or shame just literally the name um and hawaiian alicum is a very is a very complex relationship and and the kabbalists go at great lengths and work first to establish what these two names mean and and how they're different and what their character and what their constitution is and and i think that when we speak about it when we speak about havayah we may we're speaking about or we're speaking about the non-theistic god and we speak about ali kim was speaking about the what's referred to in in kabbalah as the sabbath as the one who cr who creates the act of genesis one who who is the god in the bible what what the gnostics refer to as the demiurge uh literally that's the the demiurge is the builder the creator yeah yeah like that's what it is in plato he's not an evil figure in plato by anybody and the kabbalists say something which is which is radical after after spending tremendous amounts of time and effort to establish the independence and difference and character and uniqueness of these two characters they say that they come to say that based on the only real affirmation of faith that jews have which is undisputed because every other affirmation of faith really didn't go down well in jewish history um is shema israel hashem that list know israel which is what the 12 tribes say to the dying father whose name was israel but it's now taken to mean all of israel the people of israel the children of israel shema israel hashem eloquent listener israel uh translated in english as the lord of god the lord is one we're saying is that hawaii this god which is the non-theistic god this god which is the one this god which is the the god to be on god is eloquent is is that same god who is the personal god is the same god who creates is the same demolitical because the mystic must fundamentally unite these two things must become one and the work of the kabbalist is is to create unifications is to reunify often what's described very erotically and sexually is to reunify these two sides of the divine and in every action t