RTHK: Actor Michael K Williams found dead in apartment US actor Michael K. Williams, who played Omar Little in the hit HBO series "The Wire," has been found dead in his apartment in New York City, police said on Monday. "He is deceased in an apartment" in Brooklyn, Lieutenant John Grimpel of the New York City police department told AFP. The police gave no cause of death but the New York Post cited other law enforcement sources as saying that Williams, 54, had died of a "suspected drug overdose in his Brooklyn penthouse Monday afternoon." (AFP) This story has been published on: 2021-09-06. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: President extends condolences following passing of kaMagwaza-Msibi This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, has conveyed heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Zanele Magwaza-Msibi following the announcement of her passing on Monday. Pandor in a statement said Magwaza-Msibi, the Founder and President of the National Freedom Party, played an imp... See more South Africa: President Ramaphosa to address Africa-CARICOM Summit President Cyril Ramaphosa will this afternoon participate in the inaugural Africa-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit. The summit, which will be virtually attended by Heads of States and Government of the African Union and CARICOM Member States, will explore opportunities to strengthen the linkages between the people of Africa and the Caribbean regions by addressing integration challenges across continents, said the Presidency on Tuesday. The Caribbean Community is an association of 15 states across the Caribbean who are working together to promote economic integration and cooperation and coordinate foreign policy, with a view to equitable development for all member states. Tuesdays discussions will focus on thematic areas, including the promotion of trade, investment and economic integration, transport integration, the mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ocean agenda and sustainable blue economy, climate change and leveraging emerging technologies. This historical Summit was proposed during a meeting between His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and the CARICOM Heads of Government held in August 2019 in Bridgetown, Barbados. This was in recognition of the common heritage between the two regions and the need for cooperation to leverage opportunities for development and shared prosperity, said the Presidency. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Tributes continue to pour in for kaMagwaza-Msibi Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, and KwaZulu-Natal Premier Sihle Zikalala, have joined the nation in mourning the passing of former Member of Parliament and National Freedom Party (NFP) leader, Zanele kaMagwaza-Msibi. The former Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, kaMagwaza-Msibi, passed away on Monday morning due to ill-health. Paying tribute to the late kaMagwaza-Msibi, Nzimande said she will, inter alia, be remembered for her leadership in various strategic initiatives in the science and technology sector and in Parliament. Despite experiencing serious health problems in 2014, kaMagwaza-Msibi continued in the portfolio and, against great odds, managed to complete her term in office. She brought energy and enthusiasm to her portfolio, and led a number of flagship initiatives during her time at the department, including working on the Southern African Young Scientists Summer Programme and the Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) programme, Nzimande said. Nzimande added that kaMagwaza-Msibi strongly believed in the need to educate and train young scientists, particularly women, to drive the knowledge-based socioeconomic development and to address global challenges. Nzimande extended his heartfelt condolences to Magwaza- Msibis family, friends and her political party NFP. She charted the way for rural women and girls Premier Zikalala has on behalf of the Provincial Government expressed deep sadness at the news of the passing of Zikalala. Zikalala said kaMagwaza-Msibi will be remembered as one of the hardworking councillors, senior party leader and Member of Parliament for the NFP. In those roles kaMagwaza-Msibi charted the way for women and girls from the townships and rural areas of our country who, through her exemplary leadership, realised that they too could succeed in the world of politics. We have worked with kaMagwaza-Msibi since the 2011 Local Government Elections and enjoyed great respect for one another, through ensuring that our cooperation is anchored on the development of the people of KwaZulu-Natal, Zikalala said. To her entire family, may God envelope you in his protective spirit and give you strength in this painful time, the Premier said. Zikalala will today lead a government delegation to the family of kaMagwaza-Msibi in Ulundi to pay their respects. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Electoral Commission complies with Con Court ruling The Electoral Commission says it has already taken measures to ensure that it complies with the orders of the Constitutional Court relating to the conduct of municipal elections by 1 November 2021. The Constitutional Court last week ruled that the elections must take place between 27 October and 1 November this year. Addressing the media in Pretoria on Monday, the Commissions Chairperson Glen Mashinini assured South Africans that it will spare no effort to deliver a credible process guided by prescripts and electoral jurisprudence arising from the courts. The Commission calls on all role-players, especially political parties, to cooperate to ensure that the election proceeds within a calm environment where voters can exercise their right to vote and make their choices without undue impediments. In order to give impetus to the preparations of the elections, the Commission met over the weekend to assess whether a registration weekend can be practical before the elections. Commission is of the view that it must take all necessary measures to ensure an electoral process that is free and fair, striving for safety within the constraints occasioned by the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Registration weekend Having considered and deliberated on the matter, the Commission has made a determination that a registration weekend is a necessity ahead of this general election, said Mashinini. Mashinini said a registration weekend is now scheduled for the weekend of 18 and 19 September 2021. According to Mashinini, all the 23 151 voting stations will open at 08h00 until 17h00 on both days. This registration weekend will offer all eligible citizens an opportunity to register or update their registration details, he said. Mashinini urged all the young people to take advantage of the registration weekend to register and eventually vote. Mashinini said the Commission has advised the Cogta Minister that it will be proceeding with a registration weekend on 18 and 19 September 2021. This means that the Minister will on 20 September 2021 proclaim the date of the election. This proclamation of the election date will cause the voters roll to be closed for purposes of the 2021 municipal elections, Mashinini said. Mashinini said the Commission has indicated its preference of the election date to the Minister who is now considering the matter. It is the Commissions wish that the election date is announced sooner to allow electoral stakeholders to prepare within the short time to 1 November. In view of the fact that the voter registration process has been reopened by the order of the Court, a number of amendments to the electoral timetable are necessary, he said. According to the Commission, there are currently 77 970 candidates of which 911 are independent. The Commission says it has acquired 40 000 Voter Management Devices which will be used for the first time over the registration weekend. These devices will, in most registration stations, be functioning online. This will facilitate the process of voter verification almost instantaneously. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Nzimande seeks improved access to accounting profession Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Blade Nzimande, says a lack of accreditation at historically disadvantaged institutions limits access to the advancement of black people in the accountancy profession. It results in their BCom Accounting (Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting) graduates not being able to become Chartered Accountants (CAs), and their qualifications not being recognised by prospective employers, Nzimande said. Addressing the 27th Annual PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Education Conference on Monday, Nzimande said while there are currently more than 48 000 registered CAs in South Africa, less than 9 000 of them are African and Coloured. There are 17 universities in South Africa offering BCom Accounting, which are accredited by SAICA [South African Institute of Chartered Accountants], with a few historically disadvantaged institutions being offered SAICA accreditation for their accounting programmes. In the accountancy career, we need to ensure that we step up our strategic intervention to increase access and success, particularly in the number of black Chartered Accountants, and offer these young black South Africans increased access in the field of commerce, Nzimande said. Nzimande is concerned about the issues that SAICA still has to confront in the pipeline of producing CAs, including the pass requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting (CTA), as well as obstacles facing particularly black articled trainees in the field. We have to confront these obstacles in order to ensure that every aspiring and capable accounting student is able to become a professional accountant. South Africa cannot afford to lose out on an opportunity to ensure that its produced graduates, particularly in scarce skills, contribute to the much-needed job in our economy, he said. Funding for missing middle remains a challenge While many strides have been made by government in funding Post School Education and Training (PSET), Nzimande acknowledged that funding for the poor and the missing middle students in South Africa still remains a challenge. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funding has increased more than five-fold just in six years, from R5.9 billion in 2014 to R34.7 billion in 2020. In the current financial year, NSFAS funding is expected to reach over R43 billion a further increase of nearly R10 billion in just two years. Nzimande said NSFAS continues to collaborate with the SAICA Thuthuka Bursary Fund to ensure that the economy has a consistent flow of adequately and suitably qualified accounting professionals, who are representative of our countrys demographics. Currently as government, we are also examining new mechanisms, backed by both public and private sectors, to support students in the so-called missing middle income bracket, and post graduate funding. Cabinet will now be considering revised options for student funding, including on what can be done for the missing middle in our country, Nzimande said. He said both Higher Education and Training and Science and Innovation Departments, remain committed to work with PwC on any projects, particularly on human and institutional capacity development which can benefit students and the economy. Decadal Plan to strengthen STI system Meanwhile, Nzimande announced that government and both departments are working towards the review of the Higher Education, Science and Innovation landscape and to finalise a Decadal Plan to strengthen and grow the Science, Technology and Innovation systems with skills development as a central pillar of our job creation and human resource development programmes. It is essential that corporate South Africa unbolts its gates to graduates from universities of technology, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges and other training institutions supported by Sectoral Education and Training Authority, so that we have a range and mix of knowledge and practical skills entering the workplace. The business sector also needs to be more responsive to our desperate requirement for workplace placements for students in TVET colleges and Universities of Technology. SAnews.gov.za This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. South Africa: Government to consult political parties, religious sector on COVID-19 response This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Minister for Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, has congratulated South Africas senior national team, Bafana Bafana, for winning against Ghana Black Stars. Hugo Broos, the national team coach, led the team to a super victory against Ghana's Black Stars at FNB Stadium, winning 1-0 in a game that many thought would be threa... See more Hong Kong: CS views helper quarantine facility Chief Secretary John Lee today visited Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre on Lantau Island to view the preparatory work for opening some of its units for foreign domestic helper arrivals and found it is making good progress. The Government aims to open a total of 800 units in Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the centre on September 20, with a computer booking system to be launched about one week in advance. Accompanied by Secretary for Labour & Welfare Dr Law Chi-kwong and Secretary for Food & Health Prof Sophia Chan, Mr Lee received briefings on the latest work progress by various departments. The Chief Secretary spoke to staff from various departments including the Department of Health, Police, the Fire Services Department, the Auxiliary Medical Service and the Civil Aid Service to learn about their work in operating the quarantine centre and transport logistics for meals, supplies and more. The quarantine centre is operated by the Government. The departments concerned are now speeding up their preparations on the deployment of venues and manpower, the development of a computer booking system and payment arrangements, as well as the formulation of operation details including arrangements on security, cleaning, transport, testing, meals and procurement of supplies. Mr Lee noted that while there is a large number of helpers waiting to travel to Hong Kong, the Government must uphold the strategy of preventing the importation of cases in allowing them to come to the city in a gradual and orderly manner with controlled risk. Together with the 409 rooms provided by a participating quarantine hotel, a total of about 1,200 units will be available for compulsory quarantine for helpers arriving in Hong Kong from various countries. Helper arrivals from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippines or Thailand have to hold vaccination records issued by the relevant authorities in the prescribed formats and stay in a designated quarantine facility. This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Indian farmers stage new protest, condemn police Thousands of Indian farmers gathered at a grain market outside New Delhi on Tuesday in protest against new agricultural laws they say threaten their livelihoods, condemning "brutal" actions by police during similar demonstrations last week. "A large number of farmers are attending the meeting to ask the government to punish those responsible for using force against unarmed and elderly farmers," said Balbir Singh Rajewal, a senior farmers' leader. The grain market where farmers met is about 150km from New Delhi, in neighbouring Haryana state. After initial talks with government officials failed, farmers later marched from the market to the main government office in the Karnal district of Haryana to press their demands, Rajewal said. Some farm union leaders have been arrested by Haryana police, but farmers are going to stay put there, he said. "The use of excess, disproportionate force was not only brutal, but it was also a vengeful act," Rajewal said. Last month, about 10 farmers were injured after police resorted to baton charges to stop protesters from blocking a Haryana highway. One farmer died later although officials say the death was not due to baton injuries. Authorities in Haryana stepped up security and shut down mobile internet services, state government officials said. In addition to a large police deployment, the government has also positioned paramilitary forces, they said. For more than eight months, tens of thousands of farmers have camped on major highways to New Delhi to oppose the farm laws in India's longest-running growers' protest. More than half a million farmers participated in a protest in India's most populous state of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday the biggest rally yet demanding the withdrawal of the laws, introduced in September last year. Farm leaders say the laws would erode a longstanding mechanism that ensures farmers a minimum guaranteed price for their rice and wheat, but the government says this will help growers get better prices. (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. Hong Kong: Return2hk Scheme to resume The Government announced today the resumption of the quarantine exemption for people returning from Mainland areas other than Guangdong Province and Macau under the Return2hk Scheme from tomorrow. The arrangement was made in view of the stabilised COVID-19 pandemic situation in Hong Kong, Macau and the Mainland, the Government said. Hong Kong residents staying in Mainland provinces and municipalities other than Guangdong and Macau, upon fulfilment of all specified conditions under the Return2hk Scheme, could be exempted from the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement when returning to Hong Kong. To ensure that Hong Kong residents return in a gradual and orderly manner, a quota arrangement for specific boundary control points will still be in place. There are 3,000 daily quotas for residents returning via the Shenzhen Bay Control Point, 2,000 for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port, and 1,000 for Hong Kong International Airport. The online booking system will accept applications from September. Residents must apply for a quota through the system, and return to Hong Kong on the date and via the boundary control point as specified in the booking. Hong Kong residents with a quota for returning to Hong Kong via the airport must, on the day of arrival or within three days before that day, take a COVID-19 (RT-PCR) nucleic acid test in a testing organisation recognised by the National Health Commission and obtain the original copy of a paper-based proof of a valid negative nucleic acid test result. They should also get a screenshot from the State Council Portal Mini Program to show that the testing organisation is recognised by the commission. In addition, the Department of Healths electronic health declaration form has to be filled in for obtaining a Return2hk Green QR code which indicates that all specified conditions have been fulfilled. Upon arrival, the residents should, apart from presenting identification materials, take a COVID-19 test at the temporary specimen collection centre at the airport and wait for the result. If it is negative, they can proceed with immigration procedures and be exempted from the 14-day compulsory quarantine requirement. However, they must still undergo testing on the third, fifth, ninth, 12th, 16th and 19th day following their arrival in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, people returning to Hong Kong via the two land ports must take a COVID-19 (RT-PCR) nucleic acid test in one of the medical institutions mutually recognised by the governments of Guangdong and Hong Kong/Hong Kong and Macau on the day of arrival in Hong Kong or within three days before that day, and get a negative test result. Before arriving at the boundary control points, the residents should transmit the negative test result to the Department of Healths electronic health declaration system through the Yuekang code or Macao Health Code, and submit the electronic health declaration form. A green QR code will be issued to those who have fulfilled all specified conditions. However, they must still undergo testing on the third, fifth, ninth, 12th, 16th and 19th day following their arrival in Hong Kong. Visit the thematic website for details or call 3142 2330 for enquiries. This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. RTHK: Bolsonaro supporters out in force for Brazil protests Supporters of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro gathered outside Congress in Brasilia on Tuesday to back the far-right leader in his dispute with the Supreme Court, exacerbating a conflict that has rattled Latin America's largest democracy. On Monday night, hundreds of demonstrators dressed in the green-and-yellow colours of the Brazilian flag breached one police cordon and trucks honking horns advanced towards Congress. They were blocked by police barriers then, and again on Tuesday, from reaching the Supreme Court, which some demonstrators have vowed to occupy in a protest modeled on the January 6 assault on the US Capitol by supporters of then-US president Donald Trump. The court has authorised investigations of Bolsonaro allies over accusations they attacked Brazil's democratic institutions with misinformation online. Bolsonaro has called the court-ordered probes a violation of free speech rights. Congress and the courts also resisted Bolsonaro's attempt to introduce paper voting receipts as a backup to an electronic voting system which he says is vulnerable to fraud. The electoral court maintains the system is transparent and safe. Bolsonaro urged government supporters to turn out in record numbers, hoping for an overwhelming display to offset his slipping support in opinion polls and setbacks in his clash with the judiciary. "From now on I won't accept one or two people acting outside the constitution," Bolsonaro said in comments to supporters on Tuesday morning, echoing his recent criticism of certain Supreme Court justices, before he donned the presidential sash and rode in an open Rolls Royce to a military event marking Independence Day. In Rio de Janeiro, along Copacabana Beach, rows of trucks draped in Brazilian flags parked along the esplanade, as yellow-clad bikers roared past, honking their horns. "I'm here because I'm Brazilian and as a Christian. Today we have a president who believes in God and the family," said Claudio Mattos, 44, wearing yellow face paint and a camouflage cap. He said he was an off-duty military police officer. (Reuters) This story has been published on: 2021-09-07. To contact the author, please use the contact details within the article. NA leader calls on Austrian businesses to invest in Vietnam National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on September 6 called on Austrian businesses to increase investment and trade cooperation with their Vietnamese counterparts to fully tap into the two sides potential and strength. National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the Vietnam-Austria business forum Addressing the Vietnam-Austria business forum in Vienna, Hue briefed representatives of leading Austrian businesses on Vietnams development potential and cooperation opportunities. He noted that in 2020 Vietnam achieved an economic growth rate of 2.91%, one of the highest in the world. In the first six months of 2021, its economy still grew by 5.64% while national trade turnover reached nearly US$429 billion, up 27.2% year on year. Notably, international credit rating agencies raised Vietnams economic outlook to positive. Vietnam became the third largest economy in ASEAN with a GDP of over US$350 billion. It was one of the 20 top countries that attracted most FDI worldwide according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also forecast that Vietnams economy would grow by 6.5% in 2021, or 0.5% higher than the world average. According to the Vietnamese NA leader, the signing of new-generation free trade agreements (FTAs), the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the shifting of international investment flows, alongside the golden population structure are creating a wealth of opportunities for Vietnam to restructure its economy, apply digital transformation, and develop a fast, sustainable and inclusive growth model. With regard to foreign investment, Vietnam plans to attract foreign investment selectively, taking the quality, efficiency, technology and environmental protection as the main evaluation criteria, said Hue. At the same time, he said it prioritises attracting investment in the fields of high technology, innovation, research and development, while creating favourable conditions for its enterprises to participate in the value chain, promote the digital economy and actively contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of the nation. To further strengthen economic, trade and investment relations between Vietnam and Austria in the near future, Hue suggested that both sides step up the exchange of information on each others investment policies, especially in priority areas of cooperation such as clean energy, infrastructure, telecommunications, digital economy, and biotechnology application. In addition, he said both sides increase the exchange of business delegations and implement trade promotion programmes to seek investment opportunities and business connections. Hue expressed his hope that the Austrian business community and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce will lobby the National Council for an early ratification of the EU Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) as means of guaranteeing investors interests, alongside the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) which has already come into effect. He also hoped that Austrian businesses would support the Austrian Government to provide vaccines and medical equipment to help Vietnam combat COVID-19. Emphasizing that Austria can serve as a bridge to help Vietnam access the EU market, Hue said that Vietnam is willing to help Austria penetrate ASEAN, a large regional market of more than 650 million consumers, and a larger market of more than 800 million consumers when the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), to which Vietnam is a member, takes effect. At the forum, several Vietnamese ministers answered questions from participating businesses and made strong commitments. Agriculture Minister Le Minh Hoan called on Austrian businesses to invest in agricultural production and processing, noting that Vietnam is switching from high output-based agriculture to green growth-based agriculture. Meanwhile, Investment Minister Nguyen Chi Dung stressed Vietnam aims to achieve fast and sustainable economic growth, relying mainly on science and technology, innovation and digital transformation, but ensuring its balance and harmony and bringing into full play its capabilities and potential. Vietnamese, Chinese Party inspection commissions step up collaboration Head of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committees Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu held phone talks with Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committees Commission for Discipline Inspection Zhao Leji on September 7. Participants at the event (Photo: VNA) Both sides shared the view that ties between the two Parties and nations have kept growing with high-level meetings maintained regularly in flexible forms. Exchanges between ministries, agencies and localities have been promoted, contributing to consolidating political trust. Bilateral economic and trade ties have also improved, along with increasing mutual support in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. Tu expressed a wish to continue maintaining regular high-level exchanges between the two Parties and countries in flexible forms, improving the efficiency of cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties, sharing experience and working closely together in fighting the pandemic, as well as maintaining a peaceful environment conductive to each sides development, and properly settling differences, including issues at sea, by peaceful means in line with international law. About ties between the two commissions, Tu suggested the Chinese side assist Vietnam in intensive training on inspection, corruption prevention and control in various forms and at appropriate level. Zhao, for his part, hailed the Vietnamese Party and State for their results in Party inspection, supervision and discipline, the fight against corruption over the past years, and especially efforts in combating COVID-19. The two sides agreed to work closely together and exert greater efforts to effectively carry out agreements reached by the senior leaders of the two Parties and States, towards continuing to carry forward the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in a healthy, stable and sustainable manner, for the long-term benefits of the two Parties, countries, sectors and peoples. Vietnam desires IAEA's support in nuclear tech application to COVID-19 fight National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue has suggested that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) support the nation in technology transfer and capacity building for the use of nuclear technology in health care and COVID-19 prevention and control. National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue (R) meets with IAEA Director Rafael Mariano Grossi. The top Vietnamese legislator made the suggestion during a meeting with Rafael Mariano Grossi, general director of the IAEA, held on September 6 as part of his working visit to Austria to attend the fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (WCSP5). During the meeting, Grossi thanked the country, one of important partners of this agency, for its positive contributions in completing a modern laboratory aimed at improving capacity of nations in combating infectious diseases. In addition to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the agency is currently carrying out a range of activities aimed at supporting countries, including Vietnam, in cancer treatment, water management, and COVID-19 containment effort, Rafael Mariano told NA Chairman Hue. The IAEA chief therefore welcomed the Vietnamese candidacy to the IAEA Board of Governors for the 2021 to 2023 term and hopes that the nation will continue to make contributions to his agency. In return, the Vietnamese NA leader hailed the IAEA's role in promoting the application of atomic energy in order to solve global problems, whilst boosting scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field for peaceful purposes and development as a means of ensuring both safety and security in this field. NA Chairman Hue expressed his appreciation for the IAEA's contributions and support to member countries negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through sharing knowledge. In addition, they have also assisted medical experts involved in radiation medicine, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and training in the use of genetic sequencing to characterise the virus that causes COVID-19. He went on to congratulate the IAEA on finalising phase one of building a modern laboratory named Yukiya Amano, with a view enhancing capacity in helping countries fight and prevent transboundary zoonotic diseases, along with addressing challenges related to climate change and food safety. The nation will make financial contributions in phase two of this important project, while applauding the IAEA's co-operation initiatives with UN agencies to promote the application of nuclear science in climate change response. This is along with health care, agriculture, as well as clean energy transition research and efforts to ensure nuclear safety and security, according to NA Chairman Hue. He therefore proposed that the IAEA share experience and provide technical assistance in order to fine-tune the legal system for effective management and the application of atomic energy for economic development, along with environmental protection and climate change adaptation. The top Vietnamese legislator suggested that the IAEA support the nation in participating in important IAEA initiatives, such as the Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) and connecting the IAEA's activities with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the NA of Vietnam. In particular, those of the Working Group on Science and Technology of the IPU to increase the participation of parliamentarians in the field of science and technology for peaceful purposes. As part of this occasion, the IAEA Director General announced that his agency will provide three sets of mobile PCR testing equipment and a large number of biological products, worth over 470,000, to Vietnam. These devices have been researched and developed by the IAEA on the basis of the application of nuclear technology for the accurate diagnosis and early detection of different viruses. NA Chairman Hue expressed thanks and appreciation for the IAEA's valuable support for the nation in more effectively responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. YBO - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 7 attended a ceremony to open the 2021-2022 academic year at the ethnic minorities boarding high school in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai, which recorded no new COVID-19 infections in half a month. President Nguyen Xuan Phuc meets students and teachers of the Yen Bai ethnic minorities boarding high school at the ceremony. President Nguyen Xuan Phuc on September 7 attended a ceremony to open the 2021-2022 academic year at the ethnic minorities boarding high school in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai, which recorded no new COVID-19 infections in half a month. Founded in 1982, the school has to date educated over 4,000 students. In the new school year, it runs 12 classes for 422 students from different ethnic groups residing in the five local districts of Van Chan, Luc Yen, Van Yen, Tran Yen, and Yen Binh. At the ceremony, the President performed the traditional act of beating the drum to kick off the new school year. In his speech, he informed that 16 million out of more than 23 million students nationwide had to begin the academic year with online ceremonies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to efforts made by the Government and Yen Bai authorities, the school can hold the meaningful event face-to-face, Phuc said. He said he hailed the provincial authorities for paying attention to education, particularly at ethnic minorities boarding facilities. The percentage of schools meeting national standards in Yen Bai reached 60 percent. The State leader ordered the education sector, particularly boarding schools, to be active in building learning and teaching plans in response to the developments of the epidemic, ensuring safety for teachers and students. Earlier on the same day, President Phuc had a meeting with the provincial Party Committee during which he said Yen Bai holds many potential, particularly regarding forests, forest land and human resources. He requested the local authorities develop the province while protecting the environment as well as pay attention to implement policies for ethnic affairs, promote its human resources, and preserve the local ethnic groups traditional cultures. A Vietnamese delegation led by Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue attended the opening ceremony of the fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (WCSP5) in the capital city of Austria, Vienna, on September 7. A Vietnamese delegation led by Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Vuong Dinh Hue attended the opening ceremony of the fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (WCSP5) in the capital city of Austria, Vienna, on September 7. Delegates at the event observed a one-minute silence to pay tribute to over 4 million people who died of COVID-19 in the past two years. In his speech, Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Martin Chungong said that COVID-19 proves that global challenges can only be resolved by global efforts; and vaccine production and development is the hope for mankind to surmount the pandemic. A plenary session was held under the chair of the IPU President and Secretary-General after the opening, which focused on prioritised fields for sustainable development. Speaking at the session, NA Chairman Hue underlined that to achieve sustainable development, due attention should be paid to protecting lives and health of the people, and the environment, rather than just focusing on economic growth at any costs. He added that Vietnam is determined not to trade the environment and peoples health for high economic growth in its national development strategy and plan, and always works towards the target of sustainable development in harmony with nature. Vietnam hopes to cooperate with other nations and international organisations in ensuring peoples lives, environmental protection and economic development, the top Vietnamese legislator affirmed. China renews support for inclusive Afghan govt as Taliban seek Beijing's help in reconstruction following Panjshir takeover Global Times) 08:16, September 07, 2021 China on Monday reiterated its stance on the Afghan issue and expressed its support to Afghanistan in forming an open, inclusive and broadly representative government after Afghan Taliban expressed hope for China's support for reconstruction and development of Afghanistan following its announcement of taking control of the Panjshir province. On Monday, Wang Wenbin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said at a routine press conference that China's position on the Afghan issue is consistent and clear-cut. We always respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and support the Afghan people in independently choosing a development path suited to their national conditions. We also support Afghanistan in forming an open, inclusive and broadly representative government, pursuing moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, resolutely fighting against all kinds of terrorist forces and developing friendly relations with other countries, especially neighboring countries, Wang. Wang's comments were made in response to a question raised by media at the press conference which sought to confirm a report which citing a source in the Taliban said that Turkey, China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and Qatar were invited to an event dedicated to the announcement of the composition of new Afghan government. Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said at a press conference on Monday that the Afghan Taliban expressed hope for cooperation with China in many fields including economy, trade and infrastructure construction, including irrigation and electricity power projects, natural gas pipelines. But the Afghan Taliban must realize domestic peace and security of the country, the spokesperson said, after the Taliban declared control of the Panjshir Valley - the last province to resist the Taliban. Mujahid said that as the war is over, an Islamic and accountable government will be formed. "Final decisions have been taken, and we are now working on the technical issues. We will announce the new government as soon as the technical issues are resolved," Mujahid said. He further said that the Taliban wants to establish good relations with the world and China is a significant part of it. China is a big economic power and Afghanistan needs its support for reconstruction and development. Previously, Tolo News reported that the Taliban had invited Pakistan, Qatar, Turkey, Russia, China, and Iran to attend the new government formation ceremony. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun) Vice-premier vows greater support for private sector China Daily) 08:22, September 07, 2021 Bank employees inspect a small firm that received a loan in Hai'an, Jiangsu province. (Photo by XU JINBAI/FOR CHINA DAILY) Intensified support must be given to support the growth of the private sector and encourage it to play a greater role in boosting innovation and stabilizing growth and employment, Vice-Premier Liu He said on Monday. Liu's remarks, made in a video speech at the China International Digital Economy Expo 2021, challenged claims that there had been a "crackdown on a wide range of industries", especially in the private sector. Analysts said that as one of the cornerstones of the Chinese economy, the private sector will continue to support China's high-quality development in a more open and inclusive market. In his speech, Liu confirmed that the private sector is of critical importance to the country's overall economy, and supportive policies toward private businesses "have not changed, are not changing, and will not change in the future". Liu said intensified support must be put in place to shore up the development of the private sector and help it play a greater role in boosting growth, stabilizing employment and advancing innovation and economic structural adjustment. The private sector accounts for more than 50 percent of the country's tax revenue, more than 60 percent of GDP, and over 70 percent of its technological innovations. It also provides more than 80 percent of urban employment and accounts for more than 90 percent of market entities in China, the vice-premier said. " (We) must continue reforms to develop a socialist market economy, firmly advance high-level opening-up, adhere to the basic economic system of the primary stage of socialism and resolutely protect property rights and intellectual property rights," he said. Liu affirmed that China will remain committed to unswervingly consolidating and developing the public sector and unswervingly supporting and developing the nonpublic sector. Analysts and industry insiders hailed the remarks as clear signals that will help shore up market confidence and give the private sector "peace of mind". "The remarks from Vice-Premier Liu, coupled with recently issued policies supporting private businesses, will surely boost the confidence of private businesses and the country's small-business community," said Wang Zhe, a senior economist at Caixin Insight Group. The latest executive meeting of the State Council unveiled a raft of incentives, in fields such as financing and loans, to help smaller businesses and self-employed individuals. Private enterprises have displayed great resilience in dealing with the impact of the pandemic, because they grow and survive through fierce competition, said Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges. Zhou Guoxiang, vice-president of Amico Group, a private valve and faucet manufacturer based in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, said that as China recovers from the pandemic at an amazingly rapid speed, more government support has been provided, such as cutting the review time for financing and boosting market access. Rule of law emphasized In his remarks, Liu also underlined the importance of continuously improving the rule of law, protecting fair competition and curbing monopolies in developing the digital economy. Experts said that the recent moves to tighten regulation on certain private companies should not be interpreted as a signal that the government will categorize businesses by ownership and treat them differently. Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said for companies with monopolistic behavior, it is vital and legitimate for the government of any country, including China, to take firm antitrust actions to protect the interests of both industry players and customers, improve market efficiency and sustain market vitality. "China's antitrust efforts are aimed at preventing major risks and creating a fair market to drive the growth of all enterprises, regardless of whether they are private, State-owned or foreign ones," Zhou said. He noted that the digital economy is "an emerging sector with rapidly evolving innovations, and therefore it is sometimes hard for regulations and industry standards to keep up with the pace of development and innovation". "That means the government needs to step up regulation when the behavior of some leading industry players has harmed the interests of other market entities and customers." Zhou said that through these antitrust efforts, the Chinese government is determined to deepen reforms and enhance opening-up, in order to let the market play a more effective role in resource allocation. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun) China holds international peacekeeping drill Xinhua) 08:24, September 07, 2021 ZHENGZHOU, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday started holding an international peacekeeping drill code-named "Shared Destiny-2021." It is the first time the Chinese military has organized such a multi-national live drill on peacekeeping, with the participation of troops from countries including China, Mongolia, Pakistan and Thailand. The drill is held at a combined-arms tactical training base of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army in central China's Henan Province. The scenario of the exercise is joint operations of multi-national peacekeeping forces, and the exercise will be held in a close-to-real battlefield environment set in accordance with the international, professional and realistic combat standards. Drills of battlefield reconnaissance, security guarding and patrol, armed escort, protection of civilians, response to violent and terrorist attacks, construction of temporary operation base, battlefield first aid, and pandemic control are expected to be conducted. Scheduled to run through Sept. 15, the drill is organized for the purpose of responding to the UN's "Action for Peacekeeping" initiative, promoting practical cooperation and making joint efforts to enhance the peacekeeping standby forces' capability of carrying out tasks. Military experts said the drill has demonstrated China's firm support and contribution to UN peacekeeping operations. The use of drones, robots and other unmanned intelligent equipment in the exercise will facilitate the application of unmanned intelligent equipment in peacekeeping operations, the experts noted. China is the largest troop contributor among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. Over the past three decades, China's armed forces have sent about 50,000 peacekeepers to 25 UN peacekeeping missions. Currently, 2,241 Chinese peacekeepers are serving at UN headquarters and in seven mission areas. Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, said earlier that the Chinese military, as a proactive practitioner of the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, will continue to take a more active part in UN peacekeeping operations and always be a staunch defender of world peace. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China urges U.S. to support int'l anti-pandemic, origins tracing cooperation Xinhua) 08:25, September 07, 2021 BEIJING, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- A Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Monday said China hopes the United States will listen to the objective and rational voices of the international community and be a supporter rather than a saboteur of international cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the origins tracing of the coronavirus. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remark at a daily news briefing when asked to comment on recent remarks by Jeffrey Sachs, who heads the Lancet COVID-19 Commission. Sachs said the global response to the pandemic has been wholly inadequate and one of the main geopolitical problems might have been the failure of the United States to work with China for global solutions. He also said "the United States should learn some good manners to work cooperatively with China, rather than trying to impose its will on that nation." Wang told the press that a Swiss epidemiologist, Christian Althaus, had also said that China responded correctly to the pandemic and bought the rest of the world with one to two months to prepare. Wang stressed that the COVID-19 response and studying its origins call for solidarity, cooperation and the spirit of science. However, some in the United States have time and again tried to politicize efforts on both fronts to deflect the blame for their own botched response. "Such irresponsible behavior has not only cost the American people dearly, but also become the greatest obstacle in international cooperation in combating the virus and tracing the origins," Wang said. "We hope that the United States can heed the objective and rational voice of the international community, seek solidarity instead of confrontation, take responsibility instead of resorting to blame-shifting, be guided by science instead of politics, and support international cooperation in fighting the virus and tracing the origins instead of disrupting relevant efforts," said the spokesperson. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) China mourns death of German ambassador to China Xinhua) 09:41, September 07, 2021 BEIJING, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- China mourns and regrets the sudden passing of German ambassador to China and sends condolences and sympathies to his family, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Monday. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a daily news briefing in response to reports that the German Foreign Ministry announced Monday the passing of Jan Hecker, Germany's new ambassador to China. Wang said that China is shocked by his sudden passing. Hecker had worked actively to promote bilateral relations after he took office, Wang said. "We express condolences and regret over his passing and deep sympathy to his relatives. We are willing to provide convenience for his family and the German Embassy in China in dealing with follow-up matters," said the spokesperson. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Risks of Guinea coup to Chinese projects manageable Global Times) 10:45, September 07, 2021 Military takeover tests China's ability to protect overseas interests The coup in Guinea will test China's ability to protect its overseas interests, Chinese analysts said on Monday, as the world's second largest economy pours increasing amounts of resources into Africa, which totaled $110 billion as of 2019. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a routine press conference on Monday that China opposes any attempt to seize power via coup and calls for the immediate release of Guinea's President Alpha Conde. "We call on all parties to exercise restraint, bear in mind the fundamental interests of Guinea and resolve issues through dialogue and consultation," said Wang. As Guinea is abundant in iron and aluminum ore, some observers believed that Chinese projects in the African country are aimed at reducing its reliance on the ore imported from Australia. Observers also worry that the situation in the country will impact China's cooperation with the previous government. However, Chinese experts noted that there is no need to be too worried. The political change in Guinea has attracted worldwide attention, as the country plays a vital role in providing industrial feed material to China, the world's factory. Roughly 50 percent of all China's imported bauxite is shipped out of the country. Bauxite is the raw material for aluminum, the world's most needed nonferrous metal used in a long list of modern products from iPhones and airplanes to cars and furniture. The political unrest has already resulted in market jitters. Aluminum prices soared on Monday with the most traded contract for October delivery rising to its highest level since July 2008 during intraday trading on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. The coup has closed Guinea's airport to foreign nationals but has so far not affected shipments at several ports involved in bauxite exports, an industry insider familiar with the matter told the Global Times on condition of anonymity on Monday. China is the world's largest producer and consumer of aluminum. In 2020, China imported 52.7 million tons of bauxite from Guinea. A total of 14 Chinese state-owned and private companies are involved in the aluminum businesses in Guinea, according to aluminum industry research firm Antaike. Besides aluminum, the coup has also put iron ore under the spotlight. Guinea is home to the Simandou project, the world's largest undeveloped iron ore deposit. The project has accumulated reserves of more than 10 billion tons of high-grade iron ore, and Chinese companies have invested heavily in the mining project. On June 10, 2020, the SMB-Winning Consortium jointly established by Singapore Willy International, Yantai Port Group, Shandong Weiqiao Venture and Guinea United Mining Supply Group officially signed an agreement with the Guinean government, acquiring the mining rights to two blocks in the north of Simandou worth $14 billion. Business concerns Wang Guoqing, research director at the Beijing Lange Steel Information Research Center, told the Global Times on Monday that since China's Simandou iron ore project was signed with Guinea's previous government, China's strategic investment in Simandou iron ore may face certain risks, and the extent of these risks needs to be further examined based on the position of the new government. A Chinese citizen surnamed Yuan, who works for a China-Africa trade company in Conakry, capital city of Guinea, told the Global Times on Monday that his company has been temporarily closed due to the instability in the city, and all the Chinese people he knows have stopped going out. "My friend who lives near the presidential palace saw bullets shooting by their windows," said Yuan, noting that the Chinese people in the country are more concerned about relations between the new government, if any, and China, and whether it will affect the two countries' collaboration on national natural resources. "Now the country has set up a transitional committee, with the former deputy head of each ministry temporarily in charge, and at government level, there has been little impact on Chinese enterprises," an official with the economic and commercial office of the Chinese Embassy in Guinea told the Global Times on Monday. However, the official warned of several possible adverse effects that the coup could have on existing and future Chinese investment in the country. The new government may seek to review the signed contracts and propose altering existing terms, including diluting the shares held by Chinese investors, the embassy official said. "Or there could be higher taxes and local involvement in mining projects." As the military government has been criticized by international organizations and major countries, possible international sanctions on Guinea will also have collateral damage on Chinese enterprises' projects, said the official, who also listed other potential impacts such as the solvency issue of the potential new government, rising security hazards and a general economic slowdown. The Chinese Embassy in Guinea has required all Chinese enterprises to launch emergency plans and improve security awareness, while the office suggested Chinese companies there actively track the potential new government's requirements for mining enterprises, handle inquiries well and strive for stable and sustainable mining cooperation. However, a Conakry-based source close to the matter told the Global Times on Monday that "what really needs to be resolved at the moment seems to be not economic and trade issues, but political demands, and attitudes toward the mining project have not been mentioned so far." Nevertheless, the coup in Guinea has raised the lingering question of how to protect China's interests overseas, given China does not use force like colonial powers used to do. Analysts pointed out that China's stance remains the same as that of the UN, the African Union and most countries in the international community, so this won't necessarily make the military hostile against China specifically. The Conakry-based source noted that whoever is in power, there will always be certain demands for external cooperation with other countries, because the internal drive of the Guinean economy is inadequate. Some information on Twitter appeared to show that Mamady Doumbouya, the military leader who launched the coup, has connections with the US, and speculated that the US is behind this coup despite Washington condemning it. Zeng Aiping, research fellow with the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times on Monday that Doumbouya's US and French training background alone does not prove that he is pro-American, nor does it say anything about his future policy inclination. However, Zeng warned all relevant parties to be careful of potential foreign intervention that could worsen the situation. "China is fully aware of the wavering political situation in the region and has experience in handling this kind of surprise change. It's hard to predict how much China will be impacted, because China's activities in the country have not been involved with local politics," He Wenping, director of the African Studies Section at the Institute of West Asian and African Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Monday. "If the military leaders want no damage to their country's economy, there is no reason for them to make trouble with China," He said. The Democratic Republic of Congo is reportedly reviewing a $6 billion infrastructure-for-minerals deal with Chinese investors as part of a broader review of mining contracts, Reuters reported on August 28. The move was attributed by some analysts to Western pressure to go after Chinese companies, the report said. He Wenping said that the situation in Guinea shows that military coups are still common in some parts of Africa, and the Western democratic system has failed to improve political modernization among those former Western colonies in the continent. "The problem behind this turbulence is that the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously damaged the economic development in the region and caused poverty. What China needs to pay attention to is that the instability, conflict and poverty will make the region a hotbed for terrorism, and China needs to protect its interests and personnel there," He said. While some mining contracts are protected by international law and can be arbitrated in international courts if necessary, Zeng does not think that the arrival of the new government will affect Chinese projects in the country, as China is the largest customer of the country's mineral exports, and cooperation with China will be most beneficial for them, both in iron ore and aluminum, whose biggest market is China. Trade between China and Africa grew 20 times from 2000 to 2019, when trade was worth $200 billion. Foreign direct investment grew 100 times during the period, and China's accumulative investment in Africa worth $110 billion, contributing 20 percent of the continent's growth, according to a statement posted on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Web editor: Zhong Wenxing, Liang Jun) China's foreign trade up 23.7 pct in first eight months Xinhua) 13:11, September 07, 2021 Aerial photo taken on May 26, 2021 shows the Yangpu international container port at Yangpu economic development zone in south China's Hainan Province. (Xinhua/Pu Xiaoxu) BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- China's total imports and exports expanded 23.7 percent year on year to 24.78 trillion yuan (about 3.84 trillion U.S. dollars) in the first eight months of the year, official data showed Tuesday. The figure marked a 22.8-percent increase compared with the level registered during the same period in 2019, data from the General Administration of Customs showed. Both exports and imports logged double-digit growth in the January-August period, surging 23.2 percent and 24.4 percent from a year earlier, respectively. Trade surplus increased 17.8 percent year on year during the same period to 2.34 trillion yuan. In the first eight months of the year, China's trade with its top three trading partners -- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union and the United States -- maintained sound growth. During the period, the growth rates of China's trade value with the three trading partners stood at 22.8 percent, 22.1 percent and 25.8 percent, respectively. China's trade with countries along the Belt and Road rose 24.6 percent to 7.29 trillion yuan during the same period, the data showed. Private enterprises saw imports and exports increase 29.9 percent to stand at 11.92 trillion yuan in the first eight months, accounting for 48.1 percent of the country's total, up 2.3 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The imports and exports of state-owned enterprises rose 25.2 percent to reach 3.81 trillion yuan, accounting for 15.4 percent of China's total foreign trade value during the period. In August alone, the country's imports and exports rose 18.9 percent year on year to 3.43 trillion yuan, the data showed. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Chile approves emergency use of China's vaccines for children aged 6-17 Xinhua) 13:15, September 07, 2021 Chilean Health Minister Enrique Paris registers to receive his second dose of COVID-19 vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac at a vaccination site in Santiago, Chile on March 12, 2021. (Chilean Ministry of Health/Handout via Xinhua) According to the latest Ministry of Health data, a total of 13,074,496 people have been fully vaccinated, representing 86.01 percent of the target population of 15.2 million. SANTIAGO, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Chile's Institute of Public Health (ISP) on Monday approved the emergency use of Sinovac CoronaVac vaccines made by Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac Biotech for children and adolescents aged from 6 to 17. ISP Director Heriberto Garcia made the announcement at a press conference held after a meeting of experts on the use of the drug. "In order to continue protecting the population, we have approved the CoronaVac vaccine for children aged six and up," Garcia said. "The data shows the number of infected children is rising due to the fact that they are not vaccinated," he added. The ISP experts highlighted the safety of the Sinovac CoronaVac vaccines and its tested immunogenic response. The ISP approved the emergency use of Sinovac CoronaVac vaccines for those aged 18 or over on Jan. 20 this year. According to the latest Ministry of Health data, a total of 13,074,496 people have been fully vaccinated, representing 86.01 percent of the target population of 15.2 million. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Overseas experts applaud China's services trade fair as key platform for win-win cooperation Xinhua) 13:16, September 07, 2021 People visit the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) at Shougang Park in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 6, 2021. (Xinhua/Xu Qin) BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The six-day 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) is coming to a close on Tuesday, with businesses wrapping up their exhibitions of products and services offline and online, and industry leaders finalizing their thematic conferences. Welcoming this global event organized by China as a key platform for sharing development opportunities and promoting win-win cooperation, overseas experts said they believe the successful holding of this year's CIFTIS despite the COVID-19 pandemic has again demonstrated China's determination to promote high-level opening-up. A FRESH, GRANDER FAIR Themed "Towards Digital Future and Service-driven Development," the 2021 CIFTIS features a section for digital services for the first time, with up to 33 well-known enterprises and institutions participating in the special section. The CIFTIS this year has attracted more than 12,000 enterprises, up 52 percent from the number in 2020. Representatives from 153 countries and regions signed up for this year's event, compared to 148 last year. In particular, against the backdrop of the ravaging pandemic, leading health care enterprises and medical institutions from home and abroad are showcasing their latest innovations at the fair, covering such areas as smart health care, traditional medicine and COVID-19 prevention and control. The CIFTIS is "timely as the world economy is increasingly becoming technology- and services-driven," said Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa. "If trade in goods was the main driver of trade growth in the early stages of globalization, the trade in services which is technology-intensive is expected to lead the new wave of globalization," Liang Guoyong, a senior economist with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, told Xinhua. The CIFTIS will undoubtedly add new impetus to the rebound of trade in services and the recovery of the world economy, help curb the trend of anti-globalization that has been growing since the pandemic, and create an environment of international cooperation with unity, openness and inclusiveness, Liang said. MAKING A BIGGER MARKET CAKE During last year's CIFTIS, China made several proposals to the international community, showing its commitment to making its market cake bigger so as to share development opportunities with the rest of the world. Over the past year, China has turned those proposals into concrete actions. Among the measures are the shortening of the negative list for foreign investment for four consecutive years, and the release of a negative list for cross-border trade in services at the Hainan free trade port. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, China is one of the economies that saw the largest declines in services trade restrictiveness in 2020. It has services trade relations with nearly 240 countries and regions, and has signed bilateral services trade cooperation agreements with 14 countries. The country has also been strengthening its regulation of the digital industry to provide fertile soil for high-quality growth. "China's efforts to expand its openness through the CIFTIS will promote the recovery of the global economy," French writer and sinologist Sonia Bressler told Xinhua. "If you take the services sector, it hardly existed 40 years ago when China was a peasant economy ... China is growing faster in the services sector than any other country in the world," said Stephen Perry, chairman of Britain's 48 Group Club. "Its role in working with the world economy is of great importance." Perry especially mentioned cooperation in digital areas within the framework of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the success of which can be attributed to "the innovation inside China that is building out along the Silk Road with foreign partners." GREATER COMMITMENT TO OPENING-UP While addressing the Global Trade in Services Summit of the 2021 CIFTIS on Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled a slew of new measures to further facilitate services trade, such as exploring the development of national demonstration zones to promote the innovative development of services trade and increase support for services sector in countries participating in the BRI, and setting up a stock exchange in Beijing to serve innovation-oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the eyes of Stella Mackenzie, a senior lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business Development at the University of Botswana, those measures are "a reiteration of China's continuation of goodwill and willingness to work hand in hand with the rest of the world in a win-win situation." Lawrence Loh, a professor at the National University of Singapore's Business School, stressed the importance of developing a strong domestic capital market and catering to a broad spectrum of companies -- particularly SMEs. The connection to international trade will activate a crucial synergy with global progress, especially during this difficult pandemic time, Loh said. This year's CIFTIS is "a great trade fair," said Tim Crowe, chief executive officer and co-founder of WrxFlo, an Industry 4.0 software developer based in Ireland's western city of Limerick. It "gives small international companies like WrxFlo the opportunity to be part of the event to increase our profile in China, make new connections and build partnerships for the future," he added. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin to bring great opportunities to Macao Xinhua) 13:27, September 07, 2021 An aerial photo taken on Aug. 18, 2020, shows the Hengqin Port between Macao and Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka) The Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin will facilitate Macao's better integration into the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which can provide abundant job opportunities and a broader platform for the economic and social cooperation between Guangdong and Macao, thus becoming a new demonstration of the practice of "one country, two systems". MACAO, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese central authorities' plan for building the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin has been hailed as a "major good news" for the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). Hengqin is an area located in the southern part of Zhuhai city in Guangdong Province, just adjacent to Macao. Bringing with it new opportunities and new space for Macao, a city rather small in terms of its land area, the plan, issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council and made public on Sunday, is expected to create new impetus for Macao's development by facilitating its better integration into overall national development. Experts from various sectors of Macao have told Xinhua that the plan will inject fresh vitality into Macao's higher education, scientific research and development, the tourism and leisure industry, and finance. Tourists visit the Ruins of St. Paul's in south China's Macao, on May 3, 2021, the third day of China's five-day May Day holiday. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka) GENERAL GUIDELINES, POLICIES The plan defines the strategic position of the zone as a new platform to boost Macao's appropriate economic diversification, a new space that provides convenience to Macao residents' life and employment, a new model to enrich the practice of "one country, two systems," as well as a new high ground for building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The plan prioritizes people's livelihood with a set of concrete measures to build Hengqin into a new home for Macao residents to live and work in, such as exemption of income tax margins, lowering and gradually calling off charges for long-distance phone calls and cross-border internet connections between the two places, further facilitating Macao-registered vehicles into and out of Hengqin in a more convenient manner, and the joint building of regional medical centers by Guangdong and Macao. Passengers pose for photos at Macao's border checkpoint at Hengqin Port between Macao and Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, Aug. 18, 2020. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka) Ho Teng Iat, president of the General Women's Association of Macao, told Xinhua that the plan could bring opportunities for Macao to share the land resources, the pool of professionals and large scientific and technological equipment with Guangdong under the mechanism of mutual discussion, joint construction, joint administration and shared benefits between the two sides. "It will help enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security for residents at the Greater Bay Area, including Macao," Ho said. Ian Soi Kun, chairman of the Macao Jiangmen Communal Society, said Macao should step up its efforts to invite outside investments on major projects in the industries of health, high-tech, exhibition, modern finance and culture and sports, in accordance with the strategic positioning and overall planning of the in-depth cooperation zone and on the basis of Macao's practical situations. Lao Chi Ngai, chairman of the Macao Economic Association, said the plan has set guiding policies on various fronts such as management system, industrial development, residential living and cross-border linkage, which gives clear directions coupled with maneuverability and flexibility. An aerial photo taken on Aug. 18, 2020, shows the Hengqin Port between Macao and Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province (Xinhua/Deng Hua) OPPORTUNITIES FOR DIFFERENT SECTORS Song Yonghua, rector of the University of Macao, said the plan will help Macao explore appropriate marketization for its higher education sector, which has long been held back by limited space and market. "According to the plan, the cooperation zone will continuously improve the convenience of customs clearance between Macao and Hengqin, which will help promote cross-border personnel exchange and therefore, effectively stimulate the vitality of teaching, learning and scientific research," said Song. Experts from the tourism industry believed the plan will greatly benefit Macao's tourism and leisure industry with its simplification of the cross-border flow of goods and personnel, investments and financing. Wong Fai, president of the Macao Leisure Tourism Services Innovation Association, said the cooperation zone will provide bigger development space for Macao's leisure and tourism industry employers and help push for the upgrading and transformation of the industry. "Measures such as exemption of investment income tax will attract more small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to invest in the zone," Wong said. Tourists visit the Senado Square in south China's Macao, on May 3, 2021, the third day of China's five-day May Day holiday. (Xinhua/Cheong Kam Ka) Ip Sio Kai, president of the Macao Association of Banks, said the plan laid out major arrangements for supporting the development of modern finance and cross-border finance, with the new policy of free flow of cross-border capital and convertible capital accounts between Macao and Hengqin being a major innovation in the financial industry. "This will provide a broad market and powerful policy support for the future development of Macao's financial industry," said Ip. Ip Kuai Peng, pro-rector of the City University of Macao, said Macao should take full advantage of the "one country, two systems" principle and its status as an international free trade port, as well as Hengqin's advantages in geographical location, resources and space, to make utmost efforts to focus on prioritized sectors and develop new industries, in aligning with the Guangdong provincial government and the Zhuhai municipal government. "Macao should endeavor to help build a new integrated high-level opening up system between Hengqin and Macao to make the cooperation zone a new demonstration of the practice of 'one country, two systems,'" he said, suggesting efforts to start with hierarchical management and talent introduction. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) County in NE Chinas Heilongjiang sees amazing improvements in desertification control People's Daily Online) 13:52, September 07, 2021 Sand control efforts over the past 40 years have seen the forest coverage rate in Tailai county in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang province, once plagued by desertification, increase from 3.7 percent in 1978 to 14 percent by the end of 2020. File photo shows people planting a tree in sandy land in Daxing town, Tailai county, northeast Chinas Heilongjiang province. Located on the edge of the Horqin Sandy Land, the countrys largest sandy area, Tailais sandified land once reached 1.5 million mu (100,000 hectares). As of last year, the county has created 640,000 mu of forests, bringing its total forest area to 768,000 mu and its forest stock volume to 6.16 million cubic meters. Feng Dexin is a local pioneer in afforestation. In 1974, then 19-year-old Feng settled in Keli village of the countys Keli town with his three younger brothers. At that time, conditions were so harsh that sand even got into his mouth, Feng recalled, noting that sand dunes also encroached on farmland. This prompted Feng and his brothers to enter into a contract with the local government for desertification control of 4,000 mu of land in 1985. Since then, they have braved countless trials and hardships and turned the sandy land into an oasis. Feng is not the only sand fighter in Tailai. The county began to create farmland shelter forests and sand-fixing forests when China started to implement the Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program, which included forestation measures in northwest, north and northeast China in 1978. It encouraged individuals to sign contracts with the government to combat desertification, resulting in the establishment of many family-run forest farms like Fengs, according to Li Lianhai, an official from Tailais forestry and grassland bureau. After years of exploration, Tailai has adopted targeted desertification control methods. The countys Shiyu village in Daxing town, which has more than 500 mu of semi-fixed dunes, launched three afforestation projects after 2000, but all failed, Li said. Since April 2015, the village started to pave straw checkerboard sand barriers, plant pioneer tree species, enclose the forests to prevent deforesting and grazing, and apply high-efficiency irrigation technology. The approaches proved effective, and turned the barren sand into green land. Aerial photo taken on Aug. 24, 2021 shows the 4,000 mu of trees planted by Feng Dexin, a villager in Keli village, Tailai county, northeast Chinas Heilongjiang province. (Photo courtesy of the media convergence center of Tailai) Tailai has also developed agriculture and animal husbandry in some sand-fixing forests, and has created low-density forests of evergreen and deciduous plants and grown Chinese medicinal herbs in woods. In addition to Tailais success in taming desertification, the improvements have also brought economic benefits to people in the county. Xi Xiuzhi, a 58-year-old resident in the countys Xianjin village, is one of the locals to have benefited from the ecological improvements. In the past, Xi was forced to be a migrant worker because the food he grew in the sandy land was simply not enough to feed his family. In 2017, Xi returned to the village and has been working as a full-time forest ranger ever since, while his wife has become a cleaner in the village. The jobs bring the couple an annual income of more than 10,000 yuan ($1,549). Xi said there are 695 forest rangers like him in the county. Over the past five years, Tailais three leading industries - livestock breeding and processing, health foods, and green energy - have been growing, said Zheng Deli, chief of the county, adding that Tailai has invested in the construction of 146 industrial projects, with a total investment of 10.85 billion yuan in fixed assets. Zheng noted that the county was lifted out of poverty in 2019. (Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun) Indian PM Modi to chair BRICS Summit on Sept. 9 Xinhua) 15:02, September 07, 2021 NEW DELHI, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will chair the 13th BRICS Summit to be held on Thursday in a virtual format, announced the government of India on Tuesday. The summit will also be attended by leaders from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa. The theme of the summit would be "Intra-BRICS cooperation for continuity, consolidation and consensus." India had outlined four priority areas including reform of the multilateral system, counter terrorism, using digital and technological tools for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and enhancing people to people exchanges. In addition to these areas, the leaders will also exchange views on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other current global and regional issues, said the statement. The summit this year coincides with the 15th anniversary of the BRICS. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Greece's Piraeus port refilled with vitality under BRI cooperation Xinhua) 16:41, September 07, 2021 Aerial photo taken on Sept. 6, 2019 shows the Piraeus port in Greece. (Photo by Lefteris Partsalis/Xinhua) ATHENS, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Over a decade ago, when Greece was trapped in a severe debt crisis and close to bankruptcy, Piraeus was still a decaying port standing at the fork of fate. However, these years, Piraeus has been expanded, upgraded, linked to railway networks and regained its shine, after the China Ocean Shipping Company, also known as COSCO, began managing the port's container terminals in the autumn of 2009. Officials, observers and residents mark Piraeus as a successful example of China-Greece collaboration in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and data always tell the truth. DATA &FACTS In 2010, container handling in Piraeus totaled 880,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), while in 2020 it reached 5.43 million TEUs, despite the challenges of COVID-19. Thanks to its strong foundation, the port can stay resilient in the face of the unprecedented turmoil caused by the pandemic, said Tassos Vamvakidis, commercial manager of Piraeus Container Terminal S.A., the Chinese group's Piraeus subsidiary, in an interview with Xinhua. While such sectors as shipping, transport and supply chain suffered worldwide, Piraeus managed to weather the coronavirus storm in strict compliance with safety rules set by Greek authorities, he said. Last year, though the port saw a roughly 3-percent reduction in terms of containers compared to 2019, the lost ground has been recovered. "Overall, we think we managed well. This has been appreciated by our clients. We have not stopped even one day, because of the pandemic, to operate," Vamvakidis said, adding that everybody here feels proud of this achievement. Vamvakidis, 64, born and raised at Piraeus, has been working at the port since he was 16 and has since witnessed the fruitful cooperation between Greece and China. The Chinese investment has significantly changed Piraeus' image, as his company, which has managed the port's container terminals since 2009, currently boasts advanced equipment, infrastructure and technology, he said. Furthermore, the operator has offered local community with more than 3,000 direct jobs and even more indirect jobs, invested millions of euros in the port and paid millions for taxes, duties and social contribution. FUTURE PLAN Piraeus Container Terminal now needs a new pier -- Pier IV, said Vamvakidis, referring to future plans. "Our activities are getting better and better every day. There are clients who diverted their hubs, and they prefer Piraeus because of that. We need space." Once added with another pier, the annual capacity of Piraeus port will surpass 10 million TEUs, and the port will move up in ranking from the current fourth place among European container ports, he noted. Recalling Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the port in November 2019, Vamvakidis said: "I was very much impressed how such a great man of a great nation can be so friendly ... He was talking to us like we know each other for years." During the visit, Xi said that seeing is believing, and that he had seen here that the China-proposed BRI was not a slogan or tale, but a successful practice and brilliant reality. Vamvakidis strongly believes in the BRI vision and Piraeus' role in it. As Piraeus has become the largest container port in the Mediterranean, expanding cooperation between the two countries will further inject new vitality into trade and logistics, he said. "It (Piraeus port project) has prospered very much for Greece, but it has also been very useful for relations between China and Europe as it is now a major trading hub, transportation hub for goods both ways," former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told Xinhua recently. "PIRAEUS FAMILY" "China is one of the most important foreign investors in our country. China came with COSCO and State Grid and invested in Greece in very difficult times for our economy. We will never forget that," Greek Minister of Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis told Xinhua. In Vamvakidis' view, COSCO is far more than an investor or employer, as he sees it as his family, and feels proud to join it and contribute to this successful story. Vamvakidis' two sons, aged 33 and 35, respectively, are also working at the port, with his home not far from his company. Likewise, Piraeus is also much more than a harbor for him since he has been working in the port for nearly 50 years and has developed a deep emotional bond with it. When addressing a BRI forum a few years ago, he called himself "a child of Piraeus." Now his sons and three grandsons have also become "children of Piraeus." He recalled vividly how excited his oldest grandson was when the 4-year-old boy first saw the huge cranes at the port. Vamvakidis said COSCO's investment is very important, for it has helped and will further boost the local shipping society and help create a better future. (Web editor: Xia Peiyao, Liang Jun) Food base for Asian elephants to open soon in Yunnan People's Daily Online) 16:20, September 07, 2021 Photo shows a herd of Asian elephants. (Photo from the Media Convergence Center of Jinghong city) An area that provides sources of food for Asian elephants is about to open to the animal guests soon in Jinghong city, southwest Chinas Yunnan province. Covering a total area of more than 1,000 mu (1 hectare equals 15 mu), the project is set to supply the elephants with a richer variety of food sources and improve their habitat, an official with the local forestry and grassland bureau said. The area has been planted mainly with Thysanolaena maxima and wild banana, the elephants main food sources. The project is expected to help reduce the damage caused to villagers and their crops by the elephants while the animals are wandering in nearby villages in search of food, said Zha Wei, an official at the forestry and grassland bureau of Jinghong. With a total investment of 1 million yuan (about $154,900), the project started construction at the end of 2020 and was completed in May 2021. The local governments have attached great importance to the protection of wild animals and the ecological environment, and the local residents have enhanced their awareness of wild animal conservation, leading to the expansion of the population of Asian elephants, said Zha, who explained that when the density of Asian elephants reaches a certain level, the animals will leave their habitat, a move which helps lower the density of elephants residing in the original habitat as well as providing an indication that the supply of food for the animals has fallen short of the demand in the habitat. An adult Asian elephant eats 200 kilograms of food each day. With increasing forest coverage in the region, the shrubs and grasslands that the elephants prefer have gradually been scaled back. Since giant arbors increase the density of the forested landscape, it has become harder for the elephants to find sufficient herbaceous plant resources. This partly explains why the wild Asian elephants have frequently left their protected areas and intruded into the nearby villages in recent years. By building up the area with food sources, we hope to allow more elephants to stay inside the area so that they wont intrude into the nearby villages and cause human-elephant conflicts, said Zha. As long as there are sufficient food supplies, the elephants will be attracted to go back to their natural habitat, he added. Asian elephants are under first-class state protection in China. There are currently 185 wild Asian elephants in Jinghong, an increase of 105 from the end of the last century, and this population continues to grow. Moreover, the distribution area for the elephants in Jinghong has exceeded 3,500 square kilometers. (Web editor: Hongyu, Liang Jun) About 100 craftsmen gathered in an indoor stadium in Funan county, east Chinas Anhui province, on Monday, for a wickerwork designing competition. The 8th Anhui Industrial Design Competition was held in the county on the day. Some 100 craftsmen from around the county designed and weaved wickerwork products in various shapes and full of creativity. Funan wickerwork technique has been inscribed on the national intangible cultural heritage list, and wickerwork products in the county have been included in the list of national geographical indication products. Willows, the raw material of wickerwork products, are widely planted in Mengwa flood storage area in the county. Willow-planting dated back to 1,000 years ago, and wicker-weaving to more than 500 years ago. Funan has been given many titles related to wickerwork, including "Capital of Wickerwork in China" and "National Foreign Trade Transformation and Upgrading Base" . China's central authorities have issued a new plan for further developing a cooperation zone for the southern metropolis of Shenzhen and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). According to the plan, the reform and opening up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will be comprehensively deepened. The plan, issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, was made public on Monday. The general plan to establish the cooperation zone was approved by the State Council in 2010. A total of 11,500 Hong Kong-invested companies have been registered in the zone, with registered capital reaching 1.28 trillion yuan (about 198 billion U.S. dollars), according to official data released in late August. The total area of the cooperation zone will be expanded to 120.56 square km from 14.92 square km, said the new development plan. The new blueprint was formulated to help Qianhai better play an exemplary and leading role in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, said the plan. By 2035, Qianhai will boast world-class business environment, and will become an engine for high-quality development with strong capability in global resource allocation, breeding innovation and leading coordinated development, according to goals laid out in the new development plan. Qianhai will advance the development of the modern service industry, accelerate the reform and innovation of the system and mechanisms for sci-tech development, strive to foster a world-class business environment and innovate its governance model. It will also promote free trade in services with Hong Kong and Macao, expand the opening-up of the financial sector, further open up legal affairs and promote high-level participation in international cooperation, according to the plan. The plan will bring significant benefit to the economic and social development of Hong Kong, said a spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council. The content of the plan reflects the great importance that the central authorities attach to the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, as well as people's well-being there, the spokesperson noted, adding that the plan will inject new driving forces and provide new opportunities for Hong Kong's development. "We hope the government and all walks of life in the HKSAR will seize the opportunities and make good use of the central authorities' support policies, and continuously deepen mutually beneficial cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong," said the spokesperson. The picture shows the formation that took part in the joint exercises near the Sea of Japan on August 31. By Ling Yunzhi Foreign media reported that the ROK Navy and the British aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth formation carried out joint exercises near the Sea of Japan on August 31. Given the constant hotspot issues in the Asia Pacific, the joint exercises may not only aggravate the ROK-DPRK tension and negatively affect the security situation on the Korean Peninsula, but also make the future Asian-Pacific situation more complicated. ROK intends to realize aircraft carrier dream through the exercises As an important country in the Asia Pacific, ROK has been developing independent military forces and remained restrained and cautious on the major-country competition. In spite of a temporary hesitation, Seoul finally agreed to the joint military exercises with the British carrier fleet because it wished to take this opportunity to tighten the ties with Britain and other western countries and, more importantly, learn more about the carriers combat capabilities through the exercise and get Britain to help it develop its own light carriers. For the exercises, ROK dispatched its 14,000-ton Dokdo-class amphibious assault ship, a quasi-aircraft carrier, and its Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk also took off from the Busan naval base and had landing and takeoff on Queen Elizabeth. What ROK want is to have direct contact and a deeper understanding of the carrier, and consequently accelerate the R&D of its own carriers and realize its long-harbored carrier dream. Britain wants to expand influence through Asia Pacific As a country out of the region, the UK makes no secret of its intention of making deployments in the Asia Pacific, for which it has some deep considerations. As the Asian-Pacific region is becoming a global geopolitical focus, the UK has ramped up its military deployments here in a bid to take a preemptive step and hold a favorable position, with the bigger goal of expanding the activity space on the international stage in the post-Brexit period and playing a truly global role. For that purpose, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave a speech at the House of Commons on November 20, 2020, in which he announced the countrys most ambitious military plan in decades and the return of the British navy to the Asia Pacific in 2021. Part of the plan was sending the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth to the region for military operations as a step to implement the Global Britain strategy. The recent joint exercises between London and Seoul were a key item on the itinerary of the British carrier task force in the region. Moreover, the UK-ROK joint exercises also made an important part of the series of regional exercises initiated or participated in by the US. Before the British carrier formation arrived in ROK waters, it had already joined military exercises with the US and Japan. When it sailed northward afterward, its NATO allies, including the US, Australia and the Netherlands, expressed support and sent vessels to escort and replenish the somewhat slim British carrier formation. During the exercises, the British navy also conducted takeoff and landing drills using the US F-35B stealth fighters fitted on the aircraft carrier to test and strengthen their combat cooperation. Therefore, the UK-ROK exercises are by no means an individual event, but an important supplement and component of Americas series of exercises in the Asian-Pacific region. Limited strength cannot match global ambition The one-time global empire is sufficiently motivated to turn to the Asia Pacific, but as Britains overall strength has been on the decline after WWII, it is barely able to sustain its global ambition. Take the British navy for example. The navy itself is seriously understaffed and under-equipped, and the aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth, the symbol of its maritime forces, is equipped with very few fighter jets, far less than the standard 40-50. As well as the small number of fighters, the carrier task force is so understrength that it needed escorts from American and Dutch vessels during its patrol this time. Besides, Britains supply ships that can provide ammunition and other dry good supplies are extremely aged, which greatly undermines the navys deterrence during the oceangoing patrol. In sum, due to the UKs current overall national strength and the changes in the international situation, the effects of its military operations in the Asian-Pacific region will be limited. Although countries like the US and Japan expressed a welcome to Londons shift toward the region and tried hard to rope it in, they all have their own calculations, not to mention that the regional situation has become ever more complex with the growing competition among major countries and their shift of focus to the east. In this connection, it is really not a wise move for Britain to swim with the tide to the Asia Pacific. Editor's note: This article is originally published on thepaper.cn, and is translated from Chinese into English and edited by the China Military Online. The information, ideas or opinions appearing in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of eng.chinamil.com.cn. Russia holds a traditional welcome ceremony for the first echelon of Chinese troops participating in the Peace Mission 2021 SCO joint anti-terrorism military exercise in Orenburg Oblast, Russia on September 6, 2021. (Photo by Si Lei) ORENBURG, Sept. 7 -- The first echelon of the Chinese troops delivered by train to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) "Peace Mission 2021" joint anti-terrorism military exercise arrived at the Donguz railway station in Orenburg Oblast, Russia at 15:30 on September 6, local time. The Russian side held a brief and warm welcome ceremony for them. With the cooperation of the Russian staff, the Chinese service members quickly transferred their equipment from the train onto the platform. After unloading the hardware, they in battle groups headed for the exercise area more than 50 kilometers away to set up the field camp. The first echelon delivered by railway consists of 172 troops and 44 pieces of equipment. They departed from Manzhouli Port of Inner Mongolia on August 28 and passed Chita, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen, Ufa along the Trans-Siberian Railway. The nine-day trip covers more than 6,300 kilometers in five time zones. They were assigned to set up the commanding, defense and living facilities for the Chinese participating troops in accordance with actual combat requirements, and work with the Russian side to establish a supply channel of food, water, and POL, to ensure that the follow-up echelons can immediately participate in the exercise upon arrival. Japan's Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi speaks to the members of the media after he inspected the British Royal Navy's HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier at the US naval base in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, Sept 6, 2021. [Photo/Agencies] How much Japanese Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi meant what he said on Monday that the involvement of European nations is key to peace and stability of the Indo-Pacific region is open to question. He made the remarks on welcoming the first port call of the United Kingdom's aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the country. But what Japan has been keen to do since the Meiji Reformation in the late 19th century is to drive away Western powers from the region that it has coveted dominion of for so long. Nor should it be forgotten how Japan developed into a militarist power with the indulgence of the West after the Paris Peace Conference, or that it has never conducted serious reflections on that period of its past. The same question might be asked of the British government as well, after it said in statements that the visit of the aircraft carrier strike group was "a powerful demonstration of the UK's close and enduring partnership with Japan and the UK's commitment to maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region", and that the move was "confident not confrontational". The world has changed from the days of the British Empire. But there are those who sniff the musty smell of the past and it invokes heady dreams of bygone grandeur. The UK's "calling card" sent half way round the world has only highlighted how divorced its government is from the reality in this part of the world. The participation of the UK's visiting flotilla in naval exercises with Japan, the United States, the Netherlands and Canada before its arrival at the US Navy base in Yokosuka near Tokyo was nothing but an ugly show of hypocrisy, as it belied its claim that the presence of its naval vessels in the region was "not confrontational". Given that the Japanese and the UK governments are challenged by record debts, comparable to that of the US, it is ridiculous the two are willing to overstretch themselves so much that they can act as cheerleaders for the US' so-called Indo-Pacific strategy. On Tuesday, Japan raised its defense budget for 2022 to 5.48 trillion yen ($49.93 billion), up 2.6 percent from this year, the largest hike since 2018, in response to the US' call for its full engagement in regional security. As such, the US has set the stage for Japan and the UK to revive the smoldering cinders of their dreams of glory, which deserves the world's vigilance lest any shared commitment and confidence regarding the "further development of Japan-British defense cooperation" lead to a grave misjudgment. In a crackdown on anti-coup protesters led by the civil disobedience movement (CDM), more than 1,000 people have been killed and thousands more detained, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, a nonprofit human rights group based in Thailand. Meanwhile, a group called the National Unity Government (NUG), founded in the wake of the coup, claims to be Myanmar's legitimate government. It is made up of ousted politicians, leaders and pro-democracy activists, and the military deems it illegal. The military claims it ousted the ruling National League for Democracy because the party had ignored allegations that the general elections in November 2020 were riddled with fraud. The NLD had won the poll in a landslide, drubbing the military's proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party in a contest deemed mostly free and fair by local and international election observers. NLD's ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi and former President Win Myint have been detained since the coup and face several charges. At the 76th General Assembly session next week, Myanmar will be a hot topic, as the Credentials Committee, made up of nine countries, must recommend an entity to take the country's UN seat. The choice comes down to either the military junta or representatives of the former government. Myanmar is awaiting a UN General Assembly decision that could play a role in who leads the country in the future. Myanmar is still grappling with the aftermath of a military coup that ousted the democratically elected government Feb. 1. While signs of a possible civil war continue to increase, some prominent women activists are calling for international pressure on the junta. Daw Ma Khin Lay, a former political activist and aid to Suu Kyi in the 1990s, left Myanmar following the coup. Khin Lay is the director of Triangle Women Organization, a civil society group advocating for women's empowerment. Khin Lay maintains she is doing "what needs to be done" to eliminate military rule. According to Khin Lay, there is a possibility the UN could recognize the NUG. "We have to try many possible ways, diplomacy way, international pressure," Khin Lay said. "The credential is very important to get the recognition of the NUG and denounce the military Our desire is to reject the military. This is the best possible way." In February, Kyaw Moe Tun, then Myanmar's representative to the UN, appealed for the coup to end. He was subsequently fired by the military. It was later reported that New York authorities had arrested two people allegedly involved in a conspiracy to assassinate him. Khin Lay added that although there are hopes for the NUG to be recognized, it is essential that the UN recognize Moe Tun. "Credentials are very new for us. We have to learn," Khin Lay said. "According to ASEAN, there will be three possible options. [We believe] the most possible is to recognize Moe Tun," she added. ASEAN is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Thinzar Shunlei Yi is another prominent activist fighting for change in Myanmar. She is wanted by the military but managed to speak to VOA by phone in August. The activist maintains that the coup is still regarded as a failure, as the CDM continues to stifle the junta's operations. "Even after the killings, people still go on the streets and keep protesting, so the grounds are different," she said. "We still have many protests in different places, in different forms. On the street, digital platforms -- so I feel the resistance is still going strong even after all these intimidations People still risk their life. That's the mindset of CDM people." And the activist stressed there should be no confusion about whom the UN should recognize. "For the recognition of NUG, I don't think it is a dilemma. These are not two political parties. This is clearly a military junta abusing power to grab power and take control of the civilian government. The UN community doesn't need to have that dilemma," she said. Swedish police said Monday they had arrested two women linked to Islamic State after they flew back from Syria, as media reported that one was being investigated for war crimes. Stockholm police spokesman Ola Osterling said the prosecutor leading the investigation into the two women had ordered their arrest. "We executed that decision when the plane arrived in Stockholm in the afternoon," Osterling told AFP. A third woman had been taken in for questioning, he added. A statement Monday from the Prosecution Authority said multiple investigations were underway against men and women returning from areas that had been controlled by Islamic State. "The international crimes that are relevant for people returning from IS-controlled areas are war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity," public prosecutor Reena Devgun said in the statement. "Sweden has an international commitment to investigate and prosecute these crimes," she added. Many convicted child sex offenders live within a 1 km radius of schools around the country, according to Ministry of Gender Equality and Family data. By law the personal information of child sex offenders must be published on the government website www.sexoffender.go.kr for a set period. The data show that 67 percent of nursery schools nationwide have one or more convicted child sex offenders living within a 1 km radius, so do elementary schools (49 percent), middle schools (55 percent) and high schools (59 percent). Korean law does not limit where offenders who have served their time can live, and the density of schools is such that almost anywhere in urban areas is near a school or childcare facility of some kind. The only restriction they face is that they must come no closer than 100 m to their victim's home or school. North Korea is rushing to complete a cluster side of high-rise apartments in Sinuiju on the Chinese border. "I wonder what they're doing even though the borders are sealed," a local in Dandong on the Chinese side of the Apnok or Yalu River said. Five or six 15-story apartment buildings are under construction right on the river bank and the raw structures are already finished. North Korea sealed its borders at the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic early last year. The road and railway between Dandong and Sinuiju, which used to carry 70 percent of trade volume between the two countries, are closed, though some farming supplies like fertilizer have been imported by sea. Movies with friendly prices popularize science By:Wu Qiong | From:english.eastday.com | 2021-09-07 18:29 A series of events will be held in Shanghai between September 11 and 17 to celebrate the 2021 China Science Popularization Day. As one of the highlights, the Shanghai Science and Technology Movie Week has won popularity among citizens over the past years. As usual, the price of each film costs only three yuan, with 13 films available this year. The movie week will be opened by documentary film Madam Ye, which recounts the story of Ye Shuhua, astronomer and academician at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Award-winning movies such as Over the Moon will take the audience on a journey of pursuing scientific dreams. Classic Chinese movies like Zhang Ga the Soldier Boy Tunnel Warfare and The Eternal Wave will represent the perseverance and strong will of Chinese scientists and technicians. People can watch those movies at the Shanghai Science and Technology Cinema at 59 Nanchang Rd, Huangpu District. Away from the theaters, experts from across China will gather in Shanghai to discuss the hot topics of peak carbon and carbon neutrality and the old film China Glaciers shot in 1981. This year, the organizers have also worked with museums like the Shanghai Yangtze River Estuary Science and Technology Museum (in Baoshan) and the Chongming Ecological Science and Technology Museum, which will screen science movies for more citizens to enjoy. (Shanghai Yangtze River Estuary Science and Technology Museum) (Chongming Ecological Science and Technology Museum) Promotional video of the International Conference on Food Loss and Waste [Photo/jnnews.com] The International Conference on Food Loss and Waste will be held in Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong province from Sept 9 to 11. With the theme "reducing food loss and waste, promoting global food security", the conference aims to provide a platform for countries to share their experiences in food loss and waste, and discuss global concerns such as food security and poverty alleviation. A farmer harvests corn in the rural area of Shandong. [Photo/iqilu.com] The conference will be held via both online and offline channels. As of Sept 4, 168 foreign guests from 42 countries and seven international organizations had registered for the conference. Three sub-forums focusing on reducing food loss in production, post-harvest food loss and waste, and reducing food waste in consumption will also be held. Foreign guests will visit the National Demonstration Center for Crop Varieties (Shanghe County) and Sinograin Jinan Depot Co to learn about achievements and high-end technologies in agriculture in Jinan. The conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, and the Shandong Provincial People's Government. Copyright 1995 - . All rights reserved. The content (including but not limited to text, photo, multimedia information, etc) published in this site belongs to China Daily Information Co (CDIC). Without written authorization from CDIC, such content shall not be republished or used in any form. Note: Browsers with 1024*768 or higher resolution are suggested for this site. 0108263 License for publishing multimedia online Registration Number: 130349 Registration Number: 130349 As rain falls, the Honor Guard and a group of first responders march through downtown from Firehouse #1 to the main plaza during the September 11th Patriot Day Remembrance Ceremony on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019. MIKALA COMPTON | Herald-Zeitung Woburn, MA (01801) Today Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 87F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms early, then mainly cloudy overnight with thunderstorms likely. Low 66F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Woburn, MA (01801) Today Cloudy early with peeks of sunshine expected late. High 87F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight Scattered thunderstorms this evening becoming more widespread overnight. Low 66F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. The Biden administration is signaling that they are strongly considering reentering the United Nations Small Arms Treaty that former President Trump pulled out of and that critics assert will lead to an international gun registry. The Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Conventional Arms Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of State, William Malzahn, told the United Nations that the current administration is supporting and getting behind the Arms Trade Treaty. "I have come from Washington, D.C., this week to take the floor on the agenda item Treaty Universalization to underscore the continuing commitment of the United States to responsible international trade in conventional arms," Malzahn proclaimed at the 7th Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty. "The United States has long supported strong and effective national controls on the international transfer of conventional arms, and the Arms Trade Treaty is an important tool [for] promoting those controls internationally," he remarked according to an NRA-ILA transcript. ..... It all started in 1956 when 19 young men took their physical for entrance into the Marine Corps. On Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, three men, David Heilman, Max Comerford and Michael Mayfield, met for a reunion at Martinos. A fourth, Larry Colvin, FaceTimed briefly with his Marine Corp friends from Arkansas. A fifth was in an assisted living facility in Greentown. A sixth chose not to attend. They are all who remain of the 19. Heilman has watched their numbers dwindle over the last few years. The latest loss, Frederick D. Douglas, hit him pretty hard. Douglas was the squad leader and had taken Heilman under his wing in boot camp, had mentored him and helped him overcome his eyesight issues and lack of coordination in boot camp. Heilman thought there was no way he would pass his physical because of those issues. He had received a big surprise. Douglas was accepted into sea school, a huge honor, said Heilman, and became a sea-going Marine and worked directly with a ship captain. Try to put his name in the paper, Heilman asked, as if needing a record that Mr. Douglas was present at least in memory at this years reunion. They try to meet twice a year, on Aug. 29, the day they entered the Marine Corps, and on Nov. 10, the day the Marine Corps birthday is celebrated. This year the veterans met on a Friday since the 29th fell on a Sunday. After they were accepted into the Corps, they were split into two different battalions and shipped to San Diego. After their boot camp ended, they either went to Okinawa or Hawaii, which was still a territory at the time. Comerford remembered that first night of boot camp. The lights went off for the night and someone said, This is awful. The lights went back on and the sergeant hollered, OK, you cant sleep. Were going to have a field day. Were going to clean this place up. After they finished and the lights went out again, someone muttered an expletive. The lights flicked back on. It only took the squad two more times to learn that when the lights were off, their mouths were closed. [Boot camp] wasnt all that physical, Comerfield said. It was more mental than anything. The reunion goes a lot like this: Old stories pulled out and polished up, turns taken hassling each other like teenage boys. When Colvin called in on FaceTime and he was passed to Comerford, he exclaimed, Hey, Max. Youre getting handsomer. You think so? asked Comerfield. I have friends who sell glasses, Heilman said. Comerford recalled getting a secret clearance and becoming a cryptographer. Only seven others got to join him in training. Armed guards stood watch around the school, and anything they wrote down had to be burned before leaving the building. They carried thermite grenades that would melt everything in sight, in case the building was compromised. