e can say is that god is not god is not god is not good and then the same idea not this not that um so there's a great book for anyone that's interested in michael sells on the language that i'm saying which really explodes excellent excellent really brilliant um so so the idea that whatever your conception of god is that is not god is like is like the basic premise there because god has got us beyond our own conceptions of of of whatever that thing is and and the problem is that that same word that same three-letter english word god for one person means something which is which is so ineffable and so sublime and so so demanding and so and so and a perpetual existential challenge to their very being and behavior and for another person it simply means some sort of patriarchal monarchical object um somewhere between here and saturn that is gonna that that likes one flavor of pizza and doesn't like the other end punishes one person and not the other and has you know picks who who wins and loses wars and and is going to roast people for all eternity if they if they don't believe in him exactly the way that they're so the there's a real tragedy and pulpacy in our language here yes when we're trying to describe two things that could not be more diametrically opposed to one another this is all on the theoretical and and i think for that reason having a category like non-theism is such an important one because it really what it says is is that this whole debate is is a pointless one because because it's really missing the point if you think that there is some you know rustling teapot objects out there that either can or can't or come can be disproven you you've missed the point entirely and they get like yeah that's this is all in on the theoretical and i want to move to the personal here yeah yeah on on the personal side of it one of one of my own biggest struggles which i alluded to um in when i was sharing before was precisely this idea of of of the god of theism that i was raised with the god of the bible and the god