int which is that it's like just obvious that the brahman that the ainsoft that that the that the one is is just the re is the real deal and the rest is just childish and yeah leave that for the grandmothers it's no it's that there's actually a real place for a divine personification that we understand to be a mosque of god and not the ultimate um and and and there's room to incorporate that into a complex theology in belt and shine so this is why i don't have a clear answer to this question do i neither do i uh but that's i i wonder can i i didn't want to interrupt you but and so you can pick this up as you wish uh so i see one one i don't know i think give me one second i think i have a cup somewhere here instead of drinking out of the bottle like a hole again okay there it will be we'll be it will be a little more dignified so i see and i see this in uh the new age movement and i think of the conic's book uh yeah you know uh nauseous i forget the title something like narcissism in the new age movement um and she shows how a lot of sort of new age ideas right now in various movies and popular media are just you know uh you know rehashing or representing or representing of uh of gnosticism and you know and narcissism is not a religion it's it's like fundamentalism it's a style of religiosity and it's heterogeneous like fundamentalism is um and so i i want that understood but nevertheless i mean and you know and and i think the most apt description of young is not christian as some of the current apologists my colleague uh john peterson has been arguing i think he's more properly described he seemed to self-describe as a gnostic and so uh and young seem to argue that it's the default spirituality of human beings i'm not quite sure about that i think hans jonas is is better that it's sort of an existential a mytho-poetic response to an existential entrapment and i've talked about this some of the talks i've given on gnosis but here the point i'm trying to make is okay once those book ons have proven properly set u