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute There was the time Mitzi Gaynor finished filming South Pacific and joined the troops in the mess hall for dinner. Heilman remembered seeing Elvis Presley perform at the Scholfield barracks on Nov. 11, 1957, for just 50 cents. Tickets to his performance at the Honolulu Stadium the day before cost $5. Mayfield was quiet for long stretches, happy just to listen to his friends. Heilman got married on leave. He had been told he was going to Japan and wanted to make sure his intended was still there when he got home. His wife went to live with him while he was stationed in Hawaii. They have visited 32 times since, a home away from home, Heilman reflected. They used old military equipment, jeeps, trucks and C-rations passed down from WWII. When we found out we were going to spend some time in the field camping, the first thing wed do was steal the hot sauce in the mess hall, and if you couldnt, youd buy some onions, said Comerford. They would dump the onions in with the C-rations and cover the meal with hot sauce. It was almost edible. Of the 19 men, only one reenlisted when their two years of service came to an end in 1958. His name was Donald Bunch, and he would go on to work in the White House. Mayfield became a brick mason. Comerford worked at Delco. Heilman returned to his old job at the A&P grocery store. He would take a job at Delco before returning to school, first at IU Kokomo and then IUPUI, to earn his degree in management and administration with a minor in chemistry. He founded TAU Labs, which was later purchased by DuPont Photomasks. Between the Marine Corps and Indiana University, those two institutions changed my life in a very positive way, he said. I kind of cherish the memories and the time I spent in there, said Colvin. But its all in the past. Sixty-five years ago. Thats a long time. Sometimes its hard to realize its been that long, Heilman said. Sixty-five years. But looking back, it doesnt seem like that at all. Theres no such thing as an ex-Marine, said Comerford. You never want to say that. The absolute correct thing to say is a former enlisted Marine. Well settle for a former Marine, but we never settle for ex-Marine. Once a Marine, always a Marine, Heilman said. They never saw combat and their time lasted only two years, but all of it matters. The sweat, discipline and frustration of boot camp, the extended time away from family, its more than many of us will ever be willing to sacrifice. Thank you for your service. Below are the arrests for Sept. 3-6. All listed are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Tyler Backus, 24, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 3:59 a.m. at North Street and Washington Street for habitual traffic violations (level 6 felony) and operating a vehicle with an ACE of .15 or more (class A misdemeanor). Jerry Banks, 46, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 1:22 a.m. at Ohio Street and Carter Street for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (class A misdemeanor) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated-prior conviction (level 6 felony). Jeremy Biehle, 34, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 8:20 a.m. at 520 Southlea Dr. for domestic battery (level 6 felony), residential entry (level 6 felony) and resisting law enforcement (class A misdemeanor). Tiffany Black, 41, was arrested on Sept. 4 at 9:41 p.m. at 100 S. Union St. for battery against a public safety official engaged in official duty (level 6 felony), resisting law enforcement (class A misdemeanor) and public intoxication by alcohol. Stanley Cage, 5, was arrested on Sept. 4 at 7:10 p.m. at 1500 E. Morgan St. for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (class A misdemeanor) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated-prior conviction (level 6 felony). James Dean, 39, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 5:04 p.m. at 820 N. Ohio St. for possession of paraphernalia (class A misdemeanor) and two counts of warrant-failure to appear. Robert Hampshire, 45, was arrested on Sept. 4 at 1:20 a.m. at 818 Clark St. for warrant-petition to revoke. James Hawkins, 26, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 10:10 p.m. at 1356 S. Waugh St. for warrant-Intimidation. Ricky Heath, 37, was arrested on Sept. 4 at 9:44 p.m. at 2008 S. Goyer Rd. Apt. 3 for domestic battery (class A misdemeanor). James Howard, 39, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 7:00 p.m. at 2301 E. Markland Ave. for resisting law enforcement (class A misdemeanor), disorderly conduct (class B misdemeanor) and public intoxication by drugs (class B misdemeanor). William Kerschner, 24, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 12:00 a.m. at 511 W. Jefferson St. for deception-legend drug (level 6 felony), possession of methamphetamine (level 6 felony), possession of paraphernalia (class A misdemeanor) and warrant-failure to appear. Antoinette Lewis, 27, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 6:51 p.m. at Park Avenue and Washington Street for neglect of a dependant (level 6 felony) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated (level 6 felony). Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Christopher Lucas, 39, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 7:55 p.m. at 610 E. Walnut St. for domestic battery (level 6 felony). Christina McHenry, 56, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 4:52 p.m. at 820 N.Ohio St. for possession of methamphetamine (level 6 felony) and possession of paraphernalia (class C misdemeanor). Khajmir Nixon, 28, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 9:00 p.m. at Superior Street and Main Street for resisting Law Enforcement (level 6 felony). Jessica Rehm, 32, was arrested on Sept. 4 at 7:15 p.m. at 3820 Alameda Blvd. for domestic battery (level 6 felony). Kylee Riddle, 29, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 7:43 p.m. at Bell Street and North Street for warrant-failure to appear. Kayla Stahly, 30, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 2:14 a.m. at 3840 S.Lafountain St. for driving while suspended (class A misdemeanor), operating a vehicle while intoxicated (class A misdemeanor) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated-prior conviction (level 6 felony). Brandon Taylor, 36, was arrested on Sept. 3 at 9:42 p.m. at 4436 S. 00 EW 98 for warrant-petition to revoke. Thomas Thatcher, 44, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 3:20 a.m. at 268 S 00 EW for domestic battery-deadly weapon (level 5 felony), theft (class A misdemeanor), intimidation (level 5 felony), possession of a handgun without a license (class a misdemeanor), manufacturing/ dealing methamphetamine (level 2 felony), possession of a controlled substance schedule I, II, III, IV, V (class A misdemeanor) and possession of paraphernalia (class C misdemeanor). Michael Valdez, 31, was arrested on Sept. 3 at 1:40 a.m. at 1918 West Sycamore St. for battery (class A misdemeanor), criminal trespass (class A misdemeanor) and public intoxication-alcohol (class B misdemeanor). Clayton Walker, 45, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 12:55 a.m. at Markland Avenue and Reed Road for operating a vehicle while intoxicated (class A misdemeanor) and operating a vehicle while intoxicated-prior conviction (level 6 felony). Kevin Wicks, 27, was arrested on Sept. 3 at 10:44 p.m. at Monroe Street and Morrison Street for warrant-violation. Troy Young, 38, was arrested on Sept. 6 at 1:40 a.m. at 1100 S. Jay St. for warrant-petition to revoke. Jienna Yost, 31, was arrested on Sept. 5 at 3:08 p.m. at 2307 W.Murden St. for domestic battery (class A misdemeanor). Some local schools have noticed more absences in classrooms as COVID-19 cases surge around the country. Its different than last year, said Christopher Smith, superintendent of Taylor Community School Corporation. Last year, when everybody in the county was wearing masks, we were close contacting one to two people all year, but this year everybody is getting [COVID]. James Wood, a doctor of pediatric infectious disease at Riley Childrens Hospital in Indianapolis, said Riley has seen a record number of COVID cases in Indiana children over the last several weeks. Over the course of May, June and July, Riley treated 116 children for COVID. By the end of August, Riley had treated 262 children with the virus. As of Sept. 1, Riley had eight children in the intensive care unit with COVID, and three children on ventilators. Were all tired. We all have fatigue from this, Wood said. Unfortunately, the virus doesnt work like that. We have to take precautions. Wood said the Delta variant is very contagious and probably a big reason cases are increasing. He said the rising number of kids with severe cases of COVID began before school started, but schools without mask policies are getting hit harder. I think that as this continues and we continue to see this surge, right now, without a vaccine for those younger kids, the only way we can get those numbers to level off or come down is going to be going back to strategies like masking and social distancing, Wood said. Despite the increased spread of the virus across the state and at Taylor Community Schools, Smith said he has no plans to enforce a mask mandate. To keep students safe, Smith said the school cleans school buses twice a day and works to keep all buildings sanitized, ensures students stay 6 feet apart, and encourages students and staff to have good hygiene. Western School Corporation Superintendent Kathryn Reckard also is encouraging good hygiene at school. Reckard said Western is in the middle of evaluating a variety of precautions and deciding whether to implement further safety measures. [As of Friday, we had] 286 students in quarantine, so obviously were going to look into what we can do to get students into seats safely, Reckard said. Western School Corporation sent out a second survey on Friday to gauge staff and parent reactions to requiring masks and mandating vaccinations for those eligible. The corporation also scheduled a special school board meeting for 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8. The agenda lists a review of COVID-19 protocols and procedures. Reckard said it is hard to anticipate what will happen on a weekly basis because the number of positive cases, and students and staff in quarantine, are constantly changing, but she hopes students continue to take safety measures outside the classroom. We do as much as we can while they are at school, Reckard said, but the bottom line is, when they leave school, its in parents and guardians hands. We need them reinforcing that at home as well. Christopher Belcher, the infection prevention medical director at Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital, treats pediatric infectious diseases at Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital. He said the increase in kids with serious cases of COVID is very concerning. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute Weve seen more [cases] in the last few weeks than we saw in the rest of the entire time of the pandemic, Belcher said. The cases reported in the state keep going up, as well as those reported in schools, and theres such a limited capacity for pediatric specialty care. Its a much smaller field than the adult hospital world. Belcher said one factor in the increasing number of children in the hospital with COVID is the lack of vaccines available to kids under 12 years old. He recommends that anyone eligible who is around young children get vaccinated. Belcher said vaccinated adults can create a ring of protection around children too young to get the vaccine themselves, and that can help keep kids safe. Northwestern School Corporation recently updated its requirements to keep kids safe at school. The corporation made the decision at the beginning of September to expect mask use in schools again, but with a parental opt-out. Northwestern School Corporation Superintendent Kristin Bilkey said a rise in COVID cases in the middle and high schools prompted the school board to take the precaution. Were really trying to let the kids make the choice of, Hey, I want to be in school so Im going to wear a mask, and it doesnt matter if the kid sitting next to me or two rows over is. I made my choice and I am safe at school, Bilkey said. Were still trying to compromise and still give parents some choice as well. Parents are able to opt children out of wearing masks, but students who do not wear a mask will have to quarantine for 10 days if they are in close contact to someone who tests positive. Gov. Eric Holcomb has relaxed quarantine rules for those wearing masks, so close contacts in fully masked classrooms who have no symptoms will not be required to quarantine. According to the re-entry plan located on its website, Kokomo School Corporation is allowing students to learn in class, or remotely, encouraging kids to check their temperatures before coming to school, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces frequently, and limiting visitors to the building. Kokomo School Corporation recommends masks but does not require them. A priority for the Kokomo School Corporation is the health and safety of all students and staff. As such, KSC administrators, teachers, and support staff are centered on teaching and learning, Dave Barnes, director of communications at Kokomo School Corporation, wrote in an email. The pandemic has been a challenge for our entire community, and our staff continues to teach our students about hygiene and healthy practices that will help mitigate the spread of Covid-19. Each Howard County school is required to share and update the number of positive students and staff. That information is usually updated each day or each week and can be found on the schools individual webpages. Eastern School Corporation has seen COVID cases decrease by about half over the past week. Superintendent Keith Richie said masking is currently optional at Eastern, but if cases go back up he will consider taking further measures. However, he said he hopes that will not be necessary. We have very few cases currently compared to a week ago, Richie said. Last November it went down, then last December it went down, and we had no cases second semester last year. I am hoping and praying thats where were at right now. Richie said it has been a relief to see cases decline at Eastern, and that his No. 1 goal is to keep students in school. Our job is to educate kids, and right now were dealing so much with COVID that it takes away from doing our jobs. This week, we mark the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Nearly 3,000 people were killed as 19 al-Qaida terrorists hijacked four passenger jetliners. Two planes smashed into New Yorks World Trade Center, causing the twin towers to fall. Another plowed into the Pentagon, and a fourth crashed into a field in western Pennsylvania. Twenty years later, the scars remain fresh. We remember when we got news of what had happened. We remember watching our television screens in stunned silence. We remember the anger. We remember the uncertainty and the fear. We should take a moment this week to honor the men, women and children who died and the families they left behind. We should particularly acknowledge the first responders who ran toward danger while others were rushing away. And we should honor this nations men and women in uniform, who have served and sacrificed to keep our country safe. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute We are more cautious now, a bit less trusting. So is it any wonder, after the 20-year war that resulted from the 9/11 attacks, polls last week revealed majority support for the recent U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan? Americans, by 54% to 42%, support President Bidens Afghanistan decision, a Pew poll said. In that same poll, taken Aug. 23-29, 69% said the U.S. mostly failed in achieving its goals in that country. We fear another endless, protracted war. But we are not living in fear. A new tower rises above the New York skyline. Osama bin Laden is dead. In 2012, President Obama urged Americans to mark Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance. The tradition dates to the immediate aftermath of the attacks, when Americans honored the memories of those who died by giving back to their communities. They signed up for the military. They became police officers and firefighters. They rolled up their sleeves to donate blood and to serve those in need. We must keep that spirit alive today and every day even as we debate whether our country shouldve left Afghanistan to the Taliban. - Kokomo Perspective Michael K Williams has died at the age of 54. The actor - who was best known for playing Omar Little in 'The Wire' - was found dead at his home in Brooklyn, New York. Marianna Shafran, his long-time representative, told The Hollywood Reporter: "It is with deep sorrow that the family announces the passing of Emmy-nominated actor Michael Kenneth Williams. They ask for your privacy while grieving this insurmountable loss." A spokesperson for the New York Police Department confirmed that the actor was found dead at home on Monday afternoon (06.09.21). However, a cause of death has not yet been confirmed. The talented actor also played racketeer 'Chalky White' on the HBO series 'Boardwalk Empire'. And the TV network has already paid tribute to the late star. Support Local Journalism Now, more than ever, the world needs trustworthy reportingbut good journalism isnt free. Please support us by making a contribution. Contribute In a statement, HBO said: "We are devastated to learn of the passing of Michael Kenneth Williams, a member of the HBO family for more than 20 years. "While the world is aware of his immense talents as an artist, we knew Michael as a dear friend who was beloved by all who had the privilege to work with him. "We send our deepest condolences to his family for this immeasurable loss." Wendell Pierce, Michael's co-star in 'The Wire', has also taken to Twitter to pay a glowing tribute to the actor. He wrote on the micro-blogging platform: "The depth of my love for this brother, can only be matched by the depth of my pain learning of his loss. A immensely talented man with the ability to give voice to the human condition portraying the lives of those whose humanity is seldom elevated until he sings their truth." The TV and film star is survived by his son, Elijah. "It felt really good," Brown said of reaching the end zone for the first time this year. "The biggest thing about that play is that if you go back and watch it, it was blocked perfectly." Press Release September 7, 2021 SENATOR RONALD "BATO" DELA ROSA Opening Statement September 7, 2021, 10:00 AM PUBLIC HEARING OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC ORDER AND DANGEROUS DRUGS ON THE ALLEGED SALE OF AK-47 RIFLES TO THE NPA MEMBERS WITH AID OF SOME PNP OFFICIALS Again, good morning, everyone! In 2014, the news broke regarding 1,004 missing high-powered firearms per PNP inventory that was later on reported to have been found in the possession of NPA rebels. Pitong taon na ang nakalipas, ano na nga ba ang nangyari sa isyu na ito? May napanagot na ba dahil sa pangyayaring ito? Ano ang naging aksyon ng ating kapulisan dahil sa nangyaring ito? The issues surrounding the case at hand does not simply concern the loss of firearms. The most disturbing and alarming part is the circumvention of our laws and regulations by unscrupulous persons in order to abet communist rebels and enemies of the State by providing and selling these high-powered firearms. I spent most of the early years of my career as a lieutenant in the Philippine Constabulary. I had firsthand experience in fighting against the communist terrorists of this country. Many police officers, military personnel and innocent civilians have been killed in the hands of this communist-terrorist group. This is why I myself cannot tolerate and condone the alleged selling of rifles to this group. Hindi ko talaga matanggap na nagamit ang ating kapulisan upang magkaroon ng armas ang mga komunista na maari pang magamit at makapatay sa maraming inosenteng Filipino. I hope that thru this Committee, we can thresh out all the points surrounding the issues involved to ascertain the loopholes in our current firearms laws and regulations, with the end goal of amending and strengthening the same. I would like to emphasize that the Committee is fully-aware of the criminal cases pending under the Sandiganbayan regarding the issue at bar. Nonetheless, we are also fully cognizant of the Congressional power of inquiry of the Senate enshrined under Section 21, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, to wit: "The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its respective committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly published rules and procedures. The rights of persons appearing or affected by such inquiries shall be respected." The Supreme Court have made it clear in the landmark case of Arnault v. Nazareno, GR No. L3820, July 18, 1950, that: "The power of inquiry---with process to enforce it---is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information---which is not infrequently true---recourse must be had to others who possess it." Furthermore, in the case of Senate vs. Ermita (G.R. No. 169777, 20 April 2006), it was held that: "Congress undoubtedly has a right to information from the executive branch whenever it is sought in aid of legislation." To this end, Congress' power of inquiry is inherent in the power to legislate. Despite the fact that there is a pending case in the Sandiganbayan, the Supreme Court has specifically expounded, in the case of Standard Chartered Bank vs. Senate Committee on Banks, Financial Institutions and Currencies, GR No. 16713, December 27, 2007 that the "mere filing of a criminal or an administrative complaint before a court or quasi-judicial body should not automatically bar the conduct of legislative investigation. Otherwise, it would be extremely easy to subvert any intended inquiry by Congress through the convenient ploy of instituting a criminal or administrative complaint." Moreover, it must stressed that a legislative investigation in aid of legislation and court proceedings have different purposes. Accordingly, the invited resource persons have their duty to cooperate, to respond to questions, to respect the dignity of the Senate and its committees and to testify fully in the matters under investigation. Kaya ngayon inaasahan ko ang kooperasyon ng lahat ng ating mga panauhin para matulungan ang komiteng ito. This hearing is not to point fingers to someone else. This hearing is with a purpose to monitor bureaucratic compliance and to ascertain if the laws passed by Congress have been implemented as to its purpose. Press Release September 7, 2021 Dispatch from Crame No. 1141: Sen. Leila M. de Lima on Duterte's Secret SALN 9/7/21 Last year I asked my lawyers to request for the Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) of President Duterte from Malacanang. As expected, Malacanang refused and told them to go to the Ombudsman. So my lawyers went to the Ombudsman early this year and, again, requested for the President's SALN. After several months, the Ombudsman replied to their request in the negative. It was a straightforward request that, in past administrations, would have not met such elusive treatment, nor would even be necessary, given the fact that a President and his Cabinet are expected to voluntarily publish their SALNs for the scrutiny of the public. At least, that was the case before Duterte. That is what we did under the leadership of President Noynoy Aquino. I am sure anyone in our Cabinet who did not disclose his or her SALN then would have raised eyebrows not only from the public but also from other public officials as well. This practice of disclosing SALNs is also observed by the Senate, that is why we always have the list of the richest to poorest senators. Sen. Bong Go should have, by now, already submitted at least two SALNs, one for 2019 and another for 2020. I don't think the public disclosure of his SALN was such a big deal. He seems to have been able to do it without much effort or fanfare. The problem, however, is with his boss. Why is Duterte's SALN more difficult to access than anyone else's when, as the highest official of the land, he is expected to be more, not less, transparent and accountable than anybody else? If we cannot have access to the President's SALN, then why are we even still pretending to be a Republican government? Why don't we just declare ourselves to be a monarchy or a dictatorship, so at least our citizens will no longer expect their leaders to still be accountable to the people? Accountability of public officers is deemed so critical in our system of government, that our Constitution devotes an entire Article on it, consisting of 18 Sections. Publicly disclosing one's SALN is the least that is expected of public officials to meet the requirements of accountability, as mandated under the Constitution. It is just the first step. A lot more is expected after that. The solution to an official refusing to disclose his SALN is, therefore, simple. Get out of government. Government does not need officials hiding their wealth from the people. Hidden wealth is the surest sign of a kleptocracy. With the Pharmally scandal and Duterte's secret SALN, a kleptocracy is what this government amounts to nowadays. And the Filipinos wouldn't want a kleptomaniac in charge of their tax money. ### (Access the handwritten version, here: https://issuu.com/senatorleilam.delima/docs/dispatch_from_crame_no._1141) Press Release September 7, 2021 Duterte's move to prioritize counter-insurgency over pandemic response heartless, mindless - De Lima Opposition Senator Leila M. de Lima slammed Mr. Duterte for prioritizing the government's anti-insurgency campaign over addressing the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. De Lima made the statement after the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) slashed the proposed 2022 budget of the Department of Health (DOH) and Philippine General Hospital (PGH), which could adversely impact the country's pandemic response. "With the pandemic continuing to be the primary threat to the nation, it is mind-boggling how Malacanang can slash DOH's proposed 74 billion anti-COVID budget to a mere 19 billion, and PGH's proposed 36.5 billion to only 20 billion, while the NTF-ELCAC got a 75% boost from 16 billion to 28 billion," she said in her Dispatch from Crame No. 1140. "This is not only the most skewed priorities in budgeting ever, it is also the most heartless and mindless," she added. Notably, NTF-ELCAC has become the government body most associated with red-tagging as it repeatedly accused journalists, and progressive groups and lawmakers of being communists. De Lima, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development, said labeling that much funds is likely a way to attempt to circumvent COA's and the taxpayers' watchful eyes. "Baka naman kasi ang simpleng explanasyon sa tila katangahan at kawalan ng saysay na paggastos ay dahil mas madaling dumukot sa budget ng NTF-ELCAC kaya doon ibinubuhos ang pondo?" she asked. "It may neither be in the interest of the Filipino people nor a good use for taxpayer's money, but perhaps, it is in the interest of Duterte's greed and good for his and his minions' pocket," she added. By prioritizing counter-insurgency over the COVID-19 pandemic, De Lima said Duterte only proved that he "knows of a thousand ways how to kill Filipinos, but is entirely clueless on how to save the life of even just one." "The slash on the DOH budget also means there is nothing in the 2022 budget for healthcare workers' Special Risk Allowance (SRA). It is as if the Duterte administration is living on another planet, prioritizing counter-insurgency over the COVID-19 pandemic," she said. "Sabagay, ano pa ba ang aasahan natin sa walang pusong Pangulo na mas inaatupag pa ang panggigipit at pagpatay sa ating mga kababayan. Hindi nga naman natin aasahan na bigyan niya ng halaga ang bawat Pilipino na nalalagay sa panganib dahil sa COVID-19, o ang ating mga healthcare workers na wala ng pahinga sa pagligtas ng buhay ng mga tinamaan ng virus," she added. Ultimately, De Lima stressed that "indeed, one cannot leave the care for the living to someone who spent his entire life building a career out of the dead." Press Release September 7, 2021 Acknowledging that almost all healthcare workers may be considered exposed to the threats of COVID-19, Bong Go calls for more efficient and 'inclusive' provision of Special Risk Allowance Senator and Chair of the Senate Committee on Health Christopher "Bong" Go appealed to the Department of Health to study the possibility of expanding the provision of the Special Risk Allowance to all health workers who are serving in health facilities during the COVID-19 crisis. In an interview on Sunday, September 5, Go reminded the DOH to ensure that health workers are sufficiently supported at this time by taking the necessary steps to address any impediment that may prevent the timely release of the SRA and other related forms of support. "Para sa akin, pag-aralan nating mabuti. I am appealing to the DOH na pag-aralan ng mabuti. Bigyan natin ng importansya itong health workers, ma-pribado man o pampublikong ospital, dahil sila ang isinabak natin sa giyerang ito. Ang COVID-19 ang kalaban at buhay ng mga health workers ang nakataya dito," emphasized Go. The Senator explained that the Bayanihan 2 Act limits the provision of the SRA to health workers who are in 'direct contact with COVID-19 patients'. He, however, argued that given the number of cases being catered to in hospitals and health facilities, almost all health workers can fall within the scope of the definition. "Ang posisyon ng DOH ay baka maabuso ang SRA kaya dapat 'yung mga exposed lang sa COVID-19 ang dapat bigyan. Ako naman, mahirap i-determine kung sino ang exposed dahil buti sana kung nakikita natin itong kalaban, itong COVID-19," continued Go. "'Pagdating mo sa ospital, 'di mo naman masasabi. Once nasa loob ka na, prone at maituturing na exposed ka na rin. Hindi mo masabi na walang virus sa dinaanan mong floor dahil dito lang ang virus kasi hindi nga natin nakikita ang kalaban," he added. The DOH disclosed that it initially proposed to the DBM a total of P50.4 billion for 365,000 public and private health workers and their COVID-19 special risk allowance, hazard pay, transport, insurance, accommodation or meals for a period of 12 months. In particular, SRA has a funding requirement amounting to P18.03 billion or P1.5 billion per month for a total of 300,500 health workers. Meanwhile, the DOH budget under the 2022 National Expenditure Program of the DBM includes P3.8 billion for emergency hiring of human resources in health facilities for COVID-19 response. The figure already includes the provisions for their SRA, Active Hazard Duty Pay and salaries. In light of these developments, Go vowed to ensure that the DOH is adequately funded in the next fiscal year. He expressed concern over the impacts of any more delays in the release of the SRA and underscored its importance in helping boost the morale of the health workers whose valuable contributions to the COVID-19 response should be recognized. "Dadaan naman sa amin sa Senado ang budget ng DOH. Kung kailangan sa-komite o bicameral, tutulong ako dahil sabi ko nga importante itong SRA ng ating health workers. Ipaglalaban ko 'yan," promised Go. "Bilang committee chair ng Health, ako'y mag-aapela at ipaglalaban ko... kapag dumating 'yan sa amin sa Senado ay tutulong ako na mahanapan ng paraan na mabigyan sila ng pondo papunta next year. Kasi ayaw kong ma-low morale ang ating health workers. Ipaglalaban ko ang kapakanan nila palagi," he reassured further. The Senator has repeatedly called on the government to ensure the welfare of the health workers who are confronting increased risks and an ever-growing workload. He previously successfully issued several appeals urging government to grant a COVID-19 SRA to health workers working directly with COVID-19 patients, and an AHDP to Human Resources for Health personnel who are also serving in the frontlines. He likewise called on government to grant more assistance and protection to health workers, such as the provision of personal protective equipment, inclusion in the COVID-19 testing protocol and additional pay, among others. As Vice Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Finance, he fought for the inclusion of additional funds in the 2020 budget to provide for the salary increase of public nurses in Nurse I and II positions. He also authored the Salary Standardization Law 5 which raised the salary of all civilian government employees, including public health workers, from 2020 to 2023. "Bilang Chair ng Senate Committee on Health, ipinaglaban natin na mabigyan ang ating frontliners ng dagdag benepisyo at allowance na naaayon sa batas lalo na sa panahon ngayon ng health crisis," said Go. "Lubos ang aking pasasalamat sa mga frontliners na patuloy nagsasakripisyo at nakikipaglaban sa pandemya upang masiguro ang kaligtasan ng mga kababayan natin. Kayo ang inaasahan ng bayan ngayon. Kaya nga frontliners dahil kayo ang nakakaalam ng ganitong giyera. Stay assured na handa kami ni Presidente Duterte na makinig at magserbisyo sa inyong lahat," he added. Press Release September 7, 2021 Don't muzzle independent researchers; listen to Leni, Isko Scientists should not be muzzled during the pandemic as their views guide government in decision making, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto said. "We can't contain the pandemic if we censor studies," Recto said, referring to calls to stop the independent OCTA Research from sharing their research to the public. "After all, OCTA people do not craft policy. They merely recommend. And their output is subjected to review by the government's own panel of experts," he said. He said if government's narrative is not dominating the discussion, "then officials should up their game on how to communicate the findings." "But telling OCTA to stand down is not the solution. Kung sa tingin ng pamahalaan hindi tama ang OCTA, then challenge their findings. This is the kind of exchange that will enlighten us all," Recto said. "Collaboration is what is needed now. The bigger the network of research groups and laboratories working on a problem, the bigger the crowd you can source ideas from," Recto said. He said OCTA is made up of credentialed academics. "Hindi naman sila conspiracy theorists that rely on fake news from fringe groups. Hindi naman sila engaged in some sort of research budol-budol." Recto said criticisms by Vice President Leni Robredo and Mayor Isko Moreno on the administration's handling of the pandemic, dismissed by the Palace as "politics", should instead be viewed as "valued feedback." "Dapat tingnan ang mga opinyon nila as dispatches from the frontlines, kasi nasa ground naman sila lagi pareho," he said. Also, Moreno and Robredo "are merely amplifying what health workers and local government executives have been saying." "Kaya lang, pag ordinaryong nurse ang naglabas ng sama ng loob, hanggang Facebook rant lang. Pag Vice President or Mayor of Manila, nasa news agad o trending sa Twitter," he said. He said the Palace should treat local governments as important listening posts that can improve government handling of the pandemic. He said Moreno and other city mayors "who are in the trenches, who are responding to distress calls every hour of the day--from patients to be hospitalized, given medicines, or buried--have earned the right to speak their mind." "Every disaster movie begins with a scene of a scientist or a local official being ignored. Let us not allow this to happen in real life," Recto said. Press Release September 7, 2021 Villanueva: Pinoy workers lost jobs, local manufacturers take a hit when PS-DBM picked foreign firm to supply gov't PPE requirement By choosing a foreign entity to provide for the government's supply requirement of personal protective equipment, thousands of Filipino workers were left without jobs as appeals of local manufacturers to patronize locally-made PPEs fell on deaf ears, Senator Joel Villanueva lamented. At the hearing of the Senate blue ribbon committee into the audit findings of the Department of Health (DOH), Villanueva pointed out that it was important to raise the issue of unemployment in the investigation of the alleged irregularities in the purchase of PPE sets from Chinese company Pharmally. Villanueva described the Procurement Service-Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) as the "kontrabida" of Filipino workers and local manufacturers who were left hanging in the air as the pandemic brought local business to its knees. "Ano po ang tama nito sa mga manggagawa?" said Villanueva, chair of the Senate labor committee during the hearing. "Narinig po natin na ang mga local manufacturers na kasama sa Confederation of Wearable Exporters of the Philippines ay kinailangang mag-retrench ng 25,400 na empleyado noong nakaraang taon." Villanueva's statements came after Fernando Ferrer, chairman and CEO of Filipino electronics assembly firm EMS, disclosed that his company and several others responded to the call of the government to retool their manufacturing facilities to produce PPEs. Filipino companies were left holding an empty bag when the PS-DBM awarded P8.7-billion worth of supply contracts to Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. If the clear provisions under Bayanihan laws which called on the government to have a preference in the procurement for PPEs from local manufacturers were enforced, Filipino workers would have been able to hang on to their jobs and provide for the needs of their families. Data from the Philippine Statistics Authority showed that the total import value for PPEs and medical supplies as of June 2021 increased to about US$71.96M, which is roughly P3.60 billion. "Parang klaro po dito na ang kontrabida sa paglikha ng trabaho ay ang PS-DBM mismo," Villanueva said during the hearing. "Ilang manggagawa ang natulungan sana." Replying to Villanueva's question, Ferrer said his company hired 350 workers at the height of production of PPEs. Ferrer said 200 more workers would have been hired had the EMS been allowed to continue delivering face masks that had already been finished. Patronizing locally-made PPEs not only would support the local manufacturers who would be able to retain their workers, it would likewise support local economies, the lawmaker stated. Villanueva: Nawalan ng trabaho ang manggagawang Pilipino, sadsad ang operasyon ng lokal na manufacturers nang piliin ng PS-DBM ang banyagang kumpanya para sa PPE requirement ng gobyerno Libu-libong manggagawang Pilipino ang nawalan ng trabaho at mga lokal na negosyo ang lubhang apektado sa pagpapasya ng gobyernong piliin ang isang dayuhang kumpanya para mag-supply ng personal protective equipment. Sa pagpapatuloy ng pagdinig ng Senate Blue Ribbon committee tungkol sa audit findings ng Department of (DOH), pinunto ni Villanueva na mahalagang talakayin ang usapin ng kawalan ng trabaho na isa sa naging sanhi ng diumanong ma-anomalyang pagbili ng PPE sets mula sa kumpanyang Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. Inilarawan ni Villanueva ang Procurement Service ng Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) bilang "kontrabida" ng mga manggagawang Pilipino at mga lokal na manufacturers na nabitin at naiwan sa ere sa kasagsagan ng pandemya. "Ano po ang tama nito sa mga manggagawa?" ani Villanueva, chair ng Senate labor committee, sa pagdinig noong Martes. "Narinig po natin na ang mga local manufacturers na kasama sa Confederation of Wearable Exporters of the Philippines ay kinailangang mag-retrench ng 25,400 na empleyado noong nakaraang taon." Sinabi ni Villanueva ang kanyang obserbasyon matapos banggitin ni Fernando Ferrer, chairman at CEO ng EMS na isang Filipino electronics assembly firm, na ang kumpanya niya kasama ang iba pa ay tumugon sa panawagan ng gobyerno na pihitin ang kanilang mga pagawaan upang makapag-produce ng PPEs. Ngunit tila na-balewala ang kanilang adjustment nang i-award ng PS-DBM ang mga kontratang nagkakahalaga ng P8.7 billion sa Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. Dagdag pa ni Villanueva, kung nasunod lamang ang malinaw na probisyon sa ilalim ng mga Bayanihan laws na nagbibigay ng pagkiling sa procurement ng PPEs mula sa local manufacturers, maraming manggagawa ang hindi mawawalan ng trabaho at makakatugon sa pangangailangan ng kani-kanilang pamilya. Ayon sa datos ng Philippine Statistics Authority, tumaas sa US$71.96 million, o tinatayang P3.60 billion, ang kabuuang halaga ng pag-angkat ng Pilipinas sa mga PPE at medical supplies noong June 2021. "Parang klaro po dito na ang kontrabida sa paglikha ng trabaho ay ang PS-DBM mismo," ani Villanueva. "Ilang manggagawa ang natulungan sana." Sa kanyang pagtugon sa tanong ni Villanueva, sinabi ni Ferrer na kumuha ang kanyang kumpanya ng 350 manggagawa noong kasagsagan ng paggawa ng mga PPE sa kanilang pagawaan. Kung ipinagpatuloy lamang ang pag-supply ng EMS sa face masks, nakalikha pa sana ang kanilang operasyon ng dagdag 200 manggagawa. Despite the constraints linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. Moroccans are preparing to go to the polls this Wednesday, September 8, for the legislative, regional and municipal elections which are being held in a rather favorable context. The 2021 elections are followed very closely by countries and foreign organizations as they are taking place in Morocco, a country which succeeded in managing crisis situations from the Arab Spring to the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategic initiatives and the royal directives of King Mohammed VI in the socio-economic and diplomatic fields propelled the country onto the international scene. The Kings reign will always be marked by the recognition of the United States of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara and the support of several countries, many of which re-confirmed their support by the opening of consulates in the Sahara cities of Dakhla and Laayoune. The opening of these consular representations dealt a blow to neighboring Algeria, which stubbornly continues to support the Polisario, an entity involved in jihadist terrorism in connection with Iran. Morocco, a stable country throughout history, has become a regional hub for foreign investors in aerospace production, avionics, automobiles, the medical sector, agribusiness, tourism, and others. According to analysts, the economic and diplomatic boom cannot be attributed to the Islamist Justice and Development Party (PJD) which has been heading the government since 2011. Actually, the PJD leaders try to hold back the countrys progress in some issues, such as the emancipation of women. Likewise, they are opposed to the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel, at a time several states, ruled by Islamist parties like Turkey, have economic and even military-strategic cooperation with the Hebrew State. Regardless of the results of the ballot box, Morocco, an ancestral country, with deeply rooted traditions, is and will always remain a legendary country for its friends as well as for its enemies. The Islamic state group, ISIS, Sunday claimed responsibility for the overnight attack that claimed the lives of 10 Iraqi policemen in the city of Kirkuk, Reuters reports. The group active in the area took to its Amaq News Agency on Telegram to claim the attack. Sources contacted by the news agency note that its militants clashed two hours with police stationed at a village in the town of Rashad, 30 km (18 miles) southwest of Kirkuk. Militants used roadside bombs to prevent police reinforcements from reaching the post, destroying three police vehicles, the sources added. An eleventh soldier was wounded in the attack. In a separate attack also on Sunday, at least three Iraqi soldiers were killed and one was wounded on Sunday when gunmen attacked an army checkpoint southeast of the Iraqi city of Mosul, Reuters also reports citing sources. Iraq in December 2017 claimed victory of the terror group but it is still face sporadic attacks across the country, by remnants. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's Regular Press Conference on September 7, 2021 2021/09/07 At the invitation of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang will attend the 7th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Leaders' Summit to be held via videoconference on September 9. At the invitation of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh and Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn, Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, and ROK Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and the ROK and co-chair the 13th Meeting of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation with Vietnamese DPM Pham Binh Minh from September 10 to 15. CCTV: You just announced that Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 7th GMS Leaders' Summit. How does China see the current progress in GMS cooperation? What are your expectations for this summit? Wang Wenbin: Since its launch 29 years ago, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program has led to fruitful cooperation in infrastructure development and regional economic integration, making significant contributions to sustainable development in the subregion. As COVID-19 continues to rage across the globe, it has dealt a heavy blow to people's wellbeing and national socioeconomic development in the subregion. The 7th GMS Leaders' Summit, with the theme of "Renewed Strength to Face the Challenges of the New Decade", is of great significance for subregional countries' concerted efforts to combat the virus and boost economic recovery. China and Mekong River countries, linked by mountains and rivers, have closely-intertwined interests and share the same future. As such, we are uniquely positioned to conduct cooperation. China has long been playing an active role in advancing practical GMS economic cooperation in various sectors. We hope all sides will take this upcoming summit as an opportunity to carry forward the partnership spirit, deepen understanding of a community with a shared future, make joint plans for fighting COVID-19 and resuming economic growth, usher in a new chapter of subregional development and cooperation, and add fresh impetus to all countries' pursuit of prosperity and revitalization. Xinhua News Agency: Could you share with us the main purposes of and considerations behind State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visits? Wang Wenbin: Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and the ROK are all China's close neighbors and important cooperation partners. In the face of COVID-19, China and neighboring countries have been working together to overcome difficulties with mutual assistance, and leading the world in combating the virus and boosting recovery. The visits by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi fully embody the great emphasis China attaches to and its sincere hope of enhancing friendly relations and deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation with the four countries. During the visits, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have in-depth strategic communication with the other parties and advance implementation of the important consensus reached between President Xi Jinping and leaders of the four countries. They will focus on anti-epidemic and development cooperation, seek greater synergy between China's endeavor to foster a new development paradigm and the four countries' development strategies, and deepen BRI cooperation and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China stands ready to work together with the four countries to achieve new progress in bilateral relations, jointly defend multilateralism and international equity and justice, and inject more positive energy into promoting regional and global peace, stability and prosperity. Global Times: According to reports, Honduran presidential candidate for the left-wing Liberty and Refoundation Party Xiomara Castro said on September 6 that she would open diplomatic relations with China if she wins elections in November. Relevant Taiwan authorities in charge of foreign affairs issued a statement to warn Honduras against "flashy and false" promises by the mainland, adding that it is a usual trick to undermine ties between Taiwan and its "allies". Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: There is only one China in the world and the Taiwan region is an inalienable part of China's territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations and the consensus of the international community. Following the one-China principle is the overriding trend with popular support. China welcomes all moves that endorse and support the one-China principle. We solemnly warn the Taiwan authorities that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, "dollar diplomacy" is rejected by all, and attempts to reverse the historical trend by soliciting foreign support is bound to fail. CCTV: It is reported that think tanks in Taiwan said that the region should prioritize joining the CPTPP, because if the mainland joins the trade pact first, it would obstruct Taiwan's accession and its participation in regional trade integration. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: The Taiwan region's participation in regional economic cooperation must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. We firmly oppose the discussion and signing of agreements with implications of sovereignty and of official nature between any country and the Taiwan region. China's position on this issue is clear and resolute. China Daily: A team headed by Lydie Evrard, IAEA Deputy Director General, will travel to Japan this week to discuss safe disposal of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station with Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The team will also conduct a field trip to the power station. I wonder if China has any comment on this? Wang Wenbin: I've noted relevant reports. We hope the IAEA will act in an objective, impartial and responsible manner, follow the science, attach importance to the views of stakeholders, and assist the international community in the review and monitoring before, during and after Japan's disposal of nuclear contaminated water to ensure absolute safety. Japan should cooperate fully with the IAEA by having thorough consultations on all possible means of disposal, and accepting monitoring and verification of data accuracy and the efficiency of the disposal. The Japanese government is pushing ahead preparatory work for discharging the nuclear contaminated water in disregard of concerns from the international community. We hope Japan can revoke the wrong decision immediately, and refrain from starting the discharge process before reaching consensus with stakeholders and relevant international organizations after thorough consultation. TASS: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Monday at a NATO conference on arms control issues urged China to join international efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapon. He said China's nuclear capability lacks transparency. I want to know if you have any comments? Wang Wenbin: China is gravely concerned about and firmly opposes the "China nuclear threat theory" NATO has been hyping up lately. China follows a self-defensive nuclear strategy, with nuclear forces always kept at the minimum level required to safeguard national security. We are committed to no first use of nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances and pledge unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China has never taken part in any form of nuclear arms race, nor has it deployed nuclear weapons overseas. No country will be threatened or should feel threatened by China's national defense capability as long as it does not intend to threaten or undermine China's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. What the international community should be really concerned about is NATO's nuclear sharing policy. As a political and military organization formed during the Cold War, NATO has the largest nuclear arsenal enabled by the nuclear sharing arrangements till this day. Moreover, some NATO members are ramping up efforts to modernize nuclear power. Many countries share the view that NATO's nuclear sharing arrangements violate the stipulations of the NPT and that its nuclear capability lacks transparency, which exacerbate risks of nuclear proliferation and conflicts. It is typical double standards when NATO chooses to be evasive about its own issue while trying to mislead the public and hyping up the so-called "China nuclear threat". If NATO truly cares about nuclear arms control, it should abandon the Cold War mentality, abolish nuclear sharing arrangements, and pull out the large number of nuclear weapons deployed in Europe. It should urge the US to earnestly fulfill its special and primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament and further drastically and substantively reduce its nuclear stockpile, so as to create conditions for realizing comprehensive and complete nuclear disarmament. Beijing Youth Daily: Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said on September 6 that China's combination of economic power and global connection poses "new and significant challenges for many countries", and Australia is facing this pressure more sharply than most other countries. He said Australian businesses should not overly rely on one country and should always be looking to diversify their markets, essentially, adopting a "China-plus" strategy." Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: In the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, China is committed to building an open world economy and sharing development opportunities with other countries. Australia has benefited immensely from its cooperation with China and is a beneficiary of China's development. China has never done anything detrimental to Australia's sovereignty. The label of so-called "economic coercion" can never be pinned onto China. Instead, it is Australia that stands guilty of the following. It has taken measures against market principles and even bullying acts, and imposed restrictions on normal exchanges and cooperation between the two countries without cause, disrupting the good momentum of bilateral practical cooperation. Meanwhile, it has played the victim to put the blame on China, ganged up to pressure China, and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and harmed China's core interests in violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations. The current difficulties in China-Australia relations are entirely of Australia's own making. It is imperative that Australia face up to the crux of the setbacks in bilateral relations, abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, respect basic facts, take an objective and rational look at China and its development, earnestly follow the principles of mutual respect and equality when handling bilateral relations. The Australian side should also stop playing up "coercive China" narrative for selfish political gain and do more to enhance mutual trust and promote practical cooperation between the two countries, rather than the opposite. Associated Press of Pakistan: The first and biggest power transmission line completed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has started commercial operation in Pakistan last week. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: I think you were referring to the first power transmission project under CPEC, the Matiari to Lahore 660kV HVDC Transmission Line Project in Pakistan. I noted relevant reports. As an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative, CPEC has made significant progress in various sectors including energy since its launch. This has not only vigorously boosted Pakistan's faster economic and social development, but also played a positive role in promoting regional connectivity. I'd like to stress that the BRI came from China, but it creates opportunities and benefits for all countries in the world. To date, over 140 partner countries have signed BRI cooperation documents with China. The BRI has truly become the world's broadest-based and largest platform for international cooperation. China is ready to join hands with Pakistan and other countries to continue our high-quality BRI cooperation to generate more opportunities and dividends for all. TASS: According to Indian paper "The Pioneer", Taliban can hand over Afghan airbase Bagram to China, and Kandahar base to Pakistan for operational purposes. According to the source of this paper, China and Taliban are discussing this matter, and Pakistan Air Force engineers are inspecting all the five former US airbases in Afghanistan. Do you have any comments? Wang Wenbin: I can tell you this is purely fake news. Yonhap News: You just released the information that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the ROK. Could you also tell us the agenda and China's expectation for the visit? Wang Wenbin: During his visit to the ROK, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with the ROK leadership, hold talks with Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, and meet with principal members of the ROK side of the Committee for Future Development of China-ROK Relations. The China-ROK relations are seeing sound development. This year and the next are the China-ROK Year of Cultural Exchanges, and the year 2022 will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between our two countries. We are facing an important opportunity for deepening bilateral relations. China stands ready to work together with the ROK side to implement the two heads of state's important consensus through this visit, enhance communication, mutual trust, cooperation and friendship, and ensure sustained, healthy and steady development of our strategic cooperative partnership. Follow-up: When will State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visit the ROK? Wang Wenbin: I already announced the information. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to the relevant countries from September 10 to 15. Draft House Infrastructure Bill Funds NASA and NOAA Space Programs But Not HLS, Space Policy Online "NASA will get an extra $4.4 billion if Congress agrees with draft legislation proposed by the House committee that oversees the agency. While generous, it is far short of what NASA Administrator Bill Nelson is seeking and does not include any money for a second lunar lander for the Artemis program. The committee is also proposing over $4 billion for NOAA, including additional money for the space weather satellite program. Nelson is hoping Congress will add $15.7 billion to NASA's coffers on top of the agency's regular appropriations through President Biden's effort to secure $4.5 trillion for the nation's infrastructure." Bill Nelson Says He's Discovered A New Pile Of Money For NASA, earlier post May 2021 "Nelson decided that the way for NASA to get out of the fiscal mess it is in is to do a Hail Mary pass and dive into the new TBD Jobs Bill that the Administration is formulating and grab some dollars. He said "You can put $5.4 Billion into the jobs bill for the HLS that would be at the end of the day producing jobs. Another $200 million could go into that bill for spacesuits." He went on to say "We can also put $585 million on nuclear thermal propulsion." Nelson then turned to another pot of forthcoming money - the multi-trillion dollar Infrastructure bill and said "Part of the jobs bill is infrastructure - there's another $5.4 Billion. Look at NASA facilities in your state (congressman) - there is aging infrastructure." Do the math. All told, it looks like he wants to raid the cookie jar for something like $10 - 11 billion. One would assume that OMB is on board with this plan." Keith's note: I thought Senator Administrator Bill Nelson had this all figured out. Seriously, he would not have freelanced on his plan to get a NASA windfall without OMB approval, right? Meanwhile SLS is not going to launch until the middle of next year; there's only money for one HLS contract (despite all of the lawsuit activity); and the money needed just to keep the status quo in place is simply not there. Does Bill Nelson have a Plan B? We'd all like to see it. Stay tuned. - Earlier SLS postings Your browser does not support the video tag. Decrease Font Size Font Size Increase Font Size Article body Tanner Harness path to becoming a student at Auburn University was nontraditional, to say the least. Not many Auburn students can say they worked as an instructor for a nuclear reactor plant before launching their college careers, but Harness has always blazed his own path in life. Following several years of ongoing service in the U.S. Navy, Harness is now a senior at Auburn studying civil engineering thanks to the Naval Commissioning Program, as well as participating in Naval ROTC activities and dedicating time to completing the STA-21 Commissioning Program, which he started in 2019. The STA-21 Commissioning program is designed to transition enlisted sailors from the fleet to Naval officers. Those in the program are given 36 months to receive their degree and commit to serving at least five years as a commissioned officer upon graduation. My time in the Navy has given me a new outlook on being a student, Harness said. While it is a pressure-filled environment of deadlines, finals and group projects, nothing can quite compare to the stress of being on a naval warship. I am very fortunate to be in a position in the STA-21 Commissioning Program where my job is to be a student. The Knoxville, Tennessee, native first toured Auburn as a junior in high school and knew then that he wanted to be a part of the Auburn Family one day. What he didnt know was that his arrival on the Plains would happen a decade later. Harness desire to live an impactful life and be a part of something bigger than himself is what inspired him to first join the Navy. He spent 10 years serving, having been stationed in Ballston Spa, New York, as a staff instructor at the S8G-reactor plant, training future nuclear operators, as well as serving as a reactor operator on the ships USS Tennessee and USS Albany and the submarine PCU Delaware. He remains active duty today. Harness is dedicated to making his future a success, and that includes focusing on himself and his family. Harness said he values his time on the Plains and believes it is preparing him well for the next step in his journey forward. The Auburn Family does a great job of making you feel noticed, Harness said. The genuine care displayed by a lot of the students and faculty encourages and motivates me to be the best person and young professional that I can be. My engineering courses are teaching me to solve problems efficiently and approach problems with a critical thought process, which will be a great help in my future, personally and professionally. He often spends time studying in the Veterans Resource Center, or VRC, which provides a welcoming environment for veterans and dependents to relax and build camaraderie with one another. It serves as many as 1,300 student veterans and supports their transition to student life by assisting with housing, employment, mental and physical health challenges, as well as providing tutors, books and a clothing locker. Auburn University has been recognized nationally for its support of military students, earning the 2021-2022 Military Friendly School designation. It is nice to be able to go to the VRC and be around like-minded people and have a place to fit in without having to try, Harness said. It has been there for me since day one. Seeing how all of the other veterans at the VRC are setting themselves up for success as they transition out of the service has been a great help to me. The director of the VRC, Paul Puck Esposito, is one of Harness valued mentors. Tanner Harness has been a force to be reckoned with since his arrival on campus and first appearance in the Veterans Resource Center, Esposito said. As an active-duty service member balancing school, family and his military obligation, he fires on all cylinders every day. He was selected to one of the most challenging and highly competitive career paths offered by the U.S. Navy as a surface nuclear warfare officer. His pleasant disposition and incredible work ethic make it easy to tell that this is a young man with an incredible future. Harness is looking forward to graduating in May 2022 and continuing his military service as a nuclear surface warfare officer. I am excited to tackle this next part of my life, Harness said. With great Naval officer mentors like Puck around and my time at Auburn, Im sure I will be ready for it. Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Welcome Guest! You Are Here: Home Regional News East Russian Justice Ministry proposes foreigners to serve sentences in their home countries RAPSI, Vladimir Burnov 10:45 07/09/2021 MOSCOW, September 7 (RAPSI) Russia's Justice Ministry proposed amendments to a federal law to allow foreigners to serve non-custodial sentences in their home countries. The amendments available for public comment cover probation as well, according to the statement of the ministry. The basis for the transfer of the execution of punishment will be a court decision made on the basis of a petition submitted by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the appeal of the convicted person or his or her representative, or the competent authorities of a foreign state. Such changes are aimed at humanizing the criminal policy of the Russian Federation, preserving social ties and effectively re-socializing convicts, the body believes. The RAPSI source stressed that the amendments are related to the signing by Russia of the convention of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the transfer of the execution of sentences not related to imprisonment, dated October 11, 2019. By now, the Convention has not been ratified yet. The draft law establishes a delayed term for its entry into legal force, the ministry noted. Russian Prosecutor General proposes to classify glorification of Nazism as extremism Denis Grishkin, AGN "Moskva" 15:33 07/09/2021 MOSCOW, September 7 (RAPSI) Russias Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov proposes to classify rehabilitation, justification and glorification of Nazism as extremist activity, according to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office. According to Krasnov, a draft law has been developed to secure the inviolability of the principles of international law recognized by the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, as well as the normative definition of such concepts as "Nazism", "fascism" and "genocide of the peoples of the Soviet Union." All these measures will not only eliminate gaps in legal regulations, but will also be of great political importance for preserving the historical memory and strengthening the position of the Russian Federation at the international level to prevent falsification of facts about the activities of the USSR during the Second World War, Krasnov noted. The Prosecutor General took part in the International Scientific and Practical Forum Khabarovsk Process: Historical Significance and Contemporary Challenges, which is currently taking place in the city of Khabarovsk in Russias Far East. The Khabarovsk trial is the trial of former servicemen of the Kwantung Army, which took place on December 25-30, 1949, and became an expression of the principled position of the Soviet Union regarding the development and use of bacteriological weapons by militarist Japan. The confessions of Japanese prisoners of war obtained during the investigation go beyond the scope of one event and are currently of unprecedented importance for countering information attacks on the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War and World War II. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's Regular Press Conference on September 6, 2021 2021/09/06 CCTV: On September 3, President Xi Jinping, upon invitation, attended and addressed via video link the opening ceremony of the plenary session of the sixth Eastern Economic Forum held in Vladivostok of Russia. What's the significance of this under current circumstances? Wang Wenbin: The Eastern Economic Forum was launched in 2015 at the initiative of President Putin. After several years, it has grown into an important multilateral platform for economic cooperation and dialogue in Northeast Asia. President Xi's attendance speaks volumes about China's commitment to overcoming difficulties and seeking development together with regional parties. It also demonstrates the high-level strategic coordination between China and Russia. President Xi's address at the opening ceremony offers strategic guidance for concerted efforts to combat COVID-19, seek greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union, and safeguard regional peace and stability, receiving positive feedback at the forum. At present, the world is faced with profound shifts in the global landscape, flare-ups of a pandemic that is yet to be vanquished, and a struggling economic recovery. The more turmoil in the world, the more should China-Russia cooperation forge ahead with firm conviction. We are convinced that with solid progress in our all-round practical cooperation and deepening strategic coordination in international and regional affairs, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era will surely contribute more to world peace, stability and development. NHK: Britain's HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier made a port call in Japan. Japan's Defence Minister Nobuo Kishi said today that the UK held a joint military exercise with Japan, the US, India and the ROK, a move believed to check China's expanding influence in the Indo-Pacific. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: I already stated China's position on this last week. You may refer to that. The Paper: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the other day that "there are few countries that wanted us to stay in Afghanistan more than China and Russia, because it would have tied up our own resources". What's China's comment on this? Wang Wenbin: The relevant US remarks exposed how they presume others' behavior based on their own experience. Such attempts to find excuses for the US own failure also serve to reveal once again its hegemonic nature of pursuing power politics in the world. As the culprit of the Afghan issue, the US has inflicted enormous loss and suffering on the Afghan people in the two-decade-long war. The negative impact will linger on for years to come. The US should undertake its due responsibility for Afghanistan to realize peace and reconstruction, instead of just walking out and shifting the responsibility to Afghanistan's neighbors and the international community. Moreover, the US should reflect on its mistakes, draw hard lessons, stop wanton military intervention in other countries, stop imposing its own ideology and values on others, and avoid repeating the mistakes it made in Afghanistan. RIA Novosti: A report citing a source in the Taliban says that the movement invited Turkey, China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and Qatar to an event dedicated to the announcement of the composition of new Afghan government. I wonder if you could confirm this, if China received invitation to this event, and who will represent China there? Wang Wenbin: China's position on the Afghan issue is clear and consistent. We always respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan and support the Afghan people in independently choosing a development path suited to their national conditions. We also support Afghanistan in forming an open, inclusive and broadly representative government, pursuing moderate and prudent domestic and foreign policies, resolutely fighting against all kinds of terrorist forces and developing friendly relations with other countries, especially neighboring countries. As for your specific question, I have nothing to offer you at present. China Review News: According to reports, Jeffrey Sachs, who heads the Lancet COVID-19 Commission, said on September 5 that "the global response to the pandemic has been wholly inadequate and one of the main geopolitical problems might have been the failure of the United States to work with China for global solutions". He also said that "China has done an excellent job of suppressing the pandemic, and the world could and should have learned a lot more from China's response". "The United States should learn some good manners to work cooperatively with China, rather than trying to impose its will on that nation", added Sachs. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: I noted relevant reports. Christian Althaus, a Swiss epidemiologist, also said recently that China bought the rest of the world one to two months to prepare for the epidemic with its correct response. Since the very beginning of the epidemic, China has always upheld the principle of openness, transparency, science and cooperation. We reported the epidemic to WHO at the earliest time possible, and shared prevention and control information and diagnosis and treatment experiences with other countries without reservation. We held the crucial line of defense in this global war against the virus and bought precious time for other countries to ramp up response. China has received two WHO expert missions for study of origins. The China-WHO joint report reached scientific and authoritative conclusions, which laid the foundation for global origins study in the next phase. COVID-19 response and origins study both call for solidarity, cooperation and the spirit of science. Unfortunately, some in the US have time and again tried to politicize efforts on both fronts to deflect the blame for their own botched response. Such irresponsible behavior has not only cost the American people dearly, but also become the greatest obstacle in international cooperation in combating the virus and tracing the origins. As we speak, the new wave of COVID-19 is still raging across the world. It is hoped that the US can heed the objective and rational voices from the international community, seek solidarity instead of confrontation, take responsibility instead of blame-shifting, be guided by science instead of politics, and support international cooperation in fighting the virus and tracing the origins instead of disrupting relevant efforts. Bloomberg News: Could you give us some comment on the coup in Guinea? What is Chinese position and response to the event in Guinea? Wang Wenbin: We are closely monitoring the situation in Guinea. We noted relevant statements by the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). China opposes coup attempts to seize power and calls for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde. We hope relevant parties can exercise calm and restraint, bear in mind the fundamental interests of the nation and people, resolve the relevant issue through dialogue and consultation, and safeguard peace and stability in Guinea. Shenzhen TV: Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marc Garneau issued a statement on September 5, in which he said, "Today marks 1,000 days since Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were arbitrarily detained in China. We strongly condemn the lack of a transparent legal process." Do you have any response? Wang Wenbin: This statement by the Canadian Foreign Minister, in total disregard of facts, smears and attacks China and grossly interferes with China's judicial sovereignty. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns it. Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor have been prosecuted for suspected crimes endangering China's national security. From the information disclosed by relevant authorities, you can see overwhelming evidence beyond doubt of the crimes they committed. China's judicial organs handle their cases in accordance with law, and the lawful rights of the two individuals have been fully protected. On the one hand, Canada flaunts its so-called "rule of law" and "judicial independence"; on the other hand, it openly interferes with the independent handling of cases by China's judiciary in accordance with the law. Its hypocrisy is laid bare. When it comes to "arbitrary detention" and "coercive diplomacy", Chinese citizen Meng Wanzhou is the real victim. Nearly 15 million Chinese netizens have signed a petition demanding the immediate and unconditional release of Meng. The Canadian side should immediately correct its mistake, release Meng Wanzhou and ensure her safe return to China. Yonhap News: First question, media reports say given the current difficulties amid COVID-19, the UN Security Council is discussing easing sanctions imposed on the DPRK. Do you have a comment? Second question, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi is said to be visiting the ROK next week. Could the foreign ministry confirm this? Wang Wenbin: On your first question, I'm not aware of what you mentioned. China has consistently called on the Security Council to activate the provisions on modifying sanctions in DPRK-related resolutions as soon as possible in light of the developments of the situation on the Korean Peninsula and make necessary adjustments to the sanctions, especially those concerning people's livelihood. This is in line with the spirit of the resolutions, will help ease the humanitarian situation and people's livelihood in the DPRK, and will also help create conditions for and inject impetus into the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. On your second question, China and the ROK are friendly close neighbors. We have always maintained communication and exchange at various levels. On your question specifically, I have nothing to release at this moment. ARD German Television: Could you please tell us about the circumstances that led to the death of German ambassador to China Jan Hecker? Wang Wenbin: We are shocked to learn of the sudden death of Ambassador Jan Hecker, who had been working actively to promote China-Germany relations since assuming his post. We mourn and regret his passing and extend sincere condolences to his loved ones. We will provide his family and the German Embassy in China with as much convenience as possible to facilitate the handling of follow-up matters. CCTV: A series of meetings of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) are being held in Geneva. Under the biotechnology review section, the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists received much attention and positive assessment. What's your comment on this? Wang Wenbin: A series of BWC meetings are being held in Geneva with biotechnology review as a major item on the agenda. Advocating responsible bioscience research is of great significance to reducing biosecurity risks and ensuring that biological sciences benefit humanity. It is an important issue bearing on security and development. The guidelines, built on the basis of the proposal China submitted back in 2015 and multilateral discussions in recent years, cover the whole process and chain of biological science research and fully incorporate international consensus. We are inspired by the positive comments from parties at the BWC meetings. The Chinese side has submitted the guidelines to the BWC Review Conference for endorsement. We also encourage all stakeholders to adopt the document voluntarily. We would like to express our appreciation to Pakistan, Brazil and other countries that participated in and supported this multilateral process as well as science institutions, experts and academics that made significant contributions to concluding the guidelines. The conclusion of the Tianjin Guidelines demonstrates that in the face of global issues, effective solutions can be found as long as we uphold the spirit of inclusiveness, pragmatism, science and cooperation. China will continue upholding the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind and participate deeply in global governance including in the field of biosecurity to contribute to common security and development. AFP: Do you have any information on when the verdict for Michael Kovrig's case will be announced and why his sentencing has been delayed? Wang Wenbin: I want to reiterate that Michael Kovrig has been prosecuted for suspected crimes endangering China's national security, and there is indisputable evidence of his crimes. The relevant court has started trial in March this year and will announce the verdict at an appropriate time. China's judicial organs handle the case in accordance with law, and the lawful rights of Kovrig have been fully protected. We urge the relevant country to respect China's judicial sovereignty and refrain from interfering with the lawful and independent handling of cases by Chinese judicial organs. Associated Press of Pakistan: Prime Minister Imran Khan said China is a role model for developing countries in poverty alleviation. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: China appreciates the positive remarks by Prime Minister Imran Khan. By the end of 2020, China had fulfilled its poverty alleviation target for the new era as scheduled, lifting nearly 100 million impoverished rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty. Since the beginning of reform and opening-up, 770 million rural residents in China have been lifted out of poverty. According to the World Bank criteria, the Chinese population lifted out of poverty accounts for over 70 percent of the world's total over the same period of time. As a major country with nearly one fifth of the world's population, China has achieved the poverty reduction goal set in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ten years ahead of schedule. This has enabled hundreds of millions of Chinese people to live a better life, and significantly reduced the impoverished population in the world. Such accomplishment is not only a milestone in the history of the Chinese nation's development and the history of mankind's poverty reduction, but also a vivid illustration of the understanding of human rights with Chinese characteristics that "the rights to subsistence and development are the basic human rights of paramount importance". It marks an important contribution to the global human rights cause. The key to China's historic achievement in eradicating absolute poverty lies in the fact that the CPC always puts people first, gives high priority to poverty reduction in its governance and eliminates poverty through development. China has proposed and implemented a creative strategy of tailor-made poverty alleviation, using precise and strict standards and rigorous monitoring and assessment to make poverty alleviation efforts more targeted and effective. China has been advancing poverty reduction based on its own reality, giving full play to the principal role of the impoverished population and pooling the strength of all parties to form strong synergy. China's successful poverty reduction shows that poverty is not invincible. The path of poverty reduction with Chinese characteristics offers a Chinese solution to the challenges of modern state governance. China is ready to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries in poverty reduction and make greater contribution to the building of a poverty-free community with a shared future for mankind featuring common development. New Faith-Based Fantasy Novel Delves into Life-After-Death Questions NEWS PROVIDED BYSept. 7, 2021SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7, 2021 / Standard Newswire / -- Author David Pinault imagines a fantastical world of controversial poets and writers and what happens when they pass from this world to the next in his new novel, PROVIDENCE BLUE: A FANTASY QUEST (Ignatius Press). Pinault urges readers to contemplate what happens after death and if despair can be transcended by hope in Christian promises.At his typewriter in little Cross Plains, Texas, Robert E. Howard created big characters Bran Mak Morn, Solomon Kane, Conan the Barbarian who shaped the art of fantasy fiction for generations. But Howard would never know it. On June 11, 1936, at the age of thirty, he shot himself outside his country home. Why would he do it, and where could death have taken him?Pinault, Ph.D., is a professor emeritus of religious studies at Santa Clara University. He is the author of the acclaimed work The Crucifix on Mecca's Front Porch. His other publications include Notes from the Fortune-Telling Parrot, The Shiites: Ritual and Popular Piety in a Muslim Community and the novel Museum of Seraphs in Torment.PROVIDENCE BLUE imagines the strange underworld journey of Howard after his suicide, through Texas flatlands, ancient Egyptian ruins and New England city gutters. Meanwhile, as his girlfriend, Novalyne Price, investigates what caused the tragedy, she is led to Providence, Rhode Island, home of the horror writer H. P. Lovecraft, where she makes a terrifying, life-changing discovery.Pinault makes good use of his time spent in Providence, Rhode Island, to bring readers along for the ride at various landmarks and rivers in the city where the majority of the novel takes place."Ancient evil tangles in the present day as Pinault weaves together the artistic legacies of Edgar Allan Poe and Robert E. Howard, pitting them against Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos and drawing librarian detectives into the dark and perplexing mysteries hidden behind what seems to be everyday reality," said Eleanor Nicholson, author of A Bloody Habit. "Even as the novel battles against materialism and the practical scope of Lovecraftian prejudice, it engages with very personal questions of death and redemption. In its very strangeness, this book articulates hope."For more information, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview with David Pinault, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com ) of Carmel Communications.SOURCE Carmel CommunicationsCONTACT: Kevin Wandra, 404-788-1276, KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) said it has started supplying the Uptown tower in Dubai with its environmentally-friendly district cooling services with a capacity of 3,850 Refrigeration tons (RT). The Uptown skyscraper is the first high-rise tower in the Uptown Dubai, that lies opposite to the Jumeirah Lakes Towers district and is developed by the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC). Created by Adrian Smith & Gordon Gill Architecture, the design of the tower imitates the diamond glaze. Through its front glass facade, natural light travels to the interior spaces while the scorching sun is prevented. According to Empower, the increasing demand for energy efficient district cooling services is attributed to the growing awareness about the economic and environmental benefits of district cooling solutions among the real estate developers. District cooling saves energy, reduces maintenance and capital expenses, and curbs greenhouse gas emissions it stated. On the deal, CEO Ahmad Bin Shafar said: "Empower's state-ofthe-art district cooling plants and widely spread cooling networks are built on advanced infrastructure as well as smart operating and production systems." "Our company is always ready to supply any project in Dubai, no matter how large it is or how diverse its uses are. This indeed explains the growing confidence of investors and developers in our highly efficient and environmentally friendly services," he added. The Uptown project, which DMCC was keen to build according to the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (Leed) gold standards, is supplied with environmentally friendly cooling services of sustainable global standards that are consistent and complementary to its smart and sustainable construction strategy. Explaining the tower's significance, Bin Shafar said: "Uptown is an 81-floor architectural icon featuring 188 luxurious rooms and suites, exclusive restaurants, health centres and comprehensive conference facilities in addition to first-class offices and 229 uniquely-designed housing units." Standing 340 m tall, the skyscraper will also boast a state-of-the-art business hub for DMCC. Recently, International Interiors was awarded the contract for the branded hotel and residential units fit-out, he added.-TradeArabia News Service Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa) said work was moving at a steady pace on its 250MW pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant in Hatta with the project nearly 30 per cent completed. On completion, it will have a production capacity of 250 megawatts (MW), a storage capacity of 1,500 megawatt-hours, and a life span of up to 80 years, said a statement from Dewa. The hydroelectric power plant is energy storage with a turnaround efficiency of 78.95% that utilises the potential energy of the water stored in the upper dam which is converted to kinetic energy during the flow of water through the 1.2-km subterranean tunnel, and this kinetic energy rotates the turbines and converts mechanical energy to electrical energy which is sent to Dewa grid within 90 seconds in response to demand. This is the first station of its kind in the GCC with investments of up to AED1.42 billion ($386 million), remarked Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa). He was speaking after an inspection visit to the power station accompanied by Nasser Lootah, Executive Vice President of Generation at Dewa; Khalifa Albedwawi, the project manager, and the projects team. Al Tayer was later briefed on the projects progress. "The first 37-m-high roller compacted concrete (RCC) wall is now complete at the projects upper dam. The station will use water in the Hatta Dam and an upper dam that is being built in the mountain," he stated. According to him, the power plant will supports Dewas efforts to diversify its energy mix. This diversification includes photovoltaic solar panels, concentrated solar power (CSP), green hydrogen production using renewable energy, and studies on wind power generation in Hatta, he noted. The hydroelectric power plant is one of Dewas projects to provide innovative job opportunities for the people of Hatta, and the areas development to meet its social, economic, and environmental needs. "The service tunnelling operations are complete. Each tunnel is 500 metres long. More than 95 percent of the excavation operations of the 1.2-kilometre subterranean water canal have been completed," he explained. Al Tayer said the 60-m-deep excavation for the area where the generators will be installed is now complete. "The work to pour concrete has begun, and pouring of the roller compacted concrete for the first part of the 37-m-high upper dam wall is now complete. The project has completed 4.6 million safe working hours so far without any injuries," he stated. According to him, Dewa is also implementing two other pioneering projects in Hatta; namely, Dubai Mountain Peak and Hatta Sustainable Waterfalls. These projects will promote Hattas position as one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Dubai, he added.