nately in the language subordinate below uh the higher uh and of course uh they're they're there and there's a sort of proposition that reality is therefore itself inherently hierarchical uh because of that and you can see that in like i see a you know a classic reading of platinus as an emanation right and it's uh it's emanation all the way down and that's why platinus thought the bottom level was evil because it was so far so so much less so matter was evil for platinus and i think in a very problematic way um and so that's one thing that might come out of um of that you will you say well the way they are non-logically identical is because they're in a hierarchy that's one answer that has been given and i i i would i what i'm trying to do is sort of present that to you in a problematic way because i think there's a lot of problems around um that idea of i i think and you've probably heard me argue this i think the the ontology that i think is emerging within cognitive science in its discourse with science at large is simultaneously its emergence all the way up and emanation all all the way down and at no place right can you can you differentiate those um and i try to do this with the the radical imminence of the suchness of things and the radical transcendence of the moreness of things both both transcending our categories in both hands um so that's one thing uh one way in which granted let's say we put aside gnosticism uh but one way people have tried to interpret the non-logical identities hierarchically another one that is that i think seems also i want to present and problematize because i've talked a lot about it i've talked and i've been in dialogue with people about it several times paul vander clay and mary cohen and other people is people say well you know where we practice non-logical identity we practice it in personal identity right because i i will look at a picture of myself as a two-year-old and go there i am and that's not logical the categorical identity and narrative personal so persons within