. Swatsworth said schools need to be welcome, safe spaces for all students and such omission does nothing to protect LGBTQ+ students. Gov. Pete Ricketts, who has spoke publicly about his opposition to the standards, also said the second draft needs improvement. Ricketts said sex education and other controversial topics should be addressed at home rather than in the classroom. Prepare for an evening of drink tasting and networking when the NEXT Young Professionals group hosts their 10th annual Best of the West Beer and Wine Festival on Friday, Aug. 13. The festivals organizers say the event is a way to jumpstart new connections. We get people in the community, who otherwise would have never met each other, to get to know each other, NEXTs past president Jordan Diedrich said. Its where members and nonmembers alike come together, meet new people...and step out of their comfort zone. The festival will run from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It will make its return to its usual location at the 18th Street Plaza in Scottsbluff after the pandemic forced its cancellation last year. Diedrich said many of NEXTs events have experienced record participation when they returned from hiatus over the last few months. The Beer and Wine Fest, he said, shouldnt prove any exception. I believe this year a lot of people are just ready to get out, Diedrich said. The Young Professionals most popular event, and their longest-running, the festival normally serves around 500 guests, though Diedrich estimated they could get as many as 600 or 700 attendees this time around. Job vacancies are at a record high at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. The 988 vacancies are more than 200 more than on Jan. 1, an HHS spokeswoman said, prompting new incentives for nurses and food service workers. Gov. Pete Ricketts announced the new hiring and retention bonuses on Friday, with extra incentives offered to protective services staff willing to relocate to the Tecumseh prison for a year. They would receive an immediate $7,500 bonus. That's on top of the stipends Tecumseh workers receive for commuting there, which range from $100 to $200 a month, depending on the length of the commute. All prison security staff hired before July 31 will be eligible for $500-a-month retention bonuses billed as a pilot program over the next year. Hiring bonuses for new prison staff are being increased from $10,000 to $15,000, payable over three years, and new bonuses for HHS and Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs workers are being offered that total up to $10,000. Bonuses also are offered for employees who recruit new staffers. The Department of Veterans Affairs has 354 job vacancies at its four retirement homes, which has required hiring contract workers. State officials said that all employers are responding to the increased competition for workers. You must be logged in to react. Click any reaction to login. Love 0 Funny 0 Wow 0 Sad 0 Angry 0 The school will feature labs complete with state of the art equipment, so students get the hands on experience they need. Bigger solar panels could soon arrive in neighborhoods across Washington County. And that may even mean the snooty neighborhoods. At the July 27 meeting of the Washington County Board of Supervisors, the supervisors considered an ordinance to allow large-scale solar energy projects. There basically would not be limits in the ordinance to what would be allowed, said County Attorney Lucy Phillips. Right now, small-scale projects are limited to panels of 700 square feet. The large projects are not limited by the ordinance, Phillips said. Supervisor Randy Pennington envisioned a solar-panel project that could span several acres something that could be useful, he said. But it could be ugly. Such projects would be allowed under a special-exception permit. Even so, subdivision covenants would prevail to restrict some solar panels from being installed, Phillips said. Supervisor Mike Rush jokingly asked if such panels could be restricted by the subdivision covenants of snooty residential area. COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) Sen. Lindsey Graham has become the first senator to disclose a breakthrough infection after being vaccinated against the coronavirus, saying Monday he is very glad he received the vaccine, without which his current symptoms would be far worse. In a statement issued Monday afternoon, the South Carolina Republican said he started having flu-like symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor Monday morning. After being notified of his positive test, Graham said he would quarantine for 10 days. I feel like I have a sinus infection, and at present time, I have mild symptoms, the 66-year-old Graham said. I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination, I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse. According to spokesman Kevin Bishop, Graham attended an event over the weekend hosted by Sen. Joe Manchin on his houseboat and attended by other senators. Sam Runyon, a spokeswoman for Manchin, said the West Virginia Democrat "is fully vaccinated and following the CDC guidelines for those exposed to a COVID positive individual. If you go on a cruise and dont gain at least a couple of pounds, either youre doing it wrong or you are blessed with amazing metabolism. For most vacationers, one of the highlights of cruising is indulging in the vast array of plentiful foods on board, and Carnivals new Mardi Gras ship fits the bill. Im pretty sure I gained at least a pound while attending the Sip and Sea preview event. And I was only on board for six hours! Was it worth it? Absolutely. Visitors to the ship were greeted with champagne and welcomed by Cruise Director Chris Williams. Carnival Cruise Line President Christine Duffy gave a short presentation acknowledging those who played a role in the ships creation and completion. A brief musical number activated the fun, and then visitors were invited to ride Bolt, the first roller coaster at sea. I worked up a big appetite while waiting in line for the ride. The first food I sampled was a chicken tender, fries, pickles and potato salad from Shaquille ONeals Big Chicken. The chicken was tender and juicy, and the fries were thinly cut and nicely crisp. The pickles and potato salad were available at a self-serve bar, along with various dipping sauces for the chicken. I could have eaten a lot more of the creamy, dreamy potato salad, but I had to pace myself because there was much more on board to try! My next stop was Street Eats, a quick-service venue for international street food located near the ships main pool. I sampled a char siu pork dumpling, chicken satay with rice, and Philly cheesesteak fries. The clear winner of the three was the dumpling. Fresh and fully-stuffed, it paired well with a small side of pickled vegetables. I had to summon all my self control to not get seconds, because there was still a lot more sampling ground to cover. My next visit was to Bonsai Sushi, one of the ships elegant sit-down restaurants. The items I tasted here were among my favorites of the day. Both the Bang Bang Bonsai Roll and the Rock Shrimp Tempura were worth repeating. But I passed on seconds and pressed on, determined not to tap out before trying all the available offerings. I was excited to try ChiBang, a restaurant featuring Chinese and Mexican cuisine. The mini quesadilla was well prepared, but the lettuce wrap could have used more filling and flavor. Emerils Bistro 1396 offers a taste of New Orleans from famed chef Emeril Lagasse. Of the three items available for sampling, the Natchitoches meat pie was far and away the best. Stuffed with savory sauced meat, it reminded me of an empanada. The jambalaya was supposed to include shrimp, chicken and sausage but I only detected a bit of shrimp. While the sausage in the gumbo was melt-in-your-mouth tender, the duck skin in the soup was unappealing. My culinary journey continued to Java Blue Cafe for a chicken pie and foursome of donuts. The pie was pretty and petite. The small donuts were just the right size for snacking, but they tasted slightly on the stale side. A much better sweet treat was the sorbet-stuffed macarons at Carnival Kitchen, which features chef-led cooking demonstrations. The raspberry sorbet was fantastic; this was where a broke down and surrendered to a second helping. Fueled by a sugar high, a headed up to the 17th deck to tackle my final stop: Guys Burger Joint. While eating, diners can watch a video of Guy Fieri demonstrating how he makes his burgers. I tried The Ringer, a cheeseburger topped with lettuce, tomato, raw onions, pickles, an onion ring and BBQ sauce. After I snapped the picture, I took out most of the lettuce and all of the raw onions and substituted them with bacon and sauteed onions, which were found at the restaurants topping bar. It was a mighty fine burger, but I was too full to finish it. I preferred the fries at Big Chicken to Guys fries, which were quite salty. Fortunately, there were plenty of bars on board to choose from to quench my thirst after the salty fries. I opted to cap off the day with a strawberry banana daiquiri from Red Frog Tiki Bar, which I thoroughly enjoyed sipping while strolling the ships cabins, spa and other amenities. After the Sip and Sea preview, the Mardi Gras staff went right to work to prepare the ship for its maiden voyage the very next day. The ship set sail on July 31, making it the first cruise to depart from Port Canaveral since the industry-wide pause 16 months ago. Mardi Gras will visit San Juan, Puerto Rico; Amber Cove, Dominican Republic; and Nassau, The Bahamas. Cheers to a successful first voyage! For more information, visit www.carnival.com Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Under current city policy, the board is five people with one alternate, meeting at least 10 times per year. The roles are four-year terms and Jorgensen said he will start advertising for interested candidates. Cole also issued a challenge to the community to match his donation to the Rainier Oregon Historical Museums proposed new building, across from the senior center. Anyone who wants to match my donations, and Im not looking to get recognition so I wont say the amount publicly, call me and Ill tell you, Cole said. The museum is housed in City Hall and has been since 2017. Cole said so long as they need a place, we have a home for them, but they are serious about raising money and getting out of here into their own, larger space. If the museum can raise $100,000, they will get a $100,000 match, Cole said. Donations are tax deductible, and can be made monthly or as a single payment. People who donate $500 will get their names on a founders plaque at the museum. Theyve got $28,000 more they have to raise to hit that $100,000 mark and I want to see that happen sooner than later, Cole said. In other business, the council: Heard stairs down to the water along the Riverfront Trail are under construction and the city is waiting on the design and estimate for the phase two bridge project. Passed a resolution to abate a nuisance property at 516 East E. St., which burned and the city declared a dangerous property. The owners have until Sept. 30 to abate the property or the city will do it. Accepted a roughly $170,000 bid from WesTech to refurbish Filter 1 at the water treatment plant. Filter 2 was refurbished by the company last year to like-new status, Public Works Director Sue Lawrence said, after being online for about 20 years without any major work on them. Approved an emergency removal of an abandoned sailboat for $13,800 after it sunk at the marina. Heard the city will get $446,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds. Approved reimbursing JT Marine about $8,900 for the installation of a pump station after workers on the A Street project accidently cut through its sewer line, thinking it was abandoned. Love 0 Funny 1 Wow 1 Sad 0 Angry 0 Get local news delivered to your inbox! Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) Hundreds of law enforcement and first responder vehicles lined up at Clark College in Vancouver, Washington on Tuesday for a procession to honor Clark County Sheriffs Detective Jeremy Brown, who was shot to death while doing surveillance work. Brown, 46, who was promoted to honorary sergeant by Clark County Sheriff Chuck Atkins after his death, was shot July 23 while conducting surveillance on several people at an east Vancouver apartment complex. The three were suspected of stealing a stash of firearms from a storage shed in early June. Police SUVs, personal vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances and other vehicles from agencies throughout Washington and Oregon drove in the 11 a.m. procession north on Interstate 5, The Columbian reported. The public memorial service started at 1 p.m. at ilani casino near La Center, Washington. People lined streets and waited on overpasses along I-5, waving flags and holding balloons. I have friends who are officers and theyre down right now, said Jackie Purvis of Vancouver. I want to show them support. Ransomware Increasingly Targeting SMBs and Impacting Individuals, Say Experts Cybersecurity technology is not seen as a solution for smaller organizations that cannot afford it. What's needed is government action on cryptocurrency transparency to help deter attacks. Ransomware attacks are expanding beyond targeting large enterprises; SMBs and individuals are being hit in a widespread blitz, according to two U.S.-based experts on the international impact of cybercrime. Beyond encrypting business and personal data and holding it hostage, ransomware damages Americans' confidence in infrastructure, said Matthew Rojansky, director of the Kennan Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonprofit forum chartered by the U.S. Congress, which sponsored a recent press briefing on the topic. Despite the availability of cybersecurity software, experts expressed doubts about a technological solution, instead advocating for stronger diplomatic efforts aimed at law enforcement cooperation in Russia, where most of the ransomware attacks originate. A more helpful deterrent would be government action to control cryptocurrency, the crooks' preferred ransom payment method, said the other expert on the call, Dmitri Alperovitch, chairman of the Silverado Policy Accelerator and the former CTO of CrowdStrike. "In terms of regulatory control, the thing that is enabling this whole ransomware epidemic is cryptocurrency," Alperovitch said. "It's no accident that prior to 2009 -- when Bitcoin was invented -- we had no ransomware. It was not because the technology wasn't available. It was because there was no anonymous way to receive ransom payments without exposing your identity. If you provided instructions for a bank account, it would be very easy for law enforcement to trace that back, shut it down, and (in some cases) recover the funds. Cryptocurrency provides that anonymous way of doing the payments." One way to discourage ransom payments in Bitcoin would be a global expansion of the know your customer (KYC) standards used within the investment and financial-services industries to cover cryptocurrency, Alperovitch said. Enforcement of money-laundering prevention measures would have a "huge impact" on ransomware by making sure payments were "de-anonymized." He also pointed to the deterrent impact of the U.S. Justice Department's recovering $2.3 million of the ransom paid in the Colonial Pipeline attack. Technology solutions for ransomware are promising but are limited in what they can accomplish. "There are a lot of good cybersecurity companies out there, but the reality is we're not going to defend our way out of the problem," Alperovitch said. "Technology is not a panacea." The human and financial resources an organization needs to build a software security wall to stop ransomware are not available to most hospitals, municipalities, and SMBs that are increasingly the targets of ransomware attacks, the experts said. "We have way too many companies, way too many nonprofits, school districts, municipal governments, etc., that will never be able to afford the technology, the expertise, or have the funds necessary to do what's needed," Alperovitch observed. "So even if you can protect the Fortune 500 companies and the military and major government agencies, we still have a huge underbelly of vulnerability that we'll never solve." He acknowledges that it is important for organizations to make every effort to protect themselves from cyberattacks but expressed doubts about a technological solution to the overall problem. Rojansky and Alperovitch are focused on the Biden Administration's diplomatic efforts to persuade Russia to crack down on the ransomware operations that are based there. They do not accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of being behind the attacks, but Russia is suspected of being the home base for hacker groups such as REvil, which many believe is behind a July attack targeting an IT operations tool used by about 40,000 companies worldwide. Attacks have also come from China, North Korea, and other countries, but Rojansky and Alperovitch say well-organized and technologically savvy hacker groups based in Russia represent the largest threat to American businesses, municipal governments, and individuals. The two experts recently wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Post, Ransomware Attacks Won't Stop Unless Biden Keeps the Pressure on Putin, arguing that if the recent blitz "becomes routine, businesses and the economy will suffer." "Because smaller and medium-size businesses and organizations were targeted," the two experts wrote, "it represents a chance for Biden to make good on his promise of 'a foreign policy for the middle class' and his pledge that 'economic security is national security.'" Beyond the economic impact that grabs all the headlines in ransomware attacks, Rojansky said that collateral damage such as the gasoline shortages resulting from the Colonial Pipeline attack is undermining Americans' faith in infrastructure. Attacks on hospitals have caused delays in surgeries directly affecting patients and demonstrating ransomware's potential to threaten the lives of individuals. The attack in early July on Kaseya, a Florida-based IT monitoring software provider, shows how ransomware is targeting smaller businesses and individuals. "This is a criminal act," Rojansky said. "It can appear to be relatively small scale, but clearly something like Kaseya -- which wasn't targeting what we traditionally define as critical infrastructure -- needs to be taken deadly seriously because it's a direct attack on the livelihoods of ordinary Americans." With bated breath, management at Samsung Electronics is waiting to see if the conglomerate's leader, Jay Y. Lee, will be released on parole this month. Support for his parole, both political and amongst the public, has grown amid anxiety that key strategic decisions are not being made at the South Korean tech giant. If he is released, Samsung would be able to move forward with major investment and M&A projects - decisions company sources say should only be made by Lee who has been unable to address them while he sits in jail convicted of bribery and embezzlement. In particular, a decision on the location of a $17 billion US plant to produce advanced logic chips awaits his return, four Samsung sources told Reuters on condition of anonymity. "The word is that the US investment will be finalised when Vice Chairman Jay Y. Lee is back," said one of the people. Kinam Kim, head of chips and components at Samsung and one of the firm's three co-CEOs, made a rare direct appeal to President Moon Jae-in in June, arguing Lee's return was crucial. "Semiconductors need large investment decisions and the decisions can only be made quickly when the head of the conglomerate is present," Moon's office quoted Kim as saying. Lee served one year of an initial 5-year sentence from August 2017 which was later suspended. That court decision was overturned and the sentence revised to 30 months, putting him back in jail in January this year. Having served some 18 months, he has just become eligible for release. The Justice Ministry last month eased parole eligibility guidelines for first-time offenders with good behaviour like Lee to 60% of sentence term served. The average eligible time for all criminals in South Korea was 80% prior to the easing. Lee's parole is expected to be reviewed on Aug. 9, and within Samsung hopes are high that he will be freed around Aug. 15 when the country celebrates Independence Day and pardons have traditionally been issued, three of the Samsung sources said. The Justice Ministry and Samsung declined to comment. If paroled, Lee would need the Justice Minister to approve his return to work as the law bars persons from working for companies involved in certain convictions for five years. He is likely to get that, legal experts say, as the amount deemed embezzled has been repaid. While there have been some protests against an early release for Lee and civic groups have voiced opposition, public support for his early release is at about 70%, according to two polls. A parliamentary committee leader has also voiced his support while other members of the ruling party have visited Samsung's chip complex noting that Lee is eligible for parole. Support on social media ranges from those who think he has already paid his dues while others fret that without Lee at the helm, South Korea's flagship conglomerate will fall behind competitors at a time when there is a global chip shortage and rivals like TSMC and Intel Corp are making large investments. Cash pile awaits use South Korea's biggest conglomerates are still owned and controlled by their founding families and there is little precedence for handing over the reins to non-family members even when a senior family member has been jailed. On one hand, Samsung's day-to-day operations have been little affected by Lee's stints in prison. Operating profit in the latest quarter surged 54% and while he was jailed in 2017, Samsung reported its second-largest annual profit of 53.6 trillion won ($46.6 billion). But experts say Samsung's organisational structure makes it difficult for anyone besides Lee to sign off on strategic decisions that draw on cash pooled from its three main divisions - mobile, consumer electronics and chips. "Realistically, risky strategic decisions like M&A, multibillion dollar deals, are left to the owner at Samsung," said Jaeyong Song, professor at Seoul National University and author of "The Samsung Way", a book about Samsung's management style. "CEOs in Korea are more like chief operating officers in a way. They take care of the short-term profits, while the owner takes on long-term competitiveness because their tenure is for life." Analysts have also linked Lee's legal troubles to Samsung's huge pile of cash, which has swollen 57% over four years to stand at just under $100 billion as of end-June, noting it has not made a major acquisition since 2016. Chief Financial Officer Choi Yoon-ho told an earnings briefing in January the increase was mainly due to Samsung's inability to "execute meaningful M&A activities". In addition to the decision on the planned US chip factory - which has come down to Austin, Texas which is widely seen as the favoured location, another area in Texas, New York or Arizona - Lee's return would likely trigger potential acquisitions of stakes in companies, analysts said. NXP Semiconductors NV, a Dutch maker of automotive chips with a market value of about $58 billion, has often been cited by analysts as a good fit for Samsung's strategic needs and a likely target. NXP declined to comment. Samsung SDI is considering an investment of at least $3.5 billion in the United States to produce batteries for electric vehicles, but a final decision will rest with a task force for the wider Samsung group and is unlikely to be made before the chip plant decision, one of the sources said. ($1 = 1,151.4100 won) Credit: CC0 Public Domain Banks, consumer advocates and think tanks are weighing in to federal bank regulators about potential pitfalls in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in making loan decisions. In responses to regulators' call for comments, many expressed interest in an increased use of AI and machine learning in the banking business, along with caveats about fair lending and unlawful discrimination concerns. FinRegLab, a Washington-based research group that says it has launched a broad inquiry into the use of AI in financial services, told the agencies that machine learning could be "transformational," as current gaps "increase the cost or risk of serving particular consumer and small-business populations using traditional models and data." At the same time, the predictive power of machine learning models can increase potential risks "due to the models' greater complexity and to their potential to exacerbate historical disparities and flaws in underlying data," FinRegLab said. AI and machine learning might amplify patterns of historical discrimination and financial exclusion through reliance on flawed data or mistakes in development. The Boston-based National Consumer Law Center was even more blunt, warning in its July 1 letter to regulators that "the use of complex, opaque algorithmic models in consumer credit transactions also heightens the risk of unlawful discrimination, and unfair deceptive, and abusive practices." The law center noted that there isn't even agreement on the definition of "artificial intelligence," which adds to the concerns about how it is used. "The lack of a definition for AI is understandable, but it is also problematic," the group wrote. "There may be incorrect assumptions that the use of AI necessarily makes a system more accurate or predictive, or that it is unbiased and unquestionably fair." The pro-consumer legal organization said public perception of what constitutes AI has been heavily influenced by Hollywood with movies such as "2001: A Space Odyssey" or the Terminator series. "Many think of AI as incredibly human-like and sentient, which is very far from current reality," it said. State Street Corp., one of the largest banks in the U.S., with nearly $317 billion in assetstold regulators that in its experience, AI and machine learning models may face data quality challenges, including bias introduced by mislabeled data or embedded in data provided by a third-party vendor. 'Hard issue to regulate' Jo Ann Barefoot, a former deputy comptroller of the currency and Senate Banking Committee staff member who now leads the Alliance for Innovative Regulation in Washington, said there are numerous possible benefits to the use of AI in credit underwriting. But regulators need to ensure that banks comply with fair lending laws and that machine learning doesn't lead to denials of credit based on prohibited reasons such as race and gender, she said. She warned of a "very disturbing potential" for the use of poorly designed AI. "This is a very hard issue to regulate," Barefoot said. "They are going to have to develop smart and informed policies on this issue. I don't envy them." Former Comptroller of the Currency Thomas J. Curry, a Barack Obama appointee and strong proponent of innovative financial technologies during his tenure from 2012 to 2017, said he is encouraged that several agenciesthe Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and National Credit Union Administrationare working together in gathering the information because it will help promote uniformity and clarity in how regulators approach these issues. "The fact they put out an RFI [request for information] as the vehicle for collecting this data importantly shows their desire to have a unified approach" when it comes to studying and understanding the issues surrounding AI and machine learning, he said. Curry acknowledged that there is "real concern" in the credit underwriting area about the perpetuation of biases in the use of AI and machine learning and that unless the financial industry gets clearer guidance from regulators on fair lending, the issue could hold some financial institutions back from employing the technologies to their maximum potential. "There is a lot of controversy around Big Data and its potential abuses, and that likely partially drove the decision to issue the RFI," he said. Like Curry, Melissa Koide, CEO of FinRegLab, said in an email it was gratifying to see regulators looking to learn more about the roles that artificial intelligence and machine learning can play in the banking system. "Policymakers are actively building their understanding of the implications of AI/ML on model governance, fairness, explainability, and financial inclusion," said Koide, who spent more than four years in the Obama administration as the Treasury Department's assistant secretary for consumer policy. "It's exciting to see they are working together to build a shared understanding." Regulators say the RFI responses will help them determine whether any clarifications are needed for banks to use AI and machine learning in a manner that fully complies with laws and regulations, including consumer protection statutes. The banking industry appears all in on new technologies, saying it welcomes the government's research as a step in clarifying existing rules and guidelines to address the risks and opportunities presented by AI. While clarification is welcome, the American Bankers Association said it doesn't believe that new regulations are necessary or warranted. The Bank Policy Institute, another industry group, echoed those sentiments, writing, "AI is a technology like any other, and the risks posed by AI as outlined in the RFI can be managed within existing laws and regulations on the activities in which AI is applied across the financial industry. BPI believes that new regulations are not necessary." The agencies accepted responses through July 1 and must now go through the comments. Curry said it will take a while to digest all the information but the process is off to a good start in developing a unified regulatory approach. 2021 CQ-Roll Call, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Credit: PhotoAdventure Studio, Shutterstock Transmission grids are struggling to keep up with the growth of renewable energy. In Bulgaria, the installation of a novel mobile power flow control system is now making it possible to greatly increase the amount of renewable energy that the country's power grid can handle. It's also unlocking cross-border electricity flows. The technology was installed in Bulgaria's transmission system as part of the EU-funded FLEXITRANSTORE project, with collaboration between the Bulgarian transmission system operator, electricity system operator (ESO) and global power technology company Smart Wires. Power flow control technology allows grid operators to unlock their systems' currently underutilized transmission capacity, making their power grid infrastructure more efficient and resilient. Grid congestion is reduced and quicker connections are made possible between new renewables and demand. The pioneering mobile power flow control solution developed by Smart Wires was installed in north-east Bulgaria, where 750 MW of wind energy is generated. The installation took only 2.5 days. "This project allows us to capture excess capacity on our grid to increase renewable penetration, reduce constraints and improve cross-border flows between Bulgaria and Romania," stated ESO's National Dispatching Center Director Dimitar Zarchev in a news release posted on 'CISION PR Newswire'. "ESO is proud to be part of this important work, which is vitally important to the Southeastern European network." Good for customers, good for the environment Further describing the benefits of the mobile power flow control technology, Zarchev explained it would enable them to vastly improve the network's capacity and flexibility and speed up the region's decarbonisation efforts. "[T]he value of Smart Wires' mobile technology is that it can be delivered in months, installed in hours and reused at multiple different locations," he continued. "Power flow control is not new, but this innovative mobile deployment method provides the industry with an incredibly flexible and high-impact solution, which ultimately delivers a faster, lower cost and better way to plan and operate power systems." Mark Norton, Smart Wires' Vice President of European Business Development, commented on the Bulgarian undertaking: "[T]his project showcases true innovationredeploying large scale grid infrastructure seamlessly from one grid to another to solve multiple problems. This equipment was first deployed in Greece in 2019 to reduce renewable congestion as a joint project with the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator. ESO and IPTO [the Independent Power Transmission Operator] have shown global leadership on this project which has caught the imagination of operators from all over Europe, the US, Australia and Latin America. We're proud to partner with the FLEXITRANSTORE consortium to ensure these types of tools can be adopted across Europe." The FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources) project aims to transform Europe's power system with interventions that target the entire energy value chain. Explore further European grid prepares for massive integration of renewables More information: FLEXITRANSTORE project website: FLEXITRANSTORE project website: www.flexitranstore.eu/ Researchers have developed sphere-based triboelectric nanogenerators that can be incorporated directly into navigational buoys to provide electricity from ocean waves. Credit: Catia Rodrigues To find a power source for buoys, look no further than the ocean itself. During the AIP Publishing HorizonsEnergy Storage and Conversion virtual conference, which will be held Aug. 4-6, Catia Rodrigues, from the University of Porto, will discuss the prospects of using power generators in the ocean to address the energy concerns of marine exploration. The presentation, "Performance of triboelectric nanogenerators based on rolling spheres motion under realistic water waves conditions," will be available during the three-day conference. Traditionally used energy harvesting technologies, like photovoltaic panels or wind turbines, suffer from several limitationscritically, their intermittency and inability to maintain continuous operation. In the absence of daylight and wind, neither of the two can supply any power. In the case of ocean buoys, a potential solution is omnipresent: wave energy. Abundant, predictable, and consistent, the ocean's own waves can be used to power navigation buoys. "Even so, the development of wave energy converters has not yet reached its full potential due to the lack of technological consensus, uncompetitive energy generation costs, and the irregular and low-frequency nature of waves at sea," said Rodrigues. The team developed sphere-based triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs)devices that convert mechanical motion into electrical powerthat can be incorporated directly into navigational buoys to provide electricity from ocean waves. When testing the TENGs on a 1:8 scale in real conditions, they determined maximum voltages can be generated when waves occur at heights of 0.1 meters approximately every 2.6 secondsclose to the natural period of the buoy. Even when waves are inconsistent and slow, the energy conversion efficiency of the TENGs is much larger than standard generators. "Concerning wave energy, some relevant challenges still exist to the viable deployment of conversion technologies, mostly linked to the irregular nature of waves and the distribution of energy in both direction and frequency," Rodrigues said. The group plans to deploy a prototype in Figueira da Foz, a seaport in Portugal. Explore further Researchers develop water-tube-based triboelectric nanogenerator for efficient ocean wave energy harvesting Looking for in-depth reporting on labor issues? You're in the right place. Subscribe to The Chief and get stories that cover every side of civil service in New York City and beyond. You can sign up in minutes for immediate access. JACKSON, Miss. (AP) Albert Wilson Sr. was unsure whether to trust the COVID-19 vaccine when it came out. He told his family he wanted to wait a few months to see how it affected other people before making a decision about himself. That was before the 58-year-old maintenance technician from Utica was hospitalized with the virus in June. During his two weeks at St. Dominic's in Jackson the last weeks of his life he was begging his wife and four children to get it. He told us to come get the vaccine before he died," said Eric Wilson, Albert's 20-year-old son. "He said if he ever made it out, he was going to get that vaccine. He said he wished he would have. Eric Wilson, a student at Jackson State University, was one of dozens of people lining up to get the COVID-19 vaccine at the historically Black university Tuesday. He said he was nervous at first, but he had to do it for his dad. I had to I promised I would, he said, sitting in the auditorium stands afterward with a Band-Aid on his arm. The number of people receiving doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Mississippi, one of the country's least vaccinated states, is increasing slightly as infections surge in the state. Richwood, TX (77531) Today Scattered thunderstorms during the evening. Mainly clear skies after midnight. Low 77F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms during the evening. Mainly clear skies after midnight. Low 77F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%. Jehovahs Witnesses spread the message of that kingdom, because thats what God had set up through his son to be able to eliminate the problems in the world today, he said. So we feel its good news that was preached by the apostles and disciples. We do the same today because that kingdom will give the earth a paradise condition that we lost. Most people we meet, even at the door, we dont want to be there if they dont want us to be there, Melvin said. We leave quickly. We dont argue or anything like that. They dont really get into debates, he said. If people are interested, we like to go back. If they like literature that we offer, we like to continue to give it to them at no cost, Melvin said. Justin Cassell of Grand Island, another member of Jehovahs Witnesses, said going door to door is just part of being a Witness. Its our commission. We take it seriously, to spread the good news. Still spreading the good news Since theyre not able to go door to door right now, theyre spreading the good news in different ways. Theyre sending letters and making phone calls. Donner said he is concerned Hall County could see another spike in COVID cases because it is below the goal of having 70% of its eligible population with at least one vaccination. He said health professionals need to push to get as many people vaccinated as possible to prevent a COVID spike. Dental care Dr. Steve Anderson said he likes to have brand new patients come for a thorough initial examination. We have X-rays, we measure their gums, we check their bite, we check their whole oral cavity for any bumps, lumps or sore spots, or changes that may be there that arent normal for an oral cancer exam, Anderson said. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Once we get that done, we look for decay on the X-rays, he said. We look to make sure their teeth are aligned properly, whether they need to have orthodontics or not. Anderson added, If they have missing teeth, we try to explain that missing teeth are not good for your whole bite, because one cog in the wheel, if its out of place, can cause the whole machine not to work properly. Lierman said that for a community Grand Islands size, there are hundreds of opportunities to donate ones time and talents, both big and small. Support Local Journalism Your subscription makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} For example, she said the chambers Nebraska State Fair volunteer program began in an effort to help offset the unbelievable costs that the fair would incur upon its relocation to Grand Island. The volunteer program has since grown to nearly 800 individuals putting forth approximately 15,000 hours, annually, Lierman said. When asking fair officials if they could host their event without volunteers, the short answer is no thinking that 15,000 hours at minimum wage would be enough to sink the organization financially. Last year, even though the pandemic was affecting many in Grand Island and the surrounding areas, there still were those who stepped up and lent their time and talents to at least making sure some of the communitys events went on in the face of the public health concerns. Lierman said Grand Islands large number of volunteers during the years has demonstrated the community pride people have about where they live. Mothers who produce more breast milk than they need now have an easy way to give that precious liquid to other mothers. A new donor breast milk collection site has opened at CHI Health Clinic Womens Health, 705 Orleans Drive. CHI Health hopes that area mothers will donate breast milk to protect the lives of vulnerable infants across the country. People are starting to see the research that breast milk is the best nutrient that we can try to give our infants, said Chelsey Kennedy of CHI Health St. Francis. Parents want to do whats best for their infants, so the demand for breast milk is growing, Kennedy said. Breast milk contains important nutrients that cannot be replicated by commercial formula. It is sometimes called Liquid Gold. Research shows that infants should have nothing but breast milk for the first six months of life, said Kennedy, a womens health nurse practitioner. In addition, medical professionals are seeing a lot more premature deliveries for whatever reason, said Beth Deida, the obstetrics educator at CHI St. Francis. Premature babies and other infants with health issues can benefit from breast milk. The council will hold a public hearing to consider amending the A-L Agricultural Zone to allow public events that may or may not involve the payment of admission fees, to include but not be limited to outdoor arenas, tracks, concession buildings, restrooms, offices, spectator stands, livestock stables and parking lots and areas by special permit. The planning commission already heard the proposal and is sending forward a recommendation for passage. This comes as an application has been made by a non-profit corporation in York to the Nebraska Racing and Gaming Commission for live horse racing (with no decision yet being made by the state commission). The matter before the council does not pertain to that particular project this would just make it possible to allow such a venue in that type of zone, by special permit, should an application come forward in the future. Schools are soon to start back in session just as Covid-19 cases are rising in the Red River Valley. The rise is due to the delta variant, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says is as contagious as chickenpox and four to nine times more infectious than previous Covid-19 strains. The majority of cases are being seen in unvaccinated people, a group that includes school-age children. The back to school guidance from local and national medical groups includes having mask requirements in place, however, Gov. Greg Abbott has prohibited schools from taking such action. Should schools be allowed to require masks? You voted: MADISON COUNTY A Brooklyn, Illinois, police officer with Southern Illinois ties was fatally injured early Wednesday on the McKinley Bridge while trying to stop a car fleeing from a nightclub in the Metro East. The officer who died was identified by his family as Brian Pierce Jr., 24, who has been with Brooklyn force about nine months. Pierce was struck by a car around 3 a.m. while trying to deploy stop sticks on the bridge to flatten the tires of the car that had fled the nightclub, said Lt. Michael Lewis of the Illinois State Police. Pierce formerly worked for about two years with the police agency in Spillertown, Illinois, and was also a lieutenant with the Makanda Fire Department. Until he moved to Carbondale recently, he had been making the 100-mile drive every day from Makanda to Brooklyn to work the night shift, his mother said. Police are still searching for the driver who hit the officer. "He was born with a passion to be a police officer," Pierce's mother, Tammy Pierce, told the Post-Dispatch. "His favorite thing about police work was just being out in the public and stopping crime." Brooklyn has about 10 officers on the department. In 1962, Don accepted a position in general medicine at the Carbondale Clinic. He expanded his expertise to include hematology and oncology and proudly served at the Clinic until his retirement in 1999. He became known throughout southern Illinois as a cancer specialist and served the entire region at a time when local oncologists were a rarity. In 1968 Don and Betty built a home at 2603 Sunset Drive which has recently been named a landmark by the City of Carbondale. Due to its unique architecture and his contributions to the community, it is now listed on the Carbondale Register of Historic Places. Donald Darling served his community as a member of the Lions Club and as a board member of the YMCA of Jackson County. He also served as a lecturer at the College of Medicine at SIU. He and Betty were long and faithful members of the First Presbyterian Church of Carbondale, where he sang in the choir. We know he is singing again today. For those downstate Illinois residents who want to breakaway from Chicagoland and form their own state, two Southern Illinois University Carbondale researchers have an emphatic caution: do not do it. In a whitepaper released earlier this year by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute, a think tank at the university, political scientists John Foster and John Jackson said analysis of Illinois state revenue and budgeting over recent years shows downstate Illinoisans would be worse off without Chicago than they are with their northeastern neighbors. After picking out notebooks and clothes during a back to school shopping trip to Target on Tuesday, Brenda Perez and her daughters stopped at a display full of face masks. Perezs daughters both need masks for school and the call center where she works recently began requiring all employees even those who are vaccinated, like Perez to mask up at work. Retailers scrambled to get face masks on shelves when they became a must-have item overnight during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, then saw sales slump dramatically earlier this year as people got vaccinated and mask mandates lifted. Now some are seeing sales pick back up amid concerns about rising case numbers and new guidance from health officials that has led to mask mandates at some schools and workplaces. Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a mask mandate for preschool through high school students and staff statewide Wednesday afternoon. Chicago Public Schools adopted a similar policy late last month after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines including a recommendation that everyone wear masks in schools, regardless of vaccination status. The CDCs guidelines also advised everyone, including people who are vaccinated, to wear masks indoors in areas of substantial or high transmission, which includes most of Illinois. The group appears unwilling to budge further, noting that at a certain point, a climate bill ceases to be one. Their mantra over the past few months has been, No climate. No equity. No deal. And Pritzker seems to agree, saying in his own response letter to the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition that pro-coal forces have shifted the goalposts throughout this process" and that "any decarbonization framework must move Illinois aggressively beyond the status quo." "That compromise bill is the best starting place for you as you consider possible next steps," Pritzker wrote to labor leaders. "I have always believed that we can decarbonize while creating and maintaining good paying, union jobs. Thats why I negotiated a clean energy bill that would do just that." A lot is at stake. Though there has been a lot of focus on trying to save union jobs at coal plants, such as the Prairie State Energy Campus in Marissa, and natural gas plants across the state, there are thousands of union jobs that could be lost at the nuke plants slated for closure. Exelon filed paperwork with federal regulators late last month to begin the process of closing its nuclear plants in Byron and Dresden. Haq is also concerned the delta variant is not only highly contagious but could cause more severe disease. This time around Im seeing more COVID pneumonia in younger children (previously was seeing COVID pneumonia mainly in tweens and up), now seeing in neonates to preschoolers, Haq wrote. Strand said she is seeing kids admitted with COVID who are otherwise healthy. We are not seeing that they have other comorbidities that make them more at risk, these are kids who just happen to have COVID, and it happens to be of a degree that they need hospital-level support, she said. Theres no predictive model for who is going to be hospitalized and who is going to be able to go home. She said its too early to tell for certain if the delta variant is making kids more sick. While she is seeing more children being admitted, that may because more kids are getting infected, she said. Most children coming to the emergency department end up having mild enough to symptoms to recover at home. But she expects that could likely change based on what other regional hospitals are experiencing. This subscription will allow existing subscribers of The World to access all of our online content, including the E-Editions area. NOTE: To claim your access to the site, you will need to enter the Last Name and First Name that is tied to your subscription in this format: SMITH, JOHN If you need help with exactly how your specific name needs be entered, please email us at admin@countrymedia.net or call us at 1-541 266 6047. National AP CDC issues new ban on evictions AMANDA ANDRADE-RHOADES, ASSOCIATED PRESS Abbas Alawieh, chief of staff for Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., takes a break after sitting on the steps of Capitol Hill on Tuesday in Washington. Bush has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol in protest of the eviction moratorium lapse, since the weekend. WASHINGTON The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday issued a new moratorium on evictions that would last until October 3, as the Biden administration sought to quell intensifying criticism that it was allowing vulnerable renters to lose their homes during a pandemic. The new moratorium could help keep millions in their homes as the coronavirus delta variant has spread and states have been slow to release federal rental aid. It would temporarily halt evictions in counties with substantial and high levels of virus transmissions and would cover areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives. The announcement was something of a reversal for the Biden administration after saying that a Supreme Court ruling prevented a moratorium. But the choice to impose a new measure in the face of legal uncertainty was also a win for the progressive lawmakers who pushed the White House to do more to prevent some 3.6 million Americans from losing their homes during the COVID-19 crisis. President Joe Biden stopped short Tuesday afternoon of announcing the new ban on evictions during a press conference at the White House, ceding the responsibility to the CDC. My hope is its going to be a new moratorium, Biden told reporters. The extension could help heal a rift with liberal Democratic lawmakers who were calling on the president to take executive action to keep renters in their homes as the delta variant of the coronavirus spread and a prior moratorium lapsed over the weekend. The new policy came amid a scramble of actions by the Biden team to reassure Democrats and the country that it could find a way to limit the damage from potential evictions through the use of federal aid. But pressure mounted as key lawmakers said it was not enough. Top Democratic leaders joined Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol, the freshman congresswoman who once lived in her car as a young mother, leading a passionate protest urging the White House to prevent widespread evictions. For 5 days, weve been out here, demanding that our government acts to save lives, she tweeted. Today, our movement moved mountains. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was a day of extraordinary relief. The imminent fear of eviction and being put out on the street has been lifted for countless families across America. Help is Here! Pelosi said in a statement. Administration officials had previously said a Supreme Court ruling stopped them from setting up a new moratorium without congressional backing, saying states and cities must be more aggressive in releasing nearly $47 billion in relief for renters on the verge of eviction. The president said he sought input from legal scholars about whether there were options and said the advice was mixed, though some suggested, Its worth the effort. Biden also said he didnt want to tell the CDC, which has taken the public health lead in responding to the pandemic, what to do. I asked the CDC to go back and consider other options that may be available, he said. The CDC has identified a legal authority for a new and different moratorium for areas with high and substantial increases in COVID-19 infections. Biden also insisted there is federal money available some $47 billion previously approved during the COVID-19 crisis that needs to get out the door to help renters and landlords. The money is there, Biden said. The White House has said state and local governments have been slow to push out that federal money and is pressing them to do so swiftly. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen briefed House Democrats Tuesday about the work underway to ensure the federal housing aid makes it to renters and landlords. She provided data so that lawmakers could see how their districts and states are performing with distributing the relief, according to a person on the call. The treasury secretary tried to encourage Democrats to work together, even as lawmakers said Biden should act on his own to extend the eviction moratorium, according to someone on the private call who insisted on anonymity to discuss its contents. Yellen said on the call, according to this person, that she agrees we need to bring every resource to bear and that she appreciated the Democrats efforts and wants to leave no stone unturned. As the eviction crisis mounted, the White House frequently said Biden was doing all he could under legal constraints. The administration had repeatedly resisted another extension because the Supreme Court appears likely to block it. When the court allowed the eviction ban to remain in place through the end of July by a 5-4 vote, one justice in the majority, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote that Congress would have to act to extend it further. As the initial moratorium expired, the administration emphasized many Americans will be able to stay housed with money already approved for aid and other efforts underway. The White House noted that state-level efforts to stop evictions would spare a third of the country from evictions over the next month. Still, Biden faced stinging criticism, including from some in his own party, that he was was slow to address the end of the moratorium. Some people were at immediate risk of losing their homes. Pelosi had called the prospect of widespread evictions unfathomable. The Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and other progressive lawmakers intensified pressure on the White House to issue an immediate extension. But when poorer countries are hit, they are less prepared and their people can't use air conditioning or leave so there's more harm, said Hausfather, climate director of the Breakthrough Institute. While hundreds of people died in the Pacific Northwest heat wave, he said the number would have been much higher in poor areas. Madagascar, an island nation off East Africa, is in the middle of back-to-back droughts that the United Nations warns are pushing 400,000 people toward starvation. Though it is too early to say the summer of 2021 will again break records for climate disasters, We're certainly starting to see climate change push extreme events into new territories where they haven't been seen before," Hausfather said. The number of weather, water and climate disasters so far this year is only slightly higher than the average of recent years, said disaster researcher Guha-Sapir. Her group's database, which she said still is missing quite a few events, shows 208 such disasters worldwide through July about 11% more than the last decade's average, but a bit less than last year. Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon will not issue another mask mandate for public schools, his office announced Wednesday afternoon. Wyoming was first in the nation in having a safe and successful in-person school year last year, Gordon said in a statement. My focus is on supporting local school boards as they take into account conditions in their community and work to assure students learn safely this year too. When asked what, if any conditions would require the governor to reconsider a K-12 mask mandate, Gordons spokesperson Michael Pearlman said, as we stated clearly in the release, the decision on masks in schools this school year will be left to local school districts. Pearlman was also asked if the state health officer or other epidemiologists were consulted about the move, which is being made without transmission data for August. This was the Governors decision, Pearlman responded. Gordons announcement adds that his office will work with the state health and education departments, and that we need to follow and respect the science. The first steps toward ballot initiatives that would make Wyoming a more marijuana-friendly state are underway, but there are still big hurdles that need to be cleared. The Wyoming Secretary of States office granted whats known as conditional certification Monday to the two proposed ballot initiatives: the Wyoming Patient Cannabis Act of 2022 and the Wyoming Cannabis Amendments 2022. The first would legalize medical marijuana and the second would reduce the fines and punishments related to consumption, possession and cultivation of marijuana, better known as decriminalization. Organizers went through multiple meetings with the Secretary of States office that changed the initiatives, but they still accomplish the original goals. If the decriminalization initiative is passed, Wyomingites will receive $50 fines for first offense possession under four ounces and $75 fines for third and subsequent offenses. Jail time will be eliminated. The organizers, which are made up of the state and national Libertarian Party as well as Wyoming community leaders, now have 30 days to collect the first 100 signatures of people to act as co-sponsors and make the certification final. The certification does not make any judgement on the status of weed in Wyoming, but rather certifies that the initiative is in the format required by law. JACKSON Some of former President Trumps most ardent allies U.S. House Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan and former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows will be in Jackson Hole to fundraise Thursday for some of the House GOPs most conservative politicians. The main event begins at 7 p.m. at Spring Creek Ranch and will be hosted by Peter and Stephanie Lamelas, Dan and Carleen Brophy, and Jay and Karen Kemmerer, owners of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Admission starts at $2,000 for couples. An event organizer confirmed that all three were invited because they are either members or have been members of the House Freedom Caucus, which includes the most conservative of all Republicans per the Pew Research Center. Reactions to the guest list from members of the local Republican party were mixed. The chapel does not have an estimate on how many people theyre anticipating, but the building has a capacity of 4,000. A number of state lawmakers are also expected to attend the service. The Legislatures Corporations Committee postponed its meeting, which had been set for Friday, so it would not conflict with the memorial. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} Enzi served eight years as Gillettes mayor and 10 years between the Wyoming House of Representatives and Senate before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 1997. After roughly 23 years in the Senate, Enzi announced in May 2019 he would not be running for reelection in 2020. He was succeeded by Lummis, and had his fair share of electoral history with the rest of the congressional delegation. In 1996, Barrasso ran for U.S. Senate, losing by two points to Enzi in a crowded Republican primary. Cheney temporarily ran against Enzi in 2014 for his Senate seat, but dropped out a few months after announcing her bid, citing family health issues. CHEYENNE The Laramie County School District 1 Board of Trustees shut down public comment early Monday night after a resident began yelling at trustees and refused to give up the mic when his allotted public comment period was over. Although there were more members of the community who wished to address the school board, trustees called the meeting off due to the disruption. LCSD1 Board Vice Chair Marguerite Herman said they welcome all public input from stakeholders, including by email and phone, but they set meeting parameters so nothing gets in the way of carrying out district business they were elected to do. Obviously, politics come into the boardroom, and we have to resist that temptation to get distracted from that singular duty we have to the children, Herman said, speaking for herself, and not the entire board. The board reserves the right, outlined in state statutes, to call recess on any public meeting that has become disruptive, and they exercised that right Monday as the Natrona County commissioners did last year when a heckling crowd inhibited a meeting related to COVID-19 from moving forward. Ann Tollefson, a founder of ART 321 who has served three terms on the board, writes: To preserve this wonderful institution, I urge the community to demand the accountability denied to ART 321s members. We need an independent audit of the organizations finances. We need an independent look at its management practices. Most importantly, we need to give members back their voice in the organizations direction. She noted that measures adopted by the Arizona Legislature, with only a few exceptions, do not take effect until 90 days after the end of the session. This year, that is Sept. 29. What that means, OGrady said, is that there is no evidence that the PUHSD did anything illegal this past Monday when it adopted its policy of requiring masks indoors. OGrady said that leaves no basis for Warner to hear the lawsuit filed by Douglas Hester, a teacher in the district, asking that the policy be struck down as illegal. The law is not the law right now, she said. The issue, however, is not that simple. While the statute is technically effective until Sept. 29, it also contains a provision making the ban on face coverings retroactive to July 1. And it will be up to Warner to decide whether that makes what PUHSD has done illegal. The issue no longer is just about that one district. Governing boards of several others have followed suit, including a vote Wednesday morning by Tucson Unified School District, effective immediately, to require masks. But Kristen Randall, the presiding Pima County constable, said experiencing two days without a moratorium Monday and Tuesday of this week showed that the situation was highly stressful. Even though this lapse was only two days long, countless families texted, emailed and called to find out if their rental assistance was going to get to their landlord quick enough, when they would be evicted, where they could go, and what to do about the delta variant, she said, explaining some were afraid they would become homeless and vulnerable to getting COVID-19. Whats needed now is a stronger focus on a Plan B, Randall said. With shelters already at capacity, we have no room for families whose rental assistance did not get paid out in time, she said. With the time granted by the extension of the moratorium, we should be identifying where the gaps are in our social safety nets and preparing them for the inevitable final days of the eviction delay. Reducing the number of families being sent to crowded shelters following evictions will also help slow the spread of COVID and the variant, Randall said, which she believes is an important consideration as Arizona sees numbers increase at a concerning rate. Contact reporter Patty Machelor at pmachelor@tucson.com. More housing, shopping and possibly a restaurant, are planned for Tucsons south side as some retailers report having their best sales in the historically underserved area. Larsen Baker sold 6.54 acres of vacant land at the northwest corner at Kino Parkway and Benson Highway to CID Opportunity Zone QOB LLC for nearly $1.3 million. The owner intends to use the land to develop apartments. Larsen Baker retained the southern 2.05 acres at the hard corner of the property to bring in retail. Isaac Figueroa represented the seller, Kino Investment Associates LLC, an affiliate of Larsen Baker. Tucson, right now, is suffering from extreme housing shortage, he said. Any opportunity where the zoning is already there, is a good opportunity. As for bringing in more retail, Figueroa said shopping centers such as Spectrum and The Landing at Irvington Road and Interstate 19 and The Bridges on Park Avenue and Interstate 10 are examples of how much consumer need exists in that area. But if you make your way through the throngs of students typing up papers toward the front of the coffee shop/hookah bar, you'll find a separate area of Espresso Art dedicated to the joys of alcohol, and dressed up in a Greek design. Manager Isaiah Bruno said the former employee who built the bar studied classic Greek literature at the University of Arizona, which explains the Greek lettering along the top of the room the same inscriptions found at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Come early and you may still find a grad student or two hanging in Castalian Spring, puffing on a hookah and working away on their term papers. Short Rest Tavern 4500 N. Oracle Road, facebook.com/ShortRestTavern Perhaps the most inconspicuous of all of Tucson's hidden bars, Short Rest Tavern can be found in the backroom of Tucson Games and Gadgets on the northwest end of the Tucson Mall. Mark Kadow, owner of Games and Gadgets, opened the fantasy themed craft beer bar as a way to keep gamers happy and hydrated during round after round of in-store tabletop gaming. And while some parents, especially those with children not old enough to be vaccinated, fear for their childrens safety in a packed classroom with unmasked people, other parents are staunchly against mask mandates, saying it is unnecessary and even harmful. In an informal survey by the Arizona Daily Star, with 180 participants two weeks ago when the COVID-19 numbers were lower, less than a third of respondents said masks should be optional, in line with the new state law. The other two-thirds said masks should be required or schools should at least have the option to require them. TUSD, with about 42,000 students, follows at least two other school districts in the state, the Phoenix Union High and Phoenix Elementary school districts, in defying the governor and state Legislature by requiring masks. A Phoenix Union teacher sued the district over the mandate, but a court hearing on the case that was set for Wednesday morning was postponed until next week. Science teacher Douglas Hester filed a lawsuit against the Phoenix Union school districts board members and superintendent on Aug. 2, saying the mandate is illegal and cant be enforced. A hearing on the case is set for Aug. 13. But even if there were a way to allow Lidstone to stay, it would be an uphill battle. His home was in violation of local and state zoning and environmental regulations, and there was no access to a road. You guys are in a quandary. So are we, selectman Robert Steenson said. The woodlot Lidstone called home was just a few miles away from Interstate 93. But it was hidden by the trees; its on 73 acres thats been used for timber harvests. The property has been owned by the same family since 1963. There are no plans at this time to develop it. The owner of the land had been seeking to tear down the cabin before the fire. Lidstone has claimed that years ago, the owner gave his word but nothing in writing allowing him to live there. But in the eyes of the current owner, hes a squatter and needs to go. Property owner Leonard Giles, 86, of South Burlington, Vermont, didnt even know Lidstone was there until the town administrator found out in 2015 and told him, expressing concern with regard to the solid and septic waste disposal and the potential zoning violations created by the structure, according to Giles complaint in 2016. The rules differed from the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the time, which said fully vaccinated people didn't have to wear masks indoors. The CDC has since reversed course, saying fully vaccinated people should wear masks indoors again in places with high COVID-19 transmission rates. The federal agency also said last month that students and staff should stay at least 3 feet (1 meter) apart to reduce the spread of COVID-19. State officials say they worried that imposing physical distancing rules would make it harder for some schools to accommodate all students. So they dropped the distancing requirement and required masks for everyone; a tradeoff they say will enable all students to return to in-person classes. In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases have surged in Orange County and statewide due to the highly contagious delta variant. On Monday, Orange County reported an average of 626 new COVID-19 cases a day for the previous seven days, up from 72 new cases a day reported on July 2. Last August, the same school board sued Newsom to reopen schools that had been closed due to COVID-19. A petition went to the state Supreme Court asking it to review the case, but was ultimately denied. By initiating a new review, the Biden administration is ignoring the will of Congress, the will of Alaskans and the best interests of the Alaska Native communities on the North Slope," Sullivan said. Attorneys for the North Slope Borough, Native Village of Kaktovik and Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation argued against efforts in court to block the January lease sale. The notice released Tuesday said the purpose of the supplemental review planned by the Bureau of Land Management was bound by law and remained the same as the earlier review: to implement provisions of the 2017 law. The notice said potential alternatives to be considered included those that would designate certain areas as open or closed to leasing, limit surface development, prohibit surface infrastructure in sensitive areas and otherwise avoid or mitigate oil and gas activity impacts. Tim Woody, a spokesperson for The Wilderness Society, noted in an email that the law calls for another lease sale by late 2024. As it stands now, the only way to prevent that lease sale would be for Congress to take action to amend or repeal the drilling provision in that 2017 legislation, he said. River discharge that drained into the Gulf of Mexico was above normal for the three weeks before the weeklong survey started on July 25. It was conducted by scientists from Louisiana State University and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. The distribution of the low dissolved oxygen was unusual this summer, Nancy Rabalais, the lead investigator, said. The low oxygen conditions were very close to shore with many observations showing an almost complete lack of oxygen. Human activities in urban and agricultural areas throughout the Mississippi River watershed primarily cause the annual dead zone. Excess nutrients flow into the Gulf of Mexico and stimulate an overgrowth of algae, which die and decompose. The algae deplete oxygen as they sink to the bottom. NOAA highlighted efforts to reduce fertilizer runoff and other pollution from contributing to the hypoxic area. Radhika Fox, the Environmental Protection Agencys assistant administrator for water, said climate change also needs to be considered to make progress. This year, we have seen again and again the profound effect that climate change has on our communities from historic drought in the west to flooding events, Fox said. Climate is directly linked to water, including the flow of nutrient pollution into the Gulf of Mexico. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. The three are among more than 500 people charged in the riot that sent lawmakers into hiding and disrupted the certification of President Joe Bidens election win. About thirty defendants have pleaded guilty, mostly to misdemeanor charges. The first defendant sentenced for a felony - a Florida man who breached the Senate chamber while carrying a Trump campaign flag - received eight months behind bars. Dresch posted pictures and videos on social media that were taken inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, which he described in one message as the best day ever, according to court documents. The day after the riot, he wrote of the then-vice president: Mike Pence gave our country to the communist hordes, traitor scum like the rest of them, we have your back give the word and we will be back even stronger. Jackson slammed Dreschs views as misguided, noting that judge after judge smacked down the former presidents claims of election fraud. She also took a swipe at Republicans whove tried to downplay the violence on Jan. 6 including one lawmaker who suggested that video of the rioters looked like a tourist visit calling Dresch not your typical tourist. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, the U.S. firearm industrys trade association, said in a statement that it rejected Mexicos allegations of negligence. These allegations are baseless. The Mexican government is responsible for the rampant crime and corruption within their own borders, said Lawrence G. Keane, the group's senior vice president and general counsel. The Mexican government is responsible for enforcing its laws, he said. The group also took issue with Mexicos figures for the number of guns recovered at crime scenes and traced back to the U.S. It said that traces were attempted on only a fraction of the recovered guns and only on the ones carrying a serial number, making them more likely to have originated in the U.S. Alejandro Celorio, legal advisor for the ministry, told reporters Wednesday that the damage caused by the trafficked guns would be equal to 1.7% to 2% of Mexicos gross domestic product. The government will seek at least $10 billion in compensation, he said. Mexico's GDP last year was more than $1.2 trillion. We dont do it to pressure the United States, Celorio said. We do it so there arent deaths in Mexico. I am now a huge advocate for doctors orders, Daniels added. They think we ought to get vaccinated, I think we ought to get vaccinated. Daniels, who lives in Gonzales, about 57 miles (92 kilometers) northwest of New Orleans, said he and Contreras were the only unvaccinated members of their households. Daniels' wife and live-in mother-in-law, both of whom were inoculated months ago, have both tested negative twice since he tested positive. Contreras' mother, Tarsha Bradstreet, had also been vaccinated, as had her 19-year-old son who lives in the same house in New Orleans. Bradstreet said she tried to persuade Contreras to get the shot, but said she had only so much pull over him. Josh hardly goes anywhere since COVID hit, so he didnt think he needed the vaccine, Bradstreet said. One of the places to which Contreras did go, however, was his summer job at Cafe Reconcile. About the time he started getting ill, he got a call from the restaurant telling him that a co-worker had tested positive for the virus and he needed to get tested himself. SAN DIEGO (AP) The number of children traveling alone who were picked up at the Mexican border by U.S. immigration authorities likely hit an all-time high in July, and the number of people who came in families likely reached its second-highest total on record, a U.S. official said Monday, citing preliminary government figures. The sharp increases from June were striking because crossings usually slow during stifling and sometimes fatal summer heat. U.S. authorities likely picked up more than 19,000 unaccompanied children in July, exceeding the previous high of 18,877 in March, according to David Shahoulian, assistant secretary for border and immigration policy at the Department of Homeland Security. The June total was 15,253. The number of people encountered in families during July is expected at about 80,000, Shahoulian said. That's shy of the all-time high of 88,857 in May 2019 but up from 55,805 in June. Overall, U.S. authorities stopped migrants about 210,000 times at the border in July, up from 188,829 in June and the highest in more than 20 years. But the numbers aren't directly comparable because many cross repeatedly under a pandemic-related ban that expels people from the country immediately without giving them a chance to seek asylum but carries no legal consequences. Earlier in the week, SOS Mediterranee said many of the migrants were suffering from sea-sickness while several others fainted in the heat on a crowded deck. Aboard a German-flagged vessel operated by the Sea-Watch humanitarian group were more than 250 migrants, rescued in five separate operations in the last days. Many are dehydrated & seasick, some received infusions after collapsing,'' Sea-Watch tweeted on Wednesday. Our medics are doing what they can, but the people need adequate treatment on land." During the pandemic, Italy has been transferring many of the rescued migrants to unoccupied passenger ferries so the migrants can do a precautionary quarantine against COVID-19 before eventually transferring them to residential facilities on land. Past years have seen Italy's pleas for fellow EU nations to take in some of the migrants, many of whom want to reach families in northern Europe, go unheeded as part of a voluntary solidarity arrangement in the 27-member bloc. In her appeal to Johansson, the Italian minister pitched for negotiations for a new immigration and asylum pact to call for obligatory redistribution of the migrants saved at sea. Many of those brought to Italy's shores are fleeing poverty, not conflict or persecution, and are eventually found to be ineligible for asylum. But only a few countries, notably Tunisia, have repatriation agreements with Italy, and tens of thousands of migrants wind up staying illegally for years. Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. ISTANBUL (AP) Turkeys foreign ministry has called the United States irresponsible after the Biden administration announced it would expand efforts to assist at-risk Afghan citizens with the major caveat that the adjudication process would take months in a third country. Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesperson Tanju Bilgic said Wednesday the U.S. statement had suggested Turkey as an application spot without consultation. He said Turkey does not have the capacity to shoulder another migration crisis. The U.S. may directly transport these people by plane. Turkey will not take over the international responsibilities of third countries, Bilgic said and added Turkey would not allow its laws to be abused by other countries. He said the U.S. announcement would trigger a major refugee crisis. Turkey is already hosting some 3.7 million Syrians who fled the civil war there. Afghans have also fled to Turkey to escape their countrys war and instability. Media reports from border towns with Iran show the number of Afghans crossing into Turkey are on the rise. OPINION: "Legislators in Arizona and Texas saw value in using CRT much like bans on transgender athletes or allegations of voter fraud - as a cudgel to attack opponents and rally their base, even though few if any public schools actually taught it," writes University of Arizona history professor emeritus Michael Schaller. I will tell you that the numbers that we are seeing now are like they were back at the end of January, February time frame, so its the real deal, and its increasing, he said at the meeting. I appreciate this document. I hope we have a successful school year, and I appreciate what weve done in giving the responsibility to the individuals, because we know we cant require" compliance with mandates. But I would highly recommend that people take the precautions that are out there to protect themselves and protect others, because its the real deal, he said. Asked Tuesday afternoon whether Senate Bill 658 is constraining local school officials from making the decisions they think are best for their districts, Mullins said it is. Last year, it was a real challenge because our board was split on what actions to take with regard to COVID-19. That particular bill is not even giving us the chance to look at it now. Nevertheless, he said, were going to do everything we can to make the children as safe as possible. Weve got very professional people that work at the school, he said. The nursing staff has done a herculean job these past couple of years keeping us as safe as we can be. New city employees would receive signing bonuses ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 under a proposal unveiled by the working group overseeing the distribution of American Rescue Plan Act funds. We do have a lot of vacancies that need to be filled, and we are competing with other employers that have signing bonus programs to try and get those people on our team, Mayor G.T. Bynum, who established the working group, told city councilors Wednesday. The city has more than 200 nonsworn positions it needs to fill and also is struggling to keep up with retirements and early departures from the Police Department. The plan presented Wednesday identifies three categories of employees and sets a signing bonus amount for each. The first group includes entry-level workers, primarily in labor, who would receive a $1,000 stipend upon being hired. Jobs included in that category include court reporters, kennel workers and neighborhood inspectors. The city is offering a $2,000 signing bonus for positions deemed difficult to fill and critical to city operations, many of which are skilled trade positions. Those jobs include electricians, carpenters and 911 operators. Cherokee Nation Health Services is suspending elective surgeries after seeing an over 80% increase in COVID-19 cases throughout the health system, it announced Tuesday. More than 600 new cases were reported in the tribal health system, the largest number of cases since January, the Cherokee Nation said in a news release. Unvaccinated people accounted for 90% of the new cases. As well as suspending elective surgeries, the Cherokee Nation is reactivating its surge plan for W.W. Hastings Hospital in Tahlequah to increase in-patient capacity by 50% to care for the rising number of COVID patients requiring hospitalization, the news release states. The surge plan for Hastings Hospital reallocates non-ICU beds to emergency use so the hospital can care for more COVID-19 patients. Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. said the delta variant of COVID-19 accounts for 80% of the new COVID cases. The current swell in COVID-19 cases and related hospitalizations is driven by the spread of the highly contagious delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, according to our Cherokee Nation Health Services and Public Health teams, both of which are working around the clock to address this situation, Hoskin said. Update (noon Thursday): Oklahoma has reached early-November levels of hospitalizations, with 954 patients requiring COVID-19 treatment at hospitals across the state. It represents a 29% increase over four days. The peak for hospitalizations in Oklahoma was Dec. 28 with 1,995 patients in ICUs and other hospital beds. Tulsa County patients account for 351 hospitalizations, up 20% since Monday. The peak for Tulsa County hospitalizations was Jan. 11 with 468. The story below published in the Thursday edition of Tulsa World: Two months ago, Oklahoma had about 1,000 active documented cases of COVID-19. Nearly 15,000 were active Wednesday, when a new report showed that breakthrough infections killed three more Oklahomans in the past week. In the most recent federal data available, the state on Monday bumped up to the federal governments dark-red zone for new cases per capita and remained in the dark-red zone for test positivity rate. Oklahoma has the second-highest test positivity rate in the nation 20.9% and ranks eighth for new cases per capita, with about 213 cases per 100,000 residents. The Osage Nation is using American Rescue Plan Act funds to provide cash assistance to tribal members who were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tribal members who have experienced a negative economic impact can receive up to $2,000 in cash assistance to help recover from the pandemic, the Osage Nation announced Wednesday. Since early 2021, the (Principal Chief Geoffrey) Standing Bear administration has been planning to continue our individual assistance program with ARPA funds, James Weigant, head of the Osage Nations COVID-19 Task Force, said in a news release. It is proven that Indian Country is being hurt by COVID much worse than the rest of the U.S. population. That need is well defined. We have now developed a solid program to address that need, compliant with federal law and regulations, to continue to provide this much needed assistance to our Osage people during this global pandemic. Those who wish to receive funds must be an enrolled member of the Osage Nation, attest to negative economic impact and complete an application. The application period opened Wednesday and will stay open until funds are no longer available, the news release states. Vietnam has overtaken Bangladesh as the second-biggest garment exporter in the world, according to the latest data released by the World Trade Organization (WTO). Vietnam sold US$29 billion worth of apparel merchandise to the global market in 2020, while Bangladeshs garment exports were valued at $28 billion, the World Trade Statistical Review revealed. As a result, Bangladeshs share in global garment exports slipped to 6.3 percent last year from 6.8 percent a year earlier. Meanwhile, Vietnams share improved to 6.4 percent in 2020 from 6.2 per cent in 2019. China remained the largest apparel exporter in 2020, despite a seven-percent year-on-year drop to $142 billion, or 31.6 percent of the global total. According to Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, deputy secretary of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), Vietnams ascension to the second rank in global apparel exportation, as reported by WTOs data, is a match with the state of production and operation of domestic garment businesses in 2020. Although Bangladesh proves to have an edge on cheap labor, plus the ability to fulfill large orders with low prices, the countrys garment industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, forcing international partners to redistribute orders to other countries, including Vietnam. In the meantime, thanks to the early success in containing the epidemic, plus the countrys participation in international trade agreements, Vietnam has given its garment manufacturing industry a leg-up in attracting global demand. From a mere 2.9 percent in 2010, Vietnams share in global apparel exports has jumped beyond twofold in just ten years, Mai pointed out. However, Vietnams newly-acquired position is no longer a given in 2021, considering the countrys advantage in COVID-19 safety and control has been leveled. As the coronavirus flared up in Vietnam in late April, inflicting damage of unprecedented level and forcing many factories to either close down or shrink production to ensure safety, domestic garment firms will face more struggles in the last quarter of the year, Mai predicted. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnams garment export revenue amounted to $18.6 billion between January and July in 2021, a 14.1 percent surge compared to the previous year. As of Wednesday morning, Vietnam had documented 174,461 coronavirus cases, with 50,831 recoveries and 2,071 deaths, according to the health ministry. The country has recorded 170,563 local infections in 62 out of 63 provinces and cities since the flare-up on April 27. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Read what is in the news today: COVID-19 Updates -- Vietnams Ministry of Health registered 4,271 COVID-19 infections, including 2,365 cases in Ho Chi Minh City, on Wednesday morning, raising the national tally to 174,461, with 50,831 recoveries and 2,071 deaths. -- The Ministry of Health has recommended that people who have received AstraZeneca vaccine as their first shot should only be offered either the same vaccine or Pfizer for their second dose. -- Authorities in Hanoi are looking for visitors to Long Bien Market and Alley 187 in Ba Dinh District between July 18 and Tuesday in the wake of a number of new COVID-19 infections detected at those two clusters. -- The U.K. Embassy in Hanoi handed over 415,000 doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine to the Vietnamese Ministry of Health on Tuesday. -- The health ministry has decided to allocate Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi 980,000 and 700,000 additional COVID-19 doses, respectively. -- Ho Chi Minh City began the sixth phase of its COVID-19 vaccination program on Tuesday with a target of administering doses to five million residents above 18 years old this month. Society -- A 12-year-old girl died after falling from a higher floor to the third floor of an apartment building in Hoang Mai District, Hanoi on Tuesday night. -- Police in north-central Ha Tinh Province have arrested a 34-year-old woman from Hanoi after her failed attempt to rob a credit fund by threatening its office worker at knifepoint on Tuesday. -- Police in Japans Osaka Prefecture on Tuesday confirmed the identity of a young Vietnamese man who was assaulted and pushed into the river in the pedestrian area near Ebisu Bridge in Osaka City a day earlier, according to the Vietnam News Agency. Business -- Vietnam has overtaken Bangladesh as the worlds second-largest exporter of ready-made garments, according to the latest figures from the World Trade Statistical Review 2021 released by the World Trade Organization. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Authorities in Hanoi have decided to shut down the microbiology department of a district-level general hospital after an employee was confirmed as a COVID-19 patient. The city logged 17 new coronavirus transmission cases from 6:00 pm on Tuesday to 6:00 am on Wednesday, with one being a medical practitioner at Dong Da District General Hospital, the municipal Center for Disease Control (Hanoi CDC) announced on Wednesday morning. L.K.T.O., 43, a practitioner at the microbiology department of Dong Da District General Hospital, is among the newly-detected COVID-19 cases, according to Hanoi CDC. After having a sore throat on Tuesday, O. was tested and received a positive result the same day. The result prompted the microbiology department to be sealed off and all medical practitioners in the hospital to undergo testing. Discussing with Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper on Wednesday, Pham Ba Hien, director of Dong Da District General Hospital, confirmed O.s case. The leader affirmed that the hospital is screening their workers for COVID-19 every three days, and they are upholding Hanois four-on-the-spot mechanism, which means the practitioners must work, have meals, maintain patients treatment, and rest after work at the same place. Hien also revealed that O.s main work duty is to convey testing samples to Hanoi CDC and Ba Dinh District's Xanh Pon Hospital, and that she tested negative for the coronavirus on July 30. So far, we have yet to detect the source of O.s infection. Her workplace is not linked to the patient treatment wards, Hien said. We have cordoned off the microbiology department to perform safety protocols. The hospital has also detected five individuals as O.'s direct contacts, all of whom have been sent to quarantine centers. We have also tested over 400 practitioners and received negative results for all of them. Meanwhile, the leaders of Vien An Ward in Ung Hoa District, where O. resides, have found 13 direct contacts and 18 indirect contacts of the infected medical worker. Hanoi CDCs Wednesday morning statement also mentioned two infections linked to the cluster at Duc Tam Pharmacy at 95 Lang Ha Street in Dong Da District. On July 19, the drugstore was sectioned off after three of its staff members tested positive for the virus. Hanoi authorities started contact tracing on the same day and found a total of 17 cases linked to the drugstore within three days, national radio VOV reported. Two other cases announced on Wednesday morning were found related to the cluster at food supplier company Thanh Nga, which provides meat for dozens of convenience stores and large supermarkets in Hanoi. On Sunday, Hanoi CDC detected 21 infections at the Hai Ba Trung District-based company after an intern was confirmed coronavirus-positive at Xanh Pon Hospital a day earlier. Following the detection, several supermarkets and convenience stores that use Thanh Nga as their supplier were deemed at high risk and were promptly shut down. Hanoi has documented 1,429 COVID-19 cases, with 864 found in the community, since the fourth wave emerged in the Southeast Asian country on April 27. As of Wednesday morning, Vietnam had documented 174,461 coronavirus cases, with 50,831 recoveries and 2,071 deaths, according to the health ministry. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Police in Nghe An Province, located in north-central Vietnam, have discovered 15 fully grown tigers at a local residents house. A source close to Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper confirmed on Wednesday morning that officers had raided a house in Do Thanh Commune, Yen Thanh District earlier the same day. At least 15 adult tigers, each weighing more than 200 kilograms, were found being raised illegally at the venue. The tigers were then put into metal cages and brought to a local animal rescue center for further care and investigation. The Tuoi Tre source stated that similar cases have been detected in Do Thanh Commune over the past years. Tiger cubs are fostered at the rescue center at Pu Mat National Park in Nghe An Province, Vietnam after being rescued from illegal trade on August 1, 2021. Photo: Xuan Cuong / Tuoi Tre On Sunday, police in Nghe An arrested two men, aged 37 and 54, after they were caught transporting seven live baby tigers for sale. They failed to show police any documents proving the origin of the wild animals, stating that they had been hired by an unidentified Laotian man. The tiger cubs were then transferred to the rescue center at Pu Mat National Park. Tigers and many other wild animals are strictly banned from being traded in, imported to or exported from Vietnam as they are on the list of endangered wildlife protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), to which the country has been party since 1994. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Vietnams Ministry of Health has decided to shorten the quarantine period for international arrivals who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to seven days, if they test negative for the novel coronavirus within three days before their entry. The new quarantine regulation was issued on Wednesday morning, based on the opinions of researchers, scientists, the World Health Organization (WHO) Vietnam, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. International arrivals who have been fully inoculated against COVID-19 or have recovered from the disease will be quarantined for seven days and have their health monitored for another seven days. They still have to meet some other requirements to be eligible for the new protocol. Accordingly, they must test negative for the novel coronavirus via real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) or reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) methods within 72 hours prior to their arrival. The tests must be done by authorized facilities. Travelers must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 with the final shot taken within the period of 14 days to 12 months before their entry. A certificate of full vaccination is also required. Regarding those who have already recovered from COVID-19, they must present a positive RT-PCR test result, which had to be conducted within six months before their arrival, along with a certificate of recovery issued by a competent authority. International arrivals who are eligible for the seven-day quarantine period have to be tested on their first and seventh days of quarantine. A rapid test can be carried on the first day, but a real-time RT-PCR test must be conducted on the seventh day. After completing the seven-day period, they will have their health monitored at their accommodations. On the way from quarantine facilities to their accommodations, they must wear face masks, keep safe distance, and turn on Bluezone a Vietnamese-made contact tracing app on their smartphones. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for providing guidance on checking and approving vaccination certificates and records of recovery from COVID-19 provided by travelers. Vietnam previously required all international arrivals to quarantine for 14 days and have their health monitored for another 14 days. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! The Vietnamese Ministry of Health is slated to authorize the inclusion of Remdesivir in the treatment of COVID-19 soon, national radio VOV quoted Deputy Minister Nguyen Truong Son as saying on Tuesday. However, Son advised that Remdesivir must be prescribed by doctors at COVID-19 treatment facilities. The deputy minister warned people against buying and using the drug without a doctors prescription. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration approved Remdesivir for adults and pediatric patients, who are 12 years and older and weigh at least 40 kilograms, for the treatment of COVID-19 requiring hospitalization on October 22, 2020. Remdesivir is an antiviral drug that can shorten the duration of treatment and accelerate recovery in patients with severe COVID-19 conditions. At the moment, the drug has been included in the treatment of the respiratory disease in 50 countries such as the U.S., Australia, Japan, Singapore, India, and many nations in Europe. Vietnamese conglomerate Vingroup successfully negotiated an order of 500,000 vials of Remdesivir previously. The vials are manufactured by Cipla Ltd., a leading pharmaceutical company in India, under a non-exclusive voluntary licensing agreement from Gilead Sciences Inc., a research-based biopharmaceutical company in the U.S. The order is expected to be shipped to Vietnam this month so that the drug can be promptly presented to the Ministry of Health. The drug will be used for COVID-19 patients at moderate and more severity levels, Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long said at an online meeting on the COVID-19 pandemic prevention on Monday. In the past, a number of coronavirus patients in Vietnam have been prescribed Remdesivir donated to the Southeast Asian country, according to Deputy Minister Son. The drug is helpful to reduce the viral load in the body quickly, Son assessed. The deputy minister added that Vietnam will import a number of other drugs that support the treatment of COVID-19 in the near future. The Ministry of Health registered 4,271 COVID-19 infections on Wednesday morning, raising the national tally to 174,461, with 50,831 recoveries and 2,071 deaths. Vietnam has recorded 170,563 local infections in 62 out of its 63 provinces and cities since the fourth wave began on April 27. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! The Ministry of Health confirmed over 7,600 domestic COVID-19 cases in Vietnam on Wednesday, along with more than 3,500 and 250 deaths. Forty-four provinces and cities reported 7,618 locally-infected patients, down by 759 infections from Tuesday, while five separate cases were imported from abroad, the health ministry said. A total of 1,865 transmissions were found in the community whereas the remainder were logged in isolated areas or centralized quarantine facilities. Ho Chi Minh City detected 3,300 of the latest local infections, down by 871 patients from yesterday, Binh Duong Province 2,143, Long An Province 427, Dong Nai Province 389, Tay Ninh Province 194, Binh Thuan Province 161, Dong Thap Province 156, Can Tho City 150, Khanh Hoa Province 150, and Da Nang 93. Since the fourth COVID-19 wave began in Vietnam on April 27, the country has recorded 173,914 community transmissions in 62 out of its 63 provinces and cities. Ho Chi Minh City stays on top with 106,030 patients, followed by Binh Duong Province with 21,556, Long An Province with 7,450, Bac Ninh Province with 5,737, Dong Nai Province with 5,684, Dong Thap Province with 3,561, Khanh Hoa Province with 2,633, and Tien Giang Province 2,299. By comparison, Vietnam confirmed 106 community cases in the first wave from January 23 to April 16, 2020, 554 in the second from July 25 to December 1, 2020, and 910 in the third from January 28 to March 25, 2021. The health ministry announced 3,501 recoveries on Wednesday, bringing the total to 54,332 recovered patients. The death toll has climbed to 2,327 after the ministry recorded 256 fatalities the same day, including 217 registered in Ho Chi Minh City on Tuesday. The Southeast Asian country has overall logged 175,484 domestic and 2,329 imported cases since the COVID-19 pandemic first hit it on January 23, 2020. Health workers gave a record 405,884 vaccine doses today. Almost 7.3 million COVID-19 vaccine shots have been administered in Vietnam since the country rolled out vaccination on March 8, with above 744,000 people having been fully vaccinated. The Vietnamese government expects to obtain 175 million shots of various vaccines, including 51 million Pfizer-BioNTech jabs, by early 2022. It set a target of immunizing two-thirds of a population of nearly 98 million people against COVID-19 by the first quarter of next year. Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about Vietnam! Production has wrapped in Adelaide today on Season 2 of ABC MEs ground-breaking First Day. US streamer Hulu has now boarded the 4-part series, which stars Evie Macdonald as transgender student Hannah Bradford in her second year at Hillview High School. Produced by South Australias Epic Films in association with Kojo Studios, it also has investment from Screen Australia, the South Australian Film Corporation and the ABC. Director, writer and co-producer Julie Kalceff said, We are grateful to audiences all over the world for embracing First Day and we are honoured to have the opportunity to further explore Hannahs journey. We are thrilled to be partnering with US streamer Hulu, who are widely recognised for their commitment to diverse programming and are a natural fit for the story we are telling in First Day. Lee Naimo, Senior Online Investment Manager at Screen Australia said, First Day brings viewers a well-crafted and authentic story that weaves humour and lightness in with an important message for young viewers. We were so proud to see this multi award-winning series make a mark around the world and I cant wait to see it return with season two. Head of Production and Development at the South Australian Film Corporation, Beth Neate said The SAFC is thrilled to support production of season two of this ground-breaking and multi award-winning childrens series here in Adelaide. First Day has not only been a trailblazer for diversity on screen but off screen as well, and the SAFC is proud to be funding a paid attachment for a gender diverse screenmaker on series two. We congratulate SA producers Kirsty Stark and Kate Butler, writer / director Julie Kalceff and the entire First Day team on this beautiful and authentic series which has resonated with audiences around the world. ABC Head of Childrens Production Libbie Doherty said The ABC ME audience are on the edge of their seats to see what happens next to Hannah in this new season of First Day they wont be disappointed! Evie Macdonald brings a stunning performance alongside the spectacular supporting cast and most excellent crew who have been working tirelessly in Adelaide to complete production. First Day continues to wow audiences all over the world and the commitment from Hulu is another fantastic example of Australian creatives delivering world class content. Huge congratulations to Creator / Director Julie Kalceff and Producers Kirsty Stark and Kate Butler who have led this production to great heights. The series has been awarded by AACTA Awards, Rose dOr Awards, GLAAD Media Award, Kidscreen Award, Chicago International Childrens Film Festival, ATOM Awards and was a finalist in the Primary Division of The Japan Prize. It also screens on UK (CBBC), Canada (CBBC), Japan (NHK), France (France Televisions and Okoo), Finland (YLE), Norway (NRK), Sweden (SVT), Denmark, Israel (Hot TV), New Zealand (TVNV), Taiwan (MOMOKIDS), Ireland, South Africa and Brazil. Season 2 will premiere on ABC ME next year. First Day is produced by Kirsty Stark and Kate Butler, and written, directed and co-produced by Julie Kalceff. Director of Photography is Anna Howard ACS, with Production Design by Erica Brien and Costume Design by Oriana Merullo. Editor is Christine Cheung. Production credit: First Day is an Epic Films production in association with KOJO Studios for Hulu. Principal production investment from Screen Australia in association with the South Australian Film Corporation and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Developed with the assistance of the Australian Childrens Television Foundation The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. ALYI - Set Up A Revolt Token Account Now At www.RVLTtoken.com And Buy At Least 250 Tokens To Qualify For A 25% Bonus - Easier Than Ever To Join ALYI EV Ecosystem After 16 years, Askar Akayev returned to Kyrgyzstan in connection with the Kyrgyz states growing case against the Canadian mining company Centerra Gold. Askar Akayev, Kyrgyzstans first president, fled the country in 2005 after a flawed parliamentary election triggered protests. He led Kyrgyzstan from 1990 until the Tulip Revolution chased him from power. On August 2, after 16 years living in exile in Russia, Akayev returned to Bishkek, The Diplomat reports. In early July, the head of Kyrgyzstans State Committee for National Security (SCNS), Kamchybek Tashiev, said that the government had added Akayev and Kyrgyzstans other exiled ousted president, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, to the growing list of wanted persons in connection to corruption at the Kumtor Gold Mine. Bishkek is clearly committed to an extended battle with the Canadian mining company, Centerra Gold, which until May 17 operated Kyrgyzstans most lucrative asset. In early May, the Kyrgyz parliament passed a bill allowing the state to seize temporary control of the mine, which it swiftly did, boosted by conveniently timed court rulings alleging environmental damages, tax evasion, and corruption. The temporary external management of the mine is set to expire later this month, but theres no indication Bishkek will give up control. Centerra Gold has said it will pursue international arbitration against Bishkek. In an early July letter addressed to the Kyrgyz people, Centerra President and CEO Scott Perry reiterated the companys stance that [t]he seizure of the mine is based on false information and groundless allegations that undermine everything we have built together. Centerra has been involved with Kumtor since 2004, though the first agreement regarding the mine was reached in 1992. Over the years, the terms have changed as have the composition of the involved parties, particularly on the Kyrgyz government side. As with extractive industries the world over, there have always been allegations of corruption and environmental depredations that went along with the mines development and operations. Across the presidencies of Akayev, Bakiyev, and Almazbek Atambayev, the contracts between the state and the company have been negotiated and renegotiated, adjustments made and compensation for environmental damage paid. As of 2019, the mine accounted for nearly 10 percent of Kyrgyzstans GDP and the company was one of the states largest private sector employers. Despite the headaches, Kumtor remains a literal gold mine. As of the beginning of 2021, Centerra operated the mine via a local subsidiary, the Kumtor Gold Company. The Kyrgyz state gold refining company, Kyrgyzaltyn, meanwhile, was the largest shareholder in Centerra Gold, with a 26.1 stake. The present Kyrgyz government under President Sadyr Japarov long a proponent of nationalizing the mine alleges all three former presidents, among others, were involved in corrupt dealings regarding the mine. So why, amid this mess, did Akayev return to Kyrgyzstan? While the earliest reports were unclear on whether he voluntarily returned to the country or was made to return, it is now clear that he chose to return. After being questioned by the SCNS, Akayev met with Japarov and then told the press, per RFE/RLs Kyrgyz Service, I am grateful to President Sadyr Japarov for giving me the opportunity to come to Kyrgyzstan. He gave permission and I am very happy, because for the first time in 16 years I have returned to my homeland. Akayev said he would be in Kyrgyzstan for about a week, cooperating with the investigation into Kumtor. I came to cooperate, he said. I will tell everything that I know about Kumtor. You know that I have complaints about this project: Kumtor was built under me. Therefore, I want to help the investigation and give evidence. Writing for Eurasianet, Ayzirek Imanaliyeva provides a concise explanation of what many think is happening behind the scenes: an extension of the Japarov governments catch-and-release policy (Outlined in a June article). Put simply: Wealthy individuals like Omurbek Babanov and Raimbek Matraimov have been arrested and later released, usually after paying something to the state. In Babanovs case, charges were dropped in March after he agreed to pay the state $1.2 million. Matraimov was released and paid $24 million under an economic amnesty scheme. Babanov was detained again in May but in late July was allowed to leave the country for medical treatment (where to and what for remain unknown.) Imanaliyeva cited comments from Dastan Bekeshev, a Kyrgyz MP, saying that Akayev would not have returned without assurances and suggested an agreement had been made, possibly involving some amount paid. A deposit made to ensure a safe exit from Kyrgyzstan would not be surprising. Akayev, long retired from Kyrgyzstans political battlefield, is making a gamble that the Japarov government is more interested in pursuing and punishing Centerra than following through with corruption charges against him. Any corruption Akayev may admit to witnessing (let alone participating in) would most certainly be weaponized to fight Centerra over the mine, rather than bring any corrupt Kyrgyz officials to justice. The Afghan government is ready to negotiate with the Taliban movement banned in Russia. Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar said in an interview with Izvestia that the government in Kabul agrees to share power with the Taliban and include them in the government, but under certain conditions. There are not many conditions, Atmar explained. The Taliban need to agree with the free expression of the will of citizens and stop their contacts with other terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda (banned in the Russian Federation). (Taliban - ed.) Are actively working with them (al-Qaeda - ed.) Now, and there is no reason why they will not do the same in the future. And it will be a huge mistake to think that Afghanistan, led by the Taliban, will not be a safe haven for international terrorists and a threat to the countries around it. It will definitely be, "the minister said. The Taliban do not reciprocate, because they feel the weakness of the enemy. Their representative, Zabiullah Mujahid, threatened to "finish off" Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. Loud speeches of the president, in his opinion, are only an attempt to "cope with their fears." Neither blaming the Taliban nor declaring war can prolong Ghani's political life, the Taliban said. "The nation has decided to persecute and bring to justice the national traitors," Mujahid added. By offering diplomacy, Ghani himself knows that there will be no peace talks until the situation on the battlefield changes in his favor, and he speaks about this openly. On the ground, the situation is getting worse and worse for Kabul every day. The Taliban launched an attack on the capitals of three provinces - Lashkar Gah, Kandahar and Herat. They need Kandahar as a temporary capital, and Lashkargah is located at the intersection of trade routes from Kandahar to Herat, in Helmand province, where the bulk of Afghan heroin is grown. It was in Helmand that the fiercest battles between the Taliban and the US Armed Forces once took place. Two days ago, gunmen attacked the runway at Kandahar Airport, which plays a key role in providing logistical support to government forces. After Lashkar Gah, according to Western media estimates, the Taliban may take Herat. They already control the road from Herat to the local airport. If any of these cities falls, then the Taliban will be able to take the first of 34 provincial capitals. This will be a huge reputational loss for the Ghani government. To date, according to statistics from the Long War Journal, the Taliban control 223 counties in Afghanistan, the government - 68, and fighting continues for 116. 17 of 34 provincial capitals are under Taliban attacks. The Ghani government blames the United States for its defeat. The Americans are striking the Taliban from the air, but not with the same force as before the withdrawal of the main air force group. There are no Americans at all on earth. The Afghan president says the rapid withdrawal of US troops has escalated violence in the country. We will remind, in March, Washington agreed with the Taliban on the evacuation of the US Armed Forces from Afghanistan, provided that the militants do not attack them and the start of inter-Afghan negotiations. The withdrawal is successfully coming to an end on August 31, but the Taliban will not compromise with the Ghani government. Speaking to parliament on August 2, Ghani said America's hasty peace process "not only failed to bring peace, but also raised doubts and ambiguity" among Afghans. "The Taliban do not believe in a lasting or just peace," he added. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is plunging into humanitarian disaster. Thousands of citizens are fleeing from Herat, Kandahar and Lashkar Gakh, fearing the accession of the Taliban regime. Hundreds of people turn to the local MFC to get a passport. The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has documented 5,183 civilian casualties (1,659 killed and 3,524 injured) since early 2021, up 47% over the same period in 2020. Since the withdrawal of foreign troops and the Taliban advance since January, some 294,000 people have fled their homes, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said on July 21. The total number of internally displaced persons has exceeded 3.5. million. This is every 10th Afghan. There are not enough medicines in the cities, pharmacies are closed, telecommunication lines are destroyed, and hospitals do not have time to receive the wounded, the Guardian reports. The Taliban have already taken over a TV station in Helmand province. They shoot the captured Afghan army soldiers and hang them on poles. According to the NGO Human Rights Commission (AIHRC), the Taliban have killed at least 40 people since July 16 in Spin Boldak County (border with Pakistan) in Kandahar province. Taliban kill residents who welcomed the return of Spin-Boldak to Afghan forces. The Taliban executed 22 Afghan soldiers who tried to surrender. Vajma Frock, a prominent Afghan women's equality activist, accused the Taliban of stealing food from women, killing them and forcibly recruiting 11-year-old boys into the army. Commenting on reports that Kabul is ready for negotiations, Georgy Asatryan, an expert at the Valdai International Discussion Club, noted that such calls do not speak of a desperate situation in the government of Ashraf Ghani. "This does not mean that Kabul has thrown a white flag. Since 2017, negotiations have been underway between the Taliban and the official Kabul. Once a month, such statements are made. There is nothing sensational here. Both are ready to talk. The Taliban are also ready to talk every three months. declare that they offer to sit down at the negotiating table and sign a truce. This is a usual Afghan trade policy, nothing new, "he said in an interview with Vestnik Kavkaza. In general, in his opinion, the situation in Afghanistan is stalemate: "The Taliban look more preferable on the battlefield, but they are also unable to crush Kabul. The situation is stalemate, neither side is able to completely defeat the other. And in this regard, a deadlock situation arises. It is unclear whether to negotiate or not to negotiate. " Time will tell how the next Afghan epic will end. So far, Russia is preparing for new challenges on its southern borders. Military exercises with Uzbekistan are currently underway, and joint Russian-Uzbek-Tajik military exercises will begin on August 5. Russia is using a powerful group of 1,800 troops and 420 pieces of military equipment. The long-awaited first session of the renewed Armenian parliament was immediately disrupted. Thus ended the first meeting of irreconcilable political opponents within the walls of a state institution. Prior to that, supporters and opponents of the "revolutionary" government of Nikol Pashinyan clashed with each other only during political actions on the streets of Armenian cities. The work of the parliament began with a provocation: the opposition blocs "Armenia" and "I have the honor" nominated the former heads of the municipalities of Meghri and Sisian Mkhitar Zakaryan and Artur Sargsyan, who are under investigation, for the post of deputy speaker of the parliament. Both of those under investigation are active supporters of the party of ex-President of Armenia Robert Kocharian, who was defeated in the early elections in June this year. Zakaryan and Sargsyan are deputies, and therefore can hope for parliamentary immunity if their party members are able to secure the release of both politicians. The opposition's actions looked like a political manipulation doomed to failure, since the re-elected Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan personally supervises the initiation of criminal cases against deputies and other politicians, who is not used to retreating in an effort to put as many opponents as possible behind bars. The current investigation into Zakaryan and Sargsyan, who are accused of exceeding their official powers, is quite an ordinary event in post-revolutionary Armenia, and therefore the current activity of the parliamentary opposition is aimed exclusively at supporters of the Armenia and I have the honor blocs, so that they do not rush to turn away from the nationalists who passed into parliament. The Karabakh separatists and their supporters who entered parliament intend to boycott the work of the National Assembly, and not cooperate for the good of society. This is largely due to the fact that an atmosphere of healthy political competition has not formed in Armenia over the past thirty years. Armenian politicians are not used to working together, preferring to create the illusion of political pluralism, behind which the hegemony of one political force is hidden. It is difficult to imagine what the political forces can agree on, which preferred to start the first session of the renewed parliament by leaving the conference room without waiting for the end of the working day. Therefore, the release of two deputies with a dubious reputation for the nationalist opposition is a much more significant agenda than the discussion of the current internal political problems of Armenia. Nikol Pashinyan, who officially took office as prime minister, refrained from making any comments regarding the political demarche of his opponents. He tries to ignore the policy of the "Armenia" and "I have the honor" blocs, consistently forming an alternative belt of the Armenian opposition, which corresponds to the canons of Armenian politics - consistency, controllability. A week and a half before the parliamentary meeting the day before, the prime minister held the first meeting with the participation of extra-parliamentary parties. The political culture of post-Soviet Armenia has formed a simple rule: if you cannot subjugate the parliamentary opposition, create your own. Pashinyan follows this path, preferring to give the deputies of the nationalist blocs the right to destroy their own reputation and appear in the eyes of the public as an embittered minority, unable to do anything other than disrupt parliamentary sessions. But despite the clear antagonism between the parliamentary majority and the opposition, parliament is unlikely to become an arena for a showdown. Of course, pathetic speeches will be heard in the conference room of the National, which may alternate with curses against the dominant Civil Contract faction, but they will not affect real life in the country. Since neither Pashinyan nor his opponents intend to work with each other, a real political struggle will unfold on the streets. To do this, Pashinyan and his faction need to remind from time to time of the past of his political opponents from among the former political elite, for whom a return to big politics became possible as a result of the revanchist sentiments spread throughout the country after the crushing defeat of Armenia in Karabakh. Since Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced last month that his nations troops would continue to secure Kabul international airport in Afghanistan, the leader has been both pressured and praised. Asia Times reports that the Taliban (a terrorist organization forbidden in Russia), which has recently accelerated its military campaign across the war-torn country, on July 13 described any further Turkish military presence as reprehensible and warned of dire consequences. Yet Ankaras agreement to secure the vital air link was also key to US President Joe Bidens positive and productive description of his meeting with Erdogan at Junes NATO summit. Indeed, Turkeys continued presence at the airport helps the US and its allies both cover their military withdrawal and maintain links to their embassies and missions in the Afghan capital. It also helps Turkey mend some of its battered fences with the US, after years of argument and division. Ankara wants to bring these relations to a better ground, former Turkish ambassador to NATO Mehmet Fatih Ceylan, told Asia Times. Afghanistan is one area where Turkey can do this. Yet the Turkish garrison at Kabul airport may be about more than just Ankara improving relations with its NATO allies. Turkey has long-standing links to Afghanistan after years of close involvement in the country and centuries of cultural and historical ties to the region. Theres a school of thought here that we cant leave Afghanistan in the lurch, adds Ceylan. We have unique relations with them, with Pakistan, and with the Turkic republics surrounding them. The thought was, we cant just sit back and watch events unfold. However, what happens now remains highly uncertain as Afghanistan falls deeper into conflict, while the country also becomes a battleground for a range of competing international interests. Follow the gray wolf A popular Turkish foundation myth has the original Turks, denizens of Central Asia and western China, following a gray wolf west out of their ancestral homelands to their current Anatolian location. Reality or myth, many of todays Turks do have ancestry and family stretching across Central Asia, with the Turkic peoples including Azeris, Turkmens, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Uighurs. Afghanistan has also long had a special place in recent Turkish history. Turks see Afghanistan as a society with kinship, Murat Aslan, from the SETA Foundation in Ankara, told Asia Times. Since the 1920s, Turkey has been assisting the Afghans, while the Afghans supported us during our War of Independence. Another nation that established links with modern Turkey early on was Pakistan, Afghanistans neighbor, with Ankara one of the first to recognize this fellow Sunni Muslim nations independence. Turkey has excellent strategic relations with all these neighboring states, Zalmai Nishat, a researcher at the Afghanistan Institute of Strategic Studies in Kabul, told Asia Times. It also has a lot of recent experience on the ground, with a Turkish general, Hilmi Akin Zorlu, commanding NATOs initial deployment, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), from 2002-2003. While Turkish troops have played no combat role in the country, they have trained thousands of Afghan security forces over the last two decades, while also investing in the countrys education and infrastructure. Turkish troops have also been responsible for the security of Kabul airport, under a separate, non-NATO mandate. Turkeys relationship with Pakistan and Ankaras good relations with Qatar, where the Taliban have a delegation, also potentially give Turkey access across the frontlines. Turkey is a Muslim member of NATO, has supported the Afghan government for years in a non-combat role and can also bring a lot of pressure to bear on the Taliban, via its ties to Pakistan and Qatar, says Nishat. Pakistans intelligence services are widely held to have connections to the Taliban, although the Pakistani government strongly denies any link. That access to both sides may also be having results already. In recent days, says Ceylan, back channels via Qatar and Pakistan do seem to have been trying to soften the Talibans approach to a Turkish presence, pressuring the more radical elements in the Taliban to accept at least some foreign force at the airport. Indeed, with the Taliban now making nice with neighbors such as China, a different pitch and tone from the Taliban is emerging, adds Ceylan. At the same time, while over the years, all our neighbors have interfered in Afghanistan, adds Nishat, Turkey has no boundary with us, helping it to be seen as quite different from Iran, Russia or China. Yet Afghanistan is also a mosaic of different groups and ethnicities, says Nishat, with Turkey seen as closer to the Turkic ethnicities, such as the Uzbeks, from the perspective of other groups. Turkey needs to be very mindful of this. Interests and aims Meanwhile, major domestic pressure is also building on Erdogan over Afghanistan. Instability there leads to refugees, with many of these being sent on through Iran to Turkey, says Aslan. Turkey already has 3.5 million Syrian refugees, along with many others, and cant absorb another wave of refugees heading in. Those bonds of kinship have also made Turkey a key destination for many fleeing the growing violence, with some 200,000 Afghans already estimated to be living in Turkey, according to the UN. Yet popular sympathy, both for refugees already in Turkey and for those coming in, is at an all-time low. One example of this that recently went viral on social media was from the opposition Republican Peoples Party (CHP) mayor in the northwestern Turkish town of Bolu, Tanju Ozcan. He tweeted on July 28 that hospitality has gone on too long, after announcing plans to charge foreigners refugees 10 times the normal rate for water and waste services. The CHP has since disavowed this, but clearly political pressure is mounting for Erdogan to stop the refugee flow a factor behind recently announced plans to extend an existing wall on the Turkish-Iranian frontier to the entire length of the border. China has welcomed Russian troops to hold joint strategic drills for the first time next week on the territory of the People's Republic as part of growing ties between Beijing and Moscow, Newsweek repors. Russian personnel were met with a warm reception over the weekend as Chinese People's Liberation Army Lieutenant General Liu Xiaowu, deputy commander of the Western Theater Command and commanding officer of Chinese forces in the upcoming exercise, presented a bouquet of flowers to members of the Russian military delegation visiting ahead of the Zapad-Interaction, or West-Interaction, drills set to play out from August 9 to 13. Liu "remarked that in the context of the big changes and pandemic, this is the first joint strategic exercise participated by Russian troops in China," according to a readout published Monday by the Chinese Defense Ministry. The ministry also noted that this is the fourth consecutive such training held by the Russian and Chinese militaries after the Vostok (East) 2018, Tsentr (Center) 2019 and Kavkaz (Caucasus) 2020 exercises, all of which were held across different regions of Russia. The latest Zapad-Interaction training will mostly take place near the city of Qingtongxia in northwestern China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and takes place as the U.S. pulls the last of its troops from neighboring Afghanistan, a nation in which both China and Russia seek to invest in long-term stability. The drills are set to involve some 10,000 personnel and various types of aircraft, weaponry, equipment and vehicles from both countries, whose forces "will set up a joint command, make plans and conduct training in mixed combat groups, so as to improve the joint anti-terrorism capabilities of the troops." As news of the ceremony emerged Monday, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Colonel-General Alexander Fomin took part in a virtual conference dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the establishment of the People's Liberation Army of China. Fomin "noted that Russian-Chinese military cooperation is characterized by high dynamics of development, consistent expansion of areas of interaction and a great intensity of contacts," according to the Russian Defense Ministry. He also "drew attention to the fact that the two countries regularly hold joint combat training events, and that China is one of the most active participants in the International Army Games." These annual games are also set to begin later this month, running from August 22 to September 4, and present yet another opportunity for Chinese and Russian troops to interact. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on Sunday that a separate contingent of Russian military personnel flew along with equipment to China to take part in three International Army Games competitions to be held in Korla of China's northwestern Xinjiang Autonomous Province. Other events will be held in Russia, where Chinese troops recently arrived with China with various materiel. Also next month, China and Russia will train together alongside India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's Peace Mission 2021 drills. The heightened level of military collaboration between Beijing and Moscow in the defense realm was also discussed Saturday by People's Liberation Army Major General Kui Yanwei, who serves as China's defense attache at the country's embassy in Russia and also was present for Monday's videoconference. In an article published in the Russian Defense Ministry's official Krasnaya Zvezda (The Red Star) newspaper, Kui praised the direction of Sino-Russian relations under the leadership of Presidents Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. Through their guidance, "the Sino-Russian comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in the new era has withstood the test of a pandemic and unprecedented changes in a century, reaching the highest level in all its history in all areas," Kui wrote. "The China-Russia tandem has become an unshakable guarantee of world justice and a progressive force that contributes to world development and prosperity, firmly protecting world security and stability," he wrote. He also took note that July marked the 20th anniversary of the Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation, which Xi and Putin renewed during a virtual meeting in late June. The two heads of state also produced a lengthy joint statement in which they discussed a relationship "based on equality, deep mutual trust, commitment to international law, support in defending each other's core interests, the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity." "While not being a military and political alliance, such as those formed during the Cold War, the Russian-Chinese relations exceed this form of interstate interaction," the statement said, "they are not opportunistic, are free of ideologization, involve comprehensive consideration of the partner's interests and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, they are self-sufficient and not directed against third countries, they display international relations of a new type." The United States considers China and Russia to be its top two great power competitors and has feuded with both nations on a wide range of geopolitical issues including human rights, territorial disputes and cybersecurity, for all of which Washington charges Beijing and Moscow with regular abuses. President Joe Biden has set out to pursue a relationship with China that has "cooperative," "competitive" and "confrontational" elements, while he sought to establish "a predictable and stable relationship" with Russia. Fifteen Russian nationals who were injured in a traffic accident in Turkey have been released from hospitals, five more are still in hospital, the Russian health ministry said on Tuesday. "By now, fifteen people hurt in the traffic accident in the city of Manavgat in Turkeys Antalya have been released from hospitals. Five more people are still in hospitals. They are in a serious condition. Three have been operated. The patients are under medical supervision. Russias health ministry is monitoring the situation with the Russian nationals treated in hospitals," TASS cited the statement as saying. A road accident involving a bus that was carrying 22 Russian tourists occurred on Monday in an area close to the resort town of Manavgat in Turkeys Antalya province. There were nine children in the group. The Intourist travel agency said that all of them were from Russias Samara Region. According to preliminary reports, the bus driver lost control of the vehicle and the bus crossed the center line into oncoming traffic, and overturned. Three people died. The units of the Armenian Armed Forces opened fire at the Azerbaijani positions by using small arms in the direction of Yellije settlement of Kalbajar district from the positions located in Azizli village of Basarkechar district (Armenia) on August 4 at 14:50 (GMT+4), Trend reports on Aug. 4 referring to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. There are no casualties among the Azerbaijani servicemen. Presently, the situation in this direction is stable, the situation is controlled by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. Belgium will donate AstraZeneca vaccines to so-called third countries, including Georgia, through the Covax platform, InterPressNews reported citing the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo stated that Belgium aims to donate 4 million doses of the vaccine by the end of 2021. At the first stage, Ukraine will receive 168 thousand doses of Astrazeneca vaccine, and at a later stage, Georgia, Armenia and Kosovo will receive more than 225 thousand doses. As Turkey extends a helping hand to other states, it is similarly ready to accept help from other countries amid recent forest fires that have led to deaths and material damage, Turkey's foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said. "Just as Turkey helps other countries as part of the spirit of solidarity, we wouldn't be hurt if other countries or institutions help us. This isnt a matter of pride, this is a natural disaster. Solidarity is, of course, important in disaster situations and difficult conditions," Cavusoglu told reporters at the Fire Management Center in Antalya, which has been battling blazes. Noting that Turkey faces big fires, Cavusoglu said that many countries, neighboring states, "friendly and brotherly countries" and European states contacted Turkey to offer help. After the EU sent its announcement to all member states that it would help Turkey, there were responses from four countries Croatia, Romania, France, and Spain," said Cavusoglu, adding that Turkish authorities assessed the help offered, such as planes, helicopters, and other relevant firefighting equipment. Cavusoglu also thanked Azerbaijan for sending equipment, a helicopter, and firefighting teams to Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thanked his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, as well as a number of other world leaders, for support and assistance in fighting wildfires. "In the name of my country, I would like to express special gratitude to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez for their unwavering support since the first moment [of emergence of wildfires]," Erdogan said in his Telegram channel Tuesday. He also thanked the leadership of Iran, Qatar, Croatia and Ukraine for "strong support." "In the name of my people, I would like to say thank you to all friendly countries and organizations, who expressed their condolences, their readiness to help, who sent us aid. I hope that we will overcome this difficult period shortly," he said. He also published an infographic with flags of over 70 countries and 10 international organizations that Turkey expresses its gratitude to. Large-scale wildfires sparked in the republic six days ago, covering a number of coastal resort regions, including Mugla and Antalya provinces. Although firefighters were able to localize most hotspots, the combat with fire continues. According to the Turkish Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency, eight people have died, and over 850 people have suffered from the disaster. As forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans, the European Commission is mobilising support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods. Two Canadair firefighting airplanes from France are being sent to affected areas in Italy to start firefighting operations today. Two firefighting planes from Cyprus are supporting Greece, on top of a firefighting team to support operations on the ground. Two helicopters to support operations in Albania will be equally dispatched from Czechia and the Netherlands. In addition, Slovenia is sending a team of 45 firefighters to North Macedonia. Iran has rejected claims that its naval forces seized an oil tanker off the coast of the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday. Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh termed reports about Iranian armed forces entering ships in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman "fake news," urging all sides to be cautious about news regarding maritime security in the region. Media reports quoting unnamed maritime security sources said Iranian-backed forces were believed to have seized an oil tanker in the Gulf off the coast of the UAE. The reports came hours after a British maritime trade agency said a "potential hijack" was underway near Fujairah, with at least four ships broadcasting warnings that they had lost control of their steering under unknown circumstances. In a statement, Khatibzadeh said the incidents related to ships in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea were "utterly suspicious," warning against what he termed "false propaganda" against Iran. He expressed Irans commitment to regional stability and maritime security and said his country is willing to offer assistance in case of any maritime accidents in the region, Anadolu Agency reported. According to reports, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has also denied reports of Iran seizing a ship, calling it a "pretext for hostile action" against Tehran. A news agency affiliated with Iran's top security agency, quoting a senior official, said the passage of commercial vessels was "quite normal" and naval sources of countries in the region had not reported any "uncontrollable incident." The U.S. Department of Defense confirmed that a Pentagon Force Protection Agency officer was killed in a shootout near the Pentagon building on Tuesday. "On behalf of everyone working at the Pentagon, and across the Department of Defense, I extend my deepest sympathies to the family, loved ones and colleagues of the Pentagon Force Protection Officer who died as a result of injuries he received this morning," U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement. In his words, an investigation into the incident is ongoing. Woodrow Kusse, head of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, told reporters that a Pentagon police officer was attacked near the building on Tuesday, and gunfire took place during the incident. He confirmed that several people were injured as a result. In his words, FBI officers have arrived to the scene, and the investigation is ongoing. Kusse said the investigation has not yet established the attackers motives, adding that it was too early to describe the incident as a terror attack. Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby, who was also present at the briefing, said U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was not in the building at the time of the incident. Associated Press reported on Tuesday that a Pentagon police officer was stabbed to death outside the building. The attacker was shot by police, the agency said. The UK has reported a "potential hijack" of a ship off the coast of the United Arab Emirates as a security source said a tanker appears to have been seized. UK Maritime Trade Operations, a part of the Ministry of Defence, described the incident as a "potential hijack". A group of eight or nine armed individuals are believed to have boarded the vessel, named Asphalt Princess, the security source told Sky News. "It was an unauthorised boarding in the Gulf of Oman," the security source said. It comes as Associated Press reported that at least four vessels sent out warnings saying they had lost control of their steering. Oil tankers called Queen Ematha, Golden Brilliant, Jag Pooja and Abyss all reported through their Automatic Identification System trackers they were "not under command", according to MarineTraffic.com. That typically means a vessel has lost power and can no longer steer. Two rockets launched from Lebanon struck Israel on Wednesday, the Israeli military said, adding that it fired artillery into Lebanese territory in response to the attack. Israels Magen David Adom ambulance service said there were no casualties on the Israeli side of the frontier. It posted a photograph on Twitter showing smoke rising from a field. Sirens warning of a rocket attack sounded in several Israeli communities, including the town of Kiryat Shmona, near the Lebanese border. In a statement, the military said three rockets were launched from Lebanon, with one falling short of the Israeli border and the others striking inside Israel. Witnesses in Lebanon also reported that several rockets were fired at Israel. In response, (Israeli) artillery forces attacked Lebanese territory, Reuters cited the military as saying. The border has been mostly quiet since Israel fought a 2006 war against Hezbollah guerrillas, who have sway in southern Lebanon and advanced rockets. But small Palestinian factions in Lebanon have fired sporadically on Israel in the past, and two rockets were launched at Israel on July 20, causing no damage or injuries. Israel responded to that incident with artillery fire The number of new coronavirus cases in Turkey jumped to nearly 25,000 on Tuesday, government data showed, the highest level in almost three months, and the health minister urged Turks to get vaccinated against the virus. The number of deaths from COVID-19 also rose to 126, the most fatalities since June 1, as the country battles another wave of the virus which has spread since authorities relaxed pandemic-related restrictions. The number of new cases hit 24,832 on Tuesday, up from 22,898 the day before, Reuters reported. "If we follow the rules of combating the epidemic and get our vaccinations, we will take action to end the epidemic," Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said in a tweet accompanying the daily data. Two-thirds of Turkish adults have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine, while slightly less than half have received two or more doses. Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili commented on the agreement, mediated by European Council President Charles Michel between the Georgian Dream government and the opposition to end a six-month political stalemate in the country. "I believe that the process behind [the April 19] document, the goals that this document pursues and the principles on which this document is based on are not exhaustive and represent the path that this country must go through and that I support," Zurabishvili said in an address she released on Tuesday.. "I personally take some responsibility and I am even proud to have supported the involvement of the EU at a time when the political crisis in the country was at a standstill. However, I cannot take responsibility for certain elements of the document that were agreed between parties, nor on their annulment. "However, today the post-facto discovery that it turns out we gave up something that was unacceptable and that might harm the country is incomprehensible. In my experience, red lines are crossed before signing. I believe that the process behind this document, the goals that this document pursues and the principles on which this document is based on are not exhaustive and represent the path that this country must go through and that I support," Agenda.ge cited the President of Georgia as saying. The April 19 Agreement is a "real bridge between us and Europe", Zurabishvili underscored in her speech, adding she had told members of the ruling party that the deal should be "understood, valued, used and taken care of". The comments come in the wake of the ruling party Georgian Dream's decision to unilaterally leave the agreement. Georgia is at a crossroads with the challenge of the latest wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and continued political polarisation ahead of municipal elections in October, Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili said in an address she released on Tuesday. In a lengthy speech at Tbilisi's Orbeliani Palace residence, delivered amid intensifying election campaigns from parties and accompanying rhetoric - in addition to sharply increased rates of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country - the president appealed to common citizens as well as political forces about a critical point for the society, Agenda.ge reported. Zurabishvili urged sceptics of vaccination among the population to reconsider "behaviour [that] is neither a question of personal choice nor of freedom of expression", stressing "[t]rue patriotism" would lie in "courage" of vaccination and "a sense of responsibility as members of society." Thanks to vaccine diplomacy, Vietnam has received more than 15 million doses of covid-19 vaccine, with more than 12 million doses allocated to epidemic-hit localities in July alone. Resolution 21 of the Government dated February 26, 2021 clearly states that Vietnam targets to have 150 million doses of vaccine to vaccinate 70% of the population. In the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, the COVAX Facility mechanism is one of the best solutions to ensure the rapid and equitable deployment of safe and effective vaccines to all countries around the world. As a member of COVAX, in December 2020, Vietnam submitted a dossier to propose vaccine support. On that basis, COVAX has allocated vaccines and committed to provide Vietnam with vaccines to immunize 20% of the population, equivalent to nearly 39 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine. Thanks to vaccine diplomacy, in July alone, more than 12 million vaccine doses were allocated to epidemic-affected localities; provinces and cities that are economic locomotives; and others. Explaining to the National Assembly on July 25, Minister of Health Nguyen Thanh Long said that following the conclusions and direction of the Politburo and the Secretariat of the Central Party Committee, starting early 2020, the Government gave instructions on the implementation of a comprehensive vaccine strategy. Vietnam has actively lobbied governments and vaccine manufacturers to speed up the delivery of vaccines to Vietnam. This advocacy is very important in the context of global vaccine scarcity. On the basis of active and drastic advocacy and negotiation, in just over a month, the amount of vaccines for Vietnam has increased significantly. To date, partners have signed contracts with and committed to provide Vietnam with about 105 million doses of vaccine, including: 38.9 million doses sponsored by COVAX, 30 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine imported by the Vietnam Vaccine Joint Stock Company (VNVC), 31 million doses of Pfizer vaccine purchased by the Government, 5 million doses of Moderna vaccine purchased via Zuellig Pharma Vietnam, and 55 million doses under negotiation (40 million doses of Sputnik-V vaccine negotiated by T&T Group with the Russian Direct Investment Fund and 15 million doses of Covax negotiated by the Ministry of Health with India). Vaccine diplomacy has been strongly promoted with a series of talks and exchanges in bilateral and multilateral meetings of the Party General Secretary, the State President, the National Assembly Chairman, and the Prime Minister with many positive results. Through a network of more than 90 Vietnamese representative agencies abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health have coordinated to drastically implement this task. Thereby, Vietnam has had access to a number of vaccine sources of other countries and international organizations. That has made an important contribution to Vietnam's vaccination strategy. So far, Vietnam has made commitments, agreements, contracts and has received many aid sources from China, the US, Japan, Australia, the UK and other countries with an amount of over 130 million doses. The country is negotiating to purchase another 40 million vaccine doses to bring the total to 170 million doses by the end of 2021. Thanks to vaccine diplomacy, in July alone, more than 12 million vaccine doses were allocated to epidemic-affected localities; provinces and cities that are economic locomotives; and other provinces to give vaccinations to priority subjects under Resolution 21 of the Government. In July, despite the complicated pandemic, Vietnam's diplomacy was active with two visits by the British and US defense ministers. The significance of these two visits goes beyond normal defense cooperation. At the meeting between the Vietnam - UK Defense Ministers, Minister Phan Van Giang thanked the British Government for its concern and experience sharing in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic and for putting Vietnam on the priority list for vaccine supply. He also proposed that within his authority, his British counterpart could assist the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam in accessing Covid-19 vaccine supply. During a meeting with Vietnamese leaders, referring to the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was happy to disclose information about the supply of 5 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine for Vietnam in the spirit of friendship in the fight against the global pandemic. Mr. Lloyd Austin said that in the coming time, the US would continue to cooperate with Vietnam to develop a vaccine against Covid-19, provide equipment for Vietnam's Covid-19 prevention and control efforts, and do the best they can to support Vietnam in this regard. The Vietnamese Party, State, Government and people always appreciate the practical and timely help of international friends in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. In exchanges, phone calls and letters to the leaders of other countries, Vietnamese top leaders all expressed their sincere and deep thanks for foreign partners assistance, considering this as proof of the good relationship between the two sides. For its part, Vietnam has also shown a sense of responsibility by joining the international community to fight this dangerous disease through international cooperation activities, sharing experiences and epidemic prevention and control resources to the fullest extent possible for people of other countries, devotedly treating Covid-19 infected foreigners, and contributing $500,000 to the COVAX fund. These achievements are considered a bright spot in Vietnam's foreign affairs activities in the first six months of the year as well as a bright spot in its efforts to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic. The largest vaccination campaign ever is being rolled out across the country. As of August 1, more than 6.2 million were vaccinated, including about 5.5 million people getting the first dose and more than 620,000 people getting the second dose of vaccine. Tuan Minh Freelance shippers in Hanoi and HCMC have turned off apps and stopped working, creating 'holes' in goods circulation. But Vietnam Post and Viettel Post have committed to fill the need. In an effort to reduce traffic density, local authorities of HCMC, a Covid-19 epicenter, on July 26 told enterprises to reduce the number of shippers by 10 percent. Enterprises were asked to provide identity characteristics of shippers. Each shipper would operate in one district only. However, the regulation on the area for shippers to operate was loosened on July 29, allowing those who carry essential goods to travel among districts and Thu Duc City. In Hanoi, since the first day of the social distancing campaign, the municipal authorities stopped goods carried on motorbikes by freelance shippers. Meanwhile, postal services and shippers put under the management of enterprises have to register to get operation codes from the Transport Department. As of July 30, as many as 15,255 postmen and shippers had been granted operation codes for social distancing days, including 13,668 postmen of 20 postal companies, which accounted for 89.5 percent. Postal workers and shippers said the shipping activities in some localities under social distancing still faced difficulties in the first days. Some postal staff were prevented at checkpoints because they carried non-essential goods. However, the disagreement in understanding about essential goods has been clarified. In HCMC, not only freelance shippers, but shippers of some companies have also stopped working and turned off delivery apps because of the limited working conditions, the fear of infection, and the risk of being fined when going through checkpoints. The Vietnam E-commerce Association has warned that if shippers resign from their post en masse, this will lead to a crisis and supply chain disruption. At a meeting on July 30 between Ministry of Information and Communications and two postal companies Vietnam Post and Viettel Post, and representatives of 19 southern provinces under lockdown, MIC Deputy Minister Pham Anh Tuan once again emphasized the role of postal workers and shippers in maintaining local supply chains. He said that tightened measures are applied in pandemic hit areas, which are necessary to maintain the operation of postmen and shippers. Tuan, at an online forum discussing the supply-demand connection, asked the 19 southern provinces to create favorable conditions for postal services and shippers to work. With 8,000 postal workers granted operation codes in Hanoi and HCMC, Vietnam Post and Viettel Post are making a great contribution to ensuring the uninterrupted supply of essential goods. Vietnam Post and Viettel Post have been working with some supermarkets, food shops and e-commerce sites to deliver goods ordered online by consumers. Trong Dat Ho Chi Minh City has received the largest number of Covid-19 vaccine doses in the country, with a total so far of nearly 4.1 million doses. Vietnam has just received 1,074,380 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Accordingly, 659,500 doses purchased through VNVC were allocated to HCM City and 414,880 doses from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland were distributed to Hanoi. On August 3, the Ministry of Health adjusted Decision 3600/BYT-QD on the allocation of Covid-19 vaccines to allocate an additional 319,000 vaccine doses to Ho Chi Minh City and 284,000 doses to Hanoi. In total, Ho Chi Minh City will get an additional 978,500 doses and Hanoi 698,880 doses. In the last three rounds of vaccine distribution, Ho Chi Minh City received 1,148,500 doses and Hanoi 868,880 doses. In addition, hospitals and agencies in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi were allocated 40,000 and 74,500 doses, respectively, in these phases, to vaccinate local residents. According to the Ministry of Health, so far Ho Chi Minh City has been allocated the highest number of vaccine doses - 4,075,270, covering 29% of the population aged 18 and over. Hanoi ranks second, with 2,943,770 vaccine doses, covering 26% of the population aged 18 and over. By 8:30 a.m. on August 2, Ho Chi Minh City finished the fifth round of vaccination, with 930,000 doses allocated by the Ministry of Health. HCM Citys Vice Chairman Duong Anh Duc on August 3 said that the city had entered the 6th round of vaccination, which will last until the end of August. During this round, the city still uses three types of vaccines - AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. Sinopharm vaccine of China is still waiting for the Ministry of Health to verify its safety, so it will not be used in this round of vaccination. According to the National Expanded Immunization Program, by August 2, Vietnam had administered 6,959,197 doses of Covid-19 vaccine, including 6,246,333 first shots and 712,864 second shots. The total number of vaccine doses available in the country is more than 17 million, including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinopharm and Sputnik V vaccines. Tu Anh - Nguyen Lien At least three provinces, including Binh Duong, Khanh Hoa and Dong Thap, said they want to participate in the trial phase of the locally-made Covid-19 vaccine Nanocovax. At a vaccination site in the southern province of Binh Duong. Due to the rapid increase in the number of Covid-19 cases while supply of vaccines is limited, the southern province of Binh Duong a pandemic hotspot - has asked for the Ministry of Healths approval for its participation in the pilot vaccination of Made-in-Vietnam Nanocovax vaccine. Previously, the Union of Binh Duongs Enterprises sent an official dispatch to the People's Committee of Binh Duong province, proposing to participate in the pilot vaccination of Nanocovax vaccine for employees and workers at enterprises in the province. On August 2, Binh Duong authorities sent an urgent document on this issue to the Ministry of Health. According to the Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee, if its proposal is approved, the province will allow the participation of 200,000 volunteers who are employees and workers of enterprises in Binh Duong province. It is reported that up to half of the province's population (about 1.2 million people) are workers. Most of Covid-19 cases in this province are workers. Meanwhile, the province has administered only 97,000 vaccine doses so far. It is administering an additional 285,000 doses allocated by the Ministry of Health. Bin Duong plans to vaccinate over 95% of people over 18 years old, with a total of 3.2 million vaccine doses. However, the supply of vaccines is limited. As of August 3 morning, Binh Duong had recorded more than 18,300 Covid-19 cases, ranking second in the country after Ho Chi Minh City (over 100,000 cases). Khanh Hoa province has also asked the Ministry of Healths approval for trial vaccination of Nanocovax vaccine in this province. Dong Thap province has voiced its wish to join the trial phase of this vaccine. Nanocovax vaccine has been developed by Nanogen Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Joint Stock Company since May 2020, based on recombinant protein technology. This vaccine is now under phase 3 of trial since June 11, 2021, in four provinces including Hanoi, Hung Yen, Long An and Tien Giang. This phase is scheduled to finish in August 2021. Phase 3 trials are being conducted with 13,000 volunteers, divided into two phases, 3a with 1,000 people and 3b with 12,000 people. As many as 13,000 first doses in phase 3 have been administered, with the second dose expected to be completed before mid-August, according to the company. Surrogate virus neutralization tests (sVNT) for the 1,000 people involved in phase 3a revealed 100% production of neutralizing antibodies at levels higher than 30 per cent, but further monitoring is needed. In tandem with applying for conditional approval for emergency use, Nanogen is also asking the health ministry to consider phase 3c trials, which would involve 500,000 to 1 million volunteers. Trials of the vaccine on children 12-18 years old would be conducted once full approval is obtained. Deputy Health Minister Tran Van Thuan said on August 2 that the Ministry of Health strongly supports provinces participating in the clinical trial of Nanocovax vaccine to expand the scope of research to assess the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. However, registration to participate in clinical trials of vaccine must follow the research process. In particular, during the testing process, it is necessary to ensure the collection and management of data in a scientific, reliable and accurate manner," he said. The Ministry of Health has always supported and created the most favorable conditions for companies and individuals to participate in the production of COVID-19 vaccines, having mobilized many industry-leading scientists in the country to participate in the assessment of vaccines, he said. The health official wants Nanogen to submit a report on research results for phase 2 and initial phase 3 so that the National Ethics Committee in Biomedical Research can start evaluation for emergency approval for NanoCovax. Xuan An - Thuy Hanh Dong Thap-based firm gets nod to order 200,000 doses of Nanocovax The Dong Thap government has approved Vinh Hoan Corporations proposal to order 200,000 doses of the locally-made Covid-19 vaccine Nanocovax and distribute them in the province. Vietnam is stepping up its efforts to secure vaccine technology transfer to get access to inoculations, paving a way to enter the global vaccine supply chain. A number of vaccine transfer-and-produce initiatives have been endorsed by the Ministry of Health (MoH) through Decree No.2301/QD-BYT released on May 7 on the establishment of a steering committee for COVID-19 vaccine research and production technology transfer, to beef up vaccine production from Vietnam to around 200 million doses by the first half of 2022. Among them, Vietnam has successfully secured tech transfer from Japan, Russia, and the United States. Vietnamese firms AIC and Vabiotech have inked a deal with Japans Shionogi & Co., Ltd. to produce COVID-19 vaccines. The deal was subject to a confidentiality agreement but would be based on the local production of recombinant protein-based vaccines. The MoH is preparing to conduct phase three clinical trials for Shionogis vaccine in Vietnam and it is hoped the vaccine will be rolled out to the market by June next year. Meanwhile, the Russian Direct Investment Fund and Vabiotech are actively cooperating in the tech transfer process to provide easier access to Sputnik V vaccines for the population of Vietnam. The first batch of Sputnik V was produced in Vietnam, and it is expected that the tech transfer from Russia will be completed by the end of 2021. For related initiatives with US partners, the MoH has sent a group of experts to coordinate with the World Health Organization (WHO) to support relevant units in completing dossiers for clinical trial phases 1-3 according to a shortened process, with the research expected to start on August 1 and end in late December. The transfer and building of a vaccine factory in Vietnam will be completed in June 2022. Vietnamese behemoth Vingroup was also in talks with San Diego-headquartered Arcturus Therapeutics Holding on mRNA vaccine production. Clinical trials could begin in Vietnam in August, adding that the firms could produce 100-200 million doses a year under such a deal. Pham Cong Hiep, senior lecturer and research cluster lead at RMIT University, said that it is clear the government is taking decisive action to establish Vietnam as a world vaccine supply source through technology transfer agreements and domestic research and development. Hiep pointed out Vietnam can take advantage of its high-quality infrastructure in industrial zones, and experienced workers in many high-tech firms to participate deeper in the value chain of vaccine production. This can contribute to reducing global shortages and making vaccines more affordable to less developed countries like Vietnam. Importantly, participating in the vaccine supply chain can enhance the countrys ability to counter future pandemics as COVID-19 may not be the last, Hiep added. According to Nguyen Manh Hung, another lecturer of RMIT University, the COVID-19 vaccine supply chains differ significantly from traditional vaccine supply chains in their scope, objectives, and regulated platforms. Asian countries like South Korea and Indonesia have quickly engaged in tech transfer hubs to move a step closer to the ambition to become a major vaccine manufacturing centre. South Korea is also willing to offer its state-of-the-art facility and skilled human resources with GMP-standard practices. However, limited sources of supply create a significant bottleneck in low-to-middle-income countries such as Vietnam. The WHO reported that 80 per cent of global sales for coronavirus vaccines so far come from five large multinational corporations. Traditional vaccine supply chains for less developed regions have often been initiated from the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers Network, multi-agencies, and donors such as the European Vaccine Initiative and International Vaccine Institute. The COVID-19 vaccine supply chains have multiple approaches and often accompany bilateral connections. As reported by Reuters, South Korea has approached Pfizer, Moderna, CureVac, and BioNTech in a step closer to its ambition to become a major vaccine manufacturing centre. Indonesia is enlarging the Sinovax supply chains to provide the vaccine to the Asia-Pacific region. According to Hung, original vaccine manufacturers are now under pressure to forgo their patents to support poor countries, and many producers are now willing to transfer vital know-how to various countries. For example, BioNTech is basing its regional centre and a new factory in Singapore for its vaccines as part of steps taken by the company to address the increasing demand locally. However, he added this process depends not only on the needs of the local markets but also on the government direction and national vaccine production capability. Vietnam should take measures for accelerated approvals through a fast-track approving system for vaccine manufacturing-related ventures, including related logistics to speed up manufacturing locally, Hung noted. Source: VIR Vietnam expects COVID-19 vaccine tech transfer from Russia The nation aspires Russia to help it ensure vaccine supplies, accelerate the implementation of signed vaccine contracts and vaccine production technology transfer, especially COVID-19 medicine production, and other medical supplies and medicines. The man was still alive and armed after he was shot, and officers slowly engaged him and attempted life-saving measures before calling over emergency medical personnel who were nearby. He was taken to a local hospital, where he died. His is not yet being named, pending identification and notification of next of kin, according to the press release. Nine officers fired, Victorian said. She said she did not yet have information on a potential motive in the initial shooting or the relationship between the two men. This is a very, very tragic situation for two families, Victorian said. It is not yet known how many shots were fired, but police were able to check neighboring apartment units and make sure no one else was injured, she said. In addition to the weapon the man had when he was killed, police found a 12-gauge shotgun at the scene, Victorian said. All nine officers who fired are on administrative leave, which is standard practice after officer involved shootings. The department and Texas Rangers are conducting a joint investigation. Sign up for our Crime & Courts newsletter Get the latest in local public safety news with this weekly email. Sign up! * I understand and agree that registration on or use of this site constitutes agreement to its user agreement and privacy policy. COVID-19 vaccination clinics continue The Waco-McLennan County Public Health District will host free COVID-19 vaccination clinics this week. The Johnson & Johnson, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines will be available. Parents or a consenting adult must accompany minor children to receive the vaccine. Walk-ins are welcome along with scheduled appointments via covidwaco.com . The schedule is: I-35 frontage road closing The Texas Department of Transportation plans to close all lanes of the northbound Interstate 35 frontage road from 12th Street to Fourth Street, from 11 p.m. Wednesday to 5 a.m. Thursday for paving work. Drivers will be directed to the northbound main lanes near 17th Street, and local traffic can use Speight Avenue and 16th Street to access businesses and residences. We were almost there. Thats the most frustrating thing about the most recent announcement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that even those who are fully vaccinated against the disease should return to wearing masks indoors in cities that are COVID-19 hot spots. It was only two months ago the CDC said we could put our masks away. We were this close to getting this thing under control, to seeing one another smile, to cookouts, to visiting grandpa, to signing off Zoom, to normal. Now we see it all slipping away as inexorably as the tide going out. We return to masking up, hiding our faces like bank robbers. Some of us are vexed with the CDC over its shifting guidelines, but you wont get an amen from this corner. Scientists have to follow science, and if this is where the science leads, so be it. No, if youre looking to apportion blame, blame the delta variant. And blame, too, those people who refused to wear masks or be vaccinated, and the public officials who seconded them. Blame the ones who said these were matters of personal choice. As if personal choice supersedes public interest. And how often have we seen news stories about those same people, newly repentant and freshly contrite, their minds changed after coming nose to nose with their own mortality, courtesy of COVID-19? Theres a strong case that Congress should give legal status to millions of immigrants who are here illegally, at least under certain conditions. Theres a case, reasonable though not as strong, that we ought to have legislative rules that allow a bare majority of Congress to make that change in our laws. There is, by contrast, no real case that the rules in place today allow it. If Democrats try to enact an amnesty that way, they will probably, and rightly, get shot down but not before doing a bit more damage to public confidence in our political system. The gambit some Democrats are considering would put a broad amnesty in a budget reconciliation bill that cannot be filibustered. If all the Democrats voted for the bill and all the Republicans against it, it would pass the Senate on a 51-50 vote with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie. The argument for trying this maneuver has three parts: It would meet the technical requirements to qualify for inclusion in a reconciliation bill, there is precedent for it and it would be popular. None is persuasive. MIAMI (AP) An Ohio man was arrested in Florida over the weekend after being accused of groping two female flight attendants and punching a male flight attendant during a flight from Philadelphia to Miami, officials said. Maxwell Berry, 22, of Norwalk, Ohio, was arrested Saturday at Miami International Airport and charged with three counts of misdemeanor battery, according to a Miami-Dade police report. Berry had two drinks while on the Frontier Airlines flight and ordered another drink, police said. Berry brushed an empty cup against the backside of a flight attendant, who then told him not to touch her, officials said. At some point, Berry spilled a drink on his shirt, went to the bathroom and came out shirtless, the report said. A flight attendant helped him get another shirt from his carry-on. Police said that, after walking around for 15 minutes, Berry allegedly grabbed the chests of two female flight attendants. They called a male flight attendant over to watch Berry, who punched the other man in the face, officials said. The flight attendant and nearby passengers restrained Berry in a seat with tape and a seatbelt extender, the report said. Leidos versus SAIC continues as they fight for $2.5B NASA contract On Tuesday, Leidos CEO Roger Krone said during the company's second quarter earnings call that NASA was taking a corrective action involving a $2.5 billion IT infrastructure contract the company had taken away from Science Applications International Corp. SAIC naturally filed a protest at the Government Accountability Office. Krone told investors that NASAs corrective action would include a new award decision for the contract known as AEGIS. That isn't unusual and GAO usually dismisses protests when a corrective action is taken by an agency. But that isnt what we are seeing here. GAO has not dismissed the SAIC protest. The only thing Im getting from GAO is that it is an active case and cant comment on whether a corrective action has been taken or if a dismissal is imminent. Ive reached out to Leidos and SAIC as well. Leidos declined to comment and Ill update this post if SAIC responds to a separate request for comment. But this is what I think is going on. Leidos thinks the corrective action warrants a dismissal. SAIC disagrees and is telling GAO that NASA is not addressing the issues the company raised in its protest. GAO now has to decide to dismiss or not. One thing NASAs corrective action does not do is pull the award back from Leidos. The reason I say that is if NASA told GAO the award to Leidos was pulled back, then GAO would have no choice but to dismiss SAICs protest because technically there no longer is an award to protest. Whatever NASA has said to GAO, Leidos and SAIC apparently falls short of entirely nixing the contract award. GAO could still decide to dismiss SAIC's protest if it agrees with NASA and Leidos that the corrective action addresses the challenges raised in SAICs protest. If that happens, SAIC could then protest that decision and continue its arguments that the corrective action is inadequate. If the protest is dismissed, Ill send a records request to GAO to get more details on what NASA proposed and perhaps/hopefully to see what SAIC and Leidos argued over. Dismissal means a closed case, so there is no reason GAO should share that information. But if GAO doesnt dismiss, the protest continues on. Right now a decision on the protest is expected by Oct. 14. He sounds almost like a robot, she said, holding onto memories of when her son could do the things he liked ride his bike, sing, dance. Months after the attack, Hollis is still at MercyOne Medical Center Waterloo because he isnt stable enough to move back home to Texas or even to a larger hospital. Originally from Humble, Texas, near Houston, Hollis met Kayla Tiefel of Waterloo on a dating app and after a few months decided to travel to see her in person. He had been in town for about four days. Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} According to testimony at trial, Tiefel and Heggebo had a child born weeks earlier, but werent a couple at the time of the attack. Earlier that day Tiefel had been in an altercation with an acquaintance of Heggebo. The acquaintance told Heggebo about the encounter and questioned if anyone was looking after the infant during the altercation. Heggebo and his friends went to Tiefels home on West Third Street to look for a phone that was misplaced during the altercation and to address the infant care question (Tiefel told jurors her cousin was babysitting). When they arrived, they found police trying to settle a parking dispute between Tiefel and a neighbor. TAYLOR GREENE AT FAIR: U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene told Bloomberg News she will be attending the Iowa State Fair. The fair and the Des Moines Register Soap Box is a frequent stop for politicians seeking to raise their profile, especially if they have presidential ambitions. However, the Register is not hosting the Soap Box this year. A spokesman for the Republican Party of Iowa said it was not involved in her visit. Greene has been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump and advanced theories about deep state opposition to Trump and that President Joe Bidens victory was invalid. UNION ENDORSEMENT: Sami Scheetz has secured the endorsement of Teamsters Local 238 in his bid for the Democratic nomination in Iowa House District 65 on Cedar Rapids southeast side. Teamsters 238 is the largest local union in Iowa, with more than 5,000 members working in industries ranging from transportation and warehousing to manufacturing and public service. CEDAR FALLS A commission appointed to handle eminent domain appeals said a Cedar Falls couples seized property is worth more than twice what the city offered. The property owner is still deciding whether its enough. Last October, Cedar Falls City Council approved going forward with construction of a roundabout at Greenhill Road and South Main Street. Brian McElhose, whose property is located at 4309 Spruce Hills Drive, was among those asked to surrender land to the $3 million project. The back half of McElhoses land is covered with 60-foot eastern white pine trees, 12 of them to be exact. With the citys proposed plan, McElhose stood to lose half of them, and gain a new fence, albeit one that would run only halfway down the width of his back yard, parallel to Main Street. Its like a park back there. That was the whole reason we built a $100,000 addition on the house, McElhose said. When a local government needs private property to undertake a project it believes is for the good of the community, such as reconstructing a road or building a new public facility, there is little a private landowner can do to challenge it beyond making sure the government pays an adequate price for either the temporary or permanent use of their land. John Hinckley was the youngest of Jo Ann and Jack Hinckleys three children. He was 25 when he shot the 40th U.S. president outside a Washington hotel in 1981. The shooting also paralyzed press secretary James Brady, who died in 2014, and injured two others. According to a book the couple wrote about their son and the assassination attempt, Breaking Points, she was ironing and watching television when a reporter for The Washington Post called and said that her son had been identified as the man who fired shots at the president. Is this your idea of a joke?" she responded before slamming down the phone. At the time of the shooting, Hinckley was suffering from acute psychosis and was obsessed with actress Jodie Foster. Jurors said he needed treatment, not a lifetime in confinement. In the years after the shooting, his parents began to raise money for mental health research and education. They founded the American Mental Health Fund in 1984. In 1986, Jo Ann Hinckley said she and her husband had no idea at the time that their son was sick. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Monday agreed to pay nearly $23,000 in a fine to the city for a series of ethics violations while in office, including asking a former governor to release her brother from prison and allowing a former head of public works embroiled in a corruption scandal to pay her car repair bill. The proposed agreement from the citys Ethics Commission also fines Breed for failing to properly report a 2015 campaign contribution while running for reelection to the Board of Supervisors. If approved by the Ethics Commission at its next meeting on Aug. 13, the mayor will personally pay the fine, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday. The commission found Breeds violations are significant and involve the misuse of her title as mayor for personal gain and violated the citys laws on accepting gifts from subordinates and campaign contributions. Breed said in a statement Tuesday that the fines are fair and she took responsibility for her actions. Ive learned a lot over the last two years since the most recent of these events took place, and Ive learned from this process, she said. Barack Obama has "significantly scaled back" his 60th birthday party due to COVID-19 concerns. The former US President and his wife Michelle were planning to celebrate his big day next weekend with a huge guestlist - including friends, family and former staff - set for the bash at the family's estate in Martha's Vineyard, but this has now been reduced. The family's spokeswoman Hannah Hankins told PEOPLE magazine: "This outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with COVID safeguards in place. "Due to the new spread of the Delta variant over the past week, the [former] President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends. "He's appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon." Even before the event was cut back, Barack had not asked for any gifts, as he would prefer donations to the Obama Foundation's philanthropic projects. The outdoor gathering will be held next weekend, and guests were told that they must undergo coronavirus testing and that the event will be overseen by a medical professional to ensure pandemic protocols are followed. Q: What is the blue plastic item that was put on my garbage can? A: The Waterloo Sanitation Department is installing RFID tags radio frequency identification on city garbage bins. The tags will let the department track all of its garbage carts. Q: How much does the GoFund me program get off each open account? A: GoFundMe doesnt charge a platform fee. Each donation is subject to a transaction fee (that includes debit and credit charges) of 2.9% + $.30. Campaign beneficiaries receive all money raised minus the transaction fees. Q: Do you deliver to Clarksville? A: We certainly do. Monday-Friday delivery is via the United States Postal Service and Sunday with a contracted courier. Q: Do you have to pay to print an obituary without a picture? A: Yes. You can get more information about obituaries by calling (641) 421-0514. Q: Which of the three vaccines did Tucker Carlson take? Support Local Journalism Your membership makes our reporting possible. {{featured_button_text}} The skate- and streetwear brand from late legend Keith Hufnagel was born in the Tenderloin 19 years ago and moved out of SF a decade later. But this week, the label makes its return with a fresh store in the Mission. Plus, it's not too late to score at Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale; ThirdLove and Sarah Flint get into bed sleepwear; and Allbirds lands in Palo Alto. The Mission welcomes back iconic skater brand Huf. (Courtesy of Huf) On Saturday, August 7th, Huf makes a meaningful return to San Francisco, the city where it all began. Renowned skateboarder Keith Hufnagel opened his first storefilled with real deal skate- and streetwear plus hard-to-find sneaker brandsin 2002 in what's now called the Tendernob (back then, it was just regular old Tenderloin). Pretty quickly, the boutique and the man became institutions. Ten years ago, though, Huf said seeya to SF and moved to L.A.. But now, Huf 2.0 is opening in the Mission. Gotta say, the store, especially the exterior, looks eerily reminiscent of the original. The minimalist space is filled with cool men's and women's clothes and gear from the Huf label, which is known and coveted for its many artist collabs. Unfortunately, the guy who started it all isn't around to enjoy it; Hufnagel passed away last year. "SF is where it started. It's home," says Huf brand director Hanni El Khatib "This one's for Keith. He always wanted Huf back in the city. Now we're making it happen for him." // 968 Valencia St. (Mission), hufworldwide.com Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale is still on, but don't lollygag. (Courtesy of Nordstrom) No question, the Anniversary Sale is Nordie's best. Not only are things for the whole family (men's, women's and kids clothing, shoes, accessories, beauty and home) on significant sale, the stuff is good. It's summer and fall stuff you want including brands that normally never get marked down. Just a few to whet your appetite: Nike, Ugg, Jenni Kayne, Vince, Ted Baker, Ksubi, Zella, Bony Levy, Marine Layer, La Ligne, Necessaire, Re/done, and True Botanicals. Those who have yet to indulge, hop to it. Prices will absolutely go back up on Monday, August 9th. And, yeah, you can shop online, but it's worth whirling around the store in SF Westfield Centre or Village at Corte Madera. You can try stuff on and, hello, customer service. Perhaps, make a complimentary appointment with a stylist or shop online/pickup in store for the best of both worlds. We're making a beeline for the beauty dept (lots of exclusives) and Open Edit. // 865 Market St., SF Westfield Shopping Centre, nordstrom.com Grazie, ThirdLove x Sarah Flint, for the sweetest ever PJs. (Courtesy of ThirdLove) We didn't see this one coming: SF's not-just-an-undergarment-brand ThirdLove has teamed with Sarah Flint, founder of her namesake handcrafted-in-Italy footwear label, to drop a mini PJ collab. It includes a lightweight cotton shirt, pants, and shorts made to mix and matchand stars a charming floral print. Did we mention the print is everything? (Adds all three dreamy pieces to cart.) This coupling may seem a little confounding at first but when you think about it, but not so muchboth fashion players are all about empowering women and helping them look and feel their best with products that focus on fit, comfort, and style. Amen, sister. // Individual pieces retail for $60-$65; sizes range from XS to XL. Shop online, thirdlove.com Evolving to Better Serve Its Members by Fast Company magazine Last year, as the U.S. went into lockdown, a clear need arose: Many older Americans needed assistance with simple tasks like picking up prescriptions and going to the grocery store. At the same time, volunteers around the country had raised their hands to let the organization know they were ready to help. The problem was connecting the two groups. Just days after the pandemic was declared, AARP Innovation Labs quickly developed and launched its new Community Connections platform within 10 days, with a Spanish-language site coming just five days later. To be able to move at such a quick pace and to be helping millions of people across the country in a short period of time was amazing, says Jo Ann Jenkins, CEO of AARP. In fact, such innovation has been part of AARPs DNA since its founding 63 years ago. AARP is constantly pushing boundaries both inside and outside the organization, challenging staff and start-up organizations to think creatively and take risks in order to transform industries and disrupt the notion of aging. We do everything we can to make sure people over 50 have what they need to live a long, fulfilling life, Jenkins says. Change from within For AARP, innovation starts at home. As everyday innovators in aging, every employee is committed to thinking of new ways to help older people, Jenkins says. Over the past two years, the organization has embarked on a campaign of digital change, unifying 30 years worth of data systems and creating programs to better meet members rapidly changing needs. This has allowed the organization to manage member information more efficiently and has given rise to new products such as AARP Perks, a web browser extension launching this year that alerts members to valuable benefits and content as they browse the internet. The organization also runs an enterprise-wide pitch contest, tapping employees for ideas to help deliver on AARPs mission. One past winner was an app that allows an individual to scan rooms in their home to receive retrofitting recommendations on making it more senior friendly. This year, employees are working on ideas for career development that enable AARP staff to work at their full potential and better serve their members. Disrupting the market AARP also collaborates with start-ups through AARP Innovation Labs to create new products and services that address the needs for everyone as they age. Were working on how to get the market to not just focus on the young but to really create ageless products and services that allow all people, regardless of their age, to live their best life, Jenkins says. To date, AARP Innovation Labs has attracted hundreds of start-ups and worked directly with 45 of them. One product to emerge is Zibrio, a smart scale that gathers information on a persons balance and postural stability to help assess whether theyre at risk for falls. We are becoming a center of age tech, and challenging the outdated beliefs about what it means to be older in this country, Jenkins says. In everything we do, from our advocacy work and services to our content and platforms, we continue to evolve in terms of what we deliver, how we deliver it and who we can help. Nanadie Well 180m Sulphide Ore Grade Cu Intercept from 10m Perth, Aug 4, 2021 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Cyprium Metals Limited ( ASX:CYM ) is pleased to provide the third diamond drillhole results from the Phase 1 diamond drilling programme that was conducted at the Nanadie Well Copper-Gold Project in December 2020 and January 2021.HIGHLIGHTS- Third diamond drill hole NWD2003 continues extensive shallow sulphide copper-gold intersection immediately below oxide copper-gold halo- Broad 180m zone of copper mineralisation from 10m to 190m intersected in drillhole NWD2003Executive Director Barry Cahill commented:"We are excited to announce the assay results from the third drill hole of the Phase 1 Nanadie Well diamond drilling campaign that was completed earlier this year, with all drill holes intersecting visible copper mineralisation.Diamond drill hole NWD2003 was drilled in the central section of the deposit and returned another strong intersection of 180m at 0.6% Copper and 0.2 g/t gold. The mineralisation has been consistent in the central section of Nanadie Well and we look forward to commencing metallurgical studies to optimise the extraction of copper and gold from a potential heap leach operation at the deposit.This is another set of fantastic drill results for this extensive deposit, which is very shallow, broad, consistently mineralised and is open in multiple directions."Near-surface oxide and extensive sulphide mineralisation has been identified during the Phase 1 drilling programmes, which is open along strike to the north and south and across strike to the west. The mineralisation does not outcrop and is covered by 1 to 25 metres of transported material. Preliminary investigations of the Nanadie Well deposit data indicates potential for oxide and sulphide mineralisation over the currently identified strike of 750 metres.The Company's 1,328 metre Nanadie Well diamond drilling programme was completed in January 2021 and was primarily designed to test the sulphide mineralisation below 50m depth at the deposit. There is an extensive shallow sulphide copper-gold intersection continuing immediately below the oxide material derived from the layered mafic intrusive unit that has been outlined in the previous Reverse Circulation ("RC") drilling announcements and quarterly reports (refer to Quarterly Activities Report - 31 Dec 2020, Quarterly Activities Report - 31 March 2021 and June 2021 quarterly activities report at:The results from this drilling, the Phase 1 RC January 2021 campaign and subsequent drill programmes will be used in the preparation of a JORC 2012 compliant mineral resource estimate for Nanadie Well during 2021 for inclusion in the Murchison Copper-Gold scoping study.The assay results for NWD2003 are presented in Appendix 2, Tables 1 and 2*.*To view tables and figures, please visit:About Cyprium Metals Ltd Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX:CYM) is poised to grow to a mid-tier mining business and manage a portfolio of Australian copper projects to deliver vital natural resources, strong shareholder returns and sustainable value for our stakeholders. We pursue this aim, in genuine partnerships with employees, customers, shareholders, local communities and other stakeholders, which is based on integrity, co-operation, transparency and mutual value creation. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Paul Gessing, director of the Rio Grande Foundation, wrote (Journal July 21) about the need to continue using oil and gas without once acknowledging climate change and its effects. No mention of heat domes, wildfires across the entire western United States or a drought that has been running since the late 1990s and is now considered by experts to be the new normal for the foreseeable future. Gessing also managed to write an op-ed that was almost completely devoid of facts. He claims most Americans rely on natural gas. This is wrong: 60% of Americans use electric stoves, and those stoves are generally cheaper than gas stoves. He says that only radical environmentalists would call for the end of natural gas. This is wrong: In May this year, the International Energy Administration, an organization that works to secure oil supplies for industrialized nations, called for an end to all new oil and gas exploration and stated that the role of fossil fuels should reverse from 80% of global energy needs today to less than 20% by 2050. Relying on fear-mongering rather than actual debate, Gessing says that electrification means a government-enforced abandonment of natural gas in homes and businesses. This is wrong: the resolution has a goal of supporting and incentivizing the residential and commercial deployment of electric technologies; this is not forcing anything. Gessing says that electrification will come at great economic cost to the ratepayer, but he ignores the fact that the G20 countries have subsidized oil and gas with $3.3 trillion just since 2015. This is the equivalent of three times the cost of the U.S. electric grid. What were really talking about, then, is shifting subsidies, not creating new ones. Another unpleasant fact Gessing ignores is the costs of fossil fuel energy that Americans pay for: climate change-related weather disasters, health problems from polluted air, cleanup of orphaned and abandoned wells, and the inability to use public lands for other economic purposes because of oil and gas activity. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ Gessing really goes off the rails when he starts talking about gas versus electric stoves. He claims that electric stoves are not desirable in restaurants. However, electric induction technology heats a pan faster than gas, has no wasted heat pouring into the kitchen and requires about 25% less energy. Since most restaurants survive on thin profit margins, anything that makes a significant difference to the bottom line will be adopted. Gessing is correct about one thing. China does now emit more CO2 than any other country. However, he is also well aware the United States still produces far more greenhouse gas emissions per capita. Furthermore, just because China and India, Russia and some other countries are not doing what they should and can, although they arent doing nothing, is not a reason for the United States to avoid taking action. As Gessing noted, another so-called radical, President Franklin Roosevelt, used his New Deal to bring electricity to rural and impoverished areas. That, Gessing says, was a worthwhile effort to improve lives. Sen. Martin Heinrich and President Joe Biden are also working to improve lives. A study by Rewiring America states There is no other public infrastructure investment that can so efficiently deliver monthly cost savings to consumers, improve our air quality indoors and out, create jobs in every ZIP code in the country and cut so much in carbon emissions than electrifying the economy with renewables. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... CHANDLER, Ariz. Microchip Technology Inc. (MCHP) on Tuesday reported fiscal first-quarter earnings of $252.8 million. On a per-share basis, the Chandler, Arizona-based company said it had net income of 89 cents. Earnings, adjusted for amortization costs and stock option expense, were $1.98 per share. The results beat Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 10 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of $1.90 per share. The chipmaker posted revenue of $1.57 billion in the period, also exceeding Street forecasts. Seven analysts surveyed by Zacks expected $1.55 billion. For the current quarter ending in October, Microchip Tech expects its per-share earnings to range from $2.05 to $2.17. Analysts surveyed by Zacks had forecast adjusted earnings per share of $1.99. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The company said it expects revenue in the range of $1.62 billion to $1.68 billion for the fiscal second quarter. Analysts surveyed by Zacks had expected revenue of $1.6 billion. Microchip Tech shares have risen slightly more than 6% since the beginning of the year, while the S&Ps 500 index has risen 18%. In the final minutes of trading on Tuesday, shares hit $146.82, an increase of 40% in the last 12 months. _____ This story was generated by Automated Insights (http://automatedinsights.com/ap) using data from Zacks Investment Research. Access a Zacks stock report on MCHP at https://www.zacks.com/ap/MCHP .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal SANTA FE The number of new COVID-19 cases in New Mexico has ticked up to its highest rate since March, driven by elevated infection rates in several counties with lagging vaccination rates. While statewide infection rates are still far lower than the mid-November peak, the recent increase in cases comes amid a nationwide spread of the highly contagious delta variant, which has also made its way into New Mexico. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ State health officials reported 478 new cases Tuesday and one additional virus-related death. The new cases included an outbreak of 94 new infections among detainees held at the Torrance County Detention Facility in Estancia. Statewide, a 94% of the new confirmed virus cases since Feb. 1 have been among unvaccinated individuals, according to state Department of Health data released Tuesday. Of the 537 deaths during that period, a 527 or about 98% were among unvaccinated individuals, and unvaccinated individuals made up 93% of the roughly 2,500 who were hospitalized, according to the DOH data. Meanwhile, four New Mexico counties averaged more than 30 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents over the past week Hidalgo, Eddy, Roosevelt and Lincoln while several other counties were not far behind. Those counties all had COVID-19 vaccination rates below the statewide rate of 65.1% of residents who had, as of Tuesday, received all necessary shots to be fully vaccinated. The recent uptick in cases and hospitalizations comes after the elimination of statewide business restrictions July 1 and prompted Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to implement a requirement that all state workers be vaccinated or be tested every two weeks. Other institutions have followed suit in recent days, as New Mexico State University leaders said Tuesday that they would reverse course by requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of September or undergo weekly testing. A decision on whether NMSU students will face a similar vaccination or testing requirement is expected to be announced in the coming days. The New Mexico State University system continues to prioritize being agile and adaptive in its response to the changing pandemic landscape and evolving guidance from state and federal officials, NMSU Vice Chancellor Ruth Johnston said in a Tuesday letter. The vaccination policy mirrors the approach taken by the University of New Mexico, which announced Monday that all students, faculty and staff would also face a vaccine requirement by the end of September if the universitys board of regents adopts UNM President Garnett Stokes recommendation. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal As it takes the next step toward creating an overnight shelter for the homeless inside the old Lovelace hospital, the city of Albuquerque has begun revealing its more specific plans for the site, including transportation, security and intake hours. But the citys draft operations plan for what it is calling the Gateway Center at Gibson Health Hub does not answer one of the most contentious questions how many people the shelter will accommodate on a nightly basis. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ The city posted the 11-page plan on its website Tuesday, the same day it applied for the permit needed to run an overnight shelter inside the onetime hospital. A zoning hearing examiner will hear the request Sept. 21, and city officials think they have made a good case for permitting a shelter as a conditional use on the property at 5400 Gibson SE. They say it will enhance Albuquerques larger homeless services landscape at a time of increased need. On some nights this year, more than 700 people have used a shelter-and-hotel system the city and other partners established to provide emergency shelter. We have great providers (already in the city); they do a remarkable job, Albuquerque Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Rael said Tuesday during a meeting with Journal editors and reporters. But, like anything else, they are quite frankly being overwhelmed by the number of folks that need service. An open and inviting center for community The newly released Gateway Center operations plan offers some insight into what the citys facility could look like. According to the plan, the city will use contractors to operate the shelter and the accompanying engagement center, where staff will help direct clients to services. But the city will have an on-site Gateway Center administrator overseeing operations, plus a community outreach coordinator and systems analyst. Clients referred by police and hospitals will be allowed to enter around the clock, but those coming from community partner organizations will be accepted from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Gateway Centers dining room will open for three meals per day, and a facility shuttle system will transport referred clients into the shelter and, eventually, to their exit destination, the plan says. Carol Pierce, the citys director of family and community services, said clients may also need rides to conduct necessary errands, like applying for disability benefits. We want to have transportation that helps move them out of the facility and bring them back in, and I think thats key, she said. The facility will accept people who are not sober but will not permit on-site drug use. Weapons are also banned, the plan says. The Gateway Center will have an open, safe and inviting floor plan and the city intends to have separate entrances for men, women and families. Officials say that proper design can eliminate some barriers that stop people from using shelters. Things like accommodating pets (and) providing spaces to safely store personal items are important, said Lisa Huval, Albuquerques deputy director for housing and homelessness. We also know trauma-informed design is a key element. The plan says the city and the shelters operators will establish appropriate security systems, including metal detection, security cameras, fire and alarm systems, and there will be an appropriate ratio and balance of 24/7 on-site security, though the plan does not provide a specific ratio. Some remain skeptical about traffic, capacity Rachel Conger Baca, president of the nearby Siesta Hills Neighborhood Association, said the plan appears to have included some of the communitys input but still has some big gaping holes. While the document states the city will perform a speed study and road audit of Gibson Boulevard to identify potential improvements, Baca said the city should have completed a traffic study and other impact studies prior to any operational planning. I still dont think theres the level of detail that we want to have, she said. I still see a lot of aspirational language and not a lot of nuts and bolts. And by not providing the number of beds the shelter will have, she said the city is not being forthcoming. The capacity question has swirled around the project for years. Mayor Tim Kellers administration had in 2019 proposed a Gateway Center to accommodate around 300 people nightly, but the scope sparked backlash. Members of the community including some homeless services providers had criticized the idea of housing that many people in one place, arguing that it was not a good idea for the clientele or surrounding neighborhood. Keller last summer announced a 300-bed shelter was off the table and that the city would consider alternatives, such as a series of smaller, scattered shelters. This spring, the city purchased the 572,000-square-foot former Lovelace hospital for a Gateway Center. Officials have said that tentative plans included 150 to 175 shelter beds, but some neighbors have complained that is still too many and suggested that 30 is more appropriate. Huval said the city should have a number by the end of this month. She said officials are still reviewing a consultants report and continuing their own research by visiting some programs in Arizona later this week. We know we owe the community an answer on that, (but) we are still in the process of evaluating what the right bed capacity is for the Gateway Center, she said. Pierce said the shelter will ultimately be just a slice of the overall project. Existing tenants on the property including some health care providers currently occupy about a quarter of the square footage, and the city is looking to recruit more. .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... Copyright 2021 Albuquerque Journal SANTA FE Public Regulation Commissioner Joseph Maestas has launched a campaign to serve as New Mexicos next state auditor, vowing to bring experience as a state and federal regulator to the job. Maestas, 60, has a 14-year background in municipal government, having served as a Santa Fe city councilor and as mayor and councilor in Espanola. ADVERTISEMENTSkip ................................................................ An engineer, he also worked for federal agencies overseeing road and water projects. Trust in government is waning, Maestas said, and I really think I can help restore citizen and taxpayer trust, so the people have more faith in those elected to serve them, instead of serving themselves. Maestas is seeking the Democratic nomination to succeed Brian Colon, who won the office in 2018 and is now running for attorney general. Also campaigning for state auditor is Democrat Zack Quintero, a former state ombudsman. Maestas said he has a history of serving as a progressive reformer willing to expose government wrongdoing and push for change. As a Santa Fe city councilor, he said, he sought a special audit that revealed improper spending of proceeds from a 2008 bond issue for parks. Im not afraid of making the tough decisions, Maestas said. As auditor, he said, he would propose more stringent checks of the accuracy of financial disclosure forms submitted by elected officials to the Secretary of States Office. Maestas also said he would strengthen oversight of guardianship and other legal arrangements used to handle the financial affairs of people without capacity to make their own decisions. He said his own mother is ill and requires around-the-clock care. The state auditor has a solemn duty to protect the vulnerable, like senior citizens on fixed incomes, under guardianships, Maestas said. Maestas grew up in Santa Cruz, just east of Espanola, and is the great-grandson of a signer of the New Mexico Constitution when New Mexico became a state in 1912. Maestas was elected to the Public Regulation Commission last year, but the agency is moving to a system of appointed members. The state auditor oversees annual examinations of the financial affairs and records of public agencies in New Mexico. The office has a staff of about 35 people, and the auditor draws a salary of $85,000 a year. New Mexicos primary election is scheduled in June. Voters next year will decide statewide elected offices including governor, attorney general and treasurer and all 70 seats in the state House. Instagram Celebrity The 'Scream Queens' actress tries to keep her social media posts 'limited to books or fashion or vacations' as she's not too concerned about how many likes or followers she gets. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Emma Roberts is being selective with her social media posts but is celebrating a funny viral reaction to a recent video. Roberts' 24 July (21) Instagram clip of herself at the beach - where she laughs, sticks her tongue out, and flips her hair - spiralled into a Twitter meme referencing a sentimental flashback video a tormented movie hero might have made about his now-dead wife. She responded by thanking "gays and whoever else" made the video so popular. The new mum, who gave birth to her first child Rhodes with boyfriend Garrett Hedlund in December (20), loves sharing elements of her life with her friends, family and fans on her social networking sites, but is mindful not to overshare. "We live our whole lives online now," she told Bustle. "Sharing on social media has always been something that I've loved, but I always err on the lesser side because you can't take back anything you've shared online. Even when a post is taken down, it still lives somewhere." When the "Scream Queens" star does post pictures, she focuses on the positive. "I try to keep it limited to books or fashion or vacations. The internet can be such a dark and polarizing place, so my corner of the internet I try to keep lighthearted and fun, because that's what I like to see on Instagram." She added she's not too concerned with how many followers she has online, "After the pandemic, I feel like I don't need fans, I need friends!" Warner Bros. Pictures Movie The 'Victor Frankenstein' actor would love to switch roles from Harry Potter to one of the Hogwarts teachers if the J.K. Rowling story is brought back to the big screen. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Daniel Radcliffe is keen to play Sirius Black or Professor Remus Lupin if the "Harry Potter" franchise is rebooted. The 32-year-old actor shot to fame after playing the titular wizard in the movies based on J.K. Rowling's book series and revealed he would love to take on the characters portrayed by Gary Oldman and David Thewlis respectively. Speaking during an appearance on Josh Horowitz's "Happy Sad Confused" podcast, Daniel said, "I would probably want to go with like, Sirius or Lupin." "Those were always the two characters that I was like, 'They're great'. And also like, I'm obviously biased by my experience of filming those scenes, with those people, and they're like some of my favourite memories." Daniel recently opened up about his fond recollections of filming with Oldman and Thewlis as they helped him "figure out what acting was." The "Guns Akimbo" star said, "I have really, really fond memories of all my scenes with Gary Oldman and David Thewlis." "They were some of the first scenes on the third and the fifth film where I started to feel like I was a young man who was just starting to figure out what acting was, and they were pretty cool people to be around." The "Harry Potter" film franchise is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year but Daniel has no plans to mark the occasion as he is busy working. He said last month, "I'm in the Dominican Republic at the moment filming and then I'm going to be busy, kind of working on bits and pieces until the end of the year." "So yeah, I don't know. I'm sure there will be some sort of celebration but I don't know if we will be getting together or anything. I'm sorry if that's a bit of a disappointment to anyone." WENN/Will Alexander Music The 'Wash Us in the Blood' rapper will once again gather his devotees to Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta one day before he releases his 10th studio album. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Kanye West has proven how much he is adored for his music. The "Wash Us in the Blood" rapper, who will host another listening party for his long-awaited album "Donda" at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, reportedly has sold out more than a half of the tickets in just one hour. The second show, which is creative-directed by Demna Gvasalia, will be held on Thursday, August 5 at 9:00 P.M. EST. It will take place at the same 71,000-seat venue where the 44-year-old MC hosted the first "Donda" listening party. Kanye himself confirmed the date on Instagram page. Fans can visit Ticketmaster.com to purchase the tickets, which have been up for sale since Monday, August 2 at 10:00 A.M. EST. Kanye initially premiered "Donda" on July 22 to a sold-out crowd at the Atlanta stadium. Among those who attended the event was his estranged wife Kim Kardashian, their four children, North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm, as well as Kim's sister, Khloe Kardashian. The billionaire "Gold Digger" spitter even resides at the stadium to finish his 10th studio album. He reportedly pays $1 million a day for his residency. A few days earlier, he gave fans a look at his small bedroom inside the venue, which only features one single bed, a flat-screen TV and a digital clock that were hanging on the walls as well as one small wardrobe with a few clothes. "Donda" was previously slated to be released on Friday, July 23. However, social media star Justin LaBoy announced on Twitter that the release date was changed to August 6. "KANYE WEST WILL MOVE THE RELEASE DATE OF DONDA TO AUGUST 6TH. THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE. HE WANTS TO GIVE HIS FANS THE BEST POSSIBLE PRODUCT WITHOUT RUSHING ANYTHING. HE LOVES YALL WITH ALL OF HIS HEART. GOD BLESS #DONDA #RESPECTFULLY (sic)," so read the tweet. WENN/Instar Celebrity Detailing his arrest during a live stream, the 'Live Your Life' hitmaker reveals that the police officers didn't put him in handcuffs and they just 'opened the door and invited' him to the backseat. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Rapper T.I. was arrested following a bike incident that involved a police officer in Amsterdam. Detailing his arrest during a live stream, the "Live Your Life" hitmaker admitted that he had a "phenomenal time" when he was booked. "So, I'm locked up now," the 40-year-old musician began his Instagram live session. He recalled the incident, "I'm obviously not supposed to have my phone as I'm biking, and because the policeman ran into me and broke his rear view [mirror], and because I didn't have my passport on me." T.I., whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr., continued his story, "I don't know, it'll be fine. But [the cop] was extremely upset." Keeping a positive attitude, the "Dead and Gone" spitter claimed, "I myself, I was having a great time. Still, I'm still not upset. I'm having a phenomenal time." Of the reasons why he had "a phenomenal time," T.I. shared, "They arrested me, they didn't even put me in handcuffs." The three-time Grammy winner detailed, "They just opened the door and invited me to the backseat. I obliged." T.I. also said that the police officers weren't letting him post a bond with a large amount of cash he showed to have on him. As a result, the rapper had to call someone to bail him out. "We're working on the buddy system out hereand I like," he explained before ending the Instagram live session. According to TMZ, T.I. went on Instagram Live after being released and said that he wasn't mad that he got detained. During his live session, the Dave depicter in "Ant-Man" casually said that "everybody has a bad morning." The "Kill the King" artist has been vacationing around Europe with his wife Tameka "Tiny" Harris as they celebrate their 11th anniversary. The happy couple must have stopped in Amsterdam while they're in Europe. WENN/Avalon Celebrity The Harley Quinn depicter in the DC Comic film who is also a global ambassador of Chanel, stuns in the luxury brand's Resort 2022 collection and a pair of By Far's Lotta leather sandals. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Margot Robbie is turning heads with her unique look at the "The Suicide Squad" premiere. When hitting the red carpet, the "Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn" actress stunned in a white quirky Chanel jumpsuit. During the event, which took place at The Landmark Westwood in Los Angeles, California on Monday, August 2, the 31-year-old actress could be seen wearing a very unique, slightly confusing jumpsuit from the luxury brand's Resort 2022 collection. Her top had draped fabric that looped around the bodice and heart-shaped pearl accents and it was placed over a sheer white long-sleeved T-shirt. The midsection also crisscrossed in the front and flowed into a bra top and two more strips of fabric to create a halter top. Margot, who is a global ambassador of Chanel, added the brand's logo-encrusted pendants on her top. The outfit's baggy pants tapered off at the bottom of the leg and were decorated by a pearl belt. For her footwear, Margot slipped into a pair of By Far's Lotta sandals. The shoes featured white leather uppers, which coordinated with the rest of her ensemble and created a streamlined monochrome look. To complete her look, the actress, who reprises her role as Harley Quinn in the standalone sequel to the 2016 film, added Chanel heart-shaped drop-earrings. For her makeup, she kept it simple with soft make-up to let her natural beauty shine through. Other big names supporting the event included Taika Waititi, who walked the red carpet with his girlfriend, British pop star Rita Ora. "The Suicide Squad" cast member Joel Kinnaman could be seen walking hand-in-hand with his fiancee, supermodel Kelly Gale. The film's director James Gunn and star John Cena, who wore his Peacemaker costume, were also in attendance. In a recent cover story for British Vogue published in June, Margot talked about how thankful she was to have scored a lead role in an action film. "Those scenes where everything's exploding around you, and you make it just in time, those massive epic war hero runs? Those movie moments? Girls never get those. Girls never get those," so said "The Wolf of Wall Street" actress. "The Suicide Squad" will be released this Friday, August 6, in theaters in the U.S. and on the HBO Max streaming platform. WENN/Frederic Kern Movie Giving first look at the 'Batman Begins' star as the movie villain, the new pictures from the set in Malibu see the actor completely unrecognizable under his full face prosthetic. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Christian Bale transformed into Gorr the God Butcher in new set pictures of "Thor: Love and Thunder". Taken during the filming of the upcoming Marvel movie, the photos give first look at the actor as the movie villain. During the shooting in Malibu, California this week, the 47-year-old was seen for the first time in character. In the images obtained by Daily Mail, he was completely unrecognizable as he was going gray from head to toe. Bale looked menacing underneath a silver ensemble while he sported a full face prosthetic. His exposed arms and hands were also painted gray as he tried to hide himself under a black robe when crossing the set. Bale's transformation into Gorr the God Butcher is quite a surprise since it could be done with CGI during post-production. Still, other MCU characters such as Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista), Nebula (Karen Gillan) and Mantis (Pom Klementieff), who are all also set to return for the fourth "Thor" movie, also went with practical makeup during the shooting. Gorr the God Butcher is an alien who hails from a planet afflicted by environmental calamities and whose prayers to the gods go unanswered. He first appeared in the January 2015 comic, "Thor: God of Thunder #2". The character suffered a crisis of faith after his whole family was killed due to the harsh conditions in his homeworld. He eventually planned his revenge on the Gods by bonding with a weapon called All-Black the Necrosword which he used to kill his first God victim. In the comics, he encounters Thor and tortures him to reveal the location of the Asgardians. "Thor: Love and Thunder" has shot its major portion in Sydney, Australia before Bale was spotted on the set in Malibu. It's unclear how long the production will continue in the states or how many scenes are left to be filmed. In the upcoming movie, Chris Hemsworth will reprise his titular role as the God of Thunder, Natalie Portman returns as Jane Foster, who will become the superhero the Mighty Thor, and Tessa Thompson is back as Valkyrie. "Guardians of the Galaxy" stars Chris Pratt, Sean Gunn, Jeff Goldblum as well as Vin Diesel are also set to appear in the film. Taika Waititi once again serves as director. Disney has announced February 11, 2022 as the release date of the movie. WENN Celebrity The 'X-Men: Apocalypse' actor and the 'Tomb Raider' actress, who confirmed they had officially tied the knot in October 2017, were first hit with pregnancy rumors last summer. Aug 4, 2021 AceShowbiz - Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander may have quietly enjoyed their time as first-time parents during the lockdown. The couple sparked a speculation that they have welcomed their first child after the actor was seen with a baby, months after her pregnancy rumors. On Monday, August 2, the Irish-German actor star was pictured cradling a baby while supporting his wife on the set of "Irma Vep" in Paris. In photos which have circulated online, he looked in good spirits as he walked around with the infant in his arms while watching Alicia working on the upcoming HBO series. Michael was seen dressing casually in a pale brown T-shirt and gray pants teamed with matching gray sneakers. He was also seen wearing a black face mask at one point during the set visit. The baby in his arms, meanwhile, donned a white long-sleeve shirt and pale grey pants, but went barefoot. Michael Fassbender was spotted with a baby on the set of his wife Alicia Vikander's upcoming series. Alicia was also spotted on the set, albeit separately from her husband. The Swedish beauty was seen wrapping herself in a white robe with minimum makeup. Her hair was styled in waves and half updo as she also wore white slippers. Michael's sighting with the baby came more than a year after the couple was first hit with pregnancy rumors stemming from their picture during their vacation in Ibiza last summer. Later the speculation was fuelled with the couple's outing in Stockholm, during which the 32-year-old actress was wearing a loose sweatshirt that could barely cover her increased waist. They, however, never announced that they're expecting a child. Michael and Alicia have been notoriously private about their personal lives. Meeting on the set of "The Light Between Oceans", they began dating in December 2014. The two married in a private ceremony on October 14, 2017 in Ibiza, Spain. They have since kept a low-profile while residing in Lisbon, Portugal. CHICO, Calif. - The Chico Unified School District will discuss its plans for masks in the fall on Wednesday. For first-grade teacher and parent Katie Bailey, masking up for the fall semester is a no-brainer. "Kids should be wearing masks because they are not vaccinated and everything that I have read the delta variant is affecting kids a lot more because they aren't vaccinated, said Bailey. But for other parents, they think wearing a mask should not be required. "I don't like them to wear a mask because I feel like they can't breathe and not seeing each other's face is sad, said parent Brenda Lomeli. Especially for a kid. They need to see a face to feel the love and the interaction." Mixed reactions when it comes to students having to wear a mask in the classroom this fall semester. Wednesday, Chico Unified plans to discuss further details on when outside of the classroom will masks be required. For example, for when students are on the bus or in the cafeteria. "The protocols will be discussed, said community relations for Chico Unified Erica Smith. A student or parent may provide medical release documents from a medical practitioner to be exempt from the face-covering requirement. What does that form look like and what does that process look like." "I think it is healthier for my kids to breathe and they have a strong immune system, and I don't want to scare them in this, said parent Lisa Moore. The educational services team for Chico Unified will provide board members with a presentation at its special meeting Wednesday to come up with a more concrete plan on how it will enforce the mask requirement. The Chico Unified School Board meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday. Khabri, one of Indias leading vernacular audio platforms , announced that it has raised USD 2.1 million in a pre-series A funding round to strengthen its product and tech offerings aimed at empowering the next half a billion internet consumers. Having spread its wings in the Hindi speaking markets, the future plans entail launching multiple languages like Tamil, Telugu ,Kannadda, etc in that order in coming two quarters. Also, funds will be used in strengthening the tech capabilities, such as improving the recommendation and search engine for easing content discovery. For creators we would be focusing on easing content creation further by enhancing noise cancellation and volume normalization with ML techniques. Speaking on the development, Pulkit Sharma - Co Founder & CEO of Khabri said, Around 850 million Indians, below the age of 35, are looking at financial stability. This is achievable via learning, upskilling, and upgrading in the language of their comfort. What better way to do it through a medium which is completely non-intrusive i.e. Audio. As a leading digital audio content platform in a local language, Khabri has been instrumental in creating an influencer-user ecosystem for Hindi language speakers, so far, aiming at adding multiple languages soon with the new influx of funds. Our app is playing a pivotal role in providing learners with more passive learning opportunities, and teachers to get a bigger outreach. Khabri users have also been enjoying seamless access to content even in the areas with weaker internet bandwidth. Commenting on the same, Jared Heyman, Managing Partner of Rebel Fund, seed stage, Y Combinator-focused venture fund said. Were excited to be early investors in Khabri. My partner Steve Huffman, co-founder of Reddit, met with the Khabri founding team in March 2021 and noted how impressed he was with their early user traction, fast growth, and strong App Store ratings. We feel the company is poised for significant further growth and look forward to supporting it along the way.- By honouring the audio aspect of content, the Khabri team removes the heavy time and expense tax creators pay for audio-visual content production, freeing creators to instead invest more deeply in their message and meaningful ongoing engagement with their listeners. Khabri's elimination of heavy production barriers -- combined with the team's deep expertise in content distribution and community-building -- means incredible access for both experienced and new creators from all over India, allowing creators and listeners the intimacy of connecting within and among vernaculars like never before. Khabri is today India's fastest-growing vernacular audio platform; given the team's commitment to serving the next billion internet users and excellence in supporting the diversity of hundreds of vernaculars in India, Khabri will soon be a driving force in helping communities connect with and learn from one another in vernaculars and countries around the world , Said Anya Hayden - General Partner, ANIM Fund (Backed by Founders Fund) Shailesh Rao, an Advisor/Investor of Venture Highway and BigSpring (ex-Google/Twitter/TPG) also funded in Kabri. "I have been a big believer in the power of audio to expand access to digital services. And now I can say that I have found the team and the company that is delivering on that promise in Khabri. Pulkit and Sandeep are product-first founders who have built a vernacular first audio platform that gives all Indians access to a path to employment and a better quality of life by focusing on skill development and access to jobs." he commented Pioneer Fund has also funded the Khabri, Pioneer Fund is a fund of 225+ Y Combinator alumni working together to invest in and support the top YC startups. Their portfolio has gone on to raise from the top VCs in the world, including Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia, Accel, Founders Fund, and many others. In Tier-II and-III cities of India, there are millions of ambitious youths who aspire to achieve greater career heights. Thus, this has been a major goal for Khabri since its founding, to offer better learning opportunities to deserving youngsters. The app has been providing millions of users with podcasting experiences on their mobile devices. With close to 4Mn downloads,, thousands of influencers are taking to the platform to create content for their audiences in the Hindi language. Recently, the leading Hindi language podcasting platform also launched over 40 audio courses in Hindi for aspirants who are preparing for government job exams. Leo Burnett India announces a slew of new hires to strengthen its strategic planning team with 2 new appointments in Mumbai Mittu Torka as Executive Vice President Strategy and Bonnie Michael as Executive Vice President Strategy and elevates Ankit Singh as Executive Vice President Strategy in Delhi. Bonnie joins Burnett as Executive Vice President- Strategy. With almost 2 decades of experience across FMCG, finance, technology, auto and hospitality. Bonnie specializes in providing strategic solutions to brands and organizations, and helping them engage with their audience, to improve their customer experience in an effective manner. Mittu who joins Leo Burnett as Executive Vice President Strategy brings in valuable perspective having worked in markets across India and Southeast Asia. Her experience ranges from online platform development, customer lifecycle management to crafting brand narratives and go-to-market strategies. She has worked on marquee brands like Samsung (Global), Coca Cola, Guinness, Huawei (South Pacific), OLX, General Mills and Mead Johnson over the course of her career. Mittu also has her own entrepreneurial venture - Mannmitr a mental health platform which she hopes to build further. Ankit has been with Leo Burnett since the past years and has over the years successfully built brands, high-performance teams and businesses for the agency. He has been instrumental in leading the agencys Delhi strategy team and integral to the multi-fold growth we have seen in our Delhi office, in the last 3 years. Speaking about the appointments Dheeraj Sinha CEO & Chief Strategy Officer South Asia, Leo Burnett said, At Leo Burnett India strategy has always been core to building success for clients businesses. This is also a testimony to the success of our Leo Burnett Consult offering which has already completed several projects within a year of its launch. Our new age thinking, and growth trajectory has always attracted the top talent from the industry. Mittu and Bonnie both come with valuable knowledge and experience having worked across diverse sectors and some of the best-in-class brands. Their addition to the planning team will only help us sharpen our thinking and output on our businesses. Ankit has been a valuable part of the Leo Burnett planning team and this promotion is not only well deserved but also a testament to our commitment to nurture homegrown talent. I am looking forward to seeing how each of these talented planners are going to create magic for our clients. Chicnutrix, an innovative nutrition supplements company to bring world class supplements to India inks fashion designer and actor Masaba Gupta as its first ever brand ambassador. Masaba will be spearheading several initiatives for the brand in the space of health, wellness and nutrition. Its vision is to create the finest women beauty and health nutrition venture from India. Chicnutrix has been delivering beauty and health, inside out, with a touch of science for the glamour quotient. The start-up is taking healthcare beyond the traditional drugs, excavating the hidden molecular gems from all that mother earth has to offer. Chicnutrix persistently strives to translate this science to resolve the practical issues of our modern-day lifestyle. GAMEXX Awards 2021 Stakeholders to share their learning & experiences on the gaming industry in India... - Thursday, August 12, 2021 - REGISTER NOW Commenting on the collaboration, Designer-actress Masaba Gupta said, I have always felt that there is a need to take care of oneself from a very holistic approach, whether it is wellness, beauty, nutrition or overall related health. Vibing with our proud stories of womanhood, I am elated to join Chicnutrix as their first ever brand ambassador. I swear by something which is science backed nutrition with premium ingredients and that is exactly what Chicnutrix brings to the table. It is a start to a very interesting journey, and I am looking forward to take this common goal of forming good habits help achieve good health inside-out. Speaking on the development, Ms. Shilpa Khanna Thakkar, CEO at Chicnutrix said, With immense pleasure, we welcome Masaba to our Chic Tribe. She is someone who is unabashedly unique, unarguably fearless, undeniably original and most importantly unquestionably inspiring. As a woman who has disputed all the 'so called' norms of normal to create a global brand name for herself is truly an incredible feat. It feels great to associate with an authentic voice who resonates so well with the brand. Her transformation over the years has been truly inspirational to many across the globe. With this association, we aim to amplify brand awareness across urban and rural markets to create many more captivating stories fuelled by pure, clinically proven and convenient nutrition. Within 2 years of brand launch, Chicnutrix has serviced more than 2970 pin codes within India and has presence in 6 countries around the globe. It started from beauty nutrition and is now exemplifying beauty and nutrition supplement by its expansion towards women wellness. Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Bern, 04.08.2021 - On his trip to South East Asia, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis met the president and several ministers for talks in Vientiane on 3 and 4 August 2021. During his visit, Mr Cassis signed a framework cooperation agreement on development cooperation. The SDC will launch its new four-year cooperation programme in Laos next year. Mr Cassis also visited a quarantine camp for migrants, which Switzerland is supporting financially alongside the Swiss Red Cross and the World Food Programme. This is the first bilateral visit of a Swiss foreign minister to Laos. Switzerland has maintained diplomatic relations with Laos since 1963 and has been involved in development cooperation there since 1995. Switzerland's long-standing development cooperation work was the key topic of Mr Cassis's meeting in Vientiane with Lao's deputy prime minister and minister of planning and investment, Sonexay Siphandone. The deputy prime minister thanked Switzerland for its long-standing commitment as well as for its disaster relief efforts following the devastating dam collapse in 2018. Cooperation for balanced economic and social development At their meeting, the two men signed a bilateral framework cooperation agreement that aims to deepen cooperation on employment and vocational education and training, agriculture and food security, the impact of climate change, improving local governance and citizen participation, and humanitarian aid in Laos. The agreement establishes a legal framework for the implementation of cooperation measures. In signing it, both partners commit to respecting democratic principles and fundamental rights, the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement on climate change. "I am convinced that with this agreement Switzerland can contribute to balanced economic and social progress in Laos," Mr Cassis said after signing the agreement. Switzerland is the eighth-largest bilateral donor to Laos, and opened a cooperation office in Vientiane in 2006. Since then, it has invested more than CHF 100 million in bilateral development projects in Laos. The SDC's new four-year cooperation programme for the period 202225, which is worth over CHF 60 million, is based on Switzerland's International Cooperation Strategy 202124. Mr Cassis also inaugurated a new consular agency in Vientiane in the presence of representatives of the Swiss community. This agency will strengthen consular services for Swiss nationals in Laos as well as for the more than 8,000 Swiss tourists who visit the country every year. Humanitarian support during the COVID-19 pandemic While in Vientiane, Mr Cassis also met President Thongloun Sisoulith and Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith. Their discussions focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and its long-term socio-economic implications. Mr Cassis also visited a quarantine camp where workers returning from Thailand are required to enter a 14-day quarantine to protect against the spread of the virus. Mr Cassis announced that Switzerland would increase its contribution for food and hygiene articles at the camp to CHF 1.25 million. Switzerland is thus providing a total of around CHF 6 million to support the country in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic. Under the chairmanship of Laos, Switzerland became a member of the group of 51 Asian and European states. ASEM was established in 1996 as an informal platform for dialogue to promote political, economic, social, and cultural cooperation between Asia and Europe. Following visits to Thailand and Laos, Mr Cassis travels to Vietnam today for a two-day visit. Address for enquiries FDFA Communication Federal Palace West Wing CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland Tel. Communication service: +41 58 462 31 53 Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55 E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch Twitter: @SwissMFA Publisher Federal Department of Foreign Affairs https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html The American Farm Bureau Federations Market Intel is publishing a two-part series to highlight the agricultural losses that occurred in 2020 FARGO, N.D. A lot of money has been floating around following the 2020 pandemic, and its up to farmers and the ag community to use those do As a journalist, I know the importance of a good government watchdog. Government should be by the people and for the people, and having a free press the fourth estate constantly watching those in power and keeping them honest is important. Since President Biden signed an executive order on conservation in January, theres been a lot of backlash and a lot of talk about a land grab. Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts embarked on a statewide tour to caution his constituents of this radical plan. Bidens order sets a goal of conserving 30% of the nations land and water by 2030, hence its popular name, the 30x30 plan. It doesnt lay out any real details on how that will happen. Conserving 30% of our nations landscape would equate to 729 million acres or another 437 million acres that isnt already protected. Its an area a little less than nine times the size of South Dakota. Thats no small parcel. And those in agriculture, who make their living from the land certainly should take note, keeping a close eye on what it will mean for their property. But the 30x30 plan does not equate to a land grab, according to area experts who take a more reasoned approach than some heads of state. More likely, it will look like more funding for conservation programs that already exist and adding new ones. The feds have assured their approach is about voluntary efforts and local decision making. A paper from the federal departments of agriculture, interior and commerce laid out a few more details on the nations first conservation goals this spring. It talked about access to natural areas for people and wildlife. Those wildlife coridoors are where the government could look to acquire land, according to Dave Aiken, Professor and Water and Agricultural Law Specialist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, talking in a webinar last week. Ultimately the government will respect private property rights, he said, basically because they have to. Just when they thought the condition of the Ahwatukee Lakes Golf Course couldnt get any wor Gordon Hardy, 5, had been hospitalized since November with bone cancer and as his treatment neared the end, the youngster got a surprise visit from Riley, one of Banner Healths many volunteer pet therapy dogs. State health director Dr. Cara Christ, who recommends that kids and adults wear masks on campuses, announced last week she is leaving her position at the end of this month to become chief medical officer for Blue Cross Arizona. Erik Jessen has spent the last 11 years teaching digital arts and media communication at Sowela Technical Community College. He said the magic of the job still comes from working directly with students.That student-teacher connection was not only disrupted last year by COVID-19, but by the d NEW ORLEANS (AP) Oil companies fighting dozens of lawsuits that blame drilling for decades of coastal erosion and wetland loss in Louisiana are pleased with a new appeals court ruling that could lead to some of the cases being heard in federal court. Its amazing how many people are trying to tear down present glories in the name of a past none of them have any interest in going back to. Bringing this to mind is the underreported story of the Canadian church burnings, acts inspired by the claim that Christian-run residential schools abused, brutalized, and murdered Canadian Indian children. I investigated this story recently, and it wont surprise many readers that the Enemedia have completely misrepresented it. And while I covered it here and will have a long magazine essay on the topic go to print this week, the shorter version is this: Insofar as Indian children were forcibly taken to the schools, it was the result of Canadian government policy; many (in fact most, it appears) Indian parents of school pupils wanted their children to attend; and some ex-students describe their years at the institutions as their lives best. Furthermore, the media provocatively speak of residential schools' mass child graves. But these sites are merely quite typical church cemeteries, and it appears that, at least in some cases, people of all kinds from the local communities were buried therein. But, hey, the Enemedia cant be bothered with the facts. What I want to address today, however, is something even the churches/schools defenders dont say. A central charge made against the churches/schools and the government is that they aimed to stamp out Indian culture. In point of fact, John A. Macdonald, Canadas first prime minister and a main residential school system author was a benefactor to the Indians and called many of them his friends. Admittedly, though, he did consider their culture doomed to extinction and thus believed they needed to be westernized to survive as individuals. Horrible, isnt it? Only, he was right. And Indian culture is, largely, extinct by the Indians own choice. Heres reality: We all enjoy the wonders of Western culture, from modern conveniences to human rights. Virtually all of us love our refrigeration, indoor plumbing, heat, air conditioning, cars, and computers, not to mention a multitude of other luxuries. We all want most of what modern science offers, such as advanced health care (we want it so much, in fact, that many demand it be free). As with everyone else, all responsible Indians want their children educated in the Western sense (the pre-European Indians didnt have the written word). In other words, American Indians today dont want to live as their antebellum ancestors did any more than Id embrace my pre-Roman, European forebears lifestyle. Its also true that virtually everyone has ancestors whose culture, at some point, was extinguished by someone else (e.g., Europes many medieval tribes such as the Vandals, Goths, Marcomanni, Quadi, and Galatians were subsumed by others). Should we go on about how these peoples, whose times and tribes we wouldnt return to if we could, were culturally extinguished while we sip our cafe latte and compose angry missives on the computer? Yet this is analogous to what too many indigenous (and other) activists do today. It much reminds me of an episode of the old Sanford and Son, one in which the son character, Lamont, decides to embrace his African roots. So he dons a dashiki and takes a couple of Nigerian friends one of whom finally gives him a stern lecture (amusing video below) about how his Africanism is all superficial, style, and no substance. Lamont was posing, but no more than many indigenous and other activists do. Its easy to grow your hair long as did Indian ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill (who, it turned out, didnt even have Indian blood) or adopt African names as did Ibram X. Kendi (of The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination fame), as he uses the millions he makes race hustling and attacking America to finance his opulent American lifestyle. Its also easy getting in a 16-year-olds face and banging a drum as Indian activist agitator Nathan Phillips did in 2019 with the Covington kids while chanting gibberish (actually learning your ancestors language would be too much, I guess). YouTube screengrab Of course, most of us find our remote ancestors lifestyles intriguing and perhaps even somewhat romantic; I myself am a fan of the Middle Ages and wouldnt mind going back to that period for a day. But Id want to return to our time, and I dont lament that the Romans, Charlemagne and, perhaps, others might have extinguished some of my forebearers culture. This said, if youre shattered because the Romans or the British, French, or early American settlers made your ancestors culture history, then go native. Knock yourself out. But show you mean it: Enter the wilderness with a band of fellow travelers wearing a loincloth or animal skins, carrying only bronze or stone tools, depending on whom your ancestors were, and carve a life out of the forest. Best of luck to you. As for me, the Alaskan Indian below (hilarious 90-second video follows) is my kind of guy. Ill also point out that leftists love affair with the indigenous is highly selective and becomes a hate-fest when those indigenous happen to be European; in fact, its as if were to believe Europe doesnt even have indigenous people. Exemplifying this attitude was Social Democrat politician Mona Sahlin, who said in 2001 in reference to the Mideastern Muslim (im)migration transforming her country that the Swedes must be integrated into the new Sweden; the old Sweden is never coming back. Note that far from evoking outrage and Sahlins cancellation, her attitude is trumpeted as multiculturalist progress. And whats befalling the Swedes isnt called cultural genocide, but nation-strengthening Diversity. The bottom line is that we have a civilization here, now, today. If its worth preserving and it has given us lifestyle and law unprecedented in history then we should robustly defend its institutions and traditions. Tearing it down in deference to a false noble-savage fantasy that wed never actually want as reality is, frankly, stupid. The kicker is that too many of todays indigenous activists not only dont want to truly go native; they actually want to swap our system for another European-born one: socialism. So they dont really want to dispense with the West they just want the worst it has to offer. Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Gab or Parler or log on to SelwynDuke.com. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. Update: The New York Times reports: Due to the new spread of the Delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends, Hannah Hankins, a spokeswoman for the former president, said in a statement Wednesday morning. Hes appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon. The Delta variant is not news. But the cascade of criticism the Obamas experienced is news. Forget about the violation of COVID protocols those are a passing fancy on the left. Barack Obama's sixtieth birthday bash this coming weekend threatens to violate just about every progressive virtue the Obamas and their woke pals have ever signaled. Officially, Obama's birthday falls on August 4. As I will explain, that may not be the real date, but the "optics" problem facing Barry and his bourgeois buddies is a more pressing one. As planned, some 475 invited guests and at least 200 worker bees will swarm the Obamas' waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard, a tony little island off the coast of Massachusetts. In addition to their vax cards, I suspect the worker bees and even the guests will have to show a photo ID. Apparently, birthday invites are more vulnerable than ballots in Obama world. On a side note, rumor has it that the ever-cautious Georgia congressman, Hank Johnson, passed on the invite for fear that the whole island would become so overly populated that it would tip over and capsize. Among the invited guests are George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, and Oprah. I could be wrong, but my guess is that these and the Obamas' other jet-setting friends are not going to fly commercial. The Obamas bought this nearly 7,000-square-foot waterfront home in the fall of 2019. They paid nearly $12 million for their new digs. No big deal. They had pocketed a reported $65 million advance for their respective memoirs from Penguin Random House. In his 2020 memoir A Promised Land, Obama worries that he did not do enough to deal with "America's escalating inequality." He wonders if he should have tried "to exact more economic pain" on corporate America in the hope of creating a more just economic order. "The thought nags at me," insists Scrooge McWoke. That thought might have nagged a little less if Obama had bought a three-bedroom cottage on Lake Michigan and spread the wealth around, but then again, how do you entertain 475 people in a three-bedroom cottage? What if it rains? Back at Martha's Vineyard, Obama and his guests will enjoy a glorious view of a barrier beach and the ocean beyond. This view might have soothed the troubled soul of the ordinary nouveau riche, but it had to nag Obama even more than his anxieties about inequality. What's weird, given his beachfront property, is that in his new memoir Obama is downright paranoid about climate change. He writes: By the time I was running for president, the clear consensus among scientists was that in the absence of bold, coordinated international action to reduce emissions, global temperatures were destined to climb another two degrees Celsius within a few decades. Past that point, the planet could experience an acceleration of melting ice caps, rising oceans, and extreme weather from which there was no return. If we are to take Obama at his word, his anxieties make Hank Johnson's seem sensible. "Reading the literature," writes Obama, "I pictured caravans of lost souls wandering a cracked earth in search of arable land, regular Katrina-sized catastrophes across every continent, island nations swallowed up by the sea." Apparently, the fear of islands being swallowed up did not worry him enough to relocate to his imagined Kansas homeland. "Geez, he really did stop the oceans," wrote one wry blogger in a headline Obama totally deserved. Now wallowing in F-you money, Obama can afford to ditch his beliefs, such as they are or seem to be. After all, a man turns 60 only once. Or does he? In my deep dive into Obama's past for my new book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, I came to the conclusion that Obama may have actually turned 60 several months ago. What I discovered is that Obama's three-year resistance to producing his birth certificate was no casual thing. To fight off curious litigants, Obama hired the big guns at the Dems' go-to, Deep State law firm, Perkins Coie. The evidence strongly suggests that Obama was trying to conceal not the where of his birth, but the when. It seems highly likely that when his grandparents abruptly pulled up stakes in the summer of 1960 and moved from Seattle to Hawaii, Obama's mother Ann Dunham was already pregnant by a Black man. Until the time he ran for president in 2007, Obama may have believed the origins story he had been fed since childhood. That story that would get him elected only if preserved. In David Axelrod, Obama had the best dumpster-diver in the business. As in any campaign, Axelrod would have dug up the dirt on his own candidate before the opponents did. Beyond caring about appearances the birthday party makes that clear Obama no longer has a need for his presumed "father" or his living African relatives. They have felt the sting. The best man at Obamas' wedding, Malik Obama, voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Don't expect to see him or the other kin at the bash. In 2011, embarrassed by Donald Trump's prodding, Obama commissioned the Perkins Coie attorneys to produce a birth certificate. Five years later, they outdid themselves. They produced the Steele dossier. Jack Cashill's new book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, is now available wherever you buy books. Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. America Second. Thats the current administrations goal. Almost immediately once President Biden was in office, crude oil and retail gasoline pricing went through the roof. In a blatant, reckless, unthinking cave to the environmental/green lobby, the new administration canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, forfeiting thousands of good-paying, permanent union jobs in favor of enhancing their woke credentials in the eyes of radical progressives and the leftist media. Then they withdrew permission to explore for oil in Alaskas ANWR region and canceled several exploratory licenses on federal lands. Biden also rejoined the meaningless Paris Accords, further demonstrating that the new government is not interested in pursuing an energy independence policy that actually benefits America. Along with canceling the fossil fuel industry as the very embodiment of anti-woke capitalistic conservatism, the administration wants to cancel or rescind any policy, legislation, or Executive Order put in place by President Trump, simply because it was done by President Trump. Evaluating the actual efficacy of the Trump-era measure is not the goal; doing away with anything positive -- as quickly as possible -- that could accrue to President Trumps credit in the voting publics mind is the real aim. It's the whole notion of private companies run by conservative white men making billions of dollars in profits in the open marketplace that really gets the progressives goat. They need to knock them down. The Kerrys, Obamas, and Pelosis of the world fly on their petroleum-fueled private jets, stay in opulent, wasteful five-star locales, and spew empty, duplicitous platitudes. They dont care about the environment. They only care about sabotaging conservatives. Thats what this is all about. However, the actual result of this administrations anti-oil actions has been a devastating rise in all things even remotely connected to the fossil fuel industry. Obviously, gasoline has risen from the low $2.00/gallon range when President Trump left office to well over $3.00/gallon today, and its still rising. Heating oil and natural gas have experienced similar increases. A rise in gas, heating oil, and natural gas affects the lower-income segment most because energy costs represent a higher percentage of their household expenses and such purchases are not discretionary. So much for progressive compassion for the underprivileged. Of course, rising fossil fuel costs negatively affect every aspect of the economy. Transportation costs are higher for every single category of consumer goods, commercial supplies, and manufacturing raw materials. Retail and wholesale customers alike are paying more for everything, because it costs more to get the goods to their destination. Airline travel -- just starting to recover a bit from COVID-induced lockdowns -- is now hit with dramatically higher fuel costs, which then have to be passed along to the passengers. But why have oil prices risen so dramatically? We hadnt yet gotten Drop One from ANWR, so its not like an existing supply was cut off. Likewise, the Keystone XL pipeline hadnt been built, so the Canadian crude that would flow faster and more cheaply to American Gulf refineries was a future occurrence, not a present one. Again, the existing supply wasnt affected. The answer is buyer psychology. When events influence the mindset and expectation of a given markets customers, then prices will be affected accordingly. In the case of the oil market, the Biden administration is giving off signals that the U.S. will be producing less oil in the future. So even though the existing supply is unaffected, the market presumes there will be less supply at some indeterminate point down the line. Therefore, pricing rises today in anticipation of a possible future shortfall. The opposite is also true: when a country actively explores for oil and discovers new reserves, the market reacts with lower pricing, since buyers are reassured that new supplies will be forthcoming and steady. There is another aspect of buyer psychology at work here too: Even if that newly discovered oil reserve hasnt yet made it to the market, just the knowledge that its coming will influence current suppliers to keep pricing low in an effort to retain their existing customers. Heres a good analogy, one that actually occurs in the real world. There is a good local building supply house with many significant construction company customers in their area. They are the go-to building materials supplier. A major national company, say Home Depot, announces that they will enter that market two years from now with their big wholesale materials department, ready to supply all the local construction companies. Just that announcement alone is enough to cause the local building supplier to sharpen their prices and redouble their efforts to better service their existing customers. The local supplier will do anything and everything they can to retain their customers in the face of new (albeit future) competition. OPEC and the other big foreign producers would do the same (theyd sharpen their prices and increase their production) if they knew that big future U.S. oil supply was definitely coming -- even if a few years off -- and that the new U.S. production might very well elbow them out of some of their biggest customers. But they would do the opposite if they know that future U.S. production will be curtailed. Do the progressives understand how market forces and buyer psychology works on a worldwide trading level? Since no one in the administration or any top Democrat party politician in either House has any top-tier real-world business experience whatsoever, its actually likely that they just dont understand how any of this works. The far more frightening possibility is that the progressives do in fact understand how markets work but are so intent on damaging Trump-supporting billionaire conservative white men and pushing their progressive woke agenda that they just dont care that middle-class Joe the Plumber has to shell out $180 more per month in gasoline and heating oil and now cant afford high-speed Internet access for his stay-at-home community college daughter. Welcome to the America Second Agenda. Image: Flappiefh To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. A manufactured panic over the January 6 rally has provided Biden and his flunkies with an excuse to attack the U.S. military. The Biden administration has implemented an effort to root out political "extremism" in the military in order to work toward a military with more 'diversity, equity, and inclusion', despite little evidence of any such extremists actually operating within the ranks: "But a large majority of those charged have no known connections to established extremist groups... Experts say there's little evidence that current or former members of the military are more susceptible to radicalization than the general population. Still, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has called combating extremism in the ranks a top priority." So let's examine what Austin has done. As head of the Department of Defense (DoD), Austin created the Countering Extremism Working Group (CEWG). However, the potential unintended consequences of its anti-extremism effort could harm recruiting if religious Americans or those on the political right feel unwelcome in the military ranks. The DoD's definition of extremism is so broad and imprecise that some retired officers and military analysts fear it could inadvertently include traditional Catholics, Republicans, and people who aren't racist or violent but simply choose conservative, pro-life politics. For example, DoD considers "'patriot' extremism" to include any non-extreme position, such as conservative views, religious teachings such as those against abortion or LGBTQ lifestyles, and failure to actively support gay rights demonstrations or mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations. They are therefore legitimate targets for the CEWG. Further, as a Revolver article says, if one accepts the DoD's 'diversity, equity, and inclusion' policy as a matter of national security, any conviction that doesn't agree with Biden's (or Austin's) perspective of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the military can be considered a national security threat. Thus all policies and personnel that supported Donald Trump's border wall, illegal alien deportations, DACA criticism, the military's transgender ban, and military bases named after Confederate generals can be considered an extremist and a threat to national security. The CEWG is a mechanism for eliminating in the military anything or anybody Biden (or more likely his flunky Austin) doesn't like. Let's look further into the CEWG. "The CEWG will be led by Mr. Bishop Garrison, Senior Advisor on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion." Just who is Bishop Garrison? He is a 2002 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the College of William and Mary Law School, and the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership's Political Leaders Program at the University of Virginia. He earned two Bronze Stars, a Combat Action Badge, and a Meritorious Service Medal. He is also an Operation Iraqi Freedom Army veteran. Garrison was a member of the Obama 2012 Re-election Campaign, the Obama Administration's National Security Leadership Workshop as well as Advisor to the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security. He served as the Deputy Foreign Policy Adviser on the Presidential campaign of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton. His Democrat credentials are impeccably well established. And he was appointed by Austin. Garrison's West Point major was Pre-Law. He holds a J.D. as well as a Political Leaders Program certificate. I found nothing that qualifies him to be a Senior Advisor on Human Capital and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Perhaps his study of law qualifies him. Garrison, in July 2018, wrote: "America again finds itself at the precipice: what nation do we want to be? What world do we want to live in? This is no longer some metaphysical hypothetical meant to test the limits of our philosophical thinking. It's a real and tangible question. Our history is plagued with ugly, vicious truth. Our past is troubled by violence and hatred. But our evolution has always been a bout our struggle towards a more perfect union, our effort to be something greater holistically than we have been historically. Today, however, America is renouncing its position as the world leader. We're relinquishing the long-fought diplomatic collateral that has defined our security and western world stability since World War II. If we allow this digital black plague to spread further, the shining city on the hill will undoubtedly find itself alone in the darkness for years to come." This passage provides Garrison's view of this country, especially the final three sentences. But that isn't the worst of it. Garrison, in July 2019, tweeted that "...any supporter of former President Donald Trump unequivocally supports extremism and racism. Support for him, a racist, is support for ALL his beliefs. ...He's dragging a lot of bad actors (misogynists, extremists, other racists) out into the light, normalizing their actions. If you support the President, you support that... There is no room for nuance with this. There is no more 'but Im not like that' talk." Says Revolver: "This isn't just some random case of Trump Derangement Syndrome on Twitter. As the new head of the U.S. military's 'Countering Extremism' task force, this critical race theory loving, Trump Derangement Syndrome suffering, fake news spreading, 100% partisan hack is the man who will now separate permissible 'opinion' from purgeable 'extremism' at the Pentagon ...[.]" Fox News host Pete Hegseth said this about Bishop Garrison: "This is not the woke military stuff you have been hearing about. This is not extremism stand down or a social justice reading list or even a foolish CIA recruitment video we have all seen by now. This is worse. This is way worse. This, my friends, is a purge. A purge of the Defense Department led by a new and now powerful radical leftist. A 1619 project activist [he defended it against criticisms from historians, called their assessment extremism, racist policies, and white supremacy existential threats to the nation], a hard-core social justice Democrat. A man who believes all, all Trump supporters are racist and extremists. And what must we do to racists? We must define them and then we must purge them." Are Garrison and CEWG needed? No! Of the 222,000 men and women in the Marine Corps, it discharged four members last year for extremist activity. American Defense News managing editor Paul Crespo had this to say: "To date [22 April], despite the massive ideological witch hunt and outrageous, fact-free partisan allegations, less than a handful of active military members have been identified as having any real 'extremist' affiliations, out of nearly one and a half million serving today." DoD spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence said, "The Department is focused on addressing the corrosive and potentially dangerous behavior that can be inspired by extremist ideology -- behavior that harms good order and discipline and our readiness." But the DoD has yet to provide (if it can) any data to show where even one extremist threat exists in our military, or how it is harming 'good order and discipline and our readiness.' Image: Pixabay To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. One of the biggest proponents behind the vaccine mania has been the health establishment. Why? Is it to protect public health from a deadly virus? How can that be the case when the mortality rate is relatively low for the Wuhan flu. After all, the average (IFR) death rate of COVID is a mere 0.26% of those infected (this is the stat that the media consistently and deliberately refuses to mention in public). This means that 99.7% of the public is in no danger from COVID whether they are vaccinated or not. The answer for the vaccine push has many facets and here I'll focus on just one -- Big Pharma. The pharmaceutical industry is a central part of the health establishment. It's the tail that wags that dog. Not surprisingly, it comes down to money. Last week, it was reported that pharmaceutical giants are raking in the money with the sale of their novel and inadequately tested COVID-19 vaccines. Pfizer expects to earn $33.5 billion in 2021. J&J estimates its full-year COVID-19 vaccine sales to be $2.5 billion while Moderna forecasts $19.2 billion. This is big money. Pfizer has said it believes a third 'booster' dose of its vaccine will be needed in the future, which you help it bring in more sales in 2022. The company said it would file on July 28 for an emergency use authorization for a potential booster as early as August. The Wuhan flu is proving to be a money tree for Big Pharma. As they keep shaking it, dollars fall into their lap. Now a 'delta' variant has emerged. Will there soon be an epsilon variant and then a zeta one? Why not? We all know viruses naturally mutate. Where will it end, at an omega variant? Come hell or high water, you can be sure Big Pharma will be pushing its products. Corporate bonuses and the value of stock options are at stake. Big Pharma has the muscle to push its vaccines. When it comes to lobbying money spent in 2021, the Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America group ranks number three nationally. Interestingly, the fourth, fifth, and sixth positions are also members of the health establishment. These are the American Hospital Association, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and the American Medical Association, respectively. Pfizer by itself is number 15. This is power to make their voices heard. And Big Pharma does more than just use its money to buy politicians to do its bidding. It calls the tune much of the media dances to through advertising dollars. Here is what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote in the forward of The Truth About COVID-19 by Dr. Joseph Mercola and Ronnie Cummings. Big Pharma's $9.6 billion annual advertising budget gives these unscrupulous companies control over our news and television outlets. Strong economic drivers (pharmaceutical companies are the biggest network advertisers) have long discouraged mainstream media outlets from criticizing vaccines manufacturers. In 2014, [Fox] network president, Roger Ailes, told me he would fire any of his new show hosts who allowed me to talk about vaccine safety on air. "Our news division," he explained, "gets up to 70% of its ad revenue from pharma in non-election years. So in conjunction with the censorship by Silicon Valley giants like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, Big Pharma is manipulating the public to accepting the party line on vaccines. That message says the vaccines are both safe and effective. Neither claim has yet to be proven. Image: Mike Licht To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. A series of graphs compiled by Twitter user @holmenkollin (Corona Realism) document that "the most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not." Iceland, Gibraltar, Malta, and Cyprus, for example, have vaccination rates of 9098% and are experiencing surging virus cases. European countries with high vaccination rates are experiencing increasing infection rates, while those graphs show minimal infection rates among the countries with the lowest vaccination rates. In Israel, where COVID cases are spiking despite a vaccination rate of 80%, the government is launching a campaign to inoculate its population with a third jab. The vaccines' effectiveness may very well be wearing off after a few months, but doubling down on booster shots may prove counterproductive if something else is at work. Some doctors have been warning that vaccine-induced antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) may contribute to long-term adverse effects that would begin to manifest themselves 312 months after vaccination. That prediction is based upon animal studies over recent years from SARS-CoV vaccine trials, where the vaccinated animals became extremely sick after being exposed to coronaviruses later, in the wild. ADE is based upon the idea that the antibodies generated from the vaccines are "suboptimal" compared to those produced from natural immunity and that ADE subsequently enhances viral infection and replication in the body's host cells. Various government-funded studies relating to ADE document the historical difficulties of developing vaccines and therapies for COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases. It remains an open question whether or not the mRNA vaccines will react, or are starting to react, in a similar fashion on humans. Natural immunity is given short shrift by the CDC; we have no idea how many Americans carry antibodies from previous infections, either symptomatic or not. A Wall Street Journal article titled "Maybe With Delta the CDC Will Learn to Count" reports that "92% of Brits now show evidence of antibodies." Britain has seen its Delta surge wane rather quickly. And unlike the U.S., it is not flopping around in the half-dark about what's going on. Thanks to biweekly blood-sample surveys, the U.K. government knows how many people have antibodies from vaccination and/or infection. Thanks to surveys and modeling it also has a good idea how many are currently infected, invariably a multiple of those who get a positive test. Joe Biden says that "in all probability," we can look forward to more guidelines and restrictions. Unless the government and the CDC start treating the American people with more honesty and transparency, they may discover that the reservoir of goodwill the country displayed during last year's lockdowns has been greatly depleted. Image: Our World in Data. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. There are two kinds of viruses that most people know about: computer and biological. There is a third kind that we are beginning to understand more fully than ever before. It is cultural and political. It is leftism. All three viruses work on the same principle. They hijack the host. Computer viruses work their way into the programming software. Biological viruses (such as the China Virus) insert their genes into the genetic code of the host cell. In both cases, they use the host to create more viruses, and eventually, in the worst case, to so overwhelm the host's normal functions that it expends all its energy on creating more viruses until the host can no longer function at all. It dies. Thereafter, some of the viruses may go into a sort of hibernation, until they are inserted into a new victim. In the case of a society, a small number of people insert themselves into a nation's institutions. They then begin subverting those institutions, not to serve the needs of productive citizens, but instead to work against them. It matters not that the majority of voters oppose the leftist policies that are destroying the nation because those votes are reversed inside the voting apparatus. In other cases, uninformed voters are deceived into voting for their own destruction. Finally, there are those citizens upon whose greed and cowardice the leftists can capitalize. For some viruses, certain medicines may destroy them, but once the infection has gone too far, the medicines are ineffective and, in some cases, counterproductive. Any analogy can go too far, and this one has gone far enough. We do have a remedy for the "Woke Leftism" that is ruining our future, but by this time, we have run out of all the easy options. The only remedy remaining is for a general uprising of a huge segment of the population. Nothing short of that has any hope of success. The general uprising means widespread and fervent civil disobedience. When ordered to surrender our firearms, we must refuse. When ordered to teach our children that they are guilty of the crimes of past centuries, we must disobey. When we are commanded what to say, and what not to say, we must speak our minds without fear. When required to be injected with substances of questionable medical value, we must resist. Some state governments are already showing early signs of throwing off the yoke of tyranny. Florida and Texas, among others, are waking up to the fact that their constitutional authority to govern is being systematically and illegally revoked. Florida refused to comply with onerous rules from Washington, D.C. to shut down its economy. Texas is attempting to restrain the flood of illegal aliens, aliens who the left affirms should be entitled to vote. These actions must be only the beginning. Other states must join in. The leftists will never surrender their illegal powers. Those powers must be taken from them, with neither hesitation nor apology. There are peaceful ways of doing this, even though the left never constrains itself to peaceful methods. Its willingness to riot, loot, and impose martial law has been on display for over a year now. If we sit and wait, we can be assured that Communist China will act, and act decisively, to our detriment. Image via Max Pixel. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. The current Texas legislative session will end on August 8 and the new one starts the next day. The governor will continue to start new sessions until he signs the vote integrity law or they run out of money to support the Texas gang in Washington. My money is on Governor Greg Abbott winning this contest. The governor has time and the votes to move on. The Democrats in Washington do not have the votes and depend on someone paying their hotel bills. The Texas Democrats were visited by fellow liberals over the last couple of days. It's nice but won't change a thing. It's sort of like your friend leaving you a voice mail after you got an eviction notice: "Bro, I'm sorry to hear that and we'll be thinking of you" Last, but not least, Senator Joe Manchin is not supporting the "For the People Act". My guess is that the people of West Virginia are not into federalizing elections. They are not getting help from President Biden either. He seems focused on an infrastructure bill and the Delta variant has not helped the Texans get their phone calls returned in Washington. Even Beto, the self-appointed defender of voting rights, is showing a little anger. This is what he said: We have not gotten to that level of urgency that this crisis demands from us, ORourke said in an interview ahead of the march. I guess not, my friend Beto. To my knowledge, there is no polling data on how this detour to Washington is playing back in Texas. My gut feeling is that the Democrats have not gained many votes but have put their fellow legislators in competitive districts in trouble. Add redistricting to the mix and it won't be pretty. A liberal friend at church, who voted for Senator Elizabeth Warren in the 2020 primary, put it this way: "Okay, you made your point. Come home and do something about it in 2022." One way or another, they will return to Texas. My only question is whether anyone will show up to greet them. P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). Image: Pixabay To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. As a private investigator in Arizona, I always look forward to each day's surprise or learning experience. Several years ago, one of my attorney clients wanted to visit the scene of an accident. It was a complicated traffic light situation involving multiple sequences of traffic light changes on an overpass on the I-10. When we arrived, we had to park quite a ways away, in a hotel parking lot, and then walk to the location. As we were setting up our equipment on the sidewalk, an individual on crutches, about 35 years old, with his left leg gone below the knee, hobbled over and asked us what we were doing. He had a cardboard sign on the back of a soft drink 12-pack container, written in black ink, that said, "Homeless need help." I related to him the accident information color of cars and other details. He commented that he was there on Christmas Day when the accident happened. There were no witnesses listed on the police report, but he knew all the details of the accident. We were trying to establish liability on an adverse driver, but he said he could not help, as the accident had happened behind him as he was standing on the median, with his back to the accident and the light sequence. As an investigator, I am not a stranger to asking probing questions of people. I asked him how he lost the lower portion of his left leg. He told me that about ten years before, he was involved in a drug deal gone bad, and he was shot in the left leg, and it shattered the bones, and they amputated his leg. He went on to tell me he had done five years in state prison before being released. I asked him if he was receiving Social Security benefits for the loss of his leg, and he acknowledged that he was receiving about $1,350 per month. I asked him where he lived, and he told me about five miles from the intersection. He pointed out his Monte Carlo that he drove to the location. He told me he received subsidized housing, electricity, internet, rent, and utilities. I asked him how often he was at the location on the median, and he told me about 360 days a year. He said that Christmas Day was always "very good" and that he never missed "working" that day. I asked him how much money he generated begging for donations, and he told me about $2,5003,500 a month in the slow summer months, but about $3,5004,000 per month during the good months. He also told me that since he is unemployed, the State of Arizona gives him about $300 per month in food stamps. He also receives full medical care through the program the state runs for indigent persons. His net income is between $35,000 and $40,000 from panhandling. About $3,600 in food stamps, and about $16,200 in SSI disability. He is pulling in about $55,000 tax-free, every year, and he gets subsidized everything. He was not ashamed of what he did; rather, he was proud. Next time you see someone with a cardboard sign asking for money, think twice and reject the idea. There are more than enough services to accommodate the homeless. Image: SLR Jester via Flickr, CC BY 2.0. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. Where do I begin? I think I'll start with the "Green New Deal." Proponents emphasize the zillions of "green" jobs that will be created, putting everybody to work for a noble cause. What could be wrong with that? Historically there was the Works Progress Administration, WPA, that was part of FDR's original New Deal. People were put to work building stuff, including the first buildings of my high school. Jokes were made about the "special" shovel that had a padded headrest so a worker could doze in comfort during his shift. Jobs may have been created, but what was not created, at least in sufficient quantity, was wealth. Back to the GND. Making stuff such as electricity or transportation more expensive than it was before destroys wealth. Conversely, when Nikola Tesla pioneered the use of alternating current to lower the cost of delivering electricity to end-users or when John D. Rockefeller invented the tank car to lower the cost of shipping petroleum wealth was created. Just to put things into perspective, there are two inexorable trends concerning the human population: the mechanization of agriculture and the growth of cities. As food production became more efficient, humans were freed up to become factory workers, accountants, pharmacists, surveyors, etc. When I interviewed the famed biologist Garret Hardin in 1972, he told me that the shift really got going around the year 1200 A.D. with the invention of the horse collar. After that, it became a lot easier to plow a field, without choking the noble steed that pulled the plow. Another semantic deception concerns the left's sacred cow of the minimum wage. "If only we could increase the incomes of the lower echelon of working stiffs, people would live much better lives." Confused in all of this is the difference between price and value. Raising the price of a worker's time does nothing directly to increase his productivity or, rather, the value of his work. What it does do is decrease the value of entry-level workers, who often need a lot of training in their respective fields. End result: employers are seriously more reluctant to invite newcomers into the job pool. It is my earnest suspicion that the continuing political push for raising the minimum wage is mostly intended to conceal the effects of the abject failure of government-run K12 schools. Young adults who have little, if any, ability to deal with numbers, and who are seriously deficient in reading and writing (AKA using language to communicate), are mostly worthless as employees. Yeah, they can sweep floors and gather shopping carts but there's only so much of that low-end stuff that needs to be done. A particularly interesting word is infrastructure. Although it sounds really serious, nowadays it can mean anything you want it to. Also, it is mostly used only by hack politicians and other government officials when they're gearing up to rape a large bunch of taxpayers. This all harkens back to the WPA, the difference being that modern infrastructure proposals mostly involve private contractors rather than workers under the employ of a government agency. This now allows "crony" contractors to make significantly generous donations to their political benefactors. Can you say "money laundry"? Then there's equity. Its use has been expropriated by the SJWs, but it still has serious meaning in the world of finance: the net value of an asset. Stocks of corporations are also known as "equities" because they represent an ownership share. But the real deal is found in the value of your home after you take out what you owe the bank. Reverse mortgages have been around for a while, but now, with the aging of the Baby Boomers, they are attracting a lot more attention. As you draw on your reverse mortgage, you have less and less equity. But what the hell it still beats working for a living. And, finally, we come to investment. In political patois, it means spending. In the real world, investment is supposed to refer to a reliable place to store wealth, preferably with it accruing further earnings. None other than Thomas Edison said that the most powerful force in the universe is compounded interest. In the political world, investment is a euphemism for wasting other people's wealth. Remember the Train to Nowhere? They're still working on the rail line even though there's really no chance that some new-fangled, super-duper, ultra-fast locomotive will ever be on those tracks. But the "investment" continues. Eventually, tour buses will come by the abandoned construction site as part of a journey to various mothballed utopian communities and the visitors will be told that it is now known as "Stonehenge West." Image: PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay, Pixabay License. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. The mainstream media have been promoting the truism that California's embattled Gov. Gavin Newsom will win his voter recall referendum. It's in the bag. The Democratic Party, meanwhile, has been saying since at least 2008 that it has the Hispanic vote locked up. Another "certainty." Here comes a poll, though, reported by the Daily Caller, showing that both are deluding themselves: More than half of Hispanics in California say they would vote to recall Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, according to an Inside California Politics/Emerson College poll published Tuesday. The poll of 1,000 registered voters, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3%, showed Californians are split on the issue with 46% in favor of recalling Newsom and 48% are against it. Among Hispanics, 54% said they would vote to recall. This is a startling counter-indicator, given that not only is it unfavorable to Newsom, but it's also not consistent with the views of other demographic groups, such as blacks, who support Newsom; Asians, who support Newsom; and whites, who are almost evenly divided about him. Here's the big kicker: Hispanics form 39% of the population and 35% of the voter base, making them California's biggest and most important constituency. The bad news gets worse, according to reporting from the California Globe: The Globe spoke with Mark Meuser and compared notes on the latest poll and the data. "First, looking at the data, we see that the hispanic community is 54.4% planning on voting for the recall," Meuser said. The state of California has approximately 35% registered Hispanic voters. But this poll only made up of 24.2% hispanic voters, Meuser noted. "It appears that this Emerson poll has under sampled hispanic voters." This is also posted on his Senate campaign Facebook page. Meuser continued: "Second, the Emerson poll sampled 46.4% democrats, 23.1% republicans, and 30.5% other parties, which may be close to actual party affiliation breakdowns." However, Meuser said they do not track with typical turnout in California for special elections. "During special elections, Californian republicans tend to turn out in much higher numbers," he said. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, using data from 2019 to 2020, 31% of Hispanics identify as conservative, and 16% are registered Republicans. Hispanics are less likely to vote than other demographic groups. However, their poll data shows that other factors suggest they may be more energized to vote than commonly supposed. To look at that, consider the typical reasons the recall effort has taken off with voters: number one, Newsom's COVID handling, and COVID lockdowns. Those hit Hispanics very hard. According to this New York Times report from June: Hispanic American communities have been pummeled by a higher rate of infections than any other racial or ethnic group and have experienced hospitalizations and deaths at rates exceeded only by those among Native Americans and Alaska Natives. But new research shows the coronavirus has also attacked Hispanic Americans in an especially insidious way: They were younger when they died. They are much more likely than white Americans to have died of Covid-19 before age 65, often in the prime of life and at the height of their productive years. Indeed, a recent study of California deaths found that Hispanic Americans between the ages of 20 and 54 were 8.5 times more likely than white Americans in that age range to die of Covid-19. "It matters how old you are when you die, because your role in society differs," said Dr. Mary Bassett, director of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. It's natural to wonder why the wokester Democrats running the state have this particular record, which speaks very ill of them, as they virtue-signal all over the place about their love for Hispanics. Here may be an even bigger one: the state's extended COVID lockdowns, which exceeded those of other states, hit small businesses exceptionally hard. And here's some Census data on how many Hispanic small businesses there are that got knocked flat, thanks to Newsom and his fancy French Laundry dinners eaten without masks: That's deadly. Now let's look at another reason: crime. Here are the findings from the state of California's first-ever survey of victims of violent crime: Two in three of these crime victims acknowledge having been victims of multiple crimes in the past five years. African Americans and Latinos are more likely to have been victims of three or more crimes in the past five years. The PPIC survey, cited above, notes that 54% of Hispanic voters are homeowners, having a stake in the system. Also, 30% are recent immigrants, meaning they may well have fled countries with considerable crime to start with. To find it here is pretty baleful. Also, the largest percentage of Hispanics, 39%, live in Los Angeles County, home of let-'em-all-out-of-jail district attorney George Gascon. So much for defunding the police, a huge percentage of whom are Hispanic, too, especially in Los Angeles County, where 49% of the force is Hispanic. Homelessness, too, is an issue that affects property values and standards of living, and is a top voter issue overall, so it's likely that the concern among Hispanics is multiplied. Other factors figure in as well they don't like the bad public schools they are forced to send their kids to; they don't like wokester Critical Race Theory, "which teaches my kids to hate other people," as one Hispanic told me; and they don't like illegal immigration, many of whom have gone to great ends to accomplish their American Dream by immigrating here legally, and who see the crime, drugs, and social disintegration firsthand that comes of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration. Just go to the San Fernando Valley for a glimpse at that. I suspect that the PRI-style corruption of California's one-party state disgusts a certain percentage, too, particularly since California's Hispanic population is overwhelmingly Mexican-derived. It all points to bad news for Newsom, who has patronized and acted weird around Hispanics already. Remember this? One can only hope that Democrats and the press keep deluding themselves about having the Hispanic vote in the bag and Newsom's recall referendum win all but assured. The Emerson poll, cited above, shows that the voters are moving toward Elder and away from Newsom. The trend is the friend. And Democrats? California's Hispanics may well have a big surprise for them. Image: U.S. Bureau of the Census, government work. To comment, you can find the MeWe post for this article here. In August 1923, Bobbiean average-looking collie puppyaccompanied his owners, the Braizer family, on a cross-country summer road trip from their home in Silverton, Oregon, to Wolcott, Indiana, where they were visiting some relatives. While filling up gas at a station in Wolcott, Bobbie was chased away by some street dogs. The family waited for Bobbie to return, but he did not. They placed ads on newspapers and after a week of intense searching, the Brazier family gave up hope. Heartbroken, they continued their trip before returning home to Oregon, expecting never to see their dog again. A statue of Bobbie the Wonder Dog at Silverton. Photo: Rick Obst/Flickr To everyones surprise, Bobbie did return, six months after he had disappeared. He hobbled back into Silverton one February day in 1924, ragged, dirty and scrawny with his toenails worn down to nothing. Unbelievable as it may seem, the two-year old puppy had walked 2,550 miles all by himself to get home. The news of Bobbies incredible feat soon spread across the nation, and the Braizer family was flooded with fan mail, some addressed to Bobbie himself. Some people claimed they had seen Bobbie at various places and were able to identify him by his distinguishing features. Officials from the Oregon Humane Society was skeptical at first, and launched an investigation into the Braziers' claims. By talking with people who claimed to have fed and sheltered Bobbie on his journey, the Humane Society was able to confirm that Bobbie had indeed traveled 2,550 miles, and perhaps more, in the dead of winter swimming across rivers and walking through deserts to return home. The society was even able to assemble a relatively precise description of the route Bobbie took. Bobbies journey. Image credit: imfreakinawesome.com Offbeat Oregon reports: After coming back to Wolcott and finding the Braziers gone, Bobbie first followed them northeast, farther into Indiana. Then he started striking out on what must have been exploratory journeys in various directions perhaps trying to pick up a familiar scent to give him a sense of the direction to take. Eventually, he found what he was looking for, and struck out for the West Coast. On their trip, the Braziers had left their car in service stations each night. Bobbie visited each of these on the way, along with a number of private homes. He also spent some time in a hobo camp. In Portland, he stayed for some time with an Irish woman, who nursed him back to health after some sort of accident left his legs and paws gashed up. About two weeks later, Bobbie was back in Silverton. Bobbie the Wonder Dog perches on the trunk of the Braziers' touring car in Silverton. Photo: Offbeat Oregon After a happy reunion, Bobbie became a celebrity. He was featured in Ripley's Believe It or Not. He even starred in a silent movie called The Call of the West, where he played himself. Bobbie was showered with fan mails, he received medals from various societies, and he was the guest of honor at the Portland Home Show, where over 40,000 people came to view him, and he was presented with his own dog-sized bungalow. Bobbie died in 1927. Doctors suggested that his early demise was as a result of the strain of his journey catching up with him. He was buried at the Humane Societys pet cemetery in Portland. Rin Tin Tin, a German shepherd who was a Hollywood film star, later laid a wreath at his grave. Decades later, a 70-foot-long mural of his life was painted on a wall facing the busiest street in Silverton. A life-size statue of Bobbie was also erected on one end, and next o the statue is a replica of Bobbie's fancy dog house. A replica of Bobbies elaborate bungalow. Photo: Debra Jane Seltzer/Flickr Murals at Silverton. Photo: Thomas Schrantz/Flickr Murals at Silverton. Photo: Thomas Schrantz/Flickr Murals at Silverton. Photo: Thomas Schrantz/Flickr Have any questions? Please give us a call at 907-561-7737 AP Government Suspends Three Officials For Leaking Confidential Information:- Andhra Pradesh is in a deep financial crisis and the government is struggling to pay the salaries for the government employees and pensions for the retired. The exceeded debt limit turned out to be the topic of discussion across the circles of national media too. Pankaj Chaudhary, the Union for the State for Finance revealed that AP has exceeded its limit by Rs 4000 crores. The government of Andhra Pradesh suspended three officers of the State's Finance Department for leaking sensitive and confidential information to the media. Principal Finance Secretary Shamsher Singh Rawat issued orders suspending Assistant Secretary N Venkateswarlu and Section Officers K Vara Prasad and D Sreenu Babu from their service. The decision was made on the report that is submitted by KV Rajendranath Reddy, the Director-General of Vigilance and Enforcement. After a series of articles are published across the media against the government, the government of Andhra Pradesh ordered a vigilance inquiry which revealed that Vara Prasad leaked the information to the media. The report said that the officers are aware that the information was sensitive and had to be kept private. The government is keen to keep the financial records under wraps but they are leaked to the media. The government has sent warnings to all those who are keen to tarnish the image of the AP government. The government officials, teachers and other employees are yet to receive their salaries for this month. (Video Source: Prime9 News) (Image source from: Twitter.com/TSeries) Team RRR shooting in Ukraine:- RRR happens to be the most awaited film and it is carrying top-class expectations. RRR happens to be the next directorial of SS Rajamouli after the Baahubali franchise and two Tollywood Superstars Ram Charan and NTR are on the board as the lead actors. They will be seen playing the fictional characters of Alluri Seetharama Raju and Komaram Bheem respectively. The film is planned on a budget of Rs 450 crores and it is announced for a pan-Indian release on October 13th. Alia Bhatt, Olivia Morris are the heroines and Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran will be playing other important roles in this periodic action drama. As per the latest update, the movie unit of RRR landed in Ukraine. A song on Ram Charan and NTR will be shot in various locations of Europe. The song will be shot in countries like Georgia and Ukraine mostly. The team of RRR will return back to Hyderabad by the end of this month and Rajamouli will be occupied with the post-production work after their return. MM Keeravani is the music director and the first single Dosti received exceptional response from the audience. DVV Danayya is the producer and all the theatrical, non-theatrical deals for RRR are closed long ago. Purchase an online subscription to our website for $7.99 a month with automatic renewal. Each online subscription gives you full access to all of our newspaper websites and mobile applications. To cancel you may contact Customer Service @ 256-235-9253 or email JPAYNE@ANNISTONSTAR.COM For a limited time, for NEW SUBSCRIBERS ONLY a NEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION is just $59.99 for the first year. Existing customers do not qualify for the specials! After the first year, well automatically renew your subscription to continue your access at the regular price of $69.99 per year. Please note *Your Subscription will Automatically Renew unless you contact Customer Service To Cancel* Lebanon: crisis, international donors' conference starts French initiative on anniversary of port explosion (ANSAmed) - BEIRUT, AUG 4 - On the first anniversary of the devastating explosion at the port of Beirut in which over 200 people died and more than 6,000 were injured, in the midst of a long-lasting economic and financial crisis, France and the United Nations on Wednesday are hosting a new international donors' conference for Lebanon. The event will be held in video conference in the respect of anti-Covid rules. The objective of the French initiative, supported by Italy and by other countries interested in maintaining stability in Lebanon, is to gather over 350 million US dollars to support the country's suffering economy. Lebanon declared a financial default in March 2020, months ahead of the August 4 explosion. But the economic crisis started in the fall of 2019, several weeks before the start of the pandemic. (ANSAmed). Lebanon: Macron pledges 100 mn euros At donors' conference (ANSAmed) - PARIS, AUG 4 - France has pledged 100 million euros to attempt to save Lebanon from collapse. The announcement was made on Wednesday by French President Emmanuel Macron at the start of the new international conference of donors for Lebanon, which has been hit for nearly two years by the worst financial crisis of the past decades. The conference opened virtually at the initiative of France and the United Nations on the first anniversary of the devastating explosion of Beirut's port on August 4 last year in which over 200 people died. Macron said this new installment of aid promised is a "new pledge" of Paris "in direct support to the Lebanese population". France has organized more international meetings over the last few months to raise funds for Lebanon. According to western diplomatic sources quoted on Wednesday by Lebanese and French media, the United Nations with today's conference are attempting to raise over 350 million euros for the Lebanese economy. In March 2020, the government of Beirut announced the collapse of the country's financial system. (ANSAmed). Covis: restrictions on travel, curfew restored in Morocco With 36 milion residents, 14 mn have had one jab, 10 mn two (ANSAmed) - RABAT, AUG 4 - A series of anti-Covid measures eased at the beginning of June were reinstated last night in Morocco, including a ban to travel to Casablanca and two major tourist attractions, the cities of Marrakech and Agadir, for those without a vaccine passport. The nighttime curfew, which strated at 11 PM until 4:30 AM, was pushed back to 8 PM and extended until 5 in the morning. Other measures decided by the Moroccan government included a ban on gatherings of more than 25 people, a limit for hotels to 75% of capacity and 50% for restaurants. Yesterday, the country recorded 60 deaths caused by the virus. A total of 642,683 cases, including 9,949 deaths, were recorded since the start of the screening in March 2020, according to an official report. With its 36 million residents, the kingdom is hoping its immunization campaign will halt the virus: over 14 million people have received the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 and more than 10 million the second. Since the end of May, Morocco has gradually eased restrictions tied to the pandemic and has opened its borders to international travellers, under certain conditions. (ANSAmed). Victims of the IRA Docklands bombing have condemned Government proposals to end prosecutions for Troubles offences as immoral and abhorrent. Two people were killed and many others injured by the IRA bomb, which had been left in a lorry in the London Docklands on February 9 1996. Some of those who were hurt, as well as family members of victims, met with officials from the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) on Wednesday to outline their opposition to the Government plans. Last month, Northern Ireland Secretary of State Brandon Lewis announced that he intends to introduce legislation to create a proposed statute of limitations which would end all prosecutions for incidents up to April 1998 and would apply to military veterans as well as ex-paramilitaries. The proposals, which Prime Minister Boris Johnson said would allow Northern Ireland to draw a line under the Troubles, would also end all legacy inquests and civil actions related to the conflict. The plan has been heavily criticised by all the main political parties in Northern Ireland as well as the Irish Government, and a range of victims and survivors groups. A statement on behalf of the Docklands Victims Association said: This has caused immense distress to all the innocent victims of the Troubles. On behalf of all the victims of the Troubles within mainland GB, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland we have expressed to the Northern Ireland Office our concerns as we feel very strongly that no amnesty should be issued. The killing of innocent people, including children, and leaving people severely disabled are undoubtedly crimes against humanity and should never be given immunity from prosecution. This would be immoral and abhorrent to any civilised society. The Docklands victims said Labour MP Meg Hillier had written to Brandon Lewis over Government plans to deal with legacy in Northern Ireland (PA) The statement added: Our MP Meg Hillier has written to Brandon Lewis and we recently initiated an online petition against this amnesty and so far with have received approximately 1,000 signatures opposing this absurd proposal. In addition a number of letters and emails have been sent by the victims and their families to prevent this absurd legislation. We feel any kind of amnesty for those who commit terrorist atrocities such as those witnessed during the Troubles would encourage and inspire other new terrorists who try to achieve their aims by horrific violence. Docklands Victims Association president Jonathan Ganesh (Aaron Chown/PA) Jonathan Ganesh, who was injured in the 1996 bombing, said: Our offices have been inundated with calls, letters and emails concerning the UK Governments proposal. I was pleased to meet with the NIO but I do not feel they have thought this policy through. Murder is a heinous crime and any kind of immunity from a crime of such magnitude is immoral and devalues humanity. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked the Queens representative in New Zealand about moving to the country less than six months into their life as a working royal couple. Harry and Meghan spoke to governor-general Dame Patsy Reddy during their autumn 2018 trip to the country and inquired whether it would be theoretically possible to live there. The Sussexes thoughts about moving to a Commonwealth country were aired during their bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview, when the duchess revealed at the time they wanted to take a step back and had suggested New Zealand, South Africa or Canada. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex put on traditional Maori cloaks called Korowai during their 2018 visit to New Zealand (Paul Edwards/The Sun Wire) Dame Patsy revealed details about her discussions with the duke and duchess in an interview with the Associated Press, ahead of the governor-general stepping down from her post in October when her five-year term ends. She recalled the couple were tired, adding: I remember theyd just been down to the Abel Tasman National Park when we sat down and had a drink, and they said that they could imagine living in a place like this and wondered whether we thought it would be theoretically possible. Even possible for them to have a place in New Zealand. Of course, we said, Sure. It would be fine. There are lots of opportunities to live in New Zealand, but that would be something that theyd have to explore. They were looking at how they might raise their family. And obviously theyve made some decisions since. Harry and Meghan had visited New Zealand over a few days at the end of October and beginning of November 2018, the last stop in a hectic 16-day royal tour of the South Pacific. Harry and Meghan, pictured during their visit to Rotorua, New Zealand, enquired about moving to New Zealand (Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA) Dame Patsy said she did not view it as a formal request for assistance but more of an informal discussion about the couples hopes for the future. She said they seemed impressed with access to the outdoors and their interactions with New Zealanders. During the month of October, former royal aide Jason Knauf, who at the time worked for the Sussexes as their communications secretary, made a bullying complaint against the duchess to the Duke of Cambridges then private secretary, in an apparent attempt to force Buckingham Palace to protect staff. Meghan revealed in her Winfrey interview how a few months later in mid-January 2019 when pregnant with son Archie, she told Harry she was having suicidal thoughts and said to her husband she could not be left alone, when he suggested she not attend an event at the Royal Albert Hall. The Sussexes decision to leave the UK was effectively made a year after their New Zealand trip when, following a royal tour to southern Africa, they travelled to North America for a break in autumn 2019 and never permanently returned. The governor-general was asked about her relationship with the Queen and added that she regularly expresses her confidential views of what is happening in New Zealand with its head of state, such as the nations response to the pandemic. She said the communication is quite touchingly old-fashioned, by letter. Dame Patsy Reddy with the Queen (Victoria Jones/PA) She has told me on the times that Ive seen her that she finds it interesting to have a personal perspective on whats happening, Dame Patsy said. As she says, I like to know whats happening between the lines. Many people in New Zealand believe the country should become an independent republic but Dame Patsy said she believes the Queen should remain the head of state because the arrangement works and has strong historical links. She said New Zealand has a special connection to the monarchy because its founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, was signed by Maori and a representative of Queen Victoria. Asked about a future scenario in which a monarch might turn out to be dictatorial or autocratic, Dame Patsy said the same scenario with an elected president would be likely to be worse. Weve seen how that doesnt work in other countries in the world, she said. But actually, because the monarch is much more of a theoretical construct, a figurehead rather than an actual ruler, I think it gives us a measure of safety, constitutional safety. She said she agreed with Prime Minister Jacinda Arderns assessment that there was currently little appetite among New Zealanders for a constitutional change, and that people were concerned about more pressing issues such as climate change, inequality and the pandemic. Boris Johnson was travelling to Scotland on Wednesday but has declined an invitation to hold talks with Nicola Sturgeon. The Scottish First Minister had invited Mr Johnson to meet at her official Edinburgh residence, Bute House, to discuss the UKs recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. But the Prime Minister will not find time to meet Ms Sturgeon during his two-day visit. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. In letter to Ms Sturgeon, the Prime Minister said: As I noted when we last met, I am keen to arrange an in-person meeting with you and the other first ministers and deputy first minister to build on the constructive discussions we had earlier this summer. We agreed then that we should establish a structured forum for ongoing engagement between the Government and the devolved administrations to deliver tangible outcomes in the interest of people throughout the UK. Mr Johnson said he was particularly keen that we work closely together on the vaccination booster campaign this autumn. He added: I look forward to meeting with you soon and working together in the interests of people in all parts of our country. Ms Sturgeon acknowledged in her invitation letter on Monday she and Mr Johnson differ politically, but stressed the Scottish and UK governments must work together where we can. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. The Prime Ministers visit to Scotland is likely to see further questions about his resistance to a second referendum on independence. Cabinet Office Minister Michael Gove used a Sunday Mail interview to say the UK Government would not stand in the way of a plebiscite if it was the settled will of the Scottish people. But he stressed: I just dont think that it is right, and the public dont think it is right, to ask that question at the moment. Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is also in Scotland, where he is focusing on the fight against climate change in the run-up to the United Nations Cop26 climate summit which will see world leaders gather in Glasgow in November. Sir Keir wrote in the Guardian that the Prime Minister was missing in action on the climate agenda. The world is looking to Britain, as host of the summit, to deliver, Sir Keir said. We cannot afford to miss this moment, but I fear we will. A convicted terrorist told a mentor he had changed his ways, days before carrying out a high street knife rampage which ended in him being shot dead by police, an inquest has heard. Sudesh Amman, 20, confided how he now realised that those who committed terrorist acts ended up pushing people away from Islam. Amman, from Coventry and of Sri Lankan heritage, made the comments on January 30 2020, three days before he stole a knife and ran down a south London street stabbing randomly at members of the public before being fatally brought to a halt. An inquest into Ammans death at the Royal Courts of Justice heard Amman had been provided with support from both a practical and a theological mentor, both of whom had met with him following his release from prison earlier in January. CCTV footage of Sudesh Amman walking along Streatham High Road on the day of the attack (Metropolitan Police/PA) The pair described being shocked and gobsmacked when they realised they knew the man responsible for the atrocity, on Streatham High Road, on February 2. A report prepared by Witness M following his final meeting, read by Jonathan Hough QC, counsel to the inquest, said: He (Amman) said he now realised that people who hurt other people through things like acts of terror were pushing people away from the faith and causing hatred. Giving evidence to the inquest on Wednesday, Witness M said Amman had been the most relaxed that Id seen him in all of their previous four face-to-face chats, both in prison and out. Witness M said: He was happy to talk, he had no moments where he held back from saying anything and he seemed happy and relieved at being released. I took him at his word. He seemed sincere the way he was saying it. Asked by Mr Hough if Amman had been plausible, Witness M replied: Yes, I believe he was. Police conduct a finger tip search following the terror attack in Streatham High Road (Aaron Chown/PA) He added he did not feel the need to report any behaviour of concern about Amman but had later felt shocked after reports of the attack emerged. Witness M said: I saw when it said the incident was in Streatham, I knew I visited him, I hoped it wasnt (him). I kept watching the news and I had a little bit of disbelief, to be honest. A second mentor, known only as Witness T to protect his identity, said his duty was to discuss religious matters with Amman during their only meeting, on January 29 2020. A report prepared for Witness T ahead of that meeting raised a number of concerns with Amman, including over his mindset, his potential for indoctrination, and his need for status. Sudesh Amman running along Streatham High Road as he stabbed passers by (Metropolitan Police/PA) Following that meeting, Witness T described how Amman revealed himself to be ignorant of Islam, but said he had kept to himself in the week since his release from prison to a Streatham probation hostel in case people believed he was radicalising others. Witness T agreed with Mr Hough that Ammans background of offending and behaviour in prison meant he presented as quite a tough case. However, Witness T said he did not get the impression that Amman was being insincere. Witness T said he learned of Ammans atrocity on the day it happened, leaving two people injured. I was gobsmacked, I was shocked, I was surprised, he told the inquest. His probation officer, Leon Campbell, flagged Ammans risk of serious harm to the public ahead of his release from prison, and said he did not take at face value claims Amman made later that he no longer had an extremist mindset. He told the inquest: I did believe there were elements of him telling me what I wanted to hear. Mr Campbell said Amman would frequently shutdown when challenged over certain things such as his offending history. He said he feared local gangs approaching him and police following him in Streatham, so said he would stay in his room. Sudesh Ammans probation hostel in Streatham, south London, where he lived for ten days following his release from prison (Metropolitan Police/PA) Mr Campbell said the first he heard of the atrocity was when he finally took a phone call from Ammans mother while out with his family after he had ignored her previous repeated attempts to contact him. He said: She was crying down the phone. I recall her saying: Is it him, is it him? But I had no idea. Amman was automatically released from Belmarsh prison on January 23, part-way through his 40-month sentence for preparing and engaging in acts of terrorism. The inquest previously heard how prison intelligence suggested he had made threats to kill the Queen, to commit a terrorist act, and radicalise others. The inquest was adjourned until Thursday. A man with a genetic disorder has said he feels happy and shocked after thousands of people on Twitter congratulated him for landing his first job. Justin G, who did not wish to share his second name, went viral overnight after he tweeted about landing his new position. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. I am in a loss of words and do not know what to say other then lets party, the 25-year-old from Boston, Massachusetts, wrote in the post, which has more than 24,000 likes. This is my first ever job in my whole life I wont let my disability stop me. Justins role will see him creating social media posts for Charge Across America, a TV docuseries about racing electric vehicles, and he is set to start on Monday or Tuesday next week. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. DiGeorge syndrome, also known as 22Q syndrome, is a disorder where part of a persons 22nd chromosome is missing. The disorder has a number of symptoms, but for Justin it has given him heart issues and learning difficulties. I want to share people with special needs you can a job and you cant let your disability get in the way, Justin told the PA news agency. I feel so amazing the internet is celebrating my success I felt so, so, so happy and shocked when I was getting tons of support. It made me more confident in myself to keep going and pushing. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. To view this content, you'll need to update your privacy settings. Please click here to do so. This is not the first time Justin has gone viral he has received thousands of messages, likes and shares at different times, sometimes when he has asked Twitter users to say hello to him or wish him a happy birthday. Among a number of celebrities to send him greetings or messages of support are talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, Star Wars actor Mark Hamill and billionaire Mark Cuban. Amanda Knox has a rainbow baby on the way. The criminal justice activist shared her pregnancy news in a Wednesday, August 4, podcast episode. Read article Thats right, were pregnant, the Waiting to Be Heard author, 34, said on Labyrinths: Getting Lost With Amanda alongside husband Christopher Robin. Weve been recording audio of our own experience since day one. Stay tuned for our next mini-series, 280 days, where we take you on an intimate journey from conception to birth. Courtesy of Amanda Knox/Instagram The couple subsequently shared audio taken while awaiting their pregnancy test results. The Washington native said that she hoped for three bars, then could be heard yelling, Yes! Thank goodness. We did it! Last month, Knox revealed that she had suffered a miscarriage. Season 2 of [the] Labyrinths [podcast] premieres today with episode one of a five-part miniseries on infertility, Knox tweeted in July. In todays episode, I bare my soul about my recent miscarriage. Read article In the episode, she told her listeners that she was haunted by the pregnancy loss and trying and failing to be OK. The baby didnt have a heartbeat and Knox experienced abdominal pain like [she had] not experienced before. Courtesy of Amanda Knox/Instagram Knox added, I thought I knew exactly what I want to do with my first pregnancy and [to] have it not come to fruition, not through choice, felt like a betrayal. Do I have bad eggs? Am I too old? Did something happen to me while I was in [prison in] Italy? As soon as I learned it wasnt alive, I tried to divorce those two ideas in my head, that was not my baby, it doesnt have a name. I dont know that baby, I dont think I ever will. The Scarlet Letter Reports host is best known for being acquitted of the murder of former roommate Meredith Kercher in 2015. She and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were convicted on charges of faking a break-in, defamation, sexual violence and murder until an appellate court found them not guilty in 2011. They were retried and found guilty in 2014. Following their 2015 exoneration by the Italian Supreme Court, Knox got engaged to musician Colin Sutherland. When they split, she moved on with Robin. Read article The pair got engaged in November 2018, two years after moving in together. They wed in February 2020 in Washington. Team Greg! Connor Brennan defended his fellow Bachelorette contestant Greg Grippo after Katie Thurston hinted that the finalist gaslighted her ahead of their breakup. Read article Relationships are nuanced. Breakups are nuanced. Sometimes theres not a good guy or a bad guy, Connor B., 29, wrote via Twitter on Monday, August 2, after fans watched Greg, 28, walk away from the ABC show and leave Katie, 30, in New Mexico. Sometimes cameras and tweets cant accurately capture the complexity of real life. Kindness is free, love is complicated. One Twitter user, however, wasnt buying the TV personalitys explanation amid Gregs messy split from Katie. Bachelorettes Connor B Defends Greg After Katie Gaslighting Comments And sometimes manipulative gaslighting turns into physical abuse and the perpetrator excuses it because his friends defend him, the user wrote in response. This is an opportunity to still support your friend and acknowledge he crossed a line and encourage him to get help before it escalates. Connor doubled down on his comments, responding, There was no gaslighting in this episode, there was a fight between two people that you saw maybe 20 percent of. Read article The teacher later reposted another one if his tweets via his Instagram Story to again show how much he loves his former castmate. Greg wondering what Connor B is up to back on the outside #TheBachelorette, the original tweet read. The Nashville resident shared a screen shot of the picture, adding, Rebranding my Twitter as yet another @greggrippo fan account. Katie and Gregs fallout on Mondays episode caused a stir among a lot of Bachelor Nation fans. While some people felt that Gregs confession that he was in love with the Bachelorette and that he told his mom she was The One was sweet, others thought he was being manipulative. During the episode, the Washington native told Greg that she loved looking at him before revealing that she told his family that he would be receiving a rose that evening. That comment, however, caused the New Jersey native to blow up at the former bank manager. I dont give a fk about the rose. I was just telling you that you filled a hole in my heart, Greg said before choosing to exit the show. Ive never given up on you. Ive fought so hard for you here As much as it hurts me, Ive reached my breaking point with this. I gave you everything. I really hope you find something. Read article Katie, for her part, took to Instagram after the episode aired and hinted that Gregs explosion was somewhat planned. She shared a post that read, So you want to talk about gaslighting. The slideshow included a definition for the term, referring to gaslighting as a form of emotional abuse or psychological manipulation involving distorting the truth in order to confuse or instill doubt in another person to the point they question their own sanity or reality. The account explained that signs of gaslighting include lying, discrediting, deflecting blame, minimizing, shifting blame and denying wrongdoing. The three-hour season 17 finale of The Bachelorette airs on ABC Monday, August 9, at 8 p.m. ET. One week after returning from a family vacation to the Dominican Republic, Kailyn Lowry and her four sons have tested positive for the coronavirus. Read article For those of you guys listening who dont know, [my cohost], Vee [Rivera], and I have COVID, the Teen Mom 2 star, 29, said during a Baby Mamas No Drama podcast episode on Tuesday, August 3. I would not have been around people if I knew I had COVID, but I tested negative twice. I dont even know how this happened. Courtesy of Kailyn Lowry/Instagram The reality star, who tested negative for COVID-19 when she returned from the trip, added that her ex Javi Marroquin has also contracted the coronavirus. Read article I knew because I felt like st all week, the Pennsylvania native said, although sons Isaac, 11, Lincoln, 7, Lux, 3, and Creed, 12 months, have all been asymptomatic. Once I lost my taste and my smell, I knew what it was. I knew. The Hustle and Heart author has battled COVID before, contracting it in 2020 after a trip to Iceland. Lincoln also tested positive in March. In April 2020, the MTV personality tweeted that she absolutely [would] not get the COVID vaccine and neither would her kids. The Pride Over Pity author came under fire the previous year when she shared her decision not to vaccinate Lux. I definitely think this is a controversial topic, and I dont want to lose listeners because of my opinion but, I did vaccinate Isaac, because to me, I didnt know any better, and I gave I let them vaccinate him with whatever they basically said that he needed, Lowry said during a January 2019 Coffee Convos podcast episode. And I feel like I was ignorant, and didnt do research, and didnt know any better. While raising Lincoln, the 16 and Pregnant alum began watching documentaries on Netflix that began changing her mind. He hasnt ever really been sick, and for me, I just think the more research that I do, and the more educated Ive become, I just dont vaccinate him, Lowry said. Read article At the time, Jennifer Shu, an MD and pediatrician in Atlanta who does not treat the reality star, exclusively told Us, People seem to equate reading about vaccines on the internet to doing actual scientific research about vaccines. Speculation and opinions are given equal weight to large-scale scientific studies. Lowry responded to backlash, saying she is raising her kids in the way she believes is best for them. People dont love everything I do, but I dont shove my beliefs down anyone elses throat, the A Letter of Love author told InTouch. I know whats best for my kids and other parents know whats best for theirs. FULTON COUNTY, Ga. Fulton County commissioners voted unanimously Monday to formally adopt a ballot measure this November calling on voters to decide whether to extend the countywide .75-cent transportation sales tax for five years. The decision followed an agreement with mayors from all 13 cities outside Atlanta. Atlanta has its own transportation tax. The .75-cent transportation special purpose local option sales tax, or TSPLOST, was first passed in 2016 by Fulton County voters in those 13 cities and runs through next March. Updated estimates predict the tax could generate up to $546 million in extra funding for municipalities to improve traffic flow, provide and upgrade pedestrian and bicycle pathways and improve safety. The money will be distributed to cities based on population, putting Sandy Springs, Roswell and Johns Creek atop the list for funding. District 1 County Commissioner Liz Hausmann called Mondays action a historic moment that will benefit the residents of Fulton County. It has taken a lot of collaboration between Fulton County and the cities to bring us here today, she said. County officials said they are mounting an information campaign with cities to cite statistics on the sales tax, including data showing what the current tax has accomplished. The voter education rollout emphasizes what the tax has accomplished over the course of the past five years, they said. The tax has committed $177 million to pedestrian, bike, landscape and streetscape projects, another $152 million for operations and safety projects and $82 million to congestion relief and roadway projects. Estimated TSPLOST II revenues Updated estimates from Georgia State University show a sales tax would generate even more revenue to cities than previously thought. A 0.75 % sales tax over five years would generate around $554 million in collections. Earlier estimates called for collections of about $525 million. The Georgia Department of Revenue gets 1% of the money collected estimated at a little more than $5 million. Fulton County would receive .5% a little more than $2 million in program management fees. That would leave about $546 million for distribution to Fulton County cities outside Atlanta according to population. Rental relief expanding County commissioners also spent time during the special meeting to update cities on efforts to distribute rental relief aid to residents facing eviction. The action comes with the July 31 expiration of the Federal Eviction Moratorium that went into place with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020. The relief program began and was built as federal dollars began arriving in the spring. Fulton County has adjudicated and paid 100% of all eligible applications that were received. I could not be more proud of the progress we have made as a county and as cities of Fulton on our emergency rental assistance program, Fulton County Chief Operating Officer Anna Roach said. To date, Fulton County has expended $9.84 million of its available $16 million in rental relief assistance. It has an additional $1.1 million set for distribution this week. The dispersals to date represent assistance to 1,852 residents outside the City of Atlanta, Roach said. The county continues to see growth in distributions, and it plans to maintain increased staffing levels to handle the need, she said. To broaden the outreach, Roach said the state of Georgia is also working to intensify its efforts to open portals for rental and mortgage assistance so that residents across the state can apply. Locally, residents can apply through the Fulton County website, fultoncountyga.gov/rentalassistance, or call 855-776-7912 to speak to a live agent. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.5 p.m. Medicare has been in existence since 1965 (fun fact: President Harry Truman was the first Medicare beneficiary), and the Medicare system has been changed or updated multiple times since. This is partially the reason for the confusion to Medicare consumers. Read more Online Access for Print Subscribers. Do you have a print subscription with the Argus-Press? If yes, then click here to enjoy complimentary access to our Online Content! Owosso, MI (48867) Today Cloudy skies early, then off and on rain showers overnight. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%.. Tonight Cloudy skies early, then off and on rain showers overnight. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 40%. Have any questions? Please give us a call at 541-889-5387 We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Submit YEREVAN, AUGUST 4, ARMENPRESS. President Armen Sarkissian held a meeting with Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan to discuss the situation at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border regarding the violations of rights of persons living at the border towns and villages. Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan briefed the president on the results of his fact-finding mission and examination of complaints from the provinces of Gegharkunik, Syunik and Ararat. Tatoyan said that the illegal actions of the Azeri military are continuously violating the rights of the border community residents of Armenia. He noted that the facts prove that the Azeri military are regularly instigating shootouts, while the Armenian military are fulfilling their function of protecting the population. Arman Tatoyan told the president that the facts on the Azeri violations have already been presented to the diplomatic corps and international organizations in Armenia. Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, AUGUST 4, ARMENPRESS. Armenian SPRING PR-company has been announced among the winners of IPRA Golden World Awards - 2021 - a major award in the field of communication. IPRA Golden World Awards is the most important, influential and prestigious award in the PR world; it is considered the Oscar of the field. SPRING PR is the first company from Armenia to win the prize. Tatevik Simonyan, the co-founder and director of the international projects of SPRING PR, says, As a communication field agency SPRING PR-company has always been guided by international standards, competent and ethical principles of communication. It has always been of primary importance for us to present Armenia to the international community especially through this campaign, to show our great culinary traditions and experience and to position our country as a desirable and demanded destination. SPRING PR came forward with the cultural PR campaign called The Road of Flavors which was announced the winner of Travel and Tourism nomination. In collaboration with Yeremyan Projects the aim of multiple stage campaign was to popularize Armenian cuisine, the principles of Armenian culinary traditions and hospitality, promote the potential development of Armenian gastronomical tourism and improve the knowledge of national cuisine among tourists and residents of Armenia. The Road of Flavors campaign includes several projects, e.g. a film named The Road of Flavors, press tour of internationally renowned media representatives in order to get acquainted with Armenian gastronomical culture and the variety of national dishes. Besides, the campaign also presented "GASTRO COUTURE" project based on the concept of creating a unique fashion show inspired by the traditions of Armenian cuisine. "GASTRO COUTURE" was initiated by Yeremyan Projects in collaboration with Harmony Yerevan fashion house. The unique fusion of two creative esthetic worlds, cuisine and fashion, resulted in this project inspired by Armenian traditional dishes. Davit Yeremyan, Director General of Yeremyan Projects, notes, The mission of Yeremyan Projects company is to raise the awareness of Armenian cuisine and culinary art around the world which has always been the objective of our years-long collaboration with SPRING PR-company. All our daring ideas and projects have undoubtedly had positive influence on the development of Armenian gastro-tourism, tourism in general and observance and proliferation of Armenian traditions. I can proudly state that our partner SPRING PR has managed to present Armenia decently on international platforms and through continuous and persistent efforts contributing to the realization of the campaign to show the attraction of our country to the world. Philip Sheppard, IPRA Secretary General, says, The winner of the agency Travel and Tourism category this year was SPRING PR's The Road of Flavors campaign which helped elevate knowledge of traditional Armenian cuisine to a world literally hungry for new gastronomic experiences." IPRA Golden World Awards is given in a variety of categories for successful communication campaigns in the fields of tourism, information technology, finance, healthcare, etc. In 2019 in the framework of 10-years Anniversary of SPRING PR-company the award ceremony and Gala dinner of Golden World Awards 2019 took place in Yerevan. Around 120 experts, representatives of state institutions, top-level managers of major companies, communication specialists from more than 50 countries arrived in Armenia at the initiative of SPRING PR-company. For the first time in the history of IPRA Golden World Awards ceremony the Global Host Award was given to SPRING PR-company for carrying out such a great event and communication campaign. * SPRING PR-company, founded in 2009, is one of the leading companies in the field of communications in Armenia. The Company is specialized in strategic communications, event management, planning and development of PR projects, public opinion surveys both in Armenia and abroad. SPRING PR Company cooperates with professional international networks, associations and organizations, such as, International Public Relations Association (IPRA), Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR). SPRING PR is the winner of several influential Awards of the field such as IPRA Golden World Awards, Eventiada IPRA Golden World Awards, C4F Davos Awards (Communication for Future Davos Awards). YEREVAN, 4 AUGUST, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs Armenpress that today, 4 August, USD exchange rate up by 1.37 drams to 492.30 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 0.45 drams to 583.77 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.02 drams to 6.76 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 2.94 drams to 686.02 drams. The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals. Gold price down by 28,190.51 drams to 400.99 drams. Silver price down by 28,289.29 drams to 28690.28 drams. Platinum price stood at 16746.57 drams. YEREVAN, AUGUST 4, ARMENPRESS. The personnel of the 4th Army Corps artillery units held specialized joint exercises on August 4 to check combat readiness and their tactical-specialized skills. The troops also improved their skills in completing missions in field conditions. Editing and Translating by Stepan Kocharyan YEREVAN, AUGUST 4, ARMENPRESS. President of the USA Joe Biden congratulated Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on the occasion of the victory in the parliamentary elections and formation of the new Cabinet. ARMENPRESS reports in the congratulatory message addressed to Pashinyan Joe Biden emphasized that the just an transparent elections shows the desire of the Armenian people to have a more democratic, fair and prosperous society, free from corruption. ''During the last 3 years Armenia recorded progress in those spheres. The USA is happy to assist in those efforts, among which are the assistance to the launching of the new patrol service and the formation of independent institutions for the fight against corruption networks. We will continue to be a reliable partner in your efforts to achieve these goals'', Biden said. He stated that he understands the difficult security challenges that emerged in 2020 as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. ''The United States is committed to assisting the parties in negotiating a comprehensive, peaceful settlement under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group. We urge Armenia and Azerbaijan to get involved in substantive talks as soon as possible. The United States was pleased to assist in the efforts to release the Armenian prisoners of war from Azerbaijan, and we will continue to call for the safe return of all prisoners of war. We hope that our progress in this direction with the support of Georgia will be an important basis for further regional cooperation, in supplement to the discussions initiated by the Minsk Group Co-Chairs, Biden said in his congratulatory message. He added that the United States is ready to strengthen cooperation with Armenia based on common democratic values and institutions. "I look forward to working with you and your new Cabinet, to deepen and expand our bilateral relations, the U.S. President said. According to information published by the "Armadni Noviny" website on August 3, 2021, the Czech Ministry of Defense negotiates the acquisition of Israeli Rafael Spyder mobile air defense missile systems to replace Soviet-made2K12 Kub, NATO reporting name SA-6 Gainful currently in service with the Czech army. Follow Army Recognition on Google News at this link Spyder MR air defense missile system. (Picture source Army Recognition) According to the military balance 2020, air defense systems of Czech armed forces consist of 9K35 Strela-10 NATO code name SA-13 Gopher, 9K32 Strela-2 NATO code name SA-7 Grail, RBS-70 MANPADS, and 2K12 Kub NATO code name SA-6 Gainful. The government of Czech Republic is trying to replace legacy equipment in order to both modernize the armed forces and reduce dependence on Russia for spare parts and services. Modernization priorities include infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled howitzers, multi-role helicopters, transport aircraft, short-range air-defense systems, and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). The 2K12 Kub is a Soviet-made self-propelled air defense missile system that entered into service with the Russian armed forces in 1967. The vehicle is based on a tracked chassis with three Kub missiles mounted on a turntable that can be traversed through a full 360 with the missile elevated on their launchers to a maximum of +85. When traveling, the turntable is normally traversed to the rear and the missiles are horizontal to reduce the overall height of the vehicle. Four variants of the missile is available, the Kub M2 is in service with the Czech armed forces and has an effective firing range of 23 km. The missile is fitted with a 59 kg HE (High Explosive) fragmentation warhead. The Spyder is a family of short/extended/medium/long-range air defense missile systems fully designed and manufactured by the Israeli company Rafael. It can be used to destroy aerial targets as fighter aircraft, helicopters, bombers, cruise missiles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs), and stand-off weapons. The Spyder systems incorporate the most advanced, proven performance air-to-air missiles including the Python-5 dual waveband imaging infrared missile, , the I-Derby active radar beyond visual range missile, and I-Derby ER long-range missile, based on two pulses advanced rocket motors. The Spyder family has autonomous capabilities. The system detects threats while on the move and firing is performed instantly after the halt. The Python has a firing range from 5 to 20 km with a maximum altitude of 9,000 m, while the Derby has a maximum firing range of 50 km with an altitude of 16,000 m. Czech army 2K12 Kub SA-6 Gainful Soviet-made air defense missile system. (Picture source Army Recognition) What PM Modi needs to realise is that when the external environment degrades, domestic politics must adjust if it can't be insulated from it On July 28, Americas secretary of state Antony J. Blinken held formal discussions with Indias external affairs minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. Before that, however, he held a meeting with and addressed select civil society leaders, including a representative of the Dalai Lamas Tibet House. The visits choreography was significant as it occurred just a month before American deadline for the withdrawal of its military forces from Afghanistan and almost simultaneously with the visit of Mr Blinkens number two, deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman, to Beijing. The issues on the table were obvious, although their order of importance for either side naturally varied. For the United States it was climate change, China, democracy and human rights, the Quad (that comprises, besides the US and India, Australia and Japan) and Afghanistan. For India, it was understandably the Afghanistan-Taliban nexus, climate change and the other issues in descending order. Of course, the hype before the visit that somehow American concerns about the democratic slippage in India would be an irritant proved wrong. Like all nations, the US can mix pragmatism with evangelistic pursuit of democratic values. After the external affairs ministrys two-questions by media per side rule, which belies a proper assessment of diplomatic parleys, four questions were posed. Two Indian journalists asked about Afghanistan and the Indo-Pacific against the backdrop of speculation that the US was planning a first in-person Quad summit, after the online meeting hosted by US President Joe Biden soon after assuming office. Both the ministers concurred that the Quad was not a military alliance, nor was it aimed at opposing any other nation and was in fact aimed at furthering cooperation among the four democracies. Not surprisingly, China viewed that explanation with much scepticism. One of the two US journalists, Courtney McBride of the Wall Street Journal, asked the question the Indian journalists chose to skip on the supposedly shared democratic values. Ms McBride wondered that if the US looks to partner on issues such as climate and Covid to offer a democratic alternative to China, how do you address the Indian government backslide on issues such as human rights?. Mr Blinken conceded that the US was drawn to India by the steadfast commitment of its people to democracy, to pluralism, to human rights, to fundamental freedoms. These shared values, he added, are a basis for seeking a free and open Indo-Pacific or indeed, a free and open world. But then he left the door open on the Indian slippage by adding that every democracy, starting with our own, is a work in progress. This is an argument that hasnt been heard from American leaders in decades, if not ever. It also reflects the damage that has already been done to Americas democratic credentials by President Joe Bidens predecessor Donald Trump, who continues his crusade to delegitimise Americas electoral process and deny his own defeat. Republican Party governments in several US states are tweaking electoral rules to make it more difficult for the less prosperous and education-deficient working classes among the minority communities. This also allowed Mr Jaishankar to grab the life jacket thrown to him. He intoned that the quest for a more perfect union applies as much to Indian democracy as it does to the American one indeed to all democracies. This was an intellectual leap that would surprise even his friends, as the globally uncovered Pegasus snooping scandal was flaring up in India, causing daily disruptions of Indias Parliament all through the Blinken visit. Surely the visiting minister would have been briefed by his embassy and seen in the local newspapers that the Indian government was not only unwilling to order a judicial probe into the shocking breach of privacy of journalists, Opposition politicians, etc, but even refusing to answer with a simple yes or no whether it had purchased the malware. Even more disturbing was the Indian ministers follow-up reasoning that much of the alleged human rights abuses were merely legacy issues and historical wrongs that needed correcting. Surely the minister knows that the Constitution of India was drafted by our founding fathers after living through many of the wrongs. The sacred document was the result of a national consensus to bury the past in order to ensure a better future. Digging up real or imagined past hurts to justify present breaches of the rule of law and constitutionalism is treading a dangerous path. For instance, considering the minister is a Dravidian, where would the argument end if debate began on who were the original occupants of South Asia and who were the invaders. Take the sacrifice of 9th Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadurji, who offered his head to defend the principle of freedom of faith, although at stake was not his own faith, Sikhism, but that of Kashmiri Brahmins. History is a dangerous weapon, often presenting arguments that negate your thesis. Similar dissimulation persisted on Afghanistan. India must have in private taken up its concerns over the vacuum, caused by the sudden exit of the US military, being exploited by the Taliban in league with Pakistan. A Taliban delegation led by co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani was hosted by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Tianjin, China. It suited the Taliban to both seek legitimacy by diplomatic talks with major nations while persisting with its military operations to capture more space and corner the current Kabul government by blocking its lifelines. The US position that moral pressure shall keep the Taliban from seizing power by force sounds unrealistic, if not deceptive. Clearly, the US has washed its hands off military intervention in Afghanistan and is willing to live with the Taliban dominance of any future order in Kabul. The key question is whether India can adopt the same blase attitude. Therefore, the related question arises on whether the BJP-led Union government can persist with its majoritarian project to reshape India, or as Mr Jaishankar justified maintain the correction of historical wrongs? A Taliban-led Islamic caliphate in Kabul, recognised by most neighbours, as it was not when it captured power in the 1990s, would be the font of Islamic radicalism. The contrary US assurances wont change that. What Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the eternal political pragmatist, needs to realise is that when the external environment degrades, domestic politics must adjust if it cannot be insulated from it. He needs to buy peace with Indias farmers, curb the polarising narrative in Uttar Pradesh and reach out to the Opposition parties. Current wrongs need contemporary solutions, not alibis from history. The feature should be welcome when a user is using the app at night or in dark environments This is not all that Google has planned to roll out for its users as Google Maps on iOS is getting a couple of other features in August as well. (AFP Photo) Washington: iOS users will finally be getting the dark mode feature for Google Maps in the coming weeks, two years after Apple rolled out dark mode as part of iOS 13. As per the Verge, the feature should be welcome when a user is using the app at night or in dark environments. To turn on dark mode, click on the settings menu, tap on dark mode, and then tap "on." "And if you want Google Maps to flip between light and dark mode to match your system settings, you'll be able to do that," Google told The Verge. This is not all that Google has planned to roll out for its users as Google Maps on iOS is getting a couple of other features in August as well. As per The Verge, the app will support widgets and will offer two different options: one that shows the traffic conditions near you and another that has shortcuts for Google Maps' search bar and places like your home or restaurants near you. The search engine giant will also soon let its users share their live location from iMessage, which could be a handy way to tell your friends or family in a group chat where they are if the internet is not working. By default, the location will only be shared for an hour, but it can be shared for up to three days too. A recommended plan from the Roaring Fork School District superintendent specifies that all students wear masks while indoors but not while outdoors. Staff will be required to wear masks in the presence of students, but fully vaccinated staff members will not have to wear masks when students arent present. Story Timelines In our effort to always give our readers the best, up to date local reporting, we have recently collaborated with Ohio University students to build interactive, constantly updated timelines for stories that are important to you. HP FWD AWD Offered in four trim levels named the S, SE, SE R-Line Black, and SEL R-Line, the 2022 VW Tiguan is powered by a turbocharged 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine, with 184and 221 lb-ft (300 Nm) of torque. Front-wheel drive is standard in all models, save for the range-topper, and all of them get an eight-speed automatic transmission.Pricing kicks off at $25,995, before the $1,195 destination and dealer fees, and standard features include the 17-inch wheels, LED head- and taillights, LED DRLs, black roof rails, body-colored side mirrors, keyless entry with push-button start, and remote start. The base version is also equipped with a 6.5-inch infotainment system, 8-inch digital instrument cluster, reversing camera, two USB-C ports, multi-function steering wheel, and heated front seats.The SE trim level starts at $29,495 withand $30,995 with, bringing 18-inch alloy wheels, silver roof rails, 8-inch infotainment system with voice control, wireless smartphone charging pad, two more USB-C ports, SiriusXM with three-month trial, leatherette accents, dual-zone climate control, eight-way power adjustable drivers seat, auto-dimming rearview mirror, power tailgate, and others.Choosing the SE R-Line Black version of the 2022 Tiguan is a $32,295 affair for the front-wheel drive model, or $33,795 for the one equipped with all-wheel drive. It rides on 19-inch wheels, has R-Line bumpers, side sills, and badges, chrome details inside and out, black headliner, panoramic sunroof, and ambient lighting.The SEL R-Line has an MSRP of $36,595 (standard AWD) and comes with 20-inch alloy wheels, LED headlights with adaptive front-lighting system, Light Assist, Park Assist, Dynamic Road Sign Recognition, 10.25-inch digital dials, MIB3 infotainment system with navigation, heated steering wheel, leather upholstery, and a few other gizmos.Depending on the trim level, the 2022 Tiguan can also be ordered with several options. About fifteen years ago, Ducati unleashed what many would consider to be one of the sexiest machines designed by Pierre Terblanche the 2006 Paul Smart 1000 LE. This graceful piece of Italian machinery was brought into existence to commemorate Smarts triumphant performance at the 1972 Imola 200 race.Bolognas gladiator underwent a production run of only 2,000 copies, making it a highly desirable rarity for any true Ducatista you'll encounter. It comes with a fierce 992cc L-twin engine thats good for up to 92 untamed ponies and 67 pound-feet (91 Nm) of twist at optimal rpm. The Duc is fully capable of accelerating from zero to 60 mph (0-100 kph) in a remarkable 3.1 seconds, while top speed is rated at 135 mph (217 kph).Sprinkle that with Brembo brakes, drool-worthy cosmetics and top-shelf suspension goodies from Ohlins, and youve got yourself one hell of a bike! Long story short, theres absolutely no shortage of things to love about this two-wheeled stallion, so youll be thrilled to learn that one such entity could end up in your garage.What youre seeing in this articles photo gallery is an unblemished Paul Smart 1000 LE thats been ridden for as little as 948 miles (about 1,500 km). Moreover, were immediately greeted by a pair of Ducati Performance lower fairings and an aftermarket exhaust that looks arguably neater than the stock module, as well as an open clutch cover and stainless-steel bar-end mirrors.For an ultra-tidy appearance, a dual-function LED lighting strip keeps the rear end free of any dreaded clutter. Submitting your bids for this limited-edition treasure will be possible until August 6, when the BaT (Bring A Trailer) auction will end. At this time, the top bid is placed at $9,160, but were expecting to see that figure surge over the next couple of days. Stellantis has revealed its plans for the next two years along with its financial results for the first half of 2021. The conglomerate is going strong when profit is concerned, which is good news for investors, but that is not the only news from the online presentation. 8 photos According to several reports, Apple currently has 92 employees with state-issued permits to operate self-driving vehicles. Even with the expansion of its driver roster, Apple is still third in the self-driving car game in California, as GM's Cruise and Waymo have numerous more drivers and vehicles.Reports claim Waymo has about 373 drivers in its roster, nearly four times more than Apple's recently expanded crew, while GM-owned Cruise has 102 state-certified drivers. As Apple Insider notes , Waymo has 615 cars in-field testing, while GM's Cruise division has 201 vehicles involved in self-driving car testing.Unlike GM, Apple does not build cars, and it is unclear what the American technology corporation will do with its self-driving car tech. Rumors about a car from Apple appeared back in 2014, and its Project Titan had over 1,000 employees until late 2016 when company executives decided to cut back the team.If Apple does decide to sell a car that drives itself , the company would have to partner with an automaker to enable it to develop a vehicle within a reasonable time. Hyundai was one of the brands that were involved in negotiating with Apple for the manufacturing part of the alleged Apple car, but the deal fell through.With no official partnership with a manufacturer, Apple is left with buying vehicles from whatever automakers it chooses until the company develops a fully functional self-driving car technology. Some believe that Tesla would be the best partner for the role, but the two companies did not share the same vision.Apple's self-driving car project was not left ignored by competitors in its field, as tech giants like Xiaomi and Huawei have announced similar plans In 1974 motorcycle manufacturer Ducati appointed the car stylist Giorgetto Giugiaro and his company Italdesign to draw a new model. What resulted was the Ducati 860 GT , which, thanks to its angular drawn tank and the similarly designed engine case, showed a completely new style for a Ducati.Fans of the earlier "round case" Ducati 750 twins, which featured rounded engine cases and cafe racer style, were taken aback by Giugiaro's squared-off styling, which was more popular in the automotive industry. The new look of the 860 twins was widely overlooked by the public, and sales plummeted, prompting the company to restyle the 860 GT.Two years later, the model, renamed 860 GTS , featured a less angular fuel tank than the GT, a seat without the duck-tail, smaller handlebars, and a reduced final drive ratio. And that's where things started to stray further away from the original square-off styling, ending the production of the model altogether in 1979.Returning to the initial design, the Ducati 860-E Concept reimagined by Italdesign five decades later still keeps some of the iconic lines of the original one, like the tank hull continuing under the saddle.The ride's retro feel is still there, along with its lines and color scheme. What's new is the electric twist the Italian design company gave it. The air-cooled 90-degree V-twin engine is replaced by a large battery module and an electric motor. And you clearly cannot miss the new LED front light, which shines brighter than ever on this 860-E.As cool as this concept might sound, Italdesign says that it's just a "mere exercise in style" which celebrates the Italian work of art from the '70s. As one might guess, there's no production planned in the foreseeable future. The airplane is one of the oldest, most widespread, and reliable currently in service. It flew its first mission for the American military in 1978, and since then the fleet has grown to a record number for a plane manufactured in times of relative peace, over 4,500 units.Countless variants, from the initial F-16A/B to the most insane, unmanned QF-16 shown close to a decade ago, have come and went, and enough of these planes are still in service to be deployed by around 25 countries.By July 2021, the last time the planes current maker, Lockheed Martin , updated us on the status of the fleet, the Falcons, also known as Vipers among their pilots, had flown for around 19.5 million hours, during 13 million sorties.Those numbers probably include the miles covered last month by the F-16 we have featured as the main pic of this piece (click main photo to enlarge). This particular plane, belonging to the U.S. Air Force 79th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, is seen here taking off from the Comando Aereo de Combate Number 5 base in Rionegro, Colombia.With some editing help from the Air Force, the airplane sure seems to be giving us a taste of the blistering speed it is capable of once in the air, blurring everything around it and becoming a perfect fit for that section of ours that hosts all sorts of military wonders, Photo of the Day The plane, alongside other military units in the region, including personnel from the Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, was part of the Relampago VI exercise that took place in mid-July.American forces were in Colombia for the exercise to provide rapid integration into theater training, as well as joint, coalition and partnered missions, according to the USAF. Never imagined a Netflix documentary when we kicked off @inspiration4x just 8 months ago. Amazing how fast things come together. Proceeds from this directly benefit @StJude & our $200 million fundraising objective. https://t.co/7Wslcd6m8a Jared Isaacman (@rookisaacman) August 3, 2021 Netflix has announced a five-part docuseries documenting the September 15 launch of the SpaceX Dragon mission called Inspiration4, which will be the first all-civilian mission to orbit. It is the first near-real time program for the network and will strive to educate viewers at home on the challenges, risks and benefits of space travel.The documentary is called Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission to Space, and will be directed by Jason Hehir, whose most recent credit includes the Michael Jordan doc The Last Dance. The first four episodes will focus on the days leading up to the launch, and will air on September 6 and 13 in batches of two, showing training, emotional moments, and challenges. Have a hankie nearby, is what were saying.The feature-length finale will air at the end of month, if the schedule for the SpaceX launch holds and Inspiration4 kicks off on the 15th, The Wrap reports. It will feature unprecedented access inside the spacecraft capturing the launch and the crews journey to space, as well as their return home to Earth, as per the network.Inspiration4 is the first step toward making space available to private individuals by SpaceX. The four people who will be flying higher into space than the International Space Station (ISS) are Jared Isaacman, CEO of Shift 4 Payments, geosciences professor Sian Proctor, physician assistant Hayley Arceneaux, and US Air Force veteran Chris Sembroski. Isaacman is using the mission to raise $200 million for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, half of which he donated himself when he signed on for the mission.With Netflix declaring September the month when everybody goes to space, theyre also preparing something for the kids. A StoryBots Space Adventure is a hybrid live-action animation special for kids and families airing on September 14 and offering the basics on space exploration, from how rockets fly and what astronauts eat while on a mission. More specifically, the Mountain View-based search giant has announced a trio of improvements for Google Maps that are currently rolling out to iPhones out there, with everybody supposed to get them in the next few weeks.First and foremost, its the feature that is specifically aimed at iPhones running the latest version of Apples mobile operating system. Released last fall, iOS 14 comes with support for widgets, and thanks to this latest update, Google Maps now offers users the option of accessing helpful information right from the home screen However, worth knowing is that iOS 14 widgets are still static, so for Google Maps, for example, you wont be able to do anything else than launch the app to a specific section.The second feature coming to iPhones with this new Google Maps update is support for a full dark mode. In theory, the dark mode makes the app easier to use at night, which obviously makes sense for drivers who rely on Google Maps for navigation purposes , but on the other hand, its good news for pretty much anyone who wants an interface thats more comfortable to look at in low light.In addition, the dark mode also helps save battery life. You can enable the dark mode from the settings screen, but you can also configure the interface to follow the system configuration.And last but not least, Google has added live location sharing support for iMessage, which means that you can now let someone know where you are using the default messaging app on your iPhone. By default, your location is shared for one hour, but you can very well extend the time to a maximum of three days. More specifically, Waze has been updated with Halo Infinite-inspired content, but once again, the whole thing is available only for a limited time.In other words, you will only be allowed to use the new car icons, moods, and voice navigation for a few weeks, most likely until the end of August, after which Waze would return to your previous configuration.As part of the partnership, the Halo Infinite-themed content includes two new moods called Master Chief and Escharum, as well as two car icons, namely Warthog and Ghost.As for navigation, the new voices are Master Chief and Escharum, but you should know these are only supported for a few languages, such as English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. The rest of the content can be enabled in any country out there.Setting up a new car icon or mood doesnt take more than a few seconds. After installing the most recent Waze update , you should see a new menu entry called Drive with Master Chief right in the navigation menu. Tapping it launches the main configuration screen where you can choose a new navigation voice, car icon, or mood from the Halo-themed pack.Again, Waze hasnt provided any specifics as to when the company plans to remove these goodies from the app, but most likely, the campaign will come to an end in late August.This is quite a shame, as Waze users out there absolutely love these customization options, especially because they make the application overall feel fresh and more interactive. Of course, theres no way to retain the special-edition car icons and moods after Waze officially pulls them and the campaign comes to an end. And caught he did get. One 84-year-old man from Germany has been sentenced to suspended prison time and a hefty fine, following the 2015 discovery of an entire arsenal hidden in the cellar of his home in Heikendorf, Germany. At the time, the case made international headlines and the recovery of the items, particularly of a fully restored and complete (save for the tracks) 1943 Panther tank, became a public spectacle At the end of last month, the mans case was in the final stretches . His attorney told the court that both a U.S.-based museum and local German collectors had approached him for the tank, and that he was willing to hand it over. He will have no choice but to do so now, since the court has ordered him to dispose of all the military equipment either by donation or sale within two years, the BBC reports.Moreover, the man has received a suspended prison sentence of 14 months and a fine of 250,000 (approximately $300,000 at the current exchange rate). Thats a lot of money, but its actually half of what he was facing as a maximum, for being in violation of Germanys War Weapons Control Act.The 2015 raid took place as authorities were hunting for illegally obtained or owned Nazi memorabilia. In addition to the Panther tank, the man also owned an 88mm anti-aircraft flak cannon, a section of a V1 rocket, an assortment of pistols and assault riffles, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Hed owned the Panther since at least 1978, when he was seen driving it through town either for fun during the snow blizzard or as a snow plow. So, the fact that he had on his property was not a secret within the community.When removed, the Panther no longer had tracks. The Army had to use modern-day tanks to tow it to the open road, where it was loaded onto a platform. This part of the recovery mission lasted some nine hours and required the participation of 20 men. HP kW Now, with the Italian government making it easier for people to attend certain events, the Raging Bull has officially kicked off the test drives for the exotic machine.Lamborghinis Huracan STO got to experience the streets of Rome firsthand, and it also showed what its made of by attacking the apexes on the Vallelunga circuit, near Italys capital city.As one can expect, the feedback received was positive all-around, the automaker states, and thats hardly a surprise, considering that the Huracan STO is basically a racer for the road. In fact, you can no longer buy a first-year production example, because all of them were sold out, despite the steep starting price that scratches on the $330,000 mark.Deemed as one of the most track-capable vehicles out there, it boasts enhanced aerodynamics inspired by the Squadra Corse models. The hood, fenders, and bumper have the Sesto Elemento to thank for, and the front splitter is also new, alongside other parts. An increased wheel track, stiffer suspension, quicker gear changes, sharper steering, and improved engine sound are other things that make it great.New driving modes for the ANIMA system were added, and the Huracan STO , which is lighter than the Performante, uses the famous naturally aspirated 5.2-liter V10. The engine develops 631(640 PS / 471) and 417 lb-ft (565 Nm) of torque, with the latter number being 26 lb-ft (35 Nm) less than in the EVO variant. The 0 to 62 mph (0-100 kph) sprint takes 3.0 seconds; from rest to 124 mph (0-200 kph), it needs 9.0 seconds, and flat-out, it can do 193 mph (310 kph). The mission is a European affair, and it is scheduled to depart next year on a Proton-M rocket. ExoMars , Europes first rover to be sent to the Red Planet, has been delayed several times, but now seems on track for the scheduled launch.The European Space Agency (ESA) has begun testing the things motoring skills earlier this year, using an exact replica of the rover that will be making the journey to Mars, and now it says it moved to perform the first scientific tests using the same machine, in a simulated Martian environment somewhere in Italy.And the rover sure packs some serious hardware, clearly destined to leave no chance for Martian life, if any, to go undetected.Four cameras are on deck to help the thing move along. Two of them, called NavCam and LocCam, are located at the top and at the bottom of the rovers mast, helping it see in three dimensions and identify the rocks and slopes ahead. The other two, PanCam and CLUPI, help the machine get a whole picture of the site with high-resolution imaging.A ground-penetrating radar called WISDOM is also on deck to look at the surveyed areas in a grid fashion, helped by a neutron spectrometer called ADRON and meant for detecting signs of water and hydrated minerals below the surface.When a site of interest is detected, the rover will use its onboard drill to extract samples. It can dig to a depth of two meters (6.5 feet) beneath the surface, the deepest anyone has managed before.Once the samples are collected, theyll be crushed and moved into the onboard laboratory, where sensors and such will look to understand their mineralogy and chemistry. This will be done by means of another suite of instruments called MicrOmega, Raman and MOMA, each tailored to look for a particular thing during the soil sample analysis.Testing of these instruments has only begun, and will continue over the next few months, while the rover that will actually leave for Mars is getting ready for its trip. Rolls-Royce North America officially announced that it will be launching a modern test facility at Purdue. The location was chosen due to all the benefits of the companys decades-long partnership with Purdue University, including employees selected from Purdue engineers, and the advanced engine research conducted at the universitys Zucrow Propulsion Labs.Located close the university campus, at the Purdue Aerospace District, Rolls-Royce West Lafayette is meant to be a one-of-a-kind facility that will incorporate the latest digital technologies for engine development and testing.One of the groundbreaking features of the new facility will be the integration of high-altitude test cells. These kind of test cells are rare in the U.S., at the moment, so Rolls-Royce plans to advance engine development with the help of this innovative type of testing. This allows simulating air conditions and testing the engine at high altitudes, as if in flight, while the actual engine doesnt physically move from the ground.The new high-altitude test cell, along with modern digital systems, will skyrocket Rolls-Royces testing capability for current and future engines , including the V-22 Ospreys AE 1107C engine and C-130J Super Hercules AE 2100 engines.The company is even developing the engines for Bells V-280 Valor, one of the aircraft that could become the U.S. Armys long-range assault model for the next 50 years. Bell is one of the 2 finalists in the U.S. Armys Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) program, competing against the Sikorsky-Boeing Defiant X . If the V-280 wins, Rolls-Royce will be officially developing the engine for the next-gen military aircraft.And thats not all. With an increased interest in hybrid and electric solutions in the aerospace industry, Rolls-Royce is set to also expand its capabilities and further test hybrid-electric technologies at this new facility. Batteries, generators and power electronics are just some of the components that will take the companys expertise further than ever before. This is also the reason the 68 Impala sold like hotcakes after two years of decline, with Chevrolet eventually shipping more than 710,000 units, up more than 61,000 units versus 1967.The engine lineup included both economic choices, such as the 250 (4.1-liter) six-cylinder, as well as V8 monsters, as its the case of the top-of-the-range 427 (7.0-liter) that developed no less than 385 horsepower.The Impala that we have here was born with a 396 (6.5-liter) under the hood, but as eBay seller buyemallbill puts it, this engine is long gone due to a reason that hasnt been disclosed. On the other hand, the Impala now comes with a 427 in charge of putting the wheels in motion, as well as with a 4-speed transmission carried-over from a Chevrolet Corvette.Without a doubt, restoring this Impala will be quite a challenge, and you can easily tell this is the case by simply checking out the photo gallery in this article.The car doesnt necessarily come in its best shape, and theres plenty of rust the buyer will have to deal with, including the floors. These would require serious patching, and without a doubt, theres plenty of rust in other areas not seen in the photos, so make sure you inspect the car in person before committing to a purchase.Clearly, this Impala will be a challenge to restore, but eventually, it could end up becoming quite a head-turner. The only question is whether its worth the effort from a financial perspective, especially as the car is already rather expensive. The buyer is asking $9,500 for the car, but some other offers might be considered as well. The direct-to-consumer (DTC) wine industry is big and getting bigger, growing 27% by volume in 2020, the largest increase year over year to date. Yet while residents of most states can let their wine come to them, Delawareans must don shirt and shoes and then visit a winery in person to receive a DTC wine shipment. Most states allow wineries to make off-site shipments, meaning residents can order wine online or by phone or mail and have it shipped to their homes. Delaware is different: A winery cannot ship directly to consumers in the First State unless the consumer places the order in-person, at the winery. Arkansas and Rhode Island have similar restrictions. This poses obvious challenges in the best of times. Throw a pandemic into the mix and it can become downright difficult for residents of Arkansas, Delaware, and Rhode Island to procure wine from favorite out-of-state wineries or explore new vintners. House Bill 210, introduced May 20, 2021, would eliminate Delawares on-site sales restriction. The measure would permit licensed in-state and out-of-state wine producers to obtain a license to ship wine directly to Delaware consumers through a common carrier, and to use a fulfillment house if desired. However, it doesnt authorize wine retailers to ship to consumers in the state. The DTC license proposed by HB 210 would need to be renewed every two years, for a fee to be determined by the commissioner after the bill becomes law. If the measure is enacted as introduced, each winery would be able to ship a maximum of three 9-liter cases per year to a single household. This is a low volume limit, according to Jeff Carroll, general manager for Avalara for Beverage Alcohol: A typical volume limit is two cases per month. Shipments to the state overall would be limited to 1,800 9-liter cases per winery per year. As in other states where DTC wine shipments are allowed, wineries would be responsible for ensuring all wine shipments are labeled, Contains alcohol: Signature of individual age 21 or older required for delivery (or similar). Theyd also be responsible for paying the taxes normally due for wines. As Delaware has no sales tax, only excise tax would apply. Although the Delaware State Legislature adjourned June 30, 2021, without considering HB 210, its expected to take up the bill when it reconvenes in January 2022. Thus, Delaware residents could be able to enjoy the privilege of DTC wine shipments afforded to most other Americans by this time next year. President Biden pledged nearly $100 million in humanitarian assistance to Lebanon on Wednesday, the first anniversary of a port explosion that killed more than 200 people and injured thousands of others in the country's capital of Beirut. Why it matters: Biden urged Lebanon's leaders to reform the country's economy and crack down on corruption after more than a year of economic and political instability. No senior official has been held accountable for the blast, which was caused by a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored unsafely at the port for years. What he's saying: Biden said the new $100 million pledge adds to $560 million that the U.S. has provided to Lebanon over the last two years, and he urged other leaders around the world to increase their assistance to Lebanon. Rep. Jim Clyburn is cementing his Biden-era kingmaker status with Shontel Brown's win in Ohio, showing progressives he has a finger on the pulse of Democratic Party politics in a way they must acknowledge. Driving the news: "I was going to stay right here in South Carolina minding my business until I got called stupid, Clyburn told Axios in an interview Wednesday. Why it matters: The latest in a string of primary wins by centrists over progressives is bolstering the playbook that Clyburn, 81, a Black South Carolina Democrat and the House majority whip, has championed since his endorsement helped Biden clinch the nomination. Clyburn, along with many in congressional leadership and those on Biden's team see this as the best path for Democrats to try to hang on to control in next year's uphill midterm elections. Progressive favorite Nina Turner lost Tuesday night to Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Brown in the primary for the special election to fill the seat vacated by Marcia Fudge whom Clyburn had personally encouraged Biden to tap as the head of Housing and Urban Development. The Aug. 3 contest follows progressive losses in the 2020 presidential election, the New York mayoral primary, the Virginia gubernatorial primary and the New Mexico special election for Deb Haaland's House seat. Progressives also are backing challengers in upcoming, high-stakes primaries in Nashville, New York, and Chicago all attempting to unseat Democratic incumbents. Progressives are active online, get outsized media attention, and fundraise with the help of big name celebrities. But Clyburn has worked behind the scenes to shape the future of his party. What they're saying: "Jim Clyburn is really good at politics and he really understands, especially, where African-American and older African-American voters are," said Matt Bennett, co-founder of Third Way, a moderate Democratic group that spent roughly $500,000 on digital attack ads against Turner. "Voters of that district really liked Joe Biden," he said of OH-11, "and they want someone whos going to be pragmatic and make progress." Clyburn told Axios: "I had no plans to go to Cleveland or to get physically involved in the campaign until the Turner campaign invited me in." Turner in June appeared onstage with Killer Mike at an economic justice town hall hosted by liberal group The Young Turks and agreed when he called Clyburn "incredibly stupid" for backing Biden. "That's the kind of BS that sent me to Cleveland," Clyburn said. He said he saw Turner as too divisive for Congress. He campaigned for Brown in Cleveland the week before the election. Clyburn also took issue with Killer Mike and Turner saying all the Democrat has gotten from President Biden is Juneteenth being a federal holiday. By the numbers: Clyburn said Juneteenth isn't the point. He highlighted $65 billion for rural broadband to be included in the infrastructure package, the adoption of his "10-20-30" anti-poverty formula, and advancements for community health centers: " Those are Jim Clyburns creations," he said. He also mentions $40 million secured for community projects in his South Carolina district. He also mentions $40 million secured for community projects in his South Carolina district. I got all this and I can keep going on, he said. $5 billion to Black farmers in the Rescue Act. Lifting half of children who lived in poverty out of poverty that's in the Rescue Act. $5 billion to Black farmers in the Rescue Act. Lifting half of children who lived in poverty out of poverty that's in the Rescue Act. "These are creations, and to say all we got out of endorsing Joe Biden was a federal holiday? Thats the kind of BS that sent me to Cleveland, I was going to stay right here in South Carolina minding my business until I got called stupid. What we're watching: Clyburn predicted Rep. Carolyn Maloney will face an even tougher election this time around than she did last cycle against a progressive challenger, but said he plans to support her along with Reps. Danny Davis and Jim Cooper in their re-election efforts. All are being targeted by Justice Dems. Rep. Julia Letlow (R-La.), whose husband, Luke, died of COVID-19 in December, made an emotional, urgent plea on "CBS This Morning" for more Louisiana residents to get the coronavirus vaccine as the state faces a surge in new cases. Driving the news: "He and I had prayed for weeks prior about the possibility of the vaccine and we were so excited that it was coming out and that it was going to be widely available," Letlow said in an interview that aired Wednesday. "And he missed it by two weeks." Republican Luke Letlow was elected to Congress in a Dec. 5 runoff election. He died from COVID-19 complications on Dec. 29, just days before he was set to be sworn in. Julia Letlow won a special election on March 20 to replace her late husband. What she's saying: Letlow, whose state of Louisiana is experiencing an uptick of COVID-19 cases and has low levels of vaccinations, is using her husband's story to encourage residents to get the vaccine. "It all happened very quickly. He was very aware and cognizant and speaking to people and then he kind of crossed over a threshold, where I started to see the color drain. And that's when it hit me that he might not come home," Letlow told CBS. "I would've given anything, I would've given everything for that shot to be available for us. Looking back now, and for someone to turn it away, it's heartbreaking to me," she said. The big picture: Louisiana recorded 2,112 COVID-19 hospitalizations on Wednesday, breaking the previous record of 2,069 set on Jan. 7, according to WAFB. Five other members of his cabinet -- Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigorian and the current ministers of economy, health, education and emergencies -- were reappointed to their posts in separate decrees initiated by Pashinian and signed by President Armen Sarkissian. Sarkissian formalized on Monday several other cabinet appointments made by Pashinian. In particular, Armenias second deputy prime minister, Tigran Avinian, was replaced by Minister for Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Suren Papikian. Two other ministers retained their posts. Armenias new finance minister, Tigran Khachatrian, served as economy minister from October 2018 to November 2020. Khachatrian replaced Atom Janjughazian, another technocrat who joined Pashinians first cabinet formed after the 2018 velvet revolution. Janjughazian, 50, had headed the Armenian state treasury for nearly two decades preceding his ministerial appointment. Also replaced was Justice Minister Rustam Badasian. According to Armenian press reports, he will be appointed as head of the State Revenue Committee. Badasians successor, Karen Andreasian, was Armenias human rights ombudsman from 2011-2016. Pashinians reshuffled government is due to submit later this month a five-year policy program to the new Armenian parliament elected on June 20. Its almost certain approval by the National Assembly controlled by the ruling Civil Contract party would amount to a vote of confidence in the government. The bill passed by the National Assembly in March would empower the government to appoint most members of the boards of trustees that elect university rectors and make other key decisions. Most of their current members were chosen by university faculties as well as student councils. Yerevan State University (YSU) and the National Academy of Sciences strongly oppose those changes, saying that they would violate a clause in the Armenian constitution which entitles state-funded colleges to a high degree of autonomy. President Armen Sarkissian likewise suggested that they are contentious in terms of constitutionality when he decided in April not to sign the bill into law. He also asked the Constitutional Court to rule on its conformity with the constitution. The court sided with the critics of the legislation in a ruling handed down on Monday. It backed their view that the new mechanism for the formation of university boards is unconstitutional. The Armenian Ministry of Education did not comment on the ruling as of Tuesday. Education Minister Vahram Dumanian said earlier that he will accept any decision by the court. The government kept trying to control YSU and two other state-run universities even after Sarkissians appeal to the Constitutional Court. An executive order issued by it in May stipulates that they will have new boards consisting of 20 members mostly appointed by the government and the Ministry of Education. A senior ministry official defended the measure, saying that it is needed to address a management vacuum within the universities. She claimed that their current boards have failed to properly perform their duties. Vahe Hovannisian, an YSU professor, said on Tuesday that the ministry itself has contributed to the turmoil. He argued that his university, which is the largest and oldest in Armenia, has not had a rector for more than two years. YSUs last rector, Aram Simonian, resigned in May 2019 under strong government pressure. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and his associates accused Simonian of placing YSU under the strong influence of the former ruling Republican Party. Critics say the post of YSU rector remains vacant because of the current governments inability to replace Simonian with a figure loyal to it. Pashinians office said on Wednesday that he will meet with Raisi shortly before the latter is sworn in before the Iranian parliament. Ultraconservative Raisi was credentialed by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on Tuesday in a two-step inauguration process. The 60-year-old incoming president is a former judge loyal to Khamenei and subject to U.S. sanctions imposed for alleged human rights abuses. He has pledged to take measures to rid the Islamic Republic of the tyrannical sanctions. Pashinian sent a congratulatory message Raisi the day after his victory in Irans June 18 presidential election marred by the disqualification of some of his rivals. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize Irans important role in maintaining stability and peace in the region and at the same time reaffirm Armenias readiness to neutralize regional challenges through joint efforts, the Armenian leader wrote. I am confident that with joint efforts we will manage to advance the agenda of our bilateral cooperation, enriching it with new programs and initiatives, he said. Pashinian said in May that relations with Iran are of strategic importance to Armenia and that his administration remains committed to deepening them. He said the Armenian-Iranian border has been vital for his countrys national security. