unity and uh what that and why that is a justifiable a rationally justifiable uh recommendation and so that's basically what i want i'm gonna presume that the case for descriptive adequacy has been met and today i'm going to try with zevi's you know critical interaction to make the case for the prescriptive adequacy of these experiences and then how what this has to say about wisdom and what does it have to say about the connection to reason etc how does that sound sepic yeah i think that's a great summary and i think that's a very important case to make because i think that we're beginning to see a renaissance and resurgence in the importance of mysticism as a topic in popular culture but i think a lot of the the thinking and the legwork to actually make a plausible case for it um in a in a prescriptive way as you're saying i think i think a lot of the work that we did last time was was very helpful but maybe in a place where people are already uh willing to accept but where we're going now is actually quite a bit further which is saying that we all accept that it happens we can even understand how it happens scientifically here is the case why you should do this and that's and that's a or or at least the plausible case to do that yeah um yeah and i and i and i'd like to i'd like to try and aim and in in our interlocution to aim it as to aim it towards an intelligent well-read random person off the street yeah um so we're not presupposing any metaphysics we're not presupposing any religious conviction we're not presupposing anything um just that you're intelligent curious skeptical and that's and we're preaching at you if that's if that's if you fit a description yeah i totally agree with that the one presumption i'm going to make is that the case for descriptive adequacy has been made yes because that video is there it's publicly available there'll be links to that because i can't repeat all of that yes it just won't we won't get it we won't get it underway okay so i'm gonna this is the the argument for plausib