each other than they are of foreign enemies which is a bizarre place for democracy to get to i mean that's a democracy at least on the verge of cultural civil war if not political civil war so i wonder if you confronted that temptation at all because i know you talk about uh narcissism here and there i've seen a couple of video titles at least um oh and and and if you did what like what response you had of it and if you didn't what do you think now about that connection because i know you have addressed the topic at least in in part so did that does that question make sense as a question yeah yeah yeah yes i i again again i i think i think i the question deeply resonated me like from from the very beginning right um agnosticism is something which which i have been fascinated by i've done work um on jung specifically i did a series looking at jung's relationship to jewish mysticism both uh textually historically and conceptually um um harold bloom's work sort of a poetic expression of narcissism has been very inspiring dame francis hates his work on narcissism her medicine so these things are all definitely um had their time to sit and maturate in my brain um i i i don't firstly what you're posing as a as a as a challenge as a threat is a very real one right and it'll enemy and a very and i think it i think to to sort of expand it a little and i think you'll agree with this and tell me tell me if you do because the divine represents the reality and the realm of the of that that that divine inhabits when we say that there is a a plenum or a godhead and a demiurge we're not just saying that there's an evil entity you know the god of the hebrew testament i think what am i saying go to the hebrew bible um which is evil what we're saying is that that this world which is which is the crew which is the creation of the demiurge this entire it's the two world mythology which you speak about that this world is fallen and corrupt and broken and shattered and and and even i mean even even platinus in his even though he's he'