see and hear or something you can see and hear and touch and the answer will be well i prefer what i can see and hear and touch and and that's a preference above and beyond just seeing more right now why well because the chances that the distortions in your sight your touch and your hearing are all the same right it is reduced again by the fact that they're it's reduced precisely proportionally to the number of independent channels i bring to bear that's why you prefer multimodal intersensory information and so do little kids so do very small children right because it's adaptive it's trustworthy now trustworthy doesn't mean certain or conclusive it just means it's worthy of trust because the bias has been reduced that by the way it's not because we're all fascists why scientists like numbers we like numbers because they allow like i can see three i can touch three one three i can hear three so three allows me to coordinate inter-sensory information and that's why numbers tend to give a sense of realness okay did that first of all make sense as as an idea the that what i'm doing is i'm looking for convergence because it gives me trustworthiness yeah i think that was very helpful and i think i think it's helpful precisely because it elucidates the way that we think but we don't necessarily know that we think that way and i think i think what you're saying is so intuitive um where it's like oh yeah that's i'm looking for convergence and i'm looking for coverage precisely for that reason um so it's it's it's it's precise it's it's persuasive precisely because it's not novel but because it's it's it's it's opening up the the internal mechanisms of how we go about thinking well in general right so thank you for saying that and like i said there's lots of good empirical evidence that this in fact is what people look for and this is why they look for it um now again let me be clear we're talking about so when again we have to be very careful even when we're talking about plausibility to keep the descriptive and and the n