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian dismissed Eduard Hovannisian in an ongoing post-election reshuffle of his cabinet. Five of his ministers have also been replaced so far. The new head of the SRC, Rustam Badasian, has served as justice minister for the past two years. He was in turned replaced by Karen Andreasian, Armenias human rights ombudsman from 2011-2016. Pashinian praised Hovannisians track record and the SRCs stable performance on Thursday when he presented Badasian to senior officials from the government agency comprising the national tax and customs services. But the truth is that there is never a surplus of money, he said. At every stage of its development -- and especially at this stage -- our state needs to conduct a more effective fiscal policy. Pashinian said he expects the 30-year-old Badasian to carry out reforms that will further improve tax administration and minimize corrupt practices among SRC officials. The SRC collected 750 billion drams ($1.53 billion) in various taxes and customs duties in the January-June 2021. The figure was up from 680 billion drams collected in the same period of 2020. It also exceeded a 698 billion-dram revenue target set by the government for the first half of this year. The sizable increase resulted from a continued fight against tax evasion and Armenias unfolding recovery from last years recession primarily caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The recession led to a serious drop in tax revenues, forcing the government to resort to large-scale external borrowing. Badasian, who worked as a deputy head of the SRC from 2018-2019, said one of his main missions will be to maintain this years good indicators. He said he will also aim to ensure that businesses get better tax and customs services. PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) -- Maricopa County joined an ever-growing number of municipalities in requiring masks while inside of their owned buildings as the Delta variant of COVID-19 takes hold across the country. In an update released Wednesday morning, the county's Animal Care & Control facilities reported that all employees and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, need to wear a mask inside all county-owned buildings and properties. Cities within Maricopa County including Phoenix, Peoria, and Tempe have instituted their own mask mandates, as allowed by state law, with workforce and visitor requirements. The mandate does not apply to outdoor spaces or public squares. Superintendent Kathy Hoffman calls on Gov. Ducey to follow CDC guidelines Superintendent Kathy Hoffman is encouraging schools to mask up as COVID cases rise in Arizona. Coconino County also announced that they will be returning to mask requirements in county buildings. Effective August 4, all county employees and visitors will be required to wear masks in public and common areas of all county buildings. Gov. Doug Ducey never formally issued a statewide mask mandate, but encouraged Arizonans to mask up in the midst of the pandemic last year. Ducey signed an executive order banning cities from issuing mask mandates back in March. Recently, Superintendent Kathy Hoffman criticized Ducey's response to mask mandates in schools, telling the governor to "follow the guidance of public health experts." According to the Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 data tracker, an overwhelming majority of Arizona is considered to have concerning levels of COVID-19 transmission. Most of the state is in "high' or "substantial" levels of transmission. More than 2,000 new cases were reported on Wednesday, according to the Arizona Department of Health. Inpatient bed use by COVID patients are also at the highest levels since late February. PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) -- The extreme heat is returning this week, and The City of Phoenix is testing its new policy, closing popular valley hiking trails for much of the day. Last month, the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Board approved a pilot program, closing trails on Piestewa Peak and Camelback Mountain during extreme heat. Extreme heat will restrict use of Phoenix hiking trails Tuesday & Wednesday Trails on Camelback Mountain and at Piestewa Peak will be restricted from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. The city chose those mountains because of their difficulty, and they had the most rescues. This comes after two firefighters were hospitalized in June after multiple mountain rescues in the extreme heat. Just days ago, a woman from out of town died hiking Camelback Mountain. "If it saves the fire department from going up there and people that shouldn't be up there, then sure," said hiker Greg Rose. Rose spent Tuesday morning hiking Piestewa Peak before the mountain closed from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The hope is to avoid anyone getting hurt by closing down the popular trails on extreme heat days. "If I was a local, and it was something I did on a regular basis, yeah, I would be upset about it, but at the same time, you have to look at for everyone," said Chris Edwards, who hiked Piestewa Peak before the trails closed. Many people hit the trails before 11 a.m., despite it being a hot day. "It's not bad because it's a dry heat," said Ryan Gist, who is here from Iowa, visiting trails. "Once you start sweating, and there's a little bit of a breeze, it doesn't get too bad." Rangers turned away several cars Tuesday and closed the gate to get to Piestewa Peak's main parking lot. "I got down here fast too, I guess. Get out of the heat and get out of here before they close everything down," said Rose. A spokesperson from The City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation said citations could be given to people who break the rules. It would be a class one misdemeanor, with a fine of up to $2,500 and 6 months in jail. Park rangers said they don't want to give anyone a ticket and would prefer this to be educational. The city said no citations were issued Tuesday. As for the other hiking spots in Phoenix, the city said it's not looking to close those, at least for this year. Boeing set to retry test flight in bid to take on SpaceX Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. The Beatles tribute band Liverpool Legends will return to Beaumont this month to perform songs spanning the bands entire career, including their solo work. The concert starts at 7 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Jefferson Theatre. Like many eventual journalists, Rachel Kersey had a strong interest in storytelling. Kersey, the Beaumont Enterprises new government reporter, said from a young age, she had two distinct attributes she loved to read and she asked a lot of questions, no matter how bold. My mother thought, Wow, she has no fear, shes a natural interviewer. Shes going to be a journalist, Kersey said. She always wanted me to be the next Soledad OBrien, but I didnt study broadcast so it doesnt look like Im on (that) track. Kersey was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but then her father joined the military and her family moved a lot. Kersey has lived all over the world from Washington, D.C. to Okinawa, Japan, to Plymouth, Minnesota; Lexington, Kentucky; Ramstein, Germany; and before moving to Beaumont, San Antonio. She said while she loved moving around as a child, its bittersweet now. Theres always the feeling of adventure that you get, but its sad to leave behind your friends, she said. Kersey loved fiction novels throughout her childhood and still does. She said she was blown away by the idea that authors could create completely new worlds, and she wanted to do the same. I wanted to be a fiction writer, and my mother always wanted me to be a journalist. When it was time for me to go to college, she said You need to go and study something that youre actually going to make money in, so I begrudgingly studied journalism, Kersey said. Kersey went on to earn a bachelors degree in print and online journalism from Howard University in 2016. As soon as I was done with (my degree), I was like, Finally, Im going to go get a masters degree in something I actually care about, she said. So, I went to study fiction for two years. During her masters degree program, however, Donald Trump ran for and was elected to the presidency. The news cycle surrounding his campaign and election fascinated Kersey, she said. Kersey graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing in 2018. She said journalism at that time ignited her interest in the real world, instead of the fictional worlds she had been reading about in novels. I see this very disturbing trend of people not agreeing on what truth is, and I feel very strongly that the truth is important, she said. Kersey said its important for journalists to tell the truth, regardless of how it makes people feel. The truth has weight, because what you believe about the world and about other people around you and about yourself affects everything, even if you dont see it, she said. Journalism is important, and I want to do this because I want to help people to know the unbiased truth and to make good decisions based on that. Her new position is Kerseys second journalism job after working for the Joint Base San Antonio Legacy where she was a staff writer. In January, Kersey joined Hearsts mentorship program and was paired with executive CJ Kettler, who helped her find the open position in Beaumont. Im looking forward to the adventure of being a fully independent adult with a job that I feel like Im making a difference in the world and in my local community, Kersey said. I am looking forward to a sense of peace about my place in the world and my purpose. I feel like thats something I was lacking in San Antonio, but I can feel myself settling in here and I feel like Im in a better place. oliviasmalick@gmail.com twitter.com/oliviamalick MACON, Ga. (AP) A former Georgia sheriff's deputy, who was arrested during an investigation into a violent extremist group, has been sentenced to serve more than three years in federal prison for possessing unregistered guns, prosecutors said. Cody Richard Griggers, 28, was sentenced Tuesday to serve three years and eight months in prison followed by a year of supervised release. He had pleaded guilty in April. St. Louis County residents will not be required to wear masks in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for at least two more weeks, after a judge issued a temporary restraining order Tuesday against a mask mandate that was issued last month. Circuit Judge Ellen Nellie Ribaudo sided with Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who had sued to stop a mask mandate issued by St. Louis County Executive Sam Page and county health officials. She set a hearing on a preliminary injunction for Aug. 17. Hours after the ruling, Schmitt filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn a recently reinstated mask mandate in Kansas City. The rule took effect Monday and was scheduled to last until at least Aug. 28. The St. Louis County Council voted last week to rescind the mandate but Page insisted the mask requirement remained in effect. Ribaduo said in her ruling the differing interpretations left St. Louis County residents on their own in deciding whether to wear masks. And she said the state was likely to prevail in its argument that current law gives the St. Louis County Council the authority to terminate the mask requirement issued by health officials. The court notes that although some will take this court's ruling as a victory there is no victory while the COVID-19 virus remains a significant threat to public health and there is no question it remains a significant threat to public health, Ribaduo wrote. There can be no victory until the residents of St. Louis County and the State of Missouri are no longer risking their health, well being and lives at the hands of COVID-19 virus. Schmitt said in a statement that the ruling was a huge win for the people of St. Louis County. This is an important, hard-fought victory, but our fight against unreasonable and unconstitutional government overreach continues, Schmitt said. Page said in a tweet that health officials are disappointed in the judges decision as more mask mandates are being enforced across the county in the face of increasing COVID-19 cases. "The (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends wearing masks in public places and we ask everyone to follow that guidance as we continue our vaccine efforts, Page said. County Councilman Tim Fitch, an outspoken critic of Page's mandate, said the council felt all along that it was on solid legal ground. "We dont do these things emotionally like (Page) seems to, Fitch said. We would like to have the opportunity in the future to work with the county executive on any kind of health mandate as the law requires. During a virtual hearing before Tuesday's ruling, Missouri Solicitor General John Sauer argued state law clearly gives political subdivisions such as the County Council the power to rescind public health orders, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. Neal Perryman, a lawyer representing St. Louis County, argued that issuing a temporary restraining order would only cause more uncertainty in the county, particularly if a higher court overturns it later. Tuesdays hearing did not consider a similar mask order in the city of St. Louis. In his lawsuit against Kansas City's mandate, Schmitt said the new requirement is an unconstitutional and unreasonable government overreach (that) must stop, especially in the face of a widely available vaccine. He is asking the court to invalidate the mask mandate and issue an injunction or other relief against it. Among the seven counts alleged in the lawsuit, Schmitt argued that Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas does not have the power to issue a mask mandate because state law gives that authority to local health authorities. Lucas said in a news conference that he expects Kansas City to prevail in its lawsuit because the procedures used to issue its mask mandate were different than those used in St. Louis, and the city cited guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its mandate. He also said the majority of the city council supports the mask order. Lucas also criticized Schmitt, a Republican who is running for the U.S. Senate, for playing politics with COVID-19 prevention efforts and said the attorney general completely ignored updated CDC guidelines in his lawsuit. This is about getting clicks, this is about getting attention, it is not about saving lives, he said. Here in Kansas City government we will continue to fight hard to do so." In Kansas City, a regional health council on Tuesday issued a plea to residents to avoid using emergency rooms if possible because the region's hospitals are seeing a surge in patients, causing hourslong waiting times and overwhelming hospital workers. Steve Hoeger, co-chair of the Mid-America Regional Councils Health Care Coalition, asked people to go to their primary care physicians or urgent care unless they have a true emergency, such as a heart attack or significant car accident, The Kansas City Star reported. COVID is not the only player. We have a lot of other really sick people in the hospital, Hoeger said. But COVIDs becoming more and more of a player in this." The legal fight comes as Missouri reported 574,125 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, an increase of 1,863 from the previous day. The state reported there have been 12,524 positive cases over the last seven days, with an average of 1,789 cases a day. COVID-19 has claimed 9,755 lives in Missouri since the pandemic began, an increase of 88 deaths from Monday. Those numbers include 72 deaths that had not been previously reported to the state, according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) Gabe Imondi, a 74-year-old landlord from Rhode Island, had come to court hoping to get his apartment back. He was tired of waiting for federal rental assistance and wondered aloud what theyre doing with that money? Hours later, Luis Vertentes, in a different case, was told by a judge he had three weeks to clear out of his one-bedroom apartment in nearby East Providence. The 43-year-old landscaper said he was four months behind on rent after being hospitalized for a time. Im going to be homeless, all because of this pandemic, Vertentes said. I feel helpless, like I cant do anything even though I work and I got a full-time job. Scenes like this played out from North Carolina to Virginia to Ohio and beyond Monday as the eviction system, which saw a dramatic drop in cases before a federal moratorium expired over the weekend, rumbled back into action. Activists fear millions will be tossed onto the streets as the delta variant of the coronavirus surges. The Biden administration allowed the federal moratorium to expire over the weekend and Congress was unable to extend it. But on Tuesday the administration appeared to offer a reprieve for many. The government planned to put in place a new eviction moratorium that would protect areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives, according to three people familiar with the plans, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the forthcoming announcement. The move followed protests from Democratic lawmakers over the swift end to the moratorium as the delta variant of the coronavirus surges. Historic amounts of rental assistance allocated by Congress had been expected to avert a crisis. But the distribution has been painfully slow: Only about $3 billion of the first tranche of $25 billion had been distributed through June by states and localities. A second amount of $21.5 billion will go to the states. More than 15 million people live in households that owe as much as $20 billion to their landlords, according to the Aspen Institute. As of July 5, roughly 3.6 million people in the U.S. said they faced eviction in the next two months, according to the U.S. Census Bureaus Household Pulse Survey. In Columbus, Ohio, Chelsea Rivera showed up Monday at a Franklin County court after receiving an eviction notice last month. A single mom, shes behind $2,988 in rent and late fees for the one- bedroom apartment she rents for herself and three young sons. The 27-year-old said she started to struggle after her hours were cut in May at the Walmart warehouse where she worked. Shes applied to numerous agencies for help but theyre either out of money, have a waiting list, or not able to help until clients end up in court with an eviction notice. Rivera said shes preparing herself mentally to move into a shelter with her children. We just need help, she said, fighting back tears. Its just been really hard with everyday issues on top of worrying about where youre going to live. But there was more optimism in Virginia, where Tiara Burton, 23, learned she would be getting federal help and wouldnt be evicted. She initially feared the worst when the moratorium lifted. That was definitely a worry yesterday, said Burton, who lives in Virginia Beach. If theyre going to start doing evictions again, then Im going to be faced with having to figure out where me and my family are going to go. And thats not something that anyone should have to worry about these days at all. She was relieved to learn she was approved for assistance through the Virginia Rent Relief Program. Her court hearing was postponed 30 days, during which time she and her landlord can presumably work things out. Im grateful for that, she said. Thats another weight lifted off of my shoulders. For some tenants, getting assistance has proven impossible. After her landlord refused federal assistance to cover $5,000 in back rent, Antoinette Eleby, 42, of Miami, expects an eviction order within two to three weeks. She is sending her five children to live with her mother in another county. My main concern is that now that I have an eviction, how will I find another place? Some places will accept you and some will not, said Eleby, whose entire family got COVID-19 earlier this year. Around the country, courts, legal advocates and law enforcement agencies had been gearing up for evictions to return to pre-pandemic levels, a time when 3.7 million people were displaced from their homes every year, or seven every minute, according to the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. Some cities with the most cases, according to the Eviction Lab, are Phoenix with more than 42,000 eviction filings, Houston with more than 37,000, Las Vegas with nearly 27,000 and Tampa more than 15,000. Indiana and Missouri also have more than 80,000 filings. While the moratorium was enforced in much of the country, there were states like Idaho where judges ignored it, said Ali Rabe, executive director of Jesse Tree, a non-profit that works to prevent evictions in the Boise metropolitan area. Eviction courts ran as usual, she said. That was much the way things played out in parts of North Carolina, where on Monday Sgt. David Ruppe knocked on a weathered mobile home door in Cleveland County, a rural community an hour west of Charlotte. We havent seen much of a difference at all, he said. He waited a few minutes on the porch scattered with folding chairs and toys. Then a woman opened the door. How are you? he asked quietly, then explained her landlord had started the eviction process. The woman told Ruppe shed paid, and he said shed need to bring proof to her upcoming Aug. 9 court date. Ruppe, who has two young sons, said seeing families struggle day-after-day is tough. Theres only so much you can do, he said. So, if you can offer them a glimmer of hope, words of encouragement, especially if theres kids involved. Being a father, I can relate to that. __ Casey reported from Boston. Associated Press writers Ben Finley in Virginia Beach, Virginia; Andrew Welsh-Huggins in Columbus, Ohio; Sarah Morgan in Cleveland County, North Carolina, and Curt Anderson in St. Petersburg, Florida, contributed to this report. A Port Arthur man on Monday pleaded guilty to a federal firearms violation after he fled from police before ultimately crashing into a pole. Jesus Antonio Ceja, 30, faces up to 10 years in prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm, a news release from The U.S. Attorneys Office in the Eastern District said. Court documents show that Port Arthur Police officers saw a vehicle stopped in an intersection in 5200 block of 15th Street on February 9, 2020. The officer drove toward the vehicle to see if the driver needed help. Instead, he found the driver, Ceja, with his head down. Ceja looked at the officer and accelerated away at a high rate of speed, court documents stated. As the officer turned around to follow the vehicle, he saw that Ceja had crashed his vehicle into a pole at the nearby intersection of Lewis and Lakeview streets. Ceja repeatedly reached under the seat and ignored commands to show his hands and exit the vehicle, the release said. After the officer opened the passenger door, Ceja exited the vehicle and crawled on top of it, refusing to come down. Once other officers arrived, Ceja came down off the car and told officers there was methamphetamine and a firearm in the car. Ceja was a convicted felon, who previously had been found guilty of felony escape in Jefferson County in 2008. Ceja was indicted by a federal grand jury on April 27, 2021. While he faces up to a decade in prison, the sentencing will be determined by the court based on the advisory sentencing guidelines and other statutory factors. A sentencing hearing will be scheduled after the completion of a presentence investigation by the U.S. Probation Office. This case is being investigated by the Port Arthur Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Quinn. It is being prosecuted as part of the joint federal, state, and local Project Safe Neighborhoods Program, the centerpiece of the Department of Justices violent crime reduction efforts. PSN is an evidence-based program proven to be effective at reducing violent crime. meagan.ellsworth@beaumontenterprise.com twitter.com/megzmagpie SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (AP) Officials are closing some areas on the south shore of Lake Tahoe after some chipmunks tested positive for plague. The Tahoe Daily Tribune reports that the Taylor Creek Visitor Center, Kiva Beach and their parking areas will be off limits through Friday. During that time, the U.S. Forest Service will be conducting vector control treatments to those areas. El Dorado County spokeswoman Carla Hass said the chipmunks that were tested had no contact with any people. Forest Service officials expect the facilities to be open again by the weekend. According to the El Dorado County Public Health, plague is naturally present in some areas of California. People hiking and doing other outdoor activities should avoid contact with animals. They should do the same for their pets. Plague is an infectious bacterial disease that tends to be spread by chipmunks, other wild rodents and their fleas. For humans, symptoms can show up within two weeks of exposure to an infected animal. They include fever, nausea, weakness and swollen lymph nodes. If caught early, it can be treated with antibiotics. __ This story corrects National Forest Service to the U.S. Forest Service. A man stands near solar panels installed on the roof of a government office building in Dhaka, June 7, 2021. Environmentalists and government officials have slashed Bangladeshs goal of ensuring that 30 percent of its energy comes from renewable sources by 2030, saying the country lacks land and resources needed to meet the target. During a meeting on Tuesday to review the Mujib Climate Prosperity Plan, which the government unveiled at the Vulnerable 20 group meeting chaired by Bangladesh in July, a local climate-change expert cast doubt on those renewable energy goals. The governments new renewable energy plan seems to me to be unrealistic. The plan targets producing four gigawatts (4,000 megawatts) from wind in the Bay of Bengal. It further proposes increasing the share of renewable energy to 30 percent by 2030 and 40 percent by 2041, Mizan R. Khan, a deputy director of the International Center for Climate Change and Development, who addressed Tuesdays meeting, told BenarNews. We have no wind potential so this is almost impossible to achieve, he said. Not only had I, but other speakers expressed their surprise at the wind-power target. On Wednesday, an energy ministry official said the government had revised the goals. We are working with a new plan to produce 15 percent power from renewable sources by 2030 and 40 percent by 2050. We are hopeful, said Mohammad Hossain, director general of the research wing at the power cell of the energy ministry. In 2009, the government decided to meet 5 percent of the energy needs from renewable sources by 2015 and 10 percent by 2020. But the targets have yet to be achieved, he said. Currently, renewable sources provide less than 4 percent of our total energy. Bangladesh, which has been identified as among countries threatened most by the potential effects of climate change particularly along its low-lying coastal areas faces natural road blocks in meeting its goals for renewable energy. Solar power the countrys main renewable energy source requires major land and economic investment, making it impractical to set up plants. We have been a land-hungry country. We cannot set up solar panels on vast swaths of land. We have been trying to generate wind power, but we are not sure about its success, Hossain told BenarNews. Officials noted that three acres are needed to produce one megawatt of solar power. A government policy allowing rooftop solar panels was scrapped because of alleged corruption. Since land is in short supply, officials set up a floating solar panels in Mongla, a city on the southwestern coast. But I think floating solar plants would not work as hundreds of thousands of fishermen depend on these water bodies for livelihood. Besides, fish and other aquatic creatures need sunlight for survival, Khan said. Tamim, a professor at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), also questioned the governments energy figures. As regards to renewable energy, we are naturally disadvantaged. The government says the renewable contribution is 4 percent. Actually, this is less than 1 percent as most of the solar projects meet local demands and do not supply power to the national grid, Tamim told BenarNews. He said wind-generated power had proven unreliable. There is no potential for wind power as we have no consistent flow of natural wind along the coast. The power development board set up a wind power plant in Feni on a trial basis, but it failed, Tamim said. Feni is a coastal city in southeastern Bangladesh. Despite that failure, the government in December 2020 awarded a contract to a Chinese company to produce 55 megawatts of wind power daily in Mongla. Announcing the project, officials said consumers would pay U.S. 13 cents per kilowatt hour generated by the plant, compared to 7 cents paid now. Old energy grid In a bid to promote renewable sources of energy, the government in 2014 set up a new agency, the Sustainable Renewable Energy Development Authority. In its 2019-2020 report, the authority said the nation produced more than 650 megawatts of electricity per day from renewable sources about 3 percent of the total power generation of 21,354 megawatts. Tamim noted that Bangladesh must rely on traditional sources of energy to meet the countrys needs. Our electricity distribution grid is more than 40 years old and cannot intake more than 10 percent electricity from renewable sources. So, if the government plans to increase supply from renewable sources, it must replace the whole distribution network, which warrants a huge investment, he said. Meanwhile in June, the government canceled plans to construct 10 coal-fired power plants over price concerns and because it could not find funders. We have abandoned the 10 coal projects on environmental grounds, but we cannot totally discard fossil fuels. We have to adjust with fossil fuels and renewable sources, Hossain said, adding, The government has been trying to find ways to increase the share of renewable energy. In addition to committing to increase renewable energy, Bangladesh officials pledged to cut carbon emissions, which have been linked to climate change, by 5 percent. Bangladesh is not a polluter. We are rather a victim of emissions by developed countries, M. Ziaul Haque, a director at the governments Department of Environment, told BenarNews. The Paris agreement does not force us to cut emissions. But we are doing it willfully. We have been working hard to set a new target for further emission reductions. And our commitment and goodwill in this regard are highly respected around the world. Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof, Bruneis second minister for foreign affairs and trade, addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Sept. 30, 2019. Updated at 6:32 ET on 2021-08-04 ASEAN appointed Bruneis top diplomat as its special envoy to Myanmar on Wednesday, more than 100 days after the Southeast Asian blocs members agreed to send an emissary to help resolve the post-coup crisis there. Observers and human rights advocates skeptically greeted the appointment of Erywan Yusof, the second foreign minister of Brunei Darussalam, as special envoy. Some pointed to his perceived inefficacy and lack of transparency in dealing with Myanmar while the Borneo sultanate held this years ASEAN chairmanship. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations tasked Erywan with implementing a five-point consensus, which the bloc had reached at a special summit in Jakarta in late April to discuss the Feb. 1 military coup in Myanmar and its violent aftermath, according to a joint statement issued after an unscheduled ASEAN foreign ministerial meeting. Erywan will start his work in Myanmar, including building trust and confidence with full access to all parties concerned and providing a clear timeline on the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus before the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting, the communique said, referring to a meeting scheduled for September. The 10-member regional bloc had been widely criticized for taking more than three months after the Jakarta summit to decide who to appoint to the special ambassadorial role. Erywan is one of the two Bruneian officials who represented ASEAN when they visited Naypyidaw in May to meet Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, the architect of the coup, and present him names of envoy candidates. The two officials were criticized for an ill-considered statement issued after the meeting, and which ASEAN later removed from its website. Their statement had referred to Min Aung Hlaing by a title he gave himself chairman of the State Administrative Council the official name of the Burmese junta. ASEANs communique did not call for the release of Burmese civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose government the military toppled. The statement, however, noted that the blocs foreign ministers had heard calls for the release of political detainees including foreigners. The statement also expressed concern about the fatalities and violence in Myanmar. More than 900 people most of them anti-coup protesters have been killed by Myanmar security forces since the coup. The naming of an ASEAN envoy came soon after Washington said this week it was imperative for ASEAN to speed up its plan for initiating dialogue and reducing violence in Myanmar, especially now that the junta chief had appointed himself prime minister and announced that elections would not take place until 2023. ASEAN also issued the communique two days after an official scheduled meeting of the blocs foreign ministers. At the April summit, ASEAN leaders including Min Aung Hlaing agreed to appoint a special envoy to Myanmar, constructive dialogue among all parties and mediation of such talks by an ASEAN special envoy, as they called for an end to violence. Its a relief Disagreements between ASEAN member-states, however, delayed the start of implementing those measures. These contentious issues persisted during Mondays meeting of ASEANs top diplomats, leading to the bloc delaying its announcement on the appointment of a special envoy, said Sidharto Suryodipuro, director for ASEAN cooperation at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The last paragraph that delayed the validation [of the communique] was one on Myanmar, he told a news conference on Wednesday. Ultimately, all ASEAN members were firm in supporting Erywan as envoy, Sidharto said, adding there was also a concrete commitment that the envoy will be given full access to all parties in Myanmar. All decisions in ASEAN are taken by consensus, which implies that the Myanmar junta-appointed foreign minister agreed to provide access to all parties. But the junta has once before veered from the consensus, as was the case after Aprils ASEAN meeting, when Min Aung Hlaing said he would implement the five-point agreement only when violence ended and stability returned. Burmese political analyst Than Soe Naing cast doubt about who the ASEAN envoy could negotiate with because officials from the elected civilian government were now in jail. The military council has put everybody concerned into the prison and filed various charges, Than Soe Naing told Radio Free Asias Myanmar Service. BenarNews is affiliated with RFA. Who would be negotiating with [ASEAN]? ASEAN could make proposals. But Min Aung Hlaing has ignored all of these proposals, under the guise that the stability shall be achieved first. Sidharto, however, said ASEAN ministers were united in their view that the consensus must be implemented urgently and without conditionalities. He also said the joint communique did not constitute recognition of the military rule in Myanmar. Since the February 1 coup, every [ASEAN] official documents starts with the phrase The meeting., and not with We the ministers, Sidharto said. He was noting the participation of the Myanmars junta-appointed foreign minister, Wunna Maung Lwin, at the Monday meeting. Burmese pro-democracy activists have denounced junta appointees being allowed to attend such meetings. Still, its a relief that the special envoy on Myanmar has finally been appointed, Eric Paulsen, Malaysias representative to the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, said via Twitter. Another observer criticized ASEAN for losing valuable time in appointing a special envoy to Myanmar. [A]t this point its pretty clear that the problem is not about who will be special envoy. The problem is that ASEAN has not actually acted in good faith, Debbie Stothard, coordinator of the Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma, told RFAs Myanmar Service. [W]e have not seen a halt in violence against civilians. In fact, what we are seeing is more war crimes and crimes against humanity taking place in the country. However, a Burmese human rights attorney was more optimistic about the appointment of Erywan as ASEANs envoy. [H]e could bring something to the table, instead of the continuing stalemate, Min Lwin Oo told RFA. I think the ASEAN envoy need to execute the tasks, such as pushing for the release of detained leaders. [W]e know that the military council will delay its actions and the negotiations will not go smoothly. I think the special envoy will have to go through the delaying techniques, such as suspending, postponing or denying the meeting with the persons concerned, or allowing to meet the person only at the second or third request, Min Lwin Oo said. Brunei was not transparent Another analyst, Lina Alexandra, senior international relations researcher at the Jakarta-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), warned against high expectations. Brunei was not transparent to the other foreign ministers on the visit to Naypyitaw [in May], and on the process of appointing the special envoy, she told BenarNews. It seems like they are making too many compromises with the Myanmar military, which is the source of the problem there. Erywan has been chosen as envoy to mollify those ASEAN members who are not invested themselves in human rights, said Dinna Prapto Raharja, an international relations expert at Synergy Policies, a Jakarta-based think-tank. He has not been chosen for his ability to navigate complex issues in Myanmar, but to come to terms with other ASEAN members that are half-hearted in their efforts, or even actively rejecting efforts to find a solution rooted in democracy and human rights, she told BenarNews. Dinna didnt name names, but among ASEAN members, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam are one-party states and Brunei is a sultanate. Thai leader Prayuth Chan-o-cha became prime minister after a coup he spearheaded in 2014 as the army chief. The former general retained the post in a 2019 election, which opposition parties viewed as rigged in the militarys favor. Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin waves as he leaves the Palace after meeting with King Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah, in Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 4, 2021. Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin on Wednesday rejected resignation calls, saying he would prove he has majority support during next months parliament session. Muhyiddin said King Al-Sultan Abdullah Riayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah who summoned him agreed to his proposal. Im aware that questions about my position as PM have often been raised. Therefore, I have informed the king that I will determine my legitimacy in the lower house when parliament reconvenes in September, Muhyiddin said in a special nationally televised address at 12:30 p.m. Opposition parties said the PM must call a special parliament session immediately or resign along with his cabinet. Prior to his speech, lawmakers were seen entering and leaving Muhyiddins residence on Tuesday and Wednesday. Speculation went into high gear when the countrys military and police chiefs went to the PMs office early Wednesday. The king wrote a letter to Muhyiddin late Tuesday after United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the ruling coalitions largest party, said the monarch had been informed that enough of its lawmakers had withdrawn support for the PM. Muhyiddin said a vote of confidence would be tabled in parliament when it reconvenes Sept. 6. One analyst told BenarNews that if such a vote is put on the agenda, it would be the first time in Malaysian history that a sitting prime minister called for a vote of confidence in the lower house. Muhyiddin is confident he will win. I informed the king however, that based on declaration letters I have received from MPs, I am convinced that I still command the majority support from members of the [lower] house. Therefore, the issue of me resigning does not arise. UMNO remains split During the special address, nine cabinet ministers including his deputy, UMNO member Ismail Sabri Yaakob, flanked Muhyiddin. UMNO is split on whether to support Muhyiddin, but calls for the unelected PMs resignation began to gather steam in March and April. Frustrated Malaysians have said that an emergency to contain the pandemic imposed on the PMs advice did not stem new COVID-19 infections. Instead, new cases rose more than eight-fold since the emergencys imposition on Jan. 12, with the country recording a record high 19,819 cases and 257 virus-related deaths on Wednesday. The king on July 29 reprimanded the government for allegedly misleading lawmakers about the status of emergency ordinance. Shortly after, more than 100 lawmakers said the PM must resign for disrespecting the monarchy and acting unconstitutionally. The final nail in the coffin, as it were, was UMNO leader Ahmad Zahid Hamidis announcement on Tuesday that a sufficient number of the partys lawmakers had withdrawn support for Muhyiddin. In his afternoon address, Muhyiddin said doubts about his legitimacy as PM were raised by certain parties who were unhappy that his government did not intervene in corruption cases against them in court. Its impossible for Muhyiddin Opposition leaders, analysts and an election watchdog said that because of confusion over who in UMNO does or does not support Muhyiddin, he should call a special parliament session now and not wait until next month. The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) said such a delay could lead to backdoor enticements and concessions or worse, state machinery put to use for political ends. A delay would prolong political instability with parties vying for support for MPs through promises of lucrative appointments to government-linked companies or even cabinet positions, or the use of enforcement bodies to investigate and bring charges to those who do not align themselves with the government, Bersih said in a statement. Jeniri Amir, National Council of Professors senior fellow, said the sooner a confidence vote is held the better. I hope that after [a confidence vote] we could all move forward as we all are tired of the political instability, he told BenarNews. Whats important now is to focus on steering the country out of the health crisis and looking after the welfare of the people. UMNOs Zahid and opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan said there was no question that Muhyiddin had lost majority support. Malaysias parliament has 222 seats, two of which are vacant because of the deaths of MPs. Muhyiddin needs the support of a simple majority of lawmakers 112 to stay in power. Muhyiddin said his ruling coalition had the backing of 114 lawmakers before some UMNO MPs Zahid says 12, while the PM claims the king told him eight withdrew support. It is impossible for Muhyiddin to still have the majority support of MPs after the withdrawal of support by the UMNO MPs on Tuesday, Pakatan said in a statement on Wednesday signed by three leaders of opposition parties from Malaysian Borneo and an independent MP. We insist that Muhyiddin and his whole cabinet resign." S. Adie Zul in Kuala Lumpur contributed to this report. The rain didnt stop people from attending Gallery Walk in downtown Brattleboro on July 2. People were able to visit multiple stations including Shakespeare in the Streets, a trivia show, drawing with raptors and a BIPOC voices mic. COVID-19 vaccines were also available while walking around enjoying the art. If you'd like to leave a comment (or a tip or a question) about this story with the editors, please email us We also welcome letters to the editor for publication; you can do that by filling out our letters form and submitting it to the newsroom. Travelers between New York and Boston tired of the time-consuming hassles of crowded airports and commerical flights now have a more convenient but pricey alternative An assessment or critique of a service, product, or creative endeavor such as art, literature or a performance. PITTSFIELD The city is set to receive about $32.4 million in American Rescue Plan Act money over the next two years, and it needs your help PITTSFIELD When Melissa Fawcett and her husband were looking for options for their young son, the child care programs they found kept coming up short. So, the Fawcetts set out to make the program they were dreaming of: an all-day child care facility equally focused on fun and learning and with the kind of structured instruction meant to prepare kiddos for kindergarten. The end result was Ready Set Learn Preschool. In the six years since, they have expanded from a residence on Virginia Avenue to the once-vacant St. Martins Episcopal Church on Dalton Avenue. With a waitlist of more than 35 kids this year, Ready Set Learn is expanding again. More information Ready Set Learn Preschool cares for children ages 3, 4 and 5. This year, the program is expanding to serve kindergarten-age children at the program's new Wendell Avenue location. The tuition rates for Ready Set Learn are $135 for three days, $180 for four days and $225 for five days a week. The preschool does not accept child care vouchers. For more information, visit ready-set-learn.co. The preschool is working with Mill Town Capital to renovate the former American Legion post on Wendell Avenue. The property, now owned by Mill Town and Scarafoni Financial Group, will be leased to Ready Set Learn for five years once renovations are complete and the preschool opens this fall. The new location will have room for 80 students across two 3-year-old classrooms, a prekindergarten class and a kindergarten class. The second preschool will more than double Ready Set Learns current capacity. I wouldnt have thought that I would open a second location, Fawcett said. But, we definitely want to offer as much as we can to the community at large. I think theres a growing need for quality early education, and I think there are families that are aware of that, she added. The new location helps serve a growing need. Photos: Ready Set Learn Melissa Fawcett is the owner of Ready Set Learn on Dalton Ave., a preschool that is expanding to a second location at 42 Wendell Avenue in Pit Ready Set Learn is one of 60 licensed child care providers in Pittsfield, according to a registry maintained by the states Department of Early Education and Care. In 2019, the American Community Survey estimated that Pittsfield was home to about 2,000 children younger than 5. That means that there is about one child care provider or program for every 33 children. Fawcett said the gap between program space and the number of children only has been exacerbated in recent months as some programs have had to shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic. I dont think were going to have any issue [filling this new location], Fawcett said. Fawcett said she was considering expanding the program before the pandemic, but those plans were delayed when her own program had to shut for several months under state health guidelines. When a waitlist of more than 30 kids popped up this year, Fawcett said, she knew it was time to revisit her plan. The couple reached out to Mill Town to talk about leasing one of its properties in Pittsfield. Thats when Mill Town and Ready Set Learn agreed on the former American Legion post. We view this as an opportunity to turn a vacant building into a productive facility that fulfills a significant, unmet need in the area, Tim Burke, CEO and managing director of Mill Town, said in a release. We are excited to have Melissa and her top-notch operation as a tenant and partner. Fawcett said the new classrooms are taking shape out of the American Legions former banquet hall. She said the aesthetics of the new learning areas closely will match the look of the preschool in the St. Martins building. To staff the new building, Fawcett has hired several former Pittsfield Public School teachers. Those educators are key to Ready Set Learns curriculum, which aims to send students off to kindergarten with the ability to read and do basic math. Children start the day with reading practice, have outdoor play, weather permitting, then end the day with math practice. The preschool builds out its curriculum with monthly field trips to places like the Berkshire Museum, the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art and the Springfield Science Museum. Fawcett said enrollment is open for the new Ready Set Learn location for the period of September through June. Community News Editor / Librarian Jeannie Maschino is community news editor and librarian for The Berkshire Eagle. She has worked for the newspaper in various capacities since 1982 and joined the newsroom in 1989. The BBC is highlighting stories from Nigerians who have been affected by a law in the country that allows so-called "unclaimed bodies" to be given to medical schools. Enya Egbe, now 26, said seven years ago he was in his anatomy class at Nigeria's University of Calabar when he recognized a body laid out on a table to dissect. It was his friend Divine, who had been shot and killed by police. There were two bullet holes on the right side of his chest, the outlet reports. Egbe ran out of the class. He later notified Divine's family who had been searching for him by going to police stations in the area. Its not clear how or why Divine was shot by police but he was arrested by security agents after a night out and was killed. Divines family was able to reclaim his body. RELATED: Police Brutality Caught On Camera: 22 Videos That Explain Why Black Lives Matter Nigeria also allows sending the bodies of executed criminals to medical schools. The BBC reports over 90% of the bodies used in Nigerian medical schools are "criminals killed by shooting", according to 2011 research in the medical journal Clinical Anatomy, which means they were likely suspects shot by security forces. The bodies are 95% male, ages 20 to 40 years old, and three out of four are from a lower socio-economic class. Enya Egbe currently works at a hospital lab. As for the family of Divine, the closest they came to justice was getting some of the officers involved in his killing fired. News Ahead of reopening schools, some parents are uneasy In July, as the delta variant of the coronavirus was fueling a spike of cases across the state, local school district leaders weighed their options ahead of another school year defined by a pandemic. Feeling the pressure to reopen schools full-time and get students back into their classrooms, superintendents and school board members often heard from a vocal and organized constituency parents opposed to masks. Hoping to sway decision-makers, the parents showed up at school board meetings, signed up for public comment and made their voices heard. When the Warren County Board of Education held a meeting July 19, one speaker added her voice to the anti-mask chorus, telling the board she was concerned that masks might come back into the situation. We pray not for that to happen because theres a lot of bad results from wearing masks, emotionally and mentally, said Cynthia Ribeiro, despite data that show community mask-wearing is effective at reducing coronavirus spread and the wearers exposure to infection. Still, another comparatively quieter constituency of parents is making its disappointment known now that its clear both local school systems intend to start the school year without a mask mandate in place. Its terrifying, Bethany Roberts, a mother of four, told the Daily News. Throughout Warren County, the vaccination rate remains low. Though the local rate has seen some uptick in recent weeks, only about 40% of the countys population has been vaccinated, according to a state-maintained data dashboard. Roberts youngest is too young to get the vaccine and will attend Cumberland Trace Elementary School when it opens Wednesday. After mixed results with the districts virtual academy last year, Roberts and her husband knew it was vital for all of her children to be back in school full-time this year. But WCPS decision to start school without a universal mask mandate despite updated advice from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and warnings from Gov. Andy Beshear has left Roberts at her wits end and worried for her childrens health. I dont understand how this is a political issue. I want my kids to be safe, she said. Roberts knows people are free to make their own choices. Still, that truism doesnt free individuals from the potential consequences and responsibility of their choices those who choose not to get vaccinated when it is made available to them should have to quarantine to protect others, she said. It feels like some have made major sacrifices and some have not, Roberts said. With Warren County Public Schools slated to officially open to students Wednesday, district spokeswoman Lauren Hanson Thurmond told the Daily News on Tuesday that it would stick with its current reopening protocol. WCPS Superintendent Rob Clayton did not respond to a request for comment regarding any last-minute changes or whether the district sees any downside to reopening without a mask mandate in place. Under that protocol, masking remains recommended, though not required for the unvaccinated. The only exception is on school buses, which the district points out is the result of mandates by the CDC and the Kentucky Department for Public Health. Getting the coronavirus vaccine is also recommended, though not required, to attend school in the district. WCPS is constantly monitoring local COVID-19 data and hospital capacity through area health experts and the Barren River Area District Health Department. We will continue to monitor the spread of the COVID-19 virus and its variants as the new school year approaches, WCPS said in its reopening protocol. In the event community conditions warrant reconsideration of these guidelines, WCPS is committed to notifying our entire school community in a timely manner. Under its own protocol, the Bowling Green Independent School District is taking a similar approach on masks and vaccines. Asked about whether the school district sees a detriment in starting school without requiring masks, BGISD Superintendent Gary Fields told the Daily News that just because the district starts school without them doesnt mean thats set in stone. It could be that, soon after we start, we have to implement a universal masking policy, Fields said. Some might think that would be embarrassing since the governor might say I told you so, but our approach is similar to last school year. We started school last year on a hybrid schedule that most people thought was crazy and unsustainable, but it ended up being a success. When it wasnt working Thanksgiving through the holidays we were virtual because that was what was needed at that time. Then in March we brought everyone back and many thought that wouldnt go well, but our kids and staff made it work. So here we are in August nine weeks after the end of last school year, a summer break when very few, if any, of our students wore a mask anywhere in our community so we feel like we can start the school without a mask mandate. If our data tells us that we need to mask, then we will do it immediately, Fields told the Daily News. Rita Conquergood, who identified herself as a grandmother of a child starting kindergarten Wednesday and a retired WCPS employee, said she was disappointed with the districts reopening plans. I would like to see mask mandates. I am concerned there will be outbreaks and it will not matter to them one bit, Conquergood told the Daily News. Other local parents who either did not give their names or did not want to be identified also contacted the Daily News to express their misgivings and disappointment about how schools were choosing to reopen without a universal mask mandate in place. One such parent who asked to be identified only as the parent of a Potter Gray Elementary School student out of concern for any negative consequences for his children told the Daily News that while children still seem to be at much lower risk of serious illness, hospitalization, and death, these risks are still associated with children contracting Covid-19. Additionally, we still do not know what the long-term health consequences may be for children and adults of any age who contract Covid-19, the Potter Gray parent told the Daily News. While none of us wants to wear a mask, requiring masks again seems like a reasonable and fairly low barrier measure to take in a public school setting to at least mitigate the risks for those in the school communities, the parent said. On Tuesday, Fayette County schools in Lexington reversed course and said it will require masks, and school districts in Carter and Martin counties announced they are delaying the start of school because of a surge in coronavirus cases. Follow education reporter Aaron Mudd on Twitter @NewsByAaron or visit bgdailynews.com. Spearfish, SD (57783) Today Thunderstorms early, then becoming mostly clear after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low near 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Thunderstorms early, then becoming mostly clear after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low near 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Spearfish, SD (57783) Today Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mainly clear skies after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low around 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Thunderstorms during the evening will give way to mainly clear skies after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low around 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Spearfish, SD (57783) Today Isolated thunderstorms early, becoming mostly clear after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low near 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%.. Tonight Isolated thunderstorms early, becoming mostly clear after midnight. A few storms may be severe. Low near 60F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 80%. BOISE - Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a threat to Idahos big game animals, and the Idaho Fish and Game needs hunters' help to help prevent it from entering the state and monitor for it within the state. CWD is a contagious and fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose in North America. There is no live test or known cure for CWD. CWD has not been detected in Idaho to date; however, animals in Montana, Utah and Wyoming have the disease, and infected animals have been found close to the Idaho border. Idaho Fish and Game staff sampled 1,113 mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk and moose in 2020 and early 2021 to test for Chronic Wasting Disease, and found no positive cases. This is an ongoing effort, and the majority of the animals tested came from hunters who allowed samples to be taken from big game they harvested. That will continue during fall hunting seasons. Hunter participation is critical for monitoring CWD and keeping it out of Idaho, and here are ways hunters can help. Are you hunting in Idaho for deer, elk or moose? The Idaho Fish and Game needs help to get more Idaho big game animals tested for CWD. Hunters can help increase the number of Idaho deer, elk and moose sampled for CWD by doing one of the following: Collecting samples from harvested animal and dropping them off at identified Idaho Fish and Game collection locations or a Regional Office. Dropping the head of harvested animal at identified Idaho Fish and Game collection locations or a Regional Office. Stop at one of Fish and Games big game check stations during hunting season. All drop off locations and check station information will be available on the Idaho Fish & Game CWD page. CWD sample kits can be requested directly from Fish and Game by emailing your mailing address to: wildlifelab@idfg.idaho.gov. Are you hunting outside Idaho for deer, elk, moose or caribou? Do not bring whole carcasses back. Idaho law does not allow hunters to bring into Idaho a whole carcass, or any part of a wild deer, elk, moose or caribou from any state, Canadian province, or country with a documented case of CWD. States and provinces in orange and tan have known cases of CWD. Dont worry, you can still bring the meat and antlers into Idaho, exemptions to the ban include: Meat that is cut and wrapped Quarters or deboned meat that does not include brain or spinal tissue Edible organs that do not include brains Hides without heads Upper canine teeth Ivories, buglers or whistlers Finished taxidermy Dried antlers Cleaned and dried skulls or skull caps What if you see an animal that appears to have CWD? Fish and Game welcomes reports by hunters and citizens. A person should accurately document the location of the animal (GPS coordinates if possible) and report the species and gender, if known. Take pictures, if possible, and immediately contact the nearest Fish and Game regional office. Do not attempt to touch, disturb, kill or remove the animal. Remember, early detection in an area is vital to containing the disease and preventing it from spreading to other areas of the state. You can also report online at Fish and Games Wildlife Health webpage. **UPDATE 1:00PM** According to an update from Evan Ellis with Pullman Radio News, the fire on Moscow Mountain is now contained. MOSCOW - Moscow Rural Fire Department Volunteers were called to a new blaze on Moscow Mountain around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday after a thunderstorm rolled through the area, according to a report from Pullman Radio News. Crews were assembling and trying to get to the blaze around sunrise this morning. Idaho Department of Lands and Moscow City Volunteer Firefighters have been called in to assist as well. The fire is reportedly burning on the north slope of the mountain just below the top of the ridge, and was estimated at approximately 10 to 15 acres in size as of about 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. Moscow Rural Fire Department Chief Brian Nickerson told Pullman Radio News the fire was likely sparked by lightning. Watch as I analyze the latest development at the chaotic southern border, something that has gone totally unreported by the corporate media. The Biden administration will reject infected migrants and will face lawsuits from loony groups on the far left that don't care a whit about what diseases are brought into the USA. Sign up for our Premium Membership and get Killing the Mob free. Techade REDEFINING FUTURE OF life sciences industry Digital transformation is the topmost priority for global corporations and in a highly connected world that will remain largely contactless for an extended period, there are shifts in business models, customer experience, operations, and employee experience. With technology adoption accelerating across sectors, 2021 is likely to put the spotlight on the emergence of growth verticals in the life sciences sector namely healthcare, pharma, medical devices, diagnostics etc. India is now standing at the cusp of a re-imagined decade of technology, commonly being referred to as Techade. While we anticipate a significantly better global economic growth this year as compared to 2020, we are also very much looking forward to the enhancement being brought to the Indian life sciences industry as it continues its transformation journey in this redefined techade. Award-winning through-the-line agency Think Creative Africa welcomes Zetu Damane and Thibedi Meso as chief strategy officer and executive creative director, respectively. The agency has been on a winning trajectory in the past year - which has seen it partnering with VMLYR to win the Vodacom account and, more recently, winning the Inspired Education Group account (Reddam House and Reddford House schools). Some of the brands under their belt include Multichoice, AMKA, Gautrain and Jack Ma Foundation. Left to right: Zetu Damane and Thibedi Meso. #YouthMonth: Think like these young, creative African females... Think Creative Hub's cofounders and creative directors Nkgabiseng 'Nkgabi' Motau and Mukondi Ralushayi explain their Cannes Lions links and why they just couldn't ignore feeling the itch of entrepreneurship two years ago... #Newsmaker: Nkgabiseng Motau, CCO at Think Creative Africa Nkgabiseng Motau, CCO and founding partner at Think Creative Africa, was once again selected to be part of the jury for Cannes Lions 2021... Ad Stars 2021 announces final jury, Nkgabiseng Motau to represent SA Ad Stars has confirmed that Nkgabiseng Motau, co-founder and CCO at Think Creative Africa will represent South Africa on its Executive Jury... Zetu Damane has joined the team as chief strategy officer, bringing with her over 15 years of strategic communication experience. She is a multiple-award-winning strategist and was voted one of SAs Young Guns by the Financial Mail in 2006. Her experience spans a range of sectors including FMCG, financial, automobile, QSR, medical and travel. Damane has worked at some of South Africas top agencies and has collected a number of Apex awards for effectiveness. Her insight driven work typically lands on Kantars Best Liked Ads list.Co-founder and chief executive officer of Think Creative Africa, Mukondi Kgomo, says: Damane is a perfect fit for our team. She is a data-driven individual who thrives on human-inspired insights. She is fearless and bold, fighting for depth over superficiality and it is this ability that allows her work to profoundly connect with audiences and shine. She is a sharp creative mind on the crest of the changes we are witnessing in the industry.Zetu Damane says of her new position: My role as chief strategy officer at Think Creative Africa provides a platform for creating exciting work that not only resonates but also shapes change. I love data and people, and it is at the intersection of these factors where brilliance happens. I have joined a solutions driven agency that celebrates boldness.Thibedi Meso has joined Think Creative Africa as executive creative director. With an impressive background in graphic design and having worked over a decade as a copywriter he has built an impressive portfolio. Brands such as Standard Bank, Nissan, Mazda, Discovery Life, M-Net, Metropolitan, OLX andhave benefitted from his advertising acumen.With awards won both locally and internationally, his proudest moment is still the time his grandmother bragged to her friends about a TV commercial he produced for Discovery Life, Ela ya makgoa a go bina ko lenyalong, which reflects his passion for creating insightful work that resonates with the local market.Meso says: I want to make work that inspires. I want to create discourse that spurs the new generation to pursue their place in the world. I want to execute work that opens the space to understand who we are, where we come from and to choose where we are going. The Think Creative Africa team is strongly local and understands the nuances in the marketplace. The team is passionate and connected to the youth and mass-market, which are exciting and evolving audiences.Nkgabiseng Motauco-founder and chief creative officer says: We are always looking to solve business problems creatively and we welcome the talents and insights Damane and Meso bring to our already strong team. There are no limits to innovation, social change, advertising and design and our values and work ethic hinge on that. Damane and Meso align with our exploratory ideology and align with us personally as change-makers. The now as well as the new is very exciting.Think Creative Africa is an independent through-the-line advertising agency that combines truly African creativity and data-led insights to generate ideas that solve business problems and impact society. Clients include Vodacom, Multichoice, AMKA, Gautrain and Jack Ma Foundation. Co-founder and chief creative officer Nkgabiseng Motau is on the Cannes Lions Jury 2021 and has been invited to represent South Africa at Ad Stars.For more information visit www.thinkcreativeafrica.co.za or follow the agency on Instagram Coca-Cola has always been about music and connecting people through the power of refreshment. This time around, the brand is taking the music out of the booth and putting it in your hands. Literally. Introducing Coca-Cola Beatnation a consumer-led engagement campaign that seeks to celebrate the youth by connecting them through music.The campaign launched with a combination of 40 new Coke cans and bottles with unique phrases on them, representing the four main components of music, namely a Beat, Melody, Effect and Lyric which combined can produce thousands of different tracks.The phrases were created in a way that all you needed to unlock the music was a Coca-Cola and your mouth, highlighting the simplicity of making music with your crew. To bring the campaign to life FCB Joburg assisted Coca-Cola in leading an online series, which saw them collaborate with the hottest names in the music industry like Big Zulu, Costa Titch, Paxton and Dee Koala among others, and partner with leading South African online music platform SlikourOnlife and popular radio stations, demonstrating how an ice-cold Coca-Cola can turn any dull day with your squad into an instant mic drop!When briefing FCB Joburg and partner-agencies, integrated marketing communications manager at Coca-Cola, Karen Alexander, explained: With the Beatnation campaign, we have an opportunity to celebrate our youth and encourage them to creatively share their own musical expressions with us by simply using the various Coca-Cola cans and bottles and collaborating with their friends to make their own unique tracks.To deliver on the client ask and showcase leading creative thinking, the campaign was developed by FCB Joburg creative team comprising creative director Jonathan Wolberg, art director Naledi Manama, copywriter Marvin Mpanda and business unit director Pascale Oswald."South African youth are the heartbeat of the nation, they are very progressive and continue to set global trends with music, through genres like Amapiano, Gqom, Afrobeat and Hip-Hop. So, with this campaign our aim was to go beyond the brief and create something that would deeply resonate with them, inspire creativity, and perhaps unearth the musician in all of us, says Jonathan Wolberg.To launch this campaign Coca-Cola leveraged the following elements: tactical radio placement, digital and OOH as well as social media, encouraging youth participation using the hashtag #RefreshWherevs . There was also an online tutorial series created on coca-cola.co.za to help teach and inspire teens how to make all the different sounds.This campaign has inspired the creation of incredible user-generated content that captured the youths imagination and interpretation of music, resulting in the brand receiving double brand love mentions and seeing the campaign trend on Twitter during its first week of launch. Having recently launched TikTok For Business in South Africa, the popular entertainment platform is now taking its offerings a step further with the introduction of Spark Ads. Adding weight to the current belief that creator content is one of the biggest draws for consumers today, TikTok is aiming to empower brands to team up with TikTok content that is already trending. COVID-19 spike would have put most of Oregon under former 'extreme risk' rating Boulder, MT (59632) Today A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Clear to partly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Clear to partly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. What's Included With a Digital Only subscription, you'll receive unlimited access to our website and e-edition. Our digital products are available 24/7 and are accessible anywhere, anytime. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our customer service team at 814-368-3173 or email nfinnerty@oleantimesherald.com. WASHINGTON (AP) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new eviction moratorium that would last until Oct. 3, as the Biden administration sought to quell intensifying criticism from progressives that it was allowing vulnerable renters to lose their homes during a pandemic. Supporters of Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., camp with her outside the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, Monday, Aug. 2, 2021, as anger and frustration has mounted in Congress after a nationwide eviction moratorium expired at midnight Saturday. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) WASHINGTON (AP) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new eviction moratorium that would last until Oct. 3, as the Biden administration sought to quell intensifying criticism from progressives that it was allowing vulnerable renters to lose their homes during a pandemic. The ban announced Tuesday could help keep millions in their homes as the coronavirus delta variant has spread and states have been slow to release federal rental aid. It would temporarily halt evictions in counties with substantial and high levels of virus transmissions and would cover areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives. The announcement was a reversal for the Biden administration, which allowed an earlier moratorium to lapse over the weekend after saying a Supreme Court ruling prevented an extension. That ripped open a dramatic split between the White House and progressive Democrats who insisted the administration do more to prevent some 3.6 million Americans from losing their homes during the COVID-19 crisis. Speaking at the White House on Tuesday, Biden said he pushed the CDC to again consider its options. But he still seemed hesitant as to whether the new moratorium could withstand lawsuits about its constitutionality, saying he has sought the opinions of experts as to whether the Supreme Court would approve the measure. The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that its not likely to pass constitutional muster, Biden said. But there are several key scholars who think that it may and its worth the effort. Abbas Alawieh, chief of staff for Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., takes a drink of water after sitting on the steps of Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. Bush has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol in protest of the eviction moratorium lapse, since the weekend.(AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades) The president added that the moratorium even if it gets challenged in court will probably give some additional time for states and city to release billions of dollars in federal relief to renters. Politically, the extension could help heal a rift with liberal Democratic lawmakers who were calling on the president to take executive action to keep renters in their homes. The administration had spent the past several days scrambling to reassure Democrats and the country that it could find a way to limit the damage from potential evictions through the use of federal aid. But pressure mounted as key lawmakers said it was not enough. Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., second from left, sits with supporters advocating for reinstating the now-expired nationwide eviction moratorium sit outside of Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. Bush has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol in protest since the weekend. She was joined overnight Monday by Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jimmy Gonzalez, D-Calif., and others who gave her a brief reprieve so she could rest indoors. Bush also had a brief conversation Monday at the Capitol with Vice President Kamala Harris. (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades) Top Democratic leaders joined Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol for several days. The freshman congresswoman once lived in her car as a young mother and pointed to that experience to urge the White House to prevent widespread evictions. As she wiped her eyes before a crowd at the Capitol after the CDC's announcement, Bush said she was shedding joyful tears. My God, I dont believe we did this, she said. "We just did the work, just by loving folks to keep millions in their homes. President Joe Biden answers a question from a reporter as he speaks about the coronavirus pandemic in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was a day of "extraordinary relief. The imminent fear of eviction and being put out on the street has been lifted for countless families across America. Help is Here! Pelosi said in a statement. Administration officials had previously said a Supreme Court ruling stopped them from setting up a new moratorium without congressional backing. When the court allowed the eviction ban to remain in place through the end of July by a 5-4 vote, one justice in the majority, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote that Congress would have to act to extend it further. Casey Long and Adrienne, a service dog in training, sit on the steps of Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen briefed House Democrats Tuesday on the administration's efforts to prevent widespread housing evictions after a moratorium lapsed, but lawmakers protesting outside the U.S. Capitol said more needs to be done, intensifying pressure on President Joe Biden to act. (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades) But on Tuesday, the CDC cited the slow pace of state and local governments disbursing housing aid as justification for the new moratorium. Aside from the moratorium, Biden has insisted that federal money is available some $47 billion previously approved during the pandemic that needs to get out the door to help renters and landlords. The money is there, Biden said. From left, Rep. Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., celebrate the announcement that the Biden administration will enact a targeted nationwide eviction moratorium outside of Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. (AP Photo/Amanda Andrade-Rhoades) The White House has said state and local governments have been slow to push out that federal money and is pressing them to do so swiftly. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen briefed House Democrats Tuesday about the work underway to ensure the federal housing aid makes it to renters and landlords. She provided data so that lawmakers could see how their districts and states are performing with distributing the relief, according to a person on the call. The treasury secretary tried to encourage Democrats to work together, even as lawmakers said Biden should act on his own to extend the eviction moratorium, according to someone on the private call who insisted on anonymity to discuss its contents. Yellen said on the call, according to this person, that she agrees "we need to bring every resource to bear and that she appreciated the Democrats' efforts and wants "to leave no stone unturned. The CDC put the initial eviction ban in place as part of the COVID-19 response when jobs shifted and many workers lost income. The ban was intended to hold back the spread of the virus among people put out on the streets and into shelters, but it also penalized landlords who lost income as a result. National Apartment Association president and CEO Bob Pinnegar said the organization has always held the same position -- the eviction moratorium is an unfunded government mandate that forces housing providers to deliver a costly service without compensation and saddles renters with insurmountable debt. Democratic lawmakers said they were caught by surprise by Bidens initial decision to end the moratorium even though the CDC indicated in late June that it probably wouldn't extend the eviction ban beyond the end of July. Rep. Maxine Waters, the powerful chair of the Financial Services Committee, has been talking privately for days with Yellen and urged the treasury secretary to use her influence to prod states to push the money out the door. But Waters also called on the CDC to act on its own. After the CDC's announcement Tuesday, Waters released a statement thanking Biden for listening and for encouraging the CDC to act! This extension of the moratorium is the lifeline that millions of families have been waiting for." Associated Press writers Michael Casey and Alexandra Jaffe contributed to this report. With the 2021-22 post-secondary school year quickly approaching, the Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations is urging the province to implement mandatory vaccine requirements for staff and students who are attending in-person activities this fall. Advertisement Advertise With Us With the 2021-22 post-secondary school year quickly approaching, the Manitoba Organization of Faculty Associations is urging the province to implement mandatory vaccine requirements for staff and students who are attending in-person activities this fall. According to a Tuesday morning news release, MOFA recently passed this unanimous motion in the hopes of influencing university administrations to be proactive and prevent the further spread of COVID-19. "With a fourth wave looming, and a highly transmissible delta variant in the community, a mandatory vaccination policy is the prudent move," MOFA president Scott Forbes said in Tuesdays release. MOFA representatives acknowledged that this mandatory vaccine policy should come with some exceptions, proposing a "science-based grace period" for international students who didnt have the time or the opportunity to get fully vaccinated before arriving in Manitoba. The organization believes that students or staff with certain medical conditions should also be exempt from this policy. This MOFA motion comes after hundreds of post-secondary institutions in the United States have already implemented similar mandatory vaccine requirements, including such prestigious schools as Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley. While this approach hasnt been widely adopted here in Canada, Seneca College officials announced in mid-July that vaccinations are required for students and employees looking to return to their Toronto, York Region and Peterborough campuses this fall. University of Manitoba assistant professor Jason Kindrachuk, who specializes in viral pathogenesis, characterizes MOFAs motion as a "reasonable precaution," especially given the success vaccinations have had in the fight against COVID thus far. "I hope that by calling for this approach with time before the beginning of the term that our administrations and provincial government can take a science-based approach as they support our universities in the return to in-person learning," Kindrachuk said in Tuesdays news release. MOFA currently represents around 1,500 academics, with its members being made up of representatives from Brandon University, Universite de Saint-Boniface, University of Manitoba and University of Winnipeg. Three members of the Brandon University Faculty Association currently sit on MOFAs council, according to the groups official website. However, BUFA president Gautam Srivastava told the Sun on Tuesday that the union itself still hasnt officially endorsed mandatory vaccinations for staff and students, since its executive hasnt had time to properly discuss the matter in full. "What I will tell you is that, with (the BU administration), were working on a memorandum of understanding for the fall term right now, which we havent released yet," Srivastava said over the phone. "Theres a bunch of issues that weve pinpointed that would need to go into the memorandum of understanding for the fall, especially because we are doing kind of a mixed learning environment." With that being said, BU president David Docherty told the Sun that the school isnt going to adopt any mandatory vaccine policy for staff or students, since doing so at this point wouldnt give them enough time to properly prepare for the fall semester. "Had the province said yes, you can require vaccinations two months ago, we might have had time to do it," Docherty said. "But it isnt really feasible to do it right away." But the BU president is still encouraging staff and students to get vaccinated as soon as possible, since school officials are preparing for in-person learning to take place this fall for classes that dont exceed 25 people and can provide up to two metres of physical distancing. All other classes will take place online. "Were hopeful that were going to be full-on come January," Docherty said. When asked about mandatory vaccine policies during a Tuesday news conference, chief provincial public health officer Dr. Brent Roussin replied by saying that the province doesnt have any plans to mandate vaccines at post-secondary schools for the fall. "But certainly as we move to public health recommendations from orders, we may see certain businesses or organizations doing things that they feel protects their patrons and employees the most," he said. Roussin also mentioned that the provinces official back-to-school plan will be unveiled sometime later this week. kdarbyson@brandonsun.com Twitter: @KyleDarbyson Premier Brian Pallister appeared unapologetic when asked during Tuesdays press conference to announce loosened health restrictions in the province if it was hypocritical of his government to hire a private investigator to investigate NDP Leader Wab Kinew. Advertisement Advertise With Us Premier Brian Pallister appeared unapologetic when asked during Tuesdays press conference to announce loosened health restrictions in the province if it was hypocritical of his government to hire a private investigator to investigate NDP Leader Wab Kinew. In early July, Manitoba Court of Queens Bench Chief Justice Glenn Joyal said he had been followed by a private investigator in an attempt to catch him breaking COVID-19 rules. The private investigator had been hired by a lawyer for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, which was working on behalf of the group of churches challenging the provinces public health restrictions. Provincial Justice Minister Cameron Friesen expressed his concern at the time. A year before the snap election call in 2019, Pallisters office made plans to hire a private investigator to investigate Kinew. Pallister ordered his senior political staff to hire a private investigator to dig up dirt on Kinew in the prelude to the 2019 election, a violation of strict guidelines preventing partisan activities from intruding on the business of government, it was reported recently by the Winnipeg Free Press. "Its our obligation to do research. And when we received allegations that someone has covered up a criminal record, its important to do the research and get the facts. This record was covered up. So we had a criminal record check done, and I think thats an appropriate thing to do. I think research matters," Pallister said in Tuesdays press conference. Questioned about his justification for using taxpayers resources for the executive council to proceed with the plan to dig up dirt on Kinew, Pallister replied, "This closed criminal record is hardly the same as digging up dirt." "When we had information brought to us, a criminal record, that the NDP had covered up and that their leadership candidate Wab Kinew had covered up, we didnt take it at face value. We researched it first to make sure that it was factually correct. And it turned out it was." Pallister said Kinew had covered up his record. "It wasnt in his book. It wasnt in any of his previous statements," Pallister said. "He ran for public office, without disclosing a rather lengthy, over a number of years, interaction with the justice system." Pallister said its his governments obligation to do research in political parties, and media as well. "Thats what we did. I would encourage people who want to enter public life to remember, just as I am reminded frequently, that your life is on display. And I encourage Mr. Kinew to come clean for any other interactions he may have had with the justice department for various criminal activities. Because the sooner he wrestles those demons, the sooner forgiveness will come. Thats what I hope for him." During a period in which he admits to being an alcoholic, Kinew had had several run-ins with police, including incidents in which he assaulted a cab driver and faced criminal charges relating to allegations he physically assaulted a former girlfriend. The charges were eventually stayed. Kinew secured 18 seats for the NDP in the 2019 election. kkielley@brandonsun.com, with files from the Winnipeg Free Press Police are investigating after part of a monument to children who died in residential schools went up in flames early Tuesday. Advertisement Advertise With Us Police are investigating after part of a monument to children who died in residential schools went up in flames early Tuesday. At approximately 3 a.m., police responded to a report from a private security company of a small fire outside St. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic church, police say. A "small household-type decoration" was in flames. Police say the decoration was part of the "Every Child Matters" memorial, which was erected on the steps of the church after hundreds of unmarked graves were found at residential schools across the country. The fire was extinguished by security, but police are now investigating. Brandon police public information officer Sgt. Kirby Sararas said the fire is suspicious as there is no explanation for the item catching fire. "It is believed to have been intentionally done and the motive behind why it was intentionally done is unclear," she said. "In light of current events in Canada and just the nature of whats been happening, it prompted us to open up an investigation into the burning of this particular item at a church." When the Sun visited on Tuesday afternoon there were scorch marks visible on the stone at the top of the churchs front steps off Lorne Avenue. Bits of burned orange string were scattered on the steps, but it was unclear what the burned item was. Several pairs of shoes that are part of the monument were left on the lower stairs undamaged. A sign posted on the railing says the memorial was placed there "in memorial of all the Indigenous children who died at Residential Schools and for the families and communities who are grieving their loss." "We grieve with you. We are sorry this happened to you," it reads. The sign encourages people to pause at the monument and tie and orange ribbon on the wreath of reconciliation. The Sun reached out to St. Augustines for comment on Tuesday but was told Pastor John Okosun was away. Christian Martinez, the director of communication services for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, said the Archdiocese was unable to comment. "Unfortunately, the Archdiocese of Winnipeg has no comment on this incident at this time. We are unaware of the details of the incident and so couldnt give you an informed/good comment," an email from Martinez read. Anyone with information regarding the alleged arson is asked to contact Brandon Police Service at 204-729-2345 or brandon.ca/police-contact/police-contact. No arrests had been made as of Tuesday. dmay@brandonsun.com Twitter: @DrewMay_ OTTAWA - Canadians may have to wait a few days to find out the final results of a federal election called in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada's chief electoral officer warns. Chief Electoral Officer Stephane Perrault signs the writs of the 43rd general election during a photo opportunity in Gatineau, Que., Friday, Sept. 20, 2019. Canadians may have to wait a few days to find out the final results of a federal election called in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada's chief electoral officer warns. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang OTTAWA - Canadians may have to wait a few days to find out the final results of a federal election called in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada's chief electoral officer warns. And they may find themselves voting in unusual places or having to go a bit further afield to cast their ballots. But Stephane Perrault wants Canadians to know there's nothing nefarious about the departures from the norm. They're part of a process Elections Canada has devised to ensure an election can be conducted safely and produce trustworthy results while the country remains in the grip of COVID-19. "It's important for Canadians to understand that this is part of the plan of deliberate choices that we've made," Perrault said in an interview with The Canadian Press. "It's not an accident, it's not a sign of things going wrong but in fact is part of the process as we've designed it in these very unique circumstances of the pandemic." Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is widely expected to pull the plug on his minority Liberal government later this month for an election in mid to late September. All parties are gearing up for a campaign, even as chief public health officer Dr. Theresa Tam is warning that Canada is on the verge of a fourth wave of COVID-19, driven by the more infectious Delta variant. Should a summer election call occur, Elections Canada is ready for a potentially explosive increase in the number of Canadians who choose to vote by mail during the pandemic as many as five million, compared to fewer than 50,000 in the 2019 election. Perrault said mail-in ballots will not be counted until the day after the election, in order to allow them to be received right up to the last minute before polls close and to give election officials time subsequently to carefully conduct checks to ensure no one who voted by mail also cast a ballot in person. In a worst-case scenario, he said it may take two to five days to complete the mail-in ballot count. That could mean the results of close races in some ridings won't be known immediately. And, if the national results are tight, it could mean the overall outcome which party wins the most seats, whether it has a minority or majority could be equally in limbo. But Perrault said the time lag is necessary to guarantee the integrity of the results. "As much as we like early results, I think Canadians expect that we do it right." Mail-in ballots during last fall's U.S. election became fodder for Donald Trump's unfounded claims that voter fraud robbed him of the presidency. Millions of Republican supporters and conspiracy theorists continue to believe that, undermining the legitimacy of the American electoral process. But Perrault is hopeful the vast majority of Canadians will continue to have confidence in the electoral process here. Unlike the U.S., he noted there is no "deep partisan divide" in Canada over the issue of voting by mail. "All parties see the need to have vote by mail, they understand that we have controls in place ... People should not expect what happened in the U.S. to happen in a federal election in Canada." In anticipation of a dramatic increase in demand for mail-in voting, Elections Canada plans to make it possible to apply online for mail-in vote kits. Voters who fear their mail-in ballots won't be received on time will be able to drop off their ballots at their local polling place on voting day or have a friend do it for them. The names of anyone who is issued a mail-in ballot will be crossed out on voting lists as having already voted. Individuals who don't receive their mail-in ballot by voting day may swear an oath to that effect and still vote in person. However, the mail-in ballots of anyone found to have voted in person will not be counted. Elections Canada still expects the majority of Canadians will choose to vote in person. The agency has stocked up on face masks, sanitizers, single-use pencils and plexiglass partitions to ensure the safety of voters and poll workers. It has also attempted to line up potential locations for polling stations in advance. Nevertheless, Perrault said he expects some of the usual polling locations, like schools and recreation facilities, will not want to allow large numbers of voters coming into their buildings during the pandemic. Consequently, he said some voters, especially in small communities, may wind up going to unusual places like hotels or movie theatres to cast their ballots. It may mean some voters will have to travel further to get to their polling place. "Some may be suspicious and wonder what's going on and it's important that they understand that there's nothing nefarious going on. We're trying to find the best available locations for them," he said. Last summer, Perrault called for legislative changes that would, among other things, allow a pandemic election to be held on two weekend days, rather than the usual Monday. The Trudeau government did introduce a bill that incorporated some of Perrault's recommendations but it was not passed before the House of Commons broke for the summer. Perrault said his original recommendations were based on the state of the pandemic at the time, when no vaccines were available and he feared that his usual poll workers, who tend to be over 60 years of age, would not put themselves at risk. The situation now is quite different, with Canada among the world leaders in vaccinations, and Perrault said he's confident Elections Canada can deliver a safe, fair pandemic election without legislative changes. Perrault had also wanted legislative endorsement of his discretionary authority to allow for more flexibility in how ballots are cast at vulnerable long-term care facilities. While he didn't get that in legislation, he said he feels he did get all-party endorsement of his plans in any event. He also called last summer for a long campaign period in order to give Elections Canada more time to implement safety measures and process mail-in ballots. By law, an election period must be set at a minimum of 36 days and no longer than 50 days but it is up to the prime minister to determine the exact length of the campaign within those parameters. Perrault said Elections Canada is prepared to run an election, regardless of the length of the campaign. Still, he said "there is merit to a longer period," to give people more time to vote by mail and to give the agency more time to recruit workers and find polling places. This report by The Canadian Press was first published Aug. 4, 2021. FUJAIRAH, United Arab Emirates (AP) The hijackers who captured a vessel off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman departed the targeted ship on Wednesday, the British navy reported, as recorded radio traffic appeared to reveal a crew member onboard saying Iranian gunmen had stormed the asphalt tanker. FUJAIRAH, United Arab Emirates (AP) The hijackers who captured a vessel off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman departed the targeted ship on Wednesday, the British navy reported, as recorded radio traffic appeared to reveal a crew member onboard saying Iranian gunmen had stormed the asphalt tanker. The incident described by the British militarys United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations the night before as a potential hijack" revived fears of an escalation in Mideast waters and ended with as much mystery as it began. A ship in the Gulf of Oman may have been a hijacking target Tuesday. (AP Graphic) Hints of what unfolded on the Panama-flagged asphalt tanker, called Asphalt Princess, began to emerge with the maritime radio recording, obtained by commodities pricing firm Argus Media and shared with The Associated Press. In the audio, a crew member can be heard telling the Emirati coast guard that five or six armed Iranians had boarded the tanker. Iranian people are onboard with ammunition, the crew member says. We are now, drifting. We cannot tell you exact our ETA to (get to) Sohar, the port in Oman listed on the vessels tracker as its destination. It was not clear whether the crew members, whom he identified as Indian and Indonesian, were in immediate danger. No one took responsibility for the brief seizure, which underscored mounting tensions as Iran and the United States seek a resolution to their standoff over Tehran's tattered 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Apparently responding to the incident, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Tuesday denied that Iran played any role. He described the recent maritime attacks in the Persian Gulf as completely suspicious. Over the past years, the rising tensions have played out in the waters of the Persian Gulf, where just last week a drone attack on an oil tanker linked to an Israeli billionaire off the coast of Oman killed two crew members. The West blamed Iran for the raid, which marked the first known fatal assault in the yearslong shadow war targeting vessels in Mideast waters. Iran denied involvement. The oil tanker Mercer Street, which came under attack last week off Oman, is seen moored off Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. The British navy warned of a "potential hijack" of another ship off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman on Tuesday, though the circumstances remain unclear. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell) Late on Tuesday, the intruders boarded the Asphalt Princess sailing off the coast of Fujairah, authorities said. The official news agency of Omans military said it received reports that the Asphalt Princess had been hijacked and immediately dispatched Royal Air Force maritime patrol aircraft and naval vessels to contribute to securing international waters. In the recorded radio traffic, when the Emirati coast guard asks the crew member what the Iranian gunmen were doing onboard, he says he cannot understand the (Iranians), his voice muffled, before trying to hand over the radio to someone else. The call then cuts off. Possible signs of trouble began to emerge that evening when six oil tankers off the coast of Fujairah announced around the same time via their Automatic Identification System trackers that they were not under command, according to MarineTraffic.com. That typically means a vessel has lost power and can no longer steer. Satellite-tracking data for the Asphalt Princess had showed it gradually heading toward Iranian waters off the port of Jask early Wednesday, according to MarineTraffic.com. Hours later, however, it stopped and changed course toward Oman, just before the British navy group declared the hijackers had departed and the vessel was now safe. A fisherman brings his boat in after casting his nets in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. The British navy warned of a "potential hijack" of another ship off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman near Fujairah on Tuesday, though the circumstances remain unclear. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell) In an analysis, maritime intelligence firm Dryad Global described the seizure of the Asphalt Princess as the latest Iranian response to outside pressures, economic conflicts and other grievances. Iran has consistently shown that in conducting this kind of operation, it is calculated in doing so, both by targeting vessels directly connected with ongoing disputes and (vessels) operating within the grey space of legitimacy, which may be involved in illicit trade, Dryad Global said. The owner of the Asphalt Princess, listed as Emirati free zone-based Glory International, could not immediately be reached for comment. The U.S. militarys Mideast-based 5th Fleet and the British Defense Ministry also did not respond to requests for comment. The Emirati government did not immediately acknowledge the incident. An Emirati Coast Guard vessel patrols off Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, Aug. 4, 2021. The British navy warned of a "potential hijack" of another ship off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman near Fujairah on Tuesday, though the circumstances remain unclear. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell) The Gulf of Oman sits near the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all traded oil passes. Fujairah, on the UAEs eastern coast, is a main port in the region for ships to take on new oil cargo, pick up supplies or trade out crew. For the past two years, after then-President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from Iran's nuclear deal and imposed crushing sanctions, the waters off Fujairah have witnessed a series of explosions and hijackings. The U.S. Navy has blamed Iran for a series of limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers. In the summer of 2019, Iran's Revolutionary Guard troops detained a British-flagged tanker, the Stena Impero, near the Strait of Hormuz. Last year, an oil tanker sought by the U.S. for allegedly circumventing sanctions on Iran was hijacked off the Emirati coast and later ended up in Iran, though Tehran never acknowledged the incident. And in January, armed Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops stormed a South Korean tanker and forced the ship to change course and travel to Iran. While Iran claimed it detained the ship over pollution concerns, it appeared to link the seizure to negotiations over billions of dollars in Iranian assets frozen in South Korean banks. DeBre reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (The Center Square) Texas Republican Congressman Chip Roy is calling for the impeachment of President Joe Biden and the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing their reckless immigration policy that many lawmakers argue is endangering the lives of Texans and Americans. "Total encounters: 205,029. Total known getaways: 37,400. 1.3 million for 2021 so far. Largest monthly encounter number since 2000," Roy tweeted. Roy told Newsmax that what is happening at the Texas-Mexico border is endangering Texans, endangering ranchers, endangering our country with opioids flowing in, and cartels having operational control. Youve got thousands of immigrants who are in these horrible conditions and are risking their lives and are being abused by cartels. Assuming that Republicans will regain control of Congress in the next election, Roy said, We ought to impeach Mayorkas, we ought to consider impeaching President Biden. They are not faithfully executing the laws of the United States, they are doing it purposefully. They are endangering Americans, its enough. The American people have had it, the Texans have had it, and they can all just go to hell. Roy also repeated what he told The Center Square that one of the best ways to secure the border is to shut ports of entry in Texas, an action Texans have been asking Gov. Greg Abbott to take, which he has not done. I think we're getting to a point right now where we ought to consider just shutting down the ports of entry, to send a loud signal to the United States that we're not going to deal with this anymore, Roy told Newsmax. I think we need to go put our own manpower down at the border. While Abbott has authorized another roughly 300 Texas National Guardsmen to assist Texas DPS, none are on the ground, in the bush patrolling or positioned along the actual border. The initial 500 tasked with duties at the border have provided administrative support only. Critics argue the way in which the Texas National Guard has been deployed does not actually defend Texas and doesnt utilize the military training or experience of Texas guardsmen and women who have served overseas defending other countries borders. Roy said hes fed up with a federal mask mandate on Americans while the Biden administration has opened up the border to people who have the coronavirus. He told Fox News Tucker Carlson, Im over it. I'm sick of it. I'm watching Texas get decimated with opioids flowing into Texas, fentanyl. La Joya, Texas right now, we have a hotel filled with individuals who came here illegally that Catholic Charities put in a hotel that they knew had COVID. Here we are saying, oh, we're going to have to wear masks on the floor of the House, but we're going to do nothing to stop the flow of people coming across our border. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. I introduced legislation for a discharge petition to require the enforcement of Title 42 so that we will turn people away at the border who have COVID rather than forcing this ridiculousness on the American people... And you know what? Only about 125 of my Republican colleagues have signed the petition yet. Where are the other 80 Republicans? The petition began April 20 and as of July 30, 149 Republican House members have signed it. Earlier in the year, Roy asked on the House floor, Why did Texas join the Union if the Union wont defend it? in a video the Texas Nationalist Movement has helped publicize. The movement, which calls for Texas to leave the Union, has grown since 2016, when delegates of the Texas Republican Party debated adding secessionist language to its platform. The head of fruit and vegetable giant SPC is hoping many other businesses will follow his companys decision to mandate vaccinations for all onsite personnel, though experts are querying the legality of the move. SPC, which produces its eponymous goods alongside Ardmona and Goulburn Valley-branded products, announced on Thursday its staff will need to be vaccinated by November and will not gain entry to any of its locations if they are not - a decision made in the face of the quickly spreading Delta variant of the coronavirus. SPC is the first Australian company to mandate staff get vaccinated against COVID-19. Credit:2004 What really prompted us this week was how Delta is spreading in the community and resetting the rules, chief executive Robert Giles told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. After aged care, healthcare and frontline workers, were the next area that should be vaccinated - not only to protect our staff, but to protect the food supply for the country. Its an increasingly rare species, an accomplished local drama series that has the broad appeal required to secure a prime-time slot on network television. The eight-part RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Service is also a noteworthy departure from current trends: No dystopian darkness, no murder plot, no mothers behaving badly or singles lookin for love. Shot on location in Broken Hill, in large part at the RFDS base, and with a focus on rural and regional Australia, its a tribute to the services staff and to the vast community that relies on them. One of my favourite shows is Friday Night Lights, says co-creator and producer Imogen Banks. I love the way that the town is one of the main characters. That was one of our early references; we wanted to build a mosaic of a community. As well, says co-creator, co-script producer and writer Ian Meadows, We wanted to represent the truth of being someone who is relied upon at the frontier of medicine and aviation, and the sole connection for these families and communities that are hundreds of kilometres from help. We were interested in the psychological, physical and mental challenges for the front-line health workers and first responders. The cast of RFDS (clockwise from left): Stephen Peacocke, Rodney Afif , Jack Scott, Thomas Weatherall , Rob Collins, Ash Ricardo, Emma Hamilton, Justine Clarke, Kate Mulvany Credit:Daniel Asher Smith The drama aims to portray the town as a vibrant destination. Banks says that she, along with many members of the cast and crew, fell in love with the place, happily noting the availability of good coffee, that unofficial yet widely accepted gauge of liveability. Its a sophisticated place, she says. Its not like being dumped in the middle of nowhere, which is often how these stories of remote places are told: theyre all about hardship and lack of choice. Broken Hill is a thriving community. Of course, its got its problems because there are 18,000 people living there, so theres the full spectrum of humanity. But we didnt want to make a patronising show about rural-dom that portrayed Australians as unsophisticated people in a big, brown land being bitten by things. A key goal of that portrayal was to capture the desert landscape in a style that was vivid without being postcard kitsch. Whats beautiful about Damos work (cinematographer Damian Wyvill) is that he found specificity in it, says Banks. He didnt over-crank the red. Its not red all the time. Thats whats addictive about being there: theres a spectrum of beautiful bruised colours. Adds Meadows, We didnt want that blue-rinsed, washed-out, very cool tone but we also didnt want it to be too rosy. We were trying to capture how stunning and stark it is. The state government is refusing to release a report into how logging operations should change in the wake of the Black Summer bushfires even as felling begins in a sensitive South Coast region hit hard by the blazes. Planning Minister Rob Stokes asked the Natural Resources Commission to examine forestry operations after the Environment Protection Authority and Forestry Corp, the state-owned logging body, clashed over so-called site specific conditions that limited the amount of native trees that could be felled in state forests. A logging truck is loaded up with timber in a region of the South Brooman State Forest. A report by the Natural Resources Commission into forestry after the bushfires is sitting with ministers but has not been released because of cabinet confidentiality. Credit:Janie Barrett The Commission has completed its report and sent it to Mr Stokes and his colleagues, Deputy Premier John Barilaro, and Environment Minister Matt Kean. A spokeswoman for Mr Barilaro said the report was being considered by the NSW government and remains Cabinet in Confidence. It may surprise some Australians that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boys born in the Northern Territory and Western Australia have a shorter life expectancy than boys born in Iraq, Libya and the West Bank and Gaza. Born into a nation racked by decades of war, Iraqi boys can expect to live to 68 while in resource-rich, First-World Western Australia, the average Indigenous boy wont live to see 67. There has been a lot of commentary about Australias lagging in certain global rankings, especially vaccines, but this is a shocking outcome that no Australian should tolerate, especially as we rapidly approach a critical juncture in Indigenous policy. On current projections, most Indigenous children alive today will not witness a closing of the gap on incarceration in their lifetimes. Credit:Angela Wylie The Productivity Commission last week released its Annual Data Compilation Report, the first snapshot of progress under the new National Agreement on Closing the Gap. On Thursday, the Prime Minister will release the federal governments Closing the Gap implementation plan. Yet on Monday, the Minister for Indigenous Australians, Ken Wyatt, cast doubt on his plans to legislate a Voice to Parliament for First Nations Australians before the next election. This, perversely, is a good result for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who have not asked for Wyatts legislated Voice. Instead, they want a Voice that is guaranteed by the constitution, as proposed in the Uluru Statement from the Heart. The Victorian government announced earlier this evening that new coronavirus restrictions would apply across the state for seven days from 8pm Thursday. There are now only five reasons to leave home. You can leave your home to get food and supplies, to exercise for up to two hours, for care or caregiving, or work or education if you cant do it from home. You are also allowed to leave your home to get vaccinated, but the five-kilometre limit has been re-imposed. You can, however, travel further than five kilometres for essential goods and services when they cannot be accessed closer to home, to visit an intimate partner or a person in your single bubble and for authorised work and caring. Only one person per household is allowed to leave to do the shopping. Gatherings are not permitted in private or public settings with exemptions for intimate partners and single person bubbles. If you can work from home you must work from home. Mask rules remain as they were with face coverings compulsory indoors outside of the home and outdoors including all workplaces. Loading Exercise and Recreation must be done within five kilometres of your home and limited to two people. Indoor physical recreation and sport is closed with limited exceptions for hydrotherapy. Outdoor physical recreation and sport is closed except for outdoor playgrounds, skate parks and gym equipment. Primary and secondary schools will return to remote learning except for vulnerable children or children of authorised workers. Childcare and early childcare will remain open. For a full rundown of all the rules that apply in Victoria for the next seven days, take a look at this handy explainer. Frustrated pharmacists say they are waiting up to two weeks for COVID-19 vaccine deliveries to arrive, with hundreds of the states pharmacies signed up for the program still waiting for jabs. About 1250 pharmacies in NSW were authorised to administer AstraZeneca vaccines in April, but according to the states pharmacy guild only 314 are inoculating customers, with many concerned the rollout is being stymied by a sluggish supply chain while waiting lists grow. Pharmacist Mario Barone, in Sydneys hotspot of Fairfield, said despite placing a second order for AstraZeneca doses on Monday the vaccines are only due to arrive on August 20. Pharmacies were initially able to order 300 doses each fortnight but the maximum order has been doubled to 600. Fairfields Barone Pharmacy will be administering COVID-19 vaccines. Credit:Louise Kennerley We wait patiently on the sideline as the weeks go by, said pharmacist Warren Del-Grande from Lugarno Pharmacy, on the cusp of the Canterbury-Bankstown local government area. There are a number of pharmacies wishing they could be giving doses but its now a waiting game. New South Wales has effectively killed off the border bubble by forcing its residents into isolation if they have visited the south-east Queensland lockdown zone. NSW Health issued an order requiring any resident who has been in any of the 11 south-east Queensland council areas covered by this weeks lockdown to stay at home for 14 days. It means people living inside the border bubble in northern NSW effectively can not travel into south-east Queensland because they would be forced to isolate on their return. Anyone who has been to any of the 11 affected council areas in Queensland since July 21 must stay at home and only leave with a reasonable excuse. Queensland Health Minister Yvette DAth has asked for AstraZeneca doses to be delivered directly to pharmacies to help speed up their delivery into residents arms as political point-scoring continues to overshadow rollout efforts. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt declared on Monday he could offer Queensland 150,000 AstraZeneca doses immediately if required, an offer that was welcomed by his state counterpart, Yvette DAth. On Wednesday, Ms DAth told reporters she would write to Mr Hunt to ask for the vaccines to be sent directly to the 224 community pharmacies approved this week to start delivering doses to help speed up the process. But she said those who had put in the orders had been told they would not be arriving until next week. One of Victorias biggest private schools will begin vaccinating its staff on campus this week, with several others looking to follow suit after the union for non-government school staff said an unvaccinated workforce poses an unacceptable risk to the community. Wesley College will begin a voluntary on-site vaccination program for 700 staff across three campuses on Friday. Wesley College will start vaccinating its 700 staff on Friday. Credit:Michael Clayton-Jones The school was approached with free leftover COVID-19 vaccinations by an unnamed vaccination provider that administers the schools annual flu shots and owns and operates GP clinics. There is no cost to the school. The high-fee co-educational school said it was inoculating staff because the best way out of this pandemic is vaccination and staff had embraced the initiative. Dinosaur workers in mining need to be rehabilitated and not just sent down the road to other companies. That was the message West Australian lithium executive Ken Brinsden had for the Diggers and Dealers conference following media exposure of sexual harassment and rapes in the broader sector. Pilbara Minerals managing director and chief executive Ken Brinsden at the annual Diggers and Dealers conference. Credit:Peter de Kruijff Mr Brinsden, the managing director and chief executive of Pilbara Minerals, told the Kalgoorlie conference on Tuesday that the industry was better than some of the behaviour reported in the past 12 months. I encourage you all work harder on the culture in and around the workforce, in and around work sites, in and around our camps, we can do a much better job, he said. A West Australian man who vanished while working on a remote road in the states North West more than 40 years ago likely walked into the dense bushland, became disorientated and died, a coroner has found. Desmond Carr, 32, was last seen on August 2, 1979 on a road about 90 kilometres south of Broome at 3pm working on a road roller. An hour later when his Main Roads work colleagues came to pick him up and drive him back to camp, he was nowhere to be seen, but his vehicle was still running. Desmond Carr disappeared in WAs North West outback in 1979. The case was thrust back into the spotlight in 2019 after his nephew created a podcast to try and solve the outback mystery. During a coronial inquest into Mr Carrs death held on Wednesday, Deputy State Coroner Sarah Linton said the police investigation at the time was inadequate. Attorney-General John Quigley did not know of former Supreme Court judge Neville Owens personal and business relationships with billionaire Kerry Stokes before Mr Owen was selected to lead the Perth Casino Royal Commission. But he sees no issue with the former judges appointment. Commissioners Lindy Jenkins, Neville Owen and Colin Murphy on day one of the Perth Casino Royal Commission. Credit:The West Australian On Friday, Mr Owen publicly declared he sat on the board of a Stokes investment company called Clabon, after earlier declaring a personal relationship with the billionaire who, as chairman of Seven West Media, has strong ties to witnesses in the inquiry. These ties include Seven West Media WA chief executive and Crown Resorts Perth director Maryna Fewster, who appeared at a hearing last week, and Seven West director and former Crown Resorts chief executive John Alexander, who is expected to front the inquiry in the future. Twenty-four school nurses would help vaccinate about 70,000 recipients per week, up from 55,000, and assistants in nursing would replace more highly skilled registered nurses, according to the minister. There is a significant program of works going on at the moment to try to get our hospital and retired nurses back into the hospitals so that we can have those people available in our hospital care systems but make sure that we dont draw people away from our vaccines, Mr Cook said on Tuesday. So were trying to strike that balance. WAs School-Aged Health Service Review found mental health was the leading cause of concern and a priority for school nurses. Credit:CAHS report But the withdrawal of nurses from schools will have a knock-on effect if the School-Aged Health Service Review conducted by CAHS in 2019 is to be believed. It found that children and young people with chronic or complex health conditions including mental health and wellbeing, obesity, sexual health, diabetes and asthma needed to be prioritised and given easy access to community health nurses (CHNs) in schools. The nine key recommendations that were due to rollout at the start of 2020 identified mental health issues as the greatest health and wellbeing concern and the need to have highly skilled nurses in schools since CHNs expressed concerns about their capacity to support young people experiencing mental health concerns, particularly where families cannot access specialist or acute services in a reasonable time frame. WAtoday also saw community child health nurses who monitor newborn development working shifts at the Claremont Showgrounds vaccination centre prior to the announcement. Kwinana vaccination centre co-ordinator Debbie Rolls, who was previously a freelance neonatal clinical nurse to Fiona Stanley Hospital, said they were getting a lot more staff from CAHS after an incredible recruitment drive to the clinic since it opened in June. Weve gathered staff from everywhere, but the majority of us actually came from Fiona Stanley so we were running the vaccination clinic at Fiona Stanley and the Harry Perkins building, she said. CAHS looks after community health services for Aboriginal and refugee children, schools and immunisation; child mental health services; neonatal clinics; Perth Childrens Hospital; and Midlands hospital and health hub. The state we are in is horrific, its a horror show, the worst I have seen it in 23 years. Mark Olson, ANF state secretary Mr Cook admitted on Wednesday that CAHS staff within hospitals had been manning the vaccine clinics. Look originally it did; we had to staff a lot of our [vaccine] clinics with nurses that would have otherwise been practicing in the hospitals and weve been undertaking a program over the last few weeks of bringing other nurses into our vaccination clinics, he said. Child mental health numbers have been skyrocketing, with 7217 young people seen by the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in 2019-20, up from 6319 the year before. Loading In February 2021, there were 1307 mental health inpatient admissions to WA hospitals of which 47 per cent were admitted via an emergency department. One mother in March told WAtoday of her struggle to get her son admitted to PCH for a severe psychosis because of a bed shortage. Morale at PCH hit rock bottom in the wake of Aishwarya Aswaths death in the hospitals waiting room on April 3, with many nurses calling in sick or taking stress leave. The Australian Nursing Federation reported that PCH had one nurse responsible for more than seven patients when the safe ratio is one to four on a general ward with no nurses available to assist in interventions or to make up a full resuscitation team, and no nurse in the waiting room over the weekend. On Monday there were 290 admissions to PCHs emergency department, almost double the 160 admissions usually experienced, with Mr Cook calling it a tough gig. ANF state secretary Mark Olson said nurses were exhausted after unprecedented overtime and double shifts, while feeling scared and overwhelmed with guilt about not wanting to leave their colleagues to finish a shift. The state we are in is horrific, its a horror show, the worst I have seen it in 23 years, Mr Olson said. We are in a state of emergency and the minister will have to start closing beds due to staffing shortages while he continues to promise more beds with no one to staff them. He told WAtoday that WA nurses were being robbed from one area to service another despite the government knowing for more than four years that its system was being crippled by soaring population numbers and the tsunami of chronic disease. Most of the problems we are seeing in the health system are exacerbated by underlying issues that have been expected over decades, Mr Olson said. The issue is no one has done anything to counter them. Loading Mr Cook said they had integrated 100 nurses to PCH since April and he was fixing the problem by increasing the number of graduate nurses in hospitals from 700 to 1000 for this year and next as the biggest intake in the states history. This is part of Labors election commitment at the last election but also as part of a capacity surge, which the department is undertaking to continue to build out our nursing numbers, he said. Mr Cook said he would free up hospital nurses by utilising assistants in nursing who have slightly lower level or different level of skills in vaccination centres. All nursing staff, if they come into a COVID [vaccine] clinic, undertake a training course which is on top of theyre already basic clinical studies to deliver the vaccination safely, he said. Royal Perth Hospital staff told WAtoday that hospitals already had plenty of junior nurses and the huge gaps in the system were senior nurses, with not enough upskilling and an overabundance of graduates who felt undersupervised and underqualified from a lack of practical experience after being churned out by universities. Mr Olson said while the state government was upping the placement of graduate nurses in hospitals there wasnt the qualified staff to oversee them and those numbers barely covered the attrition rates from nurses retiring, having children or seeking less stressful work in other sectors. The whole thing is smoke and mirrors, he said. A national advertising blitz will aim to spur millions of vaccinations by Christmas but the federal government has ruled out using cash vouchers in an escalating fight with Labor over the best way to encourage more jabs and ease the need for lockdowns. The national plan will launch four advertising campaigns over six months to motivate people and will consider using lotteries and gifts rather than adopting Labors call for a $300 payment to every adult who is fully vaccinated by December 1. Prime Minister Scott Morrison apologised in Parliament on Wednesday for delays to the vaccination rollout but argued that millions of Australians were booking vaccine doses without needing a federal payment. Prime Minister Scott Morrison does not want to use cash payments to encourage vaccinations. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen The coordinator of the vaccine rollout, Lieutenant General John Frewen, named supply problems as a key barrier, as the government forecasts a surge in Pfizer imports in the final three months of the year. Christine Holgate has received a $1 million payout from Australia Post for her controversial downfall as chief executive over the Cartier watches scandal, with the board saying it regretted her departure but stopping short of an apology. The negotiated settlement between the postal service and its former chief executive, announced by the parties on Wednesday, draws a line under the spectacular 10-month long corporate feud that engulfed the Prime Minister and piled pressure on his government over its treatment of women. Under the settlement, Ms Holgate received $1 million which will be taxed as an employment termination payment the equivalent of about eight months of her annual salary plus $100,000 for legal costs. Postal players: Lucio Di Bartolomeo, Christine Holgate, Scott Morrison. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen, Dominic Lorrimer In a joint statement, the parties said Ms Holgate had released Australia Post from all legal claims and Australia Post was making the payment without any admission of liability. Singapore: As he does around the same time each week, Malaysian leader Muhyiddin Yassin turned up at the Istana Negara - the royal palace - on Wednesday morning for an audience with the king. Its customary for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, as the king is known, to be briefed before the weekly meeting of cabinet ministers that follows. Muhyiddin Yassin is refusing to give in amid calls for him to resign. Credit:AP This visit to the palace on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, however, was like no other. Notoriously volatile, with alliances shifting on multiple party lines as well as factional and personality divides, Malaysian politics has outdone itself with a public standoff between king and Prime Minister that has loosened Muhyiddins grip on authority. So how might she capitalise on the extraordinary successes that she enjoyed during her 30s? It is perhaps first worth reflecting on how a younger Meghan Markle viewed growing older. In a previous birthday blog on her now defunct website, The Tig, she wrote in 2014: I am 33-years-old today. And I am happy. And I say that so plainly because, well... it takes time. To be happy. To figure out how to be kind to yourself. To not just choose that happiness, but to feel it. Admitting that her 20s had been brutal, she reflected on a conversation, which seems to have set the tone for how she would go on to live the remainder of that decade. I must have been about 24 when a casting director looked at me during an audition and said, You need to know that youre enough. Less make-up, more Meghan. Addressing her fans, she added: You need to know that youre enough, as she urged them to find your happiness. Little did she know that, just four years later, she would find her own happiness by marrying one of the worlds most eligible bachelors in a ceremony at Windsor Castle, watched by millions on television, before the couples Megxit withdrawal from royal duties in 2020. Indeed, some might argue that the next 10 years could be Less Meghan, more making up. There remains a sense that there is still a lot more to come from the Duchess. Credit:Getty Speak to friends of the Duke and Duchess and the first thing they are likely to say is just how happy they are together in their $US15 million ($21 million) Montecito mansion. However, as they settle into daily life in the United States and continue to make plans for their new Archewell Foundation, the world is waiting to see what Meghan might do next. Not least when, since their bombshell CNN interview with Oprah Winfrey in March, it has been Harry who has been doing most of the talking in podcasts with the likes of Dax Shepard and, now, through the medium of his own memoirs, due to be published next autumn. While she may be on maternity leave following the birth of Lilibet in June, a sister for the couples two-year-old son Archie, Meghan will be acutely aware that she should not waste too much time before forging ahead. After all, it was post-40 that the three women she admires so much Michelle Obama, Oprah, Hillary Clinton began to truly make their mark on the world. La-La Land can be a fickle place at the best of times. However, when you are a woman in midlife there is arguably only a finite period in which to bask in the limelight. The great news about turning 40 is that its now considered the new 30; the time when most women can go full guns on their careers, and possess the wisdom to make it count. Though, somewhere at the back of Meghans mind may be the worry that, by the time she hits 50, she will have been enveloped in a cloak of perimenopausal invisibility, with the likes of Netflix and Spotify more interested in the new kids on the block in 2031. Having been forced to put their stateside relaunch on hold because of the coronavirus pandemic, pressure is now mounting on the self-exiled royal couple to power up in the vein of their heroes, the Clintons, Obamas and Clooneys. As Martin Townsend, the former newspaper editor turned PR guru, puts it: If they are going to do something, they need to put their mouth where their money is. So far weve had a load of word salad: lets all live in peace in harmony while on the other hand waging war on the royal family, which has struck many as contradictory. Its time for them to put all that behind them and work on content rather than conjecture. Their 40 to 50 era has to be one of substance rather than gloss. If theres a definitive Harry and Meghan guide to how to live your life, they better start writing it, and fast. Loading It is certainly telling that while the couples Los Angeles-based public relations people are often at pains to point out inconsistencies in press coverage, there has been little push back against the much-repeated notion that Meghan will be pursuing a political career further down the track. The Duchess reportedly held an hour-long meeting last October with Californias Democratic governor Gavin Newsom. According to Tom Bower, Prince Charless biographer, who is currently writing a book about the Duchess, she could make a run for the US presidency within a decade. Pointing out that California has a strong tradition of Hollywood actors going on to win elections, with Arnold Schwarzenegger serving two terms as state governor (from 2003 to 2011) and Ronald Reagan, also serving two terms but as US President (1981 to 1989), he wrote last month: With the support of Democrat godfathers the Clintons and the Obamas, Meghan should have little difficulty getting nominated as one of the states 40 Congressmen sent to Washington. Loading After that, fate would take over. If one of the states two Senate seats comes free and shes mastered the trade, a mixed-race woman should be a strong runner. Suggesting that she could also run for the states governorship, one of Americas most prestigious offices, he added: At the end of 10 years, the prime of a politicians life, her record could well justify a bid for the Democrat nomination for the presidency. Meghan certainly has the guts and self-belief to fight to the top of the greasy pole. The question is whether she has the stamina. Washington: The Democratic governor was drowning in scandal and under attack from his own party. He looked like he would almost certainly be forced out of office. Yet he managed to survive. Thats what happened when Ralph Northam, the Governor of Virginia, was embroiled in a blackface scandal two years ago. Its a storyline that besieged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to repeat after a state investigation on Wednesday (AEST) found credible evidence that he sexually harassed 11 women. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was found to have sexually harassed multiple employees. Credit:Getty According to the report, Cuomos behaviour included unwanted touching and inappropriate comments as well as cultivating a toxic work environment. Bryan, OH (43506) Today Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms developing overnight. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms developing overnight. Low near 65F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. on Wednesday said it has expanded the Tiago range with the launch of a new sporty trim, Tiago NRG, with price starting at Rs 6.57 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). The new sporty version of the hatchback comes with high ground clearance, bigger tyres, body cladding and roof rails to give it a SUV look. The is powered by 1.2 litre petrol powertrain (86 PS power) which comes mated to five speed manual and AMT (automated manual transmission) transmission. The model has a four star safety rating by Global NCAP. "Truly energetic just like its name, the NRG fits well with the growing trend of bringing to market more SUV like vehicles. It is not only strong on the exterior but is feature-loaded & stylish in the interior, and is an absolute pleasure to drive with enhanced abilities to take over rough terrains," Vice-President (Sales, Marketing & Customer Care) Rajan Amba noted. Crowning the Tiago range, the NRG will continue to help the company increase its brand presence, he added. "We are confident that our customers will appreciate the new as much as its predecessor," Amba said. The comes with 181 mm of ground clearance, 15 inch wheels and retuned suspension enabling it to glide over broken surfaces. Other features include push button start, rear parking camera, autofold ORVM, black interiors, ABS with EBD and defogger with rear wiper. Amba noted that the model has been developed after taking feedback from the customers. Hatchbacks currently contribute 43 per cent to the overall passenger vehicle sales in the country. For Tata Motors, such models currently contribute around 46 per cent of its overall sales. The auto major till date has sold around 3.5 lakh units of Tiago in the domestic market. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Lenders to (VIL) are expected to hold talks to decide on the future course of action with regard to their exposure to the debt-laden telecom player which is struggling to stay afloat. This comes in the wake of Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla offering to hand over his stake in VIL to the government or any other entity so that the company remains functional. Meanwhile, Birla on Wednesday stepped down as non-executive director and non-executive chairman of S S Mallikarjuna Rao, MD and CEO of Punjab National Bank, on Tuesday said the developments in the last few days were areas of concern for the banking industry, referring the AGR-related issues for the telecom players. Rao, however, said PNB's exposure is not very high in VIL and it is not going to impact its balance sheet. "However, we will be definitely discussing with other bankers to see what kind of action we need to take going forward considering the statement of K M Birla only yesterday," Rao said, referring to the billionaire businessman's offer to hand over his stake in VIL to the government or any other entity. The Supreme Court has dismissed applications by telcos for recalculation of AGR-related dues. According to official data, VIL had an adjusted gross revenue (AGR) liability of Rs 58,254 crore, out of which the company has paid Rs 7,854.37 crore and Rs 50,399.63 crore is outstanding. The apex court, in an order passed in September last year, had asked the telecom players to settle their AGR related dues worth Rs 93,520 crore towards the government over a period of 10 years. VIL's gross debt, excluding lease liabilities, stood at Rs 1,80,310 crore as of March 31, 2021. IDFC First Bank has marked the account of VIL as stressed and has made provisions of 15 per cent (Rs 487 crore) against the outstanding exposure of Rs 3,244 crore (funded and non-funded). "This provision translates to 24 per cent of the funded exposure on this account. The said account is current and has no overdues as of June 30, 2021," the lender said in its Q1FY22 investor presentation, referring to the account as "one large telecom account". Writing a letter to Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba in June, Birla, who holds around 27 per cent stake in VIL, said investors are not willing to invest in the company in the absence of clarity on AGR liability, adequate moratorium on spectrum payments and most importantly floor pricing regime being above the cost of service. "It is with a sense of duty towards the 27 crore Indians connected by VIL, I am more than willing to hand over my stake in the company to any entity- public sector/government /domestic financial entity or any other that the government may consider worthy of keeping the company as a going concern," Birla said in the letter. Among the other players, the AGR liability of Bharti Airtel is Rs 43,980 crore, Tata group Rs 16,798 crore, BSNL Rs 5,835.85 crore and MTNL Rs 4,352.09 crore. Bharti Airtel has paid the government Rs 18,004 crore, Tatas Rs 4,197 crore and Reliance Jio has cleared its entire dues of Rs 194.79 crore. Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Communications owes Rs 25,194.58 crore, Aircel Rs 12,389 crore and Videocon Telecommunications Rs 1,376 crore. However, these are under liquidation process. like Loop Telecom, Etisalat DB and S Tel, which jointly owe the government Rs 604 crore, have shut down their India operations. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) By Aditya Kalra NEW DELHI (Reuters) -Carlsberg's partner in India called on the Danish brewer to improve governance standards at their joint venture on Wednesday, citing "grave concerns" over its operations. Nepal-based Khetan Group and have been embroiled in a row since 2019 over how India has conducted internal inquiries into its business practices. This has led to protests from Khetan's representatives and raised concerns from India's auditor. In its first public comment since the dispute began, Khetan's CSAPL (Singapore) Holdings Pte Ltd, the JV partner, urged Carlsberg "to honour its obligations to improve governance and act in the long-term interests of the business". Carlsberg, one of India's biggest beer with a share of about 17% of a $7-billion market, said in a statement to Reuters that the company had taken efforts to improve governance in India to bring it up to "par with the high standards governing the other across our group." "Unfortunately our JV partner has not always been a constructive partner in these efforts," Carlsberg added. The Khetan group entity said in its statement that suspected governance issues prompted the resignation of Carlsberg India's auditor and an inspection of its accounts by Indian authorities. It added that for several years it had "consistently expressed grave concerns over suspected irregularities and illegalities at the joint venture company's India business". It did not cite any evidence in its statement. Carlsberg said it was not surprised by the move. "As the commercial conflict with our JV-partner continues, we are unfortunately not surprised that our JV-partner and his representatives continue to share wide-ranging accusations," Carlsberg said in its statement. The partnership is managed by C.P. Khetan for the Khetan Group. However, Carlsberg has day-to-day control as its majority shareholder, the Khetan entity said. Carlsberg India's auditor, an affiliate of global accounting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers, quit last year after it declined for two successive years to give an opinion on the joint venture's financials, Reuters reported in November. Carlsberg is also facing scrutiny from India's antitrust authority whose investigation found in 2020 that the company colluded with other brewers to fix beer prices. A final ruling has not yet been given. Carlsberg has previously filed a leniency application in the case and in December declined to comment on the matter. Meanwhile, internal investigations into allegations of unlawful practices at found potential improper payments to government officials and other lapses, while another found child labour issues at one of its warehouses, Reuters reported in January. Carlsberg said in response at the time it could not rule out breaches of policies and its code of conduct and did everything possible to prevent such incidents. (Reporting by Aditya Kalra in New Delhi; Editing by Clarence Fernandez and Alexander Smith) (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) AI-powered finance concierge Zeni said it has raised $34 million in a Series B funding round led by Elevation Capital with participation from new investors Think Investments and Neeraj Arora. Zeni has seen 550 per cent revenue growth year-over-year driven exclusively by referrals and organic growth. Existing investors Saama Capital, Amit Singhal, Sierra Ventures, Twin Ventures, Dragon Capital and Liquid 2 Ventures also participated in the round. Today, Zeni manages more than $500 million in funds each month across more than 100 startup customers, ranging from pre-revenue to businesses generating more than $100 million in annual revenue. Zeni will use the capital infusion to bring its intelligent bookkeeping and accounting platform and services to more customers. It would invest aggressively in its team in the US and India across product, technology, marketing, sales and finance operations. Zeni was founded in 2019 by twin brothers and serial entrepreneurs, Swapnil Shinde and Snehal Shinde, who also founded Mezi, the AI-powered travel assistant acquired by American Express in 2018. The Zeni team is spread across Palo Alto, New York and Pune. and small businesses are fundamentally changing how they operate based on digital-first tools and services that are displacing the traditional, slow and human-intensive services across every category, said Swapnil Shinde, co-founder and CEO, Zeni. There is a huge demand from to digitize and automate their business finances, leading Zeni to experience 550 per cent revenue growth and 375 per cent customer growth year-over-year. He said Zeni is tackling the root of startup riskfinancial managementby applying artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotic process automation. This creates a fast, streamlined, intuitive way for startups to manage their finances. The firm said it is the only bookkeeping and accounting platform that provides real-time insights and flux analysis of a companys key financial metrics via its platform. This includes Zeni dashboard, including cash in and cash out analysis, universal search of transactions across a startups entire finance stack and spend and income trends for every customer and vendor in their ecosystem. Our focus at Zeni is to make finance management as seamless as possible for our customers, which carries over to the minimalist, intuitive product experience within the Zeni Dashboard, said Snehal Shinde, co-founder and chief product officer, Zeni. Every feature we introduce has an explicit purpose based on our customers needs and is meticulously crafted to allow startup founders to find the answers to their questions in the most direct, actionable way possible. Digital transformation is fueling the growth of businesses like Zeni as the startup and small business sector is feverishly digitizing and automating every part of their business operations. Digitizing and automating the bookkeeping and accounting functions and giving founders an up-to-the-minute understanding of their finances is critical for informed decision making in a fast-paced start-up environment, said Ravi Adusumalli, founder and managing partner at Elevation Capital. Zeni is making these tasks infinitely easier for founders. Technology giant on Wednesday announced that it is working to establish a Software Lab in Kochi. Chief Minister Pinarayi Viajayan hailed the IT major's decision, saying this will pave the way for a huge leap in the state's IT development. The announcement came a day after Chief Minister Vijayan, India Managing Director Sandip Patel and Vice President, India Software Labs Gaurav Sharma - discussed the role of technology in accelerating the states digital mission in a virtual meeting. IBM Software Labs are leading global innovation centers that develop and deliver next-generation software portfolio and cloud offerings. Thanking IBM for their interest to take up a more active role in the state's IT growth, Vijayan said, "undoubtedly, IBM's expansion will pave the way for a huge leap in Kerala's IT development." " government will ensure the commitment and support required to materialise the project", the Chief Minister said in a Facebook post. Vijayan said he had a "very fruitful meeting" with Patel and Sharma on Tuesday and "extended Kerala's wholehearted support to the new venture." This center in Kerala, will focus on developing solutions, infusing global design techniques, agile methodologies and advanced technologies including automation, data and AI, and security to support the requirements of the government and global customers, he said. In a statement, IBM said during the meeting on Tuesday, the chief minister shared his vision of making a Digital Knowledge Economy, the changes introduced in the IT policy and the role of technology in helping sectors reset and recover from the pandemic. Vijayan also discussed the importance of collaboration between Industries, Government and the Academia to drive growth opportunities within the state, it said. Speaking on the occasion, Patel said IBM India is a microcosm of the IBM corporation committed to furthering the countrys vision of Make in India, for India and the World. "IBM brings its global best practices to India and we hope to do that in as well, by building indigenous skills in the state that will create a talent pool for the global marketplace. Expansion in Kerala would provide us access to world- class skills and diversity of talent, drive skills development and enhance employability", he said. Vijayan said Kerala is a talent hub for IT professionals and entrepreneurs, and "we are pleased with IBMs proposed expansion in the state." "Technology Development Centers play an important role in driving economic growth by bringing innovations to the market quickly. We will extend our full support to IBM to establish its software development center in Kerala. Im confident that our talent and IBMs leading technologies will have a far-reaching impact which will create employment opportunities, accelerate digital innovation and provide a strong foundation for the IT/ITeS sector in the state", Vijayan is quoted as saying in the IBM statement. The company said the proposed expansion is aligned to it's vision to shape the future of software development- through an open, secure, decentralized architecture that helps clients automate, secure, modernize and predict. Currently IBM Software Labs operates from Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad and Chennai in India. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid Vodafone Ideas struggle to stay afloat, Bharti CEO Gopal Vittal on Wednesday asserted that a large nation like India needs three private players in telecom, and hoped the government would take measures to offer relief to the financially-stressed industry. Vittal said the recent changes effected by in some of its plans is a step towards raising average revenue per user (ARPU), which is currently abysmally low. At the same time, he indicated that the company, which already has a premium positioning in the market, may not initiate a broader tariff revision unilaterally and risk any erosion of customers and competitiveness. On the Supreme Court dismissing applications by telcos for recalculation of AGR-related dues, Vittal said while is disappointed with the outcome, the company has provisioned for the onerous payout and already paid over Rs 18,000 crore covering its obligations for the first few years. On the next steps relating to any review petition, we will be guided by legal advice and no decision has been taken on this yet, Vittal said at Airtels Q1 earnings call. Responding to an analyst query on how Airtel perceives industry structure to be in next 1-2 years, and whether the Sunil Mittal-led telco is prepared for a two-player market, if the situation arose, Vittal said the Indian market can easily accommodate three private players. ALSO READ: Bharti Airtel posts net profit of Rs 284 cr in Q1, misses street estimates I think just from national perspective, it would be appropriate to see an industry structure where three players not just survive, but thrive and of course the government player is always there, he said. Vittals comments assume significance in the backdrop of looming uncertainty over Vodafone Idea. I feel as a country we do need three players... it is a large enough country with 1.3 billion people, which can easily accommodate three (private) players in this market, Vittal said. Aditya Birla Group Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla had, in June this year, offered to hand over the group's stake in debt-laden Vodafone Idea Ltd (VIL) to the government or any other entity to ensure that the company remains a going concern. Vittal said, There is clearly a situation of serious financial stress in the industry and we have seen one of the players actually saying to the government that they may not be able to pay their dues coming up in March 2022. We hope that the government does something to provide some relief to the industry. Flagging the extremely low ARPU in the Indian telecom market, Vittal said that the level needs to rise to Rs 200 and eventually Rs 300. As we have always said, ARPU in India is extremely low and at this level, our return on capital is in the low single digit. ARPU must rise first to (Rs) 200 and eventually to (Rs) 300," he said. If ARPU rises, the industry repair can "certainly happen", he noted. Having three private players in the telecom market would be an "appropriate outcome" for a country as large as India, he said, adding that substantial investments have already been infused by the industry. "There are lots of jobs not just direct but indirect jobs, and there are many parts of the ecosystem which depend on industry for employment and livelihood...I would love to continue to see a three-player market," Vittal pointed out. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) has stepped down as non-executive chairman of Idea (Vi) after offering to give up his stake in the debt-ridden telecommunications (telecom) company. Himanshu Kapania, a telecom industry veteran and a nominee of Aditya Birla Group on the board, will take over the chairmans post. Kapania served on the global GSMA board for two years and was also chairman of the Cellular Operators Association of India, the company said in a stock exchange notification. Birla Group Chief Financial Officer Sushil Agarwal has been named additional director on the Vi board. The Vi board approved the leadership changes on Wednesday. Birla, who was earlier chairman of Idea Cellular, took over as chairman of the combined entity, following its merger with India in August 2018. The companys stock was priced at Rs 34 at the time of its merger. It closed at Rs 6.03 on Wednesday, shedding 27 per cent in two days after Birlas submission to the government became public. In his letter written on June 7 (before the Supreme Court dismissed its application on adjusted gross revenue, or AGR, issue), Birla said he was willing to offer his stake to any government or domestic financial entity to keep Vi afloat. ALSO READ: Banks to discuss next course of action on debt-laden Vodafone Idea While the Birlas own around 27 per cent stake in the company, Group Plc has over 44 per cent stake. Birlas letter highlighted the need for urgent measures from the government, while offering to give up control of the company. It is with a sense of duty towards 270 million Indians connected by Vi, I am more than willing to hand over my stake in the company to any entity - public sector/government/domestic financial entity - or any other that the government may consider worthy of keeping the company as a going concern, Birla said in his letter. - rebranded Vi last year - has been under stress, losing market share, while its huge Rs 1.8-trillion debt liability has raised concerns about its survival. The companys efforts to raise Rs 25,000 crore from investors have not yielded result, in the absence of any relief measures from the government. The Supreme Court, too, has ruled against its application for recomputation of AGR dues, dealing a blow to its revival. To actively participate in the fund-raising, potential foreign investors want to see clear government intent to have a three-player telecom market (consistent with its public stance) through positive actions on long-standing requests, such as clarity on AGR liability, adequate moratorium on spectrum payments, and most importantly, a floor pricing regime above the cost of service. In the absence of definitive steps in this regard, potential investors have understandable hesitation to invest, wrote Birla. Standard and Poor's has upgraded Ltd's long term issuer rating from "BB-" to "BB" on significant expected deleveraging. The outlook on ratings is stable and reflects the view that the company can adequately deleverage to reduce volatility in credit metrics during industry downturns. also raised the long-term issue rating on the senior unsecured notes issued by its subsidiary ABJA from "BB-" from "BB". Continued strength in has accelerated the company's deleveraging, said in a statement. In the base case scenario, Tata Steel's adjusted debt is expected to decline by over 30 per cent by March 2023 from its March 2021 levels. Tata Steel's adjusted debt (including customer advances and securitised receivables etc) will fall to about Rs 60,000 crore by March 2023 from about Rs 91,500 crore as of March 2021. This would significantly outperform the stated intention to reduce debt by at least $ 1 billion per year, and continue the trend of declining debt from March 2020. The company had a debt of Rs 1.1 trillion in March 2020. While the company has increased capital expenditure (capex), the increase is still small in relation to the operating cash flows and does not affect the path of deleveraging. "We expect capex of about Rs 11,000 crore annually, up from about Rs 7,000 crore in fiscal 2021," it said. The agency expects the company's EBITDA of Rs 1 trillion and free operating cash flow of Rs 35,000 croreRs 40,000 crore, respectively, over fiscals 2022 and 2023. This is despite assumption of a 10 per cent decline in in fiscal 2023 from the current levels. The commissioning of the ongoing 5 million tons per year capacity expansion at the Kalinganagar facility will significantly strengthen the credit profile over the next three to four years. This is especially so since the facility will be added without material debt. It will improve Tata Steel's profitability with accompanying cold-rolled mill and pellet plant facilities also being set up. In addition, the company's European operation is expected to be EBITDA positive in the forecast period, despite its contribution to the group's overall earnings being small, the rating agency added. Mohalla Tech, the parent of short video app Moj and Indic language social media platform ShareChat, announced a multi- year agreement with India's largest music label The partnership allows and Moj to access an extensive catalog of Indian music and provide an enhanced experience to its creator communities. Incidentally, and Moj were also the first in the Indian social media and short video landscape to strike a licensing agreement with last year, thereby setting the path for the rest of the industry to follow. Moj and together, with a 340 million-strong monthly active user community and over 82 million creator community, represent a significant share of the internet population in India. The collaboration will help ShareChat and Moj communities to explore sound recordings from T- Series music library and create meaningful social experiences with videos, messages, and other creative formats. Were thrilled to strengthen our partnership with With this partnership we can drive more value to the industry, support more artists and deliver an incredible creative experience to our users across India," said Farid Ahsan, COO and co-founder, Moj and ShareChat. Music labels and platform partnerships ensure platforms do not get held liable for copyright infringement, apart from providing a vast library of music for content creators to work with. In 2019, top music labels including T-Series Music, Zee Music Company and Yash Raj Films had signed partnerships with Facebook for licensing their music for use in social experiences such as videos, messages, stories and other creative content on Facebook and Instagram. The tech giant has music licensing deals with almost all major music labels. ShareChat and Moj have been a wonderful partner and they are a true long term partner for us in the Indian short video space. This long-term license reciprocates both of our intent to support the creator economy and build a robust foundation for the creator-led content ecosystem in the country, Bhushan Kumar, managing director, T-Series said. Neeraj Kalyan, president, T-Series, said, This is an important step forward and sets the standard in the Indian social media and short video space that acknowledges and respects the music industry. With this continued commitment, ShareChat and Moj will bring more innovation and creativity for the Indian short video space an objective we share mutually. We are hopeful this would drive deeper engagements on the platforms and create a mutually benefitting partnership for years to come. State-owned of India Ltd (SCI) has reported a 52.94 per cent decline in consolidated net profit to Rs 158.51 crore for the first quarter of the current fiscal. The company had clocked a consolidated net profit of Rs 336.87 crore in the corresponding period a year earlier, it said in a regulatory filing on Tuesday. Its total income declined to Rs 1,048.47 crore in the latest June quarter as against Rs 1,178.43 crore in the year-ago period. The company's total expenses during the quarter under review increased to Rs 899.25 crore from Rs 846.85 crore in the same period last year. said the impact of the second wave of the COVID-19 continued in the first quarter of 2021-22. The government is selling its entire 63.75 per cent stake in the company along with the transfer of management control. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Karan Bajaj, Founder and CEO of leading online learning platform WhiteHat Jr, is moving on to kick off the next chapter in his life and Trupti Mukker, Head of Customer Experience and Delivery, will lead the organisation, according to an internal email seen by IANS. The internal email, sent by Byju Raveendran, Founder and CEO of the leading firm Byju's to employees on Wednesday said that "Karan is now ready, as we had mutually decided at the time of acquisition, to progress to the next chapter of his life". "This week, we completed one year of WhiteHat Jr joining the BYJU'S family. With Karan's departure, Trupti Mukker, whom you know well as the Head of Customer Experience and Delivery, will lead the organisation, ably supported by the extremely strong leadership team that Karan and I have set in place," Raveendran wrote in the email addressed to employees. Byju's in August last year acquired Mumbai-based live online coding provider WhiteHat Jr in an all-cash deal worth $300 million (roughly Rs 2,246 crore). Bajaj founded WhiteHat Jr in 2018 with a vision of making children creators of technology rather than being passive consumers of it. Today, WhiteHat Jr is not only a Maths and coding learning platform but also forayed into 1:1 online music classes, and brought physical-digital blended coding curriculum to Indian schools with an aim to teach 10 lakh students by the next academic year. Raveendran said that under Bajaj's leadership, WhiteHat Jr and Byju's 'FutureSchool' now enable hundreds of thousands of students in countries around the world daily to learn and create with 11,000+ deeply committed teachers. According to Bajaj, he will be fully present in transition for the immediate period, then intend to carve out a career in public service next. "Only three years ago, WhiteHat Jr was just an idea. Now, we're a team of 17,000+ employees and teachers in multiple countries around the world from India, Australia and UK to US and Latin America, all deeply united by our mission and values," Bajaj said. A striving yogi, Bajaj has written three bestselling novels so far published by HarperCollins-India and Penguin Random House: Keep Off the Grass, Johnny Gone Down and The Seeker. Together, his novels have sold more than 200,000 copies in India. A graduate of IIM-Bangalore, Bajaj has earlier served as the CEO for Discovery South Asia. He's been associated with like P&G, BCG, and Kraft Foods Group in the past. Currently, more than 11,000-strong teacher workforce conducts thousands of Live Coding, Math and Music online classes every day on its platform. Cumulatively, the company has conducted more than 8.5 million classes to date. --IANS na/ (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A total of 218 people have died and 12 are missing in in the last three weeks this monsoon season, Jal Shakti Minister Mahender Singh Thakur informed the state Assembly on Wednesday. Replying to a discussion on climate change on the third day of the ongoing monsoon session, Thakur said the state suffered a total loss of Rs 451.56 crore due to damaged roads, water lines and power transmission since June 13. A maximum of 34 people died in Shimla, followed by 25 in Kangra, 23 in Sirmaur, 21 in Chamba, 19 in Mandi, 18 in Lahaul-Spiti, 17 in Kullu, 16 in Solan, 14 each in Una and Kinnaur, 12 in Bilaspur and five in Hamirpur from June 13 to July 3, he added. Several roads, bridges, PWD property, water lines had been fully or partially damaged due to heavy rains, he said. The state government has so far suffered a loss of Rs 451.56 crore, the minister said. Global warming is resulting in climate change which sometimes causes drought-like situations and sometimes heavy rains, he added. Earlier participating in the discussion, Congress's Kinnaur MLA Jagat Singh Negi stated that 70 per cent of the crops of farmers in Lahaul were damaged as they were unable to take their ripe crops to the mandis due to damaged bridges and roads. The situation could not be properly managed by the government and the administration after the cloudburst in Udaipur subdivision of Lahaul-Spiti district, he alleged. Several people had to spend some days in a cave as the administration could not rescue them, he claimed. Earlier, Inder Dutt Lakhanpal (Congress), Vishal Nehriya (BJP), Balbir Singh Verma (BJP) and Jiya Lal (BJP) also spoke on the impact of climate change on the people, especially on the agriculturists and horticulturists. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With Covid-19 shots in billions of arms by now, evidence is emerging of how well they work in real-world settings. Vaccines authorised for emergency use have successfully subdued epidemics in nations where at least half of the population is fully immunised. But as more-transmissible variants spread, driving fresh outbreaks and an increase in breakthrough infections, health authorities are recommending some immunised individuals wear face-masks indoors to augment the protection of vaccines. How good are Covid vaccines? In general, the Covid shots are extremely good, though not perfect, at protecting against hospitalisation and death. Researchers in Taiwan found that a 10 per cent increase in coverage is associated with a 7.6 per cent reduction in the case fatality ratio. Most vaccines also provide a very good shield against developing Covid symptoms, and some are able to provide good protection from being infected with the virus that causes Covid, SARS-CoV-2. The latter ability is important because it results in the kind of sterilising immunity that stops the virus from spreading a feat that will bring the world closer to ending the pandemic via so-called herd immunity. In any case, is associated with a 40 per cent to 50 per cent reduction in Covid cases among an infected persons household contacts, and its anticipated that newer generation vaccines will be even better at preventing onward transmission. What are the caveats? The evidence so far is skewed, with Israel, the US and UK supplying the majority of the data, which pertains mostly to vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Pfizer and its partner BioNTech. Estimates for Sputnik V and Sinopharm vaccines are the most limited. Also, although more than 90 effectiveness studies have been made publicly available, their quality varies considerably, according to the World Health Organisation. Are some vaccines better than others? It seems so, though there have been no head-to-head clinical trials. For now, the so-called mRNA vaccines made by Moderna Inc and Pfizer-BioNTech appear superior. Also, mixing the vaccines (most require two shots) appears to generate a robust immune response. Doctors have reiterated, however, that the best is the one thats available where you are, as any protection is better than none against this virus. How durable is the protection? Well know as more time goes by. An unpublished study by Pfizer researchers that followed vaccinated individuals for up to six months reported a gradually declining trend in vaccine efficacy against a symptomatic infection, but found their shot remained highly efficacious overall. Efficacy peaked at 96.2 per cent in the two months after a second shot, and declined gradually to 83.7 per cent from four months, and then by an average of 6 per cent every two months. Waning vaccine-induced immunity is likely to be first detected by vaccine failures in vulnerable individuals, such as diabetes and heart-failure patients, and reflect lower levels of virus-blocking antibodies. UK researchers say that a likely scenario is that, as immunity gradually wanes, more vaccinated individuals will get infected, but their immune system will rapidly control the infection, resulting in no or mild symptoms. ALSO READ: No recommendation made so far on mixing Covid vaccines, govt to Rajya Sabha However, exposure to the virus will further boost and broaden their immune response to it. campaigns against SARS-CoV-2 may continue for years, though follow-up research is needed to understand when boosters will be needed and the optimal frequency for successive inoculations. What effect are variants having on the potency of vaccines? They differ. Delta, the strain first reported in India in October, is the most worrisome detected so far. Twice as transmissible as the that sparked the pandemic, delta is becoming dominant. Studies from the UK have shown that its more resistant to vaccines than the alpha variant that emerged there in late 2020, particularly in people who have received just the first dose. Some researchers say that will require a higher proportion of people in the community to be immunised to slow, and eventually stop, transmission through herd immunity. The reduction in vaccine effectiveness caused by delta may vary by type. The Pfizer-BioNTech shot appeared to be more effective than AstraZenecas in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in July. What makes delta more tricky? Vaccines have been shown to reduce the concentration of virus particles, or viral loads, in the airways of individuals who become infected. But delta is associated with viral loads that are 1,200 times higher in newly infected individuals compared with the original strain a feature that helps delta spread as easily as chickenpox. That was seen in a dramatic outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, in mid-to-late July, in which about three-quarters of the 469 Covid cases detected occurred in fully vaccinated people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended people return to wearing masks indoors in some situations. It considers delta more prone to breaking through vaccine-induced immunity and says it may cause more severe disease than other forms of the virus, the New York Times reported in late July, citing an internal document that argues officials must acknowledge the war has changed. As new variants--delta, and then probably epsilon and whatever comes next--bring us more waves of Covid-19 in the fall and winter, policymakers and citizens in all developed countries should say out loud and in unison: This time, lets save our kids. This means, yes, offering youngsters vaccinations if the parents agree, as Germany just decided to do for children older than 12, even while a commission of scientists still dithers about recommending this step. Even more importantly, it means that the vaccine slouches among us adults should finally bare arms to build the epidemiological equivalent of a firewall around the young. Im still against mandating shots. But the moral case for getting jabbed is now incontrovertible and overwhelming. But above all, it means that--come fall, winter and spring--schools must stay open whether infections rise again or not. In this pandemic so far, children have not suffered much in purely medical terms. They rarely get bad cases of the disease, although research is woefully lacking about long Covid in young patients. Theyve instead suffered in every other way--educationally, psychologically and socially-- because they cant develop healthily without physically attending school. ALSO READ: Covid-19: India records 42,625 fresh cases and 562 deaths in a day In effect, we tacitly decided as societies in 2020 that we needed to circle our wagons around the most vulnerable group--the yet-unvaccinated elderly-- by shuttering schools, which we suspected (often without good evidence) of super-spreading the virus. In doing so we accepted that many kids would plummet into loneliness, anxiety and depression; that they would spend a sizable part of their young lives without social contacts; and that they would fall far behind in their learning--so far that they may never be able to make up the loss. Starting in this next academic year, therefore, we must collectively return the favor: Now we adults must circle the wagons around the young, so they can resume their much needed learning and socializing. As mentioned above, the easiest way we can do that is by getting vaccinated, if we havent done so already. But we can also help by foregoing some of our other relics of adult normality, which seem trivial compared to the needs of children. In a pinch, is it really more important to open cinemas and bars, or to keep kids in their classrooms? Next time--if there has to be a next time--let everything else go into lockdown before even looking at schools. Even as we open schools again, of course, we must take many precautions, which may become quasi-permanent--and why not? The kids should generally wear masks, unless common sense suggests a situation is safe (as when gathering outdoors, say). Windows should stay open as long as the weather allows it. And schools should install air filters, which we as taxpayers should fund generously and without whining. ALSO READ: India's gender inequity in Covid-19 vaccinations narrows, shows govt data But the in-person teaching--by vaccinated educators--and the learning must go on. Education is a right too fundamental to sacrifice for the sake of flattening curves. For that matter, as were learning to live with this virus for the long term, we should also bid farewell to infection numbers as a metric for policy, and base our decisions exclusively on hospitalizations and deaths, as we would in a flu outbreak. And yes, I say all this as an irate and worried dad. Overall, weve managed the pandemic reasonably well in countries like Germany, where I happen to live, especially given that we always had bad, shifting or contradictory information to work with. But we werent being fair to the kids. Whatever the virus has in store for us, lets put the children first from now on. The flood situation in West Bengal worsened on Wednesday claiming eight more lives taking the toll to 23 as fresh areas went under water, with Chief Minister Mamata Bannerjee complaining to Prime Minister that the Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) caused the "man-made" deluge by releasing water from its dams in an unprecedented manner. The DVC, however, said that it discharges water after taking consent of the state government and blaming it for the flood is not justified The prime minister telephoned Banerjee in the afternoon to take stock of the flood situation which affected seven districts of the state. During the talks, the CM blamed the DVC for the flood in the state and raised the issue in a letter she wrote to Modi in the evening. Heavy rain and subsequent discharge of water in the last few days have inundated large parts of Purba and Paschim Bardhaman, Paschim Medinipur, Hooghly, Howrah, South 24 Parganas and Birbhum districts. The was 15 till Tuesday evening and the number of affected districts was six. A tweet issued by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) said that Modi assured Banerjee of all support from the Centre to help mitigate the situation. "PM @narendramodi spoke to WB CM @MamataOfficial on the flood situation caused by water discharge from dams in parts of the state. PM assured all possible support from the Centre to help mitigate the situation. PM Modi prays for the safety and wellbeing of those in affected areas," the PMO tweeted. Large swathes of Nanoor and Labhpur block in Birbhum districts were flooded since early Wednesday morning, leading to the displacement of more than 3000 people. Banerjee surveyed parts of Howrah on Wednesday to take stock of the situation. The chief minister wrote to Modi claiming that desilting and dredging activities were not taken up and water-holding capacity of the DVC's dams was not increased, though the issues were raised way back in 2015. The state is facing a "grave man-made flood situation" in some districts due to "unprecedented" release of water from the DVC dams at Panchet, Maithon and Tenughat, she alleged. "In respect of the current flood, we will shortly be sending our damage assessment for your kind intervention. I would reiterate the need to develop holistic and long-term solutions in respect to the augmentation of the storage capacity of the DVC system to ensure that West Bengal is spared the regular devastation and suffering from man-made floods perpetrated by huge releases from the DVC dams," she said in the letter. The DVC, since July 31, has released 6.38 lakh cusec of water till Wednesday afternoon. On Wednesday alone 95,000 cusecs in two tranches. The DVC, however, rejected the charge saying it does not decide about water regulation and decisions on this are taken by the Damodar Valley Reservoir Regulation Committee (DVRRC) where the state's irrigation secretary is a member. "The DVC only implements the decision of the committee on water regulations. The state government's consent is taken before water discharge, and the DVC issues a warning to district administrations. So blaming DVC for the flood is unjustified," DVC executive director (Maithon) S Banerjee told PTI. The DVC official said that the DVRRC tries to restrict water release to the maximum possible but further regulating will put the dams in danger. Meanwhile, state Irrigation Minister Soumen Mahapatra wrote to the DVC authorities requesting them not to release water for the next three days. The districts of Hooghly, Howrah and Paschim Medinipur are the worst affected. Since Wednesday morning, rising water levels in Birbhum's Labhpur and Nanoor blocks forced thousands of people to flee their homes as houses and agricultural land got submerged in water. More than 4 lakh hectares of agricultural land in these seven districts is under water now. "Six people each have died due to wall collapse and lightning and seven due to drowning. Two each have died because of landslide and electrocution so far," a senior state government official said. The chief minister, who was scheduled to conduct an aerial survey of the flood-hit areas in Howrah and Hooghly districts, was forced to suspend the programme due to bad weather conditions. Instead, she took the road to Amta in Howrah. Standing in knee-deep water, Banerjee spoke to the affected people in Amta and assured them of all help by the state government. On Banerjee's allegations against the DVC, the state BJP leadership claimed that the state government is looking for a face-saver to hide its failure. "The entire irrigation system in West Bengal has gone for a toss during the TMC rule. The day is not far when the TMC government might demand that the DVC's dams be dismantled," state BJP spokesperson Shamik Bhattacharya said. The already grim flood situation in south Bengal is likely to worsen, with the Met department forecasting heavy rain in the region owing to a cyclonic circulation over the North Bay of Bengal and the presence of an active monsoon trough. The Met department warned of heavy to very heavy rain at one or two places in the flood-hit districts till Thursday morning. The weatherman also cautioned against a rise in the water level of rivers and the inundation of low-lying areas in Gangetic West Bengal. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) A special court here will on Thursday pass an order on NIA's application seeking one-month extension to file a charge-sheet in the Antilia bomb scare-Mansukh Hiran murder case and also decide on a default bail plea of dismissed police officer Sachin Waze, who appeared in the court through video link on Wednesday. Waze, an accused in the case, is currently in jail under judicial custody. The court had, on June 9, granted an extension of two months to the Investigation Agency (NIA) to file its charge-sheet. The probe agency has sought another extension, saying investigation into the high-profile case was still underway. On Tuesday, the NIA had argued in the court on its plea seeking one-month extension to file the charge-sheet. Waze has sought bail on the ground that the probe agency has failed to file the charge-sheet within the stipulated time (90 days), making him eligible for bail by default. The former Assistant Police Inspector was arrested on March 13 and is currently lodged in the Taloja central jail in Navi Mumbai. Waze, on Wednesday, argued for his bail in-person from the jail through video conferencing. Citing an order in a case where he was an investigating officer, Waze submitted in the court that the when a person is arrested, the original offence under which he was booked is counted for filing the charge-sheet and not the charges added at a later stage. In Waze's case, he was initially arrested under relevant sections of the IPC and provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) were added against him later. Therefore, the stipulated period of 180 days for filing a charge-sheet under the UAPA was not applicable to him, he argued. He was, thus, entitled for default bail on the 91st day of his arrest under CrPc section 167, Waze submitted. After hearing NIA arguments on Tuesday and those of Waze on Wednesday, the court said it will give its orders on both pleas on Thursday. This is Waze's second attempt to seek a default bail. The court had rejected a similar plea of his in June. Besides Waze, former encounter specialist Pradeep Sharma and a few other ex-policemen are also accused in the case. The case relates to recovery of an explosives-laden SUV near the south Mumbai home of industrialist Mukesh Ambani on February 25. Thane-based businessman Mansukh Hiran, who had claimed he was in possession of the SUV, was found dead in a creek in Thane on March 5. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The on Wednesday reserved its verdict on a default bail plea filed by lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj, an accused in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case. Opposing her plea, the Maharashtra government told the HC on Wednesday that a sessions court had the power to take cognisance of the charge sheet filed in the case in 2019, since the Investigation Agency (NIA) was then yet to take over the investigation into the case. The NIA took over the case in January 2020. Appearing for the Maharashtra government, Advocate General Ashutosh Kumbhakoni told a bench of Justices S S Shinde and N J Jamadar that as long as the investigation in a case was not assigned to the NIA, the proceedings pertaining to the same could continue before a regular court. Bharadwaj had approached the HC earlier this year, seeking default bail on the ground that Pune additional sessions judge KD Vadane, who had taken cognisance of the police chargesheet in the case filed in 2019, was not authorised to do so. Bharadwaj had annexed RTI (Right to Information) replies from the HC to demonstrate that judge Vadane was not a designated special judge, as was necessary to adjudicate offences under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Senior counsel Yug Chaudhry, who appeared for Bharadwaj, had earlier told the HC that Vadane pretended to be a special judge and had signed orders as the special judge. On Wednesday, Chaudhry referred to portions of a recent Supreme Court judgement to show that a special court alone has exclusive jurisdiction to try UAPA offences. Kumbhakoni, however, opposed the submission and said Chaudhry was only citing such portions of the judgement that suited his case and not the judgement in its entirety. He said in the case cited above, the circumstances were different from those in Bharadwaj's case. "There are elementary principles of reading a judgement. You cannot read a few paras and say I have succeeded in freeing (someone accused of being involved in) Naxalite activities," Kumbhakoni said. "The facts of every case are different, you can't use one to colour the other," he said. Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh, who appeared for the NIA, reiterated that the sessions court had been within its powers in taking cognisance of the case. The HC closed all arguments and reserved its verdict on Bharadwaj's plea. The Elgar Parishad case is related to inflammatory speeches made at a conclave held in Pune on December 31, 2017, which, the police claimed, triggered violence the next day near the Koregaon-Bhima war memorial located on the outskirts of the western Maharashtra city. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Centre has indicated that with lower utilisation of Covid vaccines by the private sector, its 25 per cent quota may not be necessary. Health minister Mansukh Mandaviya told Rajya Sabha, in response to a question by MP Sushil Kumar Modi, that the government took over 7-9 per cent of the private sectors quota since it had not been utilised. Vaccine makers, the government has indicated, can provide doses to the according to demand and the remaining would be bought by the government. If private players do not pick up 25 per cent of the vaccines produced, manufacturers may face financial losses. The prices of Covishield and Covaxin are Rs 600 per dose and Rs 1,200 per dose, respectively, for the The Centre procures Covishield at Rs 215 per dose and Covaxin at Rs 225 per dose, inclusive of taxes. The revised guidelines for vaccine management came into effect from June 21. The government would procure 75 per cent of the vaccines being produced in the country and make them available to states for free for all above 18 years of age. The remaining 25 per cent could be directly accessed by the private hospitals. A source in a vaccine manufacturing firm said that the government has indicated that vaccine makers need not compulsorily hold 25 per cent of their monthly production for the private sector, but continue to supply based on orders placed. We usually indicate our production plan to the government in advance, which helps it to plan the procurement and distribution. We will continue to do so. The Centre also knows about a consolidated demand from the private sector, as state governments collate the demand from the and indicate this to the Centre, said an executive. This also implies that the Centre can procure more than the 75 per cent quota that it has allocated for government purchase, if the demand from the private sector is less. Another executive at a vaccine making company said, The private sectors drive is now spreading beyond metros. Demand would be there. Some hospitals had created a stockpile, and are thus ordering according to their consumption pattern, the executive said. At least two leading hospitals said they have not yet heard from either the Centre or vaccine makers about any policy change. We continue to place orders based on our requirements, said a senior executive. Private hospitals also feel that with the Centre deciding to increase the free vaccinations to 75 per cent, the number of people willing to pay for a jab has reduced significantly. Consequently, the private sector has been able to only vaccinate about 7 per cent of the people in May. Government buying all the remaining doses would lead to faster of the adult population, and hopefully, lead to minimising effects of the third wave, said Harsh Mahajan, president, Nathealth, a healthcare body. Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday spoke to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan over rising cases in the state and sought his cooperation in managing the situation. has been witnessing a surge in the cases, with 49.85 per cent of the total COVID-19 cases in the country being reported from the southern state. "The Central Government's team headed by NCDC has returned from & submitted its report. I have spoken with the Chief Minister of Kerala, @VijayanPinarayi ji, over the phone and discussed the matter of the rising #COVID19 cases in the State," Mandaviya tweeted. "I have also written a letter to CM Vijayan Pinarayi ji for taking more proactive measures and precautions to control the ongoing situation in Kerala. I have sought the State's cooperation in managing the situation and have assured Central Government's complete support," he said in another tweet. The Centre had sent a six-member team to Kerala and it had shared some of the observations with the state on the overall management of the situation. Kerala had on Tuesday reported 23,676 fresh COVID cases, pushing the total infection count to 34.49 lakh, with the number of people succumbing to the virus touched 17,103 after 148 additional deaths, officials said. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Indian need to remove perceptions that they are only for the service of rich people by taking up pro-bono cases and helping those who are inhibited from accessing courts, Chief Justice of India N V Ramana said on Wednesday. The CJI recalled the old days and said although it was very easy to obtain a law degree, but, extremely challenging to have a livelihood out of the same and the situation is not much different as even today inequity in opportunities for lawyers existing. Justice Ramana was speaking in a virtual event organised by the Society of Indian and lawyer Lalit Bhasin for releasing a Coffee Table Book which contains information about practice areas, business sectors, clients and activities of more than 100-member of SILF with over 3000 lawyers. A significant aspect that Indian law firms need to consider is their community outreach. The prevailing perception is that law firms are only for the service of rich men. There exists misconception among the people, even among lawyers who practice in the courts, that activities of the law firm do not relate to society. The need of the hour is to remove such perceptions. Internationally, law firms are taking up several social causes and actively engaging in providing justice to those in need. I urge you all to take up more and more pro-bono cases and reach out to those who are inhibited from reaching us. When it comes to fulfilling our constitutional aspirations, we all must do our bit, he said. The head of the judiciary simultaneously hailed Indian law Firms saying they are on the same footing as their global counterparts and referred to their roles in India's economic growth post liberalisation. Admittedly, despite the pandemic in 2020, India recorded over 350 Mergers And Acquisitions deals worth USD 37.5 billion, he said. The cross-border deal activity recorded over 140 transactions with deal values worth USD 21 billion. Moreover, 2020 saw record Private Equity deal making activity in India with investments worth USD 40 billion, 28 per cent higher than the previous record witnessed in 2019, with around 950 deals. There is no denying that the law firms have been in the forefront of India's economy, he said. The CJI said the law firms must focus on retaining more women lawyers by incorporating necessary institutional changes. The CJI said that it was a well-known fact that law firms provide economic mobility for first-generation law graduates who otherwise would have struggled within the system of litigation practice, however, often "we hear issues about lack of diversity within law firms." Major law firms tend to go to only Tier-I cities and select universities for recruitment. In this process, many young talented lawyers, despite their interest and willingness, are left out of the process, he said. There are diamonds in the rough everywhere. I would urge you all to take up initiatives to ensure inclusivity and realize full potential of our human resources. After all, diversity brings wide-ranging opinions to the table. A diverse team can provide more equitable and holistic solutions, he added. He added that some of the best lawyers in our countries legal history have been from small towns and villages. While we are aiming to compete with the best international firms, we must not forget to look inward as well, he added. Tier 2 and 3 cities are becoming hubs of commercial activities. This would necessarily lead to transactions and disputes. Law firms must find local talent to handle these clients. Law firm training camps can be set up in regional law schools to prepare future lawyers and find talent, he said. Lastly, an area in which law firms need to a pay particular attention to is the impact of ethics in their practice, he said. We all are custodians of a very rich tradition. We must pursue our chosen path with utmost integrity, he said. Also speaking at the occasion, Attorney General K K Venugopal said that the legal profession cannot lead in ignorance of the reality of India- a society that is characterised by massive inequality and injustice. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Dear Reader, Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world. Your encouragement and constant feedback on how to improve our offering have only made our resolve and commitment to these ideals stronger. Even during these difficult times arising out of Covid-19, we continue to remain committed to keeping you informed and updated with credible news, authoritative views and incisive commentary on topical issues of relevance. We, however, have a request. As we battle the economic impact of the pandemic, we need your support even more, so that we can continue to offer you more quality content. Our subscription model has seen an encouraging response from many of you, who have subscribed to our online content. More subscription to our online content can only help us achieve the goals of offering you even better and more relevant content. We believe in free, fair and credible journalism. Your support through more subscriptions can help us practise the journalism to which we are committed. Support quality journalism and subscribe to Business Standard. Digital Editor Most who develop COVID-19 symptoms recover after six days, and the number who experience symptoms beyond four weeks is low, according to a large UK study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health journal. The study, based on data reported through a smartphone app by parents and carers, provides the first detailed description of COVID-19 illness in symptomatic school-aged "It is reassuring that the number of experiencing long-lasting symptoms of COVID-19 symptoms is low. Nevertheless, a small number of children do experience long illness with COVID-19, and our study validates the experiences of these children and their families," said Professor Emma Duncan, lead author of the study, from King's College London, UK. The researchers noted that some adults experience a prolonged illness after COVID-19, described as long-COVID, where symptoms persist for four weeks or longer, but it is not known whether children can develop a similar condition or how common this is. Many children infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus do not develop symptoms, but those who do tend to have a mild illness, they said. The latest research used data collected through the ZOE COVID Study smartphone app, which includes data from more than 250,000 UK children aged five to 17 years. The team focused on reports collected between September 1, 2020 and February 22, 2021. Some 1,734 children developed symptoms of COVID-19 and received a positive PCR test result close to the onset of symptoms, with their symptoms reported regularly until they were healthy again. Overall, these children were ill for an average of six days and experienced an average of three symptoms in the first week of illness, confirming that COVID-19 tends to manifest as a mild illness in children, and that they usually recover quickly, the researchers said. The study found that most children recovered within four weeks, with a minority experiencing symptoms after a month. Typically, they had only two symptoms remaining after four weeks. The most common symptom experienced by children with long illness duration was fatigue. As many as 84 per cent of children were reported with fatigue at some point in their illness, and this was the most persistent symptom. Headache and loss of sense of smell were also common, the researchers said, adding, however, headache was more common early in illness while loss of sense of smell tended to occur later and to persist longer. Of the 1,379 children who developed symptoms at least two months before the end of the study period, fewer than 2 per cent experienced symptoms for longer than eight weeks, they noted. Older children in the 12 to 17 years age group were typically ill for longer than primary school aged children aged 5 to 11 years, according to the researchers. Older children were also more likely to have symptoms after four weeks than younger but there was no difference in the numbers of children who still had symptoms after eight weeks, they said. The researchers also assessed the children who tested negative for COVID-19 who may have had other childhood illnesses, such as colds and flu. They found that children with COVID-19 were ill for longer compared to children with other illnesses who tested negative for COVID-19. However, the study shows at four weeks, the small number of children with other illnesses tended to have more symptoms than those who were ill with COVID-19. "Our data highlight that other illnesses, such as colds and flu, can also have prolonged symptoms in children and it is important to consider this when planning for paediatric health services during the pandemic and beyond," Michael Absoud, a senior author of the study and Consultant & Senior Lecturer at King's College London, said. "This will be particularly important given that the prevalence of these illnesses is likely to increase as physical distancing measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are relaxed," Absoud said. The study authors note some limitations to their findings. They could not cross-check the symptoms reported by parents and carers with health records, and there may be inconsistencies in the way people interpret symptoms on behalf of their children. Also, only children who had an adult who was participating in the COVID Symptom Study were able to participate, which may bias participation towards certain demographic groups, the researchers added. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Amid sloganeering by Opposition Parliamentarians over various issues, the and were adjourned till 2 pm on Wednesday. While the Upper House was adjourned once amid the ruckus created by the Opposition over the 'Pegasus Project' media report, the Lower House was adjourned twice first till 11:30 am and then till 2 pm. Earlier in the day, Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay gave adjournment motion notice in to discuss the 'Pegasus Project' media report. Several Congress MPs Manickam Tagore and Manish Tewari also gave adjournment notices in the today to discuss the Pegasus issue. The Opposition has alleged that names of several Indian politicians, journalists, lawyers, and activists have appeared on the leaked list of potential targets for surveillance by an unidentified agency using Pegasus spyware. This comes following reports published in The Wire. Meanwhile, Floor leaders of "like-minded" Opposition parties will meet today at senior Congress leader and Leader of Opposition (LoP) Mallikarjun Kharge's office in Parliament at 10 am to chalk out floor strategy. Both and Lok Sabha were adjourned repeatedly on Tuesday amid ruckus by Opposition members over several key issues. Earlier on Tuesday, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi called a breakfast meeting to discuss the strategy to take on the BJP-led government in the remaining part of the monsoon session of parliament on issues being raised by opposition including alleged surveillance through Pegasus spyware. Amid the continuous ruckus created by the Opposition over the 'Pegasus Project' issue, both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have been facing repeated adjournments during the ongoing Monsoon Session of Parliament. The two Houses have been witnessing protests from the Opposition since the start of the monsoon session on July 19. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Even as both the houses of Parliament were once again adjourned today due to vociferous protests by the Opposition on a variety of issues, including the three farm acts, a group of claiming to represent over 100 groups across India gathered at a Gurudwara in Delhi, with the aim of breaking the deadlock between the protesting and the Government. The group, which calls itself Rashtriya Kisan Morcha (RKM), said that amendments announced by the Centre on the three farm acts that were presented during 11 rounds of discussions are unacceptable to them but instead some fresh amendments could be incorporated to further assuage the concerns of the That apart, the leaders also wanted a new law that will guarantee Minimum Support Price (MSP) to farmers. One grave concern of the farmers is that once the acts come into force, their ownership of agricultural land will cease. We have suggested amendments to the existing laws that will ensure it does not happen, Ajit Chaudhary, one of the participants in the meeting said. Meanwhile, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), which has been spearheading the over six-month long farmers agitation in the capital, and is now holding farmers Parliament daily in Jantar Mantar, too discussed the contours of a proposed MSP guarantee law in its mock Parliament today. ALSO READ: Govt says no proposal under consideration to waive farmer loans The Law will have basic five objectives, which are: improving the cost estimates, ensuring a formula that fixes a MSP which is 50 per cent over C2 or Comprehensive Cost of Production, operationalising this guarantee with 50 per cent procurement by the government, smarter market intervention by the government and ensuring that traders are required to pay at least MSP to farmers, the SKM said in a statement. The Lok Sabha proceedings meanwhile were adjourned for the day again on Wednesday after the passage of two bills, amid vociferous protests by the opposition over Pegasus snooping allegations and other issues. As soon as the House met again at 3.30 pm, Rajendra Agrawal, who was chairing the proceedings, took up the Coconut Development Board (Amendment) Bill, 2021, which was moved by Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar. However, the opposition members continued their protest on the Pegasus snooping row as well other matters. Amid the din, Tomar moved the bill, saying the proposed legislation will benefit coconut farmers in different states. Soon thereafter, the bill was passed without debate even as the opposition objected to the hasty approval to the bill. The bill has already been approved by the Rajya Sabha. As the opposition uproar continued, Agrawal adjourned the proceedings for the day. Zika virus Health Minister Rajesh Tope on Wednesday said a three-member central team is in Pune district where a woman was diagnosed with the recently, and urged people not to panic. Steps are being taken to ensure there is no spread of the mosquito-borne disease, he said. The woman patient (50) diagnosed with the infection, the first such case reported in Maharashtra, has recovered completely, the state health department had said last week. Tope said the multidisciplinary team, dispatched by the Union Health Ministry, is visiting Pune district to review the situation after the case was found in a village under Purandar taluka. "Mosquito breeding areas are being destroyed and symptoms of patients monitored. Steps are being taken to ensure there is no spread of the disease," he said and urged people not to panic. The three-member team consists of a public health expert from the office of Regional Director, Pune; a gynecologist from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi; and an entomologist from Institute of Malaria Research (NIMR), ICMR, New Delhi. A state government medical team visited the village on Saturday and met the sarpanch and gram panchayat members and instructed them about preventive measures. The spreads through the bite of the aedes aegypti mosquito and most patients do not have symptoms. Its typical symptoms include fever, body ache and conjunctivitis. State surveillance officer Dr Pradip Awate last week told PTI that there was no need to panic. "Zika is a moderate disease as 80 per cent patients do not get any symptoms and remaining 20 per cent have moderate flu-like symptoms. One can recover by drinking enough water, taking rest and having a simple paracetamol tablet," he had said. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) : Lieutenant Governor of Tamilisai Soundararajan on Wednesday urged the people to know the importance of vaccination against Addressing reporters here after the observance of the World Breastfeeding Week at the Government Rajiv Gandhi Hospital for Women and Child, the Lieutenant Governor said, "Nothing is left wanting in keeping the pandemic at bay." She said the infrastructure in hospitals and the stock of medicines have been improved and an intensive anti- COVID programme has been launched. " has covered more than 58 per cent of the population eligible for vaccination," she said while emphasising on public awareness on vaccines. "Our aim is 100 per cent coverage of people by August 15. Already, more than 58 per cent of eligible sections has been covered," she said. Medical teams have been asked to make door-to-door visits to ensure all the residents are given the vaccine, she said. "Nothing is left wanting and there is adequate stock of vaccines in Puducherry," she said. Later, she addressed the weekly meeting and reviewed the COVID-19 situation in the Union Territory. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) on Wednesday reported 623 new COVID-19 cases, pushing the tally to 6,47,229, while the death toll rose to 3,814 with three more fatalities. The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) accounted for the most number of cases with 77, followed by Karimnagar (65) and Warangal Urban (59), a state government bulletin said, providing details as of 5.30 PM on Wednesday. It said 594 people recuperated from the infectious disease on Wednesday, taking the cumulative number of recoveries to 6,34,612. Active cases stood at 8,803, the bulletin said. It said 1,12,796 samples were tested on Wednesday and the total number tested till date was 2,24,19,167. The samples tested per million population were 6,02,341. The case fatality and recovery rates were at 0.58 per cent and 98.05 per cent, respectively. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) steps down as non-executive chairman of Vodafone Idea Vodafone Idea on Wednesday said its board accepted the request of Aditya Birla group Chairman to step down as non-executive director and non-executive chairman of the Board. Himanshu Kapania, currently a non-executive director, has been appointed as non-executive chairman. Read more CCI approves acquisition of equity stake by Carlyle in PNB Housing Finance Competition Commission has given its nod for the proposed investments by Carlyle Group and other investors in Ltd. Under the deal, Pluto Investments S.a.r.l. and Salisbury Investments Pvt Ltd would acquire an equity stake in PNB Housing Finance, where state-owned Punjab Bank holds a little over 32 per cent stake. Read more Suzuki Motor Gujarat to scale down production in Aug due to chip shortage Suzuki Motor Gujarat (SMG), a 100 per cent subsidiary of Japan's Suzuki Motor Corporation, will scale down production activity this month at its Ahmedabad-based manufacturing plant due to semiconductor shortage, Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said on Wednesday. SMG, which supplies cars exclusively to MSI, has also decided to scale down production to single shift at some manufacturing lines in the plant. Read more Tokyo Olympics: Medal assured as wrestler Ravi Dahiya storms into finals India grappler Ravi Kumar Dahiya stormed into the finals of the men's freestyle 57kg category at the Tokyo Olympics after defeating Kazakhstan's Nurislam Sanayev in the semi-finals here at Makuhari Messe Hall A, Mat B on Wednesday. The Indian wrestler won by fall. Dahiya will now contest the finals on Thursday and he is the first to enter the final since Sushil in 2012. Read more The UK government is soon expected to roll out Covid shots to more than a million 16 and 17-year-olds, media reports said on Wednesday. The roll out is based on recommendations of the independent UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), but it is not known when the jabs will start, the BBC reported. Currently, the vaccine is offered to people aged above 12 with underlying conditions or living with others at high risk. The JCVI had, last month, recommended Covid jabs to children aged over 12, who are at higher risk of getting ill and to those on the verge of turning 18. But, it delayed it as it was awaiting for further reports of rare adverse events such as inflammation of heart muscles among young adults, the report said. However, the new advice as hinted by Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's on Tuesday, said "hoping" to receive updated advice from the JCVI on the vaccination of 16 and 17-year-olds. Sturgeon said the UK's four chief medical officers had written to the JCVI, asking them to look again at vaccination advice for young people, the report said. The only Covid jab currently authorised in the UK for under-18s is the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. According to the Telegraph, Pfizer and Moderna vaccines would be available in line with guidance for young adults. Countries, including the US, Canada and France, have already rolled out vaccines for people aged 12-years-old and above. According to the latest UK government data, 88.7 per cent of people in the UK have now had one dose of vaccine, while 73 per cent have had two jabs. --IANS rvt/in (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The United States is helping India and other countries to be able produce the vaccines by themselves, President has said. With a need for several billion doses around the world, the US was committed to provide half a billion, Biden said during a press conference at White House on Tuesday. We have committed to over a half a billion doses. And we're trying to provide for more and provide for the capacity of countries like India to be able to produce the vaccine themselves. And we're helping them do that. That's what we're doing now, he said in response to a question. And we're trying toby the way, it's free. We're not charging anybody anything. And we're trying to do as much as we possibly can, he added. In this fight against COVID-19, Biden asserted, the United States was committed to become the arsenal of vaccines, the manner in which it was the arsenal of democracy during World War II. We are backing up that commitment. We have contributed more than any other nation to COVAX as a collective global effort to deliver COVID-19 vaccines across the world. We have supported manufacturing efforts abroad through our partnerships with Japan, India, Australia known as the Quad, he said. Biden said that during his trip to Europe in June, he had announced that the US would purchase a ground-breaking 500 million doses of Pfizer and donate to nearly a hundred low-and middle-income countries that don't have the vaccine. Those doses will start to ship at the end of this month, he said. We also announced that we would donate 80 million doses of our own vaccine to supply the world, which has already begun, Biden said, adding that so far, the US has shipped over 110 million doses of its vaccines to 65 countries, which are among the hardest-hit in the world. We will continue to give tens of millions of the doses away across the summer and work to increase US manufacturing and manufacturing of vaccines around the world as well. It is not just vaccines. We are continuing to provide countries in need with more testing, protective equipment, and personnel to stem the surge of the virus. We have done it in India and elsewhere, the President said. In the race for the 21st century between democracies and autocracies, we need to prove that democracies can deliver. The democracies of the world are looking to America to lead again in two ways. First, to demonstrate we can control this virus at home. And second, to show we can help address it around the world. Vaccinate America and help vaccinate the world. That's how we are about to beat this thing, he added. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Union Health Ministry on Wednesday clarified that while some COVID-19 cases could go undetected as per the principles of infectious disease and its management, missing out on deaths was completely unlikely given the robust and statute-based death registration system in India. During the peak of the second wave, the health system across the country was focused on effective clinical management of cases requiring medical help due to which correct reporting and recording of Covid deaths could have been delayed but it was later reconciled by states and UTs, the ministry said in a statement. The reconciling of deaths is still being carried out allaying all speculations of under-reporting and under-counting of deaths due to COVID-19, it said. Noting that there have been some speculative media reports inferring under-counting of deaths from eight states, the ministry said the deaths can only be estimated and the exact data may never be known. The reports highlight data from the Civil Registration System (CRS) and Health Management Information System (HMIS), including all-cause death numbers, leading to erroneous inferences terming it as 'counting the uncounted', it said. "It is clarified that given the robust and statute-based death registration system in India, while some cases could go undetected as per the principles of infectious disease and its management, missing out on deaths is completely unlikely. "This could also be seen in the case fatality rate, which as on 31st December 2020 stood at 1.45 per cent, and even after an unexpected surge observed in the second wave in April-May 2021, the case fatality rate today stands at 1.34 per cent," the ministry said. Moreover, the reporting of daily new cases and deaths in India follows a bottom-up approach, where districts report the number of cases and deaths to state governments and to the Union ministry on a continuous basis. As early as May 2020, to avoid inconsistency or confusion in the number of deaths being reported, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had issued 'Guidance for appropriate recording of COVID-19 related deaths in India' for correct recording of all deaths by states and UTs as per ICD-10 codes recommended by the WHO for mortality coding, the ministry said in the statement. The Union Health Ministry has repeatedly been advising states and UTs through formal communications, multiple video conferences and through deployment of central teams for recording of deaths in accordance with laid down guidelines. States have been advised to conduct thorough audits in their hospitals and report any cases or deaths that could have been missed with district and date-wise details so as to guide a data-driven decision-making, it said. The ministry has regularly emphasized the need for a robust reporting mechanism for monitoring district-wise cases and deaths on a daily basis. States consistently reporting lower number of daily deaths have been advised to re-check their data, the statement said. A case in point is the Union Health Ministry writing to the state of Bihar to provide detailed date and district wise break-up of the reconciled number of deaths. "In addition to reporting by states and UTs, the robustness of statute based Civil Registration System (CRS) ensures all births and deaths in the country get registered. The CRS follows process of data collection, cleaning, collating and publishing the numbers, which although is a long-drawn process, but ensures no deaths are missed out. Because of the expanse and the amplitude of the activity, the numbers are usually published the next year, which has also been acknowledged in the referred to media report," the statement said. "It is a well-known fact that there shall always be some differences in mortality recorded during a profound and prolonged public health crisis such as Covid pandemic. Well conducted research studies on mortalities are usually done after the event when data on mortalities are available from reliable sources. The methodologies for such studies are well established, the data sources are defined as also the valid assumptions for computing mortality," it added. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) : The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is not a part of the Central government and it cannot be absolved from the requirement of paying urban land tax, the has said. cannot be construed as 'Central Government' within the meaning of exemption clause as contemplated under section 29 (a) of the Tamil Nadu Urban Land Tax Act, 1966 and consequently, the State government is empowered to levy the Urban Land Tax, Justice S M Suhbramaniayam said. The judge was dismissing a batch of writ petitions from the recently challenging the levy of tax by the State government for its properties on the outskirts of the city. The petitioner is liable to pay the said tax as applicable and in this view of the matter, all the writ petitions fail and stand dismissed, the judge said. Earlier, counsel submitted it is a statutory organisation functioning under the administrative control of Union Ministry of Civil Aviation. It was managing the civil airports and civil enclaves at defence airports across the country. It holds certain lands in the surrounding villages of Chennai and they were exempted from paying the tax. There is no infirmity or perversity in respect of the orders impugned in the order passed by the State government, the judge said and dismissed the petitions after holding that the AAI is liable to pay the Urban Land Tax as applicable. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Deposit Insurance and Credit Corporation will get 30 days to authenticate claims of depositors of a failed bank after it receives a list of outstanding deposits from the lender. According to the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2021 passed by Wednesday, depositors of a stressed bank, put under moratorium, will be able to withdraw up to Rs 5 lakhs within 90 days. Once a stressed bank is put on moratorium, DICGC will be liable to pay depositors an insured amount of Rs 5 lakh. A list showing the outstanding deposits of each depositor of the insured bank will have to be furnished by the lender within 45 days. The DICGC, within 30 days of receiving the list will have to verify the authenticity of the claims made, and ascertain the willingness of each depositor to receive the amount due to him, out of his deposit in the insured bank. The entire process, from the time a bank is placed under moratorium to depositors receiving the insured amount, should not exceed 90 days, according to the DICGC Bill, 2021. The bill also amends Section 15 of the DICGC Act to enable the corporation to increase the ceiling on the amount of premium paid by to DICGC to 15 paisa per annum for Rs 100 worth deposits, with the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The amendments also allows the corporation to impose penal interest for the amount to be repaid by the liquidator. According to Section 21(2)(a) of DICGC Act, liquidator is bound to repay the Corporation for the amount paid by it or provided for in case the depositors are not traceable. Given the paucity of time for liquidator to draw up claims and secure liquid funds, the proposed amendments to the Act provide flexibility to the liquidator to seek deferment for such repayment to the Corporation for the period as may be decided by the board of directors of DICGC," said Nischal S Arora, partner at Nangia Andersen. In case of further delay beyond the time stipulated by the Board, the Corporation may charge penal interest at a maximum rate of 2 per cent above the repo rate per annum, for the amount to be repaid by the liquidator to the Corporation. "There was no mechanism to impose a penalty under the earlier law in case of a default in repayment, Arora said. India is sending a naval task force to the South Sea this month to expand security ties with friendly countries, officials said on Wednesday, signalling its intent to play a bigger role in regional efforts to counter The Indian military has been traditionally wary of antagonising but the mood has hardened following clashes between troops on the disputed land border last year. The government has since drawn closer to the United States in efforts to push back against China. Four ships including a guided missile destroyer and a missile frigate will be deployed for a two-month period to southeast Asia, the and the western Pacific, the navy said in a statement. "The deployment of the Indian Navy ships seeks to underscore the operational reach, peaceful presence and solidarity with friendly countries towards ensuring good order in the maritime domain..." the navy said. The has become one of many flashpoints in the testy relationship between China and the United States, with Washington rejecting what it calls unlawful territorial claims by Beijing in the resource-rich waters. In June, a U.S. aircraft carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan entered the as part of a routine mission and a British carrier group is due to undertake exercises in the Philippine Sea this month. As part of their deployment, the Indian ships will take part in annual joint war drills involving the United States, Japan and Australia off the coast of Guam, the navy said. The four countries make up the Quad, an informal group, that U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is promoting as a way to counter an assertive China. "These maritime initiatives enhance synergy and coordination between the Indian Navy and friendly countries, based on common maritime interests and commitment towards Freedom of Navigation at sea," the Indian navy said in its statement. China has in the past criticised multilateral military manoeuvres as destabilising to the region. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Three students of National Institute of Technology (NIT) Rourkela were offered annual pay packages of Rs 45 lakh, the highest so far, in the online drive for the academic year 2020-21, the institute said. With 84 companies offering 253 students more than Rs 10 lakh per annum, the average CTC offered was about Rs 9.36 lakh per annum, an increase of over 4 per cent from the previous year, an official release issued by the institute said. The IT and software sector has emerged as the top recruiter (41% of total recruitment) till date. The Core Engineering like Electrical & Electronics Manufacturing, Analytics and Consulting, Banking Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI), and sectors sharing the rest of the part, it said. Another 211 students bagged prestigious internship offers from global majors like Microsoft, Barclays, Citi Bank and Qualcomm with the highest stipend rising to Rs.1 lakh per month. So far, the Institute received more than 841 full-time offers. The 256 companies that participated in the drive are from the diverse sectors like software, manufacturing, electronics, finance, education, petroleum, construction and top rung public sector units. Prof Umesh C Pati, Head of Training and Centre, Rourkela, said, "This year, taking up the placement drive was a rigorous task. But, keeping up with the new normal of virtual placement drive, the training and placement centre worked very hard to adapt quickly and enable the students to be at their best for the process. We witnessed 101 new companies which have participated in this placement season. Some of them are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Barclays, Citi Bank, Siemens Gamesa." Congratulating the placement committee and students, the Director of the Institute, Prof Animesh Biswas said, "This year's placement season has witnessed remarkable success despite the current Covid-19 pandemic, which is a testament to the imparted at Rourkela and the hard work put in by our students. I am very proud of our students for their dedication which has led to such coveted employment offers. We are continuously striving to exceed the expectations of the recruiters as well as stakeholders and thank them for reposing faith in the institute as well as its distinct academic culture." The Computer Science and Engineering Departments bagged 187 jobs, the maximum among all departments. More than 230 Postgraduate students have bagged job offers so far. Undergraduate students did well too, with the Chemical Engineering department attaining 100% placement, followed by Computer Science and Electronics & Communication Engineering departments, which achieved 98%. Among the others, the Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering and Electrical Engineering attained 92% and 88% placements respectively. Rourkela is one of the premier national level institutions for technical in the country and is funded by the Government of India. NIT Rourkela has earned 16th position in NIRF Ranking 2020 (Engineering Category) and overall 32nd position. In Atal rankings 2020, NITR has been placed in Band A (Rank Between 11th 25th) among the Institute of National Importance, Central Universities. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The on Wednesday said the ICSE, CBSE and IGCSE boards can submit question banks to the Maharashtra state board so that it can set a single paper for a Common Entrance Test (CET) for admission to Std 11th. As no external examination was held for Std 10th this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, a CET will be held on August 21 for students from all the boards for admission to the first year of junior college. A division bench of Justices R D Dhanuka and Riyaz Chagla was hearing a petition by ICSE student Ananya Patki, challenging a May 28 government resolution which said the CET will be based solely on the SSC (Secondary School Certificate) board's syllabus. Advocate General Ashutosh Kumbhakoni, appearing for the state government, opposed the petition and said if the CET was cancelled, it would affect the rights of lakhs of students. "Over ten lakh students have already registered for the CET," he said. The state government has requested other boards to submit question banks of 200 sample questions each, to be fine-tuned and included in the CET, he said. The CET would have seven groups of questions of 25 marks each. Questions in four groups would be based on the SSC board syllabus for maths, science, social sciences and English, while three groups would comprise questions from the other boards, he said. Students can attempt questions from any four of these seven groups, the advocate general explained. While the CBSE has not taken any objection to the CET, the ICSE is not party to the petition before the HC, he said. Stating that there was no unanimity among various boards, Kumbhakoni said that if there was further delay, the admission process will be over only in October. The bench said the other boards can submit question banks to the state government if they wish. It would take up the plea for final hearing on August 6, it added. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Standing Committee on chaired by Lok Sabha member Jayant Sinha observed that park their stressed assets with asset reconstruction companies (ARC) to hide the actual extent of bad debts and this should not be encouraged. At the same time, should be encouraged to bring down their leverage and the present grim situation should not be used as an alibi for bank privatisation. The ARCs have become an instrument to park the non-performing assets (NPA) of as simply a window-dressing exercise. The committee would therefore recommend that this policy should not be misused in such a manner, as it does not really serve the purpose of resolving NPAs, the committee said. At the same time, the committee also urged the government to focus their endeavour to speed up the establishment of the Asset Reconstruction Company and Asset Management Company, which was announced in the 2021-22 Union Budget, to consolidate and take over the existing stressed debt and manage and dispose of the assets to Alternative Investment funds etc. However, the Standing Committee was satisfied with the coherent policy response by the government in resolving the bad assets problems in banks. The committee was told by the government that gross NPAs have come down from Rs 8.96 trillion in March 2018 to Rs 5.77 trillion in December 2020. There was a record recovery of Rs 2.27 trillion during this period and asset quality as a percentage of lending improved from 7.97 per cent of net NPA (bad debts after provisioning) to 2.32 per cent. At the same time, because of capitalisation in government owned banks, capital adequacy ratio improved from 11.66 per cent in March 2018 to 13.74 per cent in December, 2020. The government infused Rs 3.17 trillion in banks, while the lenders mobilised over Rs 2.49 trillion themselves. As a result, provision coverage ratio in banks improved to 87.5 per cent in December 2020, from 62.7 per cent in March 2018, reflecting increased resilience, the committee noted. The committee noted that despite several steps taken by the government to nurse back health of the public sector banks after the asset quality review of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the large legacy NPAs remaining unresolved/unsettled cannot be ignored. The committee reiterated that large legacy NPAs must be segregated for resolution, allowing banks to move ahead with their regular business without getting bogged/dragged down with legacy issues. The committee, however, was critical about high write-offs and leverage in banks particularly in public sector banks. It said 16 large and mid-sized public sector banks wrote off more than Rs 31,000 crore in the June quarter of 2018-19, an increase of 37 per cent year on year, whereas, the loan books grew only 4.5 per cent in that period. Although the situation is no doubt grim, the committee would remain optimistic that as most of the large legacy NPAs get resolved/settled either through the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC) process or outside it, the consequential recoveries/write-ins will help the banks shore up their balance sheets. The need of the hour for the banking sector is to look ahead and progress with vigour and vitality, it said, adding, both the government and regulator RBI should formulate coherent policies to overcome the present challenges and chalk out their growth path with confidence. While doing so, special focus should be given on challenges emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the challenges should not be an excuse for privatisation of banks, it said. In this connection, the committee would like to emphasise that the present crisis which the committee believe is transient, should not become an alibi for privatisation of PSBs In the age of smartphones, international wire transfers belong in money museums. In more than 60 countries, including many developing nations, it has become incredibly easy to send funds in real time to someone else over the internet--knowing nothing more than their mobile phone number. However, 24/7 fast payment systems, a technology thats starting to work pretty well for small-value transfers in domestic situations, have no counterpart when money has to jump over national borders. For a bank to move funds from one country to another, it needs to either have a presence in both, or keep idle funds to maintain correspondent relationships with other financial institutions in the middle. Payments take at least a few hours, and sometimes get stuck for days because of a typo in the beneficiarys name, address or account number. Which is when we wish we could just whip out our phones and pay an individual or a merchant in another part of the world on the spot by using only their phone number. Thats why, in the coming months and years, well probably hear more about Nexus, currently a blueprint drawn up by the Bank for International Settlements innovation hub. Transfers are expensive. The global average cost of sending $200 was 6.4% in the first quarter of 2020, according to the World Bank. Fintech firms like Wise Plc (formerly known as TransferWise) and crypto players like Ripple Labs Inc. have, in their own ways, tried to address the problem of high costs. One reason to welcome the upcoming official digital currencies is that several of them can share a technical bridge and allow participating central to clear one anothers IOUs. Users will gain from instantaneous settlement. Even in cross-border situations. ALSO READ: UPI logs record 3 bn transactions in July, riding on digital payments But theres another way: hooking up the domestic smartphone-oriented payment systems that are already gaining popularity. Trouble is, with two countries, you need one link, and with three, you need three. Expand the network to 20 economies, and you need 190 connections. Thats where Nexus: A blueprint for instant cross-border payments comes in. Nexus wont be another app. Think of it as a world wide web of payments, a set of rules--the Nexus Scheme--any country can adopt. After that, its a question of setting up payment gateways, the software. on the gateway will compete to offer foreign exchange. Once payment firms know whats expected in compliance, currency conversion, and message translation, theyll rush in to provide add-on services. The sender will simply select Make an international payment on her existing app for domestic fund transfers. She will then choose the country, define the amount and opt for the most convenient address format for the receiver. For example, if its possible to send money within Australia to an email address, a mobile number or a company registration number, then the Nexus protocol will allow the same for any overseas payment to an Australian recipient. Once the sender has keyed in this minimum required information, shell be shown the exact amount to be paid out, along with the full or partly masked name of the receiver to confirm that the money is going to the right person. A click on the Send button will see funds appear in a bank account on the other side in a minute or less. An expensive proposition Its an approach that deserves to be explored. Domestic fast payments are practically free now. Using the smartphone to shave off most of the costs of a conventional international transfer would make for tremendous savings on the $540 billion received by low- and middle-income countries last year as officially recorded remittances. Throw in the benefits to small online businesses that work on margins too thin for them to accept cards or services like PayPal. Taking fast payment systems global would mean that even mom-and-pop outlets can transact with customers anywhere and get paid in real time. It would have a democratizing influence on global commerce. Thats the first reason for taking the BIS report seriously. The second is that its supported by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the National Payments Corporation of India. Singapore-India is a busy corridor for remittances. The MAS is a credible, innovation-friendly regulator and the NPCI oversees a powerful domestic network. Known as the Unified Payments Interface, the mobile-based system cleared 4.9 trillion rupees ($66 billion) in May, five times the value of card-based transactions. Alphabet Inc.s Google recommended UPI to the Federal Reserve as a possible model for FedNow, the instant payment system the U.S. wants to put in place by 2023. ALSO READ: Paytm Money had more millenials, women investors in the past one year Its still early days, but if India agrees to become the third pillar in the recent linkup of mobile payment systems between Singapores PayNow and Thailands PromptPay, it may not be long before their rules of engagement morph into the Nexus Scheme, an international standard. None of Indias three biggest digital wallet operators are commercial banks: Google Pay, Walmart Inc.s and Paytm, the Indian fintech that will soon go public. Facebook Inc.s WhatsApp is fine-tuning its own rival product. If the Indian-inspired architecture becomes the Nexus prototype, international transfers will no longer be a preserve of Consumer internet firms may dominate, with passively receiving and sending funds. Minus the fat fees. With Nexus, itll be possible before hitting Send to establish if the payment will succeed. For instance, by validating that the recipients bank account is operational and checking for compliance with anti-money-laundering rules. The uncertainty associated with traditional one-way communication filling a paper or digital transfer form and waiting for confirmation from the other end--will become history. Can you wire me the money? will become as quaint as sending a telegram. The (RBI) on Wednesday gave time till October 31 to comply with its guidelines on current account and overdraft facilities. The central bank indicated that it was in no mood to change the proposed rules, but would only allow for stretching the timeline for smoother implementation. The initial deadline had ended on July 31, leading to thousands of current accounts being closed or frozen by Lenders had requested the for some more time to resolve the operational issues in implementing the provisions of the August 2020 circular in letter and spirit. According to bankers, the accounts that were frozen can now be operationalised for three more months, during which would be able to iron out the issues. State Bank of India Chairman Dinesh Khara said while most of the challenges had already been addressed, the timeframe given by the was reasonable to engage with clients on the matter. Banks will be able to resolve the outstanding issues harmoniously in this period, Khara said. The frozen accounts, he said, could now be reopened for the ease of migration to a new arrangement. Till now, banks were closing accounts or freezing them unilaterally, but now they will have to consult the clients about the migration path, bankers say. ALSO READ: RBI's MPC begins deliberations, may maintain status quo on interest rate A senior banker with a private bank said most current accounts were frozen and not closed outrightly. The debit side was kept open, while the credit side was frozen. That means the accounts could be used for payment, but no fresh money was allowed to be deposited in them. However, there are some cases where accounts have been closed permanently. HITTING PAUSE not likely to dilute current account norms Banks in the interim had frozen thousands of accounts on the credit side After unfreezing the accounts, banks will guide clients towards migration Accounts already closed unlikely to be reopened IBA to coordinate rules with the RBI on behalf of banks Banks have been giving notices to their clients for 30 days. Responding to those notices, many accounts have been closed already. Besides, banks also closed a few accounts on the last day, and settled the outstanding in many cases. They cannot be reopened, said another private banker, who said the RBI relief should have come before the deadline, and not after four days. Pushing the deadline to October 31, the RBI said, This extended timeline shall be utilised by banks to engage with their borrowers to arrive at mutually satisfactory resolutions within the ambit of the circular. Banks shall ensure that the contents of the circular are implemented in letter and spirit without causing undue inconvenience to their borrowers, the RBI said in its notification. Cases that banks are unable to resolve themselves will have to be escalated to the Indian Banks Association (IBA) for appropriate guidance. The banking industry lobby would flag any regulatory considerations required to the RBI by September 30. This may indicate that the October 31 deadline is flexible, provided banks sort out the issue with their customers and come to a solution. In the original circular, the RBI had said a customer can open a current account with any bank if she has not availed of overdraft facility from any bank, and the exposure to the banking system is less than Rs 5 crore. If the exposure is between Rs 5 crore and Rs 50 crore, the lending bank can allow the customer to open a current account as well. ALSO READ: RBI should ease regulations for shipment credit However, for large borrowers above Rs 50 crore exposure and having multiple bank exposures, current account and cash credit/overdraft facility has to be with a single bank. In essence, a customer has to have a single current account, and that too with the bank with which it has a loan facility running. In the case of multiple banks, the borrower and the banks can decide mutually where to keep the current account. The current account has to be run through an escrow mechanism, and current accounts of such borrowers can only be opened/maintained by the escrow managing bank, the RBI had said in its August circular. The RBIs proposed rules gave rise to problems in many cases, as firms generally take loans from public sector banks, but run current accounts with private and foreign banks that offer better services. The RBI wanted to stem this, saying the core banking system (CBS) connects all the banks and the firms should not have any problem integrating accounts. The idea was to make sure that funds are not routed through multiple check-in accounts, and that by limiting such accounts within one bank, the firms are better monitored. A bombing attack that targeted Afghanistan's acting defence minister killed at least eight people and wounded 20, authorities said Wednesday. The deputy minister was not hurt in the attack claimed by insurgents. The blast went off late Tuesday in a heavily guarded upscale neighbourhood of the capital of It was followed by a gun battle that also left four militants dead, authorities said. The casualty toll could rise, Interior Ministry spokesperson Mirwais Stanekzai said on Wednesday. spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid in a statement on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the attack. It came as the insurgent group presses ahead with an offensive that is putting pressure on provincial capitals in the south and west of the country. Mujahid said the attack was revenge for recent attacks by Afghan national forces in various provinces that he said caused civilian casualties and displacement. (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) With less than two months before holds an election, the environmentalist Green party has announced a 10-point plan that puts the Paris climate accord's goal at the heart of its election program. Among the measures proposed on Tuesday is the creation of a dedicated Climate Ministry that would have the power to veto government decisions, which don't comply with the 2015 Paris Agreement's target of capping global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit). We need to set a course that would make 1.5 degrees possible, said Annalena Baerbock, the party's candidate to succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor in the Sept. 26 vote. Scientists say the goal will be hard to achieve without a wholesale change to the entire world economy, and even the less-ambitious target of limiting global warming to 2 degrees (3.6F) by the end of the century compared with pre-industrial times will be a challenge. Co-leader Robert Habeck acknowledged that the Green party's plan would be expensive. Somebody is going to have to pay for it, he said, adding that the Greens want the additional money needed to be raised through greater government borrowing that he said would spur economic growth. Other measures the party is proposing include a sharp expansion of renewable energy with a requirement that all new public buildings have solar roofs and a faster phase-out of fossil fuels, which would see end the burning of coal and the sale of combustion engine vehicles by 2030. Among the most contentious issues for car-loving Germans is the introduction of a 130 kilometers per hour (80mph) speed limit on all highways, which experts estimate would save almost 2 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. Environmental organizations said the party's proposals were a step in the right direction. But Greenpeace said more drastic measures will be needed to really achieve the Paris goals. The Greens are trailing the center-right Union bloc in opinion polls, but last month's deadly floods have pushed back up the political agenda. The party stands a strong chance of being part of the next governing coalition, even if it doesn't win the election. Merkel is not running for a fifth term. Her party has chosen Armin Laschet, the governor of North Rhine-Westphalia state, as its candidate to become the next chancellor. The country's current finance minister, Olaf Scholz, has the strongest personal approval ratings of the three main candidates in recent surveys. But his center-left Social Democrats are third-placed in the polls. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) US President called on Andrew Cuomo to resign after the release of a state report finding that the governor sexually harassed multiple women, created a climate of fear in his office and violated federal and state laws. Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the nations two most senior Democrats, on Tuesday both joined a chorus of politicians from both sides of the aisle demanding Cuomo step down. Cuomo, also a Democrat, responded defiantly earlier in the day, insisting hed done nothing wrong and calling the probe by Attorney General Letitia James biased. The president said he thought Cuomo should resign in response to a reporters question at a briefing. Pelosi said in a statement, Recognising his love of and the respect for the office he holds, I call upon the Governor to resign. James, also a Democrat, said Cuomo engaged in unwanted groping and kissing of current and former state employees as well as women outside of state government. He and his staff also retaliated against at least one former employee for coming forward, the attorney general said at a press conference Tuesday morning announcing her offices report on Cuomos misconduct. Biden, who weathered his own controversy related to inappropriate behaviour, and Pelosi both stopped short earlier this year of seeking Cuomos resignation when harassment allegations first surfaced, but Jamess report intensified the firestorm engulfing a politician who just last year was touted as a hero and a possible Democratic presidential contender. Other political figures who previously reserved judgment on Cuomo, like New York Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the No. 3 House Democrat, also said Tuesday he should resign. New York Representative Elise Stefanik, the No. 3 House Republican, said Cuomo should be arrested. New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand renewed their previous demand from March that Cuomo resign. Cuomo denied the findings of Jamess report in his own press conference held Tuesday afternoon. I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances, he said. By Ahmad Ghaddar LONDON (Reuters) - fell on Wednesday as the spread of the coronavirus Delta variant in top consuming countries outweighed Mideast geopolitical tensions and a fall in U.S. inventories. oil futures were down 67 cents, or 0.9%, to $71.74 a barrel by 1144 GMT. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude fell 86 cents, or 1.2%, to $69.70 a barrel. "Worries continue to grow over the spread of the Delta variant in China, which has weighed heavily on in recent days," analysts at bank ING said. The United States and China, the world's two biggest oil consumers, are grappling with rapidly spreading outbreaks of the highly contagious Delta variant that analysts fear will limit fuel demand at a time when it traditionally rises in both countries. In China, the spread of the variant from the coast to inland cities has prompted authorities to impose strict measures to bring the outbreak under control. An expected fall in U.S. inventories, however, capped some losses, and both contracts traded slightly higher earlier in the session. "[Oil] bulls have drawn support from U.S. inventory dynamics, with commercial stocks falling to their lowest since January 2020 and indications that the tightening is set to continue," oil brokerage PVM said. U.S. crude inventories fell by 879,000 barrels for the week ended July 30, according to two market sources, citing figures from industry group American Petroleum Institute (API). Gasoline inventories fell by 5.8 million barrels and distillate stocks fell by 717,000 barrels, the data showed, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Official Energy Information Administration numbers are due later on Wednesday. Tensions in the Mideast Gulf also lent prices some support. On Tuesday, three maritime security sources clamed Iranian-backed forces seized an oil product tanker off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, though Iran denied the reports. This is the second attack on a tanker since Friday in the region, which includes the Strait of Hormuz. The UK and the U.S. are also blaming Iran for the earlier incident, in which drones crashed into the vessel and killed two sailors. (Additional reporting by Naveen Thukral in Singapore; editing by Jason Neely) (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) raised oil for prices for buyers in Asia and the US for September in a sign the worlds largest crude exporter sees demand continuing to recover despite a surge in coronavirus cases in some of the worlds main energy importers. OPEC+, the oil-producers group led by the Saudis and Russia, agreed last month to ramp up production over the rest of the year. Most analysts still see the market facing a shortage of barrels amid a global economic recovery from the worst of the pandemic. Saudi Aramco will increase its key Arab Light grade for Asia by 30 cents from August to $3 a barrel above the state companys benchmark, according to a statement. Thats slightly less than the 50-cent increase forecast in a Bloomberg survey. Aramco is raising pricing for other grades to the region by between 20 and 60 cents. sends more than 60 per cent of its crude exports to Asia, with China, South Korea, Japan and India the biggest buyers. Brent crude has dropped 5 per cent this week to just above $72 a barrel on concern about the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus, particularly in Asia. That could temper buyers uptake of Saudi barrels, even with the lower-than-expected increase. Abu Dhabi also increased September pricing for the region. Still, many analysts and traders see the latest Covid-19 flare-ups as a short-term hit to oil demand. The market has tightened this year Brent is up around 40 per cent despite falling this week due to rising consumption and OPEC+ only slowly easing deep supply cuts it started early last year to boost prices. Korean government will import 200 million by next month to stabilise egg prices. It is planning to increase direct sales of imported to customers by supplying more than half to large supermarkets. Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Strategy and Finance, announced the import plan after visiting Daejeon Ojeong-dong Agriculture and Seafood Market and E-mart Dunsan Branch on the 3rd to check consumer prices. The government will significantly increase the volume of imported to 100 million in August and 100 million in September. More than half of imported eggs will be supplied to large retailers such as supermarkets. Previously, imported eggs were mainly supplied to catering companies and processing companies, but now consumers can purchase imported eggs directly. The price of 30 imported eggs of the aT Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation will also be reduced by 1,000 won from 4,000 won to 3,000 won from coming 5th. "In order to cut the price of eggs as soon as possible, imported eggs should be supplied to consumers at a lower price for the time being," Deputy Prime Minister Hong said. "The government will do the best to reduce the price of eggs, which is currently stagnant at around 7,000 won, to around 6,000 won." In addition, the government decided to increase the supply by 1.6 times of beef and by 1.25 times of pork to stabilize meat prices during Chuseok, when demand for gifts increases. The government is planning to expand imports by 10 per cent of beef and 5 per cent of pork compared to the average of the year, and also it will simplify import inspection procedures. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The Biden administration encouraged lawmakers to repeal an authorisation for military action in crafted when was still alive, rejecting Republican arguments it would further signal to that the US is retreating from the Middle East. Debate in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on ending Congress's 2002 resolution for military force against Tuesday comes as part of a larger discussion by some lawmakers on axing or replacing decades-old congressional authorisations for military force. Tuesday's debate also is part of a growing tug-of-war between the Biden administration and lawmakers who say Joe Biden is only the latest US president to flout congressional authority with military strikes and deployments in Somalia, Syria, Iraq, and other hotspots. Appearing before the panel, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke up for one apparent area of agreement between the White House and Democratic lawmakers in the debate: ending Congress's standing 2002 authorization for US troops to strike in US forces acting on later disproven US claims that Saddam was sitting on weapons of mass destruction invaded Iraq in 2003. They captured the Iraqi leader months later and turned him over to a new Iraqi government, which hanged him in 2006. The committee is due to vote Wednesday on repealing the 2002 resolution and a 1991 measure authorizing the US-led Gulf War to roll back Saddam in an invasion of Kuwait. Biden voted for the resolution in 2002, later calling it a mistake, and against going to war in 1991 in his long career as a senator from Delaware. Iraq today is a partner of the United States, not an enemy, Sherman told lawmakers. She argued that repealing the 2002 resolution would demonstrate the changed relationship and be a setback to rival Iran, which wants neighboring Iraq firmly in its sphere of influence. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi had pushed the Biden administration when he visited Washington last month to remove some of the last vestiges of the US invasion, which effectively ended in 2011. Several committee Republicans argued repealing the decades-old authorizations would send the wrong message to That's especially so as the Biden administration ends the US military role in Afghanistan, and at the request of the Iraqi government formally rebrands any remaining combat mission in Iraq to one focused on training, advising and intelligence-sharing. Why take the chance that ... this is misinterpreted in the Middle East? Utah Sen. Mitt Romney asked Sherman on repealing the 2002 military authorization. This has extraordinary ability to be misconstrued as America's pulling away," Romney added. The risk is much greater than the benefit." The Biden administration has cited other legal authority, including Biden's constitutional war powers as commander in chief, in airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, and Pentagon strikes on the al Shabab Islamic insurgent group in Somalia, without seeking congressional approval for each strike. Republican and Democratic lawmakers have efforts under way that would repeal and replace some standing authorizations of military force, including a 2001 authorization regarding Afghanistan, al-Qaida and the Taliban still cited in other US counter-terror strikes. Other legislation introduced by Sens. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, and Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, would shift substantially more power on foreign policy and national security to Congress from the executive branch. As someone who voted for the 2001 action on Afghanistan after the 9/11 strikes, I can safely say we never could have imagined it being used as a justification for airstrikes in Somalia ... or against groups that did not even exist at the time, said Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat and chairman of the committee. He said it was time for an honest conversation on the current balance of presidential and congressional authority for deciding on military action. Biden also voted for the Afghanistan resolution, which passed with no opposition in the Senate. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The on Wednesday called for a "moratorium" on booster shots of the Covid-19 vaccine until at least the end of September, noting with concern the disparity in levels in low and high-income countries. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a news conference in Geneva that while high-income countries have now administered almost 100 doses for every 100 people, low-income countries have only been able to administer 1.5 doses for every 100 people, due to lack of supply. "We need an urgent reversal, from the majority of vaccines going to high-income countries, to the majority going to low-income countries, he said. Accordingly, is calling for a moratorium on boosters until at least the end of September, to enable at least 10% of the population of every country to be vaccinated, the chief said. WHO urged everyone with influence -- Olympic athletes, investors, business leaders, faith leaders, and every individual in their own family and community -- to support its call for a moratorium on booster shots until at least the end of September. Ghebreyesus said ensuring increased coverage in low-income countries requires everyone's cooperation, especially the handful of countries and companies that control the global supply of vaccines. So far, more than four billion Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered globally and over 80% have gone to high- and upper-middle income countries, even though they account for less than half of the world population. ALSO READ: China seals city as it battles worst coronavirus outbreak in months And yet even while hundreds of millions of people are still waiting for their first dose, some rich countries are moving towards booster doses, Ghebreyesus said. Emphasising that while he understands the concern of all governments to protect their people from the Delta variant, the WHO chief said, We cannot accept countries that have already used most of the global supply of vaccines using even more of it, the world's most vulnerable people remain unprotected." Ghebreyesus had in late May called for global support for a sprint to September, to enable every country to vaccinate at least 10% of its population by the end of September. We're now more than halfway to that target date, but we're not on track. Calling on vaccine producers to prioritise the vaccine distribution alliance COVAX, Ghebreyesus underscored that vaccines are not the only tool to defeat the pandemic. Indeed, there is no single tool that will defeat this pandemic. We can only defeat it with a comprehensive approach of vaccines in combination with the proven public health and social measures that we know work, he said. Indonesia second in Asia to hit 100K Covid-19 deaths Indonesia has reached a grim milestone as more than 100,000 people died from the coronavirus, becoming the second country in Asia to breach that threshold. After weeks of topping the worlds tally of daily Covid-19 deaths, Southeast Asias largest economy added 1,747 fatalities on Wednesday, according to data from the health ministry, bringing its total number to 100,636. Indonesia joins 11 other countries including Brazil and India 3 that have lost more than 100,000 lives in the pandemic that began last year. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The price of 10 gm of 22-carat gold slipped by Rs 420 on Wednesday to trade at Rs 46,960. Silver was selling at Rs 67,600 per kg, down Rs 250 compared to yesterday, according to the website Good Returns. Gold price varies across India, the second-largest consumer of the metal, due to excise duty, state taxes, and making charges. In New Delhi, the price stands at Rs 47,050 per 10 gm. For Mumbai, the yellow metal is selling at Rs 46,960, while, in Chennai, it is at Rs 45,330, according to the website. The rate of 24-carat gold stood at Rs 47,960 per 10 gm, down Rs 420 compared to yesterday. In the global market, on Tuesday, edged lower, as traders stayed on the sidelines in advance of US jobs data due later this week that could influence the timeline of when the Federal Reserve cuts back on its asset purchase programme, Reuters reported. Spot gold fell 0.2% to $1,809.79 per ounce by 1:55 p.m. EDT (1755 GMT), while US gold futures settled 0.4% lower at $1,814.10. Shares of Indus Towers dipped 6.5 per cent to Rs 207.75, hitting an over eight-month low on the BSE in intra-day trade on Wednesday, in an otherwise strong market, amid growth concerns. The stock was trading at its lowest level since November 20, 2020. Indus share price has underperformed the market owing to concerns over its key tenant Vodafone Idea's (VIL) survival. Indus Towers Limited (formerly Bharti Infratel Limited) is Indias leading provider of passive telecom infrastructure and it deploys, owns and manages telecom towers and communication structures, for various mobile operators. It caters to all wireless telecommunication service providers in India. According to analysts, lower penalty receipts from VIL in FY23E should taper growth. Furthermore, its situation remains precarious, weighed by ballooning debt and its inability to raise funds and improve its liquidity. This remains the biggest overhang for Indus Towers as VIL is its large client and the tower-sharing business has a limited business case for single-tenancy operations. On the other hand, the threat from RJios increased focus in the Tower Infrastructure space may weaken Indus positioning, brokerage firm Motilal Oswal Financial Services said in a result update. In the past one week, the stock has slipped 10 per cent following the announcement of financial results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2021 (Q1FY22). Telecom infrastructure firm Indus Towers posted consolidated profit after tax of Rs 1,415 crore in Q1FY22, against Rs 1,121 crore in the same quarter a year ago. Consolidated revenue grew 11.7 per cent year-on-year (YoY) at Rs 6,797 crore as compared to Rs 6,086 crore in the year-ago period. Ebitda (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) came in at Rs 3,517 crore, up 3 per cent quarter-on-quarter (QoQ), with Ebitda margins at 51.7 per cent (down 83 bps QoQ) due to negative energy margins. The management said the quarter was impacted by a cyclone in 13 circles, which affected business and cost. The 25 per cent increase in trade receivables during the quarter was attributable to timing issues, while the remainder was due to a delay in payment by a customer. Indus has sufficient security cover towards the pending amounts. "The long-term network upgrade opportunity in the towards 5G, fiberization, small cells, and indoor coverage would continue to drive growth in the telecom passive infrastructure industry. Recovery in tenancy adds and a reduction in exits have also brought about stability in earnings," according to an analyst at Motilal Oswal Securities. The tenancy addition for a third consecutive quarter is decent but sustainability ahead will be important, analysts at ICICI Securities said. "The key risk of VILs survival continues to remain and stretched receivables are the first sign of the same. Moreover, while opportunities in adjacent areas (viz. small cells/smart cities/in building solutions/active network sharing) exist, these may fructify only over the long term, they added. At 01:40 pm, the stock was trading 4.7 per cent lower at Rs 211.75 on the BSE, as compared to a 0.93 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. A combined 7.3 million equity shares had changed hands on the counter on the NSE and BSE so far. By Scott DiSavino Oil prices fell for a third day in a row to a two-week low on Wednesday on a surprise build in U.S. crude stockpiles, negative U.S. economic report and worries the spread of the Delta variant will weigh on global demand. Traders noted the oil price drop came despite reports of increased Mideast geopolitical tensions. Brent futures fell $2.03, or 2.8%, to settle at $70.38 a barrel, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude fell $2.41, or 3.4%, to settle at $68.15. That was the lowest close for both benchmarks since July 20. The U.S. Information Administration (EIA) said crude stockpiles rose by an unexpected 3.6 million barrels last week, while gasoline inventories fell by a bigger-than-forecast 5.3 million barrels. [EIA/S] " remained heavy after the EIA crude oil inventory showed stockpiles unexpectedly rose last week," said Edward Moya, senior market analyst at OANDA, noting "the report was mixed as gasoline stockpiles fell more than expected." With U.S. gasoline futures near their highest since October 2014, the gasoline crack spread - a measure of refining profit margins - closed at to its highest since hitting a record in April 2020 when WTI settled in negative territory. cases worldwide surpassed 200 million on Wednesday, according to a Reuters tally, as the more-infectious Delta variant threatens areas with low vaccination rates and strains healthcare systems. The United States and China, the world's two biggest oil consumers, are grappling with rapidly spreading outbreaks of the highly contagious Delta variant that analysts anticipate will limit fuel demand at a time when it traditionally rises in both countries. The World Health Organization is calling for a halt on COVID-19 vaccine boosters until at least the end of September as the gap between vaccinations in wealthy and poor countries widens. Also weighing on oil prices was a report from ADP showing U.S. private payrolls increased far less than expected in July. Tensions in the Mideast Gulf, meanwhile, gave oil prices some support. On Tuesday, three maritime security sources claimed Iranian-backed forces seized an oil product tanker off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, though Iran denied the reports. Oman on Wednesday identified the Panama-flagged Asphalt Princess as the tanker involved in a hijacking which Britain's maritime trade agency earlier said was over. This is the second attack on a tanker since Friday in the region, which includes the Strait of Hormuz. Britain and the United States are also blaming Iran for the earlier incident, in which drones crashed into the vessel and killed two sailors. Iran denies the reports. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Nifty futures on the Singapore Exchange traded 63 points higher at 16,227 around 8.50 am, indicating a firm start for the benchmark indices on Wednesday. Here are the top stocks to track in today's session: Results Today: Nearly 70 companies, including State Bank of India, Titan Company, Godrej Consumer Products, HPCL, and PNB Housing Finance, that are slated to report their June quarterly result. Analysts expect SBI to report a healthy set of numbers, supported by recovery from United Breweries Group's stake sale and lower interest income reversals. They are pencilling-in a year-on-year rise in net profit between 33 per cent and 63 per cent. READ HERE Bharti Airtel: The telecom firm reported a net profit of Rs 283.5 crore, in the first quarter ended June 30 (Q1FY22). This was much lower than consensus estimates which had pegged the same at Rs 604 crore. The company had reported a loss of Rs 15,933 crore in the year ago quarter on account of one-time provision for dues related to adjusted gross revenues. Tata Consumer: Tata Consumer Products reported a decline of 42.05 per cent YoY in consolidated net profit to Rs 200.24 crore for the first quarter ended June 2021. However, its revenue from operations in April-June 2021 jumped 10.85 per cent YoY to Rs 3,008 crore. Adani Enterprises: The Adani group firm reported a consolidated profit of Rs 265.60 crore for the quarter ended on June 30, 2021 on the back of higher revenue from operations. The company had posted a consolidated loss of Rs 65.67 crore in the year-ago period. Vodafone Idea: Vodafone Group Plc ruled out any further equity infusion in its debt-ridden telecom joint venture in India. Ashoka Buildcon: ABL Indira Projects -- a Joint Venture between Ashoka Buildcon Ltd and city-based Indira Projects and Developments, on Tuesday said it recently signed an engineering, procurement and construction contract worth Rs 350 crore with the Maldives Police Service. BPCL: Privatisation-bound Bharat Petroleum Corporation on Tuesday announced the appointment of VRK Gupta as chief financial officer, following the superannuation of N Vijayagopal, who was Director of Finance. IOB: State-owned Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) reported a 170 per cent YoY jump in its standalone profit after tax of Rs 327 crore for the June 2021 quarter, helped by better recoveries. In the year-ago quarter, the lender's standalone profit after tax stood at Rs 121 crore. J&K Bank: regulator Sebi on Tuesday exempted the Jammu and Kashmir government from making an open offer to the shareholders of Jammu and Kashmir Bank following a proposed equity infusion that would hike the promoter stake by 6.06 per cent in the lender. Trident: The company announced a foray into the laundry business through its 'Tri-Safe' washing powder. Tata Steel: Global rating agency S&P has upgraded the companys long-term rating to BB from BB-; outlook remains stable. GR Infraprojects: The company has received Letter of Acceptance from Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation for construction of 5 metro stations, elevated structures, road widening and allied works. The contract price is Rs 365 crore. Linde India: The company has signed a Business Transfer Agreement with HPS Gases Ltd., Vadodara to acquire its entire packaged gases business along with certain distribution assets with effect from November 1, for an aggregate cash consideration of Rs 27.5 crore. Canara Bank: The lender plans to raise up to Rs 2,500 crore through QIP/Rights Issue/any other approved means during the financial year 2021-22. IIFL Wealth Management: The company has reported 42 per cent jump in its net profit of Rs 119 crore versus Rs 83 crore and revenue was up 43 per cent of Rs 283 crore versus Rs 199 crore. Navneet Education: CRISIL Ratings assigns CRISIL A1+ rating to the company's commercial paper. TCS: Rich Products selects company for intelligent supply chain modernization to improve operations and agility. Shares of (Vi) were slipped 18.5 per cent at Rs 6.03, hitting a fresh 52-week low on the BSE in the intra-day trade on Wednesday, after report suggested that Vodafone Group Plc has ruled out any further equity infusion in its debt-ridden telecom joint venture in India. With today's fall, the stock of the telecom services provider has tanked 26 per cent in two days after reports suggested Kumar Mangalam Birla has told the government that he is willing to give up promoter stake in the company. The stock was trading at the lowest level since June 2020. It had hit a record low of Rs 2.61 in November 2019. At 12:44 PM, Vi was trading 13 per cent lower at Rs 6.43 on the BSE, as compared to a 0.95 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. The counter has seen huge trading volumes, with a combined 1,157 million equity shares having changed hands on the NSE and BSE till the time of writing of this report. On the companys plans to support Vi, which is struggling to raise fresh capital, the UK-based telecom majors chief executive officer Nick Read, speaking during an investor conference call, said, We, as a group, try to provide them as much practical support as we can, but I want to make it very clear, we are not putting any additional equity into India". His comments came on the day the Supreme Court dismissed Vis application for recomputation of adjusted gross revenue dues, Business Standard reported. CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT Meanwhile, Birla has expressed willingness to offer his groups 27 per cent stake in Vi to any government or domestic financial entity in order to keep the stressed telecom company alive. The Aditya Birla Group chairman and promoter of Vi made the suggestion in a letter to Union Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba on June 7. The Vi debt has more than trebled in the last four years to Rs 1.6 trillion as of the end of March 2021, from around Rs 37,000 crore in FY16. This includes deferred spectrum obligations and adjusted gross revenue (AGR) liabilities. CLICK HERE FOR FULL REPORT Analysts at ICICI Securities have sell rating on Vi as the brokerage firm sees payment of liabilities coming soon, while fund availability remains a challenge. The efforts to raise funds have also not yielded any outcome yet. VILs weak liquidity position restricts its capability to invest in network improvement, as evident from its reducing capex intensity. The significant amount of cash required to service its debt, leaves limited upside opportunity for equity holders, despite the high operating leverage opportunity from any ARPU increase. The current low EBITDA would make it challenging to service debt without an external fund infusion, analysts at Motilal Oswal Financial Services had said in the March quarter result update. Alkem Laboratories announced the launch of Ibuprofen and Famotidine tablets (800 mg/26.6 mg) in the United States, following an approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA). Ibuprofen and Famotidine tablets is AB-rated generic therapeutic equivalent version of Horizon Medicines LLC's Duexis tablets, 800 mg/26.6 mg. This combination medication is used to relieve pain from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis while decreasing the risk of developing an ulcer from Ibuprofen use. "This is the first generic approval of Duexis tablets, 800 mg/26.6 mg by the US FDA. The launch is a subject of ongoing litigation, the company said in a statement. The announcement was made before market hours today, 4 August 2021. Alkem Laboratories is a pharmaceutical company with global operations. The company produces branded generics, generic drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and nutraceuticals, which it markets in India and International markets. The company's board will meet on 6 August 2021 to consider and approve financial results for the quarter ended on 30 June 2021. The scrip is currently up 0.30% at Rs 3,520.15 on the BSE. In the past three months, the stock has gained 26.10% while the benchmark Sensex has added 12.28% during the same period. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Bharti Airtel reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 284 crore in Q1 FY22 as against a net loss of Rs 15,933 crore in Q1 FY21. Total revenues increased by 15.3% YoY to Rs 26,854 in the first quarter. EBITDA improved by 30.3% to Rs 13,189 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 10,119 crore in Q1 FY21. EBITDA margin was at 49.1% as on 30 June 2021 as compared with 43.4% as on 30 June 2020. Tata Steel said that rating agency S&P has upgraded the company's long-term rating to BB from BB-; outlook remains stable. S&P expects Tata Steel's debt levels to decline materially over the next two years on the company's commitment to deleverage, supported by strong operating cash flows. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, along with its subsidiaries announced the re-launch of over-the-counter (OTC) Naproxen Sodium Tablets USP, 220 mg, the store-brand equivalent of Aleve, in the U.S. market, as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). Natco Pharma announced that it has transferred the Lenalidomide Capsules ANDA to Arrow International as per an earlier agreement between the parties. G R Infraprojects has received Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for 'Construction of Elevated Structures (Viaduct & stations) from Gottigere to Swagath Road Cross of Bangalore Metro Rail Project, Phase- 2 worth Rs 364.87 crore. Linde India has signed a business transfer agreement with HPS Gases, Vadodara to acquire its entire packaged gases business along with certain distribution assets for an aggregate cash consideration of Rs 27.5 crore. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The issue received bids for 30.22 crore shares as against 11.25 crore shares on offer. The initial public offer of quick-service restaurant chain (QSR) operator Devyani International received bids for 30.22 crore shares as against 11.25 crore shares on offer on Wednesday (4 August 2021), according to stock exchange data at 16:55 IST. The issue was subscribed 2.69 times. The issue opened for bidding on Wednesday (4 August 2021) and it will close Friday (6 August 2021). The price band of the IPO is fixed at Rs 86-90 per share. An investor can bid for a minimum of 165 equity shares and in multiples thereof. The IPO comprises of fresh issue of equity shares aggregating upto Rs 440 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of 15,53,33,330 crore equity shares by Dunearn and RJ Corp, the investor shareholders. Promoters of the company are Ravi Kant Jaipuria, Varun Jaipuria and RJ Corp. The promoters holds an aggregate of 87,43,39,464 equity shares, aggregating to 75.79% of the pre-offer issued and paid-up equity share capital. Post issue, the selling shareholders will have about 67.99% of the share capital. The objectives for the fresh issue are repayment/ prepayment of Rs 324 crore of borrowings and remaining amount to be used for general corporate purposes. Ahead of the IPO, Devyani International on 3 August 2021 finalized allocation of 9,16,52,499 equity shares to anchor investors, at Rs 90 per equity share, aggregating to Rs 824.87 crore. Devyani International is the largest franchisee of Yum Brands in India and is among the largest operators of chain quick service restaurants (QSR) in India on a non-exclusive basis. Yum Brands Inc. operates brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell and has presence globally with more than 50,000 restaurants in over 150 countries, as of 31 December 2020. As of 31 June 2021, Devyani International operate 696 stores across 166 cities in India. The company is a franchisee for the Costa Coffee, Pizza Hut and KFC brands and stores in India. Other than Pizza Hut, KFC, and Costa Coffee company operates brands such as Vaango, Taco Bell, coffee chain Costa Coffee, Food Street, Masala Twist, Ile Bar, Amreli, and Ckrussh Juice Bar. The business is broadly classified into three verticals: core brands (includes stores of KFC, Pizza Hut and Costa Coffee operated in India) which contributed 81.95% of total revenue in FY 2021, International business (stores operated outside India primarily comprising KFC and Pizza Hut stores operated in Nepal and Nigeria) contributing 12.23% of total revenue and other business contributing 5.81% of total revenue (includes certain other operations in the F&B industry, including stores of its own brands such as Vaango and Food Street). The core brands and international segment together accounted for 94.19% of total revenue in FY 2021. Out of this, 70.20% is said to be earned due to delivery sales, a jump of 19% in delivery sales compared to 51.15% in FY 2020. The company reported a net loss of Rs 55.21 crore and sales of Rs 1,134.84 crore in the twelve months ended 31 March 2021. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Indices were trading at record high level with decent gains in morning trade. The Nifty surpassed 16,250 level with ease to hit an all-time high of 16,278.95. Barring media and metal stocks, broad based buying was seen across the board. Meanwhile, the Sensex scaled record high of 54,385.83. At 10:31 IST, the barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, was up 561.58 points or 1.04% at 54,384.63. The Nifty 50 index gained 144.75 points or 0.9% at 16,275.40. In broader market, the S&P BSE Mid-Cap index was up 0.24% while the S&P BSE Small-Cap index was up 0.5%. The market breadth, indicating the overall health of the market, was strong. On the BSE, 1826 shares rose and 1119 shares fell. A total of 133 shares were unchanged. COVID-19 Update: Total COVID-19 confirmed cases worldwide stood at 199,523,213 with 4,245,626 global deaths. India reported 410,353 active cases of COVID-19 infection and 425,757 deaths, according to the data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Results Today: State Bank Of India (down 0.36%), Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (up 0.36%), Titan Company (down 0.43%), Adani Green Energy (up 0.76%), Godrej Consumer Products (down 1.3%), Apollo Tyres (up 0.26%), Adani Total Gas (up 0.61%), Blue Star (up 0.64%), Bosch (up 1.68%), Butterfly Gandhimathi Appliances (down 0.83%), Chambal Fertilisers & Chemicals (up 1.36%), Nava Bharat Ventures (up 1.58%), PNB Housing Finance (up 0.49%), Solara Active Pharma Sciences (up 0.89%), Sonata Software (up 2.93%), Subros (up 2.26%) and Tata Communications (down 1%) are some of the companies that will announce their results today. RBI MPC Meet: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is set to begin its three-day meet to decide key monetary policy rates on Wednesday. The central bank will announce its bi-monthly monetary policy review on Friday, at the end of the meeting. Earnings Impact: Adani Enterprises fell 0.1%. The company's consolidated net profit stood at Rs 265.60 crore in Q1 FY22 as compared to a net loss of Rs 65.67 crore in Q1 FY21. Consolidated revenue from operations soared 138.90% to Rs 12,578.77 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 5,265.19 crore in Q1 FY21. Pre-tax profit was at Rs 379.54 crore in Q1 FY22 as against a pre-tax loss of Rs 137.54 crore in Q1 FY21. During the quarter, consolidated EBIDTA surged 215% Y-o-Y (year-on-year) to Rs 948 crore due to increase in revenue and better margins across all operating segments. Tata Consumer Products declined 1.34%. The FMCG company's consolidated net profit dropped 38.15% to Rs 240.65 crore on a 10.85% rise in revenue from operations to Rs 3,008.46 crore in Q1 FY22 over Q1 FY21. For the quarter, revenue from operations increased by 10.85% (10% in constant currency) as compared to corresponding quarter of the previous year, mainly driven by growth of 28% in India beverages (including NourishCo) and 20% in India Foods. International business reported lower revenue as previous year benefitting from COVID-19 induced pantry stocking. Consolidated profit before tax skid 32.65% to Rs 336.36 crore in Q1 FY22 as against Rs 499.49 crore in Q1 FY21. Profit before exceptional items and tax is lower as previous year had the benefits of softer tea commodity cost in India and pantry stocking gains in the international business. The group's consolidated net profit was lower, mainly driven by lower PBT and one-time exceptional gain in the previous year. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Prataap Snacks gained 1.87% to Rs 746 after the company reported a lower consolidated net loss of Rs 1.59 crore in Q1 FY22 as compared to a net loss of Rs 5.96 crore posted in Q1 FY21. Net sales increased by 43.1% to Rs 278.2 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 194.45 crore in Q1 FY21. The company reduced its pre tax loss to Rs 2.17 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 7.54 crore recorded in Q1 FY21. Meanwhile, the company's operating EBITDA increased by 34.5% year on year to Rs 11.08 crore in Q1 FY22. Commenting on the Q1 FY22 performance, Amit Kumat, MD & CEO of Prataap Snacks said, We have delivered a robust performance despite the severe second wave of the pandemic in India. The learnings of the past year had made us better prepared to face the disruptions and our team responded with agility to overcome challenges and restrictions to ensure uninterrupted supplies to trade channels. This has helped us to post revenue of Rs 279.6 crore which is higher by 43% on a YoY basis. We have witnessed unprecedented rise in palm oil prices over the same quarter last year, which has exerted significant pressure on profitability. Our continuous steps towards cost rationalisation and process improvements have significantly offset this impact. Even as we work towards fully rebuilding the business back to pre-COVID levels, we are implementing initiatives to enhance performance and profitability. We are implementing our telecalling to a larger number of territories to improve distribution throughput in the existing channels. We have set up a plant in Kolkata which will serve as a hub and enable us to optimise distribution in the Eastern region with cost efficiency. Further, implementation of our direct distribution model is progressing steadily, leading to structural improvement in profitability. Prataap Snacks is a leading Indian snack foods company. It offers multiple variants of products across categories of Potato Chips, Extruded Snacks, Namkeen (traditional Indian snacks) under the popular and vibrant Yellow Diamond brand. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Key benchmark indices are trading firm in early trade on buying demand in index pivotals. At 9:25 IST, the barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, was up 404.27 points or 0.75% at 54,227.63. The Sensex scaled record high of 54,262.70 in early trade. The Nifty 50 index was up 113.65 points or 0.7% at 16,244.40. The Nifty hit record high of 16,253.95 in early trade. Asian stocks are trading mixed. The S&P BSE Mid-Cap index was up 0.38%. The S&P BSE Small-Cap index was up 0.57%. The market breadth, indicating the overall health of the market, is strong. On the BSE, 1847 shares rose and 765 shares fell. A total of 93 shares were unchanged. Stocks in news: Bharti Airtel fell 1.15%. Bharti Airtel reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 284 crore in Q1 FY22 as against a net loss of Rs 15,933 crore in Q1 FY21. Total revenues increased by 15.3% YoY to Rs 26,854 in the first quarter. EBITDA improved by 30.3% to Rs 13,189 crore in Q1 FY22 from Rs 10,119 crore in Q1 FY21. EBITDA margin was at 49.1% as on 30 June 2021 as compared with 43.4% as on 30 June 2020. Tata Steel gained 2.37%. Tata Steel said that rating agency S&P has upgraded the company's long-term rating to BB from BB-; outlook remains stable. S&P expects Tata Steel's debt levels to decline materially over the next two years on the company's commitment to deleverage, supported by strong operating cash flows. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories rose 1.68%. Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, along with its subsidiaries announced the re-launch of over-the-counter (OTC) Naproxen Sodium Tablets USP, 220 mg, the store-brand equivalent of Aleve, in the U.S. market, as approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). Natco Pharma rose 0.32%. Natco Pharma announced that it has transferred the Lenalidomide Capsules ANDA to Arrow International as per an earlier agreement between the parties. G R Infraprojects rose 0.45%. G R Infraprojects has received Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for 'Construction of Elevated Structures (Viaduct & stations) from Gottigere to Swagath Road Cross of Bangalore Metro Rail Project, Phase- 2 worth Rs 364.87 crore. Linde India rose 2.34%. Linde India has signed a business transfer agreement with HPS Gases, Vadodara to acquire its entire packaged gases business along with certain distribution assets for an aggregate cash consideration of Rs 27.5 crore. Global Markets: Asian stocks are trading mixed on Wednesday, a private survey showed accelerating Chinese services activity growth in July. The Caixin/Markit services Purchasing Managers' Index for July came in at 54.9 on Wednesday, up from June's reading of 50.3. U.S. stocks moved higher on Tuesday and the S&P 500 set a new record high as broad market strength outweighed the travel names held back by Covid fears. Back home, the benchmark indices closed at all-time high level on Tuesday amid broad based buying. The barometer index, the S&P BSE Sensex, surged 872.73 points or 1.65% at 53,823.36. The Nifty 50 index jumped 245.6 points or 1.55% to 16,130.75. Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) bought shares worth Rs 2,116.60 crore, while domestic institutional investors (DIIs), were net sellers to the tune of Rs 298.54 crore in the Indian equity market on 3 August, provisional data showed. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) The offer received bids for 1.93 crore shares as against 61.36 lakh shares on offer. The initial public offer of Windlas Biotech received bids for 1.93 crore shares as against 61.36 lakh shares on offer on Wednesday (4 August 2021), according to stock exchange data at 16:55 IST. The issue was subscribed 3.15 times. The issue opened for bidding on Wednesday (4 August 2021) and it will close on Friday (6 August 2021). The price band of the IPO was fixed at Rs 448-460 per share. An investor can bid for a minimum of 30 equity shares and in multiples thereof. The IPO comprised of fresh issue of equity shares aggregating up to Rs 165 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of up to 51,42,067 equity shares by existing shareholders Vimla Windlass and Tano India Private Equity Fund II. Ashok Kumar Windlass, Hitesh Windlass, Manoj Kumar Windlass, and the Promoter Trust are the promoters of the company. Promoters and promoter group holds an aggregate of 14,201,352 equity shares, aggregating to 78% of the pre-offer issued and paid-up equity share capital. The post IPO shareholding for the same is expected to be around 65.16%. While the company will not get any proceeds from the OFS, Rs 50 crore out of the proceeds from fresh issue will be used for purchase of equipment required for capacity expansion of existing facility at Dehradun Plant - IV and addition of injectables dosage capability at existing facility at Dehradun Plant - II; Rs 47.5 crore will be spent on funding incremental working capital requirements; Rs 20 crore will be spent on repayment/prepayment of certain borrowings; and remaining amount will be spent on general corporate purposes. Ahead of the IPO, Windlas Biotech on 3 August 2021 finalized allocation of 26,18,706 equity shares to anchor investors, at Rs 460 per equity share, aggregating to Rs 120.46 crore. Windlas Biotech is amongst the top five players in the domestic pharmaceutical formulations, contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) industry in India, in terms of revenues. The company operates three distinct strategic business verticals (SBVs): CDMO Services and Products (contributing 84.66% of total FY2021 revenues), domestic trade generics and over the counter (OTC) brands (10.22 % of total) and, lastly, exports (5.12 % of total). The company provides comprehensive range of CDMO services ranging from product discovery, product development, licensing, and commercial manufacturing of generic products (including complex generics) with a focus on improved safety, efficacy and cost. The company reported a net profit of Rs 15.83 crore and sales of Rs 427.60 crore in the twelve months ended on 31 March 2021. Powered by Capital Market - Live News (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Bahujan Samaj Party supremo on Wednesday demanded strict action against the culprits in the alleged and murder case of a nine-year-old Dalit girl in southwest Delhi. "The brutal murder of a nine-year-old Dalit girl after and then burning her body in Nagal village of Delhi Cantt is very sad and shameful. demands strict action against the culprits and necessary steps to prevent recurrence of such incidents," the former Uttar Pradesh chief minister said in a tweet in Hindi. The Dalit girl died under suspicious circumstances, even as her parents alleged that she was raped and her body was forcibly cremated by a crematorium's priest, according to police. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Chief Minister on Wednesday said the Delhi government will order a magisterial inquiry into the death of a nine-year-old girl following an alleged sexual assault. The chief minister also announced a compensation of Rs 10 lakh for the family of the girl. Our girl cannot come back. The injustice done to the family is unfortunate and cannot be compensated, but the government will give Rs 10 lakh to them and order a magisterial inquiry into the matter, he told reporters after meeting the family. There is a need to strengthen law and order in Delhi. I appeal to the central government to take firm steps in this direction, he said. In a tweet, the chief minister said that the government will appoint top lawyers to ensure the guilty is punished. The parents of the girl accompanied by hundreds of locals were staging a protest near the site of the incident in Old Nangal area in southwest Delhi, demanding capital punishment for the accused. The girl lived with her parents in a rented house in front of a crematorium. On Sunday at around 5.30 PM, she went to get cold water from a cooler at the crematorium after informing her mother, her parents said. Around 6 PM, the crematorium's priest, Radhey Shyam, and two-three other people, known to the girl's mother, called her there and showed her daughter's body claiming that she got electrocuted while getting water from the cooler. There were burn marks between her left wrist and elbow, and her lips were also blue, according to police. It was alleged the priest and the others dissuaded her mother from making a PCR call, saying police will make a case out of it and during the post-mortem, doctors will steal the girl's organs, so it was better to cremate her. Police had on Monday said that based on the statement of the victim's mother, rape charges have been added in the FIR. Four people, including the priest, have been arrested. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) (SMG), a 100 per cent subsidiary of Japan's Corporation, will scale down production activity this month at its Ahmedabad-based manufacturing plant due to semiconductor shortage, Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) said on Wednesday. SMG, which supplies cars exclusively to MSI, has also decided to scale down production to single shift at some manufacturing lines in the plant. "Owing to the semiconductor shortage situation, the company has been informed by its contract manufacturing company, SMG, that production will be partially impacted in this month," MSI said in a regulatory filing. SMG will tentatively not carry out production on the three Saturdays (August 7, 14 and 21) this month, it added. In addition, some of the production lines at SMG plant may see temporary reduction from two-shift to one-shift working, MSI noted. As the situation is dynamic and uncertain, the company will monitor and take a day-to-day decision on models, lines or shifts to optimise resources for maximum efficiency, it added. Semiconductors are silicon chips that cater to control and memory functions in products ranging from automobiles, computers and cellphones to various other electronic items. The usage of semiconductors in the auto industry has gone up globally in recent times with new models coming with more and more electronic features such as bluetooth connectivity and driver-assist, navigation and hybrid-electric systems. Industry experts feel that enhanced demand for automobiles in the past few months has put pressure on the global supply chains leading to a shortage. SMG has an installed production capacity of 7.5 lakh units per annum. Together with MSI's production ability of 15 lakh units, Suzuki's production ability of automobiles in India is around 22.5 lakh units. All units produced in SMG are supplied to MSI. Suzuki had established SMG in March 2014, aiming to secure production ability in preparation for the automobile market growth in India, as well as for expansion of exports from the country. In October 2020, SMG became the fastest production site of Suzuki to achieve accumulated automobile production of 10 lakh units. (Only the headline and picture of this report may have been reworked by the Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) New Delhi [India], August 4 (ANI/SRV Media): Talking Tomorrow - the online L & D 2.1 Enclave, presented by Sodexo in association with IndianOil took place with around 100 delegates, 12 sessions, 5 C Suite speakers and 3 celebrity international trainer motivators on the 27th & 28th of July, 2021. Day 1 on July 27 began with the Keynote Session featuring Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra Director, HR- Indian Oil, who made the introductory remarks and declared the Enclave open. Mohapatra highlighted the 3 gateways of transition into tomorrow's business multiverse as 'adaptability, agility and alignment'. The Keynote address was delivered by Anish Sarkar, CEO-Sodexo BRS India and a prominent voice in corporate India. He underlined the concept of 'digital fluency' integral to learning & development and the road ahead for Sodexo BRS India with its immersive suite of new-age employee benefits for superior employee experience. On Track Two the C Suite Panel discussion on Day 1 included Harish Sarma, VP - Marketing, Sodexo BRS India and a Marketing Excellence Awardee from IIM Calcutta chairing the session which featured K K Mohanty, M.D. Gammon Infra and an alumnus of Harvard Business School, Amitava Saha, CHRO BIOCON & an alumnus of IIM Calcutta & Harsh P Bhosale, Chief People Officer of Nayara Energy and interestingly an ex-athlete. They highlighted the next up trends in Working in the New Normal. The high point of Day 1 was the highly energetic 30-minute session by International Trainer motivator Melanie Martinelli live from Switzerland called "Mix it Up!, demonstrating next age learning tools like Mentimeter, Flippity, Padlet, & Conceptboard much to the delight of the L & D community members in the audience who quizzed her about technical issues like software whitelisting and international copyrights. Day 2 of Talking Tomorrow on July 28, started with 'Straight Talk' on Sustainability with Dr Subramanya Kusnur, Founder Chairman, Aquakraft introducing futuristic concepts like Water Balance Sheet & Water Bank and the enclave continued on Track Two with a thought provoking session on Creativity in Chaos by best-selling author & corporate storyteller Vinay Kanchan putting forward the IDEAS model of creative thinking & moved into high gear with "Get Well Sooner" by CEO, AMRI Hospitals, Rupak Barua who highlighted the global experience nature of the black swan pandemic and outlined the road ahead in the medical landscape and the resulting sweeping changes in corporate life. On both days Track One Training was conducted by Krish Banik, CEO, EMG HRD on the Winning Habits in Disrupted Times with participant interactivity both in audio and video modes and concluded with a real time multiplayer gaming experience on Kahoot! In the valedictory session called Sodexo Masterclass, Abhishek Kurdukar, VP - Sales, Sodexo BRS India, closed the 2-day enclave with a prediction of a hi-tech hybrid future where corporates with hi-touch will have a sustainable competitive advantage. The delegates of Talking Tomorrow included participants from Public and Private Sector corporates. Organisations represented included Biocon, IndianOil, PC Chandra Jewellers, IFFCO, SREI, Dalmia Bharat Cement, Gammon Infra and JIS Group among others. The event was powered by AMRI Hospitals, Purity Partner AQUAKRAFT and Academic Partner GNIHM of the JIS Group of Educational Institutions. The event was curated by EMG HRD - the L & D Division of the Worldofemg and concluded with a jam session by new age trending talent Anisha Lakhmani performing international hits like Imagine, Times Like These and Lost Stars. When contacted Chaitanya Chatterjee, Learning & Organisational Development Head , Biocon Ltd., who attended all the sessions on both the days commented: "According to me Krish Banik's sessions were wonderful & crisply summarized. The session by Melanie Martinelli was timely. The session by Vinay Kanchan was another reminder to practitioners like us to be more creative and ideas driven. The chat with the HR leaders on the C Suite panel helped us understand their vision and priorities for today. To sum up: a well timed and much needed event in challenging times like these!" Krish Banik, Lead Trainer & CEO of EMG HRD pointed out that Talking Tomorrow began as an Annual Open Training Program in 2005 & will be held as a yearly Enclave going forward. This story is provided by SRV Media. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/SRV Media) DISCLAIMER (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Rakhiz.com is an e-commerce website that deals with the sale and delivery of Rakhi and Rakhi Gifts for Raksha Bandhan. The digital venture was started by Preeti Chhipa 6 years ago in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Rakhiz.com focuses on keeping traditions alive and bringing families closer with their rakhi delivery services. The company promises to provide high-quality products, timely services, and easy approachability. Their parent organization, Aarav Rakhi, offers services that make the festival more memorable and enjoyable for families. With "Send Rakhi Online" services, rakhiz.com helps siblings to deliver gifts on special occasions to each other. This venture was started realizing that families that are separated by distance could not celebrate festivals together. Thus, the founder reinvented traditional arts and crafts and made it a niche e-commerce website. This e-commerce website has a variety of rakhi collections for every Raksha Bandhan occasion. There are Bhaiya-Bhabhi Rakhis, in which two matching pairs of Rakhis are sold together. These rakhis are made up of using artistic zardosi, kundan, pearl work, etc. The Lumba Rakhi is the beautiful string of love tied on the bangle/ wrist of the sister-in-law. This is a custom that began amongst Marwaris but is now being practiced by most of the other communities. Further, there are kids rakhis that have imprints of cartoon characters or superhero characters. Other than this, they have Rakhi pooja thalis, designer rakhis, fancy rakhis, traditional rakhis, chocolates, dry fruits, sweets, and other rakhi gifts. Once an order is placed through their website, Rakhiz.com takes the responsibility of delivering the orders safely to the recipient. The delivery services aren't just limited to India only but it can also be shipped worldwide to The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc. with the worldwide delivery of rakhis, around 1.5 lakh rakhis were delivered in 2020 alone. Preeti Chhipa, the founder of Rakhiz.com said, "Despite being born into a traditional Rajasthani family, my parents encouraged me to study hard, and I was a bright student from the start. I have an MA in English, an MA in Hindi, a BA, a B.Ed, and an M.Ed, among other degrees. I have a dream to make a significant contribution to the development of my country. Rakhiz.com is a source of livelihood for around 500-600 local women who handcraft rakhis with a focus on worldwide delivery. The company is named after my elder son, Aarav. Last year, our company shipped around 1.5 lakh rakhis globally." The company's motto was to contribute to the development of the country and to empower women. Hence, with this venture, around 500 to 600 local women found employment. These women intricately handcraft these rakhis using materials provided by the company like Moli thread (Mauli or Kalava), fancy Zari, Rudraksha, Pearls, Pom Poms, Tassels adorned with motifs like Swastika, Om, deity, paisley, flowers, etc. To know more visit (https://www.rakhiz.com/) This story is provided by SRV Media. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. DISCLAIMER (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], August 4 (ANI/Heylin Spark): Franchise 100 connects franchise investors to various brands helping them to achieve high success rates in their entrepreneurial journey. They help brands expand according to their growth strategy i.e Franchise expansion, Fundraise, and acquisition of the business. Franchise 100 envisions keeping the spirit of entrepreneurship alive and offering them value-added services to strengthen their journey. With their exclusive services, they have helped clients fulfill their dream of becoming business visionary. Franchise 100 believes in offering augmented services with the best results. Akash Shetty, the founder of franchise 100 believes in creating an ecosystem that understands the dreams and aspirations of both investors and brands. He says that the best way to fulfill your dream is to work towards it and achieve it. After his successful business journey from the R-Infra, he incubated Franchise 100 to support all those entrepreneurs who didn't anticipate franchise business due to failure stories in the franchise industry. India being a land of inventions and innovations offers multiple platforms for budding entrepreneurs and business owners to give shape to their ideas. Franchise 100, being one among them, has helped entrepreneurs who are looking to start new businesses, entrepreneurs looking for secondary sources of income, brands looking to expand their current business, and organizations looking forward to scaling the business through acquisition, to grow multifold. Some of their clients are Rocky Rolls, The Bombay Gourmet Market Store Retail, The Bombay Sultani Biryani House, The Cloud9 Fitness Club and Bhauki Chai. The team helped Rocky Rolls QSR concept curated by celebrity chef Ameya Mahajani signed up 6 outlets in 6 months and generate a revenue of more than 25 lakhs. The Bombay Gourmet Store Retail store concept owned by Akshay Kumar serial entrepreneur signed up 8 outlets in 5 months and generated revenue of more than 45 lakhs. Regardless of whether you are looking for franchise opportunities, business expansion, fundraising, turn-key project support, or selling your business, Franchise 100 is a one-stop destination for all your business needs. Right from preparing the deck & financial projection to connecting with the right investor and signing the term sheet, the professional team ensures it goes well. The team also helps the brand with its exit strategy by getting it acquired by a prospective investor looking for scaling his business through acquisition, thereby making it a win-win for both brand & investors. Franchise 100 provides support for setting up outlets that include interior designing & contracting, kitchen design & manufacturing, and consulting for various licenses required to run the business. Franchise 100 is looking forward toon-board with 100 brands by the year-end and signing up 100 outlets 2021-2022 for franchise 100 Top brands. With extensive business knowledge, sheer determination, and an efficient team, Franchise 100 is on a mission to empower people through its services. Visit (https://franchise100.in/) to know more about the franchise business model. This story is provided by Heylin Spark. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/Heylin Spark) DISCLAIMER (This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.) There was no looking back for the bulls as they pushed the benchmark indices further higher on Wednesday, breaching the psychologically important mark of 54,000 for the BSE Sensex and 16,200 for Nifty50. Banks and financials were the star performers behind today's gain as a strong show by SBI in Q1 powered the sector. Signs of macroeconomic recovery and firm global market mood were among the major factors that aided indices' rise to record highs. BSE Sensex closed at a fresh peak of 54,370, up 546 points or 1.02 per cent after scaling an all-time high of 54,465.91 in trade. Meanwhile, NSE's Nifty50 hit a new high of 16,290.20 to end the session 128 points or 0.79 per cent higher at 16,259. In spite of indices being at record high levels, losers outpaced gainers on both Sensex and Nifty. Even, the overall market breadth favoured sellers as investors booked profit in the midcap and smallcap players. Both BSE Midcap and BSE Smallcap ended over 1 per cent lower after scaling fresh peaks in the morning session. Sectorally, Nifty Financial Services and Nifty Bank were the top performers, up over 2 per cent each. Nifty Realty meanwhile snapped its 4-day winning streak and ended 1.7 per cent down to emerge the worst loser. In stock-specific action, the shares of Vodafone Idea continued to see hefty selling, so much so, that it declined 18.5 per cent to Rs 6.03 on the BSE. The shares took a beating after Vodafone Group Plc ruled out any further equity infusion in its debt-ridden telecom joint venture in India and promoter Kumar Mangalam Birla offered his stake in the company to the government. On the other hand, SBI investors rejoiced after the lender posted its highest ever quarterly profit at Rs 6,504 crore in Q1, up 55 per cent YoY. The stock hit a new high of Rs 467.30 on the NSE and ended the day at Rs 457.05, up 2 per cent. Meanwhile, Adani Green Energy also put up an impressive show in Q1 as its profit swelled by 10 times to Rs 219 crore for the June quarter but the shares still ended 1.50 per cent lower at Rs 694.60. Titan shares declined over 2 per cent ahead of the Q1 earnings to Rs 1799.80 on the BSE to emerge as the worst-performing Sensex stock. The primary market, meanwhile, remained abuzz. All four IPOs that opened for subscription got fully subscribed on Day 1 itself thanks to the retail frenzy in IPO mart. Exxaro Tiles was the most subscribed at nearly 4 times, followed by Windlas Biotech and Devyani International that received nearly 3 times bids. Krsnaa Diagnostics was subscribed over 1.7 times. Lastly, on the macroeconomic front, India's Services PMI for July contracted for the third month in a row but analysts found a silver lining as the pace of contraction slowed. Services PMI rose from 41.2 in June to 45.4 in July. In Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) parlance, a print above 50 means expansion, while a score below 50 denotes contraction. Going into trade on Thursday, it remains to be seen if profit booking ensues at higher levels after two days of stellar gains or if bulls hold their mettle. That said, volatility could remain high on account of the weekly F&O expiry. Further, Q1 earnings will remain in focus as over 100 companies, including Adani Power, NCC, GAIL, Tata Chemicals, Cipla, Quess Corp, Indiabulls Housing Finance and Gujarat Gas are slated to post their results. The action will remain high in the primary market with four IPOs open for subscription. Babcock & Wilcox Sets Second Quarter 2021 Conference Call and Webcast for Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 5 p.m. ET Shop Local Florists Find the perfect arrangement for your loved one. We have a local listing below that is on click away... Heart To Heart Floral and Gifts 110 South Mitchell Street Cadillac, Michigan, 49601 (888)770-0306 Email Us Family Owned For Over 25 Years. Delivering Creative Sympathy Arrangements & Tributes To The Cadillac & Surrounding Area With Complete Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call Toll Free Or Click On Our Logo To View Our Website. Pattersons Flowers 107 N. Mitchell St. Cadillac, Michigan, 49601 (231)775-8782 (800)822-0559 515 S. Higbee St. Reed City, Michigan, 49677 (231)832-2236 Pattersons Flowers family owned since 1952 and proudly serves the West Central Michigan area with locations in Reed City, Big Rapids, and Cadillac. We go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect. All of our products are backed by our guarantee. Call us today or click on our logo to visit our website. Become A Subscriber A subscription opens up access to all our online content, including: our interactive E-Edition, a full archive of modern stories, exclusive and expanded online offerings, photo galleries from Caledonian-Record journalists, video reports from our media partners, extensive international, national and regional reporting by the Associated Press, and a wide variety of feature content. article $100.00 / for 365 days Sponsored Content Articles Policy & Procedure Only content submissions which satisfy our conditions for publication will be published. The fee for publication via this portal is $100. This fee is non-refundable. To accomplish your publication purchase, you must be logged-in as a website user: https://www.capemaycountyherald.com/users/signup This purchase is for online publication only. If print publication is also desired, please proceed with the purchase of online publication and contact Advertise@cmcHerald.com regarding print publication. By default, approved/paid submissions will be published to the "Lifestyle" section of the website. Requests for other urls/sections deemed relevant to the submission will be honored. Submissions may contain links including do-follow links. Published submissions will remain published for as long as the website remains active, presumably at least one year. Submissions must conform to our comment standards (https://www.capemaycountyherald.com/site/comment_standards.html) and must constitute appropriate use of the English language. Publisher reserves the right to refuse publication for any reason. Submissions will not be processed for publication without advance payment. Submissions requiring additional support services e.g., to amend content or to effect payment will not be published. By mutual agreement, editorial services may be provided for an additional charge; otherwise, advance payment rendered will be deemed a non-refundable service charge. Upon request to Advertise@cmcHerald.com a link to the published article will be transmitted via email. Our website is directed to a U.S.-based audience; our content may not be accessible to some international audiences due to technology restrictions. By initiating this transaction, the submitter assumes any and all liability associated with publication of the submitted content (e.g., infringement, licensing) and agrees to defend and hold the Publisher harmless. A ship in the Gulf of Oman may have been a hijacking target Tuesday. (AP Graphic) Thank you for reading! Please log in, or sign up for a new account and consider subscribing for only $7 per month to get access to more articles and news as it happens. It isnt clear which of Carlsons pieces MacFarlane is referring to. The commentator has expressed anti-vaccine sentiments and conspiracy theories about the origins of the pandemic, among other false and controversial statements. This isnt the first time MacFarlane has voiced anger with Carlson and Fox. In 2018, he tweeted that he was embarrassed to work for this company after Carlson told the channels viewers to believe the opposite of everything they hear on other major news networks. He later donated $2.5 million to public radio (and deleted the tweet). MacFarlanes relationship with Fox has undergone a few changes since then. In 2019, Disney acquired most of 21st Century Fox, and as such it now produces Family Guy through its 20th Television Animation unit. But the show airs on the Fox network, which is still a part of Fox Corporation, the Murdoch-controlled company that owns Fox News. Meanwhile, MacFarlane personally broke with Fox by signing a nine-figure overall deal with Comcasts NBCUniversal last year hence the reference to NBC in his tweet. His contract with Fox had expired in June 2019. Fox has renewed Family Guy through season 21. MacFarlane is also the creator of American Dad, which was broadcast by Fox for 11 seasons before moving to TBS, and the live-action The Orville, which spent two seasons on the network then went to Hulu. MacFarlanes tweet is significant because few animation creators go about publicly criticizing their broadcaster. That he feels able to do so, without fear of repercussions, speaks of his clout in the industry. The death of Thea White, the voice of Muriel Bagge on Courage the Cowardly Dog, has prompted an outpouring of tributes from the industry. Marty Grabstein, who played Courage in the Cartoon Network series, has added his unmistakable voice to the chorus of condolence, as has the shows creator John Dilworth. In a video posted to Facebook, Grabstein pays tribute to his old colleague, who passed away aged 81 on July 30 following surgery related to liver cancer. She made a very, very deep impact upon my life, says the actor, adding, She was a warm, loving, kind, extremely funny woman with a whole lot of energy she had the energy of a 50-year-old. Watch the video below: Grabstein and White worked together on all four seasons of Courage the Cowardly Dog (19992002) as well as spin-offs and specials, including the forthcoming crossover film Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog. As this latest project got underway, the pair started speaking again regularly, chatting about all kinds of nonsense at 2 a.m., Grabstein recalls. Photo: BCWS The Michaud Creek wildfire south of Edgewood has grown to 8,847 hectares in size. Crews report reduced fire activity on the fire line. However, conditions could change quickly, the BC Wildfire Service reports. The Regional District of Central Kootenay lifted an evacuation alert in the vicinity of the fire on Monday. Good progress is reported on the control line to the north of the wildfire. Crews have established pumps and water hose from the lake and continue to work toward the west. Firefighters continue to look for and extinguish spot fires across Johnson Creek with water and hose, along with helicopter assistance as visibility allows. Crews have also begun to establish a guard line south of Michaud Creek. The majority of the fire has been inaccessible for helicopters due to smoke conditions; however, the wildfire is being monitored by satellite imagery. Planned control lines will be constructed as soon as conditions allow, with heavy equipment and planned ignition where possible. A 15-person team from Alberta is assisting on the fire, based out of Nakusp. Photo: The Canadian Press FILE - In this June 28, 2020 file photo, armed homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey, standing in front their house confront protesters marching to St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's house in the Central West End of St. Louis. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has made good on his promise to pardon the couple. The Republican governor announced Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021 that he pardoned the McCloskeys, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in June. (Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP, File) Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced Tuesday that he made good on his promise to pardon a couple who gained notoriety for pointing guns at social justice demonstrators as they marched past the couple's home in a luxury St. Louis enclave last year. Parson, a Republican, on Friday pardoned Mark McCloskey, who pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750, and Patricia McCloskey, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. Mark McCloskey has publicly stated that if he were involved in the same situation, he would have the exact same conduct, the McCloskeys' lawyer Joel Schwartz said Tuesday. He believes that the pardon vindicates that conduct. The McCloskeys, both lawyers in their 60s, said they felt threatened by the protesters, who were passing their home in June 2020 on their way to demonstrate in front of the mayor's house nearby in one of hundreds of similar demonstrations around the country after George Floyd's death. The couple also said the group was trespassing on a private street. Mark McCloskey emerged from his home with an AR-15-style rifle, and Patricia McCloskey waved a semiautomatic pistol, according to the indictment. Photos and cellphone video captured the confrontation, which drew widespread attention and made the couple heroes to some and villains to others. No shots were fired and no one was hurt. Special prosecutor Richard Callahan said his investigation determined that the protesters were peaceful. "There was no evidence that any of them had a weapon and no one I interviewed realized they had ventured onto a private enclave, Callahan said in a news release after the McCloskeys pleaded guilty. Mark McCloskey, who announced in May that he was running for a U.S. Senate seat in Missouri, was unapologetic after the plea hearing. Id do it again, he said from the courthouse steps in downtown St. Louis. Any time the mob approaches me, Ill do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because thats what kept them from destroying my house and my family. Because the charges were misdemeanors, the McCloskeys did not face the possibility of losing their law licenses or their rights to own firearms. The McCloskeys were indicted by a grand jury in October on felony charges of the unlawful use of a weapon and evidence tampering. Callahan later amended the charges to give jurors the alternative of convictions of misdemeanor harassment instead of the weapons charge. Parsons legal team has been working through a backlog of clemency requests for months. He hasn't yet taken action on longtime inmate Kevin Strickland, who several prosecutors now say is innocent of a 1978 Kansas City triple homicide. Parson could pardon Strickland, but he has said hes not convinced he is innocent. Photo: MADELINE MILNE A bentwood box containing the ashes of her mother was taken from Madeline Milne's Victoria home some time between July 27 and Aug. 1, 2021. Madeline Milne cant believe that the person who stole a wooden box from her home had the callousness to throw away her mothers ashes after finding them inside. Her mother, Metchosin councillor Moralea Milne, died in a car crash in Surrey in 2018. Its absolutely shocking that this is the one item that they would steal, and not the laptop or the TV or whatever, Milne said. The ashes were found in an alley along Vancouver Street and taken to the Sands funeral home on Quadra Street, she said. The funeral home messaged her Monday night to say it had the bag, then confirmed they contained her mothers remains on Tuesday morning. Unbeknownst to me theres an ID tag on these things, and it turns out is our mothers remains, Milne said. It is good news that the ashes are back, she said, but what a heartless thing to do. The break-in is believed to have happened at Milnes Collinson Street residence some time between July 27 and Aug. 1, when the home was unoccupied. The theft was discovered by her roommate on Monday afternoon. It was only thing stolen from the house, which was odd, she said. It would suggest that whoever stole it understood its monetary value. But if they understood its monetary value then they would probably also understand its cultural value which is surprising to me they would then in turn steal it. Milne said the bentwood box, which has a First Nations design, has been in the family for about 15 years. It was where our fathers remains were and then our grandfathers and now our mothers, she said. Its a very distinctive piece of First Nations art, so anyone trying to sell it, I think, with the media coverage were getting right now, is going to be hard-pressed to sell it to any legitimate dealer, thats for sure. Victoria police ask anyone with information to call them 250-995-7654 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). Photo: File photo The hijackers who captured a vessel off the coast of the United Arab Emirates in the Gulf of Oman departed the targeted ship on Wednesday, the British navy reported, as recorded radio traffic appeared to reveal a crew member onboard saying Iranian gunmen had stormed the asphalt tanker. The incident described by the British militarys United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations the night before as a potential hijack" revived fears of an escalation in Mideast waters and ended with as much mystery as it began. Hints of what unfolded on the Panama-flagged asphalt tanker, called Asphalt Princess, began to emerge with the maritime radio recording, obtained by commodities pricing firm Argus Media and shared with The Associated Press. In the audio, a crew member can be heard telling the Emirati coast guard that five or six armed Iranians had boarded the tanker. Iranian people are onboard with ammunition, the crew member says. We are now, drifting. We cannot tell you exact our ETA to (get to) Sohar, the port in Oman listed on the vessels tracker as its destination. It was not clear whether the crew members, whom he identified as Indian and Indonesian, were in immediate danger. No one took responsibility for the brief seizure, which underscored mounting tensions as Iran and the United States seek a resolution to their standoff over Tehran's tattered 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Apparently responding to the incident, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Tuesday denied that Iran played any role. He described the recent maritime attacks in the Persian Gulf as completely suspicious. Over the past years, the rising tensions have played out in the waters of the Persian Gulf, where just last week a drone attack on an oil tanker linked to an Israeli billionaire off the coast of Oman killed two crew members. The West blamed Iran for the raid, which marked the first known fatal assault in the yearslong shadow war targeting vessels in Mideast waters. Iran denied involvement. Late on Tuesday, the intruders boarded the Asphalt Princess sailing off the coast of Fujairah, authorities said. The official news agency of Omans military said it received reports that the Asphalt Princess had been hijacked and immediately dispatched Royal Air Force maritime patrol aircraft and naval vessels to contribute to securing international waters. In the recorded radio traffic, when the Emirati coast guard asks the crew member what the Iranian gunmen were doing onboard, he says he cannot understand the (Iranians), his voice muffled, before trying to hand over the radio to someone else. The call then cuts off. Possible signs of trouble began to emerge that evening when six oil tankers off the coast of Fujairah announced around the same time via their Automatic Identification System trackers that they were not under command, according to MarineTraffic.com. That typically means a vessel has lost power and can no longer steer. Satellite-tracking data for the Asphalt Princess had showed it gradually heading toward Iranian waters off the port of Jask early Wednesday, according to MarineTraffic.com. Hours later, however, it stopped and changed course toward Oman, just before the British navy group declared the hijackers had departed and the vessel was now safe. The owner of the Asphalt Princess, listed as Emirati free zone-based Glory International, could not immediately be reached for comment. The U.S. militarys Mideast-based 5th Fleet and the British Defense Ministry also did not respond to requests for comment. The Emirati government did not immediately acknowledge the incident. Photo: The Canadian Press The first strike at Vale Canada in more than a decade is ending after unionized workers at the Sudbury, Ont., mine ratified a collective agreement. The company says members of United Steelworkers Local 6500 voted 85 per cent in favour of the five-year deal that takes effect immediately. Employees will return to work beginning Monday with production ramping up in the weeks ahead. The union says the agreement that expires May 31, 2026 provides a $2,500 payment in August in recognition of efforts during the pandemic, a $3,500 signing bonus to be paid in September, and a six per cent wage increase and minimum $2.46 per hour cost of living adjustment over five years. Other changes include improved pension and health-care benefits. The labour disruption began June 1 after workers rejected a proposal by the Brazilian mining company and opposed a subsequent offer. "The past two months have been challenging for everyone," stated Dino Otranto, chief operating officer, North Atlantic Operations. "We are pleased that the company and the union were able to find common ground and a path forward. We look forward to welcoming everyone back. He said there are many opportunities ahead for the business because of the growing electric vehicle market since the nickel, copper and cobalt the mine produces are critical metals to achieve a low-carbon future. Photo: The Canadian Press Bootleg fire in southern Oregon. The federal government says neither Canada nor the United States can lend each other any extra firefighters as they deal with one of the most severe wildfire seasons in recent memory. Last year, Canada sent 529 front-line crew members, 62 supervisory teams and a number of aircraft to help the U.S. battle rampant wildfires in California and the Pacific Northwest. This year, however, Ottawa says there's not enough personnel to go around and that the problem is only going to get worse. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Joe Biden discussed the wildfire situation Monday when the two leaders spoke by phone. A Natural Resources Canada background memo says it's time for a new collaborative strategy, given the strain on resources caused by longer, more intense fire seasons. In addition to their shared focus on mitigating climate change, the memo says Canada and the U.S. are discussing a "co-ordinated investment program" to increase the pool of trained firefighters. Photo: Glacier Media Vancouver Island hotels were at capacity, restaurants and bars were overflowing, and tourism operators saw encouraging numbers over the August long weekend. Business was crazy in some places even better than pre-COVID as pent-up demand for travel spilled in from the mainland, aided in large part by wildfires and smoke blanketing most of the province. Many of those rushing to the Island had originally planned to vacation in hotspots like the Okanagan and Kootenays, where wildfire smoke has been an issue for weeks. Favourable winds have kept smoke away from the Island, which has no major fires, attracting visitors from elsewhere in B.C. and other provinces alike. The number of places people can go has just shrunk and were really seeing that demand here, said Bill Lewis, general manager of the Magnolia Hotel in downtown Victoria. Accommodations in Tofino and Ucluelet were booked solid, mountain bikers invaded Cumberland and the Comox Valley, hikers packed the trails and parks, and restaurants and pubs up and down the Island saw lineups, and posted signs asking for patience. Licence plates from every province have been spotted throughout the Island. A B.C. Ferries spokeswoman said from Friday to Monday, the major routes between Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland carried more vehicles than the same period in pre-pandemic 2019. Sailings Monday were sold out. At the Malahat Skywalk, the Islands newest attraction, 4,000 visitors walked the spiral walkway to the top on Sunday far more than general manager Ken Bailey had expected. There were lots of pople from the Lower Mainland here, he said. But also a lot of people from the Island who decided to stay on the Island. The increased tourism traffic comes with challenges, says Anthony Everett, chief executive of the Vancouver Island Tourism Association. He said most hotels, restaurants and other operaters are still recovering from the pandemic and are understaffed. People are coming whether they have a booking or not, Everett said. Being busy is great, but it leads to challenges. And it could get even busier when the province opens to fully vaccinated Americans this Monday. Travelling with patience now is really important, said Everett. Im hearing that people are finding ad-hoc places to stay. The hotels are full, campsites are full. The crisis is labour. Everett said only about 20% of tourism businesses are operating with full labour pools, leaving the majority still grappling with new hires to meet demand. Ian Tostenson, chief executive of the B.C. Restaurant and Food Services Association, said the industry has lost 45,000 workers since the start of the pandemic. It needs about 190,000 to operate efficiently. Thats an all-time low for the industry in B.C., he said, noting the shortages are most severe in Victoria, Vancouver and Kelowna. We arent getting those people back theyre gone, said Tostenson. I talk to restaurant owners who say they put out ads and nobody answers. The people who left are still on federal wage subsidies or are finding the industry isnt dependable and theyve left for tech jobs or food delivery or other work. Tostenson said restaurants and pubs are compensating for short staffing by altering hours, simplifying menus and closing off some seating areas. Some owners are working seven days a week, 18 hours a day. At Prince of Whale Whale Watching, the company had 10 of its 15 vessels operating over the long weekend as demand soared from B.C. residents and Albertans, as well as a growing number from Ontario. Company spokesman Ian Macphee said although the rest of the summer looks bright, the company will still be down by 60% compared to pre-pandemic summers. Theres just not enough summer left you cant catch up. Photo: TNG Chief Joe Alphonse, Tribal Chair of the T?ilhqotin National Government near Williams Lake, will receive B.C.s highest honour. Alphonse is one of 16 people who will be appointed to the Order of British Columbia. On June 26, 2014, after 25 years of litigation fought by the T?ilhqotin people, the Supreme Court of Canada declared Aboriginal title for the first time in Canadian history, in the T?ilhqotin homeland. This marked a new era of recognition and respect for Indigenous rights and self-determination. Alphonse would be the first to credit the victory to the sacrifice and bravery of the elders who testified at trial, and to the many who fought in court. However, the nation says it is fitting that Alphonse receive the honour because of his critical role in advancing the rights and recognition of Indigenous peoples. Despite various challenges such as the T?ilhqotin Nation's victory to protect sacred lands and waters at Fish Lake from destruction by open-pit mining, he has remained dedicated and a driving force behind much of the progress within, not only the T?ilhqotin Nation, but also with Indigenous rights provincially, nationally and internationally said TNG vice-chair Otis Guichon. He is a good person to have at the negotiation table. He is a warrior for our people and passionate about preserving and protecting our traditional way of life and culture. Alphonse also drove efforts to secure exoneration from British Columbia and Canada for T?ilhqotin War Chiefs who were wrongly executed in 1864. During the Chilcotin War of 1864 and 1865, six chiefs were tried and hanged while negotiating peace talks with the colonial government. In 2014, the provincial government exonerated them of any wrongdoing. Then in 2018, the federal government followed suit. The T?ilhqotin Nation said Alphonse has inspired and empowered Indigenous peoples around the world. This year, 257 British Columbians were nominated and since its inception, 475 British Columbians have been appointed to the Order of B.C. "Each one of this year's Order of British Columbia recipients has made tremendous contributions to their communities," said Premier John Horgan. Photo: UNBC British Columbia's inland temperate rainforest is in danger of being wiped out in nine to 18 years if logging continues at the current pace, an international team of scientists is warning. The alarm bell was raised in a recently published study of the forested portion of the province's Interior wetbelt (IWB), a 16.46 million-hectare region that extends from Pine Pass down through the Cariboo Mountains and into Southeast B.C. Inland temperate rainforest (ITR) covers 1.33 million hectares. The ITR is also known as snow forest due to groves of interior cedar, hemlock and Engelmann spruce that have taken root on the slopes of valleys where discharge from deep winter snows provide an abundance of coastal-like moisture. Ancient Forest-Chun T'oh Whudujut Provincial Park 115 kilometres east of Prince George is perhaps the best-known example. Researchers scored watersheds for their risk of extinction and found the IWB met the criteria for being endangered and ITR for critically endangered just one stage short of collapsed. They point to industrial logging as the main culprit. Over the past 50 years, logging has removed 524,003 hectares of the trees in the ITR subzone, the authors state. Some 806,245 ha remains of which 235,449 ha are within provincial parks, leaving 570,746 ha exposed to logging. Moreover, they say the rate of logging in the overall Interior wetbelt has roughly doubled from 5.3 per cent in the 1970s to 10 per cent in the early 2000s before declining to 7.04 per cent in the 2010s but still within the band the authors say will lead to ecological collapse within 9-18 years. The authors also note the pace has increased more recently with approvals for logging rising by more than 40 per cent from 2020 to 2021, "presumably reflecting strong demand for timber and a shift away from interior pine towards IWB spruce especially in upslope areas." B.C. is home to just one of three inland temperate rainforests on Earth, the others being in the Russian Far East and Southern Siberia. The report authors suggest the region should be given the same attention the Great Bear rainforest on the coast has received and doing so would help the federal government meet its pledge to protect 25 per cent of lands and waters by 2025 and 30 per cent by 2030. The findings of this research are a wake-up call for the province of British Columbia, said Dr. Darwyn Coxson, one of two professors at the University of Northern British Columbia who contributed to the study. Urgent action is required in consultation with First Nations to identify and protect remaining intact watersheds within the inland temperate rainforest and interior wetbelt and to look at ways in which the existing protected areas network can be supported. Photo: The Canadian Press Film and television giant Walt Disney Animation Studios has announced the planned opening of a new studio in Vancouver set for January next year. The company says in a news release that the new studio would focus on long-form series as well as special projects created for the Disney+ streaming platform. It says the Vancouver studio's work will begin with the musical series "Moana." Story development, storyboarding and production design for all projects will still be based in its Burbank, Calif., studio, which also handles all of Disney's feature films. The company says Amir Nasrabadi will head the studio in Vancouver after working in senior roles with Vancouver-based WildBrain Studios, Pixar Canada and Paramount Animation. Disney Animation president Clark Spencer says both Burbank and Vancouver are home to some of the world's most talented artists and technicians. "We believe the storytelling and visual quality created within each location will meet the incredibly high standards we set for ourselves and (which) audiences have come to expect from Disney Animation," he said in a statement on Wednesday. ATLANTA (CBS46) The Atlanta Police Department has released several new photos of people they say were in or around Piedmont Park on the night Katie Janness was murdered. Police say the people in the images are not considered suspects, and APD hopes they are willing to come forward to share anything they may know about what happened that night. If anyone was in the area around the time of the murder, or if anyone knows someone in these photos, we ask that they contact Atlanta Police Homicide Investigators or Crime Stoppers. The photos were released while Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and Police Chief Rodney Bryant were holding a press conference to update the community on the murder. While the press conference was meant to be focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and what the city was calling a "Covid Crime Wave," both the mayor and the chief admitted the murder of Katie Janness did not fit the description of violence seen in the city over the last year. What we are hoping is that these individuals will come forward and what we are hoping is that that they saw something while in the park, said Atlanta Police Deputy Chief Charles Hampton explaining why the department released the photos. Atlanta's top leaders explaining today they need more help in solving the case. Unfortunately, we still don't have all of the information in her murder to make an arrest, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said. Emma Clark says she found her life-partner, Katie, stabbed to death that night. She went looking, pinging Katie's phone after she didn't respond to calls or texts. Emma says she saw others in the park when she made the gruesome discovery. I know somebody walked up on it right after I did, Clark said. I guess, because he came running out too. If anybody else saw something before I did. Because there are photos of people 20 minutes before I got here and theres people walking right past the entrance. They're adding details on the type of person the public may want to look out for. If you saw anyone with any unexplained injuries, an intense attraction to this case in the media. A change in appearance. A change in hair color. A change in any type of facial hair. An absence of school work, come forward give us a call, said Deputy Chief Hampton. There is nothing too insignificant, he added. APD said Monday that the cameras were working the night of the murder, but clarified Tuesday that the 9 cameras in Piedmont Park are not integrated into the citys current video integration center that it tracks in real time. CBS46 has multiple crews on this story today and will have much more on www.cbs46.com and tonight on CBS46. California Department of Education News Release California Department of Education News Release State Superintendent Tony Thurmond Announces 2021 National Youth Science Camp Delegates SACRAMENTOState Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond named four outstanding students as Californias delegates at the 2021 National Youth Science Camp (NYSCamp). Angelina Lee, Cerritos High School in Cerritos (Los Angeles County); Jessica Qu, Evergreen Valley High School in San Jose (Santa Clara County); Michael Zhao, Lynbrook High School in San Jose (Santa Clara County); and Vivian Hir, Quarry Lane School in Danville (Alameda County), were selected for their high achievement and proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). STEM educationor STEAM education, which aligns the arts with STEM learningis an incredibly important priority of mine. Not only is a STEAM education a great equalizer for our students with career opportunitiesespecially for our disadvantaged students and students of colorits the foundation for our future thought-leaders in science, the individuals we need as our society grapples with climate change, Thurmond said. Our students, who are our future CEOs and elected officials, need a solid education in environmental literacy to combat the deadly effects of a changing climate and a pandemic while moving forward in developing future technologies and industry. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this years NYSCamp was hosted as a virtual experience where delegates had the opportunity to attend over 325 individual sessions, including lectures, seminars, directed studies, and special events. The California nominees joined similar students from all across the country in gaining knowledge and experience in the STEM field. 132 top science students from across the United States and 12 Western Hemisphere nations represented the 59th class of delegates. Typically, the NYSCamp is held in the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia. The NYSCamp is made possible through the planning and fundraising of the National Youth Science Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, whose mission is to inspire lifelong engagement and ethical leadership in STEM and related professions through mentoring, challenging, and motivating students. Angelina Lee (Cerritos, Los Angeles County) Angelina has been a part of the Science Olympiad, building Rube Goldberg machines and becoming interested in cryptography, since 2018. Frequently participating in Codebusters (a Science Olympiad event), she spent hours after school decoding secret messages using her knowledge of math and linguistics. As a part of the Science Olympiad Club in her high school, she has displayed her leadership talents through her recruitment of members and frequent training. Through this passion and her experience in the Model UN, Angelina hopes to study math to become a computational linguist so she can help preserve languages and their cultural significance. She is planning to study computer science at the University of California this fall. Jessica Qu (San Jose, Santa Clara County) Jessica has been the head of Girls Who Code, a female-focused coding club at her high school, and part of her high schools math club. She not only shows impressive coding and math skills, but a passion for closing STEMs gender gap through her active recruitment and activity in Girls Who Code. She is a talented scientist and mathematician as well as a determined student and leader who, in her own words, uses disappointment as a tool to drive her ambitions and bounce back from any setbacks. She hopes to study software engineering at either UCLA or Berkeley. Michael Zhao (San Jose, Santa Clara County) Michael became intensely interested in applying his lifelong interest in biology to public health during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. He collaborated with his countys Department of Public Health to inform his local community about the pandemic in addition to leading efforts to provide personal protective equipment to his community. He actively works to improve his school and community. He worked to establish Silicon Valley STEM 4 Youth, which promotes STEM curriculum to youth in the community, and served as chair of the Santa Clara Valley Water District Youth Commission implementing youth creek clean-up events. He is planning to study biology and government at Harvard University, where his future plans include science in service of society. Vivian Hir (Dublin, Alameda County) A Science Olympian, Vivian found her passion for biochemistry and plans to become a biomedical researcher. In her leadership positions, she has continually assisted her fellow students in learning and enjoying science. Vivian not only has a passion for biochemistry and medical sciences but science in general and hopes to connect multiple scientific disciplines in order to be a better scientist and mathematician. She is planning to study chemistry and biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this fall. The National Youth Science Camp is made possible through the planning and fundraising of the National Youth Science Foundation , a nonprofit organization with the mission to honor, foster, and encourage youth interest and excellence in science. # # # # Tony Thurmond State Superintendent of Public Instruction Communications Division, Room 5602, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100 Last Reviewed: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 New northern Pakistan crushing site planned 04 August 2021 The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial government of Pakistan has planned a limestone mining/crushing site at Khanpur for the cement industry. The scheme has been approved by the Cabinet and the Assembly as Annual Development Plan (ADP) in the FY21-22 financial budget for the country's northern area. KP Chief Minister Special Assistant on Mining, Arif Ahmadzai, informed the media that the KP Mines Department had awarded rights for establishing stone crushers near Khanpur Dam, covering an area of 3750 acres with the potential of 300 crusher plants. He added that the area with reserves of around 8bnt of limestone could initially generate PKR200m-500m per annum (US$1.21m-US$3.04m), rising to PKR8bn per annum. However, environmental experts are surprised about how the scheme was approved and became part of the ADP without any environmental assessment by the authorities. It is pointed out that, after the Supreme Court ordered the removal of 60 stone crushers from Margala mountains in Islamabad, which was a significant source of limestone for stone crushers, and imposed a complete ban on mining, the owners of the displaced stone crushers were desperate to obtain mining rights in the vicinity. The then chief justice, while ordering the removal of stone crushers from Margala in 2016, said, "We don't want to make people jobless, but we have to protect the environment. Published under Buzzi Unicem's net sales rise 6% in 1H21 04 August 2021 Buzzi Unicem's net sales in the 1H20 increased 5.8 per cent, standing at EUR1608.7m versus EUR1520.1m in 1H20, while EBITDA improved by 12.3 per cent, advancing from EUR313.9m to EUR352.5m. After amortisation and depreciation of EUR122.8m (EUR128.4m in the previous year), EBIT amounted to EUR229.7m (EUR185.5m in 1H20). The income statement for the 1H21 closed with a net profit of EUR209.7m, compared to EUR216.7m in the same period of 2020. Cement sales of the group in the first six months of 2021 stood at 14.8Mt, up 10.9 per cent when compared to the same period of 2020. The positive development in sales volumes recorded in the first three months of the year continued in the second quarter. Changes were favourable in all the markets where the company operates, except for a limited decline in Poland and a more marginal one in Germany. However, it should be remembered that sales in April-May last year were penalised by heavy economic restrictions aimed at containing the pandemic, above all in Italy and Benelux. Ready-mix concrete output also increased, reaching 5.8Mm3, up seven per cent compared to the previous year. In this business, the positive development recorded in Italy, Poland and Ukraine more than offset the unfavourable changes in the USA, Germany and the Czech Republic. Outlook "Looking at the second half of the year, the most recent estimates indicate that economic growth should continue, supported by the stability of the industrial sector and by the recovery in the services sector," reported Buzzi Unicem. "However, some uncertainties remain on the macroeconomic framework about the future evolution of the pandemic, in particular regarding the spread of the new COVID-19 variants." Published under This service applies to you if your subscription has not yet expired on our old site. You will have continued access until your subscription expires; then you will need to purchase an ongoing subscription through our new system. Please contact The Chanute Tribune office at 620-431-4100 if you have any questions Chatham, VA (24531) Today Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain late. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch. Chatham, VA (24531) Today Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to cloudy skies and rain overnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies this evening will give way to cloudy skies and rain overnight. Low 68F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall near a quarter of an inch. McKamey Animal Center announces its newest initiative, K-9 to 5, bringing adoptable pets into offices and businesses around town to spend time and hopefully find a permanent new home. MAC K-9 to 5 partners get all of the benefits of furry friend companionship and the reward of potentially finding an adoptable pet a new home without any of the long-term commitment, said officials. MAC has had a large influx of animals come into the shelter in the last few months, as it does every summer, and currently has over 560 animals in its care. This new K-9 to 5 initiative offers a new way to showcase some of these animals and expose them to potential adopters. Having pets in the workplace can be a great morale booster, and getting the opportunity to spend time out of the shelter is critical for our animals," said Inga Fricke, MAC executive director. "This program is a huge win-win, for MAC, for the animals, and for the participants." If a business is interested in participating, visit MAC's website and fill out the K-9 to 5 Partner Application. When ready, MAC will hand pick a dog or cat suited to hang out at the workplace. The K-9 to 5 program allows for dogs, cats, kittens and puppies to spend a day, a week, or even a month with a workplace. This flexible program allows participants to set the schedule all MAC asks is that the workplace animal stays safe and happy while in care. Chattanooga Police Department and the Family Justice Center are two local workplaces that have already signed up to participate as lifesaving K-9 to 5 Partners. Elisa Myzal, communications coordinator of CPD said, Having an adoptable dog with us at the Chattanooga Police Department makes for some of the best days, not just for the dog, but also for the dog-loving employees. The dog gets so much attention (treats too) and even a short time spent with a silly, happy pup is a welcome break from some of the hard stuff CPD personnel encounter on a way too regular basis. CPD gives McKamey's K-9 to 5 two paws up! For more information, or to sign up to be part of the K-9 to 5 Program, please visit www.mckameyanimalcenter.org/k-9-to-5. Not since the COVID pandemic first began 18 months ago have conditions been as grave as they are right now in Louisiana. Today a sweeping masking mandate will begin statewide for everybody, vaccinated or not, after the states hospitals on Tuesday set an all-time record for inpatients with 2,112, breaking the previous mark of 2,069 set in January. On Monday there were 11,109 confirmed new cases with at least 2,000 believed to be children. The vast amount of the new cases, driven by the highly contagious delta variant, are patients who are un-vaccinated but Louisiana health officials said that some vaccinated people are included in the early week statistics. The same health official believe that a fully vaccinated person is 25 times less likely to be hospitalized or die in this so-called fourth surge of the highly contagious disease and eight times less likely to get infected. With hospitals so overwhelmed there is a fear their efforts to control the disease in-house might be compromised. I cannot in good conscience sit by while our hospitals lose the capacity to deliver life-saving care to COVID patients and non-COVID patients alike, said Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards as he called for total masking when anyone is in an inside setting. This includes schools, churches, and all universities. In Florida there was a record 11,515 confirmed COVID-19 hospitalizations in the state, according to data released Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The delta-driven surge has hit a younger population than prior surges while filling hospital beds at a rapid clip, according to the Florida Hospital Association, which represents health centers in the state, The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Florida jumped from 2,000 to 10,000 in 30 days during this current surge, double the pace seen last summer, said Mary Mayhew, the associations chief executive, per the Wall Street Journal. This is putting 25-year-olds in the hospital, in intensive care and on ventilators, Ms. Mayhew said. What makes Louisiana and Florida so important is that they are 10-14 days ahead of Tennessee in the progression of the disease. While both states are reeling with the variant, Chattanooga and its region have yet to witness the true might of this delta variant. * * * THIS FROM THE WASHINGTON POST: Average daily new U.S. cases over the past month surged past 85,000 on Monday, surpassing last summers peak and now the highest since Feb. 18. Hospitals are treating around 50,000 COVID-19 patients, a census that more than doubled in two weeks but remains below last summers levels. Deaths have risen slightly to around 370 a day but remain far below the 1,000 daily averages in early August of last year. Aileen Marty, an infectious disease expert at Florida International University, said new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that the delta variant appears to cause more severe illness and is transmissible by fully vaccinated people echoes how her lab has been detecting high viral loads among the vaccinated in South Florida as it battles a surge. Unfortunately, its not acting in such a way its preventing that vaccinated person from being a transmitter, Marty said. We are really thinking this is going to go on through August unless theres a massive change in behavior and vaccination rates. Available research has repeatedly confirmed that vaccinations still offer robust protection against serious illness and death caused by coronavirus. The latest CDC data raises concerns about the role of vaccinated people who develop uncommon infections in spreading the virus, which is what inspired recommendations for wider masking as a precautionary measure. Delta spreads like wildfire. But vaccines contain that fire and will eventually help to put it out, said Aditi Nerurkar, a physician at Harvard Medical School. For now, our shared goal must be to vaccinate everyone and avoid breeding vaccine discontentment. Vaccines continue to be the surest bet to keep people out of hospitals, ICUs and the obituary pages. * * * SURGE WILL GET WORSE BEFORE BETTER THIS FROM THE WASHINGTON POST: The newly resurgent coronavirus could spark 140,000 to 300,000 cases a day in the United States come August, fueled by the highly transmissible delta variant and the widespread resumption of normal activities, disease trackers predict. The nation is already reporting more than 70,000 cases a day, according to The Washington Posts rolling seven-day average - an increase of nearly 60,000 in the daily average in less than six weeks. Cases, measured as that rolling average, have risen to levels last seen in February. Justin Lessler, a University of North Carolina epidemiology professor who assisted in coordinating pandemic forecasts through the COVID-19 Scenario Modeling Hub, said he was quite concerned. It worries me that we may have been too optimistic in projecting lower caseloads into the fall. The seven-day average of cases nationwide has risen by about 60 percent in the past week alone. Daily hospitalizations rose by roughly 40 percent and deaths rose almost 30 percent, now averaging more than 300 each day. It is getting worse, and at least as of right now, it is not really slowing down in the U.S., said David W. Dowdy, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. If there is a silver lining, it is this: Experts do not expect hospitalizations and deaths to rise to the levels experienced in the winter. The people who are getting sick are younger and healthier, Dowdy said. The surge has multiple propellants. The delta variant, which transmits more easily between people, is one. Delta, originally detected in India and first diagnosed in the United States in March, rapidly replaced other variants to become dominant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates delta is responsible for more than 8 in 10 new cases. * * * HIGHEST HOSPITALIZATIONS SINCE FEBRUARY: THIS FROM ARIELLE MITROPOULOUS AT ABC NEWS -- According to federal data, nearly 56,000 patients are now hospitalized with COVID-19 across the U.S., marking the highest number of patients receiving care since February. Ninety-one percent of Americans are now living in high (a seven-day new case rate = 100) or substantial (a seven-day new case rate between 50-99.99) community transmission in the last week. Seven states - Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina -- have high or substantial community transmission in every county. Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, and Alabama currently have the nation's highest case rates, followed by Mississippi, Texas and Oklahoma. * * * ARKANSAS WITNESSES HIGHEST PEAK THIS FROM MSN NEWS -- Another 81 COVID-19 patients were admitted to Arkansas hospitals on Monday, the highest increase in hospitalizations since the beginning of the pandemic, Governor Asa Hutchinson tweeted. The state now has 1,220 COVID-19 patients in hospitals, including 250 on ventilators. "We continue to see nearly all hospitalizations among the unvaccinated," the governor wrote. "Hospitals are full & the only remedy is for more Arkansans to be vaccinated." * * * NEARLY 72,000 CHILDREN TEST POSITIVE THIS FROM ABC NEWS ARIELLE MITROULOS -- Nearly 72,000 children in the U.S. tested positive for COVID-19 last week, a massive jump from the approximately 39,000 cases among kids one week earlier, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Childrens Hospital Association. Children represented 19 percent of all COVID-19 cases for the week ending July 29. Severe illness due to COVID-19 remains "uncommon" among children, the two organizations wrote in the report. According to the nearly two dozen states that reported pediatric hospitalizations, 0.1 percent to 1.9 percent of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization. However, the two organizations warned that there is an urgent need to collect more data on long-term impacts of the pandemic on children, "including ways the virus may harm the long-term physical health of infected children, as well as its emotional and mental health effects." royexum@aol.com The next author featured in Southern Lit Alliances South Bound presentation series will be Susan Cushman, author of John and Mary Margaret, a novel about an interracial couple who meets at Ole Miss in the 60s. Ms. Cushmans interview will be in person at the Arts Building, 301 E. 11th St., at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 1. Masks will be required for all attendees. Tickets are $15 for this event. Ms. Cushman currently lives in Memphis, where she has lived since 1988. She has written in many genres, including short stories, novels, and memoirs. Her short story collection Friends of the Library performed well and is the basis for the expanded story of the characters in John & Mary Margaret. Her other works include but are not limited to the novel Cherry Bomb and the memoir Tangles and Plaques: A Mother and Daughter Face Alzheimers. Ms. Cushman is a frequent speaker and director at numerous writing conferences, workshops, and literary festivals, and her latest endeavor involves leading a monthly creative writing group at a senior living facility. Learn more about Susan Cushman and her career at susancushman.com. About John & Mary Margaret: In John and Mary Margaret, Ms. Cushmans second novel and seventh book, she fleshes out their stories, covering over 50 years of their lives in Mississippi and Memphis against the setting of the Civil Rights Movement and on into present day. The novel is ultimately an exploration of white privilege and romance as we watch Mary Margaret grow up in Jackson, Ms. and participate in sorority life at Ole Miss in the late 1960's while John pursues his dream to study law at the predominantly white university. What happens when what begins as a shared love of literature between the two blossoms into a romance? How will the couple cope? For more information about Southern Lit Alliance, please visit www.southernlitalliance.org or call 777-4221. Publix Super Market, Inc. agreed to pay $50,000 to settle a religious accommodation discrimination lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal agency announced Tuesday. According to EEOCs lawsuit, Publix violated federal law when it made an offer of employment to an applicant, a member of the Rastafarian religious sect, at a Publix store location in Nashville and then asked the applicant whether he was withdrawing his application after he refused to cut his hair to meet Publixs grooming policy. The applicant, who wears dreadlocks as part of his sincerely held Rastafarian religious belief, requested a religious accommodation that Publix allow him to continue to wear his dreadlocks without cutting them. Because Publix denied the applicants request for a religious accommodation, the applicant chose not to work for Publix. Publix's alleged conduct violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans religious discrimination in the workplace. The EEOC filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, Nashville Division, (Civil Action No.3:17cv1308), on Sept. 27, 2017 after attempting to reach a pre-litigation settlement through its conciliation process. In addition to the monetary relief, the two-year consent decree, entered by Judge Eli Richardson, requires, amongst other things, Publix to consider applicants requests for religious accommodations; reasonably accommodate qualified employees or applicants whose religious beliefs conflict with Publixs Grooming Standards; and to distribute and provide training on Publix's non-discrimination and religious-accommodation policy to all human resource employees, managers, supervisors at Publix Store 12 in Nashville. Employers must consider an applicants sincerely held religious belief and not judge the merits of a particular religion when deciding whether to provide a religious accommodation, said Faye Williams, regional attorney of the EEOCs Memphis District Office. Going forward, Publix will not only consider requests for reasonable religious accommodation but will conduct training sessions for its managers and supervisors to ensure they know about Title VII and its requirements. Edmond Sims, acting district director of the Memphis District Office, said, The Memphis District Office is pleased with the outcome of this case. It sends a clear message to employers that they should not require applicants and employees to choose between gainful employment and their religious beliefs. River City Company announces its new 2021-2022 Board of Directors. New Board of Directors members Include: Martha Leiper, executive vice president and chief investment officer Unum, and James McKissic, president, ArtsBuild. Also serving on the 2021/2022 Board of Directors are: Executive Committee: Andrew Kean: Sovereigns Capital, Board Chair Jennifer Goodman: Elliott Davis, Vice Chair John Giblin: BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Treasurer Dana Perry: Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel, Secretary Tom Griscom: Consultant, Immediate Past Chair At-Large Members: Valoria Armstrong, Tennessee American Water Dr. Rebecca Ashford, Chattanooga State Community College John Bilderback, CARTA Mayor Jim Coppinger, Hamilton County Ken DeFoor, DeFoor Development Alnoor Dhanani, Double Cola Yancy Freeman, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly, City of Chattanooga Greg Martin, Commissioner District 3 David Wade, EPB Barry White, Chattanooga Tourism Company Honored at the July Board of Directors meeting with a Resolution of Distinguished Service were Charlie Arant and Corky Coker, who both served on the Board of Directors for over two decades and contributed insight, advice, and perspective on the many projects of River City Company. In addition to the new Board of Directors members, River City Company also welcomed Amanda Mayo Leming as the new director of Operations and Special Projects. Since 2009 Ms. Mayo Leming has worked in property management, focusing on business development and project management. During that time, she spent over seven years focused on multi-family housing in the greater Chattanooga area. Ms. Mayo Leming has served over three years on the Nightingale Network Grant Committee for the Womens Fund of Greater Chattanooga, and previously spent two years as the secretary on the Board of Directors to the Nooga Diversity Center. She said she is excited to work as the director of Operations & Special Projects and collaborate with the entire River City Company team on her passion to make downtown accessible and inclusive for all Chattanooga area residents and visitors. Local nonprofit Bible in the Schools presented Hamilton County Schools with its annual community gift of almost $1.8 million as reimbursement for the 2020-2021 countywide Bible History elective program. Bible in the Schools Board Chairman Tom Glenn and President Cathy Scott presented Superintendent Dr. Bryan Johnson with the $1.8 million gift. Also present was Bible in the Schools' board member Mike Harrell. Dr. Johnson said, "It is an honor to once again accept the gift of Bible History on behalf of Hamilton County Schools. This gift sponsors the education of thousands of public school students in our district. The countywide Bible History elective program encourages students in grades 6-12 to recognize the rich cultural connections between an ancient text and our modern world. Hamilton County seeks to graduate students who are future-ready and prepared for success in college and career. By thinking critically and engaging in historically rich conversations, HCS is preparing students to become global thinkers and responsible citizens." Founded in 1922, Bible in the Schools provides Bible History elective courses for public school students in Hamilton County. Entering its 100th year, Bible in the Schools now reaches 29 public schools and over 4,600 students in grades 6-12. Demand for Bible History continues to grow, as 2021 recorded the highest Bible History enrollment numbers yet. HCS data reveals that, of the 19,006 students in the county who had access to Bible History elective courses in 2020-2021, one in four students completed a Bible course for graduation credit. Bible History courses are funded entirely by the supporters of Bible in the Schools. Mr. Glenn said, "As we approach our 100th school year, it is an honor to present this gift to our public schools, as it represents the heart behind so many donors in this community. Such generosity makes the gift of Bible History available to so many young lives." Because of the generosity of the community, Bible in the Schools provided the largest community partner donation to Hamilton County Schools given in the 2020-2021 academic year. Ms. Scott said, "The Hamilton County public school Bible History program has been a daily dispenser of hope in this community and reflects the generosity of so many committed partners. Studying Bible History in our public schools helps ground and awaken students to the rich cultural footprint that the Bible has had on history while offering students hope, values, and life lessons relevant to the tough issues they wrestle with daily. We believe that a knowledge of the Bible is a key component to a well-rounded education that encourages students to not just be passive observers of society, but active contributors in a global world. Thank you to all who have donated generously to enrich Hamilton County Schools with a text that crosses all cultural, socioeconomic, and racial barriers while still touching lives each day." Bible History classes follow guidelines established by a 1980 federal court ruling which affirmed that the teaching of for-credit Bible History elective classes in Hamilton County's public middle and high schools is constitutionally permissible. The Bible History curricular framework is court-approved and aligns with the Tennessee Department of Education's state academic standards. The Hamilton County-based program also leads the nation with the largest concentration of public school students in any one school district studying the Bible. The program is entering its 100th year. More information regarding participating schools and courses offered is available at www.bibleintheschools.com. Graduates walk across campus on their way to the commencement ceremony Lee University conferred 178 degrees on Saturday during its summer commencement ceremony. Attendees heard speaker Phil Cook challenge the graduates in Lees traditional ceremony in the Conn Center. Today is about you, Mr. Cook told the graduates in his address. The robes, the music, the honors, and the applause are meant for you. But what about the rest of your life? When you leave today, the rest of your life shouldnt be about you, it should be about serving God and serving others. Mr. Cook also urged graduates to consider the words his father told him, that leaders eat last. Mr. Cook warned that society advocates for always coming in first, but that it is important for a leader to put others first. Mr. Cook has been a part of the Lee University family for more than 30 years. He and his wife Tonya, both Lee alums, began their service at Lee as resident directors. He served at the university from 19932021, and his tenure in the Office of Admissions began in 1997. Most recently, he served as the vice president for enrollment, where he was responsible for admissions, financial aid, graduate enrollment, international students, Kingdom Players, and veterans affairs. Mr. Cook recently moved to Fort Wayne, In., where he works as executive director and CEO of the North American Coalition of Christian Admissions Professionals, an organization that supports and coordinates the student enrollment efforts of 300 faith-based institutions across the country. He earned a Master of Divinity at the Church of God School of Theology and his Bachelor of Science in business from Lee. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in higher education administration at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Of the 178 degrees conferred on Saturday, 117 were bachelors degrees and 61 were graduate degrees. The summer event is one of three graduation weekends at Lee each year. Lee also holds commencements in May and December. Saturdays ceremony was preceded by the Commissioning Service on Friday night, which featured five student speakers sharing their experiences at Lee. The student speakers were Micah Davis, Christopher Gill, Lauren Goss, Corrine Perez, and Hope Sheppard. The commencement and commissioning ceremonies can be viewed at https://livestream.com/leeu. Isaiah 57:1-10 paints a clear picture of the great difference between men who attempt to live righteous lives and those who have no such intention. Unrighteous men will always persecute righteous men and rob them of any chance at peace in this life. Unrighteous men will always mock authority, including The Supreme Authority who created all things. The Righteous Judge of the whole universe will certainly call those rebels who mock Him to account. If and when He leaves us to our own desires, we receive a most terrifying punishment. Isaiah 57:11-13 continues the rhetorical questioning, "Whom have you so dreaded and feared that you have been false to me, and have neither remembered me nor pondered this in your hearts? Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? 12 I will expose your righteousness and your works, and they will not benefit you. 13 When you cry out for help, let your collection [of idols] save you! The wind will carry all of them off, a mere breath will blow them away. But the man who makes me his refuge will inherit the land and possess my holy mountain." (NIV) It is a tragic mistake to fear pieces of carved wood and stone instead of the Living God who spoke creation into existence. Jesus sheds sobering light on this issue, Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28 NASU) We like to think that we have good deeds to weigh against our bad deeds, but the truth is that we really do not have good deeds to speak of because almost always our motives are bad. Thus, our so-called good deeds are not righteous at all. In any case, they will not earn any good standing before God. The idols we worship will be of no help to us either. Our only hope is to put our trust in Christ and take refuge in Him. Then, and only then, will we inherit eternal life with God in heaven. The passage has one other question, and it relates to our lack of fear of God and falsehood toward God that has caused us to forget God. Verse 11b asks, Is it not because I have long been silent that you do not fear me? This is a common problem with human beings. Our short-sightedness leads to impatience and forgetfulness. We seem to think that the only important time and place in history is that which is occupied by us. We live as if we are the first people to occupy time and space. We seem to believe that delayed judgment means judgment is not coming. 2 Peter 3:8-9 clears this misconception up and at the same time speaks of Gods patient love, But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (NASU) God is patiently waiting for the time He has already chosen. As every moment passes, humans either accept opportunities to trust God or reject opportunities to trust God. At the perfect time, the time God chooses, He will call every human being to account. Because He has not yet done it, does not mean He never will. Repent and believe the gospel before it is too late. Election officials said over $51,000 was spent conducting the recent special primary election for House District 29 in which each party had only one candidate. The general election pitting Democrat DeAngelo Jelks and Republican Greg Vital will be Sept. 14. 14. The seat was formerly held by Rep. Mike Carter. Election Administrator Scott Allen said election commissioners need to begin thinking about whether they want to expand early voting for the 2022 elections. He said the startup cost for an early voting site is $70,000, and it takes $35,000 per site for operations costs. In order to get ready for the May 2022 primary a decision needs to be made by this October, he said. Mr. Allen said he was one of a small number of election administrators across the state invited by Secretary of State Tre Hargett to Nashville on Tuesday to meet with Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.). There was a roundtable discussion "about Tennessees safe, fair and secure elections." Rep. Davis is working on crafting a Faith in Elections project. He said, Whether its Ohio where I was earlier this week or here in Tennessee, local and state officials are working to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. Secretary Hargett and local election officials helped ensure a record-number of Tennesseans could cast their vote in last years elections. As part of our Faith in Elections Project, were seeing exactly how a one-size-fits-all, federal takeover of election administration just will not work. Congressman Davis's visit to Tennessee was part of his Faith in Elections Project tour across the country. During the tour, Congressman Davis is meeting with state and local elections officials, legislators and others to learn about their work on federal elections and discuss ideas for state-level reform and the removal of federal impediments. The purpose of the Faith in Elections Project is "to promote voter confidence in our elections systems and outcomes through education, engagement and reform." Secretary Hargett said, "I was honored to welcome Congressman Davis to Tennessee for this important roundtable discussion. Our office worked with county election administers across the state to conduct a safe, trustworthy election with record turnout in the midst of the pandemic. Our success is evidence that the best way to ensure election integrity is at the state level, not a one-size-fits-all mandate from Washington, D.C. During the roundtable, Secretary Hargett, Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins and county election officials discussed Tennessee election procedures, what the federal government could do to support election administration in Tennessee and how proposed federal legislation could negatively impact Tennessee elections. Thirteen Tennessee county administrators of elections and one assistant administrator attended the roundtable, including Mr. Allen and Mark Stephens from Anderson County, Summer Leverette from Bedford County, Josh Blanchard from Cocke County, Jill Davis from Cumberland County, Amber Moore from Hardeman County, Chris Davis from Knox County, Susan Harrison from Loudon County, Elizabeth Black from Montgomery County, Tim Sweat from Morgan County, Alan Farley from Rutherford County, Linda Phillips from Shelby County, Lori Atchley from Sumner County and Tammy Smith from Wilson County. Mr. Allen said other election officials at the meeting "were really impressed with the audit process that we use. We have received a lot of praise for that process." He said in Tennessee that election results are compiled very quickly with a minimum of instances of fraud or error. Mr. Boyd's statement, calling all us American citizens, choosing to practice our rights not to take the "vaccine", was on the stupid side. Personally, I feel like people who take a vaccine that has been thrown together in a matter of months, that looses 80 percent of its effectiveness in six months, could be making a big mistake. Notice that instead of calling you an idiot, Mr. Boyd, it is obvious that you are choosing to take the vaccine, which is your right, just like me not taking it is my right. It's just one more right that is being taken away from us. You might want to re-phrase your words next time and don't come off sounding like a bully. You have no right to scare people, when you don't know what the side affects of this vaccine are 10 years from now. Maybe if the information that our officials give us didn't change every time you speak, the American people might have some confidence in you. Regina Townsend * * * Rather than respond with my own thoughts, I would much prefer to invoke the late, great defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld. He wisely made his choices by acknowledging: there are known knowns; there are known unknowns; and there are unknown unknowns. If the writer of the letter above is still with me, then we can all agree that there is no way to know for certain what the 10 year potential vaccine side effects are. That is a known unknown. We do know that refusing the vaccine and becoming infected with COVID can result in sickness and hospitalization up to and including death. Not to mention spreading it to others. That is a known known. How we and our fellow citizens choose to survive this pandemic remains an unknown unknown. Michael Mallen, health, safety and environmental attorney * * * For the record, Moderna says its vaccine is 93 percent effective after six months. Pfizer says its vaccine is 91 percent effective after six months. Chris Blevins * * * You know who doesn't get to decide whether to get the COVID vaccine? Children under 12. They are completely without protection. The only thing that will keep them safe is you, getting yourself vaccinated. It's not a matter of "If I die, I die". You're also saying "If the kids die, they die". Because you have the ability to do something about it and are choosing not to. It's not a matter of being an idiot not to get vaccinated. It's a matter of being selfish, cowardly, and shamefully willing to endanger children over your own fears. Ray Ingraham * * * There are many reasons to encourage (not require) people to get vaccinated, but with all due respect to Mr. Ingraham, "It's for the children!" isn't a very good one. According to official CDC statistics, children up to the age of 14 represent less than 0.1 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. It truly is a disease that overwhelmingly kills older people, all of whom have either been vaccinated or chosen to take the risk of declining the jab. Statistically, children under 14 are more likely to die in an auto accident than of COVID. So by Mr. Ingraham's logic, parents who transport their children anywhere in a car (or allow them to ride on a school bus) must be "shamefully willing to endanger" their progeny. Joe Dumas The investiture of U.S. District Judge Charles E. Atchley, Jr., will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 20, in the Joel W. Solomon Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse in Chattanooga. The judges of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee invite the public to attend. Judge Atchley succeeded Judge Harry S. Mattice, Jr., who took senior status last year. He previously served with the U.S. Attorneys Office for the Eastern District of Tennessee for 20 years, including as First Assistant U.S. Attorney since 2018. He was an Assistant District Attorney General in Tennessees Fourth Judicial District from 1994-2001. Judge Atchley holds a bachelors degree from the University of Tennessee and a juris doctor from Samford Universitys Cumberland School of Law. Retired U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander will speak, along with former U.S. Attorney J. Douglas Overbey and Knoxville lawyer Wade V. Davies. The Right Reverend Brian L. Cole, Fifth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, will offer the invocation and benediction. A reception will be held at The Read House immediately following the ceremony. Amazon Primes longest-running series Bosch made Titus Welliver a household name. The star who plays Hollywood homicide detective Harry Bosch has appeared in dozens of projects over more than three decades in the industry. That said, Welliver can relate to his unbreakable character for the most heartbreaking reason. Titus Welliver almost pursued art long before Bosch Titus Welliver at a screening for Bosch | Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Amazon Studios RELATED: Bosch Star Titus Welliver Once Explained Why He Doesnt Cover Up His Almost 30 Tattoos for the Show Titus Welliver tried to follow in his father Neil Wellivers footsteps, but art school didnt stick for the Bosch star. I became very disillusioned after a year of art school and my father said to me, If its not what you love and want to do then dont do it. He said, Youve always loved the theater and acting why dont you consider that? Welliver told the Toledo Blade in 2015. So I did. I kind of packed up my stuff in an Army duffle bag, my dad bought me a bus ticket back to New York, and it has been many years it was not romantic and was hard work but it sustained me and fulfilled me. Welliver has a long list of credits It eventually paid off in spades. As one of Amazon Prime Videos most successful projects to date, Bosch may not have necessarily put Welliver on the map, but it did put a name to his recognizable face. Since 1990, Welliver has starred in a plethora of projects including Deadwood, The Good Wife, Sons of Anarchy, and Lost. Harry Bosch isnt Wellivers first law enforcement role, either. The veteran star has played some version of a cop or agent in many shows and films. NYPD Blue, Big Apple, Shaft (and more) showcase Wellivers talents in the crime drama sector. Hes also played a number of senators in Red 2, White Collar, Kidnapped, and more. Bosch is Wellivers longest role yet and arguably his most successful. As the lead homicide detective in Hollywood, Harry Bosch balances a traumatic past with solving some of the citys worst murders. Unfortunately, Welliver can relate to the darker parts of his character. Why Welliver connects to Harry Bosch on a deep level RELATED: Bosch Season 6 Recap: Everything You Need to Remember Before Watching Season 7 You cant tell by looking at Welliver but his life was filled with tragedy. To start, his baby sister died when he was a child and it only got worse from there. Seven months later my stepmother, who I loved dearly, and my younger brother, Eli, was killed in Thailand at the age of 21, and my older brother, Silas, died from a form of muscular dystrophy. He died at 45, he said. When one sustains that kind of loss I think its very difficult to trust happiness. He continued: So I think in many ways it formed not always the best parts of myself. I lost my wife a couple years ago who was the mother of my daughter, and I was married before and we had our two sons together, he said, referring to his wife Elizabeth Alexander who died of breast cancer in 2012. Those losses, he said, prepared him for the role of Harry Bosch. Theres an aspect of Bosch which is deeply appealing to me, he said. He has a tremendous vulnerability. This is a guy who sustained a really traumatic childhood, we get glimpses into that in the pilot. And the readers of the books know his back-story is deeply painful. He added: But I think that anybody who has a job that faces the darkest parts of society and sadness cant go untouched by that. So theres that great righteousness that Harry has. Being the advocate, he speaks for the victim, and hes driven by that to seek that justice. But hes a deeply haunted character. Hes seen too much. Welliver finds light in his children but struggles with faith And thats that TitusWelliver (@welliver_titus) July 11, 2021 RELATED: Bosch Cast Members Titus Welliver, Madison Lintz to Star in Spinoff of Amazon Series Despite the challenges, Welliver looks to his children for respite. To regain a sense of footing and trust and have your spouse die is devastating, to say the least. That being said, the births of my three children are the most magical and beautiful moments of my life. The star now has four children saying, Im blessed to have such wonderful children and they made me very, very proud and I, in some way, define my success in life by my children. Because I look at them, Ive had a tough go of it, but they are a source of light and love that is immeasurable. However, his sense of faith was shaken by the loss of his baby sister. I thought if there is a God and we are led to believe by religious texts that God is here to protect us, why would you take a life of an infant child? It makes no sense, he said. He continued adding tragedy is tragedy but theres a way to carry on through the darkness. Its something he and his character aim to do. We spend lives as human beings loving people we are close to and there is a chapter in which they depart. And its completely unfair, but theres no way around it. You see the train coming, but you cant anticipate the impact. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry tied the knot in front of millions of people in 2018. The couple has since moved to California and is raising two young children together. A lot of onlookers wonder about the ins and outs of the Sussexes marriage, and according to a royal expert, it works because of Meghans decisiveness. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | Karwai Tang/WireImage Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a whirlwind courtship Meghan and Harry first met in the summer of 2016 when Meghan was visiting London. The two of them went on a blind date and quickly began a relationship. For their third date, Meghan and Harry even went on a trip to Botswana. Some people around the couple were concerned about how quickly the relationship was progressing. For example, Harrys older brother, Prince William, reportedly advised him to take things slow, but royal experts say Harry went ballistic at the suggestion. In the fall of 2017, Meghan and Harry announced their engagement. Then, they got married several months later. The Sussexes stepped down as senior royals in early 2020less than a year after Meghan joined the royal family. Meghan and Harry, then, moved to California with their son, Archie. The couple welcomed daughter Lilibet in 2021. Meghan Markle makes decisions for Prince Harry, royal expert claims RELATED: Prince William and Kate Middleton Have Been Sending Secret Messages to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Royal Expert Claims Onlookers have often compared Meghan and Harrys marriage to that of Queen Elizabeths uncle, King Edward VIII. In 1937, Edward married American divorcee Wallis Simpson against the wishes of his family and political leaders, forcing him to abdicate the throne. Royal expert Tom Quinn noted in the recent documentary Meghan at 40: The Climb to Power that Meghan and Harry have a dynamic similar to that of Edward and Wallis. Mrs Simpson was a strong, dominant woman who gave Edward VIII everything his mother hadnt given him, he was vulnerable just as Harry is vulnerable, Quinn said, according to Express. If a man who is not very decisive meets a very decisive woman or the other way around they often get on very well because one makes the decisions and the other one goes along with it. Quinn added, Meghan and Harry work because Harry is quite a vulnerable person who only lived in this gilded cage, hes not very worldly. Meghan makes things happen, Meghan makes the decisions. What Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are doing in California RELATED: Princess Anne Allegedly Thought Meghan Markle Was Attention-Seeking and Told Prince Harry Not to Marry Her After stepping down as senior royals, Meghan and Harry announced they would pursue financial independence from the royal family. While living in California, they are each taking on different jobs. For example, Meghan and Harry both signed a deal with Netflix, though at the moment they are working on different programmings. Earlier this year, it was revealed that Harry is creating a docu-series about the Invictus Games. Meanwhile, Meghan is an executive producer for a childrens show about influential women. Additionally, Harry has also signed on to be a Chief Impact Office at the mental health startup BetterUp. The Sussexes have become authors as well. Meghan recently published a childrens book called The Bench. Next year, Harry will release a memoir about his life. Raiders of the Lost Ark, starring Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones, is one of the most important movies in pop culture history having inspired so much of the current media landscape thanks to its unique spin on the 30s and 40s adventure novels that inspired Steven Spielberg and George Lucas to make it. As fantastic as the film turned out, however, it wasnt always an easy project to work on. Beyond just coordinating the dangerous yet impressive stunts and wrangling the star-studded cast, there were a few moments where everyone might have wished they were working on Jaws. One of these occasions came when almost the entire cast and crew came down with an illness at the same time except for Spielberg himself. Most of the Raiders of the Lost Ark cast and crew got sick in Tunisia except Steven Spielberg Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, directed by Steven Spielberg. Seen here, Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. | CBS via Getty Images Just like in the movie, the filming of Raiders took everyone around the globe to get the right locations. One of the countries where Spielberg and the gang decided to shoot was Tunisia, using it as a stand-in for Egypt. This proved to be a mistake. According to IMDb, over 150 crew members became sick at the same time from eating the local food. It probably didnt help that the desert heat was also peaking at around 130 degrees most days, either. Put all of that together and you have yourself a truly miserable shoot. Surprisingly enough given his past experience on the aforementioned Jaws, Spielberg managed to dodge the food poisoning that wrecked the rest of his people. Seemingly having foreseen this kind of thing happening, the director opted to only eat and drink what hed brought with him from England primarily Spaghetti-Os and bottled water. While he was probably sick of the flavor by the end of filming, he was at least not sick with dysentery. Harrison Fords illness changed one key scene in the film Among the people affected by the food poisoning was none other than Harrison Ford himself. The Han Solo actor had a miserable time on set during this part of filming, especially since he had to perform in a number of action scenes while actively sick. Despite this, its hard to tell without this foreknowledge given just how good he is as an actor, keeping up his energy and banter with Karen Allen like nothing was wrong. That said, some things did have to change because of the illness. This was most notable in what was meant to be the epic confrontation between Doctor Jones and the sword-wielding henchman seen near the middle of the film. What was meant to be a full fight scene complete with extensive choreography by both parties was reduced to a single, comical gunshot by Indy, taking out his would-be nemesis in a single attack. This happened because Ford was simply too sick to be doing all the necessary stunts for the scene, so he suggested the now-iconic change to Spielberg. Filming Raiders of the Lost Ark in Tunisia was not pleasant Even without the food poisoning, Tunisia was not kind to the people behind Raiders of the Lost Ark. The deserts were extremely hot throughout the entire shoot, which was bad news for everyone who had to be shoveling sand for the dig site scenes. For his part, Ford suffered yet another injury during filming when a real plane went out-of-control and ran over his knee. Thankfully, his injuries were less serious than expected, as the heat had actually worked in the crews favor and softened the rubber tire enough to prevent a broken bone. Ford, apparently fed up with the whole country by this point, opted to simply wrap his knee in ice and keep filming instead of seeking out a Tunisian hospital. All in all, the experience was so unpleasant that Spielberg managed to compress the six-week shoot schedule into just four and a half weeks. That kind of efficiency is almost unheard of, but it makes a lot of sense knowing what everyone was dealing with on location. According to Spielberg and Lucas, the only thing that kept them going was thinking of David Lean, 54 at the time of shooting Lawrence of Arabia in 1962, when they endured these conditions for 14 months of filming. Compared to that, things didnt seem too bad. RELATED: Indiana Jones Movies in Order and How to Watch Them The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic isnt over quite yet. With cases of the Delta variant rising, many people are starting to be more cautious once again. Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry and her family have been traveling throughout the pandemic and the former teen mom had strong opinions against getting any of the coronavirus vaccines. Now, the reality star has tested positive for the virus, as well as infected her podcast co-host. Kailyn Lowry | Matthew Eisman/FilmMagic Kailyn Lowry has COVID On Tuesdays episode of her podcast, Baby Mamas No Drama, Lowry revealed that she and her co-host Vee Rivera had contracted the virus. For those of you guys listening who dont know, Vee and I have Covid, she said. Were Covid queens, Rivera added. Lowry revealed that she and her sons had tested negative while on vacation in the Dominican Republic and after she returned, but started feeling sick a few days later. I knew because I felt like s all week, she said. Once I lost my taste and my smell, I knew what it was. I knew. Kailyn may have given her costar COVID Rivera thinks that she could have contracted COVID from Lowry. I think it was the same for me, Rivera said. I was with you Sunday and I was perfectly fine. But after spending the day at a water park, she said the virus took her out. She was in bed all day and just felt all around awful. I felt bad, we were on vacation, Lowry said. I would not have been around people if I knew I had Covid, but I tested negative twice. Lowrys four sons, Isaac, Lincoln, Lux Russell, and Creed all tested positive, as well as Lincolns father Javi Marroquin. Thankfully, the kids have been asymptomatic, Lowry recently told HollywoodLife. So that was good. Im coming through the other side of it. And Im hoping to be cleared later this week, and you know, get back to work and do all the things, but I feel better now. So Im feeling better, thank you. Is Kailyn vaccinated? This isnt Lowrys first time getting COVID. Lowry first contracted COVID last year after a trip to Iceland. In March, her son Lincoln had it as well. It is unclear whether Lowry is vaccinated. However, in 2020 when she was asked about getting vaccinated, she said Absolutely no, according to Too Fab. Rivera, on the other hand, is vaccinated. I am 100% vaccinated, so that could have helped me, Rivera said. The worst part about having COVID for Rivera has been being isolated from her family. Lowrys oldest son Isaac is fully vaccinated and Lincoln is at least partially vaccinated. The star received backlash earlier this year for not vaccinating Lux. I guess the only thing I can really say and continue to stand for is to parent how its best for your child and family, Lowry told InTouch after receiving criticism. People dont love everything I do, but I dont shove my beliefs down anyone elses throat. I know whats best for my kids, and other parents know whats best for theirs. RELATED: Teen Mom 2: Kailyn Lowry Claims MTV Tried to Fake Her First Meeting With Javi Marroquin Laura Ann Spangler Howard, 77 of Laramie, WY was called home to be with her family in Heaven on Wednesday July 21, 2021. She was born on June 3, 1944 in Chickasha,OK to Orby and Mabel Spangler. Ann graduated from Chickasha High School. She married her husband Michel Don Howard on September 2 In mid-July, after thousands of Cubans in multiple cities demonstrated against their government on a scale not seen in the communist nation in decades, US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told them not to look to the United States for sanctuary. The time is never right to attempt migration by sea, he said at a press briefing. To those who risk their lives doing so, this risk is not worth taking. Allow me to be clear: if you take to the Sea, you will not come to the United States. The Caribbean passage is dangerous, particularly during hurricane season, continued Mayorkas, a Cuban immigrant himself. Any Cubans who attempt it, he reiterated, will risk death for nothing. This isnt a new policy. Neither is it a good one. Mayorkas is right about the danger of the trip, and perhaps as a practical matter his advice against attempting it is wise. But as a matter of principle and policy, the United States should stand ready to welcome Cubans who flee here. The type of safe haven Mayorkas refused Cubans is called asylum. Asylum seekers meet the requirements for refugees but have a different process for admission to the US. A refugee, per the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her country of nationality because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Refugees apply for entrance to the United States from outside our borders, then undergo a vetting process that takes around two years. Asylum seekers are a smaller category of people. An asylee, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says, is someone who meets the above definition of a refugee and is either already present in the United States, as were the Olympic athletes who entered with legal visas and then sought asylum, or is at a port of entry, such as an airport or border crossing. US law says foreign nationals have a right to ask for asylum if they can get here, even if they initially enter our country illegallylike landing on a Florida beach after a boat ride from Cuba. There are a few exceptions to that right. Most are about individual history, but one can be applied more broadly: Asylum requests can be dismissed if the attorney general determines asylum seekers can be sent to a safe third country with that countrys assent. Thats the loophole Mayorkas invoked for Cubans. (He didnt specify what third countries might be used.) On paper, asylum may seem uncontroversial. If someone fleeing, say, religious persecutionwhich continues in Cuba, despite some liberalization since the fall of the Soviet Unioncan get to the United States, shouldnt we let them come in? After all, pursuit of religious liberty is one of the reasons this country exists, and if we can share that blessing with people who cant obtain it in their home countries, surely were living up to the greatest of our national aspirations. The trouble is that many immigrants who make asylum claims on arrival to the US dont meet the definition of a refugee. Thats not to say they havent experienced severe hardship, but often theyre better characterized as economic migrants than true asylees. They seek asylum not because they honestly believe theyre qualified but because without special professional skills, educational plans, or family connections in the US that could get them a visa, asylum is their only remotely plausible way to immigrate here legally. Its this misuse of the system that has made asylum a deeply contentious matter. For those fleeing Cuba, their hardship will always have a political element, which our country should consider. As President Joe Biden said this month, mere days after Mayorkas told Cubans to go away, Cuba has suffered 62 years of repression under a communist regime. Havana is a totalitarian police state, a dictatorship without regard for the most basic human rights, including religious freedom. Browse CTs archives on Cuba and youll find accounts of the evil institutionalized in this government; of lives transformed by escape from Cuba to the US; of pastors arrested, surveilled, and harassed. Article continues below Its like a cold war, one Cuban pastor told CT for a 2009 report. Its a psychological bombardment. In recent protests, police set dogs on a Baptist pastor who recorded their violence on his phone. He and a fellow pastor, also arrested, havent been heard from since they were taken into custody. Thats not unusual for this regime. Government tactics against critics include beatings, public shaming, travel restrictions, short-term detention, fines, online harassment, surveillance, and termination of employment, Human Rights Watch reports. This is a distinct situation from that of would-be asylees from most other Latin American and Caribbean countries (with the exception of Venezuela and perhaps Nicaragua, the other Western Hemisphere states to consistently join Cuba near the bottom of international freedom rankings). People coming from Mexico, for example, may be fleeing grave poverty, gang violence, and/or government dysfunction. But they arent fleeing an explicitly communist regime that barely pretends to guarantee freedom of worship and freedom of conscience. Cuba stands out as the most politically oppressed country close to US borders. That combination of proximity and politics should give Cubans special consideration. US politicians, on the right and the left, who condemn the brutal, communist regime in Havana, do seem to give it that consideration. But when Cubans trying to escape brave the journey to the US, where we fashion ourselves an international beacon of liberty, too many of those same politicians turn them away. This is an unseemly doublemindedness that discredits the best principles we claim (Matt. 5:37; James 3:10). What Im suggesting here isnt outlandish. In fact, priority admission for Cuban migrants on exactly these grounds was US policy for roughly half a century. From the 1960s until 1995, any Cuban who got to US territorial waters could pursue permanent residency here. Then, until early 2017, the wet foot, dry foot policy said Cubans had to reach US soil to be thus permitted to stay. The Obama administration ended that policy, the Trump White House further hindered Cuban entry, and the Biden administration has responded to Cubas present turmoil by sanctioning Cuban officials while also refusing entry to their victims. Immigration policy is a sprawling mess over which reasonable people can disagree in good faith. I favor looser immigration rules as a matter of individual liberty, but I understand and take seriously many of the objections raised by those who want more restrictions. I think, though, that Cuba is a relatively simple case, since it is so close and its government so oppressive. Many Cubans, of course, will want to stay where they are, particularly if these protests prove to be the start of a durable shift in Cuban life. But for any who want to come to the United States in search of freedom, especially the right to worship as they please, the door should be open. Ive been teaching for nearly 40 years and the best experiences I have had teaching have been the cohorts at Northern Seminary. The combination of a week-long intensive with an active Facebook cohort page along with trips abroad for 10plus days the classes become a fellowship of friends, of fellow followers of Jesus, and a classroom joy that transcends ordinary classes. Think of joining us this summer. We begin with a one-week intensive but then the classes during the school year can be on campus or in our innovative Northern Live alternative. Think about enrolling. A whole new perspective. One night a week is our normal schedule after the summer intensive. From anywhere in the world. Transform the way you do life and ministry with Northern Seminarys Master of Arts New Testament degree in whatever format works best for your busy life. Classes are held just once a week so you can still work in the church, have a job and spend time with your family. Regardless if you are with us in person at our state of the art facilities or through our easily accessible Northern Liveonline platform , you get the opportunity to interact with our Faculty at Northern Seminary. By studying the New Testament in a Jewish and Greco-Roman context, the life of Jesus, Paul, Peter and John among other characters like Junia and Priscilla and Phoebe and Mary are seen in a refreshingly new way. Class after class, you will feel your confidence rising as a competent minister of the gospel, built on a solid foundation of biblical understanding and application. For more information, reach out to our admissions department or visit the website anytime at www.seminary.edu/mant/. Spots are open, so apply today! At least 7 killed, over 250 houses destroyed in series of overnight attacks in Nigeria Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A series of violent attacks during weekend nighttime raids in Nigeria blamed on Fulani radicals has reportedly led to the deaths of about seven people, the destruction of nearly 300 houses and the displacement of many. However, a leading Fulani advocacy group has put the blame for the violence on local youths. Suspected Fulani militants attacked villages in Nigerias Miango district in the Plateau state during unhindered and undistracted attacks that began Saturday night into Sunday morning, according to a statement released Sunday by the Irigwe Development Association. According to the statement, the violence resulted in around 100 acres of farmland being destroyed, at least 250 houses burned and mass displacement. We are calling on government and security agencies to come to our aid, as our people have been left homeless, their farms destroyed and loved ones killed," IDA Secretary-General, Comrade Danjuma Dickson Auta, said in an interview with The Daily Post. He said these actions have been a recurring decimal as the many homes and farms have been destroyed by the heartless people. According to the United Kingdom-based aid agency Barnabas Fund, the attack occurred in a "predominantly Christian area." Sen. Hezekiah Ayuba Dimka, the chairman of the Senate Committee on Drugs and Narcotics who represents Plateau Central District, called on security agencies to find the perpetrators of the barbaric crimes, The Sun News reported. Week after another, communities of Riyom, Barkin Ladi, Bassa, Jos South and Jos East local government areas have come under intense attacks," the senator said. "The pattern has been the decimation of farmlands, killing and maiming as well as loss of lives in the most barbaric manner." He emphasized the attacks should not be glossed over, and the perpetrators should be brought to justice. Coming as they did, and disturbing as we have witnessed them, these are not isolated cases going by the pieces of information that are circulated before the attacks take place, he continued. It is expected the security should be on top of the situation. Ezekiel Bini, the national president of the Irigwe Development Association, told This Day newspaper that assailants organized themselves into different groups that destroyed crops and looted households before setting properties on fire. Our people are in pains following yesterdays attack by Fulani gunmen in some of our communities including Zanwrah, Kpachudu and Kpatenvien. What we have is a humanitarian crisis in Irigwe land," Bini stated. So far, we have counted seven people that were killed during the attacks and nine people who sustained gunshot injuries." As we speak, 275 houses were burnt down and over 22,000 people displaced including women, children and the aged," he added. "Some of the displaced persons are currently taking refuge in neighbouring communities in Miango district, while many others have relocated to Jos for safety. However, the state chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria, Nura Muhammad, which advocates for the Fulani pastoralists, blamed the continued violence in the region on Irigwe youths, adding that six members of the Fulani herding community lost their lives in the violence over the weekend and 11 were hospitalized. What happened yesterday was that the Irigwe people mobilized their kinsmen and attacked our people in Rafin Bwauna village, a settlement mainly occupied by the Muslims, Hausa and Fulani," Muhammad was quoted as telling This Day. "We tried as much as possible to inform the security but to no avail." The United States-based religious persecution watchdog organization International Christian Concern reported that a contact in the region visited the affected area and confirmed the attack. We call on the international community to come to our aid, the local ICC contact was quoted as saying. The Nigerian government has betrayed us and allowed us to [fall] under the mercy of guns because of our faith. The military cannot help by containing the situation, but they were rather on the side of the Fulani (militants), the contact continued. The house of the chief of Jebu Miango was burned down along with scores of other houses. It was [a burning] spree for the marauders while the security watched without saying anything. Please pray as we are helpless, the contact added. The attack comes as Open Doors USA reports that more Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country. In recent years, thousands of Nigerian civilians have been killed in violent attacks by Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province in Nigeria's northeast, and radicalized Hausa-Fulani herdsmen have attacked and razed predominantly Christian farming communities in Nigeria's Middle Belt. As killings have escalated in recent years in the farm-rich Middle Belt, the government has claimed that the violence is nothing more than decades-old clashes between herding and farming communities. However, some advocates have contested that explanation and fear religious factors are also at play. A recent report from the Anambra-based International Society for Civil Liberty & Rule of Law estimated that over 3,400 Nigeria Christians have already been killed in 2021. Around half of Nigeria's population identifies as Christian, and there are over 95 million believers in the country. The divide between Christians and Muslims is roughly even, according to Open Doors. Nigeria, Africas most populous nation, recently became the first democratic nation to be added to the U.S. State Department's list of "countries of particular concern" for tolerating or engaging in egregious violations of religious freedom under the International Religious Freedom Act. Open Doors USA ranks Nigeria No. 9 on its 2021 World Watch List of countries where Christians face the most severe faith-based persecution for extreme levels of Islamic oppression. A commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International and Religious Freedom warned in an annual report that Nigeria will move relentlessly toward a Christian genocide if action is not taken quickly by the government and international community. The Global Terrorism Index ranked Nigeria as the third-most affected country by terrorism in 2020. The index reports that over 22,000 people were killed by acts of terror from 2001 to 2019. Critics have slammed the Nigerian government for failing to thwart the terrorist activity in the country. Insurgent groups continue with violence and kidnappings and often receive ransom payments even though the government denies paying ransom to terrorists. Email Whatsapp Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Over the weekend, gunfire erupted in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Five people were shot on Bourbon Street, while another four were shot, and one person was killed, on Iberville Street. The crown jewel of New Orleans tourism has now become a shooting gallery. It is no longer a rare event to learn of multiple shootings in the French Quarter during a weekend. For a city that depends on tourism, these kinds of incidents are devastating to the economy of New Orleans. Videos showed hundreds of people fleeing the gunfire, running for their lives. Even though police officers were in the vicinity last night, the brazen shooters were not deterred. A 15-year-old boy was the shooter in the Iberville Street incident. The victims were also teenagers. On Bourbon Street, the victims ranged in age from 25 to 51. If officers cannot provide safety on Bourbon Street, there is little hope that there will be adequate safety in other crime-ridden areas of New Orleans. In the French Quarter, there are always extra officers since members of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) are assisted by members of the Louisiana State Police. Unfortunately, it does not seem to deter the regular outbursts of violent crime. In New Orleans, crime increased dramatically in 2020 and the trend is continuing for 2021. Violent crimes such as shootings, armed robberies, carjackings and murder are significantly higher this year. According to the personal finance website, WalletHub, New Orleans has suffered through the highest per capita increase in homicide in the country since the start of the pandemic. WalletHub reported that there were 18 homicides per 100,000 residents in Q2 2021, which topped the list, as did its 7.42 homicide increase since Q2 2019. Similar data is also being reported by residents of New Orleans. In the annual Crime Coalition survey, New Orleans residents testified that the city is becoming unsafe. In the 2020 survey, 57 percent of residents said the city was safe. In the 2021 survey, only 35 percent say its safe thats a 22-point drop. The citizens of New Orleans have an accurate perception of the crime. According to the NOPD, by mid-July, there were already 250 shootings, 108 murders, 120 carjackings and 192 armed robberies in New Orleans. New Orleans has had a violent crime problem for decades; however, it has only gotten worse in recent years. Historically, New Orleans has been ranked as one of the murder capitals in the nation. The reasons for the carnage are longstanding and multifaceted, such as broken families and no discipline in public schools. However, New Orleans also has a dysfunctional criminal justice system. The recently elected Orleans Parish District Attorney was financially supported by George Soros and believes in a much more lenient approach to dealing with criminals than his tough-on-crime predecessor. Also, the criminal court judges are notoriously lax in handling juvenile offenders, who comprise a major percentage of these violent offenses. Just like many cities across the country, New Orleans suffers from a massive shortage of police officers. In New Orleans, there has been a shortage of police officers for many years. Currently, the city has about 1,150 police officers, but to adequately provide safety to citizens and tourists alike, law enforcement experts contend there need to be approximately 1,600 officers. The shortage began during the last mayoral administration when budget cuts resulted in the cancellation of new recruitment classes of officers. The deficit has never been addressed since that time. In the meantime, the overall anti-police attitude across the country has impacted New Orleans as well. This has led to many officers taking retirement or leaving for other departments such as the neighboring Jefferson Parish Sheriffs Office. In this respect, New Orleans is like many other cities led by Democrats. Statistics show that crime is exploding in all these areas. While the soft-on-crime approach was a problem for many years, the riots of 2020 truly accelerated the crisis in urban America. In the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, crime in cities across the country erupted. Along with riots and looting, there were irresponsible calls to defund the police. With police being targeted by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters, more officers decided to retire. At the same time, it became much more difficult to recruit new police officers to join departments under siege. Throughout the country, cities with Democratic leadership are seeing a tremendous increase in crime in 2021. While President Biden and congressional Democrats like to blame guns, the real problem is that there are too many criminals on the streets. Cities across America do not need gun control, instead, what is really needed is criminal control. Email Whatsapp Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A July 23 New York Times full page ad implored: Let Cuba Live! Readers may have expected the ad to offer solidarity to anti-regime protests and to call for an end to Cubas 62-year-old communist dictatorship with one-party rule enforced by a police state. But no, the ad urged removal of U.S. sanctions on Cuba, which it claimed are the real cause of Cuban suffering, repeating the claims of Cubas dictatorship. There was no mention of human rights or the appeals of protesters. Signers to the ad were predictable: Jane Fonda, Daniel Ellsberg, Susan Sarandon, Noam Chomsky, Oliver Stone. Jeremy Corbyn. CODEPINK, and Black Lives Matters Global Network. Regarding the latter, it should be noted that black Cubans have prominently protested against the regime and suffered consequences for it. Also signing was Jim Winkler, chief of the National Council of Churches (NCC), which includes over 30 mainline Protestant, historic black and Eastern Orthodox communions, although it is mainly associated with liberal mainline Protestants. Winkler formerly headed the United Methodist General Board of Church and Society on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Similarly, a Presbyterian Church (USA) official on July 23 penned his own letter blaming the U.S. for Cubas troubles, while silent about the dictatorship, addressed to Cuban siblings in Christ: We recognize and confess the part our country plays in the suffering of the Cuban people. Perhaps these Cuban siblings were befuddled by the silence about the more proximate cause of their sufferings. There is no surprise here. The NCC, United Methodist and mainline Protestant agencies have for 50 years apologized for Cubas dictatorship. During the 1970s and 1980s mainline agencies were enmeshed in Liberation Theology and saw Castros revolution supposedly on behalf of the poor and oppressed as an expression of Gods Kingdom. They hailed Cubas supposedly high-quality free healthcare while ignoring Castros totalitarianism, which included persecution of religion, no free speech, and incarceration if not death for tens of thousands of dissenters, not to mention the poverty enforced by corrupt state ownership of property. These churches, without informed consent by their memberships, also hailed Cuban proxies like the Sandinista dictatorship in Nicaragua and the FALN guerrillas in El Salvador, along with other Marxist liberation movements backed by the Soviet Union. Its a sad history. U.S. church delegations commonly visited Havana, as in 1991, met with Castro, and said little to nothing about human rights abuses. Sometimes they hosted Castro in New York, as in 1996, when Castro told the NCC: We see in you and your actions the expression of the best values and intentions of the American people, and, We love you very specially, and always welcome you to our country. You are teaching us to be Christians. Then NCC chief Joan Brown Campbell in 1999 joined Castro to address a regime rally of 10,000 in Havana, apologizing for U.S. policies. In 2000, Riverside Church, cathedral of liberal Protestantism, hosted Castro in its pulpit in 2000 as hundreds in the pews cheered and waved Cuban flags in what might be called Cuban Communist Christian nationalism. With other clerics, Campbell hailed Castro for, among other accomplishments, orchestrating the return of little Elian Gonzalez, in which Campbell played a prominent role. Castro of course denounced Americas criminal embargo as the real violation of human rights. And he thanked the NCC for its solidarity. (Watch amazing video.) (Heres text of his speech.) In 2015, Campbell, by then retired from the NCC, met with Castro in Havana a final time. Cuban media hailed her for having shown many times her solidarity with Cuba. The following year she joined Jesse Jackson in Havana to speak at an ecumenical memorial service for Castro. Campbell and other U.S. church officials who collaborated with Castro and other regime officials no doubt would argue that their relationships with that regime, and near public silence about its human rights abuses, facilitated liberalization of anti-regime policies in Cuba. Churches now have more freedom, and by some accounts there is Christian revival in Cuba. Its safe to say that the Gospel is now more popular in Cuba than communism. But U.S. church groups that continue their silence about the dictatorship have even less excuse now that Cuban churches are speaking in solidarity with calls for more freedom. Heres what Cubas Methodist Church recently said: "We reject the repression exercised against the people who were protesting. Confrontation and violence only lead to death, mourning, and insecurity. Refusing to listen to the peoples voice, those who were peacefully making their claims, equals to closing the only door to understanding and the power to live in peace. We declare that the people must have freedom of speech. The peoples voice must be heard when they claim for their rights. In these few years, the government has been proclaiming that the Cuban nation must be inclusive, rejecting the exclusion of minority groups; therefore, the fact that an individual does not agree with the political system does not make them antisocial or delinquent. They must receive the same right as other groups in society. Because Cuba ought to be a free and sovereign country, where all their children are respected, both those who support the revolution, as those who do not sympathize with the sociopolitical system." Maybe U.S.-based mainline Protestant groups could at least echo U.S. Catholic bishops: "As protests continue in Cuba and among the diaspora in the United States, we would like to express our solidarity, as well as that of our brother bishops in the United States, with our brothers in the Cuban episcopate, and with all men and women of goodwill in Cuba." Its true that U.S. mainline Protestant groups like the NCC are much diminished and no longer influential. Their leaders never spoke for most church members on political issues like Cuba. But their tragic history of abetting Cuban oppression is a black mark on Christian political witness. They now have the opportunity, while Cubas dictatorship still lamentably stands, to rectify that tragic history and offer genuine solidarity to Cubans seeking the same liberties that Americans too often take for granted. Originally published at Juicy Ecumenism. Hundreds volunteer with Samaritan's Purse to help victims of deadly flooding in Germany Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Over 350 volunteers affiliated with the international evangelical humanitarian organization Samaritan's Purse have partnered with a church to bring emotional, spiritual and physical support to the victims of the flooding that killed over 200 people across Europe this month. Over 177 people died in Germany as a result of the historic natural disaster. In the rural Western German district of Ahrweiler, a record amount of rainfall recently caused the regions Ahr River to pour muddy rainwater into various towns. Nearly 200 residents of the town drowned to death because there was reportedly nowhere for the rapidly rising muddy water to travel due to the communitys valley, which has steep hills on both sides full of vineyards, according to North Carolina-headquartered Samaritan's Purse. The Samaritans Purse German affiliate office began organizing volunteers the day after floods swept through North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatine states. Samaritans Purse has deployed 14 international disaster response specialists to support the efforts of its German affiliate office. Samaritan's Purse disaster relief specialist Nick Bechert told The Christian Post that numerous homes and family businesses, which have been around for thousands of centuries, have been destroyed by over 6 feet of mud water. The water swept into the villages in Ahrweiler and eventually washed into the North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatine states. After the floodwaters receded the next day in western Germany, thousands of volunteers from Evangelische Freikirche Koeln Ostheim church in Cologne, Germany, partnered with Samaritan's Purse to bring physical, emotional and spiritual support to residents in need. Over the past week, mud has been removed from the centuries-old structures bucket by bucket. Many homes are reportedly still in the de-mudding process and various structures in the path of the flood water will have a long way to go to be rehabilitated. There were untouched piles of debris all over entire streets and much of the towns were filled with a thick, slippery mud, said Bechert. He is just one of the 14 international disaster response specialists for Samaritans Purse who has worked tirelessly using a bucket in his hands to remove mud from many buildings and homes. It was hard to hear stories of how fast the water came through, how there was no time to prepare for it, leading to the loss of life and increased property damage. Bechert, a 35-year-old Zionsville, Indiana resident who discovered his Christian faith in his early teens, said he has worked with Samaritans Purse for 11 years since the organization's response effort in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. He said he'd had a passion for helping and extending love in times of crisis since his sophomore year at Indiana University when his Campus Crusade chapter sponsored a spring break trip to New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005. When you are away from your comfort zone and focused on the work God has prepared for you, you will learn, grow and see amazing things. ... Helping often leads to great opportunities to share why you are there and provide hope that goes beyond the physical support, he said. I believe that God calls us to help our neighbor no matter where in the world that neighbor may be. Right now, they happen to be in Germany after a flood. A major component of this response [effort in Germany] has been facilitating hundreds of Christians from all over Germany to be present and supportive, working in homes along with families and individuals working to rebuild their lives. Bechert said Samaritan Purse has a team of counselors on staff in various villages who listen to impacted individuals and remind them that God loves them and they are not alone. Our site leaders have been trained in spiritual and psychosocial first aid and they know the common signs of trauma to be looking out for, how best to listen and be present with hurting people, and then what resources to link to, he said. The loss of life from this disaster has been devastating, Bechert stressed. Please pray for the families in Germany and pray for our teams as we provide immediate aid and that God would use us to continue ministering to families in the weeks and months to come. Local law enforcement continues to search for missing people. And within damaged businesses and homes, generations of families priceless heirlooms and personal belongings have been destroyed or lost. For many of the survivors, Bechart said, they will remain impacted by the flood for months due to physical needs and emotional trauma. Homeowner Michael Munn-Buschow told Samaritan Purse that he and his wife, Iris, live in a home that has been in Iris family for hundreds of years. Within a matter of hours, not only his basement but also the first floor was underwater. I looked out the roof window, and suddenly the Ahr came closer and closer to us, he was quoted as saying. Employees from Samaritans Purse came and helped us. Bechert said he often reminds survivors affected by natural disasters about Gods love. However, he often receives questions, such as: Why did God let this happen? Is this punishment or a test? or How could a loving God allow such pain and suffering? Ive learned over time that it is best to be honest that I dont have all the answers and to sit and listen and share in their lament, Bechert said. What I can be confident in is sharing about Gods love for us, not just by sending His followers from around the world in a time of crisis, but also by making a way for us to be in a relationship with Him. Families 'rejected' by churches unable to handle special needs children find acceptance Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The DiToro family in Westbury, New York, is among many that have felt rejected by churches incapable or unwilling to handle the challenges presented by their children with special needs. Edward and Jessica DiToro and their 7-year-old special needs son, Samuel, say they were turned away and rejected from a local church. They claim that their son was not welcomed in, wrongfully judged and misunderstood. The DiToros, both in their 40s, told The Christian Post that they left their previous church because they did not like the way the Sunday school nursery teachers treated their son. The teachers reportedly told the couple that their son "should walk and talk like the other children" and "should be more social with the other children. Samuel was often told to leave the nursery when he would hit another child and the teachers reportedly never took preventive steps to prevent the incidents from happening in the first place. I believed that the nursery teachers felt that our son had to fit the same phenotype as the other children in the nursery, Edward DiToro recounted. I also don't think that they spoke to him to make sure Samuel felt like he was welcome there. He was just thrown in with the other kids and expected to behave like them. All they would do was say that Samuel did something wrong, whether it's hitting a kid or soiling himself or having a temper tantrum. And there was never any positive feedback given on any week, nor did anyone work one-on-one with Samuel, Jessica DiToro added. The DiToros said the churchs congregation often avoided Samuel on multiple occasions and the pastor treated Samuel differently for years. Eventually, in 2019, the family switched to another church called Point Lookout Community Church in Point Lookout, New York. They said that their son is constantly engaged in an activity at their new church, whether coloring pictures or reading. Like DiToro's, many parents with special needs children are searching for in-person or online ministries geared towards meeting their childrens needs or even having the ability to attend a church that welcomes and loves their special needs children. For some, such ministries helped them overcome their painful experiences in their previous churches, but it has also helped them remain hopeful amid the challenges they have faced during the pandemic. The youth ministry curriculum developer Orange published a recent article titled How to Start a Special Needs Ministry at Your Church." The piece details three ways any church can learn and meet the needs of special needs children with ministries designed explicitly for them. The author, Rev. Meaghan Wall, has lead the special needs children's ministry at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. She is the lead pastor of the special needs ministry for dozens of kids of all ages called GIFT: God Is Faithful Throughout." The ministry aims to nurture special needs students by encouraging their desire for a Savior and developing their faith. Having heard countless stories of church hurt from hundreds of families involved with her special needs ministry, Wall said she felt led by God to write the article because she truly believes all special needs children are made in the image of God and are created with great purpose." "Because God has a plan for them and churches can potentially harm family generations by turning families with special needs children away from the church," she told CP in an interview. Some churches put up barriers because they dont think God has it in their plan to serve the special needs population, and they dont take the time to learn how to meet the needs of special needs children, Wall added. How will the family members of these special needs children view the church as a whole if their sibling or child has been turned away from the church? When they see their special needs sister or brother was wrongfully rejected, they are likely to turn away from God," she continued. "[A]nd when these siblings get older, they will raise up children that also dont believe in God, and the cycle goes on and on for generations. ..." Many of the parents Wall works with have previously attended churches without special needs ministries, and some were asked to leave. Others were given ultimatums that involve choosing to follow strict stipulations for their special needs children or not return to the church. The pastors of these churches, she said, often demand the parents to have their special needs children sit very still, quiet, remain separated from the other children, or even stay monitored at all times by a caregiver in addition to the Sunday school teachers. It takes a lot for families to come back to church when theyve been hurt and told, your child cant be handled,' Wall said. We have to serve and love everyone and point everyone to the Gospel. Every church should have a special needs ministry, and every seminary school should teach special needs instructional classes to raise up generations of pastors who can meet everyone's needs. Wall said that "there is no excuse" for pastors and church leaders not to be educated on working with special needs children. Wall contends that pastors can "take a class, read a book, or an article online." Pastors can even go to their special needs teachers in the school districts in their communities and learn a thing or two from them, she added. Since the pandemic hit, Wall said, she has seen an increase in the number of people who attend her virtual special needs ministry classes from other countries. Her adult special needs class attendance has increased. And throughout the pandemic, she offered an online special needs marriage class, which was attended by more people than she has ever seen before. The pandemic has led me to offer activities in an online format which has allowed those who dont have access to a church with a special needs ministry to attend, she said. Although the DiToros new church does not have a ministry specifically designed to meet the needs of special needs children, the family said their new church had done its homework. The parents said the church had made an effort to treat special needs children equally and they are educated on special needs childrens specific needs and ways to work with them. The congregants have been very welcoming of Samuels needs in the Sunday school program during church services, Jessica DiToro said. When the pandemic first hit in 2020, the DiToros said their new church took it as an opportunity to love them even more deeply through maintaining connections virtually. At first, the pandemic transitions were frustrating and difficult because Samuel did not want to wear a mask and didn't understand the importance of wearing a mask. As a result, it was difficult for them to take Samuel to places where masks were required. During those early months of the pandemic, the DiToros said they would often take turns to run errands to allow for one parent to stay home to watch Samuel. They also stayed home and watched church virtually. Point Lookout church has a number of special needs children of all demographics, who were facing similar challenges during the pandemic, Edward DiToro said. The church rose to the occasion and provided not only the virtual services to those children in need but also a networking system with the parents of special needs children. Point Lookout Church has reportedly helped many parents with special needs children similar to the DiToro family. Although their ministry leaders and pastors do not specialize in special needs care and education, parents have said they have seen firsthand how the church demonstrates their mission to be and to build community for the glory of Jesus Christ. Long Beach, New York, resident Kathy Butler, 65, said when the pandemic first hit, she was riddled with fear about her safety and worried about the emotional and physical well-being of her 28-year-old autistic son, Charlie. She told CP that her family has attended Point Lookout Church for over 20 years and the church has "loved Charlie even in the very hard years when he was young. Despite her growing fears, she maintained her Christian faith while encouraging her son to have faith in God and participate in the church's networking and virtual services. Jesus loves all children and doesnt distinguish between special needs and other children, Butler said. I cant get through the day without Jesus, and it is very hard for special needs children during this pandemic, especially for those with serious behavior issues. Charlie, who has limited verbal abilities and was diagnosed with autism at age 3, had difficulty understanding the importance of wearing masks and social distancing. In addition to having her churchs support, Butler also found solace in another program for special needs young adults called Hangout One Happy Place. The nonprofit organization in Nassau County was founded in February of 2019 to provide an inclusive environment that allows young adults with special needs to create their own hands-on curriculums and do recreational activities together. However, she said it took many long weeks to find the program because many similar programs were shut down and not offering virtual services during the pandemic. Butler said for her and many other parents who found Hangout One Happy Place, finding such a program during the pandemic to meet the needs of their special needs children was no easy feat. "There are possibly many parents in the world who struggled the same or might still be searching for any program to meet their special needs childrens needs, especially a Christian-based program. The pandemic caused Charlies volunteer jobs to shut down and his college class and day program became remote. And Charlie began to miss having in-person contact with his peers at church and school and he was left feeling isolated, Butler said. The program Hangout One Happy Place changed Charlies life because he got to have social and emotional interactions with peers again during a really tough time. The founder of the program, Baldwin resident Angela Lucas, 53, has worked with special needs children for 15 years in various roles in the Baldwin School District. Although her nonprofit is secular, Lucas, who is Catholic, said she does not discourage the concept of parents establishing religion in the lives of their special needs children. It depends on the child because some special needs children are not able to fully understand religion because they are unable to speak, but clients like Charlie are verbal, she said. Faith definitely has an impact on everyone. And just because someone is special needs, does not mean they shouldnt have access to a form of religion. Church petitions Supreme Court after denial of ministers' parsonage tax exemption Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Religious liberty legal organizations petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court this week to reverse a Virginia courts decision denying a parsonage exemption to unordained college ministers based on the citys interpretation of Presbyterian doctrine. The City of Fredericksburg denied a tax exemption for New Life in Christ Churchs parsonage housing for its college ministers, a married couple who serve students at the University of Mary Washington through hosting Bible studies and worship. Parsonages are homes provided by a church for pastors or ministers. They are subject to the church's tax exemption status. City officials deemed, however, that the couple does not quality as ministers even though they act in the capacity of ministers since they are not officially ordained, based on the citys interpretation of the Presbyterian Book of Church Order. The University of Mary Washington is a public university located about an hour's drive outside of Washington, D.C. and has around 4,400 undergraduate students. Religious liberty legal firms First Liberty Institute, Christian Legal Society and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLC filed the petition to the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday on behalf of New Life in Christ Church. The petition comes after the Virginia Supreme Court refused to review the citys decision to deny the tax exemption for the parsonage. Attorneys for New Life in Christ Church argue that the Supreme Court should review the judgment of the city's circuit court, calling the court's ruling in favor of the city an erroneous application of federal law. For over 150 years, the Court has confirmed that civil authorities may not second-guess religious organizations on questions of discipline, or of faith, or ecclesiastical rule, custom, or law, the petition reads. It is a foundational premise of our constitutional system that religious organizations enjoy power to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of church government as well as those of faith and doctrine." Jeremy Dys, special counsel for litigation and communications at First Liberty Institute, told The Christian Post in an interview that the New Life in Christ Church is being denied the freedoms that come with being a church. On top of that, and I think this should scare most Americans even more, you have a city and a court unilaterally deciding on their own, evaluating religious doctrine and coming to the conclusion that these are in fact not ministers according to the Presbyterian tradition, Dys said. Well, thats just ludicrous that you would have government officials examine whether or not a church is following their own doctrine or questioning whether or not this church will call ministers." Dys reiterated that state and elected officials should not determine what constitutes a minister since this infringes on the constitutional rights of a religious institution to decide. The state of Virginia and its elected officials have no business determining who is and who is not a minister for religious reasons, Dys said. If they can say these college ministers are not necessarily ministerial, then what is the limiting principle from saying any minister or rabbi or iman or other religious leader merits the protections that are offered to ministers or religious leaders in this country? Thats the type of independence [in the] Constitution ... that the religious ministries get to determine who are their religious leaders who will teach their doctrine, he continued. Dys said the churches should ultimately decide what constitutes a minister, not elected officials. Government officials have no right to substitute their theology for that of the church, Kelly Shackelford, CEO and chief counsel for First Liberty Institute, said in a statement. New Life in Christ Church considers its college campus ministers actions to be essential functions of the ministry of the church, and the city should abide by that decision." Shackelford said the citys interpretation of church doctrine on what constitutes a minister requires the government to unnecessarily violate the Constitution's First Amendment by delving into issues of faith and doctrine. Kim Colby, director of the Christian Legal Societys Center for Law and Religious Freedom, said in the petition that New Life in Christ Church simply seeks the respect that the Constitution guarantees. In the Supreme Court appeal, the lawyers argued that the nation's high court has long "recognized" that "the Religion Clauses protect the right of churches and other religious institutions to decide matters of faith and doctrine without government intrusion. They cited the 2020 Supreme Court case of Our Lady of Guadalupe Sch. v. Morrissey-Berru, where the court held 7-2 that a ministerial exception prevents civil courts from adjudicating discrimination claims brought by former employees against the religious schools. The appeal also cites the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. v. Mary Elizabeth Blue Hull Meml Presbyterian Church, a 1969 ruling stating that civil courts can't interpret church doctrine to decide church property disputes. "While 'there are neutral principles of law, developed for use in all [civil] disputes, which can be applied without' running afoul of the Religion Clauses, 'First Amendment values are plainly jeopardized when church [civil] litigation is made to turn on the resolution by civil courts of controversies over religious doctrine and practice,'" the petition states. India: Christian persecution watchdog fears police orders to surveil Christians activities will increase attacks on believers Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment As Christian persecution continues to rise in India, all police stations in one district have been ordered to keep surveillance on Christians and report on any "conversion activities. A U.S.-based persecution watchdog group now fears that attacks on Christians might intensify. The Superintendent of Police of the Sukma District in Chhattisgarh state has issued a circular to all police stations directing officers to surveil the districts Christian community and be on the lookout for fraudulent religious conversions and to act against Christians where these activities are found, International Christian Concern reports. Several incidents of intimidation, threats and assaults against the Christians of Sukma have been reported since the circular was sent, ICC reports. Four policemen came to our village while we were having a prayer gathering on July 23, Bhima, a Christian from Sukma, was quoted as saying. They enquired about conversions. They did not do anything to us, but after the police left the Hindu radicals in the village started using abusive words against all Christians. They threatened that they would chase us away from the village. Another local pastor was quoted as saying that all churches in the villages had been forced to stop all the worship gatherings. Christians make up about 2.5% of Indias population, while Hindus comprise 79.5%. India ranks as the 10th worst country globally when it comes to Christian persecution, according to Open Doors USA's 2021 World Watch List. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has urged the U.S. State Department to label India as a country of particular concern for engaging in or tolerating severe religious freedom violations. The Evangelical Fellowship of India says in a report that it documented 145 cases of atrocities against Christians three murders, 22 attacks on churches and 20 cases of ostracization or social boycott in rural areas in the first half of 2021. The violence, detailed in the report, itself was vicious, widespread and ranged from murder to attacks on churches, false cases, police immunity and connivance, and the now normalized social exclusion or boycott which is becoming viral, the report says. Since the current ruling party (Bharatiya Janata Party) took power in 2014, incidents against Christians have increased, and Hindu radicals often attack Christians with little to no consequences, noted Open Doors World Watch List last year. The view of the Hindu nationalists is that to be Indian is to be Hindu, so any other faith including Christianity is viewed as non-Indian. Also, converts to Christianity from Hindu backgrounds or tribal religions are often extremely persecuted by their family members and communities, Open Doors said at the time. Several Indian states have anti-conversion laws, which presume that Christian workers force or give financial benefits to Hindus to convert them to Christianity. In July, at least 30 Christians were falsely accused of engaging in forced religious conversions and arrested in Indias most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, according to ICC. Like we have seen in other states, Uttar Pradeshs anti-conversion law provides a legal cover for radical Hindu nationalists seeking to persecute Christians, ICCs Regional Manager for South Asia, William Stark, said. If the government of Uttar Pradesh allows this to continue, radical Hindu nationalists will know they have absolute impunity to harass Christians and close down their places of worship. While the anti-conversion laws have been in place for decades in some states, no Christian has been convicted of forcibly converting anyone to Christianity. These laws, however, allow Hindu nationalist groups to make false charges against Christians and launch attacks on them under the pretext of the alleged forced conversion. Some of these laws state that no one is allowed to use the threat of divine displeasure, meaning Christians cannot talk about Heaven or Hell, as that would be seen as forcing someone to convert. And if snacks or meals are served to Hindus after an evangelistic meeting, that could be seen as inducement. One Million Moms urges parents to take action against Eli Lilly over repulsive ad Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment The Christian conservative group One Million Moms is urging parents to protest a one-minute ad released by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, which says the sex of a child is randomly assigned at birth. Because the body you are randomly assigned at birth shouldnt determine how well you are cared for, says the ad, titled Lilly A Medicine Company, featuring a woman with double mastectomy scars wearing an open shirt and identifying as a man. Can you imagine what goes through the mind of a child when he or she sees this ad? asks a statement released by One Million Moms, which regularly launches campaigns against organizations that produce questionable content. Lilly chose to air this commercial knowing it would be controversial, the group says. We all know children imitate what they see and repeat what they hear. Lilly should be ashamed! One Million Moms warns that Lilly will push away customers if it continues advertising in a repulsive manner that offends parents. Parents, it adds, do not approve of this advertising tactic! To remove this offensive commercial, please share with your family and friends, it urges. As of early Sunday, more than 16,400 people had signed a petition it launched against the ad. Im not buying into your social agenda to push transgenderism. Your latest ad offends me and many other conservative consumers. I wont be buying your products either. Im taking Lilly off my shopping list since I will be purchasing from your competitors instead, it says. In February, tens of thousands of people backed the groups online petition asking The American Girl company to scrap an LGBT storyline tied to its 2021 Girl of the Year doll. One Million Moms launched the online campaign after Mattel named 10-year-old Kira Bailey from Michigan the 2021 Girl of the Year in December. The doll came with an accompanying book, Kira Down Under. In the book, Kira visits an animal sanctuary in Australia operated by her great aunts, who are in a same-sex marriage. The book details how the aunts got married after laws were changed in 2017 to allow for same-sex marriages. As Christians, we know that even though something is legalized doesnt make it moral or right, One Million Moms said at the time. American Girl could have chosen another storyline or characters to write about and remained neutral in the culture war. American Girl is attempting to desensitize our youth by featuring a storyline with two lesbian aunts. China arrests 5 Christians for attending religious gathering in Malaysia where Tim Keller spoke Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Communist authorities in China arrested five Christians from a house church in Shanxi Province because they attended a Christian conference in Malaysia last year where Pastors Tim Keller and D.A. Carson were speakers. The five Christians are from Xuncheng Reformed Church in Taiyuan city and were arrested and detained on Monday for taking part in KL2020 Gospel and Culture conference hosted by a Chinese Indonesian Pastor Stephen Tong, the U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern reported. Two of the church members were arrested when they went to pick up their church co-worker, Zhang Ligong, as he was being released after serving a 15-day administrative detention for his faith, a church preacher named An Yankui was quoted as saying. The other three were arrested from their homes. The five traveled together to Malaysia to attend the conference from Jan. 2831. Keller, a theologian and bestselling author, and Carson, emeritus professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and co-founder of The Gospel Coalition, were among the speakers at the international conference. The five Chinese Christians had legally traveled to Malaysia with their valid passports but are now facing charges. Preacher An Yankui has requested that believers worldwide pray for the five Christians. May God never forsake His children and continue to grant mercy to His church on the path carrying the cross, he wrote on Facebook. As of Saturday, it was not known if the Christians had been released. Xuncheng Church has been heavily targeted in recent months, including constant harassment and the detention of a preacher and several members last November. Open Doors USA, which monitors persecution in over 60 countries, estimates that there are about 97 million Christians in China, a large percentage of whom worship in what China considers to be illegal and unregistered underground house churches. Authorities in China are also continuing their crackdown on Christianity by removing Bible apps and Christian WeChat public accounts as new highly restrictive administrative measures on religious staff went into effect this year. ICCs Regional Manager for Southeast Asia, Gina Goh, said, Since the Revised Regulations on Religious Affairs took effect in February 2018, the Chinese government has added more laws seeking to curb religious activities that are not state-sanctioned. Goh added: Beijing is paranoid about Chinese Christians interaction with Christians overseas. As a result, they are penalizing Christians to deter them from receiving foreign influence. It is a shame that the Chinese government constantly manipulates laws to violate the religious freedom of its citizens. China is ranked on Open Doors USAs World Watch List as one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to the persecution of Christians. The U.S. State Department has also labeled China as a country of particular concern for continuing to engage in particularly severe violations of religious freedom. Christian CEO fired over views on marriage wins religious discrimination case Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment A court in Scotland has ruled in favor of a Christian CEO who they said was unjustly fired by the countrys biggest grant-making trust because of his Christian views on marriage. Kenneth Ferguson was unlawfully discriminated against by The Robertson Trust and its Chairwoman Shonaig Macpherson for believing that marriage is exclusively between a man and woman, an Employment Tribunal has ruled. The Christian Institute, which supported Ferguson, announced the ruling in a statement on Friday. Ferguson is an elder of Stirling Free Church, which holds traditional views on marriage and abortion. The Christian CEO was dismissed from the Glasgow-based Trust last March after Macpherson objected to the church hiring the Barracks Conference Centre, a Trust property, for its Sunday services. But the Trust reportedly cited performance issues as the reason for his firing. I was told by two members of my senior management team that Shonaig Macpherson went ballistic and was almost unable to speak because she was so angry, Ferguson said previously, according to The Herald. She kept asking why the Trust had rented to the Stirling Free Church. One colleague told me that Shonaig had said definitely not the Free Church, anyone but the Free Church, they dont believe in same-sex marriage. They said she was incandescent with anger. The Tribunal observed that Macpherson appeared to be seeking to find reasons to justify firing Ferguson prior to March 2020. The issue of the beliefs of the claimant and Church with which he was associated had been on the mind of Macpherson throughout the whole procedure, the ruling said. It added that Fergusons beliefs on marriage were protected and that it was trite that it is lawful to hold such beliefs and to express them. Im just relieved this is over, Ferguson was quoted as saying after the ruling. Its been a very difficult time for me and my family. He added, I was treated by The Robertson Trust in a way I had never been treated before in my whole professional life. But Im satisfied that justice has been done. The Tribunal has ruled that they were wrong to behave that way and Im grateful. The Christian Institutes Deputy Director for Public Affairs Simon Calvert called the ruling a welcome re-statement of the principle, upheld again and again in the courts, that the Christian belief that marriage is between a man and a woman is a belief protected by equality law and worthy of respect in a democratic society. Calvert said it was a just outcome and one which sounds a warning to those who think they can mistreat Christians in the workplace. Although the church had hired the property in June 2019 for one year, it was asked to quit for not complying with the Trust policy. The court's next step is to hold a hearing to decide the amount of damages which The Robertson Trust will have to pay Ferguson. Fulani herders kill kidnapped pastor; behead father, 7-year-old son Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment Fulani herdsmen beheaded a Christian man and his 7-year-old son and killed a pastor they had kidnapped two weeks earlier in two separate attacks in northern Nigeria, according to reports. Thomas Wollo, 46, and his 7-year-old son, Nggwe Thomas, were beheaded by herdsmen close to their home in Tafigana village in Plateau states Bassa Local Government Area as they were returning from choir practice at about 8:50 p.m. on Sunday, the U.S.-based persecution watchdog group International Christian Concern reported. Zongo Lawrence, the spokesman for Miango Youth Development Association, was quoted as saying that the herdsmen destroyed a large part of farmland in a nearby village after the attack. Seventeen of our people have been killed by Fulani herdsmen this year. The international community should come to our aid; we are under heavy siege, Lawrence said. In Kogi State last Thursday, the Rev. Danlami Yakwoi of the Evangelical Church Winning All died in captivity after being tortured by Fulani herdsmen, Morning Star News reported. Yakwoi had been kidnapped along with two of his sons and a nephew in Tawari area on July 12, church secretary Musa Shekwolo was quoted as saying. The news of the pastors death came after one of his children who was kidnapped was released. Yakwois family paid a ransom for the release of his son, Shekwolo said. ICC designates Fulani radicals as the fourth-deadliest terror group globally, which has surpassed the Boko Haram terrorist group as the greatest threat to Nigerian Christians. Many believe that the attacks are motivated by jihadist Fulanis' desire to take over farmland and impose Islam on the population and are frustrated with the Muslim-dominated government that is believed to be enabling such atrocities, ICC warned in May. The Anambra-based International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law estimated in May that as many as 1,470 Christians were killed in Nigeria during the first four months of 2021, the highest estimate in the first four months of any year since 2014. The number also surpasses the estimated number of Christians killed in 2019. The report estimated that as many as 300 people had been killed in Kaduna in the first four months of 2021. In the first four months of this year, the organization estimates that at least 2,200 Christians were abducted. Kaduna state recorded the highest number of abductions at 800. The Global Terrorism Index ranked Nigeria as the third-most affected country by terrorism and reported over 22,000 deaths by acts of terror from 2001 to 2019. Advocates, including U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom Commissioner Gay Bauer, have warned that Nigeria will move relentlessly toward a Christian genocide if action is not taken. The U.S. State Department recognizes Nigeria as a "country of particular concern" for tolerating or engaging in severe violations of religious freedom. Islamic extremism, notably carried out by groups like Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa Province in northeast Nigeria, has led to thousands of deaths and millions displaced in recent years. SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) The state of Washington has reached a settlement with Gebbers Farms Operations, LP to spend more than $2 million improving housing, quality of life, safety and access to health care for farm employees and their families. The Washington state Department of Labor & Industries announced the settlement Wednesday in a case that involved one of the largest workplace safety and health fines in state history. Gebbers Farms, located in Brewster, Washington, was fined $2 million and $13,200 after two inspections in 2020 found 24 egregious willful violations 12 for unsafe sleeping arrangements in temporary worker housing and 12 for unsafe worker transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Two farmworkers died from coronavirus while living and working on the farm. Gebbers was also cited for six other serious violations, including not reporting a fatality. The other investigation found the farm was not ensuring adequate social distancing by allowing workers to sleep in both top and bottom bunks and there were no barriers in the kitchen/cooking areas. Real, on-the-ground improvements for farmworkers and their families are a fitting way to honor the memories of the Gebbers workers who died, said L&I Director Joel Sacks. An effort to reach Gebbers for comment wasn't immediately successful. Under the settlement, Gebbers will make approximately $1.4 million in capital improvements to temporary worker housing. That includes demolishing and rebuilding one of its older, temporary worker housing camps. Three new living units with all new amenities will be built in its place. The company will also build a cell tower so workers have reliable communication with family, upgrade electrical to support washing machines and dryers for workers, buy new mattresses for temporary worker housing, and install air conditioning units and make power upgrades The company will also donate $513,000 to improve access to health care for workers and their families. The money will go to area hospitals, health care centers, emergency medical services, day care and recreational centers serving the workers and their families. Gebbers Farms will also spend $150,000 to hire a full-time employee for three years to supervise worker safety and health. The officer will have authority to stop any activity deemed unsafe or in violation of the safety and health rules. In exchange for these actions, the fines resulting from the citations will be reduced to $10,000. Sacks said the settlement will end what could have been years of expensive court fights. This settlement means the company will put significant money where it will help the most: improving health, safety, and quality of life for farmworkers and their families, Sacks said. South Korea's Disease Control and Prevention Agency said Tuesday that it had recorded at least two cases of the new coronavirus delta plus variant, which some experts believe to be more transmissible than the original delta variant that was first detected in India and has since thwarted plans for returning to life before the pandemic. But what exactly do we know about "delta plus," yet another new variant causing alarm among governments and health officials? First identified in Europe in March, the variant is also known as B. 1.617.2.1 or AY.1. MORE COVID: Houston pediatrician tells all; 'What I'm seeing in our hospitals scares me' It has been detected in several countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States and India. Last month, experts in India labeled the variant one of concern and warned that it appeared to be more transmissible than most. Citing studies, the country's health ministry said that the variant has the ability to bind more easily to lung cells and could be resistant to therapies used to treat the infection. Union science and technology minister Jitendra Singh announced last Friday that up to 70 cases of the delta-plus variant were detected in genome sequencing as of July 23, Hindustan Times reported. How India has weathered the devastation of the delta variant and how it has named the delta-plus variant as one of concern should place public health leaders on notice, said James Hildreth, president and chief executive of Meharry Medical College. "We've got to be more willing to consider observations made in other countries dealing with [the coronavirus]," he said, noting that the relative of the highly contagious delta variant is concerning. "Again, we saw what happen with delta in India and how quickly it spread . . . Why would we think the delta-plus variant would be different?" The Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium have since said that the delta-plus variant is unlikely to be more transmissible than the delta variant and trends have yet to emerge, according to Hindustan Times. The variant was has listed as one of concern by the international health agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it will continue to evaluate its independent classification. However, Melita Vujnovic, World Health Organization representative to Russia, said last month that face coverings and vaccinations will be needed to fight the latest variant. Last month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that Europe was still "on thin ice" and expressed caution that authorities across the continent should remain "cautiously optimistic." "We must remain watchful, new variants in particular, notably the delta variant, mean we must be cautious," she said during her last government statement. RELATED: President rebukes GOP governors over vaccination efforts In the United Kingdom, where more than 72% of adults have been fully vaccinated, the delta variant has been accounting for nearly all new infections even though coronavirus cases overall are on the decline. At least 39 confirmed cases of the delta-plus variant have been found in the country along with six probable ones, according to a July briefing from Public Health England. The virus hasn't appeared to have gained intense traction on British soil, said Colin Angus, a public health policy modeler and analyst in England. The "plus" of the variant's name refers to its K417N spike protein mutation, which was also found in some substrains of the alpha variant - the dominant strain in the country before the delta variant - but the substrains never got a foothold, he explained. "To date, there is no clear evidence that it conveys enough of a benefit to the virus to allow it to dominate the original delta variant," he said. "So although it is clearly here, there is no obvious sign that it has gained a foothold over existing variants of the virus." Angus also noted that delta-plus cases have primarily been in younger people but that preliminary data has shown that antibodies from vaccinated people are still effective against the variant. "This was in a very small sample," he said of the data. "We need more evidence to get a clear picture about any possible advantage against vaccines that delta plus may have, but the fact that we haven't seen it clearly outcompete delta despite having been found in several countries with high vaccination rates, suggests that any advantage can only be very small." Richard Novak, Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at University of Illinois Health, said it's too soon to say how the delta-plus variant could evade vaccines or whether it's more infectious than the original. He noted that the variant is alarming, as it's related to the more contagious delta variant and coming at a time when breakthrough cases are popping up among the vaccinated. "This is just a process of natural selection and selecting viruses that are more contagious. All viruses want to do is reproduce themselves. The ones that do become the dominant virus," he said. "We're going to see other variants. It's on a continuum. The variants are likely to get more efficient as time goes on." DELTA NEWS: Texas and Florida lead Covid-19 surge in US The variant and the others that the Centers for Disease Control is monitoring, greatly underscores the need for ramped-up vaccination efforts, Hildreth said, pointing out the large swaths of the population who are still unvaccinated and minority communities with underlying health conditions that make them more susceptible to variants. "The virus is not going to wait around for us to get our act together," he said. "We're in danger of something that's going to set us back." Throughout the pandemic, I have cared for kids admitted with covid-19 to the children's hospital in Houston where I am a pediatrician. These children have included newborns with fevers who require a sepsis evaluation, school-age kids whose bodies are ravaged with inflammation associated with covid-19 in children, and tweens and adolescents with covid pneumonia who need oxygen and other respiratory support. I've cared for children whose entire families have been devastated by covid - sometimes the child was sick enough to be admitted but had no parent at their bedside because the parents were critically ill at the adult hospital down the street or, worse, had recently died from covid. MORE COVID: Texas and Florida lead Covid surge in US All the while, as both a doctor and mother, I've wrestled with a certain dissonance: There is this popular notion that covid doesn't affect children - and my public health and epidemiologic training reminds me that on a population-level, it's true, the majority of children who contract covid-19 will be asymptomatic or have mild disease. But I contrast this with the reality of being a clinician at the bedside of children critically ill from covid and covid-related illnesses. These two perspectives battle in my brain as I make risk assessments for my own school-aged child. One thing that terrifies me as a parent is that we can't predict why some children get so incredibly sick from covid while others have mild disease; we don't know why some go on to have lingering debilitation and symptoms for months, and others make quick recoveries. What I do know is that in this moment, as the highly contagious delta variant becomes the predominant strain circulating and we enter another covid surge, I am more worried for children than I have ever been. First and foremost, this is because the high transmissibility of the delta variant will translate into a greater number of children being exposed than before, which will lead to a greater number of children infected. Even if the delta variant is no more virulent in children than the original virus was, the sheer numbers will translate into more children being admitted to the hospital with covid and covid-related illnesses. As school reopenings coincide with the growth of the delta variant, I worry we will see large outbreaks in school settings that we didn't see with less-contagious versions of the virus. I wonder, if more people saw what I see at patient bedsides, would they do more to protect children? I talked with one mother who wondered whether she could have done something to prevent her child from ending up sick in the hospital with covid. I recall providing emotional support - in addition to oxygen, steroids and remdesivir - to a teenager admitted with covid pneumonia who was grappling with the recent deaths of multiple family members with covid. His life had turned upside down in a few short weeks. Over the course of the pandemic, our hospital system has diagnosed more than 15,000 children and adolescents with covid - a number that is trending up. About 10 percent of them have required hospital admission. Up to one-third of children admitted to our hospital have required critical care - including oxygen delivered through high-flow nasal cannula, non-invasive ventilation and intubation with mechanical ventilation. When I discharge children from the hospital, I know that many of them have a long road to recovery, and many will require follow-up for cardiac clearance and long-term care in our hospital's long-covid clinic. More than 300 children across the United States have died from covid since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most children with covid will make a complete recovery, but up to 10 percent, including those with mild illness not requiring hospital admission, go on to develop months-long symptoms of long covid. During previous covid surges, children's hospitals in the United States experienced very low patient volumes compared to prior years because people were not seeking routine medical care or elective procedures. We could easily handle the influx of children with covid because we also were not seeing much of the common viruses of childhood, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or influenza, which typically keep children's hospitals busy all winter. During previous surges, children's hospitals across the country were able to serve as pop-off valves for adult hospitals overwhelmed with covid admissions, in many instances stepping up to admit and provide direct clinical care to adult patients, or lending equipment to adult hospitals. What's different this time is that children's hospitals are also dealing with an unusual summertime surge in respiratory viruses, including RSV, which causes acute illness in infants and toddlers. Our hospitals are seeing a huge, sustained influx of patients with RSV - who often need oxygen and respiratory support - and we are busier at our baseline than at other times during the pandemic. I worry how children's hospitals will handle a covid surge on top of the RSV surge, which will stress hospital systems and staff. Adding to my concerns as a pediatrician is that our society is dealing with covid-fatigue. Children younger than 12 remain ineligible for vaccination, but people are tired of following mitigation measures and eager to get back to normal life. Too many eligible adults and adolescents over 12 years of age remain unvaccinated. One important step that families can take to protect their children of all ages is to ensure that all eligible household members over age 12 are vaccinated; it is heartbreaking to care for children hospitalized with covid when I know this could have been prevented. RELATED: What should I know about the new delta variant? I am often approached by friends, family members and neighbors facing the difficult decisions that I also face as a pandemic parent: How do we keep our children safe? I like to remind them that during the past 18 months, we've gained both experience and knowledge and developed tools and recommendations to help limit the spread of covid - all based on scientific evidence. Masking (including universal masking in schools), physical distancing, testing, contact tracing, quarantining and vaccinating do help. If we abandon these crucial tools now, we are putting our children in harm's way. - - - Heather Haq is an assistant professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and a pediatric hospitalist at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. She is also the chief medical officer for the Baylor College of Medicine International Pediatric AIDS Initiative at Texas Children's Hospital. Click here to read the full article. The opening night of the Locarno Film Festival was led by a pair of rousing call to arms for the theatrical experience. Early on it was rain, rather than COVID-19, which threatened to put a dampener on proceedings, as sodden conditions in the famous Piazza Grande forced the world premiere of Beckett indoors. However, ironically, the comments made by the Netflix films lead John David Washington felt even more powerful in front of a vast, crowded indoor theatre. Asked how he found playing the films central character, an American tourist who gets caught up in a deadly manhunt, Washington had a blunt, yet thoughtful response. Stressful, Washington began, to a titter from the crowd. I just connected with the story. When I think about Beckett, I think of survival and thats very personal to me. Part of the reason were all here tonight is survival of the theatrical experience, so thats what connected me to it. Washingtons words were met with rapturous applause, and mere minutes before, festival president Marco Solari had issued an even firmer stance on theatrical distribution. Solari said Locarno will continue to serve as a unique environment to celebrate to see films on the big screen, switching to English for a moment to invoke Winston Churchill. We shall never surrender, Solari repeated several times. The launch of Beckett at Locarno represents a homecoming of sorts for its director Ferdinando Cito Filomarino, who burst onto the scene in 2010 when his short Diarchia picked up the fests Leopard of Tomorrow prize. Filomarino described Locarno as a place of baptism for him, adding that being back at the fest with his Greece-set thriller felt like being comfortable, back at home. Washington and the director were joined on stage by co-star Vicky Krieps (a recent standout from M. Night Shyamalans Old and a firecracker in Phantom Thread), who was asked how she connected with her activist character. Its very easy when you walk down the street in any kind of town and you just talk to the next person sleeping in the street and you ask them how they feel about today, or about capitalism. It was really easy, Krieps said. Earlier in the night, Laetitia Casta received the Locarnos Excellence Award Davide Campari, which pays tribute to film personalities who have left their personal stamp on contemporary cinema. Speaking almost entirely in Italian, Casta discussed her ability to move between modeling and acting, sharing that meetings with legendary designers Yves Saint Laurent and Jean Paul Gaultier when she was still only a teenager helped inspire her to take up acting. Sign up for Varietys Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Last December, news outlets across the region began reporting on a 100-mile nature trail that would begin at the Alamo in San Antonio and end at the Texas Capitol in Austin. Using a mix of already existing trails, such as the Howard W. Peak Greenway, and planned trailway, the project would stitch together four counties in South Central Texas. Along the way it would hit the small towns and booming 'burbs in between, pumping an estimated $55.9 million into local economies, according to the Great Springs Project (GSP), the nonprofit spearheading the plan. MORE LIFESTYLE: 'They took the fun away': Houston's Celebration Station is finally demolished Within weeks, news of the sprawling public works project was being reported in national outlets and magazines, evidence perhaps of the region's popularity, but also of some grander: a once-in-a-generation idea that just might become a reality in our lifetimes. The trail's goals are both noble and practical: protect the Edward's Aquifer, the main source of water for the region; link together the San Antonio, Comal, San Marcos, and Barton springs; conserve 50,000 acres of land amid an unprecedented population boom along the I-35 corridor; and provide a natural attraction for locals and tourists alike. But for all its great ambitions, so too are the projects challenges, beginning with an aggressive 15-year timeline. Factor in the needs (and personalities of) local governments, which range from small towns to the seventh biggest city in the country; the breadth of the project; and stakeholders ranging from developers and politicians to environmentalists and former oil industry CEOs, and things get a little more daunting. And then there's the fact that there is no bundle of money pay for it, leading one to wonder if this is ever really going to happen. Courtesy, City of New Braunfels Paving the way forward As the story goes, the idea for the monumental conservation effort was sparked decades ago by Deborah Morin, an Austin-based environmentalist who also happens to be married to Whole Foods Market founder John Mackey. [Morin] had the idea of conserving that amount of land and protecting the springs with her friends 25 years ago, explains Emma Lindrose-Siegel, chief development officer for the nonprofit Great Springs Project. They didnt anticipate the way Austin would explode with growth over the next 25. In 2018, with the regions growth showing no signs of slowing down, the nonprofit launched to bring Morins vision to life. Over the past three years, the Great Springs Project's has gathered together a whos who advisory board featuring a mix of environmental and industry heavyweights, and includes among others, former San Antonio Mayor Phil Hardberger, San Antonio starchitect Ted Flato, and Mackey. Despite all those big names, there is still that whole fuss about how to pay for it. Though some news reports have estimated the cost of the trail, GSP refutes those, noting that a final number wont be known until the master is unveiled in December 2021. Though many of the trails have already been established, especially in the bigger cities like San Antonio, San Marcos, and Austin, smaller stops like New Braunfels will need to create trailways in order to participate. Katie Friel/MySA The concern from the community has been how do we go about paying for it? Where are the financial resources?, says Ylda Capriccioso, parks development manager for the City of New Braunfels. "Our response is were not sure where any or all of the project funding will come from. Thats why we look at various topics conservation, flood control all of those things to see if we can tap into those funds. RELATED: Some Houstonians are renting out their pools as summer heat rises Helping identify funding is where the GSP steps in. With its mix of business, political, and environmental acumen, the nonprofit serves as a sort of trail yenta, connecting different stakeholders with different funding sources, ranging from federal grants to private donations. We provide technical assistance. Were helping act as a catalyst for civic engagement, says Lindrose-Siegel. People really value access to the outdoors, and green space, and water supply. And the city and county governments and nonprofits we work with reflect that. A ticking clock Texas biggest cities, including San Antonio and Austin, have seen record-breaking population booms over the past decade. Between 2010 and 2019, the population of the Alamo City grew 16.7 percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, while Austins ballooned by 22.1 percent. But its the cities in between where the numbers become eye-popping. New Braunfels watched its population boom 56.4 percent over that same period. Meanwhile in San Marcos, that number grew by more than 46 percent. Growth puts a strain on natural resources, making the protection of the Edwards Aquifer even more critical. Along with being, you know, life sustaining, conservation is also cool. As Capriccioso notes, the cultural shift over the past decade (and especially during the pandemic) has made conservation and access to green space a key indicator of one's quality of life, meaning that a trailway of this scope could be a major economic benefit. (Theres a reason why developers are among the projects stakeholders.) Kylie McLaughlin/Getty Images/Lonely Planet Image [The Great Springs Project] achieves a lot of different things: environmental conservation, water conservation, storm runoff, green space, air quality. Weve seen them in the last decade hit a bit of a renaissance, says Capriccioso. A lot of communities in Texas are doing these visionary projects. Its those visionary projects that are helping provide a pathway for this 100-mile trail. Many of the stakeholders including Lindrose-Siegel and Capriccioso have experience in some of the biggest public works projects in the nation. Working on the similarly ambitious Louisville Loop in Kentucky has taught Capriccioso that while exciting, the sheer size of a project like this requires a measured approach and patience. "Its a very long-term project. And they don't get done overnight. They take several years to conceptualize, to negotiate, Capriccioso explains. The River Walk as an example, that was 10-,12-, 15-year project. And its still going on. But its been realized and its possible. While it arguably be much easier if, say, a Dell or Musk dropped many millions into the GSP bank account, thats unlikely to happen and perhaps it shouldnt. So much of what this 100-mile trail will look like will be the direct result of community engagement, of conversations between cities and public servants. How this trail is shaped, both literally and figuratively, will be because a group of people came together to champion an ambitious idea and find a way to execute it. ODD FINDS: Customs seize bag full of beef and live giant African snails at Bush Intercontinental Airport After the master plan is formally released this winter, the public will have a better sense of both timeline and cost, but if those leading the project are any indication, the 100-mile trail is likely to happen, and perhaps sooner than we think. Conserving 50,000 acres and preserving the four springs, says Lindrose-Siegel, this will be the work of my lifetime. White Linen Night in the Heights may be officially canceled for 2021, but that's not stopping everyone from pulling out their brightest whites. Some local businesses are hosting smaller celebrations on Aug. 7 to mark White Linen Night. New Orleans transplants Kay and Chris Thayer first brought the event to Houston in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina, modeling it after a similar festival in New Orleans' Art District. It's since become a favorite summertime tradition for the Heights. If you're still looking to get out in your favorite white linen, there are a few unofficial events still happening. Shop, eat and enjoy live music at the scaled-back block party on 19th Street as local businesses team up for the event in lieu of the official White Linen Night (but you should definitely still wear white). The Heights Theater will also host live music starting at 5 p.m. White Oak Drive is hosting family-friendly festivities from 2 p.m. until 2 a.m. with local vendors, food trucks, live music and more. Christians Tailgate Bar & Grill, Onion Creek, Permission Whiskey, Public House, BBs Cafe, Bobcat Teddys, Little Woodrows are participating. Bobcat Teddy's is offering VIP passes to a private tent with its own bar for $25. More than 30 artists will show off their work at this group show that's raising money for PrintMatters starting at 5 p.m. at G Spot Contemporary Art Space. Shop from other vendors and enjoy live music, refreshments and more. Prints and drawings will be available for bidding and purchase during PrintMatters Annual Art Auction Fundraiser there. The Houston Young Professionals Chamber of Commerce are hosting an unofficial pub crawl and hitting plenty of spots on White Oak Drive starting at 6 p.m. The diffusion of chorioactis geaster, more commonly known as the "Texas star" tends to puzzle scientists. The fungus is entirely unique to Texas, with the exception of the odd sighting around Kyushu, Japan, making it one of the rarest mushrooms in the world. To the delight of the local mushroom enthusiasts, on June 22, Gov. Abbott finally signed legislation declaring the mushroom as Texas' first official state fungi. RELATED: Avoid killing your plants with these 5 plant care hacks For the regionally minded, the Texas Star mushroom is a bit of local flora that Texan's can claim proudly (while tipping their hats toward the Western Pacific Ocean). The Central Texas Mycological Society, who seek to "strengthen fungal understanding" is even working to raise enough money to slap its likeness on a license plate. I'm not in the business of trend forecasting, but you heard it here first: the Texas Star is shooting toward Texas bluebonnet status. Whether or not ritualistic family photos will ensue near damp mushroom enclaves is too soon to tell. The fungi approaching fame is appropriately named for its leathery, star-like characteristics, visible only once it blooms. While otherwise absent across the world, the fungi is not entirely uncommon in Texas when the conditions are ripe. If you see a cluster of them pre-bloom, the bunch might cloak itself as the smokey, rolled offerings resting inside of your humidor. This deception has earned it the seductive nickname, "the devil's cigar." It is said that when the devil's cigar unfurls, it releases a strange hissing noise and hazy cloud of spores. If you take a mushroom walk through the Austin Nature Center on a damp December day, like Angel Schatz, a member of the Austin-based mycological organization often does, you might find yourself having a fungus run-in. "It's rare in that its only found in very geographic specific spaces, but in the correct season it can be found fairly easily," Schatz tells MySA. MORE LIFESTYLE: Why rich Houston neighborhoods stay cooler in the summer Angel Schatz Having a childhood fertilized with experience scavenging for morel mushrooms with her grandad in Mississippi, the Austin-ite rediscovered a passion for fungi before joining the leadership team at the Central Texas Mycological Society during the pandemic. "There's so many wonderful things about mushrooms, something for everyone, too," Schatz says, continuing on to discuss the appeal, from the culinary aspect, to the environmental benefits and medicinal properties many mushrooms can possess. Beginning in 2019, the educational, volunteer-run organization has grown to 400 members across Texas, with some living across state lines. Boasting a variety of online workshops, and nature walk opportunities, certain members of the network were also pivotal in organizing toward getting the star mushroom its due. Throughout the process, one member who chooses to remain anonymous documented the progression of the legislation until its victorious end through a Facebook page. In a livestream, you can view the moment the devil's cigar was elevated to its current status, with help from Republican Senator Dr. Donna Campbell. Across the country only Oregon (Pacific Northern chanterelle) and Minnesota (common morel) have made the motion to designate an official state mushroom, this summer, Texas became the third. It's an exciting journey for the Texas fungi, which was first documented in Austin in 1893. Like all things worth waiting for, you'll have to catch it at the right time and in the right place if you wish to witness this homegrown jewel in bloom. From a narrow corridor spanning as far south as San Antonio to as far north as the Oklahoma border, you can find the creature colonizing decomposing cedar elm trees. In Japan, the mushroom targets oak trees. "We don't know if there's something very specific about these two species, or if there's something in the soil that makes it specific to the liking of this mushroom," explains Schatz. HOT SUMMER: Some Houstonians are renting out their pools as summer heat rises Angel Schatz The mushroom hobbyist credits the lack of knowledge to shortcomings in funding, and states that one of Central Texas' Mycology Society's long term goals is to be able to provide research money to scientists looking to explore the great mushroom mysteries of our day. Until then, Texan's can celebrate the state's new official 'shroom, which Schatz tells me isn't poisonous, but not entirely edible. Instead, mushroom fans might be better satisfied with a portobello-based dinner. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are continuing to increase dramatically in Montgomery County and around the region as the delta variant surges in unvaccinated residents. While the Department of State Health Services recently started tracking cases in vaccinated people and specific data is not yet available, county health officials are reporting most new cases in unvaccinated residents. We can say that the vast majority of new cases, hospitalizations and deaths have not been vaccinated, said Misti Willingham with the Montgomery County Hospital District. Vaccines help reduce the risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death. Being vaccinated does a great job prepping your immune system should you encounter the virus. The Texas Department of State Health Services reported 7,305 people were hospitalized statewide for COVID-19 as of Tuesday more than four times as many as on July 1. Were heading into dark times, said Texas Medical Center CEO Bill McKeon in a Houston Chronicle story. McKeon previously noted ICUs are filled with unvaccinated people. According to data from the health district since July 7, total hospitalizations in Montgomery County increased from 42 to 238 with 48 of those patients in critical care beds. MCPHD noted 157 of those 238 are Montgomery County residents. The countys active cases jumped 767 to 4,219. Since July 7, active cases in the county have surged by 3,624. The countys total number of cases is now 60,941, increasing from 55,838 since July 7. Additionally, the county added three more reinfections bringing that number to 26. However, health officials did not report any additional deaths from the virus. The total number of deaths remained at 354. The countys testing positive rate has climbed from 4 percent in early July to 19 percent. To date, 30,742 people have fully recovered. The CDC has confirmed the transmission of the delta variant has led to accelerated community transmission in the United States. Currently, the delta variant is the predominant strain circulating in the United States and is estimated to account for over 82 percent of cases since July 17. Additionally, the delta variant is more contagious than other variants to date, CDC officials stated. Late last month, the CDC updated its guidance for fully vaccinated people, recommending that everyone wear a mask in indoor public settings in areas of substantial and high transmission, regardless of vaccination status. In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott has extended the states COVID-19 disaster declaration through August and has prohibited all mask mandates. Abbotts most recent executive order, issued July 29, prohibits any government entity, including school districts, from mandating masks, meaning that students, staff and visitors may not be required to wear masks at public schools in the state. Failure to comply with the governors order could result in a fine of up to $1,000. With a new school year starting, some health officials believe the lax in precautions could led to an increase in new cases and hospitalizations, especially among children. In previous surges, Texas Childrens Hospital has taken pressure off other Houston-area hospitals by accepting non-COVID adults. But officials say thats not possible now. Texas Childrens interim pediatrician-in-chief Jim Versalovic says that the hospital is now faces two challenges in just serving children: an unusual summer wave of RSV respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, which can be life-threatening for babies and young children; and a steady increase of COVID-19 in children of all ages. More than 25 children are currently hospitalized there with COVID, he said more than seen in previous waves. As far as vaccinations, MCPHD confirmed 244,448 people 12 years of age and older have been vaccinated. Thats about 49 percent of the countys 12 and up population. Willingham urged residents to take precautions as the cases continue to spike. Do your part to slow the spread of COVID-19, she said. The best way to protect yourself and those around you is to be vaccinated. Houston Chronicle reporter Lisa Gray contributed to this story. cdominguez@hcnonline.com HOUSTON (AP) Houston city workers are being told they must resume wearing masks while on the job, a requirement that could go against Gov. Greg Abbotts most recent executive order banning such mandates. Mayor Sylvester Turner issued the mask mandate on Monday due to a recent uptick in positive COVID-19 cases in our community and in our workplace linked to the new delta variant. It is so very important that we remain vigilant in doing our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Turner wrote in memo to all city employees. The new order was first reported on by the Houston Chronicle. The new order requires all employees to wear a mask while on city premises and when they cant be socially distant from others. Officials in Dallas and Williamson counties this week put in place new orders requiring people to wear masks inside county courthouses. They cited a Texas Supreme Court order they say lets the judiciary take reasonable actions to protect people from COVID-19. During Tuesdays meeting of Dallas County Commissioners Court, County Judge Clay Jenkins required all in attendance to wear masks. Jenkins said that because the countys highest executive body is a court in name, he had authority to require masks, the Dallas Morning News reported. Jenkins is not a judicial judge but is the countys top elected official. Commissioner J.J. Koch, a Republican, refused to wear a mask during the meeting. Jenkins, a Democrat, had a bailiff remove Koch to another room, where he joined the meeting virtually. Last month, Abbott repeated his executive order banning mask mandates by any state, county or local government entity. Abbott has previously said that local governments attempting to impose mask mandates could be fined up to $1,000. Similar local mask mandates that appeared to be in conflict with state orders have faced legal action by the Texas Attorney Generals Office. A spokeswoman for Abbotts office and a spokesperson for the attorney generals office didnt immediately reply to emails seeking comment Tuesday. In a statement Tuesday, Houston City Attorney Arturo Michel said Abbotts order does not limit the citys rights as an employer to establish reasonable and necessary workplace safety rules for its employees. The mask mandate in Houston comes as hospitalizations across the state continue to rise due in part to the highly contagious delta variant. On Tuesday, there were 7,305 people in Texas hospitals with COVID-19, which was the most since Feb. 19, when hospitalizations had subsided following a winter surge. Since July 1, hospitalizations in Texas have increased by 359%. State health officials reported 51 deaths on Tuesday, the most since April 18. The resurgence of COVID-19 in Texas has put some cities health systems in dire circumstances, as intensive care unit beds fill up, officials say. In South Texas, Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales this week said hospitals in Corpus Christi, Victoria, Kingsville and Beeville were limited in their ability to handle the latest COVID-19 surge of patients due to a shortage of nurses. San Antonio is also facing a similar nursing shortage amid a spike in patients. Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said during a news conference Tuesday he worried the return this month of Texas children to classrooms could make the situation worse in the state. Hotez asked officials to help students get through the school year safely with the help of social distancing, masks and vaccines. If we dont do that, its really hard to imagine how things go well, he said. Youve got delta accelerating, low vaccination rates among adolescents, young adults, no ability to enforce mask mandates. What makes people think this is going to go well? ___ Follow Juan A. Lozano on Twitter: https://twitter.com/juanlozano70 Md Jahangir Alom/AP DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) Lightning killed at least 16 people who were traveling to a wedding party in western Bangladesh and injured several others, including the groom, an official said.. Local government official Sakib Al-Rabby said the bride was not with the group when the incident occurred Wednesday in Shibganj in Chapainawabganj district. MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (AP) Three people found dead last week in a northwest Indiana apartment are believed to have died from drug overdoses, a coroner said. The bodies of Debra Anderson, 50; Mary Wilson, 59; and Donnie Dennis, 68, all of Michigan City, were found on July 28 in the LaPorte County city. TOWSON, Md. (AP) A $3 million settlement has been reached in the 2016 death of a Black woman shot by Baltimore County police after a standoff, a county official and attorneys for the womans family confirmed to a newspaper Wednesday. The Baltimore Sun reports that the settlement comes five years after Korryn Gaines' death and resolves claims brought by her parents, daughter and estate, according to a copy of the agreement obtained by the newspaper. Sunday, Aug. 8 On this date in 1876, Dr. Walter Reed reported for duty as post surgeon for Fort Lowell. On this date in 1930, cloudbursts over the state caused extensive damage. A trestle gave way near Winslow and the Santa Fe eastbound passenger train dropped into a wash. Two were killed and 39 injured. Nogales was swept by a wall of water which filled streets, leaving four dead and hundreds homeless. The Red Cross and Salvation Army rushed aid. On this date in 1933, Arizona became the 21st state to sanction the repeal of national prohibition in a landslide vote. Monday, Aug. 9 On this date in 1860, Sylvester Mowry became the owner of the Patagonia Mine for which he paid $22,500. On this date in 1909, a party of six men with Dean Byron Cummings, archaeologist from the University of Arizona, became the first white men to see the Betatakin Ruins. On this date in 1913, 25 citizens of Douglas were sworn in as special officers and armed for the purpose of patrolling the city at night to stop crime. Tuesday, Aug. 10 On this date in 1861, declaring that Arizona had been deserted and left to the Apaches by the federal government, 68 citizens held a mass meeting in Tucson and voted to join the Confederacy. On this date in 1867, the United States Army established Fort Crittenden between Sonoita and Patagonia. On this date in 1869, Jack Sumner, one of John Wesley Powells boatmen, noted in his diary that the Little Colorado River was a loathsome little stream, so filthy and muddy it fairly stinks. Wednesday, Aug. 11 On this date in 1881, Clarence Budington Kelland, newspaperman and author of many books and short stories about Arizona, including the novel Arizona, was born. On this date in 1931, 75 residents of Mammoth were forced to leave their homes and retreat to the hills as floods swept the San Pedro Valley, leaving four persons dead. On this date in 1936, the municipality of South Tucson was born as 87 citizens met and voted on incorporation. The measure passed by 17 votes. Thursday, Aug. 12 On this date in 1878, Jack Swilling, one of the founders of the town of Phoenix, died. On this date in 1883, the Florence to Globe stage and the Prescott to Ash Fork stage were both held up on the same night. The shotgun messenger on the Florence to Globe stage was killed. On this date in 1886, fire destroyed a block of 14 business buildings in Phoenix, causing $100,000 in damage. On this date in 1890, Professor Frank A. Gully was made the first faculty member of the University of Arizona by the Board of Regents. On this date in 1919, 2,000 citizens of the Casa Grande Valley attended a mass meeting in Florence and pledged $50,000 to finance a campaign for the San Carlos Dam. Friday, Aug. 13 On this date in 1816, William Oury, who arrived in Arizona in 1857 as the first agent for the Butterfield Overland Stage Line, was born. On this date in 1875, the Prescott postmaster disappeared with all the post office funds. He was later captured in Nevada. On this date in 1889, a tornado hit Fort Lowell. On this date in 1915, a stock company was organized in Los Angeles to search for the fabled buried treasure of Tumacacori. Saturday, Aug. 14 On this date in 1898, a violent storm swept through Gila Bend, demolishing the school, tearing the drug store off its foundation, wrecking the Southern Pacific roundhouse and overturning freight cars. On this date in 1904, Tucson police began a series of raids designed to close down the citys opium dens. On this date in 1913, 10 men were killed at the Coronado Mine near Clifton when two loaded ore cars broke loose and rolled down the steep grade. WASHINGTON (AP) President Joe Biden called on resistant Republican governors to get out of the way of vaccine rules aimed at containing the more transmissible and dangerous COVID-19 variant. He backed city and private mandates requiring people to be vaccinated to go about some daily activities. Speaking Tuesday from the White House, Biden sharply criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and other officials who have moved to block the reimposition of mask mandates to slow the delta strain of the virus. The strain is surging in their states and other parts of the country that have large numbers of unvaccinated people. If youre not going to help, at least get out of the way of people trying to do the right thing," Biden said. Biden endorsed New York City's move to require vaccinations to dine indoors or go to the gym, as well as corporate moves to require vaccines to return to work, and said more localities and businesses should follow suit. Such policies have been barred to varying degrees in at least seven GOP-led states. A rise in infections in the U.S., fueled by the highly contagious delta strain of the virus, led U.S. public health officials last week to recommend that even people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 resume wearing face coverings in some public indoor settings. After months of dangling carrots of incentive to Americans to get vaccinated including million- dollar cash lotteries and opportunities to earn free college tuition the Biden administration is looking to wield a stick by making it harder for people to remain unvaccinated without seeing their daily lives disrupted. As he seeks to drive up vaccinations at home, Biden is also spotlighting his administration's progress in sharing shots with the rest of the world an initiative helped in part by the slowed pace of domestic vaccination that has increased the nation's stockpile of doses. Roughly 90 million eligible Americans aged 12 and over have yet to receive one dose of vaccine. Biden announced that the U.S. has donated and shipped more than 110 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to more than 60 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zambia. Vaccinate America and help vaccinate the world, Biden said, That's how we're going to beat this thing. Biden has promised that the U.S. will be the arsenal of vaccines for the world, but while notable, the 110 million doses the U.S. has donated largely through a global vaccine program known as COVAX represent a fraction of what is needed worldwide. The White House said in a statement Tuesday that U.S. at the end of August will begin shipping 500 million doses of Pfizer vaccine that it has pledged to 100 low-income countries by June 2022. Biden had pledged to ship more than 80 million doses overseas by the end of June, but had only been able to share a fraction of that due to logistical and regulatory hurdles in recipient countries. The pace of shipments picked up significantly through July. Under Bidens sharing plan, about 75% of U.S. doses are shared through COVAX, which aims to help lower- and middle-income nations, with the balance being sent to U.S. partners and allies. The White House insists that nothing is being sought in return for the shots, contrasting its approach to Russia and China, which it alleges have used access to their domestically produced vaccines as a tool of geopolitical leverage. ___ Associated Press writer Jonathan Lemire contributed to this report. MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) Hospitals in Birmingham are seeing a surge in COVID-19 patients usually unvaccinated and often younger as doctors and administrators pleaded Wednesday for people to get vaccinated. Doctors and administrators at seven Birmingham hospitals participated in a media briefing to discuss the recent surge in cases. The overwhelming majority of current COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated, and patients tend to be younger than they were at the start of the pandemic before vaccines were available, the hospitals officials said. Dr. Elizabeth Ennis, chief medical officer of Brookwood Baptist Health, said the delta variant of the virus is moving like wildfire through the state. Whats different this time is we are seeing much younger people in the hospital, Ennis said. Vaccination rates have typically been higher in older age groups. Across Alabama, the number of COVID-19 patients in state hospitals jumped from 213 on July 4 to 1,802 on Aug. 4, according to the Alabama Hospital Association. The current hospitalization numbers are far less than the 3,000 COVID-19 patients in state hospitals at the peak of the pandemic in January. However, health officials have expressed concern about the steep upward trend. As of Wednesday, there were 508 patients in state hospitals, compared to 848 on Jan. 12, said Dr. Don Williamson, head of the Alabama Hospital Association. Alabama ranked fifth in the nation for new cases per capita in the past 14 days, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The seven-day rolling average of daily new cases in Alabama has risen over the past two weeks from 1,013.71 new cases per day on July 19 to 2,525.71 new cases per day on Aug. 2. People who have been vaccinated can contract the coronavirus, but health officials have said they are far less likely to get seriously ill. Dr. Jeremy Rogers, an emergency room physician and director of clinical services at Grandview Medical Center, said 92% of incoming COVID patients at his facility are unvaccinated, and a majority are under age 60. He said they recently admitted a 19-year-old with COVID. This is absolutely heartbreaking what we are seeing. Its tragic. And unfortunately, its largely preventable, Rogers said. Weve talked a lot about vaccine hesitancy, but Ive seen a lot of vaccine regret in patients, in family members that wish they would have been vaccinated sooner. Vaccines are widely available, and so nows the time to get vaccinated before its too late, Rogers said. Dr. Timothy Bode, chief medical officer at Ascension St. Vincents Health System, said 88% of their nearly 100 COVID-19 patients are unvaccinated. He said 93% of COVID-19 patients in critical care units and on ventilators are unvaccinated. Dr. Mark Wilson, health officer for the Jefferson County Department of Health, urged people to get vaccinated and to get back to basics with wearing masks and avoiding crowds. We are in a big scary surge right now, Wilson said. BOISE, Idaho (AP) An Idaho woman has been charged with four misdemeanors after prosecutors said she participated in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by loyalists of then-President Donald Trump. Like many other defendants who have been charged in connection with the siege, Pam Hemphill of Boise posted videos to social media sites that showed her in Washington, D.C., in the days surrounding the insurrection and at the Capitol when it was happening. In one video, she compared breaking windows at the federal building to actions protesters at the Idaho Statehouse had taken months earlier. In another, she said she avoided getting into trouble after being found inside the Capitol by telling police that she became lost after being pushed into the building by the crowd. The videos were later removed. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) Des Moines Public Schools is among the thousands of school districts scrambling to determine how to both teach students and protect this coming school year them from a new surge of coronavirus cases across the country. A district summer day care program was abruptly shut down this week following several positive COVID-19 tests within the program. District officials announced Tuesday that the MetroKids program at Hubbell Elementary School is closed until at least Aug. 9, and the school will undergo extra cleaning during the closure, KCCI reported. Despite expressing concern about some recent COVID-19 outbreaks in Connecticut, notably at a birthday party and a summer camp, Gov. Ned Lamont said Wednesday that he does not foresee the state following the lead of New York City and requiring vaccination declarations for a variety of indoor activities. Lamont said he also expects to give a green light to local officials to impose their own higher standard for masking, based on their local infection rates, rather than impose a statewide mask mandate for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Look, weve got towns where less than 50% of people are vaccinated. Weve got towns where 99% of the people are vaccinated. So I think giving some flexibility there makes a fair amount of sense and well be issuing some directives on that within a day," Lamont told reporters during an event in Manchester. They know their communities pretty well. Various communities around the state have already reinstated mask mandates for everyone who visits municipal buildings. Meanwhile, Lamont's order requiring indoor mask-wearing for unvaccinated people in public places remains in place until at least Sept. 30 and state public health officials have strongly recommended everyone in Connecticut over age 2 now wear a mask indoors. Lamont said his administration is, however, weighing the possibility of requiring nursing home staff to get vaccinated, calling it a priority" for them to get the shot. In neighboring Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker announced Wednesday that his administration will begin mandating that staff in long-term care facilities receive COVID-19 vaccines to help protect some of the states most vulnerable residents. Shortly after talking to reporters, Lamont and Dr. Deidre Gifford, the state's acting commissioner of the Department of Public Health, issued a written statement about recent outbreaks in the state among vaccinated and unvaccinated people. They include a birthday party in June in an unidentified community with 50 people that began outdoors and then moved indoors. A week later, there were 10 cases among 13 unvaccinated attendees and six cases among 33 fully or partially vaccinated party-goers. Four cases led to hospitalization. Lamont and Gifford also noted an outbreak at an unidentified summer camp where 13 out of the approximately 50 campers, ages 11-14, tested positive. No cases were identified among the roughly 20 staff members, all of whom were vaccinated. DPH said the vaccination status of the campers is unknown. Additionally, 28 Connecticut residents who've tested positive have been associated with a recent outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Of those, 26 were vaccinated and none were hospitalized. Vaccination remains the most important defense against illness and hospitalization from COVID-19, according to the statement, which stressed that so-called breakthrough cases in the state remain rare and most hospitalizations and deaths in Connecticut and around the U.S. have involved unvaccinated people. Over the past two weeks, the rolling average number of daily new cases has increased by 284.7, an increase of 188.5%, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins. Lamont stressed Wednesday that Connecticut still has a very low infection rate and while hospitalizations have mostly increased over the past six weeks, there still remains good capacity to care for people. As of Wednesday, there were 163 hospitalizations, a decline of three from Tuesday. Meanwhile, there were 537 newly reported probable or confirmed cases. In other coronavirus-related news: ___ EMPLOYMENT BONUSES To date, more than 5,000 residents who've been unemployed long-term have submitted applications for the state's Back to Work CT program, hoping to receive a $1,000 incentive payment after finding and keeping a job. In May, the governor allocated up to $10 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds for the initiative to provide one-time bonuses to as many as 10,000 people. As of Wednesday, the Department of Revenue Services had received 5,199 applications. The program, which began on May 30 and runs through the end of the year, is intended to encourage the long-time unemployed to find work. A spokesman for DRS said the response to the program so far has been very positive. Eligible applicants must spend at least eight weeks in their new full-time job between May 30 and Dec. 31 as well as meet other requirements. ___ MASKS AT CASINOS Foxwoods Resort Casino is updating its COVID-19 protocols in response to the recent recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC last week recommended that people in areas with substantial levels of community transmission wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status. The entire state now falls into that category. Jason Guyot, the president and chief executive officer of Foxwoods, said as a result of that guidance, the casino will now require all employees to wear facial coverings, regardless of vaccination status. Guyot said the move comes despite the fact that more than 75% of Foxwoods employees are fully vaccinated. Guyot said that fully vaccinated guests are also encouraged to wear masks, but will not be required to put them on. We still request non-vaccinated guests wear facial coverings for their own safety, he said. Well continue to monitor and adjust our safety guidelines as needed to ensure a safe environment for all. Connecticuts other casino, the Mohegan Sun, does not require vaccinated staff or guests to wear masks. A spokesman for the casino did not return messages Wednesday seeking comment. MANILA, Philippines (AP) Southeast Asias top diplomats have tentatively chosen a special envoy to help deal with the violent political crisis gripping Myanmar but must wait on approval from the military-ruled nations leaders before announcing it, two diplomats said Tuesday. The foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations want to designate Brunei Second Foreign Minister Erywan Yusof as special envoy to Myanmar, a decision reached in their annual meeting Monday, the two Southeast Asian diplomats said. The diplomats spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to speak publicly. Myanmar did not immediately react to the choice, preventing the ministers from issuing a post-conference joint communique that would have reflected the key development, the diplomats said. The 10-nation bloc has been under increasing international pressure to act on the troubles unfolding in Myanmar, an ASEAN member where the military in February toppled the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. The regional group, however, is hamstrung by its bedrock policy of noninterference in the domestic affairs of member nations and in its decision-making by consensus, meaning just one member state can shoot down any proposal. The appointment of the special envoy can't be made without Myanmar's approval and it was not immediately clear why Myanmar did not respond to the proposed choice. One of the diplomats said the ASEAN ministers were pressuring Myanmar so that the work of the special envoy could commence as soon as possible. One of the Southeast Asian diplomats said Myanmar preferred the special envoy be the candidate from Thailand, former Thai ambassador to Myanmar Virasakdi Futrakul. Even if Myanmar were to get its preferred choice, it remains uncertain if and when the nation's military leaders would allow access to Suu Kyi, who has been detained with other political leaders and put on trial for a slew of charges, said the diplomats. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will join ASEAN's online ministerial meetings this week, and two senior state department officials said he will urge member nations to hold Myanmar's military leaders accountable and appoint an envoy who will push the military to end the violence, release those detained and restore democratic governance. The officials said the military takeover had impacted all of ASEAN and threatened stability in the region. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to speak on the record. Indonesian Foreign Secretary Retno Marsudi said after Mondays meeting that if Myanmar would not respond to ASEANs calls, her country will continue to voice its concerns. We will not remain silent about the suffering of the Myanmar people, she told reporters by video. More than 900 people have been killed by Myanmar authorities since the February takeover, many in anti-government protests, according to a tally kept by the independent Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. Casualties are also rising among the military and police as armed resistance grows in both urban and rural areas. ASEAN leaders held an emergency meeting in Indonesia in April and called for an end to the violence and the start of a dialogue among contending parties to be mediated by an ASEAN envoy. The high-level meeting was attended by Myanmars military leader Min Aung Hlaing. On Sunday, Min Aung Hlaing repeated his pledge to hold fresh elections in two years and cooperate with ASEAN on finding a political solution. He said without elaborating that Myanmar is ready to work on ASEAN cooperation within the ASEAN framework, including the dialogue with the ASEAN special envoy in Myanmar. Myanmars troubles have deepened with its worst coronavirus surge, which has overwhelmed its crippled health care system. The ministers ordered the ASEANs disaster-response center to urgently arrange the delivery of humanitarian aid, which Myanmar has requested. Myanmar officials were discussing the possible delivery of aid with ASEANs secretary-general although no date has been set, one diplomat said. Aside from Myanmar, ASEAN consists of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The ministerial meetings this week include the ASEAN Regional Forum, a security conference where North Korea attends along with the United States, China, Russia, Japan and South Korea. ___ Ng reported from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Associated Press journalists Matthew Lee in Washington, Kiko Rosario in Manila, Philippines, and Niniek Karmini and Fadlan Syam in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report. MADISON, Wis. (AP) Wisconsin elections officials said Wednesday that they have removed more than 205,000 voters from the rolls as part of routine work to keep the state's registration lists up to date. Purging voters from the rolls has been a point of major contention in the perennial swing state. Conservatives filed a lawsuit in 2019 demanding that the Wisconsin Elections Commission remove voters from the rolls if they didn't respond to mailings within 30 days. The lawsuit ultimately failed and Democrat Joe Biden went on to beat Donald Trump by about 20,000 votes. Commission officials announced Wednesday that they deactivated 174,307 voter registrations on Saturday because the voters hadn't cast a ballot in four years and didn't respond to a mailing. They said they are required by law every two years to identify registered voters who haven't voted in the previous four years and deactivate them unless they wish to remain registered. The commission on Saturday also deactivated 31,854 registrations of voters who may have moved and didn't respond to a mailing. The commission mailed postcards during the summer of 2019 to more than 230,000 voters identified by the Electronic Registration Information Center as having possibly moved. The commission voted that summer not to deactivate them until after the April 2021 election to give them several chances to affirm they hadn't moved. That stance prompted a lawsuit from a conservative law firm, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty, demanding the commission remove those voters within 30 days if they didn't respond to the mailing. The state Supreme Court ultimately ruled that the commission wasn't required to remove voters within that window. Voters who were removed from the rolls can become eligible to cast ballots again by re-registering. People can check their registration status through the MyVote Wisconsin website at https://myvote.wi.gov or by contacting their municipal clerk. ___ This story has been updated to correct that conservatives filed their lawsuit in 2019, not 2020. CONCORD, N.H. (AP) The federal government's new moratorium on evictions is being implemented in three New Hampshire counties with high or substantial COVID-19 community transmission. The state court system said Wednesday that it has paused eviction proceedings for tenants covered by the moratorium in Hillsborough, Rockingham and Strafford counties. DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) An explosion at the entrance of military barracks on the western edge of the Syrian capital Wednesday set a bus on fire, killed its driver and sent black smoke billowing over the area, Syrian state media reported. Initial reports on state media said the explosion in the gas tank of a bus at the entrance of the barracks near Qudsaya, west of Damascus, caused the fire. It said three others were injured and were hospitalized. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) A fire Wednesday destroyed a small set at the Netflix film studios in Albuquerque, the fire department said. Chief Tom Ruiz of Albuquerque Fire Rescue said crews responding to the pre-dawn blaze found the set fully involved" in flames and smoke. He said the fire was extinguished quickly but that the set was a total loss." BERLIN (AP) The German government said Wednesday it will strengthen its battle against the quickly growing antisemitism in the country by investing 35 million euros ($41.5 million) into research and educational projects focused on understanding its causes and effectively fighting hatred of Jews. Police registered 2,351 cases of antisemitism in Germany last year, which was an increase of 15% compared to the year before, officials reported. This is the highest number in the last couple of years, German Education and Research Minister Anja Karliczek said. There's reason for worry that this is only the tip of the iceberg and that the unreported number of daily attacks on Jews is substantially higher. Karliczek said that the government wants to invest millions into researching the causes of antisemitism because we need deep knowledge in order to be able to efficiently fight" it. She said millions would be given to universities to examine the different facets of hatred against Jews and to develop strategies on what to best do against it. Various projects will focus on antisemitism in schools, in the German justice system or on the internet and social media. Funds will also be given to hire junior scholars focusing on the topic and to support projects trying to educate the non-Jewish majority in the country about Jewish life, customs and religious rituals. In a second step, scientists will be tasked to develop practical guidelines based on their findings to help teachers and others tackle the growing hatred. It is a shame that Jews feel threatened in our country, the minister said. Especially in view of our history, we have a special obligation to protect Jews and Jewish life in Germany. Six million European Jews were killed in the Holocaust, the German-orchestrated genocide during World War II. (The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) Arturo Ramirez-Valdez, University of California San Diego (THE CONVERSATION) I was looking at the seafloor, focused on identifying fish species as I normally did when diving off of the California coast, when suddenly I felt something large above me. When I turned my head I saw a giant fish more than 6 feet (2 meters) long calmly interested in the air bubbles coming from my SCUBA regulator. This was 2016 and was my first encounter with a giant sea bass. I am a marine ecologist, and I study how international borders pose challenges for conservation and management efforts in the marine environment. Although there are no walls or fences in the ocean, borders still act as stark barriers for a variety of things. Giant sea bass live off the west coast of North America in both Mexican and U.S. waters. I have found that large differences in regulation and research effort between the two countries has led to a significant misunderstanding of giant sea bass population health. Different countries, different science The giant sea bass is the largest coastal bony fish in the Northeastern Pacific. It can grow up to 9 feet (2.7 meters) long and weigh up to 700 pounds (315 kg). It lives in coastal waters from northern California to the tip of the Baja California peninsula in Mexico, including the entire Gulf of California. In California, commercial fishing for the species began in the late 1880s. Large fish used to be very abundant across the entire range, but the fishery collapsed in the early 1970s. As a response, in 1981 the U.S. banned both commercial and recreational fishing for giant sea bass, and there are many ongoing research and population recovery efforts today. The collapse and subsequent protection and flurry of research in the U.S. stand in stark contrast to Mexico. In Mexico, there are minimal regulations on fishing for the species, and there is almost a complete lack of data and research on it there are only three studies on giant sea bass with any data from Mexico. The International Union for Conservation of Nature considers giant sea bass to be a critically endangered species due to the population being severely fragmented, leading to a continuing decline of mature individuals. But this decision was based on a report that had no data whatsoever from Mexico. This lack of data is concerning, considering 73% of the species range is in Mexican waters. This knowledge gap made me wonder if ecologists had the wrong idea about the health of giant sea bass populations. Healthy fish in Mexico In 2017, I led an effort to document the giant sea bass population in Mexico and look for clues to what it was in the past. At the beginning of the project, my colleagues and I feared that the records in Mexico would confirm the precarious situation of the fish in the U.S. But the reality turned out to be the opposite. To our surprise, we found giant sea bass everywhere in the fish markets and fishing grounds from our very first assessments. The fishmongers were never out of the fish; instead, they would ask us, How many kilos do you need? It was clear that for fishers in Mexico, the species is still common in the sea, and therefore, in their nets. It is still possible to find big fish up to 450 pounds 200 kilograms, and the average catch was around 26 pounds (12 kilograms). It was fantastic to see an abundance of these fish in markets, but I also wanted to understand the fishery trends through history and how current fishing levels compared to previous years. I looked at historical and contemporary fishing records and found that the Mexican commercial fleet has caught an average of 55 tons per year over the past 60 years, and the fishery has been relatively stable over the past 20 years, with a peak in 2015 at 112 tons. According to U.S. and Mexican records, the largest yearly catch ever recorded for giant sea bass in Mexico was 386 tons in 1933. Biologists consider a fishery to have collapsed when total catches, under the same effort, are less than 10% of the largest catches on record. So a steady trend of 55 tons per year shows that the fishery in Mexico has not collapsed. It is clear that giant sea bass populations have faced severe declines throughout their range; however, the health of the species is not as dire as thought. Another interesting finding from my research is that the apparent collapse of the giant sea bass fishery documented in the 1970s actually began as early as 1932. Over the first half of the 20th century, as the U.S. commercial fleet overfished U.S. waters, they began fishing in Mexican waters too but they continued to count all catches as from the U.S. This changed in 1968 when the two governments signed the MexicoU.S. Fisheries Agreement, limiting how much fish each countrys fleet could take from the other countrys waters. The collapse of the U.S. fishery in the 1970s was not due to a drastic reduction in fish numbers in Mexican waters, but driven by changes in fishing regulation between the U.S. and Mexico. The California fish populations had been depressed for decades, but this was hidden by fish from Mexico. Better data, better management Based on my research, I believe that the giant sea bass may not qualify as a critically endangered species. My analysis of modern catch data suggests that the population of this iconic fish is likely much larger than biologists previously thought, especially in Mexico. I am leading the next assessment for the International Union for Conservation of Nature, and now that we have accumulated better data, we can make a more informed decision that balances responsible management of the species with human needs. I hope that our study inspires policymakers in the U.S. and Baja to start a conversation about how to manage this incredible fish in a collaborative way. But I feel our work also has larger implications. It shows how asymmetry in research and data can create significant barriers to understanding the past and present status of a species like the giant sea bass and make it harder to implement sustainable practices for the future. [Get the best of The Conversation, every weekend. Sign up for our weekly newsletter.] This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here: https://theconversation.com/giant-sea-bass-are-thriving-in-mexican-waters-scientific-research-that-found-them-to-be-critically-endangered-stopped-at-the-us-mexico-border-165153. JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has not decided the position she will take on a proposed land exchange aimed at building a road through a national wildlife refuge in Alaska, a U.S. government attorney said Wednesday in arguing the position taken by Haaland's predecessor. Michael T. Gray, a Justice Department attorney, told a federal appeals court panel Haaland planned to review the record and visit King Cove, the community at the heart of the dispute, before making a decision. He said the position he was arguing had not been taken back in any way. Gray last month sent a letter to the clerk of court for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stating that Haaland was expected to visit King Cove in September. The letter outlined the position that a decision on whether to enter into a land exchange agreement was a policy call on which different Interior secretaries could reach different conclusions, even on the same record. Judge Kim McLane Wardlaw on Wednesday called the letter perplexing." She pressed Gray for a timeline and said going forward with the case seemed a tremendous ask of the judiciary while Haaland was deciding what position to take. Gray later said he would not oppose a stay of proceedings. But an attorney for the state, Sean Lynch, expressed concerns with a stay. The state has supported the position defending the land exchange, and Lynch said he believed King Cove Corp., another intervenor in the case, would oppose a stay. King Cove residents have long sought a land connection through Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to Cold Bay, which has an all-weather airport. Supporters of the effort see it as a life and safety issue. The refuge, near the tip of the Alaska Peninsula, contains an internationally recognized habitat for migrating waterfowl. In 2013, Interior Department officials declined a land exchange, with then-Interior Secretary Sally Jewell calling the refuge an extraordinary place and saying she supported the conclusion that building a road through the refuge would cause irreversible damage. Under the Trump administration, efforts to move forward with a land exchange faced legal challenges, including the current case, brought by a coalition of conservation groups. A federal judge last year set aside a proposed 2019 agreement between the Interior Department and King Cove Corp., an Alaska Native village corporation. The judge found in part that then-Interior Secretary David Bernhardt had failed to provide adequate reasoning to support a change in policy in favor of a land exchange and road. Conservation groups also said the agreement did not include a provision limiting use of a road to health and safety purposes. Interior Department spokesperson Melissa Schwartz could not provide details Wednesday of any travel plans by Haaland. But Schwartz, by email, confirmed that Haaland had not made a final decision regarding a position on the land exchange issue. She said Haaland had told Alaska U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski she would travel to Alaska to inform that decision. Murkowski has supported road access, which she has said would provide a lifeline for emergency medical care. SAULIEU, France (AP) An international conference on Lebanon on Wednesday raised some $370 million in aid to meet the country's humanitarian needs, one year after the massive explosion at Beiruts port, the French presidency said. The pledges, to be delivered over the next 12 months, go beyond the $357 million sought in the third global effort to show support for the Lebanese people, President Emmanuel Macron said at the virtual conference co-hosted by France and the United Nations. France will provide 100 millions euros ($118.6 million) in the coming months, Macron said. Paris will also send 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines for the country. President Joe Biden, who addressed the conference in a video message, pledged to give $100 million in new humanitarian assistance. The conference drew 33 states, some represented by heads of state or government, diplomats and 13 international organizations, plus five representatives of Lebanese civil society, according to a final statement from Macron's office. Participants included Canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Egypts President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, King Abdullah II of Jordan and European Council President Charles Michel. Lebanon's current humanitarian needs have been estimated by the U.N. to be at least $357 million. Aid is to focus on food, schools, the health sector and clean water supply. Wednesday's event was also meant to mount pressure on Lebanese leaders to form a new government able to implement reforms and start rebuilding the country. Lebanon is going through the worst economic and financial crisis of its modern history, and a political stalemate has kept the country without a functioning government for a full year. Biden said that no amount of outside assistance will ever be enough, if Lebanons own leaders do not commit to do the hard but necessary work of reforming the economy and combating corruption. Thats essential, and has to start now. Lebanese politicians have only made the situation worse by placing their individual and political interests above the Lebanese peoples interests," Macron criticized. Lebanon definitely deserves better." Macron said that humanitarian aid promised Wednesday will be unconditional. However, he warned that there will be no blank check to the Lebanese political system because it is defaulting. ... Lebanese leaders seem to opt for the deterioration (of the situation). I regret it. I think its an historical and moral error. Michel, the European Council President, stressed that the EU adopted a few days ago a sanctions framework ... to target those in Lebanon who obstruct efforts to end the political crisis. We obviously hope that we will not be obliged to activate it. Macron, who went to Beirut twice since the explosion at the port, has led international efforts to try to help the former French protectorate by providing emergency aid. Last year's conference on Lebanon, organized in the wake of the explosion, raised about 280 million euros ($332 million). In a statement laying out the conference's conclusions, participants said that Lebanon's development model needs to be overhauled to ensure the country gets back into a sustainable and people-centered development process. Humanitarian assistance cannot be a long-term solution, the conference concluded, noting that structural economic and financial assistance will require profound changes expected from Lebanons leaders. The conference said a new government under Lebanon's new Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati must start by swiftly launching, conducting and concluding negotiations in good faith with the International Monetary Fund," as well as preparing transparent and impartial" elections for 2022, and repairing the damaged port. According to the U.N., over half of Lebanese people now live in poverty, one in three Lebanese suffer from food insecurity and nearly 4 million people are at risk of not accessing safe water. BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Louisiana's public school student performance on key standardized tests plunged in the last school year, according to state education data released Wednesday that provides the first glimpse of how students fared during the coronavirus outbreak. The LEAP 2025 exams measure what students know in math, English, science and social studies. Students in grades 3 through 12 took the tests in the spring after they were canceled a year earlier because of the pandemic. The Advocate reports the states goal is for students to reach the fourth-highest achievement level, called mastery. The number of students reaching that level or above in grades 3 through 8 fell to 29%, down from 34% two years ago. High school students achieving mastery dropped from 37% two years ago to 32% this time. Jim Garvey, the longest serving member of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, said he expected the decline in scores to be twice as large amid back-to-back interrupted school years. I would say the reduction in scores are not nearly as bad as I was expecting, Garvey told the newspaper. Statewide, only one school district improved overall: Jackson Parish, which grew one percentage point. The district with the sharpest decline was Evangeline Parish, where the number of students reaching the mastery benchmark dropped 10 percentage points. The decline in this years results showed up across all grade levels, subjects and subgroups, according to the state Department of Education. The number of students that scored unsatisfactory the lowest of five levels on LEAP 2025 rose by five percentage points. The drop in scores mirrors trends in other states. This LEAP 2025 data will be invaluable in guiding our instructional, policy and resource allocation decisions as we recover and accelerate from this unprecedented interruption to student learning, state Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley said in a statement announcing the results. Carrie Monica, executive director of the education advocacy group Stand For Children, said Louisiana has to address learning loss, with a priority on in-person classes. She said in a statement that the data clearly shows that student achievement was higher when students had in-person instruction. Classrooms in Louisiana closed nine weeks early in March 2020 during the early stages of the pandemic. The 2020-21 school year featured a mixture of in-person classes and distance learning, ending with about 75% of students attending classes in person. Educators said online learning posed huge problems for a state where two-thirds of students live in low-income homes and internet access is patchy, especially in rural areas. WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) Two women who confronted supporters of Donald Trump and took a Make America Great Again hat from them at the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington last year have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of theft, child endangerment and hate crimes. The News Journal of Wilmington reports that Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy will be sentenced for those charges in September. Plea paperwork in court records indicate that prosecutors will not seek prison time. PHOENIX (AP) Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona used his first speech in Congress on Wednesday to pay tribute to John McCain, the late Republican U.S. senator whose seat Kelly now holds. His legacy is something that cannot be matched, Kelly said. But it's what inspires me serving in this Senate seat. And it's his example of bipartisanship and independence that continues to demand more of us." McCain's widow, Cindy McCain, watched from the gallery as Kelly's guest. Shes awaiting Senate confirmation after President Joe Biden nominated her as the U.S. representative to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture. Kelly was elected last year to finish the last two years of McCain's final term. He is a top target for the GOP and faces a tough reelection fight next year for his own six-year term. Kelly has gone out of his way to pay his respects to McCain, a Vietnam War hero who was tortured during more than five years of captivity. He visited McCains grave at the U.S. Naval Academy the day before taking office last year and talks regularly about being inspired by McCains example not just as a politician but also as a fellow Navy fighter pilot and a prisoner of war. McCain was elected six times to the U.S. Senate from Arizona and was the 2008 Republican nominee for president. With his maverick persona and willingness to buck his own party, McCain remains a revered figure in Arizona, particularly with suburban independents and Republicans whom Kelly will need to win reelection. McCain died of brain cancer in 2018. Cindy McCain was among Biden's most high-profile Republican endorsers. She did not weigh in on the race to finish her husband's Senate term, but her decision not to endorse Republican Martha McSally helped Kelly build his independent brand. Kelly is a retired astronaut and the husband of former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, whose own promising political career was cut short when she was shot in the head during a constituent event in 2011. In his maiden speech, Kelly also touted the bipartisan infrastructure deal, which he said will deliver wildfire and drought resiliency in Arizona. He celebrated Arizona's thriving semiconductor manufacturing sector, saying national security depends on expanding U.S. production of computer chips. And he said the recovery from the coronavirus must focus on building good-paying jobs. Arizonans have chased down this virus and the economic fallout that came with it with determination, Kelly said. I came here to have their back. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) A Massachusetts construction worker pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and will serve an 18-month sentence for the punch that killed his friend and co-worker last year. Robert Clarke and Elliott Fama came to Maine in October last year for a construction job. Police said Clarke hit Fama during a fight over a cigarette. Video evidence showed that Fama lost consciousness after he was hit and hit his head on a curb. He died days later in the hospital, The Portland Press Herald reported. PARADISE, Mich. (AP) Two people who were missing after their canoe overturned several times in the Tahquamenon River have been found following a search in a heavily forested part of Michigans Upper Peninsula. Conservation officers located Ezequiel Gianfranco, 19, of Homestead, Florida, and Nathalie Hoste-Skrzypek, 20, of Chicago, on Monday in a boat operated by a good Samaritan, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said. Gianfranco and Hoste-Skrzypek were overdue by three hours when friends reported them missing about 6:30 p.m. Sunday to staff at Tahquamenon Falls State Park, near Paradise and northwest of Sault Ste. Marie. They had traveled to the falls with some friends from the Chicago area for a day trip to visit the falls, conservation officer Cole VanOosten said Tuesday in a news release. They split into two groups in rented canoes. It became readily apparent that the missing friends were ill-prepared for the trip as they had no food or water and they were unfamiliar with the area, VanOosten added. They were also inexperienced in operating a canoe. As VanOosten and a park ranger began searching Sunday evening for the pair, Gianfranco and Hoste-Skrzypek called their friends to say their canoe had overturned and that they made it safely to shore, according to the DNR. They were walking along an off-road vehicle trail when a cellphone battery ran out of power. As VanOosten and the park ranger located the canoe about 8:45 p.m., roughly 5.5 miles (8.8 kilometers) from where the paddlers entered the river. Authorities searched a 7-mile (11.2-kilometer) radius of their last known location but were unable to find them. A Coast Guard helicopter joined the search about 2 a.m. Monday. Two other conservation officers spotted Gianfranco and Hoste-Skrzypek late Monday morning in the good Samaritans boat. The pair told officers that they spent Sunday night in a small cabin. A person living nearby took them downriver in a boat. They were reported to be in good condition afterward. LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) Faced with a labor shortage and a growing number of vacancies, Nebraska state officials are offering bigger incentive packages to try to get people to work in the states prisons, veterans homes and other facilities that require around-the-clock staffing. State officials said the new, more generous bonuses are a short-term solution to keep the state competitive while they look for a longer-term fix, according to the Omaha World-Herald. But one union official said higher wages, not temporary bonuses, are the only real fix for staffing shortages at facilities such as the Tecumseh State Correctional Institution, a chronically understaffed prison in rural, southeast Nebraska. Mike Chipman, the head of union that represents prison workers and regional centers, said workers are regularly called on to work a second shift at the Tecumseh prison. He said activities for inmates often must be canceled due to a lack of security staff, even though workers are transported daily from Omaha. Its getting worse and worse, Chipman said. Ive never seen anything like this. Eric Maher, a spokesman for the State Department of Administrative Services, said labor negotiators will be meeting with union representatives in September to discuss possible solutions. Chipman said at least 150 of the 300 open security staff positions at state prisons are at Tecumseh. There are another 50 vacant posts at the Lincoln Regional Center, which houses inmates with mental illnesses. Job vacancies are also at a record high at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. The number has grown by 200 since Jan. 1, to 988 vacancies, a department spokeswoman said. That has prompted new incentives for nurses and food service workers. Gov. Pete Ricketts announced the new hiring and retention bonuses on Friday, with extra incentives available for protective services staff willing to relocate to the Tecumseh prison for a year. They would receive an immediate $7,500 bonus. Thats on top of the stipends Tecumseh workers receive for commuting there, which range from $100 to $200 a month. All prison security staff hired before July 31 will be eligible for $500-a-month retention bonuses billed as a pilot program over the next year. Hiring bonuses for new prison staff are being increased from $10,000 to $15,000, payable over three years, and new bonuses for HHS and Nebraska Department of Veterans Affairs workers are being offered up to $10,000. Bonuses also are offered for employees who recruit new staffers. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) A bronze sculpture depicting Italian immigrants is the top choice of a New Haven panel to replace a statue of Christopher Columbus that was removed from a city park last year amid protests. The design by Branford sculptor Marc-Anthony Massaro has been chosen by the Wooster Square Monument Committee to replace the Columbus statue that had stood for 128 years in Wooster Square, the New Haven Register reported Tuesday. The choice is being submitted to the Board of Alders and three other city agencies for final approval. Massaro's work is titled Indicando la via al futuro, Italian for pointing the way to the future. It shows a boy, his older sister and their parents, newly arrived in America from Italy with suitcases. The father is holding the boy, who is pointing to something in the distance. Massero made a one-sixth-scale model of the image. I think the committee felt that his proposal exemplified the story that we are telling that is, the story of Italian immigration, said William Iovanne, co-chairman of the Monument Committee. "His sculpture is incredible. Columbus statues across the country have been removed amid widespread racial injustice protests that began last year following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police. Protesters clashed in brief skirmishes when the New Haven statue was taken down. Columbus supporters called the statue an important symbol of Italian American heritage, while opponents condemned Columbus as a white supremacist who touched off centuries of European oppression and the decimation of Indigenous peoples. The city Parks Commission had voted to take down the statue amid demands by many city residents, including Italian Americans. If Massaro's design is approved, Iovanne said there would be about 18 months of fabricating and designing. It would cost $300,000 to $350,000, money that would be raised privately, he said. Massaro grew up in New Haven and his grandfather, Frank Consiglio, was an Italian immigrant who came to America in 1918 and lived in Wooster Square. Consiglio's nephew founded the popular Sally's Apizza restaurant. It is a deeply, deeply emotional experience, Massaro said. When I look at the sculpture, having created it, I see my own family. WASHINGTON (AP) The party for the nation's 44th president will go on, but only for family and close friends. Former President Barack Obama has scaled back his 60th birthday bash set for this weekend at his Martha's Vineyard home off the Massachusetts coast due to the surge of infections blamed on the delta variant of the coronavirus, his office said Wednesday. Attendance is now limited to family and close friends. Published reports had said hundreds of celebrities, politicos and others were expected at Obama's sprawling house. This outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with COVID safeguards in place," Obama spokesperson Hannah Hankins said in a statement. Due to the new spread of the delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends. President Obama is appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon, Hankins added. The two-term president turned 60 on Wednesday. Some conservatives criticized the plans for a milestone birthday celebration after details about the event were published this week. If the CDC doesnt recommend Obama cancel his birthday party, dont listen when they recommend you shut down your business, conservative activist Charlie Kirk tweeted on Monday. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that people including those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 resume wearing face coverings in public indoor spaces in areas of substantial or high transmission t o protect against the delta variant. Some states and cities also have reinstated mask requirements as infections surge around the country. The CDC website on Wednesday listed the rate of transmission in Dukes County, Massachusetts, which includes the island of Martha's Vineyard, as substantial." Massachusetts has not reinstituted mask requirements, leaving those decisions to individual communities. So far, the towns on Martha's Vineyard have issued mask advisories, but no mandates. The Biden administration has blamed the latest surge on the approximately 90 million people who remain unvaccinated. Obama's defenders stressed that the birthday party is being held outdoors, guests were asked to provide a negative COVID-19 test result and that a coordinator had been enlisted to ensure the event followed all public health guidelines. Both Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and have urged Americans to also get their shots and follow public health protocols. COVID-19 has gotten more contagious, so its more important than ever to get vaccinated, the former president said last week in a tweet that included a link for people to find vaccines. Vaccines are safe, and the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones. President Joe Biden, Obama's vice president, tweeted birthday wishes on Wednesday. He did not plan to attend the party. Im proud to call you a brother and a friend and Im grateful for your selfless service to this nation, Biden wrote to the former president. ___ Associated Press writer Mark Pratt in Boston contributed to this report. COSTA MESA, Calif. (AP) A Southern California school board announced plans to sue Gov. Gavin Newsom over a state mandate requiring K-12 students to wear masks in classrooms, saying face coverings are harmful to children and the governor is abusing his power. The Orange County Board of Education, which last year unsuccessfully sued Newsom to reopen classrooms, voted 4-0 in a closed session Tuesday in favor of filing a lawsuit against the Democratic governor, The Orange County Register reported. A statement read aloud by the boards counsel said that Newsom has abused his authority by continuing to issue coronavirus health edicts under a state of emergency and that the latest school mask rule is a burden that compounds the harm to Californias children previously caused by prior school closures and unwarranted masking requirements. The board did not present any data as evidence of adverse effects of masking on children or acknowledge public health studies that have shown masking reduces the spread of the virus. The board does not have the authority to implement rules over the countys 27 school districts. Last month, state health officials announced that all teachers and students will be required to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status, when classrooms reopen for the fall term. The rules differed from the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the time, which said fully vaccinated people didn't have to wear masks indoors. The CDC has since reversed course, saying fully vaccinated people should wear masks indoors again in places with high COVID-19 transmission rates. The federal agency also said last month that students and staff should stay at least 3 feet (1 meter) apart to reduce the spread of COVID-19. State officials say they worried that imposing physical distancing rules would make it harder for some schools to accommodate all students. So they dropped the distancing requirement and required masks for everyone; a tradeoff they say will enable all students to return to in-person classes. In recent weeks, COVID-19 cases have surged in Orange County and statewide due to the highly contagious delta variant. On Monday, Orange County reported an average of 626 new COVID-19 cases a day for the previous seven days, up from 72 new cases a day reported on July 2. Last August, the same school board sued Newsom to reopen schools that had been closed due to COVID-19. A petition went to the state Supreme Court asking it to review the case, but was ultimately denied. Last month, two parent groups Let Them Breathe and Reopen California Schools filed a lawsuit against Newsom and state public health officials seeking to end the school mask mandate. The mask mandate and Newsoms handling of the pandemic are among the politically charged issues Republicans have seized on to fuel a recall campaign against the Democratic governor. WASHINGTON (AP) The State Department said Wednesday its looking into the apparent disappearance of a nearly $6,000 bottle of whisky given more than two years ago to then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo by the government of Japan. Pompeo knows nothing about the gift or an inquiry, a representative said. In a notice filed in the Federal Register, the department said it could find no trace of the bottles whereabouts and that there is an ongoing inquiry into what happened to the booze. The department reported the investigation in its annual accounting of gifts given to senior U.S. officials by foreign governments and leaders. The department's Office of Protocol is required to record gifts given to U.S. officials and keep track of their disposition. Recipients have the option of turning gifts of a certain value over to the National Archives or another government entity or purchasing them for personal use by reimbursing the Treasury Department for their value. The Japanese whisky was valued at $5,800 and was presented to Pompeo in June 2019, presumably when he visited the country that month for a Group of 20 summit that was also attended by President Donald Trump. But unlike other gifts, the department said there was no record of what had become of the bottle. The department is looking into the matter and has an ongoing inquiry, it said in the Federal Register notice. The notice offered no additional detail. A representative for Pompeo said Pompeo has no knowledge of the gift and has not been contacted by anyone regarding an investigation of it. Pompeo also reported receiving two carpets worth a total of $19,400 from the president of Kazakhstan and the foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates. Both floor coverings were transferred to the General Services Administration, the notice said. The filing said Trump and his wife, Melania, received more than $120,000 worth of presents from foreign leaders in 2019, compared with $88,200 the year before. In Trump's first year in office, in 2017, they reported receiving more than $140,000 in gifts. There was no significant common theme to the 2019 gifts. At least three foreign leaders from Australia, Egypt and Vietnam presented Trump with photographs or portraits of himself that collectively were valued at more than $10,000. Trump received a painting of himself on dual pane glass from then-Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong that was worth an estimated $5,250, according to the filing. It also says Trump got a large double frame carved from black stone with image of President Donald J. Trump in precious metal on one side and the coat of arms of Egypt on the reverse worth $4,450 from Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison gave Trump a framed photo of himself and his wife worth $470. Other more expensive gifts Trump received included an Ottoman Empire rifle valued at $8,500 from the prime minister of Bulgaria, a bronze sculpture of an Arabian horse from the crown prince of Bahrain worth $7,200 and a gold, onyx, emerald and diamond statue of an Arabian oryx worth $6,300 from the emir of Qatar. All of those gifts, including the portraits and photograph, were turned over to the National Archives, according to the report. Another significant recipient of gifts was now-retired Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of U.S. Central Command until March 2019; that command oversees American military operations in the Middle East. The government of Qatar lavished Votel with nearly $37,000 in luxury watches in 2019, including one Rolex timepiece valued at $14,995, according to the report. Votel turned those watches over to the GSA. VATICAN CITY (AP) Pope Francis resumed his routine of holding weekly audiences with the general public a month after he underwent bowel surgery, and during the much-awaited appearance Wednesday he recalled the anniversary of the devastating Beirut port explosion and expressed the desire to visit Lebanon. After removing his face mask to protect against COVID-19, Francis walked unaided to the center of the stage of a Vatican auditorium. He smiled as he gestured toward the visitors, before taking his seat in an upholstered chair and addressing several hundred pilgrims and tourists, who wore masks as part of the Vatican's anti-pandemic measures for crowd situations. Near the end of an almost hour-long audience, Francis spoke of the Beirut explosion, recalling the victims, their families, the injured, and all those who lost homes and work in the blast. Lebanon's people, he said, were still tired and disappointed in the aftermath, a reference to the economic and political crises convulsing the Middle Eastern nation on the Mediterranean Sea. Francis appealed to the international community to offer concrete gestures of help to the Lebanese people and not just words. My desire to visit you is great, Francis said, adding he never tires of praying for them. Francis, 84, was hospitalized on July 4 in Rome for an operation in which a section of his colon was removed. The Vatican said the surgery was necessitated by diverticular stenosis, or a narrowing of the bowel. On Wednesday, audience members clapped vigorously after he finished his introductory remarks and after he greeted each language group. After the pope gave participants his closing blessing, he went down the stage's steps with the help of two aides to greet some members of the public, pausing for a selfie with an audience member. I hope that the coming summer holidays will be a time of refreshment and spiritual renewal for you and your families, Francis said during his scripted remarks. Unlike previous pontiffs, who spent summers at the Vatican's holiday retreat in the cooler hills near Rome, or, in the case of John Paul II, who liked to vacation in the Italian Alps, Francis stays at the Vatican each summer. But during his papacy, the Wednesday audiences have been suspended in July to give Francis some extra rest time during Romes hot summers. His hospitalization therefore didnt interfere with his regular general audience schedule. While recovering at the hospital, Francis stepped onto a 10-floor balcony to greet well-wishers. He still looks somewhat wan, but Francis has been in good spirits and adlibbed at times during his traditional Sunday window appearances to the crowd in St. Peters Square. His wish for a peaceful future for Lebanon echoed sentiments he voiced three days before his surgery. On July 1, at a prayer service in St. Peters Basilica, Francis insisted that Lebanon must remain a land of tolerance and pluralism as he welcomed the countrys Christian patriarchs to the Vatican to pray for an end to that countrys crises. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) A state investigation into the fatal police shooting of a Black man in an Ohio emergency room is being referred to the county prosecutor, the attorney general announced Wednesday. The state completed its probe into the April shooting death of Miles Jackson at Mount Carmel St. Anns Hospital in suburban Columbus and submitted it to the Franklin County prosecutor, who will determine whether to file charges against the officers involved. WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) A Millsboro man accused of possessing four homemade bombs and an AK-47 with an altered serial number is facing federal charges, according to prosecutors in Delaware. A federal grand jury returned a superseding indictment Tuesday charging Job Gillette, 23, with four counts of possession of an unregistered destructive device and one count each of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, and possession of a firearm with an altered or obliterated serial number. The indictment alleges that on March 24, Gillette, who was prohibited from possessing firearms, was found in possession of an AK-47 rifle with an altered serial number, one improvised incendiary device and parts to assemble three more. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Dock workers who launched a strike that prevented thousands of shipping containers with items including food and medicine from reaching Puerto Rico in recent weeks have reached a tentative agreement with their employer, officials said Wednesday. Many in the U.S. territory were relieved at the announcement, given the islands huge dependence on imports. However, concerns remain since the deal between Puerto Ricos Union of Dock Workers and stowage company Luis Ayala Colon Sucres, Inc. is in place for only 45 days. The strike had prevented some 4,500 shipping containers and 13 boats from reaching Puerto Rico and another 5,000 containers from leaving the island. It also prompted the U.S. territory's government to file a lawsuit on Monday against union workers and the company known as LAC, which handles 80% of all international cargo entering the Port of San Juan. The situation has reached a breaking point, Puerto Ricos Ports Authority said in the lawsuit. It is seeking a permanent injunction ordering that those sued meet their responsibilities, noting that it has been unable to collect more than $400,000 in fees and tariffs. Noelia Garcia, the governments chief of staff, said the lawsuit will be withdrawn only when the deal between dock workers and the stowage company is final. She also hinted that government officials might look into contracting other companies to avoid a repeat. Diversity is healthy, she said. Were going to take proactive measures to ensure this wont happen again. Garcia declined to provide more details. Hernan Ayala, vice president of the stowage company, said there are no plans to prioritize items. Well empty the ships as they arrive, he said. This will be done as quickly as possible. The workers were striking in part because they said the company had given workshop tasks to managers. While the strike did not cause severe shortages of life-saving items, the Association of Hospitals of Puerto Rico issued a statement Tuesday warning that supplies of certain medical equipment would run out in two to six weeks as the island faces a spike in COVID-19 cases it blames on the delta variant. BURBANK, Calif. (AP) Three people were killed and two were injured in a fiery crash involving several cars near Los Angeles, authorities said. Police are investigating whether street racing was involved in the wreck late Tuesday in Burbank. TOKYO (AP) Ask him how many languages he speaks, and Alexandre Ponomarev replies: If you mean to make myself understood, I've lost count. Count 'em. Ponomarev speaks Russian, Ukranian, English, German, Spanish, French and Danish. And gets by in Swedish, Portuguese, Italian and Norwegian. Ahh, but how about your Japanese? Muzukashi, replied Ponomarev, which means difficult in Japanese, and can be interpreted to mean he doesn't speak much. OK, nobody's perfect. Ponomarev is the chief interpreter for the Tokyo Games, overseeing a staff of almost 100 interpreters who render Olympic joy and Olympic heartbreak into a calibrated cacophony of 11 languages: Japanese, English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese. Ponomarev worked his first Olympics in 2008 in Beijing and took over as the chief in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. His mother got him started with language learning, smuggling videos of American films into the old Soviet Union. One by one, the languages piled up. When somebody walks into a room full of interpreters, and it's somebody who doesnt speak the languages, it does feel like the Tower of Babel," he explained. "You can see people speaking at the same time in all these dialects and languages and using strange words. It may seem crazy but we are actually not. What they are in Tokyo is busy. Most work in the Main Press Center in a cable-strewn room with 20 translation booths lining the walls. Wires, screens, and computer coders splice their words onto a network. The booths are decorated with Japanese art from famous masters like Hokusai, and carry labels like JPN or ENG to designate the languages being worked. Unlike previous Olympics, all the interpretation is being done remotely. Press conferences from remote venues are fed into the press-center hub. Some two dozens interpreters aren't even in the country, chiming in from the Americas or Europe to handle late night events in Japan. Their simultaneous translations can be accessed at all Olympic venues on an app. This eliminates interpreters getting tied up in traffic heading to a venue and there's no longer any need to distribute handheld translation devices. We are here in the press center all the time, and we watch the events on the TV just like anybody else, said Andrea Hofmann Miller, a German interpreter. In Rio, we had to be on the bus for about four hours just to get to the swimming venue. And in my case, if a German-speaking athlete didn't win, we spent eight hours on a bus for nothing. Ponomarev pointed out that cultural differences affect language. He may assign a speaker of Brazilian Portuguese to a Brazilian, and a peninsular Portuguese speaker to someone from Portugal; likewise with Spanish, which is spoken differently across 20 countries. A visitor entering his office the other day found Ponomarev speaking Spanish with an accent from Spain. He was chatting with an Argentine, a Venezuelan and another Spaniard. They were all speaking their own brand of Spanish, and a few times they slipped into French. When you get four or five interpreters in the room, and they all share at least two or three languages, they automatically switch back and forth, Ponomarev explained. The conversation starts in one language then quickly switches to another simply because another language is more conducive to talking about a specific topic. For a polyglot, toggling among several language seems more natural than staying in only one, sort of like a musician who plays several instruments. He used the example of the German word schadenfreude," which means pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. "This kind of word exists only in German and it would be difficult to express that concept in English. By the same token, there are concepts that exist only in Russia and we dont convey them very well in any other language. To avoid lengthy descriptions, we switch to another language and people will understand instantly. He said his interpreters all bone up before the Olympics, studying the nuances of judo or the vagaries of Modern Pentathlon. But they can be stumped, particularly in new events like surfing and skateboarding. These are young people and they have their own speak, he said. "If somebody says the wave are bad, man' meaning the waves were great. Ponomarev and much of his staff have worked high-powered political events like the G20 or the World Economic Forum, which are far trickier than the Olympics. There you have a wide variety of people presidents, royalty, politicians, interesting influencers, you name it," he said. Sometimes, though, things can get incredibly delicate at the Olympics. Hofmann Miller nearly teared up talking about the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver, where Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili died in a training run before the opening ceremony. He lost control of this sled and hit a steel pole beside the track. I was chosen to do the press interview for that, and it was a very, very sad event and I will never forget that, she said. It was very moving, and it was really tough for all of us sitting on stage taking the questions from the press and to keep our emotions back. Interpretation is, in the end, more art than science a discipline that requires skill, yes, but a strong dose of humanity as well. Both Ponomarev and the German interpreter, Hofmann Miller, acknowledge cheering for the athletes, or sympathizing with them in defeat. We all get absolutely excited for these athletes, Ponomarev said. Because when you interpret, youre in someone elses head. You dont interpret words, you interpret meaning. And when youre in somebodys head, you start sympathizing. ___ More AP Olympics: https://apnews.com/hub/2020-tokyo-olympics and https://twitter.com/AP_Sports SEATTLE (AP) Its been a tough summer for agriculture across Washington state. Crops like berries have struggled under record heat and drought. Now, some worry about how smoke in August could stunt the growth of some crops should the haze intensify and linger, KOMO-TV reported. Jennifer Schuh has worked with her father Steve Schuh for decades in the Skagit Valley, growing everything from corn to berries, squash, cucumbers and pumpkins. She said a long stretch of thick smoke could hurt their crops. Steve Schuh isnt letting the potential of damaging smoke worry him, but he acknowledges that ash can block a plant access to light and food. They dont function right if theyre all covered in smoke, said Steve Schuh. While smoke has stayed in the upper levels of the atmosphere in Western Washington this week, communities in Central and Eastern Washington have battled wildfires and bad air quality for weeks. Some winemakers say smoke has not impacted their wine grapes so far, but it could get bad in August. They can get something called, smoke taint, said Nick Bond, the Washington state climatologist. That is especially a problem right before theyre harvested. Bond said wildfires could intensify in the next few weeks, posing a threat to agriculture around the region. TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) A Kansas legislator accused of kicking a high school student in the testicles has surrendered his state substitute teacher's license and said Wednesday that extreme stress caused him to have "an isolated episode of mania with psychotic features" in a classroom. Republican state Rep. Mark Samsel disclosed in a Facebook post that he has seen mental health professionals over the past three months. He also wrote that he is studying ways to handle stress so that there is no likelihood an episode will occur again. He surrendered his teaching license Tuesday. He faces three misdemeanor criminal charges of battery following what the local prosecutor described as rude, insulting or angry interactions with two students, ages 15 or 16, during an April 28 art class at the high school in his hometown of Wellsville, about 45 miles (72 kilometers) southwest of Kansas City. One student told a sheriff's deputy that Samsel had manhandled him and kicked him, according to an affidavit from the deputy. Samsel, a 36-year-old attorney who has served in the House since 2019, has pleaded not guilty to the charges, each of which is punishable by up to six months in jail. He has a court hearing scheduled for Aug. 16 and said during a brief interview that he does not know how the surrender of his teaching license or his mental health treatment will affect the case. It just felt it was the right time to share, that God was calling on me to do it," Samsel said during the interview. I just hope this brings light to the mental health battles, that a lot of us are struggling. Samsel's attorney, Christopher Scott, did not immediately return a telephone message Wednesday seeking comment. County Attorney Brandon Jones, the local prosecutor, is out of the office until next week, his office said, and he did not immediately return a telephone message. Kansas House Speaker Ron Ryckman Jr., a Kansas City-area Republican, said Samsel's situation shows the importance of mental health services. "Im pleased to see those services are being used and hope they will continue to be used by any Kansan feeling the weight that often comes with stress and anxiety, he said. Videos shot by students on April 28 and provided by a parent showed Samsel talking about suicide, God and sex in a noisy classroom. According to the deputy's affidavit, Samsel said he only demonstrated a kick for one boy who had disrupted class but did not kick him. The deputy also wrote that Samsel said God told him to do what he did. Samsel said Wednesday that he was trying to make a point about mental health issues and the need for people to be kinder to one another. A judge in May ordered Samsel to undergo a mental health evaluation, and the resulting report remains under seal. Samsel said in his Facebook post that he suffered from extreme stress, pressure, and agitation over a sustained period of time, with the worst of it during April and May, when lawmakers were wrapping up their business for the year. There was a lot of pain and struggle involved, but I think I mean, it's all moving in the right direction, Samsel said during his interview. I do think God's using it for hopefully higher purposes. ___ Follow John Hanna on Twitter: https://twitter.com/apjdhanna SAN FRANCISCO - Yogi and Carolyn Vindum were still asleep late last year when their Tesla Model S beamed an alert that charging was interrupted. Twelve minutes after that, they awoke to a blaring car alarm and a fire consuming their house in San Ramon, Calif. The blaze had started in one of the two electric vehicles in their garage and spread to the other. MORE NEWS: Black women, across generations, heed Simone Biles' example "If we had lived upstairs in this house, we'd be dead," said Yogi Vindum, a retired mechanical engineer. The fire, which has not previously been reported on in the news media, is one in a string of recent examples showing what can happen when electric cars are left parked in garages to charge overnight. The issue is causing mounting concern as a number of electric-vehicle makers have warned owners not to leave the cars charging unattended in certain circumstances, or sitting fully charged in garages. Automakers including General Motors, Audi and Hyundai have recalled electric vehicles over fire risks in recent years and have warned of the associated dangers. Chevrolet last year advised owners not to charge their vehicles overnight or keep their fully charged vehicles in garages. It recalled more than 60,000 of its Bolt electric vehicles over concerns about the cars spontaneously combusting while parked with full batteries or charging, after reports of five fires without prior impact damage. The company issued another recall last month covering the same vehicles after two reports of battery fires in repaired vehicles. "We don't think every vehicle has this rare manufacturing defect," General Motors spokesman Dan Flores said. "But we can't take a chance, so we're recalling all the vehicles." Luke MacGregor / Bloomberg Tesla, which does not typically answer media inquiries, did not respond to a request for comment. A spokesman for Hyundai, which recently recalled Kona and Ioniq EVs and advised owners to park the vehicles outside, did not respond to a request for comment. Audi did not immediately have comment. Automakers face numerous challenges as they race to get electric vehicles to consumers ahead of regulatory and company deadlines for shifting production away from gas-powered vehicles. They face skepticism about the availability of charging stations, concerns about vehicle range and apprehensions over cost. Fires have drawn attention because of the high-profile recalls and blazes that followed product rollouts, analysts say, further complicating the automakers' calculations. Tesla in the past has argued that its cars are 10 times less likely to catch fire than gas-powered vehicles, drawing on data from the National Fire Protection Association and U.S. Federal Highway Administration. Still, safety experts note that the fires can burn more intensely and last much longer. "Battery fires can take up to 24 hours to extinguish," Tesla's website says in an emergency response guide for the Model S. "Consider allowing the battery to burn while protecting exposures." Tesla owners have reported numerous fires involving older-model vehicles, though not all under the same circumstances. The Washington Post has documented at least five fires involving the Model S, including the blaze on Dec. 30, 2020, that destroyed much of the Vindums' home in San Ramon. In that case, Yogi Vindum recalled, at least six firetrucks came to the home. RELATED: 'Holy moly!'; Inside Texas' fight against a ransomware hack Also late last year, flames started shooting out of a five-year-old Tesla Model S in Frisco, Texas, and firefighters struggled to gain access to the cabin after the motorized doors failed to open. Tesla said in 2019 that it had sent investigators to the site of an explosion involving a Model S in a Shanghai car park. Surveillance video showed smoke billowing from the parked car before a fiery blast. In 2018, a Tesla Model S caught fire "out of the blue" on a Los Angeles street, said actress Mary McCormack, whose husband owned the vehicle. Tesla acknowledged that the flames came from the battery. In late June, a new, top-of-the-line Tesla Model S "Plaid" was destroyed when it erupted in flames shortly after the owner took delivery of the vehicle. Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has been investigating Tesla's battery management system since 2019. The agency said Tuesday it does not comment on open investigations. Tesla had come under scrutiny over concerns it allegedly manipulated battery software in older vehicles to lessen the risk of fire. The company has proposed a settlement over the issue, and Elon Musk tweeted late last month: "If we are wrong, we are wrong. In this case, we were." NHTSA opened an investigation into Chevrolet Bolt fires in October 2020, before the initial recall of that vehicle. Battery-powered vehicles have not been shown to catch fire at rates higher than gasoline cars, but when fires do erupt, they burn longer and hotter, propelled by lithium-ion batteries that supercharge the blazes, experts say. Including gas-powered cars, the National Fire Protection Association says there were 189,500 overall highway vehicle fires in the United States in 2019, encompassing passenger and other types of road vehicles. The case involving the Vindums' cars is unique because it involved two electric vehicles parked next to each other in a garage, demonstrating the explosive force they can unleash when burning. A fire inspection report obtained by the Vindums in July cited the Tesla Model S's thermal management system as one of two possible causes of the fire, the other being a fault in the car's electrical system as it was charging. Tesla did not respond to a request for comment on the specifics of the Vindums' case, including a short narrative of the events and the Vindums' view of Tesla's response to the fire. Yogi Vindum, who described himself as a fan of Tesla's, missed the initial alert to his iPhone at 5:25 a.m. In the garage, where the 2013 Tesla Model S 85 had been charging overnight, flames broke out and began spreading rapidly. The other Tesla Model S was parked next to it. The garage erupted in flames, with violent explosions powerful enough to blow off the metal garage doors, they said. A blaring car alarm woke them up. The house was filling with smoke and alarms were going off as they escaped, he said. From across the street, the Vindums watched as their home went up in flames. Footage from a nearby doorbell camera includes audible explosions. The Vindums have not been able to live in their home since the Dec. 30 fire, which led to more than $1 million worth of damage, according to a report from the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, which was viewed by The Post. "The firemen said it was so hot that they couldn't walk up the driveway," Vindum said. Vindum eventually replaced the Teslas with a gasoline-powered Audi from the insurance payout, which covered the Blue Book values of the cars. He was disappointed, he said, in what he described as Tesla's lack of interest after the fire. The charred shells of the cars sat in the couple's driveway for weeks "waiting for Tesla to assess what went wrong." "They never showed as far as I know," Vindum said. SPORT STARS: Rockets may now face tough decision with Christian Wood The fire at his home changed his perspective on whether vehicle fires present a unique risk for owners of electric cars. "Gasoline driven cars don't catch fire in the garage when they're sitting there. And that's the difference," he said. "I don't worry about [my] Audi catching fire downstairs when it's not running." WASHINGTON (AP) The Treasury Department announced Wednesday it will raise $126 billion to finance the government in a series of auctions next week by employing emergency measures to keep from broaching the newly imposed debt limit. The Treasury announcement, part of Treasury's quarterly refunding operations, will see the $126 billion raised by auctioning 3 and 10-year notes and a 30-year bond with the auctions occurring on Tuesday through Wednesday of next week. Those auctions will raise money to meet debt-servicing requirements on $58.6 billion in Treasury notes and bonds that are coming due plus raising approximately $67.4 billion in new cash to keep the government operating. The government's debt ceiling which had been suspended for two years, went back into effect on Aug. 1 at $28.4 trillion, the level the debt had risen to since the limit was suspended. That period has seen the annual federal deficit hit a record $3.4 trillion last year as the government approved trillions of dollars of support to an economy hit by a global pandemic. The emergency measures Treasury is employment involve book-keeping maneuvers to disinvest various government employee pensions funds to free up more borrowing room while remaining under the debt limit. Once the deadlock over approving a higher debt limit is resolved the funds are returned along with all the interest lost to the various accounts. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has called on Congress to quickly lift or suspend the borrowing limit to avoid the threat of the government defaulting on its debt, something Yellen has said would be catastrophic. Treasury officials said Wednesday they still did not have an estimate of when the government will run out of maneuvering room to use what it calls extraordinary measures" to avoid a default, saying the unusual financing issues raised by the pandemic have made forecasting difficult. The period of time that extraordinary measures may last is subject to considerable uncertainty due to a variety of factors ... exacerbated by the heightened uncertainty in payments and receipts related to the economic impact of the pandemic, Brian Smith, Treasury deputy assistant secretary for federal finance, said in a statement. The Congressional Budget Office estimated in July that Treasury could exhaust its maneuvering room in either October or November. The need to deal with the debt limit is likely to become embroiled in the fight between Democrats and Republicans over passage of pending infrastructure bills. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said on July 21 that he doubted that any Republican would vote to increase the debt limit. BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) Cedric Daniels and Joshua Bradstreet Contreras didn't think they really needed the coronavirus vaccine. After all, the uncle and nephew are both young 37 and 22, respectively and Contreras was as healthy as a horse, Daniels said. But just days after Daniels went to visit Contreras in New Orleans a long-awaited reunion that came after not seeing each other for months because of the pandemic the nephew was rushed away in an ambulance. He couldn't breathe, even when sitting completely still. He is now in a hospital in a New Orleans suburb, on a ventilator and in a medically induced coma. At about the same time, Daniels started feeling weak, had blurred vision and was so short of breath he could barely make it from his couch in the living room to the bathroom. He tested positive for the virus, then went to a hospital in Baton Rouge already overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, where he stayed for a week on oxygen as he recovered from pneumonia. Contreras and Daniels are among a flood of patients filling up overloaded hospitals across the U.S. amid a surge of COVID-19 cases driven by the virus's highly contagious delta variant. Health officials say the most serious cases have been among the unvaccinated. It is frustrating, because its preventable but more than that, its really sad, said James Ford, a critical care doctor in the ICU at Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center in Baton Rouge, where Daniels was treated. To help with the influx, the hospital brought in a disaster medical assistance team of nearly three dozen health care workers on Monday. That same day, hospital leaders at a news conference where Gov. John Bel Edwards announced a reinstated statewide mask mandate described grim conditions across Louisiana: facilities filled with COVID-19 patients, including children, and hospital hallways lined with stretchers because there arent enough beds. A lot of them are debilitated and need around-the-clock care," said Ford, who has been working on his days off to help ease his hospital's burden. "Its very labor intensive. Some of those patients, like Daniels, now wish they had taken the shot. Theyre talking about putting tubes down your throat possibly if your oxygen doesnt go up within the next hour, and that is frightening, he told The Associated Press on Monday as he lay in a bed with an oxygen tube in his nose. He was released shortly afterward but still must use oxygen at home. I am now a huge advocate for doctors orders, Daniels added. They think we ought to get vaccinated, I think we ought to get vaccinated. Daniels, who lives in Gonzales, about 57 miles (92 kilometers) northwest of New Orleans, said he and Contreras were the only unvaccinated members of their households. Daniels' wife and live-in mother-in-law, both of whom were inoculated months ago, have both tested negative twice since he tested positive. Contreras' mother, Tarsha Bradstreet, had also been vaccinated, as had her 19-year-old son who lives in the same house in New Orleans. Bradstreet said she tried to persuade Contreras to get the shot, but said she had only so much pull over him. Josh hardly goes anywhere since COVID hit, so he didnt think he needed the vaccine, Bradstreet said. One of the places to which Contreras did go, however, was his summer job at Cafe Reconcile. About the time he started getting ill, he got a call from the restaurant telling him that a co-worker had tested positive for the virus and he needed to get tested himself. He had a headache and some nausea, so at first we thought it was dehydration, Bradstreet said. A week later, he couldnt smell. He couldnt breathe. I noticed his breath was quick and rapid, and he could barely stand up or do anything. I had to call an ambulance. A while later, the hospital called and said, 'Your son is on a ventilator,' and I almost died, Bradstreet said. I couldnt believe it. I didnt realize how serious it was. I didnt know. He almost died. Bradstreet talks to her son every day through one of the hospitals portable laptops, so that he can hear her voice even if he cant see her. She also prays a lot, and hopes that sharing her sons story will motivate others who have not yet been vaccinated to go and get the shot. When we go through things, its to help other people, to teach people something, she said. Their choice may leave them in the hospital. Maybe theyll get the lesson before they have to go through this. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) The head of the U.S. Agency for International Development expressed concern Wednesday about the dehumanizing rhetoric used by Ethiopias leaders amid the nine-month conflict in the Tigray region, whose forces last month were described as weeds" and cancer by the countrys Nobel Peace Prize-winning prime minister, Abiy Ahmed. Samantha Power spoke to reporters after pressing Ethiopias government to ease a blockade of humanitarian aid to Tigray, where hundreds of thousands of people face famine in the worlds worst hunger crisis in a decade. Just 10% of targeted aid has reached the region since mid-July, she said 153 trucks as of two days ago, while the United Nations has said 1,500 trucks were needed during that time. Ethiopias government in recent weeks has accused aid groups of arming Tigray forces, without providing evidence, and suspended the work of two international aid groups while accusing Doctors Without Borders and the Norwegian Refugee Council of disseminating misinformation. Meanwhile, Power said, desperate humanitarian needs are growing more acute with every passing day in Tigray, where more than 5 million people need help after Ethiopian and allied forces pursuing Tigray fighters were accused of looting and destroying food supplies. Tigray remains cut off from the outside world, with communications links down and just one road available for aid convoys, which have faced numerous checkpoints and searches. While the West is said to be exploring the possibility of a humanitarian aid corridor from neighboring Sudan into western Tigray, the head of Ethiopias national disaster risk management commission this week rejected that idea. A USAID spokesman did not respond when asked whether Power, who visited Sudan before Ethiopia, discussed the idea with Sudanese leaders. Power also noted the increasingly heated talk by both sides in the conflict and said the kind of virulent language used by the prime minister and other officials, also seen on social media in Ethiopia, often accompanies ethnically motivated atrocities. She called for an immediate cease-fire and dialogue. Chances of dialogue appear slim as Ethiopias government has declared the Tigray forces a terrorist group. The war started in November after a political falling-out between the Tigray ruling party, which had dominated Ethiopias government for nearly three decades, and the current prime minister. Now the Tigray forces say they want Abiy out as a precondition to talks. Power also warned that the resurgent Tigray forces presence near key roads is going to obstruct access as well. She said some 76,000 people have been displaced in the neighboring Afar region and 150,000 in the Amhara region after the Tigray forces entered those areas in recent weeks. Separately, Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke Wednesday with Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok about the expansion of armed confrontation in the Amhara and Afar regions of Ethiopia, the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Tigray region, and reports of Eritrean troops re-entering Ethiopia, all of which impact regional stability, the State Department said. Witnesses in Tigray have alleged widespread abuses by soldiers from Eritrea, which shares a border with the region and fought on the side of Ethiopian forces. Abiy for months denied their presence. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) Having just had her flight canceled, a Missouri woman's luck quickly changed when she won $1 million from a Florida Lottery scratch-off ticket. Angela Caravella, 51, of Kansas City, Missouri, claimed a $1 million top prize last month from The Fastest Road to $1,000,000 scratch-off game, according to a Florida Lottery news release. She chose to receive her winnings as a one-time, lump-sum payment of $790,000. The COVID-19 risk level moved from moderate to severe in Bexar County as the highly contagious delta variant continues to spread within the city. City officials continue urging residents to masks up and get vaccinated if they haven't already. Mayor Ron Nirenberg reports the latest hospitalization count was 920 as of Tuesday, Auggust 3, with 260 patients in intensive care and 132 on ventilators. One week ago, it was 620 patients. Of those in the hospitals, "about 88 percent are unvaccinated," the mayor notes. "Our hospitals are stressed," Nirenberg says. "Elected surgeries and other medical procedures are being put on hold because COVID patients are once again filling up our local hospitals." As of Tuesday evening, Bexar County recorded a seven-day moving average of 1,146 new cases, increasing from 724 the week prior. In San Antonio, about 63.4 percent of those 12 years or older are fully vaccinated, as of Wednesday. About 76.3 percent of that age group, have received at least one dose of a vaccine. The age range with the lowest vaccination rates is for the 19 to 29 group, officials say. "It's frustrating. I understand that. We join you in that," Nirenberg says. "It's frustrating that we are back in this situation, but there is a major difference compared to previous surges. This time, we have the tools. Fight back, and vaccinations are our best defense to stopping the spread of COVID." Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff says every single death that has occurred at University Hospital were unvaccinated patients. He adds 99.5 percent of COVID deaths in Texas were patients who were unvaccinated. Nirenberg and Wolff asked Gov. Greg Abbott last week to send additional support and nurses to help the overwhelmed local hospitals filled with COVID-19 patients. However, Nirenberg says Abbott's response was basically "you're on your own." On Thursday, Abbott released an executive order clarifying his stance on local government officials mandating masks and vaccines. In his order, he restricts any state or local agency and any public or private entity that is receiving or will receive public funds through any means from mandating masks or requiring proof of vaccination. Other Texas cities are also dealing with high COVID-19 levels. On Tuesday, Austin health officials reported 80 percent of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in the metro area in the past two weeks were unvaccinated. Currently, the seven-day moving average of new hospital admissions is 61, and an average of 346 people are hospitalized as of August 3. This puts Austin-Travis County at Stage 5 COVID-19 levels, according to KVUE. Dallas County also raised the color-coded warning level back to the highest level possible, red. Dallas County's COVID-19 threat level has not been red since March, before vaccines were widely available, according to Fox 4 News. On Tuesday, White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients announced Texas and Florida account for a third of the new COVID-19 cases reported in the United States over the last week. With the delta variant spreading, the number of hospitalized Texans has increased to levels not seen since February, according to the Texas Tribune. As of August 2, 7,305 Texans are hospitalized for the coronavirus. San Antonio officials announced it will begin updating its COVID-19 numbers daily, rather than only on Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, August 4, the city will issue an emergency mobile alert letting residents know about the widespread infections within the community. WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden on Tuesday denounced Republican officials who have blocked efforts to mandate vaccines, while encouraging cities and states to require that individuals show proof of vaccination to visit restaurants and other public spaces. In a notable toughening of his message, the president called out Republican governors who have banned businesses and universities from requiring vaccines or defied masking guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "I say to these governors: Please help. But if you aren't going to help, at least get out of the way," Biden said. "The people are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives." When asked specifically about Republican Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas, Biden said "their decisions are not good for their constituents." DeSantis signed an executive order last week that prohibits schools from requiring masks, and Abbott signed an order that bans local governments and state agencies from mandating vaccines. Until now, Biden has largely sought to avoid statements that could exacerbate the partisan cast of the vaccine debate and has gone out of his way to praise Republicans who are promoting vaccinations. But the White House has grown increasingly frustrated with leaders who are actively seeking to block efforts to encourage or require vaccinations. Both governors have questioned the effectiveness of mandates. Before Biden spoke Tuesday, DeSantis blamed media "hysteria" for making conditions in Florida seem worse than they are. Renae Eze, a spokeswoman for Abbott, said in a statement: "Governor Abbott has been clear that we must rely on personal responsibility, not government mandates. Every Texan has a right to choose for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, or get vaccinated." In remarks from the East Room of the White House, Biden also pleaded again with Americans to get vaccinated, warning against the dangers of the delta variant. Cases of the virus have skyrocketed in recent weeks, particularly in communities where vaccination rates remain low. New daily cases have risen 52% over the past week, according to The Washington Post coronavirus tracker. Still, hospitalizations and deaths have lagged, which Biden noted was because the vaccines are effective in reducing the likelihood of severe illness or death. "If you're unvaccinated, you are much more likely to, one, get covid-19; two, get hospitalized; and, three, die if you get it," Biden said. "This is a tragedy. People are dying and will die who don't have to die." The resurgence of the virus has also caused an uptick in overall vaccinations, with the president finally meeting his goal of having at least 70% of adult Americans get at least one dose of a vaccine. Biden had aimed to meet that goal by the Fourth of July, but it took until Monday. Still, infections are tearing through parts of the country and local health officials are warning that hospitals are reaching capacity, largely because of unvaccinated young and middle-aged adults. As a result, some cities and states have taken more aggressive steps to encourage vaccinations, as they look to balance public health with businesses' ability to operate and keep the economy open. On Monday, New York City announced it would require proof of at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine for a range of activities, including dining indoors, attending the theater and working out at a gym. The announcement followed similar mandates in countries such as France and Italy, where leaders have found success in boosting vaccination rates by requiring people to show proof to enter public spaces. "If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated," New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday. "It's time." Biden said he supported New York City's mandate, and while he stopped short of advocating vaccine "passports," he encouraged other localities to follow New York's lead. "I think they just need to give the authority for those restaurants and business to say, 'In order to come in, you have to give proof that you've been vaccinated or you can't come in,' " he said. Biden's remarks Tuesday underscored how the resurgence of the coronavirus has roiled Washington over the past week, threatening White House efforts to prioritize other parts of the president's agenda. On Tuesday, Biden announced that the United States had donated and shipped more than 110 million doses of coronavirus vaccines to more than 60 countries. The United States has donated more vaccines than all other countries combined, the president said, adding that his administration has surpassed its promise from June to donate at least 80 million doses. At the end of the month, the White House said it would begin to ship the first batch of the half a billion Pfizer-BioNTech doses it has pledged. The doses are largely being distributed through Covax, a World Health Organization-backed initiative to distribute vaccine doses to poorer countries. "In the fight against covid-19, the United States is committed to be the arsenal of vaccines just as we were the arsenal of democracy during World War II," Biden said. The White House had been eager to shift the focus beyond the pandemic and put more emphasis on the president's efforts to enact an infrastructure package and a social spending bill. But the highly transmissible delta variant, along with the refusal of so many Americans to get vaccinated, has forced Washington to refocus on the coronavirus. The latest example came Tuesday when the CDC announced a new federal moratorium on evictions after intense pressure from liberal Democrats over the expiration of the previous moratorium. Led by Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., some Democrats had camped outside the Capitol and rebuked the White House for not doing more to protect millions of renters. Biden previewed the order after his speech Tuesday, but he acknowledged the move was likely to face a court challenge and said scholars he consulted thought the measure was probably not constitutional. "Whether that option will pass constitutional measure with this administration, I can't tell you. I don't know," Biden said. "The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it's not likely to pass constitutional muster. . . . But there are several key scholars who think that it may, and it's worth the effort." Biden's message Tuesday reflected a tone and approach that has become steadily tougher as it has become clear that a significant percentage of Americans are refusing to get vaccinated not because they are hesitant or fearful, but because they have a firm ideological objection to the shots and in many cases embrace conspiracy theories about them. Last Thursday, the president announced he was requiring all federal workers to get vaccines, or else they would have to wear masks at work and take regular coronavirus tests. The goal in part was to persuade other employers, public and private, to follow suit, in hopes of covering millions of Americans. That new policy came as the White House grew increasingly worried about the highly contagious delta variant raging through the country at the same time that vaccination rates are stalling, a development that could threaten the country's economic and social reopening. "You want to know how we put this virus behind us? I'll tell you how," an evidently exasperated Biden said in announcing the move last week. "We need to get more people vaccinated." But the path has not been easy. Thursday's announcement drew immediate opposition, including from unions that Biden has long considered allies but that resist the prospect that their members would be required to get vaccines. A growing number of political and business leaders have sought in recent days to meet the continued resistance with more forceful tactics, concerned that if vaccination rates do not increase, infections could surge even higher in the fall. The president now regularly decries the "pandemic of the unvaccinated," stressing that those who have been inoculated rarely get infections and that when they do their symptoms are almost invariably mild. The nation's current deaths are especially tragic because they are avoidable, Biden suggested Tuesday. The need for broad vaccine mandates was dismissed by many at first because public health officials assumed they wouldn't be necessary once the shots were widely available. But with up to 30% of American adults forgoing a vaccine, that viewpoint has changed for many officials. The Texas House Democratic Caucus could not account Tuesday for two of the members who broke quorum and fled for Washington, D.C. over Republicans' priority elections bill, while a Texas Monthly reporter said the members were on vacation in Portugal. State Reps. Julie Johnson of Farmers Branch and Jessica Gonzalez of Dallas were not with other House Democrats on Tuesday in the nation's capital, according to a person familiar with the situation. On Tuesday evening, Texas Monthly reporter Jonathan Tilove tweeted that he "can confirm [Johnson] and her wife & [Gonzalez] and her fiance are in Portugal for a vacation they had been planning, with non-refundable tickets, for a year-and-a-half." [SIC] Both Johnson and Gonzalez, as well as their staff, did not respond to requests for comment from The Texas Tribune throughout Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Their absence from Washington does not affect the lack of quorum that the House has in Austin to pass the elections bill. But it is at odds with House Democrats insistence that they would use their time away from the state Legislature, which they left in July, to advocate for federal voting rights legislation in the nations capital. Gonzalez is an especially prominent player in the voting rights fight as the vice chair of the Texas House Elections Committee. While it was reported that Johnson and Gonzalez were "still participating in caucus meetings via ZOOM," the news of their absence came the same day that over 100 state legislators from across the country came to Washington for a rally to support the Texas Democrats. This is the last week of the special session in Austin. The news of the Democrats' vacation brought a wave of House condemnation from their Republican colleagues who have been stuck in Austin waiting for them to return. "Wow, just wow. Had to cancel my familys vacation last week to Grand Teton [National Park] because of a special session they helped create back in May," tweeted state Rep. Tom Oliverson of Cypress, referring to the House Democratic walkout that killed the elections bill during the regular session. "Texas deserves better than this." Hours before word got out that Johnson and Gonzalez were missing from Washington, three of their Democratic colleagues held a news conference where they continued to express optimism about the federal elections push. We are squarely focused on getting those pieces moving, state Rep. Joe Moody of El Paso said. I think were gonna have a lot of success this week. The Texas Tribune is a nonpartisan, nonprofit media organization that informs Texans and engages with them about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues. NEW LONDON The Connecticut Port Authority on Tuesday received one of the final two permits it needs to complete the planned $235 million redevelopment of the State Pier into a hub for offshore wind projects. The environmental permit, from the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, authorizes the Port Authority to place several cubic acres of fill between two existing piers on the site, creating enough room for the heavy-lift equipment that will be used to assemble the massive wind turbines. Additionally, the authority will be allowed to dredge the riverbed around the site and lay gravel to support a jack-up vessel that uses powerful legs to lift itself out of the water. The decision to award the permit was made by DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes, who dismissed objections to the project that were filed by a road salt business that was forced off the pier as a result of the renovations. The business, DRVN Enterprises, had argued its dependence on the piers waterfront location be considered in the permitting process. Dykes found the argument unpersuasive, however, noting the offshore wind projects slated to use the site also rely on access to the water. In her ruling, Dykes wrote that DRVNs frustration with the cessation of its business activity at the State Pier is apparent, but by itself does not support the findings it seeks. Keith Anthony, an attorney representing DRVN, said Wednesday he would talk to the company's owners about their options following the ruling and declined to comment further. Work on the pier redevelopment began earlier this year, but has largely been limited to remediation, demolition of existing buildings and re-grading portions of the project site while officials wait to complete the permitting process. Officials are still awaiting the projects final approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which could come in the next few weeks, according to a statement released Tuesday by a Port Authority spokesman. Once the renovation is completed, the site will become a staging area for wind energy projects being built off the coast of Rhode Island and New York as part of a joint venture between Eversource Energy and rsted. The two companies released a joint statement Wednesday praising the approval of the environmental permit. Commissioner Dykes' decision brings Connecticut one step closer to realizing the significant benefits that a revitalized State Pier in New London will deliver to the region while helping the state achieve its ambitious clean energy and climate goals, the statement read. We congratulate the CPA on this significant milestone As part of an agreement between the state and the energy companies, Eversource and rsted have contributed $75 million toward the redevelopment of the pier. The overall cost of the project including $160.5 million from the state has rankled some conservative lawmakers, who point to much lower earlier estimates. The project is expected to create 400 temporary jobs during the construction phase, according to the energy companies, who say they will also employ around 100 people at the pier once work on the wind projects is underway. Connecticut is also slated to receive 304 megawatts of energy from one of the offshore wind sites, enough to power $350,000 homes. The first word that comes to mind as I walk through San Francisco International Airports new Harvey Milk Terminal 1 is "serenity." Which, understandably, may seem like an oxymoron. Airport terminals are humanity's most chaotic, necessarily awful invention, second only to perhaps the DMV in how much anxiety and turmoil these bureaucratic institutions inspire among even the most grizzled of human beings. That, coupled with the perpetual stress of the pandemic I was at the Transportation Security Administration screening area when seven Bay Area counties once again issued a mask mandate should not make for a particularly soothing experience. And yet, here I am, seated at Gate B18 on a Monday afternoon, people-watching and at peace. As I nurse a creamy mango boba drink from the Filipino fast-casual restaurant Goldilocks, it almost feels like Im at a park watching slackliners and picnickers, except here Im watching travelers stroll to baggage claim. (More on the food local, delicious and sometimes shockingly cheap in a future story.) Maybe it was because I wasn't rushing to my gate with a barely zipped suitcase in tow (I had purchased a $50 one-way ticket to Vegas that I had no intention of taking just to hang out at Harvey Milk all day in the name of journalism), but I felt at ease at an airport for the first time in years. Relaxed? At an airport? Harvey Milk Terminal 1 is, dare I say it, peaceful the least distressed I've been in a Bay Area airport during quarantine (or bear with me) ever. It's certainly one of the few nonstressful experiences I've had at an airport as an adult. Many of the decisions that contribute to the terminals chill factor are intentional. The new $2.4 billion domestic terminal, which is named after the legendary gay rights activist (and is the first in the world to honor an LGBTQ leader), is being opened in phases. The most significant launch in the yearslong process took place in May, while the rest is set to open in 2024, nearly eight years after SFO broke ground on redevelopment. The Milk terminal is a "quiet terminal," which, by SFO rules, means a kibosh on flight announcements blaring for everyone to hear (except at their respective gates). Another key change to the airport experience that feels like a legitimate game-changer: the aforementioned security screening area. In most airports, after removing your shoes and sending your luggage through the scanner, the unloading area where your things are deposited is usually just a few feet long. At Harvey Milk, it is extended to let at least three or four people's stuff linger on the belt while each retrieves their respective belongings and gets their bearings. As someone who has, more often than not, rushed to put my shoes back on and flee the TSA check-in area, it's remarkable that such a simple design change can fundamentally alter how I feel about the most stressful part of the airport experience. So much space for activities The terminal has a trendy, mid-century feel, with modernist chandeliers in the gate area, marbled and curved tables, mirrors and play spaces and a lot of faux-nature. Walking Harvey Milks quiet corridor feels like an idle stroll through an Ikea at closing time, or an Apple Store in the sky. In the best way. But the key design choice that sets the terminal apart is space. So many airport terminals (ahem, Oakland; double-ahem, other SFO terminals) just feel so tightly packed, with minimal room to walk and restaurants placed willy-nilly next to each other. Theyre like a preview of what the next six hours of your cross-country flight will look like people and objects crushed into a proverbial tin of sardines. Harvey Milk isnt that. It is open and bright, as if they took the edict to socially distance and made that the entire ethos for how the terminal should feel. (Despite the fact that the terminal was in the works for years before the pandemic hit.) Theres so much floor space to leisurely explore that even on a Monday afternoon, with a slew of flights about to depart, I found an area that was nearly empty something Id never seen outside of spending a night at an airport. And it's not just floor space. The ceilings reach all the way to high heaven, with massive windows and printed art on the walls that's larger than life. (Right now, it's photos of Harvey Milk and cute maneki-neko cat statues.) It's great for making sure that noise and ostensibly air is as distributed as possible. Workers seem to like it, too, especially in comparison with other terminals. They have areas away from everybody that you can sit down and just really relax, said Jesus Trevino, the general manager at Bourbon Pub in the terminal. Hes worked at other parts of the airport over the past two decades, and hes not kidding when he says Harvey Milk is gorgeous. If I go to Terminal 2, I almost get depressed, Trevino joked. If I go to Terminal 3, then I get really depressed. You can really tell, like, just like how low the ceiling is in Terminal 3, he said, in comparison with where Bourbon Pub is now. But first, some downsides To be sure, I wouldnt just jaunt to an airport if I didnt have to. It's still an airport during a pandemic, so the occasional message will blare reminding fliers to keep their mask on lest they get fined or kicked out. Occasionally, youd overhear a snippy customer being mad about, like, the bread choices at a sandwich shop, or being curt to a bartender. And one too many times, the terminal-wide speaker would blare with airport workers asking for people to come to their gates (including another person also named Joshua, which made me think I was about to miss a flight). But man, when I found myself getting drowsy after a second airport drink (a Golden State Jamaica cider from Drakes, in this case), I sincerely considered taking a quick nap in the remote area, far away from all the gates, just like Trevino suggested. I don't think I'll find myself at an airport all too often, especially now that the delta variant is altering our new normal once again. But as the worst part of travel goes, SFOs Harvey Milk terminal makes this normally miserable experience unexpectedly pleasant. A. The once-a-week designation was only supposed to be temporary. It's ok to return to twice-a-week. B. Watering allowances should be more fluid and seasonal depending on rain amounts and droughts. C. Only those going over their watering limits should have to water less. D. Florida has a major overconsumption problem, and people need to get used to watering less. Once-a-week needs to stay put. E. Whatever is done, all citizens need to have equal rules. Vote View Results Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication. Please select from an option below to start a subscription. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 24 Hour Access Administratorii portalului nu poarta raspundere pentru continutul postarilor si materialelor plasate de utilizatorii site-ului. Utilizati informatia din acest articol pe propriul risc. Whiteness in America isnt just the neutral norm against which racial minorities, particularly Black people, are measured. Whiteness in America means having the privilege and power that go along with being part of that supposed norm. And becoming whitenot in terms of pigment but of social statusis a choice that nearly every immigrant or refugee group in America has had to embrace or reject. In the second episode of How We Got Here, a podcast by the Columbia Journalism School faculty, Professor Sam Freedman talk with two scholars in the field of Whiteness Studies about how understanding the construction of white identity in this polyglot country gives us keen insights into its troubled racial history. Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? Help us by joining CJR today The Editors are the staffers of the Columbia Journalism Review. Live by the press conference, die by the press conference. Last year, as the pandemic ravaged his state, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, was widely lauded for the way he communicated. Pundits hailed him as authoritative, reassuring, even sexy; national networks carried his press conferences live, and they won a special Emmy award for Cuomos masterful use of television to inform and calm people. Then, early this year, Cuomo experienced a vicious narrative shifthe was accused first of covering up nursing-home deaths in his state, then of bullying, then of sexual harassmentand his media relations became a lot less open. Even though he met in person with journalists at the beginning of the pandemic (and continued to meet in person with supporters), Cuomo transitioned to remote press conferences, citing public-health grounds, with the first preceding his scandals; as the allegations piled up, his remote briefings became less and less frequent. Journalists who had held Cuomos feet to the fire found themselves frozen out. On a press call in April, a reporter asked Cuomo if he would resign should a probe into the sexual-harassment claims conclude that he broke state law. As the reporter pressed for an answer, his mic was cut. Yesterday, that probe came to a close: the state attorney generals office published its report on the matter, and it was even more damning than many media observers had expected. The report found that Cuomo did indeed violate both state and federal law, corroborating the claims of eleven women who said that Cuomo touched them without their consent and/or made lewd remarks. Ironically (or perhaps not), the words press conference appear thirty-eight times in the report, and are central to some of its most serious revelations. An unnamed executive assistant who said that Cuomo groped her, including under her blouse, told investigators that she was prepared to take her experience to the grave, only to become visibly distressed in front of colleagues while watching Cuomo claim, at a press conference in early March, that he had never touched anyone inappropriately. A second accuser, Virginia Limmiatis, testified that she decided to come forward as a direct result of the same press conference: He is lying again, she said. I am compelled to come forward to tell the truth. A third woman, an unnamed official at the New York State Department of Health, said that Cuomo made sexual comments to her both before and during a press conference in March 2020, at which she gave him a COVID swab for the cameras. Colleagues of the physician recalled that she was shocked that the governor had made such a comment on national television, and concerned that it would take away from the important public health service she was trying to perform. Emmy-worthy, indeed. ICYMI: The eviction moratorium, the child tax credit, and the episodic poverty news cycle After the report dropped, Cuomo responded not with a press conference but with a recorded video statement. Reporters were not given the opportunity to ask questions, but were given plenty to chew on. Cuomo again denied that he has ever touched anyone inappropriately, and accused the investigators of politics and bias. At one point, he referenced photos that appeared on A1 of the New York Times showing him touching a womans face and kissing her on the cheek; he described the images as not front-page news, then displayed a slide deck of pictures showing him similarly kissing other people. I do it with everyone, he said. Black and white, young and old, straight and LGBTQ, powerful people, friends, strangers, people who I meet on the street. The video did not address some of the more serious allegations against Cuomo. Charlotte Bennett, one of his accusers, dismissed it as propaganda, calling it not only uncomfortable and inappropriate, but downright weird and unnecessary. Many journalists agreed. Rebecca Baird-Remba, of the Commercial Observer, raised a question as to whether Cuomo filmed this months ago and it was not edited after the report was released. The report was also bad news for one member of the press who has covered Cuomo: his brother, Chris, who is a star anchor on CNN. In May, the Washington Post reported that Chris privately advised Andrew on his response to the sexual-harassment allegations, at one point referring to them as cancel culture; the report confirmed that Chris was among a group of advisers that had ongoing and regular discussions with Andrew, and reproduced an email chain that appears to show Chris helping to draft a statement on Andrews behalf. (Sometimes I am playful and make jokes You have seen me do it at briefings hundreds of times.) After the Post story dropped, Chris apologized and admitted that his involvement was inappropriate, though he also described himself as family first, job second. CNN declined to discipline Chris; the network noted, in a statement, that he hadnt been involved in the networks extensive coverage of the scandal, in part because he could never be objective. As many critics pointed out at the time, a lack of objectivity didnt seem to concern CNN last year, when Andrews stock was high and he appeared regularly on Chriss show to discuss important stories like COVID and who was moms favorite. (The network said it made a brief exception to longstanding rules preventing Chris from covering Andrew, on grounds of significant human interest.) As with Andrews briefings, a TV format that was hot last spring has come to look grotesque. Yesterday, CNN again covered the Andrew report extensively. Chriss involvement was mentioned a handful of times on air, and only then as a limp disclosure that he was interviewed for the report as someone who reached out and talked to his brother as this crisis was unfolding. Last night, Cuomo himself came on air and didnt mention Andrew at all. Were focused on COVID here, he said, opening his show. This was surely an attempt to separate church and state, but its worth remembering that COVID coverage is actually central to the Andrew-Chris nexus; as outlets including the Albany Times Union have reported, Andrew secured preferential access to COVID testing for Chris and other relatives in the early part of the pandemic, when tests were scarce for the general public. This revelation has, understandably, received less attention than the conflict of interest around the harassment allegations. While CNN called the latter a mistake, the network defended Chriss testing access, noting that he caught COVID early on and turned to anyone he could for advice and assistance, as any human being would. Sign up for CJR 's daily email The big problem here, aside from basic fairness, is that when Chris got sick, he presented himself as something of a COVID everyman, and won lavish praise for doing so. Every man could not, of course, get a COVID test off his brother, the governor. Taken together, Chriss testing access and harassment advice reveal a fundamental inconsistency in his shows self-conception. He is, it seems, permitted to present himself as an average Joe whos looking out for his family, and an opinionated motormouth, and an objective journalist as it suits him. But when youre related to a powerful politician, these various identities will have very different ramifications for the credibility of your coverage; you cant simply shuffle between them and expect people to take you seriously. According to CNNs media reporter Brian Stelter, some staffers at the network expressed sympathy for Chris yesterday, on the grounds that no one chooses their family. The world is going to need a much smaller violin. Not that the sympathy was universal. Yesterday, various journalists called on CNN to fire Chris; one CNN staffer even told BuzzFeed that the networks failure to do so is a disgrace to journalism. It doesnt seem, for now, like theres much chance of that changing: a former CNN employee told BuzzFeed that the more prominent you are at the network, the less the rules and discipline apply to you, and that Jeff Zucker, CNNs president, has made it clear that he has Chriss back no matter what. Andrew might not be so fortunate: hes made it clear he doesnt want to quit as governor, but the walls are closing in fast, and his political allies have abandoned him en masseincluding, late yesterday, President Biden, who said Cuomo should resign. Biden was pressed for his views at a press conference. As CNN repeatedly reminded its viewers, it was the networks White House reporter who doggedly solicited them. Below, more on Andrew Cuomo: Other notable stories: ICYMI: How major media outlets screwed up the vaccine breakthrough story Has America ever needed a media watchdog more than now? Help us by joining CJR today Jon Allsop is a freelance journalist. He writes CJRs newsletter The Media Today. Find him on Twitter @Jon_Allsop. BOZALAN, Turkey (AP) As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the countrys southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogans government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. Fed by strong winds and scorching temperatures, the fires that began Wednesday have left eight people dead, forced thousands of residents and tourists to flee homes or vacation resorts in boats or convoys of cars and trucks. Charred and blackened trees have replaced some of the pine-coated hills in Turkeys Turquoise Coast while many villagers lost homes and livestock. Firefighters on Tuesday were still tackling nine fires in the coastal provinces of Antalya and Mugla that are popular tourist destinations. Other active fires were reported in the provinces of Adana and Isparta. In all, 137 fires that broke out in over 30 provinces since Wednesday have been put out, officials said. A senior Turkish forestry official described the wildfires as the worst in Turkey in living memory, though he could not say how many acres of forest land the fires had devoured. He also could not estimate how long it would take the crews to put the fires out, saying strong winds were reigniting flames that had previously been brought under control. The official spoke on condition of anonymity in line with government regulations. As residents lost homes and livestock, anger turned toward the government, which admitted that it did not have a usable firefighting aircraft fleet. Opposition parties accused the government of failing to procure firefighting planes and instead spending money for construction projects that they say harmful the environment. In the village of Bozalan, in Mugla province, where homes and olive groves were incinerated, residents complained that the governments response was inadequate. Our fire-extinguishing helicopters were insufficient, said 58-year-old Mahmut Sanli. Our homes burned down. If there was a firefighting crew in our neighborhood, this wouldnt have happened. Nevzat Yildirim, 30, said he had called authorities in Mugla pleading for help but nothing came. We tried to protect our own homes through our own means, by filling up buckets. We organized ourselves with neighbors, youths and saved our homes, he said. Erdogans government has also been accused of compromising firefighting efforts by refusing help from Western nations, including rival Greece, during the early stages of the fires. Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bekir Pakdemirli rejected that accusation, saying the government had only refused offers for small water-dumping planes. The Israeli Embassy said Tuesday that Israel had offered to help but Turkish officials had refused the offer, saying the situation is under control. It said the offer still stands. Mayors posted videos pleading for aerial firefighting responses to local wildfires while celebrities joined a social media campaign requesting foreign help to combat the blazes. The campaign drew an angry response from a top Erdogan aide, Fahrettin Altun, who said Our Turkey is strong. Our state is standing strong. Erdogan himself was accused of insensitivity after he threw bags of tea at residents from a bus during a weekend visit to the fire-hit Antalya region. Fire-dumping planes sent from Spain and Croatia were joining planes from Russia, Iran, Ukraine and Azerbaijan on Tuesday. A total of 16 planes, 51 helicopters and more than 5,000 personnel were tackling the fires, officials said. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said 36 people in Mugla and 11 people in Antalya were still being treated in hospitals for fire-related injuries. Authorities have launched investigations into the cause of the fires, including possible sabotage by Kurdish militants. Experts, however, mostly point to climate change as the culprit, along with accidents caused by people. A heat wave across southern Europe, fed by hot air from North Africa, has led to wildfires across the Mediterranean, including in Italy and Greece. The Turkish meteorology authority warned that temperatures would rise between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius above seasonal norms around the countrys Aegean and Mediterranean coasts. In Italy, the head of the civil protection agency, Fabrizio Curcio, described the wildfires affecting central and southern Italy as dramatic. Firefighters on Tuesday were fighting seven major blazes in Calabria, Sicily, Basilicata and Puglia, employing aircraft near Matera, in Basilicata and around three fires in Calabria. The mayor of Altamura, near the southern Italian city of Bari, advised residents to keep windows closed after a fire broke out in a plastics factory warehouse. A helicopter was dispatched near the city of Pescara in Abruzzo to prevent a wildfire from reaching a gasoline depot, while industrial production sites were under threat in the regions foothills. Italian firefighters have battled more than 37,000 fires since June 15, an 76% increase over last year, when 62,623 hectares (nearly 155,000 acres) were destroyed, according to the Corriere della Sera newspaper. In the Oristano province of Sardinia alone, 20,000 hectares of woodlands have burned, dealing a blow to local beekeeping. About the photo: A fire engulfs a house in Cokertme village, near Bodrum, Mugla, Turkey, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. As Turkish fire crews pressed ahead Tuesday with their weeklong battle against blazes tearing through forests and villages on the countrys southern coast, President Recep Tayyip Erdogans government faced increased criticism over its apparent poor response and inadequate preparedness for large-scale wildfires. (AP Photo/Emre Tazegul) Copyright 2021 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Beachwood, OH (44122) Today Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 66F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 66F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Wendy Sherman signs her appointment papers to become the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State at a ceremony at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 2021. The second annual Shop & Rock Handmade Fest will be from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 7 at Market Square at Crocker Park in Westlake. Submit your news We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Submit news Mary Shaw passed away August 2. Funeral service will be held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday August 6th at Law Jones FH in Savanna. Visitation will be from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 3) Some three million more doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine donated by the United States arrived in the country on Tuesday. The shipment containing 3,000,060 doses landed at the Villamor Air Base in Pasay City at around 5:30 p.m. President Rodrigo Duterte, along with some members of the national pandemic response task force and the US embassy in Manila, personally welcomed the donations, which were coursed through the COVAX Facility co-led by the World Health Organization. In his speech during the ceremonial turnover, Duterte said the vaccines will be allocated to indigent Filipinos. I know that it is the sentiment of America that the vaccines that will be given to the Philippines should go first to those who have least in life yung mga mahihirap [the poor ones], he said. Rest assured, everybody will follow that directive, he added. Interior Secretary Eduardo Ano earlier said the vaccines may be part of those to be distributed in Metro Manila, which will return to the strictest enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) starting August 6 amid rising COVID-19 cases. The latest delivery is the second tranche of US vaccine donations, which now add up to around 6.2 million doses. The first, which came in July, consisted of a total of 3.2 million single-shot vaccines manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. US Embassy Charge d'Affaires John Law said the US will continue to work with the Philippines to make safe, effective vaccines widely available." This August, the country expects to receive a total of 22.7 million coronavirus shots both donated and procured from different vaccine brands, according to Malacanang. A million more doses from Sinovac will be delivered within the first week of the month, followed by another 7.4 million in the next three weeks. Some 800,000 shots of the Pfizer vaccine, 1.1 million of the AstraZeneca, and one million of the Sinopharm are also scheduled to reach the country by next week. The arrival date of the rest of the shipments will still be announced. As of August 2, government data showed some 20.8 million doses have been administered nationwide. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 3) Independent research group OCTA on Tuesday lauded the governments decision to place Metro Manila under the strictest enhanced community quarantine as early as Aug. 6 amid the ongoing threat of the more contagious Delta coronavirus variant. In an online forum, OCTA said that based on previous experiences, early action can also yield faster results. OCTA fellow Guido David cited a situation in August last year when the government placed the capital region under modified enhanced community quarantine. He said the COVID-19 reproduction number decreased to 1.13 from 1.76 in just two weeks. The group added that postponing the Aug. 6 lockdown to a later date could lead to more coronavirus infections and deaths. OCTAs position is centered on go early, go hard. The idea is to take an early intervention while COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant are still relatively low to reduce infections and mortality, OCTA Research Fellow Ranjit Rye said. The group also stood by its recommendation to place Metro Manila under a stricter quarantine rule while the reproduction number is still relatively low at 1.33. This is based on data and not theories -- based on what has happened in the past and that is why we are confident in the recommendation, added David. Metro Manila is currently under general community quarantine with heightened and additional restrictions but will revert to ECQ on Friday amid calls for tighter lockdown measures. COVID-19 cases nationwide reached 1,612,541 after the Department of Health logged 6,879 new COVID-19 infections on Tuesday. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) The country will have stronger military capability, including against external aggressions, by the time the Duterte administration ends, newly installed Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Jose Faustino, Jr. said. The modernization of the army, although gradual, has come a long way, Faustino told CNN Philippines in an interview aired Wednesday. From beefing up internal security, the military is now moving to ensure it can protect Philippine territory. "I am very positive that within the term of President Rodrigo Duterte, we will be able to transition, little by little, to territorial defense," Faustino said. The AFP's 15-year modernization program is divided into three horizons. It is now in the second phase, which runs from 2018 to 2022, and enjoys a 300-billion funding. Faustino said they are now "heavily" purchasing hardware concentrated on developing territorial defense, such as ships, planes, and helicopters. Before this, in line with the first horizon, they have also acquired more equipment to address internal security threats. "Unti-unti, nararating natin 'yung tinatawag natin na credible defense [We're gradually developing what we call credible defense]," the AFP chief said. "Whatever kind of threat, be it terrorism, be it external aggression, that's what we're preparing for," he added. But this doesn't necessarily mean the country is preparing for combat with other nations, according to Faustino. Asked about asserting the country's rights over the West Philippine Sea and why military vessels have not been deployed amid recent Chinese incursions, he said the challenge is "to protect our sovereignty without going to war." "Tama ang ginagawa ng National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea [The NTF-WPS is doing the right thing], that it is a law enforcement issue," Faustino said. "That's why we have the coast guard, the Philippine National Police, you have the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources." What the AFP does besides visibility patrols, he said, is "supporting the law enforcement agencies with the proper doctrine when it comes to maritime." Duterte has repeatedly said the Philippine military cannot yet take on Chinese soldiers should a war erupt over the disputed resource-rich waterway. RELATED: Duterte told: No need for war to assert maritime rights in South China Sea Meanwhile, Faustino welcomed the renewal of the Visiting Forces of Agreement with the United States, saying this will help improve the training of Filipino soldiers. "Remember that we have the biggest military exercise with the US, ito nga 'yung Balikatan [the Balikatan Exercise], and all the other things like 'yung exchange sa [of] students program," he said. He called the near-abrogation of the decades-long military pact "a small bump," adding the Philippines has always had a "very good relationship" with the US. Last week, Duterte decided to recall the termination of the VFA after his meeting with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III in Malacanang. READ: EXPLAINER: The Visiting Forces Agreement Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) The governor of Aklan is seeking help from the national government as COVID-19 cases in the province have been rising at a fast pace for the past three months. "Halos puno iyong aming mga hospital, iyong aming mga healthcare workers ay humihingi na ng time out. Sila ay pagod na pagod na rin sa pag-care ng mga COVID-19 patients natin kaya nga humihingi kami ng tulong sa IATF na kung pwede bigyan pa kami ng additional equipment, supplies, medicine for our COVID response," Gov. Florencio Miraflores said during Wednesday's Laging Handa briefing. [Translation: Our hospitals are almost full. Our healthcare workers are already asking for a time out. Caring for COVID-19 patients has left them exhausted, that is why we are asking for help from the Inter-Agency Task Force. We need additional equipment, supplies, medicine for our COVID response.] Miraflores also said more than 80% of the province's COVID-19 beds are already occupied. "At the same time, humihingi kami ng (we are asking for) additional [vaccines] kasi (as) that is the best prevention against any further death dito sa (here in) Aklan," the governor added. He said only 7% of their target population of 400,000 are fully vaccinated. Miraflores noted a spike in the number of deaths in Aklan, which he said is currently at 184. From March 2020 until April this year, Aklan only had 47 fatalities, according to the governor. Miraflores earlier told municipal mayors in Aklan to prepare their cemeteries to receive COVID-19 deaths after the provincial government's partner crematorium facility in Iloilo City said it would temporarily stop its services due to the huge volume of bodies received daily. Aklan is under the stricter modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) until August 15 to slow the spread of the coronavirus there. "From May to July, dito talaga nag-surge ang cases sa (cases really surged in) Aklan," Miraflores said. "Na-observe namin na sobrang bilis ng pag-infect ng [coronavirus] ngayon," the governor added. [Translation: We observed that the coronavirus is infecting people at an extremely fast pace now.] He said while Aklan still has no confirmed cases of the highly contagious Delta variant, they are looking at the possibility it might be triggering the increase in infections in the province. Miraflores explained that Antique, where the Delta variant has recently been detected, borders Aklan. He added that a number of people from Antique go to work in Aklan. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) The Senate on Wednesday approved the bicameral conference committee report on the bill that seeks to modernize or strengthen the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). The report hurdled the upper chamber after a 14-4 vote with two abstentions. In June, the Senate voted to reject the bicam version of the BFP modernization bill due to disagreements over a provision allowing some firefighters to carry firearms. A number of senators earlier rejected the provision, saying arming firemen was unnecessary. Under the final version of the bill that will be sent to President Rodrigo Duterte, there will be a security and protection unit for each of the 17 regional offices and 146 city fire stations of the BFP. Each unit shall be composed of 14 personnel who will be provided with the equipment necessary to secure fire suppression operations, including firearms. This will result in the arming of 2,282 firefighters. Senator Bato Dela Rosa, who sponsored the measure in the plenary, estimated that nearly 80 million will be needed to purchase the guns. "It was spread in the records, during our deliberation, that we specified that it's only short firearms...for security purposes," Dela Rosa said during the session. The BFP modernization bill seeks to expand the powers and functions of the bureau, and establish regional fire laboratories and research and testing facilities, among others. This is a developing story. CNN Philippines Correspondent Eimor Santos contributed to this report. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) Former Senator Bongbong Marcos said "solid support" is the one thing that could convince him to run for president in next year's polls. "The usual thing if there is solid support for you. A presidential campaign is not run by itself... Iyon ang unang tignan (That is the first thing to look at)," Marcos said in the government's Laging Handa briefing when asked about what would make him seek the presidency in the upcoming elections. Marcos ranked third among possible 2022 presidential bets, based on the Pulse Asia survey conducted in June. But he said he is skeptical of these polls. "Iba ang tingin ko sa mga survey. First of all, I try to go down to the grassroots level para malaman kung ang maganda bang numero sa survey totoo ba iyan. Tapos kung ang local leaders ay handa ka ba tulungan - sila ang magdadala ng boto," added the son of the late President Ferdinand Marcos, who was ousted in a people power revolt in 1986 after his 20-year strongman rule. [Translation: I view surveys differently. First of all, I try to go down to the grassroots level to confirm if the good survey results are true and also to know if local leaders are willing to help you and carry the votes.] "If you have all that, and you feel the context of whatever else is happening -- na may paraang manalo (that you have a way to win)... then that's when you run. Until that is clear, it would be premature to make a decision," he added. For now, Marcos said he is still weighing his options, since the filing of certificates of candidacy is still two months away. It was not clear why Marcos, who currently does not hold any public office, was a guest at the government briefing on COVID-19 response that is broadcast live on national television. Aside from talking about the election, he praised President Rodrigo Duterte's recent State of the Nation Address. Marcos ran for vice president in 2016 but lost to Leni Robredo. He filed an election protest against Robredo, but the Supreme Court unanimously dismissed it. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) National officials will decide on Thursday if they will place Calabarzon under enhanced community quarantine or just some provinces in that region, Health Secretary Francisco Duque has announced. Duque said the Department of Health was still waiting for the latest data from the COVID-19 monitoring tool FASSSTER to assess if they will recommend a hard lockdown on the region to the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF). "We will find out tomorrow based on the latest data on the COVID situation and the FASSSTER projections," the secretary told a hearing of the House of Representatives' Committee on Health on Wednesday. Duque said officials are evaluating whether to place the entire Calabarzon under ECQ or just a few areas such as Laguna, Cavite and Rizal. Metro Manila is set to implement the strictest form of lockdown once again on August 6 until 20 to contain the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 Delta variant. Based on the DOH's latest data, Metro Manila has 47 local Delta cases - the highest in any region - while Calabarzon has 28. The DOH earlier said it is already assuming that there is community transmission of the Delta variant though there is still no evidence to say so. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) A medical expert is urging the national and local governments to focus on vaccinating individuals aged 50 years old and above to better deal with the dangers of the more transmissible Delta coronavirus variant. Dr. John Wong, an epidemiology and data analytics expert working with the government's Inter-Agency Task Force, on Wednesday said shifting the focus on those younger than the elderly who are second in the vaccination priority list due to their vulnerability to COVID-19 will greatly help the country's healthcare and intensive care capacity during the surge. He added it will be a better use of resources especially when vaccine supplies are unstable and while there is a two-week limit on the hard lockdown in Metro Manila. "More important than how many people you vaccinate a day is who you vaccinate. The best way to decrease hospitalizations and deaths is to select the population at high risk. These are the people more than 50 years old," he said in an online townhall meeting. "This gives us greatest value for our money." He said vaccinating those aged 50 years old and up will decrease deaths related to COVID-19 by 80%. "It's not that scary if you are vaccinated," he said. Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles admitted there is a low demand for vaccines in the A2 sector that groups seniors, but the government is working to improve the numbers. The national government is allocating an additional four million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Metro Manila for the enhanced community quarantine from Aug. 6 to 20. Local governments are targeting to administer 250,000 shots daily across the region to maximize the lockdown period. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) The Labor Department has requested emergency funding worth 2 billion to help workers who will be affected by the imposition of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila. In a letter addressed to the Budget Department and released to the media on Wednesday, Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello said the supplemental budget would aid "a significant number of workers" from affected sectors, including those from small and medium enterprises. "The department would need emergency funds to be able to serve a significant number of workers from small and medium enterprises who will be affected by the ECQ considering that DOLE will be receiving applications for those who want to avail of the cash assistance program," the document read. For now, DOLE said it would be utilizing a portion of its emergency employment fund to assist workers who will be displaced during the lockdown period. The agency estimated around 300,000 to 400,000 workers in the National Capital Region will be affected by the ECQ, which starts on Friday. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) - Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Jose Faustino, Jr. said he supports a fixed term for the head of the military organization. Faustino formally took on the role just last week - the tenth to assume the post under the Duterte administration. But like those who came before him, his term will only run for a few months. Faustino is scheduled to retire in November, when he turns 56. "You know, we are now, I should say, limited by the provisions in the law that all of us will retire by the age of 56," he told CNN Philippines in an interview aired on Wednesday. "I agree that there should be a fixed term for the chief of staff," he said. Bills that set a fixed term for top AFP officers and raise the mandatory retirement age have already been filed in Congress. Among those pushing for a longer tenure for generals is Senator Richard Gordon, who said there's a need to put an end to the "revolving door" policy. In filing Senate Bill No. 1785 last year, Gordon said this kind of short-term leadership "allows for political patronage and accommodation promotion, which favors personalities over the security and defense of our nation." Still, Faustino said the AFP's goals aren't negatively affected by the constantly changing leadership, noting that they are all following the same roadmap. "Based kasi sa institution 'yung mission namin [Our mission is based on the institution], not on the person," he said. "If you will look at the...accomplishments na nagawa ng AFP with all those short-term chiefs of staff na sinundan ko, maganda 'yung resulta," he added. [Translation: If you will look at the AFP's accomplishments under all those short-term chiefs of staff I succeeded, the results are good.] Earlier, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said he also agrees there should be a fixed term for AFP officers, saying it will "lend more stability" among uniformed ranks. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) The distribution of cash assistance to Metro Manila residents who will be affected by the upcoming lockdown will face delays, Quezon City's mayor said Wednesday. Mayor Joy Belmonte said there is no definite date yet on when assistance will reach 10.7 million residents of the capital region who are eligible to get aid. "The ayuda coming from the national government will be delayed as of our meeting with DILG yesterday," she said in an online townhall meeting. She also appealed to the private sector to reach out to the local government units to pledge financial assistance or donate goods. Metro Manila will be placed under the strictest enhanced community quarantine from Aug. 6 to 20, with millions of residents forced to stay home except for essential trips outside. The national government is granting a cash aid of 1,000 or a maximum of 4,000 per household during the said period. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) An online course supposedly to be taught by revered Filipino tattooist Apo Whang-od Oggay, or better known as Whang-od, was taken down from a digital learning platform by vlogger Nas Daily after a relative of the 104-year-old artist called it a scam. Gracia Palicas, a tattoo artist herself, said in a post on a Facebook group that her grandmother never agreed to teach an online class. "My grandmother did not sign any contract with @NasDaily to do any academy," she said. "PLEASE HELP US STOP this disrespect to the legacy of Apo Whang Od and the Butbot Tribe." The now-unavailable course from the Nas Academy was priced at P750 and it promoted lessons on Whang-Od's journey, her methods in traditional Kalinga tattoo making, and the cultural aspect of her medium. The course also drew the ire of netizens, accusing Nas Daily of exploiting Filipino culture. He has yet to respond to these allegations. Nas Daily, or Nuseir Yassin, rose to social media fame by producing informative one-minute travel videos. The vlogger later opened Nas Academy which features multiple virtual courses including some taught by Filipino professionals such as Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray who will teach "How To Be A Queen", designer Michael Cinco who will teach about fashion, and reporter Jessica Soho who will teach about broadcast journalism. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) Children who are admitted to the Philippine General Hospital due to COVID-19 are now getting sicker, its spokesperson disclosed on Wednesday. Speaking to CNN Philippines' The Source, PGH spokesperson Jonas del Rosario said seven out of eight allocated beds for pediatric COVID-19 patients are already occupied. He said three of the patients were intubated, while "the rest are oxygen-requiring." "We did admit pediatric COVID-19 cases in the past," Del Rosario said. "It just seems to us they are sicker now." "When we mean sicker, most have severe pneumonia and need to be intubated," he explained, adding that some of the cases have underlying comorbidities and are more vulnerable to the virus. The PGH is also grappling with the rising COVID-19 cases, as its intensive care unit for adult patients already reached almost 90% capacity, with only five or six remaining buffer beds that are not enough for admitted moderate cases and other patients waiting to be accommodated. "Doon sa waiting to be admitted (from other hospitals), there are about five na nakalista," Del Rosario pointed out. "Sa iba naman na nasa bahay pa, close to 10 na severely ill na dapat ma-admit sa ICU setup ng PGH." [Translation: For those who are waiting to be admitted, five have been listed. But there are others at home, close to 10 of them who are severely ill, also need to be admitted to the ICU setup of PGH.] Dr. Benjamin Campomanes, chief medical officer and vice president at St. Luke's Medical Center, said he is also seeing a "steady increase" in hospital admissions in Quezon City and Bonifacio Global City in Taguig City, with most of the admitted patients unvaccinated or only had their first dose. "They are definitely younger," he said of the patients. "We are seeing people in their late 30s...to 50s and I would think that this would comprise the unvaccinated or had only the first dose." "Remember these are the patients or profile patients not in the A1 to A4 group," he noted. Campomanes added that in just two weeks, their admitted COVID-19 patients also rose from 55 to 149, while occupied ICU beds rose from 13 to 27. St. Luke's is ready to increase manpower and expand its capacity to up to 50% if the situation worsens due to the feared Delta variant, he also said. The government is prioritizing individuals within the A1 to A4 sectors for vaccination. They are comprised of health workers, senior citizens, persons with comorbidities and other essential workers. No announcement has been made as to when the other succeeding groups can be vaccinated. The government, however, said it will ramp up its vaccine drive for those under A1 to A4, as Metro Manila shifts to the strictest enhanced community quarantine for two weeks starting Aug. 6. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) Vice President Leni Robredo offered Wednesday her recommendations on the government's pandemic response as Metro Manila shifts to the strictest enhanced community quarantine on Friday. In a statement, Robredo said a higher testing and vaccination capacity among other measures that do not stick to the "status quo" should be implemented so that Malacanang's hope for the "last ever lockdown" will be achieved. Increase testing capacity to 120,000 daily Robredo said that from around 50,000 COVID-19 tests being conducted in the Philippines per day, the government must aim to increase this target to 120,000 daily. Testing czar Vince Dizon said in a briefing that they are still doing "risk-based testing," or testing symptomatic people and contacts of positive and symptomatic cases. He added capacity will be ramp up if needed. "In terms of capacity to test, if we need to test a lot of people at one time, we have that especially in NCR and the big cities all over the country. We are averaging 40-50,000 a day but if needed to ramp up based on the risk profile, we now have the capacity to do that unlike a year ago," he said. Unified contact tracing "'Yung contact tracing, labo-labo pa rin, ang daming app, ibig sabihin ang daming database. Pag-isahin na natin 'yan," she said. [Translation: Contact tracing is still mixed up, since there are a lot of apps, this means there are a lot of databases to consider. We should just combine them all.] Prepare hospitals for possible surge Robredo said the government should help hospitals prepare for the surge in cases by hiring more medical personnel and by ensuring access to medicines, oxygen, and other equipment. She also warned against those who might take advantage of higher prices of available medical supply. Increase vaccination to 750,000 daily From the current 500,000 daily inoculations, Robredo said administered COVID-19 shots should now be increased to 750,000 a day "to easily reach herd immunity." Faster aid distribution She also called for a faster and more efficient distribution of cash aid for pandemic-hit families and businesses. Eligible beneficiaries will be given 1,000 with a maximum of 4,000 cash assistance during the lockdown. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority chair Benhur Abalos earlier said local government units in Metro Manila will still likely opt for face-to-face distribution during the ECQ. No date has been set yet for the start of the distribution. Metro Manila will shift to ECQ on Aug.6 to Aug.20 to control the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) - Six members of an organized crime group extorting money using the name of Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte turned themselves in to authorities, and were presented Wednesday afternoon. The suspects acted as "researchers, callers, and receivers" of the Cerbito-Fernandez Organized Crime Group, according to National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) Legal Division Chief Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Orsos. Orsos said the syndicate poses as senior local government officials to solicit money for "humanitarian projects," such as community pantries supposedly done under the presidential daughter's name. Members of the group also pretend to be Davao City assistant administrator Tristan Domingo to seek financial support from businessmen and contractors for Mayor Duterte's potential bid for the presidency in next year's elections, he added. "The solicited money was deposited under the name of a certain Kristian Acero," Orsos said. "It was then revealed that the group is operating nationwide, targeting or has targeted 209 more government officials and other private companies based on documents handed over to the PNP," he added. The NCRPO also said the group uses chat apps and social media sites, such as Viber and Facebook, to text and call suppliers in Davao, Dumaguete, Iloilo, Batangas, Quezon, Negros Oriental, Tarlac, Pangasinan, Cagayan, Leyte, and Baguio to solicit funds. Syndicated estafa charges are now being prepared against the group leaders, identified as Patrick Cerbito, Antonio Cerbito, Ramon Segundo, and Anthony Segundo. In a statement, the City Government of Davao commended the NCRPO for its "aggressive and successful" operation. It also reiterated Mayor Duterte's previous call to report suspicious fund-raising or campaign activities to davaocitymayor@gmail.com, or course it through the National Bureau of Investigation and the police. President Rodrigo Duterte's daughter previously said she is "open" to running for president, but added there is no final decision yet. Mayor Duterte is currently the chairperson of the regional party Hugpong ng Pagbabago. READ: Sara Duterte now 'open' to run for president in 2022 Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 4) State health insurer PhilHealth has not yet paid close to 2 billion worth of claims of St. Luke's Medical Center since the pandemic started, an official of the hospital bared Wednesday. "We have accounts receivable from Philhealth close to 2 billion. Thats a big amount of money," Benjamin Campomanes, chief medical officer and vice president of St. Luke's Medical Center told CNN Philippines' The Source. "If we were just a small hospital, Im sure we would have folded up," he noted. Senators are looking into a possible probe on unpaid hospital claims as Metro Manila prepares to shift to the strictest enhanced community quarantine this week. On Monday, Senate finance committee chair Sonny Angara said only about 6.3 billion in hospital claims have been released by PhilHealth to more than 200 healthcare facilities, a "measly amount" compared to the 28 billion in unpaid claims as stated by the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines. Sen. Grace Poe, who chairs the public services committee, said in a statement on Tuesday that senators are considering an inquiry into the matter to speed up the claims process. Meanwhile, Campomanes noted that despite their healthcare workers receiving hazard pay from the government, rising COVID-19 cases would mean higher claims that will need to be reimbursed from the state insurer. "We are also scared of COVID-19 again because we know that more of these accounts receivable will go up," he said. St. Luke's alone has reported a 40% increase in its admitted COVID-19 cases in two weeks, Campomanes noted. There was no immediate comment from PhilHealth on the issue. The State College Police Department arrested and charged a Woodward man on several counts for unlawful contact with minors on Tuesday, according to a release. David R. Snyder was charged with misdemeanor counts of Indecent Exposure and Open Lewdness, as well as felony charges of Unlawful Contact with Minors and Corruption of Minors. SCPD opened an investigation on July 7 after the 57-year-old man allegedly exposed himself to several young girls "around 7 years of age" at Spring Creek Park, the release said. The suspect fled the scene in a silver minivan. One of the individuals disclosed to Centre County Child Advocacy center that Snyder had "talked to her and exposed" himself to her, according to the release. After returning to the park on July 19, Snyder was identified. He was then arraigned in court by Magisterial District Judge Casey M. McClain and sent to the Centre County Correctional Facility. According to court documents, Snyder was previously charged on Feb. 17 for invasion of privacy for viewing and photographing a person without consent and tampering with physical evidence. The previous incident took place July 31, 2020. Police are asking anyone who may have information to contact them at 814-234-7150. MORE BOROUGH COVERAGE Monday marked what would have been Osaze Osagies 32nd birthday, and State Colleges 3/20 Coalition hosted a party at the Allen Street Gates in his honor. Osagie, a 29-year-old Black man, was killed by a State College police officer on March 20, 2019 when three officers arrived at his apartment to serve a mental health warrant. Osagie, who had autism and a history of schizophrenia, allegedly ran at the officers with a knife. After an unsuccessful attempt to deploy a Taser on him, he was allegedly shot by Officer M. Jordan Pieniazek. The three officers involved in the shooting have not been charged. Sylvester Osagie, his father, filed a lawsuit in November 2020 against the borough of State College, and Judge Matthew W. Brann of the U.S. Middle District Court of Pennsylvania set a long-term trial date in 2022. The case may be ready for trial in approximately 729 days, according to Judge Branns case management plan. This puts the suggested date for trial in November 2022, two years after the lawsuit was filed. Featuring an assortment of cookies, cupcakes, water and Osagies favorite music, the bash lasted an hour and a half and garnered nearly two dozen attendees members and nonmembers of the 3/20 Coalition alike. Across the sidewalk, chalk messages, drawings and commemorative etchings in a myriad of colors were made to honor Osagies life and legacy. I miss my best friend, read one heartfelt message written by Osagies best friend, Yum Yum Abdul. Others read Happy Birthday Osaze! and Together We Can. Abdul, 25, has been involved with the 3/20 Coalition since its start and said she has been fighting for Osagie since day one. I wanted to make sure that no one would forget who he was and to humanize him, Abdul said. Im going to keep his legacy alive. And that was something Tierra Williams, chair of State College's 3/20 Coalition, swore to do as well. Its Black August which is a tradition thats been celebrated since the 1970s and now we have to add Osazes birthday to that, Williams, 29, said. We felt like it was very important to acknowledge [Osagies birthday] and let everybody in the city know that we havent forgotten him. A facet of the celebration was the prevalence of the color blue Osagies favorite, according to Williams, but also a representation of those who killed him. From the balloons to outfits and even the birthday banner, the color blue was everywhere. Williams called the celebration Osagies Birthday Blues, which for her is also a reminder of how old Osagie would have been this year had he still been alive. Thirty-two years of age is not old at all, and he didnt make it there, Williams said. He was the same age I am when he died. Its just very close, very personal. For Abdul, the Birthday Blues is a reminder of how few people know about Osagies strife and the mission of the 3/20 Coalition, she said. Its sad that only people downtown know about him, and it breaks my heart, Abdul said. With us coming out here all the time, we want to bring awareness so people know these things. Student attendee Vince Smedile said Abduls and Osagies strife might have been lessened if only slightly had his death been publicized nationally like that of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and several others. Its important that people still understand that [Osagies struggle is] not something thats dead, Smedile (junior-astrophysics and political science) said. Its alive. Its still kicking. Smedile said the birthday celebration made Osagies death seem more real to him. Its an acknowledgement that he existed as a person, Smedile said. Hes not just something that you read in a newspaper. Its an affirmation of his life, that he was a community member, that he was someone who was real. Smediles friend Jake Otto said attending the event was almost a necessity for them as members of Penn States United Socialists. Otto (junior-history and German) said he came to the celebration because his beliefs align with the 3/20 Coalition's mission. Weve been active in the struggle here, Otto said. They called for our solidarity, and we are always ready to offer it. And Smedile, who identifies as Asian, agreed. Racism of any kind whether it be against Black people or people of other races warrants his attention and involvement as a member of the community and of the United Socialists, he said. Following the main celebration, there was a brief march through downtown to the Memorial for Black Lives on Foster Avenue. The march was replete with singing and chanting as attendees marched along College Avenue and up Foster. A short memorial ritual and moment of silence took place at the memorial, after which the attendees slowly filtered back to their vehicles or homes. For many, Osagies birthday celebration was more than just a party it was a way to advance the 3/20 Coalitions agenda but also, more importantly, it was a way to keep Osagie and his memory alive, Abdul and Williams said. If us coming out here and celebrating his birthday keeps him alive, were going to do it, Abdul said. I will never stop fighting for him. He was there for me when I was struggling, so now its my turn to be there for him. Williams echoed this sentiment but also said she hopes Osagies birthday celebration will go beyond just Osagies strife. Even after theres justice for Osaze, theres still justice for others, Williams said. We want to build a community that can talk to each other, that can sit down and have conversations, and this is part of the way in which we do that. The ultimate goal of the 3/20 Coalition and Williams herself, she said, is to ensure there will never be another case like that of Osagie in State College and then to reform the police, specifically by working toward implementing the proposed Community Oversight Board for the State College Police Department. Were not terrorists. Were not angry and unreasonable people, Williams said. But we will speak up for the justice of Black lives, and we do believe Osaze was murdered, and until he receives justice, we wont stop. It was, in part, this very mission that drew Judy and Bob Andronici to the event. The two said they had heard about the event from someone they had a meeting with earlier in the day, so they decided to come out and show their support. [The party] humanizes him, Judy, 75, said, and it makes it clear that a life was snuffed out unnecessarily. At the forefront of both their political agendas is police reform and an overhauling of the police response system in State College and beyond. And both said they attended to help play their part in causing such a reform. [The party] keeps alive the concept that behavior by police has a major, major impact on the way the community goes forward psychologically either together or separated, Bob, 76, said. Unfortunately, theres been more separation as of late. Bob made it clear that, in his opinion, defunding the police isnt the answer, but all-around police reform, behavioral training and increased sensitivity could be, he said. Im here for police reform, Bob said. I do not believe in defunding police, but I do believe that it makes good sense to take a look at the way the police operate and maybe bring some changes in the form of either additional training and or introduction of social services people into the mix of engagement. Judy and Bob both said attending was also a way to showcase their concern for social issues relating to race both are members of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County and a racial justice committee. The benefit of attending, they said, stretches beyond just the celebration at Monday evenings event. To come here and have people remember the event, in my opinion, hopefully helps them to recognize that the behavior of police is critical to society moving forward, Bob said. Its really about the concern for the issue the issue being the impact of police both good, bad and indifferent on the community. One aspect both Smedile and Otto agreed on about their own attendance at the event was their strong will to be there as members of the Penn State community. They said their presence was not to represent the community but to ameliorate its reputation. The university has a very big problem with living up to all of the diversity that [it claims] to preach, Smedile said. When I came here, I was under the impression that this was going to be a very [open] and welcoming campus. Thats not to say I havent found people who are like that, but there is a very big problem with turning a blind eye to racisim and to discrimination on this campus whether it be because the administration is just unsympathetic or because [it doesnt] understand, given [its] composition in terms of demographics and income. Smedile said he believes coming out to the celebration and to other protests and marches the 3/20 Coalition has hosted in honor of Osagie is a way to showcase truth. You have parents and students who are coming here, Smedile said. They need to be aware that... there are some great benefits to coming here, but there are also stains on this university that need to be made aware of before we can clean them. Otto agreed, and called out the university for what he said he believes is a lack of action on topics like racism, diversity and equality. Penn State as an institution which prides itself on its diverse and large student body and alumni needs to recognize that racism isnt just a thing thats rhetorical, Otto said. Its a thing thats actively felt in very serious ways that are lethal to Black people and to other [people of color]. A potential solution to this could be affirmative action against racism on behalf of the university, Otto said. The university has to do more than just say that theyre pro-Black Lives Matter, Otto said. They have to provide material assistance to students and community members of color. Penn State Ph.D. Vice Provost for Educational Equity Marcus Whitehurst said in a statement the university has made progress toward diversity and equity, but the "work is not done." "Penn State recognizes the challenges that exist around creating a more welcoming and inclusive community," Whitehurst said. "The Office of Educational Equity remains deeply committed to working with our students and employees to collectively improve our campus climate." Whitehurst said students and employees are encouraged to reach out to Educational Equity for support and learn more about the university's inclusion initiatives at the Action Together website. "We know the need is urgent, and Penn State remains fully committed to confronting these critical issues, and we will continue the vital work in making the university a welcoming place for all," Whitehurst said. The State College and even broader Centre County communities are impacted by Penn States actions and policies, Otto said, which he said makes it all the more important for the university to do the right thing. There are people in State College who arent associated with the university, Otto said, but this very much is a college town. Yet not all of Osagies birthday celebration was full of doom and gloom like Abdul said last years celebration was. Im so happy that were out here having fun, reminiscing and keeping his legacy alive, Abdul said. Were out here together, of all races, genders, sexualities, and were celebrating whats right because were going to be on the right side of history. Reminiscing was a large part of Abduls experience at the celebration this year, she said. Abdul said she remembers the birthday celebrations she had with Osagie before his death and said she will cherish every birthday she had with him and those he can no longer have. She also said she remembers the immense amount of love people showed Osagie at his funeral love she said she wishes he had known in life. Osaze was treated so badly when he was alive, Abdul said. To see how much love he has after death makes my heart melt. I just wish he wouldve seen what we saw. The birthday celebration this year will be the second of many more to come, Abdul said, as she said she hopes to grow the organization back to its large member levels and make Osagies birthday an annual event. Smedile said he believes having celebrations like that of Monday evening remind those seeking social justice the benefits of their work. Sometimes, if youre fighting for something, for justice, it also is a joyous thing, Smedile said. I think a birthday party is a perfect example of that. And this was a sentiment Samantha Moorhead agreed with. Moorhead (senior-food science), like Smedile and Otto, is a member of Penn States United Socialists. Tragedies and general systematic oppression is what brings people to these struggles, but there are still things to celebrate, Moorhead said. Osaze Osagie was a person, and he had friends, family and was part of the community. He deserves to have his birthday celebrated. Abdul said she believes in the juxtaposition of good and bad that comes with fighting for justice for Osagie its important to celebrate the good but to always remember the real purpose of the fight. She said it breaks her heart not being able to celebrate with Osagie himself. He should be here, Abdul said. He aint do nothing wrong besides being Black and mentally ill. Is that a death sentence? That, Abdul said, is why she fights. I love you, Osaze. You are my best friend, and Ill never, ever, ever stop fighting for you. MORE NEWS COVERAGE State College approves new traffic pattern for upcoming high rise construction The State College Borough Council approved Monday a new traffic pattern at the corner of Het Former U.S. Postal worker Jessica Stover was sentenced Tuesday after pleading guilty to mail theft from an investigation in 2018 involving mail intended for Penn State students. Chief United States District Judge Matthew Brann placed Stover on a one-year probation and ordered her to pay an assessment of $100 and restitution of $350, due immediately. Three Penn State students were mentioned in legal documents, and they will receive portions of the restitution for stolen mail. From "in or around January 2018 through on or about [Aug.] 31, 2018" Stover "embezzled letters, postal cards, packages and mail," the court documents said. Stover changed her plea from "not guilty" to "guilty" on March 17 and was represented by Gerald Lord, a public defender in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The case concluded Tuesday after sentencing. MORE CAMPUS COVERAGE James Binney, a 58-year-old Penn State World Campus assistant teaching professor, filed a lawsuit against the university on July 23, demanding $150,000. The suit was filed for 13 alleged counts of Age Discrimination in Employment Act violations, according to legal documents within the U.S. Middle District Court of Pennsylvania. Binney alleges he "has been harmed" by Penn State's "discriminatory employment practices," which resulted in the university's "failure to hire" Binney, the documents said. Binney has been working for Penn State since 2008. "Through the present, [Penn State] continues to hire significantly younger, less qualified, less experienced individuals in non-tenured lecturer positions in its Political Science Department," the filed complaint said. Penn State has offered Binney to teach three courses since his final full-time contract expired in May of 2018 and has not rehired him as a non-tenured lecturer, according to the documents. Binney is requesting trial by jury. MORE COURTS COVERAGE A national group devoted to campaign finance and election reform is endorsing Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser's bid for a second term, calling the Democrat a key figure in the fight against efforts to undermine the right to vote. A spokesman for the joint End Citizens United/Let America Vote organization said Wednesday that it's adding Weiser to its "Democracy Defender" program, with plans to spend $7 million to help elect attorney general and secretary of state candidates in nine states, including Colorado. The group kicked off the program a month ago when it threw support behind Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, a Democrat also seeking re-election in 2022. Since assuming office, Attorney General Phil Weiser has been a tireless advocate for Colorado families, said Tiffany Muller, president of the organization formed last year when the two advocacy organizations merged. His commitment to expanding access to the ballot box is a big reason why Colorado enjoys the second highest voter turnout in the country. And given the nationwide assault on voting rights by self-serving politicians and dark money special interests, its critical that we reelect Attorney General Weiser to protect those rights and increase transparency in the state. Were proud to endorse Attorney General Weiser and we look forward to helping him win. Weiser, a former dean of the University of Colorado Law School and Justice Department official under President Barack Obama, has yet to draw a Republican opponent. His campaign has raised $1.7 million for the cycle and last month reported $1.5 million on hand at the end of the second quarter. In December, Weiser joined a brief filed by 23 states challenging a Texas lawsuit that sought to throw out the presidential election results in four battleground states. He also took the U.S. Postal Service to court last year to block proposed changes Weiser argued could disrupt mail balloting. We in Colorado are poised to be leaders in defending our democratic institutions," Weiser said in a statement. :It is critical that our elected officials take seriously any and all attacks on voting rights, redouble our efforts to overturn Citizens United, and promote government of the people, by the people, and for the people. I am honored to earn the confidence of End Citizens United/Let America Vote and will continue to defend our voting rights and protect Coloradans." The endorsing group spent $65.5 million in the last election cycle and ranked fifth for independent expenditures among Democratic-aligned issue groups. It counts more than 4 million members nationwide, including more than 160,000 Coloradans, a spokesman said. The End Citizens United/Let America Vote political action committee earlier this year endorsed U.S. Rep. Michael Bennet and U.S. Rep. Jason Crow, two other Colorado Democrats running for re-election next year. Colorado Politics is published both in print and online. Our website features subscriber-only news stories daily, designed for public policy arena professionals. Member subscribers also receive the weekly print edition of our award-winning newspaper, containing outstanding features and news stories, in their mailboxes every Saturday. This year our dine and drink business locations throughout the Gorge have suffered with closures. You can help support your favorites by purchasing take out and gift cards. Many of these business will offer curb-side delivery and some will deliver to your home. Lets keep the Gorge going strong! Danville, IL (61832) Today Thunderstorms likely this evening. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms overnight. Low 67F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely this evening. Then a chance of scattered thunderstorms overnight. Low 67F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%. There are countless ways to communicate electronically, including texting, social media, collaboration apps like Teams and Slack, and video software such as Zoom and Skype. Given the myriad ways you can get in touch with others, you may well think email is dead. Think again. Email, the mainstay of workplace communications, is stronger than ever. An estimated 306.4 billion emails were sent every day in 2020, according to Statista a figure that the market research firm expects to grow to 376.4 billion daily emails by 2025. If youre using an email client rather than a cloud-based email service, theres a very good chance that youre using Microsoft Outlook, the most popular Windows-based piece of email software. Although you may have been using Outlook for some time, you might be missing out on some of its worthwhile features. Microsoft sells Office under two models: Individuals and businesses can pay for the software license up front and own it forever (what the company calls the perpetual version of the suite), or they can purchase an Office 365 or Microsoft 365 subscription, which means they have access to the software for only as long as they keep paying the subscription fee. When you purchase a perpetual version of the suite say, Office 2016 or Office 2019 its applications will never get new features, whereas Office 365 apps are continually updated with new features. (For more details, see Microsoft Office 2019 vs. Office 365: How to pick the best one for you) Confusing matters even more, Microsoft has recently renamed some, but not all, of its Office 365 subscriptions under the Microsoft 365 moniker, which generally means the plan includes everything from the old Office 365 plans plus some additional features and apps. This cheat sheet gets you up to speed on the features that have been introduced in the Windows desktop client for Outlook in Office 365 and Microsoft 365 since 2015. Well periodically update this story as new features roll out. (If youre using the perpetual-license Outlook 2016 or 2019, see our separate Outlook for 2016 and 2019 cheat sheet.) Share this story: IT folks, we hope youll pass this guide on to your users to help them learn to get the most from Outlook for Microsoft 365/Office 365 in Windows. Use the classic or simplified Ribbon The Ribbon interface that you came to know and love (or perhaps hate) in earlier versions of Outlook has gotten a nice tweak for those who prefer simplicity to an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink look. You can now use a simplified Ribbon that shows only the most frequently used features, rather than the full panoply of whats available to you in Outlook. You can switch back and forth between the new simplified Ribbon and the classic one with a single click. (Because the Ribbon has been included in Office applications since Office 2007, we assume youre familiar with how it works in general. If you need a refresher, see our Outlook 2010 cheat sheet.) IDG For those who like the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink look, the classic Ribbon is still available in Outlook. (Click image to enlarge it.) To switch from the classic Ribbon to the simplified one, click the small down arrow (also called a caret) in the lower right-hand corner of the Ribbon. The Ribbon narrows considerably and shows only the most common tasks you need to do, giving you more screen real estate to do your actual work. To get the classic Ribbon back, click the caret again (its now upfacing). IDG Heres the stripped-down, simplified Ribbon, which shows only the most commonly used commands. (Click image to enlarge it.) However, you dont necessarily have to go back to the full, classic Ribbon if you are looking for a specific task. If a button on the simplified Ribbon has a caret on it, you can click it to see a drop-down menu with related tasks. Theres also a three-dot icon at the right end of the Ribbon; click it and a drop-down menu appears with several tasks you might want to do related to the Ribbon tab youre currently on for example, managing junk mail if youre on the Home tab. Select the task you want to do, and youre set. You can also add any task from the drop-down menu to the simplified Ribbon itself. Right-click any of them and select Pin to Ribbon to do it. To find out which commands live on which tabs on the Ribbon, download our Outlook for Microsoft 365 Ribbon quick reference. Also note that you can use the search bar above the Ribbon to find commands, as Ill discuss in the next section of this story. As in previous versions of Outlook, if you want the Ribbon commands to go away completely, press Ctrl-F1. (The tabs above the Ribbon stay visible.) To make them reappear, press Ctrl-F1 again. That works for both the simplified Ribbon and the classic one. Youve got other options for displaying the Ribbon as well, and these options also work with both the simplified and classic Ribbons. To get to them, click the Ribbon Display Options icon at the top right of the screen, just to the left of the icons for minimizing, maximizing, and closing Outlook. From the drop-down menu, you can choose Auto-hide Ribbon (hide the entire Ribbon, both the tabs and commands underneath them), Show Tabs (show the tabs but hide the commands underneath them, as when you press Ctrl-F1), or Show Tabs and Commands (show the whole Ribbon). And if for some reason the blue color on Outlooks title bar is too much for you, you can turn it white, gray, or black. To do it, select File > Options > General. In the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section, click the down arrow next to Office Theme, and select Dark Gray, Black, or White from the drop-down menu. To make the title bar blue again, instead choose the Colorful option from the drop-down list. You can also choose to have the theme match your overall system settings by selecting Use system setting. Just above the Office Theme menu is an Office Background drop-down menu here you can choose to display a pattern such as a circuit board or circles and stripes in the title bar. IDG You can change Outlooks blue title bar to gray, black, or white: In the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section, click the down arrow next to Office Theme and pick a color. (Click image to enlarge it.) Use the Search bar for more than searching emails The search bar at the top of Oulook is deceptively simple-looking. You likely assume you can use it for searching through your emails and thats it. But the search bar does double duty: you can, of course, use it for searching, and it can also help you find any Outlook capability, no matter how hidden, even if youve never used it. (This hands-on help capability replaces the Tell Me feature found in Outlook 2016 and 2019.) To use it, click in the search box, and then type in what task youd like to do. (Those who prefer keyboard shortcuts can instead press Alt-Q to get to the search box.) For example, if you want to filter your mail to see only messages with attachments, type in filter email. In this instance, the top result is a Filter Email listing with an arrow to its right, indicating that it has many options. Hover your mouse over it, and you see multiple options for filtering your mail, including Unread, Has Attachments, This Week, and others. Choose the option you want, and the task will be performed instantly. IDG You can use Outlooks search bar to perform just about any task. (Click image to enlarge it.) For the most common basic tasks, you wont need this capability. But for more complex ones, its worth using, because its much more efficient than hunting through the Ribbon to find a command. It also remembers the features youve previously clicked on in the search results, so when you click in the box, you first see a list of previous tasks youve searched for. That makes sure that the tasks you frequently perform are always within easy reach, while at the same time making tasks you rarely do easily accessible. Do online research from right inside Outlook Sometimes emails are just quick notes that dont require much research, and you can toss them off with little or no thought. Other times, though, youll want to include relevant information before sending them off. Those are the times youll appreciate being able to do online research from right within Outlook. You can do this while youre writing an email, so you wont have to fire up your browser, search the web, and then copy the information or pictures to your message. To do it, highlight a word or group of words in an email it can be a new draft, a message youve received, or one youve already sent and select Search from the menu that appears. Outlook then uses Bing to do a web search on the word or words, displaying definitions, related Wikipedia entries, pictures and other results from the web in the Search pane that appears on the right. IDG You can do web research from right within Outlook. (Click image to enlarge it.) To use online research in Outlook or any other Office app, you might first need to enable Microsofts intelligent services feature, which collects your search terms and some content from your documents and other files. (If youre concerned about privacy, youll need decide whether the privacy hit is worth the convenience of doing research from right within the app.) If you havent enabled it, youll see a screen when you click Search asking you to turn it on. Once you do so, it will be turned on across all your Office applications. Get a more focused inbox If youre like the rest of the world, you suffer from email overload. Your most important messages are mixed in with the dross of everyday email life retailing come-ons, groups begging for donations, pointless newsletters and more. Focused Inbox helps solve the problem. Using artificial intelligence, it determines which messages are most important to you and puts them into a Focused tab, while putting everything else into an Other tab. That way you can spend most of your time handling important messages in the Focused tab, only occasionally checking the Other tab. To turn on Focused Inbox, select the View tab from the Ribbon, then click the Show Focused Inbox icon. From now on, youll have two tabs in your Inbox, Focused and Other. The Focused tab should have the most important messages, and the Other tab should have less important messages. If thats not the case, you can manually move messages from one folder to the other and tell Focused Inbox to automatically filter them in that way in the future. IDG Turning on Focused Inbox puts less important emails out of your way in the Other tab. (Click image to enlarge it.) To move a message from one tab to another, right-click the message you want to move, then select Move to Other or Move to Focused, depending on where you want the message moved. That will move the message just this once. If you want to permanently route all messages from that sender to the other tab, choose either Always Move to Other or Always Move to Focused. Focused Inbox isnt for everybody. If you find that Focused Inbox hinders more than it helps, you can toggle it back off by selecting View > Show Focused Inbox. Keep email messages out of the way but handy with the Archive folder Outlook has long offered email message archiving that is, the option to move messages out of your Outlook mailbox and into a separate PST file as a space-saving measure. Corporate versions of Office, such as Office 365 for Enterprise, offer their own archiving features that automatically archive users older messages, again to save space. These methods remove the messages from the users Outlook mailbox. You can still get them back, but it takes some doing. Theres another option in Outlook for Microsoft 365: You can move specific pieces of mail out of your inbox or other folders and into the Archive folder. That way, when looking for a message, you can browse or search the Archive folder and find the message more quickly. Using the Archive folder doesnt reduce the size of your mailbox; it simply helps tidy up your inbox while keeping older messages instantly accessible. Microsoft recommends that you use the Archive folder to store messages that youve already responded to or acted on. If you already have a system of folders and subfolders in Outlook, you might not need the Archive folder, but it can be a boon for those of us who tend to leave everything in the inbox. And even if you do have a folder system, you might find that not all of your email fits neatly into your folders and subfolders; you can move these messages to the Archive folder to keep your inbox clean. To move messages to the Archive folder, first select one or more that you want to archive. (Select multiple messages by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each one you want to select.) With the message or messages selected, go to the Ribbons Home tab and click Archive in the Delete group, right-click the message or group of messages and select Archive, or simply drag the selected message(s) to the Archive folder. You can also move an individual email to the Archive folder by pressing the Backspace key when the message is highlighted or when youre reading it. IDG Choose the last item in the pop-up menu to move the selected messages to the Archive folder. (Click image to enlarge it.) Now when you need to find a message, you can browse the Archive folder or else go to the Archive folder and launch a search. To move a message out of the Archive folder to a different folder, simply drag it to its destination. Apple has updated its website with the reintroduction of an easy-to-find "Store" section and I cant help but wonder why it was ever made harder to find in an earlier site redesign. Sales didnt stop Sales didnt stop when Apple redesigned its site and made the store a more discreet space. To get to it, youd either use a link in the site menu, a link at the bottom of the page, or via the "Buy" button on any product page. However, as Apples business becomes increasingly online, its not especially surprising the company would choose to make it easy to find its online shopping mall. While the rationale for the earlier discretion was likely to reflect that Apples an experience company, not a sales company, that schtick became harder to accept once sales broke a trillion dollars. Changing direction? It is, however, interesting to consider whether the change will be matched by a move to transform Apples retail stores into more sales-driven operations. I hope this isnt so. One of the key elements to those stores since the beginning has been a focus on identifying what people need, rather than on sales. You can feel what the Apple brand is by the experience you have in the space. Now, more companies see their stores as brand touch points, rather than just a transaction space, Tim Kobe, who helped design the first Apple retail stores, said in 2019. I hope Apple isnt changing its store philosophy too much it has, after all, turned those places into the worlds most profitable retailers. I also hope the company really embraces hybrid working practicses, rather than the hobbled back-to-work-on-certain-days model it has taken up. A good overall move The decision to make the online Apple Store easy to get to is a good one. You can get there via a tab at the top of the page. Once there youll find an experience that seems very much modelled on the one offered in the Apple Store app (because Apple gets the omnichannel). That means neat little sections for each product type, special offers, and links to useful services such as specialist advisors, genius support, and free personal sessions. When you purchase an Apple thing, you can get free delivery or pay to have the product delivered within two hours. Pick up, trade in, and payment plans and links to the companys really useful Today At Apple tutorial sessions are all there, as are links to education, business, and the refurb store. In other words, its just like the old store, but with a facelift and a more unified shopping experience across all devices, online and through apps. Which means your user experience should be the same, however you choose to visit. And that's the point Apple knows that delivering consistent retail strategies across multiple touchpoints boosts customer engagement, retention, and sales. Its a customer-focused approach in which you offer an integrated experience across every point. Its an approach Target profited from in Q2 20, when it found that multi-channel consumers spend four times as much as store-only consumers and 10 times more than digital-only consumers. Apple also knows that todays consumers use an average of almost six touch-points when purchasing an item, and 98% of Americans switch between multiple devices in a day. The importance of delivery and store pick up also grew during the pandemic, when Adobe Analytics claims the number of orders placed online and picked up in stores grew 208%. Wheres the AR? One missing piece seems to be the absence of artificial-reality (AR) content. Given Apples continued focus on AR, it seems strange the online store lacks access to AR-driven product experiences. I cant help but think theres a missed opportunity for an App Clip or QR code on page to unlock AR product experiences for shoppers. Why is it Ikea can show you what your desk might look like in your home office, but Apple isnt delivering the same thing for an iMac, MacBook Pro or HomePod mini? I know Apple does make AR product assets available sometimes, but I think it should consider making them universal and available across every one of its retail store touchpoints. It feels like such an obvious lack. The bottom line is that Apple now has a metaverse-friendly online store experience to provide a multi-device, and (via the web) multi-platform portal to the unique, customer-focused experiences its retail outlets are already famous for: tutorials, training, advice, and more. The next step, I expect, will be to expand the number of available touch points while expanding the product range, and, presumably, generating additional sales. Companies with extremely strong omnichannel customer engagement see a 9.5% year-over-year increase in annual revenue, reports the Aberdeen Group. Chasing growth is the Apple way, after all, so its teams probably take a little mid-pandemic confidence in that total retail sales in Q3 2021 set a June quarter record, as Apple revealed during its most recent fiscal call. Please follow me on Twitter, or join me in the AppleHolics bar & grill and Apple Discussions groups on MeWe. Reading the Wrack Lines To raise awareness about climate change, Professor of Art Andrea Wollensak launched an environmental project designed to engage the local community. To raise awareness about how climate change impacts Conns community, Professor of Art Andrea Wollensak has launched Reading the Wrack Lines, an environmental literacy and educational outreach project designed to engage the local community in innovative learning approaches based on southeastern Connecticuts coastal environment and our changing climate. The project represents a unique, diverse and inclusive partnership of faculty, students and youth clubs at Connecticut College, UConn Avery Point and Stonington High School. Focused workshops promote local and global awareness of climate issues and provide opportunities for the general public to participate, Wollensak said. A wrack line is said to be the debris washed onto the beach by high tide. The wrack can be made up of seaweed, crustaceans, feathers and bits of plastic. Reading the Wrack Lines, a Connecticut Sea Grant funded public art project, premiered on Earth Day, April 22, at 8 p.m. at UConn Avery Point. It features creative writing responses to climate change by UConn Avery Point and Connecticut College students which are used as audiovisual source material within generative multimedia artwork projected onto both the Branford House and the Avery Point Lighthouse. Collaborators for Reading the Wrack Lines include software developer and Professor Emerita of Mathematics and Computer Science Bridget Baird and sound artist Brett Terry. The exhibit is presented in cooperation with The Alexey von Schlippe Gallery of Art. This project will continue into next year with additional support from a recently awarded Ammerman Faculty Research grant, a summer 2021 ConnSSHARP grant with Althusa Lin 22, and as part of an upcoming year-long hybrid artist residency at the Anchorage Museum beginning in October 2021. Corsicana, TX (75110) Today Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low near 75F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low near 75F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. An upcoming panel of leaders behind some of beauty's most resilient and fast-growing brands will discuss the strategies and practices of successful executives. "Driving Growth in Complex Times," taking place during Beauty Accelerate Virtual 2021 (October 18-21), will feature Malaika Jones of BROWN GIRL jane, JuE Wong of Olaplex and Nicola Kilner of Deciem. The executives will offer insights into post-pandemic beauty, business pivots, the leading consumer and market trends shaping planning, lessons learned over the last 12-24 months, and much more. Other topics will include the underlying qualities of successful brands and strategies for growth. Registration is now open. View the full schedule here. About the Experts JuE Wong, CEO of Olaplex Inc., has held key roles at Cargill Inc., PepsiCo, Dial Corp., Murad Inc., NV Perricone MD Ltd., ZO Skin Health by Dr. Obagi, Astral Health and Beauty comprising Aloette, CosMedix and Pur Minerals and StriVectin. She has also held the role of president at the Elizabeth Arden brand and global CEO of Moroccanoil. Wong has been identified as one of the go-to progressive executives driving intrinsic change to increase portfolio value through traditional, digital, emerging channels and mediums of commerce. Nicola Kilner, co-founder, Deciem, began her beauty career at Boots where she met the founder of Indeed Labs, Brandon Truaxe. The two went on to co-found DECIEM, bringing their first product to market in 2013. DECIEM now features more than 10 brands, 32 stores globally and 1,000 employees. Malaika Jones is the CEO and founder of BROWN GIRL jane, a luxury wellness and beauty company specializing in plant-based CBD products for women, which has received media attention from Refinery29, Vice News, Popsugar and more. Jones previously was an investment banking and trading executive at JP Morgan. If mounting concerns surrounding the Delta variant of Covid-19 weren't enough to spark widespread alarm about the current state of global health, it seems the universe decided it was high time for a mid-1300s throwback, adding a sprinkle of the plague into the mix. Yep, earlier this week, the U.S. Forest Service announced that several areas, including a few popular hiking spots, near the south shore of Lake Tahoe on the Nevada/California border would be temporarily closed after local chipmunk populations tested positive for the plague. I always knew Chip and Dale were up to no good The shutdown is set to last until later this week, after Vector Control" completes its eradication treatments, according to a recent Facebook post from the agency. Continue Reading Below Advertisement Now, before you start panicking and layering your period-accurate plague doctor garb atop your double masks and face shield, Lisa Herron, a spokeswoman for the US Forest Service clarified that despite this startling discovery, we're not doomed the discovery is actually somewhat normal. Bubonic plague is naturally occurring in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and this region, Herron explained, per The Guardian. Its something that visitors need to take precautions about, but its not something that they need to worry about," she continued, noting that guests should keep themselves and their pets away from chipmunks, squirrels, and rodent burrows, and report any lethargic animals or any wildlife acting strange to rangers at the park. Continue Reading Below Advertisement Although symptoms of the plague include fever, swollen lymph nodes, nausea, and weakness, which generally tend to show up within two weeks of exposure, according to NBC News, the disease can be treated with antibiotics if caught early enough. That said, a spokesperson for El Dorado county told the publication that the chipmunks in question had not been in contact with any visitors. So, Covid-19, if you're reading this, you better watch out. The plague is coming for your gig at least among southwestern, lake-dwelling chipmunks. Top Image: Shutterstock For more internet nonsense, follow Carly on Instagram @HuntressThompson_ on TikTok as @HuntressThompson_, and on Twitter @TennesAnyone. Theresa Allen often drives from her home in Springfield, Massachusetts, to Old Lyme to enjoy one of the few public beaches in Connecticut: Sound View, which is only 100 feet long but sees wide use during warm months. Its an easy ride, only an hour and 10 minutes, Allen says as she relaxes on a beach chair, watching the gentle waves roll in and gazing out at a distant strip of Long Island. This is one of my go-to spots, she adds. Its one of my favorite beaches in Connecticut. The water is very clean; its pristine. But theres another thing she likes about Sound View Beach: Its got two bars near the water, referring to the restaurants Kokomos and The Pavilion. When I started coming here 20 years ago, we used to really party! Indeed, Sound View has seen more than its fair share of bar-hoppers, bikers, bootleggers, beer brawls and striptease dancers (Busty Hart among them). During its heyday in the 40s and 50s, the Sound View crowd rattled the residents of Old Lyme, a generally staid group of folks who prefer a quiet, tame environment. For decades, Sound View has been the Rodney Dangerfield of beaches: comical, a bit schlubby and getting no respect at all, Jim Lampos and Michaelle Pearson write in their 2010 book Rum Runners, Governors, Beachcombers and Socialists: Views of the Beaches in Old Lyme. Brian A. Pounds / Hearst Connecticut Media But that seems to be changing, the authors added; Sound View has been recognized by the state as A Connecticut Historic Place. And the long-time residents who populate three dead-end streets leading to the beach say its become far less rowdy and much more family friendly. They play up the historic carousel, the Independence Day parade, bingo nights and the popular doughnuts sold on weekends at the Community Center. Allen and the thousands of others who flock to Sound View can thank Harry J. Hilliard, an avowed socialist who in 1892 began buying up 44 acres of the old Swan Farm and selling small parcels for $25 each. This was affordable for the Greek, Italian, Irish and Jewish immigrants who also were attracted to the beautiful natural setting but had been denied access. Hilliard did something truly radical and revolutionary for a conservative state where towns restrict use of their beaches: he deeded Sound View Beach to the unorganized general public for its perpetual use. I rather like the idea of equal opportunities for all, special privileges to none, Hilliard said. Sound Views residents are proud of their history. If you stroll down Hartford Avenue, the main strip, youll see colorful banners on lamp posts proclaiming: Americas first public beach. The people of Revere Beach in Massachusetts beg to differ; they claim their much-larger expanse is the countrys oldest public beach. But Lampos asserts that he and Pearson did a rigorous study for their book. He notes that Revere Beach didnt open until 1896 four years after Hilliard got started. Brian A. Pounds / Hearst Connecticut Media Sound View was a great place to grow up, says Dennis Melluzzo, past president of the Sound View Beach Association. And it was the only place [in Old Lyme] where the middle class could go to the beach. Old Lyme is old Yankees. Sound View was built by blue-collar immigrants of a lower social status. Melluzzo admits it got kind of salty on Hartford Avenue during the 40s through the 70s. We had arcades, a roller-skating rink, dance halls and restaurants to beat the band! There was a strip joint in the Branmor Hotel and 11 bars. Melluzzo remembers seeing Westerns and B movies at the Strand, one of two movie theaters then in the neighborhood. If you went to the Colony Theater you bought your tickets from a young Ella Grasso, who spent her summers at Sound View. She had met her husband Tom Grasso (who ran the Colonys projector) when he was a lifeguard. He later became a teacher, while she was elected governor. Although the Grassos always spoke fondly of their days at Sound View, the beach community was rocked by a murder in August 1944. A Navy man from Groton picked up a young woman, strangled her and dumped her naked body behind a billboard. For many years afterward, parents had even more reason than before to tell their kids: Dont you ever go to Sound View! Nevertheless, for dec-ades many mothers and fathers have taken their kids to the Sound View Carousel. Built in 1925, it showcases 20 hand-painted horses and two chariots. Generations of young riders have eagerly reached for the brass ring, entitling them to a free ride. Jerry and Dee Vowles have run the carousel and adjacent ice cream and beach attire shops since 1988. The Vowles and their patrons are especially happy to be back at the carousel this summer after being denied the opportunity last year by the pandemic. The carousel operates daily 79 p.m., Memorial Day through Labor Day. The Sound View Beach Association (soundviewbeach.com), a volunteer nonprofit group, offers bingo on Wednesday nights and sells doughnuts on weekends in the summertime from its Community Center on Hartford Avenue. Association President Gail Fuller oversees the sales of those renowned doughnuts, which are baked in Hartford. Her volunteers sell up to 60 dozen of them on weekend mornings. People start lining up as early as 6 a.m. for the 7 a.m. opening. Often the doughnuts are sold out by 8:30. (You can pre-order by calling 860-463-6906.) The Independence Day parade resumed its tradition in July. Its a real hometown event, says Frank Pappalardo, who chairs the towns Sound View Commission. Kids ride in it with their decorated bikes. Brian A. Pounds / Hearst Connecticut Media There are outdoor concerts this summer, held at 7 p.m. at the beachs flagpole. The final two are Aug. 5 and 19. If you want to hit the beach at Sound View on a sunny weekend, youd best arrive by 9 a.m. We have capacity limits and parking fees are strictly enforced, says Pappalardo, noting Sound View has a little over 100 parking spots. We certainly do have a colorful history, Pappalardo adds. But were looking at where were going, not where weve been. Original article: From booze and strippers to doughnuts and family fun, Old Lymes Sound View Beach has come a long way Randall Beach is a former columnist and reporter for the New Haven Register. He can be reached at rbeach8@yahoo.com. This article appears in the August 2021 issue of Connecticut Magazine. You can subscribe to Connecticut Magazine here, or find the current issue on sale here. Sign up for our newsletter to get our latest and greatest content delivered right to your inbox. Have a question or comment? Email editor@connecticutmag.com. And follow us on Facebook and Instagram @connecticutmagazine and Twitter @connecticutmag. NEW YORK (AP) A long-awaited report issued Tuesday by New York Attorney General Letitia James into sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo detailed several accounts from accusers who have gone public. But the report also revealed previously unknown accusations, including one by a state trooper assigned to Cuomo's security detail. Investigators hired specifically for this case said they corroborated the accounts of at least 11 women. Cuomo denied many of the allegations, saying he never touched anyone inappropriately. Those he didnt deny like kissing women on their cheeks and calling them names like sweetheart were innocent or overblown, he said. AP Here's a look at the women and their allegations, as described by the investigators, and Cuomo's responses: ___ TROOPER NO. 1 A state trooper whom Cuomo successfully sought to have assigned to his security detail said the governor kissed her cheek, touched her belly and back and made inappropriate, gender-based remarks to and about her, including asking her why she did not wear a dress. Several other troopers witnessed these acts and corroborated her allegations, according to the report. The trooper wasn't identified by name in the report and has not told her story publicly. A 26-page statement issued by Cuomo's attorney, Rita Glavin, after the report's release does not mention the trooper, whose account was not public before Tuesday. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT NO. 1 A woman who worked in Cuomo's office became visibly emotional watching a press conference early this year in which Cuomo denied ever touching anyone inappropriately, investigators wrote. She told colleagues Cuomo had reached under her blouse and groped her breast in his office at the governor's mansion three months earlier. The governor's staff later reported the allegations to Albany police. The woman also told investigators Cuomo had, on various occasions since 2019, grabbed her buttocks, kissed her on the lips, hugged her inappropriately and pried into her personal life. Cuomo says he never groped her, pointing to text messages the executive assistant sent to other staff on the day in question, indicating nothing was amiss, as evidence it didn't happen. He told investigators she initiated their hugs, and that he was more in the reciprocal business. CHARLOTTE BENNETT Bennett, a low-level aide to Cuomo, said the governor asked her about her love life, including whether she ever had sex with older men, whether she had been with older men and whether she was monogamous. He also told her that he was lonely and wanted to be touched, according to the report. When Bennett complained to administration officials that she felt like the governor was hitting on her, she was transferred to another job. The administration did not formally investigate or report the allegations to the governor's Office of Employee Relations, the attorney general's investigators determined. Cuomo apologized to Bennett in a recorded video released in response to the attorney general's report, saying that he had been trying to counsel her after she confided in him that she is a sexual assault survivor because someone in his family had suffered a similar experience. STATE ENTITY EMPLOYEE NO. 1 A woman who worked for an entity affiliated with the state told investigators that Cuomo tapped and grabbed her butt while they posed for a photo at a 2019 event sponsored by her organization. She told friends about it at the time, the report states. Cuomo's statement does not mention this interaction. VIRGINIA LIMMIATIS Virginia Limmiatis, an energy company worker, said Cuomo ran his fingers on the lettering that ran across the chest of her shirt when they met in a rope line at a 2017 event. He then told her he was going to say there was a spider on her shoulder and proceeded to brush her chest with his hand, the report said. Limmiatis immediately told other attendees what had happened, investigators found, but she didn't come forward until seeing Cuomo's press conference this year denying he'd touched anyone inappropriately. The statement from Cuomos attorney does not mention this interaction. LINDSEY BOYLAN The report found that Cuomo kissed, touched, and made inappropriate comments to Lindsey Boylan while she served in various roles working closely with the governor. He commented on Boylan's physical appearance and attractiveness, compared her to a former girlfriend and suggested they play strip poker, investigators found. The attorney general's report also says that "the Executive Chamber actively engaged in an effort to discredit her" after Boylan, the governor's first accuser to go public, reported the harassment in December 2020. This included leaking records related to her departure from her job. The statement released by Cuomo's attorney delves into those details, saying Boylan was dismissed for bullying subordinates and suggesting she made up her sexual harassment claims to further her own political aspirations. ALYSSA McGRATH Cuomo made inappropriate comments to another executive assistant, Alyssa McGrath, including commenting on her neckline after staring down her loose shirt, regularly asking about her marital status and asking whether she would tell on Executive Assistant No. 1 if she were to cheat on her husband, the report says. Cuomo's attorney's statement concedes he referred to McGrath and Executive Assistant No. 1 as mingle mamas, but only after they said they were single and ready to mingle ahead of a business trip. KAITLIN Another woman, listed just as Kaitlin in the report, was hired to work for the governor after meeting him at a fundraising event in December 2016. Cuomo regularly made Kaitlin uncomfortable by commenting on her appearance and telling her she was not ready for work if she was not wearing makeup, and by calling her sponge apparently a reference to his advice to soak up knowledge from others which she told investigators she found embarrassing, condescending and demeaning. Glavin's statement says the governor frequently comments on staffers' appearances, usually in a complimentary fashion. It also says he was frustrated with Kaitlin's job performance. ANA LISS Ana Liss worked as an aide in Cuomo's office from 2013 to 2015, and told investigators he kissed and touched her, addressed her almost exclusively as sweetheart or darling," made inquiries about her relationship status and made inappropriate remarks about her appearance. In the report, Liss explains that she did not immediately come forward about the harassment because, in the governor's office, the typical rules did not apply. Cuomo's attorney's statement notes that Liss tweeted favorably at and about Cuomo long after she left his office, suggesting that undercuts her account. The attorney's statement also suggests the timing of Liss coming forward was politically motivated. The governor's interactions with Alyssa McGrath, Ana Liss and Kaitlin were unremarkable, Glavin's statement says. STATE ENTITY EMPLOYEE NO. 2 A doctor at the state health department told investigators Cuomo made a sexually suggestive comment just before she performed a COVID-19 nasal swab test on him during a televised press conference at the start of the pandemic. You make that gown look good," Cuomo said after thanking her during the press conference. She told investigators she found the comments demeaning and felt Cuomo wouldn't have made them to a male doctor. Glavin's statement doesn't address this allegation. ANNA RUCH In September 2019, Anna Ruch met Cuomo at a wedding reception for one of Cuomo's staff members. She told investigators Cuomo touched her bare back and, after she removed his hand, grabbed her face and kissed her. Ruch said the governor remarked, Wow, youre aggressive." Ruch's friend photographed the encounter. Cuomo says he commonly kisses people on the face, attributing it to his Italian heritage, and said he didn't mean to make Ruch feel uncomfortable. Gov. Ned Lamont is considering a vaccine mandate for state workers, but his office doesnt have any information on how many employees have already rolled up their sleeves. There simply isnt a count among the roughly 50,000 state employees, nor even a reliable estimate. Max Reiss, communications director for the governor, said Tuesday the administration is not tracking vaccination rates among state employees, but has received anecdotal information from department heads, commissioners, and others. As the threat of highly contagious delta variant grows in Connecticut, Lamont said this week he is looking into a statewide vaccine policy, which could include requiring workers who dont get inoculated to wear a mask on the job or submit to regular testing. Its not needed if everybody would just voluntarily go get vaccinated but we still have certain groups within state employees where you have 40 percent of the people unvaccinated and some of them are very forward facing, dealing with patients with special needs, corrections, Lamont said after an event in Groton Monday. Its not clear where the governor got the vaccine rates he cited Monday. Union leaders said they do not have counts. Lamont acknowledged that a decision couldnt be made without collective bargaining. He said state union leaders, in informal discussions, have shown broad agreement about keeping workers safe, and the state employee bargaining coalition said it would be willing to cooperate, as it has with mandatory testing for some employees. House Republican leader Vincent Candelora of Branford said if the governors office knows whos been vaccinated on a town-by-town basis then it should probably figure out whos vaccinated in the state workforce. That should be a factor into whether the governor needs to make a decision about a vaccine mandate for state workers, Candelora said. Id be very reluctant to support a broad mandate. That should be a last resort. The State Employee Bargaining Agent Coalition said through a spokesperson Tuesday that it doesnt have vaccine data but has been encouraging members to get vaccinated. SEBAC, which represents about 46,000 state employees, recently released a statement saying it would carefully consider any proposal that is designed to enhance the safety of both state workers and the public they serve while ensuring a fair and effective system. People speaking for individual unions said the same as SEBAC that they are focusing on underscoring the importance of the vaccine, not tracking who is and who isnt getting inoculated. Pedro Zayas, spokesman for SEIU District 1119, said the health care union has done a lot of outreach to its members about the importance of getting vaccinated for their safety and the safety of those around them. But the union has not polled its members on their willingness to get immunized. That could come up during any negotiations on a statewide mandate, he said. Reiss, the governors spokesman, also indicated Tuesday that any poll or request for data on vaccination rates among state workers would likely come up during negotiations on a vaccine rule for state agencies. Larry Dorman, spokesman for Council 4 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, said the union, which represents about 14,000 state employees, is currently focused on encouraging its members to get vaccinated, but is not tracking how many have been immunized. About 8,000 state employees, including the Department of Correction and various health care workers, currently have a choice whether to get vaccinated or undergo mandatory testing, per an existing agreement between the unions and the Lamont administration. After vaccinations began in Connecticut, those roughly 8,000 people were allowed to opt out of the testing if they were fully vaccinated. So, in effect, they work under the same policy as New York has ordered vaccination proof, or mandatory testing. But because vaccinations were administered in many places, no one has tracked the numbers. There was a shortage of vaccinesWe were all scrambling to say, How to we get vaccine into peoples arms? We werent sitting around saying How do we keep track of who was vaccinated? said a person close the state employee unions. The Department of Correction, for example, had dedicated vaccination clinics over the winter and did track those numbers, but employees could have gotten their inoculations on their own. Likewise, the state has offered one hour of comp time for anyone getting a vaccination, but tracking those numbers is not a reliable way of knowing the totals. And, under federal privacy laws, if a person went to a vaccination clinic and showed an insurance card, their employer - including the state - would not have the right to see that transaction. julia.bergman@hearstmediact.com WASHINGTON (AP) Roughly two decades before she was elected to Congress, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri lived in a Ford Explorer with her then-husband and two young children after the family had been evicted from their rental home. So for Bush, a first-term Democrat from St. Louis, the debate over whether to revive the moratorium on evictions during the pandemic is deeply personal. To dramatize her point, she started to sleep outside the U.S. Capitol last Friday to call attention to the issue as part of the effort to pressure President Joe Biden and Congress to act. On Tuesday, she won. After coming under intense pressure, the Biden administration issued a new eviction moratorium that will last until Oct. 3, temporarily halting evictions in counties with substantial and high levels of virus transmissions, which covers areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives. Bush's experience sets her apart from the more conventional partisan sniping and grandstanding in the capital because of her direct connection to an urgent problem affecting millions of Americans. I know what its like to be evicted and have to live out of my car with my two babies, Bush said in an interview Saturday. "As long as I am a sitting U.S. congressperson, I will not keep my mouth shut about it. Bush was a prominent part of a larger push among progressives to stop evictions. Her Capitol campout resonated: She was thrust into meetings with top congressional leaders and administration officials and sought after for interviews. She met Monday with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and had a brief chat with Vice President Kamala Harris attention that punctuates a political rise that took Bush from leading protests against police brutality in Ferguson, Missouri, to the halls of Congress in little more than five years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday gave a salute to Bush "for her powerful action to keep people in their homes. Schumer was more effusive. She made yesterdays announcement possible, he said Wednesday. Before reversing course, the Biden administration initially argued that it didn't have legal authority to extend the moratorium again, pointing to a Supreme Court opinion in June that suggested Congress should pass legislation to do so. A last-minute attempt to pass a bill through the House also came up short Friday. Then the chamber adjourned and lawmakers left town for an extended August recess a response Bush says "failed to meet this moment." On Tuesday, before the administration's announcement, Bush said: Am I supposed to just go home? No, Im an organizer. I am an activist. So I fell back into what I know how to do. It is activism born of personal experience. In 2001, Bush became ill while pregnant with her second child and had to quit her job at a preschool. The lost income led to their eviction. For about three months, the couple lived out of their Explorer with two playpens in the back. She said that, at the time, she was working in a low-wage job. Eventually, her family, already struggling themselves, was able to help her find a home. I dont want anyone else to have to go through what I went through, ever, Bush said while wiping away tears. The couple later divorced, and Bush went back to school, earning a nursing degree. She also became a pastor. Her life changed in 2014 when a white police officer fatally shot Michael Brown, a Black 18-year-old, in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri. Bush joined the thousands of activists in the protests that followed the shooting and quickly became a leader of the movement that sought police and criminal justice reform in Ferguson and throughout the St. Louis region. She was back on the streets again three years later after a white St. Louis police officer was acquitted in the shooting death of a Black suspect. Her activism fueled an interest in politics. She ran unsuccessfully in the Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate in 2016, followed by another losing primary race for a congressional seat in 2018. She was defeated by roughly 20 percentage points. Two years later, her supporters sensed a change in the political landscape after George Floyds death. With backing from the progressive group Justice Democrats, she sought a rematch against longtime Democratic Rep. William Lacy Clay and won. They counted us out, Bush said after her primary win. They called me Im just the protester, Im just the activist with no name, no title and no real money. Thats all they said that I was. But St. Louis showed up today. She won easily in heavily Democratic St. Louis in November. The Rev. Darryl Gray, a political adviser to Bush, said her tenacity was apparent early in her failed 2016 bid for Senate, when she was willing to campaign in rural and very conservative corners of the state. She wasnt afraid to show up and speak for justice in places where people would warn us about going, some of these sunset towns, Gray said. She knew she wouldnt get support, but people respected the fact she showed up. Still, there are some who questioned the decision to pick a fight with congressional leadership and the president from her own party. Administration and congressional officials also noted that much of the money Congress had allocated to provide housing assistance has not been distributed by states. House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., said he was "sensitive" to Bush's aim, but suggested she may be waging the wrong battle. Its not the federal government thats doing it, Clyburn said. "If youve appropriated $46 billion for the country, and only $3 billion has been used, then thats not Congress. ... Its on whoever has got the money tied up. On Tuesday evening, after the administration made its announcement, Bush tweeted out a photo of her and others sitting on the Capitol steps with a one-word caption: Grateful. ___ Salter reported from OFallon, Mo. Associated Press writers Kevin Freking in Washington and Meg Kinnard in Columbia, S.C., contributed to this report. The Biden administration encouraged lawmakers on Tuesday to finally repeal an authorization for military action in Iraq crafted when Saddam Hussein was still alive, rejecting Republican arguments it would further signal to Iran that the U.S. is retreating from the Middle East. Debate in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on ending Congress's 2002 resolution for military force against Iraq comes as part of a larger discussion by some lawmakers on axing or replacing decades-old congressional authorizations for military force. Tuesday's debate also is part of a growing tug-of-war between the Biden administration and lawmakers who say Joe Biden is only the latest U.S. president to flout congressional authority with military strikes and deployments in Somalia, Syria, Iraq, and other hotspots. Appearing before the panel, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman spoke up for one apparent area of agreement between the White House and Democratic lawmakers in the debate: ending Congress's standing 2002 authorization for U.S. troops to strike in Iraq. U.S. forces acting on later disproven U.S. claims that Saddam was sitting on weapons of mass destruction invaded Iraq in 2003. They captured the Iraqi leader months later and turned him over to a new Iraqi government, which hanged him in 2006. The committee is due to vote Wednesday on repealing the 2002 resolution and a 1991 measure authorizing the U.S.-led Gulf War to roll back Saddam in an invasion of Kuwait. Biden voted for the resolution in 2002, later calling it a mistake, and against going to war in 1991 in his long career as a senator from Delaware. Iraq today is a partner of the United States, not an enemy, Sherman told lawmakers. She argued that repealing the 2002 resolution would demonstrate the changed relationship and be a setback to rival Iran, which wants neighboring Iraq firmly in its sphere of influence. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi had pushed the Biden administration when he visited Washington last month to remove some of the last vestiges of the U.S. invasion, which effectively ended in 2011. Several committee Republicans argued repealing the decades-old authorizations would send the wrong message to Iran. That's especially so as the Biden administration ends the U.S. military role in Afghanistan, and at the request of the Iraqi government formally rebrands any remaining combat mission in Iraq to one focused on training, advising and intelligence-sharing. Why take the chance that ... this is misinterpreted in the Middle East? Utah Sen. Mitt Romney asked Sherman on repealing the 2002 military authorization. This has extraordinary ability to be misconstrued as Americas pulling away," Romney added. The risk is much greater than the benefit." The Biden administration has cited other legal authority, including Biden's constitutional war powers as commander in chief, in airstrikes in Syria and Iraq, and Pentagon strikes on the al Shabab Islamic insurgent group in Somalia, without seeking congressional approval for each strike. Republican and Democratic lawmakers have efforts under way that would repeal and replace some standing authorizations of military force, including a 2001 authorization regarding Afghanistan, al-Qaida and the Taliban still cited in other U.S. counter-terror strikes. Other legislation introduced by Sens. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent, and Mike Lee, a Utah Republican, would shift substantially more power on foreign policy and national security to Congress from the executive branch. As someone who voted for the 2001 action on Afghanistan after the 9/11 strikes, I can safely say we never could have imagined it being used as a justification for airstrikes in Somalia ... or against groups that did not even exist at the time, said Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat and chairman of the committee. He said it was time for an honest conversation on the current balance of presidential and congressional authority for deciding on military action. Biden also voted for the Afghanistan resolution, which passed with no opposition in the Senate. MIAMI (AP) Despite a ban by Gov. Ron DeSantis, two Florida school districts have decided to require masks when children return to classrooms because of dramatic rises in coronavirus infections, with the state leading the country in hospitalizations. School boards in Duval County, home to Jacksonville, and Alachua County, home to Gainesville, made the decision based on rising hospitalizations and new cases of the coronavirus. The surge has hit parts of northeast Florida particularly hard. The Duval County School Board voted late Tuesday to require students to wear masks unless parents submit paperwork to opt out. The Alachua County board said it had voted to require masks for the first two weeks of school, adding that the decision will be reevaluated in two weeks. Students in both districts go back to school next Tuesday. We applaud the school boards of Alachua and Duval County for listening to and following the advice of the doctors in their community, the Florida Education Association said in a statement. "We hope other school districts will also heed the advice of the trusted medical professionals. In Arizona, at least three school districts are also defying the state on masks, despite a recently enacted law barring mask requirements. Other states such as Arkansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas and Utah have also banned mask mandates in schools. President Joe Biden said on Tuesday that governors who are against mask mandates should get out of the way. DeSantis sharply criticized Biden on Wednesday, repeating his stance that the decision on masks in schools should be left to parents. If youre coming after parents rights in Florida, Im standing in your way. You wont get away with it, he said. Instead, DeSantis said, the president should do more to secure the border: Until you do that, I dont want to hear a blip about COVID from you. In Florida's capital, the superintendent of the Leon County school district sent a heartfelt letter to DeSantis asking him to allow a temporary mask requirement. I have stood firm in my belief that a mask mandate was the wrong course of action. With that said, I believe that new data and information as well as student instructional models compels us to rethink mask protocols," said Superintendent Rocky Hanna, who, like DeSantis, said he was concerned about how mask-wearing was impacting children emotionally. Hanna said that only in the past 10 days, and before classes resume, four school-aged children in Leon County had been admitted to local hospitals with COVID-19 and two pre-K teachers were fighting the virus in intensive care units. Because the COVID-19 landscape continues to evolve, as superintendent, Im learning that no matter how far you may have gone down a road, it is never too late to turn back and make a choice that is best for the community as a whole," he wrote. The governor of Arkansas turned back. Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson called the majority-GOP Legislature back into session to revert a state law he signed earlier this year prohibiting school mask mandates. Hutchinson expressed some regret about signing the ban but said the states cases were much lower when the bill passed. Everything has changed now, he said Tuesday. And, yes, in hindsight, I wish that it had not become law. Last Friday, DeSantis issued an executive order ordering school districts not to mandate the use of masks or they could risk losing state funding. The order cited a Brown University study that looked at schools in New York, Florida and Massachusetts, but with a caveat: It analyzed cases associated with schools and not cases spread in schools. One of the authors, Emily Oster, an economist at Brown University, said she was not consulted by the governor's office and said the study relied on data prior to the emergence of the more contagious delta variant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the nations top public health agency, last week recommended that masks be worn indoors at schools nationwide -- by teachers, staff, students and visitors -- regardless of their vaccination status. Before vaccines became available at the end of 2020, masks were seen as a key way of reducing spread. One study involving Floridas own Health Department found that mandatory mask last fall use appeared to be a factor in lower infection rates among students, while another found that Wisconsin schools with mask requirements and other measures had fewer cases than their surrounding communities in the first few months of last school year. The CDC said the need for returning to masks has become greater with the spread of the more contagious delta variant, which has fueled a surge in cases in Florida. On Wednesday, more than 12,000 patients were hospitalized with COVID-19, and nearly 2,500 of them were in ICU beds. On Tuesday, the CDC added more than 50,000 new COVID-19 cases in the state over the previous three days, pushing the seven-day average to one the highest counts since the pandemic began, an eightfold increase since July 4. In total, the state has seen more than 2.6 million cases and 39,179 deaths. While some school districts decided to require masks, others have backpedaled. The Broward County School Board, representing one of the largest districts in the state, had voted to require masks after hours of contentious debate that included a screaming match from angry anti-mask parents who set fire to masks and held picket signs outside. The board reversed course Monday over fear of losing funding, but on Wednesday said in a statement on Twitter that they are waiting for guidance in light of the governors orders. ___ Associated Press writers Kelli Kennedy in Fort Lauderdale and Curt Anderson in St. Petersburg contributed to this report. WASHINGTON (AP) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a new eviction moratorium that would last until Oct. 3, as the Biden administration sought to quell intensifying criticism from progressives that it was allowing vulnerable renters to lose their homes during a pandemic. The ban announced Tuesday could help keep millions in their homes as the coronavirus delta variant has spread and states have been slow to release federal rental aid. It would temporarily halt evictions in counties with substantial and high levels of virus transmissions and would cover areas where 90% of the U.S. population lives. The announcement was a reversal for the Biden administration, which allowed an earlier moratorium to lapse over the weekend after saying a Supreme Court ruling prevented an extension. That ripped open a dramatic split between the White House and progressive Democrats who insisted the administration do more to prevent some 3.6 million Americans from losing their homes during the COVID-19 crisis. Speaking at the White House on Tuesday, Biden said he pushed the CDC to again consider its options. But he still seemed hesitant as to whether the new moratorium could withstand lawsuits about its constitutionality, saying he has sought the opinions of experts as to whether the Supreme Court would approve the measure. The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that its not likely to pass constitutional muster, Biden said. But there are several key scholars who think that it may and its worth the effort. The president added that the moratorium even if it gets challenged in court will probably give some additional time for states and city to release billions of dollars in federal relief to renters. Politically, the extension could help heal a rift with liberal Democratic lawmakers who were calling on the president to take executive action to keep renters in their homes. The administration had spent the past several days scrambling to reassure Democrats and the country that it could find a way to limit the damage from potential evictions through the use of federal aid. But pressure mounted as key lawmakers said it was not enough. Top Democratic leaders joined Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., who has been camped outside the U.S. Capitol for several days. Overnight Monday Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif., and others gave her a brief reprieve so she could rest indoors. The freshman congresswoman once lived in her car as a young mother and pointed to that experience to urge the White House to prevent widespread evictions. As she wiped her eyes before a crowd at the Capitol after the CDC's announcement, Bush said she was shedding joyful tears. My God, I dont believe we did this, she said. "We just did the work, just by loving folks to keep millions in their homes. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it was a day of "extraordinary relief. The imminent fear of eviction and being put out on the street has been lifted for countless families across America. Help is Here! Pelosi said in a statement. Administration officials had previously said a Supreme Court ruling stopped them from setting up a new moratorium without congressional backing. When the court allowed the eviction ban to remain in place through the end of July by a 5-4 vote, one justice in the majority, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote that Congress would have to act to extend it further. But on Tuesday, the CDC cited the slow pace of state and local governments disbursing housing aid as justification for the new moratorium. Aside from the moratorium, Biden has insisted that federal money is available some $47 billion previously approved during the pandemic that needs to get out the door to help renters and landlords. The money is there, Biden said. The White House has said state and local governments have been slow to push out that federal money and is pressing them to do so swiftly. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen briefed House Democrats Tuesday about the work underway to ensure the federal housing aid makes it to renters and landlords. She provided data so that lawmakers could see how their districts and states are performing with distributing the relief, according to a person on the call. The treasury secretary tried to encourage Democrats to work together, even as lawmakers said Biden should act on his own to extend the eviction moratorium, according to someone on the private call who insisted on anonymity to discuss its contents. Yellen said on the call, according to this person, that she agrees "we need to bring every resource to bear and that she appreciated the Democrats' efforts and wants "to leave no stone unturned. The CDC put the initial eviction ban in place as part of the COVID-19 response when jobs shifted and many workers lost income. The ban was intended to hold back the spread of the virus among people put out on the streets and into shelters, but it also penalized landlords who lost income as a result. National Apartment Association president and CEO Bob Pinnegar said the organization has always held the same position -- the eviction moratorium is an unfunded government mandate that forces housing providers to deliver a costly service without compensation and saddles renters with insurmountable debt. Democratic lawmakers said they were caught by surprise by Bidens initial decision to end the moratorium even though the CDC indicated in late June that it probably wouldn't extend the eviction ban beyond the end of July. Rep. Maxine Waters, the powerful chair of the Financial Services Committee, has been talking privately for days with Yellen and urged the treasury secretary to use her influence to prod states to push the money out the door. But Waters also called on the CDC to act on its own. After the CDC's announcement Tuesday, Waters released a statement thanking Biden for listening and for encouraging the CDC to act! This extension of the moratorium is the lifeline that millions of families have been waiting for." ___ Associated Press writers Michael Casey and Alexandra Jaffe contributed to this report. ___ This story has been corrected to show that the last name of the California Democratic congressman is Jimmy Gomez, not Gonzalez. With several countries now offering booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines to their citizens, state officials said conversations were underway to prepare if federal regulators approve another dose. But it still remains unclear what those regulators will decide as cases of COVID-19 continue to increase locally and across the country. Obviously, I think, they are moving closer to boosters starting with folks who are immunocompromised, or have some greater risk, or had their vaccines a while ago. And I will be waiting for their lead, Gov. Ned Lamont said Monday morning. Pfizer, the maker of the first vaccine authorized, has already said it intends to seek approval for a booster shot. The company cited data out of Israel suggesting the protection offered by its normal two-dose regimen of shots may decline six months after full-vaccination. The company said it believes a third dose will also make its vaccine more effective against the highly infectious delta variant, which is now believed to be the dominant strain in Connecticut and the rest of the United States. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week said people who are fully vaccinated should begin wearing masks indoors again in areas where the virus is spreading. Heres what we know so far about vaccine booster shots. Will boosters be available in the U.S.? Some think its likely. I think its more likely than not, said Keith Grant, senior system director of infection prevention at Hartford HealthCare. But based on the data currently available, he said he didnt think pursuing booster shots should be the top priority, when a relatively small amount of COVID-19 cases involve break through infections. Breaking down that data even further, its a very small percentage of individuals that have been vaccinated that fall into the breakthrough category that end up needing critical care, he said. He argued that resources should be focused on vaccinating people who are still unvaccinated. Who will get boosters? Biden administration officials have indicated older Americans and those with underlying health conditions could start receving booster shots as early as September, the New York Times reported last month. Other countries already offering booster shots are following a similar plan. Israel began offering a third dose to those aged 60 and above last week. Officials in Germany announced the country will begin offering boosters to older people and those with underlying medical conditions beginning in September. France is also administering booster shots, while Belgium and Italy both say they are preparing to offer them this fall but are still gathering data. Can I get a booster shot now? Officially, no booster shots have been authorized for any of the makers of the three vaccines authorized for use in the United States. But some people who have already been fully vaccinated against the disease have reported getting an extra shot amid concerns about the delta variant. Some are even mixing-and-matching different vaccines in doing so. One Georgetown University virologist told CNBC she received a shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine about two months after she was given a dose of the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine. One woman told the New York Times she received two shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the U.K., and then got a shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in Florida. She told the newspaper she had read a study that suggested mixing the two vaccines could boost immunity. Grant said that sort of mixing and matching makes sense theoretically, but we dont have any data to support it. Pfizer has said a third dose of its vaccine has been shown to boost the bodys immune response in studies. Grant that sort of booster shot seems harmless based on the data thats already known. He noted that heath care providers giving the shot could look up someones vaccine status on the states immunization database. Will it be hard to get an appointment for a booster shot? Acting Commissioner Dr. Deidre Gifford of the Connecticut Department of Public Health said Monday she doesnt think supply will be an issue in the event boosters are recommended. As the state slowly opened up its supply of vaccines by age bracket this past winter and spring, appointments were snapped up almost as soon as they became available. The limited supply of doses mixed with high demand led some to turn to Facebook groups and other unorthodox sources to try to secure an appointment. But since demand for shots peaked in early April, weekly administrations of vaccines have fallen drastically, down from over 315,000 in a week to hovering in the 30,000 range. But Gifford said the state doesnt anticipate vaccine shortages like late last year. It won't be like last December when we started the vaccine program, she said Monday. There's ample supply. As the governor indicated, it is likely it will just be for a subset of those of us who are vaccinated. Multiple shoreline towns began requiring face coverings in municipal buildings this week, following the guidance from state and federal authorities that masking indoors is necessary to combat the spread of the COVID delta variant. Leaders in Clinton, Westbrook, Killingworth and Essex said Tuesday they reinstated mask mandates for public buildings, mirroring similar steps taken in recent days by New London and Guilford. All of Connecticut is now experiencing substantial spread of the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends that people in these areas wear masks indoors, even if they are vaccinated. Based on that guidance and conversations with the local health department, Westbrook First Selectman Noel Bishop said he chose to put the towns mask requirement for public buildings back in place Monday morning. The town is also holding all meetings either fully or partially online, Bishop said, after going back to a few meetings entirely in-person this summer. Were taking this very seriously, we dont know how long this will last, but were monitoring it every day, Bishop said. Clinton Town Manager Karl Kilduff said residents appeared well-adjusted to the reinstated rules. Its taking us back to where we were a few months ago, Kilduff said. It didnt seem to cause us any issues then, and its not causing any issues now. Other shoreline towns, including Old Saybrook, Lyme and East Lyme have stuck with directives giving vaccinated residents more discretion. Old Saybrook First Selectmen Carl Fortuna said the town is recommending vaccinated people wear masks when visiting municipal buildings, but not requiring it. Unvaccinated people are being required to wear masks, he said. In Lyme, First Selectman Steve Mattson is taking a similar approach, pointing to the low number of reported cases in town. Fewer than five new cases were reported there in each of the last two weeks, according to the state Department of Health. Were prepared to go back to a little bit more stringent requirements if the numbers locally start to go up, Mattson said Tuesday. While local public health decisions are focused largely on public buildings such as town halls and libraries, Gov. Ned Lamont this week is weighing broader directives, such as requiring state employees to get vaccinated. The state DPH strongly recommends that people return to wearing masks indoors whether they are vaccinated or not, though Lamont has not mandated the precaution for private businesses. Connecticut Attorney General William Tong reiterated this week the states plan to use its approximately $300 million share of a national settlement of opioid crisis-related claims to tackle the epidemic. The statement was made in response to state legislators who expressed concerns about the funds distribution. In a letter Tuesday to Republican and Democratic leaders of the state House of Representatives and state Senate, Tong again outlined the main components of the states portion of a $26 billion agreement that would resolve local and state governments claims of wrongdoing against pharmaceutical distributors AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson and drugmaker Johnson & Johnson. Announced on July 21, the settlement would generate the largest-ever payout from opioid-related litigation. From the very beginning, state attorneys general have adhered to an overarching principle that the money we recover from wrongdoers must be directed to abatement, i.e., strategies, initiatives and programs that help our states, victims and their families confront and overcome the crisis in opioid abuse and addiction, Tong said in the letter. To me, this means that we should direct money to treatment, prevention and addiction science. Tongs correspondence followed a July 22 letter from the Senates Republican leaders addressed to Tong, Gov. Ned Lamont and Melissa McCaw, secretary of the state Office of Policy and Management. We were pleased to hear state leaders pledge that these funds will be used to respond to the opioid crisis and not for other purposes, Sens. Kevin Kelly, Paul Formica, Tony Hwang and Heather Somers said in the letter. We must ensure that these dollars are used to continue this fight. We must not repeat the infamous misuse of the states tobacco settlement funds. In Connecticut, funds promised to curb smoking have far too often been relied upon as a budgetary escape hatch. We must learn from the past and do better because peoples lives are in the balance. Connecticut has so far received about $2.8 billion in tobacco-related payouts, according to the state Attorneys General Office. The office was not able to immediately provide a summary of the allocation of those funds. For the 2021 fiscal year, states will collect about $27 billion from states 1998 settlement with tobacco companies and tobacco taxes, according to the nonprofit Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. But they will spend only about 2 percent on programs to prevent kids from smoking and help smokers quit, the nonprofit said. Aiming for bipartisan collaboration Funds from the new opioid settlement would be distributed over an 18-year period. Of the total, 85 percent would be distributed to the state with the other 15 percent directed to municipalities that sign on to the deal. In his letter, Tong cited the settlements requirement for the state to create an Opioid Settlement Remediation Advisory Committee to solicit public input and make recommendations on expenditures. The committee must include at least an equal number of local representatives as state representatives, a process for receiving input from municipalities and other groups and other administrative requirements, according to Tong. Not including the settlements terms, the final decision on the actual appropriations is ultimately up to the legislature and Gov. Lamont, with input from the public and key stakeholders, Tong said. The agreement would also cover attorney fees. Connecticut is represented by me and attorneys and staff in our office, Tong said in the letter. Other states are represented by counsel in different and varying degrees. Tong, a Democrat who was sworn in as attorney general in January 2019, also noted in the letter his intent to take a bipartisan approach to tackling the opioid crisis. The four GOP senators who sent the July 22 letter responded Tuesday with a statement that laid out similar objectives. We must work together to ensure settlement funds are used to fight the opioid epidemic. We wrote to Gov. Lamont and Attorney General Tong last month to start conversations on safeguarding these funds, Kelly, Formica, Hwang and Somers said in the statement. We fully support holding hearings and working with stakeholders to ensure the funds are used to combat the opioid epidemic, prevent addiction and help people on the long road to recovery. The opioid epidemic has not abated since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year, 1,273 people in the state died from opioid-involved overdoses, up 13 percent from 2019, according to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The focus should be on evidence-based programs and services for prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery support services, said Courtney Gallo Hunter, vice president of state policy for Norwalk-based nonprofit Shatterproof, which is working to end the addiction crisis in the U.S. Connecticut should prioritize saving lives now through reducing harms and ensuring access to evidence-based treatment for addiction. pschott@stamfordadvocate.com; twitter: @paulschott BRIDGEPORT It has been a tough couple of weeks for City Council President Aidee Nieves as she faces opposition from a trio of fellow Democratic movers-and-shakers, plus a fellow council member. This is just a sign of my independence not being welcomed, Nieves said in response to the recent setbacks to her political career, arguing she is being targeted for shaking up the status quo and for being a powerful Hispanic leader. Facing opposition from City Clerk Lydia Martinez and Democratic Town Chairman Mario Testa, Nieves in late July lost the Democratic Town Committees endorsement for her 137th Council District seat. She now has until Aug. 11 to gather 227 signatures to force a September primary, according to the Registrars of Voters office. Meanwhile the Connecticut State Elections Enforcement Commission is looking into a complaint filed by Councilwoman Maria Pereira alleging Nieves used taxpayer dollars and city resources to try to win her nomination. And retired public facilities director John Ricci, an ally of both Testa and of Pereira who sometimes butted heads with Nieves before he left his job in early 2019, is also taking credit for helping try and unseat Nieves. I think that Aidee is not good for the city, Ricci said, confirming he worked behind-the-scenes on both Pereiras SEEC complaint and to ensure Nieves did not have enough votes at the convention. Nieves insisted neither the opposition nor the complaint will impact her job as one of Bridgeports most influential elected officials after Mayor Joe Ganim. She has four months left in her current term as the head of the 20-person, currently all-Democrat council. Im still forging forward with my role and my responsibility, Nieves said. First elected to represent the East Side in 2015, Nieves, after winning a sophomore term in 2017, was chosen by her colleagues to succeed the retiring Tom McCarthy and become the first Hispanic woman to run the council. But at the Democratic Town Committees July 26 convention, Nieves and her council district co-representative, Maria Valle, lost the endorsement to candidates backed by Martinez. The council is composed of 10 districts, each with two seats, and Martinez is the Democratic Town Committees leader in the 137th District. Not only did Martinez have a hand in trying to oust Nieves from the council, but the convention vote in the 137th District was a tie, broken in favor of Martinezs nominees by veteran Town Committee Chairman Mario Testa. Martinez, herself a former council member, said in an interview afterward that she has tried to work with Nieves and been told to stay in my lane. Aidee stopped communicating with me about seven or eight months ago and sent me a message Im not a councilwoman, Martinez said. I need to work with people that are going to work with me and the community. Shes a young woman. She has a lot to offer. But she needs to learn. As for Testa, he said he has no issues with Nieves shes doing a good job but backed Martinez out of loyalty. Nieves said that in a potential primary I think my accomplishments speak more than charges she had stopped talking with Martinez. She argued she has worked hard with Valle to address district-specific quality-of-life issues on the East Side while also, as council leader, dealing with citywide matters, from economic development to policing reforms to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic to racial equity for Hispanic and Black residents. Im doing things that are not the norm for what the machine would want, or my district leader, Nieves said. Meanwhile Pereira, normally a vocal critic of Testas, submitted her elections complaint to the state and sent copies to members of the press several days before the convention. One of Pereiras main allegations focused on the other services section of the councils budget funds council presidents typically use for donations to area causes and events. The council budget effective July 1 contains $60,000 for other services. According to Perieras complaint, beginning in May Nieves spent $12,610 to benefit nonprofits and constituents in the 137th District. Nieves spent this money, including $985 for catering for the council Pereira said went to a Democratic Town Committee member, knowing she was facing a challenge for her council seat, Pereira alleged. Pereira in her complaint also argued Nieves does not have the authority to unilaterally spend any funds, although that is what McCarthy and other council presidents have done. Nieves, who said she was aware of the SEEC complaint against her, said not only does she as a department head have the power to disperse the money the council is characterized in the budget as the legislative department but she will field any and all requests from other council members for it as well. Ive not turned anyone down, Nieves said. Ive used the same rule of thumb as my predecessors in supporting the local community. Pereiras elections complaint also claimed a flagrant appearance that two other town committee members received municipal jobs in exchange for their support of Nieves at the convention. However Pereiras complaint provided no direct proof of Nieves involvement in the hirings. Nieves said she recommended one of the candidates for their experience and I recommended other people from other (council) districts as well but has no final say in personnel matters. Im not the human resources director for the city, Nieves said. Pereira has had mixed success with other recent elections complaints. Her detailed case that Board of Education member Christopher Taylor did not reside in Bridgeport resulted in elections watchdogs last summer offering to settle with Taylor in exchange for his paying a $750 fine. But a complaint Pereira filed over state Sen. Dennis Bradleys, D-Bridgeport, 2018 campaign paved the way for his arrest in May on federal charges he attempted to fraudulently obtain $179,850 in state campaign grants. Ricci said he wants to see Nieves gone from the council because she is a tyrant that bullies people and misuses her authority. Nieves in response noted previously reported controversies involving Ricci that occurred prior to his resignation, including a federal criminal investigation into illicit scrap metal sales no arrests were made though Ganim docked Ricci four weeks pay for his role and cost overruns at the new public facilities garage. NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) Two international aid groups said Tuesday that the Ethiopian government had suspended part or all of their operations, while the United Nations humanitarian chief warned Ethiopian authorities that blanket accusations against aid workers in the countrys embattled Tigray region and elsewhere are dangerous and must stop. Martin Griffiths spoke to reporters amid a new push to get more badly needed food and other supplies into Tigray, where hundreds of thousands of people face famine conditions and Ethiopias government has been accused of blocking assistance. He acknowledged that his own flights into and out of Tigray had difficulties with searches and delays. Separately, the aid groups Doctors Without Borders and the Norwegian Refugee Council said Ethiopias government had suspended their operations on July 30. An NRC spokesman said the stated reasons were public advocacy and failure to obtain proper permissions for foreign staff and that all operations were suspended. A Doctors Without Borders spokeswoman said the operations of the charitys Dutch section, its largest in Ethiopia, were suspended for three months in the Tigray, Amhara, Gambella and Somali regions, and the group was urgently seeking clarification from the authorities. Doctors Without Borders, also known by its French acronym MSF, warned of dire consequences in the regions where access to aid is already limited. MSF already had suspended operations in three major Tigray towns after the murder of three colleagues by unknown attackers. The Ethiopian government spokesman for the Tigray emergency task force, Redwan Hussein, alleged last month that aid groups are playing a destructive role in the nine-month conflict and even arming the Tigray forces that long dominated Ethiopias government before a falling-out with the current prime minister. Redwan didnt respond to questions on Tuesday. Such blanket allegations are unfair and need to be backed up by evidence, the U.N. humanitarian chief said. Griffiths also told reporters that some progress had been made on aid delivery to Tigray after more than two weeks as 122 trucks with supplies had finally reached the region. The previous attempt at an aid convoy was attacked last month on the only operational land route into Tigray as fighting continues. But some 100 such trucks are needed to enter Tigray every day, Griffiths said, adding the needs are huge, they are urgent. He said Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during their talks asserted that he was trying to ensure more than one land route from other parts of Ethiopia into Tigray for aid. But a route from a neighboring country such as Sudan can be politically sensitive, Griffiths added. The conflict recently spilled into Ethiopia's neighboring Afar and Amhara regions after the Tigray forces rejected the unilateral cease-fire that Ethiopia's government declared in June as its soldiers retreated. Now the Tigray forces have said they want Abiy out. Some 100,000 people in the Amhara region have been displaced by the insecurity, the U.N. humanitarian chief said. On Wednesday, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Samantha Power, is visiting Ethiopia in another push for better access to the Tigray region, which remains without phone, internet or banking services. While Ethiopias government has blamed the blockage of aid on the Tigray forces, a senior USAID official last week told The Associated Press that the allegation is 100% not the case. Johan Victor/AP JERUSALEM (AP) Israel summoned Wednesday ambassadors of U.N. Security Council member states and urged for action against Iran following last weeks drone strike off the coast of Oman on a merchant vessel linked to an Israeli billionaire. A joint statement by the defense and foreign affairs ministry said that Israel called on the diplomats to have their governments set clear boundaries for Iran ... to cease its aggressive conduct. At the same time, it restated that Israel will maintain the right to act independently in the face of any attack or threat to its citizens and sovereignty. Gov. Ned Lamont joined three other Northeast governors in calling for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign Tuesday evening, hours after he told reporters he wanted a day to react to a report that found Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women. The scathing report by New York Attorney General Letitia James affirmed a pattern of sexual harassment allegations, which triggered an impeachment process in New York. Lamont, Gov. Dan McKee of Rhode Island, Gov. Phil Murphy of New Jersey and Gov. Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania released a 21-word statement shortly before 8 p.m.: We are appalled at the findings of the independent investigation by the New York Attorney General. Governor Cuomo should resign from office. That statement from the governors, all Democrats, as is Cuomo, followed a call from President Joe Biden for Cuomo to resign. Lamont had balked early Tuesday afternoon when asked by news reporters to react, shortly after James issued her report. Lamont and Cuomo first bonded as fishing buddies in a 2019 trip to Lake Ontario, then as close regional collaborators in the coronavirus pandemic. Speaking after a news conference welcoming a former Brooklyn, N.Y. manufacturer to Connecticut, Lamont said he had just heard about the James report found that Cuomo allegedly harassed at least eleven women in and out of government. I didnt know about that, Lamont told reporters, stressing that his office had just informed him of James report a few minutes earlier. During the worst of COVID he was a partner for the state of Connecticut as we worked through this. In terms of the other allegations and what they found, Ill let justice make its call, Lamont said. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, both of New York, have also called for Cuomo to resign, the Associated Press reported. All are Democrats. Earlier this year, Lamont said he would wait until the investigation into Cuomo was completed before he would offer an opinion on whether Cuomo should stay in office. If you could give me 24 hours just to see exactly what they found out. But I did say that. I think people deserve an investigation. Now there has been an investigation. There has been an investigation and I will report back to you, he said in those first remarks. Lamonts hesitancy led to sharp criticism from the Republican Governors Association, anticipating Lamonts re-election campaign in 2022. Ned Lamont's inability to stand up to serial abuser Andrew Cuomo despite damming [sic] evidence is a stark reminder that Lamont is unfit to lead the State of Connecticut, said RGA Spokesperson Chris Gustafson. Another 24 hours will not help the damage that Ned Lamont's silence has created, and voters will not forget who he stood with come next fall. kdixon@ctpost.com Twitter: @KenDixonCT OKLEE, N.D. (AP) The manhunt for the man accused of fatally stabbing his wife in northwestern Minnesota is over. According to the Red Lake County Sheriffs Office, Eric Reinbold, 44, was arrested early Wednesday morning in a wooded area north of Oklee, KFGO reported. RICHMOND, Ky. (AP) A Kentucky man killed a married couple outside an apartment building they owned, then barricaded himself inside the residence for hours and set a fire before police arrested him, officials said. Officers responded Tuesday afternoon when a witness reported a shooting, Richmond Police Chief Rodney Richardson told news outlets. The couple had been shot multiple times and were pronounced dead at the scene, he said. The victims were identified as Christopher Hager, 54, and Gracie Hager, 52, Madison County Coroner Jimmy Cornelison said. The suspect, later identified as Thomas Birl, 51, of Cadiz barricaded himself in the residence and set a fire that caused severe damage before police shot rounds of powdered gas inside, prompting Birl to come out, Richardson said. Birl was taken into custody and taken to a hospital as a precaution, police said. He remained hospitalized Tuesday and will be taken to the Madison County Detention Center as soon as he is released, police said in a statement. He will be charged with two counts of murder, arson, tampering with physical evidence and criminal mischief, the statement said. A motive for the shooting wasn't clear. Police said they don't know if the victims knew Birl. Richardson said the community was saddened by the deaths. The Hagers were pillars of the community and a lot of people know them and have had contact with them," he said. LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (AP) A Kansas man has been arrested for animal cruelty after he allegedly threw his girlfriends caged miniature poodle into a river Monday. Police said the 24-year-old man tossed the kenneled dog into the Missouri River at Riverfront Park in Leavenworth, Kansas, the Leavenworth Times reported. KANSAS CITY, Kan. (AP) The deaths of a man and woman in Kansas City, Kansas, are being investigated as a double homicide, police said Tuesday. Jordan Horton, 24, and Heather Miller, 22, were found dead at a Kansas City, Kansas apartment on Thursday. Police initially said the case was a death investigation but changed it to a double homicide case on Tuesday. COVID accelerated the online movement for all aspects of social and economic life. In credit unions, some assert the transition away from the branch-based model of financial services to an all virtual one is now inevitable. One example of this total virtual embrace is the former United Airlines, now Alliant CU with $14 billion in assets. It has no branches and is the ninth largest credit union in the country. In contrast the $8 billion Wings Financial whose initial sponsors were also airlines, still has 30 branch operations in airports as well as in the communities surrounding its home office of Minneapolis-St Paul. The Startups Multiple startup financial providers, relying solely on virtual platform services, are attracting venture capital and IPO attention. As described by Ron Lieber of the New York Times, Whats in a First Name for the New Money Apps: Graveside services for Krysta Joy Ballew, age 48, of Cullman, will be at 3 p.m. on Monday, August 9, 2021, at Antioch Baptist Cemetery with Dr. David Chambers officiating. Visitation will be from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on Monday, August 9, 2021, at Cullman Heritage Funeral Home. Cullman Heritage Fun Kankakee, IL (60901) Today Thunderstorms likely. Rainfall will be locally heavy at times. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low 67F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall may reach one inch.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely. Rainfall will be locally heavy at times. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low 67F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 90%. Rainfall may reach one inch. Kankakee, IL (60901) Today Thunderstorms likely. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%. Elizabeth City, NC (27909) Today Chance of an isolated thunderstorm early, then variable clouds overnight with more showers at times. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Chance of an isolated thunderstorm early, then variable clouds overnight with more showers at times. Low 73F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 50%. Mr. Roger Lee Westmoreland, age 69 of Chatsworth, passed away Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at his residence. He loved spending time with his children and grandchildren, restoring old cars and gardening. He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter and Sarah Simonds Westmoreland; brother, Ronni Burnadean Allen Fryer, 91, of Ashland, Ky died Thursday, August 5, 2021 at her home. She was born June 14, 1930 in Ross County, Ohio a daughter of the late Marion and Emma Annon Allen. She was a homemaker. She is preceded in death in addition to her parents by 4 brothers James Allen, Johnny Sunbury, PA (17801) Today A shower is possible early. Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 67F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight A shower is possible early. Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. The scene is only too familiar. On the dusty plains of Afghanistan, a trail of refugees heads for the beleaguered capital. On the streets of Kabul, a car bomb outside the home of the defence minister kills eight people. In the western city of Herat, people huddle in their homes as enemy rockets pound down. And in the southern province of Helmand where hundreds of British servicemen lost their lives in recent years dozens of civilian bodies lie rotting on the country roads. Such is the news from Afghanistan, where the resurgent Taliban have made extraordinary gains in recent days. Across much of the country, their white flag now flies unchecked. You might be forgiven for thinking you've read this all before. It's a quarter of a century since the Taliban swept to power in much of Afghanistan, imposing a hideously oppressive Islamist regime that treated women as slaves and banned films, TV, music and dancing. The scene is only too familiar. On the dusty plains of Afghanistan, a trail of refugees heads for the beleaguered capital. On the streets of Kabul, a car bomb outside the home of the defence minister kills eight people. Pictured: Welsh Guards in 2009 Atrocities Perhaps more significantly, in just a few weeks it will be exactly 20 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington. It was in reaction to these atrocities that Tony Blair and George W. Bush launched Operation Enduring Freedom, promising to dismantle the al-Qaeda terrorist camps, overthrow the Taliban and usher the Afghan people into a brave new world of democracy. 'Operation Enduring Freedom'. How blackly ironic that name sounds today! For the Afghan people, the cause of freedom now hangs by a thread. Ever since the spring, when President Joe Biden announced that the last U.S. personnel would leave at the end of this month, the Taliban have swept across much of the country. Only a few weeks ago, U.S. intelligence analysts reportedly warned that without Western intervention, the government in Kabul might have only six months left. And now, with an estimated 85,000 Taliban fighters pressing towards the capital, that bleak prognosis looks decidedly optimistic. Yet this is merely part of a bigger picture. Twenty years after the War on Terror began, it's time that we took a long, unsparing look at what it really achieved. To revisit the news reports from 2001 feels like entering a different world. At the Labour conference, Tony Blair tells his party that he intends to fight for freedom 'from the deserts of Northern Africa to the slums of Gaza, to the mountain ranges of Afghanistan'. 'Let us re-order this world around us,' he says grandly, as if there is no limit to his ambitions. A few weeks later, his friend Bush appears before the U.S. Congress, pledging to dismantle an 'Axis of Evil' that threatens the peace of the world. He names three regimes in particular: Iran, Iraq and North Korea. How arrogant, how criminally naive this sounds today. The regime in Iran still stands, its position apparently as secure as ever. North Korea, too, remains defiant, having built an estimated stockpile of some 40 nuclear weapons. Twenty years after the War on Terror began, it's time that we took a long, unsparing look at what it really achieved. Pictured: A Royal Marine Commando firing a mortar in 2007 Carnage As for Iraq, that desperately sad story is only too familiar. However you measure it, the carnage since the Anglo-American invasion of 2003 has cost at least 150,000 lives, and perhaps more than a million. I say 'has cost', rather than 'cost', because Iraq is still not at peace. It has never been at peace. Even now, the Baghdad government and its Western sponsors are fighting a low-level Islamist insurgency, with bombings and killings almost every single day. What, then, is the verdict on the War on Terror? There's no doubt that some of its progenitors, at least, had noble motives. When Blair says he genuinely wanted to export Western freedoms to Afghanistan and Iraq, I believe him. But the verdict must be utterly damning. How can this naive, undefined, unachievable crusade go down as anything other than a catastrophic failure? Take the cost in lives first. Some 456 British servicemen and MoD civilians were killed in Afghanistan, and a further 179 in Iraq. And for what? As the Taliban surge towards Kabul, many of the bereaved must be asking themselves: was it all in vain? Price It would be utterly foolish to pretend that this is the outcome we wanted. Then there's the cost. In June this year, the Ministry of Defence admitted that the war in Afghanistan cost British taxpayers a staggering 22 billion, with the campaign in Iraq estimated to have cost a further 10 billion. The grim irony, of course, is that our politicians blew all that money just before the financial crisis of 2007-8, from which the Western economy has never really recovered. And given that Britain was about to be plunged into a long period of economic austerity, don't you wish we had saved it for other things? The greatest cost of all, though, is much harder to measure. It's the price in moral capital and political credibility, which Britain and the U.S. are still paying to this day. Believe it or not, the invasion of Afghanistan was much closer in time to the end of the Cold War than it is to us today. The U.S. was the world's unchallenged 'hyper-power', the march of democracy seemed unstoppable and some American thinkers were even proclaiming the 'end of history'. The events of the last two decades, however, turned that story on its head. For the Iraqi people, the Allied invasion brought a living nightmare. For the people of Afghanistan, meanwhile, it brought a gruelling, apparently interminable campaign, which now seems likely to end as it began with the Taliban as masters of their native land. The events of the last two decades, however, turned that story on its head. For the Iraqi people, the Allied invasion brought a living nightmare. For the people of Afghanistan, meanwhile, it brought a gruelling, apparently interminable campaign, which now seems likely to end as it began with the Taliban as masters of their native land. Pictured: Royal Marines in 2006 No wonder, then, that America's image abroad has plummeted over the last 20 years. According to the respected Pew Research Center, people in almost every major Western country now have an unfavourable impression of the U.S. In Japan, its popularity has dropped by 30 per cent since 2001. In France, too, it has fallen by 30 per cent, in Germany by almost 50 per cent. And what of faith in democracy the one thing for which Blair and Bush claimed they were fighting? According to a massive international study by Cambridge University, satisfaction with democracy has never been lower. In almost every country on earth, faith in the Western capitalist model has plummeted in the last 20 years especially among the young, to whom the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are simply incomprehensible. And here's another brutal irony. At the very point when Britain and the U.S. were wasting so much money and so many lives on their Middle Eastern misadventures, the real threats to Western democracy were hauling themselves off the canvas and preparing to rebuild. The winners of the War on Terror were not the British and American people, and still less the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. They were Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, the authoritarian strongmen of Russia and China, who watched with undisguised satisfaction as the Western powers discredited their own values. That, I think, was the real legacy of the past 20 years: a shattering reversal of Western progress, for which we will be paying quite literally for the rest of our lives. But perhaps it would be wrong to end by talking about ourselves. After all, the greatest casualties of the last two decades came among the people of Afghanistan and Iraq themselves, who have never known a single day of peace since the War on Terror began. Nobody can say how their lives would have turned out if we had left well alone. No doubt they would have endured more than their fair share of tragedies anyway. What we can say, however, is that they have paid a terrible price for our politicians' hubris and folly. And if we fail to learn that lesson, it would be the greatest betrayal of all. Advertisement A cabin in an 'enchanting' apple orchard in the New South Wales Blue Mountains is drawing couples in search of a romantic escape while Australia's international border remains closed. Tucked away on a sprawling estate near Blackheath, 112 kilometres west of Sydney, the cosy retreat is one of the top three 'most wish-listed' property on Airbnb for 2021 - and it's not hard to see why. Perched on a raised timber platform overlooking a valley, the one-bedroom shed boasts some of the region's most breathtaking views, delighting guests with an outdoor stone bathtub that captures a panorama of the mountains from a secluded terrace. But the perfect hideaway, which contains a blazing log fire and twinkling ceiling lights that bring a sense of the starry night sky inside, comes at a hefty price, with a nightly rate of $785 (AUD). This cabin in an 'enchanting' apple orchard in the New South Wales Blue Mountains is drawing couples in search of a romantic escape while Australia's international border remains closed Guests can enjoy an outdoor stone bathtub that captures a panorama of the mountains from a secluded terrace The cosy retreat contains a blazing log fire and twinkling ceiling lights that bring a sense of the starry night sky inside The cabin has been carefully positioned to take full advantage of the surrounding plot, which includes rows of apple trees, a chicken coop and spectacular scenic views. It has all the creature comforts you could want for a weekend getaway, including air conditioning, WiFi, cable TV and a fully functional kitchen, according to the Airbnb listing. Unsurprisingly, the orchard escape is almost fully booked until December, with limited availability remaining for weekdays. The cabin has been carefully positioned to take full advantage of the surrounding plot, which includes rows of apple trees, a chicken coop and spectacular scenic views It has all the creature comforts you could want for a weekend getaway, including air conditioning, WiFi and cable TV Inside is a bathroom with a freestanding tub (left) and a fully functional kitchen where visitors can prepare meals (right) But the perfect hideaway comes at a hefty price, with a nightly rate of $785 (AUD) Guests have left glowing reviews after their stay, giving the property an overall rating of 4.98 out of five stars online. One man called it the 'most amazing Airbnb' experienced he has ever had. Another said: 'Words really don't do justice, and photo's don't fully capture how magical this little orchard experience really is!' Others called it a 'perfect wonderland' and the 'most romantic getaway'. Australia's top 10 'most wish-listed' stays on Airbnb for 2021 1. The Pod, Lewisham, TAS ($280 per night) 2. Alkira Eco-Glamping Hut, Emerald, VIC ($220 per night) 3. Apple Orchard Farm Stay, Blackheath, NSW ($785 per night) 4. Little Red Barn, Doonan, QLD ($310 per night) 5. Ryans Rest Tiny House, Pemberton, WA ($185 per night) 6. The Cube, Murray River, SA ($284 per night) 7. Bruny Island Hideaway, Bruny Island, TAS ($385 per night) 8. Retro Tram and Cottage, Lauriston, VIC ($320 per night) 9. Treehouse, Blue Mountains, NSW ($1,095 per night) 10. Clouds Safari, Beechmont, QLD ($288 per night) Advertisement Guests have left glowing reviews after their stay, giving the property an overall rating of 4.98 out of five stars online The mountain-top estate even has its own chicken coop (pictured) Demand for quirky accommodation has soared since the pandemic began in early 2020, with Australian hosts of unique stays earning a collective $12.5million (AUD) between March 2020 and April 2021. One third of Australia's 100 'most wish-listed' Airbnb properties are classified as unique stays, according to the travel platform, with a tram, a treehouse and a house that floats on the ocean among the most popular. Searches for unique stays have nearly doubled since the Covid crisis broke out, and it seems interest is only increasing. In the first three months of 2021, Australian searches for yurts - portable, round tents covered with skins or felt that are traditionally used as homes by nomadic groups in Central Asia - surged by 80 percent compared to the same period last year. Inside Australia's most popular Airbnb unique stay A wooden box on stilts overlooking the ocean on the wild coast of southeastern Tasmania is Australia's 'most wish-listed' unique stay on Airbnb for 2021. The Pod, a box-like structure in Lewisham, 34 kilometres west of Hobart, is owned by travel writer Alice Hansen who likes to think of her property as a 'love letter' to the country's famously picturesque island state. Suspended metres above a mossy hillside, the 40sqm one-bedroom retreat is the perfect escape for couples, inspiring guests with its breathtaking views and quirky interior. The romantic getaway, which contains a freestanding outdoor bathtub and a fireplace that hangs from the ceiling, comes at a remarkably affordable price, with a nightly rate of just $280 (AUD) for two. Floor-to-ceiling windows frame sweeping views of the surrounding area, capturing a panorama that takes in Frederick Henry Bay and the Southern Ocean to the east and Mount Wellington/kunanyi to the west. It has a custom pine couch and a kitchenette kitted out with the latest appliances, according to the Airbnb listing, but you'll need to be willing to go off-grid because the Pod doesn't have WiFi. This wooden box on stilts overlooking the ocean on the wild coast of southeastern Tasmania is Australia's 'most wish-listed' unique stay on Airbnb for 2021 The Pod, a box-like structure in Lewisham, 34 kilometres west of Hobart, is owned by travel writer Alice Hansen who likes to think of her property as a 'love letter' to the country's famously picturesque island state Advertisement Demand for tiny homes increased by 76 percent, the platform reported, while searches for farm stays also skyrocketed by 66 percent. Airbnb's country manager for Australia and New Zealand, Susan Wheeldon, urged Aussies with quirky properties to capitalise on the enthusiasm for domestic travel by becoming a host on the site. 'More than ever, Aussies are looking at their accommodation itself as the destination - and that means homes that are a fun, quirky adventure in their own right,' Ms Wheeldon said. She added: 'The sky's really the limit when it comes to the types of spaces people can list on Airbnb.' Women are calling a new eye cream from an Australian skincare brand the 'best they have ever used'. Packed neatly into a travel-size syringe-shaped bottle, Dr Naomi's 'Catfish Blurring Eye Cream' has sold more than 10,000 units and made major waves across the beauty industry since launching on May 19. Just two daily pumps of the $89 product - which can be ordered online from the brand's website - claim to smooth fine lines, brighten dark circles and tighten sagging complexions, leaving skin looking years younger in a matter of weeks. Packed with powerful anti-ageing ingredients including kangaroo paw extract and hyaluronic acid, the cream is the best-seller from a collection of 19 home treatments developed by Sydney cosmetician, Dr Naomi McCullum. Scroll down for video Women are calling Dr Naomi's new Catfish Blurring Eye Cream (pictured on reality TV star, Martha Kalifatidis) 'the best' they have ever used Just two daily pumps of the $89 cream claim to smooth fine lines, brighten dark circles and tighten sagging complexions, leaving skin looking years younger in a matter of weeks. (Pictured: A customer before and two months after starting to use the product) The 'Instagram-famous' physician affectionately known as Dr Naomi opened her first luxury clinic in Paddington in 2016, and quickly cemented herself as a leader in non-invasive treatments, chiefly injectables. Five years later she has expanded her expertise into a self-titled skincare range, made and packaged in Australia, which contains products that focus on fixing pigmentation and discolouration. In a nod to Dr Naomi's sustainable ethos, each product comes in an airless bottle, with an outer shell that can be refilled with any serum from the range. Many of the products have attracted attention online, but none more so than the Catfish Eye Cream. Laced with the proprietary brightening cocktail used in Dr Naomi's clinical treatments, the serum is a chance to achieve salon-style results from the comfort of your own home - at a fraction of the cost. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid spheres help to instantly blur the appearance of crows feet, while organic kangaroo paw extract boosts the production of collagen, leaving skin plumper. The cream also contains peptides and plant extracts which have been proven to lessen the severity of dark circles and puffiness, smoothing skin and brightening under-eye bags. Customers have been raving about the benefits of the cream in glowing reviews, with some saying they already 'can't live without it'. The 'hero ingredient' behind Dr Naomi's 'best-ever' eye cream Dr Naomi's Catfish Filter is packed with powerful natural ingredients including kangaroo paw flower extract and hyaluronic acid. Known for its anti-ageing benefits, kangaroo paw speeds the skin's renewal process, strengthening its barrier function and repairing the links between your skin cells. It has been shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and neck by firming skin as little as one hour after application. Kangaroo paw has also been shown to hydrate and brighten skin, restoring its natural radiance. Similarly, the hyaluronic acid contained in Dr Naomi's eye cream Advertisement 'BEST EYE CARE EVER! It's so nice and feels luxurious. The packaging is EVERYTHING. Hands down the best eye cream I've ever used,' one customer wrote. Another said while the cream is more expensive than her usual brand, she will buy it again because of the almost instant results. 'Usually there's something that lets an eye cream down - too thick for under makeup or too thin to feel like it's working - neither of those apply here,' she wrote. The woman said the cream has a thick texture that's easily thinned for daywear which doesn't cause her under-eye concealer to slip or cake. And after wearing it to bed at night, her eyes look hydrated without being congested. Many of Dr Naomi's new products have attracted attention online, but none more so than the Catfish Eye Cream (left) 'It has not caused me any irritation and my skin can be fairly sensitive. Bit pricey but I would repurchase,' she added. Others said the cream has corrected long-term pigmentation under their eyes. 'All my other eye treatments are sitting sadly on the shelf, because this has become my superstar product,' one woman wrote. 'I suffer from dark circles and I am certain they are looking better, as I don't need to as much colour corrector.' The cream has also been promoted by some of Australia's leading influencers, including makeup artist turned reality TV star Martha Kalifatidis who shared a video of herself applying it on Instagram. 'Catfish Eye Cream has you covered, literally. It hydrates, plumps, brightens and blurs away imperfections,' she captioned the paid partnership post uploaded on July 28. Apprentice star Ryan-Mark Parsons has been branded 'insulting' for saying that young people who continue to work from home are 'unmistakably lazy'. The 21-year-old TV personality, from west London, appeared on Good Morning Britain today alongside Cumbria-based entrepreneur Izzy Obeng to debate whether younger employees should start working from the office. It comes after Chancellor Rishi Sunak said last month that it was really important for young people to be in a workplace in order to boost their careers. Ryan-Mark said that remote working is promoting a 'really apathetic attitude', while Izzy said that the idea of young people being lazy because they don't want a long commute into the city is 'absolutely ludicrous'. Apprentice star Ryan-Mark Parsons appeared on Good Morning Britain today to debate whether younger employees should start working from the office Cumbria-based entrepreneur Izzy Obeng branded him 'insulting' for saying that young people who continue to work from home are 'unmistakably lazy' 'Certainly everyone I've spoken to, all of my friends, they are itching, including myself to get back to the office,' said Ryan-Mark. 'Because it's that sense of pride, when you're getting up in the morning, you're putting on your suit. 'Certainly for people who have just graduated from school, if they're starting an apprenticeship, if they've just graduated from university, it's about taking pride in your appearance. 'You know what, I think it's lazy. I think what Izzy is suggesting is unmistakably lazy and promoting a really apathetic attitude towards working - where you're complaining about your commute, you're complaining about getting dressed. Listen, it is laziness disguised as saying "I think I thrive at home". 'You need to get up, you need to get dressed and go to work and you're going to succeed in your career.' Ryan-Mark said that remote working is promoting a 'really apathetic attitude', while Izzy said that the idea of young people being lazy because they don't want a long commute into the city is 'absolutely ludicrous' Izzy vehemently disagreed, saying: 'I think it's insulting to the tens of thousands of young people who have worked really hard to build their careers over the course of the pandemic.' The businesswoman, who is managing director of non-profit Foundervine, said that many organisations have used remote working as an opportunity to build relationships overseas using tools like LinkedIn. 