enhanced flowy experiences i've had them you can get them in tai chi right you can definitely get them in tai chi right and so it's but i'm not trying to say that every mystical experience is like that but what i'm saying is mystical experience is kind of meta optimal grip it's an optimal grip on your optimal gripping and that doesn't have to be one that's requiring a serp you know you know a tremendous amount of metabolical metabolic effort or anything like that it can just be that you right there's the sense of i don't know why i should be using words rather than gestures but no i love by the way i love that you use gestures because because so much of this is non-verbal i'm for the first time like thank you for the first time i'm actually beginning to get a sense of the texture of what you're describing and it's beginning to resonate with what i know uh of mysticism right in my own experience in literature that was very that was very very helpful in in what you just described and that was an insight moment for me so so so thank you well you're welcome and and and to be fair to me and to you when i when i when i started prose the cognitive continuum it was much more just quantitative difference but after doing this work with dan you know on the rovers on mars i came to the realization no there's something within flow that's being carried on not necessarily the flow experience per se as i said you can get mystical experiences out of superflow my taoist practices afford those um and taoism is the religion of flow in many ways right but i i also acknowledge that i don't think that's a necessary feature the necessary feature is that is the meta optimal gripping and so what i typically use and you might appreciate this given your your your morning experience i use the metaphor of taking a stance in martial art okay i'm actually not moving at all when i take my stance i'm absolutely still and the point is that's a useless thing that's a i don't fight with this at all right the stance what is that it's a meta-optimal g