-TradeArabia News Service Aveva, a global leader in industrial software, driving digital transformation and sustainability, has announced the launch of Aveva Unified Learning as part of its portfolio available on Aveva Connect, common cloud platform. The new cloud-based employee development solution helps Aveva customers advance industrial workers from novice to expert by using blended custom and generic experiential training modules, including Avevas Process Competency Training, Pipeline Competency Training, and The Operations Excellence Groups OEG Knowledge Library. Harpreet Gulati, Senior Vice President, Planning, Simulation and Optimisation Business, Aveva commented: Effective training programmes are essential to help prevent industrial accidents and ensure safety, especially when the workforce is inexperienced or unaccustomed to new plant technologies. As the name suggests, Aveva Unified Learning combines a set of development elements within one cloud-based platform so training managers can customise learning development to each member of their workforce wherever they are. Experiential learning can now be delivered in safe, simulation-based environments while workforce competence and operational excellence can be tracked at the same time. Aveva Unified Learning drives competency and consistency through experiential learning on a single platform, serving as a unique offering at a time when companies are focused on improving skills to contend with radically altered business environments and an influx of new staff. Without Aveva Unified Learning, training leaders face major challenges in managing learning programmes across a diverse and dispersed workforce with varying skill levels. By eliminating deployment hurdles and simplifying programme management, Aveva empowers customers to improve the learning experience and extract greater value from their training investments. Aveva Unified Learning closes the competency gap between a retiring workforce and the new generation of connected workers. Overall, employees are empowered to perform better in a shorter time, thanks to targeted eLearning, video content, and simulation-based learning programmes. Since Aveva Unified Learning simulators are entirely cloud-based and offered as Software-as-a-Service, organisations benefit from global accessibility and scalability. With training delivered directly to each workers device, cost, time and energy outlays are reduced alongside the organisations carbon footprint. Aveva Unified Learning provides access to Avevas vast portfolio of training and simulation applications in a single hub on Aveva Connect. It is licensed via Aveva FLEX, a flexible subscription programme designed to simplify license purchase, usage and management. The product leverages Avevas digital twin technology for ongoing operational excellence including operator training simulators and 3D virtual reality environments, delivering these on the Cloud. The launch of Aveva Unified Learning responds to a growing demand for learning solutions aimed at a digitally native workforce. By 2030, the bulk of the workforce will be made up of Generations Y and Z, most of whom are only familiar with a digital-first, mobile-first world. For these digital natives, workplace technology is now a factor in the choice of job. Over 90% of Generation Z people born after 1996 say technology offered by an employer influences their job choice.-- TradeArabia News Service TotalEnergies, the Iraqi Ministries for oil and electricity, and the country's National Investment Commission have signed agreements worth $10 billion covering l projects in the Basra region to improve the countrys electricity supply. TotalEnergies, with the support of the Iraqi authorities, on the one hand will invest in installations to recover gas that is being flared on three oil fields and as such supply gas to 1.5 GW of power generation capacity in a first phase growing to 3 GW in a second phase, and, on the other hand, will also develop 1 GWac of solar electricity generation capacity to supply the Basra regional grid. These agreements include: The construction of a new gas gathering network and treatment units to supply the local power stations, with TotalEnergies also bringing its expertise to optimize the oil and gas production of the Ratawi field, by building and operating new capacities. The construction of a large-scale seawater treatment unit to increase water injection capacities in southern Iraq fields without increasing water withdrawals as the country is currently facing a water-stress situation. This water injection is required to maintain pressure in several fields and as such will help optimizing the production of the natural resources in the Basra region. The construction and operation of a photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 1 GWp to supply electricity to the grid in the Basra region. These agreements signal our return through the front door to Iraq, the country where our Company was born in 1924. Our ambition is to assist Iraq in building a more sustainable future by developing access to electricity for its people through a more sustainable use of the countrys natural resources such as: reduction of gas flaring that generates air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, water resource management and development of solar energy, said Patrick Pouyanne, TotalEnergies' Chairman and CEO. This project perfectly illustrates the new sustainable development model of TotalEnergies, a multi-energy company which supports producing countries in their energy transition by combining the production of natural gas and solar energy to meet the growing demand for electricity. It also demonstrates how TotalEnergies can leverage its unique position in the Middle East, a region where the lowest-cost hydrocarbons are produced, to gain access to large-scale renewable projects, he added. TradeArabia News Service The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) has announced that its team of marine science and environment experts recently discovered a 10-m-high, 600-year-old huge coral colony south of Al-Waqadi Island, part of the project's zone. In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the company explained that this rare discovery is the first of its kind in the Red Sea region, estimated at hundreds of years old, which was measured through the size and number of rings that grow annually on the colonys outer structure, in addition to the presence of giant redwood trees, a historic reference for the past centuries. The statement said that the colony will enable scientists to read the rings of coral reefs and learn more about the ocean temperature in previous years, and its chemical composition at the time. TRSDC said the discovery highlights the beauty of marine life on Al-Waqadi Island, west of the Red Sea project, the most attracting tourist destination in the world, which will put the Kingdom on the world tourism map. Coral reefs are living creatures, and their beauty is usually formed when the initial coral unit adheres to a rock in the sea where the seabed and its bases contain a solid structure of limestone, and then this unit begins to divide into thousands of cloned colonies before these creatures are linked to each other to create a colony that behaves as one organism. TRSDC said they will work to enhance coral reefs' environments and increase their ecological diversity in the project area, calling on communities to preserve all sea creatures without exception by reducing threats to marine life such as pollution and overfishing. Dubai Airshow, to be held in November, will take thought-leadership to new heights as it introduces nine tracks packed with sessions covering the full spectrum of aviation, technology, and space. The conferences will cover an array of themes, including the role of new technologies in revolutionising air travel, major changes happening in the cargo sector, global advancements in sustainability and autonomous transportation, in addition to new space services, satellite connectivity and much more, said a statement. Dubai Airshow 2021 will be held under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai and UAE Minister of Defence - from November 14 to 18. Global industry leaders taking part in Dubai Airshows conferences include Dr Mohammed Al Kuwaiti, Head of Cyber Security for the UAE Government; Javed Malik, Group Chief Operations Officer at AirAsia; Stacy Malphur, Vice President of Environmental Sustainability and Supply Chain at Southwest Airlines; Brian Cobb, Chief Innovation Officer at CVG Airport; Ashish Vikram, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer at SpiceJet, and Brian Yutko, Chief Engineer of Sustainability and Future Mobility at Boeing. The conferences will be split into different stages: The Hub Stage, Aerospace 2050 Forum, and Tech Xplore. The Hub stage will host Global Air Traffic Management and Cargo Connect, exploring how these critical services supported the industry during the pandemic. The Aerospace 2050 Forum will feature a series of tracks dedicated to key growth areas in aerospace including advanced aerial mobility, sustainability and space. In addition, Tech Xplore, the brand new stage, will explore cyber security strategies alongside emerging technologies helping reboot the aviation industry including AI, 5G and automation. Major entities in the fields of technology, aviation, and cargo, will participate in the conferences, including Boeing, Accenture, G42, Air BP, Intelsat, FedEx, Kuehne + Nagel, SmartKargo, NAVPASS and Lilium. One of the key sessions in Tech Xplore, Touchless Travel: Leveraging mobile technology to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic, will show how leading airlines are using advanced mobile technology to make travel safe. Furthermore, as part of the Aerospace 2050 Forum, Investing in the future of sustainable autonomous flight panel will shed light on Dubais mission to ensure that a quarter of all journeys in the emirate are taken on autonomous transport by 2030, as part of its plan to achieve sustainable aviation. Chris Raymond, Chief Sustainability Officer at Boeing, said: Its apparent that the UAE is committed to creating a more sustainable future and we have collaborated with them on multiple initiatives such as founding the Sustainable Bioenergy Research Consortium (SBRC) to develop sustainable aviation fuels. We are also grateful for our partnership with Etihad Airways on the Greenliner programme and the ecoDemonstrator 2020 program, ultimately collaborating to accelerate innovative technologies that further enhance the safety and sustainability of flying for current and future generations. Talal Al Kaissi, Vice President of Special Projects and Space Program at Group42, said: At Group42, we believe that artificial intelligence is the next super utility with a huge potential for positive progress across various industries, globally. Aviation and aerospace is certainly no exception. We look forward to participating at this years Tech Xplore to discuss ways in which AI can be leveraged in the sector to increase speed, efficiency, safety and drive the post-pandemic recovery. - TradeArabia News Service Help India! The senior Kashmir Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani died at his home in Srinagar on September 1 amid tight police presence. His death marked the end of an era of politics in Kashmir that refused to bow down before the government of India over the political future of the erstwhile state. Auqib Javeed | TwoCircles.net Support TwoCircles SRINAGAR In 2018, when late Muhammad Ashraf Sehraia top separatist leader in Kashmir was asked by this reporter in an interview that whether there will be any leadership crises if Syed Ali Geelani dies, he had this to say: Only time will decide that. When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) passed away, Hazrat Umar Farooq, in an emotional speech, said, Whosoever says Prophet Muhammad has passed away, I will cut his head off. But Abu Bakr Sidiq read a Quranic verse which translates, Muhammad is no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. If he died or was slain, will you then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; but Allah will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude. So, Allah is there to create another Geelani. He is not bound to anyone. Sehrai was a long-time friend and lieutenant of the top separatist leader Geelani who died on September 1. The 91-year-old died at his home in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, where he was under house arrest for the last 11 years. He was buried in a tightly controlled pre-dawn ceremony on September 2 as the authorities imposed a security lockdown and communication lockdown. Scores of journalists who rushed toward his residence at midnight were stopped close to his residence and werent allowed to proceed further or cover the funeral. His family alleged that police arrived at their residence and forcibly snatched Geelanis body and buried him in a local graveyard, some 200 meters away from his Hyderpora residence against the leaders wishes who wanted to be buried in the Martyrs Graveyard, Kashmirs largest cemetery situated nearly 9 kilometres away from Geelanis home. However, the Jammu and Kashmir Police rejected the claims and said they felicitated the funeral. Police facilitated in bringing the dead body for the house to the graveyard as there was apprehension that miscreants might take undue advantage of the situation. Relatives participated in last rites, Inspector General of police in Kashmir, Vijay Kumar, who oversaw the whole operation during the night, tweeted. His death a headache for the state For years, the state and its agencies were on their toes and were preparing to deal with the situation that would arise with the death of the senior-most Hurriyat leader. Soon after the news broke of his death, the authorities snapped the mobile and internet connections and by 11 p.m. all the roads leading towards Hyderpora were sealed. The personnel of Jammu and Kashmir Police including Special Operations Group (SOG) and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) were deployed, who had set up barbed wire and barricades in the city. His death and the subsequent funeral was a headache for the state because it might have led to a law and order situation, a top police official said. Scores of armoured vehicles and trucks patrolled main roads in the area. Police appealed for people not to venture out on the streets. Kashmir Police chief Vijay Kumar said the internet was shut down as a precautionary measure and restrictions imposed in the Kashmir valley. At around 4 a.m., Geelani was laid to rest in a quiet funeral organized by authorities, amid tight security and restrictions with mobile connectivity remained snapped across Kashmir. Funeral plans when Geelani was alive Over the year, the rumours of his death circulated several times. In February 2020, internet connections were snapped after the rumours of his death were circulated on social media networks. In December 2020, rumours again circulated of his death. In January 2020. the authorities came up with a G-Plan to brace itself for any eventuality following multiple rumours of the Hurriyat leaders death. Geelani was suffering from multiple ailments. According to the doctors treating him, he has undergone major surgeries for his heart and kidney conditions in the past. In the last few years, his weak lungs prevented him from venturing outside after winter set in. Geelani was an ideologue and a proponent of the merger of J&K with Pakistan. Geelani, who joined the socio-religious Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) as a young boy, contested Assembly elections from his native Sopore in north Kashmirs Baramulla district in the 1970s. However, describing the Assembly elections of 1987 as rigged, he founded a separatist movement in the 1990s and his ideas influenced both the people on the streets and the fast-growing militant cadre. He strongly opposed any dialogue with New Delhi, a position rejected outright by successive Indian governments who often dubbed him as a hardline politician. What made Geelani popular? Observers believe that his views on Kashmir were clear and he remained steadfast on his stand throughout his life. He was known as a hardliner because he didnt compromise on his stand. Even the Government persecuted him throughout his life to bring him down but he never backed off, said a political analyst from Srinagar. He says his acceptance among the people and especially in youth made him the most popular leader from the pro-freedom camp. The popularity of the slogan Hum Pakistani hain, Pakistan humara hai (We are Pakistanis and Pakistan is ours) among pro-Pakistan constituencies in Kashmir is largely attributed to Geelani. His rallies in any part of Kashmir would witness the participation of thousands of people, who would listen to his speech for hours. Opposed Musharrafs four-point formula Geelani opposed Pakistani President Pervez Musharrafs four-point formula (to resolve the Kashmir issue), which he considered as a compromise, given Geelani has always advocated J&K merger with Pakistan. Over the years, he stressed non-violent means to achieve this political goal. From time to time he gave shutdown calls as a mark of protest and people would largely follow that. Geelani was also the face of Kashmirs civilian defiance against Indian rule. He led a faction of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), a conglomerate of various Kashmiri political and religious groups that was formed in 1993 to spearhead a movement for the regions right to self-determination. He always rejected any notion of direct talks with the New Delhi government unless it formally accepts Kashmir as a disputed territory and stopped describing the region as an integral part of India. His long and precarious journey for the legitimate cause of Kashmiris started well before his formal political career which started from the platform of Jamaat-e-Islami in 1952. He soon rose to become district chief of the Kupwara and Baramulla districts. Observers believe that Syed Ali Geelani death will only solidify his legacy. The ideology that he believed in and people following it will never die, he said. Although the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has dismantled the whole separatist structure, these ideas will never fade away, another political observer told TwoCircles.net. Fish and Wildlife Officials Take Action Against Chronic Wasting Disease By Sun Xingwei and Zhang Yun Veterans retired from border troops in Ngari area of Tibet are boarding a flight from Ngari Kunsha Airport to their hometown on September 1. (Photo by Zhang Yun) BEIJING, Sept. 6 -- A chartered flight carrying 115 veterans took off from the Shigatse Heping Airport in Tibet and headed for Chengdu, Sichuan Province, on the morning of September 1, marking the official opening of 23 air routes for transporting new recruits and veterans into and out of Xinjiang and Tibet in the second half of this year. According to a person in charge of a military transportation dispatch center under the PLA Western Theater Command, there are currently nearly 30 civil airports built or under construction in Xinjiang and Tibet. The rapid development of civil aviation in the border areas has provided convenience for the air transportation of recruits and veterans. It is learnt that after coordinating with airports in Urumqi, Kashgar, Lhasa, Shigatse and other places, the dispatch center has opened up 23 routes to transport recruits and veterans into and out of Xinjiang and Tibet this year, and temporarily opened 3 routes from Yinchuan, Jiayuguan, and Zhangye to Ngari. This year, all the recruits and veterans entering and exiting the Ngari area of Tibet will be delivered by air. It is also learnt that, in addition, some airlines help to reserve tickets of regular flights to Ngari in response to the troops emergency needs. And some urgently needed military supplies could also be delivered free of charge or at preferential rates by the civil airliners. Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), together with the CMC Vice Chairmen Xu Qiliang (3rd R front) and Zhang Youxia (3rd L, front), CMC members Wei Fenghe (2nd R, front), Li Zuocheng (2nd L, front), Miao Hua(1st R, front) and Zhang Shengmin (1st L, front), poses for a group photo with five military officers promoted to the rank of general at a military rank promotion ceremony held by the CMC in Beijing on September 6, 2021. (photo by PLA Daily) By Ou Can BEIJING, Sept. 6 -- Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), on Monday presented five military officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) with certificates of order promoting them to the military rank of general, the highest rank for officers in active service in China. The CMC held a military rank promotion ceremony for the five generals in Beijing, at which General Xu Qiliang, vice chairman of the CMC, announced the orders of promotion signed by Xi, and General Zhang Youxia, also CMC vice chairman, presided over the ceremony. The promoted officers are Commander of the PLA Western Theater Command Wang Haijiang, Commander of the PLA Central Theater Command Lin Xiangyang, Commander of the PLA Navy Dong Jun and Commander of the PLA Air Force Chang Dingqiu and President of PLA National Defense University Xu Xueqiang. General Wei Fenghe, General Li Zuocheng, Admiral Miao Hua and General Zhang Shengmin, who are members of the CMC, also attended the promotion ceremony. By Guo Dan Daito Satoshi, the abbot of Enkoji Temple in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, receives an interview at Enkoji Temple on August 20, 2021. An extraordinary Japanese man with a slightly thin build pulled a heavy suitcase and met with the reporter in Xinhua News Agency Tokyo Bureau one afternoon in August. "There are the Combat Report about the Nanjing Massacre recorded by the Japanese themselves, and the 7-month continuous Battlefield Log related to the Japanese invasion of Nanjing. They are the only such materials left. Please transfer them to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders," he said. The suitcase is filled with almost 20 kinds of historical materials including "Top Secret, the Combat Report of the 33rd Infantry Company Near Nanjing From December 9 to December 13 of the Showa 12 (1937)" and a pile of fragile yellow papers of "The Battlefield Log of the 11th Squadron of the 36th Infantry Company" (October 1937 to April 1938). The man in casual clothes is Daito Satoshi, the abbot of Enkoji Temple in Aichi Prefecture, Japan. He has been collecting historical materials on the Japanese invasion of China in Japan since 2005. Over the past 16 years, he has collected more than 3,000 pieces of materials and donated them to Nanjing without compensation. This time, the Combat Report and Battlefield Log were also collected through auction in Japan, commissioned by the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders. Because the materials are so precious that Daito Satoshi took a car from Nagoya to Tokyo in person, hoping that these precious historical materials can be sent to China as soon as possible. "Combat Report is an official record of the Japanese army, and it is a log recorded on the same day. It is very credible. Among them, there are records of the Japanese invaders killing prisoners and setting fire in Nanjing. It can be said to have recorded very clearly the history of the Nanjing Massacre committed by the Japanese army. The Nanjing Massacre is not a fiction, nor a lie!" he said. "There are some people in Japan who do not recognize the fact of the Nanjing Massacre, but these precious materials are true evidence! Although it is only a record of a 200-member troop, it can clearly show how many prisoners they killed in one single day. There should be many similar units in the process of invading Nanjing and I will continue to search for the undiscovered Combat Report," said Daito Satoshi. Why would a Japanese monk insist on collecting historical materials on the Japanese invasion of China for China? Daito Satoshi explained why to our reporter at Enkoji Temple in Nagoya. Daito Satoshi was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1965 and graduated from the History Department, Faculty of Letters of Nara University. "I studied history in university, so I want to know the truth about the Japanese war of aggression against China. From the perspective of historical research, I can't just refer to books. Instead, I have to do more field investigations and experience." He went to Northeast China for a one-month investigation at the age of 20. He visited the Hushigou Massacre Memorial Hall in Yingkou and the Pingdingshan Massacre Memorial Hall in Fushun, northeast China's Liaoning Province, the site of Unit 731 of the Japanese Invaders in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, and the Fengman Massacre Site in Jilin Province. "I was impressed with everything during my trip to China. But what struck me most was the Pingdingshan Massacre Memorial Hall. The entire village was killed and there were remains of old people and babies. It turned out that the aggression was so cruel! The shock I felt is still unforgettable. I made up my mind at that time that I must do something!" After returning from China, Daito Satoshi began to focus on collecting evidence related to the Japanese invasion of China, conducting more comprehensive and in-depth research on the war of aggression against China, and exposing and criticizing the war crimes of the aggressors. When asked whether he would be attacked by the Japanese right-wingers for collecting historical materials on the Japanese aggression against China and exposing war crimes, he said that his sect has held a peace exhibition in Nagoya every March for 32 consecutive years. At the peace exhibition, some right-wingers would shout "there is no Nanjing Massacre" and rudely argue with him. Daito Satoshi would not evade or quarrel, but would calmly show them evidence such as Combat Report. The attitude of right-wingers has changed a lot as a result of "speaking with evidence". Daito Satoshi said: "For so many years, they are slowly learning history and start to have a minimum of respect for me, although only a little bit. I also regard long-term dialogue with them as my job. I will read materials about the Nanjing Massacre every year before they come so I can answer their sharp questions more accurately. I also hope that I can learn more and tell more people about historical facts more comprehensively and accurately." Now, the precious materials that Daito Satoshi handed over to the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders have been safely transported to China by Spring Airlines. After learning the news, Daito Satoshi said: "I will continue to collect these historical materials in the future. I will keep doing it as long as I can move." This picture shows the historical materials related to the Japanese invaders sent to Tokyo by Daito Satoshi on August 5, 2021. This picture shows the Combat Report of the 33rd Infantry Company near Nanjing From December 9 to December 13 of the Showa 12 (1937). This picture shows the Battlefield Log of the 11th Squadron of the 36th Infantry Company. by Vladimir Rozanskij A mujahed in the fight against the Soviet occupation, he will be the "spiritual" head of the new Afghan Islamic Emirate. Member of the powerful Nurzai family. An intermediary figure beween the political and military soul of the Taliban. Moscow (AsiaNews) - The "supreme guide" of Afghanistan it has been announced will be Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, 60 years old from Kandahar, of the Pashtun Nurzai tribe, in turn the son and grandson of mullahs active in rural areas. He is well known in Russia from the time of Soviet occupation. As a young mujahed he took part in the fight against the invasion of Moscow, and many Russian media gave great space to his story. Vasilij Kravtsov, political advisor of the UN mission in Afghanistan, talks about him in the Novaja Gazeta. He recalls that "the Nurzai have been in all these years the most aggressive armed force in all of Afghanistan". Akhundzada went through all the stages of Muslim religious training, and during the anti-Soviet jihad he was the main preacher of the various mujaheddin troops, whom he visited non-stop to motivate them for the holy war. As Kravtsov recalls, "his activity focused on the spiritual and psychological motivation of the youth in the armed bands, to strengthen the ideal of jihad." The mullah proposed himself above tribal affiliations, even though he was always accompanied and supported by his Nurzai: "Because in Afghanistan it is impossible to detach oneself from the group of origin". After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Akhundzada approached the Taliban. He preached to groups in the "Islamic Revolution Movement of Afghanistan" of Mohammad Nabi Mohammadi, a mujaheddin leader who died in 2002. After Taliban forces took Kabul in 1996, Akhundzada became a member of the Taliban Department "for promoting virtue and countering vice." The mullah was never an actual fighter, let alone a military leader. He has, however, established himself as a religious authority at the top of the Taliban: in 2001, the radical Islamist group proclaimed him head of its council of ulema (theologians); then in 2016, the movement named him supreme leader. Since then, Akhundzada has not appeared in public, and the media have announced his death on multiple occasions, including from coronavirus in 2020. The contrasts between the various military commanders, which have repeatedly risked provoking a bloody internal settling of accounts, have favored his rise to the top of the fundamentalist group. Some U.S. operations conducted with drones to eliminate the various Taliban leaders would have been successful thanks to the tips from their competitors in the movement. In the end, his status as an "outsider" to the military leadership made Akhundzada's choice almost inevitable. His rank as "supreme mullah" (mujahlawi) allows him to open autonomous madrassas (Koranic schools), what he accomplished in Quetta in Pakistani Balochistan, where he lived for a few years with his family. Now Akhundzada will be the "supreme arbiter" of Afghan affairs, in a much more detached way than the Iranian Supreme Ayatollah. His deputies will govern in the composition of the government, which in turn will be defined by the compromise between the military leaders. It is therefore premature to define what the Taliban policy in Afghanistan could be: it will emerge from the internal confrontation, provided that the dispute does not degenerate again into clashes between rival bands. Certainly the economic policy is determined by the catastrophic financial situation. In 42 years of uninterrupted war, Afghanistan has never actually starved, thanks to subsidies from the Soviets, the United States and various partners. The traders are a very powerful lobby, an upper middle class, not to mention the drug producers and traffickers, capable of adapting to every change of political regime and every religious ideology. A report by the activist group denounces violence against those who have returned to the country. Blame laid at door of nations in the area and Europe because they encourage repatriation. Syria and Russia claim the areas under government control are safe. Violations include rape or other forms of sexual violence, arbitrary or illegal detention, torture and ill-treatment. Damascus (AsiaNews/Agencies) - Dozens of Syrian refugees, who decided to return to their country of origin in the last four years, have been victims of forced detention, torture and disappearances in mysterious circumstances in the hands of government security forces. This is what emerges in a report published today by the activists of Amnesty International, according to whom it would be proof that "a return to the homeland" for those who once fled "is still not safe". In a report entitled Youre going to your death," the group compiled what it calls "violations" committed by Damascus intelligence against 66 returning refugees, including 13 children, between mid-2017 and the spring of 2021. This list also includes five cases of detainees who died in police custody and 17 other people whose fate remains shrouded in mystery. The authors also challenge claims by some states that parts of Syria are now safe and allow for the repatriation of refugees. Denmark, Sweden and Turkey are named for having loosened assylum and refugee support, encouraging, in various ways, the return of those who have fled. Criticism is also directed at Lebanon and Jordan, among the nations hosting the largest number of Syrian refugees in relation to their population. In Lebanon and Turkey, refugees suffer discrimination by local governments and live in dramatic conditions. Ankara has deported numerous refugees in the last two years, with increasingly frequent expulsions confirming a hostile climate with respect to a past of welcoming in the name of the common Muslim root promoted by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Syrian government and its main ally, Russia, claim that the country is now safe - at least in the areas controlled by Damascus - and launch repeated calls for the return of refugees, accusing the West of disincentivizing repatriation with "fake news". Amnesty International calls on Europe to stop all practices, direct or indirect, that encourage a return to Syria and asks Beirut, Ankara and Amman to prevent deportations. The report documents serious violations against refugees who have returned from Lebanon, Rukban (an informal refugee camp on the Syrian-Jordanian border), France, Germany, Turkey, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. It is based on interviews collected among dozens of Syrians, including refugees and their families and friends, along with lawyers, humanitarian workers and human rights experts. In some cases, violations include rape or other forms of sexual violence, arbitrary or unlawful detention, torture and ill-treatment. by Sumon Corraya The education minister announced gradual school reopening after the COVID-19 emergency starting 12 September. For Catholic principal in Gazipur, this is the right decision, but we dont have a lot of space or teachers. Dhaka (AsiaNews) Schools in Bangladesh are reopening after a year and a half of closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic; for students, this meant long months of online learning and minimal human contact. In announcing the measure on Sunday, Education Minister Dipu Moni said that school reopening will be gradual, starting on 12 September, with some students attend classes, at least for the first time, only once a week. Class (Grade) 5 students will be back to normal hours as will Class (Grade) 10 students in both public schools and madrasahs. In both cases, students will take exams for their Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and Secondary School Certificate (SSC). Sister Mary Christina, principal of St Mary's Girls School & College, in Gazipur, near Dhaka, welcomed the return of students to school. I think that it is the right decision, she told AsiaNews. Learners lost a lot in the last two school years. Many children are now addicted to the Internet and computers. Returning to school will be partial and with many restrictions, for both teachers and students. As per government guidelines, Sister Mary explained, we have to arrange seating for learners so that they can maintain social distance in the classroom. Unfortunately, we dont have a lot of space or teachers. Students however will be happy to finally go back to school. With online learning we lost a lot, said Peter Gomes, a student at the Bacha English Medium School in Dhaka. I am happy that I will be soon able to return to attend classes in person and see my friends again. Parents too will be happy after having to cope with their childrens disorientation. "Now that the virus is under control, our children can easily return to school, said Iftakhur Islam, a parent. Of course, we will have to live with COVID for some time, but it was important for schools to reopen. The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) also welcomed the government's decision to reopen schools. Together with other development partners, we will continue to work closely with the government to keep schools safely open, said Tomoo Hozumi, UNICEF representative in Bangladesh. Exiled National Unity Government President Duwa Lashi La issued the call on Facebook. ASEAN makes weak diplomatic efforts. Yesterday the military junta released ultra-nationalist monk Ashin Wirathu, known for his anti-Muslim rhetoric. Yangon (AsiaNews/Agencies) Myanmars shadow National Unity Government (NUG), made up of exiled political leaders, has called on the people of Myanmar to turn against the military junta that seized power on 1 February in a coup d'etat that overthrew the civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi. The NUGs acting president, Duwa Lashi La, called for a revolt against the rule of military terrorists led by [coup leader] Min Aung Hlaing in every corner of the country. General Hlaing, commander-in-chief of Defence Services (Armed Forces), became prime minister last month, pledging to hold fresh elections by 2023. In a video posted on Facebook Duwa Lashi La urged members of the military regime to quit their posts and asked ethnic armed forces active along the borders to attack the military. After the announcement, civilians rushed to supermarkets and grocery stores, whilst the military presence in the streets was boosted and some streets blocked. After the coup, a spontaneous movement of civil disobedience emerged across the country and various armed groups clashed with the military. More than 1,000 civilians have been killed by the military since February. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has stepped up diplomatic efforts in recent days to end the violence and open a dialogue between the junta and the NUG. ASEAN envoy to Myanmar, Erywan Yusof, said the military accepted a proposed ceasefire until the end of the year to ensure the distribution of humanitarian aid; however, many doubt that they will honour their commitment. Meanwhile, the authorities today released Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu, known for his nationalist and anti-Muslim rhetoric. For his speeches against the Rohingya, Wirathu has been nicknamed the Buddhist Bin Laden. In 2017 Myanmars highest Buddhist religious authority banned him from preaching for a year, and Facebook deleted his account in 2018 for its hate content. In 2019 the government of Aung San Suu Kyi accused him of sedition, but the monk remained on the run for over a year before surrendering himself to the police last November. He has been held in Yangon's Insein Prison since then, but yesterday the military junta dropped all charges and dismissed the case against him without any explanation. The event could be held on September 9, the anniversary of the founding of the country. Last year, the regime unveiled a new ballistic missile. Meanwhile, trade with China has plummeted by 82% due to the pandemic. Seoul (AsiaNews/Agencies) - North Korea is preparing a military parade. In recent days 10 thousand troops have paraded through the capital Pyongyang. According to the South Korean military, the event could be held on September 9, the anniversary of the founding of the country in 1948. In recent weeks, North Korea had called the joint military operations of the United States and South Korea "a serious security crisis". In October last year, Pyongyang held a parade in which it showed off its military arsenal, including an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM). Meanwhile, trade between North Korea and China over the past year has dropped 82%, South Korean Unification Minister Lee In-young reported. The causes are the prolonged border closures due to the pandemic. Pyongyang is focused on domestic challenges, the minister added: "As the import of grain and other basic necessities has dropped sharply due to the decrease in trade between North Korea and China, [Pyongyang] faces continued instability in the supply and demand for food and medicine." The North Korean regime is also building a border quarantine facility to encourage imports from abroad. Although it claimed to have no recorded cases of Covid-19, once the global health emergency broke out, Kim Jong-un's regime imposed strict border controls and travel restrictions. There are some things we can do at St. Annes that are perfect there and same at Maryland Hall, but there are things that dont fit at either place and that was the idea behind this new studio, Green said. We had people walking by our rehearsals at the mall, and they came by to listen then buy tickets and came back and that is such a different experience. Lindsey Eldridge said she did not immediately have information about what caused the police officer to shoot in the 600 block of Laurens Street, near the Upton Metro station. The spokeswoman said she had no information that anyone was struck by the officers gunfire. Baltimore Police Department spokeswoman Lindsey Eldridge said the agency will at some stage need to add positions to its budget authorization to meet the long-term staffing goals, but its prioritizing the filling of current vacancies before making any request. She also confirmed that 46% of job separations are due to retirement. Earlier this year, Baltimores City Council authorized a $555 million budget for the force despite pressures from various quarters to slash it. It included a $28 million increase. This was largely to cover pension obligations and higher insurance premiums. When asked if he knew of Snyders plan, Graham made statements like I dont know much, I dont know any details, I dont really have any details at all, I dont have enough detail to, you know, sign off, particularly meaningfully, and that Snyder had not given him any specifics. Snyder also said that Graham honestly [didnt] even know who suggested who suggested it in the first place, prosecutors write. Maryland 295 was shut down in the area of Nursery Road until about 9:20 a.m. while crime scene investigators canvassed the scene. Police also closed the inner roadway in the departure area meant for buses and taxis, but that area has since reopened. Police have not charged or arrested anyone in connection to the shooting, according to the news release, and are asking anyone with information about the incident to call 410-761-5130. There are many young people who have multiple identities who have felt that they dont belong here, that they are not welcomed here, she says. I was one of those young people. And so, I try to do what I can to make sure that more of us know that this is our nation, too. Pardon me while I have an interlude: The Baltimore waterfront is gorgeous. If its not the citys biggest asset, its close. I know you know that, but its something long-timers take for granted. From the Inner Harbor and Harbor East, past Fells Point and Locust Point, past Canton and Fort McHenry, past the industrial ramparts on both sides of the Patapsco River, its the waterfront that most excites the imagination and calls to visitors. Its a tourist attraction and playground, but still a working port. And while the affluent own, inhabit and make their livelihoods in the properties along the waterfront, the water itself is for everyone to boat in, to fish in or simply to regard from a bench along the promenade. Swimmable? No, and far from it. But thats an ambition, and we should be thankful to the vigilant Blue Water Baltimore and other environmental groups for setting goals and keeping watch. The word mild in everyday usage would seem to imply that children would have symptoms, but still generally be themselves and able to function regularly. It doesnt suggest extreme lethargy, chills and severe temperature spikes. In the span of four days, my daughter went from slight fever and sore throat to unable to stay awake and a temperature of 105 degrees. She didnt have the swollen tongue, red eyes or rapid breathing associated with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome that can sometimes occur in children, known as MIS-C but she did have the headache, dizziness and fast heartbeat. What were we to make of that? If it were the flu she was dealing with, her dad and I would have been concerned, but not terrified. We know what that progression looks like. But this was our first go-round with COVID, and the unknowns were somehow worse to handle that her actual symptoms, which thankfully started to recede on Day 5 one day before my first symptom appeared. The authors refer to science and suggest a valid basis for not being vaccinated is immunity from having been infected with COVID. Yet the authors fail to note that the study concludes that vaccination in addition to natural immunity increases protections. This is not an either/or proposition. The vaccine offers additional protections for those who have had COVID and those who have not. The authors mention the possibility of myocarditis caused by vaccination. Such an outcome rare, and most patients recover readily. Further, an American Academy of Pediatrics study revealed children under 16 were 37 times more likely to develop myocarditis if COVID infected than if not. It is fair and even ethically required to mention risks, but the incredibly low possibility of an extreme negative outcome from the vaccine, especially as compared to infection, has been used to prop up otherwise unfounded opposition to the vaccine. Some homeowners could be due for even more money from the property tax credit. After an audit took issue with how the state calculated the tax credit for certain homeowners, the calculation was adjusted. And state lawmakers passed a law this year requiring homeowners who were negatively affected in past years mostly in Montgomery County, but some in Baltimore and elsewhere to be paid back. The Venable invoice gives a glimpse into how a team of lawyers has worked on the fast-moving case. The invoice lists work done by lawyers ranging from as little as one-tenth of an hour (six minutes) for responding to an email to 12 hours for drafting filings and motions in the case. Top Vietnamese legislator meets Top Vietnamese legislator meets with IAEA leader National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on September 6 had a meeting with Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossi as part of activities during his trip to Austria to attend the fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament (WCSP5). National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue and IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi (Photo: VNA) During the meeting, Grossi thanked Vietnam for its active contributions to his agency, including a commitment to helping complete the second phase of a modern laboratory to enhance the IAEAs capacity in supporting countries in combating infectious diseases. In addition to non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the agency is carrying out other activities to support countries, including Vietnam, in cancer treatment, water management, and COVID-19 response. The IAEA official welcomed Vietnam's candidacy for the IAEA Board of Governors for the 2021-2023 term, affirming that Vietnam is an important partner of the agency. He expressed his hope that Vietnam will continue its contributions to the IAEA in the time to come. For his part, NA Chairman Hue highly valued the role played by the IAEA in and its contributions to promoting the application of atomic energy in solving global problems, scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field for peaceful purposes and development, and ensuring safety and security in this field. He said the IAEA has effectively supported its member countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic through sharing knowledge, assisting medical experts in radiation medicine and therapy, nuclear medicine, diagnostic imaging, and training in genetic sequencing to characterise the virus that causes COVID-19. The top Vietnamese legislator congratulated the IAEA on completing the first phase of a modern laboratory named Yukiya Amano to improve its capacity of assisting countries in fighting and preventing transboundary zoonotic diseases, and addressing challenges related to climate change and food safety, affirming that Vietnam will give financial contribution to the second phase of this important project. Hue welcomed the IAEA's cooperation initiatives with UN agencies to promote the application of nuclear science in climate change response, health, agriculture, as well as in clean energy transition and promoting nuclear safety and security. He suggested the agency share experience and provide technical assistance for Vietnam to perfect its legal system to effectively manage and apply atomic energy in promoting economic development, protecting the environmental and combating climate change. He also asked for the IAEAs assistance for and cooperation with Vietnam in technology transfer, training and improving capacity in applying nuclear technology in health and COVID-19 prevention and control, expressing his hope that the agency will support Vietnam to participate in its important initiatives, including the IAEA Zoonotic Disease Integrated Action (ZODIAC) project, especially activities of the Working Group on Science and Technology (WGST) of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). IAEA Director General Grossi took the occasion to announce that his agency will provide Vietnam with three mobile real-time PCR systems and a large number of biological products worth EUR470,000 (US$558,000). These devices were researched and developed by the IAEA on the basis of application of nuclear technology for accurate diagnosis and early detection of different viruses. NA Chairman Hue appreciated the IAEA's gifts, saying that they will effectively support Vietnam in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: NDO Study: Modified headphones translate sign language via Doppler The headphone-based system uses Doppler technology to sense tiny fluctuations, or echoes, in acoustic soundwaves that are created by the hands of someone signing. Credit: University at Buffalo. Proposed tech measures echo created by hand movements; could help boost communication between deaf and hearing populations SonicASL is an exciting proof-of-concept that could eventually help greatly improve communication between deaf and hearing populations. BUFFALO, N.Y. A University at Buffalo-led research team has modified noise-cancelling headphones, enabling the common electronic device to see and translate American Sign Language (ASL) when paired with a smartphone. Reported in the journal Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, the headphone-based system uses Doppler technology to sense tiny fluctuations, or echoes, in acoustic soundwaves that are created by the hands of someone signing. Dubbed SonicASL, the system proved 93.8% effective in tests performed indoors and outdoors involving 42 words. Word examples include love, space, and camera. Under the same conditions involving 30 simple sentences for example, Nice to meet you. SonicASL was 90.6% effective. SonicASL is an exciting proof-of-concept that could eventually help greatly improve communication between deaf and hearing populations, says corresponding author Zhanpeng Jin, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UB. Before such technology is commercially available, much work must be done, he stressed. For example, SonicASLs vocabulary must be greatly expanded. Also, the system must be able to read facial expressions, a major component of ASL. The study will be presented at the ACM Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), taking place Sept. 21-26. For the deaf, communication barriers persist Worldwide, according to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are about 72 million deaf people using more than 300 different sign languages. Although the United Nations recognizes that sign languages are equal in importance to the spoken word, that view is not yet a reality in many nations. People who are deaf or hard of hearing still experience multiple communications barriers. Traditionally, communications between deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users and hearing people who do not know the language take place either in the presence of an ASL interpreter, or through a camera set-up. A frequent concern over the use of cameras, according to Jin, includes whether those video recordings could be misused. And while the use of ASL interpreters is becoming more common, there is no guarantee that one will be available when needed. SonicASL aims to address these issues, especially in casual circumstances without pre-arranged planning and setup, Jin says. Campus News VITAL program to diversify pipeline for faculty recruitment Promising doctoral scholars from historically underrepresented populations will share their work with a UB audience as part of the VITAL program's Visiting Future Faculty Week. By SUE WUETCHER Diversifying UBs faculty is a top priority for our campus community. Building robust networks for recruitment is essential to achieving this goal in an increasingly competitive academic job market environment. UB is working to increase its pool of diverse candidates for faculty positions by implementing a new program designed to build a pipeline for recruitment. The Visiting Future Faculty (VITAL) program, a three-year pilot program developed by the Office of the Provost and the Office of Inclusive Excellence, will bring promising doctoral scholars from historically underrepresented populations to UB before they reach the job market in order to expose them to the research and teaching opportunities available at UB. VITAL participants will have the opportunity to engage with UB faculty and students, meet other scholars in the program and learn about the many advantages of living in Western New York. Diversifying UBs faculty is a top priority for our campus community, says Provost A. Scott Weber. Building robust networks for recruitment is essential to achieving this goal in an increasingly competitive academic job market environment. The VITAL program enables UB to extend its reach and network to promising future faculty candidates. The VITAL program, says Despina Stratigakos, vice provost for inclusive excellence, aims to foster and build sustainable relationships with ABD (all but dissertation) candidates who are a year or two from graduation in order to boost the potential for diverse hires by decanal units in the coming years. Program participants will visit UB for four days during the spring semester. During their visit, they will take part in two events organized by the host department, such as a workshop or a public lecture, where they will share their scholarship. They also will take part in school programming and/or courses; meet with faculty, staff and students; tour the area; and participate in social events. In addition to building a pipeline for diversifying the UB faculty, the VITAL program provides opportunities for UB graduate students, as well as for program participants, Stratigakos notes. For instance, it gives UB graduate students the chance to meet and engage with the diverse emerging scholars participating in the program, thus expanding their academic networks and facilitating future collaborations. Building those networks is especially important for historically underrepresented students at UB, who may not experience substantial diversity among their cohorts, Stratigakos says. And for the Visiting Future Faculty, their experiences at UB, which will include receiving substantial feedback on their work and becoming part of a new peer group, will provide the scholars encouragement and support as they enter the final leg of their doctoral studies. This is often a time, Stratigakos notes, when graduate students feel discouraged by the long road to the doctorate, and the program will offer them a chance to recharge, feel valued and be inspired, making VITAL alumni ambassadors for UB for years to come. The program will also help the visiting scholars build a network of mentors and collaborators as well as strengthen their peer networks to support them as they continue to pursue their career goals and academic aspirations. UB is seeking candidates for the inaugural Visiting Future Faculty Week, which is taking place March 28 to April 1, 2022. Applications are by nomination only; prospective candidates may email the Office of Inclusive Excellence to request consideration. UB department chairs who are interested in nominating someone for the program may access documents and instructions online. For more information, visit the VITAL webpage. Videos Sorry, there are no recent results for popular videos. The assault occurred at about 8:30 p.m. Sunday at a church in the 3200 block of Ridge Road in Westminster, the release said. The church was not identified, but the Calvary Baptist Church is located at that address. A spokesperson for the church could not immediately be reached Monday for comment. The former Mary Ann Mudd, the first born of seven siblings, was the daughter of John Edward Mudd, a partner in the law firm of Mudd, Harrison and Burch, and his wife, Alice Maureen OToole Mudd, was born in Towson and spent her early years on Murdock Road in Rodgers Forge, before moving with her family to an old Victorian house with a big wraparound porch on West Joppa Road in Towson, said a daughter, Kelly Connelly of Charles Village. The Carroll County Board of Commissioners, however, updated restrictions last month regarding all gatherings and meetings involving county staff and county facilities. In awareness of increasing COVID-19 infections and in order to protect staff and the community, all county meetings or gatherings where physical distancing of six feet is not possible will return to a virtual environment. I was living in a village of natives on the coast of the Bering Sea in southwest Alaska, the New Jersey native said. Once you were there, you were there. They do as much as they can to prepare you for what it is, but you really dont know until you get there and step off the plane. Thats when you realize how remote the area is and how far away you are from everything else. In his June plea hearing, prosecutors detailed how Stemen attempted to attack two other women in the grocery store parking lot before he injected an unknown substance into the woman returning her shopping cart. One of the intended victims was a 17-year-old girl, who Stemen told to walk ahead of him to enter the grocery store. She later felt something wet hit the back of her leg and caused her to look down, assistant states attorney Megan Mickler said during his plea hearing. His answer stuck with me: As a very good friend of mine, Claire, said to me, Tom, over the past 20 years, I watched my children grow up, she said. My father got to see his grandson grow up. We were safe because of the work and dedication of you and other service members and Americans that fought to keep America that way. So I say, yeah, thats my anchor. Dont enjoy reading? Watch Chicago Stories: The Great Chicago Fire, produced and written by Peter Marks with executive producer Dan Protess of WTTW-Ch. 11. First aired a couple of years ago, its entertaining storytelling, embellished by great photographs and clever dramatic recreations. Its quite smart in its choice of talking heads, too. Among them are the ever-engaging Tim Samuelson, who recently retired as the citys historian; Donald Miller, the author of the marvelous City of the Century; historians Ellen Skerrett, Dominic Pacyga and Liesl Olson; teacher/writer Bill Savage; and Nancy Connolly, a Chicago-area descendant of Mrs. OLearys. They and others pepper the show with intelligence and wit. He was in favor of it and planned to use the $30 offered by the government as an incentive to try it out. Im going to see how efficient it is and practical it can be and based on that decide if I keep using it or not. But they say they dont and, in fact, may never know why Riley launched an attack against a family he had no known connection with, except that he may have been mentally ill. Rileys girlfriend told investigators that he had been saying he could communicate directly with God. Some changes squarely take aim at Harris County in the Houston area, where President Joe Biden carried the county of 1.6 million voters last year by a 13-point margin. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic last year, Harris County elections officials offered 24-hour polling places and drive-thru voting, which are now outlawed under the new law. The county also tried sending mail-in ballot applications to more than 2 million registered voters, but going forward in Texas, any elections officials who tries sending an application to someone who doesnt request one could face criminal charges. Southwest Side Ald. Mike Rodriguez, 22nd, said officers should be required to disclose outside jobs theyre working after they get off shift or on their days off. Its important that officers dont come to work tired from another job, since they need to be sharp to make split-second decisions, Rodriguez said. Customs and Border Protection had turned the case over to the investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said customs spokesman Steve Bansbach, when asked whether there would be charges in the case. Fermon declined to release any other information about the body discovered just off the south bank of the river, east of the Illinois Highway 251 bridge. Nor would he elaborate on the Bloomington agencys involvement in the investigation. An autopsy was scheduled for last weekend. The LaSalle County coroners office said it might be several weeks before officials make an identification. Many recent area housing developments had been concentrated on such high-amenity rental projects, such the 295-unit Ninety7Fifty on the Park apartments northwest of La Grange Road and 143rd Street, and Residences of Orland Park Crossing, which has 230 housing units northeast of that intersection, both in Orland Park, and the Boulevard at Central Station in Tinley Park. At the invitation of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang will attend the 7th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Leaders' Summit to be held via videoconference on September 9. At the invitation of Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh and Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn, Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, and ROK Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and the ROK and co-chair the 13th Meeting of the China-Vietnam Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation with Vietnamese DPM Pham Binh Minh from September 10 to 15. CCTV: You just announced that Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 7th GMS Leaders' Summit. How does China see the current progress in GMS cooperation? What are your expectations for this summit? Wang Wenbin: Since its launch 29 years ago, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program has led to fruitful cooperation in infrastructure development and regional economic integration, making significant contributions to sustainable development in the subregion. As COVID-19 continues to rage across the globe, it has dealt a heavy blow to people's wellbeing and national socioeconomic development in the subregion. The 7th GMS Leaders' Summit, with the theme of "Renewed Strength to Face the Challenges of the New Decade", is of great significance for subregional countries' concerted efforts to combat the virus and boost economic recovery. China and Mekong River countries, linked by mountains and rivers, have closely-intertwined interests and share the same future. As such, we are uniquely positioned to conduct cooperation. China has long been playing an active role in advancing practical GMS economic cooperation in various sectors. We hope all sides will take this upcoming summit as an opportunity to carry forward the partnership spirit, deepen understanding of a community with a shared future, make joint plans for fighting COVID-19 and resuming economic growth, usher in a new chapter of subregional development and cooperation, and add fresh impetus to all countries' pursuit of prosperity and revitalization. Xinhua News Agency: Could you share with us the main purposes of and considerations behind State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visits? Wang Wenbin: Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore and the ROK are all China's close neighbors and important cooperation partners. In the face of COVID-19, China and neighboring countries have been working together to overcome difficulties with mutual assistance, and leading the world in combating the virus and boosting recovery. The visits by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi fully embody the great emphasis China attaches to and its sincere hope of enhancing friendly relations and deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation with the four countries. During the visits, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will have in-depth strategic communication with the other parties and advance implementation of the important consensus reached between President Xi Jinping and leaders of the four countries. They will focus on anti-epidemic and development cooperation, seek greater synergy between China's endeavor to foster a new development paradigm and the four countries' development strategies, and deepen BRI cooperation and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. China stands ready to work together with the four countries to achieve new progress in bilateral relations, jointly defend multilateralism and international equity and justice, and inject more positive energy into promoting regional and global peace, stability and prosperity. Global Times: According to reports, Honduran presidential candidate for the left-wing Liberty and Refoundation Party Xiomara Castro said on September 6 that she would open diplomatic relations with China if she wins elections in November. Relevant Taiwan authorities in charge of foreign affairs issued a statement to warn Honduras against "flashy and false" promises by the mainland, adding that it is a usual trick to undermine ties between Taiwan and its "allies". Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: There is only one China in the world and the Taiwan region is an inalienable part of China's territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized norm governing international relations and the consensus of the international community. Following the one-China principle is the overriding trend with popular support. China welcomes all moves that endorse and support the one-China principle. We solemnly warn the Taiwan authorities that "Taiwan independence" is a dead end, "dollar diplomacy" is rejected by all, and attempts to reverse the historical trend by soliciting foreign support is bound to fail. CCTV: It is reported that think tanks in Taiwan said that the region should prioritize joining the CPTPP, because if the mainland joins the trade pact first, it would obstruct Taiwan's accession and its participation in regional trade integration. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: The Taiwan region's participation in regional economic cooperation must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. We firmly oppose the discussion and signing of agreements with implications of sovereignty and of official nature between any country and the Taiwan region. China's position on this issue is clear and resolute. China Daily: A team headed by Lydie Evrard, IAEA Deputy Director General, will travel to Japan this week to discuss safe disposal of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station with Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The team will also conduct a field trip to the power station. I wonder if China has any comment on this? Wang Wenbin: I've noted relevant reports. We hope the IAEA will act in an objective, impartial and responsible manner, follow the science, attach importance to the views of stakeholders, and assist the international community in the review and monitoring before, during and after Japan's disposal of nuclear contaminated water to ensure absolute safety. Japan should cooperate fully with the IAEA by having thorough consultations on all possible means of disposal, and accepting monitoring and verification of data accuracy and the efficiency of the disposal. The Japanese government is pushing ahead preparatory work for discharging the nuclear contaminated water in disregard of concerns from the international community. We hope Japan can revoke the wrong decision immediately, and refrain from starting the discharge process before reaching consensus with stakeholders and relevant international organizations after thorough consultation. TASS: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Monday at a NATO conference on arms control issues urged China to join international efforts to limit the spread of nuclear weapon. He said China's nuclear capability lacks transparency. I want to know if you have any comments? Wang Wenbin: China is gravely concerned about and firmly opposes the "China nuclear threat theory" NATO has been hyping up lately. China follows a self-defensive nuclear strategy, with nuclear forces always kept at the minimum level required to safeguard national security. We are committed to no first use of nuclear weapons at any time or under any circumstances and pledge unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones. China has never taken part in any form of nuclear arms race, nor has it deployed nuclear weapons overseas. No country will be threatened or should feel threatened by China's national defense capability as long as it does not intend to threaten or undermine China's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. What the international community should be really concerned about is NATO's nuclear sharing policy. As a political and military organization formed during the Cold War, NATO has the largest nuclear arsenal enabled by the nuclear sharing arrangements till this day. Moreover, some NATO members are ramping up efforts to modernize nuclear power. Many countries share the view that NATO's nuclear sharing arrangements violate the stipulations of the NPT and that its nuclear capability lacks transparency, which exacerbate risks of nuclear proliferation and conflicts. It is typical double standards when NATO chooses to be evasive about its own issue while trying to mislead the public and hyping up the so-called "China nuclear threat". If NATO truly cares about nuclear arms control, it should abandon the Cold War mentality, abolish nuclear sharing arrangements, and pull out the large number of nuclear weapons deployed in Europe. It should urge the US to earnestly fulfill its special and primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament and further drastically and substantively reduce its nuclear stockpile, so as to create conditions for realizing comprehensive and complete nuclear disarmament. Beijing Youth Daily: Australian Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said on September 6 that China's combination of economic power and global connection poses "new and significant challenges for many countries", and Australia is facing this pressure more sharply than most other countries. He said Australian businesses should not overly rely on one country and should always be looking to diversify their markets, essentially, adopting a "China-plus" strategy." Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: In the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit, China is committed to building an open world economy and sharing development opportunities with other countries. Australia has benefited immensely from its cooperation with China and is a beneficiary of China's development. China has never done anything detrimental to Australia's sovereignty. The label of so-called "economic coercion" can never be pinned onto China. Instead, it is Australia that stands guilty of the following. It has taken measures against market principles and even bullying acts, and imposed restrictions on normal exchanges and cooperation between the two countries without cause, disrupting the good momentum of bilateral practical cooperation. Meanwhile, it has played the victim to put the blame on China, ganged up to pressure China, and grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and harmed China's core interests in violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations. The current difficulties in China-Australia relations are entirely of Australia's own making. It is imperative that Australia face up to the crux of the setbacks in bilateral relations, abandon the Cold War mentality and ideological bias, respect basic facts, take an objective and rational look at China and its development, earnestly follow the principles of mutual respect and equality when handling bilateral relations. The Australian side should also stop playing up "coercive China" narrative for selfish political gain and do more to enhance mutual trust and promote practical cooperation between the two countries, rather than the opposite. Associated Press of Pakistan: The first and biggest power transmission line completed under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has started commercial operation in Pakistan last week. Do you have any comment? Wang Wenbin: I think you were referring to the first power transmission project under CPEC, the Matiari to Lahore 660kV HVDC Transmission Line Project in Pakistan. I noted relevant reports. As an important pilot project of the Belt and Road Initiative, CPEC has made significant progress in various sectors including energy since its launch. This has not only vigorously boosted Pakistan's faster economic and social development, but also played a positive role in promoting regional connectivity. I'd like to stress that the BRI came from China, but it creates opportunities and benefits for all countries in the world. To date, over 140 partner countries have signed BRI cooperation documents with China. The BRI has truly become the world's broadest-based and largest platform for international cooperation. China is ready to join hands with Pakistan and other countries to continue our high-quality BRI cooperation to generate more opportunities and dividends for all. TASS: According to Indian paper "The Pioneer", Taliban can hand over Afghan airbase Bagram to China, and Kandahar base to Pakistan for operational purposes. According to the source of this paper, China and Taliban are discussing this matter, and Pakistan Air Force engineers are inspecting all the five former US airbases in Afghanistan. Do you have any comments? Wang Wenbin: I can tell you this is purely fake news. Yonhap News: You just released the information that State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will visit the ROK. Could you also tell us the agenda and China's expectation for the visit? Wang Wenbin: During his visit to the ROK, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will meet with the ROK leadership, hold talks with Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong, and meet with principal members of the ROK side of the Committee for Future Development of China-ROK Relations. The China-ROK relations are seeing sound development. This year and the next are the China-ROK Year of Cultural Exchanges, and the year 2022 will mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between our two countries. We are facing an important opportunity for deepening bilateral relations. China stands ready to work together with the ROK side to implement the two heads of state's important consensus through this visit, enhance communication, mutual trust, cooperation and friendship, and ensure sustained, healthy and steady development of our strategic cooperative partnership. Follow-up: When will State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visit the ROK? Wang Wenbin: I already announced the information. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay official visits to the relevant countries from September 10 to 15. Having suffered through the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, museums and galleries across Italy are now eager to lure back and attract new visitors. Their efforts range from completing overdue renovations to installing new multimedia projects, all aimed at building a different, new relationship with local communities and visitors alike. A case in point is the prestigious Galleria Borghese in Rome, which has decided to include classical music concerts in its offer. Renowned for its collection of sculptures, bas-reliefs, paintings and sculptures dating from the 15th-19th centuries -- including by Baroque artist Caravaggio -- last December the gallery launched a concert program called "The Borghese and Music," with artists performing Baroque music in the museum's luxuriously frescoed halls. The concerts are broadcast live on the gallery's website, on its social media channels, on the ANSA news agency's website and on state radio broadcaster RAI. As art historian Geraldine Leardi explained in a video presentation, this "research project focuses on music commissioned by the (noble) Borghese family from various musicians in the 17th and 18th centuries." A similar initiative called "Art that Comforts" involves Italian actors reading poems inspired by some masterpieces hosted in the museum, which the public can enjoy through short video stories on the gallery's website. Francesca Cappelletti, director of Galleria Borghese since late 2020, told local media that an "open and inclusive" approach would help her institution as well as other cultural venues reach out to new and possibly younger audiences, and would enable them to more actively engage the public. Other museums in Italy, such as the Uffizi Galleries in Florence and the Lombardy Region Museum Pole -- which comprises 12 state museums across the northern region surrounding Milan, the country's economic capital, and which includes Milan's Dominican Church and the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie hosting Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper -- have bet on initiatives to "scatter" their rich collections around their own region. Across central Tuscany, therefore, the "Uffizi Diffusi" (scattered Uffizi) has set up different exhibitions in smaller cities and towns to enable people to discover new tourist destinations and enjoy the museum's artworks while avoiding overcrowding at the ancient palaces of the historic Uffizi in Florence. The idea behind the initiative is to help make tourism flows more environmentally and socially sustainable. In a recent interview, Lombardy museum complex Director Emanuela Daffra told Xinhua that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the managements of all the country's museums to "reinvent" the way they approach and address the public. "It prompted people to discover nearby places in the region, which had previously been a little neglected ... One example is our Museum of the Certosa di Pavia, where we now see queues of visitors on weekends, something that has never happened before," she said. "This is an extraordinary opportunity for us to build a new and lasting relationship with the public." For Lombardy's Museum Pole, as for many other Italian museums, another way to increase their attractiveness is to make better use of their "virtual" tools. "Still during the lockdown, for example, we launched on our social media a digital description of our most famous masterpiece -- Leonardo's Last Supper -- based on a very high-definition image that allows you to zoom in like with a microscope ... visitors can now enjoy details that the human eye could never before see," Daffra said. "We allow people to 'experience' the Last Supper as they never before could, since at the museum they can never get so close to the painting ... Of course, this does not replace a visit to the museum in person -- it rather augments it." Meanwhile, to make themselves more attractive, several museums have either completed (or were about to complete) renovation works or enriched their collections with new artworks. Examples include the ancient Roman section of the Archaeological Museum at the Farnese Palace in northern Piacenza, the National Gallery in the central Umbria region, the Diocesan Museum in Sicily's Palermo, or the Pompeii Archaeological Park, where a tomb has recently been unearthed with the partially mummified remains of a man who died a few decades before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Surging Forward, running through Sept 22, shows more than 100 works in NAMOC's collection that celebrate natural wonders along the Yellow River and the river's "spiritual embodiment of realizing national rejuvenation". The smallest painting is a print of 8.5 by 12.9 centimeters in which late artist Gu Yuan depicted a landscape of the Baota Hill in Yan'an, the revolutionary base in Shaanxi province, in 1943. The largest painting on canvas is The Yellow River Cantata: Displacement, Revolt and Struggle, a triptych over 11 meters in length. Its creators, Zhan Jianjun and Ye Nan, were inspired by Xian Xinghai and his best-known work, The Yellow River Cantata, composed in the late 1930s to motivate people in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45). Standing by the triptych is a full-body sculpture of Nie Er, the modern composer best known for March of the Volunteers, the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. Wu Weishan, NAMOC director who created the sculpture in 2009, says the statue shows the composer standing upright against strong winds, and it symbolizes an unyielding spirit, echoing with The Yellow River Cantata: Displacement, Revolt and Struggle. The grandeur of the Yellow River is praised in ancient poems, such as those by Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Wu says modern composers like Xian and Nie carried forward this tradition by "imparting the spirit of the Yellow River into the most powerful musical compositions of their time, creating loud and deep sounds in the heart of their people, who, at that moment, needed the encouragement to strive for national independence". The river also has a history of flooding. The exhibition shows works that document the efforts taken to regulate its waterways and restore the ecological environment on the riverbanks. Russian Film Week kicked off in Beijing on Monday to start a week-long exhibition of Russian films in the Chinese capital and Changsha. Organizers and distinguished guests launch Russian Film Week in Beijing, Sept. 6, 2021. [Photo courtesy of China Film Group] This year's Russian Film Week will be held in Beijing from Sept. 6 to 10, before moving to Changsha, capital of Hunan province, from Sept. 8 to 12. The event will screen six popular Russian films with anti-fascism themes, including: "The Last Frontier," "T-34," "Frontier," "The Match," "Hill 89" and "Zoya." Among them, "T-34" and "Frontier" had theatrical releases in China and were quite popular. "This year's Russian Film Week is very meaningful, as the common memory of Russia and China fighting together against fascist aggression will surely be passed on from generation to generation, between the people of both countries, and will be enduring forever," said Li Hui, the special representative of the Chinese government for Eurasian Affairs and former Chinese ambassador to Russia, at the opening ceremony. Andrey Denisov, Russian Ambassador to China, agreed and pointed out that both Russia and China suffered huge casualties and losses during the Anti-Fascist War (World War II). He said Russia and China established a genuine military brotherhood in those years, and now the soldiers of the two countries are continuing this tradition. Denisov said that he believes that the film event is of great significance, hoping that the films shown during the event will resonate and become more popular with Chinese audiences, and will further help develop Russian-Chinese cooperation. Li Hui also noted that as this year marks the 76th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-1945) and World War II, China and Russia should aim to always be the builders of world peace, contributors to global development and maintainers of international order by setting an example of good-neighborly and friendly cooperation between major powers. By doing this, the two countries can make a greater contribution to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Russian and Chinese artists perform their own folk dances at the opening ceremony of the Russian Film Week in Beijing, Sept. 6, 2021. [Photo/China.org.cn] The success of the Russian Film Week will further promote pragmatic cooperation between China and Russia in the film industry, pushing for the common prosperous development of both countries' film industries, writing a new chapter for the exchanges and mutual appreciation between Chinese and Russian civilizations and the traditional friendship between the two peoples, added Bai Yimin, deputy director of the China Film Administration. With the joint efforts of both sides, China and Russia have held regular joint film festivals in recent years and conducted film exchanges and cooperation in various aspects, injecting new vitality into the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era. Filmmaker Jia Zhangke (R) and actor Zhang Guangbei talk with the audience at the opening ceremony of the Russian Film Week held in Beijing, Sept. 6, 2021. [Photo courtesy of China Film Group] Vadim Shmelyov's "The Last Frontier," a film about the feats of the Podolsk cadets in October 1941, who were ordered to take up the defense of Moscow on the Ilyinsky line, was the opening film of the Russian Film Week on Monday. Before its screening, famous Chinese director Jia Zhangke and actor Zhang Guangbei also walked on stage at the opening ceremony to share their love and memories about Russian military blockbusters with the audience. A new biopic about one of China's national heroes, Buda, will hit domestic theaters on Sept. 10. The film follows the protagonist's extraordinary life journey through several eras. "Life of Buda," directed by Lu Jian, is based on the real story of the titular figure, who went from a Tibetan serf to a national "grassland hero." The latter title was awarded to him by the Central Military Commission in 1965, making Buda an exemplifier of the Tibetan people's love for the country and opposition to separation. "I feel so proud for the outstanding actors in our film," Lu said at the film's premiere in Beijing on Sept. 3. The cast members are mostly local Tibetans, and the film is voiced in Tibetan, with Chinese and English subtitles. The director said filming took the crew from the north to south in China's Tibet Autonomous Region, setting the epic story against spectacular Tibet landscapes. The film is also about the transformation of Tibet between the 1930s and 2005, capturing the end of feudal serfdom in the region and its move toward an era of socialism. Buda, once a poor herdsman, embraced his new life after the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951 and began working at a local forestry farm. After he stood firmly against the reactionary troops during the armed rebellion in 1959, they brutally tortured him and gouged out his eyes. He was later rescued by the People's Liberation Army. The blind Buda still dedicated himself to the socialist cause and to the building of the Tibet Autonomous Region for the rest of his life. Actors Ngawang Rinchen and Dopgyal play Buda when he is young and old, respectively. The director said he researched many historical documents and memoirs for references to reenact this specific history. "I wrote a script of 30,000 words while collecting documents that totaled 3 million words," he said. Lu and his team also interviewed numerous people related to or familiar with Buda, including his wife and children. Lu pointed out that Tibet-themed films are scarce, saying, "I cherished this opportunity and tried my best. Though we encountered many difficulties and challenges when filming in Tibet, which is higher than 4,000 meters above sea level on average, this film is filled with our dreams and what we wanted to tell and express." Yangjen Drolkar, a veteran actress in her 70s and who starred in the film as Buda's mother, said she was grateful that the film provided opportunities for Tibetan actors, focuses on a Tibetan story, and spreads awareness of the national hero's legend to more people. "Life of Buda" received a positive response from the audience at the premiere screening. Hu Lin, director of the standing committee of the municipal people's congress in Nagchu of the Tibet Autonomous Region, which was a filming location, also attended the premiere. He praised the film's ability to "span and transcend the ages" and its "lofty vision, which makes it an excellent patriotic film." China's market entities registered fast growth in recent years, with the total number rising from 55 million in 2012 to 146 million at the end of July, said the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR). In breakdown, the number of companies more than trebled to 46 million, while that of self-employed businesses reached 98 million, about 2.5 times the 2012 number, Zhang Gong, head of the SAMR, told a press conference Monday. He attributed the healthy expansion of market entities to the steady long-term growth of China's economy and its vast market, continuous optimization of the country's business environment, and hard work of entrepreneurs and employees. New-market entities, most of which are micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, have contributed to employment by creating more than 13 million new jobs annually in recent years, Zhang added. He also noted China's self-employed businesses offered around 300 million urban and rural job posts, while all kinds of market entities nationwide employed about 300 million migrant workers. To restore sound market order and promote fair competition, China's market regulatory authorities have introduced a series of laws and regulations while cracking down on behaviors impeding fair competition in areas including the platform economy, health care, and public services. Since 2018, related authorities have invested and dealt with 332 monopoly cases and 36,000 cases involving unfair competition, Zhang said. In the next stage, the SAMR will resolutely oppose monopolies and prevent the disorderly expansion of capital to create a level playing field for all types of market entities. Over 5,000 companies from nearly 100 countries and regions will attend the 21st China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT). It will launch Wednesday in Xiamen City in southeast China's Fujian Province, the organizer said Monday. Covering more than 100,000 square meters and with strict anti-epidemic measures in place, the four-day event will attract more than 50,000 business people both online and offline. Over 30 conferences and seminars will discuss heated topics on domestic and foreign investment, including the Belt and Road construction, the digital and green economies, and carbon neutrality, said Li Yong at a press conference Monday. Li is deputy director of the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce. The event is jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce, several associations, and international organizations, including the World Trade Organization and the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies, to boost international investment activities. The last pipe of the two strings of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was welded, Nord Stream 2 AG, the operating company, said in a press release Monday. "On September 6, 2021, specialists on the laybarge Fortuna welded the last pipe of the two strings of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline," the company said. "As the next step, the section of the pipe coming from the German shore will be connected to the section coming from the Danish waters in a so-called above water tie-in," it added. The company intends to put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into operation before the end of the year. It said the project will ensure gas supply security and reliability, and "contribute to meeting long-term needs of the European energy market for gas imports." The 1,230-km gas pipeline would bring 55 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea. You are here: Business Aerial photo taken on May 26, 2021 shows the Yangpu international container port at Yangpu economic development zone in south China's Hainan Province. [Photo/Xinhua] China's total imports and exports expanded 23.7 percent year on year to 24.78 trillion yuan (about 3.84 trillion U.S. dollars) in the first eight months of the year, official data showed Tuesday. The figure marked a 22.8-percent increase compared with the level registered during the same period in 2019, data from the General Administration of Customs showed. Both exports and imports logged double-digit growth in the January-August period, surging 23.2 percent and 24.4 percent from a year earlier, respectively. Trade surplus increased 17.8 percent year on year during the same period to 2.34 trillion yuan. In the first eight months of the year, China's trade with its top three trading partners -- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the European Union and the United States -- maintained sound growth. During the period, the growth rates of China's trade value with the three trading partners stood at 22.8 percent, 22.1 percent and 25.8 percent, respectively. China's trade with countries along the Belt and Road rose 24.6 percent to 7.29 trillion yuan during the same period, the data showed. Private enterprises saw imports and exports increase 29.9 percent to stand at 11.92 trillion yuan in the first eight months, accounting for 48.1 percent of the country's total, up 2.3 percentage points compared with the same period last year. The imports and exports of state-owned enterprises rose 25.2 percent to reach 3.81 trillion yuan, accounting for 15.4 percent of China's total foreign trade value during the period. In August alone, the country's imports and exports rose 18.9 percent year on year to 3.43 trillion yuan, the data showed. After nearly 20 years in the shadows, Taliban forces once again took control of Kabul, capital of Afghanistan, on August 16. The rapid Taliban takeover and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country denoted the end of the Afghan War first launched by the George W. Bush administration in 2001. Furthermore, it indicated the failure of U.S. policy in the Greater Middle East region, leaving the local geopolitical structure facing a new round of profound adjustments. Focal shifts The September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. in 2001 were a major turning point for America's Middle East policy. From the viewpoint of the Bush administration, the Middle East had to be fundamentally transformed so that the breeding ground of terrorism and extremism could be eradicated once and for all. "The war on terror" and "the export of democracy by force" became the two founding U.S. pillars to reshape the regional order. Militarily, the U.S. launched its wars in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. However, the so-called "war on terror" backfired, harming the interests of both the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East. Afghanistan and Iraq were thrown into turmoil and went on to become the training camps and export sources for international terrorism. Moreover, the "democratic transformation" carried out by the U.S. was dislocated from the national, social and cultural conditions of the regional countries. Worse still, radical Islamic forces in the region have since arisen, taking advantage of U.S.-instigated chaos. After assuming the presidency in January 2009, Barack Obama proposed to end the global war on terrorism and transfer the U.S. focus to cope with the rise of China. The Donald Trump administration (2017-21) continued to reduce U.S. involvement in the Middle East, shifting the core objective to one that would "keep the Israelis and Saudis up, the Iranians down and the Russians out." Biden's priorities Since taking office, President Joe Biden and his foreign policy team have been busy in the Middle East affairs, with a dizzying array of moves outlining the basic objectives of America's strategy in the region. The Biden administration hopes to strike a new nuclear deal with Iran to replace the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed between Iran, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (China, the U.S., Britain, France and Russia), Germany and the EU in 2015. Biden and his administration believe that once the nuclear issue is settled, the "big conundrums" regarding Iran's regional behavior, missile program and economic development will be swiftly solved. In addition to reshaping America's alliances in the Middle East through "value-oriented diplomacy," the administration also seeks to speed up its disengagement from various wars in order to turn the "quicksand of war" into a "useful puzzle piece." The pullout of U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the withdrawal of U.S. military support from places like Yemen and Syria, is expected to further try and turn those "negative assets of warfare" dragging down the U.S. into a "diplomatic positive energy" that may leverage the regional situation and serve U.S. interests in the future. Finally, Biden wants to get some diplomatic bonus points by mediating the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Through reviving U.S. financial aid to Palestine, he intends to mobilize regional allies to pay more bills for the U.S. in its "management" of the Palestinians. Despite its idealized visions, the current realities show that it will definitely not be easy for the Biden administration to either leave the Middle East or render the region manageable. Challenges going forward The Biden administration faces at least four major challenges to its Middle East policy. The "Kabul rout" has driven regional allies' trust in the U.S. to an all-time low. The Biden administration is trying to assemble "big investments" from allies in order to fill the gaping holes left behind by America's walking away. Nevertheless, the messy withdrawal from Afghanistan makes it difficult for Biden to convince regional allies and partners that the U.S. has the ability and concern to guarantee their security plus economic and diplomatic interests while reducing its engagement in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Arab allies are not buying into the so-called diplomacy. Even to this day, the hearts of many an Arab country still quiver with fears about the Obama administration's intervention in the Arab Spring movement in the early 2010s. Today, Biden's diplomacy is welcomed with a frosty, even hateful at times, reception. The turning of the cold shoulder, generally on the part of Arab leaders, comes courtesy of a diminishing U.S. appeal to its allies as the latter are wary of America's potential ideological infiltration. The prospect of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue also remains shrouded in uncertainty. Domestically, the U.S. features no broad consensus regarding a return to the JCPOA. Technically, it is a complicated feat, even if political and diplomatic factors are put aside, for Biden to lift sanctions and especially the "poison pill provisions" on Iran imposed by Trump. Moreover, it is not only the security concerns of regional allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia that will prevent the U.S. from making concessions, nor will Iran's hardline leadership, with new President Ebrahim Raisi as its representative, compromise with the U.S. easily. Finally, the increase in proxy rivalries in the Middle East will slow down the pace of the U.S. withdrawal from the region. At present, the trend of "bloc confrontation" in the Middle East geopolitical competition rages on more frantically than ever as major regional powers and groups are utilizing multiple "proxies" and "agents" to contest the "intermediate zone," consequently intensifying fragmentation of the regional security pattern. This situation may make it more difficult for the U.S. to control its regional allies as the solidarity of the "modular alliances" that the Biden administration intends to create may be destroyed due to the endless emergence of organizations and proxies within them. Furthermore, it may also produce the perfect settings for the breeding and expansion of terrorist and extremist forces, leading the U.S. to face a new Middle East counterterrorism task. Over the past 10 years, "strategic retrenchment" has become the main axis of the U.S. Middle East policy. However, it still has many regional interests that are hard to give up and many challenges that are difficult to deal with. The strategic importance of this region determines that the U.S. will not really withdraw. The retrenchment will be a long-term process of trial and error, during which policy confusions, contradictions, repetitions, and so on, are inevitable. The author is an assistant research fellow with the Department for Developing Countries Studies at the China Institute of International Studies. Flash Six Palestinian prisoners escaped from a prison in Israel on Monday, prompting a massive manhunt, Israeli authorities said. The extremely rare break-out took place overnight in the Gilboa Penitentiary, a high-security jail for Palestinian prisoners in northern Israel, the police said in a statement. Large police and army forces were searching for the prisoners in northern Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, using helicopters and drones, the police said. The six prisoners had apparently dug their way out. Police Northern District Commander Arieh Yaakov told the Hebrew-language Ynet news site that the prisoners apparently took advantage of a small shaft located under the floor of their cell and dug their way out. "We are still investigating it," he said. Yaakov said that prisoners were moved to other prisons to avoid additional escape attempts. Israel's state-owned Kan Radio reported that the six were cell mates. One of them was identified as Zakaria Zubeidi, 46, a high-profile former commander of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an armed group affiliated with the mainstream Fatah party. The other five are members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant Palestinian movement. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement that he has been receiving constant updates on the incident. "It's a serious incident that requires the effort of the entire system," he said. The Islamic Jihad said in a statement that it "will cause a severe shock to the Israeli security system and will constitute a severe blow to the army and the entire system in Israel." The incident shows "the struggle for freedom with the occupier is continuous and extended, inside prisons...," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum said in a statement. Flash Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said on Monday that a new Afghan government will be announced in the next few days, after confirming that the group has taken over Panjshir, the only province that had remained out of Taliban's control. Afghanistan might form a caretaker government as the preparation was underway to announce the new administration, Mujahid told a press conference. "The new administration might be in the form of a caretaker government. It is a suggestion, it is possible, if we have a caretaker government, so there will be place for bringing changes or reforms in the government's frame," he said. Details and date of formation for the new government will be shared soon, as there were some technical issues left. "It is a matter of days, the new government will be announced very soon," said the spokesman. The announcement came after some Taliban sources were in the view that Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, political chief and co-founder of the Taliban, will lead the new government. Mujahid said the government will be all-inclusive and expressed hope that the people of Afghanistan will help in the country's transition. Ex-Afghan military officials will be invited to join the security departments in the new government, said the spokesman. He also made it clear that Taliban hopes to have strong relations with neighboring countries. There were no civilian casualties during the fighting in Panjshir, the spokesman said, adding that electricity and the internet will resume in the province soon. In the meantime, the so-called National Resistance Front of Afghanistan led by Ahmad Massoud, the son of former anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, has so far denied the Taliban's claim of capturing Panjshir. Massoud said on Twitter that he is safe. Declaring that the war in Afghanistan is over, Mujahid said the Kabul airport will be fully functioning soon. He asked for patience as the group tries to establish international flights. Meanwhile, Mujahid said he was told that Vice President Amrullah Saleh has fled to Tajikistan. Panjshir, some 200 km north of Kabul, had been the last province in Afghanistan uncontrolled by the Taliban after the group captured most of Afghanistan's territories since early August in its blitz attacks, including the capital of Kabul. The last U.S. soldiers were evacuated from Afghanistan at mid-night on Aug. 30, one day before the Aug. 31 deadline set by U.S. President Joe Biden, ending 20 years of U.S.