elegance together so what is it for something to be elegant for for something to be elegant is for it to to here's here's my construct so it's been trustworthily formed and and then the the form it has is optimally gripping and then what i can use it to find and formulate problems in many different domains so it affords insight it forwards and notice what i'm doing i'm doing the opposite now instead of converging i want widely divergent insight that's why we like f force equals mass times acceleration from newton because it ex i can i can talk about planetary motion i can talk about car collisions i can talk about balloons rising in the app wow all these things that are so disparate i can talk about using force equals mass times acceleration that's why it's such a it's that's why we consider it elegant i can use this way of finding and formulating problems in many different domains so it affords what's called effectiveness or insight it gets you to see the significance of the information in your construct so we want it to afford us to be able to intervene in a systematic manner in reality because we judge the realness of things not only on their trustworthiness not only on their optimal grippiness but in the power they afford us to intervene in reality in reliable in systematic ways do you mean that in explanatory or predictive ways or neither i i mean it i mean it in if you're talking in science i mean it both explanatory and predictive right um because predictive means that i can sort of predict how the world's going to unfold explanatory means that i can i can give you the significance of those patterns and then if i have prediction and explanation then i have the possibility of actually creating interventions um so ultimately what we want to be able to do is to understand and we want to be able to intervene in the world with the deepest possible understanding because that's the argument that's the opposite of bullshitting ourselves okay so what you have is you have convergence for trustworthiness it converge