ntellect is the real is the um for someone for someone and i think i think where this also meets with the political and the social and the social is that is that when we speak about my other fascination which is the the deification of the human right means the human becoming the real right that's what that's what the future means yeah yeah so so based on what you think the real is that's what will mean to become that so in so many ancient civilizations the it was the emperor the pharaoh the who who became the god who became deified and that what that is that not only is a deification of the individual it's a defeation of power because it is the power that makes them makes them god and and and that sets up a pyramid structure of society where is the powerful who are the closest to the real and and and the peasants on the bottom who who are in this who are dispensable because they're they're far from the real in that hierarchy being and and i think i think i think that so i think this question is so important what i see emerging from within sort of moving from to speak of my own tradition moving from the prophetic message into the jewish messianic jewish mystical message which i think deeply connected both phenomenologically and conceptually and historically is that the prophet comes to tell the people that is it that against i think that the predominant theory is that the power is the real um which which i think in today's world also has a lot of purchase with what are we real today is it is it is it status is it celebrity is it money is it is it social media influence what is what is the real what is the god of of these days exactly exactly have you seen that tv show called um american gods where where as something as something becomes more salient in the public's mind the mythological character bursts into yeah and they sort of battle with each other and the new gods come so you can imagine like the god of tic-tock taking down the god of youtube um but but this but this really happens in in in a very meaningful