should matter as well okay so let's say now we've established that there is that and you've already made reference we've made plausible that there is a real thing a real normative standard called plausibility so what is plausibility when this goes to work i'm doing currently work i've done with leo farrar in the past and work i'm currently doing a book i'm writing with my son uh jason braviki uh so let me just give the uh the basic idea and then i want to try and show you the judgment instances where these judgments are being made even within sort of hard-nosed scientific journal articles okay so and um i'm going to be trying to give some credit so an idea that comes from wrestler but you can see it also in very current um work in cognitive psychology and cognitive uh cognitive science is the idea of uh convergence so the idea is uh when i have many independent lines of evidence or argument and they converge on the same conclusion that conclusion i want to use wrestler where it's words here because i think it's perfect that conclusion becomes more trustworthy i think that's the right word now why so let me explain in the abstract then i'll give you a concrete example just to make it clear so no matter what channel you're in and again i've given arguments about this last time right that channel is going to be subject to bias distortion but the chances that all of these different independent channels share the same bias are reduced precisely by the number of channels i bring in so the more independent convergence i have the more confidence i can have that i have significantly reduced the chance that my conclusion or my construct has been produced by bias let me give you an example and this goes to little kids you and even small children prefer information that is multi-sensor multi-central like come through multiple senses rather than singular so like before you get into philosophical criticism which will you judge as more real something you can only see or something that you can see and touch or something you can