here's a technical sense of plausible which is as long as there's a balance so notice your ice cream thing is actually plausible to me because there's very little elegance so i require very little trustworthiness now notice the friends that phrase when we say it makes good sense so there's an act of making and what so when people start to find a lot of plausibility then they start to invoke another term which i think is going to be relevant for our discussion they start talking about profundity it's profound which means it's highly plausible and that's why i just made the previous point it's highly plausible and it is generating a lot of understanding to say that something is profound doesn't mean it's true there is no contradiction in saying that was so profound and it turned out to be false yeah yeah yeah no i yeah i'm i'm with you on on on the extension of plausibility interaction too and i can i can follow the logic great okay so now we've established the idea of plausibility and profundity and now what i want to argue is those processes we saw at work in higher states of consciousness actually make will give us what we need in order to make a plausibility argument for those higher states of consciousness a plausible plausibly yeah a plausibly prescriptive argument so if you remember i talked about how you can see these processes yeah go ahead can i just say how much i appreciate like how much time and effort you're putting into just establishing the term which is so basic as as possibility whereas where so many could be like okay let's just assume what we all know possibilities and let's move right so talk about mysticism i think i think the very care and diligence which you're putting into it um speaks volumes of your concern for the issue so thank you for for doing that thank you for saying that i mean i don't want to be in a performative contradiction i want to make the most plausible case for plausibility if you'll allow me right um so i want to be uh exemplifying the very thing i'm advocating for um so