i'm glad i'm glad i hope that i'm hoping that's the case and then we talked about the fact that you know there's a fundamental ah aspect to these experience the diminishment of the self which is normally perceived negatively but in these experiences it's perceived very positively right and i propose to the idea that the machinery of the self is being exacted well right instead of being what's it now called the glue of cognition and perception of memory we use that to glue the world um together better so that we can potentially intuit implicitly learn in an insightful manner deeper patterns in reality that are otherwise inaccessible to us so notice what i've given you i've given you lots of convergence to this meta optimal grip state which is right that's what it is by the by the the proposal of the construct and then it's highly elegant in terms of it's improving your capacity as a cognitive agent so there's balance so when that's profound the justification for it the plausibility of it becomes profound so if there's lots of convergence and there's tremendous elegance and there's tremendous optimal gripping then i've made it highly plausible which means it's profound which means it's a profound improvement in your cognitive agency and that is the only justification we can ever give for claiming something is rational that it is an improvement in your cognitive agency that's very that's very that's very beautiful one one objection which has come to mind is are we you're you refer to that experience and then the experience that you're calling that experience is a higher state of consciousness which affords uh real radical transformation um transformative higher states of consciousness is might there be an objection that that where we're selecting one very narrow form of uh what might fall under the umbrella of mystical experience um and therefore therefore playing we might be doing the fallacy which we spoke about earlier of making a good case for one thing and then switching it or broadening it right right and so t