our theory in general yeah um which i know that you appreciate so so i'll share that um but but but i i i would love to i would love to talk about spinners i i really would not that i think that's nose is huge exemplary inaudible yeah yeah exactly exactly and he's exemplary also within the very specific nexus yeah the emergence of the scientific revolution yes yes yes absolutely absolutely um in terms of in terms of the the phenomenology of the meaning that emerges from the mystical experience which which you at least now are postulating that it emerges from some form of uh understanding of the i don't know i don't want to actually um straw man or misrepresent your position and you just said so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna try to repeat it but but from from how i understood it it's something which happens there's there's there's an internal cognizing where the where the human sees their own internal structure thinking and how that is reflective and and co-creating and coaching to the to the reality out there and that and that that that itself is is the meaning generating apparatus um my my feeling through listening through all of your lectures um in addition to in addition to all the good feelings of of learning and being challenged um was was that from my own reading of of the literature mysticism which means both the mystics themselves describing their experiences that means both historically and contemporaneously people because it continues to happen and reading the the analysis of it from um from from from scholars that are looking to study in philosophies and and reading the the the theoreticians within the traditions themselves if you had if you if you would ask me what phenomenologically because because the fact that people come from that experience and and they describe it as inherently meaningful is is is a synchronous that's that's that's given if you have to ask me what is it that is causing it to say that i would not have jumped to your conclusion i would have said something different um i i would have