ust be different ways that it can be understood and deconstructed and whatnot and within the jewish mystical tradition we speak about three three modes of divine world relation through this great chain of being the first one is this the simple one which is the as you're saying there's there's the emanation this is called mali it's the it's light light is is as as much in in soothing persian it's almost really just the light the nor it's the it's the uh the the essence the the energy the flow the life force whatever it is the chi the light is far as is the term that count was used so the light that emanates from the divine uh a metaphor um which comes down to reality comes down in a straight row and and it goes back up and then so that that the chain up and down that's that's that's that's known literally there's it's the straight light um and that's that's one way and that's sort of what that means psychologically and cognitively is that that is the simple where down here at the bottom god is up there at the top and there is a continuum and we can we can ascend that jacob's ladder the next way that and that's that's also seen as masculine because it's phallic right oh right i hadn't thought about that right right yeah yes the the next wave the next way that we speak about the divine divine world interaction is is is seen by the catalyst is feminine because it's circular uh which means it's both uh of the womb and and vaginal in that sense which is our soviet it's it's the divine which surrounds um and and it's it's it's the it's it's it's um typically described as that which is too much to actually penetrate into the world but influences from from around it but what that does is that creates a cyclical arrangement here and it means it means that the top and bottom become really points of extremity along a circle and not along a not along a linear line and that's and these things get very extensively uh elaborated and the tablets describe really the the cosmogeny and the theology of this that there's actually this