ndependently over here it's not great evidence but it's at least the beginnings of anecdotal evidence right that you know the deepest kind of understanding is this manifold understanding and people are willing to they seem to be pretty universal in saying that's the kind of understanding that the wise person has and this is what i'm trying to get at the argument i wasn't trying and i don't want to try and reduce it all or anything like that i'm trying to get at right is there is the okay i'll weaken my question then because i think your critique is valid um could at least a cognitive dimension of mystical experience be an insight a powerful insight of a very strong manifold a kind of multi-dimensional unity between kinds of knowing that brings a profound kind of understanding that would be deeply transformative individuals that's the that's the that's the hypothesis i want to now put forward so you gave me a chance to revise it because you made a good critique and now that's what that that's what i'm what i'm trying to inc get an inkling towards yeah yeah it's it's it's a really it's a really really it's a very like pinpointed question i i want to begin by saying um based on something which you said which is that there's the correlation between an idea which also emerges from the jewish tradition very strongly that there's a strong correlation and necessary correlation between wisdom and humility yeah yeah i want to have the humility to say that that most of my thinking is not in this space of epistemology even writ lodge and my thinking is much more um religious and metaphysical so so so i want to i want to begin by saying that that i i'm i it's a pleasure to engage with this thinking with you but i'm i'm i'm like punching beyond my weight and out of my space here which is fun which is good but but just as as a as a as a humidity i hope i'm not being discourteous to you i i didn't i i don't want to be i don't want to put you at any kind of disadvantage that's not no no no no it's it's it's it's great to it's gre