ale again now what you're well you know and or if people are out there saying but you know they could be wrong of course i'm not denying that that's what the point of the previous argument was okay we but this is where we fall back on this we also do things where we do a kind of bullshitting where we equivocate so one of the things we can do is um so uh daniel dennett talks about this phenomena called the deepity a dpd is like this a deepity is when people say things like love is just a four letter word and the idea is you've got convert what you've got massive convergence on the graphic reality that love is just a four-letter word right and then you've got right this the claim well that love isn't you know love isn't anything important and that would have huge implications but those are not the same claim the truth that it's just a four-letter word and is not the same as the truth that it is uh an unimportant thing in human life and what we're doing is we're we're we're we're doing convergence to one meaning and then we equivocate to the other meaning from which we get the elegance and then we get the dpd and a lot of bullshitting is that kind of deepity the other the reverse of that is called the mot and baby strategy which people do all the time you say something that sounds so provocative and challenging and then when people criticize you you retreat to something that's trivial and non-controversial people you can see people doing that all all the time right um i remember like a friend i believe in ghosts and of what you believe in ghosts and what do you mean and what i mean is that sometimes when people are grieving they hallucinate their loved ones and i said oh okay that's a martin bailey right right like the first one would be incredible i'd have to change my whole ontology the second one is trivial yeah of course that makes sense that that that's nothing okay what i'm showing you is we make and we frame all of our most rational evidence-based processing using these plausibility filters and there's lots o