gnitive experience the way that you're using cognition yes okay because i i think that what your ultimate well sorry i'll be very careful here i think cognition is ultimately about connectedness and uh seeking a kind of optimality in that and and i think that that doesn't have to just be and i explicitly argue this in my argument for higher states of consciousness it doesn't have to be this moment of connectedness or this but connectedness per se can reach an optimal state and people get variations on a continuum the flow state those moments and for me that is at the core of what it is to be a cognitive being is to get is to couple to reality in that way okay i i guess then i'm going to have to keep trying to work to familiarize myself with your language and the way you're using these words because at this point then i feel like it's just sort of a semantic or linguistic blockage which is which is coming out for me it could it could be or or maybe and and i welcome that because that'd be great because it's great when friends to realize that they're not actually in disagreement um but it could be also a friendly disagreement it could be that at some point maybe this is i hm i don't know i might be putting words into your mouth and i apologize ahead of time um i think that's an experience that requires a cognitive agent like that that that that that that moment you point to wouldn't exist without sentient cognitive agents so that that i agree with 100 percent okay okay because yes okay okay but but but let me it's it's funny actually this is this is a bit personal but this morning i woke up i was staying in bed and i was thinking about my day kind of like thinking about and i and i was looking forward to the end of the day which is now for it's night outside and i was looking forward to talking with you and i was thinking i was running through my head about the conversation we had and and and as as one does and enjoyably so and and i thought to myself let me try and sort of um take on or embody john's form of of of