and we touched upon this a bit uh maybe we come back to it today you know on this uh the the anti-normativity which seems to be beyond good and evil but it's not just epistemic truth um and it somehow grounds all the kinds of knowing uh so i i do want to talk about that uh and maybe it's actually related to the question i want to ask you um so uh take this in the spirit of kindness uh because that's how it's offered uh so it's more it's more about trying to draw you out uh because this this is an argument that um you know i made implicitly and i'm gonna make it um explicitly i'm planning a third series after after socrates the god beyond god is going to be the title of it um and so many people in fact you could make an argument even exegetically but i'll just make it sort of more theoretically many people have argued that at the core of mysticism is some experience of non-duality um i don't like the word experience i'm going to use a word that i try to make more prevalent in the meaning crisis a realization of non-duality because it's yeah i think that's a better way of putting it much better yeah okay so there's the realization of non-duality and then um i would argue and i don't think i'd be alone in the argument i don't think i'd represent a consensus either but i don't think i'm like a voice crying in the wilderness or anything like that i think that um many people see that there's a deep connection uh between uh non-dualism and non-theism as a position that transcends the usual dichotomy uh between atheism and theism which seem to be bound into a set of propositions or presuppositions is perhaps stronger that i think are transcended and and i think at least retrospectively are critical of those shared presuppositions that the core of our spirituality is belief that the belief puts us into a relationship with some supreme being some super thing um that uh that what we should uh be primarily looking at is you know the evidence that will decide the undecidable debate between theism and atheism you know i i can