intuitions because a lot of our behavior is driven by intuition well what hogar said is well what we want to do is we want to we want to try and bring in something like the scientific method because the scientific method is the method we use to distinguish causal patterns from correlational patterns and make predictions and not just descriptions okay now what does that mean well it doesn't mean i do my implicit learning scientifically because that would be explicit and that would just be a contradiction what he means is you try and set up the context within which you're doing implicit learning so that it has the features of a scientific experiment okay so what are those features well you want there to be a tight feedback between your behavior and the environment that's like the type feedback between the independent and the dependent variable you need clear remember we talked about no confounds you need clear feedback you need i need to know be able to clearly measure what the dependent variable is doing and error matters i should be able to find out that my thesis is false error really matters okay so clear tightly coupled feedback in which error matters okay so that's here that's those are the that's the context in which we'll get the best intuitions we can get now let's go over here to chick sent my high work on the flow experience and we already talked about how that's already bridging between insight and mystical experiences right what has he said are the characteristics you need not of the envi uh like not like he said about skills meeting demands and stuff like that well he said what what are the characteristics i need in terms of information flow he said you need clear tightly coupled uh feedback in which error matters the exact same three so the three things that will improve our chance of getting implicit learning that picks up causal patterns are the three things that also will are likely to turn an experience into a flow experience the proposal we made is what flow is doing is giving you feedback that