n was and and your your your willingness to to to engage seriously and respectfully and and uh and and and as equals in conversation is is is just astounding is is absolutely if for any like even if nothing handled the conversation for the very fact that of your willingness to to engage with this with such good faith um is itself i think uh an inspiration to to to so many and to to myself and the future of god willing so uh so so and and i mean i i thoroughly enjoyed it to be able to really it's it's it's so rare that i get to actually talk at this level about these topics with anyone um and and and the and the disciplines that you bring into this which which ones i'm totally unaware of and your real grounding in in the in the sciences and in the experimentation and in the philosophy it's just so much fun and and i hope one day we get to sit down in person as well i would love that i would love that very much it would be great to spend some extended time uh in person together i think i you know you know dear logos some of the constituent components of it are serious play and we talked about serious play already um there's serious play but there's also um well i i like i i feel that i was coming to insights in the dialogue with you that i had not gotten to on my own um and that i get to places that i got to places that i couldn't get to on my own and so for me those are the two so two of the defining characteristics of the logo so um so thank you very much and thank you for what you said um i aspire to that uh that to me is um the socratic ideal that i aspire to and when it happens i feel grateful because the more often it happens the more likely i am in an aristotelian fashion to train the habit which will become the virtue uh so thank you thank you for for being such an excellent partner so thank you we're going to keep going on this and we'll keep doing more um this is wonderful yes this is the discussion that needs to happen you know a very deep discussion between you know a really carefully thought out ration