-led invasion into the country. At a press conference held on Aug. 18, the first since Taliban's takeover of the capital Kabul, Mujahid said the Taliban wants to have good relations with everybody to develop the country's economy and achieve prosperity. The Taliban supreme leader had declared a general amnesty, promising to ensure the safety of the contractors and translators who had worked for the United States and allied forces, the government soldiers who had been fighting the Taliban for years, and those whose families were attempting to leave Afghanistan, Mujahid has said. He has said women could work and study in different fields within the framework of sharia or Islamic law, and they would be offered all rights within the Islamic principles, because women are vital parts of the society. Flash A Foreign Ministry spokesperson on Monday said China hopes the United States will listen to the objective and rational voices of the international community and be a supporter rather than a saboteur of international cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the origins tracing of the coronavirus. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remark at a daily news briefing when asked to comment on recent remarks by Jeffrey Sachs, who heads the Lancet COVID-19 Commission. Sachs said the global response to the pandemic has been wholly inadequate and one of the main geopolitical problems might have been the failure of the United States to work with China for global solutions. He also said "the United States should learn some good manners to work cooperatively with China, rather than trying to impose its will on that nation." Wang told the press that a Swiss epidemiologist, Christian Althaus, had also said that China responded correctly to the pandemic and bought the rest of the world with one to two months to prepare. Wang stressed that the COVID-19 response and studying its origins call for solidarity, cooperation and the spirit of science. However, some in the United States have time and again tried to politicize efforts on both fronts to deflect the blame for their own botched response. "Such irresponsible behavior has not only cost the American people dearly, but also become the greatest obstacle in international cooperation in combating the virus and tracing the origins," Wang said. "We hope that the United States can heed the objective and rational voice of the international community, seek solidarity instead of confrontation, take responsibility instead of resorting to blame-shifting, be guided by science instead of politics, and support international cooperation in fighting the virus and tracing the origins instead of disrupting relevant efforts," said the spokesperson. Flash China mourns and regrets the sudden passing of German ambassador to China and sends condolences and sympathies to his family, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Monday. Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a daily news briefing in response to reports that the German Foreign Ministry announced Monday the passing of Jan Hecker, Germany's new ambassador to China. Wang said that China is shocked by his sudden passing. Hecker had worked actively to promote bilateral relations after he took office, Wang said. "We express condolences and regret over his passing and deep sympathy to his relatives. We are willing to provide convenience for his family and the German Embassy in China in dealing with follow-up matters," said the spokesperson. Flash Britain has recorded more than 7 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, according to the latest official data released on Monday. The country reported another 41,192 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 7,018,921, official figures showed. The country also recorded another 45 coronavirus-related deaths. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 133,274. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. The latest data came as a final decision on whether to vaccinate healthy children aged between 12 and 15, to be signed off by the chief medical officers of Britain's all four nations, is expected this week, according to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The vaccines minister, Nadhim Zahawi, has said parental consent will be required if the government decides all 12 to 15-year-olds should be offered the jab. However, a senior doctor has suggested that a school nurse or general practitioner (GP) could assess whether a child is capable of consenting to having the vaccine, even if their parents oppose it. "Some children as young as 12 should be allowed to overrule their parents on whether they have the COVID vaccine," Dr David Strain was quoted by Sky News as saying. The clinical lead believed that there are 12-year-olds "mature enough" to decide to have the coronavirus jab without the consent of their legal guardians. Previously, Britain's vaccine advisory body, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), has issued the advice that children aged 12 to 15 with medical conditions should receive two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, but that healthy children in this age group should still not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The JCVI's decision on healthy children was based on concerns over an extremely rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccine which causes heart inflammation, according to the BBC. "This decision will disappoint many, as this age group is particularly socially active - they have more contacts with other people than other age groups other than young adults," said Dr Peter English, immediate past chair of the Public Health Medicine Committee of the British Medical Association. "As such, they are particularly effective as 'vectors', transmitting the infection between households. Now that the much more infectious Delta variant is prevalent we will struggle to control the virus with vaccination alone - and we certainly won't succeed if this age group is unvaccinated," said the retired consultant in Communicable Disease Control. More than 88 percent of people aged 16 and over in Britain have had their first dose of vaccine and nearly 80 percent have received both doses, the latest figures showed. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Germany, Russia and the United States have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. Flash The U.S. attempt to trace the origins of COVID-19 by its intelligence community is malicious and harmful, Liu Xianfa, commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Macao Special Administrative Region, has said. The summary released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence of the United States and the White House statement, both on Aug. 27, are stuffed with familiar "American flavors" of hegemony and bullying, Liu wrote in an article published by the Macao Daily Times. Calling origins tracing of COVID-19 a complex issue of science, Liu said that it should and can only be undertaken by scientists around the world through joint research. "In fact, most scientists around the world are endorsing a natural origins theory for COVID-19," he wrote. "The science-based origins tracing in China also concluded that the introduction of the coronavirus through a laboratory incident was extremely unlikely." China, like other countries, is a victim of the pandemic, Liu said, acknowledging China's continuous efforts to support science-based origins tracing. Earlier this year, experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) visited China for origins tracing research as part of the health agency's global origins tracing endeavor. "China upholds the principles of openness, transparency, science and cooperation, fully supports the work of the experts, and sets an example for the world," wrote Liu. Liu expressed concerns that COVID-19 origins tracing by the U.S. intelligence community is "poisoning" the atmosphere for the international cooperation in fighting the disease. "The international community needs cooperation in combating the virus more than ever," he said. "Nevertheless, the United States, turning a blind eye to the tragedy caused by the pandemic, is still obsessed with political manipulation on the origins tracing." "Meanwhile, it also intimidates the WHO, silences experts and scholars, and creates a 'chilling effect,' seriously hampering international cooperation in fighting the pandemic," said the commissioner. Flash The International Conference on Food Loss and Waste (ICFLW), a platform for sharing experiences on the relevant issues, will be held from Sept. 9 to 11 in Jinan, capital of east China's Shandong Province, authorities said Tuesday. With the theme of reducing food loss and food waste, and promoting global food security, the conference aims to facilitate dialogues among different parties, said Ma Youxiang, an official with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, at a press conference. The three-day event that will be held both online and offline will focus on issues such as challenges, cooperation and governance involving the reduction of food loss and waste. Agricultural ministers from some Group of 20 countries and heads of international organizations will deliver speeches online. Besides, ambassadors of 15 countries, representatives from more than 50 countries, over 40 international experts and heads of many multinational enterprises are expected to attend the conference. "The ICFLW will be the biggest international event hosted by China in the agricultural field since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic," Ma said. Noting that the issue of reducing food loss and waste is significant, urgent and complex, Ma said tackling the issue requires joint efforts. The event is expected to build global consensus on food loss reduction, help the agricultural sector cope with climate change and green development, and contribute to the achievement of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Ma added. China has accumulated experience in fighting against food loss and waste in recent years, Ma said, adding that it has also worked with other countries in this sector through information sharing, technical exchanges and personnel training. China wishes to take the upcoming conference as an opportunity and promote the establishment of an international mechanism for cooperation on food loss and waste, he added. On the eve of Christmas, Christians from all around the world will gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus, which took place in a small town in what is now modern day Palestine. As we hear again the story of the miraculous birth of the Messiah, we are transported back to the world of the Middle East, the place where the story of Christianity began. However, a little over 2000 years after that event, the fate of Christianity in the region of its birth seems as fragile and uncertain as it did in the beginning. While as a whole, Christianity continues to grow and thrive all around the world, in the Middle East this is definitely not the case. In fact, if anything, it appears to be dying. Christianity's History in the Middle East While today we do not tend to think of the Middle East as a haven of Christianity, history tells a different story. For the first 500 years of Christianity's existence, this region was the most important for Christianity, culturally, theologically, and numerically. Of the five episcopal sees which oversaw the administration of Christianity within the empire, three of them were within this region (Antioch, Jerusalem, and Alexandria). While the Islamic conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries removed almost all political power away from Christians in the Middle East, it did not diminish the fact that this was a region which still maintained a huge Christian presence, both culturally and in terms of overall population. Over time, the impact of Muslim rule made its presence felt, and Christianity eventually moved from majority to minority status in most places in the region. However, it was not until relatively recently that Christianity's status moved from that of a sizable minority to an endangered species. 20th Century Crisis While the emergence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria has precipitated the most major and dramatic crisis for Christianity in the region, the seeds of the current predicament stretch back to the early 20th century. Two main factors have been at work here: the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism. Before the conclusion of World War One, all of what we call the Middle East today was ruled by the Turkish Ottoman Empire. While it was certainly an Islamic empire, because of its size and diversity it had no real national consciousness (at least outside of Turkey). Within this empire, Christians, Muslims, and Jews tended to congregate in separate towns and regions, or within their own districts in the big cities. The emergence of Western-style nationalism after the fall of the Ottoman Empire had the unintended consequence of disturbing these relatively peaceful zones of influence. Particularly in a Middle Eastern context, concepts of nationhood and religion went hand in hand, and the establishment of new states saw a tremendous amount of upheaval and bloodshed. For example, following World War One, Turkey and Greece saw a major population transfer, with Christians moving from their homes in Turkey to Greece, and the reverse happening with Muslims living in Greece. When there was no homeland to go to, as was the case with the Christian Armenian population in Turkey, genocide was often the end result. This period was a damaging one for Christianity in the Middle East, but has been made much worse since the Islamic revival movement of the 1970's. The establishment of a number of overtly Islamic governments, at the expense of secular and moderate ones, has seen an increase in persecution and subsequent emigration of Christians from many nations throughout the region. While at the beginning of the 20th century Christians accounted for roughly 20% of the population of the Middle East, that number has now fallen to below 5%. And with the continued growth of ISIS in Iraq, Syria, and now Libya, that number is likely to continue decreasing. A Christian State? So what, if any, solutions are there to the persecution and emigration of Christians from their ancient homelands in the Middle East? One solution that has been put forward is the establishment of a new Christian state, located somewhere within what is currently Iraq and Syria. With regards to the current political context, the timing is perfect for a new state to be formed. As it stands, Iraq and Syria cannot continue in the forms they currently occupy. If ISIS is eventually defeated, the borders will have to be redrawn anyway. The Kurds are clamouring for a nation of their own, and it is debatable whether Sunni and Shia Iraq can viably cooperate together. If there was ever a time to form a Christian state in the region, this would be it. This would by no means be a perfect solution of course. There are many potential areas where such an initiative could go badly wrong. However, the current plight of Christians in the Middle East is untenable and unacceptable. Christians have been an integral part of this region for the last 2000 years, and are in the processed of being erased from the region. Surely they deserve the opportunity to shape their future in the lands which they have lived in for so long? The global bean bag chairs market size is anticipated to reach USD 4.3 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc., expanding at a CAGR of 4.0% over the forecast period. Rising construction activities in developed countries including U.S., Germany, U.K., and France are expected to assist in the growth of this market. In addition, supportive government initiatives such as homes for all will promote growth of the market. For instance, in 2018, the German government tried to speed up the construction of housing and limit rent rises as it seeks to tackle a drastic shortage of affordable housing. The government plans to build around 1.5 million new houses by 2021. Furthermore, they are planning to invest over 5 billion euros for social housing and expected to build around 100,000 new social flats by 2021. The indoor segment held a leading share of 78.4% in 2018. Gradually, rooms in modern house are losing their traditional use and becoming spaces with numerous possible functions. Beanbags can cater to that need by being portable and functioning as a seat, side table, footstool or floor cushion. The outdoor segment is anticipated to expand at the fastest CAGR of 5.2% over the forecast period owing to growing popularity of these chairs in offices and restaurants. Browse Details of Market Report @ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/bean-bag-chairs-market Europe held a leading share of 37.4% in 2018. The market is driven by rise in the construction of houses in the region. Asia Pacific is projected to witness the fastest growth over the forecast period due to rising popularity of luxury and branded furniture including bean bag chairs, especially in countries like India and China. Moreover, increasing penetration of players such as MUJI and IKEA, coupled with surge in number of retail outlets, is expected to promote growth of the market in upcoming years. Key players operating in the market include Lovesac; Yogibo LLC; Fatboy; SUMO LOUNGE INTERNATIONAL; AFA Inc.; LUVU BRANDS; CordaRoy's; Comfy Sacks; Lumaland Inc.; and MUJI. Bean Bag Chairs Market Report Highlights North America is anticipated to witness significant growth from 2019 to 2025 owing to shifting consumer preference from conventional to modern and luxury furniture The bean bag chairs market in Europe was valued at USD 1.2 billion in 2018 Asia Pacific is anticipated to expand at the highest CAGR of 5.8% from 2019 to 2025 due to rise in product availability The global market is highly competitive in nature due to presence of key players such as Lovesac and Yogibo LLC. Bean Bag Chairs Market Segmentation Grand View Research has segmented the global bean bag chairs market by product, distribution channel, and region: Bean Bag Chairs Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2015 - 2025) Indoor Outdoor Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Market Growth & Trends The global pharmaceutical glass packaging market size is expected to reach USD 7.46 billion by 2028, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.8% from 2021 to 2028. The demand for pharmaceutical glass packaging is projected to be driven by the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in emerging economies, especially in the Asia Pacific region. The cost sensitivity in the healthcare sector and the growing significance of biotech drugs have resulted in the establishment of stringent regulations related to drug delivery products. Many pharmaceutical drugs manufacturing companies are focused on increasing the shelf life of a drug and are therefore making investments in the research and development of glass vials. The newly developed products are expected to aid the growth of glass vials due to the expansive number of applications. The generic drug type segment is expected to witness the fastest growth in terms of revenue as well as volume over the forecast period. This is due to the significant increase in the volume of generics in the country, which is estimated to face a rapid change in the market dynamics primarily due to the increased competitive intensity and customer consolidation. Glass packaging is highly preferred in the pharmaceutical industry as it is easy to sterilize with heat and does not react with most of the drugs and medicines being chemically inert. The colored glass packaging can protect the medicines from different wavelengths, including UV rays of the sun. Additionally, glass is easily available all over the world and can be recycled, which has made it an ideal material for the packaging of pharmaceutical products. The market in North America is expected to witness steady growth in the years to come on account of global key players present in the region. With the rising volume of generic drugs, glass packaging has been increasingly adopted owing to the preexisting established supply chain. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has positively impacted the market growth due to the growing use of pharmaceutical glass packaging in the packaging of immunity-boosting drugs. Companies in the pharmaceutical glass packaging industry have been trying to improve product strength to reduce breakage during the filling of vials. In September 2019, Corning Inc. got approval from the FDA to market its Corning Valor Glass, which enables superior chemical durability and improves resistance to breakage, damage, and particulate contamination. For instance, Gerresheimer AG, a key German-based pharma glass packaging manufacturer, has developed a metal-free 1 ml Gx RTF long Luer Lock syringe. This particular syringe uses a new technology in which the pin used to shape the cone is made of a special ceramic material instead of the conventional tungsten or alternative metal. Request a free sample copy or view report summary: Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Market Report Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Market Report Highlights In terms of revenue, the generic drug type segment led the market and accounted for a 71.2% share in 2020. Distrust in the quality of unbranded generic medicines by physicians/patients, high out-of-pocket patient spending for drug purchases, and insufficient government promotion of unbranded generics are likely to promote the use of branded generic drugs over the coming years The ampoules product segment accounted for the largest volume share of 74.7% in 2020. Glass ampoules have been widely used in packaging injection drugs. Ampoules are one of the most used glass-based primary packaging for injectables, and their growth is clearly being seen in the cost-sensitive markets of emerging nations Glass delamination has been a growing concern and has been emphasized by the FDA for better compatibility testing of containers and drugs. The development of glass vials by pharma packaging manufacturers that reduce the chances of delamination and breakage is estimated to result in the continuation of the trend of glass vials occupying a major market share over the coming years Access Press Release@ https://www.grandviewresearch.com/press-release/global-pharmaceutical-glass-packaging-market Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Market Segmentation Grand View Research has segmented the global pharmaceutical glass packaging market on the basis of product, drug type, and region: Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Product Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2028) Vials Small Vials Large Vials Bottles Small Bottles Large Bottles Cartridges & Syringes Ampoules Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Drug Type Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2028) Generic Branded Biologic Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Regional Outlook (Volume, Million Units; Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2028) North America US. Canada Mexico Europe UK. Germany France Italy Spain Asia Pacific China Japan India South Korea Australia Central & South America Brazil Middle East & Africa (MEA) Saudi Arabia List of Key Players of Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging Market Corning Incorporated Nipro Corporation SGD S.A. Stolzle-Oberglas GmbH Bormioli Pharma S.r.l West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Schott AG Gerresheimer AG Shandong Medicinal Glass Co., Ltd. Beatson Clark Ardagh Group S.A. Arab Pharmaceutical Glass Co. Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Sisecam Group Owens-Illinois, Inc. About Grand View Research Grand View Research, Inc. is a U.S. based market research and consulting company, registered in the State of California and headquartered in San Francisco. The company provides syndicated research reports, customized research reports, and consulting services. To help clients make informed business decisions, we offer market intelligence studies ensuring relevant and fact-based research across a range of industries, from technology to chemicals, materials and healthcare. The global market size of Memantine is $XX million in 2018 with XX CAGR from 2014 to 2018, and it is expected to reach $XX million by the end of 2024 with a CAGR of XX% from 2019 to 2024. Global Memantine Market Report 2019 Market Size, Share, Price, Trend and Forecast is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global Memantine industry. The key insights of the report: 1.The report provides key statistics on the market status of the Memantine manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry. 2.The report provides a basic overview of the industry including its definition, applications and manufacturing technology. 3.The report presents the company profile, product specifications, capacity, production value, and 2013-2018 market shares for key vendors. 4.The total market is further divided by company, by country, and by application/type for the competitive landscape analysis. 5.The report estimates 2019-2024 market development trends of Memantine industry. 6.Analysis of upstream raw materials, downstream demand, and current market dynamics is also carried out 7.The report makes some important proposals for a new project of Memantine Industry before evaluating its feasibility. Click Here to Get Sample Premium Report @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/sample/7172 There are 4 key segments covered in this report: competitor segment, product type segment, end use/application segment and geography segment. For competitor segment, the report includes global key players of Memantine as well as some small players. At least 7 companies are included: * Allergan * Novartis AG * Eisai Co * H Lundbeck A/S * Daiichi Sankyo Company Limited * Ono Pharmaceutical Co Ltd For complete companies list, please ask for sample pages. The information for each competitor includes: * Company Profile * Main Business Information * SWOT Analysis * Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin * Market Share You can Buy This Report from Here @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/checkout/7172/Single For product type segment, this report listed main product type of Memantine market * Powder * Tablet * Capsule For end use/application segment, this report focuses on the status and outlook for key applications. End users sre also listed. * Hospital Pharmacy * Retail Pharmacy For geography segment, regional supply, application-wise and type-wise demand, major players, price is presented from 2013 to 2023. This report covers following regions: * North America * South America * Asia & Pacific * Europe * MEA (Middle East and Africa) The key countries in each region are taken into consideration as well, such as United States, China, Japan, India, Korea, ASEAN, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, CIS, and Brazil etc. Request For Report Discounts @ https://www.trendsmarketresearch.com/report/discount/7172 Reasons to Purchase this Report: * Analyzing the outlook of the market with the recent trends and SWOT analysis * Market dynamics scenario, along with growth opportunities of the market in the years to come * Market segmentation analysis including qualitative and quantitative research incorporating the impact of economic and non-economic aspects * Regional and country level analysis integrating the demand and supply forces that are influencing the growth of the market. * Market value (USD Million) and volume (Units Million) data for each segment and sub-segment * Competitive landscape involving the market share of major players, along with the new projects and strategies adopted by players in the past five years * Comprehensive company profiles covering the product offerings, key financial information, recent developments, SWOT analysis, and strategies employed by the major market players * 1-year analyst support, along with the data support in excel format. We also can offer customized report to fulfill special requirements of our clients. Regional and Countries report can be provided as well. Global Wearable Sensors Market: Information By Type (Motion Sensors, Medical-Based Sensors, Image Sensors, Position Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Inertial Sensors, Other Sensors), By Application (Smart Wristwear, Smart Glasses, Smart Bodywear's, Smart Footwear, Other Wearable Devices) and By End User (Consumer Applications, Healthcare Applications, Enterprise and Industrial Applications) - Forecast till 2027 Market Overview According to MRFR, the Global Wearable Sensors Market is poised to mature at a CAGR of 46.73% and is anticipated to reach USD 11.07 Billion by 2025. The increase of in-home wearable sensors for babies and remote patient control are fast sensor technology developments that are the key drivers of market development. Free sample copy is available here @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/955 Leading Market Key Players InvenSense, Inc NXP Semiconductors Panasonic Corporation Robert Bosch GmbH STMicroelectronics Texas Instruments Incorporated KIONIX, INC. (ROHM Co., Ltd.) Measurement SpecialtiesInc Analog Devices, Inc ZOLL Medical Corporation Freescale Semiconductor, Inc Infineon Technologies AG and others. Global Wearable Sensors Market Segments For ease of understanding, the market is segmented into four key dynamics: By Types: Motion Sensors, Medical-based Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Position Sensors, Image Sensors, and Inertial Sensors among others. Motion Sensors, Medical-based Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Position Sensors, Image Sensors, and Inertial Sensors among others. By Application: Smart Glasses, Smart Wristwear, Smart Bodywears, Smart Footwear, and other wearable devices. Smart Glasses, Smart Wristwear, Smart Bodywears, Smart Footwear, and other wearable devices. By End-User: Healthcare, Consumers, Enterprises, and Industrial among others. Healthcare, Consumers, Enterprises, and Industrial among others. By Regions: North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Rest-of-the-World. Regional Insights Geographically, the wearable sensors market span across regions namely, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, and the Rest-of-the-World (RoW). Considering the global scenario, the North American region is poised to occupy the most significant share as the region offers room to the most prominent players and is in a position to adopt technological advancements at its earliest. The high adoption of digital technology in the U.S. has further intensified the growth of the market in this region. With the booming healthcare infrastructure, the market is estimated to flourish. The European region occupies the second spot and is anticipated to evolve at a significant pace in the foreseeable future. With advancing technology and purchasing power required for the market growth, the region is anticipated to gain an impetus. Moreover, the conscious awakening regarding a healthy lifestyle is considered a major factor propelling the market growth in the long run. The Asia Pacific region is estimated to expand at the fastest rate as the strong economic growth has infused healthy purchasing power which is estimated to encourage the proliferation of wearable sensors in the coming years. Industry Updates April 02, 2019: A team of researchers at the Binghamton University, State University of New York have recently developed skin-inspired electronics to conform to the skin, which allows high-performance, long-term, and real-time wound monitoring in the users. Intended Audience Medical device manufacturers and distributors Government research organizations Hospitals and clinics Regulatory agencies Pharmaceutical companies Browse Complete 100 Pages Premium Research Report Enabled with Respective Tables and Figures @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/wearable-sensors-market-955 About Market Research Future: MRFR team has supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country-level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. Litchfield, CT (06759) Today Partly to mostly cloudy with scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 83F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Thunderstorms. Low 62F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 70%. Litchfield, CT (06759) Today Scattered thunderstorms developing this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. High 82F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.. Tonight Thunderstorms likely. Low 61F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 70%. With strong support from many residents, Cetran was locked in combat with Evans for months. The former chief said Evans interference over the past few years included allowing officers to jump the chain of command and undermining his efforts to hand out discipline. He said he felt that Evans was determined to run him off the job. The town council voted to fire Cetran in June, but he contended in a court appeal that the council fumbled the decision, in part by failing to second the motion. Kayle Hill, a 24-year-old Waterbury resident with rheumatoid arthritis and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, said Friday that she waited to talk to her doctor before going for her third dose but planned to get it over the weekend. She said she doesnt think public officials and vaccine providers have done enough to spread the word that third doses are available. He notes that three of the five congressional seats were won by Republicans in 2002 and 2004. Courtney and Chris Murphy unseated Republicans in 2006 in the 2nd and 5th, which remain the most competitive by several measures. Himes unseated a Republican in 2008 in the 4th, a former GOP redoubt that now leans Democratic. Similar testing at a neighborhood less than a half-mile to the north, she was told, showed signs of several human-made chemicals known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS. The state was concerned the compounds, which have been studied for possible ties to developmental issues, thyroid disorders and several cancers, might have also found their way into other nearby water supplies. Retired Ohio Judge Reflects on King Assassination Probe Retired Judge Ronald Adrine's experience on the former U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations is highlighted in a new Supreme Court video. Retired Judge Ronald Adrine's experience on the former U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations is highlighted in a new Supreme Court video. Retired Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Ronald Adrine vividly remembers where he was in 1968 when he heard that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had been slain. I was in the (college) dormitory, and it evoked all kinds of chaos, Judge Adrine recalls. People were running around and there was a lot of screaming. Nobody knew what to do. Everyone was mad, he said. I remember being extremely depressed about the fact that he was killed and, at the same time, not being surprised. Eight years later, when the U.S. House Select Committee on Assassinations was formed to investigate the killings of King and President John F. Kennedy, Judge Adrine, then a young lawyer, was selected as a committee investigator. His experience is highlighted in the new video, Crying for Answers, produced by the Ohio Supreme Courts Office of Public Information and the Ohio Channel. The video can be viewed at the link above or by visiting the Supreme Court websites, www.supremecourt.ohio.gov or www.courtnewsohio.gov. Its the second installment of a series Prejudice and Progress: A History of Racial Justice in Ohio that began earlier this year exploring racial injustice and the legal journeys of African Americans in the state. This video serves as a tribute to the energy and dedication of Judge Adrine, Chief Justice Maureen OConnor said. His work on the special committee showed a commitment to public service that he continued with his long and successful career on the bench. Judge Adrine served on the Cleveland Municipal Court for 36 years and chaired the Ohio Commission on Racial Fairness in 1994. He now serves as the first jurist-in-residence at Cleveland State Universitys Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. The premiere video in the Supreme Court series relates the pioneering work of state Rep. Benjamin Arnett. Knock the Monster in the Head: Benjamin Arnett versus The Ohio Black Laws is narrated by Judge Adrine. Close Get email notifications on {{subject}} daily! Your notification has been saved. There was a problem saving your notification. {{description}} Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. An AVA is a geographic designation with specific soil and climatic features that distinguish it from surrounding regions. This new one is the states eighth. Framed by the James and York rivers, the Virginia Peninsula AVA spans 50 miles and varies from five to 15 miles in width. It includes York, New Kent, Charles City and James City counties and the cities of Poquoson, Hampton, Newport News and Williamsburg. It includes five wineries with a total of 112 acres of vineyards and 61 more acres planned Williamsburg Winery, Upper Shirley Vineyards, New Kent Winery, Saude Creek Vineyards and Gauthier Vineyard. Now that schools are back today and tomorrow, I think well see more people going back to work, he said. But if you cant get child care, or you cant afford child care, it doesnt matter how many job openings there are, youre not going back to work. Having opened in May, Arora said they were aware of the staffing shortage but didnt realize how bad it was till they opened. Since opening, they have been trying to hire a bartender and are having to hold off on their alcohol program, which Arora envisioned would include craft cocktail offerings, until they can fill the position. Hyderabad: Callousness of civic authorities is not only causing huge losses to the exchequer, but also is depriving its denizens of their rightful amount of drinking water for long. Construction of a 90-million gallons per day (MGD) water treatment plant (WTP) at Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes proposed 10 years ago is still lying on paper, as authorities seem to be insensitive to the basic needs of people. If the water treatment plant had been constructed, it would have catered to the drinking water needs of 10 lakh people and avoided inundation at low-lying areas along the Musi during October last year and for the last three months this year. Though the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWS&SB) designed the project, it is yet to see the light of the day. According to highly placed sources, after the 1908 flash floods caused massive losses of lives and properties, the civic authorities were forced to initiate flood control measures. Renowned civil engineer Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya suggested constructions of two storage reservoirs on Musi named as Osmansagar and on Esi, its tributary, as Himayatsagar. As the population of the then Hyderabad started increasing, the said flood control storage reservoirs were converted as drinking water supply sources and supply began from Osmansagar in 1920 (construction began in 1912 and completed in 1920) and from Himayatsagar in 1927 by gravity. The water treatment plants constructed at Asifnagar and Mir Alam till date have been treating 40 MGD water which are being supplied in the city. A decade ago, the twin reservoirs reached their dead storage levels and the water board officials, in order maintain the full tank levels, proposed to construct a 90 MGD water treatment plant linking Osmansagar and Himayatsagar and draw water through gravity from KP Laxmidevipally reservoir as a part of Palamuru-Rangareddy lift irrigation project. If the project was executed, it would have treated water and supplied to about 10 lakh consumers at Rs. 10 per kilolitre since it could have avoided the electricity and other charges unlike drawing water from hundreds of kilometres from the Krishna and the Godavari river basins apart from avoiding flash floods. A senior HMWSSB official said the city could have avoided not only flash floods along Musi but also would have catered to the drinking water needs of 10 lakh families at a very cheaper price if the 90 MGD water treatment plant was constructed. He said currently the water treatment plants at Asifnagar and Mir Alam could not treat beyond 20 MGD as they were constructed during early 1900's and the excess floodwater from the upstream areas were left into the Musi by lifting the gates of twin reservoirs which has been inundating hundreds of colonies in the downstream damaging properties and claiming lives. "City has to live with the flash floods in the coming years and construction of a 90 MGD water treatment plant would be a great help as it could save the city from submergence and cater to its drinking water needs, the official added. Apart from the twin reservoirs, Manjira Phase I and II, Singur (Manjira phase-III and IV), Krishna Phase-I, II, III and Godavari Phase-I have been serving the drinking water needs of the city. As of now, the total installed capacity for Hyderabad drinking water supply is 602 MGD. At present, a total of 430 MGD is being supplied in the service area of HMWS&SB which is extended beyond the GHMC limits up to the outer ring road (ORR). Rao stated that 85 tmc ft was allocated to the Icchampally project according to GWDT Award and inter-state agreement among the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. (DC File Image) Hyderabad: Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao on Monday met union Jal Shakti minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat in Delhi. He submitted a representation to the union minister that was released by the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) which talks only about projects in the Godavari basin. There is no mention of projects in Krishna basin that have become a bone of contention between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. However, official sources said Rao reiterated his demand of sharing Krishna water at the ratio of 50:50 between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh against 66:34 being shared at present between both the states. The Chief Minister urged Shekhawat to drop 11 projects in the Godavari basin from the list of 'unapproved projects' mentioned in the recent gazette issued by the Centre bringing all irrigation projects in the Krishna and the Godavari basins under the respective river management boards (KRMB and GRMB). Rao informed Shekhawat that these 11 projects were started before formation of Telangana State and were well within the 967.94 tmc ft share of the state. Out of this allocation, projects for 758.76 tmc ft are already cleared by the Central Water Commission (CWC) and water availability has been cleared by the Hydrology Directorate for another 148.82 tmc ft. The balance allocation of 60.26 tmc ft has been kept as a reserve for future projects, evaporation losses etc. Rao stated that 85 tmc ft was allocated to the Icchampally project according to GWDT Award and inter-state agreement among the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. The Indira Sagar and Rajiv Sagar projects were given in-principle allocation of 16 tmc ft each. The Devadula LIS was allocated 38 tmc ft and all relevant clearances for the project were also obtained. Thus, a total of 155 tmc ft allocation was obtained from the CWC for these four projects. Rao brought to his notice that in lieu of above four projects, the Telangana government had decided to take up Sitarama project with an allocation of 70 tmc ft, Devadula LIS (with barrage at Tupakula Gudem) with 60 tmc ft, Mukteswar (Chinna Kaleshwaram) LIS with 4.5 tmc ft, Ramappa-Pakhala Link with 3 tmc ft, Modikunta Vagu with 2.14 tmc ft and Chowtupally Hanumanthu Reddy LIS with 0.8 tmc ft. This totals to 140.44 tmc ft leaving a balance of 14.56 tmc ft as reserve. "As these projects are taken up by the Telangana government out of water allocations already approved by CWC, the DPRs of these projects may be expeditiously approved," Rao said. He clarified that an additional 1 tmc ft per day of Kaleshwaram project was not an additional nor a new project. It had only been taken up with the state government funds to utilise 240 tmc ft allocations made to Kaleshwaram project by CWC, within a shorter time period and as such did not require any approval by the Centre. Similarly, he said, Kandakurthi LIS, Ramappa-Pakhala Link, Tupakulagudem barrage, Gudem LIS, Kanthanapally projects also did not require any approval and urged Shekhawat to drop these 11 projects from 'unapproved list' in the Centre's recent gazette. The state's cumulative debt has now shot up to a whopping Rs 3,84,615.66 crore. (Photo: Twitter @AndhraPradeshCM) Amaravati: The Government of India has given a much-needed breather to the cash-starved Andhra Pradesh government, allowing it to raise Rs 10,500 crore through open market borrowing (OMB) for the first nine months of the ongoing financial year. With this, the total OMB allowed to the state during the current year would be Rs 31,251 crore, the Union Finance Ministry said in a letter to the Reserve Bank of India. The Centre fixed a Net Borrowing Ceiling (NBC) of Rs 42,472 crore for the state for the year 2021-22, with a borrowing space of Rs 37,163 crore for the first nine months. A debt statement' prepared by the state Finance Department indicated that a sum of Rs 34,058.80 crore has already been borrowed from April to August this year. The sum includes Rs 14,867.60 crore OMB in the first five months of the current fiscal year, the statement said. The state's cumulative debt has now shot up to a whopping Rs 3,84,615.66 crore, including Rs 1,27,105.81 crore borrowed by the Jagan government in the last two years. Besides, other outstanding loans, for which the state government gave guarantees, climbed to Rs 96,500.36 crore, an increase of Rs 47,058 crore in the last two years. Unable to pay even the staff salaries in time, the Jagan Mohan Reddy government pleaded with the Centre to give consent for raising Rs 17,810 crore through OMB in the first nine months of the 2021-22 financial year. The Centre adjusted an amount of Rs 17,923.94 crore with the available borrowing space on account of over-borrowing by AP during the previous years and thereby brought down the NBC this year. The state government has been requesting that the Centre review the whole thing in the light of the repayments made under State Development Loans pertaining to the erstwhile united AP, official sources here told PTI. AP Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath made several trips to New Delhi and made repeated SOS pleas to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to allow the state borrow more money to meet the basic needs. But, the Centre found fault with the manner in which the state has been raising fresh loans by pledging future tax revenues. Prima facie, the pledging of future tax revenues appears to be not in consonance with the Article 266 (1) of the Constitution, the Union Finance Ministry noted in a recent letter to the state Principal Finance Secretary. It sought details of the loans raised by the state and the revenue sources that have been pledged or escrowed to repay the loans. Last week, the state Finance Minister called on the Union Finance Minister yet again and gave a detailed clarification on the issue, official sources here said. On September 3, the Department of Expenditure under the Union Finance Ministry wrote to the Internal Debt Management Department of the RBI, asking it to make necessary arrangement in consultation with the state government to raise the OMB, the sources added. Kolkata: Unhappy with the Election Commissions announcement of Assembly by-polls in Bhowanipore seat and the likely win by Trinamul Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, the state BJP on Monday slammed the commission and threatened to take legal steps for a stay on the elections. Wondering whether the EC was an astrologer or psephologist, state BJP general secretary Sayantan Basu said, Is Bhowanipore free from Covid-19 but four other Assembly constituencies -- Dinhata, Santipur, Khardah and Gosaba - are in the grip of it? The EC needs to explain this. Referring to state chief secretary H.K. Dwiwedis apprehension to EC of a constitutional crisis if Ms Banerjee cannot continue as the CM without winning and becoming an MLA within six months of the state elections, Mr Basu added, It was heard that the state chief secretary wrote to the EC for the need of the CM to become an elected member. He added, But how could the EC accept the state governments proposal or argument? Is the EC an astrologer or psephologist who is able to foresee Ms Banerjee's victory? The EC has to give its reply Our leaders are consulting the legal experts. If needed, we will move the court against the EC decision." The development came on a day the EC issued a notification about the Assembly by-poll in Bhowanipore and polls at Shamshergunj and Jangipur seats in Murshidabad on September 30. According to sources, senior BJP leaders in New Delhi have already spoken to their party MP and veteran lawyer, Mahesh Jethmalani, after getting calls from the state party leadership to explore options to file a petition against the EC before the constitutional bench of the Supreme Court. Reacting to Mr Basu, TMC state general secretary Kunal Ghosh said, The BJP has become isolated from the people. That is why it depends on the Central Bureau of Investigation, Enforcement Directorate and National Human Rights Commission to create issues which are not our problems. Since there is an improvement in the Covid-19 pandemic, we urged the EC for the Assembly by-polls in all the vacant seats. Now the EC can only state why it decided the by-poll only at a certain seat. Anyway, this is not something new going to happen for the first time. In the past it happened in the cases of two former prime ministers, H.D. Deve Gowda and P.V. Narasimha Rao. Bengaluru: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Tuesday hinted at BJP joining hands with the JD(S), to gain control over the Kalaburagi city corporation, as the polls there threw up a hung verdict. "There were no detailed discussions, I told them (JDS) let's go together. They will also talk to local leaders and decide. They have shown interest in working together in the corporation, and most probably BJP and JD(S) together will form a majority in Kalaburagi (city corporation)," Bommai told reports in response to a question on any discussion with the regional party leaders, who had met him on Monday. In the results for urban local body polls that were announced on Monday, BJP swept the Belagavi city corporation, but failed to cross the majority mark in its bastion of Hubballi-Dharwad and finished second in Kalaburagi. While in Hubballi-Dharwad, where the BJP is short of three to reach the halfway mark of 42, the party is confident of coming to power, as it has three MLAs, two MLCs and an MP to up its tally. The saffron party, however, will need JD(S)' support to gain control in Kalaburagi, where Congress ended up as the single-largest party by winning 27 out of the 55 seats, while the BJP won 23, JD(S) four and one Independent. A delegation of JD(S) legislators led by their leader H D Kumaraswamy on Monday had met Chief Minister Bommai regarding various issues concerning constituencies represented by them. DeSoto County Board of Supervisors approved a $325 million budget for FY/22 that does not include a tax hike for the 18th year in a row. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Let us know what's going on! Go to form Get 25% off of the regular $65 annual All Access rate. With this subscription you will get: Digital access to ElPasoInc.com and archives (value $45) Print subscription home or business delivered (value $65) Book of Lists (annual rate only, value $50) El Paso Inc. Magazine (value $20) El Paso Kids Inc. Special sections - OR - Get 15% off of the regular $45 annual Digital-only rate. With this subscription you will get: Complete digital access to ElPasoInc.com. Emporia, KS (66801) Today A few clouds early, otherwise mostly sunny. High 82F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph.. Tonight Clear skies. Low 63F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Thank you for reading! Please purchase a subscription to read our premium content. If you have a subscription, please log in or sign up for an account on our website to continue. Japan welcomed the HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier as an ambassador to Japan in its first visit, as the two nations connect more solid ties. Part of the concern because the Royal Navy warship voyaged is to signal British support of Asian partners in the face of the changing geopolitical changes. Significant events in Afghanistan have shifted concerns with US allies like the UK and Japan if the current US administration can shore up its commitments assist if China makes a move. The UK had signaled its move to become a significant power in the South China Sea in case of a power vacuum that will be serious for the Indo-Pacific when the US was thought to keep China in place. British and Japanese interests are at stake The Royal Navy supercarrier is now docked in the Yokosuka Navy base, which is in the bay of Tokyo, where US interest safeguards Japan. Its presence means that Downing Street is doubling down in the stake of the UK in the South China Sea, and acting as a power bloc to Chinese military aggression, reported the Express UK. Since the Biden administration entered and the Afghan debacle, the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) is getting more daring as the US has lost its footing with allies. Also, the perception without the US to hold it together, everything will fall apart. HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier will be a force projection and ambassador to Japan when support for allies is needed most. Read Also: HMS Queen Elizabeth Battle Group Detects Noisy Chinese Submarines Trying to Stalk the Battlegroup on Orders of Beijing Commodore Steve Moorhouse, Commander of the Carrier Strike Group, posted a Twitter video that addressed concerns about the visit. These concerns were overreaching commitments in consular, economic, and security concerns of the Indo-pacific region. He reiterated that the UK would ramp up this relationship to a whole new level. Stated that the British Carrier Strike Group is for freedom of navigation, securing vital shipping routes, and an international system that works for all nations in the Indo-Pacific, Moorhouse worded. The details of the visit According to the Yokosuka city office, 1,240 crew members on the HMS Queen Elizabeth would stay on board and not disembark from the warship. The ship will remain till Thursday and leave for another port. Last Thursday, HMS Queen Elizabeth came from naval exercises with the US, Japan, Netherlands, and Canada to improve cooperation or interoperability between these nations' navies. It is hoped that it will lead to a western ideology of an overall free Indo-pacific. The stopover in Japan is only of the many, the most powerful carrier the Royal Navy had made on its way to the South China Sea when it left May this year for the world tour, citing the BBC. China is set to impose a set of maritime laws to control the movement of foreign ships in the South China Sea that will cause conflict. It is timely that Queen Elizabeth acts as an ambassador to Japan in this part of the world threatened by the Chinese Communist Party. Aside from the powerful Nimitz class carriers of the US, the HMS Queen Elizabeth Supercarrier can carry 40 F-35s which the Shandong and Liaoning lack. In the world view, the new laws by China may be a cause for more British involvement in the Indo-Pacific. Related Article: British Supercarrier HMS Queen Elizabeth Sails Into South China Sea, Ignores Beijing Warnings and Joins Allies Against China @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The White House is spinning facts about Joe Biden's recent statement that he went to the Tree of Life Synagogue, adding to the criticisms heaped after the Afghan debacle. Members of the White House are afraid of the fallout from another of the blunders committed in the past. Questionable media have covered up all the inaccuracies and his alleged tall tales. The White House staffers now stop it from getting magnified by critics having a field day. It seems that the ex-VP's statement set off damage control to keep the issue out of the limelight, with sinking approval numbers which are alarming to his alleged handlers. Tall tales that may not be true Biden claimed he visited the place where an Anti-Semitic terror attack happened and talked to the people involved, which actually never happened. Many call this habit of his questionable and not too honest, reported Express UK. Based on the alleged report, the president talked to Jewish leaders a week ago, wherein he added spending time at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It is where 11 people were shot dead and with six surviving the gunman's murder spree. Among those killed ironically are several who survived the death camps, only to be gunned down cruelly on October 28, 2018. Joe Biden's claim about the Tree of Life Synagogue was not actual, caught in his alleged tales. Read Also: Ex-White House Stenographer Said Joe Biden Cannot Keep Up, Relies on Scripts The White House's communication specialists are set to spin what their commander in chief said to keep it from spiraling madly. They are changing the facts from visiting the synagogue to calling the Rabbi responsible for the institution instead, criticized the Times of Israel. A phone call contradicts the spin of the White House in the 16-minute call with leaders before the celebration of two Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, this week. He mentions in an embellishment that he visited the Jewish synagogue after the attack. Biden said during the convo that he recalled having spent time in the ill-fated synagogue, which the administration is remaking into another narrative. The White House was rebutted But the synagogue's executive director, Barb Feige, told the New York Post on Thursday that President Biden did not visit.This revelation forced the administration's spin doctors to admit their attempt to reframe the facts, which did not point to Biden's too conflicted recollections. Instead, a patchy answer to a report mentioned it was a call with the Jewish religious head of the Tree of Life rabbi in 2019. Compared to the barefaced misled statement made by Biden, it was former President Donald Trump who went there three days after the deadly attack. It was appreciated by the Jewish community, while the Democratic left had nothing good to say. Soon after the president's claims, another Tree of Life Rabbi Hazzan Jeffrey Myers, said that Biden called him after the happening. Myers added that he got the call on the mobile while at Dulles Airport waiting for a plane to Pittsburg in 2019, after testifying in the lower house that same year. Joe Biden's claims were the White House spin caught in one of his embellishments, even disputed by the Rabbi there. Related Article: Biden Makes a Mistake Saying 6,000 US Servicemen Died From COVID-19 @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. It only took a false rumor about the fall of Panjshir to make the Jihadis kill people with indirect fire after they fire guns in the air, which Taliban commanders forbade to do. The militants unknowingly terrorized when they forgot that firing into the air is dangerous. Taliban's chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told the terror militants were not happy that the premature celebration caused the deaths of 17 people and hurt 41 as a result of the Jihadis' carelessness. The region of Panjshir Valley is where the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, under the combined might of the Northern Alliance, with Ahmad Massoud, and joined by Amrullah Saleh, is the final stumbling block to rule Afghanistan uncontested. Taliban commanders condemn reckless firing due false rumor The fake news of Panjshir's fall was a cause for mistaken celebration by the Taliban because that area is synonymous with death for any Jihadi entering its confines. Relieved no one needed to retake it anymore led to wild gunfire, which rained death on inhabitants of Kabul, reported the Express UK. Zabihullah Mujahid stressed, "Avoid firing in the air and thank God instead." He added that the rifles issued to their combatants are public property, and recklessly wasting bullets is unacceptable. It was only a rumor, not a confirmation of the actual fall of the 'Lions of Panjshir' when residents of Kabul were told it is still unconquered, cited the AFP. A week ago, one of the Taliban commanders alleged that Panjshir has fallen and added the terror militants control the country. Read Also: Joe Biden has Dropped it in Afghanistan; Allies Fear the US Fail Against China in the Future The Jihadis have never overtaken the fortified valley from 1996 to 2001, where even the Soviets could not overcome local resistance. Losses were for the Taliban mullahs, failing to uproot the entrenched Northern alliance. Freedom still holds in Panjshir According to Fahim Dashty, National Resistance Front (NRF) of Afghanistan, the claims the resistance has folded to the Taliban are untrue. No force has yet conquered a dedicated defense of the valley, even the armed might of the Soviets. Recently, the Jihadis are desperate to remove the resistance. As of this report, Dashty, resistance spokesperson, was killed by a Pakistani drone attack cited by Fes Afghanistan in a tweet. The Taliban is supported by Pakistani forces joining the assault of Panjshir valet, which still stands. #FahimDashty was killed, it seems, by a Pakistani drone in #Panjshir. New proof, if it was needed, that #Pakistan is a true rogue state. #PrayForPanjshir pic.twitter.com/GstmSvLXMZ Bernard-Henri Levy (@BHL) September 5, 2021 Panjshir Valley is 93 miles from Kabul and closes to the Hindu Kush mountains, near Afghanistan, with 100,000 living there. Standing between the terror group forces is a militia under the northern alliance, with several thousand fighters with the remaining Afghan army units included, noted the Wall Street Journal. Due to its strategic location, this location has not been overrun by any aggressor, with just one entry point limiting the Taliban from attacking in masse. High mountains on each side keep enemies from outflanking the NRF, which leads to mass casualties of the terror Jihadis. Historically, from 1980 to 1985, resistance forces staved off a massive Soviet army that failed in nine offensives to unseat defenders in the area. Taliban commanders are right to hold off celebrations for the fall of Panjshir because it is not confirmed yet. The NRF is determined to hold out never surrender to the Jihadis. Related Article: Afghan National Resistance Front Push Back Taliban Attacks in Attempts to Capture the Panjshir Valley @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. A recent survey indicates former President Donald Trump is the favorite to win the United States presidential election in 2024, narrowly beating Democratic incumbent Joe Biden. According to a nationwide Emerson College poll, if the two men were to face off in 2024, Trump would win by a slim margin, with 47 percent to Biden's 46 percent. Biden's job approval is divided among registered voters. Poll shows Americans dissatisfied with Biden's job Around 47 percent disapprove and 46 percent approve of his job as president, according to the poll and the remaining 7% were uncertain. Sixty percent of Democrats questioned indicated they would support Biden as the Democratic presidential contender in 2024, while 39% said they would prefer someone else. In a hypothetical GOP primary with seven other candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and former South Carolina Governor and ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, 67 percent of Republican voters said they would vote for Trump. When matched against all other Republican candidates, including DeSantis, Biden is the clear favorite to win in a hypothetical presidential election in 2024. The poll revealed that 71 percent of Democrats and 69 percent of Republicans said they were very likely to vote in the 2022 midterm elections, as per Newsweek via MSN. The revelation comes as the former head of the Ulster Unionist Party has warned the US president about his support for the Northern Ireland Protocol. In a letter to President Joe Biden, David Trimble warned that Biden's support for the protocol might lead to "civil unrest" in Northern Ireland, Daily Mail reported. Trimble has asked Joe Biden to abandon his support for the Northern Ireland Protocol, warning that the post-Brexit border regulations might lead to bigotry. By siding with the European Union on the matter, the architect of the Good Friday Agreement accused the White House of "contributing to the harm being inflicted" to the peace deal. To avoid the reintroduction of a land border with the Republic, the protocol, which was negotiated as part of the Brexit deal, requires inspections on goods traveling from the United Kingdom to Northern Ireland to be carried out at ports. However, the regulations have created commercial disruption and enraged unionists, who have asked that they be repealed, claiming that they constitute a barrier between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK. Boris Johnson has urged Brussels to rewrite the protocol on several occasions, but the bloc has stated that it is reluctant to do so. The EU has stated that it is prepared to make minor adjustments to the regulations to make them easier to implement. The two parties are still in negotiations about how to improve critical sticking points, but there has been little progress. The protocol had been forced on the people of Northern Ireland without their permission, according to Lord Trimble, who has Irish heritage. Read Also: Jen Psaki Scolds at Male Reporter as a Response to Question Why President Joe Biden Supports Abortion Biden's approval rating plummeted following the Afghanistan chaos Following the tumultuous departure of American soldiers from Afghanistan, Biden's popularity has plummeted. According to a poll done by NPR, PBS NewsHour, and Marist, it has dropped to 43%. Biden's approval rating was 49 percent in August and only 36% of independent voters approve of Biden's job performance, while 55% disapprove. According to a Morning Consult survey, Biden's popularity rating hit new lows last week, falling below 50% for the first time in his presidency. Meanwhile, Trump continues to hint about a possible White House comeback. He's been ramping up his public criticism of Biden's handling of the Afghanistan drawdown. He chastised the president for handing over a "kill list" of individuals waiting to be evacuated from the war-torn nation to Taliban terrorists. Trump called the United States "weak and pathetic," and said that the troops were being directed by individuals who had no concept of what they were doing. As he attacked Biden's plan of withdrawing soldiers before civilians, the Republican said the Afghan situation was the result of "the dumbest move ever undertaken in US history." Per The Sun, he released an advertisement dubbed "failure," which featured a montage of video clips and still pictures criticizing Biden for the Taliban's quick takeover of Afghanistan. If he decides to run for President again in 2024, this might be the first TV ad of his campaign. Trump is expected to announce his candidacy for president "any day now," according to Ohio congressman Jim Jordan. Related Article: Donald Trump To Announce 2024 Run for President Any Day From Now, Says GOP Rep. Jim Jordan @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. At least eight children were fatally shot in Chicago over Labor Day weekend, including a four-year-old boy who was struck by bullets fired from outside his home through a window during a crossfire between criminals and their victims. During a news conference, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown criticized the gunmen and said that they, along with their victims, did not care whether or not innocent children were affected by their actions. The official said that young kids should not be the byproduct of criminal behavior. Labor Day Weekend Shootings He referred directly to offenders who were being targeted by other people, such as gangs. Brown argued that if they know they have a target on their back, they should not keep themselves near young children that could be casualties in potentially deadly encounters. Brown noted how rare it was for innocent children to be targeted themselves and noted that it was always an offender, gang member, criminal network, or quarrel between two parties that resulted in young victims. The official called the victims "innocent bystanders" that were shot due to their environment, ABC News reported. Authorities identified the youngest victim of the Labor Day Weekend shooting as four-year-old Mychal Moultry and police were still trying to locate his killer on Monday. Officials have put up a $9,000 reward for any information that could lead to the arrest of the shooter. Read Also: At Least 3 Dead, 3 Injured in Washington Shootingl; $75,000 Reward for Information That Could Lead to Suspect's Arrest Awaits Officials said that Mychal was trying to get his hair styled in the front part of a home when two bullets suddenly struck his head through a window. Deputy Chief of the Chicago police detective division, Rahman Muhammad, said detectives were investigating the crime scene in search of evidence and witnesses. Police revealed that at least three other people were shot dead over the weekend and 53 others were injured by guns. Muhammad said that an 11-year-old kid was wounded by a bullet on Saturday and that a 14-year-old was struck in the ankle when multiple gunshots were fired into a crowd at an event celebrating kids going back to school, NBC News reported. Surge of Gun Violence The devastating surge of gun violence and gun violence victims in major cities across the United States has drawn criticism from many residents. Some experts previously warned that recent shooting and murder rate increases could lead to more deadly and violent summer months. Chicago, in the month of August, recorded 78 murders, an increase of 22% compared to the same time last year. On a year-to-date comparison from 2020, officials reported an increase of 3% in murders. While the region reported lower numbers for shootings, from August 2020 with 380 to August 2021 with 372, the number of victims of gun violence increased by three last month. The Chicago Police Department recorded two fewer murders in July in a year-to-year comparison but reported an increase in shootings from those months. One of the more notable incidents occurred in August when a seven-year-old girl was shot dead while sitting in a parked car next to her six-year-old sister, who was also critically wounded, Fox News reported. Related Article: Taliban Terror: Jihadis Viciously Executes Pregnant Ex-Police Officer and Mutilates Her Face in a Terrible Execution @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Relatives of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 passengers and crew members have accused Russia of lying about its suspected participation in the plane's downing, which killed 298 people. The passenger jet was shot down over eastern Ukraine by a missile launched by pro-Russian militants, according to international investigators. However, Moscow denies any involvement. On Monday, family members began testifying in the murder trial of four suspects in the Netherlands. Over the next three weeks, hundreds of relatives will be allowed to speak or submit written statements. On July 17, 2014, MH17 was traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was hit by a Russian surface-to-air missile launched from a Russian base close beyond the Ukrainian border, according to international investigators and prosecutors. MH17 airplane crash victims' families speak against Russia Van der Steen spoke in Russian about lying, adding that she did so for the advantage of people who are listening in on behalf of the Russian state today. Russia has refused to extradite the accused, claiming that it has not supported or backed insurgents battling Ukrainian government forces. The family is permitted under Dutch law to make a victim impact statement to the court without being questioned. Over the following three weeks, more than 90 people intend to do so, with some speaking via live video links from neighboring nations, as per Daily Mail. The trial began in March 2020 and went through a protracted sequence of preliminary hearings before attorneys started debating the case's merits in June. The complicated case is anticipated to go on into the next year. Prosecutors accused four suspects - Russians Sergey Dubinskiy, Igor Girkin, and Oleg Pulatov, as well as Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko - of numerous counts of murder for their suspected role in shooting down the airplane after a years-long international investigation. Read Also: China, Russia Ditch US Dollars in Expanded Trade Settlements in Favor of National Currencies Trial expected to reach a decision in late 2022 Per SCMP, three Russians and a Ukrainian citizen are on trial for murder, all of whom are accused of playing important roles in separatist forces. A team of international investigators determined in May 2018 that the launcher used to fire the missile belonged to Russia's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. For the last year and a half, the fugitive suspects have been on trial. Because only one party sends attorneys to defend him, the matter is not completely tried in his absence under Dutch law. On Monday, judges said they anticipate deciding in late 2022. Vanessa Rizk, whose parents were passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin and his administration for the political catastrophe that led to the accident in 2014. Hundreds of relatives will be allowed to speak or submit written testimonies over the next three weeks, beginning with the Dutch woman. She stressed that her parents played no part in the politics that led to their murders. For the last year and a half, the fugitive suspects have been on trial. Because only one party sends attorneys to defend him, the matter is not completely tried in his absence under Dutch law, SBS reported. Investigators urged Russians to come forward with knowledge regarding the missile's deployment, which they believe brought down the aircraft. Related Article: Taliban Stops Six Planes Full of Evacuees From Leaving Afghanistan; Americans Reportedly Onboard @YouTube @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Democrats are rushing to put together a multitrillion-dollar social spending plan while avoiding any squabbles that might jeopardize the party's unity. Democratic Lawmakers Consider Expanding Different Benefits, Taxes Remain a Big Issue In a recently published article in The Hill, many important elements of the package have to do with taxation. Democrats seek to prolong tax credit increases for low- and middle-income families that were passed earlier this year as part of President Biden's coronavirus relief legislation. They also seek to fund their planned spending and tax cuts, which include health care, child care, and climate change, by raising taxes on businesses and the wealthy. Meanwhile, the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees taxes, is scheduled to begin debating its part of the plan next week. No legislative text has been released by the panel. However, Democrats will need nearly every party vote in the House and all 50 votes in the Senate, so they must guarantee that all of their measures can win support from both moderates and progressives, according to a recently published article in the Daily Advent. Read Also: Taliban Allegedly Hold Americans and Afghan Allies as Hostage; Militant Group Won't Let the Plane Leave Kabul International Airport Benefits and Tax Issues in the Proposed $3.5 Trillion Bill Child Tax Credit The maximum credit amount was raised from $2,000 to $3,600 for children under the age of six and $3,000 for older children as a consequence of Biden's $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief legislation. The credit was also made completely accessible to low-income families, and the IRS began providing monthly advance payments of the credit. These modifications are only in effect until 2021. The White House suggested keeping the credit accessible to low-income families indefinitely but only extending the higher credit amount until 2025. According to the Treasury Department, this would cost roughly $450 billion over ten years, according to a published report in CNBC. Corporate Tax After the GOP tax legislation reduced the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent in 2017, Biden has suggested increasing it to 28 percent. Some moderates have expressed a desire for a lower rate hike than Biden has suggested. Sen. Joe Manchin, a crucial moderate, has said that a corporation tax rate of 25 percent would be preferable. The lower the corporate tax rate rise, the less money will be produced to cover the expense of Democrats' spending objectives. Raising the corporation tax rate to 28 percent, according to the Treasury Department, would generate $858 billion in revenue over ten years. International Tax Changes The White House has suggested raising the minimum tax on overseas profits of U.S. businesses to 21 percent. At the same time, the government is negotiating a worldwide minimum tax rate of at least 15 percent with other nations via the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Furthermore, last month, several House Democrats, including several members of the Ways and Means Committee, expressed worry about increasing the U.S. tax rate to a level that is greater than the rate set by a global agreement. Capital Gains Changes When it comes to capital gains taxes, which are taxes paid on investment profits, Democrats have a lot of ground to cover. One problem is determining where the highest capital gains tax rate should be placed, according to a published article in Associated Press. The current top rate is 20 percent, but Biden proposes substantially raising it to ensure that capital gains and regular income are taxed at the same rate for people and families earning more than $1 million. Biden has suggested a top tax of 39.6 percent on a regular income. Related Article: Stimulus Checks and Bonuses: More Than 25 Million Americans are About To Receive Their Payments, Are You Qualified? @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Longtime Philadelphia police officer, Erin Tokley, was supposed to get a coronavirus vaccine after officers in the area became eligible for shots in late January but unfortunately lost his life after he fell ill with the infection in early February before getting inoculated. The victim is a 47-year-old father of three who was scheduled to get the vaccine on the day of his death. Tokley, who is referred to as "Toke" by his friends and family, lost his battle against COVID-19 on March 3, marking the Philadelphia Police Department's sixth confirmed coronavirus-related death. Refusing Vaccine Mandate The summer has seen the resurgence of coronavirus cases as the national debate over vaccine mandates is pitting officials and members of the public against each other. Many first responders are refusing vaccine requirements despite many of their colleagues being victims of the coronavirus pandemic. Tokley's widow, Octavia, was disappointed in how her husband's colleagues were acting in refusing to get vaccinated against the infection. She argued that her husband's life could no longer be saved but theirs still can. "I don't want to have to be there to support your family for this. Nobody deserves this, especially when it can be prevented," Octavia said during an interview with the Associated Press. Octavia's husband is one of 132 law enforcement personnel who has died in 2021 due to coronavirus as of Monday. Last month, Florida alone recorded six people to have died in the span of 10 days because of the infection. Read Also: Arkansas Prisoners Claim Doctor Gives Unproven COVID-19 Treatment Ivermectin to Run Secret Experiments In the first half of the year, 71 law enforcement officials in the United States lost their lives because of the virus. The number represents a lower number compared to the 76 that died in 2020 in the same timeframe. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund released the data that showed a total of 241 individuals lost their lives in 2020. It marked down the coronavirus infection as the leading cause of death for law enforcement line-of-duty deaths in that year, US News reported. Rising Number of COVID-19 Fatalities Despite the rising number of fatalities, police officers and other first responders are hesitant to get vaccinated amid the region's vaccine mandate. The vaccination rate among police and fire departments is far below the national average of 74% of adults who are at least partially vaccinated. The situation comes as 1,200 first responders are filing a lawsuit to counter Honolulu's vaccine mandate. Attorneys of the individuals said the lawsuit will be filed on Friday in an attempt to prevent the vaccine mandate that is scheduled to take effect on Monday, Aug. 16. The involved first responders are police officers, firefighters, and other personnel. "They're just asking for the chance to choose. It's a personal, autonomous, healthcare decision, and everyone should make their own choice, whether or not they want to take a vaccine or not," Attorney Shawn Luiz said. Honolulu Fire Department Capt. Kaimi Pelekai said that he had to choose between his career and an experimental drug that he had no idea about effects on his body, KHON2 reported. Related Article: New Mu COVID-19 Variant Begins To Spread in the US; Fauci Claims Strain is not "Immediate Threat" Right Now @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The second world war, the fabled amber room worth 250m, was looted by Nazis. A group of divers will have a chance to discover what lies in the crates inside the sunken warship 'Karlsruhe,' which carried it. It was for many years a mystery, and many have sought it but never found it until now. The secrets are just waiting for intrepid treasure hunters to claim the lost treasures. The discoverers have to go down to 290-feet below sea level via a shaft as the entry point called the 'Moon Pool.' Once inside, the divers will have only 30 minutes with submarine scooters to check the crates inside. Expedition to find the Amber room Planned group dives will be several times per day, and strict two-and-a-half hours to resurface for each attempt reported the Sun UK. Tomek Stachura, 56, head of the mission, says that he is not an Amber Room enthusiast, but he is interested in what the crates hold inside them, as seen by the robots sent on the last dive, reports Bild. Their previous dive yielded a frame with a rotted painting in a damaged box, leading the divers to assume the crates might hide more fabulous valuables on wooden boards. According to the shipowner Klass Weyj, 58, his ship Glomar Vantage is leased to Stachura because he thinks there is a 90% chance the valuables will be seen again. He is confident the expedition will be successful in their quest in finding the fabled Amber Room that Nazis looted. Read Also: Hitler's Nazi Death Squads Massacred About 3,500 Women and Children As Discovered in a Russian Mass Grave Nazi Treasure ship may be found Though not verified, the German warship, the Karlsruhe, is suspected of carrying the Amber Room when it was detected. One clue is that the SS Karlsruhe was seen in the Konigsberg coastline or today's Kalinigrad, in April 1945 at the height of Operation Hannibal, which pulled out German troops and beat the eastern front, cited Livescience. It is the last known place the Amber Room was seen thirty days earlier. A total of 500 to 1000 ships were deployed to retrieve civilians, troops, and military hardware from the Russian front. Not all were able to get through when 150 ships, including the Amber Room ship, were sent to the bottom by Soviet subs and warships. Besides the Amber Room on the Karlsruhe, as many as 1,100 died when it sank. One historian, Piotr Michalik, 48, said the ship had two minesweepers accompanying it, unusual to boot. The vessel had 306 tons, which meant it carried something on board that was not declared in the records that day. A German steamer SS Karlsruhe was more loaded than other ships in the escaping fleet, only making seven knots instead of nine, which made it an easy target for the Russians to sink. If the Amber Room treasure is found, divers will return the find to the Russian government. In April 2020, Strachura located the sunken German steamer, assumed to hold the Amber Chamber that went missing in 1945. One of the treasured loots coveted by Nazis who lost it at sea, later the subject of treasure hunts, sought by historians and treasure hunters alike. Related Article: Titanic Artifacts Found, New Discovery Mission "Like Opening a Treasure Box" @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Indian authorities are struggling to contain the recent outbreak of the Nipah Virus in the southern Kerala state as the new infection is believed to be more deadly than the coronavirus after it resulted in the death of a 12-year-old boy over the weekend. Authorities are increasing efforts to trace the victim's contacts as new infections have been confirmed by officials. A week ago, the young boy was admitted to the hospital for high fever, where his condition worsened. Doctors suspected the kid was suffering from inflammation of his brain, known as encephalitis. New Indian Infection Medical experts sent the patient's blood samples to the National Institute of Virology, where tests confirmed that the culprit was the Nipah virus. The 12-year-old boy, unfortunately, lost his life on Sunday fighting against the illness. India's government has ramped up its efforts to identify people who have come into contact with the victim and place them in quarantine. Authorities are also testing the suspected contact individuals to see if they contracted the virus. There were 188 people who came in close contact with the 12-year-old boy that had been identified by Monday, Veena George, the state's health minister said. Officials said that 20 of the identified individuals were considered high-risk primary contacts, which include the victim's family members that were told to undergo strict quarantine or admitted to the hospital, CBS News reported. Read Also: Arkansas Prisoners Claim Doctor Gives Unproven COVID-19 Treatment Ivermectin to Run Secret Experiments Medical experts have classified the Nipah virus as a zoonotic infection, which means it is transmitted between species, including from animals to humans or vice versa. In 1999, the infection was identified and subsequently isolated. The origin of the name of the virus is a village in Malaysia, Sungai Nipah. The virus' host can either be a pig, a fruit bat, dogs, goats, cats, horses, or sheep. The infection is believed to be maintained in nature by a type of fruit bat known as "flying foxes." These creatures show no signs of infection, making it difficult to trace the virus, India Today reported. What is the Nipah Virus? The Nipah virus shares one thing with the coronavirus; there is no cure for the infection in terms of treatment. Currently, medical experts have not been able to manufacture an antiviral drug and there are no licensed treatments for the Nipah virus. Symptoms of the deadly new virus include fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat, aches, fatigue, and encephalitis. The best way to keep an individual safe from the Nipah virus is prevention, which can be done by not consuming fruits that have fallen from trees to the ground. Other measures such as avoiding contact with infected people can also keep the number of cases low, the Times of India reported. India's newest case has already affected two healthcare workers who showed symptoms of the infection by Monday. They were later admitted to a hospital and their blood samples were taken for testing. A two-mile radius circle around the 12-year-old victim's home was sealed off by authorities who also screened people in adjoining districts of Kerala state. Tamil Nadu, the neighboring state, was placed on high alert for potential cases of fever. Related Article: COVID-19 C.1.2 Variant Discovered in South Africa Should Not be Cause for Panic, Here's What WHO Says @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Chicago police announced Sunday the death of a 4-year-old child who was shot in the head while sleeping inside a home in the Woodlawn area on Friday night . The incident occurred in the 6500 block of South Ellis shortly before 9 p.m. on Friday. Bullets were fired from outside a house and then passed through a window, striking the boy twice in the head. The toddler, named Mychal Moultry Jr., was taken to Comer Children's Hospital in severe condition, a Chicago Fire Department spokesperson said. A $9,000 reward has been offered by community activists, a non-profit, and a church for the identification and conviction of the individual guilty of the shooting. Authorities look into the suspect's identity Gunfire from outside the property hit Mychal Moultry Jr., who was sleeping at his father's apartment in Woodlawn, according to WGN-TV. Authorities said the kid, who was visiting from Alabama, was subsequently confirmed dead at a hospital on Sunday. During the incident, Mychal's 34-year-old mother was also injured by shattered glass. Over the Labor Day weekend, from Friday to early Monday, Mychal was the city's youngest homicide victim. According to officials, eight children were among the victims. Community activist Andrew Holmes said Mychal's father held him until paramedics arrived on the scene. Shell casings were discovered in front of a three-story apartment building with a smashed front window. Investigators have encouraged the public to contact cops if they have any information on the boy's death, the NY Post reported. Mychal and his mother arrived in Chicago on Friday morning, having traveled from their home in Decatur, Alabama. Initial interviews with Mychal's parents and the homeowner revealed no indication of motivation. Read Also: Arkansas Prisoners Claim Doctor Gives Unproven COVID-19 Treatment Ivermectin to Run Secret Experiments Labor Day weekend filled with reports of shootings During a violent Labor Day weekend in Democrat-controlled cities throughout the country, at least 68 people were shot, including a four-year-old boy. A cab driver was gunned and killed by a 15-year-old kid in the early hours of Sunday morning in Washington, D.C., and New York City, where a wave of attacks occurred. According to a new report published by Fox News, murders have climbed 16 percent in most major US cities that are dominated by Democrats so far in 2021 compared to 2020. Norfolk, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Baltimore, Omaha, St. Petersburg, Riverside, Los Angeles, Memphis, Chicago, New York, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Houston, Louisville, Denver, Nashville, Austin, Atlanta, Seattle, Raleigh, Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee were among the 24 cities included in the report. Per Daily Mail, homicide rates increased in 21 of the 24 cities examined. Aside from Portland, several of the highest percentage rises were in smaller cities with low murder rates, such as Omaha, St Petersburg, and Riverside. Cities with a history of far more murders, on the other hand, saw significant percentage rises. Chicago saw a 32 percent rise in killings in the first quarter of 2020. In the first quarter of 2021, there were 25 more homicides in Los Angeles, a 37 percent rise. Large cities, predictably, contributed disproportionately to the total rise in homicide victims. In the first quarter of 2021, the three largest cities -New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago- accounted for 39 percent of the 193 additional people slain. While the report does not specify the causes that went into its findings, the recent increase in violent crime rates necessitates an immediate reaction from municipal, state, and federal officials. There have been repeated demands from within the Democratic Party to defund the cops while President Joe Biden has already stated that he would not hesitate to take on the gun lobby head-on. Related Article: New York Man Pleads Not Guilty in Killing 2-Year-Old Boy by Burning Genitals with Blowtorch, Suffocating, and Beating Him @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. On Tuesday, September 7, Bitcoin will become legal currency in El Salvador. The Salvadoran government has begun buying bitcoin ahead of the legislation's implementation. El Salvador Government Started Buying Bitcoin In a recently published article in Bitcoin News, El Salvador's President, Nayib Bukele, revealed on Monday that the country has just purchased its first 200 coins. As the deadline nears, their brokers will be purchasing a lot more. The 200 bitcoins are worth approximately $10.34 million at the current BTC price of $51,691. "Tomorrow, for the first time in history, all eyes will be on El Salvador," Bukele said on Twitter. The country's Bitcoin Law, which was approved in June, will take effect on September 7th. It will make bitcoin, along with the U.S. dollar, legal currency in the nation. The government just released a video outlining what to anticipate. El Salvador's Congress passed a bill on Aug. 31 to establish a $150 million fund to enable conversions from bitcoin to U.S. dollars in preparation for bitcoin becoming legal currency. The funds for the new fund will be diverted from the finance ministry's existing budget and managed by El Salvador's state development bank, according to a published article in MCU Times. Read Also: Child Tax Credit and Tax Issues: Lawmakers Split in Crafting the Proposed $3.5 Trillion Bill El Salvador Government Offered $30 to Citizens President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador backed up his country's new legislation making Bitcoin legal money by offering $30 worth of the cryptocurrency to everyone who registers up for a digital wallet, according to a published report in Business World. Meanwhile, a rising number of bitcoin enthusiasts intend to purchase $30 worth of bitcoin to demonstrate their support for El Salvador's Bitcoin Law. President Bukele has pledged to provide $30 to everyone who utilizes Chivo, the government's bitcoin wallet. Some individuals have budgeted for more than $30. For example, Tahini's Restaurant has said that it would purchase $300 per hour tomorrow in favor of El Salvador's Bitcoin Law. Bukele said that the government's Chivo wallet is being placed in 200 ATMs and 50 bank branches throughout the nation, allowing customers to deposit and withdraw money without paying fees, according to a recently published article in The Hack Posts. Bitcoin Price Jumps as El Salvador Continues to Buy Bitcoin In a recently published article in Reuters, El Salvador's President, Nayib Bukele, announced on Monday that the nation had 400 bitcoins, one day before the country officially accepts it as legal currency alongside the US dollar. According to Refinitiv Eikon data, bitcoin briefly rose over 1.49 percent to more than $52,680 on Monday evening, with a Reuters market analyst predicting a price range of $56,000-$56,300. Bukele said earlier on Monday that El Salvador had purchased its first 200 bitcoins, stating on Twitter that "as the deadline approaches, the country's brokers will be purchasing a lot more." El Salvador currently has 400 bitcoin, he added later in the day. El Salvador legalized bitcoin on September 7, according to the Bukele, saving Salvadorans living abroad millions of dollars in fees on money sent home. However, surveys indicate that Salvadorans are cautious of adopting bitcoin, citing concerns about the cryptocurrency's volatility, which opponents believe may raise legal and financial risks for financial institutions. Related Article: El Salvador Becomes the First Country to Adopt Bitcoin, Price Jumps After it Becomes Law @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Australian authorities reported that a three-year-old toddler was found in the wilderness after going missing for three days as police are investigating the case as a possible kidnapping as evidence "don't add up." On Friday, New South Wales (NSW) Police responded to reports shortly before 12:30 p.m. that the young boy, identified as Anthony "AJ" Elfalak, had gone missing from his family home in Putty. It was revealed that the victim was autistic and non-verbal, which made it severely difficult for officials to search for his whereabouts. Missing Three-Year-Old Toddler Found When the boy could not immediately be found, officers conducted an extensive search operation, coordinating with local authorities, including NSW Ambulance, State Emergency Service, Rural Fire Service, and the Volunteer Rescue Association to try and locate the young kid. Hundreds of emergency service volunteers also helped in the rescue operations to find the lost boy. On Monday at around 11:30 a.m., the lengthy search, which included aviation support service PolAir, was able to spot AJ in the woods. They then guided the ground search teams to the three-year-old boy's location, CNN reported. In a Twitter post on Monday, the NSW Police announced: "A three-year-old child missing on a rural property in the Hunter region since Friday has been located following a large-scale search." The post also showed footage of AJ drinking water from a nearby riverbank prior to being rescued. Read Also: At Least 8 Children Dead, Including 4-Year-Old, in Deadly Shootings Over Labor Day Weekend While he was found to be in good condition, officials transported the young boy to the hospital to be observed. Anthony Elfalak, AJ's father, said his son had been bitten by ants while he was out in the wilderness. The three-year-old boy had a diaper rash and suffered several abrasions. During an interview after the father and his wife Kelly Elfalak were reunited with their son, they were thankful and considered the finding of their child a "miracle." Anthony said that when AJ heard his mom, he immediately clung to her and fell asleep, Yahoo News reported. Mysterious Disappearance and Circumstances Police are investigating the case as a potential kidnapping due to the mysterious disappearance of the three-year-old boy. Some senior detectives in the NSW Police Force said that some of the evidence in the case "don't add up." Authorities noted the claims that alleged missing CCTV footage from the family's property. The primary cause of concern among seasoned investigators is how the three-year-old boy, who has autism and is non-verbal, could have survived on his own in the wild. He would not have had anything to eat in the last 72 hours that he was missing. Temperatures in the area also dropped to two degrees Celsius in the evening. But AJ emerged from the incident with only a few scratches in what is considered harsh terrain. It was also baffling for police that AJ appeared and was found only 500 meters away from his family's home after highly-trained sniffer dogs scoured the area on Friday. A helicopter was also flying overhead to look for the boy, who apparently failed to see his whereabouts at the time, Daily Mail reported. Related Article: At Least 3 Dead, 3 Injured in Washington Shooting; $75,000 Reward for Information That Could Lead to Suspect's Arrest Awaits @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The notorious Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein has denied sexually assaulting actress Angelina Jolie. He was recently accused of abusing the actress when she was 21 years old. Harvey assaulted Jolie while she was filming 'Playing by Heart' in 1998, according to Jolie in an interview. Harvey and Bob Weinstein executive-produced the film. Weinstein fires back against Angelina Jolie's assault claims After that, Jolie said she "warned others about him" and tried to spread the word that ladies should not go alone with him. Harvey Weinstein, on the other hand, has rejected the allegations. He responded by calling the accusations "clickbait publicity," WION reported. He fired back, claiming she was falsely accusing him of attention for her recently released book 'Know Your Rights.' He is currently serving a 23-year jail sentence for rape and abuse. He also faces accusations of rape, sexual violence, and other offenses in connection with five alleged events in Los Angeles between 2004 and 2013. Jolie alleges that at a hotel room, the producer made unwelcome approaches to her and that she had to physically flee the room, as per METRO. Jolie said in 2017 that she had a terrible encounter with Harvey Weinstein when she was younger. As a result, she decided to avoid working with him in the future and warned others who did. After starring in Quentin Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds,' which was released by The Weinstein Company, the actress said in an interview that she and ex-husband Brad Pitt argued about his working with Weinstein. Pitt then allegedly requested Weinstein to be a producer on his TWC-distributed film 'Killing Them Softly.' When asked about Pitt, Jolie admitted that working with Weinstein was difficult for her. Angelina Jolie also stated that she would never work with Weinstein again and would refuse to appear in any of his projects. Read Also: Prince Charles' Closest Aide Resigns From Royal Charity Amid Saudi Donor Scandal; Foundation Faces Investigation Over Money Fraud Angelina Jolie fought with Brad Pitt for working with Weinstein In a recent interview, the three-time Golden Globe winner discussed the alleged sexual assault she suffered in the late 1990s. The actress stated that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her in the past. She also stated that an attempt, or the feeling of an attempt, is an attack and that what Weinstein did to her was not acceptable. Jolie had to get out of it as well. The 46-year-old also said that she and her first husband, Johnny Lee Miller, discussed the incident. Angelina Jolie stated that she urged Miller to help spread the news. Brad Pitt, on the other hand, did not seem to comprehend the situation. Because of her own horrible experiences, she clashed with Brad Pitt over his employment with Weinstein. Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie is preparing to make her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. Shortly, the actress will appear in the film 'Eternals.' The actor will play Thena, a member of the Eternals race and a warrior. Per The Republic World, the Eternals, an eternal race of superhumans with superpowers, are the focus of the film, which is based on Marvel comics. Kit Harington, Salma Hayek, Richard Madden, Gemma Chan, Barry Keoghan, Kumail Nanjiani, Don Lee, and Lia McHugh also feature in the film. It will be released in theaters on November 5, 2021. Related Article: Angelina Jolie Scores Victory Over Brad Pitt Divorce After Court Disqualifies Judge for Committing "Ethical Breach" @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Mu COVID-19 variant has been identified in 49 states, with Nebraska being the only state where the mutation has not been discovered. Mu Variant Is Believed To Be More Transmissible In a recently published article in MSN News, Mu variant, according to health authorities, is much more transmissible than the delta variant and may be resistant to vaccinations. The mu variant has been found in 49 states and the District of Columbia in the United States. Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of LA County Public Health, said in a statement that the discovery of variants like Mu, as well as the spread of variants throughout the world, emphasizes the necessity for inhabitants of Los Angeles County to continue to take precautions to safeguard themselves and others. Meanwhile, with 384 cases, California holds the record of garnering the highest number of the newest variant. In Los Angeles County, 167 of those instances were discovered. Dr. Ferrer said that this shows how important it is to be vaccinated as the vaccination can serve as layers of protection against COVID-19, according to a report published in the Seattle Times. Read Also: Mu COVID-19 Variant Could Be More Vaccine Resistant, WHO Designates the New Strain as 'Variant of Interest" WHO Recognizes the New Strain as 'Variant of Interest' The mu variant was recognized as a variant of interest by the World Health Organization on Aug. 30, owing to its potential to be more transmissible than any of the other COVID-19 strains. In the United States, however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have yet to make comparable categories regarding Mu. Despite being "not at all even near" to become the dominant COVID-19 strain in the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, stated that health authorities were keeping a "close watch" on the mu variant, according to a report published in Daily News. Fauci added, "Even though it has not in essence taken hold to any extent here we always pay attention to at all times variants." The number of mu variant cases peaked in the United States in mid-July, but they've been decreasing since then, suggesting either a weakening of the strain or a bleak future. Presence of Mu Variant Globally In a published article in Republic World, the Mu variant COVID-19 is found in fewer than 0.5 percent of cases worldwide while the highly transmissible variant is seen in 40 percent of cases in Columbia. Health authorities think that the newly discovered variation Mu is much more infectious than the delta variant and may evade the COVID-19 vaccinations' immunological defenses. SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, mutates throughout time; and most changes have little to no impact on the virus's characteristics. Certain mutations, on the other hand, may affect a virus's characteristics, such as how readily it spreads, the severity of the illness it causes, and its resistance to vaccinations, medicines, and other countermeasures. In the bulletin of WHO, the agency stated, "The Mu variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape." Furthermore, they also added that there is a need for a further study about how the Mu variant behaves. Related Article: New Mu COVID-19 Variant Begins To Spread in the US; Fauci Claims Strain is not "Immediate Threat" Right Now @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. Germany has expressed its displeasure with Russia for attempting to steal data from legislators in what, it believes, is an effort to disseminate misinformation ahead of the forthcoming German election, according to the Foreign Ministry in Berlin. Germany's Foreign Minister Spokeswoman Reported Attempts of Cyberattacks In a recently published article in The Hill, a hacking group known as Ghostwriter has been combining traditional cyberattacks with misinformation and influence operations, according to Foreign Ministry spokesperson Andrea Sasse. Actions targeting Germany have been detected for some time. Andrea Sasse said that, in the run-up to Germany's parliamentary election on Sept. 26, phishing emails were used to get personal login information of federal and state legislators, among other things, in order to commit identity theft that could affect the election results. Germany will elect a new parliament on Sept. 26 that will decide Merkel's successor. After almost 16 years in office, she has resolved not to seek re-election. The election is wide open, with surveys indicating the major parties to be quite well-matched, according to a report published in MSN News. Read Also: Global Consulting Group Accenture Confirms Being Hit by a Cyber Attack Sasse Released a Statement About the Alleged Cyberattack Andrea Sasse told the reporters that these cyberattacks may be used as a warm-up for influence operations including misinformation campaigns tied to the legislative election on Sept. 26, according to a recently published article in Associated Press. She also explained that the German government has credible evidence linking Ghostwriter's operations to Russian state cyber-actors, particularly Russia's GRU military intelligence agency. It sees this inappropriate behavior as a threat to the Federal Republic of Germany's security and democratic decision-making processes, as well as a serious strain on bilateral ties. Germany Calls Russian Government To Immediately Stop the Activity She claimed that Germany demands that the Russian government cease such activity immediately and that it has made that demand directly to Russian officials, most recently during a meeting of a German-Russian working group on security policy on Thursday and Friday, during which German deputy foreign minister Miguel Berger raised the issue with Russia's deputy foreign minister. Meanwhile, Sasse refused to comment on the scope of the cyberattacks or the potential harm, stating only that they are "absolutely unacceptable" and that the German government retains the right to take further steps, according to a report published in DW. When Was the Alleged Cyberattack Detected? The director of Germany's domestic intelligence agency stated in mid-July that his agency has observed phishing attempts on the private email accounts of federal and state politicians and their employees since February. However, he said that only a small percentage of those efforts were successful and that in the instances when little harm seemed to have been done. Germany's worries about Russian meddling have spread to the operations of state-funded broadcaster RT, whose online-only German-language program has long highlighted contentious topics like migration and the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Needless to say, Chancellor Angela Merkel recently disputed that her government used political pressure to obstruct the station's bid for a regular broadcast license, which was rejected by officials in neighboring Luxembourg last month. Related Article: US Government Agencies Under Cyber Attack: Russia, China Main Suspects @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. The return of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to the United Kingdom might come sooner than we thought, and it could be quite a public spectacle if it happens. Queen Elizabeth is the one person whose approval is contingent on the entire stateside family, even Archie and Lilibet traveling overseas. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex want to introduce the Queen to her great-granddaughter in an "olive branch" moment, according to The Sun. What Prince Harry, Meghan Markle requested? The couple wants to get their daughter christened as soon as possible, and they are hoping to do it at Windsor Castle. That would typically be a simple request for a senior royal member, but the couple has long ago walked away from those responsibilities to start a new life in the United States. And, of course, the continuing conflict is still simmering - it's barely hit a boil. Prince Harry has already visited the United Kingdom twice this year, first for Prince Philip's funeral and again for the unveiling of the Princess Diana statue. Bringing the kids along may bring them closer together in ways they never anticipated, especially because Lilibet inherits her great-lovely grandmother's moniker, as per She Knows via Yahoo. The Sussexes have agreed to fly to meet Queen Elizabeth, which would be the Duchess's first visit to the UK since Megxit in March 2020. And Prince Harry has made calls to his relatives as he and Meghan prepare for Lilibet's christening, which might take place at Windsor Castle. Senior employees, on the other hand, are believed to be taken aback by the request for a meeting, which comes months after the pair slammed the Royal Family in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The monarchy is also bracing for the publication of Prince Harry's memoir next year, with a recent report that The Queen's advisers are getting "lawyered up" in case any new allegations surface. Prince Harry saw the Queen personally twice during his visit, according to biographer Omid Scobie. The Duke recently visited the United Kingdom in July to dedicate a statue to his mother, Diana. Conversations with Prince Harry's father Prince Charles and brother Prince William are considered to have been part of his conciliatory calls. He is not expected to return until September 15, his 37th birthday, according to insiders. The Queen intends to stay at Balmoral until the end of October. Read Also: Prince Charles' Closest Aide Resigns From Royal Charity Amid Saudi Donor Scandal; Foundation Faces Investigation Over Money Fraud Queen Elizabeth hopes for reconciliation for the monarchy's future Per Fox News, Queen Elizabeth II is said to be concerned about the monarchy's enduring difficulties. The 95-year-old is particularly concerned about the persistent difficulties between her grandsons, Prince William and Prince Harry, and their father, Prince Charles, according to a palace source. The insider said the current monarch wants to speak honestly with Prince William, who is second in line to the throne after his father. The queen reportedly wants to talk about how William should handle future controversies and family problems with "a strong heart and a clear mind." Prince William has continued to deal with the pressures of royal life and the responsibilities that come with being second in line to the throne. William and Harry's connection deteriorated in March when Harry and Meghan Markle gave an interview to Oprah Winfrey that was seen by almost 50 million people across the world. "The relationship is space at the moment," Prince Harry said, adding that time heals all problems, hopefully. For a time, Prince Harry informed Winfrey, 67, that his father Prince Charles didn't respond to his phone calls. An anonymous member of the royal family voiced worry over the couple's dark skin before the birth of their first child, the Sussexes claimed. The person in concern was not his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, or his late grandfather, Prince Philip, Prince Harry disclosed. Following the show, Prince William reacted to reporters' inquiries by saying, "We are very much not a racist family." According to the source, the queen still believes that her family's conflicts may be resolved for the sake of the monarchy's future. Related Article: Palace Is Furious as Queen Elizabeth's Secret Death Plans Leaked; Officials Launch Haunt for Culprit @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. COVID-19 has brought many challenges to businesses in the last year or so. It has broken down worker morale, ruined businesses' finances, and massively decreased clients' numbers in many traditional areas. However, there are some things that have helped businesses pull through and have them to grow themselves. Software that has helped: Throughout the pandemic, technology has seen a really big push in software development. This software has helped businesses all over the globe connect with their employees and help guide them through their work. Here are some of the software that has helped the most. Intranets. This has always been a massive part of a business; however, during the pandemic, it has become something that is truly irreplaceable. It is a key function in any business, as most communication and facility access come from this. Intranets give a lot of benefits to businesses, which you can learn more about in this article by Simpplr. Video call systems. Video call systems have been relied on for meetings in all businesses. It has become a fundamental piece of software that has helped the communication and growth of ideas since the start of the pandemic. Slack. Slack has been a good way of communication that businesses can access through their intranet. It has helped keep people informed throughout the pandemic and also helped people remain in face-to-face contact. Project management. This has helped projects move along the line faster, helped managers keep track of their employees, and made project planning far easier over long distances. Team management. This has helped many managers keep track of their team's progress, from ensuring they have enough focus to making sure that their team remains focused and on task. Work processes that have helped However, despite the chaos that the pandemic has caused, some businesses have found it to benefit the structure of their business and the well-being of their employees. Working differently has helped some businesses grow and flourish more than ever in two distinctive ways. Working from home. At the start of the pandemic, this felt like the end of the world. This is because a lot of American workers felt that they did not want to bring their work into their home, and a lot of American employers felt like it would sabotage their business as it potentially encouraged the laziness of their workers. However, in many areas, people have felt more comfortable working from home due to there being no daily commute. Hybrid working. This is a newer form of working that has helped many Americans get back into the swing of getting in the office. It has benefited both employers and workers and is a clear way of working that will be pursued by many businesses in the future. To wrap things up Throughout the pandemic, many businesses have suffered. However, a lot of good has come out of it too and will continue to help businesses grow and expand whatever the future may bring. @ 2021 HNGN, All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission. A new and ambitious biotech startup is shaking up Silicon Valley. Only incorporated earlier this year, Altos Labs has already received support from the likes of Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner. The new company is pursuing a way to rejuvenate cells that could ultimately prolong human life. What is Altos Labs? Yuri Milner, a Russian-born billionaire known for making fortunes on Facebook and Mail.ru has a penchant for the sciences. He started the black-tie even called "Breakthrough Prizes" offering $3 million awards each year to outstanding physicists, biologists, and mathematicians, according to MIT Technology Review. Last October 2020, in Milner's super-mansion in the Los Altos Hills in Palo Alto, a large group of scientists, all COVID-19 tested and wearing face masks, assembled in a theater for a two-day scientific conference. Other attendees joined via teleconference. The topic of the conference? How biotechnology can be used to age humans backward. The conference gave birth to the new anti-aging company called Altos Labs, which is incorporated in both the US and in the UK. The company is looking to establish several institutes in the Bay Area, San Diego, Cambridge, UK, and Japan. Professors, researchers, and scientists in the program can be earning $1 million a year, possibly more, plus equity, MIT Technology Review said. The company is pursuing what is called biological reprogramming technology, a way to rejuvenate cells in the lab. The labs will look into how cells age and ultimately how to reverse that process. Richard Klausner, the one-time chief og the National Cancer Institute is the CEO of the new company. Read Also: Monsta Infinite Gameplay Release Date, Beta Testing: How to Join Axie Infinity-Like NFT Game Scientists Joining Altos Labs Joining this bold conquest for the fountain of youth is Dr. Shinya Yamanaka who earned the 2012 Nobel prize for researching into cell reprogramming, The Daily Mail reported. The research lead to the discovery of the addition of four specific proteins to cells can actually revert the cell back into an earlier state. Spanish biologist Dr. Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte who works at the Salk Institue in California is also on board. He pioneered research into cell switching. He applied Dr. Yamanka's embryonic stem cell technique and applied it to mice back in 2016. The mice showed signs of age reversal. He has also won notoriety for research on mixing human and monkey embryos, predicting that human lifespans could be increased by 50 years. Dr. Jennifer Dounda earned a Nobel in 2020 for her co-discovery of CRISPR gene editing, which has applications in cancer treatment and other genetic diseases. Another notable scientist who is well-versed in the field of cell aging is Dr. Steve Horvath. Dr. Horvath is the developer of a "biological clock" that can accurately measure human aging, MIT Technology Review said. Read Also: ISS Snaps Scary Photo of Hurricane Larry From Space! Latest Forecasts, Path, and Where to Track Altos Labs' Big Time Funders The company has raised at least $270 million, MIT Technology Review reported. Altos Labs' big-time investors include Milner, with a net worth of around $4.8 billion, and his wife Julia, and Jeff Bezos, the world's wealthiest man with a net worth of around $200 billion. The company has not made any official announcements just yet but it is possible that other Silicon Valley investors and venture capital firms have also provided their financial support for this new startup. Related Article: NASA Asteroid Warning 2021: Where to Track Statue of Liberty-Sized Asteroid, Close Approach Date and More Details The IAA Mobility show in Munich, Germany was the perfect stage for Mercedes-Benz to debut their troop of electric vehicles. The automaker is holding true to its commitment to become an electric-only car company by 2030. Though Mercedes-Benz has already produced a few eclectic vehicles, the latest EV car show was the perfect time to show what else they have under their sleeves. Mercedes-Benz Electric-Only Vehicle Plan This is not the first time Mercedes-Benz has come out with all-electric vehicles. The company has already started producing the all-electric EQS, Tech Crunch said. The EQS is a high-forward and sleek flagship, an electronic counterpart to the company's S-Class fleet. Earlier this year, Mercedes Benz presented its $47 billion electric-only plan, a move that puts forward the goal of pushing the company to become more vertically integrated. That also means training its workforce and securing the batteries needed to power its own products. This plan rides on the company's previous goals to build and sell more electric vehicles, Tech Crunch explained. The 2017 plan was to have Mercedes-Benz integrate electric vehicles into their lineup by 2022, including gas-hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or battery electric vehicles. This July, the German company announced that by next year, it will offer battery-electric vehicles in every segment it has. By 2025, Mercedes-Benz aims to launch three electric-only architectures, the basis of all of its new vehicles moving forwards. The company aims to sell one electric vehicle for every two Mercedes cars on its path to all-electric. A new constellation of stars is emerging, and we're unveiling them at the IAA. The most electrifying line-up by Mercedes-Benz to date designed to shift our paradigm into the sustainable era of electromobility. #MercedesBenz #MBIAA21 pic.twitter.com/hccudhFPEt Mercedes-Benz India (@MercedesBenzInd) September 6, 2021 Read Also: 2022 Toyota Tundra: Powerful Engine, Interior, Exterior, Release Date, Price and All Rumored Specs Mercedes-Benz EV Debut in IAA Mobility 2021, Germany Mercedes-Benz EQB First in the fleet that was introduced in the 2021 IAA Mobility show was its crossover revealed earlier this year. The Mercedes-Benz EQB now has a few more details fitted, and it will be bound for the United States market by 2022. According to Tech Crunch, its electric powertrain is a compact, intefrated unit with an asynchronous motor for the front axle. It comes standard with five seens but can be converted to have seven seats for a big family or for extra space. Mercedes-Benz EQE350 The Mercedes-Benz EQE350 is the company's affordable sedan option with its single electric motor that still packs a lot of power. It may have a smaller body than its siblings, but it still provides a comfortable and roomy interior. Mercedes-AMG EQS 53 4MATIC+ The AMG EQS is where power and performance meet. It is a zero-emissions vehicle that still has the power, body, and luxury that Mercedes-Benz is proud of. The electric vehicle is scheduled to launch and hit the market by the end of this year. Mercedes Concept EQG An electric G-Wagen is not close to hitting the market just yet, The Verge noted. The company did not provide that many details, but it promises that the 4x4 G-class model should offer off-road driving with lots of power. For now, however, it is all but a design. Mercedes Maybach Concept Another concept design presented in the IAA event is the first all-electric Maybach SUV in the EQ fleet. Its sleek design with its luxurious lines is designed to not hold it back from its performance. According to Tech Crunch, the upcoming SUV should hit the markets by 2023 but Mercedes-Benz might introduce the real deal as early as next year. Mercedes-Benz Vision Avtr A truly futuristic show car, the Vision Avtr fitted to the nines with anything a science-fiction lover could think to fit in a car merging to the future. It meets design, luxury and performance, all while being steering wheel-free and an ergonomic wonder. Unfortunately, this breathtaking car is not actually available for purchase according to Mercedes-Benz of Wilmington Related Article: Dodge Ram TRX Raced Lamborghini Huracan EVO RWD: 1,000-Horsepower Truck vs. Italian Supercar, Who Won? Dogecoin endured another round of volatility amid a searing correction due to profit-taking, with prices dipping to below $0.30 in recent weeks. It had since buoyed over that level and remained at $0.3093, a 1.14 percent drop in the last 24 hours, as per Coindesk. The meme cryptocurrency should have reached the $0.35 level at this time, but its continued hovering at the $0.30 was due to the excessive amount of money buyers needed to have Dogecoin get above that level. This have been too costly for short-term buyers who are often stopped out on intraday trades, FX Street noted. Dogecoin Price Prediction: Buyers Should Step In to Allow Surge to $0.35 Levels It would seem critical to see if Dogecoin could stay above $0.30. To mount a further surge, buyers would need to step in and run the prices up. They should first put their stops a little below $0.30 to have enough room to play the trade and avoid being stopped out at the first test on $0.30. If they succeed, a surge towards $0.35 is possible in the next few days, if not higher. Read Also: Dogecoin Price Prediction: Ethereum Co-Founder Reveals Next Step for Doge Evolution, Global Impact This rosy forecast comes amid the stellar boost of Dogecoin's wife, "Wifedoge," which has been catching the attention of crypto investors as of late--including the "Dogefather" and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Wifedoge surpassed a market capitalization of $2.3 million, a rise of a whopping 3,000 percent in one day. Benziga reported. The emerging token's capitalization, however, fell to $301,406 on September 2. Despite this, Musk is seemingly engrossed over Wifedoge, a report on Entrepreneur said. It quoted developers of this meme cryptocurrency as being so sure of Musk's overwhelming support, they thanked him on Twitter. Thank you Elon Musk Im Wifedoge. Doge's wife! Now is the fourth day of launch at Pancakeswap! Thank you for tweeting to encourage Wifedoge Believe us, we will soon surprise global investors even more. Our project team is working hard#wfiedoge #dogecoin #doge #PancakeSwap pic.twitter.com/HAwvYKDjA7 WIFEDOGE (@wifedoge) July 25, 2021 They even announced reserving five percent of Wifedoge units for the South African business mogul. The Wifedoge account told Musk that they will offer the units at the right time, "otherwise the 5% of the tokens will be forever. locked." WIFEDOGE PRESALE START ON DXSALEhttps://t.co/6g7nlv8sll Reserve 5% of the tokens for Elon Musk. Give it to him at the right time, otherwise the 5% of the tokens will be forever. Locked#bsc #wifedoge #dogecoin pic.twitter.com/oX1IHFcMpC WIFEDOGE (@wifedoge) July 11, 2021 According to Entrepreneur, Wifedoge emerged as an "inception" of cryptocurrencies, a parody of Dogecoin, which in turn is also a parody of Bitcoin. It was launched in July and was described as the "wife" of Dogecoin, but is actually a clone of the meme token. On August 31, Wifedoge topped $2.32 million in market capitalization or 3,294.29 percent higher than the starting market cap of $68,350 from which it started the day before. Wifedoge Eyes Equal Value With Dogecoin Its creators are looking at having the value of each Wifedoge to be equivalent to one Dogecoin. This would be an impressive prospect, given that Dogecoin rose by 4,600 percent in a year and its main followers Musk and fellow billionaire Mark Cuban considering it as the "strongest" cryptocurrency. But on Friday, Musk tweeted that "Time is the ultimate currency," making people think that he is doubting DOGE's strength. Wifedoge offers a supply of 747 quadrillions, featuring safe auto-farming and locked liquidity, Benziga added. Related Article: Dogecoin Price Prediction: Mark Cuban Gives Massive Boost to Meme Coin With Dogemania! The SpaceX all-civilian flight is scheduled on September 15. After six months of training, the four-person crew will embark on a three-day journey in low Earth orbit on board the Dragon Capsule. SpaceX aims to make a difference as the first aerospace company to launch an all-civilian crew to space. According to WTSP, their mission is to "inspire support for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and send a humanitarian message of possibility while representing a new era for human spaceflight and exploration." Key Details on the SpaceX All-Civilian Flight The space mission is funded by 38-year-old billionaire and Shift4 Payments founder Jared Isaacman. He bought all Dragon Capsule seats and donated the remaining three to selected individuals and representatives: Hayley Arceneaux: A St. Jude Children's Research Hospital employee and bone cancer survivor. Sian Proctor: A geology professor, science communicator. Christopher Sembroski: An American data engineer and Air Force veteran. All crew members received six months of commercial astronaut training to help them prepare for the space mission. According to Inspiration4 space mission, the crew will travel weightless at 17,000 mph. They will also conduct experiments that should help expand knowledge, especially on microgravity research. The crew will board the Dragon spacecraft, which will be loaded above the Falcon 9 reusable two-stage rocket. Notably, Dragon got upgraded with a glass dome to provide crew members a 360-degree view of space. SpaceX clarified that Inspiration4 will "launch no earlier than September 15, 2021," implying it could be delayed. No official timing for the launch was provided. Many space lovers and sky watchers are excited to see this space mission live in action. Read Also: NASA Hubble Telescope Captures Picture of Rare Cosmic Event: It's a Lightsaber! How to Watch SpaceX Inspiration4 Launch Live and Online The Inspiration4 mission will happen on Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida. NASA teased out the launch viewing details. They specifically offer "Feel the Heat" packages, which are view seats close to the launch pad. Buyers will see the rocket from across Banana Creek, approximately 3.9 miles from the launch. The seats cost $250 plus tax. Full inclusions and benefits include: Two-day admission to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex Bus transportation through NASA's gates to the Apollo/Saturn V Center Real-time launch commentary from a space-expert Complimentary meal served from Moon Rock Cafe Complimentary premium souvenir A commemorative launch card, badge, and lanyard Digital photo of your party from AstroPhotos "Feel the Heat" packages are for sale online. You can book your ticket on this website. For viewers watching online, various streaming channels will be provided. 10TampaBay will stream the event on its Facebook, YouTube, and official webpage. Space X will also provide its own feed through its website and YouTube page. As previously mentioned, the date remains tentative, with no official timeframe. However, after SpaceX reveals its details, viewers are recommended to log in three hours before the event to watch the full launch sequence. Related Article: ISS Snaps Scary Photo of Hurricane Larry From Space! Latest Forecasts, Path, and Where to Track China seems emboldened to go where no man has gone before, planning to piece together a mile-long spaceship akin to Star Trek's Starship Enterprise. This immense spacecraft is one of the projects Chinese researchers are being invited to look into, as the country ramps up space exploration efforts--which include long-haul crewed missions, the South China Morning Post reported. China Spaceship Planned for Long-Term Missions, Exploring Mysteries of the Universe According to South China Morning Post, China's National Natural Science Foundation is gathering scientists for a five-year initiative to possibly build and launch an "ultra-large spacecraft spanning kilometers." The spacecraft, the project outline read, is a "major strategic aerospace equipment" for future space missions, such as staying in "long-term orbit" and exploring the "mysteries of the universe." The National Natural Science Foundation is a research funding agency under China's Ministry of Science and Technology. This outline is among others released by the foundation's mathematical and physical sciences department, which is set to fund five projects at 15 million yuan ($2.3 million) each. This modular spacecraft would be launched repeatedly and bulid in space, as it would be too massive and heavy for a single launch. Researchers tapped for the project will study new lightweight design methods to minimize and optimize the weight of the spacecraft to lessen the number of launches and cut construction costs. Researchers also need to guarantee the structures' controllability to reduce altitude drift, vibration, and deformation during the spacecraft's assembly. Read Also: China Space Agency to Use Rockets to Stop Armageddon-Like Asteroid; NASA Working on Asteroid Deflector? [Complete Details] Former NASA chief technologist Mason Peck told Space.com that China's idea of a kilometer-wide spacecraft is "feasible" but problems in bringing this into reality would largely fall on questions of engineering rather than basic science. These problems are "not as insurmountable impediments, but rather problems of scale," Peck said. China Spacecraft's Biggest Stumbling Block: Immense Cost Peck noted the biggest impediment would be the cost of building the spacecraft due to the many expensive launches of modules and other materials into space. The 361-feet (110 meter) wide International Space Station cost around $100 billion to piece together, and for a spacecraft that would be ten times larger, a national space budget could certainly be drained. Peck also emphasized the difficulty of constructing the massive spacecraft amid the many forces counteracting in space. For University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign aerospace engineer professor Michael Lembeck, the idea of a real Starship Enterprise is "fantastical, not feasible." He told Space.com that the idea would be fun to consider but "not very realistic" for current technology. China has made substantial investments into its space program, having succeeded in placing a working exploration rover in Mars last May, the second country after the U.S. to achieve the feat. It also landed its first spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. It also started work on its own space station, Tiangong, last April, with the first modules launched into orbit via its Long March 5 heavy rocket. This 22-ton module will comprise Tiangong's core structure that will house astronauts for long periods. The Tiangong is expected to be completed next year, with a mass of 100 tons, which makes it about a quarter of the size of the International Space Station. Related Article: China Spacewalk Complete! Chinese Astronauts Go Out of Tiangong Space Station [Where to Watch, Mission Details] One eye-catching, superbly innovative sight at the ongoing IAA Mobility Motor Show 2021 in Munich, Germany is not your usual BMWs, Audis, or Benzs, but rather quite a diminutive, neatly designed and useful electric vehicle shockingly produced by 3D printing. XEV YoYo: Lightweight, Low-Cost, Environmentally Friendly Everyone, check out the XEV YoYo, the only 3D printed car on display at the worldwide auto industry's premiere exposition. Designed by the Italian-Chinese automaker XEV and 3D printing material firm Polymaker, the YoYo is a lightweight and low-cost electric vehicle. Aside from offering efficient fuel use, the car's design reduces the number of components used in making traditional cars to 57 parts, Inceptive Mind revealed. The XEV YoYo arrives at the Munich Motor Show with a 10.3-kWh lithium-ion battery pack, which allows the vehicle to travel up to 93 miles off a single charge. In addition, owners of the city-friendly EV will be able to swap their batteries out as an alternative to charging it. pic.twitter.com/maT72NSoun Cole Marzen (@cole_marzen) September 6, 2021 The vehicle is 2.5 meters in length and 1.5 meters in width, while weighing 450 kilograms without the batteries. Its 10-horsepower motor pushes the car to speeds of up to 70 km/h (48 mph), with a cruising range of 150 kms or 93 miles, all powered by its 9.2-kilowatt battery pack. Read Also: Local Motors: Is The World Ready For 3D Printed Cars The heavy quadricycle, which looks strikingly similar to the Renault Twizy and Smart Fortwo, offers a small trunk and passenger space enough for two people, Autoevolution noted. The YoYo comes with a keyless entry, a large touchscreen for its infotainment system and power mirrors. It comes in a wide array of colors, a total of nine shades, which includes the Mochaccino and Electric Blue variants displayed at IAA 2021. Other YoYo colors include Midnight Blue, Spicy Salmon, Pure White, Urban Gray, Fresh Lime, Prototype Gray and Space Black. 3D Printed Car Allows Creative Customization With 3D printing, owners can actually customize the look and feel of their YoYo vehicles. During the IAA 2021, XEV demonstrated this capability by having people create their perfect, tailor-made cars. This allows a more personal product experience, XEV said in a statement. Except for the chassis, seats, and windows, all the other visible parts of the car are 3D printed--achieving 70 percent savings compared to conventional techniques Autoevolution reported that the XEV YoYo is likewise capable of reaching 150 kilometers (93 miles) on a full charge, with speeds up to 80 kilometers per hour (50 miles per hour). In Italy, the YoYo is priced at 13,900 or $16,500. With government incentives, the YoYo could go as low as 10,900 or $12,940, which is a good bargain for an adorable little EV providing a swappable battery that can be charged from any outlet, similar to other EVs. XEV's Battery Xchange system was also launched during the IAA 2021, which allows the battery swap in just a few minutes. Battery Xchange "cabinets" are strategically located service stations for owners to have convenient access to battery charging, apart from using even your household outlets. The YoYo was launched last May and is positioned for enhanced mobility in cities and urban areas. Owners can have full, convenient access to remove vehicle features and charging capabilities through a specially developed app. Related Article: Mercedes-Benz All-Electric Vehicles Debut in IAA Mobility Show: AMG, Maybach, G-Wagen Get EV Treatment Choi Chan-mo Hyundai Card and Capital CEO Chung Tae-young / Courtesy of Hyundai Card-Hyundai Capital By Anna J. Park Chung Tae-young, vice chairman and CEO of Hyundai Card, Hyundai Commercial and Hyundai Capital also known as "Ted Chung" abroad will be stepping down from his post at Hyundai Capital, following 18 years at the helm of the company. According to the financial industry, Tuesday, Chung's resignation will be made official at a board meeting of Hyundai Capital, slated for the end of the month. After his resignation, Mok Jin-won, who has been leading Hyundai Capital along with Chung, in the company's dual-CEO structure since April, will take sole charge. Chung's resignation from the auto finance company is viewed as an apparent attempt to bring more focus on Hyundai Card as well as Hyundai Commercial, in order to produce more innovation amid the rapidly changing payment business environment. The company's introduction of the dual-CEO structure in April was also interpreted as Chung's planned move to tender his resignation in the near future. Following his resignation, Chung is expected to focus on finding future growth engines for Hyundai Card and Hyundai Commercial, particularly in the arena of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data science. Digital-based marketing and analysis has now become a core capacity for financial payment companies such as Hyundai Card to expand their customer base, as competition in the market has become more heated than ever. While Chung will be putting his effort in Hyundai Card and Hyundai Commercial, automobile financing firm Hyundai Capital is expected to focus on creating more synergy with auto giant companies, in order to bring about innovative changes in the mobility industry. During his years as the top leader of Hyundai Capital, Chung was known as the hidden force helping the company renew its corporate culture, by integrating a big data scientific approach into its payment installment plans for vehicles. Foreign residents wait to receive COVID-19 vaccine shots at a vaccination center in Gwangju, Sunday. Yonhap By Bahk Eun-ji Local governments are ramping up efforts to encourage foreign residents to receive vaccinations against COVID-19 as the number of new infections among foreign nationals is steadily increasing. According to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA), Tuesday, 15.2 percent of newly confirmed patients between Aug. 29 and Sept. 4 were foreign nationals. In particular, more than half of confirmed cases were non-Koreans in some cities and counties which have a large number of migrant workers due to the large presence of factories and farms there 55 percent in Hwaseong and 50.5 percent in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, and 67.6 percent in Nonsan, South Chungcheong Province, over the same period. For Seoul, 6.3 percent of new patients were foreigners in July, but the figure jumped to 9.2 percent in August. The health authorities believe rising infections among foreign residents could be attributed to the low inoculation rate resulting from a lack of information on vaccination reservations being made available to them as well as difficulty in taking vaccine leave from their workplaces such as small factories that require intensive work by employees. For illegal migrant workers, there may be a reluctance to seek vaccination out of fear of being identified and deported, although the immigration and health authorities have repeatedly said they would not do so. The health authorities and local governments have commenced campaigns to encourage foreign residents to get vaccinated, focusing on regions where a large number of infections among foreign nationals have been reported. In the case of Seoul, the city government, district offices, police, and support centers for foreign residents will hold campaigns in the districts of Guro, Yeongdeungpo, and Yongsan, by distributing leaflets advising that vaccination reservations can be made via the same procedure for locals. The city government also said foreign residents can check information on quarantine and vaccination in 13 languages on the website of Seoul Global Center or by calling it. In Gwangju, district offices there are also conducting a similar campaign in areas where foreign residents live. The offices have been distributing quarantine guidelines in 15 languages. Yongin City in Gyeonggi Province said it will strengthen support measures to encourage unregistered foreigners there to get vaccinated, using the Janssen vaccine which requires a single dose, so illegal migrant workers can be vaccinated without having to leave their personal information for a second dose, thus easing concerns of being identified by the immigration authorities. People wait to receive coronavirus inoculations at a vaccination center in Mapo District, Seoul, Tuesday. As of that day, 60.1 percent of the population have received at least their first shot of a vaccine. The government is targeting a 70 percent first-shot vaccination rate before the Chuseok long weekend, which falls from Sept. 18 to 22. Yonhap South Korea will provide $3 million worth of humanitarian assistance to Myanmar to help the country cope with the coronavirus pandemic, the foreign ministry said Tuesday. The ministry said it will make sure the aid is delivered to the people of Myanmar through "direct and transparent" means, suggesting that it will be provided through international organizations so as to prevent the aid from being diverted by the military. The aid comes amid the continuing political unrest in the Southeast Asian country since the military junta seized power in a February coup that ousted then State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and other civilian leaders. Seoul has halted the exports of military goods to Myanmar in line with the international move to sanction the military but said it will continue humanitarian assistance projects. (Yonhap) Jemulpo in the late 1880s-1890s / Robert Neff Collection By Robert Neff When William Franklin Sands, a young American diplomat, arrived in Jemulpo (part of modern Incheon) in January 1898, he described the port as "an unattractive entrance to a great adventure." Sailors from European, American and Japanese warships filled the streets as they traveled from one bar or brothel to another. There were opium dens, beggars, muggings, brawls in the streets and even a couple of murders. It was an adventurous place but it had a fairly large police force to maintain some degree of order. A dozen years earlier (in the spring of 1886), when Jemulpo was much smaller and the buildings were cruder it was arguably even more unattractive and daunting. It had a rather small and ineffective police force that tried to maintain order, as increasing numbers of foreigners came looking to make their fortunes legally or illegally. Curious things came in and out of the port that year. In early April, 100,000 mulberry trees were brought from China to help start a silkworm industry. A couple of months earlier, Chinese people tried to smuggle red ginseng out of Korea aboard a Chinese naval ship. When they were discovered by the Korean customs, the smugglers rose up en masse and attacked the customs officials; a contingent of Chinese marines had to be landed to quell the riot. Maximilian Taubles, a Czech American, arrived in late February. The small Western community welcomed him, but he made it clear to one and all that he wished to be left alone. Taubles chose to live in a Korean residence far from his Western peers which caused many to speculate as to his motives. Some even suggested he was a spy. In reality he was a photographer, a Japanese art expert and a writer a correspondent for Harper's Magazine. Within two weeks of his arrival, he was found dead a victim of smallpox. In early April, another Westerner arrived on a steamship from Japan. He was described as being "a young man of fair complexion, light moustache, large blue eyes" and wore his hair in a pompadour. He was charming and outgoing and readily introduced himself as R. F. Lascelles probably noting that he was just a month away from his 30th birthday and he bore a number of letters of recommendation. A sketch of Lascelles in 1897 taken from New York Journal, July 9, 1897 / Public Domain A boy receives attention from an official as Afghan evacuees who supported the Korean government's activities in Afghanistan arrive at Incheon International Airport in Incheon, Aug. 26. Reuters-Yonhap Jincheon, a county of some 85,000 residents, about 90 kilometers southeast of Seoul, received an unexpected windfall late last month following media reports that it will provide temporary accommodation to 390 Afghan evacuees brought in from Kabul. In support of the county's decision to embrace the foreigners, people flocked to the county-run online market to buy Jincheon regional specialties, such as rice, other grains and fruit. With the purchase orders pouring in, the officials had to shut down the website for a few days in order to process the deliveries. According to the county, the sales for four days surged to an amount surpassing its monthly average. "I am deeply touched by the grateful hearts that embraced the Afghan people. I hope my purchase will help a little," a customer's comment read on the Jincheon mall website, one of the scores of similar comments that filled the review pages. The online store was back in business as of last Thursday. Efforts to spend money for an individual or entity in support of their right choices or ethical deeds are gathering steam in South Korea, amid a growing consumer trend that seeks to find value and meaning in purchases. Experts say the emerging "buycott" movement, or what's lately dubbed here "buycotts for good influence," is seen as a new phenomenon in a country perhaps more familiar with political boycotts against particular brands for their unethical behavior or discriminatory remarks. A buycott case that has drawn public attention is that of Park Jae-hui, a young branch owner of a fried chicken franchise in western Seoul. Park, who runs the diner in the popular hangout spot of Hongdae, has been bombarded with home delivery orders after his free offer of a fried chicken dish to two underfed brothers was made known early this year. Last month, a pizza shop in Incheon, west of Seoul, also received a flood of delivery orders after it became known that the branch owner gave a pan of pizza for free to a man who wanted to buy one for his daughter on her birthday. The father, who lost his job amid the pandemic, had 571 won (49 US cents) left in his bank account. The buycott movement has produced its own buzzword in Korean, "donjjul." It's a coined term combining "don" (money) and "honjjulnaeda," which translates to "tell somebody off" or "give someone a hard lesson." So to give somebody donjjul means showering the person with money for something good he or she has done. "These buycott cases drew attention because the consumers rooted for those who they think did the 'right thing' and should deserve credit," Lee Eun-ha, a consumer studies professor at Inha University, said. "People were moved by their moral decisions." Consumers heaped more donjjul on Park's store after the older brother revealed that Park took his younger brother to a hairdresser's and paid for his haircut. Experts also cited the coronavirus pandemic as a factor that has helped spur the conscious buying. "These people were self-employed who run small businesses and yet offered a helping hand to others when they were probably in need of support the most," Kwak Keum-joo, a cultural studies professor at Seoul National University, said. "When these heart-warming stories were heard, they inspired the public to join and contribute what they can," Kwak added. In early August, 2,000 boxes, or 1.6 tons, of zucchinis grown in the eastern provincial county of Hwacheon were sold out in two hours at an online store. The county, with the help of an e-commerce platform, ran the buying campaign at a lower cost to help the zucchini farms struggling with falling demand amid COVID-19. Koo Jeong-woo, a sociology professor at Sungkyunkwan University, described the buycott movement as "expressing opinions in currency," which is driven by the younger generations familiar with the use of social networking and e-commerce platforms. "This is a way for the MZ generation to gain a sense of self-efficacy through political participation," Koo said, referring to the combination of two generations generation millennials (M) born between 1980 and 1994, and generation Z born between 1995 and 2004. According to a study by the Seoul city government, the MZ generation numbered 3.43 million, accounting for the largest of all age groups in the capital. A July consumer trend report by Shinhan Card Co. suggested a list of keywords defining the lifestyle of the MZ generation, which included "self-customizing, meaning and fairness, and nature of influence." "This is in line with the phrase 'having a good influence' that's being talked a lot lately, which is unique and innovative," Koo said. "And money is, of course, a powerful means with which you can have that influence." In Park's case, many customers posted pictures of their order receipts to show that they ordered from areas like Busan, Daegu and Gwangju, where the deliveries cannot reach, just to donate the money in reward for Park's generosity. "I just made an order payment from Busan. I want to participate in having a good influence even if I can't spend a lot of money due to circumstances," a customer wrote in the comments on the Baemin delivery app. "Thank you for making my heart pound at this difficult time." "I ordered from Gwangju. Thank you for not abandoning those hungry kids. Even though I don't get to have the chicken, I feel so full as if I did," another comment read. (Yonhap) South Korea has successfully test-fired a homegrown submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) from a new submarine to become the world's eighth country to possess the weapon, sources said Tuesday. The Agency for Defense Development (ADD) carried out underwater ejection tests of the SLBM from the Dosan Ahn Chang-ho submarine last week after successful launches from an underwater barge last month, according to the military sources. The locally developed 3,000-ton class submarine is equipped with six vertical launch tubes. After a round of additional tests, the SLBM will be mass produced for deployment, the sources said. The SLBM is believed to be a variant of the country's Hyunmoo-2B ballistic missile, with a flight range of around 500 kilometers, and will be fitted with conventional warheads, according to the sources. The missile has reportedly been codenamed, Hyunmoo 4-4. South Korea became the eighth country in the world to develop an SLBM after the United States, Russia, Britain, France, India, China and North Korea. Unlike conventional land-based missiles, SLBMs are harder to detect as they are launched from submarines for surprise strikes, which is why they are often called "a game changer." The new missile is expected to serve as a key deterrence tool for South Korea, which faces consistent threats by North Korea. The communist country has showcased several new types of SLBMs recently and is working to build a new submarine believed to be a 3,000-ton one capable of carrying SLBMs. The defense ministry in Seoul refused to officially confirm the development. "Our military secures advanced high-powered military assets to ensure peace on the Korean Peninsula by building strong military capabilities, and plans to continue to develop them," the ministry said in a release. (Yonhap) gettyimagesbank By Yoon Ja-young The Seoul Southern District Court issued an arrest warrant, Sept. 5, for a man on charges of murdering his wife who was separated from him and had filed divorce proceedings with a Japanese sword, according to the Hankook Ilbo, the sister paper of The Korea Times. Police had taken the suspect, surnamed Jang, into custody two days previously for allegedly killing his wife in front of her father. The couple had been separated since May and were going through a divorce. Before the killing, the suspect had called his wife to come and pick up the belongings of their children that were still at his house. She went to the residence accompanied by her father. The two, however, began to quarrel over the divorce, and the wife reportedly asked her father to video the incident. An allegedly infuriated Jang suddenly drew the sword and attacked his wife. He had reportedly got permission to keep the one-meter-long sword, which he had received as a gift, at his home. Jang later told police that he didn't remember clearly what had happened, as he had "completely lost his mind" at that moment. However, the Hankook Ilbo reported that he was neither drunk nor had any previous record of mental illness. An internet user, who claimed to be victim's close friend, said online that she had been suffering from domestic violence. The friend said the victim had told her that Jang did not let her go outside, had used a location tracking app, voice recorder and their car's black box to keep track of her whereabouts, and often assaulted her in front of their children. The friend added that Jang had taken the sword out a few times to threaten the victim, which prompted her to take shelter at her parents' home with the children. She said that the victim went to Jang's house with her father on the day as she feared for her safety. Jang had demanded the victim end the divorce suit, and when she refused, he took out the sword. The victim's father tried to calm Jang down, but was unable to do so. The friend said the victim's father is now blaming himself for failing to protect his daughter. According to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, 59,472 people were caught committing domestic violence here in 2019, more than triple the number from six years ago. The ministry explained that the rise in the number of cases may be due to increased violence, alongside more recognition of such incidents that weren't considered as such in the past. The bereaved family and friends of the victim are calling on the authorities to impose a heavy punishment on the perpetrator. Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum on Tuesday asked subway unions of Seoul and four other major cities to refrain from staging a planned walkout next week, saying it will seriously disrupt the public transportation service. "The people will likely experience great inconvenience and disruption if subways' operation gets interrupted ahead of the fall harvest Chuseok holiday," Kim said during a Cabinet meeting held at the government office complex in Seoul. This year's Chuseok holiday is set for Sept. 20-22. The labor union of Seoul Metro, the operator of the Seoul subway system, has warned it will go on strike from Sept. 14 if the company does not withdraw its plan to lay off workers as part of restructuring measures. Labor unions of the Incheon, Busan, Daegu and Daejeon metro operators have also pledged to join the strike. "Every group has its own reasoning and difficulty, but I ask (the metro unions) to remember that subways essentially serve as the legs for the fatigued ordinary people," Kim said while asking the unions and management to engage in negotiations with open minds. On the issue of hundreds of Afghan civilian evacuees currently sheltered in South Korea, Kim instructed the justice ministry and other related government offices to provide comprehensive support, such as those related to residence, employment and education. Last month, South Korea evacuated nearly 400 Afghan co-workers and their family members under a military mission, codenamed Operation Miracle, as they faced possible Taliban threats for having supported foreign operations. (Yonhap) Until when should taxpayers fill gaps for civil servants, veterans? The government will have to spend 4.1 trillion won ($3.54 billion) to fill the civil servant pension fund deficit next year, up 64 percent from 2.5 trillion won this year. The figure is the largest ever since the administration began to plug the shortfalls in the government employees' pension fund in 2001. In addition, the veterans' pension fund is also expected to suffer a loss of 2.9 trillion won in 2022, incurring that much additional government spending to compensate for the deficit. The civil servant pension fund and all other forms of social insurance should balance their expenses with their own income, including subscribers' contributions, under the self-payment principle. However, the pension funds for civil servants and military personnel have long since dried up, forcing the government to fill the holes with taxpayers' money since 2001 and 1973, respectively. The government has failed to carry out structural reforms by making beneficiaries pay more and get less, reflecting demographic changes. It is now clearing the chronic deficits with taxpayer's money. Even this irregular input of fiscal resources is no longer viable. The increasing life expectancy is swelling pension entitlements while the number of people who will bear the burden is falling rapidly amid the low birthrate. To keep the civil servant pension system afloat, experts advise the government to raise the contribution rate to at least 15 percent of employees' salaries while reducing the annuity rate to 1.5 percent or lower. The reform of veterans' pension fund is even more urgent to resolve the chronic deficit. However, the government made it off-limits for the foreseeable future in 2015, remaining content with lifting the civil servants' burden to 9 percent of salaries while lowering the annuity rate to 1.7 percent. Any debate on pension reform has since been put on hold. On the contrary, the Moon Jae-in administration has increased the number of its employees by over 110,000, expanding the pension liability while passing the buck on to the next government. Almost no presidential contender is talking about this unpopular issue. Why should taxpayers continue to pay for civil servants' post-retirement life? That may explain part of reason why so many college graduates are so eager to become government employees. By Bernard Rowan The 21st century continues to see environmental degradation and global environmental threats. South Korea's openness to innovation and eco-friendly technologies speaks well for the government and her people. Recently, Gangwon Province and Governor Choi Moon-soon carried out the Jeongseon Forum 2021. This international conference of leaders in government, academia, and the private sector showcased much of what has contributed to Gangwon's recent and planned developments. Its theme and speakers pointed to a better path for South Korea, the region and the family of developed and developing nations. As part of the event, I enjoyed interviewing Yoo Yeong-cheol, former ambassador for Climate Change in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Currently, Yoo serves as vice chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Yoo shared with me some of the major threats to sustainable environments and barriers to addressing issues of climate change. These include fear and resistance to change, moving from short- to long-term thinking, planning centered on the environment, and inclusiveness in related efforts. The public needs greater awareness that human existence is one of coexistence with nature and the environment. Yoo spoke from a framework of ecological peace and harmony with nature as the foundation for social change and for a 21st century economy and society. Yoo shared that in the past, the Jeongseon region was the main mining area in Korea, but that as time continued, the mines reached their limits. The need arose for regeneration. Today, planning must consider energy sources' renewability and their impacts on ecology. He shared the idea of a "circular economy" that centers on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the wastefulness of excess weight and calories, or mass consumption. The present society is one of comparative abundance, mass production and excess consumption. We must adopt energy reduction and fight the greed in economic and consumption activity. Yoo understands sustainability in relation to time. He stressed the long term and inclusiveness. He also highlighted regional and international linkages, since the environment in Korea experiences events stemming from causes in other countries, and conversely. Yoo said our growth mindsets are becoming untenable. It's a matter of survival or prosperity, and survival has priority. Yoo also stressed that Korea as a developed nation has seen qualified success in saving her forests and mountains, and much of her native habitat. Growth has occurred with an emphasis on green development, the environment and sustainability. An emphasis on survival must include the needs of future generations. I also interviewed Governor Choi Moon-soon. Speaking with this visionary leader is like enjoying the clear air on top of Mount Geumgang. His province has dedicated itself to carbon neutrality by 2040. He's begun the difficult transition from fossil fuels to liquid hydrogen sources. In cooperation with localities and companies, his government will minimize non-biodegradable hazards like plastic bottles and work to protect forests. Choi stressed that environmental regard isn't necessarily an enemy of growth. However, it implies many transitions and changes in the ways that humans produce and consume goods and services, as well as in the priority given environmental impacts and effects. I asked Governor Moon about the children, since what adults do or don't do today creates their world and their headaches, as well as possibilities. His comments were striking. "Young people are facing the potential crisis of extinction as a species." He elaborated that we owe them much to correct for the wrongdoings of present and recent generations. We are running out of time to secure our environment's and the human species' long-term survival. Inaction omens ruin in real ways. The root causes of social evils include ignoring and degrading the environment. To survive and grow further, much must change. Choi ended the interview by highlighting his goal of making the 2024 Winter Youth Olympics a showcase. The world will see Gangwon's progress toward a brighter future. From Jeongseon, survival follows an awareness of Gangwon's carbon-free and eco-friendly post-advanced development for a better Korea, region and world. Humanity's survival depends on nothing less. Bernard Rowan (browan10@yahoo.com) is associate provost for contract administration and professor of political science at Chicago State University. He is a past fellow of the Korea Foundation and former visiting professor at Hanyang University. Grocery products in a Market Kurly delivery box / Courtesy of Market Kurly Police and journalists gather around a hole used by six Palestinian prisons to escape from the Gilboa Prison after they dug a tunnel beneath a sink, in northern Israel, Sept. 6. AFP-Yonhap Israel launched a massive manhunt in the country's north and the occupied West Bank early Monday after six Palestinian prisoners tunneled out of their cell and escaped from a high-security facility in the biggest prison break of its kind in decades. The escape marks an embarrassing security breach just ahead of the Jewish New Year, when Israelis flock to the north to enjoy beaches, campsites and the Sea of Galilee. The prisoners appear to have gone into hiding and there was no indication Israeli authorities view them as an immediate threat. Palestinians consider prisoners held by Israel to be heroes of their national cause, and many celebrated the escape on social media. Efforts to capture the escapees will likely draw attention to the Palestinian Authority's security coordination with Israel, which is deeply unpopular among Palestinians. There was no immediate comment from the PA, but President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party praised the escape. Israeli officials said they have erected roadblocks and are conducting patrols in the area. Israel's Army Radio said 400 prisoners are being moved as a protective measure against any additional escape attempts. The radio said the prisoners escaped through a tunnel from the Gilboa prison, just north of the West Bank, which is supposed to be one of Israel's most secure facilities. A police officer watches from an observation tower at the Gilboa Prison in northern Israel, Sept. 6. AFP-Yonhap A photo released by the prison service showed a narrow hole in the floor of a cell, and Israeli security forces could be seen examining a similar hole on a stretch of gravel just outside the walls of the prison. It appeared to be the biggest Palestinian escape from an Israeli prison since 1987, when six militants from the Islamic Jihad group broke out of a heavily guarded prison in Gaza months before the outbreak of the first intifada, or Palestinian uprising against Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called it a ''grave incident'' that required maximum effort by Israel's various security branches. He said he was receiving constant updates on the prison break, which occurred just hours before Israel was to mark the Jewish New Year. There were no instructions for people to alter their routines. Israeli media quoted Public Security Minister Omer Barlev as saying that extensive planning went into the escape and that the prisoners likely had ''outside assistance.'' Palestinian prisoners are believed to use smuggled cellphones to communicate with people outside, and the escapees may have arranged for a getaway vehicle. Police commander Shimon Ben Shabo said officials have reinforced emergency response call centers in the area to respond to any reports about the prisoners and there are ''forces available to arrive at any location.'' Israeli soldiers guard a damaged section of the Israeli separation fence, which was used by Palestinian laborers to cross into Israel, in the West Bank village of Jalameh, Sept. 6. AP-Yonhap The escapees are suspected of having headed back to their hometown of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank, about a 25 kilometer (15-mile) drive away. The internationally recognized PA wields little control in the town, where militants in recent weeks have clashed with Israeli forces. Israeli helicopters were seen flying over Jenin on Monday morning. The Palestinian Prisoners' Club, which represents both former and current prisoners, identified the men as ranging in age from 26 to 49 years old. The most well-known is Zakaria Zubeidi, 46, who was a prominent leader in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an armed group affiliated with Fatah, during the second intifada from 2000-2005. He was later granted amnesty along with other Fatah-affiliated militants, but was arrested again in 2019 on what Israeli authorities said were new terror suspicions. As a child, Zubeidi had been part of a children's theater troupe in Jenin established by Arna Mer-Khamis, an Israeli rights activist, that was the subject of a 2004 documentary. The other five prisoners were members of Islamic Jihad, and the prisoners' group said four were serving life sentences. Supporters of the Islamic Jihad movement distribute sweets to celebrate the escape of six Palestinians from an Israeli prison, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, Sept. 6. AFP-Yonhap A student sits inside a classroom after private universities reopened in Kabul, Sept. 6. AFP-Yonhap Universities in Kabul were almost empty on the first day of the Afghan school year on Monday, as professors and students wrestled with the Taliban's restrictive new rules for the classroom. The Taliban have promised a softer reign than during their first stint in power from 1996-2001, when women's freedoms in Afghanistan were sharply curtailed and they were banned from higher education. This time the hardline Islamist group have said women will be allowed to go to private universities under the new regime, but they face tough restrictions on their clothing and movement. Women can only attend class if they wear an abaya a flowing robe and a niqab a face veil with a small window to see through and are separated from men, the Taliban said. "Our students don't accept this and we will have to close the university," said Noor Ali Rahmani, the director of Gharjistan University in Kabul, on an almost empty campus. "Our students wear the hijab, not the niqab," he added, referring to a head scarf. The hardline group's education authority issued a lengthy document on Sunday outlining their measures for the classroom, which also ruled that men and women should be segregated or at least divided by a curtain if there are 15 students or less. "We said we didn't accept it because it will be difficult to do," Rahmani told AFP. "We also said that it is not real Islam, it is not what the Quran says." From now on at private colleges and universities, which have mushroomed since the Taliban's first rule ended, women must only be taught by other women, or "old men", and use a women-only entrance. They must also end their lessons five minutes earlier than men to stop them from mingling outside. So far, the Taliban has said nothing about public universities. Students attend their class after private universities reopened in Kabul, Sept. 6. AFP-Yonhap 'Let's engage' For some students, however, it was a relief that women would still be able to attend university at all under a new Taliban regime. Zuhra Bahman, who runs a scholarship program for women in Afghanistan, said on social media she had spoken to some of the students. "They are happy to go back to university, albeit in hijab," she said. "Taliban opening universities for women is a key progress. Let's continue to engage to agree on other rights and freedoms." Jalil Tadjlil, a spokesman for Ibn-e Sina University in the capital, said separate entrances had already been created for men and women. "We didn't have the authority to accept or reject the decisions that have been imposed," he told AFP, blaming the "ongoing uncertainty" for the lack of students. The university posted a picture online of male and female students separated by a curtain. Images shared on Facebook by the university's department of economics and management showed six women wearing the hijab and ten male students with a grey curtain running between them, as a male teacher wrote on a whiteboard. In this photo obtained from social media, students attend class under new classroom conditions at Avicenna University in Kabul, Sept. 6. Reuters-Yonhap Ahead of a conference on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) made an urgent appeal for more than 600 million dollars in emergency aid for the country. "Basic services in Afghanistan are collapsing and food and other life-saving aid is about to run out," OCHA spokesperson Jens Laerke said in Geneva on Tuesday. The High-level Ministerial Meeting on the Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan, which will be chaired by U.N.?Secretary General Antonio Guterres, is scheduled to take place in Geneva on Monday. The U.N. is not only hoping for support from donor countries, but hopes also to gain free access for aid workers to get to?Afghanistan, which has been controlled by the militant Islamist Taliban since late August. Aid organizations hope that the money raised will prevent almost 11 million people from going hungry this winter. According to Laerke, more than 1 million women and children in?Afghanistan are already suffering from acute malnutrition. The money will also be used to maintain medical services, water supplies and sanitation facilities. Protection measures for children and women, emergency shelters and educational projects for children will also be funded. (dpa) Armed police on patrol in Yangon, Myanmar, Tuesday. Myanmar National Unity Government (NUG)'s acting president Duwa Lashi La declared a 'People's Defensive War', calling on citizens to revolt against the military. EPA-Yonhap The main underground group coordinating resistance to Myanmar's military government called for a nationwide uprising on Tuesday. The National Unity Government views itself as a shadow government composed of elected legislators who were barred from taking their seats when the military seized power in February. The group's acting president Duwa Lashi La called for revolt "in every village, town and city in the entire country at the same time" and declared what he called a "state of emergency." A video of his speech was posted on Facebook. The country has been wracked by unrest since the military ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, with a low-level insurrection in many urban areas. There has been more serious combat in rural areas, especially in border regions where ethnic minority militias have been engaging in serious clashes with the government's troops. The shadow government's prime minister, Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, said in a separate statement posted online that the move was taken due to "changing circumstances" that required the complete abolition of the ruling military government. He did not elaborate. There were no immediate signs of heightened resistance activity, although some student groups and ethnic armed organizations expressed solidarity. The National Unity Government is popular inside Myanmar, but its actual power and influence is hard to measure. It has frequently issued sweeping proclamations and policy statements declaring the military government and its actions invalid and illegal, but they've had little real-world effect. It controls no territory, does not directly control any armed force and has won no diplomatic recognition from foreign countries. Members of its shadow Cabinet are in hiding inside Myanmar and in exile. Duwa Lashi La called on the ethnic militias, some of whom have declared themselves in alliance with the resistance, to "immediately attack" government forces and "fully control your lands." The ethnic armed forces, which have been fighting for decades for greater autonomy from Myanmar's central government, operate independently of the National Unity Government. Duwa Lashi La called for a "people's revolution" and asked for all soldiers and police to join the "people's defense forces." He also warned civil servants against going to their offices. He advised people to heed their personal safety and not travel unnecessarily, as well as to stock up on food and medicine, guidance it has offered on at least one past occasion when it warned of trouble ahead. He said people should help the defense forces where they can, including with information about government military forces. The resistance movement against the military takeover had established "people's defense forces" in many areas, but they mostly operate locally and when active, carry out small-scale hit-and-run guerrilla operations. (AP) U.S. first lady Jill Biden waves as she looks at the monitor during during a tour at Samuel Smith Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., March 15. AP-Yonhap Jill Biden is going back to her whiteboard. After months of teaching writing and English to community college students in boxes on a computer screen, the first lady resumes teaching in person Tuesday from a classroom at Northern Virginia Community College, where she has worked since 2009. She is the first first lady to leave the White House and log hours at a full-time job. ''There are some things you just can't replace, and I can't wait to get back in the classroom,'' she recently told Good Housekeeping magazine. The first lady has been anxious to see her students in person after more than a year of virtual teaching brought on by a pandemic that continues to challenge the Biden administration. A working first lady is a ''big deal,'' said Tammy Vigil, a Boston University communications professor who wrote a book about first ladies Michelle Obama and Melania Trump. The nation's early first ladies did not work outside the home, especially when home was the White House. They supported their husbands, raised children and performed the role of hostess. Some first ladies acted as special ambassadors for their husbands. Eleanor Roosevelt was especially active, traveling around the U.S. and reporting back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose activities were limited by polio. She advocated for the poor, minorities and other disadvantaged people, and began writing a nationally syndicated newspaper column from the White House. More recent first ladies, like Laura Bush, who was an elementary school teacher and librarian, had stopped working outside the home after having children and were not employed when their husbands were elected. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were working mothers who decided against continuing their careers in the White House. In this July 2 file photo, U.S. first lady Jill Biden speaks at the National Education Association's annual meeting at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington. AP-Yonhap Jill Biden, 70, is forging a new path for herself and her successors. The first lady has said she always wanted to be a career woman. She taught at the Virginia community college during the eight years that her husband was vice president and was not about to let the added responsibility of being first lady force her to give up a career she so closely identifies with. ''Teaching isn't just what I do. It's who I am,'' she says. Women made up nearly half, or 47 percent, of the U.S. labor force in 2019, according to Catalyst, a women's workplace advocacy group. Leaders of the nation's largest teachers' unions are pleased that one of their own is now in a position to help influence the administration's education policies and raise the profile of a profession in which many have long felt unappreciated. ''She sees it up close and personally and now, in the position as first lady, not only does she give voice to that from a place of understanding, she has an opportunity to create a platform and to have influence,'' said Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association. President Joe Biden told teachers attending the NEA's annual meeting that he learned about what they were going through by watching his wife as she learned how to teach online. ''It gave me an appreciation firsthand that I thought I had, but I wouldn't have had had I not seen it,'' he said at the July meeting. ''And then going out and teaching she was working four or five hours a day, getting ready to teach, putting her lesson plans together ... a different way.'' U.S. first Lady Jill Biden speaks with a student as she tours Benjamin Franklin Elementary School in Meriden, C.T., March 3. AFP-Yonhap You have permission to edit this article. Edit Close On 6 September Guatemalas 160-member unicameral legislature rejected a state of calamity announced by Presidentin response to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. End of preview - This article contains approximately 382 words. Subscribers: Log in now to read the full article Not a Subscriber? Choose from one of the following options Communications Officer/Dispatcher (3 Positions, $1k Bonus After 30 Days) About Seattle Pacific University: Founded in 1891, Seattle Pacific University has a long and distinguished history in Christian higher education. Located just minutes from downtown Seattle, SPU seeks to be a premier Christian University fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom, and modeling grace-filled community. Seattle Pacific University seeks applicants committed to its Christian mission. Diversity Statement As part of our mission of cultural engagement, SPU is committed to building an excellent and diverse staff and faculty. Diversity is an ethos that is inseparable from our Christian faith. At SPU, we recognize diversity as a basic feature of God's creation and a core theme of the gospel. At the heart of our mission-centered commitment to becoming a more diverse community is a desire to represent the breadth of God's kingdom more fully. We strive to become a workplace of choice and to recruit, develop, and retain faculty and staff who can embrace, value, and engage differences with humility and care. We invite you to join us on our journey by starting a career at SPU! Learn more about SPU's commitment to diversity and opportunities for our employees to deepen their capacity to serve our increasingly diverse student body. Seattle Pacific University provides reasonable accommodation to applicants. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any portion of the application or hiring process please contact the Human Resources Department at (206)281-2809, or email hr@spu.edu. Notification must be given at least five (5) working days before the accommodation is needed. General Summary: Under the general supervision of the Associate Director of Safety and Security, the dispatcher staffs the OSS Security Operations Center, operating as a primary point of contact for non-emergency, emergency and critical incident calls for assistance or information. The dispatcher provides dispatch and communication support services for officers in Safety and Security as well as coordinates with police, fire, and EMS services or other resources as needed. This position is responsible for monitoring all surveillance, building security and fire safety systems. Uses discretion to prioritize calls and dispatch security officers to investigate events. Provides project and administrative support to the Office of Safety & Security. Job Description: Community Services Acts as the primary point of contact and provides exceptional customer service for information requests and non-emergency services. Must operate a multi-line phone, prioritize incoming calls, and document calls/services in the computer aided dispatch program. Using voice based radio communications the dispatcher coordinates with security officers who are patrolling the campus and responding to calls for service and addressing on going security issues. The CO - Dispatcher creates on going records of security operations through various electronic and paper documentation. Emergency Dispatching Acts as the primary point of contact for emergency situations (ie. fire, criminal, or medical incidents). Understand and evaluates emergency/urgent situations and relays information as received to assist in coordinating a response with campus security officers, and local police, fire, EMS (by calling 911), or other resources as needed. Utilizes a multi-channel two-way radios to communicate with campus security officers, facilities personnel and building emergency coordinators (ie. floor wardens). Receives and communicates information from emergency phone and emergency elevator phones. Relays and coordinates information between field units and OSS directors. Documents all actions in the computer aided dispatch program. Central Monitoring Manages and monitors all surveillance, building security and fire safety systems. Must proficiently operate a complex digital video surveillance system and actively monitor the campus for criminal activity, accidents, or other potential concerning activity. Evaluates behavior on-screen and dispatches officers accordingly. Maintains a campus-wide access control system including assigning user permissions and controlling building access through scheduled locks and unlocks. Monitors campus security and fire alarms through skillful use of the applicable alarm management software; may also involve low-level of programming. Maintains alarm and control equipment; works with vendors to address technical problems. Critical Incident Acts as the primary point of contact for critical incidents (earthquakes, armed intruders, chemical spills, etc.). Initiates the University's mass notification system to alert the SPU community to the crisis and direct them to take appropriate action. Utilizes multi-modal communication methods including alerts to text, phone, and email activated through a single computer application, activation of electronic reader boards, and desktop alerts, as well as emergency phones/loudspeakers. Initiates the physical lockdown of the campus in response to threats of violence. Is considered an essential personnel and required to report to campus during critical incidents during off hours. Administrative Processes and maintains the campus access control system, including communication with various departments for required credentialing. Provides office support to Safety & Security for phones, office coverage, and projects as assigned, including word processing and spreadsheet creation. Staffs the OSS customer service desk as needed and responds to requests for services such as key check-in/out, vehicle rental check-in/out, parking passes, bus passes, and operates a cash register. Assists with record-keeping, processing and data entry of parking and motor pool information. . Completes clerical tasks for various office records as needed. Provides additional support as needed to the Office & Transportation Manager. Requirements: High school graduation or equivalent. One year of office experience. Current First Aid, CPR, and dispatcher certified training certification (or the ability to obtain upon hire). Must have valid Washington state driver's license or the ability to obtain within two months of hire. Able to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing using clear language, no-grammatical or spelling errors, and professional tone. Must be a self-starter, able to work to high-performance standards with limited supervision, able to function in an occasionally high-stress environment. Able to make decisions effectively and in a timely manner that are decisions that are in the best interest of the department, the University, and our customers. Organized and detailed-oriented; meticulous in documenting information. Must be able to visually observe campus grounds and video surveillance systems. Must be willing to travel occasionally for training opportunities. Experience with two-way radios, cctv, alarm systems, and dispatch software, a plus. Proficient with Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel. Preferred Qualifications: Some higher education coursework. Six months dispatcher emergency telecommunication experience. Strong clerical ability and able to type 50 words per minute. Proficiency with Adobe products, Contribute, Photoshop, Microsoft SharePoint and computer aided dispatch software such as Report Exec. Additional Information: There are three dispatcher positions open, will remain open until filled. One position is day shift and two are graveyard shifts. For the graveyard positions, one will be four 8 hour shifts and one will be four 10 hour shifts. Both positions receive full time benefits. $1,000 bonus paid after 30 days successful employment. Salary: $22.60 per hour for day shift, $23.00 per hour for night shift. These are full time positions with excellent benefits. SPU pays the employee premium for medical, dental, and vision insurance. SPU makes contributions to an employee HSA account and to a retirement account after one year of eligibility in the plan. Tuition discount program available for the employee and qualified immediate family members. Application Instructions: Please note: All SPU employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and to submit documentary proof of vaccination unless an exception applies. For more information, see SPU's Vaccination Requirements FAQs webpage. Please submit a cover letter and resume along with the online application. recblid 7ejzf32x57oisbczj6s0l1t5c3g0k1 County Attorney Full Time Position Under the general direction of the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator, the County Attorney provides legal advice and services to the Board of Supervisors, County Administration and its agencies, including the Department of Social Services. Responsible for all County legal services in civil and governmental actions. The County Attorney serves at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors, and receives general supervision from the Board, and from the County Administrator on a day-to-day basis. Examples of Work: Represent the County central government, its departments, and any other assigned sub-units or appointed agencies of the Board of Supervisors, such as but not limited to the Economic Development Authority, the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, and the Department of Social Services. Provide legal advice on matters of civil, constitutional, and administrative law. Provides a full range of legal services including advice on state and federal regulations, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and review of legislation. Represents and litigates on behalf of the County and the local Department of Social Services before state, and federal appellate courts, government agencies and administrative tribunals as required. Initiate and respond to civil actions and complaints on behalf of the County. Ensure through legal counseling, that various legal requirements and statutory deadlines are met to avoid potential litigation, compliance with contractual obligations, avoidance of civil rights claims awards, and compliance with various legal funding requirements. Provide legal review and advice on matters pertaining to contracts and real estate. Oversee the review of all contracts before execution of contractual documents and agreements. Manage and review all basic personnel functions of the County to ensure that local personnel policies and practices are in compliance with federal and state regulations and guidelines. Conducts legal research and gathers evidence to form a defense or initiate legal action. Evaluates findings and develops strategies and arguments for presentation of cases. Draft ordinances and other documents, as necessary or requested, in a timely manner. Assists in the delinquent tax collection for the County, taking appropriate action as necessary to collect delinquent taxes, and issuing liens for delinquent debt. Writes and files briefs and memoranda of law, prepares and files pleadings, initiates and responds to discovery petitions. Prepares and files appeals. Develop and maintain a positive and effective liaison with other governmental officials and the public pertaining to legal matters. Attend all meetings of the Board of Supervisors, and other meetings as required. Provide FOIA and COI training to all Board Members Perform other related duties as required. Qualifications: Education and Experience: Juris Doctorate degree, with admission to the Virginia State Bar. Appropriate legal authorization to practice law before the Virginia State Supreme Court, and in Federal, District, and Appeals courts. Prefer experience related to public entities including Social Services. Administrative, advisory, and governmental or business experience; demonstrated knowledge of proficient legal practices and the Code of Virginia as pertaining to County government in Virginia. Ability to plan, organize and present legal positions in a timely manner. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Professional knowledge of civil, constitutional, administrative, contractual, real estate, tax, and civil rights laws. Considerable knowledge of modern legal practices relating to governmental law and its application to County governments in Virginia; and extensive knowledge of the philosophy and principles of courtroom protocol, conduct, and techniques. Knowledge of social service-related laws, legal codes, court procedures, precedents, government regulations, executive orders, and agency rules. Exceptional oral and written communications skills; providing brief, concise, and definitive legal opinions in a timely manner. Confidentiality; good and mature judgment. Knowledge and ability to facilitate the effective outcome of the purpose of legal counsel in a public environment, providing a positive image of the County government. Ability to independently conduct legal research, formulate effective legal strategies, respond to and follow up on requests from the Board of Supervisors and County Administration in a prompt and timely manner. Outstanding ability to maintain a harmonious working relationship with the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator, other employees, and the public. Agreement to work exclusively for the County, with no formal private practice. Agreement to reside in Smyth County within six months of successfully obtaining position. A valid Virginia drivers license required. Starting Salary Range: DOE with Full County Benefits Deadline for submission: October 15, 2021 recblid a1dc5tal0syrtbpt1z6wc8u1348lp3 Volunteer & Get Paid New Fall Training! Do you consider yourself caring and compassionate? Do you want to give back to your community? If so, Alpert JFS is seeking volunteers to help seniors in the West Palm Beach area as part of a federally funded AmeriCorps Program. Some responsibilities may include: socialization, delivering groceries, transportation to and from appointments. Receive $211/month plus mileage (no wknds). Year-round FL resident Comfortable with technology preferred. EOE, Drug free workplace. recblid c88l3n5wxc41evue1u6kuo01aqxr6s Computer/IT T-Mobile USA, Inc. seeks Senior Engineer, Software in Overland Park, KS Support development activities related to the invoice experience across all invoice channels incl. print, web & mobile (iOS & Android). Design & develop internal & external business systems/appls, systems interfaces, databases, reporting, or business intelligence systems, as reqd to deliver new systems functionality supporting corp business objectives. Job Qualifications: PRIMARY REQUIREMENTS: Masters degree in Comp Sci, Comp Info Systms, Info Tech, Comp Appls, Engineering or related, and 3 yrs of relevant work experience. ALTERNATIVE REQUIREMENTS: Bachelors degree in fields listed above, and 5 yrs of relevant work experience. To apply visit www.t-mobile.com/careers. Create a candidate profile, and apply to REQ: 173904BR. EOE. recblid u15ip5rua27nrb9cujckhqh7lr1nq9 Dean Liberal Arts & Public Service About Tulsa Community College Tulsa Community College is committed to creating equitable and inclusive work environments to support the success of the full range of our employees. We believe that employees who feel valued and respected will create policies, programs, practices and services to effectively meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our increasingly diverse student populations. We encourage candidates to apply who have demonstrated capacity to create inclusive work environments, to work effectively on increasingly diverse teams, and to serve the increasingly diverse college community. We are committed to hiring and retaining a racially diverse, culturally competent staff at all levels of the organization who not only reflect the demographics of our students, but also continue to deepen their skills and competencies to serve the full range of our community. Job Summary: Serve as the front-line learning leader of the Liberal Arts & Public Service departments. Responsible for promoting academic, administrative, and fiscal leadership in accordance with TCC's mission, vision, and core values. Campus: Metro Classification: Administrative Position Type: Full-time Curricular: If Faculty, Contract Length: Job Code Number: 4741F-8-22 Minimum Qualifications: Master's degree in a discipline related to Liberal Arts and Public Service. Teaching, leadership, and communication experience appropriate to a senior leadership role in higher education. Knowledge of curriculum processes, teaching strategies, learning theory and initiatives, and learning outcome development and assessment. Successful record of innovative academic leadership and commitment to the highest standards of academic quality, and institutional and personal integrity. Experience in strategic planning, budget development, and grant development and management. Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Philosophies compatible with those of a comprehensive urban community college. Preferred Qualifications: Doctoral degree (Ph.D., J.D., Ed.D.) in a discipline related to Liberal Arts and Public Service. Knowledge of curriculum, program and instructional leadership for both workforce and university preparation. Higher education teaching experience. Knowledge of student recruitment, advising, and data collection/reporting strategies. Experience developing and implementing remote/online learning strategies and programs. Experience in faculty/staff performance review and promotion-in-rank. Starting Salary Range: $81,145 - $94,332 Work Schedule: Monday-Friday 8-5 Weekend and evenings as needed. Posting Date: 08/12/2021 Closing Date: Open Until Filled: Yes Special Instructions to Applicants: Advertised Department: School of Liberal Arts & Communication recblid e10piy7ty4o92ry7qq2qos0v0fu5rs ImOn Communications is the LOCAL choice for cable TV, high-speed Internet and phone service. We value the relationships we have with colleagues, customers, and members of our community and look forward to serving Eastern Iowa for many years to come. As we expand our service availability we are looking for a Network Management Specialist to be a part of the ImOn Difference! Our employees share a passion for Creating Connections One Person at a Time and fostering a fun and rewarding work environment. The position will be a Network Management Specialist with the individual responsible for Tier 2 Care of Business and Tier 1 Care of Wholesale customers as well as serving as an escalation point for ImOn Business installation and service technicians. The individual will support these customers by responding to trouble tickets and inquiries to ensure issues are resolved or if needed, escalated to Tier 3 Support which are the Systems Planning and Engineering team. Essential duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to: Provide real-time support for voice, video, internet and data services for Business and Wholesale customers, will serve as the primary interface for customer issues after Customer Care has opened and escalated a ticket. Monitor department trouble tickets queues for voice, video, internet and data services and provide support as needed. Escalate to Tier 3 when necessary. Work with Service Technicians by establishing dispatches and time frames for action on necessary on site customer assistance. (Need to understand the dispatching resources and procedures) Must have the technical capability to learn and understand network provisioning, management and monitoring tools such as Calix CMS and Access Nodes, Cisco/Adtran switches and routers, Cisco/Arris CMTS, Cisco CNR DHCP and DNS servers, Metaswitch Servers SolarWinds and Zabbix monitoring tools. Must be able to understand the purpose and general operation of various customer devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, VoIP ATAs and SIP phones to the extent they can visualize and assist customers and/or service technicians with troubleshooting over the phone. Be proactive in customer contact through email, voice notification of outages and approximate time table of said outage or service occurrence as available. Notify internal ImOn Customers of issues relating to outages or customer issues. Monitor and maintain business opportunity worksheets. Respond to copyright infringement and subpoenas as required. Perform regular audits of existing switch, router and server configurations to ensure security, logging, backup and alarming is properly configured. Insure all communications with ImOn Business Service Customers and Wholesale Customers are documented in appropriate customer records. Demonstrates active listening and effective communication to ensure a mutual understanding of customers concerns. Represent ImOn Communications in a positive, professional, and ethical manner; working to exceed the customers expectations while minimizing need for further escalation. Demonstrate punctuality and consistent attendance. Be source of training for new Business Sales and Wholesale employees as well as Customer Care and appropriate Security Coverage Care employees. Requirements Education and minimum qualifications (Skills required): Minimum Associates Degree in Computer Science or Engineering Studies Ability to function independently and efficiently in a fast-paced environment Must be team oriented, friendly and personable with strong focus on customer service Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills with demonstrated ability to articulate relevant information in an organized and concise manner. Must be able to work proactively and independently with minimal supervision. ImOn also offers competitive pay, health and dental insurance, 401(k), discounted Cable, Internet & Phone services, and additional perks such as FREE short term/long term disability, as well as vacation & holiday pay, and community volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in being a part of the ImOn Difference apply today! recblid fjkyy1gg1j7nnjp4ntoaa6v311n526 Red Hawk Casino Now Hiring for All Positions $500 Sign-On Bonus Job Fair September 7th / September 8th September 14th / September 15th Interviews and Offers on the Spot Walk-Ins welcome with a resume Red Hawk Casino offers competitive wages, an amazing benefits package and endless opportunities for all team members! ABOUT US: As stewards of the land, it was the Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians vision that Red Hawk Casino be created to honor the past and celebrate the future. The casinos architecture is in harmony with tradition, nature and our surroundings. The Red Hawk Casino delivers significant economic benefits to the local community of El Dorado County. Red Hawk boasts magnificent views and a natural setting that inspires true gamblers. Located on a beautiful hilltop less than 20 minutes east of Sacramento on Highway 50, Red Hawk is the gamblers oasis. Youll discover a place that inspires and excites. recblid xjqizzbwcjokgutonhhqsjl5ncw3dl Stock Market News UK Market Open - UK PM Spokesman: Cabinet has agreed to PMs proposals on social care reform 07-09-2021 03:01 Stock News headlines are gathered from financial news sources around the web. Views and opinions on each item are from their respective authors and website. They are not opinions of LiveCharts.co.uk Magnolia, AR (71754) Today A mix of clouds and sun. