to unless we're going to sort of embrace the real metaphysics of the skeptic and live that life i mean have fun but but if we want to if you want to sort of be in some sort of conventional way of living and thinking there has to be also a an an understanding that there has to be a criteria um which we can ride beyond that radical skepticism with which i think is something what you're proposing here yeah that's what i'm proposing i perform and i i i think there is no good reason that the skeptic can give to me why i should take seriously propositional contradiction and not take seriously performative contradiction propositional contradiction is there's a contradiction between two of my propositions performative contradiction is there's a contradiction between my my propositions that i assert and my behavior whether it's my reflective behavior or my practical behavior and again why do i privilege like why do i privilege this and not pay attention to that i i think that whitehead is right we have to take performative contradiction as seriously as we do and so james made that argument too william james as seriously as we do propositional contradiction the burden of proof is on the skeptic why i should care about the first and not the second and it was pointed out that even pyro even pyro couldn't live out his kind of complete skepticism even though he was an extremely virtuous man so yeah that's that's that's a very interesting point that's that's a great point uh and i hope one day we get to talk about spinoz in that context as as him performatively showing that atheism could be done virtuously and but but that's that's that's a very interesting point that that yeah that we if we're going to reject a propositional contradiction we also have to reject perform a contradiction yeah that's well taken especially if you think as as i've argued elsewhere even in this series that there is more than just propositional knowing yes so so relations between propositional knowing and procedural and perspectival and participatory