ndamental unity of all things the fundamental oneness of all reality and and that includes it's it's performatively beautiful because it includes that the internal structuring of the system itself that the the ethic the metaphysic the truth the beauty and the good themselves have to be one as well and i think i think that's demonstrated beautifully uh in in all aspects of of of the mystic system yeah i'm thinking here of uh hammermaster's response to the problem of modernity um arguing that we know we what modernity did was separate these into separate spheres autonomous normativities and that has turned out to be disastrous because we need them to function in some kind of tightly integrated manner but we've set up a system of justification and argumentation that prohibits that you can see him sort of wrestling with is there a way to bridge uh between that and part of his part i don't think it's succeed but part of what he's trying to do with his universal pragmatics is to try and go from performative criteria to ethical criteria uh which would then uh also bear upon you know our propositional statements etc um and so i think i think they're at least they're there is enough recognition at least of the problem of the separation of three normativities um uh although that hasn't led to in general i i don't remember seeing i know habermas has been recently considering religion and more of his uh but i don't know if mysticism per se has been discussed much as a potential uh field in which we could come up with answers and i mean more theoretical argumentative answers to how we could stitch those normativities back together that was something i wanted to talk about in um awakening for the meeting crisis but you can't talk about everything uh i'm hoping to talk a little bit more about that when i do after socrates about because the the suprem you see in plato and the fact that the ultimate is not the true but the good but also the one right and that he's basically doing this yes um um and and so i want to bring that int