throughout the the surrounding divided into left right and center um masculine feminine and integration um and and and there's also top middle and bottom right um bottom is is expression or speech middle is um is is is f is is feeling is is is internally processed of our own emotions and the top three are the uh the cognitive the intellectual the the the motion that the literally the brain of of the divine you know the god of mind the god of man and the god of the world um and the first three surat not counting quetta which which is sort of beyond this threat is is um and i know these are terms that you're familiar with because you do discuss data particularly in your in your series um but but to give to give sort of i i have a one hour class on each of these but to give a two second definition um i do recommend if you want to learn more for the audience and and if we're else interested please do check that out but uh in one word is inside it's that flash of inspiration it's the you're walking through the darkness of the forest and you see nothing and then a lightning comes and for a second everything is illuminated right for a second and and it's the yod it's it's it's literally the point it's the small infinitesimal uh bina is is the hey it's the expansion it's the feminine it's it's the womb it's where we begin to take the seed of and give it limbs and give it shape and give it a dimension and analyze it it's analysis it's it's it's the it's the ability to think about past and future which doesn't exist in that in that flash that's being a dot as as i assume you know but for the for the audience listening dot is is is is the integration of both of these two yeah and channeling it into the being it's the embodiment it's it's moving into emotions it's when you feel it in your tishkis that anthropomorphically is put by the neck because it's it's also the bottleneck of things that that stay in your mind that don't get into your body into your heart is because they don't pass oh that's interesting yeah they're they