'To suggest that someone is being lazy because they don't want to trek two and a half hours into the centre of the city, just so they can sit in an office all day is absolutely ludicrous,' said Izzy. She went on to argue that in a globalised environment small businesses will benefit from flexible working 'where you spend some time in social spaces and some time working from home'. Izzy, who is managing director of non-profit Foundervine, said that many organisations have used remote working as an opportunity to build relationships overseas using tools like LinkedIn Ryan-Mark disgareed, arguing that as a young employee building relationships and 'collaboratively working with your colleagues' isn't possible over a computer screen 'It hasn't worked well for everyone, I completely acknowledge there are some challenges from working from home, but I think what is key here is to have flexible working arrangements.' But Ryan-Mark disgareed, and said that while he acknowledges there are some benefits to working from home, building relationships and 'collaboratively working with your colleagues' isn't possible over a computer screen as a young employee. 'I know Izzy said it's worked for her, but it is simply not going to be the same kind of relationship you're building, if you're actually in the office with your colleagues, with your boss that you can achieve when you're doing a Zoom call,' said Ryan-Mark. 'I completely agree with the Chancellor. He was younger he was doing his summer internship - he wouldn't have had the progression and the relationships he built as a youngster if he was doing it over Zoom, you can't have the same relationship over a computer, I'm sorry, absolutely not.' Parisian luxury fashion house Balenciaga is a go to for many celebs, with Justin Bieber, Beyonce and Adele among its famous fans. But it's latest offering - a 1,350 knitted hoodie covered in holes - has raised eyebrows for many. The blue and red number - which is currently sold out in the UK - is 100 per cent polyester and has holes in the chest, arms, back and bottom. Parisian luxury fashion house Balenciaga is a go to for many celebs, with Justin Bieber, Beyonce and Adele among its famous fans. But it's latest offering - a 1,350 knitted hoodie covered in holes - has raised eyebrows for many The item was spotted by Twitter user Liam, who joked: 'For a mere 1300 you can look like you have lost a square go with a staffy,' Others joked that it must be a 'p***take' while one compared it to a bin bag. Farfetch, which sells the jumper in the UK , writes in the description: 'Balenciaga has never been afraid to push the boundaries as far as design is concerned. 'This distressed embroidered-logo hoodie from the Spanish founded brand provides glimpses of whatever is worn underneath as a result of ripped detailing and frayed edges. Farfetch, which sells the jumper in the UK , writes in the description: 'Balenciaga has never been afraid to push the boundaries as far as design is concerned. The item was spotted by Twitter user Liam, who joked: 'For a mere 1300 you can look like you have lost a square go with a staffy,' Balenciaga was founded in Spain by Cristobal Balenciaga, who was known as the 'The King of Fashion' and was described by 'the master of us all' by Christian Dior. The brand, which relocate to Paris after the Spanish civil war, has a range of 'destroyed' items - including jeans with holes in, frayed hem shirts, and faded caps. Last year, the brand was mocked for a series of bizarre Instagram posts, which included dogs posing in giant hoodies and modelling earrings on lemons. Balenciaga was founded in Spain by Cristobal Balenciaga, who was known as the 'The King of Fashion' and was described by 'the master of us all' by Christian Dior. The hoodie is pictured The luxury fashion house which has been worn by stars including, Meghan Markle, the Kardashians and Kanye West, boasts more than 11million followers on Instagram. But the now-deleted lockdown posts of the French brand were very creative, including posing a pair of shoes underneath a bin bag, a model posing in a jumper with their face warped into a flattened and distorted shape. Another shows one of the brand's waistcoast - which often sells for upwards of 1,000 - hanging up with vegetables and bread in its pockets, and a banana taped to the front. The lockdown posts of the French brand have been very creative including a model posing in a jumper with their face warped into a flattened strange shape One shot shows a lemon with pieces of paper in the shape of a mouth, nose and eyes modelling a pair of 295 earrings One shot shows a lemon with pieces of paper in the shape of a mouth, nose and eyes modelling a pair of 295 earrings. In another, a model sporting a 395 T-shirt and luxury trousers has her face covered by a series of emojis. Meanwhile, fans were particularly amused by a small dog posing in a an oversized puffer jacket. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex discussed moving to New Zealand during a 2018 visit, according to the Queen's representative in the country, more than a year before they stepped back from royal duties and moved to the US. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who now live in California and have since welcomed their second child, daughter Lilibet Diana on June 4, 2021, visited New Zealand at the end of a hectic 16-day royal tour of the South Pacific three years ago. Governor-general Dame Patsy Reddy recalled the couple saying they 'could imagine living in a place like this' and questioned whether it would be 'theoretically possible'. She told Associated Press in an interview: 'They were looking at how they might raise their family. And obviously they've made some decisions since.' Harry and Meghan, who also share son Archie, two, shocked the world when in January 2020 they announced their intent to step back from senior royal roles, become financially independent and spend more time in North America. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visit Te Papaiouru Marae on October 31, 2018 in Rotorua, New Zealand The Duke and Duchess of Sussex speak with the Governor General of New Zealand Dame Patsy Reddy (right) and her husband David Gascoigne (left) after the official welcoming ceremony at Government House on October 28, 2018 in Wellington, New Zealand Following crisis talks with the Royal Family, it was agreed the couple would no longer be working royals and gave up their 'Royal Highness' titles. In March that year, Harry and Meghan carried out their last official engagement at the annual Commonwealth Day service in London, before settling in California. Recalling the couple's trip to New Zealand, and how they appeared tired, Dame Patsy, 67, said: 'I remember they'd just been down to the Abel Tasman National Park when we sat down and had a drink. 'They said that they could imagine living in a place like this and wondered whether we thought it would be theoretically possible. Even possible for them to have a place in New Zealand. 'Of course, we said, "Sure. It would be fine". There are lots of opportunities to live in New Zealand, but that would be something that they'd have to explore.' Governor-general Dame Patsy Reddy (pictured) recalled the royal couple saying they 'could imagine living in a place like this' and questioned whether it would be 'theoretically possible' The discussion suggests the couple were considering options outside Britain less than six months after they married and well before their eventual move to the US. Dame Patsy said she did not view it as a formal request for assistance but more of an informal discussion about the couple's hopes for the future. She said they seemed impressed with access to the outdoors and their interactions with New Zealanders. During a widely watched interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this year, Harry and Meghan said they had offered to take a step back from royal life in a Commonwealth country such as South Africa or New Zealand. Dame Patsy said she watched the interview but did not want to comment on internal royal family business. 'I thought they were a lovely couple and I hope they've got a great future where they are,' she said. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who now live in California and have since welcomed their second child, daughter Lilibet Diana on June 4, 2021, visited New Zealand (pictured) at the end of a hectic 16-day royal tour of the South Pacific three years ago Meanwhile, Dame Patsy also said the British monarch should remain as New Zealand's head of state, and described the hand-typed letters she sends to the Queen. Dame Patsy will leave her largely ceremonial role representing Her Majesty in New Zealand in October after a five-year term. A lawyer who was given the honorific Dame for services to arts and business, she officially signs bills into law, presides over public ceremonies and tours the country, meeting various groups including Indigenous Maori. She added that she regularly expresses her confidential views of what is happening in New Zealand to the Queen, such as the nation's response to the pandemic. She said the communication 'is quite touchingly old-fashioned, by letter'. 'She has told me on the times that I've seen her that she finds it interesting to have a personal perspective on what's happening,' Dame Patsy said. 'As she says, "I like to know what's happening between the lines".' During a widely watched interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this year, Harry and Meghan (pictured) said they had offered to take a step back from royal life in a Commonwealth country such as South Africa or New Zealand Some people in New Zealand believe the country should become an independent republic but Dame Patsy said she believes the queen should remain the head of state because the arrangement works and has strong historical links. She said New Zealand has a special connection to the monarchy because its founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, was signed by Maori and a representative of Queen Victoria. Asked about a future scenario in which a monarch might turn out to be dictatorial or autocratic, Dame Patsy said the same scenario with an elected president would be likely to be worse. 'We've seen how that doesn't work in other countries in the world,' she said. 'But actually, because the monarch is much more of a theoretical construct, a figurehead rather than an actual ruler, I think it gives us a measure of safety, constitutional safety.' She said she agreed with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's assessment that there was currently little appetite among New Zealanders for a constitutional change, and that people were concerned about more pressing issues like climate change, inequality and the pandemic. She said the royal family had been great role models during the pandemic, using the internet and social media to great effect and abiding to the rules imposed by the UK Government. 'So we saw tragically the funeral of Prince Philip, where they could only have 30 mourners,' Dame Patsy said. 'But there was no question that there'd be any kind of dispensation, even from the requirements for isolation, when, for example, Prince Harry came back to that funeral.' A woman has revealed how she's had to endure abuse in the street after she fell in love with her teenage son's best friend when he was just 16. Marylin Buttigieg, 60, a mother-of-seven from Crawley, West Sussex, met her now-husband, William Smith, 31, when her son brought him over after school in June 2006. The pair say they 'naturally gravitated towards each other' but that William was initially hesitant, fearing what people would think. After coming out as a couple, and getting wed in April 2009, Marilyn and William are now celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary despite the 29-year age gap. They admit that they've faced plenty of vitriolic comments from strangers about their relationship and have lost many friends and family members who strongly disagree with them being a couple. Only one of Marilyn's seven children speaks to her - including the son who introduced them - and William is no longer in contact with his family. Marylin Buttigieg, 60, a mother-of-seven from Crawley, West Sussex, met her now-husband, William Smith, 31, when he came over to hang out with her then 16-year-old son in 2006 The couple became friends and then fell in love and have now celebrated their 12th wedding anniversary - but say they've lost friends and family because of their unusual relationship. They were wed in April 2009, pictured above. However, the couple, pictured on holiday together, say they 'would do it all again' and are still very happy The relationship began when William would come over to Marilyn's house to play video games with her son. They say they slowly got to know each other, and William started to help around the house. They say they've been inseparable ever since. Marylin, who owns a cleaning business, says: 'William and I are still so in love. We're never apart and if we are we miss each other so much. He's my soulmate.' They say they've lost most of their friends and family because they chose to be together but admit they 'would do it all again' and are still very happily loved up. She continues: 'We have suffered a lot of hate over the years and I've been called a "paedo" but we've always had each other. We've stayed true to ourselves and our feelings and that is what matters.' William, a film producer, says he knew it was love and still feels as strongly today: 'I knew we had something special. She was and still is my dream woman.' 'We've stayed true to ourselves and our feelings and that is what matters,' Marilyn says the pair have no regrets about their relationship and are still happy 15 years on Their love grew when William started helping Marylin around the house after she was diagnosed with ME - a long-term illness causing extreme tiredness and muscle pain The couple say they want to change the narrative and judgement surrounding age gap relationships After their first meeting, William started helping Marylin in her home; she has ME, a long-term condition which causes extreme tiredness and muscle pain among other symptoms. Before long their friendship grew into something romantic, but they were both hesitant - after already being mocked by their family before they were even a couple. 'I didn't want to take away William's life,' says Marylin. 'I didn't want to have any more kids, but I didn't want to stop William having a family if he wanted. My family had also already judged us for being friends and thought we were something more before we were - just because William helped me out. We've been to hell and back and even now we get nails in our tyres and I've been called a paedo more times than I can remember... Marilyn Buttigieg, on her age gap relationship 'I think that made us gravitate towards each other to be honest.' William says they discussed being a couple before actually getting together: 'She quizzed me to make sure I was sure this was what I wanted. I was 100% sure it was.' After a long chat they decided to give it a go and moved in together quickly. Marylin says all but one of her children 'disowned her', but the couple stuck by each other and fell head over heels in love. William has also since lost touch with his family. In February 2009 William proposed and the couple got married soon after in April 2009. They enjoyed a honeymoon to Gibraltar - where Marylin is originally from. William says: 'We've struggled a lot with hate over the years and lost our families too but we are now family. People hurl us abuse and it's affected my jobs in the past, but it is getting better now.' Enduring love: Marilyn and William say they now want to make a film about their affair Marilyn adds: 'We've been to hell and back and even now we get nails in our tyres and I've been called a paedo more times than I could remember. People just can't just leave us alone.' Despite the abuse the couple have stayed strong and have stopped worrying about what anyone thinks. 'I tell William to kiss me in the streets because why should anyone care?' Marylin says. 'I'm proud of him and our relationship - let them stare if they want to.' The couple are now raising money to make a film about their story. William now plans to turn their love affair into a film and is crowd-funding to raise money for the project: 'We want to tell our story our way and to change the judgement surrounding an age gap relationship.' Marylin says: 'I think people's perceptions still need to change. I couldn't imagine anyone else loving me more than William does. I trust him with everything.' Amanda Knox has announced that she is pregnant with her first child, just weeks after she revealed she had suffered a devastating and painful miscarriage during the pandemic. The 33-year-old and her husband, Christopher Robinson, shared the news of their baby joy on the latest episode of their podcast, during which Knox recorded herself celebrating the moment that she learned they were pregnant. The couple's happy news comes just one month after Knox and Robinson, who tied the knot in early 2020, opened up about their first-trimester miscarriage - with Knox revealing that the loss of her child made her question whether 'something had happened to her in Italy' to cause fertility issues. Speaking out about her struggle with infertility, Knox, who was convicted and then acquitted of the 2007 murder of her former roommate Meredith Kercher in Italy, recalled having to go through an agonizing induced birth after the miscarriage. However, her devastation turned to joy in the latest episode of Labyrinths: Getting Lost with Amanda Knox, during which she shared an audio recording of the moment she learned her pregnancy test was positive. 'I'm still several days early,' Knox is then heard saying, before her husband remarks: 'Yeah it looks pretty negative.' However, over the next couple of minutes, the couple becomes increasingly hopeful as faint lines start to appear on the test. Celebration: Amanda Knox has announced that she is pregnant with her first child, just one month after revealing she had suffered a devastating miscarriage during the pandemic Overjoyed: In a new episode of their podcast, Knox, 33, and her husband Christopher Robinson are heard celebrating the moment that they realized her pregnancy test was positive 'There is a faint, faint, faint line,' Robinson says, before asking his wife to 'turn the lights up a little'. 'Oh my god,' she replies, 'that is a faint, faint line! OK, OK, OK don't get too excited, [but] it's not even that faint! That is so something faint right now! 'Thank goodness, we did it!' Knox then bursts into happy laughter, before explaining in a voiceover: 'When you've had a loss, it's hard to trust a sign of good news staring you in the face, especially since we'd been immersed in all these tragic stories [of infertility struggles].' Speaking about her first-trimester miscarriage, Amanda recounted the heartbreaking moment they learned their baby didn't have a heartbeat - after doctors advised the couple at their eight-week scan to wait another week because the baby only appeared to be six-weeks developed. However, when they returned a week later, they were given the devastating news that their unborn child had not grown any more, and there was no heartbeat to be found. Questions: Last month, Amanda, who was convicted and then acquitted of the 2007 murder of her former roommate Meredith Kercher, spent four years in jail in Italy and said she questioned if 'something happened to her' while she was there to caused fertility 'We went back a week later... and it hadn't grown. It didn't have a heartbeat,' she recalled, before admitting that she was left dumbstruck by the news - in part because she hadn't experienced any of what she believed to be the tell-tale signs of a miscarriage. 'That was confusing to me because I thought, "Why would there be a dead baby just hanging out in there?" If it wasn't viable, why wasn't it going away,' she said. ''My body didn't even know, and that felt weird to me that something that your body is so in tune with... it didn't know? I didn't know that you could have a missed miscarriage. 'For all intents and purposes, I was pregnant with something that was just not growing.' Amanda's doctors explained that her body would likely 'figure it out sooner or later' but they advised that she go through an induction to push her body to expel the fetus, explaining that if she waited for it to happen naturally, she could be forced to undergo a D&C, which is a much more 'invasive' procedure. However, the induction, which required Amanda to take two prescription pills, left her in horrific agony - which she said was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. 'I went into the bathroom to take the pills and then I just kind of laid on the bed and waited for something to happen,' she recalled, explaining that she didn't initially take the pain medication that they prescribed because she wasn't someone who usually struggled to deal with pain. But within 30 minutes, Amanda was 'shaking' in pain, and she decided to take the pain pills in the hopes of getting some relief. 'I didn't take the pain medication, I thought that was absolute last resort, probably not going to need [it],' she recounted. 'And it took about half an hour before I felt anything. But abdominal pain like I've not experienced before. I was shaking. 'Eventually I was like, I can't take this anymore, I need to take pain medication. I took some and then it was like another half an hour before that kicked in and I was able to stop shaking from pain.' Christopher admitted he was horrified at seeing his 'usually tough' wife in such pain, explaining that he found her 'crumpled' and 'wracked with pain' in their bedroom. Devastated: Knox (pictured at a conference in 2011) broke down in tears as she recalled the moment she learned she had miscarried during a podcast episode last month Amanda went on to detail the upsetting experience that she had to go through for the next two days, revealing that she essentially had to 'birth blood' every time she went to the bathroom. 'For like two days, I was birthing blood, wads of blood. Not like a period at all,' she said, noting that she had 'read stories' about people who'd had to 'go through the toilet' to try and locate their embryo, which she was 'grateful' she didn't have to do. Still, her own miscarriage process was, she said, incredibly upsetting, particularly because she kept asking herself whether her baby was somewhere in the 'clumps' that she saw in the toilet. The couple has been documenting their infertility struggles in a mini-series on their podcast, Labyrinths 'I remember the biggest clump was about the size of a plum,' Amanda revealed. 'There were smaller clumps that came out. And every time I went to the bathroom to do that and I saw those clumps, I kept thinking, "Is that the baby? Where is it in all of this?"' After going through her miscarriage, Amanda says she began questioning whether she was to blame for it in any way - admitting that she even wondered whether 'something [had] happened to her while she was over in Italy' that might have caused fertility issues. 'I did feel incredibly disappointed that was the story of my first ever pregnancy,' she said, adding: 'I thought, "I know exactly what I want to do with my first pregnancy," and to have it not come to fruition not through choice felt like a betrayal. 'Why? Do I have bad eggs and I never knew? Am I actually too old? Did something happen to me while I was over in Italy? 'If it's not easy and you don't know why then anything could be the problem. And it's frustrating how little information you have at any point in the process.' She did not specify what incidents occurred in Italy to cause a fertility issue, however in her 2013 book, Waiting to be Heard, Amanda claimed that she had been subject to sexual harassment at the hands of a senior guard during her time in jail. Questions: Amanda and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito (left) were convicted and then acquitted of the 2007 murder of British student Meredith Kercher (right) in Italy Amanda also said that she was given a false HIV diagnosis by medical staff and that following her 2007 arrest, when she was 20 years old, she was forced to strip naked and spread her legs while a doctor measured her vagina. 'The doctor inspected the outer lips of my vagina and then separated them with his fingers to examine the inner. He measured and photographed my intimate parts,' she wrote, according to the Daily News. Amanda spent four years in an Italian prison after she was convicted of the November 2007 murder of her former roommate, British student Meredith Kercher, while they were living together with two other women in a shared house in the small town of Perugia. The 21-year-old's body was found half-naked in the property, and it was revealed that she had been stabbed 47 times and had her throat slashed. Police also found signs of sexual assault. Amanda, who was dubbed 'Foxy Knoxy' by the press and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were both convicted of Kercher's murder in a 2009. However, Amanda was acquitted of the crime in 2011, and she returned to the US, having spent close to four years in jail. She refused to go back to Italy for a retrial three years later - during with she was convicted again - before that conviction was overturned by the Italian Supreme Court in 2015. The couple shared that they are going to try to conceive again - and Amanda vented her frustration at being told to 'give herself time' after her miscarriage. '[They told me] to give yourself time and I don't want time, I want to get back on track,' she said. 'Why can't my body just work?' Both Amanda and Chris confessed that they had gone into the process with a naive view, and assumed that 'it was a straight line from unprotected sex to baby'. 'We were wrong, painfully wrong,' Chris noted. Michelle Obama has brought some levity to former President Barack's controversial 60th birthday celebrations by posting a sweet tribute to the 'wonderful father and husband' - shortly after it was announced he had canceled his 'tone deaf' 500-person party amid furious backlash. The 57-year-old former First Lady took to social media on Wednesday morning to share a sweet message for her husband, while also posting a never-before-seen photo of the couple posing with their daughters, Malia and Sasha. While Barack and Michelle are seen smiling happily for the cameras in the snap, Malia, 23, is flashing a goofy thumbs up, while 20-year-old Sasha pouts furiously at the camera. Posting the image on Twitter and Instagram, Michelle praised her husband for being such a 'loving, present father' to their two daughters, noting that his role as a parent 'tops... all of his accomplishments'. Tribute: Michelle Obama posted a gushing tribute to husband Barack on his 60th birthday on Wednesday, while sharing a fun photo of the couple with daughters Malia and Sasha High praise: The 57-year-old former First Lady thanked her husband for being such a 'present, loving father' to their children 'Of all of your accomplishments, I know that being a present, loving father to our girls tops them all,' she wrote. 'Thank you for never letting the weight of the world get in the way of being a wonderful husband and father. Happy 60th birthday, @BarackObama!' Michelle's public birthday tributes have become something of a ritual over the past several years, with the mother-of-two regularly marking special occasions by gushing about her husband on social media. However her latest post comes as the couple was facing furious backlash over their plans to host a lavish 500-person soiree at their Martha's Vineyard home this weekend in celebration of Barack's milestone birthday. After plans for the party were revealed, the couple came under heavy criticism, with many branding the even 'tone deaf' given the increasing number of cases of the Delta variant and the number of breakthrough cases among vaccinated people. Amid ongoing public outcry, the Obamas' spokesperson announced on Wednesday that he had canceled the event, and will instead celebrate his birthday with a much more low-key gathering of just a handful of his closest friends and family. 'This outdoor event was planned months ago in accordance with all public health guidelines and with COVID safeguards in place,' spokesperson Hannah Hankins said in a statement on the change of plans. Heartwarming: Michelle and Barack regularly share public tributes on special occasions, with the former First Lady posting this sweet photo of her husband and kids last Father's Day Levity: Her latest tribute to her husband comes after the couple (pictured in a post from last year) faced furious backlash over plans to host a 500-person party this weekend 'Due to the new spread of the Delta variant over the past week, the President and Mrs. Obama have decided to significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends,' the former president's spokesperson continued. 'President Obama is appreciative of others sending their birthday wishes from afar and looks forward to seeing people soon.' Obama turns 60 today and planned to celebrate the occasion over the weekend with hundreds of his former administration officials, celebrities and Democratic donors with a massive party on Martha's Vineyard island off the coast of Massachusetts. Many guests, according to The New York Times, were already en route to the island on the ferry from the mainland. Among the 475 guests expected to attend the event this weekend were actor George Clooney, director Steven Spielberg and notorious talk show host Oprah Winfrey, the New York Post reported. President Joe Biden never intended to go to the party, as he already had a beach trip planned to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, which he is traveling to on Friday. Instead of the big soiree, the former president will celebrate with only close friends and family at his 7,000-square-foot mansion in the Edgarton section of Martha's Vineyard. Uproar: As news of Obama's party broke, some took to Twitter to call it irresponsible amid the resurgence in COVID cases - and on Wednesday, it was revealed he has cancled the event Concern: COVID cases have been rising throughout the country as a result of the Delta variant Statistics: Deaths, however, have continued on a downward trajectory 'They've been concerned about the virus from the beginning, asking invited guests if they had been vaccinated, requesting that they get a test proximate to the event,' David Axelrod, a former top Obama adviser, said, according to the Times. 'But when this was planned, the situation was quite different,' he added of the change. 'So they responded to the changing circumstances.' Before the scale back, the White House defended Obama's plans on Monday. 'I would note first that former President Obama has been a huge advocate of individuals getting vaccinated,' White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged when asked about her former boss' big birthday bash. The party, according to multiple reports, was supposed to take place outdoors on the Obamas' $12 million 30-acre Martha's Vineyard waterfront mansion. But as more plans became public this week, the former president came under fire for the tone deaf event as many areas of the country returned to pandemic restrictions, including mask mandates indoors. There was also a 'coronavirus coordinator', who was making sure the event was compliant with the most recent CDC guidance. Guests were required to take coronavirus tests and submit their results to the medical 'coronavirus coordinator' to gain entry to the Obama compound. Former 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord has shared more details of her childhood trauma and how it led her to develop dissociative identity disorder, revealing that the abuse she suffered was so severe that as an adult she would often feel numb so she turned to self-harming and risky sexual behavior just to feel anything at all. Earlier this year, AnnaLynne, 33, opened up about the 'horrific' sexual assault she experienced as a child, explaining how she fragmented into different versions of herself to cope. Speaking on a new episode of the Call Her Daddy podcast today, AnnaLynne recounted how the 'level of torture' she underwent was so terrible that she ultimately 'just stopped feeling pain' so as an adult, she experimented with cutting and BDSM and admits, 'I was so abusive to myself.' Opening up: Former 90210 star AnnaLynne McCord has shared more details of her childhood trauma and how it led her to develop dissociative identity disorder 'The level of torture that I went through as a child that I now remember was so horrific that my brain said ... we're gonna shut off feeling,' she said. 'I just stopped feeling pain' 'A big part of BDSM for me was just trying to feel anything in my body at all,' she admitted AnnaLynne said she grew up moving around from trailer park to trailer park with her mother and sisters. 'We packed that trailer up and we rolled it down the freeway,' she told host Alex Cooper. It was during that time that she was abused, though she had no memory of it until she was 31 years old. At 15, she left home and began working as a model, and recalls turning herself off to any deep human connection. 'I did not have time for feelings. Those were things that we did not do... I did not believe in relationships. You make your mark on the world, that's what you're here for. If you like a dude, cool, but make that a super lowkey thing,' she said. She struggled with depression and anxiety, eventually turning to self-harming like cutting herself, explaining: 'The self harming started just because I couldn't feel anything.' She also entered into a 'very sexual' relationship with a man that involved lots of BDSM. Flashback: AnnaLynne, pictured with her mother, only remembered much of her childhood abuse a few years ago 'You are not multiple personalities when you experience DID. You are fragmented versions of yourself,' she explained 'I was opening up Pandora's box sexually without consciously knowing why I might like these things, why they might turn me on the way they did,' she said. 'Because our beautiful brains that put pain and pleasure together to try to help us, ended up keeping me in a body that would go on to abuse herself for a very long time. 'A big part of BDSM for me was just trying to feel anything in my body at all,' she admitted. 'The level of torture that I went through as a child that I now remember was so horrific that my brain said no, she can't feel, so we're gonna shut off feeling. 'I just stopped feeling pain,' she said. 'People laugh and say, "Oh, I have a high tolerance for pain," you should ask yourself why. Because that's not a good thing. You should ask yourself why. We have pain for a reason, it's to let us know something's wrong. And you don't win awards for having a high tolerance for pain. That's unkind to your body.' Even as she rose to fame on 90210, she was unknowingly struggling with dissociative identity disorder, or DID, which meant there were multiple versions of herself that would come out in various situations. 'You are not multiple personalities when you experience DID. You are fragmented versions of yourself,' she explained. 'The reason that the brain splits in this regard, it's always a protective mechanism.' She described suffering from severed depression, having 'blackout panic attacks where I was losing time' She also realized that it might not be OK that her legs would go completely numb when she would sleep with a man What is dissociative identity disorder? Dissociative identity disorder (DID) was previously known as multiple personality disorder and is classified by the presence of two or more distinct personality states in those who have it. Dissociative disorders - including DID - usually develop as a reaction to trauma, as a means of keeping difficult memories at bay. As well as the presence of alternate identities, DID symptoms can also include amnesia and other mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. The most commonly used treatments for DID are talk therapy and medication; however, other methods may be suggested depending on the individual and their symptoms. Advertisement For example, she went on, 'If I'm on a red carpet, I have to say everything just right... But my nervous system was so overwhelmed by people, humans around me ... so I just felt really comfortable in my body.' She would go on autopilot, and suddenly it would be hours later and she would be at home. 'I wouldn't fully black out,' she said. 'I could remember things, but my life in a lot of ways was a blur.' A version of herself she calls 'Little Anna' who employed baby talk would mostly come out when she was dealing with men, or if she had to express a need for something. 'I had this mechanism with men where I thought I had to be really small. And it wasn't a conscious thought. Bad things happened if I wasn't a good little girl, who was the special girl, who did the things that she was supposed to do,' she explained. 'I didn't know why I had to just give my body to people and I didn't realize that I was doing it because I was hoping that I'd get some love back. And I was so desperate to be loved because I was so alone and had been so alone for so long,' she added. There was also a 13-year-old version of herself, whom she has previously described as 'balls to the wall, middle fingers to the sky, anarchist from hell who will stab you with the spike ring that she wears, and youll like it.' 'I was ice cold and I could be a real c**t,' she said on Call Her Daddy. Candid: AnnaLynne has shared details of her journey toward healing '[That version of myself] had enough and she became the thing that terrified her. I became a bully, I could be very emotionally, psychologically abusive... I would go into an alter that was just ice cold and impossible to get through to. 'And I thank her now, I have so much gratitude to her,' she added, saying it was this tough personality that saved her. It was while visiting Cambodia on volunteer trips that she realized she might need some help. 'I realized from former slaves how enslaved I was. I was a total prisoner to my mind. I was so rigid, I had all these standards of perfection, I was so abusive to myself,' she said. She was suffering from severed depression at the time, having 'blackout panic attacks where I was losing time.' She also realized that it might not be OK that her legs would go completely numb when she would sleep with a man. So she started seeing a doctor who explored her repressed memories with her. Among the tactics they used was EMDR, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, the same practice Prince Harry demonstrated in the Apple TV+ series The Me You Can't See.' Moment of truth: It was while visiting Cambodia on volunteer trips that she realized she might need some help 'I realized from former slaves how enslaved I was. I was a total prisoner to my mind. I was so rigid, I had all these standards of perfection, I was so abusive to myself,' she said On August 16, 2018, everything about her childhood abuse started coming back to her. 'The memories of a trauma survivor are fragmented. They come in pieces, they come in waves, they come in impressions, they come in sounds, they come in smells, they come in all of this different imagery, whatever. There are no two experiences alike,' she said. AnnaLynne has shared few specifics about what she endured, but indicated in the podcast that she was choked with a rope during this time. She also said that said her mom had had no idea what was going on, but has since been great about helping her. In April, AnnaLynne first spoke openly about how her trauma has continued to impact her, divulging her battle with DID, which was formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is characterized by alternating between multiple identities, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). A person with the disorder may feel like one or more voices are in their head and have gaps in memory of events, including trauma. Scary: AnnaLynne previously spoke about how her abuse led to her having dissociative identity disorder Candid: The star publicly revealed her diagnosis on in a YouTube video she filmed with brain disorder specialist Dr. Daniel Amen She shared her diagnosis in a YouTube video that was posted by brain disorder specialist Dr. Daniel Amen. She said she is now examining how the sexual abuse she suffered may have led to her dissociative identity disorder. She discussed her memory loss, explaining that she doesn't remember anything about her life before the age of five, and after that, she can only remember several 'incidents' of abuse, recollections that were triggered by her rape at age 18. 'I don't have anything until around five, and then from five to 11. I recount incidents throughout,' she said, noting that she also has gaps in her memory after age 11. 'And then when I was 13, I have a singled-out memory that was just one thing, that I don't have a sense of anything else at that time.' The actress, who received her DID diagnosis before meeting with Dr. Amen, revealed that her doctor told her she suffered from it 'pretty seriously,' and that she likely had 'definitive splits' prior to her memory returning. Although she can now identify she had a split personality from the age of 13, she can look back on her childhood behavior and see evidence of the disorder at an earlier age, before her memories came back. 'Before my memories came back, I had definitive splits. In my history, youll see me, I would just show up with the black wig and a new personality and I was this tough little baddie, and then Id be the bohemian flower child,' she explained. Looking back: The 33-year-old actress has also shared details of the night a friend raped her in her own bed at age 19 The anti-trafficking activist now believes that her disorder also played a part in her work as an actress, explaining that all of her roles, in one way or another, were 'splits' split personalities although she was not aware of it at the time. Dr. Amen explained that he scanned AnnaLynne's brain and the results are 'not like many of the other multiples he has seen,' before questioning whether the actress has ever been given a bipolar diagnosis, which she confirmed she had. 'In 2017, I actually went [to a psychiatrist], knowing for years that I felt like I was [bipolar], considering the fact that I have family history and the symptoms seemed to line up,' she said. She added that she had struggled with symptoms of bipolar disorder for years, but admitted that she actually relied on her 'manic' behavior as a means of pulling herself out of a depressed state. 'I would use my manic symptoms to get me out of depression, I would kind of manipulate my symptoms,' she explained. 'I knew that if I went on a crazy sex spree, or a shopping spree, or any kind of heightened thrill-seeking type things, I could always manipulate myself out of depression so I never really got too stuck.' However, in 2017, she 'went down a depression spiral' that she could not bring herself out of 'no matter what she did.' 'I tried to go on no-sleeping benders to activate my mania, I tried sex, spending [sprees], I tried traveling all over the globe the first part of that year but I could not get out of the depression.' 'From my point of view, [they] deserve an opportunity for redemption,' she said of her abusers (pictured in Las Vegas on June 10) Referring to AnnaLynne's brain scan, Dr. Amen said that he believes the actress used her split personalities as a means of 'managing' her childhood sexual trauma. 'When you've had intense childhood sexual trauma, you split as a way to manage it,' he said. 'And the brighter you are, the more you split.' He also suggested that the actress may have had an undiagnosed brain injury, which could also be an underlying cause of her condition. The star, who noted that there is a 'massive spectrum obviously' of disorder in how it impacts people battling it, said that her goal is to shift the way society views people dealing with the disorder. 'For me, my heart is to change this narrative around these behaviors that follow trial of the trauma, and not treating someone or responding to someone or judging someone from their actions but asking, "What happened to you? How did we get here?' she said. Then in July, she spoke to creative agency House of Influence, sharing a very magnanimous perspective on the people who sexually abused her as a child and raped her as a teenager. 'The truth is, we're not good and we're not bad. Even the person who sexually abused me as a child, and the person who sexually assaulted me when I was 19, they're not bad people,' she said, according to The Sun. Triggering: The actress recalled a triggering moment on the show 90210, when her what happened to her in real life happened to her character 'They make bad decisions from bad places that they were in at the time. From my point of view, [they] deserve an opportunity for redemption,' she added. AnnaLynne has managed to find it in her to be forgiving towards her abusers despite years of trauma. 'I came from horrible abuse. I grew up going through all of these horrible things that that caused me absolute terrible pain,' she said. She'd blocked out her childhood abuse for years, but it all came pouring back in when she was raped at 19. AnnaLynne first shared story in essay for Cosmopolitan in 2014, recalling how a man in her friend group whom she had considered a friend needed a place to sleep for the night, so she invited him over. 'We sat on the bed and talked for a while, then I fell asleep. When I woke up, he was inside me,' she wrote for Cosmo. 'At first, I felt so disoriented and numb, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep,' she went on. 'I wondered if I had done something to give him the wrong idea. I felt afraid of making him angry. Believe it or not, I didn't want to offend him. I just wanted it to be over.' Finally, when she worked up the nerve to tell him to stop, 'He stopped and went in the bathroom and finished.' 'I did nothing, I laid there until 5:00 AM, until the sun started to peek through, and I could feasibly, in my mind, explain that I got up early,' she said. 'I wrote a note like I suddenly had to go to a meeting at 5:00 AM. It wasn't really making any logical sense, but I had to get out of my own house. 'I sat in my vehicle down the street hidden by a bush, waiting to see his car leave and then I went back to my place and showered and tried to pretend like that had never happened. AnnaLynne said she didn't acknowledge what had happened until ten months later, when a mutual friend speculated that she was in love with the man who raped her and she correct him. 'I was like, "No, he Yeah, no he raped me,"' she said. A couple of years later, AnnaLynne was on 90210, where no one knew about her history. But coincidentally, the script featured a storyline in which her character was raped by her English teacher. After, she, too, was accused of being in love with him. 'The showrunner literally writes my story in the script of 90210 without knowing it, unfortunately, because it is so common,' she said. 'It was as if I got thrown back to when I was 19 in this moment with my friend, and this whole thing happened. I went into hysterics, just my whole body was wrapped with tears.' The star noted that it's a prime example that 'you never know what someone's battle is, you never know what someone's going through.' We like to believe love brings out the best in us: that the heart-swelling joy and quiet comfort of a partner takes us away from our baser natures. Yet when sexual jealousy rears its ugly head, even the most pragmatic of us can lose our own. All too soon, we cave in to rage, hurt and insecurity. But a recent study has revealed that men and women feel sexual jealousy in different ways. For men, it is sparked by infidelity in the bedroom, according to researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. But for women, hardwired to want someone who will stick around to raise children, jealousy peaks when their partner develops romantic feelings for someone else. Four UK-based writers recount their own experiences with sexual jealousy, including Candida Crewe (pictured), who developed a rash after discovering her ex-partner had been unfaithful Research from 2015 even puts a figure on it, with scientists from Chapman University in California suggesting that 65 per cent of women would be more upset by emotional infidelity than by the sexual sort. Here, four Femail writers agree with the findings and share their own devastating stories of this most toxic emotion. MADNESS MADE ME COME OUT IN A RASH By Candida Crewe There are two extreme human emotions, to my mind: bereavement and jealousy. Both constitute the worst feelings in the world but I will stick my neck out and claim jealousy as the worse of these two. Bereavement is an ongoing ache that ebbs and flows and can last a lifetime. But jealousy is like possession. Something moves into your body and takes over, so you dont recognise yourself. It consumes you at a cellular level, eats up every minute of your day. It is a terrifying madness. When I discovered my ex-partner was being unfaithful to me, it felt like an inward explosion, as if an alien had burst into my body. And the torment of my mind, so overtaken by distress, anger and hurt, gave rise to a horrifying physical reaction. I developed a livid rash from the top of my head to my toes, and my face swelled up so I looked like a creature in a Victorian freak show. This, I thought, is what jealousy looks like, right there in the mirror. I was rushed to A&E and given an urgent dose of steroids. The doctors there spoke of some sinister viral infection but it was just too much of a coincidence. I knew the real cause. It was that malign gatecrasher, the cliche of the green-eyed monster. I know the shrapnel wounds inflicted by betrayal can heal relatively quickly compared with the ongoing ache felt when someone dies. But betrayal works on a person differently from loss. Candida, who was rushed to A&E and given an urgent dose of steroids, said jealousy demands action at any cost (file image) Loss leaves a vacuum; infidelity gives rise to an overwhelming feeling of hatred and the desire for revenge. It is these, not the traitor and their new lover, that a woman or indeed man must fight. Jealousy demands action at any cost, but control and restraint are crucial. For vengeful acts give short-term, superficial satisfaction only. The one who suffers in the end? The avenger, because revenge is grubby and nearly always ineffectual. Silence and dignity were the route I chose through the madness which, kept closely under wraps, always fades away eventually. Of course, the lasting legacy, once the alien has been seen off, is learning to trust again either the unfaithful partner or someone new. This is, arguably, even harder to achieve. But if you pull it off, it can liberate you to love again. And that, surely, is the ultimate triumph over the monstrous green demon. LURKING BY HIS OFFICE WAS MY LOW POINT By Lucy Cavendish I have always prided myself on not being jealous. I thought jealousy was such an unattractive emotion. If someone is going to cheat, you have two choices accept it (its more about them than you) or walk away. But then I found out a long-term partner had become close to a female work colleague and it almost drove me crazy. It was his change in attitude I noticed first. He went from arriving late at work and not really caring about his appearance to being suited, booted and up with the lark. Then he began taking his phone to the loo with him and every time I pretended I needed his phone to check something on Google, he would refuse to let me have it. Eventually, inevitably, he left his phone on the table and an over-friendly text from his work colleague flashed up. When challenged, he told me he was close to this woman. But he swore it wasnt sexual. Lucy Cavendish (pictured) said she turned into someone she barely knew and became obsessed after discovering her long-term partner had been lying From then on, though, there was surreptitious texting, even though he promised he had stopped talking to her. When I found out he was lying to me, I was devastated and then I became obsessed. I turned into someone I barely recognised, a woman I couldnt like or understand. Full of fury, I constantly checked his phone. Any sign that he was in touch with her set me off ranting and raving. I even hacked into his email. I considered hiring a private investigator. Instead, I followed his car after work, went through every piece of paperwork, compulsively logged into his satnav to see where he had been. I became deranged partner-turned-PI. The low point? That was when I began hanging about outside his office. Over time, I realised it was the emotional connection that really hurt. He kept telling me he was seeing her to talk about our relationship and that made everything worse. It felt like a deep betrayal, that somehow she knew the inner workings of his mind and soul in a way I didnt. I realised years later that at the bottom of it was my own deep sense of insecurity. His emotional infidelity with another woman cut into me in a way that maybe a sexual infidelity might not have. From my experience as a counsellor, I do think women are far more jealous of emotional intimacy than of sexual intimacy men are the other way around. I HID IN A SHOP TO SPY ON HIM WITH LOVER By Marion McGilvary My ex used to say I was a loss to the Stasi because I had an uncanny knack for knowing when something was off. So one day, a note on his blotter with Heathrow Express train times jotted down raised a red flag he was supposed to be in meetings all weekend. And then I was on it . . . I went through his bin and opened all the scrunched-up paper, seeing Air France scribbled next to more numbers on a discarded scrap. Marion McGilvary (pictured) was wild with jealousy, anger and fear after discovering that her ex had been spending time with another woman My stomach turned to concrete. Our relationship was floundering and, while neither of us was innocent, this was like being hit by a truck. I tried calling him. His phone was switched off. In any case, he would have denied it and accused me of snooping, which I was. So I kept looking. I needed proof. On another scrap, I found the initial N written beside 8pm, which I assumed was a dinner reservation and made the leap to Nobu, the only restaurant I knew that began with that letter. So I rang them and they confirmed the booking. I checked the flight and saw that the train times directly followed the flight arrival at Heathrow. Then, feeling sick, I put on my daughters coat and my sons hat and took the bus to Paddington Station, where I hid in Paperchase. And there he was. Waiting for her on the platform. It was like walking into an abyss. I was wild with jealousy, anger and fear. I have thought of that day often since and wonder what would have happened if Id confronted him. But I didnt. I was afraid to make it real that this was the end. Instead I went home, got into bed and curled up in a ball, contemplating my life. But it wasnt so much the idea of sex that bothered me. It was the intimacy. The shared emails Id previously found. The fact that he was spending the day with her. I wanted to be wined and dined at Nobu. I wanted to be met off a train. He had never once been on time for any train he had met me from. He was a lovely man but his focus was always on his work. He never really engaged with me. And it was this that killed me. The attention, the focus, the time this other woman was stealing from me, so freely given, while I was at home with the kids like a sap. All alone. I waited up for him. When he came back, I asked how his dinner at Nobu was . . . it was one of the worst days of my life. Years later, I saw the woman tagged in a picture on Facebook. I always wondered what you looked like, I commented. She replied with a smiley face. She had no idea who I was. Nice to put a face to the woman who slept with my man, I said. Hope youre proud. I SLEPT IN HIS BED JUST SO SHE COULDNT GET IN IT By Emily Hill Emily Hill (pictured) said she once passed out after getting blind drunk, when a boyfriend's ex turned up to his house party Jealousy is a disease. So wrote noted essayist and It girl Paris Hilton and I agree with her. Sexual jealousy is such a canker on my love life, I dont know if Ill ever cure it. I meet a man and he sweeps me off my feet. I gratefully sigh: Thank you, God, old Scarletts finally met her Rhett, only for him to turn around and say Frankly, my dear, I dont give a damn while Im still asking Where shall we go? What shall we do? six to twelve months later. Exhibit A was the man I call Mr Maldives, because he whisked me off on holiday there just ten days after we met. The sex was so unbelievable, I couldnt understand why he wanted to spend all the time on his phone. Then, sneaking a look over his shoulder one morning, I saw he was communicating with someone called Blondemoney. Youve got a perfectly good blonde with no money right next to you, I seethed. He insisted it was a financial services company. A likely story, I thought, in a frenzy of suppressed envy. But I let it go. I didnt want to ruin our time in paradise with my jealousy, although fear ate away at me, tainting the relationship anyway. Its only now, more than a year since he ghosted me, that Ive bothered to check his claim and so discovered that Blondemoney is, in fact, a financial services company. Weve all met someone who is so insecure and consumed by their partner that they see anyone in the vicinity as a serious threat. So I try hard to keep my simmering doubts to myself, so it doesnt hurt anyone but me. But the men I meet all seem to love the chase and loathe the prize. I fear Ill be replaced because I always am. Its hard to be your best self in the circumstances, so instead I act out in fiction my book Bad Romance is about psychotically jealous heroines destroying their exes weddings and so forth. The worst thing Ive done in real life was become so unstable that when a boyfriends ex turned up to his house party, I got blind drunk, crawled under the duvet in mid-party and passed out, defiantly claiming the whole bed. Waking up alone with the worst hangover, I crept out at dawn past the sofa they were curled up on downstairs. The only way to pull the plug on my sexual jealousy seems to be to stop having sex altogether. Rachel Thurlow had barely switched her computer on at work one morning when she was called to a meeting room and told she was being made redundant. Shed spent years as a data analyst, putting in 12-hour days in the office before logging in at home to meet deadlines. Until she planned to get pregnant, that is. Unable to conceive naturally, Rachel had three rounds of fertility treatment a gruelling process that left her shattered and meant time off work. For ten days of each IVF cycle, instead of leaving the office at 8pm as usual, she clocked off at 5.30pm so she could inject herself with hormones in the privacy of her own home. It didnt affect the quality of her work, she insists she took annual leave for hospital scans and egg retrieval operations and still fulfilled all my obligations. Yet as a result, she claims, she lost her job: It wasnt becoming a mother that made me a liability, so much as the time Id taken off beforehand to conceive. Antonia Hoyle investigated the number of women who are experiencing discrimination in the workplace after having fertility treatment (file image) With no sympathy from her boss, and what she says was obvious irritation at her temporary absences, Rachel found herself isolated and vulnerable. Redundancy came as a bitter blow. Though she contemplated it, legal action against her employer would have backfired, she says. Instead, like most women in her situation, she swallowed her humiliation. I work in a small industry. Word would spread and I didnt want to get known as a troublemaker. Shockingly, Rachels tale is far from unique. A Femail magazine investigation has revealed a raft of disturbing stories from women who claim they suffered discrimination in the workplace as a result of having fertility treatment from sexist remarks behind their backs, to blatant sidelining of their roles, to the loss of jobs. Some spoke of their terror that by taking on such a gruelling treatment where the success rate for women under 35 is less than a third for the first cycle they risked losing everything: not only their job but their relationship, too. One in seven couples now receives fertility treatment, thanks in part to advances in medicine and the fact women are leaving it later to start trying for a baby (ironically, often because they are trying to establish careers first). Although most employers now outwardly champion equality, many are still intolerant of women who need help conceiving. Women fear correctly, it seems any hint of IVF treatment will hobble them in the eyes of employers. Thats why Rachel, 43, from Birmingham, didnt let on that she was about to undergo IVF in 2015, two years after she and her 45-year-old investment analyst husband Carl started trying to conceive, and nine years after she joined her retail company. We discovered my husband had low sperm mobility and were told our only chance was IVF, she recalls. I was heartbroken but still professionally driven. My job was competitive, and I felt planning to have babies would be perceived as a negative. Rachel, 43, from Birmingham, whose third round of IVF was successful, said she was made redundant three months after returning to work (file image) The procedure would require Rachel to inject herself in the stomach twice daily exactly 12 hours apart for ten days, to suppress her menstrual cycle, before injecting herself with a follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for a further ten days to increase the number of eggs produced. Rachel injected at 6am and 6pm. I thought it would be obvious if I did it in the work WC, she said. So Id say I had to leave early, without giving a reason, and finished my work at home. Rachels ultrasound scans to check the drugs were working required taking mornings off work. An egg retrieval operation under anaesthetic meant another day, as did the subsequent embryo transfer. The clinic gave me a sick note for my employer after the transfer as they suggested I take a week to recover, recalls Rachel. But I didnt take it out of fear. People had already started making comments, such as, Oh thanks for popping in even though I wasnt leaving till 5.30pm. Her boss a married man with a stay-at-home wife became ever more reluctant to sign her time-off-work forms. I was sidelined and felt bullied and vulnerable Yet she knew if I told him the truth he would have made my life more difficult. After all, her cut-throat department didnt even have any female staff with children, let alone an IVF policy. When Rachels IVF failed in 2015 and 2016 she hid her grief from colleagues. When I got my period at work Id cry in the toilets. I felt a sense of inadequacy, she says. In 2017, at last, her third round was successful but her bosss reaction to the news she was expecting twins was predictably lukewarm: He said I wouldnt want to come back to work afterwards. I assured him I would. When she did return to work in 2019, her maternity replacement a man was kept on. I was sidelined and my work picked over, says Rachel. I felt bullied and vulnerable. After she was made redundant three months later, with three months salary, she was escorted out of the building. Jill Steele, 45, was signed off sick by her GP after hearing how her colleagues had made sexist remarks while she was at a hospital appointment (file image) Once Id stopped over-committing, I was seen as replaceable, she says. I dont want other women to be treated like I was. It would seem fertility treatment is the latest hurdle for working women, with more and more of them encountering the problem. Solicitor Louisa Ghevaert, one of the UKs leading fertility law experts, says there is growing anxiety for working women seeking fertility treatment. There is already a lot of pressure and stress for many women undergoing fertility treatment. Struggling to conceive can be heartbreaking and to then raise this sensitive issue in the workplace, where many women already feel they have to work harder than men to beat the gender gap, is tough. We need change in workplace culture and policies to better support working women undergoing fertility treatment. Part of the problem lies in old-fashioned views of IVF. While its seen as the cure to a disease by the fertility industry and the World Health Organisation its still characterised as a lifestyle choice by others. Amin Gorgy, founder of London clinic, The Fertility & Gynaecology Academy, says most of his female patients choose not to tell their bosses they are having treatment. They think they will be discriminated against. But, he insists, fertility problems are like any other medical problems. You are entitled to take time off. WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? Legally, youre pregnant from the day your embryo is implanted, and are protected under pregnancy and maternity discrimination law. Before this, youd have to prove unfair treatment, which would be as an indirect sex discrimination claim, says Gemma Wilson, a solicitor at Stephensons Solicitors. There is no legal right to attend IVF sessions, she adds. Advertisement Jill Steele did reveal her fertility treatment at work but was publicly shamed as a result. After two years of trying for a baby, in 2010 her husband was diagnosed with a low sperm count and they were told their only chance of conception was through ICSI a form of IVF in which a womans eggs are extracted and sperm is injected into it. A senior executive working in hospitality, Jill, 45, was nervous about telling her boss of five years, a father of two in his 40s. I was the only woman in a team of six. Our firm had just been through a merger and my job felt insecure, she says. But my appointments would stop me coming in so I had to tell him and initially he was supportive. Yet Jills relief soon gave way to stress. His behaviour quickly changed. He piled work on I was in the office at 10pm, desperately trying to finish reports, she recalls. I felt he was predicting me becoming a nuisance. Either I was going to get pregnant and hed lose me, or I would have to continue with treatment and not be as useful. When Jills first IVF round failed, her agony was compounded by her bosss attitude: He suggested taking a demotion to take the pressure off. I felt undermined. After a second unsuccessful IVF cycle a year later, Jill was called to a meeting. My boss said my work wasnt up to standard and I had three months to sort myself out, or you know what happens, she says. Fortunately we had savings but I was frightened at losing my job on top of the IVF trauma. Two days later, a colleague revealed that while shed been at a hospital appointment her boss had told her team that she was off being impregnated. And another staff member had joked that if her husband wasnt up to the job hed stand in for him. I was distraught and utterly humiliated, says Jill, whose GP signed her off work sick as she took out a grievance against her employer on four counts discrimination, breach of confidentiality, harassment and bullying. I presented pages of documentation, she adds. But in a meeting the MD said of myself and my boss, I understand youve had an Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton falling out. It was only when I got a solicitor they realised I wasnt going away. Even then her boss faced no disciplinary action. Theresa Johnson, 35, from the South West of England, was told that she wasnt performing to the level expected after revealing her fertility treatment to her boss (file image) He just denied everything, says Jill, who accepted a settlement of six months salary, on the condition she would never speak ill of the company. The grievance was running parallel to another round of IVF, and my only other option was taking it to tribunal. After six rounds of IVF, costing about 25,000, the stress of which eventually broke up her marriage of 15 years in 2014, Jill gave up her dream of motherhood and started her own business. Kate Davies, an independent fertility nurse who trains employers on how to manage employees going through IVF, says she sees women quit careers all the time as a result of treatment. They often work with predominantly male directors, which makes it harder to have sensitive conversations. And theyre right to worry. The first major research carried out on the subject, Experiences and Psychological Distress of Fertility Treatment and Employment, published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynaecology in 2019, found that out of the 72 per cent of women who disclosed their fertility treatment to their employer, only 42 per cent received adequate support and 19 per cent either reduced their hours as a result or left their job altogether. As of 2019, only 23 per cent of employers had fertility treatment policies, although more are creating them. In May, online bank Monzo introduced eight days of paid leave to employees undergoing treatment, for example, while last month U.S. law firm Cooley said its UK staff would be entitled to 45,000 for fertility treatment. On average a woman will require nine days out of the office per IVF cycle, according to independent fertility nurse Kate Davies (file image) Yet disregarding the fact that many women will be too afraid of being discriminated against to request their employers financial support, even these policies are often inadequate, says Davies. On average a woman will require nine days out of the office per IVF cycle. A lot of organisations offer five paid days a year which is just not enough. Theresa Johnson, 35, an orthopaedic nurse from the South West of England, kept two rounds of IVF secret from her employer. There was an element of shame, and planning children behind my bosss back almost felt like a malicious secret, says Theresa, married to Christopher, 35, a shop manager. Initially, her boss was fine about the time off, Theresa recalls: But before the fifth appointment she looked uncomfortable. I trusted her. So I told her I was having IVF. A fortnight later, Theresa was told by her immediate boss and manager that she wasnt performing to the level expected. Theresa recalls: I was shocked. The month before theyd said how impressed they were with my work. All I remember saying is, I really liked this job. I really liked you. As she left the building, the nurse shed confided in told Theresa she was sorry. Theresa says: I knew it was because of the IVF. There was no other explanation. Trudy Simpson, 35, from Nottingham, avoided telling her boss about having treatment because she had previously seen friends sidelined for revealing their pregnancy (file image) The next day, Theresa found she was pregnant, and her anger was temporarily forgotten, as she found another nursing job before throwing herself into motherhood. But now her son is two, she says: I dont want other women to get burned like I did. Yes, we should be able to tell employers about fertility treatment. But in reality its often too risky. Indeed, as it stands, women are largely unprotected. Although the government-backed Employment Statutory Code of Practice suggests employers should treat requests for absences for fertility treatment sympathetically, they are under no legal obligation. If a woman is denied the right to attend treatment, her only recourse is to launch a claim for sex discrimination, on the grounds a man would be treated differently. Paradoxically, during the last part of IVF the two weeks after the embryo transfer they are protected by pregnancy rights as they might actually be pregnant. In 2016 Trudy Simpson kept the fact she was taking Clomid from her former employer, a well-known retail chain, where she was a manager working a 60-hour week. An orally-taken drug to stimulate egg production, it can cause nausea, bloating and mood swings. My abdominal pain was excruciating, says Trudy, 35, from Nottingham. But Id seen friends sidelined at work simply for telling their bosses they were pregnant. Not eligible for treatment on the NHS because her husband had children from a previous marriage, the best nearest private clinic was a 45-minute drive away. Id dread telling my boss, who didnt want children, about each appointment. Nothing was said, but she started to train someone below me to do my job. Eventually, a laparoscopy a diagnostic operation in which a camera is inserted via the abdomen revealed Trudy had endometriosis, requiring surgery to improve her chances of pregnancy. I needed a fortnight to recover but my boss wouldnt let me take it as paid leave. I was distraught. In the event, Trudy fell pregnant a month before her operation date. Her daughter is now three months old. They think of themselves as a forward-thinking company with policies in place to protect employees, she says. Yet they discriminated against me for trying to have a baby. The first time someone told me on Facebook that the Jews deserve what is coming to them after the way theyve behaved towards Jeremy Corbyn, the shock was so profound, so sharp, it felt like I had been slapped across the face. I was on a Facebook group with left-wingers talking about the last election and expected someone to denounce the comment. Instead, they gave it like after like, compounding my pain. Thumbs up for telling the Jew they deserve anti-Semitism for speaking out against anti-Semitism. I reported the message to Facebook and was told it didnt go against their community standards. Theres an option to get hate messages looked at for a second time, which I did, but still the moderators saw nothing wrong with it. It is probably still there. I was shocked, but not surprised. I know people who have had temporary Facebook bans for a single swear word yet the platform hosts groups of neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers who happily go about their merry business of pretending Jews have made up the murder of six million people. Nicole Lampert (pictured) explored the real life consequences of social media platforms continuously failing to tackle anti-Semitism On Twitter, meanwhile, I have been sent photographs of the Star of David turned into a swastika, called a Nazi Zio, and an apartheid-loving baby-killer. That tends to be from left-wing people with peace and love or anti-racist on their online biographies. From the far right, Ive had k***, y** and Jew b****. From both Ive been told: Hitler was right. In fact, during the last skirmish between Israel and Gaza in May, #HitlerWasRight was trending on Twitter. For a full 24 hours, it was one of the most popular phrases used on the site. So, its no surprise that a report published last week found the five biggest social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok have systematically failed to tackle anti-Semitism. The report, for the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, called social media a safe space for racists because platforms had failed to act on 84 per cent of complaints about posts spreading anti-Jewish hatred. Ironically Facebook, created by a Jewish man, was the worst offender with just 10 per cent of its hateful posts removed. Im a secular Jew, and my religion and ethnicity form just a very small part of my identity, but I started speaking out in 2018 when it became clear that Labour, under Jeremy Corbyn, had an insidious anti-Semitism problem and that a lot of my non-Jewish friends couldnt understand the issue. Because of the derisory way anti-Semitism is taught in schools, many believe it started and ended with the Holocaust. They dont understand Jews have been marginalised and killed for 2,000 years simply for being Jewish. Having said that, until I went online, I saw very little anti-Semitism in my day-to-day life. But then I started looking at what was happening in the Labour party. A large percentage of it came down to councillors and officials repeating or updating the same anti-Semitic tropes on social media which have, throughout history, led to Jews being murdered because of our religion. Some of them were about Jews owning the media, paying critics of Jeremy Corbyn to lie about anti-Semitism, enjoying killing children, being the puppet masters of the Tories or Trump, while others were straight-out Holocaust deniers or, just as heinously, claimed that Jews were somehow complicit in it. Others just called Jews Nazis, equating us with the people who killed one third of our entire community. It was and to an extent remains an obsession even though there are only 300,000 Jews in the entire UK and just 14 million of us in the world. We simply arent that powerful. Almost a year ago social media companies pledged to do better when rapper Wiley, went on a cross-platform rant against Jews (file image) There are benefits to being on social media; I published a primer about Labours anti-Semitism and it was read by tens of thousands. Many wrote to say thank you several even told me how I had inspired them to fight the issue in their own local branches. But for all the people who appreciate what I do, there are just as many who would love nothing more than to shut me up. And so, it continues. Once, I wrote on Twitter that it was perfectly possible to be a Zionist and pro-Palestinian. But that led to two days of being trolled and called a Nazi, apartheid-lover, fascist, Trump fan and stupid. Sometimes I laugh it off. Almost all of my haters are grammatical imbeciles; often they cant even spell anti-Semitism or Israel, so I correct them. Most often I just mute or block them. Occasionally though, I cant sleep after a particularly nasty social media bashing. I wake up tense, my hands in balls, feeling a mixture of rage, fear, upset and worry. Ive made Jewish friends online and we comfort each other; for some it becomes too much and they prefer to leave. This latest report into anti-Semitism online wont be news to the social media companies. Almost exactly a year ago, they pledged to do better when rapper Wiley, who had nearly half a million followers, went on a cross-platform rant against Jews. It was only when the Jewish community and thousands of allies took part in a 48-hour social media walk-out that his rants were taken down. And then, inevitably, some claimed Jews were the real racists because Wiley was a black man. The fact is, social media is a cesspit of hatred for all minorities and this affects all of us. And that seems to suit social media companies just fine after all, sadly it is the hatred and fights that draw millions to their platforms. Nicole said many Jews that she knew were frightened to leave their houses during the fighting between Israel and Gaza earlier this year, as social media attacks spilled over into the streets (file image) But for minorities such as Jews, this has real-life consequences, where social media attacks spill over into the streets. We saw this all too clearly during the fighting between Israel and Gaza earlier this year when a sustained social media assault led to physical attacks on Jews regardless of what they thought of Israel and a convoy of men rampaging around North London threatening to rape Jewish women. For the first time, many Jews I knew were briefly frightened to leave their houses. The CST, a charity which measures hatred against British Jews, called it the month of hate with more than 600 reports of anti-Semitism; the majority were limited to verbal abuse but several turned violent. More than a quarter happened at schools and university campuses. Jewish kids became afraid to attend classes and one friends daughter was suddenly ostracised I dont want to sit next to a Jew, she was told. It hit home hard, especially when my own 14-year-old son was told by his peers that Jews liked to kill kids. And then he got a chilling anonymous phone call asking if he was a f****** Jew because if he was, he needed to watch his back. Social media has legitimised Jew hatred and while once anti-Semites had to go to the effort of publishing their poisonous tracts, now anybody can simply go online to voice dangerous conspiracy theories and lies, which will then be shared by potentially millions of others. Six million Jews were killed in living memory in a modern and so-called civilised society because of these same lies which are now being spread, untrammelled, on social media. And that is terrifying. Ferrero is launching a range of premium Ferrero Rocher chocolate bars for the first time in history. The famous taste of Ferrero Rocher, which is loved by generations all over the world, will be available for 2 in a 90g bar with three delicious chocolate varieties to choose from. Chocolate fans can get their hands on white chocolate, milk chocolate and a dark chocolate variety with 55 per cent cocoa from 9th August in all major UK supermarkets. Ferrero is launching a range of premium Ferrero Rocher chocolate bars for the first time in history. It's available in milk (left), dark and white bars Chocolate fans can get their hands on white chocolate (pictured) , milk chocolate and a dark chocolate variety with 55 per cent cocoa from 9th August in all major UK supermarkets. The treat has been developed by a team of 50 people over more than three years, with 300 recipes tried out before finding the perfect new way to experience Ferrero Rocher in a premium high-quality chocolate bar. The new bars feature domes of luxurious chocolate to reflect the distinctive shape of the much-loved Ferrero Rocher. Inside the sumptuous bars are different levels which Ferrero say will 'take you on a delicious taste journey'. Each bar consists of a refined chocolate base supporting a soft, creamy filling, as well as a top layer of chocolate mixed with crunchy pieces of hazelnuts, meaning customers can enjoy a multi-sensory taste experience. Enrico Martini, Category Director, Ferrero Pralines UK & Ireland, told FEMAIL: 'With the launch of the new Ferrero Rocher bars, we wanted to offer a new taste experience inspired by one of our most iconic brands that is loved all over the world. 'Our expert team has been dedicated to crafting a new innovation that delivers the impeccable quality and taste that Ferrero Rocher prides itself on. We are excited to hear what our fans think about our new luxurious bars!' The new bars feature domes of luxurious chocolate to reflect the distinctive shape of the much-loved Ferrero Rocher Classic Ferrero fans need not fear, as the confectionery giant will continue to make their classic ball-shaped treats. It comes following a 26 per cent rise in sales due to consumers taking the firm's slogan 'now you're really spoiling us' to heart. Bars are aimed at consumers looking to 'trade up to something special' as well as tempting 'lovers of the brand to try the chocolate in a different way' said the company's customer development director, Levi Boorer. He added: 'We've not seen growth like this for many years. We are living in a very changing world where consumption trends have changed a lot. '(Consumers) have navigated back towards brands they trust and have strong quality cues attached to them. Rocher has been a real beneficiary of that,' he told trade journal The Grocer. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine by early next month. People involved in the effort told The New York Times that the federal health agency has accelerated the timeline for approval from January 2022 to an unofficial deadline of Labor Day on September 6. The FDA gave emergency use authorization to the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in mid-December 2020, making it the first to be distributed in the U.S. Full approval by the FDA could push more Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine as it might reduce their fears about the safety of the shot. It comes as the country enters its fourth wave of the pandemic with average daily cases surpassing 90,000, which is the highest figure recorded since February. The FDA is hoping to grant full approval to Pfizer-BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine by early September with an unofficial deadline of Labor Day. Pictured: A vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in Potsdam, Germany, January 2021 It comes as average daily cases surpass 90,000, which is the highest figure seen since February and a 283% jump in the last three weeks Because Pfizer's vaccine is currently approved for use on an emergency basis, it is still considered somewhat experimental despite data showing it safe and effective. Additionally, emergency use authorization requires less clinical trial data, with the FDA only requiring two months of follow-up before approving the shot for those 16 and older last year compared to six months for full approval. In a statement to DailyMail.com, an FDA spokeswoman said the agency could not comment on specific timing, but has been moving as quickly as possible to review Pfizer's application. 'Acknowledging the urgency related to the current state of the pandemic, we have taken an all-hands-on-deck approach, including identifying additional resources such as personnel and technological resources from across the agency and opportunities to reprioritize other activities, in order to complete our review to help combat this pandemic surge,' the statement read. The designation is also intended to be temporary. If and when the shot is fully approved, companies and schools may feel more comfortable requiring employees and students to get it. A recent report from the Kaiser Family Foundation found three in ten unvaccinated adults said they would be more likely to get vaccinated if one of the vaccines were fully approved. However, the researchers warned that most unvaccinated respondents did not understand the FDA approval process and may just be looking for a reason to not get vaccinated. 'If vaccines are fully authorized, that would take that excuse [for not getting vaccinated] off the table,' Dr William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told DailyMail.com in an interview last week. 'If fully licensed, I think that movement of [vaccine] mandates would accelerate and generate lots of vaccinations.' The decision would also allow the vaccine makers to market their shots directly to the general public. President Joe Biden said last week he expected the FDA to make the decision by early fall, but didn't provide any additional details. The spread of the highly contagious Indian 'Delta' Covid variant has fueled a new surge in infections. Cases have risen in nearly 90 percent of U.S. jurisdictions, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What's more, average daily infections have risen 283 percent in the last three weeks from 23,613 to 90,576 - Johns Hopkins data show - and are currently at their highest levels since February 2021. Deaths, which are a lagging indicator have also begun rising after holding flat for about a month, by 53.3 percent in the last three weeks from an average of 260 virus-related fatalities ore day to an average of 399 per day. Unvaccinated Americans largely blame foreign travelers, the mainstream media and President Joe Biden for the recent surge of COVID-19 cases in the U.S., a new poll finds. Average daily infections have risen 283 percent in the last three weeks - from 23,613 to 90,576 - and are currently at their highest levels since February 2021. The survey conducted by Axios-Ipsos showed that that vaccinated Americans overwhelmingly blame the unvaccinated, with 78 percent saying people who haven't gotten their shots are responsible for the summer surge. But those who haven't received vaccines believe the spike is mainly caused by visitors from other countries. A vast majority of vaccinated Americans blame the unvaccinated for the recent surge in COVID-19 cases. The unvaccinated blame foreigners, Joe Biden and some public health officials Biden's COVID response plan so far has focused on getting more Americans vaccinated to protect them from the virus. Pictured: President Biden delivers remarks on the efforts to get more Americans vaccinated, July 2021 It seems unvaccinated Americans aren't sure which people or groups are to blame and their views are more split than their vaccinated peers. More than a third of the unvaccinated, 36.7 percent, blame foreign travelers while 27.1 percent blame mainstream media. They also blame public figures such as President Joe Biden and national health experts like Dr Anthony Fauci at 21.4 percent and 17.6 percent respectively. Some unvaccinated Americans also say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is at vault with 18.6 percent assigning blame to the agency. Vaccinated Americans largely let them skate by, with only 11.5 percent pointing the finger at Biden, 9.8 percent at the CDC and 6.8 percent at national public health officials. Biden has largely focused his pandemic response on getting more Americans vaccinated, investing more into acquiring the vaccine and delivering funds to struggling areas to boost their vaccine rollouts. The President set a goal of getting 70 percent of American adults partially vaccinated by July 4, though the nation did not reach that mark until 29 days later on August 2. He also ordered that all federal workers either get vaccinated, or agree to abide by masking and distancing guidelines in the workplace. While vaccinated Americans largely blame the unvaccinated at 78.6 percent - who make up a majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths - some conservative figures are getting blamed as well. Former President Donald Trump is blamed by 35.7 percent of the vaccinated, the poll found. Trump was heavily criticized last year for his mishandling of the pandemic. In the time since he has left office, though, he has gotten vaccinated and even pushed his conservative base - who are less likely to have received the shots so far - to get vaccinated as well. President Donald Trump is blamed by many vaccinated people for the current surge in COVID cases. Trump is vaccinated, and encouraged his supporters to get jabbed. Pictured: Former President Trump makes an entrance at the Rally To Protect Our Elections conference in Phoenix, Arizona, July 2021 Trump dodges criticism from the unvaccinated, with only 11.2 percent blaming him. Many unvaccinated Americans - 27.1 percent - blame the mainstream media, though conservative media eats little of the blame at only 7.5 percent. Vaccinated Americans point more at conservative media, with 33.4 percent blaming the right-wing media sphere. Some popular figures in right wing media - most notably Fox News' Tucker Carlson, one of the most popular hosts on television - have spread skepticism and misinformation about the vaccines. Meanwhile, conservative politicians have tended to blame of the surge on foreign travelers. Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, blamed migrants coming over the border for surges of cases in South Texas last month. 'We're seeing COVID positivity rates rising in South Texas. We're seeing COVID positivity rising in Laredo. We're seeing COVID positivity rising in San Antonio,' Cruz said at a news conference last month. 'Just yesterday, I spoke with the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, who said as a result of the illegal immigrants being released - in Uvalde they're seeing COVID positivity spiking up. And Biden wants to release even more COVID positive illegal immigrants. This is lunacy.' In Texas, cases have grown by 211 percent over the past two weeks, from 3,469 on July 20 to 10,821 on August 3. Gov Greg Abbot has blamed immigrants for his state's recent COVID surge. An executive order telling state troopers to pull over trucks carrying migrants was struck down by a federal court Texas Gov Greg Abbott, also a Republican, also pointed the finger at foreigners. At the end of July, he signed an executive order to instruct state troopers to pull over vehicles carrying migrants, and either reroute them or seize the, in an effort to curb COVID-19. The move received swift condemnation, including from the American Immigrant Council (AIC). 'It is mind-blowingly fascistic that Abbott is literally citing COVID while ordering police to forcibly seize the vehicles of big-hearted Texans who are helping migrants while simultaneously screaming about the need to protect Texans' freedom from mask mandates,' wrote Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy counsel at AIC, wrote on Twitter. A federal judge blocked the order from Abbott on Tuesday, saying it could lead to racial profiling. Senator Jon Barrasso, a Republican from Wyoming, also blamed case surges on immigrants coming over the border last month. There has been no demonstrated link between large case surges around the country and immigrants coming over the southern border, especially in states like Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Missouri and South Carolina, which do not share a border with Mexico yet still have the country's largest COVID-19 surges. Around 25 percent of vaccinated people and 22.7 percent of unvaccinated people also blame Americans who are travelling internationally for a recent uptick in cases. The United States is averaging 92,000 new cases every day as a Indian 'Delta' variant caused fourth wave of the pandemic is underway. Cases have grown by 139 percent - from 38,453 on July 20 - in the past two weeks. Over the last month, cases have grown by 357 percent, up from 20,104 new cases a day on July 3. The U.S. south - where vaccination rates are the lowest - is being hit the hardest. All 50 states are now seeing an increased demand for the vaccines in the wake of recent surges. Advertisement The average number of daily COVID-19 cases being reported in the U.S. has reached a six-month high as the Indian 'Delta' variant continued to spread across the country. On Wednesday, officials recorded 106,557 new cases of the virus with a seven-day rolling average of 90,576, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. This represents a 283 percent from the average of 23,613 reported three weeks ago and is the highest figure seen since February 14, when the average sat at 94,551, according to a DailyMail.com analysis. Every state - aside from Kansas - and the District of Columbia have seen infections either increase or remain steady in the last seven days. Deaths, which are a lagging indicator, are also starting to tick upward. There were 616 virus-related fatalities recorded on Wednesday with a seven-day rolling average of 399, which a 53 percent increase from the average of 260 reported three weeks prior and the highest number seen since June 9. It comes as the Delta variant continues to the drive the latest surge in cases, particularly in states with lower vaccination rates. However, the World Health Organization called for moratorium on booster shots on Wednesday until the end of September so all countries can vaccinate at least 10 percent of their populations. On Tuesday, Dr Anthony Fauci said the U.S. is currently on a trajectory in its Indian 'Delta' Covid outbreak that is similar to the one seen in the UK earlier this year. Daily cases in Britain have hit a five-week low after peaking around 54,000 in mid-July, meaning the U.S. could see a similar trend in the next two to three weeks. 'Since an acceleration of vaccines doesn't give a result until several weeks after, we are already on a trajectory that looks strikingly similar to the sharp incline that the UK saw,' he said in a conversation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. On Wednesday, the U.S. recorded 106,557 new cases of coronavirus with a seven-day rolling average of 90,576, a 283% increase from the 23,613 recorded three weeks ago and the highest average since February 14 COVID-19 deaths are also rising with 616 recorded on Wednesday with a seven-day rolling average of 399, which is the highest figure since early June Every state, aside from Kansas, and the District from Columbia are seeing coronavirus cases either increase or hold steady in the last week Florida is currently recording the highest number of average infections per day in the nation with 22,145 reported on Tuesday. This means the Sunshine State has seen cases rise by 111 percent in two weeks from an average of 10,452 cases per day, a DailyMail.com analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University shows. On Tuesday, Florida reported an all-time high of 11,515 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This not only breaks the 10,389 record set the day before but surpasses the previous record set on July 23, with 10,170 hospitalizations, before vaccines were available. Despite the rising number of cases and hospitalizations, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis insisted on Tuesday that he will not invoke another shutdown. 'We're not shutting down,' he said at a press conference. 'These interventions have failed time and time again throughout this pandemic, not just in the United States but abroad. They have not stopped the spread. And particularly with Delta, which is even more transmissible, if it didn't stop it before, it definitely ain't going to stop it now.' As of Wednesday, 58.4 percent of Floridians have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose and 49.1 percent are fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In Florida, infections have risen by 111% in two weeks from an average of 10,452 cases per day to 22,145 (left). On Tuesday, Florida reported an all-time high of 11,515 hospitalized COVID-19 patients (right) In Louisiana, cases are rising rapidly from an average of 2,414 per day to 3,965 per day (left). Currently, 2,112 patients are hospitalized with the virus, a record-high number (right) Cases in South Carolina have soared by 209 percent over the last 14 days from an average of 718 per day to 2,225 per day (left). Hospitalizations have also risen by 170 percent over the same time period from 219 patients to 593 (right) Meanwhile, in nearby Louisiana, cases are also rising rapidly from an average of 2,414 per day to 3,965 per day, up 64 percent over the last two weeks, the DailyMail.com analysis found. Just last week, the state recorded its highest average ever at 4,622 cases per day. According to the state's Department of Health, 2,112 patients are currently hospitalized with the virus, a record number and surpassing the previous high of 2,069 recorded on January 7. It prompted Republican Governor John Bel Edwards to issue an indoor mask mandate, regardless of vaccination status. 'Nobody should be laboring under the misapprehension that this is just another surge,' Edwards said during a press conference on Monday. 'We've already had three of these. This is the worst one we've had thus far.' The state's vaccination rate is behind the national average with 43 percent of residents having received at least one dose and only 37.1 percent fully vaccinated, CDC data show. Recently, South Carolina has also been emerging as a new pandemic hotspot. In the last two weeks, cases have soared by 209 percent over the last 14 days from an average of 718 per day to 2,225 per day, one of the biggest increases seen in the U.S. Hospitalizations have also risen by 170 percent over the same time period from 219 patients to 593, according to data from the CDC. The state's Department of Health and Environmental Control says the surge is likely due to the Delta variant, which makes up more than half of all cases undergoing genomic sequencing. Last month, the variant only made up five percent of cases, indicating a rapid increase in transmission, which DHEC spokesman Derrek Asberry said is 'incredibly concerning,' according to The State. 'Given that the Delta variant has proven to be more transmissible than prior strains, the spread of it could increase faster and/or to a larger degree,' he said. Also to blame is the state's low vaccination rate, with only 47.2 percent of residents having received at least an initial shot of the COVID-19 vaccine and 47.1 percent fully vaccinated. Recipients of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in San Francisco will be able to request a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna Covid vaccine. The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital made the announcement on Tuesday. The SFDPH said that it decided to make the decision after receiving requests from residents to get a second shot for extra protection against COVID-19. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is hoping to track down and record these types of shots - which they have not yet approved. San Francisco residents who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be allowed to request a 'supplemental' dose of the Pfizer or Moderna shots, Pictured: Carl Champion receives the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in San Francisco, California, April 2021 The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is believed to be effective at combatting all strains of COVID-19, including the Delta variant. Pictured: a vial of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine 'We have gotten requests based on patients talking to their physicians, and that's why we are allowing the accommodations,' said Naveena Bobba, deputy director of health at SFDPH, per CNBC. San Francisco officials do not want to refer to these shots as booster shots, instead referring to them as 'supplemental doses'. The CDC does not yet recommend Americans get boosters - or additional COVID-19 shots, though officials are discussing the potential of approving third doses in the near future. Taking matters into your own hands, and getting a third dose before approved, is not recommended by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Mixing different COVID-19 vaccines with one another is also not recommended by federal health officials at this time. However, the practice has been adopted in another countries, such as Thailand and Canada, despite the lack of data on long-term effects. The CDC has launched trials to investigate the matter, though. The SFDPH says that its decision is not a deviation from CDC recommendations. 'This move does not represent a change in policy for SFDPH,' the agency said in a statement. 'We continue to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance and do not recommend a booster shot at this time. We will continue to review any new data and adjust our guidance, if necessary.' The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is the only one dose Covid vaccine available in the United States. While the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has been maligned by some in comparison to the other two vaccines available, it is believed to be effective against the Indian 'Delta' variant that is causing case surges across the country. At the start of July, J&J published data showing their vaccine was effective at preventing complications from the variant, even eight months after receival. Many are seeking out third doses anyways, though, even lying about being fully vaccinated to get jabbed once again. Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, said earlier this week that her agency has the ability to find these incidents in their data. The U.S. is currently sitting on a large surplus of vaccines, leading to many providers not being shrewd with their supply. Some experts recommend they begin checking vaccine records to avoid giving someone an unapproved COVID vaccine dose. 'Reviewing a person's history before administration has been the best practice for many years,' Rebecca Coyle, executive director of the American Immunization Registry Association, told STAT News. 'It's time for a conversation about 'Maybe I should do that,' as it hasn't been on everyone's minds yet.' Health insurers, which are billed by providers when a someone they cover is vaccinated, may also have a right to refuse the bills since they are not approved. It is unsure whether these costs will be passed over to the patient instead. Brain Hayes (pictured), Macon County Coroner, admitted to the KC Star that he was removing COVID-19 from death certificates. The coroner, an elected Republican, was arrested for DWI in 2018. Pictured: Hayes' mugshot from the arrest A small Missouri county may be undercounting COVID-19 cases because the virus is being removed as cause of death from some death certificates. Brian Hayes, coroner of Macon County - which is home to 15,000 residents - told the Kansas City Star that he has excluded coronavirus at the request of family members. The Kansas City Star reports that up to a dozen potential COVID-19 deaths have been undercounted by Hayes and that the death toll of 19 could actually be 30 or higher. While small, Macon County plays into a larger ongoing issue in the way Missouri records COVID-19 deaths, which includes not counting any cases missing a positive PCR test in official death counts. Hayes, a Republican who was elected to his position, told the Star that he would replace the deaths on some certificates with pneumonia or another symptom of the virus instead of COVID itself. The action is not illegal unless in the case of a criminal investigation, though it is frowned upon. However, he only did it it he could saw another major factor as playing a role in the person's cause of death. 'A lot of families were upset. They didn't want COVID on the death certificates,' Hayes said. 'I won't lie for them. It's gotta be true, but I do what pleases the family.' Deaths in Missouri may be undercounted across the state. In total, the state has recorded 10,000 COVID deaths, thought the figure is likely even higher. A person who tests positive for COVID-19 via a rapid antigen test, and never takes a PCR test - which takes days for results tp be returned - before they die, is not counted as a COVID-19 death by official totals. Antigen tests account for around 25 percent of COVID-19 tests administered in the state, according to official data. Missouri has been criticized for this decision, for which it is among only a handful of states to do so. Cases in Missouri are trending downwards again after a massive surge of cases in June and July In general, Missouri coroners have had trouble properly recording deaths, with an analysis finding that nearly half of deaths in the state were misreported in 2017. Hayes said that families who asked him often were traumatized by the virus, and did not want to see the word 'COVID' on a death certificate. This is not the first time the coroner has been involved in controversy. In 2018, Hayes was charged with misdemeanor driving while intoxicated after crashing his car in downtown Macon. No one was injured in the crash. The coroner's reveal comes as Missouri is recovering from a massive COVID-19 surge over the past few months. Cases spiked from around 300 new infections per day in early June to more than 2,600 cases per day in late July. Things are trending in the right direction now, though, as the average new cases per day has fallen to around 2,300, and will likely fall more in the coming days. Macon County stayed in the single digit daily case average throughout the surge, and has remained at that level since March. Deaths may be being undercounted throughout the country. An analysis by the University of Washington from May predicted the true death total in the United States at the time could be as high as 900,000. As of now, 614,000 COVID-19 deaths have been officially recorded out of over 35 millions cases - both the highest totals in the world. Some predict the country's crisis is likely to get worse, with Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, projecting cases could get reach high as 200,000 per day in the coming weeks before declining. Admiral Lord West was in charge of the Navy from 2002 to 2006 A former Royal Navy chief is the latest public figure to sound the alarm on takeover offers for British defence companies Meggitt and Ultra Electronics. Admiral Lord West (pictured), who was in charge of the Navy from 2002 to 2006, said he believed there would be a real risk to the UKs long-term security and military capabilities if the FTSE 250 firms are sold. Meggitt has agreed a 6.3 billion deal with US industrials giant Parker-Hannifin, while Ultra Electronics said in late July it was minded to accept a 2.6 billion bid from American private equity giant Advent International. Wests intervention comes as politicians and the industry have become alarmed by a raid on UK plc by foreign buyers and private equity groups keen to snap up companies whose values have plunged during the pandemic. Firms such as the AA, Aggreko, St Modwen Properties and supermarket Morrisons have all been targeted. But the loss of aerospace and defence companies could see the UK lose access to vital technology and leave workers with world-leading skills without jobs. West told the Mail: All these are superb UK companies but theyve all been weakened on the stock exchange because of Covid and all are now vulnerable to takeovers. 'I do believe there is a real risk to the UKs long-term security and military capability, and it could have a big impact on skilled jobs. The Government has got to take some very resolute action on this. Meggitt has agreed a 6.3 billion deal with US industrials giant Parker-Hannifin Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng is monitoring the Ultra and Meggitt deals, fuelling speculation he plans to intervene if the deals are formalised. Kwarteng can launch investigations into takeovers that can weigh up whether they are a threat to the UKs security. Meggitts board has backed the deal but it will still need shareholder sign-off, while Ultras suitor Advent has not yet tabled an official offer. Parker proposed legally binding promises in its bid, which include keeping Meggitts HQ in the UK, continuing to take on apprentices and investing more in its research division. It has put these forward after Advent was scrutinised by the Government over its 4 billion deal to buy Cobham last year. West said firms that break undertakings agreed with ministers should be fined. He said: Money always makes these people think. If you can tie it to some huge penalty if they break the undertaking, then they might think twice. Rio Tinto has been accused of short-changing the traditional owners of an iron ore mine in Western Australia to the tune of 200 million. A year after blowing up the sacred Juukan Gorge caves in the Pilbara, the mining giant has clashed with other aboriginal communities in Australia's iron ore heartlands. This dispute centres on almost 25 years of royalties the Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (GAC) says it is owed by Rio from the Yandicoogina mine as part of an agreement signed in 1997. Backlash: The Yandicoogina mine in Western Australia Relations have soured since July last year when Rio was scrambling to make amends with traditional landowners following the Juukan Gorge scandal. The Anglo-Australian giant wrote to the GAC declaring it had underpaid royalties from the Yandicoogina mine 'for a number of years' totalling 21 million plus interest. The cheque was rejected by the GAC which ordered a forensic audit of royalties paid since 1997. The audit, which was funded by Rio, is understood to have identified up to 210 million in underpayments, according to The Australian newspaper. The sums at stake are insignificant for Rio, which last week announced it had raked in almost 9 billion in profits in the first half of the year on the back of a boom in iron ore prices driven by FTSE 100 giant accused of short-changing Australian aboriginal land owners by 200 million Page 75 demand from China. Shareholders have been lined up for a record half-year dividend of 6.6 billion. The FTSE 100 giant will be desperate to head off another public row with indigenous communities after promising to treat them more fairly. Relations have soured since July last year when Rio was scrambling to make amends with traditional landowners following the Juukan Gorge scanda Rio faced international condemnation and a shareholder backlash after destroying the sacred Juukan Gorge, which contained DNA of ancestors of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura people dating back 46,000 years. The GAC, represents three aboriginal groups the Banjima, Yinhawangka and Nyiyaparli and distributes mining royalties to alleviate poverty, sickness and homelessness. Its 1997 agreement with Rio is one of the oldest between native title owners and a major miner. Royalties are calculated based on the level of ground disturbance around the mine, with adjustments for the iron ore price. The disagreement between Rio led by chief executive Jakob Stausholm (pictured) and the GAC revolves around differences in their interpretation of what constitutes 'disturbance'. Rio is led by chief executive Jakob Stausholm Rio's initial offer of 21 million was based on a recognition that it failed to include damage to the land caused by infrastructure, such as railways, in its original payments. But the GAC audit also included land that had been 'partially' affected by mining operations, to come up with a far bigger sum. Rio said it was only provided with a copy of the report last Thursday and is in 'talks with the GAC in an effort to resolve this issue related to historical payment for infrastructure ground disturbance'. A spokesman said: 'Rio Tinto has provided both GAC and its auditors with all relevant information, including aerial surveys and detailed financial models of payment calculations.' Indigenous groups argue they have been exploited for decades and want new laws giving them the power to veto projects. Under controversial aboriginal heritage laws drafted in Western Australia almost 50 years ago, mining firms can be granted ministerial consent to destroy or damage sacred sites. The Western Australian government promised to bring in new legislation following the Juukan Gorge scandal. But although the draft bill gives indigenous groups the right to appeal against mining projects, the state's aboriginal affairs minister has the final say. The boss of L&G has urged pension funds and savers to invest more in Britain The boss of Legal & General (L&G) has urged pension funds and savers to invest more in Britain if they want to stop the stock market being plundered by pandemic predators. Nigel Wilson, who has led the insurance giant for nearly a decade, said he was increasingly worried about companies being snapped up by private equity giants and overseas rivals. He has urged UK investors to get better at investing in domestic companies and realising their value, adding: 'We have to invest more in the UK. There's a big difference between being a UK company and being a subsidiary of a foreign company, in terms of where the decisions are made and the levers are pulled.' Companies including grocer Morrisons, defence firms Ultra Electronics and Meggitt, and housebuilder St Modwen have all found themselves in bidders' crosshairs in recent weeks. L&G, which is the UK's largest provider of workplace pensions, with more than 1 trillion of savers' money, has been trying for several years to push for greater flexibility in where pension pots can be invested. It already invests in affordable housing, and has a partnership with Oxford University to build homes for students and staff. But Wilson thinks pension pots could be used to boost the economy, while also still providing a good return for savers, if more of the money went towards venture capital, green infrastructure and affordable homes. L&G unveiled its results for the first half of the year. Operating profit climbed 14pc to 1.1bn, and its investment management business pulled in 27.4bn more. It will pay a dividend of 5.18p, up 5pc from last year. The bosses of Meggitt could reap more than 12 million from the sale of the company to US industrials giant Parker-Hannifin. The company became a takeover target on Monday when Parker tabled a 6.3 billion bid for the FTSE 250 firm. The deal values its stock at 800p per share a whopping 70 per cent more than it was worth before the approach and the board has backed the deal. If it goes through, chief executive Tony Wood could take away as much as 7.4 million from the sale of his stake in the company and his long-term share awards. Meggitt traces its history back to 1850s and the invention of the altitude meter for the hot air balloon. It now has a 9,000-strong global workforce, including 2,000 in the UK, and makes parts for planes and military aircraft such as the F/A18 Hornet Finance boss Louisa Burdett could pocket up to 2.8 million. And chairman Sir Nigel Rudd, dubbed by his critics 'The Man Who Sold Britain', will receive 2 million for his 250,000 shares. Coventry-based Meggitt traces its history back to 1850s and the invention of the altitude meter for the hot air balloon. It now has a 9,000-strong global workforce, including 2,000 in the UK, and makes parts for planes and military aircraft such as the Royal Air Force's Typhoon jets. Wood, 55, has led it since the start of 2018, when he was promoted from operations chief. He was previously the head of Rolls-Royce's aerospace division. Burdett, 52, assumed her role in 2019, after four years at Victrex. Rudd, 74, has been at the helm of Meggitt's board since 2015. He was planning to step down as chairman last year but when Covid broke out postponed his retirement to give continuity. Rudd has earned more than 2.1 million in chairman fees from his time at Meggitt, and owns another 2 million of shares in the group. Should the merger go through, it will be the seventh mega-deal Rudd has overseen with an overseas buyer, and the second in a year. He also chaired Signature Aviation previously known as BBA when it was sold to a consortium including Microsoft founder Bill Gates and private equity firm Blackstone last year. The serial chairman sold a series of businesses between 2006 and 2016, including glass maker Pilkington and Boots. The Meggitt trio's takings would be determined by a board committee that decides their remuneration packages. The head of Parliament's defence committee, Tobias Ellwood, has said the Government should take 'golden shares' in companies such as Meggitt to stop them falling prey to foreign takeovers Parker said in its offer documents that the pay committee is likely to hand Wood and Burdett less than the full amount of shares that are bound up in long-term performance plans. But it is at their discretion, and often in takeovers these board groups allow bosses to receive the maximum amount of shares. Rudd, Wood and Burdett's payouts could come at the expense of UK jobs and factories. Parker's bid has proven controversial, and it comes at the same time as US private equity group Advent International is trying to buy Meggitt's FTSE 250 peer Ultra Electronics. Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng is closely monitoring the deal talks, signalling he is considering intervening. Although Parker has taken the rare step of offering a string of promises, such as keeping Meggitt's headquarters in the UK and investing in its research division, almost all the undertakings only cover a 12-month period. This has prompted concerns about the long-term prospects for its staff, sites and technology. Meggitt chief executive Tony Wood There is now a growing chorus of politicians and former military chiefs urging ministers to call in the deals and investigate them to see if they pose a threat to Britain's national security. The head of Parliament's defence committee, Tobias Ellwood, has said the Government should take 'golden shares' in companies such as Meggitt to stop them falling prey to foreign takeovers. Such shares, which ministers have in BAE Systems and Rolls-Royce, mean they can veto takeovers. And the former head of the Royal Navy, Admiral Lord West, has said he believes the Meggitt swoop could be a threat to national security. He added that ministers should consider levying fines against companies that break their undertakings. Regina Turner was a high school dropout who grew up in an untidy three-bedroom home on a busy main street in a middle-class Connecticut quarry town. She planned to follow in the health-care footsteps of her parents, by becoming a dental assistant, or maybe even a dentist. But after winning a beauty pageant, Turner's modest dreams were suddenly eclipsed when a world-renowned, multi-millionaire spinal surgeon whisked her off her feet, married her and introduced her to a life of unimaginable luxury. And a decade after quitting school in her sophomore year, she had managed to get it all, living with her new husband Dr. Han Jo Kim in a magnificent Upper East Side apartment with panoramic views over Manhattan. If that weren't enough, she and Kim could while away their summers in a $2.6 million vacation home set on more than an acre of land overlooking the Long Island Sound. They took no-expense-spared vacations to Greece, Spain and France. But now Turner's meteoric rise in fortune is over after Kim sensationally divorced her, claiming in divorce papers she worked as a high-end hooker before and throughout their 5-year marriage. Manhattan spinal surgeon Dr. Han Jo Kim, 41, divorced his beauty queen wife Regina Turner, 32, (pictured together) after claiming he discovered she was a high-end hooker DailyMail.com can reveal Regina Turner was a high school dropout who grew up in an untidy three-bedroom home on a busy main street in a middle-class Connecticut quarry town. Her family home (pictured) has seen better days. Small saplings grow from the foundations around the door and mildew covers the clapboard Millionaire surgeon Dr. Kim said he never would have married former Miss Connecticut Regina Turner had he known of her past. The couple are pictured on their wedding day in 2015 In a 264-page court filing in New York, Dr. Han Jo Kim claimed he found out about his wife's secret double life after he found a raunchy iMessage to her on a computer. In a 264-page court filing in New York, Dr. Han Jo Kim claimed he found out about his wife's secret double life after he found a raunchy iMessage to her on a computer When he dug deeper, Kim found she had made nearly $700,000 from her work in the oldest profession, going off to China for weeks at a time, supposedly because she was developing a clothing app. 'In fact such travel was in connection with defendant's provision of sexual services in exchange for money,' her husband said in his court filing. 'Not to belabor the obvious but ... defendant clearly committed material fraud upon Dr. Kim by concealing her sale of sexual services in exchange for money prior to the marriage,' the doctor said. 'As is further obvious, plaintiff would have never married defendant absent her lies and concealment. 'It remains inconceivable to plaintiff that given his substantial earnings as a spine surgeon, and his enormous generosity to defendant, that defendant continued to sell sex for money during the marriage,' he continued. The couple settled their divorce confidentially last week, one day after Kim's allegations about his wife were made public. He had wanted an annulment on grounds of fraud. Regina Turner, 32, grew up in Portland a small eastern Connecticut town whose quarries provided much of the material for New York's famed brownstone townhouses. Her family home has seen better days. Small saplings grow from the foundations around the door and mildew covers the clapboard. Her younger sister Iseabal told DailyMail.com that Regina was 'unavailable' before firmly shutting the door. Regina's younger sister Iseabal (pictured) told DailyMail.com that Regina was 'unavailable' before firmly shutting the door Regina stands out among the many awkward teens in Portland High School yearbook pictures in her freshman and sophomore years, with her confident beaming smile and long dark ha Regina stands out among the many awkward teens in Portland High School yearbook pictures in her freshman and sophomore years, with her confident beaming smile and long dark hair. When he dug deeper, Kim found she had made nearly $700,000 from her work in the oldest profession, going off to China for weeks at a time, supposedly because she was developing a clothing app 'She was beautiful even then,' one classmate told DailyMail.com. 'As you can imagine she was the one that all the boys wanted to date. 'I sure had a crush on her. I think every boy in Portland did.' But there is no mention of Turner in the yearbooks in what should have been her upperclassman years of 2007 and 2008, supporting Kim's court claims that she never graduated high school. Kim, 41, claimed his wife had told him she had taken a leave of absence from the University of Connecticut where she was three years into a science major after winning the Miss Connecticut USA title in 2011. In fact, she went to the somewhat less prestigious Tunxis Community College in Farmington. She struggled for money. Records show she was twice sued for non-payment of rent on an apartment on New York City's Mott Street. One was for $10,185 and the second for $13,845. But Regina Turner's life changed when she won her state's beauty pageant, putting her into the Donald Trump-run Miss USA pageant. Kim, 41, claimed his wife had told him she had taken a leave of absence from the University of Connecticut where she was three years into a science major after winning the Miss Connecticut USA title in 2011. But DailyMail.com has learned she was a high school dropout Regina's life changed when she won her state's beauty pageant, putting her into the Donald Trump-run Miss USA pageant At the time, she told the Middletown Press she was confident of lifting the national title. 'Whenever I decide to do something, I go all in,' she said. 'I truthfully expect to win. I do it well, and I do it the right way. I put all my heart into it, and I always try my best.' 'I hope this title will help me with school, as well as furthering my hobbies of modeling and acting,' Turner added. 'Possibly, I can turn those hobbies into a second career.' But according to Kim, her second career was much seedier. Three prominent men a New Jersey real estate executive, an award-winning lighting designer and a businessman were all regular clients, he said. According to her bank records, which Kim subpoenaed, the real estate executive wrote out several $2,000 checks for cash that ended up in Turner's account. The lighting designer's company wired her a total of $116,000 over six years, much of it in payments of $10,000 each. Financial records from Turner's account showed cash deposits of $675,030 between 2015 and 2021, even though she claimed she earned nothing and was 'totally dependent on' Kim. Kim's work straightening backs earned him $3.2 million in 2018. His luxurious weekend home is in Greenport, on the North Fork of Long Island (pictured) Kim had arrived at the house, a three-hour drive from his Manhattan apartment, shortly after noon on Friday. He had driven there in his $200,000 black convertible Aston Martin DB11 Volante Kim's work straightening backs earned him $3.2 million in 2018. He has a champagne lifestyle a crate of Veuve Clicquot was just inside the front door of his luxurious weekend home in Greenport, on the North Fork of Long Island, when DailyMail.com knocked. Kim had arrived at the house, a three-hour drive from his Manhattan apartment, shortly after noon on Friday. He had driven there in his $200,000 black convertible Aston Martin DB11 Volante top speed 192 mph. He refused to comment to DailyMail.com. 'You've got to get off my property right now,' he said before going back inside the house he bought in 2018. Kim wins plaudits for being a genius as a back surgeon at New York's Hospital for Special Surgery, although many online reviews fault his bedside manner. His online profile says he specializes in cervical spine and scoliosis surgery. He is the Director of the Spine Fellowship and has won 'multiple awards in the national and international arena.' 'Dr. Kim believes in a comprehensive approach to patient care,' the profile reads. 'With individual patient goals in mind, if surgery is necessary, he will perform spine surgery utilizing the most effective and safe techniques tailored for each person in an effort to minimize complications, recovery time and optimize outcomes.' A union chief slammed American Airlines for blaming the weather for them cancelling hundreds of flights and delaying thousands more since Sunday - as he says the airline's staffing issues and antiquated system are causing chaos for customers. The airline had cancelled 632 flights, 11 per cent of its schedule, and delayed 632 flights, 21 per cent on Tuesday - affecting nearly 50,000 passengers. Spirit Airlines canceled nearly half its schedule for Tuesday, the third straight day of extremely high cancellation numbers at the budget airline. By afternoon, Spirit had canceled about 404 flights, or 58% of its schedule, according to the FlightAware tracking service, with 93 flights, or 13% of its schedule delayed. The blame appeared to lie at least partly with a technology outage affecting crew scheduling. About three-fourths of the American cancellations appeared to be due at least partly to a lack of pilots, according to a company log. But American Airlines continues to blame the chaos on weather. While weather was the catalyst to these mass cancellations and delays, union spokesman Pilot Dennis Tajer claims, 'You cant blame the weather on everything. The system is collapsing on the passengers, gate agents, and pilots.' He explained to DailyMail.com that the hectic scene the past few days following Sunday's storm is, 'Not just because of weather but the inability to hold the schedule together.' According to Tajer, American Airlines uses an 'antiquated' system that does not allow for flexibility to allow for adjustments when weather disrupts the schedule which is also exasperated by the lack of staff. He claims that while American Airlines has a larger percentage of pilots on reserve than most they're 'stingy with overtime' and are incapable of making quick scheduling fixes that follow the Federal Aviation Administration's max daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly hours that pilots are legally permitted to fly. Passengers form a line that extends outside LAX Terminal 5 Tuesday morning Flights all across the country were disrupted for the third day in a row The mass cancelations were blamed on a thunderstorm in Dallas on Sunday night Tajer questions, 'How long can you keep blaming the weather? It's not just because of weather but the inability to hold the schedule together.' 'Weather hits. We all get that but we have clear skies now and are still canceling flights,' he points out. Tajer claims that, 'Enough is enough weve seen this happen a couple times and we need a team that will support us to get the job done to fly our passengers.' Speaking of the nearly 500,000 passengers who were affected by these cancellations and delays he says, 'Thats a lot of plans and events. A lot of that could have been avoided. We warned them in the spring.' He says that American Airline workers have been complaining to management for some time now to fix these avoidable messes saying that the current system 'Is destined for failure' despite the fact that 'we have many of the solutions'. They just haven't been set in place. Pilots share in the displaced passengers' frustration as they are also left stranded, missing their own scheduled plans. Tajer feels responsibility and compassion for his upset passenger's saying, 'Im responsible for them and protecting peoples wellbeing doesnt just stop at the door it's a personal commitment and we need that commitment from management.' 'Mother Nature creates a storm and then management creates a secondary storm.' 'Its pretty simple. They dont have enough pilots, and they dont have modern scheduling practices to do more with what they have,' Tajer. He said that bad weather 'hits every airline, but American is the last to recover. This has to change.' American Airlines and Spirit Airlines are the only airlines still experiencing mass cancelations and delays days after the storm in Dallas On Tuesday, American Airlines canceled 340 flights and delayed 632 Spirit Airlines canceled over half of flights scheduled for Tuesday by the afternoon AA spokesperson Curtis Blessing insist that, 'A prolonged severe weather event in Dallas-Fort Worth on Sunday night into Monday morning brought sustained heavy rain, strong winds, lightning, microbursts and hail to our largest hub. The nine-hour weather event resulted in flight delays, cancellations and nearly 100 diversions. Our team members are working around the clock to care for our customers.' 'We worked throughout the day and night yesterday to reposition our aircraft and crews many of who had timed out as a result of long delays and unexpected diversions, and we expect to see improvements to our operation today.' American's difficulties Tuesday came as the airline canceled over 1,224 flight and delayed over 2,600 flights. Spirit canceled over 900 and delayed over 300 flights since Sunday, according to FlightAware. Most were at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, where thunderstorms disrupted flights for several hours Sunday. The disruptions at American and Spirit are just the latest examples of airlines scrambling to deal with an increase in travel this summer. Airlines have thousands fewer employees than they did before the pandemic, but U.S. air travel has recovered to about 80% of 2019 levels. A Spirit spokesman said the airline was proactively canceling some flights - dropping them before most passengers drive to the airport - to 'reset' the operation. Thousands of passengers have taken to social media to share their stories of chaotic travel experiences. Stranded travelers sleep on the seats of the ticketing waiting area, Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021. at Philadelphia International Airport in Philadelphia. Their schedule flight to Los Angels was delayed until Thursday, after Spirit canceled nearly half its schedule for Tuesday, the third straight day of extremely high cancellation numbers at the budget airline. (Jose F. Moreno/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP) Spirit Airlines claims that 'disruptions caused by overlapping operational challenges including weather, system outages and staffing shortages' @SpiritAirlines this is not it. Waited at the airport from 3PM to 10PM just so you can cancel the flight. Then we had to wait to speak with someone at the ticket counter for 5 hours and we were not even close. Due to COVID, we decided to leave the airport and call. pic.twitter.com/ctGPFRDQc7 johnny A. Vee (@xXAngelDelReyXx) August 3, 2021 Johnny Angel Villaneda, 28, was scheduled to fly from Las Vegas to Houston on flight 932 at 6:05 pm on Monday with his mother Ivonne Sandoval De Villaneda, 47. Johnny recounted his miserable travel experience to DailyMail.com. They arrived to the airport at 3 pm but as they sat and waited they noticed 'the waiting area was packed, there were people laying on the floor, no seats and definitely no social distancing. While we were waiting, we noticed that only two ladies were working all of the gates for Spirit Airlines.' They also kept hearing of other flight cancellations. 'Around 5:30 pm we were all getting worried because there was no one at the Gate 10 and we have not been boarded on the plane. Around 6:30 pm we were notified via the intercom that the flight to Houston was delayed until 8:30 pm. Around 8:45 pm, one of the ladies came to the gate and notified that they did not have any pilots available and that she was waiting to receive more information from corporate and that the flight was delayed until 9:00 pm.' 'During this time, fight attendants that were in the aircraft came out and they were telling us that they did not know what was going on, that they just knew that they did not have a pilot and that they are waiting on some pilots that will be arriving in another flight.' The flight was not officially cancelled until 10 pm when passengers were advised to go downstairs to retrieve their luggage and then head to the ticket counter to sort out their travel. 'The ticket counter was busy. We got to the ticket counter around 10:30 pm. We kept calling Spirit Airline while in line, 3 times they answered and hung up quickly. We tried their chat feature, which kept telling us to call the reservation number.' Thousands of passengers were affected by the scheduling disruptions Upset passengers took to Twitter to share videos of the scene at airports across the country Travelers were forced to wait in lines for hours hoping to be refunded or rebooked Las Vegas Police arrived on the scene to help manage the crowd and handed out water bottles to the distraught travelers. The Villaneda's heard people in line saying that the airline was 'all out of vouchers, and that they were refusing to rebook flights.' 'There were only 3 people working at the ticket counter. We stayed in line until 4:00 am and we were nowhere near the ticket counter.' On the ride home Johnny was finally able to get in contact with Spirit at 5 am. 'We were told that we were already booked at an Alaska Airline which left at 7 am from Las Vegas to Portland with a layover of 6 hours then leaving from Portland to Houston.' But the Villaneda's were already headed back to stay with their family. 'We told the lady on the phone that we were already heading back to Arizona and that we will not be making the flight on time, we also informed her that we did not receive any email or notification and that the Spirit Airline app on my phone still showed up as a cancelled flight.' 'She apologized and she said she was going to change the flight but that it will take about an hour or so to receive a confirmation. We got off the phone around 6 am. Around 8 am we decided to contact Spirit Airlines because we still have not received an email in regard to the new flight booking, we only received an email confirmation for the flight leaving at 7 am for Oregon at 7 am.' But when Johnny called Spirit back he was not given good news, 'Once we called, they basically said that it was our fault, that they never promised to rebook and that we will not be receiving any refund for our flight. We have used Spirit Airlines before, and we never have experienced anything like this.' Along with the emotional toll of the chaos, Johnny estimates that he and his mother spent nearly $800 on switching their travel plans. He says he plans to join other upset passengers in a class-action lawsuit. Spirit Airlines did not respond to DailyMail.com requests for comments on the situation. Southwest canceled about 3% of its flights Tuesday, and other large U.S. airlines had even fewer cancellations Some passengers have threatened to file class action lawsuits against the airlines Spokesperson Erik Hofmeyer released a statement saying, 'Were working around the clock to mitigate the travel disruptions caused by overlapping operational challenges including weather, system outages and staffing shortages in some areas of the operation. Were working to provide refunds for cancellations and, when possible, to re-accommodate our guests' on other flights. A person familiar with the situation said Spirit experienced an outage Tuesday morning affecting crew scheduling, preventing airline officials from rescheduling crews to cover gaps. The person, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said crews were stranded in many places around the country and unable to get to assigned flights. On Monday, Florida-based Spirit scrapped more than 330 flights, or 42% of its schedule, more than double the rate of American Airlines, the next poorest performer among major U.S. carriers. Spirit canceled about 20% of its flights on Sunday. Southwest canceled about 3% of its flights Tuesday, and other large U.S. airlines had even fewer cancellations, according to FlightAware. The numbers don't count flights on smaller planes that are branded as American Eagle, United Express or Delta Connection. North Korea is pushing for the end of sanctions on imports of luxury goods including Kim Jong Un's favourite fine liquors, according to South Korean lawmakers. North Korea wants international sanctions banning its metal exports and other necessities lifted before it restarts denuclearisation talks with the United States, lawmakers said. The move is said to be an indication that Kim Jong Un and his elite are being hit hard by the sanctions, as a South Korean politician said the luxury goods would be 'distributed to Pyongyang's elite'. It comes amid speculation about the North Korean dictator's health, after he was spotted last month with a dark spot on the back of his head. Park Jie-won, head of the South Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS), said in a briefing to lawmakers that North Korea had proposed a relaxation on sanctions. North Korea reportedly wants sanctions on imports of luxury goods, including Kim Jong Un's (pictured) favourite liquors, lifted before it restarts denuclearisation talks with the US The politician said that North Korea want sanctions to be eased on luxury goods, including high-class liquors and designer suits, 'not just for Kim Jong Un's own consumption'. The briefing by Park Jie-won came a week after the two Koreas restored hotlines that North Korea suspended a year ago, the first hint in months that North Korea might be more responsive to engagement efforts. 'As a precondition to reopen talks, North Korea argues that the United States should allow mineral exports and imports of refined oil and necessities,' Ha Tae-keung, a member of the parliamentary intelligence committee, told reporters, citing Park. 'I asked which necessities they want the most, and they said high-class liquors and suits were included, not just for Kim Jong Un's own consumption but to distribute to Pyongyang's elite,' he added. North Korea's state-run media made no mention on Tuesday of any new request for the lifting sanctions to restart talks. Washington has given no indication of a willingness to ease sanctions ahead of any talks. Secretary of State Antony Blinken planned to call on Southeast Asian counterparts in a virtual meeting this week to fully implement sanctions on North Korea, department spokesman Ned Price said on Monday. North Korea's state-run media made no mention on Tuesday of any new request for the lifting sanctions to restart talks. Pictured: Kim Jong Un on July 30 Price reiterated on Tuesday that the United States was willing to meet North Korea 'anytime, anywhere, without preconditions,' but there had been no response. Another State Department spokesperson added: 'In the meantime, in the absence of any type of engagements, United Nations sanctions on (North Korea) remain in place and we will continue to enforce them along with the international community.' The United Nations has imposed a wide range of sanctions on North Korea over its development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. The United States and others have also imposed their own sanctions. North Korea has not tested a nuclear weapon or an intercontinental ballistic missile since 2017 and a historic meeting between Kim Jong Un and former U.S. President Donald Trump in 2018 raised hopes for a diplomatic breakthrough. Trump had two subsequent meetings with Kim but made no progress in getting North Korea to give up its nuclear and missile programmes in exchange for sanctions relief. Kim Byung-kee, another South Korean legislator, said North Korea appeared to have 'harboured discontent' with Washington for not offering concessions for the test freeze. 'The United States should be able to bring them back to dialogue by readjusting some sanctions,' Kim said, citing Park. Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong warned South Korea on Sunday that its joint exercises with the United States, which North Korea sees as preparations for an invasion, would undermine a thaw between the two Koreas. Trump had two subsequent meetings with Kim (both pictured) but made no progress in getting North Korea to give up its nuclear and missile programmes in exchange for sanctions relief Kim Byung-kee quoted Park as saying there was 'a need to consider responding flexibly to South Korea-U.S. military exercises'. Ha Tae-keung said Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in had expressed a willingness to rebuild trust and improve ties since April and Kim had asked to reconnect the hotlines. The lawmakers said North Korea needed of some 1 million tonnes of rice, even after releasing reserves saved in case of war, as its economy had been battered by the coronavirus and bad weather. 'They're running out of the reserves and banking on some 400,000 tonnes of summer crops including barley and potatoes they've just harvested,' Kim Byung-kee said. It comes after Kim Jong Un has been seen with a dark spot on the back of his head, sometimes covered by a bandage, fuelling more speculation about his health. The North Korean tyrant's dark patch was first seen at the end of July when he attended a series of events including a military parade and meeting with veterans. The apparent wound, with a greenish hue, was variously seen uncovered or covered by a broad nude-coloured plaster. The news comes amid speculation about the North Korean dictator's (pictured) health, after he was spotted last month with a dark spot on the back of his head There has been rampant speculation about the 37-year-old's health since he lost a considerable amount of weight earlier this year, with his Mao-style suit hanging loose over his shoulders and his facial features conspicuously defined. State media made the highly unusual decision in June to describe Kim as 'emaciated' and 'breaking our people's hearts,' in an apparent effort to evoke sympathy for the despot who has admitted publicly to a 'great crisis' brought about by the pandemic. It is believed that he developed the mark on his head some time after July 11 because on that date he was seen at an appearance with musicians with no trace of it, according to North Korean monitoring site NK Daily. It is not the first time Kim has appeared publicly with a curious mark on his body. In May last year, he was seen with a small dark spot on his wrist from what medical experts claimed was the result of a needle used in heart surgery. Kim's health has been the subject of international speculation for years as his death would raise questions over succession and stability in the nuclear-armed nation. Dr. Dre's estranged daughter has revealed she is homeless and has been living out of her car, while her superstar father is ordered to pay his ex-wife Nicole Young $300,000 a month in spousal support. LaTanya Young, 38, works as a delivery driver for DoorDash and Uber Eats and as an assembler at a warehouse but claims that she can't afford to secure an apartment in California and is living in a rental vehicle. The single mother-of-four told DailyMail.com that she has repeatedly asked her producer dad, who is said to be worth a colossal $800million, for financial help but she has not received a dime in 18 months. LaTanya is Dr. Dre's daughter by Lisa Johnson, 53. The couple split when LaTanya was five years old. She has not seen her famous father, whose legal name is Andre Romelle Young, in 18 years and doesn't even have his cell phone number, admitting that she has to communicate with him through his team. Dr. Dre's eldest daughter LaTanya Young says she has been living out of her car while working as a delivery driver for DoorDash and Uber Eats to make ends meet The single mother-of-four claims she can't afford to secure an apartment in California and has been trying to reach her multimillionaire father to ask for financial help The hip hop legend, 55 - who is believed to be worth around $800million - is in the midst of a bitter divorce and was recently ordered to pay his ex-wife Nicole Young $300,000 a month in spousal support LaTayna, mom of Tatiyana, 16, Rhiana, 13, D'Andre, eight, who is named after his grandfather, and Jason III, three, said: 'I've been working in a warehouse and doing Uber Eats and DoorDash. 'My kids are staying with friends - they are not living in the car, it's just me,' she told DailyMail.com. 'I'm taking odd jobs just to make it now - I got paid $15 an hour as an assembler at the warehouse. 'I'm trying to keep my head above water. I've been in debt for a while.' LaTanya said she now fears she will lose her rental car as she has not been able to make payments. 'The car is a pretty penny,' she said. 'It's an SUV that costs $2,300 for three weeks and I only paid for one week. 'Sooner or later they are going to take the car.' LaTanya moved with her kids from Nevada to California a month ago in the hope that she would earn better money after her work dried up. 'The wage is higher in California - there was no work in Nevada. 'There weren't enough jobs. 'I have friends and family that will let us come back and forth but the majority of the time I'm living out of my car,' she added. Dre and ex-girlfriend Lisa Johnson had three children together: LaTanya (right), LaToya, now 36, (center) and Ashley (left), now 35 Ever since she was a little girl, LaTanya claims, she was forced to go through her father's staff to communicate with him Dre split with Johnson, 53, when LaTanya was five years old. Pictured: LaTanya's birth certificate LaTanya has been asking Dr. Dre's lawyer for help but he has told her that since she has spoken about her father to the press in the past, he will not give her any money. She added that it pains her that her children have never met their famous grandfather. 'I'm homeless and I've been reaching out to my dad for help. 'His lawyer has said that my dad doesn't want to help me because I've spoken about him in the press. 'I feel like I'm damned if I do, I'm damned if I don't. 'I'm just trying to communicate with him and see if he wants to talk to his grandkids. 'My kids are old enough to know who he is. They are in shock that he doesn't want anything to do with them.' When Dr. Dre was rushed to hospital with a brain aneurysm in January, LaTanya found it difficult to even know if her father was in a stable condition. 'It was like pulling teeth just to know if he was alright in the hospital,' she said. She admitted that he has in the past helped her, by paying her rent and giving her an allowance, but that help ended in January 2020. LaTanya told DailyMail.com she now fears she will lose her rental car as she has not been able to make payments 'The car is a pretty penny,' she said. 'It's an SUV that costs $2,300 for three weeks and I only paid for one week LaTanya says she has not seen her famous father in 18 years and doesn't even have his cell phone number 'People label me as a millionaire's daughter so they don't understand why I'm working. 'It makes me want to crawl under a rock. 'He used to help with our rent and gave an allowance but he told us he wouldn't do anything anymore. I'm out on the streets. 'I asked him for help and I haven't got a response back from his lawyer. 'I'm hearing about mistresses that he's bought houses for. It's a messy situation.' She added that it hurt her to hear of the generous financial settlement a divorce judge ordered Dre to pay Nicole, his wife of 24 years, earlier this month. The 56-year-old record producer has eight children in total. He shares two kids with now ex-wife Nicole Young, son Truice and daughter Truly 'I just heard that he has to pay $300k a month for spousal support - it's embarrassing because people are looking at me wondering: why? 'What Nicole has got is what my mom should have got. 'I honestly wrote a proposal and asked him if he could get a home for me and my sister and my kids. 'He was supposed to put us through college and pay for our health insurance and he never did that. 'My mom felt like he never upheld his end of the bargain. 'I commend Nicole in a way - she did what she had to do.' Amazon has fired most of the people that make up its Prime Air team in the U.K. which was charged with getting its drone-delivery program off the ground, according to a report. Because the U.K. team was at the center of Amazon's efforts to launch a global drone-delivery service, with Amazon-owned drones expected to zoom packages right to a person's door, the sacking of more than 100 people has led to questions if the whole program is now dead. Amazon wouldn't say how many people still are working on the drone project in the UK, and didn't address questions raised in the report in Wired that said the global drone program was now uncertain. The Amazon Prime Air initiative debuted in 2016 with the promise that customers would be able to get their orders within a half hour - delivered by drones, which Amazon also was developing. The UK fast-tracked regulatory approvals to allow the company to deliver by drone, which made the country a good testing ground for the project. The US's Federal Aviation Administration approved the Prime Air drone delivery fleet in August 2020 - and the company said it'd use the FAA's certification to begin testing customer deliveries, CNBC reported at the time. But that FAA approval hasn't led to a fleet of working drones, Wired reports. And the publication says Amazon didn't say how test flights happening in the US would differ from ones that had already happened in the UK - from the team that is now mostly grounded. Meanwhile, five years after announcing its program with plenty of hoopla, the drone dream remains grounded as the tech giant laid off people in its pioneering British aviation team. Staff there have said Prime Air is 'dysfunctional'. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to Wired, former employees of the UK team described a work environment in which managers were put in place to oversee the drone delivery project without any technological knowledge and people would drink at their desks due to a lack of motivation. Eventually, more than 100 employees at the Cambridge office lost their jobs and dozens of others were moved to other projects, Wired reports, just months after the company laid off dozens of employees working on the project in the United States. The Amazon Prime Air initiative debuted in 2016 as a way to provide customers with their orders within half an hour According to videos posted on the company's website, the drones would travel down an automated track at one of the company's fulfillment centers before taking off It would then travel as far as 15 miles to touch down in front of the customer's front lawn Amazon Prime Air was billed as a way for the company to deliver packages weighing less than five pounds within 30 minutes of a customer making an order. People at an Amazon fulfillment center would process the order and package the shipment, before attaching it to a drone that would go down an automated track and rise into the sky, videos posted to the company's website show. The drones would then be able to travel 15 miles with the package, guided by a GPS, before descending on the customer's front lawn with the product in tow. Amazon debuted one of its new electronic delivery drone at its re:MARS conference in June 2019 that was capable of carrying products under five pounds to customers within a 15-mile radius within just half an hour. Jeff Wilke, Amazon's CEO of worldwide consumer, said at the time that the drone could be used by the company 'within months' to deliver packages. By August of that year, the company submitted a petition for Federal Aviation approval of its plans, saying it would deliver packages in areas with low population density and would only carry products weighing five pounds or less, according to CNBC. The FAA approved the company's request to 'safely and efficiently deliver packages to customers ... beyond the visual line of sight of the operator' just over a year ago. 'This certification is an important step forward for Prime Air and indicates the FAAs confidence in Amazon's operating and safety procedures for an autonomous drone delivery service that will one day deliver packages to our customers around the world,' David Carbon, vice president of Prime Air, said in a statement following the announcement. 'We will continue to develop and refine our technology to fully integrate delivery drones into the airspace and work closely with the FAA and other regulators around the world to realize our vision of 30-minute delivery.' He added that the company was not yet ready to deploy its fleet, but has been 'actively flying and testing the technology.' Last November, Amazon Prime Air announced it had reached tentative deals with two external manufacturers, but also said it laid off dozens of its staff members working in research and development and manufacturing on the project in the U.S. 'We are reorganizing one small team within our larger Prime Air organization to allow us to best align with the needs of our customers and the business,' Amazon spokeswoman Kristen Kish said in a statement to Reuters. She added that the company was working to find roles for the affected employees 'in the areas where we are hiring.' Jeff Wilke, Amazon's CEO of worldwide consumer, debuted one of its new electronic delivery drone at its re:MARS conference in June 2019 and said that the drone could be used by the company 'within months' to deliver packages People at the warehouses would pack up the boxes and attach it to the drones Across the pond, the situation seems to have been more dire, with Wired reporting that more than 100 employees at Amazon Prime Air losing their jobs and dozen more being moved to other projects. The company had been working on drones in the U.K. since 2016, when it made a spectacle across the country, releasing promotional videos that received millions of views, offering local schools a tour of its drone lab and opening a new office in Cambridge. It was so popular, Wired reports, that U.K. regulators fast-tracked approvals for drone testing. But former employees at the company said the project has been 'collapsing inwards,' 'dysfunctional,' and 'resembled organized chaos,' run by managers who were 'detached from reality.' The managers who were appointed to oversee the project were often longtime Amazon employees who specialized in logistics and warehouse operations and had little to no knowledge of the technology done on the project that they couldn't answer basic questions, the former employees said, adding they had to train their replacements in Costa Rica. Amazon opened a new office in Cambridge in preparation for its drone delivery system Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos was able to travel into space last month The problems reportedly began in late 2019, when the drone team was broken into three divisions that analyzed footage for different threats: humans and animals, other man-made objects in the sky, and 3D mapping - which would help drones know where someone's lawn is located. The company began to hire many people for its data analysis team, which was tasked with manually going through test flight footage and identifying relevant threats or objects, Wired reports, but there was frequent turnover. Employees also said they would often be told to do two opposing things. And the teams dealt with some technological difficulties, as they were trying to build drones that would land outside people's homes, but the systems required to do so were heavy, and a heavier weight for a drone came with more regulations in the U.K., including higher safety requirements to protect people on the ground from potential collisions. In February 2020, Wired reports, the entire human and animals data analysis team, which employed dozens of people, was shuttered and reassigned, just to reopen three months later with new staff. At around the same time, the former employees said, the company began restructuring, and managers told them that they were no longer guaranteed permanent positions - further hindering morale. Afterwards, employees said, one person opened a beer at his desk at around 11 a.m. or 12 p.m., and another person charged with sifting through the footage for possible problems started approving all of the frames even if there were hazards in them. 'Everything started collapsing because they piled too much on, they put people in charge who didn't now anything about the project and they oversold,' one of the former employees said. 'It's all one gigantic oversell - just so many promises that can't be kept.' An Amazon spokesperson told Wired it still has people working for Prime Air in the U.K., but refused to confirm how many employees there are. He also said the company has 'rigorous procedures in place' to check employees' work and that 'swift action' was taken in any cases of misconduct. The heartbroken mother of a Celeste Manno, who was killed by a stalker, is fighting for a major law reform in honour of her daughter. Ms Manno, 23, was allegedly stabbed to death as she slept at her family's home in Mernda in Melbourne's north on November 16 last year. Her former work colleague Luay Sako, 35, was charged with her murder and remains on remand pending a trial. Celeste reported the alleged stalking twice to police, before taking out an intervention order - which was in place at the time of her death, a court previously heard. Celeste Manno, 23, (pictured) was allegedly murdered as she slept in her north Melbourne home last November Ms Manno's former colleague Luay Sako (pictured), 35, has been charged with her murder Now her devastated mother Aggie Di Mauro is campaigning for the Victorian government to amend stalking laws. Mrs Di Mauro said she looks at her daughter's photo daily and promises her she will keep fighting until changes are made. 'I'm her mum, it happened in our home, in the middle of the night. I should have been able to do something,' Mrs Di Mauro told A Current Affair. 'I say to her, "I already failed you - and I can't fail her again. 'The choice was not to get out of bed, or do something for my daughter, I knew it's something she'd want me to do.' The Victorian Law Reform Commission has opened a consultation which allows the community to voice concerns about issues with the law to be reviewed. The commission then makes recommendations and advises the Attorney General on how to improve the state's laws. One of the many issues listed within the paper is how police are not equipped with a specific code of practice on managing stalking cases. Ms Manno's devastated mum Aggie Di Mauro (pictured) is campaigning for changes to Victoria's stalking laws Ms Manno had reported the alleged stalking to police twice and had an intervention order in place. Pictured: Ms Manno's Mernda home Mrs Di Mauro said she will continue to fight for change in the honour of her daughter 'Police have limited written guidance on how to manage non-family violence stalking offences,' the paper reads. 'By contrast, Victoria Police has a Code of Practice to guide decision making in situations of family violence.' Mrs Di Mauro said she finds it 'incredible' that it took her daughter's death to shine a spotlight on cracks in the system. Between March 2020 to March this year, there were 14,000 reports of stalking - but an estimated 85 per cent of incidents are not reported to police. QC Tony North, who is leading the commission, said the current intervention order system deals with both minor issues, such as neighbourhood disputes, and serious offences like stalking, which can lead to murder. He said the police guidelines in place do little to help officers differentiate the seriousness of cases and how to respond them accordingly. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced Tuesday that he made good on his promise to pardon a couple who gained notoriety for pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters as they marched past the couple's home in a luxury St. Louis enclave last year. Parson, a Republican, pardoned Mark McCloskey, who pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750, and Patricia McCloskey, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. 'Mark McCloskey has publicly stated that if he were involved in the same situation, he would have the exact same conduct,' the McCloskeys' lawyer Joel Schwartz said Tuesday. 'He believes that the pardon vindicates that conduct.' The McCloskeys shot to notoriety last June when they were caught on camera emerging from their home in an upscale neighborhood in Missouri brandishing firearms at protesters marching past. The couple, both lawyers in their 60s, said they felt threatened by the protesters, who were passing their home on their way to demonstrate in front of the mayor's house nearby in one of hundreds of similar demonstrations around the country after George Floyd's death. The couple also said the group was trespassing on a private street. Mark McCloskey emerged from his home with an AR-15-style rifle, and Patricia McCloskey waved a semiautomatic pistol, according to the indictment. Photos and cellphone video captured the confrontation, which drew widespread attention and made the couple heroes to some and villains to others. No shots were fired and no one was hurt. Mark and Patricia McCloskey, standing in front their house, confront protesters marching to St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's house on June 28, 2020 The McCloskeys shot to notoriety last June when they were caught on camera emerging from their home brandishing firearms at protesters marching past Mark and Patricia McCloskey confront protesters in front of their home last year Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, pardoned the McCloskeys Special prosecutor Richard Callahan said his investigation determined that the protesters were peaceful. 'There was no evidence that any of them had a weapon and no one I interviewed realized they had ventured onto a private enclave,' Callahan said in a news release after the McCloskeys pleaded guilty. Mark, who fast became the GOP's poster boy and spoke at August's Republican National Convention in support of Donald Trump, is now running for US Senate. He was unapologetic after the plea hearing. 'Id do it again,' he said from the courthouse steps in downtown St. Louis. 'Any time the mob approaches me, Ill do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because thats what kept them from destroying my house and my family.' Because the charges were misdemeanors, the McCloskeys did not face the possibility of losing their law licenses or their rights to own firearms. The McCloskeys were indicted by a grand jury in October on felony charges of the unlawful use of a weapon and evidence tampering. Callahan later amended the charges to give jurors the alternative of convictions of misdemeanor harassment instead of the weapons charge. They agreed to give up the weapons used in the incident. Patricia and Mark McCloskey leave a St. Louis court house in June after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges But shortly after the guilty plea, Mark McCloskey showed off his new rifle. 'Checking out my new AR, reads the caption on photos he posted to social media. McCloskey is seen in the photos wearing a curt smile and brandishing the weapon with a finger just above the trigger. One photo also includes his wife Patricia giving a thumbs up. A terrified woman was forced to duck for cover after a mob of kangaroos bounced towards her at a popular lookout. Emilie Kenny, 27, made her way to scenic Cape Bridgewater in Victoria on Monday about 1.30pm with the aim of seeing a seal colony. After parking her car and setting off on foot, she was then confronted by a mob of close to 20 kangaroos. 'I didn't know what to think initially,' the Melbourne bank manager told Daily Mail Australia. Melbourne woman Emilie Kenny (pictured) had a recent close encounter with a mob of kangaroos she won't forget in a hurry 'I'm on annual leave at the moment, I was actually supposed to be at the snow. 'It is an experience I won't forget in a hurry, I was a little worried one (kangaroo) might crack the s**ts and charge at me. 'I just made sure I stayed out of the way, my friends and family all think it is hilarious.' Ms Kenny sets the scene in her video, declaring 'just in case I die there is a stampede of kangaroos coming towards me'. After muttering a few understandable obscenities, she quickly composes herself and hides in a nearby shrub as up to 20 kangaroos head in her direction. Melbourne woman Emilie Kenny was terrified after a 'stampede' of kangaroos (pictured) approached her at a popular tourist attraction in Victoria on Monday Ms Kenny then expresses concern about being 'kangaroo kicked in the face' - but the roos all bounce over a nearby fence metres away after being collectively startled. 'I put the video on my Snapchat and my Instagram stories and then was approached by someone wanting to post it on You Tube,' she said. 'Despite what happened, I will probably go on that same walk again, the views are great. 'I'm also thankful nothing happened to any of the kangaroos, the cliff face wasn't that far away.' The bank manager hid in nearby bushes, with the kangaroos (pictured) just metres away A western Sydney mayor has angrily accused the state government of making it much easier for people in wealthier postcodes to get a Covid vaccination as poorer outer suburbs suffer an outbreak. Australia's biggest city is a tale of stark contrasts when it comes to getting either an AstraZeneca or Pfizer jab. Sydney's south-west, taking in the Liverpool and Fairfield council areas, has eastern Australia's lowest metropolitan vaccination rate despite being in a Covid hotspot. Just 14.6 per cent who those aged 16 and over have had two doses, with 33.1 per cent so far receiving one injection. A western Sydney mayor has angrily accused the state government of making it much easier for people in wealthier postcodes to get a Covid vaccination as poorer outer suburbs suffer an outbreak. Sydney's south-west, taking in the Liverpool and Fairfield council areas (pictured is Cabramatta), has Australia's lowest metropolitan vaccination rate despite being in a Covid hotspot On the other side of the city, 26.9 per cent of people are fully vaccinated on the North Shore where a majority, or 51.9 per cent, have had one dose, federal Department of Health data shows. In the eastern suburbs, where the outbreak of the more contagious Delta strain began in June, 23.9 per cent of eligible residents were fully vaccinated with 44.8 per cent having receiving a single jab as of August 1. Cumberland Mayor Steve Christou said he and his wife Josephine struggled to book a timely vaccination in their part of western Sydney, where only 17.7 per cent of people are fully vaccinated and 35.1 per cent have had a first dose. 'I don't think it's as easy for people to book an appointment in western Sydney and get vaccinated as easy as it is in the more affluent suburbs,' he told Sunrise on Wednesday. 'Only last night my wife, she conducted a little test with me in our loungeroom, where she jumped online and she could potentially book herself a vaccination appointment within seven days if her postcode was within the northern suburbs or eastern suburbs area. 'But for western Sydney, there's was potentially up to a 30-day wait so that may be part of the problem. We're a bit short of jabs out here.' Cumberland Mayor Steve Christou (pictured right with Sunrise host David Koch) said he and his wife Josephine struggled to book a timely vaccination in their part of western Sydney, where only 17.7 per cent of people are fully vaccinated Australia's lowest vaccination rates for two doses Western Australia outback north: 8.6 per cent Whitsunday-Mackay, regional north Queensland: 10.2 per cent Logan-Beaudesert, suburban and rural south-east Queensland: 13.2 per cent Western Australia outback south: 13.3 per cent New South Wales far west: 13.4 per cent Hunter Valley outside Newcastle: 14.1 per cent Sydney south-west: 14.6 per cent Coffs Harbour-Grafton, regional NSW north coast: 14.6 per cent Perth north-east: 14 per cent Source: Department of Health data for fully vaccinated Australians aged 16 and over on August 1, 2021 based on Australian Bureau of Statistics SA4 areas Advertisement Sunrise host David Koch was outraged. 'That's silly when southwestern Sydney is one of the real hotspots,' he said. New South Wales recorded 233 new daily Covid cases on Wednesday, a level only marginally below Sunday's 239 which was the highest since the Delta outbreak, with an overwhelming majority of cases in south-west Sydney. Residents in the Fairfield, Liverpool, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown and the Georges River are subject to stricter measures banning them from venturing more than 5km from home, even for work unless they are employed in the health or emergency services sectors. With Premier Gladys Berejiklian calling on NSW to hit a six million vaccination target, Mr Christou said he had offered 19 community centres to be turned into immunisation hubs. 'Just come in: give us the nurses, give us the jabs, and we'll absolutely help you reach your six million target,' he said. 'But it's hard to do that when you're not giving us nurses or jabs.' Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese called on the federal government to beg Israel and the United States for leftover Pfizer jabs. 'I would have been on to our allies firstly,' he told the 7.30 program. 'In the United States, which, of course, was able to provide additional vaccines to Canada and Mexico. 'I would have got onto Israel that provided its Pfizer vaccines that it couldn't use before the expiry date to South Korea. Residents in the Fairfield, Liverpool, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland (pictured is an Auburn Covid testing queue), Blacktown, Parramatta, Campbelltown and the Georges River are subject to stricter measures banning them from venturing more than 5km from home, even for work unless they are employed in the health or emergency services sectors 'I would be doing everything that is possible to try to get access to more vaccines.' Westpac is offering to vaccinate its 10,000 bank employees in Sydney's eight worst-affected local government areas. Chief executive Peter King said this would enable them to turn up to work, with banking considered an essential service. 'For employees who continue to attend a work site, such as a branch, having access to these pilot vaccination hubs will make it easier for them to balance the demands of work, home life and being in lockdown, while prioritising their health and getting vaccinated,' he said. A prediction that more than 3,000 Australians will be admitted to intensive care with Covid-19 even with 70 per cent of adults vaccinated has been rejected as a 'doomsday scenario' by a leading diseases expert during an interview with the ABC. Doherty Institute modelling released on Tuesday showed a six-month outbreak of the Delta strain would kill 1,984 Australians if 70 per cent of adults were vaccinated and 1,281 if 80 per cent were double-jabbed. The same worst case forecasts 393,515 infections and 14,130 hospital admissions, of which 3,084 would be to an intensive care unit. But these numbers would only be hit if Australia had 'minimal' density restrictions and 'partial' Test, Trace, Isolate, and Quarantine effectiveness, prompting Professor Gail Matthews, head of infectious diseases at Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital, to say they are not realistic. Pictured: Australians line up to get jabbed at Homebush, Sydney on Tuesday as the city recorded another 199 cases, with a further 239 on Wednesday. At least 70 per cent of adults must get jabbed to make lockdowns much less likely Doherty Institute modelling (pictured) released on Tuesday showed that if an outbreak of the Delta strain lasted for six months with only 'baseline restrictions' - which means only minimal density restrictions as in NSW in March 2021 and 'partial' Test, Trace, Isolate, and Quarantine effectiveness - then 1,984 Australians would die if 70 per cent of the population were vaccinated and 1,281 would die if 80 per cent were fully-jabbed ABC radio host Fran Kelly (pictured) mentioned the modelling in an interview with Professor Gail Matthews on Wednesday 'Well I think that is a worst case scenario and I don't think those things are going to happen,' Professor Matthews told Fran Kelly, the host of ABC's RN Breakfast on Wednesday. 'I don't think we're going to stop testing and tracing and putting other restrictions in place so that's a doomsday scenario. 'Modelling can look at all sorts of scenarios and I don't think that's likely to be plausible.' On Tuesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison also said the scenario wouldn't happen because state governments would re-introduce restrictions regardless of vaccination rates. 'I have no doubt that if such a scenario were to eventuate, then there are additional measures that would be taken to avert those types of outcomes,' he said in a press conference. 'In the same way if we had a very aggressive flu strain that was moving in a similar direction that would have similar results then obviously governments would take steps. 'But the likelihood of that occurring under an 80 per cent vaccination rate or indeed the other figures you have there at 70 per cent is obviously very different.' Sydney residents (pictured in Double Bay on Wednesday morning) are in lockdown until at least the end of August Australian Defense Force troops are pictured outside a pop-up Covid-19 vaccination clinic in Wattle Grove, Sydney on Tuesday The Prime Minister said an 80 per cent vaccination rate would allow the nation to treat Covid-19 like flu and only require restrictions to prevent too many deaths instead of stopping infections. The average number of flu deaths per year between 2016 and 2019 was 642. 'There will always be infectious diseases resulting in hospitalisation, and indeed in death,' Mr Morrison said. 'That is something that happens, sadly, each and every day, that is the world we live in, and I think Australians understand that.' Professor Gail Matthews (pictured) also warned Sydney would see more Covid hospitalisations in coming days The Federal Government has used the Doherty modelling to fashion its four-stage re-opening plan which removes large lockdowns when 70 per cent are vaccinated and opens the international borders when 80 per cent are jabbed. Even with high vaccination rates, Covid hospitalisations and deaths are unavoidable, said Professor Jodie McVernon, Director of Epidemiology at the Doherty Institute. 'The reality is we can't avoid Covid forever. This is the reality check, this [Delta strain] is twice as infectious as what we started with,' she told RN Breakfast. 'So we've got to be realistic in framing the future for people and explaining that mobile phones have changed our lives forever and so has Covid, certainly for the near term.' Dr McVernon said it was not a realistic option to keep Australia shut off from the rest of the world to keep out the virus. 'This is not something that is going to go away, we can't hide and hope it goes past,' she said. 'We do have to have a mature approach about how we're going to move forward as a society in a way that doesn't require lockdowns and all this uncertainty. We're going to have to keep adapting.' It comes as Sydney braces for a spike in Covid hospitalisation and deaths after the city's outbreak rose to 4,063 cases on Wednesday. Professor Matthews said St Vincent's Hospital in Sydney's east was bracing for more patients even if case numbers go down, due a lag of up to two weeks between infection and hospitalisation. 'We will see increasing numbers of patients because we're still seeing the same number of cases and those cases are going to translate into more patients needing to come into hospital because of the natural history of the infection,' she said. 'Even if we saw the cases go down to zero next week, we will still be expecting a lot more patients. We know we have to plan for that.' NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has flagged that some restrictions could ease when six million jabs have been given out in the state, meaning 50 per cent of adults will be fully vaccinated. But the relaxation also depends on case numbers being reduced dramatically. Under Mr Morrison's four-stage re-opening plan, a state or territory can move to remove the need for restrictions when the national vaccination rate hits 70 per cent and the rate in that state also hits 70 per cent. The Prime Minister said he hopes this phase will be achieved before the end of the year but warned the timing 'is entirely up to how the nation responds to this challenge we're setting for ourselves'. NSW Police patrol Bondi Beach in Sydney on Wednesday morning as the city remains in lockdown for another four weeks This phase, known as phase B, will make lockdowns 'less likely' and will give doubled-vaccinated people 'special rules' to allow them more freedom than Aussies who refuse a jab. A 'small working group' involving the Northern Territory, Victoria and Tasmania has been set up to determine which restrictions will not apply to the double-vaccinated. The Prime Minister warned that some localised lockdowns may be required in phase B but 'broad-based metropolitan-wide lockdowns' shutdowns will not be needed. The phase will increase the cap for vaccinated Australians arriving from overseas and allow 'reduced' quarantine requirements such as home quarantine - as well as capped entry for students and economic visa holders. Phase C begins when 80 per cent of adults are double-jabbed, allowing vaccinated Australians to travel overseas for any reason. Travel bubbles will be set up with safer countries such as Singapore to allow vaccinated travellers to fly in without quarantine. Mr Morrison said a country would be deemed safe if it has 'the same sort of vaccination levels as Australia'. The UK has already fully vaccinated 71.4 per cent of adults. Phase C will remove all domestic restrictions on double-jabbed Aussies and abolish caps on returning vaccinated Australians. There is no vaccination rate set for phase D, which will remove almost all rules except for testing of unvaccinated arrivals and quarantine for arrivals from 'high risk' places. The Prime Minister warned the plan is based on the Delta variant and is 'subject to change' if a new, more contagious variant comes along. A couple has been charged with a string of offences after allegedly breaching Sydney's lockdown by travelling 44km from a Covid hotspot to a bank. Residents in eight local government areas of concern in Sydney's coronavirus-hit southwest and west are under tighter restrictions than the rest of the city, as authorities struggle to contain the highly infectious Delta outbreak. Those who live in the Canterbury-Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Blacktown, Cumberland, Parramatta, Campbelltown, and Georges River councils can only travel within a 5km radius from home and must wear a mask in public spaces at all times. The married couple from Eagle Vale were arrested after allegedly venturing out of the Campbelltown LGA to visit a Commonwealth Bank branch in Sydney's inner-west. Police will allege the 55-year-old man (pictured) refused to sign in using a QR code, abused bank staff, and resisted arrest Police were called to Ashfield Mall about 3.30pm on Tuesday to reports staff inside the bank branch were being abused. Staff told police the man allegedly entered the premises without scanning the QR code, and became abusive after an employee asked him to sign in. A 46-year-old male security officer intervened and was then allegedly pushed by the man and threatened. Police arrived to find the 55-year-old man still at the scene. He allegedly became abusive towards officers as they approached him. He then allegedly tried to resist arrest, with his 63-year-old partner stepping in to try and intervene. She was also arrested. The man's 63-year-old wife was also arrested after allegedly trying to hinder his arrest The pair were taken to Burwood Police Station where they were both charged with resist or hinder police officer in execution of duty and failure to comply with noticed direction in relation to section 7/8/9 - COVID-19. The man was also charged with common assault. They have been granted conditional bail to appear at Burwood Local Court on October 5. It comes as NSW recorded 233 new locally-acquired Covid cases on Wednesday, with 47 people in the community throughout their infectious period. Overnight, more than 170 new venues were added to the NSW Health exposure site list - the highest number of daily additions since the outbreak began in June. Boris Johnson will take a holiday in the UK later this month after deciding not to travel abroad. The move brings the Prime Minister in line with many holidaymakers who are staying in Britain to avoid Covid testing and restrictions. Mr Johnson, his wife Carrie and son Wilfred took a trip to Scotland last year but it is not clear where he will go this time. A senior government source told the Telegraph: 'The PM's going to staycation this year.' It comes despite it emerging double-jabbed holidaymakers returning from France, Spain and Greece could soon be spared the threat of quarantine. Whitehall sources said ministers will scrap the 'amber plus' travel list which saw isolation kept in place for tens of thousands of tourists arriving back from France. Several other major destinations which had been considered for the list, including Spain and Greece, will now be reprieved. The move means barring a surge in Covid cases fully-vaccinated holidaymakers will not need to quarantine on their return to the UK from these destinations. Boris Johnson will take a holiday in the UK later this month after deciding not to travel abroad. Pictured in Scotland with Carrie and Wilfred last summer Mr Johnson, his wife Carrie and son Wilfred took a trip to Scotland last year (pictured) but it is not clear where he will go this time The change is set to be signed off at a crunch meeting of the Cabinet's Covid operations sub-committee which could come as early as today. Ministers will also put all countries on to either the green, amber or red list. A string of European destinations, including Germany and Austria, are expected to move to the green list. The allocations are reviewed every three weeks, so should then stay in place until almost the end of August. Boris Johnson has already vetoed the idea of a new 'amber watch list', which was approved by ministers last week. The scheme could have seen countries like Spain and Greece close to moving to the red list, which would have forced returning tourists to undertake hotel quarantine at a cost of 1,750. The PM said on Monday that, following criticism of the complex patchwork of travel warnings, he wanted to move to a system that is 'as simple and user-friendly for people as possible'. Boris Johnson is under pressure from aviation chiefs to scrap the Government's traffic light travel rules and replace them with a single 'red list' of banned destinations Officials have warned that amber countries could still be placed on the red list in the event of a major outbreak or the emergence of a new variant. But a Whitehall source said it was almost unthinkable that any major tourist destinations would be turned red this summer. The source added: 'The truth is that none of the mass market destinations can really go red at the height of the holiday season. 'It would cause so much disruption to so many people and we have not got anywhere near enough capacity for hotel quarantine.' Travel expert Paul Charles, of the PC Agency, said the latest data suggested at least a dozen countries should go green tomorrow, including Canada, Poland and Slovenia, as well as Germany and Austria. But he urged ministers to move to a simpler red/green list, with the fully-vaccinated allowed to travel freely to any country not rated as red. The idea was backed by more than 300 travel firms. In a letter to the PM, they said the 'easy to understand policy would help the UK travel sector recover, build confidence quickly among consumers and still protect our country's health needs with pre-departure testing.' The travel sector is also pressing ministers to cut the number and cost of tests required, amid fears that large bills for testing will make it impossible for many families to travel. Whitehall sources did not rule out a move to a red/green system, but said it was more likely they would retain the amber list to help travellers judge the risk involved. The Confederation of British Industry has called for a 'new settlement' to help the travel industry and the UK economy more broadly 'live with Covid', which would mean fewer people flying into the UK would need to isolate on arrival. John Foster, CBI policy director, said: 'The international travel sector is in the last chance saloon for the summer season. 'Restrictions must be relaxed if beleaguered businesses are to salvage any opportunity to trade their way towards recovery this year. The UK's successful vaccine rollout, coupled with lessons learned throughout the pandemic, offer genuine opportunity for more travel to resume safely. 'Rebuilding passenger confidence will be key. Establishing simple, consistent rules and communicating them clearly is essential.' A Department for Transport spokesman said: 'We recognise this is a challenging period for the sector, as we seek to balance the timely reopening of international travel while safeguarding public health and protecting the vaccine rollout.' Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered his state board of administrators to place Unilever on its list of 'scrutinized companies' which is made up of companies that participate in boycotts of Israel after a decision by subsidiary Ben & Jerry's to end sales in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem last month Florida has placed Ben & Jerry's parent company Unilever on its list of 'scrutinized companies' after the ice cream maker's decision to end sales in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis made the announcement Tuesday after he directed the state's board of administrators to place the company on the list, which is made up of companies that participate in boycotts of Israel or limit commercial activities with the Jewish state. The designation means Unilever has 90 days to force Ben & Jerry's to reverse its boycott or become subject to a prohibition on state investments in the company and against contracting with it or its subsidiaries. Perhaps most painfully for the company, it could mean Florida would prohibit state pension funds holding any investment in Unilever. 'As a matter of law and principle, the State of Florida will not tolerate discrimination against the State of Israel or the Israeli people,' DeSantis said in a statement Tuesday. 'By placing Ben & Jerrys Fortune 500 parent company Unilever on our List of Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel, Florida is sending a message to corporate America that we will defend our strong relationship with the Jewish State.' The decision would mean Unilever has 90 days to force Ben & Jerry's to end its boycott or face prohibition on Florida state investments in the company and against contracting with it or its subsidiaries. Pictured Ben & Jerry's main factory in Beer Tuvia, Israel on July 22 The sunshine state is home to a relatively large Jewish population of 657,095 permanently living in the state, which is the third highest in the US behind New York and California. Other companies to be included on Florida's list include Airbnb, which announced in 2018 that it would cease listing properties in the West Bank. DeSantis first directed his State Board of Administration to place Unilever on the list on July 22, three days after Ben & Jerry's made the announcement that it would stop ice cream sales in the contested areas, saying they were 'inconsistent with our values.' Ben & Jerry's cofounders Bennett Cohen (left) and Jerry Greenfield (right), who sold the company to Unilever in 2000, have supported its decision Unilever CEO Alan Jope (pictured above in New York in 2019) said that while his company remains 'fully committed' to Israel, it cannot force its subsidiary, Ben & Jerry's, to reverse its decision to stop selling ice cream in Jewish settlements on the Israeli-occupied West Bank Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegars office said it would probe placing Ben & Jerry's on a blacklist banning it from doing business with the state in response to its Palestine policy The board says that on July 28 it made an 'engagement call' with Unilever Investor Relations during which the company, it says, told them it 'has no current plan to prevent Ben & Jerrys from terminating business activities in Israeli-controlled territories.' The call came the same day, DeSantis noted in his Tuesday announcement, as Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, who co-founded the ice cream chain in 1978 and sold it to Unilever in 2000, endorsed the decision in an op-ed for the The New York Times. 'We are the founders of Ben & Jerry's. We are also proud Jews. It's part of who we are and how we've identified ourselves for our whole lives. As our company began to expand internationally, Israel was one of our first overseas markets. We were then, and remain today, supporters of the State of Israel,' Cohen and Greenfield wrote. 'But it's possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies, just as we've opposed policies of the U.S. government.' Unilever CEO Alan Jope has distanced himself from his subsidiary's decision, saying in a conference call with investors on July 22 that the global consumer goods giant remains 'fully committed' to doing business in Israel. But Jope gave no indication that Unilever would force Ben & Jerry's to roll back its controversial decision. Other recent executive actions taken by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis July 30: An executive order prohibiting schools in the state from mandating mask wearing July 9: An executive order waiving the tax payment deadline for survivors of the deadly Champlain Towers South collapse July 3: An executive order declaring a state of emergency due to Tropical Storm Elsa June 24: An executive order declaring a state of emergency in Miami-Dade County after the deadly Champlain Towers South collapse June 16: An executive order pardoning businesses that violated Covid-19 restrictions May 11: An executive order declaring a state of emergency related to the Colonial Pipeline hack May 3: An executive order ending all state Covid-19 mandates April 2: An executive order banning businesses from requiring customers show proof of vaccination or 'vaccine passports' Advertisement The Ben & Jerry's announcement is one of the strongest steps by a well-known company against Israel's settlements, which are widely seen by the international community as illegal. The Israeli government has condemned the decision, accusing the company of joining a Palestinian-led boycott campaign against Israel. It has urged 35 American states with anti-boycott laws to punish Unilever. In addition to Florida, Texas could blacklist Ben & Jerrys as punishment for the move. Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegars office announced that it will investigate whether the company violated Chapter 808 of the Texas Government Code which forbids the state from giving contracts to firms that boycott Israel. 'Texans have made it very clear that they stand with Israel and its people. We are against all those wishing to undermine Israels economy and its people,' Hegar told the Dallas Morning News. Jope said that Ben & Jerry's, which has a long history of social activism, had made the decision on its own. He noted that under its purchase agreement with Ben & Jerry's in 2000, the iconic ice cream company maintained broad independence over its social justice policies and that Unilever respected that arrangement. 'Obviously it's a complex and sensitive matter that elicits very strong feelings,' he said. 'If there is one message I want to underscore in this call, it's that Unilever remains fully committed to our business in Israel.' That includes a new $41million razor factory, corporate offices and facilities that employ some 2,000 people, hundreds of millions of dollars of investment and support for 'social programs,' he said. He said 'it is not our intent' to regularly delve into such sensitive matters. 'It's been a longstanding issue for Ben & Jerry's,' he said. 'We were aware of this decision by the brand and its independent board, but it's certainly not our intention that every quarter will have one quite as fiery as this one.' Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday downplayed a spike in COVID-19 cases that's shattered state hospitalization records and strongly reiterated his vow not to impose a mask mandate or any business restrictions. With the much more contagious Delta variant now spreading exponentially, Florida hit 11,515 hospitalized patients on Tuesday, breaking last year's record for the third straight day and up from just 1,000 in mid-June. DeSantis, a Republican, said he expects hospitalizations to drop in the next couple weeks, asserting that the spike is seasonal as Floridians spend more time together indoors to escape the summer heat and humidity. 'We are not shutting down,' DeSantis said Tuesday during a wide-ranging press conference. 'We are going to have schools open. We are protecting every Floridian's job in this state. We are protecting people's small businesses. These interventions have failed time and time again throughout this pandemic, not just in the United States.' DeSantis says COVID cases will decrease in the coming weeks amid spike in Delta cases and says 'interventions' have not stopped the spread DeSantis credited his response to COVID-19, which has focused on vaccinating seniors and nursing home residents, for the fact that fewer Floridians are dying now than last August. 'Since we did our seniors first vaccination effort at the end of last year, beginning of this year, we've seen between a 70 and 75 percent reduction in mortality year-over-year compared to last summer's wave as well as in the January peak,' he said. 'We've also seen almost 25.000 fully vaccinated people test positive. I think we had assumed that it would provide more sterilizing immunity.' But President Biden on Tuesday demanded that DeSantis, along with the Republican governor of Texas use his power to save lives or get out of the way of people doing the right thing. His pointed remarks came as he delivered an update on efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and urged Americans to protect themselves from a surge in cases. He backed city and private mandates that require people to be vaccinated to take part in some daily activities. And he reserved special criticism for state officials who were getting in the way of letting 'people do the right thing' such as banning mask mandates in schools or elsewhere. 'The escalation of cases is particularly concentrated in states with low vaccination rates,' he said. 'Just two states, Florida and Texas, account for one third of all new COVID-19 cases in the entire country. Just two states. 'Look, we need leadership from everyone.' A year ago, Florida was averaging about 180 COVID-19 deaths per day during an early August spike, but last week averaged 58 per day. However, 2,400 COVID-19 patients are in an intensive care unit, and deaths generally don't spike until a few weeks after hospitalizations. 'Even among a lot of positive tests, you are seeing much less mortality that you did year-over-year,' DeSantis said at a Miami-area press conference. 'Would I rather have 5,000 cases among 20-year-olds or 500 cases among seniors? I would rather have the younger.' The nation's top infectious disease expert has also urged more people to get vaccinated as he warned that the U.S. is currently on a trajectory in its Indian 'Delta' Covid outbreak that is similar to the one seen in the UK earlier this year. In a conversation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies on Tuesday, Dr Anthony Fauci discussed the recent surge in America, where average cases have risen 266 percent in the last three weeks from 23,000 per day to 85,000. Meanwhile, in Britain, daily cases have hit a five-week low after peaking around 54,000 in mid-July. President Biden took aim at the Republican governors of Texas and Florida as he delivered an update on his administration's COVID-19 response, saying they were making 'bad health policy' that meant their states were responsible for a third of all coronavirus cases in the U.S. President Biden took aim at the Republican governors of Texas and Florida as he delivered an update on his administration's COVID-19 response, saying they were making 'bad health policy' that meant their states were responsible for a third of all coronavirus cases in the U.S. Dr Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday (above) that the U.S is currently on a trajectory in its recent surge of COVID-19 cases that is 'strikingly similar' to the outbreak seen in the UK Coronavirus infections in Britain peaked at 54,000 in mid-July and have since declined to a five-week low of 21,691 recorded on Tuesday, while the U.S. has been about three to four weeks behind Fauci said the U.S. is seeing a rise in people getting vaccinated, but that is likely to have a delayed effect on case rates. 'Since an acceleration of vaccines doesn't give a result until several weeks after, we are already on a trajectory that looks strikingly similar to the sharp incline that the UK saw,' he explained. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and infectious Diseases also predicted that the U.S. would see as many as 200,000 cases a day before infections start to decline. DeSantis also said media 'hysteria' on the swelling numbers could cause people having heart attacks or strokes to avoid going to an emergency room for fear of being infected. 'Media does hysteria, you try to fear monger, you try to do this stuff and when they all talk about hospitalizations, our hospitals are open for business,' he said. Seven children have been taken to Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital with COVID-19 An ambulance enters the emergency room wing at Tampa General Hospital amid a coronavirus disease outbreak in Tampa, Florida on Tuesday Miami-Dade residents line-up as they are tested for COVID-19 at Cagni Park in North Miami on Sunday Doctors interviewed by the Associated Press acknowledged this happened during the early months of the pandemic, but say it's no longer true, and that they're treating the usual number of cardiac patients. DeSantis also battled with a reporter over students wearing masks during the Tuesday press conference. He was asked if being required to wear masks would have prevented seven children from landing in Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital after he banned school districts from requiring masks in schools. 'Seven kids are in Joe DiMaggio Hospital, two of them are in the ICU. Don't you think that wearing masks would help in those particular- ' the reporter asked as she was cut off by the governor. DeSantis said: 'Do you have any data to suggest that? Do you know if they were wearing masks? Well they're not, right, they're not eligible for the vaccination. I mean, that's not, I mean - you know - well.' 'So you're- you're- you're blaming the kids saying they weren't wearing masks, so they're in the ICU,' he continued. 'With all due respect, I find that deplorable to blame a victim who ends up being hospitalized. You don't know their story. You don't know what happened with that.' He added: 'This has been a really negative thing throughout this whole thing with some of these experts, some in the media, somebody contracts a highly transmissible airborne virus, and they're viewed as having done something wrong.' Nurse Alix Zacharski, right, sanitizes her hands as other doctors and nurses continue to care for a patient in the Medical Intensive Care Unit for COVID-19 patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital on July 23 Medical personnel conduct Covid-19 testing at a 'drive-through' site in Miami on Tuesday DeSantis notably did not answer the reporter's question if he believes masks would have prevented those children from landing in the hospital. The governor also said during the press conference that the best indicator for how the Sunshine State is handling the pandemic are measurements such as the emergency room visits for COVID-like illness. 'When you see that go up, you know you're going to see increase in prevalence and an increase in hospital admissions,' DeSantis said. DeSantis did encourage people to get vaccinated, saying shots provide a strong defense against getting seriously ill. About 95% of those hospitalized and almost all recent deaths have been among the unvaccinated, hospital officials have said. 'You can still test positive, but at the end of the day you can turn this from something that was much more threatening to a senior citizen, say, to something that is more manageable,' said DeSantis, who has been vaccinated. 'That is a huge, huge thing.' Jacksonville doctor Leonardo Alonso told WESH that Floridians should dismiss DeSantis' comments. 'He's not on the front lines like myself and my colleagues,' Alonso said. 'We should be practicing safe masking and social distancing in school. Some of his statements just make no public health sense.' The spike has come as DeSantis and local officials have fought over how to protect children and staff as the school year begins. Broward County's school board reversed a decision to require facial coverings after DeSantis barred mandates and threatened to cut funding from districts that don't comply. President Biden took aim at the Republican governors of Texas and Florida as he delivered an update on his administration's COVID-19 response, saying they were making 'bad health policy' that meant their states were responsible for a third of all coronavirus cases in the U.S. Broward's board had responded to the latest science on the virus and the latest recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But the governor said parents should decide if their children should wear a mask to school. On Friday, DeSantis had issued Executive Order 21-175, in response to several Florida school boards like Broward considering or implementing mask mandates in their schools. He said in a press release that the school boards had been responding to 'unscientific and inconsistent recommendations that school-aged children wear masks' from the Biden Administration. 'Masking children may lead to negative health and societal ramifications,' the order reads. 'Studies have shown that children are at a low risk of contracting a serious illness due to COVID-19 and do not play a significant role in the spread of the virus.' The order added that forcing kids to wear masks 'could inhibit breathing, lead to the collection of dangerous impurities including bacteria, parasites, fungi, and other contaminants, and adversely affect communications in the classroom and student performance.' DeSantis had barred school districts from enforcing mask mandates claiming school officials had been responding to 'unscientific and inconsistent recommendations' that they wear masks from the Biden Administration July and August's COVID spike has been attributed to the highly transmissible Delta variant spreading among unvaccinated Americans DeSantis wrote in the order that 'there is no statistically-significant evidence to suggest that counties with mask requirements have fared any better than those without mask requirements during the 2020-2021 school year.' President Joe Biden criticized DeSantis and other officials who have moved to block the reimposition of mask mandates. He called on resistant Republican governors to 'get out of the way' of vaccine rules and endorsed New York City's move to require vaccinations to dine indoors or go to the gym. 'If you're not going to help, at least get out of the way of people trying to do the right thing,' Biden said. Dr. O'Neil Pyke, chief medical officer at Jackson North Medical Center in Miami, said many Florida hospitals are facing staffing shortages. Hospitals also report putting emergency room patients in beds in hallways, and some are again banning visitors or postponing elective surgeries. 'They're just coming in faster than we discharge them,' said Justin Senior, CEO of Florida Safety Net Hospital Alliance, which represents some of the state's largest hospitals caring for low-income patients. Still, he said few hospitals will run out of room as they can convert non-traditional spaces like conference areas into COVID-19 wards. Penny Ceasar, who handles admissions at a hospital near Fort Lauderdale, wants the governor to require vaccines for health care workers and masks for everyone. Ceasar said while Westside Regional Medical Center has been getting temporary staff from other states, the alarming number of new patients is taking a toll. 'Youre on an emotional rollercoaster because we care for our patients like we care for our families,' said Ceasar, a 30-year veteran. The CDC reported more than 50,000 new COVID-19 cases in the state over the last three days, raising the seven-day average to one of the highest counts since the pandemic began. In total, the state has seen more than 2.6 million cases and 39,179 deaths. DeSantis is running for reelection next year while eyeing a 2024 presidential bid. A central tenet of his national image among conservatives is his refusal to impose mask mandates or business restrictions. The brother of one of Australia's most notorious killers who beheaded her boyfriend and boiled his head in a pot is back on the street just days after he was charged with the sexual abuse of two young boys. Neville Roughan, 71, was arrested last Thursday for allegedly plying the boys with drugs and alcohol so he could systematically abuse them over 14 years. The former youth worker was due for release on Tuesday night after prosecutors abandoned plans to appeal a magistrate's decision to grant him bail. Roughan is the brother of Katherine Knight, 64, who was the first woman in NSW to be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole after she murdered and skinned her boyfriend John Price in Aberdeen, NSW, in 2000. Neville Roughan, 71, brother of one of Australia's most notorious killers Katherine Price (pictured right with her victim John Price) is set to be released on bail after he was charged with the sexual assault of two young boys John Price (pictured) was 44 when he was stabbed 37 times, beheaded and skinned, and cooked in a pot with vegetables by his partner Katherine Knight in February 2000 Roughan was granted conditional bail by magistrate Brett Thomas after the alleged assaulter voiced fears his killer sibling's notoriety would make him a target in jail. Prosecutors quickly filed for a stay which bought them an extra 72 hours to keep him behind bars while they mounted a challenge. However, on Tuesday afternoon the court was instructed the detention order application was no longer going ahead and Roughan would walk free. The 71-year-old has been charged with 15 crimes, including six counts of sex with a person aged 10 to 16. Pictured: Convicted killer Katherine Knight, the sister of Neville Roughan One of the boys was just 11 when the alleged abuse began and the other was 13, the Newcastle Local Court heard last week. Roughan allegedly abused the boys over 14 years from 1990 to 2004, with two other alleged victims recently coming forward, the court heard. Police alleged one of the boys travelled with him to meet then-Swansea MP Milton Orkopoulos, a convicted paedophile, in 2004. Orkopoulos, who was still in office at the time, connected with Roughan through his now deceased brother, Patrick Roughan, the court heard. Neville Roughan successfully argued that due to his age, physical and mental condition, and connection to his killer sister, he should be released on bail. The 71-year-old will be forced to abide by strict bail conditions until he faces court again on September 23. Roughan is banned from being in the company of anyone under 18, contacting his alleged victims or leaving the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie local councils and will continue to report to police. On the fateful night of one of Australia's most horrific crimes, the then-44-year-old Knight stabbed her partner as he slept before skinning and beheading him. Over the course of the sweltering night in February, the abattoir worker put her defacto husband's head in a pot with vegetables and slow cooked it on the stove before making gravy. The main street of Aberdeen, the small town in the Upper Hunter region of New South Wales. Knight's house is on the right as you exit town (the white arrow) Knight had lived in Aberdeen in the Upper Hunter Region of NSW, (pictured) all her life With her meal complete, she set the kitchen table and plated up her 'stew' along with 'steak' cut from his buttocks. Next to each plate she left a note with the names of her victim's three children. When Price did not arrive at work the next morning worried friends went to his house, saw blood on the handle of his front door, and called police. In a chilling twist, Price had mentioned to his colleagues that if he didn't come in the next day he had been murdered by Knight. The officers who were first on the scene that morning would never be the same, with some leaving the force just days later after seeing Price's dismembered body. Knight's murder of 'Pricey' in the small town of Aberdeen, in the Upper Hunter region of NSW, was so horrific, premeditated, and devoid of mercy that a judge ordered her 'never to be released'. John Chillingworth (pictured) who began dating Knight in 1990 and had a son with her, revealed he had visited the convicted killer in Silverwater jail Knight (right) pictured with another former partner David Kellett (left) on their wedding day Last year on the 20th anniversary of one of Australia's most horrific crimes, another ex-boyfriend John Chillingworth revealed he still visited Knight at Silverwater jail. Mr Chillingworth said the killer 'had never been better' and did pottery and painting classes with other inmates who have nicknamed her grandma. 'She's aged a bit, a hell of a lot actually. She looks older in the face and her hair, it's not fiery red it's grey now. She's also put on a little weight,' he said. Knight and Mr Chillingworth began dating in 1990 and by March of the next year welcomed a son. He claimed when his former girlfriend realised the severity of what she had done to Price, she was horrified and 'wanted to kill herself'. 'Everyone made Pricey out to be some angel, but Pricey was never an angel. What happened to him was the worst imaginable, it was horrific, but it was a volatile relationship. I knew him well, years before he was seeing Katherine,' he said. 'I think everyone deserves a second chance.' On the night of the murder Price was stabbed 37 times as he returned from the bathroom after the couple had sex. 'He wanted sex so we had it. He was gentle and kind... (after) he went to the toilet. He was walking back to bed and that's it,' Knight told investigators. In this police photo blood can be seen covering the walls of the hall inside Price's home, where Knight had dragged his body after killing him After having sex Knight fatally stabbed Price an estimated 37 times, before dragging his body out of the bedroom and down the hall to the front door She then dragged his lifeless body out into the hall, leaving a trail of blood as she went, and began to skin him and later behead him. After preparing dinner and setting the table, Knight attempted to overdose on prescription drugs and was found by police asleep on the couch the next day. Knight initially pleaded not-guilty to murdering Price and stood trial before the NSW Supreme Court at Newcastle, but on the fourth morning of the trial changed her plea to guilty. She was sentenced to life imprisonment, never to be released. Knight appealed against her sentence in 2006 but it was dismissed. She is 64 and will die in jail. British tourists wanting to holiday in the likes of France, Greece and Spain, will have to pay a 7 (6) charge from next year, EU officials confirmed last night. Brussels is working up plans to introduce the new travel system which will see non-EU citizens from 62 countries - including Britain - ordered to pay to enter the border-free Schengen zone. Officials say the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) will allow the EU to pre-screen the information of travellers, including criminal records. The scheme will be similar to the US's Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) system - which allows citizens from 39 countries a 90-day visa-free stay. However the EU's version will be valid for up to three years - and will count for multiple entries. It is being brought in, in part, to avoid the need for more complex visas - though travellers who need visas to enter the EU will still require them. Plans were first suggested in 2016, prior to Brexit. But the regulations for the system were officially confirmed by EU officials on Tuesday. The ETIAS scheme is expected to be in place by the end of 2022. British tourists wanting to holiday in the likes of France, Greece and Spain, will have to pay a 7 (6) charge from next year, EU officials confirmed last night Brussels is working up plans to introduce the new travel system, which will see non-EU citizens ordered to pay to enter the border-free Schengen zone According to the proposal: 'ETIAS will not change which non-EU countries are subject to a visa requirement and will also not introduce a new visa requirement for nationals of countries that are visa-exempt. 'Visa-exempt non-EU nationals will only need a few minutes to fill in an online application which in a vast majority of cases (expected to be over 95 per cent) will result in automatic approval.' The system will ask applicants to submit a list of personal data through an online application from. Travel documents, such as a passport and the EU country in which a traveller is first intending to stay, will also be required. There will also be questions on a person's criminal record and if they have ever asked to leave an EU country by officials. Applicants will then have to submit the 7 fee, which the ETIAS system will then check through an automated process. If an issue is flagged, it will be checked manually. After that a person will either be accepted or rejected within a four-week window - with those rejected allowed an appeal. Carriers will be expected to check that a person has been authorised to travel to the EU under the ETIAS scheme. When the system was put forward in 2016, Sir Julian King, the UK's last EU Commissioner before Brexit, backed the plans. He said: 'Terrorists and criminals don't care much for national borders. 'The only way to defeat them is by working together effectively. 'ETIAS will help do that: by spotting problem individuals and stopping them from coming, we'll enhance Europe's internal security.' The UK is also reportedly considering a similar system for non-British nationals - a system which could be in place by 2024. An immaculate Audi Quattro has sold for a world record price of 163,125. The iconic eighties motor was believed to be the last one ever manufactured by the German car giant when it rolled off the production line in 1991. The UR Quattro 20V has had just two owners in its 30 year life and has just 9,700 miles on the clock. As a result the pearly-white vehicle proved highly desirable when it went under the hammer. It sold for a hammer price of 145,000. With auctioneer's fees added on the total price paid by the winning bidder was 163,125. It beat the previous British auction house record paid for a Quattro road car that stood at 72,000 in 2017. An immaculate Audi Quattro (pictured) has sold for a world record price of 163,125 The iconic eighties motor was believed to be the last one ever manufactured by the German car giant when it rolled off the production line in 1991 The UR Quattro 20V has had just two owners in its 30 year life and has just 9,700 miles on the clock As a result the pearly-white vehicle proved highly desirable when it went under the hammer It sold for a hammer price of 145,000. With auctioneer's fees added on the total price paid by the winning bidder was 163,125 The unnamed vendor was said to have been 'over the moon' with the price. The Audi Quattro, so-called because they were four wheeled drive road cars, were made between 1980 and 1991 and have become a cult classic over the years. As well as its illustrious rallying history the Quattro is recognisable as the car DCI Gene Hunt drove in the hit TV crime drama Ashes to Ashes. Gary Dunne, sales controller of Silverstone Auctions, said: 'The car is quite simply the best Quattro we have ever seen. It beat the previous British auction house record paid for a Quattro that stood at 72,000 in 2017 The unnamed vendor was said to have been 'over the moon' with the price of the car (pictured) The Audi Quattro, so-called because they were four wheeled drive road cars, were made between 1980 and 1991 and have become a cult classic over the years As well as its illustrious rallying history the Quattro is recognisable as the car DCI Gene Hunt drove in the hit TV crime drama Ashes to Ashes Gary Dunne, sales controller of Silverstone Auctions, said: 'The car is quite simply the best Quattro we have ever seen' 'It is believed to be the last one to be produced and until the sale it had had just two owners. The first for 17 years and the second, our vendor, for the past 13 years. 'The condition of the car was superb, with less than 10,000 miles covered, and we are thrilled we were able to achieve such a fantastic result for our vendor. 'The vendor is over the moon with the result and the world record price achieved.' It was sold alongside a 2002 Volkswagen Golf GTI 25th Anniversary edition with a mere eight miles on the clock, having been stored from new by its only keeper. It sold for 38,250, also a record figure for this limited-edition version of the Mk4 Golf GTI. The Quattro has a 2.1-litre turbocharged engine that produces 217bhp and a top speed of 143mph. It still has its original Pirelli tyres and Blaupunkt radio/cassette player. It was sold with its original purchase invoice showing it was bought for 38,995. Mr Dunne said: 'It is believed to be the last one to be produced and until the sale it had had just two owners. The first for 17 years and the second, our vendor, for the past 13 years' Mr Dunne added: 'The condition of the car was superb, with less than 10,000 miles covered, and we are thrilled we were able to achieve such a fantastic result for our vendor' The Quattro has a 2.1 litre turbocharged engine that produces 217bhp and a top speed of 143mph The vehicle )pictured, its gearstick) still has its original Pirelli tyres and Blaupunkt radio/cassette player The car (pictured, its engine) was sold with its original purchase invoice showing it was bought for 38,995 While this example now holds the record figure paid for an Audi Quattro road car, it is some way off the outright record for this model. In February of this year, a 1988 Audi Sport Quattro S1 competition model sold for a staggering 2million - almost 1.8million - at the Artcurial Parisienne collectible car event in Paris. Not only was the winning bid twice the figure predicted ahead of the sale but set a world record for the highest fee paid for any rally car at auction. It is the final version of the Audi Quattro competition car to be created and was described as being in 'exceptional condition' for a rally car before the sale took place. This competition car is the last of the legendary Quattro rally cars produced and was said to be in exceptional condition for a racing machine when it went under the hammer in Paris in February. It sold for almost 1.8million - a record highest fee paid for an Audi Quattro - and any rally car - at auction Former Australia Post boss Christine Holgate will receive a $1 million settlement for losing her job under a deal struck more than nine months after the acrimonious split. Ms Holgate left the organisation last year following a scandal over four luxury Cartier watches worth $20,000 being gifted to executives. Australia Post has also agreed to pay $100,000 of the former chief executive officer's legal costs. 'Australia Post regrets the difficult circumstances surrounding Ms Holgate's departure from her role as CEO,' a statement shared statement from the company and Ms Holgate reads. Former Australia Post boss Christine Holgate will receive a $1 million settlement for losing her job under a deal struck more than nine months after the acrimonious split Ms Holgate left the organisation last year following a scandal over four luxury Cartier watches worth $20,000 being gifted to executives In a joint statement, both parties revealed on Wednesday that $1 million would be given to Ms Holgate as a taxable employment termination payment. 'To finalise the matter so that both parties can move on, Ms Holgate has released Australia Post from all legal claims and Australia Post is making the payment without any admission of liability.' Australia Post 'acknowledged it lost an effective chief executive' following the events of October 22 when a furore erupted over the Cartier watches when the gifts were revealed in parliament. 'Australia Post recognises and thanks Ms Holgate for her outstanding contribution and strong leadership during her employment as CEO of Australia Post,' the statement says. The company also agreed to pay $100,000 of Ms Holgate's legal fees. Mr Morrison has previously said he regrets causing hurt to Ms Holgate but has not apologised On hearing about the reward last year, a furious Scott Morrison told Parliament the gifts were disgraceful and said: 'She's been instructed to stand aside and if she doesn't do that, she can go.' Ms Holgate, who resigned in November, said she was treated 'like a criminal', 'abandoned to a media firestorm' and wrongfully ousted against her will, leaving her suicidal and needing insomnia medication. A report into her departure by the Senate's Environment and Communications References Committee said the prime minister should apologise. 'The committee recommends that the Australia Post Board and Shareholder Ministers and the Prime Minister apologise to Ms Holgate for denying her the legal principles of procedural fairness and natural justice in her departure from Australia Post,' it said. Mr Morrison has previously said he regrets causing hurt to Ms Holgate but has not apologised. 'I see that this has caused some very strong reaction from Christine and had hurt her deeply. That was not my intention and so I regret that,' he said in an interview in April. 'The issue here was how taxpayers' funds were being used in a government-owned company and as prime minister I have to stand up for those standards and did. 'It was not my intention to upset or offend Ms Holgate. I appreciate she has gone through a difficult time and that's not something that I would have liked to have seen happen. 'But we're all accountable for the decisions we make and the things that we do.' Ms Holgate has since become CEO of Toll Global Express. A woman has described the frightening moment she was attacked by a butcherbird inside a cafe. Debbie Jones was having a quiet breakfast in a popular Burleigh Heads cafe on the Queensland coast when she decided to share her meal with the local wildlife. The bird landed a single powerful peck on Ms Jones' eye when she tried to finish her toast, leaving her in severe pain and rushing to the doctor's surgery. Debbie Jones (pictured) was sharing her lunch with a butcherbird when it attacked her, landing a peck into her eye 'It just attacked me in the eye,' Ms Jones told 9 News. 'I started to run down the road; there was all blood pouring down my face. She escaped the incident with no serious injuries, with doctors saying the bird's beak was millimetres away from causing her serious harm. 'They swished my eye out with saline stuff and an gave me an injection and now I have an eye patch, I'm walking round at work like a pirate,' she laughed. Ms Jones (pictured) rushed to the doctor's surgery where they said she missed serious damage by millimetres Ms Jones joked she would start entering the lottery every day in a bid to cash in on her good luck after escaping serious injury. Despite the altercation, she says she wouldn't hesitate to feed the birds again, just with a little more caution. Beth Hall of Birdlife Australia's Gold Coast branch urged people not to feed magpies as swooping season approaches. 'One of the things they do say is that you should wear sunglasses if they're in an attacking or swooping mood and do not look them in the eye.' Ms Hall suggested cafes or restaurants should also display signage that discouraged the feeding of birds where appropriate. A political newcomer backed by Donald Trump won a crowded Republican primary contest in an Ohio House special election Tuesday night, showing the former president's influence on his party. Coal lobbyist Mike Carey, who never held political office before, beat out 11 other Republicans for the nomination in Ohio's 15th Congressional district, to replace former Rep. Steve Stivers. Many of his competitors also had the backing of big-name Republicans. The Associated Press called the race for Carey, who will compete against Democrat Allison Russo in the November general election. Carey is favored to win the GOP-leaning district. 'Great Republican win for Mike Carey. Big numbers! Thank you to Ohio and all of our wonderful American patriots. Congratulations to Mike and his family. He will never let you down!,' Trump said in a statement after the race was called. Carey was a little known contender until he earned Trump's endorsement - a sign of the former president's influence on the Republican voters who decide the party's nominee. Carey is a close friend of Corey Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager. 'Tonight, Republicans across Ohios 15th Congressional District sent a clear message to the nation that President Donald J. Trump is, without a doubt, the leader of our party,' Carey said in a statement after his victory. The two special House elections in Ohio on Tuesday tested both political parties: Trump's sway on the Republican Party and the moderate and liberal divisions among Democrats. Donald Trump backed candidate, coal lobbyist Mike Carey (above), won Ohio's crowded Republican primary in the 15th Congressional district Mike Carey had never held elected office and was a little known contender until Trump endorsed his campaign The former president has touted his blessing as the political equivalent of a golden ticket. But he's struggled to redeem his record after suffering an embarrassing lose in Texas when his candidate, Susan Wright, the widow of the congressman from the Texas seat who died of COVID in February, lost to another Republican in the runoff. There was an assortment of other candidates running the Republican primary for the 15th district - all with their own big name backers: state Rep. Jeff LaRe, who was endorsed by Stivers to replace him in his seat Bob Peterson, a state senator who has the backing of Ohio's leading anti-abortion group, Ohio Right to Life Ruth Edmonds, who has a strong following among Christian conservatives and the backing of Debbie Meadows, an activist and the wife of Mark Meadows, Trump's last White House chief of staff former state Rep. Ron Hood, who has the backing of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul A pro-Trump super PAC has put $350,000 into ads backing Carey. Trump joined a tele-rally for Carey on July 20 and complained that other candidates were trying to suggest they also had his endorsement. 'He's the only candidate in the race that has my complete and total endorsement,' Trump said of Carey on the call, according to Bloomberg News. 'I know Mike Carey, he's a true outsider, he's a true fighter, he's a warrior, and he's going to win.' Trump is planning to get involved in a series of Republican primaries headed into next year's midterm election, particularly targeting those GOP lawmakers who supported his second impeachment. Meanwhile, a moderate Democrat backed by Hillary Clinton won an Ohio House primary race Tuesday night in a contest that turned into a war among the center and progressive wings of the party. Shontel Brown, who ran as a candidate who would support President Joe Biden, defeated Nina Turner, a progressive favorite endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. NBC News has called the race. Brown also had the support of Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, the Democratic kingmaker whose endorsement gave Biden a victory in South Carolina's presidential primary, thus saving his White House bid. She will face Republican Laverne Gore in the November election. The Democrat is favored to win. The primary battle in Ohio's 11th Congressional district became nasty as Democrats battled over who would replace Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge, who Biden named as his housing secretary. Shontel Brown, backed by Hillary Clinton and Rep. Jim Clyburn, beat a progressive favorite to win a crowded Democratic primary in an Ohio House race Democrats were at war in the primary in the 11th Congressional district - Bernie Sanders endorsed Nina Turner, a progressive favorite Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also endorsed Turner and campaigned for her in Cleveland last month Brown and Turner emerged as the leading contenders among 13 Democrats running in the 11th district. Big name Democrats flooded the district. Clyburn was in to campaign for Brown while Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez stumped for Turner. Brown, a member Cuyahoga County Council, has touted her support for Biden and his agenda. Turner is a former state senator and a leading Sanders supporter. She already has a national profile among progressives, who see her as a needed force in Washington D.C. to counter Biden's more moderate tendencies. Sanders, campaigning for her on Saturday, said: 'I would have come (to the district) because Nina is a close personal friend of mine and somebody I admire. But the real reason I am here is that we desperately need her in the U.S. Congress.' The Democratic contest got nasty. Turner ran a commercial questions Brown's ethics and ends with the image of a jail door slamming. She also criticized Brown for accepting a campaign contribution from New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, a close ally of Donald Trump's. Brown touted Turner as too much of an outsider and too critical of Biden to accomplish anything in Congress. Outside money played a big factor in the race. Democratic Majority for Israel, a super PAC, spent $1.2 million on ads supporting Brown and opposing Turner. Special elections usually see small turnout compared to midterm or presidential years. A candidate's name - or the prominence of their endorsers - can be a heavy factor in determining the outcome. A group of mates have been slapped with hefty fines after breaching Brisbane's Covid lockdown to 'drink and smoke' at the beach. District Superintendent Craig Hawkin has warned to residents to follow the stay-in-home orders in place across southeast Queensland after police issued 48 penalty infringement notices on Tuesday. It comes as the state recorded 16 new locally-acquired Covid cases on Wednesday bringing the west Brisbane outbreak to 63 cases. Of the 48 fines, 34 were issued caught breaching lockdown without a valid reason. Supt Hawkins said the most concerning incident was four friends who travelled from Brisbane's north east to the Sunshine Coast. Four Brisbane residents have been fined $1378 each after breaching lockdown by travelling to Caloundra (pictured) on the Sunshine Coast 'Three men and a woman, all in their 20s, came to the Coast from Redcliffe just to meet up and socialise on the beach,' he said. 'They were just sitting around drinking and smoking at Caloundra about 8pm last night.' The four people were each hit with a $1378 fine for failing to comply with Covid directions. Supt Hawkins said rule-breakers could result in the eight-day lockdown - which is due to end on Sunday - being extended. 'These type of offences are reckless and selfish and only likely to spread the virus, which means more time in lockdown,' he said. Queensland Police are considering implementing RBT-style interceptions to monitor residents movements and ensure they are following the public health measure. All of the 16 cases reported Wednesday are the Delta variant, with 14 in the community while infectious. The infections were detected from 51,479 tests conducted in the 24 hours to Tuesday morning. District Superintendent Craig Hawkin (pictured) has warned that rule-breakers could see the lockdown across southeast Queensland extended 'This has become our biggest outbreak since the first wave last year,' Deputy Premier Steven Miles says told reporters on Wednesday. Four cases are linked to the Ironside State School, two are linked to Indooroopilly State High School, one is linked to Brisbane Boys Grammar and nine cases are close contacts or family members. Another new Delta case in Cairns is not genomically linked to Brisbane cluster. The case is a reef pilot who is fully vaccinated with Pfizer and he's believed to have been infected by a crew member on a ship. Almost 10,000 people are in home or hotel quarantine, and two new cases were not in the community for any point of their infectious period. Chief Health Health Officer Jeannette Young said there's still hope the lockdown could end at 4pm on Sunday. Supt Hawkin said the group were found 'drinking and smoking on the beach' around 8pm Tuesday The aim of the lockdown isn't to eradicate the cluster, she said, but keep the number of people infectious in the community down. 'It doesn't matter (if) we've had those cases because they're in quarantine, so it won't stop us lifting the restrictions on Sunday,' she said. 'So please, everyone just think of what you can do in the next few days so we can lift this and we can beat all their predictions about how long it takes to get such a large cluster under control.' Mr Miles urged people to stay home unless they absolutely need to do essential shopping or get health care. 'You can't go out because you need milk, but stop to look at EB Games or JB Hi-Fi,' he said. 'So the requirements are there, the police are checking people for the first time those RBT style interceptions. We just urge everyone to really, just for a few more days we hope, do the right thing. 'Five more days, do the right thing, and then next week you can buy all the sun lounges you think you need.' Dr Young asked people to even delay online and 'click and collect' shopping for non-essential items until lockdown lifts. Queensland recorded 16 new locally-acquired cases of Covid on Wednesday. Pictured: Brisbane's deserted CBD amid lockdown 'I'm a great online shopper, could you think about whether you need to do online shopping this week,' she said. Queensland's Ekka public holiday set for next Wednesday will also be rescheduled. Health Minister Yvette D'Ath said she hopes to receive 150,000 extra AstraZeneca vaccine doses from the Commonwealth next week. 'If (federal Health Minister" Greg Hunt's says they've got 150,000 now, which I have no doubt they do, of AstraZeneca then it should be on trucks today,' she said. Ms D'Ath also said the government was also trying to work out what was causing vaccine hesitancy in Queensland. 'We do a lot of consumer advocacy and reach out to find out why it is that we, you know, have a vaccine hesitancy or why we're not coming forward,' she said. 'We need to break down the data as to whether it's AstraZeneca or Pfizer.' Until recently, the state government had warned people under 40 not to get AstraZeneca due to the extremely small risk of a rare blood clotting disorder, which is treatable. Earlier this week, Dr Young changed her advice and said people who think they are at risk should talk to their GPs about getting AstraZeneca. A moderate Democrat backed by Hillary Clinton won an Ohio House primary race Tuesday night in a contest that turned into a war among the center and progressive wings of the party. Shontel Brown, who ran as a candidate who would support President Joe Biden, defeated Nina Turner, a progressive favorite endorsed by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. NBC News has called the race. Brown also had the support of Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, the Democratic kingmaker whose endorsement gave Biden a victory in South Carolina's presidential primary, thus saving his White House bid. She will face Republican Laverne Gore in the November election. The Democrat is favored to win. The primary battle in Ohio's 11th Congressional district became nasty as Democrats battled over who would replace Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge, who Biden named as his housing secretary. The two special House elections in Ohio on Tuesday tested both political parties: Donald Trump's sway on the Republican Party and the moderate and liberal divisions among Democrats. Shontel Brown, backed by Hillary Clinton and Rep. Jim Clyburn, beat a progressive favorite to win a crowded Democratic primary in an Ohio House race Democrats were at war in the primary in the 11th Congressional district - Bernie Sanders endorsed Nina Turner, a progressive favorite Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also endorsed Turner and campaigned for her in Cleveland last month Brown and Turner emerged as the leading contenders among 13 Democrats running in the 11th district. Big name Democrats flooded the district. Clyburn was in to campaign for Brown while Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez stumped for Turner. Brown, a member Cuyahoga County Council, has touted her support for Biden and his agenda. Turner is a former state senator and a leading Sanders supporter. She already has a national profile among progressives, who see her as a needed force in Washington D.C. to counter Biden's more moderate tendencies. Sanders, campaigning for her on Saturday, said: 'I would have come (to the district) because Nina is a close personal friend of mine and somebody I admire. But the real reason I am here is that we desperately need her in the U.S. Congress.' The Democratic contest got nasty. Turner ran a commercial questions Brown's ethics and ends with the image of a jail door slamming. She also criticized Brown for accepting a campaign contribution from New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, a close ally of Donald Trump's. Brown touted Turner as too much of an outsider and too critical of Biden to accomplish anything in Congress. Outside money played a big factor in the race. Democratic Majority for Israel, a super PAC, spent $1.2 million on ads supporting Brown and opposing Turner. Special elections usually see small turnout compared to midterm or presidential years. A candidate's name - or the prominence of their endorsers - can be a heavy factor in determining the outcome. Meanwhile, a political newcomer backed by Trump won a crowded Republican primary contest in an Ohio House special election Tuesday night, showing the former president's influence on his party. Coal lobbyist Mike Carey, who never held political office before, beat out 11 other Republicans for the nomination in Ohio's 15th Congressional district, to replace former Rep. Steve Stivers. Many of his competitors also had the backing of big-name Republicans. The Associated Press called the race for Carey, who will compete against Democrat Allison Russo in the November general election. Carey is favored to win the GOP-leaning district. 'Great Republican win for Mike Carey. Big numbers! Thank you to Ohio and all of our wonderful American patriots. Congratulations to Mike and his family. He will never let you down!,' Trump said in a statement after the race was called. Carey was a little known contender until he earned Trump's endorsement - a sign of the former president's influence on the Republican voters who decide the party's nominee. Carey is a close friend of Corey Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager. 'Tonight, Republicans across Ohios 15th Congressional District sent a clear message to the nation that President Donald J. Trump is, without a doubt, the leader of our party,' Carey said in a statement after his victory. Donald Trump backed candidate, coal lobbyist Mike Carey (above), won Ohio's crowded Republican primary in the 15th Congressional district Mike Carey had never held elected office and was a little known contender until Trump endorsed his campaign The former president has touted his blessing as the political equivalent of a golden ticket. But he's struggled to redeem his record after suffering an embarrassing lose in Texas when his candidate, Susan Wright, the widow of the congressman from the Texas seat who died of COVID in February, lost to another Republican in the runoff. There was an assortment of other candidates running the Republican primary for the 15th district - all with their own big name backers: state Rep. Jeff LaRe, who was endorsed by Stivers to replace him in his seat Bob Peterson, a state senator who has the backing of Ohio's leading anti-abortion group, Ohio Right to Life Ruth Edmonds, who has a strong following among Christian conservatives and the backing of Debbie Meadows, an activist and the wife of Mark Meadows, Trump's last White House chief of staff former state Rep. Ron Hood, who has the backing of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul A pro-Trump super PAC has put $350,000 into ads backing Carey. Trump joined a tele-rally for Carey on July 20 and complained that other candidates were trying to suggest they also had his endorsement. 'He's the only candidate in the race that has my complete and total endorsement,' Trump said of Carey on the call, according to Bloomberg News. 'I know Mike Carey, he's a true outsider, he's a true fighter, he's a warrior, and he's going to win.' Trump is planning to get involved in a series of Republican primaries headed into next year's midterm election, particularly targeting those GOP lawmakers who supported his second impeachment. Angela Tramonte, 31, (pictured) was found dead at around 4.40pm Friday off the Echo Canyon Trail of Camelback Mountain after she went hiking with Phoenix cop Dario Dizdar The Phoenix cop who took a Massachusetts woman he met online on a first date hike before she was found dead in the Arizona desert had a history of lying to investigators, it has been revealed. Angela Tramonte, 31, agreed to go hiking on Camelback Mountain last Friday with Phoenix Police Officer Dario Dizdar, whom she had been talking to on Instagram for the past two months and had traveled from her hometown of Saugus, outside Boston, to meet in person. She was found dead at around 4.40pm off the Echo Canyon Trail near a home at the base of the mountain. Dizdar told investigators that Tramonte had become 'overheated' and decided to turn around about halfway up the mountain, while he continued up the peak. When he returned back to the parking lot, Didzar said Tramonte was nowhere to be found and he called emergency services to report her missing. Authorities have said they do not believe any foul play was involved in Tramonte's death. But Tramonte's friends back home in Massachusetts are now calling for a thorough investigation, expressing their doubts over Dizdar's story. The friends' suspicions were exacerbated by the revelation that Didzar - who joined the Phoenix Police Department in 2007 - has a history of being untruthful to cops, the Daily Beast reported. The outlet obtained documents which showed Didzar was disciplined in 2009 after he lied to cops about who he was during a criminal investigation and gave them a false name and age. No charges have been made in connection with Tramonte's death and the cause of her death is still listed as 'pending' by the coroner. Records showed Phoenix Police Officer Dario Didzar (pictured) was disciplined in 2009 after he lied to cops about who he was during a criminal investigation and gave them a false name Dizdar is seen near the hiking trail after cops responded to his call about Tramonte Tramonte's friends have demanded a thorough investigation into her death. 'We want answers, we want justice and we want an investigation to go further and we want to see what this guy was really all about,' Stacey Gerardi told CBS Boston. 'As a first responder you're supposed to help people,' she said. 'Why would you not walk her back down? Why would you continue to walk back up.' 'Knowing she'd be down there, she'd be by herself, it makes no sense,' another friend, Sarina Viola, interjected. 'It does not make any sense,' Gerardi agreed. 'They need to keep looking.' Dizdar - who was first identified by ABC15 - reportedly told police Tramonte had asked him to continue walking up the mountain so he could take pictures that she could share to her social media pages, and they agreed to meet back at the car. He requested assistance at around 1pm Friday, authorities said, after reportedly not finding her at the parking lot like they had agreed, and rescue teams, including over 30 fire personnel and a police helicopter were dispatched to the scene. Her friends back home in Massachusetts are now calling for an investigation into her death, even though authorities have said they do not believe any foul play was involved After a few hours of searching, authorities said they found her body 'unresponsive [and] beyond resuscitative efforts' and she was pronounced dead on the scene. She did not appear to have water with her - and neither did Dizdar - when she was found dead, despite temperatures reaching 104 degrees Fahrenheit that day, according to the Boston Globe. Investigators believe she was found near a home as she was trying to seek help. 'But at that point in time, [she] could have conceivably been in the early stages of heat exhaustion and heatstroke, where you become delirious, and unfortunately, your faculties are not about you,' Phoenix fire Captain Rob McDade told the Globe. He described the mountain as 'unforgiving.' This mountain doesn't care who you are, or how great of a hiker or an experienced hiker you are,' McDade said. 'The mountain, in a situation like that, usually wins.' Dizdar was seen at the scene talking to authorities from inside his car Rescue teams were dispatched to the area but four hours later crews found the body of Tramonte at 4.40pm on Friday near a home, the Phoenix Fire Department said in a statement Police in Phoenix, Arizona say foul play is not suspected in the death Mercedes Fortune, a spokeswoman for the Phoenix Police Department, told DailyMail.com that no 'traumatic injuries' were seen on Tramonte when she was discovered or during the autopsy. She added that Tramonte's cell phone was found on her when she was discovered. 'At this time there is no evidence to indicate foul play is suspected in connection with Ms. Tramontes tragic death,' Fortune said. She added: 'The City employee who was with Ms. Tramonte is a witness and is cooperating with investigators. He has been granted personal time off and has been offered resources to deal with this tragedy.' In a statement to DailyMail.com, she said: 'On July 30, 2021, at about 1:00 p.m., Phoenix Fire personnel responded to a trail at Camelback Mountain after receiving a 911 call reporting a hiker missing. 'The person who called 911 was an off-duty Phoenix Police officer, who informed the emergency operator that he and Ms. Tramonte had separated during a hike, and he could not find her. The initial search included over 30 fire personnel and the police helicopter.' She added: 'At 3:00 p.m., Phoenix Fire requested the assistance of Phoenix Police officers to help with search efforts. 'The witness told officers Ms. Tramonte and he began their hike around 10:00 a.m. and neither one of them had any water. 'The witness also told officers, during the hike Ms. Tramonte decided to head back down the trail and asked him to continue to the top to take pictures so that she could share them on her social media. The pair agreed to meet later at the car.' Fortune added: 'At approximately 4:40 p.m., Ms. Tramonte was located off the Echo Canyon Trail, adjacent to a home, on the northeast side of Camelback Mountain. Phoenix Fire personnel responded and found her unresponsive, beyond resuscitative efforts and she was pronounced deceased. 'No traumatic injuries were observed during the initial investigation or discovered during the autopsy. Ms. Tramontes cellular phone was located on her when she was found.' Tramonte's body did not seem to have a water bottle with her at the time of her death Tramonte's body was found near a home at the base of the mountain (pictured), and authorities believe she was trying to reach the home to get some help Melissa Buttaro has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the cost of bringing Tramonte's body back to Saugus and paying for funeral expenses. She paid tribute to Tramonte, but also called for justice relating to her death. Buttaro wrote: 'Angela Tramonte was born and raised in Saugus, MA. She was such a beautiful, kind, strong, good hearted woman who would do anything for anyone. 'She recently took a trip to Arizona to meet a man she was talking to online for two months. They supposedly went for a hike at Camelback Mountain on Friday, July 30th.' She added: 'Halfway up the mountain, Angela told this man, who is a police officer and first responder, that she was exhausted and couldn't continue. She supposedly walked back down the mountain ALONE to the car while this man continued on by himself. 'He clearly has no regard for her safety. She went missing for hours and was found dead from heat exhaustion.' Buttaro continued: 'Angela lived a very healthy, active lifestyle. She woke up early every morning to go the gym. She did weekly meal planning and was obsessed with drinking water. She also loved walking her dog Dolce every day. 'We just want justice for our friend. Please consider donating to help us bring Angela's body home and pay for funeral expenses. Any help would be greatly appreciated.' It has since raised more than $44,500. Don Lemon awkwardly addressed Andrew Cuomo's sex allegations just seconds after exchanging pleasantries with the governor's brother Chris on CNN last night. Lemon said 'I love you brother' to Chris during the handover before questioning whether Andrew should resign as New York state governor. During the exchange, the pair discussed the Capitol riots after Cuomo failed to address the bombshell report accusing his brother of sexually harassing 11 women. Lemon told his colleague: ' You know what? I love you, brother.' Cuomo replied: 'I love you D Lemon.' Cuomo then disappeared from view as Lemon immediately switched focus to the embattled governor. Don Lemon started talking about Andrew Cuomo the second that his brother got off the air pic.twitter.com/Pd1e7QgogL Jordan Lancaster (@jordylancaster) August 4, 2021 Don Lemon awkwardly addressed Andrew Cuomo's sex allegations just seconds after exchanging pleasantries with his brother Chris on CNN last night He said: 'The calls are getting louder and louder. This is what I'm talking about: top Democrats from New York to the White House calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to resign. 'That in the wake of a bombshell report from the state's attorney general that alleges the governor sexually harassed 11 women, including state employees and a state trooper.' Earlier in the show, Chris failed to mention the scandal at all, instead focusing on Covid and the January 6 riots. The CNN host was also seen yesterday taking a helicopter to the Hamptons hours after he was named in the report as one of the governor's 'inner circle' that offered him advice amid the allegations. During the exchange, the pair discussed the Capitol riots after Cuomo failed to address the bombshell report accusing his brother of sexually harassing 11 women Cuomo then disappeared from view as Lemon immediately switched focus to the embattled governor As the accusations against his brother were flowing this spring, Chris said he could not discuss the story on air. It later emerged that Chris was advising his brother on media strategy - angering many of his colleagues within the network. 'Obviously I am aware of what is going on with my brother,' he said on March 1. 'And obviously I cannot cover it because he is my brother. Now, of course CNN has to cover it. They have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so.' He then moved on, having thanked his audience 'for being straight with me, and I've always been straight with you'. He said he 'always cared very deeply about these issues, and profoundly so.' On Tuesday night, he failed to address it entirely - even as his previous anchors devoted much of their shows to the scandal. Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night was discussing COVID - and studiously ignoring the major news scrolling constantly beneath his screen (circled) The 50-year-old CNN anchor ignored the report into his 63-year-old politician brother >> @ChrisCuomo at the top of @CuomoPrimeTime tonight: "Obviously I am aware of what is going on with my brother. And obviously I cannot cover it because he is my brother. Now, of course CNN has to cover it. They have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so." pic.twitter.com/G49mZYTG4D Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 2, 2021 Chris Cuomo was part of an 'inner circle' of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations against his brother, according to a bombshell report into Andrew Cuomo's misconduct What next for Andrew Cuomo? It looks like checkmate for Andrew Cuomo as pressure grows on him to step down despite his desperate attempts to cling on to power. Senior Democrats including President Joe Biden are pushing for Cuomo to resign, with some looking to impeach the embattled politician. New York state assembly speaker Carl Heastie, who launched an impeachment inquiry in March, said Cuomo has 'lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority' and 'can no longer remain in office', according to CNN. If Cuomo tries to cling on to power rather than step down, he will likely face an impeachment probe. Impeachment would be carried out by the New York state assembly which is made up of 150 lawmakers. Only a majority of votes is needed for impeachment for 'misconduct of malversation', according to the state constitution. The assembly's makeup is overwhelmingly Democrat, with 106 out of 150 seats, and a majority of 76 votes needed for impeachment. If impeached, Cuomo would be succeeded by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul. A trial would then be held by the New York senate where Democrats hold 43 of 63 seats and a two-thirds majority is needed to convict. If convicted, Cuomo would be removed from office, but if he is found not guilty, he could return to being governor. An impeachment probe launched in March is still ongoing and lawmakers are meeting to decide whether to proceed or draft articles in other areas of Cuomo's leadership relating to the nursing homes Covid scandal, cover-up allegations over the Mario Cuomo Bridge, and claims of using state resources for personal gain. So far, Cuomo has insisted he has done nothing wrong and has made no moves to step down as he tries to cling on to power. Advertisement Don Lemon, who came on immediately after, at 10pm ET, was damning in his criticism of the governor and spent a large chunk of his opening discussing the dramatic day. The 168-page report, overseen by Letitia James, the New York attorney general, found the allegations by the 11 women to be credible. Her team spent five months interviewing 175 people. They reported that Chris Cuomo was part of an 'inner circle' of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations this spring. Chris was one of a dozen other confidantes called in to help 'control and direct the response' to the claims, despite none being employed by the State of New York. The investigation found Chris and other advisers counseled Andrew to 'express contrition' after the allegations from Charlotte Bennett, the second accuser to come forward, emerged in February. The governor ultimately took his brother's advice and issued a press release on February 27 saying he did not 'intend to act in any way that was inappropriate.' The document confirms previous reports about Chris's involvement in the scandal for which he was forced to apologize. The investigation, which took five months to complete, concluded that Cuomo engaged in a 'disturbing' pattern of conduct and created a 'toxic' workplace environment. According to the report, investigators also found it 'revealing and consistent with the Executive Chamber's overall approach' that Cuomo's inner circle of advisers 'included a number of individuals with no official role in the Executive Chamber.' Among those involved were PR consultant Jefrey Pollock, who was hired by Cuomo for public relations work, Democrat PR strategist Lis Smith, former staffer Steve Cohen, and Linda Lacewell, who was known as Cuomo's 'enforcer.' 'Some had never served in the Executive Chamber, and others, like Mr. Cohen, had not served there in a decade. None of them was officially retained in any capacity by the Executive Chamber or any of the individuals involved,' the report states. 'Nonetheless, they were regularly provided with confidential and often privileged information about state operations and helped make decisions that impacted State business and employees - all without any formal role, duty, or obligation to the State.' Chris was also brought in even though his only credentials appear to be being related to Cuomo and working in the media. The investigation found Chris and other advisers counseled Governor Andrew Cuomo to 'express contrition' after the allegations from Charlotte Bennett (pictured) the second accuser to come forward, emerged in February Cuomo, who has always denied the allegations, gave a televised address an hour after James's report was released during which he denied all of the claims and called the report a political attack on his character Report states investigators found it 'revealing and consistent with the Executive Chamber's overall approach' that the inner circle of advisers brought in 'included a number of individuals with no official role in the Executive Chamber' Despite not being employed by the State, Cuomo's advisers were 'regularly provided with confidential and often privileged information about state operations' Emails show Chris also apparently helped draft a written statement characterizing Andrew as someone who is 'playful' and 'makes jokes' sometimes The governor made numerous appearances on his own brother's show last year, for lighthearted interviews that featured brotherly banter The report cites internal documents and communications obtained during the investigation which show that 'the governor's advisors, including Mr Pollock and Chris Cuomo, counseled him to express contrition after the press published Ms. Bennett's allegations.' Emails show Chris also apparently helped craft a response by drafting a written statement characterizing Andrew as someone who is sometimes 'playful' and 'makes jokes'. The news anchor came under fire in May after admitting that he had been 'looped into calls' on how his high-profile brother should handle the allegations, on his primetime CNN show. Some of Chris' staffers were also on the phone at the time. The revelation drew harsh criticism from his own colleague Jake Tapper, who accused Chris of putting network employees in 'a bad spot' and said he couldn't 'imagine a world in which anybody in journalism thinks that that was appropriate.' The younger Cuomo later apologized for his behavior and acknowledged he had made a 'mistake.' 'I understand why that was a problem for CNN. It will not happen again. It was a mistake because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. I never intended for that. I would never intend for that and I am sorry for that,' he said at the time. 'I love my brother. I love my family. I love my job, and I love and respect my colleagues here at CNN. And again, to them I am truly sorry.' Charlotte Bennett, 35, claimed that in June 2020, when she was alone with Cuomo he told her he was open to a relationship with a much younger woman. Cuomo supposedly complained that he 'can't even hug anyone' during the pandemic and said: 'No, I mean, like really hugged somebody?' Bennett told the New York Times: 'I understood that the governor wanted to sleep with me, and felt horribly uncomfortable and scared.' On February this year, the day when the story was published, Cuomo released a press release saying he did not 'intend to act in any way that was inappropriate.' The next day, he issued another press release saying that he 'never intended to offend anyone or cause any harm.' The report states that during his testimony to investigators, Chris Cuomo said there was 'discussion about remedial measures the (executive) chamber should take in light of the sexual harassment allegations, but some people had taken the position that 'they should just wait.' The 168-report was released on Tuesday after a five month investigation by the NY AG. It substantiated the allegations of 11 women who say Cuomo sexually harassed them either by groping them or making inappropriate comments dating back to 2013 The report does not explain if Chris Cuomo's advice to his brother was born of efforts to make his brother feel contrition or if it was a strategic move to help him survive the scandal. Previous reports in the Washington Post painted a different picture and said that Chris Cuomo urged his brother to take up a 'defiant' position amid calls for his resignation. Chris Cuomo supposedly brought up 'cancel culture' and encouraged his brother to stand his ground. Andrew Cuomo responded to the Attorney General's report in a televised address Tuesday saying the 'facts are much different than what has been portrayed'. He said: 'I want you to know that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances 'That is just not who I am and that's not who I have ever been'. Cuomo said he'd never sexually harass anyone, much less a sexual assault survivor like Charlotte Bennett - claiming he has helped a female relative overcome sexual abuse himself. He said that the women invariably misinterpreted his 'warm' gestures like hugs and kisses, or misunderstood compliments. After he spoke, critics renewed calls for him to resign and some suggested he should be impeached. A flock of galahs entertained a small seaside town by spinning and flipping upside down on power lines. The eight native Australian birds held on to the wires showing their acrobatic skills in Jan Juc, a small town on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria on July 16. Mesmerising video shows the striking pink birds somersaulting and opening their wings to let rain shower over them. Video has been captured of a mob of pink galahs spinning and flipped on high electrical wires to let rain wash every part of their body The galahs embraced the rain and used it for a natural shower, moving around the power lines to let the water flow across them. Galahs can fly at up to 70km/h and are generally acrobatic birds. They usually travel in big flocks of up to 100 birds but will split off into smaller groups when they land. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are still confident that their vaccines can protect against COVID-19 variants despite a recent report warning about hundreds of breakthrough infections in a Massachusetts town. The new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention focused on an outbreak in the Cape Cod town of Provincetown, a heavy tourist hotspot in Barnstable County, after the July 4 weekend. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson told Fox News that they remain certain that their vaccines prevent severe illness and death despite the alarming report amid the spread of the Delta variant. Moderna, the third major COVID-19 vaccine maker in the United States, did not appear to address the efficacy of the vaccine with Fox News. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson are still confident that their vaccines can protect against COVID-19 variants and serious illness, despite a recent report warning about hundreds of breakthrough infections in a Massachusetts town. Pictured: Pedestrians reflected in a store window walk down Commercial Street in Provincetown during the coronavirus pandemic A nurse gives Eric Wilson, 20, a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine in Mississippi on Tuesday Moderna said that the safety of the company's products is 'paramount' as it monitors 'safety across all products in practice and in trials' Bartender Denis Angelov pours drinks at Tin Pan Alley restaurant in Provincetown in April DailyMail.com has reached out to the three vaccine makers for more information and additional comment in the wake of the CDC study. 'The vaccine continues to be highly efficacious in preventing COVID-19, including variants and to date, no variant, including Delta, appears to have escaped the protection of the vaccine,' Pfizer said in a statement to Fox News. 'Furthermore, two doses of BNT162b2 continue to show high efficacy from preventing severe disease and hospitalizations.' Pfizer reportedly declined to comment on the CDC data to Fox News. Johnson & Johnson also maintained their vaccine while backing a recent change to federal mask guidance. The CDC recommended last Tuesday that even those who are fully vaccinated should wear masks in indoor public settings in areas where COVID-19 transmission is high or substantial. 'All authorized COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to help prevent infection and reduce the severity of illness, which is why COVID-19 vaccinations are such an important tool to help end the pandemic,' Johnson & Johnson told Fox News. 'As noted by the CDC, though a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated can still get COVID-19, developing severe illness is still a rare occurrence.' Johnson & Johnson reiterated findings from the CDC study which found that, of the 469 cases of breakthrough infections observed in Barnstable County, only 1.2% were hospitalized. 'As of July 27, no deaths were reported in the cases the CDC studied, which is a sign vaccination is working as intended,' Johnson & Johnson told Fox News. In a press release ahead of the July 4 weekend, Johnson & Johnson announced data 'that demonstrated its single-shot COVID-19 vaccine generated strong, persistent activity against the rapidly spreading Delta variant' and other variants. 'In addition, the data showed that the durability of the immune response lasted through at least eight months,' the release reads. Meanwhile, Moderna told Fox News that the safety of the company's products is 'paramount' as it monitors 'safety across all products in practice and in trials.' The CDC study, published on Friday, found 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings - even though 69% of Massachusetts residents were vaccinated. A map shows the total number of coronavirus infections and deaths in the United States A graph shows the number of deaths from the coronavirus in the United States per day since the start of the pandemic A graph shows the number of coronavirus deaths in the United States per day in July and August A graph shows the number of coronavirus infections in the United States per day since the start of the pandemic A graph shows the number of coronavirus infections in the United States per day in July and August Researchers said that 346 cases - or 74% - occurred in fully vaccinated people. Scientists did DNA sequencing on 133 of those patients and found that 119 of them, or 89%, had the Delta variant. The study found that 79% of vaccinated patients with breakthrough infection were symptomatic. There were five COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized, four of whom were fully vaccinated - though no deaths were reported. Researchers found that the Delta variant is 'highly transmissible' but that 'vaccination is the most important strategy to prevent severe illness and death.' The study found that viral loads, which indicate the likelihood that someone could transmit the virus to others, were similar among 127 fully vaccinated people and 84 people who were unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky called the 'pivotal discovery' on viral loads 'concerning' in a statement issued on Friday This graph shows how many people someone infected with the above diseases is likely to transfer them on to. For people who catch chickenpox, scientists estimate they will pass on the infection to between 10 and 12 others. And for those who catch measles, they are thought to pass it on to 12 to 18 others. Scientists at the CDC have estimated every person who catches the Indian 'Delta' variant of Covid could pass it on to eight other people. But British scientists say this is not correct CDC Director Rochelle Walensky called the 'pivotal discovery' on viral loads 'concerning' in a statement issued on Friday. 'High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus,' she said. 'This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDCs updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.' The CDC has noted that all authorized vaccines have shown 65% to 95% efficacy in preventing symptomatic, laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 - and more than 89% effectiveness against the coronavirus severe enough to require hospitalization. While some breakthrough cases are possible, health officials have continued to tell Americans that vaccines substantially reduce the spread of COVID-19 - even against the Delta variant. On Monday, Walensky reiterated that 'this remains a pandemic of the unvaccinated' - noting that unvaccinated Americans are the primary cause for recent transmission rates and account for most new hospitalizations and deaths. A cancer survivor is 'gutted' her Pfizer jab was 'ruthlessly' cancelled by SMS as health authorities divert vaccines to Year 12 students in Covid hotspots. Jules Dos Santos, 41, a Newcastle single mother who is has been in remission from breast cancer for five years, was relieved to be in line for a Pfizer jab on August 17 - but on Sunday she received a text message cancelling the appointment. 'I'm sick of fighting for my life I shouldn't have to fight with NSW Health for my vaccine, it should just be reinstated,' a distraught Ms Dos Santos, who has a weakened immune system. told Daily Mail Australia. Jules Dos Santos, a Newcastle single mother who has been in remission from breast cancer for five years, was relieved to be in line for a Pfizer jab on August 17 - but on Sunday she received a text message cancelling the appointment Ms Dos Santos has an allergic reaction to many medications as a result of her long cancer battle - which has seen her go through chemotherapy and six surgeries. She fears a major reaction to AstraZeneca NSW Health fears an outbreak of the dangerous Indian Delta variant of Covid-19 after the virus was detected in the town's sewage. Ms Dos Santos has a weakened immune system after undergoing chemotherapy, radiation and six surgeries in her cancer recovery and fears what AstraZeneca might do to her. She typically has an anaphylactic reaction to penicillin, is allergic to codeine and analgesics and 'couldn't breathe' after a recent 'mild infusion' given to help ward off a return of her breast cancer. The NSW government announced this week it was diverting 40,000 jabs from regional areas to vaccinate the students in Sydney hotspots as the city's Covid-19 outbreak persists. HSC student Keira (pictured) agreed it's not fair that jabs are being rediverted from regional areas by the NSW government After cancelling her Pfizer jab, NSW Health instead offered Ms Dos Santos the confronting choice of either an AstraZeneca shot this Thursday or to wait three months for another Pfizer dose. Although she fears the AstraZeneca side effects she feels she has no choice with Covid detected in sewage in Newcastle. 'I cant afford to fight Covid, my body isn't the same as what it was before I had cancer,' she said. 'I cried on the phone to a lovely lady at the Gosford vaccination hub on Monday.' Ms Dos Santos said the nurse at Gosford was 'shocked' at her treatment and gave her an email address at NSW Health to 'plead' her case. NSW Premier Gladys Ms Berejiklian defended the diversion of Pfizer vaccines out of regional areas But the response was a 'generic response pretty much saying tough luck'. 'It's ruthless what they've done, dropping me to the back of the queue. 'I feel gutted and really overwhelmed, I feel confused and let down by the health system that looked after me so well.' 'I've always said how lucky and proud I am to be in Australia, the healthcare system saved my life. But they've ripped away my vaccine - it doesn't make sense. Ms Dos Santos is more frightened of the side effects of an AstraZeneca dose than blood clots. 'It's not blood clots I'm worried about, it's having an extreme reaction to AstraZeneca,' she said. 'Joe Blow might feel a bit off from the vaccine, but I don't just get a bit of vomiting, honestly. I get extreme vomiting, with constant nausea and headaches.' All that while she is caring for her pre-schooler at home. Ms Dos Santos said she was watching NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on television urging people to get vaccinated and 'yelling at the TV, I'm trying to!' 'I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation, there are a lot of other immunocompromised people - there must be hundreds like me?' Daily Mail Australia contacted NSW Health regarding Ms Dos Santos on Wednesday afternoon. Australians in regional areas are up in arms about their appointments for the coronavirus vaccine being cancelled and given to Year 12 students instead. Aged care worker Angela Murry and her husband Craig from the Newcastle region north of Sydney booked to get the Pfizer jab at the new mass vaccination centre at Belmont. The couple aged in their 50s were then shocked and disappointed to receive a message this week saying their appointments had been delayed, despite constant pleas from the NSW government and health officials for everyone to get jabbed. Aged care worker Angela Murry was furious that her appointment was put on hold 'The message is quite clear, vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate,' Ms Murry told A Current Affair. 'So, I do the right thing. I sanitise, I go to work, I wear my mask, I use all of my PPE equipment, make the booking, have it cancelled. 'Now, I'm really cranky.' She's among a third of aged care workers who haven't received the jab. 'I'm in the 1B category, so it's critical,' Ms Murry said. Craig Murry (pictured) is currently unable to reschedule his cancelled appointment 'Put it this way, if we were to have an outbreak and the person standing next to me was fully vaccinated, they would possibly keep their job and I would lose mine. 'That's not something I'm prepared for. I love the people I look after. I love my job, I love what I do.' Ms Murry has since had her appointment reinstated and is booked in to receive the jab next week. Her husband Craig is still waiting. 'I've tried to go on again and there's no bookings, nothing available,' he said. HSC students are due to return to school in the coming weeks for face-to-face learning as they prepare for their final exams. Student Keira, who's scheduled to get the jab next week, agreed that school kids - who having very little likelihood of getting symptomatic Covid - should not be prioritised. 'They're giving the vaccine to us when it could be going to all of these different people,' she said. Orange MP Phil Donato is also furious his constituents in central-west NSW are missing out. NSW Health issued a message to regional residents last Friday (pictured) to advise their Pfizer appointments had been cancelled 'It should be equally fair across all of NSW, we shouldn't be treated like the poor cousin,' he said. 'We have nothing against Year 12 students doing their HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate), but we have vulnerable people still yet to be vaccinated who are enlisted and enrolled to be vaccinated with Pfizer. 'We're not immune to Covid in Orange, we were shut down only a week or so ago, we've still got traces in the sewage treatment facility at Molong, so we're not immune to Covid here in the bush.' Berejiklian defended the decision on Sunday, where she argued it would not pose a risk to regional areas and vaccination was an important a tool in their battle against the highly infectious Delta strain within red zones in Sydney's west and south-west. NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian wants six million residents jabbed by the end of August. Pictured are residents waiting in line at the Sydney Olympic Park vaccination centre 'When you consider there are eight million people in NSW, and we have been able to stop the spread of the virus in our regions and other parts of Sydney,' she said. 'It is important for us to give those Year 12 students a chance to finish their exams and get rewarded. 'We know that we are finding younger people are getting the virus and spreading it. It is important particularly for younger people, people up to the 30s in particular, to get access to the vaccine as soon as possible.' Ms Berejiklian still wants six million jabs in arms by the end of August, despite rediverting doses from rural areas. Christine Weston Chandler, 39, was arrested on Sunday on a felony count of incest for reportedly raping her elderly mother A transgender YouTube star and comic creator who considers herself a 'goddess' had been embroiled in a series of controversies before being arrested over the weekend for allegedly raping her elderly mother. Christine Weston Chandler, 39, who is better known online as 'Chris Chan,' has gained fame as the founder of the Sonichu and Rosechu web comic books that take place in her CWCville. The main character, Sonichu, is a mix of Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog that is modeled after her standing her ground against witches, evil cops and internet trolls, with its love interest, Rosechu. The series gained notoriety among 4Chan users in the early 2000s, and Chandler has since garnered an internet following, with 27,000 followers on Twitter and 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. 'I am Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu, Goddess of the Nations of CWCville, Comma and the Commodore Consoles, and the creator of Sonichu and Rosechu,' her twitter bio reads. She has frequently featured her mother, Barbara Chandler, on her social media, and on Sunday she was booked into the Henrico County Jail in Virginia on a felony count of incest - which is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. She was transferred on Monday to Greene County, where the sheriff's office issued a statement confirming her arrest. Video recorded by alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph purports to show Chandler being arrested at a motel in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday As she is being led to the car, she could be heard yelling: 'I am compliant, I am good like this' Chandler, who is autistic and receives disability from the state, was born Christopher Weston Chandler to Bob and Barbara Chandler, KVIA reports, and when she was still a child she legally changed her name to Christian for religious purposes, before ultimately changing it to Christine after coming out as transgender. She first became infamous in the early 2000s, when 4Chan users first became aware of her web comic. In 2007, Chandler went viral when Encyclopedia Dramatica mocked her comics allegedly ridiculing women and being homophobic, The Sun reports. Over time she became embroiled in further controversy over her cartoon porn and a video she made in which she told internet trolls 'It is war' as she pointed a gun at the screen. It is unclear whether the gun was real. Then in October 2011, Chandler and her mother were arrested after Barbara hit a manager of a game center with her car, reported Insider. They paid a fine and underwent community service and a year of probation. At around the same time, Chandler started to describe herself as a 'tomgirl' and said she was going through gender dysmorphia after years of homophobic remarks she later apologized for. Five years later, she once again changed her name to Christine and came out as transgender. She also reportedly legally changed her gender and came out as bisexual, telling her followers she was looking for love. After that, The Sun reports, Chandler seemed to fade into obscurity, until a 2014 fire at her mother's home, after which she was the target of people catfishing her and leaking her personal information. That same year, she was arrested for spraying a GameStop employee with mace after he reportedly asked her to leave, and was charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor assault, according to filings from the Albemarle General District Court obtained by The Sun. It was a lower charge than what she was originally booked for, a Class 6 felony for 'dangerous gas unlawful release.' Chandler was given a 180-day suspended jail sentence and was ordered to pay $514 in court costs, The Sun reports. Chandler gained notoriety in the early 2000s for her web comic series Sonichu and Rosechu Chandler's most recent run-in with the law comes after a nine-minute recorded conversation was reportedly leaked on Discord, an instant messaging and digital distribution platform. In the conversation, a person believed to Chandler seemingly admitted to having sex with her elderly mother, who is believed to have dementia. The authenticity of the audio recording hasn't been confirmed. During the eight-minute conversation, Chandler apparently tells a friend that it was her mother, Barbara, who had 'made the first move,' leading to two to share a kiss, according to the audio file, which Newsweek reported. She apparently tells the friend that it was her mother who had 'made the first move,' leading to two to share a kiss, according to the audio file, which Newsweek reported. Chandler allegedly claimed she approached the situation with 'care and caution' after years of harboring sexual feelings toward her mother, and even having dreams of having sex with her. 'She was partially confused at one point, but then she came around, obviously,' Chandler is allegedly heard saying on the call. As they delve further into the mother and daughter's allegedly intimate relationship, the person said to be Chandler says that she and her mother now have a 'routine' where they have sex 'every third night', and that her mother enjoys it. Toward the end of the recording, Chandler apparently tells her friend: 'God... said this was okay.' Chandler has previously featured her mother on her social media pages several times over the years, most recently on July 11, when she shared photos of Barbara sporting a new haircut. 'Barbie Chan got a styling haircut. I did that; first time cutting anyones hair. It looks really good,' she wrote. In May, Chandler shared a series of photos of her mother as a younger woman, writing in a caption: 'Hi, Mom. Remember, everyone, regardless of situation, your Mom, Mother, or Motherly Figure had a life and past of her own back in the day before you came along. She has gone through a lot for not only you and yours, but herself as well.' Chandler's final public post came on July 30, when she tweeted in part: 'There is drama in the air today. Each and every one of you all are encouraged to withdraw from any and all dramas, gossip, rumors, and whatever else will, and already has, approached your way today.' The following day, the 39-year-old YouTube star was filmed by alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph getting arrested by police at the Regency Inn in Richmond, Virginia. It was streamed to 3,000 people live. 'I am compliant, I am good like this,' a handcuffed Chandler is heard saying in the video, before adding that 'everything is going to work out.' Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was caught on camera scrambling to put on his mask after forgetting to wear it in Parliament. With Covid-19 ravaging Sydney and Brisbane, MPs are being asked to wear masks when they are 'not participating in debate' in the House of Representatives in Canberra. Just before Question Time began at 2pm on Wednesday, Mr Joyce was seen laughing and chatting with a colleague without wearing his face covering. As Prime Minister Scott Morrison stood up to answer his first question, Mr Joyce appeared to have been reminded of the rules and frantically scrambled to retrieve his mask from his jacket pocket before putting it on. Leader of the Nationals Barnaby Joyce poses for a photograph with partner Vikki Campion and sons Sebastian and Thomas after being sworn in as Deputy Prime Minister by Australia's Governor General David Hurley at Government House on June 22 Just five weeks ago Mr Joyce revealed he was fined by New South Wales Police for failing to wear a mask, in what he called a 'funny story'. The Nationals leader was reported by a member of the public while filling up at a petrol station in Armidale, in northern NSW. The local resident called Crime Stoppers to report 54-year-old after he was inside the store for less than a minute. Officers checked the petrol station's CCTV and later issued the $200 penalty. Just before Question Time began at 2pm on Wednesday, Mr Joyce (pictured left) was seen laughing and chatting with a colleague without wearing his face covering Mr Joyce called his brief Covid breach a 'funny story' when he relayed it to Alan Jones on Sky News. 'You'll like this story. I went into the Caltex service station. I was going to the airport. I forgot to get fuel for Biggie, fill the car up with fuel,' he said. 'Went in, 30 seconds later... two hundred bucks it cost me because I didn't wear one of these. That's life.' NSW Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboys said the fine was a warning to the public that no one was above the law. Australia's biggest banks are offering free Covid vaccinations for their staff in Sydney's Covid hotspots. Both the Commonwealth Bank and Westpac are this month offering AstraZeneca jabs to staff members who have to attend a branch in one of eight local government areas hardest hit by this virus outbreak. On Wednesday, New South Wales recorded 233 new community-transmitted cases of the more contagious Delta variant, with Sydney's south-west and west being the epicentre of the outbreak. The area also has the state's lowest Covid vaccination rate with just 14.6 per cent of residents aged 16 and over fully vaccinated in these outer suburbs. Australia's biggest banks are offering free Covid vaccinations for their staff in Sydney's Covid hotspots. Both the Commonwealth Bank and Westpac are this month offering AstraZeneca jabs if they have to attend a branch in one of eight local government areas (pictured is a Westpac branch at Cabramatta in Sydney's south-west) Commonwealth Bank chief executive Matt Comyn said that from Monday, staff in Sydney's worst-affected areas would be offered a free Covid jab on a voluntary basis. 'As one of the countrys largest employers, we fully support all of the efforts being made to vaccinate Australians,' he said. 'We are going to start offering the vaccine to our people in customer-facing roles in the impacted Sydney LGAs from Monday.' His Westpac counterpart Peter King said the bank's 10,000 employees in those eight council areas would be able to book online this month for a vaccination. 'We know that a vaccinated population is how we will have more freedom, open borders and a more normal way of life,' he said. 'We are committed to doing what we can to get more people jabbed and the vaccination rates at the levels they need to be for lockdowns to lift. On Wednesday, New South Wales recorded 233 new community-transmitted cases of the more contagious Delta variant, with Sydney's south-west the epicentre of the outbreak. The area also has the state's lowest Covid vaccination rate with just 14.6 per cent of residents aged 16 and over fully vaccinated in these outer suburbs (pictured is a woman shopping at Cabramatta) 'With around 10,000 Westpac employees living in the eight most impacted Sydney LGAs, it is a heartland area for our organisation.' While non-essential retail shops are now closed across Sydney, banks are allowed to operate during the Covid lockdown which will not be lifted until August 28 at the earliest. In a bid to boost Australia's low Covid vaccination rate, the federal government is setting up drive-through vaccination clinics in shopping centres and schools. Under the immunisation blitz, participating pharmacies will stay open long into the night and on weekends to offer the life-saving shots to the public, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison aiming for an 80 per cent vaccination rate to end lockdowns. Commonwealth Bank chief executive Matt Comyn said that from Monday, staff in Sydney's worst-affected areas (pictured is Cabramatta's main mall) would be offered a free Covid jab on a voluntary basis Nationally, just 19.7 per cent of Australians aged 16 and over are fully-vaccinated but in Sydney's south-west, covering the Liverpool and Fairfield council areas, that stands at 14.6 per cent. By comparison, 26.9 per cent of people on the affluent North Shore have had two doses of either AstraZeneca or Pfizer. Mr Morrison on Tuesday said an 80 per cent vaccination rate would make lockdowns 'almost completely unnecessary' and allow the nation to treat Covid like the flu. 'There will always be infectious diseases resulting in hospitalisation, and indeed in death,' he said. 'That is something that happens, sadly, each and every day, that is the world we live in, and I think Australians understand that.' Government modelling by the Doherty Institute said that a 70 per cent vaccination rate could be achieved by October 18 if AstraZeneca doses are given four weeks apart, and 80 per cent could even be vaccinated by November 8. If doses are given 12 weeks apart then the latest date an 80 per cent rate is predicted to be reached is November 22. A partner of a sheep shearer has shared a video detailing the amount of money he makes in a 38-hour working week. Shania Starick, who lives outside Adelaide, shared a video to her TikTok page on Monday in which her boyfriend explains just how much he earns in his job. He says that in a usual five day week he shears over 1000 sheep at around $3.80 a head. That comes to just under $4000 in a working week. Shania Starick's partner (pictured) has detailed the huge amount of money he gets in a 38-hour working week for shearing sheep. The video was in reply to Ebony Matheson who asked asked users to duet her video with where they live, where they work and how much they earn per hour. The video was duetted with Ebony Matheson (pictured) who asked other TikTok users details about their work and how much they earn Top 10 Occupations by Average Taxable Income 2018-2019 According to Australia Tax Office 1. Surgeon - $394,303 2. Anaesthetist - $386,065 3. Internal Medicine Specialist - $304,752 4. Financial Dealer - $275,984 5. Psychiatrist - $235,558 6. Other Medical Practitioner - $222,933 7. Judicial or other legal professionals - $188,798 8. Mining Engineer - $184,507 9. Chief Executive Officer - $164,896 10. Engineering Manager - $159,940 Advertisement Users of the social media site were gobsmacked at how much he was earning - but many did admit they'd struggle with the job. 'Hard work - you pay what you deserve,' wrote one admirer. 'Good on you. Hard work, and must be back-breaking,' said another. 'You deserve good pay for it. I couldn't even shear one!' In a follow up video replying to a comment, Ms Starick shows off her bloke's skills in a competition - showing him shearing two sheep in under one minute. In this TikTok, her boyfriend is taking part in a sheep shearing competition and shears two sheep in just over a minute. Many of the 1,400 viewers were impressed by the speed he works at. 'How the hell do you keep this up for 38 hours? You're a machine.' wrote one. 'Can't say you don't earn those $$$,' said another. 'That's hard bloody work.' Some weren't as impressed with his form, saying that they found the handling of the sheep very rough and uncomfortable. Ms Starick replied to one of these comments saying: 'The sheep was fine, and honestly, the quicker you are the more comfortable the sheep is.' Many commented on the impressive speed that he shears in Ms Starick's follow up video (stock image) Other unusual jobs that have a higher than expected salary include an ice cream taster (food scientist), who can be paid up to $56,000 a year. A personal shopper can earn as much as $100,000 a year, while a television voice-over artist earns $62.15 per hour. Ethical hackers in the US earn six figure salaries at $132,332 (AUD$178,000) Traffic controllers in Sydney earn an average of $130,000 - with some earning as much as $180,000 a year due to high demand. A teenage girl has died after being stabbed in a home and then rushed to a nearby medical centre in a critical condition. Emergency services were called to Spearwood medical centre about 4.30pm Tuesday after the 18-year-old went there seeking medical attention. She was treated by staff before paramedics rushed her to Fiona Stanley Hospital for surgery, but later died from her injuries. It's understood the woman suffered the fatal wounds at her boyfriend's Galian Way home, The West Australian reports. An 18-year-old girl has died after presenting to a Spearwood medical centre with a stab wound Homicide Squad Detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding the young woman's death. Investigators are currently at a home in Galian Way in Spearwood and a 17-year-old man is assisting them with their inquiries. Anyone with any information is being urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or by making a report online at crimestopperswa.com.au. A western Sydney man has filmed himself embarrassingly lecturing 'un-Australian' police and blasting 'Waltzing Matilda' on his car speakers while parked at a BP petrol station. The man, who posted the footage to TikTok, was being questioned by police before going on a nonsensical diatribe about changing his address, accusing them of needing counselling and refusing to get out of his car. The female officers tell him he 'can't change his address to any thing you'd like' if you don't reside there, before the man goes off on a rant. 'You're just looking for an excuse to harass citizens. This is nothing to do with health or Covid,' he yells. 'This is an embarrassment. Our glorious Anzacs died for this flag, for the freedom of this country.' When officers try to calm the situation, the agitated man says 'no I'm talking'. 'I'm going to give you a lecture in politics because you guys don't understand what Australian values are, your behaviour is un-Australian.' He then accuses the officers of swearing in public, claiming to be highly offended by their language. 'Go back to the police station. Maybe see a psychologist or counsellor,' the man said. 'Was this a very hard event for you to handle? Maybe get some sick leave? 'If it's too hot honey get out of the kitchen.' Both of the officers appear visibly frustrated by the man's antics, and the confrontation becomes even more intense when he accuses the pair of being 'racist.' Pictured: A western Sydney man has filmed himself embarrassingly lecturing 'un-Australian' police and blasting 'Waltzing Matilda' on his car speakers while parked at a BP petrol station Pictured: The female officers (pictured) tell him he 'can't change his address to any thing you'd like' if you don't reside there, before the man goes off on a rant 'Is that a racial slur?' he says to the officer. 'I'm going to inform your commanding officer.' In a second video, also posted the social media platform, officers direct the man to open his door. 'I'm not opening the door. Why do you want me to open the door? You had your hand on the gun, now you want me to open the door?' he said. 'You came up to the car with your hand on your gun. You were holding your gun. Were you gonna shoot me? You wanna shoot me now huh?' The officers (pictured) direct the man to open his door but he refuses and blasts the Australian bush ballad Waltzing Matilda With the man still refusing to open the door despite a contingent of four police officers surrounding his vehicle, he then blasted the iconic Australian bush ballad Waltzing Matilda. At the end of the bizarre video one of officers can be seen smiling in amusement at the strange behaviour of the man. Daily Mail Australia have contacted NSW Police for comment on the incident but were not able to ascertain if the man has been charged. Australians are in stitches after discovering many Americans don't understand how roundabouts works and have no idea how to use them. Chaotic video showed drivers struggling to use a new roundabout installed at an intersection in Kentucky. Trucks and cars used both sides of the road, and went around the wrong way in laughable fashion with clearly no idea how to deal with it. Australians are in stitches after discovering many Americans don't understand how roundabouts works and have no idea how to use them The roundabout was installed after many high-speed crashes at the intersection when cars and trucks failed to stop. 'Its going to throw them for a loop. A complete 360. No doubt about it,' local Jason Whisman said of plans to install it. The main reason for Americans' inability to navigate what Australians believe to be a relatively simple traffic feature is that there aren't many of them. The whole country only 7,100 operational roundabout for a population of 333 million, while Britain, a country 40 times smaller has more than 25,000. Australians posted on social media mocking Americans for being unable to navigate roundabouts, joking they were afraid of them. One user questioned how the common six-point intersections used in Los Angeles were simpler than the common roundabout. So youre telling me that Americans are fine using this, but they cannot figure out how to use a god damn roundabout. pic.twitter.com/j03iWpno2f George T (@GTonaerio) September 8, 2020 Why are Americans more afraid of roundabouts than of semi automatic rifles?????!!!! Mohn (@Sonic_peed) November 11, 2020 I'm from Australia, forgive me, but for those in USA, this is an Intersection in LA, how on earth does this 6 way intersection work? Like where is the roundabout? We give way to our Right, who do you actually give way to? #ConfusedAustralian #RHOBH @BravoTV @hayu_au pic.twitter.com/juBht0sSeF Richard Kris (@RichardAKris) July 8, 2021 A 2009 Slate article attempted to encourage people in the US to embrace the new intersection system. 'Here is a narrative that has been playing out over the last several years in any number of American towns,' it argued. 'Traffic engineers notice that a particular intersection has a crash problem or is moving traffic inefficiently. 'Engineers propose a roundabout. Townspeople raise concerns. Roundabouts are not safe, they say. They are confusing. They are bad for pedestrians. They will hurt local businesses. 'Then, the roundabout is built, the safety record improves, traffic congestion doesnt seem any worse than before, and the complaints begin to fade.' An elderly couple who moved from Victoria to regional Queensland before the state border closed found themselves forced into hotel quarantine and fined thousands of dollars for alleged Covid breaches. Robyn Anderson and Robert Legg arrived in Roma, 470km west of Brisbane, in mid-July from Victoria to begin a new life. Both claimed to have filled out the correct entry form to enter Queensland, arriving the day before Victoria was declared a Covid-19 hotspot by the Sunshine State. But the pair were soon visited by police in Roma after they started 14 days of quarantine, who said they had breached entry requirements. They were each issued with $4,003 fines and ordered to head to Brisbane to go into hotel quarantine at their own expense. Robert Legg and Robyn Anderson in their forced hotel quarantine accommodation in Brisbane The couple claim they were then escorted from town, despite warning police their car would not make it to Brisbane. When the car broke down near Toowoomba, police told them to take a taxi to Brisbane where they are in quarantine at serviced apartments in Chermside. 'We believe we did everything right but we got slapped with $4,000 fines for breaching border orders, were now stuck in hotel quarantine and our car is in a holding yard somewhere,' Ms Anderson told The Courier-Mail. 'All our savings are gone and weve got rent due on both the Roma and Victorian houses.' The couple's car broke down in Toowoomba after police in Roma told them they needed to quarantine in Brisbane, 470kms away Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Steve Gollschewski was first asked about the couple on Tuesday but only responded at Wednesday's press conference. He said he was satisfied that police actions in the case were appropriate. 'The investigations of the police disclosed that they had initially denied coming out of a hotspot but had, in fact, come out of the hotspot, which was a breach,' he said. 'They have been issued with a penalty infringement notice for that and the evidence exists that that's what was required.' Ms Anderson said she would be appealing the fines. 'It has been stressful,' she told 9News. 'I know Rob's blood pressure is starting to play up.' When the car broke down near Toowoomba, police told them to take a taxi to Brisbane where they are in quarantine Queensland Deputy Police Commissioner Steve Gollschewski said on Wednesday morning that he was satisfied police actions in the case were 'appropriate' Queensland Opposition Leader David Crisafulli defended the couple to 9News. 'I tell you what I saw - I didn't see rule-breakers, I saw a couple of battlers trying to do the right thing,' he said. Ms Anderson and Mr Legg are able to leave hotel quarantine on Thursday night after Queensland Health revoked the orders. They were expected to head back to Roma via Toowoomba to collect their car. Ms Anderson said they were looking forward to 'steak, eggs and chips' because food in their quarantine accommodation was 's**t'. Advertisement Pictures have emerged appearing to show detectives are now being used to enforce Sydney's lockdown laws. Two officers in suits, typically worn by police detectives, were spotted confiscating what appeared to be a longneck beer from a sheepish man in Bondi Beach on Wednesday afternoon. The detectives allowed the man to take one last sip of the drink before taking it from him. They then appeared to check his ID to confirm whether he lived in the eastern suburbs before telling the man to move on. He was seen walking down the beachfront promenade moments later with a huge grin on his face. NSW Police were unable to confirm whether the officers were detectives or if the man was fined. A man was allowed one more sip before his alcohol was taken away from him at Bondi Beach in Sydney's east on Wednesday Two men, believed to be detectives, confiscated the drink and appeared to check the man's ID before letting him go With Greater Sydney 40 days into a strict lockdown, residents are only allowed to leave their homes for four reasons. These include for exercise, essential shopping, to give or receive medical care and for essential work or school. Police have ramped up their presence throughout Sydney in response to the extension of the lockdown which is due to end on August 28 - as Covid-19 infections continue to surge. On Sunday officers in a police helicopter were filmed demanding sunbathers pack up and leave Gordon's Bay at Clovelly in Sydney's east, or be hit with fines for breaking stay-at-home orders. Some commenters on the video which was shared to TikTok called the bizarre police measures 'over the top' and compared it to something that might be seen in North Korea. Others said it shows that those living in Sydney's glamorous eastern suburbs are not taking lockdown seriously. Meanwhile in the city's west and south-west where the majority of cases have emerged, 300 ADF soldiers have joined the efforts of NSW Police in enforcing the lockdown. One of the suited officers appeared to check the man's identification to check he lived in the area The man had a huge grin on his face as he was eventually moved on by the policemen The detectives then parted ways from the Sydney resident and continued walking down the main promenade Two million people locked-down in eight hotspot LGAs in the areas are under a harsher lockdown than the rest of the city and must stay within 5km of their home and wear a mask whenever they're outside. Those who work outside of home can't leave the area unless they have an exemption. The ADF soldiers will be patrolling the streets and door knocking to ensure those that are meant to be isolating are at home. The military had been requested by Police Commissioner Mick Fuller last Thursday. It comes after NSW recorded 233 new cases on Wednesday and two deaths. Ady Al-Askar, 27, collapsed in his shower on Tuesday afternoon and was unable to be revived. Meanwhile in the city's west and south-west where the majority of cases have emerged, 300 ADF soldiers have joined the efforts of NSW Police in enforcing the lockdown Residents are seen in locked down Fairfield on Wednesday The 27-year-old had been isolating in his Liverpool unit in Sydney's southwest with his aged care nurse wife, Yasmin, who first contracted the virus and brought it home from work. The couple were due to end their 14-day mandatory quarantine period on Wednesday and relatives are questioning whether Covid contributed to his death. Mr Al-Askar was not vaccinated. . An unvaccinated woman in her 80s from Sydney's inner-west also died at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital on Tuesday, taking the death toll from the city's latest outbreak of the highly-contagious Delta strain to 17. Forty-seven of the new cases were infectious in the community. The source of 133 infections is still under investigation. The isolation status of another 73 cases is unknown, while 130 cases are yet to be linked to a known cluster. The cases, reported in the 24 hours to 8pm on Tuesday, mean 1489 cases have been recorded in a week. 'I actually think they will get worse,' NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said. 'If you look at the number of people infectious in the community, it indicates that perhaps we haven't reached our peak.' She said mobility data showed fewer people were moving than during Victoria's 2020 winter lockdown, but NSW was facing a more contagious virus strain. NSW recorded 233 new cases on Wednesday and two deaths with one aged 27 Facing questions about why Bunnings and other retailers were still open, the premier said restrictions were the harshest the nation had seen and the list of authorised workers was 'very small'. Overnight, NSW listed 275 different visits by positive cases at more than 170 venues. Venues included a Parramatta Centrelink visited four times in eight days, several post offices, more than 50 supermarkets and two McDonalds visited more than a fortnight ago. The additions were so extensive NSW Health unusually did not list each out in a media release or social media, instead directing people to check its website regularly. Nearly 40 venues are Woolworths, extending from Brookvale in Sydney's north to Figtree in Wollongong. Meanwhile, hundreds of residents of an apartment block in Campbelltown are in a severe lockdown after several residents were infected with Covid-19. All perimeters of the Warby Street complex were surrounded by police officers to ensure no-one enters or leaves the building on the orders of NSW Health. NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant has since confirmed there are nine infected resident in seven units at the complex. Similar action was taken earlier in the outbreak at unit blocks in Blacktown and Bondi Junction. Having once lauded NSW as the 'gold standard' in Covid-19 management, Prime Minister Scott Morrison now concedes that's not fit for purpose due to the highly infectious nature of the Delta strain. Meanwhile, residents of an apartment block in Campbelltown are in a severe lockdown after several residents were infected with Covid-19 Wednesday night will be the 40th night in lockdown for Greater Sydney and surrounding regions. Nearly 85,000 vaccine shots were administered in NSW on Monday. Figures show 42.3 per cent of people 16 and older have had at least one shot, while one-in-five residents are fully vaccinated. 'It is just really tragic when I see that people in their 70s, 80s and 90s are yet to be vaccinated,' Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said. 'We know vaccines work. Vaccines protect you, even one dose.' A fly-in fly-out worker has tested positive to Covid-19 in Perth after flying into the city's airport from a rural mine - as hundreds of travellers are ordered to self-isolate. Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan said the worker tested positive to the virus after returning from the Fortescue Cloudbreak mine site in the state's north-west on July 27. The worker returned a 'weak' positive result and authorities are unsure when, or for how long, he was infectious in the community, but say it could be as long as 16 days. His girlfriend was tested and has returned a negative result. He is believed to have caught the virus at Perth Airport on July 20 from a traveller who flew to WA after completing hotel quarantine in Queensland. Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan has announced a fly-in, fly-out worker has returned a 'weak' positive result for Covid-19 Health Minister Roger Cook said it was unlikely genomic testing would reveal which strain of the virus the FIFO worker had contracted because his result was so weak. 'To further complicate matters, the FIFO worker had been COVID-positive back in March and April last year,' Mr McGowan said. 'There is some confusion, we don't know if he is actually a shedder of the virus now, although that is unlikely. 'We don't actually know that he acquired it from the gentleman at the airport on July 20, but that is the most plausible explanation we have.' The worker is believed to have spent most of his time in the coastal suburb of Fremantle and Greenwood in Perth's north since returning from a week-long stint at the mine site. Six exposure sites have so far been announced across the city, including the Subiaco Hotel in the inner-city and the Indian Ocean Hotel in Scarborough in Perth's north-west. Anyone who was at either terminal three or four at Perth Airport on July 20 between 4am and 7am has been told to get tested for Covid-19 and isolate until they receive a negative result. The same order has been given to travellers and staff at the two terminals on July 27 between 4.15am and 6am. The worker tested positive to the virus after returning from the Fortescue Cloudbreak mine site in the state's north-west on July 27. Pictured are mine workers boarding a flight at Perth Domestic Airport in December 2020 WA VENUES POTENTIALLY EXPOSED TO COVID-19 Fremantle, Pathwest waiting room, Fremantle Hospital - August 2 - 1.00pm - 3.00pm Subiaco, Subiaco Hotel 465 Hay Street - July 31 - 6.30pm 12.00am Scarborough, Indian Ocean Hotel (Indi Bar) 23-27 Hastings Street - July 29 - 7.30pm 1.00am Fremantle, Old Faithful Hotel 1 Packenham Street - July 28 - 5.00pm 7.30pm Perth Airport, T3/4 Perth Domestic Airport Dunreath Drive - July 27 - 4.15am 6.00am Perth Airport, T3/4 Perth Domestic Airport Dunreath Drive - July 20 - 4.00am 7.00am Advertisement A healthcare worker takes a swab from a patient at a drive-through testing station in Perth on June 29. Six possible exposure sites have so far been announced across the city by health officials Passengers wearing PPE arrive at Perth Airport from Brisbane on January 8. Anyone who was at either terminal three or four at the airport on July 20 between 4am and 7am has been told to get tested for Covid-19 and isolate until they receive a negative result Mr Cook said it was possible the FIFO worker was not infectious at all given this was the second time he contracted the virus. 'The suspicion is that if he did acquire the virus again then there is a possibility he wasn't infectious at all,' Mr Cook said. 'He has three very close contacts in relation to work, one of those has been tested and is also negative.' Advertisement The Met Office has issued a four-day yellow weather warning across areas in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with heavy rain set to start tonight before thunderstorms deluge parts of the UK on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. More than a month's rainfall in a single day is possible in some areas. The worst of the conditions will be on Friday with up to 4in (100mm) of rain forecast over the day in a Met Office weather warning covering the Midlands and North of England, North Wales and Northern Ireland. There are no flood warnings in place over the four nations, but this could change due to the intense showers expected to batter the country over the weekend. Areas hit by the storms could receive as much as 1.2in (30mm) of rain in just a couple of hours between the period of 10am to midnight compared to the normal August rainfall for England which is 2.7in (69mm). But the Met Office has at least predicted some good news for staycationers and families on school holidays, with the second half of August set to be 'drier' with 'higher than average' temperatures. Hot air balloons take off at the launch of the 2021 Bristol International Balloon Fiesta this morning Hot air balloons rise over Bristol this morning at the launch of the 2021 Bristol International Balloon Fiesta Hot air balloons take off in Bristol today at the start of 'Fiesta Fortnight' which see balloons fly from locations across the city Hot air balloons take off at the launch of the 2021 Bristol International Balloon Fiesta this morning People walk by Umberslade Farm in Tamworth in Arden, Warwickshire, during the morning sunshine today A beautiful sunrise at Ibsley Common in the New Forest this morning ahead of thunderstorms over the next few days Met Office spokesman Oli Claydon said: 'We've got an area of low pressure that's moving in from the west from the Atlantic and across the UK which is going to bring very unsettled conditions across the weekend. 'The weather warnings have been put in place from today lunchtime right the way through to Saturday morning at around 9am. It's going to start tomorrow with rain in Northern Ireland and then thunderstorms are going to extend across the central slice of the UK.' He added: 'We could see 20-30mm of rain in a short space of time on Friday. With some places even seeing between 80-100mm, most likely in north Wales and north west England.' There has been heavy rain in parts of north Wales and northern England on Wednesday. But the showers will mostly die out until Thursday, when Northern Ireland will begin to bear the brunt of the thunderstorms. Bands of rain will then move northeastwards across the UK, becoming heavy in places with downpours and strong winds. The worst of the wet weather, however, will be seen throughout Friday and into Saturday morning when the weather warnings stretch from Perth in Scotland down through to the Midlands and across north Wales. Those areas will likely see longer spells of thundery rain and lower temperatures. The driest areas will be in the south east of the UK. And although the turbulent weather looks set to continue for a time, the Met Office has said there are early signs that temperatures could start to increase through next week. The UK recorded its joint fifth warmest July on record this year after a heatwave that saw the first extreme heat warning. In contrast, the second half of the month saw some areas hit by intense downpours which caused flooding. Cyclists make their way through the early morning light at Richmond Park in South West London this morning The sun rises over Steetley Pier off North Sands in Hartlepool, County Durham, on a beautiful morning today Cyclists make their way through Richmond Park in South West London in the early morning light today Steetley Pier is seen at sunrise in Hartlepool this morning on a beautiful morning in North East England today Swans on Ullswater lake in the Lake District at dawn this morning ahead of a day of fine weather in the region Anglers hoping to catch mackerel and other fish cast from the end of Blyth pier in Northumberland at sunrise this morning Met Office forecaster Nicola Maxey stressed the weather may still be under an 'Atlantic influence', with showers in the North and West, adding: 'We are likely to see potential for thunderstorms through much of this week.' The average temperature for August is 70.5F (21.4C) in southern England and 66F (19C) in the UK as a whole. Ms Maxey added: 'There's little signal we're going to see any exceptionally hot temperatures.' Forecasts again say 'torrential downpours are likely in some places', while 'there is a risk of strong winds at times for some'. Miss Maxey said accumulations of rain in areas receiving a couple of thunderstorms could be high. The Met Office weather warning for thunderstorms on Friday But she added that it was 'quite usual to receive most of the month's rain in two to three bursts during the summer months'. The thunder could bring more flooding and make driving conditions difficult due to surface water and poor visibility. An improvement in the weather is likely in the second half of next week. Miss Maxey said: 'From the 10th, 11th up to late August, there's some indication that we might see more settled weather as an area of high pressure moves in. 'But we'll continue that Atlantic influence, so it's unlikely to be a situation where temperatures build day by day, as happened in July. It could mean dry conditions become more prevalent but with the risk of showers and thunderstorms. 'Temperatures are due to turn higher than average but there's little signal we're going to see any exceptionally hot weather for the second half of the month.' Miss Maxey said it was too early to give further details about the warm conditions. Temperatures over the coming days are only set to reach highs of 70F (21C) to 72F (22C) in northern and southern areas of England and Wales. Victoria has recorded a new coronavirus case after initially revelling in a day of no infections. The Department of Health on Wednesday afternoon said it was investigating a confirmed case. Earlier in the day, authorities had warned Victorians will not get an early rules reprieve despite the state notching its first Covid-19 clean sheet since the fifth lockdown. Covid-19 commander Jeroen Weimar said it was cause for quiet celebration and satisfaction. 'It's a symbolic marking of a point where there's no more Covid cases,' he told reporters. Covid-19 commander Jeroen Weimar (pictured) said no positive Covid cases since lockdown ended in Victoria weeks ago was cause for quiet celebration and satisfaction - hours later a mystery case was confirmed Victorian residents have endured five snap lockdown due to the spread of the coronavirus since last year (pictured, a woman exercising in a Melbourne gym) 'It means we're on track with the strategy that we set three or four weeks ago.' But it has not inspired health officials to bring forward a review on restrictions and the current batch will remain in place until August 10. 'We still have active cases in our community right here that we know about...we've still got just under 3,000 primary close contacts...and we still have ongoing risks in the rest of the eastern seaboard,' he said. He noted it was only a week ago that officials were caught off guard by the unlinked case of a Moonee Valley testing site traffic controller. It remains unclear how the man caught the virus, but Mr Weimar said a review into the source of his infection would ramp up on Wednesday afternoon. 'There's a strong line of investigation around some movements that he had at work,' he said. Victorian premier Daniel Andrews pointed to Sydney's Delta outbreak as a reason for the state to take 'cautious steps' towards greater freedoms (pictured, retail workers preparing a store in Melbourne's CBD) Premier Daniel Andrews similarly cited Sydney's Delta outbreak as a reason for the state to take 'cautious steps' towards greater freedoms. 'I fully acknowledge that there are some rules that are on at the moment that are very difficult, but they are nothing compared to being locked down again,' he said outside parliament. Opposition Leader Michael O'Brien, however, seized on the figures to call for the ban on home visits to be lifted and the 25 per cent cap on workers in offices to be increased. 'Our city is a ghost town,' he said. Active cases are continuing to fall, down from 124 on Tuesday to 99. As is the number of exposure sites, dropping to 33 after soaring to over 400 at the peak of the outbreak. More than 30,000 test results were received over the past 24 hours, while about 17,600 vaccine doses were administered at state-run sites. Active cases are continuing to fall, down from 124 on Tuesday to 99. As is the number of exposure sites, dropping to 33 after soaring to over 400 at the peak of the outbreak There are nearly 60,000 vaccination bookings available in Victoria, including some 14,000 Pfizer appointments each week until early September after second dose wait times at state clinics were upped from three to six weeks. Naomi Bromley, deputy secretary of Covid-19 vaccinations, also said the health department was looking at rolling out AstraZeneca shots at mass vaccination hubs for Australians under 60. 'We are actively considering that at the moment, and we think we'll have more to say on that in coming weeks,' she said. None of the nine Covid-19 patients hospitalised in Victoria were fully vaccinated. Two remain in intensive care, including one on a ventilator. Meanwhile, the Victorian-NSW border bubble officially tightened for residents just before midnight on Wednesday, with all non-essential movement across state lines outlawed. Advertisement Amazon's drone delivery project is struggling to get off the ground after the company cut back the project team in Britain. Over 100 employees from Amazon's Prime Air division lost their jobs or were reassigned at its Research and Development (R&D) facility amid claims the operation had descended into 'organised chaos'. Sources from within the UK-based operation told Wired that the project 'was never going to get off the ground', five years after it was launched in 2016 as a way to provide customers with their orders within half an hour. The California-based technology giant quietly began testing drones in a field near Cambridge that year after the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) lifted strict drone flying restrictions. Engineers moved in on the farm land, but for the first two years just used a small strip of grass to practice take offs and landings. In December 2016, an Amazon Prime Air drone made a 13-minute flight in Cambridgeshire to drop off its first package. The flight was the first in a 'private' trial to deliver packages to a number of customers. Amazon's drone delivery project is struggling to get off the ground as the company has cut back the project team at its offices in Cambridge (pictured), with more than 100 people losing their jobs The initiative debuted in 2016 as a way to provide customers with their orders within half an hour By 2019, the company appeared to increase their activity and expanded the testing area in Cambridge but there were few updates on when the project would launch. That same year, Amazon unveiled its latest Prime Air drone design at its MARS Conference (Machine Learning, Automation, Robotics and Space) in Las Vegas. How was Amazon Prime Air supposed to work? Amazon Prime Air had been billed as a way for customers to have packages weighing less than five pounds delivered within 30 minutes of making an order. People at an Amazon fulfillment centre would process the order and package it, before attaching it to a drone. This would go down an automated track and rise into the sky, before travelling up to 15 miles with the package, guided by GPS. They would then descend on the customer's front lawn with the product in tow. Researchers developing it were working out how the drones would detect humans and animals while travelling, as well as man-made objects in the sky. They were also developing 3D mapping to help drones know the location of a lawn, but faced trouble in cutting the weight because of how heavy the system had to be. Advertisement In a blog post after the event, Jeff Wilke, CEO of Amazon Worldwide Consumer, said they expected to 'scale Prime Air both quickly and efficiently, delivering packages via drone to customers within months.' But the plan remains grounded for now as the tech giant laid off people in its pioneering British aviation team, as staff claim Prime Air is 'dysfunctional'. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to Wired, former employees of the UK team described a work environment in which managers were put in place to oversee the drone delivery project without any technological knowledge and people would drink at their desks due to a lack of motivation. Eventually, more than 100 employees at the Cambridge office lost their jobs and dozens of others were moved to other projects, Wired reports, just months after the company laid off dozens of employees working on the project in the United States. Amazon Prime Air was billed as a way for the company to deliver packages weighing less than five pounds within 30 minutes of a customer making an order. People at an Amazon fulfillment center would process the order and package the shipment, before attaching it to a drone that would go down an automated track and rise into the sky, videos posted to the company's website show. The drones would then be able to travel 15 miles with the package, guided by GPS, before descending on the customer's front lawn with the product in tow. Amazon debuted one of its new electronic delivery drones at its re:MARS conference in June 2019. The demo showed that it was capable of carrying products under five pounds to customers inside a 15-mile radius within just half an hour. According to videos posted on the company's website, the drones would travel down an automated track at one of the company's fulfillment centers before taking off It would then travel as far as 15 miles to touch down in front of the customer's front law Last November, Amazon Prime Air announced it had reached tentative deals with two external manufacturers, but also said it laid off dozens of its staff members working in research and development and manufacturing on the project in the U.S. 'We are reorganizing one small team within our larger Prime Air organization to allow us to best align with the needs of our customers and the business,' Amazon spokeswoman Kristen Kish said in a statement to Reuters. She added that the company was working to find roles for the affected employees 'in the areas where we are hiring.' In the UK, the situation seems to have been more dire, with Wired reporting that more than 100 employees at Amazon Prime Air losing their jobs and dozen more being moved to other projects. The company had been working on drones in the U.K. since 2016, when it made a spectacle across the country, releasing promotional videos that received millions of views, offering local schools a tour of its drone lab and opening a new office in Cambridge. Pictured: Jeff Wilke, Amazon's CEO of worldwide consumer, debuted one of its new drones at its re:MARS conference in June 2019 and said that the drone could be used 'within months' Proposals suggest workers at Amazon warehouses would pack up the boxes and attach them to the drones for delivery. Pictured: scenes from inside an Amazon warehouse in Scotland Reports suggest it was so popular that UK regulators fast-tracked approvals for drone testing. But former employees at the company said the project has been 'collapsing inwards,' 'dysfunctional,' and 'resembled organized chaos,' run by managers who were 'detached from reality.' The managers who were appointed to oversee the project were often long-time Amazon employees who specialized in logistics and warehouse operations and had little to no knowledge of the technology involved with the project. Sources claim this meant they couldn't answer basic questions, adding that they had to train their replacements in Costa Rica. The problems reportedly began in late 2019, when the drone team was broken into three divisions that analysed footage for different threats: humans and animals, other man-made objects in the sky, and 3D mapping - which would help drones know where someone's lawn is located. Amazon opened a new office in Cambridge in preparation for its drone delivery system Pictured: Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos was able to travel into space last month The company began to hire many people for its data analysis team, which was tasked with manually going through test flight footage and identifying relevant threats or objects, Wired reports, but there was frequent turnover. Employees also said they would often be told to do two opposing things. And the teams dealt with some technological difficulties, as they were trying to build drones that would land outside people's homes, but the systems required to do so were heavy, and a heavier weight for a drone came with more regulations in the U.K., including higher safety requirements to protect people on the ground from potential collisions. In February 2020, Wired reports, the entire human and animals data analysis team, which employed dozens of people, was shuttered and reassigned, just to reopen three months later with new staff. At around the same time, the former employees said, the company began restructuring, and managers told them that they were no longer guaranteed permanent positions - further hindering morale. In September 2019, operations at the Cambridge base of the project appeared to accelerate with test sites expanded and special rigging (pictured) set up on land near the offices Afterwards, employees said, one person opened a beer at his desk at around 11 a.m. or 12 p.m., and another person charged with sifting through the footage for possible problems started approving all of the frames even if there were hazards in them. 'Everything started collapsing because they piled too much on, they put people in charge who didn't now anything about the project and they oversold,' one of the former employees said. 'It's all one gigantic oversell - just so many promises that can't be kept.' An Amazon spokesperson said: 'We recently made organizational changes in our Prime Air business and were able to find positions for affected employees in other areas where we were hiring. 'We remain committed to our Development Centre in Cambridge, UK, where Amazon has hundreds of talented engineers, research scientists, and technology experts working across a range of innovations. Prime Air continues to have employees in the UK and will keep growing its presence in the region.' An oil tanker thought to have been hijacked off the coast of the UAE is now safe after boarders left the vessel, the UK's maritime security agency has said. 'Boarders have left the vessel. Vessel is safe. Incident complete,' a brief warning notice issued Wednesday by United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said. Tracking data showed the vessel - believed to be the Panama-flagged Asphalt Princess, located 60 miles from the port of Fujairah - is now 'underway using engine' having previously shown it was 'stopped'. The news came just hours after it was reported that nine armed men - thought to be in the employ of Tehran - had seized the ship and were diverting it to an Iranian port. It is not clear why the men left the vessel, which now appears to be heading for Oman. Iran has denied involvement. A suspected hijacking of an oil tanker identified as the Asphalt Princess (pictured) off the coast of UAE is now over and the vessel is safe, the UK's maritime safety authority has said Reports of the ship's potential hijack made headlines around the world, coming just days after another vessel with links to an Israeli billionaire was struck by a drone - killing one Briton and one Romanian. The UK and Romania subsequently blamed the attack on Tehran, and vowed there will be consequences. The Maritime Trade Operations agency initially drew attention to Tuesday's incident, flagging what it described as a 'non-piracy event' in the waters. It later updated that description to say it was a 'potential hijacking'. Sources within the shipping industry then identified the vessel as the Asphalt Princess, though several ships in the area were either showing as 'stopped' or 'not under command' at the time. British sources then told The Times newspaper that they were 'working on the assumption Iranian military or proxies boarded the vessel'. Britain's foreign ministry was 'urgently investigating' an incident on a vessel off the UAE coast, a spokesperson said. The White House called the reports 'deeply concerning'. It is not clear exactly what Britain's connection to the ship is. Iran's Revolutionary Guards denied that Iranian forces or allies were involved in action against any ship off the UAE coast, saying the incident was a pretext for 'hostile action' against Tehran, state television reported on its website. Iran's foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh also denied his country was involved and 'warned of any effort to create a false atmosphere for special political purposes. 'Iran's naval forces are ready for help and rescue in the region,' he said. It was thought the vessel had been boarded by armed men with links to Tehran who began directing it towards the port of Jask, but the boarders have now left the ship Iranian 'shadow war' threatening major Middle East conflict In recent months, there have been several reported attacks on Iranian ships that Tehran has linked to Israel. In March, Iran's foreign ministry said it was 'considering all options' in response to an attack on a cargo ship in the Mediterranean it blamed on Israel. And in April, Tehran said its freighter Saviz was hit by an 'explosion' in the Red Sea, after media reports said Israel had struck the ship. The New York Times reported at the time that the Saviz had been targeted in an Israeli 'retaliatory' attack after 'Iran's earlier strikes on Israeli ships'. It came at a time of heightened tensions between the foes, with reports of a series of tit-for-tat strikes on shipping since early March. In a report published in March that cited US and Middle East officials, the Wall Street Journal said Israel has targeted at least a dozen vessels bound for Syria, mostly carrying Iranian oil, since late 2019. 'The occupier regime knows that such (accusations) will not fix its problems. Whoever sows the wind reaps the whirlwind,' Khatibzadeh said. Iran has also accused Israel of being behind sabotage attacks against its nuclear sites, and killing a number of its scientists. The tanker strike comes as Tehran and world powers are engaged in talks in Vienna in an effort to return Washington to a 2015 nuclear deal and lift sanctions, and bring Iran back in compliance with nuclear commitments it waived in retaliation for sanctions. The accord was strained when in 2018 former president Donald Trump withdrew the US unilaterally and reimposed sanctions. Advertisement Apparently responding to the incident, Iran's state-run IRNA news agency quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh as calling the recent maritime attacks in the region 'completely suspicious.' He denied that Iran was involved. 'Iran's naval forces are ready for help and rescue in the region,' Khatibzadeh said. Iran and its proxies have been engaged in a shadow conflict with rivals Israel, Saudi Arabia and their allies around the Arabian Peninsula since at least 2019. During that time tankers with links to Saudi and Israel have been struck by mines and other explosives, while Saudi's largest oil refinery was also blown up in a bold strike using drones and missiles. An American drone was even shot down by Tehran's forces, bringing the two sides close to all-out conflict. Iran has used its armed forces to seize a tanker once before - the British-flagged Stena Impero which was detained in the port of Banda Abbas in September 2019. Tehran struck in a tit-for-tat action after the Royal Navy seized one of its vessels near Gibraltar. The two ships were ultimately freed after a weeks-long standoff. On Thursday night, a kamikaze drone laden with explosives crashed into the bridge of the Mercer Street tanker off the coast of Oman, killing a British Army veteran working as a security guard and a Romanian crew member. The attack was swiftly condemned by Israel, followed by the US and Britain, who blamed Tehran for the strike. Iran denied involvement in that suspected drone attack and said on Monday it would respond promptly to any threat against its security. The United States and Britain said on Sunday they would work with their allies to respond to the attack on the Mercer Street, a Liberian-flagged, Japanese-owned petroleum product tanker managed by Israeli-owned Zodiac Maritime. Britain, Romania and Liberia told the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday that it was 'highly likely' that Iran used one or more drones to carry out a deadly tanker attack last week off the coast of Oman. U.S. officials have said privately they are watching the situation closely but do not expect a military response for now. Tensions have increased in Gulf waters and between Iran and Israel since 2018, when then U.S. President Donald Trump ditched Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with six world powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran's economy. On Monday, Washington promised to lead a 'collective response' against Tehran, with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling the MT Mercer Street incident 'a direct threat to freedom of navigation and commerce'. Damage purportedly to the Mercer Street oil tanker after the bridge of the vessel was struck by an explosive-laden kamikaze drone One image shows a huge gaping hole in the top deck of the vessel while another shows the main mast (pictured) which appears to be blackened from a blast. Neither images could be independently verified Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MailOnline that 'Iran should face up to the consequences of what they've done', while adding that it was 'clearly an unacceptable and outrageous attack on commercial shipping'. In response, Tehran said any move against the national security of Iran will 'face a tough and firm response', while adding that Washington and London will be 'directly responsible for its consequences'. Iran 'will not hesitate to protect its security and national interests, and will immediately and decisively respond to any possible adventurism,' foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said. The Gulf of Oman is near the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all oil passes. Fujairah, on the UAE's eastern coast, is a main port in the region for ships to take on new oil cargo, pick up supplies or trade out crew. Since 2019, the waters off Fujairah have seen a series of explosions and hijackings. The U.S. Navy blamed Iran for a series of limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers. Also in 2019, Iran seized the British-flagged Stena Impero on July 19 in the Strait of Hormuz as it was headed from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas to Dubai. The raid came after authorities in Gibraltar, a British overseas territory, seized an Iranian supertanker carrying $130 million in crude oil on suspicion it was breaking European Union sanctions by taking the oil to Syria. Both vessels were later released. In July of last year, an oil tanker sought by the U.S. over allegedly circumventing sanctions on Iran was hijacked off the Emirati coast, following months of tensions between Iran and the U.S. The vessel and its crew ended up in Iran, though Tehran never acknowledged the incident. Advertisement Britain's daily Covid cases have increased for the first time in almost a fortnight but hospitalisations continue to fall, official data revealed today. Health chiefs posted 29,312 positive tests, an increase of six per cent on last week's 27,734. It is the first time the cases have risen week-on-week since July 27 (44,104). Coronavirus-tracking experts warned the recent fall in cases which sparked hopes the worst of the third wave was over was beginning to flatten out as a delayed result of Freedom Day. Another 119 laboratory-confirmed deaths were also recorded today, up by around 31 per cent on the 91 victims declared last Wednesday. But the number of people being admitted to hospital with the virus is continuing to fall. Admissions dropped 19.1 per cent to 668 on Saturday the latest data figures are available for. It is the fifth day in a row hospitalisations fell on the week before, in a glimmer of hope that Britain may be turning a corner in the amount of severe disease caused by the third wave. The number of infected people occupying NHS beds in England has fallen below 5,000 for the first time since July 25. The fall in admission can be explained in part by the effect of Britain's successful vaccine drive. Some 29,508 first doses were given out yesterday, taking the total amount of adults to have had a jab up to 46.9million 88.7 per cent of the population. Meanwhile, another 143,002 second doses were put in people's arms, meaning 38.7million (73.2 per cent of adults) are now fully protected against the virus. It comes as ministers today confirmed 16 and 17 year olds will be offered Covid vaccines. No10's top experts also opened the door to jabbing younger teenagers later in the year. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises the Government on the vaccine roll-out, recommended that the 1.4million older teenagers should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible'. England's deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said there was 'no time to waste'. Despite the slight increase in cases today the seven-day average for infections is continuing to fall, dropping 13.6 per cent today. The measure which provides a more well-rounded picture of where cases are compared to just daily figures suggests the rate at which cases are falling may be slowing, however A Department of Health graph shows the number of people being treated for the virus in England has fallen below 5,000 for the first time since July 25 16 and 17 year olds will NOT need parental consent to get Covid vaccines: 1.4million teenagers to get Pfizer jab 'as soon as possible' as health chiefs open door to inoculating all over-12s Sixteen and 17-year-olds will not need parental consent to get the Covid vaccine, health chiefs have revealed as they open the door to jabbing younger teenagers. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) today recommended that the 1.4million people in the age groups should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible' with Professor Jonathan Van-Tam saying there was 'no time to waste'. Ministers have accepted this advice and the NHS is now preparing to dish out their first doses at centres across the country. Officials said they expected the first to be invited for jabs in 'a very short number of weeks'. There are currently no plans to offer the age group second doses, but scientists are reviewing more data to understand the risks of administering the jabs. Officials close to the programme said a child would be able to give consent for the jab if they were able to understand the risks and benefits of any medical treatment. The JCVI is also considering vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds, but they said they will need to review more safety data before they can update their recommendation for this group. Boris Johnson today called on families to listen to the advice from No10's top scientists, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Professor Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical officer for England, told a Downing Street press conference today that the first inoculations for 16 and 17-year-olds would be dished out 'in a very short number of weeks'. He said: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' He added there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines to meet the top scientists recommendation that 16 and 17-year-olds should be vaccinated. Advertisement In other Covid developments today: Official figures suggested almost 80 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds already have Covid-fighting antibodies; A fit and healthy 42-year-old father with a love of rock climbing and bodybuilding died of Covid after refusing the vaccine, according to his twin sister has said; Aviation bosses urged ministers to relax travel testing rules after data suggested no coronavirus 'variants of concern' were found in hundreds of thousands of travellers returning from amber and red list countries; Portugal got set to lift quarantine requirements for Brits jabbed with the Indian-made AstraZeneca vaccine. Despite the slight increase in cases today, the seven-day average for infections is continuing to fall, dropping 13.7 per cent. However, the measure which paints a clearer picture of where cases are compared to just monitoring daily figures which fluctuate heavily suggests the rate at which cases are falling may be slowing. Infections are still falling in the North East and North West of England but appear to be flatlining in London, the South East, South West, East Midlands and East of England. However, data for regions in England lags behind the United Kingdom as a whole, so the slight increase seen across has yet to be reflected in the English numbers. It comes after the JCVI today recommended that the 1.4million people in the age groups should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible'. Ministers have accepted this advice and the NHS is now drawing up plans to offer first doses to them in the coming weeks. There are currently no concrete plans to offer the age groups second doses, with scientists set to review more safety data before pressing ahead. Officials close to the programme said a child would be able to give consent for the jab if they were able to understand the risks and benefits of any medical treatment. Boris Johnson today called on families to listen to the advice from No10's top scientists, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said they had accepted the advice from the scientists and were aiming to start rolling out jabs for younger age groups 'as soon as possible'. Many experts welcomed the move to protect people in younger age groups, but several have slammed it for being 'too little, too late' because young people now cannot be jabbed before the Autumn term. The return of schools in September is likely to spark another rise in cases. Some scientists have, however, said it was 'pointless' to vaccinate the age groups because most of them already have immunity from past infection. Office of National Statistics figures suggest up to 60 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds already have antibodies against Covid to fight off the virus. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical officer for England, said there was 'no time to waste' in starting the extension of the vaccination programme to 16 and 17-year-olds. He told a Downing Street press conference: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' He added there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines to meet the top scientists recommendation that 16 and 17-year-olds should be vaccinated. He said: 'We have the supply and Im expecting this to start in a very short number of weeks indeed.' Many experts welcomed the move to protect people in younger age groups, but Independent SAGE members slammed it for being 'too little, too late' because young people now cannot be double-jabbed before the Autumn term. Scientists say the return of schools in September is likely to spark another rise in cases. Some scientists have, however, called the plans into question saying it was 'pointless' to vaccinate the age group because they are at such low risk from the virus and most already have immunity from previous infection. Office of National Statistics figures suggest up to 60 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds already have antibodies against Covid to fight off the virus. The JCVI, which advises No10, last month ruled only over-12s with serious underlying health conditions or who live with a vulnerable adult should get jabs. The panel, made up of the country's top experts, warned the 'minimal health benefits' did not outweigh the risks to justify vaccinating all children. It adopted a 'precautionary approach' because of a rare link between the jab and a cases of heart conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis. Officials are keen to push the immunisation drive on to more youngsters in order to prevent an autumn surge in infections when they return to schools in September. Chris Cuomo boarded a helicopter from The Hamptons to New York city hours after a bombshell report dropped accusing his brother Andrew of sexually harassing 11 women. The CNN anchor, 50, stepped out in shorts and a t-shirt at the New York heliport as he was seen for the first time off-camera since the damning claims by AG Letitia James against the New York Governor. Chris, who appeared on his primetime show later yesterday evening, was named in the report as a member of Andrew's 'inner circle' that advised him over the allegations but has remained tight-lipped publicly on the scandal. Chris Cuomo boarded a helicopter from The Hamptons to New York city hours after a bombshell report dropped accusing his brother Andrew of sexually harassing 11 women The news anchor, 50, boarded a helicopter just hours after the bombshell claims from AG Letitia James against the New York Governor Andrew, 63, is refusing to resign over the scandal despite senior Democrats telling him to go, while brother Chris is also remaining tight-lipped on the situation Chris was part of an 'inner circle' of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the allegations against his brother (pictured) What next for Andrew Cuomo? It looks like checkmate for Andrew Cuomo as pressure grows on him to step down despite his desperate attempts to cling on to power. Senior Democrats including President Joe Biden are pushing for Cuomo to resign, with some looking to impeach the embattled politician. New York state assembly speaker Carl Heastie, who launched an impeachment inquiry in March, said Cuomo has 'lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority' and 'can no longer remain in office', according to CNN. If Cuomo tries to cling on to power rather than step down, he will likely face an impeachment probe. Impeachment would be carried out by the New York state assembly which is made up of 150 lawmakers. Only a majority of votes is needed for impeachment for 'misconduct of malversation', according to the state constitution. The assembly's makeup is overwhelmingly Democrat, with 106 out of 150 seats, and a majority of 76 votes needed for impeachment. If impeached, Cuomo would be succeeded by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul. A trial would then be held by the New York senate where Democrats hold 43 of 63 seats and a two-thirds majority is needed to convict. If convicted, Cuomo would be removed from office, but if he is found not guilty, he could return to being governor. An impeachment probe launched in March is still ongoing and lawmakers are meeting to decide whether to proceed or draft articles in other areas of Cuomo's leadership relating to the nursing homes Covid scandal, cover-up allegations over the Mario Cuomo Bridge, and claims of using state resources for personal gain. So far, Cuomo has insisted he has done nothing wrong and has made no moves to step down as he tries to cling on to power. Advertisement On his CNN show yesterday, the journalist did not acknowledge the huge story at all, instead focusing on COVID-19 and the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Chris was one of a number of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the allegations against his brother. The presenter was one of a dozen confidantes called in to help 'control and direct the response' to the claims, despite none being employed by the State of New York. The investigation found Chris and other advisers counseled Governor Andrew Cuomo to 'express contrition' after the allegations from Charlotte Bennett, the second accuser to come forward, emerged in February. The governor ultimately took his brother's advice and issued a press release on February 27 saying he did not 'intend to act in any way that was inappropriate.' Among those involved were PR consultant Jefrey Pollock, who was hired by Cuomo for public relations work, Democrat PR strategist Lis Smith, former staffer Steve Cohen, and Linda Lacewell, who was known as Cuomo's 'enforcer.' 'Some had never served in the Executive Chamber, and others, like Mr. Cohen, had not served there in a decade. None of them was officially retained in any capacity by the Executive Chamber or any of the individuals involved,' the report states. 'Nonetheless, they were regularly provided with confidential and often privileged information about state operations and helped make decisions that impacted State business and employees - all without any formal role, duty, or obligation to the State.' Chris was also brought in even though his only credentials appear to be being related to Cuomo and working in the media. As the accusations against his brother were flowing this spring, Chris said he could not discuss the story on air. It later emerged that Chris was advising his brother on media strategy - angering many of his colleagues within the network. 'Obviously I am aware of what is going on with my brother,' he said on March 1. 'And obviously I cannot cover it because he is my brother. Now, of course CNN has to cover it. They have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so.' He then moved on, having thanked his audience 'for being straight with me, and I've always been straight with you'. He said he 'always cared very deeply about these issues, and profoundly so.' On Tuesday night, he failed to address it entirely - even as his previous anchors devoted much of their shows to the scandal. Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night was discussing COVID - and studiously ignoring the major news scrolling constantly beneath his screen (circled) The 50-year-old CNN anchor ignored the report into his 63-year-old politician brother >> @ChrisCuomo at the top of @CuomoPrimeTime tonight: "Obviously I am aware of what is going on with my brother. And obviously I cannot cover it because he is my brother. Now, of course CNN has to cover it. They have covered it extensively and they will continue to do so." pic.twitter.com/G49mZYTG4D Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 2, 2021 Chris Cuomo was part of an 'inner circle' of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations against his brother, according to a bombshell report into Andrew Cuomo's misconduct Don Lemon, who came on immediately after, at 10pm ET, was damning in his criticism of the governor and spent a large chunk of his opening discussing the dramatic day. The 168-page report, overseen by Letitia James, the New York attorney general, found the allegations by the 11 women to be credible. Her team spent five months interviewing 175 people. They reported that Chris Cuomo was part of an 'inner circle' of advisers brought in to do damage control in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations this spring. The investigation, which took five months to complete, concluded that Cuomo engaged in a 'disturbing' pattern of conduct and created a 'toxic' workplace environment. The investigation found Chris and other advisers counseled Governor Andrew Cuomo to 'express contrition' after the allegations from Charlotte Bennett (pictured) the second accuser to come forward, emerged in February Cuomo, who has always denied the allegations, gave a televised address an hour after James's report was released during which he denied all of the claims and called the report a political attack on his character Report states investigators found it 'revealing and consistent with the Executive Chamber's overall approach' that the inner circle of advisers brought in 'included a number of individuals with no official role in the Executive Chamber' Despite not being employed by the State, Cuomo's advisers were 'regularly provided with confidential and often privileged information about state operations' Emails show Chris also apparently helped draft a written statement characterizing Andrew as someone who is 'playful' and 'makes jokes' sometimes The report cites internal documents and communications obtained during the investigation which show that 'the governor's advisors, including Mr Pollock and Chris Cuomo, counseled him to express contrition after the press published Ms. Bennett's allegations.' Emails show Chris also apparently helped craft a response by drafting a written statement characterizing Andrew as someone who is sometimes 'playful' and 'makes jokes'. The news anchor came under fire in May after admitting that he had been 'looped into calls' on how his high-profile brother should handle the allegations, on his primetime CNN show. Some of Chris' staffers were also on the phone at the time. The revelation drew harsh criticism from his own colleague Jake Tapper, who accused Chris of putting network employees in 'a bad spot' and said he couldn't 'imagine a world in which anybody in journalism thinks that that was appropriate.' The younger Cuomo later apologized for his behavior and acknowledged he had made a 'mistake.' The governor made numerous appearances on his own brother's show last year, for lighthearted interviews that featured brotherly banter 'I understand why that was a problem for CNN. It will not happen again. It was a mistake because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. I never intended for that. I would never intend for that and I am sorry for that,' he said at the time. New York Attorney General Letitia James announcing her findings on Tuesday after a five month investigation. She said she believes all of the women but she cannot bring criminal charges, instead saying her focus was on determining if the allegations were true 'I love my brother. I love my family. I love my job, and I love and respect my colleagues here at CNN. And again, to them I am truly sorry.' Charlotte Bennett, 35, claimed that in June 2020, when she was alone with Cuomo he told her he was open to a relationship with a much younger woman. Cuomo supposedly complained that he 'can't even hug anyone' during the pandemic and said: 'No, I mean, like really hugged somebody?' Bennett told the New York Times: 'I understood that the governor wanted to sleep with me, and felt horribly uncomfortable and scared.' On February this year, the day when the story was published, Cuomo released a press release saying he did not 'intend to act in any way that was inappropriate.' The next day, he issued another press release saying that he 'never intended to offend anyone or cause any harm.' The report states that during his testimony to investigators, Chris Cuomo said there was 'discussion about remedial measures the (executive) chamber should take in light of the sexual harassment allegations, but some people had taken the position that 'they should just wait.' The 168-report was released on Tuesday after a five month investigation by the NY AG. It substantiated the allegations of 11 women who say Cuomo sexually harassed them either by groping them or making inappropriate comments dating back to 2013 The report does not explain if Chris Cuomo's advice to his brother was born of efforts to make his brother feel contrition or if it was a strategic move to help him survive the scandal. Previous reports in the Washington Post painted a different picture and said that Chris Cuomo urged his brother to take up a 'defiant' position amid calls for his resignation. Chris Cuomo supposedly brought up 'cancel culture' and encouraged his brother to stand his ground. Andrew Cuomo responded to the Attorney General's report in a televised address Tuesday saying the 'facts are much different than what has been portrayed'. He said: 'I want you to know that I never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances 'That is just not who I am and that's not who I have ever been'. Cuomo said he'd never sexually harass anyone, much less a sexual assault survivor like Charlotte Bennett - claiming he has helped a female relative overcome sexual abuse himself. He said that the women invariably misinterpreted his 'warm' gestures like hugs and kisses, or misunderstood compliments. After he spoke, critics renewed calls for him to resign and some suggested he should be impeached. Britain's Covid's self-isolation sentence could be halved to just five days, academics say. Under current rules designed to curb the spread of the virus, infected people must quarantine at home for 10 days. But data suggests 98 per cent of transmission occurs either before people become ill, or within five days of symptoms starting. Scientists believe the UK's isolation period 'could be much shorter' for anyone who gets infected. Similar findings led No10 to tweak the NHS app earlier this week, it was claimed. The software blamed for triggering the 'pingdemic' chaos now only tells people to quarantine if they were in contact with an asymptomatic infected person two days before they tested positive, rather than five. England's 'pingdemic' chaos is only getting worse A record 1.5million people were asked to self-isolate to thwart the spread of coronavirus for the week to July 21, official data revealed today as England's 'pingdemic' chaos continues to rage on. NHS figures show nearly 690,000 alerts were sent out by the NHS app last week the most since the voluntary software was introduced. A further 536,000 people were reached by Test and Trace call handlers and ordered to quarantine at home, while 308,000 were told to self-isolate after testing positive for Covid. The damning statistics come as Boris Johnson continues to face heavy criticism for refusing to ditch the isolation rules until August 16, despite lifting restrictions on 'Freedom Day'. Millions of workers haven't been able to do their jobs because they've been told to isolate, leaving supermarket shelves empty, pubs and restaurants shut, and trains cancelled across the country. One of the Government's scientific advisers said the quarantine rules that have fuelled the pingdemic and caused 'massive problems' to the economy, schools and everyday life are unnecessary and should have been scrapped six months ago. Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick acknowledged the system is 'frustrating' but urged people to keep isolating if they are pinged. Advertisement Fresh data from Oxford Universitys Pathogen Dynamics Group shows up to 40 per cent of transmission occurs before symptoms emerge. But most of this happens during the two days before people fall ill, which prompted the alteration of how the NHS Covid app works. Around 35 per cent of transmission occurs within the first two days of people having symptoms. However, the data came from September before the highly-infectious Delta variant took off. Ministers are keen to replace quarantine rules with daily testing, with scientists now investigating if it is safe to make the drastic move. Dr Muge Cevik, an infectious disease expert at the University of St Andrews, told the Telegraph: 'Given most transmission happens very early on, the isolation period could be much shorter for the cases. 'Viral load peaks pretty quickly, so people are highly infectious within the first few days. 'Also importantly, many people have non-specific mild symptoms before developing more noticeable ones, like fatigue or myalgia, so that's probably when people are highly infectious too but continue daily activity. 'So, the current self-isolation guidelines, especially given the lack of support provided for sick leave, does not serve for the purpose.' The drop off in transmission could also be down to symptomatic people adhering to self-isolation rules. But Dr Cevik was behind research last November which found people were most infectious within the first five days of having symptoms. France, Germany and the US have already cut their quarantine period after reaching similar findings, with people in those countries isolating for just five to seven days. Anyone who breaches Britain's 10-day isolation law can be fined up to 10,000. First-time offenders can get a 1,000 penalty. But the findings don't offer any hope curbing self-isolation times for close contacts of the infected. This is because people are 'pinged' as soon as someone tests positive, meaning it may take several days for them to develop symptoms. However, latest figures from the Oxford scientists also revealed that just 15 per cent of people pinged test positive for the virus. It comes as 1.5million self-isolation alerts were sent out last week either through the NHS or due to a positive test result. Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease expert at the University of East Anglia, told the Telegraph: 'Having to quarantine for a one per cent risk is marginal, in my view 100 people have to quarantine for every case transmission. 'Given the state that we are at now, the benefits of quarantining for relatively casual contact do not justify the negative impact, in my view. 'But if you are positive, still self-isolate and if you live with someone who is positive, still quarantine.' In an attempt to fix the pingdemic chaos, ministers have already announced fully-vaccinated people who are told to self-isolate either by the app or Test and Trace will no longer have to do so from August 16. But No10 is under pressure to bring this date forward to the end of this week in order to be in line with Wales. Supermarket shelves have been left empty as a result of the chaos, while trains have been cancelled due to a lack of staff and one in ten pubs and restaurants have been forced to shut temporarily. The Taiwanese dean of Oxford University's law department says it is 'alienating' and 'exhausting' to be constantly challenged by porters because of her skin colour. Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart has called for anti-racism training across the esteemed university after revealing she is questioned by porters for 'looking out of place'. Prof Chen-Wishart, a renowned contract law specialist, told the Telegraph that it happens so 'frequently I would normally not even register it.' 'This happens a lot. Every time you get into a college you have to get past porters, facilities managers, people of colour are challenged or searched,' she explained. One instance last month prompted the professor to share her experiences more widely across social media. As Prof Chen-Wishart entered the Law faculty, she was stopped and queried, despite being the head of the department, before being followed as she walked towards her office by a building manager. The person said they 'forgot' she was the Dean and she assumed they followed her to ensure she had the correct key to her office. Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart has called for anti-racism training across the esteemed university after revealing she is questioned by porters for 'looking out of place' The Taiwanese-born dean of Oxford University's law department says it is 'alienating' and 'exhausting' to be constantly challenged by porters because of her skin colour Born in Taiwan, Prof Chen-Wishart previously worked at Otago University, New Zealand, as a senior lecturer. Initially moving to Oxford as a Rhodes Visiting Fellow in 1992, the professor watched her three sons grow up in the United Kingdom. Speaking in an interview with the Rhodes Project in 2015, Prof Chen-Wishart says Oxford and the university's culture has changed significantly in the last 20 years. She said: 'The university is more transparent and accountable now, but its clear we still have a gender and other equality issues. 'Its more diverse and more equal, but we have a long way to go.' But, the decorated academic says she still faces constant battles with university porters which are 'alienating and exhausting'. Initially moving to Oxford as a Rhodes Visiting Fellow in 1992, the professor watched her three sons grow up in the United Kingdom. Pictured: Merton College Sharing her experiences on social media with the hashtag RaceMeToo, Prof Chen-Wishart says she has received messages of support from within her faculty and academics from across the world. 'People will say they are just doing their job,' she told the Telegraph. 'I would really like to understand why they are so good at doing their job when people of colour are concerned.' Prof Chen-Wishart says she is eager to collaborate with her employer on more expansive diversity and inclusion training. She says she has sent a series of plans, including anti-racist training, that she hopes will harbour an environment of inclusion to one of Oxford's pro-vice-chancellors. The new measures will work towards ensuring people of colour are not 'constantly challenged and made to feel they don't belong' by porters and facility managers. An Oxford University spokesman said: 'The University does not tolerate any form of racial harassment or victimisation and expects all members of the University community to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration. 'We have a robust policy which enables any member of the University community to make a complaint if they feel that they have been subject to harassment from a staff member.' Israel has warned military action is needed to stop further attacks by Iran following a deadly drone strike on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman. Israel Defence Minister Benny Gantz told ambassadors from the UN Security Council countries on Wednesday: 'It is time for diplomatic, economic and even military deeds. Otherwise the attacks will continue. 'Now is the time for deeds - words are not enough'. Iran has denied involvement in the drone strike last week, but Gantz Wednesday claimed the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' UAV Command Saeed Ara Jani was behind the attack. He said he would provide detailed intelligence on the matter to participating countries. The US, UK, and Israel have all vowed to respond the the attack, with Israel saying it reserves the right to act unilaterally. Israel's Defence Minister Benny Gantz warned military action is needed to stop further attacks by Iran following a deadly drone strike on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman Iran has denied involvement in the drone strike on an oil tanker identified as the Asphalt Princess (pictured) off the coast of Oman last week Gantz told UNSC ambassadors: 'Ara Jani is the head operator of the IRGC Air Force's UAV system, which struck the Mercer Street'. He added: 'Jani provides the supplies, training, plans and is responsible for many acts of terror in the region', the Jerusalem Post reported. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid urged the international community to take action, describing the attack as an 'international crime'. He added it would be 'every man for himself' if the international community failed to react. 'What is the international community going to do about it?' he asked. 'Does international law still exist? Does the world have the ability and the will to enforce it? If the answer is yes, the world needs to act now.' Israel's Ambassador to the UN and US, Gilad Erdan made similar remarks and called on the UNSC to 'not sit idly by in the face of such violations by Iran'. It comes after the British man killed in the drone strike was identified as father and army veteran Adrian Underwood. Mr Underwood, who was born in Fiji before moving to the UK, was working as a security officer on board Liberian-flagged tanker Mercer Street when it was attacked off the coast of Oman last week. Mr Underwood, who served in the British army in the early 2000s, was killed alongside a Romanian man in an attack that both the UK and Romania blame on Iran. General Sir Nick Carter, head of armed forces, warned today that Tehran made a 'big mistake' in attacking the tanker as the UK, US, Israel and allies plot a joint response. Adrian Underwood, a Fijian-born British army veteran, has been identified as the security officer killed when an explosive drone hit an oil tanker off the coast of Oman last week Speaking to BBC Radio 4, he added: 'What we need to be doing, fundamentally, is calling out Iran for its very reckless behaviour. 'We have got to restore deterrence because it is behaviour like that which leads to escalation, and that could very easily lead to miscalculation and that would be very disastrous for all the peoples of the Gulf and the international community.' Family and friends of Mr Underwood, who are spread between the UK and Fiji, have begun raising funds for his funeral via a JustGiving page. Writing on the page, friend Mark Wilson wrote: 'In memory of Adrian Underwood, who sadly died when the ship that he was protecting was attacked. 'A humble gentleman, funny and loved by so many. 'Our love, thoughts and blessings go to his wife Kiasia, young son Zac and his family and friends and of course the Fijian brotherhood. God bless Adrian.' Mr Underwood's family have a history on military service in his native country, the Fiji Sun reported, identifying him as the son-in-law of a Colonel Sakiusa Raivoce. A close relative of Mr Underwood said the tanker attack is still being investigated and refused to comment further until the probe is complete. Tehran has denied involvement in Thursday's attack on the ship - which is Japanese-owned but managed by Zodiac Maritime, a firm owned by an Israeli billionaire. The Mercer Street, which is linked to an Israeli billionaire, was badly damaged in the late Thursday attack which destroyed part of the bridge (pictured) Attack on the Liberian-flagged vessel also killed a Romanian national, with both countries joining Britain to blame the blast on Iran The attack comes amid a shadow war being fought between Iran and its proxy group, and regional rivals Israel and Saudi Arabia. Attacks have been ongoing since at least 2019, with tankers linked to Saudi and Israel struck by mines and other explosives. Saudi's largest oil refinery was also blown up in a bold strike using drones and missiles. An American drone was even shot down by Tehran's forces, bringing the two sides close to all-out conflict. In recent months, a number of vessels with links to Israel have been hit with Iran suspected to be behind the attacks. The Mercer Street was given a US Navy escort following the attack, and has now reached port in the UAE - arriving early on Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said his government is 'working on enlisting the world' in response to the attack but warned 'we also know how to act alone.' 'The Iranians need to understand that it is impossible to sit peacefully in Tehran and from there ignite the entire Middle East. That is over,' he said. The Mercer Street is now docked in the UAE (pictured) having been escorted there by US warships so it can be repaired U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken predicted a 'collective response' to the incident, which British Prime Minister Boris Johnson described as an 'outrageous attack on commercial shipping'. Britain summoned the Iranian ambassador and demanded that vessels navigate freely in the oil-rich region. Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh, meanwhile, said that Israel 'must stop such baseless accusations' and called on the US and Britain to provide evidence to support their claims. Iran 'will not hesitate to protect its security and national interests, and will immediately and decisively respond to any possible adventurism,' Khatibzadeh said. Iran said on Monday it would respond promptly to any threat against its security. Iran and Israel have exchanged accusations of carrying out attacks on each other's vessels in recent months. Tensions have increased between Iran and Israel since 2018, when then U.S. President Donald Trump ditched Tehran's 2015 nuclear deal with six world powers and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran's economy. A father has revealed how a 4,000 family break has turned into the 'holiday from hell' after being forced to quarantine with his partner and two young children despite the fact that he tested negative for COVID on six separate occasions. Andy Stanton, 32 was randomly tested for COVID at the airport after arriving on the Greek Island of Zante with his wife Katrina, 31 and their two children; Olly, 3 and Isla, 4 on July 29 for what they thought would be the ideal way to overcome their lockdown blues. Mr Stanton received a message telling him he was negative but just hours after checking into the four-star Caretta Beach and Water Park resort for their two-week break he was called by Greek health officials and told that he had in fact tested positive. After being confined to their room at the resort, the family was then moved to a special quarantine hotel, where they have been forced to remain in a room infested with ants and mice. The have also described the food as so poor that their children go to bed crying each night on empty stomachs. Andy Stanton and his family (pictured) has revealed how a family break turned into the 'holiday from hell' after they were forced to quarantine despite the fact he tested negative for COVID The family have said their quarantine room is in a dire condition and is infested with ants Andy said they are served cold and stale food during their stay meaning they often go hungry With temperatures on the island reaching 35C, Mr Stanton fumed that the air conditioning in their room does not work all the time while the WIFI is only intermittent. He sobbed: 'We are desperate, this is the worst thing that has ever happened to us. 'My partner is crying each day and so are the kids and we shouldn't even be in quarantine because I have tested negative six times since arriving in Greece. 'We were so looking forward to this holiday after the long lockdown in Britain. The kids were so excited at having fun in a water park resort and they just don't understand what's going on.' He added: 'The room we're in is so filthy that if you walk across the floor without any shoes and socks, your feet turn black. It's hot and sticky, there's no WIFI to keep the kids entertained and it's worse than being in prison.' The family have reported mice and ants in their room. Pictured: a mouse in their hotel room Desperate to show that he did not have COVID, Mr Stanton paid for three tests at a private clinic, which cost him around 600 and were all negative. He also carried out three lateral flow tests himself, which were also negative. He added: 'I've done my own tests and had proper ones at a clinic and all of them are negative. 'Greek officials told me that if I tested negative for COVID after two PCR tests we would not have to quarantine but I've done that, and we're still stuck in this hell hole. 'I also asked them to provide me proof of the positive test at the airport, but they've not shown me anything.' Both Mr Stanton and Katrina are double vaccinated. Katrina cried: 'I think there's been some kind of mix up at the airport because so many passengers were getting tested and they gave Andy the wrong result. Mr Stanton, pictured with Katrina, has warned other Brits seeking a trip abroad to avoid the experience as his 4,000 much-needed family break has turned into a holiday from hell 'But it's ruined our holiday. We're stuck in this disgusting room being served stale bread and cold food.' Mr Stanton, a kitchen and bedroom fitter from Wigan who runs his own business complained that he has been constantly on the phone to Jet2, the company he booked the holiday with and British embassy officials. He moaned: 'Jet2 have abandoned us and said it's up to us to sort out. How can that be right? We've paid them a lot of money but they're doing nothing. 'We've told them about the conditions in the hotel and that I can prove I'm COVID negative and we're not getting any help. 'The British embassy in Greece said it's got nothing to do with them as they can't interfere with the Greek authorities.' The family have been told that they will have to remain in quarantine until August 10, the date their holiday was supposed to end. Infested: Pictures taken during their stay show ants and mice on the floors of their hotel room Katrina said: 'I don't know how we're going to survive because the conditions in this hotel are truly terrible. There's more chance of us getting COVID by staying here.' In an attempt to keep their children occupied, the couple have managed to secure a paddling pool which they have placed in a small patio area adjoining their room, the only area they are allowed to go out to. Mr Stanton said: 'It's not quite a water park and the kids are very disappointed but we're doing our best to pass the time. 'I just don't understand why after six negative COVID tests we can't be allowed to leave and have our holiday?' In a warning to other British holiday makers, he added: 'I would advise people not to go abroad for a break because the testing regime in a lot of countries is a mess. 'And if they get the result wrong, as in my case, then the consequences are disastrous.' A JET2 spokesperson said: 'Following a positive Covid-19 test result, the authorities in Zante initiated health protocols meaning that these customers are required to complete a required period of isolation. 'It is important to note that these protocols are enforced and implemented by the local authorities, and we have had no input into these. 'The protocols also mean we are unable to have in-person contact with Mr Stanton. Despite this, our teams have been in contact with Mr Stanton daily so that we can provide all possible support and assistance. 'We are also liaising with the local authorities to try and improve these protocols. 'We are of course very sorry to hear about this experience and we will continue to do what we can to support Mr Stanton and his family.' Aviation bosses have urged ministers to relax travel testing rules after data suggested no coronavirus 'variants of concern' were found in hundreds of thousands of travellers returning from amber and red list countries. Testing remains a key part of the Government's traffic light scheme, with even travellers coming back from green list countries having to take a test after they get home. But analysis of official data published by The Telegraph showed that fewer than one in 60 people returning from an amber or red nation tested positive for Covid-19. More than 320,000 people arrived back in the UK from countries in those categories between July 1 and July 21 and no 'variants of concern' were identified. The disclosure came amid claims that ministers will not move Spain to the 'red list' because of falling case numbers in the country and fears the Government's hotel quarantine system would be unable to cope. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is expected to deliver his three-weekly update to the rules tomorrow. Boris Johnson refused to be drawn on what will be announced as he answered questions this afternoon during a visit to Scotland. But he said he recognised that 'people yearn to go abroad' and insisted the Government must strike a 'balance' between opening up travel and protecting against importing coronavirus variants. Spain is currently on the amber list which means fully-vaccinated Brits can return home without having to quarantine. There had been fears the country could be moved up to the 'red list' but it is now thought it will remain in the medium tier. Meanwhile, holidays to France are expected to be back on the table with the 'amber plus' list set to be scrapped. Spain is not expected to be added to the 'red list' when Grant Shapps delivers an update to the traffic light rules tomorrow. The Amadores beach in Gran Canaria is pictured yesterday Spain is currently on the amber list which means fully-vaccinated Brits can return home without having to quarantine Boris Johnson said during a visit to Scotland today that he recognised that 'people yearn to go abroad' but he insisted the Government must strike a 'balance' between opening up travel and protecting against importing coronavirus variants France is the only country in the category which currently means that even double-jabbed travellers have to quarantine when they come home. Ministers are expected to streamline the traffic light system but Boris Johnson remains under pressure to go further and scrap it completely. Aviation bosses and Tory MPs believe the system should be replaced with one simple 'red list' of banned nations, with vaccinated tourists allowed to travel everywhere else quarantine-free. France was put on the 'amber plus' list due to fears over the spread of the Beta coronavirus variant. But numbers now show that just 0.4 per cent of Covid-19 cases in France are Beta while the number is 0.5 per cent in Spain, according to The Times. Ministers were considering rolling out a new 'amber watchlist' for countries currently amber but at risk of imminently turning red. It had been suggested that Spain could be put in the new category but Mr Johnson torpedoed the new list after a ferocious backlash. As well as a fall in case numbers in Spain, it is also thought the nation will be spared the 'red list' because of logistical concerns around hotel quarantine. All travellers returning from a 'red list' nation have to spend 10 days in a Government-approved hotel at their own expense. The Government has tens of thousands of rooms reserved but with an estimated one million UK tourists in Spain there would not be space in the system for all of them to be housed. A Whitehall source told The Times: 'Spain won't be going on the amber watchlist - the only danger is it going red but that's very unlikely. 'Cases are coming down. And they haven't got enough beds to quarantine everybody. So it's not going to happen.' Mr Shapps is expected to add up to 10 countries to the green list tomorrow, with Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic all being tipped. Mr Johnson refused to be drawn on what will be announced as he said: You wont have to wait long. I have said before, I think a couple of days ago, that I know how important holidays are to people. People think about them, they save up for them. People yearn to go abroad this year, I totally get that. We have got to balance that against the need to protect our country against the influx of new variants. We have got a balance policy but clearly we have the benefit now of the double-jab system that is enabling us to go to countries in the EU and to come back from countries in the EU without having to quarantine and same goes for the US. The Government remains under pressure to do more, with aviation bosses and Tory MPs calling for the current system to be scrapped. They believe the UK should follow the lead of the US where double-vaccinated travellers can visit any country which will welcome them. They do not have to quarantine on their return. Travel bosses believe introducing a single 'red list' of countries which are out of bounds would also make it much easier for holidaymakers to book trips. Meanwhile, new data has increased calls for the Government to ease travel testing rules. Travellers coming back from 'red list' countries must take numerous tests while in hotel quarantine while travel from amber and green nations requires tests to be taken before departure and after returning home. Numbers published by The Telegraph showed that in the first three weeks of July, some 1.5 per cent of people returning from an amber country tested positive. The number was 1.4 per cent for red list arrivals and just 0.7 per cent for green list travellers. No 'variants of concern' were identified - a term which refers to Covid-19 mutations which are tracked closely because they could be more infectious or cause more severe disease. As a result, aviation bosses believe testing requirements should be relaxed to make travel easier for families. Willie Walsh, director general of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and former boss of British Airways, told The Telegraph: These tests are unnecessary and have spawned an unregulated industry supported by Government. Tomorrow's update to the travel rules comes after it emerged that Boris Johnson will be taking a holiday in the UK this summer rather than heading a broad. Mr Johnson, his wife Carrie, and son Wilfred took a trip to Scotland last year but it is not clear where he will go this time. A senior government source told the Telegraph: 'The PM's going to staycation this year.' Universities Minister Michelle Donelan insisted the PM's apparent decision was not a comment on whether people should be staying in the UK. She told Sky News: No, I think that some people have planned some fantastic holidays to countries including green list countries. We will get that update as you said this week from the Department for Transport as to the latest iteration around the traffic light system as we do every three weeks. Also, there are some fantastic and amazing places to holiday here in the UK I would strongly advocate that a staycation is a good option this year just as going abroad is too. Transgender YouTuber Chris Chan, 39, was identified as female by police and will be housed with women despite being biologically male, after she was arrested for raping her mother. The vlogger and artist, who goes by Christine Weston Chandler, was arrested after leaked phone calls allegedly revealed her admitting to raping her mother, 79, who suffers from dementia. Chandler is being held in Central Virginia Regional Jail alongside 59 other detainees. She was jailed without bail on suspicion of incest, a felony punishable by up to 12 years in prison. Chandler is biologically male but came out as a transgender woman at the end of 2014. YouTuber Christine Chandler, 39, has been arrested in Virginia on an incent charge involving her 79-year-old mother, who allegedly has dementia Chan, 39, was listed as female on Henrico County Jail's custody record, despite being biologically male and arrested for allegedly raping her mother Video recorded by alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph purports to show Chandler being arrested at a motel in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday Chandler (far left) is heard telling Ralph that 'everything is going to work out' Chandler was transferred on Monday from Henrico County Jail to Greene County, where the sheriff's office issued a statement confirming her arrest. According to a press release from county law enforcement, a warrant was issued for Chandler's arrest after investigators 'received information involving sex crimes against a family member, who resides in the Ruckersville area.' Chandler has lived with her 79-year-old mother, Barbara, in Ruckersville, Virginia, for many years. Chandler is currently being held without bond at the Central Virginia Regional Jail. The sheriff's office said additional charges were pending, reported Newsweek. Chandler is best known for creating the comic series characters Sonichu, which is a cross between Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog, and its love interest, Rosechu. Her YouTube channel has more than 50,000 subscribers. Chandler's arrest came just days after a phone call was leaked on an instant messaging platform, on which a person believed to Chandler seemingly admitted to having sex with her elderly mother, who is believed to have dementia. The authenticity of the audio recording hasn't been confirmed. During the eight-minute conversation, Chandler apparently tells a friend that it was her mother, Barbara, who 'made the first move,' leading the two to kiss, according to the audio file, which Newsweek reported. A day before her arrest, Chandler tweeted about 'drama in the air' Chandler allegedly claimed she approached the situation with 'care and caution' after years of harboring sexual feelings toward her mother, and even having dreams of having sex with her. 'She was partially confused at one point, but then she came around, obviously,' Chandler is allegedly heard saying on the call. As the call continues, the person said to be Chandler says that she and her mother now have a 'routine' where they have sex 'every third night', and that her mother enjoys it. Toward the end of the recording, Chandler apparently tells her friend: 'God... said this was okay.' Chandler has featured her mother on her social media pages several times over the years, most recently on July 11, when she shared photos of Barbara sporting a new haircut. 'Barbie Chan got a styling haircut. I did that; first time cutting anyones hair. It looks really good,' she wrote. Chandler is a transgender YouTube personality and creator of the comic character Sonichu, which is a cross between Pikachu and Sonic In May, Chandler shared a series of photos of her mother as a younger woman, writing in a caption: 'Hi, Mom. Remember, everyone, regardless of situation, your Mom, Mother, or Motherly Figure had a life and past of her own back in the day before you came along. She has gone through a lot for not only you and yours, but herself as well.' Chandler's final public post came on July 30, when she tweeted in part: 'There is drama in the air today. Each and every one of you all are encouraged to withdraw from any and all dramas, gossip, rumors, and whatever else will, and already has, approached your way today.' The following day, the 39-year-old YouTube star was filmed by alt-right podcaster Ethan Ralph getting arrested by police at the Regency Inn in Richmond, Virginia. 'I am compliant, I am good like this,' a handcuffed Chandler is heard saying in the video, before adding that 'everything is going to work out.' This is not Chandlers first run-in with the law. In October 2011, Chandler and her mother were arrested after Barbara hit a manager of a game center with her car, reported Insider. In 2014, Chandler was arrested for pepper-spraying a worker at a GameStop store. This is the moment a group of friends on a night out were met with rapturous applause as they lugged a car off tram tracks. Onlooker Charlotte McEvoy recorded the footage on Saturday night on West Street in Sheffield city centre. She filmed the burly men as they worked together to lift the Ford Fiesta out of the tram's way after the car driver parked on the line. Onlooker Charlotte McEvoy recorded the footage on Saturday night on West Street in Sheffield city centre In the clip, the men can be seen rolling up their sleeves and huddling around the white 1.0 litre car after the tram came to a stop directly behind it. Charlotte can be heard behind the camera shouting in disbelief: 'Are you going to lift it? No!' The men then grab hold of the bodywork at the rear of the car and begin hauling it away from the track. The crowd that has gathered to watch cheers as Charlotte shouts: 'No f***ing way man. No way. Get the front, get the front guys.' She filmed as the burly men as they worked together to lift the Ford Fiesta out of the tram's way after realising its driver had parked on the line The group were met with a rapturous applause, having succeeded, before they nonchalantly walked away to carry on their night out The group reposition themselves to the front of the vehicle as they once again work together to move the obstruction. Then, having succeeded, they nonchalantly walk away to carry on their night out. Charlotte later said: 'The poor tram lady was stuck for about five minutes with traffic behind her before the guys moved the car.' She claimed the driver of the car was picking her friend up from a bar and was confronted by other revellers when she left later on. Fortunately for the driver, the car was not damaged whilst being moved. Social media users were quick to comment on the feat as one wrote: 'Didn't know the Hulk lived in Sheffield.' Another added: 'Don't need the recovery truck.' And a third simply said: 'What thoughtful lads.' A school teacher in her 20s at a prestigious Islamic school in Melbourne has tested positive for Covid-19, sending 2,100 students and 300 staff members into isolation for 14 days. The Victorian Department of Health on Wednesday confirmed the Al-Taqwa College educator in Truganina, Melbourne's west, may have been in class for three days last week while infectious. At this stage it remains a mystery where she contracted the virus, but investigations are already underway to determine the source of the infection, with the teacher spending the afternoon detailing her movements to the state's contact tracers. The $3,000-a-year school was the site of one of Victoria's largest clusters during the state's disastrous second wave last year, resulting in the faith-based school being shut down for two months after being linked to more than 200 cases. Melbourne has only recently been released from yet another lockdown. The Victorian Department of Health on Wednesday confirmed the Al-Taqwa College (pictured) educator in Truganina, Melbourne's west, may have been in class for three days last week while infectious The school teacher's positive test has sent 2,100 students and 300 staff members into isolation for 14 days (stock image) A statement by the health department said the transmission risks at the school are urgently being assessed, as fears grow that a large number of new infections could soon follow. 'The Department will support the school community in partnership with Western Public Health Unit,' the statement said. 'In the meantime, the school will close, and all students and staff will be instructed via direct communications to get tested and isolate until further notice.' Two other Islamic schools in Melbourne's west also announced they would return to online learning on Wednesday night as a precaution. Ilim College in Dallas said in a statement that even though there have not been any positive cases, they felt closing the doors would be an appropriate step. The Islamic College of Melbourne in Tarneit made the same call while the Australian International Academy in Coburg, Melbourne's north, will also close. The teacher may have worked at the school while infectious for three days last week. Pictured: A healthcare worker is seen outside of a pop-up Covid-19 testing facility outside of the LaCrosse apartment block in Docklands, Melbourne The state's first positive case in three weeks comes as Victoria recorded it's first Tier Two Covid exposure site since Saturday. Pictured: Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews speaks to the media at a press conference in Melbourne 'This is a precautionary measure as our students engaged in sporting activities with other schools,' the Australian International Academy wrote in a letter to parents. Dr Hanna El-Khoury, a GP who is close to the school community said there is 'great frustration' in the local area after the events of last year. 'This is no different to anywhere else, it could happen anywhere,' he told the Herald Sun. 'The issue is how did it happen? Hopefully it will be an isolated case and there will not be any greater consequence. 