hat a that a jew does with functioning within the kabbalistic system they're working to to create that union there there's a there's a there's a kabbalistic um incantation or or or or or blessing which you said before we make any um in certain communities before we do any religious practice which is the shame of that we do this uh in the in the in the merit of reuniting um the divine masculine and shrina and the divine the divine feminine that that indwells the this havayah now kim to to reunite the the the letters of god and to make a complete name and i think this notion sorry if this is if this is becoming a bit long technical please please no i think this theoretical notion of the of the need to recognize that there are two different modalities and two different relationships here in the way that we relate to them there is god which is the non-theistic and there is the god which is the demiurge the creator the one that interacts the theist um and and but those things are not separate um those those things are somehow fundamentally one uh in a in in perhaps a paradoxical way i i don't know if i'm i don't know if i'm articulating that clearly enough but that that i think is what the capitalists are trying to get at that's and and is it fair for me to conclude that that's also the position you are most sort of identifying with so it's it's a position which i it's a position which to be honest i'm i'm wanting to to to to believe in and read into the capitalistic system there will be people will disagree and say that that's not what the campus is doing and you're you're trying to reincorporate something but but to to to just extend it to the larger implications here i think that because the divine means the world of that divine as well when we say that those two are not other what we're saying as well is that that's that heaven and earth are not other than one another they are also must they must also be unified that um that nirvana and sasara are not other so i think i think that that's that challenge that statem