it moves you off of egocentrism why do we want to reduce egocentrism because it reduces bias so the automatization reduces bias the centering it reduces bias all this improvement in fluency and flow improves the functioning knowing what i'm doing i'm giving you a lots of reasons why this experience is trustworthy lots of things are flowing into it telling you that you're doing a lot in a highly convergent fashion that is reducing the biasing in your processing yeah is that okay yes okay now let's go let's do the the elegance well if if it's right notice what i'm going to get remember i said this is not going to give me like an insight here right or here it's going to be something like the kind of insight children have when they go through a developmental stage so that is massively elegant it's going to generalize right it's going to you're finding a nexus insight a kind of in a meta insight an insight into many different ways in which you might have been misframing the world in a fundamental way so that's very elegant now remember if i just did elegance without the other stuff then that's worry but now i have elegance backed by significant trustworthiness that's very elegant when the brain is doing this kind of processing it's engaging in complexification it's getting into a state called metastability it is simultaneously integrating and differentiating information very very powerfully you say what do you mean john remember the optimal gripping i'm trying to get the best relationship between integrating it into the forest and differentiating it into the different trees when you're getting both of those happening together metastability the system is complexifying why is that good well to put it into a bit of a slogan the best way of tracking a uh you know a complex world is to get your cognition into a state of ongoing complexification that is reliably coupled to the world so that it complexifies right and constrained by how the world complexifies and those two are together is that going to happen here or here or