do that that was more of the question for me and i i wanted to say this actually part of the previous answer but but it's actually more relevant now i think part of the and this is this is my own conjecture i think i think part of the the genius of the jewish mystical tradition in addition to my passion for looking at the universality of mysticism i also really want to know what is each tradition what are the genius of each particular tradition yeah yeah degree in the impacts and that's and that that question is as important and as beautiful as the question of universality right uh and and and the two of them only strengthen one another so when i when i when i when i turn to the genius of jewish mysticism and i i break mysticism into experience theory and practice and i want to when so i'm asking what what the geniuses and practice something which which many have spoken about and i've spoken about about how it integrates um you know the spiritual with the mundane with material with everyday which which is not separate from what i'm about what i'm about to say in in the realm of theory but i think the genius in jewish theory is that that that there are many names for god uh in in the jewish tradition and that the catholics adopt but two prime names is is god the tetragrammaton the ineffable uh the the uk above k which which was only said by the high priest on the holy on the holy state of the year which which uh jews do not say um and most people who think they know how to pronounce it pronouncing it because they they've just you know romanized the uh latinized the word but so so there's that god the the tetragrammaton the the transcendence um which is and then and then there is god which is elokim and and that is god um as as manifest as in dwelling as and and there's there's sometimes there's there's a masculine feminine um process which is which is invoked there um and the kabbalists really have these two very strong categories and the relationship between uh what's pronounced as hawaiia to not say the word uh