ent um is is is the is the is the battle cry of the mystic um and i think what that means also horizontally is that is that we can no longer we can no longer other what we perceive to be the other because that that itself must be incorporated and unified in this divine oneness um so yes so that that's a very powerful and provocative answer um i'm i'm right now working my way i've i've i've worked my way through thomas chief's work and i've talked with thomas and now i'm sort of and along the way and i'm doing it more i'm working my way through corban um and corban's notion of the angel um um and i don't want to trespass into your area but he talks because he talks about it obviously within uh persian religiosity which is not just islam by the way he's also talking about zoroastrianism et cetera et cetera uh but he talks about this idea that uh of uh you know their the angel is the imaginal aspect um which is uh so uh again you know this better than i do and if i make a mistake you just jump on me and i i won't be offended but i'm thinking of things like you know where he talks about you know even in the in in the hebrew bible there's you know the angel of the lord or the angel of death and and somehow this is like an action of god but but it's also something that for which god bears responsibility like well who did this well it was god right right and he talks about the fact that there is this i guess the best way i've tried to talk about it i don't know if this is helpful there's this non-logical identity uh going on so that brings up something very interesting because there's two things that come out of that for me is a question and i have this ongoing discussion with you know jonathan pajot around this um which is uh because you invoke kevin on earth and he does a lot and he he takes a position which you can see in at least some strands of neoplatonism of seeing this hierarchical right right so the relationship between uh the godhead and the god is is a hierarchical one where the lower is in some sense subordi