h more fully ontological and i know that you say that the cognitive is the oncological but this is like to me i don't know why i keep like pushing up against this but it's so it's so much more it's it's it's it's the very the trouble is that anywhere which i'm going to say is a word which you've already sort of co-opted like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so yeah but but but it's in the kishkas of of the individual where where where where everything is and is perfect and it's beautiful and it's yeah that's that's the most i could do for it well that's good i mean and we touched on this last time yes so but i i get the sense that although uh you're responsive to the answer you found my answer still insufficient you're still rubbing up against it so i'll just recapitulate what i said maybe as a way of trying to get what's like helping you to refine where you want so i said like when i say cognition i'm not talking about cognition i'm not talking about computation in the brain i'm talking about like your full body is involved the participatory knowing the way you're enacting embedded in the world right and so uh you know and you acknowledge this is deeply embodied this is deeply embedded there's deep continuity between my cognition and my biology all of this i i argued before explicitly so yeah and so when i'm taught and when i'm talking about the manifold i'm talking about that i'm talking about something that's going to like you know it's going to link into uh you know it's going to leak downward towards you know the biological principles that are running the individual cells and then upward into or or outward and upward into you know the the ligaments and sinews of your world view that by which you're getting your sort of fundamental prince patterns of intelligibility that's and that's what i'm talking about but you want you want to say um sorry i'm not trying to box you and i'm just trying to make clear uh what i'm saying so but and i do think and i do talk about reciprocal opening that it's it's co-created by by the