a deep connection that's the third point of conversion uh convergence sorry um you've got sort of what i would say the mystical pointer and then you've got the sort of hixian type argument of the meta argument and then you've got this this argument that is basically saying well we're getting the rise um out of i you know the clinical therapeutic domain of you know of of the the category of the transpersonal which seems to supersede it it's intended to supersede the personal and the impersonal which also seems to be some of the underlying at least aristotelian grammar of the theism atheism debate and so i'm wondering what you think about all of that that was a bit of a i was trying to keep it brief but um and i'm not telling you well if you want to i'm not precluding you either but i'm not demanding from you or even requesting from you that you give me like your final definition of god or the sacred but i just want to know yeah just open resonance how do you respond how does that land for you that proposal that there seems to be you know across cultures across religions across different historical periods deep connections between the non-duality and and the non-theism yeah well that's that's uh that's a huge question it's like it's like the million dollar question and and i think that because it's such an important question it has to be approached so carefully and thankfully um oh sorry i hope i didn't come off as trying to be exhaustive or complete i was just trying to be gestural i'm just trying to give you some backgrounds no i and i i feel exactly toy you're gesturing um and um if i mean it helps to to explicate the question and to get it out there but but i i in in another parallel universe i could have stopped you five seconds in and said i know exactly what you're what you're saying what you and what you're and what you're getting at i think when it comes to to god and god language the language that we humans use to refer to the uh ultimate reality it's it's both such a such a stupid and trivial discussion