'm it is possible united here so i think my physiology is helping come to that sort of that red eye landing um but my my real hope is that we one day have the opportunity to to see each other face to face into a hug and sit down yeah i mean i've got i've gotta i've gotta come to europe and to uh to israel i want to see bernardo i want to see you there's all kinds of people i want to i want to meet in person very much i hope why don't we make a conference one of these days we should we should we should make a conference about all of this uh that's actually been mentioned to me by greg greg enriquez about making a conference around this i think that's a very real idea and we should think about doing it uh yeah hopefully we're basically getting released from the grip of covet so hopefully but anyways we have this next thing we're going to be doing and i'm very excited about that yes yes i think it's going to be an interesting change of gears from what we're doing here what we're doing here has been much more slow and rigorous and tedious and i think that can be much more grasping and much more poetic hopefully if anything from my conversation with and your conversation as well with guy indicates it's going to be a lot of fun so i'm very much looking forward to it yeah it'll it'll be it's uh it'll be not that it won't be totally platonic but it'll be more heideggerian than platonic with with guys which has great benefits to it so anyways i'm going to let you go so you can go to sleep but thank you so much and i'll uh i'll send you a link uh as soon as this is up and uh and i look forward to uh our work in the future so have a good season my friend youtube john thank you so much okay bye bye bye brother welcome everyone to voices with raviki i'm very uh very excited about this uh session um so we have um zevi now you just told me your last name and i forgot to pronounce uh as many of you know from the announcements this is part two of uh ongoing discussion uh that xavier and i are having on what you might call the ph