and and and we become conscious of it that i that that to say that there's only one um form i i don't like the the sort of the the facile typologies that were done by people like stace and and zayn yeah that's i think it's a waste of time but but to really begin to explore on a phenomenological and on a cognitive and on a scientific level what what what is the texture of that experience and what is becoming real for the your life experience and and inactively what is in in the transformative mystical experience which which is a phrase which is so important which you stress so much going forward in life what what does it compel one to be more real in is also indicative of what was real in that experience for me yeah um so so i don't have an answer to that question but my intuition is that that it's multi-varied and complex and there's elements of one another and then maybe sort of a space where they do converge and that and that may be some sort of i i don't like this this game of of of better and worse ultimate and lesser mis it's it's it's not a great game and uh when it's done there's there's an agenda to promote once one sort of thing over the other so i try to avoid that but but it's but it's but it's it's it's a fascinating question and that's my gesturing towards an answer no thank you for that and and and if i i didn't pay enough attention i didn't take enough care around a potential side effect that was not intended and i was not trying to create some simplistic or reductionist taxonomy what i was trying to get at is something else you know it's work i'm doing well the work i've already been done but and also it just emerged for me in this in this dialogue right but you know on a theory of understanding and one of the distinctions between knowledge and understanding is knowledge is evidence that justifies your claims where knowledge is your ability to grasp significance so you can apply it to your problems or or you know problems very broadly control and so this is a distinction that's sort of emerged se