at to have that challenge to think anything beyond my own areas of comfort and i appreciate the challenge thank you um so to to share perhaps um i i wanna i wanna just i wanna comment on on both the phenomenological side of of the meaningfulness of that insight about insight and also on on a on a theoretical side again i'll bring in the jewish mystical theoretical perspective which is what i have to share so and i'll do i'll do i'll give the jewish side first within the with within the center um conceptual upper apparatus of the jewish mystical system is the spherot which which which i think for you would be very fascinating in the way that it's framed particularly by by the hasidic tradition which is that the spherot simultaneously is the shape the morphology of of of of three things of the psyche of of the world or reality and of god and three things simultaneously right um and and and and the spirit are our ten um are 10 things 10 attributes 10 modalities 10 energy whatever however translate there's no definitive translation um and and and and and because they map all three i think that's very resonant with your thinking that it is what's happening in which is what's happening now which is happening it's that three-way direction and and it's sort of really a map for that so with that introduction the first the threat are divided uh into two horizontally and vertically yeah um there's also different there's there's the spheroid based on we said earlier that there's that there's there's the divine straight light on the street this rotten circle and then this throat which combine the two which is the tree of life formation which everyone knows and right right and that's that's basically the crystalline structure that emerges from the initial first shattering of this periodic instantiation which then these are all very like very very rich and difficult uh metaphors but all which are very very important meaning which which which i'm working to to expound so in in the in the um crystalline uh tree structure of this