le uh plausibly justified uh prescription or plausible prescription and so i'm going to start first not talking about mystical experiences i want to talk first about the notion of plausibility um and why i'm invoking it and why it is justifiable to invoke it so first of all i want to get clear about how really important plausibility is and i'm going to take something that most people would find very far from mystical experience and transformation and show you how much it depends on possibility namely scientific experimentation okay so of most contemporary thinking and critical functioning yep so there's a problem that you face if you're going to be a scientist and this is a well-established thing there's lots of existing argument out here i'll just give it an intuitive we always working with finite data sets that of course is again i think non-controversial in science and the point going back to reichenbach is with any finite data set there's an indefinitely large number of equally logically good theories for explaining that and this is of course one of the problems uh it's called the under determination problem um again that's non-controversial and so what many people talk about um is well wow you just gather more evidence but all that does is just shift to a new finite data set with a new set of right and it actually uh kicks the can down the road for the issue which you have to address which is you can't test all of these theories you can a combinatorial explosive and for those of you who have been following some of the other things this has to do this is yet another instance of the you know the indispensability of relevance realization so how do people do this lots of consensus around the idea that scientists do something like inference to the best explanation they grasp the they take a hold of sort of the best and we'll come back to them a sec the best theories that compete to explain the data and then they put sort of tests on them for elegance and fruitfulness and clarity etc and they do inference to the b