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 87F. Winds ENE at 10 to 15 mph.. Tonight A few passing clouds. Low 68F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Turmoil has engulfed the impoverished west African country of Guinea since an army special operations unit announced that it had captured president Alpha Conde and dissolved his government on Sunday. The coup leader and head of the countrys special forces, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, announced on the state broadcaster on Sunday that the countrys constitution had been suspended and the borders closed. He also announced a 24-hour curfew in all areas except the mining areas. The immediate cause of the coup appears to have been the dismissal of a commander in the special forces, which provoked junior officers to rebel and occupy the presidential palace. But whatever the case may be, this was only a trigger that brought deep contradictions to the fore. The coup comes amid a long period of political crisis in Guinea in the wake of Condes highly unpopular bid for a third presidential term last year. Power struggle Deep divisions exist within the state apparatus in Guinea, as different factions with competing interests vie for power. This was plainly visible in the hours after the announcement of the coup. The regular army, through the ministry of defence, initially denied that a coup had taken place but later vowed that any attack by mutinous forces would be put down. The presidential guard, supported by the loyalist and republican defence and security forces, contained the threat and repelled the group of assailants, the ministry of defence said in a statement. A short time later, heavy gunfire broke out near the presidential palace in Conakry. By Monday, it became clear that Alpha Conde and his government had been removed and replaced by a committee of army officers. However, the situation is still very, very unstable. The divisions in the state mean that the possibility of a counter-coup at some stage cannot be ruled out. Military vehicles patrolled Conakrys streets and the bridge connecting the mainland to the Kaloum neighbourhood, which houses the palace and most government ministries, had been sealed off. Many soldiers, some heavily armed, were seen around the palace. The fall of Alpha Conde This was not the first coup attempt against Alpha Conde. The day before the presidential election last year, a section of the military blocked access to the Kaloum district after an alleged military rebellion east of the capital. Conde won a controversial third term in that poll, but only after pushing through a new, deeply unpopular constitution in March 2020 that allowed him to sidestep the countrys two-term presidential limit. Dozens of people were killed during demonstrations against a third term for the president in clashes with security forces. Hundreds of people were also arrested. Mass protests broke out in 2019 and 2020 against attempts by Conde to change the constitution to permit himself to stand for a third presidential term / Image: Aboubacarkhoraa He was then proclaimed president on 7 November last year, despite his main challenger Cellou Dalein Diallo and other opposition figures denouncing the election as a sham. Conde also survived an assassination attempt in 2011. After the poll, the government launched a crackdown and arrested several prominent opposition members for their alleged role in abetting electoral violence in the country. He had become deeply unpopular over the 11 years of his rule. It can be no surprise then that the confirmation of his overthrow on Sunday was met with wild celebrations in the streets of Conakry. Different factions When Conde came to power in 2010, Guineas constitution limited the president to two five-year terms in office. In December 2019, however, he announced a plan for a new draft constitution that, his party said, would allow him to stand in the upcoming elections. Despite fierce opposition, this highly controversial new constitution was put to a referendum in March. The resulting crisis exacerbated long standing political and ethnic tensions in Guinea. Guinea has a long history of military rule since gaining formal independence from France in 1958. The state which emerged in Guinea after France relinquished military and bureaucratic control was extremely unstable. The weakness of the Guinean bourgeoisie gave a certain independence to the military caste. This explains the many coups and counter-coups which have plagued the country ever since. The country did not hold democratic elections until 1993 when Gen. Lansana Conte (head of the military government) was elected president of the civilian government. He was reelected in 1998 and again in 2003, though all the polls were marred by electoral fraud. History repeated itself in December 2008 following President Contes death, when Captain Moussa Dadis Camara led a military coup, seizing power and suspending the constitution as well as political activity. Pressure from below However, between 2005 and 2007 Guinea was rocked by a series of mass mobilisations and general strikes. This magnificent struggle of the Guinean workers and youth caused panic, not only with dictator Lansana Conte, but also in the ranks of French imperialism. The French ruling class is one of the main causes of the misery the majority of Guineas 13 million people endure. For decades they have pillaged the country, which is the world's largest producer of bauxite, an aluminium ore. The many strikes and general strikes forced the countrys elite to grant minimal democratic reforms. Out of this manoeuvre, Alpha Conde became Guineas first elected president in 2010. Conde easily won a second term in 2015 after the opposition boycotted the elections and in 2020 the constitutional referendum cleared the way for him to seek a third term, which he won in the October elections. This was followed by a period of violent crackdown and the arrest of opposition party leaders. Condes manoeuvres to remain in power have led to periodic protests in which hundreds of Guineans have been killed over the years. Guinea, one of the worlds poorest countries, has the worlds largest bauxite deposits and is one of the worlds biggest producers. It also has massive iron ore reserves. The government of Alpha Conde has transformed Guinea into a top global exporter. China receives about half of its Bauxite supply from Guinea. Bauxite is used to produce aluminum, which is used in anything from car and airplane parts and consumer products like beverage cans and tin foil. Scenes of locals coming out in support of the coup in Conakry. The Conde presidency has seen multinationals and a corrupt elite in Conakry grow rich of the raw materials of Guinea, whilst the majority have become further impoverished. It is no wonder that scenes of jubilation greeted news of Conde's overthrow / Image: Aboubacarkhoraa The Boke region, in northwestern Guinea, has been the centre of much of the bauxite sectors recent growth. The region now has dozens of open-sky bauxite quarries. Although Guineas bauxite boom provides profits to mining companies and their shareholders and a slice to the greedy elite in Conakry, the local population hardly benefits at all. Mining companies have expropriated farmlands without paying adequate compensation to the locals. They have damaged and polluted water sources and reduced communities access to water for drinking, washing and cooking. Riots broke out in Boke in September 2017 due to anger at inadequate local services, particularly a lack of water and electricity, resentment at the rapid expansion of mining and broader concerns about the impacts of mining on local communities. These riots have grown into a series of uprisings and have been a constant feature ever since. Thousands of young people ransacked government buildings and erected informal checkpoints, briefly preventing mining companies from operating. The local population can see the huge financial benefits a company is making, they see taxes being collected, trucks taking bauxite from their farmland abroad but they hardly see any benefit for themselves. The Conde years were no different to those of the past. Corruption and mismanagement was the order of the day as the different factions of the ruling elite compete for lucrative deals with international mining companies. His administration has become rotten to the core and extremely unpopular. Opposition factions in the regime have now decided to remove him before he could be overthrown in a popular uprising. Instability The situation is extremely volatile in Guinea. The next few days and weeks will determine whether the new military regime has a firm enough basis to stand on or whether it will be replaced by an opposing faction of the army. But whatever faction takes control, an immediate return to civilian rule is unlikely. The coup leaders have ordered all regional governments to step down, to be replaced by army officers. This means that the army is preparing for a period of military rule. What is clear is that whatever faction takes over, it will be a regime of crisis. The state is divided as different groups compete for power and access to the lucrative crumbs falling off the table of the international mining companies. However, the pressure from below is mounting. The uprisings of the people, who can see the countrys mineral wealth being drained without much benefit to the locals, will continue whatever faction is in charge. The workers, youth and the poor should rely on their own strength and not support this or that faction of this corrupt, greedy and degenerate regime. Over the last few years, west Africa has seen marvelous uprings of the masses against equally corrupt regimes in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Togo and Gabon. This is the road the Guinean masses must follow. A united struggle of the people of the region against the corrupt regimes and their imperialist masters is the way forward. Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. DLA Piper has received the International Law Firm of the Year award at the African Legal Awards 2021, hosted by Legal Week and the Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa (CCASA). The African Legal Awards recognise exceptional achievement from within Africas legal community. The judges noted the firms historic and deep ties to Africa against a backdrop of deals that exhibited exceptional expertise, market knowledge and global reach. DLA Piper has an unrivalled offering across Africa. With over 200 Africa-focused lawyers across global offices and, through DLA Piper Africa, over 450 lawyers across 20 African countries, it advises local and international clients on complex, high-value transactions and disputes involving the continent. DLA Piper Managing Partner for the Middle East and Africa, Peter Somekh, commenting on the win, said: We were delighted to have won this award last year but to do so again this year is a true honour. We are proud to have helped our clients to deliver on their ambitions in what has been a challenging year. This award is testament to the great work taking place across the continent and to the trusting collaborative relationships that we build with our clients. None of this would be possible however without the exceptional work of our people, who go above and beyond to ensure we continue to deliver the quality and value of advice that is expected from us. James Kamau, Chair of DLA Piper Africa, said: Our continued success in Africa and the recognition that we are receiving in the market is down to the team of incredibly talented people that we have built over the years, a team that is as rich in diversity as it is in geographical reach. Weve invested heavily in robust learning and development programmes and remain focused on diversity and empowerment, whilst also making a positive impact on the African communities in which we operate through our pro bono partnerships and our commitment to driving a more sustainable future. We look forward to a promising year ahead. The newly elected President of Zambia, H.E. Hakainde Hichilema, will address over 1000 global businesses and investors at Invest Africa (www.InvestAfrica.com)s flagship event, The Africa Debate (www.TheAfricaDebate.com), on 15th September. The virtual broadcast will see President Hichilema outline his plans to restore macro-economic stability to Zambia in conversation with the Chairman of Invest Africa, Rob Hersov. Hichilema was elected to Zambian presidency last month on the promise to tackle the countys debt problem and usher in a return to growth. Zambia has been hit hard by the pandemic, falling into its first recession since 1998 last year. In November 2020, the country became the first African nation to default on its sovereign debt since the start of the pandemic. The global shutdown came on the tails of a challenging few years which had seen growth slow to around 3% since 2015. In his inaugural address Hichilema stated that his governments focus over the next five years will be on restoring macroeconomic stability. He promised to grow [the Zambian] economy so that we can list more people out of poverty than ever before. Securing an IMF deal is high on the new Presidents list of priorities as he seeks to rebuild his nations financial credibility globally. He has appointed former IMF advisor, Situmbeko Musokotwane, as his finance minister, promising to balance the budget and tackle corruption. At The Africa Debate, President Hichilema will join a line up that includes senior representatives from the IMF, the African Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the Development Bank of Southern Africa and Afreximbank as well as private investors Ninety One, Alterra Capital, Leapfrog Investments and Renaissance Capital (https://bit.ly/3yJnbTL). The online forum will provide the opportunity for Africas newest leader to introduce his policy platform to global investors and businesses. Securing private sector buy-in will be essential to the incoming governments promise to stimulate growth and create jobs for Zambias young population. Karen Taylor, CEO of Invest Africa said, We are delighted to welcome H.E. Hakainde Hichilema to The Africa Debate following his election to the Zambian presidency last month. The Africa Debate has a long history of hosting Heads of State from across the Continent and providing a platform for direct dialogue with international investors and multinational businesses. We look forward to receiving an update from President Hichilema on his governments priorities for the Zambian economy going forward. The upcoming 20th anniversary of Sept. 11 has brought with it a flood of documentaries and specials looking back on the tragedy. Some of what will be streaming, though, are celebrations, too. On the Criterion Channel, a 63-film series salutes New York and its rich cinematic history, from subway thrillers (The Taking of Pelham One Two Three) to unsung post-9/11 modern masterworks (Margaret). Included here are Big Apple classics like Jules Dassins The Naked City and Billy Wilders The Apartment, and filmmakers including Martin Scorsese, Jim Jarmusch, Norman Jewison and Noah Baumbach. One standout, as always, is Do the Right Thing, Spike Lees prescient and still-potent landmark. Along with the Brooklyn drama-comedy (which was recently re-released in a 4K restoration) are a number of supplemental features, like interviews with the cast and filmmakers. Gavrile said shes not sure where she contracted the virus. The night before she started feeling sick, she was out at an outdoor winery with friends hanging out. To her, theres no excuse not to get vaccinated. On a daily basis, Lawrence County pharmacies are giving out around 70-80 shots per weekday recently. That number had lagged in recent weeks after several hundred were getting the shot on a daily basis in March and April. Meanwhile, more than a dozen county residents have died from the virus in the last month. Especially since we just had gotten to America and we were just really setting our place there and trying to figure things out and we didnt know where we were going to stand, she said. Especially when I started getting older and learning about what would usually happen in America after certain events, like after like Hawaii got bombed you know, the Japanese folks in camps. Non-QM, AE, MLO, FHA Jobs; eVault, Portfolio Products, Automation, Closing Cost Products; Training and Events Yes, its Tuesday already. Good morning to everyone except my wife who, at 2AM, mid-dream, sat bolt upright in bed and terrifyingly shouted into the dark, Will there be a buffet? There are plenty of things going on in the real world. Out in San Francisco, the government is considering paying people not to commit crimes. Sign me up! Theres the continued shift by investors, and therefore lenders, to originate jumbo loans using Agency underwriting engines. A DU or LP approval for a $1 million loan? Sign me up! Plenty of families have signed up to finance a home, thanks to our industry doing a great job, and Fannie Mae released its Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) for August. There wasnt much change from July although a greater share of consumers believes its a good time to buy a home. The percent of respondents who expect home prices to go up over the next 12 months declined to 40 percent, down from last months 46 percent, but still well above the 24 percent of consumers who believe home prices will decline. Fannie Maes full research report is available here. (Todays audio version of the commentary is available here and this weeks is sponsored by Candor Technology. Lenders using Candor produce a high-quality loan that requires only 1 underwriter touch on 70% of loans.) Lender and Broker Products The day after Labor Day is known as Telephone Tuesday, as businesses see up to a 50% rise in inbound calls following the holiday. With the phone lines so busy today (and every day), LOs need to leverage every possible avenue for reaching borrowers which is why Realtor partnerships are so important. When Realtors refer clients, the client applies to the recommended lender 76% of the time. And right now, with more active Realtors than homes for sale in the U.S., Realtors need a reliable lead funnel. Its a match made in heaven. So how can LOs build reliable Realtor referral relationships? It takes more than phone calls. Download this free guide from Sales Boomerang to learn how to become a Realtors preferred lender through a value proposition that matters to agents. A recent Gallup Poll indicated that about two-thirds of employees want to continue working remotely. Do you know where your employees stand on the issue? Data increasingly shows that employers and employees have different ideas about when and how to return to the office, leading to misaligned goals and inconsistent employee headcount. One solution? Outsource as much as possible, so you can focus your remaining employees on your core business. DocProbe allows you to completely offload your Trailing Docs workload by partnering with you to consistently ship your Final Docs on time. DocProbe handles everything, from retrieval to auditing & correcting to shipping directly to your investors. Our people, our process, and our technology exist, so you can focus on your strengths by offloading the grunt work. We are your external Trailing Docs partner, leaving you with more resources available even as your volume fluctuates. For help staying ahead of the curve, contact Nick today. Visit Us to learn more. Zoral Group, a global leader in digital transformation/intelligent automation is disrupting the mortgage industry with the industrys only end-to-end platform that contains everything needed to start or enhance your automation journey. Imagine one cloud-based platform that includes all the latest technology needed for data and document management, fraud detection, underwriting automation, workflow automation, back-office automation, and servicing automation. The Zoral automation platform leverages its proprietary, globally tested, plug n play solutions that delivers immediate relief to reduce or even eliminate hours of manual data entry, hours of stare & compare as well as consistent interpretation, analysis, and calculation of borrower income/asset documentation. Zoral has also partnered with Richey May (RM Automate) to deliver best of breed automation solutions. Richey May is one of the industrys most respected advisory firms. For more information on Zorals automation platform, and to discuss the facts and myths of mortgage AI or to schedule a product specific demo, please contact Dan Sussman, COO, CPO. The FeeWise Closing Cost Engine integration with the ICE Mortgage Technology Platform supports retail usage through Encompass LO Connect and wholesale / non-delegated business through Encompass TPO Connect. Automated disclosures and compliance results within the point of sale create huge operational efficiencies, a reduction in fee tolerance cures and the opportunity to grow your loan volume. Join progressive lenders like PRMG, Sprout Mortgage, and Plains Commerce Bank who have experienced remarkable gains by implementing FeeWise. Watch this 60-second video to learn more & email MortgageCTO to schedule a live demonstration. Brokers should know that Advancial Federal Credit Union offers a variety of portfolio loan options with competitive pricing. Niches include homes on acreage, Hobby farms, Unpermitted ADUs, Manufactured ADUs, deed restrictions, mixed use, studio condotels, co-ops, and non-warrantable condos. These unique collateral options can be coupled with Advancials other programs such as Asset depletion, Jumbo Cash out to 3.5mm, Non-Occupying Co-borrowers, investment properties, LLC closings, and more. Call today 888-876-2328 or email John Burkel. In case you missed it, SimpleNexus has been certified as an eClosing provider by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, affirming that Nexus Closing meets the GSEs requirements for eClosing, eNote and eVault functionality. Whats spicy about the news is that approved Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Seller/Servicers can use Nexus Closing to submit eMortgages to both GSEs all while providing borrowers with a memorably modern, single-sign-on closing experience. Whats more, Nexus Closing offers lenders substantial ROI with improved operational efficiency, increased data integrity and faster delivery of loans to the secondary market. Schedule a demo to explore the benefits of executing eMortages with Nexus Closing. Training and Events This Week With traditional summer vacation season over, and before winter weather kicks in and the holidays start, September and October are prime event months. Add webinars to the mix and we have quite a range of opportunities to learn! Last call to register for XINNIXs upcoming webinar, Leaders Who Dominate Disruption, happening live this Thursday, September 9 at 1:00 PM ET! Join CEO of Ziglar, Inc., Tom Ziglar, and XINNIX Founder & CEO, Casey Cunningham, for this very special Leadership Lessons event conversation on growing through challenging times. XINNIXs new EVP, Michael Norton, will make his XINNIX debut as host and facilitator of the live session. This is an event youll want to be sure to attend live! Leaders across your entire organization will benefit from this insightful session, so feel free to invite your peers and colleagues to attend. Reserve your seat today! The Federal Perspective on Black Homeownership Zoom event! Thursday, September 9, 11PM Pacific/2PM Eastern, New American Funding & Freddie Mac have teamed up with FHFA and the VA to review the historical role of the Federal Government in Black Homeownership and discuss the Federal Governments perspective on the current state of Black Homeownership and future opportunities for growth. Moderated by: Charles Lowery, Director of Legislative Policy & External Affairs, New American Funding & Senior Advisor, New American Dream and joined by John E. Bell III, Deputy Director, Loan Guaranty Service, VA, Ted Wartell, Associate Director, Office of Housing and Community Investment, FHFA, and James Wylie, Manager, Office of Fair Lending Oversight, FHFA. Join us to continue the discussion of the opportunities to increase Black Homeownership and potential solutions. Register today! Youre invited! Make plans to join Black Knights upcoming webinar on selecting the right hedging strategy for your mortgage pipeline. This informative session will expand on the information provided in the companys recent TBA MBS Hedging vs. Note-Rate Hedging white paper. Hedging experts James Baublitz, Jim Glennon, and Mark Teteris, CMB will have an engaging discussion to compare the pros and cons of each hedging instrument so you can better understand which option is the best fit for your business. This webinar will include a thorough assessment of both TBA MBS hedging and note-rate hedging, as well as how each strategy fits into different business models. Whether your institution is new to mandatory delivery or you are interested in re-evaluating your current hedging approach, you wont want to miss this educational session. Register today to reserve your seat for the session on Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 11 a.m. CT. Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are becoming increasingly popular. Lenders and appraisers can quickly get up to speed on Fannie Maes ADU policy through its new eLearning course. Explore information about ADUs including requirements, construction types, and how to report ADUs in an appraisal report. September training calendars are available from loanDepot, Arch MI, Enact, National MI, Essent, and Plaza Home Mortgage. Fairway Independent Mortgages Wholesale Division is offering brokers a discussion of current lending topics on Wednesday the 8th at 2PM CT. Friday, September 10th, is the next edition of The Mortgage Collaboratives Rundown with Rich and Rob. Rich Swerbinsky, the COO of The Mortgage Collaborative, and I will be virtually covering current events in the mortgage market for 30 minutes starting at 3PM ET: The Rundown with Rich and Rob. Market Analysis Manager, Richard Martin from Curinos, fka FBX | Informa, will be co-hosting! Capital Markets The lower-than-expected jobs gain in August should not be taken as a sign that the job market is cooling. Its not that jobs are in short supply, its that qualified workers willing to fill those jobs are hard to come by. The NFIB small business survey reported the number of businesses having difficulty filling open positions rose to a record high in August. While there are many factors at play from surging COVID cases, lack of childcare, and extended jobless benefits to name a few, several of these impediments could be abated with higher pay. Average hourly earnings rose 0.6 percent in August, more than twice expectations, and were up 4.3 percent over the last twelve months. Consumer spending continues to shift towards the service sector and the boom in goods spending appears to be fading. Augusts consumer confidence report was the lowest since the winter and showed buying intentions for large durable goods such as cars and appliances declined. After markets were closed yesterday for Labor Day, we return today to a quiet calendar in terms of data with just the Employment Trends Index for August due out later this morning. The Desk will purchase an average of $4.9 billion MBS per day over the holiday-shortened week, with Class A 48-hours on Friday. We begin the day with Agency MBS prices worse about .125 and the 10-year yielding 1.36 after closing last week at 1.32 percent. Jobs and Promotions September is National Mortgage Professionals Month and Caliber Home Loans wants to give a big thank you to the team that makes homeownership a reality. Most people are not aware of the number of people and the amount of time and effort if takes to fulfill a mortgage loan, said James Campbell, EVP Loan Servicing. From loan officers and processors, to underwriters, and servicing staff, the team at Caliber work hard every day to execute your home loan. Over the years, we have helped more than 148,000 families stay in their homes when theyve needed us most, keeping them on the path to homeownership and fueling the development of communities across the U.S. We offer fully integrated retail, wholesale, correspondent, and consumer-direct channels. Our customer-retention rate is higher than the industry average because our customers matter to us. We are currently hiring account executive positions. Contact Brandi Cooper, VP Talent Acquisition, for more details. For loan consultant positions, contact James Hecht. Want to know what excellence feels like? Just ask Embrace Home Loans, which is humbled by the number of honors it receives. Providence Business News named the company one of the Best Places to Work for the 16th straight year. Embrace has also been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work For by Fortune and one of the Best Mortgage Companies to Work For each year by National Mortgage News. Were super proud of all these awards, says Steve Adamo, Embraces president of national retail production. But were even more proud to have the kind of unique, inclusive culture that makes everyone feel like a winner. Our growth is due to our drive for excellence. Must be why Embrace has been recognized by SocialSurvey as a Top Mortgage Company and maintains 5-star ratings on Zillow and Google. For more information, please reach out to Adamo at 401-524-5733. What do the words: Inspire Hope, Deliver Dreams, and Build Prosperity mean to you? To Academy Mortgage, they mean everything. In fact, its the companys Vision. Its not just something they say, its something they infuse into every initiative, every product, and every transaction they do. Watch this video to learn more about Academys story, and most importantly, its vision. This is a company that walks the walk. Imagine a workplace where the people you work with actively seek opportunities to Inspire Hope in their local communities and abroad. A team that is passionate about Delivering the Dream of homeownership to everyone, and people that continuously Build Prosperity in the lives of their customers, team members, and their own lives. This is Academy Mortgage. Take a closer look, can you see you the vision? Contact EVP of Growth Patrick Welberg to learn how you can become part of Academys vision. Earn up to 70 bps! Lets get straight to the point, BluePoint Mortgage is seeking experienced AEs specializing in non-QM loans that are looking to boost their compensation levels and close loans faster! We offer extremely competitive pay (up to 70 bps on non-QM), a flexible fun work/life balance, and a strong & diverse product offering. We are consistently ranked as a Top 10 Wholesale Lender Nationwide and home to Top Ranked Wholesale Account Executives, Scotsman Guide 2021. To learn more about the position reach out to Char Mangrello, VP of Human Resources. FHA posted a job opportunity for a Supervisory Review Appraiser in Santa Ana, CA, who will ensure the timely and orderly completion of field reviews. Check out Job Announcement 21-HUD-1898-P. Arvest Bank announced Matt Kendall has been named president and CEO of Arvests mortgage division and Arvest Central Mortgage Company, a role he has filled on an interim basis since February. Matt will be accountable for directing management teams and operations for Arvests mortgage division and Arvest Central Mortgage Company. International Myanmar military releases firebrand Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu is known for his pro-military views. London, Sep 7 (Agencies) | Publish Date: 9/7/2021 12:02:21 PM IST Myanmars military junta has released controversial Buddhist monk Ashin Wirathu, known for his nationalist and anti-Muslim rhetoric. He had previously been charged for sedition against the civilian government, which has since been deposed in a February military coup, BBC reported. The firebrand monk is known for his pro-military views. He has been dubbed the Buddhist Bin Laden over his speeches targeting Muslims, particularly the Rohingya. In recent years he had appeared at pro-military rallies delivering nationalist speeches and criticising then-leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy government. In 2019 he was charged with inciting hate and contempt against the civilian government. Wirathu then went on the run, before surrendering to authorities in November last year. He had been awaiting trial since then. On Monday the military government said that all charges against him had been dropped, but did not give any reasons. It added that he was seeking treatment in a military hospital. Wirathus medical condition is not known. Wirathu has been accused of stoking violence against Muslims and the Rohingya in Myanmar, and was one of the most prominent faces of the 969 movement - a Buddhist nationalist movement which calls on Buddhists to shop, sell property and marry within their own religion. At the height of his popularity, he had tens of thousands of followers online watching his sermons on social media or attending his rallies. He was catapulted into the public view for his speeches in 2012, when deadly violence broke out in Rakhine state between Muslims, mainly Rohingya, and Buddhists. The following year, Time magazine put him on their front cover with the headline: The Face of Buddhist Terror? In 2017 he was banned from preaching for one year by Myanmars highest Buddhist authority, and in 2018, Facebook wiped his page over hate speech. Myanmar, a country of around 54 million, has Buddhism as its main religion. International TTP warns Pak media on terrorist outfit tag New Delhi, Sep 7 (IANS) | Publish Date: 9/7/2021 12:17:44 PM IST The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has issued a stark warning to Pakistans national media and journalists, asking them to refrain from calling them a terrorist outfit or they will be treated as enemies, Dawn reported. In a statement apparently released by the TTP on social media on Monday, its spokesman Mohammad Khurasani reportedly said they were monitoring the media coverage, branding the TTP with hateful titles, like terrorists and extremists. Using such terms for TTP showed a partisan role of media and journalists, it said, adding this is a stigma on the profession of journalism. Pakistani media had started referring to the TTP as a terrorist outfit since it began to target civilians in a series of attacks, and was banned by the government. The TTP, a group of various militant outfits, was formed in 2007 and the federal government declared it a proscribed organisation in August 2008. Baitullah Mehsud was the first chief of the TTP who was killed in a US drone attack in 2009. The Pakistan government also banned other offshoots of the TTP and stopped media from what it called glorification of militants through the much-publicised National Action Plan in 2014. Khurasani reportedly said the media used such obnoxious terms for the TTP at the behest of one party, which had selected it for its rivals. Therefore, the media should call them with the name of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. Otherwise, the media would do professional dishonesty and would create enemies for itself, the statement added. Several Pakistani journalists have been assassinated, wounded and kidnapped in the war against terrorism across the country, particularly in the erstwhile FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Around 30 journalists had been killed in militancy and acts of targeted killing in the two regions alone. In some cases, the family members of media persons were either killed or threatened to leave their native areas. Its not clear whether they, or some of them, were killed by the militants, as almost all of the perpetrators were never brought to justice. Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 00:02:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close ZHENGZHOU, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- China on Monday started holding an international peacekeeping drill code-named "Shared Destiny-2021." It is the first time the Chinese military has organized such a multi-national live drill on peacekeeping, with the participation of troops from countries including China, Mongolia, Pakistan and Thailand. The drill is held at a combined-arms tactical training base of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Army in central China's Henan Province. The scenario of the exercise is joint operations of multi-national peacekeeping forces, and the exercise will be held in a close-to-real battlefield environment set in accordance with the international, professional and realistic combat standards. Drills of battlefield reconnaissance, security guarding and patrol, armed escort, protection of civilians, response to violent and terrorist attacks, construction of temporary operation base, battlefield first aid, and pandemic control are expected to be conducted. Scheduled to run through Sept. 15, the drill is organized for the purpose of responding to the UN's "Action for Peacekeeping" initiative, promoting practical cooperation and making joint efforts to enhance the peacekeeping standby forces' capability of carrying out tasks. Military experts said the drill has demonstrated China's firm support and contribution to UN peacekeeping operations. The use of drones, robots and other unmanned intelligent equipment in the exercise will facilitate the application of unmanned intelligent equipment in peacekeeping operations, the experts noted. China is the largest troop contributor among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. Over the past three decades, China's armed forces have sent about 50,000 peacekeepers to 25 UN peacekeeping missions. Currently, 2,241 Chinese peacekeepers are serving at UN headquarters and in seven mission areas. Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense, said earlier that the Chinese military, as a proactive practitioner of the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind, will continue to take a more active part in UN peacekeeping operations and always be a staunch defender of world peace. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 04:36:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Children are on their way to school under strict COVID-19 measures in Ankara, Turkey, Sept. 6, 2021. Educational institutions reopened in Turkey on Monday for in-person classes after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the attendance was strong on the first day in capital city Ankara. (Photo by Mustafa Kaya/Xinhua) ANKARA, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Educational institutions reopened in Turkey on Monday for in-person classes after a long hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the attendance was strong on the first day in capital city Ankara. While some parents seemed still apprehensive to send their children to school due to the COVID-19 pandemic which is still raging, many were relieved for the return to face-to-face education. "It's been very difficult with online education, both for us and the children, it's a relief that schools are welcoming students to again," Nedret Yavuzalp, a commercial officer in a company told Xinhua in the yard of a private school located in the Cankaya district. A festive atmosphere was seen at this school as students attended classes for the first day of the fall semester. The staff were making sure for mask wearing and social distancing, while only the pupils were allowed to enter the building. "Education is something that cannot be left behind, children have already lost very valuable time at home, it is now time to return to normal," Yavuzalp said after dropping his 14-year-old son. Students will attend school five days a week like it was before the outbreak of the coronavirus. The return to in-person education covers about 18 million students and more than 1 million staff. Universities across Turkey have also reopened. First graders and preschoolers started in-person education for a couple of hours a day last week according to an orientation program to accommodate them in schools. In-person education has been severely disrupted by the pandemic, which forced authorities to switch to remote classes first and later to a hybrid education model with online classes and in-person classes for some grades offered together. New official guidelines announced last month recommend full vaccination for parents, teachers, education staff, school bus drivers and canteen employees. On Sunday, Turkey lowered the COVID-19 vaccine eligibility ago to 12, a move which aims essentially to prevent contagions in schools, the Health Ministry announced. Meanwhile, unvaccinated teachers and other staff at schools would be required to regularly provide negative PCR test results in order to attend in-person education. The same will apply to the unvaccinated for intercity bus travel, flights and attendance to crowded events in cinemas, concert halls and theaters. "In our school, there is no unvaccinated personnel, everyone here is fully vaccinated, this is something we feel very strong about," Zeynep Akinci, an education expert said in the private establishment. Professor Selma Metintas, a member of the Health Ministry's Coronavirus Scientific Advisory Board, said remote education is not "sustainable." "We have to trust the facts provided by scientific studies. Education is the most basic need of people, as vital as food. Schools are the second most important place for socialization after home," this doctor told private Ihlas News Agency. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 04:36:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close This picture posted on the website of Russian energy giant Gazprom shows Nord Stream 2 pipe-laying operations in German territorial waters. The operating company intends to put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into operation before the end of the year. MOSCOW, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- The last pipe of the two strings of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was welded, Nord Stream 2 AG, the operating company, said in a press release Monday. "On September 6, 2021, specialists on the laybarge Fortuna welded the last pipe of the two strings of the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline," the company said. "As the next step, the section of the pipe coming from the German shore will be connected to the section coming from the Danish waters in a so-called above water tie-in," it added. The company intends to put the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline into operation before the end of the year. It said the project will ensure gas supply security and reliability, and "contribute to meeting long-term needs of the European energy market for gas imports." The 1,230-km gas pipeline would bring 55 billion cubic meters of gas annually from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea. Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 11:16:11|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The six-day 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) is coming to a close on Tuesday, with businesses wrapping up their exhibitions of products and services offline and online, and industry leaders finalizing their thematic conferences. Welcoming this global event organized by China as a key platform for sharing development opportunities and promoting win-win cooperation, overseas experts said they believe the successful holding of this year's CIFTIS despite the COVID-19 pandemic has again demonstrated China's determination to promote high-level opening-up. A FRESH, GRANDER FAIR Themed "Towards Digital Future and Service-driven Development," the 2021 CIFTIS features a section for digital services for the first time, with up to 33 well-known enterprises and institutions participating in the special section. The CIFTIS this year has attracted more than 12,000 enterprises, up 52 percent from the number in 2020. Representatives from 153 countries and regions signed up for this year's event, compared to 148 last year. In particular, against the backdrop of the ravaging pandemic, leading health care enterprises and medical institutions from home and abroad are showcasing their latest innovations at the fair, covering such areas as smart health care, traditional medicine and COVID-19 prevention and control. The CIFTIS is "timely as the world economy is increasingly becoming technology- and services-driven," said Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa. "If trade in goods was the main driver of trade growth in the early stages of globalization, the trade in services which is technology-intensive is expected to lead the new wave of globalization," Liang Guoyong, a senior economist with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, told Xinhua. The CIFTIS will undoubtedly add new impetus to the rebound of trade in services and the recovery of the world economy, help curb the trend of anti-globalization that has been growing since the pandemic, and create an environment of international cooperation with unity, openness and inclusiveness, Liang said. MAKING A BIGGER MARKET CAKE During last year's CIFTIS, China made several proposals to the international community, showing its commitment to making its market cake bigger so as to share development opportunities with the rest of the world. Over the past year, China has turned those proposals into concrete actions. Among the measures are the shortening of the negative list for foreign investment for four consecutive years, and the release of a negative list for cross-border trade in services at the Hainan free trade port. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, China is one of the economies that saw the largest declines in services trade restrictiveness in 2020. It has services trade relations with nearly 240 countries and regions, and has signed bilateral services trade cooperation agreements with 14 countries. The country has also been strengthening its regulation of the digital industry to provide fertile soil for high-quality growth. "China's efforts to expand its openness through the CIFTIS will promote the recovery of the global economy," French writer and sinologist Sonia Bressler told Xinhua. "If you take the services sector, it hardly existed 40 years ago when China was a peasant economy ... China is growing faster in the services sector than any other country in the world," said Stephen Perry, chairman of Britain's 48 Group Club. "Its role in working with the world economy is of great importance." Perry especially mentioned cooperation in digital areas within the framework of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the success of which can be attributed to "the innovation inside China that is building out along the Silk Road with foreign partners." GREATER COMMITMENT TO OPENING-UP While addressing the Global Trade in Services Summit of the 2021 CIFTIS on Thursday, Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled a slew of new measures to further facilitate services trade, such as exploring the development of national demonstration zones to promote the innovative development of services trade and increase support for services sector in countries participating in the BRI, and setting up a stock exchange in Beijing to serve innovation-oriented small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the eyes of Stella Mackenzie, a senior lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Business Development at the University of Botswana, those measures are "a reiteration of China's continuation of goodwill and willingness to work hand in hand with the rest of the world in a win-win situation." Lawrence Loh, a professor at the National University of Singapore's Business School, stressed the importance of developing a strong domestic capital market and catering to a broad spectrum of companies -- particularly SMEs. The connection to international trade will activate a crucial synergy with global progress, especially during this difficult pandemic time, Loh said. This year's CIFTIS is "a great trade fair," said Tim Crowe, chief executive officer and co-founder of WrxFlo, an Industry 4.0 software developer based in Ireland's western city of Limerick. It "gives small international companies like WrxFlo the opportunity to be part of the event to increase our profile in China, make new connections and build partnerships for the future," he added. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 22:30:39|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close -- International organizations including the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as well as some governments, condemned the military coup in Guinea on Sunday and called for release of the country's President Alpha Conde. -- Earlier on Sunday, heavy gunfire was heard in the urban commune of Kaloum in downtown Conakry, capital of the West African country, where the Presidential Palace and several ministerial departments are located. -- Later in the day, Doumbouya announced on national television that he took power of Guinea, closed the country's land and air borders and invalidated its constitution, after his forces arrested Conde, and dissolved the government and national institutions. -- In the aftermath of the military unrest, prices of aluminum spiked to an all-time high in a decade on Monday amid panic about disruptions to global supply, as Guinea owns the world's largest reserve of bauxite, a key raw material for producing aluminium, and is among the world's top exporters of bauxite. CONAKRY, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- International organizations including the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as well as some governments, condemned the military coup in Guinea on Sunday and called for release of the country's President Alpha Conde. PLEDGE OF TRANSITION While addressing government ministers and senior officials on Monday, Mamady Doumbouya, head of the coup, announced initiation of a transition "in the direction of a new Guinea where all the sons of the country will reconcile." Doumbouya, a lieutenant-colonel, also said they planned to form a new government of national unity, and prohibited government officials with no greenlight from leaving the country. Members of Guinea's special forces are seen outside the Palace of the People in Conakry, Guinea, Sept. 6, 2021. (Xinhua) Earlier on Sunday, heavy gunfire was heard in the urban commune of Kaloum in downtown Conakry, capital of the West African country, where the Presidential Palace and several ministerial departments are located. Later in the day, Doumbouya announced on national television that he took power of Guinea, closed the country's land and air borders and invalidated its constitution, after his forces arrested Conde, and dissolved the government and national institutions. The rebel leader, who is also head of the National Committee for Rally and Development (CNRD) in Guinea, pledged that at the end of this transitional phase, the foundation for a new era in governance, security and economic development will be laid, adding that there would be "no hatred or revenge." The CNRD has decided that "for former members of the government," no travel outside beyond the country's borders would be allowed during the transition, and that all travel documents and official vehicles of the "former ministers" must be handed over. A government official escorted by members of Guinea's special forces walks in to the Palace of the People in Conakry, Guinea, Sept. 6, 2021. (Xinhua) However, the CNRD intends to maintain the opening of maritime borders for exporting mining products, and has spared mining areas from a national curfew to ensure continuity of the production. "The committee intends to reassure the economic and financial partners of the normal pursuit of activities in the country and the mining companies are asked to continue their activities," Doumbouya noted. Doumbouya stressed that the CNRD would respect all its obligations and mining conventions in order to promote foreign investment in the country. In the aftermath of the military unrest, prices of aluminum spiked to an all-time high in a decade on Monday amid panic about disruptions to global supply, as Guinea owns the world's largest reserve of bauxite, a key raw material for producing aluminium, and is among the world's top exporters of bauxite. GLOBAL CENSURE The military rebellion sparked widespread denouncement by the international community and callings for the release of President Conde, including from the UN, the European Union (EU), the AU and ECOWAS. "I am personally following the situation in Guinea very closely. I strongly condemn any takeover of the government by force of the gun and call for the immediate release of President Alpha Conde," UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Sunday on Twitter. Members of Guinea's special forces are seen outside the Palace of the People in Conakry, Guinea, Sept. 6, 2021. (Xinhua) EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell condemned the coup in Guinea via Twitter, calling on the rebels to release Conde. The 55-member AU also called for an immediate release of Conde in a statement. People are seen around members of Guinea's special forces in Conakry, Guinea, Sept. 6, 2021. (Xinhua) Felix Tshisekedi, president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the current AU chairperson, and Moussa Faki Mahamat, the AU Commission chairperson, further called on the AU Peace and Security Council to meet urgently to examine the new situation in Guinea and take appropriate measures. ECOWAS "decidedly condemns this attempted coup d'etat that happened on Sunday," the community said in a statement, demanding the safe release of Conde and other detained people. Meanwhile, countries including the United States and Russia also condemned the coup and called for the release of Conde, urging all parties to avoid violence and rather work towards a peaceful settlement. (Video reporters: Zhao Yuchao, Zhang Yuhong; video editor: Zhao Yuchao) Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 23:21:34|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that the Chinese side is ready to work with Tajikistan to build a community of development with rich connotation and an indestructible community of security. In a telephone conversation with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, Xi also called on the two sides to jointly safeguard the shared interests of both countries and promote regional peace and development, noting that next year marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two sides. Xi congratulated Tajikistan on its upcoming 30th anniversary of independence, noting that China-Tajikistan relations are at an all-time high. The two sides have firmly supported each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, which demonstrates a high level of strategic mutual trust, Xi said. Meanwhile, the two sides have carried out close cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating the solidarity of friendly neighbors, Xi added, noting that the two sides are iron-clad partners who can count on each other. China and Tajikistan, Xi stressed, should continue to focus on high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road and promote cooperation in economy and trade, interconnectivity, digital economy and other areas. The Chinese side encourages its companies to invest and develop their businesses in Tajikistan, and stands ready to expand imports of quality green agricultural products from the country, Xi said. Both sides should give full play to the joint prevention and control mechanism at border crossings to ensure the China-Tajikistan freight transport artery stays smooth and efficient, said Xi, adding that China is ready to continue supporting the Tajik side in fighting the pandemic and to deepen medical cooperation between the two countries. Xi noted that China speaks highly of the work done by the Tajik side since it assumed the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), saying that China will fully support Tajikistan in fulfilling the duties of the SCO presidency and ensuring the SCO summit marking the 20th anniversary of the organization a success. He added that China would like to take the summit as an opportunity to enhance solidarity and mutual trust among member states, deepen their security and practical cooperation and promote greater development of the SCO from a new starting point. Rahmon said Tajikistan and China are comprehensive strategic partners and their relations in various fields have seen continuous and steady growth. Tajikistan appreciates China for its long-time selfless and sincere help to Tajikistan, in particular its timely COVID-19 vaccine assistance, which has vigorously supported Tajikistan's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, Rahmon said. Tajikistan is willing to work together with China to deepen cooperation in such fields as economy and trade, security, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and enrich the Tajikistan-China comprehensive strategic partnership, he said. The Tajik president also thanked China for supporting his country in fulfilling the responsibilities as the SCO chair, saying that Tajikistan is willing to continue closely coordinating with China in the development of the SCO. The two sides also exchanged views on the situation in Afghanistan, and agree to continue deepening counter-terrorism and security cooperation and to jointly maintain regional security and stability. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 00:53:16|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close YAOUNDE, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Cameroon's primary and secondary schools reopened on Monday amid continued and strict anti-COVID-19 measures. "Since last year, we have taken anti-COVID-19 measures that were effective in schools. We have reinforced these measures. We have imported more anti-COVID-19 material including face masks and despatched (them) to all regions of the country," Minister of Basic Education, Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa told reporters in the capital, Yaounde, at the start of the new school year. "We are asking parents to get vaccinated. Though vaccination is not obligatory, teachers and school administrative personnel also need to be vaccinated in order to protect school children and to reduce the transmission rate," Ngoa added. He said, the government will intensify sensitization campaign against COVID-19 in schools. Close to two million pupils and students effectively returned to school on the first day of school in the Central African nation, according to education officials. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 17:59:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Thirteen Ugandans have been evacuated from Afghanistan shortly after the Taliban took over the country, Uganda's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement issued here Monday. The statement said Uganda is committed to assisting the evacuation of any Ugandan nationals stranded in Afghanistan who wish to return home. Uganda has hosted 51 people evacuated from Afghanistan by the United States since power change in the Asian country. Uganda reached an agreement with the U.S. government to host 2,000 evacuees. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 19:20:14|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Photo shows COVID-19 vaccines on the vaccine production line of a VACSERA factory in Giza, Egypt, Sept. 6, 2021. The factories of Egypt's state-owned vaccine production company have been working nonstop over the past few months to locally manufacture millions of doses of Chinese COVID-19 vaccine Sinovac, as the most populous Arab country eyes becoming a regional hub for vaccine production and exportation. (Xinhua/Ahmed Gomaa) by Mahmoud Fouly, Emad al-Azrak CAIRO, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The factories of Egypt's state-owned vaccine production company have been working nonstop over the past few months to manufacture millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccine Sinovac, as the most populous Arab country eyes becoming a regional hub for vaccine production and exportation. The vaccines are being produced by Egyptian Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) as per an agreement signed in April with Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac. "Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in response to the global need of vaccines, we prepared 'Factory 60' inside one of the factories and production lines of VACSERA to produce COVID-19 vaccines in partnership with China's Sinovac," said Egyptian Health Minister Hala Zayed in a recent tour inside VACSERA factory in Agouza district of Giza province near downtown Cairo. The minister pointed out that the Sinovac production line inside VACSERA factory in Agouza can meet the local needs of vaccines with a production capacity of 200 million doses annually. In the vaccine production line of VACSERA factory in Agouza, hundreds of little bottles with red stoppers are carried by conveyors to machines to be filled with the jabs, then go through a labeling process before being packed in boxes by workers dressed in white and sky blue coats and wearing gloves, medical face masks and disposable headcovers. The final product, which carries the VACSERA-Sinovac label, is then kept in refrigerators for adequate preservation. "We can control and immediately deal with the refrigerators in case of any breakdown. The refrigerators are connected with a generator and an uninterruptible power supply. So, we're 100-percent reassured that nothing could happen to affect the quality of the vaccine," Heba Wali, head of VACSERA, told Xinhua. She added that a delegation from the World Health Organization visited the factory in September 2020 and praised its capabilities. Meanwhile, a new VACSERA factory complex in Giza's 6th of October City west of capital Cairo will include a vaccine production factory to be opened later this year and will be able to cover Africa's need of vaccines with a production capacity of about 1 billion doses per year, Zayed told reporters. It is built on a total area of 60,000 square meters, of which 6,000 square meters are dedicated to the COVID-19 vaccine factory that is expected to be inaugurated in November. The factory is equipped with eight high-tech labs and a warehouse area in accordance with international standards. "We aim to transform Egypt into a regional center for vaccine and serum production, especially coronavirus vaccines, based on our technological, scientific and industrial capabilities," VACSERA chief said, hailing cooperation and exchanging expertise with China and its Sinovac firm in this regard. For his part, Mohamed Hassani, Egyptian assistant health minister for public health initiatives, said that since VACSERA and Sinovac signed their partnership agreement, the Chinese side has sent experts to assist Egypt until the production of the first batch of vaccines was successfully completed. The official emphasized "the strength and depth of the Egyptian-Chinese relations" which have witnessed great momentum and growth in recent years. "The Chinese government strongly supports the manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines in Egypt," Hassani told Xinhua, describing the partnership between VACSERA and Sinovac as "the fruit of cooperation" between Egypt and China in fighting COVID-19. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 22:18:17|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Chinese acupuncturists treat Ethiopian patients with acupuncture at Tirunesh Beijing hospital on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, Aug. 27, 2021. (Xinhua/Michael Tewelde) ADDIS ABABA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Berhanu Kedir, 34, is one of the many outpatients who have been receiving the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for treatment at the Tirunesh Beijing Hospital on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Kedir suffered a car accident seven months ago and has since struggled with long-term waist and left leg pain as well as difficulty of speaking. "My pain, however, has largely reduced over the last three weeks ever since I started acupuncture therapy," Kedir told Xinhua, while receiving the acupuncture treatment on the premises of Chinese-backed Tirunesh-Beijing Hospital. "The Chinese doctors use acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and other techniques to treat neck, shoulder, waist and leg pains, nerve dysfunction and some mental and psychological disorders," said Liu Ruiqiang, who is the leader of the 22nd batch of Chinese Medical Team in Ethiopia. According to the team leader, the two highly experienced Chinese acupuncturists can treat about 25 Ethiopian patients a day, helping more than 700 locals relieve from physical pains every month. "We have been treating diseases such as body, muscle and joint pains, paralysis, and migraine since our arrival at the hospital's acupuncture treatment center nine months ago," said Lin Guoping, one of the Chinese acupuncturists. Lin said he sees an increasing number of patients who are referred to the center and undergo acupuncture therapy, an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles. Kedir, who was in a coma and could not speak for months due to the damage on his head during the car accident, is now witnessing major improvements in his health. "After I have undergone the acupuncture therapy, my speech, waist and leg conditions have improved," Kedir said. "Now, I walk, wear my clothes, eat food and serve all my other needs without help," said Kedir, appreciating the traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital," he added. Lia Hailu, 22, is another regular outpatient who was admitted in the acupuncture center a month ago after she has suffered from facial palsy which involves a paralysis on one side of her face. "I felt the symptoms just one morning and found my left-side face did not move and tended to droop," said Hailu, who was confused about what to do until she was referred to the Chinese acupuncture treatment center. "Since I have undergone the therapy, my leaps returned to normal position and my left side face started to function. Unlike the first days of the illness, now I can close my eyes and drink water properly," she said. She said the acupuncture treatment was the best treatment she could find to cure her illness. "I will recover fully from my illness in 15 days," Hailu said. Apart from treating the locals, the acupuncture center serves as a platform where in the Chinese doctors are imparting the Traditional Chinese Medicines to the fellow Ethiopian health professionals. "Our country is committed to assisting the healthcare system in Ethiopia and the Chinese doctors who specialize in surgery, orthopedics, acupuncture, obstetrics and gynecology as well as pathology and radiology deliver sweeping health services in the hospital," said Lin. Seble Mamo, who serves as the chief Ethiopian acupuncturist in the center, said the Chinese acupuncture is reaching more needy people, helping to cure locals from a variety of illnesses such as headaches, blood pressure, and sleeping problems, among others. "Unlike other modern-day treatments, the acupuncture therapy is much preferable among Ethiopians as it is administered without side-effects," said Mamo. Mamo attended a two-month training on the acupuncture therapy in China along with her colleagues as part of the Ethiopian government's effort to expand the TMC in Ethiopia. Mamo said the TCM therapy is gaining popularity among Ethiopians and instead of seeking long-term medication, many locals now tend to try the treatment, which they see as a safer alternative following more recovered cases. "Those patients who come to the acupuncture center at the early stage of their illness get cured quicker than those patients with chronic illnesses," Mamo said. Mamo said she is happy working with the Chinese acupuncturists from whom she draws good knowledge and experience. She recommends the acupuncture health education to be given in Ethiopian universities to serve the over 110 million population of the east African nation. "I witnessed several patients who came into the center assisted by a caregiver but sturdily walked out of the hospital having undergone the acupuncture treatment," Mamo added. Amid increasing difficulties induced by the ongoing COVID-19, the 22nd batch of Chinese medical team in Ethiopia, consisting 15 doctors and an interpreter, has been serving the people of Ethiopia fearlessly at Tiruneh- Beijing Hospital, also known as the Ethio-China Friendship Hospital since November 2020. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 22:50:26|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- As the world commemorated International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies on Tuesday, Uganda enacted a climate change law that is aimed at mitigating the relevant impacts, which include air pollution. In Uganda, it is estimated that over 30,000 people die each year due to air pollution-related illnesses, while ambient air quality levels in monitored urban centers are estimated at over five times the World Health Organization guidelines, according to the National Environment Management Authority, a government environmental watchdog. To commemorate the day, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has recently signed the National Climate Change Bill, which was passed by the country's legislature in April this year. "Yes, President Yoweri Museveni has passed the National Climate Change Bill and it becomes a law," Linda Nabusayi, senior presidential press secretary, told Xinhua on Tuesday. Activists have welcomed the law, saying that it is critical in helping to cut greenhouse gas emissions and tackling the climate change crisis at the national level. Charles Masereka, a local climate activist, told Xinhua that the law will help punish perpetrators. "As activists, we have been fighting for institution of laws on climate so that the culprits are punished severely in courts of laws," Masereka said. The coming into force of the law will now enable the country to implement climate change response measures in line with resolutions from international conventions like the Paris Agreement, the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. According to experts, Uganda had failed to implement climate change policy priorities due to lack of a legal framework governing climate change interventions. The law provides for the establishment of a climate change fund, with some financial support from the government, as a special mechanism for climate change financing. The law also tasks the ministry of education to integrate climate change education and research into the national curriculum, so as to create climate change awareness. Meanwhile, the law foresees the establishment of a National Climate Change Advisory Committee comprised of technical experts who will provide independent technical advice to relevant authorities. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 23:14:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Uganda is set to promote the Chinese constructed Karuma Hydro Power Plant and Isimba Hydro Power Plant, both on River Nile, as tourism sites. Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) and the Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited, the manager of the power plants, on Tuesday signed a partnership to package and market the 600MW Karuma Hydro Power Dam and the 183MW Isimba Hydro Power Dam as superstructure (infrastructure) tourism products. Lilly Ajarova, UTB Executive Director described the new venture as the beginning of an important journey, saying the venture will diversify the tourism products. Zhang Lizhong, Chinese ambassador to Uganda referred to the partnership as a brilliant idea. "Karuma and Isimba Hydropower Plants, mega infrastructure in Uganda and major cooperation projects between China and Uganda, will turn into special scenic spots," Zhang said. Karuma is one of the largest underground hydro power plant in the east African region. The power plant which is still under construction has underground power house, tunnels, and neighbors the Murchison Falls National Park, one of Uganda's premium tourism sites. Isimba is located along the Nile in the central region, neighboring Jinja district where the source of River Nile, a key tourism site, is found. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:05:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JUBA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The World Food Programme (WFP) said Tuesday it has secured 5.9 million U.S. dollars to support humanitarian air operations in South Sudan. The funds from the European Union will be used to support the United Nations Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS) and the WFP-led Logistics Cluster, a mechanism designed to ensure efficient and effective emergency response, in South Sudan. Matthew Hollingworth, WFP's country director in South Sudan, said UNHAS and the Logistics Cluster allow humanitarian organizations to reach the most remote areas of South Sudan, ensuring that assistance reaches those who need it most. "This would not be possible without the support from donors like the European Union," Hollingworth said in a statement issued in Juba, capital of South Sudan. The EU contribution will help UNHAS to provide air transport services to 30,000 passengers and to transport 480 metric tons of light cargo in support of 290 humanitarian organizations across the country. More than 8 million people need urgent humanitarian assistance after record floods, conflict and COVID-19 have worsened the situation, following earlier years of conflict, the UN said. WFP said UNHAS remains the only common air service available for the entire humanitarian community in the country. "Due to poor infrastructure, seasonal challenges, demographic constraints, and aviation gaps, the humanitarian community relies heavily on the WFP-run air service to safely reach areas of operation," WFP said, noting the funding will also support the Logistics Cluster, which serves as a coordination body that provides logistics support to the humanitarian community through the facilitation of key logistical services. "These services include transportation of humanitarian cargo, warehousing, operational information management, logistics preparedness and representation at decision-making forums," WFP said. South Sudan is currently facing its highest levels of food insecurity since the country declared independence ten years ago, with 60 percent of the population increasingly hungry and 1.4 million children and 500,000 pregnant and lactating women malnourished, according to the UN. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:14:15|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NAIROBI, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) on Tuesday joined hands with Kenya's Ministry of Environment and Forestry to launch digital billboards and boost monitoring of air quality in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. Frank Turyatunga, regional coordinator, Division of Early Warning Assessment/Africa at UNEP said the installation of digital billboards in strategic locations around Nairobi will help raise awareness on the importance of clean air to residents. "The digital billboards will provide real-time information and data on air quality in Nairobi, raise awareness on the linkage between improved quality of air that we breathe with human and planetary health," said Turyatunga. Other organizations that supported the launch of digital billboards to promote air quality in Nairobi include east Africa's leading telecommunication firm Safaricom and IQAir, a Swiss-based air quality technology company. The launch of digital infrastructure to monitor air quality in Nairobi coincided with the International Day for Clean Air and Blue Skies whose theme was "Healthy Air, Healthy Planet". Chris Kiptoo, principal secretary in Kenya's Ministry of Environment and Forestry said the digital billboards will live stream air quality data to an estimated 4.7 million Nairobi residents, raise awareness on pollution threats and inform strategic responses. According to Kiptoo, Kenya had enacted progressive legislation and policies besides investing in appropriate technologies to boost air quality amid threats linked to over-reliance on biomass among households and climate change. He said the government had partnered with industry to address regulatory, capacity and financing gaps that had derailed the quest for improved air quality standards in the fast-growing urban centers. Sean Khan, program manager, Global Environment Monitoring System for Air at UNEP said the launch of digital billboards to enhance monitoring of air quality was a milestone in Kenya's quest to reduce indoor and outdoor pollution that is to blame for a high burden of respiratory diseases. Khan said the digital billboards will utilize Internet of Things (IOT) to relay air quality information and data on a real-time basis to smartphone users in Nairobi. Stephen Chege, the Chief Corporate Affairs Officer at Safaricom said that strategic collaboration between government, industry, academia and civil society is required to boost air quality in Kenyan cities. According to Chege, market-based interventions have proved effective in air pollution control besides hastening the realization of sustainability agenda for local communities. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:51:24|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KAMPALA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Africell, one of the mobile network operators in Africa, on Tuesday announced that it will stop operations in Uganda early next month. The operator in a statement posted on its website said it will exit the Ugandan market on Oct. 7, where it has been since 2014 when it acquired assets of Orange Uganda, another operator. The company said the decision to leave is based on its assessment of the long-term commercial outlook for the business and its fit in the group strategy. The telecommunications company also operates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia. Africell said it is working with the Uganda government and the telecommunications regulator, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) to ensure a smooth transition. "Africell UG is working directly with the UCC and other local mobile network operators to make the migration process as smooth as possible for customers who will need to switch to alternative providers," the statement said. The company said it has been providing service to over a million customers across the east African country. Uganda's telecommunications sector is mainly covered by MTN Uganda and Airtel Uganda. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 00:30:41|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close A woman takes phone photos in London, Britain, on Sept. 7, 2021. Britain has recorded more than 7 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, according to the latest official data released on Monday. The country reported another 41,192 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 7,018,921, official figures showed. (Photo by Ray Tang/Xinhua) LONDON, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) -- Britain has recorded more than 7 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, according to the latest official data released on Monday. The country reported another 41,192 coronavirus cases in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the total number of coronavirus cases in the country to 7,018,921, official figures showed. The country also recorded another 45 coronavirus-related deaths. The total number of coronavirus-related deaths in Britain now stands at 133,274. These figures only include the deaths of people who died within 28 days of their first positive test. The latest data came as a final decision on whether to vaccinate healthy children aged between 12 and 15, to be signed off by the chief medical officers of Britain's all four nations, is expected this week, according to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The vaccines minister, Nadhim Zahawi, has said parental consent will be required if the government decides all 12 to 15-year-olds should be offered the jab. However, a senior doctor has suggested that a school nurse or general practitioner (GP) could assess whether a child is capable of consenting to having the vaccine, even if their parents oppose it. "Some children as young as 12 should be allowed to overrule their parents on whether they have the COVID vaccine," Dr David Strain was quoted by Sky News as saying. The clinical lead believed that there are 12-year-olds "mature enough" to decide to have the coronavirus jab without the consent of their legal guardians. Previously, Britain's vaccine advisory body, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), has issued the advice that children aged 12 to 15 with medical conditions should receive two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, but that healthy children in this age group should still not receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The JCVI's decision on healthy children was based on concerns over an extremely rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccine which causes heart inflammation, according to the BBC. "This decision will disappoint many, as this age group is particularly socially active - they have more contacts with other people than other age groups other than young adults," said Dr Peter English, immediate past chair of the Public Health Medicine Committee of the British Medical Association. "As such, they are particularly effective as 'vectors', transmitting the infection between households. Now that the much more infectious Delta variant is prevalent we will struggle to control the virus with vaccination alone - and we certainly won't succeed if this age group is unvaccinated," said the retired consultant in Communicable Disease Control. More than 88 percent of people aged 16 and over in Britain have had their first dose of vaccine and nearly 80 percent have received both doses, the latest figures showed. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Germany, Russia and the United States have been racing against time to roll out coronavirus vaccines. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 16:15:21|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close Aerial photo taken on Sept. 6, 2019 shows the Piraeus port in Greece. (Photo by Lefteris Partsalis/Xinhua) by Maria Spiliopoulou, Yu Shuaishuai ATHENS, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Over a decade ago, when Greece was trapped in a severe debt crisis and close to bankruptcy, Piraeus was still a decaying port standing at the fork of fate. However, these years, Piraeus has been expanded, upgraded, linked to railway networks and regained its shine, after the China Ocean Shipping Company, also known as COSCO, began managing the port's container terminals in the autumn of 2009. Officials, observers and residents mark Piraeus as a successful example of China-Greece collaboration in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and data always tell the truth. DATA & FACTS In 2010, container handling in Piraeus totaled 880,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs), while in 2020 it reached 5.43 million TEUs, despite the challenges of COVID-19. Thanks to its strong foundation, the port can stay resilient in the face of the unprecedented turmoil caused by the pandemic, said Tassos Vamvakidis, commercial manager of Piraeus Container Terminal S.A., the Chinese group's Piraeus subsidiary, in an interview with Xinhua. While such sectors as shipping, transport and supply chain suffered worldwide, Piraeus managed to weather the coronavirus storm in strict compliance with safety rules set by Greek authorities, he said. Last year, though the port saw a roughly 3-percent reduction in terms of containers compared to 2019, the lost ground has been recovered. "Overall, we think we managed well. This has been appreciated by our clients. We have not stopped even one day, because of the pandemic, to operate," Vamvakidis said, adding that everybody here feels proud of this achievement. Vamvakidis, 64, born and raised at Piraeus, has been working at the port since he was 16 and has since witnessed the fruitful cooperation between Greece and China. The Chinese investment has significantly changed Piraeus' image, as his company, which has managed the port's container terminals since 2009, currently boasts advanced equipment, infrastructure and technology, he said. Furthermore, the operator has offered local community with more than 3,000 direct jobs and even more indirect jobs, invested millions of euros in the port and paid millions for taxes, duties and social contribution. FUTURE PLAN Piraeus Container Terminal now needs a new pier -- Pier IV, said Vamvakidis, referring to future plans. "Our activities are getting better and better every day. There are clients who diverted their hubs, and they prefer Piraeus because of that. We need space." Once added with another pier, the annual capacity of Piraeus port will surpass 10 million TEUs, and the port will move up in ranking from the current fourth place among European container ports, he noted. Recalling Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the port in November 2019, Vamvakidis said: "I was very much impressed how such a great man of a great nation can be so friendly ... He was talking to us like we know each other for years." During the visit, Xi said that seeing is believing, and that he had seen here that the China-proposed BRI was not a slogan or tale, but a successful practice and brilliant reality. Vamvakidis strongly believes in the BRI vision and Piraeus' role in it. As Piraeus has become the largest container port in the Mediterranean, expanding cooperation between the two countries will further inject new vitality into trade and logistics, he said. "It (Piraeus port project) has prospered very much for Greece, but it has also been very useful for relations between China and Europe as it is now a major trading hub, transportation hub for goods both ways," former Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told Xinhua recently. "PIRAEUS FAMILY" "China is one of the most important foreign investors in our country. China came with COSCO and State Grid and invested in Greece in very difficult times for our economy. We will never forget that," Greek Minister of Development and Investments Adonis Georgiadis told Xinhua. In Vamvakidis' view, COSCO is far more than an investor or employer, as he sees it as his family, and feels proud to join it and contribute to this successful story. Vamvakidis' two sons, aged 33 and 35, respectively, are also working at the port, with his home not far from his company. Likewise, Piraeus is also much more than a harbor for him since he has been working in the port for nearly 50 years and has developed a deep emotional bond with it. When addressing a BRI forum a few years ago, he called himself "a child of Piraeus." Now his sons and three grandsons have also become "children of Piraeus." He recalled vividly how excited his oldest grandson was when the 4-year-old boy first saw the huge cranes at the port. Vamvakidis said COSCO's investment is very important, for it has helped and will further boost the local shipping society and help create a better future. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:15:06|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SOFIA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Bulgaria is to hold early parliamentary elections for the second time this year, after attempts to form a government failed, President Rumen Radev said on Tuesday. "Alas, new elections and new negotiations are forthcoming," Radev said at a meeting with Korneliya Ninova, leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, the third largest party in the country's parliament. The Socialist Party had the last chance to form a ruling majority, but found no support among the other parties. Previously, There Is Such a People party and the GERB-UDF coalition, the largest and second-largest parties respectively in Bulgaria, have also given up efforts to form a government. According to the Bulgarian Constitution, Radev must now dissolve the parliament, and schedule new early parliamentary elections. These will be the third parliamentary elections this year. Bulgarians went to the polls for the first time on April 4, after a four-year rule by a coalition government dominated by the GERB party. However, parties failed to form a government, and early elections were held on July 11 - but with the same outcome. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 21:22:09|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close by Peter Mertz DENVER, the United States, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- As natural disasters increase, so do incidents of price gouging, with more and more state governments scrambling to enact laws to protect consumers. Price gouging "occurs when companies raise prices to unfair levels," a 2020 Harvard Business report said, noting that "there's no rule for what qualifies as price gouging, but it's not an uncommon occurrence." Ahead of the curve is California, where Governor Gavin Newsom signed anti-price-gouging legislation last year, joining some 39 states and territories with similar laws, including Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). "In most states, price gouging is set as a violation of unfair or deceptive trade practices law," the NCSL said in May. But not yet in Nevada, across the border from California, where price-gouging prohibition signed by Governor Steve Sisolak in June doesn't take effect until next month -- thereby limiting the government from curtailing the shady practice, which occurred after the Caldor Fire burned down 216,358 acres (87,557 hectares) with 48 percent contained as of Monday night. NICK OF TIME California's new law was just in time for residents of South Lake Tahoe, on the California-Nevada border, where 22,000 were given mandatory evacuation orders last week as the Caldor Fire expanded dramatically. When South Tahoe's 27,567 residents suddenly fled, gridlock conditions were reported for days with roads and highways jammed by vehicles. Even on Monday when the Caldor Fire was no longer threatening Lake Tahoe, the highest elevation alpine lake in America, a number of price-gouging incidents were reported, with one angry resident posting a screenshot of a 1,535-U.S.-dollar rental rate for a minivan on Twitter. As the blaze raced toward South Lake Tahoe, one riding-share company quoted a fee of more than 1,500 dollars, about eight times the going rate, to be transported from the smoke-choked ski resort at Heavenly Valley to the safety of Reno-Tahoe International Airport. Across the region, Uber and Lyft jacked up their rates, but then said in statements that "price jumps triggered automatic caps as demand soared around South Lake Tahoe amid emergency evacuations." Lyft said it was "reviewing and adjusting fares for certain riders who were impacted in the region." In nearby Nevada, businesses were also explaining rampant rate increases. The Montbleu Resort, casino and spa rates went from 120 dollars to 450 dollars per night "to deter tourists from traveling near the wildfire and to keep rooms available for evacuees," Tim Tretton, the resort's vice president-general manager, said in a statement. Tretton said the company planned to pay back the difference to those who had booked at the higher costs and "did not and do not plan to collect on these rates." Another Nevada hotel-casino outside the evacuation order zone advertised a two-night stay for 1,090.72 dollars, almost four times the midweek rate offered a day earlier, AP reported. INCIDENTS RISING On the other side of the country in New York, price-gouging hit headlines this week as a man was sentenced for three years of probation for hoarding COVID-19 face masks and price gouging. In a landmark decision, Imran Selcuk, 35, of Troy, was sentenced to three years of probation last Thursday. He admitted that in March 2020, he had purchased around 100,000 KN95 face masks and 25,000 surgical-style face masks for 1 dollar per mask and 50 cents per mask respectively, and sold then for as much as 35 dollars each. Despite the pandemic, the world has witnessed a tenfold increase in the number of natural disasters since the 1960s, according to a United Nations report in March. "Data captured between 1900 and 2019 reveal an increase from 39 incidents in 1960 to 396 in 2019," the report noted. "Natural disasters occur both seasonally and without warning, subjecting the nation to frequent periods of insecurity, disruption, and economic loss," the U.S. Department of Homeland Security stated in May, listing "winter storms, floods, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, or any combination thereof." Thus far in 2021, America's West has seen more record wildfires and mudslides, but the East Coast has been hammered by storm-induced flooding, as officials are playing hardball with price gouging. "New Yorkers should be on the lookout for fraudsters who use natural disasters to take advantage of consumers," New York Attorney General Letitia James said in "An Alert" last week. As Hurricane Henri left the region, James said: "It is illegal for retailers or vendors to charge grossly excessive prices for essential goods and services during a state of emergency." "I urge anyone who believes they may have been a victim of price gouging to contact my office immediately," she added. Three weeks ago, as Tropical Depression Fred left Florida, Attorney General Ashley Moody activated the state's price-gouging hotline after Governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency in 23 counties, Local 10 News reported. Moreover, last month in Texas, following the severe weather and flooding from Hurricane Hanna, Attorney General Ken Paxton warned that "vendors are prohibited from charging exorbitant prices for necessities such as drinking water, food, batteries, generators, towing, clothing, medical supplies, lodging, repair work and fuel during and after the crisis." New York was the first state to enact price-gouging laws in 1979 after increases in home heating oil prices during the winter of 1978-1979, according to the Cato Institute (CI). James' office successfully prosecuted another COVID-related price-gouging case last year when Tae Kyong Kim, 49, of College Point, and Jung Soo Lee, 61, were charging 10 times the cost of an N95 face mask. "The individuals charged in this case put profits over the health of their fellow New Yorkers by charging exorbitant fees for the face masks that could save people's lives," NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said in a statement. "These arrests should serve as a warning: The NYPD is vigilant in investigating those who prey on New Yorkers and attempt to financially benefit during the pandemic." Just three states have passed similar anti-price-gouging laws in the 1980s: Hawaii in 1983, and Connecticut and Mississippi in 1986, according to the CI. Enditem But that still lags way behind the 20 million-dose weeks from April and has not been enough to slow down the rapid delta spread. More COVID cases were recorded in the U.S. last week than in any week since January 2021, the peak of last winters surge. More deaths were recorded than any week since March. What drives variants is transmissibility, not how harmful they are, said Dr. Mitchell Katz, the head of the citys Health + Hospitals network. Viruses are not actually trying to harm us. Theyre just trying to replicate, and part of why delta is so dominant is not because of its harmfulness, but because of its wild contagiousness. Bryant has been accused by prosecutors of taking part in the killing of business owner Hani Kasem, 64, in Ozone Park on Oct. 23, 2017. Bryant allegedly went to Kasems grocery distribution business with two other men to collect a $50,000 debt owed to Elder, a loan shark know as Big Sam. As they tried to get the money, one fatally shot Kasem in the face. Protests around the city began in the days after Floyds May 25, 2020, death after a Minneapolis police officer kept a knee on his neck for nearly nine minutes. The lawsuit said no fire hoses were used on protesters in the city, but noted no disciplinary action was taken against the official who allegedly called for their use. I heard a shot. I was right here. One shot, said Juliet Jaijairam, who works in a shop next door to the deli. I was scared so I didnt go outside. Then I saw the guy came right by my door. And then he tumbled down right there. The door was open and he grabbed onto it and he dropped. I was playing with fire, Williams told the Newark Star-Ledger in 2012, describing how hed score drugs in the citys most dangerous neighborhoods. It was just a matter of time before I got caught and my business ended up on the cover of a tabloid or I went to jail or, worse, I ended up dead. When I look back on it now, I dont know how I didnt end up in a body bag. He walks very slow, in a daze, said neighbor Brian Thomas, 55, a former NYPD officer. Ive seen him slip up a few times, you know ... He never hits the ground but youd see him falling and catching himself three or four times as he walked around. No arrests have been made in the gunfight where Singh was shot while driving a mom and her 12-year-old son down W. 131st St. in Harlem. Cops released video of the shootout Tuesday and are asking the publics help tracking down five people of interest. Travelers could go through the privately-run security checkpoints wearing shoes, belts and hats. You could bring as much liquid as you could fit in your carry-on bags. In most airports, family members or friends who wanted to accompany you at could go all the way to the gate without a problem. Twenty years ago, we made a promise to the families of World Trade Center victims to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to identify their loved ones, and with these two new identifications, we continue to fulfill that sacred obligation, Dr. Barbara Sampson, the citys chief medical examiner, said in a statement. One is someone else is being targeted, and innocent bystanders are our children and they get shot, Brown said. Another circumstance is the targeted person is visiting a relative during a holiday or during a family gathering, and theyre being targeted, and family members are being shot as innocent bystanders. And lastly, theres obviously some circumstances where theres mistaken identity. Our young people are mistakenly identified as someone that they want to target these offenders want to target and they mistakenly shoot them. Riley returned home to Brandon, then went back to the Lakeland home around 4:30 a.m. in full body armor, then proceeded to shoot and kill the four people, as well as an 11-year-old girl who suffered seven gunshot wounds but is expected to survive. Police said the person killed was a man in his 30s, though he has not yet been identified. Of those wounded, two were left with life-threatening injuries, while three more were taken to hospitals with serious wounds. He began by yelling at the Asian woman in front of me to sit down when she was standing to deal with a back issue, passenger Dennis Busch told NBC News. He proceeded to tell multiple flight attendants that she and her companion didnt belong here. After asking him to calm down the man went into a complete meltdown of racist, sexist and belligerent comments, culminating in his arrest at the gate. Minnesota police are worried that four young children under the age of 10 and their mother may be in danger after they disappeared with their father, who pleaded guilty last year to domestic violence. The alleged digital purge was revealed in testimony from Minnesota State Patrol Maj. Joseph Dwyer during a hearing on July 28. The transcript was released Monday as part of a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of journalist who have alleged they were unfairly targeted by authorities amid the protests over the killing of 46-year-old Floyd, who died shortly after an encounter with Minneapolis police on Memorial Day last year. Natalia Jacquemin, 46, was charged with first-degree assault and armed criminal action following the Aug. 27 incident at a home in St. Charles County. Police have not disclosed her motive or relationship to the child, but she allegedly said she just wanted him to rest in peace. A vehicle sits in the driveway of a home, Tuesday, June 8, 2021, in rural Colleton County, near Islandton, S.C. A mother and son from a prominent South Carolina legal family were found shot and killed on the family's land, and authorities said they have made no arrests in the double homicide case. Maggie Murdaugh, 52, and her son Paul Murdaugh, 22, were shot several times and their bodies were found near a dog kennel, Colleton County Coroner Richard Harvey said. (Andrew J. Whitaker/AP Photo) The shooting triggered a frantic manhunt for the suspect, who police described as armed and dangerous. He has since been charged with seven counts of aggravated assault and one count of possession of a firearm during commission of a felony, Clarke County jail records show. Lets be clear rape is a crime, the Republican governor said at a press conference Tuesday. And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets. Ida, the fifth-most powerful storm to hit the U.S. when it made landfall in Louisiana, is responsible for the deaths of at least 50 people across the country. Of which, more than half of the deaths, 27, were recorded in New Jersey. In New York City, 13 people were killed, including 11 in Queens. The monsoon last week marked the second record-setting rainfall to hit New York City in the final weeks of this summer, delivering more than a dozen deaths and millions of dollars in damage to a city thats not built for hurricane-level storms. In a single hour on Wednesday, more than 3 inches of rain descended on Central Park, obliterating the previous high of just under 2 inches an hour just a week prior with Tropical Storm Henri. After I demanded truth and transparency, the HRC board co-chairs, who should stand for human rights, elected to hide in darkness, David said. They unjustly provided notice of termination to me in order to end my fight for the integrity of the review process and for what is right. I think (Texans) have the right in their state to do what they want to do, she said. To be honest with you I actually probably do not agree with the decision, but I agree with they have the right to make their own decision. In particular, 46% of Americans say they oppose the U.S. government responding to threats against the nation by reading emails sent between people outside of the U.S. without a warrant, as permitted under law for purposes of foreign intelligence collection. Thats compared to just 27% who are in favor. In an AP-NORC poll conducted one decade ago, more favored than opposed the practice, 47% to 30%. In February, a Russian court sentenced 45-year-old Navalny, well-known as Putins most vocal critic, to more than two years in jail for parole violation a charge he has long maintained was politically motivated. He was taken into custody upon his return from Germany where he spent five months recovering from a nerve agent poisoning he and his followers have blamed on Putin and his government. After the twin birth of pandas yesterday at Zoo Aquarium in Madrid, the technical and veterinary team of Zoo Aquarium de Madrid in close collaboration with the two breeding technicians of the Chengdu Giant Panda Base have carried out the first neonatal examination in which the umbilical cord was tied and disinfected and they were weighed, the zoo said in a follow-up statement. As for sex, it is still unknown since the sexual characteristics are not very marked yet. In the coming days, Chengdu technicians will be able to confirm it with greater confidence. As the familys attorney rightly replied, The records cannot possibly excuse Remingtons egregious marketing conduct, or be of any assistance in estimating the catastrophic damages in this case. The only relevant part of their attendance records is that they were at their desks on Dec. 14, 2012. At their desks on that day, and never again. I tried reaching out to a few major newspapers in the U.S. with the hope that news coverage could somehow help these people, she reports in her new documentary, In the Same Breath. No one was interested, she says. So she hired videographers in Wuhan. Their video of a stricken city is horribly familiar, resembling both Soderberghs movie and video three months later in New York City. Sadly, we are only seeing it now. The trend also let fans know to never be shy when tagging their favorite celebrity because, as the super-fan found out, it just might be their tweet that ends up on the Twitterverses radar. She remembered when her late parents, Joseph and Lynn Pillucere, came up with the idea to build an addition by working around the tree on 31st Avenue South. Her father sought out special designers and engineers to add an enclosed porch and kitchen, which was finished in the early 70s. He kept a handyman on call to cut a wider opening in the roof when the tree canopy spread and added more sealant over the years to keep the rain out. Marraccini told the TV station the decision does not violate her Hippocratic Oath, noting that she will make exceptions for those who could not get vaccines because of health issues, and that she offers telemedicine visits and referrals to other doctors. Canaveral National Seashore, the longest undeveloped public beach on Floridas east coast, was established by an act of Congress in 1975, realizing a plan conceived in the 1950s. From the vantage point of today, such protection might seem inevitable, but this beautiful beach was once in jeopardy, threatened by development and cars that plowed through its dunes. The activism of people including the late sculptor and environmentalist Doris Doc Leeper was vital to its establishment. Thanks for the question and brief aside, that $5 Publix sushi Wednesday special is a fun one! Weve grabbed it on the go plenty of times for road trips and such. Ive seen loads of parents introduce their little ones to the sushi bar concept in just this way, with California or even just veggie rolls to start. Itll be different from Rumbles past this one will be a two-session event: one from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. and another from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. For their $80 ticket (plus tax and gratuity), guests will get six bowls of ramen, one from each competitor, along with one beverage and a traditional Asian dessert. Hes an experienced diver that has been out this far and down that deep more times than I can count, his daughter tweeted Saturday. He knows exactly what to do in this situation. Im just waiting for good news and praying hes floating somewhere along the coast waiting to be found. He was arrested in October 2020 after deputies found him with two children, all in possession of weapons, according to his arrest affidavit. One of the children had a loaded rifle and the other a Taser, because Dougherty told them they were in danger, records show. Marina Verbitsky, 46, of Chicago, a man and a minor with her were running late for their flight to Chicago from Terminal 3 at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. Three airport employees told the group they could not board the plane because they were late. Eric William Westergard, 45, of Jupiter, is being held without bond at the Palm Beach County Jail on a charge of first-degree murder in the death of Perrin Damron of Stuart. The Martin County Sheriffs Office said Westergard led them to Damrons body in the Okeechobee Waterway over the weekend. He worked for the Jackson County Sheriffs Office in the Panhandle from 2016 to 2018 before he was fired during an investigation. Its not 100% about numbers, said Jason Reynolds, manager of neighborhood services who will assist the committee. There are other things to consider like keeping municipalities whole, although thats not always possible, and trying not to split neighborhoods into different districts. The college also said he wasnt qualified to teach geography classes, an odd discovery by the administration in 2021, considering Walton started teaching geography in 2019. Even stranger, the journal Inside Higher Education reported that Lake-Sumter requires geography teachers to have a masters degree in social science, and Walton has a doctorate in anthropology, which is a social science. (In response to our questions about Waltons dismissal, Lake-Sumter offered a canned statement saying it follows the law.) Church leaders have declared the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines less objectionable than the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because the former used stem cells only in testing, whereas the latter used them in both testing and production. Church leaders have also said the latter is morally acceptable if no others are available. One of the many reasons that Floridas economy has fared so well since the worst days of COVID-19 is that our state is among the best places in the world to do business. In fact, a new report from CEO Magazine ranks Florida as the second most business-friendly state in the country. Oswego, NY (13126) Today Showers and thundershowers this morning, then mainly cloudy this afternoon with light rain possible. High near 70F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%.. Tonight Cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. Low 56F. Winds light and variable. Athens-Greece(PANA) - Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias Monday stressed the need to withdraw all foreign troops and paramilitary and mercenary forces from Libya Geneva, Switzerland (PANA) - Two-thirds of refugee children might never get to secondary school, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) warned on Tuesday, as it called for an international effort to confront critically low levels of school and university enrolment Tunis, Tunisia (PANA) - The ambassadors of the group of seven most industrialised countries (G7) on Monday called on Tunisian President Kais Saied, to accelerate the appointment of a new Prime Minister and the return to the constitutional regime in which an elected Parliament plays a major role News and commentary on organized crime, street crime, white collar crime, cyber crime, sex crime, crime fiction, crime prevention, espionage and terrorism. Welcome back pirates! As you make your return to campus The East Carolinian has created a forum that centers around topics within the community where readers can express their experiences and concerns. With the new guidelines set in place by East Carolina University do you feel as these precautions will keep you safe? Survey If you were looking for the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee website and ended up here, try this Got news tips, gossip, suggestions, complaints?E-mail us: progressivecharlestown@gmail.com We strive to avoid errors in our articles. Our correction policy can be found here Businessman Bykov gets 13 years behind bars for masterminding double murder sledcom.ru 12:40 07/09/2021 MOSCOW, September 7 (RAPSI) A court in the city of Krasnoyarsk sentenced businessman Anatoly Bykov to 13 years in prison for organizing the murder of two men in 1994, the press service of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Prosecutor's Office reports. Last week, a jury found Bykov guilty of organizing the murder of two residents of Krasnoyarsk, Kirill Voytenko and Alexander Naumov, in 1994. The jurors also considered that the businessman did not deserve leniency. The court and investigators have established that in the first half of 1994, Alexander Naumov, a 23-year old member of a criminal group headed by Bykov, had a conflict with the gang leader because of unjust, according to him, dividing of the joint criminal income. Later, Bykovs car was exploded. The businessman suspected Naumov and his friend Voytenko of the blast organization and decided to kill them. He ordered his acquaintance Vladimir Tatarenkov to organize the murder; the latter in turn involved his gang members in the crime. On July 24, 1994, Naumov and Voytenko were shot dead, investigators claimed. Bykov is also stands charged with the creation of a criminal community. Investigators allege that in the summer of 2004, Bykov ordered his acquaintance to kill a 42-year resident of Krasnoyarsk, the founder of an industrial waste utilization firm, for an award of $50,000. On January 18, 2005, the killer shot the victim dead. Currently, an investigation against Bykov is underway in the criminal cases where the businessman is accused of incitement to attempt and commit murder for hire, grave tax evasion, and leading a criminal gang. A Place for All Conservatives to Speak Their Mind. Despite multi-layer security across the district, scores of farmers from Haryana have gathered at new grain mandi to attend the Kisan Mahapanchayat in Karnal. The number of farmers at the spot started increasing with many coming on bikes, tractors and other modes of transport. They said that no matter the heavy security deployed to stop them, they will reach Karnal at any cost. "Haryana's farmers can even break the China wall. It has been four times that Haryana's farmers were beaten up by the police, but the State government did not take any action. They have to listen to farmers," said a Karnal-based famer, who came to join the Mahapanchayat. Farmers have planned to gherao the mini secretariat of Haryana over the August 28 lathicharge incident during which several farmers were injured. Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait, who reached the mandi, however said that the decision on gherao of mini secretariat will be taken in the meeting. "Gathering of farmers will decide on the gherao of secretariat. As of now, for us, this grain mandi is the secretariat. We will take further decision on this issue in the mahapanchayat," Tikait told IANS. Other farm leaders have also started reaching the spot in different groups. They said the Centre and the State have done nothing, but have allowed the police to lathicharge farmers who have been protesting peacefully. The kisan mahapanchayat at Karnal has two main two demands -- suspension of the IAS officer who ordered the lathicharge on farmers and compensation for the families of the farmers who have lost lives. The farmer unions have also demanded a compensation of Rs 25 lakh and a government job to the next of kin of Sushil Kajal, a farmer from Gharunda who received head injuries in the lathicharge and died later due to a heart attack. Bahujan Samaj Party president Mayawati on Tuesday asserted that the BSP would form the next government in Uttar Pradesh with the support from the 'Prabuddha Varg' (Brahmin). Addressing a meeting at the BSP headquarters here to mark the culmination of the party's 'Prabuddha Varg Sammelans', Mayawati said, "We have always respected all castes. This party does not belong to any one caste but to all. "As chief minister in all my terms, I have ensured that everyone got due respect. The interests of Brahmins and other communities are secure in the BSP." She further said that she had never made false promises to people like the BJP does, but has worked for the development and welfare of all. In her first public appearance in the pandemic, Mayawati clarified that she did not hold meetings during the pandemic because that would have given the state government a chance to target her party members. "Even for the Prabuddha Sammelans, the state government had set a limit for participants. They would have put my party workers in jail if the numbers exceeded the limit and that would have impacted the party campaign for elections," she explained. She said that after the BSP started Prabuddha Varg Sammelan, other parties followed suit. "But the 'Prabuddha Varg' is intelligent enough to know where their interests are safe," she said. Mayawati also asked her party leaders to enrol a minimum of 1,000 Brahmins in each Assembly constituency in the state. For clarifications/queries, please contact IANS NEWS DESK at In a major development, an enquiry commission in Maharashtra on Tuesday issued a bailable arrest warrant against former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh, currently the Commandant-General of the state Home Guards, officials said here. The warrant was issued by retired judge K.U. Chandiwal, who is probing the March 20 letter written by Singh to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, levelling charges of corruption against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh, who was later forced to step down. The arrest warrant for Rs 50,000 has been issued against Singh for non-appearance before the probe commission for the enquiry, despite repeated summons served to him. Singh was also fined Rs 5,000 in June and Rs 25,000 twice in August. Singh had deposited the amounts in the CM's Relief Fund. The Commission has now posted the matter for further hearing on September 22. Singh, a 1988 batch IPS officer, is under the scrutiny of the Chandiwal enquiry commission appointed by the state government in March to probe the allegations of bribery and misuse of office levelled against Deshmukh, a senior Nationalist Congress Party leader and the then Home Minister. Among other things, Singh has accused Deshmukh of allegedly fixing a monthly collection target of Rs 100 crore for dismissed cop Sachin Vaze. While skipping the Commission hearings, Singh had questioned the setting up of the panel since there is already a probe going on by the Central Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement Directorate in the matter. Deshmukh, 72, is currently under the radar of the central probe agencies which have raided his offices and homes in Nagpur and Mumbai in the past few months. A number of men and women took to the streets of Kabul chanting slogans against Pakistan as they claim the latters jets conducted airstrikes in Panjshir province. They have gathered at the gate of the Pakistani embassy in Kabul and said that they do not support a puppet government in Afghanistan and asked for an inclusive government. The people gathered after co-leader of the resistance front in Panjshir province Ahmad Masoud in a voice clip called on people of Afghanistan to resurrect against the Taliban, Khaama News reported. Protesters were chanting "death to Pakistan" and asked for the Pakistani embassy to leave Afghanistan. "Freedom", "Allah Akbar", "we do not want captivity" were among the slogans chanted by protesters in Kabul. The Taliban fighters reportedly conducted aerial firing to disperse the protesters but they were still protesting and fewer people were dispersed. In the meantime, people in Balkh and Daikundi provinces too took to the streets and chanted slogans against Pakistan. Iran has also reacted to the airstrikes in Panjshir province and the spokesperson of the country's Foreign Ministry has asked for investigations over what he called the interference of foreign jets. The Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has issued a stark warning to Pakistan's national media and journalists, asking them to refrain from calling them a "terrorist outfit" or they will be treated as enemies, Dawn reported. In a statement apparently released by the TTP on social media on Monday, its spokesman Mohammad Khurasani reportedly said they were monitoring the media coverage, branding the TTP with hateful titles, like "terrorists and extremists". "Using such terms for TTP showed a partisan role of media and journalists," it said, adding this is a stigma on the profession of journalism. Pakistani media had started referring to the TTP as a terrorist outfit since it began to target civilians in a series of attacks, and was banned by the government. The TTP, a group of various militant outfits, was formed in 2007 and the federal government declared it a proscribed organisation in August 2008. Baitullah Mehsud was the first chief of the TTP who was killed in a US drone attack in 2009. The Pakistan government also banned other offshoots of the TTP and stopped media from what it called "glorification of militants" through the much-publicised National Action Plan in 2014. Khurasani reportedly said the media used such obnoxious terms for the TTP at the behest of one party, which had selected it for its rivals. Therefore, the media should call them with the name of Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan. Otherwise, the media would do professional dishonesty and would create enemies for itself, the statement added. Several Pakistani journalists have been assassinated, wounded and kidnapped in the war against terrorism across the country, particularly in the erstwhile FATA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Around 30 journalists had been killed in militancy and acts of targeted killing in the two regions alone. In some cases, the family members of media persons were either killed or threatened to leave their native areas. It's not clear whether they, or some of them, were killed by the militants, as almost all of the perpetrators were never brought to justice. An international team of scientists led by Flinders University has found evidence of prenatal auditory learning in embryos of three vocal learning species (superb fairy-wren, red-winged fairy-wren and Darwins small ground finch) and two vocal non-learning species (little penguin and Japanese quail). There are many forms of vocal learning but vocal production learning by far stands out as a hallmark achievement in just seven orders (primates, songbirds, parrots, hummingbirds, cetaceans, pinnipeds, bats), and among primates, only humans can do it. As a result of the rarity of vocal production learning, animals have been grouped into so-called vocal learners (those that learn to imitate a vocalization from a vocal tutor) and vocal non-learners (animals that produce vocalizations without imitating a vocal tutor). Vocal production learning is only believed to occur in seven lineages of birds and mammals including humans, said Professor Sonia Kleindorfer, a researcher in the College of Science and Engineering at Flinders University and the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Vienna. Our research will hopefully inspire more study into the remarkable capacity of animals to learn sound. By moving the time window for sound learning to the prenatal stage, this research direction opens pathways to measure neurobiological downstream effects of early auditory experience on behavior and information processing. In the study, Professor Kleindorfer and colleagues measured the vocal learning concepts in embryo behavior and response to sound in ovo using change in heart rate as the response variable well before birds hatch and start making complex calls or songs several months or even years after birth. By studying the capacity for sound learning in embryos, we are paving the way to new inroads into evolutionary and developmental timescales, said Dr. Diane Colombelli-Negrel, a researcher in the Department of Animal Ecology & Physiology at Radboud University, the Department of Animal Ecology at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, and the Division of Ecology and Evolution at the Australian National University. Long before actual vocalization, we found that these tiny songbirds were also discriminating towards non-specific sounds and capable of non-associative (not from parents) sounds, building on the complexity of vocal learning in songbirds. Future research could address changes in neural organization and gene expression pathways in embryos reared in sound-poor or -rich environments, identify how prenatal sound experience shapes phenotypic variation in vocalization characteristics, measure the effect of pre-hatch acoustical environment on individual attention to particular cues/signals/environments post-hatch, and quantify the strength of selection on adults to guide the prenatal sound experience of their offspring, the authors concluded. The study is published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. _____ Diane Colombelli-Negrel et al. 2021. Prenatal auditory learning in avian vocal learners and non-learners. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 376 (1836): 20200247; doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0247 Deputy Governor and General Manager Financial Stability Geoff Bascand will leave the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Te Putea Matua in early 2022. Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr says Mr Bascand leaves with the Banks deep gratitude for his contribution to the Bank and the wider financial system. Geoff has made an incredible contribution to the Bank, and were indebted to his leadership, guidance and wisdom, Mr Orr says. Mr Bascand has been Deputy Governor with the Bank since May 2013, and is also a member of the Monetary Policy Committee. He will leave the role in January 2022. Mr Bascand says it has been a privilege to have worked with the Reserve Bank. The Bank is a special place that makes a massive contribution to New Zealanders wellbeing. I have had extraordinary opportunities to participate in a huge range of important initiatives, and work with many wonderful colleagues, but I want to make more time for other interests in my life. The Governor, the Reserve Bank Board and the Minister of Finance will determine in due course the preferred option for a replacement Deputy Governor, in line with the provisions of the RBNZ Act 1989 and RBNZ Act 2021. Media contact: Naomi Mitchell Head of Communications Phone: 027 294 3900 Email: Naomi.Mitchell@rbnz.govt.nz Source: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Comments from our readers No comments yet Add your comment: Your name: Your email: Not displayed to the public Comment: Comments to Sharechat go through an approval process. Comments which are defamatory, abusive or in some way deemed inappropriate will not be approved. It is allowable to use some form of non-de-plume for your name, however we recommend real email addresses are used. Comments from free email addresses such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc may not be approved. Anti-spam verification: Type the text you see in the image into the field below. You are asked to do this in order to verify that this enquiry is not being performed by an automated process. Related News: 15th September 2021 Morning Report Seeka Limited (NZX: SEK) Announces Further Kiwifruit Acquisition Briscoe Group Limited (NZX: BGP) Half Year Results Announcement 14th September 2021 Morning Report Stride Property Ltd & Stride Investment Management Ltd (NZX: SPG) Office Fund Established and Conditional Acquisition Third Age Health Services Limited (NZX: TAH) Announces Acquisition of Belmont Medical 13th September 2021 Morning Report Infratil Limited (NZX: IFT) Commits to Development of Renewables in Asia 10th September 2021 Morning Report Synlait Milk Limited (NZX: SML) Sale and Leaseback of Synlait Auckland Premises Page Content On Thursday, September 2, the Council of Ministers was paid a visit by the Dutch Caribbean Coastguard (DCCG) who rendered an introductory presentation. This comes as a result of Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs visit to the Dutch Caribbean Coastguard during its recruitment day in March 2021. Commander of the Dutch Forces in the Caribbean, Director of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard and Commander of the Component Task Group, Brigadier General Frank Boots, was personally present to provide elucidation on, among others, the structure of the Royal Netherlands Navy and the constitutional tasks of the Netherlands Armed Forces in the Caribbean to protect, enhance and support the islands. Also present in the meeting were Captain Mr. R. Levenstone, Major Noordam, Adjudant Lieutenant Goedhart and spokesperson Ms. S. Clement. In their supporting role to civil authorities in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, support is provided in the areas of security, public and legal order, disasters and accidents, and support to the Coast Guard. The presentation was concluded with a more detailed focus on the DCCG itself, its future developments and their current operational events on the island. According to Brigadier General Boots, the DCCG should be considered as the maritime security and safety partner in the Caribbean area and is there for the Dutch Caribbean when in need. Further discussions will take place to be more cohesive with Government and other justice-related entities on St. Maarten. The year report 2020 and year plan 2021 were also part of the documentation received. The Taliban have been nationalists totally fixated on gaining power in their own country by Gwynne Dyer A man is sitting in a train somewhere in Europe, tearing sheets of paper into little pieces and throwing them out the window. (It could have been in America too, but passenger trains are pretty scarce there.) The only other person in the compartment, puzzled by his behaviour, asks him why hes doing it. Im keeping the elephants away, the man replies, tossing another piece of paper out. Mohammad Hasan Akhund has been announced as the leader of the new acting government in Afghanistan on September 7, 2021 [File: Saeed Khan/AFP] But there are no elephants here, the questioner protests. See, it works, says the crackpot triumphantly. Western strategic thinking about the alleged terrorist threat from Afghanistan has followed a similar logic for the past twenty years. The final withdrawal of US and other Western troops has strengthened rather than ended that delusional thinking. Retired military officers, civilian defence pundits and senior politicians are now claiming that the international terrorist threat is bigger than ever. A typical example was Frank Gardner, the BBCs security correspondent, who lamented the loss of intelligence sources in Afghanistan that were vital in disclosing the covert activities of al-Qaeda, ISIS-K, and other jihadist militant groups. Afghan, US and other special forces were then able to swoop in... and close down those bases before they could successfully launch any international attacks. Those operations were so successful, Gardner claimed, that for 20 years there has not been a single transnational attack launched from Afghanistan. Where to begin? Maybe with the idea of transnational attacks launched from terrorist bases in Afghanistan. Because with the exception of the 9/11 attacks on the United States in 2001 (which were not made by Afghans), there has never been a transnational attack launched from Afghanistan - and there are no bases. Even during the guerrilla war of the past two decades, the Taliban didnt really have bases. There were Taliban groups operating all over the country, and they had to live somewhere, but it was generally just in various houses spread throughout a village or a district. They would have had some cell-phones, and personal weapons and improvised explosive devices would have been hidden not far away, but there was almost no physical infrastructure. Thats quite normal in guerrilla warfare: dont give an enemy with superior firepower easy, fixed targets to shoot at. The Taliban were fighting a classic war of national liberation against foreign occupiers and their local puppet government, using tactics identical to those of guerrilla movements from the Mau Mau to the Viet Cong. Those tactics always include a lot of terrorism, but its not usually international terrorism, and it wasnt in the Taliban case either. As for the notion that terrorists must have bases, it belongs to the James Bond universe, not to the real world. Its constant use in reference to the Afghanistan invasion is an essential device for those who are still trying to justify that misbegotten adventure, but it was never true, not even in 2001. The 9/11 attacks were mostly planned by Arab members of al-Qaeda living in Germany, with flight training for the pilots on the hijack teams carried out in the United States. Some of the young men who served as muscle on those teams spent time in al-Qaedas camp in Afghanistan, but that training could have been done anywhere. The only real purpose of the training in Afghanistan was indoctrination in jihad, a function that is now better done on the internet. And the camp was only in Afghanistan because Osama bin Laden was already a hunted man, and the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, offered him refuge there. The two men became friends in the 1980s while fighting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. There is, however, little reason to believe that bin Laden ever told the Taliban leader about his plan to attack the United States, which was bound to result in a US invasion and the end of Taliban rule. The Talibans ideology is theological, which is theoretically a transnational doctrine, but in reality, they have been nationalists totally fixated on gaining power in their own country. Now that they have it, they are unlikely to pay much attention to the rest of the world. There are genuine international jihadis in Afghanistan, mainly in the form of ISIS-K members, but they are few in number and they are at war with the Taliban, whom they see as sell-outs to the West. So, the final ignominious departure of Western military forces does not signify an increased risk of international terrorist attacks from Afghanistan and the elephants will still stay away, too. (Gwynne Dyers new book is 'The Shortest History of War'. The views expressed are personal. ) Defeating the World Economic Forums Great Reset before it Destroys Us by Robert J. Burrowes For most people, 2020 will be remembered as the year of the virus and 2021 will be remembered as the year of the vaccine. What most people will probably never know is that 2021 is shaping to be the year in which humanity and freedom are both destroyed. Not because a virus will kill us, because the virus does not exist. For just two of the myriad demonstrations of this point, see COVID-19: The virus does not exist it is confirmed!andStatement On Virus Isolation (SOVI). And for an account of one researchers fruitless search over the course of a year to find evidence of an isolated virus, via Freedom of Information requests to 90 health/science institutions all over the world, watchDoes the Virus Exist? Has SARS-CoV-2 Been Isolated? Interview with Christine Massey. Rather, the injectable being marketed as a vaccine will kill a substantial proportion of the human population for one of the most straightforward explanations of this fact by three highly qualified experts (Professor Dolores Cahill, Dr Judy Mikovits & Dr Sherri Tenpenny) watchThe Truth about the Covid-19 Vaccine and turn most others into a human relic, known technically as a transhuman or, if you like, cyborg. See Beware the Transhumanists: How Being Human is being Re-engineered by the Elites Covid-19 Coup. But while the injectable will have devastating consequences on the human population and must be strenuously resisted, it is the hidden and complementary measures being introduced by the criminal global elite under the guise of the World Economic Forums Great Reset that will ensure the fundamental transformation of life for those humans and transhumans left alive. If you doubt this, I can only invite you to read what The Great Resetportends for humanity. If you want to read a summary, see Killing Democracy Once and for All: The Global Elites Coup detat That Is Destroying Life as We Know It. In essence, the net outcome of the many measures that are being implemented, most of them hidden behind the worldwide focus on the non-existent virus, will be a substantial human depopulation and enslavement of the rest. For more detail explaining what is already in train and how things will unfold, see the explanation, analysis and many references cited on We Are Human, We Are Free. Options for Resistance There are many options for resisting what is happening but most that are familiar are doomed to fail. Here, in brief, is why. If you believe that mass protests will compel governments to respond to movement demands to cease implementing their heinous agenda, it would be useful for you to think a little more deeply about what is taking place. For a start, governments are not driving The Great Reset; it is an initiative of the global elite and governments are simply elite puppets. Moreover,movements that rely on mass protests only and which are focused too narrowly such as on resisting lockdown measures, mandatory injection or injection passports cannot impact the elite program overall. To do that, we need a combination of strategically-focused actions that undermine elite power to promote and implement its Great Reset agenda which has very many components. And to achieve that outcome, protests are simply the wrong tactic (unless they are specifically used to raise awareness of strategic means of resisting The Great Reset and its associated measures in relation to the fourth industrial revolution, eugenics and transhumanism). If you believe that democratic processes will save us, you might be interested to know that these have long been under the control of the global elite and simply provide a convenient mechanism for dissipating the dissent of those who are unaware. For a full explanation of this point, see Killing Democracy Once and for All: The Global Elites Coup detat That Is Destroying Life as We Know It. And if you believe that challenges through the legal system will deliver us justice, be aware that these too were long ago captured by the global elite and are used to thwart fundamentally progressive initiatives, whatever occasional victories (invariably on issues that do not concern the global elite) in limited jurisdictions appear to suggest otherwise. In any case, there is no court in the world that has jurisdiction to require the global elite to appear before it to answer for its many outstanding crimes against peace, war crimes andcrimes against humanity, nor those crimes it is inflicting now. As discussed by a diverse range of scholars and activists in the 18th , 19th and early 20th centuries, the rule of law is the rule of elite violence. See The Rule of Law: Unjust and Violent. Finally, if you believe that violence, in any form, will get us out of this mess, you are giving inadequate consideration to the preeminent geopolitical reality of our time: themilitary forces at the command of the global elite, starting with the national military forces, including nuclear arsenals, committed to the NATO Alliance. Not to mention the police forces of each jurisdiction. And given the elite agenda includes substantial depopulation, from their viewpoint how this occurs, militarily or otherwise, is really immaterial. So a key strategic consideration is devising the appropriate waysto mobilize military and police forces in support of us. Given that military and police personnel have far more in common with the communities in which they live than they have in common with the global elite, history offers many examples in which thoughtful nonviolent activists were able to achieve this very effectively. Moreover, while it might be counterintuitive, strategic nonviolent struggle is superior to military violence, as strategic theory explains and history has demonstrated. See The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach. Conclusion In essence then, effective resistance to this elite coup depends on mobilizing enough ordinary people to take the strategically-focused nonviolent action essentially acts of noncooperation to thwart key elite initiatives that will shift power from the global elite to us. No other option is genuinely realistic or has the sheer power to be as effective. Hence, as part of the We Are Human, We Are Freestrategy, earlier this year Anita McKone and I launched The 7 Days Campaign to Resist the Great Reset, carefully explaining why each of the actions nominated was important in undermining elite power. And recently, Henna Maria in Spain created the beautiful flyers, outlining essential elements of the campaign, displayed with this article. If you wish to play a vital role in the defence of humanity and human freedom, you are invited to undertake the actions indicated on these flyers, and share them with those who you think might be interested. Provided enough people take these actions on an ongoing basis, the global elites capacity to kill or enslaveeach one of us can be defeated. What you choose to do, one way or the other, will help shape the fate of humanity. Biodata: Robert J. Burrowes has a lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist since 1981. He is the author of Why Violence? His email address is flametree@riseup.net and his website is here. Video footage shared on social media also shows groups of people being corralled by armed groups, some carrying what appear to be rocket launchers while others patrol on rooftops. by Anwar A. Khan Look! From my windowpane relays a scene of provincial capital two-way avenuewhere sometimes life as wet as giant tortoisecan creep-the Gallapagos of trust.There is the date of negress with crimson pilusand the afternoon of fey womanhood on the metro; there is the anniversary of the latest lifeboatand the eve of the near crew with the joyful uke.But I have no priesthood. Same a tail, I take the newspaper-restriction site precious. Surely there is an unavowedwhich, if I experience know, didn't alteration someone I have the put-out man's steel-tic satire.I proofread through the delusion of the oldness!The buzzer knell, and the wisp progress,and the sorrower play along, for my extravaganza. I pace the gutter paving,the two-way street where sot pull back like frame of suitable dying and blow smother in dirge shelf. The form contemplation at me contemptuously. I know they are making us believeall day to be in businesslike.And can it be that durable is a phantasy?When light up devolve on the sore street the flight is close with sensuality, susurrant. Eyes, lip-synch, three-sided to contact in speechlessness, worship they Crataegus oxycantha be thwart. O, owner similar downfall, bankers who are Malus pumila,widows, lamentable than the prop up of pond,therefore you were animated, when you slenderly did shiver!But all Knox in all likelihood my windowpanesheds deplume of septal.I fish the parole. The anaphor is not outgoing. O, reduplication of light up, light up, light up, light up light up inactive soppy Bu this not the situation now in Afghanistan! Along shadow of Medieval Age darkness has engulfed Afghanistan!! From drunken brawls to rapes and mass killings, violence cast a long shadow over Afghanistan. We are just as appalled by wanton acts of brutality as they are today...And the worst casualty is the women-folk because of the Taliban gangsters. I strongly believe the terrible faces of Taliban, ISIS, Jamaat,Hefazat, ISI, CIA and MOSSAD will be changed considering their past direful acts because these are not humans, but dreaded griffins! International media reports show barbaric Afghanistan reality after Taliban seized controlof the country, with women and children covered in blood and militants patrolling streets with rocket launchers all despite the Talibans promise of a more peaceful regime. Shocking scenes captured across Afghanistan on every day the day the Talibans longtime spokesman promised peace and an inclusive, Islamic government showed militant mobs instead firing high-powered weapons in the air and randomly beating passersby. Video footage shared on social media also shows groups of people being corralled by armed groups, some carrying what appear to be rocket launchers while others patrol on rooftops. In one image, a woman is seen apparently unconscious on the ground near Kabul Airport with blood over her head and hands, while a young boy is carried with his hair completely soaked in blood. The child was completely limp, with his eyes rolling back in his head, a newspapers photojournalistrecalled. A man carries a bloodied child, as a woman lies wounded on the street after Taliban fighters used gunfire, whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans who continue to wait outside the Kabul airport. Another shows a seemingly limp woman being picked up by two men outside the airport that has been the scene of desperate and often fatal attempts to flee the troubled nation. They were among at least a dozen people injured as amped-up Taliban fighters corralled hundreds of unarmed Afghans who were trying to reach the airport to flee the new regime. This is despite the Taliban vowing safe passage for everyone trying to leave the country.Men are paraded through the streets of Herat, tarred and with ropes around their necks, by the Taliban. In reality, the brutal enforcers indiscriminately fired automatic weapons, both into the air and at times even toward the crowd of helpless Afghans, a photojournalist said. They also used sticks, lengths of rubber hose, knotted rope and their rifle butts to beat the crowds, including some who were simply squatting on the ground trying to avoid the militants. Meanwhile, video footage shot elsewhere shows Taliban soldiers trawling streets in military vehicles with machines guns attached. The Taliban parading men through the streets tarred in black and with nooses around their necks as fears grow that the militants will reimpose brutal Sharia law. One militant was also captured whipping people as they cross a street. Men try to help a wounded woman and her wounded child after Taliban fighters used violence. Elsewhere, a man with a tarred face was pictured tied to the back of a truck, similar to scenes last week of two men with blackened faces being pulled through the streets with nooses around their necks scenes decried as medieval and barbaric. Other reports also claim that Taliban fighters are trolling Afghan villages looking for girls as young as 15 to marry, as well as going door to door looking for Afghans who had worked with the Americans. These distressing reports even came on the same day as the Talibans spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, promised that the regime would be positively different from the savagery it was known for before the US invasion after September 11, 2001. A crying Afghan woman was foundbegging for help from to save her from Taliban brutal wrath. If the question is based on ideology, and beliefs, there is no difference but if we calculate it based on experience, maturity, and insight, no doubt there are many differences exist now in Afghanistan, a Taliban terrorist has said. In an insincerely false manner, he also promised an amnesty for Afghans who had helped the US, insisting, We will not seek revenge. However, the disturbing scenes emerging from out of the country appear to be already contradicting many of the promises. The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, said he is most concerned by recent reports of escalating violence in the country. He noted allegations of extrajudicial executions in the form of revenge killings of detainees and individuals who surrendered, persecution of women and girls, crimes against children and other crimes affecting the civilian population at large. As well as an increase in violence, the Taliban have continued to maintain its relationship with al Qaeda, providing safe haven for the terrorist group in Afghanistan. Other terror groups, including Somalias al-Shabaab and Palestinian groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, have all sent congratulatory messages to the Taliban, Reuters said. Jihadists writ large are jubilant and electrified by the Talibans return, Asfandyar Mir, a South Asia security scholar affiliated with Stanford Universitys Center for International Security and Cooperation, told the wire service. He also added, Major jihadist constituencies across South Asia, Middle East and Africa have taken note and al Qaedas eco-system sees the Talibans return as its own victory. -The End The writer is an independent political analyst based in Dhaka, Bangladesh who writes on politics, political and human-centred figures, current and international affairs We dont need the freedom to be different, we need the freedom to choose how to be the same in a new way. And, perhaps most difficult, we should be ready to abandon many of the common-sense beliefs and practices that form our way of life. by Slavoj Zizek To defeat the threat of globalist domination, paradoxically, we should sacrifice what we feel is threatened and engage in radical change to save our traditions. The American or European populist Right fanatically opposes Muslim fundamentalism in which it sees the main threat to Western Christian civilization. They claim Europe is on the verge of becoming Europistan. For the European as well as for American populists, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan is the ultimate humiliation of the US. However, something new took place lately. According to recent analysis by SITE Intelligence Group, an American non-governmental organization that tracks the online activity of white supremacist and jihadist organizations, some people are commending the Taliban's takeover as a lesson in love for the homeland, for freedom, and for religion. SITE also found, the CNN writes, that Neo-Nazi and violent accelerationists - who hope to provoke what they see as an inevitable race war, which would lead to a Whites-only state - in North America and Europe are praising the Taliban for its anti-Semitism, homophobia, and severe restrictions on women's freedom. As an example, the group cited a quote taken from the Proud Boy to Fascist Pipeline Telegram channel as saying: These farmers and minimally trained men fought to take... their nation back from globohomo. They took back their government, installed their national religion as law, and executed dissenters... If white men in the west had the same courage as the Taliban, we would not be ruled by Jews currently. SITE explained: Globohomo is a derogatory word used to insult globalists, the term used by conspiracy promoters to describe their enemy (the evil global elite who control the media, finance, political system, etc.). American rightist populists who sympathize with the Taliban are more right than they think: what we see in Afghanistan is what our populists want, just purified to its extreme version. It is clear what features the two sides share: opposition to globohomo, to the new global elite that spreads LGBT+ and multicultural values, which are eroding the established way of life of local communities. The opposition between populist Right and Muslim fundamentalists is thus relativized: populists can easily imagine the co-existence of different ways of life, not only with Muslims but also with Jews if they all stay at a distance. This is why the new Right is anti-Semitic and pro-Zionist at the same time, saying no to Jews who want to stay in their land and assimilate, but yes to Jews who return to their land or, as Reinhard Heydrich, the mastermind of the Holocaust, wrote in 1935: We must separate the Jews into two categories, the Zionists and the partisans of assimilation. The Zionists profess a strictly racial concept and, through emigration to Palestine, they help to build their own Jewish State... our good wishes and our official goodwill go with them. What may appear but is not more surprising is that some Leftists, in a limited way, share a similar view: although they deplore the fate of women under the Taliban, they nonetheless perceive the US withdrawal as a great defeat of global capitalist neocolonialism, of Western powers trying to impose their notions of freedom and democracy on others. This proximity is not limited to stances towards the Taliban: we also find it among those who oppose vaccination and social regulations as measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. The recent reports about the Pegasus spyware were just further confirmation of our general distrust of how we are socially controlled, and it can help us understand why many among us resist vaccination. If all the data on our electronic devices and all our social activities are controlled, the inside of our body appears to be the last island that managed to escape this control. However, with vaccination, state apparatuses and corporations seem to invade even this last island of free intimacy. We may thus say that the resistance to vaccination is the misdirected price we are paying for being exposed to the likes of Pegasus. And since science is widely used to justify measures and vaccines are a great scientific achievement, resistance towards vaccination is also grounded in the suspicion that science is in the service of social control and manipulation. Furthermore, we are witnessing lately a gradual decay of the authority of what Jacques Lacan called the big other, the shared space of values within which only our differences and identities can thrive a phenomenon often falsely characterized as post-truth era. Liberal resistance against vaccination on behalf of human rights makes one nostalgic for the Leninist democratic socialism (free democratic debate, but once a decision is taken, everybody has to obey it). One should read this democratic socialism in the sense of Immanuel Kants formula of Enlightenment: not Dont obey, think freely! but Think freely, state your thoughts publicly, and obey! The same holds for vaccine doubters: debate, publish your doubts, but obey regulations once the public authority imposes them. Without such practical consensus, we will slowly drift into a society composed of tribal factions. Perhaps the deepest rift we are dealing with here is the rift between the image of reality offered by science and the common sense normality, the way of life we are used to: normality, inclusive of all the intuitions of how our life works, is on the side of vaccine-deniers. They simply cannot accept that the problems we are facing now - the pandemic, global warming and social unrest will lead to the end of our way of life. People who need regular dialysis to survive often claim that the most traumatic thing for them is to accept that their very survival depends on this prothesis: there is a big machine out there, in front of me, and my bodily functioning depends on its regular use and smooth functioning. The prospect of vaccination confronts us with the same shattering experience: my survival hinges on the success of being jabbed repeatedly. What the populist Right and the libertarian Left share is the distrust of the entire space of public authorities: police regulations, healthcare control and regulations sustained by medical and pharmaceutical institutions, big corporations and banks. They want to resist this pressure, to maintain a space of freedom. The Left - if it still deserves this name should make a step further here: it is not enough to resist whatever we perceive as the establishment on behalf of some more authentic mode of existence: one should also mobilize the mechanism of the critique of critique and problematize the authentic position on behalf of which we resist. It is easy to recognize that the populist resistance to vaccination in the US acts in defense of the American way of life with its rampant individualism, carrying guns in public, racism, etc. The Leftist vision which sustains vaccine-skeptics is as a rule that of direct democracy of small groups which want to live in a transparent society without alienated centers of power. The problematic nature of the Taliban vision goes by itself. The paradox is thus that, to defeat the external threat (of globalist domination), one should begin by sacrificing the very heart of what we feel is threatened. We should learn to trust science: it is only with the help of science that we can overcome our problems (caused, among other things, by science in the service of power). We should learn to trust public authority: only such an authority makes it possible to confront dangers like pandemics and environmental catastrophes by way of imposing necessary measures. We should learn to trust the big Other, the shared space of basic values: without it, solidarity is not possible. We dont need the freedom to be different, we need the freedom to choose how to be the same in a new way. And, perhaps most difficult, we should be ready to abandon many of the common-sense beliefs and practices that form our way of life. To be truly conservative today, to fight for what is worth saving in our traditions, means to engage in a radical change. The old conservative motto some things have to change so that everything remains the same acquired a new weight today: many things will have to change radically for us to remain human. What the Taliban and our new populists are doing can only end in a truly post-human society. The critique we hear again and again is that the West failed in Afghanistan because it tried to implement its own idea of democracy and freedom there, ignoring the specific local circumstances and traditions. However, on a closer look, one can see that the West was trying precisely to establish links with local formations and the result was pacts with local warlords, etc. The long-term outcome of such attempts can only be the combination of global capitalism and local nationalism, as we see it in Turkey no wonder the Taliban has good relations with the Turkish government. Afghanistan did not get too much modernity, it mostly got all that went wrong in our modernity, beginning with the Soviet occupation. As German philosopher Jurgen Habermas put it decades ago, modernity is an unfinished project, and the Taliban are the proof of it. Slavoj Zizek is a cultural philosopher. Hes a senior researcher at the Institute for Sociology and Philosophy at the University of Ljubljana, Global Distinguished Professor of German at New York University, and international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities of the University of London. 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Trace begun at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Exceptions.pm line 129 HTML::Mason::Exceptions::rethrow_exception('Can\'t call method "get_id" on an undefined value at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25.^J') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/dhandler.html line 25 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 160 HTML::Mason::Component::run_dynamic_sub('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7f63993d6230)', 'main') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 951 HTML::Mason::Request::call_dynamic('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7f6399280ef0)', 'main') called at /var/cache/mason/obj/1784076917/main/smetimes/dhandler.html.obj line 17 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7f63993d6230)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1305 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 958 HTML::Mason::Request::call_next('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7f6399280ef0)') called at /usr/local/bricolage/data/burn/stage/oc_1027/smetimes/autohandler_template.html line 149 HTML::Mason::Commands::__ANON__ at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component.pm line 138 HTML::Mason::Component::run('HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased=HASH(0x7f63993d6f20)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1303 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 1295 HTML::Mason::Request::comp(undef, undef, undef) called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 484 eval {...} at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Request.pm line 436 HTML::Mason::Request::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7f6399280ef0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 165 HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler::exec('HTML::Mason::Request::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7f6399280ef0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ApacheHandler.pm line 831 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handle_request('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler=HASH(0x7f6398970ef8)', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7f63992a3088)') called at (eval 487) line 8 HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler::handler('HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x7f63992a3088)') called at -e line 0 eval {...} at -e line 0 After a lengthy legislative and legal battle, around 230,000 additional Missourians are now eligible for the states Medicaid program, Mo HealthNet. The state has apparently done almost nothing to advertise the programs expansion, except for posting a court-ordered notice on the Mo HealthNet website. According to KBIA radio, the Family Support Division of the state Department of Social Service has already received more than 4,000 applications. These applications are presumed to be just sitting there, as an Aug. 11 video meant for staff shows Kim Evans, director of the Family Support Division, saying that while people can start applying now, staff would not be allowed to finalize any applications until Oct. 1 because of computer system upgrades. Attorneys have sent a letter to state officials stating that waiting until October violates federal law. So while the ongoing Medicaid saga continues, heres everything Missouri residents need to know about applying for coverage. Who is eligible under the new rules? Adults between the ages of 19 and 64 who earn up to $17,774 a year, or $36,570 for a family of four. Things like owning a house or car do not factor into eligibility. Expanding Medicaid will provide health insurance coverage to 230,000 Missourians who are now caught in a coverage gap they earn too much to qualify for the current Medicaid program but not enough to afford private insurance, the Missouri Foundation for Missouri wrote. What does Medicaid cover? Medicaid covers costs of most medical services like going to the doctor for illness, immunizations, check-ups, while also covering costs of medications and hospital visits. MO HealthNet healthcare coverage pays the providers of services and does not make direct payments to patients. Patients may be required to pay a copay for services, ranging in amount from $0.50 to $10. How does someone apply for coverage? Missouri residents who qualify can visit mydss.mo.gov to apply. They can also call 855-373-9994 or download a paper application. If filling out a paper application, residents may mail it to 615 E. 13th St. Kansas City, MO 64106. Of fax it to 573-526-9400. For additional information and questions, residents can call the Cover Missouri hotline at 1-800-466-3213. Missouris path to Medicaid expansion Prior to expansion, Missouri had one of the most restrictive Medicaid eligibility levels for parents and childless adults in the nation, according to the Missouri Budget Project. As it stood, the program provided coverage for low-wage parents earning no more than $388 per month for a family of three, the lowest level allowed under federal law and the third-lowest eligibility level in the nation. In August 2020, 53.25% of Missouri residents who voted were in favor of a constitutional amendment in Missouri to implement Medicaid expansion. The new eligibility was slated to take effect July 1. But the long road to implementation began in April, when House Republicans resisted the will of the voters by removing $1.9 billion allocated for the programs July expansion when crafting the 2022 state budget. The Senate then also voted against funding the program expansion. Six days after the General Assembly presented Parson with the 2022 budget sans the expansion funding,the governor withdrew the state from its plan to expand Medicaid coverage altogether. Protests across the state were held following the announcement. Shortly after, proponents took the matter to court. Meanwhile, Parson warned that if the legislature did not reauthorize the medical provider tax, he could be forced to take a knife to the 2021-22 budget to fund the states Medicaid program. The Medicaid provider tax is collected from hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies and generates $1.6 billion annually. Missouri is then eligible to receive an additional $3 billion in federal funds. The legislature did not pass the reauthorization of that tax, as several GOP members wanted to include language in the bill that bans Medicaid coverage of certain birth control methods and blocks government funding of Planned Parenthood. Parson called the special session, and the tax bill was then passed without the amendments regarding birth control and abortion. Cole County Circuit Judge Jon Beetem struck down the lawsuit filed by advocates seeking to expand Medicaid, but the Missouri Supreme Court in July issued a unanimous ruling reversing that decision. The case was handed back to Beetem, who in mid-August ruled the Missouri Department of Social Services must allow newly eligible residents that qualify for benefits under voter-approved Medicaid expansion to enroll and cannot impose greater restrictions on them. In his ruling, Beetem rejected the states request that it be allowed to make its case for why it needs two more months to begin accepting newly eligible residents. Related articles: EQS Group-Ad-hoc: SoftwareONE Holding AG / Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges Information uber den Verkauf und die Platzierung von Aktien durch KKR und die Erben von Patrick Winter 07.09.2021 / 19:32 CET/CEST Veroffentlichung einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung gemass Art. 53 KR Fur den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, JAPAN, SOUTH AFRICA OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH OFFERS OR SALES WOULD BE PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS NOT AN OFFER OF SECURITIES FOR SALE IN ANY JURISDICTION, INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN. NEITHER THIS ANNOUNCEMENT NOR ANYTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL FORM THE BASIS OF, OR BE RELIED UPON IN CONNECTION WITH, ANY OFFER OR COMMITMENT WHATSOEVER IN ANY JURISDICTION. Medienmitteilung - ad hoc Mitteilung gemass Art. 53 KR Information uber den Verkauf und die Platzierung von Aktien durch KKR und die Erben von Patrick Winter Stans, Schweiz I 7. September 2021 - SoftwareONE Holding AG gab heute bekannt, dass rund 8,6 Millionen Aktien, die ca. 5.4% des Aktienkapitals von SoftwareONE ausmachen, von Aktionaren verkauft und im Markt platziert werden. SoftwareONE wurde daruber informiert, dass KKR und die Erben von Patrick Winter rund 8,6 Millionen SoftwareONE-Aktien (rund 5.4% des Aktienkapitals) verkaufen und diese auf dem Markt platziert werden. Die Transaktion steht in Einklang mit der Vereinbarung unter den Hauptaktionaren zur Koordination von Verkaufen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Borsengang von SoftwareONE im Oktober 2019 abgeschlossen wurde. KONTAKT Patrick Zuppiger, Chief Communications Officer Tel. +41 44 832 82 00, patrick.zuppiger@softwareone.com Anna Engvall, Investor Relations Tel. +41 44 832 82 00, anna.engvall@softwareone.com UBER SOFTWAREONE SoftwareONE mit Sitz in der Schweiz ist ein fuhrender globaler Anbieter von End-to-End Software- und Cloud-Technologielosungen. Mit einem auf IP- und Technologiedienstleistungen ausgerichteten Portfolio ermoglicht SoftwareONE es Unternehmen, ihre kommerziellen, technologischen und digitalen Transformationsstrategien ganzheitlich zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Dies wird durch die Modernisierung von Anwendungen und die Migration geschaftskritischer Workloads in Public Clouds erreicht, wahrend gleichzeitig die zugehorigen Software- und Cloud-Bestande und -Lizenzen verwaltet und optimiert werden. Die Angebote von SoftwareONE sind uber die eigenentwickelte digitale Plattform PyraCloud verbunden, die Kunden datenbasierte Informationen zur Verfugung stellt. Mit rund 8'300 Mitarbeitenden und Vertriebs- und Dienstleistungskapazitaten in 90 Landern bietet SoftwareONE rund 65'000 Geschaftskunden Software- und Cloud-Losungen von mehr als 7'500 Herstellern. Die Aktien von SoftwareONE (SWON) sind an der SIX Swiss Exchange kotiert. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter SoftwareONE.com. SoftwareONE Holding AG, Riedenmatt 4, CH-6370 Stans CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION This media release may contain certain forward-looking statements relating to the group's future business, development and economic performance. 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For these purposes, the expression "Prospectus Regulation" means Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, as amended. In the United Kingdom this announcement is directed exclusively at "qualified investors" (as defined in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 as it forms part of United Kingdom domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the "UK Prospectus Regulation")) (i) who have professional experience in matters relating to investments falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as amended (the "Order") or (ii) who fall within Article 49(2)(A) to (D) of the Order, and (iii) to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons together being referred to as "relevant persons"); any other persons in the United Kingdom should not take any action on the basis of this announcement and should not act on or rely on it. In the United Kingdom, any investment activity and the securities to which this announcement relates are only available to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such securities will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. This announcement does not constitute and shall not, in any circumstances, constitute an invitation to the public in connection with any offer or constitute any offer to the public, each within the meaning of the UK Prospectus Regulation. The offer and sale of the securities referred to herein will be made pursuant to an exemption under the UK Prospectus Regulation from the requirement to produce a prospectus for offers of securities. No representation or warranty, express or implied, is or will be made as to, or in relation to, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by the underwriting bank or banks (each, an "Underwriting Bank") or by any of their respective affiliates or agents as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of this announcement or any other written or oral information made available to or publicly available to any interested party or its advisers, and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed. In connection with the offering of the shares of SoftwareONE Holding AG (the "Shares"), each Underwriting Bank and any of its respective affiliates acting as an investor for their own account may take up as a proprietary position any Shares and in that capacity may retain, purchase or sell for their own account such Shares. In addition, each Underwriting Bank or its respective affiliates may enter into financing arrangements and swaps with investors in connection with which any Underwriting Bank (or its affiliates) may from time to time acquire, hold or dispose of Shares. The Underwriting Bank(s) do not intend to disclose the extent of any such investment or transactions otherwise than in accordance with any legal or regulatory obligation to do so. The information contained in this announcement is for background purposes only and does not purport to be full or complete. No reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information contained in this announcement or its accuracy or completeness. This announcement does not purport to identify or suggest the risks (direct or indirect) which may be associated with an investment in the Shares. Any investment decision in connection with the Shares must be made solely on the basis of all publicly available information relating to the Shares (which has not been independently verified by the Underwriting Bank(s)). The Underwriting Bank(s) is/are acting on behalf of the selling shareholders and no one else in connection with any offering of the Shares and will not be responsible to any other person for providing the protections afforded to clients of the Underwriting Bank(s) nor for providing advice in relation to any offering of the Shares. DGAP-News: Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A. / Key word(s): IPO/IPO Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A. : Majorel announces its intention to launch a private placement and list on Euronext Amsterdam 07.09.2021 / 07:00 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, IN OR INTO THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA OR JAPAN OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION IN WHICH THE DISTRIBUTION OR RELEASE WOULD BE UNLAWFUL. OTHER RESTRICTIONS ARE APPLICABLE. PLEASE SEE THE IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AT THE END OF THIS RELEASE. Press release Majorel announces its intention to launch a private placement and list on Euronext Amsterdam Luxembourg, 7 September, 2021: Majorel, a leading global provider of next-generation end-to-end customer experience ("CX") solutions for digital-native and vertical leading brands, today announced its intention to list its shares on the regulated market of Euronext Amsterdam in the second half of 2021. Key Highlights: Majorel is a leader in the global CX market with more than 63,000 team members in 31 countries and across five continents. Majorel serves more than 400 clients worldwide, including digital-native and vertical leading brands in high-growth industries that are leading digital transformation. In H1 2021, 42% of net revenues [1] derived from Internet and High Tech clients ("Global Internet"). derived from Internet and High Tech clients ("Global Internet"). Majorel offers end-to-end CX solutions worldwide comprising: Customer Interaction Services, Business Process Services, and Tech & Expert Services, with advanced capabilities in complex, value-add CX services such as Content Services, Trust & Safety and Vertical Digital Solutions. Majorel operates in a large and structurally growing approximately $305 billion total addressable market [2] and benefits from its strong long-term client base with net revenues retention of 113% (2020) [3] and 118% (H1 2021) [4] and high average client tenure of about 12 years [5] . and benefits from its strong long-term client base with net revenues retention of 113% (2020) and 118% (H1 2021) and high average client tenure of about 12 years . In 2020, Majorel generated 1.34 billion in net revenues [6] , growing at 14% YoY, and an operating EBITDA [7] of 196 million, driving strong organic growth and margin improvement. , growing at 14% YoY, and an operating EBITDA of 196 million, driving strong organic growth and margin improvement. In H1 2021, Majorel's accelerating growth momentum has increased to 35% (18% like-for-like organic growth [8] ), growing to 842 million in net revenues. Operating EBITDA reached 154 million for the same period. ), growing to 842 million in net revenues. Operating EBITDA reached 154 million for the same period. Majorel has a large and growing pipeline of potential M&A targets to drive its plans for further geographic expansion, and ongoing development of its global service delivery capabilities, domain expertise and digital capabilities. Majorel is currently a 50-50 venture between Bertelsmann (an international media, services and education company, with its headquarters in Germany) and the Saham Group (an international real estate, education, agriculture and services company, with its headquarters in Morocco) who will remain major shareholders, with Bertelsmann envisaged to continue consolidation post-IPO. Shares held by Bertelsmann and the Saham Group will be offered to institutional investors in a private placement. An appropriate level of free float will ensure attractive trading liquidity. BNP Paribas, Citigroup and J.P. Morgan are acting as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners, with Bank of America, Goldman Sachs and UBS Investment Bank also acting as Joint Bookrunners. Thomas Mackenbrock, CEO of Majorel Group said: "Our key focus has always been on developing deep, long-term partnerships with our clients in delivering next-generation end-to-end CX solutions. Every day we are driven by the unique entrepreneurial spirit and excellence of our team members worldwide. This has allowed us to continuously grow Majorel. Pursuing a listing is the next logical step in Majorel's development and will further enhance our position as a leading player in the global CX industry." Otmane Serraj, Chief Financial & Shared Services Officer of Majorel Group said: "We are particularly pleased with our strong operational and financial performance which testifies to the strength and expertise of our teams across the world, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, net revenues grew by 14% year-on-year and we have accelerated this trajectory in the first half of 2021, with net revenues up by 35% (18% on a like-for-like basis)." Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A. ("Majorel", the "Company" and, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, "Majorel Group") is preparing for a listing of its shares on the regulated market operated by Euronext Amsterdam N.V.. The Company plans to complete a private placement to institutional investors in the second half of 2021, subject to general market conditions. The private placement is intended to comprise existing shares from the holdings of the Company's existing shareholders (the "Selling Shareholders") as well as existing shares in connection with possible over-allotments, covered by a greenshoe option provided by the Selling Shareholders, which will be offered to certain institutional investors in various jurisdictions (the "Private Placement"). Majorel was established in January 2019 through the successful combination of Bertelsmann's CX business in Europe, the Americas and Asia (Arvato CRM Solutions), the Saham Group's CX business in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, ECCO Outsourcing and Pioneers Outsourcing, and the long-standing Bertelsmann / Saham venture, Phone Group. Key differentiators: 1. Majorel offers next-generation end-to-end CX solutions to meet evolving client demand The Company delivers its end-to-end CX operations to more than 400 clients worldwide. The average duration of Majorel's client relationships is about 12 years[9] and net revenues retention was 118% in H1 2021. Customer Interaction Services: Majorel provides industry-leading customer interaction solutions, based on human expertise augmented through data and advanced technology. The Company offers full-service omnichannel solutions covering the entire customer lifecycle, including: customer service, sales and marketing, tech support, customer acquisition, and loyalty and retention services. Business Process Services: Majorel's business process services focus on providing next-generation solutions for clients in different growth verticals. For Global Internet, this includes comprehensive Content Services, Trust & Safety. For clients in the other verticals, Majorel has implemented industry-specific services, for example, claims management for insurance, e-mobility services for Automotive and specialized back-office services for its Utility and Banking clients. Tech and Expert Services: Majorel provides a variety of digital consumer engagement services, which include direct-to-consumer (D2C) digital marketing campaigns to enable its clients to engage with their customers across multiple touchpoints. With its dedicated digital CX consulting practice, Majorel helps clients in their digital transformation by providing, among others, CX strategy development. In addition, the Company has developed a portfolio of services specifically designed for start-ups (MajUp(TM)) as well as proprietary vertical digital solutions - for example, a market-leading digital banking platform (Majorel Digital Banking(TM)) for the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) sector. 2. Majorel focuses on digital native and vertical leading brands in a large and structurally growing approximately $305 billion total addressable market Majorel operates in a total addressable market (TAM) for CX solutions, comprising outsourced and insourced CX, of approximately $305 billion in 2020. The global outsourced CX market had a market size of $89 to $91 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4% to 5% from 2020 until 2022[10]. With a current outsourcing share of approximately 30%[11], the CX market is still largely underpenetrated, leaving $210 billion of the TAM still serviced by in-house CX teams. Majorel has more than 400 clients worldwide with a particular focus on industries that have experienced high growth in recent years and are leading digital transformation, e.g. Global Internet, BFSI and Automotive. 3. A CX leader with a truly global delivery platform spanning from East to West To provide seamless client support globally, Majorel's highly agile delivery model, with more than 63,000 team members worldwide, includes onshore and offshore locations, 16 multilingual hubs and remote working from a digital workplace (Majorel Anywhere(TM)). Its global platform spans more than 120 locations in 31 countries across Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Ensuring global operational excellence and consistency is a key focus for Majorel. As one of the very few players with operations of scale in China, Majorel is well-positioned to benefit from China's advanced digital ecosystem. 4. Comprehensive and innovative CX solutions enabled with best-in-class technology Majorel has built a next-generation global delivery model enabled by advanced technologies to deliver agile, secure, reliable and innovative services to its clients by leveraging a cloud-first approach. The Company partners with best-in-class solution providers, complemented by its own proprietary technology solutions, to deliver a turnkey CX environment including CXaaS (CX as a Service), Advanced Analytics, Robotic Process Automation/Automation, Automated Interactions/Bots and specialized tools, for example, Majorel Lingua(TM) (an omni-language solution). To constantly improve services and to offer clients state-of-the-art solutions, Majorel has established multiple innovation hubs in Europe and Asia, which serve to augment team members' capabilities or develop complementary proprietary digital solutions - for example, the digital consumer engagement solutions that are a core element of Majorel's Tech & Expert Services offering. 5. Multiple organic growth vectors, supplemented with M&A, accelerating future expansion Majorel intends to continue to increase its global footprint by expanding its operations to more than 40 countries, including increasing its onshore presence in East Asia. With the top ten CX outsourcing providers capturing approximately 27% of the market in 2020[12], the CX landscape is highly fragmented, providing various growth opportunities through strategic acquisitions. Majorel has a large and growing pipeline of potential acquisition targets, to drive the development of its capabilities, in particular to further widen the scale and scope of its Tech & Expert Services; to gain additional domain expertise for the Company's Business Process Services; and to further expand geographically. Moreover, the Company is ideally positioned to take advantage of both synergetic and strategic opportunities that may arise. 6. Entrepreneurial and agile corporate culture led by best-in-class management team Majorel is led by a highly experienced leadership team with a proven track record of leading innovation, integrating, optimizing and scaling businesses, expanding distribution and managing global operations. This team successfully combined four CX service providers in 2019, having mastered the challenges of integrating businesses across the globe, managing a diverse mix of cultural heritages and labor markets. The Company benefits from the diversity of its more than 63,000 highly skilled team members and strongly believes that its strong corporate culture with an entrepreneurial focus, together with its core values, "creativity, excellence and respect", will further drive its growth and success. The Company believes it is this entrepreneurial spirit that underlined Majorel's resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, Majorel's global focus on Corporate and Social Responsibility, which encompasses Diversity & Inclusion, Environment & Local Communities, Employee Rights & Fair Working Conditions, and Wellbeing & Resiliency, is an important driver in attracting and retaining the best talent and new business. Risk Factors Investing in Majorel involves certain risks. A description of these risks, which include risks relating to Majorel as well as risks relating to the Private Placement and its shares, will be included in the prospectus to be published in connection with the listing. Any decision to participate in the Private Placement should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in the Prospectus. About Majorel We design, build and deliver next-generation end-to-end CX for many of the world's most respected digital-native and vertical leading brands. Our comprehensive east-to-west global footprint in 31 countries across five continents, with more than 63,000 people and 60 languages, allows us to deliver flexible solutions that leverage our expertise in cultural nuance, which we believe to be essential for true excellence in CX. We have deep domain expertise in tech-augmented front to-back-office CX. Additionally, we offer Digital Consumer Engagement, CX Consulting, and an innovative suite of Proprietary Digital Solutions for industry verticals. We are a global leader in Content services, Trust & Safety. We believe the 'Majorel difference' to be our culture of entrepreneurship. About Bertelsmann Bertelsmann is a media, services and education company that operates in about 50 countries around the world. It includes the broadcaster RTL Group, the trade book publisher Penguin Random House, the magazine publisher Gruner + Jahr, the music company BMG, the service provider Arvato, the Bertelsmann Printing Group, the Bertelsmann Education Group and Bertelsmann Investments, an international network of funds. The company has around 130,000 employees and generated revenues of 17.3 billion in the financial year 2020. Bertelsmann stands for creativity and entrepreneurship. This combination promotes first-class media content and innovative service solutions that inspire customers around the world. Bertelsmann aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. In 2021, Bertelsmann commemorates the 100th birthday of Reinhard Mohn, the Group's late post-war founder and longtime Chairman and CEO. About Saham Saham Group is a Moroccan based international investment company that operates in a variety of industries. Driven by a strong entrepreneurial approach, Saham first began in the insurance sector, eventually becoming Africa's industry leader with a presence in 30 countries. After selling its insurance business in 2018, the Group has invested further in strategic targeted partnerships in sectors such as customer experience services/BPO, real estate, education, and agriculture. Contact Investor Relations Insa Calsow EVP, Investor Relations ir@majorel.com Media Relations Andrew Slater SVP, Global Marketing & Communications media@majorel.com DISCLAIMER These materials may not be published, distributed or transmitted in the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan. These materials do not constitute an offer of securities for sale or a solicitation of an offer to purchase securities (the "Securities") of Majorel Group Luxembourg S.A. ("Majorel") in the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or any other jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is unlawful. The Securities of the Company may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). There will be no public offering of the securities in the United States. The Securities have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act. The securities referred to herein may not be offered or sold in Australia, Canada or Japan or to, or for the account or benefit of, any national, resident or citizen of Australia, Canada or Japan subject to certain exceptions. This publication constitutes neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy securities. No public offer will be made. An investment decision regarding securities of Majorel should only be made on the basis of the securities prospectus which will be published promptly upon approval by the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) and will be available free of charge on the website of Majorel. In member states of the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, any offering mentioned in this publication will only be addressed to and directed at persons who are "qualified investors" within the meaning of Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, in the case of the United Kingdom, as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. In addition, in the United Kingdom, this document is only being distributed to and is only directed at persons who (i) are investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005, as amended (the "Order"), (ii) are persons falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (high net worth companies, unincorporated associations, etc.), or (iii) are persons to whom an invitation or inducement to engage in investment activity (within the meaning of section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) in connection with the issue or sale of any securities may otherwise lawfully be communicated or caused to be communicated (all such persons together being referred to as "Relevant Persons"). This document is directed only at Relevant Persons and must not be acted on or relied on by persons who are not Relevant Persons. Any investment or investment activity to which this document relates is available only to Relevant Persons and will be engaged in only with Relevant Persons. Certain statements contained in this release may constitute "forward-looking statements" that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are generally identifiable by the use of the words "may", "will", "should", "plan", "expect", "anticipate", "estimate", "believe", "intend", "project", "goal" or "target" or the negative of these words or other variations on these words or comparable terminology. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions, forecasts, estimates, projections, opinions or plans that are inherently subject to significant risks, as well as uncertainties and contingencies that are subject to change. No representation is made or will be made by Majorel that any forward-looking statement will be achieved or will prove to be correct. The actual future business, financial position, results of operations and prospects may differ materially from those projected or forecast in the forward-looking statements. Neither Majorel nor BNP Paribas, Citigroup Global Markets Limited, J.P. Morgan AG, BofA Securities Europe SA, Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE and UBS AG, London Branch (together, the "Underwriters") nor any of their respective affiliates assume any obligation to update, and do not expect to publicly update, or publicly revise, any forward-looking statements or other information contained in this release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law. This announcement also contains certain financial measures that are not recognized under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). These non-IFRS measures are presented because Majorel believes that they and similar measures are widely used in the markets in which it operates as a means of evaluating Majorel's operating performance and financing structure. They may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies and are not measurements under IFRS or other generally accepted accounting principles. The Underwriters are acting exclusively for Majorel and the selling shareholders and no-one else in connection with the planned Private Placement. They will not regard any other person as their respective clients in relation to the planned Private Placement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Majorel and the selling shareholders for providing the protections afforded to its clients, nor for providing advice in relation to the offering, the contents of this announcement or any transaction, arrangement or other matter referred to herein. In connection with the planned Private Placement, the Underwriters and their respective affiliates may take up a portion of the shares offered in the Private Placement as a principal position and in that capacity may retain, purchase, sell, offer to sell for their own accounts such shares and other securities of Majorel or related investments in connection with the planned Private Placement or otherwise. In addition, the Underwriters and their respective affiliates may enter into financing arrangements (including swaps or contracts for differences) with investors in connection with which the Underwriters and their respective affiliates may from time to time acquire, hold or dispose of shares of Majorel. The Underwriters do not intend to disclose the extent of any such investment or transactions, other than in accordance with any legal or regulatory obligations to do so. None of the Underwriters or any of their respective directors, officers, employees, advisers or agents accepts any responsibility or liability whatsoever for or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information in this release (or whether any information has been omitted from the release) or any other information relating to Majorel, whether written, oral or in a visual or electronic form, and howsoever transmitted or made available, or for any loss howsoever arising from any use of this release or its contents or otherwise arising in connection therewith. