ly you'll see something for the future that we can get a chance to talk about it may i please please okay um here's the way i wrote it um you said rightly in your lectures that the propositions are useless because this isn't about propositional knowing it's about participatory transformation this isn't about some secret metaphysical knowledge it's about getting wise practices for transformation um and then and then about combining those with the best science and best metaphysics and in a very beautiful way that you put it um to see what these higher visible states and consciousness can afford for us that we must not confuse the rationality of wisdom with the rationale of knowledge brilliant great great line um so so this idea that that the mystical experiences don't impart actual accurate propositional knowledge which i say and i think you say rightfully so because that leads to all kinds of weird inconsistent strange conclusions people thinking all kinds of strange things um but i i want to try and propose um that that there may be some sort of knowing which we can come to through the experience which is justified which i think i think william james and others describe as the noetic property the knowledge and i think i think the knowledge that emerges if we can reduce it to a proposition is simply the proposition that everything is one um or as you put it yourself that the agent um is to be identified to be made at one with the arena that and my question to you is it it's a bit of a long question but is not the the primary illusion that uh that we humans hold which you refer to which we must transcend um that we're not one without with with everything around us and and by transcending that limiting self-conception and the con and sort of all the good things that come with that the eradication of jealousy and the reason of care and intimacy for others is that not itself wisdom to see through that illusion to live at one with ourselves with everything around us with reality itself and is that not in some sense a p