ilosophy and the cognitive science of mysticism what do they have to say respectively what do they have to say together do they disagree and it's been incredibly rich i encountered zevi not that long ago and it's it's funny because we had an extended conversation i feel like i've i've got a you know somewhat intimate connection with him but i just met him not that long i met basically met him yesterday well not in person but virtually in person and it was just shortly before that i had seen uh a brilliant video i highly recommend it i recommended it at the time a brilliant video on whether or not spinoza was a mystic and he laid out carefully a careful five-point argument it was both exegetical and logically presented in a fashion very reasonable and very plausible and it's all right it was efficient position that i i also agree with for independent arguments but i thought it was just well done um i highly recommend you check it out and the other uh work he's doing on spinoza i'm intending to make my way through those um and then i commented on how brilliant it was and he reached out to me and he said he watched um uh awakening for the meeting crisis and so we thought we should start talking uh but um i think it'd be good right now zebby if you took sort of uh center stage even though there's no stage um and uh you know talk a little bit about yourself well when i was on your channel i did uh some of my autobiography uh and you alluded to some connections but maybe open it up a bit more and then where you're coming at and then what um what are your main projects and goals for your youtube channel uh seekers of unity uh because um i think it's a channel that should have a higher prominence so i'm gonna turn it over to you firstly thank you so much john for having me on it's a really real pleasure to sit and to talk and connect with you it's it's i mean it's we're in a really fascinating space where we're trying to find community and find conversation and find relation and find intimacy and doing it through screens