'We all understand everything better now - this virus is very bad and needs no excuse. Everyone is very responsible, everyone is feeling it.' Victoria's Covid Response Commander Jeroen Weimar said the woman, who lives in the Hobsons Bay local government area, may have been infectious while teaching at the school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week. A statement by the health department said the transmission risks at the school are urgently being assessed, as fears grow that a large number of new infections could soon follow. Pictured: People are seen waiting in line at a pop-up Covid-19 testing facility outside of the LaCrosse apartment block in Docklands, Melbourne 'We have been through a number of these outbreaks in schools before, in very recent memory,' he told ABC Radio. 'They're obviously a cause of significant anxiety for the school community. 'We have had some good conversations with the school leadership today, they have been hugely supportive and have done all the right things, as has the teacher.' The state's first positive case in three weeks comes as Victoria recorded its first Tier Two Covid exposure site since Saturday. Shoppers who visited Coles in Yarraville between 4:30pm to 5:30pm on July 29 are urged to immediately get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative result. Diplomatic efforts to repair the strained relationship between the UK and France have stalled as attempts to organise a face-to-face summit between Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron have failed to make progress. Officials are said to have been working on getting a date in the diary for the two world leaders to meet in person to discuss increasing co-operation. But The Times said French figures are refusing to agree a date, with some in Paris of the view that there is 'no point' in holding talks. Meanwhile, UK sources are angry at some elements of the Macron administration because they believe they are 'crossing the street to pick a fight every day'. Diplomatic efforts to repair the strained relationship between the UK and France have stalled as attempts to organise a face-to-face summit between Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron have failed to make progress French figures are reportedly refusing to agree a date, with some in Paris of the view that there is 'no point' in holding talks Anglo-French relations have deteriorated in recent months after a series of explosive rows. One senior diplomatic source told the newspaper: 'The Government has reached out to try to arrange a summit but the French aren't interested. 'They've simply said there's no point.' Anglo-French summits have been taking place roughly every two years with the most recent edition in January 2018. Lord Ricketts, the UK's former ambassador to France, said Mr Macron will be in 'no great hurry' to agree to a summit because 'he doesn't know what the man [Mr Johnson] might say at the joint press conference'. Both sides of the Channel now admit that levels of trust between the two nations have fallen to their lowest point in recent history. The recent rows between the UK and France have spanned numerous subjects, with many continuing to rumble on. Earlier this year there was a confrontation over post-Brexit fishing rights relating to access for French boats off the coast of Jersey. That saw threats from Paris to cut off the island's electricity supply, prompting Mr Johnson to send Royal Navy ships to the area. There have also been points of conflict over cross-Channel migration, vaccine supplies and coronavirus travel rules. Mr Johnson and Mr Macron held a bilateral meeting at the G7 summit in Cornwall in June as a row raged over post-Brexit border rules in Northern Ireland. Mr Macron prompted fury after it was briefed that he had suggested that Northern Ireland was not part of the same country as the UK. French figures were left fuming at the disclosure from the private talks and insisted the French President's remarks had been misinterpreted. Advertisement Experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Some countries including the US and Israel began months ago, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most vulnerable over-12s. Now the UK has U-turned to fall in line, with scientists advising the Government now saying it will help to head off any autumn surge by stopping schools becoming hotbeds for transmission when children return to classrooms in September. But the move has prompted fierce debate among the country's top scientists. Some academics are concerned any risks of the vaccine which are rare may slightly outweigh any benefits because the overwhelming majority of infected youngsters escape serious illness. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises No10, used the delicate risk/benefit ratio to advise against routinely dishing out Covid jabs to all children just two weeks ago, when the expert panel last reviewed the evidence. Other critics of the JCVI's reversal which was confirmed this afternoon argue spare doses should be sent to poorer countries, which are lagging massively behind in their roll-outs. Professor Anthony Brookes, a geneticist at Leicester University, described the Government's drive to vaccinate children as an 'obsessive ratchet' and said 12-year-olds could be 'the next target'. The JCVI will continue reviewing data before pressing ahead with any move to jab younger children. However, advocates for vaccinating children warn it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population immunity without inoculating under-18s. One top expert told MailOnline they were 'annoyed' and believed the programme should have started sooner. And a group of hardline scientists representing Independent SAGE called the delay 'unacceptable', arguing it was 'too little, too late'. The major safety concern surrounding giving Covid vaccines to children centres around a heart condition called myocarditis, which UK regulators accept is a potential side effect of Pfizer's jab which will be the only one given to youngsters for now. The issue is much more common after the second dose, which has prompted UK health chiefs to only commit to giving 16 and 17 year olds their initial jab. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests that there are 9.8 cases of myocarditis reported among 12 to 17 year old boys for every million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose. Around one in 14,500 12- to 17-year-olds given two doses of Pfizer's or Moderna's mRNA-based vaccines are thought to develop the rare heart condition myocarditis, according to the Centers for Disease Protection and Control (CDC). However the proportion of children who are saved from being hospitalised after both doses is higher in all age groups While infections are significantly higher in younger age groups in the UK, hospitalisations and deaths from Covid are far lower in youngsters despite them not having received the vaccine Chart shows: The proportion of hospital admissions in each age group. Just 1.1 per of all people admitted to hospital with Covid since England were newborns to five-year-olds and only 0.8 per cent were aged six to 17 Graph shows the proportion of people in each age group who had received one Covid jab (light blue) and who were fully immunised (dark blue) Top graph: Data from June 24 to July 12 (red bars), gathered by Imperial researchers as part of the REACT study, shows that infection rates were highest in five to 24-year-olds. Half of all Covid infections were in this group, despite them making up just 25 per cent of the population. Nine times more children aged 13 to 17 tested positive in the most recent testing window compared to rates from May 20 to June 7 (yellow bars). Bottom graph: Figures also show that infection rates were highest in London, where 0.94 per cent tested positive by July 12, up from just 0.13 per cent in the previous study period While little is known about the effects of long Covid on children, a study by Imperial College released today showed most symptoms in older (12- to 17-year-olds) and younger (12-year-olds and younger) children clear up before six days Some experts say vaccine doses should be sent to more vulnerable adults in poorer countries, which are lagging massively behind in their roll-outs, before they are used on children here. Graph shows: The proportion of adults given first doses (orange + green) and second doses (orange) in countries around the world Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, deputy chief medical officer for England, today announces 16- to 17-year-olds will be given the vaccine Schools should not be responsible for promoting or policing jabs for pupils, union says Schools should not have any responsibility for promoting, enforcing or policing vaccination of pupils, a union has said. School leaders' union NAHT said UK policy on jabs for children should be led by clinicians. Paul Whiteman, NAHT general secretary, said: 'The debate about whether or not to vaccinate older children has been raging for many weeks. NAHT has always said that UK policy on child vaccination should be led by clinicians. 'To the extent that any such policy is controversial it is clear that schools should not carry any responsibility for vaccination promotion, enforcement or policing.' He said Covid remains a worry for school leaders, given the large numbers of absences related to the virus last term. A record 1.13million children in England were out of school for Covid related reasons towards the end of term, recent Government figures showed. The figures included 994,000 children self-isolating due to a possible contact with a Covid case, 48,000 pupils with a confirmed case of coronavirus, and 33,300 with a suspected case. A further 50,700 pupils were off as a result of school closures due to Covid-related reasons, the Department for Education (DfE) statistics showed. Mr Whiteman said: 'Regardless of the extent that young people might suffer directly from the virus, the large numbers of pupils absent from school at the end of last term showed that Covid still has the power to affect the quality and continuity of the education they receive. 'That is a continuing worry for school leaders. 'Pupils will return to schools next month, and the Government needs to take every possible step to prevent transmission of the virus amongst people in school communities, no matter their age. 'As ever, it will be a matter of public confidence in whatever these measures are deemed to be, so the Government also has a duty to communicate carefully and clearly in order to avoid any more unnecessary disruption and missed education for pupils.' Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said extending the jabs rollout would reduce disruption to schooling. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: 'Anything that gives the reassurance to young people that they are being treated in the way that the adult population is and that their education won't be disrupted to the extent it has been that has to be welcomed. 'I'm sure many parents, with their youngsters, will think at last we're starting to give a real sense of priority to young people's education.' He said generally he thinks 'young people feel they've been let down educationally'. He added: 'If this is one way we can get rid of that disruption I think we will see a great sense of a lot of young people, not all, but a lot of young people thinking, 'Actually, I'm going to have the vaccine, just like my mum or my dad has'.' Mr Barton suggested vaccination for younger pupils could also be considered. Advertisement But US officials, who've been investigating the link between the jabs are the rare complication for months, say the benefits still outweigh the risks, despite clear data showing teenagers are more likely to be struck down. Around one in 14,500 12-17 year olds given two doses of Pfizer's or Moderna's mRNA-based vaccines are thought to develop the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Protection and Control (CDC). The risk drops to one in 18,000 among 18- to 24-year-olds. But it plunges even further for over-30s, with rates of just one in 250,000. But the US agency has not clarified exactly how much more often myocarditis is occurring, so it is not clear exactly how much risk is posed by the vaccine. In real terms, they expect to see between 56 and 69 cases of myocarditis per 1million doses given out among the youngest age group. Under the same circumstances, just two deaths will be prevented with Covid-infected children facing roughly a one in 500,000 risk of dying. However, in a clear sign that the vaccines would have some benefit, more than four times as many hospitalisations were prevented as there were cases of myocarditis caused by the vaccine in 12- to 17-year-olds, the CDC's data show. Vaccines which are proven to be life-saving and have a tiny risk of serious side effects in rigorous analyses have already saved tens of thousands of lives in Britain, researchers estimate. Covid poses the greatest threat to the elderly, meaning the risk/benefit ratio of vaccines is clearly one-sided for the oldest adults. But a clear trend in how dangerous Covid is as people get older has led to difficult decision who to vaccinate, especially given the jabs do carry some side effects albeit extremely rare ones. For example, UK health chiefs recommended under-40s should alternative jabs to those produced by AstraZeneca, after the British-made vaccines were linked to ultra-rare blood clots. At the time, infection rates were low, skewing the risk ratio against the company's jab. Experts always said that if Covid took off again, the algorithm could change. Now that Covid is highly prevalent in the UK, some say any conversations about the close risk/benefit ratio is in favour of vaccines. But cases have actually started to fall in Britain since the JCVI announced its previous advice on jabbing children, prompting question as to whether the panel was 'bounced' into the move. Now scientists want the JCVI to release evidence justifying its decision, in particular why doses are not being offered to 15-year-olds. Experts and MPs criticised No10's plans to ease lockdown last month by warning long Covid could become rife in youngsters. But the poorly-understood condition is rare among youngsters, a major study revealed last night. Fewer than two per cent still suffer symptoms eight weeks after getting infected. Yet some of the country's top scientists say it is crucial to vaccinate children because the true extent of long Covid remains a mystery, especially among youngsters. Meanwhile, new Office for National Statistics (ONS) research released today left experts even more divided. It showed nearly 60 per cent of 16 to 17 year olds have Covid-fighting antibodies, suggesting the group already have high levels of immunity. The data suggests little need to vaccinate children according to some experts. But Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease expert at the University of East Anglia, claimed it may still be the 'correct option' even though most in this age group will already be immune. Professor Jonathan Ball, a molecular virologist at the University of Nottingham, said immunity from natural may be short-lived, if SARS-CoV-2 is anything like other seasonal coronaviruses. As plans to vaccinate children in the are due to be unveiled by No10's scientists, MailOnline asked the experts whether teenagers really need to be vaccinated. The Pros Dr Bharat Pankhania, a clinical lecturer in public heath at the University of Exeter Medical School, says the rollout should have been extended to youngsters far earlier Dr Bharat Pankhania Public health expert at the University of Exeter Dr Bharat Pankhania, a clinical lecturer in public heath at the University of Exeter Medical School, said the roll-out should have been extended to youngsters far earlier. He told MailOnline that while Covid does not pose a large threat to children themselves, they can act as 'agents' of transmission, keeping levels of the virus high in wider society and infecting vulnerable adults. Dr Pankhania added that while initial infection may not be severe in children, the threat of long Covid would be curbed by vaccines. And he said having core immunity in both adults and children would help protect against future variants that may emerge. He told MailOnline: 'I am so pleased [the rollout has been extended] and I feel I was right and the JCVI was wrong. I'm annoyed, as they should have started it sooner. 'The vaccine rollout should be expanded further to 12-year-olds and over. It's disappointing that the UK is doing it in smaller groups. 'If the vaccine is found to be protective in youngsters, then there is no harm whatsoever in having some vaccine protection in the population - we do that with flu jabs, where we vaccinate youngster to protect older groups. 'I hope the Government will further expand the vaccine rollout, but I have feeling we are not being told the full reasons for just vaccinating over-16s. It may be a supply issue and if it is, it's still better to honestly say that and explain when it is fixed we will have more vaccinated. But that is just speculating.' Dr Stephen Griffin says vaccinating children will protect them as well as vulnerable adults and the jab should be rolled out to younger groups Dr Stephen Griffin Head of antivirals and viral oncology at the University of Leeds Dr Stephen Griffin told MailOnline vaccinating children will protect them as well as vulnerable adults and the jab should be rolled out to younger groups. The virus expert from the University of Leeds said: 'It's been approved in 12 and over and I would love to see those groups getting it as well. 'The numbers the JCVI used to reach its decision have not been released, but I can't see a big different in the risks and benefits for 15-year-olds compared to 16-year-olds. Other countries have used the wider group of those aged 12 to 17. You don't want to vaccinate arbitrary groups and I worry they have decided on over-16s to allay different groups. 'What's the point in having just half of secondary school covered? They should be thinking about preventing cases and not take the risk. 'Regardless of what proportion of children get severe disease, there have been thousands of children in hospital with the virus. A small proportion of a very large number is still a big number, so it is not just about protecting others.' He added: 'But vaccinating children to protect others is not a bad thing. 'Some children will be living with vulnerable adults who can't get the vaccine and what are they supposed to do when their children go back to school? 'The risk of unvaccinated children going back to school in September is higher than last year because they have got rid of bubbles and are relying on contact tracing. They have also not made progress on ventilating school buildings in England. 'We should not underestimate the risk of myocarditis and other possible long-term side effects, but the incidence is so low and mild most of time. The US has vaccinated 9million children and its myocarditis rates are so low. So, the benefits far outweigh the risks.' Professor Peter Openshaw says Covid transmission in children and teenagers is the highest of any age group and vaccines could help curb the rampant spread in youngsters Professor Peter Openshaw Experimental medicine expert at Imperial College London Professor Peter Openshaw said Covid transmission in children and teenagers is the highest of any age group and vaccines could help curb the rampant spread in youngsters. He said: 'Infections are generally mild but some are not. Both the short and long-term effects of Covid can seriously disrupt education and leisure. 'Teenagers have not had the benefit of being naturally infected in early childhood and therefore have no immunological resistance to infection with highly transmissible variants. 'Estimates of the proportion of young people affected by long Covid varies, but symptoms range from mild to disabling and Covid may present in unfamiliar ways in childhood. Professor Openshaw, an experimental medicine expert at Imperial College London, added: 'The information that we have so far shows that vaccines are highly effective and safe in childhood and adolescence. 'There are reports of rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in young males after mRNA vaccines, but the reasons for this and the frequency has yet to be proven. 'JCVI are right to continue to monitor safety data from UK studies and from other countries, balancing risks and benefits of vaccination versus natural infection at different ages. 'Vaccination of teenagers may have a major effect on the return of Covid next winter, assuming that the rates will drop this summer. 'Full vaccination takes time, so the sooner we start the sooner this age group will be protected.' The Cons Professor Robert Dingwall told MailOnline the risk-benefit for vaccinating children is 'increasingly precarious' as you move down the age groups Professor Robert Dingwall Medical sociologist at Nottingham Trent University Professor Robert Dingwall, a sociologist at Nottingham Trent University, told MailOnline the risk-benefit for vaccinating children is 'increasingly precarious' as you move down the age groups. The Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said vaccines have to be proven to be incredibly safe to be used on healthy teenagers. He cited a paper in the Lancet today showing that people aged five to 17 suffer serious illness from Covid 'very rarely'. Professor Dingwall, a former Government adviser, told MailOnline: 'The risk-benefit ratio for vaccination compared with infection becomes increasingly precarious as we move down from 30-year-olds into younger age groups. 'As the Zoe group paper in today's Lancet shows, Covid very rarely causes a serious illness in 5- to 17-year-olds. 'This sets a high bar for the safety of vaccines in healthy teenagers. 'In 2009, JCVI decided not to recommend childhood vaccination against chicken pox precisely because this was such a mild illness. 'It is important not to overlook that precedent simply because some people think it is desirable to eliminate all possibilities of infection.' Professor David Livermore told MailOnline vaccinating children aged 16 and 17 against Covid will be 'pretty pointless' Professor David Livermore Medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia Professor David Livermore, a medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia, told MailOnline vaccinating children aged 16 and 17 against Covid will be 'pretty pointless'. The medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia said people in the age group are at very little risk of serious illness from the virus. He said school age children will have already built up a fair amount of immunity from natural infection and will continue to do so when schools reopen. Vaccines would therefore be of better use being given to countries where rollouts have not yet reached more vulnerable age groups, he argued. Professor Livermore said: 'Sixteen to 17-year-olds are at low risk of serious disease and, through exposure, are developing immunity anyway. 'We do not know if vaccine-induced or infection-induced immunity will prove the longer lasting, and to the better contributor to herd immunity. 'Given this I can see no good reason to prioritise vaccinating them. 'Limited vaccine supplies would be far better used in countries and regions with large vulnerable elderly populations who presently remain unvaccinated Australia, much of South East Asia and Latin America, as well as Africa.' Professor Anthony Brookes says the risks of heart inflammation blood clotting and potential unknown future side effects outweigh the risks of Covid in children Professor Anthony Brookes Geneticist at the University of Leicester Professor Anthony Brookes said the risks of heart inflammation, blood clotting and potential unknown future side effects from vaccination outweigh the harms caused by Covid to children. The genetics expert at the University of Leicester said the risks of vaccinating young people was recognised by the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) last month, so the U-turn in policy could have been caused by political pressure from the Government. Professor Brookes told MailOnline: 'Serious future harms [of vaccinating children] cannot be ruled out. 'This compares to the almost non-existent risk of serious harm from Covid for the young. 'The JVCI recognised these truths and the responsible balance of risks just a few weeks ago. 'Therefore, many will conclude that political pressure from government to 'reconsider' is the only reason JCVI will now be changing their position. 'So the obsessive ratchet effect continues, and we might well expect 12-year-olds to be the next target, and then everyone down to infants.' WHAT ARE THE PROS AND CONS OF VACCINATING CHILDREN? Pros Protecting adults The main argument in favour of vaccinating children is in order to prevent them keeping the virus in circulation long enough for it to transmit back to adults. Experts fear that unvaccinated children returning to classrooms in September could lead to a boom in cases among people in the age group, just as immunity from jabs dished out to older generations earlier in the year begins to wane. This could trigger another wave of the virus if left unchecked, with infection levels triggering more hospitalisations and deaths than seen during the summer. Avoiding long Covid in children While the risk of serious infection from Covid remains low in most children, scientists are still unsure of the long-term effects the virus may have on them. Concerns have been raised in particular about the incidence of long Covid the little understood condition when symptoms persist for many more weeks than normal in youngsters. A study released last night by King's College London showed fewer than two per cent of children who develop Covid symptoms continue to suffer with them for more than eight weeks. Just 25 of the 1,734 children studied 0.01 per cent suffered symptoms for longer than a year. Cons Health risks Extremely rare incidences of a rare heart condition have been linked to the Pfizer vaccine in youngsters. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) in the US where 9million 12- to 17-year-olds have already been vaccinated shows there is around a one in 14,500 to 18,000 chance of boys in the age group developing myocarditis after having their second vaccine dose. The risk is higher than in 18- to 24-year-olds (one in 18,000 to 22,000), 25- to 29-year-olds (one in 56,000 to 67,000) and people aged 30 and above (one in 250,000 to 333,000). However, the risks are far outweighed by the benefits of the vaccine and the CDC say myocarditis incidents are extremely rare. More than four times as many hospitalisations were prevented as there were cases of myocarditis caused by the vaccine in 12- to 17-year-olds, the health body's data show. Jabs should be given to other countries Experts have also claimed it would be better to donate jabs intended for teenagers in the UK to other countries where huge swathes of the vulnerable population remain unvaccinated. Not only would this be a moral move but it is in the UK's own interest because the virus will remain a threat to Britain as long as it is rampant anywhere in the world. Most countries across the globe are lagging significantly behind the UK in terms of their vaccine rollout, with countries in Africa, Southeast Asia and South America remaining particularly vulnerable. Jabs could be better used vaccinating older people in those countries, and thus preventing the virus from continuing to circulate globally and mutate further, than the marginal gains to transmission Britain would see if children are vaccinated, experts argue. Advertisement What Covid vaccine will 16 and 17 year olds get? Will they get jabs in school? And will they need to show parental consent? All your questions answered about the Government's plan to inoculate 1.5million teenagers Health chiefs have recommend all 16 and 17-year-olds get jabs, marking a dramatic U-turn. Just two weeks ago the same expert panel the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised against doing so. Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted the advice and asked the NHS to prepare to vaccinate the group 'as soon as possible'. The Government has not yet given a timeline on when 16 and 17-year-olds can start coming forward for jabs. But even if the roll-out out to older teenagers begin straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose by the time the school year begins on September 6 Officials said there is 'no time to waste' and want to give all 1.4million older teens the Pfizer vaccine before schools return in September. Detailed plans will be set out this week. At a Downing Street press conference this afternoon, JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim revealed 16-17 year olds won't be booked in for second doses just yet, with the panel wanting to wait for more safety data. The major safety concern around vaccinating children centres on a heart condition called myocarditis, which is six times more common after the top-up jab. Health chiefs confirmed that children will be able to overrule their parents and opt to get the vaccine without their permission. But experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Some countries including the US and Israel have already started, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most at-risk over-12s. As plans to vaccinate children in the are due to be unveiled by No10's scientists, MailOnline answers your questions about the roll-out to youngsters. When will children be vaccinated? Those aged 16 and 17 will be offered the jab within weeks, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said today. At a Downing Street press conference, he said: 'I want us to proceed as quickly as practically possible. 'That isn't going to be tomorrow. I don't think its likely to be early next week. 'But I can tell you the NHS has been kept informed of what's been deliberated and it has been preparing for multiple permutations and options for weeks.' Mr Javid confirmed 16 and 17-year-olds will be offered the jab this month. How long will it be until they get their second dose? The children will initially be given one dose of Pfizer's vaccine to give them 'some immediate protection from severe disease'. But the committee is yet to decide when they will receive their second dose. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests myocarditis, a rare heart condition linked to the jab, is occurring more frequently after second doses. The JCVI is looking at the evidence on whether the top-up jab is best delivered at eight weeks, as with adults, or sooner or potentially later. Professor Lim told the press conference: 'We are expecting more data to accumulate in the coming weeks. And that means we can offer advice that is the most up to date and relevant.' The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12 Even if the roll-out to older teenagers began straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose before the school year begins on September 6. Will jabs be dished out in schools? Jabs will be administered in schools, like how the HPV vaccine is rolled out for 12 and 13 year old boys and girls. Speaking to reporters at a vaccination centre in Bournemouth, Mr Javid revealed GPs and hospital hubs will also dish out jabs to children. He said: 'The way we're going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, GPs, primary care networks. Also, we will use hospital hubs.' 'And we'll be working through the existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.' But Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is expected to push for them to continue to be given at GP surgeries and NHS hubs, sources claimed. What vaccine will youngsters get? The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12. Health chiefs today confirmed it would the US-made vaccine would be given to 16 and 17 year olds. Moderna's vaccine which works in a similar way has not been given the green light for youngsters yet. AstraZeneca's injection has been linked to rare blood clots, and health chiefs have already restricted its use to over 40s. Therefore, the British-made vaccine won't be offered to children. Scientists are currently testing nasal spray forms of the Covid vaccine a method already used to give out children's flu jabs. But none of the candidates being studied have yet to make it out of trials. Which countries have already began vaccinating children? Until today, Britain was the 'outlier'. Major European countries and the US are already giving vaccines to children. A quarter of 12 to 15 year olds in the US have received two doses, while a third have received their first jab. France, and Spain, Hungary have already starting giving the jab to over-12s, while 10 per cent of children are already vaccinated in Germany. Independent SAGE members say plans to vaccinate 16 and 17-year-olds have come 'too late' A group of 18 scientists including Independent SAGE members today slammed plans to vaccinate 16 and 17-year-olds as coming too late. They said it would be impossible to get the group fully inoculated before the start of term because of the required eight-week gap between doses. The JCVI today announced the Pfizer vaccine would be offered to all 16 to 17-year-olds, in a dramatic U-turn after saying last month it was ethically challenging. They said the age group would be able to get the first dose, but they were waiting for further data before also approving the second dose. Concerns have been raised over a very rare heart condition that has been linked to the Pfizer jab. But Britain's medical regulator says most cases are 'very mild' and cured after a period of rest. Ministers accepted the recommendation, and the NHS is now preparing to dish out the jabs to the younger age groups as soon as possible. They hope to head off a surge in cases expected in the Autumn when schools return. Independent SAGE expert Professor Christina Pagel said: 'While it is really good news that 16 and 17-year-olds can now benefit from the protection given by the highly effective vaccine, an opportunity to fully vaccinate students before the start of the next school term has been missed. 'This same decision even a month earlier would have allowed this.' Epidemiologist at Queen Mary University Dr Deepti Gurdasani said: 'The decision from the JCVI is welcome, but the delay in this is unacceptable, given the Pfizer vaccine was approved by the MHRA in 16-year-olds in December, and the benefit vs risk has been clear for a while. 'The late change means that many in this age group have been infected over the past weeks, with several developing chronic illness, when they could have been vaccinated.' They have today submitted a paper to prestigious medical journal The Lancet calling on the JCVI to release its analysis that showed jabs could now be dished out to younger groups. Advertisement Meanwhile, Canada, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Switzerland, are expected to start giving youngsters jabs soon. Israel approved the jabs for over-12s in May and subsequently approved it for 5 to 11-year-olds. Have the vaccines been trialled on children? The companies that make the vaccines, as well as other scientists, have studied how safe they are among children. Pfizer and Moderna found their jab poses little risk in over-12s and are now trialling the injection in under-11s. Rigorous analysis also revealed the jabs were effective. The JCVI said a trial of 1,000 12 to 15-year-olds who received the Pfizer jab found it to be effective and only cause short-term side effects like a fever. University of Oxford scientists are testing the AstraZeneca jab on children aged six to 17. Do children get ill with Covid? Most children who get infected have no or mild symptoms. Fewer than 30 under-18s have died of Covid in the UK since the pandemic began which scientists say is the equivalent of around one in 500,000 who get infected. And a major study last night revealed just one in 50 develop symptoms which persist for longer than eight weeks. So, what are the benefits of vaccinating children? Scientists claim vaccinating children will curb the spread of the virus, with younger adults known to have fuelled Britain's third wave. Rolling out jabs to children, advocates insist, minimise the numbers having to take days off school to self-isolate. Others say it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population immunity without inoculating under-18s. Building up immunity now, before children return to classrooms in the autumn, will help keep infections down. This is because vaccinating children can cause 'knock on benefits across the whole population', Imperial College London researchers say. So what are the potential risks? Since the vaccine roll-out has been expanded to children around the world, there have been reports of rare heart conditions: myocarditis and pericarditis. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is when the protective layer around the heart gets inflamed. Data from the US shows those aged 12-17 are at the most risk of developing the heart problem after a Covid jab, compared to other age groups. In that group, 10 cases of myocarditis were reported per million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose. Most people recovered quickly. There are no specific causes of the conditions but they are usually triggered by a virus. The British Heart Foundation says in some cases, myocarditis can affect the heart's electrical system, stopping it from pumping properly. 'This can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia,' it claims. But British regulators insist the 250 cases seen among Pfizer recipients are 'typically mild'. Affected patients recover 'within a short time with standard treatment'. What explains the sudden U-turn? Ministers had urged the JCVI to keep reviewing its decision and were keen to expand the roll-out to children. No major new evidence has emerged, but the committee said they now 'have more certainty' that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. Crucially, they are reassured that the side-effect of heart inflammation is extremely rare. Data from the UK shows it affects just one in 100,000 people and most make a full recovery. The situation has also changed because high vaccine uptake in adults mean the UK's epidemic is increasingly concentrated in un-jabbed teenagers. Will parents have to give consent for the jabs? It has been one of the most controversial issues surrounding the roll-out, but health chiefs said today that parents will not be able to decide whether their child gets the vaccine. Professor Lim said: 'In the UK a person who is 16 years and above is deemed able to consent for themselves. 'If they are competent and able to consent for themselves, then that consent holds.' This means children will be able to overrule their own parents if they disagree. Government sources had claimed last night that under-18s wanting the jab would have to provide proof of parental consent. But hinting at the JCVI's stance, universities minister Michelle Donelan would not confirm that would be the case when quizzed about the move this morning. Will more young people be offered the vaccine? As it stands, at-risk 12 to 15-year-olds are already eligible for the vaccine. But health chiefs hinted that more people in this age group could be offered the jab in the future. Children in that age group are already eligible if they have a severe neurodisability, Down's syndrome, underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression, profound or multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities, or those who are on the learning disability register. But Professor Van-Tam said: 'We have asked the JCVI to continue to review that list on an ongoing basis and my sense is that it is more likely rather than less likely that that risk will broaden over time as data becomes available.' The JCVI said they are reviewing the evidence and want to 'go very carefully and very safely' before recommending it to more children. The jabs are not currently licenced for under-12s, so use in young children is not on the horizon. Will children be incentivised to come forward? It is not yet clear what, if any, incentives will be offered to older teens to encourage them to get vaccinated. But with younger adults being offered discounts for takeaways and taxis, ministers may make offerings to 16 and 17-year-olds. Asked whether teens could be offered cash to come forward, Ms Donelan refused to rule it out. She said: 'We look at a variety of mechanisms to encourage young people. 'I think the biggest incentive is to protect their own health and protect the health of their friends and their loved ones and we are seeing young people come forward every day and get vaccinated. 'But we will keep everything on the table and review all options for incentivising everybody to get the vaccine.If cash for jabs was offered, the Government would be following in the footstep of US President Joe Biden, who told states to offer $100 (71) to newly vaccinated people to encourage more to come forward. Boris Johnson is 'missing in action' in the war to defeat climate change, Labour leader Keir Starmer claimed today. He accused the Prime Minister of a failure of leadership ahead of a major UN environmental conference the UK is hosting in November. COP26 takes place in Glasgow in less than 100 days' time and the Opposition Leader accused the Government of lacking ambition ahead of the meeting of senior world leaders. Speaking on a visit to Glasgow today, Sir Keir said: 'The UK needs to show leadership, leadership from the Prime Minister, at the moment he is missing in action. 'We need the ability to build coalitions, to bring the world together, and we need to show we are keeping to our obligations.' He argued skills in 'international diplomacy and bringing people together in a coalition' were needed to achieve this, but added: 'Those skills are missing with this Prime Minister. 'He's not known for his diplomacy abroad, he's not known for building coalitions, he's actually known across the globe for his rule-breaking.' In a separate interview with the Independent the Labour leader said he would uphold a pledge by his predecessor Jeremy Corbyn to cut a 'substantial majority' of greenhouse gases by the end of this decade. Visiting Scotland today (pictured), Sir Keir accused the Prime Minister of a failure of leadership ahead of a major UN environmental conference the UK is hosting in November. Writing in the Guardian today, Sir Keir said: 'Time is short and history will not forgive a failure to act now. Yet at this vital moment, Boris Johnson is missing in action' COP26 takes place in Glasgow in less than 100 days' time and the Opposition leader accused the Government of lacking ambition ahead of the meeting of senior world leaders. Sir Keir continued: 'The preparation between now and what happens in November in Glasgow is hugely important, we can't miss this moment. The climate crisis is at a critical stage,' Action over the next decade will be key in whether climate change targets can be met, he added. 'Everybody needs to come together to deliver here in Glasgow, it is a very important moment for us,' Sir Keir said. Sir Keir is in Scotland today at the start of a two-day visit focused on climate change ahead of the November summit. 'The world is looking to Britain, as host of the summit, to deliver,' Sir Keir said. 'We cannot afford to miss this moment, but I fear we will.' Questions have been raised over what might be achieved when leaders come to Scotland, with cost-heavy projects looking less attractive in the wake of the Covid pandemic. Government insiders fearful that the proposals could add another 400billion on top of the enormous sums accrued by heavy public spending on coronavirus. Last month it was revealed Britons are set to be allowed up to five more years before a ban on sales of all new gas boilers comes into force amid a backlash over the soaring cost of the PM's 'net zero' ambitions. Mr Johnson is looking at delaying the ban by five years to 2040, in a move which would give millions of UK households more time for new hydrogen boilers and heat-pumps to fall in price, and for businesses to pump more money into shifting people over gradually. The public is set to be incentivised to buy an eco-friendly heat-pump next time their boiler breaks down - but the delay to introducing the ban means working boilers could have to be taken out before 2050, or the UK could fail to hit its 'net zero' carbon emission targets to that date. Sir Keir and Scottish labour leader Anas Sarwar during a visit to the Hamiltonhill Claypits Local Nature Reserve in Glasgow this afternoon In July Mr Johnson's climate change spokeswoman said people should freeze leftover bread, order shampoo in cardboard packaging and not rinse plates before putting them in the dishwasher. Allegra Stratton says many British households are already taking the 'micro-steps' in order to be environmentally friendly. She admits that the government is not pretending that the steps taken on their own will 'stop climate change', but says the suggestions are intended could still have a positive impact. Writing in The Telegraph, Ms Stratton says: 'Did you know, according to COP26 principal partner Reckitt, who make Finish, you don't really need to rinse your dishes before they go into the dishwasher? 'Does your brand of plastic bottle shower gel come as a bar in cardboard packaging? I bet it does. It might be freezing half a loaf of bread when you get it home, to get out later in the week, rather than throwing half of it away when it goes mouldy.' Maxwell Berry, 22, was arrested on three counts of battery on Saturday A drunk Frontier passenger screamed his parents were worth $2million after groping two flight attendants then punched a third before crew duct taped him to a chair. Footage captured the moment Maxwell Berry, 22, was duct taped to his seat while on a Frontier flight to Florida. A second video showed Berry repeatedly shouting 'help me, help' while wriggling free from the duct tape around his mouth as the plane came into land. He was arrested on three counts of battery after the incident, on a flight from Philadelphia to Miami on Saturday. The meltdown began when the 22-year-old Ohio native, who already had several drinks on the flight, ordered an additional one. A Miami-Dade County Police report says he brushed an empty cup against the backside of a flight attendant who told Berry 'don't touch me.' Drunk Frontier passenger Maxwell Berry (pictured) screamed his parents were worth $2million then groped two flight attendants and punched a third before the crew duct taped him to a chair The meltdown began when the 22-year-old Ohio native (pictured) who already had several drinks on the flight, ordered an additional drink Alfredo Rivera, who was sitting in a seat behind Berry captured the 22-year-old being unruly and scuffling with a flight attendant trying to subdue him Video showed Maxwell Berry repeatedly shouting 'help me, help' while wriggling free from the duct tape around his mouth as the plane came into land Berry was seen wriggling free from the duct tape in a second video filmed as the plane came into land in Philadelphia Berry then spilled his drink on his shirt and went to the bathroom. When he came out shirtless, crew members had to help him get a clean shirt out of his carry-on luggage. After walking around for 15 minutes, Berry allegedly groped the chest of two female flight attendants. 'He came up from behind and put his arms around both of them and groped their breast again,' the report said. Police said he then punched a male flight attendant in the face. Alfredo Rivera, who was sitting in a seat behind Berry, captured the 22-year-old while he was scuffling with a flight attendant, trying to subdue him. 'He started to get aggressive and basically attack the male flight attendant,' Rivera told Local10.com Rivera captured the moment Berry was taped to his seat, while fellow passengers looked on. Berry's head appears to be taped down along with the rest of his body as he screams 'help!' After the Frontier plane landed, the 22-year-old was charged with three counts of battery and taken to Miami-Dade County Jail - TGK Correctional Center, 6abc.com reported. Frontier Airlines confirmed the incident and said the flight attendants involved will be relieved of flying until investigations into the incidents are complete. 'During a flight from Philadelphia to Miami on July 31, a passenger made inappropriate physical contact with a flight attendant and subsequently physically assaulted another flight attendant,' the airline said in a statement. 'As a result, the passenger needed to be restrained until the flight landed in Miami and law enforcement arrived. The flight attendants will be, as required in such circumstances, relieved of flying pending completion of investigation of the events.' A Miami-Dade County Police report says he brushed an empty cup up against the backside of a flight attendant who told Berry 'don't touch me' Berry was seen scuffling with a Frontier flight attendant before he was duct taped to a chair while on a flight from Philadelphia to Miami on July 31 Passengers filmed Berry, 22, as he sat taped to a chair for the remainder of his flight to Florida Berry later retweeted footage of the incident, writing: 'This will forever be the most dehumanizing experience in my entire life. 'Many people laughed and ridiculed me as I was mistreated by staff of a PROFESSIONAL airline. 'Just to make matters worth this has gone viral on the internet and will never disappear. My life will never be' He followed the message with a series of tweets, including the hashtag #JusticeForMaxwellBerry, about the incident. 'Safe to say Im never flying Frontier again', read one tweet. 'To be clear I DID NOT GROPE ANYBODY. This is just the stupid narrative that the media is pushing', said another. He later boasted he could buy the airline and asked followers, 'Can somebody tell what the hell is funny about being duct taped to an airplane seat? I was treated like livestock'. Violent incidences like these are becoming more frequent on airplanes and at airports as air travel picks up following the pandemic. In June, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that airlines have reported more than 3,000 incidents involving unruly passengers since January 1, with about 76 percent of the nearly 3,300 reports involving passengers who refused to wear masks on board their flights. It has collected $682,000 in penalties since the new regulations went into effect. While the FAA agency did not track such reports in prior years, a spokesman said it was safe to assume this year's numbers are the highest ever. Since announcing a 'zero-tolerance policy' against unruly passengers in January, the FAA has publicized potential fines - some topping $30,000 - against more than 80 passengers. That is about three times the full-year average number of cases over the past decade, according to FAA figures. Last week two women were seen brawling on a Spirit Airlines flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta. The video, tweeted by Las Vegas Scoop on Friday, shows a woman in the aisle of the plane pointing at another woman in her seat, as people yell: 'It's not even worth it, it's not even worth it.' The woman in the seat then starts pointing back at the woman in the aisle, who starts slapping at her and points again, while the two argue. At that point, the woman in the seat grabs the woman in the aisle and starts pushing her down and punching her, grabbing her by the hair to keep her down. A man in the background could be heard yelling 'It's lit, it's lit.' They are seen brawling in the aisle, as a group of passengers surrounds them. It remains unclear what led to the brawl or whether either of the women faced any repercussions for their actions. DailyMail.com has reached out to Spirit Airlines for more information about the apparent assault. The heartbroken father of an eight-week-old baby who was allegedly murdered by his mother fought back tears today as he carried his son's casket at his funeral in Belfast. Liam O'Keefe was found dead in a house in the Ardoyne area of north Belfast last Tuesday evening. His mother Raluca Ioana Tagani, 29, who is originally from Romania, is accused of his killing as well as the attempted murder of a two-year-old child in the same stabbing incident in the home. Today, his grieving father, who is also named Liam O'Keefe, broke down as he carried the baby's tiny casket at the funeral in Belfast. Supported by friends, Mr O'Keefe wore a jumper with his son's photo on the front as he cradled his casket. Liam O'Keefe carries the coffin of his son, also named Liam, after he was allegedly stabbed to death by his mother Supported by friends, Mr O'Keefe wore a jumper with his son's photo on the front as he cradled his casket. Raluca Ioana Tagani, 29, appeared via video link before a judge in Belfast Magistrates' Court last week. She is accused of murdering her son Liam O'Keefe Mr O'Keefe, who gave permission for his son's funeral to be covered by the media, is laying his son to rest today. He broke down as he held the white coffin containing Liam's remains while mourners wore matching grey jumpers with a picture of the baby on them. So far, more than 3,430 has been raised to support the family and pay for Liam's funeral. His older daughter revealed her family's heartache after her brother Liam was stabbed 'repeatedly'. Speaking from her home in Wolverhampton, she told The Sun: 'They were meant to be having the baby's Christening soon - and now it's going to be a funeral. 'He was only eight weeks old so I didn't get to meet him. My dad is in absolute bits. 'Liam was a beautiful baby - I just can't get my head around it. We are all devastated.' The baby's mother appeared before a judge at Belfast Magistrates' Court on Friday morning before being remanded in custody. Tagani appeared from a custody cell for the brief hearing before deputy district judge Liam McStay. She spoke only briefly to confirm she understood the charges she faced and a Romanian interpreter translated the court proceedings. Baby Liam, who was eight weeks old, was found dead in a house in the Northern Irish capital Mr O'Keefe at the funeral today. His older daughter revealed her family's heartache after her brother Liam was stabbed 'repeatedly' Liam O'Keefe, the father of baby Liam, speaks to local residents last week as they take part in a vigil and balloon launch at Brompton Park, Ardoyne, North Belfast She will next appear in court on August 27. A detective sergeant with the Police Service of Northern Ireland told the court he could connect the accused to the charge. A solicitor for Tagani said he had no questions for the officer in respect of the connection. The lawyer also said he would not be applying for bail for his client. Tagani was remanded in custody to appear before the court again on August 27. Mr O'Keefe travelled from England to Northern Ireland shortly after his son's death. Speaking to residents at a vigil last week in a blue balloon-filled street, he said he was 'truly heartbroken' as he thanked the community for their support. Speaking to residents at the vigil on Thursday in the blue balloon-filled street, Liam said he was 'truly heartbroken' A local priest also offered up prayers outside the Brompton Park home in north Belfast Police forensics officers at the scene following the incident. A detective sergeant with the Police Service of Northern Ireland told the court he could connect the accused to the charge He said: 'To all the neighbours and the full community for all their help and support, I really appreciate it all. 'Holding this vigil means the world to me. I am truly heartbroken but it gives me the strength to know you are all giving so much love and support. 'Thank you from the bottom of my heart.' A local priest also offered up prayers outside the Brompton Park home. China's worst Covid-19 outbreak in a year is rapidly escalating with cases hitting a six-month high and prompting authorities to seal off a city and 'punish' local officials. The Communist Party had previously boasted of its success with gratuitous propaganda showing people returning to normal life in restaurants and nightclubs while the rest of the world suffered from the virus which first emerged in Wuhan. But on Wednesday, China officially recorded 71 new infections - the highest daily figure since January - and with incidences of local transmission and 500 new cases since July, its zero-Covid strategy is on the brink. The Delta variant is believed to have first infected airport workers in Nanjing but has now spread throughout the colossal country of 1.4 billion people. Now the tourist hub of Zhangjiajie, famed for its stunning forests and waterfalls, has been identified as a hotspot and residents have been ordered to stay inside their homes and nobody can leave the city. A boy is swabbed for Covid by a medic wearing full PPE at a testing facility in Yangzhou in China's eastern Jiangsu province. The city had recorded 126 cases by Tuesday An official with a loudhailer informs residents of the new Covid-19 infections in Yangzhou On Wednesday, China officially recorded 71 new infections - the most since January - and with incidences of local transmission and 500 new cases since July, a huge blow to its zero-Covid strategy Deaths remain low in China but the authorities are concerned about the recent uptick in infections Retribution for the allegedly lax local officialdom was swift. The city's Communist Party disciplinary committee on Wednesday issued a list of local officials who 'had a negative impact' on pandemic prevention and control work who would be punished. Zhangjiajie itself has only recorded 19 cases since last week, three of whom were people with no symptoms, which are counted separately. However, individual cases linked to Zhangjiajie's outbreak have spread to at least five provinces, according to local media. Far higher numbers were reported in Yangzhou, a city next to Nanjing, which had recorded 126 cases by Tuesday. In Beijing, where the city government reported three new virus cases on Wednesday, authorities blocked entrances to a compound where one of the patients lived, while residents reached over fences to receive parcels from delivery drivers. Wuhan, where the virus first emerged in 2019, reported its first local infections in over a year this week and said Tuesday it was 'swiftly launching' testing of all 11 million residents. The decree sparked a wave of panic-buying in supermarkets as citizens feared being shuttered in their homes in another draconian lockdown. Long lines of residents waited at outdoor testing stations in the summer heat, fanning themselves while workers in hazmat suits took throat samples. The testing has already turned up cases of the highly-infectious Delta variant which was first detected in India. Panic-buying shoppers stripped bare shelves in supermarkets in Wuhan after authorities announced they will test the the entire city for Covid-19 following the first local infections in more than a year A worker disinfects the flooring outside the inflated cabins at the pop-up Huo-Yan Laboratory set up in an expo center to test samples for covid-19 virus in Nanjing in east China's Jiangsu province Police officers wearing protective gear against the spread of Covid-19 spray disinfectant at Nanjing port A nurse takes swab samples in the new rounds of Covid-19 testing in Nanjing in eastern China's Jiangsu province on Monday China has been hit by what state media are calling the 'most extensive Covid outbreak since Wuhan' after cases of the Delta variant escaped border quarantine in Yunnan and an outbreak emerged at an airport in Nanjing After announcing last week that they were suspending issuing of passports for travellers except those with an urgent need, officials at the National Immigration Administration reiterated the message on Wednesday at a press briefing. As of Tuesday, China has given more than 1.71 billion vaccine doses to its population of 1.4 billion. It is not clear how many of those are first or both doses, but at least 40% of the population is fully protected, according to earlier announcements. Chinese companies have not publicly shared real-world data on how effective their vaccines are against the Delta variant, though officials have said the vaccines prevent severe disease and hospital admissions. In addition to the 71 cases of local transmission, 25 travellers from overseas have Covid-19 and have entered quarantine, making the total for Wednesday 96 new cases. The National Health Commission also said 15 people tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms. China has reported 4,636 deaths and 93,289 cases of Covid-19 overall, most of them from the original outbreak in Wuhan that peaked early last year. Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed a doctor who swabbed his nose during a Covid test, the bombshell report into the scandal-hit governor claims. The Department of Health doctor performed a live Covid test in front of TV cameras on the New York state governor in May last year. Off camera while preparing for a press conference, Cuomo asked the woman, referred to as State Entity Employee number two by the report, to not put up the swab 'so deep that you hit my brain', it is alleged. She replied that she would be 'gentle but accurate' in carrying out the test, to which Cuomo replied: 'Gentle but accurate, I've heard that before.' The doctor said she felt the Governor was trying to make a 'joke of an implied sexual nature'. Moments later at the press conference, Cuomo said to the doctor in front of the cameras: 'Nice to see you, Doctoryou make that gown look good.' Andrew Cuomo told the doctor who carried out his COVID-19 test last spring that she 'made the gown look good' The Department of Health doctor performed a live Covid test in front of TV cameras on the New York state governor in May last year The attorney general's report (pictured) said the woman 'found the Governor's comments offensive and that they would not have been made to an accomplished physician who was a man' What next for Andrew Cuomo? It looks like checkmate for Andrew Cuomo as pressure grows on him to step down despite his desperate attempts to cling on to power. Senior Democrats including President Joe Biden are pushing for Cuomo to resign, with some looking to impeach the embattled politician. New York state assembly speaker Carl Heastie, who launched an impeachment inquiry in March, said Cuomo has 'lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority' and 'can no longer remain in office', according to CNN. If Cuomo tries to cling on to power rather than step down, he will likely face an impeachment probe. Impeachment would be carried out by the New York state assembly which is made up of 150 lawmakers. Only a majority of votes is needed for impeachment for 'misconduct of malversation', according to the state constitution. The assembly's makeup is overwhelmingly Democrat, with 106 out of 150 seats, and a majority of 76 votes needed for impeachment. If impeached, Cuomo would be succeeded by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul. A trial would then be held by the New York senate where Democrats hold 43 of 63 seats and a two-thirds majority is needed to convict. If convicted, Cuomo would be removed from office, but if he is found not guilty, he could return to being governor. An impeachment probe launched in March is still ongoing and lawmakers are meeting to decide whether to proceed or draft articles in other areas of Cuomo's leadership relating to the nursing homes Covid scandal, cover-up allegations over the Mario Cuomo Bridge, and claims of using state resources for personal gain. So far, Cuomo has insisted he has done nothing wrong and has made no moves to step down as he tries to cling on to power. Advertisement The attorney general's report said the woman 'found the Governor's comments offensive and that they would not have been made to an accomplished physician who was a man'. Cuomo was first accused of sexual misconduct last year, but Tuesday's press conference named several new victims, and also detailed Cuomo's nine previous accusers - whose testimony investigators said they found compelling. There are now a total of 11 woman that Cuomo allegedly sexually harassed, according to the bombshell report. In one instance, an executive assistant says he groped her breast at the governor's mansion in Albany in November 2020. The governor has furiously denied impropriety and refused to resign, despite President Biden adding his voice to calls for Cuomo to go on Tuesday afternoon. The governors of neighboring Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut, plus Rhode Island, all joined in the chorus of condemnation. All four are fellow Democrats. Letitia James said all of the allegations are corroborated but she has not recommended any criminal charges against him, saying the scope of her work didn't include prosecution. There has since been an onslaught of calls for him to resign afterwards on both sides of the aisle, including from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who went as far as to call for him to be impeached. In his address, Cuomo he said he is a 'warm' person who sometimes 'slips' and calls women who work for him 'sweetheart and darling', but insisting he has never been predatory or physical in his interactions with staffers. His attorney has also released an 85-page rebuttal to the report which she says she will continue to update. 'Even on a quick first review, it is clear that the report purposefully omits key evidence,' said Cuomo's attorney Rita M. Glavin. In his televised address, Cuomo used a slideshow of images of him hugging and kissing people throughout his life to demonstrate what he described as an affectionate and tactile personality, that he says the women have confused for a sexual predator. 'This has been a long and painful period for me and my family as others feed stories to the press,' he said. 'I never touched anyone inappropriately. The facts are much different to what has been portrayed. 'I am 63 years old. I have lived my entire adult life in public service. That is just not who I am or who I ever have been.' The owners of a brand new pick-up truck were less than impressed when it rolled down a boat launch and sank into a lake on live TV. Reporter Jakob Emerson was delivering a live report on a proposed building project for WICS ABC NewsChannel 20 at Lake Springfield, Illinois, totally unaware of the drama unfolding behind him. The white GMC Sierra HD Denali, which cost around $70,000, could be seen in the background slowly sliding out of view before becoming fully submerged in just 25 seconds. The driver, who had climbed out to release the boat it was towing from its trailer, was helpless to intervene. The footage was captured during a broadcast by WICS ABC NewsChannel 20 at Lake Springfield, Illinois The white GMC Sierra HD Denali, which cost around $70,000, can be seen in the background slowly sliding out of view In the clip, recorded on July 29 at 6.20pm, Emerson can be seen standing in front of the boat ramp as he presents a piece to camera about calls to build an artificial lake in the area. But the real drama is happening in the background as the pick-up slowly edges out of view and down the Spaulding Dam boat launch. Emerson eventually reaches a natural pause in his presentation and turns to glance over his shoulder before letting out a gasp. The water bubbles as the white truck continues to sink - taking just 25 seconds to become fully submerged. The driver, who had climbed out to release the boat it was towing from its trailer, was helpless to intervene before it became fully submerged The GMC Sierra took just 25 seconds to become fully submerged (pictured being towed back out of the water) The white GMC Sierra HD Denali pick-up truck (stock image) is thought to have cost around $70,000 Fortunately, nobody was inside the pickup at the time and no injuries were reported. Sangamon County Emergency Management Office Director Bill Lee said that particular boat launch used by the driver posed risks. 'Most of them have a very gradual decline, this one seems to drop off relatively quick,' Lee told WCIS. 'It's always best to park at the top of the ramp and go down and walk the ramp to identify if that thick algae is there and makes it real slick.' Health chiefs have recommend all 16 and 17-year-olds get jabs, marking a dramatic U-turn. Just two weeks ago the same expert panel the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised against doing so. Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted the advice and asked the NHS to prepare to vaccinate the group 'as soon as possible'. Officials said there is 'no time to waste' and want to give all 1.4million older teens the Pfizer vaccine before schools return in September. Detailed plans will be set out this week. At a Downing Street press conference this afternoon, JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim revealed 16-17 year olds won't be booked in for second doses just yet, with the panel wanting to wait for more safety data. The major safety concern around vaccinating children centres on a heart condition called myocarditis, which is six times more common after the top-up jab. Health chiefs confirmed that children will be able to overrule their parents and opt to get the vaccine without their permission. But experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Some countries including the US and Israel have already started, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most at-risk over-12s. As plans to vaccinate children in the are due to be unveiled by No10's scientists, MailOnline answers your questions about the roll-out to youngsters. The Government has not yet given a timeline on when 16 and 17-year-olds can start coming forward for jabs. But even if the roll-out out to older teenagers begin straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose by the time the school year begins on September 6 When will children be vaccinated? Those aged 16 and 17 will be offered the jab within weeks, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said today. At a Downing Street press conference, he said: 'I want us to proceed as quickly as practically possible. 'That isn't going to be tomorrow. I don't think its likely to be early next week. 'But I can tell you the NHS has been kept informed of what's been deliberated and it has been preparing for multiple permutations and options for weeks.' Mr Javid confirmed 16 and 17-year-olds will be offered the jab this month. How long will it be until they get their second dose? The children will initially be given one dose of Pfizer's vaccine to give them 'some immediate protection from severe disease'. But the committee is yet to decide when they will receive their second dose. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests myocarditis, a rare heart condition linked to the jab, is occurring more frequently after second doses. The JCVI is looking at the evidence on whether the top-up jab is best delivered at eight weeks, as with adults, or sooner or potentially later. Professor Lim told the press conference: 'We are expecting more data to accumulate in the coming weeks. And that means we can offer advice that is the most up to date and relevant.' Even if the roll-out to older teenagers began straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose before the school year begins on September 6. Will jabs be dished out in schools? Jabs will be administered in schools, like how the HPV vaccine is rolled out for 12 and 13 year old boys and girls. Speaking to reporters at a vaccination centre in Bournemouth, Mr Javid revealed GPs and hospital hubs will also dish out jabs to children. He said: 'The way we're going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, GPs, primary care networks. Also, we will use hospital hubs.' 'And we'll be working through the existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.' But Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is expected to push for them to continue to be given at GP surgeries and NHS hubs, sources claimed. What vaccine will youngsters get? The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12. Health chiefs today confirmed it would the US-made vaccine would be given to 16 and 17 year olds. Moderna's vaccine which works in a similar way has not been given the green light for youngsters yet. AstraZeneca's injection has been linked to rare blood clots, and health chiefs have already restricted its use to over 40s. Therefore, the British-made vaccine won't be offered to children. The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12 Scientists are currently testing nasal spray forms of the Covid vaccine a method already used to give out children's flu jabs. But none of the candidates being studied have yet to make it out of trials. Which countries have already began vaccinating children? Until today, Britain was the 'outlier'. Major European countries and the US are already giving vaccines to children. A quarter of 12 to 15 year olds in the US have received two doses, while a third have received their first jab. France, and Spain, Hungary have already starting giving the jab to over-12s, while 10 per cent of children are already vaccinated in Germany. Meanwhile, Canada, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Switzerland, are expected to start giving youngsters jabs soon. Israel approved the jabs for over-12s in May and subsequently approved it for 5 to 11-year-olds. Have the vaccines been trialled on children? The companies that make the vaccines, as well as other scientists, have studied how safe they are among children. Pfizer and Moderna found their jab poses little risk in over-12s and are now trialling the injection in under-11s. Rigorous analysis also revealed the jabs were effective. The JCVI said a trial of 1,000 12 to 15-year-olds who received the Pfizer jab found it to be effective and only cause short-term side effects like a fever. University of Oxford scientists are testing the AstraZeneca jab on children aged six to 17. Graph shows the proportion of people in each age group who had received one Covid jab (light blue) and who were fully immunised (dark blue) Do children get ill with Covid? Most children who get infected have no or mild symptoms. Fewer than 30 under-18s have died of Covid in the UK since the pandemic began which scientists say is the equivalent of around one in 500,000 who get infected. And a major study last night revealed just one in 50 develop symptoms which persist for longer than eight weeks. So, what are the benefits of vaccinating children? Scientists claim vaccinating children will curb the spread of the virus, with younger adults known to have fuelled Britain's third wave. Rolling out jabs to children, advocates insist, minimise the numbers having to take days off school to self-isolate. Others say it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population immunity without inoculating under-18s. Building up immunity now, before children return to classrooms in the autumn, will help keep infections down. This is because vaccinating children can cause 'knock on benefits across the whole population', Imperial College London researchers say. So what are the potential risks? Since the vaccine roll-out has been expanded to children around the world, there have been reports of rare heart conditions: myocarditis and pericarditis. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is when the protective layer around the heart gets inflamed. Data from the US shows those aged 12-17 are at the most risk of developing the heart problem after a Covid jab, compared to other age groups. In that group, 10 cases of myocarditis were reported per million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose. Most people recovered quickly. There are no specific causes of the conditions but they are usually triggered by a virus. The British Heart Foundation says in some cases, myocarditis can affect the heart's electrical system, stopping it from pumping properly. 'This can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia,' it claims. But British regulators insist the 250 cases seen among Pfizer recipients are 'typically mild'. Affected patients recover 'within a short time with standard treatment'. What explains the sudden U-turn? Ministers had urged the JCVI to keep reviewing its decision and were keen to expand the roll-out to children. No major new evidence has emerged, but the committee said they now 'have more certainty' that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. Crucially, they are reassured that the side-effect of heart inflammation is extremely rare. Data from the UK shows it affects just one in 100,000 people and most make a full recovery. The situation has also changed because high vaccine uptake in adults mean the UK's epidemic is increasingly concentrated in un-jabbed teenagers. Will parents have to give consent for the jabs? It has been one of the most controversial issues surrounding the roll-out, but health chiefs said today that parents will not be able to decide whether their child gets the vaccine. Professor Lim said: 'In the UK a person who is 16 years and above is deemed able to consent for themselves. 'If they are competent and able to consent for themselves, then that consent holds.' This means children will be able to overrule their own parents if they disagree. Government sources had claimed last night that under-18s wanting the jab would have to provide proof of parental consent. But hinting at the JCVI's stance, universities minister Michelle Donelan would not confirm that would be the case when quizzed about the move this morning. Will more young people be offered the vaccine? As it stands, at-risk 12 to 15-year-olds are already eligible for the vaccine. But health chiefs hinted that more people in this age group could be offered the jab in the future. Children in that age group are already eligible if they have a severe neurodisability, Down's syndrome, underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression, profound or multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities, or those who are on the learning disability register. But Professor Van-Tam said: 'We have asked the JCVI to continue to review that list on an ongoing basis and my sense is that it is more likely rather than less likely that that risk will broaden over time as data becomes available.' The JCVI said they are reviewing the evidence and want to 'go very carefully and very safely' before recommending it to more children. The jabs are not currently licenced for under-12s, so use in young children is not on the horizon. Will children be incentivised to come forward? It is not yet clear what, if any, incentives will be offered to older teens to encourage them to get vaccinated. But with younger adults being offered discounts for takeaways and taxis, ministers may make offerings to 16 and 17-year-olds. Asked whether teens could be offered cash to come forward, Ms Donelan refused to rule it out. She said: 'We look at a variety of mechanisms to encourage young people. 'I think the biggest incentive is to protect their own health and protect the health of their friends and their loved ones and we are seeing young people come forward every day and get vaccinated. 'But we will keep everything on the table and review all options for incentivising everybody to get the vaccine.' If cash for jabs was offered, the Government would be following in the footstep of US President Joe Biden, who told states to offer $100 (71) to newly vaccinated people to encourage more to come forward. Advertisement The historic home of Charles Darwin could become a vegan museum dedicated to 'animal empathy' - if the owners donate it to PETA. Animal charity PETA has penned a letter to the owners of the famous biologist's Ramsgate cottage urging them to consider turning it into a space dedicated to animal rights. The Grade II listed home is where Mr Darwin studied barnacles as part of his ground-breaking scientific research which paved the way for modern understanding of human evolution. PETA's founder Ingrid Newkirk wrote in the letter: 'While the theory of evolution is Darwin's legacy, many people don't know that this groundbreaking theory laid much of the foundation for modern animal rights, changing our perception of other animals and illuminating the fact that humans are animals. The holiday home of Charles Darwin could become a vegan museum for 'animal empathy' - if the owners donate it to PETA PETA have asked the estate agents if they would consider donating the home, with a stunning view of the sea, to the charity 'It is because of Darwin's research that people started to realise that other animals are like us in all the ways that matter - we all feel pain, engage in play, parent, and experience emotions such as joy, love, loneliness, and fear. 'This led to the understanding that all animals should be treated with compassion and respect and that the exploitation of others is an evil to overcome.' The letter adds: 'Darwin once wrote, 'I have all my life been a strong advocate for humanity to animals'.' The museum would be home to exhibits where science-lovers could learn how Darwin laid the foundation for legislation to regulate experiments on animals in England. Some of his work led to new laws created to reduce animals' suffering, and Darwin also campaigned against cruel steel-jaw traps used by game wardens and fur trappers that crush animals' limbs. PETA says Darwins theory of evolution established humans as just one animal among many which they call 'the very foundation of the modern animal rights movement'. In a letter written to the estate agents who are selling Darwin's property (right), PETA president Ingrid Newkirk (pictured left) said it is because of Darwin's research that people started to realise 'other animals are like us in all ways that matter' Pictured: the patio doors in the living area lead out onto the terrace and feature some stunning sea views off the Kent coast Spacious: the ground floor of the six-storey property has a large living area with a bay window and original shutters They say the museum would celebrate his legacy by reminding visitors that 'were all part of the great orchestra of life on Earth'. The charity has asked estate agents Miles & Barr Exclusive to donate the cottage to them or sell it for a 'modest amount'. The property is currently on the market for a cool 925,000. It has stunning sea views of the gorgeous Kent coast as well as boasting six bedrooms, original fireplaces and sash windows. The Blue Plaque property also houses a grand total of five reception rooms, two kitchens and a double garage. On the exterior of the building, there is a blue plaque commemorating its former famous resident who is renowned for his theory of evolution, stating he stayed at the home in 1850 - a few years before his most famous work The Origin of the Species was published. Pictured: the six-bedroom property retains some original features, including the sash window in this kitchen The property, which is on the market for 925,000, enjoys a central location in Ramsgate and has a total of six bedrooms Charles Darwin's former home is on the Kent coastline with views of Ramsgate harbour where carried out a study of barnacles He went to Ramsgate with his family for a short holiday and carried out a study of barnacles during his stay there. Tom Parker, of property website Zoopla, said: 'This seaside property is steeped in history and was once the residence of Charles Darwin, who would have enjoyed its elevated sea views from the spacious balcony and bedrooms. 'Darwin famously spent eight years studying barnacles and the seafront location of this property would have made the perfect base for his research.' Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean has branded Andrew Cuomo a 'monster' who 'deserves to go' in the wake of the bombshell report detailing his alleged sexual harassment of 11 woman. Dean lost both of her in-laws to Covid-19 and holds Cuomo responsible after he sent patients who had tested positive for the virus into nursing homes last year. She wrote after New York Attorney General Letitia James revealed the report into his sex pest claims: 'I've always said I don't care what brings him down. 'He's a monster and deserves to go in shame. But also, please don't forget our loved ones that are no longer with us to testify.' Dean also called on New York lawmakers to impeach the governor if he doesn't step down amid the growing scandal. Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean (pictured) has branded Andrew Cuomo a 'monster' who 'deserves to go' in the wake of the bombshell report Dean lost both of her in-laws to Covid-19 and holds Cuomo responsible after he sent patients who had tested positive for the virus into nursing homes last year Dean's in-laws, Michael and Dolores Newman, both died from the virus in spring last year. The Newmans were married for 59 years and lived in Brooklyn for the majority of their lives. Her father-in-law was the first of the two to become sick, in late March, and he passed away not long after. Two weeks later, her mother-in-law caught coronavirus at an assisted living facility and died at a hospital. 'The reason I am vocal is because I'm trying to seek some kind of justice for my husbands' parents and the thousands of other families out there,' she said. 'My response is we care because they're our are family members an we are not going to give up on this.' On March 25, 2020, Governor Cuomo ordered nursing homes to readmit patients who were positive for Covid due to concerns about hospital capacity Dean's mother-and father-in law, Dolores and Michael Newman (above), are among the patients who died of coronavirus in nursing homes and assisted living facilities She has long called for Cuomo's resignation and for him to face consequences for his actions. In January, a shocking report from Letitia James' office detailed how the state had undercounted the number of nursing home deaths by as much as 50 percent. It forced New York State's Department of Health to reveal the true death toll among nursing home residents was 12,743, rather than the previously acknowledged figure of 8,711. On March 25, 2020, Governor Cuomo ordered nursing homes to readmit patients who were positive for Covid due to concerns about hospital capacity. He later reversed the ruling, on May 10, 2020 barring nursing homes from accepting patients without a negative test first. The New York state assembly launched an impeachment probe in March, including the sexual harassment allegations and the nursing home scandal. The Newmans were married for 59 years and lived in Brooklyn for the majority of their lives. They are pictured above in an undated family photo Michael and Dolores 'Dee' Newman died from COVID-19 in spring last year The lawmakers are now meeting to discuss whether to continue to seek impeachment on multiple counts or whether to only pursue the recent bombshell report. Dean previously told DailyMail.com: 'There has to be some accountability in the form of an investigation. What next for Andrew Cuomo? It looks like checkmate for Andrew Cuomo as pressure grows on him to step down despite his desperate attempts to cling on to power. Senior Democrats including President Joe Biden are pushing for Cuomo to resign, with some looking to impeach the embattled politician. New York state assembly speaker Carl Heastie, who launched an impeachment inquiry in March, said Cuomo has 'lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority' and 'can no longer remain in office', according to CNN. If Cuomo tries to cling on to power rather than step down, he will likely face an impeachment probe. Impeachment would be carried out by the New York state assembly which is made up of 150 lawmakers. Only a majority of votes is needed for impeachment for 'misconduct of malversation', according to the state constitution. The assembly's makeup is overwhelmingly Democrat, with 106 out of 150 seats, and a majority of 76 votes needed for impeachment. If impeached, Cuomo would be succeeded by Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul. A trial would then be held by the New York senate where Democrats hold 43 of 63 seats and a two-thirds majority is needed to convict. If convicted, Cuomo would be removed from office, but if he is found not guilty, he could return to being governor. An impeachment probe launched in March is still ongoing and lawmakers are meeting to decide whether to proceed or draft articles in other areas of Cuomo's leadership relating to the nursing homes Covid scandal, cover-up allegations over the Mario Cuomo Bridge, and claims of using state resources for personal gain. So far, Cuomo has insisted he has done nothing wrong and has made no moves to step down as he tries to cling on to power. Advertisement 'One that is bipartisan, one that involves subpoenas, one that involves getting the governor, his health director... under oath to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 'If it is proven that this governor has been corrupt and there is criminality to his actions, he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.' Cuomo refused to resign on Tuesday and is contesting a damning report which found he did sexually harass 11 women, claiming it omits facts and is a political attack on him despite growing calls to step down and the increasing likelihood of impeachment. James released her long-awaited report into the allegations against embattled Cuomo on Tuesday morning. It says he sexually harassed 11 women including some whose allegations were not previously known, like two state troopers and an executive assistant who says he groped her breast at the Governor's mansion in Albany in November 2020. James said all of the allegations are corroborated but she has not recommended any criminal charges against him, saying the scope of her work didn't include prosecution. There has since been an onslaught of calls for him to resign afterwards on both sides of the aisle, including from New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio who went as far as to call for him to be impeached. There has been no comment from the White House, despite President Biden saying in March that Cuomo should resign and be arrested if the report substantiates the women's allegations. In his address, Cuomo he said he is a 'warm' person who sometimes 'slips' and calls women who work for him 'sweetheart and darling', but insisting he has never been predatory or physical in his interactions with staffers. His attorney has also released an 85-page rebuttal to the report which she says she will continue to update. 'Even on a quick first review, it is clear that the report purposefully omits key evidence,' said Cuomo's attorney Rita M. Glavin. In his televised address, Cuomo used a slideshow of images of him hugging and kissing people throughout his life to demonstrate what he described as an affectionate and tactile personality, that he says the women have confused for a sexual predator. 'This has been a long and painful period for me and my family as others feed stories to the press. I never touched anyone inappropriately. The facts are much different to what has been portrayed. 'I am 63 years old. I have lived my entire adult life in public service. That is just not who I am or who I ever have been,' he said. He went on: 'Trial by newspaper and biased reviews are not the way to find the facts. I welcome the opportunity for a full and fair review before a judge and jury because this just did not happen.' The 168-report was released on Tuesday after a five month investigation by the NY AG. It substantiated the allegations of 11 women who say Cuomo sexually harassed them either by groping them or making inappropriate comments dating back to 2013 New York Attorney General Letitia James announcing her findings on Tuesday after a five month investigation. She said she believes all of the women but she cannot bring criminal charges, instead saying her focus was on determining if the allegations were true President Biden - who said in March that Cuomo should resign if the report finds the allegations true - is yet to comment but while speaking with Latino leaders in the State Dining Room of the White House said: 'Im going to be speaking on COVID at 4 oclock and will take questions on COVID and other issues after that.' He had been asked if Cuomo should resign. In his rebuttal, Cuomo said he'd never sexually harass anyone, much less a sexual assault survivor like Charlotte Bennett - one of the accusers - claiming he has helped a female relative overcome sexual abuse himself. He said that the women invariably misinterpreted his 'warm' gestures like hugs and kisses, or misunderstood compliments. After he spoke, critics renewed calls for him to resign and some suggested he should be impeached. 'My first thoughts are with the women who were subject to this abhorrent behavior, and their bravery in stepping forward to share their stories. CUOMO FACING CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND IMPEACHMENT The Albany District Attorney said on Tuesday he would use the NY Attorney General's report in Andrew Cuomo in an ongoing criminal investigation into the embattled governor as New York State Democrats plotted to impeach him. Cuomo, who denies the allegations in the report, has vowed to fight them and is refusing to step down. Now some of the most senior Democrats in the New York Legislature are planning to draw up articles to impeach him. 'Governor Cuomo must resign. The Attorney General's report leaves no room for any other acceptable course. 'It confirms that federal and state laws were broken. 11 women is 11 too many,' Senator Liz Krueger, one of the most senior Democrats in New York's Senate, tweeted. AG Letitia James did not weigh any criminal charges against Cuomo but Albany DA David Soares has launched an investigation and is asking women to come forward. 'We will be formally requesting investigative materials obtained by the AG's Office and we welcome any victim to contact our office with additional information. 'As this matter is developing and we are reviewing the document released by the AG today, we will refrain from any additional public comment at this time regarding the status of the ongoing criminal investigation by our office,' he tweeted in a statement. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has said that if Cuomo continues to resist calls to step down, he must be impeached. 'It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. 'He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately.' Advertisement 'The Attorney Generals detailed and thorough report substantiates many disturbing instances of severe misconduct. Andrew Cuomo committed sexual assault and sexual harassment, and intimidated a whistleblower. 'It is disqualifying. 'It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. 'He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately,' NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a statement. New York Senate Minority and Majority Leaders both called for him to resign. 'The Attorney Generals report clearly and concisely documents that Governor Cuomo engaged in disturbing and unacceptable behavior. 'Andrew Cuomo lacks the integrity required to be the leader of our state and can no longer serve as New Yorks Governor. 'He must heed the calls of so many New York leaders and resign,' Senate Minority Leader Michael Gianaris said. Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins said: 'This report highlights unacceptable behavior Cuomo and his administration. The Governor must resign for the good of the state. 'Now that the investigation is complete, and the allegations have been substantiated, it should be clear to everyone that he can no longer serve as Governor.' Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) released a joint statement calling for Cuomo's resignation. 'As we have said before, the reported actions of the Governor were profoundly disturbing, inappropriate and completely unacceptable. Todays report from the New York State Attorney General substantiated and corroborated the allegations of the brave women who came forward to share their stories -- and we commend the women for doing so. 'The New York State Attorney General has conducted an independent, thorough and professional investigation that found the Governor violated state and federal law, had a pattern of sexually harassing current and former employees, retaliated against at least one of the accusers and created a hostile work environment. 'No elected official is above the law. The people of New York deserve better leadership in the governors office. We continue to believe that the Governor should resign.' The 168-page report by James' office finds that Cuomo fostered a 'toxic work environment' where women were punished for reporting their allegations. It says that instead of dealing with the complaints properly, the women were simply moved out of his orbit, into different departments. The report cites 'relevant laws' as Employer Liability and Executive Chamber Policy. The Governor, who has always denied the allegations, is yet to respond to the report's findings. Among the allegations which the report says are true is that he sexually harassed a state trooper by running his 'finger from her neck down her spine' while they were sharing an elevator and saying 'hey you'. He is also said to have rubbed a state employee's stomach, ran his finger across the chest of another woman, and engaged in 'widespread pattern' of subjecting women to 'unwanted hugs'. Charlotte Bennett, who worked for Cuomo last year, told CBS News she felt 'vindicated' by the report The report concludes: 'The Governor sexually harassed a number of State employees through unwelcome and unwanted touching, as well as by making numerous offensive and sexually suggestive comments. 'We find that such conduct was part of a pattern of behavior that extended to his interactions with others outside of State government.' Non-consensual touching, repeatedly made comments of a sexualized, gender based nature. Cuomo was grilled for 11 hours as part of the investigation. During questioning, the report says he 'did not dispute that he sometimes commented on staff members appearance and attire (although generally only to compliment), and stated that, being old fashioned,.He said he uses terms like 'honey', 'sweetheart' and 'darling' and that he regularly gave women hugs and kisses - sometimes on the lips. Advertisement Uber Eats customers hoping to order their favourite pizzas and burgers are to be bombarded with calorie counts so they can 'make better choices', the takeaway giant revealed today. Britons sifting through menus for Pizza Hut, Burger King and Leon on the app will be shown the calorie counts for each option later this week. The firm which sells food from more than 25,000 restaurants wants to 'empower customers' with the update, and said more businesses would follow the lead of the three fast-food giants. Ministers championing healthy eating welcomed the move as an 'important step' to make customers aware of the number of calories in their meal. As part of the Government's war on obesity, all restaurants will be forced to display the number of calories in each meal option on their menu from April. Junk food giants will be banned from advertising online and before 9pm on TV and supermarkets won't be allowed to slap buy-one-get-one-free deals on biscuits, cakes and crisps. The drastic plans come amid a wider Government crackdown on the nation's waistline, spearheaded by the Prime Minister after his near-fatal brush with Covid last year. Boris Johnson once a vocal opponent of nanny state meddling in eating and drinking habits said being 'too fat' was the reason for his stint in intensive care. But the PM last month slapped down demands from his own food tsar to introduce the world's first tax on sugary and salty food, saying he was 'not attracted' to the idea of imposing the burdens. Uber Eats said Britons sifting through menus on Pizza Hut, Burger King and Leon would be confronted with calorie counts from next week Unveiling the move, Uber Eat's manager for the UK and Ireland, Sunjiv Shah, said: 'It is more important than ever to focus on our own health in light of the Covid pandemic. 'We want to empower our customers to make healthier choices. This is why were giving them the information they need to compare different meals and make an informed decision about what they order.' Pizza Hut says its 10-slice pepperoni feast with stuffed crust contains 2,290 calories, or 292 per slice. This is more than the 2,000 calorie recommended daily limit for women, and 91 per cent of the 2,500 for men. For those ordering from Burger King, a double whopper with medium chips contains more than 1,150 calories, or 57 per cent of the daily recommendation for women or 46 per cent for men. And in Leon, buying an aioli chicken box and baked fries contains 858 calories, or 42 per cent of the recommended intake for women and 34 per cent for men. Multimillionaire Eton-educated food tsar who wants YOU to pay more for food Henry Dimbleby and his journalist wife Jemima Lewis (left, in London in 2015) were most recently listed as living in a three-storey townhouse (right) in trendy Hackney, East London, which was bought in 2002 and sold last summer for 1.75million The man who wants to increase the cost of Britons' weekly food shop in a bid to force them to lose weight is a multi-millionaire who made his fortune selling 'healthy' fast food. Henry Dimbleby, 51, is the son of BBC broadcaster David Dimbleby - and grandson of the late war correspondent Richard Dimbleby - was educated at Eton College and Oxford before becoming a gossip columnist and management consultant. And despite his weight loss plan for the British public that includes calls for them to pay more and eat more algae, Mr Dimbleby admits struggling with his own weight and says he 'oscillates' between 'the high end of healthy weight and the low end of obese'. Before becoming Boris Johnson's food tsar, married father-of-three Mr Dimbleby made a multi-million pound fortune in April with the sale of his fast food chain Leon which went for a total of 100million. The upmarket chain, which he founded with fellow management consultant John Vincent and chef Allegra McEvedy in 2004 now has 61 stores in the UK, promotes a healthy image and is known for its halloumi wraps and aioli chicken. However, nutritionists have pointed out some items on the menu which include 'hot boxes' are high in fat and salt - while its outlets, most of which are in London, also sell traditional fast food staples such as chips and burgers. Advertisement The number of calories in every meal is already displayed on Burger King's and Leon's website. But Pizza Hut website users currently need to search for calorie counts before they can find out how health their choices are. Jo Churchill, the Government's public health minister, welcomed the move. She said: 'This is an enormously important step by Uber Eats, and the restaurants they work with, to help customers make informed choices about the food they eat well ahead of next Aprils deadline. I was pleased to see this action.' Uber Eats delivers to more than 100 towns and cities across the UK, and has more than 10,000 restaurants listed on its app. It comes after a report by the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) warned last month that hard-pressed British families will see an extra 160 slapped onto their annual shopping bill because of Boris Johnson's crackdown on obesity and plastic. They said firms faced 8.3billion in extra costs over the next three years as a result of schemes aimed at slimming the country's waistline and making the UK more sustainable. These included the Government's tax on sugary drinks and ban on daytime advertising of fatty foods and buy one get one free junk food offers. Mr Johnson has previously slapped down demands from his own eating tsar for a tax on sugary and salty food amid fury over 'nanny state meddling'. Answering questions at an event in Coventry last month, the Prime Minister said he was not 'attracted' to the idea of imposing new burdens on hard-pressed families after critics condemned the policies of Leon founder Henry Dimbleby. 'I am not, I must say, attracted to the idea of extra taxes on hard working people,' he said. Leon's founder and Oxford University graduate Mr Dimbleby was mired in criticism last month after he led the charge for a 'fat tax' despite meals at his former fast food chain being laden with more calories, salt, fat and sugar than their equivalents at McDonald's and KFC. The London chain's Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets contain more calories, salt, and fat than McDonald's' McNuggets, for example. Leon's version contain 371 calories, 21g of fat and 1g of salt compared to the 260 calories, 13g of fat and half a gram of salt found in a standard box of six McNuggets. Mr Dimbleby, who was also educated at Eton, had called for a tax to be slapped on junk food high in sugar and salt in a controversial report commissioned by No10. He said the move was essential to get a grip on the country's growing obesity epidemic, although Mr Johnson swiftly slapped down his proposals amid outcry at 'nanny state meddling'. The Government's healthy eating drive comes after Boris Johnson almost died from Covid, which the Prime Minister has blamed on his then-large waistline. Mr Johnson has since committed to losing weight and regular exercise. He also reportedly told friends 'don't be a fatty in your 50s'. The Reaper was built in 1903 in Sandhaven, near Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire A historic ship which once held the Shetland record for herring fishing and starred in TV drama Outlander is set to welcome visitors today after a 1million refurbishment. The Reaper, a Viking-inspired 'Fifie' ship, was built of oak and larch in 1903 in Sandhaven, near Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, and is one of the few in the UK's prestigious National Historic Fleet still in seagoing condition. With its two masts, weighing in at 50 tonnes and standing at 70 feet tall, it is the last of the first-class Scottish herring luggers and is from the golden age of Scottish salt-cured herring fishing. The 118-year-old vessel also has a history of appearing on the screen, including most recently in historical TV drama 'Outlander' and the 2016 film 'Tommy's Honour'. The Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther, Fife, is set to welcome visitors back onboard the Reaper today. The Reaper - the last of the first-class Scottish herring luggers from the golden age of Scottish salt-cured herring fishing - opens to visitors again today after a 1millon restoration The ship, a piece of living history, is also famed for its various film and television appearances, including most recently in 'Outlander' and the 2016 film 'Tommy's Honour' The rare fishing boat (pictured left in shot) appeared in the Outlander television show, where it was one of the vessels in season 2 found in the port of Le Havre, according to the Daily Record The iconic ship is described as a 'rare survivor' from a golden age of sail and is a 'Fifie' - inspired by the Viking longship design, which was a popular fishing vessel on Scotland's North Sea coast from the 1850s to the mid 20th century. This is thanks to its huge lugsails which stretch over 3,355sq feet. In the 1930s the Reaper held the Shetland record for a catch of 223 crans - which translates to almost 250,000 herring. The ship, a piece of living history, is also famed for its various film and television appearances. The rare fishing boat appeared in season 2 of the Outlander television show, where it was one of the vessels found in the port of Le Havre, according to the Daily Record. The Reaper's conservation project began back in 2018 under the direction of the Scottish Fisheries Museum's Historic Boat Expert Leonardo Bortolami and the Reaper's Skipper Mike Barton. The refurbishment includes a new 67-foot foremast and strengthening work which has given the Reaper the strongest hull of any 'Fifie' ever built. Installation of a new air compressor to power the original steam capstan was also added by the Volunteers at the Scottish Fisheries Museum's Boat Club, who contributed 700 hours of work to the project. The funding for the refurbishment of the ship was provided by the Scottish Government, Museums Galleries Scotland and Oor Bairns Charitable Trust, while the main contractor, Babcock International Group, also made a charitable donation. The Reaper was built of oak and larch in 1903 in Sandhaven, near Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, and is one of the few in the UK's prestigious National Historic Fleet still in seagoing condition The refurbishment includes a new 67-foot foremast and strengthening work which has given the Reaper the strongest hull of any 'Fifie' ever built Karen Seath, Chair of the Scottish Fisheries Museum Trust, said: 'The Reaper is a stunning and extraordinary vessel and a significant part of Scotland's rich national maritime and fishing heritage. 'She's a rare survivor of the golden age of sail and our booming herring industry of the past. 'The Reaper is also unusual in that, through ongoing conservation and care, she remains seaworthy and has become a striking sight at Anstruther and ports across the UK, welcoming some 180,000 people on board to date. 'We are grateful to our funders, skilled boat builders, Museum Boat Club volunteers, supporters and visitors, everyone who has made this conservation of the Reaper possible. 'It has been a true labour of love and craftsmanship and we look forward to welcoming visitors onboard during what is her first full summer in Anstruther Harbour.' Lucy Casot, CEO of Museums Galleries Scotland added: 'We are delighted to have supported the Scottish Fisheries Museum with the conservation and interpretation for the nationally important vessel the Reaper. 'This is an incredible example of conservation bringing history to life, allowing visitors and residents to once again experience life aboard the Reaper and explore the rich heritage of Scotland's maritime industry.' Tickets for a tour aboard the Reaper are available at the entrance to the pontoon at Anstruther Harbour and are priced at five pounds for adults, and it is free for children. The owner of an alpaca which could be 'slaughtered' on Thursday has called on Boris Johnson to intervene to save the 'perfectly healthy' animal. Helen Macdonald lost a High Court appeal last month to prevent her stud alpaca, Geronimo, from being killed after he tested positive twice for bovine tuberculosis (bTB). The veterinary nurse, who breeds the species at her farm in south Gloucestershire, has been locked in a legal battle with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) since 2017. Helen Macdonald has made an 11th-hour appeal to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to reprieve her pet alpaca, Geronimo, pictured left next to Ms Macdonald. Geronimo, who has tested positive twice to Bovine TB faces destruction following a High Court hearing The High Court upheld a decision that Geronimo, pictured, should be destroyed within the next 30 days After losing her original High Court bid in 2019, a district judge signed a destruction order in May 2021 to allow the Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha) to seize Geronimo After losing her original High Court bid in 2019, a district judge signed a destruction order in May 2021 to allow the Animal and Plant Health Agency (Apha) to seize Geronimo. Ms Macdonald's most recent attempt to get a reprieve for the six-year-old was rejected by a judge, Mr Justice Griffiths, who said there was a need to protect against the 'serious consequences' of bTB. The second warrant to be issued for the death of the alpaca from New Zealand is due to begin from tomorrow morning and is valid for 30 days. Ms Macdonald has indicated that she is not willing to kill Geronimo herself, so Defra will have to contract someone to destroy the alpaca. More than 36,000 people have signed a petition calling on officials to reprieve Geronimo. Ms Macdonald has said the Prime Minister may be the only chance to 'reverse the decision'. 'At the moment I don't know what else I can do. 'They (Defra) won't hear me,' Ms Macdonald said. 'We're asking Boris Johnson to intervene to sort this out and stop the slaughter order. 'The entire industry is up in arms because this really is the senseless destruction of an innocent animal,' she added. 'They have a choice here. They don't have to kill him; they could at least test him first.' Ms Macdonald claims Defra has 'lied' about the testing of Geronimo. Ms Macdonald's legal team said Geronimo has shown no sign of symptoms and should be retested. But lawyers on behalf of the government insist a third test would be 'futile' Her barrister Cathryn McGahey QC said the results of the positive tests were skewed after he had several quicker, but less accurate, skin tests for bTB, which the lawyer said were like the 'bovine equivalent of a lateral flow test'. Ms McGahey told the court that despite bTB being a disease which progresses swiftly Geronimo had shown 'not a whisker of symptoms' and should be tested again. But Ned Westaway, for Apha, which is part of Defra, said a third test would be 'futile'. He added: 'The disease can take years to progress and it is on that basis that we maintain our suspicion that Geronimo has bTB.' Ms Macdonald said: 'They have admitted in writing to doing that. 'The Government knows what's happened. 'George Eustice knows they lied to cover up their incompetence. 'Yet he's sitting there doing nothing. 'He's ignored me for three years. 'I just want him (Geronimo) to be properly tested, with an approved test, and then if he was to test positive, I'd of course agree to put him down.' TV nature expert Chris Packham has supported the campaign to save Geronimo She has said there will likely be a stand-off between herself and the Defra officers if the warrant is acted upon this week. However, Defra will have 30 days from the warrant's start date to kill Geronimo. 'It's a really upsetting situation. 'I don't want Geronimo's last moments to be of being caught by a man who will put a gun to his head before he's shot, but then I don't want to consent to having him euthanised. 'That's no choice at all,' she said. 'Asking me to do that to a healthy animal as a vet who has been saving lives for 30 years is the worst thing they can do to my mental health. 'They are putting me through hell.' Westminster insiders claim George Eustace, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, is under intense political pressure to reprieve Geronimo, but such a decision would wreck the Government's TB policy. Wildlife TV presenter Chris Packham has been vocal in his support to save Geronimo and in a tweet on Monday called on Mr Eustice to stop the killing. He wrote: 'Geronimo will be killed on Thurs. If @alpacapower refuses they'll use a warrant, bring the police and force entry to kill a beautiful animal which is not diseased. Like millions of others. FFS @MPGeorgeEustice get a grip please stop this.' A crowdfunding page set up in July to help pay for legal fees has now raised almost 18,000. A Defra spokesperson said: 'We are sympathetic to Ms Macdonalds situation just as we are with everyone with animals affected by this terrible disease. 'It is for this reason that the testing results and options for Geronimo have been very carefully considered by Defra, the Animal and Plant Health Agency and its veterinary experts, as well as passing several stages of thorough legal scrutiny. 'Bovine TB causes devastation and distress for farmers and rural communities and that is why we need to do everything we can to reduce the risk of the disease spreading.' Advertisement Governor Andrew Cuomo 'doesn't live in reality' and must resign before he is impeached, a chorus of Democrats and his accusers said on Wednesday morning after watching him deny the findings of the Attorney General's damning sexual harassment report yesterday and hole up in the Governor's mansion in Albany, refusing to step down. Cuomo was found to have sexually harassed at least 11 women, including Bennett, by a team of investigators put together by Attorney General Letitia James. She does not have the legal scope to charge him criminally, but the Albany District Attorney said he has launched an investigation and is inviting women to come forward. Everyone from NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi - some of Cuomo's most trusted Democratic allies - is telling him it's time to resign but he is clinging on, insisting he's the victim of a politicized attack by James and that his accusers either lied about him or misinterpreted his 'warmth' for sexual predatoriness. On Wednesday, Charlotte Bennett - one of his accusers - appeared on Good Morning America to slam Cuomo's response to the report and call on him to stand down. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who would oversee impeachment proceedings in the New York legislature, released a statement on Wednesday confirming that an impeachment investigation was underway and that it would conclude 'expeditiously' but impeachment articles are yet to be drawn up. First, the Assembly Judiciary Committee needs to give the findings of its investigation to the New York Assembly. The committee's next meeting is on Monday. The next step would be an impeachment trial in the Assembly. A simple majority is needed for it to proceed to the High Court of Impeachment which would consist of all 63 New York State Senators and seven judges from New York's Court of Appeals. In the event that all both the Assembly and the High Court of Impeachment vote to remove him, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would take over and serve out Cuomo's term which ends in November 2022. Scroll down for video On Good Morning America on Wednesday, Bennett - who worked as an aide for Cuomo in 2019 - said his 'apology' to her that was televised yesterday was 'not much of an apology at all'. Former Cuomo aide on sexual harassment claim: It wasnt an apology and he didnt take accountability for his actions.@GStephanopoulos https://t.co/t16e6xggNQ pic.twitter.com/8SVNN9BqrW Good Morning America (@GMA) August 4, 2021 New York Speaker Carl Heastie, who would oversee impeachment proceedings against Cuomo, released this statement on Tuesday saying an investigation was underway and would conclude 'expeditiously'. Critics say the legislature needs to act fast to remove the Governor, who has 'lost the confidence' of his peers On Good Morning America on Wednesday, Bennett - who worked as an aide for Cuomo in 2019 - said his 'apology' to her that was televised yesterday was 'not much of an apology at all'. THE CALLS FOR CUOMO TO STAND DOWN FROM BIDEN, PELOSI, AOC, DE BLASIO AND MORE President Joe Biden In March, when the AG launched her investigation into Cuomo, Biden said that if he was found culpable, Cuomo should stand down. Yesterday, when asked again about the report, Biden said he 'stands by' his earlier statement and believes he should resign. Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'As always, I commend the women who came forward to speak their truth. Recognizing his love of New York and the respect for the office he holds, I call upon the Governor to resign.' AOC and 12 New York Reps 'For the good of New York State, Cuomo must resign. If he does not, the NY State Assembly must begin impeachment proceedings.' Governors of NJ, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island 'We are appalled by the findings... Governor Cuomo should resign from office.' NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio 'It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately' Carl Heastie, NY speaker It is abundantly clear to me that he has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority. Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible. LT Gov Kathy Hochul, who would replace Cuomo No one is above the law. Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps. Advertisement She and her attorney are calling on the New York State Legislature - which is on summer break - to be reconvened to start impeachment proceedings against him, saying it's 'clear' he won't go quietly and must be removed from office. 'Based on his apology which was not much of an apology at all, he's not living in reality. It's up to us to take action. It is the responsibility of Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to impeach him immediately. He is a danger,' Bennett said. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared on CBS to say Cuomo must resign before he is impeached and that he thinks he should face criminal charges. He dismissed Cuomo's claim that his behavior is of a certain generation and said: 'He has the audacity to say, "oh, you know, I like to hug people." I mean, that's just out of touch with reality, but it's also profoundly disrespectful. 'How about saying, I did something wrong, I have to atone for my sins, I need to go and deal with my problems?"' Cuomo denies the most specific allegation - that he groped an accuser's breast under her blouse after calling her into his office in November 2020. The AG says it is credible. 'Putting your hand up a woman's shirt and touching their breast is not generational. I know plenty of guys who are older, who would never in a million years do that. Talking to 20-something year old women, asking them if theyd date an older guy and then leering at them this is not acceptable behavior, its not even close,' de Blasio said. He added that Cuomo should be criminally charged. Cuomo, in his pre-recorded video in response to the AG's report, said the women had either mistaken his comments as nefarious, lied about him or exaggerated. The only apology he issued was to Bennett and it was in response to her complaint that after she confided in him about being a sexual assault survivor, he brought it up to her in different conversations afterwards and reminded her of it. He said that he was only drawing from past experience, when he helped an unnamed female relative overcome a sexual assault of her own. Bennett said on Wednesday that the Governor blamed his victims and that the 'line of questioning' was 'inappropriate'. 'The victim blaming is not OK. When there are two women there are more than two... we know that. He has been an established political figure for so long and he rules by fear. He is scary. I was scared - I didn't know where to turn,' she said. The substantiated more serious allegations like that of an unidentified female assistant who said Cuomo groped her breast at his Albany mansion in November last year, and that of an unnamed State Trooper who claims he assigned her to his protective security detail despite her being inexperienced then subjected her to a torrent of abuse which included 'running his hand down her back from her neck and saying "hey you"' when they were in an elevator together. Another state worker, who also isn't named in the report, said he ran his hands over her 'belly'. Bennett's attorney Debra Katz said: 'At this point it's on the New York Legislature to take decisive action to impeach him. The Governor is clearly not living in reality, he's refusing to step down. His performance yesterday was belligerent and made it clear he's unfit to serve. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared in studio for CBS This Morning on Wednesday to repeat his calls for Cuomo to resign and say he should be criminally charged. He says Cuomo's behavior 'wasn't even close' to acceptable .@NYCMayor Bill de Blasio says New York Gov. Cuomo should "resign for the good of New York state" and believes he should be charged criminally. pic.twitter.com/tZurQMJhLK CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) August 4, 2021 'He still does not get it. Shockingly, he even blamed his mother yesterday for teaching him to kiss people in appropriately.' She was referring to Cuomo's excuse that he is handsy with people because he comes from a tactile Italian family. To demonstrate that trait, he included an image montage in his pre-taped response yesterday that showed him hugging and kissing men and women in public, including Rev. Al Sharpton and Bill Clinton. In March, when the AG launched her investigation into Cuomo, Biden said that if he was found culpable, Cuomo should stand down. Yesterday, when asked again about the report, Biden said he 'stands by' his earlier statement and believes he should resign. In addition to the potential criminal charges by Albany DA David Soares, Cuomo is also facing civil lawsuits from the 11 women. He mentioned one to be filed by the executive assistant who says he groped her breast, which he said was in the works already. In his rebuttal to the women, his attorney issued an 85 page denial of their claims. The report includes photos of Cuomo with women - some whose faces were muzzed, some whose weren't - as proof of how tactile he is More photos of Cuomo with women at his events, with his hands over their waists. His team says he is tactile with everyone The Governor's CNN host brother Chris - who was revealed as one of his advisors in the report - ignored the subject on his show on Tuesday. He is pictured returning to New York City from the Hamptons on Monday night, the day before the report emerged The sexual harassment report comes after Cuomo - once a pandemic hero who the world looked to for leadership because of his handling of the COVID-19 disaster in New York - was stripped of his emergency powers because of his administration's skewing of nursing home death numbers. His administration wasn't counting nursing home deaths as that but rather as hospital deaths for some time, which gave the impression that fewer people were contracting COVID in nursing homes and dying from it than was the case. It was relevant because he had signed a controversial order that forced nursing homes to accept COVID-recovering patients, even when they were still contagious, in an effort not to overwhelm the state's hospitals. Critics say he intentionally hid the true number of deaths to underplay the effects of that order. Protesters descended on Cuomo's NYC HQ on Wednesday to demand his resignation after the damning AG report. The Governor is holed up in Albany NYC Republican Mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa - the head of the vigilante justice group Guardian Angels - led the calls for him to resign The protesters held signs declaring Cuomo guilty of sexual harassment, as the AG did. He is now facing criminal investigations in Albany and Westchester He has also been slammed for writing a sanctimonious memoir titled Lessons in Leadership and releasing it last October - just before NY cases and deaths soared again in a second wave of infection and before vaccines were available. He is expected to have made millions from the advance of that book and he gave each of his three daughters $300,000 each from it. At the time, he'd kept businesses closed for months without explanation. Cuomo's office is yet to release his schedule for Wednesday. He is understood to be holed up at the Governor's Mansion in Albany. THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST CUOMO THAT THE AG REPORT SAYS ARE TRUE - GROPING, UNWANTED HUGGING AND KISSING, INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS AND RETALIATING AGAINST ACCUSER WHO SPOKE OUT 'Executive Assistant One' The report says Cuomo groped 'Executive Assistant One' repeatedly sexually harassed her when she worked for him by subjecting her to 'close and intimate hugs', 'kisses on the cheeks and forehead', 'at least one kiss on the lips' and 'touching her butt'. He allegedly referred to her and one other assistant as 'mingle mamas' and asked her repeatedly if she would ever cheat on her husband. In November 2020, he allegedly groped her breast at the Executive Mansion in Albany. 'For over three months, Executive Assistant #1 kept this groping incident to herself and planned to take it 'to the grave,' but found herself becoming emotional (in a way that was visible to her colleagues in the Executive Chamber) while watching the Governor state, at a press conference on March 3, 2021, that he had never 'touched anyone inappropriately.' She then confided in certain of her colleagues, who in turn reported her allegations to senior staff in the Executive Chamber, the report says. State Trooper #1 The report says Cuomo sexually harassed a state trooper, referred to as Trooper #1, who he hired onto his protective detail, bending the three-year experience requirement. Once she was on his team, he allegedly 'sexually harassed her on a number of occasions' by 'running his hand across her stomach from her belly button to her right hip while she held a door open for him at an event', 'running his finger down her back' while they were in an elevator together and saying 'hey you', kissing her on the cheek. He also allegedly asked her to help him find a girlfriend and said he wanted someone who 'liked pain', and asked her why she wanted to get married, saying 'your sex drive goes down'. 'Trooper #1 found these interactions with the Governor not only offensive and uncomfortable, but markedly different from the way the Governor interacted with members of the PSU who were men, and she conveyed these incidents contemporaneously to colleagues,' the report reads. Charlotte Bennett Charlotte Bennett Bennett worked briefly for Cuomo as an aide. AG Letitia James says her allegations that Cuomo harassed her with a series of comments are corroborated. Among his alleged remarks are questions about if she'd date older men, asking her help to find a girlfriend, and apparently quizzing her on a sexual assault she had endured. One of the other comments that he made was that he wanted to ride into the mountains with women. State Entity Employee #1 The unidentified employee said she attended an event with Cuomo in September 2019. After giving a speech, Cuomo is said to have posed for pictures with her. While the picture was being taken, he 'grabbed her butt'. 'The employee was shocked and discussed it with a number of friends, family and co-workers,' the report says. She also 'memorialized the Governor's inappropriate touching' contemporaneously, but the report doesn't say how. State Entity Employee #2 - Doctor who gave Cuomo his COVID test on camera One of the women whose allegations were corroborated was the doctor who performed his COVID-19 test at one of his March 2020 press conferences. She says that when he told her, in front of cameras 'nice to see you doctor, you make that gown look good,' it was sexual harassment. One of the women whose allegations were corroborated was the doctor who performed his COVID-19 test at one of his March 2020 press conferences. She says that when he told her, in front of cameras 'nice to see you doctor, you make that gown look good,' it was sexual harassment. The investigators agreed. They also said that before the test, he asked her not to swab him so hard that it 'hit his brain'. She replied that she'd be 'gentle but accurate' and he said 'I've heard that before.' The doctor said his remark was 'implied in a sexual nature'. Virginia Limmiatis Virginia Liammiatis worked for National Grid and was wearing a t-shirt with the company's name written across her chest when she says she met Cuomo. He ran his 'two fingers across her chest, pressing down on each of the letters as he did so and reading out the name of the company as he went'. The report says he then 'leaned in, with his face close to her cheek, and said 'I'm going to say I see a spider on your shoulder' before brushing the area between her shoulder and her breasts'. 'Ms. Limmiatis came forward in this investigation after she heard the Governor state, during the March 3, 2021 press conference, that he had never touched anyone inappropriately. National Grid worker Virginia Limmiatis (left) who said he touched her chest while running his hand across her t-shirt. Lindsey Boylan (right) 'As Ms. Limmiatis testified to us, 'He is lying again. 'He touched me inappropriately. I am compelled to come forward to tell the truth... I didn't know how to report what he did to me at the time and was burdened by shame, but not coming forward now would make me complicit in his lie, and I won't do it.'' Lindsey Boylan Boylan says that Cuomo made inappropriate remarks to her when she worked as chief of staff to the CEO of the Empire State Development Corporation including that he found her attractive and that he wanted to play strip poker. She also says that he physically touched her on various parts of her body, including her waist, legs, and back. She claims that once she reported her allegations, she was victimized by his team who ran a smear campaign against her while she ran for office. Alyssa McGrath McGrath was another executive assistant who says Cuomo harassed her. 'In his interactions with another executive assistant, Alyssa McGrath, the Governor made inappropriate comments and engaged in harassing conduct, including: regularly asking about her personal life, including her marital status and divorce; asking whether Ms. McGrath would tell on Executive Assistant #1 if she were to cheat on her husbandand whether Ms. McGrath herself planned to 'mingle' with men'. Alyssa McGrath (left) who worked as an executive assistant for the Governor. She says he made inappropriate remarks about her personal life. Ana Liss (right) worked in the Executive Chamber between 2013 and 2015, during which time she says the governor subjected her to sexual harassment that included being called 'sweetheart' and 'darling', and placing his hand around her lower waist. 'Kaitlin' Kaitlin - whose second name is not public - met the Governor in 2016 at a fundraising event where they were photographed together in a dance pose. Afterwards, she was hired by him in a junior position but given a salary of $120,000 - a figure so high she says it was laughed at in her interview. Ana Liss Liss worked in the Executive Chamber between 2013 and 2015, during which time she says the governor subjected her to sexual harassment that included being called 'sweetheart' and 'darling', and placing his hand around her lower waist. Ruch was a guest at a wedding, as was the Governor, in 2019 when she says he put his hands on a section of her back that was exposed by a cut-out in her dress. She grabbed his wrist to move it away and he responded by saying 'wow, you're aggressive,' according to the report. He also kissed her hands and cheek, she said. Despite feeling uncomfortable, she says she did not report them because 'for whatever reason, in his office the rules were different. It was just, you should view it as a compliment if the Governor finds you aesthetically pleasing enough, if he finds you interesting enough to ask questions like that. 'And so even though it was strange and uncomfortable and technically not permissible in a typical workplace environment, I was in this mindset that it was the twilight zone and...the typical rules did not apply.' Anna Ruch Ruch was a guest at a wedding, as was the Governor, in 2019 when she says he put his hands on a section of her back that was exposed by a cut-out in her dress. She grabbed his wrist to move it away and he responded by saying 'wow, you're aggressive,' according to the report. Cuomo then grabbed her face with both of his hands and said 'can I kiss you?' He was pictured kissing her cheek. A 'financially unsophisticated' aristocrat could be left penniless after she gave full control of her 2million fortune to her disgraced lawyer who has since declared himself bankrupt. Baroness Jacqueline Van Zuylen told the High Court she has suffered sleepless nights due to stress after handing all her money - including her divorce payout - to 'Svengali' lawyer Rodney Whiston-Dew to invest on her behalf in 2012. Baroness Van Zuylen, whose former husband was the scion of a mega-rich Dutch banking family, was promised a monthly income for life by the now-disgraced celebrity solicitor. But, she said he refused to hand her cash back and lawyers for the former semi-professional dressage rider - who says she has 'never worked' - told the court that she has been left having to 'beg, steal and borrow' to get by without her savings. Mr Whiston-Dew denied any wrongdoing, claiming he did not have access to the Baroness' money, having invested it an offshore trust with her permission while trying to get her 'to rein in her extraordinary spending habits' and 'exorbitant personal expenditures'. Judge Nicholas Thompsell today ruled that he had carried out acts of 'deceit' towards his aristocratic client and ruled that he is personally responsible for reimbursing her. Baroness Jacqueline Van Zuylen (pictured) won her case against 'Svengali' lawyer Rodney Whiston-Dew, who had vowed to invest her 2.1m fortune on her behalf in 2012 Lawyers for the former semi-professional dressage rider, who says she has 'never worked', told the High Court at an earlier hearing that she has been left having to 'beg, steal and borrow' Ruling in her favour, the judge said: 'She entrusted over 2.1 million - effectively her entire fortune - to the stewardship of, Mr Rodney Whiston-Dew. 'Less than half of this money has been returned to her and, with one exception, she has little idea of what has happened to the rest of it. 'By means of this case, she is now seeking to make recovery of her losses against the first defendant and against the second defendant, a company incorporated in the Seychelles, now called GBT Global Limited. 'The claimant's overarching case is that she has been the victim of what Mr Dale describes as a 'fraudulent scam' and which I would characterise as being most likely a form of Ponzi scheme. 'Mr Dale put it very simply. She was deceived. 'She paid over her money, not as a gift, and wants it and its fruits, to the extent that they are traceable, or compensation for being denied the ability to profit from its investment.' Mr Whiston-Dew, who said he could not attend the final hearing of the case due to stress, was 'technically made bankrupt' during the course of the trial, his barrister told the court. But he may still be liable to pay the Baroness back when his bankruptcy is over, having been found liable in deceit. Mr Whiston-Dew (pictured), 70, who was struck off as a solicitor after being jailed in 2017 for his role in a 65million tax scam, will now be made to reimburse the aristocrat 'This head of claim may continue to be enforceable after the end of any period of bankruptcy,' the judge pointed out. The final amount the Baroness will receive back has yet to be calculated. Baroness Van Zuylen was the third wife of Baron Thierry van Zuylen, a scion of a Dutch noble family who made a fortune in banking, owned a string of high profile racehorses and was a leading figure on the French racing scene for more than 50 years. After their split, the Baroness settled into rural high society in the picturesque Cotswolds village of Little Farringdon, while her daughter Allegra - an alumni of top girls' private school Cheltenham Ladies' College - went to New York to study art. The Baroness, who claimed to be 'financially unsophisticated,' said she was persuaded by Mr Whiston-Dew to transfer cash including her divorce payout, in the sum of 2,103,619, via solicitors to GBT Global Ltd, an offshore company of which he was at the time director. She claimed she was promised a monthly income for life and signed a power of attorney in Mr Whiston-Dew's favour, giving him the right to handle her financial dealings. Baroness Jacqueline Van Zuylen with her daughter Allegra pictured back in October 2010 But in 2017, after losing faith in the arrangement, she says she asked for her money back plus an explanation of what happened to it, but received neither. That same year, Mr Whiston-Dew was jailed for ten years for his role in a 65m tax avoidance scam, purportedly linked to an eco-friendly reforestation project in Brazil. He was struck off the register of solicitors the following year. The Baroness sued Mr Whiston-Dew and GBT Global Ltd, demanding the whole of her original sum back, plus compensation for lost potential investment gains. Outlining her case, her barrister Derrick Dale QC told the judge that Mr Whiston-Dew had told the Baroness her money would be put into a long-term property investment in a block of flats in Norwich and land in Essex. Baroness Jacqueline Van Zuylen says she was tricked into investing 2m in her High Court writ 'On the premise of very casual conversations, she is persuaded to transfer all her life savings,' he said. 'He immediately sets up a situation which involves him having control of everything. 'This is a complete fraudulent take, an investment scam. Her confidence is being manipulated and exploited in a Svengali way.' The Baroness, giving evidence, told the judge she had not understood the arrangement she was getting into with Mr Whiston-Dew. 'My career has been a semi-professional dressage rider,' she told the judge. 'I've not been a businesswoman.' During an earlier hearing in the battle, Mr Dale said Baroness Van Zuylen had been left in a 'desperate' situation with no access to her cash. 'She handed all of her money to Mr Whiston-Dew and, since he has gone to prison, although payments continued for a short period, she has received no money, no money at all,' he said. 'She has had to beg, steal and borrow in order to be able to survive in a day to day existence. She can't pay her rent on the property she lives in.' Advertisement A shepherd's cottage with no electricity and in desperate need of renovation, but which sits on Scotland's scenic North Coast 500 route, has gone on the market for a quarter of a million pounds. The two-bedroom house in Drumrunie, Sutherland, Caithness, Highlands, is surrounded by some of Scotland's most dramatic and beautiful landscapes with rugged mountains stretching into the distance. It also neighbours the River Runie, and is directly off the A835 - the famed NC500 route. The offgrid retreat needs a full renovation and has no electricity, but it is set within nearly six acres of land with stunning wildlife including rare and protected species on the doorstep. The two-bedroom former shepherd's cottage in Drumrunie in the Scottish Highlands (pictured) has no electricity and is in need of a full renovation But it is selling for a quarter of a million pounds as the property can be found along Scotland's scenic North Coast 500 route The Highland cottage comes with six acres of land, and there is also a timber barn (pictured) and another stone barn in the grounds Claire Macdonald of Galbraith, who is handling the sale, said: 'Shepherd's Cottage is a traditional Highland cottage in a beautiful location. 'The property requires full renovation and offers the opportunity, subject to the necessary consents, to upgrade into a modern country home or potentially to rebuild entirely. 'Given the beauty of the setting and its prime location on the route of the NC500, there is clear potential to develop a tourism business or simply to create your own private sanctuary in one of Scotland's most celebrated settings.' The plot extends to about 5.94 hectares (14.68 acres), comprising primarily rough grazing land with some naturally regenerating woodland, and is gently undulating with some rocky outcrops. The tiny two-bedroom house in Drumrunie, Sutherland, Caithness, Highlands, is surrounded by some of the most dramatic and beautiful landscapes in Scotland with rugged mountains stretching into the distance Estate agents Galbraith say the cottage has 'clear potential to develop a tourism business' or could also be developed into a private home Ullapool, about 10 miles away, has good amenities including a supermarket, primary and secondary schools, popular restaurants and cafes It also has a timber barn and a traditional stone barn with tin roof. Ullapool, about 10 miles away, has good amenities including a supermarket, primary and secondary schools, popular restaurants and cafes. The city of Inverness is approximately an hour and half by car and offers all the facilities of a modern city including an airport, train station and many high street shops. Shepherd's Cottage is for sale through Galbraith for offers over 250,000. It comes as a new initiative encourages young people and families to move to remote Scottish islands - which are popular with tourists - by offering them incentives of up to 50,000. The Scottish Government said the bonds could allow people to buy, build or renovate homes, as well as start a business, in a bid to help them live a sustainable lives on the islands. Ministers hope the initiative will address concerns that a lack of jobs and opportunities on many of Scotland's 93 inhabited islands are forcing younger locals to move to the mainland. The woman accusing Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer of sexual assault described their encounters as 'consensual,' but said he 'took it too far' by leaving her with black eyes, according to text messages released by his attorneys on Tuesday. Bauer, 30, has been on paid leave since late June after the woman filed, and ultimately received, a temporary restraining order against him. His accuser, identified by her attorneys as 'Ms. Hill,' claimed in her filing that she consented to have sex with Bauer on two occasions, but said he went overboard by punching her, chocking her unconscious, and sodomizing her without her consent. Hill's original filing includes pictures of herself with scratches and bruising on her face and lips. She also said she had bruising on her gums and near her vagina, where Bauer had punched her repeatedly, leaving her 'crying and violently shaking.' Court records obtained by DailyMail.com show she was diagnosed with 'significant head and facial trauma.' 'It was consensual but like didnt expect two black eyes!?' Hill wrote her Cousin in the newly released text messages obtained by DailyMail.com. 'Like he def took it too far dont you think lol.' Trevor Bauer, 30, has been on paid leave since late June after the woman filed, and ultimately received, a temporary restraining order against him. His accuser, identified by her attorneys as 'Ms. Hill,' claimed in her filing that she consented to have sex with Bauer on two occasions, but said he went overboard by punching her, chocking her unconscious, and sodomizing her without her consent In one text exchange, Hill told her cousin that her face was 'f***ed up' and asked the cousin not to say anything about the injuries Hill shared pictures of her injuries with her cousin over text messages The woman accusing Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer of sexual assault described their encounters as 'consensual,' but said he 'took it too far' by leaving her with black eyes, according to text messages released by his attorneys on Tuesday In her original filing, Bauer's accuser included pictures of herself with scratches and bruising on her face and lips. She also said she had bruising on her gums and near her vagina, where Bauer had punched her repeatedly, leaving her 'crying and violently shaking' Court records obtained by DailyMail.com show that Hill was diagnosed with 'significant head and facial trauma.' Pictures in the filing show Hill with two black eyes Attorneys for Bauer and Hill did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com's request for the text messages, and the filing was not yet available on the Los Angeles County Superior Court website as of Wednesday morning. Bryan Freedman, one of Hill's attorneys, responded to the release of the text messages to the Los Angeles Times. 'Mr. Bauer's defense team is deliberately twisting the tone of text messages exchanged with an assault victim within hours of her being attacked to try to minimize the long-lasting impact on her physical and mental well-being to this day. 'In case after case, the law is extraordinarily clear: supposed 'consent' of the victim is not a defense to assault and battery, especially when it results in bodily harm, but, to be clear, this victim did not consent to be punched in her face, punched in her head, punched in her buttocks or repeatedly punched in her vagina,' read the statement from Freedman. Bauer has not been arrested or charged in the case. Pasadena, California police previously told DailyMail.com that there is an ongoing investigation into the accusations. Bauer's accuser included text messages in her request for a restraining order back in June. In this exchange, Bauer writers that he feels 'so had that this happened' On May 21, three days after their second and final sexual encounter, Pasadena Police had the accuser ask Bauer for a phone call, which they planned to record. In the text exchange pictured above, Hill is seeing telling Bauer 'hearing your voice would help' and he responded by asking her if she wanted to discuss the incident Hill, 27, said she had sexual encounters with Bauer in April and May, but that both episodes turned violent. She specifically alleged that Bauer punched her in the face, vagina, and buttocks, and strangled her with her own hair until she lost consciousness. Hill was later hospitalized for her injuries. During one encounter, Hill claims she passed out and found Bauer sodomizing her when she regained consciousness. 'I agreed to have consensual sex; however, I did not agree or consent to what he did next,' Hill said in her filing. 'I did not agree to be sexually assaulted.' Hill said she was bleeding and struggling to walk after non-consensual anal sex, but added: 'In my state at that time, I did not think Trevor was a threat to do anything against my will for the remainder of the night.' The following day, Hill said, Bauer asked Hill jokingly if she was 'feeling a little sore this morning?' Hill said she told him that she didn't enjoy it and said he seemed to understand. In one of her last messages to Bauer, Hill claims she told him the best way for him to help her would be to 'never do this to anyone else ever again' Bauer continued to communicate with Hill over text messages and social media for the next three weeks, discussing baseball and her new job. Some of the conversations were of 'a sexual nature.' When the pair met again, Hill said they agreed on a safe word which she says Bauer ignored, choking her until she lost consciousness. When she awoke, he was punching her in the face, she claimed. 'This was the first punch I felt but it is very possible that Trevor had already been punching and scratching the right side of my face while I was unconscious,' she said. 'Trevor then punched me hard with a closed fist to the left side of my jaw, the left side of my head, and both cheekbones. I remember this vividly and it was extremely startling and painful. 'I was absolutely frozen and terrified. I could not speak or move. After punching me several times, he then flipped me back onto my stomach and began choking me with hair. I lost consciousness again.' Many of the text exchanges between Bauer and Hill had both sexual and violent references Hill said that she was crying and shaking after regaining consciousness and that Bauer reportedly began to console her, allegedly saying: 'You're safe. I'm here. You're safe... I would never do those things to you if it wasn't sexually.' When she returned from Pasadena to San Diego the following day, Hill experienced severe headaches and began vomiting. After speaking with friends, she checked herself into a local emergency room where she told medical staff what happened to her. In a subsequent text message exchange included in the petition and reviewed by DailyMail.com, Hill told Bauer that doctors thought the 'bruises/swelling' on her face would last another week, but that she wasn't sure when her 'head symptoms' would subside. 'I just want it all to go away,' she wrote Bauer. 'I feel so bad that this happened,' he responded. 'Wish I could be there with you through it.' 'Just grateful that you are showing that you care,' she wrote. 'I do. I absolutely do,' he texted her. 'Never want to see you hurting.' In this exchange, Bauer asks Hill 'Do you even know what pain is?' After going to the hospital, Hill spoke to multiple San Diego Police Department detectives but said she downplayed the alleged incident as 'rough sex' and did not reveal Bauer's name. 'I was afraid what Trevor would do if he found out,' Hill said in the restraining order request. 'I remain afraid that Trevor will find me and hurt me for going to the hospital.' In the document, Hill explained that she spoke with Bauer by phone at the instruction of police, who were recording the call. During that conversation, Hill said she asked Bauer: 'What did you do to me when I was unconscious?' In response, he allegedly admitted that he had repeatedly punched her in the buttocks. She said that he changed the topic when she said she did not consent to being punched. Bauer, 30, won the National League Cy Young Award as a member of the Cincinnati Reds last year before signing a three-year, $102 million free agent deal with the Dodgers in February. He is 8-5 with a 2.59 ERA in 17 starts for Los Angeles this year Hill claimed that the call ended with Bauer acknowledging that he punched her and asking how they could move forward and if he could contact her. 'I told him that he could because I did not know if the police still needed to collect more messages from him as evidence,' she said. 'It is my understanding that there is an open criminal investigation. I have not been informed whether the proper authorities intend to arrest and press charges against Trevor. 'I intend to comply with whatever is requested of me in connection with criminal proceedings,' she continued. 'As the shock has worn off, I recognize the seriousness of the sexual assault I endured. I do not want Trevor to put anyone else through what I suffered.' In one of her last messages to Bauer, Hill claims she told him the best way for him to help her would be to 'never do this to anyone else ever again.' 'I would never do anything to hurt anyone,' he responded. 'That includes you.' The California-born Bauer ranks among baseball's best pitchers and won the National League Cy Young award last season as a member of the Cincinnati Reds. He last pitched on Monday, yielding two runs over six innings in a win over the San Francisco Giants. He celebrated his impressive 2020 season by inking a three-year, $102 million contract with the Dodgers before the 2021 campaign. Prior to his successful one-year stint with Cincinnati, Bauer pitched for the Cleveland Indians and Arizona Diamondbacks. He also played collegiately at UCLA where he set a single-season Pac-12 strikeout record. The sailor charged with arson for allegedly setting aflame the 40,000-ton USS Bonhomme Richard, injuring more than 60 people, has been identified in an NCIS search warrant as a failed Navy SEAL bent on revenge. Ryan Sawyer Mays, 20, was named the primary suspect for the first time in the legal document, which was obtained by the Daily Beast and seen by the Daily Mail. Investigators were led to Mays after interviewing the 177 service members assigned to the Bonhomme Richard and several of them claimed to either see Mays around the scene of the fire before it was set, hear him say he was guilty while talking to himself or hear him express extreme disdain for the Navy. The warrant also says a polygraph revealed Mays was lying about certain relevant questions pertaining to the events of July 12, 2020, the day the fire was set. And further red flags were raised when Mays allegedly also lied to investigators about his personal life, claiming he had gotten another sailor pregnant. When she was questioned, the sailor denied ever being pregnant and said Mays was 'volatile and bipolar.' The affidavit states that Mays joined the Navy in 2019 'with the intent on becoming trained in the Advanced Electronics Computer Fields,' but 'changed his career goals to becoming a Navy SEAL.' Five days into his training, he dropped out and was assigned as an 'undesignated Seaman' abroad the Bonhomme Richard. Ryan Sawyer Mays was named as the primary suspect for allegedly setting aflame the 40,000-ton USS Bonhomme Richard that injured 63 people. Above is a screenshot from a search warrant showing an Instagram post he made two days after the fire Investigators were led to Mays after a sailor claimed to either see Mays around the scene of the fire before it was set Mays joined the Navy in 2019 'with the intent on becoming trained in the Advanced Electronics Computer Fields,' but 'changed his career goals to becoming a Navy SEAL,' according to the search warrant Above is the disastrous blaze, which began July 12, 2020, and damaged all of the ship's 14 decks Two sailors also told investigators that they 'heard Mays say (unasked) that he was guilty, seemingly talking to himself,' an affidavit reads The affidavit reads, 'According to Navy leadership, the morale and behavior of sailors who had aspired to become a SEAL, and then find themselves serving in a more traditional role on a Navy ship, are frequently very challenging.' Mays faces possible charges of aggravated arson and willful hazarding of a vessel, if the Navy seeks a court martial, though the probe is ongoing. As of now, he is in custody in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction, where he is charged with arson, use of fire to damage federal property and making a false statement, the warrant states. The ship fire reached 1,000-degrees and damaged all 14 decks, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday told reporters last summer. The ship was docked in San Diego during the blaze, which continued for four days until it was eventually snuffed out by about 400 sailors from 16 vessels, a number of helicopters dumping water from above, the Naval Base San Diego Fire Department, and multiple volunteer fire departments from surrounding cities. At least 63 people were injured, including 18 firefighters who filed workers' compensation for suffering concussions, orthopedic issues, dehydration and smoke inhalation. Sailor Seaman Kenji Velasco explained over the course of several interviews that he saw Mays enter Lower V, the lower vehicle storage area where the fire took place, minutes before the blaze started. He said that he saw a 'light-skin male' wearing clean coveralls and a facemask who was carrying a silver or metal bucket and, when he passed Velasco, the person said, 'I love deck,' a sarcastic phrase Mays had said before. Five days into his training, Mays dropped out and was assigned as an 'undesignated Seaman' abroad the Bonhomme Richard. He is pictured above in a Facebook photo with his mom Christina Mays Command Master Chief Jose Hernandez told investigators that Mays 'showed disdain towards authority and the U.S. Navy' Mays allegedly also lied to investigators about his personal life, claiming he had gotten another sailor pregnant. When she was questioned, the sailor denied ever being pregnant and said Mays was 'volatile and bipolar' Mays faces possible charges of aggravated arson and willful hazarding of a vessel, if the Navy seeks a court martial Photos show the charred insides of the amphibious assault ship Bonhomme Richard, which burned for more than four days Velasco stated that he didn't recognize the person at first, but later said he was 'fairly sure' and '90percent sure' that it was Mays. He added that Mays hates the U.S. Navy and the Fleet. Command Master Chief Jose Hernandez also told investigators that Mays 'showed disdain toward authority and the U.S. Navy,' and days before the fire had lashed out at a contractor who confronted him for sleeping during his duty day, the affidavit reads. Days after the blaze, Velasco said he questioned Mays on whether he went to Lower V before the fire started and Mays said he had. May's friend, Matthew Gonzalez, said he was there during the interaction and that Mays look uncomfortable when asked the question. Two Master-at-Arms sailors told investigators that they 'heard Mays say (unasked) that he was guilty, seemingly talking to himself,' according to the search warrant. Following their reveal, Mays was arrested and began the booking process to be turned over to the Marine Corps. Air Station. Investigators told Mays that soldiers saw him enter the lower deck before the fire and he responded by saying he was being 'set up,' the affidavit reads. When Mays was asked, along with his soldiers, about his first thoughts on learning about the fire, he allegedly said he felt a 'small amount of adrenaline and anxiety.' On June 14, 2020 two days after the fire Mays posted a photo of himself on Instagram with the caption, 'I love the smell of napalm in the morning.' Pressed by investigators about it, Mays said it was a reference to Apocalypse Now, the Francis Ford Coppola film about the Vietnam War. Mays also was asked about the alleged self-incriminating comments the sailors said they heard him make, but he denied ever making them and agreed to take a polygraph. According to the affidavit, 'deception was indicated' during the test in response to a number of relevant questions pertaining to the events of the fire. When he was told about the polygraph results, Mays 'became extremely upset and denied any involvement in starting the fire,' the affidavit says. Investigators also noted a number of red flags raised from Mays' personal life, including a lie that he broke up with a female sailor after learning she was pregnant with another man. Investigators 'later learned this was mostly contradicted by the female sailor' in question, the warrant said. That sailor, U.S. Sailor Petty Officer Third Class Armelle Ane, said that Mays told everyone that she was pregnant and he was the father, but she said she never was pregnant and even got a test to prove it to people. She also told investigators that Mays is 'volatile and bipolar,' according to the search warrant. The affidavit states, however, that Mays gave authorities contradicting statements about where he kept his computer, 'possibly for the purpose of frustrating the investigation,' before investigators found it. They also seized his iPhone, searched his car and apartment, and swabbed his cheek for a DNA sample. However, his DNA has not been a match for DNA found at the scene as of now. Meanwhile, the Bonhomme Richard, which was awaiting a $250 million upgrade before the fire, was scrapped in November after repairs were estimated at $3.2billion. The ship originally cost $750 million when it was built in 1998, which is roughly $1.2 billion today. This is just one of the several sexual assault allegations made against the governor who furiously denies impropriety and refuses to resign from office She claimed she 'was shaking so much during this interaction' that the photos came out blurry The assistant, who has not been identified, says Cuomo 'moved his hand to grab her butt cheek and began to rub it' while she took the photo A selfie released in the official report into sexual harassment allegations against NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo shows him smirking after allegedly groping an assistant A selfie taken moments after Andrew Cuomo allegedly groped an executive assistant's butt at his home shows New York's governor with gleaming eyes and a broad smirk. Cuomo allegedly asked the woman assistant, whose identity remains anonymous, to take a selfie with him while they worked together at his office in the Executive Mansion in Albany on December 31, 2019. As she held up the camera, Cuomo allegedly 'moved his hand to grab her butt cheek and began to rub it' for at least five seconds. The assistant claims she was 'was shaking so much during this interaction' that the photos came out blurry and Cuomo suggested the two sit down to take one more, the document says. That photo, showing Cuomo smirking while he sits back on a couch with the aide, is included in the report. The governor then allegedly told her to send the snap to another aide, Alyssa McGrath - who has also accused Cuomo of sexual harassment - and said 'not to share the photograph with anyone else.' The aide testified that she 'did not know why the Governor wanted her to send the photograph to Ms. McGrath, but guessed that the Governor 'wanted to make [Ms. McGrath] jealous' or 'wanted to see what her reaction was''. A selfie released in the official report into sexual harassment allegations against NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo (right) shows him smirking after he allegedly groped an assistant (left) She notes that she didn't report what happened because she was terrified Cuomo's top aides would force her out. '[T]he way he was so firm with [me] that I couldn't show anyone else that photo, I was just terrified that if I shared what was going on that it would somehow get around,' she told investigators. 'And if Stephanie Benton or Melissa [DeRosa] heard that, I was going to lose my job,' she added. Benton and DeRosa are two of the governor's top aides. The unidentified staffer claims Cuomo asked him to forward the photo to another employee, believing he wanted to 'make her jealous'. He also instructed her not to share the picture with anyone else. That snap was released Tuesday as part of Attorney General Letitia James' bombshell report into the sexual assault allegations made against the governor. He release a pre-recorded statement furiously denying the women's allegations, and refused to resign. Cuomo's own Democrat party - which controls both the New York State House of Representatives and Senate - have vowed to launch impeachment proceedings to try and get rid of him, with President Biden also calling for him to quit. The report was released Tuesday by Attorney General Letitia James (pictured) and outlines several instances of alleged harassment Cuomo admitted that he and the staffer took a photo together, but said it was her idea, because 'he does not like to take selfies.' The report also alleged that Cuomo routinely engaged in a pattern of impropriate conduct towards the same assistant, beginning back in late 2019. The report says Cuomo repeatedly sexually harassed when she worked for him by subjecting her to 'close and intimate hugs', 'kisses on the cheeks and forehead', 'at least one kiss on the lips' and 'touching her butt'. He allegedly referred to her and one other assistant as 'mingle mamas' and asked her repeatedly if she would ever cheat on her husband. In one instance outlined in the report, the assistant claims Cuomo groped her breast at the Executive Mansion in November 2019. She was summoned to the mansion under the pretext of having to assist Cuomo with a technical issue involving his phone, a source familiar with the incident previously reported. The pair were alone together on the second floor of the residence when Cuomo allegedly closed the door, reached under the assistant's blouse and began to fondle her. Cuomo, (pictured) who has formally been accused of sexually harassing eleven women, furiously denied impropriety and refused to resign from office 'You're going to get us in trouble,' the woman said she told Cuomo, who replied, 'I don't care,' according to the report. 'His demeanor 'wasn't like 'ha ha,' it was like, 'I don't care.' . . . It was like in this - at that moment he was sexually driven. I could tell and the way he said it, I could tell,' the woman testified. The governor then 'slid his hand up her blouse, and grabbed her breast, cupping her breast over her bra,' the report alleges. The assistant had reportedly asked Cuomo to stop. For over three months, the woman kept the groping incident to herself, planning to 'take it to the grave'. However, she ended up 'becoming emotional (in a way that was visible to her colleagues in the Executive Chamber) while watching the Governor state, at a press conference on March 3, 2021, that he had never 'touched anyone inappropriately''. She then confided in certain of her colleagues, who in turn reported her allegations to senior staff in the Executive Chamber, the report says. The executive assistant claims Cuomo told her to send the selfie to another staffer, Alyssa McGrath (pictured). McGrath has also accused the governor of sexual harassment The attorney general's report outlines a slew of accusations against Cuomo, including some made by McGrath, the alleged recipient of the smirking selfie. McGrath, 35, was the first current employee to accuse Cuomo, and works as an executive assistant. 'In his interactions with another executive assistant, Alyssa McGrath, the Governor made inappropriate comments and engaged in harassing conduct, including: regularly asking about her personal life, including her marital status and divorce; asking whether Ms. McGrath would tell on Executive Assistant #1 if she were to cheat on her husband - and whether Ms. McGrath herself planned to 'mingle' with men'. She also claimed he looked down her shirt to compliment her on her necklace, told her that she's beautiful in Italian and kissed her on the forehead during an office Christmas party in 2019. Cuomo is also accused of fondling a state trooper and sexually harassing a doctor while she administered his COVID-19 test on camera, among other things. Senior Department of Justice officials last year rejected a colleague's request that they ask lawmakers in Georgia to investigate President Biden's election victory there, as former President Trump's supporters sought ways to overturn his election defeat, according to newly released emails. The communications, from late December, show how the former acting head of the DOJ's civil division Jeffrey Clark circulated a draft letter urging Georgia to look into claims of irregularities, according to ABC News. The draft, dated Dec. 28, began by claiming the DOJ was investigating 'various irregularities.' 'In light of these developments, the Department recommends that the Georgia General Assembly should convene in special session so that its legislators are in a position to take addition testimony, receive new evidence, and deliberate on the matter consistent with its duties under the constitution. 'Time is of the essence,' it says pointing out that certification at the U.S. Congress is due to begin on Jan. 6. It was sent to acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen and acting deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue, who rebuffed the request, saying there was no evidence that any irregularities would change the outcome. Acting head of the DOJ's civil division Jeffrey Clark was touted in December for higher things by then President Trump, just before he urged colleagues to write to Georgia lawmakers recommending they investigate the results of the 2020 election in their state The draft letter was sent to acting AG Jeffrey Rosen and acting Deputy AG Richard Donoghue on Dec. 28. They both rejected the request Georgia became one of the key post-election battlegrounds for Trump and his allies as they claimed he had been cheated of victory. The extent of their pressure, and the way the former president tried to use the DOJ to press his case, has emerged in the weeks and months since Trump's defeat. Before leaving office Trump pressured Georgia's Republican secretary of state to 'find' enough votes to reverse the result, according to a recording of a telephone call that surfaced in January. And notes from a December phone conversation with senior DOJ officials reveal how Trump tried to get them to declare the 2020 election 'corrupt.' 'We have an obligation to tell people that this was an illegal, corrupt election,' Trump is quoted as saying. They refused, according to documents passed to a House committee. In the same call, Trump appeared to threaten a leadership overhaul in the department and suggested Trump also appeared to threaten a leadership shakeup in his final days in office, suggesting he might promote Clark. 'People tell me Jeff Clark is great, I should put him in. People want me to replace DOJ leadership,' Trump said, according to the notes. That phone call came a day before Clark circulated his draft letter in an email to Rosen and Donoghue. A day before the email was sent, a recording captured President Trump on the telephone with senior DOJ officials urging them to declare the 2020 election to be 'corrupt' 'We have an obligation to tell people that this was an illegal, corrupt election,' according to notes on Trump call with DOJ officials in December last year He told them he thought they should 'get it out as soon as possible.' 'Personally, I see no valid downsides to sending out the letter,' he wrote. 'I put it together quickly and would want to do a formal cite check before sending but I don't think we should let unnecessary moss grow on this.' But his request received short shrift as 'not even within the realm of possibility,' according to Donoghue. 'There is no chance that I would sign this letter or anything remotely like this,' he wrote. 'While it maybe true that the Department "is investigating various irregularities in the 2020 election for President" (something we typically would not state publicly) the investigations that I am aware of relate to suspicions of misconduct that are of such a small scale that they simply would not impact the outcome of the Presidential Election.' Donoghue made his case by pointing out that former Attorney General William Barr had said a week earlier the department had no evidence that fraud had affected the election's outcome, and that nothing had changed since Barr resigned. Rosen responded later, saying: 'I confirmed again today that I am not prepared to sign such a letter.' Matthew Kirby, 16, faces an attempted murder charge for allegedly attacking a 14-year-old boy, beating him unconscious and leaving him naked in the woods A 16-year-old Florida boy has been charged with attempted murder after he allegedly dragged a disabled 14 year-old boy into the woods, stripped him naked and beat him unconscious before leaving him for dead. The suspect, identified as Matthew Kirby, of Leesburg, allegedly admitted to investigators that his goal was to kill the 14-year-old victim after the younger boy made a comment about his sister. Kirby is also said to have laughed while describing the violent attack. The victim, who has not been named, survived and was taken to Arnold Palmer Hospital in stable condition. His harrowing ordeal began unfolding on Monday night, when deputies with the Lake County Sheriff's Office were called for a report of a missing child, reported ClickOrlando. The parents of the child told the deputies that their 14-year-old son, who has a learning disability, left home to go for a bike ride at around 7.30pm, but by 8.45pm he still had not returned, raising concerns for his safety. Deputies scoured the area for three hours before discovering the victim walking in th nude in the 11000 block of Huggins Street. Arrest records describe the 14-year-old's face as covered in bruises, with blood dribbling from his mouth and both his eyes nearly swollen shut. Before being taken to the hospital, the victim told deputies that it was Kirby who attacked and choked him until he lost consciousness. When the victim came to, he said he was naked in the woods, where Kirby continued to punch him in the face while asking 'why he wouldn't die,' according to the arrest report. The victim passed out again, and when he regained consciousness at a later time, he said he was naked and alone. A deputy discovered the 14-year-old victim with both his eyes swollen nearly shut walking naked in the 11000 block of Huggins Street in Leesburg, Florida, early Tueaday The 14-year-old provided a detailed description of the house where Kirby lived with his father, allowing deputies to track him down. It is unclear how the boy's knew one another prior to Monday's attack. When law enforcement officials arrived, Kirby walked off a porch and headed to a wooded area behind his home, telling deputies that the victim's belongings, including his clothes and iPhone, were hidden there. During an interview with investigators, Kirby allegedly said he saw the 14-year-old riding his bike and struck up a conversation with him. Kirby said the younger boy said something about his sister, which prompted Kirby to choke the victim until he passed out, according to the records. Kirby admitted to dragging the unconscious child to multiple locations near his home, before taking him into the woods to continue the beating. The victim begged Kirby to stop, but the attacker admitted to ignoring the boy's pleas, pummeling him with both fists and feet, and kicking him in the throat, according to the report. Kirby told deputies he only stopped beating the 14-year-old when he got tired. He allegedly confessed that it was his aim to kill the child, and he expressed frustration that instead of dying, the teen only passed out four times. Deputies noted in the report that Kirby showed 'no remorse' for his actions and even laughed at the victim during the interview. Kirby was booked into a juvenile facility on charges of attempted murder, kidnapping, inflicting bodily harm and strong-arm robbery. The desperate hunt for a 5-year-old Idaho boy missing for a week continued without any luck, police said Tuesday. Michael Joseph Vaughan, also known as 'Monkey', disappeared near his home in Fruitland on July 27. The 3-foot-7-inch tall blonde-hair boy has blue eyes and weighs about 50 pounds. Michael was last seen wearing a light blue Minecraft shirt, dark blue boxer briefs and size 11 blue flip flops. Scroll down for video The ongoing search for 5-year-old Michael Joseph Vaughan continues after he disappeared from his Fruitland, Idaho home on July 27 Michael's mother Brandi Neal spoke at the conference and said: 'Anyone who has any information, please contact the Fruitland police. We just want our Monkey home. We miss our baby and we want him home.' Witnesses are urged to come forward with any information, especially if they have been in the area of Southwest 9th Street and Arizona Avenue The boy was in an 'open field' close to his home at Southwest 9th Street and Arizona Avenue around 6.30pm when he went missing, according to the Idaho Statesman. Police in Fruitland, about 55 miles northwest of Boise near the Oregon border, have asked anyone with information to come forward. 'Anyone who has any information, please contact the Fruitland police. We just want our Monkey home. We miss our baby and we want him home,' said Michael's distraught mother, Brandi Neal, at a press conference on July 31. Tyler Vaughan, Michael's father, added: 'Anything helps. Anything.' It wasn't clear whether the family was under investigation. Calls to the FBI field office in Omaha and the police department in Fruitland were not returned to DailyMail.com It is also unclear if the family has any other children. Fruitland Police Chief JD Huff has requested the public give the family privacy during this time. The FBI, Idaho State Police and other law enforcement agencies are also involved in the investigation Two irrigation ditches were drained by the Fruitland Public Works Department and the search continued with K9's as well as aerial, marine and land support A press conference was held at Fruitland City Hall which was attended by Michael's family and Police Chief JD Huff who spoke at the event The FBI, Idaho State Police and other law enforcement agencies also joined the investigation. 'If you live in the immediate area, please thoroughly search your property, to include any outbuildings, vehicles, anything that a five-year-old can get into. We also ask that you review any security footage you may have that may be attached to your house,' Huff said. He also said that two irrigation ditches were drained by the Fruitland Public Works Department and that a search has continued involving the use of K9's as well as aerial, marine and land support. Police have also advised volunteer search parties to be careful of trespassing on certain properties without their permission. The last update of the search was on the afternoon of July 31 as the Snake River area was being investigated. If anyone has any further information, contact Fruitland Police at 208-642-6006. Embattled New York Governor Andrew Cuomo could face an impeachment trial led by his own party's majority government 'as soon as late September or early October,' according to recent reports - a move which only happened once in New York history. Top lawmakers including Joe Biden have called for the governor's resignation after state Attorney General Letitia James revealed the findings of a bombshell sexual harassment report that detailed 11 women's claims against him and accusations he bred a 'hostile' workplace. Some of those allegations were not previously known, like a state trooper and an executive assistant who says he groped her breast at the governor's mansion in Albany in November 2020. Cuomo denied the allegations in a 14-minute long statement after AG Letitia James's press conference But after Cuomo denied the allegations in a public message, the New York State Assembly's top Democrat announced he lost the party's support. 'It is abundantly clear to me that the Governor has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority and that he can no longer remain in office,' Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie wrote in a statement after lawmakers held an emergency meeting. 'Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible.' Who wants Cuomo to resign? A poll surveying 500 New Yorkers on Tuesday found that 63 percent believe Cuomo should be booted for the alleged sexual harassment. In a scathing op-ed titled 'You Should Resign, Governor Cuomo' the New York Times editorial board joined calls for his departure. 'If Mr. Cuomo cares for the well-being of the state and its citizens as much as he has said he does over the years, he needs to do the right thing and step down,' the body writes. Joe Biden unambiguously called for Cuomo's resignation after a Tuesday press conference on coronavirus vaccinations Nancy Pelosi echoed the sentiment when she called on Cuomo to resign 'recognizing his love of New York and the respect for the office he holds' on Tuesday. Joining Pelosi and Biden are 13 New York federal lawmakers. A letter signed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries, Jerry Nadler, Kirsten Gillibrand and others called on him to step down in the wake of James's reports. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi and Bill De Blasio are three of the prominent Democrats leading the charge against Cuomo after the allegations New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio, a longtime political rival of the governor, said Tuesday that Cuomo is 'not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as governor.' On Tuesday night the fellow Democrat governors of four states in the north east who worked closely with Cuomo during the pandemic said it was time for him to resign. 'We are appalled at the findings of the independent investigation by the New York Attorney General. Governor Cuomo should resign from office,' they said. Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries are also two of the Congressional Democrats from New York calling on Cuomo to resign The statement was signed by Phil Murphy of New Jersey; Ned Lamont of Connecticut; Dan McKee of Rhode Island and Tom Wolf of Pennsylvania. Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu and former HUD Secretary Julian Castro also called for his ouster. New York GOP Reps. Elise Stefanik and Lee Zeldin are looking for Cuomo to depart as well, with the former calling for his arrest. Zeldin is running for New York governor. Four governors including Connecticut's Ned Lamont (left) and New Jersey's Phil Murphy (right) called on their fellow Democratic governor to resign Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel also joined the fray in calling for the governor's resignation. As the calls swell the heat is on the New York State Assembly to wrap its impeachment probe of Cuomo, which was started in March and ran parallel to James's investigation. How would it work? New York's legislature is made up of two houses - the Assembly and the Senate. Impeachment proceedings would begin in the former, which is the lower of the two houses. Democrats hold a 107-43 supermajority in the Assembly and a 43-20 supermajority in the Senate. While an investigation is not necessary, the state Assembly's Judiciary Committee launched its probe to determine whether Cuomo 'has engaged in conduct which merits impeachment.' New York Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie said Cuomo lost the faith of Democrats in the state's lower house on Tuesday after an emergency meeting of lawmakers Unlike a presidential impeachment, for which the US Constitution specifies 'high crimes and misdemeanors' as offenses, New York's constitution offers only 'misconduct or malversation.' It loosely outlines a process for impeachment in the Assembly followed by a state Senate trial. It could take a month for the committee to wrap its investigation and for the Assembly to draft articles of impeachment, a source familiar with the process told the New York Times. But after an emergency Assembly meeting on Tuesday, most lawmakers reportedly said enough evidence exists to draw the impeachment articles up as soon as possible, four people told the outlet. Heastie and Judiciary Chair Charles D. Lavine said they could not be drawn up immediately, according to the same report. The Judiciary Committee, which until now has reportedly been accused of acting as a firewall to bide time for Cuomo, are scheduled to meet on Monday. When the articles are complete the vote to impeach requires a simple majority of 76 Assembly members. If impeached Cuomo would immediately be stripped of his decision-making abilities. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul would be acting governor. If impeachment proceedings would begin, Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul (left) would step in as acting governor and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins would serve as Hochul's number two A trial would then be held in a High Court of Impeachment, consisting of all sitting state senators except for the majority leader and all seven judges on New York's Court of Appeals. Cuomo would be allowed the help of outside counsel - as a lawyer himself he could also potentially speak for his own defense. A two-thirds majority is needed to remove the governor from office. Majority Leader and President Pro Tempore Andrea Stewart-Cousins, who called for Cuomo's resignation soon after James announced her findings, would not get a vote. The state constitution specifies 'neither the lieutenant-governor nor the temporary president of the senate shall act as a member of the court.' If Cuomo is removed Stewart-Cousins would become the Lt. governor to Hochul for the remainder of Cuomo's term. Has it happened before? Governor William Sulzer was impeached in 1913, the first and only time in New York history Only one other governor has been impeached since New York adopted its constitution in 1777. In 1913 Governor William Sulzer was impeached, found guilty and removed after just 10 months in office. Sulzer was first elected to public office in 1890 with the help of powerful Democratic political machine Tammany Hall. As his power grew he began pulling away from the group and embracing more progressive policies. Immediately after he was elected Tammany Hall boss Charles F. Murphy forced his impeachment. A committee made up of Murphy's allies opened an investigation into Sulzer and found he failed to report all the money raised during his campaign, which he was accused of putting into the stock market. Sulzer was impeached after going against the wishes of Tammany Hall boss Charles F. Murphy (pictured: Murphy stands outside the headquarters of the powerful Democratic machine) Sulzer's case leaves little precedent for today's possible proceedings. His offenses took place before he took office, while accusations against Cuomo run throughout his term. Sulzer also declined to testify in his own impeachment proceedings. His allies insisted the charges were false, and Sulzer's refusal to recognize his lieutenant governor's promotion led to a weeks-long standoff ahead of the impeachment trial. Afghanistan becoming a failed state is 'one of the scenarios that could occur' unless government forces can resist the Taliban, the head of the UK's armed forces said today. General Sir Nick Carter said the Afghan forces had to reach a military stalemate with the Taliban, at which point peace talks could occur. The Chief of the Defence Staff also warned the international community not to legitimise the Taliban and its leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who has recently held talks with senior figures in China. In recent days there has been intense fighting for Lashkar Gah, the capital of blood-soaked Helmand province, as well as bombings targeting politicians in Kabul, in growing signs that the Taliban are intent on overthrowing the government. In a bitter irony the jihadist commander leading the assault on Lashkar Gah, Mawlavi Talib, was released with 5,000 fighters in a deal with the United States last year. Private militia loyal to Ismail Khan, the former Mujahideen commander patrols after security forces took back control of parts of Herat city following intense battle with Taliban militants, in Herat, Afghanistan, on Wednesday Children displaced by fighting between the Afghan army and the Taliban await relief as they live in temporary shelters in Kandahar on Wednesday General Sir Nick Carter (pictured speaking to Andrew Marr last month) said the Afghan forces had to reach a military stalemate with the Taliban, at which point peace talks could occur Now the Afghan forces, backed by the US, have launched air strikes in a last ditch effort to hang onto the Helmand stronghold. The fall of Lashkar Gah would be a major turning point in the offensive the Taliban have waged over the recent months as US and Nato forces complete their pullout from the war-torn country. Helmand province was the location for some of the fiercest fighting involving British troops during the Afghanistan war, with Lashkar Gah the site of a major military base. Asked whether Afghanistan could again become a failed state, Gen Carter said: 'That is one of the scenarios that could occur, but we have to get behind the current Afghan government and support them in what they are trying to do. 'And if they can achieve a military stalemate, then there will have to be a political compromise. Even the Taliban at the level of Baradar recognise that they can't - in inverted commas - conquer Afghanistan. 'There has to be a conversation. And the important thing is to achieve the military stalemate that can then bring on that conversation.' Gen Carter told BBC Radio 4's Today there was a 'real risk' that 'we're giving far too much legitimacy to the Taliban movement'. 'There is a huge disparity between what Mullah Baradar is saying publicly, and what he's doing publicly in travelling around countries like Russia and China, and so on and so forth, and a disparity between what's actually happening on the ground. Afghan security officials stand guard outside the house of acting Defense minister Gen. Bismillah Mohammadi, after an overnight explosion and attack, in Kabul on Wednesday Ismail Khan (C), the former Mujahideen commander talks with supporters as security forces and Khan's loyal armed militia took back control of parts of Herat city following intense battle with Taliban militants, in Herat In some places the fighting has been fierce, with Taliban fighters scoring major battlefield victories. In others, government forces have fled or surrendered 'And the international community has got to do much more about calling out the way that the people on the ground are trashing government buildings, they are threatening the population, there are reports of people being forced into marriages.' He said there have been 'grisly videos of war crimes' and 'we mustn't let them get away with this - we've got to call them out'. Gen Carter also acknowledged the UK had a 'huge moral responsibility' to the Afghans who helped British troops by acting as translators. There was a 'serious moral commitment that we have to those who've helped us', he said, with no cap on the numbers who can come forward for help. Four dead - including several attackers - and 20 hurt after gun and bomb assaults targeting defence minister in Afghan capital Kabul By Chris Pleasance and Lauren Lewis A car bomb followed by several blasts and gunshots shook Kabul on Tuesday Officials say the residence of the acting defence minister came under attack Minister was not in guesthouse at the time and his family have been evacuated Came as Taliban attack regional capitals in Afghanistan after US forces withdrew Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand, has been hardest hit as parts of city centre fall General Sami Sadat, the commander in charge of city's defence has urged civilians to evacuate ahead of an army offensive against the Taliban He also warned victory for the Islamists would inspire terror groups worldwide 'This is a war between liberty and totalitarianism ,' General Sami Sadat said Four people have been killed and 20 wounded in a coordinated bomb and gun attack targeting the Afghan defence minister and several lawmakers. The wave of blasts, which Washington said bore the 'hallmarks' of the Taliban, came on Tuesday near the heavily fortified Green Zone, as the Afghan army urged residents to evacuate a besieged southern city ahead of a planned offensive against the insurgents after three days of heavy fighting. Violence has surged across the country since early May when the Taliban launched a nationwide offensive soon after the US-led foreign forces began their final withdrawal. Security officials told AFP news agency that four people were killed and 20 others wounded in Tuesday's attack, with medical charity Emergency saying four bodies of people killed in the assault had been brought to its facility in Kabul. The interior ministry said the attack had been successfully repelled and all the attackers had been killed by security forces. 'A big number of people were rescued and the area is secured now,' spokesman Mirwais Stanikzai told reporters. The first bomb blew up in central Kabul late on Tuesday, sending a thick plume of smoke into the sky, AFP correspondents reported. A powerful car bomb followed by several blasts and gunfire rocked the Afghan capital on Tuesday. Pictured: A plume of smoke rises over Kabul after the car bomb exploded The wave of blasts hit not far from the heavily fortified Green Zone that houses several embassies, including the US mission, and came as the Afghan army urged residents to evacuate a besieged southern city ahead of a planned offensive against Taliban insurgents after three days of heavy fighting Less than two hours after the car bomb detonated, another loud blast followed by smaller explosions and rapid gunfire again shook Kabul, in what appeared to be the same area of the city Defence Minister Bismillah Mohammadi said it was a suicide car bomb attack targeting his house. 'Unfortunately some of my guards are wounded,' he added in a video message. Less than two hours after the car bomb detonated, another loud blast followed by smaller explosions and rapid gunfire again shook Kabul, also near the high-security Green Zone that houses several embassies, including the US mission. A security source said several attackers had stormed a lawmaker's house after setting off the car bomb and were also shooting at the residence of the defence minister from there. 'Several lawmakers were meeting at the house of this MP to make a plan to counter the Taliban offensive in the north,' the source told AFP. No group has yet claimed the attack, but Washington has pointed the finger at the Taliban. 'We're not in a position to attribute it officially just yet but of course it does bear all the hallmarks of the spate of Taliban attacks that we have seen in recent weeks,' State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. 'We unequivocally condemn the bombing, and we continue to stand by our [Afghan] partners.' Security officials told AFP news agency that four people were killed and 20 others wounded in Tuesday's attack, with medical charity Emergency saying four bodies of people killed in the assault had been brought to its facility in Kabul Acting Defence Minister Bismillah Mohammadi appeared to have been targeted in an attack but was taken to safety. All roads leading to the minister's house and guesthouse were closed, he said The Islamic Sate group has claimed some recent attacks in Kabul but most have gone unclaimed, with the government blaming the Taliban and the Taliban blaming the government. Hundreds of residents in the area were moved to safety, said Ferdaws Faramarz, spokesman for the Kabul police chief. He said earlier that security personnel were searching house to house should more attackers be hiding in the area. Even as the blasts and gunfire rocked the city, crowds of people marched down Kabul's streets and took to rooftops chanting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'Death to the Taliban' in support of Afghan forces battling the insurgents in three regional capitals. 'We are in support of Afghan forces and all those who are against the Taliban and fighting on the frontlines,' said Karim, a resident of Kabul who gave only one name. The insurgents' assaults on the cities of Lashkar Gah, Kandahar and Herat since last week have come after they seized control of much of rural Afghanistan, and foreign forces began the last stage of their withdrawal from the country in May. The explosions in Kabul came as the general charged with defending one of Afghanistan's major cities against the Taliban urged civilians to evacuate the besieged provincial capital ahead of a major army offensive. General Sami Sadat, whose troops are manning barricades in the city of Lashkar Gah, said civilians should 'leave as soon as possible so that we can start our operation'. 'I know it is very difficult for you to leave your houses - it is hard for us too - but if you are displaced for a few days please forgive us,' he added. 'We are fighting the Taliban wherever they are. We will fight them and... we will not leave a single Taliban alive.' It came hours after Sadat warned of 'devastating' consequences if the Islamists claim victory. Afghan police are searching door to door for attackers following the series of explosions in Kabul The explosions in Kabul came as the general charged with defending one of Afghanistan 's major cities against the Taliban urged civilians to evacuate the besieged provincial capital ahead of a major army offensive He spoke out amid five days of continual fighting that has seen Taliban fighters seize districts in the city centre, raising fears it could be the first provincial capital to fall. Sadat had warned a win for the Taliban will inspire terror groups across the globe and could spark a renewed wave of attacks in Europe and America. 'This is not a war of Afghanistan, this is a war between liberty and totalitarianism,' the commander warned. Officials said insurgents had seized more than a dozen local radio and TV stations in Lashkar Gah, leaving only one pro-Taliban channel broadcasting Islamic programming. Sefatullah, director of Sukon radio in the city said fighting was 'intense' on Tuesday morning with US and Afghan air force plans pounding Taliban positions. He added fighting was ongoing near the city's prison and a building housing the headquarters of police and intelligence agencies. At least 40 civilians have been killed and more than 100 wounded in the last 24 hours of fighting in the southern city, the United Nations said on Tuesday. The general charged with defending Lashkar Gah against a Taliban assault (pictured) has warned of devastating consequences for global security if the Islamists claim victory Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province, has been under attack for five days with Taliban fighters capturing parts of the city centre (pictured) The commander in charge of Lashkar Gah's defences has urged civilians to evacuate ahead of an army offensive against the Taliban In a tweet, the UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan expressed 'deepening concern' at the plight of civilians in Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province, urging an 'immediate end to fighting in urban areas'. The Taliban have been on the march in Afghanistan for months, capturing swathes of countryside from government forces as the US and NATO withdrew. In some places the fighting has been fierce, with Taliban fighters scoring major battlefield victories. In others, government forces have fled or surrendered. In recent days, the US military has intensified air strikes across the country in a bid to stem Taliban advances. The loss of Lashkar Gah would be a massive strategic and psychological blow for the government, which has pledged to defend cities at all costs after losing much of the rural countryside to the Taliban over the summer. President Ashraf Ghani and his allies have attempted to portray the retreat as tactical - saying the government is massing forces in cities which are easier to defend and vital for overall control of the country. But that is now being put to the test, with a major Taliban assault on those regional capitals which had long been expected beginning at the weekend. Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand province which is the Taliban's historic stronghold, has been the hardest-hit - with fighting there now in its fifth day. Explosions were seen near police headquarters, the provincial governor's compound and the city's main prison on Monday, according to TOLO News. Despite major gains by the Taliban in Lashkar Gah, General Sadat told the BBC that he is confident the Islamists will not take the city, believing they cannot sustain the ferocity of their current attack. But he was sufficiently worried to issue a warning to world leaders about what could happen, if the city falls into their hands. 'This will increase the hope for small extremist groups to mobilise in the cities of Europe and America, and will have a devastating effect on global security,' he said. Also hit were the cities of Kandahar - also in Helmand - and Herat, in the north west. In Herat hundreds of residents chanted 'Allahu akbar' (God is greatest) from their rooftops after government forces repulsed the latest Taliban assault. Afghan officials said government forces had managed to push back the insurgents from several areas of that city - including near the airport, which is vital for resupplies. Another official said US warplanes had carried out air strikes, but that could not be confirmed. Addressing parliament in Kabul on Monday, President Ghani blamed a hasty retreat by American and NATO forces while peace talks were still underway between his government and the Taliban for destabilizing the country. He then urged ministers to back to a 'national mobilisation' drive to bolster the armed forces and drive the Taliban back, predicting a 'sea change' in the conflict in the next six months, though did not elaborate further. Afghan security personnel patrol the deserted streets of Lashkar Gah, a city under siege by the Taliban, on Tuesday The streets of Lashkar Gah were deserted on Tuesday as the Taliban continued their advance towards the provincial capital Ghani has been forced to turn to regional warlords for support in the fighting, which analysts have warned could drag the country back into a civil war of the kind seen in the 1990s - from which the Taliban first emerged. He also insisted that his Afghan forces are up to the task and have the 'capacity' to defeat the insurgents. But in past weeks, the army has struggled against the Taliban onslaught and have often been left without reinforcements and resupplies. Hours after the president's remarks, Taliban fighters seized control of Helmand province's government radio and TV building in Lashkar Gah. Resident Haji Sadullah said they broadcast religious songs and invited people to follow their path for close to an hour on both AM and FM frequencies, The building is located 400 yards to the north of the provincial governor's office. 'Taliban were announcing that Radio Sharia started broadcasting after almost 20 years,' Sadullah said. On Sunday, the Afghan armed forces spokesman, Gen. Ajmal Omar Shinwari, told reporters that three provinces in southern and western Afghanistan face critical security situations. Southern Kandahar - the birthplace of the Taliban - as well as Helmand and Herat provinces have witnessed several attacks. Helmand provincial council chief Attaullah Afghan said the Taliban now have control of Lashkar Gah's seventh district. On Monday, elite Afghan commando units were dispatched to help defend the city. 'There has been relentless gunfire, air strikes and mortars in densely populated areas. Houses are being bombed, and many people are suffering severe injuries,' said Sarah Leahy, Helmand coordinator for Doctors Without Borders. The group, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres or MSF, said in a statement Monday that life in Lashkar Gah was at a standstill as residents hunker down inside their homes, afraid to venture out. 'Some of our colleagues are staying overnight in the hospital as it's safer, but also so they can keep on treating patients,' the organization said. 'The situation has been dire for months but now it is even worse.' Faizullah, who like many other Afghans goes by one name, told The Associated Press over the phone that he fled Lashkar Gah with his family and was now following the Helmand River to safety. Clashes between the Taliban and Afghan forces have intensified, he said, and 'Afghan security forces are out of supplies and food in the city.' Taliban fighters have also attacked Herat (pictured), in the north west of the country, and Kandahar in the south Back in Kabul, Ghani claimed his government has the financial and political support of the United States and the international community to turn the tide even as he urged the insurgents to rejoin peace talks. 'We either sit knee to knee at the real negotiating table or break their (Taliban) knees on the battleground' Ghani said. Washington and London have lashed out at the Taliban, accusing them of committing atrocities that may amount to 'war crimes' in the town of Spin Boldak, which the insurgents captured last month along the border with Pakistan. Afghanistan's Independent Human Rights Commission earlier said the insurgents had indulged in revenge killings there, leaving at least 40 people dead. 'The Taliban chased and identified past and present government officials and killed these people who had no combat role in the conflict,' the group said. Top US diplomat Antony Blinken also slammed the militant leaders. An Afghanistan without a democratic, inclusive government would be a 'pariah state,' he said, adding that the international recognition the group wants will not be possible if it 'seeks to take the country by force and commits the kind of atrocities that have been reported.' Fighting across the country, meanwhile, has displaced around 80,000 children from the start of June, humanitarian organisation Save the Children said on Tuesday, adding that many schools and health facilities had also been damaged. Two women have pleaded guilty after they were caught on video stealing a 'Make America Great Again' hat from a child and punching a man who tried to get it back near the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington, Delaware, last year. They will be sentenced in September. Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were caught on camera first destroying signs outside the DNC August 20, 2020, when now-President Joe Biden gave his DNC acceptance speech. Seven-year-old Riley Wigton and his Trump-supporter mom Abbey, 27, who said they attended the convention to peacefully protest Biden as the Democratic nominee for president, were waiting outside a restaurant at the time when they were 'attacked.' Camryn Amy (left) and Olivia Winslow (right), both 21, have pleaded guilty to charges of theft, child endangerment and hate crimes after stealing a 'Make America Great Again' hat from a child and punching the man trying to get it back at a Democratic National Convention in Wilmington, Delaware, last year Referring to the signs, the mother asks in the video tweeted by Students For Trump, ''Are you destroying my property?' 'Yes, we are,' Winslow says. The footage then shows the red MAGA hat on the floor - how it got there is not captured on video - and Amy says, 'get it Liv, get it'. Winslow throws the hat as Riley runs after it. 'That's somebody else's hat,' the boy says, as he seems to start to cry. 'Your mom f***ing likes Trump' Winslow says to Riley. In the beginning of the video Winslow is seen picking the cap up off the floor and throwing it Amy was caught on camera trying to rip up a Trump sign outside the DNC Amy picks up the hat again and continues to walk toward her car. A frightened, crying Riley says: 'Mom, call 9-1-1.' Then a man comes into frame demanding that Amy give him the hat. Amy shouts 'don't touch me,' and punches the man. After Winslow threw the cap to Amy, she marched off with it and ignored Riley's cries In the video Amy is seen throwing a punch at a man who tried to get the hat back Both women were arrested three days later and a grand jury in Delaware indicted them September 8, on felony charges of robbery, conspiracy and hate crimes and a misdemeanor charge of endangering the welfare of a child. Amy also was indicted on misdemeanor charges of assaulting the man who tried to retrieve the hat, attempting to assault the mother and offensive touching of the boy. The indictment accuses the women of committing the crimes 'for the purpose of interfering with the victim's free exercise or enjoyment of any right, privilege or immunity protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, or committed said crime because the victim had exercised or enjoyed said right or rights'. Seven-year-old Riley Wigton and his Trump-supporting mother Abbey, 27, attended the convention to peacefully protest Biden's victory as the Democratic nominee for president Prosecutors said they will not seek prison time. Other charges including assault, attempted assault and conspiracy were dropped as part of a plea deal struck on Monday, Delaware Online reported. The women's attorneys said they think probation is the 'appropriate sentence' and declined to comment further. Now ex-President Trump saw the viral video at the time and sent a gift package to Riley, which included a new, signed MAGA hat, a mug, a water bottle, presidential bags and other swag. Riley's mother, Abbey, released a statement about what happened leading up to what was captured in the video. Ex-President Trump saw the viral video and sent a gift package to Riley, which included a new, signed MAGA hat, a mug, a water bottle, presidential bags and more paraphernalia The statement read: 'We were standing outside peacefully minding our own business waiting for our table. Suddenly, two Joe Biden supporters began to yell political epithets at my child. 'They ripped the sign from my arms and assaulted my seven year old son. The Joe Biden supporters laid hands on my child and ripped his "Make America Great Again" hat from his head while cursing at him and pushing him over. 'The two Joe Biden supporters verbally and physically assaulted my child. My seven-year-old child was sobbing and screaming.' Abbey also claimed she was punched in the face and hit with the women's purses several times. The day after the incident, Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr tweeted the video and said what happened was 'sick'. He also called on for help identifying the women in the video. The two offenders also were caught on video in their car before the confrontation when a local reporter asked them why they supported Biden. At the end of the clip Winslow is seen throwing her coffee cup at the reporter. President Joe Biden's administration will offer the COVID vaccine to migrants in U.S. custody along the Mexico border, a new report revealed, as the number of people stopped reaches a 20 year high. The administration plans to offer the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine to migrants as they await processing by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, The Washington Post reported, citing sources in the Department of Homeland Security. The vaccine would be given to those facing deportation as well as though released into the United States pending a court hearing. Migrants who are being sent back to Mexico under the Title 42 public health law would not be offered a shot. Biden administration will offer the COVID vaccine to migrants in U.S. custody along the Mexico border An asylum seeker camping at El Chaparral crossing port is vaccinated against COVID-19 in Tijuana, Baja California state, Mexico, on the border with the US The rollout is being done as states in the Southwest have seen an uptick in COVID cases thanks to the highly contagious Delta variant. In Texas, the daily case count exceeded 10,000 last week for the first time since February. And Republican Gov. Greg Abbott blamed Biden's border policies for spreading the virus. Abbott last week authorized Texas state troopers along the border to 'stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion' that it transports migrants, citing the growing COVID case rate in his state. But a federal judge on Tuesday blocked his order, saying it would have the effect of 'exacerbating the spread of COVID-19.' The judge also blocked Abbotts attempt to restrict bus companies and other transportation firms from carrying migrants. Arizona reported more than 2,000 new cases on Saturday and Sunday, the highest daily totals since early March. In July, 210,000 migrants crossed into the U.S. along the southern border, the highest one-month total in 21 years, according to the Department of Homeland Security. The number of children traveling alone who were picked up at the border reached an all-time high of more than 19,000 in July, according to preliminary numbers shared with the Associated Press by David Shahoulian, assistant secretary for border and immigration policy at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 'The rates at which encountered noncitizens are testing positive for COVID-19 have increased significantly in recent weeks,' Shahoulian said. 'And although the rate of infection among CBP officers had been declining, this rate recently began increasing again, even though the percentage of officers and agents who have been fully vaccinated has grown significantly since January.' The U.S. has more than enough supplies of the COVID vaccine than it needs domestically and President Joe Biden has started donating doses to countries around the world According to preliminary figures, 210,000 were apprehended in July at the southern border. The chart shows a comparison between apprehensions in 2021 and 2020 CBP was holding more than 10,000 migrants in custody as of August 1, nearly eight times its COVID-adjusted capacity. On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) extended an order limiting entry for migrants due to coronavirus, Title 42. The Biden administration said Title 42 is responsible for sending away most single adult migrants who cross illegally, and the United Nations and the ACLU had called on President Biden to end the order. The order is used to expel roughly 100,000 mostly single adults each month. Additionally, about 20,000 detainees in Immigration and Custom Enforcement custody have received a dose of the COVID vaccine so far. More than 1,000 immigrants were actively infected as of August 1 and nine have died. The U.S. government is holding more doses of the COVID vaccine than it need domestically. The administration donated and shipped more than 110 million doses of the vaccines to more than 60 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zambia, the White House announced Tuesday. The 110 million donated doses came from U.S. surplus vaccine stock as the pace of domestic vaccinations slowed amid widespread vaccine hesitancy in the country. Roughly 90 million eligible Americans aged 12 and over have yet to receive one dose of vaccine. They said all the rail safety mechanisms were working properly during both accidents Police also suspect Baltazar was drunk during his accident last week, which saw his Toyota Tundra struck as he ignored a warning not to cross Both men were pronounced dead at the scene by medics They were struck by a light rail tram while walking along tracks Pablo Tiquiram Us and Jose Tiquiram Us were drunk and attempting to hold a memorial service for their brother Baltazar Tiquiram Us Two brothers died after being struck by a train while walking along tracks at a memorial service to commemorate their other brother who was struck and killed by another train a week previously. The two men were allegedly drunk when conducting a memorial tribute for a family member who was killed by a CATS light rail last week in Charlotte, North Carolina, when another tram struck and killed them at the same sport Tuesday morning. Pablo Tiquiram Us, 29, and Jose Tiquiram Us, 20, were walking north on the southbound tracks in Charlotte, North Carolina on Tuesday when they were struck and killed by a CATS light rail tram. They were mourning the loss of sibling Balthazar Tiquiram Us, 27, who died at the same spot on July 26 when he drove across the tracks and his Toyota Tundra was struck by a train. An unidentified passenger who was in his truck remains in hospital. All three victims are believed to have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of their deaths the Charlotte Observer reported. After Tuesday's accident, the tram operator stopped the train immediately, and both men were pronounced dead at the scene by medics. Police say Pablo Tiquiram Us, 29, and Jose Tiquiram Us, 20, were drunk when walking north on the southbound side of the tracks when they were struck The incident took place at the train crossing at Hebron Street and South Boulevard The two men were attempting to hold a memorial service for their brother Baltazar Tiquiram Us, 27, who died at the same spot last week The two men were declared dead at the scene by medics. They are believed to have been drunk when they were struck All safety mechanisms for the CATS line were in full effect and working properly, CMPD officials said. Police said Baltazar was struck on July 26 when he drove his Toyota Tundra pickup truck around the Hebron Street train crossing's arms and into the path of a LYNX train. Baltazar died in the incident, and a passenger was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. None of the four passengers on the train were injured. Police said the rails safety mechanisms were all functioning as they should during the crashes CMPD suspect that Baltazar was also drunk during the crash on July 26, pictured, that took his life The passenger in Baltazar's pick up truck was transported to a nearby hospital with serious injuries. The four passengers aboard the train were not injured Police found that the train operator honked his horn as he approached the crossing and the warning lights and cross arms were all operational, La Noticia reports. They suspect that Baltazar was also drunk during this incident. Another incident occurred at the train crossing in 2017, when a 26-year-old woman failed to stop for the crossing arms and signal and was killed. Operation Lifesaver North Carolina, a nonprofit that works to reduce the number of deaths at rail crossings in the state, says accidents like this persist because of drivers get distracted and overestimate how loud a train can be. 'You can't always depend on hearing a train,' Margaret Cannell, execuitve director of Operation Lifesaver, told ABC 6. 'They're much quieter until they get right up on you.' A San Francisco elementary school principal died after suffering a serious head injury during a camping trip with his family last month. Heath Caceres died last Thursday surrounded by family after spending a week in intensive care in a Modesto hospital. Caceres, who was the principal at New Traditions Elementary School for over a year, was on the trip in mid-July when he suffered an accidental head injury, a GoFundMe set up to help his family with expenses said. Caceres leaves behind his wife Mariah, (pictured) a fourth-grade teacher in San Rafael, and their four daughters Heath Caceres died last Thursday surrounded by his family after spending a week in intensive care in a Modesto hospital Heath pictured with his widow Mariah, a fourth-grade teacher the San Rafael elementary school The page, which has raised over $125,000 for the family, was started by Lucas Valley teacher Nicole Cunha, a co-worker of Heath's widow, Mariah, a fourth-grade teacher the San Rafael elementary school. 'He spent over a week in the intensive care unit in Modesto,' Cunha wrote. 'The family stayed nearby the hospital to be with him daily, hours from home. Despite the immense work of the doctors and nurses, the endless love of his family, and the support of his friends, Heath passed away on July 29 with his wife Mariah at his side.' Authorities have not released any details regarding the cause of the head injury. Caceres leaves behind his wife and their four daughters, the fundraiser said. The fundraiser, which dubbed Heath 'a hero to the end,' said that the principal was an organ donor. The longtime educator previously was principal at Park School in Mill Valley and Lafayette Elementary in San Francisco, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. Caceres served as principal at New Traditions Elementary School in San Francisco for over a year Caceres (pictured with one of his daughters) said that he grew up in rural Marin County and was happy to be back in the area to teach The school will provide 'additional support' for students when the school year starts next month in the wake of his death. 'Mr. Caceres was an extremely important part of our community and we are deeply saddened by this loss,' San Francisco Unified School District officials said in an email to the New Traditions community. 'Death can be difficult for us to understand, especially when it is sudden,' the email added. 'What is most important is that we care for and support each other.' A parent to a student at New Traditions remembered Caceres as a great leader during the pandemic. 'During the last year, we were graced with Mr. Caceres' smile and warm heart as he took over as principal New Traditions,' Angie Kim commented on the fundraiser. 'Throughout this tremendously trying time, Heath was always genuine, caring and enthusiastic - he quickly earned the respect and trust of even our kindergartners who were always so happy and calmed to see him. He was a true leader and our hearts go out to the entire Caceres family for their enormous loss.' In a September 2018 video for Park School Caceres said that he grew up in rural Marin County and was happy to be back in the area, the Chronicle reported. 'Now, when I come back to Marin, what I really love is to be able to be back out in nature,' he said. 'In those mountains, in the creeks, by the seashore is where I love to go.' A homeless man was wrongly arrested, locked up in a state mental hospital for nearly three years and forced to take psychiatric drugs before being released with only 50 cents to his name when police realized they had made a mistake. Joshua Spriestersbach, 50, was mistaken for a man who had violated probation by Hawaii officials and arrested while in line for food outside a Honolulu shelter in 2017. Hawaii cops, prodded to reduce homelessness by elected officials, tossed Spriestersbach in jail when they found him asleep waiting for food. The arresting officer confused Spriestersbach for Thomas Castleberry, who violated probation in Hawaii in 206. Castleberry actually has been sitting in an Alaskan prison since 2016 for holding a woman hostage at gunpoint at an Alaska campsite. Spriestersbach had no connection to Castleberry and insisted to the cop that they had the wrong man. But the more he protested, the more cops ignored his pleas - even dubbing him Castleberry. His various public defenders, even after he provided his relevant identification, also didn't believe him. Spriestersbach was eventually committed to the Hawaii State Hospital. 'The more Mr. Spriestersbach vocalized his innocence by asserting that he is not Mr. Castleberry, the more he was declared delusional and psychotic by the H.S.H. staff and doctors and heavily medicated,' said the Hawaii Innocence Project, which filed a petition Monday asking a judge to vacate the arrest and correct Spriestersbach's records. The Hawaii Innocence Project is a nonprofit 'with a mission to free prisoners who are factually innocent but who have been wrongfully convicted.' Joshua Spriesterbach, 50, was mistaken by Thomas Castleberry and wrongfully arrested by Honolulu Police when he was waiting outside a shelter to get food Mr Spriestersbach now lives with his sister in Vermont and is afraid to leave her 10-acre property, thinking he is going to get arrested again 'Right now we just want his record cleared. He could get arrested again under the same predicament,' said a spokesman for the organization. His attorneys argue the ordeal could have been avoided if police simply compared the two men's photographs and fingerprints. It wasn't until a compassionate psychiatrist at the hospital listened to Spriestersbach that his two-year and eight-month ordeal came to end. Through simple Google searches and a few phone calls, it was verified that Spriestersbach was on another island when Castleberry was initially arrested. The psychiatrist asked a detective to come to the hospital, who verified fingerprints and photographs to determine the wrong man had been arrested. Cops discovered that Castleberry has been incarcerated in Spring Creek Correctional Facility in Seward, Alaska since 2016. The Hawaii Innocence Project document also says that police, the state public defender's office, the state attorney general and the hospital 'share in the blame for this gross miscarriage of justice.' Once the fingerprints and photographs were verified, officials moved quickly, but secretly, to release Spriestersbach in January 2020. A secret meeting was held with all of the parties, except Mr. Spriestersbach, with no court or public record documenting it. Mr Spriestersbach was then quietly released with only 50 cents to fend for himself. The Hawaii Innocence Project is a non-profit 'with a mission to free prisoners who are factually innocent but who have been wrongfully convicted' Mr Spriesterbach was committed to a Hawaii State Hospital, where he was heavily medicated, for two years and eight months until a psychiatrist listened to him Thomas Castleberry has been incarcerated in Spring Creek Correctional Facility in Seward, Alaska since 2016 Hawaii has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the US, with 465 homeless people per every 100,000 residents, according to the Washington Post. Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell has directed the police force to carry out a 'war on homeless.' Areas homeless people frequent are often targeted by police, with officials putting homeless people in jail for minor, victimless offenses. 'We cannot let the homeless ruin our economy and take over the city,' said Caldwell in 2014. After his release, he ended up at a homeless shelter, which contacted his family. His sister, Vedanta Griffith, had spent nearly 16 years looking for him. The Vermont woman moved to Hawaii with her brother and her husband, who was stationed on Oahu with the Army in 2003. Spriestersbach then moved to the Big Island and disappeared while suffering mental health issues, she said. 'Part of what they used against him was his own argument: `I'm not Thomas Castleberry. I didn't commit these crimes. ... This isn't me,' Griffith said. 'So they used that as saying he was delusional, as justification for keeping him.' 'And then when light is shown on it, what do they do? They don't even put it on the record. They don't make it part of the case,' Griffith said. 'And then they don't come to him and say, `We are so sorry or, how about even `Gee, this wasn't you. You were right all along.' Spriestersbach now refuses to leave his sister's 10-acre property. 'He's so afraid that they're going to take him again,' Griffith said. A Colorado woman who shot an ex-lover she claimed broke into her home has been charged with attempted murder three days later after police uncovered new information on the case. Emily Strunk, 25, called 911 on Saturday and told police that she'd shot a man who'd barged into her house in Aurora and assaulted her associate, 27-year-old Kevin Wertin. The victim was not named but police said Strunk had previously been in an 'intimate relationship' with him. He was hospitalized and remains in critical condition. Strunk was detained after the shooting but later released - until a warrant was issued for her arrest on Tuesday. Both Strunk and Wertin are now facing charges of first-degree attempted murder. The Aurora Police Department said investigators discovered additional evidence that led to the arrests - but did not disclose any details about that evidence. Emily Strunk, 25, (left) and Kevin Wertin, 27, (right) were both charged with first-degree attempted murder on Tuesday, three days after Strunk shot a man she claimed broke into her home in Aurora, Colorado, and assaulted Wertin Strunk dialed 911 around 12.30am on July 31, telling dispatchers that she had shot a male intruder at her apartment on East 13th Avenue. The intruder, she told police, had forced his way into her home and attacked Wertin. After the initial incident, Strunk was released after a brief detainment. Now, both she and Wertin are in custody, according to Public Information Officer Crystal McCoy. The relationship between Wertin and Strunk remains unclear. Aurora's Major Crimes Homicide Unit is currently investigating the incident, and is offering $2,000 to anyone who can offer additional information. Strunk dialed 911 around 12:30 am on Saturday, telling dispatchers that she had shot a male intruder at her apartment on East 13th Avenue (pictured). The intruder, she told police, had forced his way into her home and attacked Wertin. Colorado is one of 23 states with castle doctrine laws, also called 'Make My Day' laws and 'Stand Your Ground' laws - which state that homeowners are immune from prosecution if they shoot or use or use force against any individual in their home who they think might use physical force 'no matter how slight'. Colorado's law was established in 1985, and most recently upheld in June of last year. The shooter 'must have reason to believe that he or someone else would otherwise suffer serious bodily injury or death' to be covered. The law does not extend to front porches and backyards. Fists can be considered deadly weapons warranting deadly force, per the law. Unlike similar laws in other states, Colorado citizens do not have a 'duty to retreat' according to the law - even if an investigation reveals that they had an opportunity to escape safety without using deadly force they are still granted legal immunity. Colorado's state supreme court is reviewing the state's so-called 'Make My Day' laws this year. The high court agreed to reexamine the contours of the law this March after a Colorado Springs man fought second-degree murder charges for shooting an allegedly homeless and belligerent man in the basement of his apartment complex, which was not considered to be his property under the wording of the law. Cuomo gave female staff roses and autographed photos on Valentine's Day in 2017 and showed off a cigar humidor from Bill Clinton, which one accuser thought was his attempt at a Monica Lewinsky-style affair with her. The new details of how he treated staff emerged in the Attorney General's report into how he sexually harassed staff for years, all of which he denies and says is a misinterpretation of the 'banter' he tried to foster with staff. Cuomo's attorney issued an 85-page rebuttal to the report on Tuesday which, among other things, addresses the roses. She says that he gave female staffers roses because he was trying to be 'thoughtful' and because they weren't seeing their own loved ones in office hours. Gov Andrew Cuomo with former President Bill Clinton, one of his Democratic allies who he remains friends with. Clinton gave Cuomo a cigar box and he liked to show it off to aides, according to the AG's report, including an accuser who says he brought her into his office at a 2016 holiday party to show it to her Clinton and White House assistant Monica Lewinsky had an affair when he was in office in the 1990s and the pair used cigars as a euphemism for sex. That is why one of Cuomo's accusers thought he was inviting her to have an affair with him when he showed her the cigar box 'The Governors office sent flowers as a good-faith gesture to dozens of dedicated female employees in his office on Valentines Day, many of whom would not see their families or children that day, to thank them for their dedication. 'His intention was to be thoughtfuland most certainly not, as Ms. Boylan contends, to exploit[] the power dynamic with the women around him,"' Cuomo's attorney Rita Glavin said, adding that he'd been advised 'by a friend of his in public relations' to send roses 'only to women on the staff in the office on Valentine's Day.' Another complaint by Boylan is that Cuomo invited her into her office to show off a cigar humidor that he'd been given by Bill Clinton. She took it as an inference that he wanted to have an affair with her, like Clinton had had with Monica Lewinsky, a woman who worked for him in the White House in the 1990s and who testified about how they used 'cigars' as a euphemism for sex The claim about the humidor was made by Lindsey Boylan, one of Cuomo's accusers, who also claims he told her he wanted to 'mount her like a dog' Boylan said it was during a holiday party at the State Capitol in 2016 when Cuomo showed her his cigar box. He'd seen her 'from across the room' at the party then a 'staff member' called her from an unlisted number and told her Cuomo wanted her to come 'for a tour of the second floor of the Capitol'. She agreed and went to his office, claiming she feared for her job. 'Ms Boylan testified that the Governor showed her around his office and pointed out a cigar box which he said was from Bill Clinton. [She] felt that the Governor was pointing out the cigar box as an allusion to President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky,' the report reads. In his rebuttal, Cuomo said he didn't remember showing Boylan the box specifically but that he regularly showed it off. He denied the Lewinsky claim. 'The Governor enjoys showing guests the humidor given to him by President Clinton because, as he tells guests, it contains the last legal cigars imported from Cuba before they were embargoed. Indeed, there is a handwritten note in the humidor signed by Bill Clinton. 'The Governor does not doubt that he gave Ms. Boylan a tour of his conference room because he routinely gives visitors the same tour. He certainly did not intend to make Ms. Boylan uncomfortable or give Ms. Boylan any impression that he was romantically interested in her by showing that humidor,' his attorney said. Boylan also claimed that Cuomo told her he wanted to 'mount her like a dog' - a claim he denied and calls 'unfortunate'- and that he told her she looked like his ex-girlfriend Lisa Shields or her 'better looking sister' which he also denied because he says he 'does not feel comfortable comparing the attractiveness of two women'. Another complaint of Boylan was that Cuomo brought her into his office to show her a cigar humidor that former President Bill Clinton had given. The Governor testified that a friend of his in public relations once recommended that he send roses only to women on the staff in the office on Valentines Day, and that is why he did that. The report includes photos of Cuomo with women - some whose faces were muzzed, some whose weren't - as proof of how tactile he is The Governor recalled asking Ms. Benton to start doing so, but he was not sure if this was still in practice. The Governor testified that he usually does not see the list of recipients of the roses. His understanding was that the top 20 or 30 women on the staff got a rose, and that Ms. Boylan was the only staff member on her floor to get a rose because there were no other senior staff members on her floor. Cuomo's lawyer, in her response, also attacks Boylan's credibility and mentions 'hyperbolic tweets that border on the absurd'. They say Boylan launched her allegations against Cuomo after launching a campaign for Manhattan Borough President and claiming, falsely, that he was trying to hamper it by shortening petition period times during COVID-19. They say that it was Boylan's allegation against Cuomo, in a Medium essay, that triggered the other women to come forward. One of the allegations Cuomo's team denies flatly is that he groped the breast of an executive assistant in his office in November 2020. She says he called her to his office in Albany, shut the door, then groped her breast over her bra but under her shirt. He insists it never happened. 'He has never behaved in this manner and never would. It would be a pure act of insanity for the Governorwho is 63 years old and lives his life under a microscopeto grab an employees breast in the middle of the workday at his Mansion Office. 'This simply did not happen,' his attorney wrote in the response. Elsewhere in their rebuttal, they say that Cuomo did refer to two assistants as 'mingle mamas', but says he did so because they were going on vacation without spouses or children and thus, he surmises, 'single and ready to mingle'. A convicted terrorist told a mentor he had changed his ways, days before carrying out a high street knife rampage which ended in him being shot dead by police, an inquest has heard. Sudesh Amman, 20, confided how he 'now realised' that those who committed terrorist acts ended up 'pushing people away' from Islam. Amman, from Coventry and of Sri Lankan heritage, made the comments on January 30, 2020, three days before he stole a knife and ran down Streatham High Street, stabbing randomly at members of the public before being fatally brought to a halt. He was under 24-hour security surveillance at the time of the attack and had previously vowed 'to kill the Queen' while behind bars serving a three-year prison term. A London inquest into his death heard Amman had been provided with support from both a practical and a theological mentor. Amman was released from high-security Belmarsh Prison part way through his 40-month sentence for disseminating terrorist material in January 2020, and assigned the two mentors. The pair described being 'shocked' and 'gobsmacked' when they realised they knew the man responsible for the atrocity on February 2. Sudesh Amman, 20, confided to his mentors he 'realised' that those who committed terrorist acts ended up 'pushing people away' from Islam, days before the 2020 Streatham terror attack CCTV image of Sudesh Amman at his approved premises on January 31, 2020, two days before he randomly stabbed two people and was fatally shot by police in Streatham, London Amman was automatically released from prison on January 23, 2020, and placed under 24-hour surveillance by police and security services. Speaking with mentors following his return to society, Amman sounded 'calm and sincere' when he told them acts of terror and hatred 'turned people away from Islam.' Just days later, the terrorist ran into a shop on Streatham High Road, stole an eight-inch carving knife, and stabbed two people on a 62-second rampage while wearing a fake suicide belt. He stabbed Monika Luftner, a 52-year-old nursery school teacher, in the back. He then knifed a male passer-by in the torso before being confronted by two armed surveillance officers. Sudesh Amman at the till in Poundland in Streatham on January 31, 2020 - two days before the atrocity - where he bought items including four bottles of Irn Bru and kitchen foil, Police fired six bullets and Amman was pronounced dead 90 minutes later, once explosives experts had established that the belt wrapped around his body was harmless. Amman was said to have been a prefect and mentor at his school before developing 'behavioural issues' and showing signs of 'anger', according to counter-terrorism police. Witnesses, anonymised for their protection and speaking at the Royal Courts of Justice, today admitted they were left stunned by the tragic news. 'I was gobsmacked, I was shocked, I was surprised,' a person known to the court as Mr T, said. Amman was seen walking the streets of Streatham moments before his terror attack, in these CCTV images released by the Metropolitan Police Sudesh Amman running along Streatham High Street captured on CCTV before the attack A report prepared by Witness M following his final meeting, read by Jonathan Hough QC, counsel to the inquest, said: 'He (Amman) said he now realised that people who hurt other people through things like acts of terror were pushing people away from the faith and causing hatred.' Giving evidence to the inquest on Wednesday, Witness M said Amman had been 'the most relaxed that I'd seen him' in all of their previous four face-to-face chats, both in prison and out. Witness M said: 'He was happy to talk, he had no moments where he held back from saying anything and he seemed happy and relieved at being released. 'I took him at his word. He seemed sincere the way he was saying it.' Asked by Mr Hough if Amman had been 'plausible', Witness M replied: 'Yes, I believe he was.' He added he did not feel the need to report any behaviour of concern about Amman but had later felt 'shocked' after reports of the attack emerged. Witness M said: 'I saw when it said the incident was in Streatham, I knew I visited him, I hoped it wasn't (him). 'I kept watching the news and I had a little bit of disbelief, to be honest.' Armed police shot dead Amman after he grabbed a knife from a shop and stabbed a man and a woman in Streatham A second mentor, known only as Witness T to protect his identity, said his duty was to discuss religious matters with Amman during their only meeting, on January 29 2020. A report prepared for Witness T ahead of that meeting raised a number of concerns with Amman, including over his 'mindset', his potential for indoctrination, and his need for status. Following that meeting, Witness T described how Amman revealed himself to be 'ignorant' of Islam, but said he had 'kept to himself' in the week since his release from prison to a Streatham probation hostel in case people believed he was radicalising others. Witness T agreed with Mr Hough that Amman's background of offending and behaviour in prison meant he presented as 'quite a tough case'. However, Witness T said he did not get the impression that Amman was being insincere. His probation officer, Leon Campbell, flagged Amman's risk of serious harm to the public ahead of his release from prison, and said he did not take at face value claims Amman made later that he no longer had an extremist mindset. He told the inquest: 'I did believe there were elements of him telling me what I wanted to hear.' Mr Campbell said Amman would frequently 'shutdown' when challenged over certain things such as his offending history. He said he feared 'local gangs' approaching him and police following him in Streatham, so said he would stay in his room. Mr Campbell said the first he heard of the atrocity was when he finally took a phone call from Amman's mother while out with his family after he had ignored her previous repeated attempts to contact him. He said: 'She was crying down the phone. 'I recall her saying: "Is it him, is it him?" 'But I had no idea.' Amman was automatically released from Belmarsh prison on January 23, part-way through his 40-month sentence for preparing and engaging in acts of terrorism. The inquest previously heard how prison intelligence suggested he had made threats to kill the Queen, to commit a terrorist act, and radicalise others. The inquest continues. Young Australians refusing the AstraZeneca vaccine have been warned they have a one in 50 chance of ending up in ICU with Covid unless they get jabbed. With stubborn case numbers still refusing to come down in New South Wales, experts say mass vaccination is the only way for Australia to escape a constant cycle of lockdowns. But a large section of the population, especially those under 40, are still delaying getting jabbed - and it could cost them their life. Dr Norman Swan said Sydney's Indian Delta strain is more virulent and more likely to cause disease than the first version of the virus, with a 27-year-old Sydney man the latest victim after taking a sudden turn for the worst and collapsing in the shower. His concerns were echoed by a Who's Who of Australia's top doctors, who signed an open letter begging young Australians to get the first vaccine available to them - and not to wait for Pfizer. 'There are younger people in intensive care and on ventilators in New South Wales, and it's a dangerous virus for young people,' Dr Swan told The Project on Wednesday night. Australia's top doctors have urged young Aussies to get vaccinated as soon as possible with the first vaccine available to them (pictured, walkers in Sydney's Rushcutters Bay on Wednesday) 'You have lots of younger people dying in America and the UK and so on, and this is what happens - and you've got to balance it up. 'You've got a 1 in 30,000 risk of a clotting syndrome with Astra, and a 1 in 50 chance of ending up in ICU if you've actually got infected.' There were 3,719 active cases of Covid-19 across Australia on Wednesday, with 57 of them in ICU - a rate of 1.53 per cent or 1 in 65 cases. Forklift truck driver Ady Al-Askar, 27, collapsed and died in the shower at his home in Liverpool after he caught Covid from his wife, who is an aged care nurse. He had delayed getting vaccinated because of concerns about possible 'long-term' side effects, relatives said. A 16-year-old is also on life support in the intensive care unit of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney's inner west after also becoming infected. Dr Swan explained young men in particular are putting off the vaccine. 'This requires particularly getting through to young men, not just young men where English is not their first language, young men everywhere think that they're bulletproof,' he added. 'It's well recognised, [we need to] convince them there's no bravado here.' Forklift truck driver Ady Al-Askar (pictured) collapsed and died at the age of 27 in the shower at his home in Liverpool after he was caught Covid from his wife, who is an aged care nurse Six Australians have died as a result of developing blood clots after receiving their AstraZeneca jab, out of about 12.3 million doses administered (pictured, a pop-up vaccination clinic in Sydney's south-west) Dr Swan's warning comes as Australia's former deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth went even further in the open letter published in The Australian on Thursday. Co-signed by 13 other world-renowned Australian experts in the field, the letter warns the chance of dying from Covid is a shocking 1 in 35 on average across all age groups. By contrast, death from the very rare blood clotting side effects of the AstraZeneca vaccine are less than 1 in 1,000,000, they say. 'Do not wait for the Pfizer vaccine if the AstraZeneca vaccine is available to you,' they wrote. 'AstraZeneca is an excellent vaccine that has already saved millions of lives and will save many more. 'Covid kills, and by the time you or someone you love is infected, hospitalised or in ICU it is too late.' Six Australians have died as a result of developing blood clots after receiving their AstraZeneca jab, out of more than 12.3 million doses administered. Meanwhile 17 people have died as a result of the current Covid outbreak in NSW in the last six weeks. Former deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth (pictured) warned the chance of dying from Covid in Australia is a shocking 1 in 35 if you are infected The health experts recommend two doses of either vaccine as soon as possible (pictured, a woman in exercise gear on a stroll in Sydney's eastern suburbs on Wednesday) The letter adds: 'While the risk of death is highest in older age groups, we are now seeing serious illness and death in unvaccinated young patients. 'The risk, however, is also not all about simple survival. Between 10 and 30 per cent of people who contract Covid will suffer long-term health consequences, the seriousness of which is yet to be fully understood.' They also smashed some of the myths in circulation about the vaccine with real-world data from hundreds of millions of AstraZeneca vaccine doses given globally. 'People with a heart condition, diabetes, a history of deep vein thrombosis, a history of cancer, and many other chronic or severe conditions can be reassured they face no additional risks,' they say. 'There is no evidence the vaccine impacts fertility.' The rising number of Covid cases in NSW in the current outbreak has been slowly creeping up since the first case emerged on June 16 Seventeen people have died as a result of the current Covid outbreak in NSW (pictured, women exercising in Bass Hill on Wednesday in the midst of the current lockdown) Pregnant women are advised to get the Pfizer jab rather AstraZeneca, they say, simply because there is more evidence that it is safe for pregnant women, rather than the AstraZeneca jab being unsafe. But they warn vaccination is vital: 'If pregnant women become infected with Covid-19, they are more likely than other women of the same age to have severe symptoms and need hospital admission.' They also lay waste to the myth that AstraZeneca is less effective as a vaccine than Pfizer. 'In terms of preventing severe disease, both AstraZeneca and Pfizer have similar profiles against Delta,' they say. 'Two doses - whether AstraZeneca or Pfizer - are both highly protective against severe disease.' They urged everyone to get vaccinated at the earliest chance. 'At present there are two Covid-19 vaccines available in Australia,' their letter says. 'Both are highly effective at preventing serious illness from Covid-19. Both have very rare side effects. Younger Australians are feared to be hesitant to get vaccinated after changing health advice caused confusion (pictured, a Sydneysider in Centennial Park on Wednesday) The message was reiterated by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian (pictured) on Wednesday as the state recorded another 233 cases and two deaths The move by the leading health experts to speak out is a bid to reverse the effect of continually changing official advice on the safety of Astra Zeneca from ATAGI, the government agency which oversees immunisation. It went from signing off AZ for over 40s to restricting it to over 50s and then over 60s only, until the decision was reversed in the wake of the current NSW outbreak. The current advice is: 'In a large outbreak, the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca are greater than the risk of rare side effects for all age groups. 'ATAGI reiterates that all adults in greater Sydney should strongly consider the benefits of earlier protection with COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca rather than waiting for alternative vaccines.' The Australian health experts smashed the myth that AstraZeneca is less effective as a vaccine than Pfizer (pictured, a woman exercising in Centennial Park in Sydney's eastern suburbs on Wednesday) Federal government Treasury modelling has also estimated the impact of limited vaccination take-up at a potential cost of $7billion to the nation in lost growth every three months, if only 50 per cent of the country is jabbed. The message was reiterated by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on Wednesday as the state recorded another 233 cases and two deaths. 'This disease is lethal and it affects people of all ages,' she said. 'We can't stress how important it is to come forward and get vaccinated. 'If you are vaccinated you are staying out of hospital, staying out of the ICU and helping to reduce the spread of the virus.' The 27-year-old had been isolating in his Liverpool unit in Sydney's southwest with his aged care nurse wife, Yasmin (pictured together), who first contracted the virus and brought it home from work Australia's latest young victim of the virus, Mr Al-Askar, had barely showed any symptoms, but collapsed in the couple's shower on Tuesday afternoon. Next door neighbour Mimi Anzures overheard his last tragic moments as relatives discovered him after he collapsed. 'At first I heard crying, then shouting and howling,' she told the ABC. 'After that two ambulances came and after a few minutes there were police cars everywhere.' Mr Al-Askar's cousin Bash Mnati said Ady's symptoms were brief and not severe. 'His head was hurting the day before. He wasn't feeling well.' Mr Al-Askar was said to be anxious about getting vaccinated because he feared it could have long-term side effects. Two Colombian women have been caught smuggling cocaine hidden in their genitals after they were spotted 'walking strangely.' The pair were caught at the Rafael Nunez International Airport in the city of Cartagena trying to board a flight to the Caribbean island of San Andres. They had 1,000 doses of cocaine and 60 pills of benzodiazepines which were wrapped in latex-coated cylinders and inserted in their vaginas, the police said. Police officers pose with the women after they were caught smuggling cocaine inside their genitals at the Rafael Nunez International Airport in the city of Cartagena The women are marched along by police after they were arrested when officers spotted them making 'strange movements' Police said the women appeared nervous and made 'strange movements' which gave them away just minutes before they boarded the flight. A spokesperson for the Cartagena police said: 'Units carried out a meticulous inspection of the hand luggage of the passengers boarding the domestic flight and 60 tablets of Rivotril synthetic drugs were found inside.' According to the authorities, the two women were immediately taken to a police station where they both voluntarily removed the packages from their genitals. The police added that an anti-narcotics experts was summoned to carry out tests on the drugs and they were indeed proven to be illicit substances. Both women face charges of manufacturing narcotics and drug trafficking as the investigation continues. The Colombian island of San Andres is known for its party scene and is a popular tourist destination where narcotics are rife. It is a smuggling hub for the global drugs trade, serving as a strategic stopover point for cocaine smugglers from Colombia to enter central America and other Caribbean islands where tourism provides a lucrative market for the illicit powder. The women aren't the first bungling Colombian smugglers to make the news. In July 2019, a Colombian was stopped at Barcelona airport when authorities noticed his toupee appeared to be sitting very high on his head. He had tried to conceal half a kilo of cocaine beneath the wig in an effort that was so absurd the police described it as a 'mockery.' The women aren't the first bungling Colombian smugglers to make the news. In July 2019, a Colombian was stopped at Barcelona airport when authorities noticed his toupee appeared to be sitting very high on his head. He had tried to conceal half a kilo of cocaine beneath the wig in an effort that was so absurd the police described it as a 'mockery.' Texas Sen. Rand Paul has once again called for Americans to resist mask mandates, lockdowns, and 'harmful' policies, even as another COVID scare makes its way through the Senate. Paul, who this March became the first senator to contract COVID-19, urged Americans to refuse to comply with government restrictions even as a spike in coronavirus infections driven by the Delta variant has states and localities reimposing measures like mask requirements for indoor establishments. 'They cant arrest us all. They cant keep all your kids home from school. They cant keep every government building closed although Ive got a long list of ones they should,' he wrote in an op-ed. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) tore into mask mandates and urged Americans to resist them, as U.S. coronavirus cases spiked amid the spreading Delta variant 'We dont have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and feckless bureaucrats. We can simply say no, not again,' wrote Paul, who argues that vaccines for the elderly and natural immunity through infection will provide necessary protections. In his op-ed, which ran on the Fox News website, Paul rips into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who cited the U.S. Capitol physician last week as the House put back in place indoor mask requirements (the rules are looser in the Senate, where more lawmakers are vaccinated). He accused her of being 'drunk with power.' 'Speaker Nancy Pelosi you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs. We have all either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine. We will make our own health choices. We will not show you a passport, we will not wear a mask, we will not be forced into random screening and testing so you can continue your drunk with power rein over the Capitol,' he wrote. Paul called Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'drunk on power' He told President Biden 'we will not accept your agencies mandates' Paul has tangled with infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci over the origins of the virus Paul, a physician, was the first senator to contract covid. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was under quarantine after contracting the coronavirus despite being vaccinated His missive came as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is in quarantine after contracting the coronavirus despite being vaccinated. This caused numerous senators who along with Graham had attended a bipartisan gathering on a houseboat owned by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to seek testing. He also went after President Joe Biden, and threatened to try to slash funding for government agencies to force employees who have been working from home back to the office. 'President Biden we will not accept your agencies mandates or your reported moves toward a lockdown. No one should follow the [Centers for Disease Control] CDCs anti-science mask mandates. And if you want to shutdown federal agencies again some of which arent even back to work fully I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they dont come to work,' he said. Customers leave a bakery in Chinatown on Saturday, July 17, 2021 before a mandate went into effect Paul also told the network: 'They're all freaking out right now about the Delta variant,' but acknowledged low death rates for vaccinated people under 50 and even unvaccinated people under 50. Unchecked spread also has the potential to infect older people who are unvaccinated and younger people who have not been approved for the vaccine who could then spread it to others. He called for 'not getting hysterical over the Delta variant.' 'The only thing that's slowing the virus down is the vaccine and natural immunity,' he said. Kate Coyne-McCoy, a top consultant for the Rhode Island Democratic Party, is having her contract reviewed after sending a tweet Monday night suggesting she hopes Sen. Lindsey Graham dies from COVID The Black Lives Matter branch in Rhode Island is calling on one of the state's top Democratic Party strategists to resign after her tweet suggesting she hopes Republican Senator Lindsey Graham dies after testing positive for coronavirus. 'In a time where many human lives have been lost to COVID-19 all across Rhode Island, this comment is extremely distasteful and insensitive,' the BLM Rhode Island political action committee wrote in a tweet Tuesday. 'Anything short of an immediate resignation, would signal that these types of comments are acceptable within the RI Democratic Party,' it continued in the three-tweet thread. Kate Coyne-McCoy, a top Democratic consultant in Rhode Island, received a slew of backlash for her Monday tweet wishing ill of Senator Graham after he was diagnosed with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated. 'It's wrong to hope he dies from COVID right? Asking for a friend. #COVIDIsNotOver #LindseyGraham,' Coyne-McCoy wrote in a now-deleted tweet. By Tuesday morning she tweeted: 'I made a mistake. I used poor judgement which I obviously regret.' 'Regardless of political affiliation the disregard for human life is unacceptable and should not be tolerated anywhere within any political party,' the Rhode Island BLM PAC tweeted in response to Coyne-McCoy's original tweet about Graham. 'How can we trust someone with such blatant disregard for human life with the will of RI voters?' they added. 'Anyone affiliated with the Democratic Party should be held to a higher standard, as @katecoynemccoy was hired to 'modernize the party and position Democrats to win from the top to the bottom of the ballots.' Coyne-McCoy wrote in a now-deleted tweet, 'It's wrong to hope he dies from COVID right? Asking for a friend. #COVIDIsNotOver #LindseyGraham' after the South Carolina Republican senator announced he tested positive for coronavirus despite being vaccinated The Black Lives Matter Rhode Island political action committee responded in a statement Tuesday claiming the tweet was 'distasteful and insensitive' at a time where many people are losing loved ones to the virus The group questioned how they could trust Coyne-McCoy with 'the will of Rhode Island voters' In the Twitter statement, BLM RI PAC called on the executive consultant for the Democratic Party in the state to 'immediately resign' Rhode Island Democratic Party Chairman Joe McNamara also told radio host Gene Valicenti Tuesday morning that the party is 'reviewing her contract.' 'The state Democratic party does not wish ill will on anyone and her statement does not reflect, in any way, the values of the Democratic Party. It was a stupid thing to do,' McNamara said. 'It's a horrible thing to say,' he continued. 'Especially in light of the fact that we have lost so many loved ones to this pandemic. It's very, very hurtful.' Coyne-McCoy's second tweet walking back on her original comments received swift condemnation on Twitter, as well. Graham announced Monday that he tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild flu-like symptoms. 'I was just informed by the House physician I have tested positive for COVID-19 even after being vaccinated,' Graham said in a statement. He said he started having symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor Monday morning. Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday he tested positive for COVID and is experiencing mild flu-like symptoms. The South Carolina Republican is captured without a mask walking around the Capitol Building on Friday Coyne-McCoy pinned a tweet Tuesday morning, claiming, 'I made a mistake. I used poor judgement which I obviously regret' 'I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms,' he continued. 'I will be quarantining for ten days.' 'I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse,' the Republican added. Over the weekend, according to Politico and CNN, Graham attended a gathering on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin's house boat 'Almost Heaven' with a 'small group of senators.' Manchin said Monday evening he has since tested negative for COVID - and said the boat gathering wasn't a party. 'There was no celebration, we're just trying to keep people together and do things in a bipartisan way. That's what we do,' Manchin told The Huffington Post. Sen. Lindsey Graham announced on Twitter Monday afternoon that he tested positive for COVID-19 and was experiencing flu-like symptoms Sen. Lindsey Graham said if he hadn't been vaccinated against COVID-19, 'My symptoms would be far worse' Graham attended a gathering on West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin's house boat 'Almost Heaven' over the weekend Manchin hosted a bipartisan group of senators, including Graham, at his D.C.-docked house boat over the weekend. Manchin has since tested negative for COVID-19 Later, as Manchin walked outside the Capitol, he was asked how many people attended the event. The West Virginia senator replied 'maybe, not quite,' when asked if the number of attendees was a dozen. He confirmed it was all senators on board. 'If they want you to know who they are, they'll tell you,' Manchin said. 'We were outside, OK? And everybody's been vaccinated.' He also said it lasted for 'whatever it takes to eat a hamburger or two.' Manchin's office wasn't commenting on the boat party initially, instead saying, 'Senate Manchin is fully vaccinated and following the CDC guidelines for those exposed to a COVID positive individual.' But then Sen. Mark Kelly's spokesperson confirmed to CNN that the Arizona Democrat had come into contact with Graham at Manchin's fete. 'Sen. Kelly came into contact with Sen. Graham during a bipartisan gathering this weekend hosted by Sen. Manchin,' spokesman Jacob Peters told CNN. Sen. Jacky Rosen, a Nevada Democrat, was also in attendance, CNN said. Punchbowl News reported that Sen. Maria Cantwell, a Washington Democrat, was there too. As were Sens. Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat, and John Thune, a South Dakota Republican. Thune's and Coons' offices said Monday night that the senators tested negative. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that vaccinated individuals who have been in contact with COVID-positive individuals get tested three to five days after exposure. They're also advised to wear a mask in public for 14 days following a potential exposure - or until a negative test comes back. Vaccinated individuals who test positive are supposed to quarantine for 10 days. Huffington Post reporter Igor Bobic reported seeing Graham in the Capitol Building earlier Monday sporting a mask. Graham was captured by reporters walking around Capitol Hill Friday without a mask. The Senate didn't put back in place mask-wearing as the vaccination rate among lawmakers in the upper chamber is nearly universal. The vaccination rate in the House of Representatives is lower. A group of House Republicans protested the House's resumption of mask-wearing last week, by parading to the Senate side of the Capitol Building. A number of Senate Democrats began wearing masks again once the guidance changed. Most Senate Republicans, however, remained mask-less. Graham joins nearly 70 of his Congressional colleagues in testing positive for the coronavirus - but this is the Senate's first breakthrough COVID infection since most of the upper chamber received the vaccine. Graham announced in December he had received the vaccine - tweeting out a picture of himself getting his first shot. 'Thank God for nurses who help people in need and know how to use a needle. Thank God for those who produced these vaccines. If enough of us take it, we will get back to normal lives,' Graham said at the time. Graham and other Republican lawmakers who received early doses of the vaccine were criticized for doing so after party members downplayed the dangers of the virus. Graham mocked mask-wearing as recently as Thursday. 'To my liberal Democratic friends: If you are looking to 'Mask Up,' how about 'Mask Up' the border?' Graham said sharing a Fox News story quoting former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, who claimed migrants coming over the southern border were bringing COVID-19 into the country. During President Donald Trump's time in office, Graham was one of his top allies on Capitol Hill. Trump helped politicize mask-wearing and hosted large political rallies for months leading up to the November 3 presidential election, despite vaccines not being available yet. The former president and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 in early October and Trump was briefly hospitalized at Walter Reed because he had low oxygen levels. With Graham sidelined, the bipartisan infrastructure deal could once again be in danger of falling through, as every senator's vote is needed and the votes were expected to take place this week, before August recess. Graham was one of the 17 Republicans to join Democrats in a key vote last week to get the bipartisan infrastructure deal moving toward passage. Punchbowl News asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer if Graham's diagnosis will derail the infrastructure vote timeline. 'Really hope not,' Schumer said. 'I don't think it will. And we're trying to let it not.' A woman is behind bars in Brazil after she confessed murdering her seven-year-old son and stuffing his body into a duffle bag before dumping him in a river. Yasmin Rodrigues, 26, was taken into custody in Rio Grande do Sul last Thursday after the Civil Police discovered several inconsistencies in her report about her Miguel dos Santos' disappearance, according to Brazilian digital news outlet G1. Her girlfriend, Bruna Porto, was also apprehended Sunday. However, Rodrigues told authorities that Porto, who has autism, was not directly involved in the plot. Rodrigues visited the Tramandai Police Station last Thursday to report that Miguel had gone missing two days earlier in the nearby city of Imbe. Police chief Antonio Ractz said that Rodrigues claimed she failed to report her son's disappearance immediately because she had checked on Google and learned that she had to wait 48 hours to file a police report. During the questioning, Rodrigues eventually admitted to giving medicine to Miguel and then placing his body in a large gym bag without knowing if he was dead. Yasmin Rodrigues was arrested last Thursday after confessing to police that she had killed her seven-year-old son, Miguel do Santo, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Authorities have yet to find the body of Miguel dos Santos, who was reportedly dumped into the Tramandai River by his mother, Yasmin Rodrigues, last Wednesday Miguel dos Santos' body was reportedly stuffed into a suitcase before his mother removed him and dumped him in the Tramandai River, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean Ractz said that Rodrigues left her home and avoided police detection by staying off the main avenues, instead traveling along streets that did not have a lot of pedestrian and vehicle activity before tossing dos Santos' body into the Tramandai River, which runs through the border of Tramandai and Imbe and connects with the Atlantic Ocean. Following Rodrigues' murder confession, authorities searching her home recovered a chain that was used to restrain dos Santos inside a closet. Investigators also discovered a video in which Porto threatened to beat dos Santos with a stick if he peed on himself. 'If you piss (on yourself) I'll take your piss and rub it in your face,' Bruno is heard telling Miguel in Portuguese. 'Do you understand? And it will be very easy for me.' On Tuesday, investigators discovered a notebook with two pages in which Rodrigues allegedly forced Miguel to write down phrases that harmed his self-esteem. The defenseless boy wrote: 'I'm an idiot. I don't deserve the mom I have. I am a thief. I'm bad. I am cruel. I am evil. I'm no good. I don't know how to value nothing. I am a horrible son.' Police on Tuesday recovered a notebook in which Miguel dos Santos was forced to degrade himself by his jailed mother, Yasmin Rodrigues. Rodrigues admitted before the police in Brazil to drugging him and then dumping his body in a river. The child's body has yet to be located Bruna Porto, the girlfriend of Yasmin Rodrigues, was arrested Sunday. Rodrigues, however, told authorities that Porto was not part of the plot to murder her seven-year-old son, Miguel dos Santos. Police said Porto is diagnosed with autism The Civil Police recovered a chain that had been purchased to restrain Miguel dos Santos inside a closet at his home 'What is already clear and we will confirm during the investigations is that the child was living under intense physical and psychological torture,' Ractz said. 'He was malnourished. Although he was enrolled in school, had no friends, did not go anywhere. Was locked in a room in the house, placed in punishment, locked and tied inside a closet.' G1 reported that Rodrigues had agreed in principle to relinquish the custody of her son to her mother. The woman filed a petition with the city of Casca on June 8 and was instructed to provide a series of documents in order to begin the process. Rodrigues submitted the required documents July 8, but she was notified last Wednesday - the day that she reportedly killed her son - that other documents showing proof of income and residence were still missing. Local authorities or the Mateus Dal Pozzo School that dos Santos attended did not have complaints of the child's abuse. As punishment, Yasmin Rodrigues force her seven-year-old son Miguel dos Santos to write: 'I'm an idiot. I don't deserve the mom I have. I am a thief. I'm bad. I am cruel. I am evil. I'm no good. I don't know how to value nothing. I am a horrible son' Military Fire Department lieutenant Elisio Lucrecio told G1 on Wednesday that drones had already been deployed as part of the search efforts to recover dos Santos' body from the river, which has been checked by a search-and-rescue team of divers. Divers were expected to also search the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. A fisherman recovered children-sized slippers in the area, but the mother told cops she was not sure what type of footwear the boy had when she dumped him in the river. Authorities have not discarded searching other areas in Tramandai and Imbe in the event that Rodrigues may have dumped the body elsewhere. The mother of a 14-year-old influencer in Brazil has taken a drastic step and deleted her daughter's social media accounts after describing TikTok and Instagram as 'unhealthy'. Mother Fernanda Rocha Kanner said she did not want her daughter Valentina judging herself on 'online feedback'. Valentina, known online as Nina Rios, had amassed 1.7 million followers over her TikTok and Instagram accounts. Fernanda said the role of a mother was 'not to be your buddy' but admitted Valentina would probably only realise that in hindsight. 'I don't think it's healthy even for an adult and much less for a teenager to base her self-discovery on online feedback', she said. Fernanda Rocha Kanner (right), the mother of 14-year-old influencer Valentina (left), has taken a drastic step and deleted her daughter's social media accounts after describing TikTok and Instagram as 'unhealthy' Valentina, known online as Nina Rios, had amassed 1.7 million followers over her TikTok and Instagram accounts Fernanda told Fantastico: 'It's hard enough for you to find out who you are at 14 years old, 'When there are two million you've never seen in your life thinking they know you, it's even more dangerous. It's easier to lose yourself.' Fernanda said she knew it was time to delete her daughter's accounts 'when I logged in, I'd see 30 identical selfies and little dances that anyone can do.' She said of her decision: 'Radical, yes. Necessary, too.' Fernanda (centre) said she deleted the accounts because the role of a mother was 'not to be your buddy' but admitted Valentina (left) would probably only realise that in hindsight Fernanda added she did not want Valentina 'to grow up believing she's this character'. 'I don't want her advertising flammable polyester clothing made in China. I don't want my brilliant daughter doing her daily dances like a trained baboon. 'It's a sad generation for which this counts as fame.' Fernanda explained that she received praise from other mothers for her actions, while other teenagers described her as 'possessive'. Nina told Fantastico of her mum's decision to delete her account: 'I obviously wasn't very happy. I got quite angry.' She is now unsure when - or if - she will return to social media. She told Fantastico: 'I'll choose. At the moment, I don't want to. It's going to be something that's only going to get in my way and it will only make it worse.' Former President Trump on Wednesday filed court papers challenging a Justice Department order that his tax returns be handed over to Congress, and blasting the moves as 'illegal retaliation' for his political career. It marks the latest twist in a years long battle to delve inside the Trump finances. In a filing in federal court in the District of Columbia, Trump's lawyers said the House Ways and Committee lacked a legal basis for seeking his tax returns and that it was seeking to reveal his tax information for political gain. 'The requests single out President Trump because he is a Republican and a political opponent,' it says. 'They were made to retaliate against President Trump because of his policy positions, his political beliefs, and his protected speech, including the positions he took during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns.' Trump has long fought requests by the Democratically-controlled congressional committee to gain access to his financial information. But on Friday he suffered a setback. The Justice Department, reversing its stance from when he was in office, ordered the Treasury Treasury to turn over his tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee, which first requested them more than two years ago. Former President Trump's lawyers filed their response on Wednesday after the DOJ ordered the Treasury Department to turn his tax returns over to Congress. In a filing, they said: 'The requests single out President Trump because he is a Republican and a political opponent' Trump's lawyers said the moves to turn over his tax returns, which he has been fighting for more than two years, amounted to illegal retaliation. 'They were made to retaliate against President Trump because of his policy positions, his political beliefs, and his protected speech, including the positions he took during the 2016 and 2020 campaigns,' they wrote Former President Donald Trump's lawyer said Monday he will continue to fight to keep his tax returns secret after the Justice Department told the Treasury Department to release his financial records to the Democratic-controlled Congress His lawyers, in a response filed in federal court in the District of Columbia, say that Trump declined to release his tax returns during the 2016 election because they were being audited. 'The tax returns became a major campaign issue,' they write. 'Secretary Clinton repeatedly insinuated that their nondisclosure suggested they contained politically damaging information.' After his election, Democrats only became more eager for their release, they continue, and openly discussed the secrets they thought they would find. 'Then-Leader Nancy Pelosi, for example, said there was a popular demand for the Presidents tax returns, which she suspected would reveal a Russia connection and what [the] Russians have on Donald Trump. 'In a press conference with the House Democratic Leadership, she reiterated her concern about Russia and called on the Ways and Means Committee to make those tax returns public.' It all added up to a specific campaign against Trump, say his lawyers. The committee has said it wants the data to assess whether the Internal Revenue Service is properly handling presidential tax returns to decide whether new legislation is necessary. But Trump's lawyers dismissed that as 'pretextual' rationalization. 'The record overwhelming reveals that the purpose of the requests for Intervenors tax information is to expose the private tax information of one individualPresident Trumpfor political gain. The requests are tailored to, and in practical operation will affect, only President Trump,' they conclude. The filing came in response to an opinion issued by the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel on Friday President Biden's Justice Department ruled there was a 'sufficient' reasons for Congress to request and receive Trump's tax returns 'The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has invoked sufficient reasons for requesting the former President's tax information,' it said. The opinion noted the request for Trump's taxes 'would further the Committee's principal stated objective of assessing the IRS's presidential audit programa plainly legitimate area for congressional inquiry.' 'Treasury must furnish the information to the Committee,' it read. Trump's lawyers quickly indicated they would fight the order. 'There is no evidence of any wrongdoing here and I object to the release of the returns not only on behalf of my client but on behalf of all future holders of the office of the president of the United States,' Trump's lawyer Ronald Fischetti told The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. Democratic Rep. Richard Neal, the chairman of the committee, first sent a request for six years of Trump's personal business tax returns Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Charles Rettig in April 2019. The IRS is part of the Treasury Department. In his request, Neal said his committee had the responsibility of ensuring elected officials complied with the nation's tax laws. The Ways and Means committee is the tax-writing body in Congress. Then-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he wouldn't turn over the tax returns because he concluded they were being sought by Democrats who control the House of Representatives for partisan reasons. Trump also defeated congressional attempts in court. Trump, unlike previous presidential nominees, declined to release his tax returns during the election, saying he was the subject of an IRS audit. The decision comes more than a year after the U.S. Supreme Court said that Trump's tax returns and other financial records had to be turned over to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who is conducting a separate investigation into Trump's business practices. Pope Francis today held his first weekly audience since undergoing bowel surgery a month ago. The 84-year-old pontiff walked unaided to the centre of the stage to address the Paul VI Hall, offering his prayers and condolences to Lebanon on the anniversary of the Beirut port blast. After an almost hour-long sermon, Francis descended the stairs and greeted the faithful, shaking their hands, posing for selfies and blessing small children without a mask on. It was his first audience since being admitted to hospital in Rome on July 4 for an operation to remove a section of his colon. The Vatican said the surgery was necessitated by diverticular stenosis, or a narrowing of the bowel. Pope Francis poses for a selfie as he holds his first general audience in the Paul VI Hall since undergoing bowel surgery last month The pontiff prompted some smiles from the audience as he fidgeted with his cap Francis reaches out to give his blessings to small children held aloft by their parents The Pope holds the arm of an aide as he attends the general audience at the Paul VI Hall on Wednesday As he arrived at the Nervi Hall on Wednesday he smiled and gestured towards the visitors before taking his seat in an upholstered chair and addressing several hundred pilgrims and tourists, who wore masks as part of the Vatican's anti-pandemic measures for crowd situations. After removing his face mask to protect against COVID-19, Francis walked unaided to the center of the stage of a Vatican auditorium. Near the end of his sermon, Francis spoke of the Beirut explosion, recalling the 'victims, their families, the injured, and all those who lost homes and work' in the blast. Lebanon's people, he said, were still 'tired and disappointed' in the aftermath, a reference to the economic and political crises convulsing the Middle Eastern nation on the Mediterranean Sea. Francis appealed to the international community to offer 'concrete gestures' of help to the Lebanese people and not 'just words.' 'My desire to visit you is great,' Francis said, adding he 'never tires of praying' for them. On Wednesday, audience members clapped vigorously after he finished his introductory remarks and after he greeted each language group. Pope Francis greets a child at the end of his weekly general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican The Pope laughs with the faithful as he leaves the Paul VI Hall on Wednesday The Pope rubs his eyes during the general audience The Pope is seen receiving a gift from a member of the congregation After the pope gave participants his closing blessing, he went down the stage's steps with the help of two aides to greet some members of the public, pausing for a selfie with an audience member. 'I hope that the coming summer holidays will be a time of refreshment and spiritual renewal for you and your families,' Francis said during his scripted remarks. Unlike previous pontiffs, who spent summers at the Vatican's holiday retreat in the cooler hills near Rome, or, in the case of John Paul II, who liked to vacation in the Italian Alps, Francis stays at the Vatican each summer. But during his papacy, the Wednesday audiences have been suspended in July to give Francis some extra rest time during Rome's hot summers. His hospitalization therefore didn't interfere with his regular general audience schedule. The Pope smiles and waves to the camera as a young man poses for a selfie The Pope without a mask is surrounded by congregants While recovering at the hospital, Francis stepped onto a 10-floor balcony to greet well-wishers. He still looks somewhat wan, but Francis has been in good spirits and adlibbed at times during his traditional Sunday window appearances to the crowd in St. Peter's Square. His wish for a peaceful future for Lebanon echoed sentiments he voiced three days before his surgery. On July 1, at a prayer service in St. Peter's Basilica, Francis insisted that Lebanon must remain a 'land of tolerance and pluralism' as he welcomed the country's Christian patriarchs to the Vatican to pray for an end to that country's crises. Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber ripped Ron DeSantis for his 'tragically nutty' decision to accept the high rate of COVID cases in the state, charging the Florida governor with looking to gain a 'political advantage' out of the pandemic. With the highly contagious Delta variant now spreading rapidly, Florida hit 11,515 hospitalized patients on Tuesday, breaking last year's record for the third straight day and up from just 1,000 in mid-June. The state is headed toward its worst outbreak since the start of the pandemic. Gelber told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Tuesday evening that DeSantis has simply accepted that there will be people who die as a result of his 'brazen political decision ... he's doing in order to gain some political advantage.' He slammed the governor for not embracing mask mandates and for not allowing the cruise industry to use vaccine passports. 'It really is sort of nutty too -- tragically nutty in a sense,' he said. Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber ripped Ron DeSantis for his 'tragically nutty' decision to accept the high rate of COVID cases in the state Floridas governor is slowing down the states Covid-19 response by design, says Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber. It feels like hes doing everything in his power to make this disease incredibly difficult to challenge and to cabin. pic.twitter.com/k8bS8kUZNz Cuomo Prime Time (@CuomoPrimeTime) August 4, 2021 Twitter Privacy Policy Gelber accused the governor of playing to the conservative crowd of the Republican Party, the fervent MAGA supporters of Donald Trump. 'The point is that the governor has just decided as a show of, really, just to show off to this base that he's currying favor with that he's going to just stop all local officials from having any impact on this,' he said. DeSantis, a close ally of Trump, is seeking a second term in the Florida governor's mansion in next year's election. He's also thought to be eyeing a run at the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. The governor came to nation-wide attention and became a hero to the right with his willingness to defy COVID restrictions to keep his state open. On Friday, DeSantis barred school districts from requiring students to wear masks when classes begin next week after the CDC recommended they wear them. It will be up to parents to decide whether their children wear masks in school. 'In Florida, there will be no lockdowns,' DeSantis said. 'There will be no school closures. There will be no restrictions and no mandates.' And he said on Tuesday that he expects hospitalizations to drop in the next couple weeks, arguing that the spike is seasonal as Floridians spend more time together indoors to escape the summer heat and humidity. 'We are not shutting down,' DeSantis said. 'We are going to have schools open. We are protecting every Floridian's job in this state. We are protecting people's small businesses. These interventions have failed time and time again throughout this pandemic, not just in the United States.' DeSantis says COVID cases will decrease in the coming weeks amid spike in Delta cases and says 'interventions' have not stopped the spread Florida is averaging 27,681 cases per day, a 342% increase from the 6,492 average cases reported two weeks ago (left). COVID-19 hospitalizations also reached a record high with 11,515, breaking the previous record of 10, 207 set on Monday (right) But President Biden on Tuesday demanded that DeSantis, along with the Republican governor of Texas use his power to save lives or get out of the way of people doing the right thing. His pointed remarks came as he delivered an update on efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and urged Americans to protect themselves from a surge in cases. 'The escalation of cases is particularly concentrated in states with low vaccination rates,' he said. 'Just two states, Florida and Texas, account for one third of all new COVID-19 cases in the entire country. Just two states. 'Look, we need leadership from everyone.' A year ago, Florida was averaging about 180 COVID-19 deaths per day during an early August spike, but last week averaged 58 per day. However, 2,400 COVID-19 patients are in an intensive care unit, and deaths generally don't spike until a few weeks after hospitalizations. 'Even among a lot of positive tests, you are seeing much less mortality that you did year-over-year,' DeSantis said at a Miami-area press conference. 'Would I rather have 5,000 cases among 20-year-olds or 500 cases among seniors? I would rather have the younger.' A Melbourne man is facing more than a dozen charges over an alleged attempt to kidnap a child. Tyrone Abella, 20, was arrested and charged on Wednesday over an incident in Frankston a day earlier, when he is alleged to have tried to take a teenage girl from a bus stop. Abella, who has no fixed address, is facing an attempted kidnapping and attempted child stealing charge over the incident on Tuesday morning. He's also facing three unlawful assault charges, including one which prosecutors said was an alleged sexual offence, and charges of possessing ice, cannabis and an imitation firearm. Tyrone Abella, 20, was arrested and charged on Wednesday over an incident in Frankston a day earlier (stock image) Other charges allege he stole a rental car and drove carelessly in Edithvale and Carrum Downs, where he was arrested. He faced Melbourne Magistrates Court by videolink from Frankston on Wednesday afternoon. Wearing a black and green jumper with a mask over his mouth, Abella rested his head on a table during the hearing. The court heard he had a fractured eye socket and neck injury that needed to be seen by a nurse. He has an intellectual disability and may also be withdrawing from drugs of addiction, the court heard. He's due back in court on October 27. Advertisement Migrants have boasted of dodging quarantine due to poor security at hotels being paid for by the British taxpayer, reports say. Some admitted they left their rooms and were allowed to go shopping amid confusion among guards over who was supposed to be self-isolating. It comes despite Britons returning from trips abroad having to lock themselves away for ten days with police checking up on them and daily phone calls. The Channel migrant crisis reached new heights yesterday as the number reaching Britain this year topped 10,000. More than 260 are thought to have arrived aboard a dozen boats yesterday. They were brought to Dover Marina in Kent for processing by immigration officers. There had been 9,740 confirmed arrivals by the end of Tuesday, plus an estimated 269 yesterday. By comparison, there were 8,500 arrivals across the Channel in the whole of last year and 1,850 in 2019. The latest staggering milestone was reached while Home Secretary Priti Patel was in Greece during a visit to an asylum reception centre. Ms Patel sailed on the Aegean with the Hellenic coastguard, who have been accused of deploying hard-line tactics against migrants attempting to reach Europe. Her fact-finding mission to the Greek government's recently completed processing centre on the island of Samos is expected to feed into Home Office plans to build similar facilities here. The Home Secretary's official visit to Greece will allow officials to gather information on how 'turnaround' tactics are currently deployed at the EU's external border so similar methods could be used in the Channel More than 260 are thought to have arrived aboard a dozen boats yesterday. They were brought to Dover Marina in Kent for processing by immigration officers A group of migrants are brought into the shore at Dungeness Lifeboat station on the Kent coast on Wednesday The migrants who admitted dodging quarantine to go out shopping when they were supposed to be in their rooms aired their claims to the Telegraph yesterday. One, who is being houses in a hotel in Peckham, south London, said: 'I was quarantining for 12 days but I could go outside. Security asked for your room numbers when you left and to sign back in.' Asked if he could go shopping, he said: 'Yes'. A security guard at a hotel in Kensington, in the west of the capital, added: 'I don't know how many are in quarantine, whether it's one, two or none.' Asked about the fact migrants were going in and out of the building without restrictions, he said: 'I see what you're saying, but those ones are probably not quarantining.' Ms Patel is introducing powers to allow Border Force to turn migrant boats around in the English Channel back to France. But the French have so far refused to allow similar tactics, claiming it is in breach of international maritime law. The Home Secretary's official visit to Greece will allow officials to gather information on how 'turnaround' tactics are currently deployed at the EU's external border so similar methods could be used in the Channel. Miss Patel said: 'We have seen a surge in illegal migration across Europe, and we must continue to work closely with our Greek partners to tackle this challenge that both our countries face. 'Only by working together can we break up these crime gangs that extend throughout Europe and beyond and stop the horrific trade in people across the Continent. 'Inaction is not an option whilst people are dying across Europe making these dangerous and illegal journeys. The Government continues to take steps to tackle the unacceptable problem of illegal migration through the Nationality and Borders Bill which will protect lives and break this cycle of illegal migration.' Yesterday's arrivals included a group of 55 aboard the RNLI lifeboat at Dungeness. Some flopped exhausted on to the shingle beach after disembarking the lifeboat down a ladder. UK Border Force vessels brought in groups numbering 80, 40, 38 and 26 throughout the day, and the RNLI brought in a further 30. Last month Miss Patel announced she had agreed to give France an extra 54million in UK taxpayers' money to increase security patrols on the other side of the Channel. Dan O'Mahoney, the Home Office's clandestine Channel threat commander, said: 'There is an unacceptable rise in dangerous small boat crossings across the Channel because of a surge in illegal migration across Europe. We have signed a strengthened agreement with our French counterparts to increase police patrols on French beaches and enhance intelligence sharing.' Greece is thought to have deployed several hundred 'pushback' operations since March last year to deter migrants attempting to reach their territory from Turkey. In some cases, the engines of migrant boats are alleged to have been disabled by Greek security patrols. In April, the Greek organisation Legal Centre Lesvos lodged a claim at the European Court of Human Rights alleging tactics used against 200 migrants in an incident last October were illegal. Onlookers monitoring activity off the Kent coast said that Wednesday was been another 'very busy' day for crossings with more than a dozen boats spotted in the Channel. Young children were spotted on boats while a group of around 40 men were brought ashore by the RNLI on Wednesday morning. Very young children were spotted coming ashore with what appeared to be family members A group of around 40 migrants arrive via the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) on Dungeness beach on Wednesday A group of migrants lie down and sit on the beach after arriving on Dungeness beach on Wednesday afternoon The group of migrants were corralled by police officers after arriving on Dungeness beach earlier on Wednesday RNLI workers are seen helping migrants off one of their lifeboats A group of mostly male migrants are seen walking up the beach in Dungeness after arriving via an RNLI lifeboat on Wednesday The Royal National Lifeboat Institution brought the migrants to the beach at Dungeness At least 269 more migrants were counted by observers at the Dover Marina in Kent on Wednesday The first boat group of eight men and two women wearing orange lifejackets were brought into Dover Marina, Kent shortly after 9am on board a black Border Force RHIB. A grey inflatable boat and a khaki dinghy were towed into the docks before the Border Force vessel returned with another 16 male migrants. The vessels they used to cross the Dover Strait - a white inflatable and a black RHIB - were brought in afterwards. Border Force coastal patrol vessel Hunter brought around 40 migrants into harbour around noon. One woman, wearing a headscarf, blue dress and wrapped in a red blanket, appeared very uneasy on her feet and held her back as she disembarked before being put in a wheelchair by medics to be pushed up the gangway for processing. The rest of the group were men who appeared to be from the Middle East. One was wearing a black Armani jacket with its hood up while another wore Nike tracksuit bottoms. The RNLI's Dover Lifeboat Daniel L Gibson was tasked to rescue around 55 migrants for the second consecutive day. A mum held the hand of her son, who appeared to be aged around four, as he wore yellow boots to walk up the gangway for processing. Two more young boys wearing identical bobble hats raced up the walkway afterwards followed by their mum. They were followed by a woman holding her young son's hand and two mums carrying their infant daughters, no more than two-years-old, in their arms. The 16 women and children, who appeared to be from Africa, were followed by a Middle Eastern family, consisting of a mother, father, two sons and a daughter, and another mother with three daughters. Onlookers monitoring activity off the Kent coast said that Wednesday has been another 'very busy' day for crossings with more than a dozen boats spotted in the Channel So far in August, 325 migrants have been intercepted in eight boats though Tuesday's and Wednesday's figures are thought to have raised the total significantly Migrants from nations including Vietnam, Iran and Eritrea sit on a beach after being rescued by the RNLI in the English Channel Police officers intercepted the group of migrants after they arrived on the beach in Dungeness The migrants were mainly men and came from different countries including Vietnam, Iran and Eritrea Migrants are seen eating food and drinking water after arriving on the beach at Dungeness A police officer searches one of the migrants who arrived at Dungeness beach earlier on Wednesday The migrants are herded onto a coach after arriving at the beach in Dungeness earlier on Wednesday Police officers talk to migrants before they are transported from the beach in Dungeness A group of migrants walk through the shallows of Dungeness beach before being intercepted by police officers Migrants sit and lie down as they wait for transportation with police officers after arriving at Dungeness beach on Wednesday One of the approximate 30 young Middle Eastern men who left the boat was wearing a Chelsea FC tracksuit top. Around 60 Middle Eastern men aged in their 20s were brought in at 2pm on Border Force catamaran Hurricane. It came after around 30 migrants were rescued by the RNLI off Dungeness. They were seen sitting on the shingle as they disembarked the lifeboat one by one while their grey RHIB with outboard engine was towed to shore. They follow Tuesday's arrivals which began shortly after 8am when search and rescue cutter Speedwell brought the first boat in containing around 25 men, mainly from the Middle East in their late teens or early 20s, wearing coats and hoodies. Some were seen carrying their possessions in camouflage patterned rucksacks while one young man required a walking stick to make his way up the gangway. The RNLI's Dover Lifeboat was also tasked to rescue a red rigid hulled inflatable boat (RHIB) off Capel-le-Ferne with around 35 migrants onboard. A tiny toddler and a baby no more than a year old were among many young migrant children brought in later that afternoon. Migrants arriving in Dover on Wednesday after being picked up in the Channel following another busy day of crossings Some were seen carrying their possessions in camouflage patterned rucksacks while one young man required a walking stick to make his way up the gangway Home Secretary Priti Patel recently said that the government would seek to criminalise irregular migration One mother, wearing a head scarf, could be seen walking across the mooring. A female Immigration Enforcement officer held a baby wrapped in a light blue blanket in front of her while a male officer carried a young girl in his arms. A male migrant could be seen carrying his young daughter up the gangway for processing behind a male officer who held the hand of a young boy aged around five who hesitantly approached the processing tent at Tug Haven. The day's total soared when Border Force catamaran Hurricane, the latest vessel added to its search and rescue fleet off the Kent coast, brought around 90 men, women, and kids into harbour around 2pm. A young boy around three years of age was lifted off the boat by a female Border Force officer wearing white PPE overalls. He was followed by a slightly older girl and their mother wrapped up in a black Parka jacket and red blanket. A girl aged around five then left the vessel followed by a two-year-old boy wearing a bobble hat covered in multi-coloured dinosaurs sucking his thumb as he held the hand of his mother aged in her 30s. A huge black RHIB with items of clothing, a small pink children's backpack and multiple foot pumps discarded on its plywood hull could be seen floating in the harbour as they walked up the gangway for processing. French authorities stopped just 20 people in one boat on Tuesday. They were spotted in difficulty off the coast of Boulogne-sur-Mer by a fishing boat who called the French Navy rescue tug Abeille Languedoc to return them to port. It is a record-breaking year for migrants crossing to the UK - despite vows from the Home Office to make the route 'unviable' It comes after 44 migrants made the treacherous trip across one of the world's busiest shipping routes on Monday. Speedwell brought the men, who appeared to be African, into port around 8.30am. That was the first crossing since 160 migrants arrived in five boats on Monday July 26 as people smugglers took advantage of a break in bad weather. So far in August, 325 migrants have been intercepted in eight boats. Dan O'Mahoney, Clandestine Channel Threat Commander, said: 'There is an unacceptable rise in dangerous small boat crossings across the channel because of a surge in illegal migration across Europe. 'We have signed a strengthened agreement with our French counterparts to increase police patrols on French beaches and enhance intelligence sharing. 'This joint work has already prevented over 8,000 attempts by migrants to enter the UK - nearly treble the number for the same period in 2020. 'The Government continues to take steps to tackle the unacceptable problem of illegal migration through the Nationality & Borders Bill which will protect lives and break this cycle of illegal crossings. The Government is also continuing to return those with no legal right to remain in the UK..' Guests wishing to attend the Met Gala, the Sundance Film Festival or Cirque de Soleil will need to show proof of full vaccination to enter, it has been revealed. The New York fashion event, which takes place on September 13, is also requiring all guests including the rich and famous to wear face masks inside while not eating and drinking. Billie Eilish will make history at the charity fundraiser by being the gala's youngest ever co-chair. At the Met Gala, Billie Eilish will make history by being the youngest ever co-chair of the prestigious event The popstar will join other celebrities including Naomi Osaka (pictured), inauguration poet Amanda Gorman and Timothee Chalamet as co-chairs The theme for this year's New York social event is America: A Lexicon of Fashion, which is named after a new exhibition at the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A spokesperson told The Daily Beast: 'Currently, all attendees at The Met Gala on September 13 must provide proof of full vaccination and will also be expected to wear masks indoors except when eating or drinking. We will update these guidelines as needed.' The popstar will join other celebrities including Naomi Osaka, inauguration poet Amanda Gorman and Timothee Chalamet as co-chairs, while Tom Ford, Adam Mosseri and Anna Wintour will set as honorary chairs. Announcing the hosts in May, Vogue said: 'Each of the Met's four co-hosts embodies the defining factor of American style: individualism. The Met Gala, which takes place on September 13, is requiring proof of full vaccination for all attendees. Pictured: fundraiser organizer Anna Wintour '[They have] developed a distinct visual language for their public personas, one that is informed by the legacy of iconic fashion made in the USA.' Meanwhile the Sundance Film Festival, which is not taking place until January 20, has already said all participants must be fully vaccinated. The 2022 Festival is requiring all people including volunteers, filmmakers and passholders to show proof of inoculation. Following the largely virtual Sundance earlier this year, organizers are planning to hold in-person events in 2022 with screenings in Park City and Salt Lake City, Utah, as well as some 'satellite' screenings at regional theaters throughout the US. The Sundance Film Festival, which is not taking place until January 20, has already said all participants must be fully vaccinated Festival director Tabitha Jackson told Deadline: 'Health and safety is paramount. As we plan for the 2022 Festival, one of our most important considerations is how best to safely bring together artists, audiences, volunteers, and staff from around the world. 'As part of our commitment to this community, we will be requiring all participants attending the Festival, or Sundance-affiliated events, in person in Utah to be fully vaccinated. 'We are providing this information now to ensure that all in-person participants feel comfortable attending, and can adjust their travel plans if needed.' Officials have not yet announced if attendees will need to wear a face mask at the festival. Cirque de Soleil at Las Vegas is allowing guests in who take regular tests if they have not been fully vaccinated. Cirque de Soleil at Las Vegas is allowing guests in who take regular tests if they have not been fully vaccinated In a statement to KSNV, organizers said: 'As we continue to gradually reopen our shows, a series of protocols have been implemented with regard to Covid-19 in order to keep our artists, employees and audiences safe. 'In alignment with these policies, Cirque du Soleil will require for all show staff, artists and technicians to be fully vaccinated prior to reopening. 'Given the unique nature of our productions and operations, it is imperative that we embark on this process to maintain the continuity of our operations. 'Artists and employees that are not vaccinated are required to be tested regularly.' While there is no decision yet on the wearing of face masks, Las Vegas Governor Steve Sisolak has reintroduced a mask mandate regardless of vaccination status. New York Fashion Week will also require all guests and staff to be fully vaccinated, organizers announced this week. The show, from September 8, will apply to everyone entering Spring Studios, while those under 16 will need to show a negative PCR or antigen test for entry. A famous ballerina and her instructor husband have been accused of restraining then sexually abusing their former protege in a gun-filled room. Sage Humphries and another professional dancer, Gina Menichino, on July 28 filed a civil complaint in US District Court in Nevada, accusing Mitchell Taylor Button of sexually and emotionally abusing the two women years apart. Button is the husband of Dusty Button, Boston Ballet's former principal dancer who now has a large following on social media. She has also been named as an alleged predator in Humphries and Menichino's suit, but is not listed as a defendant. Former Boston Ballet star Dusty Button (left) has been implicated in a federal lawsuit accusing her husband, Mitchell Button (right), of sexually abusing young dancers, including a child Boston Ballet dancer Sage Humphries (left) and professional dancer Gina Menichino (right) together filed the lawsuit against Mitchell Button Humphries, now 23, claims Mitchell repeatedly sexually assaulted her in 2017, including with the help of his prima ballerina wife. They deny her claims The lawsuit alleges that on multiple occasions, Dusty held down Humphries so she could not move while her husband violently penetrated the young woman without her consent, including in her sleep. In one instance, as alleged in the complaint, the Buttons ordered Humphries to don a head-to-toe spandex suit, tied her to a table in a room filled with guns and sexually assaulted her as she screamed and cried. Through their attorney, the Buttons denied the allegations detailed in the lawsuit, calling them 'false and fraudulent.' Humphries, now 23, told the New York Times in an interview that the Buttons had 'complete control' over her while she was a young dancer at Boston Ballet II, the company's apprenticeship program. The complaint states that Humphries, who was new to Boston at the time and had no family or friends in the city, first met Dusty Button, then a world-renowned prima ballerina, and her dance instructor husband in 2016. The Buttons befriended the young dancer in early 2017 and soon began inviting her over to their home, where Humphries was expected to drink heavily, according to the complaint. The 19-page federal complaint does not name Dusty as a defendant but as a 'non-party co-conspirator' and implicates her in some of the alleged abuse targeting Humphries. It is alleged in the explosive complaint that 'the Buttons abuse their positions of power and prestige in the dance community to garner the loyalty and trust of young dancers. The Buttons then exploit those relationships to coerce sexual acts by means of force and fraud.' Dusty, pictured furthest left, departed from the Boston Ballet in 2017. She allegedly held down Humphries while her husband sexually penetrated her without the woman's consent Humphries claims in the lawsuit the Buttons had complete control over her and isolated her from family and friends. She was forced to live with the couple, who together would sexually abuse her, according to the complaint 'The Buttons also began to insist that Sage sleep at their apartment on a regular basis,' the lawsuit alleges. 'The Buttons instructed Sage to wear their clothes and style her hair to match Dustys hair.' Mitchell allegedly told Humphries that if she agreed to hand over control of her social media accounts to him, including her passwords and access to her text messages and email, he would make her as famous as his wife. 'If Sage ever attempted to distance herself or disobey the Buttons, they would threaten to revoke their financial support and sabotage her career,' the complaint alleges. One evening, the Buttons and Humphries were lying on a mattress together watching a movie when Mitchell sexually assaulted his young protege after his wife dozed off, according to the complaint. 'Any time Sage attempted to develop other friendships and spend time apart from the Buttons, the Buttons would become enraged,' the lawsuit alleges. On one occasion, Mitchell allegedly forced Humphries to preform oral sex on him as punishment for having lunch with a group of women. The lawsuit alleges that the Buttons insisted that Humphries 'prioritize them over her family,' and even joined her on a trip to California to visit her parents 'she she could not be alone with her family.' Humphries was eventually rescued by her parents, who flew her home to California After returning to Boston, the sexual abuse intensified, according to the lawsuit. 'One evening, Sage went to the Buttons apartment after rehearsal, and the apartment was completely dark,' reads the complaint. 'Dusty and [Mitchell] demanded that Sage put on a spandex suit that covered her entire body, including her mouth and eyes, and left only her nose and ears exposed. 'Dusty led Sage into a room of the Buttons apartment that had an arsenal of guns hanging on the wall. Sage told the Buttons she was scared. They instructed her to lie down on a table, and they tied up her arms and legs so she was unable to move. The Buttons then sexually assaulted Sage. 'Sage began sobbing and screaming, begging the Buttons to untie her. The Buttons told her she was being weak and stupid.' After that incident, Mitchell allegedly began having sex with his protege 'whenever he pleased,' including sometimes while she was sleeping. '[Mitchell] regularly shoved Sage to the ground or on the bed and violently penetrated her without her consent,' claims the complaint. 'On several occasions, Dusty held Sage down while [Mitchell] penetrated her so that Sage could not move.' During sex, the dance instructor allegedly would 'choke, slap and pull' Humphries' hair, leaving her covered in bruises. 'The Buttons also regularly used painful sex toys on Sage and would tie Sage up in order to have sex with her,' the lawsuit contends. 'Sage never consented to these violent sex acts.' By May 2017, the Buttons allegedly forced Humphries to live with them full time. They did not charge her rent and paid for her meals and personal expenses, rendering her financially dependent on the couple. 'If Sage ever attempted to distance herself or disobey the Buttons, they would threaten to revoke their financial support and sabotage her career,' according to the lawsuit. Eventually, Humphries' parents became concerned with her living situation and forced her to return home. Mitchell continued communicating with Humphries on Snapchat. At one point, he allegedly told her he wanted to rape the woman and leave her to die in a warehouse, and also threatened to travel to California and slit her father's throat. In August 2017, Humphries sought and received abuse protection orders against the Buttons. The Boston Ballet has issued a statement expressing support for Humphries, who is still part of the company. 'Boston Ballet supports Sage Humphries who is bravely coming forward, sharing her experience to protect others, and seeking accountability and justice,' the statement read. According to the dance company, Dusty Button's employment with the Boston Ballet was terminated in May 2017. The federal lawsuit also details allegations of sexual abuse from a decade ago targeting Mitchell Button's former dance student Gina Menichino. According to the complaint, Button, who at the time went by the name Taylor Moore and worked as a dance instructor at a studio in Tampa, Florida, began grooming Menichino for abuse when she was 13 years old and he was 25. 'Taylor took a special interest in Gina and would single her out for special attention and opportunities in dance class, such as allowing her to assistant teach his dance classes,' alleges the complaint. Menichino, a dancer from New Jersey, claims that when she was 13 years old and attending a dance studio in Florida in 2010, Mitchell Button sexually assaulted her On two separate occasions in 2010, Button allegedly sexually assaulted Menichino while the two were sharing a blanket while watching a movie with other dance students. Button then began regularly 'sexting' the young girl, including sending her shirtless photos of himself and videos showing him pleasuring himself, the suit claims. He also solicited similar content from Menichino. 'Taylor used his position of power and authority over Gina to force her to comply with his sexual demands,' according to the lawsuit. If the 13-year-old resisted her teacher's sexual advances, Button allegedly threatened to hurt her dance career. 'The whole game was to keep him happy,' Menichino, now 25, told the Times. 'Dont get him angry, or I was unworthy and I would lose my dance career.' Ken Swartz, the attorney representing the Buttons, said in a statement to the paper that his clients 'categorically deny these baseless claims and they look forward to the opportunity through court proceedings to disprove all of the plaintiffs false and fraudulent allegations.' Fed-up police on the Covid front line have sent out a stark warning to anyone flashing a fake face mask exemption, saying they face serious prison time. New South Wales Deputy Commissioner of Metropolitan Field Operations, Malcolm Lanyon, said making a false declaration to an officer is an indictable offence which carries a five year jail term. With Greater Sydney now in the midst of its sixth week of lockdown, a trend has emerged where rule breakers have manipulated the public health mandate. Some are faking statutory declarations which excludes them from having to wear a face mask - even though they do not have a lawful reason not to do so. Fed-up police on the Covid front line have sent out a stark warning to anyone flashing a fake face mask exemption (pictured, a masked woman in Yagoonal, Sydney, on Wednesday) Police in Campsie, southwest Sydney, are seen speaking to people outside a grocery store on Wednesday (pictured) amid warnings about face masks 'The mask wearing requirements have evolved over time to match the changing settings as the Government has responded to the escalating Covid-19 Delta variant case numbers,' Deputy Commissioner Lanyon said. 'Clearly the rules now state that people need to abide by the mask wearing requirements of the Public Health Orders unless they have an exemption.' Anyone with an exemption must either carry a medical certificate issued by a doctor or a statutory declaration. 'If police ask to see the exemption people are required to present that documentation, and we will investigate all exemptions,' Deputy Commissioner Lanyon said. 'Make no mistake, police are investigators by trade. 'If we have any reasonable doubt that a document may be false, we can and will investigate these matters thoroughly to bring people before the courts,' he said. The five year prison sentence falls under The Oaths Act of 1900 and is the maximum penalty for making a false declaration. 'Clearly the rules now state that people need to abide by the mask wearing requirements of the Public Health Orders unless they have an exemption,' the deputy commissioner said (pictured, police patrol Bankstown on Wednesday) The five year prison sentence falls under The Oaths Act of 1900 and is the maximum penalty for making a false declaration (pictured, Bankstown on Wednesday) China's economic boom is hardly a secret: Four decades of economic growth that not even a pandemic could touch, the country added a new billionaire every 17 hours in 2020 - with tech entrepreneurs dominating lists of the newly-minted. The tech sector now accounts for almost a third of China's economy - but since the start of the year, Beijing has been waging a war on big tech and its billionaire owners that has seen some of its biggest firms lose $1.2trillion in value in just six months. Jack Ma, once China's richest man, disappeared for three months and had his firms forcibly restructured; DiDi - China's Uber - was pulled from app stores; and games developer Tencent was accused of poisoning children with 'spiritual opium.' Which begs one big question: Why? Jack Ma disappeared for three months and was hit with investigations that have wiped more than $100billion off the value of his empire after he criticised China's financial sector At least in public, the Communist party claims to be hitting back at anti-competitive practices, wealth inequality, and a soul-crushing workplace culture at startups where a typical week runs from 9am to 9pm, six days a week - the so-called '996' routine. That has sparked a millennial movement called 'tangping' - or 'lying flat' - which rejects climbing the career ladder acquiring material goods in favour of living a modest lifestyle - a worrying trend to a regime hell-bent on growth. In a sign of the party's anxiety about 'tangping', almost all references to it are banned on China's tightly-controlled internet and state-owned media have also denounced the movement, CNN reports. However, other analysts believe the CCP's motives after less public-spirited and may stem from old-fashioned jealousy at the newly emergent billionaire class. Where once Xi Jinping dominated headlines about China's success, his name and face were replaced in recent years by the high-flyers of tech, most notably Jack Ma - owner of online store Alibaba and the country's answer to Jeff Bezos. That would help to explain why, on the eve of Ma's Ant Group hitting the stock market last year in what was expected to be the biggest ever public offering at $37billion, he suddenly disappeared. Ma stayed gone for five months - an absence that has never officially been explained - during which time Ant's stock market debut was cancelled and its business model forcibly restructured, wiping some $70billion off its value. When Ma did finally reappear, his Alibaba web store - China's equivalent of Amazon - was hit with a $2.8billion fine for anti-competitive practices, just for good measure. It is widely thought the CCP acted against him after comments he made to a conference shortly before he vanished, criticising China's financial system. Speaking to the BBC earlier this year, Christina Boutrup - a China analyst who has interviewed Ma - said it seemed Ma crossed 'the invisible red line'. The message to other billionaires was clear: Keep politics and business separate. In the wake of Ma's disappearance, fellow entrepreneurs raced to protect themselves - with Pony Ma, who heads up online gaming firm Tencent, even going so far as to call for more regulation of his own company to appease the powers in Beijing. Ride-hailing app DiDi was pulled from Chinese app stores and banned from accepting new users just days after floating on the New York Stock Exchange Game developer Tencent was accused of corrupting children with 'spiritual opium' by state media, sparking a sell off which has seen billions wiped off its value It did little to appease the powers that be, which subsequently hit the firm with anticompetition lawsuits that saw an eye-watering $170billion wiped off its value in July this year alone. Also in the wake of Ma's punishment, Simon Hu - director of Ant Group - quit his role, while Colin Huang stepped down as the chairman of Pinduoduo, an online grocery firm, causing its share price to plunge. Speaking to The Economist, one source close to Huang directly linked his departure to Ma's public censuring. 'He understands very well that it is not safe to be at the top or at an extreme,' the source said. Another added: 'He saw what was going on next door and decided to leave.' A second theory is that China is punishing tech firms that try to raise capital in the West, with a number of targets having made big bucks on foreign stock exchanges. Perhaps the most prominent example is ride-hailing firm Didi, which raised $4.4bn when it debuted in New York in July - but just days later was pulled from app stores back home and banned from accepting new users over alleged misuse of data. Two other firms - truck-hailing app Manbang and recruitment firm Kanzhun - also faced similar probes not long after floating in New York, devastating their value. China claims to be tackling wealth inequality and abuse of workers and data by big tech, but observers believe Xi has other motives Beijing then announced a tightening of rules for home-grown companies looking to list overseas, forcing each one to undergo a cyber security review in advance. The review will look into any national security implications of companies accepting foreign investment, officials said - in a clear sign of what the ruling regime perceives the threat to be. Another possibility is that China doesn't actually want a large tech sector - or at least not a tech sector filled with firms designing games, peddling cheap goods, and distracting people on attention-hoarding social networks. Instead, observers suggest, Xi could be trying to drive money towards hard tech sectors with bigger implications for China's march to power - including robotics and semiconductor manufacturing, a key component in computer chips used in cars, satellites and military tech. Evidence of this is seen in the stock market: While Alibaba and Tencent have seen their values slide, two of the country's largest semiconductor manufacturers have seen theirs soar by more than 20 per cent. Indeed, China is throwing money at creating a domestic semiconductor industry to end its reliance on foreign imports. It is perhaps no coincidence that the push comes amid China's military development, as it modernizes everything from nukes to tanks, planes, ships and guns with Xi vowing at the 100th anniversary of the CCP to grow the army 'to world class standards.' A lack of computer chips - amid a worldwide shortage - could have a devastating impact on those plans. Just recently, Russia's space agency was reduced to begging America to send a specific kind of chip which it had run out of - saying it could not put satellites into space without it. And, in a further indication of Xi's thinking, the President declared during an event last year that - while digitization is important - 'we must recognize the fundamental importance of the real economy and never deindustrialize.' Whatever the reason, Beijing's intervention in the free market has proved devastating for some of China's biggest firms. Spooked by the declaration that Tencent was producing 'spiritual opium', Wall Street investors scrambled to move their money elsewhere. China has for years given tech giants free reign to generate value, but this year launched a crackdown that has wiped out $1.2trillion in value (pictured, China's tech capital of Shenzen) Tencent fell 6 per cent and was briefly knocked from its mantle as Asia's most valuable company. Shares in gaming firm NetEase fell nearly 8 per cent on Tuesday while game developer XD Inc fell 8 per cent and mobile gaming company GMGE Technology Group Ltd dropped almost 14 per cent. Investors believe a major shift is under way in China as the government aggressively pursues reform of the tech sector. Chaotic selling last week, triggered by leaked details of an education-sector crackdown, capped the worst month for Chinese stocks in nearly three years as investors worried about where the next target may lie. China's securities regulator, in a meeting with foreign brokerages last week, had sought to soothe fears with a promise of a steadier reform rollout, yet Tuesday's news sparked fresh concern that nowhere is safe. '(The share price moves) showed how investors are jumpy these days,' said Ether Yin, partner at Beijing-based consultancy Trivium. 'They don't believe anything is off limit and will react, sometimes over-react, to anything on state media that fit the tech crackdown narrative.' The nerves have coincided with a slowdown in China's economy - factory activity grew at its slowest pace since February 2020 last month - adding to a broad sense of caution in markets even among investors who say the crackdowns are manageable. 'We see little global spillover risk from China's assertion of greater control over certain industries, even as it potentially leads to market volatility,' analysts at BlackRock Investment Institute said in a note. 'We remain tactically neutral on China stocks and see further monetary and fiscal policy loosening as beneficial for cyclical assets in China.' A California man was sentenced Monday to 12 years in prison for running a 'sophisticated' real estate scheme that brought in more than $7.6million, which he spent on luxury car rentals, five-star hotels and escorts. Patrick Joseph Soria, 35, of West Hollywood spent his nights at the Waldorf-Astoria in Beverly Hills and his days cruising in Lamborghini and Bentley rentals while defrauding more than 2,000 people over a three-year period. The 'skillful conman' ran the nationwide two-part scheme from January 2015 to June 2018, according to the Department of Justice. The first part of the scheme involved hijacking real property titles by using fake filings at county recorders' offices. Soria acquired the titles, falsified them to show him as the owner, then turned around and sold them to unsuspecting buyers. In the second part of the scheme, he convinced homeowners that he could lower their mortgage payments through a loan modification or by taking over the mortgage from their lender. In some cases, he befriended them 'to gain their trust and give them hope,' the DOJ said. Soria, described at his sentencing by a judge as a 'skillful conman,' stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria in Beverly Hills at a cost of up to $2,000 per night At one point, he had Waldorf-Astoria staff help him remove property that was to be seized When the victims' banks started sending them eviction and foreclosure notices, he 'falsely lulled [them] into doing nothing to protect themselves,' leading many of them to lose their homes. The targeted properties were spread across Texas, New York, Nevada and in the California cities of Vernon, Beverly Hills, Santa Ana, Yorba Linda, and Anaheim, among others, the DOJ said. Soria targeted properties throughout Los Angeles and in states like Nevada and New York Soria tricked his victims with company names like 'HBSC US' and 'Deutsche Mellon National Asset LLC,' which were meant to sound like real financial firms. 'This is not the largest case I have presided over in terms of dollars, but it is the most brazen and heartless,' said US District Judge Dale S. Fischer. 'Mr. Soria turned their hopes into a nightmare.' Soria had previously committed multiple acts of contempt of court in a related civil case before Judge Fischer, which found him lying to the court about living in a hotel. In fact, he had 'regularly resided' at the SLS Hotel and the Waldorf-Astoria in Beverly Hills since December 2017, where he spent up to $2,000 a night. Soria was found to have spent $2,500 a day on cars from Legends Car Rentals in Beverly Hills Among his preferred ways to get around were a Bentley and a Lamborghini, pictured above On June 3 and 4, 2018, he 'knowingly and willfully removed or otherwise hid property' that was to be seized by law enforcement with the help of Waldorf-Astoria employees, according to a court transcript from March 2019. He also changed the password to his email address and deleted thousands of emails and text messages so that law enforcement couldn't access them. He was found to have spent $2,500 a day in luxury car rentals from Legends Car Rentals in Beverly Hills, and between $4,000 to $6,000 a day on escort services.' Soria pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of contempt of court earlier this year, but he wasn't sentenced until Monday. A restitution hearing is scheduled for October 25. A Pentagon cop who was fatally stabbed in the neck has been named - with his suspected killer since identified as a wannabe Marine with a previous arrest for attacking the police. Army veteran George Gonzalez was killed outside the Washington DC US Defense HQ on Wednesday, with tributes revealing how he'd been born in Brooklyn, before serving in Iraq. He began working for the Pentagon Police Department three years before his murder. Disturbing details of alleged killer Austin William Lanz's background have also now been revealed. No motive for Gonzalez's murder was given, but Lanz, 27, was arrested in Cobb County, Georgia in April on suspicion of crimes including two counts of aggravated battery on police. He was also accused of making a terroristic threat, rioting in prison, criminal trespassing and burglary. The charges against him were still listed as pending. A spokesman for the Cobb County Sheriffs Office confirmed that Lanz had been previously held at the agency's detention center but referred all other questions to the FBI's field office in Washington. Despite his lengthy rap sheet, a judge reduced Lanz's bond to $30,000 in May, leaving him free to travel to DC to allegedly carry out Tuesday's atrocity. He enlisted as US Marine in October 2012, but was 'administratively separated' from the military department a month later. No further details on that 'separation' have been shared. An attorney who represented Lanz in the Georgia cases didn't immediately respond to requests for comment, and messages left with family members at Lanz's home in the Atlanta suburb of Acworth, Georgia, were not immediately returned. Pentagon Police Officer George Gonzalez has been named as the man stabbed in the neck outside the US Defense HQ in Washington DC on Tuesday The suspect - identified as Austin William Lanz, 27 - was shot by law enforcement and died at the scene Pentagon Police issued a statement in a five-tweet tribute to Gonzalez after his killing, saying 'he took our mission of 'protecting those who protect our nation' to heart.' Gonzalez was promoted twice and became a Senior Officer in 2020 and awarded the Army Commendation Medal for his service in Iraq. 'A gregarious officer, he was well-liked and respected by his fellow officers,' the police said in on Twitter. 'Officer Gonzalez embodied our values of integrity and service to others. As we mourn the loss of Officer Gonzalez, our commitment to serve and protect is stronger. Officer Gonzalez's family is in our thoughts and prayers. May he rest in peace.' The Pentagon cop who was stabbed to death on a bus platform outside the building was identified as Brooklyn native Officer George Gonzalez, an Army veteran who served in Iraq and had been on the force for three years. Pentagon Police issued a statement in a five-tweet thread saying 'he took our mission of 'protecting those who protect our nation' to heart.' Gonzalez was promoted twice and became a Senior Officer in 2020 and awarded the Army Commendation Medal for his service in Iraq. 'A gregarious officer, he was well-liked and respected by his fellow officers,' the police said in on Twitter. 'Officer Gonzalez embodied our values of integrity and service to others. As we mourn the loss of Officer Gonzalez, our commitment to serve and protect is stronger. Officer Gonzalez's family is in our thoughts and prayers. May he rest in peace.' Scroll down for video. Law enforcement officers from Washington's Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency and other police departments salute the ceremonial procession Several people were said to have been injured in the shooting outside the Pentagon, among them a police officer who was stabbed and later died A crowded scene in the Metro bus station outside the Pentagon on Tuesday afternoon Tuesday's attack on a busy stretch of the Washington area's transportation system jangled the nerves of a region already primed to be on high alert for violence and potential intruders outside federal government buildings, particularly following the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. At a Pentagon news conference, Kusse declined to confirm that the officer had been killed or provide even basic information about how the violence had unfolded or how many might be dead. He would only say that an officer had been attacked and that 'gunfire was exchanged.' Pentagon Police Chief Woodrow Kusse refused to confirm the deaths of the officer and the suspect during a briefing at the Pentagon on Tuesday The lockdown went into effect at 10.30am and was lifted at 12.15pm on Tuesday Police block off an entrance to the Pentagon following reports of multiple gun shots fired on a bus platform near the facility's Metro station Tuesday, killing an officer The Pentagon was on lockdown for nearly two hours on Tuesday after multiple gunshots were fired Metro subway trains are bypassing the Pentagon because of the lockdown Kusse and other officials declined to rule out terrorism or provide any other potential motive. but he said the Pentagon complex was secure and 'we are not actively looking for another suspect at this time.' He said the FBI was leading the investigation, and the FBI only confirmed that it was investigating and there was 'no ongoing threat to the public' and declined to offer details or a possible motive. Later Tuesday, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency issued a statement confirming the loss of the officer, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed his condolences and said flags at the Pentagon will be flown at half-staff. Gonzalez's identity wasn't released until Wednesday morning. 'This fallen officer died in the line of duty, helping protect the tens of thousands of people who work in - and who visit - the Pentagon on a daily basis,' Austin said in a statement. 'This tragic death today is a stark reminder of the dangers they face and the sacrifices they make. We are forever grateful for that service and the courage with which it is rendered.' The attack occurred on a Metro bus platform that is part of the Pentagon Transit Center, a hub for subway and bus lines. The station is steps from the Pentagon building, which is in Arlington County, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington. An Associated Press reporter near the building heard multiple gunshots, then a pause, then at least one additional shot. Another AP journalist heard police yelling 'shooter.' A police officer in tactical gear looks at vehicles outside the Pentagon on Tuesday as cops hunt for a shooting suspect Heavily armed law enforcement officers are seen near the entrance of the Pentagon after a report of an active shooter and lockdown in Washington, DC A police officer holding an assault-style rifle is seen looking at vehicles outside the Pentagon A Pentagon announcement said the facility was on lockdown, but that was lifted after noon, except for the area around the crime scene. Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were at the White House meeting with President Joe Biden at the time of the shooting. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Austin returned to the building and went to the Pentagon police operations center to speak to the officers there. It was not immediately clear whether any additional security measures might be instituted in the area. In 2010, two officers with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency were wounded when a gunman approached them at a security screening area. The officers, who survived, returned fire, fatally wounding the gunman, identified as John Patrick Bedell. Advertisement As part of his attempt to excuse hugging and kissing female staff inappropriately over the years, Governor Andrew Cuomo pointed to photos of President Biden, Kamala Harris, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Obama and his own father doing the same. The photos are included in the Governor's own 85-page rebuttal to the allegations against him by 11 women, which the NY AG upheld yesterday in a bombshell report that has prompted calls for Cuomo to resign. He is clinging on, refusing to throw in the towel despite being told by Republicans and Democrats alike that it's time to go. The next step for Cuomo is an impeachment trial at the New York legislature, which has been set in motion by speaker Carl Heastie. Until then, he will continue to fight his case insisting that he is just a tactile, Italian-American whose friendliness has been misinterpreted. Here are the images he says show his behavior is nothing out of the ordinary - at least not for prominent Democrats. Officer George Gonzalez, an Army veteran who served in Iraq, was the officer who was stabbed to death outside the Pentagon on August 3 The Pentagon cop who was stabbed to death on a bus platform outside the building was identified as Officer George Gonzalez, an Army veteran who served in Iraq. Gonzalez, a New York native, had been on the force for three years before he was killed Tuesday morning during a burst of violence at the transit center outside the Pentagon, which was temporarily locked down between 10.30am and was lifted at 12.15pm. The suspect - identified as Austin William Lanz, 27 - was shot by law enforcement and died at the scene after he stabbed Gonzalez in the neck, authorities said. Lanz was arrested in April in Cobb County, Georgia, on criminal trespassing and burglary charges, according to online court records. The same day, a separate criminal case was filed against Lanz with six additional charges, including two counts of aggravated battery on police, a count of making a terrorist threat and a charge for rioting in a penal institution, the records show. A judge reduced his bond in May to $30,000 and released him, imposing some conditions, including that he not ingest illegal drugs and that he undergo a mental health evaluation. The charges against him were still listed as pending. A spokesman for the Cobb County Sheriffs Office confirmed that Lanz had been previously held at the agencys detention center but referred all other questions to the FBIs field office in Washington. An attorney who represented Lanz in the Georgia cases didnt immediately respond to a phone message and email seeking comment, and messages left with family members at Lanzs home in the Atlanta suburb of Acworth, Georgia, were not immediately returned. That set off a ripple effect of violence that included a volley of gunshots, resulting in 'several casualties,' said Woodrow Kusse, the chief of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, which is responsible for security in the facility Investigators are still trying to determine a motive for the attack and were digging into Lanz's background, including any potential history of mental illness or any reason he might want to target the Pentagon or police officers. Law enforcement lined the streets in front of the Capitol to salute a lengthy ceremonial procession of police bikes and cars in honor of an officer who died after being repeatedly stabbed in the neck on Tuesday Law enforcement officers from Washington's Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency and other police departments ride in a ceremonial procession past the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art Law enforcement officers from Washington's Metropolitan Police Department, the U.S. Capitol Police, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency and other police departments salute the ceremonial procession The officials could not discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to The AP on condition of anonymity. 'The Pentagon Force Protection Agency mourns the tragic loss of a Pentagon Police Officer killed during this morning's incident at the Pentagon,' the agency said in a statement this afternoon. 'Our thoughts and prayers are with the Officer's family. Additional info on the officer will be forthcoming, following full next of kin notification.' The suspect - identified as Austin William Lanz, 27 - was shot by law enforcement and died at the scene Later on Tuesday, motorcycle officers from Washington's Metropolitan Police Department passed saluting officers from the U.S. Capitol Police, the Pentagon Force Protection Agency and other police departments in his honor. During a press conference earlier in the afternoon, Pentagon Chief of Police Woodrow Kusse said that the crime scene was secure and that police were not looking for a second suspect, contrary to previous news reports. He also confirmed that multiple people were injured, but would not say how many, or comment on the extent of their injuries. The Pentagon lifted the lockdown and reopened at 12.15pm, according to a tweet from the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, which said that the scene was secure. Arlington Fire Department previously said its crews encountered 'multiple patients,' but it is unclear at this time if any of them was shot. A police officer was said to be among the victims. He was taken to George Washington Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead from stab wounds, according to reports. News that he had been stabbed in the neck was reported by NBC. Several people were said to have been injured in the shooting outside the Pentagon, among them a police officer who was stabbed and later died Police block off an entrance to the Pentagon following reports of multiple gun shots fired on a bus platform near the facility's Metro station Tuesday, killing an officer The Pentagon was on lockdown for nearly two hours on Tuesday after multiple gunshots were fired The lockdown went into effect at 10.30am and was lifted at 12.15pm on Tuesday A crowded scene in the Metro bus station outside the Pentagon on Tuesday afternoon The deaths of the unnamed officer and the suspect were confirmed by officials who were not authorized to discuss the matter and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. The Fairfax County Police Department also tweeted condolences about the officer's death. Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, also took to Twitter to address the 'passing of a Pentagon police officer, who was killed earlier this morning in a senseless act of violence outside the Pentagon.' At the Pentagon news conference, Kusse declined to confirm that the officer had been killed or provide even basic information about how the violence had unfolded or how many might be dead. He would only say that an officer had been attacked and that 'gunfire was exchanged.' Kusse and other officials declined to rule out terrorism or provide any other potential motive. But, Kusse said the Pentagon complex was secure and 'we are not actively looking for another suspect at this time.' He said the FBI was leading the investigation. 'I can't compromise the ongoing investigation,' Kusse said. The FBI issued a similar statement, confirming only that it was investigating and that there was 'no ongoing threat to the public' but declining to offer details or a possible motive. The incident occurred on a Metro bus platform that is part of the Pentagon Transit Center. The hub is just steps from the Pentagon building, which is in Arlington County, Virginia, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. An Associated Press reporter near the building heard multiple gunshots, then a pause, then at least one additional shot. Another AP journalist heard police yelling 'shooter.' A Pentagon announcement said the facility was on lockdown due to 'police activity.' Pentagon Police Chief Woodrow Kusse refused to confirm the deaths of the officer and the suspect during a briefing at the Pentagon on Tuesday Emergency vehicles are seen outside the Pentagon Metro area Tuesday amid lockdown Heavily armed law enforcement officers are seen near the entrance of the Pentagon after a report of an active shooter and lockdown in Washington, DC Metro subway trains are bypassing the Pentagon because of the lockdown A police officer holding an assault-style rifle is seen looking at vehicles outside the Pentagon A police officer in tactical gear looks at vehicles outside the Pentagon on Tuesday as cops hunt for a shooting suspect Metro subway trains were ordered to bypass the Pentagon due to the police investigation. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were at the White House meeting with President Joe Biden, at the time of the shooting. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Austin returned to the building and went to the Pentagon police operations center to speak to the officers there. It was not immediately clear whether any additional security measures might be instituted in the area. In 2010, two officers with the Pentagon Force Protection Agency were wounded when a gunman approached them at a security screening area. The officers, who survived, returned fire, fatally wounding the gunman, identified as John Patrick Bedell. Surveillance footage captured the horrifying moment a driver ran over and killed a 91-year-old woman on her morning stroll, got out of the truck to check on her and then drove off. Soon Kim, 91, a mother and grandmother who immigrated to Los Angeles from Korea 30 years ago, is the victim, according to family. Surveillance footage released by the Los Angeles Police Department shows Kim taking a leisurely walk with her walker in the University Park neighborhood of South Los Angeles on Monday morning. Stroll Down For Video: Moments before 91-year-old Soon Kim is killed by a hit-and-run driver who flees the scene Surveillance footage shows the hit-and-run driver exit her vehicle, see an injured Kim in the roadway, and drive off At one point, Kim is turned away from a white pickup truck backing out of an alley. The pickup appears to have a pile of mattresses stacked in the cargo bed potentially blocking the driver's back view. The driver, identified as a woman by police, is captured backing up 'unsafely' and running over Kim. At one point, she stops and drives forward, running over Kim again, before getting out of the vehicle. Once out of the vehicle, the driver looks at Kim on the pavement, then gets back into the truck and moves her car out of the road. Again, she exits the truck, and stands near the vehicle for about three minutes before getting back in and driving off, LAPD said. The driver does not appear to offer assistance to the wounded grandmother. Kim was later taken to a local hospital where she died from her injuries, police said. Kim's grandson, Hyun Cho, said Kim's greatest love was her family and she enjoyed cooking for them 91-year-old Soon Kim (pictured) was a mother and grandmother who immigrated to Los Angeles from Korea 30 years ago Kim (pictured left) was described as 'fiercely independent' by her grandson's wife Susan Cho Kim's grandson, Hyun Cho, told KTLA News that his grandmother's greatest love was her family and that she enjoyed cooking for them. 'She was very fiercely independent,' Hyun's wife, Susan Cho, told KTLA. 'She lived by herself with no complaint. She enjoyed her independence.' Susan Cho is pleading with neighbors to come forward with information regarding the driver, who she believes is well known in the area. 'We understand that the woman that struck her is someone known in the neighborhood,' Susan Cho said. 'People recognized the car and that she had sort of a regular routine of putting up mattresses and other things in the area It gives us some hope that she may be found.' Police are offering a $50,000 reward for anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest of the driver, who is still at large. The death of a nine-year-old girl after she was allegedly gang-raped, murdered, and set on fire while fetching water for her parents has sparked four days of protests in India. The girl, who has not been named, was sent by her mother to fetch water from the nearby crematorium in New Delhi on Sunday evening. An hour later, she was found dead with wet clothes, a bloodied nose, bruised hands and arms, and blue lips, on the crematorium floor. A Hindu priest and three accomplices have been accused of raping, killing, and forcibly cremating the nine-year-old girl. The death of a nine-year-old girl after she was allegedly gang-raped, murdered, and set on fire while fetching water for her parents has sparked four days of protests in India A Hindu priest and three accomplices have been accused of raping, killing, and forcibly cremating the nine-year-old girl in an incident which has sparked protests in New Delhi Protesters this week have burned effigies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of failing to condemn the alleged rape The body was discovered by her mother who went searching for her only child after she failed to return more than an hour after she was sent to fetch water. The mother told the BBC she found her daughter's body on the crematorium floor but was not allowed to take it away. Three suspects, including a Hindu priest, closed the gates and refused to let her leave, she said. The trio told her not to phone the police, claiming officers would 'steal her organs and sell them' and also demand an autopsy. Instead, they forcibly cremated the corpse. The girl's father and around 150 villagers put out the pyre, but only managed to save the girl's legs - meaning police may never be able to prove if she was raped. The girl was a member of the Dalit class, formerly known as the untouchables, and made a living begging outside a Sufi Muslim shrine. The alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl in New Delhi has been branded a caste crime by members of her community, sparking four days of protests Activists of the Bheem Army stage a candle march protest against alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl The alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl while she was fetching water for her parents on Sunday has sparked four days of protests in India The alleged gang rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl in New Delhi has sparked four days of protests in the Indian capital Hundreds of women demonstrated in New Delhi on Sunday evening after a nine-year-old girl was allegedly raped, murder, and forcibly cremated The alleged rape has sparked widespread anger in India. Protesters this week burned effigies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of failing to condemn the alleged rape. Demonstrators also burned the likeness of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal outside the Nangal crematorium. He visited the family this week and has reportedly offered to ensure justice is served. Hundreds of protesters have demanded the suspects face the death penalty and called for several police officers to be suspended for allegedly harassing the family. Members of the Dalit community in New Delhi have repeatedly expressed outrage online and branded the incident a 'caste crime' because the accused priest is an upper-caste Brahmin. Others have participated in mass rallies calling for justice. Hundreds of protesters have demanded the suspects face the death penalty and called for several police officers to be suspended for allegedly harassing the family The alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl in New Delhi has been branded a caste crime by members of her community, sparking four days of protests Protesters carry an effigy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to burn at a demonstration on Sunday after he was accused of failing to condemn the alleged rape and murder of a nine-year-old girl A Hindu priest and three accomplices have been accused of raping, killing, and forcibly cremating the nine-year-old girl in an incident which has sparked protests in New Delhi An average of nearly 90 rapes were reported in India every day last year, according to data by the National Crime Records Bureau Sunday's alleged sex attack is just the latest to be reported in India, where a woman or girl is raped every 15 minutes according to federal data Sunday's alleged sex attack is just the latest to be reported in India, where a woman or girl is raped every 15 minutes according to federal data. India's 200 million low-caste Dalits have long faced discrimination, and campaigners say attacks have increased during the coronavirus pandemic. An average of nearly 90 rapes were reported in India every day last year, according to data by the National Crime Records Bureau, but large numbers are thought to go unreported due to social stigma and a lack of faith in police and judicial authorities. A father, his two young daughters and his niece who were killed in a horror car crash while driving home from a birthday party were not wearing seatbelts at the time, police have said. George Ritter, 33, his daughters Alivia, five, and Elsie, nine, and niece Kenzie Mammoccio, eight, died in the car wreck in Westville, New Jersey, on Saturday night. They were returning home from a toddler's party at Westville Power Boat Association when Ritter's 1987 black Ford Mustang hit a utility pole. George Ritter, 33 (left), daughters Elsie (top right) and Alivia (left), and his niece Kenzie Mammoccio (bottom right) died after he crashed into a utility pole Kenzie's father, Brian Mammoccio (right, pictured with Kenzie), said to ABC6 'Cherish every moment you have with your children' The car crash in Gloucester County, New Jersey, claimed the lives of four members of the same family Westville police chief William Whinna said the driver may have been speeding at the time and the car had been modified with specialized tires and a roll cage designed to race at private tracks. Police have also ordered a toxicology report on the father. The family were just minutes away from home when the crash happened around 9pm. Kenzie's father, Brian Mammoccio, said to ABC6: 'Cherish every moment you have with your children because you never know when that moment can be taken away. I only got eight years with mine. 'I wish I could have her here next to me, give her one last hug because I never got to say goodbye to her. 'She was caring and honest and full of life and spark,' said Mammoccio about her daughter, Kenzie Ritter, Alivia, Elsie and Kenzie were returning from a birthday party at the Westville Power Boat Association Mourners have left teddy bears and flowers on the place of the crash to pay respect for the victims 'She was caring and honest and full of life and spark.' The crash happened on the 1000 block of Gateway Boulevard in Westville. Mourners have paid their respects to the victims by leaving teddy bears and flowers at the site of the crash. The Westville Power Boat Association is organizing a fundraiser to cover the cost of the funerals. The GoFundMe page description read: 'They have touched the lives of so many and it's our turn to show our appreciation for George and the girls one last time.' More than 700 people have donated around $48,000 of the $50,000 goal. The Westville Power Boat Association has organized a fundraiser to cover the funerals cost Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday appears to support a debunked conspiracy theory that hero DC metro police officer Michael Fanone, who testified in Congress about being pummeled by violent Trump supporters on January 6th, took part in the MAGA riot himself. A conspiracy theory floating around social media in late July accused Fanone of carrying a confederate flag into the US Capitol and participating in the riot. Various users across Facebook and Instagram shared side-by-side images of Fanone testifying with rioter Kevin Seefried - who turned himself in to authorities in January - with the caption 'It's the Same b----.... yo Michael, we see you.' Giuliani appeared to support the baseless conspiracy theory when he called attempts to fact-check it a 'hysterical lie' He also continued the right-wing defense of rioter Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by law enforcement (pictured in Miami on July 26) One user claimed it was evidence the riot was staged even though Seefried admitted to being the rioter in question. But Giuliani took issue with a Politifact check labeling the baseless claim Pants on Fire. Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was trying to break into the Speaker's Lobby with dozens of others when she was shot 'Another hysterical lie about 1/6. So many and the cover-up of killing an unarmed woman by a still unidentified police officer,' Donald Trump's ex-lawyer tweeted. The 'unarmed woman' he refers to is Ashli Babbitt, a Capitol rioter who was shot and killed while trying to break into the building through a barricaded door. The 35-year-old veteran from California was trying to break into a door leading to the Speaker's Lobby. Video shows lawmakers and other officials just yards away from the Trump supporters attempting to get inside. Giuliani was immediately slammed by fellow Twitter users for the statement. Radio host Dean Obeidallah wrote, 'After 9/11, Rudy led NYC against the terrorists. After Jan 6, Rudy is leading the defense of the Trump terrorists. Rudy is a traitor.' Another user simply retweeted a picture of the gallows set up by Trump supporters outside the Capitol. 'This is also fake?' they questioned. Brennan Murphy, a producer at The Recount, jokingly asked if it was an 'angry morning poop' tweet. In a later post Murphy accused Giuliani of spreading 'insurrection misinformation' for sharing the debunked claim. Twitter users lined up to criticize Giuliani, including a radio host who called him a traitor Another user retweeted a photo of gallows built by Trump supporters outside the Capitol A producer for The Recount mocked Giuliani's early morning Twitter post Fanone was tased, beaten and suffered a heart attack when defending the Capitol and the lawmakers within on January 6th. He told House representatives on the January 6 committee that he feared for his life at times and even thought rioters would take his gun and kill him with it. The DC cop said it wasn't until he desperately shouted to the crowd that he was a father that someone helped him. 'I was at risk of being stripped of and killed with my own firearm as I heard chants of 'Kill him with his own gun.' I can still hear those words in my head today,' he said. DC cop Michael Fanone was beaten and tased on January 6th and told lawmakers he feared he would get shot and killed with his own firearm at a July 27 hearing on the riot Fanone testified alongside three other Capitol and DC officers He recounted how he and his fellow officers held the line in one of the underground tunnels that lead from the Capitol to the lawmakers' personal office buildings, holding back the mob so they could not break through. Fanone joined Officers Harry Dunn, Aquilino Gonell, and Daniel Hodges to give harrowing testimony to the panel of seven Democrats and two Republicans - Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger - describing how they feared the rioters would kill them and criticized the treatment of their colleagues. Shortly before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Giuliani gave a speech at the ex-president's Stop the Steal rally where he encouraged them to a 'trial by combat.' He later claimed it was 'hyperbole' and is being sued by Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell for inciting the riot. Outrage against budget airline Spirit Airlines has mounted amid a fourth day of chaos which saw 50 per cent of its flights axed, and distressing stories of travelers left stranded at airports. The Florida-based air carrier canceled more than 340 flights before noon on Wednesday, half of their scheduled routes for the day. Many passengers, including seven months-pregnant Robin Wilson, were left to fend for themselves. Wilson's intended flight from Cleveland to Atlanta was rerouted to LA. She was told by Spirit that she'd have to wait four days for the next flight, but Wilson did not have the funds to book a hotel to stay in. She faced spending four days 'living' in the terminal of Los Angeles International Airport, and was only put up in a hotel when FOX 11 reported her story, and shamed Spirit into providing the 'high risk' passenger with accommodation. 'I definitely don't have a flight out from LAX to Cleveland until Thursday. [I have] no accommodations at allI'm seven months pregnant, I'm high-risk,' Wilson told the network before her issue was resolved. Spirit began canceling hundreds of flights on Sunday. It has cited inclement weather, technological issues and and 'operational challenges,' but refused to offer further detail. Thousands of travelers have flooded social media with incandescent rage about the airline's lack of contact with them, and accused Spirit's bosses of lying. The airline's pilots were even rumored to have gone on strike, although Spirit has made no reference to this claim in its comments to the ongoing fiasco. Robin Wilson (pictured), who booked a direct flight from Cleveland to Atlanta for Tuesday, is now stuck in Los Angeles until Thursday. She is seven months pregnant Travelers are frustrating as Spirit has canceled hundreds of flights for the fourth day in a row. In the above photo, passengers are lined up at the Spirit terminal in Los Angeles on Tuesday, waiting for news of their canceled flights Spirit has cited 'operational challenges' as the reason for the delays and says the number of cancellations will 'progressively drop in the days to come' According to USA Today, a total of 523 flights were axed across the United States Wednesday morning, with Spirit cancellations accounting for the majority of them. The air carrier claims the routes were changed due to summer storms, technology outages and staffing shortages. The company says as a result of proactive cancellations made Tuesday they were able to '[implement] a more thorough reboot of the network, allowing us to reassign our crews more efficiently and restore the network faster'. Adding, that the airline is will 'continue to work around the clock' to get travelers to their intended destinations. It insists cancelations will taper off as the week continues - but those left high-and-dry by Spirit say they'll believe it when they see it. Brenda Deleon told DailyMail.com how her family's eight day vacation to Puerto Rico had to be extended by two days - at a cost of $1,000 - because of Spirit. After receiving notification of a cancellation late Tuesday night, Deleon tried to contact Spirit customer service but wasn't able to speak with someone. 'I called last night and was on hold for 42 minutes, but figured they were closed. This morning I went to the airport to talk to someone but the Spirit kiosk was empty,' she said. The Deleon family says their Puerto Rican vacation got extended from eight days to ten. While they were able to get rebooked on another flight home, the family did have to spend over $800 in additional expenses and accommodations Deleon called the airlines 1-800 again on Wednesday and was able to rebooked their family's flights for Friday at 2.50am. But, they still faced issues with accommodations. 'Our AirBnb was booked tonight so we looked for another home for $478.41 and two days of car rental for $342.34,' she said. '[Spirit said] they will refund only half of what trip costs which is not an option since prices with other airlines skyrocketed. We have to wait it out.' Traveler Sakinah Scott told of how sitting on the tarmac for five hours on a Spirit jet left her fearing she'd caught COVID while heading home from LA to see her family in Philadelphia for the first time since the virus hit US shores. Sakinah Scott (pictured) says she sat on a crowded airplane for five hours before the plane actually took flight. She was then faced with additional delays 'I was extremely excited about the trip. I arrived on time to LAX and boarded my Spirit plane with ease and quickness. I thought it was going to be an easy flight,' she shared. However, her experience quickly 'turned into a complete nightmare'. She says right after the boarding pass was completed, the pilot instructed passengers that the plane had to remain on the ground due to misplaced paperwork. She told DailyMail.com it took officials over two hours to locate the paperwork, but by that point a storm had developed over Las Vegas and they weren't permitted to fly. 'We were told that no one could get into Vegas. Then we were told to wait on a full plane on the ground not in the airport,' she shared. 'I spent five hours on a packed plane on the ground wondering 'is the moment I contract COVID?'' Scott eventually made it to Philadelphia, but is now stranded in the city due to a cancelled return flight. She has tested negative for COVID. 'I received a text message last night saying my flight was canceled with no explanation,' she said, noting that she was unable to get in contact with a customer service agent. 'I am stranded in Philadelphia now, so my nightmare is ongoing.' Social media users echoed similar tales, saying they found themselves stranded without fair compensation. Social media users are expressing frustrations with the airline, some even indicating they will never fly with Spirit again 'Spirit Airlines, this is the absolute first and last time I ever travel with you,' one passenger tweeted. 'I didn't know anything could be as bad as Spirit Airlines,' said another. One traveler even reported that the airline provided them with inaccurate tracking information - raising travelers' hopes they'd escape the wave of cancelations, only to cruelly dash them shortly after. The Twitter user called Snackicakes shared a grab from the airlines's app showing their flight apparently en route to the airport they were departing from, and a claim that it would even arrive early. 'We never took off. The plane left the bay and came back ten minutes later with ORLANDO as the destination,' she tweeted, accompanied with a photograph of the alleged tracking information. One traveler said Spirit provided passengers with tracking information indicating their flight was en route and that they would land early, although it never even left the jetbridge Spirit passengers have experienced issues since Sunday. The airline canceled 42 percent of flights on Monday and 61 percent on Tuesday. 'The last three days were extremely difficult for our guests and team members, and for that we sincerely apologize. We understand how frustrating it is for our guests when plans change unexpectedly,' Spirit spokesman Field Sutton told USA Today. 'We're working to provide refunds for cancellations and, when possible, to re-accommodate our guests.'' Spirit says they have rebooted their system and expect cancellations to decrease. 'We've implemented a more thorough reboot of the network, allowing us to reassign our crews more efficiently and restore the network faster. As a result, cancellation numbers will progressively drop in the days to come,' the airline told the Sun Sentinel in an emailed statement. Spirit has warned travelers to continuously check their flight status before heading to the airport. Anyone whose flight has been canceled is entitled to a refund, according to Department of Transportation rules. Spirit says the easiest way to receive a refund is through their online chat feature. The Florida-based air carrier canceled more than 340 flights before noon on Wednesday, which was half of their scheduled routes Several other air carriers, including American Airlines, have also reported delays and cancellations due to weather and other extenuating circumstances Meanwhile, American Airlines is also experiencing delays and cancellations. Robin Phelps, of Kentucky, told WSOC that she and her family missed out on their family vacation to New York after being stranded at Charlotte Douglas International Airport during their layover. Phelps, who was traveling with her husband and two kids, said their flight from Charlotte to New York was delayed due to weather. The family reportedly boarded plane and sat on the tarmac for over an hour before being instructed to exit the aircraft. 'My kids were starving. We hadn't had a proper dinner at that point. It's past bedtime. We already missed naptime for the baby, so now we were getting to bedtime,' she explained. The Phelps family spent the night at a hotel, then rented a car and drove back home to Kentucky. Stranded my family with no flights/hotels/food/luggage. Kids hadnt eaten or slept all day stuck on planes,' she tweeted at American Airlines. Phelps says the air carrier refunded the family for their unused flights and baggage fees, as well as issued a $500 credit for each member of their family. Progressive Ohio Congressional candidate Nina Turner blamed 'evil money' for her loss Tuesday night to Shontel Brown, a moderate Democrat supported by Hillary Clinton who said she'd back President Joe Biden and his agenda. 'I am going to work hard to ensure that something like this doesn't happen to another progressive candidate again,' Turner said. 'We didn't lose this race, evil money manipulated and maligned this election.' Turner got pilloried by $1.2 million in super PAC ads from the group Democratic Majority for Israel. She lost the race by nearly 6 points - receiving 44.5 per cent of the vote to Brown's 50.2 per cent. Her 'we didn't lose this race' quip garnered comparisons to former President Donald Trump's 'frankly, we did win this election' line on social media. David Sirota, a journalist-turned-Bernie Sanders adviser, floated the theory that Turner lost because voters prefer a 'corporate government.' Turner, he said, 'ran a brave campaign.' Ohio Congressional candidate Nina Turner, who's politically aligned with Bernie Sanders and AOC, said in a concession speech Tuesday night, 'We didn't lose this race, evil money manipulated and maligned this election' David Sirota, a journalist-turned-Sanders adviser, blamed Turner's loss on voters preferring 'corporate government.' Turner ran against a $1.2 million campaign from the super PAC Democratic Majority for Israel 'More Dem voters supported her corporate opponent not just because an overwhelming amount of super PAC money was spent to destroy Nina, but also because in general more Dem voters want a corporate government than something else. This is reality,' Sirota wrote. Turner's race went similar to Sanders' 2020 run - with moderate Democrats eventually coalescing around a more mainstream candidate - in this case, the current president. Brown ran as a candidate who would support Biden. Beyond receiving Clinton's endorsement, she had the support of Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn, the kingmaker whose endorsement gave Biden a victory in South Carolina's presidential primary, thus saving his White House bid. She will face Republican Laverne Gore in the November election. The Democrat is favored to win. The primary battle in Ohio's 11th Congressional district became nasty as Democrats battled over who would replace Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge, who Biden named as his housing secretary. The two special House elections in Ohio on Tuesday tested both political parties: Donald Trump's sway on the Republican Party and the moderate and liberal divisions among Democrats. Shontel Brown, backed by Hillary Clinton and Rep. Jim Clyburn, beat a progressive favorite to win a crowded Democratic primary in an Ohio House race Democrats were at war in the primary in the 11th Congressional district - Bernie Sanders endorsed Nina Turner, a progressive favorite Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has also endorsed Turner and campaigned for her in Cleveland last month Brown and Turner emerged as the leading contenders among 13 Democrats running in the 11th district. Big name Democrats flooded the district. Clyburn was in to campaign for Brown while Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez stumped for Turner. Brown, a member Cuyahoga County Council, has touted her support for Biden and his agenda. Turner is a former state senator and a leading Sanders supporter. She already has a national profile among progressives, who see her as a needed force in Washington D.C. to counter Biden's more moderate tendencies. Sanders, campaigning for her on Saturday, said: 'I would have come (to the district) because Nina is a close personal friend of mine and somebody I admire. But the real reason I am here is that we desperately need her in the U.S. Congress.' The Democratic contest got nasty. Turner ran a commercial questions Brown's ethics and ends with the image of a jail door slamming. She also criticized Brown for accepting a campaign contribution from New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, a close ally of Donald Trump's. Brown touted Turner as too much of an outsider and too critical of Biden to accomplish anything in Congress. Outside money played a big factor in the race. Democratic Majority for Israel, a super PAC, spent $1.2 million on ads supporting Brown and opposing Turner. Special elections usually see small turnout compared to midterm or presidential years. A candidate's name - or the prominence of their endorsers - can be a heavy factor in determining the outcome. Meanwhile, a political newcomer backed by Trump won a crowded Republican primary contest in an Ohio House special election Tuesday night, showing the former president's influence on his party. Coal lobbyist Mike Carey, who never held political office before, beat out 11 other Republicans for the nomination in Ohio's 15th Congressional district, to replace former Rep. Steve Stivers. Many of his competitors also had the backing of big-name Republicans. The Associated Press called the race for Carey, who will compete against Democrat Allison Russo in the November general election. Carey is favored to win the GOP-leaning district. 'Great Republican win for Mike Carey. Big numbers! Thank you to Ohio and all of our wonderful American patriots. Congratulations to Mike and his family. He will never let you down!,' Trump said in a statement after the race was called. Carey was a little known contender until he earned Trump's endorsement - a sign of the former president's influence on the Republican voters who decide the party's nominee. Carey is a close friend of Corey Lewandowski, Trump's former campaign manager. 'Tonight, Republicans across Ohio's 15th Congressional District sent a clear message to the nation that President Donald J. Trump is, without a doubt, the leader of our party,' Carey said in a statement after his victory. Donald Trump backed candidate, coal lobbyist Mike Carey (above), won Ohio's crowded Republican primary in the 15th Congressional district Mike Carey had never held elected office and was a little known contender until Trump endorsed his campaign The former president has touted his blessing as the political equivalent of a golden ticket. But he's struggled to redeem his record after suffering an embarrassing lose in Texas when his candidate, Susan Wright, the widow of the congressman from the Texas seat who died of COVID in February, lost to another Republican in the runoff. There was an assortment of other candidates running the Republican primary for the 15th district - all with their own big name backers: state Rep. Jeff LaRe, who was endorsed by Stivers to replace him in his seat Bob Peterson, a state senator who has the backing of Ohio's leading anti-abortion group, Ohio Right to Life Ruth Edmonds, who has a strong following among Christian conservatives and the backing of Debbie Meadows, an activist and the wife of Mark Meadows, Trump's last White House chief of staff former state Rep. Ron Hood, who has the backing of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul A pro-Trump super PAC has put $350,000 into ads backing Carey. Trump joined a tele-rally for Carey on July 20 and complained that other candidates were trying to suggest they also had his endorsement. 'He's the only candidate in the race that has my complete and total endorsement,' Trump said of Carey on the call, according to Bloomberg News. 'I know Mike Carey, he's a true outsider, he's a true fighter, he's a warrior, and he's going to win.' Trump is planning to get involved in a series of Republican primaries headed into next year's midterm election, particularly targeting those GOP lawmakers who supported his second impeachment. Publisher HarperCollins has settled a claim with two businessmen after an author made false allegations that the pair were connected to the KGB. Misleading references to Russian business magnates Petr Aven, 66, and Mikhail Fridman, 57, have been cut from ex-Financial Times journalist Catherine Belton's book Putins People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and then Turned on the West. Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich is currently suing HarperCollins in the High Court after writer Catherine Belton said he bought the club on the orders of Vladimir Putin. Belton quotes exiled oligarch Sergei Pugachev - once dubbed Putins Banker - as the source of the Chelsea FC claims - but Abramovich maintains the allegations are untrue and damaging both to him and the club. Misleading references to Russian business magnates Petr Aven, 66, and Mikhail Fridman, 57, have been cut from ex-Financial Times journalist Catherine Belton's book Putins People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and then Turned on the West' The publishers apology to the businessmen comes days after Pugachev denied making key claims about Abramovichs 150million purchase of Chelsea FC in a radio interview. In a statement HarperCollins admitted there was no evidence whatsoever to suggest Aven and Fridman were linked to the KGB. Since publication of the first edition of the book by Catherine Belton, Petr Aven and Mikhail Fridman have contacted HarperCollins to say that the book contained inaccurate personal data concerning them, the publisher said. HarperCollins has amended some statements in the book in order to record the position as accurately as possible. Fugitive Russian oligarch Sergei Pugachev known as 'Putin's Banker' (right), pictured with Putin in 2000, was quoted within Belton's book The publisher added: HarperCollins and the author recognise and regret that comment was not sought earlier from Mr Aven and Mr Fridman in relation to statements suggesting Mr Aven or Mr Fridman had connections with the KGB in the early part of their careers in the late 1980s. HarperCollins has been happy to amend the text to delete references to connections between Mr Aven, Mr Fridman and the KGB (claims for which HarperCollins recognises there has been no significant evidence), and to apologise that the subject was not discussed with them prior to initial publication. The book also makes a series of false allegations about Mr Fridman selling theatre tickets. The publisher said: HarperCollins has also recognised that the timing of when Mr Fridman sold theatre tickets as a student was inaccurate. Mr Fridman disputes certain other details relating to his selling theatre tickets as a student, which HarperCollins has agreed to remove from future editions. There was also an inaccurate statement in the book about gold bullion which mysteriously vanished. The publisher added: HarperCollins further recognises that Mr Aven was not the minister who hired Kroll to track down missing Communist Party gold in the early 1990s. HarperCollins has amended the text of the book accordingly. Abramovich, 54, is suing HarperCollins and former FT Moscow correspondent Belton over claims he bought the club in 2003 on the order of the Russian president. Hugh Tomlinson, QC, for Abramovich, told the defamation hearing at the High Court last week that the allegations are completely without foundation. The claimant is described in the book as Putins cashier and the custodian of Kremlin slush funds. The book alleges Abramovich covertly paid Putin large sums of money, then purchased Chelsea FC at his request in order to corrupt the British elite. Mr Tomlinson said the book repeats lazy inaccuracies about Abramovichs role in various events and makes false and damaging statements about him. Court documents prepared by the defendants described Pugachev as one of the authors significant sources. Pugachev is a former banker, industrialist and senator who left Russia for London in January 2011. The exiled oligarch claimed in a radio interview last week that Putin never said that he instructed Abramovich to buy Chelsea FC. He went on to claim he had not been interviewed specifically for Beltons book, despite the index listing 21 separate interviews with the author over the course of six years. Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramovich (pictured next to Putin) is also suing the international publisher over claims the Russian President directed him to purchase the club in 2003 He told Ms Rykovtseva he only spoke to Belton about his ongoing litigation in the UK, and the journalist was covering the proceedings for her then-employers, the FT. During the litigation Pugachevs evidence was branded self-serving and impossible to believe in a series of High Court rulings. Pugachev then fled the UK in violation of a court order, earning a two-year sentence. He claimed in the interview with Radio Free Europe on 29 July that Putin never said that he instructed Abramovich to buy Chelsea FC. He went on to claim he had not been interviewed specifically for Beltons book, despite the index listing 21 separate interviews with the author over the course of six years. He told Ms Rykovtseva he only spoke to Belton about his ongoing litigation in the UK, and the journalist was covering the proceedings for her then-employers, the FT. During the litigation, Pugachevs evidence was branded self-serving and impossible to believe in a series of High Court rulings. Pugachev fled the UK in June 2015 in violation of a court order, earning a two-year sentence. Andrew Caldecott, a lawyer representing HarperCollins and Belton, described Pugachev as someone prone to overstating his role and argued readers would factor his credibility into account when reading the book. Mrs Justice Tipple is expected to make her first ruling on the meaning of key passages in the book in September ahead of a full libel trial at the High Court next year. This is the moment Nashville Police shot and killed a worker for the braces firm Smile Direct Club after he turned up at one of its warehouses and opened fire on security guards. Antonio King, 22, can be heard firing three shots at the security officers in the surveillance footage outside the warehouse, which he worked at, on Tuesday morning. Police said King fired more than 20 shots and injured three people before they arrived. Police said Antonio King, 22, fired more than 20 shots at the Smile Direct warehouse where he worked during a shift change on Tuesday morning. Officer Dylan Ramos gave repeated warnings for King to drop his weapon and stand down. When King refused and reached for his semi-automatic pistol, Ramos opened fire King worked as a dayshift employee at the Smile Direct warehouse in Antioch, Tennessee. His family said he was quiet, caring, fun loving and hardworking, and were shocked to learn about the shooting Body cam footage reveals how the officers approached King, who was walking down the sidewalk armed with a semi-automatic pistol with an extended magazine. Officer Dylan Ramos repeatedly yelled at King to drop his weapon as the shooter continued walking towards a nearby intersection. 'Do not move,' Ramos yelled. 'Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon! Drop it now!' The officers followed King for nearly a minute until he stopped in the middle of the crosswalk. As Ramos and fellow officer Cherell Kinchlowe continued to yell at King to stand down, King raises the gun, and they opened fire. The body cam footage shows that Ramos shot at King nearly a dozen times, before the gunman falls to the ground. Neither officer was hurt by gunfire. King appears to flail around as he inches towards his gun before officer move in to handcuff him. He was transported to a local hospital where he died. King was a dayshift employee at the warehouse, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department told the Tennessean. He allegedly entered the building during a shift changed and opened fire on his coworkers. Three people were injured after King opened fire at the warehouse. Another employee injured his ankle running from the gunfire Ramos and officer Cherell Kinchlowe followed King down the street from the warehouse as they kept yelling for him to drop his weapon Security guards Johnny Hardin, 46, and Carlton Watson, 66, responded to the shooting and were left injured, News4 reports. Hardin was left in critical condition, and Watson was said to be stable. Thomas Abbot, 54, was also injured, but had been treated and released, police said. Another employee injured his ankle while running from the shots and was taken to the Century Farms Emergency Room. King's family released a statement describing him a quiet, caring, and fun loving young man. They said King had suffered from mental illness, and offered an apology to the victims and their families. 'The heart of our family is broken at the news of the shooting at Smile Direct Club. For the families impacted by the shooting we cry and pray with you. For those who were injured and frightened by the event we empathize with you and pray for you. When we say we are praying for you, it is not a cliche, it is heartfelt. Our deepest sympathies and prayers for the speedy recovery of those injured and everyone else who was involved, as we mourn the loss of Antonio.' The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation will go over the case as it involves a shooting by police. A January 6 rioter who described the storming of the US Capitol the 'best day ever' was branded a 'big talker' by a judge as he was sentenced to time served. Karl Dresch, 41, is set to be freed Wednesday or Thursday after admitting to a misdemeanor, and has also agreed to be interviewed by investigators about the riot on being released as part of his plea deal. He has been behind bars since his arrest in January. US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson labeled Dresch a 'big talker' for engaging in rhetorical saber-rattling on social media about the insurrection. She told the court how Dresch managed to avoid any actual violence during the 25 minutes he spent inside the seat of the US government, despite making fierce calls to action on social media. January 6 rioter Karl Dresch, 41, on Wednesday pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of demonstrating in a Capitol building and was sentenced to time served Dresch is pictured on January 6 holding a Donald Trump flag while standing next to a statue of slavery defender John C. Calhoun 'You don't get to call for a war because you don't like the results of the election,' Berman Jackson said. Dresch is at least the fourth January 6 defendant to be sentenced, after pleading guilty to a charge of demonstrating in a Capitol building. A federal official said that 28 defendants facing riot-related charges have entered guilty pleas, with sentencing for most still pending. More than 535 people face charges arising from the riot in which supporters of Donald Trump sought to block Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's election victory. Before the riot, Trump delivered a speech to supporters repeating his false claims that the election was stolen from him through widespread voting fraud. 'Were not here today because he supported the former president,' Berman Jackson said of Dresch. 'Millions of people voted for him and did not heed his call to descend on the nations Capitol.' A prosecutor conceded that Dresch, pictured far left with a white backpack on his shoulder, did not engage in violence in the 25 minutes which he spent in the US Capitol Dresch posted photos from inside the US Capitol on January 6, which he called 'best day ever' The judge continued: 'at the end of the day, the fact is that the defendant came to the Capitol because he placed his trust in someone who repaid that trust by lying to him.' Dresch was arrested in January and has been held without bond since. His social media activity, especially photos, led investigators to him. Dresch posted several messages, including one describing January 6 as the 'best day ever' and another calling Vice President Mike Pence 'traitor scum,' and joked about the use of tear gas by police at the Capitol. Dresch posted a photo of himself holding a Donald Trump flag while standing next to a statue of slavery defender John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, who was vice president from 1825 through 1832. While Dresch didnt commit violence, 'he was arrested because he was an enthusiastic participant in an effort to subvert and undo the electoral process,' the judge said. Berman Jackson stressed that Dresch was 'not a political prisoner' and was not prosecuted for exercising his First Amendment rights, but rather for breaking federal law. A federal judge said Dresch (pictured top right) was a 'big talker' and 'not a political prisoner' Dresch had been held in pre-trial detention for six months - the maximum sentence for a conviction on the charge to which he pled guilty. As part of his plea deal, prosecutors dropped four additional charges including a charge of witness tampering. Prosecutor Jennifer Blackwell noted that Dresch posted multiple inflammatory social media posts encouraging possible January 6 violence but did not actually engage in violence in the 25 minutes which he spent in the Capitol during the riot. Judge Berman Jackson said that 'while the defendant is a big talker his actions did not match his rhetoric.' Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Louisiana State Police leadership obstructed justice to protect the white troopers seen on long-withheld body camera video punching, dragging and tasing black driver Ronald Greene during his fatal 2019 arrest. The new investigation, which was ordered by the FBI last month, marks a significant expansion of the federal inquiry that began as a blow-by-blow examination of the troopers' violence against Greene and their apparent efforts to cover it up. Investigators are now moving up the chain of command, probing allegations that supervisors disregarded the video evidence. They are also looking into whether cops quashed a recommendation to arrest one of the troopers and pressed a state prosecutor not to bring any charges on the same day that bodycam footage of Greene's fatal arrest was released, triggering nationwide outrage. 'Their investigation is far beyond just use of force,' said Ron Haley, an attorney for Greene's family, who met with federal authorities at length last month. 'They're casting a very wide net.' A new federal investigation has been launched into the death of black Louisiana motorist Ronald Greene in May 2019. Greene died after being arrested by white troopers This image from Louisiana State Trooper Dakota DeMoss' body camera shows troopers hold a bloodied Greene during his arrest on May 10, 2019, which followed a 115mph chase Video that was released in May 2021 shows troopers bashing and dragging Greene, who is heard screaming: 'I'm scared!' This image shows Trooper Kory York standing over Greene lying on his stomach The development comes as federal prosecutors are preparing to present their findings to a grand jury by the end of the summer, which could bring the first charges of any kind in a case that's long been shrouded in secrecy. Greene's deadly arrest on May 10, 2019, came after he eluded a stop for a traffic violation and led troopers on a chase near Monroe at speeds topping 115mph. Troopers initially told Greene's relatives the 49-year-old died from a crash at the end of the chase, despite his car showing little damage. It was only later that state police acknowledged there had been a struggle. It took a total of 474 days for state police to launch an internal inquiry and officials from Gov. John Bel Edwards on down refused to release body camera video for more than two years. That was until the AP obtained and published it in May, showing white troopers beating Greene and dragging him by his ankle shackles, even as he pleaded for mercy and wailed, 'I'm your brother! I'm scared! I'm scared!' A key point under scrutiny in the federal investigation came just a day after the AP published the video, when the head of the state police, Col. Lamar Davis, and his chief of staff, Lt. Col. Doug Cain, made a hastily arranged attempt to dissuade state prosecutors from charging troopers in the Greene case, sources claimed. Davis and Cain traveled to District Attorney John Belton's office in Ruston - more than 200 miles north of Baton Rouge - on May 20 to review the video frame by frame and make the case that the troopers' actions were justified. Belton, who told colleagues he was deeply disturbed by the footage, referred the case to federal authorities in September 2019 but has not ruled out prosecuting the troopers at the state level. Capt. Nick Manale, a state police spokesman, said the agency is continuing to cooperate with the federal investigation and 'intends to release all documents and investigative files at the appropriate time.' He said the federal inquiry 'prevents the release of further information.' Chris Hollingsworth (left), a veteran trooper, was seen on the video stunning Greene. He was later recorded boasting to a colleague that he choked Greene and beat the 'ever living f*** out of him.' Trooper Kory York (right) was seen on camera dragging Greene on his stomach Bloodstains are seen on the shield and uniform of Hollingsworth after Greene's arrest Davis has declined repeated interview requests. Cain did not respond to messages seeking comment. Of particular interest to federal investigators is why the state police failed to arrest Chris Hollingsworth, a veteran trooper who can be seen on the video stunning Greene and was later recorded boasting to a colleague that he choked Greene and beat the 'ever living f*** out of him.' Seven days after Greenes death, on May 17, 2019, state police detectives told their superiors that Hollingsworth should be arrested for turning off his dashboard and body cameras before the high-speed pursuit and later when he realized one of the devices was recording him talking about beating Greene, according to notes written by the lead investigator, Det. Albert Paxton. But state police commanders in Monroe pressured their detectives to hold off, the notes say. Among those present at the meeting were Capt. John Peters, the regional troop commander, and Bob Brown, then the major over statewide criminal investigations. The meeting became 'very heated,' the notes say, with the commanders warning that charging Hollingsworth would cause investigators to 'have issues with patrol.' The detectives also suggested Hollingsworth be charged with aggravated battery. Peters responded, 'What is evidence and who decides?' This undated photo provided by the family of Ronald Greene via the Baton Rouge chapter of the NAACP in September 2020 shows injuries on his body Hollingsworth was never arrested and was only fired in September after he admitted to bashing Greene's head with a flashlight - a use of deadly force internal investigators said was unjustified. The 46-year-old died in a single-car highway crash in Monroe hours after he learned of his firing. DeMoss was only recently fired and a third, Master Trooper Kory York who dragged Greene on his stomach by his ankle shackles, has been suspended. Also under scrutiny, according to those familiar with the probe, is why the state police failed to provide the body camera video and even the most basic police reports for the official autopsy. It listed Greene's cause of death as 'cocaine induced agitated delirium complicated by motor vehicle collision, physical struggle, inflicted head injury and restraint.' The forensic pathologists, however, say the lack of supporting materials left them unable to determine whether the crash or excessive police force caused his most severe injuries, including a fractured breastbone and lacerated aorta. 'There were lacerations of the head inconsistent with motor vehicle collision injury,' the 10-page autopsy report says. 'These injuries are most consistent with multiple impact sites from a blunt object.' The FBI recently asked the pathologist to make another attempt at such a conclusion accounting for the evidence state police initially failed to provide. As federal prosecutors home in on possible obstruction charges, state police leaders have redoubled their hunt for leaks in a case that's steeped the agency in controversy and divided its ranks. At least six high-ranking state police officials - including Peters, Brown and Col. Kevin Reeves, the head of the state police at the time of Greene's death - have retired amid the growing fallout from the case. Last month, Peters announced his departure as head of the Monroe-based Troop F - which has become notorious for its harsh treatment of black suspects - with an email saying, 'Shamefully, we have now seen there are those within our own ranks tearing this agency apart from the inside.' Peters didn't mention in his email that he recently received a 32-hour suspension for signing off on a use-of-force report without reviewing the body camera footage of his troopers beating yet another black motorist, according to state police records. Troopers initially told Greene's relatives the 49-year-old died from a crash at the end of the chase, despite his silver Toyota showing little damage (pictured) Peters, who was among the commanders to sign off on the use-of-force reports in Greene's case, told investigators it was 'common practice' for him to approve such documents without reviewing the materials. He declined to comment to AP. Video of Greene's May 2019 arrest in Monroe County depicts what happened when state troopers pulled him over after the barber led them on a 115mph chase. He died in an ambulance after suffering a cardiac incident during the arrest. It begins with Hollingsworth and DeMoss rushing Greene's SUV, as he can be seen appearing to raise his hands and repeating, 'OK, OK. I'm sorry.' Greene is also heard to say: 'Im your brother! Im scared! Im scared!' Hollingsworth shocks Greene with a stun gun within seconds through the drivers side window as both troopers demand he get out of the vehicle. Greene exits through the passenger side as Hollingsworth appears to wrestle him to the ground, putting him in a chokehold and punching him in the face while another trooper can be heard calling him a 'stupid mother***r.' Hollingsworth strikes Greene multiple times and appears to lie on one of his arms before he is finally handcuffed. The troopers then leave the burly man unattended, facedown and moaning for more than nine minutes, as they use sanitizer wipes to wash blood off their hands and faces. 'I hope this guy aint got f***ing AIDS,' one of the troopers can be heard saying. At one point, another trooper, Kory York, yanks Greenes leg shackles and briefly drags the man, facedown on his stomach. Moments before, York was seen kicking Greene as he tried to shift from his stomach onto his side in an apparent attempt to breathe more easily. At least six troopers were on the scene of the arrest but not all had their body cameras on. In this August 28, 2020 file photo, family members of Ronald Greene listen to speakers as demonstrators gather for the March on Washington After a several-minute stretch in which Greene is not seen on camera, he appears again, limp, unresponsive and bleeding from his head and face. He is then loaded onto an ambulance gurney, his arm cuffed to the bedrail. Leading the federal inquiry is Assistant US Attorney John Luke Walker, a Lafayette-based prosecutor who won accolades for his role in a sprawling child exploitation case that resulted in dozens of convictions. Walker is also investigating Louisiana state troopers' beatings of at least two other black motorists. They include Aaron Larry Bowman, who was pulled over near his Monroe home just 20 days after Greene's death and was struck 18 times with a flashlight, leaving him with a broken jaw, ribs and wrist, and a gash to the head. Trooper Jacob Brown, the son of Bob Brown, was arrested in December on second-degree battery and malfeasance charges in Bowman's beating. Brown did not respond to requests for comment. Bowman's lawyer, Donecia Banks-Miley, said federal prosecutors met with her and her client in June and showed them Brown's 2019 body camera footage for the first time. 