s to i think it just stands historically as a as a true statement so the thing about that then is you know then we're into a really tricky question which is the question of yes yes but you know you don't have to choose your parents and it's largely a matter of luck and you know and a lot of people suffer because they they have poor luck now now now the question comes about you know how to choose your sage um and um and and that's again where again that's part of my caution around trying to get parochial about this and say there's a particular you know you know metaphysical world view for where i have to look for my sage and so i i take that question very seriously um that's why i really i really like the work you're doing i like isn't the right word i really appreciate the work you're doing because you're doing this very careful reflection so that you afford people the chance of making a choice and let's be clear this is not the choice to just believe propositions this is the this is the choice to internalize somebody as an exemplar in terms of which you're going to aspire to greater wisdom and greater at one minute with reality and so i think and and again this this sounds like i know it's self-promotional but you know every everything's self-promotional right now the point i'm trying to make is these kinds of this kind of deal logos is really really really important if choose if if everything we've said comes down to you've got to choose the right sage than the deal logos that trains us procedurally and perspectively and in a participatory fashion to get clear relationship right relationship with these people so that we can make and we have to the best machinery at our disposal to choose the sages whom we're going to internalize that's the pivotal question and where where else are we going to be find our school for that other than this this is this is i'm sorry i mean i belong to university and i do science and it matters to me but the most important school is this school right now because the the the question