o the the modern problematic of we need we we need to and you see and i there's people that are deeply influential in cognitive science like hillary putnam arguing for the breakdown of the packed value distinction uh that you know that hume used to cleave apart uh you know truth from goodness and things like that um and so i'm interested in in that movie i'm going to bring it into the after socrates discussion uh so that that brings me to something if oh did you want to ask a question or can i can i just interject on that point yeah um i i think that part of part of the problem of mysticism is that those three are so deeply interconnected into woven that in an attempt to try and articulate and express and present mysticism um in a way that's compelling and persuasive which is what i'm trying to do on my channel it's so difficult to to pass those things and separate because in language that's what you have to do and and that i think i think that that points to the fact of how deeply interconnected and independent and how one they are um but but but but i think there is a need to present mysticism in a way that is a a real possibility for a really rigorous thinking person in the 21st century and i think one of the reasons why someone like harry mass is not approaching this because there's still such a stigma against mysticism because because we're really just lacking there's there isn't even a consensus on a definition on the term yeah yeah i have an upcoming series which i want to work out which i want to do which is just defining mysticism be like this is all the definitions that have been given by the great scholars let's put them into five categories let's see like where their faults and strengths are let's see how those terms evolved ecologically historically um semantically because we it's a category and it's a way of thought which which which we so badly need to to repair um and and i think part of the challenge of doing that points to it to its value i think that's that's very good and very well said um and