'It's been covered up for so long,' Banks-Miley said. 'It's just been covered up.' An Illinois woman faces federal charges after a video surfaced of her standing roughly 15 feet away from a grizzly bear and her cubs in order take an up-close photo of the animals at Yellowstone National Park. Samantha Dehring, 25, was in the Roaring Mountain area of the park on May 10 when she was recorded by a visitor around 4.45pm. In the video, a mama bear can be seen briefly charging at Dehring, who holds a cellphone in her hands directed at the animals. Samantha Dehring, 25, faces federal charges after video surfaced of her standing roughly 15 feet away from a grizzly bear and her cubs because she was trying to take a picture of them When other visitors noticed the animals, they backed off, but Dehring continued to take pictures. She now faces federal charges The bear then retreats as two of her cubs run to the forest and Dehring walks away while she puts her cellphone inside her pocket. A person in the background says: 'Oh my god! I got that on video.' Darcie Addington, who recorded the scene from her car window, said that other visitors tried to warn Dehring not to get too close to the bear, but she didn't listen. "It was terrifying," Addington told USA Today. Dehring, of Carol Stream, will next appear in court in Mammoth Hot Spring, Wyoming, on August 26, ABC reported. She faces one count of willfully remaining, approaching and photographing wildlife within 100 yards, and one count of feeding, touching, teasing, frightening or intentionally disturbing wildlife, U.S. attorney for the district of Wyoming, Bob Murray, said on Monday. The mama bear briefly charged at Dehring, who walked away, while the cubs ran to the forest The National Park Service has reported an average of one bear attack per year at Yellowstone. But recently, incidents involving grizzly bears have increased. A man was killed by a bear just outside the park in April. And another 39-year-old man was attacked inside the park in May Murray said: 'While other visitors slowly backed off and got into their vehicles, Dehring remained.' If found guilty, she could be jailed up to a year and would have to pay a $10,000 fine. Yellowstone National Park regulations state that visitors should keep a minimum 100-yard distance from bears at all times and to never feed or approach a bear to take a photo. The park has experienced a spike in visitors upon reopening from lockdown. There were 438,000 visitors in May compared with 434,000 in 2019 - an 11 percent jump and the busiest May on record. In May, a ranger shot at a grizzly bear as it charged toward him and a road filled with cars. The National Park Service has registered an average of one bear attack per year at Yellowstone, with three fatal incidents since 2010. But incidents with bears and visitors have increased this year. A 39-year-old man was injured at Yellowstone in May when he was hiking alone on a trail near Mammoth Hot Springs. He sustained injuries on his legs but managed to hike back on his own. A man was fatally attacked by a bear just outside the park in April. The last fatal incident inside the park happened in 2015, when a day hiker was killed by an adult female grizzly bear with two cubs near the Elephant Back Loop Trail in the Lake Village. Animal Kingdom Lodge lifeguard Kenneth Javier Aquino of Orlando, 26, (pictured) and two other Disney employees were among a group of 17 suspects arrested in a massive child sex sting in Florida Three employees of Walt Disney World in Orlando were among 17 suspects arrested in a massive child sex sting in Florida. The Polk County Sheriff's Office announced the arrests stemming from 'Operation Child Protector' at a news conference on Tuesday. Collectively, the group was charged with 49 felonies and two misdemeanors, including: traveling to meet a minor for sex, attempted lewd battery, use of a computer to seduce a child and transmission of material harmful to a child. Officials said the majority of the suspects had communicated with undercover agents who were posing as 13- and 14-year-old children and then traveled to a location with the intention of meeting and sexually battering the victims. Six of the suspects brought condoms to the meet-ups. Two of the suspects did not actually go to meet-ups but sent sexually explicit messages, photos and videos to underage targets online. Three of the suspects - Kenneth Javier Aquino, Jonathan McGrew and Sarah Lawrence - stood out among the group because they are each employed by Disney. Aquino, a 26-year-old Animal Kingdom Lodge lifeguard, was wearing his Disney polo shirt, swim trunks and crocs when he was arrested by undercover detectives on July 27, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said at a press conference. Jonathan McGrew, 34, (left) and his girlfriend Sarah Lawrence, 29, (right) - who are both custodians at Disney's Hollywood studios - allegedly tried to arrange a threesome with an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl on August 1 Aquino drove to meet with the girl straight from work after starting a conversation with who he thought was a 14-year-old girl that day after asking for nude photos and sending lewd videos of his own, Judd said. 'He bragged about his prowess and how wonderful he was,' said Judd of Aquino, who was the first arrested in the week-long sting. 'He left his girlfriend who was seven months pregnant with his child in order to have sex with a child.' McGrew, 34, and girlfriend Lawrence, 29, both of Kissimmee and both custodians at Disney's Hollywood studios, allegedly tried to arrange a threesome with an undercover detective posing as a 14-year-old girl on August 1. Police said McGrew contacted two undercover detectives posing as underage girls within the same timeframe, inviting one to his apartment and sending videos of him and Lawrence performing sex acts. 'Our fantasy is to play step-dad/step-daughter/step-mom, teacher/student maybe even shoplifter where we do a strip search,' McGrew wrote in one message. Lawrence told police she was 'just a follower', Judd said. The two took an Uber to the detective's location, attempting to meet a minor for sex, and were arrested at the scene without incident. 'Our detectives that work this operation are simply the very best,' said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd (pictured) at a press conference. 'Theyre skilled at talking as though theyre 13- and 14-year-old children and they worked around the clock for a week in order to arrest 17 people.' We want to enjoy this opportunity, we dont want to rush,' McGrew allegedly wrote to the detective. 'Maybe at the conclusion well cuddle a little bit. At least 35 Disney employees were arrested for charges related to pedophilia between 2006 and 2014, according to PIX. A chef and food runner at Disney facilities were nabbed in a child sex ring in 2018, according to Newsweek, and Metro reported that two more Disney employees were pegged for involvement in a 2019 child porn sting, Metro reported. Walt Disney World has not responded to DailyMail.com's requests for comment. Judd told reporters that one of those arrested, who couldn't be singled out due to HIPAA laws, admitted to officers after his arrest that he was HIV-positive. He was not one of those arrested with condoms on their person. Dominos pizza driver Lior Enbar of Orlando, 31, vacationing and married LA-resident Jarrod Justice, 33, and Irving Oliver of Lakeland, 41, were all charged within the same day on July 27 for the felonies of traveling to meet a minor for sex and attempted lewd battery. Justice allegedly brought condoms and Sour Patch Kids to the scene. Enbar allegedly dialed *67 to call the 14-year-old 'girl' he was corresponding with, asking for photos and videos and detailing what he wanted to do sexually. Previously, Oliver had been arrested for battery domestic violence, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and for violating a restraining order. Detectives said they found PCP in the wallet of 30-year-old Joshua Ortega of Davenport when he was jailed, adding two additional felonies to his charges of traveling to meet a minor for sex and attempted lewd battery. He was released from state prison in June of last year after he was jailed for cocaine possession, marijuana-related charges, burglary, grand theft and violation of probation. Ortega told detectives that he was unemployed, lived with his mother, and that he walked to the location to have sex with the assumed-14-year-old because he 'hadn't had sex in awhile.' Registered nurse Juan Guadalupe-Arroyo of Davenport, 47, was arrested after arriving at the detective's location to meet with what he thought was a 14-year-old boy for sex on July 30, police said. He detailed what he wanted to do sexually in conversations with detectives and brought condoms to the scene. In addition to charges relating to the sex attempt, Guadalupe-Arroyo was also charged with the felony of misrepresenting his age online - he told the boy he was only 40 years of age. Carlos Flores of Orlando, 36, was also charged for lying about his age on July 30 when he told a detective posing as a 13-year-old girl that he was 17. 'He did not want to come inside the building, he wanted the girl to meet him in his carthat was his fantasy, to have sex in a car,' said Judd. That day, Enrique Medina of Orlando, 47, and Adam Smith of Kissimmee, 30, were also charged with felonies for traveling to meet a minor and attempted lewd battery. Custodian Thomas Snyder of Lakeland, 44, was at work while he corresponded with detectives posing as a 13-year-old boy on July 31, sending an explicit photo of himself from his job site, Judd said. 'He said "I like smelly feet" - he wanted to smell the little boys feet, and then he wanted to play with his toes,' Judd said. 'He talked really, really nasty during the undercover conversations.' Garbage truck driver Jeremiah Davis of Clewiston, 27, David Ring of Lakeland, 34, and Philip Nelson of Polk City, 27, were all charged with felonies that day on July 31 for communicating with and traveling to what they thought were 14-year-old girls. Julio Enrique Cedeno Jr. of Zephyrhills, 45, and self-identified professional poker player Edward McGaffigan of Orlando, 37, were both charged with transmission of material harmful to a minor and unlawful use of a two-way communication device for sending lewd photos of themselves to 13- and 14-year-old 'girls' and requesting the same in return. 'He sent harmful material, he thought it was a 14 year old girl. When we went to pick him up, we actually showed him the chats. You know what he said? "well, this is real bad." No kidding,' said Judd of McGaffigan. 'He couldnt travel- somebody stole his car, so he just talked nasty and sent harmful material.' The Polk County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Auburndale Police Department, the Orlando Police Department, the Winter Haven Police Department and the Orange County Sheriff's Office in the undercover sting. 'Our detectives that work this operation are simply the very best,' said Judd at the press conference. 'Theyre skilled at talking as though theyre 13- and 14-year-old children and they worked around the clock for a week in order to arrest 17 people.' During a preliminary court hearing in San Luis Obispo Superior Court Monday, Stan Smart, (left) father of missing Cal Poly freshman Kristin Smart, (right) shared an emotional testimony on his relationship with his daughter and his heartbreaking attempts to find her The man accused of killing California college student Kristin Smart in 1996 was sporting a black eye when he was questioned by police three days after her disappearance, it has been revealed. Paul Flores' alleged injury was brought to light by a retired detective who testified during his preliminary hearing in San Luis Obispo Superior Court on Wednesday. The hearing, which is expected to last over a week, began on Monday with testimony from Smart's father Stan Smart, who recounted his desperate search for his daughter after she disappeared from Cal Poly University over 25 years ago on May 24, 1996. The father told the court about his 'close, nurturing and wholesome' relationship with his then-19-year-old daughter and described his own efforts to find her. 'I crawled through a lot of culverts. I looked through a lot of dumpsters' during that time, Stan Smart told Deputy District Attorney Christopher Peuvrelle. He said believed Cal Poly police were 'ill equipped' to handle his daughter's disappearance and that he 'wasn't very satisfied' with their attempts in finding her. 'They didn't seem to have the expertise in the field with somebody who's disappeared,' Stan Smart added. The hearing continued into Wednesday, with Lawrence Kennedy, a retired Cal Poly police detective, testifying Flores, 44, had a black eye when he came in for questioning - three days after Smart vanished. Flores is accused of raping or attempting to rape Smart in his dorm room before killing her, while his father, Ruben Flores, 80, was charged as an accessory and is alleged to have helped conceal the body. The hearing is a part of a criminal case against Paul Flores, 44, (pictured) and his father Ruben Flores, 80, which is expected to last 12 days. Ruben Flores (left) is pictured in court on July 14. A former tenant claimed Ruben would refer to Smart as a 'dirty slut' Paul Flores, 44, is charged with murder in the commission of a rape or attempted rape. His father, Ruben Flores, 80, is charged with accessory after the fact A photo depicting Flores' black eye had been kept aside for evidence, but the quality is poor and could not be enhanced to highlight Flores black eye. Initially, Superior Court Judge Craig van Rooyen would not admit the photo as evidence because it could not be verified as authentic. He changed his mind and allowed the photo into evidence after the prosecution provided witnesses to confirm Flores' black eye on May 27, 1996. Prosecutors will later play audio from Kennedy's interview with Flores, following cross-examination from defense attorneys. Paul, who was 19 at the time of Kristin's disappearance, was the last individual to see her alive before she vanished while walking home from a campus party 25 years ago. He and his father were arrested in connection with Smarts disappearance on April 13 in San Pedro and Arroyo Grande, and have pleaded not guilty to their charges. If convicted of first-degree murder, Paul could face 25 years to life, while Ruben could face up to three years. Smart's body has never been discovered, but investigators believe she was buried at the residence of Ruben Flores in Arroyo Grande, and 'recently moved.' A series of of witnesses, including investigators, archaeologists and cadaver dog experts, as well as women who are expected to testify to Paul Flores' past sexual assaults and predatory behavior. When called to the stand, Stan Smart (left) said he had a 'close, nurturing and wholesome,' relationship with his 19-year-old daughter, (right) and that he physically searched for Kristin following her disappearance on May 24, 1996. Stan Smart (right) said believed Cal Poly police were 'ill equipped' to handle his daughter's disappearance and that he 'wasn't very satisfied' with their attempts in finding her. 'I crawled through a lot of culverts. I looked through a lot of dumpsters' during that time, Stan Smart (second from left) told Deputy District Attorney Christopher Peuvrelle during Monday's preliminary hearing In addition to Smart's father testifying, Paul's mother, Susan Flores, also took the stand Monday. However, when Van Rooyen swore Mrs. Flores in, she said she intended to invoke her Fifth Amendment rights if called to testify. The judge then ruled that she could not be called to the stand. The hearing continued Tuesday with Matthew Toomey, Cheryl Manzer, and Detective Clinton Cole taking the stand. Toomey and Mazner both resided in the Sierra Madre dorms and attended the party on May 24, 1996. Toomey said he arrived at the party with his friend, Ross, whom Kristin supposedly kissed that night. He said Paul Flores approached him and began inquiring about Kristin and whether or not she was dating Ross. Based off the way Flores was asking questions about Kristin, Toomey said it appeared as if he were interested in her. Toomey also described Flores as 'being socially awkward.' When Toomey and Ross left the party around midnight, he told the court he noticed Kristin lying on a nearby lawn intoxicated. When he offered to help her, Toomey said Kristin told him to 'leave me alone.' When Mazner took the stand, she told Peuvrelle she left the party at around 1 a.m. with a friend and noticed another friend assisting Kristin Smart off the ground. Mazner said the four of them walked back to the dorms together, with Flores later joining the group, placing his arm around her waist. When Mazner got to the corner of the street, she split off from Smart and Flores, before asking Flores if he would escort Smart back to her dorm. Paul Flores, 44, was arrested in April for Smart's murder. He has denied any wrongdoing In February 2020, police executed a search warrant at Paul's San Pedro, California, home, and seized electronic devices containing homemade videos and rape porn, prosecutors say Two searches were carried out in February and March 2020 as part of the investigation into Smart's death 'Yes,' Flores replied, according to Mazner. Mazner testified that the last thing she saw before leaving was Paul with his arm around Kristin's waist. 'I didn't think anything bad would happen to her,' she said. Kristin's friends told detectives Paul had been 'lurking' around her dorm and seemed to be 'hunting her' in the weeks before she vanished. It's unclear if her friends told cops that he'd been following her back in 1996, when she first vanished, or if they made the claim more recently. The case was unsolved for 25 years until earlier this year when a popular Spotify podcast titled Your Own Backyard prompted detectives to revive their investigation and ultimately arrest Flores and his father. In 2019, we interviewed several witnesses that had not been previously interviewed and some of that information came to light through the podcast that many of you are familiar with, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff Ian Parkinson told FOX 40 in Sacramento in April. The witness led investigators back to Paul Flores, the prime person of interest in her disappearance. Documents obtained by the San Luis Obispo Tribune describe how police found videos that showed Flores raping a drunk woman when they searched his home earlier this year. Police also found a pornographic film titled 'Real Drunken Girls Drugged and Raped While Passed Out.' According to the prosecutor, the videos were stored in a computer file labeled 'Practice.' The search further yielded 'fetishized rape fantasy porn' and prescription drug medications that could be used as date rape drugs, especially when taken with alcohol. Meanwhile, a separate search at the home of Ruben Flores earlier this year turned up likely traces of human blood and a patch of dug-up dirt beneath a deck, where authorities believe Smart's body was once buried. President Bidens nominee to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Harris County sheriff Ed Gonzalez, who's been critical of the agency he's been tapped to lead, advanced out of committee for a full Senate vote on Wednesday. Gonzalez was approved by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in a party line 7-6 vote. At the same time, the Homeland Security Committee advanced Rob Santos nomination to lead the Census bureau in a 10-3 vote. The sheriff, if confirmed, will be the first Senate-confirmed ICE director since the Obama administration. Republicans have spoken out against Gonzalez, who leads one of the largest sheriffs offices in the country that includes Houston, due to his combative record with the agency under President Trump. Gonzalez terminated a formal cooperation agreement with the agency known as 287(g), which deputizes state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law. Gonzalez, pictured above at a Senate hearing, ended a voluntary cooperation agreement with ICE as sheriff Migrants line up at a border facility to receive a coronavirus vaccine, as Republicans voice concerns that they are bringing the virus into the nation His history with ICE, both his statements and his actions, regarding the agency he is nominated to lead, are deeply conquering to me, the committees ranking member Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, said of Gonzalez during Wednesdays meeting. On numerous occasions during his time as sheriff he criticized ICE and said he only worked with them because he was compelled to do so under Texas law, a law that he openly and vocally opposed, Portman said. Gonzalez said he made the decision so officers could maintain the trust of his diverse community. 'I had to consider obviously the local realities as well and the importance of local law enforcement also working with a diverse immigrant community. I also wanted to make sure that we continued to remain focused on having the avenues necessary to arrest serious offenders in our community that impact our public safety,' he said. Gonzalez has touted that he had an amicable relationship with ICE and never declined a detainer, allowing agents into his jails when they sought to take custody of unlawful immigrants, as required by Texas law. As the U.S. faced a previous immigration surge in 2019, former President Trump threatened ICE raids across the country to capture those who already had court orders to be removed. 'I do not support #ICERaids that threaten to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, the vast majority of whom do not represent a threat to the U.S.,' Gonzalez tweeted at the time. 'The focus should always be on clear & immediate safety threats. Not others who are not threats.' Gonzalez wrote in another tweet of ICE raids that pursuing any undocumented immigrants except safety threats 'silences witnesses & victims' as they are afraid to come forward and report crimes. But during his initial hearing on July 15, Gonzalez said he said that illegal immigrants should be subject to removal from the U.S., and believes that those with orders of removal should be deported. Gonzalezs advancement comes as Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) picked up a record number of migrants along the southern border in July, many of whom are processed and released into the interior to await a later court date. Republicans for months have cried of a border crisis amid the rise in numbers. Migrants cross into the US from Mexico along Rio Bravo in Ciudad Juarez Mexico According to preliminary figures, July saw 210,000 border apprehensions. Meanwhile, ICE arrests have significantly decreased under the Biden administration. There were 1,661 ICE arrests in July, 3,432 in June, 2,835 in May and 2,847 in April. In 2020 under President Trump, ICE arrested 5,855 in July, 5,103 in June, 5,394, in May and 5,613 in April. The drop in arrests coincided with new guidance mandating that officers get pre-approval before arresting immigrants who do not pose a threat to national security, who are not recent border crossers and those who have not committed aggravated felonies. The Biden administration will offer Covid-19 vaccines to immigrants in custody along the Mexico border, the Washington Post reported Wednesday. The vaccine would be given to those facing deportation as well as though released into the United States pending a court hearing. Migrants who are being sent back to Mexico under the Title 42 public health law would not be offered a shot. A famous walrus who has travelled around 4,000km and has been spotted in the UK and Europe delighted locals after making an appearance in an Irish seaside town. Wally the Walrus was photographed attempting to hop on to a boat owned by a local hotelier off the coast of Ardmore, Co Waterford, on Wednesday. The marauding mammal was seen attempting to climb into a boat for a rest, much to the amusement of nearby canoeists, who kept an eye on the walrus as he continued his adventure. The lonely walrus is believed to be from Svalbard, north of Norway, and has been on a 4,000km solo trip for months. Wally the Walrus was photographed attempting to hop on to a boat owned by a local hotelier off the coast of Ardmore, Co Waterford, on Wednesday The famous mammal was seen attempting to climb into a boat for a rest, as he continued his European adventure Wally was first spotted in Ireland off the coast of Valentia Island in March, and has since travelled along the coast of western Europe, being spotted in France, Spain and the UK. Most recently he has been sighted in the Isles of Scilly, off Cornwall in England, with experts claiming he may be heading back to the Arctic after his European venture. Patrick Shields, general manager at the five-star Cliff House Hotel in Ardmore, joked that staff were surprised to see international guests arriving in the summer of a pandemic. I have been fortunate over the years to have enjoyed many memorable wildlife scenes.... But, a #Walrus - climbing into a boat - in #Ardmore, Co. Waterford is.... Well, definitely the most unexpected in a lifetime spent watching wildlife!@RTECountryWide @RTENationwide @NatureRTE pic.twitter.com/WjyTd4WXtV Wicklow Nature (@WicklowN) August 4, 2021 He said: 'I received a phone call at home to say we had a visitor in the bay since early morning. 'I was aware that Mike Dunne, a local fisherman, was going out to check and that there was a boat with a walrus on it in the harbour, which was surprising to me, initially. I needed to see it with my own eyes. 'When I came to the hotel around lunchtime I was surprised that Wally the Walrus had shown up. The marauding mammal was seen approaching canoeists off the coast of Ardmore, who kept an eye on the walrus as he continued his adventure The walrus is believed to be from Svalbard, north of Norway, and has been on a 4,000km solo trip for months. Pictured: Wally takes an interest in a boat off the coast of Ardmore Dozens of excited locals and tourists arrived with binoculars and telescopes in a bid to get a view of the famous travelling walrus (pictured with canoeists on Wednesday) 'We haven't had a lot of international visitors this summer. So someone from Norway was exciting, and in particular a walrus, which was amazing. It's gathered a lot of attention. 'We understand he's been here since about 9am yesterday morning, or maybe a little bit before. There have been sightings all day yesterday and today as well.' Dozens of excited locals and tourists arrived with binoculars and telescopes in a bid to get a view of the famous travelling walrus. Mr Shields continued: 'A lot of people have been doing their own research online and they've discovered that he's been seen in France and Wales and England as well. 'I'm hopeful that he can make his journey back to Norway eventually, safely and soundly. It's garnered a lot of local interest and now international interest as well. 'The hotel owner owns the boat. I suppose you could say that the walrus is staying with us at the moment.' Dubliner John Burn, who was visiting Ardmore on holiday, was among those seeking Wally out. He said: 'I'm going to have a look at him. I'm going up Declan's Way for the walk. I didn't think he was here today. Wally was first spotted in Ireland off the coast of Valentia Island in March, and has travelled along the coast of western Europe. Pictured: Wally climbs on a boat in Ardmore on Wednesday Hotel manager Patrick Shields joked that staff were surprised to see international guests arriving in the summer of a pandemic. Pictured: Wally climbs on a boat off coast of Ardmore 'I just seen a picture of him in the paper this morning. He's a long way from home, isn't he?' The walrus had previously been in the Isles of Scilly since June 17 and proved a popular hit with tourists and locals, before leaving St Mary's to head back to Ireland. Isles of Scilly resident and wildlife enthusiast Scott Reid tweeted: 'Wally has finally left us! 'He brought so much joy to the islands during his prolonged visit, he'll be missed! Enjoy your stay in Ireland big fella. Safe travel.' Animal welfare groups believe Wally initially came across the North Atlantic ocean from Greenland on an ice floe. He was first seen in Ireland before taking up residence in Tenby, Pembrokeshire in March. Posting on Facebook, Seal Rescue Ireland said: 'The Walrus is back in Irish waters! 'The young, male Atlantic Walrus, who was originally sighted on Valentia Island, Co. Kerry, last March, has returned to Irish waters after completing the European leg of his tour. 'We ask if anyone encounters the Walrus to please: '1) Do not approach him as he is a protected species. Observe quietly from a minimum of 300m and keep dogs on a lead. Wally the Walrus has finally left the UK and been spotted in Ireland, with experts claiming he may be heading back to the Arctic after his European venture Alaskan walrus expert Lori Quakenbush said Wally will only be able to move on if the has the energy to make the 3,200km journey home '2) Do not publicly disclose the location of the sighting to avoid attracting crowds to him. Remember that this is a very sensitive species, and he's a very long way from his Arctic home. '3) Report sightings to SRI's 24/7 Rescue Hotline on 0871955393. We are working with a number of wildlife organisations who have been monitoring his movements since he was first spotted last March, to minimise the risk of stress and injury and in hopes that he will make his way back to his native northern waters. 'As sea ice melts due to climate change, Arctic species, such as walruses, are losing habitat and may be forced to explore new areas. 'This isn't the first Arctic visitor Ireland has received in recent years (like Cloudberry the Ringed Seal), and he likely won't be the last.' Wally was previously pictured hitching a ride on a boat so he could sunbathe and rest as experts believe he was seeking physical contact Organisations and individuals, including British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust and the St Mary's Harbour Team, had been monitoring Wally's behaviour, implementing strategies to ensure his safety and limit damage to property. The walrus had got into hot water after he became accustomed to climbing on dinghies in the area and damaging boats in St Mary's Harbour. A customised pontoon with his own scent was built for him so he could have a safe space to rest before he was able to travel again. Locals on the Isles of Scilly were warned to stay away from Wally the Walrus as high temperatures are 'challenging him'. The Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust warned: 'This heat is not something he is adapted for so it's more important now more than ever to give him rest and space.' Dan Jarvis from British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), which has been monitoring the walrus, said a sighting was confirmed on Monday afternoon. The walrus had previously been in the Isles of Scilly since June 17 and proved a popular hit with tourists and locals, before leaving St Mary's to head back to Ireland He told the BBC: 'We are really pleased it has worked out for the best. The best news would be that he continues to travel north under his own steam. We'll just have to wait and see. 'He has been a very popular character while he's been here but we're all quite pleased that he's moved on now because we were starting to worry how long this might carry on for. He has certainly been a highlight and something to remember.' BDMLR said in a statement shared with their supporters: 'We hope after having spent enough time recuperating after his jaunt from South Wales to Scilly via Spain, that this is a good sign he now has the energy to power himself back to the Arctic. 'We will of course continue to keep an eye on his travels and assist our colleagues should any help and advice be needed.' Alaskan walrus expert Lori Quakenbush said Wally will only be able to move on if the has the energy to make the 3,200km journey home. Joe Biden's pick to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives did not disclose with Congress earlier this year his previous interview with Chinese state-run media, a Wednesday report revealed. David Chipman, a senior policy advisor at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence and former ATF special agent, appeared on China Global Television Network formerly CCTV to discuss the Sandy Hook mass shooting in December 2012, Fox News first reported. A YouTube video of the interview, titled 'David Chipman on Connecticut school shooting: What can be done next?', is still up on CGTN's channel, but only has amassed a little over 6,000 views in the eight-and-a-half years it has been uploaded on the site. The interview, however, was not included as part of the media appearances Chipman disclosed to the Senate as part of a 16-page list of previous interviews and quotes he provided to media. It is believed that Chipman was used by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as propaganda to cover up for a mass stabbing of two dozen children in China on the same exact day as the school shooting in the U.S. Joe Biden's pick to head the ATF, David Chipman, failed to disclose in a questionnaire for the Senate earlier this year that he participated in an interview with Chinese state-run media about the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012 It is believed that the interview was used as propaganda to cover up a mass stabbing of two dozen children in China on the same exact day as the Sandy Hook shooting in the U.S. As the Sandy Hook Massacre on December 14, 2012 unfolded, across the world a 36-year-old man, identified as Min Yongjun, stabbed 23 children and an elderly woman at a school in Henan Province, China. None were fatally injured in the stabbing, but 26 people, including 20 children 6-7 years old and six adult staff members, were killed in the Newton, Connecticut shooting by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. Chipman was brought on the day after the attacks to speak with CGTN, a state-run television company in China, about the gun violence in America. 'I have done my best to identify all interviews given, including through a review of my personal files, and searches of publicly available electronic databases. Despite my searches, there may be other materials that I have been unable to identify, find, or remember,' Chipman included as a disclaimer. Chipman, as a Cabinet nominee, was required to submit a questionnaire to the Senate as part of his confirmation process including a list of his media appearances. Biden's pick to head the ATF has come under intense scrutiny by Republicans who claim it would be unethical to have a gun control advocate lead up the Justice Department sub-agency that oversees the regulation and federal enforcement of firearms laws. It is not clear when the Senate plans to vote on Chipman's nomination after already going through a round of questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee in May. Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, doubled down on his support for the nominee this week. Chipman appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee for a confirmation hearing in May, but his nomination process has yet to move forward as Republicans object to a gun control advocate heading the federal law enforcement agency focused on gun crimes and regulation White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also defended the pick during her press conference on Wednesday. 'We knew this wouldn't be easy,' Psaki said when asked about Chipman's nomination seemingly getting held up at the confirmation step. 'ATF hasn't had a confirmed director in six years and only one confirmed director since the position became Senate-confirmable.' 'We are disappointed by the fact that many Republicans are moving in lock step to try to hold up his nomination and handcuff the chief federal law enforcement agency tasked with fighting gun crimes,' she added. Chimpan's confirmation could hinge on the vote of independent Senator Angus King's vote, who caucuses with Democrats. A majority of state Assembly members said they will start impeachment proceedings against Gov. Andrew Cuomo if he doesn't resign over investigative findings that he sexually harassed at least 11 women, according to an Associated Press count. At least 83 of the Assembly's 150 members have said publicly or told AP they favored initiating the process of ousting the third-term Democratic governor if he doesn't quit. A simple majority is needed to authorize an impeachment trial. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie said in a statement on Tuesday that Cuomo 'can no longer remain in office' and that the state's legislative body 'will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible.' If the Assembly votes to impeach Cuomo, the state Senate could launch an impeachment trial 'in weeks,' Deputy Majority Leader Mike Gianaris told the Associated Press. At least 83 of the Assembly's 150 members have said publicly or told the Associated Press that they favored initiating the process of ousting Gov. Andrew Cuomo Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay, left, urged Speaker Carle Heastie, a Democrat, to convene an emergency special session to vote to impeach Cuomo. Deputy Majority Leader Mike Gianaris said the state Senate could launch an impeachment trial 'in weeks' if the Assembly votes to impeach Cuomo Gianaris, a Democrat, said the chamber has been preparing for a potential impeachment trial for months. 'We'll be ready to go if and when the impeachment articles are sent over,' he said. 'It could happen very quickly.' If Cuomo were to resign, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would become New Yorks first female governor. Hochul would also take office and serve out the rest of Cuomo's term until 2023 if state lawmakers voted to remove him from office. In order to remove Cuomo from office, the Assembly would need 76 votes to impeach Cuomo and send articles of impeachment to the Senate where a trial would be held. At least two-thirds of the state's 63 senators would then have to vote in favor of convicting and removing Cuomo from office. Heastie would oversee the impeachment proceedings against Cuomo in the Assembly and Janet DiFiore, as chief judge of the Court of Appeals, could oversee the trial in the state Senate. The Assembly includes 106 Democrats, 43 Republicans and one Independent. At least 40 of the 830 Assembly members who say they are ready to start impeachment proceedings are Democrats. Assembly Democrats, who lead the chamber, debated virtually for hours Tuesday about whether to impeach the governor now, wait to see whether he resigns, or give the Assembly Judiciary Committee time to wrap up its wide-ranging investigation. The Judiciary Committee is investigating topics from sexual misconduct to the Cuomo administrations months long obfuscation of the total number of nursing home residents who died from COVID-19. Some said the Assembly should vote for impeachment now, while others said the chamber should impeach Cuomo if he doesn't resign. Assembly Republican Leader Will Barclay urged Speaker Heastie, a Democrat, to convene an emergency special session to vote to impeach Cuomo. Heastie, left, said in a statement on Tuesday that Cuomo 'can no longer remain in office' and that the state's legislative body 'will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible' New York Speaker Carl Heastie, who would oversee impeachment proceedings against Cuomo, released this statement on Tuesday saying an investigation was underway and would conclude 'expeditiously'. Critics say the legislature needs to act fast to remove the Governor, who has 'lost the confidence' of his peers New York Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins is pictured The tally reflects a governor plunged into a political deep freeze - a Democratic scion who has lost most, if not all, of his allies in the party establishment, just a year after basking in national attention as the voice of fighting the coronavirus. Cuomo has denied that he made any inappropriate sexual advances and insisted the findings didn't reflect the facts. But while political pressure grew, so did the potential for criminal charges against Cuomo. District attorneys in Manhattan, suburban Westchester and Nassau counties and the state capital of Albany said they asked for investigative materials from the inquiry, overseen by Democratic state Attorney General Letitia James. James' investigation found that Cuomo - a former state AG himself - had violated civil laws against sexual harassment. Making no conclusions about whether he should be criminally charged, investigators left the door open for local prosecutors to bring cases. THE CALLS FOR CUOMO TO STAND DOWN FROM BIDEN, PELOSI, AOC, DE BLASIO AND MORE President Joe Biden In March, when the AG launched her investigation into Cuomo, Biden said that if he was found culpable, Cuomo should stand down. Yesterday, when asked again about the report, Biden said he 'stands by' his earlier statement and believes he should resign. Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'As always, I commend the women who came forward to speak their truth. Recognizing his love of New York and the respect for the office he holds, I call upon the Governor to resign.' AOC and 12 New York Reps 'For the good of New York State, Cuomo must resign. If he does not, the NY State Assembly must begin impeachment proceedings.' Governors of NJ, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island 'We are appalled by the findings... Governor Cuomo should resign from office.' NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio 'It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately' Carl Heastie, NY speaker It is abundantly clear to me that he has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority. Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible. LT Gov Kathy Hochul, who would replace Cuomo No one is above the law. Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps. Advertisement 'We are reviewing the deeply disturbing findings,' said Joyce A. Smith, the acting district attorney in Long Island's Nassau County. She pledged her office would 'thoroughly and expeditiously investigate any potential crimes' that happened there. After James released her report Tuesday, Democrats from the statehouse to the White House called for Cuomo to go. President Joe Biden said the governor should resign, though press secretary Jen Psaki wouldnt say Wednesday whether Biden wanted to see Cuomo impeached and removed from office. 'The president believes Governor Cuomo should do the right thing, resign, and leave space for future leadership in New York,' Psaki said. And one of the governor's closest allies, New York Democratic Party Chairman Jay Jacobs, declared that Cuomo 'has lost his ability to govern, both practically and morally.' Jacobs told Spectrum News he had tried privately to persuade Cuomo to resign but 'wasnt making headway.' Cuomo showed no signs of heeding such messages, saying that some episodes described in the report never happened, others were misconstrued or mischaracterized and the whole exercise was tainted. 'Politics and bias are interwoven throughout every aspect of this situation,' he said in a recorded video response. James' investigation, conducted by two outside lawyers, painted what she called a 'clear picture' of a governor who touched or made sexually inappropriate comments to a series of women, many of whom worked for him. One is a state trooper whom Cuomo successfully sought to have assigned to his security detail. While many of the allegations against Cuomo involve verbal comments, some women have also alleged that he gave them unwanted kisses or touches. One aide said the governor reached under her shirt and groped her breast at the governor's mansion in Albany. The governor denied Tuesday that he ever inappropriately touched anyone and said that he never intended harm. To date, Cuomo has rebuffed calls to step down and has moved ahead with plans to run for a fourth term in 2022. As New York went through a harrowing coronavirus surge in spring 2020, Cuomo's daily briefings garnered him fans around the country and an International Emmy Award. Casting himself as a tough-minded yet compassionate leader who steered the state through its biggest public health emergency in a century, the governor even wrote a book about it. Now, that book itself is among the focuses of investigations into Cuomo, with James examining the role some of his aides played in producing it. As complaints and investigations accumulated in recent months, Cuomo became an embattled but unabashed figure. He often still touts the state's handling of the pandemic despite now-rising infection rates amid a national surge in the more infectious delta variant. He took office in 2011, following in the footsteps of his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, who served three terms in the 1980s and '90s. A group of Democratic House members wrote to the attending physician of the Capitol on Wednesday to ask that Congress have a vaccine mandate for members and staff as COVID cases are on the rise and the Delta variant has been detected on Capitol Hill. A group of Democratic House members wrote to the attending physician on Capitol Hill on Wednesday to ask that Congress have a vaccine mandate for members and staff - Speaker Pelosi has made clear she would enforce any health guidelines 'Congress should be considering a vaccine requirement for Members and staff of the U.S. Capitol complex or, at minimum, twice per week testing for those who are unable to verify positive vaccination status,' the 18 Democratic members of Congress, led by Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, wrote to Dr. Brian Monahan. 'To prevent the spread of COVID-19, Capitol Hill must do everything possible to lead by example and ensure the safety of our own workforce,' they wrote. They noted waivers should be granted to anyone with religious objections or health reasons but added those people should be subjected to regular testing. Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol on Wednesday a vaccine mandate would be 'up to the capitol physician.' The lawmakers cited their concern about the safe working conditions for their staff, noting there are unique factors that make COVID a greater danger for those in the Capitol, including 'a high level of domestic and international travel by those who work here.' Last week, Monahan recommended every lawmaker and staffer in the House, including those fully-vaccinated, wear a face mask in accordance with new CDC guidelines. He also encouraged lawmakers to get vaccinated. In his note on the matter, he noted the Delta variant of the coronavirus had been detected on Capitol Hill. 'To be clear, for meetings in an enclosed US House of Representatives controlled space, masks are REQUIRED,' he wrote. 'We know that your recommendations regarding the health and safety of the U.S. Capitol are free from partisan calculations and grounded in science, which is why we ask you to follow the science and require vaccination,' the lawmakers wrote to the Monahan, who is a retired rear admiral in the Navy. Pelosi has made it clear in the past she would enforce any health guidelines Monahan recommended for the U.S. Capitol. Some Republican lawmakers have publicly expressed skepticism about the COVID vaccine and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (above) refused to answer if she has been vaccinated Some Republican lawmakers have publicly expressed skepticism about the COVID vaccine. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia refused to answer last month when asked whether or not she was vaccinated. She called the question 'a violation of my HIPAA rights.' And several Republicans refused to follow Monahan's face mask guidelines, walking around the Capitol without wearing one. If they go on the House floor without a mask, they face a monetary fine. A survey of all 535 members of Congress by CNN found that in May, 100 percent of Democrats from both chambers were fully vaccinated, while only 44.8 percent of House Republicans and 92 percent of Republican senators could claim the same. Since then a few other Republicans have said they've been vaccinated, including Rep. Steve Scalise, the Number 2 GOP lawmaker in the House. Some fully-vaccinated lawmakers and staff, including Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, have tested positive for COVID in what is called a 'breakthrough' infection. 'I was just informed by the House physician I have tested positive for COVID-19 even after being vaccinated,' Graham said in a statement on Monday. He said he started having flu-like symptoms Saturday night and went to the doctor Monday morning. 'I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms,' he continued. 'I will be quarantining for ten days.' 'I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse,' he added. Several members of the Senate were seen wearing face masks after Graham's announcement. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Andrew Cuomo should be criminally charged with assault for allegedly groping the breast of a female aide in his office last year, a claim that the New York Attorney General says is corroborated. Appearing on CBS This Morning, de Blasio repeated calls for the Governor to stand down and called his behavior 'not even close' to acceptable. The 168-page report backs up the allegations of 11 women who say Cuomo sexually harassed them either by touching them, kissing them, hugging them or subjecting them to inappropriate questioning or comments. He denies all of the groping allegations and says he may have been too handsy with hugs and kisses, but that's how he was raised. He says the inappropriate comments were intended as banter and the women misinterpreted them. Cuomo is now facing three criminal investigations in Manhattan, Westchester and Albany - in addition to an impeachment trial at the State Legislature. A judiciary committee has been tasked with investigating whether impeachment is warranted and that probe is underway. Scroll down for video New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared in studio for CBS This Morning on Wednesday to repeat his calls for Cuomo to resign and say he should be criminally charged. He says Cuomo's behavior 'wasn't even close' to acceptable .@NYCMayor Bill de Blasio says New York Gov. Cuomo should "resign for the good of New York state" and believes he should be charged criminally. pic.twitter.com/tZurQMJhLK CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) August 4, 2021 De Blasio said on Wednesday that Cuomo's excuses aren't good enough and that he ought to stand down before he is impeached because he's lost the support of everyone, including his own party. 'If you assault a woman, if you do something against her will sexually, that's criminal. And the Albany County District Attorney is looking at that and I think he should be charged,' he said. 'When you read this report, 11 women systematically wronged; 11 women confronted by a powerful guy who could crush their career, and their reputation, and he's the kind of guy that everyone assumes would if you crossed him. And he harassed them, he assaulted them in several cases, it's not even close. Digging his heels in: Cuomo (shown in the video denial he issued yesterday) is refusing to stand down and insists he did nothing wrong Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett, two of Cuomo's accusers. They are among the few that are publicly named 'And then, he has the audacity to say, oh, you know, I like to hug people. I mean, that's just out of touch with reality, but it's also profoundly disrespectful. 'How about saying, I did something wrong, I have to atone for my sins, I need to go and deal with my problems?' he said. De Blasio slammed Cuomo's attempted excuse that he is of a friendly and tactile generation, saying: 'Putting your hand up a woman's shirt and touching their breast is not generational. 'I know plenty of guys who are older, who would never in a million years do that. 'Talking to 20-something year old women, asking them if theyd date an older guy and then leering at them this is not acceptable behavior, its not even close.' Cuomo is refusing to stand down, despite being told to by President Biden and countless others. He insists he is the victim of a political attack. Six men were rescued from a home where they were held captive by members of a Mexican criminal organization that forced them to build a tunnel for smuggling drugs into the US. The kidnapped workers were saved after one of the victims went up to a security forces convoy that had passed by the residence in the Mexicali neighborhood of Santa Clara on Monday, according to Mexican news outlet Jornada. The home was just 100 yards from the international border line. The kidnapped workers, identified as Juan, 60; Ramon, 54; Ricardo, 33; Eduardo, 31; and Daniel, 29, were led out of the property without incident. The men were transferred to the custody of the Baja California state Attorney Generals Office. A perimeter is set up outside a home in Mexicali, Mexico, near the United States border where six men were rescued Monday. The victims were held captive at the property where they had built a tunnel intended to be used to smuggle drugs A criminal organization built a tunnel that connected a residence in Mexicali, Mexico, to the Grand Plaza Outlets in Calexico, California (pictured) Security forces found the secret underground passageway after Ramon gave them a tour of the property. The tunnel, which went under construction at the beginning of the year, was located 52 feet below the ground surface and extended 262 feet out towards the Grand Plaza Outlets in the California border town of Calexico. It's the first one discovered near the two international border cities, La Jornada reported. The tunnel discovery comes after the Mexican military in May found a secret underground path which was still under construction in Tijuana, about 109 miles away from Mexicali. Soldiers spotted while were searching for a kidnapping victim. The tunnel was located under a house across the street from a National Guard station, and just a few hundred feet up the road from the Otay Mesa Land Port of Entry with the United States. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, there are as many as 13,000 underground passageways in Mexico. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has seen his popularity slip with voters in his own state and now trails Democratic challenger Rep. Charlie Crist, according to a new poll. DeSantis had seen his national profile and popularity balloon during the COVID-19 crisis to the point where he has been touted as the best hope for Republicans to retake the White House in 2024. But the survey, by Florida-based St. Pete Polls, found voters disapproved of the governor's opposition to mask mandates in school. Overall 45.3 percent of voters said they backed Crist, who was governor from 2007 to 2011, compared to 43.8 percent who favored DeSantis. DeSantis is seeking a second term as governor in next November's election, while Crist is his the frontrunner to be win through the Democratic primaries. The poll was based on automated phone calls with 3,900 people, giving a 1.6 point margin of error. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (right) has slipped behind Rep. Charlie Crist in a new poll amid deepening scrutiny of his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as the number of cases hits record levels in the state Rep. Charlie Crist seized on the poll's results to say he was best positioned to win Florida's gubernatorial race, unseating Gov. Ron DeSantis who's star has been rising DeSantis allies rubbished the poll but the Crist campaign immediately seized on the results to send out a fundraising blast. 'This has our whole team energized and ready to build a Florida for All,' posted Crist on Twitter. 'Will you chip in right away to help us defeat DeSantis?' Political pundits in Florida said the numbers were a shock, coming after months of headlines positioning DeSantis as a 2024 contender and praising his handling of coronavirus pandemic and the Surfside condo collapse. Helen Aguirre Ferre, former communications director to DeSantis, told DailyMail.com she hoped the pollsters had other jobs to go to 'because they aren't very good at this.' 'This is the same polling company that said the Democrat Andrew Gillum held a five-point lead over then candidate DeSantis the night before Gillum lost,' she said. 'They were wrong then, they are wrong now.' However, he is under fresh pressure as cases of COVID-19 hit record levels in the state at the weekend. Florida is recording almost 20,000 new cases each day, according the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - the highest of any state. DeSantis has not backed away from his laissez faire attitude, banning schools from issuing mask mandates and businesses from insisting staff be vaccinated. In contrast Crist this week demanded that state employees be vaccinated. 'The way to stamp out the virus, and protect our public health, economy and our jobs, is to get everyone vaccinated,' he said. The poll suggests Crist is more in line with voters on COVID-19. Some 62 percent of respondents believe masks should be required for children when they return to school after the summer vacation, while 31 percent say they should not. That put DeSantis's overall approval rating into negative territory. Some 43.7 percent said they approved of the job he was doing, compared to 48.5 percent who did not. Florida is averaging 27,681 cases per day, a 342% increase from the 6,492 average cases reported two weeks ago (left). COVID-19 hospitalizations also reached a record high with 11,515, breaking the previous record of 10, 207 set on Monday (right) 'We are not shutting down,' said DeSantis on Tuesday amid growing concern about surging COVID-19 cases and his opposition to school mask mandates A day earlier his leadership was called out by President Biden, who pointed out that Texas and Florida were responsible for a third of all COVID-19 cases in the country. He said the governors of the two states were making bad health policy decisions. 'They should free people to do the right thing, such as allowing teachers to ask students to wear masks, he continued. 'I say to these governors, please help,' he said. 'But if you're not going to help at least get out of the way of the people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.' He was also condemned by Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber for his decision to seek 'political advantage' by accepting the high rate of infection. 'It really is sort of nutty too - tragically nutty in a sense,' he told CNN. But DeSantis has continued to play down the surge. With the much more contagious Delta variant now spreading exponentially, Florida hit 11,515 hospitalized patients on Tuesday, breaking last year's record for the third straight day and up from just 1,000 in mid-June. DeSantis said he expected hospitalizations to drop in the next couple weeks, claiming that the spike was seasonal as Floridians spend more time together indoors to escape the summer heat and humidity. 'We are not shutting down,' DeSantis said during a wide-ranging press conference. 'We are going to have schools open. We are protecting every Floridian's job in this state. We are protecting people's small businesses. 'These interventions have failed time and time again throughout this pandemic, not just in the United States.' A fugitive paedophile was arrested by police in Dover after being found hiding in a lorry bound for France. Mezbaha Uddin is now facing a long spell in jail after a jury convicted him of a string of child sex offences. The 39-year-old had been under investigation by Nottinghamshire Police in relation to a series of offences between September 2018 and July 2020. A jury has now found him guilty of 16 child sex offences including 10 counts of attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child and six counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. He is due to be sentenced on October 22. Canterbury Crown Court heard that Uddin's arrest followed an allegation of sexual communication with a child in Nottinghamshire in July 2019. Jurors heard that Uddin had communicated with a decoy account set up by an online child activist group. A jury at Canterbury Crown Court (pictured) has found Mezbaha Uddin guilty of 16 child sex offences including 10 counts of attempting to engage in sexual communications with a child and six counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity [File photo] The group alerted police when he sent indecent images of himself and arranged to meet what he thought was a 14-year-old girl in Mansfield. Uddin was arrested and his mobile phone was seized. Messages from a chatroom website found that Uddin had attempted to engage in sexual communications with more than a dozen underage girls, in some instances with a view to meeting them in person. On other occasions, he encouraged girls to engage in sexual activity while he watched. Detective Constable Stuart Dolby, of Nottinghamshire Police's public protection team, welcomed the convictions. 'This was a complex and thorough investigation which included disturbing evidence for our officers to deal with. 'I am pleased with the verdicts and I hope they send a clear message that Nottinghamshire Police will do what is necessary to tackle these crimes and to protect the most vulnerable people in our communities. 'Child sex offences of any kind are taken incredibly seriously and we have a number of tactics in place to catch offenders out. 'No child should be subjected to any sexual offence and it's our duty to protect them.' Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson is regretting the statewide ban on mask mandates he signed into law in late April as it's revealed the entire state is down to 25 available ICU beds in hospitals. The number is a record low for the entire pandemic, Angela Rachels, a journalist at a local ABC affiliate confirmed on Twitter. According to US News & World Report there are just over 1,100 total ICU beds across the whole state. There are currently 469 COVID patients in the ICU and 'around half of those are on [ventilators], Rachels writes. A journalist at a local ABC affiliate reported the record low number of ICU beds In a press briefing Tuesday Hutchinson was asked whether restricting local officials from requiring masks at a time when the state's cases were plummeting was a 'bad decision.' 'Our cases were at a low point,' he prefaced, adding 'Everything has changed now. And yes in hindsight I wish that had not become law but it is the law, and the only chance we have is either to amend it or for the courts to say that it has an unconstitutional foundation.' Hutchinson argued the law would have passed either way because 'it would be overridden by the state legislature if I didn't sign it.' Governor Asa Hutchinson said the mask mandate ban came at a time 'cases were at a low point' in a Tuesday press conference when asked if he regrets the decision The governor appeared to begin saying he was 'not supportive' of minority rule before correcting himself to say he eliminated the state's existing mask mandate. The number of people hospitalized with COVID in Arkansas rose by 30 on Tuesday to 1,250 - the highest level since January 19th, according to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. The number of new cases is outpacing the number of recoveries, the outlet reported. Patients on ventilators number at 260 now, the largest number of COVID patients on the machines since the state's all-time high of 268 on January 11th. Active coronavirus cases in Arkansas climbed to nearly 19,500. Before admitting his mistake Tuesday Hutchinson has been desperately trying to backtrack on the ban. Hutchinson reinstated Arkansas' pandemic emergency declaration two months after he lifted it. The previous emergency window, declared in March 2020, expired on May 30th. This week Arkansas saw its highest 7-day average number of infections since January The number of vaccinations has climbed in recent days after hospitalizations made a troubling spike through July Hutchinson is calling on lawmakers to hold an emergency session to discuss making an exception to the mask mandate ban for public schools He also called for a special session of the state legislature last week to urge lawmakers to lift the mask mandate ban in public schools weeks before students ready to get back to school. He made the call official on Tuesday. Children ages 11 and under can't get the vaccine, according to CDC guidelines. The state's top health official Jose Romero said 19 percent of people hospitalized with COVID are children under 18. A local Fox affiliate reported seven children in Arkansas Children's ICU and four were on ventilators. The state's vaccination rates also lag behind most of the country. The number of new COVID infections surged across the entire US in July Arkansas lags behind the rest of the country's vaccination rate with only 37% of residents fully vaccinated - the third lowest in the US Arkansas is third to last of all US states in the number of fully vaccinated residents - just 37 percent, the New York Times reports, only ahead of Mississippi and Alabama. Only 47 percent of adults received just one dose, well under the national average of 58 percent. Vaccinations have also risen by more than 30,000 in recent days, the state's third-largest one-day increase since the Health Department began recording the daily figures in January. Hutchinson said roughly 25,000 of those were first doses, adding he was 'pleased' with the increased demand. Including Saturday's fatal black bear maulings, there have been a total of six in the Canadian province of Alberta since 1958 A Canadian woman was mauled to death by a black bear Saturday while planting trees for a logging operation in a remote area - a typically rare occurrence that's now happened three times in the area in the last several months. The 26-year-old helicopter engineer, who's name was not released per the family's request, was attacked by what witnesses describe as an adult black bear, one of the largest predators in North America. One of the woman's co-workers tried to scare away the animal prior to calling for help, the Guardian reports. 'She was evacuated by her co-worker on a helicopter and brought back to the Swan Hills airport,' RCMP spokesperson Cpl Troy Savinkoff told the Canadian Press. He said she was declared dead at the airport. Officials found three adult black bears near Saturday's fatal attack, and have since identified one responsible for the mauling through DNA samples. The bear was euthanized, a Alberta Fish and Wildlife spokesperson said according to CBC News. The victim was hired by a private company to re-forest large parts of the woodlands in northwest area of Alberta after logging operations in the area. Officials said planters often work long hours in the dense forest and have encountered wild animals in the past, including bears, wolves and cougars, according to the news outlet. Black bears are some of the largest predators on the North American continent Pictured: David Lertzman, a beloved Calgary professor, was killed during a bear attack near Waiparous Village, northwest of the city, in late May A seasonal influx of more outdoor activity during the summer months explains the spike in bear attacks during May, June, July, and August, officials added. It is the second time a tree planter has been killed by a black bear since 1985, when a 24-year-old named Gordon Ray was mauled in British Columbia. Including Saturday's attack, there have six deadly black bear attacks reported in Alberta since 1958. While fatal black bear attacks in the province are considered rare, the same can't be said for other types of bear attacks, namely grizzlies. On May 4, Calgary professor David Lertzman was killed in a grizzly bear attack near Waiparous Village, northwest of the city in Alberta, according to Global News Canada. A female black bear forages in the forest along the Bow River Parkway in Alberta, Canada for food The outlet reports that Lertzman's wife, Sarah, found his body after he didn't return home following a jog along a nearby trail. 'I was looking for a man in trouble and not for a scene of something that had happened,' she wrote on her Facebook page. 'I did not know the risk to myself in that moment, and I am truly blessed that nothing happened to me, as the officers reminded me repeatedly later in the night,' she added. Lertzman was attacked from behind by the animal, which pushed him off a nearly 1000-foot embankment, officials said. A map of the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, which has been the sight of several deadly bear attacks in recent months 'The wounds were consistent with an instantaneous death, so he suffered very little. This was important for me to know,' his grieving wife wrote. Three weeks later and just 15 miles away, a 68-year-old woman was mauled to death by a grizzly near Water Valley, according to a statement by Alberta Fish and Wildlife. In that attack, officials discovered the woman's body partially buried. Authorities ultimately determined that she died in a defensive bear attack. Two female grizzlies were captured five days after the fatal mauling. Ken Burns blasted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as an enemy of the state who doesnt give a s*** about the United States and thinks he and his No. 2, Sheryl Sandberg, should be tried for crimes against humanity and put in prison. He knows he can transcend it. He can get away to any place, Burns, the award-winning film documentarian and historian, told The New York Times. And so its just about filthy lucre, thats it. Burns, the 68-year-old two-time Oscar winner, made the remarks during an interview with Times podcaster Kara Swisher, who invited the filmmaker to talk to him about his latest project - famed boxer Muhammad Ali. He brought up Zuckerbergs name unprompted even though Swisher didnt ask about the tech mogul. Swisher did not follow up on Burns' comments, and the filmmaker did not specify why he thought Zuckerberg was a traitor. Instead, Swisher responded to the Zuckerberg comments by cryptically telling Burns: 'Youre going to love my memoir, Ken.' The two then move on to discuss the craft of documentary filmmaking. DailyMail.com has reached out to Facebook and Burns seeking comment. Zuckerberg, the founder of the world's most popular social media platform that counts more than 2.7 billion users globally, is the fifth richest person on the planet thanks to a net worth that is estimated at around $130billion. Ken Burns (left) blasted Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as an enemy of the state who doesnt give a s*** about the United States and thinks he and his No. 2, Sheryl Sandberg (right), should be tried for crimes against humanity and put in prison Swisher asked Burns who he thought would be the version of Muhammad Ali in 100 years? Burns then mentioned Stacey Abrams, the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate. Abrams lost her election to the Republican, Brian Kemp, though she did make history as the first black woman to represent a major party in a race for governor. Shes the real deal, Burns said. I mean, I hope Zuckerberg is in jail by then. Burns also lashed out at Sandberg, the Lean In author and Facebook COO who, along with her boss, has come under fire in recent years over data leaks and the platforms role in helping Donald Trump win election. Burns, the documentary filmmaker, also hit out at Zuckerberg's top deputy, Sheryl Sandberg (seen left with her boss in Sun Valley, Idaho last month), saying she was 'complicit' The filmmaker said he thought tech moguls like Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and others should stand trial like the Nazis at Nuremberg after the Second World War. Because these people - and Sheryl is a complicit - the Nuremberg of this, is if it ever happens, which it wont, will be pretty interesting, he said. The way that weve been able to temporize and say, oh, its okay, well just go a little bit further. Right? For years, Burns has been a prominent supporter of the Democratic Party, which may explain his antipathy toward Zuckerberg. Facebook and other social media platforms have been accused by Democrats of allowing Trump and other Republicans to spread misinformation - leading to the 2016 shock election victory over Hillary Clinton. A BuzzFeed News report from November 2016 revealed that fake news stories outperformed actual news on Facebook - particularly in the weeks and months leading up to the election. The most widely read 'news' article that year was a fake story which claimed that Pope Francis endorsed Trump. That story generated more than 900,000 engagements on Facebook. In 2018, Facebook was once again in the news - this time after it was learned that Cambridge Analytica, the now-defunct political consulting firm, mined the data of tens of millions of Facebook users. The firm was hired by Trump's campaign in 2016. Facebook has also drawn the ire of conservatives and Trump supporters, who accuse the social network of having an inherent liberal bias and of censoring pro-Republican views. In April, Facebook stopped users from sharing articles by DailyMail.com about a BLM founder Patrisse Cullors' multi-million dollar property empire while users were allowed to share it from other outlets. Burns, a supporter of the Democratic Party, did not say why he thinks Zuckerberg is a traitor. The social network has been blamed for allowing misinformation to spread during the 2016 election, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton (pictured right at Sundance Film Festival) Users that wanted to share links to the DailyMail.com were met with a message that said it 'couldn't be shared.' 'This content was removed for violating our privacy and personal information policy,' a Facebook spokesperson told DailyMail.com. However, other outlets, such as Black Enterprise, a media company that covers black-owned businesses, was allowed to be shared by Facebook users. It's not the first time Facebook has censored content from conservative voices. In March, the social media platform removed a video interview from Lara Trump, interviewing her father-in-law, Donald Trump. In the interview, Trump tore into social media and the mainstream media for suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story, he criticized President Biden's green agenda and railed against cancel culture which he said obliterates US culture. Readers of the New York Post on Facebook were also blocked from sharing a story about Cullors' multi-million-dollar property holdings. The Facebook spokesperson claimed that the article 'shared multiple details which could identify the residence of one of the BLM founders, in violation of her privacy rights. 'As per our Community Standards: We do not allow people to post personal or confidential information about yourself or of others,' the spokesperson said. 'We remove content that shares, offers or solicits personally identifiable information or other private information that could lead to physical or financial harm, including financial, residential, and medical information, as well as private information obtained from illegal sources.' Earlier this year, Facebook lifted its ban on discussing whether COVID-19 originated in a lab in Wuhan - this after the claim that was once dismissed as a fringe conspiracy theory has now been accepted as a real possibility. In April of last year, Facebook announced that it was imposing limits on 'harmful misinformation about COVID-19', including about how dangerous the virus is and how many people it was killing. And in February of this year, the company announced that it was expanding its crackdown to include claims that the virus was man-made, insisting it was a conspiracy theory that had been 'debunked'. Earlier this year, Trump filed suit against Facebook, Twitter, and Google, claiming he and other conservatives have been wrongfully censored. But legal experts say the suits are likely doomed to fail, given existing precedent and legal protections. Trump introduced other members of the class action suit who had also been kicked off social media. His team has set up a website for other people to sign on Trump announced the action against Facebook, Twitter and Googles YouTube, demanding that his accounts be reinstated. Trump has been suspended from the platforms since January, when his followers violently stormed the Capitol building, trying to block Congress from certifying Joe Biden's presidential win. The companies cited concerns that Trump would incite further violence and have kept him locked out. 'We're asking the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies' illegal, shameful censorship of the American people,' Trump said of the filings. 'We're going to hold big tech very accountable.' Twitter, Facebook and Google are all private companies, and users must agree to their terms of service to use their products. Under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, social media platforms are allowed to moderate their services by removing posts that, for instance, are obscene or violate the services' own standards, so long as they are acting in 'good faith.' The law also generally exempts internet companies from liability for the material that users post. But Trump and some other politicians have long argued that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have abused that protection and should lose their immunity - or at least have it curtailed. While conservatives often claim the sites are biased against them, several recent studies have found that isn't the case. Indeed, posts by conservative commentators like Ben Shapiro, Franklin Graham, Dan Bongino and Dinesh DSouza are routinely among the most widely shared on Facebook. Advertisement Cuomo tweeted twice on Wednesday but ignored the mounting calls for him to resign Governor Andrew Cuomo stuck his head in the sand on Wednesday, ignoring the mounting calls for him to resign or face criminal charges for sexually assaulting female staff and three looming criminal investigations. Cuomo was found to have sexually harassed at least 11 women by a team of investigators put together by Attorney General Letitia James. She does not have the legal scope to charge him criminally, but the Albany District Attorney said he has launched an investigation and is inviting women to come forward. Everyone from NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio to President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi - some of Cuomo's most trusted Democratic allies - is telling him it's time to resign but he is clinging on, insisting he's the victim of a politicized attack by James and that his accusers either lied about him or misinterpreted his 'warmth' for sexual predatoriness. The District Attorneys of Manhattan, Albany and Westchester have now all opened criminal investigations into Cuomo's conduct. Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, the most recent to launch an investigation, said: 'When our office learned yesterday that the Attorney Generals investigation of the Governors conduct was complete, our office contacted the Attorney Generals Office to begin requesting investigative materials in their possession pertaining to incidents that occurred in Manhattan.' The Manhattan DA is investigation the allegation of State Trooper #1 who says Cuomo ran his finger down her back inappropriately in an elevator and State Entity Employee #1, who said he tapped her buttocks twice at an NYC event. The Albany District Attorney is investigating Cuomo as is the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, whose staff confirmed as much on Wednesday The Albany DA is investigating any allegation of misconduct in Cuomo's office at the Governor's Mansion or in the State Capitol. The Westchester DA is also investigating Cuomo for criminal offenses The Westchester DA asked the AG's office for more information on State Trooper #1's claims and any other alleged incident that happened in Westchester County. On Wednesday, de Blasio said he ought to be criminally charged with assault for allegedly groping the breast of an executive assistant in November 2020. He says it never happened, the AG says that it did. Cuomo's office on Wednesday sent out several press releases on governmental issues but ignored the elephant in the room, instead only pushing out statements about COVID and vaccines. Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, who would oversee impeachment proceedings in the New York legislature, released a statement on Wednesday confirming that an impeachment investigation was underway and that it would conclude 'expeditiously' but impeachment articles are yet to be drawn up. First, the Assembly Judiciary Committee needs to give the findings of its investigation to the New York Assembly. The committee's next meeting is on Monday. The next step would be an impeachment trial in the Assembly. A simple majority is needed for it to proceed to the High Court of Impeachment which would consist of all 63 New York State Senators and seven judges from New York's Court of Appeals. New York Speaker Carl Heastie, who would oversee impeachment proceedings against Cuomo, released this statement on Tuesday saying an investigation was underway and would conclude 'expeditiously'. Critics say the legislature needs to act fast to remove the Governor, who has 'lost the confidence' of his peers In the event that all both the Assembly and the High Court of Impeachment vote to remove him, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul would take over and serve out Cuomo's term which ends in November 2022. On Good Morning America on Wednesday, Bennett - who worked as an aide for Cuomo in 2019 - said his 'apology' to her that was televised yesterday was 'not much of an apology at all'. THE CALLS FOR CUOMO TO STAND DOWN FROM BIDEN, PELOSI, AOC, DE BLASIO AND MORE President Joe Biden In March, when the AG launched her investigation into Cuomo, Biden said that if he was found culpable, Cuomo should stand down. Yesterday, when asked again about the report, Biden said he 'stands by' his earlier statement and believes he should resign. Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'As always, I commend the women who came forward to speak their truth. Recognizing his love of New York and the respect for the office he holds, I call upon the Governor to resign.' AOC and 12 New York Reps 'For the good of New York State, Cuomo must resign. If he does not, the NY State Assembly must begin impeachment proceedings.' Governors of NJ, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island 'We are appalled by the findings... Governor Cuomo should resign from office.' NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio 'It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately' Carl Heastie, NY speaker It is abundantly clear to me that he has lost the confidence of the Assembly Democratic majority. Once we receive all relevant documents and evidence from the Attorney General, we will move expeditiously and look to conclude our impeachment investigation as quickly as possible. LT Gov Kathy Hochul, who would replace Cuomo No one is above the law. Under the New York Constitution, the Assembly will now determine the next steps. Advertisement She and her attorney are calling on the New York State Legislature - which is on summer break - to be reconvened to start impeachment proceedings against him, saying it's 'clear' he won't go quietly and must be removed from office. 'Based on his apology which was not much of an apology at all, he's not living in reality. It's up to us to take action. It is the responsibility of Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie to impeach him immediately. He is a danger,' Bennett said. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared on CBS to say Cuomo must resign before he is impeached and that he thinks he should face criminal charges. He dismissed Cuomo's claim that his behavior is of a certain generation and said: 'He has the audacity to say, "oh, you know, I like to hug people." I mean, that's just out of touch with reality, but it's also profoundly disrespectful. 'How about saying, I did something wrong, I have to atone for my sins, I need to go and deal with my problems?"' Cuomo denies the most specific allegation - that he groped an accuser's breast under her blouse after calling her into his office in November 2020. The AG says it is credible. 'Putting your hand up a woman's shirt and touching their breast is not generational. I know plenty of guys who are older, who would never in a million years do that. Talking to 20-something year old women, asking them if theyd date an older guy and then leering at them this is not acceptable behavior, its not even close,' de Blasio said. He added that Cuomo should be criminally charged. Cuomo, in his pre-recorded video in response to the AG's report, said the women had either mistaken his comments as nefarious, lied about him or exaggerated. The only apology he issued was to Bennett and it was in response to her complaint that after she confided in him about being a sexual assault survivor, he brought it up to her in different conversations afterwards and reminded her of it. He said that he was only drawing from past experience, when he helped an unnamed female relative overcome a sexual assault of her own. Bennett said on Wednesday that the Governor blamed his victims and that the 'line of questioning' was 'inappropriate'. 'The victim blaming is not OK. When there are two women there are more than two... we know that. He has been an established political figure for so long and he rules by fear. He is scary. I was scared - I didn't know where to turn,' she said. The substantiated more serious allegations like that of an unidentified female assistant who said Cuomo groped her breast at his Albany mansion in November last year, and that of an unnamed State Trooper who claims he assigned her to his protective security detail despite her being inexperienced then subjected her to a torrent of abuse which included 'running his hand down her back from her neck and saying "hey you"' when they were in an elevator together. Another state worker, who also isn't named in the report, said he ran his hands over her 'belly'. Bennett's attorney Debra Katz said: 'At this point it's on the New York Legislature to take decisive action to impeach him. The Governor is clearly not living in reality, he's refusing to step down. His performance yesterday was belligerent and made it clear he's unfit to serve. On Good Morning America on Wednesday, Bennett - who worked as an aide for Cuomo in 2019 - said his 'apology' to her that was televised yesterday was 'not much of an apology at all'. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio appeared in studio for CBS This Morning on Wednesday to repeat his calls for Cuomo to resign and say he should be criminally charged. He says Cuomo's behavior 'wasn't even close' to acceptable .@NYCMayor Bill de Blasio says New York Gov. Cuomo should "resign for the good of New York state" and believes he should be charged criminally. pic.twitter.com/tZurQMJhLK CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) August 4, 2021 'He still does not get it. Shockingly, he even blamed his mother yesterday for teaching him to kiss people in appropriately.' She was referring to Cuomo's excuse that he is handsy with people because he comes from a tactile Italian family. To demonstrate that trait, he included an image montage in his pre-taped response yesterday that showed him hugging and kissing men and women in public, including Rev. Al Sharpton and Bill Clinton. In March, when the AG launched her investigation into Cuomo, Biden said that if he was found culpable, Cuomo should stand down. Yesterday, when asked again about the report, Biden said he 'stands by' his earlier statement and believes he should resign. In addition to the potential criminal charges by Albany DA David Soares, Cuomo is also facing civil lawsuits from the 11 women. He mentioned one to be filed by the executive assistant who says he groped her breast, which he said was in the works already. In his rebuttal to the women, his attorney issued an 85 page denial of their claims. The report includes photos of Cuomo with women - some whose faces were muzzed, some whose weren't - as proof of how tactile he is More photos of Cuomo with women at his events, with his hands over their waists. His team says he is tactile with everyone The Governor's CNN host brother Chris - who was revealed as one of his advisors in the report - ignored the subject on his show on Tuesday. He is pictured returning to New York City from the Hamptons on Monday night, the day before the report emerged The sexual harassment report comes after Cuomo - once a pandemic hero who the world looked to for leadership because of his handling of the COVID-19 disaster in New York - was stripped of his emergency powers because of his administration's skewing of nursing home death numbers. His administration wasn't counting nursing home deaths as that but rather as hospital deaths for some time, which gave the impression that fewer people were contracting COVID in nursing homes and dying from it than was the case. It was relevant because he had signed a controversial order that forced nursing homes to accept COVID-recovering patients, even when they were still contagious, in an effort not to overwhelm the state's hospitals. Critics say he intentionally hid the true number of deaths to underplay the effects of that order. Cathy Renee Haupt parks on her car outside Governor's mansion after Attorney General's investigation with a message of protest on the exterior of her car Maria Dziamba delivered an orchid to show the governor that she supports him despite the Attorney General's report Protesters descended on Cuomo's NYC HQ on Wednesday to demand his resignation after the damning AG report. The Governor is holed up in Albany NYC Republican Mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa - the head of the vigilante justice group Guardian Angels - led the calls for him to resign The protesters held signs declaring Cuomo guilty of sexual harassment, as the AG did. He is now facing criminal investigations in Albany and Westchester He has also been slammed for writing a sanctimonious memoir titled Lessons in Leadership and releasing it last October - just before NY cases and deaths soared again in a second wave of infection and before vaccines were available. He is expected to have made millions from the advance of that book and he gave each of his three daughters $300,000 each from it. At the time, he'd kept businesses closed for months without explanation. Cuomo's office is yet to release his schedule for Wednesday. He is understood to be holed up at the Governor's Mansion in Albany. THE ALLEGATIONS AGAINST CUOMO THAT THE AG REPORT SAYS ARE TRUE - GROPING, UNWANTED HUGGING AND KISSING, INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS AND RETALIATING AGAINST ACCUSER WHO SPOKE OUT 'Executive Assistant One' The report says Cuomo groped 'Executive Assistant One' repeatedly sexually harassed her when she worked for him by subjecting her to 'close and intimate hugs', 'kisses on the cheeks and forehead', 'at least one kiss on the lips' and 'touching her butt'. He allegedly referred to her and one other assistant as 'mingle mamas' and asked her repeatedly if she would ever cheat on her husband. In November 2020, he allegedly groped her breast at the Executive Mansion in Albany. 'For over three months, Executive Assistant #1 kept this groping incident to herself and planned to take it 'to the grave,' but found herself becoming emotional (in a way that was visible to her colleagues in the Executive Chamber) while watching the Governor state, at a press conference on March 3, 2021, that he had never 'touched anyone inappropriately.' She then confided in certain of her colleagues, who in turn reported her allegations to senior staff in the Executive Chamber, the report says. State Trooper #1 The report says Cuomo sexually harassed a state trooper, referred to as Trooper #1, who he hired onto his protective detail, bending the three-year experience requirement. Once she was on his team, he allegedly 'sexually harassed her on a number of occasions' by 'running his hand across her stomach from her belly button to her right hip while she held a door open for him at an event', 'running his finger down her back' while they were in an elevator together and saying 'hey you', kissing her on the cheek. He also allegedly asked her to help him find a girlfriend and said he wanted someone who 'liked pain', and asked her why she wanted to get married, saying 'your sex drive goes down'. 'Trooper #1 found these interactions with the Governor not only offensive and uncomfortable, but markedly different from the way the Governor interacted with members of the PSU who were men, and she conveyed these incidents contemporaneously to colleagues,' the report reads. Charlotte Bennett Charlotte Bennett Bennett worked briefly for Cuomo as an aide. AG Letitia James says her allegations that Cuomo harassed her with a series of comments are corroborated. Among his alleged remarks are questions about if she'd date older men, asking her help to find a girlfriend, and apparently quizzing her on a sexual assault she had endured. One of the other comments that he made was that he wanted to ride into the mountains with women. State Entity Employee #1 The unidentified employee said she attended an event with Cuomo in September 2019. After giving a speech, Cuomo is said to have posed for pictures with her. While the picture was being taken, he 'grabbed her butt'. 'The employee was shocked and discussed it with a number of friends, family and co-workers,' the report says. She also 'memorialized the Governor's inappropriate touching' contemporaneously, but the report doesn't say how. State Entity Employee #2 - Doctor who gave Cuomo his COVID test on camera One of the women whose allegations were corroborated was the doctor who performed his COVID-19 test at one of his March 2020 press conferences. She says that when he told her, in front of cameras 'nice to see you doctor, you make that gown look good,' it was sexual harassment. One of the women whose allegations were corroborated was the doctor who performed his COVID-19 test at one of his March 2020 press conferences. She says that when he told her, in front of cameras 'nice to see you doctor, you make that gown look good,' it was sexual harassment. The investigators agreed. They also said that before the test, he asked her not to swab him so hard that it 'hit his brain'. She replied that she'd be 'gentle but accurate' and he said 'I've heard that before.' The doctor said his remark was 'implied in a sexual nature'. Virginia Limmiatis Virginia Liammiatis worked for National Grid and was wearing a t-shirt with the company's name written across her chest when she says she met Cuomo. He ran his 'two fingers across her chest, pressing down on each of the letters as he did so and reading out the name of the company as he went'. The report says he then 'leaned in, with his face close to her cheek, and said 'I'm going to say I see a spider on your shoulder' before brushing the area between her shoulder and her breasts'. 'Ms. Limmiatis came forward in this investigation after she heard the Governor state, during the March 3, 2021 press conference, that he had never touched anyone inappropriately. National Grid worker Virginia Limmiatis (left) who said he touched her chest while running his hand across her t-shirt. Lindsey Boylan (right) 'As Ms. Limmiatis testified to us, 'He is lying again. 'He touched me inappropriately. I am compelled to come forward to tell the truth... I didn't know how to report what he did to me at the time and was burdened by shame, but not coming forward now would make me complicit in his lie, and I won't do it.'' Lindsey Boylan Boylan says that Cuomo made inappropriate remarks to her when she worked as chief of staff to the CEO of the Empire State Development Corporation including that he found her attractive and that he wanted to play strip poker. She also says that he physically touched her on various parts of her body, including her waist, legs, and back. She claims that once she reported her allegations, she was victimized by his team who ran a smear campaign against her while she ran for office. Alyssa McGrath McGrath was another executive assistant who says Cuomo harassed her. 'In his interactions with another executive assistant, Alyssa McGrath, the Governor made inappropriate comments and engaged in harassing conduct, including: regularly asking about her personal life, including her marital status and divorce; asking whether Ms. McGrath would tell on Executive Assistant #1 if she were to cheat on her husbandand whether Ms. McGrath herself planned to 'mingle' with men'. Alyssa McGrath (left) who worked as an executive assistant for the Governor. She says he made inappropriate remarks about her personal life. Ana Liss (right) worked in the Executive Chamber between 2013 and 2015, during which time she says the governor subjected her to sexual harassment that included being called 'sweetheart' and 'darling', and placing his hand around her lower waist. 'Kaitlin' Kaitlin - whose second name is not public - met the Governor in 2016 at a fundraising event where they were photographed together in a dance pose. Afterwards, she was hired by him in a junior position but given a salary of $120,000 - a figure so high she says it was laughed at in her interview. Ana Liss Liss worked in the Executive Chamber between 2013 and 2015, during which time she says the governor subjected her to sexual harassment that included being called 'sweetheart' and 'darling', and placing his hand around her lower waist. Ruch was a guest at a wedding, as was the Governor, in 2019 when she says he put his hands on a section of her back that was exposed by a cut-out in her dress. She grabbed his wrist to move it away and he responded by saying 'wow, you're aggressive,' according to the report. He also kissed her hands and cheek, she said. Despite feeling uncomfortable, she says she did not report them because 'for whatever reason, in his office the rules were different. It was just, you should view it as a compliment if the Governor finds you aesthetically pleasing enough, if he finds you interesting enough to ask questions like that. 'And so even though it was strange and uncomfortable and technically not permissible in a typical workplace environment, I was in this mindset that it was the twilight zone and...the typical rules did not apply.' Anna Ruch Ruch was a guest at a wedding, as was the Governor, in 2019 when she says he put his hands on a section of her back that was exposed by a cut-out in her dress. She grabbed his wrist to move it away and he responded by saying 'wow, you're aggressive,' according to the report. Cuomo then grabbed her face with both of his hands and said 'can I kiss you?' He was pictured kissing her cheek. A black teenager found shot dead at the home of a white man who made racist online posts did not kill himself, a jury has ruled as it overturned a previous verdict. A six-person jury scrutinized the April 25 shooting of Derontae Martin, 19, during a coroner's inquest on Friday, in Madison County, Missouri. While an initial autopsy said Martin died from a gunshot wound fired from close range to his head, a second autopsy, commissioned by Martin's family, revealed that the gun was fired from farther away. After two hours of testimony and two hours of deliberations, the jury ruled that Martin's death was not a suicide. Jurors found that 19-year-old Derontae Martin (pictured) did not take his own life inside the attic of a rural Missouri home during a prom party in April 19-year-old Derontae Martin was described by family as a playful and outgoing 'big kid.' His family did not believe that he killed himself and ordered a second autopsy Martin (pictured right) was a former star defensive tackle who earned a scholarship to a small out-of-state college. The second autopsy commissioned by his family revealed he had received a shot to the head from a further distance than previously believed Derontae Martin died in the home of James Wade, pictured above. Wade has repeatedly put up racists and homophobic posts on social media They did not determine who was responsible for his death or whether it was accidental or deliberate, and made no further comments. The decision means Madison County Sheriff's Department and the Missouri Highway Patrol must go back and re-investigate. 'We don't have the answers to who did it, we don't have the answers to why they did it,' Kimberly Robinson, Derontae Martin's grandmother, told KSDK, an NBC affiliate station. 'But one thing is for sure and two things are for certain, God ain't through yet.' 'I am so glad and happy that they saw through all their lies and they saw the truth, that my baby did not kill himself,' said Erica Lotts, Martin's mother. Madison County Prosecutor M. Dwight Robinson that the inquest was called due to the uncertainty of Martin's death. Russell Deidiker, who performed the first autopsy, said the findings of the second autopsy did not change his mind. He said he stood by his initial suicide ruling. Three Missouri Highway Patrol troopers testified that they believed the death was a suicide. Witnesses who were there at the party said Martin appeared to be on drugs and paranoid. A toxicology screening found significant levels of methamphetamine in his blood, with the teenager's family insisting that he was not a drug user. No updates have been given on whether the case has since been reopened. Friends, family and local racial injustice activist gathered in Fredericktown on May 14 to remember Martin and call for justice in his case during a protest march Derontae Martin's mother Ericka Lotts (pictured) says she does not believe her son would have committed suicide and is seeking answers into his death Derontae Martin's grandmother Kimberly Lotts-Robinson shared on Facebook that she believed her grandson was murdered and that local authorities were trying the 'cover up his murder as a suicide' Martin was found shot to death during a prom party inside the rural Missouri home of James Wade, a white man with a history of bigoted social media postings. They appear to show openly racist and homophobic memes that include jokes about slavery and swastikas. That area of Missouri was also home to Frank Ancona, a Missouri Ku Klux Klan leader shot to death by his wife in 2017. Wade often posted racist memes on social media. His background added the suspicion that Martin's death was not a suicide Wade also posts defensive statements about being white and not being a racist Many of Wade's postings contained gags made at the expense of black people's skin color, but he has denied being a racist Wade put up this post on Facebook three days after Martin's death as doubts came in that Martin had committed suicide in his home Described by family as a playful and outgoing 'big kid,' Martin was a former star defensive tackle who earned a scholarship to a small out-of-state college. After graduating high school in 2020, Martin worked at a Walmart store and a restaurant as he worked to bring up his entrance exam score so he could attend college. Martin lived with his mother in a house in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. It is unclear why he was at the party at Wade's home on the evening of his death. Madison County Sheriff's Office initially ruled his death a suicide by gunshot wound to the head, but Martin's family says the outgoing 19-year-old was not suicidal and find the circumstances surrounding his death 'questionable.' In May, about 100 people gathered in Fredericktown during a protest march demanding Justice for Derontae Martin, who died on April 25 Reverend Darryl Gray, (pictured) a St. Louis activist leader says he won't rest until the mysteries of Martin's death are solved Rev. Darryl Gray said that counter-protesters tossed two nooses at protesters and yelled racial slurs during a protest seeking justice for 19-year-old Martin In May, about 100 people, including Martin's mother, friends, family and activists gathered in Fredericktown to remember the 19-year-old and call for justice in his case during a protest march. Rev. Darryl Gray, a St. Louis activist leader, told the Associated Press that counter-protesters tossed two nooses at protesters and yelled racial slurs. Gray said that despite the slurs and the threats, activists won't rest until the mysteries of Martin's death are solved. 'Why did he end up in this particular house?' he asked KMOV. 'If he ended up in the attic and that's the story, how did he end up in the attic? If the story is that he was on drugs, how did he get the drugs, who gave him the drugs, who witnessed this?' Advertisement Summer holidays have been saved at the 11th hour today after double-jabbed tourists returning from France will be spared quarantine from Sunday and seven European countries including Germany and Norway were added to the green list of destinations. Spain has also been spared being given red status - potentially forcing thousands into 2,285-a-stay quarantine hotels - but the Government is urging travellers to take a PCR test before they fly home from the Iberian country. Tens of thousands of Britons are now expected to head to France for August - although tourism chiefs have warned millions more Frenchmen are staying in the country this summer so there is a lack of accommodation. There is a particular shortage of gites and hotel rooms in the south of the country, especially near beach resorts. But there is growing anger about the decision to turn Mexico red with just three days' notice, with panicked and 'f***ing fuming' Britons trying to get home before 4am on Sunday. Georgia, La Reunion and Mayotte will also turn red this weekend. Austria, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia will all move to the quarantine-free tier at the end of the weekend, in a huge boost for those looking to book a late summer getaway on the continent. But while there is no quarantine people will still have to take a negative test before returning and a PCR test on day two back in the UK. Meanwhile, the status of India, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will switch from red to amber, meaning arrivals from those countries will no longer have to spend 11 nights at pricey quarantine hotels. While Spain avoided joining them, those flying back will soon face higher testing costs after ministers urged holidaymakers to take a PCR for the mandatory pre-departure test, rather than the cheaper lateral flow alternatives, 'as a precaution against the increased prevalence of the virus and variants in the country'. With the guidance being advice, rather than law, many travellers may feel entitled to refuse to take the gold-standard test, which can cost as much as 175 per person. Elsewhere, as expected, the Government also confirmed that arrivals from France will no longer need to self-isolate, likely sparking a surge in cross-Channel bookings, as is the custom in August when traditionally more than four million Britons make the trip. France will be aligned with all other amber nations, from which arrivals only need to quarantine at home if they are not fully vaccinated. The changes to the travel lists come into force at 4am on Sunday. Those who do have to quarantine in hotels after returning from red-list countries are now facing a heftier bill, however, which the Government says it to 'better reflect the increased costs involved'. From August 12, the rate for solo travellers will rise from 1,750 to 2,285, while additional adults sharing a room will see their bill hiked from 650 to 1,430. Children over the age of 12 are charged at the same rate as adults, while parents will have to cough up an additional 325 for those aged between five and 12. It means a family of four with two teenage children now faces a hefty bill of 6,575, compared to 3,700 under previous rules - an increase of some 77.7%. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said the Government is 'committed to opening up international travel safely, taking advantage of the gains we've made through our successful vaccination programme'. He went on: 'While we must continue to be cautious, the changes reopen a range of different holiday destinations across the globe, which is good news for both the sector and travelling public.' Health Secretary Sajid Javid said changes to the travel lists are 'based on the latest data and expert public health advice'. He added that the announcement 'demonstrates the need for continued caution', with additions made to the red list to 'help protect the success of our vaccine rollout from the threat of new variants'. It comes as: Some 1.4million teenagers are urged to get the Pfizer jab 'as soon as possible' as health chiefs open door to inoculating all over-12s; 16 and 17-year-olds say they WILL get the Covid vaccination when they become eligible regardless of their parents' opinions; Britain's daily Covid cases RISE for first time in nearly a fortnight: UK records 29,312 cases in 6% jump on last week as deaths jump by a third to 119 - but hospitalisations fall again; Now almost 80% of 16 to 24 year olds in England have Covid antibodies, official figures show; Portugal will lift quarantine requirements for Brits jabbed with Indian-made AstraZeneca vaccine; Changing travel rules: What you need to know There have been more changes to the rules for international travel, with some popular destinations climbing the ladder to the green list and others sliding down on to the red. The Government has also hiked the price of hotel quarantine, meaning a trip to a red list country is a pricey affair. Here is the state of play for your summer holidays. Is there any good news? Seven countries will be added to England's green travel list from 4am on Sunday, the Government announced on Wednesday. Anyone returning from Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia, Romania and Norway will no longer need to quarantine on arrival. France has also lost its confusing 'amber plus' status, which meant all travellers and not just those who are not fully vaccinated had to self-isolate for 10 days upon return. Our nearest neighbour had been in a category all by itself because of concerning levels of the beta variant of Covid-19 there. Is that it? Sadly yes, but it just got slightly easier to visit India, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates as they have been downgraded from the red to the amber list, meaning arrivals will no longer have to spend 11 nights in a quarantine hotel. There are currently 24 countries on the green list, including the popular holiday destinations of Barbados, Croatia and Malta - unfortunately 16 of these are on the 'green watch list' meaning they could be suddenly be shunted up to amber. Australia and New Zealand are both unambiguously green - unfortunately neither are welcoming British travellers at the moment. Has anyone joined the red list? Yes - Mexico, Georgia and the French overseas territories of La Reunion and Mayotte are joining the red list. If you have a holiday to one of those destinations already booked and want to press ahead, bear in mind the cost for solo travellers in a quarantine hotel in England will be ramped up from 1,750 to 2,285 from August 12. The charge for an additional adult sharing a room will more than double from 650 to 1,430 to 'better reflect the increased costs involved', the Government said. Is my trip to Spain safe? There were fears in the travel industry that Spain - the most popular overseas destination for UK holidaymakers - could be added to England's red list. The Government announced it would keep its amber status, but urged travellers arriving in the UK from Spain to take a PCR test for the mandatory pre-departure test 'as a precaution against the increased prevalence of the virus and variants in the country'. Many travellers have been relying on the cheaper lateral flow test kits which are less reliable than PCRs. Things keep changing - what do I have to do when I get home again? There are different rules for countries on the red, amber and green lists that also differ according to a traveller's vaccination status. Passengers to England returning from a red list country must have proof of a negative Covid-19 test before departure and must book a hotel quarantine package including two Covid-19 tests even if they have had both jabs. They must also complete a passenger locator form. If you have come from an amber list country, you need proof of a negative test before travel and those who are not fully vaccinated must self-isolate 10 days upon arrival and take a PCR test on day two and day eight. You might be able to get out of quarantine early if you pay for a private PCR test to be taken on day five under the Test to Release scheme. Those with two vaccines only need to take a PCR test on day two of their arrival and can skip self-isolation - the same rules apply to those who are under the age of 18 regardless of their vaccination status. Anyone returning from a green list country need only have proof of a negative Covid-19 test before travel, fill in a passenger locator form and take a test on day two after arrival. Do these changes apply elsewhere in the UK? The devolved nations have control over their own amber, red and green lists of countries as well as the rules around quarantine upon return, and the recent changes have attracted criticism from some quarters. The Welsh Government is still advising against 'all but essential' travel abroad, and those who have been to a red list country cannot even enter until they have completed 10 days of quarantine in England or Scotland first. In a statement, a spokesman for the Welsh Government said: 'We have long called for a clearer system of rules regarding international travel. 'The ad-hoc nature of the decisions made by the UK Government on the issue does little to instil confidence or provide clarity for travellers. 'We continue to advise against all but essential travel abroad because of the continuing risk of infection, including with new variants of coronavirus which may not respond to our vaccines. 'We will consider the latest changes announced by the UK Government.' Advertisement There were fears in the travel industry that Spain - the most popular overseas destination for UK holidaymakers - could be added to the red list, but it is staying amber. The Government urged travellers arriving from Spain to take a PCR test 'wherever possible' as their mandatory pre-departure test. Many people currently use cheaper lateral flow tests to meet the testing requirement. In a statement, the Government said PCR tests should be used 'as a precaution against the increased prevalence of the virus and variants in the country'. It added that UK clinicians and scientists 'remain in close contact with their counterparts in Spain to keep abreast of the latest data and picture of cases'. The Government claimed its decision to scrap the amber plus list and align France in line with the rest of the amber list 'simplifies the system to three categories'. But the green watchlist - which is designed to give travellers notice where green status is at risk - remains in use, and is unchanged. Karen Dee, chief executive of the Airport Operators Association, said the extension of the green list is 'a positive step forward' but warned that the UK remains 'a long way off a full and meaningful restart of international travel'. Tim Alderslade, boss of Airlines UK, the industry body representing UK-registered carriers, described the announcement as 'another missed opportunity'. He added that the travel industry has not had 'anything like the reopening it was hoping for'. Meanwhile, Rory Boland, travel editor at Which?, welcomed the addition of more green list countries, but warned that the constant chopping and changing would cause further disruption for many. 'The cost for travellers can be significant,' he said. 'Some holidaymakers whose countries have now been placed in the red category will find that their airline or tour operator is unwilling to give them a refund. Other providers won't refund or even facilitate rebooking if a country is moved from green to amber.' Paul Charles, chief executive of travel consultancy The PC Agency, said: 'While there's some welcome progress, the Government is still being too cautious at a time when they should be opening up travel faster to help the sector's recovery.' Johan Lundgren, chief executive of easyJet, said: 'Now summer is fully under way, this provides some reassurance to consumers by keeping the status quo for key holiday destinations, as well as adding some Green list destinations for last-minute bookers where there are still great flight and holiday deals available. 'But we remain disappointed at the double standards applied to travel versus the domestic economy. With infection rates remaining lower in much of Europe and the high vaccination levels in the UK, if not now, it is hard to know when the time is for much of Europe to genuinely turn Green. 'And Government urgently needs to tackle this expensive testing regime which is adding unnecessary cost, especially for the fully vaccinated. No one wants to see flying become a preserve of the rich again - particularly when so many need to get away or reunite after such a long time.' Mark Tanzer, chief executive of Abta - The Travel Association, said: 'Today's confirmation that France joins popular holiday destinations such as Spain and Greece on the list of countries that fully vaccinated individuals and their families can travel to without the need to quarantine on return is positive, particularly as we are now in the critical school holiday season. 'However, the Government is still failing to capitalise fully on the success of the vaccine rollout with a very cautious approach to the Green list and failure to relax restrictions on travel, including requirements for multiple tests even when visiting low risk destinations. 'As a result, the UK is falling behind our European competitors and the opening up of international travel from the UK is progressing at a snail's pace - making it extremely difficult for travel agents and tour operators to generate enough income to kickstart a recovery, which is desperately needed to protect jobs, businesses and livelihoods.' It comes after aviation bosses urged ministers to relax travel testing rules on Wednesday after data suggested no coronavirus 'variants of concern' were found in hundreds of thousands of travellers returning from amber and red list countries. Testing remains a key part of the Government's traffic light scheme, with even travellers coming back from green list countries having to take a test after they get home. But analysis of official data published by The Telegraph showed that fewer than one in 60 people returning from an amber or red nation tested positive for Covid-19. More than 320,000 people arrived back in the UK from countries in those categories between July 1 and July 21 and no 'variants of concern' were identified. The disclosure came as it was confirmed that Spain will not be moved to the 'red list' because of falling case numbers in the country and fears the Government's hotel quarantine system would be unable to cope. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps is expected to deliver his three-weekly update to the rules on Thursday. Boris Johnson refused to be drawn on what will be announced as he answered questions this afternoon during a visit to Scotland. But he said he recognised that 'people yearn to go abroad' and insisted the Government must strike a 'balance' between opening up travel and protecting against importing coronavirus variants. Spain will remain on the amber list which means fully-vaccinated Brits can return home without having to quarantine. There had been fears the country could be moved up to the 'red list' but it has now been confirmed that it will remain in the medium tier. Quarantine hotel bills rocket to 200 a NIGHT: Cost of isolation on returning to UK is set to soar after ministers agreed to hike prices to 'reflect increased costs involved' Hotel quarantine costs are to soar to more than 200 a night, it was revealed last night. All travellers returning from red list countries such as Brazil, Turkey and South Africa must quarantine in a Government-approved hotel for 11 nights. Until now, the cost of staying in a 'managed quarantine facility' has stood at 1,750. But yesterday ministers agreed to hike prices by more than 30 per cent to 'better reflect the increased costs involved'. From next Thursday, the price will jump to 2,285 for a single person. Additional adults and teenagers will be charged 1,430 more than double the current 650 rate. The price for children aged five to 12 will remain at 325, while under-fives will continue to stay for free. The rise means that, for a family of four with two teenage children, the cost will jump from 3,700 to a staggering 6,575 a rise of 78 per cent. Officials said the cost would include transport to the hotel, security and food. It would also include provision of welfare services and two coronavirus tests which are required by law on days two and eight of quarantine. Some travellers have complained of 'prison-like' conditions in the hotels, with little access to fresh air and poor food. Others have been forced into debt by the crippling costs. Last month, the Government announced that solo women travellers would be given female guards, following allegations of sexual harassment. Failure to arrange a quarantine hotel is an offence carrying a 4,000 fine for people returning from a red list country. Offenders still then have to pay for a hotel. Breaking quarantine rules attracts a fine of 10,000. Advertisement Meanwhile, holidays to France are expected to be back on the table with the 'amber plus' list reportedly set to be scrapped altogether. France is the only country in the category which currently means that even double-jabbed travellers have to quarantine when they come home. Ministers are expected to streamline the traffic light system but Boris Johnson remains under pressure to go further and scrap it completely. Aviation bosses and Tory MPs believe the system should be replaced with one simple 'red list' of banned nations, with vaccinated tourists allowed to travel everywhere else quarantine-free. France was put on the 'amber plus' list due to fears over the spread of the Beta coronavirus variant. But numbers now show that just 0.4 per cent of Covid-19 cases in France are Beta while the number is 0.5 per cent in Spain, according to The Times. Ministers were considering rolling out a new 'amber watchlist' for countries currently amber but at risk of imminently turning red. It had been suggested that Spain could be put in the new category but Mr Johnson torpedoed the new list after a ferocious backlash. As well as a fall in case numbers in Spain, the nation has also been spared the 'red list' because of logistical concerns around hotel quarantine. All travellers returning from a 'red list' nation have to spend 10 days in a Government-approved hotel at their own expense. The Government has tens of thousands of rooms reserved but with an estimated one million UK tourists in Spain there would not be space in the system for all of them to be housed. A Whitehall source told The Times: 'Spain won't be going on the amber watchlist - the only danger is it going red but that's very unlikely. 'Cases are coming down. And they haven't got enough beds to quarantine everybody. So it's not going to happen.' Meanwhile, Britain's daily Covid cases increased for the first time in almost a fortnight on Wednesday, but hospitalisations continue to fall, official data revealed. Health chiefs posted 29,312 positive tests, an increase of six per cent on last week's 27,734. It is the first time the cases have risen week-on-week since July 27 (44,104). Coronavirus-tracking experts warned the recent fall in cases which sparked hopes the worst of the third wave was over was beginning to flatten out as a delayed result of Freedom Day. Another 119 laboratory-confirmed deaths were also recorded, up by around 31 per cent on the 91 victims declared last Wednesday. But the number of people being admitted to hospital with the virus is continuing to fall. Admissions dropped 19.1 per cent to 668 on Saturday the latest data figures are available for. It is the fifth day in a row hospitalisations fell on the week before, in a glimmer of hope that Britain may be turning a corner in the amount of severe disease caused by the third wave. The number of infected people occupying NHS beds in England has fallen below 5,000 for the first time since July 25. The fall in admission can be explained in part by the effect of Britain's successful vaccine drive. Some 29,508 first doses were given out yesterday, taking the total amount of adults to have had a jab up to 46.9million 88.7 per cent of the population. Meanwhile, another 143,002 second doses were put in people's arms, meaning 38.7million (73.2 per cent of adults) are now fully protected against the virus. It comes as ministers confirmed 16 and 17 year olds will be offered Covid vaccines. No10's top experts also opened the door to jabbing younger teenagers later in the year. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises the Government on the vaccine roll-out, recommended that the 1.4million older teenagers should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible'. England's deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said there was 'no time to waste'. Despite the slight increase in cases today the seven-day average for infections is continuing to fall, dropping 13.6 per cent today. The measure which provides a more well-rounded picture of where cases are compared to just daily figures suggests the rate at which cases are falling may be slowing, however A Department of Health graph shows the number of people being treated for the virus in England has fallen below 5,000 for the first time since July 25 16 and 17 year olds will NOT need parental consent to get Covid vaccines: 1.4million teenagers to get Pfizer jab 'as soon as possible' as health chiefs open door to inoculating all over-12s Sixteen and 17-year-olds will not need parental consent to get the Covid vaccine, health chiefs have revealed as they open the door to jabbing younger teenagers. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) today recommended that the 1.4million people in the age groups should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible' with Professor Jonathan Van-Tam saying there was 'no time to waste'. Ministers have accepted this advice and the NHS is now preparing to dish out their first doses at centres across the country. Officials said they expected the first to be invited for jabs in 'a very short number of weeks'. There are currently no plans to offer the age group second doses, but scientists are reviewing more data to understand the risks of administering the jabs. Officials close to the programme said a child would be able to give consent for the jab if they were able to understand the risks and benefits of any medical treatment. The JCVI is also considering vaccinating 12 to 15-year-olds, but they said they will need to review more safety data before they can update their recommendation for this group. Boris Johnson today called on families to listen to the advice from No10's top scientists, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Professor Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical officer for England, told a Downing Street press conference today that the first inoculations for 16 and 17-year-olds would be dished out 'in a very short number of weeks'. He said: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' He added there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines to meet the top scientists recommendation that 16 and 17-year-olds should be vaccinated. Advertisement Despite the slight increase in cases today, the seven-day average for infections is continuing to fall, dropping 13.7 per cent. However, the measure which paints a clearer picture of where cases are compared to just monitoring daily figures which fluctuate heavily suggests the rate at which cases are falling may be slowing. Infections are still falling in the North East and North West of England but appear to be flatlining in London, the South East, South West, East Midlands and East of England. However, data for regions in England lags behind the United Kingdom as a whole, so the slight increase seen across has yet to be reflected in the English numbers. It comes after the JCVI today recommended that the 1.4million people in the age groups should be offered the Pfizer jabs 'as soon as possible'. Ministers have accepted this advice and the NHS is now drawing up plans to offer first doses to them in the coming weeks. There are currently no concrete plans to offer the age groups second doses, with scientists set to review more safety data before pressing ahead. Officials close to the programme said a child would be able to give consent for the jab if they were able to understand the risks and benefits of any medical treatment. Boris Johnson today called on families to listen to the advice from No10's top scientists, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said they had accepted the advice from the scientists and were aiming to start rolling out jabs for younger age groups 'as soon as possible'. Many experts welcomed the move to protect people in younger age groups, but several have slammed it for being 'too little, too late' because young people now cannot be jabbed before the Autumn term. The return of schools in September is likely to spark another rise in cases. Some scientists have, however, said it was 'pointless' to vaccinate the age groups because most of them already have immunity from past infection. Office of National Statistics figures suggest up to 60 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds already have antibodies against Covid to fight off the virus. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical officer for England, said there was 'no time to waste' in starting the extension of the vaccination programme to 16 and 17-year-olds. He told a Downing Street press conference: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' He added there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines to meet the top scientists recommendation that 16 and 17-year-olds should be vaccinated. He said: 'We have the supply and I'm expecting this to start in a very short number of weeks indeed.' Many experts welcomed the move to protect people in younger age groups, but Independent SAGE members slammed it for being 'too little, too late' because young people now cannot be double-jabbed before the Autumn term. Scientists say the return of schools in September is likely to spark another rise in cases. Some scientists have, however, called the plans into question saying it was 'pointless' to vaccinate the age group because they are at such low risk from the virus and most already have immunity from previous infection. Office of National Statistics figures suggest up to 60 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds already have antibodies against Covid to fight off the virus. The JCVI, which advises No10, last month ruled only over-12s with serious underlying health conditions or who live with a vulnerable adult should get jabs. The panel, made up of the country's top experts, warned the 'minimal health benefits' did not outweigh the risks to justify vaccinating all children. It adopted a 'precautionary approach' because of a rare link between the jab and a cases of heart conditions called myocarditis and pericarditis. Officials are keen to push the immunisation drive on to more youngsters in order to prevent an autumn surge in infections when they return to schools in September. 'I'm definitely getting the jab - not like my naive mum and dad': 16 and 17-year-olds say they WILL get the Covid vaccination when they become eligible regardless of their parents' opinions Sixteen and 17-year-olds have insisted that they will get the Covid-19 vaccination when they become eligible, regardless of their parents' opinions. It has been revealed that 16 and 17-year-olds won't need parental consent to get Covid vaccines, while No 10's top scientists have hinted children as young as 12 could be offered jabs later this year. And 16 and 17-year-olds in Manchester have said that they plan to get the Covid vaccine as soon as they are eligible - even if their parents do not agree with them. One 16-year-old said he is planning to get the Covid jab so he won't have to 'worry' about getting the virus, and criticised his 'naive' parents for choosing not to get vaccinated. Clayton Murdock, 16, slammed his parents for being 'naive' in not getting vaccinated themselves, but insisted that will not stop him from getting the Covid jab Meanwhile, another teenager said he would get the Covid vaccine so he can go to gigs next year, while one 17-year-old said she was hoping to bag a 'free kebab' for getting vaccinated. But some teens have remained sceptical about the vaccine after the announcement, with one woman saying she has heard of women suffering from bad periods after the jab, while another teen said he would only get the vaccine if he is 'forced' to. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended the 1.4million youngsters should be offered Pfizer jabs, marking a U-turn on guidance the same panel issued two weeks ago. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the NHS would dish out invites for vaccines 'as soon as possible', with the goal of getting the oldest teenagers protected before they return to classrooms in September. Clayton Murdock, 16, from Manchester, slammed his parents for being 'naive' in not getting vaccinated themselves, but insisted that will not stop him from getting the Covid jab. He continued: 'I'm definitely for taking the Covid vaccine. If it's helping people then I'm all for it. Amy Blackshaw, 16, expressed her concerns that some women have complained about missing their periods after getting the jab, but said she would get the vaccine to keep others safe 'I've heard though that it's killing people but I don't care as long as it's helping people. 'I'd take it so I could go out and not worry about getting the virus. My parents haven't had it, but that's because they are naive.' Meanwhile, Annie Sawbridge, 17, from Manchester, said she too wants to get vaccinated, sharing her hopes that she might be able to bag a free Uber or a free kebab if she is double vaccinated. Annie said that her father is already double vaccinated, while her mother has had her first vaccine, and she plans to join them in getting the Covid jab as soon as she is eligible. She added: 'I would take the vaccine. I've heard you can get a free Uber or a free kebab out of it, so I'd get it and hope for a free kebab. 'I'd take it to keep people safe.' Elsewhere, Amy Blackshaw, 16, from Manchester, expressed her concerns that some women have complained about missing their periods and getting 'swollen' breasts after getting the jab. But she said that despite her belief that people should be told 'what's going to happen' after getting the jab, she still plans to get the vaccine in a bid to keep other people safe. She explained: 'I'd love to take the vaccine, but I've heard women saying that their boobs are swelling and that they're missing their periods from it and it's a shame that women's mental health isn't taken into account, but I'd still take the vaccine anyway because it's important. Meanwhile, Annie Sawbridge, 17, said she wants to get the Covid jab, sharing her hopes that she might be able to bag a free Uber or a free kebab if she is double vaccinated One teenager who feels slightly sceptical about getting the Covid jab is Kieron Booth, 16, from Ponteland in Northumberland. He said he will only get vaccinated if he is 'forced' to 'I think when you take it, you should be told what's going to happen. I don't think people are told enough what can happen. 'I'd take it to be safe for other people.' Another teenager who feels slightly more sceptical about getting the Covid jab is Kieron Booth, 16, from Ponteland in Northumberland. Kieron said he will only get the vaccine if he is 'forced' to, saying he feels safe in the knowledge that he is young and believes that Covid will not 'affect' him 'as much'. He said: 'For me getting it depends on if I'm forced to have it to go on holiday. 'I would definitely get it if I had to for holidays. I would preferably not get it but if they forced me I would. 'I've missed out on a couple of things like holidays because of Covid. 'But I'm not in any rush, not until I have to. I feel safe enough as being younger I don't think it affects you as much. 'My family have had their first jabs and my mam has been really ill with it so I don't want to get it unless I have to.' Childcare and education student Millie Coulson, 16, from Blyth, said she plans on getting the vaccine as she trusts the Government and said getting the jab would make her feel safer amid the pandemic. She explained: 'I definitely plan on getting it when I get the chance. Childcare and education student Millie Coulson, 16, from Blyth, said she plans on getting the vaccine as it would make her feel safer amid the pandemic 'If the Government are advising it then we just have to trust them really, that's all you can do. 'I don't feel that safe at the moment because I know Covid is deadly but I would definitely trust the injection. 'I have no issues in getting it. I'd love to go to festivals and holidays later on so I would have to get it.' Lauren Nicholson, of Blyth in Northumberland, admitted that her grandparents have been encouraging her to get the Covid jab, despite her not really thinking about it. The 17-year-old sixth form student said: 'I haven't had the vaccine yet and I haven't really thought about it. 'I think I might get it in the future especially if you have to for if you're going abroad and things like that. 'My grandma and grandad have encouraged me to get it and they want me to have it when I can. 'I would like to go away places on holiday at some point in the future so I will end up having it at some point.' One teenager whose parents have opted to get the Covid vaccine is 17-year-old Freddie Wakeling, from Manchester, who said he is one of the only people in his family not to have been vaccinated yet. He said that while he is in no rush to get the vaccine, as he is not clinically vulnerable, he wants to get the jab when he can so he is able to attend gigs and other events next year. One teenager whose parents have opted to get the Covid jab is 17-year-old Freddie Wakeling, who said he is one of the only people in his family not to have been vaccinated yet Bailey Wressell (left), 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, and Lauren Nicholson, of Blyth in Northumberland, both plan to get the Covid vaccine when they are eligible He explained: 'It's something I would take if I was offered it, but as I'm not particularly vulnerable, I'm not in any hurry to get it. 'The main reason I want to get it is from fears of not being able to do things in the future especially with big public events with gigs and that kind of thing. 'That's something I don't want to miss out on, especially next year because I've got a few booked now. 'I'm pretty much the only person in my family not to be vaccinated yet, but that's only because I've not been eligible.' Bailey Wressell, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, also had concerts and public events on her mind as she said she is planning on getting the vaccine as soon as she can. The sixth form student said: 'When I am eligible I will definitely be having it. 'I want to stay safe and I think it would be silly not to get it really. We don't want to end up back in lockdown so you might as well get it. 'I feel it's important to keep older people safe too such as grandparents. 'Me and my friend have got a concert booked for next year so I will need it for that.' Evan Cooper, 17, has already had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, which he got in a bid to protect his grandparents and to allow him to go on holiday with his friends. Evan, from Manchester, said he could not afford to pay for the PCR tests required before going abroad, so decided to get the Covid jab so he was able to go on holiday. He added: 'I'm double vaccinated but the main reason I took it was because I'm going on holiday with some friends and if I don't have it, then the PCR tests are really expensive and I'm young as it is, so I can't really afford it, so I took it for that reason and to protect my grandparents. Evan Cooper, 17, has already had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, which he decided to get in a bid to protect his grandparents and to enable him to go on holiday with his friends While Mila Jowett, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, said she feels a certain duty to have the Covid jab, saying the only reason she hasn't had it is because she is not eligible yet 'Both of my parents are double vaccinated, my sister is 22 and she has had her first vaccine.' Evan is not the only teenager thinking about going on holiday in the future, as photographer Alex Elliot, 17, of South Shields in South Tyneside, said he wants to get the jab so he knows that he is 'safe' to go abroad. Alex, who turns 18 next month, said: 'I've read in the news that young adults can get it. 'But I've not actually had any contact personally saying I'm eligible. 'I wouldn't be in a rush for it but definitely when I have the time and if I wasn't busy, I would go and get it. 'It's more about me not wanting to restrict anybody in the future and I don't want to be seen as bad by anyone. 'I would rather just get it for other people. I definitely want to be part of a group effort to keep people safe. 'Getting it to go places isn't really on my mind but it would be comforting to know that if I needed to go abroad in the future, I would be safe to do so.' And waitress Neeve Rogers, from Newcastle, also plans on getting the vaccine so she is able to travel abroad and visit her family in America. The 17-year-old said: 'I haven't had it yet but I do plan on getting it. 'I think it's important because it will help everything get better and the quicker everyone gets vaccinated then the quicker it should all be over. Waitress Neeve Rogers, from Newcastle, also plans on getting the vaccine so she is able to travel abroad and visit her family in America 'I really want to travel, just anywhere abroad once I get my vaccine. 'I'd like to travel back to America as I have family there so if I got the jab I'd be able to go see them.' Michael Hale, 16, from Manchester, said he has already had Covid and would choose to get the vaccine when he is eligible, adding: 'I think it's about safety. 'I've already had Covid, so I shouldn't get it for a while, but I think you need to take into account other people. My parents have both been vaccinated.' While Mila Jowett, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, admitted that she feels a certain duty to have the Covid jab, saying the only reason she hasn't had it is because she is not eligible yet. She continued: 'I haven't had the jab because I'm not eligible I don't think. 'I think it's important for my state of mind and I do think there is a duty to have it. 'I will feel safer once having it, sometimes I feel a bit on edge now after lockdown and especially with people getting pinged which is a hindrance. 'Definitely in the future I would like to go on holiday as well.' The teenagers' eagerness to get the vaccine comes after it was announced that 16 and 17-year-olds won't need parental consent to get Covid jabs. Photographer Alex Elliot, 17, of South Shields in South Tyneside, said he wants to get the jab so he knows that he is 'safe' to go abroad Michael Hale, 16, said he has already had Covid and would choose to get the vaccine when he is eligible, adding that he thinks people need to take into account other people as well Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and asked the NHS to prepare to vaccinate the group 'as soon as possible'. And Boris Johnson called on families to listen to the advice, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Officials said there is 'no time to waste' and want to give all 1.4million older teenagers the Pfizer vaccine before schools return in September. Detailed plans will be set out this week. At a Downing Street press conference this afternoon, JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim revealed 16-17 year olds won't be booked in for second doses just yet. There are currently no concrete plans to offer the 16 and 17 year olds second doses, with the expert panel wanting to buy more time to understand the safety risks. Meanwhile, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said there was 'no time to waste' and that there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines. Unveiling the inoculation drive expansion in a Downing Street briefing today, Professor Van-Tam said: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' Advertisement Top scientists today heaped criticism on No10 for the 'unacceptable' delay in rolling out vaccines to 16 and 17-year-olds, saying the move was 'too little, too late'. The Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunisations (JCVI) has recommended the 1.4million youngsters should be offered Pfizer jabs, marking a dramatic U-turn on guidance the same panel issued two weeks ago. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, has also laid the groundwork for ministers to expand the inoculation drive to all over-12s in the near future saying they would 'continually review' the evidence. But a group of 18 scientists including SAGE advisers and Independent SAGE members today slammed the move as too late, adding youngsters will not be fully protected before the start of the Autumn term when the return of schools is expected to spark an uptick in cases. In a paper submitted to The Lancet they said the UK was a 'global outlier' in vaccinations, because it was not immunising 12 to 15-year-olds unlike the US, Canada, Israel and much of Europe. They said there have not been any deaths or serious adverse affects recorded so far in the nine million under-18s who have already received the Covid vaccine. Lead author and Independent SAGE member Professor Christina Pagel said: 'While it is really good news that 16 and 17-year-olds can now benefit from the protection given by the highly effective vaccine, an opportunity to fully vaccinate students before the start of the next school term has been missed. This same decision even a month earlier would have allowed this.' There are currently no concrete plans to offer the 16 and 17-year-olds second doses, with the JCVI wanting to buy more time to understand the safety risks. But the eight-week gap between doses means even if the oldest teenagers got their first dose tomorrow, they would not be able to get their second until October. Pfizer's vaccine has been linked to a rare side effect called myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle. Data from the US, which has been giving the jab to children for months, shows the complication affects one in 100,000 teenage boys after the first dose, but this rises to about one in 15,000 after the second dose. Many experts welcomed the move to vaccinate people in younger age groups as 'sensible' and 'another piece of the jigsaw for the UK to return to some kind of normality'. More than eight in ten Britons also support the move, polling suggests, including more than 50 per cent of people who strongly support offering jabs to the younger age groups. But others called the plans into question saying it was 'pointless' to vaccinate the youngsters because they are at such low risk from the virus and most already have immunity from previous infection. Office of National Statistics figures suggest up to 60 per cent of 16 and 17-year-olds already have Covid-fighting antibodies. It comes after Britain's Covid cases rose by five per cent in a week today to 29,312, the first time they have gone up in almost two weeks. Another 119 deaths were also recorded, which was up 30 per cent in seven days. A group of scientists has slammed the JCVI decision as 'too little, too late'. Lead author Professor Christina Pagel said it did not leave enough time for older teenagers to be double-vaccinated before returning to school in September. Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said they were also considering rolling out doses to 12 to 15-year-olds The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) today recommended that 1.4million people in the age groups should be vaccinated against Covid 'as soon as possible'. Pictured (left to right) is JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim, England's deputy chief medical officer Professor Jonathan Van-Tam and Britain's drug regulator the MHRA's chief executive Dr June Raine Top graph: Data from June 24 to July 12 (red bars), gathered by Imperial researchers as part of the REACT study, shows that infection rates were highest in five to 24-year-olds. Half of all Covid infections were in this group, despite them making up just 25 per cent of the population. Nine times more children aged 13 to 17 tested positive in the most recent testing window compared to rates from May 20 to June 7 (yellow bars). Bottom graph: Figures also show that infection rates were highest in London, where 0.94 per cent tested positive by July 12, up from just 0.13 per cent in the previous study period Graph shows the proportion of people in each age group who had received one Covid jab (light blue) and who were fully immunised (dark blue) Who are the scientists that criticised No10 for 'unacceptable' delay in vaccinating children Professor Christina Pagel, an Independent SAGE member and modeller at University College London. She was the lead author on the letter sent to The Lancet. Professor Susan Michie, SAGE member and Independent SAGE member and health psychologist at University College London. Dr Samir Bhatt, SAGE advisor and infectious disease modeller at Imperial College London. Dr Gabriel Scally, Independent SAGE member and public health expert at the University of Bristol. Professor Stephen Reicher, Independent SAGE member and psychologist at the University of St. Andrews. Professor Anthony Costello, Independent SAGE member and global health and sustainable development expert at University College London. Dr Deepti Gurdasani, epidemiologist at Queen Mary, University of London. Professor Spiros Denaxas, modeller at University College London. Dr Seth Flaxman, Covid modeller at Imperial College London. Professor Trish Greenhalgh, primary care health scientist at the University of Oxford. Dr Stephen Griffin, associate professor in virology at the University of Leeds. Dr Zoe Hyde, health data scientist at the University of Western Australia. Professor Aris Katzourakis, a virologist at the University of Oxford. Professor Martin McKee, European public health expert at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr Oliver Ratmann, infectious disease modeller at Imperial College London. Dr Gillian Tomlinson, clinical scientist at University College London. Dr Kit Yates, mathematician at the University of Bath. Dr Hisham Ziauddeen, senior clinical researcher at the University of Cambridge. Advertisement It comes as: Ministers get set to axe the controversial 'amber-plus' list, meaning holidays to Spain are back on for thousands of British sunseekers; Britain's daily Covid cases rose for the first time in a fortnight with 29,312 recorded, a six per cent jump on last week; And deaths rise by a third to 119, but hospitalisations continued to drop; Office for National Statistics figures showed now almost 80 per cent of 16 to 24-year-olds in England have Covid antibodies; Study suggests Covid self-isolation period could be halved to just five days because only two per cent of virus transmission happens after infection; Portugal prepares to lift quarantine requirements for double-jabbed Britons with Indian-made AstraZeneca vaccine; Boris Johnson jets into Scotland with visit to police college just 30 miles from Sturgeon's Edinburgh residence after rejecting her offer for talks but denies it is a snub. The paper sent to The Lancet also called on the JCVI to publish their analysis of the risks and benefits of 16 and 17-year-olds getting the vaccine. It was published as a pre-print. Professor Russell Viner, an expert in child and adolescent health at University College London who was not involved in the paper, welcomed the JCVI decision today as a 'sensible step'. He said: 'Vaccinating all 16 and 17-year-olds with the Pfizer vaccine is a welcome and sensible step given what we know about Covid risks and the safety of vaccines in this age group and where we are in the pandemic.' 'The risk of severe illness from Covid in 16 to 17-year-olds was about one in 60,000 in England during the first year of the pandemic, with a risk of death around six in a million. 'These risks are very low but they overlap with the risks for 18 to 19-year-olds, who are eligible for vaccination. 'So, this decision recognises the (similar data) between 16 to 17-year-olds and 18 to 19-year-olds but also that there are important social and educational benefits for protecting young people and reducing transmission in the upper years of secondary school.' He added: 'There are risks from any vaccine and we now are clearer that the risks of inflammation of the heart or heart linings (myocarditis or pericarditis) are also low (around 30 to 100 per million) and most cases are mild and recover quickly.' For comparison, the chance of finding a four-leaf clover is about one in 10,000 and the risk of being struck by lightning is less than one in a million. Boris Johnson today called on families to listen to the advice from the JCVI, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Speaking to reporters on a trip to Scotland today, he said: 'I think its very important that everybody in politics listens first to the clinicians and to the medical experts. 'I would just urge all families thinking about this across the country to listen to the JCVI, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and immunisation. 'They are extremely expert there, theyre amongst the best if not the best in the world, they know whats safe and I think we should listen to them and take our lead from them.' Unveiling the inoculation drive expansion in a Downing Street briefing today, Professor Van-Tam said: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' Experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. The JCVI, which advises No10, last month ruled only over-12s with serious underlying health conditions or who live with a vulnerable adult should get jabs. The panel, made up of the country's top experts, warned the 'minimal health benefits' did not outweigh the risks to justify vaccinating all children. At the time, it stated that only under 18s with learning disabilities or chronic health conditions should be eligible. Officials are keen to push the immunisation drive on to more youngsters in order to prevent an autumn surge in infections when they return to schools in September. What Covid vaccine will 16 and 17 year olds get? Will they get jabs in school? And will they need to show parental consent? Your questions answered When will children be vaccinated? Those aged 16 and 17 will be offered the jab within weeks, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said today. At a Downing Street press conference, he said: 'I want us to proceed as quickly as practically possible. 'That isn't going to be tomorrow. I don't think its likely to be early next week. 'But I can tell you the NHS has been kept informed of what's been deliberated and it has been preparing for multiple permutations and options for weeks.' Mr Javid confirmed 16 and 17-year-olds will be offered the jab this month. How long will it be until they get their second dose? The children will initially be given one dose of Pfizer's vaccine to give them 'some immediate protection from severe disease'. But the committee is yet to decide when they will receive their second dose. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests myocarditis, a rare heart condition linked to the jab, is occurring more frequently after second doses. The JCVI is looking at the evidence on whether the top-up jab is best delivered at eight weeks, as with adults, or sooner or potentially later. Professor Lim told the press conference: 'We are expecting more data to accumulate in the coming weeks. And that means we can offer advice that is the most up to date and relevant.' Even if the roll-out to older teenagers began straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose before the school year begins on September 6. What vaccine will youngsters get? The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12. Health chiefs today confirmed it would the US-made vaccine would be given to 16 and 17 year olds. Moderna's vaccine which works in a similar way has not been given the green light for youngsters yet. AstraZeneca's injection has been linked to rare blood clots, and health chiefs have already restricted its use to over 40s. Therefore, the British-made vaccine won't be offered to children. Scientists are currently testing nasal spray forms of the Covid vaccine a method already used to give out children's flu jabs. But none of the candidates being studied have yet to make it out of trials. Which countries have already began vaccinating children? Until today, Britain was the 'outlier'. Major European countries and the US are already giving vaccines to children. A quarter of 12 to 15 year olds in the US have received two doses, while a third have received their first jab. France, and Spain, Hungary have already starting giving the jab to over-12s, while 10 per cent of children are already vaccinated in Germany. Meanwhile, Canada, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Switzerland, are expected to start giving youngsters jabs soon. Israel approved the jabs for over-12s in May and subsequently approved it for 5 to 11-year-olds. Advertisement Professor Shen Lim said it was not a 'missed opportunity' that 12 to 15-year-olds are not set to be offered vaccines in the coming weeks because children in this age group who were deemed to be at serious risk from Covid were already able to get the vaccine. But he added the JCVI would continue to review the data before deciding whether to roll out the vaccines to everyone in this age group. Mr Javid said after the announcement that the NHS was ready to start delivering the jabs 'as soon as possible'. When asked when the roll out would begin, he told reporters at a vaccination centre in Bournemouth: 'It will be this month and so the way were going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, working through GPs, through the primary care networks. 'Also, we will use hospital hubs, we will use hubs like this in Bournemouth today that I have visited, that I was very impressed by, and also well be working through the already existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.' Mr Javid said: 'Of course, theres no compulsion in this, like all our vaccination offer, its something for people to consider and to decide if its something they want to do.' The JCVI reassessed their recommendation following the surge of infections in younger people in July and in the wake of getting more data on the safety of jabs. Sixteen and 17-year-olds will be offered the Pfizer vaccine because it is the only one Britain's drug regulator has approved for use in this age group. The Moderna vaccine which uses the same mRNA technology has only been approved for over-18s. Many experts heralded the move to offer jabs to 16 and 17-year-olds today as a step in the right direction. Professor Alex Richter, an immunologist at Birmingham University, also welcomed the move today. He said: 'We know the vaccines are highly efficacious and this is another piece in the jigsaw for the UK returning to some kind of normality.' Professor Lawrence Young, a virologist at Warwick Medical School, said vaccinating the young could help ensure there are no further disruptions to the school term. He said: 'Vaccination of 16 and 17-year-olds will protect them from getting sick and from developing long-term consequences of infection (long covid), both of which rare in this age group but can still be very debilitating. 'Vaccination will also reduce the ability of youngsters to spread the virus and will also prevent the generation of new variants. 'Perhaps the most significant benefit of vaccinating this group is to ensure that there are no further disruptions to their education once they return to school or college.' Scientists are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill if they catch Covid. Microbiologist Professor David Livermore told MailOnline today: 'Sixteen to 17-year-olds are at low risk of serious disease and, through exposure, are developing immunity anyway. 'We do not know if vaccine-induced immunity will prove the longer lasting, and the better contributor to herd immunity. Given this, I can see no good reason to prioritise vaccinating them.' He added: 'Limited vaccine supplies would be far better used in countries and regions with large vulnerable elderly populations who presently remain unvaccinated Australia, much of South East Asia and Latin America, as well as Africa.' Experimental medicine expert and SAGE adviser Professor Peter Openshaw also backed the suggested plans to jab 16 and 17-year-olds today. The Imperial College London expert told BBC Radio 4's World at One he would be 'completely happy' if his own teenage children were jabbed. Professor Openshaw said: 'It is a very difficult individual decision isnt it? If it was my own teenage child I would be completely happy about them being vaccinated. 'Obviously we are concerned about the risks and there have been various concerns about things like myocarditis extremely rare and the risks of being infected and developing complications, even in people of this age, are considerable. 'I think we just need to balance those different pressures, and my judgment is there is a lot to be said for vaccinating teenagers.' Myocarditis is the scientific name for inflammation of the heart muscles. There have been suggestions that a string of cases among young adults in Israel and the US could be linked to the Pfizer jab. British regulators list this as a very rare potential side-effect of the Belgian-made jab, but say cases are 'very mild'. Professor Steven Riley, of Imperial College London and co-author of the React study which has been tracking the outbreak, said that the latest results from the study would 'support' extending the vaccination programme to 16 and 17 year olds. No10 'rules out' cash bribes for young people to get Covid vaccines No10 has ruled out cash bribes for young people to get the vaccines, MailOnline understands. It was today suggested that money could be used to encourage young people to get vaccinated before the JCVI confirmed it was recommending inoculations for 16 and 17-year-olds. Ministers have already roped in Uber and Deliveroo to offer deals for young people in a bid to get them vaccinated. But a No10 source said there were no plans to offer cash incentives to under-18s. Universities minister Michelle Donelan failed to rule out the bribes today, however, during a round of interviews. She told Times Radio: 'There may be an element of Government money attributed (to incentives).' She did not say whether the UK would follow the US, where young people are offered $100 (71) to get the vaccine. She told Sky News: 'We've looked at a variety of mechanisms to encourage young people (to get the jab). 'I think the biggest incentive is to protect their own health and protect the health of their friends and their loved ones. 'We are seeing young people every day come forward and get vaccinated. 'But we'll keep everything on the table and review all options for incentivising everybody to get the vaccine.' The vaccine drive has been open to all over-18s since mid-June. But ministers have been left raging against low uptake in younger age groups, with 3million people aged 18 to 30 still yet to book their first dose. Advertisement He told LBC: 'Our data would support that in that we'd expect there to be a really good knock-on effect from extending the vaccinations for that group.' The study based on random swab-testing of tens of thousands of people across England found a 'lot of transmission' among secondary school-aged children. The Pfizer vaccine is approved for children aged 12-and-over. Professor Riley added: 'If that could be prioritised that would also reduce transmission' 'What we should probably think about is September, October, November: how much immunity can we have in order to hopefully keep prevalence going down, or if prevalence does start to go up a little bit for it to be as slowly as possible, so there is justification in extending those vaccinations down. 'But we have to balance against the other needs for the vaccine as well.' It comes after Universities minister Michelle Donelan this morning refused to confirm whether parental consent would be needed for youngsters to get vaccinated, merely saying advice from the JCVI was 'imminent'. Asked whether parents would be consulted on whether they wanted their children to receive a vaccine, she told Sky News she would not 'pre-empt' the announcement. Ms Donelan: 'As a representative of the Government I am waiting for the JCVI update on this which could be today but it is very imminent. As I have already said I am not going to preempt a policy announcement.' Asked why the Government has had a change of heart on moving the roll-out on to children this morning, Ms Donelan said: 'We haven't announced that.' She added: 'What we're doing is waiting for the JCVI announcement. 'At every stage throughout the pandemic we've adopted their advice on this. 'They are the experts of course when we're determining the vaccine rollout and we'll await their imminent announcement shortly. 'We are awaiting the feedback from the JCVI and then we will update accordingly, so we haven't actually had a change of heart, there's been no policy announcement.' Ms Donelan said the advice was expected 'imminently' and denied was based on 'political pressure'. Questions are now being raised as to what has prompted the sudden change in advice from the panel, which just two weeks ago said it was 'not currently advising routine vaccination of children'. Sources close to the JCVI, according to The Times, warned of political attempts to 'bounce' the group into making the decision. But other insiders claimed the decision was based on fresh evidence that makes the case for jabbing all over-16s, suggesting the risk of myocarditis among teenagers may be lower than feared. Ms Donelan insisted the decision was 'not based on political pressure'. Maisie Ayres, aged 18, receives a Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at an NHS Vaccination Clinic at Tottenham Hotspur's stadium in north London last month Data from the study also revealed that two doses of a vaccine are 49 per cent effective at preventing asymptomatic infection, a marked decline compared to other estimates. But the protection offered by the vaccines rises to 59 per cent against symptomatic cases, researchers said Positive PCR test samples taken as part of the REACT study closely follow the waves of the pandemic The graph shows the proportion of positive Covid swabs taken as part of the REACT trial that sequencing identified as the Delta variant The graph shows the Ct value in infected people aged 18 to 64 who had not been vaccinated (red line) compared to double jabbed Brits (blue line). Each graph shows that those not protected against Covid had lower Ct levels, which are associated with higher amounts of the virus in their test sample and is usually linked with a more severe infection Schools should not be responsible for promoting or policing jabs for pupils, union says Schools should not have any responsibility for promoting, enforcing or policing vaccination of pupils, a union has said. School leaders' union NAHT said UK policy on jabs for children should be led by clinicians. Paul Whiteman, NAHT general secretary, said: 'The debate about whether or not to vaccinate older children has been raging for many weeks. NAHT has always said that UK policy on child vaccination should be led by clinicians. 'To the extent that any such policy is controversial it is clear that schools should not carry any responsibility for vaccination promotion, enforcement or policing.' He said Covid remains a worry for school leaders, given the large numbers of absences related to the virus last term. A record 1.13million children in England were out of school for Covid related reasons towards the end of term, recent Government figures showed. The figures included 994,000 children self-isolating due to a possible contact with a Covid case, 48,000 pupils with a confirmed case of coronavirus, and 33,300 with a suspected case. A further 50,700 pupils were off as a result of school closures due to Covid-related reasons, the Department for Education (DfE) statistics showed. Mr Whiteman said: 'Regardless of the extent that young people might suffer directly from the virus, the large numbers of pupils absent from school at the end of last term showed that Covid still has the power to affect the quality and continuity of the education they receive. 'That is a continuing worry for school leaders. 'Pupils will return to schools next month, and the Government needs to take every possible step to prevent transmission of the virus amongst people in school communities, no matter their age. 'As ever, it will be a matter of public confidence in whatever these measures are deemed to be, so the Government also has a duty to communicate carefully and clearly in order to avoid any more unnecessary disruption and missed education for pupils.' Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said extending the jabs rollout would reduce disruption to schooling. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: 'Anything that gives the reassurance to young people that they are being treated in the way that the adult population is and that their education won't be disrupted to the extent it has been that has to be welcomed. 'I'm sure many parents, with their youngsters, will think at last we're starting to give a real sense of priority to young people's education.' He said generally he thinks 'young people feel they've been let down educationally'. He added: 'If this is one way we can get rid of that disruption I think we will see a great sense of a lot of young people, not all, but a lot of young people thinking, 'Actually, I'm going to have the vaccine, just like my mum or my dad has'.' Mr Barton suggested vaccination for younger pupils could also be considered. Advertisement She also claimed the Government was considering 'all options for incentivising' younger people to get the Covid vaccine, with ministers hoping to encourage hesitant youngsters into centres with the promise of cut-price taxis and takeaways. Cash bribes have also not been ruled out. Schools unions have backed the move, saying anything that reassures young people that they are being treated like adults 'has to be welcomed'. But they insisted schools should have no responsibility for promoting, enforcing or policing inoculation uptake. A quarter of children aged 12 to 15 in the US have received two doses, while a third have received one dose. Other countries, including Israel, Italy, France and Germany are making progress in this age group - and Israel has even approved the vaccine for vulnerable 5 to 11-year-olds. Jabs could be administered in schools but Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is expected to push for GP surgeries and NHS hubs to be used. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told MSPs yesterday: 'I am hoping, possibly veering towards expecting, updated advice from the JCVI literally in the next day or so.' A major government-funded study found that vaccinating all over-12s could 'substantially reduce transmission potential in the autumn when levels of social mixing increase.' Run by Imperial College London, the React Study found the summer wave had been driven by infections among youngsters aged 12 to 24. It said vaccinating children could have 'knock on benefits across the whole population'. Because Covid poses little direct risk to children, scientists have been nervous about recommending vaccination if there is even the tiniest risk of negative side effects. Chief medical officer Chris Whitty said in June that safety would always be the paramount factor. But he said policy makers also had to consider the 'wider question around the effects on children's education'. More than 1.1million children were forced to stay at home in the last week of the summer term because of outbreaks in schools. Ministers are also concerned that, with some countries demanding proof of vaccination for all over-12s, families could find their travel options limited. The offer of a Covid jab was extended to all over-18s in mid-June. But, to the frustration of ministers, three million under-30s have yet to take it up. The React study, which is based on random testing of nearly 100,000 people, found that half of all infections are in those aged five to 24 despite them only making up one in four of the population. It warned that the rampant spread of the virus in the young means the recent decline in cases could reverse when schools reopen in September. The study concluded that vaccinating more children could 'substantially reduce transmission' and have 'knock on bene - fits across the whole population'. Ms Sturgeon added: 'I very much hope that that expectation will prove to be the case. I am hoping, but this is the JCVI's advice, that they will recommend further vaccination of people in the 12 to 18-year-old age group. 'But I'm particularly hopeful that we will see some updated recommendations in relation, as a priority as the first part of this, for 16 and 17-year-olds.' Shadow health secretary Jonathan Ashworth said: 'With the JCVI apparently about to give the green light to vaccinating 16 year olds, ministers need to ensure plans are in place to roll out this vital next stage of vaccination while ensuring parents have all the facts and information they need.' A spokesperson for the department of health and social care (DHSC) said it continues to keep jabs for children under review and will be guided by the JCVI's advice. It comes after Ms Sturgeon was yesterday accused of 'clinging on to large parts of people's lives' as she revealed lockdown will officially end next week - but some laws will remain in place indefinitely. The First Minister confirmed Scotland would exit Level 0, ending social distancing and limits in the size of social gatherings, on August 9. Jonathan Van-Tam says he would get his own teenage children vaccinated Professor Jonathan Van-Tam said today he would be 'very much in favour' of getting his own teenage children vaccinated against Covid. England's deputy chief medical officer revealed at a Downing Street press conference that he has one child who is an adult and two that are under-16. But he said he would be very happy to follow the JCVIs guidance and get his children jabbed if they were 16 or 17-years-old. The committee has recommended that everyone in this age group should get a first dose of the vaccine as soon as possible. Professor Van-Tam said: 'I have one child who is an adult (and) I have two children who are younger than 16 and 17. 'However, I would be very much in favour based upon the adjudication of JCVI if they were 16 or 17 for them to be vaccinated initially with that first dose, as JCVI has said.' He continued: 'All of the adults in my known family group have had all of the Covid vaccines that they are eligible for. 'Im a strong believer that these vaccines are safe and effective. Im a strong believer that they are changing how we can learn to live in a much more normal way with Covid-19 for the foreseeable future.' Advertisement But she said it was too early to declare freedom from Covid as she confirmed face coverings will still be required by law indoors and large events with capacities of more than 2,000 inside and 5,000 outside will have to gain special permission to take place. Schoolchildren will also have to wear mask in lessons and socially distance in schools for six weeks from September. But in a move that will heap pressure on Boris Johnson amid the English 'pingdemic', self-isolation requirements will be dropped if someone passes a PCR test from Monday, a week before the quarantine requirement ends in England. Announcing that face coverings would remain mandatory the First Minister said it was 'premature' to suggest the pandemic had been beaten. She also raised the spectre of some restrictions returning in winter, saying she could not rule it out. But Scots Tory leader Douglas Ross accused her of 'moving the goalposts' by keeping masks and other measures in place. 'There are some welcome steps in the right direction but these ongoing restrictions will hold Scotland back,' he said. 'We are beyond Level 0, at Level -1 or -2 and still the Government is clinging on to large parts of people's lives.' Meanwhile, Boris Johnson has snubbed an invitation from Ms Sturgeon to meet during his visit to Scotland this week. The First Minister had invited Mr Johnson to meet at her official Edinburgh residence, Bute House, to discuss the UK's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. However, the Prime Minister has replied to Ms Sturgeon in a letter - posted on Twitter by a Sky News journalist - instead aiming to focus on wider discussions at a later point. In his letter, the Prime Minister said: 'As I noted when we last met, I am keen to arrange an in-person meeting with you and the other first ministers and deputy first minister to build on the constructive discussions we had earlier this summer. 'We agreed then that we should establish a structured forum for ongoing engagement between the Government and the devolved administrations to deliver tangible outcomes in the interest of people throughout the UK. 'There is much for us to discuss as all parts of the UK work together on our shared priority of recovering from the pandemic. 'I understand our officials have made good progress on the details of this since we last spoke.' Mr Johnson added: 'I am particularly keen that we work closely together on the vaccination booster campaign this autumn which will be crucial as we continue to tackle the pandemic. 'The UK Government has procured millions of vaccines for the entire United Kingdom and we look forward to working with the Scottish Government as we roll out booster jabs in line with JCVI's advice. 'The UK Government is working closely with the devolved Scottish Government on a variety of different issues. 'I know that you have been meeting regularly with the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Michael Gove, but I look forward to meeting with you soon and working together in the interests of people in all parts of our country.' What Covid vaccine will 16 and 17 year olds get? Will they get jabs in school? All your questions answered about the Government's plan to inoculate 1.4million teenagers Health chiefs have recommend all 16 and 17-year-olds get jabs, marking a dramatic U-turn. Just two weeks ago the same expert panel the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised against doing so. Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted the advice and asked the NHS to prepare to vaccinate the group 'as soon as possible'. Officials said there is 'no time to waste' and want to give all 1.4million older teens the Pfizer vaccine before schools return in September. Detailed plans will be set out this week. At a Downing Street press conference this afternoon, JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim revealed 16-17 year olds won't be booked in for second doses just yet, with the panel wanting to wait for more safety data. The major safety concern around vaccinating children centres on a heart condition called myocarditis, which is six times more common after the top-up jab. Health chiefs confirmed that children will be able to overrule their parents and opt to get the vaccine without their permission. But experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Some countries including the US and Israel have already started, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most at-risk over-12s. As plans to vaccinate children are unveiled by No10's scientists, MailOnline answers your questions about the roll-out to youngsters. The Government has not yet given a timeline on when 16 and 17-year-olds can start coming forward for jabs. But even if the roll-out out to older teenagers begin straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose by the time the school year begins on September 6 When will children be vaccinated? Those aged 16 and 17 will be offered the jab within weeks, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said today. At a Downing Street press conference, he said: 'I want us to proceed as quickly as practically possible. 'That isn't going to be tomorrow. I don't think its likely to be early next week. 'But I can tell you the NHS has been kept informed of what's been deliberated and it has been preparing for multiple permutations and options for weeks.' Mr Javid confirmed 16 and 17-year-olds will be offered the jab this month. How long will it be until they get their second dose? The children will initially be given one dose of Pfizer's vaccine to give them 'some immediate protection from severe disease'. But the committee is yet to decide when they will receive their second dose. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests myocarditis, a rare heart condition linked to the jab, is occurring more frequently after second doses. The JCVI is looking at the evidence on whether the top-up jab is best delivered at eight weeks, as with adults, or sooner or potentially later. Professor Lim told the press conference: 'We are expecting more data to accumulate in the coming weeks. And that means we can offer advice that is the most up to date and relevant.' Even if the roll-out to older teenagers began straight away, there will only be time to give them one dose before the school year begins on September 6. Will jabs be dished out in schools? Jabs will be administered in schools, like how the HPV vaccine is rolled out for 12 and 13 year old boys and girls. Speaking to reporters at a vaccination centre in Bournemouth, Mr Javid revealed GPs and hospital hubs will also dish out jabs to children. He said: 'The way we're going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, GPs, primary care networks. Also, we will use hospital hubs.' 'And we'll be working through the existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.' But Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is expected to push for them to continue to be given at GP surgeries and NHS hubs, sources claimed. What vaccine will youngsters get? The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12. Health chiefs today confirmed it would the US-made vaccine would be given to 16 and 17 year olds. Moderna's vaccine which works in a similar way has not been given the green light for youngsters yet. AstraZeneca's injection has been linked to rare blood clots, and health chiefs have already restricted its use to over 40s. Therefore, the British-made vaccine won't be offered to children. The UK has so far only approved Pfizer's coronavirus jab for use in children over 12 Scientists are currently testing nasal spray forms of the Covid vaccine a method already used to give out children's flu jabs. But none of the candidates being studied have yet to make it out of trials. Which countries have already began vaccinating children? Until today, Britain was the 'outlier'. Major European countries and the US are already giving vaccines to children. A quarter of 12 to 15 year olds in the US have received two doses, while a third have received their first jab. France, and Spain, Hungary have already starting giving the jab to over-12s, while 10 per cent of children are already vaccinated in Germany. Meanwhile, Canada, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Estonia, Norway, Switzerland, are expected to start giving youngsters jabs soon. Israel approved the jabs for over-12s in May and subsequently approved it for 5 to 11-year-olds. Have the vaccines been trialled on children? The companies that make the vaccines, as well as other scientists, have studied how safe they are among children. Pfizer and Moderna found their jab poses little risk in over-12s and are now trialling the injection in under-11s. Rigorous analysis also revealed the jabs were effective. The JCVI said a trial of 1,000 12 to 15-year-olds who received the Pfizer jab found it to be effective and only cause short-term side effects like a fever. University of Oxford scientists are testing the AstraZeneca jab on children aged six to 17. Do children get ill with Covid? Most children who get infected have no or mild symptoms. Fewer than 30 under-18s have died of Covid in the UK since the pandemic began which scientists say is the equivalent of around one in 500,000 who get infected. And a major study last night revealed just one in 50 develop symptoms which persist for longer than eight weeks. So, what are the benefits of vaccinating children? Scientists claim vaccinating children will curb the spread of the virus, with younger adults known to have fuelled Britain's third wave. Rolling out jabs to children, advocates insist, minimise the numbers having to take days off school to self-isolate. Others say it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population immunity without inoculating under-18s. Building up immunity now, before children return to classrooms in the autumn, will help keep infections down. This is because vaccinating children can cause 'knock on benefits across the whole population', Imperial College London researchers say. So what are the potential risks? Since the vaccine roll-out has been expanded to children around the world, there have been reports of rare heart conditions: myocarditis and pericarditis. Myocarditis is the inflammation of the heart muscle, while pericarditis is when the protective layer around the heart gets inflamed. Data from the US shows those aged 12-17 are at the most risk of developing the heart problem after a Covid jab, compared to other age groups. In that group, 10 cases of myocarditis were reported per million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose. Most people recovered quickly. There are no specific causes of the conditions but they are usually triggered by a virus. The British Heart Foundation says in some cases, myocarditis can affect the heart's electrical system, stopping it from pumping properly. 'This can cause an abnormal heart rhythm, known as an arrhythmia,' it claims. But British regulators insist the 250 cases seen among Pfizer recipients are 'typically mild'. Affected patients recover 'within a short time with standard treatment'. What explains the sudden U-turn? Ministers had urged the JCVI to keep reviewing its decision and were keen to expand the roll-out to children. No major new evidence has emerged, but the committee said they now 'have more certainty' that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. Crucially, they are reassured that the side-effect of heart inflammation is extremely rare. Data from the UK shows it affects just one in 100,000 people and most make a full recovery. The situation has also changed because high vaccine uptake in adults mean the UK's epidemic is increasingly concentrated in un-jabbed teenagers. Will parents have to give consent for the jabs? It has been one of the most controversial issues surrounding the roll-out, but health chiefs said today that parents will not be able to decide whether their child gets the vaccine. Professor Lim said: 'In the UK a person who is 16 years and above is deemed able to consent for themselves. 'If they are competent and able to consent for themselves, then that consent holds.' This means children will be able to overrule their own parents if they disagree. Government sources had claimed last night that under-18s wanting the jab would have to provide proof of parental consent. But hinting at the JCVI's stance, universities minister Michelle Donelan would not confirm that would be the case when quizzed about the move this morning. Will more young people be offered the vaccine? As it stands, at-risk 12 to 15-year-olds are already eligible for the vaccine. But health chiefs hinted that more people in this age group could be offered the jab in the future. Children in that age group are already eligible if they have a severe neurodisability, Down's syndrome, underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression, profound or multiple learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities, or those who are on the learning disability register. But Professor Van-Tam said: 'We have asked the JCVI to continue to review that list on an ongoing basis and my sense is that it is more likely rather than less likely that that risk will broaden over time as data becomes available.' The JCVI said they are reviewing the evidence and want to 'go very carefully and very safely' before recommending it to more children. The jabs are not currently licenced for under-12s, so use in young children is not on the horizon. Will children be incentivised to come forward? It is not yet clear what, if any, incentives will be offered to older teens to encourage them to get vaccinated. But with younger adults being offered discounts for takeaways and taxis, ministers may make offerings to 16 and 17-year-olds. Asked whether teens could be offered cash to come forward, Ms Donelan refused to rule it out. She said: 'We look at a variety of mechanisms to encourage young people. 'I think the biggest incentive is to protect their own health and protect the health of their friends and their loved ones and we are seeing young people come forward every day and get vaccinated. 'But we will keep everything on the table and review all options for incentivising everybody to get the vaccine.' If cash for jabs was offered, the Government would be following in the footstep of US President Joe Biden, who told states to offer $100 (71) to newly vaccinated people to encourage more to come forward. Do 16 and 17 year old children REALLY need to get Covid vaccines? Top experts are divided over the controversial topic that's plagued by safety fears and ethical concerns... but some are 'annoyed' it's taken so long By Joe Davies and Emily Craig Health reporter for MailOnline Experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Some countries including the US and Israel began months ago, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most vulnerable over-12s. Now the UK has U-turned to fall in line, with scientists advising the Government now saying it will help to head off any autumn surge by stopping schools from becoming hotbeds for transmission when children return to classrooms in September. But the move has prompted fierce debate among the country's top scientists. Some academics are concerned any risks of the vaccine which are rare may slightly outweigh any benefits because the overwhelming majority of infected youngsters escape serious illness. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises No10, used the delicate risk/benefit ratio to advise against routinely dishing out Covid jabs to all children just two weeks ago, when the expert panel last reviewed the evidence. Other critics of the JCVI's reversal which was confirmed this afternoon argue spare doses should be sent to poorer countries, which are lagging massively behind in their roll-outs. Professor Anthony Brookes, a geneticist at Leicester University, described the Government's drive to vaccinate children as an 'obsessive ratchet' and said 12-year-olds could be 'the next target'. The JCVI will continue reviewing data before pressing ahead with any move to jab younger children. However, advocates for vaccinating children warn it will be impossible to achieve any kind of population immunity without inoculating under-18s. One top expert told MailOnline they were 'annoyed' and believed the programme should have started sooner. And a group of hardline scientists representing Independent SAGE called the delay 'unacceptable', arguing it was 'too little, too late'. The major safety concern surrounding giving Covid vaccines to children centres around a heart condition called myocarditis, which UK regulators accept is a potential side effect of Pfizer's jab which will be the only one given to youngsters for now. The issue is much more common after the second dose, which has prompted UK health chiefs to only commit to giving 16 and 17 year olds their initial jab. Regulators are waiting for more safety data before pressing ahead with plans to give them a top-up. Data from the US suggests that, in males aged 12- to 17-year-olds, 9.8 cases of myocarditis were reported per million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose but most people recovered from the condition quickly. While infections are significantly higher in younger age groups in the UK, hospitalisations and deaths from Covid are far lower in youngsters despite them not having received the vaccine Chart shows: The proportion of hospital admissions in each age group. Just 1.1 per of all people admitted to hospital with Covid since England were newborns to five-year-olds and only 0.8 per cent were aged six to 17 While little is known about the effects of long Covid on children, a study by Imperial College released today showed most symptoms in older (12- to 17-year-olds) and younger (12-year-olds and younger) children clear up before six days Some experts say vaccine doses should be sent to more vulnerable adults in poorer countries, which are lagging massively behind in their roll-outs, before they are used on children here. Graph shows: The proportion of adults given first doses (orange + green) and second doses (orange) in countries around the world Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, deputy chief medical officer for England, today announces 16- to 17-year-olds will be given the vaccine Schools should not be responsible for promoting or policing jabs for pupils, union says Schools should not have any responsibility for promoting, enforcing or policing vaccination of pupils, a union has said. School leaders' union NAHT said UK policy on jabs for children should be led by clinicians. Paul Whiteman, NAHT general secretary, said: 'The debate about whether or not to vaccinate older children has been raging for many weeks. NAHT has always said that UK policy on child vaccination should be led by clinicians. 'To the extent that any such policy is controversial it is clear that schools should not carry any responsibility for vaccination promotion, enforcement or policing.' He said Covid remains a worry for school leaders, given the large numbers of absences related to the virus last term. A record 1.13million children in England were out of school for Covid related reasons towards the end of term, recent Government figures showed. The figures included 994,000 children self-isolating due to a possible contact with a Covid case, 48,000 pupils with a confirmed case of coronavirus, and 33,300 with a suspected case. A further 50,700 pupils were off as a result of school closures due to Covid-related reasons, the Department for Education (DfE) statistics showed. Mr Whiteman said: 'Regardless of the extent that young people might suffer directly from the virus, the large numbers of pupils absent from school at the end of last term showed that Covid still has the power to affect the quality and continuity of the education they receive. 'That is a continuing worry for school leaders. 'Pupils will return to schools next month, and the Government needs to take every possible step to prevent transmission of the virus amongst people in school communities, no matter their age. 'As ever, it will be a matter of public confidence in whatever these measures are deemed to be, so the Government also has a duty to communicate carefully and clearly in order to avoid any more unnecessary disruption and missed education for pupils.' Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said extending the jabs rollout would reduce disruption to schooling. He told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: 'Anything that gives the reassurance to young people that they are being treated in the way that the adult population is and that their education won't be disrupted to the extent it has been that has to be welcomed. 'I'm sure many parents, with their youngsters, will think at last we're starting to give a real sense of priority to young people's education.' He said generally he thinks 'young people feel they've been let down educationally'. He added: 'If this is one way we can get rid of that disruption I think we will see a great sense of a lot of young people, not all, but a lot of young people thinking, 'Actually, I'm going to have the vaccine, just like my mum or my dad has'.' Mr Barton suggested vaccination for younger pupils could also be considered. Advertisement But US officials, who've been investigating the link between the jabs are the rare complication for months, say the benefits still outweigh the risks, despite clear data showing teenagers are more likely to be struck down. Around one in 14,500 12-17 year olds given two doses of Pfizer's or Moderna's mRNA-based vaccines are thought to develop the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Protection and Control (CDC). The risk drops to one in 18,000 among 18- to 24-year-olds. But it plunges even further for over-30s, with rates of just one in 250,000. But the US agency has not clarified exactly how much more often myocarditis is occurring, so it is not clear exactly how much risk is posed by the vaccine. In real terms, they expect to see between 56 and 69 cases of myocarditis per 1million doses given out among the youngest age group. Under the same circumstances, just two deaths will be prevented with Covid-infected children facing roughly a one in 500,000 risk of dying. However, in a clear sign that the vaccines would have some benefit, more than four times as many hospitalisations were prevented as there were cases of myocarditis caused by the vaccine in 12- to 17-year-olds, the CDC's data show. Vaccines which are proven to be life-saving and have a tiny risk of serious side effects in rigorous analyses have already saved tens of thousands of lives in Britain, researchers estimate. Covid poses the greatest threat to the elderly, meaning the risk/benefit ratio of vaccines is clearly one-sided for the oldest adults. But a clear trend in how dangerous Covid is as people get older has led to difficult decision who to vaccinate, especially given the jabs do carry some side effects albeit extremely rare ones. For example, UK health chiefs recommended under-40s should alternative jabs to those produced by AstraZeneca, after the British-made vaccines were linked to ultra-rare blood clots. At the time, infection rates were low, skewing the risk ratio against the company's jab. Experts always said that if Covid took off again, the algorithm could change. Now that Covid is highly prevalent in the UK, some will argue any conversations about the close risk/benefit ratio will be skewed in favour of vaccines. But cases have actually start to fall in Britain since the JCVI announced its previous advice on jabbing children, prompting question as to whether the panel was 'bounced' into the move. Now scientists want the JCVI to release evidence justifying its decision, in particular why doses are not being offered to 15-year-olds. Experts and MPs criticised No10's plans to ease lockdown last month by warning long Covid could become rife in youngsters. But the poorly-understood condition is rare among youngsters, a major study revealed last night. Fewer than two per cent still suffer symptoms eight weeks after getting infected. Yet some of the country's top scientists say it is crucial to vaccinate children because the true extent of long Covid remains a mystery, especially among youngsters. Meanwhile, new Office for National Statistics (ONS) research released today left experts even more divided. It showed nearly 60 per cent of 16 to 17 year olds have Covid-fighting antibodies, suggesting the group already have high levels of immunity. The data suggests little need to vaccinate children according to some experts. But Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease expert at the University of East Anglia, claimed it may still be the 'correct option' even though most in this age group will already be immune. Professor Jonathan Ball, a molecular virologist at the University of Nottingham, said immunity from natural may be short-lived if SARS-CoV-2 is anything like other seasonal coronaviruses. As plans to vaccinate children in the are due to be unveiled by No10's scientists, MailOnline asked the experts whether teenagers really need to be vaccinated. The Pros Dr Bharat Pankhania, a clinical lecturer in public heath at the University of Exeter Medical School, says the rollout should have been extended to youngsters far earlier Dr Bharat Pankhania Public health expert at the University of Exeter Dr Bharat Pankhania, a clinical lecturer in public heath at the University of Exeter Medical School, said the roll-out should have been extended to youngsters far earlier. He told MailOnline that while Covid does not pose a large threat to children themselves, they can act as 'agents' of transmission, keeping levels of the virus high in wider society and infecting vulnerable adults. Dr Pankhania added that while initial infection may not be severe in children, the threat of long Covid would be curbed by vaccines. And he said having core immunity in both adults and children would help protect against future variants that may emerge. He told MailOnline: 'I am so pleased [the rollout has been extended] and I feel I was right and the JCVI was wrong. I'm annoyed, as they should have started it sooner. 'The vaccine rollout should be expanded further to 12-year-olds and over. It's disappointing that the UK is doing it in smaller groups. 'If the vaccine is found to be protective in youngsters, then there is no harm whatsoever in having some vaccine protection in the population - we do that with flu jabs, where we vaccinate youngster to protect older groups. 'I hope the Government will further expand the vaccine rollout, but I have feeling we are not being told the full reasons for just vaccinating over-16s. It may be a supply issue and if it is, it's still better to honestly say that and explain when it is fixed we will have more vaccinated. But that is just speculating.' Dr Stephen Griffin says vaccinating children will protect them as well as vulnerable adults and the jab should be rolled out to younger groups Dr Stephen Griffin Head of antivirals and viral oncology at the University of Leeds Dr Stephen Griffin told MailOnline vaccinating children will protect them as well as vulnerable adults and the jab should be rolled out to younger groups. The virus expert from the University of Leeds said: 'It's been approved in 12 and over and I would love to see those groups getting it as well. 'The numbers the JCVI used to reach its decision have not been released, but I can't see a big different in the risks and benefits for 15-year-olds compared to 16-year-olds. Other countries have used the wider group of those aged 12 to 17. You don't want to vaccinate arbitrary groups and I worry they have decided on over-16s to allay different groups. 'What's the point in having just half of secondary school covered? They should be thinking about preventing cases and not take the risk. 'Regardless of what proportion of children get severe disease, there have been thousands of children in hospital with the virus. A small proportion of a very large number is still a big number, so it is not just about protecting others.' He added: 'But vaccinating children to protect others is not a bad thing. 'Some children will be living with vulnerable adults who can't get the vaccine and what are they supposed to do when their children go back to school? 'The risk of unvaccinated children going back to school in September is higher than last year because they have got rid of bubbles and are relying on contact tracing. They have also not made progress on ventilating school buildings in England. 'We should not underestimate the risk of myocarditis and other possible long-term side effects, but the incidence is so low and mild most of time. The US has vaccinated 9million children and its myocarditis rates are so low. So, the benefits far outweigh the risks.' Professor Peter Openshaw says Covid transmission in children and teenagers is the highest of any age group and vaccines could help curb the rampant spread in youngsters Professor Peter Openshaw Experimental medicine expert at Imperial College London Professor Peter Openshaw said Covid transmission in children and teenagers is the highest of any age group and vaccines could help curb the rampant spread in youngsters. He said: 'Infections are generally mild but some are not. Both the short and long-term effects of Covid can seriously disrupt education and leisure. 'Teenagers have not had the benefit of being naturally infected in early childhood and therefore have no immunological resistance to infection with highly transmissible variants. 'Estimates of the proportion of young people affected by long Covid varies, but symptoms range from mild to disabling and Covid may present in unfamiliar ways in childhood. Professor Openshaw, an experimental medicine expert at Imperial College London, added: 'The information that we have so far shows that vaccines are highly effective and safe in childhood and adolescence. 'There are reports of rare cases of myocarditis and pericarditis in young males after mRNA vaccines, but the reasons for this and the frequency has yet to be proven. 'JCVI are right to continue to monitor safety data from UK studies and from other countries, balancing risks and benefits of vaccination versus natural infection at different ages. 'Vaccination of teenagers may have a major effect on the return of Covid next winter, assuming that the rates will drop this summer. 'Full vaccination takes time, so the sooner we start the sooner this age group will be protected.' The Cons Professor Robert Dingwall told MailOnline the risk-benefit for vaccinating children is 'increasingly precarious' as you move down the age groups Professor Robert Dingwall Medical sociologist at Nottingham Trent University Professor Robert Dingwall, a sociologist at Nottingham Trent University, told MailOnline the risk-benefit for vaccinating children is 'increasingly precarious' as you move down the age groups. The Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said vaccines have to be proven to be incredibly safe to be used on healthy teenagers. He cited a paper in the Lancet today showing that people aged five to 17 suffer serious illness from Covid 'very rarely'. Professor Dingwall, a former Government adviser, told MailOnline: 'The risk-benefit ratio for vaccination compared with infection becomes increasingly precarious as we move down from 30-year-olds into younger age groups. 'As the Zoe group paper in today's Lancet shows, Covid very rarely causes a serious illness in 5- to 17-year-olds. 'This sets a high bar for the safety of vaccines in healthy teenagers. 'In 2009, JCVI decided not to recommend childhood vaccination against chicken pox precisely because this was such a mild illness. 'It is important not to overlook that precedent simply because some people think it is desirable to eliminate all possibilities of infection.' Professor David Livermore told MailOnline vaccinating children aged 16 and 17 against Covid will be 'pretty pointless' Professor David Livermore Medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia Professor David Livermore, a medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia, told MailOnline vaccinating children aged 16 and 17 against Covid will be 'pretty pointless'. The medical microbiologist at the University of East Anglia said people in the age group are at very little risk of serious illness from the virus. He said school age children will have already built up a fair amount of immunity from natural infection and will continue to do so when schools reopen. Vaccines would therefore be of better use being given to countries where rollouts have not yet reached more vulnerable age groups, he argued. Professor Livermore said: 'Sixteen to 17-year-olds are at low risk of serious disease and, through exposure, are developing immunity anyway. 'We do not know if vaccine-induced or infection-induced immunity will prove the longer lasting, and to the better contributor to herd immunity. 'Given this I can see no good reason to prioritise vaccinating them. 'Limited vaccine supplies would be far better used in countries and regions with large vulnerable elderly populations who presently remain unvaccinated Australia, much of South East Asia and Latin America, as well as Africa.' Professor Anthony Brookes says the risks of heart inflammation blood clotting and potential unknown future side effects outweigh the risks of Covid in children Professor Anthony Brookes Geneticist at the University of Leicester Professor Anthony Brookes said the risks of heart inflammation, blood clotting and potential unknown future side effects from vaccination outweigh the harms caused by Covid to children. The genetics expert at the University of Leicester said the risks of vaccinating young people was recognised by the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) last month, so the U-turn in policy could have been caused by political pressure from the Government. Professor Brookes told MailOnline: 'Serious future harms [of vaccinating children] cannot be ruled out. 'This compares to the almost non-existent risk of serious harm from Covid for the young. 'The JVCI recognised these truths and the responsible balance of risks just a few weeks ago. 'Therefore, many will conclude that political pressure from government to 'reconsider' is the only reason JCVI will now be changing their position.'So the obsessive ratchet effect continues, and we might well expect 12-year-olds to be the next target, and then everyone down to infants.' Sixteen and 17-year-olds have insisted that they will get the Covid-19 vaccination when they become eligible, regardless of their parents' opinions. It has been revealed that 16 and 17-year-olds won't need parental consent to get Covid vaccines, while No 10's top scientists have hinted children as young as 12 could be offered jabs later this year. And 16 and 17-year-olds in Manchester have said that they plan to get the Covid vaccine as soon as they are eligible - even if their parents do not agree with them. One 16-year-old said he is planning to get the Covid jab so he won't have to 'worry' about getting the virus, and criticised his 'naive' parents for choosing not to get vaccinated. Clayton Murdock, 16, slammed his parents for being 'naive' in not getting vaccinated themselves, but insisted that will not stop him from getting the Covid jab Meanwhile, another teenager said he would get the Covid vaccine so he can go to gigs next year, while one 17-year-old said she was hoping to bag a 'free kebab' for getting vaccinated. But some teens have remained sceptical about the vaccine after the announcement, with one woman saying she has heard of women suffering from bad periods after the jab, while another teen said he would only get the vaccine if he is 'forced' to. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended the 1.4million youngsters should be offered Pfizer jabs, marking a U-turn on guidance the same panel issued two weeks ago. Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the NHS would dish out invites for vaccines 'as soon as possible', with the goal of getting the oldest teenagers protected before they return to classrooms in September. Clayton Murdock, 16, from Manchester, slammed his parents for being 'naive' in not getting vaccinated themselves, but insisted that will not stop him from getting the Covid jab. He continued: 'I'm definitely for taking the Covid vaccine. If it's helping people then I'm all for it. Amy Blackshaw, 16, expressed her concerns that some women have complained about missing their periods after getting the jab, but said she would get the vaccine to keep others safe 'I've heard though that it's killing people but I don't care as long as it's helping people. 'I'd take it so I could go out and not worry about getting the virus. My parents haven't had it, but that's because they are naive.' Meanwhile, Annie Sawbridge, 17, from Manchester, said she too wants to get vaccinated, sharing her hopes that she might be able to bag a free Uber or a free kebab if she is double vaccinated. Annie said that her father is already double vaccinated, while her mother has had her first vaccine, and she plans to join them in getting the Covid jab as soon as she is eligible. She added: 'I would take the vaccine. I've heard you can get a free Uber or a free kebab out of it, so I'd get it and hope for a free kebab. 'I'd take it to keep people safe.' Elsewhere, Amy Blackshaw, 16, from Manchester, expressed her concerns that some women have complained about missing their periods and getting 'swollen' breasts after getting the jab. But she said that despite her belief that people should be told 'what's going to happen' after getting the jab, she still plans to get the vaccine in a bid to keep other people safe. She explained: 'I'd love to take the vaccine, but I've heard women saying that their boobs are swelling and that they're missing their periods from it and it's a shame that women's mental health isn't taken into account, but I'd still take the vaccine anyway because it's important. Meanwhile, Annie Sawbridge, 17, said she wants to get the Covid jab, sharing her hopes that she might be able to bag a free Uber or a free kebab if she is double vaccinated One teenager who feels slightly sceptical about getting the Covid jab is Kieron Booth, 16, from Ponteland in Northumberland. He said he will only get vaccinated if he is 'forced' to 'I think when you take it, you should be told what's going to happen. I don't think people are told enough what can happen. 'I'd take it to be safe for other people.' Another teenager who feels slightly more sceptical about getting the Covid jab is Kieron Booth, 16, from Ponteland in Northumberland. Kieron said he will only get the vaccine if he is 'forced' to, saying he feels safe in the knowledge that he is young and believes that Covid will not 'affect' him 'as much'. He said: 'For me getting it depends on if I'm forced to have it to go on holiday. 'I would definitely get it if I had to for holidays. I would preferably not get it but if they forced me I would. 'I've missed out on a couple of things like holidays because of Covid. 'But I'm not in any rush, not until I have to. I feel safe enough as being younger I don't think it affects you as much. 'My family have had their first jabs and my mam has been really ill with it so I don't want to get it unless I have to.' Childcare and education student Millie Coulson, 16, from Blyth, said she plans on getting the vaccine as she trusts the Government and said getting the jab would make her feel safer amid the pandemic. She explained: 'I definitely plan on getting it when I get the chance. Childcare and education student Millie Coulson, 16, from Blyth, said she plans on getting the vaccine as it would make her feel safer amid the pandemic 'If the Government are advising it then we just have to trust them really, that's all you can do. 'I don't feel that safe at the moment because I know Covid is deadly but I would definitely trust the injection. 'I have no issues in getting it. I'd love to go to festivals and holidays later on so I would have to get it.' Lauren Nicholson, of Blyth in Northumberland, admitted that her grandparents have been encouraging her to get the Covid jab, despite her not really thinking about it. The 17-year-old sixth form student said: 'I haven't had the vaccine yet and I haven't really thought about it. 'I think I might get it in the future especially if you have to for if you're going abroad and things like that. 'My grandma and grandad have encouraged me to get it and they want me to have it when I can. 'I would like to go away places on holiday at some point in the future so I will end up having it at some point.' One teenager whose parents have opted to get the Covid vaccine is 17-year-old Freddie Wakeling, from Manchester, who said he is one of the only people in his family not to have been vaccinated yet. He said that while he is in no rush to get the vaccine, as he is not clinically vulnerable, he wants to get the jab when he can so he is able to attend gigs and other events next year. One teenager whose parents have opted to get the Covid jab is 17-year-old Freddie Wakeling, who said he is one of the only people in his family not to have been vaccinated yet Bailey Wressell (left), 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, and Lauren Nicholson, of Blyth in Northumberland, both plan to get the Covid vaccine when they are eligible He explained: 'It's something I would take if I was offered it, but as I'm not particularly vulnerable, I'm not in any hurry to get it. 'The main reason I want to get it is from fears of not being able to do things in the future especially with big public events with gigs and that kind of thing. 'That's something I don't want to miss out on, especially next year because I've got a few booked now. 'I'm pretty much the only person in my family not to be vaccinated yet, but that's only because I've not been eligible.' Bailey Wressell, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, also had concerts and public events on her mind as she said she is planning on getting the vaccine as soon as she can. The sixth form student said: 'When I am eligible I will definitely be having it. 'I want to stay safe and I think it would be silly not to get it really. We don't want to end up back in lockdown so you might as well get it. 'I feel it's important to keep older people safe too such as grandparents. 'Me and my friend have got a concert booked for next year so I will need it for that.' Evan Cooper, 17, has already had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, which he got in a bid to protect his grandparents and to allow him to go on holiday with his friends. Evan, from Manchester, said he could not afford to pay for the PCR tests required before going abroad, so decided to get the Covid jab so he was able to go on holiday. He added: 'I'm double vaccinated but the main reason I took it was because I'm going on holiday with some friends and if I don't have it, then the PCR tests are really expensive and I'm young as it is, so I can't really afford it, so I took it for that reason and to protect my grandparents. Evan Cooper, 17, has already had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, which he decided to get in a bid to protect his grandparents and to enable him to go on holiday with his friends While Mila Jowett, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, said she feels a certain duty to have the Covid jab, saying the only reason she hasn't had it is because she is not eligible yet 'Both of my parents are double vaccinated, my sister is 22 and she has had her first vaccine.' Evan is not the only teenager thinking about going on holiday in the future, as photographer Alex Elliot, 17, of South Shields in South Tyneside, said he wants to get the jab so he knows that he is 'safe' to go abroad. Alex, who turns 18 next month, said: 'I've read in the news that young adults can get it. 'But I've not actually had any contact personally saying I'm eligible. 'I wouldn't be in a rush for it but definitely when I have the time and if I wasn't busy, I would go and get it. 'It's more about me not wanting to restrict anybody in the future and I don't want to be seen as bad by anyone. 'I would rather just get it for other people. I definitely want to be part of a group effort to keep people safe. 'Getting it to go places isn't really on my mind but it would be comforting to know that if I needed to go abroad in the future, I would be safe to do so.' And waitress Neeve Rogers, from Newcastle, also plans on getting the vaccine so she is able to travel abroad and visit her family in America. The 17-year-old said: 'I haven't had it yet but I do plan on getting it. 'I think it's important because it will help everything get better and the quicker everyone gets vaccinated then the quicker it should all be over. Waitress Neeve Rogers, from Newcastle, also plans on getting the vaccine so she is able to travel abroad and visit her family in America 'I really want to travel, just anywhere abroad once I get my vaccine. 'I'd like to travel back to America as I have family there so if I got the jab I'd be able to go see them.' Michael Hale, 16, from Manchester, said he has already had Covid and would choose to get the vaccine when he is eligible, adding: 'I think it's about safety. 'I've already had Covid, so I shouldn't get it for a while, but I think you need to take into account other people. My parents have both been vaccinated.' While Mila Jowett, 17, from Chester-le-Street in County Durham, admitted that she feels a certain duty to have the Covid jab, saying the only reason she hasn't had it is because she is not eligible yet. She continued: 'I haven't had the jab because I'm not eligible I don't think. 'I think it's important for my state of mind and I do think there is a duty to have it. 'I will feel safer once having it, sometimes I feel a bit on edge now after lockdown and especially with people getting pinged which is a hindrance. 'Definitely in the future I would like to go on holiday as well.' The teenagers' eagerness to get the vaccine comes after it was announced that 16 and 17-year-olds won't need parental consent to get Covid jabs. Photographer Alex Elliot, 17, of South Shields in South Tyneside, said he wants to get the jab so he knows that he is 'safe' to go abroad Michael Hale, 16, said he has already had Covid and would choose to get the vaccine when he is eligible, adding that he thinks people need to take into account other people as well Health Secretary Sajid Javid accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and asked the NHS to prepare to vaccinate the group 'as soon as possible'. And Boris Johnson called on families to listen to the advice, saying that the committee was 'among the best in the world' and that the country should 'take our lead from them'. Officials said there is 'no time to waste' and want to give all 1.4million older teenagers the Pfizer vaccine before schools return in September. Detailed plans will be set out this week. At a Downing Street press conference this afternoon, JCVI chair Professor Wei Shen Lim revealed 16-17 year olds won't be booked in for second doses just yet. There are currently no concrete plans to offer the 16 and 17 year olds second doses, with the expert panel wanting to buy more time to understand the safety risks. Meanwhile, Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, England's deputy chief medical officer, said there was 'no time to waste' and that there was 'plentiful' supply of the vaccines. Unveiling the inoculation drive expansion in a Downing Street briefing today, Professor Van-Tam said: 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixths forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this. 'The NHS has been kept informed of what is being deliberated for JCVI, it has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' He also laid the groundwork for ministers to expand the inoculation drive to all over-12s in the near future, saying that the JCVI would 'continually review' the evidence. The major safety concern around vaccinating children centres on a heart condition called myocarditis, which is six times more common after the top-up jab. Health chiefs confirmed that children will be able to overrule their parents and opt to get the vaccine without their permission. But experts are divided over the hugely controversial topic of vaccinating children, given their tiny risk of dying or falling seriously ill. Many experts welcomed the move to vaccinate people in younger age groups as 'sensible' and 'another piece of the jigsaw for the UK to return to some kind of normality'. But others attacked it for being 'too little, too late' because younger people cannot be double-jabbed before the autumn term. A group of 18 top scientists called for vaccines to be rolled out to over-12s immediately. More than eight in ten Britons support the move, polling suggests, including more than 50 per cent of people who strongly support offering jabs to the younger age groups. Some countries - including the US and Israel - have already started, which made Britain an outlier in so far only vaccinating the most at-risk over-12s. The JCVI, which advises No10, last month ruled only over-12s with serious underlying health conditions or who live with a vulnerable adult should get jabs. Officials are keen to push the immunisation drive on to more youngsters in order to prevent an autumn surge in infections when they return to schools in September. Britain's Covid cases rose by five per cent in a week today to 29,312, the first time they have gone up in almost two weeks. Another 119 deaths were also recorded, which was up 30 per cent in seven days. President Joe Biden made a surprise visit Wednesday to a union training facility - for the Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 in Lanham, Maryland - after keeping a light schedule all day in advance of his August vacation. 'Should I jump in?' the president joked as he walked into a 'sand room,' literally a room filled with sand that trainees use to learn how to install pipe in the ground. Biden assured the future plumbers and the trainers that 'a lot of jobs are coming' before watching the demonstration. President Joe Biden made a surprise trip Wednesday to Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 Training Facility in Lanham, Maryland. 'Should I jump in?' he said when entering a 'sand room' plumbing trainees use to learn how to install pipes in the ground President Joe Biden observes trainees at Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 Training Facility in Lanham, Maryland during a visit Wednesday. Biden was originally not supposed to have any public events President Joe Biden watches students how to assemble correct plumbing in sinks at the Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 Training Facility in Lanham, Maryland. Biden is expected to head to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware over the next few days for an August vacation President Joe Biden takes a look at sinks used to train future plumbers during a stop at a union training facility on Wednesday. Biden told the students and teachers, 'a lot of jobs are coming,' as the bipartisan infrastructure package crawls through Congress 'Union Strong' signs were on display all over the facility that President Joe Biden toured in Lanham, Maryland on Wednesday President Joe Biden mostly talked out of earshot from watching reporters as he toured the Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5 Training Facility in Lanham, Maryland on Wednesday At another stop, Biden talked to students - out of earshot from watching reporters - as trainees kneeled underneath a wall of sinks. Signs like 'Union Strong' and 'Creating Jobs for America's Future' decorated the room. Biden visited a welding station and a final assembly station as well, the White House said. Trainees from the Maryland facility - which was about a 30-minute motorcade drive from the White House - have worked on projects including water service at the Pentagon, gas upgrades at the State Department and mechnical service upgrades on the D.C. Metro subway system. The White House had originally said Biden wouldn't be holding any public events Wednesday. On his schedule, the president, alongside Vice President Kamala Harris, was receiving the President's Daily Brief. He then had a closed door meeting with his top science adviser, Dr. Eric Lander, to discuss preparing for future pandemics. On Capitol Hill, Biden's $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill is inching through the Senate, with more amendment votes planned through Wednesday afternoon. Asked Tuesday if Biden might delay his Delaware travels if the Senate stays in session extra days, press secretary Jen Psaki said 'the president's travel has not changed.' 'But as you have seen the president do over the last several weeks and months, he is ready and - ready to be called into action, whether it's a phone call or bringing people to the White House or to meet in the Oval Office, and that remains the case as we work to get this infrastructure bill across the finish line,' she said. Biden is expected to leave for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware in the next few days, as presidents typically go on vacations - albeit working ones - in August. Former President Donald Trump would spend summertime vacations at his Bedminster resort, while reserving Mar-a-Lago - nicknamed the 'winter White House' - for colder breaks. Former President Barack Obama would make summer trips to Martha's Vineyard - and then do his home state of Hawaii for Christmas. Earlier at Wednesday's White House press briefing, Psaki told DailyMail.com Biden would not be holding a press conference before his departure. The chief executive of GETTR, a new social media platform that appeals to MAGA world, hit back on Wednesday at claims it was 'inundated' by ISIS extremists, saying the reports were based on research funded by Facebook, Google, Microsoft and other competitors. Jason Miller, who was previously spokesman for former President Trump, said the result was a hit piece designed to discredit the new venture. GETTR launched last month and is approaching two million users. But on Monday Politico reported the platform was awash with propaganda spread by supporters of the Islamic State - including video of beheadings. It said it was alerted to the content by Moustafa Ayad, of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank that tracks online extremism. Miller said the work was funded by Big Tech. 'If you go to Mr. Moustafa Ayad's website - the Institute for Strategic Dialogue - he lists [his funding sources] out. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Microsoft,' he told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon on his War Room radio show. 'Industry Big Tech giants are who fund him and they don't even point that out in the story.' Ex- Trump adviser Jason Miller led GETTR's launch on July 4 and hit back at reports the platform was inundated with ISIS propaganda, saying the research was funded by Big Tech ISIS members have predicted GETTR will be successful and moved in to exploit its free speech promises (file image). Miller said all major platforms had battled extremist content On the Apple store, GETTR advertises itself as a 'non-bias social network' that will 'allow anyone to express their opinion freely.' It has the highest profile of any conservative alternatives to mainstream social media He said it was all a part of a liberal conspiracy to silence opposition. 'Here's the thing. They're scared of us,' he said. 'They know that we're growing. There know that we've added 2 million users to the platform.' In an earlier riposte, published by the right wing National Pulse website, Miller wrote that it was inevitable that Big Tech would have its knives out for a start-up. 'Its a team of heavyweights, with Audible, Facebook, GIFCT, Google, Google.org, Jigsaw, Microsoft, and YouTube listed as private sector funders of the Institute,' he wrote. 'In short, Politico failed to disclose that the primary detractor in their story is funded by GETTRs competitors in the tech and social media marketplace.' The Institute for Strategic Dialogue disputed the characterization. 'ISD has a long track record of exposing terrorist activity across all major platforms though its independent research so the claim that our report shows GETTR has a terrorism problem at the behest of Big Tech is laughable and shows a complete ignorance of our work in this space, which includes advancing proposals for regulating Big Tech,' said its chief executive Sasha Havlicek. Research by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue has been cited by the BBC, CNN, NBC News and other media organizations. Conservatives have been seeking out new spaces online as major social media platforms clamped down on election misinformation and misleading COVID-19 posts. Trump himself was banned from Twitter and Facebook amid the fall-out from the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and has hinted that he is planning his own platform. GETTR so far has the highest profile of any conservative alternatives to mainstream social media, though Trump himself was not directly involved in its launch and does not have a verified account on the platform. The family foundation of Miles Guo, business partner to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, was one of the early funders of the app. And early adopters include former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Fox News host Sean Hannity who regularly post content. On the Apple app store, GETTR advertises itself as a 'non-bias social network' that will 'allow anyone to express their opinion freely.' But that has apparently attracted extremists testing to see whether they can find a new foothold. 'Is Daesh here?' asked one account whose profile photo was the flag of the Islamic State, according to the Politico report. Daesh is the Arabic acronym for the terrorist group. Replies suggested it was well-represented and some users praised the network for being willing to host such content. 'We will come at you with slaying and explosions you worshippers of the cross,' wrote one account whose name reference the Islamic State. 'How great is freedom of expression.' GETTR so far has the highest profile of any conservative alternatives to mainstream social media ISIS members have predicted the network will be successful. 'If this app reaches the expected success, which is mostly probable, it should be adopted by followers and occupied in order to regain the glory of Twitter, may God prevail,' one Islamic State account wrote of GETTR on Facebook in early July. Miller, GETTR's CEO, said that ISIS was targeting the MAGA movement in retaliation to Trump's policy toward them. 'ISIS is trying to attack the MAGA movement because President Trump wiped them off the face of the earth, destroying the Caliphate in less than 18 months, and the only ISIS members still alive are keyboard warriors hiding in caves and eating dirt cookies,' he said in a statement. 'GETTR has a robust and proactive moderation system that removes prohibited content, maximizing both cutting-edge A.I. technology and human moderation.' After news broke of GETTR's struggles with ISIS content, Miller tweeted an NPR article from 2019 that detailed Twitter having a similar problem. Twitter Struggling To Shut Down Bot And Impersonation Accounts Created By ISIS : NPR https://t.co/xBNvF6F73J Jason Miller (@JasonMillerinDC) August 2, 2021 Some jihadi posts on GETTR from early July have been removed, and the platform's terms of service state that offensive content, including that related to terrorism, could be removed. Politico found at least 250 Islamic State-related accounts had been regularly posting content since July. Trump declared ISIS '100% defeated' in 2019. The Islamic State no longer has a caliphate and its influence has largely diminished in the Middle East, though it maintains a presence in Iraq and Syria. GETTR in its early days was also reportedly flooded with pornographic content, though Miller has instituted a strict policy against doxxing, or sharing people's addresses and personal information with malicious intent. After the former president was banned permanently from Twitter and for at least two years from Facebook and Instagram following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, some of supporters fled mainstream social media for smaller networks. Parler, an early favorite among conservatives, took a major hit when it was banned from Apple, Amazon and Google. It temporarily went offline as a result, but it has since been allowed back onto Apple's app store after changing its content moderation policy to detect violent posts. Meanwhile, Trump continues to express an interest in launching his own social media network. He launched his own blog, 'From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,' though it was taken down weeks later amid a poor following. A Pennsylvania school board president is being called to resign after he cut off an Iranian mother speaking out against CRT during a meeting and had her escorted out. Iranian immigrant and mother of three Anita Edgarian expressed concerns to Chester School District board members about Critical Race Theory curriculum on July 26. She was recorded at the meeting telling board President Chris McCune that she grew up during the Iranian revolution when Iran was 'ravaged by communism'. Sitting through a meeting where the board is split into groups - for and against CRT - is a 'complete nightmare', she said. Scroll Down for Video: Anita Edgarian expressed concerns to board members at Chester School District regarding the controversial Critical Race Theory curriculum during a meeting on July 26 As Edgarian yells into the microphone, McCune stands up, approaches the podium, and takes the mic from Edgarian, telling her to go 'I send my kids to study mathematics, literature and history, and I want them to study every kind of history,' she says. Edgarian has a son in high school and twin girls in eighth grade. Critical race theory is an educational concept that claims racism is a social construct that has been embedded in American legal systems and policies. During the meeting, Edgarian says her house is known as the 'International House of Pancakes' because her kids' diverse group of friends are all welcome there. On the recording of the meeting, she compliments retiring superintendent Jim Scanlon, telling him, 'you did a good job for 12 years,' but then says, 'you are leaving a mess, you have brought division to us.' That comment is met with a round of applause from some parents in the audience. But before she can continue, she is cut off by McCune and told, 'Anita, you're at time.' Edgarian objects, repeating 'no, no,' but McCune responds, 'Yes, you are.' As Edgarian yells into the microphone, McCune stands up, approaches the podium, and takes the mic from Edgarian, telling her to go. 'This is shameful,' McCune says as he returns to the stage. 'We've had a respectful meeting up until you. You bombarded up there, and now you want to monopolize the meeting. Not happening. You're gone.' Officers come to escort her from the building as she continues to shout at board members on stage. 'Why did you say you cannot teach history without CRT?' she is heard yelling before an officer removes her from the auditorium. Anita Edgarian (right) told Fox and Friends host Kayleigh McEnany (left) that she thinks the school board president reacted the way he did because he did not like that she dared question the board The Republican Committee of Chester County is calling for school board president Chris McCune's (pictured) resignation This is not the first time a school board has erupted over CRT, as the curriculum has become a hot topic. It sparked a fierce nationwide debate in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests around the country over the last year. Supporters say it is vital to eliminate racism in America and opponents claim it actually promotes racism by categorizing people. In response to Edgarian being cut off and escorted out, the Republican Committee of Chester County called for McCune's resignation. In a statement, the committee called his actions 'reprehensible' and acknowledged that while Edgarian did speak over her allotted 2 minutes, so did other speakers that evening. The committee condemned McCune for approaching the mother of three and shouting at her, and said McCune was 'unable to control his anger' and acted like a bully. 'Since when do policemen haul off parents for exercising their 1st Amendment right of free speech?' the committee asked in its letter. 'Shouldn't she be allowed to return to her seat instead of being turned out of the building?' DailyMail.com reached out to the West Chester Area School District for comment. On Wednesday, Edgarian appeared on Fox and Friends and told host Kayleigh McEnany that she thinks the school board president just did not like that she dared question the board. 'I just don't think he likes the fact that I was saying, ''Why the division?'' she said. Edgarian added that she just wanted to clarify what her children were going to be taught and get answers. 'I have friends on both sides of this aisle. Friends and, you know, close friends sometimes,' she said. 'And you know, so I don't want my kids to grow up feeling that they cannot talk to this person or that person. And I just wanted to know and, you know, the best thing is to come out and frankly ask the question.' One of Facebook's top communications managers allegedly helped New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lead a smear campaign against sexual harassment accuser Lindsey Boylan while working for the tech giant. Dani Lever is accused of helping Cuomo's staff distribute Boylan's personnel files in an effort to discredit her allegations against the governor. She is said to have done so even though she had already started working at Facebook, according to the investigative report released by Attorney General Letitia James on Tuesday. Lever worked on Cuomo's staff for six years before joining the social media platform's communications team in August 2020. The smear campaign against Boylan was launched in December of that year, just hours after she accused Cuomo of harassment. According to the report, Lever also regularly participated in discussions about Cuomo's communications strategy following the allegations. Facebook executive Dani Lever (right) is accused of helping New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (center) lead a smear campaign against sexual harassment accuser Lindsey Boylan In a string of tweets on December 13, 2020, Boylan became the first woman to publicly announce allegations against Cuomo. 'Yes, @NYGovCuomo sexually harassed me for years. Many saw it, and watched,' she wrote. A few hours later, Boylan's confidential personnel file, accompanied with a statement from Press Secretary Caitlin Girouard stating saying there was 'simply no truth' to her allegations, was distributed to reporters at numerous media outlets, the AG's report states. Although she was no longer employed with the governor's office, the report alleges that 'Lever coordinated with some of the reporters who received the documents to let them know that the Executive Chamber would be sending them'. Members of the Executive Chamber testified that they only disclosed Boylan's files 'in order to correct demonstrably false information' surrounding the circumstances of her departure from the Chamber. However, another Cuomo accuser, identified in the report as Executive Assistant #1, claims to have witnessed the Chamber's attempts to retaliate against Boylan. 'I would be in the room when they were actively trying to discredit her. They were actively trying to portray a different story of it. Trying to make her seem like she was crazy and wanting to get her personnel file out,' the former said. 'That was the first time that I had seen someone publicly come out and saying something against him and sexually harassing them and them going behind the scenes and trying to discredit her.' Cuomo (pictured) faces allegations from 11 women who say he sexually harassed them either by touching them, kissing them, hugging them or subjecting them to inappropriate questions or comments. The governor denies all accusations made against him The governor also had a 'team of advisors from within and outside the Chamber [who] had ongoing and regular discussions about how to respond to the allegations publicly'. According to the report, Lever was an advisor on the team. It is unclear if her bosses at Facebook had given her permission to work on the second gig. Amid the attempt to 'discredit and disparage' Boylan, the team devised a letter outlining complaints against Boylan from her personnel file and specific interactions between her, Cuomo and other male colleagues. Investigators say the letter also accused of Boylan of working with some of Cuomo's political adversaries. Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa reportedly sent the letter to several individuals asking for their signature, including Lever who declined to sign it because she believed it 'amounted to 'victim shaming''. Boylan claimed that Cuomo made inappropriate remarks to her while she served on his staff, including saying 'let's play strip poker' to her while on an airplane. Lever was one of several individuals who signed a statement in February 2021 asserting that the exchange never occurred. 'We were on each of these October flights and this conversation did not happen,' the statement read. DailyMail.com has contacted Lever and Facebook for a comment. Lever (left) is credited with is accused of coordinating the distribution of Boylan's (right) personnel files to numerous journalists, as well as actively trying to 'discredit' her. She signed a statement asserting that a conversation Boylan alleges she had with Cuomo 'did not happen' In addition to inappropriate remarks, Boylan claims Cuomo physically touched her on various parts of her body, including her waist, legs, and back. Boylan is one of 11 women whose allegations were backed up in the AG's 168-page report. The women claim Cuomo sexually harassed them either by touching them, kissing them, hugging them or subjecting them to inappropriate questioning or comments. Cuomo denies all of the groping allegations and says he may have been too handsy with hugs and kisses, but that's how he was raised. He says the inappropriate comments were intended as banter and the women misinterpreted them. The governor is now facing three criminal investigations in Manhattan, Westchester and Albany - in addition to an impeachment trial at the State Legislature. A judiciary committee has been tasked with investigating whether impeachment is warranted and that probe is underway. The nation's largest nursing home chain told its workers this week they will have to receive the COVID-19 vaccination or risk losing their jobs, joining a slew of companies requiring vaccine mandates as COVID-19 cases continue to surge throughout the nation. On Monday, Genesis Healthcare - which has 70,000 employees at nearly 400 nursing homes and senior communities - announced a 'universal' COVID-19 vaccine policy for all employees, with three weeks to comply or risk termination. The announcement came with 40 percent of US nursing home workers yet to be vaccinated. On Monday, Genesis Healthcare, which has 70,000 employees at nearly 400 nursing homes and senior communities, announced a 'universal' COVID-19 vaccine policy for all employees. The announcement comes as 40% of U.S. nursing home workers still have not gotten a shot But Genesis isn't the only company requiring their employees to 'vax up.' Twitter, Facebook and Tyson Foods are among several that have also made vaccinations a requirement. 'While we would have greatly preferred a strictly voluntary process, our commitment to health and safety outweighs concerns about imposing a requirement,' Harry Wilson, Genesis HealthCare's CEO, said in a statement Tuesday. 'Universal COVID-19 vaccination provides the safest and most effective course of action to ensure the health and welfare of our patients, residents and staff,' he added. More than 1,250 nursing home residents across the U.S. were infected with COVID-19 in the week ending July 25, double the number from the week earlier, and 202 died, according to federal data More than 1,250 nursing home residents across the U.S. were infected with COVID-19 in the week ending July 25, double the number from the week earlier, and 202 died, according to federal data. Some local governments are also taking the decision out of the industrys hands, with Massachusetts and Denver announcing mandatory vaccinations at nursing homes this week. The question has become more urgent as the highly contagious delta variant drives up new COVID-19 cases in the US to about 90,000 a day on average - the most since mid-February - and sends hospitalizations surging in states like Florida and Louisiana to the highest levels since the pandemic began. Despite the terrible toll taken by the disease at nursing homes, many of the nations 15,000 such institutions have rejected mandatory vaccinations for fear large numbers of workers will quit. Nearly a quarter of nursing homes are already short of nurses or nurse's aides. But Associated Press interviews this past week with managers at 10 mostly smaller nursing home operations across the nation that are requiring vaccines found that the threat of workers quitting en masse over the shots may be overblown, with those numbers far lower than expected. After Canterbury Court in Atlanta announced a mandate in January, CEO Debi McNeil was so fearful of a 'massive walkout' that she brought in medical experts to talk to workers, met with holdouts one-on-one and invited staff to gather in the community room for meetings that occasionally got heated. In the end, only 10 of 180 workers quit, and McNeil said Canterburys nursing home, independent living and assisted living facilities have reported no new COVID-19 cases since February. 'It was a gamble that paid off for us,' McNeil said. 'I thought more people would have mandated it by now.' The question has become more urgent as the highly contagious delta variant drives up new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. to about 90,000 a day on average - the most since mid-February - and sends hospitalizations surging in states like Florida and Louisiana to the highest levels since the pandemic began At Jewish Home Family in Rockleigh, New Jersey, only five of 527 workers at its nursing home and assisted-living facilities quit. Westminster Village in Bloomington, Illinois, lost only two out of 250. 'It's important to educate, but at some point we have to end this pandemic,' said Scott Crabtree, CEO of Lambeth House in New Orleans, which lost only 10 of 200 workers after it started requiring shots when they became available last year. 'When do we say, "Enough is enough?"' More than 130,000 nursing home residents in the U.S. have died from COVID-19, making such institutions by far the deadliest place to be during the pandemic. About 80% of residents have been vaccinated, according to the government. Some workers have rejected the vaccine because they think it was rushed into development and is unsafe, or they feel protected because they already got COVID-19. 'It's too soon to put that crap in my body,' said Christina Chiger, a nurse's aide at a nursing home in Tampa, Florida. 'It took how many years to perfect the polio vaccine? This was done in months.' Others have been swayed by false rumors that the vaccine was made from dead babies or contains microchips or will make you infertile. That last notion concerned Michaela Murray, a nurse's aide at an Alabama nursing home that made vaccinations mandatory. 'I was kind of worried, but I talked to the doctors and they put my mind at ease,' said Murray, who agreed to get a vaccine to keep her job at Hanceville Nursing & Rehab Center, which had only six of 260 workers quit. 'I had had COVID and didn't want to go through that again.' Pennsylvania-based Genesis said volunteer vaccinations were appropriate earlier in the pandemic, but not now, as the more infectious variant spreads and only 65 percent of its staff has received shots. Genesis is giving employees until August 23 to get their first shot. 'To succeed against the Delta variant is going to require much higher vaccination rates,' said Chief Medical Officer Richard Feifer. 'Our tactics in the fight have to change.' Jennifer Moore of Hollywood, Florida, whose husband is living at a nursing home where only 35 percent of the staff is vaccinated, said it's also a matter of ethics. 'Whenever I see a story about somebody being anti-vax, I just want to scream,' said Moore, whose husband, Thomas, has Parkinsons disease. 'I understand people have concerns about the vaccine, but these people are working with the most vulnerable population. They have a duty to their patients.' The latest numbers also indicate more Americans are concerned about the pandemic than any other issue facing the country The number of people who said the US is moving in a favorable direction with the pandemic has also fallen as cases surged over July On Tuesday, Microsoft announced all staff working at its US offices will have to show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination from September. The company announced the new requirement, which will also apply to vendors and guests in their buildings. 'As we have done since the beginning of the pandemic, we continue to closely track new developments and adapt our plans as this situation evolves, keeping employee health and safety top of mind,' Microsoft said. In addition, Tyson Foods, Walmart, Equinox, The New York Times, and The Washington Post are also requiring their employees to show proof of their vaccination. In a memo sent out last week, Washington Post CEO Fred Ryan told staff they must demonstrate proof of vaccination as a condition of their employment when they return to the office on October 18. 'Even though the overwhelming majority of Post employees have already provided proof of vaccination, I do not take this decision lightly,' he said. 'However, in considering the serious health issues and genuine safety concerns of so many Post employees, I believe the plan is the right one.' Advertisement CNN host Chris Cuomo was reportedly offered a 'leave of absence' to formally advise his brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo through his sex-pest scandal. Executives with the network informally proposed the idea that the younger Cuomo could take an optional leave of absence to advise his brother and return to the network later, sources told The New York Times. Chris Cuomo, 50, has faced a slurry of criticism for participating in strategy sessions during his brothers political crisis while serving as CNNs star journalist all the while refusing to cover the scandal. The possible leave of absence was suggested in May when the Washington Post revealed Chris Cuomos involvement in his brothers scandal. In response to the proposal, Chris Cuomo told network executives he wanted to continue on his primetime program while obeying rules preventing him from commenting on the scandal, sources told The New York Times. Chris Cuomo is seen on Wednesday flying by helicopter from the Hamptons - where he has a home - back to New York City. The CNN host, who is paid $5 million a year, is under fire for his actions during the scandal enveloping his brother, Governor Andrew Cuomo He was pictured playing in his phone while waiting for his helicopter in the Hamptons on Wednesday Chris Cuomo is pictured arriving at the Blade heliport in New York City amidst his brother Governor Andrew Cuomo facing multiple criminal investigations The younger Cuomo was pictured wearing headphones as he left the heliport on Wednesday Chris Cuomo also promised not to discuss his brother's crisis strategy with any government officials besides Andrew Cuomo himself, according to the outlet. The new revelations reflect comments Chris Cuomo publicly made at the time, telling his followers on air that he was 'truly sorry' for taking part in the strategy calls - and adding that he compromised his colleagues at the network. He publicly said at the time that when his brother's situation 'became turbulent' he started getting 'looped into calls with other friends of his and advisers that did include some of his staff.' 'I understand why that was a problem for CNN. It will not happen again. It was a mistake because I put my colleagues here, who I believe are the best in the business, in a bad spot. I never intended for that. I would never intend for that and I am sorry for that,' he said. Chris Cuomo added that has never tried to influence CNN's coverage of his brother and has in fact 'been walled off from it.' Cuomo is pictured leaving the Hamptons for New York City on Wednesday Chris on Wednesday boarded the helicopter in the rain for the 30-minute trip to Manhattan He was pictured carrying his phone and some sort of beverage before the trip Chris Cuomo get set to board a helicopter at East Hampton Airport to the City late this afternoon A CNN spokesman admitted at the time that Chris Cuomo's behavior was 'inappropriate. The network added that he would not face punishment - but allowed unnamed staff members to stick the knife into him in its own report on the gaffe. CNN is facing mounting calls to fire Chris Cuomo after a more detailed account of his involvement with the scandal emerged on Tuesday in the new explosive report by the New York Attorney General Letitia James. The calls for his removal grew further after his show Prime Time with Chris Cuomo aired on Tuesday night at 9pm and completely ignored the report into his brother. Critics have called it a clear conflict of interest that can no longer be ignored. CNN did not respond to requests on Wednesday afternoon and it has offered no public statement on the issue. Andrew Cuomo was not seen on Wednesday, instead issuing a statement about COVID. Protesters gathered outside his Albany home, however - rallying at the gates of the Executive Mansion to demand his resignation. Chris Cuomo is shown arriving at a heliport in the Hamptons on Tuesday. He didn't address the sex scandal engulfing his brother last night on air. Critics say it's the cherry on top of unprofessional year of reporting and that Chris should be fired Chris Cuomo has been slammed as unprofessional and unethical for his coverage of the scandal The AG's report named Chris, who makes $5million-a-year-at CNN, as one of his brother's advisers and told how he'd helped Andrew write statements in response to the allegations of 11 women. He wanted to make sure he sounded 'contrite' enough, according to the report. Media pundits claim his conduct has been unprofessional and that his generally inappropriate working relationship with his brother needs to come to an end. Some have pointed to the fact that CNN VP of Communications, Allison Gollust, used to work for Governor Cuomo as his communications director. She joined his team in 2013 after working with CNN President Jeff Zucker at NBC for 15 years. Gollust only spent four months on the Governor's team then went to CNN to reunite professionally with Zucker. Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night was discussing COVID - and studiously ignoring the major news scrolling constantly beneath his screen. He didn't mention the AG report - which he is named in - once These text messages between Cuomo's senior aides in February this year show how Chris Cuomo helped his brother draft statements to make sure they had 'enough contrition' when the allegations emerged. He was ignoring the subject on his own CNN show at the time On Wednesday, FOX host Ari Fleisher pointed out Gollust's role and said she is one of the reasons CNN protects the brothers. 'Do you know who is in charge of communications at CNN? Governor Cuomo's former communications director, Allison Gollust. She now runs the show. 'She is the number two to Jeff Zucker at CNN, and one of the reasons CNN has not taken any disciplinary action against journalist Chris Cuomo is because of the relationship she has with Governor Andrew Cuomo.' CNN VP of Communications, Allison Gollust, worked for Governor Cuomo as his Director of Comms in 2013 Janice Dean, senior meteorologist for FOX News Channel, lost both her mother-in-law and father-in-law to COVID, with the pair dying after Andrew Cuomo ordered that nursing home residents recuperating from the virus be allowed to return to their residences. He reversed the decision several weeks later, but critics say it cost hundreds of lives. Dean has become one of Andrew Cuomo's fiercest critics, and told DailyMail.com that Chris Cuomo had been 'dishonest' with his viewers. 'Chris Cuomo never thought anything of it when he had his brother on during the height of the pandemic and instead of asking serious questions about what was happening in New York, resorted to prop comedy and jokes about COVID, his love life and their family,' she said. 'As soon as the news stories started to break about his brother's many scandals, Chris then decided he could no longer interview is brother, and now that we're finding out Chris was not only involved in the governor's sexual harassment issues (giving him and his staff advice/drafting his response) we also know he was receiving special treatment using state resources by getting VIP COVID tests while nursing homes were not allowed to receive them to test incoming patients. 'The fact that Chris Cuomo also faked his own quarantine and lied to his viewers should also raise questions about ethics, honesty and how dishonest Chris Cuomo is to his audience and his employer.' Meghan McCain, co-host of The View, said that the Cuomos were guilty of 'the worst kind of nepotism'. Meghan McCain on Wednesday accused Chris Cuomo of 'the worst kind of nepotism' for refusing to cover a story that dealt with his brother A plane flying a banner demanding Cuomo resign flies over the Executive Mansion on Wednesday Andrew Cuomo was holed up inside the Executive Mansion on Wednesday Last week, during a segment about Hollywood nepotism, she said that people assume she will be 'a lazy, spoiled brat that wont contribute anything because you have famous parents.' On Wednesday, she said: 'You want to talk about nepotism? Not having to talk about the biggest scandal in the country when it has to do with your brother and you're hosting CNN, that's nepotism. 'The Cuomo family and CNN are the worst kind of nepotism that the media has an example of.' She called Chris and CNN 'cowards,' saying that if her brother was governor and accused of sexual harassment, 'you are damn straight I'd be talking about it on 'The View' this morning.' When one person pointed out that her famous father helped open doors for her, she replied: 'Say whatever you want about me but if my dad or brother had an investigation completed about their disgusting behavior sexually harassing women I wouldnt be a p**** and not talk about it on my show - cause my job is to talk about the news. But I aint a Cuomo (thank God).' Other critics include MSNBC's Laura Bassett, who wrote an op-ed saying: 'Both brothers need to go 'It's extremely inappropriate and unethical for a journalist to advise and craft the statements of a politician, regardless of family relation. 'New Yorkers deserve better than a lying, harassing, misogynistic creep presiding over the state. Glory days: Chris Cuomo quarantining in his Hamptons basement last year with Cuomo, speaking with his brother on his show, when Andrew was a pandemic hero The two regularly joked around on Chris's show at a time when hundreds were dying of COVID. Chris played with a giant swab on one show. 'And CNN's viewers deserve better than a news anchor who is working on behalf of a politician he covers and helps to manipulate public opinion of him. 'Both Cuomo brothers have amassed massive power and influence, while betraying public trust. And both brothers must go,' she wrote. She also referred back to the friendly, light-hearted interviews the pair engaged in on Chris's show at the height of the pandemic when hundreds of people were dying every day. 'Chris Cuomo has interviewed his brother on CNN multiple times about the elder Cuomo's coronavirus response, as scores of New Yorkers were dying in a pandemic; Albany is part of his beat. 'In one interview, Chris Cuomo told Andrew Cuomo he is 'the best politician in the country.' 'The anchor's attempt at a journalistic compromise was to abstain from interviewing his brother about the sexual harassment scandal,' she said. DePauw University journalism professor and media critic Jeffrey McCall told FOX News: 'The lack of professional standards was appalling during the early days of COVID coverage when Chris routinely had the governor on his program to show off about Andrew's handling of COVID, bash Trump and do comedy sketches. 'CNN should have never let Chris cover his brother for either good or bad news, and only decided to prohibit such coverage once the governor's news became all bad.' Samsel faces three misdemeanor criminal battery charges and has a court hearing scheduled for Aug. 16 A Kansas lawmaker has given up his state substitute teacher's license after he was accused of kicking a student in the testicles. Republican State Rep. Mark Samsel, 36, of Wellsville said on Wednesday that 'extreme' stress caused him to have 'an isolated episode of mania with psychotic features' in the classroom. He also said that he was trying to make a point about mental health and the need for people to be kinder to one another in defense of his actions. He has a court hearing scheduled for Aug. 16 and said during a brief interview that he does not know how the surrender of his teaching license or his mental health will affect the case. He faces three misdemeanor criminal charges of battery following what the local prosecutor described as 'rude, insulting or angry' interactions with two students, ages 15 or 16, during an art class. Samsel, who has served as an attorney in the House since 2019, pleaded not guilty to the charges, each of which was punishable by up to six months in jail. Scroll down for video Kansas lawmaker Mark Samsel, 36, gave up his substitute teacher license on August 3 after he claims that 'extreme stress' led him to kick a student in the testicles One student told a sheriff's deputy that Samsel had manhandled him and kicked him, according to an affidavit from the deputy. Samsel said in a Facebook post that he has seen mental health professionals over the past three months. He also wrote that he is studying ways to handle stress so that 'there is no likelihood' an episode will occur again. He surrendered his teaching license on August 3. The videos of Samsel's actions were shot by students on April 28 and were then provided by a parent. It shows Samsel talking about suicide, God and sex in a noisy classroom at Wellsville's secondary school. A series of videos recorded by students at Wellsville's secondary school revealed Samsel giving lectures about God, suicide and sex on April 28 He had what was described by a local prosecutor as 'rude, insulting, or angry interactions' with two male students, aged 15 or 16, in an art class Samsel was then booked into the Franklin County Adult Detention Center the day after the incident and was released on a $1,000 bond In one video, the footage shows Samsel threatening a male student about 'the wrath of God' as he followed him around the classroom He then tells the students in another video, 'Class, you have permission to kick him in the b---s.' Several parents told local media that Samsel allegedly kneed the student in the crotch. The kneeing incident was not caught on camera, but footage shot after the alleged incident shows the student lying on the ground, with Samsel standing over him and asking: 'Did it hurt?' Samsel asks the student whether he was going cry, pats him on the shoulder and apologizes, and then says he can 'go to the nurse, she can check it for you.' He was booked into the Franklin County Adult Detention Center on April 29. He was released on $1,000 bond, Sheriff Jeff Richards said. Samsel was ordered by a judge in May to undergo a mental health evaluation after the incident occurred According to the deputy's affidavit, Samsel said he only 'demonstrated a kick' for one boy who had disrupted class but did not actually do it. The deputy also wrote that Samsel said God told him to do what he did. 'It just felt it was the right time to share, that God was calling on me to do it,' Samsel said during the interview, 'I just hope this brings light to the mental health battles, that a lot of us are struggling.' A judge in May ordered Samsel to undergo a mental health evaluation, and the resulting report remains under seal. Samsel said in his Facebook post that he suffered from 'extreme stress, pressure, and agitation over a sustained period of time,' with the worst of it during April and May, when lawmakers were wrapping up their business for the year. 'There was a lot of pain and struggle involved, but I think - I mean, it's all moving in the right direction,' Samsel said during his interview. 'I do think God's using it for hopefully higher purposes.' Zachariah Konkle, 32,now faces murder after the man he allegedly strangled and punched died this weekend A pedophile carnival worker faces murder charges for allegedly strangling a co-worker to death after a family told him someone had made fun of their special-needs son. Zachariah Konkle, 32, was originally arrested and charged with strangulation on July 28 after he allegedly put his co-worker Michael Steele in headlock and said 'go to sleep b***h.' A parent told Konkle that someone was making fun of a special needs child, and Konkle reportedly told the family, 'he would take care of the problem,' according to court documents. Konkle, who was previously convicted of sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old girl in 2015 and required to go on the sex offender registry, told police that he was talking to someone about the situation around 12:30am Wednesday when Steele allegedly approached him and hit him in the side of the head. Steele is said to have squared up to Konkle while the alleged killer was talking to another co-worker about the incident, and told Konkle: 'If you're going to slap someone slap me.' It remains unclear who made the remark about the disabled child. Witnesses told WDRB.com that Steele threw the first punch, sparking a brawl between the two men. Konkle allegedly dragged Steele to the ground in a headlock until he went limp and then punched him five to six times in the back of the head, a witness told police, according to court documents obtained by WDRB.com. A picture of the sign to the Jackson County Fair in Indiana, where the fight took place last Wednesday The two co-workers brawled, and Konkle allegedly put Michael Steele in a headlock until he went limp A witness said she performed CPR on Steele until Konkle pushed her out of the way and started CPR himself. Steele later died in the hospital on July 31, and charges were upgraded to include murder on Tuesday. According to multiple media outlets, police discovered Konkle was a sex offender and shouldn't have been working at the carnival to begin with. In 2014, he was convicted of sexual misconduct with a minor. His supervisor told police she was unaware that he was a registered sex offender, Fox59 reported. Antonia Ashford ,44, was charged with murder and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose for allegedly killing her husband Roderick Ashford, 47, by shooting him in the face An associate warden at a Brooklyn federal jail has been arrested for killing her husband by shooting him in the face at their New Jersey residence, police said. Antonia Ashford, 44, was taken to the Ocean County Jail after cops found her husband, Roderick Ashford, 47, shot dead at their home on Harvey Jones Drive in Jackson Township. Ashford works at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Sunset Park, where alleged Jeffrey Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell is jailed awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Ashford was charged with murder and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer and Police Chief Matthew Kunz said in a statement. Her husband was a Bureau of Prisons employee in New Jersey, The Washington Post reported. The Jackson Police Department arrived at the crime scene after receiving a 911 call that a man had been shot. They found Roderick Ashford with a gunshot wound to his face and on the floor. He died at the scene after paramedics tried to revive him The couple had just purchased their $600,000 home on Harvey Jones Drive in Jackson Township earlier this year and had moved in just a few months ago Police in Jackson Township received a 911 call around 2am on Monday that a man had been shot. When they arrived, they found Roderick Ashford on the floor with a gunshot wound to his face. He was pronounced dead at the scene after paramedics tried to revive him. The couple had purchased their home for $600,000 earlier this year, and had only been living there for a few months, the Daily News reported. Ashford worked at the Metropolitan Detention Center as an associate warden. The facility is infamous for the poor conditions inmates are under, with a federal judge calling it 'an ongoing disgrace' Ghislaine Maxwell has also complained through her lawyer of an 'overwhelming stench from the overflowing of toilets in the cellblock above.' The Metropolitan Detention Center is infamous for the poor conditions inmates have had to endure. The facility was called 'an ongoing disgrace' by William Kuntz, a federal judge. In June 2020, 35-year-old inmate Jamel Floyd died under suspicious circumstances after correction officers pepper-sprayed his face, prompting protests outside the facility. In December 2019, a power outage at the detention center forced more than 1,500 inmates to live in freezing temperatures for a week. Ghislaine Maxwell has also complained through her lawyer of an 'overwhelming stench from the overflowing of toilets in the cellblock above.' A woman shot her husband, chopped up his body with an ax and then got her two children to help put his dismembered remains into bags, police say. Thessalonica Allen, 34, allegedly shot spouse of one year Randy Allen, 50, on July 27 inside their apartment in La Porte, Indiana. The fatal row is said to have begun after Randy confronted Thessalonica after her usage of an undisclosed website. She is then said to have struggled to dispose of his remains, so allegedly got to work hacking them up with an ax to make them easier to carry away and burn. Investigators say Allen's two, both minors, heard a 'loud bang' and ran to their mother's bedroom, according to court documents. They found Randy on the ground, asking his children to call 911, but their mother ordered them to go back to their room, it is alleged. The couple did not share any children, Randy's grieving relatives told the NWI Times. Thessalonica Allen, left, was arrested for allegedly murdering her husband Randy Allen, fight, and chopping his corpse up with an ax Police found notes from Thessalonica, detailing a plan to frame Randy for drug possession. Another note described how she would get rid of his body The murder took place inside the couples apartment in La Porte, Indiana. Thessalonica said she stored Randy's body inside her daughter's closet Later that night, Thessalonica woke her kids and asked them to drag Randy's body out of the house and load it into his car, court papers say. When his body proved too heavy to move, Thessalonica went out and returned the next day with cleaning supplies and an axe, it is alleged. Although she chopped the body to pieces, it was still too heavy for them to move, distressing investigative records show. Thessalonica allegedly asked an ex-boyfriend for help two days after the killing, and he refused and reported the incident, the South Bend Tribune reports. Police found the vehicle outside a hardware store in La Porte and the tote bag containing Randy's dismembered corpse inside a closet in the children's bedroom Thessalonica had allegedly planned to burn the body in South Bend. Randy's family mourned his loss and refuted Thessaloncia's claims that he beat her and her kids. Randy had five kids of his own, with the oldest starting a GoFundMe for his burial costs Randy, pictured above, was beloved by his family, who say the whole ordeal has been heartbreaking The GoFundMe has raised more than $3,500. Randy is, pictured with his five kids outside his marriage with Thessaloncia. None were present at the time of his killing The children told cops their mom and Randy had been arguing about a website Thessalonica had visited just before Randy was shot. They added that Randy appeared to be packing his things and leaving. Thessaloncia claims she shot Randy after he started choking her. She told the ex-boyfriend that she shot Randy because he was beating her and her children, ABC reports. 'You guys don't understand, he beats me,' Thessaloncia told the officers who arrested her. Randy's family disputed her claims and said he was always a loving father and grandfather, the NW Times reports 'He was a sweet person,' Jakelia Dooley-Jones, his oldest daughter, said. 'He was caring. He was nurturing.' Commenting on his dad's alleged killer, Dooley-Jones said: 'He didn't give me any indication that she was crazy.' 'We're devastated. This was a senseless murder that didn't have to happen,' added Randy's older sister, Sharon Colmen. During a search of the home, police allegedly found three notes detailing Thessaloncia's actions before and after the shooting. One note is said to have said: Get drugs from friend Get ziplock bags When Randy is in shower, get pawn tickets out of wallet Put gun/drugs in car under seat while in car Call Hearthside and tell them Rand had drugs and gun in car A second note said: Spray [expletive deleted] in face, hit him in right knee w/hammer Hit w/hammer/stab him Roll body up in sheets & plastic bags Pick up Jay no phones, Jay follows me to LP, put body in Lincoln w/his Boost phone leave Jay car here Take my keys and his car key off the ring A third note said: 'Go to SB, Jay follow me back to LaPorte put body in Lincoln, Drive to SB, leave body in car while running, Jay brings me back to LP. While doing this be on 'compt' doing ATI.' Thessalonica faces felony charges of abusing a corpse, altering a death scene, contributing to the delinquency of her two minor children, and neglecting the children. She is being held in the LaPorte County Jail without bond. A black activist who said that a group of white men assaulted him, pinned him to a tree and threatened to 'get a noose' has now been hit with felony charges in connection with the incident that made national headlines. Vauhxx Booker, 37, a local civil rights leader and member of the Monroe County Human Rights Commission, was charged with misdemeanor trespass and felony battery last week. He was hit with the charges over his involvement in the confrontation that took place on July 4, 2020, at Lake Monroe, Indiana, according to court documents filed last Friday by a special prosecutor in the case. Booker condemned the decision, calling it an 'outrageous act of punitive retaliation and prosecutorial vindictiveness.' During a press conference held on Monday outside Monroe County courthouse, Booker said: 'theres nothing more American than charging a black man in his own attempted lynching,' Scroll down for video Vauhxx Booker (center), who claimed to have been attacked by a group of white men in July 2020, speaks during a press conference on August 2 after a special prosecutor charged him with felony assault and trespassing over a year later Booker's alleged attackers Sean Purdy (left) and Jerry Cox II (right) were charged with felonies last summer Booker slammed the decision to bring charges against him as an 'outrageous act of punitive retaliation and prosecutorial vindictiveness' If convicted as charged, Booker could face more than three years in prison and $15,000 in fines. The Monroe County Branch of the NAACP demanded that the charges against Booker be dropped immediately and called for the special prosecutor, Sonia Leerkamp, to resign. 'This incident has been a continual case of a victim being re-victimized by the system,' Booker's legal team said in statement Monday. 'It is the victim in this assault - Vauhxx Booker - who is being made to pay for having stood his ground against malicious racist name-calling, physical assault, and threats against his life.' The alleged assault gained widespread attention last summer when Booker said he called 911 after five white men attacked him and pushed him against a tree at the lake just south of Bloomington. He said the men accused him of trespassing on private property and, after he tried to apologize, the situation turned physical. Part of the July 4, 2020, confrontation at an Indiana lake was captured on video, which shows at least three white men pinning Booker to a tree. Booker posted the footage on Facebook along with his version of events Footage recorded by Booker shows several of the white men cursing and using racially-charged language at him after he said onlookers were able to pull him out of harm's way Booker said the men threatened to break his arms and said, 'get a noose,' while telling his friends to leave the area. He said one of the men wore a hat decorated with a Confederate flag and that the men made statements about 'white power.' Witnesses who were with Booker that day said they heard racial slurs being shouted and that someone said 'get a noose' and 'leave the boy here, we will take care of him.' Cellphone video posted on Facebook that showed part of the altercation was viewed millions of times online. The FBI said it was investigating the incident as a possible hate crime, although no further updates have been provided about the investigation. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources, which responded to the reported assault, recommended charges against everyone involved, including Booker. Monroe County prosecutors only charged two white men, however. Sean Purdy faces charges of felony criminal confinement, battery resulting in moderate bodily injury and intimidation. Jerry Cox II was charged with felony criminal confinement and battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, as well as two misdemeanors. Cox and Purdy claimed Booker was trespassing and denied the allegations regarding a noose. Both maintain that Booker threatened them first, and their lawyers have said the two men are victims of a 'smear campaign.' Purdy's attorney David Hennessy denied Booker's allegations, saying that he was the instigator, and that his client was the victim of a 'smear campaign' The case against Cox and Purdy is still pending more than a year later, awaiting a trial date. At Monday's press conference, Booker accused Leerkamp of threatening to bring charges against him for the past year, unless he agreed to have the charges dropped against Purdy and reconcile with him, reported The Washington Post. 'I am not going to let these folks go on about their lives like they didnt victimize me, like their crime didnt impact an entire community,' Booker said. 'I am going to stand up for myself.' Leerkamp indirectly defended her decision to charge Booker in a statement to The Post by saying that she was doing her 'best to apply the law to the facts available to me and to follow the principle that we are a nation of laws, not men.' Monroe County Prosecutor Erika Oliphant recused herself from the case in response to public concern about whether she was impartial. The charges against Booker, filed in Monroe Circuit Court, are the same recommended by IDNR investigators last summer. An initial hearing is set for September 14. Booker has said that he and his friend were on their way to watch the lunar eclipse at an organized event on July 4, 2020, when a white man with 'an oversized hat with a confederate flag print on it' began following them in an ATV. Booker claimed the man informed him and his friend that they were trespassing on private property, so they apologized and continued on their way to the event. That's when he said the man and his friends began following him and two of them knocked him to the ground from behind. 'I tussled with the two and another one joined in, then two more,' he wrote in a viral Facebook post about the incident. 'The five were able to easily overwhelm me and got me to the ground and dragged me pinning my body against a tree as they began pounding on my head and ripped off some of my hair, with several of them still on top of my body holding me down.' 'They held me pinned and continued beating me for several minutes seemingly become more and more enraged as they kept trying to seriously injure me and failing. At one point during the attack one of the men jumped on my neck. I could feel both his feet and his full bodyweight land hard against my neck.' Booker further claimed that one of the men threatened to break an arms and repeatedly called out: 'Get a noose.' Only part of the altercation was captured in videos recorded by Booker's acquaintances that he included in his Facebook post. One clip shows Booker hunched over as at least two men pinned him against a tree and several other people in their group crowded around, while Booker's friends begged for them to let him go. A second clip, filmed after Booker was released, shows a man repeatedly calling someone off-camera a 'nappy-headed b***h'. In a third clip the same man yells: 'You invaded us!' and calls someone in Booker's group a 'stupid f**king liberal f**ks.' As Booker's group walks away, one of the men follows them shouting: 'Those black boys want to start it all.' Booker, pictured above crying during a press conference last year, claimed that a special prosecutor had been pressuring him for a year to reconcile with Purdy Booker said he suffered a minor concussion, cuts, bruises and had patches of his hair pulled out during the attack. Many of Booker's descriptions, including the lead-up to the confrontation, the call to 'get a noose', the threat to break his arms and a man stomping on his neck, were not captured by the videos. Witnesses told IDNR investigators that Booker threatened them, claiming to be a county commissioner. Then, he said, Booker 'got in the face' Purdys girlfriend and punched Purdy three times. Cox, who is Purdy's friend, said Booker also punched him in the face and that he 'was pretty sure' that he hit Booker twice in the face. Defense lawyer David Hennessy claimed that Booker was the instigator of the violence and accused him of 'race baiting.' The attorney said Purdy did not hear or said 'get a noose,' but that 'some racially insensitive stuff' was said by people known to them. 'No talk of a noose, no talk of a rope, no talk of a lynching. No white power,' he said. Progressive Democratic Rep. Cori Bush sent a threatening message to Mark and Patricia McCloskey on Wednesday after the Missouri couple was pardoned for charges stemming from waving their guns at Black Lives Matter protesters - including Bush herself. 'Mark McCloskey is an absolute liar. He has spat on my name and because of that, his day will come,' Bush said on CNN. She then directed her ire at McCloskey and continued, 'You will not be successful in all that you're trying to do when you are hurting the very people that are out trying to save lives.' Bush told CNN that Mark McCloskey's 'day will come' in an explosive interview Wednesday Rep. @CoriBush, who took part in trespassing on the McCloskeys property, threatens the family after they received a gubernatorial pardon: "Mark McCloskey is an absolute liar. He has spat on my name. And because of that, his day will come." pic.twitter.com/XEe5DNOxKM Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 4, 2021 The McCloskeys were pardoned on Tuesday by Missouri Governor Mike Parson (right) for charges stemming from waving their guns at social justice protesters in June 2020 Bush vowed to 'not allow' the St. Louis-based attorney or Governor Mike Parson 'to hurt the very people that are doing the work they should be doing.' Parson, a Republican, pardoned Mark McCloskey, who pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750, and Patricia McCloskey, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. 'Mark McCloskey has publicly stated that if he were involved in the same situation, he would have the exact same conduct,' the McCloskeys' lawyer Joel Schwartz said Tuesday. 'He believes that the pardon vindicates that conduct.' Bush called the pardons 'absolutely unbelievable.' 'They stood there, they pointed their guns - totally reckless - to a group of nonviolent protesters walking down a street that had no clue that they lived there, didn't care that they lived there, didn't know them, didn't want to know them,' the freshman lawmaker said. The Black Lives Matter protesters were on their way to Mayor Lyda Krewson's house when they were passing the McCloskeys (pictured on Krewson's lawn) The McCloskeys, both lawyers in their 60s, said they felt threatened by the protesters, who were passing their home in June 2020 on their way to demonstrate in front of the mayors house nearby in one of hundreds of similar demonstrations around the country after George Floyds death. The couple also said the group was trespassing on a private street. Mark McCloskey emerged from his home with an AR-15-style rifle, and Patricia McCloskey waved a semiautomatic pistol, according to the indictment. No shots were fired and no one was hurt. A special prosecutor assigned to the case determined the protesters were peaceful and said no one he interviews had weapons or realized they were in a private area. The McCloskeys became right-wing darlings and were defended by top Republicans including Donald Trump. At last year's Republican National Convention as a featured speaker Mark McCloskey called Bush a 'Marxist liberal activist leading the mob' and accused Democrats of wanting to 'abolish the suburbs.' The McCloskeys were unapologetic about their actions (pictured here leaving a St. Louis court on June 17. The couple both pleaded guilty to their respective charges) McCloskey called Bush a 'Marxist' who was leading a 'mob' on June 28, 2020 in an RNC speech given last year (pictured: Bush outside the Capitol on August 2) Bush, a social justice activist as well as a pastor and a nurse before serving in Congress, brushed them off as 'just trying to get attention' at the time. Mark McCloskey announced in May he was running for US Senate. A statement from his campaign released Tuesday read, 'Today we are incredibly thankful that Governor Mike Parson righted this wrong and granted us pardons.' Bush challenged Parson to 'stand up and be the governor of everybody' and again blasted his decision as 'ridiculous.' 'Do something, actually show up and be the governor of all the people of Missouri, not just those that follow your type of politics that actually hurt... people who are struggling in this country,' Bush said. Parsons legal team has been working through a backlog of clemency requests for months. He hasnt yet taken action on longtime inmate Kevin Strickland, who several prosecutors now say is innocent of a 1978 Kansas City triple homicide. Parson could pardon Strickland, but he has said hes not convinced he is innocent. The McCloskeys became right wing darlings and even spoke via video at last year's RNC Mark McCloskey announced his bid for a US Senate sea this year Missouris Democratic leader contrasted Parsons treatment of Stricklands case with the McCloskeys in bitter denunciations of the governors action. It is beyond disgusting that Mark and Patricia McCloskey admitted they broke the law and within weeks are rewarded with pardons, yet men like Kevin Strickland, who has spent more than 40 years in prison for crimes even prosecutors now say he didnt commit, remain behind bars with no hope of clemency, Missouri House Democratic Minority Leader Crystal Quade said in a statement. Democratic state Rep. LaKeySha Bosley said, The governors stunt ominously underscores that under his watch, justice belongs only to the privileged elite in this state. Advertisement Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis furiously attacked President Joe Biden on Wednesday after the president implored governors to 'get out of the way' of COVID restrictions - accusing Biden of failing to do his job. DeSantis complained that Biden was trying to 'single out Florida,' after the state broke its own record for COVID-19 hospitalizations, and attempted to shift the focus to the president's handling of a surge in apprehensions at the southern border. 'Why don't you do your job? Why don't you get this border secure?' DeSantis angrily told Biden, in a press conference on Wednesday. 'And until you do that I don't want to hear a blip about COVID from you.' Florida set an all-time record for COVID hospitalizations on Tuesday, with 11,515 hospitalized in one day. The previous day also saw a record 10,389 hospitalizations, outpacing its previous peak on July 23, 2020, when there were 10,170 hospitalizations. 'Joe Biden has taken to himself to try to single out Florida over COVID,' said DeSantis. 'This is a guy who ran saying he was going to shut down the virus. What he's done is imported the virus from around the world with a wide open southern border.' The Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, left, during an angry press conference asked Joe Biden, right, 'why don't you do your job at the border' Florida is averaging 27,681 cases per day, a 342% increase from the 6,492 average cases reported two weeks ago (left). COVID-19 hospitalizations also reached a record high with 11,515, breaking the previous record of 10, 207 set on Monday (right) The number of people who said the US is moving in a favorable direction with the pandemic has also fallen as cases surged over July Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (pictured on Fox News) furiously attacked President Joe Biden on Wednesday after the president implored governors to 'get out of the way' of COVID restrictions - accusing Biden of failing to do his job 'Joe Biden has taken to himself to try to single out Florida over COVID,' said DeSantis 'We can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state. 'And I can tell you, Florida, we're a free state. People are going to be free to choose.' Conservatives applauded DeSantis's punchy remarks. 'Gov. DeSantis takes a massive wrecking ball to Biden's absurd criticism on his handling of COVID,' tweeted Benny Johnson, Turning Point USA chief creative officer. 'Watch the whole thing. COMPLETE. MIC. DROP.' Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, urged DeSantis to do more to help Florida's COVID battle. 'Twenty three per cent of new COVID hospitalizations in the U.S are in Florida, and their hospitals are being overwhelmed again,' she said on Twitter. 'We are doing everything we can to help the people of FL, and they're stepping up by getting vaccinated we hope @GovRonDeSantis joins us in this fight.' Marco Rubio, senator for Florida, tweeted: 'You want to help #Florida? 'Stop sparking fights over mask mandates & pushing contradictory courses of action. 'Thankfully vaccinations are up. 'But thats in spite, not because of the Biden Administration.' 23% of new COVID hospitalizations in the U.S are in Florida, and their hospitals are being overwhelmed again. We are doing everything we can to help the people of FL, and they're stepping up by getting vaccinated we hope @GovRonDeSantis joins us in this fight. https://t.co/53y97ngQ4E Jen Psaki (@PressSec) August 4, 2021 Joe Biden is pictured on Tuesday, urging more Americans to get vaccinated and prevent the spread of the Delta variant On Tuesday, Biden had singled out DeSantis' state and Texas for particular criticism. Ted Cruz laughs at Joe Biden urging governors to 'get out the way' The Texas senator was asked on Wednesday about Biden calling for governors to 'get out of the way' of federal efforts to combat COVID. 'There's a Yiddish word called chutzpah,' said Cruz, speaking to Fox News. 'And I think Joe Biden is embodying that word right now.' Cruz then echoed DeSantis' response, criticizing the Biden administration for allowing COVID to spread among migrants and then releasing the infected migrants into the community. 'We just had news breaking today that in the last several months, the Biden administration has released over 7,000 illegal aliens who were COVID positive just in one Texas city, in the city of McAllen, in the Rio Grande Valley,' said Cruz. 'Last week, the Biden administration released over 1,500 illegal aliens in McAllen who were COVID positive. 'That is unacceptable and they keep doing it.' Cruz said that the election of Biden was in itself 'a superspreader event' because of his approach to migration. 'And Joe Biden likes to talk about this pandemic,' Cruz concluded. 'Well I'll tell you what: the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was a superspreader event because their open border is endangering not just the people of Texas, but the people all across the country.' Advertisement 'Just two states, Florida and Texas, account for one third of all new COVID-19 cases in the entire country. Just two states,' he said. Biden criticized Florida and Texas for barring schools and local governments from imposing mask mandates. 'They should free people to do the right thing, such as allowing teachers to ask students to wear masks, he continued. 'I say to these governors, please help. 'But if you're not going to help at least get out of the way of the people who are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.' DeSantis shot back: 'Joe Biden suggests if you don't do lockdown policies then you should 'get out of the way.' 'Well let me tell you this, if you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. 'If you're trying to lock people down, I'm standing in your way.' With the much more contagious Delta variant now spreading exponentially, Florida hit 11,515 hospitalized patients on Tuesday, breaking last year's record for the third straight day and up from just 1,000 in mid-June. DeSantis said he expects hospitalizations to drop in the next couple weeks, insisting that the spike is seasonal as Floridians spend more time together indoors to escape the summer heat and humidity. On Monday, the White House announced that it had finally reached its target of delivering at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine to 70 per cent of the population. However, the milestone was reached a month late, reflecting hesitancy among young people in particular. Combined with the highly infectious Delta variant, the result has been a surge in cases around the country. That rise in infections prompted health officials last week to recommend that even people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 return to wearing masks in some public indoor settings. And on Tuesday, New York City announced that if residents aren't vaccinated, they won't be able to participate in day-to-day activities like going out to dinner indoors and going to the gym. 'No voter ID but you have to show your medical papers just to be able to live everyday life,' DeSantis said, blasting the city's measure and nodding to Democrats who have opposed strict voter ID laws. In an executive order signed on Thursday, Greg Abbott, the Republican governor of the Texas, banned state agencies from mandating vaccinations. It also reinforced a previous order preventing officials from introducing mask mandates. A day later, DeSantis issued an executive order rejecting mask mandates in schools. A vaccination site is seen at Miami airport in Florida on May 28. Florida is currently seeing a surge in cases Miami-Dade residents line-up as they are tested for COVID-19 at Cagni Park on August 1 Both Biden's and DeSantis' approval ratings have slipped as the nation takes on another wave of the virus. A Harvard-Harris poll taken in the end of July found that Biden's approval rating had tanked 10 percentage points to 52 per cent, from 62 per cent in June, as his promise of a 'summer of freedom' slips from his grasp with increasing COVID-19 cases. DeSantis, meanwhile, has seen his popularity slip with voters in his own state and now trails Democratic challenger Rep. Charlie Crist, according to a new poll. DeSantis had seen his national profile and popularity balloon during the COVID-19 crisis to the point where he has been touted as the best hope for Republicans to retake the White House in 2024. But the survey, by Florida-based St. Pete Polls, found voters disapproved of the governor's opposition to mask mandates in school. Overall 45.3 per cent of voters said they backed Crist, who was governor from 2007 to 2011, compared to 43.8 per cent who favored DeSantis. Jared Kushner handed over to the American government a signed and framed photo from The Queen that he received during the June 2019 state visit to the United Kingdom. But Kellyanne Conway forked over the $2,830 to keep hers. The gifts, handed out to Trump administration officials by foreign leaders in 2019, were revealed in a new filing in the Federal Register on Wednesday. The State Department's Office of Protocol is required to record gifts given to U.S. officials over $390 in value and keep track of their disposition. Recipients either have to turn them over to the National Archives or another government entity or purchase them for personal use at their valued cost. The Queen handed out several signed and framed photographs of herself to Trump aides during the June 2019 state visit. Besides Kushner and Conway, Stephanie Grisham, Dan Scavino, Lindsey Reynolds, Stephen Miller, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders all received one, the filing shows. And all of them handed their photo over to the U.S. government - except Conway. Jared Kushner handed over to the American government a signed and framed photo from The Queen that he received during the June 2019 state visit to the United Kingdom - above Kushner and Princess Anne arrive for the June 2019 state dinner at Buckingham Palace Kellyanne Conway forked over the $2,830 to keep her signed and framed photo of The Queen; above Kellyanne Conway and The Duke of Kent arrive for the June 2019 State Dinner at Buckingham Palace During the Trumps' June 2019 State visit to the UK Sarah Huckabee Sanders (left), Kellyanne Conway (center), and Dan Scavino (right) received signed and framed photos of The Queen; only Conway paid the federal government for hers The 92 page document reveals that Donald Trump received multiple photos of himself, Melania Trump got a sterling silver jewelry box from the Queen and a $5,800 bottle of Japanese whisky given to Mike Pompeo has gone missing. The missing Japanese whisky as given to then Secretary of State Pompeo in June 2019, presumably when he was there for a G20 meeting. But it's location is listed as 'unknown.' 'The department is looking into the matter and has an ongoing inquiry,' it said in the Federal Register notice. A representative for Pompeo told the Associated Press that Pompeo 'has no knowledge of the gift and has not been contacted by anyone regarding an investigation of it.' And The New York Times reported the U.S. government was never paid for the bottle and the State Department has asked its inspector general to determine what happened to it. It's illegal for an official to keep a gift without purchasing it and the person could face civil penalties. The State Department's Office of Protocol released gifts foreign leaders gave U.S. officials in 2019; The Queen gave Donald Trump a first edition copy of The Second World War by Winston S. Churchill - the abridged version - and she gave Melania Trump a specially commissioned sterling silver jewelry box with enamel lid A $5,800 bottle of Japanese whisky given to then Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during the 2019 G20 meeting (above) has gone missing Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong gave Donald Trump a painting of Trump 'on dual pane glass' valued at $5,250 The filing in the Federal Register noted Trump and former first lady Melania received more than $120,000 worth of presents from foreign leaders in 2019. One theme of the gifts to the then-president was images of himself. Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong gave a painting of Trump 'on dual pane glass' valued at $5,250. Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi gave a 'large double framed carved from black stone with image of President Donald J. Trump in precious metal on one side and the coat of arms of Egypt on the other.' It was valued at $4,450. Australian Prime Minister gave Trump a framed photo of the first couple valued at $470. The Queen, meanwhile, gave Trump a pen set during his June 2019 state visit and a first edition copy of The Second World War by Winston S. Churchill - the abridged version. Trump also received a couple of fire arms as gifts. Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov gave him an Ottoman Empire rifle valued at $8,500. And Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrew Babis gave Trump a CZ 75 9mm pistol valued at $710. Trump also received a bronze sculpture of an Arabian horse from the crown prince of Bahrain worth $7,200 and a gold, onyx, emerald and diamond statue of an Arabian oryx worth $6,300 from the emir of Qatar. All the gifts are in the hands of the National Archives. The filing details the more than $120,000 worth of presents from foreign leaders that Donald and Melania Trump received in 2019 Melania Trump amassed quite a jewelry collection, although she, too, turned her gifts over to the government. The former first lady received white gold diamond earrings from the wife of the Czech PM (valued at $470), an ornamental Japanese lacquer box and a signed photo from the Empress of Japan (valued at $1,130), pearl earrings valued at $2,600 from the wife of Japanese Prime Minister Abe, and pearl earrings valued at $700 from the wife of the Australian PM. The Queen gave Melania a specially commissioned sterling silver jewelry box with enamel lid valued at $390. Dominic Cummings has claimed that Boris Johnson said his partner Carrie was driving him 'crackers' and suggested finding her 'a job with lots of foreign travel'. The Prime Minister's former chief adviser also said that Mr Johnson offered him a peerage when he left No 10. Downing Street sources were quick to deny his allegations last night. Mr Cummings said he thought the former Miss Symonds was a 'wrong 'un' from the moment he met her. He left No 10 in November last year following a dramatic fall-out with the PM and his then-fiancee. Mr Cummings said his relationship with the PM changed after he won a massive majority at the general election in December 2019, adding: 'The entire situation was completely transformed.' In an interview with The Spectator the magazine that employs his wife he said he had a bad impression of the PM's wife from their earliest meeting. 'I thought she was a wrong 'un from the day I first met her back in 2016 when she was a press officer of some kind,' he added. Dominic Cummings has claimed that Boris Johnson said his partner Carrie was driving him 'crackers' and suggested finding her 'a job with lots of foreign travel'. Pictured L-R: Carrie Symonds, Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings celebrate on Election Night 2019 Mr Cummings claimed that in the final few days before he walked out of Downing Street, Mr Johnson said his then fiancee was driving him 'crackers'. He said: 'So when Boris and I came to the break-up in the final few days, we sat on the sofa and he started reading out questions from his phone and I said, 'Have you lost your mind? Your crazy girlfriend is sitting upstairs texting you questions?' 'And he was like, 'Oh my God, you're right, she's driving me crackers. We've got to find her a job with lots of foreign travel. 'Could we get the Cabinet Secretary to give her a job on COP26, travelling round with Kate Middleton?' 'That's the weird thing: part of his brain knows that his girlfriend is crackers, but he's also trapped.' Mr Cummings added: 'Well, you know this crazy thing happens with people, they just get trapped by crazy girlfriends. It's not the first time it's happened.' A source inside No 10 said the claims were 'risible, like much of Dom's recent output'. They added: 'These claims are untrue.' The PM's former chief adviser admitted he has not spoken to Mr Johnson since leaving Downing Street. But he said Mr Johnson had offered him a peerage when he quit. Asked if it would have made him 'Lord Cummings of Barnard Castle', he replied: 'No! He said it but then he almost immediately started laughing and realised that that was not exactly the sort of thing that would buy me off.' Asked whether he rejoiced when Matt Hancock stood down as health secretary over leaked CCTV footage of him kissing an aide in his office, Mr Cummings said: 'Well, obviously it would have been better if Boris had fired him last May when I told him to. But if it ends with a sex scandal, fine by me.' He added: 'I suspect that all his officials knew what was happening, and they knew that what I said about him was true, and someone in his private office will also have had access to CCTV and thought: Ah, we'll get rid of that lying b******.' Mr Cummings said he thought the former Miss Symonds was a 'wrong 'un' from the moment he met her. Pictured: Carrie (left) and Boris Johnson on holiday with their child and dog in Scotland Mr Cummings said he told the Prime Minister that he planned to leave on December 18 last year, adding that he had never wanted a career in Westminster. But he says his departure was hastened when Mrs Johnson started plotting to remove his allies from No 10. 'I walked out. And then she was terrified that Boris would reverse-ferret so she deliberately blew everything up in the media to cause maximum carnage,' he said. 'So then all relations between us were severed and I haven't spoken to him since.' Asked why he agreed to work for the PM when he thought him 'unfit' for office, Mr Cummings said that the alternative was former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and a second Brexit referendum which he believed could lead to violence. 'MPs wouldn't be able to campaign safely outside the M25 without armed guards,' he said. Mr Cummings now writes a blog on the Substack website. Healthy children as young as 12 are likely to be offered Covid jabs, scientific advisers said last night. Vaccine officials yesterday confirmed that doses will be offered within weeks to all 16 and 17-year-olds and they will not need parental consent. But Jonathan Van-Tam, the deputy chief medical officer, strongly hinted the programme could be extended to those aged 12 to 15. In a clear sign this could happen this year, he stressed the need to 'continually review the emerging data'. Children over 12 are eligible for the jab only if they have severe underlying health conditions or live with a vulnerable relative. But Professor Van-Tam said it was 'more likely, rather than less likely' that the list of eligible 12 to 15-year-olds would grow. At a Downing Street briefing, he said there was 'no time to waste' in starting the rollout to 1.5million 16 and 17-year-olds. 'Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixth-forms from September, and in Scotland that will be slightly earlier, so there is no time to waste in getting on with this,' he said. Pictured: Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England, during a coronavirus media briefing in Downing Street on August 4, 2021 'Now we have the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation advice on starting that initial first dose in 16 and 17-year-olds, then I want us to proceed as fast as is practically possible.' Although he said this rollout was unlikely to start next week, it is set to commence very soon, with the jab initially delivered via existing vaccine clinics, GP surgeries and pharmacies. The rollout could later be expanded and delivered at secondary schools. It will be one dose initially, with the JCVI yet to make a decision on whether, or when, to give a second dose. Although the NHS is soon to embark on a booster programme for some more elderly and vulnerable people, Professor Van-Tam insisted there was a 'plentiful' supply of vaccine. He added: 'The NHS has been preparing for multiple options for very many weeks now and I would expect this programme will start in a very short number of weeks.' The JCVI's decision to recommend the jabs for 16 and 17-year-olds came less than three weeks after it stated that only under-18s with learning disabilities or chronic health conditions should be eligible for a vaccine. That had followed concern over a rare side effect called myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation. Pictured: A teenager reacts while receiving a dose of a vaccine against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at a Clalit healthcare maintenance organisation in Tel Aviv, Israel June 21, 2021 School segregation fears By Eleanor Harding, Education Editor for the Daily Mail Pupils who refuse the Covid vaccine must not be treated differently, families have urged. Parent campaigners UsforThem fear unvaccinated children could be split into different groups and separated from their friends as schools try to control the virus. Some schools previously made pupils sit apart and banned them from PE if they refused to wear a mask, the group says. They fear another a two-tier system over vaccines, adding: Its not hard to imagine where this could lead. However head teachers union ASCL stressed last night that all pupils will be treated the same, as schools will not know which ones have been vaccinated. It is understood the Government will also insist unvaccinated pupils are not treated unfavourably. Molly Kingsley, co-founder of UsforThem, said: While vaccination of children will in theory be voluntary, a number of measures rolled out over the last year have been voluntary in name only. Were already seeing widespread peer pressure being applied to young people to take the vaccine. In France, where the vaccine is approved for those aged 12 and over, unjabbed children are already being treated unfavourably, she said. Last week a French minister said pupils who are not vaccinated will be sent home in the event of a Covid outbreak, while inoculated ones will be allowed to stay. Advertisement Now however, the committee believes it has 'more certainty' that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks and that serious side effects are rare and mainly come after a second dose. Universities minister Michelle Donelan yesterday denied the Government had piled pressure on the JCVI to reverse its policy. Downing Street also insisted it had not leant on the panel. But, in private, ministers have made little secret of their frustration, especially because authorities in the US, France and Germany have started jabbing children. Professor Adam Finn, a member of the JCVI and a paediatrician at the University of Bristol, said it was clear myocarditis was primarily a 'second dose risk'. The 16 and 17-year-olds will initially be given Pfizer jabs because Moderna has not yet been approved for them. Boris Johnson encouraged families to listen to the JCVI's advice, saying: 'They are extremely expert there, they're among the best, if not the best, in the world, they know what's safe and I think we should listen to them and take our lead from them.' Health Secretary Sajid Javid added: 'The JCVI will continue to review data and provide updates on at-risk groups aged 12 to 15 and whether any additional groups will be added.' He later confirmed the rollout for those aged 16 and 17 could take place via schools. 'It will be this month and so the way we're going to roll this out, I think as people will expect, is working through the clinicians, working through GPs, through the primary care networks,' he said. 'Also, we will use hospital hubs, we will use hubs like the one in Bournemouth I visited today that I was very impressed by. And also we'll be working through the already existing schools vaccination programme, which I think will help to bolster this.' But some scientists questioned why the JCVI was not including 12 to 15-year-olds. Peter Openshaw, a professor at Imperial College London and a government adviser, said: 'Vaccination of teenagers may have a major effect on the return of Covid next winter, assuming that the rates will drop this summer. 'Full vaccination takes time, so the sooner we start the sooner this age group will be protected.' Much-needed, but this may be too little too late, say scientists By Eleanor Hayward, Health Correspondent for the Daily Mail Scientists have called for vaccines to be available to younger children immediately claiming the decision to jab over-16s is too little, too late. The group of 18 healthcare experts have written a paper stating the UK is now a global outlier because it is not immunising 12 to 15-year-olds. They claim the jabs benefits clearly outweigh the risks in younger children. The scientists said there have so far been no deaths or serious adverse effects in the nine million under-18s vaccinated around the world. The paper, which is under review at The Lancet medical journal, added that the position of the Governments vaccines advisory committee contrasts with the policies of many other countries, including the US, Canada, Israel and much of Europe and south-east Asia, all of whom are currently vaccinating 12 to 17-year-olds. They criticised the JCVIs unacceptable delay in approving vaccines for over-16s, warning it means it will not be possible to fully vaccinate older teenagers before schools reopen. Lead author Professor Christina Pagel, of University College London, said: An opportunity to fully vaccinate students before the start of the next school term has been missed. This same decision even a month earlier would have allowed this. Advertisement Dr PAUL McKAY: I understand parents' concerns over Covid jab, but vaccinating is the right thing to do Commentary By Professor Paul McKay Any parent can be forgiven for feeling perplexed, if not alarmed, by the rapid reversal of the Governments position on Covid vaccination in the under-18s. Less than three weeks ago, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) ruled out the routine use of universal vaccination of children as data suggested the benefits did not outweigh the risks for youngsters. Yesterday we learned the jab is to be offered to 16 and 17-year-olds after all. So what is going on and how worried should parents and their teenagers be about the claims and counter-claims on safety? Tens of millions of Britons are now double-jabbed part of a coronavirus shield that protects us individually as well as those around us. Pictured: Professor Wei Shen Lim, chair of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), during a media briefing in Downing Street, London, on coronavirus (Covid-19). Picture date: Wednesday August 4, 2021 But vaccine availability has largely been limited to adults. That has set us apart from many other countries, including the US, Canada and France, which are routinely vaccinating all over-12s. That does not mean that we are lagging behind. On the contrary, assessing the benefits of vaccinating youngsters against any possible risks is an on-going process. And now JCVI scientists have analysed further data on vaccine safety and also taken into consideration the impact of the pandemic on school closures. They are confident that the jab is safe for teenagers and so issued new recommendations. This is good news. New infections are still flourishing and largely in younger age groups fuelled by the emergence of the more transmissible Delta variant. Some people think this doesnt matter, given that many youngsters appear to be largely asymptomatic and very few suffer long-term effects. But it matters a great deal because they can still infect others especially vulnerable individuals, including those who cannot have the vaccine. It will also matter a great deal come autumn when schools return. A surge in cases could have serious consequences for the education of our youngsters and wider society. I understand this decision has been greeted with caution by some parents who worry about potential longer-term consequences. And there is, I know, particular concern about fertility in the wake of reports of menstrual irregularities linked to the vaccine. Parents and teenagers are right to ask questions and they deserve honest answers. But too much of this debate is being played out in the lawless world of social media often in a post from an anonymous doctor or my friend who is a nurse or someone from the anti-vax movement. Such accounts have assiduously and shamelessly fed lies and misinformation to the public from the start of the pandemic. This sort of content, steeped as it is in conspiracy and paranoid thinking, can prove more exciting than the dry pronouncements of boring old experts and it is being lapped up by the young. Well, I do hope young people and their parents will listen to this boring old scientist when I tell them that all the evidence shows that Covid vaccines are every bit as safe for the young as they have proved in the elderly who were first in the queue many months ago. And as for fertility concerns, anecdotes and hearsay are no match for clear and rigorous evidence and our evidence is that the vaccine has no effect whatsoever on the male and female reproductive systems. What we do know is that the Covid virus can spread to the reproductive organs it has been found in testicles and ovaries. In other words, any young person who is concerned about their future fertility should, in my view, have the vaccine. Getting jabbed is the right thing to do to protect yourself and others. Dr McKay is a senior vaccine research scientist at Imperial College London. Celebrities, animal welfare campaigners and politicians joined forces last night to try to save an alpaca that faces being put down, possibly today. Joanna Lumley and Chris Packham are among those demanding ministers give a last-minute reprieve to eight-year-old Geronimo, who is believed to have bovine tuberculosis. The alpaca twice tested positive for the disease on arrival from New Zealand in 2017, despite previously testing negative. His owner Helen Macdonald, 50, from Wickwar, Gloucestershire, claims the tests produced false positives after Geronimo was injected with the drug tuberculin. She asked the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to carry out another test, but was refused. A judge issued a new warrant for Geronimo who is in isolation to be put down following a judicial review in the High Court last week. Geronimo the alpaca (pictured with his owner Helen Macdonald, 50) twice tested positive for bovine tuberculosis on arrival from New Zealand in 2017, despite previously testing negative The warrant takes effect from today. Actress Miss Lumley, a prominent animal rights activist, said last night: 'When in doubt, don't. So please spare Geronimo, as there is real doubt hanging over this death sentence.' Naturalist Packham called for Environment Secretary George Eustice to 'get a grip' and halt the planned killing. 'If [Miss Macdonald] refuses they'll use a warrant, bring the police and force entry to kill a beautiful animal which is not diseased,' he said. Miss Macdonald has spent 100,000 in legal costs and lost her alpaca business a further 80,000 in her bid to save Geronimo, who originally cost 15,000. She accused Defra of causing harm to her mental health. 'I am in complete limbo,' she said. Joanna Lumley (pictured) and Chris Packham are among those demanding ministers give a last-minute reprieve to eight-year-old Geronimo, who is believed to have bovine tuberculosis A judge issued a new warrant for Geronimo who is in isolation to be put down following a judicial review in the High Court last week. Pictured: Chris Packham 'They are giving me no ethical choice. I feel like a criminal.' Miss Macdonald appealed to Mr Eustice to provide consent to test Geronimo again. He has refused several previous requests. Defra has claimed its bovine tuberculosis test, designed for cattle, was effective for Geronimo. Liberal Democrat rural affairs spokesman Tim Farron said Geronimo's fate lay in Mr Eustice's hands. 'I'm sure he doesn't want to be known as the politician who effectively commissioned death by bureaucracy for this poor animal that might not even be diseased,' he said. Defra said: 'We are sympathetic to Miss Macdonald's situation. The testing results and options for Geronimo have been very carefully considered by Defra, the Animal and Plant Health Agency and its veterinary experts.' The devastated boyfriend of an Australian teacher who was raped and murdered while solo hiking a mountain in Georgia has vowed to avenge her death. Shanae Brooke Edwards, 31, was ambushed as she climbed Mount Mtatsminda, in Tbiilsi, on Friday, before search and rescue teams found her body the next day. Her enraged partner Moudy El Sayed vowed to track down her killer, not matter how long it took him, and give them a horrible death. 'I have one mission now in my life and that is to kill the person who took her life,' he said. 'I dont care if I spend the rest of my life behind bars, justice will be served and you are going to suffer the same she suffered. 'Justice will be served my love, that person I will personally bury him down under, nothing is going to stop me I promise you.' Shanae Brooke Edwards, 31, was hiking Mount Mtatsminda alone above Tbiilsi, Georgia, when she was ambushed on Friday and her body found the next day Ms Edwards was on a call to a friend in the US while trekking when she was heard shouting 'take your hands off me' - before the call cut out Mr El Sayed said he planned to be in Europe with Ms Edwards but the coronavirus pandemic kept them apart. He called her the 'love of his life' and said they had plans to start a family before she was callously murdered. Ms Edwards had been teaching English in the former Soviet republic for two years and travelling the world since 2016, when she left Melbourne. Georgia's Ministry of Internal Affairs launched an investigation into her death, which is being treated as a premeditated murder. Local media has reported a potential suspect with blonde hair, aged in his 30s, is now believed to be a person of interest. Mr El Sayed said the pair planned to move to Georgia together from Cambodia 'to start a new life', but they broke up and she went on her own. 'I was super proud of you, of what you achieved there quickly, and you were happy so I was happy,' he wrote on Facebook. Mr El Sayed, from Lebanon, said that last year they realised they were still 'madly in love', but Covid restrictions prevented them from reuniting. Ms Edwards' heartbroken former boyfriend Moudy El Sayed (pictured together) has vowed to avenge her death Ms Edwards has been remembered as a kind and caring person with a love of adventure and animals. Her death is being treated as a premeditated murder by the Georgian authorities 'I was ready to fly instantly to Georgia to be with you but the entry was forbidden unless I [was] vaccinated,' he wrote. 'At that point, getting vaccines in Lebanon was a hard mission but I tried and I tried and I tried and kept hitting walls of curfews, lockdowns, no vaccines and more. 'I was supposed to be there to protect you like I did all the time we were together. 'Your life was taken away by an evil person while you were doing something you loved hiking was one of your favourite things.' Mr El Sayed said the 'world and time' had stopped since he learnt of Ms Edwards death. 'I cant even think straight.[It's the] first time in my life Im lost and without a purpose,' he said. 'I lost the love of my life. We were supposed to get back together and have a family.' Ms Edwards was on a call to a friend in the US while trekking when she was heard shouting 'take your hands off me' - before the call cut out. Ms Edwards called the friend moments earlier, who heard her pleading 'please let me go, ok just let me go'. Ms Edwards went missing after being attacked on Mount Mtatsminda near Tbilisi, the capital of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, where she had been teaching English. Her body was discovered after an overnight search below Mtatsminda Park, which is on top of the mountain She was seen on CCTV footage leaving her apartment at 3.35pm on Friday with her hair tied up, wearing a black hiking outfit and carrying a green bag. On Friday afternoon, one local woman posted on an expats Facebook group that she heard 'a woman screaming at the trails under Mtatsminda Park' about an hour after Ms Edwards had left home. Mtatsminda Park is a booming tourist park with several adventure rides on top of Mount Mtatsminda. Another woman wrote in the same group claiming to have witnessed a disturbing sight on the mountain about the same time Ms Edwards went missing. She claimed to have seen a man having 'aggressive' sex with a woman about 50m away, while her and her partner were walking 'exactly one day before the missing expat'. Others urged her to report what she saw to police, while several reported separate incidents of harassment by one or more men in the same area previously. Members of the group helped to organise a search for Ms Edwards following the call. Her phone was tracked to the Mtatsminda Park but early searches proved fruitless. Ms Edwards' body was retrieved from near a mountain trail by a searchers including police with rescue dogs, volunteers and her friends, on Saturday. Her friends reported finding black leggings and winter boots discarded along her likely route. Ms Edwards' phone was tracked to Mtatsminda Park, a booming tourist funpark on top of the mountain she was hiking when she was attacked and murdered. A tram leading up the mountain is pictured above Ms Edwards' final Instagram post, of her on a motorbike on July 29, was captioned 'Joy' Dozens of tributes to the 'kind' and 'adventurous' Ms Edwards flooded social media this week, many with memories from around the world as she travelled 'There's also a tent and some weird s**t. Worth searching properly,' one searcher reported seeing. An old, rusty shovel was found, as were strange signs of life living among the trees. 'Signs of activity, firepits, used needles, lots of bottles in some spots,' one man reported. 'This spot below was freshly used and had some linens or clothes inside a plastic bag nearby. Bad smell in the area but more like human waste.' Georgian Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri told local media the suspect was believed to be a Georgian national - although that person was not yet in custody. 'The ministry and police officers are doing their best to find the murderer We [the Ministry of Internal Affairs] have some information, though I can not talk about it due to the interests of the investigation,' he said. Ms Edwards posted a photo of herself on a mountain with the caption 'Joy' on Instagram on Thursday. She volunteered with various causes in Melbourne including with homeless people and was a passionate animal lover, having rescued stray cats in Australia and Europe. Dozens of tributes to the 'kind' and 'adventurous' Ms Edwards flooded social media this week, many with memories from around the world as she travelled. Many remembered how she helped them find their feet in a foreign country when they arrived, or how they met her when she moved in. Ms Edwards was travelling the world since 2016, when she left Melbourne Ms Edwards had volunteered in Melbourne. Her body was retrieved by a team of volunteer searchers, including her friends, on Saturday July 31 Elina Osmanova, posted a video of Ms Edwards after she adopted a cat and her kittens, saying she had cut short a holiday to care for them. 'She was that kind of person. Loving and caring. I miss her so much,' she wrote. Another post called for help in taking care of and finding homes for a female street cat and her four kittens Ms Edwards was looking after. 'Shanae helped this cat that came to her house to give a birth. She let the furry family stay for a few months till the kittens grew a bit,' they wrote. 'She taught them to go to cat's toilet, vaccinated and treated from parasites all of them, and neutered the mom cat. 'Her friends know how she loved them!' Lina Kha posted to Instagram that Ms Edwards was 'one of the truest people I ever known. The warmest friend anyone can ever find'. 'I never told you how dear you were to me... You didn't deserve to go like this, but I'm glad I had a chance to spend some moments with you,' she wrote. Tributes for the kind and adventurous Shanae Brooke Edwards have flooded social media since her brutal murder Shanae Edwards was described as fun loving, adventurous and caring in tributes posted to social media since her murder 'You are forever in my mind. Anytime I'd ride a bike and play in my head Taking a Ride With My Best Friend by Depeche. 'Anytime I'd see an adorable Georgian house, anytime I'd stand on a top of a hill and see beautiful nature - I'd see you.' 'Shanae was always up for an adventure, so kind-hearted to those around her, full of laughter and a shining light. I lack the words to fully express what I feel, however I only have love for her,' Sarah Richards wrote. Another friend, Natalie Curro, described her as 'selfless, caring and tough as nails'. Mr Gomelauri confirmed there were reports of women being followed by men in Mtatsminda Park, but denied they had been assaulted. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs said it was was providing consular assistance to Ms Edwards' family. 'The Australian government offers its deepest condolences to the family of an Australian woman whose death is being investigated by authorities in Tbilisi, Georgia,' a DFAT statement read. The Biden administration is developing a plan to require nearly all foreign visitors to the United States to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The move would be part of eventually lifting travel restrictions that bar much of the world from entering the United States, a White House official told Reuters on Wednesday. The White House is not ready to immediately lift travel restrictions because of the rising COVID-19 case load, the official said. President Joe Biden 's administration is developing a plan that would require foreign visitors to show proof of vaccination Reuters first reported Wednesday Foreign visitors will have to show proof of vaccination to enter the U.S. if the plan goes through. A plane is seen taking off at Los Angeles International Airport The US border remains closed to 26 European countries, the UK, Iran, China, South Africa, Brazil and India because of COVID-19 concerns. Some of the border bans have not been updated since they were put in place back in March 2020 when the pandemic first took hold There have been worldwide concerns about the more contagious Delta variant of the virus. The Biden administration has interagency working groups working 'in order to have a new system ready for when we can reopen travel,' the official said. The source added it includes 'a phased approach that over time will mean, with limited exceptions, that foreign nationals traveling to the United States [from all countries] need to be fully vaccinated.' The White House has been asked frequently when travel restrictions might be lifted. On Tuesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked why unvaccinated individuals from other parts of the world were allowed to travel into the U.S., but vaccinated individuals from Europe and other banned countries weren't let in. 'I would certainly point you to our health and medical teams who make these decisions and evaluate what we need to do, from a public health perspective, to keep the American people safe at a time where the Delta variant is rising, and one where we are very cognizant about keeping the American people safe,' Psaki replied. During her visit to the White House last month, German Chancellor Angela Merkel articulated one sticking point: that countries don't want to have to close down travel again once it's initially opened. 'And obviously before such a decision, one has to reflect, and it has to be a sustainable decision,' Merkel said then. 'It is certainly not sensible to have to take it back after only a few days, so I have every confidence in the American COVID team.' Currently, non U.S.-citizens aren't allowed into the country from China, Iran, most of Europe, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Brazil, South African and India. Some of the border bans - such as the ones imposed on the EU, UK and China - have not been updated since they were put in place back in March 2020 when the pandemic first took hold. Biden has been facing mounting pressure to lift the ban - including from travel industry groups and lawmakers in his own party. On Monday the United Kingdom announced that fully vaccinated travelers from the U.S. and the European Union would be allowed back into the country without quarantining for 10 days. The EU reopened its borders to American tourists in June. The Biden administration has shied away from creating any sort of vaccine passport for Americans. Instead the White House has pushed local authorities and businesses to mandate vaccines for their work forces and customers. A fifth of women claim that their body confidence or lack of it has a constant impact on their sex lives. A similar proportion worry a 'great deal' about what partners thinks of their body, a body image study revealed yesterday. Some 18 per cent of women and 10 per cent of men say how secure they feel about their body constantly affects their sexual relationships. Women were more likely than men to feel pressure to look a certain way and worry about their partner's view of their body, with younger women particularly affected. Some 18 per cent of women and 10 per cent of men say how secure they feel about their body constantly affects their sexual relationships (stock image) Overall, 61 per cent of respondents said their feelings about their body affected sexual relationships, with one in seven adults (14 per cent) saying this was constant. A quarter said their sex lives were occasionally affected by these feelings. YouGov surveyed 2,271 UK respondents aged 16 and over in February for its body image project. The results show 21 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men worry a great deal about what their partner thinks of their body. A further 43 per cent of women and 39 per cent of men said they are 'somewhat bothered' by this. Three in ten women under 40 said they were very concerned about their partner's views on their appearance. GENES THAT PREDICT THE MENOPAUSE A blood test could tell women if they are close to menopause and when they might run out of time to have children. Scientists have found almost 300 genetic differences in women which can help to predict the timing of their menopause. Those with one genetic mutation can expect it 3.5 years later, which could give them longer to have a baby. It means a blood test to scan a woman's genes could determine when she will hit the menopause which typically comes age 45 to 55 and identify those at risk of very early menopause. Researchers from Cambridge, Exeter and Copenhagen universities looked at the genes of more than 200,000 women to discover 290 genes linked to the timing of the menopause. The study in the Nature journal identified one important gene called CHEK2 around one in 1,000 women have an inactive version of this gene. These women went through the menopause around 3.5 years later than those with an active version. Senior author Dr John Perry, of Cambridge University, said the results were 'exciting'. Advertisement As people get older they are less likely to report their sex lives being affected by body confidence issues but the gap between men and women persists, YouGov found. Women are more likely than men to feel that physical appearance matters 'a great deal', and feel pressured to have a certain body type. More than half (52 per cent) of women said physical appearance mattered a great deal, rising to 61 per cent of those aged 16 to 24. Some 39 per cent of men felt this way. Half of respondents (51 per cent) also felt pressured to have a certain body type with women significantly more likely to feel this way than men (61 per cent compared with 40 per cent). Younger women were far more likely than men of their age, and older women, to report feeling a great deal of expectation to look a certain way. Sex and relationships therapist Ammanda Major, head of service quality and clinical practice at Relate, said women faced unrealistic expectations. She said that 'people are consistently surrounded by images of perfect bodies, perfect everything in the media, in films, on social media, and it can be an insidious thing', and gradually they start 'to form a belief that you're not OK unless you are doing everything you can do to look a certain way'. She added: 'I think that's what becomes the pressure people telling themselves they're not good enough because they don't look like stuff they are seeing on social media or wherever. 'So there is something around standing back and learning to love that person in the mirror because that person is very likely absolutely fine.' The research also found that 87 per cent of respondents believed some people are treated more favourably because they are good looking. YouGov project manager Milan Dinic said the survey suggested women felt body image pressures more acutely than men, with very few feeling no pressure to look a certain way. He said: 'The vast majority of the public think that how someone looks matters a lot in today's society.' Tom Madders, from the charity YoungMinds, said body image concerns can have a significant impact on the mental health of young people, adding: 'Be kind to yourself and try to remember that images online are often digitally altered to make them look 'perfect'.' Cancer patients have been 'forgotten' during the pandemic with one in three suffering disruption to treatment, a report has revealed. Cancer Research UK found 29 per cent of patients had life-saving treatment including chemotherapy or surgery delayed, cancelled or changed. And 31 per cent said their care had deteriorated compared with before Covid. One in ten said 'very good' care had slipped to 'average' or below. The survey of 900 cancer patients was conducted between December 2020 and March this year, during the second wave of the UK's epidemic. Cancer Research UK found 29 per cent of patients had life-saving treatment including chemotherapy or surgery delayed, cancelled or changed (stock image) Around two-thirds said they now feel more 'frustrated' and 'anxious'. Many reported a sense of being forgotten, with one breast cancer patient saying: 'I felt abandoned and in the dark.' Michelle Mitchell, Cancer Research UK's chief executive, said: 'Covid-19 hit the health system hard, but even before the pandemic struck, cancer targets were not being met. 'And now, for the first time in decades, we're faced with the fact that cancer survival could go backwards.' Latest data shows 38,000 fewer people have started treatment for cancer in the past year, and the charity said tens of thousands are still facing delays to tests and treatment. Thousands of non-Covid operations were cancelled to free up space for patients with the virus. Data shows 38,000 fewer people have started treatment for cancer in the past year, and Cancer Research said tens of thousands are still facing delays to tests (stock image) The Government's 'stay at home' message during lockdown has also been blamed for putting people off getting symptoms checked, meaning many people are getting diagnosed when their cancer is at a more advanced stage. Professor Charles Swanton, Cancer Research UK's chief clinician, said: 'Remarkable adaptability and resilience has been shown by NHS staff, with hospitals providing COVID-19 free spaces and tele consultations. 'But we also know cancer patients faced a lot more uncertainty than usual and last-minute changes to their care, as a result of the pandemic. 'Although there are challenges in the health system, it's very important that anyone who has noticed an unusual change in their body, gets in touch with their GP. 'And if it's tricky getting an appointment, do keep trying because your GP wants to hear from you. Early diagnosis can make all the difference.' If you're struggling to love your body, a new study suggests you'll be happy with it eventually. Researchers assessed the body satisfaction of around 15,000 men and women in New Zealand over the course of six years. They found body satisfaction increased across the lifespan for both men and women, but women specifically started to love their body around the age of 60 and men between the ages of 59 and 64. It's possible that a newfound appreciation for how we look around the 60-mark coincides with our health becoming more important than our looks for both men and women. The researchers warn that for women, pregnancy and postpartum periods typically lead to physiological changes that can negatively affect body image. These are 'inconsistent with rigid beauty ideals', they say, such as weight gain, body shape changes, hair thinning and skin blemishes. Despite this, it may be possible that body dissatisfaction is less severe than it was several generations ago, according to the researchers. Body satisfaction increases across the lifespan for men and women, a new study from experts in Australia and the University of Auckland in New Zealand reveals. But women specifically started to love their body around the age of 60 BODY SATISFACTION IS BEST AROUND AGE 60 Women Heightened body satisfaction: 60 years old Lowest body satisfaction: 2429 and 3439 years Men Heightened body satisfaction: 59-64 years old Lowest body satisfaction: 44-49 years old Advertisement The study was conducted by scientists at Griffith University and the University of Queensland in Australia and University of Auckland in New Zealand. 'Results of this study show a relatively flat pattern for women with a slight increase in womens body satisfaction across the lifespan, especially in later years of life from roughly 60 years of age,' they say. 'This finding sits in contrast to our predictions and a body of research suggesting that body dissatisfaction is relatively stable across the female lifespan.' The team claim 'body-related perceptual shifts' may gradually occur across the female lifespan as women get older. This buffers against the impact of 'damaging thin and youthful ideals' in Western cultures that may make women want to lose weight. For the study, researchers examined patterns of change and cohort effects in body image across the male and female adult lifespan. The longitudinal study assessed body satisfaction in 15,264 participants 62.9 per cent of whom were women aged between 18 to 94 years of age from various waves of the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. It's possible that a newfound appreciation for how we look around the 60-mark coincides with our health becoming more important than our looks - for both men and women EIGHT YEAR OLDS HAVE BODY IMAGE ISSUES Children as young as eight have body image issues, a 2018 study. Youngsters become self-conscious of their appearances when their hormone levels rise in preparation for puberty, according to the authors. They analysed sex hormone levels in 516 boys and 621 girls aged between eight and nine years old. The youngsters were shown eight illustrated silhouettes of children that ranged from very thin to very obese. They were asked to choose the silhouette they felt they most looked like, known as the self rating, and then the image they wished to look like; the ideal rating. Lead author Dr Elizabeth Hughes, from the University of Melbourne, said: 'What we have learnt is that pre-pubescent children, as young as eight and nine, are vulnerable to poor body image and the dissatisfaction does appear to be linked to hormone levels associated with the onset of puberty. Advertisement The participants' body satisfaction was assessed over the course of six years, from 2010 to 2015. Body satisfaction was measured with the response to a single statement 'I am satisfied with the appearance, size and shape of my body' scored on a scale from 1 (very inaccurate) to 7 (very accurate). Body satisfaction increased across the lifespan for men and women, while men were shown to consistently have greater body satisfaction than women, the study found. Contrary to existing research, the findings also found recent improvements in body image for women of a certain cohort. Young and middle-aged women were shown to grow happier with their bodies during the studys assessment period. Women who entered the survey at 19, 29, 39, 44, and 49 years of age each showed significant improvement in their body image over the five years of assessment. 'These patterns were so marked, that in many cases women were entering age stages with higher body satisfaction than that reported by their preceding cohort who entered the study five years prior,' the authors say. 'These results depict a positive story that sits in contrast to much of the past literature, in which body image appeared to be getting increasingly worse across time and generations.' For women aged 54 years and below, all but two cohorts (24 to 29 and 34 to 39 years) displayed an upward trajectory in their body satisfaction. Declines in body satisfaction for these two cohorts may be due to potential declines during biological periods of vulnerability, such as post-partum and menopausal periods. In men, meanwhile, the 39 to 44 cohort had higher levels of body satisfaction than the 44 to 49 cohort, which showed a marked decline. 'Overall, the results of the current paper demonstrate an improvement in body satisfaction across the lifespan for both men and women. 'While men consistently demonstrated greater body satisfaction than their female counterparts, cohort effects suggest increasing body positivity (or at least less appearance related negativity) for women.' The study has been published in the journal Body Image. NASA has revealed new details about a worrying mishap that saw the International Space Station (ISS) thrown out of control by a 22-ton Russian research module. The US space agency said the ISS backflipped and was left upside down when Nauka's jet thrusters misfired, just hours after docking with the space station. When the incident happened last Thursday, NASA said it caused the ISS to move out of attitude its orientation in relation to its direction of travel by 45 degrees, or one-eighth of a complete circle. However, the flight director who was in charge at the time has since revealed this was 'a little incorrectly reported' and the actual figure was closer to 540 degrees. This means the ISS performed 1.5 backflips when it was sent spinning and required a 180-degree forward flip to regain its original position. The station's position is key for getting power from its solar panels. If this was lost, the ISS would 'decay', meaning it would get closer and closer to Earth before it came crashing down. Scroll down for video NASA has revealed new details about a worrying mishap that saw the International Space Station (ISS) thrown out of control by a 22-ton Russian research module. Nauka (left) is seen docked to the ISS next to the Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft on July 29, 2021 Russian cosmonauts aboard the ISS shared a glimpse of their new module Nauka earlier this week, after it made headlines when it inadvertently fired its thrusters after docking THE NAUKA MODULE The Nauka module is designed to serve as a research lab, storage unit and airlock that will upgrade Russia's capabilities aboard the ISS. Nauka will be a new science facility, docking port and spacewalk airlock for future operations, along with providing additional crew quarters, a galley and a toilet. Nauka, which means 'science' in Russian launched on July 21 atop one of the country's Proton rockets. It docked with the ISS on July 29 - but for some reason mistakenly fired its thrusters and caused the ISS to move out of orientation. Advertisement Zebulon Scoville told the The New York Times it was actually his day off from NASA's mission control center in Houston when the tumbling mishap took place. He had led earlier preparations for Nauka's arrival and out of curiosity 'decided to put on a tie and just go and watch it [the docking] from the viewing gallery behind the control room'. Nauka, which is designed to serve as a research lab, storage unit and airlock, docked at the ISS on Thursday at 9:29am EDT (2:29pm BST). The flight director in charge had several meetings that afternoon so Mr Scoville was asked if he would step in to cover the second half of the shift. But within seconds of taking over he said 'the caution warning board lit up.' The US space agency said the seven crew members aboard two Russian cosmonauts, three NASA astronauts, a Japanese astronaut and a European space agency astronaut from France were never in any immediate danger. However, Mr Scoville said it was the first time he had declared a 'spacecraft emergency' in his seven years as a NASA flight director. 'You get about half a breath of "Oh, geez, what now?" and then you kind of push that down and just work the problem,' he said. The incident began about three hours after Nauka latched onto the ISS, as mission controllers in Moscow were performing some post-docking 'reconfiguration' procedures. Nauka's jets inexplicably restarted, causing the entire station to pitch out of its normal flight position some 250 miles above the Earth, setting off a 'tug of war' between the two modules as NASA struggled to regain control of the ISS. The space station performed a backflip at the rate of 0.56 degrees per second as the aft section was pulled down by the Russian module on its underbelly. Onboard: This graphic offers a sneak peak inside the 22-ton Russian research module Nauka Pictured is the current configuration of the International Space Station (ISS). Three spaceships are docked at the space station including the SpaceX Crew Dragon, Russia's Soyuz MS-18 crew ship and ISS Progress 78 resupply ship. The new Nauka Multipurpose Logistics Module (MLM) is now attached to the Zvezda service module's Earth-facing port An unexpected drift in the station's orientation was first detected by automated ground sensors, followed 15 minutes later by a 'loss of attitude control' that lasted a little over 45 minutes, according to Joel Montalbano, manager of NASA's space station program. Russian specialists were unable to stop Nauka's thrusters so tried to counteract the momentum by firing thrusters on both the Zvezda Service Module and a Progress cargo ship docked to the station. For reasons unknown, the Nauka engines eventually cut off perhaps because they ran out of fuel before the ISS was stabilised and its orientation restored by activating thrusters on another module of the orbiting platform. Communication with the astronauts was lost for several minutes twice during the disruption, but 'there was no immediate danger at any time to the crew', who 'really didn't feel any movement', Montalbano said. Had the situation become dangerous enough to require evacuation, the crew could have escaped in a SpaceX capsule still parked at the outpost and designed to serve as a 'lifeboat' if needed. Boeing's CST-100 Starliner spacecraft sits atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, on Space Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station ready for the second un-piloted test flight to the International Space Station. The launch was scheduled for July 30 but has been delayed until today Explaining the cause of the problem, the Russian space agency Roscosmos said last Friday there was a software glitch on Nauka, and as a result, 'a direct command was given to fire the module's engines.' A NASA spokesperson said the 45 degrees figure was reported as the drama was still unfolding and that the actual value of 540 degrees was only confirmed following post-incident analysis. The malfunction forced NASA to postpone its planned launch of Boeing's new CST-100 Starliner capsule on a highly anticipated uncrewed test flight to the ISS until August 3, before a technical problem pushed that to today. The Starliner, which will transport up to seven passengers to and from low-Earth orbit, had been set to blast off atop an Atlas V rocket on July 30 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Advertisement A Swiss startup has revealed plans for a hyperloop system that could transport passengers at speeds of up to 745 miles per hour beneath the Alps. Monthey-based firm Swisspod is promising a hyperloop system capable of transporting passengers and cargo from Geneva to Zurich in only 17 minutes or New York City to Washington, DC in just 30 minutes. This is about one ninth the duration of the equivalent train journey in Switzerland and one seventh the duration of the US journey, all at a fraction of the carbon footprint of plane travel. Swisspod plans to bring its hyperloop to the market in four to five years, according to Denis Tudor, its CEO and co-founder, and will 'know within nine months from now' how to implement the technology based on its work at a mini test site. Tudor previously said his company's vessels will travel somewhere between 620-745 miles per hour (1,000-1,200 kilometres per hour), if it can successfully build the propulsion system required. The firm hasn't revealed costs for the ambitious project, but if rolled out, the passenger vessels will be able to automatically decelerate during tunnel curvatures 'for a ride thats as smooth as silk', according to the firm. Scroll down for video Swisspod is a Hyperloop startup founded in 2019. Its passenger pods, pictured here in an artist's impression, will be capable of transporting passengers at high speeds The vessels will travel somewhere between 1,000-1,200 kilometres per hour, or 620-745 miles per hour, if the firm can successfully build the propulsion system required Swisspod plans to bring its hyperloop to the market in four to five years, according to Denis Tudor, its CEO and co-founder. The firm was only founded two years ago and is based in Monthey, Switzerland Swisspod is promising a hyperloop system capable of transporting passengers and cargo from Geneva to Zurich in only 17 minutes or New York City to Washington, DC in just 30 minutes. This is about one ninth the duration of the equivalent train journey in Switzerland and one seventh the duration of the US journey, all at a fraction of the carbon footprint of plane travel. HOW DOES IT WORK? One of the big challenges of a Hyperloop is its propulsion system. To keep costs down, the energy required for propulsion in the EPFL design will not come from the track as it does for Maglev trains but will be carried by the pods themselves. They will be equipped with linear induction motors, although further development work is needed to reduce the pods power consumption. Linear induction motors produce motion in a straight line, as opposed to the rotational motion of a wheel. The target is to reach a power consumption of 1050 Wh/km per passenger (depending on how long the trip is), compared with 97100 Wh/km for electric cars and 515600 Wh/km for planes. Advertisement Hyperloop is a proposed method of travel being worked on by several companies that would transport people at top speeds between distant locations. The concept first proposed in 1910 by US engineer Robert Goddard received renewed interest in 2013 due to a white paper by billionaire entrepreneur and SpaceX founder Elon Musk. But the Swisspod project is unique in that it relies on linear induction motor within its high-speed autonomous vessels. Linear induction motors directly produce motion in a straight line, as opposed to the rotational motion of a wheel. Other hyperloop projects make use of the 'Maglev' system, which involves two sets of magnets one set to repel and push the train up off the track, and another set to move the elevated train ahead, taking advantage of the lack of friction. 'To keep costs down, the energy required for propulsion in the EPFL design will not come from the track as it does for Maglev trains but will be carried by the pods themselves,' EPFL says in a statement. 'They will be equipped with linear induction motors, although further development work is needed to reduce the pods power consumption.' Swisspod and EPFL have just finished construction of its miniature prototype track for the project, funded by a Swiss government grant. Hyperloop is a proposed method of travel being worked on by several companies that would transport people at top speeds between distant locations The interior and exterior of the moving vessels, as well as the huge underground tubes, will feature a minimalist red and white design in a nod to Switzerland's national flag Artist's impression of the interior where passengers would be sat, in plush red seats. One disadvantage of travelling underground is the lack of view Hyperloops stand to revolutionize long-distance travel. The concept, first proposed back in 1910 by US engineer Robert Goddard - received renewed interest in 2013 thanks to a white paper by Elon Musk The small circular version of the final system, about 130 feet in diameter, is based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). The large vacuum tube will allow experts to test the linear induction motor that will propel the real thing. 'With this reduced-scale test track, we will be able to study the fundamental aspects of our pods electromagnetic propulsion and levitation system,' said Mario Paolone, head of the EPFLs distributed electrical systems laboratory. Swisspod and EPFL have just finished construction of its miniature prototype track for the ambitious project, funded by a Swiss government grant The miniature circular version of the final system, about 130 feet in diameter, is based at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) 'We'll use the results to enhance the pod design and make the loop operate more efficiently.' Swisspod was founded in 2019 by Tudor and Cyril Denereaz, multiple-award winners of the SpaceX Hyperloop Competition run by Musk's firm. Hyperloop projects are already under way the Port of Hamburg, Toulouse, the Near East, China and in the Nevada desert, courtesy of Sir Richard Branson's company Virgin Hyperloop. Last November, Virgin Hyperloop staff rode a pod along a portion of massive white tube, which is still being constructed in Nevada. Virgin Hyperloop co-founder Josh Giegel said the experience will feel like an aircraft at take-off and at speed for passengers. Scientists are working on a pacemaker of the future that is battery-free and could be powered by the heart itself. Typical pacemakers consist of a pulse generator, which has a battery and a tiny computer circuit, and one or more wires known as pacing leads, which attach to your heart. The pulse generator emits electrical impulses through the wires to your heart and the rate at which they are sent out is called the pacing rate. The devices are life-saving, but they don't last forever. Currently, most pacemaker batteries have to be replaced every five to 12 years, and doing so means invasive surgery each time. However, researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University are trying to solve this problem by developing a device that piggybacks off the heart itself to generate energy meaning a pacemaker battery would never have to be replaced. Scroll down for video Scientists are working on a pacemaker of the future that is battery-free and could be powered by the heart itself. At their device's centre are layers of piezoelectric material, which generate power whenever it is bent How do traditional pacemakers work? A pacemaker is a small device about the size of a matchbox or smaller that weighs 20 to 50g. It consists of a pulse generator, which has a battery and a tiny computer circuit, and 1 or more wires known as pacing leads, which attach to your heart. The pulse generator emits electrical impulses through the wires to your heart. The rate at which the electrical impulses are sent out is called the pacing rate. Almost all modern pacemakers work on demand. This means they can be programmed to adjust the discharge rate in response to your body's needs. If the pacemaker senses that your heart has missed a beat or is beating too slowly, it sends signals at a steady rate. If it senses that your heart is beating normally by itself, it doesn't send out any signals. Most pacemakers have a special sensor that recognises body movement or your breathing rate. This allows them to speed up the discharge rate when you're active. Doctors describe this as rate responsive. Source: NHS Advertisement Yi Zhiran and his team are investing batteryless powering and leadless pacing, but the challenge has been to obtain sufficient power by harvesting heart kinetic energy. 'If the practical force of the heart is 0.5 newtons, the output power should be about 192 microwatts,' Yi said. 'Therefore, for the commercial pacemaker, just about no less than 10 microwatts is sufficient for its normal work.' A healthy heart can keep time for itself, by way of an internal pacemaker called the sinus node in the upper right chamber. It fires off an electrical charge some 60 to 100 times a minute, and that electrical energy sets off a series of contractions of heart muscle which in turn pumps blood throughout the body. But as the heart ages or once it becomes diseased, the sinus node takes a hit, too, and may fail to keep the heart beating in time or at all. Fortunately, since the late 1950s, we've been able to substitute a small, implantable, battery-powered device to send these electrical signals once the heart can't any more. Even 60 years later, however, we haven't figured out what to do about the device's power supply. Surgery to place the pacemaker and wires that feed its electrical pulses to the heart is complex, requiring doctors to open the chest cavity. The pacemaker itself is tucked away in a 'pocket' much closer to the skin surface. Once the battery runs out, usually only a local anesthetic is required to remove the old device and put a new, fully charged one in. Still, the procedure is an unpleasant hassle that comes with a risk of infection, and it's expensive to have done. But Yi and his team now think they have an answer to the problem. At their device's centre are layers of piezoelectric material, which generate power whenever they are bent. Many materials acquire an electrical charge when force is applied to them, including natural ones in our bodies. Typical pacemakers (pictured) consist of a pulse generator, which has a battery and a tiny computer circuit, and one or more wires known as pacing leads, which attach to your heart Crystals, DNA and even bone are capable of capturing electrical energy. The trick is to apply enough force to a piezoelectric material, then supercharge it, because, on their own, these materials don't work up much energy. Scientists have long been looking to piezoelectricity as an elegant solution to recapturing otherwise wasted energy, and some have even applied it to the pacemaker before. But, previously, other researchers have not been able to create a device that bends enough to generate sufficient power. Yi said: 'A batteryless pacemaker is feasible through using implantable energy harvesting technology, which provides a sustainable power supply method.' He and his team are now trying to overcome some drawbacks to the device, such as its long-term stability in the human body, the implanting method, and the integration between the rigid pacing chip and the flexible energy harvesting unit. 'The first research plan is to achieve the integration of the flexible pacing circuit and the energy harvesting unit. Then, we will carry out the verification of long-term stability in vivo,' he added. The presentation 'Mechanism on Buckled Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Batteryless Heartworn Pacemaker' will be available during the three-day conference. The oldest example of applied geometry has been discovered on a 3,700-year-old clay tablet featuring maths attributed to Pythagoras 1,000 years later. The tablet, known as Si.427 was discovered in the late 19th Century in central Iraq, but its significance had remained unknown until it was analysed in more detail by mathematicians from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. The tablet dates from the Old Babylonian period, which was between 1900 to 1600 BC, and includes maths that was used by surveyors to define land boundaries. Lead author Dr Daniel Mansfield described it as a 'significant object' due to the fact it includes an example of what is now known as 'Pythagorean triples', used to make accurate right angles, but 1,000 years before Pythagoras was alive. The oldest example of applied geometry has been discovered on a 3,700-year-old clay tablet featuring maths usually attributed to Pythagoras WHAT IS A PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLE? A Pythagorean triple is three positive numbers - a, b and c. Triples are commonly written as (a,b,c) and a common example is 3,4,5. It is derived from Pythagorean theorem where every right triangle has side lengths that satisfy a2 + b2 = c2. Other triples include (5,12,13), (7,24,25) and (8,15,17). While attributed to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras, they have been found on tablets from 1,000 years before he lived. They are widely used by engineers and architects in planning everything from a roof slope to engine position. Advertisement 'It's the only known example of a cadastral document from the Old Babylonian period, which is a plan used by surveyors to define land boundaries, said Dr Mansfield. 'In this case, it tells us legal and geometric details about a field that's split after some of it was sold off.' He said the discovery and analysis of the tablet have important implications for the history of mathematics, putting geometry centuries earlier than first thought. In 2017, Dr Mansfield found that another fascinating artefact from the same period, known as Plimpton 322, was a unique kind of trigonometric table. He said: 'It is generally accepted that trigonometry - the branch of maths that is concerned with the study of triangles - was developed by the ancient Greeks studying the night sky in the 2nd Century BC. 'But the Babylonians developed their own alternative 'proto-trigonometry' to solve problems related to measuring the ground, not the sky.' Si.427 is thought to have existed even before Plimpton 322 - in fact, surveying problems likely inspired Plimpton 322, according to Dr Mansfield. He said: 'There is a whole zoo of right triangles with different shapes. 'But only a very small handful can be used by Babylonian surveyors. Plimpton 322 is a systematic study of this zoo to discover the useful shapes.' Back in 2017, the research team speculated about the purpose of the Plimpton 322, hypothesising that it was likely to have had some practical purpose, possibly used to build palaces, temples, canals or survey fields. Dr Mansfield said the new tablet reveals why they were interested in geometry when creating Plimpton 322 - to lay down precise land boundaries. 'This is from a period where land is starting to become private - people started thinking about land in terms of 'my land and your land', wanting to establish a proper boundary to have positive neighbourly relationships,' he said. Lead author Dr Daniel Mansfield (pictured) described it as a 'significant object' due to the fact it includes an example of what is now known as 'Pythagorean triples', used to make accurate right angles, but 1,000 years before Pythagoras was alive PYTHAGORAS: GREEK PHILOSOPHER Pythagoras of Samos was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher famed for his work in geometry. He was the founder of the school of Pythagoreanism and was influenced by Plato and Aristotle. He was born around 570 BC and lived until about 495 BC, at about age 75. He was credited with mathematical and scientific discoveries. These included the Pythagorean theorem, the Theory of Proportions and the sphericity of the Earth. He also identified Venus and was the first to call himself a philosopher. A number of the discoveries attributed to Pythagoras may have been developed originally by Babylonians. Advertisement 'And this is what this tablet immediately says. It's a field being split, and new boundaries are made.' Dr Mansfield says there are even clues hidden on other tablets from that time period about the stories behind the boundaries. One refers to a dispute between Sin-bel-apli - a prominent individual mentioned on many tablets including Si.427 - and a wealthy female landowners. The dispute is over valuable date palms on the border between their two properties. The local administrator agrees to send out a surveyor to resolve the dispute. 'It is easy to see how accuracy was important in resolving disputes between such powerful individuals,' said Dr Mansfield, adding the way boundaries are made reveals a real understanding of geometry. 'Nobody expected that the Babylonians were using Pythagorean triples in this way,' he added. 'It is more akin to pure mathematics, inspired by the practical problems of the time.' Dr Mansfield explained that a simple way to make an accurate right angle is to make a rectangle with sides 3 and 4, and diagonal 5. These special numbers form the 3-4-5 'Pythagorean triple' and a rectangle with those measurements has mathematically perfect right angles. The tablet, known as Si.427 was discovered in the late 19th Century in central Iraq, but its significance had remained unknown until it was analysed in more detail by mathematicians from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia This was important to ancient surveyors and is still used thousands of years later. 'The ancient surveyors who made Si.427 did something even better: they used a variety of different Pythagorean triples, both as rectangles and right triangles, to construct accurate right angles,' said Dr Mansfield. However, he said it is difficult to work with prime numbers bigger than five in the base 60 Babylonian number system. 'This raises a very particular issue - their unique base 60 number system means that only some Pythagorean shapes can be used,' he explained. In 2017, Dr Mansfield found that another fascinating artefact from the same period, known as Plimpton 322 (pictured), was a unique kind of trigonometric table WHAT IS THE PLIMPTON 322 TABLET? A trigonometric table allows people to use one known ratio of the sides of a right-angle triangle to determine the other two unknown ratios. Plimpton 322 uses a particular form of trigonometry to make these calculations. The tablet has four columns and 15 rows of numbers written on it in the cuneiform script of the time using a base 60, or sexagesimal, system. The 15 rows on the tablet describe a sequence of 15 right-angle triangles, which are steadily decreasing in inclination. This would have let builders quickly calculate how to build palaces, temples and canals. Researchers believe that there were originally six columns and that the tablet was meant to be completed with 38 rows. This would have allowed for an even greater number of calculations. Advertisement 'It seems that the author of Plimpton 322 went through all these Pythagorean shapes to find these useful ones. 'This deep and highly numerical understanding of the practical use of rectangles earns the name 'proto-trigonometry' but it is completely different to our modern trigonometry involving sin, cos, and tan.' Dr Mansfield first learned about Si.427 when reading about it in excavation records - the tablet was dug up during the Sippar expedition of 1894, in what is the Baghdad province of Iraq today. He added: 'It was a real challenge to trace the tablet from these records and physically find it - the report said that the tablet had gone to the Imperial Museum of Constantinople, a place that obviously doesn't exist anymore. 'Using that piece of information, I went on a quest to track it down, speaking to many people at Turkish government ministries and museums, until one day in mid 2018 a photo of Si.427 finally landed in my inbox. 'That's when I learned that it was actually on display at the museum. 'Even after locating the object it still took months to fully understand just how significant it is, and so it's really satisfying to finally be able to share that story.' But one mystery remains, according to Dr Mansfield. On the back of the tablet, at the very bottom, it lists the sexagesimal number '25:29' in big font - think of it as 25 minutes and 29 seconds. He added: 'I can't figure out what these numbers mean - it's an absolute enigma. 'I'm keen to discuss any leads with historians or mathematicians who might have a hunch as to what these numbers are trying to tell us.' The findings have been published in the journal Foundations of Science. Stonehenge may have lasted so long because of the unique geochemical composition of the standing stones, a new study suggests. An international team of scientists analysed wafer-thin slices of a core sample from one of the great sandstone slabs, known as sarsens, under a microscope. The 3.5-foot-long sample, called Philip's Core, was extracted more than 60 years ago and only returned to Britain two years ago after being kept souvenir in the US for decades. Philip's Core has broken into six separate pieces since it was extracted one of which, measuring just 2.6 inches (67mm) in length, the researchers borrowed for their analysis. The analysis shows the sarsen is made up of mainly sand-sized quartz grains that are cemented tightly together by an interlocking mosaic of quartz crystals. This explains the stone's resistance to weathering over the last 5,000 years and why it made an ideal material for building such a monument, according to the experts. Geochemical analysis shows Stonehenge (pictured) may have survived so long due to sand-sized quartz grains that are cemented tightly together by an interlocking mosaic of crystals Microscope image from the sarsen sample showing the tightly interlocking mosaic of quartz crystals that cement the rock together. The outlines of quartz sand grains are indicated by arrows Pictured is the 2.6-inch (67mm) piece of Phillip's Core that the authors of this new study borrowed for analysis. It's the shortest piece of Phillip's Core that now remains WHAT IS SARSEN? The word 'sarsen' is a shortening of 'Saracen stone' that arose in the Wiltshire dialect. By definition, it refers to any of numerous large sandstone blocks or fragments found in south-central England. Sarsens were used to construct Stonehenge and other prehistoric stone circles, such as those around the Wiltshire village of Avebury. Advertisement Chemical data from the Phillip's Core were used last year to show that most of the large sarsen stones came from around 15 miles to the north, in West Woods on the edge of the Marlborough Downs, Wiltshire. This new research provides further data that could be used to trace the sources of the remaining stones, according to the team. The study was led by Professor David Nash at the University of Brighton and involved geologists, geomorphologists and archaeologists from institutions including British Geological Survey, English Heritage and the Natural History Museum. 'It is extremely rare as a scientist that you get the chance to work on samples of such national and international importance,' said Professor Nash. 'Thanks to help from organisations such as the British Geological Survey and the Natural History Museum we have been able apply a suite of state-of-the-art techniques to the Phillip's Core. 'We have CT-scanned the rock, zapped it with X-rays, looked at it under various microscopes and analysed its sedimentology and chemistry. Aerial view of Stonehenge (pictured) - one of the worlds most famous prehistoric monuments Photo shows the length of the longest piece that remains of Philip's Core. It once measured 3.5 feet in length 'This small sample is probably the most analysed piece of stone other than Moon rock!' Sarsens were used to construct Stonehenge and other prehistoric stone circles, such as those around the Wiltshire village of Avebury. Typically weighing 20 tonnes and standing up to 7 metres tall, sarsens form all 15 stones of Stonehenge's central horseshoe, the uprights and lintels of the outer circle, as well as outlying stones such as the Heel Stone, the Slaughter Stone and the Station Stones. Drilling work at Stonehenge in 1958 during which cores of sarsen stone were extracted from Stone 58, part of the trilithon horseshoe at the centre of the monument. Robert Phillips, who returned one of the cores to Britain in 2018, is pictured left The experts wanted to investigate how the stones originally formed before being moved into place at the monument during the Neolithic period. Researchers were gifted a unique opportunity to analyse Philip's Core, the narrow cylindrical sample, which was drilled from Stone 58 at Stonehenge during conservation work by British firm Van Moppes in 1958. The location of the core remained a mystery until 2018 when the late Robert Phillips, a representative of Van Moppes, returned it to Britain from his home in Florida. Robert Phillips had been given permission to take the core in the 1950s after the drilling work was completed. It may have broken into pieces soon after it was extracted, according to Professor Nash. 'The core went right through the sarsen upright as there is dead lichen at either end,' he said. After it was returned to Britain, Robert's sons, Lewis and Robin, were pictured at Stonehenge with the full length core in a perspex tube that hung in their father's office. Left, Lewis Phillips, and right, Robin Phillips (the sons of Robert Phillips) holding the full 3.5-foot core in a perspex tube. Professor Nash says: 'If you look closely at the area just to the right of Lewis Phillips' left hand you can see one of the cracks.' In the middle is Heather Sebire from English Heritage Jake Ciborowski (University of Brighton) analysing the whole of Philip's Core being analysed with a portable x-ray fluorescence spectrometer Due to its protected status, taking samples directly from stones at Stonehenge would be almost impossible today. Stone 58, from which Philip's Core was taken, is representative geochemically of 50 of the 52 sarsens remaining at Stonehenge, the study authors say. Chemical isotopes in the sample indicate that the sand grains were originally eroded from pre-existing sedimentary rocks from the Mesozoic era. David Nash (University of Brighton) analysing the sarsen core extracted from Stone 58 at Stonehenge. The Mesozoic Era is a the name given to the period from 250 million to 65 million years ago and encompasses the lifetime of dinosaurs. What's more, these Mesozoic rocks incorporated much older sediments from the Mesoproterozoic era 1 billion to 1.6 billion years ago. The experts used a technique called cathodoluminescence imaging, which collects and measures the light generated by an electron beam directed at a material. Image from the interior of a sarsen stone using cathodoluminescence imaging. The outlines of sand grains (pale blue, black) and multiple layers of quartz cement (red) are clearly visible It revealed the interlocking quartz cements developed through at least 16 cycles of mineral deposition, most likely as a result of wetting and drying while the sediment was buried underground. According to the experts, no previous investigation has analysed a single sarsen boulder with such a range of complementary techniques. Professor Nash said the data will support future research on sarsens at Stonehenge and other nearby Neolithic monuments. The study has been published in the journal PLOS One. A group of New York University researchers say they have been banned from Facebook for looking into political ad transparency and misinformation on the ubiquitous social network. Members of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, who call themselves Cybersecurity for Democracy (CFD) created Ad Observer, a browser plug-in that automatically scrapes data on what political ads users are being shown and why. On its website, the group insists the plug-in does not collect personal information, like names, Facebook friends, or how users interacted with the ads. Claiming their work was non-partisan, they say it's 'important to democracy to be able to check who is trying to influence the public and how.' But in a blog post Tuesday, Facebook project management director Mike Clark said the personal accounts of three CFD members were suspended because the Ad Observer plug-in used 'unauthorized means to access and collect data from Facebook, in violation of our terms of service'. Scroll down for video Members of NYU's engineering school created a plug-in that scrapes political ads, like this for Marjorie Taylor Greene, from Facebook users' feeds to show visitors when the ad ran, its reach, how much it cost and who paid for it 'Today, we disabled the accounts, apps, Pages and platform access associated with NYU's Ad Observatory Project and its operators,' Clark wrote in a post titled 'Research cannot be the justification for compromising people's privacy.' CFD says the plug-in was developed to examine the origin, reach and cost of political ads on Facebook. Using its search capabilities, site visitors can see ads commissioned by politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jon Ossoff and Donald Trump, even if they never made it into their personal Facebook feed. Once you choose to download the extension 'it copies the ads you see on Facebook and YouTube, so anyone can see them in our public database,' the CFD explained on its website. NYU academics who created a plug-in that scraps info from Facebook users about political ads say the social media site has suspended their personal accounts. But the members of Cybersecurity for America says their Ad Observer extension helps improve ad transparency by showing people how they're targeted by politicians Facebook acknowledged in blocked the accounts of at least three members of Cybersecurity for Democracy because their Ad Observer plug-in violated its terms of service The plug in scrapes the text of the ad, along with any images or links and the advertiser's name, and provides information on when the ad was shown, how much it cost, and information Facebook provides about how and why it was targeted to the user. Cybersecurity for Democracy member Laura Edelson (pictured) said she was one of the NYU researchers suspended from Facebook for launching a plug-in that scrapes accounts for political ads. She said the social media giant 'is silencing us because our work often calls attention to problems on its platform' 'If you want, you can enter basic demographic information about yourself in the tool to help improve our understanding of why advertisers targeted you. However, we'll never ask for information that could identify you.' In a tweet Tuesday evening, CFD's Laura Edelson confirmed Facebook had suspended her personal account and 'the accounts of several people associated with Cybersecurity for Democracy.' 'This has the effect of cutting off our access to Facebook's Ad Library data, as well as Crowdtangle,' Edelson, a PhD engineering student at NYU, said. 'Facebook has also effectively cut off access to more than two dozen other researchers and journalists who get access to Facebook data through our project, including our work measuring vaccine misinformation with the Virality Project and many other partners who rely on our data.' In a May blog post, CFD argued that while Facebook does share some information on ad sources and has pledged to fight disinformation, it doesn't offer full transparency or fact-check political ads. Edelson said their project had uncovered 'systemic flaws in the Facebook Ad Library, that identified misinformation in political ads, 'including many sowing distrust in our election system.' In a series of tweets, Edelson criticized Facebook for silencing their research. Worst of all, Facebook is using user privacy, a core belief that we have always put first in our work, as a pretext for doing this," Clark said the social media giant had tried 'for months' to work with NYU to provide the team 'the precise access they've asked for in a privacy protected way.' 'The researchers gathered data by creating a browser extension that was programmed to evade our detection systems and scrape data such as usernames, ads, links to user profiles and 'Why am I seeing this ad?' information, some of which is not publicly-viewable on Facebook,' he said. Claiming also claimed the extension collected data about Facebook users who didn't install it and archived it offline. Edelson countered the company 'is silencing us because our work often calls attention to problems on its platform'. 'Worst of all, Facebook is using user privacy, a core belief that we have always put first in our work, as a pretext for doing this,' she said in a statement shared with Mail Online. 'If this episode demonstrates anything it's that Facebook should not have veto power over who is allowed to study them.' CFA says it doesn't gather personal information of people who download the Ad Observer extension, but Facebook claims the plug-in collects data about users who didn't install it and archived it offline. Facebook says its tried since summer 2020 to work with NYU and the members of Cybersecurity for Democracy. Pictured: A political ad for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that appears in the Ad Observatory database, with details on when it ran, who paid for it, and why the user was targeted Clark says Facebook first told Edelson's team the Ad Observer extension was in violation last summer, even before it launched. 'In October, we sent them a formal letter notifying them of the violation of our Terms of Service and granted them 45 days to comply with our request to stop scraping data from our website.' The deadline ended on November 30, well after Election Day, but Clark said Facebook kept trying to work with Edelson and her colleagues on privacy concerns 'and offered them ways to obtain data that did not violate our terms.' The company offered the three access to its US 2020 Elections ad targeting data, which it says is more comprehensive than their plug-in, 'but they declined.' 'While the Ad Observatory project may be well-intentioned, the ongoing and continued violations of protections against scraping cannot be ignored and should be remediated,' Clark added.. 'Today's action doesn't change our commitment to providing more transparency around ads on Facebook or our ongoing collaborations with academia,' he said. 'We'll continue to provide ways for responsible researchers to conduct studies that are in the public interest while protecting the security of our platform and the privacy of people who use it. ' An ad for Georgia Sen. Jon Ossoff from the Ad Observor site Cybersecurity for Democracy co-founder Damon McCoy, a professor of computer science and engineering at NYU, called Facebook's ban 'disgraceful.' 'Facebook is attempting to squash legitimate research that is informing the public about disinformation on their platform,' McCoy said in a statement shared with Mail Online. 'With its platform awash in vaccine disinformation and partisan campaigns to manipulate the public, Facebook should be welcoming independent research, not shutting it down.' In advance of the 2020 elections, Facebook launched an theoretically objective oversight board to mediate thorny questions about who should be allowed on the site and what they could share. In response critics formed a rival organization, 'The Real Facebook Oversight Board,' (RFOB), of which Edelson, is a member. In a statement on Wednesday, the RFOB claimed that, 'Like the authoritarian governments they court, Facebook is cracking down on its critics.' 'As Facebook expands its stranglehold on the academic community studying the impacts of digital technology and social media, this is sure to have a chilling effect on other academic institutions,' it added. 'We can't allow it. The NYU Ad Observatory researchers are performing a critical service for democracy that must be protected.' Insisting the information the Ad Observatory gathered was already public, the board called on the site to restore the members' accounts immediately. It's not entirely clear who besides Edelson was banned: Facebook cited three members of Cybersecurity for Democracy, though the group's website lists seven main members. Facebook did not respond to a request for comment about whether the suspensions were temporary or permanent, or if the banned members had the option to appeal. A single-celled yellow slime called 'Blob' is set to blast off to the International Space Station (ISS) where astronauts will study how it learns and adapts despite being brainless. Blob is scheduled to launch on August 10 aboard Northrop Grumman's 16th NASA commercial resupply mission. European Space Agency's (ESA) Thomas Pesquet will conduct several experiments with the slime mold with a focus on studying how microgravity and radiation affect it. One of the studies will see how Blob behaves in a microgravity environment without food and the other with, which it will be given oat flakes. Similar experiments will be conducted on Earth by primary, middle and high school students, which will be compared to a time-lapse video from space to observe differences in Blob's speed, shape and growth. Scroll down for video A single-celled yellow slime, called 'Blob,' is set to blast off to the International Space Station (ISS) where astronauts will study how it learns and adapts despite being brainless The mold, or Physarum polcephalum, has become highly interesting to the scientific community due to its ability to think, make decisions, sleep, learn and even navigate a maze. Evelyne Cortiade-Marche, head of the CNES' education department, said in a statement: 'Blob is a unique experience that stimulates student curiosity about themes such as the impact of the environment on organisms and the development of living organisms.' A Blob kit will launch to the ISS, containing for slime mold cells, a syringe and other components for Pesquet to begin his research. Once received, he will wake the molds with water and place them in cylinder dishes. A Blob kit will launch to the ISS, containing for slime mold cells, a syringe and other components According to Dr. Audrey Dussutour, a slime mold specialist and director of research at the French National Center for Scientific Research, the Blob's growth and behavior will be observed over seven days after which it will go into a dormant state and stay aboard the ISS. 'Our aim is to investigate the effect of microgravity on slime mold behavior, especially exploration behavior but also growth,' Dr Dussutour said during a press conference on Monday. 'But the real main objective of this project is to engage kids in interesting, exciting scientific experiments.' A recent study of Blob was conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Gottingen, Germany in February, which found he bright yellow slime mold records where its last meal was by changing the shape of its tubular tendrils. The mold, or Physarum polcephalum, has become highly interesting to the scientific community due to its ability to think, make decisions, sleep, learn and even navigate a maze A recent study of Blob was conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Gottingen, Germany in February, which found he bright yellow slime mold records where its last meal was by changing the shape of its tubular tendrils If it encounters food while weaving around an environment, the mold will keep its specific structure in that area to know where to return to feast. Karen Alim, head of the institute's biological physics and morphogenesis group and her colleague Mirna Kramar observed P. polycephalum under a microscope. Typically, P. polycephalum reabsorbs and restructures its tendrils as it moves along in a new environment. But if it encountered a tasty morsel, it kept that structure in place. '[We] observed a distinct imprint of a food source on the pattern of thicker and thinner tubes of the network long after feeding,' Alim, a biological physicist at the Technical University of Munich, said in a statement. According to Kramar, lead author in a report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 'previous encounters imprinted in the network architecture weigh into the decision about the future direction of migration.' The pair believe that, after a meal, the mold releases a chemical that softens the tubes in its network, effectively reorienting the whole organism toward the food source. A bejeweled 6th century sword adornment was found in east England by an amateur archaeologist with a metal detector. The artifact, made of gold and garnet, is known a 'sword pyramid' or 'sword harness,' and dates to between 560 and 630 AD when Norfolk was part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of East Anglia. The small mounds are often ornately decorated and would be attached to the end of bands wrapped around a sword. This one was uncovered in Breckland, Norfolk, in April, where it was turned over to the Norfolk Coroner's Office, as required by law. Sword pyramids always came in pairs, Finds liaison officer Helen Geake told BBC News, so just uncovering just one 'was like losing one earring - very annoying.' Scroll down for video A 'sword pyramid' made of gold and garnet was found in Norfolk, England. It dates to between 560 and 630 AD when Norfolk was part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of East Anglia With the rise in metal detectorists, finding sword pyramids has become increasingly common. Rather than the result of a burial or death in battle, Geake imagines many were dislodged accidentally. 'Lords would have been careening about the countryside on their horses and they'd lose them,' Geake said. An Anglo-Saxon civilization, East Anglia emerged in the 6th century but was finally absorbed into the Kingdom of England in 918 AD. It's not entirely clear what purpose these mounds served, but experts believed they helped secure a sword to its scabbard, perhaps event to prevent a hasty withdrawal of a weapon The pieces of garnet embedded in the Norfolk pyramid are from India or Sri Lanka, she added, representing a distance of more than 5,000 and underscoring the incredible global trade occurring at the time. Though tinyabout 0.4-inch by 0.4-inch and weighing just 3 gramsthe mount is of fine quality, with incredibly fine foil work on the back. It would have belonged to someone of the upper class, Geake said. 'Somebody in the entourage of a great lord or Anglo-Saxon king, and he would have been a lord or thegn [a medieval nobleman] who might have found his way into the history books,' she told the BBC. 'They or their lord had access to gold and garnets and to high craftsmanship.' Pictured: Sword pyramids, which always came in pairs, were discovered in the 1930s at Sutton Hoo, an Anglo-Saxon burial site Pictured: King Rdwald (c.560 - c.624), an East Anglian king suspected to be buried in Sutton Hoo A more ornate pair now on view at the British Museum was discovered in the 1930s at Sutton Hoo, an Anglo-Saxon burial site popularized by the recent Netflix movie The Dig. According to the National Trust, an East Anglian king or warrior was laid to rest at Sutton Hoo in a 90 foot-ship 'surrounded by his extraordinary treasures.' It's not exactly clear what the sword harness' purpose is, but archaeologists believe they may have helped keep a weapon holstered in its scabbard, 'possibly acting as a check on an angry reaction,' Geake said. Discovering one on his first post-lockdown outings was the 'find of lifetime,' detectorist Jamie Harcourt told Treasure Hunting. 'It is very similar to those examples recovered during the world famous 1939 excavation at Sutton-Hoo,' he said. 'The garnet workmanship is also reminiscent of several items in the Staffordshire Hoard matrix.' This year's Gulf of Mexico's dead zone an area of low oxygen that can kill fish and marine life is larger-than-the average, scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced Tuesday. Data shows the dead zone has been 5,380 square miles for the past five years, but recent measurements show it is now 6,334 square miles - an area slightly larger than Connecticut. The dead zone covers a massive area of the Gulf bottom waters that contains fewer than two parts per million of oxygen, a condition called hypoxia, which suffocates bottom-living organisms. NOAA is blaming the larger-than-normal dead zone on high freshwater runoff from the Mississippi River, which measured above normal for three weeks prior to the agency conducting the test. 'Each year, excess nutrients from cities, farms and other sources in upland watersheds drain into the Gulf and stimulate algal growth during the spring and summer,' NOAA explained in its report. 'The algae eventually die, sink and decompose.' 'Throughout this process, oxygen-consuming bacteria decay the algae,' the report continued. 'The resulting low oxygen levels near the bottom are insufficient to support most marine life, rendering the habitat unusable and forcing species to move to other areas to survive.' Data shows the dead zone has been 5,380 square miles for the past five years, but recent measurements show it is now 6,334 square miles - an area slightly larger than Connecticut Nutrient runoff from the Mississippi River has a large role in determining the size of the dead zone. This nutrient pollution, mainly from agriculture and developed land runoff in the Mississippi River watershed, is affecting coastal resources and habitats in the Gulf by stimulating algal growth. Eventually, the algae decomposes, which uses up the oxygen needed to support life in the Gulf. This loss of oxygen in the water can cause the loss of fish habitat or force them to move to other areas to survive. NOAA started It also leads decreased reproductive capabilities in fish species and a reduced average size of caught shrimp. Nancy Rabalais, a Louisiana State University researcher who has led the dead zone studies for years, said in a statement: 'The distribution of the low dissolved oxygen was unusual this summer. 'The area from the Mississippi River to the Atchafalaya River, which is usually larger than the area to the west of the Atchafalaya, was smaller. 'The area to the west of the Atchafalaya River was much larger. 'The low oxygen conditions were very close to shore, with many observations showing an almost complete lack of oxygen.' NOAA is blaming the larger-than-normal dead zone on high freshwater runoff from the Mississippi River, which measured above normal for three weeks prior to the agency conducting the test NOAA forecasted in June that the hypoxic zone would be 4,880 square miles, but freshwater runoff was higher than expected and it is now 2.8 times times larger than the 2035 target set by the Hypoxia Task Force. However, the largest measurement to-date is 8,776 square miles in 2017. EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox said in a statement: 'This year, we have seen again and again the profound effect that climate change has on our communities from historic drought in the west to flooding events. Climate is directly linked to water, including the flow of nutrient pollution into the Gulf of Mexico. 