nly is mined at large yeah yeah yeah yeah you may become sticky i have to i'll i i i would like to talk to bernardo about that at some point um yeah and uh um although i think i think i can anticipate what he would say but then so now i'm all right i'm already running the beautiful dance oh it's it's so lovely like it is with you it's so lovely to to to just do that with him um so yeah i mean i i'm sort of doing a burden of proof argument i'm giving i'm like i'm admitting that after you've done this a lot and if you're in a community with other people so you can continue to do it you can then do it like on your own that's what internalization is but i don't know other than internalization how you get a metaperspectival ability i don't know any other proposed explanation of that that i that that has any good plausibility to it if i if i don't being so self-referential again but what's interesting is that a lot of a lot of mysticism um you know there was an old tripod um typology of mysticism which is not much used by scholars anymore which is god mysticism sol mysticism nature mysticism i think it's a zener or one of these one of these earlier fellows and but what is interesting what remains true of that and the reason what gave this tripod um taksani was because of so much of mystical experience which is triggered specifically not in communion with other minds but in nature um and i don't know whether that points to um to evidence of of this being able to be done individually or if there's some sort of pan psychic um attachment to to mind nature but but that seems to be a phenomena i mean it's it's obviously not in in total isolation from from community and people that are in nature also talking to people but but the there seems to be some sort of a hot hot box um of mysticism that happens in nature yeah and i think that's right first of all like yeah the idea that those people are have not already internalized another capacity for perspectives you know you're not going to get a lot of nature mysticism for exampl