roposition not proposition which one has but a proposition which we can be in which we can enact and and and i think to make it to make the final point here i think that the value of trying to distill a proposition from this convergence of the mystical experiences and traditions is a worthwhile endeavor even if granted that this knowledge this gnosis can never be put into true propositional form because it's so categorically beyond that the reason why it's still valuable to try to do something like that is because if we can have any hope for peaceful coexistence of humanity and between us and the natural world between and internally we do need a truth a meta-narrative a story a myth which we can live by and what better truth what better myth than that proposition that all is fundamentally won okay well uh let i so i'll um i won't completely answer i'll just give a preliminary thing and i will promise that you and i will either on your channel or my channel we'll we'll have a discussion around just this topic so we've got at least two things we've got the spinoza talk and then we've got this one awesome uh so i mean in this this and i did mention in the thing that you know i like neoplatonism because it has it has the you know it has the theory and the theoretic practices but it has an independent i mean a standalone argument that doesn't depend on mystical experience in fact there's a debate about how integra you know gerson and others debate about how much the mystical experience is needed uh for plato's argument and you know gerson says he's not denying the mystical component but he thinks the argument can stand on its own as an argument and i that's what that's that's what that's what i was thinking as my model that you have an independent uh account of your ontology um and then you you find you you of course try to seek and this is part of the manifold you try to seek a consonant with uh between your best theories and your best theory as i sometimes put it um so uh if you if if i in it so i am allowing a role