'As we work to address the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone, we must consider climate change and we must strengthen our collaboration and partnerships to make needed progress.' Harry Kane has effectively ruled himself out of Tottenhams season opener against Manchester City - the team he wants to join - by spending another day outside the UK. As reported by Sportsmail on Wednesday, Kane stopped in Florida on his way back from a family holiday in the Bahamas, despite being due to report for pre-season training on Monday. And as we also revealed, his no-show has disappointed Tottenham, who were still awaiting confirmation of his return to England on Wednesday - with Kane understood to have remained in Florida. Harry Kane has effectively ruled himself out of Tottenham's opener against Manchester City Kane's decision to stay away from training is an attempt to force a move to City this summer The 28-year-old still plans to return to Spurs this weekend, but he will likely need to take a Covid test at their Enfield HQ and complete a period of isolation before he can return to training. Kane will need to isolate for up to 10 days upon his return, but he can take a test to release procedure on day five, which would end his quarantine provided he tests negative. He intends to take the day five test. Despite this, the fact Kane was still in Florida on Wednesday means he will not resume training until at least the start of next week. Wantaway star Kane stopped in Florida on his way back from a family holiday in the Bahamas Kane (left) must now test negative in the 'Test to Release' scheme this week to return to Spurs (pictured: with his wife Katie on a separate holiday) This virtually rules the 28-year-old out of next Sundays clash against City as he wont have played any pre-season games or trained for an extended period. City expect their pursuit of Kane to go to the wire this month due to the different valuations placed on the striker. Their initial offer of 100million was rejected by Spurs, and there is uncertainty over whether the Premier League champions can strike a compromise with Daniel Levy. Kane is hoping to pile the pressure on Daniel Levy (right) to allow him to leave Tottenham now The Spurs chairman has put a 150m price tag on last seasons top scorer, and the Kane saga is expected to drag on unless Spurs alter their demands. City have already raised around 50m from sales this summer, while Leroy Sanes move to Bayern Munich for an initial 45m is accounted for this year. However, it is likely that a first-team regular like Bernardo Silva, courted by Barcelona and Atletico Madrid, would have to be moved on if City were to get closer to Levys asking price. When Sky Brown looked across to her father for help in the interview area, you suddenly remembered this was a child, barely 13 years old. She has the Nike contract, the one million TikTok followers, the book deal and the million dollar smile, but Britains youngest Olympic medal winner needed some prompting about what exactly it was her father had said to her after she had fallen on her first two runs in the final. Put it behind you, Stewart Brown murmured from the sidelines. Put it behind you, Sky repeated. That made me feel better. It is just a contest. If you fall, thats all it is.' Sky Brown, 13, made history by securing a bronze medal in the park skateboarding in Tokyo Brown celebrates with the Great Britain flag after making history at the Olympic Games And thats precisely how she seems to have viewed it, because winning and losing are relative concepts in the sport of park skateboarding - a part of this Olympics bid for relevance and new appeal. The pressure on Brown, who turned 13 last month, had seemed as unyielding as the 33C temperatures on the hottest day of these Olympics. Her kickflip indy trick twice failed her and it all came down to her last run in the final. Yet in that enormous moment, she stood side by side with fellow competitor Sakura Yosozumi, talking away while Browns father applied ice packs to her neck under a red Team GB umbrella. The 13-year-old could not believe it after pulling off the perfect final run with the pressure on When 19-year-old Yosozumi had completed the first routine which would ultimately secure gold, Brown ran across the course to embrace her. For a moment or so, it was just the two of them - Yosozumi with board under her arm, Browns arms wrapped around her neck. This was not sport as we have come to know it. Yosozumis words for Brown after her two falls actually seem to have resonated far more than her fathers. I was a little shocked and it was like, Am I going to make it? she related. Sakura said, Youve got it Sky. I know youre going to make it. That really made me feel better. Brown did make it. With her signature frontside 540, where she loops the skateboard into one and a half rotations, and other leaning spins - they call it corking it out - she took bronze. She dissolved in tears of relief and was mobbed by the entire field. It took a minute or so for her to emerge from the huddle. You could hardly call them opponents. Team GB's teenage star showed off her skills from the get-go and deserved her bronze medal Healthy though this inclusive, appealing vision of sport was to the millions who were watching Brown and will pick up a skateboard now, you worry the spotlight will burn her out. If the media presence here was any gauge, then Brown comfortably surpassed Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles as a source of global fascination. By the time she arrived to speak to the small British contingent, Brown looked drained and hot but reached for that smile again. Im so stoked, she said. I cant believe it. Its unbelievable. Its like a dream. She is all things to all people. A child who might have appeared for the host nation before the fledgling Skateboard GB organisation, set up for this Olympics, made an appealing, no-strings pitch of their own. Brown was a prominent part of the wall-to-wall Japanese TV coverage of the sport here on Wednesday, despite the hosts own competitors. Her mother, Mieko, is Japanese and the family are based in Miyazaki, on the Japanese island of Kyushu. Brown has eclipsed 15-year-old Sarah Hardcastle from 1984 as Britains youngest medal winner But the Americans were equally absorbed with a teenager who speaks American English and spends much of her time in Oceanside, California, for skateboard competitions. The British connections remain slightly loose. Browns father was born in Cornwall and her grandparents live in Bramshaw in the New Forest. But she was born in Japan. She has eclipsed 15-year-old swimmer Sarah Hardcastle from 1984 as Britains youngest medal winner. But hers is a textbook celebrity narrative for these times. It began when a Facebook clip, showing a four-year-old Brown performing a series of beginner moves on a mini ramp, was posted by her father and went viral. Sky and her brother, Ocean, were propelled on to television chat shows from Australia to America. She was at these Olympics despite a training accident last May, which left her with a fractured skull, left arm and wrist. The IOC certainly wants a slice of all this. Its president, Thomas Bach, was here to see and be seen with her. Asked what the man in the suit had said to her, she replied: Sorry? Who? The conversation moved on. Any number of things could happen next. Brown wants to participate in skateboarding and surfing at the 2024 Paris Olympics. I really hope so, she said. But surfing takes place in Tahiti, in French Polynesia, almost 10,000 miles away from the Paris skateboard park. Doing both would be some story. Itll be up to her by then, shell be 16, her father said. Time will tell. Deep in the history of child Olympians, there is a story of a French boy, aged seven, who competed as cox for the Dutch pair rowing team in the 1900 Olympics. He vanished into obscurity after his moment in the sun, neither identified nor seen again. Sky Brown does not have that option. Stream every unmissable moment of Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 live on discovery+, The Streaming Home of the Olympics. Pregnant Louise Thompson was rushed to hospital after coughing up blood amid fears a suspected clot could spark more baby heartbreak following her tragic miscarriage. The Made In Chelsea star, 31, revealed she's endured a difficult pregnancy after feeling unwell and being in a 'high risk category' due to her autoimmune condition, causing her to have more frequent scans. In an exclusive interview, Louise admitted she's fearful of not delivering a healthy baby after miscarrying earlier this year but vows she can handle any future challenges as a new mother once she's reached the final 'goalpost' and given birth. 'It hasn't been the easiest road': Louise Thompson was rushed to hospital after coughing up blood amid fears a clot could spark more baby heartbreak following her tragic miscarriage Louise, who's expecting with fiance Ryan Libbey, 31, told MailOnline: 'In the beginning I was so happy just to see the two lines on the stick. I was elated. We have wanted another addition to the family for years. 'I spoke openly about having a miscarriage earlier in the year and it hasn't been the easiest road to get here so, we're trying to feel grateful but at the same time I'd be lying if I said I found pregnancy easy. There seems to be a new hurdle every month. 'Everyone's experience is different, some people find it a doddle and they feel guilty for saying how easy they found it but I almost feel guilty saying how hard I find it because there are people that can't get pregnant in the first place. 'There have been a number of scans and I was quite unwell about three weeks ago. I had to go to Chelsea and Westminster hospital because I was coughing up blood. 'I had to have scans because they were worried I had a blood clot. The chance of getting a blood clot in pregnancy is a lot higher than not in pregnancy, and I have an autoimmune condition as well. I spent 24 hours there and everything came back fine but because of my condition I'm in a high risk category.' 'I was quite unwell': Louise, who's expecting with fiance Ryan Libbey (pictured), revealed she's endured a difficult pregnancy and is in a 'high risk category' due to her autoimmune condition 'I just want to get to that end point': In an exclusive interview, Louise admitted she's fearful of not delivering a healthy baby after miscarrying earlier this year Despite feeling unnerved by her experiences during pregnancy, Louise, who's due in November, is relieved to have finally passed the six-month milestone. She added: 'For me, delivering a healthy baby, that's where all my fears lie. Anything that comes after that I can handle. 'I just want to get to that end point in one shape and for it to all turn out well. Anyone that has had fertility issues or a miscarriage, the fear that it will end before that goalpost 'The good news is I am about six and a half months now. I shouldn't even think about this but I am someone that knows all the stats, babies can be delivered prematurely so, I feel like I'm in a really comfortable place now.' Louise, who rose to fame on E4 reality series Made In Chelsea in 2011, reflected on how her priorities changed when she turned 30, and she questioned why she was ever so concerned with her public image. 'I'm in a comfortable place': Despite feeling unnerved by her experiences during pregnancy, Louise, who's due in November, is relieved to have finally passed the six-month milestone She said: 'It's a combination of turning 30 and you think 'oh God, why did I care about being cool? Why did I care about what other people thought of me?' I just want to be with the people that I like and my animals. 'Now, I'm really excited about the prospect of motherhood. Ryan is apprehensive, and really excited but he's a little bit more nervous. It's such a big change. 'We're also doing our home renovation project at the moment the deadlines for both things I don't know if one is more predictable than the other, both can be early and both can be late. There's not a lot of security in that sense. 'We're trying to get the nursery sorted in the house at least so at the bare minimum we will have a bedroom and the nursery.' Louise and Ryan's new arrival will join the couple's two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Koji and Toto, and complete their close-knit family. 'Giving back': Louise is an ambassador for the UK's largest pet insurance provider Petplan, who are hosting The Pet Awards this month, giving owners the chance to nominate their animals Louise is an ambassador for the UK's largest pet insurance provider Petplan, who are hosting their second award ceremony this month to honour the animals that have change their owner's lives for the better. The Pet Awards, that features a range of categories such as Hero Pet of the Year and Rescue Pet of the Year, received over 7,000 entries in 2020, and there's still the chance to nominate your furry friend for this year's event. Entries, which can be submitted via the Petplan website, close on Friday, August 6, with finalists and winners being announced the last week of this month. Louise explained: 'Pet insurance is so important, I learned that mistake the hard way when I didn't have any in the beginning. I am a responsible dog owner and any signs of anything that was potentially wrong, I would go straight to the vets and the bills were tallying up. 'When Petplan got in touch about wanting to collaborate on a bigger project, I was really keen because I love their ethos. People have until Friday, which is August 6, to enter The Pet Awards and it's just such a lovely event. 'I love their ethos': The Pet Awards received over 7,000 entries in 2020, and there's still the chance to nominate your furry friend for this year's event by searching for the Petplan Pet Awards 2021 'It gives people the chance to enter something for free and pet owners the chance to give back by being able to win prizes. There are different categories, including one for new pets that have adopted into new families.' Louise believes her dogs are even aware of her pregnancy, and she hopes one day they will feel the baby kick. She said: 'They do lay on my tummy now a lot, Koji will lay his head on my tummy, which is the coolest thing ever. I am still waiting for the moment where I feel a kick, and the dogs feel that through my tummy. 'I am not terribly nervous because they are so good with children. I hate this, but I know people that have got rid of dogs or cats when they've had a baby and it's as though their priorities change. But no one is replacing my pets, they are on a level pedestal. 'We have a massive bed when we do move back home and the dogs will be on one side, and the baby on the other, we will make it work.' Country star Garth Brooks said he will be reassessing whether to continue his stadium tour because of the rising number of COVID-19 cases. In a statement issued on Tuesday, Brooks said he is still scheduled to play the next two shows scheduled in Kansas City and Lincoln, Nebraska, but will not put tickets on sale for the next planned stop, Seattle in September. Brooks was already scheduled to take a three-week break after the Aug. 14 show in Nebraska and will take that time to assess what to do about the remainder of the dates in 2021. Living legend: Country star Garth Brooks (seen in Washington DC in March 2020) said he will be reassessing whether to continue his stadium tour because of the rising number of COVID-19 cases He is also scheduled to play Cincinnati; Charlotte, North Carolina; Baltimore and Boston. Brooks released a statement over the matter which read: 'It breaks my heart to see city after city go on sale and then have to ask those sweet people and the venues to reschedule. 'We have a three week window coming up where we, as a group, will assess the remainder of the stadium tour this year. Its humbling to see people put this much faith in you as an artist, and it kills me to think I am letting them down.' Brooks (seen in May) released a statement over the matter which read: 'It breaks my heart to see city after city go on sale and then have to ask those sweet people and the venues to reschedule' Optimism regarding the global pandemic had reached its peak in June, then just as it seemed the U.S. could put the pandemic in the rear-view, the Delta variant struck. After months of declining cases, America lost control of its COVID-19 situation once again in mid-July. Over the past month, new average cases have increased by 315 percent, from around 20,000 in early July to over 85,000 in early August. Icon: In a statement issued on Tuesday, Brooks (seen in March 2020) said he is still scheduled to play the next two shows scheduled in Kansas City and Lincoln, Nebraska, but will not put tickets on sale for the next planned stop, Seattle in September The light Americans saw at the end of the pandemic-tunnel seems to have gotten further away as well. Brooks, one of the biggest selling entertainers in music, restarted touring in July and regularly performs in front of 60,000-70,000 people per stadium. Many of his shows sell out well in advance. Brooks has been doing his part to get his fans vaccinated as last week it was announced that attendees at his concert in Kansas City's Arrowhead Stadium this upcoming weekend also can get a COVID-19 vaccination. During his August 7. show at Arrowhead Stadium, Brooks, 59, (pictured) will offer an onsite COVID-19 vaccination clinic for individuals who have yet to receive the vaccine, the Kansas Star reported Wednesday Kansas City Chiefs President Mark Donovan (pictured) announced the news during a media call Monday, saying the organization's 'goal is to get as many people vaccinated as possible, on the business side as well as in the community.' During the two-time Grammy winning artist's August 7 concert, individuals who have yet to receive the vaccine can visit the onsite COVID-19 vaccination clinic, the Kansas Star reported Wednesday. Kansas City Chiefs President Mark Donovan announced the news during a media call Monday, saying the organization's 'goal is to get as many people vaccinated as possible, on the business side as well as in the community. 'We're going to continue to take advantage of every opportunity we can to create vaccination opportunities,' Donovan said. 'We've got a little concert coming up here with Garth Brooks with about 70,000-plus fans, and we're working on having a vaccination site on-site for the concert.' Tickets for the August 7 show range from $52 to $22,000. Teen Mom star Kailyn Lowry, her children, and her ex-husband Javi Marroquin have all contracted COVID-19. Speaking on her podcast, Baby Mamas No Drama, Kailyn said she knew she was infected with the virus after losing her sense of taste and smell. 'I knew because I felt like s**t all week,' the 29-year-old said. 'Once I lost my taste and my smell, I knew what it was. Like, I knew.' 'I felt like s**t for a week': Teen Mom star Kailyn Lowry, her children, and her ex-husband Javi Marroquin have all contracted COVID-19 The reality star believes she and her children may have become infected with the virus during their recent travels to the Dominican Republic. Kailyn is tested regularly as part of her job filming Teen Mom. She tested negative both while on her trip and again after returning. Not only did Kailyn test positive, but her podcast co-host Vee Rivera is also currently battling the virus. She expressed regret about potentially exposing people, despite her negative test results. 'I felt bad, we were on vacation': Kailyn believes they contracted the virus after traveling to the Dominican Republic last month (pictured 2018) 'I just felt bad, we were on vacation. I obviously would not have been around people if I knew I had Covid, but I tested negative twice,' Kailyn said. Fortunately, Kailyn's children are 'asymptomatic.' 'So all the kids have it. They're all asymptomatic really,' she explained. Kailyn said she sent her son Lincoln to stay with his father Javi after the youngster tested negative. Uh-oh: Kailyn apologized for potentially infecting Vee with the virus as the duo had recorded a podcast together after her negative test However, Lincoln ended up testing positive, and his father now has the virus as well. In an update regarding her illness, she told Hollywood Life: 'Thankfully, the kids have been asymptomatic. So that was good. I'm coming through the other side of it. And I'm hoping to be cleared later this week, and you know, get back to work and do all the things, but I feel better now,' she told Hollywood Life. Vee is vaccinated, however it is not entirely clear if Kailyn has received the jab. Earlier this year, Kailyn said she and her children would 'absolutely not' be getting the vaccine. This is not Kailyn's first brush with COVID-19; the reality star also revealed on her podcast that she had became sick with the virus last year during a trip to Iceland. Her son Lincoln also had COVID-19 earlier this year in March. Kailyn has four children. She shares son Isaac, 11, with ex-boyfriend Jo Rivera. Son Lincoln, seven, is ex-husband Javi Marroquin's. She and ex Chris Lopez have son Lux, three, and one-year-old Creed. Lowry first joined the cast of Teen Mom 2 in late 2010 after appearing on the MTV series 16 & Pregnant earlier that year. Teen Mom 2 recently finished its 10th season on MTV and stars Lowry, Briana DeJesus, Chelsea Houska, Jade Cline, and Leah Messer. Sydney Sweeney sizzled in a tropical swirl print bikini while vacationing in Capri with her boyfriend Jonathan Davino. The 23-year-old Euphoria star set pulses racing after she shared three sexy snaps in which she was seen posing in a 437 x The Mayfair Group two piece and a matching sarong. Sydney posted the trio of images to Instagram on Tuesday and captioned the photo set simply with a spaghetti emoji. Wow! Sydney Sweeney sizzled in a tropical swirl print 437 x The Mayfair Group bikini while vacationing in Capri with her boyfriend Jonathan Davino The White Lotus actress's ample cleavage was on full display in the triangle top. She tied the top's strings on a bow around her waistline, accentuating her slender midriff. The blonde beauty tossed her tousled tresses and pouted her lips as she gave the camera a sultry stare. In the next shot, she bent over and lifted her head, smiling brightly as she closed her eyes. Sweeney was standing on a balcony overlooking the beautiful Italian coastline. Sizzling: The 23-year-old Euphoria star set pulses racing after she shared a few sexy snaps in which she was seen posing in the two piece and a matching sarong In the third photo, Sydney took a mirror selfie as she held the gauzy sarong that was wrapped around her waist. The influencer-loved set is from 437's collaboration with The Mayfair Group. The triangle top is reversible and can be worn 14 different ways. Recently, Sweeney was seen packing on the PDA with her longtime beau Jonathan as the two relaxed during a luxurious boat outing. Striking a pose: In the third photo, Sydney took a mirror selfie as she held the gauzy sarong that was wrapped around her waist And after a busy few years of work, Sydney definitely deserves some fun in the sun. Sydney's long list of credits include a role on the hit HBO series Euphoria, which sees star opposite the likes of Zendaya and Jacob Elordi. She also stars on the newly released satire comedy-drama series The White Lotus, which debuted on HBO earlier this month. Sydney plays college sophomore Olivia Mossbacher in the series which chronicles the various staff and guests staying at a Hawaiian resort over a single week. Recently, Sydney admitted she almost didn't audition for the controversial series Euphoria, fearing backlash from her family. Recently, Sweeney was seen packing on the PDA with her longtime beau Jonathan as the two relaxed during a luxurious boat outing. Seen in 2018 But she ended up going for it, and booked her role over a tape she submitted of herself. 'What's crazyand this is going to sound really badis when I first got sent the audition, I was too nervous to go do it,' she told StyleCaster. 'I grew up in a smaller town with my family, who are a little more conservative, and I was like, "They're going to kill me if I do something like this." The audition got sent again to me. I read it again, and I was like, "This is so incredible. How could I pass an opportunity like this?" I'll just really try to explain this to my mom one day. I put myself on tape. I didn't even go in, and I ended up booking it off the tape.' Not only that, but Sydney had already booked a regular role in a straight-to-series Netflix show at the time she landed the Euphoria gig. Taking a break: After a busy few years of work, Sydney definitely deserves some fun in the sun. Pictured in July 2021 Euphoria was only a pilot at the time, and Sydney grappled with remaining on the Netflix show or going with Euphoria. Ultimately she chose Euphoria. 'Do I go do a pilot for HBO on an incredible show but run the risk of not having a series? Or do I do a Netflix series that's already picked up but my role is not as big?' she told StyleCaster. 'I had a personal conversation with [Euphoria creator] Sam Levinson, and he just told me his vision and everything about what he sees and wants to achieve in the show. There was no way I could not be a part of this, so I signed on and here we are.' New role! The actress stars in the new HBO series, White Lotus The Bachelor's Brooke Cleal is set leave the Channel 10 dating show following the death of her grandfather. A production insider revealed that the 27-year-old occupational therapist's time in the mansion was cut short after receiving the unexpected news while filming the show. 'Brooke was so upset so the producers gave her permission to leave the mansion and fly back to Melbourne for her grandpa's funeral,' an insider told Daily Mail Australia. It's actually disrespectful': Jimmy Nicholson 'called grieving Brooke Cleal and begged her to return to the mansion after the death of her grandfather' 'Everyone understood she wasn't going to come back,' they added, before revealing the fellow bachelorettes were shocked to see her return after a few days. According to the source, producers got Jimmy to FaceTime her to ask how she was doing, before begging her to return to the show. 'It's just actually disrespectful. They ended up getting Jimmy to FaceTime her and begged her to come back,' they said. 'Brooke was so upset so the producers gave her permission to leave the mansion and fly back to Melbourne for her grandpa's funeral,' The Bachelor 's Brooke Cleal is set leave the Channel 10 dating show following the death of her grandfather. A production insider revealed that the 27-year-old occupational therapist's time in the mansion was cut short after receiving the unexpected news while filming the show Desperate: According to the source, producers got Jimmy to FaceTime her to ask how she was doing, before begging her to return to the show 'She was pretty close with her grandpa. Imagine grieving, and then being asked by producers to come back.' 'That's just actually really traumatic for someone,' they continued. 'Why would you bring someone back and then reject them and kick them out again? .' Jimmy's decision to ask Brooke to return to the show could be a telling clue that she will make the finale. Is she the one? Jimmy's decision to ask Brooke to return to the show could be a telling clue that she will make the finale Brooke is currently the second-favourite to win, sitting behind Holly Kingston at $5. Bondi-based Holly Kingston, 27, emerged as the clear favourite, according to multiple Australian betting sites. The Sydney-based blonde has odds of $2.00 on Sportsbet, while TAB is offering $1.15. The Bachelor continues Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel Ten Amelia Hamlin looked absolutely stunning in a black criss-cross top, which showed off her incredibly toned midriff on Tuesday afternoon. While snapping a few sultry selfies standing outside in her backyard, the 20-year-old model subtly paid homage to her boyfriend Scott Disick. The daughter of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Lisa Rinna was a doting girlfriend as she held onto her phone with a sticker of her man's face on it. Bombshell: Amelia Hamlin looked absolutely amazing in a black criss-cross top, which showed off her incredibly toned midriff on Monday She completed her chic ensemble with a black skirt, a handful of bracelets and nude lipstick on her plump pout. 'Mirror mirror on the floor,' she captioned her slideshow, while sporting head to toe Boohoo. Amelia posted another shot in the same outfit on her Instagram Story that showed her standing in front of a white wall as she looked away from the camera. Sweet: While snapping a few sultry selfies standing outside in her backyard, the 20-year-old model subtly paid homage to her boyfriend Scott Disick She also made sure to showcase her envy-inducing tan after enjoying a fun trip to The Hamptons last week with her boyfriend Scott Disick, 38. Amelia documented their getaway on her Instagram Story, including posting a picture of them cuddling under a Hermes blanket on a boat ride. The duo were accompanied by Scott's nine-year-old daughter Penelope whom he shares with ex Kourtney Kardashian. Looking good: The daughter of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' Lisa Rinna was a doting girlfriend as she held onto her phone with a sticker of her man's face on it Model: Amelia posted another shot in the same outfit on her Instagram Story that showed her standing in front of a white wall as she looked away from the camera The social media star, who was 19 when she started dating the father-of-three, has previously defended their 18-year age gap back. 'People can embrace themselves however they feel fit for them at that moment in time. People grow. People learn to love themselves more and more,' she said in December. Last year Scott broke up with Sofia Richie, whom he began dating when she was 19, and before that he was linked to Bella Thorne when she was also 19. Doting girlfriend: Amelia was first seen rocking the sticker of her boyfriend in May (pictured at the time) Heating up: She also made sure to showcase her envy-inducing tan after enjoying a fun trip to The Hamptons last week with her boyfriend Scott Disick, 38 On the Keeping Up With The Kardashians finale in June, he said he was 'coming to terms' with the idea that he and Kourtney may never get back together. 'The fact that we have what we have is amazing, and I am grateful for that,' he said, pointing out: 'Our kids are happy.' Kourtney and Scott began their whirlwind on-off romance after they met in 2006 at the Mexican home of Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis. Their turbulent relationship was documented on the show and was beset by problems including his past alcohol abuse and rumors he was unfaithful. The two welcomed three children into the world - Mason, 11, Penelope and Reign, six - but ended their romance for the last time in 2015. American Idol will return for its fifth season on ABC with all of its' judges panel intact, including Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie, as well as stalwart host Ryan Seacrest have all been re-signed. The show, which is in its 20th season overall (since its 2002 debut on Fox) is set to return to the air next spring. Seacrest posted on Instagram Tuesday, 'Season 20 here we come!' with a shot of all four. The latest: American Idol will return for its fifth season on ABC with all of its judges panel and its host intact, including (L-R) Lionel Richie, 72, Ryan Seacrest, 46, Katy Perry, 36, and Luke Bryan, 45, as all have all been re-signed The 2021 season will be the first with Megan Wolflick as showrunner following the retirement of Trish Kinane. 'American Idol is still the original music show that genuinely creates superstars and continues to evolve to allow true artists to succeed in this unique business,' Wolflick told Deadline in a statement. 'The chemistry and passion Katy, Luke, Lionel and Ryan bring is second to none. 'We couldn't be more ecstatic that they are returning for this iconic 20th season in search of the freshest new talent that this nation has to offer.' Walt Disney Television exec Rob Mills said in a statement that the quartet 'are music and industry icons that have become synonymous with Idol on ABC. At the helm: Richie, Perry and Bryan were snapped in April on the set of the series Stalwart: Seacrest, seen on set in May, has been with the series since its 2002 beginning 'Their star power is unmatched, and their support is a gift to our contestants that have deeply benefited from their wisdom over the past four seasons - and they're ready to do it again,' Mills said. 'As we begin a momentous season, I think it's safe to say this dream team has officially cemented their legacy on Idol.' Executive producer Eli Holzman said, 'We are thrilled that Katy, Lionel, Luke and Ryan will be back to help discover our next American Idol. 'This dream team has selected and guided some of the most talented Idol contestants in the history of the series, and we can't wait to see who they'll find next.' Auditions for the show's fifth season will span from August 6 thru September 21 with its virtual competition Idol Across America. Advertisement Ryan Reynold's action-comedy film Free Guy premiered at the AMC Lincoln Square Theater in New York City on Tuesday evening. And the 44-year-old actor could hardly contain his excitement as struck poses on the red carpet with his stunning wife Blake Lively. The couple, each dressed to the nines, were not accompanied by their three daughters, James, six, Inez, four, and Betty, one. Red carpet ready: Blake Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds attended the red carpet premiere of the actor's action-comedy film Free Guy in NYC Dazzling: Blake dazzled in a pink sequin-covered gown with silver beaded lining on its unique bodice Blake dazzled in a pink sequin-covered gown, which featured silver beaded lining along the perimeters of its unique bodice. The gown featured dramatic cut-outs that exposed Lively's cinched waist, ample cleavage, and toned back. The 33-year-old Gossip Girl star wore her lengthy golden blonde hair in a sleek ponytail and amplified her features with neutral toned makeup, including a beautiful lipstick combination created by celebrity makeup artist Kristofer Buckle, who used Bite Beauty's newly-launched Power Move Hydrating Soft Matte Lipstick in two shades to create the perfect color. He also prepped Blake's pout with the brand's Agave Vegan Lip Mask to ensure they remained soft and supple all night long. Lively accessorized with mismatched silver earrings, as well as several diamond rings in her fingers. Bringing the drama: The gown featured dramatic cut-outs that exposed her cinched waist, ample cleavage, and back Sleek: The 33-year-old Gossip Girl star wore her lengthy golden blonde hair in a sleek ponytail and amplified her features with neutral toned makeup Ryan beamed for shutterbugs in a beige corduroy suit with a black and white plaid shirt layered beneath. The Deadpool star completed the look with some brown suede dress shoes and a pair of grey marled socks. He had his brunette hair slightly slicked back and rocked his wire-framed seeing glasses for the big premiere. Loved-up: Blake and Ryan could hardly keep their eyes off one another as they posed for snaps on the red carpet Stylish: Ryan beamed for shutterbugs in a beige corduroy suit with a black and white plaid shirt layered beneath Finishing touches: The Deadpool star completed the look with some brown suede dress shoes and a pair of grey marled socks Blake and Ryan, who married in 2012, appeared to be having a blast on the red carpet, often posing with their arms linked and their eyes locked on one another. The Hollywood lovebirds were spotted walking up to the premiere together as fans cheered from the sidelines. Aside from Blake and Ryan, the red carpet premiere of Free Guy was attended by a bevy of stars anxious to see the long awaited action-comedy. Glitzy: Lively accessorized her red carpet-ready look with some mismatched silver earrings, as well as with several diamond rings Proud: Ryan looked proud of his latest film as he posed next to director Shawn Levy (right) Stranger Things actress Sadie Sink looked sweet in a bright white blazer layered over a sparkly bustier top. The 19-year-old completed the ensemble with some high-waisted denim skinny jeans and a pair of designer color-blocked heels. Sink's signature auburn strands were tied up into a romantic messy bun. Date night? The couple, each dressed to the nines, were not accompanied by their three daughters, James, six, Inez, four, and Betty, one Smiley: Blake looked to be in an extra jovial mood while celebrating her husband's latest project She was joined by her Stranger Things costar Joe Keery, who looked suave in a royal blue jacket with gold buttons. The 29-year-old actor also had on black dress shirt tucked into some matching black trousers. Sports Illustrated alum Camille Kostek oozed glamour in a retro-inspired gown covered in multi-toned sequins. Proud: Ryan poses with costars Lil Rel Howery, Camille Kostek, Joe Keery and director Shawn Levy at the Free Guy premiere in NYC Gather round! Adam Kolbrenner, Steve Asbell, Ethan Tobman, Tyler "Ninja" Blevins, Lil Rel Howery, Ryan Reynolds, Joe Keery, Shawn Levy, Camille Kostek, Matt Lieberman, Zack Penn and Francisco Marquez pose for a celebratory snap at the big premiere on Tuesday night It also featured a dramatic font slit that exposed her shapely legs and strappy gold heels. The 29-year-old model added a bit of Old Hollywood edge to her look by wearing her bright blonde strands in waves stemming from a side part. Lil Rel Howery made a bold move by attending the Free Guy premiere in an all-denim getup, complete with a jacket, button-up shirt, and baggy jeans. Sweet: Stranger Things actress Sadie Sink looked sweet in a bright white blazer layered over a sparkly bustier top Reunion: She was joined by her Stranger Things costar Joe Keery, who looked suave in a royal blue jacket with gold buttons Glamour girl: Sports Illustrated alum Camille Kostek oozed glamour in a retro-inspired gown covered in multi-toned sequins The 41-year-old Bad Trip actor had a glistening gold chain with a large pendant fastened around his neck and a pair of white Adidas sneakers on his feet. Richard Tyler Blevins - known as Ninja on YouTube - allowed his blue hair to pull focus by slipping into a black jacket, white shirt, and fitted trousers for Tuesday night's star-studded event. Free Guy is scheduled for an August 13 theatrical release. Denim-on-denim: Lil Rel Howery made a bold move by attending the Free Guy premiere in an all-denim getup, complete with a jacket, button-up shirt, and baggy jeans Bold: Richard Tyler Blevins - known as Ninja on YouTube - allowed his blue hair to pull focus by slipping into a black jacket, white shirt, and fitted trousers for Tuesday night's star-studded event Glam squad: Lively gave a shoutout to hairstylist Rod Ortega and jeweler Lorraine Schwartz Nails: She also raved about her 'pressed flower nails' from celeb nail stylist @enamelle Husband and director: She also framed husband Ryan Reynolds and his Free Guy director Shawn Levy in a hand heart Hubby love: She also shared another shot of Reynolds with a heart emoji over him Her last major film role was way back in 2014 for the remake of the musical Annie. But Cameron Diaz was focused on other things on Tuesday, when she was seen holding baby daughter Raddix in her arms as she made her way to the car in Beverly Hills, California. The Mask actress, 48, was summery in a black maxi sundress with thin straps. Cameron Diaz was focused on family on Tuesday: She was seen holding baby daughter Raddix in her arms as she made her way to the car in Beverly Hills The long flowing dress hung from the elastic bust in soft ruffles all the way down to Cameron's ankles. She wore light-colored Birkenstock-style sandals, and had a pair of red sunglasses on. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail with strands hanging down around her face. Mom duty: The Mask actress, 48, was summery in a black maxi sundress with thin straps Diaz sported three small hoops in her left ear, and had a maroon woven tote bag hanging from one elbow. She held one-and-a-half-year-old Raddix, whom she shares with her husband Benji Madden, in her other arm. The mother-daughter pair were apparently leaving a private home after attending a swim class for the little girl. 'We love you Mrs. Hannigan': Cameron's last major film role was way back in 2014 for the remake of the musical Annie Since leaving a career in front of the camera behind, the Being John Malkovich star has largely focused her time and energy on Avaline, a vegan and organic wine label she launched with her friend and partner Katherine Power. Cameron is also focused on family life, after marrying Benji, lead guitarist and backing vocalist of band Good Charlotte, in 2015. The pair went on to welcome baby Raddix on December 30th, 2019. Since leaving a film career behind: Diaz has largely focused her time and energy on Avaline, a vegan and organic wine label she launched with her friend and partner Katherine Power Walking Tudor England Rating: Write Around The World With Richard E Grant Rating: A trip to the theatre feels like a reckless and dangerous business these days. For my wife's birthday, we dared a West End show last month. I was afraid to clear my throat, in case it was mistaken for a cough and panic swept the stalls. But as Professor Suzannah Lipscomb discovered in Walking Tudor England (5 Select), in Shakespeare's time an evening of drama really could turn into a crisis. At The Globe theatre on the South Bank, a pregnant woman and her daughter on the front row were killed when a special effect blew up. As Professor Suzannah Lipscomb (above with Tudor dancers at Michelham Priory) discovered in Walking Tudor England, in Shakespeare's time an evening of drama could turn into a crisis And the actors halted a performance after a gang of toughs barged past the ticket booth without paying. In the brawl that followed, one freeloader was stabbed to death. Complete disaster struck during the Bard's Henry VIII, when a live cannon was fired. The red-hot ball struck the thatch and set it alight, and the theatre burned down. This series is crammed with juicy anecdotes, rattled off with relish. There's no time wasted on waffle: the Prof marches up with her knapsack on her shoulders, paints a vivid picture of the era with a few well-chosen tales, and strides off to her next destination. It's history on foot for super fit tourists. Stragglers are advised to stick to the open-top bus. Suzannah started at Greenwich Palace, where Henry VIII had his fateful fall during a jousting match in 1536. She looked in at the Dutch church in Austin Friars, then took a brisk stroll up Turnmill Street in Farringdon once 'the most disreputable street in London'. Then she drew breath at Bridewell hospital, a prison workhouse for Tudor petty criminals, 'arrant bawds and strumpets', and 'idle loitering knaves'. With a suitcase full of paperbacks, Richard E Grant (pictured) was reading his way from Naples to the heel of Italy, on the first part of his literary travelogue, Write Around The World The language has changed but, human nature being what it is, the country is still full of arrant bawds and idle knaves. She picked a cold day for this highly entertaining walk, and the Prof was bundled up in quilted jacket and scarf which sometimes meant her commentary sounded slightly muffled. No such problems for actor Richard E. Grant, who was clad only in green trunks and sunhat for a dip off the Amalfi Coast. He lay in the water, watched from above by a drone camera, with his arms and legs splayed like a starfish. With a suitcase full of paperbacks, Richard was reading his way from Naples to the heel of Italy, on the first part of his literary travelogue, Write Around The World (BBC4). At each place, he dipped into a classic set in an Italian town starting in the oppressive suburbs in the shadow of Vesuvius. That's the backdrop for a quartet of novels, beginning with My Brilliant Friend, by the mysterious Elena Ferrante a pseudonym masking a writer so secretive Grant claims no one knows whether the author is male or female. The story charts an obsessive, destructive friendship between two girls whose community is blighted by crime. Richard's final stop was in Matera where 20,000 people lived in caves until a few decades ago, was spectacular. This was a splendid concept for a travel show, and the locations did it justice Seek out, if you can, the TV adaptation. Though its young stars had never acted before, they are mesmerisingly good. It's a pity Richard didn't explore Ferrante's Naples in more depth. He got sidetracked instead by Dickens's descriptions of the city, before a brief excursion to Pompeii that told us nothing at all. But he was on better ground in Positano, staying in the very hotel room where Patricia Highsmith first got the idea for her charming serial killer, Tom Ripley. And his final stop, in Matera where 20,000 people lived in caves until a few decades ago, was spectacular. This was a splendid concept for a travel show, and the locations did it justice. Jonathan Ross showcased his quirky sense of style on Tuesday when he and wife Jane Goldman made their way to Lily Allen's new show in the West End. Stepping out in the capital wearing green pinstripe trousers and animal print brogues, the presenter, 60, teamed his statement bottoms with a patterned black and white coat and covered his nose and mouth with a mask. Screenwriter Jane, 51, wore her bright orange hair loose and opted for a plunging black camisole and trousers teamed with an unbuttoned checked shirt as they headed inside The Noel Coward Theatre to watch 2:22 A Ghost Story. Night out: Jonathan Ross, 60, showcased his quirky sense of style on Tuesday when he and his wife Jane Goldman made their way to Lily Allen's new show in the West End Quirky: Stepping out in the capital wearing green pinstripe trousers teamed with animal print vogues, the presenter teamed his statement bottoms with a patterned black and white coat Jane was also wearing a facemask and opted for comfort in black trainers with bow detailing. Around her wrist Jane wore a leopard print hair tie as she grasped onto the pair's theatre tickets. The couple's friend Lily, 36, is currently starring in a new play called 2:22 A Ghost Story. Stylish: Jane, 51, was also wearing a facemask and opted for comfort in black trainers with bow detailing Tickets: Around her wrist Jane wore a leopard print hair tie and the star appeared to hold her and Jonathan's theatre tickets in her right hand Layering up: Making sure to stay warm in the unreliable London weather, Jonathan layered a crisp black T-shirt beneath his stylish jacket The new play is by Danny Robins and will run at the Noel Coward Theatre until October. Lily plays Jenny in 2:22, a supernatural thriller about four friends caught up in a night of high tension. The play follows Lily's character, who believes her new home is haunted - but her husband Sam (Hadley Fraser) remains skeptical. They argue with their first dinner guests, old friend Lauren (Julia Chan) and new partner Ben (Jake Wood) and decide to stay awake until 2.22am to discover the truth. Robins is best known for his docudrama horror podcast The Battersea Poltergeist, starring Dafne Keen and Toby Jones, which is being made into a TV series. The new play is his debut in the West End. Michael Jai White is opening up about the loss of his oldest son, who passed away a few months ago at 38 years of age. The 53-year-old actor had his first son, whose name he didn't reveal, when he was just 15 years of age, he revealed in a wide-ranging interview with Vlad TV. White revealed that his son had a compromised immune system due to substance abuse, and he had been hospitalized for quite some time before he passed, adding he had not been vaccinated from COVID-19. Opening up: Michael Jai White is opening up about the loss of his oldest son, who passed away a few months ago at 38 years of age Compromised: White revealed that his son had a compromised immune system due to substance abuse, and he had been hospitalized for quite some time before he passed, adding he had not been vaccinated from COVID-19 White said that both he and his son, 'grew up at the same time, but unfortunately, the street element was still very much a part of his life growing up.' While they wouldn't say exactly when he passed away, the interviewer noted it was 'a few months ago' and he was still living in Connecticut, where White grew up. When asked what he thought when he heard the news, White said, 'He was in the hospital for awhile, so it wasn't immediate.' Grew up: White said that both he and his son, 'grew up at the same time, but unfortunately, the street element was still very much a part of his life growing up' 'Unfortunately, he was still like kinda out there in the streets, hustling. He wasn't doing well. He started getting on substances. He'd come out, go back in, all that stuff,' White added. The Black Dynamite star said he tried to help him along the way, 'but ultimately it's up to that person, especially if that somebody is a grown person.' White added that his son, 'never shook the streets,' adding, 'that was his thing,' and that he, 'lived the life he wanted to live.' Hustling: 'Unfortunately, he was still like kinda out there in the streets, hustling. He wasn't doing well. He started getting on substances. He'd come out, go back in, all that stuff,' White added The actor added that when he got sick and went to the hospital, 'COVID was waiting for him,' adding COVID-19, 'was the knockout blow.' 'He wasn't doing well and his system was compromised because of the other abuse,' referring to several years of drug abuse, adding his oldest was also a father of six children. White also has a daughter named Morgan with Courtney Chatham, who he was married to from 2005 to 2011. Daughter: White also has a daughter named Morgan with Courtney Chatham, who he was married to from 2005 to 2011 He has been married to Gillian Iliana Waters since 2015, who he has three children with. White made history as the first Black actor to portray a superhero when he played Al Simmons in the 1997 film Spawn. He has over 100 film and TV credits to his name, including his portrayal of Mike Tyson in the 1995 HBO movie Tyson, the title character in 2009's Black Dynamite and Bronze Tiger in the hit CW series Arrow. Farmer Wants a Wife star Nickia has lashed out at farmer Will Dwyer, who is expecting a child with contestant Hayley Love. Nickia, who is close friends with Hayley, 25, slammed Will, 39, after he released a statement this week saying he will be 'the best dad when the time comes'. In a scathing Instagram post, she said Will, 39, should have stepped up when Hayley first revealed she was pregnant. 'The time came 6 months ago, buddy': Farmer Wants a Wife star Nickia has lashed out at farmer Will Dwyer, who is expecting a child with contestant Hayley Love 'When the time comes? The time came 6 months ago buddy when Hayley fell pregnant,' Nickia wrote on an Instagram story. On the show, Nickia was matched with Farmer Sam Messina, but they failed to find love. Her scathing post comes after Will released a statement on Monday finally addressing Hayley's bombshell pregnancy news. 'When the time comes?' Nickia, who is close friends with Hayley, 25, slammed Will, 39, after he released a statement this week saying he will be 'the best dad when the time comes' Fan favourite: On the show, Nickia was matched with Farmer Sam Messina, but they failed to find love He vowed to be 'the best dad I can be... when the time comes' - but qualified this promise with a caveat. Daily Mail Australia cannot publish Will's full statement for legal reasons. Alongside a photo of himself as a child with his own father, he said in a statement: 'My family are my world, and my parents were the perfect role models. 'When the time comes, I will be the best dad I can be. [Redacted for legal reasons], I'll be there whenever the child needs me. Even if as parents we can't be a couple, our family will be filled with love for our child.' He added: 'But one thing I learnt from my father is that discretion is the better part of valour. I'm sad that this has played out in public. I want only the best for Hayley. I'll say what needs to be said in private and let my deeds do the talking.' Speaking out: Her scathing post comes after Will released a statement on Monday finally addressing Hayley's bombshell pregnancy news. He vowed to be 'the best dad I can be... when the time comes' Alongside a photo of himself as a child with his own father, he said in a statement: 'My family are my world, and my parents were the perfect role models' Meanwhile, Will has turned off all comments on his latest Instagram posts. Hayley revealed she was 22 weeks pregnant with Will's child in a bombshell statement last week, but confirmed they were no longer together. She was originally matched with farmer Matt Trewin on the Channel Seven show, but he broke up with her shortly before the finale. She went on to briefly date Will and became pregnant with his child, but they broke up after she told him she was expecting. Hayley and Will had a short-lived romance after the FWAW finale was filmed in December - and after he'd split from his winning contestant, paediatric nurse Jaimee. But they ended things around April. Seven's newest drama series, RFDS, is still a week away from premiering in Australia. But the gripping medical show has already been snapped up internationally, as reported by TV Tonight on Wednesday. The program, about the lives of those serving in the Royal Flying Doctor Service, has already 'secured sales in six territories', according to the industry website. Going global: Channel Seven has sold local drama RFDS to British and American TV networks before the show has even premiered in Australia RFDS has been bought by PBS in the United States and Channel 4 in the UK. It has also been sold to New Zealands TVNZ, TV4 in Sweden, Belgiums SBS and Talpa in the Netherlands. RFDS will premiere on Australia's Channel Seven after the Farmer Wants a Wife reunion on Wednesday, August 11, at 8:40pm. The show, which was filmed on location in Broken Hill, stars Stephen Peacocke, Rob Collins, Emma Hamilton, Justine Clarke and Ash Ricardo. Coming soon: Gripping medical drama RFDS, which was filmed on location in Broken Hill, stars Stephen Peacocke (pictured) and Rob Collins. It debuts on Wednesday, August 11, at 8:40pm Set in the outback, the show follows the doctors and nurses of the Royal Flying Doctor Service - Australia's famous rural medical service - as they race against time to save the lives of Aussies living in isolated parts of the country. The show's 90-second trailer, which was unveiled earlier this month, begins with Peacocke standing in the middle of the outback, looking up at the night sky. His voiceover begins: 'Out here, you can see just about every star.' 'If you screamed, you'd be pretty sure no one would hear you,' he continues, before adding: 'You'd be surprised.' Cast: The medical drama, about the lives of those serving in the Royal Flying Doctor Service, will premiere after the Farmer Wants a Wife Reunion special High drama: Seven dropped its action-packed trailer for new series RFDS earlier this month All-star cast: The medical drama stars Stephen Peacocke (left), Rob Collins, Emma Hamilton (right), Justine Clarke and Ash Ricardo Revved up: Viewers are then treated to a high-octane montage of mid-air birthing, car crashes and epic dust storms Viewers are then treated to a high-octane montage of mid-air birthing, car crashes and epic dust storms. There's also a romantic storyline, with Peacocke's character engaging in a workplace affair with his boss, played by The Tudors star Hamilton. Seven's Executive Producer Julie McGauran said: 'This compelling series, led by an incredible cast and team of creatives, is based on the real-life stories of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and highlights the extraordinary work they do, day in, day out. 'RFDS showcases powerful contemporary Australian drama on an epic scale. We are thrilled to bring this rich and engaging series and its magnificent setting of outback Australia to audiences.' Tryst: There's also a romantic storyline, with Peacocke's character engaging in a workplace affair with his boss, played by The Tudors star Hamilton Ambitious: Seven's Executive Producer Julie McGauran said: 'This compelling series, led by an incredible cast and team of creatives, is based on the real-life stories of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and highlights the extraordinary work they do, day in, day out' Return: Peacocke (left) is now back in Australia after spending a few years in Hollywood Peacocke is now back in Australia after spending a few years in Hollywood. The actor won a number of Logie Awards for his portrayal of Darryl Braxton on Home and Away from 2011 to 2016, before leaving the show to pursue a career stateside. He went on to appear in U.S. films such as Me Before You and Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. RFDS premieres Wednesday, August 11, at 8:40pm on Channel 7 and 7Plus Advertisement Christian Bale was spotted for the first time in character as he filmed Thor: Love And Thunder in Malibu this week. The 47-year-old superhero star is featuring as the villainous Gorr The God Butcher who was introduced in the comics in 2012. He was pictured emerging on set in full costume - a menacing silver ensemble that included a full face prosthetic. Sneak peek: Christian Bale was spotted for the first time in character as he filmed Thor: Love And Thunder in Malibu this week Christian's character is an alien who hails from a planet afflicted by environmental calamities and whose prayers to the gods go unanswered. After the deaths of his parents and pregnant wife Gorr becomes violently opposed to the gods as a result of their indifference. Gorr and his army of Berserkers set off on a mission to systematically eliminate the Norse deities earning him his nickname of God Butcher. His supervillain ensemble includes a flowing hooded sleeveless robes that could be seen fluttering in the breeze as Christian crossed the set. Details: The Batman Begins star was covered in prosthetics that gave him deep grey skin on not just his face but also his exposed arms and hands Who's who: The 47-year-old superhero star is featuring as the villainous Gorr The God Butcher who was introduced in the comics in 2012 Turn to evil: After the deaths of his parents and pregnant wife Gorr becomes violently opposed to the gods as a result of their indifference On the make: Gorr and his army of Berserkers set off on a mission to systematically eliminate the Norse deities earning him his nickname of God Butcher Unrecognizable: Christian is pictured at the Le Mans 66 premiere in Paris in 2019 (left) and on the set of Thor: Love And Thunder this week (right) The Batman Begins star was covered in prosthetics that gave him deep grey skin on not just his face but also his exposed arms and hands. For part of his workday Christian could be seen wrapping a voluminous black robe, including a hood, around the costume. The American Psycho lead was surrounded by masked crew members as he ambled around on the beach between takes. Christian is a new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having crossed over from playing the DC superhero Batman in a trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan. Barefoot: For part of his workday Christian could be seen wrapping a voluminous black robe, including a hood, around the costume By the sea: The American Psycho lead was surrounded by masked crew members as he ambled around on the beach between takes Back at it: Christian is a new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, having crossed over from playing the DC superhero Batman in a trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan For Thor: Love And Thunder he will be joining a cast of franchise mainstays including Australian heartthrob Chris Hemsworth as the title character. Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Natalie Portman as the Mighty Thor and Chris Pratt as Star-Lord are among the MCU stalwarts who are back for another film. Taika Waititi, who also helmed this movie's prequel Thor: Ragnarok, is directing Thor: Love And Thunder which is scheduled for release next May. While the Australian shoot wrapped at the beginning of June it appears that additional filming is taking place stateside. Esteemed company: For Thor: Love And Thunder he will be joining a cast of franchise mainstays including Australian heartthrob Chris Hemsworth as the title character What a cast: Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Natalie Portman as the Mighty Thor and Chris Pratt as Star-Lord are among the MCU stalwarts who are back for another film Looking ahead: Taika Waititi, who also helmed this movie's prequel Thor: Ragnarok, is directing Thor: Love And Thunder which is scheduled for release next May Globetrotting: While the Australian shoot wrapped at the beginning of June it appears that additional filming is taking place stateside Christian was spotted with a bald head Down Under during principal photography in Australia earlier this year leading to online speculation he might be there for the film. It emerged at the beginning of last year that Christian would be taking a role in Thor: Love And Thunder - evidently marking a change of heart for the actor. 'No, Im not interested in doing that,' he told Collider in 2017 when asked about the prospect of his starring in another superhero movie. 'Ive never seen -- Im trying to think if thats correct, I think Im actually correct, I cant remember a single superhero film that Ive ever watched. Apart from the ones I made and like, the Christopher Reeve Superman films.' Incidentally: Christian was spotted with a bald head Down Under during principal photography in Australia earlier this year leading to online speculation he might be there for the film Looking back: It emerged at the beginning of last year that Christian would be taking a role in Thor: Love And Thunder - evidently marking a change of heart for the actor Water bottle in hand: 'No, Im not interested in doing that,' he told Collider in 2017 when asked about the prospect of his starring in another superhero movie By the way: Christian said in 2017 that 'I cant remember a single superhero film that Ive ever watched,' adding: 'Apart from the ones I made and like, the Christopher Reeve Superman films' Whilst teasing Thor: Love And Thunder to Empire Taika said 'Ive done some crazy s*** in my life. Ive lived, like, ten lifetimes. But its the craziest film Ive ever done.' He added: 'If you wrote down all the elements of this film, it shouldnt make sense. Its almost like it shouldnt be made.' The JoJo Rabbit director quipped: 'If you walked into a room and said: "I want this and this and this." Whos in it? These people. What are you going to call it? Love And Thunder. I mean, youd never work again. Maybe I wont after this. Mila Kunis rocked a white long-sleeve top and chic ruffled mini skirt while shooting her upcoming Netflix film Luckiest Girl Alive in Toronto, Canada. Before getting in front of the camera to film a few scenes, the 37-year-old actress bundled up in a black puffer jacket and a pair of cozy UGG boots. Later, she removed her windbreaker, and could be seen showing off her tiny waist and slender legs as she got into character as Ani FaNelli. On set: Mila Kunis rocked a white long-sleeve top and chic ruffled mini skirt while shooting her upcoming Netflix film Luckiest Girl Alive in Toronto, Canada Kunis is starring as the protagonist for the screen adaptation of Jessica Knoll's 2015 best-selling novel. Her character is described as, 'a sharp-tongued New Yorker who appears to have it all: a sought-after position at a glossy magazine, a killer wardrobe, and a dream Nantucket wedding on the horizon', according to a release from Netflix. 'But when the director of a crime documentary invites her to tell her side of the shocking incident that took place when she was a teenager at the prestigious Bradley School, Ani is forced to confront a dark truth that threatens to unravel her meticulously crafted life.' Working hard: Before getting in front of the camera to film a few scenes, the 37-year-old actress bundled up in a black puffer jacket and a pair of cozy UGG boots Leading lady: Later, she removed her windbreaker, and could be seen showing off her tiny waist and slender legs as she got into character as Ani FaNelli The movie, which Knoll herself wrote the script for, is being directed by Mike Barker. Before wrapping up for the day, the star changed into black athleisure and had her hair pulled into a high ponytail for some workout scenes. The former That 70s Show star had a face visor on as she walked to and from the set in line with COVID-19 production protocols. Outfit change: Before wrapping up for the day, the star changed into yoga clothes and had her hair pulled into a high ponytail for some workout scenes Kunis has been married to her former sitcom co-star Ashton Kutcher since 2015 and they have two children - daughter Wyatt, six, and son Dimitri, four. Earlier this month, Kutcher, 43, revealed that he bought a ticket for the next Virgin Galactic flight into space only to then sell it back at his wife's urging. He told Cheddar News: 'My wife basically encouraged that it was not a smart family decision to be heading into space when we have young children. Celebrity couple: Kunis has been married to her former sitcom co-star Ashton Kutcher since 2015 and they have two children - daughter Wyatt, six, and son Dimitri, four (pictured in 2018) 'So I ended up selling my ticket back to Virgin Galactic and I was supposed to be on the next flight but I will not be on the next flight,' he said. 'But at some point Im going to space!' Last week, Kunis Kunis admitted she regretted having him sell his ticket. 'The fact that I didn't let him go into space was so selfish of me, but I was a new mom,' she told People, pointing out at the time she was pregnant with their youngest. 'I want everybody to know I probably would have let him to go to space now, but now it's too late.' She just announced the exciting news she has landed her first acting role. But Kelly Gale is already turning heads with her racy Instagram posts. On Wednesday, the 26-year-old model turned up the heat by posing in racy lace lingerie. Coming to your screens soon! Victoria's Secret model Kelly Gale showed off her phenomenal figure in racy lace lingerie on Tuesday after announcing her new movie role alongside Gerard Butler The brunette beauty showed off her phenomenal figure and six-pack abs during a photo shoot, presumably for Victoria's Secret. She modelled two saucy sets - a black and white balconette bra and matching knickers and a cut-out set with suspenders and stockings. The shoot came after the actress-in-the-making accompanied her fiance Joel Kinnaman to The Suicide Squad premiere. Sizzling: The brunette beauty showed off her phenomenal figure and six-pack abs during a photo shoot, presumably for Victoria's Secret She also announced this week she has landed her first film role. The Australian-Swedish beauty, took to Instagram to share the news via a Deadline article on Monday. Kelly will star alongside Gerard Butler in the Lionsgate thriller The Plane. Movie magic: Kelly is set for Hollywood stardom as she announces a new role alongside Gerard Butler in The Plane 'Am I dreaming? I still can't believe this is real! Started acting via Zoom at the beginning of the pandemic and immediately fell in love with the craft,' she wrote. She added that it was good to get out of her comfort zone and try something new. 'It felt so good getting out of my comfort zone and feeling so passionate for something I was doing. Huge thanks to all my teachers,' she said. Co-star: Kelly will star alongside Gerard Butler in the Lionsgate thriller The Plane. The British actor is pictured here in Berlin on February 23, 2020 She finished by thanking her actor fiance, Joel, whom she described as 'my biggest supporter and... the person who taught me the most'. Kelly previously walked the runway for Victoria's Secret before the lingerie giant underwent a 'woke' corporate rebrand. She was also Playboy Playmate of the Month for September 2016. Leggy lady: Kelly previously walked the runway for Victoria's Secret before the lingerie giant underwent a 'woke' corporate rebrand. Pictured here in New York City on November 8, 2018 Kelly got engaged to her longtime boyfriend Joel, 41, in January this year. She announced the exciting news on her Instagram account at the time. She posted a photo of the pair embracing on a clifftop in California, and flashed her stunning new sparkling engagement ring. Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher recently revealed they only bathe their children when they see dirt on them. But as it turns out, they aren't the only superstars with a more hands-off cleaning approach. During a joint interview on The View with her husband Dax Shepard, 46, Kristen Bell, 41, revealed she likes to 'wait for the stink' before bathing their two children. 'I'm a big fan of waiting for the stink': Kristen Bell and her husband Dax Shepard revealed their hands-off bathing routine during an interview on The View The couple, who share daughter Delta, six, and son Lincoln, eight, together, made the revelation after the topic of Mila and Ashton's bathing confession was broached. 'We bathed our children every single night prior to bed as the routine, then somehow they just started going to sleep on their own without the routine and by George we had to start saying like, "Hey, when was the last time you bathed them?"' Dax said. Kristen said the smell was biology's way of indicating it was time for a clean-up. 'I'm a big fan of waiting for the stink,' Kristen said. 'Once you catch a whiff, that's biology's way of letting you know you need to clean it up. 'There's a red flag': Kristen said the smell was biology's way of indicating it was time for a clean-up 'Hey, when was the last time you bathed them?' Dax said it all started after their children started putting themselves to bed on their own 'There's a red flag. Honestly, it's just bacteria; once you get bacteria you gotta be like, "Get in the tub or the shower." So I don't hate what they're are doing. I wait for the stink,' she said. Mila and Ashton made a similar bathing revelation during a recent appearance on Dax's Armchair Expert podcast, admitting they only gave their daughter Wyatt, six, and son Dimitri, four, a scrub when they look physically grubby. And even when the youngsters take a dip in the tub, they hardly ever use soap because they don't want to dry their delicate skin out. Candid: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis admitted they only give daughter Wyatt, six, and son Dimitri, four, a scrub when they look physically grubby; the family are pictured in 2017 The couple also made it clear they don't like to use soap on their skin, with the actor stating he only ever lathers up his 'armpits and crotch' while Mila was a little more bawdy, saying she washes the essentials like her 'slits and t**s.' They clean up nicely! The Bad Moms actress then explained that she hardly ever had a shower during her childhood because they didn't have hot water at home; they are pictured in 2018 The conversation began when Dax told Monica that she should not be excising the natural oil on her skin by using soap every day. In response, co-host Monica Padman replied: 'I can't believe I am in the minority here of washing my whole body in the shower. Who taught you to not wash?' The Bad Moms actress then explained that she hardly ever had a shower during her childhood because they didn't have hot water at home. Mila, who was born in Soviet Ukraine, explained: 'I didn't have hot water growing up as a child, so I didn't shower much anyway.' She added: 'But when I had children, I also didn't wash them every day. I wasn't that parent that bathed my newborns - ever.' Ashton added: 'Now, here's the thing: If you can see the dirt on them, clean them. Otherwise, there's no point.' And the same principle applies to his own hygiene habits. He explained: 'I wash my armpits and my crotch daily, and nothing else ever. I got a bar of Lever 2000 that delivers every time. Nothing else.' However, the couple - who tied the knot in 2015 - do like to wash their faces after getting hot and sweaty at the gym. Child star: Mila was just seven when she moved to the States and only a teen when she had her breakout role on That 70s Show. Seen in 1998 above Ashton said: 'I do have a tendency to throw some water on my face after a workout to get all the salts out.' Mila added: 'I do wash my face twice a day.' The Mayo Clinic advises against washing a baby every day, stating: 'There's no need to give your newborn a bath every day. Three times a week might be enough until your baby becomes more mobile. Bathing your baby too much can dry out his or her skin.' The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends that children ages 6 to 11 bathe at least 'once or twice' a week. They advise a child should be washed when they get 'dirty', 'after being in a pool' or when the child gets 'sweaty' or has 'body odor.' Ashton and Mila first met while working on the series That 70s Show together in 1998, but they wouldn't become romantic until years later following Kutcher's divorce from Demi Moore in 2013. She recently enjoyed a girls getaway to Croatia for Victoria's Secret model Jasmine Tookes' bachelorette party. And Shanina Shaik looked happy to be back in the arms of her boyfriend Matthew Adesuyan after returning back to Los Angeles. The couple packed on the PDA as they enjoyed a romantic lunch at popular Beverly Hills eatery Il Pastio on Tuesday. Reunited! Shanina Shaik packed on the PDA with her boyfriend Matthew Adesuyan during a romantic meal in Los Angeles on Tuesday after a girls getaway to Croatia That's different! Shanina went braless in an optical illusion strapless playsuit for the outing The loved-up duo kissed and cuddled outside of the restaurant and clearly didn't care who saw. Shanina went braless in an optical illusion strapless playsuit for the outing. The ensemble featured a ribbed off-the-shoulder top and bike shorts built into one. She teamed the attire with some white Converse sneakers and a tiny leather handbag. Not a care in the world! The loved-up duo kissed and cuddled outside of the restaurant and clearly didn't care who saw Missed you! Shanina looked happy to be back in the arms of her beau after recently returning back to the US Don't let go! She wrapped her arms tight around Matthew as they soaked up the sun on the sidewalk Meanwhile, her handsome partner showed off his tattoos in a tight white t-shirt paired with tight black jeans and silver Adidas sneakers Shanina debuted her relationship with Matthew on Valentine's Day, with the pair going official on Instagram. Sharing a black-and-white picture of the couple, Shanina wrote: My Valentine... Happy Valentine's Day.' Tatt's hot! Her handsome partner showed off his tattoos in a tight white t-shirt paired with tight black jeans and silver Adidas sneakers Afternoon tipple: The pair enjoyed a few beverages with their meal In the photo, the beauty looked off into the distance while Matthew stood behind her with his arms holding onto her waist. Shanina recently returned from her idyllic trip to Croatia. Just last week she shared a picture of herself in a tiny gold bikini as she soaked up the sun while on holiday. Cute and casual: Shanina teamed the attire with some white Converse sneakers and a tiny leather handbag Natural beauty: The exotic beauty wore little to no makeup on her flawless face Girls trip! She recently enjoyed a girls getaway to Croatia for Victoria's Secret model Jasmine Tookes' bachelorette party Shanina shared the image to Instagram and looked like the ultimate beach babe in her strapless two-piece. Her bikini featured a gold shell design over the bust, and string ties on the waist. It comes after she thrilled fans earlier this week when she posted a picture of herself emerging out of the water in another racy two piece. 'Crystal clear,' Shanina captioned the stunning images. Shanina wore a pink printed bikini which featured bright yellow ties at the waist and bust. Shanina was in Croatia celebrating fellow Victoria's Secret model Jasmine Tookes' bachelorette party. Advertisement Pamela Anderson has finally sold her jaw-dropping Malibu mansion for $11.8 million. The sale of the 2,700 square feet home may have even broken a Malibu Colony real estate record, with each square foot being valued at more than $4,000, according to TMZ. The lucky new owner of the home is Loren Kreiss, the CEO and creative director of Kreiss Furniture. Off the market! Pamela Anderson has finally sold her stunning Malibu mansion for $11.8 million Pamela has owned the home since 2000, when she purchased it for $1.8 million. The property recently underwent a $2 million price cut after she put it on the market earlier this year for $14.9 million. After a sale on the home fell through, Pamela reduced the price to $12.9 million, according to The Sun. The property, which is located in the Malibu Colony, is roomy with four bedrooms and four-and-a-half bathrooms in what looks like a very modern tree house. The unusual structure was designed by architect Philip Vertoch. Stars who have owned homes in the area include Ed Norton, Jim Carrey and Leonardo DiCaprio. Barbara Stanwyck, Clara Bow, Ronald Coleman and Gloria Swanson also spend time in the small community. Home sweet home: The property is roomy with four bedrooms and four-and-a-half bathrooms in what looks like a very modern tree house Real estate journey: Pamela first put the property on the market earlier this year for $14.9 million, and cut the price by $2 million after a sale fell through (pictured 2019) No place like home! The lucky new owner of the home is Loren Kreiss, the CEO and creative director of Kreiss Furniture There is a rooftop deck with a fireplace which is perfect for watching the sunset over dinner. And the property also includes a sizable blue-bottom swimming pool that includes built-in stools and am all-wood sauna. Meanwhile, Pamela has been staying in her native Vancouver, where she is living on her grandmother's former property which she bought 30 years ago. Marital bliss: Anderson has moved to Canada with her bodyguard husband Dan Hayhurst The home is on Vancouver Island, in British Colombia, Canada. The star has said she feels comfortable there during lockdown from the COVID-19 pandemic. Her bodyguard husband Dan Hayhurst, whom she wed on Christmas Eve, is living with her. The two wed on the grounds of the dwelling. New chapter: Pamela has been staying in her native Vancouver where she is living on her grandmother's former property which she bought 30 years ago (pictured 2019) 'It's time I went back to my roots. I'm in love and recently married my "average Joe" (as he likes to call himself),' Pamela explains of her decision to leave Malibu behind. 'I'm creating my life here now again where it all started. It's been a wild ride, now full circle,' the star says. 'I left my small town in my early twenties for Playboy, traveled all around the world, just to come home one of the most beautiful places on earth. I made it home in one piece, a miracle. I'm a lucky girl.' She is set to welcome her first child, a daughter, with restaurateur boyfriend Nathan Dalah in the coming months. And Georgia Fowler showed off her blossoming baby bump on Wednesday as she shared a photo of her tummy on Instagram Stories. The pregnant Victoria's Secret model, 29, snapped a black and white mirror selfie in her living room, which overlooked a harbour. Growing: Georgia Fowler showed off her blossoming baby bump on Wednesday as she shared a photo of her tummy on Instagram Stories It comes after Georgia showcased her belly in a skimpy white bikini last week. The New Zealand native raised her arms above her head to highlight her lean limbs as she knelt on the sand in front of a brick wall, in photos shared to Instagram. She swept her brunette hair to one side while striking a series of poses. Bumping along nicely! It comes after the pregnant Victoria's Secret model, 29, showcased her belly in a skimpy white bikini last week 'Bring ya own beachball,' she captioned the snaps. She was flooded with compliments from her followers, including fellow model Kaia Gerber, 19, who commented: 'Queen of having abs on top of her baby bump.' Georgia, from Auckland, used to live in New York but relocated to Sydney last year. 'Bring ya own beachball': The New Zealand native raised her arms above her head to highlight her lean limbs as she knelt on the sand in front of a brick wall Fit mama: She was flooded with compliments from her followers, including fellow model Kaia Gerber, 19, who commented: 'Queen of having abs on top of her baby bump' She announced in April she was expecting a child with boyfriend Nathan, 26, the founder of the Fishbowl salad restaurant chain. The catwalk queen shared the happy news on Instagram alongside a series of black and white photos of her baby bump. 'We can't wait to meet you little one,' she wrote. 'The best is yet to come': Georgia announced in April she was expecting a child with boyfriend Nathan Dalah, 26, the founder of the Fishbowl salad restaurant chain (pictured together) 'It's been hard to keep this one quiet, but now it's pretty hard to hide. 'Nathan and I couldn't be happier to share our exciting news with you. We cannot wait to meet you little one and begin our next adventure together. 'The best is yet to come.' Buddy Valastro revealed Gigi Hadid was brought to tears after meeting him for the first time at Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey, earlier this year. Upon reflecting on their fun afternoon decorating cakes together, the 44-year-old Cake Boss star recalled how she 'cried' before giving him a hug. 'She watched Cake Boss growing up and watched it with her family,' he explained to TMZ. 'We spent about four or six hours together. Emotional: Buddy Valastro revealed Gigi Hadid was brought to tears after meeting him for the first time at Carlo's Bakery in Hoboken, New Jersey He went on to describe her as 'such an amazing person' and even 'more beautiful on the inside than the outside.' 'We had so much fun making a cake together,' he raved, before pointing out that she has a 'great' eye for color and detail. Last month, the new mom clocked in for work at his famous bakery to learn some frosting techniques as part of her new Harper's Bazaar cover story. Sweet: Upon reflecting on their fun afternoon decorating cakes together, the 44-year-old Cake Boss star recalled how she 'cried' before giving him a hug 'She watched Cake Boss growing up and watched it with her family,' he explained to TMZ . 'We spent about four or six hours together' Delicious: Last month, Hadid clocked in for work at Carlo's Bakery to learn some frosting techniques from the Valastro as part of her new Harper's Bazaar cover story As a longtime fan of the King of confections, Gigi endearingly lost her cool and was the ultimate fan-girl, calling the gig as his intern a 'dream come true.' 'I have been waiting for [what feels like] my whole life for my first day at @carlosbakery,' Gigi penned on social media, at the time. The model and the baker filmed a 12 minute Instagram video for Harper's where they decorated two blank canvas cakes with a variety of piping and frosting techniques that Buddy taught along the way. In the footage, Buddy seemed to be bouncing back nicely from a terrifying freak accident that severely injured his hand in 2020 and almost derailed his career. He was able to expertly teach Gigi how to pipe, frost and paint a variety of edible flowers that were used to adorn each of their small white cakes. Cake decorating, Buddy explained, is more of a 'creative art' versus baking the cakes themselves which he said is a bit more like science What an honor: As a longtime fan of the King of confections, Hadid endearingly lost her cool and was the ultimate fan-girl, calling the gig a 'dream come true' 'I have been waiting for [what feels like] my whole life for my first day at @carlosbakery,' Gigi penned on social media last month 'When I found out you were a fan, I was honored,' Buddy said. Gigi is a big lover of Buddy and his long-running TLC show Cake Boss. She's also a foodie who loves cooking, baking and entertaining at home so took to the confectionary challenge like a duck to water. The catwalk star revealed that she often sits online and watches frosting videos on Instagram which she finds 'very soothing.' Impressive: The model and the baker filmed a 12 minute Instagram video for Harper's where they decorated two blank canvas cakes with a variety of piping and frosting techniques that Buddy taught along the way Well done! Gigi is a big lover of Buddy and his long-running TLC show Cake Boss. She's also a foodie who loves cooking, baking and entertaining at home so took to the confectionary challenge like a duck to water 'When I found out you were a fan, I was honored,' Buddy said. 'Listen, you tell me what you wanna learn and I'll teach you,' Buddy told the beauty. 'I wanna learn everything!' exclaimed Gigi. First, Buddy taught Gigi two different techniques for piping out frosting flowers. 'Oh my god, they're terrible,' Gigi said when she tried it out herself. 'That looks pretty good, Gi,' Buddy encouraged. 'Thank you, Bud,' the model responded. 'Listen, you tell me what you wanna learn and I'll teach you,' Buddy told the beauty. 'I wanna learn everything!' exclaimed Gigi During the video Hadid opened up about what baking means to her and told an emotional story about baking her Oma (grandmom) a scratch made carrot cake for her last birthday before passing away. Hadid decorated the meaningful cake with daisies and her Oma told her it was the best cake she'd ever eaten. Meanwhile, Buddy shared that Carlo's Bakery's famous lobster tails are the one dessert that is the most meaningful to him after learning how to make them from his father. Opening up: During the video for Harper's Bazaar, Hadid opened up about what baking means to her and told an emotional story about baking her Oma (grandmom) a scratch made carrot cake for her last birthday before passing away The complicated cream filled flakey pastry, similar to the Italian sfogliatelle, is not only a top seller at Carlo's but it is what Buddy said he would have if he was 'going to the electric chair.' At the end of the video, Gigi managed to create a stunning floral cake that didn't look remotely amateur, even next to Buddy's. 'I recently had the pleasure of spending some time in the kitchen with @gigihadid The August cover star of @harpersbazaarus To go over some cake decorating techniques,' Buddy wrote of the experience on social media. 'I recently had the pleasure of spending some time in the kitchen with @gigihadid The August cover star of @harpersbazaarus To go over some cake decorating techniques,' Buddy wrote of the experience on social media Adding: 'Gigi really wins over my heart telling me about all of her favorite #CakeBoss moments!' It's been a long road of recovery for Buddy who has been rehabilitating his right hand following a horrific incident last year. In September of 2020, the 43-year-old celebrity baker impaled his right hand in a freak accident with the pin mechanism of his at-home bowling alley machine and suffered severe tendon and nerve damage. A one-and-a-half inch metal rod pierced his hand three times between his ring finger and middle finger. His sons Buddy Jr. and Marco had to use a saw to free their father from the machine and he was hospitalized for treatment, undergoing multiple surgeries. By April he had told Rachael Ray that he'd regained about 75% usage of his right hand again and Buddy appeared to have no issues while working with Gigi. Ashley Greene looked every bit the leading lady as she attended the premiere of Aftermath at The Landmark Westwood in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening. The 34-year-old actress struck poses on the red carpet in a black mesh gown with geometric beading that protected her modesty. Greene's striking gown also featured an abundant amount of black ostrich feathers from the calf to the hem, as well as the waistline and shoulders. Leading lady: Ashley Greene looked every bit the leading lady as she attended the premiere of Aftermath at The Landmark Westwood in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening Ashley wore her sleek brunette hair down and tucked behind her ears in order to showcase her silver horn earrings. As for makeup, The Twilight alum rocked a soft brown smokey eye and a glossy nude lip. Greene's shoes for the night remained completely concealed beneath her dress' dramatic feathery hem. Beading: The 34-year-old actress struck poses on the red carpet in a black mesh gown with geometric beading that protected her modesty Endless details: Greene's striking gown also featured an abundant amount of black ostrich feathers from the calf to the hem, as well as the waistline and shoulders After striking poses solo, Ashley was joined by her onscreen husband Shawn Ashmore. The 41-year-old actor kept casual cool for the Aftermath premiere by pairing a black blazer with dark wash denim jeans and Converse All Star sneakers. Ashmore had a silver pendant necklace around his neck and wore his blonde hair neatly combed to one side. Camaraderie: After striking poses solo, Ashley was later joined by her onscreen husband Shawn Ashmore (left) Undercover: Greene's shoes for the night remained completely concealed beneath her dress' feathery hem Casual cool: The 41-year-old actor kept casual cool for the Aftermath premiere by pairing a black blazer with dark wash denim jeans and Converse All Star sneakers While schmoozing on the red carpet, Ashmore and Greene posed for a celebratory shot with Aftermath director Peter Winther. Ashley had a mini Twilight Saga reunion as her costar Peter Facinelli, who played vampire patriarch Carlisle Cullen in the beloved series, attended the premiere with his fiancee Lily Anne Harrison. Peter and Lily looked very much in love while posing close to one another on the red carpet. Understated: Ashmore had a silver pendant necklace around his neck and wore his blonde hair neatly combed to one side Pride: Shawn and Ashley stopped to pose for a celebratory snap with Aftermath director Peter Winther (center) Longtime no see! Ashley had a mini Twilight Saga reunion as her costar Peter Facinelli, who played vampire patriarch Carlisle Cullen in the beloved series, attended the premiere with his fiancee Lily Anne Harrison (left) The 47-year-old actor donned a white button-up shirt, grey trousers, and a pair of bright sneakers. Britt Baron, who plays Dani in the forthcoming horror film, put on a leggy display in a tie-front black mini dress. The GLOW alum slipped her feet into a pair of bright white heels and styled her hair into a low ponytail to expose her large gold hoop earrings. Leggy: Britt Baron, who plays Dani in the forthcoming horror film, put on a leggy display in a tie-front black mini dress Chic: Diana Hopper, who portrays the role of Avery in Aftermath, looked ready for business in a chic strapless blouse tucked into a pair of black trousers Diana Hopper, who portrays the role of Avery in Aftermath, looked ready for business in a chic strapless blouse tucked into a pair of black trousers. Aftermath will premiere on August 4 via Netflix, before the film's distributor Quiver releases the film 'on digital and VOD this fall,' as per THR. The horror-mystery flick follows Natalie Dadich (played by Greene) and her husband Kevin Dadich (Ashmore) who accept an 'amazing deal on a home with a questionable past that would normally be beyond their means' in a final attempt to save their crumbling marriage. The South Australian government has approved a reduced-capacity AFL crowd for the 50th Showdown between Adelaide and their arch rivals Port Adelaide. The Crows will host the Power at Adelaide Oval on Saturday night in front of up to 15,000 fans under strict COVID-19 protocols. It comes with crowds at AFL matches still limited to 10,000 in Tasmania and banned entirely in Victoria for at least one more week. However, there is growing optimism limited crowds will be allowed to return in Victoria in round 22, after no new community cases of COVID-19 were reported on Wednesday. Full-capacity crowds are allowed in Western Australia. SA Health has advised seats at Adelaide Oval will be separated by two empty rows to maintain social distancing. Fans must wear a mask at all times - except when eating and drinking, which must be done while seated - and all post-game activities have been cancelled. "Any game we can play in front of our members is always going to be welcomed and much appreciated," Crows CEO Tim Silvers said. "In a perfect world we would like to have a full house so as many of our supporters can attend but we obviously understand and support the measures that have been put in place to keep everyone safe. "We also acknowledge this situation will not cater for all of our passionate members and we trust they will be understanding given these uncertain and challenging times." The Showdown will be Adelaide's first home match in three weeks after they were forced to spend time temporarily based in Melbourne. A Crows home game against Hawthorn in round 19 was relocated to Marvel Stadium. Giada De Laurentiis turned up the temperate in a plunging green minidress, which showed off her toned physique, while grabbing lunch on Monday. The 50-year-old celebrity chef, best known for her hosting Giada at Home for six seasons from 2008 to 2014, accessorized her floral frock with a pair of white sneakers, hoop earrings and oversized shades. During her laid-back outing in Beverly Hills, the cookbook author oozed confidence and smiled at onlookers. Rocking it: Giada De Laurentiis turned up the temperate in a green dress, which showed off her toned physique, while grabbing lunch on Monday Five months ago, she released her NY Times bestselling book Eat Better, Feel Better, with a 21-day cleansing meal plan. In an interview with Mind Body Green, she revealed the inspiration behind her book was realizing the importance of food in her body. 'Over the last decade, it became impossible to ignore the fact that the choices I had been making for the last 20 years just weren't working for me anymore,' she explained. Cool girl: The 50-year-old celebrity chef, best known for her hosting Giada at Home for six seasons from 2008 to 2014, accessorized with a pair of white sneakers, hoop earrings and oversized shades Her busy year also included the release of her series Bobby and Giada in Italy debuted on Discovery Plus in January. The four-episode series debuted on the streaming service, which showed her teaming up to explore Italian cuisine with longtime pal Bobby Flay. The duo first revealed how the show came together to People earlier this year. Busy year: Five months ago, she released her NY Times bestselling book Eat Better, Feel Better, with a 21-day cleansing meal plan Yogi: The star stays in shape previously told Parade she 'combines stress reduction, yoga, and meditation' to feel her best Flay, 56, revealed that he came up with the concept with the show, and knew immediately that he wanted de Laurentiis to be a part of it. 'We're friends, we obviously both love Italy and we're both on the same network, so it made perfect sense,' Flay revealed. He added: 'So that's what we did. And I have to say, I think it's probably the most beautiful thing that I've ever shot, for sure. The friends spent a month traveling throughout Italy, with stops in Rome and Tuscany for the new series, which Flay said was a joy to film. Bobby and Giada: Celebrity chefs and longtime friends Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis team up to explore Italian cuisine in the new Discovery Plus series Bobby and Giada in Italy 'I think you're going to see an inherent happiness in both of us just being there,' Flay said. 'You know when you go to a place that you really love being, your whole demeanor is different. We were just so much more relaxed and just smiling a lot and just enjoying our surroundings,' he added. Flay also raved about one of his favorite dishes from their time in Tuscany, from his time on the show. Concept: Flay revealed that he came up with the concept with the show, and knew immediately that he wanted de Laurentiis to be a part of it 'One of the most classic dishes in Tuscany is a wild boar ragu with pasta, so I love doing things that are classic to a place," he said. 'The fact that I was making wild boar ragu and fresh fettuccine in Tuscany that for me is one of my aha moments. To me, that's a win,' he added. The show also showcased Giada's mother, actress Veronica De Laurentiis, as they dined at Armando Al Pantheon in Rome. Joy: The friends spent a month traveling throughout Italy, with stops in Rome and Tuscany for the new series, which Flay said was a joy to film They were served antipasto dishes: bruscetta, crostoni with anchovies, zucchini flower and mozzarella cheese, and coratella (lamb). Flay revealed that, 'The lamb is spicy,' though the zucchini,' might be my favorite.' Giada added, 'I like the beans a lot,' while her 70-year-old mother added, 'It's not spicy and heavy. It's very light.' They've been happily in love since 2017. But Shay Mitchell says marriage may not 'be in the cards' for herself and boyfriend Matte Babel as she is in 'no rush to get married' after welcoming daughter Atlas in 2019. 'I don't know if I've done anything in order,' the actress, 34, told E! News' Daily Pop on Tuesday. 'I didn't get married before a child. I had a child, didn't get married. Content as they are: Shay Mitchell says marriage may not 'be in the cards' for herself and boyfriend Matte Babel as she is in 'no rush to get married' after welcoming daughter Atlas in 2019; the couple pictured in 2020 'I don't really know if that's in the cards for us. I think we both agree, maybe it's just me.' The Pretty Little Liars star says she loves her and Babel's 'no pressure' relationship and that it keeps thing 'sexy' for the couple. 'There's no pressure here. I love it. I love the fact that we come home and every day I'm like, 'I choose you and you choose me,'' she explained. 'It keeps us on our toes. I'm like, 'Hey, I can walk out. I don't need to go through a lawyer, I can just walk out.' And same with him. It keeps it sexy.' Her way: 'I don't know if I've done anything in order,' the actress, 34, told E! News' Daily Pop on Tuesday. 'I didn't get married before a child. I had a child, didn't get married; Shay pictured in 2019 Shay and Matte reportedly began seeing one another at some undisclosed point in 2017. Two years later in October 2019, the pair welcomed their first and only child, daughter Atlas, into the world. Earlier this year, the You actress told Us Weekly that her relationship with Babel can be 'a lot at times' and that it 'too can go on ebbs and flows.' Shay continued: 'One minute I'm like, "You stay on this side of the bedroom, I'll be on this side, do not cross this line." You know? Keeps things sexy! The Pretty Little Liars star says she loves her and Babel's 'no pressure' relationship and that it keeps thing 'sexy' for the couple; Matte and Shay pictured in 2018 'And then other days I'm like, "Oh, this is awesome. I feel very grateful that I have you here to watch this Netflix show." You know what I mean?' She also stressed that it is 'really important' for her and the Canadian actor to 'take our moments of alone time, adding that she 'definitely treasure those moments I get to myself as well.' During her E! News Daily Pop appearance on Tuesday, Shay gushed over how much fun it has been raising her almost two-year-old daughter Atlas and watching her grow. 'It's fun, it's so much fun. She's almost two and it's so great. I think every single day, I'm like, it's only getting better. Ebbs and flows: Earlier this year, the You actress told Us Weekly that her relationship with Babel can be 'a lot at times' and that it ' too can go on ebbs and flows'; Matte and Shay pictured in 2018 Loving it: During her E! News Daily Pop appearance on Tuesday, Shay gushed over how much fun it has been raising her almost two-year-old daughter Atlas and watching her grow; Shay and Atlas pictured in April 'Then it will come the terrible two's of what I've heard, and I'll be like, "Go back to being a little toddler,"' she joked. As for plans to further expand her family with Matte, Shay jokingly teased the 'possibly' of welcoming a second child if Los Angeles residents are forced to go back into COVID-19 quarantine amid the rise of the Delta variant of the virus. 'Damn, I might as well do it again if we're going to go back in there. I feel so unproductive from last pandemic. 'I should have had a baby! I don't know, I'd love to. When the time is right, you'd be the first to know,' she concluded. Celebrities have been lining up to get their AstraZeneca vaccinations as Sydney's Covid-19 outbreaks rage on. And Lisa Wipfli is ready to join them, with the entrepreneur taking to her Instagram Stories on Wednesday to reveal she'd booked in for her jab. 'I'm going this week to get [AstraZeneca],' she told a fan during a Q&A session. Next! Lisa Wipfli is ready to join the line of celebrities preparing to get vaccinated with AstraZeneca. Pictured here with husband Michael 'Wippa' Wipfli The fan asked Lisa if she'd received her vaccine yet, with the Nourishing Bub founder replying, 'No I haven't yet.' She explained, 'I was holding out for Pfizer but I know this is utterly ridiculous because I don't have any underlying health issues, so I'm going this week to get AZ.' 'Get vaccinated everyone,' she implored her followers. Doing her bit: 'I'm going this week to get [AstraZeneca],' she told a fan during a Q&A session The message comes after Jackie 'O' Henderson became the latest celebrity to get the AstraZeneca vaccination as Sydney's battle to contain the Delta variant rages on. Despite initially having hesitations after hearing false claims from anti-vaxxers, the 46-year-old confirmed on Tuesday that she knew it was the right step to take - and rolled up her sleeve live on-air on The Kyle and Jackie O Show. KIIS FM's resident 'Doctor KIIS' - also known as Dr. Sam Hay - administered the shot, with an excited Jackie exclaiming 'Stick it in, baby!' as she received her first dose in front of the station's thousands of listeners. Quick and painless! Jackie 'O' Henderson is the latest celebrity to get the AstraZeneca vaccination as Sydney's battle to contain the Delta variant rages on 'We really need to encourage people out there to go and get vaccinated,' Dr Sam said, adding he thought those against spreading false information about the vaccine are 'seriously deluded'. When Dr. Sam explained that even with one vaccination she would already have a 'reduced rate of contracting and transmitting Covid-19 to other people', Jackie said: 'That's the most important thing to me.' Jackie joins the long list of stars who have rolled up their sleeves to get the AstraZeneca vaccine, including comedian Andy Lee, Today Extra host Sylvia Jeffreys and The Project host Lisa Wilkinson. Listeners had been sceptical that Jackie may not have wanted the vaccine at all, seeing as her co-host Kyle Sandilands had his first dose back in June. But in a statement to Daily Mail Australia in July, Jackie said: 'I have every intention of getting vaccinated, I am pro-vaccine and always have been. 'Unfortunately, due to my back to back TV and radio commitments over the last few months, I haven't been able to prioritise this yet. But it's at the top of my list now.' The right thing: Despite initially having hesitations after hearing false claims from anti-vaxxers, the 46-year-old said she knew it was the right thing to do - and on Tuesday, she rolled up her sleeve live on-air on The Kyle and Jackie O Show Sydneysiders, including Jackie, are currently in their sixth week of lockdown. On Tuesday, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced the state had recorded another 199 cases of Covid-19 overnight, including 50 who were infectious in the community. However, the Premier - who extended stay-at-home orders to at least August 28 as the latest outbreak rose to 3,427 infections - said her government had a plan to 'break records' as it ramped up its immunisation campaign. 'Once you get to 50 per cent vaccination, 60 per cent, 70 per cent, that triggers more freedoms. We can turn this around in four weeks,' she said on Sunday. 'We have the month of August to get the vaccination rates as high as possible. Let August be the month where we break records with the vaccination.' In good company: Lisa Wilkinson revealed she'd received her first AZ vaccine last month Rolling up his sleeves: Andy Lee received his first Covid jab earlier this month, sharing a photo to Instagram of the tell-tale Band-Aid on his arm NSW's vaccination rate sits at about 15 per cent for those who have received both jabs and 32 per cent have received only one dose. But with 82,000 doses distributed in 24 hours and 4.5 million more Pfizer jabs to be delivered to Australia in August, federal health officials are confident NSW could carry out about 650,000 vaccinations a week. At that rate, NSW could hit its target of 70 per cent coverage by early September. Australian adults are also able to book an AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine within days, with Prime Minister Scott Morrison saying he his hopeful the 70 per cent rate will be achieved before the end of the year as thousands of young people come forward to get AZ. 'What we're seeing in New South Wales now is AstraZeneca dosage rates amongst 16 to 39 year olds just rapidly escalate,' he said on Monday. 'We've seen our vaccination rates on double dose now more than double in the last month. I mean, in July we were up some 4.5 million vaccines in the month,' Mr Morrison said. Moving forward: NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who extended stay-at-home orders to at least August 28 as the latest outbreak rose to 3,427 infections, said her government had a plan to 'break records' as it ramped up its immunisation campaign In April the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) said the AstraZeneca jab was only recommended for over 50s because of a low risk of blood clots in younger people. In June the body increased the minimum recommend age to 60, denting confidence and delaying the jab rollout by two months as the government scrambled to get more Pfizer into the country. Then in July as Sydney's outbreak worsened, ATAGI said all over 18s should consider getting the vaccine because the risk of catching Covid had increased, a move which has allowed the rollout to rapidly ramp up. Children aged 12 to 17 can only get the Pfizer vaccine. Mr Morrison said: 'We had those early problems, we've got on top of them, we've turned it around and we've got our gold medal run till the end of the year to get this done.' The Onedin Line star Anne Stallybrass has passed away aged 82 following her stellar TV career, which launched in the 1970s. The actress, who was afraid of the sea, enjoyed fame playing Jane Seymour in The Six Wives Of Henry VIII and later in The Onedin Line as the long-suffering wife of shipping line founder James Onedin - in what was later life imitating art. Anne, who was married to actor Roger Rowland in 1963 before later divorcing, tied the knot with her co-star Peter Gilmore in 1979 after 10 years as a couple and they lived in a cottage in Dartmouth. He passed away in 2013. The star - full name Jacqueline Anne Stallybrass - was born on 4 December 1938 and died 3 July and is survived by nephew, Jeremy, and two nieces, Caroline and Nicola. The happy couple: The Onedin Line star Anne Stallybrass has passed away aged 82 following her stellar TV career through the 1970s (Anne pictured with on and off-screen husband Peter Gilmour in The Onedin Line in 1971) Anne was born in Rochford, Essex to Bank of England clerk Edward Stallybrass and his wife Annie, nee Peacock. She went to a local convent school, the same attended by Helen Mirren and Gemma Graven. She got her first acting experience with the Arthur Brough Players, at Folkestone's Leas Pavilion, where she debuted in Rookery Nook in 1960, in Westcliff. Her first notable TV role was playing Jane Seymour in 1970's The Six Wives Of Henry VIII, which went on to become a hit all over the world. Speaking in 1989, she said of the part: 'Not one of us thought we were involved in a success while we were making it.' The happy couple: Anne tied the knot with her co-star Peter Gilmore in 1979 after 10 years as a couple and they lived in a cottage in Dartmouth. He passed away in 2013 (Peter and Anne in 1993) On the ongoing acclaim of the show being aired around the world at the time, she said: 'I had a cheque from Saudi Arabia the other day and that was for a piece of work I originally did nineteen years ago, I suppose. Amazing.' It was 18 months after playing Jane that she went on to scoop her most renowned in BBC's The Onedin Line, which aired in 70 countries. She starred as Anne, wife of the shipping line founder James Onedin, played by her later-husband Peter, who was later described by one critic as 'a working-class Horatio Hornblower'. Starring role: The actress enjoyed huge fame playing Jane Seymour in The Six Wives Of Henry VIII (pictured) and later in The Onedin Line as the long-suffering wife of shipping line founder James Onedin - in what was later life imitating art In the show, James invests his 25 inheritance from his chandlery owner father, in the Charlotte Rhodes, a square-rigged sailing ship, to start his own business and go into competition with his former shipping employer. He is sold the ship by James Hayter's character Captain Webster for a slashed price so long as he married his disapproving daughter Anne - played by Anne. Her decision to star on the show was somewhat shocking due to her fear of the sea. She revealed: 'I had a dread of falling overboard. The costumes were so weighty that I was convinced I would drown, but everyone assured me that with all those petticoats, I'd have floated... 'At least they kept me warm, but I took off the whalebone corset because it was so terribly uncomfortable when I walked up and down the deck. The clothes must have been hell for women in those days.' Star: Anne starred in Heartbeat from 1995 to 1998 playing Eileen Reynolds (pictured) She left the show after two series, having starred from 1971 to 1972, as she was worried she would be typecast, so was written out with the storyline seeing her die in childbirth before James honours her by naming a ship after her. The show went on for nearly 10 years and was a roaring success, leading to Anne later reflecting on whether leaving was the right decision. She said: 'Looking back now, I suppose it was quite a courageous decision in a way. I'm not at all sure I'd do the same thing now, but that was sixteen years ago and so I was younger and I felt the need to do something different.' Following her stint on The Onedin Line, she started a relationship with on-screen husband Peter and they married in 1987. They had a home named Onedin House in Dartmouth, Devon, where the show was filmed. After 10 years in a partnership rather than married, they tied the knot in an intimate ceremony in Richmond before just three friends - despite staunchly insisting they would not marry in previous times. When asked what changed, Anne said: 'Oh, I don't know. For all sorts of enigmatic reasons. No, it was just a personal decision, nothing more than that. It just felt right... Here she is! Anne is pictured in November 1974 'And we did manage to do it incredibly secretly, incredibly privately. If you really want to keep it private, you can. I mean, people don't go round every single board at every single register office looking to see who's marrying who... 'I think that most people who claim they want to keep it quiet and then it's splashed all over the papers actually probably wanted just that in the first place... 'It was just something totally private between us. Peter's a very private person and has suffered in the past by pressure from the Press. He certainly didn't want that to happen again.' Anne was unable to have children but previously stated: '[That's] something I have learnt to live with. I take great joy in my three godchildren and have kept in contact with all the 'television children' I have had.' While The Onedin's second season was being aired, in 1972 she played Anna Strauss in the Austrian music-dynasty drama The Strauss Family. She's a star! Anne is pictured in 1969 She scored BAFTA nominations for her role in the two popular series. Anne starred in Heartbeat from 1995 to 1998 playing Eileen Reynolds. Her final TV role was in 2015's A Song For Jenny. The Frank McGuinness TV film was an adaptation of Julie Nicholson's book detailing losing her daughter in the 7/7 London bombings. Anne played the author and Emily Watson her daughter Julie. Anne previously said of her biggest roles: 'I became well known for playing long-suffering 'historical' ladies Jane Seymour, the Mayor of Casterbridge's wife, Mrs James Onedin. I've been ill-used by my screen husbands rotters to a man.' Here they are! She is pictured alongside Jessica Benton in The Onedin Line Her first love lay in the theatre and she aimed to return to the stage yet never lived her dream of working with the Royal Shakespeare or National companies. She said she loved theatre thanks to the fact: '[It] brings a marvellous sense of belonging and working together as a team'. Anne's best known theatre role was playing Charlotte Bronte in in Noel Robinson's Glasstown on a national tour, followed by a 1973 run at the Westminster Theatre. In the same year, she gave a performance at The Old Vic as Maggie in Harold Brighouse's Hobson's Choice. She also toured with comedians including Eric Sykes in Alan Ayckbourn's Time and Time Again from 1983 to 1984. Tammy Hembrow has shared a heartwarming tribute to her daughter Saskia as she celebrated her fifth birthday on Wednesday. The fitness mogul, 26, posted a series of photos of herself embracing her daughter to Instagram. 'My sweet girl!! Five years earth side! Every single day you remind me how incredibly blessed I am,' she wrote. 'The kindest most amazing little soul': Tammy Hembrow shared a sweet tribute to her daughter Saskia as she celebrated her fifth birthday on Wednesday She added: 'The kindest most amazing little soul. Mummy loves you beyond words, my little soulmate Sass.' In one picture, Tammy looked at Saskia adoringly as they wore matching coloured pyjamas. In another image, Tammy gave her daughter a kiss on her cheek as she smiled for the camera. She also shared a video of Saskia smiling while blowing her birthday candles. Twinning! The fitness mogul, 26, posted a series of photos of herself embracing her daughter to Instagram Tammy shares Saskia and her son Wolf, six, with ex-fiance Reece Hawkins. She has moved on from Reece with Gold Coast-based Ironman Matt Poole, 32. Reece and his American model fiancee London Goheen, 23, welcomed their first child together, son Stone, in March. Celebration: She also shared a video of Saskia smiling while blowing her birthday candles Tammy's post comes after she revealed last week she'd treated herself to a custom Bentley Bentayga, worth an estimated $460,000. She already owns a white Mercedes-Benz G-CLASS G63 AMG SUV, worth $142,000. Tammy has also previously shown off her Mercedes-Benz AMG GT-C on Instagram, with this vehicle estimated to be worth $330,000. As the world continues to open up amid the coronavirus pandemic, many are jetting away on holiday to make up for lost time. And Rocco Ritchie was hot on the heels of fellow sun-seekers as he was spotted living it up on the beach in Porto Cervo, Sardinia on Monday. The superstar offspring, 20, who is the son of Madonna and moviemaker Guy Ritchie, went shirtless while swigging drinks and cooling off in the water during his sun-drenched getaway among a number of pals. Dwon in! Rocco Ritchie was hot on the heels of fellow sun-seekers as he was spotted living it up on the beach in Porto Cervo, Sardinia on Monday Rocco looked in total relaxation mode as he hit the shores with his friends, making the most of the sunshine and the cooling waters. He is Madonna's eldest son. She is also mum to Lourdes, 24, with Carlos Leon, and adoptive kids, David Banda, 15, Mercy, 15, and twins Estere and Stelle, eight. His trip comes after Rocco's five siblings and his mum Madonna headed to Michigan to celebrate his grandfather Silvio Ciccone's 90th birthday in June. Taking to Instagram to document the occasion, Madonna gushed that her father had 'lived through many traumas' after growing up in the US as an Italian immigrant. Woo! The superstar offspring, 20, who is the son of Madonna and moviemaker Guy Ritchie, went shirtless while swigging drinks and cooling off in the water during his sun-drenched getaway among a number of pals Relaxed: Rocco looked in total relaxation mode as he hit the shores with his friends, making the most of the sunshine and the cooling waters Rocco was absent from the festivities which took place at the family's vineyard in Sutton's Bay. While most of her children frequently make appearances on her Instagram, Lourdes is seen less often, while Rocco is virtually never seen, as he spends most of his time in his father's native England. Back in 2016, Guy a bitter nine month custody battle he has been entrenched in with Madonna over where their son should live. Pals: He was joined by a gal pal in the waters Woo! It was fun and frolics all around as he hit the shores The Sherlock Holmes director reached a settlement with the pop star hours before they were due in court in New York. Speaking outside the court Guy's lawyer, Peter Bronstein, said that the then-16-year-old-year-old would continue to live with his father in London. Despite the well-publicised battle, things have clearly settled as he enjoyed time with both his mum and siblings. The couple were married from 2000 until 2008. She recently jetted off to the French Riviera with her family to attend the star-studded wedding of Lady Kitty Spencer. And Emma Weymouth looked sensational as she showed off her amazing figure in a skimpy red bikini as she enjoyed a beach day with her family in St Tropez. The mother-of-two, 35, who is married to the Eight Marquess of Bath, Ceawlin Thynn, appeared in great spirits as she sauntered along the shore before diving in to the sea. Lady in red: Emma Weymouth looked sensational as she showed off her amazing figure in a skimpy red bikini as she enjoyed a beach day with her family in St Tropez Emma oozed confidence as she rocked the tiny scarlet two-piece which featured pretty shell detailing. The beauty clutched a pair of goggles while enjoying her sunny day out, before spending time with her son in the sea. Emma also showed off her fashion sense as she later donned a colourful patterned cover up, which she teamed with a straw hat and a chic clutch bag. She appeared relaxed and happy as she mingled with other holidaymakers on the beach. Stunning: The mother-of-two, 35, who is married to the Eight Marquess of Bath, Ceawlin Thynn, appeared in great spirits as she sauntered along the shore before diving in to the sea The Strictly Come Dancing star returned to France after attending the nuptials of her friend Lady Kitty Spencer in Italy. Princess Diana's niece, 30, wedded her long-term boyfriend Michael Lewis at a 17th century Italian castle last Saturday. Lady Kitty's father Earl Spencer, 57, did not attend and she was walked down the aisle by her brother Louis Spencer, Viscount Althorp, 27, and half brother Samuel Aitken, whose father is businessman Jonathan Aitken. Princess Diana's niece said 'I do' in front of a hushed congregation in the Villa Aldobrandini in Frascati, a stunning country mansion with views towards Rome on Saturday. Fun times: The beauty clutched a pair of goggles while enjoying her sunny day out, before spending time with her son in the sea Fashionista: The Strictly Come Dancing star returned to France after attending the nuptials of her friend Lady Kitty Spencer in Italy Making a splash: Emma made the most of her time on the beach as she took a refreshing dip in the sea Photographs of the bride showed her wearing a high-necked Victorian-inspired lace gown by favourite designer Dolce and Gabbana for the occasion, which featured puff sleeves and a cinched waist. Meanwhile she swept her hair back into a low bun and opted for a lengthy train for the occasion. Her husband opted for a smart white tuxedo and, later, Prince William and Harry's younger cousin changed into a second gown, with short sleeves, pink floral detailing and a flowing hemline. Emma and her husband were among a host of glamorous guests at Kitty's nuptials including the bride's sisters; twins Eliza and Amelia, pop star Pixie Lott and her model boyfriend Oliver Cheshire, Idris Elba's wife Sabrina and Made In Chelsea star Mark Vandelli. Wedding guest: The Strictly Come Dancing star returned to France after attending the nuptials of her friend Lady Kitty Spencer in Italy Advertisement Bridgerton creator Chris Van Dusen confirmed that production has resumed on the highly-anticipated second season after two positive coronavirus tests shut it down. And this series' main character Anthony Bridgerton - played by Jonathan Bailey - was pictured back on set on Tuesday, as the cast and crew resumed filming on the new season of the alternative period drama. The actor, 33, donned a navy velvet double-breasted jacket and beige breeches along with a top hat, as he prepared to film a wood scene off camera surrounded by members of the crew. On set: Anthony Bridgerton - played by Jonathan Bailey - was pictured back on set on Tuesday, as the cast and crew resumed filming on the new season of the alternative period drama 'I hope people love this season': Season two is based on Julia Quinn's 2000 sequel The Viscount Who Loved Me, which is centered on Anthony Bridgerton's (R, Jonathan Bailey) quest to find a suitable partner While away from the cameras, Jonathan wore a perspex shield as a form of coronavirus protection, as the actors returned to filming following a recent Covid outbreak on set. He was also seen shrugging on a tweed coat with the assistance of a member of the crew, who was at hand to help the cast members dress away from the rolling cameras. Jonathan's character Anthony Bridgerton will be the main star of the second season, alongside Simone Ashley as his potential bride (Kate Sharma), as he plot follows his quest to find love. Well protected: While away from the cameras, Jonathan wore a perspex shield as a form of coronavirus protection, as the actors returned to filming following a recent Covid outbreak on set Taking time out: Elsewhere on set, two male cast members took time out from filming while still dressed in period costume and sat in a white tent which had been put up in the woodland area Elsewhere on set, two male cast members took time out from filming while still dressed in period costume and sat in a white tent which had been put up in the woodland area. Both actors were dressed in similar ensembles, which included a tweed waistcoat and puff-sleeve white shirt, with cream breeches and knee-length boots. The dapper actor bore a serious expression as they chatted inbetween takes. Vans pulling carriages on trailers were also see arriving on set, as well as a host of animals including two Irish Wolfhounds and four horses who could be seen grazing on the grass. Period dress: Both actors were dressed in similar ensembles, which included a tweed waistcoat and puff-sleeve white shirt, with cream breeches and knee-length boots Star: Phoebe rose to fame in Netflix's raunchy period drama as Daphne Bridgerton, but she was not pictured on the day - she said co-star Rege-Jean Page's exit from the series 'put a spanner in the works' During the new series, the role of Edwina Sharma, Kate's sister who also plays a key role in Anthony's love story, will be played by newcomer Charithra Chandran. Shelley Conn will play the girls' mother, Lady Mary Sharma, who was previously embroiled in a scandal; while Calam Lynch will play rebellious printer's assistant Theo Sharpe. Creator Chris recently confirmed that cameras were once again rolling on the series following the Covid setback, hours before the actors were spotted on location. 'We are back under way. We had to delay because of Covid, but we're back in it,' the 61-year-old showrunner told Variety on Tuesday. 'Right now I'm in post, editing our first couple episodes, which are looking great.' So serious! The dapper actor bore a serious expression as they chatted inbetween takes Prepped: One actor carried a bottle of water and a face mask in her hand Season two is based on Julia Quinn's 2000 sequel The Viscount Who Loved Me, which is centered on Anthony Bridgerton's (Jonathan Bailey) quest to find a suitable partner. 'We pick up Anthony after we've seen what he's been through with his mistress,' Van Dusen teased. 'He's thinking, 'Was that love?' Some would call it that, others would not. We're exploring those concepts of duty and honor once again...I hope people love this season and beyond as much as they did the first.' Newcomers to the critically-acclaimed Shondaland show will include Simone Ashley, Charithra Chandran, Rupert Evans, Rupert Young, Shelley Conn, and Calam Lynch. Hounds: One of the crew members arrived with a pair of Irish Wolfhounds An eye-popping 82M households streamed the Gossip Girl-style period drama about Regency London high society within the first 28 days of its Christmas Day premiere. Season one scored an impressive 12 nominations - including outstanding drama series - for the 73rd Primetime Emmy Awards, which air September 19 on CBS. Rege-Jean Page scored a lead actor nod for portraying Duke of Hastings Simon Bassett, but saddened fans after announcing he was exiting Bridgerton on April 2. Fans of the Netflix hit can also look forward seasons three and four as well as a limited series prequel in the works about Queen Charlotte's (Golda Rosheuvel) origin story. Horse and carriage! A stately carriage also arrived on a trailer on the back of a van Covered up: One actor walked around wearing a face mask Giddy up! A herd of horses could be seen tied up outside a horsebox on the grass Ready for action: A group of crew members gathered near a trailer Come on! One of the actors walked to of the wolfhounds on leads Taking a break: Some of the crew members were on their phones during a moment off from filming The actress playing Princess Anne in The Crown's fifth season has been revealed as The IT Crowd and Humans star Claudia Harrison. The RADA-trained performer was spotted in character on-set at Scotland's Covesea Lighthouse on Tuesday, where she was shooting opposite Imelda Staunton, who is taking on the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix show. Claudia, 45, boasts a number of TV gigs on her CV as well as a high-profile co-star following her turn in 2005 thriller Archangel, where she starred opposite Daniel Craig in the show about a mystery concerning dictator Josef Stalin. She is a farmers wife and a mother-of-three and is said to have been shocked and delighted when she was chosen to play Anne when the Royal was aged in her 40s. Who's who? The actress playing Princess Anne in The Crown's fifth season has been revealed as The IT Crowd and Humans star Claudia Harrison As well as Imelda, Claudia was also shooting alongside Theo Fraser Steele, who is thought to be playing Anne's second husband Timothy Laurence. After she was seen on set of Tuesday, tongues began wagging over the identity of who was playing the royal and also over her remarkable likeness to Princess Anne. One Twitter account entitled Royal Watcher, shared a message reading: 'Ok I think the actress playing Princess Anne is called Claudia Harrison? #TheCrown', alongside a trio of images of Claudia in different roles as well as an image from on-set. Other actresses suggested by fans included Notting Hill's Gina McKee, 57, The Shape Of Water's Sally Hawkins, 45, Sabotage's Olivia Williams, 53, Motherland's Anna Maxwell Martin, 44, and Keeping Faith's Eve Myles, 43. The role of Princess Anne was previously played by Erin Doherty in 2019's third and last year's fourth series on The Crown. It's her? One Twitter account entitled Royal Watcher, shared a message reading: 'Ok I think the actress playing Princess Anne is called Claudia Harrison? #TheCrown', alongside a trio of Claudia in different roles as well as an image from on-set Look familiar? The RADA-trained performer was spotted in character on-set at Scotland's Covesea Lighthouse on Tuesday, where she was shooting opposite Imelda Staunton, who is taking on the role of Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix show Here they are: Claudia is playing an older incarnation of Princess Anne (pictured, right, in 2016), with the cast appearing to recreate scenes which saw her visit a stables in Covesea in 2002 Claudia is an associate teacher at RADA (the Royal Academy Of Dramatic Arts) and is listed on the academy's website as: 'After a degree in drama from Birmingham University, Claudia graduated from RADA in 2000... 'As a professional actor she has had a varied and exciting career, including lead roles in TV, film, theatre and radio... 'Her most recent work includes Humans for Channel 4, The Painkiller with Rob Brydon and Kenneth Branagh (Lyric, Belfast), Lucan with Rory Kinnear (ITV) and The D-Day Reports series with Benedict Cumberbatch (Radio 4)... Then: Claudia starred opposite Daniel Craig in 2005 show Archangel about a mystery concerning dictator Josef Stalin Line of Duty who!? She is seen with Line Of Duty star Adrian Dunbar in 2003 movie Suspicion 'She has been involved in the New Voices seasons at the Old Vic, numerous workshops for the National Theatre Studio, Royal Court and comedy improvisation for Talkback Thames.' In 2006, she starred in one episode of The IT Crowd as Delina and in 2015 she was in four episodes of Humans as Dr. Aveling. In 2016, Claudia featured in three episodes of Dawn French-fronted show Delcious where she played Janice Woods. Claudia has been married for 18 years to farmer James Gray and lives in a modern eco-style farmhouse on a former World War Two airfield in an idyllic part of north Essex. Starring role: Claudia is pictured with Anthony Head in movie Reversals in 2003 The house at the end of a half mile long private drive stands beside a huge set of solar panels in a field and has its own wildlife pond. Her mother Philippa Harrison who is staying at her house and looking after her family refused to talk about her role as Anne, but she said: Claudia is away filming. She added: She was a horse rider in the past, but she hasnt really got time to do that now. I think she is playing Anne in her middle 40s which is actually her age. 'Her husband is not here because he is out on the farm, so we are looking after the family while she is away.' Seen: Claudia playing Rebecca Lomax in Suspicion A local villager who asked not to be named said: Its supposed to be top secret that she is in The Crown, but her husband has been telling people. I think he is rather proud of her. Word has got around the area and it has become a bit of a talking point. I am surprised that she got the part because I dont think she looks anything like Anne in real life. They must have done a good job on her because she did look quite like her in the photographs that have been published. I dont know how they have got away with it. I know she is into horses. She used to ride, and she has a couple of ponies for her children, so maybe that helped her get the part, if she is required to do some riding. Mr and Mrs: Joining the Princess Anne actress was The Thick Of It star Theo Fraser Steele, who appeared to be playing Anne's husband Timothy Laurence, with the pair filming a 2002 visit Anne made to a stables in Covesea Another villager said: Claudia is more of a mum than an actress these days, so it is amazing that she has got the part of Anne. I heard that she was shocked and delighted to get the role. It is by far the biggest and most high profile role of her career. She is going to be seen by hundreds of millions of people watching The Crown around the world. Due to the location of filming at Covesea Lighthouse, production was stopped multiple times due to RAF fighters jets flying overheard to land at the nearby RAF Lossiemouth base, situated just a few hundred metres away. It seemed that the cast were filming scenes which saw Anne pay a visit to Covesea in 2002 to appear at a stables, because she was President of the Riding for Disabled Association. Happy: Princess Anne and Timothy, who married in 1992, are pictured above after celebrating their first wedding anniversary in 1993 Back to work! Imelda Staunton, 65, was also filming at Scotland's Covesea Lighthouse (the Queen is pictured right in 1991) It's thought that the Queen was not present for the visit, meaning it's possible producers have added her involvement for dramatic effect during the scenes. The stable's owner, Ernest Graham, was honoured to receive such a prestigious guest, as he was a respected member of the community offering free riding lessons to young girls. However, Graham was later jailed for six years after being found guilty of sexually abusing a teenage girl in 2004, but his sentence was later reduced on appeal because the victim was discovered to be 13, not 12. EastEnders star Jessie Wallace cut a casual figure on Wednesday as she left a busy day of filming in London. The 49-year-old actress - who plays Kat Slater in the soap - was spotted leaving the set wearing a low-key outfit complete with fluffy yellow slippers. Jessie sported a simple David Bowie T-shirt and black leather jacket combination while stepping out. Out and about: EastEnders star Jessie Wallace cut a casual figure on Wednesday as she left a busy day of filming in London She completed her look with black joggers while making her way back to her car to head home. Jessie carried a see-through plastic bag with her full of all the filming essentials as well as her car keys. She wore her dark tresses in her classic cropped do and had on a dark eyeliner makeup look. Star: The 49-year-old actress - who plays Kat Slater in the soap - was spotted leaving the set wearing a low-key outfit Last month, Jessie's co-star Max Bowden split from long-term girlfriend Danielle McCarney, four weeks after Jessie left a sexually-explicit message on his Instagram post. The EastEnders actor, 26, who plays Ben Mitchell in the BBC1 soap, called time on the relationship with the former show runner after two years and it's believed the decision was amicable. Fans of the soap speculated at the time of Jessie's crude post on a throwback picture of Max at the 2020 NTAs, in which she wrote: 'Rememberif you need a m***e to cry onI'm yer gal', was a hint the pair were romantically involved. Casual: Jessie sported a simple David Bowie T-shirt and black leather jacket combination while stepping out Max's followers were taken aback by the crude comment as they shared their shock and amusement online. One fan penned: 'Omg,' alongside a crying laughing emoji while another said: '@jessie.wallace_official we need more Kat, Ben & Phil scenes '. Another wrote: '@jessie.wallace_official Supportive m***e.I'm defiantly using this as a pick up line. Cheers Jess,' in addition to crying laughing emojis. But pals told MailOnline Jessies comment was simply a joke and Max was with Danielle at the time. Its not linked to the split. Over: Last month, Jessie's co-star Max Bowden split from long-term girlfriend Danielle McCarney, four weeks after co-star Jessie left a sexually-explicit message on his Instagram post. It is believed Max and Danielle's recent separation was amicable A source close to the star said: 'Max and Danielle's split had been on the cards for a while. 'The relationship was a whirlwind at the start but ran into trouble a few months ago. They tried to make it work but they decided to remain friends. Nobody else was involved. 'Max is still very fond of Danielle and he's gutted it didn't work out. The consolation is at least they parted on good terms.' An EastEnders spokeswoman said: 'We never comment on personal matters.' Surprising! Fans of the soap speculated at the time of Jessie's crude post on a throwback picture of Max at the 2020 NTAs She's developing a reputation for her cutting one-liners, and Sierah Swepstone pulled out all the stops once again during Wednesday's episode of The Bachelor. The 28-year-old Bachelor hopeful deadpanned that she's 'definitely had chlamydia' during a cocktail party that saw everyone dressed up as their 'spirit animal'. Despite dressing up as a phoenix, Sierah confessed that she should have come dressed as a koala instead. Candid confessions: She's developing a reputation for her cutting one-liners, and Sierah Swepstone pulled out all the stops once again during Wednesday's episode of The Bachelor 'So I was gonna say that my spirit animal was a koala tonight, because I like sleeping and I've definitely had chlamydia,' she explained. 'But I thought that would be quite hard to explain to [Bachelor] Jimmy [Nicholson], so I stuck with a phoenix because I've risen from the ashes.' Her candid confession left viewers shocked, with many applauding her honesty and biting sense of humour. Did she just say that? The 28-year-old Bachelor hopeful deadpanned that she's 'definitely had chlamydia' during a cocktail party that saw everyone dressed up as their 'spirit animal' Making memories: Her candid confession left viewers shocked, with many applauding her honesty and biting sense of humour 'Sierah straight up saying she had chlamydia! Girl is straight up honest,' tweeted one impressed viewer. Added another: 'One girl talking about her chlamydia on national TV and knockoff Taylor Lautner dressing as a wolf... this ep really has it all'. One viewer branded it the '#lineoftheseries', while another labelled the moment 'Aussie TV at it's [sic] finest'. Spirit animal: Despite dressing up as a phoenix, Sierah confessed that she should have come dressed as a koala instead Rave reviews: One viewer branded it the '#lineoftheseries', while another labelled the moment 'Aussie TV at it's [sic] finest' '"My spirit animal is a koala, because I like sleeping and I've definitely had chlamidiya [sic]" is the single best confessional in the history of this show,' commented another. Meanwhile, one fan couldn't resist making a cheeky joke about the Bachelor mansion, which sees an influx of hopefuls passing through its doors every year. 'Clamidia [sic]. I was not expecting that word in this show. But it's probably around,' they joked. Lottie Moss caught the eye as she headed out in Notting Hill for a pamper session on Tuesday, after going public with her romance with The Vamps drummer Tristan Evans. The younger sister of Kate, 23, showed off her incredible figure in a pink gym wear set from PrettyLittleThing. The skintight crop top highlighted her toned abs and surgically-enhanced cleavage due to its low-scoop neckline. All eyes on her: Lottie Moss caught the eye as she headed out in Notting Hill on Tuesday, after going public with her romance with The Vamps drummer Tristan Evans She teamed the look with matching high-waisted leggings and opted for comfort in grey and white trainers from the fashion giant. Lottie wore a silver studded cross-body bag over her shoulder and accessorised with a silver necklace and hair clips. The Only Fans star appeared in good spirits as she left trendy beauty hub and facialist Young LDN. Strutting her stuff: The younger sister of Kate, 23, showed off her incredible figure in a pink gym wear set from PrettyLittleThing Ab-tastic: The skintight crop top highlighted her toned abs and surgically-enhanced cleavage due to its low-scoop neckline Lottie and Tristan, 26, have been secretly seeing each other for a few weeks now, according to The Sun. A source close to the couple told the publication that there is chemistry between the two of them and that their romance has been blossoming for some time. The source said Lottie and Tristan, who met through friends, have really hit it off and that the model has told pals how keen she is on the drummer. They said: 'It all became public after they had a snog during a night out in the capital but this isn't just a flash in the pan. Casually-clad: She teamed the look with matching high-waisted leggings and opted for comfort in grey and white trainers from the fashion giant All in the details: Lottie wore a silver studded cross-body bag over her shoulder and accessorised with a silver necklace and hair clips 'They've been dating for a while and Lottie thinks this could become more serious. 'Lottie and Tristan have been spending time together out of the public eye and they both seem to be really happy.' MailOnline has approached representatives for Lottie and Tristan for comment. Lottie and Tristan certainly seemed to be getting along well when they were pictured in a steamy embrace in Notting Hill, London last week. Pamper session: The Only Fans star appeared in good spirits as she left Young LDN following her facial London gal: Lottie has been enjoying time in the capital after spending much of lockdown in Los Angeles Cosy: Lottie and Tristan, 26, have been secretly seeing each other for a few weeks now, according to reports Exeter-born Tristan couldn't keep his eyes off her as they strode along the street in unison after their candlelit dinner, and it wasn't long before the pair turned up the heat as they stopped walking to share an intimate moment by the side of the road. The next evening, Lottie took to Instagram where she shared a late-night snap of the pair together, with her new man seen cooking up a romantic meal for them. Edgier than her usual type, Lottie has previously dated Made In Chelsea boys Alex Mytton, 30, and Sam Prince, 24. Meanwhile, Tristan got engaged to model Anastasia Smith in April 2018, after dating for four years, but by the autumn the pair had split, removing all pictures together from their social media profiles. Anastasia is now engaged to another man. Last November The Vamps drummer told Attitude that 'there shouldn't be any boundaries,' when it comes to sexuality. Melissa McCarthy could be seen sporting a huge plaster on her neck during a video released for Meghan Markle's 40th birthday on Wednesday. The video comes after the actress, 50, shared a video about suffering from terrifying spider bites while filming two projects in Australia this year. Melissa's video revealed the worrying effects of a huntsman spider bite, which left her feeling itchy and unwell - as she covered herself in towels to cool off. Video call: Melissa McCarthy could be seen sporting a huge plaster on her neck during a video released for Meghan Markle's 40th birthday on Wednesday It is unclear whether Melissa's plaster-covered neck was due to another spider bite injury. Melissa featured in the Duchess of Sussex's video which was launched as an initiative for people to commit to giving 40 minutes of their time to support women going back to work. The Duchess had asked 40 activists, athletes, artists and world leaders to participate by contributing 40 minutes of mentorship to women re-entering the workforce. Ouch! The video comes after the actress, 50, shared a video about suffering from terrifying spider bites while filming two projects in Australia this year What's going on? It is unclear whether Melissa's plaster-covered neck was due to another spider bite injury Gal pals: Melissa featured in the Duchess of Sussex's video which was launched as an initiative for people to commit to giving 40 minutes of their time to support women going back to work Melissa has been in Australia with her family filming the miniseries Nine Perfect Strangers, and more recently Thor: Love and Thunder. In March the actress revealed she was bitten by a huntsman spider during her trip Down Under. The Hollywood star shared a hilarious video to Instagram of herself lying in bed with bandages on both hands. Birthday plan: The Duchess had asked 40 activists, athletes, artists and world leaders to participate by contributing 40 minutes of mentorship to women re-entering the workforce In the post, Melissa is first seen saying: 'I love that all the bugs and creatures will kill you.' She is then pictured lying in a bed with bandages on both her hands and a towel on her forehead. 'After professing my love of Australian critters to InStyle magazine, I was quickly reminded by someone that I was conveniently forgetting the aftermath of some of those "magical" bites,' Melissa wrote. Exhibit A! Melissa's video revealed the worrying effects of a huntsman spider bite, which left her feeling itchy and unwell - as she covered herself in towels to cool off 'I love that all the bugs and creatures will kill you': The Hollywood star shared a hilarious video to Instagram of herself lying in bed with bandages on both hands The comedian has been in Australia since last year filming the upcoming TV series Nine Perfect Strangers, which is based on the 2018 novel of the same name by Big Little Lies author Liane Moriarty. The $100million production was being filmed in Byron Bay and other parts of NSW. The series will tell the story of nine stressed-out urbanites who escape to a wellness retreat run by Nicole Kidman's character. Melissa and her husband Ben Falcone were also recently spotted on set Thor: Love and Thunder alongside Matt Damon and Luke Hemsworth. Chrishell Stause is having the time of her life during her vacation along the coast of Italy this month. And on Tuesday the Selling Sunset star updated her fans on just how wonderful her time away from the grind of daily life at home has been. The 40-year-old blonde beauty shared an image where she wore a string bikini in white. The Dancing With The Stars vet was also seen with her arm around her new love, Jason Oppenheim. All good: Chrishell Stause is having the time of her life during her vacation along the coast of Italy this month Love my hat: And on Tuesday the Selling Sunset star updated her fans on just how wonderful her time away from the grind of daily life at home has been He is her boss at the real estate firm they work at which is the focus of the series Selling Sunset. In her caption for her bikini photo she commented on her straw hat: 'The hat was a solid Mykonos purchase.' And on Instagram Stories Chrishell was seen on a speedboat with her new love who went shirt free as he smiled from ear to ear. Last week she was see in a hot pink bikini in images shared to social media. Her new man: The Dancing With The Stars vet was also seen with her arm around her new love, Jason Oppenheim Love my boss: He is her boss at the real estate firm they work at which is the focus of the series Selling Sunset The siren was in a kitchen as she posed with an enormous bottle of vodka. 'Trust me, you can dance!' she said as she added the quote was from 'Vodka.' With her hair up and her makeup nicely done, Stause flashed a radiant smile. And on her Insta Stories, she posed in a mauve bikini dress as she enjoyed a pink glass of wine while at an al fresco lunch. Meanwhile, she has revealed her surprising new romance with her Selling Sunset costar Oppenheim. Covered up now: In this image, Stause has on a see-through knit top in white over her white bikini as she holds the camera The Netflix star unveiled her new relationship in a series of cuddled-up snaps taken from her current getaway to Capri, Italy. Chrishell looked as happy as can be packing on the PDA with her new beau, 44, as the new lovebirds explored the sights on board a boat. Days before she was seen in the Italian coastal town of Positano. The real estate expert shared her collection of photos from the vacation as she enjoyed al fresco lunches and shopping sprees. 'Italy is the most heavenly place,' gushed the former model. And she added that her luggage never showed up so she had to buy some new clothes. 'No luggage..? So I was FORCED to do some shopping,' said the reality TV favorite. Cute suit: Stause showed off her slender shape as she posed in a hot pink bikini while on vacation in Italy in images shared to social media on the weekend 'Italy is the most heavenly place. My photos all kind of suck-lol but the memories are priceless. (Almost every single thing pictured is Missoni -again, I HAD to).' She was seen in a seafoam green dress as she stood on a balcony. The star was also pictured with some of her Selling Sunset costars - Jason and Brett Oppenheim - during an outdoor lunch. And she also modeled a cute halter top in multi colors. There was also a look at her room service dinner before dinner as Italians eat so late. These holiday images come after news Stause is releasing her own memoir. The star will tell the story of her 'crazy life journey' and the process of 'finding [her] voice' in her upcoming book, titled 'Under Construction: Because Living My Best Life Took a Little Work'. Cheers: And on her Insta Stories, she posed in a mauve bikini dress as she enjoyed a pink glass of wine while at an al fresco lunch She told People magazine of the project: 'I have always loved writing and it is an honour to be able to tell my story in this way. I've had such a crazy life journey and in the process of finding my voice, I'm hopeful I can inspire others along the way as well.' Chrishell's debut book will be published by Simon & Schuster imprint Gallery Books, and will explore the star's Kentucky upbringing, which included periods of homelessness and family's addiction struggles. The beauty will also write about achieving her dream of being on a daytime soap, as well as her highly publicized love life, which has included a four-year marriage to Justin Hartley. Chrishell was married to Justin from 2017 until he filed for divorce in 2019, with the paperwork being finalized in February this year. It's love! On Monday she and Oppenheim kissed and cuddled while on their romantic trip Bellas: The star was also pictured with some of her Selling Sunset costars - Jason and Brett Oppenheim - during an outdoor lunch The Days of Our Lives alum previously slammed Justin for telling her about his intent to file for divorce over text message just 45 minutes before the news was made public. She said: 'I found out because he text[ed] me that we were filed. Forty-five minutes later, the world knew.' And Chrishell also hit out at the actor for making an 'impulsive' decision about the future of their relationship. She fumed: 'Because of the crazy way in which this went down, people want answers, and I f****** want answers. I know people are saying we were only married two years, but it's like, we were together for six years. In a fight, that's his go-to, you know? Like, 'I'm out, I'm out.' I hate that kind of impulsive stuff, but I always just thought, you know, that's just an issue that we work through it. 'If that's really what you wanted, there are better ways to go about [it]. I talked to him right after because I thought that must be a joke, but that was kind of the end of the communication. What am I supposed to say? What do you say after that? It's like, now I have to find a place to live. Now I have to scramble and figure this out, you know?' The Crown's fifth season will feature The Thick Of It star and London deli owner Theo Fraser Steele playing Princess Anne's husband Timothy Laurence. He was spotted on-set at Scotland's Covesea Lighthouse on Tuesday, where he was joined by his on-screen wife - played by The IT Crowd and Humans star Claudia Harrison - and Imelda Staunton, who is taking on the role of Queen Elizabeth II . He cut a dapper figure to play the role of Anne's spouse, who she married in 1992 after splitting from Mark Phillips. Theo's acting career spans back to 1996, when he starred in Casualty while he also played Christian Holhurst in political satire The Thick Of It in 2005. As well as acting, he is a successful deli owner and runs a shop with his wife in Hackney. Royal role: The Crown's fifth season will feature The Thick Of It star and London deli owner Theo Fraser Steele playing Princess Anne's husband Timothy Laurence (pictured on-set on Tuesday) Theo comes from Essex and trained to be an actor in London before working with Bill Nighy and Stella Gonet in Richard Eyres production of David Hares Skylight at the National Theatre aged just 23. He went on to have many stage roles both in the capital and across the country. In The Thick Of It he played an MPs son who was shoved up against a wall and subjected to a torrent of abuse by the foul-mouthed Malcolm Tucker. Speaking in 2018 about moving from acting to food, when he told The West Morland Gazette: 'We didnt choose to do it - we sort of fell into it. It started with just me. We now own the business and have a staff of 12'. Due to the location of filming at Covesea Lighthouse on Tuesday, production was stopped multiple times due to RAF fighters jets flying overheard to land at the nearby RAF Lossiemouth base, situated just a few hundred metres away. Happy: Princess Anne and Timothy, who married in 1992, are pictured above after celebrating their first wedding anniversary in 1993 Mr and Mrs: Joining the Princess Anne actress was The Thick Of It star Theo Fraser Steele, who appeared to be playing Anne's husband Timothy Laurence, with the pair filming a 2002 visit Anne made to a stables in Covesea It seemed that the cast were filming scenes which saw Anne pay a visit to Covesea in 2002 to appear at a stables, because she was President of the Riding for Disabled Association. It's thought that the Queen was not present for the visit, meaning it's possible producers have added her involvement for dramatic effect during the scenes. The stable's owner, Ernest Graham, was honoured to receive such a prestigious guest, as he was a respected member of the community offering free riding lessons to young girls. Snap happy: Theo is pictured in September last year Role: Theo is pictured playing Ben Halliday in Hex in 2004 Who's who? The actress playing Princess Anne in The Crown's fifth season has been revealed as The IT Crowd and Humans star Claudia However, Graham was later jailed for six years after being found guilty of sexually abusing a teenage girl in 2004, but his sentence was later reduced on appeal because the victim was discovered to be 13, not 12. His ex, Caroline Lundon was also jailed for four years in 2005 for encouraging the girl to have sex with him. Following his release, it was reported in 2012 that Graham was still running a riding school offering lessons to teenage girls, according to The Daily Record. He told the publication: 'Yes, there are young girls coming up here for riding lessons but it's with my daughter. It's nothing to do with me. 'I come and go and I'm not around here that often. The police and authorities take care of things and I'm not allowed to teach youngsters. Strictly pros Katya Jones and Luba Mushtuk looked glamorous as they headed to rehearsals on Wednesday, as the show prepares to reveal its first three stars this evening. Former Strictly champion Katya, 32, put on a leggy display in a pair of thigh-high boots paired with a striking fringed skirt as she strolled into the studio in London. She teamed this with a grey hoodie and clutched onto a coffee. Here come the dancers: Strictly pros Katya Jones and Luba Mushtuk looked glamorous as they headed to rehearsals on Wednesday, as the show prepares to reveal its first three stars this evening Her raven tresses were styled in soft waves while she sported a light palette of make-up. Luba, 31, wowed in a plunging printed vest top, teamed with leggings which showcased her trim pins. She layered up in a black blazer and boosted her height with strappy sandals. Fellow professional dancer Nancy Xu, 29, also made a stylish arrival in a crushed velvet jumpsuit and a snakeskin print jacket. Chic: Fellow professional dancer Nancy Xu, 29, also made a stylish arrival in a crushed velvet jumpsuit and a snakeskin print jacket Toned: Former Strictly champion Katya, 32, put on a leggy display in a pair of thigh-high boots paired with a striking fringed skirt as she strolled into the studio in London Strut: Luba layered up in a black blazer and boosted her height with strappy sandals Stroll: Nancy looked focused as she headed to her first show rehearsal for the 2021 series The first three celebrity dancers are set to be unveiled on Wednesdays edition of The One Show on BBC One, which will air at 7pm. Comedian Bill Bailey won the competition last year with pro partner Oti Mabuse, her second consecutive victory after taking the 2019 crown with Kelvin Fletcher. This comes amid claims Strictly Come Dancing is set to feature its very first same-sex male pairing in the upcoming series. Wow: The first three celebrities from this year's line-up will be revealed in a matter of hours Tom Daley and Alan Carr are among the famous faces who have been approached to make up the pairing, according to The Sun. And the publication also claims whichever celebrity has been signed up will be partnered with Graziano Di Prima, after the dancer, 27, impressed bosses with his powerful performance with co-star Johannes Radebe, 34. A source told the paper: 'The bosses are thrilled Strictly will be able to show its first all-male couple this year. 'And they have their sights firmly on Graziano. There is no reason why a gay celebrity should automatically be paired with a gay dancer.' Historic: Strictly is reportedly set to feature its first ever all-male pairing after signing a celeb for the new series, who it is believed will partner Graziano Di Prima (pictured) Set for the ballroom? Tom Daley (left) and Alan Carr (right) are among the famous faces who have been approached for the new series, it has been claimed The Italian star, who is engaged to dancer Giada Lini, and Johannes became the first professionals on the show to perform a same-sex couple dance back in 2019. The couple received rave reviews when they danced together during Emile Sande's performance. But in the days that followed, the routine led to nearly 300 complaints however a report for the BBC later revealed the complaints wouldn't be upheld. Previously speaking about the backlash, Graziano told Attitude Magazine: 'We weren't worried about it, OK, there were 200 complaints, but there were millions of people writing to us, sending us videos saying thank you and celebrating our friendship.' The number of Ofcom complaints lodged in the last week of Love Island have soared to a total of more than 5,000 - the highest number in the show's history. Around 4,330 of the complaints were from people who said the postcard sent back to the original girls in the main villa from Casa Amor was 'misleading and caused unnecessary distress'. And more than 600 complaints were also made two days later after the recoupling episode, when Teddy Soares walked in alone while Faye Winter had recoupled. Oh dear: The number of Ofcom complaints lodged in the last week of Love Island have soared to a total of more than 5,000 (pictured is single Teddy after Casa Amor - which sparked 600 complaints) It came after one of the images on the postcard showed Teddy kissing Clarisse Juliette during a challenge - causing Faye to panic and recouple with new boy Sam Jackson. But the kiss took place during a game of truth or dare, and Teddy had actually remained faithful to Faye throughout his time in Casa Amor, joining Jake Cornish who is coupled up with Liberty Poole as the only official couple in the villa on the day bed outside every night. In the week between July 27 and August 2, broadcasting watchdog Ofcom received 5,249 complaints about the ITV2 dating series which kicked off in June. Shock decision: More than 600 complaints were made two days after the recoupling episode, when Teddy Soares walked in alone while Faye Winter had recoupled Within that number 95 viewers objected to the treatment of Millie, after she was left heartbroken when Liam's infidelities with Lillie were revealed. In addition, 37 complainants objected to Sunday's episode being left on a cliffhanger. A representative for Love Island has been contacted by MailOnline for a comment. Teddy and Faye have now recoupled after talking through what happened in Casa Amor but he was left single after Faye picked Sam while the boys were at Casa Amor. Drama: It came after one of the images on the postcard showed Teddy kissing Clarisse Juliette during a challenge - causing Faye to panic and recouple with new boy Sam Jackson Speaking about her decision, Faye said: 'Things change in here very quickly, so people's true colours come out, and pictures say a thousand words. 'As we all know, I was taking my time to let my guard down, and the night before he left, I let it down and then he was gone. 'Once I received the postcard, the girl I'd been working so hard on was just closed off again.' Teddy admitted he was 'disappointed' in Faye's decision, but had followed his 'heart' in coming back to the main villa alone. Shock: In addition, 95 viewers objected to the treatment of Millie, after she was left heartbroken when Liam's infidelities with Lillie were revealed It comes after Love Island was hit with more than 1,500 Ofcom complaints after bombshell Danny Bibby's entrance in the villa month. The plumber, 25, from Manchester has been this series' most controversial contestant to date with viewers calling for him to be removed from the show after a historic Instagram comment where he used a racial slur was unearthed. Danny's father Richard had to quit Instagram after 1,081 viewers complained to Ofcom about the episode on July 15, in which the islander entered the villa. Not happy: It comes after Love Island was hit with more than 1,500 Ofcom complaints after bombshell Danny Bibby 's entrance in the villa month The plumber made his debut on Thursday evening's show as a bombshell, however soon after the episode aired, fans delved into his Instagram and sourced the comment made in 2019. Danny apologised for his actions from the villa, saying he 'meant no offence' and has 'learnt from his mistakes'. Three days later, the show sparked 426 complaints, after they played Kanye West and Jay-Z's song N****s In Paris at the start of the episode after ignoring viewers' calls for Danny to be axed. Several viewers shared their amazement over the music choice on Twitter, with some saying that it was a 'disrespectful' and others being left in shock. Backlash: The plumber, 25, has been this series' most controversial contestant to date with viewers calling for him to be removed from the show after a racist comment was unearthed Love Island 2021 - Meet the contestants Which Love Island couples are still together? Where are the Love Island winners now - and what are they worth? Coronation Street actress Cherylee Houston has told how she hasn't left the house except to attend hospital appointments for 16 months. The soap star, 46, has been shielding since March 2020 due to a rare connective tissue disorder called Ehlers-Danlos - which makes her vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus. Cherylee, who plays Izzy Armstrong on the show, has also suffered from 'recent complications', which have put her into a 'different category'. Candid: Coronation Street actress Cherylee Houston, 46, has told how she hasn't left the house for 16 months, except to attend hospital appointments Speaking on Tuesday's episode of This Morning, Cherylee - who uses a wheelchair - said: 'I'm in a slightly different category to Izzy, I'm slightly more vulnerable than she is. 'I've been shielding this whole time and I've had recent complications, which have put me into a different category. But what that meant was we had to be extremely careful at home. What was fantastic at 'Corrie' was they went, "How can we tell that story?" because it's happened to so many other disabled people over this time. 'I haven't been anywhere other than a hospital for 16 months now.' Situation: The soap star has been shielding since March 2020 due to a rare connective tissue disorder - which makes her vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus (pictured in 2016) What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is the name for a group of rare inherited conditions that affects the body's connective tissue. Connective tissues provide support in skin, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, internal organs and bones. Different types of EDS are caused by faults in certain genes that make connective tissue weaker. Depending on the type of EDS, the faulty gene may have been inherited from one parent, or both. Sometimes the faulty gene isnt inherited, but occurs spontaneously. EDS can affect people in different ways. For some the condition is relatively mild, while for others their symptoms can be disabling. Some of the rare severe types can even be life-threatening. Figures suggest between one in 5,000 and one in 20,000 people have the condition. Source: NHS Direct Advertisement Cherylee was able to return to Corrie recently as she has been filming in her own home, alongside her real-life partner Toby Hadoke, who has joined as her neighbour. The couple have been ultra-careful amid the coronavirus pandemic, so much so they have been sanitising all their food that comes through the door, and even their dog Bernard when he returns to the house after walks. She said: 'We sanitise everything that comes into the house. 'For quite a long time Bernard the dog was getting sprayed after his dog walks.' On-screen! Cherylee, who plays Izzy Armstrong on the show, has also suffered from 'recent complications', which have put her into a 'different category' Toby added: 'That's been my life, sitting in the porch spraying blueberries just to make sure that everything that comes in is sanitised.' Explaining the wider effects of the pandemic, Izzy said: 'When shielding finished in March, people stopped getting help. But it didn't mean we didn't need it. 'Mental health as well that's been impacted with people who weren't even in the vulnerable category, because of the isolation. Vulnerable: Speaking on Tuesday's episode of This Morning, Cherylee said: 'I'm in a slightly different category to Izzy, I'm slightly more vulnerable than she is' 'I think that's why it's so important to cover this on Coronation Street, last year 59 per cent of the people who died were disabled - it seems like we've been forgotten about in this pandemic.' 'At the height of things there was a DNR [do not resuscitate] notice on disabled people, so the fear of you being that choice and not being seen as equal human beings is quite prominent. 'Corrie have looked after me as their actor, but also used the story to show how difficult this is for disabled people.' Hotel heiress-turned-reality TV icon Paris Hilton might not yet have a bun in the oven yet, but she's already selected names for her future daughter and son. The 40-year-old socialite - who's undergone egg extraction for IVF - told Delish she'll name the girl London Marilyn Hilton Reum and the boy another location-based name she's keeping private. 'I'm more focused on babies than billions,' Paris quipped in her cover story. 'I'm more focused on babies than billions': Hotel heiress-turned-reality TV icon Paris Hilton might not yet have a bun in the oven yet, but she's already selected names for her future daughter and son 'I hate needles and shots and having to inject yourself several times a day. It's just painful and uncomfortable, and I hated that part. But I'm so happy that we did it. 'We have tons of eggs and all of the kids ready to go. It is a hard process and definitely is very emotional, but I'm just so lucky that I have such an amazing partner in [fiance Carter Reum].' Hilton and the 40-year-old M13 co-founder celebrated their 20-month anniversary as a couple on July 29, and they've already set a secret date for their wedding. 'He's like no one I've ever met in my life before, the first person that I've let into my heart that I trust completely,' the iHeartRadio podcaster gushed of her fourth engagement. Motherhood dreams: The 40-year-old socialite - who's undergone egg extraction for IVF - told Delish she'll name the girl London Marilyn Hilton Reum and the boy another location-based name she's keeping private Paris said in her cover story: 'We have tons of eggs and all of the kids ready to go. It is a hard process and definitely is very emotional, but I'm just so lucky that I have such an amazing partner in [fiance Carter Reum]' 'It's just amazing to finally feel what real love is': Hilton and the 40-year-old M13 co-founder (R) celebrated their 20-month anniversary as a couple on July 29, and they've already set a secret date for their wedding 'He's my biggest supporter and just lifts me up and makes me feel so safe. It's just amazing to finally feel what real love is. I don't think I ever experienced it before.' Paris has been hard at work filming a 13-episode docuseries Paris In Love about their wedding journey for Peacock. But first, fans can stream Hilton's six-episode series Cooking With Paris, which premiered Wednesday on Netflix. Critics blasted the celebutante for slipping back into her airheaded Simple Life persona after learning it was a coping mechanism for trauma in her serious 2020 documentary This Is Paris. In the works: Paris has been hard at work filming a 13-episode docuseries Paris In Love about their wedding journey for Peacock (pictured May 12) Now streaming! But first, fans can stream Hilton's six-episode series Cooking With Paris, which premiered Wednesday on Netflix Jarring: Critics blasted the celebutante for slipping back into her airheaded Simple Life persona after learning it was a coping mechanism for trauma in her serious 2020 documentary This Is Paris 'Doing that character, I ended up creating a huge empire and now I know exactly what I'm doing,' Paris stated. 'Of course I know what Walmart is. I knew everything, I knew what I was doing on that show. Maybe I don't know what some cooking utensils are - that part's real. 'From being on camera for so long and portraying that character, anytime a camera is around, I revert back to that. Because I'm a naturally shy person, it makes it easier for me to be that bubbly character.' With culinary offerings such as Lucky Charms, mac-and-cheese, nachos, and Jell-O shots - Hilton's younger sister Nicky Hilton Rothschild joked she had the palate of a kindergartener. Paris stated: 'From being on camera for so long and portraying that character, anytime a camera is around, I revert back to that. Because I'm a naturally shy person, it makes it easier for me to be that bubbly character' 'She's right, it is like a five-year-old. I love kid food': With culinary offerings such as Lucky Charms, mac-and-cheese, nachos, and Jell-O shots - Hilton's younger sister Nicky Hilton Rothschild (M) joked she had the palate of a kindergartener 'Yeah, I don't eat that healthy, but now I'm trying to learn how': Aside from her sister and mother Kathy - the I Blame You songstress 'cooks' with former assistant Kim Kardashian (R), rapper Saweetie, pop star Demi Lovato, comic Nikki Glaser, and influencer Lele Pons 'She's right, it is like a five-year-old. I love kid food,' laughed the I Blame You songstress, who's penning her first cookbook. 'I love making little heart-shaped grilled cheese sandwiches and having cereal and candy. And I love McDonald's Happy Meals and fast food and pizza...Yeah, I don't eat that healthy, but now I'm trying to learn how.' Aside from her sister and mother Kathy - Paris 'cooks' with former assistant Kim Kardashian, rapper Saweetie, pop star Demi Lovato, comic Nikki Glaser, and influencer Lele Pons. For the magazine spread styled by Kristen Saladino, Hilton had her signature blonde locks coiffed by hairstylist Eduardo Ponce and her make-up applied by Katie Nova. She's fresh to the professional acting world. But Sistine Stallone demonstrated her stellar dramatic skills while opposite Megan Fox in an exclusive clip from the upcoming film Midnight In The Switchgrass. In the scene Sistine, 23, transforms into a disheveled, glassy-eyed informant who reveals key information that could lead to the serial killer Fox's character FBI agent Rebecca Lombardi is hunting down. Talented: Sistine Stallone is fresh to the acting world, but packs quite the punch with her performance in Midnight In The Switchgrass, which DailyMail.com got an exclusive look at The second generation thespian - who is Sylvester Stallone's daughter - was captivating as she sat in a dirty motel room while her character Heather frantically told Fox's character how she was being forced to work off a debt by supplying a shady character with young women. Though the scene was far from glamourous, Sistine's acting more than proved her star-power. The film's director Randall Emmett called Sistine 'the real deal,' in an interview, saying how she was his first pick for the role, even before he knew she was friend Sly's daughter. 'What's amazing about Sistine is she came to me through Sheila Jaffe, my casting director,' Emmett, who is married to Vanderpump Rules' Lala Kent, explained. Holding her own: The second generation celebrity had a great rapport with co-star Megan Fox on screen All eyes on you: captivating as she sat in a dirty motel room while her character Heather frantically told Fox's FBI agent character Rebecca Lombardi her situation 'I had no idea, and I've done many movies with Sylvester Stallone, but I had no idea she was Stallone's daughter. I didn't know her.' 'I don't think we'd even ever met. And when she read she became my first choice for this role, and I looked at her last name and I said, "Is that Sylvester Stallone's daughter? Oh, wow!" The funny story about this whole thing is that I cast her and never called Sly, who is a friend, I never called him to say, "Your daughter's in my movie." Bad guys: Sistine's character told Fox (pictured in a another scene with beau Machine Gun Kelly) that she was being forced to work off a debt by supplying a shady character with young women Packed cast: The film also stars Bruce Willis, Emile Hirsch, Machine Gun Kelly and Lukas Haas 'And it wasn't until we were in Puerto Rico, because she shot (her scenes) in Puerto Rico, and we were at a cast dinner or something like that and I spoke to Sly on the phone and he's like, "Hey, my daughter's in your movie." 'I had no idea, and I'm like, "Yeah, I cast her because she was the best actor for the role." And he's like, "That's awesome. She's so excited." 'I said to him, "Obviously, you know this, you're an incredible actor and director yourself, but your daughter's very talented, and I cast her off a tape." Casting: The film's director Randall Emmett called Sistine 'the real deal,' exclusively telling DailyMail.com how she was his first pick for the role, even before he knew she was friend Sly's daughter. He's seen with wife Lala Kent at the film's premiere above Star: 'What's amazing about Sistine is she came to me through Sheila Jaffe, my casting director,' Emmett explained. Sistine is seen at the July 19th premiere above 'And it was really neat that that happened, because it doesn't happen a lot like that when you have a very famous family. But Sistine Stallone is the real deal and an incredible actress.' Stallone's previous big screen credits include a part in the survival thriller 47 Meters Down: Uncaged. Midnight In the Switchgrass - while also stars Bruce Willis, Emile Hirsch, Machine Gun Kelly and Lukas Haas - is available for digital download on August 13th and DVD on August 16th, via Lionsgate UK. Coronation Street stars Helen Worth (who plays Gail Platt), Bill Roache (Ken Barlow) and Rula Lenska (Claudia Colby) were seen in funeral scenes in Manchester on Wednesday, sparking speculation that Sue Nicholls' iconic character Audrey Roberts has died. Sue's character Audrey is not only mother to Helen's Gail, but shares a close friendship with Bill's character Ken and has had a long-term rivalry with 'best frenemy' Claudia, played by Rula, who recently returned after an 18 month break - could the death of an old friend have drawn her back to the cobbles? Also shooting funeral scenes mid-week were Daniel Brocklebank (Billy Mayhew), Gareth Pierce (Gavin Moss), Tony Maudsley (George Shuttleworth) and Patti Clare (Mary Taylor). Daniel was in character as priest Billy and wearing a clerical collar, while Gareth and Tony were dressed in smart black suits and sunglasses. Speculation: Coronation Street stars Helen Worth, Bill Roache and Rula Lenska were seen in funeral scenes in Manchester on Wednesday, sparking speculation that Sue Nicholls' iconic character Audrey Roberts has died Smart: Bill was also dressed in smart funeral attire consisting of a crisp shirt, suit bottoms, a tie and sunglasses Bill was also dressed in smart funeral attire consisting of a crisp shirt, suit bottoms, a tie and sunglasses, while Patti filmed scenes in both a floaty khaki dress and a long white frock. Arriving for a day of filming in jeans and a plaid shirt, Helen was sporting a face mask and carrying a large shopping bag before getting into character. Standing next to her character's former flame on a doorstep, Rula appeared to be wearing pyjamas and beamed from ear to ear between scenes, suggesting she was delighted to be filming again after such a long break. It was announced last month that Rula would return to the soap, and viewers last saw her in action in April 2020 when the loud and cheerful redhead decided to stay at Stillwaters' retirement village despite Bill's Ken returning back to Weatherfield. Downcast: Helen appeared downcast with her arms folded across her chest while acting Arrival: Arriving for a day of filming in jeans and a plaid shirt, Helen was sporting a face mask and carrying a large shopping bag before getting into character Beaming: Standing next to her character's former flame on a doorstep, Rula appeared to be wearing pyjamas and beamed from ear to ear between scenes Return: It was announced last month that Rula would return to the soap, and viewers last saw her in action in April 2020 It comes after the cast and crew of Coronation Street and Emmerdale were warned to stick to precautions amid an 'alarming number' of Covid cases on both shows. In July, Corrie returned to location filming for the first time in 14 months. Masks were worn between takes and social distancing was observed, and cast members had to do their own make-up. Dapper: Long-time Corrie favourite Bill looked dapper on set in the middle of the week Change of outfit: When actor Bill arrived on the Manchester set he was wearing casual trousers and trainers Decisions: In April, Rula's Claudia decided to stay at Stillwaters' retirement village despite Bill's Ken returning back to Weatherfield Bosses halted filming on both shows for two weeks in January 'as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic'. They made the decision to stop shooting on Corrie so the cast and crew could have a short break due to the pressures of filming during the coronavirus crisis. ITV bosses suspended filming on Emmerdale after a production team member contracted COVID-19. Cast: Also shooting funeral scenes mid-week was Daniel Brocklebank (Billy Mayhew) who was wearing his character's priest's collar Head to toe: Tony Maudsley (George Shuttleworth) was also dressed smartly from head to toe Smart: Actor Gareth Pierce (Gavin Moss) looked smart as he strolled around set wearing a pinstripe suit An ITV spokesperson told MailOnline at the time: 'Coronation Street will pause filming from next Monday, 25 January for two weeks to undertake some rewriting of stories and scripts as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic. 'We will also be taking the opportunity to review all health and safety requirements to ensure we continue to provide a safe working environment for the cast, crew and production team. 'This pause in filming won't affect our ability to deliver six episodes of Coronation Street each week.' Floaty: Patti Clare (Mary Taylor) was first seen on set wearing a floaty khaki dress Quick change: Patti then filmed scenes in a white, shin-skimming frock Katie Holmes shared a throwback photo of her and her sisters on Instagram, and the family resemblance is more than just passing. The actress, 42, posted the photo that shows her and her three sisters huddled together in front of two bouquets of roses. Katie wore a gray thigh-length dress in the photo. She captioned the throwback picture, 'My sisters and me', followed by a heart emoji. More than a passing resemblance: Katie Holmes posted this picture of her and her sisters and the four of them share many similarities including the same shining smile Safety first: The star, her sisters and mom Kathleen wore goggles when they went to the Toledo Museum of Art Glass Pavilion in this image shared to Katie's Instagram page Tom Cruise's ex has four siblings total, the three sisters shown above and a brother who doesn't come up as often. All four of her siblings live in Ohio. Her brother's name is Martin Holmes Jr., 51, and her sisters' names are Tamera Holmes, 53, Holly Ann Holmes, 52, and Nancy Kay Holmes, 46. Holmes visited her family in 2019 when she was set to give a commencement speech at the University of Toledo. The Dawson's Creek star posted a photo with her sisters and her mom then too. Quality time on the red carpet: Katie has taken her family to her premieres including to her 2015 film Touched With Fire where she was photographed with mother Kathleen and sisters Tamera and Holly Ann Not a kid anymore: The Secret actress has grown up quite a bit since the throwback photo was taken becoming an internationally known name and appearing on red carpets; seen in 2019 Some of the movie star's sisters have also appeared alongside her at red carpet events. Her mother, Kathleen, and two of her sisters attended the premiere for her film Touched With Fire. As for their relationship with their niece Suri, the sisters have met her many times. A source told People in 2012 that Katie and Suri went to Ohio consistently while she was married to Mission Impossible star Tom Cruise. Lily Collins took to Instagram on Wednesday to post a pair of smiling photos with fellow actress Ashley Park. The star captioned the post, 'Last day on set and I can't imagine wrapping on a more perfect note with my @emilyinparis partner in crime. I'm not crying, you're crying!...' The co-stars have finished filming season two of the hit TV series. Warm embrace: Emily In Paris co-stars Lily and Ashley embrace each other as they wrap season two of their hit series Lily and Ashley were dressed casually, both wearing Nike sneakers as they shared a seat in a chair in a dressing room. Lily wore light blue jeans and a dyed sweatshirt, while Ashley rocked purple leggings and a lavender hoodie. Both women had perfectly coiled brunette curls in their hair, with Ashley wearing two clips on either side of her bangs. In one image their arms are in the air as their mouths gape open with glee. In a second shot they hug each other with teeth-flashing smiles. Ashley added to the over 700 comments with, 'When you say "you're crying" you're def talking to me and it's def true. Couldn't love you any more. Any more* ' After a successful first season, it was announced toward the end of last year that Emily in Paris would return with a second. Filming began in May and now, three months later, it's wrapped. Friendship: Ashley commented, 'When you say 'you're crying' you're def talking to me and it's def true. Couldn't love you anymore. Any more* ' Now Collins will play the role of Polly Pocket in a new live-action movie from Lena Dunham. The 32-year-old actress will take on the role of the titular miniature doll in an upcoming movie which Girls creator Dunham is both writing and directing. Lily will also produce the movie in addition to playing the lead role, which will see her bring the famous character, who first captured kids' hearts in the late 1980s, to life on the big screen. The film will center on a young girl and a pocket-sized woman who form a friendship, although further plot details and castings are not yet known. In a statement, Lily said, 'As a child who was obsessed with Polly Pocket, this is a real dream come true and I can't wait to bring these tiny toys to the big screen.' The film is being produced with Mattel Films alongside Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), as well as Lena's production company, Good Things Going. Robbie Brenner and Kevin McKeon will oversee the project for Mattel Films, while Sandino Moya-Smith and Winnie Carrillo will head things up for MGM, and Good Thing Going's Liz Watson and Michael P. Cohen will serve as executive producers. Smooches: 'Girls' creator Lena Dunham says she's 'thrilled' to be bringing Polly Pocket to life with 'brilliant' Lily Collins; Lena and boyfriend Luis Felber at a Sundance Film Festival screening, 2021 Lena, 35, has said she's 'thrilled' to be bringing the project to life, and said she's keen to make the movie 'smart' and 'playful' in order to speak to young women 'without condescension.' She added in her own statement, Polly Pocket was responsible for countless hours of childhood escapism for me. Polly gave me a tiny world of magic and autonomy to narrate, so it's pretty poetic to be tackling these same ideas now as a director collaborating with the brilliant Lily Collins, Robbie Brenner, Mattel and MGM. I'm so thrilled to bring to bear both my love of this historic property and also my deep-seated belief that young women need smart, playful films that speak to them without condescension.' The film does not yet have a release date. Sarah Jessica Parker was seen with her head down as she made her way to the New York City set of her Sex And The City reboot And Just Like That. The former stage star, 56, had her blonde hair ironed and worn down over her shoulders as she modeled the white Olympics jacket, beige slacks and a pair of her SJP Mary Jane shoes. This sighting comes a day after the mother-of-three told DailyMail.com that she is proud of her award-winning wine Invivo X, SJP. Heading to work: Sarah Jessica Parker was seen with her head down as she made her way to the New York City set of her Sex And The City reboot And Just Like That In the new photos, Sarah is seen walking down a busy street with clear aviator glasses. Her Olympic jacket seemed official as it had the proper logo on front and an American flag on the sleeve. The Annie vet added cream colored sweatpants that appeared one size too big for her. And her white Mary Jane heels called the Tartt Pierce - which sell for $395 - added a touch of glam. The star talked to DailyMail.com on Tuesday about the wine she launched in 2019. Walk to work day: The former stage star had her blonde hair ironed and worn down over her shoulders as she modeled the white Olympics jacket The siren said she is happy that the label has been a major success. 'It's such an honor to be awarded two gold medals and the Europe Rose trophy from the 2021 New York International Wine Competition,' the blonde told DailyMail.com. 'Lots of love has gone into making our wines, from vineyard through to blending, and we are thrilled and honored to be recognized,' added the former child star. The red carpet wonder added, 'We thank everyone who has brought a bottle home and included us as part of their special moments. We're delighted to share this exciting recognition with you.' Having her wine take off like this is a joyful moment for the actress: 'We are proud. And stunned. And honored. And delighted. Her own best model: The Annie vet added cream colored sweatpants that appeared one size too big for her. And her white Mary Jane heels called the Tartt Pierce - which sell for $395 - added a touch of glam On the go: Sarah with Cynthia Nixon, left, and Kristin Davis, right, in the Sex And The City reboot And Just Like That... '...To all those who have included us in their homes, on their tables, at their parties, for special moments and celebrations.' The Family Stone star said she was 'intrigued' when she was contacted by two men from InVivo in 2018 about starting a wine with them. Invivo winery partners Tim Lightbourne and Rob Cameron were the ones she worked with. Parker explained she was already a fan of the brand as she and her husband Matthew Broderick would buy it when visiting their home in Ireland. Wine on her mind: This sighting comes a day after the mother-of-three told DailyMail.com that she is proud of her award-winning wine Invivo X, SJP Its work: 'Lots of love has gone into making our wines, from vineyard through to blending, and we are thrilled and honored to be recognized,' added the former child star Sarah felt 'ill-equipped' about heading up her own wine, but then was properly educated about the business giving her confidence. 'Its been a wonderful experience,' added the State And Main star. Parker, who is currently filming the much-anticipated revival of Sex in the City And Just Like That in the streets of New York, launched the Invivo X, SJP wine brand in 2019. Wine in hand: Sarah felt 'ill-equipped' about heading up her own wine, but then was properly educated about the business giving her confidence. 'Its been a wonderful experience,' added the State And Main star The wine range has gone on to sell over 700,000 bottles, receiving two 90-point ratings from Wine Spectator and rated in their Top 100 Wines of the World in 2020, from over 10,000 wines tasted. Making a difference in the community is hugely important to Invivo X, SJP and the range currently supports FEED an impact-driven brand founded by Lauren Bush Lauren. Each month, from the proceeds of Invivo X, SJP sales, 37,500 meals are donated to school children worldwide through FEEDs on-the-ground giving partners. The wines are available nationwide in the US in a number of retailers and online at www.invivoxsjp.com. 'Crisp, fresh and vibrant with subtle berry notes, the final blend was created over an afternoon of tasting with SJP,' it said on her wine's Instagram on Tuesday. In addition to making wine, the star designs shoes. In February 2014, she launched SJP by Sarah Jessica Parker, a footwear, apparel and accessory label. Amanda Seyfried was seen for the first time as disgraced Silicon Valley exec Elizabeth Holmes on the set of the upcoming Hulu limited series about the Theranos founder. The 35-year-old star appeared as the spitting image of Holmes, wearing the former business woman's signature look of a black turtleneck and red lipstick, as she grabbed a bite to eat between takes. Holmes is set to face trial on a slew of federal fraud charges this month after she was accused of swindling investors out of roughly $700milion to fund her medical technology company, Theranos, that was selling a blood testing technology that didn't exist. On set: Amanda Seyfried was seen for the first time as disgraced Silicon Valley exec Elizabeth Holmes on the set of the upcoming Hulu limited series about the Theranos founder Seyfried captured Elizabeth's go-to style in the snaps, stepping out in a slim fitting black turtleneck and red lipstick, with her blonde hair swept back in the slightly bedraggled style Holmes often wore. The actress was much more casual on the bottom opting for a comfy pair of navy blue sweatpants, black socks and Birkenstocks. She carried a takeout container of food and what appeared to be a black iced coffee as she headed back to her trailer. The Mama Mia actress' beloved Australian Shepherd, Finn, trotted along behind her during the breaking from filming the television series. Spot on: The 35-year-old star appeared as the spitting image of Holmes, wearing the former business woman's signature look of a black turtleneck and red lipstick, as she grabbed a bite to eat between takes Between takes: The actress was much more casual on the bottom opting for a comfy pair of navy blue sweatpants, black socks and Birkenstocks Besties: The Mama Mia actress' beloved Australian Shepherd, Finn, trotted along behind her during the breaking from filming the television series Amanda is taking on the role of Elizabeth Holmes for a Hulu limited series on her rise to fame in the tech world and spectacular fall from grace, based on the ABC News/ABC Radio podcast of the same name. Seyfried will do double duty as one of the miniseries' executive producers, in addition to starring in it. The series was originally going to star SNL comic Kate McKinnon but she left the project earlier this year and was replaced by Amanda. Perfect casting: Seyfried embodied Holmes wearing her signature uniform that she wore daily while running Theranos Inspiration: H olmes was celebrated as a young visionary and success story in Silicon Valley, often being dubbed the 'female Steve Jobs' - a comparison she took literally and emulated his personal style (Jobs in 2006) It co-stars Naveen Andrews, William H. Macy and Laurie Metcalf and is expected to be an eight episode limited series set to debut later in 2021. Holmes started medical tech company Theranos at the age of 19 after dropping out of Stanford University. Before allegations of fraud surfaced, Holmes was celebrated as a young visionary and success story, often being dubbed the 'female Steve Jobs.' She became known for her baritone voice and black turtlenecks, once boasting that she owned more than 150 of the items in an effort to emulate Jobs. Snack time: Amanda carried a takeout container of food and what appeared to be a black iced coffee as she headed back to her trailer Major role: Amanda is taking on the role of Elizabeth Holmes for a Hulu limited series on her rise to fame in the tech world and spectacular fall from grace, based on the ABC News/ABC Radio podcast of the same name Switch: The series was originally going to star SNL comic Kate McKinnon but she left the project earlier this year and was replaced by Amanda The Dropout: It co-stars Naveen Andrews, William H. Macy and Laurie Metcalf and is expected to be an eight episode limited series set to debut later in 2021 Theranos, which was shut down in September 2018, claimed to have developed a breakthrough technology allowing it to do blood tests using much smaller samples than is normally required - just a drop. The tests would have helped those with fears of needles, and the company also claimed to have automated machines that could test the blood quickly. Theranos raised hundreds of millions from investors and was valued at $9 billion in the mid-2010s - without ever proving that the blood testing cartridges the company developed actually worked. Relaxed: When she wasn't filming, Amanda donned her facemask and speckled pink T-shirt In real life: Elizabeth Holmes started medical tech company Theranos at the age of 19 after dropping out of Stanford University However, a series of investigative pieces by John Carreyrou in The Wall Street Journal and the work of medical researchers John Ioannidis and Eleftherios Diamandis revealed that the company's claims about its tests were false. Holmes agreed to pay a fine of $500,000 to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). She also gave up all of her Theranos stock after she was accused of fraud, reducing her personal net worth to essentially zero. History: Theranos, which was shut down in September 2018, claimed to have developed a breakthrough technology allowing it to do blood tests using much smaller samples than is normally required - just a drop Issues: Theranos raised hundreds of millions from investors and was valued at $9 billion in the mid-2010s - without ever proving that the blood testing cartridges the company developed actually worked In 2018, the US Attorney for the Northern District of California indicted her on wire fraud and conspiracy charges, though her trial has been delayed multiple times due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In the trial, which is expected to begin August 31, in San Jose, California, prosecutors have accused Holmes of defrauding patients and investors, allowing them to believe her invention can accurately perform lab tests from a few drops of blood. Holmes' defense team argued that Holmes had intended to create a device that worked, and that government regulators and investigators were unfairly harsh because of intense media scrutiny of Theranos. The trail was postponed three times as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to Holmes being pregnant. Danielle Lloyd has hit back at a fan after it was alleged that she was seen 'smashing' cocktails while at the pub with her ex husband Jamie O'Hara. The Celebrity Big Brother star, 37, who is 23 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, reacted furiously to the allegation in a slew of Instagram posts and insisted she does not speak to her ex and has been teetotal for eight months. She took to Instagram to share the accusatory comment and insisted the claim was a case of mistaken identity, as she wrote: 'Kids was with their dad at the weekend but I certainly wasn't! We don't even speak so think you got the wrong girl!' Claims: Danielle Lloyd, 37, has hit back at a fan after they claimed they saw her 'smashing' cocktails while at the pub with her ex husband Jamie O'Hara The doting mother shares sons Archie, 10, Harry, nine, and George, seven, with ex-husband Jamie, and Ronnie, three, with husband Michael O'Neill. Danielle's plight began, when a follower wrote on Instagram: '@lavelsbylux was in the same pub as her, she was with her children and ex husband and she was smashed... 'Can assure you they wasn't cocktails. I didn't think it was her until someone told me it was and when I looked on Instagram saw she was pregnant.' They later penned: 'Bet you've got a hangover after your antics the other night'. Seething: She took to Instagram to share the accusatory comment and insisted the claim was a case of mistaken identity, as she wrote: 'Kids was with their dad at the weekend but I certainly wasn't! We don't even speak so think you got the wrong girl!' Way back when: Far from being on a boozing session with Jamie, Danielle revealed the former couple do not even speak (the couple, pictured in 2010) Danielle responded to the messages by sharing screenshots on her stories and writing: 'Kids was with their dad at the weekend but I certainly wasn't! We don't even speak so think you got the wrong girl! Must of been another blonde!... 'Honest to god I don't even get people - you don't even follow me. Why do I have to wake up to messages like this, what is wrong with people?? Don't have to explain myself but haven't had a drink in eight months. 'I was teetotal before I was pregnant! Seriously don't get why these idiots think I know I'll wake up at 6am and make some s**t up and post absolute c**p'. In the wake of the allegation, one of Danielle's Instagram followers jumped to her defence, writing: 'Why would people comment saying she was p**sed on cocktails or out with her ex husband?... Furious: Danielle, who is 23 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, reacted furiously to the allegation and insisted she does not speak to her ex and has been teetotal for eight months 'If she wants a drink it's no one's business and if she is seen in a pub with her ex husband, so what.' They added: 'They have kids together. Honestly, f**k off and get on with your own life, I don't understand why people are a**ed.' MailOnline has reached out to representatives for Danielle for comment. It comes shortly after the star was rushed to hospital after collapsing at home and her sons called an ambulance for her. Danielle revealed to OK! that she fell ill at her house and began feeling pains in her stomach. Defence: In the wake of the allegation, one of Danielle's Instagram followers jumped to her defence The Liverpool-born star explained she went to the toilet and while she was in there she passed out, with her sons forced to knock on a neighbour's door for help to call out an ambulance. 'It was really traumatic,' Danielle told the publication about the July incident. 'I had really low blood pressure, I was so worried for the baby and it was obviously so terrifying for the boys, but I'm so proud of them.' Thankfully, after several tests, she was given the all clear to leave the hospital and is now resting up at home. Law & Order star Christopher Meloni knows his derriere is having 'a moment.' So the 60-year-old actor was more than happy to show off his backside in a cheeky new shoot for Men's Health. Giving the people what they want, Meloni stripped naked for the cover, masking his family heirlooms with a weight and nothing more. Showing skin! Christopher Meloni, 60, stripped down to show off his muscles in the latest issue of Men's Health It was hard to believe the actor - who is beloved as Detective Elliot Stabler in the Law& Order universe - was in his 60s as he flexed his arms, revealing bulky biceps, toned pecs and a ripped core. In another snap, Christopher revealed his flexible side - spreading his legs out into impressive splits as he leaned his chin on his finger pensively. One more showed the Washington, D.C. native pulling a shiny vintage car while slurping on a soft drink while another saw Mr. Meloni tanning in a tiny Speedo. Surprisingly, none of the shots featured Christopher's plump backside prominently. It was no wonder the star - and his body - have became one of pop culture's latest obsessions. Flex appeal: In another snap, Christopher revealed his flexible side - spreading his legs out into impressive splits as he leaned his chin on his finger pensively Tan time: Another saw Mr. Meloni tanning in a tiny Speedo Asked about the 'cultural moment' he's currently having, Christopher couldn't help but correct the interviewer and say it was his 'a**' that was in the spotlight. But he wasn't complaining. 'It's cool as sh*t,' Meloni remarked. 'The aspect of age comes into play as far as the cover of [this magazine] and how I feel about it.' 'A friend of mine said, "Did you ever think in a million years you'd be on the cover of Men's Health?" I said, "Certainly not at age 60."' Thirsty? One more showed the Washington, D.C. native pulling a shiny vintage car while slurping on a soft drink And Meloni says he's embracing the attention. 'When something weird and out of the norm happens, I don't panic. I always sit with it and go, All right, let's experience whats happening, because getting tenser is not going to help the situation.' Christopher's issue of Men's Health arrives on newsstands August 11th 2020. Season one of Law & Order: Organized Crime is available to stream now. The spin-off's second season premieres September 23rd 2021. Having a moment: The star's figure has proved meme-worthy with many Internet fans discussing his pert derriere in tight trousers Carmen Electra looked summer ready after touching down at Palma de Mallorca to meet German real estate entrepreneur Marcel Remus on Wednesday. The 49-year-old actress and model could be seen dressed all in white ahead of attending a party organised by the businessman in Majorca in the evening. The plunging neckline of the American star's bright vest top left her ample assets on show while she wore a full length light brown cardigan over the top to protect her arms and shoulders from the strong sun rays. Fun in the sun: Carmen Electra, 49, showed off her ample assets as she dressed all in white in Majorca to meet German real estate entrepreneur Marcel Remus on Wednesday The television personality wore a pair of figure-hugging white jeans as she arrived on the Spanish island. Carmen could be seen abiding by the requirement to wear a facemask, opting for a shimmering silver covering to add to her style. The star also shared a picture of herself on Instagram as she walked along the jetbridge after stepping off the plane, writing: 'Landed safe in #mallorca #spain #alexandermcqueen #lagence #nakedwardrobe.' Styling it out: The plunging neckline of the American star's bright white vest top made the most of her shapely figure while she wore a full length light brown cardigan over the top Carmen shared a picture of herself with celebrity manager Thaer Mustafa and talent manager Henry Penzi on Tuesday before they jetted off. In the snap she could be seen sporting some bouncy curls as her blonde hair rested either side of her face, perfectly framing her pretty features and striking blue eyes. She captioned the image: 'SPAIN here we come @thaer.714 @henrypenzi.' Legs eleven! The television personality wore a pair of figure-hugging white jeans as she arrived on the Spanish island Carmen's visit to see Marcel in Majorca is not the first time she's crossed paths with a real estate agent. She picked a property professional to go out on a date with on an episode of The Celebrity Dating Game on ABC in the US last month. The star chose Mark Harris after quizzing three bachelor contestants on the revival show. Making an entrance: The star shared a picture of herself on Instagram as she walked along the jetbridge after stepping off the plane, writing: 'Landed safe in #mallorca #spain' Flying high: Carmen shared a picture of herself with celebrity manager Thaer Mustafa and talent manager Henry Penzi on Tuesday before they jetted off to Spain Carmen asked them to describe themselves to her as rollercoasters. Mark, bachelor number 2, told her he would be called 'colossus, easy' and Carmen looked intrigued. Bachelor number 1, Nathon Verdugo, a marketing director, said 'typhoon for sure.' Bachelor number 3, Daniel Colvin, a real estate agent, said 'top thrill because I will take you from zero to 120 in four seconds.' Carmen told them she took on a stage name when she came to Hollywood and then asked the contestants to tell them theirs. Cute smile: Carmen was all smiles as she picked a real estate agent to go out on a date with on The Celebrity Dating Game on ABC in the US last month Daniel told her 'bad boy' and Carmen said that worked because she liked bad boys. When she asked the contestant Daniel to describe his perfect evening in three words, he replied, 'You, me and cabernet'. Carmen told him that she doesn't drink wine that her favorite drink is fittingly 'sex-on-the-beach.' When Carmen asked Mark to describe how he would unwrap her if she was a gift, she seemed interested in his revealing answer. 'I would take my tongue and just say thanks and gratitude that I even have you as a gift,' Mark told her. 'I would unwrap you slowly and I would cherish you forever.' Host Michael Bolton, 68, then stepped to help the guys guess Carmen's identity by singing out clues like 'aint no Baywatch when she's gone, Minnesota was her home and then she moved to LA' to the tune of Bill Withers 'Ain't No Sunshine.' Nathon was the only one who guessed her identity correctly. Daniel guessed she was Pamela Anderson. In the end Carmen chose Mark as her date. She said he was very sweet and would save her life if her house burnt down. She did think that maybe he was 'a little too perfect and I feel like he's hiding something.' Nearly a dozen prominent HIV/AIDS organizations have reached out to DaBaby, hoping to educate him after his controversial comments at Rolling Loud festival. 11 groups came together to send an open letter to the Suge rapper, 29, on Wednesday, urging DaBaby to 'use your platform and celebrity to heal not harm.' The Cleveland native sparked outrage after making homophobic and factually inaccurate remarks about sexually transmitted diseases on stage in Miami on July 23rd. Since, he has been dropped from prominent festivals, including Lollapolooza, New York's Governors Ball, Austin City Limits, and iHeartRadio music fest. Reaching out: 11 prominent HIV/AIDS organizations have reached out to DaBaby in an open letter, asking the rapper to 'use your platform and celebrity to heal not harm.' He's seen in June above During his set at Rolling Loud last month, the rapper told audiences: 'If you didn't show up today with HIV, AIDS, or any of them deadly sexually-transmitted diseases, that'll make you die in two to three weeks, then put your cell phone lighter up 'Fellas, if you ain't sucking d*** in the parking lot, put your cell phone lighter up.' The backlash was swift, with celebrities like Levitating collaborator Dua Lipa and prominent AIDS activists Elton John and Madonna all expressing their dismay. And now, he's hearing directly from the HIV/AIDS advocacy community. The organizations Arianna's Center, Black AIDS Institute, GLAAD, the Normal Anomaly Initiative, Prevention Access Campaign, Relationship Unleashed, and the 6:52 Project Foundation joined leaders from the Gilead COMPASS Initiative including Southern AIDS Coalition, Emory University, the University of Houston and Wake Forest University to craft the statement. In the detailed letter, they touched on the danger 'fear and stigma' over HIV/AIDS causes while providing information and statistics about the virus. Yikes: During his set at Rolling Loud last month, above, the rapper told audiences: 'If you didn't show up today with HIV, AIDS, or any of them deadly sexually-transmitted diseases, that'll make you die in two to three weeks, then put your cell phone lighter up' DaBaby will no longer be performing at Austin City Limits Music Festival lineup update coming soon. pic.twitter.com/jAYfdJFxJf ACL Festival (@aclfestival) August 3, 2021 They also pointed to the music industry historical support for their cause, writing: 'Music artists have historically led the way to lift up understanding of HIV and accelerate LGBTQ acceptance.' On Monday DaBaby - real name Jonathan Lyndale Kirk - shared a second apology, in which he said sorry for the 'hurtful and triggering comments' and claimed he used the backlash as a way the 'educate' himself about the LGBTQ community and HIV/AIDS. Taking to social media with a black and white text post, he struck a more conciliatory tone than his first mea culpa, but still criticized the public for 'trying to demolish' his reputation. Second try: On Monday DaBaby - real name Jonathan Lyndale Kirk - shared a second apology, in which he said sorry for the 'hurtful and triggering comments' and claimed he used the backlash as a way the 'educate' himself about the LGBTQ community and HIV/AIDS 'Social media moves so fast that people want to demolish you before you even have the opportunity to grow, educate, and learn from your mistakes,' he began. 'As a man who has had to make his own way from very difficult circumstances, having people I know publicly working against me--- knowing that what I needed was education on these topics and guidance--- has been challenging. 'I appreciate the many people who came to me with kindness, who reached out to me privately to offer wisdom, education, and resources. That's what I needed and it was received,' he continued. Adding: 'I want to apologize to the LGBTQ+ community for the hurtful and triggering comments I made. Again, I apologize for my misinformed comments about HIV/AIDS and I know education on this is important. Love to all. God bless.' Half-hearted: Last week, the Ball If I Want To rapper issued lackluster apology, tweeting that he had 'no intentions on offending anybody' and acknowledging what he said was 'insensitive' Sorry, not sorry: After an underwhelming initial apology, DaBaby doubled down in his self-directed music video for Giving What It's Supposed to Give depicting him holding an AIDS sign and oral sex from a redhead DaBaby's second sorry was a sharp turnaround from his previous response to the backlash. Last week, the Ball If I Want To rapper issued lackluster apology, tweeting that he had 'no intentions on offending anybody' and acknowledging what he said was 'insensitive.' Then the very next day, DaBaby doubled down in his self-directed music video for Giving What It's Supposed to Give depicting him holding an AIDS sign and oral sex from a redhead. The hip-hop star concluded his suspiciously-timed video with a rainbow-shaded message reading: 'Don't fight hate with hate. My apologies for being me the same way you want the freedom to be you.' They recently spent time together lapping up the sunshine in Mallorca and Ibiza. And despite being back in the UK, Mark Wright was reminiscing about he and wife Michelle Keegan's sun-drenched trip to Spain last month. Taking to Instagram, Mark, 33, revealed that the couple had hired a private jet to fly from Mallorca to Ibiza, with Michelle, 34, giving fans a peek inside the luxury aircraft. Wow: Mark Wright, 33, was reminiscing about his and his 34-year-old wife Michelle Keegan's trip to Spain last month, revealing on Tuesday that the pair had flown via private jet to Ibiza Party time: Taking to Instagram, Mark explained he made the decision to visit Ibiza after 'chilling out for long enough in Majorca' and decided to meet friends on the party island Revealing that the flight took just 25 minutes and that the trip marked his and Michelle's first time flying private together, Mark told his followers in a short clip filmed on the runway: 'After a few days in Majorca, I thought, you know what, I've chilled out long enough.' He added: It's time for Ibiza. 25 minutes in the air on this baby. Big up Sandbanks jets. Let's go.' Mark and Michelle could be seen beaming from ear to ear as they stood at the bottom of the plane's steps preparing to board. After showing off the plane from the outside, the former TOWIE star took his followers inside the impressive aircraft, sharing a snap of himself and Michelle enjoying drinks while in the air. First time: Mark revealed the flight took just 25 minutes and that the trip marked his and Michelle's first time flying private together He also made sure to show off the stunning sea view from a plane window as they sped towards Ibiza. The doting husband captioned his post: 'When the chill time in Mallorca was done, we decided to meet our pals in IBIZA of course!! 'Big thanks to the amazing @sandbanksjets for arranging our first ever private plane we have shared together!! Pulled it out the bag in such a short amount of time.' 'Such an amazing experience and the service was everything we dreamed for!! We won't forget that trip across the drink!! Mallorca to Ibiza.' Tipples: Once onboard, Mark and Brassic star Michelle enjoyed a couple of tipples before landing at their destination Stunning: Mark also made sure to show off the stunning sea view from a plane window as they sped towards Ibiza Mark wrote: 'When the chill time in Mallorca was done, we decided to meet our pals in IBIZA of course!' It comes after Mark, who is usually well known for his ripped physique and love of fitness, debuted his fuller figure to Instagram earlier in the week. The Heart FM presenter shared a snap of his reverse body transformation after piling on the pounds during the very indulgent getaway. The side-by-side comparison collage of his torso showed his former ripped physique on the left, with the right displaying his bloated stomach and slightly fuller paunch. Alongside the snaps, he penned: 'No lie This is what 10 days in Mallorca and Ibiza has done to me. Best time ever. But time to get back on it!!' Mark has been doing his own documenting of his travels with Michelle last week, sharing images of his holiday indulgences which included ice creams, plenty of tapas and a daily beer. What a difference: Mark showed off a fuller figure on Instagram on Thursday as he shared a snap of his reverse body transformation following his Mallorca holiday Rita Ora has not relocated permanently to Los Angeles to start a new life with boyfriend Taika Waititi. The hitmaker, 30, has not been back to the UK once since her rule-breaking 30th birthday party in November, despite splashing 7.5million on a six-bedroom mansion in north London just last summer. It was claimed London holds 'bad memories' for the star ever since her lockdown-flouting birthday bash in the capital and that Rita was 'starting afresh in LA'. However a source close to the star tells MailOnline Rita maintains her permanent residence in London and that she is in the States temporarily to record a new album. Move across the pond: Rita Ora has not relocated permanently to Los Angeles to start a new life with boyfriend Taika Waititi (pictured on Monday) A source had told The Sun: 'Rita snapped up her London pad with plans to keep it as her main home, but it's become increasingly obvious for her that LA is going to be where she lives for the foreseeable.' They added: 'After her birthday bash last year, Rita left the UK and hasn't been back since. Her boyfriend Taika is based in LA too, so they have been spending a lot of time together. Realistically she isn't going to be spending as much time in London.' MailOnline has contacted Rita's representatives for comment. No looking back: Rita has not been back to the UK once since her rule-breaking 30th birthday party in November and has travelled to Bulgaria, Australia and now America Rita broke pandemic protocol in November when she held a 30th birthday bash at restaurant Casa Cruz. Straight after the incident, Rita jetted off to Bulgaria where she filmed a music video, and after that spent seven months in Sydney where she filmed Australia's version of The Voice. New Zealand director Taika, 45, was also in Sydney at the time shooting Thor: Love And Thunder, and the stars are thought to have met through a mutual friend. The couple then jetted to Los Angeles together in June and made their red carpet debut as a couple at The Suicide Squad premiere on Monday. Rita was caught twice flouting lockdown rules in November. The Mail On Sunday revealed that prior to her birthday bash, the singer flew by private jet to Cairo on November 21 to perform at the five-star W Hotel. She returned the next day and under Government quarantine rules should have self-isolated for 14 days. Instead of this, she threw a birthday party on November 28 at the exclusive Casa Cruz restaurant in Notting Hill, West London. Caught: Rita was caught twice flouting lockdown rules in November when she threw a birthday party at a restaurant when indoor gatherings were banned (Rita pictured on her birthday) For this she apologised with the following statement: 'Hello all, I attended a small gathering with some friends to celebrate my 30th birthday. 'It was a spur of the moment decision made with the misguided view that we were coming out of lockdown and this would be OK I'm deeply sorry for breaking the rules and in turn understand that this puts people at risk. 'This was a serious and inexcusable error of judgement. Given the restrictions, I realise how irresponsible these actions were and I take full responsibility. 'I feel particularly embarrassed knowing first-hand how hard people have worked to combat this terrible illness and being fully aware of the sacrifices that people and businesses have made to help keep us all safe. Even though this won't make it right, I want to sincerely apologise.' She paid the hefty 10k fine for breaching these protocols, having been reported to the police, who investigated the restaurant, which, to any passers-by, looked to be closed up. She was also forced into another grovelling apology for breaching strict coronavirus rules by flying to Cairo and not isolating on return. Rita said: 'I recently flew to Egypt to perform at a corporate event for a private company, where my travel party followed protocol and presented negative Covid tests upon entry, as required by Egyptian authorities. 'Upon my return to Britain, I should have followed Government advice and isolated myself for the required period. As you know, I didnt follow Government advice and I apologise again, unreservedly. 'While I realise the apologetic words of a pop star might not carry much weight, especially one who has broken the rules like I have, I do realise some might seek to follow my example. I'm sorry: Rita offered an apology on social media and said she felt 'particularly embarrassed' after her party was revealed She added: 'My message to them is simple: please dont. The guilt and shame Ive carried this week for my mistake arent worth it. Instead, continue to listen to the Government advice and the voices of the heroes of the NHS and take the required precautions. 'I hope to one day make it up to the public who have given me so much support over the years and, in particular, make it up to the heroes of the NHS 'In the meantime, I will be donating my fee from Egypt to charity. Be better than I have been and learn from my mistakes so you dont have to learn the hard way yourselves.' A spokesman for the star, estimated to be worth 10 million, said she and her team had all subsequently tested negative for coronavirus. Police were called to Rita's party in November and the Met Police gave a statement to MailOnline at the time. They said: 'Police were called at 21:10hrs on Saturday, 28 November to reports of a potential breach of Covid regulations at a commercial premises in Clarendon Road, W11. 'Officers attended and carried out enquiries at the scene. They found no record of any offence being committed.' The straight-talking hosts of Australia's Today show certainly don't pull their punches when it comes to the divisive Duke and Duchess of Sussex. And on Thursday, Karl Stefanovic and Sophie Walsh couldn't resist mocking the royal couple after Meghan Markle released a 40th birthday message announcing her new initiative to help women get back to work after the Covid-19 pandemic. Sophie, 35, thought it was rich for Meghan to 'lecture' the public about returning to work after she 'quit her job' as a senior royal during the Megxit saga. 'Lost the plot': Straight-talking Today hosts Karl Stefanovic and Sophie Walsh have mocked Meghan Markle's 40th birthday video announcing her new women's mentorship program 'I love that she's lecturing people about getting back to the workplace and she quit her job as a royal after less than two years,' she sneered. And Karl, 46, noted that the Sussexes were already making millions 'from home' thanks to their deals with Netflix, Spotify and other major corporations. Taking aim at Meghan's video, he added: 'And to have that dog's life, just lying there in front of the fire that's not on, on a pillow.' Ouch! Sophie Walsh (right, with Karl Stefanovic) thought it was rich for Meghan to 'lecture' the public about returning to work after she 'quit her job' as a senior royal during the Megxit saga Karl then ridiculed the Duchess' Californian corporate speak, asking: 'Why doesn't she talk normally? [American accent] "To harness the woman's mobility as she works back..." I mean, come on!' 'No wonder Harry's outside juggling!' he said, to which Sophie replied dryly: 'Harry's lost the plot.' These savage remarks come after Meghan released a video on the Archewell website on Wednesday to mark her 40th birthday. 'Why doesn't she talk normally?' Karl Stefanovic (left) then ridiculed the Duchess' Californian corporate speak. Sophie said in reference to Prince Harry's juggling cameo: 'He's lost the plot' In the clip, the giggling Duchess spoke to her actress friend Melissa McCarthy about her Hollywood-backed '40x40' campaign urging people around the world to commit to giving 40 minutes of their time to mentor women going back to work after Covid. At the start of a Zoom-style call in her spotless LA mansion, Meghan told Melissa: 'Because I'm turning 40, I'm asking 40 friends to donate 40 minutes of their time to help mentor a woman who's mobilising back into the workforce. 'Over two million women in the U.S. alone and tens of millions around the world have lost their jobs due to Covid. And I think if we all do it and all commit 40 minutes to some sort of active service, we can create a ripple effect.' Message: These savage remarks come after Meghan released a video on the Archewell website on Wednesday to mark her 40th birthday Melissa repeatedly interrupts Meghan with jokes about other things she could be doing to celebrate her birthday, leaning on her royal links by suggesting a tea party or a yacht party. At one point the Duchess laughs when asked: 'Are you finally going to do a Suits reunion?' and replies: 'Why would I do a Suits reunion for my birthday?' But it was Melissa who laughs the loudest at the end of the call when she spots Harry juggling outside the window, much to Meghan's surprise - though the camera was at the perfect angle to spot him. Before Olivia Rodrigo started dating Must B Nice's Day by Day creator Adam Faze - who's six years her senior - she briefly tried celebrity dating app Raya. The Drivers License hitmaker revealed to GQ: 'I had Raya for a second, and it was so vomit. Like, I could not', leading to her swift deletion of the app. Her insight into her dating life comes as she also discussed Courtney Love, who accused her in June of plagiarizing her 1994 Live Through This cover for her debut album Sour, as Olivia insisted the accusation was 'flattering'. Finding love: Before Olivia Rodrigo started dating Must B Nice's Day by Day creator Adam Faze - who's six years her senior - she briefly tried celebrity dating app Raya Olivia said of the Courtney controversy: 'To be honest, I'm just flattered that Courtney Love knows that I exist'. The starlet said she 'loves living alone' in her new Los Angeles apartment she bought after moving out of her parents Christopher and Jennifer's house. She said: 'I also just don't know how to take care of myself, though,' Rodrigo admitted. I don't know what to buy from the grocery store or how to clean up after myself, I realized. It's been a learning experience.' Decorating one of the half-Filipina teen sensation's walls is a framed tweet from Cardi B reading: 'You doing sooo good for your age. Don't let no toxic s*** get to you and don't let nobody restrict you from your voice.' Muse: Her insight into her dating life comes as she also discussed Courtney Love, who accused her in June of plagiarizing her 1994 Live Through This cover (right) for her debut album Sour (left), as Olivia insisted the accusation was 'flattering' 'I also just don't know how to take care of myself': Olivia said she 'loves living alone' in her new LA apartment she bought after moving out of her parents Christopher and Jennifer's house Then: She is dating Must B Nice's Day by Day creator Adam Faze - who's six years her senior (pictured in January) Olivia gushed: 'I honestly bawled. I literally saw it and cried. I was like, "Thanks, Cardi. I'm not going to listen to bulls***."' She said that's a strength of her Gen Z generation: 'The way that people have come together and not put up with bulls*** that has been put up with for so many years.' Rodrigo called the struggle Grammy winner Britney Spears is currently facing attempting to take control of her life in the midst of a 13-year conservatorship 'horrific. Decorating one of Rodrigo's walls is a framed tweet from Cardi B reading: 'You doing sooo good for your age. Don't let no toxic s*** get to you and don't let nobody restrict you from your voice' The half-Filipina teen sensation gushed gushed: 'I honestly bawled. I literally saw it and cried. I was like, "Thanks, Cardi. I'm not going to listen to bulls***"' (pictured Tuesday) 'I've been following it very closely. I think it's just so awful. I think, as an industry, people are getting better at not taking advantage of and manipulating and bullying young women,' The High School: The Musical - The Series actress said. 'But it's still so apparent, and I witness that too. Not near at the level that Britney has, obviously. I think that's an important paradigm that I hope that we'll be able to break in the coming generations... 'I've definitely seen corporate dollars be prioritized over people's mental health. 'That's always been something that I've been really conscious of in my own career, and I'm really lucky I'm surrounded by people who are conscious of that and conscious of my mental health being the most important thing... 'You can't make art and have a good career if you're not there.' 'I think it's just so awful': Rodrigo called the struggle Grammy winner Britney Spears (pictured Tuesday) is currently facing attempting to take control of her life in the midst of a 13-year conservatorship 'horrific' Karlie Kloss was in high spirits while out in New York City on Wednesday. The stunning supermodel, who celebrated her 29th birthday the day before, looked lovely in lavender dress shirt and matching shorts as she strolled towards a limo waiting. The new mom, who gave birth to her first child in March, beamed with joy as she stepped off the curb. Cheerful: Karlie Kloss was all smiles when she was spotted out in New York City on Wednesday Kloss's loose-fitting top featured cuff sleeves and a left-chest pocket while she showed off her toned legs in the preppy shorts. The catwalk queen pulled her blonde locks back in a simple ponytail and accessorized with gold hoop earrings and a square watch with a black leather band. For makeup, Karlie went with mauve lipstick and a rosy blush that accentuated her high cheekbones. The runway star sported a pair of black leather sandals and rocked a bright red pedicure. She carried a black leather crossbody purse that hung from a long strap on her shoulder. Lovely: The stunning supermodel, who celebrated her 29th birthday the day before, was seen in a lavender dress-shirt and shorts set as she strolled to a waiting limo Summer casual: The runway star sported a pair of black leather sandals and rocked a bright red pedicure Happy: The new mom, who gave birth to her first child in March, beamed with joy as she stepped off the curb Kloss held a black face mask as she walked to catch her ride. Though Manhattan officials decided not to implement new mask rules, COVID-19 cases continue to rise across the United States due to the spread of the Delta variant. Karlie gave birth to son Levi Joseph on March 11. The Christian Dior model shares Levi with her husband, venture capitalist Joshua Kushner, 36. On her birthday, Kloss reminisced on the 'most profoundly awe inspiring' year as she expressed gratitude in a post shared on Instagram. Grateful: Karlie reminisced on the 'most profoundly awe inspiring' year as she expressed gratitude in a birthday post shared on Instagram Karlie talked about about the challenges she's faced as a new mom before sharing a sweet video cuddled up to her baby boy. 'This past year has been the most profoundly awe inspiring and, at times, humbling and sleep deprived year of my life,' she wrote. 'I couldnt have imagined the growth that was in store for me in this turn around the sun, and Ive never felt more genuine gratitude for the abundance of love in my life. Thankful for you Looking forward to all that is ahead in 29 ' Anything Goes: Barbican Theatre, London Rating: Beware getting an audience on its feet before the interval. If you raise the roof too early in a show, you're going to need to top it in the second half. And that could prove tricky. But not in the case of this ecstatic new production of Cole Porter's sassy and gloriously wicked 1934 musical. Anything Goes, starring Sutton Foster, Robert Lindsay and Felicity Kendal, has no problem raising the rafters. In fact, it blows them halfway across town. A crew of tap-dancing sailors and showgirls, on board an ocean liner from New York to London, don't just have the house baying before the interval, they have it stopping the show again in the second half as well as at the finale. Beware getting an audience on its feet before the interval. You're going to need to top it in the second half and that could prove tricky. But not in the case of 1934 musical Anything Goes By the end, I couldn't tell if the crowd were more in love with the company, or the company more in love with the crowd. As party girl Reno Sweeney, Foster is a leading lady crackling with style. She joined the crew after Megan Mullally (of sitcom Will & Grace) dropped out of rehearsals. Mullally said 'my body informed me (mainly while at tap class) that I need a few rods replaced'. Foster is a veteran of American TV comedy, too (she starred in a show called Younger). But she has the additional advantage of having won a Tony Award for playing Reno on Broadway in 2011. More trinkets and silverware surely await her here. Ten years may have passed, but once again she carries the show with physical dexterity (including eye-popping splits) and effortless comic timing. And that voice... Foster sounds like she's got an entire brass section in her larynx from the moment she parps up with her famous opening song I Get A Kick Out Of You. Her mission, aboard the SS American, is to help saucy stowaway Billy Crocker (Samuel Edwards) marry his sweetheart, heiress Hope (Nicole-Lily Baisden). Anything Goes, starring Sutton Foster, Robert Lindsay and Felicity Kendal (pictured during rehearsals), has no problem raising the rafters. In fact, it blows them halfway across town Trouble is, Hope is the debutante daughter of a highly strung, multi-millionairess (Kendal) and betrothed to a stuffy English toff (Haydn Oakley). And that's all before the complication of Lindsay's leathery mobster Moonface Martin, who's disguised as a priest while on the run from the law with gangster's moll Erma (Carly Mercedes Dyer) in tow. Dyer revels in her role as the squeaky-voiced sex bomb while Lindsay is a gold-plated Cadillac of a mafioso (Public Enemy Number 13), his own voice transformed into a 'Noo Yoik' accented growl. And let's not forget Gary Wilmot, bumbling about the boat as short-sighted zillionaire Elisha Whitney, reduced to using binoculars instead of bifocals when his specs are stolen. There can be few musicals with more complicated set-ups, and just getting the long list of characters aboard the liner is a colossal undertaking. But it's a show oozing class, thanks to a team of writers who included PG Wodehouse. The lyrics sparkle take 'You're the national gallery, you're Garbo's salary'; or maybe 'Kiss me pretty wench, in English or in French' and there are risque gags, too ('I don't think Erma picked the guy for the length of his pants,' says Moonface). Kathleen Marshall's production will, however, be best remembered for the choreography. As party girl Reno Sweeney, Foster (pictured with Robert Lindsay) is a leading lady crackling with style. She joined the crew after Megan Mullally dropped out of rehearsals The big dance routines are a long time coming, but when they arrive, you know it. The full company tap number Anything Goes at the end of the first half sounds like the Household Cavalry is passing by. Then, after the interval, we're treated to a full-scale riot of tumbling, clapping and jitterbugging in the nightclub lifting the crowd to its feet all over again, to the beat of Blow, Gabriel, Blow. If you can tear your gaze away from the footwork, the steel panels of Derek McLane's white ocean liner set are (literally) riveting. The moon and stars smile down, and there are swanky art deco cabins below deck, too. Quite honestly, when a show packs this much energy, talent, spectacle and swagger in the hold, nothing else goes. Anything Goes has extended its run at the Barbican until October 31. Sutton Foster remains with the show until October 10, before flying back to NYC to begin rehearsals for The Music Man, with Hugh Jackman. Social_media 5 charged with murder; 1 killed, three wounded Anastacia Pettigen Jarvis Williamson Nathanial Jackson Wendi Williamson Elmer James Williamson Jr. Five people from Lufkin were held in lieu of $1 million bail Tuesday in connection to a shooting that killed a Nacogdoches man and wounded three others. Anastacia Pettigen, 25, and Jarvis Williamson, 39, were charged Sunday morning with murder in the death of Javinsky Lampkin, 35, of Nacogdoches. Three others Nathanial Allen Jackson, 26, Elmer James Williamson Jr., 30, and Wendi Lynn Williamson, 44 were charged with murder after Nacogdoches police and SWAT team raided a home in the 400 block of St. Clair Road in Lufkin around 8 p.m. Sunday. Lampkin was shot around 3:30 a.m. Sunday in the 1400 block of Dolph Street along with three other men. When police arrived, they immediately began providing emergency medical services, Nacogdoches police spokesman Sgt. Brett Ayres said in an email. The four shooting victims were taken to a hospital where Lampkin died. The other three were in serious condition Sunday awaiting transfer to hospitals out of town. Their conditions were not available Tuesday. Pettigen and Jarvis Williamson were arrested after driving away from where the shooting occurred and leading police on a chase around the loop, Ayres said. As some officers were on scene of the shooting we located a vehicle of interest and attempted a traffic stop on the vehicle. The occupants of the vehicle refused to stop and a pursuit began south bound on NW Stallings Drive. The vehicle finally stopped around the 3200 block of SW Stallings Dive, Ayres said. Their arrests led police to search the home 400 block of Claire Street around 8 p.m. Sunday where the three others were arrested. There were five juveniles inside the residence that were released to family, Ayres said. Jackson was additionally charged with two counts of unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. Elmer James Williamson Jr. also faces charges of unlawfully carrying a weapon and driving while intoxicated. The homicide is the second in a week in Nacogdoches. Carole Favro, 72, was killed July 25 in her home in the 2400 block of East Starr Avenue during what police said was an assault with a weapon in the daily activity log released by the department. Jared Delgado, 17, is charged with murder in her death. Police and jail records initially listed Delgados age as 18. Under Texas law, 17-year-olds are considered adults in criminal cases. Delgado remained in the Nacogdoches County jail Monday in lieu of $2 million bail. A federal judge on Wednesday assailed the false claims of election fraud pushed by former President Donald Trump and his supporters as she sentenced a member of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 to time served, saying the Michigan man placed his trust in someone who repaid that trust by lying to him. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson told Karl Dresch, a Calumet resident in the Upper Peninsula, that he was an enthusiastic participant in an effort to subvert the will of the voters. But the judge said a deal with prosecutors allowing him to plead guilty to a misdemeanor was appropriate because his actions didnt match his rhetoric and he didnt hurt anyone or destroy anything at the Capitol. Dresch, who has been locked up since his arrest in January, is being released from jail since he already served the six-month maximum sentence for the misdemeanor offense. His attorney, Jerry Ray Smith Jr., said, Im going to be happy to send him home and declined additional comment. Later Wednesday, two other Jan. 6 defendants a Virginia couple who likewise pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges were also sentenced, and avoided jail time. Jessica Bustle was ordered to serve two months in home confinement and her husband Joshua Bustle received one month home confinement. They will each serve two years of probation. The three are among more than 500 people charged in the riot that sent lawmakers into hiding and disrupted the certification of President Joe Bidens election win. About thirty defendants have pleaded guilty, mostly to misdemeanor charges. The first defendant sentenced for a felony - a Florida man who breached the Senate chamber while carrying a Trump campaign flag - received eight months behind bars. Dresch posted pictures and videos on social media that were taken inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, which he described in one message as the best day ever, according to court documents. The day after the riot, he wrote of the then-vice president: Mike Pence gave our country to the communist hordes, traitor scum like the rest of them, we have your back give the word and we will be back even stronger. Jackson slammed Dreschs views as misguided, noting that judge after judge smacked down the former presidents claims of election fraud. She also took a swipe at Republicans whove tried to downplay the violence on Jan. 6 including one lawmaker who suggested that video of the rioters looked like a tourist visit calling Dresch not your typical tourist. At the end of the day, the fact is that the defendant came to the Capitol because he placed his trust in someone who repaid that trust by lying to him," the judge said. Your vote doesnt count anymore than anyone elses. You dont get to cancel them out and call for a war because you dont like the results of the election, Jackson told him. In another hearing, lawyers for Joshua and Jessica Bustle, of Bristow, Virginia, argued that their punishments should be no different than the first Jan. 6 defendant to be sentenced, who received only probation for a misdemeanor offense. The Bustles admitted to entering the Capitol through a door that had been breached by other rioters and staying inside for about 20 minutes. Their lawyers noted that they didnt engage in any violence and said their clients have already faced consequences as a result of their actions. Joshua Bustles attorney, Timothy Anderson, said he lost his job and the couple is moving from Virginia to North Carolina to start over. They have lost everything in the court of public opinion, Anderson said. Jessica Bustle posted a picture of herself on Facebook before the riot with the caption: We dont win this thing sitting on the sidelines. Excited to stand for truth with my fellow patriots and freedom fighters in DC today. Afterwards, she wrote that Pence is a traitor." U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan said he had seriously considered putting Jessica Bustle in jail, citing her Facebook comments. But he ultimately decided against incarceration, describing her as remorseful. Also Wednesday, authorities arrested a Missouri man who told Newsweek that he dressed up like George Washington at the Capitol on Jan. 6 as a nod to Americas founding, according to a court filing. Isaac Samuel Yoder brought the colonial attire when he agreed to meet with FBI agents in March, the filing says. Yoder told the agents that he saw barricades and broken windows before he entered the Capitol, according to the FBI. ____ Associated Press reporter Ed White in Detroit contributed to this report. Richer reported from Boston. Skip to main navigation For Release: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 2021-22 New York State Hunting and Trapping Licenses on Sale Now New Opportunities for Deer Hunters Expanded Call Center Hours and Online Sales New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced that hunting and trapping licenses and Deer Management Permits (DMPs) for the 2021-2022 seasons are on sale now. In addition, DEC announced new opportunities for hunters this year, including expanded hunting seasons and allowing youth ages 12 and 13 to hunt deer with a firearm or crossbow in upstate counties that have passed a local low and 'opted in' to participate. "Hunting is a longstanding tradition for many and an estimated half a million New Yorkers enjoy the sport each year. The upcoming, expanded hunting seasons bring even greater excitement and opportunities to encourage greater participation in the sport," said Commissioner Seggos. "As always, DEC encourages hunters to plan ahead, get outdoors responsibly, and follow the principles of hunter safety." Licenses and permits can be purchased online (leaves DEC's website), at any one of DEC's license-issuing agents (leaves DEC's website), or by telephone at 866-933-2257. New hunting and trapping licenses are valid from Sept. 1, 2021, through Aug. 31, 2022; annual fishing licenses are valid for 365 days from date of purchase. New York's habitat serves a critical role in maintaining healthy and sustainable fish and wildlife resources. Purchasing a hunting, fishing, or trapping license helps support conservation projects and ensures the protection of the State's natural resources. In addition, DEC encourages outdoor enthusiasts to consider purchasing a Habitat & Access Stamp each year. Funds from the $5 Habitat & Access Stamp support projects to conserve habitat and improve public access for fish- and wildlife-related activities. This year's Habitat & Access Stamp features a bobcat. Expanded Call Center Hours Beginning this week, the DEC Call Center's hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays through Nov. 30. Regular call center weekday hours will resume on Dec. 1. Individuals should have the following items ready when buying a license: Complete contact information (e.g. name, address, email address, telephone number); DEC customer ID number (if applicable); Proof of residency (e.g., driver's license or non-driver's ID with a valid New York State address); and If purchasing by phone or internet, a valid credit card. If not already entered in DEC's automated licensing system, individuals are required to provide proof of hunter or trapper education certification or a copy of a previous license for all hunting and trapping license purchases. For additional information, visit the General Sporting License Information webpage on DEC's website. Deer Management Permits (DMPs) DMPs are available at all license-issuing outlets, by phone, or online through Oct. 1. DMPs are used to manage the deer herd and are issued through an instant random selection process at the point of sale. The chances of obtaining a DMP remain the same throughout the application period; hunters need not rush to apply. The 2021 chances of selection for a DMP in each Wildlife Management Unit are available online, through license-issuing agents, or by calling the DMP Hotline at 1-866-472-4332. Detailed information on Deer Management Permits and this fall's Deer Season Forecast is available on DEC's website. The 2021-22 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide, which provides an easy-to-read collection of pertinent rules and regulations, is available on the DEC Hunting webpage. Copies will be available soon at license-issuing agents. Online and In-Person Hunter Education Training Courses All first-time hunters, bowhunters, and trappers must pass one or more courses before purchasing a license. Online and in-person courses are available. In-person courses have a field day where new hunters can get hands-on experience. All in-person courses are free of charge, but space may be limited. Courses fill quickly, so early sign-ups are encouraged. Visit DEC's website for more information on materials, including a list of courses and course registration. The requirements to earn a New York State hunter education certificate can be met by completing DEC's online hunter education course and passing the exam. Upon passing, participants will receive a hunter education certificate, enabling the purchase of a hunting license. Participants must be New York State residents and the cost of the course is $19.95. The online course can be accessed at DEC's website. New York State also offers an online bowhunter education certification course. Upon passing, hunters receive their bowhunter education certificate so they can purchase a bowhunting privilege. Participants must be New York State residents and the cost of the course is $30. The online course can be accessed at DEC's website. New Hunting Opportunities Deer hunters will have several new opportunities this year, with a law change that allows 12- and 13-year-old hunters to pursue deer with a firearm or crossbow under the supervision of an experienced adult hunter in upstate counties that opt-in to participate (see the Junior Big Game Hunting map). In addition, DEC created a new holiday deer hunt, an extended portion of the late bow and muzzleloader season from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1, in the Southern Zone. These are new opportunities for young hunters to be mentored by experienced adults and for families to hunt together during the holiday season. DEC is also proposing additional hunting-related changes, which are currently out for public review and comment. If these proposals are adopted, DEC will notify the public by means of a press release and email newsletters. Opportunities for Junior Hunters and Trappers To foster the next generation of hunters in New York, DEC has expanded opportunities for junior hunters (licensees aged 12-15) and trappers (under 12 years old) by designating special youth hunts for deer, wild turkey, pheasants, and waterfowl. These opportunities allow youth hunters and trappers to spend time in the field with experienced adults and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become safe and responsible members of the hunting and trapping community. More information about these programs and other opportunities for junior hunters and trappers is available on DEC's website. Remember: Hunt Safe, Hunt Smart! The number of hunting-relating shooting incidents is declining, but even one incident is too many. Hunters can prevent injuries and fatalities by following the cardinal rules of hunting safety: Assume every gun to be loaded; Control the muzzle in a safe direction; Keep your finger off the trigger until firing; Be sure of your target and beyond; and Wear hunter orange or pink. Tree stand falls are a major cause of hunting injuries. These hunting-related injuries are easily preventable. Hunters are advised to use a full-body harness and fall-arrest system and stay connected from the time they leave the ground until the time they return. Hunters are advised to check their stands (including straps and chains) every season and replace worn or missing parts. The proper use of tree stands and full-body harnesses helps prevent injuries and fatalities. Keep Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Out of New York Hunters should take the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) seriously. CWD is always fatal to deer, elk, moose, and caribou. If introduced, CWD could spread rapidly and be practically impossible to eliminate once established, threatening the future of New York's deer population, hunting tradition, and many of the other benefits associated with deer. The most effective disease management strategy is to prevent CWD from entering New York. A recent detection of CWD in a captive deer herd in Pennsylvania near the New York State border is a reminder that the disease can be unintentionally moved to new locations. Hunters can help protect New York's deer herd from CWD by following these tips: If hunting any type of deer, elk, moose, or caribou outside of New York, debone the animal before bringing it back, and follow the law about importing carcass parts from outside of New York. See CWD Regulations for Hunters. DEC will confiscate and destroy illegally imported carcasses and parts; Avoid products containing real deer urine, like scent lures. Prions are shed in the bodily fluids (saliva, feces, urine) of infected deer before they appear sick. Prions bind to soil and plants where they remain infectious for years. There is no way to ensure that products containing deer urine are free of prions. Choose synthetic alternatives; Dispose of carcass waste in a landfill, not on the landscape; Hunt only wild deer and support fair chase hunting principles; and Report any deer that appears sick or is acting abnormally. Hunters, Want Older Bucks in New York? It's Your Choice Many deer hunters dream of seeing and shooting a large buck but there is great temptation for a hunter to take the first buck they see, often a young buck, when the opportunity presents itself. New York hunters can increase the likelihood of harvesting an older, larger buck, by choosing to pass up shots at young, small-antlered bucks. Older bucks create more rubs and scrapes, are more challenging to hunt, and yield more meat. Many New York hunters are already voluntarily choosing to pass on young bucks. As a result, the availability and harvest of older, larger antlered bucks is increasing. To see and take more older bucks, DEC encourages hunters to work with neighbors and hunting partners to cooperatively reduce harvest of young bucks, improve habitat conditions, and ensure adequate harvest of antlerless deer. remaining of SUPPORT LOCAL JOURNALISM! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription and are still unable to access our content, please link your digital account to your print subscription If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Tirupati: Treasure hunters gangs, accompanied by self-styled swamis, involved in occult practices, have been on the prowl in Chittoor district in search of hidden treasures. These gangs are engaged in digging at secluded places deep inside the forests, forested temples, old and abandoned temples and now they shifted their focus on old houses. It all came to light when a gang of treasure hunters were nabbed by the police at Mullangivaripalle village in Kalluru mandal while digging for hidden treasures at a house, owned by a woman identified as Eswari. The six-member gang, hailing from Hyderabad and Karnataka, struck a deal with a local youth, who threatened Eswari and helped the gang in carrying out excavation in her house. Eswari, however, gathered courage and complained to the police, who later arrested the gang of six people. Two months ago, the Alipiri police arrested a 40-year-old treasure hunter and six others on charges of illegally digging a tunnel of 80 ft in search of ancient treasures hidden in the Seshachalam hillocks near BTR Colony in Tirupati. Believing the words of a self-styled guruji, the accused Manku Naidu, began digging the tunnel with the help of workers and using explosives a year ago. It is still a matter of surprise how Naidu could hoodwink police and locals for almost a year despite using explosives. Not just these two incidents, several batches from the villages bordering Chittoor district, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Hyderabad, accompanied by self-styled swamis are undertaking digging at old and forested temples, caves and on the banks of rivulets deep inside the forest and now some select houses. Believing the words of self-styled swamis or tantriks that lanke bindelu (vessels containing gold coins) dating back to centuries lay hidden in some places, these gangs are hunting for treasures. Self-styled gurujis or tantriks from Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala are taking advantage of the weakness of treasure hunters. They target youth and gullible villagers by tempting them with treasures and lure them on the pretext of helping them to detect treasures. Such gangs are systematically defacing or vandalising several heritage structures and now they are selecting houses on innocent and gullible people, a senior police officer said. In a bid to curb defacing and vandalising of temples, the district police led by SP S. Senthil Kumar formed 2,241 village defence squads with 11,353 members in it and installed 4,526 CCTV cameras across the district. Taking a serious view of this, the district SP held several meetings with locals, village heads, pastors, temple priests and dargah organisers and involved them to protect the places of worship. We also mounted surveillance in all the forested villages and areas vulnerable to the activities of treasure hunters. Our teams are cracking the whip on treasure hunting gangs, leaving no chance for them to carry out illegal activities, the police officer maintained. AFKKS feels digitalisation of this world-famous khadi and minimum Rs 2 crore capital investment into Ponduru small-scale industry could help boost production of this unique garment both qualitatively and quantitatively. (DC) VISAKHAPATNAM: World famous Ponduru Khadi with a 72-year-old history will be in limelight with National Handloom Day being celebrated at the village under whose name the hand-spun khadi is famous. Weavers and experts involved in spinning and marketing of Ponduru Khadi feel a Geographical Indication (GI) tag and digital marketing could help this khadi once again gain prominence not just in India but world over. Ponduru is located about 100 km from port city of Visakhapatnam in Srikakulam district. Since 1949, weaver families belonging to backward Padmasali and Devanga communities have been spinning Ponduru Khadi sarees, dhotis and wrap-around panches. Andhra Fine Khadi Karmikabhivruddi Sangham (AFKKS), affiliated to Mumbai-based Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC), manages the weaving and marketing activities of Ponduru Khadi. AFKKS feels digitalisation of this world-famous khadi and minimum Rs 2 crore capital investment into Ponduru small-scale industry could help boost production of this unique garment both qualitatively and quantitatively. Weavers use a single spindle for spinning the fabric. The price of a handmade fine variety saree starts from Rs 10,000 as does a men's panche. In the run-up to National Handloom Day being celebrated on Saturday, August 7, Deccan Chronicle interacted with Ponduru Khadi weavers. One among them, J. Srinivasa Rao sees the big picture saying, "The government has taken steps of digitalising heritage structures and museums. Similar steps are needed to digitalise every activity of our Ponduru Khadi industry." Then there is Basava Kanthamma, one of 1,100 spinners, who says, "We are able to earn maximum Rs 150200 a day for spinning threads from raw cotton. We will feel encouraged if our daily wages are hiked." Fabrics at Ponduru village are spun using a special variety of indigenous Red and Hill cotton, mostly brought from Nimmalavalasa village in Laveru mandal of Srikakulam district. AFKKS secretary D. Venkata Ramana says, "Our products are world famous with a Rs 5 crore turnover. But proper government support in terms of advertising at national and global levels will broaden their reach. We want an exclusive website, official Twitter and Facebook handles to run our products. We also need capital investment from government to encourage weavers and spinners into continuing making this product. Unfortunately, however, the number of Ponduru Khadi weavers has reduced from 500 to 100 in past 30 years due to lack of support," he pointed out. Venkata Ramana maintains that they are receiving orders from the US and UK and locally from Hyderabad, Bangalore and Delhi through word-of-mouth publicity. They courier the orders; however, it will be great to have an official digital platform to promote and market the product. As part of their endeavour to project Ponduru Khadi, Ramana told DC, they have invited union minister Nirmala Sitharaman to Ponduru for celebrating the National Handloom Day in Ponduru on Saturday. Srikakulam MP Kinjarapu Ram Mohan Naidu said he has requested the centre to accord Geographical Indication (GI) tag to Pondur Khadi and take steps for setting up a Pondur Village Khadi Textile Park in Srikakulam for promoting handloom industries on a large scale. Nirmala Sitharaman to be in Ponduru for National Handloom Day Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman will participate in National Handloom Day celebrations at Ponduru in Srikakulam district on Saturday, August 7. She will honour handloom weavers and highlight India's handloom industry and government's plans for this sector on the occasion. Srikakulam district administration has set up a special exhibition with 58 stalls and 20 live demonstrations of world-famous Ponduru Khadi weaving as part of the celebrations. During the Parliament session, five Rajya Sabha members, including Santosh Kumar, had met the PM. Later, Santosh Kumar had a one on one meeting with Modi, Revanth Reddy alleged. DC Image HYDERABAD: State Congress president A. Revanth Reddy asked Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao why TRS MPs were not raising the Krishna river water issue during the ongoing Parliament session. He (KCR) declared war against Delhi, but why did TRS MPs keep quiet for 15 days, the Congress leader said. Speaking to reporters in New Delhi on Tuesday, Revanth Reddy demanded that Chandrashekar Rao disclose the details of TRS Rajya Sabha member Joginipally Santosh Kumars meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During the Parliament session, five Rajya Sabha members, including Santosh Kumar, had met the PM. Later, Santosh Kumar had a one on one meeting with Modi, Revanth Reddy alleged. The TPCC chief alleged that Telangana state would become a desert due the water policies taken up by AP Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy. Chandrasekhar Rao was deliberately absent at the river water board meetings and favouring neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, he said. He said that the TRS had skipped the meeting that Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had organised to fight against the anti-people and anti-farmer policies of the BJP government at the Centre. This proved that Chandrashekar Rao was a BJP supporter, he claimed. Modi and KCR are not separate, they are twins in the implementation of the same policies. Revanth Reddy alleged that BJP state president Bandi Sanjay had postponed his padayatra due to pressure from Union minister G. Kishan Reddy. Kishan Reddy brought pressure from Modi to stop Sanjays padayatra, the Congress leader claimed. He said that Koushik Reddy, a former Congress leader in Huzurabad, had got the Legislative Council seat under the covert quota after joining the ruling party. Chandrasekhar Rao had elevated Koushik Reddy as MLC for being a TRS covert in the Congress before expulsion, he said. The TPCC chief alleged that the Chief Minister had surrendered to Modi to protect himself from action in financial scams he had committed in the state over seven years. Because of this, Rao had adopted pro-Modi policies which adversely affected the interests of Telangana state, he said. He said the Congress would take up an agitation against eh anti-Dalit and anti-tribal policies of the TRS from August 9, he explained. Revanth Reddy was among the Opposition MPs to reach Parliament on a bicycle to protest the rising fuel prices. HYDERABAD: Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, minister of state for food and civil supplies, stated that the Telangana state government had not fully distributed free rice to the beneficiaries during the Covid-19 pandemic under the Prime Ministers Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY). On Tuesday, in the ongoing Parliament session, the minister was replying to Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay Kumars question on the rice distribution. The minister said the TS government had not yet distributed 11,833 metric tonnes under the PMGKAY-1, 26,627.21 metric tonnes under the PMGKAY-2 and 6,751.45 metric tonnes under the PMGKAY-3. He said the fourth phase of distribution under PMGKAY for July-November had not started yet. The minister mentioned in his reply that the Central government last year allotted 7.66 lakh metric tonnes of food grains and this year 6.71 lakh metric tonnes under the PMGKAY. Niranjan Jyoti also said that under the National Food Security Act-2013, the public distribution system would continue to be under the joint programme of the Central and state governments, adding that states were responsible for the supply of food grains to the beneficiaries through ration shops along with the selection of beneficiaries under the priority households (PHH) scheme. Sanjay said the TS government was not ashamed of not distributing rice to the poor even though the Narendra Modi government allotted free food grains for the poor people in Covid time. He lashed out at the Chandrashekar Rao government over its failure to feed the poor though the Centre allotted free rice. He also accused the Chief Minister of gaining political advantage by displaying his photos at ration shops. Sanjay Kumar demanded that the state government immediately put photos of Prime Minister Modi in all ration shops. New Delhi: Fourteen Opposition parties issued a joint statement on Wednesday demanding a discussion in Parliament on the Pegasus snooping issue, to be followed by a reply from the Union home minister. Accusing the government of being arrogant and obdurate in its refusal to allow a discussion, their joint statement said the government alone was responsible for the continuing logjam in parliament. It is unfortunate that the government has unleashed a misleading campaign to malign the combined Opposition and blame it for the continued disruption in Parliament, the statement said. The Opposition also unequivocally said that a discussion on the farmers issues and agitations arising from the three anti-farmer agricultural laws should follow the discussion on Pegasus. The Opposition said it urges the government to respect parliamentary democracy and accept the discussions. It added: The responsibility for the deadlock lies squarely at the doorsteps of the government, which remains arrogant and obdurate and refuses to accept the Oppositions demand for an informed debate in both Houses. Meanwhile, six Trinamul Congress members who ignored the requests of Rajya Sabha Chairman M. Venkaiah Naidu not to display placards in the Upper House and go back to their seats, and who were also sloganeering in the Well of the House, were suspended for the day on Wednesday for disobeying the Chair. Later, these MPs, protesting outside the Upper House lobby, allegedly tried to forcibly enter the Rajya Sabha chamber but were prevented by the security staff. In the melee, a glass door got broken, leading to a woman security officer getting injured. Soon after Mr Jawhar Sircar took the oath as a new TMC member and official documents were laid and notices under Rule 256 were rejected, the TMC members trooped into the Well shouting slogans and holding placards against the government on the Pegasus snooping issue and demanding a discussion. Mr Naidu said there had been an agreement to discuss the farmers agitation, price rise and the economic situation and the House should proceed with discussing the farmers issues. Taking strong exception to the placards with anti-government slogans, Mr Naidu first asked them to go back to their seats and then threatened to invoke Rule 255 against those holding placards. Some Congress MPs also entered the Well later but were not carrying placards. As the TMC members were unrelenting despite the Chairs requests, Mr Nadu ordered that those disobeying the Chair and raising placards shall leave the House under Rule 255. He, however, did not name anyone and said the Rajya Sabha secretariat will give the list. Later a parliamentary bulletin identified the six MPs suspended for the day as Dola Sen, Md Nadimul Haque, Abir Ranjan Biswas, Shanta Chhetri, Arpita Ghosh and Mausam Noor. Before adjourning the House, Mr Naidu said: All the members who are in the Well of the House with placards... all of them are named under Rule 255. I direct these members who are in the Well of the House to go back to their seats otherwise, you are named and are suspended for the day, he said. But the MPs refused to budge. Even after the House proceedings were adjourned, the TMC and other Opposition MPs did not leave the House. After the six TMC MPs were suspended, they protested outside the Upper House lobby during which a glass door was broken, resulting in injury to a woman security officer, sources said. Minutes after the Rajya Sabha secretariat asked the six MPs to withdraw, they tried to enter the Rajya Sabha gallery but were stopped by security officials, the sources said. Thereafter, they started protesting and singing songs outside the entrance of the gallery adjacent to Central Hall. The security officials are drafting a report on the entire incident, which will be submitted to the Rajya Sabha secretary-general. The statement comes amid a stalemate in the Monsoon Session, with both Houses paralysed due to the Oppositions uproar over their demand for a discussion on the Pegasus snooping issue. The Pegasus issue has also reached the Supreme Court, which will hear a bunch of petitions on Thursday, most of which are seeking a court-monitored independent investigation into the matter. In the past two weeks, the Opposition parties have held several meetings in a bid to corner the government in Parliament. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has urged the Opposition leaders to unite and jointly take on the Central government over the Pegasus controversy. The government says IT minister Ashwini Vaishnaws statement has cleared the governments stand on the Pegasus issue. Hello! Big Brother is Listening. Parliament has come to a halt because of the Pegasus affair. The winged horse is a malware designed to enter your smartphone when you open a message from an unknown source. Once installed in a phone, Pegasus can intercept and steal more or less any information on it, including SMSes, contacts, call history, calendars, emails and browsing histories. It can use the phones microphone to record calls and other conversations, secretly film with its camera, or track movements with GPS. All this is reported to the Pegasus licencee who would have paid at least $650,000 to make up to 10 smartphones to report to it. A typical buyer of Pegasus would be a secretive government agency, a private corporation or even a criminal organisation. But the owner of Pegasus, the NSO Group of Israel, claims it only sells to kosher outfits and our government wants us to believe it. Government intelligence and investigative agencies routinely tap telephones as its their job to keep their masters well informed, particularly when the masters have a taste for low level gossip grade information. But let me tell you this, Pegasus is not such a big deal. There are dozens of hackers operating out of Russia, Israel, the United States and even the likes of North Korea who take control of smartphones and information technology networks for blackmail and extortion. The only difference between them and NSO is that the Israeli company is a white-black operation! It is very apparent Pegasus was bought by an off the book intelligence operation from within the government. An official intelligence agency like the IB, RAW, DGMI and a few others can get official sanction to tap all manner of telephones. All they need is an authorisation from the Union home secretary to do so. It does not require much to persuade any home secretary to affix his signature to one. An agency that can do this will not expend so much money on Pegasus to track a few individuals, with a system that cant do much more than what is already within their reach. To get a good idea of who bought Pegasus one needs to just track new expenditures by government offices like the PMO. For instance, in 2017, though the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) was allotted Rs 33 crores, it ended up spending Rs 81 crores more. In 2018, the allocation had shot up to Rs 333 crores. What was the PMO splurging on, when the NSCS is just a talking shop and occasionally turns out position papers and advisory papers? There are 3.2 billion smartphones working connecting people with huge reservoirs of information and content. As of June 30, 2021, there were 4.86 billion Internet users worldwide. Of these, 44.8 per cent were in Asia, 21.5 per cent in Europe and 11.4 per cent in all of North America. This has led to new forms of business and new forms of doing business. With that small gizmo in your hand, that often nowadays packs more power than a bank of personal computers a dozen years ago, you can buy an airline ticket in another continent or send flowers to a special friend in yet another one. There can be other less benign uses also. A terrorist can detonate a secreted bomb in a distant country with a mobile phone call. Since data exchanged on cellular and Internet networks fly through the ether and not as pulses racing through copper wires, they are easier to net by electronic interception. But these nets catch them in huge numbers. Unlike before when the signals to be intercepted and deciphered were a few, now you had millions to sort out and analyse for content and patterns. This is where the supercomputers come in. The messages that are netted every moment are run through sieves of sophisticated and complex computer programs that can simultaneously decode, detect and unravel, and by further analysing the incoming and outgoing patterns of calls and data transfers for the sending and receiving terminals or phones, can with a fair probability of accuracy tell the agency seeking information about what is going on and who is up to what? Non-government parties can access this information by other means. A few years ago we had the case of the infamous Amar Singh CDs, which titillated so many with its graphic content and lowbrow conversations featuring the likes of Anil Ambani, Jayaprada, Bipasha Basu and some others. Then we had the episode of the Niira Radia tapes where we were privy to the machinations of the Tatas corporate lobbyist in the national capital fixing policy, positioning ministers and string-pulling media stars. In 2002, interrogators heard a top Al Qaeda courier with the nom de guerre Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti from Mohammed al-Qahtani, a detainee interrogated in a secret rendition camp in Poland. In 2004, another prisoner named Hassan Gul claimed that al-Kuwaiti was close to Osama bin Laden as well as to Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Mohammeds successor Abu Faraj al-Libbi. The CIA began to look for al-Kuwaiti and in 2007, officials learned that al-Kuwaitis real name was Ibrahim Saeed Ahmed, and he was a Pathan from Pakistans Swat Valley. The CIA had a clutch of phone numbers that were used sometime or the other by Al Qaeda couriers. For most of the time these numbers would remain shut. They would come to life very briefly to pass very terse messages or have very short conversations. In one of these conversations, al-Kuwaiti told his friend that he is now working with the people he was with before. This was enough of a break for the CIA to put him under full-time physical surveillance. A satellite picked him up in Karachi and tracked him. This led to him and his brother Abrar with their families to that now very famous house in Abbottabad. The tracking down of Osama bin Laden to his hideout was probably one of the great detective stories of the age. But Pegasus is not being used for detecting where Dawood Ibrahim or Masood Azhar are holed up. Our D Company is more interested in low-level political gossip and for stalking. Remember that lady whose movements were tracked by the Gujarat police and reported to a jealous lonely heart. These things were possible even without Pegasus. Officials of the Union health and family welfare ministry in their regular media briefings dole out the doleful numbers of vaccines supplied and mention the number of vaccines administered only when they choose to. Indias new health minister Mansukh Mandaviya asserts that theres no shortage of vaccines, and without saying so implies its the states and Union territories which are not making full use of the vaccines. And the numbers given out in the Press Information Bureaus releases reveal a Kafkaesque twist in the tale of its own. On August 1, the PIB gave out the following figures -- Vaccines supplied: 49,49,89, 550; In pipeline: 8,04,220; Consumption: 46,70,26,662; Balance Available: 3,00,58,190. On August 2, the government figures are Vaccines supplied: 49,6498,050; In pipeline: 9,84,610; Balance Available: 3,14,34,654. The consumption figure is missing on August 2. The ministry can say the states and UTs did not provide the number of administered vaccines. What is curious about these figures is that of vaccines in the pipeline and vaccines available. We must infer that the vaccines in the pipeline are the vaccines expected from the manufacturers, and the vaccines available are those left unused from those supplied. The argument is that every day the Central government is supplying a certain number of vaccines, and the states and UTs dont use all of them that day. They are to be used in the next few days. And those in the pipeline will increase the number of vaccines available. The supplies are thin, and the inventories are not assuring. The government doesnt want to reveal the real situation. But it somehow seems to manage supplies, keeping them floating above the water as it were. This leaves enough room to wonder whether the pace of vaccines administered has something to do with the thin supply line. The pace of administering the vaccines can be inferred from the fact that on May 1, the government press release says total vaccinations have crossed 15.66 crores, and on the day (May 1), 16 lakh vaccine doses were administered. The press release announces in bureaucratic grandiloquence: The Government of India along with the States/UTs through a Whole of Government approach has embarked on a five-point strategy for the prevention, containment and management of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. Vaccine forms an integral component of the five-point strategy, including Test, Track, Treat and Covid Appropriate Behaviour. And it also says: The Liberalised and Accelerated Phase-3 Strategy of Covid-19 Vaccination has come into force today (May 1, 2021). On the day, 84,599 beneficiaries in the 18-44 age group were given the vaccine as they were made eligible on this day. However, in places such as Delhi, many vaccine centres were closed for the new two weeks because vaccine supplies were not available. By June 1, the total number of vaccines administered reached 21.83 crores, and on July 1, Indias Cumulative Covid Vaccination Coverage reached nearly 34 crores, says the government press note. It notes the fact that on July 1, 38.17 lakh vaccine doses were administered, after the phase of universalisation of Covid-19 vaccination commenced from 21st June. We know that on June 21, 80 lakh vaccines dose were administered after Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced that the Central government would buy 75 per cent of the vaccines from the manufacturers and distribute it to the states and UTs. On August 1, the total number those vaccinated seems to be around 46.7 crores because the number is given under the head of consumption. So, in a month, about 12 crore people were vaccinated. The figures of those who received first doses, and those who got second doses, remains a tortuous detail. There is no explanation on why this is so. There are bound to be glitches and snags in a mass scale vaccination exercise like the one being carried out in India, but the government wants to make it appear that it is sailing smoothly with clockwork precision. If the vaccination programme was run super-efficiently, one would have marvelled, but the problem with the Central government is that it wants to give the impression that everything being run well when it is not. Then there is the juvenile claim that India has vaccinated more people than in the United States, but the US because of its population size had covered over half its population, but India is even to reach the one-third figure of its 1.3 billion population. The government is barely managing its vaccine supplies and it seems to be in a precarious situation. The Serum Institute of India, the maker of Covishield; Bharat Biotech, the maker of Covaxin; and Dr Reddys Laboratories, the maker of Sputnik; are all supposed to deliver large numbers of their vaccines, and they have been paid beforehand to do so. The government does not want to share with the people whether the supply chain is firm enough. The government has also been desperately trying to negotiate with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson. But nothing came of it so far. The government is therefore forced to depend on domestic manufacturers. And even the ramped-up production targets of these domestic manufacturers dont seem to be working. This is revealed in the in the pipeline figures. So far, the bluff has worked. But you cannot bluff your way through a health emergency. There is a conspiratorial silence about the production schedules of SII, Bharat Biotech and Dr Reddys Laboratories. This kind of secrecy is likely to explode in the face of the government. Consulate of Peru in Bengaluru has opened a new information desk in its office in Koramangala. The launch was held on July 28 to mark the 200 years of independence of Peru. The information desk will serve as a resource to learn about the culture of Peru through its books, movies, and language. Vikram Vishwanath, who holds the position of the honorary consulate general for Peru in Karnataka, Kerala and Goa, tells Metrolife how people can access these resources. People can watch Peruvian movies like El Mudo, El Acuarelista, and Viejos Amigos on the consulate website or even rent the physical DVDs. Likewise, we will lend novels and coffee table books featuring detailed maps. We will have our library in place by next month. The desk will also provide information about classes in India where you can learn Spanish from, good accommodations to stay in Peru for a year or two, and about its wildlife and food. Ask Vishwanath what prompted him to start an information desk when the consulate office has been fielding questions related to Peru for years now? I dont know if its because of the pandemic or what but we have been receiving uncommon queries lately. People want to know where they can learn Spanish from, how they can find rental homes in Peru or which school they can send their kids to when they move there. Looks like people have used the extra time to read about Peru and want to know more, says Vishwanath, whos a businessman and investor. Currently, Vishwanath is taking these calls along with the consulate staff but they will get a dedicated person for the job by next month. You can call 2550 2929, 2552 2212, 2550 4976 from 10 am to 5 pm. The PDP, Congress, Peoples Conference, and Apni Party on Wednesday questioned the BJP government on the achievements it made since revoking Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir as they vowed to continue their struggle to get the erstwhile states special status restored. The National Conference, however, targeted Apni Party president Altaf Bukhari, who has announced to launch an agitation for the restoration of Jammu and Kashmirs special status, as a frenzied attempt to keep himself and his party relevant. On the eve of the second anniversary of the revocation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status, the parties asked if the BJP government had managed to eradicate militancy, create jobs or rehabilitate Kashmiri Pandits in the valley. President of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mehbooba Mufti termed August 5 as a black day in the constitutional and democratic history of the country, saying the draconian steps taken in 2019 have not only betrayed the trust of the people, but also complicated the issue of the erstwhile state further. In a statement issued here, Mufti said August 5 has become a reminder of the subversion of the democratic and the constitutional system of the country and how the trust of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and all the democrats of the country was betrayed. Mufti said Jammu and Kashmir has to become a bridge of friendship rather than a bone of contention between India and Pakistan and the PDP will continue to strive to see this happen. Reiterating that the party would continue to struggle and strive for the restoration of the rights and identity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Mufti said no amount of coercion would dissuade the party from advocating its core agenda of peace with dignity through dialogue and reconciliation. She said two years after the Constitutional provisions were revoked, none of the stated goals of the government that were used to camouflage the betrayal of bringing Kashmir closer to India, ending militancy, bringing development to the state have been achieved. Corroborating her views, J&K Pradesh Congress Committee chief spokesperson Ravinder Sharma asked whether the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmirs special status has ended militancy. "There were around 70 active militants in 2014, while the number is over 200 today, despite the elimination of hundreds of terrorists since then," the Congress leader said. Sharma also asked how many jobs were provided in the government sector in two years as the then governor S P Malik had made an announcement of providing 50,000 jobs in three months. Also read: I was deeply jaded & disappointed, but politicians can't mourn for long: Omar Abdullah on Article 370 abrogation He said the demand for restoration of statehood with the protection of genuine rights to land and jobs remained high on the Congress's agenda along with that of holding early assembly elections to provide an elected government in Jammu and Kashmir. The Peoples Conference said August 5 will perpetually be remembered as a dark day and a day of disempowerment in the history of the erstwhile state. Party spokesperson Adnan Ashraf Mir said the decisions taken on August 5, 2019, are spiteful and contrary to the ideals and values of a democracy and the federal character of the Indian State. The Peoples Conference (PC), he said, is committed to continue its principled struggle for the rights and dignity of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and that it will pursue this agenda through democratic and legal means. Highlighting that the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35-A has incremented the trust deficit among the people, Bukhari said he strongly hopes and believes that the Supreme Court will restore the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. Bukhari said if the apex court's verdict disregards the peoples' aspirations, the Apni Party will have no choice but to chalk out other peaceful means to pursue this goal with New Delhi. We believe that the solution to the socio-economic and political problems faced by the people in J-K lies with New Delhi, so it will be unwise to disengage or dissociate ourselves from pursuing the redressal, he said. The Apni Party chief had on Tuesday vowed to launch a peaceful struggle for the restoration of Article 370 of the Constitution if the apex court did not restore it. Taking a swipe at Bukhari, NC spokesperson Imran Nabi Dar said in a statement: The remarks are a failed attempt to save his credibility on ground. The radical changes in the views of Bukhari are well expected in view of people's immense support for the efforts of Farooq Abdullah for the restoration of J&K's constitutional status. His politics follows a simplistic maxim; it is to be on the good side of the BJP. But it has not fared well with the people. This recent statement of his should be seen as a last-ditch effort to save some credibility, if any at all, he said. Bukhari, however, blamed traditional political parties for their policies of deceit and intrigue, saying it is not the BJP alone, but other political parties who have been pivotal in doing away with the special status of J&K. History bears witness to the facts that how J-K's political parties have played a collaborators' role in eroding Articles 370 and 35-A from time to time for their lust of power, he said. Now, they are shedding crocodile tears and sermonising on the subject. It's a shame for them. They should rather confess and apologise to the people for their criminal silence, he added. Endless news cycles and viral social media warn of breakthrough infections in people already vaccinated for Covid-19. These reports leave the mistaken impression that protections afforded by the vaccines are not workingand they can fuel reticence among the millions of people in the US who have yet to get a shot. But such infections are not only known to occur after Covid vaccination. They frequently happen following inoculation against influenza, measles and many other diseases. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, is special in one way, though: more than any other pathogen, it has provided the public at large with lessons in immunologyand terms such as breakthrough infections and herd immunity have gained a broad familiarity. It almost feels not just like a microscope but an electron microscope on every single thing that happens with the Covid vaccines, says Kawsar Talaat, an associate professor in the department of international health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. No vaccine is 100 percent effective, she notes, and although some are better than others, most of them have some breakthrough infections. Also Read | Covid-19 herd immunity? Its not going to happen, so what next? A breakthrough simply means that a vaccinated person has tested positive for the disease-causing agent, not that they will become ill or transmit the infection to someone else. Most vaccinated people who are infected do not have symptoms, and those that do tend to have mild illness. Even with the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, the vaccines show good protection against symptomatic disease and death. Nationally, as of August 2, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that more than 164 million people have been fully vaccinated, just under half of the total population. Yet 97 percent of those who are being hospitalized for Covid-19 are unvaccinated. The numbers underscore how reality sometimes becomes distorted in the public consciousness. Anecdotally, from talking to my friends and family and on social media, I think people are more concerned about these breakthrough infections than their prevalence would lead you to be, says Tara Smith, a professor of epidemiology in the College of Public Health at Kent State University. Another worry with breakthrough cases is passing the virus to others. But people infected tend to be less likely to transmit, no matter what were looking at, Smith says. We see this with viruses and bacteriaeven with pertussis, one of the reasons that people try to cocoon around infants who cannot initially be vaccinated against that disease. Cocooning refers to vaccinating those who spend time with the infant as a protective barrier because the pertussis vaccine is not administered before the age of two months. Covid vaccines are expected to reduce transmission among those with an asymptomatic breakthrough infection, says Nick Grassly, a professor in the department of infectious disease epidemiology at Imperial College London. So you already have the fact that youre immunized and less likely to become infected, and even if you are infected, your risk of transmitting the virus is reduced, he adds. One reason is that the amount of the coronavirus, its viral load, is lower in such infections, so there is less of it to transmit. How this pattern looks with the Delta variant is not clear. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published in late July pointed to similar viral counts among vaccinated and unvaccinated people. In that study, however, the researchers did not conduct tests to confirm true viral loads or report data on transmission from vaccinated people, and the "unvaccinated" group included people who were partially vaccinated. Also Read | India's gender gap in Covid vaccinations narrows: GoI data Breakthrough cases do not occur because the vaccines are ineffective. Immunity can wane over time, and a vaccine might be less effective for a given pathogen. The measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is one example: its protection against measles is strong, but the immunity to mumps it confers is less so, Talaat says. Even the mighty measles vaccine has a breakthrough infection history. One measles outbreak in the late 1980s that largely involved vaccinated young people led to a policy change calling for two doses instead of one. The first MMR dose confers about 90 percent protection for a lifetime, Talaat says, but the second dose covers about half of the remaining 10 percent. Given the high contagiousness of measles, getting the highest possible coverage is crucial. Influenza vaccines are the inoculations that are most associated with breakthrough infections. If such cases of flu were tracked as closely as breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections, there would be so many more of the former, Smith says, because we know the flu vaccine is not as effective. Breakthrough Covid cases, she says, are just another Wednesday, compared with those that occur with other vaccines. The Covid vaccines appear to be faring better than those for influenza usually do. The shots neutralize Covid variants quite effectively so far. Grassly says, that, in fact, Covid does not overcome immunity as much as influenza viruses do. And some types of influenza are just better at dodging what human ingenuity throws at them, making for some flu seasons with very low-efficacy vaccines and plenty of breakthrough cases. Talaat notes that with the flu, were not calling it breakthrough but saying, Its 47 percent effective this year or 60 percent.... We talk about efficacy. But even though influenza vaccines have relatively poor efficacy, she says, they are better than nothing, saving lives and preventing hospitalizations. Breakthrough rates can increase if the vaccinated population is small and there are high case counts in the community. Conversely, high vaccine uptake means that the vaccinated population makes up a larger proportion of overall cases. If almost everyone is vaccinated, any cases that do occur are likelier to be in someone whos immunized. That was the situation in an outbreak in Massachusetts in which 74 percent of people testing positive were vaccinated in a region where some 69 percent of eligible residents had received shots. Also Read | Covid vaccines targeting Delta variant may be needed, say researchers Other factors contribute to an overrepresentation of vaccinated patients with breakthrough infections, including age and health conditions associated with a weakened immune system. Often, the level of immunity for these patients produces a blunted response to the vaccine, so they may be at a higher risk than younger unaffected people who are not immunized. Similar to those that are routinely administered for pertussis, booster shots for Covid may be needed for people with a suppressed immune system or for gradually waning immunity. Talaat points to reports of good responses to a third Covid vaccine dose in patients who had an organ transplant. France and Israel have already added a recommended third dose for some immunocompromised recipients, and the UK is considering doing so. The CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met on July 22 to review data related to booster shots in people who are immunocompromised and concluded that a third dose might be in order for this patient population. In an earnings call in late July, Pfizer cited unpublished, preliminary results for 23 clinical trial participants that showed increased protection against the Delta variant after a third dose of its mRNA vaccine. In prepared remarks during the earnings call, the company said that it expected to submit its third dose findings to the FDA in August in a bid to obtain emergency use authorization for a booster. In the meantime, we dont know if boosters will work, but if we vaccinate everybody, then that will protect the 2.7 percent of people in this country who are immunocompromised, Talaat says. And they wont have to worry about how well or how badly their immune system works to protect against the virus. Fully vaccinated people have an around 50 to 60% reduced risk of infection from the Delta coronavirus variant, including those who are asymptomatic, a large English coronavirus prevalence study found on Wednesday. Imperial College London researchers said people who reported receiving two vaccine doses were half as likely to test positive for Covid-19, adjusting for other factors such as age, whether or not the people tested had Covid-19 symptoms. Focusing on those who had Covid-19 symptoms, effectiveness rose to around 59%, according to the study, which covered a period when the Delta variant completely displaced the previously dominant Alpha variant. The estimates, which did not break down effectiveness by vaccine, are lower than those reported by Public Health England for Pfizer and AstraZeneca's shots. Also read: WHO's Covid-19 project faces cash crunch amid vaccine, oxygen shortages The researchers said this was not surprising or worrying, given that PHE estimates were based on those who have symptoms and get tested, while the Imperial study is designed to pick up more people. "We're looking at effectiveness against infection amongst a random sample of the general population, which includes asymptomatic individuals," Imperial epidemiologist Paul Elliot, who leads the study, told reporters, adding that even those who had symptoms in the study might not have got a test otherwise. "So again, it's a different bunch of people." The study found that the link between infections and hospitalisations, which had previously weakened, had started to reconverge, a move which coincides with the spread of Delta among younger people who may not be fully vaccinated. PHE has said that Delta carries a higher risk of hospitalisation, though vaccines offer good protection against severe disease. The researchers said that overall, the prevalence in unvaccinated people was 1.21%, three times higher than the 0.40% prevalence in fully vaccinated people, and that the viral load among people with Covid was also lower in vaccinated people. Young people The researchers were presenting the latest findings of Imperial's REACT-1 prevalence survey, which showed there was a fourfold increase in infections in a month to reach 1 in 160 people in England. The latest survey, conducted between June 24 and July 12, covers the time ahead of a peak in daily reported infections on July 17, and found that the rise was fuelled by spread in younger people. Also read: US trying to help India, others to produce vaccine: Biden Imperial professor Steven Riley said that 5- to 24-year-olds accounted for 50% of all infections, even though they are only 25% of the population. Schools have now shut for summer holidays, and cases have fallen from that peak despite legal coronavirus restrictions ending on July 19. "We've shown that prior to the recent dip, young people were driving the infections," Riley told reporters. "These data support the idea that there is uncertainty about what might happen in September when schools return and we have increased indoor mixing, because of the patterns of infection that we saw driving the growth." You are the owner of this article. Highlights of this day in history: Nazi police arrest Anne Frank and family; Britain declares war on Germany in World War I; Three civil rights workers found slain in Mississippi; The Bordens axed to death; Jazz great Louis Armstrong born. (Aug. 4) A local council have objected to a planning application for a gold mine in the Sperrin mountains. At tonights meeting of Mid Ulster District Councils Planning Committee, members voted to object to a deferred planning application for the mine submitted by Dalradian Gold. The company originally submitted the application in 2017 with an addendum in response to environmental concerns raised by the Department of Infrastructure received in 2019. A proposed development and associated study area for the mine are within the Sperrins Area of Natural Beauty, and the proposals would also impact the Ulster Way walking trail between Gortin and Moneyneena. The Planning Committee adopted a recommendation to object to the application, which has already received thousands of objections from members of the public. Carntogher councillor, Brian McGuigan, said it was the right decision. We have taken a very consistent approach on mining issues associated to precious metals and minerals, he said. We have at every opportunity stood with the community in their opposition. This includes a motion I brought to council in January 2019 opposing the Gold Mine. Our planning committee have also been successful at blocking the department of the Economy from granting exploration rights to another prospecting firm for lands just to the north of Cookstown. The decision was also welcomed by MLA for the area, Emma Sheerin. There are significant concerns among residents in Mid Ulster regarding mining and the industrialisation of what is an area of outstanding natural beauty, she said. I have worked closely with my colleagues on council to develop a consistent approach to the issues surrounding this type of mining. It has been shown in the past that when the appropriate opposition is mounted against this type of development the community can be assured of a fair hearing and an outcome reflecting their concerns. This happened with the proposed Dorraville Wind Farm which the council opposed and the Department subsequently refused. Please allow ads as they help fund our trusted local news content. Kindly add us to your ad blocker whitelist. If you want further access to Ireland's best local journalism, consider subscribing to our ePaper and/or free daily Newsletter . Support our mission and join our community now. Bachchan Pandey: Trailer of the Akshay Kumar starrer will be unveiled on Diwali; film is in final stages Bollywoods Khiladi Akshay Kumar is undoubtedly one of the busiest superstars of the Hindi film industry this year. Just yesterday, he wrapped up a schedule of Aanand L Rais Raksha Bandhan in Mumbai and flew down to Delhi to unveil the trailer of his spy thriller Bell Bottom. Co-starring Vaani Kapoor, Lara Dutta and Huma Qureshi, the film is all set to hit theatres on 19th August. Well, we now have an important update about another one of his exciting projects! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) The team of Bachchan Pandey has reportedly decided to drop the trailer on Diwali this year. In a report shared by Spotboye, a source was quoted saying, The team has wrapped up the film in 55 days with an extremely talented ensemble cast. Sajid Sir along with Akshay and Farhad have watched the rushes and locked the line-up of the film and the edit is also at the finishing stage. While they prepare for the trailer launch this Diwali, the team is sure that the audience will love the mass entertainer which they have made. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Kriti (@kritisanon) Directed by Farhad Samji and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, the action comedy features Akshay, Kriti Sanon and Jacqueline Fernandez in never seen before avatars. A remake of Jigarthanda, Bachchan Pandey follows the story of a gangster who aspires to be an actor. Pritviraj Sukumaran on Kuruthi trailer: "A Vow to Kill, An Oath to Protect is the crux of Kuruthi" Amazon Prime Video today unveiled the gripping trailer of Prithviraj Sukumarans Malayalam crime-thriller Kuruthi which releases on 11th August on the first day of Onam. Directed by Manu Warrier, written by Anish Pallyal and produced by Supriya Menon under the banner of Prithviraj Productions, the Amazon Original Movie boasts of an incredibly stellar cast, with Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead along with Roshan Mathew, Murali Gopy, Shine Tom Chacko, Srindaa, Mamukkoya, Manikandan Rajan, Navas Vallikkunnu, Sagar Surya and Naslen in pivotal roles. The fast-paced trailer takes us through the verdant background of Eratupetta in Kerala into the life of Ibrahim, who leads a lonely life in the mountains trying hard to leave behind bitter memories of the past that haunt him till day. On a fateful night, an injured cop barges into his house with a prisoner and seeks refuge. When a powerful enemy burning with vengeance follows them into his house, Ibrahim is forced to confront testing questions about his own beliefs and convictions. On the auspicious occasion of Onam, we are delighted to present a perfect treat for our audiences with Kuruthi, said Vijay Subramaniam, Director and Head, Content, Amazon Prime Video, India. Malayalam films have managed to captivate the attention and interest of consumers across the world and we are thrilled to collaborate with Prithviraj Productions and add this much-awaited, mega-entertainer to our existing repertoire. With its compelling storyline and an extremely talented ensemble cast, Kuruthi has all the right ingredients, and we are more than happy to bring the worldwide premiere of the film on Amazon Prime Video on 11th August. A Vow to Kill, An Oath to Protect is the crux of Kuruthi and the trailer gives a sneak-peek into what fans can expect, when the film launches on 11th August, commented producer and actor Prithviraj Sukumaran. Kuruthi is one of the most intense and fast paced films I have been a part of. With a captivating story and nonstop thrills which will have the audience hooked, this is one film I am extremely proud of. My journey with Amazon Prime Video has been extremely rewarding and I am elated to launch Kuruthi for a global audience on the streaming service. On behalf of the entire cast and crew, I would like to wish our fans a Happy Onam in advance. The audience anticipation for Kuruthi is overwhelming as this is my directorial debut in Malayalam cinema. It was a fantastic experience working with such a stellar star cast and committed crew. All this was possible thanks to Supriya and Prithvi, said director Manu Warrier on his directorial debut in the Malayalam film industry. With nonstop thrill, drama and action, audiences are going to be at the edge of their seats from beginning to end. The entire team has put their heart and soul into the making of this film and I am so glad that it will launch on Amazon Prime Video for a global audience to watch, during the festive occasion of Onam. Love, Hate, Revenge, Protection, and the question of right or wrong - this is what Kuruthi depicts. I am extremely excited for Kuruthi, added actor Roshan Mathew. Its a movie I really enjoyed shooting for and I believe the trailer itself gives a glimpse of the level of thrill and excitement the audience is in for this Onam. It has been a delight to be part of the Amazon Prime Video family and I am thrilled to collaborate with the service once again. The world premiere on Amazon Prime Video gives us an opportunity to reach movie lovers across 240 countries and territories which is extremely rewarding and satisfying for us. I hope you all love the movie as much as we loved making it. Happy Onam. I have been fortunate to be a part of some brilliant movie projects and Kuruthi adds another jewel to the crown, shared actor Shine Tom Chacko. This fast-paced thriller is extremely entertaining and will truly make for a great watch. I would like to thank all my fans for their continued support, and I hope they will like this Onam treat we are offering on a global streaming service like Amazon Prime Video. The beauty of this movie is how well each character is written and how they perfectly add spice to the already intriguing storyline, said actor Murali Gopy. The narrative of Kuruthi resonates well and I believe it is the story that we all need to see. Human relations are often tainted with pride and hatred constantly battling to survive amidst the beliefs that we cling to, and Kuruthi aims to highlight these complex emotions. As an actor, it was a pleasure to have worked with such a brilliant team who have strived to bring to the audience nothing less than perfection. Trailer Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04fky-PdK3A Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3 is largely set to launch on August 11 at the companys Galaxy Unpacked 2021 event. Ahead of its official launch, the Indian prices of the Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Z Flip 3 have allegedly leaked. The Galaxy Z Flip made its debut in 2020 priced at Rs 1,09,999 and as per the latest leak, Samsung could price its successor at a relatively lesser price. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Z Flip 3 have leaked previously giving us a brief look at what to expect from the next generation of foldable smartphones. According to a report by 91Mobiles in association with tipster Yogesh Brar, the Galaxy Z Fold 3 will be priced around Rs 1,35,000 in India with a box price of Rs 1,49,990. Moreover, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 which is a clamshell foldable phone will launch priced somewhere in between Rs 80,000 - Rs 90,000, as per Yogesh. If this happens to be true, the Galaxy Z Flip 3 is slated to be one of the most affordable foldable smartphones in India. Ever since the internet took off, people have become largely dependent on it. Internet surely makes lives easier and simpler for us. While the internet and technology sure are important inventions. They have a certain drawback and that is hacking. Hacking largely started when the internet became a common thing. Since then hackers have been using a variety of different methods to get inside user device, some examples include; making users download malware files or making them input their sensitive information using social engineering and phishing attacks. Hackers also turn to the dark web market place to buy different hacks and product exploits that does their work for them. A recent study by TrendMicro about exploit sales on the dark web is likely to make many Microsoft users worry about their data and privacy.The study analyzed exploit sales in the underground market for almost 2 years and then came forward with a detailed report. The report individually marked the sales of exploits of each product. The report was a big shock for Microsoft users since the companys products acquired 51% of this report.The report revealed that the product for which most exploits are sold is Microsoft office. Exploit sales for Microsoft office were 23% of all product exploits sold in the underground market. A large reason behind these sales is the wide usage of Microsoft office products such as MS word and Excel and are trusted by everyone. Hackers use this to their advantage and often email these files to users. Users open them thinking that theyd do no harm however once users the file, a malware gets installed into their devices.After Microsoft Office, the product that has the second largest numbers of exploits sold is the infamous Microsoft Windows. Windows amount to almost 73% of the worlds PC users thus giving it one huge user base. The report revealed that almost 12% of the exploits sold on the underground market are for Microsoft windows. With exploits for Microsoft Windows hackers can easily get access to various computers and can also gain the admin access thus allowing them to steal sensitive data and information.The product that has the third most numbers of exploits sold is yet again a Microsoft product named Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). Microsoft RDP exploits allows hackers to get into user devices and use it as their own which makes it largely dangerous. Another thing that makes the RDP dangerous is the fact that it can travel from one computer to another easily.Apart from these three products other Microsoft products such as Internet explorer and Microsoft Share point were on the list. Exploits for internet explorer and Microsoft Share made up a total of 3%, giving Microsoft the biggest share on this list.While internet and technology use continues to grow so does hacking. The report also suggested that the amount of exploits sold for almost all products have largely increased over the years. If you are someone that now feels worried about hackers getting into their devices, then stop worrying since correct anti viruses and security softwares can easily stop them.Read next: As per analysis these are the best antivirus tools for Windows home and business users Parametrix Chatila Parametrix hired Hicham Chatila, PE, PTOE, as their National Director of Smart and Livable Communities. Chatila has over 35 years of industry experience, specializing in technology and emerging smart city solutions for connected and livable communities. He has managed a variety of award-winning projects in North America and internationally. He began his career with the Washington State Highway Department as a transportation engineer. He later joined the City of Springfield, Oregon as Transportation Manager. He went on to join Transpo Group where he established and grew the firm's Intelligent Transportation Systems practice in the United States. In 2010 he relocated to the Middle East where he established and grew the planning and technology business to five offices in multiple countries with over 130 staff. He served as the firm's President of the Middle East and North Africa. In 2020 he relocated to Seattle and established TRAFX, providing strategic technology consultancy services to several public and private sector clients including City of Bellevue, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and Portland TriMet. His project experience includes a variety of autonomous and connected vehicles, Cloud-Based connected vehicle mobility and safety solutions, intelligent transportation system and multi-modal transportation planning and design projects for clients in the Pacific Northwest and internationally. Chatila will be based out of the firm's Seattle office, leading the firm's practice to assist clients with smart and livable community programs and initiatives. Parametrix provides engineering, planning and environmental sciences. Rice Fergus Miller Kelly Gladics Rice Fergus Miller promoted two new principals. Gunnar Gladics is now a principal in the firm's Fire and Emergency Services Studio. Dean Kelly is now a principal in the firm's Housing Studio. Gladics joined RFM in 2019 after working closely with Dave Fergus and Ron Easterday on fire station projects while employed at a firm in Idaho. Now, he helps lead the firm's FES Studio, which currently employs a team of over 20 professionals. After earning his Master of Architecture from the University of Idaho, he served for seven years in volunteer and paid firefighting positions. Kelly specializes in complex Senior Living, Mixed-Use, Market-Rate Housing, and Master Planning projects including the recently completed Panorama assisted living community center and courtyard, the Emerald Heights campus facade renovation, Horizon House master plan, and Evergreen Pointe for Sound West Group. Originally from Austin, Texas, Dean relocated to Bremerton to join Rice Fergus Miller in 2014. Rice Fergus Miller is an architecture, interiors and planning firm based in Bremerton. The firm's primary markets are Healthcare, Housing, Senior Living, Hospitality, Fire and Emergency Services, Community, and Education. Subscriber content preview By JOSH BOAK and LISA MASCARO Associated Press WASHINGTON Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen briefed House Democrats Tuesday on the administration's efforts to prevent widespread housing evictions after a moratorium lapsed, but lawmakers protesting outside the U.S. Capitol said more needs to be done, intensifying pressure on President Joe Biden to act. Yellen told Democrats on a private call about the work underway to ensure some $47 billion in federal housing aid approved during the COVID-19 crisis makes it to renters and landlords. The White House has said state and local governments have been slow to push out that federal money and is pressing them to do so swiftly after the eviction moratorium expired over the weekend. . . . Subscriber content preview SEATTLE A small office building at 2921 Eastlake Ave. E. has sold for $2.9 million, according to King County records. The seller was Alchemy HQ LLC, associated with Alchemy Real Estate, which acquired the property in 2017 for a little under $2 million. The buyer was B-Train LLC, which is associated with a private investor in North Seattle. Public records indicate a loan from First Citizens Bank & Trust. . . . A woman has allegedly been threatened with being ejected from her Alaska Airlines flight as the aviation industrys war on crop tops continues. Though you might expect passengers to be warned about being booted off their flight for crimes like violence, drunk and disorderly behaviour or refusing to wear a mask, this incident is actually the latest in a series of passengers coming under fire for their clothing. Airlines are of course free to enforce their own dress codes something TikToker @sierrasteadman acknowledges. But she also says the way Alaska Airlines went about dealing with it was a problem. Sierra claims she was told to zip up her jacket by a flight attendant (she was wearing a crop top underneath), nodded, and started zipping it up, and continued walking to her seat. That should have been the end of that. But instead, she decided to grab my arm and pull me back to her and to start yelling at me in front of everybody. That is where the problem is. Watch Sierra explain what happened in the video below Sierra also shared a statement she says her mum received from the airline after complaining about the incident. The statement said, among other things, the airline would be conducting an internal investigation. From what you have shared, it is apparent that we have failed. You and your daughter should expect nothing less than to be treated with the utmost respect, compassion and care. It is truly disappointing to hear that you did not feel that way during boarding and during interactions with our Flight Attendant. This comes just weeks after Deniz Saypinar a Turkish fitness model and Instagram influencer with 1 million followers was banned from boarding an American Airlines flight because airport authorities found her outfit offensive. Both these incidents highlight an issue all carriers face being out of touch with (some of) their contingent. Or, put another way: evolving attitudes among some (but not all) of their customers, staff and rule-makers about what constitutes acceptable clothing for flights. This is an issue likely to plague airlines in the coming years, as different demographics will continue to hold different views. Read Next A Louth Senator has welcomed the launch of a new food and drink sector strategy, which aims to boost agri-food exports from 14bn to 21bn. Fianna Fail Senator Erin McGreehan has welcomed the new Food Vision 2030 plan, which wants to increase the amount of food exported from Ireland over the next decade. Senator McGreehan says that it is important for Ireland to acknowledge and encourage the food industry. Our Agri sector produces probably the most sustainable food, it is of incredible high quality, said Senator McGreehan. We should always remember the work our farmers do to provide us all the highest quality of food. This is often lost in the global conversation on climate change and many countries unsustainable food production practices. I am very glad to see this Government being ambitious and unapologetic about our Irish food production systems. Things can always be improved and with the right systems these will be. The programme is set to be overseen by Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue. As part of the programme, Ireland will aim to become a world-leader in sustainable food production over the next decade. THE Minister for Health has confirmed he has signed an agreement to purchase almost 700,000 additional doses of Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. The doses, which have been secured through an agreement with Romania and the EU, will be used to support the continued acceleration of the vaccination programme to younger people across the country. The Department of Health says the additional doses, which are being secured directly from Pfizer, are a redistribution of supplies which had originally been ordered by Romania. Welcoming the announcement, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly expressed his thanks to Romania and said the deal underlined the benefits of the European approach to vaccine procurement. On behalf of the Government, I wish to sincerely thank our colleagues in Romania, including His Excellency President Iohannis and his officials. The agreement underlines the benefits of European solidarity with regards to vaccine procurement. The increased availability of vaccine supply has enabled Ireland to accelerate its vaccination programme over recent months and this week is expected to see the six millionth dose administered in Ireland since the vaccination programme began. Following the signing of the agreement, Pfizer will now confirm the precise dates for the delivery of the additional supplies, which are expected to arrive in Ireland this month. Water infrastructure in Omeath is set to be upgraded to stop untreated wastewater from being discharged into Carlingford Lough. The upgrade plans, which were announced by Irish Water today, will see a new wastewater treatment plant constructed to ensure that any water being discharged into the Lough complies with regulatory standards. Irish Water have said that the plans will help improve water quality in the Lough and enhance the environmental amenity of Omeath. Alongside a new treatment plant, there will be a new pump station with emergency storage, new sewer pipelines for the area as well as upgrades to the existing outfall pipe at Carlingford Lough. The project is being delivered by Veolia Water Ireland Ltd on behalf of Irish Water, with work set to commence on site in the coming weeks. Colm Claffey of Irish Water said that the upgrades would be essential to support businesses and development in the area. These works will support existing and future residential and commercial development by ensuring adequate capacity for future growth in the area while also improving the overall performance of the sewer network, helping to safeguard the environment, said Mr Claffey. However, it is still really important that people recognise the impact of what they flush so the network can function efficiently and effectively. Irish Water have said that they will be working closely with Louth County Council on the delivery of the project. Four stolen mountain bikes were recovered from an address in the town by gardai acting on a tip-off, Dundalk district court heard last week. Stephen Garvin formerly with an address at Nicholas Street South, Dundalk also pleaded guilty to a number of other offences. The court was told last Wednesday that had gardai received a report of two men trying to gain entry to a mobile phone shop on Bridge Street on November 10th 2018 and when they arrived on the scene gardai discovered a crack in a pane of glass. Later on two men were seen walking close by and at that stage the glass was broken. The court was told the defendant was in possession of a lump hammer and had not reason for having it. He was found in possession of a number of items which had been stolen from a vehicle in the area. Two days later a gents bike was reported stolen from a bicycle shed at Colaiste Ris, and the person who took it was captured on CCTV. On December 5th, acting on confidential information that a number of stolen bikes were at the property, gardai obtained and executed a search warrant. They seized four mountain bikes. Stephen Garvin told them he had swapped a Pitbull for them and an amount of cash. The Defence solicitor said his client, who had no previous convictions, was living locally at the time, was mixing with a bad crowd and had a compulsion for taking street tablets. He no longer uses recreational drugs and has since trained as a chef and is due to start a new job in Dublin. Noting his previous clean record and the fact that the offences had been committed over a one month period some time ago, Judge Eirinn McKiernan imposed sentences totalling six months, which were suspended on the defendant entering a bond to be of good behaviour for 12 months. The Dundalk nursing home which was hit badly by the first wave of Covid-19 has been sold to a nursing home group. Dealgan House nursing home, located in Toberona in Dundalk, was sold to the Curam Care Homes group late last week. Local politicians and families of those who passed away in Dealgan House have continued to call for a public inquiry into the nursing home. At least 22 people passed away due to Covid-19 in Dealgan House last April. In a letter sent by Dealgan House management to the families of residents of the home, the management said that the facility was being sold to a nursing home group. It is with great sadness that I am informing you that we have decided that Dealgan House would be best served in future by a change in ownership, said management in the letter. You may be aware that the nursing home industry in Ireland has been undergoing considerable change over the past year or two. Nursing homes have found it difficult to continue operating in a rapidly changing and challenging environment. The letter says that many nursing homes have been consolidating into nursing home groups, which increases the resources available to a single home. Dealgan House has joined the Curam Care Homes group, which has three other Nursing Homes located in Wexford, Wicklow and Dublin, said the letter. It is a relatively small but expanding, Irish owned and operated group which very much shares the caring ethos on which Dealgan House was founded and run. We believe that being a part of Curam Care Homes will bring a new impetus to Delagan House and will enable it to further develop in a way that would not otherwise be possible. The Democrat understands that the takeover of the local nursing home took place last Friday, with the Directors of Dealgan House resigning to be replaced by directors nominated by Curam Care Homes. It is understood that the current management team of the nursing home is to remain unchanged. Curam Care Homes was approached by the Democrat for comment, but none was received at the time of publication. Dealgan House thanked those who supported the nursing home over the last 15 months in the letter. We are extremely grateful to those who supported our management and staff during the recent 15 difficult months, said the letter. We wish our residents, families and staff every success in continuing to cope successfully with the terrible effects of Covid-19 and its emerging variants. The Democrat also reached out to Dealgan House for a comment on the sale, but has not received any at the time of publication. Sinn Fein TD for Louth, Ruairi O Murchu said that despite the sale, an investigation into what happened in Dealgan House in April 2020 needs to take place. There are questions that remain to be answered and [Health Minister] Stephen Donnelly himself has said that they need to be provided with a mechanism that will provide them with these answers, said Deputy O Murchu. Its very difficult to see any other mechanism than a public inquiry. The most important thing is that we get down to the crux of the matter as soon as possible and we need to ensure that whatever inquiry or mechanism has investigative powers and compellability [sic]. I think theres an impetus for this to happen as soon as possible. Readers Survey As our valued readers, we want to hear from you. Please take a moment to fill out the survey below. - Thank you, Eastern Arizona Courier Click Here Stay up to date on COVID-19 Get Breaking News Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Liam Castillo, 5, left, and Leighton Castillo, 10, hold up a sign during Tuesday's protest of mask requirements at public schools. Demonstrations on Saturday in Portales and on Tuesday in Clovis protested state education policies that require students, especially in elementary schools, to wear masks in response to changing guidance on COVID-19 prevention. "Parents need a choice" about whether their children should wear masks at school, said Nicole Tivis, organizer of the Portales event. "We shouldn't have it shoved down our throats." About 50 protestors gathered Saturday in front of the Roosevelt County Courthouse before spreading out along East Second Street, some carrying hand-lettered signs that carried anti-masking messages like "Let our children breathe. Science not Politics." A protest held Tuesday in front of the Clovis Municipal Schools administrative office began with about 80 people, but had swelled to double that about 15 minutes in. The protests were in response to the New Mexico Public Education Department's July 26 announcement that all elementary school students would be required to wear masks indoors when classes start later this month, because they cannot be vaccinated with currently available vaccines. Further, secondary students will be required to wear masks unless they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, the policy states. The new standard calls for safe social distancing of 3 feet instead of 6 feet and requires no masks for outdoor activities. A PED news release said the decisions were made "in collaboration with the Department of Health and the governor's medical advisory team based on evidence of the efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines and the latest guidance from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." Kenady Castillo attended the Clovis protest with her children, Leighton and Liam, who held up a "Let me breathe" sign. The siblings previously attended Mesa Elementary, but the family decided on homeschooling last year when mask mandates were announced. Castillo plans to put them back in Mesa eventually but, "until things change," they'll remain in homeschooling. At Saturday's demonstration, some said current science demonstrates instead that masks are ineffective. Richard Schwartz, a music instructor at Eastern New Mexico University who was among the demonstrators on Saturday, said two recent studies, one conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and one conducted in Denmark, show no meaningful correlation between mask-wearing and the incidence of COVID-19. "The Danish study showed a 0.3% correlation," he said, "and the CDC study showed a 1.8% correlation." Schwartz said a 30% to 40% correlation is considered weak. A strong correlation would be 50% or above, he said. "Masks don't work," he concluded. Viruses are so tiny, he said, that spaces in the weave of the masks allow them free passage. Dee Anna Davis, a retired teacher, said "our kids have been hurt" enough already through more than a year of remote learning. Standing next to Davis, Raenell Walker said masks actually cause disease because bacteria normally breathed out remain close to the body. In addition, she said, "they deprive the brain of oxygen" because they force wearers to breathe in more carbon dioxide. On a website sponsored by Medical News Today, however, an article states "There is no evidence indicating that masks increase the wearer's risk of developing pneumonia or other bacterial, viral, or fungal lung infections." The article advises to keep masks clean and avoid touching them unnecessarily. Guidance from the American Lung Association's website flatly denies that masks cause oxygen deprivation. "We wear masks all day long in the hospital," the guidance states. "The masks are designed to be breathed through and there is no evidence that low oxygen levels occur. There is some evidence, however, that prolonged use of N-95 masks (considered among the most effective at blocking viruses) in patients with preexisting lung disease could cause some build-up of carbon dioxide levels in the body." Editor Kevin Wilson contributed to this report. BAKER CITY Officials from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife shot and killed two wolf pups Sunday, Aug. 1, days after approving a pe Just after his first week of official practice, new transfer Jesse Miritello persuaded sever Decode Your Future with an Online Computer Science Degree from Drexel Drexel University's online computer science programs are designed to prepare you for work on the cutting edge of technology. The curriculum is designed for students with any level of experience or previous knowledge. Choose the program that's right for you. Learn More. The U.S. technology industry is guardedly supporting a massive legislative package designed to address a range of issues affecting the sector, including a federal commitment to add billions of dollars to government technology research and development programs. The legislation, dubbed the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), was approved June 8 by a rare bipartisan vote of 68-32 in the U.S. Senate. A major factor driving the legislation is the contention that the U.S. has fallen behind China in a national effort to support technology development, including information technology and the digital economy. Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., characterized the legislation as "a landmark bill to out-compete China in key emerging technology areas critical to our national security." Specific areas of focus in the bill include artificial intelligence, machine learning and other software advances; high performance computing, semiconductors, and advanced computer hardware; quantum computing and information systems; biotechnology, medical technology, genomics, and synthetic biology; cybersecurity, and energy innovation including battery technology. Multiple Amendments The package started out as the Endless Frontier Act, co-sponsored by Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Young, among others. That bill was ambitious enough as first introduced in April. The bill focused on boosting funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) including creation of a new NSF "Directorate for Technology." However, the bill attracted additional provisions during the legislative process, including some which were really complete stand-alone bills that were rolled into the final package, resulting in a 2,300-page proposal. The legislation even includes the CHIPS for America program to provide $52 billion in federal support for domestic semiconductor development and production. For companies involved in IT and the digital economy, an important part of the USICA bill deals with significantly boosting federal investments in technology through the National Science Foundation. Both the proposed funding levels and the government's approach to managing those investments are critical issues requiring close attention for the IT sector. Under the Senate USICA bill, NSF's annual budget would nearly double to an average of $16 billion per year over five years from 2022 to 2026. The current fiscal 2021 budget is $8.5 billion. This huge boost in investment is largely related to funding a new NSF Directorate for Technology and Innovation at an average of nearly $6 billion annually from 2022 to 2026. Private Sector Partnerships Private sector IT and digital economy entities will be major beneficiaries of the new NSF directorate. The purpose of the directorate is to "strengthen U.S. leadership in critical technologies," and to "accelerate technology commercialization." The legislation further provides that the proposed directorate should "direct basic and applied research, advanced technology development, and commercialization support in the key technology focus areas" listed in the bill. Through the directorate NSF is expected to form partnerships with other federal agencies as well as with "academia, the private sector, and nonprofit entities." The move to establishing closer ties between NSF and the private sector has raised concerns about the foundation's traditional role of engaging in "pure" or basic research unfettered by commercial considerations. Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology Innovation Foundation (ITIF) said soon after the NSF directorate was proposed there was "pushback." The scientific community, he noted "resisted the idea that government would be asking them to do work related to a critical national mission, and to hold them accountable for ensuring that their work helped accomplish that mission." While ITIF supports the provisions in USICA which create the new NSF technology directorate, Atkinson told the E-Commerce Times that "an even more effective approach would be to establish such a directorate as a free-standing agency." A separate umbrella entity tuned in to the full range of federal technology activities would avoid any conflicts with the traditional missions of NSF and other agencies, while creating a national effort to support both government and commercial private sector technology development, he contends. Atkinson favors the creation of a National Advanced Industry and Technology Agency, at the same size as NSF, to "analyze U.S. industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and to respond with well-resourced solutions ranging from support for domestic research and development to production partnerships and investment in advanced research facilities." More than 50 other countries have established such agencies, he noted. "It is clear that NSF and the science community are uneasy" with taking on applied science with commercial connections versus NSF's traditional mission, Atkinson said, adding that NSF would "vastly prefer" just getting much larger appropriations. "But that would do little to help U.S. technology-based competitiveness," he said. Establishing a separate agency would let NSF continue its mission while enabling applied and industry focused research to be funded elsewhere, he observed. Advocates, Opponents Take Positions Whether the USICA package represents a comprehensive approach to developing a national technology capability through government intervention -- or a confusing legislative hodgepodge -- is likely to be in the eye of the beholder. Differences related to NSF's future mission aren't the only potential stumbling blocks affecting eventual enactment of the USICA legislation. For example, the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) approved the major USICA goal of supporting increased federal investments for technology research and development, but found other parts of the bill "worrisome." One section of the bill deals with "Country of Origin Labeling" (COOL) requirements associated with the internet marketing of internationally sourced products. While COOL especially impacts the U.S. retail marketing sector, digital economy entities have concerns as well. Arthur Sidney, vice-president of CCIA noted that country of origin provisions in the bill present implementation challenges "given the volume of transactions and no consistent, uniform, and administrable definition" related to COO coverage. "Country of Origin in the international trade context is difficult to administer by customs and authorities, let alone a digital service," he told the E-Commerce Times. Sidney also expressed concern about the section of USICA aimed at curbing the use of censorship as a trade barrier tool. Language that would refer such activities to legal authorities for action was "scaled back" in the Senate bill, he contended. It was replaced by provisions which simply called for an annual report to Congress with a list of countries that use censorship as a barrier to digital trade and a description of the agencies efforts to address digital trade disruptions, he said. While the U. S. Chamber of Commerce expressed general support for the bill in a June 9 statement, Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer said the Chamber had "ongoing concerns," about the bill. In a letter to the Senate in May, the Chamber advocated elimination of the Country of Origin section and expressed reservations about provisions that impact e-commerce such as "Cyber Shield, copyright, and information in the public domain." The Senate bill must now be considered by the House of Representatives where similar legislation was approved Monday. However, the House bill only focused on the research scope of NSF and the U.S. Department of Energy. The House bill also includes a new NSF technology solutions directorate but funded at a much lower level than the Senate version. The ultimate outcome for USICA could take several paths. Since amendments to the Senate bill were added with relative ease, they could be scuttled just as easily, allowing the core NSF and national technology investment elements to be the focus for legislators. Or the collective controversies associated with the different versions of the legislation could stymie adoption. Regarding chances for enactment of USICA, CCIA's Sidney noted "We aren't sanguine, but we are hopeful that this will see the light of day. While it's not perfect, and we have some concerns, we are hopeful that it can help businesses, and serve as one of the building blocks to protect U.S. innovation and technology." John K. Higgins has been an ECT News Network reporter since 2009. His main areas of focus are U.S. government technology issues such as IT contracting, cybersecurity, privacy, cloud technology, big data and e-commerce regulation. As a freelance journalist and career business writer, he has written for numerous publications, including The Corps Report and Business Week. Email John. Decode Your Future with an Online Computer Science Degree from Drexel Drexel University's online computer science programs are designed to prepare you for work on the cutting edge of technology. The curriculum is designed for students with any level of experience or previous knowledge. Choose the program that's right for you. Learn More. Clients of SolarWinds, which experienced a high-profile data breach last year, are being targeted in a probe by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, according to a Reuters report. The investigation is focusing on whether some of the companies doing business with the network management software maker failed to disclose they were affected by the attack, Reuters reported Monday, citing two anonymous sources familiar with the investigation. Those sources revealed that the SEC sent letters last week to a number of public companies and investment firms asking them to voluntarily acknowledge if they had been victims and failed to disclose it. "The SEC deciding to investigate a public enterprise breach is pretty significant, considering there could be financial implications from this breach that could affect a company's future," Piyush Sharrma, co-founder of Accurics, a cyber resilience company in Pleasanton, Calif. told TechNewsWorld. "The impact of these large-scale breaches clearly has the potential to destabilize stock prices and the broader stock market, so it makes sense that the SEC would pursue such a line of inquiry," added Oliver Tavakoli, CTO of Vectra AI, a provider of automated threat management solutions in San Jose, Calif. As cyberattacks continue to grow in sophistication and cost, it is significant that the SEC is aware of security breaches and is proactively requesting information about them, maintained Bryce Hancock, COO of Cerberus Sentinel, a cybersecurity consulting and penetration testing company in Scottsdale, Ariz. "This is important from a disclosure standpoint, as well as raising the awareness of the importance of creating a culture of cybersecurity," he told TechNewsWorld. The SEC did not respond to a request for comment for this story. Question of Reach James McQuiggan, a security awareness advocate at KnowBe4, a security awareness training provider in Clearwater, Fla. explained that SolarWinds has thousands of customers, many of them likely publicly traded companies. "While the SolarWinds breach itself was heavily in the news, it was not well known if the other organizations came forward to report that they were breached," he told TechNewsWorld. "However, the SEC requires organizations to have disclosure procedures, as they are required to report any data breaches or cyber incidents," he continued. "Ironically, the company may report to the SEC that they experienced a breach," he added, "but may not disclose it publicly if it did not involve losing any privacy-controlled data, like names or emails. Brent Johnson, CISO of Bluefin, a data security company in Atlanta, explained that a probe into the SolarWinds breach isn't entirely unexpected, since the agency has fined companies in the past for failing to disclose data breaches. "What is different this time around is the breadth of companies impacted by the SolarWinds incident," he told TechNewsWorld. "Confusion around whether running affected software versions impacted different companies' user bases has likely raised a lot of questions around the true reach of the hackers here," he told TechNewsWorld. Sunburst Backdoor The attack on SolarWinds Orion platform was disclosed in December. The platform is commonly used to manage complex switched and routed network architectures. Because of the sophistication of the attack, it's suspected that the operation was backed by a nation-state. What SolarWinds discovered was that hackers were able to penetrate its software development infrastructure and bolt a malware program, known as Sunburst, into a legitimate software update for Orion. In March of 2020, the malicious software patch was distributed to SolarWinds' customers. The patch set up a backdoor to the systems it infected, which gave the hackers a means for stealing data from those systems. McQuiggan noted that the SEC has required the reporting of data breaches to the agency since February 2018. "However," he continued, "with the SolarWinds attack being so prominent in the industry, the SEC may realize that there should be a significantly higher number of organizations that have yet to report if a breach impacted them via the Sunburst exploit." "This is not entirely new territory for the SEC, as it has sued companies related to breach disclosure and failure to adopt proper cybersecurity policies at least as far back as a decade ago," added Tavakoli. "But," he told TechNewsWorld, "this push feels more expansive and different than the ad hoc approaches of the past." Far Reaching Request In addition to requesting voluntary disclosures, Reuters reported that the SEC is seeking information from victims of the attack as to whether they experienced a lapse of internal controls, as well as any insider trading data. Reuters also reported the SEC is looking at some companies' policies to determine if they're designed to protect customer information. "I do find the internal controls piece interesting," Johnson said. "While a supply chain attack may be difficult to detect from an internal controls perspective, a company's ability to investigate, respond, and notify once the vulnerability has been detected could be under scrutiny." Sharrma maintained that the SEC is trying to understand if state threat actors were involved in the breach. He acknowledged, however, "Enforcing controls and policies could be more complicated because every control may not apply to every enterprise." "I think they're interested in learning, understanding and evaluating the impact of the breach, rather than enforcing security policies," he added. Tavakoli called the SEC's information requests "far reaching." "The SEC setting a clearer bar for what constitutes reasonable cybersecurity policies and practices has the potential to clarify corporate responsibility to protect shareholder value," he said. "Breaches -- and insider knowledge about them -- can clearly be used to illegally benefit in trading stocks, something that is squarely within the SEC's remit," he added. He also noted that what action the SEC may take against companies that voluntarily admit they failed to disclose the impact of the SolarWinds breach on their operations appears to be fuzzy. "It's unclear from the public reports whether companies which now disclose a breach will not be subject to fines -- just that the information they provide to the SEC would not be used as a basis for legal action," he said. "And companies may still wish to avoid public disclosure and the inevitable raft of civil lawsuits that would ensue from such disclosure," he added. John P. Mello Jr. has been an ECT News Network reporter since 2003. His areas of focus include cybersecurity, IT issues, privacy, e-commerce, social media, artificial intelligence, big data and consumer electronics. He has written and edited for numerous publications, including the Boston Business Journal, the Boston Phoenix, Megapixel.Net and Government Security News. Email John. Decode Your Future with an Online Computer Science Degree from Drexel Drexel University's online computer science programs are designed to prepare you for work on the cutting edge of technology. The curriculum is designed for students with any level of experience or previous knowledge. Choose the program that's right for you. Learn More. E-commerce and m-commerce are transforming the economic landscape. Both markets were steadily growing before the pandemic. But since then, consumers have been fueling both types of commerce with a frenzy. For instance, global e-commerce is expected to yield $6.5 trillion by 2023, growing at 17.5 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR). That represents nearly a quarter of all retail transactions. "Global e-commerce is flourishing. As highlighted in a recent eMarketer report, the market is growing at a 28 percent pace with sales exceeding $4 trillion," according to Tom Furukawa, CEO of Logiq. Add to that, global m-commerce is on target to produce $4.3 trillion by 2023, growing at 18 percent CAGR. Mobile commerce transactions have overtaken desktop transactions. CAGR is the rate of return that would be required for an investment to grow from its beginning balance to its ending balance. That definition assumes the profits were reinvested at the end of each year of the investment's life span. U.S.-based Logiq is at the forefront of the changes. It is a global provider of e-commerce, m-commerce, and fintech business enablement solutions. The company has a portfolio of innovative offerings, such as AppLogiq, to help businesses capture opportunities in e- and m-commerce markets. Its DataLogiq business provides a data-driven e-commerce marketing solution. The AI-powered LogiqX data engine delivers valuable consumer insights that enhance the ROI of online marketing spend. The company's Fixel technology offers simplified online marketing with critical privacy features. The E-Commerce Times discussed with Logiq CEO Tom Furukawa, opportunity trends in digital commerce and the role of market intelligence in the global commerce space. The interview covered the use of commerce platforms to stay informed about the e- and m-commerce markets, their trends worldwide, and the growth and trajectory in the sectors. E-Commerce Times: How are e-commerce and m-commerce transforming the economic landscape? Tom Furukawa: Certain trends in e-commerce and m-commerce are geographically specific. In Southeast Asia, for example, the strong growth in m-commerce has been driven by massive smartphone adoption. Just about everyone has a smartphone, while much fewer have PCs or laptops. This makes the main challenge for businesses, mostly micro-sized, to develop and maintain an e-commerce and m-commerce presence. That requires marketing and selling their products and services to consumers through a dedicated app. Does that mobile-only platform help or hinder payments? Furukawa: While there is an increasing volume of digital payments, there remains a great amount of daily cash-based transactions. The transformation of cash payments to digital forms will be a pivotal market driver over the coming years. This trend is accelerating with fintech now gaining market share against conventional banking. How else does the Asian market differ from U.S.-based e-commerce and m-commerce operations? Furukawa: Another important aspect of Southeast Asia is the need for consumer product deliveries (consumer staples, food, etc.) at the hyper-local level. Indonesia is a great example. The population density and traffic patterns make it extremely difficult to drive, which creates a demand for delivery via pedestrian foot traffic. Tom Furukawa, CEO of Logiq In North America, businesses have much easier ways of bringing their brand online and conducting e-commerce transactions, such as via Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace. However, the biggest challenge for marketers is customer acquisition, with audience targeting being the hardest to get right. The North American market is also interesting, because the top 10 e-commerce companies control 63 percent of all sales, with Amazon as the lead, according to eMarketer. This means there are in excess of 500,000 smaller brands struggling to compete with the large-scale players. Does that mean that smaller brands have fewer chances for growth in the digital marketplace? Furukawa: There is space to compete though, considering that forecasters anticipate 95 percent of all retail sales will be conducted in the e- and m-commerce space by 2040. That is economic transformation! How much of this transitioning was already taking place prior to the pandemic? Furukawa: The e- and m-commerce wave was growing for years prior to 2020, and Covid merely accelerated the dynamic by four to six years, according to Forbes. The most glaring point that the pandemic revealed was that a business must have an online presence to be successful and grow. A brick-and-mortar presence alone is no longer a viable option. Even industries, such as medical clinics, which may have never considered a digital architecture, now realize that they need to develop and implement an online strategy. Digital marketing is a complicated arena and businesses need a trusted partner to navigate the complexity. One other area of note, digital media consumption, and digital advertising have been steadily expanding year-over-year prior to the pandemic. In 2020 and into 2021, the growth skyrocketed and continues to show no signs of dissipating. Pandemic aside, what trends are firmly entrenched in the economic landscape today? Furukawa: The best answer is that e- and m-commerce are taking more market share of the overall retail space. Interestingly, in 2020, overall retail sales growth slowed, even as, previously mentioned, e-commerce accelerated by 28 percent. To that point, consumer behavior has permanently changed, and data-based marketing efforts are now embedded in the sales lifecycle. Another macro advancement concerns data, artificial intelligence, and deep and machine learning. E-commerce is flourishing as data collection and analytics becomes more robust. The economics of data is a core pillar for e-commerce expansion in the coming decades. What new trends are appearing? Furukawa: For certain, the digitization of advertising continues to gain traction and momentum, as does the movement towards digital wallets and payment models. In advanced economies, these trends are established, but in the emerging markets, they are still in the inchoate stage. As businesses and consumers discover the value in digital offerings, the curve on adoption is likely to steepen. As an example, in the emerging and developing nations, the unbanked can participate in the economy to a far greater degree with access to digital payments and services. A final point on new trends: E- and m-commerce are differentiated from traditional retail in that there are network effects driving the growth trajectory. User engagement and experience are the foundation of commercial activity. Brands such as Uber become more valuable as more users engage on the platform. Logiq's AtozGo app is another great example of the economics of the network effect. How does Logiq assist businesses in capturing opportunities in e- and m-commerce? Furukawa: Logiq's mission statement is to help businesses by simplifying e- and m-commerce. Focusing on Southeast Asia and the app presence for local businesses, our company's AppLogiq solution enables a business to quickly create a digital presence on their own app. That gives consumers access to purchase goods and services. As for the payment side, AtozPay is the company's fintech solution to bring digital payments to the forefront in the region. Relative to deliveries, AtozGo provides the hyper-local delivery service in densely populated areas such as cities in Indonesia. In the North American market, Logiq is helping those small and medium-sized businesses with their digital marketing, as a tool to compete for customers against the e-commerce giants. Our artificial intelligence-enabled, enterprise software solution, Logiq Digital Marketing, provides companies with the intelligence they need for targeting customers and increasing sales. Are there specialized differences in how vendors/marketers need to approach e-commerce versus mobile commerce? Furukawa: For m-commerce it is about enabling businesses to conduct their business via an online presence. The experience must be holistic to be successful. An app that does not offer a payment function becomes obsolete, just as a restaurant that cannot deliver food misses out on customers. M-commerce is all about the ecosystem and synergies. In North America, the approach for vendors begins with the question: How can this business compete in the sphere of e-commerce against the titans? The answer is to adopt technologies in a cost-effective way, which will optimize resource usage and elevate brand awareness. What is driving the accelerated growth of the online economy today? Furukawa: Ease of purchasing is an obvious factor for e-commerce expansion compared to a brick-and-mortar transaction. Ordering goods and services from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop is quick and efficient. Beyond that, companies in every industry are now, at some level, e-commerce businesses. The requirement of an online presence, post-pandemic, is incredibly important for financial success. Given these trends and their driving factors, what is the likelihood they will remain in the post-pandemic marketplace? Furukawa: E- and m-commerce are not only here to stay, they are evolving and becoming an integral piece of the global economic framework. This progression is playing out in front of us daily and will accelerate as technologies improve and new participants enter the marketplace. The economics of commerce are morphing rapidly. In a word...disruption. Are the e-commerce trends universal, or does geography play a role in how viable and thriving consumer adoptions are? Furukawa: As mentioned, there are locale differences (Southeast Asia, North America, Europe, and South America). However, the most important distinction is between the advanced, developing, and emerging economies. Because both e- and m-commerce are online-based (website and apps), smartphone proliferation is a key driver for consumer adoption. The largest surge in e- and m-commerce growth will emanate from the emerging and developing world. How are innovations changing the e-commerce and m-commerce landscape? Furukawa: The days of website-only e-commerce, marketing, and ads are over. There are so many other platforms and mediums, such as apps, streaming content, social media, audio, and native channels. These advancements have facilitated, to some degree, a leveling of the playing field for businesses across verticals and industries. In addition, the ubiquity of data and analytical prowess are unlocking value for companies on customer behaviors, purchasing tendencies, future product, and service interest. Firms that can bring technology to market that makes data more actionable will thrive the most. What innovations do you see as significant? Furukawa: Without question, artificial intelligence, and deep and machine learning are essential. These technologies are revolutionizing the way companies utilize their customer data and ultimately how they advertise and market to customers and generate sales. What lies ahead for e-commerce and m-commerce? Furukawa: The next decades will be a period of robust growth for e- and m-commerce. The crucial intersection for companies will be their digital advertising strategy to customers, and the subsequent probability of this audience purchasing goods and services online. Another fascinating space for the development of e- and m-commerce is in the augmented and virtual reality mediums. Companies can create unique branding experiences for customers on these platforms. To be sure, utilization of the technology from a commerce perspective is in its infancy. Jack M. Germain has been an ECT News Network reporter since 2003. His main areas of focus are enterprise IT, Linux and open-source technologies. He is an esteemed reviewer of Linux distros and other open-source software. In addition, Jack extensively covers business technology and privacy issues, as well as developments in e-commerce and consumer electronics. Email Jack. Enterprise IT Lead Generation Services Fuel Your Pipeline. Close More Deals. Our full-service marketing programs deliver sales-ready leads. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! Learn more. The U.S. government is moving quickly and aggressively to address cybersecurity vulnerabilities affecting both the federal government and the private sector. In a sweeping executive order (EO), President Joseph Biden has directed federal agencies to set up multiple programs designed to mitigate the kinds of recent cybersecurity attacks that have gained national attention. The information technology sector, including companies that are directly and indirectly involved in providing IT products and services to the federal government, will be especially affected by the provisions of Biden's "Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity." The United States "faces persistent and increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber campaigns," the president declared when he issued the EO on May 12, 2021. "Incremental improvements will not give us the security we need; instead, the federal government needs to make bold changes and significant investments in order to defend the vital institutions that underpin the American way of life," he said. Plan Embraces Multiple Cyber Mechanisms The EO set forth several goals for improving cybersecurity within the federal government including strengthening standards and bolstering detection. The directive also calls for improving cyber information sharing between the government and businesses, and the establishment of a Cybersecurity Safety Review Board, modeled after the National Transportation Safety Board. In general, the IT and business communities supported the Biden plan -- but mainly in the context that the EO was a first step and would require significant private sector input. Aaron Cooper, vice president of global policy at BSA | The Software Alliance, said the group was "impressed by the breadth and boldness of this executive order," while noting that BSA was open "to working with the Administration on implementation and to promoting software security practices both in and out of the government." In a similar vein, Jason Oxman, president of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) applauded the initiative while noting that his organization anticipates collaborating with the Administration to enhance security "while minimizing any potential impact on privacy, civil liberties, and U.S. competitiveness." Software Tracking Sparks Vendor Attention Importantly, the initiative required the issuance of a document describing the "minimal elements" of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) which federal agencies can use to ensure cyber protection in contracting with vendors for the procurement of IT products and services. The EO aimed at incorporating an SBOM protective scheme into federal IT and operational technology (OT) contract procurements within a year, through the federal acquisition regulation (FAR) process. That procurement impact likely drove the submission of more than 80 comments to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency within the Department of Commerce. The executive order charged NTIA with defining the scope of an SBOM program for use in federal contracting. NTIA complied with the issuance of an SBOM guidance and requirement report on July 12. "An SBOM is a formal record containing the details and supply chain relationships of various components used in building software," according to NTIA. The risk theory attached to SBOMs is that the more a software user or customer knows about the building blocks of a software product or service -- the elements -- the more capable the user will be in detecting vulnerabilities associated with each element. "Though an SBOM won't solve all software security problems, it offers the potential to track known newly emerged vulnerabilities and risks, and it can form a foundational data layer on which further security tools, practices, and assurances can be built," said Allan Friedman, NTIA's Director of Cybersecurity Initiatives. Sense of Urgency In the Executive Order, the government contended that such disclosures are sorely lacking in the federal IT acquisition process, and there is a "pressing need" to remedy the situation. "The development of commercial software often lacks transparency, sufficient focus on the ability of the software to resist attack, and adequate controls to prevent tampering by malicious actors," the EO said. The detailed prescriptive nature of the EO may, at first glance, appear to be an exercise of getting too much into the weeds of federal IT procurement. However, Eric Byres, founder and chief technology officer at Adolus, a software security services provider, said in a blog posting that "I'll start with the observation that securing the software supply chain is arguably the major focus of this executive order." Noting the impact of the recent Solar Winds breach of federal IT, "that kind of widespread havoc was certain to set the tone for this EO," he said. In its comments to NTIA prior to the agency's July 12 release of the SBOM document, the Internet Association (IA) supported the effort, but said that while the NTIA approach may make sense for conventional software running on customer premises, it "does not sufficiently account for some of the unique elements inherent in cloud services." IA reasoned that 'as a service' delivery mechanisms "present a different use case," adding that since the code base changes at a rapid pace with cloud deployments, such references may become obsolete "almost immediately." IA urged NTIA to address this issue by utilizing the existing government cloud procurement tool called FedRAMP to incorporate SBOM protocols. "SBOMs are an important transparency enhancing tool but should not be misconstrued as a mechanism to improve secure software development practices. Importantly, NTIA should not try to solve the entire complex supply chain security challenge through SBOMs, but should instead focus on making them viable by keeping their minimum elements as simple as possible," said John Miller, senior vice president of policy and general counsel at ITI. NTIA should consider SBOM protections as just one aspect of a "holistic" approach to cybersecurity issues, ITI said in its comments to NTIA. Much To Discuss More specifically, ITI took a cautious view on standardizing certain aspects of security, including references to common exposure vulnerabilities (CVEs) used to identify security flaws because "not all vendors have the same business model or the same mechanisms to provide information about vulnerabilities in software." While the NTIA approach envisions the use of SBOMs in federal contracting, within a year, implementation could well involve more dialogue. The Internet Association noted that while its concerns about "as a service" and cloud-based deployments were not specifically addressed by NTIA, "the intention to address them in the future is encouraging." NTIA left the door open for more discussion through an iterative process. In a statement provided to the E-Commerce Times by spokesperson Christina Martin, IA noted "there was a call for continued public and private cooperation" in NTIA and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) documents, especially as it relates to applying SBOM and developer verification standards to cloud-based services. Industry input "will be especially important for any changes to the FAR or procurement processes, so we hope the public comment process that is typically used for changes to the FAR will be followed," IA said. "We're encouraged NTIA has indicated it will continue to engage industry stakeholders and build on the process for defining critical elements of a Software Bill of Materials. We look forward to working with them on this effort," Courtney Lang, senior director of policy for ITI told the E-Commerce Times. Whatever direction the U.S. government takes regarding software security issues related to SBOM, the program is already having an impact in the private sector. For the short term, the NTIA's July 2021 report "will be the definitive document for federal regulations," said Byres. "But it will quickly be superseded by market-driven enhancements. Now that the federal government has set the SBOM ball rolling, we are seeing numerous large companies also demanding SBOMs from their suppliers," he told the E-Commerce Times. John K. Higgins has been an ECT News Network reporter since 2009. His main areas of focus are U.S. government technology issues such as IT contracting, cybersecurity, privacy, cloud technology, big data and e-commerce regulation. As a freelance journalist and career business writer, he has written for numerous publications, including The Corps Report and Business Week. Email John. The Czech Republic has left many Indian students confused with their new announcement regarding travel restrictions for those travelling from India. If you have a visa that was issued before August 2, you will not be able to enter the Czech Republic. Several students, researchers, and even families have been waiting for the Czech Republic to open its doors for Indians again, which have been shut since April this year due to the pandemic. The most recent announcement that came out on August 2 read, "It is not possible to travel to the Czech Republic on the basis of a short-term or long-stay visa issued before 2 August 2021." This has further led to more confusion amongst students. Shubhra Sau (30) is all set to go to the Czech Republic for his PhD. studies. His visa got approved but the new announcement has just led to more angst. "What is the point of this announcement? What will happen to those who have valid student visas?" he wondered. There are many like Shubra, at least 200 more, who are now left in the lurch. Saunak Sinha Ray, for instance, was awarded an early-stage researchers' grant by the Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions, a reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training, in March. He was supposed to begin his PhD research in Prague, CZ. But that remains a distant dream as of now. "Since life has been restored to normalcy in Czechia, physical presence is required in labs, schools, universities, and offices," Saunak said. Saunak had applied for a visa on April 19 and the embassy shut right after, on April 24. He was supposed to leave for Prague, but just like Sau, he has been stuck in India with no clarity on when he would be able to travel. A notice, published in April on the Czech Embassy website read, "New rules for travelling from India to the Czech Republic has come into effect since April 27, 2021. All nationals of India and foreign nationals who were staying for more than 12 hours during the last 14 days in India are prohibited from entering the territory of the Czech Republic." The students are not sitting idle either. They have started a petition urging the Czech Republic to allow them to travel and start their work. "About 200 of us started a petition in July requesting Czech to reopen their embassy in India and start processing visas to allow people to travel," said Saunak. The petitioners include students, researchers, employees visiting their families here in India, and people waiting to reunite with their families in the Czech Republic. Preeti (name changed) was on maternity leave when she arrived in India from the Czech Republic in April. "My husband and I are waiting for the embassy to open so we can apply for a visa for my newborn daughter," she said. But that's not all. There are financial constraints linked to all of it as well. "We are still spending a considerable amount on rent for our house in the Czech Republic," said Preeti. "My husband is a cloud automation engineer and I am an accountant. We don't know till when our companies will be patient about the current situation. We were living in Czech for quite a few years but even after that, it is sad to know that they [Czech authorities] don't really care about people like us," added a worried Preeti. The issue has been the topic of quite a few debates on social media platforms as well. Hashtags like #TakeustoCzech and #OpenCZEmbInd are doing the rounds on Twitter where people are pouring out their grievances. Stay up to date on COVID-19 Get Breaking News Sign up now to get our FREE breaking news coverage delivered right to your inbox. Sponsored By: St Anthony's Hospital Washington, MO (63090) Today Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 67F. Winds light and variable.. Tonight Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 67F. Winds light and variable. Pregnant women encouraged to get COVID-19 vaccine Midwives and healthcare professionals on the Island are encouraging women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy to register for the COVID-19 vaccine to protect themselves from the virus. This push comes as the UKs Chief Midwife urges expectant mothers to get the vaccine following new data showing the majority of pregnant women hospitalised with COVID-19 in the UK have not had a jab. Data shows that vaccines are effective in preventing serious illness caused by the virus, and there have been no safety concerns relating to pregnancy associated with the authorised vaccines in use. Both the Royal College of Midwives and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) have recommended vaccination as one of the best defences for pregnant women against the coronavirus, while the UKs JCVI confirms the jab has been shown to be effective and safe for women carrying a baby. Pregnant women or those considering pregnancy are asked to call 111 to register their interest for the vaccine and to let the team know they are pregnant so appropriate bookings can be made. China's regulatory war against its tech giants isn't limited to data. After opening a front in gaming back in 2018, the government is now adding to the restraints the biggest publishers face. Tencent is first on the chopping block. The publisher has been forced to further slash playing time on Honor of Kings for those aged under 18 to one hour during regular days and two hours on weekends. The rules, designed to appease the country's all-powerful censors, come into effect today, according to state media outlet the South China Morning Post. Previously, play time in China was capped at 90 minutes per day during the week and three hours per day at weekends and holidays as part of broader rules introduced in 2019. Additional restrictions banned younger gamers from playing between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. and curbed how much they could spend on downloadable content. Honor of Kings is a hugely popular multiplayer online battle arena game developed by Tencent subsidiary TiMi Studio Group, also known for Call of Duty: Mobile and Pokemon Unite. As of November, the mobile title boasted 100 million players. But, its success has also brought with it increased scrutiny. In June, Tencent found itself at the center of a lawsuit that accused it of including "inappropriate" content in Honor of Kings, including characters with low-cut clothes and historical inaccuracies. The latest crackdown comes amid growing fears in China over the addictive nature of video games. On Tuesday, a state-affiliated media outlet described the products produced by the gaming industry as spiritual opium. The article continued: No industry or sport should develop at the price of destroying a generation. Therein lies the broader issue. China is currently grappling with a generational divide that has seen younger citizens reject the competitive lifestyle pressures heaped upon them. This stance is encapsulated by the "tang ping," or "lying flat," philosophy embraced by a growing number of Gen Z Chinese. In a nutshell, it signifies those who choose not to work hard, not to buy property and not to marry and have children. Instead of addressing the societal complaints, China is choosing to deflect the blame onto the gaming industry. July 31, 2021 - July 31, 2021[br]Funeral services for Bennett Ryan Kaupke will be held 2:00pm, Saturday, August 7, 2021 at Ladusau-Evans Chapel. Services are under the direction of Ladusau-Evans Funeral Home. Bennett was born July 31, 2021 in Enid to Evan and Brianna (Singleton) Kaupke and p Click for the latest, full-access Enid News & Eagle headlines | Text Alerts | app downloads Gaylord News is a Washington-based reporting project of the University of Oklahoma Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Have a question about this story? Do you see something we missed? Do you have a story idea for the News & Eagle? Send an email to enidnews@enidnews.com. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo rejected the conclusions of an investigation that found he had sexually harassed multiple women. In a first for the U.S., New York City will require proof of COVID-19 vaccination for customers and staff at restaurants, gyms and other indoor businesses. WHO calls for moratorium on COVID-19 vaccine booster shots - excelsio WHO (World Health Organization) Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, called for a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccine boosters until at least the end of September. Tuesdays RBA meeting sent the Australian Dollar higher by around 0.4%. Expectations were mixed, but the risk to the AUD was that the bank would respond to recent lockdowns and undo the decision to taper QE. This didnt happen and the bank kept the policies implemented in July unchanged. Tuesdays session is starting off in typical fashion with stocks edging higher and the US dollar slightly lower. Notable moves can be seen in the Australian Dollar and the New Zealand Dollar which are higher by +0.42% and 0.55% respectively following the RBA meeting which can be seen as mildly hawkish given the bank did not add stimulus to deal with the recent lockdowns. Data is on the light side for the remainder of the session with the main event of the week, the US jobs report, due on Friday and an important BoE meeting on Thursday. RBA Keeps Taper in Place Under normal conditions, a central bank that keeps policy setting unchanged is usually a non-event. Yet, these are not normal conditions: Australia is still gripped by the coronavirus and lockdowns in NSW look set to continue for several weeks, even a month or so. The lockdowns are a heavy drag on the economy and forecasts for GDP have been downgraded just when the recovery seemed to be in full swing. This situation meant there was a decent chance the RBA would reverse the July decision to taper off its QE programme. This decision was made under different conditions and the banks had left the door open to add back QE with its flexible approach. Yet, the bank stayed put and this will give some hope to beleaguered AUD bulls; if the RBA does not add back QE now, then unless the situation gets worse still, it is very unlikely to do so later. The statement did say a review will be made in November when the Board will receive revised forecasts, but by then everyone hopes the lockdowns will be lifted and Australia will be back to near normal. The RBA has been one of the most dovish central banks and its yield curve control has managed to devalue the Australian Dollar considerably. It still doesnt expect to raise rates until 2024, which is several years behind peers. So, by not responding to the recent lockdowns, it has sent a surprisingly hawkish message. Heres what Westpac had to say: We found this decision surprising given that the consistent guidance which the Board has provided is that the program will continue to be reviewed in light of economic conditions and the health situation. A key reason behind Westpacs view that the Board would respond to the current economic downturn was that it now appears that the economy will contract in the September quarter a significant deterioration from the situation in July... With such a major change in the economic outlook and yet no response to the current bond program, the hurdle for adjusting policy is surprisingly high. The Australian Dollar did gain in the aftermath of the meeting but AUDUSD is still below last weeks high and one of the weakest pairs in recent months. It seems this slight hawkish move wont be enough to ignite a significant recovery, perhaps because the taper decision last month was in itself a very feeble hawkish shift. Indeed, ING make the point that the taper was so insignificant that it can hardly be called taper at all, and reversing it would have had little to no effect. It seems a stretch to us to describe this reduction as a "taper". But many market participants regarded it as a significant move at the time. Moreover, a number of market participants have been suggesting that following the latest bout of lockdowns caused by a resurgence in Covid-19 cases, a "U-turn" by the RBA was warranted at this meeting. In contrast, we felt that as the change in policy noted in July was already so marginal, at most, only a token adjustment would be required. Wednesday, August 4, 2021 The Herman Trend Alert August 4, 2021 Back to Workplace Solutions Two months ago, I believed that folks would be so happy to return to work that they would be joyful. Boy, was I wrong! The arrival of the Delta and Lambda Variants and the effect of low vaccination in some areas changed the outcome I was expecting. The politicization of vaccination has been a disaster in the United States, which in spite of being 4 percent of the world's population, makes up almost 25 percent of the world's COVID cases by themselves. In the US, we are having "a pandemic of the unvaccinated." Not Joy, but Fear and Dread Now, instead of looking forward to going back to congregate workspaces, employees are dreading it. An increasing number of people is resisting the idea of returning to shared offices. Employers are resorting to mandating vaccinations, and they are losing a small percentage of employees who simply will not comply. This Herman Trend Alert is dedicated to giving caring employers the answers to bringing people back to the workplace safely and securely. The Research Reflects their Discomfort According to research conducted by the Society for Human Research Management (SHRM) in June 2021, US employees would feel more comfortable going back to work...if only about 50 percent of employees were working in their regular offices. Second, 36 percent of them were looking for their companies to have additional organizational policies and procedures; and finally, 35 percent of the respondents would feel more comfortable, if everyone (customers and employees) would engage in social distancing. Solutions from All Kinds of Companies The following examples are models for attracting people back to offices safely. Separate and Not Equal. VicoSoft, a mattress and bedding manufacturer located in Charlotte, North Carolina came up with an innovative solution. VicoSoft now has two break rooms: one for people who are vaccinated; another for those who are not. One has more room and features barriers and partitions, while the other one looks like a pre-pandemic breakroom. The company allows people to self-select the environment most comfortable for them---and that should also reduce stress and the platform for conflict among employees. Fitness and Fun. The Flatiron School is an in-person and online bootcamp for software development. Their new onsite Peloton bike is having the desired effect---to entice people back to working in the office. Moreover, a few months ago, the school started holding hackathons for students and alumni. Both groups sincerely enjoy the fun and engaging activities. It's a chance to relax and enjoy less serious and formal pursuits together. But Wait, There's More! A few other solutions some companies have implemented: plastic barriers between desks, spacing desks out with greater distances between them, and alternating schedules. Plus, one company FairyGodBoss.com is allowing unvaccinated employees to continue to work from home and only people with vaccinations are allowed in the workplace. A growing number of companies is wisely mandating vaccination for folks who want to work for or patronize their establishments. Me---On my Soapbox With fewer than 1 percent of vaccinated people dying from COVID, it is difficult to argue with science. Yet many folks still do. Please readers, I urge you, get vaccinated. If not for yourself, then for the rest of us who would rather not spread the disease. We eradicated Smallpox; we can conquer COVID, but not without your help! As I have said before, this problem is not going away; the novel influenza which is COVID will evolve and morph. I just pray that our medical communities can stay ahead of the curve. Special thanks to the HR Today people at SHRM.org for their source material for part of this Herman Trend Alert. To read the entire article, visit here. Next Week's Herman Trend Alert: Solving the Issues of Remote Employees Bridging the gap between employees who still want to work remotely and employers who want them in the office will require compromise on both sides. Next week's Alert will offer strategies and tactics for managing this thorny issue. Copyright 1998-2021 by The Herman Group, Inc. -- reproduction for publication is encouraged, with the following attribution: From "The Herman Trend Alert," by Joyce Gioia, Strategic Business Futurist. 