so good so i want to be clear that it um yeah there was there was an implicit bias that i want to uh sort of give up explicitly right now which is that doesn't have to the sage doesn't have to be like an individual to say the buddha can be the sanger to use jordan's uh very perspicacious way that's a great it's a great phrasing yeah so first of all to acknowledge that secondly um the the the the so i could make an argument for this but i'm just i think the core bias is what's called the my side bias sort of the egocentrism um and the problem with that with the problem with the perspective is when you're in a perspective it is very hard for you to see how the perspective is biasing you and it's very hard to acquire interests outside the the prolactic aspirational interests that exceed um so let me uh that exceed your perspective and then this remember we talked about the solomon effect with the centering right right right um and people don't spontaneously do that but right but they've been trained to be able to take the perspective of others precisely because they're cultural beings not just autonomous beings so let's put all that as a background then i want to talk about an experiment right and it goes towards all of this and so the experiment runs something like this you bring in a chimp um and in phase one of the experiment there's a box and it's completely opaque and there's a there's all these levers and buttons and you push them and flip them and then like a candy comes out the bottom like or a grape something the chimp really likes now what's really cool is you watch this experiment and you only show the chimps the sequence like twice and then the chimp replicates it and it's that bad in itself is like really impressive wow and then you take the chip out you bring in a four-year-old like a four-year-old girl right and you sort of you just sort of get out the human flag and go human come on right and right and you do the same thing in the open pig box and you do all this stuff and you only have to show the