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT A PROSPECTUS BUT AN ADVERTISEMENT AND INVESTORS SHOULD NOT SUBSCRIBE FOR OR PURCHASE ANY SHARES REFERRED TO IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT EXCEPT ON THE BASIS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE PROSPECTUS. [1] Net revenues for the group corresponds to revenues as reported in our consolidated income statement less (i) revenues from minor activities (primarily the Sonopress Business) outside the Majorel Group's core business which are reported in the column "consolidation / other" in the Company's segment reporting and (ii) certain direct, order-related external costs which are part of external expenses and costs of materials and consist mainly of cost of services purchased (subcontracted or outsourced services). The Sonopress Business is defined as certain non-core business activities historically carried out by Arvato de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., which is currently being wound down. [2] Everest Group May 2021. Market size in 2020, including Content Services, Trust & Safety at $5 billion. [3] Net revenues generated by clients in 2020 divided by net revenues generated by the same cohort of clients in 2019. [4] Net revenues generated by clients in H1-2021 divided by net revenues generated by the same cohort of clients in H1-2020 (excluding China Business). [5] Average tenure of top 20 clients in 2020. [6] In the same period, Majorel generated revenues of EUR1,375 million. [7] Operating EBITDA is defined as EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) adjusted for depreciation / amortization, impairment and reversal on intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets, adjusted for (i) impairment on goodwill and other intangible assets with indefinite useful life as well as gains from business combinations, (ii) adjustments to carrying amounts on assets held for sale, (iii) impairment/reversals on other financial assets at amortized cost, (iv) impairment/reversals on investments accounted for using the equity method, (v) results from disposals of investments, (vi) fair value measurement of investments, and (vii) restructuring and other special items. [8] Excluding the China business and the COVID-19 business [9] Average tenure of top 20 clients in 2020. [10] Everest Group, May 2021 [11] Everest Group, May 2021 [12] NelsonHall, 2021 07.09.2021 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases. Archive at www.dgap.de Locast could be streamed on smart TVs, smart phones, tablets and home computers. Local channels were made available only within the stations broadcast range. Before it suspended operations last week, it was being used by more than 3 million viewers, a Locast spokesman said. How many of those users were in South Florida is unknown because the company didnt break down its user numbers by state. The service expanded to the South Florida media market in July 2020. When police arrived, they broke up the fight and pulled both men out of the van. One had been shot in the chest. Jurors were not told about the other cases as they heard Schulers claim of self-defense in the Feb. 3, 2017, killing of Junior Petit-Bien, 34. It happened in Petit-Biens fathers house, where both Schuler and the victim had been living at the time. There is a commonsense distinction between not being taxed at all and being undertaxed, Justice Carlos Muniz wrote in the majority opinion joined by Chief Justice Charles Canady and Justice Jorge Labarga and John Couriel. And a typical speaker would use the phrase escaped taxation to describe the former and not the latter. Only property that is not taxed has escaped taxation. Gleason and the 33-year-old female victim told Riley there was nobody named Amber there and that he should leave before they called law enforcement, the sheriff said. Deputies were then summoned and searched the area but did not find Riley. Judd said, about nine hours later, around 4:30 a.m., a Polk County lieutenant who was nearby heard volleys of automatic gunfire coming from the area of the original call. Abortion kills children and forever changes the life of the mother, the father and the entire extended family, Simpson said in a statement. As an adoptive child myself, its important to me that we do everything we can to promote adoption and prevent abortion; therefore, I think its worthwhile to take a look at the Texas law and see if there is more we can do here in Florida. One of the most anticipated and popular events on the Costa del Sol will make a return to the skies this weekend, after it was cancelled last year because of the Covid-19 crisis. On 10, 11 and 12 the Air Festival will return to the skies above the Torre del Mar beach, and the wait will have been worth it with around 35 aircraft taking part in the flying displays. The aerobatic display teams Aspa and Aguila will feature and a Spanish military Eurofighter jet, will also be taking to the Axarquia skies from Friday onwards. In addition, on Sunday, the big day, there will be Guardia Civil and National Police force exhibitions. The director of the Festival, Pablo Gonzalez, has said that this years event will include many novelties, noting that there will be nine participants that have never been to Torre del Mar and others that have never been seen anywhere. "We have pilots who are truly world elite, members of teams like Red Bull, such as Juan Velarde or Castor Fantoba, who will soon be World Champion if all goes well," he added. Gonzalez has confirmed that this year the Aspa team, "the only and best helicopter display team in Europe", will fly at the event again. In terms of the programme, all the training sessions will take place on Friday, from 9am to 6pm; Saturday will be free for the pilots to rest and Sunday will be the festival itself, starting from 10.30am and running until 3.15pm. A free shuttle bus will be made available from the El Ingenio shopping centre to Torre del Mar. The deputy mayor of Torre del Mar, Jesus Perez Atencia, described the air festival as "the best in Spain at the moment" and reminded that, after last years cancellation because of the pandemic, we resume this year with the utmost respect for the health safety measures and in order to contribute to the reactivation of the local economy. Atencia said, "We have been a national benchmark in the fight against the pandemic, and that is why we believe that this is the ideal time recover one of the events that has given us the most," pointing out that "The best place to watch this show is on the beach, precisely the place where we have placed the greatest emphasis on health security measures." At the weekend, the beaches will be sub-divided to control the numbers and "measures must be respected in the same way that has been done in recent months, in order that we all can enjoy a safe environment," he pointed out. A 32-year-old British driver has been accused of ramming into a police car in Mijas, sparking a high-speed chase along the AP-7 motorway on the Costa del Sol. Several other cars were hit before the pursuit ended with the driver losing control of his vehicle and crashing to a halt. The incident unfolded late on Sunday afternoon in Mijas when a Guardia Civil patrol stopped the driver of an Audi A4 in the Riviera area. As the officers got of their vehicle to identify the British driver, he fled the scene hitting the police car in the process. According to SUR sources, the driver made several laps around the Riviera area until, finally, he joined the AP-7 motorway, heading in the Marbella direction. It is estimated that the car reached speeds of more 160 kilometres per hour and at least three other cars on the major road were hit. The driver pulled off the motorway at an exit, did a U-turn, and rejoined the road heading in the opposite direction, towards Malaga. However, at kilometre 193, the driver lost control of his car. The man, who apparently was not wearing a belt, suffered injuries and possibly some fractures, and he was transferred to the Costa del Sol Hospital. According to SUR sources, the individual, who apparently has a police record, tested positive for driving under the influence of drugs, although the results will have to be verified by laboratory tests. Public schools and colleges in Andalucia will start the new 2021/2022 school year with 4,600 new teaching staff on the books of the regional government. On Monday, 6 September, an agreement was signed between the Junta de Andalucia and the SIF, ANPE and UGT unions, meaning an investment of about 200 million euros for the extra employees. The agreement was signed during a meeting held in Sevilles San Telmo palace that was chaired by the president of the Junta de Andalucia, Juanma Moreno, and in which the vice president, Juan Marin, as well as the Minister of Education and Sports, were present. Javier Imbroda, thanked the union organisations for their work to reach a an agreement, which "goes far beyond" the increase in teachers is above all a huge investment in the quality of education in the region." The councillor reported that "23.65 per cent of these 4,600 teachers will be consolidated to meet the new needs" of vocational training, special education and other needs and the rest will be used to specifically to carry out actions aimed at combating and overcoming the effects negative results derived from the pandemic situation. The current Covid-19 situation has generated the need to have additional teachers in public educational centres to lower the ratio of students per teacher with the aim of improving educational results and reducing school absenteeism. Of the 4,600 new teachers, some 1,914 started in July, and the rest of will join in the coming days so that they are at their jobs at the beginning of the 2021/22 school year in early childhood, primary, secondary education and college education centres across the region. Opinion writer Kaelin Connor discusses the impact of the new changes Senate Bill 1 will bring to voter legislation in her latest column. An outdoorsman who embraced the Aggie spirit, Josh Cameron Bauerle will be honored at the Sept. 7 Silver Taps ceremony. Animal science sophomore Samantha Lee Melanson will be remembered for her selfless spirit and her heart for others. If you already subscribe to our print edition, sign up for FREE access to our online edition. Thanks for reading The Henderson News. MBABANE - Resigned police officer Cebile Cece Shongwe has filed an affidavit confirming that MPs Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza and Mthandeni Dube were arrested allegedly as per the Kings instruction. Shongwes affidavit has been attached to the MPs replying papers in the matter in which they seek to be granted bail after Judge Mumcy Dlamini dismissed their initial application. I confirm the contents of the affidavit filed by the applicants and regard to the recorded conversation between me and the resigned army commander, reads part of Shongwes confirmatory affidavit. In the confirmatory affidavit, Shongwe, who is believed to have left the country upon resigning from the police service, confirms that resigned Army Commander Jeffery Tshabalala informed her that the arrest of the duo was allegedly as per an instruction from the King. She further confirms that in the audio recording, which went viral on social media, the voices belong to her and Tshabalala, who was narrating to her how the initiative to arrest the two MPs allegedly came about. According to Shongwe, during the conversation with the former army commander, he overtly told her that it was the King who had directed that the two legislators should be arrested, following the burning of property and looting that occurred in the country during the political unrest which also saw people being shot dead. Allegations The veracity of these allegations is still to be tested in court. In the audio recording, as per the confirmatory affidavit filed by Shongwe, the resigned army commander told her how the plan to have the duo arrested was hatched by the countrys authorities and how the national commissioner of police was allegedly given strict instructions by the King to arrest Mabuza, Dube and Siphofaneni Member of Parliament, Mduduzi Magawugawu Simelane. In their bail application, Mabuza and Dube submitted that since the handing down of the judgment denying them bail, further evidence had emerged that indeed the charges against them had been trumped up in that the decision to arrest them was allegedly issued by the highest authority - His Majesty King Mswati III. Advised We have been advised and verily accept that our attorney has been informed by Ms Cebile Mayendziwe Shongwe that on or about July 18, 202,1 she was told by the resigned Army Commander, Jeffrey Tshabalala, that the King instructed the national commissioner of police to arrest the three of us, being me, Dube and Siphofaneni Member of Parliament Mduduzi Magawugawu Simelane, alleged Mabuza. It was further his submission that according to Shongwe, in her affidavit, the resigned army commander allegedly informed her that the King wanted them arrested because he (King) alleged that they were the cause of the political unrest in the country. He then begged leave of the court to refer to the confirmatory affidavit of Shongwe. The conversation between the retired army commander to this effect is contained in electronic evidence in the possession of the said Cebile. It will be available if and when required by the honourable court, submitted the two incarcerated Members of Parliament. Mabuza and Dube went on to reiterate that the strength of the Crowns case should not be looked at in a vacuum as it remained an allegation. They argued that same must, therefore, be seen in the light of the defence and prospects of a possible conviction or failure thereto at trial. We vehemently deny that we called for marches across the country, contended the two incarcerated MPs. They alleged that, in total disregard of the resolution of the House, the then acting prime minister (PM) unilaterally banned the delivering of petitions. According to the duo, he (then acting PM) neither had the right nor authority to do so without referring the issue back to the House for reconsideration, if there was a need to do so. We deny that the call for an elected PM is not within our functions as MP and citizens of the country. The call is perfectly within Parliaments oversight role over the Executive and other organs of the State, submitted Mabuza and Dube. They told the court that the Crown in its opposing papers allegedly did not show how the call for an elected head of government resulted in the acts of terror, which were imputed against them. Mabuza and Dube contended that, in contravention and violation of the resolution of the House and without the House being convened, the then acting PM and Cabinet, working with the commissioner of police, allegedly turned around to prohibit the delivery of petitions. According to the two legislators, that was when the violence broke out. Mabuza and Dube insisted that Parliament resolved that the delivery of petitions should continue so that, as the representatives of the people, they would be informed of the issues the public were raising. According to the duo, Cabinet allegedly undermined the decision of the House. perpetrated They told the court that it was the police and the army that perpetrated and continued to date, to inflict violence against unarmed people. We have denied and repeat here for emphasis that we never wanted people to commit violence and an offence under the Suppression of Terrorism Act. The mandate we have is to represent the interests of the electorate who have called for an elected prime minister, avowed the applicants. According to the charge sheet, Mabuza and Dube allegedly contravened Section 5(1) of the Suppression of Terrorism Act 2008 as read with Section 2(a) to (d) of the Act as amended. They are alleged to have acted jointly with Siphofaneni MP Simelane to incite the people of Eswatini to revolt against government. It is alleged that as a consequence of the alleged incitement by the trio, there were riots in all the regions of the country. NHLANGANO Siphesihle Dludlu, the man who was shot by police last Friday in Nhlangano, actually had four bullet wounds in his body, according to his mother, Sindi Dludlu in an interview yesterday. Sindi said two of the wounds were in the waist, while another was slightly above the waist. The last one was in the shoulder, very close to the neck, which she believed was the one that killed him. Meanwhile, four days later, police have not visited the family of the deceased. Siphesihle (33) was shot dead by police at Nhlangano Bus Rank for allegedly being found in possession of dagga. According to Sindi, her son had gone to town to buy some groceries as he was the breadwinner. Shooting She said when she received the news of the shooting, she sent the deceaseds siblings to the police station to take his belongings. Sindi claimed that an officer, identified as Mahlalela, called her daughter later that day and she (Sindi) answered the phone. She said the police officer apologised and acknowledged that the shooting of her son was a mistake. He told me that the police officer who had shot my son would face the wrath of the law and to date, I have not heard of his arrest, said Sindi. The troubled mother shared that her concern, which she also raised with the police officer, was how he decided to say all that over the phone as to the best of her knowledge; they were supposed to physically come to her home to convey their condolences. She said that the police officer claimed they did not know where the deceased was from. However, Sindi concluded this to be untrue. She narrated that the only thing she was keen to know was when they would bury her son who was killed like a dog. My child was shot like a dog and I had to ask when were they going to bury him and ngubani lotogubha umgodzi wakhe (cater for the expenses of the funeral), said the mother. She said the response she got from the police officer was that they would address that at a later stage. She was requested to visit the morgue to identify her son and further collect the grocery items that he had bought. On Saturday, family members of Siphesihle went to Nhlangano Police Station to seek answers on what he (Siphesihle) had done that warranted him to be shot. There was no clear response from the police except that the family was supposed to come back today to be addressed by the authorities. Identify It is said that a selected few went to identify the deceased at Nhlangano Health Centre, where his body is currently kept. That was when they found that there were in fact four bullet wounds in his body. Sindi further said she was worried that her child would rot further as the lower part of the corpse did not properly fit in the mortuary shelf. A post-mortem has been scheduled for tomorrow. When sought for comment on why the police had not visited the family, Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Superintendent Phindile Vilakati said: Its a pity that in such cases, there gets to be many family members who surface and say different things but we are in constant communication with the mother of the deceased. We have opened a communication channel between her and the police, though we know she is not the only parent of the child. Vilakati, when asked about the number of bullets wounds in the deceaseds body, she said anyone who had concerns was supposed to direct to the police, adding that she would not divulge such information to anyone else. The deceased left behind two children aged six and four. LOZITHA His Majesty King Mswati III has encouraged emaSwati to use social media responsibly and for their greater benefit. He said they liked the fact that emaSwati were now using technology, but he was concerned with how they used it. He said social media should be used to emaSwatis advantage. He said these days, he sometimes looked at the platforms and wondered what benefit was it to some people who spent hours on it without making anything productive. Value They spend so much time on social media and I ask myself what value did they get, he stated. The King said he was not against the use of social media, but people should see how they could use it to their advantage. His Majesty said initially, social media platforms were created as a form of communication tool and to get information easily, but others were now using it to explore money markets and said it must be used to their advantage. There is a lot of money that can be made which is why now we have people who are money traders by using social media to their advantage, he said. He said emaSwati and Africans in general, must learn from successful people and how they used social media. The King said in order for the country to achieve First World status, they must refrain from thinking using Third World mentality. Celebrate He said in Africa, when someone was successful, people did not celebrate that individual, but instead asked how that person got hold of the money and always suspected criminal activity. The King said he wanted to see billionaires and millionaires in Africa and the country, instead of the jealous mentality and always feeling sorry for the next person. When you are successful, they say hha, ngabe ukutsetsephi, he said. He said with that mindset the country would not achieve First World status. We need to see successful people, he said. We have taught ourselves to always have a pity party every day. What man are you when you are always saying tatane tatane (sympathising)? wondered the King. He however, warned against corruption and misuse of public funds and encouraged people to support each other. MANZINI Police officers stopped protesters from delivering petitions in a number of constituencies. In what was dubbed Black Monday, some protesters calling for political reforms in the country were stopped by members of the Royal Eswatini Police Service (REPS) as they sought to deliver petitions outlining what they seek authorities to do. Leading to the delivery of the petitions, there were circulated posters from various constituencies on social media platforms, which sought to counter the Independence Day celebrations. In the circulated posters, it was articulated that there would be marches to constituency centres or police stations. Under Ntondozi Constituency, the constituency Headman (Indvuna Yenkhundla), Eugene Dlamini, said there was nothing official that had been reported. However, he had gathered that some members of the constituency were stopped by police officers who informed the protesters that the gathering was not permitted. Meanwhile, in a circulating poster on social media, purportedly designed to invite people from the constituency to join the march, it was planned to start from Khalangilile and Emvimbeko heading to Ntondozi Inkhundla. Prayer It was mentioned that people from these constituencies would march to their tinkhundla centres for a prayer service and express their demands for the release of the two incarcerated Members of Parliament ( MPs) Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza of Hosea and Mthandeni Dube of Ngwempisi. Also, an effort to gather and deliver a petition at Ludzeludze was thwarted by the intervention of police officers. According to impeccable sources, a group of protesters were stopped from gathering at Soweto, a community under Ludzeludze Constituency. The protesters were seeking to deliver a petition to the constituency centre; however, police officers dispersed them and their mission fell through. The Constituency Headman, Senzo Shongwe, said he had anticipated that should they seek to deliver a petition, the protesters would communicate with him. However, this did not happen. Also, in Mankayane, protesters gathered at Sidwala, where according to sources, they first had a political indaba which discussed and addressed the current political situation in the kingdom. After the meeting, the protesters started singing political songs and marched to Mankayane where they had initially planned to meet. While marching there, the sources claimed that police officers dispersed them at around 3pm. Meanwhile, at Mtfongwaneni Constituency, a group of about 10 people delivered a petition to the constituency Headman, Majahembutfo Dlamini. He said the protesters approached him just after the police had left the constituency centre. They requested to deliver the petition to the MP (Member of Parliament), but I told them that he was not around. They then requested to leave it with me, Dlamini said. He said the petition sought that the legislator initiate projects that would deal with the unemployment challenges in the community, improvement of the road infrastructure, provision of water and alleged police brutality in relation to the demise of University of Eswatini (UNESWA) Law student Thabani Nkomonye. He said the delivery was peaceful. At Manzini North, the Constituency Headman, Fana Tsabedze, said there had been no effort to deliver the petition to the constituency centre. Tsabedze said he informed an individual who had approached him last week that there would be no person at the constituency centre as it was a holiday. Petition At Kukhanyeni Constituency, there was no report of an effort to deliver a petition. The Constituency Headman, Remember Matsenjwa, said there was no petition delivery. He said the police were present in the area and that could have been a deterrent to the protesters. Oman Development Bank (ODB) has pumped more than RO16 million ($41.4 million) into value-added economic projects in Al Wusta Governorate, including RO8 million for the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (Sezad). The fisheries sector benefited most from the banks funding of projects in the Sezad, with RO2.8 million distributed into 159 loans in the fisheries sector, reported Oman News Agency (ONA), citing an ODB statement. The tourism sector ranked second in terms of ODB financing, garnering a total of RO2.6 million for 16 loans in hotel, motel and tourism resort businesses. The ODB seeks to keep pace with the Sezad's development efforts through the introduction of more than 45 loans, worth more than RO1.26 million, for various industries. Over the past five years, 40 activities covering the sectors of occupational and public services were funded to the tune of RO850,000. The ODB also financed two mineral businesses at the Sezad worth around RO500,000. Hamad Al Harthy, Head of the department responsible for financing small, medium and micro projects and management of ODB portfolios, said that the lending portfolios dedicated to the Sezad have seen steady growth (more than 47%) during the current year. Al Harthy added that more growth is expected to occur upon the start of operation of mega projects in the Sezad which, he said, will give a strong push to the establishment of supporting projects, notably in the SME sector. Mashreq Bank, a leading financial institution in the UAE, has inaugurated its representative office in Shanghai amid a strategic push to expand its presence in China. The Shanghai representative office will serve as a liaison office, with the primary objective of building Mashreqs franchise in mainland China. The office will be a key intermediary for Middle Eastern corporations with trade and investment flows into China, as well as for Chinese enterprises looking to establish operations within Mashreqs existing international banking footprint. Ahmed Abdelaal, Group CEO of Mashreq Bank, commented: This milestone marks a strategic step into expanding our promising footprint into China. At Mashreq, we see this representative office as an instrumental initial link in fostering trade and investment flows between the UAE, wider Middle East and China. We believe there is enormous potential on the back of Chinas Belt and Road initiative and the growing bilateral relationship between the UAE and China. Most importantly, the office enables us to leverage our insights of the MENA region for our stakeholders, as well as provide invaluable on-the-ground knowledge of Chinas economic and banking landscape. We are proud of this milestone and look forward to exploring opportunities to further expand in the future, Abdelaal added. Tarek El Nahas, Senior Executive Vice President and Head of the International Banking Group, Mashreq Bank, commented: The international banking business is a significant contributor to Mashreqs overall revenues and the opening of a representative office in Shanghai demonstrates long term commitment towards strengthening our franchise in Asia. As China continues to shape the global trade map, corporates and financial institutions are adapting and repositioning themselves in order to leverage the evolving growth opportunities. The Shanghai presence is of high strategic interest to us and will produce synergies with all the international offices in Mashreqs global network. With this latest announcement, Mashreq now operates in 13 countries, including the UAE. The UAE is considered China's largest non-oil trading partner in the Middle Eastern and North African region. According to recent reports, UAE-China trade volume has reached over $50 billion, and the target is to expand further to $200 billion by 2030. Additionally, Chinas Belt and Road Initiative is expected to significantly boost bilateral trade and will involve massive infrastructural developments such as the construction of roads, railways and shipping lines between China and more than 60 countries in Asia, Europe and Mena. TradeArabia News Service Subsidiarity of banking system and digitalisation boost in the banking sector is the need of the hour, say experts assembled at Finnovex Middle East 2021 in Dubai. Reach and relevance are the golden word that the industry must include in its constitution and follow for transformation of banking sector in the Middle East, one of the world's fastest growing regions in the banking and capital markets sector. Digitalisation is about leveraging technology and innovative tool to improve the efficiency and efficacy of a given process. Because of the multidimensional benefits this brings, digitalisation and by association, digital transformation are top of mind in banking industry boardrooms. The Finnovex Middle East 2021 is organised by Exibex, the organisers of Finnovex Global Series, the leading summit on financial services innovation and excellence. The two-day International Summit themed Digging Deeper into Resilient and Agile Transformation Strategies, examine how technology is reimagining banking innovation for 2021 and beyond. The Finnovex Middle East 2021 is taking place in a hybrid format having in-person sessions at Conrad Dubai being with a simultaneous virtual streaming online on September 7 and 8, 2021. The summit hosting thought leaders from top banks and financial institutions from the region and beyond addressing over 400 delegates attending in-person and online. Speaking at the event, Pritesh B. Kotecha, Senior Vice President (Europe, Middle East & Africa), SmartStream Technologies said: In many cases, the way we look at the problem, is the problem. The Digital Economy, accelerated by Covid, demands Banks & Fintechs approach challenges and opportunities together, in partnership. This is more than selling a product or granting a license. Banks hold the ultimate data, Fintechs are built to innovate. The combination of these is the secret sauce that allows true customer centricity. Today's event aims to forge such partnerships. Massimo Falcioni, CEO of ECI, said: In line with His Highness, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum's vision, the UAE Federal export credit company, Etihad Credit Insurance always adopts innovation and digital transformation; in order to provide utmost support to UAE exporters and re-exporters, we continuously forge strategic partnerships with leading players in this field to provide seamless trade credit insurance procedures. Moreover, we aim to support the UAEs non-oil diversification goals through our innovative digital products that will boost the competitiveness of UAE businesses and exports. Frederic de Melker, Managing Director of Personal Banking at RAKBANK, said: We are delighted to be associated with Finnovex ME. Banks and Fintechs will have to co-exist to build a customer-centric financial ecosystem. At RAKBANK, we believe the backbone of this ecosystem will be effective & accelerated digital transformation not only in systems and processes but also in the organisational culture to enhance and provide a seamless customer experience at every touchpoint in the journey. The Covid-19 pandemic is essentially altering the digital usage behavior of bank clients. The IT ecosystems of many conventional organisations are approaching the end of their lifecycle and will have to be replaced in the foreseeable future. There is a growing need to develop digital skills across the sector, Ahmed said. Banali Malhotra, Director - Marketing, RAKBANK said: Digital adoption has exponentially grown during the pandemic. We at RAKBANK marketing not only think digital-first but also ensure that we support strategic partnerships to help build a customer-centric ecosystem that facilitates seamless journeys. Commenting on the summit, Shabaz Ahmed, Executive Director at Exibex, said: We are happy to bring the third edition of the Finnovex Middle East Hybrid Summit to the people of Middle East region. We are grateful to the UAE government, and we would like to extend our gratitude to the rulers of the country to conduct a highly efficient vaccination drive and making it possible for the UAE to get back normalcy. Dubai is well known as the MICE capital of the region for a reason. Dubai is one of the worlds top-20 business destinations. It has a beneficial location within close flying distance of some of the worlds most dynamic business tourism source markets, and the emirate also remains a popular destination for its neighbors in the Gulf and wider region even during the pandemic. He added: This years summit is focusing on how technology is reimagining banking innovation for 2021 and beyond. We are extremely happy that the numbers of speakers and the audience for our summit has more than doubled this year, making the summit even more exciting. The two-day summit will bring together over 400 plus delegates from top banks and financial institutions like RAKBANK; Zand; Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI); Al Rajhi Bank; Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank; Dubai Islamic Bank; Saudi British Bank (SABB); AXA Gulf; Tasheel Finance; BLOM Bank; Banque Saudi Fransi; Social Development Bank (SDB); National Bank of Oman; Dubai International Financial Center; National Bank of Bahrain; Emirates NBD; National Bank of Fujairah who will discuss how technology is reimagining banking innovation for 2021 and beyond through focused panel discussions and keynote presentations.-- TradeArabia News Service Aramex, a leading global provider of logistics solutions, has announced adopting a new operating model to enhance customer service levels and operating efficiencies while capturing greater global market share within both the B2C and B2B customer segments. Operating model redesign Aramex Express, which includes international and domestic delivery solutions will serve theB2C customer base including Shop & Ship, e-commerce, FMCG, SMEs and other customers needing innovative last mile solutions. Meanwhile, Aramex Logistics, which includes air freight, sea freight, land freight, and warehousing and distribution, will serve B2B customer base across multiple industries including oil & gas, healthcare & pharmaceutical, aerospace, retail & fashion, amongst others. A chief operating officer role has been created for each of Aramex Express and Aramex Logistics. Mohammad Alkhas has been appointed COO for Aramex Logistics. Alkhas is a senior logistics executive with over 24 years of experience in leading large and diverse teams within the transport and logistics sector. He is re-joining Aramex, having spent 19 years with the organization through 2016, when he most recently served as Aramexs Regional CEO for the GCC. Alaa Saoudi has been appointed COO for Aramex Express. Saoudi joined Aramex in 1998 and has held several senior geographic and operations positions. He was most recently Global Senior Director of Ground Operations for Aramex. All support functions, including finance, human resources, procurement, digital and customer contact centres will be provided centrally by Aramexs Corporate Centre, which will also manage M&A and Strategy, Legal, Risk and Compliance to ensure global control and alignment across the newly formed clusters. Othman Aljeda, Group CEO of Aramex, said: The global transportation and logistics industry is undergoing a fundamental shift, driven predominantly by the boom in e-commerce, supply chain disruptions, customers increasingly discerning expectations and the turbo speed of digitization. For Aramex to stay ahead of the curve and remain a competitive, reliable and sustainably growing industry leader, we decided to focus on capturing growth opportunities by decoupling our core services. By creating Aramex Express and Aramex Logistics we will have a more agile company, focused on capturing the right opportunities to grow and diversify our customer base, investing in and deploying the best and latest technologies, and operating at higher efficiency levels. The investments we are making in our business today will enable us to provide our customers with improved service levels, and our shareholder with long-term value. New regional structure To support Aramexs global growth ambitions, the organization has also created a new regional structure composed of the Americas; Europe; Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East, North Africa and Turkey (MENAT); GCC; South Asia and North Asia; and Oceana. Each region will be led by a Regional Vice President and will have dedicated Commercial and Operations teams focused on growing Aramexs local footprint and driving commercial opportunities and customer-centric innovations. Each region will report to Andy Van der Velde, who has been appointed President. Van der Velde was previously Aramexs Regional CEO for GCC, Australia, New Zealand and Southern Africa. Aramex has also appointed Dr Johannes Distler as Chief Strategy Officer, a newly created role, with the purpose of ensuring the development and execution of Aramexs corporate strategy as well as the groups international expansion and M&A agenda. Dr Distler joins Aramex from Roland Berger, where he was a Partner in the firms Dubai office. Alkhas, Saoudi, Van der Velde and D. Distler will all report directly to Othman Aljeda, Group CEO of Aramex. Thomas Kipp, who was appointed Aramex Groups COO in November 2020, is leaving the company to pursue other interests. Market opportunity and growth ambitions Othman Aljeda said: We see good growth opportunities in the express segment, which currently represents 70% of our revenues. We intend to continue to grow our express business by creating new trade lanes domestically and internationally, and scaling up ground operations to cater to growing customer demands, while continuing to invest in technology and automation. Our logistics business accounts for 28% of our revenues and we intend to aggressively grow our footprint in our core markets, and markets that will enable trade flow into the region. Therefore, we are investing in specialized warehouses to cater for high potential verticals, and are also scaling up infrastructure beyond main cities to provide extensive coverage. On freight forwarding, we see good growth opportunities in several sectors, one example being O&G with the revival in global oil prices and trade activity. According to recent market studies, the global logistics industry is expected to reach $1,232 billion by 2025, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% from 2020 to 2025. This is underpinned by a robust projected growth across all logistics segments. The global e-commerce logistics industry is expected to reach a value of $657 billion in 2025, recording 8.6% CAGR in the forecasted period. The international express and parcel segment is expected to rise 9.2% to reach a value of $117 billion while domestic express and parcel is anticipated toregisteran8.6% growth to $543 billion. Meanwhile, both freight forwarding and contract logistics are projected to record a 6.2% growth to reach $242 billion and $331 billion respectively. TradeArabia News Service Ikea, a Dutch-headquartered global appliances and furniture leader, has launched a new store concept with an automated small parts system by Swisslog, a global leader in robotic and data driven solutions for intralogistics. Swisslog implemented the new automated system, which is in the store between the Market Mall and the Cash & Carry warehouse area. The company is now set to support Ikea in rolling out the micro fulfilment concept in further locations around the world. The micro fulfilment solution at Ikea gives customers a choice between Click & Collect and home delivery, said Jens Schmale, Head of Region EMEA at Swisslog, emphasizing, The micro fulfilment approach has countless advantages, including improved speed and efficiency of fulfilment, reduced transportation costs, and shorter delivery times. Ikea selected the highly efficient robotized storage and order processing solution AutoStore, complete with 6,000 bins, 14 robots and 4 picking stations. Currently hosting 2,900 articles, the system takes care of the storage and picking of small items weighing no more than 30kg. Before adopting AutoStore, Ikea estimated an average of about 1km travelled by each operator to prepare an order, with a productivity rate of 20 order lines per hour. Today, with the new automated and data-driven solution, it is expected to increase productivity up to 170 order lines, allowing an important rationalization of the store's resources with a significant return on investment. Development of customer experience program Swisslog is very proud to be partnered with Ikea, Schmale said. The whole team is excited to be supporting in the development of their customer experience program, especially with this pilot project. In the Croatia store, the Swisslog AutoStore system with Black Line robots is situated on a mezzanine. A Swisslog QuickMove light conveyor line transports the shipping units set up at the AutoStore picking doors, to an automatic machine for packing and closing the cartons ready to be taken to the outbound area. The small items handled by AutoStore are integrated with the online orders of oversized items, before being manually picked from other warehouse areas. The entire solution is managed and optimized by Swisslog SynQ Software. Commissioned to Swisslog in July 2020, the system was implemented only nine months after Ikea placed the order and was operational by April 2021. TradeArabia News Service Members of the Expo 2020 Dubai Supreme Committee said that the world's Greatest Show is a unique opportunity to usher in a new era of excellence and one-of-a-kind achievements that will go down in the UAE history. They stressed that the UAE's succeeding in gathering 191 countries for the global event is a source of pride and inspiration for all UAE citizens and residents who now witness their country scaling new heights and pushing fresh boundaries of creativity despite the challenges besetting humanity at large, reported Emirates News Agency WAM. The members of the committee made these remarks as they convened today to review the final preparations for the global event. The meeting was chaired by Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Expo 2020 Dubai Higher Committee, Chairman of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman Dubai Airports and Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline and Group, and attended by the committees members. Sheikh Ahmed said: "Coinciding with the UAEs Golden Jubilee, we will write down an inspiring success story by gathering together 191 countries for the world's Greatest Show and build a global platform for reinforcing global synergy and international cooperation." Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun, Committee Member and Member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, said: "Through cooperation and persistence, we will host the world in the UAE, and we shall welcome the worlds peoples and achieve great results together, to realise noble goals." Mohammed Ibrahim Al Shibani, Director-General of the Dubai Rulers Court and Vice-Chairman of the Expo 2020 Dubai Supreme Committee, said: "The monitoring by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, of all phases of this national project has helped in transforming the event into a motivating international platform that drives innovation in addressing global challenges." Reem bint Ibrahim Al Hashemy, Minister of State for International Cooperation, and Director-General of the Expo 2020 Office, said: "The achievements we are seeing today are attributed to the forward-looking vision and visionary directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and his confidence in the nation team and their capacity to get the job done in the best possible manner. All members of the Expo 2020 Supreme Committee have turned aspirations into reality." Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, said: "The Expo 2020 Dubai will help promote international cooperation in the industrial and technology sectors, as well as develop new economic sectors that will keep pace with rapid technological developments. We are confident the UAEs hosting of this large number of countries participating in the event will have a positive impact on various sectors." Lt. General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of the Dubai Police, said: "Thanks to its advanced and resilient infrastructure, the UAE is capable of meeting all international requirements. We are fully ready to welcome millions of people from around the world and utilise artificial intelligence to serve everyone." Mattar Al Tayer, Director-General and Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), said: "The UAE, represented by Dubai, is prepared to receive the participants and visitors of the Expo 2020, in an unprecedented and unique edition of the global event," noting that Dubai, led by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, and with the monitoring of H.H Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, will provide all participants and visitors with world-class amenities and services. Hilal Saeed Al Marri, Director-General of the Department of Tourism and Commercial Marketing and Director-General of Dubai World Trade Centre, stated that the UAE is overcoming global challenges and the event will support help the nation achieve more successes that will go down in history. Khalifa Al Zaffin, Executive Chairman Dubai Aviation City Corporation & Dubai South, said: "Dubai is one of the world's most preferred destinations in a variety of sectors, and this unique edition of the global event will introduce the visitors to the strategic visions of the countrys wise leadership and the opportunities generated thanks to their forward-looking vision." Mohamed Alabbar, Founder of Emaar Properties, said: "Expo 2020 Dubai will support numerous sectors in the country, including real estate, which is already feeling the momentum generated by the event, and is rapidly recovering from the repercussions of the Covid-19 crisis, which affected all sectors." "We are fully prepared to support the event, as we are all aware that its success will positively reflect on all sectors and boost our national economy," he added. Air France-KLM has announced the appointment of Sylvain Mathias as the new Regional Commercial Director Middle East, based at the companys regional headquarters in Dubai Airport Free Zone, UAE. Mathias has taken over this role from Wilson Tauro who moved with the company to South Africa as the new Country Manager. In his new role, Mathias is responsible for the regional team covering pricing, marketing and business intelligence for the Middle East including the companys seven online markets Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. He reports directly to the Air France-KLM General Manager Middle East. Mathias has held several senior roles with Air France-KLM in business development, sales, and corporate strategy, including regional commercial/sales director roles in Greater China, North America and Near East. He joins the Middle East team from his previous role as Regional Commercial Director Near East based in Beirut, Lebanon. Sylvain Mathias is a graduate of the Ecole de Management de Lyon, France, and holds a Masters degree in business administration. Simon Scholte, General Manager Middle East, Air France-KLM, said: We are delighted to announce this important new appointment and to welcome Sylvain Mathias to the Middle East. His strong international commercial expertise, product knowledge and his previous experience in the region and across the Air France-KLM group will be highly valuable to the team. Air France-KLM offers 41 weekly flights (summer schedule) from various cities in the Middle East to the airlines two hubs at Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Amsterdam-Schiphol, connecting passengers to the global network of destinations in Europe and the Americas. - TradeArabia News Service New Delhi, Sep 7 (UNI) Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Tuesday released an order on Delegation of Financial Powers to Defence Services (DFPDS) 2021, providing enhanced delegation of Revenue Procurement powers to the Armed Forces. The DFPDS 2021 aims to empower field formations; focus on operational preparedness; promote ease of doing business and enhance jointness among the Services, an official statement said. The enhanced delegation of Financial Powers to functionaries in Service Headquarters and lower formations would result in quicker decision making at all levels leading to better planning and operational preparedness of the Services in a quicker time frame and optimum utilisation of resources, defence ministry said. One Syrian soldier killed in Jabhat al-Nusra shelling in Idlib - Reconciliation Center Damascus, Sep 7 (UNI/Sputnik) The Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist group (banned in Russia) has shelled the Idlib de-escalation zone, leaving one Syrian soldier killed and another injured, the deputy head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria said on Monday. "One Syrian soldier was killed and one more was injured in artillery fire by terrorists targeting the government forces in the settlement of Maaret Moukhos of the Idlib province," Rear Adm. Vadim Kulit stated. In total, Nusra terrorists have shelled the de-escalation zone 24 times in the past day. remaining of Thank you for reading! On your next view you will be asked to log in to your subscriber account or create an account and subscribepurchase a subscription to continue reading. SLIDELL, La. - The St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office was investigating a report of a fatal alligator attack in the Slidell area, St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office said. A 71-year-old man was killed apparently by an alligator on Avery Road in Avery Estates on Monday afternoon. The man had gone downstairs from his raised home near the Southeast Louisiana Wildlife Refuge to check on something in his shed when his wife, in her 60s, heard a splash, said Captain Lance Vitter, a spokesman for St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office. She was afraid he had fallen into the water which was rising in the marsh around the area. Instead she saw her husband being attacked by an alligator who "had him in a death roll," Vitter said. She tried to help him and went to find something to act as a tourniquet to help him but when she returned she said the alligator had ripped off his arm and he was unconscious. She got into a pirogue and paddled to higher ground where she was able to get in touch with the sheriff's office. Neither her phone nor 911 was working because of the storm. When deputies arrived there was no sign of the man and his body has not been recovered, Vitter said. Investigators say that evidence at the scene backs up the woman's story: arterial blood was found in one spot. Deputies in flatboats searched for the body as the high water began to recede, but the current was still strong making it difficult to know where the body may have ended up. Efforts to find the body were not successful on Monday. The woman told deputies they had seen a number of 7-foot alligators in the area. Names are being withheld pending notification of the man's family and the St. Tammany Parish coroner's office has not been involved because no body has been recovered. The sheriffs office is warning residents to be on guard while walking in flooded areas as wildlife including gators, black bears, poisonous snakes and feral hogs may have been displaced during Ida and moved closer to neighborhoods. Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 09:17:50|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close WELLINGTON, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- New Zealand's government is investing record 24.3 billion New Zealand dollars (around 16.8 billion U.S. dollars) in transport services and infrastructure to get New Zealand moving, reduce emissions and support the economic recovery, Transport Minister Michael Wood said Tuesday. The 2021-24 National Land Transport Program (NLTP) was released on Tuesday which outlines the planned investments NZ Transport Agency will make over the next three years. Wood said the NLTP will drive the economic recovery by supporting thousands of jobs around the country. "With local government, we'll be investing a record 24.3 billion New Zealand dollars into transport services and infrastructure over the next three years - a 44-percent increase compared to the last three years and 75 percent more than the previous government. "Our government has listened to the concerns of local government and communities and we have stepped in to provide 2 billon New Zealand dollars of financing to boost road maintenance and public transport. We couldn't accept our roads deteriorating," said the minister. "To further reduce emissions and help freight move efficiently, the NLTP delivers 1.3 billion New Zealand dollars to implement the NZ Rail Plan and 30 million New Zealand dollars New Zealand dollars to support coastal shipping," he added. The government will be investing 2.9 billion New Zealand dollars in road safety plan Road to Zero to help prevent tragedies. It will include making 17 high risk state highway corridors safer, with 51 intersection improvements, 25 new roundabouts, and 164 km of safety barriers. "Almost 7 billion New Zealand dollars will be invested in local road and state highway maintenance, which will see around 7,000 lane kilometers of state highway and 18,000 lane kilometers of local roads renewed," said the minister. "Our transport network is increasingly being impacted by severe weather events as a result of climate change, so on top of our road maintenance investments, a further 3.9 billion New Zealand dollars will be spent on road improvements that will help connect communities, ensure the reliable movement of freight and improve resilience across the country," Wood said. (1 New Zealand dollar equals 0.69 U.S. dollars) Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 14:12:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close SEOUL, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- South Korea reported 3,091 more cases of COVID-19 variants for the past week, bringing the total number of such cases to 23,388, the health authorities said Tuesday. Among the new cases found since Aug. 29, 253 were imported from overseas while the remaining 2,838 were locally transmitted, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). The far higher number of local transmissions indicated the domestic spread of the variants. Of the new cases, 3,070 came from the Delta variant, 18 from Alpha and three from Gamma. Among the combined cases involving the variants, 19,951 stemmed from the Delta variant, 3,262 from Alpha, 150 from Beta and 25 from Gamma. The four variants are believed to be more transmissible than the original one. Meanwhile, the country confirmed a total of 3,855 "breakthrough" COVID-19 infections, which refer to people who tested positive after a full vaccination, as of Aug. 30. It was up from 3,128 a week earlier. It equals to 39.5 in every 100,000 people who got fully vaccinated. As of Aug. 30, the number of the fully inoculated people was 9,751,718. It is known that people can be protected from the virus two weeks after the full vaccination. The breakthrough case refers to people infected with the virus two weeks after the full inoculation. Among the total, 1,010 were infected with the Delta variant, 30 with Alpha, one with Beta and one with Gamma. In the latest tally, South Korea reported 1,597 more cases of COVID-19 for the past 24 hours, lifting the total number of infections to 263,374. The daily caseload hovered above 1,000 for 63 straight days. Among the new cases, 34 were imported from overseas, raising the combined figure to 13,764. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 14:48:13|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close NEW DELHI, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will chair the 13th BRICS Summit to be held on Thursday in a virtual format, announced the government of India on Tuesday. The summit will also be attended by leaders from Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa. The theme of the summit would be "Intra-BRICS cooperation for continuity, consolidation and consensus." India had outlined four priority areas including reform of the multilateral system, counter terrorism, using digital and technological tools for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and enhancing people to people exchanges. In addition to these areas, the leaders will also exchange views on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other current global and regional issues, said the statement. The summit this year coincides with the 15th anniversary of the BRICS. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 16:28:38|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MANILA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Philippines reported 18,012 new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections on Tuesday, bringing the Southeast Asian country's confirmed cases to 2,121,308, the country's Department of Health (DOH) said. The DOH also reported 161 coronavirus-related deaths, raising the country's death toll to 34,498. Twelve laboratories failed to submit data. World Health Organization country representative to the Philippines Rabindra Abeyasinghe called on the government to increase the COVID-19 testing to detect clusters and other transmission sources. He added that testing only the close contacts of infected persons "does not give the full benefit of the investment in testing." The Philippines, which has around 110 million population, has tested over 18 million people since the outbreak in January 2020. With the recent spike of infections due to the spread of the more contagious Delta variant, the government has adjusted its risk management strategy and intensified its health response to contain the new wave of infections. The government believed the granular lockdowns starting Wednesday, together with the heightened implementation of swift detection and isolation of the infections, will help curb the spread of the virus while bringing back jobs lost due to blanket restrictions. The country's economic team urged people "to remain on guard at all times, and to adhere to minimum public health standards strictly." The government is also ramping up its vaccination drive. As of Monday, the Philippines has administered more than 36 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and fully vaccinated over 15 million people. It aims to fully inoculate up to 70 million this year. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 17:16:47|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close VIENTIANE, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Lao health officials will beef up screening and quarantine procedures for Lao nationals returning from Thailand, in a bid to stem the spread of COVID-19 infections. As COVID-19 spread in Thailand, Laos is at greater risk of the highly infectious Delta variant, especially if people enter Laos from Thailand illegally and avoid screening, local daily Vientiane Times reported on Tuesday. Thousands of Lao nationals are returning from Thailand during the pandemic, according to the National Taskforce Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control. Over the past week, the number of infections among frontline workers increased dramatically, affecting nurses, police officers, military personnel and customs officials. The Ministry of Health observed that many people continue to take COVID-19 precautions lightly, particularly in offices, quarantine centers, hospitals and other places. The Lao Ministry of Health on Tuesday reported 221 more imported COVID-19 cases and 86 new locally transmitted cases, bringing the total number of coronavirus infections to 16,365. A total of 11,330 COVID-19 patients have recovered from the pandemic and been discharged from hospitals. Laos reported its first two confirmed cases of COVID-19 on March 24 last year. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 19:44:26|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close MANILA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said Tuesday it was verifying reports of 18 missing fishermen after tropical storm Conson made landfall on Monday night. PCG spokesperson Armando Balilo said the missing fishermen from Samar province in the central Philippines ventured into the sea despite warning signals. The PCG said over 2,500 passengers, drivers, cargo helpers, 26 vessels, and more than 970 rolling cargoes were stranded in at least 15 ports in areas affected by the storm. It added the storm also triggered flooding in the central Philippines. The state weather bureau Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration said the storm weakened while moving over the Sibuyan Sea in the central Philippines. As of 4 p.m. local time Tuesday, the bureau said the storm was spotted 60 km west-northwest of Masbate province or 90 km east of Romblon province. The bureau said the storm was blowing westward northwestward 15 km per hour, packing 100 km per hour winds and gusts of up to 120 km per hour. The bureau is also monitoring another severe tropical storm Chanthu that entered the Philippines, 1,225 km east of the main Luzon island. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 20:56:30|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close BISHKEK, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Rubezh-2021 joint exercises of the Collective Forces of Rapid Deployment of the Central Asian region of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) were held in Kyrgyzstan on Tuesday. The CSTO Joint Staff and Secretariat, and military contingents and operational groups of CSTO member states, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, attended the exercises, said the press service of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Defense. In total, more than 1,000 people and 150 units of military and special equipment, including multiple launch rocket systems and aviation such as Su-30SM fighters, Su-25 attack aircraft and Mi-8 helicopters were involved. The exercises will focus on the preparation and conduct of hostilities to destroy illegal armed groups that invade CSTO member state's territory. The exercises mainly aim to improve the practical skills of officials of the command and control bodies of the troops and increase the coherence of the units in implementing tasks during a joint operation. The CSTO Collective Forces of Rapid Deployment of the Central Asian region are designed to carry out tasks to ensure the military security of the CSTO member states, including repelling external military aggression and conducting joint counterterrorist operations. The total number of Collective Forces of Rapid Deployment is about 5,000 people. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 21:27:18|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close JAKARTA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The peak of the second wave of COVID-19 triggered by the Delta variant has passed in Indonesia, with a decline in both new cases and hospitalizations, a senior Indonesian health official said Tuesday. Indonesia continues to be vigilant in dealing with this pandemic, as spikes in cases are still happening in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, said Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono. The Mu variant of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been detected yet in Indonesia based on whole-genome sequencing tests of 7,000 samples, he said. According to the weekly bulletin of the World Health Organization, the Mu variant was first detected in Colombia in January 2021, and is spreading to several areas in South America, the United States, and some European countries. Indonesian President Joko Widodo said while inspecting vaccinations in East Java province on Tuesday that COVID-19 would not completely disappear from the world. "What we can do is to control it, so that an exponential increase in cases will not happen like some time ago," he said. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-07 23:40:46|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close PHNOM PENH, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The World Health Organization (WHO) office in Cambodia on Tuesday called on people to continue caution although the Southeast Asian nation has seen a success in its vaccination drive. "Cambodia is in a new phase of the pandemic in which decreasing case numbers, high vaccination coverage, and a more transmissible circulating variant threaten a hidden surge," said a WHO-Cambodia's press statement. The kingdom confirmed 511 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, raising the national total caseload to 96,339, the Ministry of Health (MoH) said, adding that 11 more fatalities were reported, bringing the death toll to 1,981 so far. "The daily reported numbers of both cases and deaths have been declining for several weeks, and the declines have been reported across most provinces," the statement said. As cases have decreased, the vaccination coverage has increased, it said. Most of the vaccines used in the country's immunization program are China's Sinovac and Sinopharm. According to the MoH, to date, some 11.3 million people, or 70.6 percent of the kingdom's 16-million population, have received at least one vaccine dose, while 9 million, or 56 percent of the population, have received both shots and 680,000 have got a third dose or booster dose. About 98 percent of the healthcare workers have been fully vaccinated, the statement said, adding that the vaccination rollout has reached many vulnerable populations living in remote areas and those with underlying health conditions. "The success of the vaccines in preventing severe disease could mean that transmission continues undetected," it said. "These factors tend to lead people to drop their guard and return to the old ways of interacting with one another, ways through which a very transmissible variant can wreak havoc." WHO representative to Cambodia Li Ailan said although the data indicated an improving situation, the risk of a surge of COVID-19 is very high, adding that like many countries, Cambodia has been racing against more transmissible variants throughout 2021. She said the Alpha variant was detected early in the year and dominated most of the outbreak, and recently, the Delta variant was found among migrants returning through land borders and has now been detected among residents of most provinces. "No community is safe until every community is safe. The pandemic affects every province and every community, so everyone must play their role responsibly," she said. "Our society's safety is based on individual actions. Only then can we curb the spread of COVID-19 and look forward to a brighter future." Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:12:02|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close YANGON, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Myanmar will receive 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines this month, Sen-Gen Min Aung Hlaing said at a meeting on Tuesday. Speaking at the meeting, Min Aung Hlaing said that "10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines will arrive this month, another 10 million doses in October as well as 4 million doses in November." He also stressed that efforts are being made to purchase more COVID-19 vaccines. According to a release from the Ministry of Health, the number of COVID-19 cases in Myanmar has increased to 420,402 on Tuesday after 2,431 new cases were reported in the past 24 hours. A total of 97 new deaths were reported, bringing the death toll to 16,082 as of Tuesday, the release said. A total of 368,066 patients have been discharged from hospitals, and over 3.83 million samples have been tested so far. According to the ministry's latest figures, over 2.67 million people have been fully vaccinated nationwide, while over 2.18 million people have received the first jabs of COVID-19 vaccines as of Sept. 4. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 00:26:23|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close TOKYO, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- The Japanese government is considering convening an extraordinary parliamentary session on Oct. 4 to select Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's successor, local media reported Tuesday, citing sources. The winner of the leadership election of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) scheduled for Sept. 29 is set to be voted in as prime minister as the LDP and its junior coalition partner Komeito control the powerful House of Representatives. Amid increasing criticism over his COVID-19 response, Suga, who took up the leading role less than a year ago, announced not to seek re-election for the LDP's leadership last week. In general, after the extraordinary parliamentary session, the new prime minister delivers a policy speech in the same week with questioning from opposition leaders the following week. Therefore, if the extraordinary session is held on Oct. 4, the general election could take place as early as Nov. 7. Former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and vaccination minister Taro Kono are trying to gain support for the LDP leadership race, while former communications minister Sanae Takaichi is expected to announce her bid on Wednesday. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 03:46:03|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close KABUL, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- The Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada on Tuesday said the newly formed Taliban caretaker government will start functioning soon. "As a caretaker and committed cabinet has been announced by authorities of the Islamic Emirate to control and run affairs of the country which will start functioning at the earliest, I assure all countrymen that the figures will work hard towards Islamic rules and Sharia law," Akhundzada said in a statement. This is the first statement issued by the Taliban supreme leader since Taliban's takeover of capital Kabul in mid August. "We want to have peaceful, prosperous and self-reliant Afghanistan, for which we will strive to eliminate all causes of war and strife in the country, and our countrymen to live in complete security and comfort," he said. The statement came as Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid earlier on Tuesday announced the lineup of the new government, with Mullah Hassan Akhund appointed as the acting prime minister. Enditem Source: Xinhua| 2021-09-08 03:58:08|Editor: huaxia Video Player Close DOHA, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday that it will be difficult to identify any threats from the region after his country's withdrawal from Afghanistan. "There is no question that (the U.S. withdrawal) will make it more difficult to identify and engage threats from the region," said Austin at a press conference in Qatar's capital Doha. "But we are committed to making sure that threats are not allowed to develop and create significant challenges for us in the homeland," he added. Austin stressed that the U.S. has strong capabilities in the region and seeks to develop its forces on a daily basis. On Aug. 30, the U.S. announced the completion of a hasty and chaotic withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan, ending 20 years of its invasion of the Asian country. Enditem The National Communications Commission (NCC) has refuted a social media story claiming that the commission had ordered telecom service providers to shutdown their services in Katsina state. Alhaji Abdu Labaran, the Director General (DG) media to Gov. Aminu Masari disclosed this in a statement issued to newsmen on Monday, in Katsina. The DG added that the Executive Vice Chairman/CEO of the NCC, Prof. Umar Danbatta, who spoke to the state government, dismissed the story as false. NCC Shuts Down All Telecom Sites In Zamfara For 2 Weeks "He added that the purported letter trending on social media was a cloned version of the one sent to Zamfara State." he said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that the NCC had in a recent letter ordered a total shutdown of telecom sites in Zamfara state, in reaction to the lingering security challenges. According to Labaran, Danbatta had advised that the trending news suggesting a similar action would be effected in Katsina state should be disregarded, as it did not emanate from the commission. (NAN) Yaounde The school year in Cameroon starts Monday with hundreds of schools in the troubled western regions reopening their doors for the first time in three to five years. Anglophone separatists previously used threats to keep the schools closed, but some rebels, for the first time, are saying they should be spared from the conflict. Cameroon's government said Monday that several hundred schools reopened in its restive English speaking North West and South West regions. Most schools in the regions have been shut down for three to five years, since the start of a separatist conflict to carve out an English-speaking state from Cameroon and its French-speaking majority. Ngida Lawrence Che is the most senior government official in Nkambe, a western district. He says at least half a dozen schools that were sealed by separatists in the 17 villages that make up Nkambe have reopened. "The turnout in these schools is so encouraging. Every single village of the sub division can boast of functioning schools," said Che. "This time around, our populations are more than ever before determined that these schools must go operational. Proof is that the populations of these areas under the leadership of their traditional and religious authorities came out to clear the school campuses." The government reports that separatists attacked or set fire to more than 200 schools between 2017 and 2019, and nearly all schools in the Northwest and Southwest regions were shut down. Teachers and school children escaped to safer localities. Capo Daniel is defense chief of staff for the Ambazonia Defense Forces, or the ADF, said to be the largest separatist group in Cameroon. He says ADF has also, for the first time in 5 years, given instructions for schools to reopen. "The future independent state of Ambazonia will not be governed by uneducated people," Capo said. "That is why it is very important for us to institute this alternative educational system even in the middle of our struggle for separation from Cameroon." Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Cameroon Conflict Education By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. Capo however warned government troops not to set foot on any school campus in the restive regions. He said fighters have been instructed to make sure the national anthem of Cameroon is not sung in English-speaking schools. Capo said any school that fails to respect ADF orders will be closed, and their teachers and students will be punished. Asheri Kilo is the secretary of state to Cameroon's minister of education. She says children in areas where fighters still prohibit education should be admitted in schools in safer areas. She says the government will continue to deploy troops to make sure that all Cameroonian children in conflict zones have access to education. "You know that we are suffering the problem of insecurity, but while certain places get worse, other places are getting better and the minister has devised a way of using those teachers who were posted in places that are not exactly safe to go to places that are safe and make up the manpower so as to teach these children," Kilo said. There was no immediate word Monday on how many students in the North West and South West regions had returned to school. For some, it will be the first time in class sine 2016. Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Mallam Mele Kyari, has said that the proposed successor company of the present entity, NNPC Limited, may not be ready for an Initial Public Offer (IPO) till 2024. Speaking in an interview with Bloomberg Television Monday, the NNPC helmsman noted that a lot of arrangements needed to be put in place before any such move could materialise. By the provision of the new Petroleum Industry Act (PIA), the NNPC as currently constituted is expected to transition into a fully commercialised business concern in which the public could own shares and take part in its major decisions. "Surely, it is not what we will do in 2022 or 2023, probably the earliest consideration will be in three years' time," the GMD stated. He reiterated that the corporation's involvement in the Dangote refinery was to ensure energy security as well as tying down markets for Nigeria's crude oil. Details later... The right to explore or exploit minerals in Nigeria is evidenced by the grant of a mineral title. In a bid to regulate all aspects of exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in the country, the Nigerian government in 2007 re-enacted the Nigerian Mineral and Mining Act. The step was also aimed at fostering the growth and development of the sector. The Act vested the ownership and control of all lands in which minerals are found in commercial quantities in the government of the federation and thereby prohibits unauthorised persons from exploration or exploitation of these mineral resources. The right to explore or exploit minerals in Nigeria is evidenced by the grant of a mineral title. Application for a mineral title in Nigeria can be done by a qualified applicant under the Act and in accordance with the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Regulations (NMMR) and the submission of an irrevocable consent form by land owners or occupiers. Mining cadastre office The Mining Cadastre Office (MCO), an agency under the supervision of the federal ministry of mines and steel development, is responsible for the administration and management of mineral titles and the maintenance of cadastral registers. The agency issues, grants, suspends, and upon written approval of the minister, revokes any mineral title where a title holder fails to pay a prescribed fee such as the annual fee. It also keeps a chronological record of all applications for mineral titles in a priority register, which ensures the agency treats all applications on a first come first served basis and equally applies the principle of 'use it or lose it' to mineral titles. However, an application for a mineral title may be refused where in the case of an individual is under the age of 18 years or is an undischarged bankrupt or otherwise declared bankrupt under any written law or has been convicted of a criminal offence under the act or regulations. Also, it is noteworthy to know that no title can be revoked without giving a prior notice of 30 days to any defaulter, sent to a registered address. Guidelines Mineral titles are awarded in Nigeria by title applications or through a bidding process. The processes involved in application include submission of an online application which is subject to review and evaluation. The application may be successful or declined depending on the criteria met. Upon a successful application, the applicant is required to pay the necessary fees and the licence is issued thereafter. For the bidding process, adverts are placed in national dailies for designated areas by the minister for exploration licence and mining lease only. Interested investors are required to provide necessary information that would be reviewed by the committee set up for the bidding process. A winner emerges and is issued a licence after payment is made for the prescribed fees. Mining rights The right to search for or exploit any mineral in Nigeria is governed by different mineral titles. The titles obtainable in the country are the Reconnaissance Permit (RP), Exploration licence (EL), Small Scale Mining Lease (SSML), Mining Lease (ML) and Quarry Lease (QL) the Water Use Permit. Reconnaissance Permit This permit allows holders to search for mineral resources on a non-exclusive basis. It gives the right to obtain access into, enter on or fly over any land within the territory of Nigeria, likewise the permission to obtain and remove surface samples in small quantities which must be conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Upon the payment of a prescribed fee, the MCO is subjected to approve applications from qualified applicants within 30 days of receipt of application with a processing fee of N50,000 payable to MCO through remittal. However, excavation drilling and other subsurface activities are not permitted. Reconnaissance Permit is non-transferable and it's issued for only one year but renewable annually. Exploration licence The holder of an Exploration Licence (EL) has the exclusive right to conduct exploration upon the land within the area of his licence. The mining area for EL usually doesn't exceed 200 square kilometres with a processing fee of N100,000 payable to MCO through remittal. The MCO, under the law is obliged to approve the EL within 30 days of receipt of an application by a qualified applicant. The holder is allowed to remove, conduct bulk sampling and testing, export and sell mineral resources not exceeding established limits. The licence is for a 3-year initial period but renewable two further periods of 2 years each. Each additional Cadastre Unit costs N1000. Quarry Lease This permit gives liability to exploit all naturally occurring minerals such as clay, marble, gypsum, limestone, gravel, sand, among others. The lease is issued for five years and renewable every five years, provided the renewal application is made months before the lease expires. The sum of N100,000 is made for the processing fee payable to MCO through remittal for a land not exceeding 4 Cadastral Units. Each additional Cadastral Unit costs N50,000 The application is processed within 45 days of receipt of application. Small Scale Mining Lease The holder of the Small Scale Mining Lease has the exclusive right to carry out small-scale mining operations within a mining area greater than five acres but less than three kilometer square for a period of five years initial period but renewable for further period of five years only. The lease is issued within 45 days of application with a processing fee of N50,000 payable to the MCO through remittal. Each additional Cadastre Unit costs N20,000. However, when the level of operation of a SSML exceeds the defined area, the holder shall convert such a lease to a Mining lease by submitting a written application to the MCO. Application Requirements for Exploration Licence, Quarry Lease and Small Scale Mining Lease Mining Lease Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Mining By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The holder of this lease can exclusively use, occupy and exploit minerals within the lease area not exceeding 50 Kilometres Square. The lease is granted within 45 days of receipt of application with a processing fee of N500,000. It is issued for a period of 25 years initial period and renewable every 24 years. Water Use Permit This is granted to the holders of Exploration Licence, Quarry Lease, Small Scale Mining Lease and Mining Lease who require the use of water for their operations. Statistics Nigerian Extractives Industries Transparency Initiatives (NEITI)'s five year trend analysis report on the issuance of mining titles shows that a total of 6,360 licences and leases were issued between 2015 and 2019. In 2015, 1,047 licences were issued; 1,153 licences were issued in 2016; 1,484 in 2017; 1,380 in 2018, and 1,296 licences were issued in 2019. Of all the licences issued in the five-year period, exploration licence recorded the highest issuance, accounting for 43.51 per cent (2,763) while mining lease accounted for 1.98 per cent (126) to rank the least issued licence. Small Scale Mining Lease accounted for 35.79 per cent (2,276) while Quarry Lease accounted for 18.73 per cent (1,191). Nigeria possesses vast mineral resources spread across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) which are categorised as energy, industrial, metallic ores and precious stones. The federal ministry of mines and steel development is an agency set up to unlock the economic potentials of the solid minerals sub-sector in Nigeria. analysis The region's securocrats are no doubt unsettled by Hichilema's decisive action to replace the country's entire security leadership. President Hakainde Hichilema has wasted no time in asserting his authority. The cabinet appointments announced by Zambia's new president took second place to his bold move to 'retire' security chiefs across all sectors, from the army through to correctional services. His swift move is a positive indication that the new era in Zambia puts respect for the Constitution and rule of law above loyalty to the ruling party and president. This is a marked departure from the impunity that securocrats in Southern Africa and indeed the continent have become accustomed to. Security sector reform has remained elusive for most countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) - something Hichilema looks intent on changing. True to the businessman he is, he wasted no time in aligning the security forces. The president charged the former security heads of willfully negating the spirit and letter of Zambia's Constitution and being brazenly partisan and unprofessional in their conduct. Hichilema's move is a necessary first step in developing professional security forces and building citizens' trust These accusations were strengthened by his first-hand experience of the many arbitrary arrests and detentions of political activists. Under former president Edgar Lungu, the Zambian police and military became complicit in Lungu's autocratic tendencies. Soldiers and officials were accused of various abuses, ranging from arbitrary detentions of those who spoke out against the government to killing protesters. Hichilema's move is a necessary first step in developing professional security forces and engendering citizens' confidence in the integrity of these institutions. It can also help mend damaged relations between the public and the security forces, and show that the security sector should serve the nation - not the ruling party. In a clear recognition of professionalism and integrity, Hichilema promoted one of his jailers to Deputy Commissioner General of Correctional Services. This is likely to have a ripple effect across other sectors of government. The new president's critics are however urging caution. They point out that he has a long way to go in balancing competing interests within his winning alliance and securing the confidence of the entire state apparatus. Many SADC governments have long struggled to successfully reform their security sectors Hichilema's actions could also, if not communicated well, fuel street-level retribution against those who abused power during the reign of Lungu's Patriotic Front's (PF). Already a video is circulating on social media of civilians apprehending and taunting a man accused of abuses during the PF's crackdown against the opposition. While retiring the securocrats was necessary, some might perceive it as too drastic and too hasty. SADC governments have long grappled with the difficulty of successfully reforming their security sectors. Hichilema's decision to tackle the problem head-on has undoubtedly been unsettling for some politicians in the region. This sentiment is likely stronger in countries where police and soldiers have been willing accomplices in the abuse and torment of opposition parties and human rights activists. In countries like eSwatini, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique and Tanzania, ruling elites might find Hichilema's measures unpalatable. In most SADC countries, the military and ruling party are joined at the hip, enabling the army to act as guarantor of the regime. Despite numerous efforts by the regional bloc, it has not pronounced itself definitively on the matter, leaving citizens unsupported as they wrestle with partisan security forces. Recently, soldiers and police in eSwatini brutally repressed protests that erupted against the monarch. SADC should create inclusive platforms that civil society and opposition parties can participate in In Zimbabwe, the military and police have a long history of impunity and partisan behaviour in defence of the ruling party. To date, the soldiers involved in the killing of unarmed civilians in the post-election violence of 2018 and subsequent clampdowns on protests have not faced justice. The script reads the same in Tanzania and Angola. Hichilema is likely to touch a nerve in these countries, which may see ruling elites digging in their heels even deeper. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Zambia Governance By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. SADC should perhaps take lessons from Hichilema and create inclusive platforms that civil society and opposition parties can participate in. Rather than tinkering on the margins as it has been doing for years without concrete action, the regional bloc could take inspiration from Hichilema's courage on security sector reform. It's not surprising that Zambia's president is being greeted as a breath of fresh air by many in the region. Southern Africans living under autocratic and repressive regimes are looking up to him as a role model. Hichilema is undoubtedly defining his own governance style. His actions in the first two weeks of his administration show that he walks the talk and is not afraid to make bold moves. In a region desperate for better governance and stronger democracies, questions are already turning to whether he can galvanise a coalition of likeminded leaders and inspire reform in other Southern African countries. Ringisai Chikohomero, Researcher, ISS Pretoria The Zamfara governor says bandits are already feeling the heat of government's offensive against them The Governor of Zamfara State, Bello Matawalle, on Monday said the government shut down all telecommunications networks in the state to check banditry. The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) had ordered telecom operators to suspend their networks in Zamfara. The development followed the suspension of weekly markets and other drastic measures in the adjoining troubled North-west and North central states to check activities of bandits in the regions. Following the development, bandits have reportedly intensified attacks in Zamfara and Katsina, looting food stuff to stock up while the measures remain in place. Mr Matawalle told DW Hausa Service on Monday that the Chief of Army Staff, Farouk Yahaya, was in Zamfara and led troops into the forests to engage the bandits. "The bandits are releasing their captives, they are abandoning their motorcycles after running out of fuel. Many of the bandits have been killed by the security forces and the security personnel will sustain the offensive against them until we wipe them out from Zamfara," Mr Matawalle said. The governor added that the security forces in collaboration with local vigilantes were taking the fight into the bandits' enclaves as directed by the army chief, Mr Yahaya. The security agents had been previously accused of ignoring distress calls from communities under attacks by armed bandits. Residents of the state, who normally reported their ordeals with the bandits, could not be reached to speak on their current experiences because of the shutdown of telcoms services. Abuja The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, has said a total of 120 children in Nigeria have been infected with environmental poliovirus. The children, according to the agency of the United Nations,are not in particular region but scattered across different parts of the country. UNICEF Country Representative, Peter Hawkins, revealed this during the 3rd quarterly Northern Traditional Leaders' Committee,NTLC meeting on Primary Health Care,PHC Delivery on Monday,Abuja. Hawkins, however, expressed optimism that given Nigeria's good immunization infrastructure,it would come out of the outbreak in no time. While noting that Nigeria accounts for 70% of polio cases across the African continent, he added that 78 million vaccines have already been utilized throughout Nigeria and 50million more were expected in the next months to counter the outbreak. Commending the Nigerian government and partners he said, "they are implementing the outbreak response to contain the spread of the virus just as we fought wild poliovirus together before, we need to fight the pandemic, polio and strengthen routine immunization." Executive Director, National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) Dr Faisal Shuaib, said he was hopeful the situation would be brought under control. Shuaib however explained there was a clear distinction between the wild poliovirus which was eradicated from Nigeria and the entire African continent, and the current outbreak of different types of poliovirus. He said, "With the different disease outbreaks that we are currently contending with, it is imperative that our approach becomes more integrated. This is because they are all interwoven. Amidst COVID-19, we have Cholera, CVDPV2 which is a result of suboptimal routine immunization in some parts of the country. "As we conduct outbreak response campaigns, we need to find a way to integrate our responses for efficient utilization of available resources and to enhance confidence in our people. The integration will also enhance our determination to continue to safeguard our wild polio virus-free status. Consequently, Your Highnesses, mobilization, sensitization, advocacy and role modelling efforts should target multiple interventions simultaneously. "This is a virus that exists where there is low routine immunization care, where women don't take their kids for immunization shot against polio, measles and yellow fever-like our parents back then used to do. "Where there is no full routine immunization and where there is poor water and sanitation then you begin derived to see that the virus is mutating just as you see in COVID-19 mutating the same thing applies to poliovirus. "We would be able to mount outbreak responses to make sure that the tools that we are using will ensure that this outbreak stood. We are in control of the situation, hopefully, before the end of the rainy season, we will be able to carry out enough campaigns to make sure we are able to cover this. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Polio By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. "One other thing that is going to help us is that we don't see this attack again is the increase in immunization coverage. Since 2016 were we recorded 33% of routine immunization it has now increased to about 71% and double the routine immunization coverage, we still have to get to about 90% before we stop seeing these outbreaks of these diseases. "We are not there yet, but the unprecedented increase in routine immunization coverage is going to help us. One thing that is clear is that globally there has never been such an increase in routine immunization coverage like we are seeing in Nigeria." The World Health Organization,WHO Country Representative, Dr Walter Kazadi Mulombo, commended efforts of the Northern Traditional Leaders in ensuring Primary Health Care services remains a priority in order to reduce the risk of preventable diseases and death in communities, noted that On his part,the Director of Immunization, U. S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr Omotayo Bolu, said Nigeria has one of the highest numbers of children with CVDPV2 and also the highest number of unimmunized children globally. press release Nairobi African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) announces 141,600 vaccine doses arriving in Kenya as part of the first monthly shipment of Johnson & Johnson vaccines. AVAT is pleased to announce the shipment of 141,600 vaccine doses of the Johnson & Johnson single-shot vaccines to Kenya on 3rd September 2021. This is part of a total of 6.4m vaccine doses to be shipped to African Union Member States in August 2021. The Member States who have ordered vaccines through AVAT will continue to receive shipments for the next following months. In collaboration with the Africa Medical Supplies Platform (AMSP), UNICEF is providing logistical and delivery services to the Member States. These deliveries are part of the historic COVID-19 vaccine advance procurement agreement signed on 28 March 2021 by AVAT for the purchase of 220 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson single-shot COVID-19 vaccine, with the potential to order an additional 180 million doses. The agreement and the start of deliveries mark the first time that the African Union Member States have collectively purchased vaccines to safeguard the health of the African population. In total, the 400m vaccines acquired by AVAT are sufficient to immunise a third of the African population. The agreement with Johnson & Johnson was made possible through a USD 2 billion facility provided by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), who are also the Financial and Transaction Advisers, Guarantors, Instalment Payment Advisers and Payment Agents. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) provided technical support on the financing arrangements and on the alignment of the AU Ministers of Finance. The Cabinet Secretary of health, Mutahi Kagwe, welcomed the arrival of the vaccines and said, "The purchase of these vaccines, will boost our national COVID-19 vaccination programme in addition to supporting the ongoing rollout of the COVID." AVAT was established by the African COVID-19 Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, set up in November 2020 under the African Union chairmanship of HE President Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, as part of the African Union's COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Access Strategy, and its goal of vaccinating at least 60 percent of the African population with safe and efficacious vaccines against COVID-19. This vaccine acquisition and deployment is also supported by an innovative partnership between the World Bank and the AU, African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team to expedite access to vaccines throughout the continent. ENDS About AVAT The African Vaccine Acquisition Trust (AVAT) is a special purpose vehicle, incorporated in Mauritius. AVAT acts as a centralised purchasing agent on behalf of the African Union (AU) Member States, to secure the necessary vaccines and blended financing resources for achieving Africa's COVID-19 vaccination strategy which targets vaccinating a minimum of 60% of Africa's population based on a whole-of-Africa approach. AVAT was established by the COVID-19 African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team, which was set up in November 2020 by President Cyril Ramaphosa, President of the Republic of South Africa, in his capacity as Chairperson of the African Union (AU), as a support component to the COVID-19 Immunisation Strategy that was endorsed by the AU Bureau of Heads of State and Government in August 2020. AVAT's main partner institutions are the African Union's Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). About Africa CDC Africa CDC is a specialized technical institution of the African Union that strengthens the capacity and capability of Africa's public health institutions as well as partnerships to detect and respond quickly and effectively to disease threats and outbreaks, based on data-driven interventions and programmes. Learn more at: www.africacdc.org About Afreximbank The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) is a Pan-African multilateral financial institution with the mandate of financing and promoting intra-and extra-African trade. Afreximbank was established in October 1993 and owned by African governments, the African Development Bank and other African multilateral financial institutions as well as African and non-African public and private investors. The Bank was established under two constitutive documents, an Agreement signed by member states, which confers on the Bank the status of an international organization, and a Charter signed by all Shareholders, which governs its corporate structure and operations. Afreximbank deploys innovative structures to deliver financing solutions that are supporting the transformation of the structure of Africa's trade, accelerating industrialization and intra-regional trade, thereby sustaining economic expansion in Africa. At the end of 2020, the Bank's total assets and guarantees stood at US$21.5 billion and its shareholders' funds amounted to US$3.4 billion. The Bank disbursed more than US$42 billion between 2016 and 2020. Afreximbank has ratings assigned by GCR (international scale) (A-), Moody's (Baa1) and Fitch (BBB-). The Bank is headquartered in Cairo, Egypt. For more information, visit: www.afreximbank.com Follow us on Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram About ECA Established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 1958 as one of the UN's five regional commissions, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's (ECA's) mandate is to promote the economic and social development of its Member States, foster intraregional integration and promote international cooperation for Africa's development. ECA is made up of 54 Member States and plays a dual role as a regional arm of the UN and as a key component of the African institutional landscape. For more information, visit: www.uneca.org About AMSP The Africa Medical Supplies Platform (AMSP) is a non-profit initiative launched by the African Union as an immediate, integrated and practical response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The online platform was developed under the leadership of the African Union Special Envoy, Strive Masiyiwa and powered by Janngo on behalf of the African Union's Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and in partnership with African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) with the support of leading African & international Institutions, Foundations & Corporations as well as Governments of China, Canada & France. For more information visit www.amsp.africa Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Coronavirus Kenya By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. About The World Bank Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Bank Group has deployed over $157 billion to fight the health, economic, and social impacts of the pandemic, the fastest and largest crisis response in its history. The financing is helping more than 100 countries strengthen pandemic preparedness, protect the poor and jobs, and jump start a climate-friendly recovery. The Bank is also supporting over 50 low- and middle-income countries, more than half of which are in Africa, with the purchase and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, and is making available $20 billion in financing for this purpose until the end of 2022. About UNICEF UNICEF works in some of the world's toughest places, to reach the world's most disadvantaged children. Across more than 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, to build a better world for everyone. Follow UNICEF on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube analysis In recent months, Central African politicians and journalists have shared images of the military posing in front of different town signs - seemingly as proof of the state regaining control over a country caught up in civil war for almost a decade. The civil war commenced when rebel groups in the country's northeast formed a coalition in 2012 to topple President Francois Bozize. Their declared interest was the defence of a marginalised population's demands for development. However, the more likely trigger for the rebellion was Bozize's attempt to take over control of the armed groups' lucrative mining business. The rebellion quickly grew in size and easily overwhelmed a weak Central African army that had no interest in defending its autocratic ruler. While the rebels were dislodged from the capital by international pressure and a peacekeeping mission by 2014, they remain active in the hinterlands. A view into the country's history shows that military control has always been short-lived in this vast and lightly populated country. In an in-depth study comparing the Central African Republic with South Sudan and Somaliland, I found the imprint of the state in peripheral areas of the former to be by far the lowest. I argue that only an emphasis on civilian aspects of rule - such as providing education, health and building infrastructure - can stop rebellions from successfully challenging the state's rule in the future. A long history of conflict The Central African Republic has a long history as a meeting point between societies from different parts of Africa and more recently colonisers from Europe. These encounters often turned violent. Over the centuries slave raiders hunted for people, French concessionary companies brutally enforced unpaid labour, and foreign militias took up camp when chased from their own countries. Such practices have divided the people living within the borders of the Central African Republic, created on 13 August 1960. Heated debates on belonging versus foreignness, status and dependency have ensued. Politicians and public figures often question the true Central Africanness of people who they assume once came from elsewhere or don't speak the national language. The state's institutions have not dealt effectively with these issues. Instead, after the founding hero of the nation, Barthelemy Boganda, died shortly before independence, a small circle of elites centred in the capital, Bangui, focused on gaining power and keeping it. David Dacko, who took the presidency through a questionable deal with parliamentarians upon independence, was deposed in a coup d'etat by the army commander Jean-Bedel Bokassa in 1965. Bokassa ruled brutally, becoming increasingly paranoid of any challenge to his rule. He was deposed in 1979 with French support, and replaced again by Dacko. Dacko was soon deposed by another military coup d'etat by Andre Kolingba in 1981. Ange-Felix Patasse won elections in 1993 and was sceptical of the military, filled with what he thought to be Kolingba loyalists. Indeed, Kolingba attempted a coup unsuccessfully in the early 2000s. But it was another military commander - Francois Bozize - who succeeded in deposing Patasse with Chadian support in 2003. Given this history, successive rulers have defunded security institutions. This created a weak army that was unable to face the large Seleka rebellion in 2013. Since 2014, the army's capacity has been bolstered again with international support. However, this has also led to a military approach to establishing state control. Government representatives regularly criticise the arms embargo on the country as holding them back from advancing against the rebels. Foreign powers try to gain favours with the government by providing armament and training. The UN mission monitors and warns about the state military's transgressions in the past and present. The military has thereby become the core object of negotiating the state's role within and beyond its borders. Re-establishing state authority Indeed, the return of the state and especially its military to peripheral localities is often invoked by people on the ground, from the minister in Bangui to the farmer on the outskirts of Ndele in the north. But in more detailed discussions, people expect the state - unlike the rebel groups and unlike foreign forces - to take up the issues they urgently care about: questions of belonging and of status. Many people are xenophobic towards inhabitants of alleged Arabic origin - whom they call "Chadians". Many others are ready to welcome returnees displaced by the civil war to neighbouring countries, hoping they will help restart the economy. Central Africans expect the state not simply to be a military power, but to lead an open debate on what it means to be Central African and who has the right to return. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Central African Republic Conflict Central Africa By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. The population is tired of impunity for perpetrators of violence, while armed groups hold a firm grasp on many areas. They expect the state not just to take back control, but also to seek justice for past crimes and stop impunity in future. Finally, public services are minimal because the central state has never sought to develop the peripheries. Ongoing conflict blocks any attempt at development. The people I spoke to want the state to funnel its resources into service provision and provide jobs and status to its citizens. Given the history of the Central African Republic with foreign armed groups and frequent coup d'etats within a small elite circle, it is unsurprising that citizens are doubtful of the intentions of current actors to re-establish state authority. Gaining lasting public support for the institutions being put in place - a stronger national army and a larger public administration - will mean tackling issues of belonging, of status and of public service. Simple military reconquest will not create lasting stability. Tim Glawion, Research Fellow, German Institute of Global and Area Studies The CJN says three judges will be sanctioned for issuing conflicting court orders. The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Tanko Muhammad, on Monday, grilled the Chief Judges of six states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) over the conflicting court orders that recently emanated from their courts. He warned the judges to immediately stop "the nonsense", and threatened without mentioning names that three of the judges who issued the controversial order would be made scapegoats. "Your job as Heads of Court is a sacred one, therefore, includes you vicariously taking the sinsmof others. There must be an end to this nonsense," a statement by the National Judicial Council (NJC) quoted the CJN as saying. The statement signed by NJC's spokesperson, Mr Soji Oye described a "visibly angry" CJN who read the "riot act" to the Chief Judges. It said Mr Muhammad issued the stern warning in "a joint session" held after he "personally quizzed" the Chief Judges during second-on-one-one sessions with them on Monday. "We shall make an example with these three judges and never shall we condone such act," he reportedly told the Chief Judges, adding, "You shall henceforth take absolute charge in assigning cases or matters, especially political personally." 'Embarrassing' Lamenting the embarrassment the spate of conflicting court orders had caused the judiciary, Mr Muhammad said, "A damage to one jurisdiction is damage to all. We must therefore put an end to indiscriminate granting of exparte orders, conflicting judgements or rulings occasioned by forum-shopping." The NJC's statement said Mr Muhammad started the meeting with the Chief Judges at 11 a.m. till 5:30 p.m. on Monday. It said the CJN had "a one-on-one interaction" with the Chief Judges of the FCT, Rivers, Kebbi, Cross River, Jigawa, Anambra, and Imo states, where the controversial court orders emanated from. Background PREMIUM TIMES reported on Sunday that the CJN had summoned the Chief Judges to appear before him with the relevant records of proceedings on Monday. The Chief Judge of the FCT had not been mentioned among those summoned by the CJN since it was first reported by various media platforms including this newspaper last week. Sources instead informed our reporter and other journalists that the Chief Judge of Delta State might have been summoned as well due to another controversial ex parte order that emanated from his court last week. But the name of the Delta Chief Judge did not appear on the list of those 'grilled' by the CJN on Monday. Three judges invited, warned Mr Muhammad, according to the NJC statement, also said three of the judges who granted conflicting ex parte orders had been invited to appear before the NJC "to show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against them". He warned the CJs to henceforth avoid unnecessary assumption of jurisdiction in matters and parties already before another court, protect the court from lawyers that are out for forum shopping and work in tandem with all their Judges to salvage the image of the judiciary. He also warned the CJs from making newly appointed judges vacation judges and assigning complex cases to inexperienced judges. All the controversial court orders issued in the last two months came about during the ongoing judges vacation. The CJN also said all heads of courts would be invited to a meeting "to reemphasise the need for the judiciary to be circumspect on the issue of granting exparte orders". Like earlier reported, Mr Muhammad said he would also meet with the leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) on the issue. "The CJN advised all Heads of Court to be current on the development in the polity and the judgments delivered by courts of various jurisdictions and to urgently issue practice direction to guide judges in their various courts to avoid giving conflicting decisions," the statement added. "The judiciary will no longer condone indiscipline or allow any Judge to tarnish the image of the Judiciary," the CJN warned. Confusion? PREMIUM TIMES had reported how the judiciary had seemingly joined the fray of the political crisis rocking some political parties in the country by indiscriminately granting orders and counter-orders as requested by the different warring sides. Close Sign up for free AllAfrica Newsletters Get the latest in African news delivered straight to your inbox Top Headlines Nigeria Legal Affairs By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. Success! Almost finished... We need to confirm your email address. To complete the process, please follow the instructions in the email we just sent you. Error! Error! There was a problem processing your submission. Please try again later. For instance, such orders have been issued concerning the choice of the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) for the forthcoming election in Anambra State. Desperate politicians have traversed courtrooms in different parts of the country to obtain orders on the APGA's governorship candidates for the forthcoming Anambra State election. In one week, three courts in different states also issued counter-orders about the office of the national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). On August 24, a Rivers State High Court in Port Harcourt restrained Uche Secondus from parading himself as PDP national chairman. However, in another twist, a Kebbi State High Court in Birnin-Kebbi restored Mr Secondus' mandate as the national chairman of the opposition PDP on August 27. A day after Mr Secondus' reinstatement, another High Court in Calabar, Cross River State, issued an interim order restraining him from resuming office as PDP chairman.