336-210-3548 or https://hermangroup.com. To sign up, visit https://HermanTrendAlert.com. The Herman Trend Alert is a trademark of The Herman Group, Inc." ********* Wednesday, August 4, 2021 Bookpleasures.com welcomes as our guest Owen Symes. Owen is a social historian, politicalactivist and author of He Was Our Man in Washington: A History ofthe Obama Years. Good day Owen and thanksfor taking part in our interview. Norm: Pleasetell our readers a little bit about your personal and professionalbackground. How was it that you decided to become a historian? Owen: I've been interestedin history for as long as I can remember - my dad named my favoritestuffed animal (an elephant) "Hannibal" after theCarthaginian general who fought Rome, so I suspect his generalinterest in the past transmitted to me as well. I grew upupper-middle-class in northeastern PA, outside Scranton, and spentmost of my youth engrossed in typical nerd stuff: Star Trek, Magic:the Gathering cards, etc. I received a BA in historyfrom Hillsdale College (in Michigan), but, unsure what to do upongraduating, since typical post-college pursuits like law school orpolitics didn't interest me, I took whatever jobs came my way:psychiatric technician, retail worker, PC repair, call centersupervisor. I never stopped reading orstudying history, though, and when the 2016 election happened Idecided to devote my time to understanding our recent past, trying tofigure out how the country had gotten to the point of electing areality TV star to our highest office. Norm: In terms of yourdevelopment as a historian who would you say your influences were? Owen: In high school mydad gave me the book Bomber Command by Max Hastings, sayingthat one of the duties of a good historian was to make the readerconsider their subject from a new angle. In college, I was veryinfluenced by the writing style of Edward Gibbon and WinstonChurchill, the analytical provocation of Rousseau and Foucault, andthe way RG Collingwood wrote about the study of history itself. Since then, I've beenheavily influenced by historians that break from the more traditionalfocus on politics and war, like Will Durant and WEB DuBois, not tomention the great precursors to modern sociology like Ibn Khaldun andMontesquieu. Norm: Why do Kids knowless about history nowand why does it matter? Owen: "Knowing less"is hard to quantify - I think it's correct to say that most people inthe US are provided a historical education that focuses on aparticular narrative: that the US is a "city on a hill,"conceived in liberty, and carrying that precios fire, maybe with anoccasional stumble, to the four corners of the earth. I can't fault this forbeing a story - all history, we should remember, is narrative, astory told with facts that are selected from an infinite mass ofinformation; but I do think that this particular story is factuallyinaccurate, it leaves out too much information (about slavery, aboutIndian genocide, about segregation, about capitalism) for it to belegitimate. This story serves thosealready in power, and so it's the story that gets told more oftenthan not. This matters because our understanding of the pastshapes how we understand the present and plan for the future. If wemisunderstand our own history, that warps our understanding of whohas power in the present, who our political enemies and allies are,and thus leaves us prey to some pretty dangerous ideologicalmovements. Norm: When did the ideafor He Was Our Man in Washington: A History of the ObamaYears, first emerge? As a follow up, why did you choose thistitle? Owen: It emerged in thewake of the 2016 election - I was apolitical for most of Obama'syears in office, so I didn't pay much attention to current events;Trump's victory thus confused me and I went looking for answers,figuring the best place to start was in the administration of the guywho came before Trump. That led me to delvedeeper into US history, as I tried to contextualize the Obama yearsthe fight against ISIS led back to Bush's invasion of Iraq, led backto the Gulf War, to our alliance with Saudi Arabia, etc.). At the same time, everyonewas talking about Trump, and since no one else seemed to be makingthe effort, I thought I'd try my hand at writing about Obama. Thetitle comes from a quote from a financial executive, thankful that hehad an ally in the White House; I thought it spoke volumes about thetrue nature of the Obama presidency. Norm: Whatpurpose do you believe your book serves? What would you say is thebest reason to recommend someone to read your book? What matters toyou about the book? Owen: The purpose of thisbook is to illuminate recent history so that people will betterunderstand the world around them, why people did what they did, dowhat they do, and how they might act in the future. Without a firmgrounding in history, we get political disasters like the 2003invasion of Iraq or the election of Donald Trump - or the quixoticbelief that a president even has the power to radically remake thecountry. The best reason I can giveto recommend this book is that it is partisan without being unfair -it has a point of view that the reader can agree/disagree with,while presenting as much information as possible so that the readercan make up their own mind. That's what matters to me most: that thereader is provoked into thinking critically about the world aroundthem. Norm: What surprisedyou most as you researched and wrote this book? Owen: I was thoroughlysurprised at how similar Obama's policies ended up being whencompared to his (supposedly more conservative) predecessors. When I started researchinghow he handled the War on Terror, I never imagined that thissupposedly "socialist" Democrat would have ended upexpanding the scope of the War on Terror (most conspicuously, inAfrica); I never would have guessed that he'd champion the same kindof budget cuts and "austerity" measures that the GOP hadbeen wailing about for decades. I didn't realize that,despite some complaints, the financial sector really considered Obamaa defender of their interests. There was often a difference inemphasis, as with Obama's preference for drone strikes rather thaninvasions, but in many ways his administration had remarkablecontinuity with the conservative political trends in our politicsthat date back to the late 1970s. Norm: If you had to doit all over again, would you change anything in your book? Owen: Like mosthistorians, there's always more things I wish I'd had time to cover:Obama's immigration policies come immediately to mind, or his "pivot"towards China. There are also some slightamendments I'd like to make, a detail or clarification here or therethat I'd add to an existing section. On the whole, though, even afterreading Obama's 900 page memoir (the first of two volumes!), I thinkthe book stands up pretty well to scrutiny. Norm: What has been thefeedback and reaction to your book? Owen: So far people who'veactually taken the time to read it have provided overwhelminglypositive feedback. Most negative push back comes from people readingthe title, assuming it's some liberal hagiography of Obama, andscolding me for hero worship. In this way, I think thetitle serves a useful function as a kind of litmus test. As the bookgains more traction and publicity, I'm sure more legitimate criticismwill come to light, which I very much look forward to. As mortifyingas it can be to be publicly proven wrong, I'll never improve as ahistorian if I never receive actionable criticism. Norm: What do youbelieve is the biggest misconception people have about Barak Obama? Owen: The biggestmisconception is that he was a "radical" or "socialist."He's not a conservative on the same level as, say, Pat Buchanan, buthis political instincts were to salvage the system we already have inplace, not to build an entirely new structure. He is a capitalist - hethinks that private ownership of resources, of factories, offinancial institutions is a good thing, just with a few rules inplace to keep the abuses to a minimum. He believes in AmericanExceptionalism - that the US is a unique force for good in the world.These beliefs are typical and I only dwell on them because so manypeople think Obama believed and acted otherwise. Norm: Of all theincidents, anecdotes, events and operations you mention in your book,which stands out most in your mind? Owen: What stood out to methe most was the fight over "Obamacare," i.e the AffordableCare Act. This was (and is) a fundamentally conservative piece oflegislation: healthcare is treated like a consumer good (like atelevision), to be bought and sold in the marketplace, rather than ahuman right (like education) that needs to be distributed equitablyto all people. Despite this fact,conservatives spent many an apoplectic hour trying to dismantle thewhole thing, which speaks volumes about the political circumstancesthat have evolved in the US over the last two generations - and howunhinged many Republicans have become. They wouldnt evenaccept legislation primarily composed of ideas from their own party! Norm: Now as president,how is Joe Biden influenced by the vision and policies he supportedas Obamas faithful VP? Owen: Biden did nothave many major disagreements with what came to be Obamas legacy.He championed the use of special operations and drones to fight theWar on Terror under Obama, backed the market-oriented portions of theAffordable Care Act, and proved preternaturally amenable tocompromises with the GOP under Mitch McConnell oftennegotiating away far more than most other Democrats thought prudentor necessary. Perhaps the events ofJanuary 6 have shaken Biden from his Senate-bred habit ofbipartisanship-for-its-own-sake, but in many ways Biden will likelybe a continuation of the Obama years, i.e. a continuation ofneoliberalism (faith in markets to solve problems). Norm: How did Obamaseight-year reign in the White House open the door for Trump and therise of White Nationalism? Owen: Obamaspolicies helped usher in Trump, but so too did the conservativeoverreaction to Obama. Obama abandoned the progressivism of thecampaign trail as soon as the day was won, so the resulting sense ofbetrayal among progressives soured many to the prospect of mainstreampolitical action, making anyone who did not seem mainstreamthat much more appealing, for better or worse. At the same time, hispolicies ultimately served more to defend and uphold the neoliberalstatus quo rather than shake things up in any fundamental way; thusthe problems of inequality, racism, global warming, etc were notproperly addressed, leaving them to fester and produce more radical,more desperate, or more misguided politics. Finally, the massiveminority voter turnout in the South and West (and the sight of moreand more minorities in our government) terrified conservatives,galvanizing the race realists, who for instance began aconcerted assault on voter rights in the wake of 2008 that hascertainly contributed to the rise of US fascism by removing even theslight power voting had given to minority communities. Norm: In Canada thereis a limit to the amount of money you can contribute to a politicalcandidate. Should this be implemented in the USA? Owen: I'm skeptical thatelectoral politics can solve our problems, because the institutionswe have are inherently conservative. Nevertheless, any law thatcurtails the flow of money into our politics is surely to beapplauded. Big business has always had an outsized influence on ourpolitics, whether the power of the slaver aristocracy, the oil baron,or the tech tycoon, but that influence ebbs and flows and right nowcorporate influence flows like the Mississippi throughout DC. Norm: Should lobbyingbe abolished? Owen: I think thatquestion misses the point, which is that as long as we live under acapitalistic system, where the Few are allowed to amass huge fortuneson the backs of the Many's labor, our politics will always bearistocratic. Economic power translates to political power, so ifmost people lack economic power, our politics will reflect that. Itis capitalism we should abolish. Norm: Where can ourreaders find out more about you and He Was Our Man inWashington: A History of the Obama Years? Owen: My book'swebpage; a playlist of a few of my interviews; my twitter Norm: What is next forOwen Symes? Owen: I'm currentlyresearching the history of policing in the US - there are a lot ofbooks on various aspects (how our colonial adventures in thePhilippines created the first state police force in the US, forexample) but not a lot of "overarching" history that tieseverything together into a coherrent narrative, so that's what I'minterested in pursuing. Norm: As this interviewcomes to an end, if you could invite three historians to your dinnertable, (living or dead ), who would they be and why? Owen: Polybius, WEBDuBois, and Will Durant would make for quite the dinner companions.Polybius spent a lot of time criticizing other historians, whilewriting one of the greatest histories we have from antiquity; DuBoislived and wrote history, with a life spanning from Booker TWashington to MLK; and Will Durant, while writing one of the mostexpansive series of histories ever, just seems like a nice guy,pleasant to be around. Thanks again and goodluck with He Was Our Man in Washington: A History ofthe Obama Years. Follow Here To Read Norm's Review of He Was Our Man in Washington: A History ofthe Obama Years. From: Gary Zuercher Photographer & Author of 'The Glow of Paris - The Bridges of Paris at Night' Washington , DC Wednesday, August 4, 2021 86 Black & White Photographs in the Ansel Adams Tradition by Award Winning Photographer Gary Zuercher Evansville, INThe Evansville Indiana Museum of Arts, History & Science is featuring an exhibit by Gary Zuercher, award winning photographer and author of The Glow of Paris: The Bridges of Paris, from August 25 thru November 7, 2021. Successful exhibitions were previously held at the Wayne Center for the Arts (Wooster, Ohio), Mansfield Art Center & Museum (Mansfield, Ohio) and The Peninsula Fine Art Center in Newport News, Virginia that was a two-person exhibition featuring Gary Zuercher and Marc Chagall. Zuercher spent five years photographing the 35 bridges over the Seine River at night during the winter months and another year researching the history of the bridges, gathering anecdotes, printing and assembling the prints. The Glow of Paris book is an eclectic collection of extraordinary gelatin-silver photographic prints of the bridges of Parisnighttime images that are breathtaking. Accompanied by a fascinating historical portrayal, the book presents a unique and aesthetic vision of Paris because no one else has ever photographed and written about the bridges that cross the Seine in this way. The Evansville Indiana Museum of Arts, History & Science is located at: 411 SE Riverside Dr, Evansville, IN 47713. For hours and more information visit the website at: https://emuseum.org or call (812) 425-2406. The Glow of Paris Exhibition features 86 silver gelatin, black and white photographs from the book, accompanied by maps showing the Seine River bridge locations, discussions of the bridge histories, story panels, a four-minute video and a cell phone audio tour through the exhibit. Of Zuercher's work, the Columbus Dispatch said, "His style is reminiscent of American landscape photographer Ansel Adams." The Virginia Peninsula Daily Press said, "The photographs are just so visually splendid, . . . it's almost like you've pre-staged artwork because it is lit by the City of Paris." The New York Times said of Zuercher, ". . . a lifelong photographer, was so passionate about the way the bridges look at night that he spent more than five years photographing them in black and white" The Mansfield New Journal said, "Zuercher's 86 black and white photos bring into focus the beauty of the 35 bridges that span the Seine River in the City of Light." "For the most part Parisians take these architectural wonders for granted, relying on their functionality to get them where they want to go each day," says author Zuercher. "They don't appreciate the beauty because most don't see the glow of the bridges at night. And most have forgotten that from the time of Julius Caesar for more than 2000 years, the bridges of Paris have played an important role in world history." View The Glow of Paris Exhibition Video at https://www.ParisBridges.com Here are just a few of the accolades bestowed upon The Glow of Paris: The Bridges of Paris at Night IPPY Gold Medal "a dreamy new take on the 35 bridges that span the Seine." Kirkus ProConnect named The Glow of Paris, "THIS WEEK'S BOOK TO DISCOVER" The High End Magazine featured The Glow of Paris in a four page article. Southern Season Magazine featured a full page review of the book in its Spring Edition The Glow of Paris- was the Number One best seller on Amazon.com , in its category multiple times since publication date. Apogee Photo Magazine says, "This book should definitely be a part of the library of any architect, historian or photographer. Simply stunning!" The London Book Festival and The Los Angeles Book Festival proclaimed The Glow of Paris one of the best books in the photography/art category in the 2015 competitions. Independent Publisher Book Awards bestowed a Gold Medal First Place award for Best Non-Fiction in Europe. Kirkus Reviews called The Glow of Paris one of "Nine Best Books Out This Week." (Jan 20) and further stated: "A superb pictorial evocation of the City of Light, full of dazzling images and intriguing lore." The fascinating narrative that accompanies the artistic black and white photos includes historical facts and little-known tidbits about the bridges, such as: The history of these bridges precede the birth of Christ. In 52 BC Julius Caesar conquered Paris; the earliest recorded mention of the bridges is found in Caesar's Gallic War commentaries. Most of the later history evolves from around the time of the Middle Ages and thereafter. On the morning of October 3, 1943, an aircraft hit the Pont de Tolbiac Bridge and crashed into the Seine, killing the four Frenchmen on board. The four were members of the Free French Air Force who had flown from an airfield in England to participate in the allied bombing of a power station outside of Paris. Bridges constructed prior to the late eighteenth century normally had houses and shops built directly on them. Floods, ice floes, fires, boat collisions, and structural failures frequently destroyed the bridges. The collapsing bridges took the houses and shops down with them, and often their occupants as well. In 1769 Louis XV finally outlawed the construction of houses on the bridges, but it took until 1808 for the last building to be removed. Early on, the Pont Neuf was the center of a permanent fair, a meeting point for all the sophisticated as well as the vulgar pleasures of the capital. At any moment you would find street performersacrobats, fire-eaters, and musicians charlatans and quacks, as well as hustlers and pickpockets, not to mention a lively trade in prostitution. Among the many businesses were several famous "tooth pullers." "This information will be of great interest to not only tourists and historians but also to Parisians who have limited knowledge of the 35 bridges in their city and are surprised at the number of islands in the Seine," says Zuercher. "There is a great deal of truth in the words of author Monique Marty who wrote of the bridges 'They are the extension of the streets, the hyphens between the two river banks. We cross them on foot, by car, by Metro. We see them without looking at them and that's a shame'." Zuercher, an artist in the darkroom as well as behind the lens, lives half a year in Paris and the other half in Washington, D.C. He develops the film into negatives in Paris and then makes the prints in the D.C. darkroom. Often he would make 20 to 30 prints before coming up with just the right photo for his book. The results of his work prove what was written by Ansel Adams, "The negative is like the score of the music and the print is like the performance." The stories related to the project are rich enough to fill another book, such as the time he was refused access to a church roof to photograph an aerial shot because he could not be there while the nuns were sleeping. Or when he had to use mountain climbing equipment and the aid of city firefighters to climb to the top of city hall to shoot seven bridges from the air. Or when young thugs threatened him while Zuercher was working at night but were defused when he offered to take their pictures and email it to them. The Glow of Paris: The Bridges of Paris at Night (ISBN 978-0-9906309-0-6, Marcorp Editions, 2015 , 208 pages, $49.95 is available on Amazon and at: www.marcorp-editions.com). About Gary Zuercher: Gary Zuercher's career path has been quite different than that of most professional photographers because he has simultaneously combined a highly successful business career with a successful career as a professional photographer. He is also a commercial, multi-engine, instrument-rated pilot with more than 2,000 hours logged as pilot in command. For more than thirty years Zuercher provided photography for numerous companies and advertising agencies needing commercial images for publications, advertising, brochures, media, and marketing. During the same period Zuercher produced 15 company and product promotional films in which he worked as editor or co-editor and as cameraman and/or photographer. While doing this, he successfully founded, built, and developed both the WaveTek group of companies that pioneered the development of the waterpark industry and the Rain Drop Products company. WaveTek manufactured wave making machinery and waterslides for swimming pools, installing more than 160 wave pools worldwide. After the successful sale of WaveTek, Zuercher founded and built Rain Drop Products Inc., a firm that was one of the originators in the introduction and development of the Sprayground and water playground concepts into the public recreation marketplace. For his pioneering leadership in wave pools and Spraygrounds, Zuercher was awarded the Industry Leadership Award and was in the inaugural group of inductees into the World Waterpark Association Hall of Fame. Over a period of five years, Zuercher took his cameras out into the Parisian night to capture stunningly evocative images of the bridges that span the Seine. Using his artistic eye and sophisticated photographic technique, he created these glorious black-and- white photographs, rich with detail and possessing a clear, luminous quality. No one else has ever photographed all the bridges that cross the Seine in Paris in this way. We don't see crowds of people or heavy traffic. Nothing obscures the beauty and strength of the structures, the romance and symbolism of the bridges. Shooting in black and white allows the details to shine: the architectural elements, artwork, nearby buildings, trees on the riverbanks, and starry lamps casting paths of light across the water. He divides his time between homes in Paris and Washington, DC with his wife Dominique who is French. Media Contact: For a review copy of The Glow of Paris or to arrange an interview with Gary Zuercher contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Communications Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2098. Todays scary Texas pension tale could have ended as a financial horror story. Check out stories about the Dallas Police & Fire Pension System circa 2015 to get a sense of what I mean by horror stories. We may get more such stories in the future. Spoiler alert: Todays story has a reasonably happy ending for employees of the state of Texas and taxpayers. Texas has 100 actuarially funded defined benefit plans, covering 10 percent of the states population. Taxpayers only need to worry about a few of them those which constitute 90 percent of the assets and 90 percent of the states participants. The Teacher Retirement System of Texas is the big kahuna, with 50 percent of all pension assets statewide. But it isnt todays focus. Todays crisis-narrowly-averted story is about the Employees Retirement System of Texas, the second-largest state pension. It covers 360,000 state employees and public officials and has been in trouble for some time. The systems June 2020 report was blunt about that. After describing financial standards to which it aspired, the fund reported: Given current contributions and funding levels, and investment return assumptions, ERS pre-funded plans fail to meet any of these standards. Last year, its woes prompted some harsh language from GRS Consulting Actuaries, which wrote, The current financial outlook for ERS is very poor. It is important to understand that the currently scheduled contributions are not expected to accumulate sufficient assets in order to pay all of the currently scheduled benefits when they are due. And, GRS said: Based on current contributions and assumptions, all funds are projected to run out of money, with emphasis added in the report. Last month, during the regular meeting of the Texas Pension Review Board, the financial dashboard for the Employees Retirement System continued to flash code red. Unfunded liabilities totaled more than $14 billion and current trends meant the pension was not on pace to ever cover the shortfall. In the world of public pensions, three key numbers help us understand their relative health or sickness. The first number, called the funded ratio, is the percentage of benefits promised to retirees thats considered covered by a combination of investments and cash flows. The funded ratio is expressed as a percentage, in which 100 percent is great but rarely achieved and 80 percent is normalish and the minimum to feel comfortable. The Employees Retirement System has been below that for the past two decades, and thats not good. In July, its funded ratio was 66 percent, which is extremely weak. The second number, called the amortization period, is how many years given a set of mathematical assumptions it will take to fully fund promised pension benefits. A 10- or even 20-year period is considered fine, while 30 years is both the uncomfortable edge of bad and the states statutory limit. The Employees Retirement System in recent years has had an amortization period of infinity, which is very, very bad. It means theres no way, unless contributions or increased or benefits reduced, that they could ever cover promised liabilities. The third main number is the discount rate and the simplest way to understand it is to remember it stands in for a mathematical assumption about investment returns over the coming decades. In recent years, 8 percent is considered high and the systems assumption of 7 percent is not an outlier, so thats fine. Public pension systems are giant and complex math problems. Money flows in from the payroll of employees, money flows out to retirees, and the temporary difference between inflow and outflow gets invested. Solving the math problem means making sure enough money comes in and remains in the system such that it will be sufficiently available both five and 50 years from now. Actuaries calculate this inherently uncertain math problem with models that attempt to estimate such unknowables as the life span of retirees, size of payroll over coming decades and investment returns. My own simple model of public pensions is that theyre all time bombs, quietly biding their time until they explode and rend a massive fiscal hole in the fabric of society. Make a wrong mathematical assumption into any one of the known unknowns (lifetime longevity, payroll size, investment returns, generosity of benefits) for a decade or so and we wake up billions of dollars in the hole, looking for taxpayers to fill a gap that started small and suddenly became the great abyss of Tartarus. Keith Brainard serves as vice chair of the Pension Review Board of Texas, the group that more than any other looks to keep these black holes of financial horror from popping up. In November, Brainard delivered a tough love message on pensions in Texas, saying, The public pension governance system in Texas is exceedingly poor. He went on to describe a fundamental legal mismatch that will structurally lead to bad outcomes: Contributions get negotiated while benefits are mandated without checking to make sure the math between contributions and benefits will even work. Speaking to Brainard and reviewing his remarks, it feels like the problems plaguing the Employees Retirement System are baked in and will recur almost inevitably. Brainard places the specific blame for the systems woes on the state, as employer, not paying in its fair share. I should point out that one punchline of this pension story is the state Legislature in its last session authorized $540 million extra to the system this year, with a promise to make similar catch-up contributions in the future. Legislators pensions come from the Employees Retirement System, so you wouldnt expect them to fail to shore up their own retirements, would you? A substantial reform, however, speaks to a trend more fundamental than just throwing new money to cover fiscal shortfalls. Beginning in September 2022, Brainard tells me, new employees will enroll automatically in a hybrid plan within the system. The hybrid plan will shift some future financial risk away from the pension by capping benefits to new hires. In the coming decades, as hybrid enrollees slowly replace legacy participants, this shift will end up reducing the likelihood of massive future blowups. In successive decades, the Employees Retirement System will slowly shift from a traditional defined-benefit pension to a hybrid plan, until maybe six or seven decades from nowm when the last enrollee in the current dysfunctional plan passes away. Michael Taylor is a columnist for the San Antonio Express-News and author of The Financial Rules for New College Graduates. michael@michaelthesmart money.com |twitter.com/michael_taylor Just four country boys from Uvalde County, the Newton brothers were the most successful bank robbers in the United States in the 1920s. They also pulled off the biggest train robbery $3 million in U.S. history. And they never killed anyone. About a decade later, fellow Texans Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow went on a far less lucrative but much bloodier crime streak. They robbed stores, gas stations and a few banks, and left a trail of bodies in their wake before being gunned down in turn by Texas lawmen. Bonnie and Clyde became legends. The Newtons crimes appeared in the newspapers, but their names and photos didnt, so they didnt become popular figures like the public enemies of the Depression era. After serving time for their crimes, the Newtons Willis, Dock, Jess and Joe returned to Central Texas, where they lived out their lives in relative obscurity. Richard Linklaters 1998 movie The Newton Boys, which was shot in part in San Antonio, told their story. Making just $4 million on opening weekend ($1 million more than they took out of a mail train in Roundout, Ill., in 1924), the film failed to give them the notoriety they mostly didnt have in life. Maybe thats because it wasnt really the kind of action flick that fills seats on Friday night but a more thoughtful portrait of a hard time and place, and what it might take for poor boys to get ahead there. On ExpressNews.com: Still Breathing a celebration of true love and San Antonio The Newton Boys are played by Vincent DOnofrio as Dock, Ethan Hawke as Jess, Skeet Ulrich as Joe and Uvalde native Matthew McConaughey as Willis, the leader of the gang. Linklater devotes almost as much time to the boys horsing around in hotel rooms and Willis courtship of a hotel newsstand proprietress (Julianna Margulies) as he does to their criminal enterprises. Express-News file photo The only big shootout in movie, during a daylight heist in Toronto, comes across more like an unusually violent and profane Keystone Cops escapade than a gun battle filmed by Martin Scorsese or Michael Mann, which is how Linklater intended it. The Newton Boys was a homage to the old cinema, and they portrayed it as a shoot em up, Linklater told film scholar Rob Stone during interviews for his book The Cinema of Richard Linklater. They put it in a genre in which it couldnt compete. These guys werent psychopaths, they didnt want to kill people, so it fails on that level. On ExpressNews.com: Skip Space Jam if you want to see the San Antonio Spurs in the movies The movie succeeds when its young stars seize their moments. McConaughey reveals Willis motivations early on in a bitter conversation with his mother. Just out of jail for a crime he says he didnt commit, he tells her: Im gonna work some things out all right, Ma, you just watch me. And if it aint fair when its all said and done, its gonna be unfair on my side of the fence. Late in the movie, Hawke whos loud and rowdy as hard-drinking Jess for most of its two-hour running time makes a charming if ingenuous guilty plea to the mail train robbery. The Newton Boys Where to see it: Streaming on Starz and available to rent and buy on Amazon Prime and other digital platforms. See More Collapse You caught us with a wet finger in the sugar sack on this one, sir, he tells the judge. Were guilty, guilty, guilty, and were awfully sorry we put everyone through all this trouble. I figure the Newton Boys were never cut out for the wrong side of the law. Linklater certainly made his intentions clear to anyone who wasnt buying popcorn during the opening credits, which were filmed like a black-and-white silent movie. The measured pace and respectful tone of The Newton Boys make more sense viewed through that lens. While small-town scenes were filmed around Texas in places such as Martindale, Bertram and Lockhart, historic San Antonio buildings stood in for bigger Jazz Age cities. The Menger Bar makes a cameo. The Hipolito F. Garcia Federal Building downtown became a Chicago train station, and downtown city streets stood in for Toronto. Deana Newcomb / Twentieth Century Fox Another San Antonio treasure, journalist and author Claude Stanush, wrote a documentary and oral history, both titled The Newton Boys: Portrait of an Outlaw Gang, that revived interest in the brothers, and he co-wrote the screenplay for the movie. In an essay published in the Express-News the day the movie opened, Stanush wrote about his unlikely friendship with Willis and Joe Newton, whom he met late in their lives. I was interested in Willis and Joe because, bankrobbers or not, they were extremely interesting people, he wrote. They were intelligent, friendly, witty. Watch through the end credits and see for yourselves in clips of Willis from the 1976 documentary and Joe from a 1980 appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Someone, you might think, should make a movie about those guys. News researcher Misty Harris contributed to this report. jkiest@express-news.net | Twitter: @en_salife RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) A disbarred South Dakota lawyer who pleaded guilty to wire fraud and other counts for allegedly stealing nearly $144,000 from a dead man's estate was sentenced to more than two years in prison and must repay the money she stole. Rena Hymans of Vale, who practiced law in Sturgis, pleaded guilty to two counts of wire fraud, two counts of money laundering and one count of bank fraud. A San Antonio man is accused of using a cell phone to record a woman in the restroom of a San Antonio IHOP. Taymar Antonio-Elijah Jordan-Hamilton, 20, was arrested last week and charged with invasive visual recording. Police believe he could have filmed other women, according to an arrest affidavit. On July 23, a woman told authorities she saw someone holding a cellphone face-up and recording her from under the stall door while she was using the restaurant's restroom, the affidavit said. On ExpressNews.com: Someone has been stealing fire hydrant caps and flooding streets After the woman screamed, Jordan-Hamilton walked out of the restroom, the affidavit continued. The woman then told the man who she was with about the incident. The individual confronted Jordan-Hamilton, who apologized and said he had been trying to clean the restroom, according to the affidavit. The woman's male counterpart told the restaurant's manager, who demanded to see Jordan-Hamilton's phone or he would call the police. Surveillance footage from the restaurant shows Jordan-Hamilton on his knees pleading for the three not to call the police because he "didn't want to go to jail," the affidavit said. On ExpressNews.com: Judson ISD says hackers paid more than $500K According to the court documents, it appeared the suspect was attempting to delete photos before handing the phone over to the woman. When she noticed a photo with the dress she was wearing, Jordan-Hamilton snatched the phone and fled the IHOP in his car, the affidavit said. The restaurant manager, however, was able to provide police with the car's license plate. While investigating the incident, San Antonio police came across another case reported in May that was similar. An individual at a Walmart off of Austin Highway reportedly snook behind a woman and recorded her under her dress with his cellphone. Police believe it may have been Jordan-Hamilton and that he is a habitual offender, the affidavit said. His bail was set at $20,000. taylor.pettaway@express-news.net LANSING, Mich. (AP) Michigan's weekly number of people getting an initial COVID-19 shot rose for the third straight week after having consistently dropped for two months. The increase coincided with the spread of the delta variant the most contagious coronavirus mutant yet and a $5 million state sweepstakes designed to incentivize vaccinations. There were about 41,000 first-dose immunizations last week, the most since the week of June 13-19. Fewer people received an initial dose in July than in June roughly 192,000 vs. approximately 167,000 but officials said Wednesday that vaccination rates always are lower in mid-summer. The truth is that every single day when a certain number of people get vaccinated, the pool of people remaining by definition are harder to reach and harder to convince than those who made the decision before, Brian Calley, president of the Small Business Association of Michigan and co-chair of the Protect Michigan Commission, said while helping to announce the six latest winners of $50,000 prizes. We have to work harder and harder to get an increasingly smaller number of people. The state health department, meanwhile, recommended universal indoor masking for all school teachers, staff and students regardless of their vaccination status an expected step that aligns with federal guidance. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has said she will not require masks in school, like she did last academic year, instead letting each district, charter academy and private school decide. The $50,000 winners all were vaccinated after the MI Shot to Win Sweepstakes was launched. They include three women and three men a hospital cook from Port Huron, a West Bloomfield realtor, the manager of a welding and fabrication company in Kincheloe, a Grand Rapids resident who works in the construction and supply industry, a Ford Motor Co. machinist from South Lyon and a respiratory therapist from Grand Rapids. The latter, Brianna Hrejsa, said she was hesitant because the vaccines have emergency use authorization from the Food and Drug Administration but not full approval. Pfizer and Moderna have applied for full approval, and a Pfizer decision is expected soon. She said she did more research because she has contact with patients and her partner is immunocompromised. I want to do my part in ... helping keep myself but my partner, my patients and my community safe, said Hrejsa, who plans to save most of the money, potentially for a down payment on a house, and to use some to pursue another degree. I'm tired about being anxious about getting sick. Registration for the monthlong vaccine lottery ended Tuesday. Roughly 64% of residents ages 16 and up have gotten at least one dose the metric being used by state officials to set the 70% goal. Children as young as 12 are eligible. Approximately 54% of people 12 and older are fully vaccinated. Kerry Ebersole Singh, director of the commission that promotes the vaccines' effectiveness and works to overcome hesitancy, noted that the next school year is approaching and many businesses plan to resume in-person office work after Labor Day. The panel intends to highlight the stories of people who were infected, she said. One of the $50,000 winners said he went through a really bad time while fighting COVID-19 last year and was on the fence because he has antibodies. His daughter persistently encouraged him to get vaccinated. It's your family, it's your friends that can make the difference in getting someone the information and getting them to take the shot and protecting themselves and their loved ones, Ebersole Singh said. About 46% of Michigan residents live in counties where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging everyone ages 2 and up to wear masks in indoor public places even if they are fully vaccinated. The state's seven-day case average was 808 on Tuesday, up from 306 two weeks earlier, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The two-week infection rate was lower than in all but six states. ___ Follow David Eggert at https://twitter.com/DavidEggert00 Limestone County Sheriff's Office/AP ATHENS, Ala. (AP) A longtime Alabama sheriff convicted of felony charges and removed from office should have to remain in jail until he is sentenced, prosecutors told a judge Tuesday. Former Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely hasn't shown any reason he should be treated differently than other convicted felons in his home county, where the standard practice is for defendants to remain jailed until sentencing, the state argued in court papers a day after jurors convicted Blakely on theft and ethics charges. San Antonio comedian Cleto Rodriguez told supporters that COVID-19 is "no joke" during an emotional update about his fight against the virus. From his hospital bed with an oxygen tube in his nose, Rodriguez on Wednesday posted a 12-minute video on Facebook telling his fans and loved ones that he is on the right path to recovery. On ExpressNews.com: San Antonio comedian Cleto Rodriguez not vaccinated, in ICU for COVID-19. April Ancira launched a Go Fund Me page "I'm doing really well, just still fighting and trying to get back home," Rodriguez said, struggling to breath as he spoke. The 50-year-old is a stand-up comedian and is known locally for his morning news segment Wheres Cleto? on WOAI-TV and KABB. Last year, he had his own comedy special air on Amazon Prime. The comedian was hospitalized in the ICU after testing positive for the virus on July 21. He appeared with fellow comedian Gabriel "Fluffy" Iglesias on June 30 during the latter's show at the Tobin Center for Performing Arts. On July 15, Iglesias took to social media to say he contracted COVID-19, though he was vaccinated. It is not known when or where Rodriguez contracted the virus, but he was not vaccinated. His wife told WOAI-TV that several members of their family, including herself and their three children, had not gotten the vaccine. They all tested positive for COVID-19 last month. On ExpressNews.com: San Antonio TV personality Cleto Rodriguez gets own comedy special on Amazon Prime Once he is allowed to, Rodriguez said he will get the vaccine. "I didn't get vaccinated because, for me, it was more about health issues and I was scared to be honest, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone," Rodriguez said. "As soon as I can, I will be getting it because this is no joke, this is scary." Wiping away tears, Rodriguez said the overwhelming love and support the San Antonio community has shown for his family has brought peace to his heart. "Thank you, it has meant so much to me and it is getting me through," Rodriguez said. April Ancira, an executive for the Ancira Auto Group, set up a GoFundMe page to help raise money for the Rodriguez family to help with medical and other expenses. There are a lot of people who assume that if youre on TV that means youre incredibly wealthy ... which is not true, she told the Express-News. The GoFundMe fundraiser has raised more than $47,000 as of Wednesday. Rodriguez said he will lean on his faith to get through the health scare because he needs to fight for his family. taylor.pettaway@express-news.net State Rep. Jessica Gonzalez wont confirm or deny that she and another House Democrat, Rep. Julie Johnson, have left Washington, D.C. for a vacation abroad. Reports began circulating early Tuesday that the two representatives had left their colleagues and jetted off to Europe possibly Portugal during the last week of the special session in Austin. Both Gonzalez and Johnson were among the more than 50 House Democrats who fled to the nations capital last month to deny a quorum in the Texas House and stall a GOP elections bill. I dont respond to rumors, Gonzalez, of Dallas, said in a text Tuesday evening. Texas Monthly had reported just minutes earlier that Gonzalez and her fiance, as well as Johnson and her wife, set off for Portugal on a non-refundable vacation that had been planned for a year and a half. When pressed on the issue, Gonzalez replied: No one has shown proof. These are rumors, period. End of story. TEXAS TAKE: Get the latest news on Texas politics sent directly to your inbox every weekday A representative for Johnson, of Farmers Branch, did not respond to a request for comment. A spokeswoman for the House Democratic Caucus would not confirm the reports. Republicans have been castigating the representatives in the meantime, accusing them of vacating their responsibilities at a critical time in Texas politics. While GOP lawmakers are still in Austin working, Gonzalez and Johnson are off on private jets and luxury European vacations, tweeted Rep. Jared Patterson, R-Frisco. How disgusting is this? Come home and get to work! His statement echoes what Republicans have been repeating for weeks, especially those who liken the Democrats stay in Washington to a summer vacation. GOP politicians have mocked Democrats escape and a few slip-ups along the way say a viral photo of a crowded airport van and a 12-pack of Miller Lite that Johnson posted as they left for D.C., or an awkward donation request from a local Democratic Party that sought to send care packages to the fugitive legislators. Meanwhile, some Democrats have come to their defense, including Rep. Erin Zwiener, D-Driftwood, who called the disparagement of the missing members by Republicans a distraction. Real talk: Every Democratic member who isnt on the floor of the Texas House is helping kill this voter suppression bill, she tweeted Tuesday, hours after the reports started coming out. None of us have any obligation to be Greg Abbotts hostages. Republicans are trying to erode the freedom to vote. Everything else is a distraction. Zwiener added in an interview that she disagreed with comparisons to Ted Cruz flying to Cancun during Texas blackout in February. Theyre fundamentally different, she said. Theyre not fleeing during a crisis. Nobodys fleeing during a crisis. The rest of the quorum-breaking Democrats remain in Washington this week as they hope to keep momentum alive on federal voting rights legislation. Friday is the last day of the special legislative session in Austin, but Gov. Greg Abbott has pledged to continue calling them until a voting bill passes. cayla.harris@express-news.net taylor.goldenstein@chron.com Only this summer, after more than a year of accumulating backlogs of criminal cases that could not be resolved because the pandemic had made jury trials too risky, local courts began choosing juries again. That brief reopening has ended. State District Judge Ron Rangel, the administrative judge for Bexar County courts, signed an order Wednesday suspending new jury service, effective immediately, because of a steep rise in the percentage of COVID-19 tests that come back positive for infection. Bexar Countys positivity rate increased more than three-fold over the past month and is now nearly 20 percent, the Metropolitan Health District reported. Rangel said he made the decision to stop new jury trials after conferring with Metro Health officials. It was the best course of action as the number of infections continues in a direct upward trend, and is projected to peak in late August, the order states. I do believe we will resume in-person jury trials shortly thereafter, Rangel said in a text message responding to questions about the order. He later said he planned to be guided by a weekly check of the positivity rate. Grand juries are not affected by the order because they do not go through the extensive jury selection process and are housed in a large room, their 12 members socially distanced, Rangel said. Trial juries are picked in a process that can involve scores or even hundreds of potential jurors. Suspending in-person jury trials will affect caseloads but its definitely something we will overcome. Local judges have learned how to run courts as efficiently as possible during a pandemic, Rangel said. On ExpressNews.com: Do not lose hope Bexar DA asks crime victims for patience News of the suspension spread through the Cadena-Reeves Justice Center, where the countys first capital murder trial in six years was nearing its end. Rangels order stipulates that any jury trials that already have begun can continue through to a verdict. Local defense attorney Patrick Hancock called the latest order unfortunate but necessary. Judges here are making the right decision to keep our community safe, he said, but added that it could have been avoided if only more folks would have heeded the call and been vaccinated, as is their civic duty. The harsh reality remains that the delay will again aggravate our criminal justice system, which was already experiencing an unprecedented backlog of jury trials, Hancock added, calling it a slow grind to justice (which) will continue for victims and those accused well into the future. He was echoed by others. John Hunter, president of the San Antonio Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, said the suspension was the right thing to do but a disappointing setback, and said people should be mindful of how it affects the right to a speedy trial. Many of these people have been incarcerated for over a year, waiting for their day in court, Hunter said. It is my deepest hope that this delay brings a recalibration of the states enforcement priorities as a remedy for clogged jury trial dockets. The call for more vaccinations also was made by Bexar County District Attorney Joe D. Gonzales, who said in a statement that he did not want a simple act of public service to put anyones health in jeopardy. Now is the time for all of us to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19, he said. Until this potentially deadly virus is behind us, restrictions like this will lead to a further delay of justice for both victims and those accused of crimes. Many mentioned the backlog caused by the pandemic 50,000 cases and counting, as grand juries have continued to return hundreds of criminal indictments each week. On ExpressNews.com: San Antonio lawyers early verdict on virtual trials: Lets keep them Last week, Rangel ordered that any person who has business in any courtroom in Bexar County must wear a face covering, including in the Bexar County Courthouse, the Cadena Reeves center, the Paul Elizondo Tower, the Tejeda Juvenile Justice Center, the 600 Mission Road Building (386th District Court), all Justice of the Peace buildings, and any building housing specialty courts. That rule remains in effect, the new order states. Rangel also encouraged all judges to consider moving to remote proceedings as much as possible. Gov. Greg Abbotts mandates do not affect the judiciary. The local administrative judge falls under the jurisdiction of the Texas Supreme Court, which has issued 40 emergency orders since the pandemic began in March 2020. ezavala@express-news.net | Twitter: @elizabeth2863 The San Antonio Express-News spent the year of 2017 following transgender San Antonians, documenting their transitions and their fight for rights. Over several months, Life in Transition told their stories. This is Part 3. He arrived an hour early at the law office in downtown San Antonio, out of an abundance of caution and excitement. To get there, Joseph spent an hour and a half on city buses he found cumbersome and confusing, carrying with him a legal-size envelope containing his passport and other legal papers. During that time, the 24-year-old transgender man fielded a series of calls from his mother, who was more nervous than he was about what he was going to do that day. Sarah was still wrapping her head around the fact that her daughter had become her son, a radical and dangerous notion in the country they had left behind. But she was his mother, no matter what, and she loved him fiercely. After all, it was his safety and well-being that had brought them to Texas. And so after Joseph had left the squat, brick home, where they were live-in caretakers for terminal patients, and walked to the bus stop, she called him for updates. Had he arrived at the law firm yet? Did he speak with the lawyer? When would he go to the courthouse? Dont keep me waiting, she told him in Arabic, warning him to notify her of the outcome as soon as possible. Now Joseph an alias to protect the safety of him and his family sat on a wooden bench at the Nichols Law Firm, across from two women perched on a couch. He twiddled his thumbs as he waited. I hope the judge doesnt say anything, he said. Lets just hope not. It had been four months since Joseph had contacted the practice, at the suggestion of his immigration attorney in Houston. The law firm, he had been told, could help him legally amend his name and gender marker the M or F that appears on vital personal documents, everything from drivers licenses to birth certificates. For many transgender individuals, having identification and records that match their newly chosen names and physical appearance can make all the difference in securing a job or housing. But ambiguous law meant these cases were at the discretion of judges across the state, some of whom would not hear them at all. Nowhere in Texas statute does it spell out how to legally amend the documentation of transgender people. Instead, the petitions that Justin Nichols writes for his clients rely on rules established by Texas agencies that issue identification records. Forms for the Department of Public Safety and the Department of State Health Services require a court order certifying a gender change for transgender people who wish to amend their drivers licenses and birth certificates. For this reason, many transgender Texans have no documents matching their gender identity, a reality that became all the more important when a state legislator began filing bills this year that would restrict public restroom access based on the gender listed on a persons birth certificate. Since it began taking gender marker cases in earnest in late 2015, the law firm had brought name and gender change petitions for more than 100 transgender Texans before Bexar County judges. The certified court orders validated their gender identity as permanent and binding in the eyes of the law, a circumstance that led the office to aptly name its gender marker program Make It Official. Never, though, had they had a client quite like Joseph. More than a year earlier, Joseph, his mother, and one of his sisters had quietly stolen away from the United Arab Emirates, arriving in Texas in early 2016 on visitors visas. UAE had been their home since the early 2000s, when they sought safety from the erupting war in Iraq. They enjoyed a good life there, as Sarah built two successful businesses. By the time Joseph reached his early teens, his parents had divorced and his father had returned to Iraq. Joseph, his mother and his siblings moved in with well-off relatives. The arrangement worked for years, until Joseph, who always knew he was different from the girls at his gender-segregated school, realized he was transgender. Death threats from other relatives promises of an honor killing followed. So did verbal and physical harassment, being shunned by universities and employers, threats by men who said they could make him a woman if he just gave them an hour. The family wondered what future Joseph could possibly have in a country so structured around strict delineations of gender, so unwilling to accept who he was. The same country that, in 2016, would deny entry to Gigi Gorgeous, a popular transgender model and makeup artist from Canada, on her way to Dubai. Later, in his application for asylum to the United States, Joseph explained his predicament. He no longer had legal status in the UAE, and if he returned to Iraq, he would be stripped of his rights. If his relatives did not follow through on the death threats, someone else surely would. He knew the authorities would not protect him, because they do not protect people like me. Joseph and his sister, Taylor, left first, flying to Texas with several suitcases stuffed with clothes and rooming with relatives in Houston. Sarah initially stayed behind, intending to sell her businesses and get her affairs in order. In the end, there was no time. A month later, Sarah left the house in the early morning hours. Through the windshield of the car, past a dashboard cluttered with papers, she took one last look at the ornate front gate of her home before she left everything behind her work, car, bank account, furniture, family, memories. After months of sleeping on the floors of relatives crowded apartments in Houston and Austin, Joseph and his family eventually ended up in San Antonio, where they met a woman who had recently founded an assisted living home. She welcomed them as family, providing them with steady work and a place to live. Here, surely, they could start over again. Before Joseph applied for work authorization in the U.S., he wanted the country to recognize who he was. A man. He didnt want a record of how hed been viewed back home. He didnt even know that person anymore. The way to accomplish that would be to go to court. And so as he and the other clients waited to head over to the Bexar County courthouse, Jamey Bartram, then director of the offices gender marker program, bustled in and out of the room. Bartram was responsible for guiding the steady stream of transgender Texans who sought out the firms services, communicating with clients and ensuring they had transportation. Bartram also gathered the necessary paperwork from clients: a detailed questionnaire, a notarized affidavit that the client was of sound mind, an FBI compatible fingerprint card, a letter from a mental health professional confirming that the name and gender marker changes were in their best interest. OK, well be leaving in a couple minutes, Bartram announced to the room. He explained that they would walk to the courthouse, where they would go through security. Then, they would answer some questions in front of a judge, something that was largely a formality, he explained. The papers had already been filed. All they needed was the judges signature. Yet as Bartram talked, the face of one of the women remained tense. You dont seem very happy considering what were doing today, Bartram said to her. Im just nervous, she said. There was no need, Bartram assured her. These were family law judges who heard case after case of divorce and child cruelty, situations that tore families apart. They would be glad to hear a happy case, for once. A call came through on Josephs cell phone. Hi, mom. Was that your mom again? Bartram asked. Nichols joined the group. Bartram slid on a pair of aviator sunglasses. Well, come on. Lets go do it, Nichols said. Josephs day in court was long overdue. His case, already complicated by his immigration situation, grew thornier when President Donald Trump signed an executive order limiting travel for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries, including, initially, Iraq. After that development, his petition had to be rewritten. His case file was significantly thicker than the other cases the Nichols firm had previously taken on. Bartram had made a point of collecting as many documents from Joseph as he could to ensure his case was airtight. Now, after months of back and forth, Joseph stood in the lobby of the Bexar County courthouse on an April afternoon, fiddling with the top of the envelope. Nichols disappeared behind the heavy wooden doors to the presiding court, a catch-all docket for civil proceedings, to confirm whether they would start there that day or knock on the doors of friendly judges who they had worked with in the past, who were more likely to approve their petitions. Its pretty packed in there today, Nichols said to Bartram upon reemerging. The two conferred for a few moments. I think were going to stay down here and not go to another court, Bartram told the group. The group filed into the courtroom and sat on wooden benches already crowded with people scrolling through their phones or staring vacantly into space. The minutes dragged by. Did you miss the appointment? Sarah asked Joseph in a text. After a quarter of an hour, Judge David Canales glanced at Nichols. Im trying, Mr. Nichols, he said. Too many cases. A stack of files in hand, Nichols whispered to Canales, who appeared perplexed. Nichols and Bartram left the courtroom. Theyre just really slow, Bartram said quietly when he returned a few minutes later. Were going to go try upstairs. A few minutes more, and Bartram ushered everyone toward the door and into the hallway. I literally walked the courthouse to find a judge, but theyre all in jury trials, Nichols said. Increasingly, he explained, it was becoming more difficult to find judges who would hear their gender marker cases. Im going to do whatever I can. I have other things to do, but this is so important for you, Nichols said to Joseph, before turning to the group. Ill do anything I can. Canales would be in court for another hour and a half, so the group continued to wait in the hallway. They sat on the long wooden benches against the walls, watching as a stream of people exited the courtroom. Joseph did not text his mother about the delay, lest he worry her further. Finally, Nichols returned with an update. The judge wanted to see them in his chambers to offer some privacy. The group disappeared into the courtroom. Minutes later, Nichols, Joseph and the two other clients filtered back out into the hallway. The judge is not denying your request, Nichols said cautiously. Instead, they would need to return to the courthouse the next day and present the legal justification for their requests. The court staff was not up to speed on the case law, he said, even though he had given Canales a brief that outlined the law concerning these cases weeks ago. Thats the result today, is there is no result, he said. The woman who had been so nervous before looked crestfallen. Never before had he run into this situation, Nichols explained. There was consternation about transgender people in the Texas Legislature this session, not to mention the growing number of transgender people across the state who were seeking to get their gender markers amended. On the walk back to the law office, Joseph was quiet. Nichols looked over at the woman who still wore her disappointment clearly on her face. I want you to know Im going to do my damndest to get this done, Nichols told her. For some time, Nichols and others in the transgender community had feared something like this would happen. Gender marker changes in San Antonio had for years happened quietly, even as Bexar and Travis counties became hubs for the practice. In both counties, the district courts run on a presiding system, meaning that judges can hear each others cases, regardless of where a case is assigned. It also meant attorneys like Nichols could seek out appointments with judges who were familiar with the law surrounding gender marker changes, who would consider and approve their petitions. Even attorneys who work in the states other major cities find that the cases are processed more easily in Austin and San Antonio, where a cohort of judges regularly take the cases. Though she works in Houston, attorney Daney De La O regularly brings her transgender clients to Austin to have their gender markers amended by the courts there. In Houston, the cases would be automatically assigned to specific judges, some of whom might not be sympathetic to her clients plight. Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, a Republican from Brenham, alluded to gender marker changes in mid-March while laying out Senate Bill 6, the bill that would restrict bathroom access based on the gender on peoples birth certificates. Birth certificates can be changed in Texas, she explained to the Texas Senate. What Kolkhorst did not explain, however, was how undefined that process still was in Texas, and the barrier it represented for many transgender Texans. Several years ago, few attorneys in the state specialized in the cases, and some of those who did were known to charge up to $3,000. In an attempt to rectify what he saw as an injustice and, he acknowledged, to also undercut the competition Nichols took cases for free the first year of his program, before setting a $600 flat fee $300 to file the case, $25 for four certified copies, the rest for the cost of the legal work. Over time, De La O shaved her fee down to $800. Kolkhorst also did not explain that among attorneys and transgender activists, there remained a pervasive dread that if the states hardline Republicans got wind of the process, they would find a way to take it all away. After Trump won the presidential election, Nichols saw an influx of gender change clients with urgent notes asking that their cases be resolved before Inauguration Day. In July, public testimony for another bathroom bill Kolkhorst filed in the special session highlighted the problems with using birth certificates to identify gender. Transgender people who were born out of state pointed out that even with a Texas court order, some states would not amend their birth certificates. Parents talked about how convoluted and arbitrary it could be to find the right judge on the right day. Many mentioned time and cost as barriers. Sen. Sylvia Garcia brought up a bill she had filed that would change the process of amending a birth certificate from a judicial process to an administrative one. Later, relenting, Kolkhorst accepted amendments allowing drivers licenses and handgun licenses as forms of identification. Moreover, a recently appealed gender change petition had introduced even more uncertainty. In January 2015, a transgender man in his late 20s requested a name and gender change in Houston. At a hearing, the mans attorney asked him a series of standard questions for name changes but provided no evidence supporting his transition, such as letters from mental health professionals. His attorney cited a section of the Texas Family Code regarding proof of identity to apply for a marriage license one option is an original or certified copy of a court order relating to the applicants name change or sex change. But the man was not applying for a marriage license. The court approved the mans name change but denied the gender change. When the man appealed his case, the Fourteenth Court of Appeals rejected the request, too. Worried that judges would interpret that ruling as reason to reject his gender marker petitions, in February Nichols sat down and wrote a memo outlining why that should not be the case. He wrote that the Texas Legislature had empowered state agencies to create their own rules, and those agencies had established a way to change a persons gender on state documents. The notion of a court proceeding to change a persons gender designation is not only contemplated, but actually utilized and required by the states agencies charged with handling the most sacred of identification documents, Nichols wrote. The Houston mans case, he wrote, had simply lacked evidence and firm understanding of the law. Nichols included details about the case in a brief he sent to Josephs judge weeks earlier. The following morning, Joseph prepared for another lengthy bus ride to the law office. His mother was disappointed by what had happened the day before. People change their names all the time, she reasoned. Why the big deal about this? Everything is tight here, Sarah said that morning, in between tending to patients. They had been in the country for a more than a year, and an answer on their asylum application was also unclear and frustratingly slow, in all likelihood still years away. When are we going to live life without thinking? Joseph also found the whole situation odd. In chambers, the judge had asked him if hed had any kind of surgery. He hadnt, but he had been on testosterone for nearly three years, and that had been struggle enough. Unable to ask a doctor to write him a prescription, he illegally obtained the hormone. On his phone, he carefully kept note of the date of every shot, injecting himself weekly at first and then bimonthly. For an entire year Joseph had done this, with no concept of the correct dose. His voice quickly deepened, but severe, painful acne spread across his face. His joints and back ached. They still did. But until he had a definitive answer, Joseph was determined to remain optimistic. Otherwise, it was too easy to become lost in worry. So he pulled up Google Maps on his phone, his eyes scanning bus routes. He disappeared deeper into the home to change out of his sweats. The worn envelope in his hand, Joseph walked over to say goodbye to his mother, who was busy tending to a patient. She heard it, he said as he made his way to the door. Sarah stuck her head out of the doorway. Have a good day, honey, she said. Wish me luck. Pray, honey. Pray. Joseph set out on the 20-minute walk to the bus stop, passing quiet houses and yards with barking dogs. He cut through a grassy field spotted with rocks. The sun beat down, unrelenting. Without a car, everything here took longer. At the bus stop, he sat on the black metal bench and placed the envelope beside him. He had taken the wrong bus before, but he was sure he was in the right place this time. Almost an hour passed. Taking out his phone, he peered past the cracked screen protector to look at the routes again. Across the street, the bus he planned to board sped by. Joseph sighed. By the time Joseph was seated on a bus, it was nearing 1 p.m. The trip downtown could take anywhere from one hour to two, depending on his luck. When a woman boarded, a baby with cherubic cheeks in tow, Joseph craned his head to catch a better look at the tiny girls navy blue dress and protruding ears. He made a funny face. The baby giggled. Joseph grinned. He longed for a family of his own, children of his own. Hed even contemplated freezing his eggs. If I want to have babies, I want to have them be mine. Same face. It would be beautiful. Downtown, the bus dropped Joseph off at a corner near the courthouse, where he would return later that afternoon. He paused at San Fernando Cathedral to take a photo, crouching down to fit the entire edifice into the frame. A man passing on the sidewalk smiled at Joseph. Its such a nice feeling, Joseph said. Youre out and everyones smiling at you. Here Im so happy. I can just smile whenever I want. At the office, Nichols laid out the plan. This time, they would be better prepared. They had arranged for an LGBTQ expert to testify, along with a licensed clinical social worker who had evaluated Joseph and some of Nichols other transgender clients. If things didnt work out, they knew a Travis County judge who would take the cases. Nichols said he did not want Joseph to become the test case for gender marker changes in Bexar County. Nichols ushered Joseph and the women into a conference room. Joseph traced circles with his fingers on the sturdy wooden table. He was nervous, but also comforted by Nichols words. I assure you, theres been much going on since I saw you yesterday, Nichols said. But, he admitted, there was no way to guarantee the judge would say yes. No one goes to the courthouse for certainty. I dont know for sure whats going to happen. Joseph Montaldi, the social worker, walked in. How yall feeling? asked Montaldi, who usually told his clients how easy it was to change their gender markers. Nervous, said the woman who had been so concerned the day before. Im excited, Joseph said. Am I the only one excited here? The group settled into an uncomfortable silence. Bartram bustled in and out. He saw the womans worried face and offered her a drink to calm her nerves. She drained the glass he brought her, and the smell of alcohol wafted through the air. Nichols came in to say that the expert wouldnt be able to make it. Eventually, Joseph looked over at Bartram. I want to say that even if this doesnt work, I really appreciate it, Joseph told him. Before they left, Josephs phone rang. His mother wanted to know when they were going to court. A half hour later, the group stood once again in the courthouse hallway. They had more waiting to do as Judge Canales looked over the papers. Ten minutes turned into 20, then 40. Just shy of 4 p.m., Nichols walked over. He had just spoken with the judge, who had told him he did not plan to make a decision that day but would hear their testimony. And, Nichols said, were he to deny their requests, he would do so without prejudice, meaning the cases could be re-filed elsewhere. Montaldi stood first before the judge. He explained that he had worked with the transgender community in some capacity for nine years, previously treating patients at an HIV clinic in New Orleans and now specializing in LGBTQ issues as a therapist. He explained how he evaluated transgender people for gender dysphoria, and noted that having surgery was not a prerequisite to be diagnosed as transgender. It was hugely important, Montaldi testified, for transgender people to have documents matching who they were, for legal and mental health reasons, and to protect them against discrimination. As Montaldi spoke, Canales nodded. Nichols, whose face had flushed deep red, asked him if Joseph met the criteria for being transgender. Absolutely, Montaldi said. Since Joseph had already testified the day before, another client next stood before the judge. Nichols asked her a series of questions about why she was there that day. Canales smiled at her. Do you believe your confirmation as female is permanent and irreversible? Yes. Nichols handed the petitions to the judge, who thanked them. The whole thing had taken 10 minutes. Outside the courtroom, the group seemed to release a collective sigh. Everyone began talking at once. Im guessing hes going to sign the order, Nichols said. He smiled at all of you, Bartram said. Its hard to smile at someone if theyre going to ruin your life. Migrating to the courthouse steps, Nichols promised everyone he would let them know as soon as he heard back from the court. He reached out and shook Josephs hand. Im hopeful, Nichols told him. Then he raised his voice so the others could hear. All right, lets head back. Six days later, Nichols received a brief email from the judge. Thank you for your patience while I took the petitions under advisement. They are granted in part and denied in part, as follows: The request for name changes are GRANTED. The request for gender/sex marker changes are DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. At times, Josephs transition felt like it slowed to a crawl. The following weeks were one of those times. It had been years since he had furtively visited a doctor who confirmed what he suspected about himself, and years more since hed started taking hormones. He wanted to advance his transition, and his life. Hed been waiting his whole life to feel comfortable in his own skin. But he also knew how lucky he had been to make it to America. He knew most transgender people where he was from had few options, if they had any at all. And so as days passed after his petition was denied, as the lawyers worked on a solution, he tried not to fret, and he kept busy. When a tiny three-legged poodle came scratching at their back door, they took care of her for nearly three weeks, until neighbors claiming to be her owner demanded her back. On Craigslist, Josephs family saw that an Iraqi man was selling a used maroon Kia. They bought it, securing reliable transportation for themselves for the first time since they came to Texas. Meanwhile, rumors swirled in San Antonios transgender community that Bexar County judges had stopped approving gender marker cases altogether. Advocates wrote to Nichols, asking what had happened. Four weeks after the hearing, Joseph and the other clients received a text from Bartram. They would return to court the following week and try again with a different judge. Though Josephs family now had a car, his mother still struggled to navigate the citys freeways on her own. So for the third time, Joseph readied himself for the bus trip downtown. Across the city, Nichols was hopeful that proceedings would go differently that day. Over the past month, the firm had paused their gender marker program and overhauled their process. Petitions were rewritten and would be sent to the court ahead of time. They now required an affidavit from a medical professional about the physiological changes a person had undergone as part of their transition. Instead of taking transgender clients to the courthouse weekly, they would go twice a month. The two women who had gone to court with Joseph last time were not there. Bartram called Joseph, who was still an hour away because of bus delays. He would meet them at the courthouse. Nichols looked over at the older transgender woman who was sitting on the couch with her sister. Sorry for all the drama, Nichols said. Youve waited how many years? A lifetime, she said. A lifetime. While they waited, Nichols explained to the woman that they were correcting her gender, not changing it. They began practicing the questions he may need to ask her in front of a judge. Currently, on your birth certificate, your drivers license and other identification documents, what is reflected as your gender? Male. And is that incorrect? It is incorrect. Nichols sat down beside her. He knew what they were doing was scary. For him, it was a legal challenge, an intellectual exercise. For her, it was her life. Later that day, Joseph and the woman entered the same courtroom where hed been told no the month before. Nichols walked to the front of the courtroom and handed the papers to Judge Norma Gonzales. He quickly returned from the bench, utter surprise written on his face. Were done, he mouthed. The group hurried into the hallway. Is that even possible? Joseph asked. He bounced on the balls of his feet. Nichols hugged Joseph, who then embraced Bartram. Bartram walked over to a counter to order certified copies. A wide grin spread across Josephs face. His words spilled out. He just gave her the paper, she signed it and thats it, Joseph said. It was wow. Finally, he could apply for authorization to work here, as himself. When Bartram handed him his order, Joseph flipped through the pages, savoring its words. On the way back to the law office, Joseph released a loud sigh. He was relieved. He was happy. Bartram would give him a ride home, but that wouldnt be for several more hours. Inside the office, Joseph pulled his phone from his pocket and greeted his mother. He erroneously told her the petition had been denied again. Im not going to tell her till I get home, Joseph said after hanging up. Is she a worrier? Bartram said. She is. I hope you can outrun her. A few hours later, Bartram pulled up to the house, Joseph seated beside him. Sarah greeted Bartram with a hug. Are you gonna solve this problem? she asked. Actually, he has something to tell you. Joseph handed her the court order. She fetched a pair of glasses with square, dark frames and perched them on her nose. For several moments, she was quiet. Her eyes scanned the pages. You got it, she finally said quietly. Yeah. Sarah feigned smacking him across the head before enveloping him in a hug. Bartram burst out laughing. Joseph chuckled at the trick he had played on his mother. He can apply, Sarah said, as they made plans to order a celebratory pizza. He can apply. It was just the first of many hurdles Joseph would have to face before he had permanent residency. But now he could look to the future. He had plans to get a job and help his family get a place of their own, to go to college and study nutrition. For the first time, all of that now felt possible. lcaruba@express-news.net 3 1 of 3 Courtesy of the San Antonio Police Department Show More Show Less 2 of 3 Courtesy of the San Antonio Police Department Show More Show Less 3 of 3 Courtesy of the San Antonio Police Department Show More Show Less The San Antonio Police are looking for three persons of interest in a robbery case. Police said on July 26, a person was robbed in the parking lot of a local business located in the 1900 block of SW Military. When Pfc. J.L. Hancock sat down on Sunday, Nov. 13, 1943, to write a letter home, he hinted that something was up without quite saying it and tried to reassure his family. The vacuum of information to come, he suggested, wasnt really cause for alarm. I think I told you once before that no news was good news, Hancock wrote. If you all dont hear from me there is no use to get excited because you all will be the first notified if anything does happen. I wont be able to write regular for quite a while. There would be no more letters home. He was killed in the horrific battle to secure the island of Betio, Tarawa, for the Allied advance across the Pacific. His remains, identified only recently, were laid to rest Wednesday at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in a ceremony watched by a large crowd flanked by Patriot Guard motorcyclists. Hancock was just 19 when he enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve seven weeks after Pearl Harbor. A veteran of Guadalcanal who was spared injury but suffered from malaria there, he was 21 when he sailed with 18,000 Marines from Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, to Betio, a 22-mile-long atoll in the Gilbert Islands. Now Playing: Farewell to a Fallen Marine Video: San Antonio Express-News Betio contained more than 3,600 Japanese defenders and 2,600 Korean slave laborers. Hancocks company quietly landed on the night of Nov. 21, 1943, hitting Green Beach in rubber boats and awaiting a dawn attack to the east to make contact with hard-hit Marines trapped along another strip of the island. A rifleman with Company B, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, he was killed in a Japanese counterattack the next night. Word of his fate wouldnt come to his familys farm for another month. The Western Union telegram from the Marine Corps commandant, Lt. Gen. Thomas Holcomb, arrived two days before Christmas. Though buried on Tarawa, his remains were declared non-recoverable in 1949. Nearly 78 years after his death, John Loss Hancock was identified. He finally came home to Texas, arriving Friday at San Antonio International Airport. His funeral was attended by relatives who never knew him. Hancocks death, so long ago and so far away, brought about a family reunion to celebrate his life. Kin Man Hui /Staff photographer Last week when we came down for the arrival, that was the first time we had met each other, said Hancocks niece, Jaye Morgan, 66, of Fort Worth. Weve been talking on the phone, getting all of this arranged and everything, but we hadnt met each other. After a Marine rifle detail fired three volleys, a bugler played taps and an honor guard presented a folded American flag to Morgan. Its quite an honor for the family and for him, another relative, Ted Gentry, said. I think hes a Marine through and through and he would appreciate the honor, and also I think if it was anyone else, he would be there to honor them. Sixteen million Americans served in World War II and more than 400,000 were killed. Some 79,000-plus were unaccounted for when it ended in 1945. Since then, around 7,000 of those troops have been identified. Hancocks parents, William and Ethel Amanda (Boyles) Hancock, three sisters, Juanita, Naomi and Faith, and a brother, Clevy, didnt live to see the repatriation ceremony. The family rests in a cemetery near McLean, 69 minutes east of Amarillo, that includes a marker for Hancock perhaps in anticipation that the Marines might bring him home. But when the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency announced June 30 that Hancock had been found in mid-February, it was decided to bury him at Fort Sam instead of the family cemetery, which is in disrepair. Only a scattered kin network remained. I am the only relative that knew he had not been returned, said Gentry, 79, of New Braunfels, a cousin. We didnt have that much personal contact with everybody. Its just, his family went one way and ours went the other, and its unfortunate. Gentrys younger sister, Patsy Gentry Bird, 68, of New Braunfels, knew Hancocks brother and a sister, but couldnt recall any conversations about Tarawa. I just always knew I had a cousin killed in the war, she said. Morgan, whose adoptive mother, Naomi Chapman, was Hancocks sister, said she probably wasnt paying attention if she ever heard talk of her uncle when she was younger. My mother passed away when I was 11, so if they were telling stories about him before that, I dont remember, she added. But there was always a picture of him out at my aunts house. Now, she knows a little more. Kin Man Hui /Staff photographer Jay Hancock was born in the Texas Panhandle on May 8, 1922, and embraced farming as an avocation. In an account shared by retired Marine Sgt. Maj. Justin LeHew, Hancock was described an excellent student as well as a promising farmer, graduating from McLean High School in 1940. When Hancock and his siblings werent in school, they did chores. LeHew, citing excerpts taken from his friend Geoff Roeckers, who runs the website www.missingmarines.com, said it was almost certain that he was working on the family farm from graduation to his eventual enlistment. Hancock judged agricultural contests as a member of Future Farmers of America. Tell dad if he can find any heifer calves pretty cheap, take that money of mine and buy them, he can also use some of the money to put them on pasture, that is if he can find any, Hancock wrote in his last letter. You all go ahead and use any of that money you need. I have over $100 on the books but I cant send it home from here. Pearl Harbor had shaken the earth he worked. Hancock enlisted in Oklahoma City on Feb. 17, 1942. Standing beside him was a longtime friend, Granville Boyd. They may have joined the corps because of its rule allowing friends who enlisted together to go through training and be assigned to the same units. The two would go from boot camp in San Diego all the way to Tarawa. In his black-and-white induction photo, a serious Hancock looks older than his 19 years. He sits third from the left on the front row, rifle in his right hand, in his 256th Platoon boot camp graduation photo. A proud Boyd is on the far end of the row, his rifle in hand. Before graduation, they qualified as rifle marksmen, as did every other Marine. It isnt clear if Boyd went with Hancock to Guadalcanal. Hancock fought there right after boot camp, in January and February 1943. The malaria he caught there flared up on occasion while he was in New Zealand with his regiment. Both men landed at Tarawa. Baker Company fought hard to try to link up with Marine units trapped on Red Beach but had to dig in at the end of the day on Betios southern shore and wait, perhaps suspecting what was next. They were in an exposed position, and that night a force of several hundred Japanese troops hit their lines, breaking through in a few places and causing chaos and mayhem through the night and into the early morning hours of 22 November, wrote LeHew, chief operating officer of History Flight, a nonprofit that helps locate the remains of American MIAs. Ultimately, the Marines held, but paid a stiff price for maintaining their positions. Kin Man Hui /Staff photographer Struck in the head by shrapnel, Hancock was among the casualties. A Fort Worth Star-Telegram account said he died less than a half hour before Japanese resistance ended. He and nearly 30 other men were buried in a trench not far from where they fell. The location, Row D of East Division Cemetery, was lost because of the islands shifting sands. Around 1,000 Marines and sailors died in the battle and more than 2,000 were wounded. Only one officer and 16 enlisted men among the 3,636 Japanese and just 129 of the 2,600 Korean laborers survived to be taken prisoner. We can truthfully say that J.L. did not suffer and that the end came quickly, Boyd and another Marine wrote in a letter to Hancocks mother. We have lost not only a friend and comrade but something no one else can give us mainly his fine spirit and enjoyable sense of humor. Decades later, History Flight found a burial site on Betio Island that was thought to be Cemetery 33 and began excavations, in time finding the Row D trench. A sunrise ceremony took place there before the remains of Hancock and 21 other Marines were flown to Hawaii in 2019. That year, 79 Marines and sailors were repatriated from Tarawa. The battle at Tarawa was really bloody, with a lot of hand-to-hand combat. And they had gone into the foxhole to retreat or regroup, and he had stayed outside of the foxhole and was killed, said Morgan, who knew nothing of the battle before the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency began collecting DNA samples from the family. He was fighting to protect his buddies and for his life, said Gentry, who was an insurance adjuster when he retired. I didnt know him, but as far as Im concerned anybody that will lay down their life for their buddies like that and for their country, theyre a hero. Kin Man Hui /Staff photographer sigc@express-news.net Live updates: Find live weather, road conditions and flood risks Update: Aug. 5, 9:10 a.m. The National Weather Service has issued a flood advisory for Bexar County until 11 a.m. Thursday. Forecasters said thunderstorms produced 1 to 3 inches of rain early Thursday morning south of San Antonio and an additional 1 to 2 inches of rain are still possible, resulting in minor flooding for parts of Bexar County. Pockets of heavy rain is possible though the afternoon. Previous story: Don't put away your umbrella just yet. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are in the forecast over the next 48 hours, according to the National Weather Service. Forecasters say San Antonio could see isolated showers this afternoon and better chances on Thursday due to a front, moisture and an upper-level disturbance that will move closer to our region. Scattered showers could last for most of the day on Thursday bringing San Antonio's chances of rain at 40 percent. No severe weather is expected on Thursday. Friday chances of rain go back down to 20 percent as the atmosphere stabilizes this weekend. The weekend will be mostly sunny and temps back in the mid-90s, normal for this time of year. Humidity will also rise for the weekend allowing heat index values to go near advisory levels, forecasters say. My grandmother dedicated her life to serving others. As a public employee and union member, she worked hard to serve her community and make a modest life for herself and three children. She taught me public service is an honorable way to help others and provide stability for your family. Ive spent the last seven years working in civil service to help ensure our government is delivering for all Texans. As chief of staff to state Rep. Ray Lopez, a Democrat representing District 125, I lead a small team that serves approximately 200,000 people in and around Bexar County. Every day, we connect people to programs offered through more than 100 state agencies. We help seniors maintain their independence and veterans receive their benefits, and we advocate for children. But Gov. Greg Abbott is determined to put his personal political agenda over community needs. Earlier this summer, Abbott was furious with lawmakers because they did not rubber-stamp his agenda and pass legislation that would suppress Texans ability to vote. Over bipartisan objections, he retaliated and defunded the co-equal legislative branch of government for the next biennium. Abbott then called a special session to pressure lawmakers to do his bidding if they wanted the Legislature to get its funding back. The weight of Abbotts abuse of power is falling on more than 2,000 legislative employees like me: staffers to Democratic and Republican lawmakers, nonpartisan state workers and so many more. He has made it impossible for staff to help our constituents and support our families. My family depends on the salary and health insurance I receive from my job. To prepare for Aug. 31 when funding runs dry, were cutting down on expenses, front-loading medical appointments, stockpiling baby goods and seeking opportunities for additional income, including selling our belongings and listing my vehicle for rent on Turo. I have colleagues who may drop out of school. Others might lose access to medical care and medications they need. Without a paycheck, well have to pay the states share of our health insurance. We might not be able to catch up on contributions to our retirement accounts. And it is not clear if we will be eligible for unemployment assistance. On ExpressNews.com: Texas lawmakers take first steps to restore Legislature's funding after Abbott's veto But it isnt just those of us who work in the Capitol who suffer from Abbotts abuse of power. Across Texas, communities will lose access to constituent services the Legislature provides. Phone lines to members offices will be disconnected, and landlords will be notified that members wont be able to pay rent for offices in communities across Texas. Texans will lose direct access to taxpayer-funded services, and the Capitol will effectively shut down. Critical work wont get done. Abbotts abuse of power must be stopped. Thats why I joined 66 lawmakers, other legislative staffers and the Texas AFL-CIO in petitioning the Texas Supreme Court to protect the separation of powers. Abbotts decision to defund the Legislature was so extreme that former Republican and Democratic Speakers Joe Straus and Pete Laney, and former Republican Lt. Gov. Bill Ratliff urged the Supreme Court to block it. These prominent former elected officials argued that the governors veto is a threat to Texass system of government that should be rebuked by people of all political persuasions. Theyre right. The separation of powers is enshrined in the state constitution and has long been upheld. Ensuring that Texas is governed according to the constitution is essential. This matter should rise above personal political agendas. I hope the Texas Supreme Court agrees and halts the defunding of the Legislature. My family is depending on it. Two thousand public employees like me are depending on it. Texans across the state are depending on it. And our democracy depends on it. Donovon Rodriguez has served as chief of staff to Texas Rep. Ray Lopez for two years. He has worked as a state employee for seven years. We want to be optimistic about the launch of a county program to provide private trash service in Camelot II, the Glen and other Northeast Side subdivisions. After all, this should be a welcome change for neighborhoods long plagued with dumping and mounds of garbage outside numerous rental properties that lacked trash service. On many occasions, over the years, we have walked and driven through these neighborhoods and been overwhelmed by streets and alleys covered in garbage. While we want to be hopeful things will change for the better, we are, in fact, pessimistic Bexar Countys new mandatory trash service program will be effective mostly because CPS Energy has refused to act as a pass-through for billing. If we have learned anything from a city pilot program to provide trash service in Camelot II, which sits just beyond city limits in unincorporated Bexar County, its that including trash service on utility bills is key for people making payments. And thats a detail missing in the countys plan. A bit of background: There was a time when about 600 town houses in Camelot II were so covered in garbage, it was a clear public health emergency. We witnessed children playing in garbage, and we often talked to parents who made the same observations. On ExpressNews.com: New garbage service started to provide relief in under-served Bexar County neighborhoods But in late 2015, the city of San Antonio stepped up with an innovative pilot program. Although Camelot II was in unincorporated Bexar County, it was still in the citys extraterritorial jurisdiction. The city convinced private waste haulers to leave the neighborhood it wasnt much of a sacrifice since many residents were not paying their bills and the area was small. The city then stepped in, providing service to all residents and, importantly, billing through CPS Energy. And just like that, streets and alleys were free and clear of garbage and residents paid their bills. Success! Because Camelot II is outside city limits and because the area is traditionally served by private waste haulers, the pilot program was always meant to be temporary. The goal was to clean up the neighborhood, show how the problem could be resolved and then transition back to private haulers. And, yes, that has finally happened, but its too soon to declare mission accomplished. Why? Because the billing component has changed. For reasons we still do not truly understand, CPS Energy has refused to serve as a pass-through for the countys program. This troubles us. For whatever reason, having trash service on their utility bill ensured people made their payments. Now, under the countys program, residents will have to pay bills online or create automatic payment plans. Were skeptical that will happen and find it discouraging CPS Energy has refused to be a good community partner on this issue. But heres yet another problem: While 2017 legislation by state Sen. Jose Menendez and state Rep. Barbara Gervin-Hawkins allows the county to mandate trash service, the wording has proved inadequate. The county needs stronger authority to hold landlords accountable. As we have said before, no neighborhood in the San Antonio region should be blanketed in garbage. The Camelot II pilot program was resoundingly successful in this regard. Its a shame the county cant truly replicate the citys successful pilot program because CPS Energy has refused to be a good community partner. We want the countys trash program to succeed and appreciate Bexar County Commissioner Tommy Calverts efforts on this front, but without CPS Energys help with billing, we wonder if this will ultimately be a step back. This story originally appeared on The Texas Tribune. Fixing Texas power grid was about the only thing Republicans and Democrats in the legislative session seemed to agree on earlier this year. Power companies were in the hot seat, as millions of Texans who endured a week of subfreezing temperatures with no power demanded sweeping, multibillion dollar improvements to prevent another deadly disaster and lawmakers promised action. But by the end of the legislative session, if Texas top power companies were aggrieved by the way they were treated by the Legislature or any of the new laws passed targeting their industry, they didnt show it. NEWS IN YOUR INBOX: Sign up for breaking news email alerts from HoustonChronicle.com here Texas elected officials cant receive campaign donations during the session, but after it ended in May, they were showered in cash by the energy industry even more than usual for a group known for its deep pockets and generous campaign giving. From June 21 to June 30, after the legislative fundraising blackout ended, five of the largest and most prominent companies in the Texas power grid supply chain Calpine, Centerpoint, NRG Energy, Oncor and Vistra or their top executives collectively donated about $497,000 to state elected officials and political groups. That's more than twice the $207,000 they gave during the same period when the legislative session ended in in 2019, according to a Texas Tribune analysis. A large chunk of that cash was driven by Oncor, Texas largest transmission and distribution electric company, with many big donations coming from the company's executives. Over that same short stretch in June, 11 prominent oil industry leaders, including billionaires Kelcy Warren, S. Javaid Anwar and Douglas Scharbauer all three whom could not be reached for comment combined to contribute about $3.2 million to Texas elected officials, up from about $2.2 million over the same period following the previous legislative session in 2019. Warren's company Energy Transfer declined to comment on his behalf. For some energy experts, the increase in donations for the officials at the close of the session looks like a reward for not passing more stringent regulations and raises questions about whether lawmakers let the oil, gas and the broader energy industry off easy for its massive failures. Gas producers got a pass by Texas policymakers, said Michael Webber, professor of energy resources at the University of Texas at Austin. Making a million-dollar political donation to reward the government for its light touch and encourage the government to continue turning a blind eye to price gouging and windfall profits while hundreds of people die seems like a good return on investment. TEXAS POWER OUTAGE TRACKER: See where the worst outages are happening now, across the state A spokesperson for Oncor said the company believes in actively participating in the political process. CenterPoint said: In this case, CenterPoint Energy Political Action Committee made public contributions to support members of the Texas Legislature who had announced their intention to run for re-election, regardless of party affiliation. A Calpine representative said its CEO, who made up the bulk of contributions tied to the company, donated money as he develops relationships with these members directly. The other two companies did not respond to requests for comment. Gov. Greg Abbott, who is heading into a reelection year in 2022, benefited most from the flood of June campaign donations from the energy industry. Abbott received about $4.6 million from oil, gas and broader energy interests, his largest haul ever from those groups in the post-legislative session fundraising period following the four regular legislative sessions during Abbotts tenure as governor. Those donations included $1 million from Warren, cofounder of a pipeline company that made $2.4 billion from the winter storm, according to a report from Bloomberg. Warren has given Abbott $250,000 donations almost every year since he won the governors office in 2014. Governor Abbott represents all Texans, and thats what he takes into account every day as he works on behalf of the Lone Star State, spokeswoman Renae Eze said. Other lawmakers who saw some of the largest spikes in funding from the energy industry were those who authored the power grid legislation and chaired the committees that heard the bills. The storm, as bad as it was, helped him on his bottom line for contributions. - Bill Miller, a longtime Texas political consultant and lobbyist. State Rep. Chris Paddie, R-Marshall, chair of the powerful state affairs committee in the House, was among those lawmakers. Just 6%, or $1,141, of his overall campaign contributions in the brief June fundraising period after the 2015 legislative session came from the energy industry. During the same stretch after the two subsequent legislative sessions in 2017 and 2019, fewer than 9% of Paddies contributions came from energy interests. After the 2021 regular legislative session, energy industry donations totaling $26,000 for the period made up 88% of Paddies campaign contributions over just the last 10 days of June. Absent that storm, his contributions would have been different, said Bill Miller, a longtime Texas political consultant and lobbyist. The storm, as bad as it was, helped him on his bottom line for contributions. Paddie received contributions from Oncor; Vistra, the states largest power generation company; and NuStar Political Action Committee, an oil and gas group. Paddie has received thousands in contributions from these entities in election years, but never this amount immediately after a legislative session. A spokesperson for Paddie did not respond to questions. Paddie was among a chorus of elected officials from the governor on down demanding answers and solutions for why Texas grid was on the brink of total collapse in February. There was a series of finger-pointing and falsehoods from state elected officials who wouldn't accept responsibility and falsely shifted blame to renewable energy sources as they vowed to fix the grid. The Legislature ultimately passed a bill shepherded by Paddie in the House and state Sen. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, in the Senate that requires power generation companies to prepare to withstand extreme weather conditions. But the bill didnt set a hard deadline for when the upgrades need to be complete and it stopped short of detailing how the state would enforce and incentivize the process called weatherization. Critics said this and other storm response bills spearheaded by these lawmakers also failed to provide direct assistance to people harmed by Februarys power crisis or to help Texans reduce electricity use to take pressure off the grid during extreme weather. Schwertner went from receiving 3% of his overall campaign contributions from the energy industry in the fundraising period after the 2015 legislative session to the industry making up about 32% of his contributions in 2021. The amount of money the senator fundraised from energy interests jumped from $1,000 to $44,500, the Tribune found. A Schwertner spokesperson did not respond to questions for this story. SUBSCRIBE TODAY: Stay informed with accurate reporting you can trust on HoustonChronicle.com State Sen. Kelly Hancock, R-North Richland Hills, who led much of the upper chambers response to the storm that left millions of Texans without electricity for days in subfreezing temperatures, also got a boost in funding. More than a quarter of Hancocks contributions in June came from energy interests, about $53,500 the most he has ever received in a post-legislative session period. This is up from 19% after the 2019 session. Hancock also has ties to the energy industry in his full-time job as a business owner. His chemical logistics company serves the oil and gas industry, among others. He did not respond to a request for comment. Oil and politics have been entwined in Texas for more than a century, since wildcatters hit the first gusher at Spindletop back in 1901. Oil grew to become the states signature industry, rich oilmen and companies started showering politicians with money and a romance blossomed. Oil and gas taxes now boost the state budget. The twisted roots between the oil and gas industry and Texas lawmakers is almost as old as the Capitol building itself, said Brandon Rottinghaus, a political science professor at the University of Houston. The Bush familys origin story in Texas revolves around oil and gas, and money from the industry has funded much of the familys political fortunes in the state ever since they arrived in West Texas. While former Gov. George W. Bush was heavily funded by his familys well-established energy network, his successor, former Gov. Rick Perry, worked to cultivate a wide base of financial support from energy interests, Rottinghaus said. Abbott has run a similar playbook as Perry and has taken it to a different level, Rottinghaus said. Overall since 2014, Abbott has received about $30 million from oil, gas and other energy interests, which is about 18% of his $166 million total raised in that time. Four out of the top 10 individual donors to Abbott are oil and gas men. Just before the energy donations poured in for Abbott in June, the power grid operator asked Texans, mid-heat wave, to conserve power and turn their thermostats to 78 degrees for a week in order to reduce electricity demand because significant power generation was unexpectedly offline. The warnings led to renewed calls for the Legislature to take more urgent action to fix the power grid. During that week, Abbott assured Texans the grid was in better shape than ever. Not long after, Abbott released a list of issues lawmakers needed to address in July during a special-called legislative session. The power grid was not included. Leading up to Abbotts decision, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick pressured Abbott in public statements that issues related to the grid needed to be on the agenda. Patricks calls came after he tried to assert himself prominently in responding to the winter storm by demanding leadership changes at state regulatory agencies and sparring with one Abbott-appointed regulator on the senate floor. About 26% of Patricks contributions in June came from energy interests, more than $1.3 million, his most ever in the post-session stretch. That amount is up from 12% of his contributions coming from energy interests after the 2019 session, about $383,000. Most of Patricks energy industry money received in June was driven by oil executives. Patrick spokeswoman Sherry Sylvester said: No one has been tougher on the energy sector and more proactive for ratepayers this session than Lt. Governor Patrick, who moved immediately following the February storm to call for the resignations of both the PUC board and ERCOT, both of which were fully reformed through Senate Bills 2 and 3. Disclosure: Calpine, CenterPoint Energy, NRG Energy, Oncor, University of Texas at Austin and University of Houston have been financial supporters of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that is funded in part by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. Financial supporters play no role in the Tribune's journalism. Find a complete list of them here. The Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Development and Technology, Zdravko Pocivalsek, has said the government is looking at ways to replace former national carrier Adria Airways and improve the countrys air connectivity. It comes almost two years since Adrias collapse in September 2019, which marked the start of a sharp decline in passenger numbers at Ljubljana Airport, which has been further exasperated by the coronavirus pandemic. If we want to have better air connectivity in Slovenia, we will have to do something in this sector and find a way forward to enable progress, in cooperation with a private stakeholder. Currently, we do not have a national carrier, and air traffic is severely affected by the pandemic, Mr Pocivalsek said. The Slovenian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Development and Technology, Zdravko Pocivalsek, has said the government is looking at ways to replace former national carrier Adria Airways and improve the countrys air connectivity. It comes almost two years since Adrias collapse in September 2019, which marked the start of a sharp decline in passenger numbers at Ljubljana Airport, which has been further exasperated by the coronavirus pandemic. If we want to have better air connectivity in Slovenia, we will have to do something in this sector and find a way forward to enable progress, in cooperation with a private stakeholder. Currently, we do not have a national carrier, and air traffic is severely affected by the pandemic, Mr Pocivalsek said. The Deputy Prime Minister noted it was impossible to rescue Adria Airways in 2019. Adria was sold by someone: the responsible person or government, some say the Minister for Economy, who, however, had nothing to do with it. It was sold to a company that provided just 20.000 euros in initial capital. We need to check how and why this was done. However, the fact of the matter is that when we got involved in rescuing Adria, we found the financial situation was so dire, we failed in our attempts to save it. It had enormous debt of over 100 million euros, Mr Pocivalsek said. Plans to establish a new national airline using European Union Covid-19 recovery funds were dropped earlier this year following the blocks objections. On the other hand, Slovenian cargo carrier Solinair held talks with the government last year over the possibility of launching scheduled flights or establishing a new flag carrier. It proposed two strategies for improving the countrys connectivity following Adrias bankruptcy and requested financial support from the state for the project. However, ultimately, no agreement was reached. The government also held talks with foreign carriers including Croatia Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines and Air Serbia in a bid to secure more flights. Slovenia has been one of the most affected European aviation markets by the coronavirus pandemic. During the first six months of the year, Ljubljana Airport reached just 9% of its pre-pandemic traffic from 2019. MONROE, La. (AP) Federal prosecutors are investigating whether Louisiana State Police brass obstructed justice to protect the troopers seen on long-withheld body camera video punching, dragging and stunning Black motorist Ronald Greene during his fatal 2019 arrest. It marks a significant expansion of the federal inquiry that began as a blow-by-blow examination of the troopers violence against Greene and their apparent efforts to cover it up. Investigators are now moving up the chain of command, probing allegations that supervisors disregarded the video evidence, quashed a recommendation to arrest one of the troopers and recently pressed a state prosecutor not to bring any charges, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press and a half dozen people familiar with the case. Their investigation is far beyond just use of force, said Ron Haley, an attorney for Greenes family, who met with federal authorities at length last month. They're casting a very wide net. The development comes as federal prosecutors are preparing to present their findings to a grand jury by the end of the summer, which could bring the first charges of any kind in a case thats long been shrouded in secrecy. Greenes deadly arrest on May 10, 2019, came after he eluded a stop for a traffic violation and led troopers on a chase near Monroe at speeds topping 115 mph. Troopers initially told Greenes relatives the 49-year-old died from a crash at the end of the chase, despite his car showing little damage, and only later did state police acknowledge a struggle. It took 474 days for state police to launch an internal inquiry and officials from Gov. John Bel Edwards on down refused to release body camera video for more than two years. That was until the AP obtained and published it in May, showing white troopers beating Greene and dragging him by his ankle shackles, even as he pleaded for mercy and wailed, Im your brother! Im scared! Im scared! A key point under scrutiny in the federal investigation came just a day after the AP published the video, when the head of the state police, Col. Lamar Davis, and his chief of staff, Lt. Col. Doug Cain, made a hastily arranged attempt to dissuade state prosecutors from charging troopers in the Greene case, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity because they werent authorized to discuss it. Davis and Cain traveled to District Attorney John Beltons office in Ruston more than 200 miles north of Baton Rouge on May 20 to review the video frame by frame and make the case that the troopers actions were justified. Belton, who told colleagues he was deeply disturbed by the footage, referred the case to federal authorities in September 2019 but has not ruled out prosecuting the troopers at the state level. Capt. Nick Manale, a state police spokesman, said the agency is continuing to cooperate with the federal investigation and intends to release all documents and investigative files at the appropriate time. He said the federal inquiry prevents the release of further information. Davis has declined repeated interview requests. Cain did not respond to messages seeking comment. Why would the top command people be so adamant on protecting their officers when its apparent that the officers didnt do everything right? said Andrew Scott, a former Boca Raton, Florida, police chief who testifies as an expert witness in use-of-force cases. Theres a culture and a custom and practice that this type of behavior is condoned or winked at by command staff and has been allowed to perpetuate itself over the course of many years. Of particular interest to federal investigators is why the state police failed to arrest Chris Hollingsworth, a veteran trooper who can be seen on the video stunning Greene and was later recorded boasting to a colleague that he choked Greene and beat the ever living f- out of him. Seven days after Greenes death, on May 17, 2019, state police detectives told their superiors that Hollingsworth should be arrested for turning off his dashboard and body cameras before the high-speed pursuit and later when he realized one of the devices was recording him talking about beating Greene, according to notes written by the lead investigator, Det. Albert Paxton. But state police commanders in Monroe pressured their detectives to hold off, the notes say. Among those present at the meeting were Capt. John Peters, the regional troop commander, and Bob Brown, then the major over statewide criminal investigations. The meeting became very heated, the notes say, with the commanders warning that charging Hollingsworth would cause investigators to have issues with patrol. The detectives also suggested Hollingsworth be charged with aggravated battery. Peters responded, What is evidence and who decides? Hollingsworth was never arrested and was only fired in September after he admitted to bashing Greenes head with a flashlight a use of deadly force internal investigators said was unjustified. The 46-year-old died in a single-car highway crash in Monroe hours after he learned of his firing. Also under scrutiny, according to those familiar with the probe, is why the state police failed to provide the body camera video and even the most basic police reports for the official autopsy. It listed Greenes cause of death as cocaine induced agitated delirium complicated by motor vehicle collision, physical struggle, inflicted head injury and restraint. The forensic pathologists, however, say the lack of supporting materials left them unable to determine whether the crash or excessive police force caused his most severe injuries. The FBI recently asked the pathologist to make another attempt at such a conclusion accounting for the evidence state police initially failed to provide. As federal prosecutors home in on possible obstruction charges, state police leaders have redoubled their hunt for leaks in a case thats steeped the agency in controversy and divided its ranks. At least six high-ranking state police officials including Peters, Brown and Col. Kevin Reeves, the head of the state police at the time of Greenes death have retired amid the growing fallout from the case. Last month, Peters announced his departure as head of the Monroe-based Troop F which has become notorious for its harsh treatment of Black suspects with an email saying, Shamefully, we have now seen there are those within our own ranks tearing this agency apart from the inside. Peters didnt mention in his email that he recently received a 32-hour suspension for signing off on a use-of-force report without reviewing the body camera footage of his troopers beating yet another Black motorist, according to state police records. Peters, who was among the commanders to sign off on the use-of-force reports in Greenes case, told investigators it was common practice for him to approve such documents without reviewing the materials. He declined to comment to AP. Leading the federal inquiry is Assistant U.S. Attorney John Luke Walker, a Lafayette-based prosecutor who won accolades for his role in a sprawling child exploitation case that resulted in dozens of convictions. Walker is also investigating Louisiana state troopers beatings of at least two other Black motorists. They include Aaron Larry Bowman, who was pulled over near his Monroe home just 20 days after Greenes death and was struck 18 times with a flashlight, leaving him with a broken jaw, ribs and wrist, and a gash to the head. Trooper Jacob Brown, the son of Bob Brown, was arrested in December on second-degree battery and malfeasance charges in Bowmans beating. Brown did not respond to requests for comment. Bowmans lawyer, Donecia Banks-Miley, said federal prosecutors met with her and her client in June and showed them Browns 2019 body camera footage for the first time. Its been covered up for so long, Banks-Miley said. Its just been covered up. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) Southeast Asian foreign ministers on Wednesday picked Brunei Second Foreign Minister Erywan Yusof as their special envoy to Myanmar, in a breakthrough for regional mediation aimed at ending the country's deepening crisis after months of delay. The foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asians said Erywan will begin his work in Myanmar to build trust and confidence with full access to all parties concerned." The 10-nation bloc has been under increasing international pressure to act on violence and instability in Myanmar, an ASEAN member. Myanmar's military in February toppled the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi and cracked down on opponents. In a joint statement Wednesday after their annual meeting, the ministers reiterated their concerns about the situation in Myanmar, including reports of fatalities and violence. But they stopped short of calling for the release of political detainees, saying only they heard calls for their freedom, in a reflection of the sensitivity of the issue. The regional group is hamstrung by its bedrock policy of noninterference in the domestic affairs of member nations and by its consensus decision making, meaning just one member state can shoot down any proposal. Erywan was among at least four candidates proposed by ASEAN, and Myanmar was believed to have preferred a former Thai diplomat. Its decision to yield to the groups pressure indicated its military rulers are still hoping to rely on ASEAN support as they face international condemnation. Sidharto Suryodipuro, head of ASEAN Cooperation at Indonesias Foreign Ministry, told reporters in Jakarta that it was an arduous process to persuade Myanmar to commit to the envoy and the mediation process. He said Erywan is expected to draw up a timeline on his mission to ease the violence and meet with all parties involved. He said the joint statement doesnt amount to ASEANs recognition of the military government. Myanmar must now work together in the context of ASEAN because the success of the special envoy will also be Myanmars success in settling a crisis that has become multilayered, involving not just politics but also economics and worsened by COVID-19, he said. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed Yusofs appointment, calling it an important step towards the implementation of the five-point consensus adopted by ASEAN leaders in April that includes the selection of an envoy as a mediator who should visit Myanmar, U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. The United Nations looks forward to continuing its cooperation with ASEAN on a coherent response to the crisis in Myanmar, noting the complementary roles of Yusof and U.N. special envoy Christine Schraner Burgener, Dujarric said. The military has refused to allow Schraner Burgener to visit Myanmar since its February takeover. Secretary-General Guterres reiterates his urgent call on the military to respect the will of the people, refrain from acts of violence and repression, and act in the interest of peace, sustainable development and human rights" and ensure unimpeded humanitarian access to confront the growing impact of COVID-19, the spokesman said. Even with the envoy's appointment, it remains uncertain if and when the Myanmar military leaders will allow access to Suu Kyi, who has been detained with other political leaders and put on trial on a slew of charges, diplomats have said. More than 900 people have been killed by Myanmar authorities since the February takeover, many in anti-government protests, according to a tally kept by the independent Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. Casualties are also rising among the military and police as armed resistance grows in both urban and rural areas. Myanmars troubles have deepened with its worst coronavirus surge, which has overwhelmed its crippled health care system. Its military leader, Min Aung Hlaing, has repeated his pledge to hold fresh elections in two years and cooperate with ASEAN on finding a political solution. Some ASEAN lawmakers responded warily to Erywan's appointment, noting that he led a delegation to Myanmar in June and met only with the junta. Erywan must ensure he does not become a pawn in the juntas game" of using ASEAN to gain international legitimacy while it continues its oppressive rule, said Kasit Piromya, a Thai board member of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights. In another touchy issue, the ministers said ASEAN and China have completed the preamble for a proposed code of conduct," a nonaggression pact the two sides have been negotiating since 2017 to avoid armed conflicts in the disputed South China Sea. China, Taiwan and ASEAN members Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam have overlapping claims in the disputed waters and have been locked in increasingly tense territorial standoffs for decades. China turned seven disputed reefs into missile-protected island bases in recent years, ratcheting tensions with rival claimants, along with the United States and its allies. Two Southeast Asian diplomats said the preamble consists of principles that will reflect the rival claimant states adherence to international law, including the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea. An analyst expressed little hope the proposed pact can effectively restrain aggression in the disputed sea, given a Chinese insistence on its vast territorial claims and penchant to interpret agreements in a way that will buttress its claims. I hold no illusion that the code of conduct, when it comes to pass, will be of meaningful effect in constraining Chinese coercive behavior in the South China Sea, said Hoang Thi Ha of the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. China has refused to recognize an international arbitration ruling in 2016 that invalided most of its claims in the South China Sea. ___ Gomez reported from Manila, Philippines. Associated Press reporter Nini Karmini contributed from Jakarta, Indonesia. BERLIN A local intersection that police said has been the site of many crashes will get additional attention from officers in the coming weeks. Police will focus on the Berlin Turnpike and Deming Road intersection in town to reduce car crashes. Officers will be on the lookout for cellphone usage, red light violations, improper lane use, following too closely and any other dangerous and illegal driving behaviors. The intersection has been a site of concern for some time. In early 2020, Berlin police took a poll via Facebook from residents to see whether they thought the Berlin Turnpike intersection with Deming Road or Middletown Road saw more collisions. Residents cast their votes, with a greater number voting for the Middletown Road intersection, which police said was in line with their data. Police said the Deming Road intersection was a close second. Suffice it to state that those two intersections account for the most crashes in the town of Berlin, police said. There were 591 total crashes in Berlin in 2019, with most of those being along the Berlin Turnpike, according to police. After that poll, police said they were hoping to bring attention to traffic safety, and also announced enforcement action then to try to reduce crashes in the problem areas. FAIRFIELD Town officials are setting aside $200,000 of federal money to help residents recovering from the financial impacts of the pandemic through the COVID Recovery Fund. The money is part of the larger $24.8 million the town has received under the American Rescue Plan, which drew questions from residents and prompted a clarification at a recent Board of Selectmen meeting. People thought that the ARPA funds were supposed to be primarily used for COVID relief and I think there was some misunderstanding as you will about that, First Selectwoman Brenda Kupchick said. Its very wide spread the way you can use it and most of the towns are using it in the manner in which we put our list together. Kupchick said the proposed list of items has received a lot of positive feedback. Among the items is the creation of this fund to help residents. The town previously set up a COVID-19 Relief Fund to provide limited help to residents significantly impacted by the pandemic. Now, the town has shifted focus to helping the community recover by establishing the COVID-19 Recovery Fund. The recovery fund provides financial assistance to residents in Fairfield who are unable to meet their basic household needs, such as mortgage, auto expenses, utilities and food due to the economic disruption caused by COVID-19. The town will put $200,000 into the fund. When we started talking about what kind of things that we could do with this funding that would help people recover from COVID and to address some of the needs that may be arising, we came up with not extending the fund of donations that was the COVID Relief Fund, but to go into a COVID recovery mode, said Julie DeMarco, director of human services. Its not that this was a arbitrary number, but we really dont know what the need is yet, she added. To be able to set aside $200,000 to help the town of Fairfields residents to recover from those needs, that we cant even see yet, is wonderful. DeMarco believes this is a good amount to work with, even though residents needs are longterm. The COVID Recovery Fund is designed to act as a last resort to help individuals and families similar to the COVID Relief Fund. The relief fund provided approximately 30 to 40 individuals and families with $2,500, a number DeMarco says she would like to increase. I think this is a good amount of money and I think the town is very lucky, DeMarco said. There is not a lot of communities that are providing this and I also feel like it is a great path to getting these funds approved through a committee rather than the town deeming whos qualified and whos not and who is deserving and who is not. It is better to have a committee that works and assess. Residents must apply to receive money through the social services department. Social workers work as a team and assess the applications. Once assessed and approved, the application is sent to the committee for final say. The committee is made up of five members a mix of town officials and representatives from nonprofits and churches. The committee will ask for three months of bank statements, credit card bills, monthly expenses, monthly income that may not be on the bank statement, the size of the household, a demonstration of need and perhaps a verification of employment. The process also requires applicants to look at other funding sources that may be able to assist. We dont make it horrible, DeMarco said. Its very hard to call to ask for help, but there are a lot of resources out there so we try to exhaust all resources first. While there are still some details to iron out about the funding and the process, DeMarco said they already have a list of people who may need help. HONOLULU (AP) Hawaii officials wrongly arrested a homeless man for a crime committed by someone else, locked him up in a state hospital for more than two years, forced him to take psychiatric drugs and then tried to cover up the mistake by quietly setting him free with just 50 cents to his name, the Hawaii Innocence Project said in a court document asking a judge to set the record straight. A petition filed in court Monday night asks a judge to vacate the arrest and correct Joshua Spriestersbach's records. The filing lays out his bizarre plight that started with him falling asleep on a sidewalk. He was houseless and hungry while waiting in a long line for food outside a Honolulu shelter on a hot day in 2017. When a police officer roused him awake, he thought he was being arrested for the city's ban on sitting or laying down on public sidewalks. But what he didn't realize was that the officer mistook him for a man named Thomas Castleberry, who had a warrant out for his arrest for violating probation in a 2006 drug case. It's unclear how this happened as Spriestersbach and Castleberry had never met. Spriestersbach somehow ended up with Castleberry as his alias, even though Spriestersbach never claimed to be Castleberry, according to the Hawaii Innocence Project. Spriestersbach's attorneys argue it all could have been cleared up if police simply compared the two men's photographs and fingerprints. Instead, against Spriestersbach's protests that he wasn't Castleberry, he was eventually committed to the Hawaii State Hospital. Yet, the more Mr. Spriestersbach vocalized his innocence by asserting that he is not Mr. Castleberry, the more he was declared delusional and psychotic by the H.S.H. staff and doctors and heavily medicated," the petition said. It was understandable that Mr. Spriestersbach was in an agitated state when he was being wrongfully incarcerated for Mr. Castleberrys crime and despite his continual denial of being Mr. Castleberry and providing all of his relevant identification and places where he was located during Mr. Castleberrys court appearances, no one would believe him or take any meaningful steps to verify his identity and determine that what Mr. Spriestersbach was telling the truth he was not Mr. Castleberry." No one believed him not even his various public defenders until a hospital psychiatrist finally listened. All it took were simple Google searches and a few phone calls to verify that Spriestersbach was on another island when Castleberry was initially arrested, according to the court document. The psychiatrist asked a detective to come to the hospital, who verified fingerprints and photographs to determine the wrong man had been arrested and Spriestersbach spent two years and eight months institutionalized, the petition said, noting that it wasn't hard to determine the the real Castleberry has been incarcerated in an Alaska prison since 2016. According to records, a 49-year-old man named Thomas R. Castleberry is in the Spring Creek Correctional Facility in Seward, Alaska. His relatives couldn't be reached for comment. The Alaska public defender listed for him declined to comment Tuesday. The Hawaii Innocence Project document also claims Spriestersbach had ineffective counsel: the Hawaii public defender's office. Police, the state public defender's office, the state attorney general and the hospital share in the blame for this gross miscarriage of justice, the petition said. Hawaii Public Defender James Tabe, Gary Yamashiroya, special assistant to the attorney general and Matt Dvonch, a spokesman for the Honolulu prosecuting attorney's office, declined to comment Tuesday. Once the fingerprints and photographs were verified, officials moved quickly, but secretly, to release Spriestersbach in January 2020, the petition said. A secret meeting was held with all of the parties, except Mr. Spriestersbach, present. There is no court record of this meeting or no public court record of this meeting. No entry or order reflects this miscarriage of justice that occurred or a finding that Mr. Spriestersbach is not Thomas Castleberry," the court document said. His lawyers said officials didn't think anyone would believe Spriestersbach or no one would care about the homeless man who fell asleep waiting for food, only to wake up to a living nightmare. Spriestersbach, 50, who lives with his sister in Vermont, declined to comment for this story. His sister, Vedanta Griffith, spent nearly 16 years looking for him. He moved to Hawaii with Griffith when her husband was stationed on Oahu with the Army in 2003. He moved to the Big Island and then disappeared, while suffering mental health issues, she said. Part of what they used against him was his own argument: Im not Thomas Castleberry. I didnt commit these crimes. ... This isnt me," she told The Associated Press. "So they used that as saying he was delusional, as justification for keeping him. After his release, he ended up at a homeless shelter, which contacted his family. And then when light is shown on it, what do they do? They dont even put it on the record. They dont make it part of the case, Griffith said. And then they dont come to him and say, We are so sorry or, how about even Gee, this wasnt you. You were right all along. Spriestersbach now refuses to leave his sisters 10-acre property. Hes so afraid that theyre going to take him again, Griffith said. ___ AP journalist Mark Thiessen in Anchorage, Alaska, contributed to this report. WINDSOR LOCKS A lipstick stun gun and some loose bullets were found on a traveler Tuesday by Transportation Security Administration officers at Bradley International Airport , officials said. The officers found the stun gun and three .38-caliber bullets during a security screening at Bradley International Airport, according to Dan Velez, the TSA spokesperson for New England. FAIRFIELD Officials want all students back in-person full time, however, some see the delta variant posing a challenge to that goal. Im sure that I am not alone in saying that all of us would like to get things back to normal, would like to lose the masks and would like to get back to the way things were, but unfortunately were just not there yet, Sands Cleary, Fairfields health director, said at a meeting health and school officials held this week to discuss the impact of the delta variant and what it means for sending students back to school. Fairfield will have to keep some mitigation strategies in place as school is slated to start Aug. 30. Universal masking will still be required until Sept. 30 under one of Gov. Ned Lamont's executive orders. Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its stance from only requiring unvaccinated people from wearing masks to universal masking in schools due to the impact of the delta variant. School officials plan to promote vaccination and the need to limit transmission to further prevent the emergence of new variants. Cleary said they want to prevent the formation of new variants, especially ones that are more transmissible, make people more ill or can overcome the vaccine. Cleary said a higher vaccination rate among students and staff will help keep everyone in-person, as well as provide some protection for those who cant be vaccinated. About 64 percent of Fairfields total population is vaccinated. This breaks down to 58 percent of 12- to 15-year-olds are vaccinated, 65 percent of 16- to 44-year-olds are vaccinated, 85 percent are vaccinated in ages 45 to 64 and 93 percent are vaccinated in ages 65 and older, Cleary said. Right now, delta is the dominant variant in Connecticut, he said. According to the CDC, its more than twice as transmissible than the original lineage strand. This new strand is causing increases throughout the country, throughout the state and even in Fairfield. There are also more hospitalizations for the town and county. Cleary said its affecting school-age children too. About 22,000 cases of the states overall COVID-19 cases are for those 9 and younger and 42,000 cases for ages 10 t0 19 years old. Were working hard to continue to promote vaccinations, Cleary said. We have made some good progress, but theres still more progress to be made especially with some of the younger ages. One out of every three people that someone will meet would be unvaccinated and everybody under 11 would be unvaccinated. There are also operational changes for the new school year. Three-foot distancing will be in place in all grades, the pop-up plexiglass barriers will no longer be used at lunch, cohorting will no longer be necessary during recess and cleaning protocols will remain in place. We will continue with contact tracing, well continue with case isolation and quarantine of contacts, Cleary said. What has changed is that we will be moving towards the shorter recommendation of a seven-day quarantine with a test on the fifth day and as long as that test is negative, you can return on the eighth day. Superintendent Mike Cummings said he was unsure what would drive changes in the guidance or learning module plan, prompting any return to a hybrid or remote system. Honestly at this point we dont know, Cummings said. I know that there is a full on commitment from both the federal and state government to keep students in school full-time and that is our intent as well. Again many of the lessons we learned last year that we all experienced and went through showed that was possible when the appropriate mitigation factors are in place. Cleary said the overarching goal as they approach the start of school is getting back to as normal as possible. All of us have experienced impacts from this pandemic from tragic losses of friends and family members to financial challenges, loss of jobs, changing and challenging school and work conditions, isolation, depression and other impacts have all been experienced by many of us, he said. I think everybody acknowledges the educational, social and behavioral impacts resulting from the pandemic and the burden it presents uniquely to students and school staff. President Biden has nominated Catherine Lhamon as assistant secretary for the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the Department of Education. Lhamon held the same position from 2013 through 2017 in the Obama administration, but her performance in that job is disqualifying for a second round. Lhamon is most noted for her zealous enforcement of the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter and her authorship of the 2014 guidance document that trampled over the constitutional and civil rights of thousands of college students and faculty and that occasioned thousands of erroneous outcomes in campus sexual harassment and sexual assault disputes under Title IX (TIX). That Biden apparently wants to recreate this calamity is inexplicable. As a former professor at The Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), I experienced the Lhamon-authored guidance up close after I was falsely accused of sexual harassment by a student. I was not permitted to know the allegations against me or the name of the complainant, nor could I submit or gather evidence on my behalf, call witnesses, or defend myself in any way. Such investigative practices, I would later learn, were commonplace under Lhamons OCR management. After I was wrongly found responsible for sexual misconduct, I appealed to Lhamons OCR directly. The OCR not only gave its stamp of approval for the procedures implemented in OHSUs investigation but also emphasized in its decision letter that it would have employed analogous procedures. I also learned from Lhamons OCR that innocence was no defense in a TIX proceeding. Among the many thousands of fallacious TIX findings under Lhamons guidance, about 715 lawsuits were filed from wrongly accused and reprimanded students, many of whom had been suspended or expelled. The majority of the judicial decisions rendered were favorable to the plaintiff, and about 100 were settled pretrial. Most notably, there have been at least 23 appellate court verdicts arising from these grievances that have found due-process infringements, procedural deficiencies, and gender discrimination in TIX proceedings under Lhamon guidance. Due process, free speech, and the United States Constitution are clearly not Lhamons strong suits. The need for TIX compliance reform was so acute after Lhamon departed in 2017 that the previous secretary of the Department of Education revoked the Dear Colleague Letter and Lhamons guidance and formulated new TIX compliance regulations. Unlike the rescinded guidance, the new TIX rule is meticulous, thoughtful, constitutionally and legally grounded, fair and equitable, and corrects for the deficiencies of Lhamons guidance. Ironically, Lhamons TIX guidance would have also violated Bidens recent Executive Order 14021, mandating that the current rule, among other Department of Education policies, must be non-discriminatory on the basis of gender. Lhamons guidance discriminated against the accused and therefore on the basis of gender and her selective enforcement of TIX against black defendants is worse than discriminatory. Lhamon has done more to obliterate the constitutional and civil rights of accused students and faculty in higher education over the last decade than perhaps any other American. She asserted that schools should ensure that steps taken to accord due process rights to the alleged perpetrator do not restrict or unnecessarily delay the TIX protections for the complainant. Nobody serving in a leadership position in the federal government should make the Constitution subordinate, let alone to such a flawed and discretionary policy. The statement is appalling and disqualifying for the position for which she is being considered. Lhamon, if confirmed, will be charged with the implementation of the current TIX compliance rule, which she does not support. On Twitter, she has ludicrously stated that the new rule takes us back to the bad old days, that predate my birth, when it was permissible to rape and sexually harass students with impunity. The OCR needs a leader with less reactionary views who will implement current policy fairly, equitably, and in good conscience. Furthermore, the current TIX rule, which is currently under review, was launched in 2020 by former Education secretary Betsy DeVos the same person who rescinded Lhamons Dear Colleague Letter and guidance documents. This review should be supervised by someone with a fresh set of ideas to avoid any conflict of interest or perception of bias or retaliation. And reinstalling the Lhamon guidance debacle to TIX compliance is unthinkable. Lhamons nomination is now before the Senate. Lacking commitment to key constitutional provisions, she has caused too much injustice and suffering for too many individuals and families to merit confirmation for this position. Fairfield, MT (59436) Today Clear to partly cloudy. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 62F. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph.. Tonight Clear to partly cloudy. Areas of smoke and haze are possible, reducing visibility at times. Low 62F. Winds WSW at 15 to 25 mph. The way in which the government is allocating funds for its flagship 'levelling up' programme is failing to properly recognise the needs of rural communities, according to new research. The Rural Services Network, a special interest group advocating rural services, has found that prioritisation of the levelling up fund has favoured non-metropolitan urban locations. This is especially true in northern Englands red wall, while many other areas of similar need are overlooked. Large swathes of rural central and southern England - and indeed northern rural areas - including those that received funds through previous EU-backed programmes, are now seen as a low priority. Only 18 rural districts were placed on the governments priority list of 123 local authorities for its levelling up fund. The research shows that the number should have been as high as 27 if low standards of living in rural communities were properly accounted for. The reports authors said: The levelling up fund is the latest in a line of UK government-funded programmes to disadvantage rural communities partly the result of Whitehalls choice of data on which they make their selections. Although detailed, the governments complex algorithms for allocating funds remain partial, judgemental and, too often, confused. The fund prioritisation framework, for example, considers the number of empty commercial properties, but does not account for the quality of schools. "It looks at physical connectivity but does not take into account digital connectivity like broadband speeds or availability. The report calls for a new, transparent process for the geographical prioritisation and allocation of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which launches next year to replace regional economic development funding previously distributed under EU programmes. The authors recommend that future levelling up funds, including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, should be allocated between local authorities on the basis of an assessment of living standards achievable by people living and working in each district. Graham Biggs, chief executive of the Rural Services Network, said the way in which government allocated spending spatially was 'failing' to unlock the opportunities rural areas could offer to the nation. Whitehall needs to keep it simple. Allocate funds to where living standards, and economic opportunities, are lowest regardless of whether these are in the North or the South, or in towns, cities, conurbations or in countryside. The process simply needs to be fair, transparent and demonstrably based on need," he said. Sheep milk producers supplying the cheese market could increase the overall cheese yield potential of their flock by carrying ewes with a low somatic cell count (SCC). The first year of a European Innovation Partnership (EIP) study has shown the potential impact that SCCs and chronic sub clinical infection could have on the productivity of flocks. Three 15-ewe groups of Frieslands, Lleyns and Lleyns supplemented with a higher level of selenium are involved in the three-year project. Plotting the SCC against total milk solids for each of the individual milk samples from the 45 ewes has shown that the majority with high SCC are at the lower end of the total solids percentage. This is indicative of ewes with a possible chronic sub clinical infection and high SCC having poorer milk quality and its negative influence on the yield of cheese produced. With a growing interest in sheep milk production in Wales, these initial findings are valuable for new and existing producers, according to Geraint Hughes, the projects innovation broker. Results are based on individual ewe sampling for milk bacteria, SCC as a marker of udder inflammation and possible clinical or sub clinical mastitis, milk butterfat, protein and lactose percentages and Aerobic Plate Counts of bacteria. Bulk milk samples were also taken. Nasal swabs were taken twice from the Frieslands and the Lleyns that hadnt received a selenium boost, to study the presence and type of bacteria in nasal cavities and to investigate any correlation between udder and nasal cavity bacterial populations. No correlation seemed to exist between nasal and milk bacteriological samples on any of the ewes, added Mr Hughes. Suggestions in previous work that the bacteriology of the nasal cavities in sheep could have given an insight to the bacteriology of the udders but we didn't find anything to suggest that and have therefore dismissed it." Of the 45 ewes, a total of six across all groups had a high somatic cell count notably five of were Frieslands. On average, Lleyn ewes without enhanced selenium had the highest butterfat average at 7.6%; for the supplemented Lleyns that average was 7.29% and for the Frieslands 6.21%. Supplemented Lleyns had the highest average protein percentage - 6.67% - compared 6.62% in the other Lleyn group and 6.02% in the Frieslands. There was minimal difference in the lactose percentage of all three groups - the range varied from 4.52% for the Frieslands to 4.46% in the un-supplemented Lleyns; for the third group it was 4.36%. With stark differences between the breeds, another year of testing will be useful, said Mr Hughes: It has been interesting also to see how the bacteriology is influenced by stage of lactation." The study group, including award-winning cheesemaker Dr Carrie Rimes, hope that this work will benefit all dairy sheep farmers in Wales who are looking to supply a cheese market, as well as cheese makers. Dr Rimes, whose milk suppliers include one of the study farmers, Alan Jones, reports a significant improvement in the quality of the curds in her cheesemaking process this year. "There has definitely been a more consistent supply of milk this year," she explained. A reason for this could be that, informed by the research findings, Mr Jones is removing some of the high cell count milkers from his flock of 180 Lleyns. The study, he said, has also reaffirmed his commitment to the Lleyn breed: As this study has shown, the quality of Lleyn milk is ideally suited to cheese production, says Mr Jones, of Derwen Gam, Pwllheli. FAU Hires Vice President for Institutional Advancement Photo credit: The Ohio State University Florida Atlantic University has named Christopher J. Delisio as its new vice president for Institutional Advancement and chief executive officer of the FAU Foundation. Delisio brings more than 25 years of diverse development experience to FAU, most recently as the assistant vice president for development and executive director of principal gifts at The Ohio State University. He will begin his new position on Sept. 12. In this critical role, Delisio will be responsible for the overall direction and management of community engagement, as well as all fundraising, development and alumni relations at FAU, providing strong leadership in identifying, cultivating and soliciting gifts to the institution. As CEO of the FAU Foundation, he will offer advice, counsel and leadership to the independent university funding organization, its staff and board of directors. FAU President John Kelly said this appointment will begin a new era in fundraising for FAU, as Delisio will guide the transformation of the Universitys engagement with its local, regional and global communities. Chris immediately stood out as the perfect fit to lead the charge here at FAU, Kelly said. He is a creative thinker with a proven track record who can be innovative but pragmatic and is highly receptive to new ideas. That is exactly what we need at FAU to elevate us to the next level of fundraising success. Delisio joined The Ohio State University in 2013 as its chief advancement officer for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environment Sciences. He then became assistant vice president for development and chief advancement officer for the College of Arts and Sciences, and, most recently, assistant vice president for development and executive director of principal gifts. In this most recent role, Delisio was responsible for assisting with the execution of a more than $500 million annual fundraising strategy and providing comprehensive leadership and oversight of the principal gift operation gifts of $5 million or more. He simultaneously oversaw the College of Arts and Sciences $400 million campaign. From 1995 to 2013, he held numerous development leadership positions in North Carolina and Ohio, including at the North Carolina Special Olympics; University of North Carolina Wilmington; University of Dayton; Ohio University; and Ohio Wesleyan University. Delisio has a Master of Business Administration degree from Kent State University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hiram College. He also serves or has served on numerous industry-related boards. Delisio said that he is thrilled to lead the fundraising efforts at a university that has clearly demonstrated it is a dynamic, national public research university. There are so many innovative and amazing things happening at FAU right now and the nation is taking notice, said Delisio. To be a part of this remarkable team in an area like South Florida is incredibly exciting. I share in both President Kelly and Chairman Abdol Moaberys vision and look forward to making it a reality. His selection was made after a national search coordinated by international executive selection firm Parker Executive Search. -FAU- The Fauquier Times is honored to serve as your community companion. To say thank you, we are excited to offer 4 weeks FREE Digital & Print access to all subscribers new and returning alike. We are dedicated to continuing providing reliable, high quality journalism. This is possible with the trust and support of our subscribers in the community we are proud to serve. Chocolate chip cookies are always a good idea. With crispy, golden edges and soft, chewy centers, whats not to like? Now, were making it a little easier to get your hands on the tasty treats. These 10 places across the region offer some of the best chocolate chip cookies, whether youre looking for traditional recipes or ones with a twist. Clean Cookie Co. Collective Kitchen Derby Deli Dolce Bakery Fluffybutt Cookies Lobby Cafe in Hotel Kansas City Prairie Pie Tempus The Russell Winslows Table Fountain Hills, AZ (85268) Today A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 82F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Some clouds this evening will give way to mainly clear skies overnight. Low 82F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Category Select Category Apparel/Garments Textiles Fashion Technical Textiles Information Technology E-commerce Retail Corporate Association Press Release SubCategory Select Sub-Category LONDON, UK / ACCESSWIRE / August 3, 2021 / Gabriel Resources Ltd. (TSXV:GBU) "Gabriel" or the "Company") announces the publication of its Second Quarter Financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis Report for the period ended June 30, 2021. Summary Gabriel remains focused on the progression of its arbitration case brought by the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Gabriel Resources (Jersey) Ltd., (together " Claimants ") against the Romanian State (" Respondent ") under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (" ICSID "), part of the World Bank (" ICSID Arbitration "): Following the second oral hearing on the merits of the claim held in Q4 2020 (" Second Hearing "), on February 18, 2021 and April 23, 2021 the Claimants and Respondent each filed simultaneous further written submissions (" Post-Hearing Briefs ") in order to comment in conclusion on the evidentiary record, the final substantive submissions by the parties in the ICSID Arbitration. In the absence of any further questions from the arbitral tribunal (" Tribunal ") or other procedural interventions, it is anticipated that the Tribunal will now focus on its deliberations and preparation of its final decision (" Award "). There is no specified timeframe in the ICSID Rules in which an Award is to be made by the Tribunal. ") against the Romanian State (" ") under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (" "), part of the World Bank (" "): On July 27, 2021 the Rosia Montana Mining Cultural Landscape, an area covering the footprint of the Project, was inscribed by UNESCO on its World Heritage List (" Inscription ") and added to its List of World Heritage in Danger. The Inscription materially undermines the possibility of an amicable resolution of the ICSID Arbitration dispute with Romania that would allow for the development of the Project and is consistent with, and further evidence of, Romania's political repudiation of the Project and its joint venture with Gabriel. ") and added to its List of World Heritage in Danger. The Inscription materially undermines the possibility of an amicable resolution of the ICSID Arbitration dispute with Romania that would allow for the development of the Project and is consistent with, and further evidence of, Romania's political repudiation of the Project and its joint venture with Gabriel. On June 10, 2021, the Company announced it had completed a non-brokered private placement (the " 2021 Private Placement ") of 30,444,800 common shares of the Company (" Common Shares ") for gross proceeds of US$6.0 million (approximately $7.5 million). ") of 30,444,800 common shares of the Company (" ") for gross proceeds of US$6.0 million (approximately $7.5 million). The net loss for the second quarter of 2021 was $6.0 million (Q1 2021 $8.6 million). As at June 30, 2021, the Company held $ 7.0 million of cash and cash equivalents (Q1 2021 $2.5 million). The Company believes that it has sufficient funding necessary to cover its planned activities through to January 2022 and will need to raise additional financing to fund ICSID Arbitration costs and working capital requirements thereafter. On July 2, 2021, Gabriel announced the repayment of the outstanding $90,862,000 convertible unsecured notes (" Notes "), following maturity on June 30, 2021, through the issue of 313,587,558 Common Shares. Gabriel also announced the expiry of 103,867,820 Common Share purchase warrants on the same date. "), following maturity on June 30, 2021, through the issue of 313,587,558 Common Shares. Gabriel also announced the expiry of 103,867,820 Common Share purchase warrants on the same date. All resolutions were passed at the annual general meeting of shareholders of ("AGM") held earlier today. Dragos Tanase, Gabriel's President and Chief Executive Officer, stated: "We face the second half of 2021 confident that we have presented our case in the ICSID Arbitration, a new financing has been completed, and our capital structure simplified significantly by the repayment of the convertible notes. We remain indebted to our shareholders for their patience and continued financial support as we await a final decision from the Tribunal, which we hope will recognize the merit of Gabriel's claims. We are disappointed that Romania chose to pursue the UNESCO listing, which severely undermines the possibility of a future amicable resolution of the dispute." Further information and commentary on the results in the second quarter of 2021 is given below. The Company has filed its Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for Q2 2021 and related Management's Discussion & Analysis on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and each is available for review on the Company's website at www.gabrielresources.com. For information on this press release, please contact: Dragos Tanase President & CEO Phone: +40 730 399 019 dt@gabrielresources.com Richard Brown Chief Financial Officer Mobile: +44 7748 760276 richard.brown@gabrielresources.com Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Further Information Status of the ICSID Arbitration The ICSID Arbitration seeks compensation for all of the loss and damage suffered by the Claimants, resulting from the Respondent's wrongful conduct and its breaches of the protections afforded by certain treaties for the promotion and protection of foreign investment to which Romania is a party, including against expropriation, unfair and inequitable treatment, discrimination and other unlawful treatment in respect of the Ro?ia Montana gold and silver project, together with the gold, silver and porphyry copper deposits defined in the Bucium concession area (" Projects ") and related licenses. ") and related licenses. Subsequent to the Second Hearing, which focused on the technical and feasibility-related aspects of the Projects, and the quantum of the damages claimed, the Post-Hearing Briefs were filed on February 18, 2021 and April 23, 2021, which mark the final substantive submissionsafter which the Tribunal may pose further questions, or focus on its deliberations ahead of an Award. There is no specified timeframe in the ICSID Rules in which an Award is to be made by the Tribunal. The Company is informed that it is typical for tribunals in this type of arbitration to require twelve to eighteen months to finalize and issue a decision after Post-Hearing Briefs are submitted. However, there can be no assurances that the ICSID Arbitration will advance in a customary or predictable manner or be completed or settled within any specific or reasonable period of time. UNESCO World Heritage Romania's nomination to designate the 'Rosia Montana Mining Landscape' as a UNESCO World Heritage site was considered by UNESCO at the deferred 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, held in a virtual online format from Fuzhou, China between July 16 and July 31, 2021. On July 27, 2021 the Rosia Montana Mining Cultural Landscape, an area covering the footprint of the Project, was inscribed by UNESCO on its World Heritage List and added to its List of World Heritage in Danger. The Inscription is incompatible with mining in the Project area and thus materially undermines the possibility of an amicable resolution of the dispute with Romania that would allow for the development of the Project. Romania's application to UNESCO and the subsequent Inscription are fundamentally at odds with Romania's obligations under its investment treaties in relation to Gabriel's investments and these acts, together with other measures taken by Romania, further evidence Romania's political repudiation of the Project and its joint venture with Gabriel. Financial Performance Operating loss for the second quarter was $ 3.3 million, some $ 2.6 million lower than the corresponding period in 2020, arising from $ 1.8 million lower costs related to the ongoing ICSID Arbitration, reflecting the more limited activity in the second quarter of 2021 finalizing the Post-Hearing Briefs, $ 0.5 million of lower costs related to payroll, and $ 0.2 million lower share-based payments. The net loss for the second quarter of 2021 was $6.1 million, a decrease of $2.8 million from a net loss of $ 8.9 million in the corresponding period in 2020, primarily reflecting the $ 2.6 million reduction in operating loss noted above together with a $ 0.4 million lower foreign exchange loss in the second quarter of 2021, offset by $ 0.2 million higher finance costs incurred in respect of the Notes prior to repayment. Liquidity Cash and cash equivalents at June 30, 2021 were $ 7.0 million. The Company's average monthly cash usage during Q1 2021 was $1.0 million (Q1 2021: $1.3 million), the decrease primarily reflecting the reduction in payments related to ICSID Arbitration costs compared to the prior quarter where significant costs had accrued for payment following the Second Hearing. At June 30, 2021, accruals for costs in respect of the ICSID Arbitration amounted to $ 3.4 million (Q1 2021: $3.0 million), the increase reflecting completion of Post-Hearing Briefs in the period and the continuation of a fee agreement in respect of the deferred payment of certain ICSID Arbitration costs until an Award is issued. Financing On May 27, 2021, the Company announced the 2021 Private Placement of up to 30,444,800 Common Shares at a price of $0.245 each for gross proceeds of up to US$6.0 million (approximately $7.5 million) and on June 10, 2021 the Company announced that it had closed the 2021 Private Placement in the full amount. The Company intends to use the proceeds from the 2021 Private Placement to finance the ongoing costs of the ICSID Arbitration and for general working capital requirements. Repayment of Convertible Notes As previously announced, the Company has exercised its option (" Common Share Repayment Right ") to repay all of the principal amount of Notes outstanding by issuing Common Shares to holders of the Notes (" Noteholders "). In aggregate, 313,587,558 Common Shares have been issued pursuant to the Common Share Repayment Right, calculated on the basis of the 'Current Market Price' of $0.28975, being the price equal to 95% of the volume weighted average trading price of a Common Share over a 20 trading day period to June 23, 2021 (" Note Repayment Price "). ") to repay all of the principal amount of Notes outstanding by issuing Common Shares to holders of the Notes (" "). In aggregate, 313,587,558 Common Shares have been issued pursuant to the Common Share Repayment Right, calculated on the basis of the 'Current Market Price' of $0.28975, being the price equal to 95% of the volume weighted average trading price of a Common Share over a 20 trading day period to June 23, 2021 (" "). Prior to maturity, the Notes were convertible at the option of the Noteholders into Common Shares at a price of $0.3105 per share (" Conversion Price "). As the Note Repayment Price was lower than the Conversion Price, approximately 21m more Common Shares have been issued than would have been the case upon conversion by Noteholders at the Conversion Price. "). As the Note Repayment Price was lower than the Conversion Price, approximately 21m more Common Shares have been issued than would have been the case upon conversion by Noteholders at the Conversion Price. The repayment of the Notes through exercise of the Common Share Repayment Right has received the final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange ("Exchange"). The Common Shares have been issued in reliance on applicable prospectus and registration exemptions, are (subject to compliance with applicable securities laws) freely tradeable on the Exchange and are not subject to any statutory hold period. Capital Resources The Company believes that it has sufficient cash to enable the Group to fund general working capital requirements together with the material estimated costs associated with the Company advancing the ICSID Arbitration through to January 2022. There can be no assurances that the ICSID Arbitration will advance in a customary or predictable manner or within any specific or reasonable period of time. Accordingly, Gabriel believes that it will need to raise additional financing in 2021 in order to preserve its remaining assets, including the exploitation license for the Rosia Montana Project (" License ") and associated rights and permits, post January 2022 while it awaits an Award from the Tribunal. ") and associated rights and permits, post January 2022 while it awaits an Award from the Tribunal. Thereafter, the Group will require further funding for general working capital purposes, and to pursue the long-term activities required to see the ICSID Arbitration through to its conclusion, which may include, as appropriate, costs of any potential annulment proceedings and/or costs of enforcement of any Award. Notwithstanding the Company's recent and historic funding, there is a risk that sufficient additional financing may not be available to the Company on acceptable terms, or at all. Annual General Meeting The Company held its AGM earlier today, August 3, 2021, in Vancouver, British Columbia. All of the matters submitted to shareholders for approval, as set out in the Company's Management Information Circular dated June 29, 2021, were approved by the requisite majority of votes cast at the AGM. The resolutions included: (i) re-electing Jeffrey Couch, Dag Cramer, Anna El-Erian, Ali Erfan, Daniel Kochav, James Lieber and Dragos Tanase as directors of the Company; (ii) re-appointing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year; and (iii) approving the continuation of the amended and restated incentive stock option plan of the Company. Impact of Coronavirus With respect to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Gabriel continues to consider carefully its impact, noting the widespread disruption to normal activities and the uncertainty over the duration of this disruption. The highest priority of the Board of Directors and Management is the health, safety and welfare of the Group's employees and contractors. Gabriel recognizes that the situation is extremely fluid and is monitoring the relevant recommendations and restrictions on work practices and travel. At this time, these recommendations and restrictions do not significantly impact Gabriel's ability to continue the ICSID Arbitration process or conduct the limited operations in Romania, nor has there been a significant impact on the Group's results or operations to date. The Group will continue to seek new investment and is also looking to sell its long lead-time equipment. The market and timing for each initiative may be adversely affected by the effects of COVID-19. As a result, Gabriel will react to circumstances as they arise and will make any necessary adjustments to the work processes required. Should any material disruption from COVID-19 affect the Group for an extended duration, Gabriel will review certain planned activities in Romania and take remedial actions if it is determined to be necessary or prudent to do so. About Gabriel Gabriel is a Canadian resource company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. The Company's principal business had been the exploration and development of the Ro?ia Montana gold and silver project in Romania. The Rosia Montana Project, one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in Europe, is situated in the South Apuseni Mountains of Transylvania, Romania, an historic and prolific mining district that since pre-Roman times has been mined intermittently for over 2,000 years. The exploitation license for the Rosia Montana Project is held by Ro?ia Montana Gold Corporation S.A., a Romanian company in which Gabriel owns an 80.69% equity interest, with the 19.31% balance held by Minvest Ro?ia Montana S.A., a Romanian state-owned mining company. Upon obtaining the License in June 1999, the Group focused substantially all of their management and financial resources on the exploration, feasibility and subsequent development of the Rosia Montana Project. Despite the Company's fulfilment of its legal obligations and its development of the Rosia Montana Project as a high-quality, sustainable and environmentally-responsible mining project, using best available techniques, Romania has unlawfully blocked and prevented implementation of the Rosia Montana Project without due process and without compensation. Accordingly, the Company's current core focus is the ICSID Arbitration. For more information please visit the Company's website at www.gabrielresources.com. Forward-looking Statements This press release contains "forward-looking information" (also referred to as "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans and allowing investors and others to get a better understanding of the Company's operating environment. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. In this press release, forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by the Company at this time, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies that may cause the Company's actual financial results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied herein. Some of the material factors or assumptions used to develop forward-looking statements include, without limitation, the uncertainties associated with: the ICSID Arbitration, actions by the Romanian Government, conditions or events impacting the Company's ability to fund its operations (including but not limited to the completion of further funding noted above) or service its debt, exploration, development and operation of mining properties and the overall impact of misjudgments made in good faith in the course of preparing forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors including those set out below, that may never materialize, prove incorrect or materialize other than as currently contemplated which could cause the Company's results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "expects", "is expected", "is of the view", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "projects", "estimates", "assumes", "intends", "strategy", "goals", "objectives", "potential", "possible" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events, conditions or results "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) are not statements of fact and may be forward-looking statements. Numerous factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including without limitation: the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) may affect the Company's operations and/or the anticipated timeline for the ICSID Arbitration; the duration, costs, process and outcome of the ICSID Arbitration; Romania's actions following the inscription of the "Rosia Montana Mining Landscape" as a UNESCO World Heritage site; changes in the liquidity and capital resources of Gabriel, and/or the group of companies of which it is directly or indirectly parent; access to funding to support the Group's continued ICSID Arbitration and/or operating activities in the future; equity dilution resulting from the conversion or exercise of new or existing securities in part or in whole to Common Shares; the ability of the Company to maintain a continued listing on the TSX Venture Exchange or any regulated public market for trading securities; the impact on business strategy and its implementation in Romania of: any allegations of historic acts of corruption, uncertain fiscal investigations; uncertain legal enforcement both for and against the Group and political and social instability; regulatory, political and economic risks associated with operating in a foreign jurisdiction including changes in laws, governments and legal regimes and interpretation of existing and future fiscal and other legislation; global economic and financial market conditions; volatility of currency exchange rates; and the availability and continued participation in operational or other matters pertaining to the Group of certain key employees and consultants. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and investors should not infer that there has been no change in the Company's affairs since the date of this press release that would warrant any modification of any forward-looking statement made in this document, other documents periodically filed with or furnished to the relevant securities regulators or documents presented on the Company's website. All subsequent written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this notice. The Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements or the foregoing list of assumptions or factors, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, subject to the Company's disclosure obligations under applicable Canadian securities regulations. Investors are urged to read the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulatory agencies which can be viewed online at www.sedar.com. SOURCE: Gabriel Resources Ltd. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658292/2021-Second-Quarter-Report Holding Company of Japan's leading internet service business groups selects Anaqua software and services to strengthen patent and trademark management, budgeting, and licensing processes BOSTON, Aug. 04, 2021, the leading innovation and intellectual property management technology provider, today announced that Z Holdings Corporation, a holding company of Yahoo Japan Corporation, LINE Corporation and other major Japanese internet service business groups, will strengthen its IP management, budgeting, and licensing processes by moving to Anaqua's AQX platform. Z Holdings is a holding company of innovative e-commerce and media business groups, whose operations include e-commerce, search engine, news, internet banking, and payment and settlement services for a range of industries from fashion e-commerce site operations to office supplies sales. Each of the group businesses is a pioneer in bringing digitalization to many aspects of everyday life and financial activities in Japan, together providing over 200 online services. When upgrading its previous IP management system, Z Holdings chose Anaqua's AQX platform as the group was seeking a global solution that would streamline its entire IP management lifecycle; improve financial management and budgeting; and enhance communications within group companies in order to better exploit licensing opportunities. The AQX platform's fully integrated software and services will support Z Holdings in trademark and patent management processes globally, providing real-time IP data analytics and forecasting capabilities, and helping identify licensing and other monetization opportunities. Commented Bob Romeo, CEO of Anaqua: "Z Holdings is at the cutting edge of internet services in Japan, playing a significant role in supporting the daily activities of consumer businesses. We are honored to have been selected by such an innovative and influential group to help manage, protect and maximize the value of its IP assets; and we are delighted to add yet another leading Japanese company to our global client community." About Anaqua Anaqua, Inc. is a premium provider of integrated intellectual property, or on LinkedIn. About Z Holdings Z Holdings Corporation is one of Japan's largest internet service companies. Yahoo Japan Corporation, their core company, started operations on April 1, 1996, and LINE Corporation joined the group following the business integration on March 1, 2021. Their mission is to "UPDATE THE WORLD," unleashing the infinite potential of all people with the power of information technology. Their services, spanning e-commerce, search/portal, messenger and fintech, are available in nearly 230 countries and regions. In Japan alone, they offer more than 200 services for their 300 million users. For more information, see: https://www.z-holdings.co.jp/en/ Company Contact: Amanda Hollis Associate Director, Communications Anaqua 617-375-2626 ahollis@Anaqua.com Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Defence Therapeutics Inc. (CSE: DTC) ("Defence" or the "Company"), a biotechnology company working on cancer therapeutics and infectious disease vaccines is pleased to announce the agreement with the German renowned pharmaceutical consulting and advisory company, Pharmalex GmbH, through Biopharma Excellence. With more than 35,000 successful projects completed, Pharmalex GmbH is a leading provider of specialized services for the pharmaceuticals, biotech and medical device industries that prioritize compliance. Biopharma Excellence, a Pharmalex GmbH division, is a leading pharmaceutical consultancy company with expertise covering all areas from development to approval and partnering of biopharmaceuticals with a focus on Europe, United States and Japan regulatory affairs. Dr.Michael Pfleiderer of Biopharma Excellence will advise and guide Defence through both strategy and regulatory affairs, related mainly on integrated drugs/products developments, manufacturing, control, clinical trials, FDA IND , and potential strategic pharma partners. Dr. Michael Pfleiderer of Biopharma Excellence will be the Lead Scientist to achieve the mandate. Dr. Michael Pfleiderer is an internationally renowned expert in regulatory affairs and development of vaccines. He's a biologist holding a Ph.D. in molecular virology. From 1998-2016, Dr. Pfleiderer had been the Head of the Human Viral Vaccines Section at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), German Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines. Dr. Pfleiderer is currently the Principal Consultant at Biopharma Excellence since 2016. He previously acted, among others, as the Chair of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) Vaccine Working Party (VWP) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in London, Head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborative Center for Vaccine Evaluation and Standardization, Chair of the BWP Influenza ad hoc Working Group, Chair and Vice Chair of EMA's Pandemic Task Force (ETF) and a Nominated Member of the Biologics Working Party (BWP). "It's an honour to have Dr. Pfleiderer, of Biopharma Excellence, as the Lead Advisor for Scientific and Regulatory Affairs. Through his extensive experience, knowledge and network, Michael and Biopharma Excellence will tailor the guidance for Defence's to accelerate our pipeline to the finish line. The key to success is to have the right strategy and integrated development/regulatory plan, which is exactly what we have found in Pharmalex's Biopharma Excellence" said Sebastien Plouffe, Chief Executive Officer of Defence. About Defence: Defence Therapeutics is a publicly-traded biotechnology company working on engineering the next generation vaccines and ADC products using its proprietary platform. The core of Defence Therapeutics platform is the ACCUMTM technology, which enables precision delivery of vaccine antigens or ADCs in their intact form to target cells. As a result, increased efficacy and potency can be reached against catastrophic illness such as cancer and infectious diseases. For further information: Sebastien Plouffe, President, CEO and Director P: (514) 947-2272 Splouffe@defencetherapeutics.com www.defencetherapeutics.com Cautionary Statement Regarding "Forward-Looking" Information This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include regulatory actions, market prices, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change. Neither the CSE nor its market regulator, as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE, accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/91935 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Lynx Global Digital Finance Corporation (CSE: LYNX) (OTC Pink: CNONF) (FSE: 3CT0) ("Lynx" or the "Company") today announces that its subsidiary Bank ("BRB"), has officially engaged in a worldwide card issuing partnership with UnionPay, a global payment brand with the planet's largest cardholder base. The UnionPay global acceptance network has expanded to 180 countries and regions, covering over 61 million merchants and 2.9 million ATMs. Outside the Chinese Mainland, UnionPay is accepted at over 32 million merchants and 1.7 million ATMs. To date, UnionPay cards are issued in 70 countries and regions, among which over 150 million are issued outside mainland China. Mr. Huiming Cai, General Manager, UnionPay International Southeast Asia said, "We are pleased to partner with BRB to make money remittance easy, secure and convenient to BRB customers and UnionPay Cardholders. With this collaboration, BRB customers will now be able to receive funds and soon send money at competitive rates without additional service charges to any UnionPay Cardholders globally, who can then spend directly using the UnionPay Card. This project is also in line with the country Central Bank and its vision to boost financial inclusion and accelerate its country towards a cashless society." "The partnership between BRB and UnionPay International represents a significant strategic milestone for BRB as we strive to boost consumer adoption and merchant acceptance of our innovative banking products and solutions. BRB's card issuance pipeline is expected to provide a solid foundation from which BRB can then offer services to more cardholders which will grow our merchant processing volumes," said Mr. Raymond Sparkes, Chairman of the BRB Board of Directors. Current and Future Product Benefits BRB customers may enjoy the ease and convenience of making online purchases. They may also receive funds coming from UnionPay network across the globe as the initial phase of the implementation, but the feature of the card will soon be enhanced so that BRB customers will also be able to remit funds to any UnionPay card issued anywhere in the world, by using cross-border remittance rails provided directly to BRB through the Lynx Pan-Global network infrastructure. UnionPay cross-border remittance has three major advantages over traditional remittance products: Firstly, it is cheaper. Senders can lock in the exchange rate, and the funds are then directly transferred to the receiving UnionPay accounts for immediate availability without additional service charges. Secondly, it is faster. Finally, it is safe and convenient. The senders can make cross-border remittance online without visiting their banks, especially consumers are encouraged to practice social distancing during the pandemic. "By working with UnionPay, BRB will be able to offer clients a streamlined and simplified card management program with all processes consolidated to a single system, allowing BRB and its clients to gain more control while generating significant cost savings at the same time. With this UnionPay partnership, BRB is able to provide end-to-end issuing, processing and onboarding services in a shorter time and offer to clients the ability for real-time funds transfers to both physical and virtual cards, enabling secure digital payments through tokenization for in-stores, online payments and at ATM points and an overall simple payment experience for global businesses and consumers alike through multi-currency cards with multi-pocket/wallet spend management features," stated Michael Penner, CEO, Lynx Global. Li Guangzi, Director of the Banking Research Office at the Institute of Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, recently said publicly that "the payment system, as one of the most important financial infrastructures, plays a crucial role in facilitating the internal and external circulations. UnionPay's progress made in overseas card issuance provides solid financial support to China's exchanges with other countries and sets a good example in enhancing the service capabilities of Chinese financial systems in overseas markets." ABOUT UNIONPAY INTERNATIONAL UnionPay International (UPI) focuses on the growth and support of UnionPay's global business. In partnership with more than 2400 institutions worldwide, UPI has enabled card acceptance in 180 countries and regions with issuance in 70 countries and regions. UPI provides high quality, cost effective and secure cross-border payment services to the world's largest cardholder base, and ensures convenient local services to a growing number of global UnionPay cardholders and merchants. ABOUT LYNX DIGITAL GLOBAL FINANCE Lynx seeks to become a leader in financial technology, solutions, and services for large-scale merchants, financial institutions and other B2B industry partners by way of integration to the Lynx digital payment platform. The Company's payment solutions are powered by a broad suite of payment technologies and services. The Company has targeted banking and fintech relationships in ASEAN and Oceania, a region with a population approaching 700 million, that can provide Lynx a financial network hub location to service and operate a global traditional and digital financial infrastructure. By working with selected banking and/or licensed EMI partners, the Company will be able to offer a digital payment platform with a full suite of payment solutions, which may include merchant acquiring solutions; card issuing; remittance and forex; and custodial digital asset services, including digital wallet services. The Company seeks organic growth while investigating potential strategic acquisitions that may contribute critical technology applications, additional services, and revenue streams, and that can complement or enhance existing offerings and potentially increase or expedite the path to future profitability. While Lynx believes that significant near-term opportunities exist for the Company's strategic initiatives, there can be no assurance that goals and objectives will be reached or that any such underlying efforts or agreements will provide successful or positive outcomes should they be implemented. For more information, please contact: Michael Penner, CEO (604) 396-9974 mpenner@lynxglobal.io www.lynxglobal.io NEITHER THE CANADIAN SECURITIES EXCHANGE NOR ITS REGULATIONS SERVICES PROVIDERS HAVE REVIEWED OR ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Certain information contained herein may constitute "forward-looking information" under Canadian securities legislation, including the described initiatives of BRB and the goals and objectives of Lynx. The economic materiality of the agreement with UnionPay International is unknown due to the contingent nature of results that may be generated. At this point in time, Lynx considers the UnionPay partnership is unlikely to yield a substantial short-term economic benefit for Lynx or BRB, however, Lynx and BRB considers that the UnionPay partnership supports the organizations strategic growth plans. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as, "will be", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events, or results "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the Company's estimates and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance, or achievements of Lynx to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, including capital expenditures, other costs, or implied future forecasts. The Company further again cautions that all forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control. Such factors include, among other things: risks and uncertainties relating to the Company's limited operating history and the need to comply with environmental and governmental regulations. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and information. Lynx will not update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking information that are incorporated by reference herein, except as required by applicable securities laws. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92008 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Nano One Materials Corp. (TSX: NANO) (OTC Pink: NNOMF) (FSE: LBMB) ("Nano One") is a technology company with a patented and scalable industrial process for the production of low cost, low environmental footprint and high-performance cathode powders used in lithium-ion batteries. Nano One's Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Stephen Campbell, is pleased to announce the successful completion of its joint development project with Saint-Gobain. This project began in December 2018 and focused on optimization of the thermal processing of Nano One produced cathode materials and Saint-Gobain's furnace materials under a range of firing conditions. Success on this project has paved the way for additional collaborative opportunities that are currently under consideration. "This project has provided valuable insight on thermal processing conditions for various cathode materials and furnace materials," said Stephen Campbell. "We have developed thermal processing expertise to optimize the performance of cathode materials and throughout the project, we have shared a collaborative and open relationship with our colleagues at Saint-Gobain. Potential future work will build on those outcomes, add manufacturing know-how and enhance the value of our process technology and business offerings." Saint-Gobain remains a consortium member within Nano One's "Scaling Advanced Battery Materials" project supported by Sustainable Development Technology Canada ("SDTC") and the British Columbia Innovative Clean Energy ("ICE") fund. Mr. Natesh Krishan, General Manager of Engineered Ceramics of Saint-Gobain, said, "Our product development teams have made good progress in the evaluation of the thermal aspects of cathode material synthesis. The partnership with Nano One has been important to Saint-Gobain through advancing our understanding of the cathode material firing process to allow an enhanced product offering to better serve this market." Having built a positive working relationship over the past 2 years, Nano One and Saint-Gobain are discussing the scope of work for additional joint projects and will continue to explore future business and co-development opportunities. About Saint-Gobain Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. They can be found everywhere in our living places and our daily life: in buildings, transportation, infrastructure and in many industrial applications. They provide comfort, performance and safety while addressing the challenges of sustainable construction, resource efficiency and climate change. Saint-Gobain had 40.8 billion in sales in 2017, operates in 67 countries and has more than 179,000 employees. www.saint-gobain.com About Nano One Nano One Materials Corp. is a clean technology company with a patented, scalable and low carbon intensity industrial process for the low-cost production of high-performance lithium-ion battery cathode materials. The technology is applicable to electric vehicle, energy storage, consumer electronic and next generation batteries in the global push for a zero-emission future. Nano One's One-Pot process, its coated nanocrystal materials and its Metal to Cathode Active Material (M2CAM) technologies address fundamental performance needs and supply chain constraints while reducing costs and carbon footprint. Nano One has received funding from various government programs and the current "Scaling of Advanced Battery Materials Project" is supported by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund of the Province of British Columbia. For more information, please visit www.nanoone.ca. Company Contact: Paul Guedes info@nanoone.ca (604) 420-2041 Media Contact: Lisa Nash Antenna Group for Nano One nanoone@antennagroup.com (646) 883-4296 Certain information contained herein may constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities legislation. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to: the results of the joint development and the status of the partnership with Saint-Gobain, and any future collaboration projects that may be put into place, the execution of the Company's plans which are contingent on such support and awards and the commercialization of the Company's technology and patents. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of terminology such as 'believe', 'expect', 'anticipate', 'plan', 'intend', 'continue', 'estimate', 'may', 'will', 'should', 'ongoing', 'target', 'goal', 'potential' or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. Forward-looking statements are based on the current opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made are not, and cannot be, a guarantee of future results or events. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, including but not limited to: any future collaborations that may happen with Saint-Gobain, the Company's ability to achieve its stated goals, the commercialization of the Company's technology and patents and other risk factors as identified in Nano One's MD&A and its Annual Information Form dated March 15, 2021, both for the year ended December 31, 2020, and in recent securities filings for the Companies which are available at www.sedar.com. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements or forward-looking information that is incorporated by reference herein, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. ### To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92026 Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Datametrex AI Limited (TSXV: DM) (FSE: D4G) (OTCQB: DTMXF) (the "Company" or "Datametrex") is pleased to announce that it has entered into bidding process under a Requests for Proposals ("RFP") on an Artificial Intelligence ("AI") contract in Canada. Datametrex has passed the second round of scrutiny in a Canadian AI bid. The value of the contract is approximately $40 million. The binding bid remains subject to meeting all criterias on technical merit and ability to deliver in accordance with the bid procedures and deadlines. "Canada is an important market for the Company's AI business and we are pleased to enter into this bidding process on this contract supporting expansion of artificial intelligence in Canada while continuing our global roll-out activities and the introduction of even further technologically advanced Ai to the market," stated Marshall Gunter, CEO of Datametrex. About Datametrex Datametrex AI Limited is a technology-focused company with exposure to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Nexalogy (www.nexalogy.com). Datametrex's mission is to provide tools that support companies in fulfilling their operational goals, including Health and Safety, with predictive and preventive technologies. By working with companies to set a new standard of protocols through Artificial Intelligence and health diagnostics, Company provides progressive solutions to support the supply chain. For additional information on Datametrex and other corporate information, please visit the Company's website at www.datametrex.com. For further information, please contact: Marshall Gunter - CEO Phone: (514) 295-2300 Email: mgunter@datametrex.com Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor it's Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Forward-Looking Statements: All statements included in this press release that address activities, events, or developments that the Company expects, believes, or anticipates will or may occur in the future are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve numerous assumptions made by the Company based on its experience, perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. In addition, these statements involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties that contribute to the possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections, and other forward-looking statements will prove inaccurate, certain of which are beyond the Company's control. In particular, there is no guarantee that the parties will successfully negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement on mutually acceptable terms or complete the Transaction in the manner contemplated herein, if at all, that the due diligence of any of the parties will be satisfactory, or that the parties will obtain any required board, shareholder, third-party and/or regulatory or other governmental approvals, if any. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, the Company does not undertake to revise or update these forward-looking statements after the date hereof or revise them to reflect the occurrence of future unanticipated events. ### To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/91983 Exploring the development path of global health industry As one of the most influential multinational enterprises in China, Tiens Group has been adhering to the development goal of helping people living better since 1995 until now. At the very beginning, the main products of Tiens Group included such healthy products as calcium products. But it has so far developed diversified industries concerning many fields such as cross-border e-commerce, international tourism, live broadcast and terminal experience stores, and has served more than 47 million families worldwide through its 110 branches around the world. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005439/en/ (Photo: Business Wire) An international health industry development forum will be organized by Tiens Group on August 3, 2021 (China time) to discuss about the development of the global health industry. Due to the great influence of Tiens Group worldwide, this forum has received a lot of media attention around the world. Li Jinyuan, Chairman of Tiens Group, said that the Group would make continuous efforts for "community of human health" as a major participant in the global massive health industry. In 2013, China proposed the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen the scale of transcontinental foreign trade cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative has created many opportunities to promoted the trade in many countries and also reduced transportation and trade costs for specific countries. One of the important roles that Tiens Group plays in the construction of the Belt and Road is to promote the economic and trade cooperation and development between Tiens Group and the countries along the Belt and Road. Considering the role of economic and trade cooperation as important pillar for many economies, Li Jinyuan, Chairman of Tiens Group started the direct selling business in 1995 and began to develop overseas business in 1997. What is worth mentioning is that its fledgling cross-border e-commerce business has been developing rapidly with the market developed in Europe, Aurasia, Asia Pacific, Africa, America and the Middle East, and its business scope covering 224 countries and regions in 224 countries. Three major overseas warehouses including European Czech warehouse, European Asian warehouse and African warehouse have been launched recently to ensure the support of global supply chain. Thanks to persistent hard work over the past 26 years, Tiens Group has shifted from single product to diversified product structure, integrated health services and then multi-industry innovative and integrated development to establish a global network covering all countries. It has adopted innovative new models and mechanisms to help families create wealth through consumption, promote employment and entrepreneurship, help run global business and also enhance development. It is reported that many members of "the Belt and Road" around the world has been interviewed in China and received positive reviews. Since its establishment, Tiens Group has been actively advocating, exploring and implementing new business models and concepts to create a global business system. As the practitioner of "the Belt and Road", it has developed into a Chinese national brand which will eventually grow up to a global brand to promote broader global economic development. View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005439/en/ Contacts: Company: TIENS Contact Person:Yukai Wang Email:zcfw@tiens.com NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE (dpa-AFX) - Thales (THLEF.PK) and Hitachi Rail said they are entering into exclusive talks on the sale of Thales's Ground Transportation Systems for an enterprise value of 1.66 billion euros. Employee representative bodies of both companies are being consulted on the project. The deal is anticipated to close by end 2022 or early 2023. 'With this, we will be able to focus on the development of our 3 high-tech long-term growth businesses, each of them able to sustainably deliver double-digit margins -Aerospace, Defense & Security, and Digital Identity & Security,' said Patrice Caine, Chairman and CEO, Thales. Thales noted that its Transport segment is treated as discontinued operations in full year 2021 financial statements. Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - Austria's trade deficit widened in May, as imports rose faster than exports, data from Statistics Austria showed on Wednesday. The trade deficit increased to EUR 872.186 million in May from EUR 460.581 million in the same month last year. Exports grew 31.5 percent yearly in May and imports increased 34.1 percent. On a working day adjusted exports and imports rose by 31.4 percent and 33.8 percent, respectively. 'After the massive decline with the outbreak of the Corona crisis in 2020, both imports and exports of goods in May 2021 were more than 30% higher than in the same month of the previous year,' Statistics Austria Director General Tobias Thomas, said. Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. LONDON, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- OPEN Health has today announced the acquisition of North West UK-based medical communications agency Spirit. Integrating the Spirit business with the OPEN Health Group further strengthens our ability to offer our global Medical Affairs audiences a broad range of services, including high-quality scientific communications. In terms of scale, the acquisition means that OPEN Health now consists of >850 people in 15 locations across 6 different countries, namely the USA, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, India, and China. Iona Fleming, Managing Director of Spirit, said, "Over the past 15 years, we have proudly grown Spirit to an 80-person Medical Affairs agency - delivering a broad range of scientific communications globally. In joining OPEN Health, we are significantly expanding our geographical reach and will be able to provide a wider range of integrated services to our Medical Affairs and HEOR clients. We very much look forward to working with the OPEN Health management and Amulet teams to contribute to the long-term growth of OPEN Health." Rob Barker, Chief Executive Officer at OPEN Health, commented, "We are delighted to welcome Spirit into the OPEN Health family. This strategic acquisition will enhance our global Medical Affairs resources, further supporting our unique offerings and opportunities for innovation to support industry change and growth." OPEN Health is a portfolio company of Amulet Capital Partners LP, a US-based private equity firm focused exclusively on the healthcare sector. About OPEN Health Communications LLP: OPEN Health brings together deep scientific knowledge, global understanding, and broad specialist expertise to support our clients in improving health outcomes and patient wellbeing. We are united as one flexible organization, harnessing the power of the collective to solve complex challenges. OPEN Health - Established as many. United as one. For more information on OPEN Health, please visit www.openhealthgroup.com About Spirit Medical Communications Group Limited: Spirit finds the soul in the science, the humanity in the data, harnessing the power of creativity to ensure that science is really heard. Our experienced, passionate teams partner with a diverse range of Medical Affairs and HEOR clients across multiple therapy areas globally. For further information on Spirit, please visit https://spiritmedcomms.com/ Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1586361/OH_Logo_Main_Logo.jpg LONDON, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- TBD Media Group is proud to launch a new edition of its pivotal 50 Global Leaders series. What does it mean to be a leader in a post-pandemic world? Is it leading with vulnerability, with a humanitarian vision, or with courage? At this moment in history, global leaders are commanding their businesses with a blend of each, spearheading positive, lasting change. TBD Media is bringing these leaders into the spotlight with 50 Global Leaders, a series that presents the companies who are innovating, driving, and inspiring tomorrow's world - today. The campaign explores the insights and business practices of International Executives, Board Members, and Entrepreneurs; demonstrating how it is through their visions that the globalised world is being transformed. Each leader brings with them a story and a vision: to develop and advance society in their own way. This edition explores the futures of plastic and education, innovation through battery technology, embedded finance, and the importance of maintaining tradition whilst moving forward. Additionally, the films touch upon important sustainable issues like decarbonization, heat management, and healthy nutrition. These topics and many others are examined in documentary-style films that candidly interview leading figures within companies; using clever and industry-leading filmmaking to capture focused and informed accounts that offer a window into the future of industry and society alike. Paolo Zanini, CEO of TBD Media Group, brings his own perspective to this crucial subject: "We are privileged to be here and ready to make society aware of this climactic moment where the future of business and society is being devised by such global disruptors." Companies Featured in this Launch: Agder Energi , Almased Wellness GMBH , Alpha Werke, Altinmarka, ARAG, Banco Sabadell, Behn Meyer Group , Bender, BERA , Bizerba, Chemours, Cellcard, Cengage, ENTAIN, Ekol Logistics , Green Minerals, Hansgrohe, Horizon Therapeutics , Neometals , Palfinger, PASHA Bank , RHI Magnesita, Schott AG , Sovelto, StarKist Co. , SYNLAB, TBD Crew , TITAN Cement Group, Trust Payments, Sovelto, Varta, Wieland-Werke . About 50 Global Leaders: The 50 Global Leaders initiative has been created to allow the leaders of today's corporate sphere to explain their visions and offer insight into the future state of global business and society at large. Businesses that wish to get involved should contact info@tbdmediagroup.com . About TBD Media Group: TBD Media Group is an international, purpose-driven, media developer that helps companies, organisations and governments tell their brand stories in a human and direct way. Learn more at https://www.tbdmediagroup.com/ . Media Contact: Jenna-Leigh Soobramoney Head of Marketing TBD Media Group j.soobramoney@tbdmediagroup.com Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1587656/50GL_Leaders_2.jpg Expanding and integrating drug toxicity data and translational safety intelligence from OFF-X into all aspects of the life science cycle, allowing customers to make more informed decisions? LONDON, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Clarivate Plc?(NYSE:CLVT), a global leader in providing trusted information and insights to accelerate the pace of innovation, today announced that it has acquired Bioinfogate, a leading provider of analytics solutions in the life sciences and producer of the OFF-X?portal.?Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.?? The?Bioinfogate?OFF-X?portal is a cutting-edge safety intelligence solution aimed at empowering pharmaceutical organizations to identify toxicology and safety signals, mitigate safety liabilities and de-risk early-stage assets. It is one of the largest?translational safety and toxicity?portals, featuring over 1,200,000 safety alerts corresponding to over 23,000 drugs and biologics and more than 15,000 targets of pharmacological interest.?? As a leading provider of trusted information and insights to accelerate innovation, Clarivate offerings include a comprehensive suite of research intelligence solutions coupled with deep domain expertise. The acquisition of?Bioinfogate?will fill a critical need for drug toxicity data and translational safety intelligence across all stages of drug R&D.? This follows a previous acquisition from the Prous family of companies. Clarivate acquired the Integrity product (now known as Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence ) from Prous Science in 2007. In addition, through a 2019 partnership with Bioinfogate, Clarivate integrated OFF-X translational safety intelligence data with Cortellis products, including Cortellis Drug Discovery and Cortellis Competitive Intelligence. In combination with?Cortellis, OFF-X will provide critical translational safety intelligence alongside robust drug pipeline and clinical research information - allowing biopharma to seamlessly integrate safety intelligence into preclinical research, clinical trial planning, regulatory and pharmacovigilance monitoring, and portfolio strategy. Beyond?Cortellis, OFF-X will?strengthen other Clarivate products and services including the Web of Science, the world's most trusted publisher-independent global citation database.? Mukhtar Ahmed, President, Science Group, Clarivate:?"The acquisition of?Bioinfogate?will further our strategy to become an essential provider of solutions for life science companies along the entire drug development lifecycle. The combined expertise, data and technologies will help customers make smarter and faster evidence-based decisions, boost clinical and commercial success, and bolster our robust integrated platform of life science intelligence solutions from pre-clinical and clinical offerings. Ultimately, the acquisition will deepen the end-to-end value chain from R&D through commercialization and compensation." David Prous, Executive Director - Business?Development,?Bioinfogate:?"This acquisition will be important to life science firms who need to integrate, access and apply toxicity and adverse events intelligence across all phases of drug research and development. The integration of OFF-X into the Clarivate portfolio of products will further expand and accelerate the reach of critical drug efficacy and safety information to researchers around the world." Josep?Prous, Ph.D., Executive Director - Science,?Bioinfogate:?"We are pleased to initiate this synergistic combination of?Bioinfogate's?safety intelligence platform with Clarivate science assets. This transaction will be crucial in advancing safety for patients participating in clinical trials and beyond while enabling the development of unique solutions for all those involved in the finding of better and safer drugs."? Following the successful acquisition and integration of Decision Resources Group (DRG) in 2020, Clarivate continues to invest in high-value, real-world data, information and deep subject matter and technical expertise. Clarivate?will continue the tradition of creating exceptional value for our customers by providing new offerings focused on further integrating the drug development information found in?Cortellis?with OFF-X's translational safety intelligence.?There are strong synergies between the companies that will strengthen the ability to support customers across the entire drug lifecycle. The combined business will offer a one-stop shop for life sciences customers, helping them to improve the commercialization of life-changing therapies.? - About Clarivate? Clarivate is a global leader in providing solutions to accelerate the lifecycle of innovation. Our bold mission is to help customers solve some of the world's most complex problems by providing actionable information and insights that reduce the time from new ideas to life-changing inventions in the areas of science and intellectual property. We help customers discover, protect and commercialize their inventions using our trusted subscription and technology-based solutions coupled with deep domain expertise. For more information, please visit clarivate.com.? About?Bioinfogate? Bioinfogate?is a forward thinking, private company working to solve unmet medical needs. Its innovative data science products support the discovery and development of better and safer drugs. Its capabilities stem from more than 60 years of experience creating and managing biomedical knowledge, first at Prous Science (1958-2007), acquired by Thomson Reuters in 2007 (now Clarivate), and then at Prous Institute for Biomedical Research.?Bioinfogate?is the latest initiative within the Prous family group of companies embracing a long tradition and expertise in scientific knowledge management.? Forward-Looking Statements This communication contains "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements, which express management's current views concerning future business, events, trends, contingencies, financial performance, or financial condition, appear at various places in this communication and may use words like "aim," "anticipate," "assume," "believe," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "future," "goal," "intend," "likely," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "see," "seek," "should," "strategy," "strive," "target," "will," and "would" and similar expressions, and variations or negatives of these words. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding: guidance outlook and predictions relating to expected operating results, such as revenue growth and earnings; strategic actions such as acquisitions, joint ventures, and dispositions, including the anticipated benefits therefrom, and our success in integrating acquired businesses; anticipated levels of capital expenditures in future periods; our ability to successfully realize cost savings initiatives and transition services expenses; our belief that we have sufficiently liquidity to fund our ongoing business operations; expectations of the effect on our financial condition of claims, litigation, environmental costs, the COVID-19 pandemic and governmental responses thereto, contingent liabilities, and governmental and regulatory investigations and proceedings; and our strategy for customer retention, growth, product development, market position, financial results, and reserves. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on management's current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include those factors discussed under the caption "Risk Factors" in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K, as amended, along with our other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). However, those factors should not be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Additional risks and uncertainties not known to us or that we currently deem immaterial may also impair our business operations. Forward-looking statements are based only on information currently available to our management and speak only as of the date of this communication. We do not assume any obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws. Please consult our public filings with the SEC or on our website at?www.clarivate.com.?? Media Contact? Tabita Seagrave, Head of Global Corporate Communications? tabita.seagrave@clarivate.com? Investor Relations Contact? Mark Donohue, Head of Investor Relations? Mark.donohue@clarivate.com?? (215) 243-2202? Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1159266/Clarivate_Logo.jpg The German rehabilitation model has taken root in China and has been contributing to the Healthy China 2030 SHANGHAI, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- On August 3rd, 2021, Columbia China, signed a cooperation agreement with Consanas Rehabilitation, brand of Boehringer Ingelheim. The agreement will allow both parties to complement each other's medical resources and to carry out in-depth collaboration on talent exchange, which effectively feeds into healthcare delivery and further improvement in the management of rehabilitation industry. The Shanghai Kaiyi Bainuo Clinic is the designated institution for the collaboration, where physicians and rehabilitation therapist from Consanas provides regular outpatient service for stroke patients, offering more convenience for stroke patient in Shanghai. In the future, besides the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Shanghai International Medical Center (SIMC) in Pudong, patients can also enjoy German rehabilitation up to the same standard at Shanghai Kaiyi Bainuo Clinic in Jing'an District. The collaboration marks another major milestone of Boehringer Ingelheim German rehabilitation model localization in China. Seventy percent of the stroke patients need follow-up care and treatment Post-stroke rehabilitation treatment should be applied as soon as possible Cerebral stroke, or "stroke" for short, is caused by sudden rupture of the blood vessels in the brain or blockage of blood vessels that denies the brain inflow of blood. The onset is very rapid and critical. According to the latest Global Burden of Disease Study (Global Burden of Disease Study, GBD), the overall lifetime prevalence rate of stroke in China is 39.9%, the highest in the world, indicating that for every five people in China, two will experience stroke in their lifetime. If not treated in time when a stroke happens, patients may be left with sequelae pertaining to their senses, motions, cognition, speech, emotion and mental soundness. About 70% to 80% of patients require further care due to the loss of the ability to take care of themselves in life[1], which adds heavy burden to the patients, the families and the society.1 Stroke rehabilitation treatment is recommended by domestic and foreign guidelines as one of the most effective methods to reduce disability rate and to prevent post-stroke complications. Within 24 hours after onset, rehabilitation treatment can be applied provided that normal signs are demonstrated, which can minimize the chance of disability among patients, thus ensuring better prognosis[2]. "At present, patients and their families are paying more attention to the first aid of stroke, however the awareness of rehabilitation after the treatment of acute stroke is yet to be raised. Since rehabilitation process requires high-level of cooperation from families and patients, only 11.5% of stroke patient have received rehabilitation treatment within one week since the onset and 42.4% of stroke patients haven't received any rehabilitation treatment since onset[3]." Said Professor Zheng Jiejiao, chairman of the Elderly Rehabilitation Committee of Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine "Rehabilitation is a long-term process and is affected by factors such as relevant national policies, medical service quality and technological progress within the industry on top of patients and their families. The ultimate purpose of rehabilitation treatment is to improve the quality of life of patients. Currently in Shanghai, rehabilitation physicians and therapists combined represents 2.54% of the total and for every 100,000 people there are only 3.28 rehabilitation physicians and therapist, which indicating a huge gap compared with the international standards that stand at 10% -20% and 50 / 100,000 people respectively." The German rehabilitation model opens a new chapter of rehabilitation treatment in China The National Health Commission and other line ministries have been advocating for the strengthening of stroke prevention and control and have been calling for attention to stroke rehabilitation management. A series of policies and guidelines on building a triple-tiered rehabilitation healthcare system have been announced which encompasses the development of neurology, neurosurgery and rehabilitation medicine departments centering around cerebrovascular diseases, rehabilitation hospitals and rehabilitation centers as well as community hospitals and home rehabilitation capacity. In June 2021, the National Health Commission, together with other line ministries and commissions, issued the Notice on a Comprehensive Plan to Strengthen the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke to Reduce Millions of New Disabilities and the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Rehabilitation, which provided important strategic guidelines for stroke rehabilitation in China. As average life expectancy in China continues to rise, there is increasing and diversifying healthcare needs among the middle-aged and elderly people, which cannot be satisfied by the limited capacity of rehabilitation departments of general hospitals. Ms. Genevieve Faith, Head of Healthcare Solutions, Boehringer Ingelheim China, said, "The collaboration with Columbia Clinic (Shanghai Kaiyi Bainuo Clinic) can provide high-quality Total Stroke Solution (TSS) for more patients and improve the treatment accessibility for stroke rehabilitation patients in China. Meanwhile, outpatient services can better help patients to achieve secondary prevention. The patient-centered corporate values and the business philosophy of providing high quality personalized health care of both Boehringer Ingelheim and Columbia Clinic are the cornerstones of this collaboration, which is a perfect combination of internationally advanced medical services and the German rehabilitation model. It will create professional and personalized medical, rehabilitation and nursing services in the field of rehabilitation, and help more Chinese stroke patients improve their health status and quality of life. In the future, we aspire to work with all parties to actively respond to national policies, so that Chinese stroke patients can access personalized stroke rehabilitation treatment programs up to German standards as soon as possible, thus improving the quality of life of stroke patients and their families as well as alleviating the burden on the society." Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to improving the stroke management in China with concrete actions. On March 2018, the brand Consanas is introduced to China by Boehringer Ingelheim along with the German rehabilitation model which had been contested for over a century. Driven by the innovative spirit and the patient-centered rehabilitation philosophy, Boehringer Ingelheim is able to have created, within just three years, a "China Consanas Model" that originated from Germany and tailored to China. At the rehabilitation medicine department of Shanghai International Medical Center supported by Consanas, 76% of the patients started rehabilitation treatment within six months after stroke. In March this year, at the third anniversary since its foundation, Consanas and Shanghai International Medical Center (SIMC) jointly released the 2019-2020 Rehabilitation Clinical Achievements and Quality Report. As an annual report for the second consecutive year, it indicates that stroke patients who received rehabilitation within six months after stroke enjoyed sound recovery. Consanas expert team believes that only when clinicians fully understand and practice the "early rehabilitation", can the patients achieve effective functional recovery. Furthermore, even patients who failed to receive timely rehabilitation treatment after the acute phase can still benefit from professional rehabilitation treatment in the second and third stages. Therefore, it's never be too late for stroke patient to receive rehabilitation treatment. Setting a new benchmark for stroke rehabilitation Improving quality of life for patients The success of the "China Consanas Model" has set a good example for the localization of world class rehabilitation treatment concept in China. Columbia has also been running successful operations for 9 years in the Chinese market. Columbia Clinic China business scope covers fields like hospitals, clinics and elderly care. Ms. Tan Bee Lan, President and Group CEO of Columbia China said: " Our collaboration with Consanas will focus on the following aspects: first, we will leverage on medical resources from both sides and develop in-depth collaborations in talent exchange. We will work together to build a one-stop stroke rehabilitation management platform to better connect patients with rehabilitation therapists and / or rehabilitation nurses and other rehabilitation resources. Second, Columbia China and Consanas will promote the application of the "China Consanas Model" within the stroke rehabilitation space. We will also drive efforts to improve the clinical skills of rehabilitation therapists and rehabilitation nurses along with optimal and innovative rehabilitation process. In the future, both parties will continue to explore ways and means to jointly respond to relevant national policies, to build an ecosystem connecting the rehabilitation industry, to contribute to the triple-tiered rehabilitation medical system and to create a win-win environment for patients and all parties." With growing healthcare awareness and affluence, there is a rising demand for high quality health service among the general public. China currently faces both challenges and opportunities with stroke prevention and rehabilitation management. Driven by national policies and callings from clinical experts, inter-sector cooperation will intensify and businesses like Boehringer Ingelheim and Columbia Clinic will assume more social responsibilities. Dr. Pavol Dobrocky, General Manager of Human Pharma Boehringer Ingelheim Greater China, said: "As a leader deeply rooted in the field of stroke, Boehringer Ingelheim integrates internal and external resources to provide the patient centric Total Stroke Solution (TSS) that covers the whole patient journey from prevention to detection, treatment, rehabilitation and secondary prevention to improve patient care in stroke. We help stroke patients and their families overcome difficulties and challenges they meet at every stage of the disease through innovative treatment and solutions, reducing stroke morbidity, mortality and disability, and ultimately reduce the economic burden on family and society and contribute to Healthy China 2030." [1] Zhang Tong, Guidelines for rehabilitation treatment of stroke in China(2011 Full Edition)/Chinese Journal of the Frontiers of Medical Science (Electronic Version) 2012,4(06):55-76; [2] 55-8.Prognosis after stroke /Article in German; Paal G;Abteilung fur Neurologie, Stadt. Krankenhauses Munchen-Harlaching. [3] Asakawa T, et al. Lancet, 2017, 390(10090):121. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1587097/Ribbon_Cutting_Ceremony.jpg Pre-Stabilisation notice 4thAugust 2021 Not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or any jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful. Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KFW) 0% EUR 1,000,000,000 Tap due 2030 Pre-Stabilisation Notice Commerzbank AG (contact: Daniela Olt-Farrelly; telephone: +49 69 13620) hereby announces, as Stabilisation Coordinator, that the Stabilising Managers named below may stabilise the offer of the following securities in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU Regulation 596/2014). The security to be stabilised: Issuer: Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KFW) Guarantor (if any): Federal Republic of Germany Aggregate nominal amount: EUR 1,000,000,000 (increase) Description: 0% coupon, due 17th September 2030 Offer price: tbc Other offer terms: senior, unsecured Notes, under EMTN programme, settlement 11 August 2021, denoms 1k/1k Stabilisation: Stabilisation Coordinator: Stabilising Managers: Commerzbank AG Commerzbank Barclays Bank Stabilisation period expected to start on: 4th August 2021 Stabilisation period expected to end on: no later than 30 days after the proposed issue date of the securities Existence, maximum size and conditions of use of over-allotment facility. The Stabilising Managers may over-allot the securities to the extent permitted in accordance with applicable law. Stabilisation trading venue: Frankfurt (regulated market) In connection with the offer of the above securities, the Stabilising Manager(s) may over-allot the securities or effect transactions with a view to supporting the market price of the securities during the stabilisation period at a level higher than that which might otherwise prevail. However, stabilisation may not necessarily occur and any stabilisation action, if begun, may cease at any time Any stabilisation action or over-allotment shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and rules. This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to underwrite, subscribe for or otherwise acquire or dispose of any securities of the Issuer in any jurisdiction. This announcement is not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States or any other jurisdiction in which such distribution would be unlawful. END SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- An International Data Corporation (IDC) white paper Moving Towards an All-Flash Data Center Era to Accelerate Digital Transformation, sponsored by Huawei, was announced to release the All-Flash Data Center, which is the industry's first to systematically outline the all-flash data center in terms of storage, computing, and networks. It serves as a crucial reference and guide for data center construction for enterprises looking to transform digitally, aiming to promote the construction and future-oriented development of all-flash data centers across all industries. Data center transformation and innovation are inevitable trends as we move into an intelligent age. Following the upgrade of enterprise IT architectures, more organizations are investing in innovative technologies that cover data innovation, real-time agility, energy efficiency, reliability, and intelligent management. These aspects represent the new trends for a future-oriented, sustainable data centers. The white paper redefines the concept of an all-flash data center as one that adopts SSDs for at least 90% of its storage capacity (covering external storage systems and built-in storage of servers), while delivering high density and reliability, low latency, and energy efficiency. The all-flash data center will play a bit role in the promotion of digital-based businesses and applications, and helps enterprises maximize the value of data innovation. In addition, the white paper describes the definition and positioning of the all-flash data centers based on global best practices in the financial, carrier, and healthcare industries, etc. The all-flash system is no longer limited to certain applications and workloads, and now can be rolled out to meet critical and value-added workloads in diverse environments. National and international policies on green energy conservation have been gradually implemented across enterprise production and operations. An all-flash data center is a smart choice for and the next step in sustainable development. Data center networks are evolving towards all-IP networking. NVMe over Fabrics is projected to be the catalyst for transmission architecture innovation to achieve higher performance and simplify O&M management, especially in a computing and storage disaggregated architecture. Digital transformation is presenting new challenges to enterprises, including those presented by real-time data. The memory-driven infrastructure is now a mainstream choice because it provides optimal latency for workloads and uses cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, and deep learning. Such infrastructure is providing high data concurrency at low latency, perfect for workload expansion. Going forward, digital infrastructure will evolve to become ubiquitous and cover the entire data lifecycle. The all-flash data center will implement cross-domain deployment throughout the data lifecycle, offering intelligent O&M that reduces data center management costs and complexity, while delivering higher unit performance and reliability than alternative models. The all-flash data center uses full-series high-end storage to offer you all-scenario flash and all-scenario protection. It is suitable for those looking to supercharge their digital development needs and scientific and technological innovation. In addition, equipped with all-IP data center network and intelligent O&M, the all-flash data center reduces data center footprint and energy consumption, helping you lower your energy costs and create more value. Learn more about Huawei OceanStor All-Flash Data Center Solution. To download the white paper, please visit https://e.huawei.com/en/products/storage/form/2021/idc-white-paper?ic_medium=hwdc&ic_source=ebg_EEBGHQ197501L&source=news&ic_content=all-flash%20data%20center_IDC%20white%20paper Appoints Lee Williamson as Senior Managing Director Guidepost Solutions, a global leader in domestic and international investigations, compliance solutions, monitoring, and security and technology consulting, today announced the hire of Lee Williamson as a senior managing director in the London office. Williamson is a former counter-terrorism officer with more than 20 years of investigative experience in the public and private sectors. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005302/en/ Former counter-terrorism officer Lee Williamson joins Guidepost Solutions in London, bringing more than 20 years of investigative experience in the public and private sectors. (Photo: Business Wire) Williamson has assisted clients in relation to some of the largest fraud and litigation support cases in the UK over the last 15 years. In parallel, he has acted as a trusted advisor to high-net-worth individuals on various aspects of their operations and has deployed as a field operative, project manager, and team leader in jurisdictions around the world. "As we look to continually evolve to meet the growing needs of our clients, we're pleased to welcome Lee to the Guidepost team of experts," said Guidepost CEO Julie Myers Wood. "Lee will enhance our cross-border investigations capabilities and serve as a key resource across the EMEA region." Williamson started his career with a UK government agency, focused on managing and executing counter-terrorism operations. There he gained significant training and experience in overt and covert investigations as well as the ability to devise creative and effective solutions to the most sensitive and challenging investigative issues. Prior to joining Guidepost, Williamson led an investigative team based in London that focused on litigation support and disputes, asset tracing, enhanced due diligence, and business intelligence, with an emphasis on gathering valuable human source intelligence. Amongst other matters, he provided long-term advisory services on physical security, investigations, and potential acquisitions for a high-net-worth individual in western Europe; identified a crucial witness to assist in a long running, multi-million-dollar litigation; assisted a nation state in a highly sensitive international arbitration; and helped a multinational company with a significant data breach identify the source, motivation, and long-term threat posed by the compromise. Williamson holds a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Birmingham. About Guidepost Solutions LLC Guidepost Solutions is a leader in domestic and international investigations, compliance solutions, monitoring, and security and technology consulting. We work wherever your needs take us whether on the ground around the globe or from one of our offices located in Bogota, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Honolulu, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Oakland, Palm Beach, Phoenix, San Francisco, Seattle, Singapore, and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit www.guidepostsolutions.com View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210804005302/en/ Contacts: MEDIA: Perry Goldman, Montieth Company 646.864.3568, pgoldman@montiethco.com - Fusion Essence Cloud will automate core processes and digitalize the end-to-end customer journey to support growth in mortgage lending and savings LONDON, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Finastra today announced that UK-based specialist building society, Teachers Building Society, has selected Fusion Essence Cloud, its next-generation Software as a Service (SaaS) core banking solution, to deliver a new core and digital banking service. Fusion Essence Cloud will help Teachers Building Society (Teachers BS), the first-ever UK building society customer to invest in the solution, process significantly higher volumes of mortgages, savings applications, and money transfers; enabling the firm to continue to grow its member base through an enhanced customer experience. Simon Beresford, CEO of Teachers Building Society, said, "After a rigorous global selection process, Finastra is the standout partner for us. Finastra's commitment to responsible business and social innovation held strong appeal. Its deep expertise, innovative solutions, and proven experience with 90 of the world's top 100 banks left us in no doubt about the benefits of the appointment. Investing in the new platform will ensure we can deliver best-in-class products and service to brokers and their clients, as well as teachers, providing enhanced engagement experiences to both our core audiences." Fusion Essence Cloud, a SaaS solution on Microsoft Azure, gives Teachers BS the flexibility to bring new products to market and respond to new demands quickly, while unlocking access to data and analytics for a personalized customer experience. With native digital online and mobile banking capabilities, Fusion Essence will enable the building society members to open and manage savings accounts easily and transact digitally with a cutting-edge experience. The team at Teachers BS will also benefit from end-to-end straight through processing of higher volumes of mortgages and savings, due to pre-built integration with software specialists BEP Systems, for origination, and Fairmort, for regulatory reporting. Anand Subbaraman, General Manager, Banking, at Finastra said, "Fusion Essence Cloud will give the Teachers BS team the flexibility to meet ongoing customer needs when it comes to home ownership. Our integrated solution streamlines core processes, such as onboarding, money transfers, mortgage origination and regulatory reporting, and will enable Teachers BS to focus on business expansion while giving its customers the best digital experience. As our first UK building society customer, we are delighted to be supporting Teachers BS' ongoing growth and success and to be working with them to build 'the building society of the future'." Teachers BS is the first UK building society to invest in Fusion Essence SaaS to serve its core audiences more effectively. The mutual was founded in the 1960s specifically to offer mortgages to teachers, a group considered 'unattractive' by larger lenders due to their smaller deposits and relatively low income. Today, the Society's purpose remains the same; to support teachers who are first-time buyers, as well as those with atypical income through Teachers for Intermediaries, its specialist complex lending brand. The new platform, powered by Finastra, which aims to unlock the power of finance for everyone, will enable the Society to continue its mission and grow its business across both groups. For further information please contact: Sofia Romano EMEA PR Manager T +44 (0)7552 865009 E sofia.romano@finastra.com Caroline Duff Global Head of PR T +44 (0)7917 613586 Ecaroline.duff@finastra.com finastra.com About Finastra Finastra is building an open platform that accelerates collaboration and innovation in financial services, creating better experiences for people, businesses and communities. Supported by the broadest and deepest portfolio of financial services software, Finastra delivers this vitally important technology to financial institutions of all sizes across the globe, including 90 of the world's top 100 banks. Our open architecture approach brings together a number of partners and innovators. Together we are leading the way in which applications are written, deployed and consumed in financial services to evolve with the changing needs of customers. Learn more at finastra.com Zoe Paines Communications Manager T +44 (0)7812 050395 E zoe.paines@teachersbs.co.uk teachersbs.co.uk About Teachers Building Society Teachers Building Society was founded in 1966 to help teachers onto the property ladder. It provides mortgage and savings products to teachers and other education professionals across England and Wales. Teachers Building Society has over 11,000 members. Members can manage their finances on the telephone or online. Its mortgages are also available via intermediaries. Its head office is located in Wimborne Dorset. Corporate headquarters 4 Kingdom Street Paddington London W2 6BD United Kingdom T: +44 20 3320 5000 Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/967510/Finastra_Logo.jpg Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Modesto California's tourism bureau, 'Visit Modesto' enthusiastically promotes the city as a 'safe place to eat, drink, play, and stay' -and enjoy premium locally grown cannabis cultivated by Lyfted Farms, a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanna (CSE: TCAN) (FSE: TH8). In a new campaign launching this week, Visit Modesto's partner Cultivar Strategies has positioned Lyfted Farms as "the recommended locally grown and crafted premium indoor flower brand and product" on the new MoTownCannaPass - a digital cannabis travel guide created to promote the booming local cannabis industry and the safe and legal consumption of cannabis. According to Forbes Magazine, this is believed to be the first ever sanctioned, city-wide cannabis tourism program in the United States. "It is an honor and a sign of changing times to be embraced, celebrated and promoted by an initiative like this," said Shaun Serpa, CMO of Lyfted Farms. "Just one year ago a local charity returned our donation check because of the cannabis association. Now, the city is embracing us and local organizations are knocking down our door for us to participate in local campaigns and events. It's an exciting change in public opinion in just one year, and I wouldn't be surprised to see California cannabis soon becoming just as celebrated and world-famous as California wine." As part of the campaign, Lyfted Farms is highlighted prominently for the instore campaign and is gifting branded swag like lanyards, grinders, air fresheners and lighters given out in campaign gift bags at Cookies, Modesto, the city's leading cannabis retailer. In the win-win promotional campaign, Lyfted Farms will endorse Visit Modesto and the CannaPass to its loyal and youthful customer base and growing social media following. Multiple recent polls and studies show the growing preference toward cannabis consumption over alcohol among millennials and Gen Z. The majority of the 55 million recreational cannabis users in the United States are millennials ( Yahoo News Poll 2017) and millennials drink far less alcohol than any past generation (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2021). The legal recreational California cannabis industry is projected to reach $9B by 2024 (Arcview Market Research). About Visit Modesto Operating as 'Visit Modesto', the Modesto Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. serves to attract visitors to the area by marketing Modesto as a convention, sports, tourism and leisure travel destination, and to work with local government and private enterprise to coordinate the promotion of local tourism. The Visit Modesto Cannabis Travel Program was designed to spotlight a roster of 'hospitality ready' cannabis brands and products that best serve the cannabis travel segment, such as Lyfted Farms. Visit Modesto To view an enhanced version of this image, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/6207/92021_0a65010bf483eb42_002full.jpg About TransCanna TransCanna Holdings Inc. is a California-based, Canadian-listed company building cannabis-focused brands for the California lifestyle, through its wholly-owned California subsidiaries. TransCanna's wholly owned subsidiary Lyfted Farms is California's authentic cannabis brand whose pioneering spirit has been continuously providing the finest cannabis flower genetics and cultivation methods since 1984. The Lyfted Farms brand of exclusive cannabis flower is sold at premium retailers throughout the state. With its new cultivation facility in Daly, California, the company is now poised to become one of the largest and most efficient vertically integrated cannabis companies in the California market. For updated information with respect to our company, please see our filings on SEDAR at www.sedar.com and on the CSE at www.thecse.com, or visit the Company's website at www.transcanna.com. To contact the Company, please email info@transcanna.com. On behalf of the Board of Directors Bob Blink, CEO Corporate Communications: info@transcanna.com 604-200-8853 FORWARD LOOKING INFORMATION: Certain information in this release may contain forward-looking statements, such as statements regarding future expansions and cost savings and plans regarding production increases and financings. This information is based on current expectations and assumptions, including assumptions concerning the completion of the expansion of the Daly Facility, government approval of pro-cannabis policies, greater access to financial services and increased cultivation capacity, that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Risks that could cause results to differ from those stated in the forward-looking statements in this release include unexpected increases in operating costs, a continued strain on farmers due to fires and the Coronavirus pandemic and competition from other retailers. All forward-looking statements, including any financial outlook or future-oriented financial information, contained in this release are made as of the date of this release and are included for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. The Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to the Company. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at www.sedar.com. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. NOT FOR DISSEMINATION IN THE UNITED STATES OR FOR DISTRIBUTION TO U.S. NEWSWIRE SERVICES AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN OFFER OF THE SECURITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92021 Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. New Serra Alta resource of 541,000 Indicated gold ounces and 780,000 Inferred gold ounces Expanded Resource to be Used to Deliver New Preliminary Economic Assessment in the coming weeks Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Cerrado Gold Inc. (TSXV: CERT) (OTCQX: CRDOF) ("Cerrado" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an updated mineral resource prepared by Micon International Limited at the Serra Alta deposit within its Monte do Carmo Gold Project in the State of Tocantins, Brazil. The update integrated the successful results of Phase 1 drilling initiated in October 2020 and finalized in April of this year with the previous drill results. Serra Alta Updated Resource Highlights Total Indicated Resource of 9,108,000 tonnes at 1.85 g/t Au, containing 541,000 oz Au Total Inferred Resource of 13,197,000 tonnes at 1.84 g/t Au, containing 780,000 oz Au Notable Increase in total Mineral Resource: 62% more gold ounces from previous estimate (December 2018) Higher Confidence level: 41% of metal in Indicated category Over 99 % of the gold in the Indicated Resources category is included in the constraining pit shell, the other 0.4% is considered underground Over 90.5% of the Inferred Resource is included in pit shell, the other 9.2% is considered underground Excellent conversion rate of previous Inferred Resource into indicated confirms sound domaining and interpolation strategy Confirmation of Serra Alta as the anchor deposit of the district, as exploration continues Potential for replicating mineral endowed zones like Serra Alta or individual blocks within Serra Alta on regional scale remains high from Cerrado perspective Mark Brennan, CEO and Co-Chairman commented, "We are extremely pleased with the updated resource estimate for the Serra Alta deposit, highlighting not only significant growth in contained ounces but also the significant improvement in the confidence of a large portion of the current resource base, as seen in the new Indicated Resources, which gives us strong confidence in high conversion rates going forward". He continued "Further, this expanded resource base will be used in the upcoming Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Serra Alta deposit which will look at higher throughput and production rates relative to the previous study." The new Mineral Resource estimate was completed by Micon International Limited (Table 1) after completion of the Phase 1 drill program (See Cerrado's April 22, 2021 Press Release) that focused primarily on resource extension and category conversion. The Phase 1 drilling phase added substantive information to previous Cerrado and historic drilling that formed the basis of the previous Resource Estimate (Table 2) also prepared by Micon and disclosed in April 2019 (Effective day December 2018). The new resource estimate is now the basis of the undergoing PEA being carried out by GE21 which is expected to be completed in the near future. Table 1. Serra Alta Mineral Resource Statement - Effective Date July 21, 2021 Mining Method Cut-off Grade (g/t Au) Resource Category Tonnage (kt) Avg. Au Grade (g/t) Metal Content ( koz) Open Pit 0.30 Indicated 9,063 1.85 539 Inferred 12,128 1.82 708 Underground 1.10 Indicated 45 1.66 2 Inferred 1,069 2.10 72 OP + UG Indicated 9,108 1.85 541 Inferred 13,197 1.84 780 Estimate Notes: Mineral resources were estimated by Mr. B. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. and Mr. Alan J. San Martin, MAusIMM (CP) of Micon International Limited. ("Micon"), a Toronto based consulting company, independent of Cerrado Gold. Both Mr. Hennessey and Mr. San Martin meet the requirements of a "Qualified Person" as established by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (May 2014) ("the CIM Standards"). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and therefore do not have demonstrated economic viability. The Serra Alta estimate has been completed entirely using Leapfrog Geo - EDGE software. The estimate is based on a long-term gold price of US$ 1,600 per ounce and economic cut-off grades 0.30 g/t Au (Open Pit) and 1.10 g/t (Underground). Open Pit constrained resources are reported within an optimized pit shell; underground resources are reported within continuous and contiguous shapes which lie adjacent to and below the ultimate open pit shell and interpreted to be recoverable utilizing standard underground mining methods. The mineral resource estimate has an effective date of July 21, 2021. The Serra Alta gold deposit was modelled by Cerrado using a wireframe constructed based on a 0.1 g/t Au cut-off grade and a few vein interpretations. Rock density was assigned to different lithologies based on the geological and mineralization models, using calculated average values of 2.624 g/cm3 in granite, 2.65 g/cm3 in volcanics and 2.60 g/cm3 inside mineralization wireframes. Grade capping was used to control the influence of outliers in the estimate, raw assays were composited to 1.0 m and then assessed for capping. Grade capping used throughout the deposit was 45 g/t Au for the main broad envelope and 8.0 g/t Au for the interpreted veins. The block model gold grades were estimated using the Ordinary Kriging interpolation method with searching parameters derived from geostatistical analysis performed within the mineralization wireframes. Variogram ranges go from 90 m to 150 m in the major axis. The estimate assumes a metallurgical recovery of 98.5% gold, based on completed test-work to date. The estimate assumes the following costs: Mining (Pit) US$ 2.00/t, Mining (Pit Waste) US$ 1.70/t, Mining (Underground) US$ 40.00/t, Processing US$10.78/t, and G&A of US$ 2.00/t. The pit constrained resource is reported within an optimized pit shell that assumed a maximum slope angle of 55 degrees. Open pit mining recovery was assumed to be 100%. Open pit dilution was assumed to be 0%. Underground mining recovery was assumed to be 100%. Underground dilution was assumed to be 0%. Micon has not identified any legal, political, environmental, or other risks that could materially affect the potential development of the mineral resource estimate. The mineral resource estimates are classified according to the CIM Standards which define a Mineral Resource as "a concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest in or on the earth's crust in such form, grade or quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and other characteristics of a mineral resource are known, estimated, or interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge including sampling. The mineral resource was categorized based on the geological confidence of the deposit into inferred and indicated categories. An inferred mineral resource has the lowest level of confidence. An indicated mineral resource has a higher level of confidence than an inferred mineral resource. It is reasonably expected that the portions of the inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to indicated mineral resources with additional infill drilling. All procedures, methodologies and key assumptions supporting this mineral resource estimate are included in a NI 43-101F1 Technical Report which will be available at www.sedar.com. Resource Update The previous and maiden resource statement for Serra Alta was published by Cerrado in April 2019 (Effective resource statement date December 2018). The new drilling completed by Cerrado between October 2020 and April 2021 (Phase 1 that included 55 diamond drill holes totalling 18,998 m) is the basis for this update. The new drilling focused on extension of the resource, mainly following the lateral extent of the high-grade mineralized zones and on increasing the confidence of the existing inventory (Figure 1). Total Drilling meterage included in the updated resource estimate is 40,501 m. Most of the drilling completed in the recent drilling phase was done through low angle holes dipping (between 30- and 35-degrees dip) crossing perpendicularly the mineralized trends. Low angle holes allowed detailed refinement of the high-grade domain model in the different zones in the deposit, allowing additionally, the ability to target proximal zones to intrusive contacts that are the first order control in gold endowment and quartz vein density. Figure 1. Serra Alta New High Grade and Vein Domains and Sectors and existing drill coverage (Phase 1 Cerrado 2020-2021 and Prior drilling) To view an enhanced version of this Figure 1, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/6185/92020_4aa223df945559ea_002full.jpg Discussion of Results High-grade (HG) domains were built to constrain the quartz vein related mineralization within the granitic host rock. The domains were defined by higher density of quartz veins, gold grade and consistent hydrothermal alteration and modeled through interpolants following structural trends constructed after oriented core detail vein orientation analysis. This domain strategy followed the scheme defined in the 2019 technical report. The high-grade domains and some additional discrete individual veins were modeled independently in each structural block (see figure 1: East Zone, Pit Norte, Central Zone, Pit Sul and Ext Sul). The structural blocks are bounded by high angle faults mapped on surface. The most significant extension of the new resource materialized in the East Zone, (former N2 domain in the 2019 Technical Report). New drilling provided the basis for higher tonnage and grade, ultimately increasing an original 420,000 Oz of inferred Resource to 479,000 oz Au of Indicated Resource and 339,000 oz of Inferred Resource. The increase in tonnage reflects the lateral continuity of the High-Grade domain to the East (currently 500m lateral extent is recognized). The increase in grade is explained by better coverage over the intrusive contact buffer zone that is believed to be one of the main primary controls on vein density and gold endowment. Figure 2 shows a cross section along the East Zone, showing the new model High Grade domain and discrete veins jointly with the drill pattern (low angle holes) that allowed better modeling and lateral extent exploration. These veins are similar to the parallel veins that form the High Grade domain (quartz associated with gold and sulphides) but occur as single continuous trends, extending from 100 m to 300 m along strike with true thickness varying from 1 to 10 meters. Table 2. Mineral Resource Comparison (December 2018 and July 2021) To view an enhanced version of Table 2, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/6185/92020_tbl2full.jpg Figure 2. Cross section on the East Zone showing resource lateral new extension and pattern of the low angle drilling To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/6185/92020_4aa223df945559ea_004full.jpg The new resource estimate consolidates Serra Alta as the probable anchor deposit in the conceptual district scale potential of the Monte do Carmo District. The improved geological coverage of the drilling both along the granite unit strike and along the concealed intrusive contact zones have allowed the Cerrado team to refine considerably the understanding of the controls on the intrusion hosted gold mineralization including country rock, proximity to intrusive contact zones, relevant hydrothermal alteration, and late offsetting structures. Exploration Implications As a result of the drilling results returned to date, the team has identified several areas with potential for additional extension within the new Total Resource volume and a strategy for further resource conversion. The current resource stretches for a strike length of 1.5 km and as referred previously is segmented in blocks that share the main primary features of the mineralized trends (granite hosted quartz veins, broader hydrothermal alteration, structural trends), have specific characteristic (e.g. contact rock: Volcanic Vs Quartzites and vein density) that also effect on metal tenors and extension of the mineralized zones. Notably the East Zone block that covers only a quarter (~ 400 m) of the resource strike length concentrates two thirds of the gold endowment. In terms of the exploration strategy, this implies that relatively small blocks with a discrete footprint have potential for hosting multi hundred thousand ounces of gold. As referred in previous disclosures Cerrado controls extensive areas of fertile granite contact zones that share the Sierra Alta features like possible cupula levels, alteration assemblages, quartz veining and in several cases known artisanal mining. From the Cerrado point of view, the potential of replicating endowed zones along this contact trace similar to the Serra Alta whole or individual block within Serra Alta remains high. Review of Technical Information Technical information contained in this new release related to the Mineral Resources has been reviewed by Mr. B. Terrence Hennessey, P.Geo. and Mr. Alan J. San Martin, MAusIMM (CP) of Micon International Limited. ("Micon"), a Toronto based consulting company, independent of Cerrado Gold. Mr Hennessey and Mr. San Martin have verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical, and test data underlying the drill results, and they consent to the inclusion in this release of said data in the form and context in which it appears. Other scientific and technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Sergio Gelcich. P.Geo., Vice President, Exploration for Cerrado Gold Inc., who is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Notice to Readers There is no certainty that any part of the Mineral Resources estimated will be converted into a Mineral Reserves estimate. Disclosure regarding Mineral Resource estimates included herein have been prepared by the Company in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101"). For further information please contact Mark Brennan CEO and Co Chairman Tel: +1-647-796-0023 mbrennan@cerradogold.com Nicholas Campbell, CFA Director, Corporate Development Tel: +1-905-630-0148 ncampbell@cerradogold.com About Cerrado Gold Cerrado Gold is a public gold producer and exploration company with gold production derived from its 100% owned Minera Don Nicolas mine in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. It also owns 100% of the assets of Minera Mariana in Santa Cruz province, Argentina. The company is also undertaking exploration at its 100% owned Monte Do Carmo project located in Tocantins, Brazil. For more information about Cerrado Gold please visit our website at: www.cerradogold.com. Disclaimer NEITHER TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER (AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED IN POLICIES OF THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE) ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. This press release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of the applicable Canadian securities legislation, all statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Any statement that discusses predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements regarding the business and operations of Cerrado Gold. In making the forward- looking statements contained in this press release, Cerrado Gold has made certain assumptions, including, but not limited to ability of Cerrado to expand its drilling program at its Serra Alta Project, its Minera Don Nicolas Project and increase its resources. Although Cerrado Gold believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release. Except as required by law, Cerrado Gold disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92020 The newly expanded facility substantially enhances KAI LAB's research and service testing capabilities VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / EMPOWER CLINICS INC. (CSE:CBDT)(Frankfurt:8EC)(OTCQB:EPWCF) ("Empower" or the "Company") an integrated healthcare company - serving patients through medical centers, telemedicine platforms and a high complexity medical diagnostics laboratory processing thousands of COVID-19 specimens is delighted to announce the completion of its Kai Medical Laboratory ("Kai Lab") expansion. Acquired by Empower Clinics on October 6, 2020, Kai Lab's Texas facility represents best-in-class testing capabilities. Since Q4 2020, Kai Labs has been a consistent revenue driver for the Company by meeting the needs of enterprise clients focused on cultivating a safer work environment. Thus far in 2021, Kai labs has yielded consistent and promising growth for Empower Clinics. "I'm immensely proud the Kai Lab team for completing this monumental expansion," said Steven McAuley, Chairman and CEO of Empower. "This endeavor has unleashed Kai Lab's full potential to become a leader in both enterprise and direct to consumer testing, a matter of utmost important as individuals and businesses prepare for another flu season." "After months of hard work, I'm thrilled to see the successful completion of Kai Lab's crucial expansion," said Yoshi Tyler, President of Kai Labs. "Through the leadership and expertise of the Empower Team we continue to make strides in meeting the demands of North America's healthcare space." In addition to expanding the volume of current testing services, this milestone brings new product and service offerings to Kai Labs, such as dried blood spot card-based testing, vitamine, and hormone testing. Kai Labs also invested in its future beyond the COVID-19 pandemic by augmenting its research and development endeavors and its ability to collect a variety of specimen samples for testing. New testing offerings will include saliva and swab-based testing, respiratory pathogen panel, urinary tract and sexually transmitted infections testing. A ceremony to launch the expanded Kai Labs is slated for Fall 2021. This press release is available on the Empower Clinics Verified Forum on AGORACOM for shareholder discussion, questions and engagement with management https://agoracom.com/ir/EmpowerClinics ABOUT EMPOWER: Empower is an integrated healthcare company that provides body and mind wellness for patients through its clinics, with digital and telemedicine care, and world-class medical diagnostics laboratories. Supported by an experienced leadership team, Empower is aggressively growing its clinical and digital presence across North America. Our Health & Wellness and Diagnostics & Technology business units are positioned to positively impact the integrated health of our patients, while simultaneously providing long term value for our shareholders. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Steven McAuley Chief Executive Officer CONTACTS: Investors: Steven McAuley CEO s.mcauley@empowerclinics.com 604-789-2146 Investors: Tamara Mason Business Development & Communications t.mason@empowerclinics.com 416-671-5617 DISCLAIMER FOR FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" (collectively "forward looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. Forward-looking statements can frequently be identified by words such as "plans", "continues", "expects", "projects", "intends", "believes", "anticipates", "estimates", "may", "will", "potential", "proposed" and other similar words, or information that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the expected benefits to the Company and its shareholders as a result of the acquisition of Kai Medical Laboratory; the transaction terms; the expected number of clinics and patients following the closing; the future potential success of Kai Medical Laboratory, Sun Valley's franchise model; launch of new healthcare centers and the occurrence thereof; that the Company can bring healthcare to millions of Canadians; that new healthcare services can be added and that the Company will be positioned to be a market- leading service provider for complex patient requirements in 2020 and beyond. Such statements are only projections, are based on assumptions known to management at this time, and are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements, including: that Kai Medical Laboratory will successfully win any US Government RFP; that the MedX Health pilot program will be successful; that Empower will place the MedX Health teledermatology product in health centers in North America; that the Company's products may not work as expected; that the Company may not be able to expand COVID-19 testing; that legislative changes may have an adverse effect on the Company's business and product development; that the Company may not be able to obtain adequate financing to pursue its business plan; that the Company will be able to commence and/or complete build-outs and tenants improvements for Canadian clinics or Kai Medical Laboratory expansion inn 2Q 2021; that general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; failure to obtain any necessary approvals in connection with the proposed transaction; and other factors beyond the Company's control. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits the Company will obtain from them. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements in this release, which are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. The Company is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements in this release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable laws. SOURCE: Empower Clinics Inc. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658328/Empower-Clinics-Completes-Landmark-Kai-Laboratory-Expansion WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) - Oil prices fell in choppy trade on Wednesday, extending losses for the third straight session on concerns that curbs to combat the spread of the delta coronavirus variant will hurt demand. The downside was limited amid signs of increasing tightness in the U.S. market. Brent crude futures for October delivery eased 0.3 percent to $72.19 a barrel, while U.S. crude futures for September settlement traded 0.6 percent lower at $70.16 per barrel. Investors are watching the spread of the more contagious Delta strain of COVID-19 in the U.S., Europe and Asia, and particularly in key consumer China. China today reported its highest daily number of local coronavirus cases in months as mass testing and contact tracing campaigns uncovered a trail of Delta variant infections. According to media reports, the Delta variant of the virus has been spreading into places that had remained free of virus for months, including the original virus epicentre of Wuhan. The strain has reached nearly half of China's 32 provinces in just two weeks. Traders weighed the risk to consumption posed by the virus spread as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies increase output. Helping limit the downside for oil was U.S. crude oil supply data from the American Petroleum Institute, released on Tuesday, which showed crude stockpiles fell 879,000 barrels for the week ending Jul. 30. Investors await key oil supply data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration later in the day for further direction. Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Kostenloser Wertpapierhandel auf Smartbroker.de TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Fury Gold Mines Limited (TSX:FURY)(NYSE American:FURY) ("Fury" or the "Company") is pleased to provide results for eight core drill holes at the Eau Claire project located in the Eeyou Istchee Territory in the James Bay region of Quebec, including results from the Company's deposit drilling and initial results from the western extension targets. Three of the drill holes focused on the previously untested Hinge target at the western limit of the Eau Claire deposit. Significant intercepts included 1.0 metre (m) of 12.81 g/t gold and 8.0m of 1.18 g/t gold, demonstrating that the Hinge target has both high-grade veins and broader zones of mineralization. All three holes encountered stacked zones of quartz tourmaline veining and associated amphibole-biotite alteration in the same iron rich basalt that hosts the current Eau Claire resource (Figure 1). "We strongly believe that Eau Claire has the potential to expand considerably at the Hinge and Limb target areas, and through drilling along the Snake Lake structure. We are also very excited about our ongoing drill program at the 8km Raven shear zone at Committee Bay, with results expected in September," commented Mike Timmins, President and CEO of Fury. "With four drill rigs turning in Quebec and Nunavut, we are looking forward to a robust second half of the year, with a lot more ounces to be discovered through exploration." Exploration Program Update The first phase of the Eau Claire exploration program was primarily focused on deposit drilling and testing areas of potential resource expansion east and west of the deposit. This first phase of drilling is now complete, whereupon as planned, we are continuing drilling focused on areas with the highest growth potential. Fury is currently drilling to explore and expand upon the Snake Lake mineralized system, where the Company has been successful at delineating high-grade mineralization on step outs of up to 850m where 0.5m of 94.1 g/t gold was intersected (see Fury's news release dated May 18, 2021). The second drill is currently testing the western Limb extension target where the Company is drilling veining and alteration consistent with that found within the Eau Claire resource. There is also the potential to add a third drill rig later in the year to focus on the expansion of mineralization at Percival and to test additional regional targets that are currently being groomed for winter drilling. Resource Expansion Drilling Fury is also pleased to report results from two resource expansion drill holes on the western Limb target, where eight stacked zones of mineralization were intersected in hole 21EC-026 and four stacked zones were encountered in hole 21EC-028 (Figure 2). Drill results from both holes meet the minimum mining width of 2m above the resource cut-off grade of 2.5 g/t gold1. Results from the western Limb resource expansion holes are presented below (Table 1). Mineralization in both drill holes is characterized by quartz-tourmaline veins and associated amphibole-biotite alteration that is spatially associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes over a 150m width. Fury is highly encouraged by the presence of multiple stacked zones of mineralization and the potential to expand the resource in this area. The Company is currently drilling 250m step-out holes from the known resource based on strong geologic vectors encountered in drill holes 21EC-026 and 21EC-028 (Figure 2). In addition, two resource expansion holes targeting the high-grade eastern area of the deposit and outside of the current resource blocks, have intersected 1.29m of 14.27 g/t gold from drill hole 21EC-030 and 1.33m of 9.37 g/t gold from drill hole 21EC-025 (Figure 3). The Company's resource expansion drill program has consistently expanded the deposit footprint to the east where the Company is currently focused on a 250m extension of the high-grade 204,000-ounce portion of the resource at 11.81 g/t gold (2.5 g/t cut-off grade)1. Currently, there are four completed holes pending assay results from the Western Limb extension target, one hole from the Snake Lake target, and one 150-metre step out hole testing the eastern down plunge extension from the Eau Claire project (Figure 4). The Company anticipates results from these holes to be released during September and October. "The initial drill holes targeting the western extensions of the deposit are highly encouraging as both the Hinge and Limb targets have yielded multiple stacked zones of gold mineralization within zones of quartz-tourmaline veining that clearly demonstrate an expanding deposit footprint. Fury's technical team believes that further drilling on the Hinge and Limb targets is fully warranted to target the system where grade and width coalesce," stated Michael Henrichsen, SVP, Exploration of Fury. Table 1: Eau Claire Drill Results Hole ID From To Length (m) True Thickness (m) Au (g/t) Eastern Resource Expansion1 21EC-025 165.5 167 1.5 1.15 1.95 362.5 364 1.5 1.33 9.37 21EC-030 379.5 381 1.5 1.29 14.27 21EC-027 No Significant Intersections 21EC-034 Results Pending Western Limb Resource Expansion2 21EC-026 637.5 640.5 3 2.98 2.45 655.5 657 1.5 1.49 2.54 663 668 5 4.96 2.71 698.5 700 1.5 1.49 4.63 720 721.5 1.5 1.49 7.30 747.5 751 3.5 3.49 3.21 776.5 777.5 1.0 1.00 9.60 995 996 1.0 0.99 4.70 21EC-028 379 380 1.0 0.99 3.31 533 533.5 0.5 0.5 4.95 572.5 573.5 1.0 0.99 3.54 586 591 5.0 4.97 2.6 637 638.5 1.5 1.49 7.77 21EC-036 Results Pending 21EC-037 Results Pending 21EC-038 Results Pending 21EC-039 Results Pending Hinge Exploration Target3 21EC-031 210 211 1.00 NA 3.47 392 393.5 1.50 NA 2.77 466 467 1.00 NA 2.38 474 482 8.00 NA 1.18 21EC-032 9.5 11 1.50 NA 8.50 18 21 3.00 NA 3.07 25.5 27 1.50 NA 1.82 474 474.5 0.50 NA 4.55 608.5 609.5 1.00 NA 12.81 21EC-035 541.5 543 1.50 NA 1.57 582 583 1.00 NA 2.02 618 619.5 1.50 NA 1.56 Snake Lake Target 21SL-003 Results Pending Main intervals - Au grade*thickness no less than 2g/t*m with grade is no less than 1g/t, maximum consecutive dilution 2m; Sub-intervals - Au grade*thickness no less than 7g/t*m with grade is no less than 3.5g/t, maximum consecutive dilution 2m True thickness calculation based on dip of 55 and dip azimuth of 191.5 True thickness calculation based on dip of 43 and dip azimuth of 180 Lengths are drill indicated core length, as insufficient drilling has been undertaken to determine true widths at this time. Figure 1: Illustrates the Hinge target initial exploration drill holes which targeted the contact between magnesium and iron rich basalts that is the stratigraphic position hosting the bulk of the 450 zone resource at the Eau Claire deposit. Multiple stacked zones of quartz-tourmaline veining and broad zones of alteration were encountered in all three drill holes. Figure 2: Illustrates the resource expansion intercepts at the western Limb target at the Eau Claire deposit as highlighted by the orange dashed ovals. Figure 3: Eau Claire Deposit long section depicting the resource block model and location of recent resource expansion drill holes Figure 4: Illustrates the long section of the Eau Claire deposit and Snake Lake target with drill holes highlighted with assays pending Technical Disclosure Analytical samples for the Resource Expansion Drill Program were taken by sawing NQ and HQ diameter core into equal halves on site and sent one of the halves to Bureau Veritas (BV) lab in Timmins, ON (ISO/IEC 17025 accredited facility) for preparation and analysis. Preparation included crashing core sample to 90% < 2mm and pulverizing 1000g of crushed material to better than 85% < 75 microns. All samples are assayed using 50 g nominal weight fire assay with atomic absorption finish (BV code FA450) and multi-element four acid digest ICP-AES/ICP-MS method (BV code MA200). Where FA450 results are greater than 5 ppm Au the assay is repeated with 50 g nominal weight fire assay with gravimetric finish (FA550-Au). QA/QC programs using internal and lab standard and blank samples, field and lab duplicates and re-assay indicate good overall accuracy and precision. 2002-2015 historical drill samples were taken by sawing NQ or HQ diameter core into equal halves on site with one half being sent to ALS Chemex in Sudbury, ON for preparation and analysis. All samples were assayed using a 50 g nominal weight fire assay with inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry finish (Au-ICP22) and multi-element four acid digest ICP-AES/ICP-MS method (ME-MS61). Where Au-ICP22 results were greater than 0.5 ppm Au the assay was repeated with a 50 g nominal weight fire assay with atomic absorption finish (Au-AA24). Samples containing more than 5 ppm by Au-AA24 were re-assayed with 50 g nominal weight fire assay with gravimetric finish (Au-GRA22). QA/QC programs using internal standard samples, field and lab duplicates and blanks indicate good overall accuracy and precision. 2016-2019 historical drill samples were taken by sawing NQ or HQ diameter core into equal halves on site with one half being sent to ALS Chemex in Sudbury, ON for preparation and analysis. All samples were assayed using a 50 g nominal weight fire assay with atomic absorption finish (Au-AA24) and multi-element four acid digest ICP-AES/ICP-MS method (ME-MS61). Where Au-AA24 results were greater than 5 ppm Au, the assay was repeated with 50 g nominal weight fire assay with gravimetric finish (Au-GRA22). QA/QC programs using internal standard samples, field and lab duplicates and blanks indicate good overall accuracy and precision. 1 See the technical report entitled "Technical Report, Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Eau Claire Gold Deposit, Clearwater Property, Quebec, Canada" (the "Eau Claire Report") dated effective February 4, 2018, prepared by Eugene Puritch, P.Eng., FEC, CET, Antoine Yassa, P.Geo., Andrew Bradfield, P.Eng., Allan Armitage, Ph.D., P.Geo., which can be found on the Company's profile at www.sedar.com. David Rivard, P.Geo, Exploration Manager at Fury, is a "qualified person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this press release. About Fury Gold Mines Limited Fury Gold Mines Limited is a Canadian-focused exploration and development company positioned in three prolific mining regions across the country. Led by a management team and board of directors with proven success in financing and developing mining assets, Fury will aggressively grow and advance its multi-million-ounce gold platform through project development and potential new discoveries. Fury is committed to upholding the highest industry standards for corporate governance, environmental stewardship, community engagement and sustainable mining. For more information on Fury Gold Mines, visit www.furygoldmines.com. For further information on Fury Gold Mines Limited, please contact: Salisha Ilyas, Vice President, Investor Relations Tel: (437) 500-2529 Email: info@furygoldmines.com Website: www.furygoldmines.com Forward-Looking Information and Additional Cautionary Language This release includes certain statements that may be deemed to be "forward-looking information" or "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws, which relate to the future operations of the Company and other statements that are not historical facts. Generally, these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes", or the negatives and/or variations of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur", "be achieved" or "has the potential to". Forward-looking information is information that includes implied future performance and/or forecast information. Forward-looking information in this release reflects management's current estimates, predictions, expectations or beliefs regarding future events. Specific forward-looking information contained in this release includes information relating to: the Eau Claire deposit, including with respect to any potential resources, future drilling plans and upcoming drilling results; Fury's growth plans; and the future and growth and development of Fury's mineral properties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking information reflects the beliefs, opinions and projections on the date such statements are made and are based on a number of assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable at the time, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties and contingencies. Such assumptions, which may prove to be incorrect, include: general economic and industry growth rates; the Company's budget, including expected costs and the assumptions regarding market conditions; the Company's ability to raise additional capital to proceed with its exploration, development and operations plans; the Company's ability to obtain or renew the licenses and permits necessary for its current and future operations; and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and expectations reflected in those forward-looking statements were reasonable at the time such statements were made, there can be no assurance that such assumptions and expectations will prove to be correct. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different (either positively or negatively) from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including risks relating, but not limited, to: the COVID-19 pandemic; the future price of minerals, including gold and other metals; and the success of the Company's exploration and development activities. Readers should refer to the risks discussed in the Company's Annual Information Form and MD&A for the year ended December 31, 2020 and subsequent continuous disclosure filings with the Canadian Securities Administrators available at www.sedar.com and the Company's Annual Report on Form 40-F for the year ended December 31, 2020 filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and available at www.sec.gov. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, which speak only as of the date made. The forward-looking information and statements contained in this press release represent the Company's expectations as of the date of this press release or the date indicated. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking information or statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required under applicable securities law. Cautionary Note to United States Investors Concerning Estimates of Mining Disclosure The mining and technical disclosure throughout this release is made in accordance with applicable Canadian law and the guidelines set out in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ("CIM") CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves ("CIM Standards"). The Company's descriptions of its projects using applicable Canadian law and CIM Standards may not be comparable to similar information made public by U.S. companies subject to the reporting and disclosure requirements under the United States federal securities laws and the rules and regulations thereunder. SOURCE: Fury Gold Mines View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658293/Fury-Drills-High-Grade-Gold-at-the-Eau-Claire-Hinge-Target-Exploration-Drilling-Resumes-at-Snake-Lake VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Aztec Minerals Corp. (TSXV:AZT)(OTCQB:AZZTF) and Kootenay Silver Inc. have outlined new gold-copper-molybdenum geochemical soil and rock anomalies on the Cervantes Porphyry Gold-Copper Property in Sonora, Mexico. The 2021 Phase 1 surface exploration program was successful in expanding and increasing definition of the Estrella, Brazil and California Norte targets and discovering a new target, Estrella Norte (1.0 x 1.6 kms) in the northwestern portion of the project. 2021 Phase 1 Exploration Program Highlights Rock chip sampling returned assays up to 21.3 grams per tonne (gpt) gold , with ten samples running over 1 gpt Au, with anomalous results of 20-250 ppb Au occurring proximal to the strongest rock gold values. , with ten samples running over 1 gpt Au, with anomalous results of 20-250 ppb Au occurring proximal to the strongest rock gold values. Soil sampling returned assays up to 3.60 gpt Au, with anomalous results of 10-70 ppb Au occurring proximal to the strongest soil gold values. The Aztec-Kootenay JV has approved a Phase 2, 22-hole, 5,000 m reverse circulation ("RC") drill program to commence in the 4th quarter, 2021 subject to available funds. Four main targets will be tested. The primary objectives of the 2021 exploration program are to better define the open pit, heap leach gold potential of the porphyry oxide cap at California, evaluate the potential for deeper copper-gold porphyry sulfide mineralization underlying the oxide cap, test for north and west extensions of the California mineralization at California North and Jasper, and assess the breccia potential of Purisima East. California - Aztec previously discovered extensive porphyry gold-copper mineralization (drill intercepts up to 0.77 gpt gold over 160m) here so the JV plans to drill 14 infill and step-out holes at a 50m spacing to expand and better define the area of mineralization, followed by two 500m deep holes to test the depth extent of the strong underlying IP chargeability anomaly California Norte - one hole will test a small part of the coincident IP chargeability/gold-copper-molybdenum anomaly Jasper - one hole will test the outcropping strong oxide copper mineralization and extensive copper-molybdenum soil anomaly Purisima East - four holes will test the high grade gold mineralization in the Glory Hole mine working and coincident IP chargeability and gold-copper-molybdenum anomaly within a breccia along the rim of a porphyry intrusion View: Cervantes Proposed Phase 2 RC Drilling Plan 2021 Phase 1 Exploration Program Overview As Operator of the Cervantes Joint Venture, Aztec mobilized a field crew to conduct a +500 soil and outcrop rock chip surface sampling program aimed at extending previous soil grids and covering targets with limited historic exploration. The soil sample grid covered 518 hectares (5.18 square kilometers) with 477 samples in a 100 by 100 meter spacing, to extend its coverage over the Estrella, California, Brazil and California North targets to the western, northern, and eastern limits of the property. This program expanded the existing soil sample database of over 1,100 samples to over 1,600 samples now covering a total of 1,200 hectares (12.0 square kilometers). This represents 34.9% the project's 3,440 hectares surface area. The outcrop rock chip sampling comprised 110 samples making the current project total 340, plus previous to 2021 Aztec collected 608 channel samples and 23 stream sediment samples. The soil sampling had gold results up to 3,605 ppb Au, showing the soil gold anomalies starting at 10 ppb Au with 70 ppb Au being proximal to the strongest values. Gold shows strongest affinities with As, Fe and Cu, and a moderate affinity with Pb, Ag, Sb, Bi and Ba. Soil samples had copper had a maximum result of 1,381 ppm Cu, showing the soil copper anomalies starting at 50 ppm Cu with 350 ppm Cu being proximal to the strongest values. Copper shows strongest affinities with Pb, Au, Ag and Mo, and a moderate affinity with Pb, Mn and Zn, the last two often being distally zoned and providing good target vectoring. Molybdenum in the soil samples had a maximum result of 51.8 ppm Mo, showing the soil molybdenum anomalies starting at 4 ppm Mo with 30 ppm Mo being proximal to the strongest values. Outcrop rock chip sampling had gold results up to 21.3 ppm Au, with ten samples over 1,000 ppb Au, showing the gold anomalies starting at 20 ppb Au with 250 ppb Au being proximal to the strongest values. Gold shows strongest affinities with As, Ag, Fe and Cu, and a moderate affinity with Pb, Sb, Bi, S, Hg, V and Ba. Rock chip samples had copper with a maximum result of 2,300 ppm Cu and 11 samples over 1,000 ppm Cu. The results show the rock chip copper anomalies starting at 65 ppm Cu with 430 ppm Cu being proximal to the strongest values. Copper shows strongest affinities with Pb, Au, Ag and Mo, and a moderate affinity with Ni, Co, Pb, Mn and Zn, the last two often being distally zoned. Molybdenum in the rock chip samples had a maximum result of 625 ppm Mo and 14 samples over 100 ppm Mo. Results show the rock chip molybdenum anomalies starting at 5 ppm Mo with 50 ppm Mo being proximal to the strongest values. Molybdenum in rock chips shows a moderate affiliation with copper highs and the strongest Au values, but often distal. View: Cervantes Gold-In-Soils View: Cervantes Copper-In-Soils View: Cervantes Molybdenum-In-Soils View: Cervantes Gold-In-Rocks View: Cervantes Copper-In-Rocks View: Cervantes Molybdenum-In-Rocks Cervantes Project Overview Cervantes is a highly prospective porphyry gold-copper property located in southeastern Sonora state, Mexico. The project lies 160 km east of Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico within the famous Laramide porphyry copper belt approximately 265 km southeast of the Cananea porphyry copper-molybdenum mine (Grupo Mexico). Cervantes also lies along an east-west trending gold belt 60 km west of the Mulatos epithermal gold mine (Alamos Gold), 45 km west of the La India mine (Agnico Eagle), and 40 km northwest of Santana gold deposit (Minera Alamos). View: Cervantes Project Location Map Large well-located property (3,649 hectares) with good infrastructure, road access, local town, all private land, water wells on property, grid power nearby (3,649 hectares) with good infrastructure, road access, local town, all private land, water wells on property, grid power nearby Seven prospective mineralized zones related to high level porphyries and breccias along an 7.0km east-northeast corridor with multiple intersecting northwest structures to high level porphyries and breccias along an 7.0km east-northeast corridor with multiple intersecting northwest structures Distinct geophysical anomalies, California target marked by high magnetic and low resistivity anomalies, high radiometric and chargeability anomalies responding to pervasive alteration California target marked by high magnetic and low resistivity anomalies, high radiometric and chargeability anomalies responding to pervasive alteration Extensive gold mineralization at California zone , 118 soil samples average 0.44 gpt gold over 900 m by 600 m area, trench rock-channel samples up to 0.47 gpt gold over 222m , 118 soil samples average 0.44 gpt gold over 900 m by 600 m area, trench rock-channel samples up to 0.47 gpt gold over 222m Already drilled the first discovery hole at the California zone, intersected gold oxide cap to a classic gold-copper porphyry deposit, drill results up to 0.77 gpt gold over 160 m hole at the California zone, intersected gold oxide cap to a classic gold-copper porphyry deposit, drill results up to 0.77 gpt gold over 160 m Excellent gold recoveries from preliminary metallurgical tests on drill core from California zone; oxide gold recoveries in bottle roll tests range from 75% to 87% from preliminary metallurgical tests on drill core from California zone; oxide gold recoveries in bottle roll tests range from 75% to 87% California geophysical anomaly wide open laterally and at depth, IP chargeability strengthens and broadens to >500m depth over an area 1100 m by 1200 m laterally and at depth, IP chargeability strengthens and broadens to >500m depth over an area 1100 m by 1200 m Three-Dimensional IP Survey conducted in 2019 extends strong chargeability anomalies to the southwest covering Estrella, Purisima East, and Purisima West, coinciding well with alteration and Au-Cu-Mo soil geochemical anomalies, all undrilled. California Target In 2017-18, Aztec completed a Phase 1, 17 diamond core hole drill program, totaling 2,675 meters (m) (see news release dated June 26, 2018). Phase 1 drilling tested the California target 900m by 600m gold-in-soils anomaly that averaged 0.44gpt covering hydrothermal breccias within a quartz feldspar porphyry stock intruding Paleozoic silici-clastic sediments. The Phase 1 drill program consistently intersected an oxidized gold cap to a porphyry-type gold-copper-silver system at California, including multiple 100+ meter widths of exceeding 0.40 gpt gold, spanning an 800-meter length and a 200-meter breadth, to a maximum vertical depth of 150 meters. The area tested by drilling represents only 30% of the surface gold soil anomaly. Mineralization at the California zone is open in all directions. Highlights of the 2017-18 Phase 1 drill program are as follows: 160m @ 0.77 gpt gold incl 80m @ 1.04 gpt gold, 0.11% copper in 18CER010 139m @ 0.71 gpt gold incl 20m @ 2.10 gpt gold, 0.16% copper in 17CER005 118m @ 0.63 gpt gold incl 43m @ 1.18 gpt gold, 0.16% copper in 17CER003 122m @ 0.60 gpt gold incl 62m @ 0.88 gpt gold, 0.06% copper in 18CER007 170m @ 0.42 gpt gold incl 32m @ 0.87 gpt gold, 0.06% copper in 18CER006 Preliminary metallurgical tests on California drill cores were conducted in 2019 (see news release dated March 12, 2019). Drill core samples were grouped into 4 separate types of mineralization: Oxide 1, Oxide 2, Mixed Oxide/Sulfide and Sulfide. The preliminary results of bottle roll tests showed excellent potential for heap leach gold recovery, as follows: 85.1% recovery on 2.0mm material and 94.3% on 75-micron material in sample Oxide 1 87.7% recovery on 2.0mm material and 94.2% on 75-micron material in sample Oxide 2 77.9% recovery on 2.0mm material and 89.0% on 75-micron material in sample Mixed Oxide/Sulphide 51.2% recovery on 2.0mm material and 78.7% on 75-micron material in sample Sulphide Additional Targets: Purisima East - outcropping gossans, altered and mineralized diatreme breccias and porphyry intrusions marked by a 700m by 600m geochemical soil anomaly in 193 samples that average 0.25 gpt gold, a small historic 'glory hole' mine where rock chip sampling returned high-grade mineralization up to 44.6 gpt gold. Estrella - outcrops of gossan and sulfides in silicified Paleozoic sediments with quartz porphyry dikes with rock chip samples up to 3.9 gpt gold and 2,010 ppm copper. Estrella Norte - a newly defined area of 1.0 x 1.6 kms in the northwest portion of the project with anomalous gold-copper-molybdenum in soils and rock chip samples, in sediments. Purisima West - a mirror image of Purisima East in size and type of gossans, altered and mineralized breccias and intrusions in association with gold and copper soil anomalies. Jasper - 2017 trenching returned skarn/replacement-type mineralization up to 0.52% copper and 0.62 gpt gold over a 92.4 m length. California North - coincident IP chargeability and gold-copper-molybdenum soil geochemical anomalies may be a north extension of the California target. Other targets - porphyry alteration and geochemical soil anomalies mark the Jacobo and Brasil prospects but more work is required to expand and define these targets. All sampling will be conducted with strict QA/QC controls, standards and blanks. Samples will be delivered directly to Bureau Veritas Minerals in Hermosillo for analysis. Allen David Heyl, B.Sc., P.Geo., is the Qualified Person and Vice President of Exploration at Aztec Minerals Corp who reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release. "Simon Dyakowski" Simon Dyakowski, Chief Executive Officer Aztec Minerals Corp. About Aztec Minerals - Aztec is a mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of large polymetallic mineral deposits in the Americas. Our core asset is the prospective Cervantes porphyry gold-copper property in Sonora, Mexico. The historic, district-scale Tombstone properties host both bulk tonnage epithermal gold-silver as well as CRD silver-lead-zinc mineralization in Cochise County, Arizona. Aztec's shares trade on the TSX-V stock exchange (symbol AZT) and on the OTCQB (symbol AZZTF). Contact Information - For more information, please contact: Simon Dyakowski, CEO or Bradford Cooke, Chairman Tel: (604) 619-7469 Fax: (604) 685-9744 Email: simon@aztecminerals.com Website: www.aztecminerals.com Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Forward-Looking Statements: Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements under Canadian securities legislation. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" or "it is expected", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "will" occur. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from results contemplated by the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. When relying on forward-looking statements to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements, except as may be required by applicable securities laws. SOURCE: Aztec Minerals Corp. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658282/Aztec--Kootenay-JV-Outlines-New-Gold-Copper-Molybdenum-Geochemical-Soil-and-Rock-Anomalies-on-the-Cervantes-Porphyry-Gold-Copper-Property-in-Sonora-Mexico Best-selling brand District Edibles is the first of many SLANG-branded products to be launched in California through this partnership Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - SLANG Worldwide Inc. (CNSX: SLNG) (OTCQB: SLGWF) ("SLANG" or the "Company"), a leading global cannabis consumer packaged goods (CPG) company with a diversified portfolio of popular brands, today announced that it is relaunching in California with popular edibles brand District Edibles. Products will be manufactured exclusively by Natura Life + Science ("Natura"), a vertically integrated cannabis manufacturing company and available throughout the Golden State. Based in Sacramento, Natura is bringing back one of California's favorite infused products, District Edibles, which were previously one of the top-selling gummies in the state. "With brand recognition for District Edibles already established, this partnership will enable SLANG to increase Gross Merchandise Value and distribution in one of our key emerging markets," said Chris Driessen, CEO of SLANG. California is the largest cannabis market in the U.S., generating sales of nearly $4.4 billion USD in 2020 up 57 percent from 2019, according to MJ Biz Daily. Through a previously announced strategic partnership, Natura has been granted an exclusive license to produce and distribute the SLANG product suite in California. The Company expects to launch more SLANG-branded products in the coming quarters. SLANG will also provide sales consulting services and will receive royalty payments for each branded product sold in the state. Seth Sznapstajler, VP of Sales, Natura said, "SLANG is one of the most successful and admired industry leaders in cannabis consumer packaged goods. Natura has a world-class manufacturing facility, built to bring the best cannabis products to market. With this partnership, we have a dream team that will enable SLANG brands to thrive in California. By popular demand, we're kicking off the partnership by launching District Edibles. The Natura team is ecstatic to bring such a tasty and high-quality product to the California market." Equity Compensation Issuances SLANG also announces that it will issue an aggregate of 732,936 common shares ("SLANG Shares"), at a deemed price of C$0.21 per SLANG Share, to 25 employees, including 3 executive officers, who elected to receive shares as part of their compensation. The issuance of the SLANG Shares is subject to Canadian Securities Exchange (the "Exchange") approval and a hold period expiring 4 months and 1 day from the date of issuance, unless waived by the Exchange. The Company also announces that it has granted 3,232,398 incentive stock options, 2,742,398 of which were granted to directors and officers, the options are subject to vesting provisions and exercisable for five and ten year periods at a price of C$0.21 per SLANG Share. The Company further announces it has granted 350,000 restricted share units (each, an "RSU"), to certain key employees of the Company, 250,000 of which were granted to an officer. RSUs represent the right to receive, upon vesting, SLANG Shares, cash, or any combination thereof, at the discretion and approval of the directors of the Company. To be added to SLANG's email distribution list, please email SLNG@kcsa.com with "SLNG" in the subject. About SLANG Worldwide Inc. SLANG Worldwide Inc. is a global leader in the cannabis CPG sector with a diversified portfolio of popular brands distributed across the United States. The Company specializes in acquiring and developing market-proven regional brands as well as launching innovative new brands to seize global market opportunities. For more information, please visit www.slangww.com. Forward-Looking Statements This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements." Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements included in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements in respect of the manufacture and distribution of SLANG branded products in California. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management of SLANG at this time, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive risks, uncertainties and contingencies that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Investors are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to regulatory risks, risks related to the COVID-19 global pandemic, changes in laws, resolutions and guidelines, market risks, concentration risks, operating history, competition, the risks associated with international and foreign operations and the other risks identified under the headings "Risk Factors" in SLANG's annual information form dated April 29, 2021 and other disclosure documents available on the Company's profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. SLANG is not under any obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law. Third Party Information This press release includes market and industry data that has been obtained from third party sources, including industry publications. The Company believes that the industry data is accurate and that its estimates and assumptions are reasonable, but there is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Third party sources generally state that the information contained therein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but there is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of included information. Although the data is believed to be reliable, the Company has not independently verified any of the data from third party sources referred to in this press release or ascertained the underlying economic assumptions relied upon by such sources. Media and Investor inquiries Investors@SLANGww.com KCSA Strategic Communications Phil Carlson / Elizabeth Barker SLANG@kcsa.com To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92010 Cardston, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - American Creek Resources Ltd. (TSXV: AMK) ("the Corporation") is pleased to present the first results for the 2021 resource expansion and definition drilling program for the Goldstorm Deposit at their flagship property, Treaty Creek. The project is located in the heart of the Golden Triangle of northwestern British Columbia and is on-trend from Seabridge's KSM Project located five kilometers southwest of the Goldstorm Deposit. Results from seven diamond drill holes have recently been received from MSA Labs and are reported herein. Exploration at Treaty Creek is ongoing at Goldstorm, Perfect Storm and the Eureka zones with the recent arrival of the fifth and sixth drill rigs. Drilling has commenced at the Perfect Storm Zone with the fifth drill rig and the sixth drill rig has just arrived at the Eureka Zone awaiting the arrival of its drill crew. Click to view: Video outlining the 2021 Exploration Program at Treaty Creek Tudor Gold's Vice President of Exploration and Project Development, Ken Konkin, P.Geo., states: "The 2021 drilling program at Treaty Creek has progressed very well with peripheral drilling at Goldstorm. We are consistently encountering strong sulphide mineralization along the limits of the three identified mineral resource domains, namely the 300 Horizon, CS-600 and DS-5 Zones. The Goldstorm Deposit remains open to expansion in all directions and at depth. In addition to potentially adding new gold equivalent (AuEq) ounces to the mineral resource, we will attempt to convert as much of the 7.9 million AuEq ounces of Inferred Resources to the Measured and Indicated Resource categories that currently total 19.41 million ounces of AuEq. Concurrent with the definition and exploration drilling on the Goldstorm Deposit, one drill will continue with 300-meter (m) step-out holes at Perfect Storm and one drill will test the central area of the Eureka Zone. Exploration crews will also be working on new areas within the project area in order to define new drill targets." Treaty Creek, Goldstorm Drilling Highlights include: Very consistent, near-surface 300 Horizon intercepts such as GS-21-103 that intersected 801.0 meters of 0.704 g/t AuEq including a strong upper pulse of enrichment averaging 2.025 g/t AuEq over 75.0 meters or 168.0 meters of 1.391 AuEq. An impressive 474.0 m intercept of DS-5 in hole GS-21-110 that averages 1.039 g/t AuEQ including 216.0 meters of 1.712 g/t AuEq or 130.5 meters of 2.389 g/t AuEq. All drill holes hit significant gold mineralization (GS-21-107 was lost before encountering the DS-5 Zone and that hole will be re-drilled). Goldstorm Deposit remains open in all directions and at depth as drilling continues. The complete list of composited drill hole results as well as the drill hole data including hole location, elevation, depth, dip and azimuth are provided in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Please click on the following link to view: Plan Map and Cross Sections for holes GS-21-103 to GS-21-110 Table l: Results Goldstorm Zone Press Release August 3rd 2021 Section Hole Zone From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu ppm AuEQ (g/t) 108+00 NE GS-21-103 300H 27.00 828.00 801.00 0.653 3.02 139 0.704 Incl. 93.00 261.00 168.00 1.263 7.69 321 1.391 or Incl. 139.50 214.50 75.00 1.815 12.89 503 2.025 109+50 NE GS-21-104 CS600 174.00 296.00 122.00 0.385 1.54 327 0.441 Incl. 174.00 213.00 39.00 0.573 2.23 517 0.660 or Incl. 174.00 204.00 30.00 0.633 2.70 465 0.719 108+50 NE GS-21-105 DS5 211.00 341.50 130.50 0.433 0.56 216 0.465 Incl. 215.50 238.00 22.50 0.873 0.50 259 0.910 112+00 NE GS-21-107* CS600 116.60 297.00 180.40 0.399 6.55 1956 0.707 Incl. 187.50 228.00 40.50 0.666 12.37 2227 1.074 113+50 NE GS-21-108 CS600 133.85 312.00 178.15 1.115 4.08 1501 1.340 Incl. 186.00 253.50 67.50 1.375 4.38 1417 1.594 & Incl. 270.00 301.50 31.50 2.412 4.81 1062 2.594 DS5 759.00 904.50 145.50 0.867 10.22 115 1.000 Incl. 796.50 820.50 24.00 1.726 26.20 289 2.066 108+00 NE GS-21-109 300H 118.50 334.50 216.00 0.691 0.97 147 0.720 Incl. 160.50 241.50 81.00 0.965 1.43 213 1.006 or Incl. 160.50 174.00 13.50 2.648 4.04 941 2.806 115+00 NE GS-21-110 DS5 598.50 1072.50 474.00 0.983 3.99 75 1.039 Incl. 853.50 1069.50 216.00 1.620 6.88 101 1.712 or Incl. 898.50 1029.00 130.50 2.285 7.83 106 2.389 * Lost drill hole prior to intersecting DS-5, will re-drill this hole. All assay values are uncut and intervals reflect drilled intercept lengths. HQ and NQ2 diameter core samples were sawn in half and typically sampled at standard 1.5m intervals. The following metal prices were used to calculate the Au Eq metal content: Gold $1625/oz, Ag: $19/oz, Cu: $2.8/lb. Calculations used the formula Au Eq g/t = (Au g/t) + (Ag g/t x 0.01169) + (Cu% x 1.1815). All metals are reported in USD and calculations do not consider metal recoveries. True widths have not been determined as the mineralized body remains open in all directions. Further drilling is required to determine the mineralized body orientation and true widths. Table 2: Drill data for holes in Press Release August 3rd, 2021 Section Hole ID UTM E NAD 83 UTM N NAD 83 Elevation (m) Azi (o) Dip (o) Depth (m) 108+00 NE GS-21-103 428355.1 6272668.2 1301.2 295 -64 969 109+50 NE GS-21-104 428823.9 6272571.8 1275.4 295 -90 454 108+50 NE GS-21-105 428769.4 6272531.1 1278.4 295 -88 397 112+00 NE GS-21-107* 428885.4 6272822.2 1250.1 295 -88 359.3 113+50 NE GS-21-108 428953.1 6272953.3 1238.2 295 -85 939 108+00 NE GS-21-109 428354.2 6272668.7 1301.3 295 -45 927 115+00 NE GS-21-110 429020.3 6273102.0 1230.2 295 -88 1089.25 * Lost drill hole prior to intersecting DS-5, will re-drill this hole. Walter Storm, Tudor President and CEO, stated: "I am very pleased with the exceptional progress our exploration team has made with these initial results from the resource definition and exploration drilling program. Continued drilling will broaden our understanding of the 300, CS-600 and DS-5 domains and hopefully will further increase the size and quality of the Goldstorm Deposit beyond our expectations. Despite having an exceptionally high snowpack this year, minor delays were encountered as crews patiently and safely removed unexpected amounts of snow accumulation. The safety of our crews and of our contractors is our highest priority. In addition to the exploration program, our base-line studies are also proceeding as planned with the installation of a climate monitoring station and on-going environmental studies. We look forward to providing new drilling updates throughout this year's work program." "Tudor Gold Corp. and our associated service companies have taken extreme measures to maintain the highest professional standards while working within COVID-19 health and safety protocols. Only essential personnel are permitted to enter the camp and staging areas. Of those workers who are at the project site and staging site, we have strict daily monitoring of the workers temperatures and general health conditions. We have a certified paramedic at the staging area to examine all in-coming and out-going Tudor personnel and all service providers." Darren Blaney, CEO of American Creek commented: "What a fantastic way to start the 2021 drill program. More Goldstorm expansion with more very impressive drill intersections." "We would like to commend the efforts of Walter Storm, Ken Konkin and the team at Tudor Gold, as well as More Core Drilling. We have utmost confidence in the exploration team and very much look forward to ongoing Goldstorm expansion as well as the very real potential of new discoveries." Qualified Person The Qualified Person for Tudor's news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is Tudor's Vice President of Project Development, Ken Konkin, P.Geo. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for their disclosure contained in their news release. The Qualified Person for this news release is James A. McCrea, P. Geo., for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101. While American Creek has not independently confirmed Tudor's information, Mr. McCrea has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release. QA/QC Drill core samples were prepared at MSA Labs' Preparation Laboratory in Terrace, BC and assayed at MSA Labs' Geochemical Laboratory in Langley, BC. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the submission of blanks, certified standards and duplicate samples inserted at regular intervals into the sample stream by Tudor Gold personnel. MSA Laboratories quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. MSA Labs is independent of the Company. Treaty Creek JV Partnership The Treaty Creek Project is a Joint Venture with Tudor Gold owning 3/5th and acting as operator. American Creek and Teuton Resources each have a 1/5th interest in the project creating a 3:1 ownership relationship between Tudor Gold and American Creek. American Creek and Teuton are both fully carried until such time as a Production Notice is issued, at which time they are required to contribute their respective 20% share of development costs. Until such time, Tudor is required to fund all exploration and development costs while both American Creek and Teuton have "free rides". About American Creek American Creek is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company with gold and silver properties in British Columbia, Canada. The Corporation has an interest in the Treaty Creek property, a joint venture project with Tudor Gold/Walter Storm located in BC's prolific "Golden Triangle". The Corporation also holds the Austruck-Bonanza gold property located near Kamloops. For further information please contact Kelvin Burton at: Phone: 403 752-4040 or Email: info@americancreek.com. Information relating to the Corporation is available on its website at www.americancreek.com Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Cautionary Statements regarding Forward-Looking Information This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. "Forward-looking information" includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the activities, events or developments that the Corporation expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future, including the completion and anticipated results of planned exploration activities. Generally, but not always, forward-looking information and statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", or "believes" or the negative connotation thereof or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connation thereof. Such forward-looking information and statements are based on numerous assumptions, including among others, that the Corporation's planned exploration activities will be completed in a timely manner. Although the assumptions made by the Corporation in providing forward-looking information or making forward-looking statements are considered reasonable by management at the time, there can be no assurance that such assumptions will prove to be accurate. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Corporation's plans or expectations include risks relating to the actual results of current exploration activities, fluctuating gold prices, possibility of equipment breakdowns and delays, exploration cost overruns, availability of capital and financing, general economic, market or business conditions, regulatory changes, timeliness of government or regulatory approvals and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the Corporation with securities regulators. Although the Corporation has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking information or implied by forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information and statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92030 VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Skeena Resources Limited (TSX:SKE)(OTCQX:SKREF) ("Skeena" or the "Company") is pleased to report diamond drill core results from the 2021 Phase 3 infill and exploration drilling program at the Snip gold project ("Snip" or the "Project") located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. The Phase 3 program is designed to upgrade areas of existing Inferred resources from the Company's 2020 Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE), to the Measured and Indicated categories. Reference images are presented at the end of this release as well as on the Company's website. Snip 2021 Phase 3 Drilling Highlights: 390.00 g/t Au over 0.80 m (UG21-178) 109.89 g/t Au over 1.19 m (UG21-180) 29.31 g/t Au over 4.17 m (UG21-181) 85.51 g/t Au over 3.50 m (UG21-182) 85.91 g/t Au over 4.00 m (UG21-183) 84.68 g/t Au over 1.94 m (UG21-184) 164.50 g/t Au over 1.00 m (UG21-189) 693.00 g/t Au over 0.50 m (UG21-192) 27.04 g/t Au over 12.50 m (UG21-202) 83.87 g/t Au over 2.44 m (UG21-205) 74.59 g/t Au over 2.76 m (UG21-214) True widths range from 60-100% of reported core lengths. Length weighted Au composites are constrained by geological considerations. Grade-capping of individual assays has not been applied to the Au assays informing the length-weighted Au composites. Samples below detection limit were nulled to a value of zero. Additional Footwall Mineralization Intersected with Infill Drilling Infill drilling in the eastern footwall of the Snip deposit has confirmed and upgraded the modelled vein mineralization from the Company's 2020 MRE, as highlighted by intersection 27.04 g/t Au over 12.50 m, including high tenor subintervals grading 209.00 g/t Au over 0.67 m and 203.00 g/t Au over 0.69 m (UG21-202) . This drill hole is located only metres away from partially sampled 1998 historical drill hole, which due to a lack of sampling, only reported 2.11 g/t Au over 0.80 m (B570-2). Furthermore, UG21-202 is drilled parallel to another incompletely sampled historical drill hole UG-1623 which was drilled in 1997. The latter drill hole was only sampled over a 4.70 m interval that averaged 5.29 g/t Au. The incompletely sampled historical drill holes form the basis of the Company's 2020 MRE in this area. Implications of Selective Sampling The historical drilling database that was inherited from the previous operators of the Snip Project is plagued with incompletely sampled drill holes. During resource estimation, best practices dictate that unsampled intervals be nulled to a value of zero grade. Unfortunately, during the reclamation of the Snip Mine, all drill core was destroyed, hence no physical records remain for modern QAQC validation or resampling purposes. As such, a small portion of the Company's 2021 infill drilling program is designed to confirm the historical drill database and add confidence to the existing MRE. The significance of the new intersections as exemplified by UG21-202 is twofold. Primarily, the new drilling provides spatial confidence to the resource as currently modelled. Secondly, the improved widths and grades have the potential to translate into larger volumes (tonnage) in subsequent resource estimates. These considerations combined with the newly enhanced grade in this area, may ultimately translate into increased ounces. Further High-Grade Mineralization Intersected in Footwall Corridor Additional results from the previously reported high-grade vein discovery on the 412 Level of the Snip Mine are highlighted by 109.89 g/t Au over 1.19 m (UG21-180), 29.31 g/t Au over 4.17 m (UG21-181), 85.51 g/t Au over 3.50 m (UG21-182), 84.68 g/t Au over 1.94 m (UG21-184) and 164.50 g/t Au over 1.00 m (UG21-189). This cluster of previously unidentified, high-grade intersections have been intercepted during the Company's Phase 3 infill program. A total of 21 fanned underground drill holes were collared from this single drill station and were purposed to recategorize Inferred Resources in the deeper footwall rocks. New high-grade veining intersections were discovered by all holes only metres into the face possessing above average grades and widths as highlighted by previously reported intersection 110.22 g/t Au over 4.41 m which included 730.00 g/t Au over 0.58 m (UG21-177). This newly drilled mineralization is open for expansion up dip 25 m and greater than 100 m downdip due to a lack of drill hole sampling by previous operators. The westward strike extension is open for 40 m. High tenor intersections in the deeper footwall rocks have also corroborated the modelled Inferred mineralization as demonstrated by intersections 390.00 g/t Au over 0.80 m (UG21-178), 164.50 g/t Au over 1.00 m (UG21-189) and 126.50 g/t Au over 0.73 m (UG21-182) . About Skeena Skeena Resources Limited is a Canadian mining exploration and development company focused on revitalizing the past-producing Eskay Creek gold-silver mine located in Tahltan Territory in the Golden Triangle of northwest British Columbia, Canada. The Company released a Prefeasibility Study for Eskay Creek in July 2021 which highlights an open-pit average grade of 4.57 g/t AuEq, an after-tax NPV5% of C$1.4B, 56% IRR, and a 1.4-year payback at US$1,550/oz Au. Skeena is currently completing both infill and exploration drilling to advance Eskay Creek to full Feasibility by Q1 2022. Additionally, the Company continues exploration programs at the past-producing Snip gold mine. On behalf of the Board of Directors of Skeena Resources Limited, Walter Coles Jr. President & CEO Contact Information Investor Inquiries: info@skeenaresources.com Office Phone: +1 604 684 8725 Company Website: www.skeenaresources.com Qualified Persons Exploration activities at the Snip Project are administered on site by the Company's Exploration Managers, Raegan Markel, P.Geo. and John Tyler P.Geo. In accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, Paul Geddes, P.Geo. Vice President Exploration and Resource Development, is the Qualified Person for the Company and has prepared, validated and approved the technical and scientific content of this news release. The Company strictly adheres to CIM Best Practices Guidelines in conducting, documenting, and reporting the exploration activities on its projects. Quality Assurance - Quality Control Once received from the drill and processed, all drill core samples are sawn in half, labelled and bagged. The remaining drill core is subsequently securely stored on site. Numbered security tags are applied to lab shipments for chain of custody requirements. The Company inserts quality control (QC) samples at regular intervals in the sample stream, including blanks and reference materials with all sample shipments to monitor laboratory performance. The QAQC program was designed and approved by Lynda Bloom, P.Geo. of Analytical Solutions Ltd., and is overseen by the Company's Qualified Person, Paul Geddes, P.Geo, Vice President Exploration and Resource Development. Drill core samples are submitted to ALS Geochemistry's analytical facility in North Vancouver, British Columbia for preparation and analysis. The ALS facility is accredited to the ISO/IEC 17025 standard for gold assays and all analytical methods include quality control materials at set frequencies with established data acceptance criteria. The entire sample is crushed and 1 kg is pulverized. Analysis for gold is by 50 g fire assay fusion with atomic absorption (AAS) finish with a lower limit of 0.01 ppm and upper limit of 100 ppm. Samples with gold assays greater than 100 ppm are re-analyzed using a 50 g fire assay fusion with gravimetric finish. Analysis for silver is by 50 g fire assay fusion with gravimetric finish with a lower limit of 5ppm and upper limit of 10,000 ppm. Samples with silver assays greater than 10,000 ppm are re-analyzed using a gravimetric silver concentrate method. A selected number of samples are also analyzed using a 48 multi-element geochemical package by a 4-acid digestion, followed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and also for mercury using an aqua regia digest with Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) finish. Samples with sulfur reporting greater than 10% from the multi-element analysis are re-analyzed for total sulfur by Leco furnace and infrared spectroscopy. Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements Certain statements made and information contained herein may constitute "forward looking information" and "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation. These statements and information are based on facts currently available to the Company and there is no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Forward-looking statements and information may be identified by such terms as "anticipates", "believes", "targets", "estimates", "plans", "expects", "may", "will", "could" or "would". Forward-looking statements and information contained herein are based on certain factors and assumptions regarding, among other things, the estimation of mineral resources and reserves, the realization of resource and reserve estimates, metal prices, taxation, the estimation, timing and amount of future exploration and development, capital and operating costs, the availability of financing, the receipt of regulatory approvals, environmental risks, title disputes and other matters. While the Company considers its assumptions to be reasonable as of the date hereof, forward-looking statements and information are not guarantees of future performance and readers should not place undue importance on such statements as actual events and results may differ materially from those described herein. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements or information except as may be required by applicable securities laws. Neither the Toronto Stock Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Table 1: Snip Project Phase II 2021 Length-Weighted Drill Hole Gold Composites: Hole-ID From (m) To (m) Core Length (m) Au (g/t) UG21-178 2.50 3.00 0.50 2.33 UG21-178 5.00 6.00 1.00 33.80 UG21-178 14.50 15.37 0.87 3.30 UG21-178 49.00 51.50 2.50 9.29 INCLUDING 50.50 51.50 1.00 16.30 UG21-178 55.70 56.50 0.80 390.00 UG21-178 59.50 61.00 1.50 20.54 INCLUDING 59.50 60.35 0.85 30.70 UG21-178 68.90 70.00 1.10 7.27 UG21-179 5.00 6.00 1.00 4.04 UG21-179 8.00 9.00 1.00 9.64 UG21-179 14.00 15.50 1.50 4.57 UG21-179 35.50 37.00 1.50 2.24 UG21-179 44.50 46.00 1.50 2.20 UG21-179 53.50 54.50 1.00 4.35 UG21-179 57.43 58.00 0.57 8.61 UG21-179 59.50 61.00 1.50 20.50 INCLUDING 59.50 60.25 0.75 29.00 AND 60.25 61.00 0.75 12.00 UG21-180 3.00 4.00 1.00 5.24 UG21-180 5.45 6.64 1.19 109.89 INCLUDING 5.45 6.00 0.55 155.50 AND 6.00 6.64 0.64 70.70 UG21-180 72.00 73.50 1.50 4.38 UG21-180 97.00 98.00 1.00 12.20 UG21-180 111.00 112.00 1.00 6.34 UG21-181 2.00 6.17 4.17 29.31 INCLUDING 4.77 5.54 0.77 18.55 AND 5.54 6.17 0.63 162.50 UG21-181 62.50 64.00 1.50 4.09 UG21-181 93.00 94.50 1.50 2.07 UG21-181 108.00 109.50 1.50 2.74 UG21-182 2.50 6.00 3.50 85.51 INCLUDING 2.50 3.50 1.00 14.95 AND 3.50 4.00 0.50 220.00 AND 4.00 4.50 0.50 42.70 AND 4.50 5.00 0.50 14.30 AND 5.00 5.50 0.50 223.00 AND 5.50 6.00 0.50 68.70 UG21-182 9.50 10.50 1.00 3.29 UG21-182 41.77 42.50 0.73 126.50 UG21-182 55.50 56.50 1.00 6.63 UG21-182 98.50 100.00 1.50 2.17 UG21-183 3.50 7.50 4.00 85.91 INCLUDING 3.50 4.50 1.00 37.00 AND 6.15 6.65 0.50 255.00 AND 6.65 7.50 0.85 197.50 UG21-183 40.50 42.00 1.50 3.58 UG21-183 64.50 67.50 3.00 4.48 UG21-183 96.00 97.50 1.50 2.23 UG21-184 2.00 3.94 1.94 84.68 INCLUDING 3.37 3.94 0.57 279.00 UG21-184 39.40 40.45 1.05 11.60 UG21-184 56.50 58.00 1.50 6.22 UG21-184 113.50 115.00 1.50 6.34 UG21-185 4.50 7.50 3.00 17.40 INCLUDING 4.50 5.50 1.00 18.10 AND 6.21 6.83 0.62 43.10 UG21-186 3.00 4.50 1.50 2.56 UG21-186 5.57 6.50 0.93 37.20 UG21-186 54.32 54.82 0.50 2.51 UG21-186 56.00 58.50 2.50 4.70 UG21-186 64.32 65.16 0.84 2.79 UG21-187 2.50 4.00 1.50 31.80 INCLUDING 2.50 3.50 1.00 13.20 AND 3.50 4.00 0.50 69.00 UG21-187 42.00 43.00 1.00 2.90 UG21-187 49.00 49.82 0.82 21.40 UG21-187 51.70 52.50 0.80 2.09 UG21-187 91.00 92.00 1.00 2.33 UG21-187 112.50 113.00 0.50 102.50 UG21-187 123.00 124.00 1.00 2.57 UG21-188 3.00 4.00 1.00 2.52 UG21-188 7.00 8.00 1.00 4.77 UG21-188 68.00 69.00 1.00 18.90 UG21-189 3.00 4.50 1.50 14.27 INCLUDING 3.76 4.50 0.74 23.30 UG21-189 14.50 15.50 1.00 5.97 UG21-189 57.00 58.00 1.00 164.50 UG21-190 0.00 0.75 0.75 2.18 UG21-190 92.50 93.50 1.00 12.05 UG21-190 107.40 108.30 0.90 2.01 UG21-190 118.10 119.60 1.50 3.10 UG21-190 124.60 131.00 6.40 3.23 UG21-191 18.85 20.00 1.15 2.89 UG21-191 89.42 90.26 0.84 2.65 UG21-191 95.42 96.15 0.73 15.95 UG21-191 119.00 120.50 1.50 3.44 UG21-192 84.00 85.50 1.50 16.95 UG21-192 95.73 96.62 0.89 35.50 UG21-192 110.00 110.50 0.50 693.00 UG21-193 35.50 37.00 1.50 3.88 UG21-193 83.50 86.50 3.00 6.54 INCLUDING 83.50 85.00 1.50 10.45 UG21-193 107.50 109.00 1.50 2.84 UG21-194 74.90 75.42 0.52 4.08 UG21-194 83.30 84.00 0.70 9.77 UG21-194 87.00 90.00 3.00 15.92 INCLUDING 87.00 88.00 1.00 19.45 AND 89.00 90.00 1.00 28.20 UG21-195 88.30 89.00 0.70 8.47 UG21-195 92.00 95.00 3.00 6.70 UG21-196 58.50 60.00 1.50 2.29 UG21-196 105.00 106.50 1.50 3.32 UG21-197 53.00 54.50 1.50 2.30 UG21-197 82.80 84.30 1.50 3.17 UG21-197 86.80 87.30 0.50 3.14 UG21-197 97.60 98.10 0.50 3.15 UG21-197 106.30 107.30 1.00 3.96 UG21-197 108.80 109.67 0.87 2.74 UG21-198 26.00 27.00 1.00 5.74 UG21-198 78.00 78.73 0.73 2.39 UG21-198 88.62 93.00 4.38 3.93 UG21-199 13.50 14.40 0.90 3.58 UG21-199 21.00 21.70 0.70 2.89 UG21-199 33.00 34.00 1.00 2.63 UG21-199 154.50 156.00 1.50 6.02 UG21-200 9.00 9.58 0.58 2.41 UG21-200 62.50 64.00 1.50 3.05 UG21-200 75.00 76.50 1.50 4.56 UG21-201 47.00 48.00 1.00 4.85 UG21-201 62.00 63.00 1.00 2.45 UG21-202 41.00 42.00 1.00 16.00 UG21-202 52.50 65.00 12.50 27.04 INCLUDING 54.50 55.50 1.00 11.45 AND 58.64 59.31 0.67 209.00 AND 59.31 60.00 0.69 203.00 UG21-203 14.68 15.18 0.50 10.60 UG21-204 28.00 31.00 3.00 4.97 INCLUDING 29.50 30.33 0.83 13.30 UG21-204 37.00 39.50 2.50 2.64 UG21-205 13.50 15.00 1.50 4.41 UG21-205 23.00 24.11 1.11 4.88 UG21-205 28.30 29.50 1.20 12.80 UG21-205 31.00 32.50 1.50 6.28 UG21-205 34.00 36.44 2.44 83.87 INCLUDING 34.00 35.50 1.50 134.50 UG21-205 47.38 47.90 0.52 9.10 UG21-206 34.50 35.40 0.90 17.85 UG21-206 41.00 44.00 3.00 5.25 UG21-206 76.00 77.00 1.00 3.18 UG21-207 18.00 19.32 1.32 3.61 UG21-207 30.00 31.50 1.50 5.43 UG21-207 49.50 50.09 0.59 5.75 UG21-208 33.43 34.00 0.57 9.87 UG21-208 42.50 43.50 1.00 2.21 UG21-209 5.00 6.00 1.00 2.88 UG21-209 37.50 39.00 1.50 6.86 UG21-209 100.50 101.19 0.69 4.57 UG21-209 137.50 139.00 1.50 19.95 UG21-210 32.00 33.50 1.50 2.31 UG21-211 30.00 31.50 1.50 6.28 UG21-211 43.50 44.25 0.75 42.90 UG21-211 48.00 48.83 0.83 6.45 UG21-212 NSA UG21-213 0.00 1.50 1.50 4.17 UG21-213 35.50 38.00 2.50 3.12 UG21-213 41.00 44.00 3.00 8.36 UG21-213 45.50 46.50 1.00 24.80 UG21-214 12.00 13.50 1.50 6.35 UG21-214 18.00 20.76 2.76 74.59 INCLUDING 18.00 19.50 1.50 18.80 AND 19.50 20.76 1.26 141.00 UG21-214 28.00 30.50 2.50 4.85 UG21-214 33.00 34.50 1.50 5.36 UG21-215 13.50 15.00 1.50 2.09 UG21-215 18.00 18.71 0.71 2.35 UG21-215 20.00 21.50 1.50 4.21 UG21-215 28.00 30.23 2.23 8.95 INCLUDING 29.50 30.23 0.73 16.95 UG21-215 34.00 35.50 1.50 14.00 UG21-215 50.15 51.00 0.85 2.05 UG21-215 52.20 55.00 2.80 2.88 UG21-215 65.50 67.00 1.50 2.42 UG21-215 68.17 70.00 1.83 30.48 INCLUDING 68.17 68.90 0.73 71.80 UG21-215 76.00 76.97 0.97 7.31 UG21-215-A 68.30 69.14 0.84 55.80 UG21-215-A 74.50 76.00 1.50 4.74 UG21-215-A 92.50 93.51 1.01 2.47 UG21-215-A 104.50 105.57 1.07 2.27 UG21-216 25.50 27.00 1.50 8.72 UG21-216 28.24 30.50 2.26 6.43 INCLUDING 30.00 30.50 0.50 11.20 UG21-216 32.00 36.28 4.28 15.38 INCLUDING 32.00 32.50 0.50 109.50 UG21-217 NSA True widths range from 60-100% of reported core lengths. Length weighted Au composites are constrained by geological considerations. Grade-capping of individual assays has not been applied to the Au assays informing the length-weighted Au composites. Samples below detection limit were nulled to a value of zero. NSA - No Significant Assays. Table 2: Mine Grid Drill Hole Locations and Orientations: Hole-ID Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m) Length (m) Azimuth () Dip () UG21-178 4673.5 2227.7 478.8 70.0 360.0 29.1 UG21-179 4673.5 2227.7 478.6 61.0 360.0 23.0 UG21-180 4673.3 2228.1 478.0 136.5 0.0 5.0 UG21-181 4673.3 2228.4 477.3 129.0 360.0 -7.0 UG21-182 4673.4 2228.2 477.0 130.0 0.0 -30.0 UG21-183 4673.6 2228.1 478.2 141.0 2.0 14.1 UG21-184 4673.6 2228.1 476.7 130.0 12.0 -35.0 UG21-185 4673.7 2227.7 478.8 61.0 15.0 29.3 UG21-186 4673.8 2228.0 478.0 78.0 14.7 10.4 UG21-187 4673.4 2228.2 477.4 130.5 20.1 -15.1 UG21-188 4673.6 2228.1 478.2 78.0 24.9 -23.0 UG21-189 4673.2 2228.4 477.7 72.0 35.0 -0.1 UG21-190 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 146.6 352.5 23.0 UG21-191 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 135.0 0.1 7.1 UG21-192 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 131.5 4.1 13.1 UG21-193 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 132.0 356.0 -4.2 UG21-194 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 126.0 4.1 1.1 UG21-195 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 123.8 10.0 -4.0 UG21-196 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 120.0 4.0 -12.1 UG21-197 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 137.8 10.0 19.0 UG21-198 4845.7 2192.1 416.8 129.0 10.2 7.3 UG21-199 4845.7 2186.2 417.5 162.0 187.0 -6.0 UG21-200 4845.7 2186.2 417.5 159.0 175.6 6.1 UG21-201 4787.6 2307.6 537.8 64.0 177.3 28.7 UG21-202 4787.5 2307.8 538.7 65.0 177.3 51.2 UG21-203 4800.1 2235.8 499.5 25.0 179.2 11.9 UG21-204 4799.9 2236.0 499.8 50.5 181.6 20.6 UG21-205 4799.9 2236.6 500.4 51.5 180.6 36.1 UG21-206 4762.6 2220.9 492.3 90.0 358.2 17.5 UG21-207 4762.8 2214.5 492.6 61.5 180.7 2.9 UG21-208 4787.7 2307.5 537.9 76.0 177.3 28.7 UG21-209 4845.7 2186.2 417.5 144.0 186.0 6.0 UG21-210 4845.7 2186.2 417.5 146.0 186.0 15.1 UG21-211 4800.1 2235.7 499.4 60.5 180.2 11.9 UG21-212 4887.6 2297.3 505.8 21.0 178.6 -28.3 UG21-213 4887.6 2299.0 505.4 60.5 181.0 -51.7 UG21-214 4838.7 2290.2 507.9 37.0 185.9 29.7 UG21-215 4838.7 2290.2 508.1 90.0 188.9 29.7 UG21-215-A 4838.5 2289.6 507.5 139.0 188.9 29.7 UG21-216 4887.6 2297.3 505.8 61.5 180.1 -28.2 UG21-217 4881.8 2302.4 506.6 9.0 359.0 -0.2 SOURCE: Skeena Resources Limited View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658216/Skeena-Intersects-2704-gt-Au-over-1250-metres-at-Snip-Gold-Project VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Amarc Resources Ltd. ("Amarc" or the "Company") (TSXV:AHR)(OTCQB:AXREF) is pleased to announce that Freeport-McMoRan Mineral Properties Canada Inc. ("Freeport") has increased its first year contribution to the Company's ongoing exploration program at the JOY District (the "JOY") in north-central British Columbia ("BC") by 37.5% - from CDN$4 million to CDN$5.5 million. Amarc is operating a comprehensive exploration program at JOY this summer, with core drilling and geological, geochemical and geophysical survey crews all active on-site. Additional funding provided by Freeport will be primarily focused on expanding the ongoing diamond drilling program. "These are transformative times for Amarc and the JOY District," said Amarc President & CEO Dr. Diane Nicolson. "The strength of our alliance with Freeport, our shared understanding of the exceptional copper and gold discovery potential at JOY, and the combined expertise of our respective teams has positioned Amarc for success at a historic time in our metals markets. We believe it's a combination that could drive significant value creation for our shareholders in the months and years ahead." Nicolson said the objective of Amarc's 2021 field season at JOY is to advance both deposit delineation and assess multiple targets areas - some of which are already known to host copper and gold mineralization. She added that the Company expects to begin announcing initial results from this season's exploration campaign before the end of the summer. The JOY District covers the northern extension of the prolific Kemess porphyry Cu-Au district in the underexplored Toodoggone region, part of BC's Golden Horseshoe. In May 2021 Amarc announced that it had formed an alliance with Freeport, a wholly owned subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (FCX), to explore the JOY District. Under the terms of the agreement, Freeport has a two-stage option to earn up to a 70% ownership interest in the mineral claims comprising the JOY District, plus other rights and interests, over up to a 10 year period, by spending a total of CDN$110 million. Amarc's 100%-owned consolidated mineral tenure at JOY hosts a pipeline of high quality targets, including: the PINE Cu-Au deposit, which remains open to expansion; the MEX Cu-Au deposit target; and, a number of other high potential drill-ready Cu-Au porphyry targets, which cluster on the property. In addition, related Au-Ag epithermal deposit potential remains to be fully explored at JOY. Further in-depth information on historical and contemporary exploration activities completed within the JOY District, detailing its significant potential, can be found in the Company's 'JOY Project 2020 Technical Report' filed under Amarc's profile at www.sedar.com or located on our website at https://amarcresources.com/projects/joy-project/technical-report/. About Amarc Resources Ltd. Amarc is a mineral exploration and development company with an experienced and successful management team focused on developing a new generation of long-life, high-value porphyry copper-gold mines in BC. By combining high-demand projects with dynamic management, Amarc has created a solid platform to create value from its exploration and development-stage assets. Amarc is advancing the 100%-owned IKE, DUKE and JOY porphyry coppergold districts located in different prolific porphyry districts in southern, central and northern BC, respectively. Each of the three districts is located in proximity to industrial infrastructure - including power, highways and rail. Importantly, each district represents significant potential for the development of multiple and important-scale, porphyry coppergold deposits. Amarc is associated with HDI, a diversified, global mining company with a 30-year history of porphyry discovery and development success. Previous and current HDI projects include some of BC's and the world's most important porphyry deposits - such as Pebble, Mount Milligan, Southern Star, Kemess South, Kemess North, Gibraltar, Prosperity, Xietongmen, Newtongmen, Florence, Casino, Sisson, Maggie, IKE and Pine. From its head office in Vancouver, Canada, HDI applies its unique strengths and capabilities to acquire, develop, operate and monetize mineral projects. Amarc works closely with local governments, Indigenous groups and other stakeholders in order to advance its mineral projects responsibly, and in a manner that contributes to sustainable community and economic development. We pursue early and meaningful engagement to ensure our mineral exploration and development activities are well coordinated and broadly supported, address local priorities and concerns, and optimize opportunities for collaboration. In particular, we seek to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with Indigenous groups within whose traditional territories our projects are located, through the provision of jobs, training programs, contract opportunities, capacity funding agreements and sponsorship of community events. All Amarc work programs are carefully planned to achieve high levels of environmental and social performance. Qualified Person as Defined Under National Instrument 43-101 Mark Rebagliati, P. Eng., a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical content in this release. For further details on Amarc Resources Ltd., please visit the Company's website at www.amarcresources.com or contact Dr. Diane Nicolson, President and CEO, at (604) 684-6365 or within North America at 1-800-667-2114. ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AMARC RESOURCES LTD. Dr. Diane Nicolson President and CEO Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor any other regulatory authority accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Forward-Looking and other Cautionary Information This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All such statements, other than statements of historical facts that address exploration drilling, exploitation activities and other related events or developments are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Assumptions used by the Company to develop forward-looking statements include the following: Amarc's projects will obtain all required environmental and other permits and all land use and other licenses, studies and exploration of Amarc's projects will continue to be positive, and no geological or technical problems will occur. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, potential environmental issues or liabilities associated with exploration, development and mining activities, exploitation and exploration successes, continuity of mineralization, uncertainties related to the ability to obtain necessary permits, licenses and tenure and delays due to third party opposition, changes in and the effect of government policies regarding mining and natural resource exploration and exploitation, exploration and development of properties located within Aboriginal groups asserted territories may affect or be perceived to affect asserted aboriginal rights and title, which may cause permitting delays or opposition by Aboriginal groups, continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions, as well as risks relating to the uncertainties with respect to the effects of COVID-19. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Amarc Resources Ltd., investors should review Amarc's annual Form 20-F filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission at www.sec.gov and its home jurisdiction filings that are available at www.sedar.com. SOURCE: Amarc Resources Ltd. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658276/Amarc-Receives-Additional-Funding-From-Freeport-McMoran-Mineral-Properties-Canada-Inc-To-Advance-Exploration-Activities-at-Its-Joy-Copper-Gold-Porphyry-District-BC VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / Wedgemount Resources Corp. (CSE:WDGY) ("Wedgemount" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce initial assay results from its 2021 exploration program at the Company's road accessible Eagle copper-gold project, located in the highly prospective Quesnel trough copper-gold porphyry belt of central British Columbia. Mark Vanry, President & CEO of Wedgemount commented, "We are extremely excited to receive initial assay results from the recently completed Eagle exploration program. The results confirm historical sampling at the three main zones and extend the strike length of all three zones. We also have highly anomalous samples from east and southeast of the Nighthawk Zone which open up new areas for further investigation including a planned high resolution IP survey. We look forward to receipt of additional sample results as they become available". Highlights Assay results from over 50 rocks samples collected over a 3.5 kilometre trend have been returned. Sampled up to 9.86 % copper, 2.5 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and 77.7 g/t silver from the Nighthawk zone and up to 1.63 % copper and 1.24 g/t gold from the Vector zone. from the Nighthawk zone and up to from the Vector zone. Results demonstrate the porphyry-related, high-grade copper potential of the Nighthawk to Vector corridor which will be the focus of further exploration. Assay Results Results have now been received from 51 rock samples collected during the Company's Phase 1 exploration program at the Eagle copper-gold project (see news release dated June 17th, 2021). Sampling was focussed at the three main zones (e.g., Nighthawk, Vector and Mid; Figure 1) to verify mineralization style and grade and to expand known mineralization footprints as well as other high priority targets that display coincident soil geochemical and ground and/or airborne geophysical anomalism. A total of 43 rock samples returned copper concentrations in excess of 1,000 ppm (0.1% copper) and 12 samples exceeded the level of detection for ICP analysis and were rerun using ore grade copper analysis. These 12 samples returned results ranging from 1.26% copper to the highest at 9.86% copper (Table 1). Gold and silver results were anomalous for every anomalous copper result; averaging 0.292 g/t gold and 8.23 g/t silver for copper results in excess of 1,000 ppm and 0.725 g/t gold and 20.0 g/t silver for copper concentrations in excess of 1%. The best copper-gold-silver result was sample D702202 which returned 9.86% copper, 2.5 g/t gold and 77.7 g/t silver. The sample was taken from a 20 X 20 metre gossanous outcrop bearing strong deformation and structurally controlled copper mineralization with up to 10 % visible chalcopyrite in a weakly magnetic diorite to gabbroic intrusion. The sample is located at the Nighthawk showing and is one of many samples collected over a 800 m2 area, which returned highly anomalous copper-gold values including sample D702210 (7.95 % copper and 1.59 g/t gold) and D702206 (4.42 % copper and 1.30 g/t gold; Table 1). Table 1. Significant Results - 2021 Eagle Rock Sample Zone SampleID Sample Type Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (%) Sample Comments Nighthawk D702202 GRAB 2.50 77.70 9.86 Gossanous 20x20m outcrop showing strong deformation and structurally controlled Cu mineralization Nighthawk D702010 GRAB 1.59 32.30 7.95 Mineralized pods of semi-massive chalcopyrite in chlorite-epidote altered diorite. Nighthawk D702206 GRAB 1.30 17.75 4.42 Sheared quartz-carbonate veins within chalcopyrite-bearing monzodiorite. SE of Nighthawk D702004 GRAB 0.45 24.40 2.24 Rusty, quartz-carbonate vein with chalcopyrite in potassic-altered diorite. Vector D702212 GRAB 0.25 15.85 2.17 Strong magnetite-pyrite-chalcopyrite mineralization in pervasive potassic-altered monzodiorite. SE of Nighthawk D702216 GRAB 0.18 19.05 2.15 Sheared, gossanous diorite with chalcopyrite-malachite and potassic alteration. Mid D702001 GRAB 0.03 8.06 1.91 Gossanous semi-massive zone with 2-5% chalcopyrite in strongly magnetite-epidote altered diorite. Vector D702009 GRAB 0.16 12.85 1.9 Main gossanous breccia structure hosts pods of semi-massive magnetite and chalcopyrite in potassic-chlorite altered diorite. Vector D702114 GRAB 1.24 10.50 1.63 Monzodiorite with pervasive magnetite and patchy potassic alteration with chalcopyrite, pyrite and malachite. Nighthawk D702201 GRAB 0.48 8.54 1.53 ~20x20m outcrop showing strong deformation and structurally controlled Cu mineralization with sulphides up to 10% chalcopyrite hosted in gabbro. East of Nighthawk D702012 GRAB 0.19 5.90 1.39 Mineralized, brecciated calcite-cemented shear with lenses of massive chalcopyrite. SE of Nighthawk D702218 GRAB 0.34 7.05 1.26 Stockwork shear bearing chalcopyrite-malachite-pyrite in diorite. Figure 1. Map showing location of 2021 grab samples and main porphyry-related copper + gold exploration targets on the Eagle project. 2021 Exploration Program Update The primary focus of the first phase of the 2021 exploration program was to first open old exploration trails for improved access followed by targeted geological mapping and geochemical sampling of the main zones of known porphyry-related copper and gold mineralization (e.g., Nighthawk, Vector and Mid). Based on a thorough review of all compiled recent and historical exploration data, other high-priority targets were defined and prioritised. The overall goal of the program is to improve the understanding of mineralization and alteration styles of the main zones and to define new vectors to aid in drill hole targeting. Geochemical results from multiple, confirmation soil samples collected along lines over key target areas are pending. A deep penetrating induced polarization (IP) geophysical survey is also tentatively scheduled to commence in August followed by additional geological mapping and sampling. Based on these new data, drill targeting will be completed and a decision will be made to commence with drill testing. Eagle Project The road accessible, 2,530 hectare project is situated in the heart of BC's prolific Quesnel trough copper-gold porphyry belt mid-way between the Mt. Milligan copper-gold mine of Centerra Gold and the Kwanika copper-gold development project of Northwest Copper. The Property is underlain by the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous Hogem Intrusive Suite, a large, regional batholith comprised of alkaline and calc-alkaline plutons that have been emplaced into the Middle Triassic to Lower Jurassic Takla Group volcanic rocks and sedimentary sequences. Historical work from the late-1960s to the early 2000's, including geological mapping, geophysical and geochemical surveys and limited drilling have outlined three main porphyry-related copper-gold targets. The discrete zones identified on the Eagle property to-date are hosted within a broad, northwest-trending, 3.5 km long structural corridor of copper-gold mineralization and widespread anomalous copper in soils. The Eagle project is subject to an earn-in agreement with ArcWest Exploration Inc (see AWX news release dated October 5th, 2020). QA/QC Rigorous field procedures were followed to ensure QA/QC measures, including routinely inserting Certified Reference Materials including an appropriate copper-gold reference and a blank reference. All samples were shipped to the ALS preparatory lab in Kamloops, BC, after which the prepared samples were shipped to the ALS analytical lab in North Vancouver, BC for final processing. Preparation: The preparation of rock samples was completed whereby samples were fine crushed to 70% passing 2mm (CRU-31) followed by taking a split sample using a riffle splitter (SPL-21) followed by pulverizing of the 250g split to 85% passing 75 microns (PUL-31). Analysis: geochemical analysis of all samples utilized the 4-acid digestion followed by ultra-trace 48-element ICP-MS package (ME-MS61). The quantified multi-element concentrations are then reported by their respective unit. The detection range for copper was 0.2-10,000 ppm. The detection range for silver was 0.01-100 ppm. Gold was analyzed using fire assay with AA finish (Au-AA23). The detection limit for gold was 0.005. Overlimit copper results (>10,000) were further analyzed by 4-acid ore grade detection using ICP-AES (Cu-OG62). ALS Labs also applied their own internal QA/QC procedures by systematically inserting standards, blanks and duplicates into sample batches. Lab results were evaluated to ensure they passed the internal requirements prior to release of the final test reports. Data Verification and National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure Some data disclosed in this news release relating to sampling and drilling results are historical in nature. Neither the Company nor a Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"),have verified the data, and, therefore, investors should not place undue reliance on such data. In some cases, the data may be unverifiable due to lack of drill core. Mineralization hosted on adjacent and/or nearby and/or geologically similar properties is not necessarily indicative of mineralization hosted on the Company's property. Grab samples are selective in nature and the resultant assays may not be representative of all mineralization on the property. The technical information disclosed in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Ken MacDonald, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. About Wedgemount Resources Corp. Wedgemount Resources is a junior mineral exploration company focused on maximizing shareholder value through the acquisition, discovery and advancement of high-quality copper - gold projects in North America. On behalf of the Board of Directors, WEDGEMOUNT RESOURCES CORP. Mark Vanry, President and CEO For more information, please contact the Company at: Telephone: (604) 343-4743 info@wedgemountresources.com www.wedgemountresources.com Reader Advisory This news release may contain statements which constitute "forward-looking information", including statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of the Company, its directors, or its officers with respect to the future business activities of the Company. The words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, or its management, are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements made in this news release include the Company's plans for exploration of the property and anticipated exploration results. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future business activities and involve risks and uncertainties, and that the Company's future business activities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, availability of funds, personnel and other resources necessary to conduct exploration programs, successes of the Company's exploration programs, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. There can be no assurances that such information will prove accurate and, therefore, readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such uncertainties. The Company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking information except as required under the applicable securities laws. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. SOURCE: Wedgemount Resources Corp. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/657802/Wedgemount-Announces-Initial-Assay-Results-from-Eagle-Exploration-Program-Samples-up-to-986-Copper Virtual Event Runs from August 10-12, 2021 TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / August 4, 2021 / EQ Inc. (TSXV:EQ) ("EQ Works" or the "Company"), a leader in geospatial data and artificial intelligence software that drives critical business outcomes for enterprises and agencies, is pleased to announce it will be presenting at the Canaccord Genuity Annual Growth Conference. The highly respected conference, in its 41st year, is an informative and engaging event that brings together prominent industry thought leaders and the investment community. The EQ Works presentation will feature CEO and President Geoffrey Rotstein, as its host and he will also take questions from the investor community. The EQ Works presentation will provide details on the rapid progress made by the organization in terms of its leadership position within the data analytics and intelligence space. Included in the conversation will be an update of its recent acquisition of Paymi, and how it will deliver incremental value to the already comprehensive data offering within the EQ platforms. The virtual conference, for clients of Canaccord Genuity, runs from August 10-12, with Mr. Rotstein speaking on August 12 at 12pm. About EQ Works EQ Works enables businesses to understand, predict and influence customer behaviour. Using unique data sets, advanced analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, EQ Works creates actionable intelligence for businesses to attract, retain, and grow the customers that matter most. The Company's proprietary SaaS platform mines insights from movement and geospatial data, enabling businesses to close the loop between digital and real-world consumer actions. SOURCE: EQ Inc. View source version on accesswire.com:https://www.accesswire.com/658215/EQ-Inc-to-Present-at-Canaccord-Genuity-Annual-Growth-Conference Singapore, Aug 4, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Riding on the success of the previous webinar with PERAFI (Indonesian Facade Association), the latest edition was held virtually on July 29 and focused on the international perspectives of facade design and applications.Subject-matter experts from around the world shared valuable information on tackling and overcoming challenges faced in the industry. The online sessions recognised the need to keep up to date with the latest developments and supported a better understanding of best practices in facade design and their applications for different countries.Putri Anindia from Astra Land Indonesia, hosted the webinar with the following speakers:- Anna Pravinata, Principal of Alliiance- Henry Sonten, Estimating Manager of Construction Specialties- Jayrold Bautista, Associate TS&D Scientist of Dow Performance Silicones- Monique Suksmaningsih, Regional Board Director of Broadway MalyanThe webinar commenced with an understanding of facade design considerations in cold climates which was shared by Anna Pravinata, Principal of Alliiance. Attendees learnt about the factors to take note of such as thermal value, occupant comfort and durability.Adding on, Henry Sonten, Estimating Manager of Construction Specialties, presented the variety of performance louvres and its resistance against rain, while ensuring proper air circulation. He also proved that louvres can be integrated seamlessly and aesthetically into building design."It was important to have the design work with the weather and not against it," Putri Anindia, Astra Land Indonesia, added.On a larger scale, Monique Suksmaningsih, Regional Board Director of Broadway Malyan, explored the transformation of streets, neighbourhood and districts through numerous case studies and architectural design plans.Glasstech Asia - The Glasshub of Southeast Asia (International Glass Products, Glass Manufacturing, Processing & Materials Exhibition) www.glasstechasia.com.sgConcurrent event: Fenestration Asia (International Windows, Doors, Skylights, Curtain Wall & Facade Technology Exhibition) www.fenestrationasia.com"About how things are changing (due to the pandemic) - residential areas, retail trends, workplaces and so on - we ensure that the developments are future-proof and aligned with what was envisioned," said Monique Suksmaningsih, Regional Board Director of Broadway Malyan.Lastly, an in-depth technical analysis of having cold bent facades in building design was given by Jayrold Bautista, Associate TS&D Scientist of Dow Performance Silicones. He emphasised the importance of communicating with the silicone supplier to ensure a long-lasting design.Webinars on-demandBesides these live sessions, Glasstech Asia x PERAFI webinars also features on-demand components that are only accessible to delegates that have an account on the Glasstech Asia Virtual platform. (Please check here: https://virtual.glasstechasia.com.sg/ivs/glasstech)About Glasstech Asia 2022 and Fenestration Asia 2022Coined "The Glass Hub of Southeast Asia", Glasstech Asia is an annual rotating exhibition that focuses on all things glass. The upcoming 18th edition Glasstech Asia along with the concurrent Fenestration Asia will be held between the 26th to 28th of October next year at Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre in Singapore. The three-day event brings together the best of the Southeast Asian glass and glazing sector, from glass manufacturing, processing, and machinery to accessories, raw materials, and finished glass products. Coupled with high-powered symposiums, forums, workshops, and an exciting Glass Installation Competition, it is an event not to be missed.Additionally, Glasstech Asia and Fenestration Asia aims to meet and satisfy the increasing global demands for eco-friendly windows, doors, and facades by focusing on new industry standards in sustainability, automation, and energy-efficiency topics. With a focus on green and smart fenestration technologies to bring about a more sustainable, energy-efficient, and liveable future, the exposition is strategically geared towards helping the architecture, building, and construction sectors in countries meet their energy targets.About Messe MunchenMesse Munchen is one of the leading exhibition organizers worldwide with more than 50 of its own trade shows for capital goods, consumer goods and new technologies. Every year, a total of over 50,000 exhibitors and around three million visitors take part in more than 200 events at the exhibition center in Munich, at the ICM - Internationales Congress Center Munchen and the MOC Veranstaltungscenter Munchen as well as abroad. Together with its subsidiary companies, Messe Munchen organizes trade shows in China, India, Brazil, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Nigeria, Vietnam, and Iran.With a network of associated companies in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America as well as around 70 representations abroad for over 100 countries, Messe Munchen has a global presence.About BAU NetworkBAU is the World's Leading Trade Fair for Architecture, Materials and Systems. Everyone involved in the international community for planning, building and designing buildings comes together here--i.e. architects, planners, investors, representatives of the industrial and commercial sectors, the building trades, etc.It is where future-oriented manufacturers come together with an audience of interested professionals. Their primary interests include the latest techniques, materials and applications that can be used in actual practice. This is where visitors experience the future of building in person.For additional information, contact:bauasia@mmiasia.com.sgSource: Glasstech AsiaCopyright 2021 ACN Newswire . All rights reserved. Detailed mapping and channel sampling has highlighted an extended mineralized zone. Drilling to start by mid-August. Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Mountain Boy Minerals Ltd (TSXV: MTB) (OTCQB: MBYMF) (FSE: M9UA)("Mountain Boy" or the "Company") announces that detailed mapping as well as channel sampling on the BA project is underway in support of drilling which is anticipated to begin before month-end. The BA Project is a 10,658-hectare project located in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia. The project lies 18 kilometres north-east of Stewart and the paved highway 37A and a high voltage electrical transmission line run through the northern end of the property through the Bear River valley. The project is located 29 kilometres by road to the deep-water seaport in Stewart. The upcoming drill program targets the northern extension of the mineralized horizon that was drilled between 2007 and 2010. The historic drilling delineated substantial near surface silver-lead-zinc mineralization extending over 610 metres striking NNE. Since the historic drilling, receding glaciers at the northern end of the zone have exposed further mineralization at surface. This mineralization has now been sampled in three channel sampling campaigns extending the zone of mineralization to at least 700 metres. Select results from the previous channel sampling programs are listed in Table 1 below. Table 1- Select results from channel sampling programs on the northern extension of the Barbara Zone. Trench ID Width (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (%) Pb (%) Zn (%) 2020-TR-01 7.40 0.013 78.7 0.02 0.31 2.02 2020-TR-02 4.30 0.003 112.2 0.02 0.62 3.21 2020-TR-03 3.90 0.008 98.9 0.02 0.81 4.15 2020-TR-04 1.40 0.911 12.0 0.02 0.13 0.64 2020-TR-05 1.40 0.003 129.0 0.03 2.29 9.96 2020-TR-05 5.90 0.007 46.0 0.02 0.68 3.46 2020-TR-06 1.40 0.003 30.2 0.04 0.30 1.23 TR-2016-A 18.00 0.006 93.3 0.02 1.18 3.31 TR-2016-B 4.00 0.015 100.6 0.01 0.20 1.07 TR-2016-J 3.00 0.003 63.6 0.02 0.26 1.37 TR-2016-K 13.50 0.017 92.2 0.03 0.52 2.19 TR-2010-01 1.90 0.003 67.0 0.09 1.06 3.89 TR-2010-02 1.30 0.003 163.0 0.08 0.30 1.46 TR-2010-03 3.30 0.003 82.0 0.06 0.29 1.10 TR-2010-04 2.90 0.003 114.4 0.02 0.51 3.25 TR-2010-05 6.00 0.003 234.7 0.03 0.73 2.90 TR-2010-06 2.80 0.003 114.0 0.01 2.26 4.31 TR-2010-07 0.75 0.680 162.0 0.02 3.31 6.44 TR-2010-08 3.70 0.003 64.5 0.01 0.16 1.81 TR-2010-09 1.00 0.003 127.0 0.03 0.79 1.63 TR-2010-10 1.60 1.980 190.0 0.05 1.57 5.16 TR-2010-11 0.70 0.003 140.0 0.01 0.65 0.16 TR-2010-12 1.25 1.420 134.0 0.04 1.40 3.85 TR-2010-12 5.60 0.321 129.4 0.07 1.02 2.08 TR-2010-14 5.50 0.004 144.0 0.07 0.68 2.13 TR-2010-15 1.50 0.003 601.0 0.03 0.56 2.10 TR-2010-16 1.80 0.003 291.0 0.01 1.07 0.53 TR-2010-17 17.30 0.003 65.5 0.01 0.40 1.72 American Creek Project Update Drilling began on the 27th of July on the American Creek project. The drill has now completed 5 holes off the first drill pad targeting the High-Grade zone. The drill is being moved to the second pad, targeting the High-Grade extension, located 300 metres to the north. About Mountain Boy Minerals Mountain Boy has six active projects spanning 604 square kilometres (60,398 hectares) in the prolific Golden Triangle of northern British Columbia. The flagship American Creek project is centered on the historic Mountain Boy silver mine and is just north of the past producing Red Cliff gold and copper mine (in which the Company holds an interest). The American Creek project is road accessible and 20 km from the deep-water port of Stewart. On the BA property, 178 drill holes have outlined a substantial zone of silver-lead-zinc mineralization located 4 km from the highway. Work this year is aimed at extending that zone. Surprise Creek is interpreted to be hosted by the same prospective stratigraphy as the BA property and hosts multiple occurrences of silver, gold and base metals. On the Theia project, work by Mountain Boy and previous explorers has outlined a silver bearing mineralized trend 500 meters long, highlighted by a 2020 grab sample that returned 39 kg per tonne silver (1,100 ounces per ton). Southmore is located in the midst of some of the largest deposits in the Golden Triangle. It was explored in the 1980s through the early 1990s, and largely overlooked until Mountain Boy consolidated the property and confirmed the presence of multiple occurrences of gold, copper, lead and zinc. The Telegraph project, acquired in May 2021, has a similar geological setting to major gold and copper-gold deposits in the Golden Triangle. Mountain Boy is funded for the coming field season and plans to advance these projects, including drilling on select project(s). The technical disclosure in this release has been read and approved by Andrew Wilkins, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. On behalf of the Board of Directors: Lawrence Roulston President & CEO For further information, contact: Nancy Curry VP Corporate Development (604) 220-2971 NEITHER TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE NOR ITS REGULATION SERVICES PROVIDER (AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED IN THE POLICIES OF THE TSX VENTURE EXCHANGE) ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OR ACCURACY OF THIS RELEASE. This news release may contain certain "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this news release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92003 Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Canuc Resources Corporation (TSXV: CDA) (OTCQB: CNUCF) ("Canuc" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the exploration program currently in progress at the Company's San Javier Ag-Au Project in Sonora State, Mexico. Massive Magnetite Encountered at 343 Metres Drill Hole number SJ-21-03 is currently in progress. It was designed to intersect a strong magnetic feature interpreted to begin at a depth of 300 m. The hole intersected massive magnetite at 343 m and is still in this zone at a depth of 480 m. Preliminary logging has identified zinc and copper minerals (sphalerite, marmatite and chalcopyrite) in stringers. The entire section will be sampled and analysed, and the results released as soon as verified. Detailed ground-proofing and re-interpretation of earlier drone based magnetic surveys has also been completed. Several magnetic-high features detected across the property have been selected for drill testing. Further magnetic-high targets scheduled for drill testing include the: Chiripas, Wild Hog and Restauradora Zones where magnetite veining, which is manifest on surface, and in old mine workings near to surface, assayed high to bonanza grades of silver in magnetite and where magnetic anomalies have been confirmed at depths ranging from 100 to 250 m. Diamond drilling on the first magnetic high at San Javier has resumed following a break designed to resolve mechanical issues encountered in the first two holes of the planned 6,000 m, Phase 1 drill program. During the break, the field crews carried out surface stripping, rock chip sampling and geological mapping as well as road and drill pad construction. Seven drill pads and adjoining roads have now been completed and drilling is in progress on the magnetic-high features detected earlier this year by drone and ground based magnetic surveys. New Gold Zone While building a road towards a magnetic-high target scheduled for drill testing in the southern portion of the Company's property, a new gold-bearing zone has been discovered. This zone is coincident with the magnetic-high confirmed for drill testing in this area. The mineralization is associated with a previously unrecognized, northwest-southeast trending, fault related magnetite breccia zone. This structure may be similar to fault structures that are reported to control Cu-Au mineralization on the adjacent property of Barksdale Resources Corp. as described in a recent news release and as proposed in earlier studies of IOCG style mineralization in this area (by Dr. Murray W. Hitzman and associates). The gold-bearing breccia zone is at least 50 m wide and has been traced for 100 m. It is open in both directions and appears to be along strike with other exposures on the Company's claims for at least 1 km. Eighty samples have been collected and submitted for analysis from the trace of this zone. Silver Mineralogy Study To enhance understanding of the mineralogy for the silver found in massive magnetite veining at San Javier, six high grade silver samples were submitted to ALS Global Laboratories in Kamloops, British Colombia for Quemscan analysis. This study determined that most of the silver minerals found at San Javier (~73%) are silver halides (such as AgCl, AgBr, AgI and AgFl) while a smaller relative percentage (~27%) were found to be Acanthite (Ag 2 S). This relative weighting in silver mineralogy is not common for silver deposits in the Western USA and Mexico but is consistent with silver mineralization that can be associated with IOCG deposit types. To confirm silver assay accuracy, rejects and pulps from 28 previously assayed samples (surface samples and drill core) were re-submitted to the primary laboratory (ALS) and to a second laboratory (Bureau Veritas). The results generally showed a very good reproducibility. "Encountering massive magnetite early in our drill program is the strongest evidence yet supporting the IOCG thesis for San Javier. This outcome, in combination with silver mineralogical analysis and previous work on IUGS chemical classification for regional igneous rocks made by Dr. Michael Tedeschi in 2010, greatly increases our confidence in the IOCG model for San Javier. Our exploration objectives are to confirm that San Javier has the potential to host a significant silver and gold metal endowment and to be classified in a similar way to currently acknowledged magnetite-group IOCG deposits such as Ernest Henry (Australia), Candelaria (Chile), Sossego (Brazil), Guelb (Mauritania) and Boss (USA)," stated Christopher Berlet, President and CEO of Canuc. Seymour M. Sears, B.A., B.Sc., P.Geo. is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. About Canuc Canuc is a junior company focusing on the San Javier Silver-Gold Project in Sonora State, Mexico. The Company generates cash flow from natural gas production at its MidTex Energy Project in Central West Texas, USA where Canuc has an interest in eight producing natural gas wells and has rights for further in field developments. Canuc also has exclusive rights, through a Partnership Agreement with Ioticiti Networks Inc., to sell Industrial IoT applications and infrastructure in the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada and in the State of Texas, USA. For further information please contact: Canuc Resources Corporation. (416) 525 - 6869 cberlet@canucresources.ca Forward-Looking Information This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance. When used in this news release, the words "estimate", "project", "anticipate", "expect", "intend", "believe", "hope", "may" and similar expressions, as well as "will", "shall" and other indications of future tense, are intended to identify forward-looking information. The forward-looking information is based on current expectations and applies only as of the date on which they were made. The factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, the ability of the Corporation to fund the exploration expenditures required under the Agreement. Other factors such as uncertainties regarding government regulations could also affect the results. Other risks may be set out in the Corporation's annual financial statements, MD&A and other publicly filed documents. The Corporation cautions that there can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Except as required by law, the Corporation does not assume any obligation to release publicly any revisions to forward-looking information contained in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof. Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/91990 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is pleased to provide an update from its current property-wide exploration program across its 100% optioned Buck Property, central British Columbia. Highlights Over 200 rock samples and over 2,000 soil samples have been collected to date across the 33,000 hectare property. Geological mapping and prospecting have outlined numerous areas of previously unrecognized pervasive hydrothermal alteration. These areas are being systematically evaluated. The team is completing a comprehensive geological modelling and drill hole targeting initiative based on data from the recently completed 18 drill hole program. Planning for a multi-rig drill program at Buck is underway, anticipated to commence later this summer. Company is fully funded for drilling by the recent $5 million dollar flow-through financing (see SMN news released dated July 29th, 2021). Bob Willis, Sun Summit's CEO, commented: "We are very pleased with the progress of our property-wide exploration program this year. Our technical team has systematically evaluated many key areas across the prospective belt of rocks that transect the Buck property. This work has outlined numerous areas of significant alteration that warrant follow-up. Exploration is ongoing, and results will be released once assays from rock and soil samples are returned from the lab. "We are also currently modelling all available drill data. These updated models will be used to strategically plan our upcoming multi-drill rig program. Details are being finalised, it is expected that drilling will be focused on defining the extent of high-grade and bulk tonnage-style gold zones, and also on peripheral areas where the system remains open. "We look forward to updating all our shareholders with program details once plans are set and targets are prioritised." Exploration Program The focus of the 2021 summer exploration program is on the approximately 24 kilometre long, northwest-trending, fault-bound belt of Late Cretaceous Kasalka Group volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, host to epithermal-related mineralization at the Trench and Horseshoe targets (see SMN news release dated May 26th, 2021). Over 200 rock samples have been collected so far across the property, and over 2,000 soils samples have been collected along property-wide transects and on focused tightly-spaced sample grids. Many of the soil grids were designed to follow up numerous zones of strong hydrothermal alteration locally observed in out-crop, sub-crop and float. Many of these zones were exposed due to recent logging and have been thoroughly investigated with more groundwork planned. Key targets previously identified based on a thorough compilation of all available historic exploration data (e.g., IRK target) have been evaluated and follow-up work is planned. Modelling and Drill Planning The Company is planning a significant, multi-rig drill program set to commence this September. The program is anticipated to comprise step-out holes from areas of high-grade mineralization as well as additional drilling in areas of open-ended, near-surface breccia-hosted, bulk tonnage-style mineralization. The Company is currently finishing an updated geological and exploration model based on all new drill data from the recently completed 18 hole drill program (see SMN news releases dated May 11th, 2021, June 10th, 2021, and July 6th, 2021). The early 2021 drill program outlined significant zones of previously unrecognised high-grade gold mineralization in the Trench zone (e.g., 31.6 g/t gold over 4 metres including 246 g/t gold over 0.5 metres; BK21-020). A focus of the comprehensive modelling is on defining orientations and structural controls on these high-grade zones. Lithological and structural controls on near-surface, bulk tonnage-style gold mineralization (e.g., 186 metres of 0.78 g/t gold including 109 metres of 1.07 g/t gold) are also being modelled. These models will be used to plan numerous drill holes to test the extents and continuity of gold mineralization within both styles. National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure This news release has been approved by Sun Summit's CEO, Robert D. Willis, P. Eng. a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has also verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical and test data, underlying the technical information in this news release. Community Engagement Sun Summit is engaging with First Nations on whose territory the Buck Property is located and is discussing their interests and identifying contract and work opportunities, as well as opportunities to support community initiatives. The Company looks forward to continuing to work with local and regional First Nations as the project continues. Health and Safety The Company's exploration programs are being carried out in full compliance with federal, provincial, and municipal guidelines established in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Sun Summit has a rigorous infection prevention and control protocol in place to protect the health of employees and contractors, as well as surrounding communities in which the Company works. Buck Property The recently expanded 33,000-hectare property, approximately 12 kilometres south of Houston, British Columbia, has excellent nearby infrastructure and allows for year-round road-accessible exploration. About Sun Summit Sun Summit Minerals is an exploration company focused on expanding its epithermal gold discovery at its flagship Buck Project located in north-central British Columbia. The Company is exploring multiple high priority gold and silver targets through methodical, well-funded exploration campaigns with year round drilling access. The Project has high-grade and bulk-tonnage gold and silver potential and is located in a mining-established region that includes many former operating mines and current exploration projects. Sun Summit is committed to environmental and social responsibility with a focus on responsible development to generate positive outcomes for all stakeholders. Further details are available at www.sunsummitminerals.com. For further information, contact: Sharyn Alexander, M.Sc. VP Technical Services Nancy Curry Corporate Communications info@sunsummitminerals.com Tel. 778-588-9606 Forward-Looking Information Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences, without limiting the generality of the following, include: risks inherent in exploration activities; volatility and sensitivity to market prices; volatility and sensitivity to capital market fluctuations; the impact of exploration competition; the ability to raise funds through private or public equity financings; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; changes in government regulations and policies, including trade laws and policies; failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; weather and other natural phenomena; and other exploration, development, operating, financial market and regulatory risks. Except as required by applicable securities laws and regulation, Sun Summit Minerals Corp. disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/91993 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Element 29 Resources Inc. (TSXV: ECU) (OTCQB: EMTRF) ("Element 29" or the "Company") announces today that it has commenced a 4,000 metre ("m") drill program to further explore the known copper mineralization at its Elida Copper Project ("Elida") located in central Peru (see Figure 1). The Company also announces the retirement of Brian Booth, President and CEO. Drill Program Initiation of a 4,000 m drill program at Elida Target 1 to supplement data from 18 historical drill holes (see Figure 2). Six holes are planned to depths from 450 to 1,000 m with the following program objectives: 1) Achieve a drill hole spacing that is appropriate for estimating a mineral resource in a portion of Target 1; 2) Investigate the vertical continuity and zonation of mineralization in Target 1, and; 3) Improve the confidence of mineralization boundaries interpreted from previous drilling and outcrops. Paul Johnston, Element 29's Vice President of Exploration comments, "This drill program is an important milestone for the Company as it will give us information critical for understanding the mineral system at Target 1 and allow us to potentially complete an initial mineral resource estimate for a portion of the target. Drilling results will inform decisions on the continued exploration of Target 1. I am extremely proud of our newly assembled Peruvian exploration team, who have done an exemplary job ensuring everyone remains healthy and safe while preparing for this drill program during challenging pandemic conditions." The first hole of the current drill program will be drilled vertically up to a depth of 1,000 m to evaluate the depth extent of mineralization beneath one of the stronger copper-mineralized intercepts in ELID012 (393 m of 0.455% Cu, 0.048% Mo, 3.58 g/t Ag, for 0.623% CuEq1 within 503 m of 0.42% Cu, 0.046% Mo, 3.23 g/t Ag, for 0.579% CuEq1, see press release dated January 5, 2021). Copper-molybdenum mineralization has been intercepted by previous drilling to a maximum depth of 400 m and remains open at depth. The remainder of the drill holes are designed to intersect mineralization at a spacing appropriate for potentially estimating an Inferred Mineral Resource and constrain the position and geometry of mineralization boundaries (see Figure 3). The Company will be adding an additional drilling unit in subsequent days (see Figure 4). The drill program is expected to be completed in the latter half of 2021 with assays to be announced in Q4 of 2021. Members of the local community are employed to assist with our site preparations and on-going drilling operations. In order to protect against community spread of COVID-19, the Company has assisted community members with COVID-19 testing and transportation to vaccination centres. It is mandatory that all people entering the project receive a negative PCR COVID-19 test within 72 hours of arrival and regular antigen testing is being done on site by the Company's medical personnel. All people on site are required to wear a mask at all times and maintain a physical distance of two metres while working. Work plans involve minimizing contact between local community members and project staff. Standard hygiene practices (frequent hand washing and disinfecting surfaces) are rigorously enforced. CEO Retirement Brian Booth, President and CEO, has decided to retire from the Company. A search for a new CEO has commenced, with Brian continuing in his role until a successor is found. Mr. Richard Osmond, Chairman, comments, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Brian for his service in launching the Company through its listing on the various stock exchanges and initiating the 2021 drilling campaign." Brian Booth commented, "It is with mixed emotions that I announce my retirement to spend more time with my family as Element 29 starts to flourish. We've built up a diverse and strong leadership team that I know will continue to push the Company forward with continued success." Pursuant to Section 5.1(a)(iii) of TSXV Policy 4.4 Incentive Stock Options, Mr. Booth's 925,000 unexercised stock options will be cancelled on the date of his retirement. About Elida Elida is a porphyry copper-molybdenum exploration project within a property composed of 28 mining concessions totaling 19,210 hectares that are 100% owned by Elida Resources S.A.C. a Peruvian subsidiary of Element 29. The property contains a large, 2 x 2 kilometre ("km") alteration system enclosing a cluster of porphyry centres that represent five distinct exploration targets. A first-pass drill program consisting of 18 diamond drill holes totaling 9,880 m completed in 2014/15 identified significant copper, molybdenum, and silver mineralization associated with a quartz monzonite porphyry stock at Target 1. The remaining four large targets are untested. Under the current drill permit, the Company can elect to drill test all identified targets. The project is in central Peru, approximately 85 km inland from the Pacific coast at moderate elevation between 1,500 and 2,000 m and close to transportation and power infrastructure, including a 45 mega-watt hydroelectric generation facility situated about 15 km from the project. Technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Paul Johnston (P.Geo.), the Company's Vice President of Exploration, who is Element 29's qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 and responsible for technical matters of this press release. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. About Element 29 Resources Inc. Element 29 Resources Inc. is an emerging copper exploration and development company focused on advancing its portfolio of Peruvian projects towards development in one of the lowest-risk mining jurisdictions in the world. Element 29's growth strategy is led by our strong board and management, who have a proven track record of discovery and delivering significant value to our shareholders. The Company's principal objective is to explore and develop its flagship Flor de Cobre porphyry Cu-Mo project located in southern Peru, just 26 km southeast from Freeport-McMoRan's Cerro Verde Cu-Mo mine. At the same time, the Company intends to build on its copper inventory with continued exploration on its Flor de Cobre project as well as its remaining 22,000 ha of mining concessions in Peru including the recently discovered Elida porphyry Cu-Mo-Ag system located in central Peru and 85 km from the coast. Both projects are well located for future mine development and will benefit from nearby infrastructure including roads, powerlines, ports, water, and a skilled workforce. More information is available at www.e29copper.com. Contact Brian Booth - President, Chief Executive Officer and Director Phone: +1-888-246-7881 E-mail: info@e29copper.com Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation (collectively, "Forward-looking Statements"). All statements, other than statements of historical fact, constitute Forward-looking Statements. Words such as "will", "intends", "proposed" and "expects" or similar expressions are intended to identify Forward-looking Statements. Forward-looking Statements in this press release include statements related the Company's resource properties, and the Company's plans, focus and objectives. Forward-looking Statements involve various risks and uncertainties and are based on certain factors and assumptions. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include uncertainties related to fluctuations in copper and other commodity prices, uncertainties inherent in the exploration of mineral properties, the impact and progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and other risk factors set forth in the Company's prospectus under the heading "Risk Factors". The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any Forward-looking Statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Element 29 to predict all of them or assess the impact of each such factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any Forward-looking Statement. Any Forward-looking Statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. (1) The calculated Copper Equivalent (CuEq %) grade is used by Element 29 for reporting purposes only. Copper equivalence is calculated as: CuEq (%) = Cu (%) + (2.667 x Mo (%)) + (0.0097 * Ag (g/t)), using Cu price = US$3.00/lb, Mo price = US$8.00/lb, and Ag price = US$20.00/lb. No metallurgical recovery was applied in the copper equivalent formula as no metallurgical data is available. Figure 1. Map of the Elida porphyry cluster showing the location of five exploration targets, including Target 1 that is the focus of the current drill program. To view an enhanced version of Figure 1, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/7414/92019_6d5dbd89b468a82f_001full.jpg Figure 2. Target 1 showing existing and planned drill holes. The horizontal projection of mineralized intervals is shown as grey bands on the existing drill holes. To view an enhanced version of Figure 2, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/7414/92019_6d5dbd89b468a82f_002full.jpg Figure 3. An oblique view of Target 1 with red shading showing the interpreted position of copper-molybdenum mineralization projected to surface in relation to drill hole ELID019, which is currently in progress. The centre of the ring of mineralization is occupied by an early-stage mineral porphyry intrusion. The interpretation is based on alteration and mineralization exposed by drainage incisions and drill holes. To view an enhanced version of Figure 3, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/7414/92019_element29_figure3_550.jpg Figure 4. Initiation of drilling on the Phase 1 program began with ELID019, a vertical hole designed to test the vertical extent of mineralization beneath one of the better mineralized intervals returned from ELID012, which was drilled in 2015. To view an enhanced version of Figure 4, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/7414/92019_6d5dbd89b468a82f_004full.jpg To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92019 Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 4, 2021) - Defiance Silver Corp. (TSXV: DEF) (OTCQX: DNCVF) (FSE: D4E) ("Defiance" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update to the ongoing drill program at the company's Zacatecas project. The current phase of the drill program has been successful in defining a new zone of mineralization near the Veta Morada fault and further outlining wide zones of mineralization on the Veta Grande vein system at the Zacatecas project. Highlight of Results DDSA-21-40 - Intersected high grade and wide widths of silver on the Veta Grande vein, including 2.8 metres of 336 g/t AgEq (from 314.40-317.20m) within an 8.28 metre wide zone of 188 g/t AgEq included in a wider interval of 16.47m of 129 g/t AgEq (from 302.48-318.95m). - Intersected high grade and wide widths of silver on the Veta Grande vein, including (from 314.40-317.20m) within an wide zone of included in a wider interval of (from 302.48-318.95m). DDSA-21-34 - Was designed to test the Veta Morada fault at depth and intersected a new, unnamed vein with elevated Ag, Au, Pb, Zn results near the Veta Morada fault, including 1.25m (206.9-208.15m) of 253.63 g/t Ag, 0.20 g/t Au and 0.47 % Zn or 286 g/t AgEq. This was in a 3.10 metre wide zone (206.90-210.05m) of 133 g/t AgEq. This was the first hole into a newly identified structural zone. Chris Wright, Chairman & CEO, commented: "We are encouraged by the discovery of a previously unrecognized silver-bearing vein system in a hanging wall structure that has never previously been tested. Furthermore, drill hole DDSA-21-40, a step out hole from the excellent results on hole DDSA21-36, returned encouraging grades and wide widths. Follow-up drilling in this zone will target the new mineralized vein at DDSA-21-36 and the mineralization in DDSA-21-40." Overview Maps Figure 1 - Zacatecas project and reported drill holes in yellow.Blue diamonds represent previously reported drill holes in current program. Light blue diamonds represent holes completed with results pending. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_002full.jpg Figure 2 - Drill hole collar locations with Veta Grande and new unnamed vein projected to surface. Cross-section locations shown in white dashed lines. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_003full.jpg Cross Sections Cross Section 1 - Cross Section of drill hole DDSA-21-34 (Veta Morada area with the newly discovered unnamed vein). Previous reported results from hole DDSA-21-35 also highlighted. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_004full.jpg Cross Section 2 - Cross section of drill hole DDSA-21-40 with highlighted intervals and location of old workings encountered on the Veta Intermedia. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_005full.jpg Discussion of Results Historical stopes and higher-grade mineralized intercepts appear to primarily occur at the intersections of north-striking faults and the Veta Grande vein system. The vein system looks to contain higher grades and wider intercepts of mineralization at these intersections, as evident by the presence of substantial underground workings, high-grade historical drill results, and wide widths with high metal grades encountered in the 2021 drill program (e.g. DDSA-21-36, 37). Proof of concept exploration success: one drill hole into the Veta Morada area discovered a previously unrecognized hanging-wall vein system with multiple elevated precious and base metal intercepts. The drill holes in this release were designed to test several targets at the San Acacio Project area: 1) Test a previously undrilled vein system at San Acacio (Veta Morada fault zone). 2) Test locations with different relationships to fault intersections to locate areas of increased mineralization and understand their controls. 3) Discover and quantify the extent of historic workings and remaining in-situ mineralization. Objective 1 - New Vein Zone Hole DDSA-20-34 was the first hole collared to test the Veta Morada fault located to the south of the main Veta Grande structure. Drilling encountered a previously unknown vein that appears to be outboard of the Veta Morada fault and possibly related to northerly-striking faults that are perpendicular to the main Veta Grande fault trend. This unnamed vein has limited information and further drill programs will continue to follow up on and delineate this vein. Objective 2 - Structural Controls on Grade-Thickness Holes 33, 39, 40, and 45 were drilled on locations within the Veta Grande system that were untested by previous exploration drill holes. Hole DDSA-20-33 was the first hole drilled during this drill program. It was drilled deep underneath the system prior to the mapping team's identification the potential controlling structures. This hole does intersect the three veins of the Veta Grande vein system; however, the veins are poorly mineralized in this location. Subsequent mapping has shown that this hole was drilled into the footwall of the north-striking, east-dipping faults that appear to control the mineralization in this area. Holes drilled into the hanging-wall of this same structure tend to have significant grade-thickness. Likewise, hole DDSA-21-39 hit vein and breccia material at the predicted location; however, this hole appears to be too far from the north-striking faults that control the new mineralization announced in the last release (holes DDSA-21-36, 37 & 38). The vein is present in DDSA-21-39 but is silica-flooded and richer in lithics rather than polyphase breccia clasts. The vein does contain sulphide mineralization, but in lesser amounts than DDSA-21-36, 37 & 38. Sulphide content progressively decreases from 36 to 37 to 38 to 39 and appears to be controlled by proximity to another of these north-striking structures. Following on this understanding, DDSA-21-40 was collared in the same location as DDSA-21-39 but drilled from the footwall into the hanging wall of a prospective north-trending fault. A large interval of substantial mineralization was encountered here. Historic miners did not penetrate this zone of the Veta Grande vein, though Veta Intermedia was mined in this location. Hole DDSA-21-45 was a re-drill of hole DDSA-21-44, which was attempting to target the intersection of the Veta Grande structure and a north-striking fault farther to the east within the project area. Hole DDSA-21-44 experienced severe deviation, and the hole was abandoned and re-collared nearby as hole DDSA-21-45. Unfortunately, hole DDSA-21-45 experienced further deviation (+12 degrees) and failed to intersect the target. Objective 3 - Extent of Historic Workings Holes DDSA-21-41, 42, and 43 were drilled into the eastern extent of the most significant historical workings to understand the extent of mineralization and underground workings in this area. Hole DDSA-21-41 was drilled broadly parallel to and underneath the Refugio tunnel, confirming the lack of underground workings and the diminished sulphide content of the veins in this portion of the vein system. Hole DDSA-21-42 was drilled directly into the area with the largest amount of historic workings mapped on the historic long-section and between two historic underground drill holes with moderate silver grades. Hole DDSA-21-42 encountered three different workings, including a set of deeper workings not shown on the historic long section of the mine. Hole DDSA-21-43 targeted the intersection of a mapped north-striking fault and the projection of the Veta Grande vein; the portion of the vein targeted in this hole is down-dip from that of hole DDSA-21-42. Hole DDSA-21-43 encountered a large historic working (6+ metres) at the projection of the Veta Grande vein. These workings are not shown on any historic long sections or level plans, but the size of the working and tenor of the remaining mineralization indicates that the structural intersection that was targeted is productive for historically mineable mineralization. San Acacio Geologic Overview The highest-grade silver mineralization is typically associated with honey-coloured sphalerite, argentiferous galena, variable silver sulphides, and spatially correlated with amethyst. The highest-grade gold mineralization is typically associated with pyrite, brown to red-coloured sphalerite, and occasionally with hematite. The hanging-wall mineralization tends to express as a more conventional vein to veinlet array morphology while the Veta Grande often occurs as a breccia with vein-type textures and gangue. San Acacio hosts a current Inferred mineral resource estimate containing 16.97 Moz silver (17.76 Moz AgEq) grading 181.94 g/t silver (192.5 g/t AgEq) with a 100 g/t AgEq cut off (see the Technical report titled: Technical Report and Resource Estimate, San Acacio Silver Deposit, Zacatecas State, Mexico by Giroux and Cuttle dated September 26, 2014, which is also available on Sedar and the company's website here. Long Section of Drilling Figure 3 - Schematic long section showing Veta Grande intersections, limits of current resource estimate, and known underground workings. To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_006full.jpg Table of Results Table 1 - Silver equivalent is calculated using the following formula: Silver-Equivalent (AgEq) = [(Au_ppm x 56.26)+(Ag_ppm x 0.80)+(Pb_ppm x .0016)+(Zn_ppm x 0.0026)]/0.80. Metal price assumptions are Au:$1750, Ag:$25, Pb: $0.75, Zn:$1.2. 100% recovery has been assumed for all metals. At this stage of the project, no metallurgy has been completed, and the reader is cautioned that 100% recoveries are never achieved. True thickness is assumed to be 50%-80% of downhole width. To view an enhanced version of this table, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_007full.jpg Drill Hole Information Table 2 - All coordinates in WGS84 UTM, Zone 13N. To view an enhanced version of this table, please visit: https://orders.newsfilecorp.com/files/2950/92039_031c6012b403b86c_008full.jpg The current drill program, a continuation of the previously numbered drill holes, commenced with hole DDSA-20-33. This news release contains the results from holes (DDSA-21-33, 34 and 39 to 45) for a total of approximately 4014.2 metres. The company has drilled approximately 7842 m of HQ3 drill core to date in the current program. Next Steps 1) Continued drilling in the main resource area at the San Acacio mine, designed to test the limits of the vein system for an updated resource estimate. 2) Additional district-scale surface exploration, including mapping and sampling at the Lucita project is ongoing. 3) Core re-logging of the historical drill holes is ongoing. 4) Permits have been submitted for approval on additional exploration holes as a follow up to the property-wide surface geochemistry and mapping program at San Acacio. 5) Permits have been submitted for approval for phase 1 drilling at Lucita. Discussion of QAQC and Analytical Procedure Samples were selected based on the lithology, alteration, and mineralization characteristics; sample size ranges from 0.25 - 2m in width. All altered and mineralized intervals were sent for assay. One blank, one standard, and one duplicate were included within every 20 samples. Standard materials are certified reference materials [CRMs] from OREAS and contain a range of Ag, Au, Cu, Pb, and Zn values. Blanks, standards, and duplicates did not detect any issues with the analytical results. Samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex Laboratories. Sample preparation was performed at the Zacatecas, Mexico, prep facility, and analyses were performed at the Vancouver, Canada, analytical facility. All elements except Au and Hg were analyzed by a multi-element geochemistry method utilizing a four-acid digestion followed by ICP-MS detection [ME-MS61m]; mercury was analyzed after a separate aqua regia digest by ICP-MS. Overlimit assays for Ag, Pb, and Zn were conducted using the OG62 method (multi-acid digest with ICP-AES/AAS finish). Gold was measured by fire-assay with an ICP-AES finish [50g sample, Au-ICP22]. San Acacio History Zacatecas State continues to be the top producer of silver in Mexico and is one of the reasons Mexico remains the world's largest silver-producing region. The Zacatecas-Fresnillo Silver Belt is one of the most prolific silver producing areas in the world. Production at the San Acacio mine dates to at least 1548 when Spanish colonialists mined mainly bonanza oxide ores, typically grading in excess of 1kg/tonne Silver. The various veins were mined intermittently until the mid-1800s when an English company drove the ~2km Purisima tunnel to allow for deeper underground access and drainage. From the late 1800s until the Mexican Revolution in 1920, mining consisted of intermittent production from bonanza grade ores. During the Mexican Revolution, heavy fighting in the Zacatecas region led to the halt of most mining endeavors. In the mid 1920's, a cyanide plant targeting silica rich ores and a floatation plant for complex Pb-Zn ores were built with varying success until the transition from oxide to sulphide rich ores made for recovery complexities. In the mid 1930s the first tonnage estimate was created on the property, although the project sat mostly idle save for some stope and adit rehabilitation at Purisima and Refugio. Production was largely dormant except for some small processing done by CIA Fresnillo in the late 1930s to early 1940s. In the mid-1990s Silver Standard Resources Inc. began a systematic exploration and evaluation program targeting an open pit silver mine consisting of backfill, remaining stopes and silica-rich hanging wall and footwall mineralization of the Veta Grande structure. This entry by a publicly-listed company kicked off nearly three decades of exploration, development, and bulk-scale processing. Defiance Silver has been exploring the project since 2011 and has focused primarily on identifying near-term mine resources. Drilling by previous operators as well as Defiance Silver from 2009 to early 2017 confirmed the presence of significant mineralizing events that provide evidence for a long-lived mineralizing system. Drilling in late 2017 and early 2019 outlined complexities in the structural geology of the area and identified significant "down dropped" and rotated structural blocks as the company tested the Veta Grande at similar elevations where it was encountered by earlier mining and drilling. About Defiance Silver Corp. Defiance Silver Corp. (TSXV: DEF) (OTCQX: DNCVF) (FSE: D4E) is an exploration company advancing the district-scale Zacatecas Project, located in the historic Zacatecas Silver District and the 100% owned Tepal Gold/Copper Project in Michoacan, Mexico. Defiance is managed by a team of proven mine developers with a track record of exploring, advancing and developing several operating mines and advanced resource projects. Defiance's corporate mandate is to expand the San Acacio and Tepal projects to become premier Mexican silver and gold deposits. Mr. George Cavey P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, is a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 and has approved the technical information concerning the Company's material mineral properties contained in this press release. On behalf of Defiance Silver Corp. "Chris Wright" Chairman of the Board For more information, please contact: Investor Relations at +1 (604) 343-4677 or via email at info@defiancesilver.com . www.defiancesilver.com Suite 2900-550 Burrard Street Vancouver, BC V6C 0A3 Canada Tel: +1 (604) 343-4677 Email: info@defiancesilver.com Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements. Defiance Silver Corp. relies upon litigation protection for forward-looking statements. To view the source version of this press release, please visit https://www.newsfilecorp.com/release/92039 - OPPO has established a pre-research team to conduct preliminary research on 6G service and technology requirements, key technologies, and system features - OPPO's 6G white paper takes an innovative step forward by introducing AI Function Plane as a new dimension in 6G networks DUBAI, UAE, Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Global technology company OPPO announced that the OPPO Research Institute has officially released its first 6G white paper - "6G AI-Cube Intelligent Networking". As one of the global and MENA region's telecommunications industry's first in-depth reports on how artificial intelligence (AI) can empower 6G network architecture, the white paper proposes a more detailed vision for the design of next-generation communication networks. OPPO has established a pre-research team to conduct preliminary research on 6G service and technology requirements, key technologies, and system features. The global smartphone leader believes that 6G will reshape the way people interact with AI, as it is utilised to serve the public through a myriad of applications. In June 2021, UAE telecoms provider Etisalat announced plans for 6G - stating that the network is expected to be even faster and support applications such as augmented and virtual reality, as well as AI infrastructure. With technology that could usher in transmission speeds 100 times greater than 5G, along with near-zero latency, and connection densities as high as 10 million devices per square kilometre, the IoT, already a key part of 5G, becomes an important factor in economic growth. OPPO is among the first brands in the region to lead the 6G journey and vision next to Etisalat, making it a reality with the 6G white paper, and reflecting the brand's agenda that falls in-line with the UAE's. "Technological development must be forward-looking. Mobile communication technology evolves in decade-long periods, and standardization of the next generation of communication technology is expected to begin in 2025, with commercial implementation following in around 2035," said Henry Tang, OPPO's Chief 5G Scientist. Tang added: "Looking towards 2035, OPPO expects the number of intelligent agents in the world to far exceed the number of humans. Therefore, the next generation of communication technology, 6G, should be able to serve the needs not only of people but of all forms of intelligence and their various interactions. With this end goal in mind, we have carried out the early technical research and system design." According to a new industry report by IDTechEx, sixth generation mobile network technology will be a $1 trillion opportunity for telecoms and communications service providers (CSPs). The new report predicts that operators will launch their fledgling 6G networks in 2030, with the technology overlapping with its 5G predecessor for at least seven years, before 6G becomes the dominant network infrastructure of choice by 2037. OPPO's 6G white paper takes an innovative step forward by introducing AI Function Plane as a new dimension in 6G networks, running perpendicular to the traditional CP and UP planes to form an Intelligent Cube (AI-Cube). This unique, AI-enhanced architecture will enhance the 6G network on two levels: network functionality and high-level networking capability to allow 6G networks to self-optimise, dynamically administrate themselves, and intelligently distribute resources. 6G will fundamentally revolutionise how AI infers, learns, interacts, and is applied, solving many traditional problems faced in AI development, such as data silos and user privacy. To alleviate some of the current limitations of AI algorithms, the white paper proposes dividing AI resources into different domains. Arranged according to specific AI tasks, multiple nodes, and resources under the 6G network will form AI domains, providing optimal strategies for accurate AI model allocation, network resource scheduling, and data sharing. Currently, the limited computing power and storage capacity of smart devices make it difficult for them to employ large, generalised AI algorithms. Meanwhile, the specialised AI capable of running on these devices are unable to meet the large data demands of most users. Under 6G networks, however, the AI domain will be able to take on multiple roles such as that of a traditional base station, database, AI model repository, and application server. Under the proposed network, 6G devices will be allocated to an AI domain based on the location and requirements of the device. This AI domain will then issue the most suitable AI algorithm and task needed to deliver the desired services, while providing the most optimal communication connection to carry out the relevant tasks. Unlike 4G and 5G networks, the AI used for inferring and decision-making in 6G networks will be organically integrated on both the device and network sides, with the device assuming a more important role. OPPO will continue to conduct pre-research into 6G technology, which will assist in the formation of the world's 6G standards in the near future. As a key contributor to the popularisation of 5G, OPPO will also continue to work with its partners to promote the large-scale commercialisation of 5G, leading the development of the Internet of Experience through the evolution of communications technology to bring its benefits to all. About OPPO OPPO is a leading global technology brand since 2004, dedicated to providing products that seamlessly combines art and innovative technology. OPPO is on a mission to building a multiple-access smart device ecosystem for the era of intelligent connectivity. The smartphone devices have simply been a gateway for OPPO to deliver a diverse portfolio of smart and frontier technologies in hardware, software and system. In 2019, OPPO launched a $7 BillionUS Dollar three-year investment plan in R&D to develop core technologies furthering design through technology. OPPO is firmly pursuing the creation of the best technology products and technological artistry for global users. Based on the brand elements of leading, young and beautiful, OPPO dedicates to the mission of letting the extraordinary users enjoy the beauty of technology. For the last 10 years, OPPO has focused on manufacturing smartphones with camera capabilities that are second to none. OPPO launched the first mobile phone, the Smile Phone, in 2008, which marked the launch of the brand's epic journey in exploring and pioneering extraordinary technology. Over the years, OPPO has built a tradition of being number one, which became a reality through inventing the world's first rotating camera smartphone way back in 2013, launching the world's then thinnest smartphone in 2014, being the first to introduce 5X Zoom 'Periscope' camera technology and developing the first 5G commercial smartphone in Europe. Today, OPPO was ranked as the number four smartphone brand globally. OPPO brings the aesthetics of technology of global consumers through the ColorOS system Experience, and Internet service like OPPO Cloud and OPPO+. OPPO's business covers 40 countries with over six research institutes and five R&D centers across the world, from San Francisco to Shenzhen. OPPO also opened an International Design Centre headquartered in London, driving cutting edge technology that will shape the future not only for smartphones but for intelligent connectivity. About OPPO MEA OPPO started its journey in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region in 2015 after setting up its regional office in Egypt. Following the immense success of the brand's sales centre in Cairo in the first year, OPPO accelerated its expansion plan across the MEA region and inaugurated its country operations in the UAE in 2019. Now OPPO is physically present in more than 13 markets across the region, including Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and the Levant. To empower its presence in the region in line with its product localisation strategy, OPPO further invested in MENA and set up its very own factory in Algeria in 2017, thus, becoming the first Chinese brand to build a manufacturing premises in North Africa. Based on insights of local consumers in each country, OPPO has evolved the progress of product localisation, taking into consideration several perspectives towards each market, including product localisation, to further meet the core needs of users; marketing localisation, to better communicate with local young customers; and talent localisation, to understand local consumers further and provide an optimum customer service. Within the last year, OPPO has started to adjust its product line in the Middle East region specifically. This has included the launch of its flagship OPPO Find X Series and the introduction of the OPPO Reno Series. OPPO will continue to evolve its local product line to offer more premium series to consumers in the region. A forward-thinking international technology company, OPPO strives to be a sustainable company that contributes to a better world and have enacted positive change in every way possible through activating local community initiatives and humanitarian, charity campaigns. Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1588200/OPPO_6G_TECHNOLOGY.jpg Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1588203/OPPO_Logo.jpg BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - U.S. ADP private payrolls data for July is scheduled for release at 8:15 am ET Wednesday. Ahead of the data, the greenback traded mixed against its major counterparts. While it held steady against the pound, it retreated against the rest of major rivals. The greenback was worth 109.05 against the yen, 1.1863 against the euro, 1.3928 against the pound and 0.9045 against the franc at 8:10 am ET. Copyright RTT News/dpa-AFX Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die BaFin ist nicht als ihre Befurwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgultigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich moglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere uber die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann. - In the past few years, the development of novel medicines for a number of medical illnesses and ailments has shifted means resulting in an increase in the demand for biosimulation - Considerable rise in research and development investments by various biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms is fueling the expansion of the biosimulation market ALBANY, N.Y., Aug. 4, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Biosimulation is the computer-assisted simulation of biological processes that are fundamental to human biology. The objective of biosimulation is to provide model-based predictions of a biological system's dynamics and behavior. Moreover, considerable investments in research and development activities by pharmaceutical as well as biotechnology firms are driving the global biosimulation market. Due to research initiatives and technical breakthroughs, the medical industry has seen tremendous growth in business in the previous two decades. The need for biosimulation has grown tremendously in recent years as a result of the shift in focus in drug research and development. Pre-clinical testing of novel medicines, lead identification and optimization, and target identification and validation are some of the key applications where biosimulation is employed. The global biosimulation market is expected to be reach US$ 7 Bn by 2030. The market was valued at US$ 1.8 Bn in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.3% during the forecast period from 2020 and 2030. Strong expertise with attention to detail makes our market research reports stand apart, Request a Report Sample here - https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=703 Key Findings of Market Report Increasing Popularity of Model Engineering to Assist in Improving Biosimulation Models Recent breakthroughs in biomedical simulation development have supported the overall expansion of the global biosimulation market. In order to simulate biological processes, engineer cells, and diagnose illnesses, biosimulation is becoming increasingly popular. Thus, to improve the quality of biosimulation, market players are developing simulation models employing different tools and honing their skill in using software engineering. In terms of error correction, testing, building, and design, advancements in software engineering are expected to assist the creation of various biosimulation models. 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