ero in on the detail if i'm trying to get the tv as a whole i'm going to be more gestalty if i want to throw it as an object i actually care that it's three-dimensional and deep and not like really flat and flimsy right and so that's well that's what optimal gripping is and you're doing this all the time you're doing it cognitively too that's why when you walk down the street um unless you're like a particular expert in a particular expert context you'll point out an animal and say that's a dog as and this is eleanor ross rather than saying that's a cocker spaniel from north america or that's a mammal why do you go there why do you why do we sit at what's called the basic level because it gives us the best trade-offs between right the way it's like other things and the way it's different from other things between the detail and the gestalt so we're doing this all the time we we are trying to optimally grip all the time is that okay does that yeah finding that balance between this specificity and the generality also the you know but did you read tweet you're looking at the object and the degree to which you're perceiving through it i'm perceiving through my glasses right now i could be looking at them and there's a trade-off relationship there because when i'm looking at them i'm looking through them and when i'm looking through them i can't be looking at them and so do i look at a pattern do i look through the pattern and again there isn't an answer that all goes back to the relevance realization machinery so you want trustworthiness that comes to a construct that is fitting your relevance realization machinery as it's trying to do things is that is that is that okay yes good okay now what kind of things you want to do well generally this goes to another phenomena that people talk about in science which is elegance and i think scientists actually care a lot more about elegance than they do simplicity even though occam's razor is invoked all the time personal money that's why they almost always pair simplicity and