and i'm not sure exactly how to articulate it but maybe together yeah yeah yeah i i i think and this is something that you that you yourself mentioned mentioned as well but but i think i think is under stressed which is which is that there's there's a sense of the inherent um rightness and place and i don't want to use the word order but but um but that that that things as they are are good there's who's the who's there's a christian uh female mystery who says do you have knowledge of joe and watch all is well and all shall be well is what she comes to experience knowing um and it's it's that deep sense of knowing that all is well that that it it's all good it's all okay the sense and i think this is integrated into what you discuss from from from who's at salaciously the the poem from from eckhart where where there's there's this non-natively logical mode of being which is me for itself it's the it's the blessing of the flower which blesses because it does which i think you said you correlate with the expansion of the universe and and that i think itself is meaningful because it it collapses the distinction between means and ends where where our our means and our present self becomes the end and the the the the act of being itself becomes a meaningful thing to do and and for me when i think about that it's much more grounded in in in the body not to say that that that for e is not is not in body but but if this is really in in the being of the body for me at least it's it's in moments of of of intimacy of of intimacy in worship in in erotic intimacy in in intimacy with nature where where one is sitting and and releases all of their narratives of self and all of their and it allows themselves to i i'm i'm sort of grappling with poetry here because i don't know how to express this non-poetic oh no it's fair it's fair it's good um kind of very clear and and for me that's for me that's that's not something that happens cognitively even cognitive writ lodge even even the way that it's something which is which is muc