ormative or the prescriptive separate we're talking about what the norm that people like seek that doesn't mean that people consistently seek this norm people of course can deceive themselves by not looking for diver like independent sources we're talking about we're talking about it as a prescriptive strategy so i want to be clear about that yeah but when people are at their think they're at their best and they're doing their best they tend to they tend to seek this out for the reasons i've given yeah okay so next they converge on the construct well what does the construct have to be well the construct can't just be a list of features and we talked about this before right right like the bird is not just its features it has to have a structural functional organization what does that structural functional organization have to afford you well we talked about this last time it has to give you an optimal grip on the phenomena right it has to give you a way of optimally gripping the world so you need convergence to to a structural functional organization that helps you get uh optimal grip on the world for solving your problems is that okay yeah i i'm following i'm following you i think that um the jargon may be less than someone who hasn't been following all these conversations okay so yeah let me let me give another visual example like i did last time okay so here's this object it's my remote right uh so uh and this is from marla ponti well how do i want to look at it do i want really close and get a lot of detail i might far away now i see the whole thing but i'm losing detail do i want to look just at its face or its side or do i want to look at it from like and notice that as i look on its back i lose its face and as i zoom in i lose the gestalt and as i look at right so there's all these trade-off relationships and the answer isn't oh find the average between them and sit there because it depends on the task that i'm trying to perform the problem i'm trying to solve if i if i if the button is sticking i want to z