parately uh within the philosophy of science and in the psychology of uh explanation understanding but they're converging together um and one of the one of the criticisms i've made of my own theory cognitive scientific theory of wisdom is that it didn't have a proper theory of understanding within it so i've been trying to think about understanding now what you know and one of the great privileges i have is i get to try out ideas on my students and they give me feedback um and one of the things they like when i when i make the and this distinction was also made independently by monica or delta as a psychologist and making use of the psychological work of john keeks the distinction between what he calls uh descriptive and interpretive knowledge but it's basically the description between knowledge and understanding and if you ask people in general you know what is wisdom more about knowledge or understanding they will almost universally say understanding it has a lot more to do with understanding than knowledge yes and i think that has to do with you know the stuff i've argued elsewhere about it being an enhancement of our capacity for relevance realization etc but then when i when i've talked about this and i i proposed this idea and i said like so it is it is you know the original meaning of proposition is to propose right i propose this idea that when we're talking about understanding we can talk about you know grasping the significance within a particular kind of knowing like you know i understand acts if i grasp its you know implications as a proposition that's a standard definition by the way of understanding um and you know and then we talk about you know you really understand a skill if you can transfer it to a new situation this is important in the martial arts can you take it from the dojo onto the street then you really get it then you really get it right so you can see that there's a kind of understanding that has to do within each kind of knowing but then i said what but isn't there the case that there