s an anti-gnostic in many senses you see even in him the talk of matter as probation right um right corrects that i think proclass corrects that but yeah but i think that's definitely the case yes so so so i think i think that as as as we started earlier when we speak about god we're not we're never just speaking about god we're speaking about the entire that entire strata of reality that it's representing and and and to like furicate those two realities and say this one is bad and this one is good um leads leads to to it to a fragmented consciousness and psyche um and and i think i think jung was very well aware of this and i think that problem is all i'm just sort of compounding the problem then i'll get to what i think maybe my own personal response that's a good point i'm agreeing with it that's a good point i mean yeah okay so good so and and i think i think as well what you mentioned in terms of the american political scene where where i think that that that split reality which happens which happens sort of on the vertical we introduce into the horizontal where where it's us and them and they are the they are the evil they are the demonic they are the demolition and we are of the light we are of and uh so so i think i think i think that what happens horizontally happens vertically and vice versa i agree i agree i agree necessarily um and and so the danger there is huge now now to maybe answer the question i think that in my own personal journey there may have been some sort of um upset beca because the relationship with god particularly when it's a personal god right which which is the god that that most children are given when you're upset with it you're upset with it personally um and there may have been some that personal upset towards towards that that character that concept that narrative um i i never i was never really tempted to go down the the gnostic route of of of demonizing but it was always a question of how of do i abandon it do i salvage it can i work with it just does it need to be eradicated