here no that has the capacity to influence almost all of your problem solving because almost always you're facing complex ill-defined problems in the real world is there a point where complexification becomes excessive and detrimental well i mean it so yeah the general systems collapse so the roman empire kept solving problems by complexifying the problem was at one point the roman empire becomes so complex that it becomes a problem as complex as any of the problems the roman empire was trying to solve and then this and then it collapses because all of its resources start to get directed towards trying to deal with it's that's why you get the endemic civil war the inflation blah blah blah so a system can't come sort of complexify uh beyond its that's why i said it has to be coupled that's why the at one minute and the flow stuff is so important right right it can't complexify independent of its ability to uh uh to solve problems in the environment but yeah a coupled complexification yeah i think i think that's an important point because i think we all know um sort of forms that complexity or complexification either in our own lives or in people that we know that represent that that are so lost in their complexification that they have no capacity to go and and get a job and buy themselves groceries which is exactly so that's exactly right so if you're losing the elegance if you lose if the if the complexity that's the structural functional organization if the complexity of your state right is is not elegant that it can't apply to many different domains and find and formulate problems in many different domains then it's precisely you're losing so if your complexity is costing you elegance then you right and that's what i think occam's razor is by the way you simplify to the point where you've got sort of optimal elegance kind of thing the analogous that maps onto your trustworthiness so occam's razor is way more sorry complex than people uh think it is okay so what we've got is notice and when when you complexify y