girl twice and then she can replicate the sequence you go right oh that's good now you now you go into the second phase of the experiment you bring the chimp back in and now the box is completely transparent it's a plastic and what the chimp sees is that all of the movements except the last one do absolutely nothing it's only the last movement that releases the grape and you do this twice and the chips sort of almost you can't see them look right and they just do the last thing right when they're given their chance to get the grape out because like why am i none of that's doing anything right now you bring in the little girl now with the transparent you do all of this twice and what does a little girl do she repeats everything that the adult does and you think oh human beings are stupider than chimps and then you think no no no what is she doing she is trusting that there's a perspective that she doesn't have that has purchase on reality that she doesn't have and because of that long term she's going to out compete the chimp because she's going to be able to grow into a perspective the chimp is locked into their it's a brilliant perspective they're smart animals and i'm not trying in fact that's really impressive but the thing is that's as far as it goes right where the little girl has access and so what i'm proposing to you is that other people are the indispensable way in which we acquire the capacity for self-transcendence that without other perspectives we're in the place of the chimp because you what you'll say is i'll generate perspectives other than my own that's very hard for you to do from within your perspective it's it's an interesting idea it's an interesting idea to think about for for many reasons one is because it relies upon the the real acknowledgement of of the of of there being a perspective of the other of their being the other yeah which which maybe just to think ahead here a little um on positions that embrace forms of monistic idealism it may be hard to get out of your own mind if they're o